Scott F. Guinn - Positively Positive

April 21, 2017 | Author: groggy | Category: N/A
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y l e v i t i s o P POSITIVE!

By Scott F. Guinn & Richard Busch

Assertive Positive Negative Writing and photos by Scott F. Guinn Copyright ©2009 by Scott F. Guinn

Triple Play Thought Projection Written by Richard Busch Editing and Photos by Cynthia Busch Copyright ©2009 by Richard and Cynthia Busch

Positively POSITIVE! +++++ “Not a Negative in Sight!”



hile I am not one of the big “names” in the magic community, I’ve been around a while now and I’ve sold some of my material for about a decade. Among my biggest single-item sellers are my sponge ball routine, my ring and rope routine, and my table-hopping cups and balls. But one little effect has outsold them all, far and away: “Assertive Positive Negative.”

Maybe it’s because it is an impromptu, anytime, anywhere effect with a strong impact. Maybe it’s because there is no sleight-of-hand involved. Whatever the reason, I have been overwhelmed by the response that my little two-page variation of Max Maven’s “Positive Negative” has received. From beginner hobbyists to worldclass pros like Richard Webster and Richard Busch, I have truly been shocked at how well the routine has been received. When Richard Busch contacted me to tell me how much he liked it, it spurred an ongoing correspondence via email, phone, and Skype that resulted in Richard coming up with some work of his own on the effect. We decided to put out this updated and greatly expanded manuscript. For those who had my original, I think you will find great value in this edition, because in addition to my own expanded explanation, you will gain the great benefit of Richard’s thinking. And for those who have never read my previous explanation or have never heard of the Maven effect from which it sprung, well... you are in for a treat! Enjoy, Scott

Scott & Kristi Guinn



n his wonderful best-selling DVD, Video Mind, Phase Two: Close-up Mentalism, Max Maven teaches a wonderful effect called “Positive Negative.” It is a powerful routine where you write a prediction on the back of your business card, which you then set aside in full view. The spectator chooses one of three imaginary coins, flips it in the air, and tells you what coin she chose and whether it landed heads up or tails up. You show that your prediction on the card was correct. I felt the routine had one flaw: The spectator could answer in one of two ways, and while in one case you could show the entire card and leave it with them, the other answer dictated that you conceal part of the card and then keep it yourself. If I am using one of my business cards in an effect, it seems to me that the spectator should leave with that card, regardless of the outcome of the experiment. In pondering how to go about making that happen, I was hit by a very simple yet very effective solution. Basically, all I have done is used a little verbal manipulation in the form of an ancient (but still good!) gag. In doing so, I have inadvertently turned the original method on its head. In the original, Max used his thumb to cover part of the prediction while showing the remainder. Unfortunately (to my way of thinking), this method meant that the participant could not keep the card. By using my method, you expose the part of the card that Max hid, while hiding the part he revealed. Thanks to the gag, laughter ensues and the audience is set up for the denouement, where the hidden portion is then revealed as a “second” prediction that accurately describes the participant’s imagined choices. Thus, the card can be given away regardless of the outcome. (This will all become clear as you proceed through the explanation.) When I explained the following handling to Max via email, he was very complimentary, and said he had not heard of anyone using it before. Therefore, I am recording it here. However, it is still essentially Mr. Maven’s trick, so I take no credit for the effect itself. If you don’t have the DVD, buy it and the other two in the series ASAP! There is a plethora of powerful material on them! Requirements and preparation: All you need for this is a pen or pencil and a business card. Of course, you don’t have to use a business card--any scrap of paper will do: a napkin, envelope, receipt, etc. Simply get a scrap of some sort and borrow a pen, and you have a truly impromptu little miracle. However, whenever possible, I use my business card as that makes it much more likely they’ll call me for a future booking!

Method and performance: Basically, I have simply applied the old “no” gag to Mr. Maven’s effect to allow me to give the card out regardless of the spectator’s response. If you already know the Maven trick, that’s all the info you need. I’ll briefly explain for those who aren’t familiar with the original. On the back of the business card, centered near the top, write the word “NO!” Then on the lower half of the card, write, “The nickel is heads up!” See photo 1. Place the card face down on the table.

Photo 1

A word about the choices in the prediction may be appropriate here. In the next section of this manuscript, you will read Richard Busch’s reasoning for always making the quarter the selected coin. I feel his reasoning is sound and legitimate, and I’ll leave him to explain it to you. I always use the nickel, and I’ll tell you why.

First, it is likely due to my own weird personality quirks, but it seems to me that the quarter is the obvious choice if you ask someone to choose between a nickel, a dime, and a quarter. I worry that people will think, “Well, sure! I’ll bet everyone chooses the quarter.” To me, the quarter is the coin equivalent of the ace of spades or queen of hearts. The nickel, on the other hand, is the least valuable, most unassuming of the three coins; more like, say, the six of clubs. Probably seventy-five per cent of the time, when I ask people to pick up two of the three coins, the one that’s left is the nickel. Of course, since equivoque is used, it doesn’t matter which coin you write, but for me, the impact is just a bit stronger with the nickel, as it seems a more unlikely “choice.” Anyway, that’s enough about that--choose whatever coin suits you. Let’s move on. Once the card has been set down, request that Vandella extend her hand. Ask her if she has a good imagination as you pretend to place something on her hand. Regardless of her response, explain that you just gave her three invisible coins: a nickel, a dime, and a quarter. Tell her to pick up any two with her other hand. “Since the coins are invisible and it’s YOUR imagination, please tell everyone which of the two coins you picked up.” Here you use Magician’s Choice (a.k.a. Equivoque or Hobson’s Choice) to force the nickel. Assume she says she picked up the dime and the quarter. You’d respond, “Great, keep those as souvenirs. So, we’re left with the nickel still on your hand. Flip it in the air and let it land on the table.”

What if one of the coins she picked up was the nickel? (It doesn’t matter what the other one is.) Then you would ask her to hand you one of them. Ask her which one she gave you. If she says the nickel, tell her she can keep the other two as souvenirs and then YOU flip it and let it land on the table. If she “keeps” the nickel, thank her for the other coin and pretend to pocket it as you tell her to flip the nickel. So, no matter what choices she really makes, through verbal manipulation you make it seem as if she “chose” the nickel. (Slick, huh?) OK, so the imaginary nickel has been flipped and has landed on the table. Ask Vandella to look at it and tell you if it is heads or tails. If she says tails, proceed as in the original Maven effect: Explain that she is wrong—it’s actually heads—but she’s new at this. Besides, you knew she would say that, which is why you wrote on the back of the card (turn the card over and read it aloud, “Nooooooo! The Nickel is HEADS up!” The inflection of your voice makes this believable—it seems you are gently teasing her and knew all along she would choose the nickel and tails. If her answer is “heads,” the trick departs slightly from the original. Here, Maven picks up the card, covering the “No” with his thumb to reveal the rest of the prediction. So the prediction is right, but now she can’t keep or examine the card. As I said, it’s your business card—why wouldn’t you give it to her after she participated in an effect with it? Following is my solution. Pick up the card so that your hand covers the bottom prediction, but not the word “No!” The prediction is still face down at this point (photo 2). Ask, “Yes or no—is there any way you can imagine that I could have known beforehand with certainty that you would choose the nickel and that you would decide it was heads up?” She’ll have to say, “No.” Say, “My prediction matches exactly! No!” Turn your wrist up to show the card with just the “no” showing (photo 3—audience view).This will get a laugh. Wait a moment before remarking, “You don’t seem too impressed. That’s why I wrote a SECOND prediction!” Remove your hand, allowing the rest of the writing to come into view for a killer finale!

Photo 2

Photo 3

With this small presentational variant, both answers seem to fit the prediction, and you can leave the card with them. Either way, they are absolutely amazed and have no clue. NOTES This little routine has been a real workhorse for me, and may well be the most mileage for the least effort of anything in my repertoire. I hope you enjoy it. Having said that, the one perceived drawback that many have commented on is the denouement when the participant is “wrong” in calling the coin flip. Many just aren’t comfortable with the “Nooooo....” ending. If you’re one of those people, you are in good company--Richard Busch feels the same way. The good news is that he has come up with a way to avoid that ending, and again, it is through a simple bit of verbal manipulation. Intrigued? Read on. I’ll let Richard take it from here.



nd so, you have just had the pleasure of reading Scott’s Assertive Positive Negative! How many people can truthfully say that they have improved a method by Max Maven? Believe me, not many. Well, Scott Guinn can because he really has!

Incidentally, in case you don’t know the ethnic significance of the name Max Maven, Max is of course short for maximum and Maven in Hebrew means understanding. In Yiddish, a Maven is an expert, a really knowledgeable person. So you see, one whose name represents maximum knowing has the all-time perfect name for a mentalist. But no one in any language could possibly be Max Maven except our one and only, Max Maven. The only thing that exceeds his name is the man himself! When I first studied the original Positive Negative method, I never felt entirely comfortable with it, and there is a personal reason why. I’m a little dyslexic and strongly believe that if a performer is uncomfortable with any aspect of a performance piece, for any reason of any origin, without a change that both suits and satisfies the performer, that uncomfortableness will inevitably be transmitted to the audience. But after reading Scott’s addition, I called him to share what you are about to read. We hope you will enjoy my presentational ideas and reasonings based on what still remains Max’s original approach to a timeless, classic classic. Title-wise, I’m calling my section The Triple Play Thought Projection. As for the ebook itself, I’m going to suggest to Scott that we go from his Assertive Positive Negative to Positively Positive. Not a negative in sight! If that is what the e-book you purchased is called, then Scott agreed with my thinking. All set? Let’s begin! 1. PREMISE. As I understand it, the basic effect has always been a prediction or premonition of some kind. I suggest calling it a Thought Projection of not 1, not 2, but 3 thoughts. You will see why and the advantages very shortly. But for now, just understand that the specific mental process I am mentally projecting to you right here and now will not be the usual magician’s prediction. 2. COIN SELECTION. Instead of an imaginary Nickel, Dime, and Penny, I suggest using an invisible Quarter, Nickel, and Dime. By using only silver coins, we avoid the obviously odd-colored, lowly copper penny very few would ever pick up, and in its place, use a most “comfortable” coin.

3. THE QUARTER FORCE. When asked to “comfortably reach into a cupped hand and remove one invisible coin” or “comfortably remove one invisible coin from the table”, an exceptionally high number of people immediately choose the quarter for a perfectly natural force. Unlike Scott, I see an advantage here without any downside. The key word seems to be “comfortably”. A thin, light dime and a thick, bulky nickel are not as “comfortable” as the larger, more valuable quarter. So I usually go with the QUARTER and HEADS. Naturally, if another coin is initially taken, continue with an equivocation. And who was one of the earliest masters of this technique? Max Maven, in those days writing as Phil Goldstein (Verbal Control, 1976). The 2 others most closely associated with such selections and work with flipping coins were respectively Gene Grant (Phantini, THE MENTAL KEY, 1956 and PHANTINI’S CHALLENGE MENTAL ACT, 1981) and my dear friend, Larry Becker (HEADS OR TAILS in MENTALISM FOR MAGICIANS, 1981, reprinted from earlier lecture notes, circa late 1970’s).

When secretly writing on your business card, verbally refer to what you are recording as “3 numbered Thought Projections, though I fear that only 2 will be correct.” Notice in the 2 examples shown above, that each of the 3 Thought Projections are numbered to maximize clarity. When speaking at this point, let the look on your face, your tone and entire manner reflect some doubt and the difficulty of the task at hand. Think about it and what your performing character is supposedly up against. It really would and should seem to be a daunting task! Here now is the Triple Play application using my presentation(s). Remember, as before, either the HEADS side or the TAILS side of the target coin will be called. HEADS: Great! Since your Participant must answer “no” to your yes/no question, the written “no” gag becomes the first Thought Projection. The correct coin is the second. The correct side, the third.

TAILS: Even though they are partially wrong having missed the side, you are still batting 1000 and another rare Triple Play is assured! Triumphantly explain that your expressed doubt was projected out and received, exactly as you knew it would be! This is backed up by the written “no”. Say “Ah ... I knew you would only get 2 of my Thought Projections.” The “no” is the first Thought Projection. The correct coin, the second. Their wrong side, a third hit for you. Say “obviously you are very sensitive to the inner thoughts and feelings of others. After all, you certainly just were to mine!” These 2 closing sentences have to be agreed with and seal the deal. Acceptance and understanding are guaranteed. In fact, they’ve just been complimented! And a false memory and legend has just been born. But wait, more language is on the way, and with an ultra-streamlined approach ... If you wish and are up for it, my Triple Play can be done “for real”, without any equivocating if the quarter is bypassed, just 2 free choices. How? When writing on your business card, refer to what you are recording as “3 numbered Thought Projections, a Triple Play of the mind, as in baseball, a very rare and difficult thing to pull off successfully.” As before, congruently express your doubt! IF YOUR PARTICIPANT HITS BOTH RESPONSES: they very often will, so congratulations, you’ve just experienced the real deal! It’s Major League miracle time! Perform the “no” gag, reveal the 2 other hits, and be very proud of yourself for daring to allow this intrinsically strongest Triple Play to naturally occur. Sell it and enjoy this moment in time which I know from personal experience, you will! IF EITHER 1 OR BOTH RESPONSES ARE WRONG: the “no” (1 sure fire hit) validates your doubt (a sort of pre-cognitive, ad hoc psi-missing). Say either “a single out (1 hit) is not a Triple Play”, or “a Double Play (2 hits) is not the Triple Play (3 hits)”. If you wish, you may use this language I have designed for any Triple Play variation and contingency, whether you need and then use equivocation or not! As you will soon see for yourself, it fits like a glove, a baseball glove of course. In your initial set-up, briefly mention the importance of belief and expectation in virtually all experiments of this nature. My longtime readers know this is a very important foundation of my personal presentations, philosophy, and indeed life itself. This core reflects who I am and what I do. If it reflects who you are and what you do, then you may use it with my blessings, but only if it really suits you. In either outcome, credit should go to your Participant for picking up on either your thoughts or fears, because in my mind, that is the true effect here. It’s all about them, not you! Congratulate them no matter what they say, no matter how it plays! For an effect of this type, in my view, this is the true way for you to be as highly

regarded as you would like to be: through them! This is very important and quite at odds from what and how many others perform and present. Whether you use equivocation or not, I’m sure you appreciate that in both approaches, you interpret “no” to your advantage and speak to the writing on the card after hearing what is called. Your decisions and segue must appear natural, as seamless as they were inevitable. To this aim, the essential elements of my book THE DESTINY RESPONSE (2004) are highly recommended. Regardless of method and their responses, your Thought Projections will be successfully received without any ambiguity as to what just happened. Your writing, supporting language and manner will always make perfect sense. The mixture of on -the-spot Busch-Speak and fail-safe manner I use when performing this is very much related to what I use in the office when I do hypnotherapy. That’s what I meant earlier when I said in part it is who I am and what I do. Congruence needs a core and a core needs congruence, on stage and off. Always be sure to compliment and congratulate your amazed Participant for their amazing sensitivity to either your projected thoughts or your fears. You may even wish to offer up a Kreskin-style handshake if it suits you, and more importantly, if you think her arm can take it and not fall off. Your business card can and should be offered as a souvenir. You will be remembered as having performed a memorable Triple Play, as they all always are. Come to think of it, besides my Triple Play, you now have a Triple Play of methods to use. Maven’s, Guinn’s, or Busch’s. Take your pick. Mix and match them to suit your own taste, style, and honest persona. And speaking of different methods for the same effect, I invite interested readers to consult my book PEEK PERFORMANCES (2001) for other methods where direct hits are virtually guaranteed every time. They similarly can not fail no matter what responses are called. Still more approaches of mine for this same effect that are in print reside in THE BUSCH FACTOR (2006). One offers both a very eerie appearance coupled with a surprise twist. Another features a single, simple, direct sentence that I greatly prefer and use all the time. Keep in mind that all of these failsafe methods are quite different from the Positive Negative approach. Lastly, I have some personal, unpublished methods with exciting possibilities and multiple applications that are being kept private for the time being. For example, imagine performing Triple Plays (again, unrelated to the Positive Negative approach) that all feature guaranteed hits embedded in the “YESes”! No matter what is called aloud, the projected and recorded thoughts will always be received in a simple sentence as in THE BUSCH FACTOR. Why, if I were to say even 1 more word about any of this, there is a good chance that some of you, at least the most curious and sensitive, might suffer acute catatonia, post mentalist’s stress disorder,

and prolonged periods of sleep deprivation. The anticipation alone might be too great, and we mustn’t have any of that. For safety’s sake, I, being a prudent person, must stop here and leave you, just for now, with something uncommonly pleasant to look forward to in the future. I’m sure you will agree, that’s always a nice way to face the dawn of each new day! So until next time ...

Your questions or comments are welcomed. With All Good Thoughts and Best Wishes! Richard Busch [email protected] Tel. (412) 366-1000

“Psssst” ... “Psssst” ... Hey wait a minute. Not so fast. If you really enjoyed POSITIVELY POSITIVE including The Triple Play Thought Projection and would like to make the Triple Play an even rarer Unassisted Triple Play, here are 2 ways you can ... #1 − In view of our current economic times and because THE BUSCH FACTOR has largely been kept underground and is not widely known, if you recently and verifiably ordered this e-book directly from either Scott or myself and then order THE BUSCH FACTOR from me, I will credit your new purchase with the entire $15 you paid for this e-book. Such a deal! And larger, new orders at always receive an additional special price from me, especially these days. Believe me, I want you and all my readers happy and pleased! So that is how you can save money. Here is a way you can make money and feel better and happier in the process ... #2 − is a new site announcing a new mental creation of mine for not only magicians, mentalists, and hypnotists, but for butchers, bakers, and candlestick makers. That’s right, my Mind Focuser is genuine mentalism, a very real, inexpensive technique and product for virtually anyone and everyone who sincerely applies it. It will not only enable you to feel and do better, but make you some real money as you allow others to feel and do better as well. How? By selling them back-of-the-room following any personal appearance, from the stage, or your site. After all, you have just demonstrated some entertaining miracles with your mind. The Mind Focuser is about what your audience can easily learn to do with the real magic of their mind, to feel better with and benefit from. This is a perfectly logical combination of multiple mental themes. And because it is so very affordable, it’s also a beneficial win-win opportunity for everyone concerned. The Mind Focuser also makes a very inexpensive give-away that says “thank you” or “remember me” or is a touching gift that says “I care about you!” It has been enthusiastically endorsed by leading psychologists. So go and read more about it at You’ll be glad you did. You’ll thank me later. And those are my final 2 thought projections!


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