Scott Cunningham - Divination for Beginners.pdf

February 18, 2017 | Author: Nguyễn Thiện Hân | Category: N/A
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Scott Cunningham

The Future Is Now In this age, when self-help books reach the top of the sales charts, it's apparent that we as humans are no longer con­ tent to live our lives without direction. We search for the perfect techniques to improve ourselves. We read books, at­ tend seminars, and spend a period of time each day in pur­ suit of our quest. These measures are quite effective for some individuals. Others, however, realize that something is missing: they have a goal, and a map to reach that goal, but they're uncertain of the best route to take. They may lapse into despair and do nothing to improve their lives. Divination provides us with that vital information. It presents us with a view of the direction in which we're heading. By analyzing this information and applying it to our present lives, we can detour around unpleasant desti­ nations and improve the quality of our lives. As a tool designed to access otherwise unknowable in­ formation, divination can playa vital role in conforming our lives to our expectations, dreams, and desires. It can as­ sist us in learning the lessons that we haven't yet mastered, thus smoothing the path that we tread into the future. Scott Cunningham

Ahout the Author

marn learned about Wicca while still in high

Kti':ed elemental magic for twenty years. He r of more than forty books, both fiction and ,enteen of them published by Llewellyn Pub­ experienced, researched, then wrote about rl in his magical training. His books reflect a e:sts ,\ithin the New Age community, where regarded. He passed from this life on March a long illness.

. "rite to the Puhlisher

like more information about this book, or ,- this author, please write to the publisher in k-n \\-orldwide and we will forward your re­ tblisher appreciates hearing from you and lur enjoyment of this book and how it has ea.--e write to: Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd. iooddale Drive, Dept. 0-7387-0384-2 X>dbun-, ~lN 55125-2989, U.S.A.


for Beginners

Reading the Past., Present & Future

Scott Cunningham

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::"; ~~:J10rs have websites with additional information • ~,:,~ :::ore information, please visit our website at =- :CF:

Llewellyn Publications

Woodbury, MN





0" Scott Cunningham estate. All rights reserved. No reproduced in any manner whatsoever, including In· c: --:-:::e= permission from Uewellyn Publications, except in the rc-..; =~>died ill critical articles and reviews.

J:.. :,..ation. published by Crossing Press, 1993. Reissued by cir. ::...:.i : reading

the past, present & future I Scott Cunningham

=:' :::-.-:nation. cl993. ~.:.:..::.a.:

Part II: Techniques

reierences and index.


:. (:---;"'gham, Scott, 1956- Art of divination. II. Title.

2003047470 :if ::
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