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THE WORLD of GAILE Revision 3.5 by Chris Perkins

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 INTRODUCTION A BRIEF HISTORY First Historical Period Page 2 Second Historical Period Third Historical Period Page 3 CHARACTERS Ability Score Modifiers, by Race RACIAL DESCRIPTIONS Dwarves Elves

Page 12-13 The Four Kingdoms Mauridia Page 13-14 The Four Kingdoms Suttegarde Page 15-17 The Three Tribes of Vors Carmascia, Sarathia and Voruskai Page 17-18 The Savage Lands Narahim Page 19

Page 4

The Savage Lands Vinnisklad

Elves Gnomes Half-Elves

Page 28 The Enlightened The Order of Geshidra Pagan Faiths Page 29-30 PRESTIGE CLASSES of ESTEGALLE Ankallibec Commander Page 30-31 Arcane Investigator Page 31 Artificer Page 32-33 Chosen of Geshidra Page 33

Page 20

Elite Footman The Savage Lands Yssgelund

Page 5 Half-Orcs Humans

Page 34 Hedge Wizard

Page 21 Page 6

VITAL STATISTICS Age Chart Random Starting Ages Height and Weight Birth Rank


Knight of the Crown Page 36

Page 22

Knight of the Eastern March The Calendar The Lunar Calendar

Page 7 CHARACTER CLASSES Core Class Availability, by Culture & Race Core Class Ability Changes Variant Class Availability, by Culture & Race

Page 35

Page 37 Knight of the Path

Page 23-25 WEAPONS Weapon Categories Weapon Qualities

Page 38 Knight of the Watch Page 39 Master Scout

Page 26 Page 8

Page 9


Page 9-10 The Four Kingdoms Caerleon Page 11 The Four Kingdoms Kashgar

COMBAT MODIFIERS Cover Concealment VISION & LIGHT Darkvision Low-Light Vision Page 27-28 RELIGIONS OF ESTEGALLE The High Gathering

Page 40 Generic Prestige Classes Page 41 CREATURES OF GAILE Creatures from Sourcebooks OPEN GAME LICENSE 1.0A


INTRODUCTION The World of Gaile is a Campaign Setting for Dungeons and Dragons that I have worked on for several years. This current incarnation is adapted for use with the Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 rules and incorporates supplementary materials I find suited to this setting. In developing this world, I borrowed heavily from the myths and legends of Europe, and from the rich fantasy worlds created by authors such as J.R.R. Tolkien and Fritz Leiber, in order to create a setting that would be familiar, yet intriguing, to my players. Most of the cultures in this world, particularly on the continent of Estegalle, are based upon European, Slavic and nomadic Asian cultures. The technology level of this campaign ranges th th from that of late 11 century among the Tribes of Vors through that of late 15 century Europe in the lands of Caerleon, Kashgar and Mauridia. Reading the descriptions of the Lands of Estegalle, you will notice that humans are the dominant race of Gaile; that their struggles and triumphs now resound th throughout the Lands of Estegalle. At this time, the 575 year of the Gaile Common Year, humans have driven their non-human neighbors into seclusion, to those lands that no man finds hospitable, or into lands shrouded from their eyes.

A BRIEF HISTORY In the days following Gaile’s crafting of the world, the children of Jenia and Aluin were overwhelmed with its stark beauty. The great sphere of rock, named after the first daughter of Jenia and Aluin, was fashioned by the Ardillon according to their desires; just as their sires had fashioned the gods’ celestial dwelling in the days before they were thought into being. This making of the world has not been completed; for its ending will come with the end of all things. The gods’ shaping of things in time and the passing of events, both glorious and fell, are the stuff of history. Here are some events that make up the known history of Gaile and their estimated dates (Pre-Common Year):

First Historical Period: The Days of First Awakenings (Pre-Common Year) 30,000 PCY:

22,000 PCY:

18,000 PCY:

17,000 PCY: 16,500 PCY:

16,000 PCY:

The gods fashion the elder fey, such as treants, dryads, nymphs and fossergrim, and giants from the fabric of the world to serve as its stewards. Aluin breathes life into these beings and Gaile helps to nourish them under the guidance of Jenia. Tension crops up almost immediately between the immortal fey and the mortal, tempestuous races of giantkind. Conflicts over territorial control lead to bloodshed that, in turn, feeds the growing animosity between the gods of the fey (Faendre, Gerian and Naeril) and the patrons of giantkind (Moloth and Theros). Over time the majority of giants come to worship Moloth and the lesser god Baloth, who they revere as lords of battle. Only good and neutral-aligned giants hold to the worship of Theros, the Stormlord, and of Gaile. From the union of elder fey and godlings known as Silathae, or servitors, the mortal elven race is born. The first lines of elves awaken beneath the stars, on the shores of the Western Sea (Ulmar Avandai) and migrate northward to the great mountains of the west, Arn Illandir (Moongates), and eastward towards Arn Haldari (Sungates), settling in the forests and along the shore of Lake Naeril in central Gaile. Faeries and the mortal race of gnomes are created as guardian spirits and watchers of the forests by the gods of nature. Unlike the elder fey, elves, faeries and gnomes are not bound to a specific grove, spring, or forest and migrate throughout Gaile. Elves establish vast forest realms and settle along the coasts, laying the foundations for their great citadels at Asgiroth and Esgavule. The eldari of Asgiroth (Whitecliff) are corrupted through the machinations of the Silath Falgur, fell servants of rebellious gods bent on the domination of Gaile’s mortals. Narveg, Moloth and Illichor craft Illariun, a magnificent white opal, and present it as a gift to the eldari queen Aenori. This magnificent gem, set upon a mithril crown, is said to grant her great insight into, and influence over, the minds of her subjects. The realm of Aenori and her consort, Prince Kharec, prospers under their rule and, gradually, the Kingdom of the Asgiroth encroaches upon the Arvecir realm of Celindale. Niriel, daughter of King Halengir of Celindale, warns her people of the dark influence that has gripped the elves of Asgiroth and foretells of a great war between the elven kingdoms. The Sundering of the Elves results as the Eldari of Asgiroth begin annexing Arvecir lands and leads to a massive war between these two kingdoms of elves. The war is fought upon Ulmirdon (The Golden Sea), a vast field bordering the western expanse of Celindale. Aenori flees from her battle-ravaged kingdom and seeks the shelter of Narveg, Lord of Lies. As years of civil war threaten to destroy these two most powerful of elven houses, Narveg fathers the first of the race of dark elves with Aenori. The Silath Falgur use the magic of Illaruin and the first daughter of Aenori, Tiandra, to create the goblinoid races, breeding these mockeries of elves as warriors and slaves. Tiandra, raised to status of quasideity, is still revered as a mother-goddess by the goblinoid people. After years of warfare hundreds of goblins rise from Borukhel and slaughter the few high elves remaining to garrison the gates of Asgiroth and raze most of the city. Ulmirdon serves as the grave for over 20,000 elves, including the Forest King, and is renamed Olmad Nolgr (The Sea of Corpses). Moved by the suffering of the elven people the god Lucien frees the elves of Asgiroth from the fell influence of Narveg and Illariun. Driven mad with guilt and grief, Kharec refuses to call back his nearly decimated forces and continues his war against the Arvecir. In order to save the besieged city of Asgiroth and wrest control from his mad father, Osriel leads a revolt against him and is forced to slay him at Amryll’s Well. Osriel then petitions Niriel, Queen of the Arvecir, for peace. Osriel’s people are pardoned by Niriel and, finding their city nearly destroyed and overrun by goblins, begin their long march West to the shores of Ulmar Avandai. Illariun shatters from the dark magics used in the creation of the goblins, its darkened shards hidden away deep beneath the earth in shrines dedicated to the Dark Servants. The line of Osriel settles Esgavule (Whitegull). Goblins, in the meanwhile, gather in great numbers in the bowels of Borukhel and amid the ruins of Asgiroth. As Gerian created the treants in the earliest days of the world Moloth now creates trolls as protectors for the race of goblins and as elite warriors for the Silath Falgur. Dumador wars with Moloth over this bastardized creation in The Great Rending; a horrific war responsible for earthquakes and volcanoes throughout the western lands of Gaile. During this clash comes Dumador’s creation of the dwarves from the very stone from which trolls were formed. With armies of these dwarves under his command, Dumador drives Moloth into hiding and drives the race of trolls to near extinction. Dwarves begin their migration from central Gaile to all corners of the vast continent. The first meetings of elves and dwarves at Arn Ilandir and Arn Haldari leads to a series a small skirmishes, as the races argue their claims to these mountains. Outnumbered and disgusted, the dwarves embark upon their Trail of Sorrow, toward Asgiroth and Tol Gorog (Grim Peaks). 1

THE WORLD of GAILE 15,750 PCY: 15,250 PCY:

13,500 PCY:

12,000 PCY:

11,500-10,000 PCY: 10,000-7,500 PCY:

7,500 PCY:

7,500-6,500 PCY:

6,000 PCY:

Dwarves drive goblins from Asgiroth and most of Tol Gorog under the leadership of Daroc Morudson and Baldrim Greybeard. The dwarves divide into ten clans and search for more territories to claim as their birthright. Illichor corrupts Duergrid Angreddin, head of clan Angreddin, with a shard of Illariun and its promise of power. Duergrid, paranoid and driven by greed, kills his clan of 200 with the aid of his 10 sons and an avatar of Illichor that has assumed dwarven form. Duergrid’s descendants are the progenitors of the dwarven subrace of duergar, while both Duergrid and his sons are doomed to become the first line of dragons, cursed to hoard wealth but never to enjoy its splendor and to always hunger without hope of succor. Baloth, planning to conquer the divided races of Gaile, brings The Wasting, a terrible blight, to the forests of Gaile. Treants and the elder fey suffer unrelenting agony and die in great numbers. Other forest dwellers suffer as the blight kills most sources of sustenance and causes pestilence to spread throughout Gaile. In Gaile’s mountains dwarves wage ceaseless war against hosts of troll and goblin armies. The gods, lamenting the fey, elven and dwarven races’ inexorable ties to the fate of the land and fearing their demise through unceasing, bloody battles against the foul creations of The Dark Servants, set out to create a new race. From the blood of slain godlings the “Child Race” of mankind is created. To this race is given the gifts of fertility, adaptability and ingenuity. Over the next millennium, the races of dwarves and elves guide the “Child Race,” teaching them much in the ways of craft and lore. Many battles are fought by the united forces of humans, dwarves and elves against the corrupted races of the Dark Servants. Borukhel erupts with thousands of goblins. Trolls, led by Moloth, and undead forces, under the command of Ulgren, assist in the bloody campaign. Nearly 100 years of fighting follow, involving all of the races of Gaile as well as the Silathae (Servitors). Widespread death and destruction makes central Gaile into a veritable wasteland. All races are driven to near extinction in The First Great War. Survivors of the war fall to the famine and pestilence that grips all of Gaile. The races of Gaile recover from the devastation of the Great War. This era is marked by great cooperation among the races of Gaile, with great exchanges of knowledge, culture and goods taking place. This period of time is called The Great Migration, a time when races of humans, elves and dwarves sought new frontiers and explored that far reaches of Gaile. Small wars erupt over disputed territorial claims, but these are minor compared to past wars. During the relative peace of this era, the pursuit of knowledge and the arts leads to great technological and social changes throughout the realms of Gaile. Cities grow mighty along the coasts, rivers and trade routes that link the realms of the three races. Theological and scientific studies lead to the study of Arcanology in the major cities of Gaile. Once shrouded in mystery, the manipulation of magic becomes accessible to those academics who immerse themselves into this burgeoning discipline. The use of magic leads to leaps of knowledge, productivity and creativity. Both construction and destruction are aided through its use, as magic is employed in all manner of craft and upon the field of battle. Over time, practitioners of magic, called Archons, are increasingly at odds with the priests of The High Gathering. Those whom the gods had granted powers consider wizards to be abominations, who seek to deify themselves through the use of magic. The Sect of Aethrude acts as intermediary between the Archons and priests of The High Gathering, trying desperately to quell the rising storm caused by this conflict. Seizing this opportunity, Moloth, Narveg and Illichor emerge from long years of hiding and send their avatars into the world to gather those hostile to The High Gathering. Desperate in their struggle against the majority of the gods, the Silath Falgur with the aid of Avellior, “the Mad God”, reach beyond the gulf of time and space in order to contact primordial powers known as The Sleeping Gods. Disciples of the Silath Falgur are charged with the task of creating gates to the “elseworlds” that are home to these powers in order to channel their power. To bring practitioners of magic into the dark gods’ service, The Tower of Sorcery is erected in the greatest city of Gaile, Tarn Hirrod. Its adherents, The Assembly of Sorcerers, spread their arcane knowledge, and their opposition to The High Gathering, throughout the lands. Over time, the influence of The Assembly of Sorcerers leads to religious upheaval and political turmoil, as the corruption of the Fell Gods turns the lands’ rulers against the Church and each other. Servants of The Tower of Sorcery establish gates to an alternate Prime Material Plane ruled by illithid servants of The Sleeping Gods. Meanwhile, the monstrous servants of the Silath Falgur renew their attacks upon the strongholds of their ancient enemies. The Great Wyrm, Chrysophyllax, terrorizes the Kingdom of Edanil and weakens its defenses against the waves of inhuman marauders that ceaselessly attack its northern borders. The Second Great War pits the priests of The High Gathering against The Sorcerers, kingdom against kingdom, and the unholy creations of Baloth, Moloth, and Narveg against the races of mankind, elf, and dwarf. Years of unremitting warfare follow, ending with a cataclysmic meteor strike that obliterated much of central Gaile, splitting Gaile into the continents of Avandunil (The Western Lands) and Estegalle (Eastern Gaile). The epicenter of this catastrophe is the city of Tarn Hirrod, which is located on the southeastern shore of Lake Naeril in what was central Gaile. The worst devastation fell upon the people of Eastern Gaile, while those of the westernmost lands were spared from the worst of the gods’ wrath.

Second Historical Period: The Age of Darkness (Pre-Common Year) 6,000 PCY-2,000 PCY:

2,000-1 PCY:

Once again, the races of Gaile fight their way back from the brink of destruction. The Men of the West (Avadain) unite the peoples of Avandunil and rebuild great kingdoms out of the ashes of The Second Great War. In Estegalle, savagery and chaos reign over the lands, as starved and desperate tribes wage war over fertile lands and hunting grounds. Small clanholds are the only semblance of civilization during this period of time. As the kingdoms of Avandunil grow mighty, the people of Estegalle start to form petty kingdoms that are locked in constant war. In 1035 PCY, the Tribe of Maurid, followers of Shardan the Wise, establish the Kingdom of Mauridia in the banks of the River Sahavim, beyond the Sheltering Sea. The first waves of Avadain conquerors begin arriving in 12PCY.

Third Historical Period: The Age of Resurgence (Gaile Common Year 1-575 GCY) See each land’s description for the history of the Third Historical Period. The year 1 marks the year of the first permanent Avadain settlement on Estegalle, the fortress town of Caer Lyon or Lion’s Fort. 2


CHARACTER RACES Player characters may choose to be of the following races: dwarf, elf, gnome, half-elf, half-orc, or human. The descriptions for each race are given below, as are campaign specific variations. Human characters should choose a culture that they belong to and region that they hail from in order to add depth to their character background. Regional descriptions, and the characteristics of the humans of these regions, are in found in The Lands of Estegalle section of this campaign setting.

Ability Score Modifiers, by Race Race Dwarves Elves, High Elves, Sylvan Gnomes Half-Elf Half-Orc Human

Modifiers +2 CON, -2 DEX +2 INT, -2 CON +2 DEX, -2 CON +2 DEX, -2 STR -


Dwarves are stocky and broad-shouldered. Their skin tends to be ruddy and their eyes are usually black, grey or blue. They tend to have large noses and feet for their size. Hair coloration is usually shades of brown, with black or reddish blond being rare. Men often wear braided beards. All dwarves tend to have wavy, coarse hair though northern clans tend to have lighter, straighter hair. They favor warm woolen garments in solid colors or tartan patterns, with leather bracers and girdles being common. Deep shades of blue or grey are common colors used, with black and red also used at times. Kilts or hooded cloaks are often the garb of choice. Their homes are usually beneath mountainous or hilly lands, with access to the surface for farming and raising livestock. Not as fertile as humans, they have few children; and less than a third of their people are women, who are guarded jealously within their cavernous halls. Dwarves are a hearty people; lovers of salted or smoked meat (goat being popular), song and stout ale. They are suspicious of outsiders and tend to be pugnacious, possessive, stubborn and moody. Their blood is thick and their oaths are honored until death. Once trusted and befriended, dwarves can be the greatest of allies. Likewise they make fearsome, tenacious enemies whose wars against goblinoids and giantkind are legendary. The dwarves are superior craftsmen who love to mine the earth for precious gems and metals, which they forge into weapons of strength and artifacts of beauty and power. Dwarf merchants and artisans frequently enter human cities to trade, staying briefly above ground before returning to their people. Dwarven trade caravans are well guarded and take well-patrolled, major trade routes whenever possible. Dwarves have nine clanholds beneath the major mountain ranges and hilly regions of Estegalle that are united as a confederacy. The clans elect their king, who acts as High King over all of the clans until his death, at which time a new king is elected. The duergar of the Angreddin clan are not recognized as a legitimate clanhold and are considered vile enemies of the “true” dwarven people. Dwarves worship the gods of The High Gathering but have a special reverence for Dumador, Lord of the Forge and of Oaths. Clan Name Clan Leader Location Predominant Alignment Baradsrud Denevor Baradsrud Kashgar Lawful Neutral Carroc Dergal mab Carroc Caerleon Lawful Good Greybeard Maglor Greybeard Suttegarde Lawful Good Heimgard Andvar Heimgard Yssgelund Neutral Good Khadzul Broghur Khadzul Kashgar Lawful Good Ironshield Dain Ironshield Suttegarde Lawful Good Morudson Olaf Morudson Yssgelund Lawful Neutral Redbeard Kalec Redbeard Suttegarde Neutral Good Sturlisson Bragi Sturlisson Yssgelund Lawful Good Game Rule Information Dwarves in Estegalle are much like those described in The Player’s Handbook with the following exceptions. No racial weapons appear in this campaign, so Gaian dwarves do not gain weapon familiarity. Due to their short and stocky builds, dwarves are less nimble but heartier than other races, as reflected above under Ability Score Modifiers, By Race. • Automatic Languages: Common and Dwarven. Bonus Languages: Elven, Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orudan, Terran and regional languages.

Elves As a race, elves are taller and thinner than most humans. Elven men have no facial hair and elves, on the whole, have less body hair than humans. Their clothing tends to be of light, though well made and durable, material and well tailored, with lovingly detailed needlework being seen in all but the cheapest of elven garb. Elves are fairer and more graceful than Men, having finer features and unmarred skin. At the same time elves are slight of build and frailer than humans. Elves have discerning tastes in foods, favoring light meals of freshly caught fish and game, delicately seasoned and accompanied by well-aged wine or subtly sweet mead. The elven people also enjoy baked goods sweetened and preserved with honey. High Elves High elves (Eldari) are sturdier, paler of skin and darker haired than wood elves, with silky black or dark brown hair, that runs from straight to wavy, and eyes of grey, brown or hazel. Fair hair is very rarely seen among the high elven people. High elves tend to wear deep blue garments, along with silver, gold, black and pale grey. These elves are the builders and craftsmen of the elven folk, most skilled in the crafting of fine metalwork: armor, weapons and beautiful jewelry. Many Eldari are masters of lore and chroniclers of the ages, contributing to the great libraries of the Eldari citadels. At one time elves were great teachers to the race of man and an ally to the dwarves in the western lands of Estegalle. The growing power of man and the waning of magic from the world have caused them to become increasingly isolationist, dealing with neighboring humans and dwarves mostly for the purpose of trade while maintaining relations through perfunctory diplomatic exchanges. Most of Estegalle’s high elves live in one of three walled, coastal citadels found along the western shore of Caerleon and Suttegarde. These citadels are ruled by Lord Stewards who act in the name, and according to the wishes, of the Eldari queen, Eran Miranduil, who reigns from the great, hidden island of Mir Thanduil or Isle of Resting. This island, situated between the continents of Avandunil and Estegalle, is said to be the final destination of all of Gaile’s elves and exists on both the Prime Material and Faerie Planes. Smaller communities of Eldari exist upon islands in 3

THE WORLD of GAILE Estegalle’s larger lakes or far out in the Western Sea or lie hidden within verdant river valleys and depths of ancient forests. High Elves worship the gods of The High Gathering, particularly Aethrude, god of magic, Cerullien, Lord of Heavens, and Tendellius, god of time and knowledge. Eldari Citadels Steward Location Predominant Alignment Pol Asgiroth (City of Whitecliff) Lady Osriel XI Caerleon Neutral Good Pol Esgavule (City of Whitegull) Lord Gildan Caerleon Lawful Good Pol Illandor (City of the Oracle) Lord Baloril Suttegarde Lawful Neutral Sylvan Elves Sylvan or wood elves (Arvecir) are shorter and slighter of build than their Eldari kin. Their skin tends to be ruddier than that of the Eldari; their hair is usually blond or light brown and their eyes are green or blue. They prefer clothes of forest green, grey or brown, with emphasis being placed on functionality. Music and dance are favored pastimes by the Arvecir, who are masters of the woods. Sylvan elves are slow to trust outsiders, even other, non-Sylvan, elves and, as such, are guarded around strangers. However, this distrust is often hidden beneath a facade of mirth. Sylvan Elves isolate themselves deep within forests, living amid the trees or beneath the rolling hills in beautiful natural caverns. They reside within the ancient forests of Caerleon and Suttegarde, the dense, semi-tropical forests of Narahim and the frozen pine forests of Yssgelund. Though each of these four realms has its own King or Queen individual villages are democratic, with village meetings of adult Arvecir being called to decide on matters of import. Village elders preside over these meetings and provide counsel and settle disputes among their people. In larger communities, and in dealings with the area’s King or Queen, representatives for groups are sent to these meetings in lieu of all members. Sylvan elves most often worship Danevar, Lord of The Hunt, and Gerian, goddess of nature’s bounty. Arvecir Realms (local name*) Monarch Location Predominant Alignment Celindale (Greatoak) Queen Hanil Goldenbough Caerleon Neutral Good Spiritwood (Camishiri) Queen Laurelin Andriel Narahim Neutral Good Silverbirch Forest (Birkewald) King Rilleth Silverleaf Suttegarde Chaotic Good Rimewood (Raurifholt) King Ossien Galidon Yssgelund Neutral *The local names for each forest are in the regional, human tongue Game Rule Information Both high elves and sylvan elves gain the racial abilities listed in The Player’s Handbook but have different ability score modifiers than standard elves (see Ability Score Modifiers, By Race above). The following racial abilities are used in place of those listed in The Player’s Handbook. • Weapon Proficiency: Elves receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency feats for longsword, short sword, longbow and shortbow as bonus feats. • Automatic Languages: Elven and Common. Bonus languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Sylvan and regional languages. • Favored Class: High elves have wizard as a favored class. Sylvan elves have ranger as a favored class.

Gnomes Gnomes, in Gaile, are small humanoids who reside in idyllic forests away from the noise and bustle of human settlements. Their small size and innately magical nature allows them to hide from larger folk and their mastery of illusions keeps their settlements safe from discovery. Gnomes tend to be round bellied and ruddy cheeked. Their bright eyes are of light brown, hazel, blue, green or violet. Like dwarves, gnomes tend to have large noses and feet for their size. Their straight to slightly wavy hair is usually shades of pale gold and red, with white hair being common among adult gnomes. Men often wear well-groomed beards and women wear their hair in braids. They favor warm woolen garments in solid colors. Pale shades of blue or green are common colors used, with yellow and red also used at times. Vests and conical hats of bright colors often compliment these outfits. They make their homes in warm, dry cave complexes, well appointed and masterfully camouflaged. Gnomish crops are grown among the wildflowers of their forest domains. Fish farms are maintained in the streams and ponds near their homes, with apiaries and foraging supplementing their crops. Gnomish clans have holdings in the lands beneath the forested hills of Caerleon and Suttegarde. An elder or, at times, a council of elders guides these communities. There are over 50 separate clans throughout Estegalle, though none owe fealty to a common sovereign. Despite this, gnomish clans are strongly allied with each other: gnomes view others of their kind as brethren or, at least, distant cousins. Community meetings, like those of the Sylvan Elves, are typical in gnomish clanholds. Occasionally, a particularly ambitious gnome politician "presides" over the community as mayor. Some major gnomish clans include those of: Cyrwith, Grumbel, Vinniskillen, Binkeldorry, Gimbel and Boggleston. Gnomes’ alignments tend towards neutral good. Gnomes worship the gods of The High Gathering, with shrines to Gerian, goddess of the harvest, and Jenia, Lady of the Hearth and mother-goddess, being most commonly found in gnomish communities. Game Rule Information The gnomes of Gaile gain the racial abilities listed in The Player’s Handbook but have different ability score modifiers than standard gnomes (see Ability Score Modifiers, By Race above) and have no familiarity with racial weapons, which do not exist in Gaile. Gnomish settlements are found in the forests and vales of Caerleon, Suttegarde and Yssgelund. The following racial abilities are used in place of those listed in The Player’s Handbook. • Automatic Languages: Gnome and Common. Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, Sylvan and regional languages.

Half-Elves Half-elves are typically the offspring of humans and elves, with few half-elves being born to two half-elven parents. Half-elves tend to exhibit both human and elven traits and physical characteristics, with considerably longer lifespans than humans. The features of half-elves tend to be finer than those of humans and they possess some of the graceful beauty of the elves. Half-elves of high elven blood hail from Caerleon and Suttegarde, while those of sylvan elven blood come from Caerleon, Narahim, Suttegarde and Yssgelund. Most half-elves are raised in human communities and, quite often, are estranged from their elven roots. It is rare for elves to accept humans into their communities, though half-elves are met with more tolerance and, often, with a small degree of sympathy on account of what elves view as half-elves’ relatively short life spans. Half-elves raised in elven communities tend to revere the deities that elves view as their patrons (see above). Those raised among humans typically worship the gods of The High Gathering, just as the elves, but tend to worship the god most valued by the local people. Game Rule Information Half-elves are played as per The Player’s Handbook with one exception. Rather than receiving racial bonuses to diplomacy and gather information skill checks half-elves gain a bonus feat at first level, due to their human ancestry. • Automatic Languages: Common and one regional language or Elven. Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Sylvan and regional languages.


THE WORLD of GAILE Half-Orcs Orcs, in Gaile, are synonymous with hobgoblins and hobgoblins are used in place of orcs in all instances. Half-orcs are almost always born out of violence and subjugation, the offspring of hobgoblin masters and human slaves or the end result of rape following an orcish raid upon a human settlement. In any event, the commingling of orcish and human blood is a subject of extreme distaste among most ordinary humans, who view the resulting children of such a union with abhorrence and loathing. Most half-orcs are raised in orcish communities where they are raised under the whip to a life of servitude or, in those instances where their aptitude is noticed, are trained as scouts and spies to infiltrate human lands. Some rare individuals even rise to positions of authority, hardened by their years of adversity. Those raised in human communities are often isolated, viewed with suspicion and disdain by the humans of their community. Gaile’s half-orcs differ significantly from typical half-orcs. They tend to be slightly taller than humans, longer of limb and with broader shoulders. Their facial features have a slightly goblinoid caste to them, with thin-slit eyes and nostrils, broad, jutting jaw lines and slightly pointed ears being common. Their canine teeth are somewhat larger than those of humans and their coloration tends to be ruddier than usual for men of their lands. Half-orcs can sometimes pass for human, though there is something disquieting about their appearance that reveals the cruel nature of their goblinoid heritage. Half-orcs are usually encountered in the northern lands of Estegalle, particularly near mountainous or coastal areas. Typical homelands for such characters include Carmascia, Suttegarde, Vinnisklad, Voruskai, and Yssgelund. Depending upon their homeland and upbringing, half-orcs may worship the gods of their human communities or the dark gods of the goblins, particularly Ulgren, god of death and punishment, Baloth, god of slaughter, or Kharec the Vengeful. Game Rule Information Half-orcs have the following abilities: • As Medium creatures, half-orcs have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size and have a base land speed of 30 feet. • Half-orcs have a +4 racial bonus to move silently checks. • Darkvision: Half-orcs can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and half-orcs can function just fine with no light at all. • Goblin Blood: For all effects related to race, half-orcs are considered as goblinoid. • Favored Class: Any. When determining whether a multiclass half-orc takes an experience point penalty, his or her highest-level class does not count. • Automatic Languages: Common and one regional language or Goblin. Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, Orudan and regional languages.

Humans Humans are the most diverse of all the races, with skin and hair varying in color from black to the lightest shades. Their men may or may not wear beards and their eyes can be of various hues, tending towards shades of blue or brown. See each the regional descriptions in The Lands of Estegalle and The Player’s Handbook for more details about human characters. Game Rule Information All humans are played as described in The Player’s Handbook and gain the racial abilities listed therein. In addition, all humans gain cultural bonuses to skills and/or saves that are based upon their cultural background. Any skill that receives a cultural bonus may be used unskilled by a character of that culture. There are 8 cultural backgrounds for human characters in Estegalle to choose from, though many humans in Caerleon and Suttegarde are of mixed bloodlines and cultural backgrounds. In Caerleon and Suttegarde many humans are of mixed Avadain and Maelnach blood and gain a +1 racial bonus to FORT saves versus natural diseases and a +1 competence bonus to survival rolls. In Suttegarde men of mixed Avadain and Yssgelundian heritage are quite common. Such individuals receive a +1 racial bonus to Will saves versus fear effects and a +1competence bonus to survival checks. For detailed descriptions of each of the regions of Estegalle, and to learn more about each of the cultures listed below, read The Lands of Estegalle section below. There you will find information on the names, physical characteristics, character class notes and preferred weapons for the human inhabitants of each of the 10 regions of Estegalle. Cultural Background


Regional Languages

Caerleon, Suttegarde and Mauridia


Cultural Abilities

Predominant Alignment

+1 racial bonus to FORT saves versus natural diseases and to Lawful Neutral (good) WILL saves versus fear effects. +1 racial bonus to FORT saves versus natural diseases and +2 Cirhedin Mauridia Adanae Lawful Neutral (evil) competence bonus to knowledge: religion or history checks. +2 competence bonus to appraise checks. +20% to starting Kashgari Kashgar Khalmiri Neutral wealth. Maelnach Suttegarde Elven +1 competence bonus to survival, listen and spot checks. Chaotic Neutral +1 competence bonus to knowledge: nature, listen and spot Narahim Narahim Daegaru Neutral (good) checks. Tribesmen of Sarathia and Voruskai +2 competence bonus to ride checks and +1 competence bonus Neutral or Terrilec Vors or Carmascia to survival checks. Chaotic Neutral (evil)* +2 competence bonus to survival checks. They only suffer a –2 Vinniskur Vinnisklad Terrilec Neutral penalty to balance checks and may move a ¾ speed on icy surfaces. +1 competence bonus to climb or swim checks □ and +1 Yssgelund and competence bonus to survival checks. +1 racial bonus to Will Neutral (chaotic) Yssgelundian Teug Suttegarde saves versus fear effects. *Sarathians and Voruskaiad tribesmen tend towards neutrality while Carmascians lean towards chaotic neutral, with evil tendencies. □ Yssgelundian mountain clansmen have a +1 competence bonus to climb checks while coastal clansmen gain this bonus to swim checks. Avadain

Automatic Languages: Common and the regional language shown on the table above. Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin and other regional languages.



VITAL STATISTICS Age Chart Race Dwarves Elves Gnomes Half-Elves Half-Orcs Humans

Middle-Age 150 years 500 years 200 years 75 years 60 years 40 years

Old Age 250 years 750 years 325 years 100 years 80 years 60 years

Venerable 350 years 1000 years 450 years 125 years 100 years 80 years

Maximum Age +5d20 years +10d20 years +5d20 years +4d20 years +3d20 years +2d20 years

Barbarian, Fighter, Rogue, or Sorcerer +3d6 +4d6 +4d6 +1d6 +1d6 +1d4

Bard, Paladin, Ranger, or Swashbuckler +3d6 +6d6 +5d6 +2d6 +2d6 +1d6

Cleric, Druid, Monk, or Wizard +7d6 +10d6 +8d6 +3d6 +3d6 +2d6

Random Starting Ages Race


Dwarves Elves Gnomes Half-Elves Half-Orcs Humans

25 years 50 years 30 years 18 years 16 years 15 years

Birth Rank D20 Roll 1 2-4 5-7 8-10 11-12

Birth Rank D20 Roll Only Child 13-14 st 1 Child 15-16 nd 2 Child 17-18 rd 3 Child 19 th 4 Child 20 * Twins are possible for all races (despite negative modifiers) on a natural roll of 20.

Birth Rank th 5 Child th 6 Child th 7 Child th 8 Child Twins (roll again)*

Racial Modifiers to Birth Rank Race Dwarves Elves Gnomes

D20 Modifier -4 -8 -8

Race Half-Elves Half-Orcs Humans

D20 Modifier -4 -4 -

Number and Gender of Siblings To determine the total number of children, roll Birth Rank a second time and adjust for race. Results less than or equal to the first Birth Rank roll indicate that your character is the last-born. Otherwise, the second number determines the total number of children. For all races, except dwarves, siblings have a 50/50 chance of being either male or female. For dwarves, only 1 in 6 children are females. It is for this reason that non-dwarves seldom see dwarven women. Example: Bragi the Dwarf rolls a d20 and rolls a 12. Then he subtracts 4 from the roll (because he is a dwarf) and winds up with an 8. This indicates that he is the rd rd 3 child. If Bragi’s second roll (with the negative modifier) yields this result (8) or less he is the 3 of 3 children. Otherwise, the second result gives the total number of children in Bragi’s immediate family.

Height and Weight Race Dwarves High Elves Sylvan Elves Gnomes Half-Elves Half-Orcs Humans*

Men’s Height 4’+3d4” 5’4”+4d4” 5’2”+4d4” 2’4”+1d4” 5’+4d4” 5’+4d4” 4’8”+4d6”

Men’s Base Weight 100 lb. 120 lb. 100 lb. 24 lb. 90 lb. 120 lb. 90 lb.

Weight Modifier x(2d4) lb. x(1d8) lb. x(1d8) lb. x(1) lb. x(1d8) lb. X(2d4) lb. x(2d4) lb.

Women’s Height 3’10”+3d4” 5’2”+4d4” 5’+4d4” 2’3”+1d4” 4’10”+4d4” 4’10”+4d4” 4’5”+4d6”

Women’s Base Weight 85 lb. 90 lb. 80 lb. 20 lb. 80 lb. 100 lb. 80 lb.

Weight Modifier x(2d4) lb. x(1d8) lb. x(1d8) lb. x(1) lb. x(1d8) lb. X(2d4) lb. x(2d4) lb.

* Humans of some cultures tend to be of smaller or larger than typical humans. For Maelnach characters, subtract 5% from the character’s height and weight. For Yssgelundian characters add 5% to the character’s height and weight. Humans from Kashgar add 5% to their height but do not adjust their weight, as they tend to be tall and willowy.



CHARACTER CLASSES The following chart shows what core classes are available, and which are preferred, in each region of Estegalle. Class prohibitions by region or race st only effect characters of those regions or races during their 1 character level and have no effect upon later character advancement. Swashbucklers, from Complete Warrior, are the only non-Player’s Handbook core class allowed in the Estegalle campaign setting.

Core Class Availability for Humans, Half-Elves and Half-Orcs, by Region Core Class Barbarian Bard Cleric Druid Fighter Monk Paladin Ranger Rogue Sorcerer Swashbuckler Wizard ○ Preferred class

Region Caerleon


x ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ x x ○ x ○ ○ x ○ x - Permitted class



x ○ ○ x ○ ○ ○







x ○ ○ x ○ x -

○ ○ ○ x ○ ○ ○

○ x x ○ x x x x x

○ ○ x x x

○ ○ ○ ○ x x -

x ○ ○ ○ ○ x ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ x Prohibited class

Core Class Availability for Dwarves, Elves and Gnomes Core Class Barbarian Bard Cleric Druid Fighter Monk ○ Preferred class

Race Dwarf

Elf, High

Elf, Sylvan

x ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ x x - Permitted class

x ○ ○ x



Core Class

x Paladin ○ Ranger Rogue Sorcerer Swashbuckler x Wizard x Prohibited class


Elf, High

Elf, Sylvan


○ x -

○ -

○ ○

Core Class Ability Changes Fighters Bonus Feats: Rogue Special Abilities: Swashbuckler Hit Die Saving Throws Skill Points Class Features

Sorcerer Class Skills Class Features


Fighters now have access to Supreme Weapon Focus at 14 level and Supreme Weapon Specialization (see New Feats th on page 8) at 16 level as bonus feats, so long as they meet each feat’s prerequisites. th

Rogues of 13 level or higher may choose Hide in Plain Sight (DMG, p195) as a Special Ability. d8 Good Fortitude and Reflex saves and a poor Will save. 6+INT / level Swashbucklers gain the Shield Proficiency feat so that they may use bucklers. Swashbuckler abilities that are subject to armor or encumbrance restrictions are lost if the swashbuckler employs any shield other than a buckler. In addition, all swashbucklers lose the Grace class feature in exchange for a good Reflex save. Replace the class skill of bluff with use magic device. All sorcerers gain Eschew Material Component as a bonus feat at level 5. Due to the use of Spontaneous Metamagic (see page 8) sorcerers may cast spells enhanced by metamagic as a standard action, rather than as a full-round action.

Variant Class Availability, by Region The following chart shows what variant classes from Unearthed Arcana are available, and which are preferred, in each region of Estegalle. Class st prohibitions by region only effect characters native to those regions at 1 level. These prohibitions have no effect on later character advancement. Region Variant Class Bardic Sage Battle Sorcerer Cloistered Cleric Divine Bard Savage Bard Wilderness Rogue ○ Preferred class











○ ○ x

x x x -

○ ○ x

○ ○ x


○ x x x

○ ○ ○ -

x x x x

x x x -

○ x ○ ○

- Permitted class


○ x Prohibited class





Variant Class Availability, by Race The only racial restrictions on variant classes are that dwarves may not be wilderness rogues and that neither high elves nor gnomes may be savage bards.



NEW FEATS EDUCATION [GENERAL] Some lands hold the pen in higher regard than the sword. In your youth you received the benefit of several years of formal schooling. st Prerequisite: 1 level only. Benefit: All knowledge skills are class skills for you. You get a +1 bonus with any two knowledge skills of your choice.

LINGUIST [GENERAL] You have a natural talent for learning the tongues of others. This aptitude aids in both the learning of new tongues and in drawing meaning from the written characters of unknown tongues. st Prerequisite: Int 13, literacy, 1 level only. Benefit: Speak language is a class skill for you. You get a +2 competence bonus on decipher script skill checks, provided you have at least 1 rank in that skill.

SUPREME WEAPON FOCUS [GENERAL] Choose one type of weapon for which you have already selected Greater Weapon Focus. You can also choose unarmed strike or grapple as your weapon for purposes of this feat. Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus and Greater Weapon Focus with selected weapon, fighter level 14th. Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using the selected weapon. This bonus stacks with other bonuses on attack rolls, including those from Weapon Focus and Greater Weapon Focus. Special: You can gain Supreme Weapon Focus multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon. A fighter must have Supreme Weapon Focus with a given weapon to gain the Supreme Weapon Specialization feat for that weapon. A fighter may select Supreme Weapon Focus as one of his fighter bonus feats.

SUPREME WEAPON SPECIALIZATION [GENERAL] Choose one type of weapon for which you have already selected Weapon Specialization and Greater Weapon Specialization. You can also choose unarmed strike or grapple as your weapon for purposes of this feat. Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected weapon, Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Focus and Supreme Weapon Focus with selected weapon, Weapon Specialization and Greater Weapon Specialization with selected weapon, fighter level 16th. Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on all damage rolls you make using the selected weapon. This bonus stacks with other bonuses on damage rolls, including those from Weapon Specialization and Greater Weapon Specialization. Special: You can gain Supreme Weapon Specialization multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon. A fighter may select Supreme Weapon Specialization as one of his fighter bonus feats.

TRAPFINDING [GENERAL] Through the study of mechanical traps and magical incantations, you can more effectively search for the presence of traps and wards. Prerequisites: Int 13. Investigator, Skill Focus (Craft: trapmaking), Skill Focus (Knowledge: arcana). Benefit: Your character can use the search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. You can use the disable device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. If you beat a trap’s DC by 10 or more with a disable device check you can study that trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it without disarming it. Normal: Rogues (and only rogues) can use the search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20 or use disable device to disarm magical traps.

METAMAGIC FEATS SPONTANEOUS METAMAGIC With this rule variant, a character who selects a metamagic feat gains three daily uses of that feat that he can opt to use "on the fly" without previous preparation, increased spell level, or extended casting time. The character must decide when casting the spell if he wishes to apply the effect of one of his metamagic feats to the spell. The maximum level of spell to which a caster can apply a metamagic feat is equal to the maximum spell level he is capable of casting (based on his level and ability scores), minus the spell level adjustment of the metamagic feat. If the result of this calculation is less than 0, the character can't apply the metamagic feat to any of his spells. For instance, a 5th-level wizard is normally capable of casting spells of up to 3rd level. If he chooses to apply his Silent Spell metamagic feat (which uses a spell slot one level higher than normal) to a spell, the maximum level of spell that he can apply it to is equal to 3 minus 1, or 2nd. Thus, he may make any other 0-, 1st-, or 2nd-level spells silent. If he had the Maximize Spell feat, he could apply it only to 0-level spells (since a maximized spell is normally cast as a spell three levels higher, and 3 minus 3 is 0). Quicken Spell would be of no use to this wizard, since he couldn't even apply it to 0level spells. A caster can apply more than one metamagic feat to a spell, or even the same metamagic effect more than once (if allowed by the feat's description). However, to determine the maximum level of spell that can be so affected, add together all the spell level adjustments given for the various feats. A 9th-level wizard could enlarge and empower any spell of 2nd level or lower (since his maximum spell level is 5th, and the total spell level adjustment for Empower Spell and Enlarge Spell is 3). If a feat may be applied more than once to the same spell (such as Empower Spell), each application counts as one of the caster's three daily uses. Each time a character selects a metamagic feat, he gains three daily uses of that feat. Multiple selections of the same feat are cumulative. For instance, if a caster selects Empower Spell twice, he may use the feat six times per day rather than three. In this variant system, the Heighten Spell feat functions slightly differently from other metamagic feats. You may use the Heighten Spell feat to increase a spell's effective level (for purposes of such factors as save DCs and so on) up to the maximum spell level you are capable of casting. For instance, a 3rd-level cleric could heighten a 0- or 1st-level spell to 2nd level, while a 17th-level druid could heighten a 0- through 8th-level spell to 9th level. The spell is treated as a spell of that level for purpose of save DC and similar effects, but doesn't require a higher-level spell slot. 8


THE LANDS OF ESTEGALLE Regions of Estegalle

The continent of Estegalle is divided, principally, into ten regions ruled by humans. Of these, the lands of Caerleon, Suttegarde, Mauridia and Kashgar are called the Four Kingdoms. The vast Plains of Algur are home to three semi-nomadic tribes, Carmascia, Sarathia and Voruskai, collectively called The Tribes of Vors. To the extreme north and southeast are found Narahim, Yssgelund and Vinnisklad, which are known to men of The Four Kingdoms as the “Savage Lands.” The Four Kingdoms Realm Caerleon Kashgar Mauridia Suttegarde

Type of Government Feudal Republic Plutocratic City-States Theocratic Empire Constitutional Monarchy

Ruler Lord Regent Gueran Dennigal King Tyrtaeus of Triphos Empress Correna Osriel King Geraint Henegar

Predominant Alignment Lawful Neutral (good) Neutral Lawful Neutral (evil) Neutral Good

The Tribes of Vors Realm Carmascia Sarathia Voruskai

Type of Government Autocracy Hegemony Hegemony

Ruler Warlord Agillor Overlord Anthyrus Overlord Chernye of Vors

Predominant Alignment Chaotic Neutral (evil) Neutral Neutral

Savage Lands Realm Narahim Vinnisklad Yssgelund

Type of Government Confederacy Clanholds Monarchy

Ruler Various chieftains Various clan lords High King Grauvulf Aethelhere

Predominant Alignment Neutral (good) Neutral Neutral (chaotic)

The Four Kingdoms Caerleon Before the coming of the Avadain (Men of the West) this land was held by the Maelnach peoples, their elven allies and, in northern Caerleon, by Yssgelundian clansmen. After several centuries of war and expansion the Avadain had claimed all of the Maelnach lands, from the western shores of Estegalle to the arid Plains of Algur. To the north the tall, fair men of Yssgelund repeatedly sacked Caerleon’s fortress-cities and all-but-crushed the legions of Avadain forces sent against them. To the south lay the domains of the proud and cruel Mauridians; men with ancestral ties to Avadain but who were set against their distant kin through the preaching of Shardan the Wise. Shardan cursed the Avadain as pariahs and devotees of the dark gods who brought devastation to Gaile. Having been warned against the arrival of the Men of the West by their Emperor, the arrival of Avadain forces upon Estegalle brought immediate and ceaseless warring with the Cirhedin of Mauridia. Faced by opposition from all sides the Avadain could not hope to conquer the whole of western Estegalle. Regardless of this the Avadain, as the self-proclaimed lords of Gaile, brought order and prosperity to the lands they did conquer. The Maelnach were driven to the northeast, forced to settle in the foothills and forests south and west of the Ostenberg Mountains or assimilated into Avadain society. Great cities grew along seacoasts and in fertile river valleys. Dwarves of the Carroc clan, who opposed the Avadain, saw several of their strongholds stormed, their treasures brought into the sunlit world to be used by the conquerors of Caerleon. The elves, who had aided the Maelnach in their earliest days and who taught these men much lore and craft, hid themselves from the Avadain and fortified their mighty citadels in order to hold their ancestral lands against the “Lions of the West.” Soon stonework fortresses lined the border territories of Caerleon and great roads spread out like a vast web, linking the growing cities of the Avadain people. With the passage of time Yssgelundians had managed to reclaim much of the lands of northern Caerleon while bands of Yssgelundian raiders and southern nomads gradually took to the plains east of Caerleon, becoming, over time, the Tribes of Vors. Treaties made with the dwarves of the Carroc clan saw the return of dwarven strongholds to the dwarven people as the elves, faced with the growing might of men, increasingly sought shelter in the wild lands of Estegalle rather than dwell in citadel “islands” surrounded by Caerleonic lands. Eventually Mauridia completely drove the Avadain forces out of their lands and crushed any chance for a united Estegalle under Avadain rule. So it came to be that King Bael the Fair ruled a kingdom and people that were estranged from their former greatness. Most in Caerleon came to bear little resemblance to the mighty Avadain who once landed on Estegalle’s shores so many years before. In order to ensure their survival, the lords of Caerleon were forced to make truces with the northmen who harried their northern provinces. All Avadain claims to the lands of Suttegarde were rescinded some 250 years ago and diplomatic relations with Mauridia were initiated soon afterward. Thirty years ago, after repeated and devastating raids upon the eastern marches of Caerleon and Suttegarde, a united force of Caerleonic and Suttegardian troops took to the plains of the Voruskai in order exact vengeance upon the Overlord of the Voruskai, Morikai. To mollify the pride of the Avadain King Bael the Elder was given command of these forces and the rampant lion of Caerleon flew highest upon the lances of the standard bearers. When, 4 months later, the Overlord’s daughter returned the King’s head to Caerleon, it was ordered that Caerleon would have no king or queen save Morikai of Vors. Furthermore, an annual tribute was exacted as reparations for the attack on Voruskaid lands and lands were ceded to the Carmascians of the western plain. Today Bael’s grandson, Gueran Dennigal, acts as the elected Regent over the lands. With the weakened ties of the Voruskai tribes and the resulting reduction in their military might, Caerleon has begun, over the past decade, to prosper. This prosperity is aided by the Caerleon’s wealth of resources, including its rich soil, deposits of silver, tin and copper, and abundance of yew wood. The moderate climate allows Caerleon’s farms to be the most productive in Estegalle; its vineyards unsurpassed. Duchies to the East are gradually reclaiming lost lands and trade routes are being reclaimed from Carmascian bandits and raiders. In order to meet the challenge of reviving Caerleon, Gueran has adopted measures that earlier Avadain rulers would have railed against. First, Gueran is assisted in this urgent undertaking, the rebuilding of a kingdom, by a Mage, Hirrel Tanissant. The Avadain mistrust of Mages and reliance on Patriarchal advisement made such a measure highly unorthodox. Secondly, breaking from the autocratic monarchies of his forefathers, Gueran’s post as Lord Regent makes him accountable to a body of representatives, called the Ducal Assembly. These men, representatives of each Duchy and their respective earldoms, are entrusted to advise the Lord Regent on behalf of the landholders they represent and elect a new Lord Regent every 7 years. Knights are the enforcers of the Assembly’s laws and are authorized to dispense justice in the name of the Regent. The majority of Caerleon’s military might rests in its vast army of professional soldiers, the ranks of Caerleon’s Legions. In border and coastal cities, mercenary orders of warriors have profited from the turmoil that has gripped these lands. 9

THE WORLD of GAILE The Men of Caerleon Caerleonic humans are of average height and build. They have medium complexions, with wavy to straight hair that ranges from light brown to black and blue, hazel, green or grey eyes. Clothing usually consists of cloaks, breeches and tunics. Cloaks are commonly dyed blue, brown or black. Leather boots are commonly worn, with gloves or jewelry being worn by wealthier individuals. Hair is worn short by most men, as are beards, when they are worn at all. In rural areas longer hair is more common and the influences of the Maelnach are more readily seen. These folk are more festive and less reserved; bearing superstitions and folklore with ancient, Maelnach roots. Urban dwellers have adopted the Avadain standards of courtesy and selfrestraint. Caerleon, as the first conquered kingdom of the Avadain, still has many great families of Avadain lineage. Descendents of these, often royal, bloodlines tend to be slightly taller and broader of shoulder than other men of Caerleon. They are darker haired and fairer of skin than typical Caerleonic men, neatly groomed and often haughty in their bearing. Garb usually consists of fine tunics of deep blue or white, decorated with fine tracery about the collar and wrists. Capes and cloaks are commonly worn over tunics and leggings. Black boots and gloves are also worn frequently. At court, the Avadain wear brooches that display their family crests. Avadain warriors display the heraldry of their lord and of their lineage upon their shields and surcoats. Overall, the people of Caerleon are known for their civility and pride. Of course, the lower classes do not abide by the same social mores as their more nobly born countrymen. Common Names Male


Accolon, Achard, Adalard, Adane, Aeron, Alberon, Alec, Alisander, Amante, Ambrose, Agrellan, Aradan, Arion, Baedon, Berengar, Bernard, Bors, Brunam, Cameron, Calaven, Cale, Caraden, Caradoc, Celedan, Celephan, Clairemonde, Claudius, Corneus, Danain, Eagillen, Earendor, Eladrim, Eliand, Eremere, Ethan, Eustance, Falgrim, Falstaff, Gabriel, Gaheris, Gaidon, Galadhil, Galatine, Galerus, Gareth, Gauffier, Geoffrey, Gerard, Geriant, Gervase, Isengal, Isendor, Jared, Jordan, Julian, Junius, Kaherdine, Lothien, Lucan, Lucas, Luther, Mallor, Marcus, Maurian, Meleas, Miles, Morgan, Morien, Nidian, Owain, Paladine, Peredor, Reynard, Stephen, Tancred, Tarcil, Taron, Terence, Thomas, Tristam, Valien, Valerin, Xavier Aelise, Agnes, Alicia, Anna, Annael, Armide, Catherine, Carellia, Cecille, Claire, Clarise, Elanor, Elenna, Elessandra, Elianor, Elisa, Elisabeth, Genevieve, Jacqueline, Joan, Julia, Juliette, Lenore, Liliane, Marie, Margot, Morgana, Mirabel, Rianna, Rowenna, Sara, Sibille, Stephanie, Teresa, Valerie, Viviane

Royal Households Ducal Lines

Abelard, Armitage, Berennor, Domiere, Gilborne, Gramille, Leonelle, Maginus, Perrendel, Saradoc, Sirannon, Thalleon

Regent’s Lines

Dennigal, Aethelhere (of Suttegarde)

Permitted Character Classes Bards Bards function as poets and storytellers, recounting past glories and assuring nobles and commoners alike that the darkest days of their people are behind them. Clerics Priests serve in communities throughout the realm, in a multitude of capacities. In these dark times, as many people look to the church for solace, the ranks of Caerleon’s priesthood are swelling. More militant orders serve as knights or crusaders for the realm, particularly as Knights of the Scepter: This religious order serves the Regent and acts as protectors of the High Gathering. As a religious order, they serve the Patriarch above all others. Druids Priests of this ancient order are not common in Caerleon. Those who practice druidic rites are usually of Maelnach descent and/or from isolated areas. Fighters The most common character class in Caerleon is the fighter. Many serve as hirelings, militia members, knights in the service of the Lord Regent and professional soldiers, such as infantrymen and archers. The Knights of the Crown are the main knightly order of Caerleon; established by Bael the Fair nearly 500 years ago. The knights of this order are strong proponents of Caerleon’s monarchy, calling for the coronation of Gueran as King. Regent Gueran has yet to accede to their wishes. Paladins Paladins are typically knightly warriors in the service of The Church of the High Gathering. Rangers Rangers sometimes act as military scouts or knights in frontier areas. Many act as wardens of the woods and protectors of shrines dedicated to nature gods such as Danevar. Rogues Members of this class are usually found in cities or are encountered as highwaymen. Rogues often act as spies, scouts and assassins. Sorcerers These rare individuals are rumored to be the descendents of the Great Sorcerers of the past and are often shunned by those who know of their power. Swashbucklers Swashbucklers are found in the southern, coastal cities of Caerleon. Some serve on as mercenaries or guardsmen, but many come from wealthy families and while away the days drinking, whoring and fighting duels of honor. Wizards Mages are typically eccentric and solitary individuals immersed in the study of arcane lore. In a land where magic is feared by most, wizards often are discreet in their use of magic. Arms and Armor

The only “Exotic Weapons” available in Caerleon are the bastard sword, net and whip. The favored weapons of Caerleon are the dagger, halberd, lance, longbow, mace (heavy), longsword and rapier.



The Four Kingdoms Kashgar Nestled between the Cloudspire Mountains and the Enyros River is the land of Kashgar. Located at the foot of the great Forosmon mountain range, Kashgar is dominated by foothills and river valleys. Like the vast plains to its north, northern Kashgar is semi-arid, with rocky soil ill suited to farming or traveling. Traversing these lands is a feat for any man not accustomed to such rough terrain, as few roads or areas with level ground are to be found in Kashgar’s foothills. Horses are practically useless; one’s best aid in travel is a sturdy pair of sandals that protect against the hard and jagged earth of the Kashgari hill-lands. The lands of the south are more forgiving, yielding crops such as dates, grapes, olives and wheat, and level enough to accommodate the numerous roads that connct Kashgar’s coastal cities. In the early days of Kashgar coastal communities grew mighty as centers of trade, eventually becoming vast walled cities of marble and granite that were kingdoms unto themselves. Alliances and trade with the powerful land of Mauridia helped to shape the development of these cities and their culture. The Kashgari came to value the superior engineering, mathematics and scientific knowledge of the Mauridians, incorporating these disciplines into their teachings and erecting universities within their larger cities. Study of arcane lore was also instituted, though the rational scholars of Kashgar saw magic as a science unto itself and spurned the Mauridian mingling of magic and theology. As southern Kashgar grew into a mecca for trade and knowledge, its merchant and military fleet of ships grew, allowing Kashgari merchants to trade with all of the nations of Estegalle. In the meanwhile, northern communities thrived through the riches that their hills offered up; rich veins of ore and precious gems were found in abundance beneath the sparse foothills of the Forosmons. Skilled artisans from Mauridia and southern Kashgar traveled north, establishing the finest smithies of Estegalle in the well-fortified keeps of the north. The north also became the proving grounds for Kashgar’s growing army, which was charged with the defense of the northern Kashgar’s great wealth. Today each city is a state onto itself, ruled by a council of senators that represents powerful factions and families within each city. These plutarchs act as administrators and as the law-making body of their cities. Enforcement of the law and defense of each city-state is the responsibility of each city’s army, which is commanded by an senate-appointed general. These cities are loosely allied under the rule of King Tyrtaeus of Triphos, a ruthless and peerless leader in matters of state and war. Tyrtaeus has, in his 25-year rule, limited Mauridia’s influence in Kashgari politics and trade. Kashgar’s coastal cities all maintain war fleets that are second only to those of Mauridia’s armada. The Kashgari people are a logical, mercantilist people who enjoy the wealthy status of their plutocratic republic. Most who live within the cities shun religion of any kind, likening it to idle superstition meant for the simple of mind. This does not prevent urban Kashgari from calling upon the gods in times of trouble or holding onto superstitious beliefs; it only makes such practices distasteful and worthy of scorn. Rural folk still worship the gods of Gaile; honoring them upon full moons, upon the seasons’ change and at other auspicious times. Oracles are still consulted for their wisdom, even within large cities, and are regarded as wise men with knowledge of the world unseen. Like Mauridia, Kashgar employs slaves from other regions, using them primarily as laborers in cities and along roads, as miners and as house servants. Kashgari slaves are treated far more humanely than those of Mauridia, with Kashgari slaves being able to buy their freedom. Gladiatorial sport, involving slaves, seekers of glory and those desperate enough to enter the arena in search of coin, is practiced in Kashgar’s larger cities. The Men of Kashgar The Kashgari people are said to have conquered this region long before the gods rained destruction upon Gaile. Though much of their early history was lost in the great cataclysm, it is speculated that the Kashgari people were from lands south of Narahim, whose people they are distantly related to. Kashgari tend to be tall and thin, with sinewy muscle. Their skin ranges from tan to dark brown, and their black hair is wavy. Kashgari often have grey or black eyes, with hazel or brown being rare. Clothes are usually of loose, light materials, such as linen, that are often worn beneath robes clasped at the shoulder. Wealthier people have ornate clasps or robes of fine material, such as silk, dyed with indigo or royal jelly. Boots, and sandals in outlying farmlands, are usually made of leather, with stout soles to protect against the jagged stones that are found throughout the hills and grasslands of Kashgar. Jewelry and the use of perfumes are common to both men and women, with even the poorest of farmers owning some trinket to adorn themselves with. Kashgari men usual are clean-shaven, wearing their hair extremely short or shaving their heads altogether. Common Names Male


Aeneus, Aeschylus, Aegil, Alcion, Alexander, Altair, Ambrosius, Anaxigoris, Andrius, Archides, Arius, Artorius, Brasidas, Caedon, Calidos, Cleodinas, Constantine, Coraestes, Craeus, Damian, Delios, Demetrius, Dorian, Dracon, Erasmus, Heraestis, Korudon, Kyrillos, Kyros, Leander, Leonidas, Lycurius, Macchus, Macellus, Menetor, Oraesius, Oraeon, Philip, Perodus, Pyraedas, Salaris, Saradan, Sevidias, Spyridon, Stelios, Tanedus, Titus, Vaeton Adara, Adonia, Agatha, Alexandra, Amarande, Arete, Arrelia, Aura, Calandra, Callia, Callisa, Cassia, Catalin, Celena, Claudia, Corine, Cybele, Cynthia, Damaris, Delphine, Dionna, Elena, Eleanor, Elenia, Ellen, Evangel, Evania, Galadia, Helena, Irena, Karena, Leda, Lelia, Lydia, Melania, Melissa, Myra, Nyssa, Perrine, Selena, Tessa, Vanidae, Zoe

Permitted Character Classes Bards Bards often act as troubadours in wealthy villas or serve as historians, studying within the great Kashgari universities. Clerics Priests are usually oracles or sages; who are sought for wisdom and guidance. They are hard-pressed to find believers in the Old Gods, especially in Kashgari cities, and are rarely part of an organized church. Only the military Order of Lucien remains in Kashgar and has not abandoned their beliefs or shrines. Druids Druids are only found in rural areas, as itinerant preachers or shamans who follow the ancient traditions of their people. Fighters Kashgari warriors are typically professional soldiers that are part of Kashgar’s army. Other warriors include mercenaries, thugs and bandits. Cavalry units are present, though only in southern Kashgar. Paladins Increasingly rare in Kashgar, paladins still believe in the Gods of Old and often serve the Order of Lucien. Rangers Rangers are rarely found in Kashgar. They typically serve in rural areas as protectors of druids or as military scouts. Rogues Members of this class are usually found in cities, serving as assassins, cutpurses, burglars and spies. Kashgar’s army employs rogues as scouts. Sorcerers This class often finds employment in the same fields as wizards, though in less exalted positions. Swashbucklers These lightly armored finesse fighters are commonly sailors, mercenaries, rakish youths or gladiatorial fighters seeking glory in the fighting pits of Kashgari cities. Wizards Mages are usually academics, delving into magic as a scientific discipline, focusing upon subtle magic that bring knowledge and wealth to the patrons of Kashgari universities. Mages who cast destructive magic face swift and harsh punishment for their misuse of magic. Mages often serve as counselors, oracles or diplomats with other kingdoms. Arms and Armor

The only “Exotic Weapons” available in Kashgar are the bastard sword, kukri, net and whip. The favored weapons of Kashgar are composite bows, dagger, javelin, lance, mace, short spear, rapier and short sword. 11


The Four Kingdoms Mauridia Mauridia is the oldest civilization in Estegalle and its people the first to thrive after the gods rent the great isle of Gaile into Estegalle and Avandunil. Those Eastern Men who survived found themselves struggling to survive in an inhospitable land; cast into darkness and facing the plagues and upheaval of nature that wracked their lands. While the men of other lands waged near-constant war with each other, fighting desperately for food and land; the Mauridians, under advisement of their King, Shardan the Wise, traveled south, away from the warring of the Northmen and Maelnach. Their long journey, over the desert that would harbor them from the wars that gripped the northern lands, saw the death of many Mauridians and the near-starvation of the Tribe of Maurid until, at last, refuge was found along the fertile banks of the River Sahavim. Shardan, of the line of Mauridoc, was revered as the great leader of his people and came to be worshipped as a near-god by his people. His laws and rule raised the Mauridians out of the chaos that the gods had visited upon them, bringing prosperity, unity and peace to the deserving Mauridian people. Over many years, great cities began to grow about the temples raised in his honor and, as the years passed, the “old gods” became reviled, with the emperor, Shardan, and his inner council, the Sarnhedin “Seat of Wisdom”, becoming the objects of worship. Promising youths were sent into the service of the Sarnhedin to study the philosophies of Shardan the Old, who had ruled the Mauridians for nearly 300 years. Shardan, Sorcerer and servant of the Dark Gods, was as patient as he was old. Seeing how the undisciplined followers of the Sorcerers had brought down the gods’ fury, Shardan sought to educate his people, particularly his priests. Because of his laws, nearly all Mauridians are literate and learned in the history of their people. Mathematics, science, theology and philosophy are taught at universities throughout Mauridia. By subtly infusing these teachings with his own doctrines, Shardan has united the Mauridians into a fiercely nationalistic people who despise the superstition of the “old gods” and the “savages” of Caerleon and Suttegarde who still worship them. Slaves from these foreign lands are kept by wealthier Mauridians and seen as sub-human by all Mauridians, who enjoy watching slaves fighting as gladiators in the large arenas of Mauridian cities. Among the Mauridian people, the virtues of reason, bravery, temperance, honesty and respect for one’s elders and superiors are valued. Mauridians are guarded around outsiders, often adopting stern or haughty airs around strangers. With family and friends, however, Mauridians share their warmth and dry humor. Today the Sarnhedin rule the many cities of Mauridia. This council, in conjunction with the various guilds of each city, rules in the name of Empress Correna Osriel; enforcing the Laws of Shardan with its warrior-priests, the Ankallibec. Counts are responsible for small regions, districts, which usually encompass 3 or 4 cities. While they only hold as much power as any other member of the Sarnhedin within the cities, they alone command the people of the surrounding lands and its troops. These troops are made up of the Ankallibec and of supporting levy forces. The mighty Armada of Mauridia patrols the sea-lanes surrounding Mauridia, attacking all hostile ships and protecting Mauridian and Kashgari merchants. Through this, the Mauridians are able to collect high tariffs at their ports and ensure that trade is restricted as best befits the coffers of Mauridia. Mauridians wear layered robes over tunics that protect against the sun and heat of their homeland, with wealthier members wearing silks and jewelry instead of cotton or muslin garb. Rural garb and that of the Avadain is not dyed, in shades of pale brown or white. Silks are often dyed in rich shades of purple, blue, grey and black; with delicate patterns embroidered into the edges of robes and tunics. Sandals are common footwear, though boots are often worn in urban areas and by the wealthy. Members of religious orders wear pale white robes and tunics in public. Slaves are typically branded with the marking of their owner. The lands of Mauridia are divided into three Provinces, each ruled by one of the Empress’ personal advisors. These Lord Stewards oversee the administration of the districts and cities within their Province, disciplining or rewarding their inferiors as the Empress wills. Elite guards and eunuch servants serve the Lord Stewards. They are transported in ornate caravans, riding in vast, silk-covered palanquins that are guarded by an honor guard of Ankallibec. The palaces of the Lord Stewards are mighty strongholds; filled with stores of wealth, weapons and books of lore. These citadels are cities unto themselves, provisioned by the surrounding farmlands and by endless streams of merchants who are granted special permission to trade in these Holy Fortresses. The Empress is rarely seen by any except her Lord Stewards and her handpicked Guardians of the Phoenix, drawn from the most powerful members of the Ankallibec. It is believed by most Mauridians that the current Empress is an Avatar of the god Shardan, Keeper of Mauridia. In keeping with this belief, which underlies most of the Empress’ power, she has adopted Shardan’s symbol, the Phoenix, as her own; a symbol of Shardan’s rebirth. The Holy City of Estelline (the Eastern Star), situated at the mouth of the River Sahavim, is the Empress’ home and the capital city of Mauridia. Pilgrims from all of Mauridia come to pay homage to their divine ruler, filling the Outer City within their numbers. The Outer City is the largest city in Estegalle, a bustling center of worship and trade. The Inner City is off limits to all, save those who have been granted permission by Estelline’s Sarnhedin. This portion of the city is awe-inspiring, a walled-fortress with towering spires and ancient architecture that could only be accomplished with the aid of magic. Legions of Ankallibec guard this city, though they have never had to fight invaders in the 1600 years since the city’s founding. The Men of Mauridia The people of Mauridia share a common heritage with the Avadain (Men of the West) and have kept their bloodline pure, “untainted” by that of “lesser men,” for nearly two millennia. As a tribute to their deified ruler, Shardan the Wise, the people of Mauridia called themselves the Children of Wisdom or Cirhedin. Characters raised among Mauridia’s desert-dwelling outcasts are of Avadain blood. Non-Cirhedin men are often slaves or descendents of foreigners. They are typically viewed with disdain and mistrust by native Mauridians. Human characters that live in Mauridia, but are neither Cirhedin nor nomadic Avadain, should be created as humans from other lands. Common Names Male

Accolon, Achard, Adalard, Adanus, Alberon, Alexis, Alexander, Ambrosius, Agrellan, Aradan, Arion, Armande, Berellor, Brunam, Camerard, Calavus, Caradas, Caradoc, Celedan, Celephan, Clarmond, Claudius, Corneus, Danaeus, Eladrim, Eliand, Eriadoc, Erasmus, Eustance, Gabriel, Gaheris, Gaidon, Galadrius, Galadine, Galerus, Gerian, Gervase, Isengal, Isendor, Jaraedan, Jordan, Julian, Junius, Lothion, Lucan, Lucas, Luther, Mallor, Marcus, Maurian, Meleas, Morien, Nidian, Nimrais, Paladine, Peredon, Sacraeus, Tarcis, Taros, Valinus, Valerin, Xavius


Aelise, Alexis, Alexandra, Alicia, Anna, Annael, Armide, Caterina, Carellia, Cecillia, Clarise, Claudia, Cordellia, Elanor, Elenna, Elessar, Eliana, Elisa, Julia, Juliette, Liliana, Lucilla, Margause, Mirabel, Rianna, Viviane

Royal Lines Imperial Line Lord Stewards’ Lines

Mauridoc Cordellion, Gravis, Illaria


THE WORLD of GAILE Permitted Character Classes Bards These characters exist in these lands as troubadours and ministers of propaganda, often unwittingly. Some bards live as outlaws among the nomadic Avadain. Clerics Priests are usually clerks, scribes or scholars that serve the bureaucratic Sarnhedin or as warrior-priests in the ranks of the Ankallibec. Other examples of priests are slaves or members of the nomadic Avadain who worship the “old gods”. Many high-ranking priests and members of the Sarnhedin are wizards or multiclassed wizard/clerics. Druids Priests of nature gods are only found among slaves or living in the shifting sands of The Sheltering Sea among the Avadain. Fighters Mauridian warriors often serve as mercenaries in the employ of its cities’ guilds. Some serve as levy troop members, performing their duties to the Empress and their people. Others are members of the Ankallibec, who serve as the elite forces of the Empress and guard the lands with religious zeal. Bandits, sailors, privateers and gladiatorial slaves are other examples of Mauridian warriors. Paladins These characters, if they exist among the Ankallibec, are sadly mistaken individuals whose faith is misplaced. Outlaw paladins live among the Avadain, working to end the cruel reign of Empress Correna Osriel. Rangers Rangers are often members of nomadic Avadain tribesmen who live in Mauridia’s Sheltering Sea. These people are independent of the Empress and her forces; trading in small towns and, occasionally, aiding lost wanderers. Rogues This class is usually found in cities or is encountered as bandits and renegade warriors. Military scouts and spies are often rogues. Sorcerers This class is commonly found among the religious orders of Mauridia and just as commonly found among rebellious groups hostile to the Empress. The fact is, sorcerers are independent of the universities and, as such, are difficult to monitor. This makes them a potential threat to the Empire’s order. Swashbucklers In the sun-drenched streets of Mauridia’s cities swashbucklers are commonly found fighting, drinking and whoring their days away. Most are mercenaries or the children of aristocrats, made dangerous through arrogance and restlessness. Wizards Wizards make up the majority of Mauridia’s priests, having studied the ways of magic and theology in the universities of Mauridia. They serve as advisors, members of the Sarnhedin and as mercenaries. Some wizards are self-taught members of the lower class who, at times, aid rebels against the Empress. Arms and Armor

The only “Exotic Weapons” available in Mauridia are the bastard sword, kukri, net and whip. The favored weapons of Mauridia are composite bows, dagger, javelin, lance, mace (heavy), rapier and scimitar.

The Four Kingdoms Suttegarde Once a part of Caerleon, Suttegarde represented the northern frontier of the Avadain kingdom, its line of border fortresses a shield against the raids of the Northmen. Each year the Yssgelundians advanced further into northern Caerleon, eventually overrunning its border defenses, slaughtering the stalwart Order of the Watch, sacking their northern towns and, gradually, conquering the lands the Northmen called “The Southern Watch.” After over 75 years of bloody warfare Osgar Godwinsson was crowned the first High King of Suttegarde after King Cered the Pale of Caerleon signed the Treaty of Highgarden, officially withdrawing all Caerleonic claim to these lands and putting an end to all hostilities between the two kingdoms 253 years ago. Today King Geraint Henegar rules this land under a constitutional monarchy, presiding over parliamentary meetings with Suttegarde’s 16 thegns (a hereditary title held by the head of each of Suttegarde’s royal families) once per season. These meetings between the king, his thegns and each thegndom’s religious leader address issues raised by at local meetings (shiremotes) between landholders and their reeves, as well as those that effect the prosperity of the kingdom, and work to resolve them equitably and efficiently. In this manner, each thegn acts as both governor and representative to his respective thegndom and as marshal to his land’s military might when so commanded. In addition, each thegn votes, upon the king’s death, which thegn should ascend the throne at Highgarden, leaving his thegndom to the next in line (titles are usually passed down to the next eldest brother or sister of the former thegn and, when no such relation lives, to the thegn’s eldest child). Ealdormen or earls are subordinate to these thegns and command their earldom’s knights under the banner of their thegn and king. They are also responsible for raising and outfitting levy troops during times of war. Reeves are local lords, responsible for the gathering of taxes and maintaining order within the lands of their manors, their shires. Levy forces, or Hundreds, fall under the command of these reeves, also known as shire-reeves, and are mustered in times of war or when defending their homelands from other calamities. Each earldom can muster 4 to 6 Hundreds, depending the number of shires (districts) that comprise them. Knights are charged with the task of preserving order; by patrolling the roads and outlying areas, repelling invaders, performing garrison duty, and enforcing and dispensing the King’s justice. Suttegarde’s trade and wealth are strongly linked to its rich deposits of iron, tin and gold. Suttegarde also produces some of the finest mead and ale in Estegalle. Weaponsmiths make use of Suttegarde’s wealth of iron ore and ash wood in the creation of well-crafted weapons. In spite of the shared lineage of their kings, the people of Suttegarde and Yssgelund are fiercely opposed to each other. Faced with bitter cold winters, regular incursions from Yssgelundian raiders in both spring and fall and occasional raids by Carmascian warhosts, the Suttegardian people tend to be pragmatic, temperate, reserved and strong-willed by nature. Many have turned to the Church of the High Gathering for guidance and protection these dark days and, as a result, the church, under the rule of Patriarch Rinhelg, has grown in wealth and in military might as young warriors join military orders within the church. The forests that lie between the Ostenberg Mountains and the chain of mountains known as Moruds Anvil are frontier lands held by various independent tribes of men, collectively known as the Maelnach. These tribes have formed a loose confederacy, with each being lead by a chieftain or prince and a council of judges comprised of druids, bards and elite warriors. The Maelnach are an ancient people, the last remnants of a great race who ruled a great empire throughout western Estegalle in the years following the cataclysm. With the coming of the Avadain, the Maelnach were gradually driven into the forests and mountain passes of western Caerleon and Suttegarde, or lost their cultural identity as they intermarried with the conquering Avadain. Their lineage is traced from mother to son and each Maelnach holds their relations above all else. Maelnach youths above the age of 12 are expected to defend their tribe and are trained in wilderness survival from early childhood. Tales are often told, in “civilized” lands, of the Maelnach’s painted, feral warrior bands that are made up of men, women and children. Those who hold these lands have held to their ancient customs and religious practices, engaging in animism and nature worship. They are the sworn enemies of the Carmascians and will attack them on sight. Despite their past differences, it is common for Maelnach tribes to assist Suttegardian forces as mercenaries. Unfortunately, for the Suttegardian people, it is also common for tribes to raid Suttegardian lands for livestock and supplies. Because of their power, however, King Geraint maintains an uneasy truce with the Maelnach people.


THE WORLD of GAILE The Men of Suttegarde Suttegardians are slightly taller than most humans, having Yssgelundian blood within them. They have fair complexions, with straight hair that ranges from dark brown to red or blond, and blue, hazel, green or brown eyes. They wear cloaks, broached upon the right shoulder, over woolen tunics and leggings. Leg bindings are often worn to protect them from wear and to provide the wearer protection from mud and cold weather. While they were once a brutal and warlike folk, who constantly thirsted for battle and glory, their glorious days are behind them and grim days lie ahead. As a result many Suttegardians are guarded and not given to excesses. Their word, once given, is kept; for honor and trust are highly regarded. The Maelnach Maelnach are shorter than most humans with slight, sinewy builds. They are of medium to tanned complexion, with wavy hair of brown or black and blue, green or grey eyes. Their clothes are similar to those of their Suttegardian neighbors, though of coarser materials and simpler fashion. Knotwork adorns their woolen cloaks and tunics, and signifies their lineage. Rings of are often worn in their braided hair and knotwork patterns are often tattooed onto the arms or torso. Honesty, bravery and generosity are valuable traits among the Maelnach, who equally value an individual’s athleticism and skill at arms. The Maelnach are known for their wild revelries and ferocity in battle.

Common Names Male Suttegardian


Female Suttegardian Maelnach

Royal Households Suttegardian Maelnach

Adalbert, Aelfwald, Aelric, Aethan, Aethelred, Aethelwulf, Albert, Alfred, Arthur, Bard, Bede, Bedwin, Bertram, Brand, Caedmon, Carl, Cnute, Coel, Conrad, Dunstan, Edgar, Edwin, Egbert, Frederick, Geoffred, Gunther, Halbard, Harold, Hereward, Jon, Jude, Lothair, Luke, Luther, Mark, Morkere, Osric, Oswald, Oswine, Oswulf, Rolf, Sigmund, Terence, Theodric, Uther, Walter, William. Aeddan, Aonghus, Branwen, Brian, Cairbren, Cathal, Ceallach, Coeth, Conarn, Conall, Cormac, Dermaid, Guiare, Eoghan, Fearghus, Ian, Liam, Liogach, Loarn, Niall, Oenghus, Oisin, Raeghan, Raon, Seamus, Sean, Tuathal, Ultain Ada, Adelinde, Agnes, Anne, Berta, Brunhilde, Charlene, Eadda, Eaddith, Elspeth, Emma, Erin, Freida, Gerta, Gertrude, Gwenn, Helga, Hildegard, Ida, Idaine, Idelle, Judith, Lorelei, Loren, Margaret, Olga, Una, Ursula, Velda, Winnefred. Aileen, Aillin, Anara, Bragwaine, Brighid, Caer, Cearnait, Caite, Daona, Eadaoin, Eanna, Fiachra, Maire, Nease, Niam, Oona, Rhiannon, Sadhbh, Sinn Aegrim, Berkeham, Brandt, Dennings, Dorset, Godwin, Halliard, Henegar, Hereford, Hildegarde, Kentwick, Maglor, Mercer, Rittenwald, Teudric, Walden Agallamh, Ailech, Cathach, Comhlann, Connacht, Drebhain, Eachlach, Erachlaigh, Gelaidhe, Lochlan, Meath, Ollaibh

Permitted Character Classes Bards Bards function as poets and storytellers for the people of Suttegarde and are viewed with reverence by the Maelnach, whose tales and songs are a link to the Maelnach’s former greatness. Clerics Priests serve in communities throughout the realm, in a multitude of capacities. In these dark times, as many people look to the church for solace, the ranks of Suttegarde’s priesthood are swelling. More militant orders serve as knights or crusaders for the realm. Druids Priests of nature are prevalent in these lands, especially among the Maelnach tribes to the east. In these lands druids are revered as bringers of luck, diviners, and intermediaries for the gods, as well as givers of wisdom and judges of men. Fighters This is the most common character class in Suttegarde. Many serve as hirelings, militia members, knights in the service of the King and men of the Hundreds. Maelnach warriors are usually hunters or oath-sworn retainers who serve their laird in return for lands. Household warriors of lairds, princes or chieftains are usually close kinsmen to their liege lord and called their “hand.” Thus, the elite warriors of a chieftain name Aonghus would be called Aonghus’s Hand. Paladins Paladins are typically knightly warriors in the service of The Church of the High Gathering. Rangers These characters sometimes act as military scouts or knights in frontier areas. They are commonly champions of the Maelnach people. Many act as wardens of the woods and serve as the protectors of the priests and shrines dedicated to nature gods such as Danevar. Rogues This class is usually found in cities as cutthroats, cutpurses or spies, or encountered as highwaymen and brigands along the roadways of Suttegarde. The military forces of Suttegarde use rogues as scouts and as spies. Sorcerers These rare individuals are usually shunned by those who know of their power, for sorcerers are rumored to be the descendents of the Great Sorcerers of the past. Both the Suttegardian and Maelnach people have sorcerers among them. Swashbucklers Most Suttegardian swashbucklers are foreigners from Caerleon or Kashgari, who are found in the coastal cities of western Suttegarde. Native swashbucklers are students of southmen tutors or self-taught finesse fighters, typically sailors, who shun the use of heavier armors. Wizards Wizards are typically eccentric and solitary individuals immersed in the study of arcane lore. In a land where magic is feared by most, wizards often are discreet in their use of magic. The Maelnach are rarely wizards but have had some sorcerers of renown.

Arms and Armor

The only “Exotic Weapons” available in Suttegarde are the bastard sword, net and whip. The favored weapons of Suttegarde are the crossbow (heavy), flails, lance, longsword and short sword. The favored weapons of the Maelnach are the longbow, long spear, longsword, short bow and short spear. The Maelnach have limited access to “Light” and “Medium Armor” other than padded, leather, studded leather and hide armor. Suits of plundered chain armor or breastplates are worth double their usual value.



The Tribes of Vors Carmascia, Sarathia and Voruskai These lands have been the home to fearsome, nomadic warriors; the descendents of Narahim nomads, Kashgari hillmen and Yssgelundian raiders, for over 500 years. At first, the vast Plains of Algur and the steppe land to the north were the hunting grounds and pasture for dozens of migratory tribes from the surrounding lands. After alternating periods of bloodshed and relative peace, seven tribes came to dominate this region. Mightiest of these were the Vors, who held the northwestern plains as their own. During the reign of the Overlord Ceordan the seven tribes of the plains united under the banner of the Vors tribe and became collectively known as the Voruskai. Thus united, the Voruskai built an invincible war-machine based, at first, upon its mounted lancemen and archers. As lands were conquered to the south and west and foreigners were assimilated into Voruskai society, new military methods and equipment became a part of this war-machine. Through the expertise of captured engineers came the use of siege engines to sack cities, from their occupation of Kashgar came access to fine steel for weapons and armor, and from all came new tactics that advanced the Voruskaiad goal of conquering of the known world. Gradually the seat of power shifted to the northeast, into the steppe lands, as Ceordan sought to distance himself from hostile lands. As lands were conquered, large cities became garrison towns, manned by Voruskai troops on a rotating basis. The main Voruskai force remained, and remains to this day, mobile. Even the Overlord’s residence moved with the change of seasons, to the richest seasonal pastureland. Due to the rapid growth of the Voruskaiad empire and to due the fact that occupied cities started to gain cultural and economic independence from the Overlord Ceordan, the united Empire of Vors fragmented into three tribes: the Sarathians, the Voruskai and the Carmascians. Today Warlord Agillor rules the Western Tribe of the Carmascians. Following Sarathia’s coup against Voruskai’s Overlord, Agillor seized the opportunity before him and warred with “the rebel princes” of Sarathia on behalf of his liege lord, Chernye of Vors. In return for his loyalty, and to ensure his future support, Agillor asked only for those lands he had rested from the Sarathians, the verdant basin that lie between the Cloudspire Mountains of northern Kashgar and the forests of eastern Caerleon. Grudgingly Chernye of Vors granted these lands to the followers of Agillor, collectively known as the Carmascians. As a demonstration of his loyalty to the Overlord, Agillor still pays annual tribute to the Voruskaiad ruler, has pledged military support for Chernye and has taken the lesser title of Warlord for himself. With Agillor’s rise came much treachery against those lords who supported him against the Sarathians. In order to secure his supremacy over the tribes of Carmascia, Agillor has granted lands and the title of military governor to those he trusted would or, more likely, could not threaten his authority. Over the past four years, many lords have died at Agillor’s bidding; their lands being seized by Agillor and his trusted generals. Because of this internal strife, the lands of Caerleon and Mauridia have had a slight reprieve from raiding Carmascians. The Sarathian tribes of the Southern Tribe are lead by Overlord Anthyrus. Anthyrus rose to power by rallying local princes of this region against the garrison forces of Overlord Chernye and by calling for Sarathian independence. Anthyrus has ensured the prosperity of his tribe through peaceful negotiations and trade with both Kashgar and Mauridia. While small skirmishes into these lands still occur, they are without Anthyrus’ sanction, or so it is said. In the past 5 years, communities have developed along Sarathia’s southern border and along rivers; prosperous towns that bear increasing resemblance to the cities of Mauridia and Kashgar. Anthyrus’ detractors say he has fallen under the sway of Mauridia’s Empress and that Sorcerers now ride among the Sarathian war host. Those who have witnessed Sarathian raids have described their war hosts as appearing as being of the earth itself; garbed in the pale brown and yellow of their plains, engulfing all in their path, thundering over the land and raining down torrents of arrows upon those who oppose them. The forts of Sarathia line the northern plains of Sarathia, watchtowers against the hostile riders of Voruskai and Carmascia. As with most garrisons, troops are assigned to the Northern Watch on a rotating basis. The Overlord Chernye rules the Voruskai and its vast horde of riders. The once completely nomadic people of the Plains of Algur have, over many years, settled in towns that started as outposts along the rivers and arable lands of the plains. Voruskaiad warriors are now semi-nomadic protectors of their lands and serve as household warriors to the governors that Chernye appoints to rule the outlying communities of Voruskai. While the Overlord still acts as a warrior-leader and is the highest authority in these lands, lesser nobles such as princes or barons hold vast expanses of ancestral lands and are served by troops of personal retainers. There is often tension between the governors appointed by Chernye, who are often base-born warriors, and the nobly born princes of Voruskai as each vie for the right to rule the lands of Vors. All warriors from these lands, whether they are Carmascian, Sarathian or Voruskai, are organized into mounted squads of 10, troops of 100, companies of one thousand, and divisions of 10,000. Each squad is highly disciplined; trained to obey silent command signals given by flag bearers and faced with the death of the entire squad if a man is left behind for capture. Though the plains riders’ overall discipline is as great as that of western knights, their formations are looser in appearance, making it difficult for opposing armies to accurately gauge their numbers. Commanders might be anywhere in his formation, directing troops as he sees fit; quite unlike the leaders of Caerleonic or Suttegardian knights who fight alongside their men and are easily identified. While the Western standard of leadership by example makes a certain amount of sense in battles where the object of the contest is honor as well as victory, it does not serve the plainsmen, for whom victory is all that matters. Consequently, their approach is to kill or defeat the enemy as efficiently as possible—that is, with the least cost to themselves. This logical approach was first developed by the Vors tribe, who campaigned thousands of miles from home against opponents who outnumbered them; where they could not afford to lose either men or battles. These tactics resemble those of a hunter, who uses speed, finesse and deception to herd his prey where he will, then kill it with as little risk to himself as possible. A common tactic, utilized by all of the tribes, is one of attacking, affecting a false flight from battle and then ambushing those who follow. This tactic draws mounted units away from their infantry and breaks up formations of knights. Other tricks include the use of smoke; drifted across the battlefield between the infantry and the knights who charge ahead, so that the foot soldiers and horsemen cannot see each other as plainsmen lancers and archers fall upon the knights. Tribal armies are made up entirely of cavalry, but the mounted warriors of The Plains of Algur, in contrast to knights, depend primarily on the bow, avoiding close-quarters combat on horseback. Protection lies in speed and maneuverability, not in armor, and warriors of the plain often wear no armor aside from an open metal helmet with a leather drop behind the neck and a silk shirt under hide coat that follows an arrowhead into a wound and allows it to be withdrawn without tearing the flesh (granting a +2 circumstance modifier to heal checks). The preferred bow of the Voruskaiad riders is a recurved composite bow, a lamination of wood, horn and sinew that can cast an arrow more than 300 yards. All warriors are expected to shoot with great accuracy while riding at a fast pace and can even shoot accurately backward at pursuers. Each warrior carries 60 arrows and often carries more than one bow. Whenever riders find that opponent’s armor affords effective protection against their arrows, they simply shoot their horses. The dismounted knights are then easy prey for the Voruskai cavalrymen, who run them down with lance or saber with little danger to themselves.


THE WORLD of GAILE The Voruskai ride ponies that are considerably smaller than the war chargers of the Western armies. These smaller mounts, however, have superb endurance and survive by grazing in the wild. Each soldier has two, three or even four ponies so that he can ride each of them on a march and save them from exhaustion. That practice allows the Voruskaiad armies to travel 50 or even 60 miles in a day, several times the distance that a Western army can travel. It also gives them the edge in speed on the battlefield. Occasionally war parties from Carmascia or Sarathia employ heavier mounts, typically Mauridian or Western chargers, though only in short range border skirmishes. Tribesmen towns, not the captured forts and encampments that line enemy borders, are built around a vast town square and protected by ramparts and palisades. The wooden structures that comprise these towns are much like the great halls of Yssgelund, though the influence of many peoples has found its way into the art and architecture of these people. Towns are usually ruled by regional governors (with various titles) or princes; in conjunction with guilds comprised of influential merchants and craftsmen.

The Men of the Three Tribes The Carmascians are primarily of mixed Yssgelundian and Kashgari blood, though all races of man have interbred with this western tribe. The Carmascian men are slightly taller than average, with sturdy frames made strong through years of training. Women are trained to fight and ride, though they seldom ride with war bands. Typically women, children and elderly or infirm men protect the temporary homesteads of their people while war parties are on campaigns. Men have wavy to curly brown hair and thick beards that are usually trimmed neatly and worn without mustaches. Their deep-set eyes are usually brown, grey or hazel and they are olive-skinned. Some Carmascians have paler skin and reddish hair, revealing their strong Yssgelundian heritage. Clothes are typically cotton or wool tunics that hang to the knee, worn over coarse, woolen leggings. Animal pelts and heavy cloaks are worn in colder months and are often incorporated into the hide armor of warriors. Most clothing is dyed in shades of red and brown with knotwork adorning the clothes and jewelry of wealthier men and women. Carmascians are grim warriors, stout of heart and quick to anger. Their boots are of soft skins, strapped about the calf, with rounded toes. Carmascians keep herds of horses, cattle and sheep, live in tent-covered wagons and are known for their fine metalwork. Smiths from these lands are renowned for their fine weapons and for their intricate golden items. Jewelry is usually in the form of rings or necklaces (torques). Carmascian artisans make ornate tapestries and other items of art. Carmascian towns are little more than forts and crossroad towns, surrounded by the tents of warriors and merchants. Here warriors indulge their pleasures with slaves and in dens dealing in opiates and other vices. It is said that a Carmascian’s trust is hard to gain and the oath of a Carmascian to a foreigner is seldom kept. Carmascians enjoy mead and smoke hemp in excess, having voracious appetites for all of life’s pleasures. They worship their dead heroes and are quick to link themselves with fallen leaders of their kind. Their “hero-gods” are primarily gods of war and nature, with varied names and practices. Clerics are less common than bloodyhanded druidic shamans and their arcane casters are almost always sorcerers. Carmascians bury their dead, both men and women, in hill-mound tombs. Warriors are buried in tombs that reflect their renown, with great warriors often being buried with their horses and wives. Sarathians are of average height and slight of build, with dark hair (usually black) worn long and braided. Both Narahim and Kashgari blood runs strong in these people, accounting for their wavy hair and dark features. Their skin runs from olive to deeply tanned and their almond eyes are black or brown. Their facial features lack the delicacy of their Narahim forebears, and their eyes are said to betray their cunning. Facial hair, when worn, is kept as a neatly trimmed goatee without a mustache. Clothes are of lighter materials than those of their estranged kin, incorporating Mauridian silks and cotton from their lands. Clothing is usually undyed, with men and women of higher status wearing purple or black robes over their white tunics and leggings. Boots are often dyed black, with an up-swept toe and slight heel. In combat, all warriors wear robes of earth tones over hide armor. White silk is worn beneath a warrior’s armor to protect against imbedded arrows and to facilitate healers in locating and treating wounds. Golden jewelry is common for men and women, with rings, circlets and necklaces being worn. Rings often worn through the nostril and the eyebrow. Unlike the other riders of these lands, the Sarathians consider their females to be almost of equal status, with daughters of noble families riding among (and sometimes leading) Sarathian war hosts. Most Sarathians are still a migratory people, harvesting seasonal crops and following game herds. Sarathian towns have risen along rivers running into the lands of Kashgar and Narahim, and along the borders of these lands. As farming and trade with other lands has become more a part of Sarathian life, they have begun to adopt cultural similarities to their neighbors and the people of Mauridia. Though towns fall under the protection of local princes, town business and law fall under the control of guild councils and their hired soldiers. The religion of Sarathia is, primarily, animism; though younger Sarathians have adopted the civilized ways of Mauridia and scoff at the superstitions of their elders. Many young warriors seek employ in the armies of Mauridia or in the city-states of Kashgar. Likewise, other young Sarathians have left their homes to study in the fabled cities of Mauridia. Garrison-towns grow along the northern and western borders to Sarathia’s lands, outposts against Voruskai and Carmascian raids. Like the Carmascians, Sarathians build elaborate tombs for their glorious dead, usually burying families in multi-chambered vaults beneath burial mounds that rise from the grassy plains of their homelands. The Voruskai are of average height and are often of broad-shouldered. From their Narahim and Yssgelundian descendants, the Voruskai have straight dark hair that they wear in long braids or, occasionally, shave completely before battle. Those men with Yssgelundian bloodlines sometimes wear beards. They have the almond eyes, of black or grey-blue, and prominent cheekbones of the Narahim. From their years in northern climes, and their interbreeding with the Vinnisklad to their north, the Voruskai have pale golden skin. Clothes are typically cotton or wool tunics that hang to the calf and coarse, woolen leggings. Animal pelts and heavy cloaks are worn in colder months and are often worn over the hide armor of warriors. Most clothing is undyed, with shades of brown and white being preferred. Wealthier persons have intricate embroidery upon their cloaks, capes and tunics; wearing finer furs, such as sable or ermine to show their status. Boots are often dyed black, with an up-swept toe and slight heel. While the Voruskai have remained the largely nomadic, large towns and several cities have grown along rivers, trade routes and along the coastal lands to the north. As with all towns that have developed in these lands, they are primarily mighty fortresses of wood, divided into districts and ruled by nobles or appointed governors. The dead are often cremated atop funeral pyres erected upon the steppe, taking with them great hoards of wealth. Practitioners of ancestor worship, the Voruskai revere their dead and worship the spirits of their lost leaders.


THE WORLD of GAILE Common Names

Typical Carmascian names are in bold type and Sarathian names are in italics, though the names of one tribe often are passed on to the children of another.


Abakum, Abetur, Agarok, Aleksei, Anagast, Ardalion, Arian, Azarii, Baatyr, Badach, Balaban, Baroch, Bedogost, Belimir, Belofost, Bleg, Bmilosh, Boiomir, Boris, Borovin, Bozhida, Britva, Branimir, Budai, Chebotai, Chegodai, Chernye, Cirad, Dalabor, Dalemir, Dargorad, Denogard, Demian, Dmitrii, Domabor, Domarod, Dragon, Dragorad, Drugan, Elizar, Evagrii, Evangel, Falimir, Falon, Feodor, Garov, Gizdava, Gnilitsa, Gustov, Hereban, Hobart, Ianetor, Ieraks, Igor, Ingelot, Ingvar, Irodion, Iurii, Ivan, Ivor, Kaleka, Kanabei, Kaspar, Kassion, Katai, Kazarin, Kerdei, Khamir, Khotei, Kirei, Kolmogor, Korotai, Ladimir, Levent, Nadzha, Mach, Marden, Mechlaus, Mina, Mirognev, Mordas, Morgun, Naidun, Ogar, Ogarev, Olav, Ondronik, Sinogor, Siroslav, Siudzin, Skorikov, Vanin, Vasilii, Vlad, Vorus


Adalinda, Adleida, Adviga, Agna, Anna, Anya, Avanasia, Avda, Balemila, Banika, Beleka, Biata, Bolemila, Branislava, Cheslava, Daria, Deva, Dimut, Dinara, Doman, Ekaterina, Elena, Faina, Fedia, Garynia, Genka, Gerta, Inkena, Irina, Izmize, Helga, Kalisa, Katalena, Katya, Kira, Korina, Lala, Laila, Mana, Milesa, Mileva, Mira, Nadezhda, Nadzha, Nastka, Olga, Raida, Raisha, Siunbek

Permitted Character Classes Barbarians Only the brutal Carmascians have barbarians among their ranks. Bards Bards are usually storytellers that travel from town to town, spreading the legends of their people. They are rarely found in the military camps of the Voruskai and Sarathian hordes. Carmascian bards are extremely rare. Clerics Priests are usually druids in these lands, but may be warrior-priests who worship the legendary Warlords of the past. Druids Priests of nature gods are found among all Three Tribes; often being called upon for their wisdom and their powers of divination. Fighters This is the most common character class in all of the tribes. Many serve as squad members, mercenaries, or as noble retainers. Paladins Paladins are exceedingly rare upon the Plains of Algur. Those who are encountered among the Voruskai and Sarathians are usually the descendants of a long line of paladins. Rangers These characters exist, typically serving as outriders, scouts, and couriers. They are well suited to the plainsmen’s’ battle strategies, particularly when wielding bows from the saddle. Rogues This class is usually found in cities or is encountered as bandits, renegade warriors, military scouts and spies. Sorcerers Sorcerers are valued as advisors and seers, and are shown respect among the Three Tribes. Wizards Wizards are rarely found among the Sarathians, and are usually of Mauridian descent or training. Arms and Armor

The only “Exotic Weapons” available are the bastard sword, kukri, net and whip. The favored weapons of the Plainsmen are the composite bow, lance, scimitar and short spear. Carmascians are fond of axes as well. All “Light” and “Medium” armor types are available in the markets of Algur Plain, except that breastplates cost 400gp. All shields are available. “Heavy Armor” is exceedingly rare, limited to splintmail, as well as captured banded and half-plate armors. “Heavy” armor, locked gauntlets and armor spikes cost anywhere from 250-400% their usual market value. The favored armor of the tribes is hide, leather or studded leather.

The Savage Lands Narahim Narahim is, without doubt, the most beautiful land in Gaile; a veritable paradise that yields its bounty up to its keepers, the secretive and exotic Narahim. Of all of Gaile’s people the Narahim are the least effected by the dealings of their neighbors; retaining customs and religious beliefs that began before the cataclysm that wracked Gaile long ago. The people of Narahim are organized into 27 clanholds. Each clan is lead by a chief elder, of quasi-divine status, who traces their lineage to the High Lord, Riakyo, first ruler of the Narahim and son of Geshidra (Gaile). Riakyo, in actuality, is the godling Danevar, Silathae of the Hunt and the protector of the Narahim. Worship of Geshidra is mingled with animism, with temples being constructed in places of great beauty, away from villages and roads. Narahim villages are typically located in forests, along streams and lakes, or near the seacoast. Their buildings, of intricately carved wood, bamboo, straw and paper, are incorporated into the natural terrain; the intention being to disrupt nature as little as possible. In accordance with this, the Narahim are exceptional hunters and farmers. Though most villages have smithies, tanners and mines; these structures are separate from the village, usually downstream from all habitations and heavily guarded. Most within the village are responsible for gathering food from their surroundings, maintaining footpaths within the forests, constructing new buildings and serving those of higher status. Hunter-warriors, under the command of the a warlord known as The Master of the Hunt, are responsible for his community’s defense against rival clans, for conducting raids against enemy clans and for leading successful hunting expeditions. Larger communities may have several such Masters, all of whom are subordinate to the chief elder. Life within these communities is highly organized, with a caste system dictating individuals’ roles in the community. At the top of this hierarchy are the chief elder and his advisory council, which is made up of druids, wizards, sorcerers and the Master(s) of the Hunt. The next lower caste is comprised of warriors and minor priests. Artisans, engineers and the learned make up the next caste, with serfs serving all above them and performing most of the menial labor in the village. Slaves, the deranged, and the landless and masterless poor hold no status within the community. Through extraordinary service a person may rise above their caste, just as the dishonored or incompetent may be demoted to a lower caste. The elderly are revered and are considered as being among the learned. The Narahim longboats are fine hunting craft, designed for speed and stability; yet unsuitable for long ocean voyages. This, and their isolated location, has shielded the Narahim from outside influence, with limited trade with the Kashgari and Sarathians being their chief source of interaction with their neighboring lands. This has led the Narahim to war amongst themselves throughout their history, with powerful warlords sporadically imposing temporary truces in this region. 17


The People of Narahim Narahim men are of average height and athletic build, with deep brown skin, almond eyes of hazel or gold and straight black hair that is worn long. Bodily and facial hair is sparse, and only elderly men keep beards. As a people, the Narahim are comely, with delicate features and graceful movements. Clothing is light tunics or linen or, for the wealthy, silk that hangs just below the knee. Waist sashes hold the tunic in place and natural dyes are used in the clothing of the Narahim. Robes of light material are worn over these tunics and sandals are strapped about the feet and legs of the Narahim. Jewelry of pearl, ivory, agate and turquoise is common, as are elaborate ceremonial headdresses and costumes. The Narahim are a quiet, secretive people who disdain open displays of emotion and value subtlety, grace and calm greatly. Reverence for one’s elders and superiors is ingrained from childhood, as is faith in the natural order and in one’s ancestors.

Common Names Male

Agarok, Aiuban, Aramak, Ardaon, Asgorak, Baridei, Begudin, Bharod, Bregudai, Borudai, Canaeda, Carugen, Ceraben, Chegidai, Chenodan, Coroban, Darigor, Denghai, Ebedei, Ebonigai, Farinbei, Ganebek, Ghedai, Gonamei, Irodin, Kanibei, Khadei, Kerodin, Korucai, Moridak, Morugen, Siudeben


Abirie, Ageida, Banika, Biata, Canidei, Coroseu, Deiba, Ebessei, Eniuda, Goreda, Kaseuge, Kirai, Koremineu, Magedareu, Nenieska, Sunibe, Tirondarai

Clan Names

Anegorhu, Einugen, Garoben, Gurikaneu, Iriakyu, Rashenei, Ryadan, Sesheuido, Sobegai, Tanudai, Ugremmak

Permitted Character Classes Barbarians Barbarians are found in isolated territories, usually far inland or in the southern reaches of Narahim. They sometimes venture north in search of glory. Bards Bards exist as poets and singers of legendary tales in the courts of overlords and other nobles. Clerics Priests usually serve as sages, healers, diviners and scholars. Others serve in militant orders of warrior-priests. Druids Druids are solitary individuals who avoid the social order of caste systems that most priests rely on. The Order of Geshidra is made up of druids who live in isolated communities. Fighters To the Narahim, fighters are both huntsmen and protectors of the people. Low-level fighters serve more powerful lords and live in the home of their superior. Higher-level fighters are leaders of men, revered by their people and served by numerous serfs. Narahim fighters favor the use of stealth and light armor over face-to-face combat. Monks Narahim is the only land that has orders of martial artist monks. They may freely multiclass as clerics or druids. Paladins Narahim paladins usually belong to ancient, distinguished families and are renowned for their honor and self-sacrifice. They are valued as household warriors, temple guards and military commanders. Rangers Rangers are the elite fighters among the Narahim, serving as scouts, huntsmen and protectors of their lands. Many rangers come from royal lines or serve as the heads of clans. Rogues This class is less common in Narahim than in most regions. Rogues may be bandits, assassins or military scouts. Sorcerers These gifted spellcasters are rare in the lands of Narahim. When encountered, sorcerers often hold positions as advisors or elders. Swashbucklers Narahim swashbucklers are lightly armored finesse fighters who often seek to become kensai through years of training. Wizards Wizards are rare practioners of the arcane arts who often focus on elemental magics.

Arms and Armor

Narahim glaives are similar to naginatas and their bastard swords are much like katanas. The only “Exotic Weapons” available are the bastard sword, kama, kukri, net and whip. The favored weapons of the Narahim are the glaive, javelin, longbow, spear and bastard sword. All “Light” and “Medium” armor types are available in the markets of Narahim. “Heavy” armors are not available.



The Savage Lands Vinnisklad As Narahim is likened to a worldly paradise, so Vinnisklad is this world’s frozen hell. Vinnisklad’s lands begin within vast pine forests that mark Voruskai’s northern frontier and incorporate the taiga, frost-seared tundra and artic wastelands that lie progressively northward of these forbidding forests. Long ago, the Tribe of Vors drove the people of these lands out of the Plains of Algur into these inhospitable lands. Like those who drove them northward, the people of Vinnisklad share Yssgelundian and Narahim bloodlines and still retain some of these peoples’ customs and physical characteristics. The Vinnisklad are of average height, with broad shoulders and strong, angular faces. Most have the straight black hair of the Narahim, worn in long braids. Eye color may be blue, grey or yellow. Vinniskur people have little body hair and men rarely have facial hair. Clothing consists of skins taken from caribou, polar bears, seals, musk oxen and whales. Other garments are usually of plant dyed wool, often padded with dried moss for added warmth. Ivory and bone jewelry and weapons are common. Those Vinniskur who interact with the frontiersmen of the Voruskai have access to arms and equipment found in that region; trading furs, wool, whale oil and ivory for such goods. Chiefs gain their titles by defeating all rivals for their posts and rule the various tribes of this land. Druidic advisors and a group of elite hunterwarriors serve their clan chiefs. Religion in Vinnisklad is animistic, revering the sky, ocean and those animals vital to their survival: bears, musk oxen, caribou, seals and whales. Homes are made of stone, peat and mud, with the northernmost tribes using the snow itself for their homes.

The People of Vinnisklad Vinniskur men are of average height and powerful build, with pale, weathered skin, almond eyes of blue, grey or gold, and straight black hair that is worn long. Bodily and facial hair is sparse. The Vinniskur are a fearless, superstitious people who respect nature’s fury and bounty. The Vinniskur are a grim, warlike people who value strength, honesty and skill at hunting above all. Reverence for one’s elders and superiors is ingrained from childhood, as is faith in the natural order and in one’s ancestors.

Common Names Male


Aimo, Alliok, Alugin, Alurgod, Andagast, Armod, Bidawar, Frawerod, Garrel, Gast, Glaugir, Godag, Hagirad, Hagustad, Haukoth, Held, Horwulf, Horge, Hothwulf, Idring, Ingad, Janke, Kunimund, Leugar, Kolma, Mattis, Rasmus, Saligast, Thal, Unwod, Widgast, Yaith Agil, Aina, Alimond, Ais, Aluko, Arina, Bera, Bergin, Bran, Erila, Famke, Hara, Iana, Karisto, Mariling, Ran, Ravna, Saral, Tilarid, Tarina, Valisa, Viena

Permitted Character Classes Barbarians Barbaric warriors are common in these brutal lands. They are often found in the service of powerful chieftains or as champions of their clan. Druids The priests of Vinnisklad are nature priests, praying to the sky and sea and all of their bounty. Druids may lead hunting parties and act as warriors. Fighters Vinniskur fighters are almost always hunters for their clan. Elite warriors may serve the clan chieftain. Most Vinniskur fighters are skilled boatmen. Rangers Rangers are found throughout these inhospitable lands and are much valued by their clans. Sorcerers These gifted spellcasters are exceedingly rare in Vinnisklad and viewed with both awe and dread.

Arms and Armor

All “Simple Weapons” and “Martial Weapons” are found in these lands, except: Crossbows, maces, punching dagger, sickle, sling and spiked gauntlet Simple Weapons Martial Weapons Falchion, flails, glaives, great sword, guisarme, halberd, lance, longsword, ranseur, rapier, short sword and trident Nets are the only exotic weapons found in Vinniskur. The favored weapons of the Vinniskur are axes, composite bow (short) and spears. Bows are only found in southern Vinnisklad. All non-metal “Light” armor types and Hide armor are available in Vinnisklad. Shields (steel), tower shields, locked gauntlets and armor spikes are not available. Chain armor is rarely found; its value is quadrupled in Vinniskur markets.



The Savage Lands Yssgelund Clan leaders, or jarls, have ruled Yssgelund for hundreds of years. They meet in seasonal assemblies before their leader, the High King, Grauvulf Aethelhere and his heirs, Prince Froedric and Lady Hafge. These jarls speak for their people and are entrusted by all landholders (karls) of their clan to petition or support the High King. Landless men and women (thralls) have no voice in matters of politics but may appeal to their karls to settle disputes with others of their status. The spring assembly is a time of sport and festivities, when many Yssgelundians meet at Sigestad, the High King’s summer court on the southern coast of Yssgelund. Of the 16 clanholds within Yssgelund, 10 are situated along the southern and western coastland. The remaining 6 clans, including the Aethelhere clan, make their home within the Eidonheim Mountains. The clans along the coast live off of the sea, relying on fishing and the plunder of raiding parties to survive. The clans within the mountains have established numerous towns among the mountain valleys and tarns within the range. During the summer raiding parties of sailors are sent to harangue neighboring territories while land campaigns are waged by the High King’s elite companions throughout the spring, summer and fall. These men, who are chosen from among the finest of the clans’ fyrds (levy forces) and household retainers (huskarls), descend out of the mountains and quickly strike communities in the foothills of Suttegarde’s Ostenberg Mountains in search of goods, wealth and slaves. These men have attacked as far south as northern Caerleon. Yssgelund’s people have all adapted to survive in the mountains and frigid climate of this inhospitable region. Yssgelundian worship mixes ancestor worship, animism and polytheism. All Yssgelundians revere and pray to their ancestors, recounting the deeds of their forefathers with great fervor and deifying the greatest of their heroes, poets and rulers. Yssgelundians merit personal qualities such as strength, guile and valor above most. They hold rams, wolves, boars and bears in high regard, seeing them as ideal beasts of strength; representing them in totems and other religious icons. Spirits of nature, particularly of the weather or the harvest, are often petitioned through sacrifices. The People of Yssgelund Yssgelundians are a tall, powerfully built people. The average height of men is 6’1” and the average weight is 200 lbs. They are fair-skinned, with straight to wavy blonde or red hair and blue eyes. A hirsute people, their men often wear long, braided beards and hair. They are exceptional mountaineers, sailors and swimmers who have adapted to survival in the inhospitable climes of this land. Common Names Male

Aelfric, Aldheim, Alfhere, Ashhere, Beastan, Beorn, Bjorn, Bragi, Caedwel, Caewulf, Coelbeorn, Cuthwulf, Eanmund, Eardric, Egil, Edgelaf, Eofor, Eomer, Eric, Fafnir, Finn, Freoder, Freotheric, Gefwulf, Germund, Grimwulf, Grimheld, Gudmund, Gunnar, Guthwulf, Hafgrim, Halgar, Hareth, Healfdene, Hengest, Heoden, Heordred, Heorogar, Hrethel, Hrothgar, Hunlaf, Ingeld, Ivar, Lars, Leif, Oethar, Olaf, Oslaf, Osric, Ottar, Rendwulf, Rolf, Saeferth, Saemund, Scyldane, Sigemund, Sigurd, Skirnir, Theoden, Theodric, Thorfinn, Thorir, Unwen, Weodan, Widsith, Wulf, Wulfgar, Wyrmdread


Aesa, Aedha, Aethelred, Bodwyn, Brecca, Brynhilde, Caedwella, Caewlin, Eadhild, Edda, Edrie, Elga, Eowyn, Essa, Freaja, Gerda, Grimhilde, Helga, Hilde, Ingerd, Kara, Lynde, Olga, Sigrid, Swanhild, Vaetild, Yrsa.

Clan Names Mountain Clans Coastal Clans High King’s Lines

Beornwald, Froeda, Fjorden, Grimhelm, Helmstad, Oswulf, Ohthere, Saeglaf, Unferth, Waeldread Gergrim, Heordred, Ingdan, Lagwulf, Ostland, Theoden Aethelhere, Saeglaf

Permitted Character Classes Barbarians The most common character class in the northern lands of Yssgelund, barbarians are found throughout the clans of the Northmen. They are commonly seen as berserkers in the ranks of raiding parties and war bands. They rarely live long enough to serve as huskarls, but make valuable, though unreliable, retainers to those karls who reward them richly and heap great honors upon them. Bards Bards, called skalds by northmen, function as poets, keepers of lore and storytellers. Bards often have noble patrons and some have the additional task of recording the daily transactions of their liege in ledgers. To have your deeds recounted by a great bard is to have them immortalized. Clerics The people of Yssgelund call clerics godsmen. Most priests are either warrior-priests or diviners. They often are valued as judges, soothsayers or clan elders. Some act as advisors to huskarls, karls, jarls or members of the royal family. Godsmen are expected to pray for good luck at sailing, at harvest-time, in battle and whenever fortune’s favor is sought. They also act as healers and protectors of their people, bringing curses upon the enemies of their clan. The title of godsmen is passed down through the bloodline. Clerics with the Strength or War domain are expected to fight as warriors for their people. Druids Priests of nature gods are common in these lands, for druids are best able to understand and appease the spirits of nature. Druids are also called godsmen in their communities and little distinction is made between clerics and druids. Fighters Fighters are the most common character class in southern Yssgelund. Most are levy soldiers, obligated to fight for their karls, or professional warriors, hearthwardens, in the employ of a karl, jarl or the High King. Elite warriors often serve on longships, as elite raiders or patrolmen, or as the huskarls to powerful nobles. Paladins Paladins are exceedingly rare in these lands of grim and barbarous warriors. Rangers These characters often leaders of Yssgelundian explorers, hunters who aid in the survival of their people, or slayers of giants and other enemies to the Men of the North. Rogues These characters are be rare in Yssgelund. Such rogues would have limited access to mechanical locks and traps. Sorcerers The northmen views sorcerers with both awe and suspicion. While they are gifted with the knowledge of magic, their power comes not from runes, but from within. As such, they are said to be the descendants of the elves or giants. Wizards Such characters are rare, being blessed with the knowledge of magic by the gods. Spells learned are usually subtle in nature, with divination specialists being most common. Arms and Armor

The only “Exotic Weapons” available are the bastard sword and net. The favored weapons of Yssgelund are axes, spears, the longsword, the short sword and the warhammer. All “Light” and “Medium” armor types are available in Yssgelund, except that breastplates cost 400gp. All shields are available. “Heavy armor” is not available. 20


Languages of Estegalle Aside from the non-human languages, there are five regional dialects and one trade language in Estegalle. Each dialect counts as a separate language. Regional Languages Native Regions Adanae Caerleon, Suttegarde and Mauridia Common None. Common is spoken in all regions but is not indigenous to any region Daegaru Narahim Khalmiri Kashgar Terillec Voruskai, Carmascia, Sarathia and Vinnisklad Teug Yssgelund and Suttegarde Nonhuman Languages Dwarven Elven Giant Gnoll Gnome Orudan (The Dark Tongue)

Races Dwarves Elves, goblinoids, half-elves and the Maelnach clans of Suttegarde Giants, ogres and trolls Gnolls Gnomes Trolls, goblinoids and ogres

Ancient Languages Abyssal Aquan Auran Celestial Draconic Etanir Ignan Infernal Sylvan Terran

Native Regions, Race, or Order Servants of Maloth, Baloth and Narveg Water-based creatures Air-based creatures The silathae and their servants Dragons and wizards The ancient tongue of the Avadain, before the cataclysm of 6,000 PCY Fire-based creatures Servants of Kharec, Shardan and Ulgren The ancient tongue of the elves, this language is still the primary tongue of fey creatures Earth-based creatures

Estegalle’s Currency Each of the Four Kingdoms of Estegalle mints its own coins of the following metals: Copper, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Each Kingdom determines the value of its neighbors’ coins by weight, with a 10% exchange fee. Conversion rates Equivalent in Type of Coin Copper Silver Gold Platinum

Copper 1 10 100 1000

Silver 1/10 1 10 100

Gold 1/100 1/10 1 10

Platinum 1/1000 1/100 1/10 1

Gaile’s Calendar There are 13 months of 28 days, totaling 364 days in a year. This campaign begins in the Gaile Common Year of 575. The calendar of Mauridia rejects the Avadain use of the Gaile Common Year and bases their year, 1610, upon the foundation of Estelline in 1035 Pre-Common Year. There are four seasons in each year. Each season lasts 91 days. The year begins in Midsummer with a new moon. Each month begins with a new moon and consists of 4, 7-day weeks. Elves, dwarves and gnomes use the month-names of Caerleon and Suttegarde while most evil humanoids and giants use the month-names of Carmascia. The months and their corresponding seasons are:


Seasons Months

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Days

Mid-Summer Late Summer / Early Fall Fall Fall Late Fall / Early Winter Winter Mid-Winter Late Winter Spring Mid-Spring Spring Late Spring / Early Summer Summer

Caerleon, Suttegarde, Elves, Dwarves & Gnomes Haelond Illanond Vitiand Gailond Aluind Thandelond Muercond Gerinond Therond Faendrelond Luciend Danevrond Mirallond

Kashgar & Mauridia

Narahim, Sarathia & Voruskai

Highmarket Fruitfall Lateharvest Turnfield Deepnight Barrenearth Hearthward Windswrath Furrowfield Petalsbloom Stormsend Longday Goldensun

Dragon Crane Tiger Mouse Dog Owl Hare Wolf Goose Horse Sheep Rooster Snake

Carmascia, Vinnisklad & Yssgelund Squirrel Hawk Raven Boar Elk Salmon Hare Wolf Goose Bear Fox Hart Snake

The seven days in each week are: Moonday (Illandi), Earthday (Galidi), Waterday (Naredi), Skyday (Faenedi), Godsday (Hirendi), Starday (Ceruldi) and Sunday (Haeledi) 21

THE WORLD of GAILE Gaile’s Lunar Calendar The following calendar uses the month-names predominantly used by player characters, those that incorporate the gods of The High st Gathering. Gaile’s year begins at midnight of Midsummer, on the 1 of Haelond, beneath the darkness of the new moon. Each 28-day month, in turn, st begins with a new moon (which marks the beginning of the 1 lunar phase). The following chart shows the lunar calendar and a running total of the days th nd of the year. Fall begins on Illanond the 15 , with the full moon. Winter falls on Aluind the 22 , on the night of the waning half moon. Spring begins on st th the 1 of Therond and summer begins with the waxing half moon, on Danevrond the 8 .















First Lunar Quarter














































































































































































































































































































































































Fourth Lunar Quarter


Third Lunar Quarter


Second Lunar Quarter





Weapon Categories Weapons are grouped into several interlocking sets of categories. These categories pertain to what skill is needed to be proficient in their use (simple, martial, and exotic), usefulness in close combat (melee) or at a distance (ranged, which includes both thrown and projectile), and weapon size (Tiny, Small, Medium-size, and Large). If a character uses a weapon with which the character is not proficient, the character suffers a -4 penalty on attack rolls. Melee and Ranged Weapons Melee weapons are used for making melee attacks, though some of them can be thrown as well. Ranged weapons are thrown weapons or projectile weapons that are not effective in melee. Apply a character's Strength bonus to damage dealt by thrown weapons but not to damage dealt by projectile weapons (except for composite shortbows or longbows with a high Strength rating). Tiny, Small, Medium-Size, and Large Weapons The size of a weapon compared to a character's size determines whether for the character the weapon is light, 1-handed, 2-handed, or too large to use. Light If the weapon's size category is smaller than the character's, then the weapon is light for that character. Light weapons are easier to use in the off hand, and they can be used while grappling. A light weapon can be used in one hand. There is no special bonus when using such a weapon in two hands. One-Handed If the weapon's size category is the same as a character's, then the weapon is one-handed for that character. If a one-handed melee weapon is used two-handed, apply one and a half times the character's Strength bonus to damage (provided the character has a bonus). Thrown weapons can only be thrown one-handed, and a character's Strength bonus is added to the damage. Two-Handed If the weapon's size category is one step larger than a character's, then the weapon is two-handed for that character. A two-handed melee weapon can be used effectively in two hands, and when damage is dealt with it, add one and a half times the character's Strength bonus to damage (provided the character has a bonus). Thrown weapons can only be thrown one-handed. A character can throw a thrown weapon with one hand even if it would be twohanded for you due to the character's size, but doing so counts as a full-round action because the weapon is bulkier and harder to handle than most thrown weapons. Add the character's Strength bonus to damage. A character can use a two-handed projectile weapon (such as a bow or a crossbow) effectively in two hands. If the character has a penalty for low Strength, apply it to damage rolls when you use a bow or a sling. Add no Strength bonus to damage with a projectile weapon unless the weapon is a composite shortbow or longbow with a high Strength rating. Too Large to Use If the weapon's size category is two or more steps larger than a character's own, the weapon is too large for the character to use. Unarmed Strikes An unarmed strike is two size categories smaller than the character using it. Simple Weapons-Melee Weapon Unarmed Attacks Gauntlet Strike, Unarmed Tiny Dagger Dagger, punching Gauntlet, spiked Small Mace, light Sickle Medium Club Mace, heavy Morningstar Shortspear Large Longspear Quarterstaff Spear Simple Weapons-Ranged Weapon Small Crossbow, light Bolts, crossbow (10) Dart Sling Bullets, sling (10) Medium Crossbow, heavy Bolts, crossbow (10) Javelin





Range Increment



2 gp -

* 1d3S

* x2

5’ 5’


2 lb. -

Bludgeoning Bludgeoning

2 gp 2 gp 5 gp

1d4 1d4 1d4

19-20/x2 x3 x2

5’ 5’ 5’

10’ -

1 lb. 1 lb. 1 lb.

Piercing or slashing Piercing Piercing

5 gp 6 gp

1d6 1d6

x2 x2

5’ 5’


4 lb. 2 lb.

Bludgeoning Slashing

12 gp 8 gp 1 gp

1d6 1d8 1d8 1d6

x2 x2 x2 x2

5’ 5’ 5’ 5’

10’ 20’

3 lb. 8 lb. 6 lb. 3 lb.

Bludgeoning Bludgeoning Bludgeoning and piercing Piercing

5 gp 2 gp

1d8 1d6/1d6 1d8

x3 x2 x3

10’ 5’ 5’


9 lb. 4 lb. 6 lb.

Piercing Bludgeoning Piercing





Range Increment



35 gp 1 gp 5 sp 1 sp

1d8 1d4 1d4 1d4

19-20/x2 x2 x2 -


80’ 20’ 50’ -

4 lb. 1 lb. ½ lb. 5 lb.

Piercing Piercing Bludgeoning -

50 gp 1 gp 1 gp

1d10 1d6

19-20/x2 x2


120’ 30’

8 lb. 1 lb. 2 lb.

Piercing Piercing


THE WORLD of GAILE Martial Weapons-Melee Weapon Small Axe, throwing Hammer, light Handaxe Kukri Pick, light Sap Shield, light Spiked armor Spiked shield, light Sword, short Medium Battleaxe Flail, light Longsword Pick, heavy Rapier Scimitar Shield, heavy Spiked shield, heavy Trident Warhammer Large Falchion Flail, heavy Glaive Greataxe Greatclub Greatsword Guisarme Halberd Lance Ranseur Scythe Martial Weapons-Ranged Weapon Medium Shortbow Arrows (20) Shortbow, composite Arrows (20) Large Longbow Arrows (20) Longbow, composite Arrows (20) Exotic Weapons-Melee Weapon Small Kama Nunchaku Sai Siangham Medium Sword, bastard Whip Exotic Weapons-Ranged Weapon Tiny Shuriken (5) Small Blowgun Needles, (20) Bola





Range Increment



8 gp 6 gp 6 gp 8 gp 4 gp 1 gp special special special 10 gp

1d6 1d4 1d6 1d4 1d4 1d6S 1d3 1d6 1d4 1d6

x2 x2 x3 18-20/x2 x4 x2 x2 x2 x2 19-20/x2

5’ 5’ 5’ 5’ 5’ 5’ 5’ 5’ 5’ 5’

10’ 20’ -

2 lb. 2 lb. 3 lb. 2 lb. 3 lb. 2 lb. special special special 2 lb.

Slashing Bludgeoning Slashing Slashing Piercing Bludgeoning Bludgeoning Piercing Piercing Piercing

10 gp 8 gp 15 gp 8 gp 20 gp 15 gp special special 15 gp 12 gp

1d8 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d8

x3 x2 19-20/x2 x4 18-20/x2 18-20/x2 x2 x2 x2 x3

5’ 5’ 5’ 5’ 5’ 5’ 5’ 5’ 5’ 5’

10’ -

6 lb. 5 lb. 4 lb. 6 lb. 3 lb. 4 lb. special special 4 lb. 5 lb.

Slashing Bludgeoning Slashing Piercing Piercing or slashing Slashing Bludgeoning Piercing Piercing Bludgeoning

75 gp 15 gp 8 gp 20 gp 5 gp 50 gp 9 gp 10 gp 10 gp 10 gp 18 gp

2d4 1d10 1d10 1d12 1d10 2d6 2d4 1d10 1d8 2d4 2d4

18-20/x2 19-20/x2 x3 x3 x2 19-20/x2 x3 x3 x3 x3 x4

5’ 5’ 10’ 5’ 5’ 5’ 10’ 5’ 10’ 10’ 5’


8 lb. 10 lb. 10 lb. 12 lb. 8 lb. 8 lb. 12 lb. 12 lb. 10 lb. 12 lb. 10 lb.

Slashing Bludgeoning Slashing Slashing Bludgeoning Slashing Slashing Piercing or slashing Piercing Piercing Piercing or slashing





Range Increment



30 gp 1 gp 75 gp 1 gp

1d6 1d6 -

x3 x3 -


60’ 70’ -

2 lb. 3 lb. 2 lb. 3 lb.

Piercing Piercing -

75 gp 1 gp 100 gp 1 gp

1d8 1d8 -

x3 x3 -


100’ 110’ -

3 lb. 3 lb. 3 lb. 3 lb.

Piercing Piercing -





Range Increment



2 gp 2 gp 1 gp 3 gp

1d6 1d6 1d4 1d6

x2 x2 x2 x2

5’ 5’ 5’ 5’

10’ -

2 lb. 2 lb. 1 lb. 1 lb.

Slashing Bludgeoning Bludgeoning Piercing

35 gp 1 gp

1d10 1d3S●

19-20/x2 x2

5’ 10’


6 lb. 2 lb.

Slashing Slashing





Range Increment



1 gp





½ lb.


1 gp 1 gp 5 gp

1 1d4S

x2 x2


10’ 10’

2 lb. * 2 lb.

Piercing Bludgeoning


THE WORLD of GAILE Exotic Weapons-Ranged (continued) Weapon Cost Damage Critical Medium Crossbow, repeating 250 gp 1d8 19-20/x2 light Bolts (5) Net 20 gp Large Crossbow, repeating 400 gp 1d10 19-20/x2 heavy Bolts (5) *No weight worth noting. ● Whips do not receive a Strength bonus


Range Increment





6 lb.




1 lb. 6 lb.




12 lb.


1 lb. to damage, although the Strength bonus does apply when resolving trip attacks.

Weapon Qualities Cost This is the weapon's cost in gold pieces (gp) or silver pieces (sp). The cost includes miscellaneous gear that goes with the weapon, such as a scabbard for a sword or a quiver for arrows. Damage The Damage column gives the damage dealt with a weapon when a hit is scored. If the damage is designated "S", then the weapon deals subdual damage rather than normal damage. If two damage ranges are given, then the weapon is a double weapon, and the full attack full-round action can be used to make one extra attack when using this weapon, as per the two-weapon rules. Use the second damage figure given for the extra attack. Weapon Size and Damage As a weapon gets larger or smaller, the damage it deals changes according to the following progression: One Size Smaller Original Size One Size Larger 1 1d2 1d3 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d4 1d6 1d8 1d6 1d8 2d6 1d8 1d10 2d6 1d10 1d12 2d8 For an even larger version of a weapon that does 2 or more dice of damage, convert each die to the next larger category. For instance, a Large version of a longsword does 2d6 points of damage (up from 1d8) and a Huge version of a longsword does 2d8 points of damage (increasing each d6 to a d8). A weapon reduced in size so that it does less than 1 point of damage is useless. Critical The entry in this column notes how the weapon is used with the rules for critical hits. When a critical hit is scored, roll the damage with all modifiers two, three, or four times, as indicated by its critical multiplier, and add all the results together. Critical Result x2 The weapon deals double damage on a critical hit. x3 The weapon deals triple damage on a critical hit. x4 The weapon deals quadruple damage on a critical hit. The weapon scores a threat on a natural 19 or 20 and deals 19-20/x2 double damage on a critical hit. The weapon scores a threat on a natural 18, 19, or 20 and 18-20/x2 deals double damage on a critical hit. Exception Bonus damage represented as extra dice, such as from a sneak attack or a flaming sword, is not multiplied when a critical hit is scored. Reach Most melee weapons have a reach of 5 feet, allowing them to be employed against a foe in any adjacent square. A melee weapon with reach of 10 feet weapon cannot be used against an adjacent foe (except the whip, which may be employed against foes in adjacent squares and within 10 feet). Range Increment Any attack at less than this distance is not penalized for range. However, each full range increment causes a cumulative -2 penalty to the attack roll. Thrown weapons, such as throwing axes, have a maximum range of five range increments. Projectile weapons, such as bows, can shoot up to ten increments. Improvised Thrown Weapons Sometimes objects not crafted to be weapons get thrown. Because they are not designed for this use, all characters who use improvised thrown weapons are treated as not proficient with them and suffer a -4 penalty on their attack rolls. Improvised thrown weapons have a range increment of 10 feet. Their size and the damage they deal have to be adjudicated by the DM. Weight This column gives the weapon's weight. Type Weapons are classified according to types: bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing. If a weapon is of two types, a creature would have to be immune to both types of damage to have damage dealt by this weapon be ignored. Special Some weapons have special features, such as reach. See the weapon descriptions.



COMBAT MODIFIERS Cover and Concealment Depending on the situation, a character may gain bonuses or suffer penalties due to cover. The DM judges what bonuses and penalties apply. Cover Cover provides a bonus to a character's AC. The more cover a character has, the bigger the bonus. Degree of Cover Cover AC Bonus Cover Reflex Save Bonus 1/4 +2 +1 1/2 +4 +2 3/4 +7 +3 9/10 +10 +4* Total *Half damage if save is failed; no damage if successful. Cover and Attacks of Opportunity An attacker can't execute an attack of opportunity against a character with one-half or better cover. Cover and Reach Weapons If a character is using a reach weapon, another character standing between the attacker and the target provides cover to the target. Generally, if both of the other characters are the same size, the one furthest from the attacker has one-half cover (+4 AC). Degree of Cover Cover is assessed in subjective measurements of how much protection it offers a character. The DM determines the value of cover. Cover Reflex Save Bonus Add this bonus to Reflex saves against attacks that affect an area. For nine-tenths cover, a character also effectively has improved evasion. These bonuses, however, only apply to attacks that originate or spread out from a point on the other side of the cover. Concealment Concealment includes all circumstances where nothing physically blocks a blow or shot but where something interferes with an attacker's accuracy. Concealment Example Miss Chance 1/4 Light fog or light foliage 10% 1/2 Dense fog at 5ft; shadowy illumination 20% 3/4 Dense foliage 30% 9/10 Near total darkness 40% Total Attacker blind; target invisible; total darkness; dense fog at 10 ft. 50% Concealment is subjectively measured as to how well concealed the defender is. Concealment always depends on the point of view of the attacker. Concealment Miss Chance Concealment gives the subject of a successful attack a chance that the attacker missed because of the concealment. If the attacker hits, the defender must make a miss chance percentile roll to avoid being struck. When multiple concealment conditions apply to a defender, use the one that would produce the highest miss chance. Do not add the miss chances together.

VISION & LIGHT All characters can see with a varying degree on clarity depending on the prevailing light conditions and their type of vision. The following 4 degrees of visibility will be used for all characters: Bright Light Shadowy Illumination Near Total Darkness Darkness Concealment None 1/2 9/10 Total

Darkvision Characters (dwarves or half-orcs) and other creatures with darkvision can see 30’ into natural, total darkness as if it were brightly lit. A creature can’t hide within 30 feet of a character with darkvision unless it is invisible or has cover. From 30’ to 60’ a character with darkvision sees into the darkness as if shadowy illumination existed. From 60’ to 90’ the character sees as if near darkness existed. Bright light within 30’ of a character with darkvision prevents the use of darkvision.

Low-Light Vision Characters (elves, gnomes or half-elves) and other creatures with low-light vision can see further off into the prevailing darkness than those without the benefits of enhanced sight, so long as a light source is at hand. When determining the distance that such a character can see, increase the effective radius of bright light, shadowy illumination and near total darkness by 50% for the given light source. As such, an elf carrying a torch into darkness can see as if bright light existed to 30’ rather than the usual 20’, as if shadowy illumination existed to 60’ rather than the usual 40’ and as if near total darkness existed from 90’ instead of the usual 60’. Furthermore, in areas of non-magically induced shadowy illumination, such as beneath a moonlit sky or in a dimly lit tavern, a character with low-light vision can see as well as if bright lighting conditions existed. In the deeper shadows of the night or in other conditions of near total darkness a character with low-light vision can see up to 30’ away as if shadowy illumination existed. In total darkness a character with low-light vision cannot see.

Normal Vision Humans and others with normal vision cannot see in total darkness without a light source. With a light source such characters can see as if bright light were present to the listed radius of illumination (20’ for torches), as if shadowy illumination were present until up to double the listed radius of illumination (40’ for torches) and as if near total darkness were present at up to three times the listed radius of illumination (60’ for torches). 26


THE RELIGIONS OF ESTEGALLE The major religions of Gaile are The High Gathering, The Enlightened and various animistic or totemic religions. The chart below shows where each religion of Estegalle is prevalent.

The Four Kingdoms Lands or People Caerleon, Kashgar, Suttegarde and The Avadain of Mauridia The Maelnach of Suttegarde Mauridia



The High Gathering

Eight pointed crown within

Animism & ancestor worship

An oak tree with 12 branches

Druids and bards

The Enlightened

The Phoenix

The Sarnhedin




The Order of Geshidra

Yssgelund Vinnisklad

Animism & ancestor worship Pagan: Nature worship

Symbol Crystal Sphere or arrowhead carved of jet Totem animals Ivory totems



Ruling Body

Chief Deities

Animism and ancestor worship

Human or equine totems

Shamans (druids)





Ruling Body

Chief Deities

The Patriarchs

Aluin and Jenia Clan founders and heroes, nature Shardan the Wise

The Savage Lands an

Ruling Body

Chief Deities


Gaile and Danevar

Godsmen (clerics) Shamans (druids)

Great heroes or ancestors The ocean and sky

The Tribes of Vors Lands Carmascia, Sarathia and Voruskai

The High Gathering The High Gathering is the religion of the Avadain and of the mixed people of Caerleon. The Cirhedin of Mauridia revile the gods of the High Gathering. Aluin and Jenia are the principle deities or Paderon (parents) of this pantheon. They are the predecessors of the second race of gods, the Ardillon (makers). The Ardillon include Gaile, Lucien, Oredus, Cerullian, Vitian, Thandor, Tendellius and Aethrude. These gods fashioned the surface of Gaile, as well as the sun and stars. As they worked to form the worlds and fill the heavens with their light, the children of The Makers came to be. Their progeny, the Ciriod (children), include Haeleth, Illandra, Faendre, Theros, Naeril, Dumador, Moloth and Gerian. The last race of gods came with the creation of life upon Gaile. This race, the Silathae (servitors), is responsible for those that live upon Gaile and were to act as their teachers and protectors. Their ranks include the remainder of the gods and goddesses of Gaile. The servitors of evil powers are often called the Silath Falgur (Fell Servants) or The Falgur (Tainted) and include Ulgren, Illichor, Narveg and Baloth. Churches in Estegalle are typically erected in honor of Aluin and Jenia. They are circular in shape, with the dominant, central cathedral being the main place of worship. Around this are situated smaller chapels dedicated to the Ardillon and Ciriod. In some communities this arrangement varies, depending on what gods are petitioned most by the community. In larger communities two or more churches are often needed to accommodate parishioners’ needs. Ranks of Priesthood Acolytes st nd 1 through 2 level clerics. Initiates rd th 3 through 7 level clerics.

Adepts th th 8 through 12 level clerics.

They are called brother, sister or attendant and are responsible for clerical duties and menial labor throughout the church. They also assist servitors working in the community. 60 percent of a parish’s clerics are acolytes. They are called servitors. Their duties include serving the community through guidance and labor. Servitors assist in many capacities; as farmers, carpenters, physicians, teachers, counselors and protectors. In smaller communities initiates perform masses and administer the blessings of Aluin to newborns, the newly married and upon the dead. 30 percent of a parish’s priests are initiates. They are called father, mother, or minister and have authority over lower clergy members. They perform all religious services in most parishes and have the power to ordain new acolytes into the clergy. Additionally, adepts provide religious counseling and act as the political body of the church. The often act as emissaries with government officials and other church branches. Only 8 percent of the church body consists of adepts.

Prelates th th 13 through 20 level clerics. They are called highfather or mother, or overseer and have authority over a group of parishes in a kingdom. Each duchy or county has 1 or 2 prelates assigned to it. Their role is that of regional organizer and overseer to the area’s adepts. They ordain adepts and elect the Kingdom’s patriarch or matriarch. Two percent of the clergy are prelates. Patriarchs or Matriarchs th 17 level clerics and higher. The high priest of Caerleon and Suttegarde holds the post of patriarch or matriarch. In Suttegarde and Caerleon, one patriarch rules the priesthood throughout each realm and has the final say in all religious matters. Furthermore, the patriarch of each Kingdom has the duty of blessing the new king or queen upon their ascension to the throne. These th leaders, to effectively rule, must meet with the approval of the patriarch. Those priests of 17 level and higher who are not elected patriarch remain prelates.


THE WORLD of GAILE The Gods of The High Gathering

Greater Deities - The Paderon Name




Aluin Jenia

Male Female

Lawful Neutral Neutral Good

Scepter Chalice

Favored Weapon Heavy Mace Light Mace


Portfolio: Rank of Divine Power

Law, Inquisition, Protection Community, Healing, Protection

Fatherhood, Sovereignty: 20 Motherhood, Shelter, The Home: 19

Favored Weapon Quarterstaff Morningstar Heavy Flail Longsword Short sword Scythe Longsword Longbow


Portfolio: Rank of Divine Power

Force, Knowledge, Magic Oracle, Protection, Travel Earth, Strength, Travel Glory, Good, Purification Knowledge, Mind, Trickery Law, Pact, Protection Celerity, Knowledge, Law Competition, Healing, Strength

Magic: 15 The Heavens, Stars: 14 The World, Land: 13 Light, Purity: 15 Darkness, the Unknown: 15 Death, Rest: 12 Time, Infinity, Longevity: 12 Life, Health: 11

Favored Weapon Warhammer Longbow Light Flail Javelin Sickle Scimitar Trident Spear


Portfolio: Rank of Divine Power

Earth, Law, Pact Air, Travel, Weather Creation, Plant, Sun Community, Knowledge, Sun Dream, Knowledge, Oracle Chaos, Earth, Fire Luck, Travel, Water Air, Cold, Weather

Stone & metalwork, Oaths: 10 The Sky, The Horizon: 8 Plantlife, Farming: 10 The Sun & Arts, Inspiration: 10 Nighttime, Dreams: 6 Fire, Volcanoes: 6 The Ocean, Water: 9 Storms, Winter: 7

Favored Weapon Quarterstaff Heavy Flail Longbow Longsword Scimitar Battle Axe Shortbow Quarterstaff Shortsword Longsword Whip Shortsword


Portfolio: Rank of Divine Power

Chaos, Knowledge, Madness Destruction, Pestilence, War Animal, Celerity, Travel Competition, Evil, Trickery Destruction, Purification, Strength Destruction, Law, War Community, Domination, Healing Luck, Protection, Travel Domination, Evil, Trickery Law, Mind, Protection Death, Destruction, Law Liberation, Luck, Trickery

Entropy, Madness: 5 Battle, Destruction: 5 Hunting, the Wilderness: 4 Avarice, Envy, Hatred: 3 Vengeance, Wrath: 1 War, Conquest: 4 Love, Beauty, Tranquility: 2 Travel, Wealth, Hospitality: 2 Deception, Manipulation: 4 Law, Justice, Honor: 2 Death, Punishment: 5 Luck, Chance, Freedom: 2

Intermediate Deities – The Ardillon Name




Aethrude Cerullien Gaile Lucien Oredus Thandor Tendellius Vitian

Neither Either Female Male Male Male Male Male

Lawful Neutral Neutral Good Neutral Neutral Good Neutral Evil Lawful Neutral Lawful Neutral Chaotic Good

Prism Star Sphere Silver Disk Onyx Serpent Raven Hourglass Circlet

Lesser Deities – The Ciriod Name




Dumador Faendre Gerian Haeleth Illandra Moloth Naeril Theros

Male Female Female Either Female Male Male Male

Lawful Neutral Neutral Neutral Good Chaotic Good Neutral Chaotic Evil Neutral Chaotic Neutral

Anvil Eagle Acorn Sun Moon Salamander Dolphin Lightning Bolt

Demigods – The Silathae Name




Avellior Baloth Danevar Illichor Kharec Maredon Miraduin Mircueran Narveg Teunral Ulgren Xandemoc

Neither Male Male Male Male Male Either Male Male Male Male Male

Chaotic Neutral Chaotic Evil Neutral Good Neutral Evil Neutral Evil Lawful Neutral Chaotic Good Neutral Chaotic Evil Lawful Good Lawful Evil Chaotic Neutral

Chaos Symbol War horn Arrowhead Dragon Fist Hawk Rose Coin None Scales Eye Wheel

The Enlightened Worshippers of this faith, the state religion of Mauridia, have come to worship their first ruler as their savior. The worship of Shardan and the acceptance of his teachings has lead the Mauridian people to demonize the gods of the High Gathering as the “Enemies of Man” and as “Bringers of the Apocalypse.” Despite their revulsion to the High Gathering, the Hierarchy of The Enlightened mirrors that of the High Gathering exactly, except that the familial titles, such as brother, father and patriarch, are never used. Within the lands of Mauridia, each district has 2 prelates assigned to it, while the lord stewards assigned to each of the three provinces of Mauridia are actually equivalent to patriarchs. Members of the Sarnhedin are usually adepts, though major cities often have a prelate within the council. The clerics of Shardan use the following guidelines: Favored Name Gender Alignment Symbol Domains Portfolio: Rank of Divine Power Weapon Shardan Male Lawful Evil Pheonix Scimitar Domination, Magic, Trickery Deception, Sorcery: 10 Due to deceptive nature of Shardan, lawful good clerics and members of the paladin class may worship him. These characters will be closely watched by their superiors and will, eventually, be “brought to the Wisdom of Shardan,” led toward damnation or death. Paladins who worship Shardan find that they are unable to detect evil at will. Instead, their ability manifests when enemies of Shardan, usually of good alignment, are nearby. Because Shardan grants this power, it is his to manipulate. Likewise, paladins’ smite evil abilities are corrupted to work only against good-aligned creatures. The Enlightened, in reality, are servants to The Sleeping Gods and their agents (mind flayers, aboleths and beholders) in Gaile.

The Order of Geshidra This faith combines animism with the worship of the earth goddess Geshidra. Geshidra (Gaile) is revered as the supreme Earth Goddess, while her son Riakyo (Danevar) acts as intermediary between her and the Narahim. Though revered as the first of their High Lords, Riakyo is not worshipped as a true god but is seen as a servant of his mother. Nevertheless clerics of this Order may base their alignment and domains on that of either deity of The High Gathering. The religious symbols and church hierarchy for the Order of Geshidra parallel those of The High Gathering, though the following titles are used: acolytes are called pupils, initiates are called brothers or sisters, adepts are called masters, prelates are called elders, and the lone patriarch is called Transcendent Master. Lawful neutral clerics and druids of this order may multiclass freely as monks.

Pagan Faiths Animistic faiths are typical in the lands of Yssgelund, Carmascia, Voruskai, Sarathia, Vinnisklad and among the Maelnach of Suttegarde. Druidic and shamanistic (cleric) practitioners among these groups hold that the gods of The High Gathering are merely the powerful progenitors of the Avadain and Cirhedin people. As such, pagans see the religious practices of The High Gathering as nothing more than glorified ancestor worship. 28


PRESTIGE CLASSES of ESTEGALLE The following prestige classes are specifically designed for use in the Estegalle campaign. Each provides a brief description as to their function, history and requirements.

Ankallibec Commander The Ankallibec Commanders are the elite warrior-priests of Shardan’s hell-spawned faith. As with all of Mauridia’s priests, Ankallibec members are commonly clerics who serve their diabolical Empress with unswerving devotion and zeal. They are commonly employed as secret police, spies and assassins. The guardians of Estelline’s Inner City and bodyguards of The Sarnhedin are nearly always Ankallibec Commanders or Blackguards. Class Level st 1 nd 2 rd 3 th 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th 9 th 10

Base Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

Game Rule Information Abilities Alignment Hit Die

Requirements Race Base Attack Bonus Knowledge (arcana) Knowledge (religion) Knowledge (the planes) Spot Feats Spells Special

Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7

Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3


Spells Per Day

Resolute Aura Aura of Courage Wisdom’s Lesson I

+1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level

Fear Aura Wisdom’s Lesson II Voice of Doom Wisdom’s Lesson III Dark Enlightenment

As leaders of the warrior-priests of Shardan, Ankallibec Commanders are usually gifted with great Strength and Wisdom. Charisma and Constitution are also highly valued attributes. Lawful evil d8

Human (Cirhedin blood) +4 6 ranks 6 ranks 4 ranks 4 ranks Iron Will rd Ability to cast divine spells of 3 level or higher The character must be a follower of Shardan and be in good standing with The Enlightened. Before rising to the rank of Commander, a member of the Ankallibec must undertake a geas or quest on behalf of the church and succeed.

Class Skills

The Ankallibec Commander’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (religion), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis) and Spellcraft (Int). Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiencies

All of the following are class features of the Ankallibec Commander prestige class. Ankallibec Commanders gain the feat of martial weapon: scimitar and are proficient with all simple weapons, all types of armor and all shields. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills balance, climb, escape artist, hide, jump, move silently, sleight of hands and tumble. Ankallibec Commanders may continue to advance in spellcasting ability. At every even-numbered class level the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in whatever spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (feats, hit points), except for an increased effective level of spellcasting. If the character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming an Ankallibec Commander, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for purposes of determining spells per day. Ankallibec Commanders are a fearsome lot whose dark allegiances taint their very being. Others tend to fear and obey them; allowing Commanders to add their class level to all intimidate checks. nd Beginning at 2 level Ankallibec Commanders gain the extraordinary ability of immunity to fear (magical or otherwise). Furthermore, allies within 10 feet of them gain a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. The granting of a morale bonus to allies is a supernatural ability. Once per day Ankallibec Commanders can project an aura of fear to a radius of 20 feet for 1 round per prestige class level. Foes must make a Will save (DC 10+class level+Cha bonus) or be affected as if by a fear spell. The Ankallibec Commanders’ servitude to their dark master, Shardan the Wise, has imparted upon them rd knowledge beyond the ken of mortal men. At 3 level the character gains speak language (Infernal) and one of the following abilities:

Spells Per Day

Resolute Aura (Ex) Aura of Courage (Ex/Su)

Fear Aura (Su) Wisdom’s Lesson (Special)


THE WORLD of GAILE Lesson Effect Avoidance (Ex) +1 to Reflex Saves Pierce Darkness (Sp) Darkvision, once per day. Use class level as the caster level. Strength of Will (Ex) +1 to Will Saves Tongues (Sp) Tongues, once per day. Use class level as the caster level. Unfailing Health (Ex) +1 to Fortitude Saves Vigilance (Ex) +1 competence bonus to spot and listen checks th th At 6 and 9 levels the character gains another lesson. Each lesson may be learned once. Voice of Doom (Sp) Dark Enlightenment (Su)


The unholy nature of the Ankallibec Commander’s service is so powerful that, at 7 level, he may cast prayer, as the spell, up to three times per day. th At 10 level, the Ankallibec Commander receives his eternal reward for years of servitude to the diabolical agents of Shardan the Deceiver. He is forevermore treated as an outsider rather than humanoid for the purposes of spells and magical effects. Furthermore he gains damage reduction 10/magic.

Arcane Investigator Arcane investigators are the preeminent sleuths, bringing their keen senses, powers of deduction and divinations to bear in solving cases or thwarting the plans of villains. As such, they are often sought for their talents and charged with the unraveling of mysterious occurrences and the finding of lost items or people. Most arcane investigators are wizards, particularly diviners, with sorcerers and bards sometimes taking up the mantle of the arcane investigator. Rogue/wizards are particularly effective arcane investigators, combining their magical and mundane skills to delve into the unknown. Class Level st 1 nd 2 rd 3 th 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th 9 th 10

Base Attack Bonus +0 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5

Game Rule Information Abilities

Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7


Spells Per Day

Trapfinding Resist Illusion Uncanny Dodge Trap Sense +1 Leap of Logic 1/week Unveil Trap Sense +2 Leap of Logic 2/week Discern Lies Trap Sense +3, True Seeing

+1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level

Alignment Hit Die

Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are important due to the skills that rely upon these stats. Depending on what type of spellcaster the arcane investigator is, one of the three aforementioned attributes would be more highly valued than the others. Dexterity is important because arcane investigators tend to wear light or no armor. Any. d4

Requirements Craft (Trapmaking) Gather Information Search Sense Motive Feats Spells

4 ranks 4 ranks 6 ranks 4 ranks Investigator, Skill Focus (Craft: trapmaking) rd Ability to cast Divination spells of 3 level or higher

Class Skills

The arcane investigator’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int) and Spot (Wis). Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiencies Spells per Day

All of the following are class features of the arcane investigator prestige class. Arcane investigators gain no additional proficiency in any weapon or armor. When an arcane investigator level is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (feats, hit points), except for an increased effective level of spellcasting. If the character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming an arcane investigator, he must decide to which class he adds the new level when determining spells per day. Arcane Investigators may use the search skill to locate traps as a per the rogue ability. nd Arcane investigators of 2 level or higher gain a +2 insight bonus to all saves versus illusions. rd At 3 level, the arcane investigator retains his dexterity bonus to AC (if any) regardless of being caught flatfooted or struck by an invisible attacker. If he had uncanny dodge from a previous class, he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead. This ability functions exactly as the rogue ability of the same name and stacks with other Trap Sense bonuses. th At 5 level, an arcane investigator may use their powers of deductive and inductive reasoning to glean important information from seemingly insignificant or unrelated clues and events. By succeeding at a gather

Trapfinding (Ex) Resist Illusion (Ex) Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

Trap Sense (Ex) Leap of Logic (Sp)


THE WORLD of GAILE information check (DC 20), the arcane investigator gains benefits that mirror the effects of a divination spell. th th This ability may be attempted once per week at 5 level and twice per week at 8 level. th At 6 level, the arcane investigator gains the supernatural ability to penetrate illusions, nondetection spells, and disguises at will. The arcane investigator must touch the illusion, the warded creature, or the creature shrouded in illusion (such as a disguise self spell). The arcane investigator then makes a caster level check as if casting dispel magic against the illusion effect. If he succeeds at this check, the illusion is immediately dispelled. Arcane investigators gain a +2 competence bonus to this counterspell roll and a +4 competence bonus on spot checks against the disguise skill. th An arcane investigator of 9 level can use discern lies as a spell-like ability once per day. th At 10 level the arcane investigator may use true seeing as a spell-like ability once per day.

Unveil (Su)

Discern Lies (Sp) True Seeing (Sp)

Artificer Artificers are magical craftsmen of unparalleled skill and knowledge. They are found among all of Estegalle’s civilized races, who value these artisans and the treasures their arts create. Both arcane and divine spellcasters are found amongst the ranks of artificers, with wizards and clerics most often taking this prestige class. Bards, with their uncanny knowledge of lore and their knowledge of arcane magic, are well suited for this class as well. Class Level st 1 nd 2 rd 3 th 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th 9 th 10

Base Attack Bonus +0 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5

Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7


Spells Per Day

Gift of Artifice I Bonus Feat Avoid Curse Gift of Artifice II Bonus Feat Shared Burden Gift of Artifice III Bonus Feat Legend Lore Gift of Artifice IV

+1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level

Game Rule Information Abilities Alignment Hit Die

Intelligence is the most important ability, as it is craft’s key ability. Any d4

Requirements Knowledge (Arcana) Craft (Any) Feats Spells

10 ranks 10 ranks, which may be in any number of different craft skills Any two item creation feats and skill focus: craft (any) rd To become an artificer, the character must be able to cast 3 level spells.

Class Skills

The Artificer’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (each skill, taken separately) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int) and Use Magical Device (Cha). Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiencies Spells per Day

All of the following are class features of the Artificer prestige class. Artificers gain no additional weapon or armor proficiencies. When an artificer level is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (feats, hit points), except for an increased effective level of spellcasting. If the character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming an artificer, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for purposes of determining spells per day. The artificer’s level stacks with his spellcaster level for the purpose of meeting level prerequisites for item creation feats. If the character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming an artificer, he must decide which class his artificer levels stack with. When determining the cost, in raw materials and creation time, for an item’s creation, subtract 5% per level of Gift of Artifice from the total cost and time required. Thus, a character with Gift of Artifice IV subtracts 20% from the cost and time required to create a magic item. The artificer gains bonus item creation feats as he progresses in level. The artificer is well versed in the arts of crafting and analyzing magical items. If an artificer handles a cursed item, he may make a WILL save in order to immediately discard the item. The DC for this save is 10+the level of the item’s creator. This ability does not remove the curse from the item. When commissioned to craft a magic item, the artificer may ask that item’s future owner to share the XP burden of that item’s creation, with each person paying 50% of the item’s XP cost. This decision cannot be made under duress or under the influence of mind-controlling spells… the XP donor must voluntarily do so. th At 9 level, the artificer may cast legend lore, once per day, on any magical item or device. Use of the ability requires the artificer to examine the item for 1d4x10 minutes.

Item Creation Level Prerequisites

Gift of Artifice (Ex)

Bonus Feat (Ex) Avoid Curse (Ex)

Shared Burden (Su)

Legend Lore (Sp)


THE WORLD of GAILE Chosen of Geshidra Clerics and druids, as well as rangers and monks serve Geshidra, earth goddess of the Narahim. The Chosen of Geshidra are warrior-priests, typically multiclassed monk/druids, who set upon the journey of becoming one with the earth, leaving behind their frail humanity and striving to become elemental creatures in Geshidra’s service. Class Level st 1 nd 2 rd 3 th 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th 9 th 10

Base Attack Bonus +0 +1 +2 +3 +3 +4 +5 +6 +6 +7

Game Rule Information Abilities

Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7

Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7

Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7


Spells Per Day

Wild Shape, Strength of Stone I (magic) Blessed Path Fast Movement +10 Strength of Stone II

+1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level -

Fast Movement +20 Strength of Stone III (axiomatic) Fast Movement +30 Earth’s Embrace

Alignment Hit Die

Wisdom and Dexterity are important due the Chosen’s use of divine magic and reliance on martial arts skills in combat. Dexterity is important because Geshidra’s Chosen may not wear armor. Lawful neutral d8

Requirements Base Attack Bonus Concentration Knowledge (nature) Feats Special

+4 6 ranks 8 ranks Improved Unarmed Strike Must have access to stone shape as a divine spell

Class Skills

The Chosen of Geshidra’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Handle Animals (Cha), Heal (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Knowledge (religion), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Survival (Wis) and Tumble (Dex). Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiencies

All of the following are class features of The Chosen of Geshidra. The Chosen of Geshidra gain no additional proficiency in any weapon or armor. They may not wear armor or wield weapons. Those who violate this holy order lose all of their class abilities for 24 hours. When Chosen of Geshidra levels 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9 are gained, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit that a character of that class would have gained (feats, hit points), except for an increased effective level of spellcasting. If the character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Chosen of Geshidra, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for purposes of determining spells per day. The Chosen of Geshidra may use the druidic wild shape ability. Levels as a Chosen stack with druid levels when determining if Chosen may use the wild shape ability and what forms the Chosen may adopt and how th nd many times per day the ability may be used. Thus, a 5 level druid/2 level Chosen of Geshidra would have th the wild shape ability of a 7 level druid. When the Chosen of Geshidra gains the ability to assume elemental forms, he is limited to the form of an earth elemental. The Chosen gradually begins to transcend his mortal form on the path toward becoming a minor earth st elemental. At 1 level the character gains the ability to speak Terran, a +1 natural armor bonus and acid resistance 5. Additionally, the character becomes immune to magical sleep effects. The natural armor bonus increases to +2 and the acid resistance increases to 10 at level 4, when the character also gains immunity to paralysis, darkvision 60’ and the ability to firmly root himself to the ground as a standard action. This ability prevents the character from moving and effectively increases the character’s size category by one for the purpose of resisting grapple, overrun and trip attacks. At level 7 the natural armor bonus increases to +3, acid resistance increases to 15 and the character becomes immune to stunning attacks. Chosen levels stack with monk levels when determining his unarmed damage and ability to overcome opponents’ damage reduction. If he doesn’t have monk levels prior to becoming a Chosen of Geshidra, treat him as a monk of the same class level as his Chosen class level for determining his unarmed damage and ability to overcome opponents’ damage reduction. nd At 2 level, the Chosen may move over the surface of muddy bogs, quicksand, and loose earth as if it were solid earth. Areas enchanted to hinder movement still effect The Chosen normally. rd At 3 level the Chosen gains an enhancement bonus to his speed with unarmored and no more than lightly encumbered. th At 10 level, the Chosen of Geshidra becomes an elemental creature of earth. Spells that specifically target humanoids no longer effect the character, he is immune to acid, poison and paralysis, and is no longer subject to critical hits or flanking. The Chosen gains the earth elemental’s special attacks of earth mastery and push that stack with his strength of stone abilities. Upon achieving this state, the character undergoes minor physical changes that reflect his transcendence. Due to these marks of transcendence, the character receives a +2

Spells per Day

Wild Shape (Sp)

Strength of Stone (Ex)

Blessed Path (Ex) Fast Movement (Ex) Earth’s Embrace


THE WORLD of GAILE circumstance modifier on all Charisma-based skill and ability checks when interacting with followers of Geshidra. Furthermore, the Embraced character can be hedged out by a magic circle against his alignment and suffers double damage from electrical attacks as a result of his elemental nature. A successful save versus an electrical attack results in that character taking full, not double, damage. Finally, the Chosen of Geshidra no longer suffers ability penalties for aging and is not subject to magical aging, though any aging penalties he may already have suffered remain in place. Bonuses still accrue and the Chosen of Geshidra still dies of old age when his time is up. Multiclass Notes

A monk who advances as a Chosen of Geshidra may take further monk levels without penalty.

Ex-Chosen of Geshidra Characters

Characters that fail to follow the tenets of their faith and lose the favor of Geshidra lose all spells and class features and cannot gain levels as a Chosen of Geshidra (or as a cleric or druid of Geshidra) until he atones.

Elite Footman Among the ranks of Caerleon, Kashgar, and Mauridia’s mighty legions are hardened veterans who have learned that soldiery is as much about group morale and coordination as it is about the tactical acumen of a general or the prowess at arms of one’s forces. These veterans often rise quickly through the ranks to lead masses of men in battle, where they meet great and terrible fates. Some, however, choose to remain with the brothersin-arms that they fought beside for months or years, content to lead their small squad of men rather than seek glory through a higher command position. The elite footman represents this brand of warrior. Class Level st 1 nd 2 rd 3 th 4 th 5

Base Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5

Game Rule Information Abilities

Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4

Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1

Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1

Special Phalanx Fighting Diehard Rally Inspire Mantle of Glory

Alignment Hit Die

Strength and Constitution are key for these warriors. Elite footmen should strive for a high Charisma as well, as several of their abilities are based on this ability score. Any lawful d10

Requirements Base Attack Bonus Knowledge (war) Profession (soldier) Feats Special

+5 4 ranks 4 ranks Combat Reflexes, Endurance The elite footman must have served as part of an infantry unit for at least one year.

Class Skills

The elite footman’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animals (Cha), Heal (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (war) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex) and Swim (Str). Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiencies

All of the following are class features of the elite footman prestige class. Elite footmen are skilled in the use of all simple and martial weapons, and in the use of all armor and shields. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills balance, climb, escape artist, hide, jump, move silently, sleight of hands and tumble. st At 1 level the elite footman gains this feat. nd At 2 level the elite footman gains this feat. An elite footman who is not suffering from a fear effect can rally his allies as a full-round action. Allies within 60’ who are suffering from any fear effects and who can hear the elite footman are allowed an immediate Will save against the DC of the effect, with a +1 morale bonus per class level of the elite footman. th At 4 level, the elite footman’s drive and presence are enough to inspire the footman and his allies to push themselves to their limits. The elite footman and all allies within 10’ gain a +4 morale bonus versus fear effects and to Constitution checks required for extended exertion. The benefits of this ability end if the elite footman is held, knocked unconscious or otherwise rendered helpless. th At 5 level, the renown of the elite footman is so great that his presence on the battlefield can turn the tide of battle. When this ability is used all enemies and allies within 60’ are affected as if under the effect of a prayer spell. Should the elite footman perish the effects of this prayer are reversed, granting bonuses to the footman’s enemies and penalties to his former allies. All opponents, as well as the allies of a fallen footman, gain a Will save (DC of 15 + Charisma bonus) against this effect. This ability may be used once per day and lasts for 1 minute plus a number of rounds equal to the character’s Charisma bonus x 5.

Phalanx Fighting Diehard Rally (Ex)

Inspire (Su)

Mantle of Glory (Su)



Hedge Wizard Wizards learn magic through years of formal and intensive training, under the tutelage of a mentor. For sorcerers magic is an innate ability gained through their blessed (some would say cursed) bloodline. To the hedge wizard, a deeper knowledge of nature and of its inner workings helps to reveal the mystic link between all things. By tapping into this magical stream the hedge wizard learns both of arcane lore and nature’s blessings. Class Level st 1 nd 2 rd 3 th 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th 9 th 10

Base Attack Bonus +0 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5

Game Rule Information Abilities

Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Will Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7


Spells Per Day

Summon Familiar Brew Potion

+1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level +1 level

Woodland Stride Trackless Step Venom Immunity Timeless Body

Alignment Hit Die

Wisdom and Charisma or Intelligence are important to a hedge wizard due to the spell abilities they gain from their core classes. Dexterity is important, as hedge wizards tend to be unarmored. Any d4

Requirements Knowledge (arcana) Knowledge (nature) Profession (herbalist) Feats Spells Special

8 8 6 Eschew Masterials nd st Must be able to cast 2 level arcane and 1 level divine spells. Must have the nature sense ability.

Class Skills

Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiencies Spells per Day

Summon Familiar Brew Potion Woodland Stride (Ex) Trackless Step (Su) Venom Immunity (Ex) Timeless Body (Ex)

Hedge wizards’ class skills (and the key ability for each) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis) and Swim (Str). Skill Points at Each Level: 4+INT modifier Hedge wizards gain no proficiencies in armor or weapons. At each level, the Hedge Wizard gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit that a character of that class would have gained (feats, hit points), except for an increased effective level of spellcasting. If the character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Hedge Wizard, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for purposes of determining spells per day. A hedge wizard may summon a familiar, just as a wizard or sorcerer does. All levels in classes that can have a familiar stack with hedge wizard levels when determining the familiar’s abilities. nd At 2 level the hedge wizard gains the brew potion feat if he does not already have it. th At 4 level the hedge wizard may move through natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas and similar terrain at his normal speed and without suffering damage or other impairment. th At 6 level the hedge wizard leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. th At 8 level the hedge wizard gains immunity to all natural poisons. th At 10 level, the hedge wizard no longer suffers ability penalties for aging and is not subject to magical aging, though any aging penalties he may already have suffered remain in place. Bonuses still accrue and the hedge wizard still dies of old age when his time is up.


THE WORLD of GAILE Knight of the Crown This order was founded over 500 years ago by Bael the Fair, High King of Caerleon. To this day, they are loyal servants to the royal line of their fallen king and believe that Caerleon’s greatness can best be restored through the coronation and beneficent rule of Bael’s rightful heir, Gueran Dennigal. They are fierce monarchists who, despite the Regent’s refusal, hope to reinstate the monarchy in their beloved land. Class Level st 1 nd 2 rd 3 th 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th 9 th 10

Base Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

Game Rule Information Abilities Alignment Hit Die Requirements Base Attack Bonus Diplomacy Knowledge (nobility) Ride Feats Special

Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7

Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Special Courtly Knowledge, Ride Bonus +2, Shining Beacon Ride-By Attack Bael’s Shield, Leadership Bonus +1 Ride Bonus+4 Leadership Bonus +2 Spirited Charge Leadership Bonus +3, Ride Bonus +6 Bael’s Radiance Leadership Bonus +4 Ride Bonus +8

Strength and Constitution are key for members of this order of knights. A high Charisma is also desirable due to the etiquette skills required by, and political aspirations of, this order’s knights. Lawful neutral and lawful good d10 +6 6 ranks 4 ranks 6 ranks Leadership, Mounted Combat, Weapon Focus (lance) Must pledge loyalty to the order and support it in its call for the return of Caerleon’s monarchy. Cohorts and followers gained through the Knight of the Crown’s Leadership feat must swear their allegiance and obedience to the Order and may be ordered by the Order’s Knight Commander to perform tasks on behalf of the Order.

Class Skills

The Knights of the Crowns’ class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Chr), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Chr), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (nobility and royalty) (Int), Profession (Wis) and Ride (Dex). Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier

Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiencies

All of the following are class features of The Knights of the Crown. The Knights of the Crown are skilled in the use of all simple and martial weapons, and in the use of all armor and shields. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills balance, climb, escape artist, hide, jump, move silently, sleight of hands and tumble. Knights of the Crown add their class level to Knowledge (nobility and royalty) checks as a competence bonus. The Knight gains the listed competence bonus to any ride checks he makes. Knights of this esteemed order are paragons of virtue and a reminder of Caerleon’s past glory. As such, all allies of these knights gain a +4 morale bonus on saves versus fear effects when they stand within 10 feet of the Knight. If the Knight is held, unconscious, or otherwise rendered helpless, his allies lose this bonus. nd At 2 level Knights of the Crown gain this feat. rd At 3 level Knights of the Crown may invoke the name of Caerleon’s last king, Bael the Elder, to aid in their defense. For one round per Knight of the Crown level, the character’s heavy shield grants a +2 cover bonus to armor class and +1 cover bonus to reflex saves in addition to its usual shield bonus to armor class. The Knight may use this ability once per day. Use of this ability requires a standard action. This ability does not work with a buckler, light or tower shield. rd At 3 level a Knight of the Crown gains a +1 bonus to their leadership score (DMG, pg106), enabling them to attract more powerful cohorts and followers when they use the leadership feat upon gaining a new level. This th th th ability improves at 5 , 7 , and 9 levels. th The Knight of the Crown gains this feat at 6 level. Once per day, as a standard action, the character can call draw upon the glory of Bael the Fair, founder of the Knights of the Crown. A knight bathed in glory gains the effects of a blur spell for one round per Knight of the Crown level. Additionally, the brilliant light of glory acts as a daylight spell while Bael’s Radiance is in effect.

Courtly Knowledge (Ex) Ride Bonus Shining Beacon (Su)

Ride-By Attack Bael’s Shield (Su)

Leadership Bonus

Spirited Charge Bael’s Radiance (Su)


THE WORLD of GAILE Knight of the Eastern March These fierce knights are Caerleon and Suttegarde’s primary defense against the growing threat of the Carmascian horde. Due to the tactics employed by the mounted plainsmen of the east, these knights favor the use of lighter armor, light warhorses and ranged combat. Like their adversaries, the Knights of the Eastern March make use of false retreats and other diversionary tactics in order to control the field of battle and insure their victory. Class Level st 1 nd 2 rd 3 th 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th 9 th 10

Base Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7

Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3

Special Ride Bonus +2 Mounted Weapon Bonus (bow) +1 Mounted Weapon Bonus (lance) +1 Ride Bonus +4 Double Back, Improved Mounted Archery Full Mounted Attack Ride Bonus +6, Mounted Weapon Bonus (bow) +2 Mounted Weapon Bonus (lance) +2 Superior Mounted Archery Ride Bonus +8

Game Rule Information Abilities Alignment Hit Die

Dexterity, Strength, and Constitution are key for members of this order of knights. Lawful good, lawful neutral, neutral good and neutral d10

Requirements Base Attack Bonus Ride Survival Feats Weapon Proficiencies

+6 8 ranks 4 ranks Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat, Weapon Focus (Composite Longbow) Composite Longbow and Lance

Class Skills

The Knights of the Eastern March’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Chr), Jump (Str), Knowledge (local), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str). Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiencies

All of the following are class features of The Knights of the Eastern March. The Knights of the Eastern March are skilled in the use of all simple and martial weapons, and in the use of all armor and shields. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills balance, climb, escape artist, hide, jump, move silently, sleight of hands, and tumble. The knight gains the listed competence bonus to any ride checks he makes. When using the indicated weapon in mounted combat, the character gains the listed competence bonus to his attack rolls. th At 5 level Knights of the Eastern March reduce their ranged weapon penalties by half when firing from horseback: -1 instead of -2 if his mount is taking a double move, and -2 instead of -4 if his mount is running. When running or charging on his Special Mount, the Knight of the Eastern March may make a single direction change of 90 degrees or less, as long as the mount is not carrying a heavy load or wearing medium or heavy barding. th At 6 level the Knight of the Eastern March may take a full-attack action when his mount moves more than 5 feet (assuming an opponent exists to be attacked). th At 9 level, the Knight of the Eastern March suffers no penalties with ranged weapons when firing from horseback, whether the mount is taking a double move or running.

Ride Bonus Mounted Weapon Bonus (Ex) Improved Mounted Archery Double Back (Ex)

Full Mounted Attack Superior Mounted Archery



Knight of the Path The Knights of the Path are mercenary knights who are known for their exploits and ability to weave tales of glory. While they are not a religious order they do honor the gods of the road and adventure, Mircueran and Xandemoc, as the muses and patron deities of their organization. Many are bardic warriors who seek adventure, knowledge and glory through their acts of heroism. They act as their own heralds and sing their own praises as they journey throughout the lands. Rogues, fighters, rangers and bards are commonly found amidst the ranks of The Knights of the Path, as are clerics of the gods Xandemoc and Mircueran. Class Level st 1 nd 2 rd 3 th 4 th 5

Base Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5

Game Rule Information Abilities

Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4

Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1

Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1

Special Bardic Knowledge, Ride Bonus +2, Streetwise Bonus Feat*, Direct Route 20% Incredible Luck Direct Route 25%, Ride Bonus +4 Legend

Alignment Hit Die

Strength and Constitution are key for members of this order of knights. Many also have a high Charisma score, which is the key ability for many of this order’s class skills. Neutral good, neutral and chaotic neutral d10

Requirements Base Attack Bonus Diplomacy Knowledge (geography) Knowledge (local) Ride Survival Feats Special

+4 4 ranks 4 ranks 4 ranks 4 ranks 4 ranks Mounted Combat Must pledge loyalty to the order and must pay homage to Xandemoc or Mircueran.

Class Skills

The Knights of the Paths’ class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Chr), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Chr), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Chr), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Perform (Chr), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex) and Survival (Wis). Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiencies

All of the following are class features of The Knights of the Path. The Knights of the Path are skilled in the use of all simple and martial weapons, and in the use of all armor and shields. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills balance, climb, escape artist, hide, jump, move silently, sleight of hands and tumble. The Knights of the Path rely as much upon their reputation and rapport with the people of their lands as they do their skill at arms. All knights of this order are well traveled and well versed in the stories of their countrymen and realize the value in sharing, and learning from, this store of knowledge. To reflect this, Knights of the Path gain the bardic knowledge ability, as detailed in The Player’s Handbook. Bard and Knight of the Path levels stack when determining the level bonus for bardic knowledge checks. Knights of the Path know their way about the many towns of their lands and interact with people from all walks of life. This has imparted upon them the ability to deal with strangers and glean information from all manner of men. As such, Knights of the Path add their prestige class level as a competence bonus to gather information and knowledge: local checks. The knight gains the listed competence bonus to any ride checks he makes. nd At 2 level the Knight of the Path may choose one of the following feats as a bonus feat, provided they meet the feat’s pre-requisites: Agile, Alertness, Blind-fight, Combat Expertise (and related feats), Combat Reflexes, Dodge (and related feats), Leadership, Lightning Reflexes, Mounted Archery, Negotiator, Persuasive, Ride-by Attack, Quick Draw, Track, Trample, Weapon Finesse or Weapon Focus. The Knights of the Path are accustomed to traveling the lands in search of adventure and gainful employ. In their travels they have learned how to best make their way from one town to the next. The length of any overland journey is reduced by their Direct Route percentage. Anyone traveling with a knight of this order can benefit from this ability, provided their mounts are able to match the pace and stamina of the knight’s mount. Furthermore, Knights of the Path gain a cumulative +2 competence bonus to survival rolls made to determine direction at levels 2 and 4. Knights of the Path have a knack for getting themselves into tight spots. Fortunately they are also blessed with exceptional luck by the gods of luck, travel and adventure. This ability allows the Knight to reroll one roll that he has just made. He must take the result of the reroll, even if it’s worse than the original roll. This ability is usable once per day and stacks with the Luck domain’s granted power. th At 5 level, the Knight of the Path’s reputation grants him a +4 competence bonus on diplomacy checks. This bonus only applies when he is openly interacting with others who know of his reputation and who are not initially hostile or unfriendly to the knight. Furthermore, this legendary status counts as “great prestige” for purposes of acquiring cohorts and followers with the leadership feat.

Bardic Knowledge (Ex)


Ride Bonus Bonus Feat*

Direct Route (Ex)

Incredible Luck (Ex)

Legend (Su)


THE WORLD of GAILE Knight of the Watch Grim guardians of Suttegarde’s northern frontier, The Order of The Watch is renowned and feared for its members’ ferocity in battle. If ordered, it is said, Knights of The Watch would march into hell to defend their lands and people. Stationed in wind-blasted fortresses amid the pine forests and foothills of The Ostenberg Mountains, it is these knights who hold the line against the northmen’s seasonal raids and against the depredations of goblins and giants. Class Level st 1 nd 2 rd 3 th 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th 9 th 10

Base Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

Fort Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7

Ref Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +3

Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +3

Special Alertness Immune to Fear Diehard Damage reduction 1/No Mercy +1 Damage reduction 2/Ferocity Damage reduction 3/No Mercy +2 Damage reduction 4/-

Game Rule Information Abilities Alignment Hit Die

Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity are all vital to these warriors. Lawful good and lawful neutral d10

Requirements Base Attack Bonus Listen Ride Spot Survival Feats

+6 4 ranks 4 ranks 4 ranks 4 ranks Endurance and Iron Will

Class Skills

The class skills (and the key ability for each) for members of The Order of The Watch are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str) and Survival (Wis). Skill Points at Each Level: 2+INT modifier

Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiencies

All of the following are class features of The Knights of the Watch. Members of The Order of The Watch are proficient with all armor and shields, and with all simple and martial weapons. st The Knights of The Watch gain the Alertness feat at 1 level. nd At 2 level members of The Order of The Watch gain immunity to all fear spells and effects. rd At 3 level the Knights of The Watch gain the diehard feat. th Starting at 4 level Knights of The Watch have the ability to shrug off some amount of injury from each blow or attack. Subtract the damage reduction number from the damage the knight takes each time he is dealt damage. th At 5 level Knights of The Watch gain the ability to make extra attacks of opportunity. The knight may make a number of extra attacks equal to the number of the bonus and use the knight’s full attack bonus. th By 7 level, knights of The Watch are so battle-hardened that they may continue fighting without penalty even when disabled or dying. The character still dies at –10 hit points.

Alertness (Ex) Immune to Fear (Ex) Diehard Damage Reduction (Ex)

No Mercy Ferocity (Ex)


THE WORLD of GAILE Master Scout Master scouts are ideal wilderness guides, highwaymen, tribal warriors and military scouts, combining the combat abilities of fighters with the knowledge of subterfuge and survival common to rangers. Because of their training master scouts must have acute senses and be nimble of foot. Master scouts are trained to avoid ambushes and traps, and are often relied upon to find and infiltrate enemy encampments. Class Level st 1 nd 2 rd 3 th 4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th 8 th 9 th 10

Base Attack Bonus +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

Game Rule Information Abilities

Fort Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +3

Ref Save +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7

Will Save +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +3

Special Trapfinding Uncanny Dodge Trap Sense +1 Evasion Swift Tracker Trap Sense +2 Improved Uncanny Dodge Hunter’s Step Improved Evasion Camouflage, Trap Sense +3

Alignment Hit Die

Dexterity is important to a master scout because master scouts tend to wear light armor and rely on Dexterityrelated skills. Intelligence and Wisdom are important due to their reliance on skills based upon these stats. Finally, Strength is important for melee combat and a few of their class skills. Any d8

Requirements Base Attack Bonus Hide Move Silently Spot Survival Feats

+4 6 ranks 6 ranks 6 ranks 4 ranks Alertness, Run and Track

Class Skills

The master scout’s class skills (and the key ability for each) are Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (geography), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex) and Use Rope (Dex). Skill Points at Each Level: 6+INT modifier

Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiencies Trapfinding (Ex) Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

All of the following are class features of master scouts. Master scouts gain all simple and martial, light armor & shield proficiencies. Master scouts may use the search skill to locate traps as a per the rogue ability. nd At 2 level the master scout retains his dexterity bonus to armor class (if any) regardless of being caught flatfooted or struck by an invisible attacker. If he had uncanny dodge from a previous class, he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead. rd At 3 level the master scout gains an intuitive sense that alerts him to danger from traps, giving him a +1 bonus th on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by these traps. At 6 th level this bonus increases to +2 and at 9 level this bonus increases to +3. Trap sense bonuses gained from multiple classes stack. th At 4 level the master scout can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If he makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he takes no damage instead. th At 5 level the master scout no longer suffers a –5 penalty on survival checks for tracking while moving at normal speed. He only takes a –10 penalty when moving up to twice his normal speed. th A master scout of 7 level or higher can no longer be flanked. This defense denies rogues the ability to sneak attack the character by flanking him, unless the attacking rogue has at least four more rogue levels than the target’s class level. If the master scout has uncanny dodge from a second class, the class levels in these classes stack when determining the minimum rogue level required to sneak attack the master scout. The master scout can move silently and balance at his normal speed without suffering penalties to those skills. This ability works like evasion, except that while the master scout still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw, he now takes only half damage on a failed save. th At 10 level the master scout can use the hide skill in any sort of natural terrain, even if the terrain does not normally grant cover or concealment.

Trap Sense (Ex)

Evasion (Ex)

Swift Tracker (Ex) Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

Hunter’s Step (Ex) Improved Evasion (Ex) Camouflage (Ex)



GENERIC PRESTIGE CLASSES The following chart shows what generic prestige classes (i.e. those from official sourcebooks) are available and which are slightly altered for use in this campaign setting. For convenience, the prestige classes are listed by sourcebook.

Prestige Class Availability and Notes Prestige Class Dungeon Master’s Guide Arcane Archer Arcane Trickster Archmage Assassin Blackguard Duelist Eldritch Knight Hierophant Horizon Walker Loremaster Mystic Theurge Shadowdancer Thaumaturgist Complete Adventurer Animal Lord Beastmaster Bloodhound Daggerspell Mage Daggerspell Shaper Dread Pirate Dungeon Delver Exemplar Fochlucan Lyrist Ghost-Faced Killer Highland Stalker Maester Master of Many Forms Nightsong Enforcer Nightsong Infiltrator Ollam Shadowbane Inquisitor Shadowbane Stalker Shadowmind Spymaster Streetfighter Tempest Thief-Acrobat Vigilante Virtuoso Wild Plains Outrider Complete Arcane Argent Savant Blood Magus Elemental Savant Enlightened Fist Fatespinner Geometer Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil Mage of the Arcane Order: Kashgar and Suttegarde. Master Transmogrifist Mindbender Seeker of the Song Sublime Chord Wayfarer Guide Wild Mage

Prestige Class Complete Divine Black Flame Zealot: These followers of Kharec wield scimitars in place of kukri. Church Inquisitor Consecrated Harrier Contemplative Divine Crusader Divine Oracle Entropomancer: These priests commonly worship Avellior. Evangelist Holy Liberator Ex-Hospitalers Pious Templar Radiant Servant of Pelor: Replace Pelor with Lucien. Sacred Exorcist Sacred Fist Shining Blade of Hieroneous: Replace Hieroneous with Teunral Stormlord: These priests commonly worship Theros. Temple Raider of Olidimmara Void Disciple: These priests commonly worship Tendellius. Warpriest Complete Warrior Bear Warrior Bladesinger Cavalier Dark Hunter Darkwood Stalker Dervish Exotic Weapon Master Frenzied Berserker Gnome Giant-Slayer Hunter of the Dead Invisible Blade Justiciar Kensai Knight of the Chalice Knight Protector Master Thrower Master of the Unseen Hand Mindspy Nature’s Warrior Occult Slayer Order of the Bow Initiate Purple Dragon Knight Rage Mage Ravager Reaping Mauler Spellsword Stonelord Tattooed Monk War Chanter War Shaper

This order exists in Caerleon,



CREATURES OF ESTEGALLE The following table notes changes Coast Creature Name Angels, All Bugbear Celestial Creatures, All Demons, All Devils, All Doppelganger Dragon, Green Dragon, Red Dwarf Dwarf, Duergar Elf, Dark High Sylvan Giant, Storm Gnoll Gnome Goblin Hobgoblin Kobold Lamia Orc Yugoloth

or background information pertaining to creatures from the various monster manuals published by Wizards of the Notes These creatures are servants of the gods of The High Gathering. Bugbears are the largest and most feared of the goblinoid races. They are sometimes called high orcs. These creatures are servants of the gods of The High Gathering. Lesser demons are servants of the Silath Falgur, in most instances. The Balor are direct servants of Moloth, while Mariliths serve Baloth and other Silath Falgur. Lesser devils are servants to the lawfully aligned gods of the Silath Falgur. Pit Fiends are the servants of Ulgren and Kharec. Doppelgangers are said to be agents of Mauridia’s Empress. Most dragons are red dragons, though their color may range from red to brown or grey. Some are not winged and are called “heath snakes” in Yssgelund. The dwarves of Gaile are similar to mountain dwarves. Duergar worship Kharec and Ulgren, the Lords of Vengeance and Punishment. Duergar look almost exactly like other dwarves but tend to be thinner and sallow-skinned. High and sylvan elves are much like standard high elves, with the exceptions noted on page 3-4. The dark elves are corrupted eldari that serve Kharec and Narveg. Their appearance is much like the eldari, though they appear exceedingly frail with pale skin. Their eyes reveal their malevolent nature. They are played as drow, excepting their appearance and the fact that they are usually chaotic evil and worship Narveg, god of lies, in place of Lolth. Chaotic evil storm giants are found in the northern seas of Estegalle, particularly near Nordheim. Gnolls have been nearly wiped-out by the Three Tribes of Vors but still are found in good number within the land of the Carmascians. Gnomes in Estegalle have slight changes to their racial abilities, as noted on page 4. Goblins are commonly referred to as lesser orcs. Hobgoblins are usually called orcs and are use in place of orcs in all instances. Kobolds are the weakest of goblinoid creatures. As goblinoid creatures they speak Goblin rather than Draconic and are goblinoid in appearance. All lamia are female. Orcs are synonymous with hobgoblins in this campaign setting. Use hobgoblins in place of orcs in all encounters. Yugoloths are the servants of Illichor, god of avarice. See Monster Manual II and Fiend Folio.

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(e) "Product Identity" means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of this agreement. 2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. 3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. 5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. 6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder's name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute. 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity. 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content. 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License. 10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute. 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so. 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected. 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License. 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.


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