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NHÀ XUẤT BẢN ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI 16 Hàng Chuối - Hai Bà Trưng - Hà Nội

Đ iện thoại: Biên tập - C h ế bản: (Ỏ4) 3 9 7 1 4 8 9 6 ; Q u ản lý x u ất bản: (04) 3 9 7 2 8 8 0 6 ; Tổng biên tập: (04) 39715011 Fax: (04) 3 9 7 2 9 4 3 6 % #

C hịu trá c h n h iệm x u ấ t bản: Giám đốc - Tổng biên tập: TS. PHẠM THỊ TRÂM

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Đối tác liên kết xuất bản: NHÀ SÁCH HỒNG ÂN 20C Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai - Q1 - TP. Hồ Chí Minh

____ ______ ;__________________________________ :______ ;_____


T U Y Ì n t ậ p đ ề t h i OLYMPIC 30 THÁNG 4 LẨN THỨ XX! - 2Q15

______ _____ TĨẾNG ANH Mã sô'; 2L - 989Đ H 2015 In 800 cuốn, k h ổ 16 X 24cm tại Công ti Cô’ p h ầ n V ăn h óa V ăn Larig. Đ ịa chỉ: Sô" 6 N gu yễn Trung Trực - P5 - Q. Bình T h ạn h - TP. iíiồ Chí M inh Sô' xu ất bản: 2329 - 2015/C X B.IPH /9 - 303/ĐHQG HN, n gày 2 0 /8 /2 0 1 5 . Q uyết đ ịn h xuất bản số: 952 Lk-XH /QĐ - NXBĐHQGIiN, n g à y 4 /9 /2 0 1 5 In xong và nộp lưu c h iể u quý IV n ăm 2015.

LỜI NÓI ĐẦU M ỗi năm cứ vào dịp tháng 4, tháng kỉ riiệm M iền N am hoàn toàn giải phóng, đất nước thống nhất, các em học sinh giỏi lớp 10 và 11 của các trường TH PT chuyên và không chuyên củạ các tỉnh miền Nam , m iền Trung và Tây Nguyên lại nô nức tham dự kì th i'OLYM PIC TR ỤYỀN THỐN G 30/4. Kì thi lần đầu được tổ chức vào năm học 1994-1995 theo sáng kiến của Trường TH PT Chuyên Lê Hồng Phong Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. T ừ đó đến nay kì thi đã được tổ chức liên tục với quy mô ngày càng lớn, chất lượng ngày càng cao. Tháng 4 năm 2015, kì thi OLYM PIC TRUYỀN THỐNG 30/4 LẦN THỨ XXI KỈ N IỆM 40 NĂM GIẢI PHÓNG JỵiIỀN NAM (1975-2015) đã được long trọng tổ chức tại Trường THPT Chuyên Lê Hồng Phong Thành phố Họ Chí Minh. Kì thi năm nay có quy m ô rất lớn gồm 2.500 thí sinh của 64 trường thuộc 42 tỉnh thành, tham gia tranh tài đủ 10 môn thi: Toán, Lí, Hóa, Sinh, Tin học, Ngữ văn, Sử, Địa, Tiếng Anh và Tiếng Pháp. Sau khi thi ban tổ chức đã tập hợp, sắp xếp lại bộ đề chính thức và các đề thi đề nghị của các trường tham dự. Đây là m ột tư liệu có giá trị, rất cần thiết cho quý thầy cô và các em học sinh tham khảo trong quá trình giảng dạy và học tập. Ban tổ chức đã phối hợp với nhà sách H ồng Ân Thành phố. Hồ Chí M inh và N hà xuất bản Đại học Quốc gia H à Nội xuất bản bộ sách: TƯYÉN TẬ P Đ Ề THI O LY M PIC 30/4 LẦN T H Ứ X X I - 2015. Bộ sách gồm 10 tập, mỗi tập là một m ôn thi. Trong mỗi tập sách gồm có 2 phần chính: - Phần I: Đe thi chính thíỹc và đề thi đề nghị khối 10, ỉ ỉ. - Phần II: Đ áp án đề thỉ chỉnh (hức và đề thi đề nghị khối 10, I ỉ. C húng tôi xin trân trọng giới thiệu bộ sách: TU Y ÊN TẬ P ĐỀ THI OLYM PIC 30/4 LÀN T H Ứ XXI KỈ N IỆM 40 NĂM G-IẢI PHÓNG M IỀN N A M (1975-2015) với quý độc giả. Hi vọng rằng đây là những tập tư liệu có giá trị giúp cho quý thầy cô và các em học sinh trong công tác bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi và trong việc tự học tập, tự rèn luyện. Chúc quý thầy cô và các em học sinh đạt nhiều thành công. Ban tổ chức 3

P h ầ n IĐỀ THI OLYMPIC TRUYEN THốNG 3 0 / 4 LẦN THỨ XXI - NẪM 2 0 1 5 l

Op i d

ĐÊ THI CHÍNH THỨC Thờị gian làm bài : 180 phút Lưu ý : Đe thi này có 8 trang. ❖ Thí sinh làm phần trắc nghiệm (MULTIPLE CHOICE) trên phiểù trả lờ i trắc nghiệm và phần tự luận (W RITTEN TEST) trên phiếu trả lời tự luận. , ❖ Trên phiếu trả lời trẳc nghiệm ,‘4 h í‘sinh tô thêm 2 số 00 vào trước số báo danh (bằng bút chì). ❖ Phần m ã đề thi trên phiếu trắc nghiệm, th í sinh tô vào ô 002.

A. MULTIPLE CHOICE (40 PTS) I. PHONOLOGY (5PTS) Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 1. A. bomber B. subtlety c. indebted D. limber 2. A. asthma B. atheism c. athlete D. anthropology 3. A. accredit G. majesty D. saliva B. salamander 4. A. dogged B. advisedly c. markedly D. plugged 5. A. archetype c. ricochet B. chromatic D. chronicle Choose the word which is stressed differently from the other three. 6. A. argumentative c. contributory D. hypersensitive B. theoretical 7. A. ecotourism c. acropolis B. hierarchy D. neighborhood 8. A. hieroglyphics c. revolutionary D. aristocracy B. horizontal 9. A. ingenuity c. caravansary D. committee B. guarantee 10. A. mausoleum c. miniature B. testimony D. meteorite II. W ORD CHOICE (5 PTS): Choose the best options to complete the following sentences. 11. We knew Tom was looking for the right tool from th e _________o f sounds which came from the shed. A. sputter B. clatter c. mutter D. flutter 12. The vegetation on the island w a s ________ . A. exuberant B. chivalrous c. overcạst D. ingenious


13. Despite the high divorce rate, th e ________ o f marriage remains popular. A. practice . B. habit c . institution D. state 14. Before the invention of the Internet, people couldn’t _________ of such universal access to information. A. reminisce B. conceive c . contemplate D. access 15. A new computer has been produced, which w ill______ all previous models. A. overdo B. supersede c . excel D. overwhelm 16. Most teenagers go through a rebellious________ for a few years but they soon grow out o f it. A. stint B. span c . duration D. phase 17. The match ' in the darkness. A. glared B. flared c . glowed D. gleamed 18. The use o f v ita m in ______ __and herbs has become increasingly popular among Americans. A. components B. materials c . ingredients D. supplements 19. As a matter o f we have six security guards on the premises at all times. . A. wisdom B. prudence c . foresight D. acumen 20. She marched into the shop, as bold as , and demanded for her money back. A. bass B. grass c . brass D. glass III. GRAM M AR AND STRUCTURES (SPTS): Choose the best options to complete the following sentences. 21. ■ as taste is really a composite sense made up o f both taste and smell. A. That we refer to B. What we refer to c . To which we refer D. What do we refer to 22. This car has many features including________ . A. stereo, safety devices, air condition, and it saves gas B. good music, safe devices, air conditioning, and gas c . stereo, safety devices, air conditioned, and good gas D. stereo, safety devices, air conditioning, and low gas mileage 23. There a r e ________ words in English having more than one meaning. Pay close attention to this fact. ■ A. a large many ■ B. quite many c . quite a lot D. a great many 24. In fact, the crim inals______ in because the front door was wide open and so they just walked in. A. needn’t have broken B. shouldn’t have break c . didn’t need to break D. couldn’t have broken 25. In bas-relief sculpture, a design projects very slightly from its background, some coins. A. as on B. because c . the way that D. similarly 26. ________ workers found accidentally while constructing a new subway line in London yielded new information about previous civilizations in the area could be well-documented.


A. Relics that B. That relics that c . It was relics that D. Not until relics that 27. Declared an endangered species in the United S ta te s,________. A. the ginseng root has been gathered almost to the point o f extinction B. gathering the ginseng root almost to the pointof extinction c . people have gathered the ginseng root almost to the pointof extinction D. the near extinction of the ginseng root to excessive gathering 28. I eventually managed to find the office, . A. but not until after I’d got lost several times / B. so I had been looking for ove,r an hour c . that was easy and didn’t take very long D. since it w asn’t clearly marked on the map I had 29. Round and ro u n d ________ . A. the wheels o f the engine went B. did the wheels o f the engine go c . went the wheels o f the engine D. going the wheels o f the engine. 30. ' it is obvious that the whole thing was a waste o f time and effort. A. None o f us wanted to go in the firs,f. place B. Staff meetings are often boring and have no apparent point to them c . Since the results were far more satisfactory than anyone had expected D. Seeing that we couldn’t solve anything in the end IV. PHRASAL VERBS AND PREPOSITIONS (5 PTS) 31. The old lady’s savings were considerable as she had ________ a little money each week. A. put by B. put in c . put apart D. put down 32. Half the people in the office h av e_______________ a strange illness. A. gone in for B, gone along with c . gone through with D. gone down with 33. I can’t afford t o ________ on another foreign holiday this year. A. set out B. splash out c . take out D. give out 34. I don’t want to sound like I’m _ _____the law, but if you don’t keep the noise down, you’ll have to leave. A. putting in B. passing over c . laying down Đ. giving over 35. I u su ally _______ _ work at about half past five so I’m home by six thirty most nights. A. end up B. kick off c . lyiock o ff D. knuckle down 36. I’m not sure if I’m doing it right, but I’ll try t o _____ ahead with it anyway. A. drive B. bang c . touch D. press 37. I don’t think she can get her m essage________ to the students. She seems too nervous. A. across B. around c . out D. over 38. The weather was fine, and everyone w a s_________the coast. A. going in for B. making for c . joining in D. seeing about 39. When she c a m e _____ , she found herself in a hospital. A. out B. round c . o ff \ D. over 7

40. Could you lend me some money to A.hand B .tide

__ _ me over to the end o f the month? c. get D. make

V. GUIDED CLOZE 1 (5PTS): Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each space. Coincident with concerns about the ( 4 1 ) ___ ______ loss o f species and habitats has been a growing appreciation of the importance o f biological diversity, the number o f species in a (42) .______ ecosystem, to the health of the Earth and human well-being. Much has been written about the diversity of terrestrial organisms, particularly the exceptionally rich life associated with tropical rain-forest habitats.. Relatively little has been said, however, about the. diversity o f life in the sea even though coral reef systems are (43) _________ to rain forests in terms o f richness of life, An alien exploring Earth would probably give ( 4 4 ) _____ _____ to the planet’s dominant, most-distinctive feature - the ocean. Humans have a bias toward land that sometimes gets in the way of truly examining global issues. Seen from far away, it is easy to realize that iandmasses occupy only one-third of the Earth’s surface. Given that two-thirds o f the Earth’s surface is water and that marine life lives at all levels o f the ocean, the total three-dimensional living space o f the ocean is perhaps 100 times greater than that o f land and (45) ___________more than 90 percent o f all life on Earth even though the ocean has fewer distinct species. The fact that half o f the known species are thought to inhabit the world’s rain vorests does not seem surprising, considering the huge numbers o f insects that comprise the (46) ___________ o f the species. One scientist found many different species o f ants in just one tree from a rain forest. While every species is different from every other species, their genetic makeup ( 4 7 ) ___________ them to be insects and to share similar characteristics with 750,000 specics o f insects. If basic, broad categories such as phyla and classes are given more emphasis than differentiating between species, then the greatest diversity o f life is (48) ___ _______ the sea. Nearly every major type of plant and animal has some representation there. To appreciate (4 9 )___________ the diversity of abundance of life in the sea, it helps to think small. Every spoonful o f ocean water contains life, on the order of 100 to 100,000 bacteria cells plus assorted microscopic plants and animals, including (50) __________ o f organisms ranging from sponges and corals to starfish and clams and much more. 41. A. accelerating B. ascending c. upgrading D. alleviating 42. A. individual B. single c. particular D. specific 43. . A. relative B. comparable c. corresponding D. simulated 44. A. attention B. priority c. reference D. research 45. A. contains B. consists c. covers D. composes 46. A. mass B. gross c. bulk D. load 47. A. deduces B. restricts c. encloses D. constrains


48. 49. 50.

A. doubtlessly A. wholly A. embryos

B. unchangeably B. completely B. algae

c. inconstantly c. fully c . fungi

D. unquestionably D. entirely D. larvae

GUIDED CLOZE 2 (5PTS): Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each space. LOOKING INTO SPACE Outer space has (5 1 )_________ __mankind ever since we first gazed upward. It was easy enough to see stars in the night sky (52) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the naked eyes and many (53) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ civilizations also noticed that certain groups appeared to form familiar shapes. They used these constellations to help with navigation and as a means o f predicting the seasons and making calendars. Anc.ient astronomers also perceived points o f light that moved. They believed they were wandering stars and the word “planet” was (54) from the Grẹek word for “wanderers”. For much of human history, it was also believed that the Earth was the center o f the Universe and that the planets circled the Earth, and that falling meteorites and solar eclipses were (55) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of disaster. It w asn't until the 16lh century that Polish mathematician and astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus presented a mathematical mo'del of how the sun actually moved around the Earth, challenging the (56) understanding o f how the solar system worked. The Italian physicist and astronomer Galileo Galilei then used a telescope to prove this theory to be correct. Many technological advances have allowed us to probe (57) _ space since then, and one o f the most pioneering was when the first manned spacecraft, the Apollo 11, successfully (58) gravity and touched down on the moon’s surface. Nevertheless, much of OU1' research must be done from far greater distances. The Hubble Space Telescope was carried into orbit by a space shuttle in April 1990 and it has allowed cosmoiogists to gather incredible data. Most (59) . it has provided a great deal of evidence to support the Big Bang Theory, that is, the Idea that the Universe originated as a hot, (60) __________ state at a certain time in the past and has continued to expand since then. c. inquired 51. A. aroused D. intrigued B. struck D. in 52. A. by B. with c . fr»m D. initial 53. A. primary B. early c. first c. descended D. inferred 54. A. derived B. originated c. heralds D. omens 55. A. signals B. images c. controlling D. dominating 56. A. domineering B. prevailing B. on D. towards c. into 57. A. at A. broke through D. went ahead 58. B. got over c. came off c. significantly D. expressively 59. A. magnificently B. brilliantly B. dense c. intense 1 D. fraught 60. A. thick

VI. READING PASSAGE 1 (5PTS): Read the text below and choose the best answer to each question. THE TRUTH 'ABOUT THE ENVIRONM ENT For many environmentalists, the world seems to be getting worse. They have developed a hit-list of our main fears: that natural resources are running out; that the population is ever growing, leaving less and less to eat; that species are becoming extinct in vast numbers, and that the planet’s air and water are becoming ever more polluted. But a quick look at the facts shows a different picture. First, energy and other natural resources have become more abundant, not less so, since the book "The Limits to Growth" was published in 1972 by a group o f scientists. Second, more food is now produced per head o f the world's population than at any time in history. Fewer people are starving. Third, although species are indeed becoming extinct, only about 0.7% o f them are expected to disappear in the next 50 years, not 25-50%, as has so often been predicted. And finally, most forms o f environmental pollution either appear to have been exaggerated, or are transient - associated with thQ. early phases of industrialization and therefore best cured not by. restricting economic growth, but by accelerating it. One form o f pollution - the release o f greenhouse gases that causes global warming - does appear to be a phenomenon that is going to extend well into our future, but its total impact is unlikely to pose a devastating problem. A bigger problem may well turn out to be an inappropriate response to it. Yet opinion polls suggest that many people nurture the belief that environmental standards are declining and four factors seem to cause this disjunction between perception and reality: One is the lopsidedness built into scientific research. Scientific funding goes mainly to areas with many problems. That may be wise policy, but it will also create an impression that many more potential problems exist than is the case. Secondly, environmental groups need to be noticed by the mass media. They also need to. keep the money rolling in. Understandingly, perhaps, they sometimes overstate their arguments. In 1997, for example, the Worldwide Fund for Nature issued a Press release entitled: "Two thirds of the world's forests lost forever". The truth turns out to be nearer 20%. Though these groups are run overwhelmingly by selfless folk, they nevertheless share many o f the characteristics o f other lobby groups. That would matter less if people applied the same degree o f skepticism to environmental lobbying as they do to lobby groups in other fields. A trade organization arguing for, say, weaker pollution controls is instantly seen as self-interested. Yet a green organization opposing such a weakening is seen as altruistic, even if an impartial view of the controls in question might suggest they are doing more harm than good. A third source o f confusion is the attitude of the media. People are clearly more curious about bad news than good. Newspapers and broadcasters are there to provide what the public wants. That, however, can lead to significant distortions o f perception. An example was America's encounter with El Nino in


1997 and 1998. This climatic phenomenon was accused o f wrecking tourism, causing allergies, melting the ski-slopes and causing 22 deaths. However, according to an article in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, the damage it did was estimated at US$4 billion but the benefits amounted to some us$ 19 billion. These came from higher winter temperatures (which saved an estimated 850 lives, reduced heating costs and diminished spring floods caused by melt-waters). The fourth factor is poor individual perception; People worry that the endless rise in the amount o f stuff everyone throws away'will cause the world to run out o f places to dispose o f waste. Yet, even if America's trash output continues to rise as it has done in the past, and even if the American population doubles by 2100, all the rubbish America produces through the entire United States. So what o f global warming? As we know, carbon dioxide emissions are causing the planet to warm. The best estimates are that the temperatures will rise by 2-3° in this century, causing considerable problems, at a total cost o f US$5,000 billion. . Despite the intuition that something drastic needs to bè done about such a costly problem, economic analyses clearly show it will be far more expensive to cut carbon dioxide emissions radically than to pay the costs of adaptation to the increased temperatures. A model by one of the main authors of the United Nations Climate Change Panel shows how an expected temperature increase o f 2.1 degrees in 2100 would only be diminished to an increase o f 1.9 degrees. Or to put it another way, the temperature increase that the planet would have experienced in 2094 would be postponed to 2100. So this does not prevent global wanning, but merely buys the world six years. Yet the cost o f reducing carbon dioxide emissions, for the United States alone, will be higher than the cost of solving the world's single, most pressing health problem: providing universal access to clean drinking water and sanitation. Such measures would avoid 2 million deaths every year, and prevent half a billion people from becoming seriously ill. It is crucial that we look at the facts if we want to make, the best possible decisions for the future. It may be costly to be overly optimistic - but more costly still to be too pessimistic. 61. What aspect o f scientific research does the writer express concern about in paragraph 4? r A. the need to produce results B. the lack o f financial support c. the selection o f areas to research D. the desire to solve every research problem 62. The writer quotes fro m the Worldwide Fund fo r nature to illustrate how A. influential the mass media can be B. effective environmental groups can be .c. the mass media can help groups raise funds D. environmental groups can exaggerate their claims


63. What is fhe writer's main point about lobby groups in paragraph 6? A. Some arc more active than others B. Some are better organized than others c . Some receive more criticism than others D. Some support more important issues than others 64. The writer suggests that newspapers prin t items that are intended to _____ A. educate readers B. meet their readers'expectations c . encourage feedback from readers Đ. mislead readers 65. What does the writer say about Am erica's waste problem ? A. Jt will increase in line with population B. It is not as important as we have been led to believe c . It has been reduced through public awareness o f the issues D. It is only significant in certain areas o f the country 66. Which environmental problem is not mentioned in a hit-list? A. overpopulation B. air contamination c . food shortage D. shorter life expectancy 6 7. “Transient” is closest in meaning to ________________. A. continuing only for a short time B. permanently existing c . directly affected D. resulting.from another impact 68. “A ltruistic” is closest in meaning t o ________________ . A. selfless B. optimistic c . skeptical D. obvious 69. Which o f the statements is not true according to the passage? A. Environmentalists take a pessimistic view of the world for a number of reasons B. Optimism and pessimism are equally costly c . Though scientific funding may wisely go to areas with many problems, there is an impression that potential problems will exceed the true ones D. The public’s false perception is partly due to mass mcdia attitude' 70. Which o f the following is not considered as the consequences o f E l Nino 1997 a n d 1998? A. damaged tourism B. allergy spread c . increased temperature D. ski-slope melting READING PASSAGE 2 (5PTS): Read the text below and choose the best answer to each question. LIVESTRONG - BUT WILL TIIE LEGACY? In the early - to mid - 1990s, Lance Armstrong was on the up -and -up. Success seemed to be written in his stars; he notched up a stage win at the ’93 Tour de France, then another in ’95. This cyclist was clearly coming o f age in the sport, and he was, at 24 on registering his second tour win, still a relative baby in cycling terms - most o f his career lay ahead o f him. Then, just when it looked like he would conquer all before him, his ’96 tour was cut disappointingly short due to illness. And, as it would soon emerge, this was no


ordinary illness; Armstrong had testicular cancer. Farrs were aghast and there was an outpouring o f sympathy for him. But Armstrong would need more than goodwill to get through this. The cancer had metastasized to the lungs and the brain. The prognosis was not at all good. M ònths o f spirit - and body-breaking chemotherapy followed and a delicate surgical procedure to remove the malignancies on his brain was performed. Cycling mourned the surely permanent loss to the sport o f one of its most promising young disciples. But Armstrong \yasrv t finished yet. In 1998, he made a remarkable, defiant and inspirational return to cycling and competed in the Tour de France a'gain the following year. But surely his would now only be a cameo role; after all, what could one expect from a cancer survivor with a compromised liver and the other familiar scars of cancer therapy? Except Armstrong had other ideas.' Four stage wins, later, the legend o f Armstrong was born; he had claimed the Tour and defied the odds in the most emphatic o f manners. His victory represented not ju st his announcement as a force in cycling, but as a force for hope for millions o f cancer sufferers the world over. Indeed, Armstrong threw him self into campaigning for his newly-established cancer foundation. Livestrong - so much so that he metamorphosed into a sort o f humanembodiment o f the cause - he became the cause, and his annual battle with the French Alps came to represent the struggle against the deadly disease. So long as Lane could succeed, there was hope. And succeed he did, beyond the wildest expectations o f even the most optimistic o f his supporters, amassing a further six titles - so seven in consecution - before he retired in 2005. His achievements were simply remarkable; his story absorbing; his book a must-read for all cancer sufferers - their ray o f hope; proof that hopefulness should never fade and that sansuinitv can and does make light o f the odds, the tunnel, though lòng and at times excruciating to pass through, has an end, and it is a happy o n e - th e light is in sight. After his seventh victory, he retired and the sporting world entered congratulatory mode, writing his eulogies. But Armstrong had one more surprise for us; he w asn’t finished yet. /There were whispers o f a comeback; confirmed in 2009, and so it was that the legend would ride again. But the renewed focus on him wasn’t all good; there were whispers o f another kind, too; sources, some credible, were dairying he had had an illicit ally all through his exploits; he was, they claimed, in bed with the syringe. Our champion laughed off and dismissed these claims but the rumors persisted and a cloud began to form over his legacy. Surely Armstrong could not -have earned his victories clean, some said. We may never know for sure. Fast-forward to 2012 and despite an abandoned federal case, those sharpening their knives for Armstrong seem to have, finally nabbed him; ASADA, the U.S. body tasked with cracking down on drug offenders charged Armstrong with doping and the trafficking of drugs - and some say his failure to contest is indicative o f his'guilt. At any rate, because he

pleaded no-contest, he will now be stripped o f all his titles; his legacy has been pulled from under him. And yet he has not, and now may never be tried, so we have not seen the evidence against him. We do not know if he is guilty or innocent, and it still remains fact that he never failed an official drug test. Did he cheat? Does it matter? Does anyone care? rim e may tell, but for now, though his legacy is tainted, his legend, in the eyes o f many o f his loyal supporters, lives on. 71. What does the writer mean when he says in the fir st paragraph that Lance Armstrong was “coming o f age in the sport?” A. he was o f the right age to be a competitive cyclist B. he was nearly at the age at which it is expected that a cyclist should win c . he was o f a mature age for a cyclist and had few years left in the sport D. he was beginning to figure as a real contender in his sport

72. Which o f the following statements is true about the cancer Armstrong had? A. B. c. D.

he recovered remarkably quickly from it, suffering little It started in the lungs and spread to the brain doctors were optimistic about his chances o f survival the generally held view was that it would prevent him from cycling professionally every again 73. Why does the writer say, “Except Armstrong had other ideas,” at the end o f the third paragraph? A. Armstrong was determined to play some role in the Tour de France again B. Arm strong’s idea o f victory had changed since he’d had cancer c . Armstrong was determined to defy the odds and become a real contender in the Tour de France D. Armstrong didn't want to race for victory, he just wanted to represent cancer victims 74. What does the writer compare A rm strong’s Tour lie France campaign struggle each year after his return to the sport with ? A. the general fight against cancer B. a cancer organization c . his fundraising for cancer D. Armstrong’s own personal cancer experience 75. What is one o f the ways in which his story became about more than ju st cycling? A. his published biography became a source of inspiration for cancer sufferers B. cycling through a tunnel was like fighting cancer c . he gave people hope that they could one day be professional athletes, too D. he gave people the belief to fight the disease that is drug-taking in sport 76. What can be inferred about the rumours o f A rm strong’s druq-taking? A. they were disproved in a state court ease B. they have not caused Armstrong’s reputation and record any charm


c . they w ere eventually proved true beyond doubt

D. he had, but passed up, an opportunity to disprove them 77. Which o f the follow ing is closest in meaning to the word “defiant”? A. surprising B. unyielding c . emotional D. impulsive 78. Which o f the following is closest itt meaning to the word “sanguinity”? A. cheerfulness B. persistence c . sympathy D. perseverance 79. Which o f the follow ing is closest in meaning to the word “official”? A. rough B. formal c . constant D. severe 80. Which o f the follow ing terms has been giveti a definition in the passage? A. eulogies B. Tour de FranceC. ASADA D. chemotheraphy

B. WRITTEN TEST I. CLOZE TEST (20PTS): Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each spacc. Use only ONE WORD for each space. OPEN. CLOZE 1 (10PTS) Interpreting the feelings o f other people'is not always easy, as we all know, and we rely as much on what they seem to be telling us, as ( 1 ) __________ _ the actual words they say. Facial ( 2 ) _____ _____ and tone o f voice are obvious ways o f showing our reaction to something, and it, may ( 3 ) __________ _ be that we unconsciously express views that we are trying to hide. The art o f being tactful ( 4 ) _____ _ in picking up these signals, realizing what the other person is trying to say, and acting so that they are not embarrassed in any way. For example, we may understand that they are in fact reluctant to answer our question, and so we stop pressing them. Body movements in general may also indicate feelings, and interviewers often pay particular attention to the way a. candidate for a jo b walks into the room and sits down. However, it is not difficult to present the right kind o f appearance, while ( 5 ) ___________ many .employers want to know relates to the candidate’s character ( 6 ) ___________ and psychological stability. This ( 7 ) ________ __ the awkward question o f whether job candidates should'be asked to complete psychological tests, and the further problem o f whether such tests Actually produce reliable results. For many people, being asked to take part in such a test would be an objectionable intrusion (8) ___________their private lives. After all, a prospective employer would (9)j»__________ ever ask a candidate to run a hundred meters, or expect his or her family doctor to provide confidential medical information. (1 0 )_______ _ apart from this problem, can such tests predict whether a person is likely to be a conscientious employee or a valued colleague? OPEN CLOZE 2 (1 OPTS) The point at which physical decline with age begins adversely to affect a driver’s capability has not yet been thoroughly studied. A survey o f m ore than 3,000 road accidents in Michigan ( 1 1 ) _______ 'drivers aged over 55 showed


that in eight out o f ten cases, (1 2 ) ___________was a driver over the age of 71 who had caused collision by failing to yield, turning carelessly (1 3 )___________ changing lanes. Older drivers are obviously more susceptible ( 1 4 ) __________ injury in vehicle crashes, as well as being a potential higher risk, through their own (15) __________ behavior. Reactions time in an emergency involves many different physical factors such impulse, perception o f the signal, as the production o f the (16) J______ choice o f response and transmission to the muscles. Some o f these deteriorate more than others with age, but the overall effect increases the time it takes to respond for more ( 1 7 ) ____ ______ drivers. Part o f the aging (18) ________however, does include the storage of experience, often in the subconscious, ( 1 9 ) _______ _ triggers earlier danger warnings than in younger drivers who have not eKpectenced similar situations. This maturity o f judgm ent heightens the perception o f risk and often (20) _______ older drivers to avoid a situation which might then put them to the test. II. W ORD FORMATION: (20PTS) PART 1: Complete each sentence, using the correct form of the word in parentheses. 1. The planning authorities gave the school th e ______________ for an , extension. (GO) 2. I want to make sure all my dependants will be financially secure if I’m _________ __________in any way. (CAPACITY) 3. He is a bad manager in that factory and everyone is in an attempt to ______________ him. (FAME) 4. The referee who will b e _____________________at this year's F. A. Club final is one o f my relatives, you know. (OFFICIAL) 5. ! was surprised by h is __________________ to break the law. (PREPARE) ' 6. It thrives in a vacuum o f consumer information that might give everybody a (n )____________ reason to go somewhere else. (REFUTE) 7. She stood there com pletely_______________ ____ so I had no idea at all what she was thinking. (EXPRESSION) 8. Throughout the ] 790s, he worked hard to secure the interest o f wealthy patrons. Such ________________enabled him to concentrate on becoming a successful composer. ' {PATRON) 9. Children who grow up in time o f war are more likely to b e ________ than others. (ADJUST) 10. The years in isolation and adversity have deepened his _________ ______ . (KNOW) PART 2: Complete the passage with the appropriate forms from the words given in the box. regular tour supposedly fantasia


force custom

instrument substance

comment conceive

Tourism, holidaymaking and travel are these days more significant social phenomena than most (11) ______________ have considered. Tourism is a leisure activity which (12) ______________ its opposite namely regulated or organized work. It is one manifestation o f how work and leisure are organized as separate and regulated spheres of social practice in modern societies. Indeed, acting as a tourist is one of the defining characteristics of being modern and the popular ( 1 3 ) ______________ o f tourism is that it is organized within particular places and occurs for (1 4 ) ___ ___________ periods o f time. Tourist relationships arise from a movement o f people to and their stay in various destinations. This (1 5 )______________ involves some movement that is a new place or places. The journey and the stay are, by definition, outside the normal places o f residence and work, and are o f a short term and temporary nature, and there is a clear intention to return home within a relatively short period of time. A ( 1 6 ) ______________ proportion of the population o f modern societies engages in such tourist practices. New socialized forms o f provision have developed in order to cope with the mags character of the gazes o f tourists as opposed to the individual character of travel.' Places are chosen to be visited and be gazed upon because there is an anticipation especially through daydreaming and (17) ______________ of intense pleasures, either on a different scale or involving different senses from those ( 1 8 ) ________________encountered. Such anticipation is constructed and sustained through a variety o f (19) ______________ practices such as films, TV, literature, magazines, records and videos which construct and (2 0 )____________ this daydreaming. III. ERROR CORRECTION (10PTS): The following passage contains 10 errors. Identify and correct them. 1 Mo education medium better serves as a means of spatial communication ' than the atlas. Atlases deal with as invaluable information as population distribution and density. One of the best, Pennycooke’s World Atlas, had been widely accepted as a standard owing to the quality o f their maps s and photographs, which not only show various settlements but also portray them in a variety pf scales. In fact, the very first map in the atlas is cleverly designed population cartogram that projects the size o f each country if the geographical size is proportional for population. Following the proportional outlay, a sequence of smaller maps shows the w orld’s 10 population density, each country’s birth and death rates, population increase or decrease, industrialization, urbanization, gross national products in terms o f per capital income, the quality of medical care, literacy, and language. Giving readers a perspective on how their own country fits in with the global view, additive projections depict the 15 w orld’s patterns in nutrition, calorie and protein consumption, health care, num ber o f physicians per unit of population, and life expectancy by region. Population density maps on a subcontinental scale, as well as r-T^ " _Tr ~~ diversely demographic phenomena o f the 19

spmtssfe. TRƯÒNG




Rewrite the following sentences using the words given. 1. Ml'. Foster asked me to write this letter to you. —» It is a t ______ ________________________________________ 2. The only thing that prevented the passing o f the bill was the death o f Prime . Minister. —> Were it ____________________________________ _____________________ . 3. Jane persuaded the others to agree with her point o f view. -> Jane brought

•__________________________ _______________ ______ .

4. The inhabitants were far worse-off twenty years ago than they are now. -» The inhabitants are nowhere______________ ____________

__________ .

5. They designed the stadium to make hooliganism impossible. (SUCH) -> The stadium ______________ ________________________ out hooliganism. 6. My friend took -ffo notice of my advice. (DEAF) 7. He didn’t think much o f the musical show yesterday. (OPINION) H e _______________________________ __________________. musical show yesterday.


8. He was finally able to adjust him self to the new working condition. (SWING) —?• He finally_______________________


9. Some airlines cheat people by charging them too much for tickets. (RIP) - » _________ _______________________.__________________________________ . 10. They believe that the hotel was quite near the beach. (THROW) -» The hotel is



TRƯỜNG THFT CHUYÊN LẼ THÁNH TỐNG - QUẢNG NAM A. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS I. PHONOLOGY 1. Choose the word whose underlined part is /pronounccd differently from that o f the others. D. rearrange c. recollect B. rewrite l . A. retake c. mythology D. lyre B. rhythm 2. A. lyrical c.cou gh s D. plants B.hooks 3. A. pierrots D. theoretical c.therapy B.thread 4. A. thither D. learned c . followed B. rained 5. A. imagined 2. Pick out the word that is stressed differently from the others. c. upgrade D. upstage B. update 6. A. uptake D. aquarium B. amphibian c. apartheid 7. A. academic D. hypersensitive 8. A. argumentative B. psychological c. contributory D. antique B. pension c. pleasure 9. A. conscience c. diaper D. diamond 10. A. diagram B. diagonal II. W ORD CHOICE Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. 1. It was such a shock to receive a letter like th a t_____________________. A. in the red B. out o f the blue c . in the pink D. over the moon 2. We had been looking for the nest for hours before w e ____________ lucky. A. hit B. made c . struck D. came 3. Before the invention o f the Internet people couldn’t ___________ o f such universal access to information. A. reminisce B. conceive c . contemplate D. access 4. It is th e _______ o f stupidity to go walking in the mountains in this weather. A. height B. depth c . source D. matter 5. Ĩ supposed he c o u ld __________have reached the summit on his own, but I doubt it. A. conceivably B. credibly c . imaginatively D. believably 6. John’s observation was a bit wide o f t h e __________. A. target B. mark c . point D. goal 7. Your shoes are a(n)________ _ .You haven’t cleaned them for weeks A. accident B. disgrace c . blow D. shock 8. The film started with the heroine’s death so most o f it was shot in ___ . Â. backtrack B. reverse c . flashback ; D. switchback


_ at first . 9. The new student found the informality at school___ D. blinding A. off- putting B. foreign c . mysterious 10. Please accept o u r__________congratulations. A. finest B. deepest c dearest D. w annest III. STRUCTURE AND GRAMMAR Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. 1. Sally would prefer to pursue her studies____ ____to look for a job. A. rather than starting B. to starting c . rather than start D. than to start 2. Did the minister approve the building plans?- Not really, he turned them down _________ that the costs were too high. A. in case B. provided c . on the grounds D. supposing 3 . _______ as taste is really a composite sense made up of both taste and smell. A. That we refer to B. What wc refer to c . To which we refer D. Whạt do we refer to 4. Don’t tell anyone about this,__________? A. do you B. won’t you c . will you D. should you 5. You should not have liked her, b u t________ be quite so rude, A. should you B. did you dare to c . would you have to D. did you need to 6. After the accident, there was considerable doubt ' exactly w hat had happened. A. for B. as to c . in the shape o f D. in the question o f 7 . _________ the barrier at the side o f the road, the car would have crashed into the valley below. A. But for B. Apart from c . Except for D. Unless 8 . _________the increasing depletion o f the earth’s resources, it’s vital to recycle on a wider scale than we do at present. A. Given B. In spite o f c . Irrespective o f D.Regardless of 9 . _______ at his lessons, still he couldn’t catch up with his classmates. A. Hardly as he worked B. Hard as he worked c . Hard as he does D. Hard as he was 10 . ______. the public concern about the local environment, this new road scheme will have to be abandoned. A. As regards B. In the event o f c . However much D. In view of IV. PREPOSITIONS AND PHRASAL VERBS Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. 1. After the flash flood, all the drains were overflow ing________ storm water. A. from B. with c . by D. for


2. The rules are dearly stated and ad m it_________ no confusion. A. to B. for c . of D. from 3. When the funds fin ally _______ they had to abandon the scheme. A. faded away B. clamped down c . petered out D. folalfed o ff 4. How many people __________ in the storm a few days ago? A. called by B. passed on c . broke o ff D. gave o ff 5. No one can function properly if he or she i s __________adequate sleep. A. took away B. deprived o f c . deprived from D. got rid o f 6. His joke seemed to ________ very well with his audience, if their laughter was any indication. A. go off B. go by c . go along D. go down 7. The _________ the family home following the divorce was a great shock to the children. A. break- down . B. break-in c . break-up D. break-out 8 . 1 think you need to _ your ideas more ciearly so that the reader doesn’t get confused. , A. dawn on B. set out c . get on with D. give in 9 . 1 can’t make anything__________his writing. A. from B. in c . out D. of 10. You will have to comply-_________these rules or you will lose your job. A. to B. about c . for D. with V. READING COMPREHENSION Passage 1 : You are going to read an article containing film reviews. For questions 1-10, choose from the reviews (A-F). The reviews may be chosen more than once. FILM REVIEWS A Keira Knightley gives “her best performance yet” in Joe w eight’s adaptation o f the Jane Austen classic “Pride & Prejudice'". It snagged her Golden Globe and Oscar nominations for B est Actress although she was eventually beaten to the globe by Reese Witherspoon For Walk The Line. Nonetheless this period romance went down well on both sides o f the pond. While A usten’s work derives much of its tension from thẹ. buttoned-down customs o f 18th century society, Matthew Macfadyen, who plays Mr Darcy, finds it all “quite releasing” . Naturally the cast offer their interpretations although these tend towards the obvious; “Elizabeth is very human,” says Keira. She hits closer to the mark in a separate tribute to the novelist, saying, “She puts across this absolutely gorgeous fairy tale in a father realistic way.” B After endless TV runs of “Mr. Bean”, Rowan Atkinson has proved that he's an inspired physical comedian. Mis second big screen outing as the tweed-donning doofus was generally belter received than the first Bean flick, trading on slapstick


shtick rather than fart gags as he travels all over France. The film also did brisk business at home and abroad, raising sacks of cash for Comic Relief. Cameras follow Bean and company on location across the sun-drenched South o f France in “French Beans”. Director Steve Bendelack confesses he's haying a lot of “ fun”, while poor old Atkinson works up a sweat madly cycling after a chicken in a complex chase sequence. While critics talk about Atkinson's “effortless,” ability to make people laugh, the man himself doesn't see it that way, saying that having to carry a film with so much physicality is “quite stressful.” Obviously this DVD is very much a love it or hate it proposition, but for fans o f the TV series, it's the perfect escape on a wet afternoon. c Three years after “Super Size Me’', director Richard' Linklater put the burger business through the mincer again. It’s just a shame that “Fast Food Nation” is slathered in self-importance as it takes the point-of-view o f various people affected by the contamination of meat at a Texan processing plant. After opening to mixed reviews, the box office numbers were as flat as a cheap beef patty. He admits that, going into the project, he knew very little about the politics of fast food and even dares to confess, “I eat meat.” Oh, and by the way, the méat is also a metaphor for the plight of illegal immigrants. Referring to the character played by Catalina Sandino Moreno, he says, “ It's about her being turned into a piece o f m eat.’’ Bet you didn't see that coming, eh? Without question this film is full of heart, unfortunately the mishmash o f storylines and speechifying doesn't go down any easier on the small screen. D Yes, there is a high body count and a lot of stuff gets blown up but “Shooter” was not an entirely mindless film. In it, a world-weary ex-M arine sniper gets drawn into a plot to assassinate the u s president. Maybe it was this hackneyed premise that meant it fell slightly below target at the box office. Stephen Hunter, who wrote the novel on which the film is based, talks about the inspiration for the story in Survival O f The Fittest. He calls his leading character Bob Lee Swagger “a Faustian intellectual o f war,” which might be slightly overstating it. Co-Star Micheál Pepa was apparently thrilled at the chance to shoot people. “It's really hard not to get into it,” he says, later adding, “The explosions were really neat.” Somehow we don't think he quite understood Hunter's intentions... E “ Monsoon Wedding” director Mira Nair drew on her own experiences for this poignant family saga “ The Namesake”. Adapted from Jhumpa Lahiri's Puliter prize-winning novel about the pains o f immigration, it stars Bollywood actress Tabu and erstwhile movie Stoner Kal ‘Kumar’ Penn. Although the film didn't break any box office records, glowing reviews helped to put bums on seats in all comers of the globe. Throughout the film, Nair picks on scenes that resonate with her own experiences of coming to America and raising children there, but she is also very instructive on the technical aspects o f filmmaking. She explains why she chooses a close-up over a wide-angle shot and how that decision feeds the underlying emotion o f


a scene. Aspiring film-makers will glean lots o f practical advice, and for the average film fan, you’ll be transported across continents from the comfort of your own sofa. F A period political drama is never an easy sell at the box office. Take the example o f “Amuing Grace”, starring loan Gruffudd as bewigged human rights activist William Wilberforce. For director Michael Apted the challenge was in trying to show how “heroic politics can be”, while trying to avoid a dry historical re-enactment o f Wilberforce's lifei and instead put the focus on the battle between young revolutionaries and a fusty establishment. About his preparations for the role Gurffudd says that, as well as reading up on British/African history, there was the matter o f how to age convincingly on screen. The young actor light-heartedly assures us that lots o f makeup was involved because making him look old is ‘ very hard to do... Despite the weighty themes it deals with, the surprise is that, overall, this ./DVD isn't as heavy as you’d think. In which film review is the following mentioned ? An actor didn’t win despite performing well. A character plans to kill the leader o f a country. Is full o f feeling but not successful as a film or DVD. The plot spans over many years. The director of the movie was born in a foreign country. The writers were trying not to dully depict history. The director sees elements of their own life in the film. It is only ideal for a specific group of people. The prospect o f violence was exciting. A lot o f people die in the film.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Ỉ0.

Passage 2 : No Growing Pains for Daniel Radcliffe A You know those talcs of tost youth that spring from actors who are too successful too soon? You will probably not hear any about Daniel Radciiffe, who conjures up his alter-ego Harry Potter for the fourth boy-wizard film saga, “Harry Potter and the Goblet o f Fijje,” opening Nov. 18 (after its premiere Saturday in New York City). “If childhood is being surrounded by people who you love being around and being incredibly happy, then I absolutely have had that,” he says, “it’s been a bizarre childhood. It’s been strange, but it’s been great.” B Radcliffe, now an articulate 16-year-old, has not been arrested/ has not warred with his parents over his millions now tucked away, or thrown hissy fits on the set. What in the name o f Macaulay Culkin is going on? “They all know exactly what they’re worth,’' '‘Goblet” director Mike Newell says of Radcliffe arid co-stars Emma Watson and Rupert Grifit, "but they have not







become impossible.” Radcliffe became a global icon as a 10-year-old when he won a worldwide casting call to breathe life into the hero from J.K. Rowling’s best-selling fantasy books. Despite endless adoration, he seems to be avoiding that notorious fraternity o f thespian lads who turn rotten. In a one-one-one conversation ạt a London hotel, the 5-foot-7 Radcliffe, without those H.p spectacles, emerges as very much a boy, but with a showm an’s polish that no abracadabra could evoke when he first wielded a magic wand. He makes small talk before the first question is popped and later, in a press conference, works the room like a professional comedian. He has never, been sting by a bad review or an unflattering portrait. That’s because h e ’s never read any o f his press: His parents. Alan Radcliffe and M arcia Gresham have provided a magic carpet ride into puberty by protecting him from both the adulation and the evisceration. Radcliffe remains blissfully ignorant of his riches as well-reported to be next in line behind fellow young Brits Charlotte Church and Prince Harry. “To be honest, I don’t actually know how much at this point,” Radcliffe says. “I don’t, really. In a way, 1 think that’s right. It’s not something that affects the way I think about things.” Radcliffe’s Groucho-eyebrow-draped blue eyes lock in without trepidation. Although he gives relatively few interviews, he does not flinch at potentially awkward questions, either. He is the kind o f millionaire action-figure boy-next-door with whom you’d like to take your teen daughter out for a soda. Radcliffe wears a striped-green dress Shirt, and his only accessory is his publicist and long-time family friend Vanessa Davies. Except for premieres, Radcliffe’s family employs no bodyguards, according to the actor. At school, the hubbub over his presence dies down after a few weeks. Fan interest “never got.too aggressive,” he says. “I know there are people who are slightly obsessed, but it doesn’t really worry me too much. As long as it stays at the pitch it is now. Occasionally you meet someone slightly worrying, but never really feel in danger.” The security issue that absorbs him at the moment is longevity as an actor. For the first time since I began the “Harry Potter” instalments, Radcliffe is set to work on another feature, “December Boys,” a eoming-of-age tale in which he plays an orphan. It begins shooting in Australia in December. , Taking a cue from one of his idols, Gary Oldman, who plays Harry’s godfather Sirius Black in the Potter movies, Radcliffe wants to forge various onscreen personas. “If I was to complete the series without having done anything else during that time, it would be harder to be seen as anything else,” he says. “ It’s just showing people Ỉ can do other things.” At the moment, Radcliffe is preparing for the fifth Potter edition, “The Flight o f The Phoenix.” It requires him to take tutoring at the leavesden Studios in Herfordshire. Although he lias aged out of many o f the restrictions o f England’s child-labour laws, he is determined to stick to his old schedule. Each film takes 11 months to finish.

G "It would be too intense if I did that much school and that much filming at the same tim e,’' he says. "Both my performance and schoolwork would suffer.” Radcliffe is prepared to work the same routine if called upon to do No. 6, “Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince.” (Rowling is at work on a seventh.) “Ultimately it comes down to whether I feel like doing it,” he says. “ If it’s a great script, a great director and it will challenge me, there’s no reason for me not to do it. I’ve read the sixth book. It’s such an amazing part for me if I was to do it. That would definitely be something that would challenge me. However, it’s a long way away.” H No. 5 puts Radcliffe through 'his paces in a hormonally charged setting. Newell says he crafted it first as a thriller, pitting the budding sorcery prodigy against Lord Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes), who has not appeared since he killed Harry’s parents 13 years earlier.'A lthough he is a poor swimmer, Radcliffe immersed him self in an extended underwater scene. “He w on’t turn into a Stuntman, but he’s a responsible boy,” producer David Heyman says. Radcliffe seems to enjoy the spotlight more than his co-stars. Piping in with glib comments as Grint, 17, stumbled through the afternoon news conference. I All the while, Radcliffe’s parents sat in the back row, watching with thin smiles and arms folded. “I might be arrogant and big-headed, but they kept me really grounded, and 1 can’t thank them enough for thạt,” Radcliffe says. Be is still just a teenager, more an onscreen dragon slaver than lady-killer. Radcliffe spoke frankly about his less-than-magical ways with girls, saying their expectations o f him as Harry dissolve into a “grimmer reality.” He knows the Potter experience will long outlive his awkwardness. After all, millions of moviegoers have fallen under his spell. “This has given me a feeling of confidence,” says Radcliffe, “which I might not have had otherwise.” Questions 1 The text has 9 paragraphs (A-I). Which paragraph fits the following heading? 1. Not a bad star Questions 2-6 According to the text, FIVE o f the following statements arc true. Write the corresponding letters in answer boxes 2 to 6 in any order A. B. c. D. E. F. G. H.

The first showing o f “Harry Potter and theJGoblet o f Fire” was in New York. Daniel Radcliffe started acting when he was ten years old. Daniel Radcliffe doesn’t talk to reporters often. He is treated specially at school. When filming, he is tutored at the film studio. Daniel Radcliffe gets on with the Harry Potter director. • Daniel Radcliffe seems to be better at dealing with reporters than Rupert Grint. Daniel Radcliffe’s parents were unhappy with the press conferencc.

Questions 7-10 According to the information given in the text, choose the correct answer or answers from the choices given. 7. The writer says that Daniel Radcliffe A. looks taller without glasses. B. behaves very professionally. c . doesn’t read reviews of his acting. 8. Daniel Radcliffe says that he A. has iess money than Prince Harry. B. doesn’t know how much money he has made, c . doesn’t care how much money he has made. 9. Daniel Radcliffe wants to play roles other than Harry Potter because A. his idol, Gary Oldman did that. B. his idol, Gary Oldman, suggested it. c . he doesn’t want people to think he can oniy play Harry potter. 10. Daniel Radcliffe says that he has not been successful with girls because A. he is still teenager. B. they expect him to be like Harry Potter, c . his parents w on’t let him go dating. VI. GUIDED CLOZE TEST Read the following passage and decide which option A,B, c or D best fits each space. Passage 1: TALKING RUBBISH Lasanda Kurukudasuriya takes a Sri Lanka view o f recycling. Reduce! Re-use! Recycle! The message hits Canadian consumers through all the media. As newcomers from Sri Lanka, we compared the situation here with the one back home. We must not be the most environmentally (1)_______ citizens in the world but, compared with this, we do not have a rubbish problem- yet. Like many shoppers in Colombo, my partner Shahid and I used to have a cane basket we took along with us to the Sunday market or pola every week. No environmentalist coúld have complained about it. You need a good strong basket at the pola. There are no supermarket trolleys to push around. Most items- rice, flour, vegetables, fruit, biscuits, eggs- are bought (2 )______________or wrapped in newspaper. At ( 3 ) _____ wc would carry one plastic bag separately. For eggs we took a reusable plastic tray with us. When income (4)______ are low, people need to buy in small quantities. It is quite normal to ask for a single envelope, two eggs or 100 grams o f sugar. The (5)______ is that, for the most part, urban consumers in' Sri Lanka cannot afford the luxury o f waste. Most people do not buy more from the grocers than they know they will actually consume. They re-use whatever they can and are loath to discard bags, jars, tins or boxes that can be (6 )______ to other uses.


But in recent years Western-style supermarkets have begun to spring up in C olom bo. They hold out the (7)_______ of a clean, efficient, streamlined service

to customers. A (8)________ o f imported goods, dressed up in their layers of attractive, colourful (9)_____ _ beckons from the shelves. These are the (10)_____ products that demand your attention on the TV advertisements. Along with them, Sri Lanka, like so many other developing countries, may have imported a problem that once never existed. ]. A. qualified 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

A. A. A. A. A. A.

free maximum rates point made promise

8. A. set 9. A. packets 10. A. very

B. concerned B. in pieces B. most B. amounts B .case B. set B. advantage B. range B. packs B .just

c. worried c. bit by bit c. highest c. sizes c.' examplec. given t c. evidence / / £ : store c. packaging c. similar

D. experienced D. loose D. best D. levels D. question D. put D. sight D .band D .padding D. likely

Passage 2: W ATER FOR £50 A LITRE Claridge’s has taken luxury to a new ( 1 ) _______ by offering its guests more than 30 ( 2 ) _______ o f water - with prices stretching to as much as £50 a litre. The opulent hotel in the heart o f London has (3) ____ an extensive menu with water from places as far flung as Norway, Patagonia, New Zealand and Hawaii. Customers are given advice on which water is best (4)_________ to what occasion. For those suffering from exhaustion or trying to get over jet lag, OGO spring water from the Netherlands contains 35 times more oxygen than (5)________ water (6) the drinker. The most expensive on the menu is '420 Volcanic, spring water froqj New Zealand, which can be bought for £21 for 42 cl - the equivalent of £50 a litre. Its low mineral content and “smooth sensation on the palate” come from its journey from the (7) _____ at the bottom o f an extinct volcano through 200 metrps of volcanic rock. Fiuggi from Italy has (8)______ been admired: Michelangelo wrote about its restorative effects in 1554 and it is said to be very popular with the Vatican. (9)_______ included on the list is Mahalo Deep Sea Water, from Hawaii, which is £21 for 75cl. Originally a fresh water iceberg, the ice melted thousands of years ago and sank to the bottom o f the ocean floor because of its different temperature and salinity. It is now (10)______ to the surface through a 1,000 meter pipeline. But among all the grandeur there is one option which is free of charge - a glass of “old-fashioned London tap water”. ,


1. A. height 2. A. varieties 3. A. revised 4. A. appropriate 5. A. common 6. A. revitalising 7. A. source 8. A. much 9. A. Furthermore, 10. A. dragged

B. peak B. differences B. advised B. suited B. typical B. revitalised B. foundation B .thoroughly B. Also B. hauled

c. summit c. variations c. comprised c. suitable c. ordinary c. is revitalised c. basis c. once c. Plus, c. pulled

D. rate D. options D. devised D. linked D. natural D. to revitalise D. beginning D. long D. Moreover D. pumped

B. WRITTEN TEST Ỉ. OPEN CLOZE TEST: Fill each blank with ONE word. Cloze Test I: CHINESE WHITE DOLPHINS When one thinks of the colourful creatures of the sea, dolphins are not usually the first to come tò mind. Though they are born dark gray like other dolphins, Chinese white dolphins become pink by the time they reach (1)____ There are a number o f (2);_____ about why they change colour over time. Some biologists believe it is because the dolphins eat shellfish. Others say it is their blood showing through their skin, similar to humans when we (3)______ . The rarity has led Chinese white dolphins to become both a tourist attraction and an endangered species. Despite the damage that has been done to the western waters o f Hong Kong, they are still the preferred habitat of the Chinese white dolphin. The construction o f Hong Kong’s Cliep Lap Kok Airport in the late 1990s caused a great deal of stress for the local dolphins. Their population dropped from a ( 4 ) ______ 400 or so to less than 10Ố. While the airport was under the construction, boat traffic increased, the water became polluted and the noise (5)_____ the dolphins’ ability to (6)______ and communicate. Most o f the baby dolphins that were born during the construction of this airport did not survive. Since so few o f these dolphins reach the age o f (7)____ the species is irrdanger o f (8)_________ . People come from near and far to watch the playful behaviour o f these rare dolphins, which perforin like acrobats in their natural environment. In a move known as breeching, a dolphin jum ps right out o f the water, flopping back in with a gigantic splash. Though they appear to be playing, dolphins may breech in order to scare o ff predators, or simply to scratch an itch. Tourists also love to spot Chinese white dolphins that are spy hopping. With this trick, dolphins come (9)_____ out o f the water in order to snoop around. The curiosity o f humans and dolphins combined, however, creates various dangers for these rare animals. Humans in their boats get too close to the dolphins. Many dolphins are injured or killed by fishing (10)___ __ and boat engines.


Cloze Test 2: DRIVERLESS TAXIS - THE FUTURE OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT? The idea o f driverless cabs may sound like the stuff o f science fiction but PRT (Personal Rapid Transport) could soon become a transport (1) A Bristol - based company, ATS, has developed a system of pod-shaped vehicles that for the price o f one bus ticket will take a group o f four passengers wherever they want to go along a fixed (2)______ . They generate zero (3)_________and they travel at 40 kph, roughly twice the speed /o f a city centre bus. But its promised (4)_______ will be attractive to users, ás there will be little if any wait for the use o f the cabs. Another advantage of the system will be safety. CCTV cameras can be (5)______ operation in every pod and passengers will no longer have to share (6)_________transport with other unknown people, which could offer an obvious advantage to women. It almost sounds too good to be true. “We won’t know whether it will live up to its promises (7) ___after it has been pụt to the test, which is what is currently happening at Heathrow airport, where the driverless pods are being used to transport business passengers between the car park and the (8)_____ _ . If this test' proves successfully, the system may be embraced in cities in Britain and the rest of the world. A few cities are already considering proposals (9)_______ PRT systems. However, the possibility o f vandalism and the negative visual impact o f the elejvated tracks may ( ! 0 ) _ ___ _ some investors off the scheme. II. W ORD FORMS Part I: Complete the sentence with the correct fo rm o f the given word. 1. For one who has spent his life in town, a trip into the mountains could prove a n ______ experience. F O R G E T 2. He had b e e n _______ delayed at the office and was now in a hurry to keep his appointment with the dentist. EX PE C T 3. H e’s co m p letely ________his opponent and knocked him out in the seventh round. BOX 4. Children who grow up in the time o f war are more likely to be . than other children. A D JU ST 5. The museum was built in the middle of the last century in the,_____ _ style popular ạt that time. CLASS ■. ■ . + 6. It is no use asking him about political system or the parties. He doesn’t know or care. He’s com pletely______ . P O L IT IC S 7. ft’s quite normal to complain if you think something is wrong, but I do feel that you are som etim es______ . C R IT IC IS M 8. Susan found the responsibility of taking care o f her younger brother so ____ _ that she tried to avoid it. BURDEN 9. Let us get this clear: it is not Paul him self that I find_____ but it is his idea that I cannot accept. OBJECT


10. Martha has a ______attitude towards issues and thinks that things can be either black or white. SIM PLE Part 2: Complete the passage with appropriate forms from the words given in the box. OBSERVE PARENT INTIMATE CHARACTER SYMPATHY FAMILIAR SELF HUMAN


Very little our lives prepares us for (1)______Suddenly, your life is turned upside down and all sorts o f (2)______ dem ands are placed on you. How we ourselves were treated by our parents in our (3) can have an (4)_____ effect on who we become as parents. Our own (5)_______ o f how our parents responded to us creates a model of parenting that is (6)_______ connected to the kind o f parents we become. It’s not uncommon for people to show the same child-rearing (7)______ as their own parent?. If your father was an (8)_______ figure who always seemed too busy tơ care about how you felt, then there’s a chance you will repeat the same behaviour. If your mother was utterly (9)______ in her devotion to" her children, there is a chance that you too will be equally giving and do all that is (10)_______ possible for your offspring.. III. ERROR IDENTIFICATION Identify 10 errors in the following passage and correct them. Most children with healthy appetites are ready to eat almost anything that is offering them and a child rarely dislikes food unless it is badly cooked. The way a meal is cooked and served is most important and an attractive served meal will often improve a child’s appetite. Never ask a child whether he likes and dislikes a food and never discuss likes and dislikes in front o f him or allow nobody else to do so. If the father says he hates ifat meat or the mother refuses vegetables under the child’s hearing he is likely to copy this procedure. Take it for grant that he likes everything and he probably will. "Nothing healthful should be omitted out the meal because o f a supposing dislike. At m eal time it is a good idea to give a child a small portion and let him corrie back for a second helping other than give him as much as he is likely to eat all at once. Do not talk too much to the child during meal times, but let him get on with his food, and do not allow him to leave the table immediately after a meal or he will soon learn to swallow his footj so that he can hurry back to his toys. Under no circumstance must a chiỉd be coaxed or forced to eat. ĨV. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION Rewrite the sentences with the given words or beginning in such a way that their meanings remain unchanged. 1. Although Christopher was the stronger o f the two, his attacker soon overpowered him. Despite hĩs..^..........................................................................................................


2 It was only when I left home that I realized how much my father meant to me. Not until..................................................................................................................... 3. Mr. Foster asked me to write this letter to you. It is a t ....................................................................................................................... 4. It is essential' that you tell us everything. 5. The garden party w on’t take place if the weather stays bad. Unless the weather p ic k s .................................... ./............................................... 6 There are plans to close down the cinema due to poor attendance level. THREAT The cinema is.................................................... due to poor attendance level 7. In her new job, Alison determined to impress anyone from the start. M A R K 8. When they broke the news, she stayed perfectly calm and controlled. H A IR 9. She w asn’t speaking seriously. TO N G U E' 10. Your attitude will have to change if you want to succeed. LEA F ............................................................ ..................................if you want to succeed.

TRƯỜNG THPT CHUYỀN TRAN HƯNG ĐẠQ - BÌNH THUẬN A. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS I. MO PHONOLOGY Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. c. recipe D. impetigo 1. A. jibe B. decisive c. sacred D. warned 2. A. expected B. hatred B. burn c. curtain D. bury 3! A. turn c. method D. width 4. A. breathing B. bathroom c. standard D. drunkard 5. A. postcard B. custard Choose the word which is stressed differently from the other three. 6. A. mausoleum c. hymiliate D. extravagant B. geneticist D. eventuality 7. A. hieroglyphics B. architectonic c. aristocracy 8. A. impetus c. diligence D. stimulus B. pathetic 9. A. elaborate c. adolescence D. anglomania B. ingenuity 10. A. sabotage c. dinosaur D. suspicious B. loyaty II. 11-20 W ORD CHOICE Choose the best options to complete the following sentences. 11.We weren't close friends but sh e__________ me well when I left the college. A. hoped B. aspired c. wished D!. bade


12. This evidence should pro v e__________that he was telling the truth. A. once and for all B. now and then c . over and above D. from time to time 13. A new computer has been produced, which w ill______ all previous models. A. overdo B. supersede c . excel D. overwhelm 14.1 don't want to be to o _________ on Alice, but I think I should tell her that her work isn't good enough. A. strict B. firm c . stern D. hard 15. Once the sto ry __________the headlines, everyone was talking about it. A. crashed B. struck c . smashed D. hit 16. When he sings, he has t h e _____ ability to make even bad songs sound good. A. sparse B. rare c . infrequentD. scarce 17. The management are m aking________ to increase the company's efficiency, A. measures B. steps c . moves D. deeds 1 8 .1 know this is a big disappointment but don't take it to ______ . A. soul . B. mind c . spirit D. heart 19 .1, was told yesterday that the car had been fixed but it's broken d o w n _______ again! A. even B. still c . yet D. right 20. S im o n________ in me on the understanding that I wouldn't tell anyone else. A. confided B. intimated c . confessed D. disclosed III. 21 -30 GRAM M AR AND STRUCTURES Choose the best options to complete the following sentences. 21. I’d sooner th e y _______ _ deliver the new furniture tomorrow. A. shouldn’t B. w ouldn’t c . m ustn’t D. didn’t 22. The anthology contains__________the work o f modern poets, b u t________ . A. mostly / it includes a few significant older works as well B. almost / which includes à few significant older works as well c . most / also it contains a few significant older works as well D. mostly / which also includes a few significant older works as well 23. The coach worked long and hard into the night _______ _ the team ’s strategy for the next game. A. for preparing B. for the preparation of c . to prepare D. in order for proper preparation of 24. Although usually unflappable even in front of a c ro w d ,__________ during the recital. A. her anxiety overwhelmed Carla completely B. Carla being overwhelmed by anxiety c . Carla’s anxiety overwhelmed her D. Carla was overwhelmed by anxiety



, we probably would have arrived at the airport in time. A. Had not we stopped for gas B. If we had stopped for gas c . Had it not been for our stop for gas D. If not for having been stopped for gas 26 The spectators watched _____ what they were seeing on the playing field. A. agape, therefore they could not believe B. agape: they could not believe c . agape having not believe D. agape, for the reason that they could not believe 2 7 .1 a m __________ my classmates,are. A. nowhere like competitive as B. nothing as competitive like c . nothing near as competitive as D. nowhere near as competitive as 28. Little Deon: “This herb smells horrible!” Mommy: “ , it will do you a power o f good.” A. Be that as it may B. Come what may \ c . How much horrible is it , D. Whatever it smells 29. They looked out to the seashore. ;'/> . ‘ a number of ships. A. On the horizon they could see B. They could on the horizon see B. They could see on the horizon D. On the horizon could they see 30. Writing a good twenty-page research paper is more difficult th a n ______ _ two good ten-page papers. A. when you have to write B. when one must write c . writing D. the writing of IV. 31-40 PHRASAL VERBS AND PREPOSITIONS Choose the best options to complete the following sentences. 31. In rough weather the coast guard is _________ constant stand-by to respond qu ick ly__________distress signals from boats. A. on / to B. at / with c . for / at D. about / for 32. The workers were rather cynical after the meeting. Most o f them w e re _____ no illusion that the management would take their complaints seriously. A. with B. under c . at D. beyond 33. The police moved sw iftly_______ _ action to stop fighting__________rival groups o f football fans. . A. into / between B. about / against c. with / for D. for / with tears at the end. 34. It was such a sad film that we were all reduced D. to A. with B. for c. off a safety lock. 35. All new models have been fitted D. for A. with R. on c. in your trousers? 36. Can you tuck your shirt c. into D. at A. with B. around her job calmly and efficiently. 37. Erica is an excellent worker. She íĩoes c. about D. at A. on B. with


38. The school r a n __________financial trouble when 80% of the staff went __________strike. A. about / off B. into / on c . with / for D. for / at 39. Jane is out in the garden m ulling________ a problem to d o _________ work. A. over / with B. away / without c . in / to D. into / for 40. Oh, it gets dark. I have immersed m yself_________ reading the novel. A. with B. from c . off V. 41-60 READING - COMPREHENSION Read the texts below and choose the best answer to each question. PASSAGE 1 A useful definition of an air pollutant is a compound added directly or indirectly by humans to the atmosphere in such quantities as to affect humans, animals, vegetation, or materials adversely. Air pollution requires a very flexible definition that permits continuous change; When the first air pollution laws were established in England in the fourteenth century, air pollutants were limited to compounds that could be seen or smelled-a far cry from the extensive list of harmful substances known today. As technology has developed and knowledge of the health aspects o f various chemicals has increased, the list o f air pollutants has lengthened. In the future, even water vapor might be considered an air pollutant under certain conditions. Many o f the more important air pollutants, such as sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides, are found in nature. As the Earth developed, the concentrations o f these pollutants were altered by various chemical reactions; they became components in biogeochemical cycles, These serve as an air purification scheme by allowing the compounds to move from the air to the water or soil. On a global basis, natures output of these compounds dwarfs that resulting from human activities. However, human production usually occurs in a localized area, such as a city. In this localized region, human output may be dominant and may temporarily overload the natural purification scheme of the cycles. The result is an increased concentration o f noxious chemicals in the air. The concentrations at which the adverse effects appear will be greater than the concentrations that the. pollutants would have in the absence o f human activities. The actual concentration need not be large for a substance to be a pollutant: in fact the numerical value tells us little until we know how much o f an increase this represents over the concentration that would occur naturally in the area. For example, sulfur dioxide has detectable health effects at 0.08 parts per million (ppm), which is about 400 times its natural level. Carbon monoxide, however, has a natural level o f 0.1 ppm and is not usually a pollutant until its level reaches about 15 ppm. 41. W hat does the passage mainly discuss? A. The economic impact o f air pollution. B. What constitutes an air pollutant.


c . How much harm air pollutants can cause. D. The effects of compounds added to the atmosphere. 42. The word “adversely” is closest in meaning t o ______ . A. negatively B, quickly c . admittedly D. considerably 43. It can be inferred from the first paragraph th a t______ . A. water vapor IS an air pollutant in localized areas B. m ost air pollutants today can be seen or smelled c . the definition o f air pollution will continue to change D. a substance becomes an air pollutant only in'cities 44. The word “a /te m f’ is closest in meaning to”_______. A. eliminated B. caused c . slowed D. changed 45. Natural pollutants can play an important role in controlling air pollution for which o f the following reasons? A. They function as part of a purification process. B. They occur in greater quantities than other pollutants. c . They are less harmful to living beirịgs than are other pollutants. D. They have existed since the Earth developed. 46. According to the passage, which o f the following is true about human generated air pollution in localized regions? A. It can be dwarfed by nature’s output of pollutánts in the localized region. B. It can overwhelm the natural system that removes pollutants, c . It will damage areas outside o f the localized regions. D. It will react harmfully with naturally occurring pollutants. 47. The word ‘■‘•noxious'” is closest in meaning to _______. A. harmful B. noticeable c . extensive D. weak 48. According to the passage, the numerical value o f the concentration level o f a substancc is only useful i f ______ . A. the other substances in the area are known B. it is in a localized area c . the naturally occurring leyel is also known D. it can be calculated quickly 49. The word “detectable” is closest in meaning t o ______ . A. beneficial B. special c . njeasurable D. separable 50. W hich of the following is best supported by the passage? A. To effectively control pollution, local government should regularly review their air pollution laws. B. One o f the most important steps in preserving natural lands is to better enforce air pollution laws. c . Scientists should be consulted in order to establish uniform limits for all air pollutants. D. Human activities have been effective in reducing air pollution. \


PASSAGE 2 In the West, cartoons are used chiefly to make people laugh. The important feature o f all these cartoons is the joke and the element o f surprise which is contained. Even though it is very funny, a good cartoon is always based on close observation of a particular feature o f life and usually has a serious purpose. Cartoons in the West have been associated with political and social matters, for many years. In wartime, for example, they proved to be an excellent way of spreading propaganda. Nowadays cartoons are often used to make short; sharp comments on politics and governments as well as on a variety o f social matters. In this way, the modern cartoon has become a very powerful force in influencing people in Europe and the. United States. Unlike most American and European cartoons, however, many Chinese cartoon drawings in the past have also attempted to educate people, especially those who could not read and write. Such cartoons about the lives and sayings of great men in China have proved extremely useful in bringing education to illiterate and semi-literate people throughout China. Confucius, Mencius and Laozi have all appeared in very interesting stories presented in the form of cartoons. The cartoons themselves have thus served to illustrate the teachings of the Chinese sages in a very attractive way. In this sense, many Chinese cartoons are different from Western cartoons in so far as they do not depend chiefly on telling jokes. Often, there is nothing to laugh at when you see Chinese cartoons. This is not their primary aim. In addition to commenting on serious political and social matters, Chinese cartoons have aimed at spreading the traditional Chinese thoughts and culture as widely as possible among the people. Today, however, Chinese cartoons have an added part to play in spreading knowledge. They offer a very attractive and useful way of. reaching people throughout the world, regardless of the particular country in which they live. Thus, through cartoons, the thoughts and teachings o f the old Chinese philosophers and sages can now reach people who live in such countries as Britain, France, America, Japan, Malaysia or Australia and who are unfamiliar with the Chinese culture. Until recently, the transfer of knowledge and culture has been overwhelmingly from the West to the East and not vice versa. By means of cartoons, however, publishing companies in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore arc now having success in correcting this imbalance between the East and the West. Cartoons can overcome language barriers in all foreign countries. The vast increase in the popularity o f these cartoons serves to illustrate the truth of Confucius’s famous saying “One picture is worth a thousand words.” Question 51: Which of the following clearly characterizes Western cartoons? A. Enjoyment, liveliness, and carefulness. B. Originality, freshness, and astonishment. c . Seriousness, propaganda, and attractiveness. D. Humour, unexpectedness, and criticism.


Question 52: Chinese cartoons have been useful as an important means of A. political propaganda in wartime B. amusing people ail the time c . educating ordinary people D. spreading Western ideas Question 53: The major differences between Chinese cartoons and Western cartoons come from th eir______ . A. styles B. values c . purposes D. nationalities Question 54: The pronoun “this” in paragraph 4/mostly refers t o ______ . A. an educational purpose B. a piece of art 'C. a funny element D. a propaganda campaign Question 55: The passage is intended to present . A. an opinion about how cartoons entertain people B. án outline o f Western cartoons and Chinese cartoons c . a description o f cartoons o f all kinds the world over D. a contrast between Western cartoons and Chinese cartoons Question 56: W hich o f the following could be the best title for the passage? A. A Very Powerful Force in Influencing People B. Chinese Cartoons and Western Cartoons c . An Excellent Way of Spreading Propaganda D. Cartoons as a Way o f Educating People Question 57: In general, Chinese cartoons are now aiming at . A. disseminating traditional practices in China and throughout the world B. spreading the Chinese ideas and cultural values throughout the world c . bringing education to illiterate and semi-literate people in the world D. illustrating the truth o f Chinese great men’s famous sayings Question 58: The word “imbalance” in paragraph 6 refers to ______. A. the discrimination between the West culture and the East culture B. the influence o f the East cartoons over the West cartoons c . the mismatch between the East cartoons and the West cartoons D. the dominant cultural influence o f the West over the East Question 59: Which o f the following is most likely the traditional subject of Chinese cartoons? A. Jokes and other kinds of humour in political and social matters. B. The philosophies and sayings of ancient Chinese thinkers, c . The illiterate and semi-literate people throughout China. D. The stories and features o f the lives o f great men the world over. Question 60: According to the passage, which o f the following is true? A. Cartoons will replace other forms o f writing. B. Language barriers restricted cartoons, c . Cartoons can serve various purposes. D. Western cartoons always have a serious purpose.


VI. 61-80 GUIDED CLOZE TEST Read the texts below and dccide which answer best fits each space. PASSAGE 1 LONDON - THE STUDENT’S CAPITAL? London is the city which seems to draw people like a magnet from across the country, not to (61) ________ from around the world. London is cool, fashionable and multi-cultural. For the ( 6 2 ) ________ student, it is the most incredible arts, academic, and entertainment centre. London is one of the few real student capitals o f the world. Despite the grime, the high costs, the troublesome transport system, and the (63) ________ sensation o f living with eight million people, students ( 6 4 ) ________ to the city’s universities. However, rents are steep, with students paying around £75 a week for a room in a shared house. Halls o f (65) _________are a little over this price - but, o f course, include meals and (66) _________ . W ork is plentiful at the moment, so a part-time job should be easy to (6 7 ) _________across, and there are all sorts o f graduate (68) , with the best (6 9 )________ _ o f pay in the country. The Londơn institutions try to play (70) ________ the cost o f living so as nót to put off future students, but there is no doubt about it, London costs money and you will be looking at sizable debt on graduating. 61. A. say B. include c. utter D. Mention 62. A. budding B. bidding c. blooming D. Blithering 63. A. overestimated B. overawed c. overwhelming D. Overloaded 64. A. stem B. wave c. pounce D. Flock 65. A. residence B. accommodation c. dormitories D. Wards 66. A. invoices B. bills c. costs D. Receipts 67. A. put B. get c. do D. Come 68. A. chances B. possibilities c. occasions D. Opportunities 69. A. rates B. terms c. conditions D. Means 70. A. up B. at D Down c. out PASSAGE 2 The well-being o f America's rural people and places depends upon maný things - the availability o f good-paying jobs; (71) to critical services such as education, health care, and communication; strong communities; and a healthy natural environment. And, (72)______ urban Am erica is equally dependent upon these things, the challenges to well-being look very different in rural areas than in urban areas. Small-scale, low-density settlement (73)______ make it more costly for communities and businesses to provide critical services. Declining jobs and income in the natural resource-based industries that many rural areas depend on (74)______ workers in those industries to find new ways to make a living. Low-skill, law-wage rural manufacturing industries must find new ways to challenge the increasing number o f (75)______ competitors.


D istance and rem oteness im pede many rural areas from being connected to the

urban centers o f economic activity. Finally, changes in the availability and use of natural resources located in rural areas (76)______ the people who earn a living from those resources and those who (77)______ recreational and other benefits from them. Some rural areas have met these challenges successfully, achieved some level the challenges o f the future. Others have o f prosperity, and are ready (78)____ neither m et the current challenges nor positioned themselves for the future. Thus, concern for rural America is real. And, while liiral America is a producer o f critical goods and services, the '(79) goes beyond economics. Rural America is also home to a fifth of the Nation's people, keeper o f natural amenities and national treasures, and safeguard of a/an (80)______ part o f American culture, tradition, and history. Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question

71: 72: 73: 74: 75: 76: 77: 78: 79: 80:

A. access . A. when A. tools A. offer A. rural A. encourage A. involve A. of A. research A. abnormal

B. B. B. B. B.

B. B. B. B. B.

challenge because t patterns ; make foreign affect bring with concern incredible

c. c. c. c. c.

advantage since styles force abroad C j effect c. evolve c. for G. stimulus c. simple

D. key D. while D. means D.turn D. lateral D. stimulate D. derive D. in D. impatience D. unique

B. WRITTEN QUESTIONS I. 1-20 OPEN CLOZE TEST Read the texts below and think o f the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE W ORD for each space. PASSAGE 1 The latest addiction to trap thousands of people is the Internet, which, has been ( 1 ) ______ for broken relationships, job losses, financial (2) ; , and even suicides. Psychologists now recognize Internet addiction syndrome (IAS) as new illness that could cause ( 3 ) ______ problems and ruin many lives. Special help groups have been set up to (4 )______ sufferers help and support. Psychologists have described many worrying ( 5 ) ______ , including one man who took his own ( 6 ) ______ after borrowing more than $14,000 to ( 7 ) ______ his addiction, and a teenager who had to receive psychiatric (8) ■ for his twelve-hour-a-day habit. "This illness is not fake and it must be (9) ______ seriously", said an expert in behavioral addiction at Nottingham Trent university. "These are not sad people with serious personality (10) ______ They were people who were fine before they found the Internet.


PASSAGE 2 A substance produced by disease-transmitting insects may provide the key to fighting these same diseases. Mosquitoes and blackflies transmit malaria and river blindness ( 1 1 ) __________, both o f ( 1 2 ) __________ cause a large number o f deaths evèry year. However, scientists ( 1 3 ) __________now discovered, in some o f these insects, a ( 1 4 ) _________ called a peptide which kills these viruses and parasites ( 1 5 ) __________carry. (16) _______ ____ introduced techniques have allowed researchers to study these minute insects in order to find out more about the peptides. Professor John Wells said yesterday that if his team could identify the genes responsible for (17) __________ the peptides, they could introduce into the world genetically altered mosquitoes which were incapable o f (1 8 )__________the disease. In the (1 9 )__________ o f these exciting developments, it is hope that science will be able to eradicate some major ' tropical diseases (2 0 )_________ rather than later. II. 21-40 W ORD FORMATION Complete each sentence, using the correct form of the word in parentheses. 21. Gold i s __________more preciuos than iron. In fact, there is no really comparison. (compare) 22. Until the situation has settled down, it i s _________ to travel to the areahardly hit by ebola epidemic. (advise) 23. If looks could kill, I’dbe dead because she just gave me a ______________ glare (murder) 24. Every Christmas, they donate some food and clothes to the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • (need) 25. He lost his temper and used disgusting__________language. (repeat) 26. Politeness is one thing. Real kindness is another. You must learn to ______ between the two. (different) 27. This machinery has been coated with a certain chemical to make it _________ . (rust) 28. “This minor mistake i s ___.______ . Be more careful the next time,” said the teacher. (pardon) 29. Film directors usually ask actors to _______ the scene in their mind, (visual) 30. The ship was __________ off the coast of Sunmatera. 7 (ship) Complete the passage with appropriate forms from the words given in the box. ~ profession common

height estimate

legend perceive

controversy psychologist

sympathy gymnasium

SINGING TEACHERS Whether you are tone deaf, want to stretch your vocal cords or dream of playing an operatic role, there are tutors to help you hit the high notes. Our reporter, Peter Evans, has been talking to some o f the top teachers in the business.


CLIVE WALKER Clive Walker, whose sister is a well-known actor and singer both on ' television and in numerous stage shows, is supportive and (31) ___________ teacher for people who are unsure about their singing ability. He mainly teaches local schoolchildren, and will help a pupil with anything he or she wants to sing, from the classics to numbers from musical shows. He has strong but (32) views about the “vocal (3 3 )__________” that arc so (3 4 )__________ in singers’ performances nowadays: “I’m very m,uch against them: they risk damaging their voices. I want people to sing to express themselves, not to show off what their voices can do.” Former pupils speak (35) _______ _ o f his patience in helping them achieve their full potential. ROBIN STERN During his singing career, Robin Stern sang more than sixty lead roles in musicals and worked with many ( 3 6 ) __________ performers. He is thus (37) / _______ to young (3 8 )__________ , knowing the stresses that they encounter. An occasional hockey coach, Robin thinks singing teachers generally (39) ______ ___ the importance of fitness and the ability to think positively, which are essential to successful singing. He works with pupils on the (4 0 )__________ and physical aspects o f performing well. Some of the people he trains have put his advice to good use and are now to be seen appearing in musical shows locally. “1 feel very proud o f what they have achieved,” says Robin. III. 41-50 ERROR CORRFXTION The following passage contains 10 errors. Identify and correct them. (0) has been done fo r you : grass grassy All at once it was night. The track was grass and even in daylight showed up hard at all against the moor, so it was difficult to keep on it now. If only I had been a smoker with match always to hand, or if my torch had been in my pocket instead o f in the suitcase, I must have walked with more assurance. As it was, 1 was terrifying o f hurling over the. edge in the cliff to the rock below. When ] did stray, however, they was towards the hills. I felt my feet squelching and sticking in something soggy. There was no bog to my knowledges near the track, sò 1 must have wandered the long way o ff my course. I extricated m yself with difficulty and very cautious edged m yself towards the sound o f the sea. Then I bumped in a little clump o f trees that suddenly loomed up behind me. IV. 51-60 SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION Rewrite the following sentences, using the words given. 51. He will be returning from Africa quite soon. It w o n 't_____________________ _____________________ _______ ________ _ . 52. You can use it as long as you like, and it won't wear out. No m atter _ _ _______________________________ •


53. The only thing that makes this job worthwhile is the money. W ere___________________________________ __________________________ . 54. It was not until five years had elapsed that the whole truth about the murder came out. Not for an o th er_____________________________ _____________________ . 55. Most people know that Britain's economy is heavily dependent on North Sea oil. It is common____________________________ _______________ _____________ . 56. Don't pay any attention to what she says. notice 57. You couldn’t do anything more stupid than to give up your job now. height 58. My father is not feeling well these days.


59. Tom ’s presence at the party always adds to everyone’s enjoyment, soul 60. In the area, Thailand is much better than all other countries in football. shoulders

TRƯỜNG THPT CHUYÊN THOẠI NGỌC H Ầư - AN GIANG A. MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS I. PHONOLOGY Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that o f the other words in the group. 1. A. modal B. model c . modality D. modem 2. A. dogged B. dragged c . begged D. plugged 3. A. mouths B. baths c . months D. clothes 4. A. m ontage B. massage c . sabotage D. savage 5. A. cello ' B. concerto c. cede D. cellist Choose the word, whose stress pattern is different from that o f the other words in the same group. 6. A. rhetoric B. ancestral c . intimate ' D. anecdote 7. A. aftermath B. underlie c . fusillade D. afternoon 8. A. arithmetic B. armadillo c . atmospheric D. adolescence 9. A. advent B. unique c . unite D. command 10. A. commissar B. committee c . communion D. commuter 11. VOCABULARY Select the best option for each blank. 1. Toby’s extrem ely......... . ; he turns up every day at nine o ’clock on the dot. A. temporary B. long-standing c . punctual D. subsequent


2. Have you considered applying for a job with t h e ................ service? A. civil B. civic c . national D. governmental 3. Too many people work in the p u b lic ................ in this country, in my opinion, A. division B. zone c . area D. sector 4. Most teenagers go through a rebellious ................ for a few years but they soon grow out o f it. A. stint B. span c . duration D. phase 5 .1 wonder if you could let me know what the . . . 1 .fare to Berlin is? A. round B. double c . two-way D. return 6. Maria was ju st walking along the road when someone on a motorbike ................. her handbag. A. clutched B. clenched c. grabbed . D. fumbled 7. Fred Astaire is one o f my favourite dancers and I love the way he seems to .................across the floor. / A. glide B. march c . skid D. dash 8. The conspirators were plotting the .... I, o f the government. A. overthrow B.disaster c . demolition D. catastrophe 9: A: “ Were you told to get dinner ready?” - B: “No, I did it o f my o w n ............. ” A. desire B. accord c . idea D. will 10. Mr. Newrich invited his guests to an expensive restaurant. However, he felt at ease. A. sick B. painful c . ill D. unwell



Select the best option for each blank. 1. Steel ............. with chromium to produce a noncorrosive substance known as stainless steel. A. is combined B. that is combined c . combining D. when combined 2. The assistant suggested.............the next day when the manager would be there. A. we are coming back / B. to come back c . we will come back D. we come back 3. A fire must have a readily available supply o f oxygen. ..... it will stop burning. A. Consequently B. Furthermore c . Otherwise D. However 4. M argaret was slow at school, but she went o n ............. Prime Minister. A. being B. to bè c . having been D. to have been not clear to researchers. A. Why dinosaurs having become extinct. B. Why dinosaurs became extinct c . Did dinosaurs become extinct D. Dinosaurs became extinct 6. .........the two sisters, Mary i s ............... A. Of / the prettier B. Between / the prettiest c . o f / prettier D. Betwẹen / the prettier


7........... begin their cxistcncc as rice crystals over most of the earth seems likely. A. Raindrops B. If raindrops c . That raindrops D. What if raindrops 8. Sleeping, resting a n d ............. are the best ways to care for a cold. A. to drink fluids B. drank fluids c . one drink fluids D. drinking fluids 9. Not only the child but also the grandparents............. the party. A. is joining B. joins c . were joining D. has joined 10. I can’t believe Mr. Wilkerson sent us a check for $50,000, I w i s h ......... get better acquainted with him the day he was there. A. we had able B. we had been able c . we are able D. we were able IV. PREPOSITIONS AND PHRASAL VERBS Select the best option for each blank. 1. When she died, she g a v e .............. all her money to a charity for cats. A. out B. away c . on D. o ff 2. Our new coach is p o p u lar.............. the whole team. A. for B. to c . by D. with 3. Van Gogh suffered from depression.............. by overwork and ill-health. A. taken up B. coming about c . brought on D. put through 4. When you are an old-age pensioner, you have to learn t o ...............a very small income. A. live on B. live up to c. live out D. live down 5. I couldn't q u ite .............. what they were doing because they were so far away. A. bear out B. make out c. think out D. try out 6. They stru g g led .............. the hurricanc-force gusts that swept the pack ice. A. for B against c. with D. among 7. They had a terrible r o w .............. who should do the housework. A. on B. with c. over D. relating 8. It's high tim e Bill got a steady jo b and .............. He's alm ost thirty. A. settled in B. settled dow n c. turned in D. turned dow n 9. He w as convicted o f using the firm 's m oney to pay .... gam bling debts. A. in B. o ff c. back D. for 10. A lthough I'd never m ade a sandw ich before, my first attem pt turned quite w ell. A. o ver B. up c. out D. into V. READING COMPREHENSION Passage A: Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each o f the following questions An air pollutant is defined as a compound added directly or indirectly by humans to the atmosphere in such quantities as to affect humans, animals, vegetation, or materials adversely. Air pollution requires a very flexible definition that permits continuous change. When the first air pollution laws were


established in England in the fourteenth century, air pollutants were limited to com pounds that could be seen or sm elled ' a far cry from the extensive list o f

harmful substances known today. As technology has developed and knowledge o f the health aspects o f various chemicals has increased, the list of air pollutants has lengthened. In the future, even water vapor might be considered an air pollutant under certain conditions. Many o f the more important air pollutants, such as sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides, are found in natur(c. As the Earth developed, the concentration o f these pollutants was altered by various chemical reactions; they became components in biogeochemical cycles. These serve as an air purification scheme by allowing the compounds to move from the air to the water or soil. On a global basis, nature's output of these compounds dwarfs that resulting from human activities. However, human production usually occurs in a localized area, such as a city. In such a region, human output may be dominant and may temporarily overload the natural purification scheme p f the cycles. The result is an increased concentration o f noxious chemicals in the a'ir The concentrations at which the adverse effects appear will be greater than the concentrations that the pollutants would have in the absence of human activities. The actual concentration need not be large for a substance to be a pollutant; in fact, the numerical value tells us little until we know how much o f an increase this represents over the concentration that would occur naturally in the area. For example, sulfur dioxide has detectable health effects at 0.08 parts per million (ppm), which is about 400 times its natural level. Carbon monoxide, however, has a natural level o f 0.1 ppm and is not usually a pollutant until its level reaches about 15 ppm. 1. What does the passage mainly discuss? •A. The economic impact of air pollution. B. What constitutes an air pollutant. c . How much harm air pollutants can cause, D. The effects o f compounds added to the atmosphere. 2. The word "adversely" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning t o ............... A. negatively B. quickly c . admittedly D. considerably 3. It can be inferred from the first paragraph t h a t ............... A. water vapor is an air pollutant in localized areas. B. most air pollutants today can be seen or smelled. c . the definition o f air pollution will continue to change. D. a substance becomes an air pollutant only in cities. 4. The word ''These'' in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to ................ A. the various chemical reactions. B. the pollutants from the developing Earth. c . the compounds moved to the water or soil. D. the components in biogeochemical cycles.


5. For which o f the following reasons can natural pollutants play an important role in controlling air pollution? A. They function as part of a purification process. b

! T h ey occur in greater quantities than other pollutants.

c . They are less harmful to living beings than other pollutants. D. They have existed since the Earth developed. 6. According to the passage, human-generated air pollution in localized regions A. can be dwarfed by nature's output o f pollutants. B. can overwhelm the natural system that removes pollutants, c . will damage areas outside of the localized regions. D. will react harmfully with natural pollutants. 7. The word "localized" in the third paragraph is closest in meaning t o ................ A. specified B. circled c . surrounded D. encircled 8. According to the passage, the numerical value of the concentration level of a substance is only useful i f ........ ............. A. the other substances in the area are known. B. it is in a localized area. c . the natural level is also known. D. it can be calculated quickly. 9. The word "detectable" in the third paragraph is closest in meaning t o ........... A. beneficial B. special c . measurable D. separable 10. Which o f the following is best supported by the passage? A. To effectively control pollution, local government should regularly review their air pollution laws. B. One o f the most important steps in preserving natural lands is to better enforce air pollution laws. c . Scientists should be consulted in order to establish uniform limits for all air pollutants. D. Human activities have been effective in reducing air pollution. Passage B: Read the following passage and mark the .letter A, B, c , or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. The first animated film Humurous Phases o f Funny Fates, was made, in 1906 by newspaper illustrator James Blackton. He filmed faces that were drawn on blackboards in progressive stages. In New York City, Winsor McCay exhibited his most famous film, Little Nemo (1910) and Gertie the Dinosaur (1914). His films featured fluid motion and characters with individual personalities. For the first time, characters drawn o f life seemed to live on the screen. In 1914, John R. Bray stream lined the animation process, using assembly line techniques to turn out cartoons. By 1915, film studios began producing cartoons series. The Pat Sullivan studio produced the series featuring Felix the Cat. He became one o f the most


beloved characters o f the silent-film era. The Max Fleischer studio produced series starring Ko-Ko the Clown and later Betty Boop and Popeye. The first cartoon with sound was Steamboat Willie (1928), which introduced Mickey Mouse. This film was produced by Walt Disney, the most famous of American animators. His early success enabled Disney to train his animators in anatomy, acting, drawing and motion studies. The results o f this are apparent in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), the first full- length animated feature. It became an instant success and still remains popular. Other important Disney films followed. W arner Brothers’ Studio challenged Disney for leadership in the field with cartoons starring Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and other characters. These films were faster- paced and featured slapstick humor. In the 1950s, a group of animators splintered off from Disney and formed United Production o f America, which rejected Disney’s realism and employed a bold, modernistic approach. ,/In the 1950s, children’s cartoons began to be broadcast on Saturday morning television and, later, in prime time. Among the most successful were those made by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, such as those featuring Yogi Bear and the Flinstones. The full- length animated film became popular again in the 1980s and ‘90s. Producer Steven Spielberg released his first animated film , American tail (1986), and Disney began a series of remarkable annual hits with The Little Mermaid (1989). Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988), a joint production o f Spielberg and Disney, b lu rre d th e lines between live action and animation. Animation returned to prime-time television with the Fox Network’s The Simpsons. Animators had experimented with computer animation as early as the 1950s, but Toy Story (1955) was the first-full length film to be entirely computer animated. These developments promise to bring about the most exciting era in animation since its heyday. . 1. What does the passage mainly discuss? A. the history o f animated filrrj B. the life of Walt Disney c . the development o f one animated cartoon D. the use o f computer in animation 2. It can be inferred from the passage that the characters in Little Nemo and Gertie the Dinosaur . .. .. .. .. .. . A. were first drawn on a blackboard B. were part o f cartoon series c . seemed to have their own personalities D, did not look as life- like as Blackton’s characters. 3. The word “stream lin ed ” is closest meaning to ................... A. simplified B. revolutionized c . bypassed D. invented


4. The word “h e” refers to ..................................

A. Pat Sullivan B. Felix the Cat c . Max Fleischer D. Ko-Ko the Clown 5. What can be inferred from the passage about animated flims produced before 1928? A. They were not very popular B. They were longer than later movies c . They were not drawn by hand D. They were silent films 6. According to the passage, the film Snow White and the Seven D w arfs............. A. showed the benefits o f training the Disney animators. B. was the first movie produced by Walt Disney. c . was the last movie Disney made before his death. D. did not become successful until many.years later. 7. The author did not specifically mention characters produced by..................... A. Walt Disney . B. Hanna and Barbcra c . United Production of America D. Warner Brothers 8. The phrase “b lu rre d the lines” is closest in meaning to .............................. A. eliminated the distinctions B. obscured the issues c . answered the questions D. emphasized the problems 9. The first experiment with computer animation took place during th e ,............ . A. 1950s B. 1960s c. 1980s D. 1990 10. Which o f the following is closest in meaning to the word “ heyday” ? A beginning B. dccline c . prime D. rebi VI. CLOZE TEST Passage A. Choose the word that best fits the blank space in the following passage. Many o f us are trying to think o f new (1) help the environment. Groups which are involved in protecting the environment think they may have found a long-term (2) .............. Most of the current ways o f getting people involved in helping the environment mean that people have to (3) ............. a large organization and they can som etim es feel the. problem is too large or (4)

............. to manage. A new proposal is that groups are set up locally to deal with small issues that affect just the community they live in. It is hoped this will make people more ( 5 ) ............... o f the importance o f helping. Also, this plan means that each community works together by contributing (6) .............. the environment and this makes for a strong community. If every community does this then organizers are ( 7 ) ............. the effect will be national. The government may even offer some (8) ...... help for projects set up by these local groups. The idea came from someone who thought that ( 9 ) ............. the size o f what wc do would actually be more productive. Also, it should mean that helping becomes a (10) ............. rather than a chore.


I.A .a c c e ss 2. A. answer 3. A. join 4. A. improbable 5. A. conscious 6. A. to 7. A. expecting 8. A. money 9. A. lessening 10. A. happiness

B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B.

approaches key enroll in impractical aware with dreaming monetary minimising pleasure

c. paths c. reply c.engage in c. impossible c. capable c.about c. hoping c. funding c. reducing c. delight

D. routes D. solution D. involve in D. unrealistic D .sure D. for D. imagining D. financial D. dwindling D. enjoyment

Passage B: Choose the word that best fits the blank space in the following passage. H E L P ALW AYS AT HAND: A M O B IL E IS A G IR L ’S BEST FRIEN D If it fits inside a pocket, keeps you safe as well as in touch with your office, your mother and your children, it is ........... worth having. This is the (2) o f the dwelling ranks o f female mobile-phone users who are beginning to (3 ).............. the consumer market. Although Britain has been (4).............. to be one of the most expensive places in the world to run a mobile phone, both professional women and (5).............. mothers are undeterred. At first, the mobile phone was a rich m an’s plaything, or a businessm an’s (6 ).............. symbol. Now women own almost as many telephones as men do - but for very different reasons. The main (7 )...............for most women customers is that it provides a form of communications back-up, wherever they are, in case o f contingency. James Tanner o f Tancroft Communications says: “The majority o f people buying phones from us this year w ere w om en - often you n g w om en - or m en w ho were

buying for their mothers, wives and girlfriends. And it always seems to be a question o f (8 )...............o f mind.” “Size is also (9 )...............for women. They want something that will fit in a handbag,” said Mr. Tanner. “The tiny phones coming in are having a very big (10).................. This year’s models are only half the size o f your hand.” 1. A. totally 2. A. vision 3. A. master 4. A. demonstrated 5. A. complete 6. A. status 7. A. attraction 8. A. tranquility 9. A. necessary 10. A. impression

B. certainly B. vista B. dominate B .seen B. total B. fame B. enticement B. calmness B. crucial B. perception

c. absolutely c. view c. overbear c. established c. absolute c . power

c. charm c. peace c. urgent c. impact

D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D.

completely conception command shown full-time prestige lure serenity essential image


B. WRITTEN QUESTIONS Câu hỏi 1: Filled each numbered blank with ONE suitable word. Passage A There are 3 kinds of goals: short-term, medium-range and long-term goals. Short-term goals are ( 1 ) .................. that usually deal with current activities, which we can apply on a daily basis. Such goals can be achieved in a week or less, or two weeks or possibly months. (2) ................... should be remembered that just as ạ building is no stronger (3) ................... its foundation, our long-term goals cannot amount to very much (4) ...................the achievement of solid short-term goals. Upon completing our short-term goals, we should date the occasion and add new short-term goals that will build on those that have been completed. The intermediate goals that build ( 5 ) ................... the foundation o f the shortrange goals. They might deal with just one term o f school or the entire school year or ( 6 ) ................... even extend for several years. Any tim e you move a step at a time, you should never allow (7) ................... to become discouraged or overwhelmed. As you complete each step, you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow and (8) ...................And as your list o f compassion dates grows, your motivation and desire will increase. Long-range goals may be ( 9 ) .......... ....... to our dreams o f future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static thing. We should (10) ................... allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action. Passage B Sometimes you know things about people the first (1).................. you see them , for exam ple, that you want to be friends with them ( 2 ) ................ that you

don't trust them. But perhaps this kind of intuition isn't as hard to explain as (3).................. may seem. For instance, people give out body (4 )................... signals all the time. The way you hold your body, head and arms tells people about your (5 )...............If you hold your arms tightly at your sides, or fold them across your (6 )....................., people will generally feel that you are being defensive. Holding your head to one side shows interest in the other, (7 ) easy, open posture indicates that you are seif-confident. All this affects the way you feel about someone. Also, a stranger may remind you (8)..................a meeting with someone. This may be because o f something as simple as the fact that he or she is physically similar to someone who (9).............. you well or badly. Your feelings about a stranger could be (10)...................... by a smell in the air that brings to mind a place where you were happy as a child. Since even a single word can bring back a memory such as that, you may never realize it is happening. II. W ORD FORMS A. Use the correct form o f the word given in parentheses to f i l l in the blank in each sentence.


1. Travelling in big cities is becoming more ......................................................... everyday. (TROUBLE) 2.

The situation is s o som e cities n ow that it

3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9; 10.

is difficult to see any solution. (CHAOS) I t's ........................................................... for them to pretend that they were shocked at the news (HYPOCRITE) Profits grew last year by a ...................................................... .. 5.7%. (HEAD) You can say that she is a ..................................../....................because she works very hard and finds it difficult t,0 stop working and do other things. (WORK) She speaks her lines v e ry ...................................................(WOOD) It is really q u ite ......................................................... that we should have been at the same college without having met befpre. (ORDINARY) Supporters w e re .................................... .....................removed from the court. (FORCE) The outcome o f the vote is a ..............,..................................... discussion (GO) Somehow he always manages t o ...................................... his opponents. (WIT)

B. Complete the follow ing passage by using the correct form s o f the words given in the box. (0) has been done as an example. succeed rival

narrate picture

colour credit

knowledge popular

author bankrupt


Sir Walter Scott Sir Walter Scot was the key figure in creating a (0) COLOURFUL image o f Scotland's past, initially with his bestselling (1) ................................poem, then' with his even more celebrated novels, the first o f which was Waverley. It was published anonymously in 1814 and, in subsequent years, its (2) ........... ............................. were described as being 'by the author o f Waverley', which accounts for the term 'Waverley novels'. Although Scott made no public (3)........ ......................... o f his (,4) .................................... until 1827, the writer's identity was an open secretioftg before then. He wrote (5).......................... .......... quickly, and the first collected edition o f the Waverley novels was published as early as 1819. A set o f illustrations by Alexander Nasmyth was produced for the second collected edition and these drawings were used on the title pages. Nasmyth has been called the father of landscape painting and, like Walter Scott, he helped to (6)........................his country's romantic and (7).......................... scenery. The drawings were recently presented to the National Library o f Scotland, which now boasts a superb and (8).............................. collection o f manuscripts and papers relating to Scott and his circle. What is less well known about Sir Walter Scott is that after his (9)................... in 1826, his last years were spent in frantic literary activity to pay off all the (10) whom he owed money. \


III. ERROR IDENTIFICATION The passage below contains 10 mistakes. Find and correct them. (0) has been done as an example (from -ỳ in). The notion that there are two species of African elephant first emerged about a decade ago. The animals are very different (0) from size; the savannah or bush elephants stand about a meter taller, and weigh twice as many as their forest-dwelling cousins. But whether this means they are truly different species hasn’t been clear. Now a team o f researchers from the UK, Germany and the u s , say they’ve resolved the issue. Written in the journal Public Library o f Science Biology, they say their analysis proves the subsistence of two distinctive species. This has been a hotlydisputed question and it’s entirely possible that other researchers challenge the claim. If it is confirmed, there may be important implications for conservation. Forest’s elephants are mainly found in Central and Western Africa, the areas where poaching and ivory smuggling are most serious. There, populations are declined. Further south, in the domain of the savannah elephants, the animals are thriving. Conservatives say proving the species split could help concentrate attention, where it’s most needed, in nations that have done little to crack out on poachers and smugglers. IV. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION A. Complete the sentences in.such a way that each o f the sentences means alm ost the same as the sentence printed before it. 1. It’s sad, but unemployment is unlikely to go down this "year. —» Sad ............................................................................................................................. 2. Absolute secrecy was crucial to the success of the mission. —> W ith o u t................................................................................... ................................ 3. Under no circumstances should you phone the police. —> The l a s t .................................................................................. ................ ............ . 4. The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film star attended. —■»H a d ........................... ................................................................... .................... 5. Far more people live to retirement age in Britain than in the Philippines. —>■Not as.............................. ........................................... ,.......................... .............. B. Use the word(s) given in brackets and m ake any necessary additions to write a new sentence in such a way that it is as sim ilar as possible in meaning to the original sentence. Do not change the form o f the given word(s). 1. Surely if she hadn’t been strong -m inded, he would have talked her into committing the wrongdoing (guns) 2. His choice always followed what his wife decided, (step) 3. In the area, Thailand is much better than all other countries in football, (shoulders)


4. He was finally able to adjust him self to the new working condition, (swing)

5, Don’t run away with the idea that this job is easy, (conclusion)

TRƯỜNG THPT PHAN CHÂU TRINH - TP. ĐÀ NANG A:MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS I. PHONOLOGY A. Choose the word whose sound is different from that of the others in each group. D. supposed c. released B. increased 1. A. sacrificed D. media c, demeanor B. vehicle 2. A. species c. lateral D. lady B. chocolate 3. A. late c. television D. telegraph B. telephone 4. A. telepathy D. applicant B. expand , c. category $;'A. acacia B. Choose the word which has the stress’ pattern different from the others. D. computer B. bewilder c. referee 6. A. committee c. comprehend D. interview B. introduce 7. A. recommend D. character c. physigal B. influence 8 .A. suspect B. preferentially G. administrative D. abnormality 9. A. educational D. conscious B. commercial c. erosion 10. A. familiar II. VOCABULARY Select the option that best fits each blank. Write your answers (A, B, c , or D) in the box for answers. 1. ___________, I like the Rolling Stones A. No need to say B. Don’t need to say c . Needless saying D. Needless to say 2. He perceived a change in temperature. A. was afraid o f B. was fỹnd o f c . was interested in D. was aware of 3. In a l l ___________ , h e’s already left. A. odds B. probability c . certainty D. possibilities 4. M any p eop le d o n ’t use their com puters to their f u ll_____________

A. future B. expectation c . potential D. hope 5. When our friends have bad fortune, we try to show____________ A. love B. sympathy c . affection D. pity 6. I’m afraid there are no seat left. Every seat i s ___ _________ A. reserved B. full c . served Đ. free 7 . _____________ is the safeguarding and preservation o f natural resources so that they can be used and enjoyed. A. conservative B. conservatism- c . conservationist D.conservation


8. Two o f the boys in the art class were doing self-portraits by looking at in the mirror. A. themselves B. oneself c . each other D. one another 9. The Tories won the election in 1979. A. came into effect B. came into power c. came to power D. came to the power 10. After several hours on that road, they b ec am e___________ to the fact that they would never reach the hotel by nightfall. A. dejected B. resigned c . depressed D. disillusioned III.STRƯCTURES AND GRAMMAR 1. While attempting to reach his home before the storm, A. Tom had an accident on his bike B. the storm caught Tom c . it happened that Tom ’s'bike broke down D. the bicycle of Tom broke down 2. Have this o n e ,__ ________ ? A. do you B. will you c . don’t you

'________ .

D. haven’t you

3. Look at these two pieces o f material I have just bought. W hich do you like

A. better B. best c . more than D. most 4 .1 find h e r __ '_________ . She never stops talking. A. exhaustion B. exhaust c . exhausting D. exhausted 5. The instructor on the course was hopeless ___________ explaining things. A. in B. o f c . at D. to 6. It is imperative that this letter_______ _ immediately. A. were sent B. sent c . be sent D. send 7. It’s high time y o u _____ study seriously. A. began B. would begin c . did begin D. begin 8. For m e ,_______ is nót important. A. what a person wearing B. what does a person wear c . what a person wears D. what will a person wear 9. ‘Why is the ground so wet ?’ - ‘ It ____ last night’ A. should have rained B. would rain c . would have rained D. must have rained 10. ______ to have stolen credit cards, he has been investigated for days. A. Suspecting B. Having suspected c . Suspected D. To be suspected IV. PREPOSITIONS AND PHRASAL VERBS 1. It’s very g o o d ________ you to help me with the chore. A. at B. o f c . for


D. to

2. The Police are going t o ___________him very carefully. ■A. check up on B. catch up on c . hold out for D. run away with 3. You have to study harder t o _________________ your classmates. A. keep in touch B. . keep pace with c . keep out of D. keep up 4. H alf the people in the office h a v e ____________ a strange illness. A. gone in for B. gone along with c . gone through with D. gone down with 5. The escaped prisoner iss t i ll _________ large and the public are advised not to approach him. A. o f B. on ■ c . at Đ. in 6. My application w a s ___ __________ . I’m thinking about attending a university abroad. A. turned up B. turned in c . turned down D. turned on 7. If that boy doesn’t stop stealing, he’ll ____________ _ in jail. A. end up B. bring about c . get round D. go by 8. There were civil wars th a t____________ in many parts of this country . A. ended up B. broke up ' 'C; broke down D. broke out 9 .1 can’t quite__ out what the sign says. A. make B. read c . get D. carry 10. I w a s _______ the impression that coach tickets were more expensive than train tickets. A. on B. at c . under D. from V. READING COM PREHENSION Part 1. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, c , or D) to each of the questions. Write your answers in the numbered box. The late 1990s was a volatile time for the Internet entrepreneur. There were a large number o f new high-tech and Internet-based businesses being started up, some based on little more than dreams. And, nearly any entrepreneur with a high-tech or Internet-based business plan could receive a large amount o f money from investors to develop the/business. These businesses were called “dot­ coms” after the last part of th e ir Internet addresses, and that time in business history has became known as the dot-com era. Most dot-com ventures failed as the inconsistencies between high-tech dreams and realities clarified, but a handful o f entrepreneurs from that time remain Successful today. Many people look back at the dot-com era with a certain amount of cynicism. Some charge that there were entrepreneurs who deliberately mislead investors about the potential o f their business plans; that they had the ulterior m otive o f getting their hands on large am ounts o f cash before anything e lse - a

ploy that some say was common in the dot-com era. By 2001, most o f the dotcoms had disappeared and were sarcastically referred to as “dot-bombs” . By the time the hype died down, incredible amounts o f money had been lost. This is an unfortunate legacy o f the dot-com era. .


Why did companies like Microsoft, Apple, and Google find success, while so many others disappeared? There is no concise answer, but one interesting coincidence is that many of them were started by two or more entrepreneurs working in conjunction with each other. At Microsoft, Bill Gates and Paul Allen complemented each other; Apple had SteVe Jobs and Steve Wozniak; and we owe Google to the rapport between founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Besides collaborating with others, today’s entrepreneurs need to be able to think on their feet because the business situation changes so quickly. Entrepreneurs need to do constant research to keep track o f changing trends. Today’s entrepreneurs need to be hardworking and tenacious - the easy money o f the dot-com era is history. Experimentation and innovation are critical in a rapidly changing and highly competitive marketplace. It seems that the mistakes of the dot-com era have shown the world what the high- tech economy truly is, and what it isn’t. It isn’t a place where anyone with a dream can get rich. It is, however, a powerful and flexible business environm ent w here people with so u n d business ideas and effec tiv e business

models can work together to produce successful business innovations, sometimes very successful ones indeed. But, as it has always been true in the business world, there is no substitute for thorough planning and hard work. 1. What is the author’s main purpose in writing this passage? A. To expose the negative side o f the-dot-com era. B. To explain the history and qualities o f a type of entrepreneur, c . To convince the reader to become an entrepreneur. D. To show how being an entrepreneur is easier today than ever before. 2. What is most likely the reason that it was easy to get money from investors in the dot-com era? A. Investors were mainly Internet entrepreneurs. B. Investors didn’t expect to get their money back in those days. c . Investors were confused about the potential o f high-tech business ideas. D. Investors knew that any idea would succeed. 3. Why do many people look back on the dot-com era.with cynicism?' A. Because many companies misled their investors. B. Because they are jealous of the success of dot-cqms. c . Because the level o f technology was so much lower than them. D. Because there were no true entrepreneurs in that era. ' 4. Why did some people probably refer to dot-coms as “dot-bom bs” by 2001? A. Because most dot-com companies were short-lived failures. B. Because dot-com companies started up extremely quickly. c . Because some dot-com companies became successful. D. Because many people wished to eliminate dot-com businesses. 5. According to the passage, what do Microsoft, Apple, and Google all have in common? A. They all produce high-quality computers.


r B. They are ail cvnical about dot-coms, c. They all have a good rapport with each other. D. They were all developed by more than one person. 6. Which quality o f today’s entrepreneurs is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. They need to be able to think on their feet. B. they need to work more than one company at a time, c . They need to collaborate with each other. D. They need to do constant research, 7. According to the passage, what have we learnt from the dot-com era? A. That most high-tech and Internet-based business will succeed. B. That anyone with a dream can get rich in today’s environment. c . That sound business ideas and effective plans are needed for success. D. That investors should give money freeJy to new companies. 8. What does the word ‘th e ir ’ in paragraph 1 refer to? A. Entrepreneurs B. Businesses c . Investors D. Ventures 9. The word 'h is to ry ’ in paragraph 4 refers to . ................. A. something that.was very important'-in the past.; B. something that is not important now. c . something that becomes important now. D. something in the past that attracts a lot of attention now. 10. The wol'd ‘so u n d ’ in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning t o ................... A. good B. ascoutic c . voice D. unexpected Part 2. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, c , or D)

to each of the questions. Write your answers in the numbered box. Most o f us lead unhealthy lives: we spend far too much time sitting down. If, in addition, we are careless about our diets, our bodies soon become flabby and' our systems sluggish. Then the guilt feelings start : “I must go on a diet”, “ I must try to lose weight" “ I must get more fresh air and exercise” , “I must stop smoking”, “ I must try to keep fit” . There are some aspects of our unhealthy lives that we cannot avoid. I’m thinking- o f such features of modern urban life as pollution, noise, rushed meals and stress. But keeping fit is a way to minimize the effects o f these evils. The usual suggestion to a person who is looking for a way to keep fit is to take some sports. While it is true that every weekend you will find people playing football and hockey in the local park, they are Outnumbered a hundred to one by the people who are simply watching them. It is an illusion to think that you will get fit by going to watch the football match every Saturday, unless you count the effort required to fight your way through the crowds to get to the best seats. For those who do not particularly enjoy competitive sports - and it is especially difficult to do so if you are not good at them - there are such solitary activities as cycling, walking and swimming. What often happens, though, is that you do them in such a leisurely way, so slowly, that is doubtful if you are đữing yourself much good, apart from the fact that you have at least managed to get up


out of your armchair. Of course you can be very thorough about exercise, even fanatical. Many sports shops now sell frightening pieces o f apparatus, chestexpanders and other mysterious gadgets o f shiny spring steel, which, according to the advertisements, will bring you up to an Olympic standard of fitness, provided that you follow a rigorous and regular programme o f exercises. Such programmes generally involve long periods of time bending these curious bits of metal into improbable shapes. It all strikes me as utterly boring and also time-consuming. Somebody suggested recently that all such effort was pointless anyway because if you spend half an hour every day jogging round the local park, you will add to your life exactly the number of hours that you wasted doing the ‘jogging’ in the first place. The argument is false even if the facts are correct, but there is no doubt that exercise in itself can be boring. Even after you have found a routine for keeping in shape, through sport or gymnastics or isometrics, you are still only half way to good health, because, according to the experts, you must also master the art o f complete metal and physical relaxation. Now, this does not mean snoozing in the armchair or going dancing (which is a -good form o f exercise in itself). It has to. do with deep breathing , emptying your mind o f all thoughts, meditation, and so on. Yoga, as practiced in the West, is the most widely known and popular o f the systems for achieving the necessary state of relaxation. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to learn a lot of strange words or become a Buddhist in order to benefit from Yoga. It seems ironical, though, that as our lives have improved in a material sense, we have found it increasingly necessary to go back to forms of activity - physical effort on the one hand, and relaxation on the other - which were the natural way o f life of our forefathers. 1. Unfitness is the result o f ____________ . A. lack o f fresh air and exercise B. overeating, smoking and living in town c . not eating properly and not getting enough exercise D. not taking part in sports 2. Pollution, noise and stress are examples o f ____________ . A. causes o f unfitness B. bad features o f living in towns c . the things we must avoid if we are to stay healthy D. industrial life and work 3. Our reaction to being out o f condition is t o ___________ A. give up smoking and go on a diet B. start a programme of keep-fit exercises c . make resolutions to lead a healthier life D. take up a sport 4. A lot of people who go to the park at the weekend a r e ____________ . A. football players B. football spectators c . keep-fit enthusiasts D. unfit or unhealthy


5. You cannot really enjoy competitive sports unless you are _ ________. A. young enough to play them B. very good at them c . fit enough to play them D. a solitary kind o f person 6. The reason we don’t get much out of solitary sports such as walking is that we do n o t __________. A. do them often enough B. have the encouragement of others c . take them seriously enough D. do them vigorously enough writer does not like keep-fit programmes because he thinks____________ . A. they take up too much time B. there are/much easier ways of getting fit c , they are a waste of time ' D. the apparatus is very silly 8. To be healthy we m u s t____________ . A. keep fit and active B. keep fit and learn to relax c . be active and practise Yoga D. be very careful about what we eat and drink 9. Many people believe that in order to practise Y oga__________ . A. you must learn a special vocabulary' ' ' B. it is better to become a Buddhist c . you must learn to relax completely D. you must wear special clothing 10. Our forefathers were healthy because ■ ________ . A. their way of life involved both exercise and relaxation B. they were careful to get plenty of fresh air and keep fit c . they lived in the country and spent time out o f doors D. they had simple work to do and very little to worry about VI. M ULTIPLE-CHOICE CLOZE Part 1. Select the option which best fits each space in the following passage.

Write your answers (A, B, c or D) in the box provided. There are so many threats to the wildlife on our planet nowadays that we are rarely surprised when we are (1)............ about another one. (2)............ some people might find it difficult to (3)................. that small creatures (4)................ hedgehogs would be the cause,/rather than the victims, of one of these threats. One resident of an island which (5)................ off the west coast of Scotland describes how this extraordinary situation has come about. It appears that hedgehogs are not native to the islands. They were introduced by a gardener who thought they would be an effective way of controlling the slug population. There are now so (6).......... hedgehogs on the island that they are putting many rare birds at (7).............. because they eat birds’ eggs. The hedgehogs, it seems, are everywhere - so what are the local people going to do about it? One group of conservationists tried to transport hedgehogs to the mainland. The plan might have (8).............. if residents on the mainland hadn’t pointed out that the hedgehogs would (9) ...........just as much of a threat on the mainland as on the island. But, unless action is taken soon, the continuing increase in the hedgehog population will (10)............. in the disappearance of .certain rare species of birds.


l.A . mentioned 2. A. Even 3. A. believe 4. A. so 5. A. extends 6. A. largely 7. A. danger 8. A. beaten 9. A. change 10. A. result

B. explained B. Although B. convince B.such B. lies B. much B. risk B. won B. become B. lead

c. told c. Yet c . suppose c. like c. covers c. many c. trouble c. caught c . return c. cause

D. said D. However D. consider D. as D. stretches D. far D. difficulties D.succeeded D. move D. turn


Part 2. Select the option which best fits each space ill the following passage, W rite your answers (A, B, c or D) in the box provided. Over 1,700 years ago, Ptolemy Soler, Alexander the Great’s successor in Egypt, (1)_•___a library at Alexandria that became the centre for learning for the (2)_____ world. A new library stands on the (3) today - the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Opened in 2002, the (4)_____ is equipped with state-of-the-art technology. Us digital'archive library stores a great number of-volumes, which are easily (5)_____ , and make it a library for the digital age. The collection includes both(6)______ and historic writings, and the staff is assembling a special collection o f materials about the library and the area. The library is an (7X______ step for Egypt as it is the first library in the country to offer the general (8)_____ access to such a large collection. The design of the building is. meant to (9)____ a sunrise - a new beginning for an old tradition. -With nearly 40% o f the population still (10)____ , the library is set to play an important role in Egypt’s future. 1. A. found B. raised c. founded D. had 2. A. primitive B. ancient c. antique D. aging 3 A. area B. place c. site D. ground 4 A. centre B. successor c. place D. institution 5 A.seen B. understood c. accessible 6. A. contemporary B. geographic c. critical D. antique 7. A. up-to-date B. innovative c. outr-of-date D. modern 8 A. audience B. public c. mass D. people 9. A. imitate B. form c. reflect D. symbolize 10. A. ill-mannered B. illiterate c. literary D. illegible

B. WRITTEN TASKS I.OPEN CLOZE Part 1, Fill each gap with ONE suitable word. Write your answers in the box provided. The use of computers has meant students can study language programmes (1)_______ their own speed when and for how long they want - and no need to


worry about the teacher having a favorite or doing yet another boring lesson. What's more, in the virtual classrooms o f the future the student will (2)_______ on their headset, and be transported into an imaginary (3)_______ , choose their class and hold conversations with other computerized students. They might instead choose to pay a (4)_______ to the supermarket or the train station, the bank or the restaurant. At the (5)_______ o f a button they would be transported to such realistic settings (6)_________they could practice their English, maybe getting a hand from a virtual Ẹnglish companion. Exciting? Certainly, and an interesting alternative (7)_______ traditional classroom lessons. But would it ever (8)_____ __ the classroom? Hopefully not. Surely the need to relate to real people (9)_______ about real issues and generally learning a little more about others will always lead language learners to (10)_______ at least a little of their time with real people. Part 2. Fill each gap with ONE suitable word. W rite your answers in the box provided. ' .In the early (1)_o f the 20th century, Bob Tisdall became famous by winning four events in just two hours in a university athletics (2.)_______ . Because at that time university athletics made the (3)______ page o f national newspapers, and as Tisdall was extremely handsỏme, he became very wellknown. He was offered (4)______ in films and attractive jobs in business but he was more (5)______ in seeing the world and he took up a position in India. He forgot sport for a while but then someone reminded him that the Olympics were taking place in four months’ (6)_ __ _ . He decided to (7)______ a go and went to Los Angeles, where' he represented Ireland in the 400 metres hurdles. Although it was only the third time he had competed in this event, he won it with time of 51.7 seconds. This is remarkable if we compare a record-(8)___ TisdalPs training with the intense training that modern athletes undergo to (9)______ for the Olympics. Tisdall’s ‘training’ consisted of staying in bed for a week, going (10)_____ from his bed to the track - and winning! II. W ORD FORM

Part 1. Use the right form of the words given in capitals to complete the sentences below. Write your answers in the box provided. 1. He has known Tom for a long time and valued h i s ___________ . (FRIEND) 2. After all he has done for us, it would be v ery ________ of us if we didn’t do this for him now. (HELP) 3. The storm caused terrible_________ along the coast. (DESTROY) 4 . __________is one o f the qualities required o f a social worker. (FLEXIBLE) 5. The new leisure centre doesn’t quite come up to m y _________(EXPECT) 6. The floor of the attic needs__ _______ if we’re going to make it into a bedroom. (STRONG) 7. Is it possible t o ___________between a hobby aníỊ an interest? (DISTINCT) 8. This used to be a rural area but it has become V ______. (INDUSTRY)


9. I’m surprised at what you’ve done. I hope my confidence in you has not been . (PLACE) 10. This jewel is not simply valuable. It i s _____ . (VALUE) Part 2: Fill in each blank with the correct form of one appropriate word in the box. Use each word only ONCE and write your answer in the numbered box. w illing fortunate

fo rg e t luxury

expense satisfy

disappoint determ ine

enthusiasm like

It’s hard to find a place to eat which satisfies the whole family. Perfection is not an easy thing to find when it comes to restaurants. I remember my parents taking me as a child to the most (1)................ restaurant they could find. They didn’t think it was worth spending a lot of money on someone who had no table manners! Today the choice o f restaurants is so great, however, that total (2)..................... is rare. It’s difficult to explain exactly what I’m looking for in a restaurant. It’s certainly not (3).......................... surroundings, although I must admit that I’m usuaHý (4)..................... to go into a place which looks dirty or dingy. In these days of fast food, it takes a lot of (5).................. to persuade my own children that a bowl o f salad is every bit as tasty as a burger and chips! Some parents I know (6)..................taking their children to fast food restaurants, but I’ve always made an effort to go and see just what’s available in those places. 1 can’t honestly say that some o f the experiences were so good that they were (7)................... . but at least I feel I have given the fast food chains a try. I would like to be able to say that we go out to dinner once a week. (8)..,............. , this is not the case. We either seem to be too busy, or decide that it’s more (9) have a family meal at home, which is probably for the best! But one thing is certain, I am still as ( 1 0 ) .................. about food as I ever was, and intend to remain so! III. ERROR CORRECTION There are 10 mistakes in spelling or use of English in the text. Underline the mistakes and correct them in the spacc provided. The big majority o f students who make well in the Cambridge Proficiency Examination have learnt to use a good monolingual dictionary effectively. Such dictionaries prốvide informations, not just about the meanings for words but about their pronunciation and grammar as well. A student who studies how to use a dictionary effectively will be able to work independently for much of the time, and will gain considerable insight to the workings o f the English language. He or she will be able to confirm to the meanings of words in a text where contextual clues are insufficient, pronounce words accurately by studying the phonological transcriptions,


1. / 2. 3 4 5 g y '

1® 1*

and use words accurately both when speaking and writing. Make sure you make the room for at least one good monolingual dictionary on your bookshelf- and then make sure you use it at a regular basis!__________ IV. TRANSFORM ATION Part 1. Finish each o f the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it. 1. They were all arrested because o f his incompetence. - H a d ................................................................. .................................................... 2. Please don’t smoke in the kitchen. - I’d rather ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3. “That’s a lovely new dress, Jean”, said heư mother. - Jean’s mother complimented ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 . 1 don’t really like her even though I admire her achievements. - M u c h .................................................... ...................................................... ............. 5 . 1 hope you’ll have a good relationship, with the new colleagues soon. - 1 hope you’l l .............................................................................................. soon. Part 2. For each o f the sentences, write a new sentence as similar as possible

in meaning to the original sentence, using tlỊe word given in CAPITALS. This word must not be altered in any way. I . I don’t think this record will ever be popular. 2. A police car has just stopped outside. 3. Can you help me with the decorating? 4. He has decided to resign, I think. 5. His second attempt on the world record was successful.


TRƯỜNG THPT MẠC ĐĨNH CHI - TP. H ồ CHÍ MINH A.MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS ' I. PHONOLOGY Sound: Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that o f the others. 1. A. dealt D. leather B. sweater c. heal c. confusion D. tension 2 . A. dimension B. expansion D. feature 3. A. treasure c. meadow, B. treachery 4. A .,recipe c, catastrophe D. cantaloupe B. apostrophe D. racquet c. cjuiet ■ 5. A. question B. quota


Stress: Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others. 6. A. accommodation B. antiapartheidc. anticlockwise D. deforestation 7. A. argumentative B. psychologicalc. contributory D. hypersensitive 8. A. tremendous B. luminousc. enormous D. autonomous 9. A. responsibility B. originality c. accommodation D. mischievousness 10. A. stimulate B. television c. interrupt D. register II. VOCABULARY and STRUCTURES Choose the best options to complete the following sentences. WORD CHOICE 11. We failed to lay eyes on a tiger during our expedition, ' film one. A. let alone B. not to mention c. apart from D. but for _______ . 12. He’s a nice guy, always already to do somebody a good A. present B. play c. turn D. pleasure 13. He didn’t __________to help her, even though she was very ill. A. open an eye " B. lift a finger c. bend his arm D. shake a leg 14. Many species of wild life are ________ of extinction. A. at risk B. B. on the verge verge c. on the side D. in dangers 15. Buying a car was an important___ for them. A. transformation B. translation c. transaction D. transportation 16. She’s . She tends to think a lot and not to say a lot. A. an introvert B, inverted c. an extrovert D. subdued 17. T h e _____ of the family following the divorce was a great shock to the children. A. break-down B. break-in c. break-up D. break-out 18. It’s ______ that he never mentioned our argument; I wonder why he didn’t. A. special B. rare c. curious -D. eccentric 19. I know you have been working very hard today. Let’s _______ and go home. A. pull my leg B. call it a day c. put your back up D. pros and cons 20. Sue admitted that she couldn’t concentrate on her work due to this irritating noise. A. in all B. the bit least c. in the least D. at the least STRUCTURE AND GRAMMAR 21. Peter: “ I’ve got to go, Betty. So long.” - Betty: “So long, Peter. And B. don’t hurry c. take care D. don’t take Released in 1915, A. D.w Griffith’s made an epic film about the Civil War, Birth of a Nation. B. the Civil War was the subject o f D.w. Griffith’s epic film, Birth of a Nation, c. D.w. Griffith’s epic film “Birth of a Nation” was about the Civil War. D. the subject o f D.w. Griffith’s epic film Birth o f a Nation was the Civil War. A. be careful 22.

23 _________ an cmcrgcncy arise, call 911. . a ’ Should Can c . Docs D. Will 24 r d sooner they deliver the new furniture tomorrow. A. mustn’t B. shouldn't c . didn't D. wouldn't 25. It’s essential that the documents ________ be destroyed immediately. A. would B. should c . ought to D. had better 26. The professor said t h a t ______ ____. A. the students can turn over their reports on thẹ Monday B. the reports on Monday could be received from the students by him c . the students could hand in their reports on Monday D. the students will on Monday the reports turn in 27. This year will be difficult for this organisation bccause____________ . A. they have less money and volunteers than they had last year B. it has less money and fewer volunteers than it had last year c . the last year it did not have as few afid Ijttle volunteers and money D: there are fewer money and volunteers that in the last year there were 28. The defendant refused to answer the prosecutor’s questions ________ _ A. because he was afraid it would incriminate him. B. for fear that they will incriminate him. c . bccausc he was afraid that his answers would incriminate him D. fearing that lie will be incriminated by it 29. This car has many features includirm_____ ______ . A. stereo, safety devices, air condition, and it saves gas B. good music, safe dcvices. air conditioning, and gas c . stereo, safety devices, air conditioned, and i>ood uas D. stereo, safety dcvices. air conditioning, and low gas mileage 30. Ill the kitchen, there is a tabic. A. beautiful large round wooden B. large beautiful wooden round c . wooden round large beautiful D. round large wooden beautiful / P R E P O S IT IO N S A M ) PHRASAL VERBS 31. Her enthusiasm her lack of expcriencc. A. makes up for B. makes off c . makes out at 32. We are appreciative________ _ their efforts. A. of B. for c . in 33. D o n 't __________! [ haven't finished explaining yet. A . hang up

B. hold on

c . hang on

D. makes up D. over I), call up

34. I expcct the new trend will soon here. A. catch up B. catch on c . take up D. take on 35. Family relationships la te r_______ ■_a much greater significance on his A. took on I?, kept up c . built up D. took up 1

36. He confessed being somewhat nervous about having to speak in front of a large crowd. A. about B. to c . for D. with 37. The strike w a s ____________ ___ owing to a last-minute agreement with the management. A. called off B. broken up c. set back D. put down 38. When John was arrested for drunken driving, he cxpectcd to lose his driving license, but he was with a fine. A. let through B. let off c . let out D. let down 39. We intend t o _______ .__ with the old system as soon as wc have developed a better one. A. do up B. do away c . do down ■ D. do in 40. We shal l b rin g ___________ the question o f the new swimming pool at the next committee meeting. A. about B. up c . round D. off III. READING COMPREHENSION Passage 1 THE UNITED NATIONS In one very long scntcnce, the introduction to the U.N. Charter expresses the ideals and the common aims o f all the peoples whose governments joined together to form the U.N. “We, the peoples o f the U.N., determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold suffering lo mankind, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental riehts. in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of' men and women and of nations large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources .of international law can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, and for these events, to practicc tolcrance and live together in pcacc with one another as good neighbours, and 10 unite our strength to maintain international peacc and security, and to ensure, by the acccptancc of princioles and the institutions o f methods, that armed forcc shall not be used, save in the common interest, and to employ international machinery for the promotion of economic and social advancement of all peoples, have resolved to combine our efforts to accomplish these aims." The name “United Nations” is accredited to U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and the first group of representatives of member states met and signed a declaration o f common intent on New Year’s Day in 1942. Representatives o f five powers worked together to draw up proposals, completed at Dumbarton Oaks in 1944. These proposals, modified after deliberation at the conference on International Organization in San Francisco which began in April 1945, were finally ai>reed on and simicd as the U.N. Charter by 50 countries on


26 June, Poland, not represented at the confcrencc, signed the Charter later and was added to the list of original members. It was not until that autumn, however, after the Charter had been ratified by China, France, the U.S.S.R., the U.K. and the U.S. and by a majority of the other participants that the U.N. officially came into existence. The date was 24 Octobcr, now universally celebrated as United Nations Day. The essential functions of the U.N. are to maintain international peace and security, to develop friendly relations among nations, to cooperate internationally in solving international economic, social, cultural and human problems, promoting respcct for human rights and fundamental freedoms and to be a center for coordinating the actions of nations in attaining these common ends. No country takes precedence over another in the U.N. Each member’s rights and obligations are the same. All must contribute to the peaceful settlement of international disputes, and members have pledged to refrain from the threat or use o f force against other states. Though the U.N. has no right to intervene in ,any state’s internal affairs, it tries to ensure that non-member states act according to its principles of international peace afrid security. U.N. members must offer every assistance in an approved U.N. action and in no way assist states against which the U.N. is taking preventive or enforcement action. 41. The first sta te d aim o f the U.N. was ■___ _ ___ J.

A. to supervise pcace treaties c . to prevent a third world war

B. to revise international laws D. to assist the “third world" countries

42. Under, its Charier, the Ư.N. guarantees _ __

A. B. c. D.

____ .

never to use arms to employ international machines belter standards of life to promote economic and social advancement

43. President R oosevelt


A. probably devised the name "‘The United Nations" B. was given the name "The Uniled Nation's” c . established "The United Nations’' D. was a crcdit to "The United Nations'' 44. Dumbarton Oaks was the place w h e re __________ . A. the U.N. first met B. representatives of five powers formulated basic suggestions c . the final proposals were agreed on and the Charter signed D. 50 countries signed the U.N. Charter 45. The U.N. came into existence fully i n

A. 1942

B. 1944


'_______ .

c . 1945

46. United N ations ’ D ay is celebrated on

A. 24 October

B. 24 April

47. The essential functions o f the iJ.N.

D. 1940 ___ .

c 26 October

D. 26 June

_ ______ .

A. arc limited to discussions and debates B. include co-ordinating actions where necessary



c . arc only conccrncd with human rights D. arc economic and cultural 48. Large m em ber countries like China and the U.S.

A. B. c. D.

have precedence over small countries like Poland have more freedom in the U.N. than Poland provide 75% o f U.N. running costs have the same rights and duties as other members

49. A country's dom estic policies __________ .

A. B. c. D.

cannot be'forcibly changcd by the U.N. are often investigated by the U.N. are often enforced by the U.N. are not allowed to benefit from U.N. advice or assistance

50. A m em ber country cannot ally its e lf w ith

_____ .

A. other U.N. member countries B. other countries not members o f the U.N. c . countries defying the U.N. D. states against which the U.M. has ever taken preventive or enforcement action Passage 2 The first two decades of the 20lh century, were dominated by the microbe hunters. These hunters had trackcd down one after another of the microbes responsible for the most dreaded scourgcs of many centuries: tuberculosis, cholera, diphtheria. But there remained some terrible diseases for which no microbe canid be incriminated: scurvy, pellagra, rickets, beriberi, '['hen it was discovered that these diseases were caused by the lack o f vitamin, a tracc substance in the diet. The diseases could be prevented or cured by consuming foods that contained the vitamins. And so in the decades of the 1920‘s and I930's, nutrition became a Sligflge and the vitamin hunters rcplaccd the microbe hunters. In the 1940's and 1950's, biochemists strived to learn why each of the vitamins was essential for health. They discovered that key cn/ymes in metabolism depend on one or another of the vitamins as cocnzymcs to perform the chemistry that provides cells with energy for growth and function. Now, these enzymes hunters occupicd center stage. You arc aware that the enzyme hunters have been replaced by a new breed of hunters who are tracking genes - the blueprints for each of the cn/ymes - and are discovering the effcctivc genes that cause inherited diseases .diabetes, cystic fibrosis. These gene hunters, or gcnetic engineers, use .recombinant DNA technology to identify and clone genes and introduce them into bactcrial cells and plants to creatc factories for the massive production of hormones and vaccines for medicine and for belter crops for agriculture. Biotechnology has become a multibillion-dollar industry. In view of the inexorable progress in scicnce, we can expect that the gene hunters will be replaced in the spotlight. When and by whom? Which kind of

68 --------------------------



---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------

hunter will dominate the sccnc in the last dccadc of'our warning ccntury and in the early decades of the next? 1 wonder whether the hunters who will occupy the spotlight will be ncurobiologists who apply the techniques o f the enzyme and gene hunters to the functions of the brain. What to call them? The head hunters. 1 will return to them later. 51. What is the main topic o f the passage ?

A. The microbe hunters B. The potential of genetic engineering c . The progress of modern medical, research / D. The discovery of enzymes ■ 52. The w ord "incriminated” in thè,first paragraph is closest in meaning ÍƠ A. investigated B. blamed c . eliminated D. produced 53. Which of'the follow ing a m be cured by a change in diet?

A. Tubercul'osis B. Cholera c . Cystic fibrosis D. Pellagra 54. The w ord “strived ’’ in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to A. failed B. tried «/,(^experimented D. studied 55. How do vitamins influence health? A. They are necessary for some enzymes to function. B. They protect the body from microbes, c . They keep food from spoiling. D. They are broken down by cells to produce energy. 56. In the third paragraph, the author com pares cells that have been genetically

altered by biotechnicians to A. gardens B. factories c. hunters D. spotlights , 57. The phrase "occupy the spotlight” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ' A. receive the most attention B. go to furthest c . conquer territory D. lighten the load 58

The author im plies that the most im portant m edical research topic o f the

future will be A. the functions of the brain7 c . the operation of vitamins

B. inherited diseases D. the structure of genes

59. Which o f the following best describes the author’s tone in the last paragraph?

A. Critical c . Appreciative

B. Speculative D. Emotional

60. With which o f the follow ing statements would the author be most likely to agree?

A. The focus of medical research will change in the next two decades. B. Medical breakthroughs often depend on luck. c . Medical research throughout the twentieth century has been dominated by microbe hunters. D. Most diseases are caused by defective genes.

IV. GUIDED CLOZE TEST 1. Read the following passage. Choose the answer (A, B, c or D) that best fits each space. THE MIND A cognitive capacity humans possess is the ability to recognize (61) ________ states in ourselves and in others, and to recognize differences in belief, desire and intention. This makes us better able to explain the action of people around us and ( 6 2 ) _______ what they may do next. We can learn to communicate more effectively and also to (63)_________ others. This ability is known as “Theory o f Mind” A ( 6 4 ) ________ in Theory o f Mind development is the ability to recognize that others may have beliefs about the world which are ( 6 5 ) _______ . Neuroscientists often test this ability in a child by showing them two dolls. One doll has a basket and the other a box. The basket contains a ball. The researcher tells the child one of the dolls is leaving the room, removes the doll and then moves the ball from the doll’s basket to the second doll’s box. The researcher brings back the First doll and asks the child where the doll will look for the ball. Children who say the doll will look for the ball in the basket pass the test. Most children under the age of four will answer “the box’' because they cannot ( 6 6 ) __ ___ _ that the first doll wouldn’t know what they have just (67) ______ . Children diagnosed with autism are also likely to fail this test of (68) ________ with other people or characters. Neuroscientist Rebecca Saxe rcccntly conducted experiments amongst both sighted and non-sighted volunteers to test the (69) _ _ . that Theory of Mind is acquired through visual observation o f others over time. She found that identical brain regions in both groups became active when they are asked to (70) _______ on the beliefs o f others. This seems to indicate that visual observation has little to do with 'I'heory of Mind acquisition after all. B. brain 61. A. knowledge D. mental c. thinking 62. A. .presume B. guide D. predict c. assume 63. A. deccive B. mislead D cheat c. lie 64. A. milestone B. signpost D. marker c. landmark 65. A., fake B. pretend D. artificial c. false 66. A. imagine B. dream D. expect c. suppose' 67. A. participated B. witnessed D. c. regarded attended J ' 68. A. comprehension B. realization D. trust c. empathy 69. A. hypothesis B. subject D. case c. research 70 A. consider B.reason guess c. speculate 2. Read the following passage. Choose the answer (A, B, c or D) that best fits each space. WIKIPEDIA The online encyclopaedia Wikipedia challenges our preconceptions about factual information.


Before Wikipedia, it was (71) as read that encyclopaedias were written by paid experts. In other ( 7 2 ) _____ , before Wikipedia, the "reader” of an encyclopaedia had no control over the content. Wikipedia has changed all that, as anyone is allowed to edit and add content. The idea has certainly (73) on and, for millions of people, Wikipedia (7 4 )________ a vital need. Wikipedia’s founders ( 7 5 ) ________ that, on the whole, the information on the site is no less accurate than more traditional encyclopaedias. Despite this, critics have (76) __ the site for its inaccuracies. Articles on the site have certainly (77) things which arc not in/fact true. However, although ___, they essentially (7 9 ) __________ these have received wide media (78) the problem. Most people have little ( 8 0 ) ________ how many inaccuracies there are in traditional printed encyclopaedias too. c. made D. put B.taken 71. A. given D. terms c. words B. ways 72. A.speech c. taken D.caught B. put 73. A. got D. answers c. tells B.responds 74. A. says . ,C ‘ consist D. desist B. assist 75. A. insist c . denounced D.announced EỈ. renounced 76. A. pronounced c. asserted D. associated B. assigned 77. A. assented c. handling D. usage 78. A. treatment B. coverage c. flatter D. extend 79. A. exaggerate B. boast c . hunch D. inkling B. hint 80. A. gist

B. WRITTEN TEST I. OPEN CLOZE TES I 1. Complete each gap in the following passage with ONE word. B O O K R E V IE W Rarely ( 1 ) _______ one find as clear an account of social change as Olivia Harris’s Changing Britain. Those who prefer to burry their heads in the (2) ■ and imagine that Britain is the same as it was even 20 years ago are in for a shock. Harris convincingly argues that ( 3 ) ________ only have those ( 4 ) _________ authority increased their power, but ordinary people arc also less likely to stand (5) ________ to those in office. At ( 6 ) _______ point in the book (7) _________any o f Harris’s claims presented without evidence, and neither does she talk (8) _ _ _ _ _ to the non-expert. Her main conclusion, that ( 9 ) _______ until we all realize that there is a problem and decide to confront the powers that ( 1 0 ) __ ______will the situation improve, is powerful and irresistible. 2. Complete each gap in the following passage with ONE word. Around 5% of British households now have at least one family member who is vegetarian, (1) _______ means that in the region of 3 million British people are vegetarians. About 25% of all females between the ages of 16 and 2-4 are vegetarian.



Vegetarians do not cat meat, fish or poultry. Among the many reasons (2) ______ being a vegetarian arc health, compassion for animals, and religious beliefs. A vegetarian diet can meet (3) known nutrient needs. The key to a healthy vegetarian diet, as with (4) other diet, is to cat a wide variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, plenty of leafy greens, wholc-grain products, nuts, seeds and legumes. Sweets and fatty foods should be limited. Statistically, if you choose ( 5 ) _______ diet, you are choosing an option which should boost your chances of living a long and healthy life. But why? The reason (6) _______ that a good vegetarian diet contains more carbohydrate, more vitamin c and more fibre ( 7 ) _______ one where a high proportion o f the calories come from meat. There is documentary evidence of a Vegetarian Day (8) _____ held as early as 1936, but National Vegetarian Week (9) ________ wc know it today has its roots in the National Vegetarian Day held by the Vegetarian Society in October 1991. it proved (1 0 )_______ successful that they extended it to a whole week. II. WORD FORM 1. Use the correct form o f the word in brackets. 1. H ow dare t h e y _____________ blam e w ithout know ing all the facts first?

(PORTION) 2. You might find it hard to answer all the questions in t h e __________time. (LOT) . I know it’s a bit annoying but there’s no need t o __________to such an extent. (ACT) 4. I t 's ___________even trying. We'll never get to the hospital in time. (FRUIT) 5. As i told Rose how 1 felt she was completely___________, so ] had no idea at all what she was thinking. (RESPOND) 6. Maybe I am a n ________ but what’s wrong with wanting every human being to have access to clean drinking water? (IDEAL) 7. Being director of the National Gallery is a n ___________ responsibility but thankfully I have a number o f highly experienced experts to help me. (AWE) 8. Don’t throw away consumer packaging. Most of it’s ___________ if you use a little creativity. (USE) 9. Marvin used to be quite wild, but he’s ____ calm these days. (RELATE) 10. Theo and his brother arc always together. They’re completely (SEPARATE) 2. Use the correct form of the words given in the box to complete these sentences. loyal - character - familiar - separate - relate fam iliar - appreciate - appear race - inherit

One ( 1 ) __________,of the modern world is that people increasingly find themselves living side by side with people from other cultures. While in the past people with different cultures were able to live quite ( 2 ) _________, high mobility


w and freedom o f movement mean that we are more likely todav to be confronted to us. In such circumstances, (4) with people whose way of life is ( 3 ) _____ ____is a real danger. People feci a tremendous (5) ___ __ to their own culture, and are often unwilling to develop a(n) (6) o f the positive aspects of other cultures. They may feci that another eulture presents a threat to their own ( 7 ) ________ , one that could even lead to the (8) o f ccrtain aspects of their way of life. Often, however, this threat is more a matter o f ( 9 ) ___ ____ than reality and different groups five in ( 1 0 ) _____ __ harmony in many parts o f the world. III. ERROR IDENTIFICATION Id en tify 10 e r ro r s in th e fo llo w in g p a ssa g e an d correct th em .

LINE 1 2 , 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 .12 13 14

Normal houses are full of hazardous waste. The most important hazardous waste in the homes is batteries. If you throw them out with your other garbage^ they are open at the landfill. The poison inside moves through* rain water and other liquids to the bottom of the landfill. Then they can pollute the natural water in the ground. Wc should use rechargeable batteries. Other hazardous water in homes is motor oil. Don’t throw old motor oil in the ground and throw it on the garbage. It poisons the environment. We should recycle motor oil. Painting is another kind o f hazardous waste in homes. Some cities have “Paint Exchange Day’'. If you bring in open, unused blue paint and want red, they give you red, sometimes they mix the paints together into strange colours. If you paint walls with them, you help save the environment.

V. SENTENCE TRANSFORM ATION 1. Complete the sentences describing each situation using the phrase given. 1. I can’t find the answer without a calculator. OUT 2.

Make yourself at home. CEREMONY


He is certainly not a reliable witness. MEAN£

2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not changc the word given. You must use betweeif three and eight words, including the word given. 4. The young actress was very nervous before the audition. BUTTERFLIES The young-actress ........ ........................................... .......... ...... audition. 5. Perhaps a high-fibre diet will do you good. BENEFIT Y o u ...... ................................................... . high-fifyre diet.


6. Have you ever thoui>ht of changing* jobs? MIND 1 las .................................................. jobs? 3. Complete each of the following sentences so that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. 7.

We don't think you should have done that.

We'd r a th e r ................................................................................................................... Ỉ Ie never suspected that the hicyclc had been stolen. At no tim e........................................ ............................................................................. 9. None of the passengers was injured bccausc of the driver’s quick reaction. B u t .................................,................................................................................................ 10. Something must be done quickly to solve the problem o f homelessness. Urgent............................................................................................................................. 8.

TRƯỜNG THPT CHUYÊN TRAN ĐẠI NGHIA TP. H ồ CHÍ MINH A. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS I. PHONOLOGY Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three. 1. A. advisứí/ly B. mark
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