SCM680 Cross Application Processes in MM and SD
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Participant Handbook Course Version: 2003 Q3 Course Duration: 2 Day(s) Material Number: 50063656
An SAP course - use it to learn, reference it for work
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About this Handbook This handbook is intended to complement the instructor-led presentation of this course, and serve as a source of reference. It is not suitable for self-study.
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2003 / Q3
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About this Handbook
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2003 / Q3
Contents Course Overview ......................................................... vii Course Goals .......................................................... viii Course Objectives .................................................... viii
Unit 1: Third-Party Processing.......................................... 1 Sales Order with Third-Party Item ....................................3 Purchase Order and Goods Receipt for the Third-Party Item ... 33 Vendor Invoice and Billing Document for the Customer ......... 53
Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process................ 71 Sales Order for Cross-Company-Code Sales ..................... 73 Shipping and Goods Movements for Cross-Company-Code Sales ................................................................ 91 Invoices for Cross-Company-Code Sales.......................... 98
Unit 3: The Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process..... 127 Stock Transport Order for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer ............................................................129 Goods Movements for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer ...151
Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process... 175 Stock Transport Order for Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer ............................................................177 Transactions/Events in the Issuing Company Code .............197 Transactions/Events in the Receiving Company Code..........225
Unit 5: Subcontracting................................................. 241 Procurement via Subcontracting ...................................243 Goods Movements for Subcontracting ............................263 Goods Receipt and Invoice Receipt ...............................291
Appendix 1: Overview of G/L accounts and Postings in MM and SD ........................................................................ 309 Index ....................................................................... 315
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© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Course Overview In this course, you will gain an insight into different business processes as well as an insight into operations in sales and distribution and materials management. Special procurement forms and special sales forms belong to these business processes: •
Third-party processing In third-party processing, delivery of the material required by the customer is not carried out by your company. Instead, you forward the request to an external vendor, who then sends the material directly to the customer and charges you for the material.
Cross-company-code sales In the case of cross-company-code sales, delivery of the material required by the customer does not take place from one’s own company code, but from a plant of another company code.
Intra-company-code stock transfer In the case of intra-company-code stock transfers, material is transferred between plants that have the same company code. Starting with material requirements planning, you can trigger the stock transfer via a purchase order and use shipping for the goods movement.
Cross-company-code stock transfer In the case of cross-company-code stock transfers, material is transferred between plants that have different company codes. The material is thus bought for an internal price by one of the company codes and sold by the other. The result is, according to the company code, the purchase and sale of material.
Subcontracting In subcontract procurement processing, the vendor is provided with material or components to manufacture the material required, which is/are used to manufacture the finished product. You can use shipping to send the components from your company to the subcontractor.
Target Audience This course is intended for the following audiences:
2003 / Q3
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Course Overview
Project team members responsible for implementing cross-application business processes in Sales and Distribution, and Materials Management.
Course Prerequisites Required Knowledge •
SCM600/LO150 - Processes in Sales and Distribution or SCM500/LO020 - Processes in Procurement
Recommended Knowledge •
Alternative: Good knowledge of procurement processes in MM or purchasing processes in SD.
Course Goals This course will prepare you to: • •
Implement selected cross-application business processes in Sales and Distribution and Materials Management Execute the cross-application business processes of third-party order processing, cross-company-code sales, stock transfer, and subcontracting in SAP R/3. Outline the main settings possible in Customizing
Course Objectives After completing this course, you will be able to: • • • • •
Map the process of third-party order processing in an enterprise Map the process of cross-company-code sales in an enterprise Map the intra-company-code stock transfer process in an enterprise Map the cross-company-code stock transfer process in an enterprise Map the process of subcontracting in an enterprise
SAP Software Component Information The information in this course pertains to the following SAP Software Components and releases:
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2003 / Q3
Unit 1 Third-Party Processing Unit Overview In this unit, you will find out how to use third-party processing for the direct delivery of the material required by the customer by an external vendor. The external vendor sends the material directly to the customer and bills you for the service.
Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • • • • • • • •
Plan third-party processing for certain materials Create a sales order with third-party items Find the corresponding purchase requisition Explain how third-party processing is automatically triggered from a sales order Convert the automatically created purchase requisition into a purchase order Post the goods receipt for a purchase order with third-party items and explain what amount is posted to which account by the goods receipt Post the invoice receipt in the invoice verification and explain which accounts are posted to in doing so Issue an invoice for the sales order Explain which settings in MM and SD are necessary and possible for third-party processing
Unit Contents Lesson: Sales Order with Third-Party Item .....................................3 Exercise 1: Preparations ................................................... 15 Exercise 2: Creating a Sales Order ....................................... 21 Lesson: Purchase Order and Goods Receipt for the Third-Party Item ... 33 Exercise 3: Creating a Third-Party Order ................................ 43 Exercise 4: Posting a Goods Receipt ..................................... 49
2003 / Q3
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Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
Lesson: Vendor Invoice and Billing Document for the Customer .......... 53 Exercise 5: Entering a Vendor Invoice .................................... 59 Exercise 6: Issuing an Invoice for the Sales Order...................... 65
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Sales Order with Third-Party Item
Lesson: Sales Order with Third-Party Item Lesson Overview In this lesson, you will learn about the first process step for third-party processing Create sales order, as well as the necessary and possible data and Customizing settings.
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • • •
Plan third-party processing for certain materials Create a sales order with third-party items Find the corresponding purchase requisition Explain how third-party processing is automatically triggered from a sales order
Business Example For own sales processes, the enterprise triggers a direct delivery from the vendor to the customer without going via the enterprise’s own warehouse. Your task is to analyze the creation of sales orders with third-party items.
Third-Party Processing In third-party processing, the sales area passes the sales order to an external vendor. The external vendor then delivers the goods directly to the customer and charges the sales area for the goods. In turn, the customer receives an invoice from the sales area. The customer’s purchase order is entered as a sales order in a sales organization of your enterprise (SD application). A purchase requisition is automatically created from the order. Finally, a purchase order is created at the vendor in the MM purchasing application. It then follows that the goods are to be delivered directly to the customer. If the vendor reports that s/he has made an outbound delivery, you post a goods receipt, so that this information is entered in the system. You enter the invoice placed to your enterprise by the vendor for the goods delivered to the customer in the MM invoice verification. You then create the SD billing document for your customer.
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Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
Figure 1: Third-party processing
Sales Order Third-party processing is triggered when you enter a sales order with a third-party item. An order can consist completely or partially of third-party items. Depending on the settings made for your system in Customizing, third-party item categories for the corresponding materials can be determined automatically by the system (automatic third-party processing). However, if you enter the corresponding item category, a standard item can be changed into a third-party item manually. This allows you to process materials that you would normally deliver yourself as third-party items (manual third-party processing).
Sales Order Structure The sales document consists of a document header and any amount of items. Each item can contain any amount of schedule lines. Procurement and shipping data is found at schedule line level.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Sales Order with Third-Party Item
Figure 2: Structure of a sales order with third-party items
The Customizing of sales documents takes place at header, item, and schedule line level based on this structure. The related control instruments are the sales document type, the item category, and the schedule line category.
Third-Party Item in the Sales Order You process third-party items by creating a sales order (for example, sales document type TA - standard order). At item level, you use the item category to define that the material is to be delivered directly to the customer by a vendor. The item category TAS is provided for third-party items as the SAP R/3 default. Depending on this item category, the schedule line category CS (third-party) is determined for third-party items. The sales order can contain further third-party items or items with other item categories. Item category Item categories are determined automatically in SAP R/3. You indicate the properties and characteristics of a document item and control, amongst others, price determination, billing and delivery. In this way, you can determine the billing relevance depending on the item category, for example. The following excerpt from SAP R/3 Customizing shows you details about the item category TAS.
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Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
Figure 3: Item category TAS
The indicator for the automatic creation of purchase orders has not been set for item category TAS. In contrast, by default, both purchase requisitions and purchase orders can be generated automatically for the item category ALES, which is also designated for third-party processing. Item category determination In essence, the item category depends on the sales document type and the item category group of the material. Two further factors item use and item category of the higher-level item, are of subordinate importance in third-party processing. From the point of view of sales, you can group different materials together using the item category group. In this way, you should, for example, assign the item category group BANS (third-party item) to materials whose sales are processed exclusively within a third-party deal. Item category assignment in the default then results in the automatic determination of the item category TAS.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Sales Order with Third-Party Item
Figure 4: Item category determination
The item category determined by the system can be altered to the permitted alternatives that are saved in Customizing. You can make use of this option, for example, in the case of a material which you would normally deliver yourself, but for which you make arrangements for an external vendor to procure and deliver directly to the customer instead. Schedule line category The standard Customizing of Sales and Distribution (IMG) is such that a purchase requisition is automatically created in purchasing. A related purchase requisition item is thus created automatically for each third-party item in the sales order. This is achieved by the settings of the special schedule line category for third-party items. The schedule line category serves the different forms of control of schedule lines. Inventory management, material requirements planning, and the availability check are controlled via the schedule line category. For a purchase requisition to be created automatically in purchasing when you save the sales order, the necessary parameters (the document type for purchase requisitions, for example) must be assigned to the corresponding schedule line category.
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Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
The schedule line category CS (third-party) is designated in the default for third-party item processing.
Figure 5: Schedule line category for third-party processing
Since your enterprise does not deliver third-party items, you do not need to post a goods issue in your system. It is for this reason that the schedule line category CS does not contain a movement type in Customizing, and is not set as delivery-relevant. The following excerpt from SAP R/3 Customizing shows you details about the schedule line category CS.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Sales Order with Third-Party Item
Figure 6: Schedule line category CS
Schedule line category determination Schedule line categories are assigned to item categories. The aim of this assignment is: • •
Tp enable the system to automatically propose a schedule line category on order entry, and To define the schedule line categories, which can be chosen by the user when changing the proposal.
The assignment is influenced by the MRP type from the material master record.
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Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
Figure 7: Schedule line category determination
Automatic determination of the schedule line category takes place in two steps: • •
In the first step, the system tries to determine a schedule line category by means of the key combination of item category and MRP type. If a schedule line category is not found in the first step, the system then tries to find a schedule line in a second step using the key combination of item category and no MRP type, that is, using the MRP type ’ ’ (blank).
If there are materials for which no MRP type has been maintained in the material master record, but for which a schedule line category is to be found, then a row with the item category and no MRP type (MRP type blank) must exist in the schedule line assignment in Customizing. This is the case, for example, for the item category TAS in the standard system, so that the schedule line category CS is always determined regardless of the MRP type of the material.
Third-Party Requisition For a purchase requisition to be created automatically from the sales order for third-party items when you save, the Customizing of the schedule line category CS contains a specified document type for the purchase requisition as well as the (purchasing) item category, and the account assignment category. If a third-party item has more than one schedule line (with confirmed quantity > 0), then a purchase requisition item is created for each schedule line. You can branch to the display of the created purchase requisition items from the schedule line of the sales order.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Sales Order with Third-Party Item
Figure 8: Creating a purchase requisition
The automatically-created purchase requisition can already contain a fixed source of supply (see the lesson Purchase Order and Goods Receipt for the Third-Party Item). In this case, the planned delivery time from the purchasing info record, or from the assigned contract is taken into consideration for purchase order scheduling, and to determine the delivery proposal. During the creation of the purchase requisition, the system automatically determines a vendor for each purchase requisition item. Product allocation is not checked in the case of third-party items. You can subsequently change the delivery date and quantity for a third-party item in the sales order. The changes made are automatically copied to the related purchase requisition, as long as the processing status of the purchase requisition still permits this. The following graphic shows you the transfer of the most important data from the sales order to the order item. You can find detailed information on this in SAP R/3 Note 95024.
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Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
Figure 9: Data transfer from the sales order to the purchase order
The purchase requisition is assigned to the sales order. The account assignment cannot be changed in the purchase requisition. The delivery address of a third-party item contains the address data from the related customer master record.
Scheduling for Third-Party Items The planned delivery time from the material master or from the fixed source of supply, that is, the time that the vendor needs to deliver the material is taken into consideration in automatic purchase order scheduling of third-party items. In addition, the purchasing department processing time, that is, the time that the purchasing department needs to process third-party orders, is incorporated. Amongst others, the purchasing department processing time can be assigned to the plant in the Customizing of purchasing. First of all, the system checks whether the requested delivery date is far enough in the future, so that it can be confirmed when considering these two dates (backward scheduling). If this is not the case, then, starting from the current date, the system checks to find the earliest date when the the third-party item can be confirmed (forward scheduling). You can find further details on this in SAP R/3 Note 210455.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Sales Order with Third-Party Item
Figure 10: Delivery date determination in the case of forward scheduling
Hint: Changes to quantities and dates, which you make in the purchase order are transferred automatically to the sales order. If, for example, the vendor for the purchase order confirms deviant dates and quantities, and these are entered in the purchase order, then the data is transferred automatically to the sales order.
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Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
Figure 11: Changing the confirmed date in the sales order
In forward scheduling, two schedule lines are created, where the confirmed quantity for the requested delivery date is zero. The requested delivery date is proposed as the delivery date in purchasing, even if the vendor cannot deliver within such a short space of time. The buyer receives information about the delivery date and, based on his experience with this vendor, reacts accordingly. If, in his/her order confirmation the vendor gives a deviant date (or a deviant quantity), this change can be seen in the sales order once the order has been confirmed.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Sales Order with Third-Party Item
Exercise 1: Preparations Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Plan third-party processing for certain materials
Business Example You have reached an agreement with a vendor for a certain material, that s/he will deliver this material directly to your customer if s/he receives a corresponding purchase order. This makes sense for you in the case of the current material, since it is only rarely requested, and because you would only trigger procurement once you receive a sales order. In this way, you can cut down on one shipping method.
Task 1 A master record already exists for the material described in the above business scenario. This material is procured from vendor 1010. A master record already exists for this vendor also. You can work with a purchasing info record and a source list when procuring this material externally. Alternatively, a regular vendor exists for sourcing. 1.
Since, in the past, you have procured material T-AUC## from vendor 1010, an info record might already exist in the system. Check whether an info record exists with the following data, and make a note of the current purchase price.
Vendor: Material: Purchasing organization: Plant:
1010 T-AUC## 1000 12##
Net price:
Now maintain the source list for material T-AUC## in plant 12##. Enter vendor 1010 and sales organization 1000 as the fixed source. The entry should be valid from today to the end of this year.
Continued on next page
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Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
Task 2 Third-party processing is immediately planned for sales of the material described in the above business scenario. The item category group in the material master must be changed for this. 1.
Material T-AUC## should normally be delivered to your customer by third-party processing. To do this, change the item category group in the material master. Sales organization: Distribution channel:
1000 12
Hint: It is not sufficient if you only change the entry in the field General item category group. Ultimately, it depends on the entry in the field Item category group, as long as an entry exists here.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Sales Order with Third-Party Item
Solution 1: Preparations Task 1 A master record already exists for the material described in the above business scenario. This material is procured from vendor 1010. A master record already exists for this vendor also. You can work with a purchasing info record and a source list when procuring this material externally. Alternatively, a regular vendor exists for sourcing. 1.
Since, in the past, you have procured material T-AUC## from vendor 1010, an info record might already exist in the system. Check whether an info record exists with the following data, and make a note of the current purchase price. Vendor: Material: Purchasing organization: Plant:
1010 T-AUC## 1000 12##
Net price:
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Master Data → Info Record → Display. Enter the above data in the initial screen: Choose the info category Standard. In the info record, choose the view PurchOrgData 1. The net price is 625 EUR.
Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
Now maintain the source list for material T-AUC## in plant 12##. Enter vendor 1010 and sales organization 1000 as the fixed source. The entry should be valid from today to the end of this year. a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Master Data → Source List → Maintain. Enter the following data in the initial screen: Material number: Plant:
T-AUC## 12##
Make a new entry with the following data: Valid from: Valid to: Vendor: Purchasing organization:
Current date 31st December of this year. 1010 1000
Select Fix. Save your entries.
Task 2 Third-party processing is immediately planned for sales of the material described in the above business scenario. The item category group in the material master must be changed for this. 1.
Material T-AUC## should normally be delivered to your customer by third-party processing. To do this, change the item category group in the material master.
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Sales Order with Third-Party Item
Sales organization: Distribution channel:
1000 12
Hint: It is not sufficient if you only change the entry in the field General item category group. Ultimately, it depends on the entry in the field Item category group, as long as an entry exists here. a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics→ Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Products → Material → Trading Goods → Change or Logistics → Materials Management → Material Master → Material → Change → Immediately. In the initial screen, enter material number T-AUC##: Choose the view Sales: Sales Org. Data 2. In the dialog box Organizational levels, enter sales organization 1000 and distribution channel 12. In the data screen, change the item category group to BANS. It is not necessary to enter this in the field General item category group as well. Save your entries.
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Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Lesson: Sales Order with Third-Party Item
Exercise 2: Creating a Sales Order Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Create a sales order with third-party items • Find the corresponding purchase requisition • Explain how third-party processing is automatically triggered from a sales order
Business Example One of your customers orders a material for which you have planned third-party processing. A purchase requisition is to be created automatically from the sales order. This can then later be converted into a third-party order.
Task 1 You receive the following purchase order for the material, which is to be sent directly from your vendor to your customer. PURCHASE ORDER SudaTech GmbH (Customer 2004) Purchase order number:
Requested delivery date
10 pc.
Today + 1 workday
Create a sales order for this purchase order. Use the order type TA and the following sales area: Sales organization: Distribution channel Division
1000 12 00
Continued on next page
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Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
Sold-to party: Purchase order number: Requested delivery date: Material: Quantity:
2004 ##-A Today + 1 workday T-AUC## 10 pc.
Can the requested delivery date be kept? Give reasons for the system’s reaction. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Choose the date proposal for Complete delivery. Which plant is set for the outbound delivery of the goods? _____________________________________________________________ Determine the net value of the order item. _____________________________________________________________ Save the sales order. Make a note of the document number. Standard order number: 2.
Make sure that a purchase requisition was created automatically from the sales order. Make a note of the document number. Purchase requisition:
Display the purchase requisition. What document type does the purchase requisition have? What delivery type has been assigned as the fixed source? Document type:
Task 2 Check the following Customizing settings. 1.
For third-party processing to be triggered, an appropriate item category and schedule line category must be found in the sales order. What item category has the system determined in the sales order? Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Sales Order with Third-Party Item
Item category:
Which entry of the item category assignment was responsible for the determination of this item category?
Sales document type:
Item category group:
Item category:
Explain how and why, in individual cases, you can trigger third-party processing for a material with item category group NORM in a standard order. Hint: Display the settings in Customizing for item and schedule line categories and their assignment. Do not make any changes!
Optional The setting in the schedule line category automatically creates a purchase requisition. What schedule line category was determined in the sales order? Sched. line cat.:
Optional What document type is used for the purchase requisition based on the setting in the schedule line category? Did this work in your example? Which movement type is stored in the schedule line category? Explain the meaning of the given system setting.
Document type:
Movement type:
Optional Based on which entry in the schedule line category assignment was the schedule line category in your sales order determined?
Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
Item category:
MRP type:
Default schedule line category:
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Lesson: Sales Order with Third-Party Item
Solution 2: Creating a Sales Order Task 1 You receive the following purchase order for the material, which is to be sent directly from your vendor to your customer. PURCHASE ORDER SudaTech GmbH (Customer 2004) Purchase order number:
Requested delivery date
10 pc.
Today + 1 workday
Create a sales order for this purchase order. Use the order type TA and the following sales area: Sales organization: Distribution channel Division
1000 12 00
Sold-to party: Purchase order number: Requested delivery date: Material: Quantity:
2004 ##-A Today + 1 workday T-AUC## 10 pc.
Can the requested delivery date be kept? Give reasons for the system’s reaction. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Choose the date proposal for Complete delivery. Which plant is set for the outbound delivery of the goods? _____________________________________________________________ Determine the net value of the order item. _____________________________________________________________ Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
Save the sales order. Make a note of the document number. Standard order number: a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order → Create. In the initial screen, enter the order type and the sales area. Create a sales order using the above data.
On the screen Standard Order: Order Scheduling, you can see that the requested delivery date cannot be kept. When calculating the actual delivery date, a planned delivery date of five days, and a processing time of one day by purchasing depending on the plant is calculated. Choose Complete Delivery or Copy in the screen area Complete Delivery.
Go to the overview screen Sales: •
Plant 12##: Hint: In the case of an outbound delivery from one’s own warehouse, this would be the delivering plant.
Net value 8,845.00 EUR
Choose Save. 2.
Make sure that a purchase requisition was created automatically from the sales order. Make a note of the document number. Purchase requisition:
Display the purchase requisition. What document type does the purchase requisition have? What delivery type has been assigned as the fixed source?
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Sales Order with Third-Party Item
Document type:
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order → Display. Select the item. Choose Schedule lines for item. Select the second schedule line. Choose Schedule line - details and then the tab page Procurement (or immediately the pushbutton procurement).
Choose the pushbutton Edit. Document type:
Task 2 Check the following Customizing settings. 1.
For third-party processing to be triggered, an appropriate item category and schedule line category must be found in the sales order. What item category has the system determined in the sales order? Item category:
Which entry of the item category assignment was responsible for the determination of this item category?
Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
Sales document type:
Item category group:
Item category:
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order → Display. Item category:
Choose: IMG → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales Documents → Sales Document Item → Assign Item Categories . Position on the table entry with the follow details: Sales document type:
Item category group:
The default value TAS (field DfltC) has been assigned as the item category.
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Sales Order with Third-Party Item
Explain how and why, in individual cases, you can trigger third-party processing for a material with item category group NORM in a standard order. Hint: Display the settings in Customizing for item and schedule line categories and their assignment. Do not make any changes! a)
To trigger third-party processing in a standard order in individual cases, you change the determined item category TAN to TAS. This is enabled by the possible alternative item categories for manual entry stored in the item category assignment. Choose: IMG → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales Documents → Sales Document Item → Assign Item Categories . The relevant row in the item category assignment is: Sales document type:
Item category group:
In this case, the default value TAN (field DfltC) has been assigned as the item category. Select the row and choose Details. Manually allowed item category in the sales and distribution document (field Manual item category ): TAS (amongst others) 3.
Optional The setting in the schedule line category automatically creates a purchase requisition. What schedule line category was determined in the sales order? Sched. line cat.: a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order → Display. Select the item. Choose Schedule lines for item. Sched. line cat.:
Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
What document type is used for the purchase requisition based on the setting in the schedule line category? Did this work in your example? Which movement type is stored in the schedule line category? Explain the meaning of the given system setting. Document type:
Movement type:
Choose: IMG → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales Documents → Schedule Lines → Define Schedule Line Categories . Position on the schedule line category CS and choose Details. Order type NB (document type of the purchase requisition) is assigned. You noticed above, that the purchase requisition created in your example contained the document type NB.
No movement type is stored in the definition of the schedule line category CS. This would not make any sense, since the issue does not take place from your stock in third-party processing. Consequently, you do not create an outbound delivery nor post a goods issue, so that the system does not need a specified movement type.
Optional Based on which entry in the schedule line category assignment was the schedule line category in your sales order determined?
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Sales Order with Third-Party Item
Item category:
MRP type:
Default schedule line category:
Choose: IMG → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales Documents → Schedule Lines → Assign Schedule Line Categories . Position on the table entry with the follow details: Item category:
MRP type:
’ ’ (blank)
Schedule line category CS has been assigned as the default value for item category TAS (field SchLC. Hint: Since the MRP type has not been specified in the schedule line category assignment for item category TAS, you do not need to determine the MRP type from the material master record of material T-AUC##.
2003 / Q3
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Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Plan third-party processing for certain materials • Create a sales order with third-party items • Find the corresponding purchase requisition • Explain how third-party processing is automatically triggered from a sales order
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Purchase Order and Goods Receipt for the Third-Party Item
Lesson: Purchase Order and Goods Receipt for the Third-Party Item Lesson Overview In this lesson, you will learn about the second process step of third-party processing create purchase order. Using Customizing settings, you can control whether a goods receipt for the third-party item is to be posted or not.
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • •
Convert the automatically created purchase requisition into a purchase order Post the goods receipt for a purchase order with third-party items and explain what amount is posted to which account by the goods receipt
Business Example For own sales processes, the enterprise triggers a direct delivery from the vendor to the customer without going via the enterprise’s own warehouse. Your task is to analyze the creation of third-party orders and to enter the goods receipt.
Third-Party Order The automatically created purchase requisition must be converted into a purchase order. The vendor is thus commissioned to deliver a certain quantity of materials on the specified delivery date. In addition to third-party items, further order items can exist in the purchase order. The following graphic shows you the structure of a purchase order.
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Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
Figure 12: Structure of a purchase order
The (purchasing) item category standard (’ ’, blank) is used for procurement transactions that permit a receipt in one’s own enterprise. The document type of the purchase requisition was determined based on the schedule line CS. You can determine in the Customizing of purchasing which order document types are permitted for the conversion of a purchase requisition item into an order item. This setting also depends on the (purchasing) item category.
Source Determination Source determination was executed when the purchase requisition was automatically generated. Possible sources of supply for the external procurement of materials are purchase info records and outline agreements (contracts and scheduling agreements). A source of supply is only assigned to the purchase requisition item when the source of supply is clear. If more than one source of supply exists, then SAP R/3 does not automatically assign a source of supply.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Purchase Order and Goods Receipt for the Third-Party Item
Figure 13: Sources of supply in purchasing
The role of source determination is to determine sources of supply. The quota arrangement has the highest priority. The role of quota arrangement is to determine valid sources of supply for a purchase requisition at a certain point in time, whereby requirements can be automatically distributed to different sources of supply when quotas are defined. The source list also serves to determine valid sources of supply at a certain point in time. It contains a list of the sources of supply and periods, in which procurement is possible using these sources of supply, designated for a material. Quota arrangement and source lists are plant-dependent.
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Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
Figure 14: Source determination
If neither a quota arrangement or an order book exist for a material, the system checks whether exactly one outline agreement item or exactly one info record exists for the requested material.
Creating a Third-Party Order Manually In third-party processing, purchase orders are created from purchase requisitions in the usual way, that is, the buyer must assign a source of supply to the purchase requisition items, if this did not occur when the sales order was created. S/he must also convert these items into order items. In this way, purchase requisition items can be grouped together by the same material number (and the same account assignment).
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Purchase Order and Goods Receipt for the Third-Party Item
When a purchase requisition is created, the system automatically copies the address of the goods recipient from the relevant sales order as the delivery address. This delivery address is automatically copied to the order item, as in the case of the goods recipient’s customer number. Hint: If, in third-party deals, the address data of the goods recipient is changed in the sales order, the data that has been changed is automatically passed on to the purchase requisition, and, if a purchase order exists, to the purchase order. You can display the goods recipient’s address data in the attributes for the item in the purchase order. For third-party deals, you can only change the goods recipient’s address data in the sales order and not in the purchase order. In the sales order, you can enter purchase order texts for each third-party item. When a purchase requisition is created, these texts are then copied automatically to the purchase requisition, and from there, to the order item. You can make settings for the transfer of texts • •
from sales orders to purchase requisition items from purchase requisition items to order items
in the Customizing of purchasing.
Figure 15: Settings for text transfers
2003 / Q3
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Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
The number of the purchase order created appears in the document flow of the sales order. You can branch to the purchase order from there, and potentially, you can look at existing follow-on documents in the purchase order history. Third-party items in purchase orders are indicated by the item category third-party (S). Third-party items must be assigned to account. The account assignment category X (“all auxiliary account assignments”) is used as the default. In the Customizing of purchasing, you can define which account assignment categories can be used in combination with an item category. The following excerpt from SAP R/3 Customizing shows you the settings for the account assignment category X (“all auxiliary account assignments”).
Figure 16: Properties of account assignment categories
While the control parameters for the item category cannot be changed in the Customizing of SAP R/3, you can define that the same control parameters can be changed or that they are fixed, based on the account assignment category, as for the following indicators: • • •
Goods receipt for the item provided/possible or not Goods receipt posting valuated or not Goods-receipt-related invoice verification planned or not
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Purchase Order and Goods Receipt for the Third-Party Item
The settings of these control parameters for the account assignment category may not, however, contradict the control parameters of the “permitted” item categories. The following excerpt from SAP R/3 Customizing shows you the settings for the item category third-party.
Figure 17: Item categoryThird-party
Hint: From the point of view of purchasing, you can also create third-party items without a material number, that is, without a material master record. Settings have been made in SAP R/3 for the item category third-party so that • •
A goods receipt with reference to the order item can be entered (this is not the case in the default) An invoice receipt with reference to the order item must be entered (an order price of zero is not possible)
Creating a Third-Party Order Automatically Starting from a third-party schedule line, you can automatically generate a third-party order in the background when you save the sales order. You use the ALE function to do this.
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Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
The indicator for the automatic creation of purchase orders has not been set in the SAP R/3 default for item category TAS. In contrast, settings have been made in the default for item category ALES so that both purchase requisitions and purchase orders can be generated automatically.
Figure 18: Creating a third-party order automatically
Prerequisites for the automatic creation of purchase orders are as follows: • • •
The indicator automatic purchase order must have been set for the item category. A unique source of supply must exist for the third-party item (see “source determination” in this lesson). Based on the sales organization, the document type for the purchase order and additional data must be assigned in Customizing under enterprise structure for the purchase order to be generated.
Goods Receipt for the Purchase Order Goods Receipt Since third-party processing portrays goods movement directly from the vendor to the customer, inventory management is not affected by this event. However, if your sales department would like to document and enter the delivery to the customer in the system, you can arrange for a goods receipt for the third-party order (order item, tab page delivery). The goods receipt posting has the following effects:
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Purchase Order and Goods Receipt for the Third-Party Item
Figure 19: Effects of the goods receipt posting
• • • •
The warehouse stock is not updated The goods receipt is posted directly to consumption, and the consumption quantity is updated The order value is posted to a GR/IR clearing account for invoice verification purposes The goods receipt can be traced in the purchase order history
You post the goods receipt when the vendor reports that s/he has executed the outbound delivery. Alternatively, you could get the customer to confirm that the delivery has arrived. To make use of this monitoring option, you need to set the goods receipt indicator in the order item, or you make the corresponding settings for the account assignment category in Customizing. The goods receipt quantity and the value of goods received, if a goods receipt has been planned at all, is proposed on invoice receipt. Since no flow of goods occurs in your enterprise, the goods receipt posting merely results in updates on a value basis.
2003 / Q3
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Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Purchase Order and Goods Receipt for the Third-Party Item
Exercise 3: Creating a Third-Party Order Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Convert the automatically created purchase requisition into a purchase order
Business Example In the next workstep, your vendor must be authorized to send the goods directly to your customer, who ordered the goods with you.
Task To execute the next workstep, you are an employee in the purchasing department that operates for plant 12##. 1.
In addition to the purchase requisition created in the preceding exercise, create a purchase order by entering via the purchase requisition assignment list. Hint: Alternatively, you can use the document overview My purchase requisitions to create a purchase order. Enter the following data in the initial screen: Purchasing group: Purchasing organization: Vendor: Plant: Scope of list:
004 1000 1010 12## A
Convert you purchase requisition into a purchase order using the following data: Order type: Purchase order date: Purchase order: Purchasing group: Purchasing organization:
NB Current date ’ ’ (blank) 004 1000
Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
You have telephoned your vendor. S/he could confirm that your customer will be delivered the goods by his/her desired delivery date. That is why you can leave the inserted delivery date. Save the purchase order. Make a note of the document number. Purchase order number: 2.
In the print view of the purchase order, make sure that the goods are being delivered directly to your customer, and not to your enterprise. Hint: First use the transaction for message output from sales documents. Instead of choosing the function Output message, choose the function Display message.
How can you directly display the delivery address when editing or displaying the purchase order?
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Purchase Order and Goods Receipt for the Third-Party Item
Solution 3: Creating a Third-Party Order Task To execute the next workstep, you are an employee in the purchasing department that operates for plant 12##. 1.
In addition to the purchase requisition created in the preceding exercise, create a purchase order by entering via the purchase requisition assignment list. Hint: Alternatively, you can use the document overview My purchase requisitions to create a purchase order. Enter the following data in the initial screen: Purchasing group: Purchasing organization: Vendor: Plant: Scope of list:
004 1000 1010 12## A
Convert you purchase requisition into a purchase order using the following data: Order type: Purchase order date: Purchase order: Purchasing group: Purchasing organization:
NB Current date ’ ’ (blank) 004 1000
You have telephoned your vendor. S/he could confirm that your customer will be delivered the goods by his/her desired delivery date. That is why you can leave the inserted delivery date. Save the purchase order. Make a note of the document number.
Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
Purchase order number: a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics→ Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Create → Via Requisition Assignment List. Enter the above data in the initial screen: Position your cursor on the bottom row (Number purchase requisitions = 1) and choose Process Assignment. The data in the task description has already been entered in the screen Process Assignment: Create Purchase Order. Choose Continue. Position the cursor in the document overview of the transaction Create Purchase Order (on the left-hand side of the screen) on the open purchase requisition, and copy using the pushbutton Copy to the current purchase order on the right-hand side of the screen. Alternatively, you can use the left mouse button to transfer the purchase requisition to the shopping basket. Ignore the warning Can delivery date be kept? Realistic delivery date and choose Enter. Choose Save.
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics→ Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Create → Vendor/Supplying Plant Known . Choose Show document overview and select your purchase requisition via My purchase requisitions. You can choose or adjust an appropriate layout for an appropriate mapping. Continue as described under a).
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Purchase Order and Goods Receipt for the Third-Party Item
In the print view of the purchase order, make sure that the goods are being delivered directly to your customer, and not to your enterprise. Hint: First use the transaction for message output from sales documents. Instead of choosing the function Output message, choose the function Display message. a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Messages → Print/Transmit. In the field Document number, enter the document number of the purchase order, which you noted (if this has not already been done automatically). Choose Execute. In the screen Message Output, select the row with your purchase order and choose Display message.
How can you directly display the delivery address when editing or displaying the purchase order? Answer: From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Display. If your purchase order is not displayed straight away, choose Other Purchase Order and enter your purchase order number in the screen Select document. Then choose Other document. You can also display the delivery address in the print preview. Choose Print preview. At item level, you can also choose the tab page Delivery address. In addition to the address, you can also see the debtor number under which you list the customer.
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Lesson: Purchase Order and Goods Receipt for the Third-Party Item
Exercise 4: Posting a Goods Receipt Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Post the goods receipt for a purchase order with third-party items • Explain which amounts are posted to which accounts as a result of the goods receipt
Business Example You have made arrangements with the relevant vendor for him/her, in the case of third-party deals, to report to your enterprise when the outbound delivery to your customer has taken place.
Task Once your vendor has reported to purchasing that the outbound delivery to the customer of the goods listed in the purchase order has taken place, the goods receipt needs to be posted. 1.
Post the goods receipt for your purchase order. Purchase order: Document date: Posting date:
From the preceding exercise Current date Current date
Make a note of the document number. Material document: 2.
Optional Display the accounting document for the goods receipt. What accounts were posted to? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Clarify where the amount comes from. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
Solution 4: Posting a Goods Receipt Task Once your vendor has reported to purchasing that the outbound delivery to the customer of the goods listed in the purchase order has taken place, the goods receipt needs to be posted. 1.
Post the goods receipt for your purchase order. Purchase order: Document date: Posting date:
From the preceding exercise Current date Current date
Make a note of the document number. Material document: a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics→ Materials Management → Inventory Management → Goods Movement → Goods Receipt → For Purchase Order → PO Number Known. Choose the function Goods receipt for order. Enter your purchase order number and choose Enter or Execute. Select the item as OK. Choose Post.
Optional Display the accounting document for the goods receipt. What accounts were posted to? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Clarify where the amount comes from. _____________________________________________________________
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Purchase Order and Goods Receipt for the Third-Party Item
_____________________________________________________________ a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Material Document → Display. Accept the default values for the fields Material document and Material document year and choose Enter. In the material document display, choose the pushbutton FI/CO documents. Select the accounting document by double-clicking. Hint: To display the FI/CO documents within the transaction MIGO, choose the tab page Document info and then the pushbutton FI/CO documents in advance in the header details. Debit posting: Creditposting:
893010 — Cost account 191199 — GR/IR clearing account
The system has taken the amount from the purchase order (Value of goods received = quantity of goods received * purchase order price).
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Convert the automatically created purchase requisition into a purchase order • Post the goods receipt for a purchase order with third-party items and explain what amount is posted to which account by the goods receipt
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Lesson: Vendor Invoice and Billing Document for the Customer
Lesson: Vendor Invoice and Billing Document for the Customer Lesson Overview In this lesson, you will learn about the further process steps of third-party processing post vendor invoice and post billing document for the customer and the related Customizing settings.
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • •
Post the invoice receipt in the invoice verification and explain which accounts are posted to in doing so Issue an invoice for the sales order Explain which settings in MM and SD are necessary and possible for third-party processing
Business Example As a result of its own sales processes, the enterprise triggers a direct delivery from the vendor to the customer without going via the enterprise’s own warehouse. Your task is to analyze the entry of vendor invoices and the creation of billing documents for the customer.
Incoming Invoice An incoming invoice is “expected” by SAP R/3 for each third-party purchase order item (see details on the purchasing item category third-party).
Invoice Receipt You enter an invoice receipt for the invoice that arrives. To do this, you use Logistics Invoice Verification and refer to the purchase order. If the indicator for the goods receipt has been set in the order item, the system proposes the goods receipt quantity that has already been posted, and the value of the goods received. Variances between the invoice price and the purchase order price can lead to the invoice being automatically blocked for payment. These variances are also used to determine the profit margin in the sales order (see the section “moving average price in third-party deals” in this lesson).
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
Using the indicator goods-receipt-related invoice verification in the purchase order item, you can set the business process in such a way that it is only possible to enter a vendor invoice if a goods receipt for the purchase order has already been entered in the system. When the incoming invoice is posted, following are updated: •
Purchase order history The third-party purchase order item is “completed” when the ordered quantity has also been invoiced
G/L accounts If a goods receipt was posted as valuated, the GR/IR clearing account is cleared (if the goods receipt quantity and the invoice receipt quantity are the same).
the vendor account in subledger accounting, as well as the liabilities account (general ledger)
Purchase Order History The purchase order history contains all details about deliveries that have been carried out up until now, or details about invoices received for a purchase order item. You can branch to the display of the follow-on documents from the purchase order history.
Customer Billing Document Once the invoice receipt has been entered, the customer is billed. The sales order can then be found in the billing due list and is processed in the next collective billing run. The billing date relevant for the billing due list corresponds to the posting date of the invoice receipt document. Since an outbound delivery for the third-party items does not exist in the system, you need to set the indicator for order-related billing in the selection for documents to be billed.
Entering the Customer Billing Document If the billing relevance indicator is set to ’B’ for the item category in Customizing for item categories (relevant for order-related billing based on the order quantity), the system directly transfers the order to the billing due list. However, if the indicator has been set to ’F’ (relevant for order-related billing based on the invoice quantity), the system transfers the order to the billing due list only when the vendor’s invoice has been received and processed in invoice verification.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Vendor Invoice and Billing Document for the Customer
In the default, the billing relevance indicator is set to F for the item category TAS (third-party deal). In the first case, the third-party order is only fully billed when the invoiced quantity of the order quantity corresponds to the sales order item. In the second case, a customer invoice is created for the quantity specified in the vendor invoice each time an invoice is received. The order is considered as fully billed until the next invoice is received from the vendor.
Figure 20: Copying control for item category TAS
The default setting for the third-party item category in the copying control for sales document to billing document determines that the quantity from the invoice receipt document is transferred to the billing document instead of the order quantity, for example (invoiced quantity field). The following excerpt from SAP R/3 Customizing shows you the settings for the copying control for item category TAS.
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Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
Figure 21: Copying control for sales document
If, in Customizing for item categories, you have set the billing-relevance indicator to F, you can refer to the goods receipt quantity as an alternative to the invoice receipt quantity when billing. You make settings to control whether the invoice receipt quantity or goods receipt quantity is to be billing-relevant in the Customizing for copying control for billing, at item level.
Moving Average Price in Third-Party Deals The moving average price compares determined prices with costs and is used to determine the profit margin invoice. The condition type VPRS exists in SAP R/3 for the moving average price. This condition type is used as a statistical value in the calculation schema. If you have made the relevant settings in Customizing, then the moving average price in the case of third-party deals is calculated from the value of the vendor invoice plus proportional statistic conditions (cash discount, statistic freight, for example) from the purchase order in materials management.
Document Flow of the Sales Order Document flow portrays the documents of a business transaction that follow one another in the system.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Vendor Invoice and Billing Document for the Customer
The first follow-on document in the sales order of this business process is the purchase order with the third-party item. From the document display, goods receipt and invoice receipt postings and their values can be checked. The billing document and the assigned accounting document are listed alongside.
2003 / Q3
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Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Vendor Invoice and Billing Document for the Customer
Exercise 5: Entering a Vendor Invoice Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Issue an invoice for the sales order • Understand the origin of the price
Business Example The vendor sends you an invoice for the goods, which you ordered, and which s/he delivered to your customer.
Task You receive the following invoice from vendor 1010: INVOICE Sunny Electronics GmbH (Vendor 1010) Invoice date: (Current date)
Invoice 950031## Invoice for your purchase order 45000... Material T-AUC## Sunny Tetral3 monitors VAT 10% (1l)
Unit price
Total price
10 pc.
630.00 EUR
6,300.00 EUR 630.00 EUR
Invoice amount: 1.
6,930.00 EUR
Enter the invoice in company code 1000. Make a note of the document number. Invoice verification document number:
Optional Display the accounting document for the invoice. What accounts were posted to?
Continued on next page
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Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
Account no.
______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Vendor Invoice and Billing Document for the Customer
Solution 5: Entering a Vendor Invoice Task You receive the following invoice from vendor 1010: INVOICE Sunny Electronics GmbH (Vendor 1010) Invoice date: (Current date)
Invoice 950031## Invoice for your purchase order 45000... Material T-AUC## Sunny Tetral3 monitors VAT 10% (1l)
Unit price
Total price
10 pc.
630.00 EUR
6,300.00 EUR 630.00 EUR
Invoice amount: 1.
6,930.00 EUR
Enter the invoice in company code 1000. Make a note of the document number. Invoice verification document number:
Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Logistics Invoice Verification → Document Entry → Enter Invoice. Choose the transaction Invoice. Enter the invoice in company code 1000 using the following data: Document date: Posting date: Reference:
Current date Current date 950031##
Amount: Tax amount: Tax code: Purchase order/scheduling agreement:
6,930.00 EUR 630.00 EUR 1l (that is, 10%) Document number of the purchase order noted above
Choose Enter. Check the difference. Correct the amount in the invoice item. Choose Post. 2.
Optional Display the accounting document for the invoice. What accounts were posted to?
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Vendor Invoice and Billing Document for the Customer
Account no.
______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________ a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Logistics Invoice Verification → Further Processing → Display Invoice Document. Accept the default values for the fields Invoice doc. number and Fiscal year and choose Enter or Display doc. Choose Follow-On Documents.... Select the accounting document by double-clicking. Account number Description
GR/IR clearing account
Debit posting
Cost account
Debit posting
Input tax
Debit posting
Creditor number of vendor
Credit posting
In this way, a payable has arisen between your enterprise and the vendor.
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Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Lesson: Vendor Invoice and Billing Document for the Customer
Exercise 6: Issuing an Invoice for the Sales Order Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Issue an invoice for the sales order • Understand the origin of the price
Business Example Once your enterprise has received an invoice from the vendor for the goods delivered directly to your customer, you invoice your customer. You would normally use collective processing for billing to do this. In individual cases, you create the invoice explicitly.
Task 1 Create an invoice for your customer with explicit reference to the sales order. You use the individual procedure for billing here as an exception. 1.
Enter the billing document. Note the net value. Net value:
Where have you seen this value previously? Do you think this makes sense? _____________________________________________________________ Save the billing document and make a note of the document number. Billing document:
Task 2 Find out about the Customizing settings to create a billing document in SAP R/3.
Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
You created an order-related invoice for the customer. Explain why this is the case in third-party processing.
Where in Customizing do you define whether you bill according to order or delivery? Find this place.
What difference would occur, if you were to choose the entry B for the related indicator?
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Lesson: Vendor Invoice and Billing Document for the Customer
Solution 6: Issuing an Invoice for the Sales Order Task 1 Create an invoice for your customer with explicit reference to the sales order. You use the individual procedure for billing here as an exception. 1.
Enter the billing document. Note the net value. Net value:
Where have you seen this value previously? Do you think this makes sense? _____________________________________________________________ Save the billing document and make a note of the document number. Billing document: a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Document → Create. If necessary, enter the document number of the standard order that you noted above. Choose Execute. Net value:
8,845.00 EUR
The net value is identical to the amount in the sales order. Yes, this amount makes sense, since it has been arranged with the customer. However, it would not make sense to take the amount from your purchase order at the vendor, or from the incoming invoice as you would not earn anything from the business transaction! Choose Save.
Task 2 Find out about the Customizing settings to create a billing document in SAP R/3.
Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 1: Third-Party Processing
You created an order-related invoice for the customer. Explain why this is the case in third-party processing. Answer: In third-party processing, your vendor sends the goods directly to your customer. Therefore, you have not created an outbound delivery for the sales order with third-party items. Delivery-related billing is thus not possible.
Where in Customizing do you define whether you bill according to order or delivery? Find this place. Answer: Choose: IMG → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales Documents → Sales Document Item → Define Item Categories . Choose Details for item category TAS. The field Billing relevance contains the entry F (order-related billing document - status according to invoice qty).
What difference would occur, if you were to choose the entry B for the related indicator? a)
If you were to choose the entry B instead of F for the billing relevance, the order would enter the billing due list immediately after creation. Using the given system setting in the copying control for sales document to billing document for the third-party item TAS (field Billing quantity), billing with a log entry would be rejected, since the system would attempt to determine an invoice receipt quantity. Choose: IMG → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Documents → Maintain Copying Control for Billing Documents. Choose Copying Control: Sales Document to Billing Document. Position on the entry with the follow details: Target:
Select the entry and, in the dialog structure, choose Item via a double-click. Select the item category TAS and choose Details. The indicator F has been set for the billing document (Invoice receipt quantity less invoiced quantity).
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Vendor Invoice and Billing Document for the Customer
Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Post the invoice receipt in the invoice verification and explain which accounts are posted to in doing so • Issue an invoice for the sales order • Explain which settings in MM and SD are necessary and possible for third-party processing
2003 / Q3
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Unit Summary
Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Plan third-party processing for certain materials • Create a sales order with third-party items • Find the corresponding purchase requisition • Explain how third-party processing is automatically triggered from a sales order • Convert the automatically created purchase requisition into a purchase order • Post the goods receipt for a purchase order with third-party items and explain what amount is posted to which account by the goods receipt • Post the invoice receipt in the invoice verification and explain which accounts are posted to in doing so • Issue an invoice for the sales order • Explain which settings in MM and SD are necessary and possible for third-party processing
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2003 / Q3
Unit 2 The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process Unit Overview In this unit, you will find out how to use cross-company-code sales processes in your enterprise.
Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • • • • • • • • • •
Set up cross-company-code sales processing for certain materials Explain when a cross-company-code sales operation exists Assign a sales area to a plant for the purpose of intercompany billing Maintain permitted outbound supplying plants Explain the conditions in the sales order Execute shipping with the help of the outbound delivery Determine the company code to which the invoice is assigned Explain how the system determines the payer Trigger automatic posting to the vendor account Explain the conditions in the internal invoice Explain the origin of the sales area
Unit Contents Lesson: Sales Order for Cross-Company-Code Sales ..................... 73 Exercise 7: Preparations ................................................... 79 Exercise 8: Creating a Sales Order ....................................... 85 Lesson: Shipping and Goods Movements for Cross-Company-Code Sales............................................................................... 91 Exercise 9: Executing Shipping Activities ................................ 93 Lesson: Invoices for Cross-Company-Code Sales .......................... 98 Exercise 10: Creating an Invoice for the End Customer...............111 Exercise 11: Creating an Internal Invoice ...............................113
2003 / Q3
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Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
Exercise 12: Posting an Invoice Receipt ................................121
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Sales Order for Cross-Company-Code Sales
Lesson: Sales Order for Cross-Company-Code Sales Lesson Overview In this lesson, you will learn how to create a sales order for cross-company-code sales. You will also learn about the Customizing settings needed for this.
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • • • •
Set up cross-company-code sales processing for certain materials Explain when a cross-company-code sales operation exists Assign a sales area to a plant for the purpose of intercompany billing Maintain permitted outbound supplying plants Explain the conditions in the sales order
Business Example As a result of its own sales processes, the enterprise triggers a direct delivery to the customer from stocks of another company belonging to the same group, without the goods going via the enterprise’s own warehouse. Your task is to analyze the creation of a sales order for delivery from another company code.
The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process The option of assigning plants to sales organizations to a differing company code enables you to process cross-business-area sales orders. In the business transaction subsequently described, a customer orders monitors at the sales organization France. The computers are produced in the Dresden plant of IDES Ltd., Germany. The sales organization France reports the customer requirement directly to the plant in Dresden. The production plant in Germany delivers the goods to the customer of the French sales organization. The customer receives an invoice from the sales organization France for this delivery. IDES Germany, however, invoices the French sales area for the goods delivered. Two enterprises (company codes) of the IDES affiliated group thus participate in the sales operation. IDES France is the ordering company code and IDES Germany is the supplying company code.
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Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
Figure 22: The cross-company-code sales process
Once the customer’s purchase order has been received, a sales order is created in sales organization 2200. This belongs to the ordering company code (company code 2200). The plant from which the articles to be delivered are taken is assigned to the supplying company code (company code 1000). As soon as the sales order is due for shipping, an outbound delivery is created. At the end of the shipping process, the goods issue is posted and the goods are transported to the customer. Finally, an invoice is created for the end customer in sales organization 2200, that is, in the ordering company code. For intercompany billing to take place between the two company codes involved, the supplying company code creates an internal invoice for the ordering company code via its sales organization 1000. Depending on the agreement between the connected enterprises, the invoice receipt is entered automatically. Otherwise, the invoice received is entered manually in the financial accounting of the ordering company code.
Permitted Delivering Plants When the order is created, the system checks whether the combination of sales organization, distribution channel and delivering plant is permitted at all.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Sales Order for Cross-Company-Code Sales
Depending on the distribution channel, the plants permitted for sales are determined for each sales organization. In this way, you can make settings for a sales organization to sell goods from more than one plant. Similarly, a plant can be assigned to different sales organizations. In Customizing, a plant is clearly assigned to one company code. A sales organization also belongs to exactly one company code.
Figure 23: Permitted delivering plants
Sales organizations and plants assigned to one another do not, however, have to belong to the same company code. Otherwise, cross-company-code sales processing would not be possible. Depending on the distribution channel, it is possible, from the point of view of sales and distribution, to further differentiate the plants of a sales organization. In this way, the distribution channel plant sales is permitted for certain plants within a sales organization, but not for others.
Creating a Sales Order Cross-company-code sales processing is initiated by the creation of a usual sales order. In a sales order, the supplying plant is determined per order item by the system, or entered manually by the processor.
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Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
The system can propose the supplying plant from the following master records (ordered according to priority): • • •
Customer-material info record Customer master record for the goods recipient Material master record
If the supplying plant found in the order item belongs to a different company code than the sales organization creating the order, the system recognizes that it is a case of a cross-company-code sales process for this item.
Conditions in the Sales Order The system automatically executes price determination in the sales order, thus valuating the stored condition master data. The condition type PR00 specifies the price that is to be invoiced to the customer. This, together with possible surcharges and discounts, will then appear in the invoice for the customer, if no changes take place in the meantime. This price thus represents the sales revenue.
Figure 24: Price for intercompany billing
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Sales Order for Cross-Company-Code Sales
For information purposes, the price that the ordering company code has to pay to the supplying company code appears (the price for intercompany billing), instead of the moving average price of the material. It will be relevant in the internal billing document and renders the costs of the ordering company code. In the default, two condition types exist to depict the internal price: PI01 (quantity-dependent) PI02 (in percent). Condition records are entered subject to the sales organization that creates the sales order, the delivering plant, and if necessary, the material. The intercompany billing amount appears as a statistical value on the condition screen of the sales order (it is merely displayed; it has no effect on the result of the price determination for the customer).
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Lesson: Sales Order for Cross-Company-Code Sales
Exercise 7: Preparations Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Assign a sales area to a plant for the purpose of intercompany billing • Maintain permitted outbound delivering plants • Set up cross-company-code sales processing for certain materials
Business Example You are in the French subsidiary of an international enterprise. You have made arrangements with the German branch for certain materials that are seldom requested to be delivered directly to your customer when you receive a corresponding purchase order. In this way, you save yourself a detour via your own warehouse.
Task Maintain the Customizing settings for this business process. 1.
First assign the following sales area to the supplying plant 12## for the purposes of intercompany billing. Sales organization for intercompany billing:
Distribution channel for intercompany billing:
Division for intercompany billing:
Make settings so that the French sales organization can at least sell goods from plant 12## to end customers. What menu path do you need to follow to make the necessary setting in Customizing? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ If you have not already done so, make settings for the combination of sales organization 2200 and distribution channel 10.
Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
A material master record already exists for the material described in the above business example. Enter plant 12## (Dresden ##) as the supplying plant that is relevant for sales processes conducted by the French sales organization. Material: Sales organization: Distribution channel:
T-AUD## 2200 10
Optional What do you need to do so that, in the item of the sales order, the system does not determine another supplying plant for material T-AUD##? 1. __________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Lesson: Sales Order for Cross-Company-Code Sales
Solution 7: Preparations Task Maintain the Customizing settings for this business process. 1.
First assign the following sales area to the supplying plant 12## for the purposes of intercompany billing. Sales organization for intercompany billing:
Distribution channel for intercompany billing:
Division for intercompany billing:
Choose IMG → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Intercompany Billing → Assign Organizational Units by Plant . Choose Assign Organizational Units to the Plants. Assign the sales area noted above to your plant 12##. Choose Save.
Make settings so that the French sales organization can at least sell goods from plant 12## to end customers. What menu path do you need to follow to make the necessary setting in Customizing? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ If you have not already done so, make settings for the combination of sales organization 2200 and distribution channel 10. a)
Choose IMG → Enterprise Structure → Assignment → Sales and Distribution → Assign Sales Organization - Distribution Channel - Plant. Place your cursor on the row with sales organization 2200 and distribution channel 10, and choose Assign. Select plant 12##. The information message refers to the cross-company-code character.
Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
A material master record already exists for the material described in the above business example. Enter plant 12## (Dresden ##) as the supplying plant that is relevant for sales processes conducted by the French sales organization. Material: Sales organization: Distribution channel: a)
T-AUD## 2200 10
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics→ Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Products → Material → Trading Goods → Change or Logistics → Materials Management → Material Master → Material → Change → Immediately. In the initial screen, enter material number T-AUD##: Choose the view Sales: Sales Org. Data 1. In the dialog box Organizational levels, enter sales organization 2200 and distribution channel 10. In the data screen, maintain the delivering plant. Save your entries.
Optional What do you need to do so that, in the item of the sales order, the system does not determine another supplying plant for material T-AUD##? 1. __________________________________________________________
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Sales Order for Cross-Company-Code Sales
2. __________________________________________________________ a)
To prevent the system from using a different supplying plant, the following conditions must be met: 1.
If a customer material info record exists, a variant supplying plant may not be maintained there.
A deviant supplying plant may not be maintained in the customer master for sales organization 2200 and distribution channel 10 either.
When determining the supplying plant in the order item, the system accesses the master data in the following order:
2003 / Q3
Customer-material info record
Customer master record
Material master record
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Lesson: Sales Order for Cross-Company-Code Sales
Exercise 8: Creating a Sales Order Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Explain when a cross-company-code sales operation exists • Explain the conditions in the sales order
Business Example Your customer orders a material that the German branch will deliver directly to the customer. Without any additional costs for the person responsible for the purchase order for a “normal material”, the cross-company-code sales process is triggered.
Task You receive the following purchase order for the material, which is to be sent directly from your vendor to your customer. PURCHASE ORDER Société Adecom SA (Customer 2500) Purchase order number:
Requested delivery date
10 pc.
Today + 3 workdays
Create a sales order for this purchase order. Use the order type TA and the following sales area: Sales organization: Distribution channel: Division:
2200 10 00
Sold-to party: Purchase order number: Requested delivery date: Material: Quantity:
2500 ##-B Today +3 workday T-AUD## 10 pc. Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
Which plant is set for the outbound delivery of the goods? _____________________________________________________________ Where was the plant drawn from? _____________________________________________________________ Which two organizational elements can be found in different company codes when a cross-company-code sales process is concerned? 1. __________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________ Save the sales order. Make a note of the document number. Sales order number: 2.
In Customizing, look for the company codes that belong to the two organizational elements 1. __________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________
Display the sales order that you just created. Which condition type in the conditions screen of the order item refers to the price that the ordering company code has to pay to the supplying company code? What is the amount? Condition type:
What is the price valid for the customer? Condition type:
Optional Does the amount assigned to the price for intercompany billing have an effect on the net value? Explain why this makes sense. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Sales Order for Cross-Company-Code Sales
Solution 8: Creating a Sales Order Task You receive the following purchase order for the material, which is to be sent directly from your vendor to your customer. PURCHASE ORDER Société Adecom SA (Customer 2500) Purchase order number:
Requested delivery date
10 pc.
Today + 3 workdays
Create a sales order for this purchase order. Use the order type TA and the following sales area: Sales organization: Distribution channel: Division:
2200 10 00
Sold-to party: Purchase order number: Requested delivery date: Material: Quantity:
2500 ##-B Today +3 workday T-AUD## 10 pc.
Which plant is set for the outbound delivery of the goods? _____________________________________________________________ Where was the plant drawn from? _____________________________________________________________ Which two organizational elements can be found in different company codes when a cross-company-code sales process is concerned? 1. __________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________ Save the sales order. Make a note of the document number. Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
Sales order number: a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order → Create. In the initial screen, enter the order type and the sales area. Create a sales order using the above data.
The supplying plant is plant 12## (If necessary, scroll to the right in the item in the sales overview screen). Since a customer-material info record does not exist, and the delivering plant has not been entered in the customer master, the plant was determined based on the entries in the material master that you carried out above.
The following belong to different company codes: 1.
Sales organization in which the sales order is entered
Supplying plant
In Customizing, look for the company codes that belong to the two organizational elements 1. __________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________ a)
Choose IMG → Enterprise Structure → Assignment → Sales and Distribution → Assign Sales Organization to Company Code. Sales organization 2200 ⇒ company code 2200
Choose IMG → Enterprise Structure → Assignment → Logistics - General → Assign Plant to Company Code. Plant 12## ⇒ company code 1000
Display the sales order that you just created. Which condition type in the conditions screen of the order item refers to the price that the ordering company code has to pay to the supplying company code? What is the amount? Condition type:
What is the price valid for the customer? Continued on next page
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Lesson: Sales Order for Cross-Company-Code Sales
Condition type:
Optional Does the amount assigned to the price for intercompany billing have an effect on the net value? Explain why this makes sense. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order → Display. Select the item in the order and choose Item conditions.
Condition type:
625.00 EUR
Condition type:
811.00 EUR
Choose Condition details for condition type PI01. Since the condition is marked as Statistic, it does not have an effect on the net value. This makes sense because the price for intercompany billing should neither increase or decrease the amount to be paid by the customer.
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Set up cross-company-code sales processing for certain materials • Explain when a cross-company-code sales operation exists • Assign a sales area to a plant for the purpose of intercompany billing • Maintain permitted outbound supplying plants • Explain the conditions in the sales order
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Lesson: Shipping and Goods Movements for Cross-Company-Code Sales
Lesson: Shipping and Goods Movements for Cross-Company-Code Sales Lesson Overview In this lesson, you will learn about shipping activities for the sales order for cross-company-code sales.
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: •
Execute shipping with the help of the outbound delivery
Business Example As a result of its own sales processes, the enterprise triggers a direct delivery to the customer from stocks of another company belonging to the same group, without the goods going via the enterprise’s own warehouse. Your task is to analyze shipping activities in the delivering company code.
Shipping Activities The cross-company-code order has been entered directly in the delivery due list of shipping point 1200 (Dresden). A delivery is created and processed in this shipping point for the delivery creation date. The shipping process is initiated when the outbound delivery is created. This can occur with help of the usual collective processing function to deliver orders due for shipment, or with explicit reference to the sales order. In practice, the outbound delivery is usually created as soon as the first workstep in the shipping process arises. The individual steps in the shipping process (pick, pack, print delivery note, and so on) are each executed based on the outbound delivery, and documented in it. Creation of the outbound delivery, and execution of the shipping activities take place in the shipping point assigned in the order. This shipping point is assigned to the supplying plant in Customizing. Using the pick list, the material that is to be delivered to the customer is withdrawn from the warehouse. The pick list is output based on a transfer order created for the delivery.
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Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
Figure 25: Shipping processing steps
A transfer order with reference to the outbound delivery is created for picking. A printed list of the transfer order is given to the picker for him/her to withdraw the corresponding articles from the warehouse. Depending on the settings in Customizing, picking must create a confirmation (confirmation requirement). Potential quantity variances can also be entered in the confirmation requirement of the transfer order. If the articles in shipping are, for example, packed in large cardboard boxes or placed on pallets, information regarding this can be stored in the outbound delivery. Delivery notes and so on are printed with help of message control and message processing. The posting of the goods issue is the final activity in the shipping process. Stock is then updated on a quantity and value basis.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Shipping and Goods Movements for Cross-Company-Code Sales
Exercise 9: Executing Shipping Activities Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Execute shipping with the help of the outbound delivery
Business Example At a shipping point assigned to the supplying plant, the goods are prepared for shipping to the customer and then delivered. The fact that this concerns cross-company-code shipping processing does not have any effect on the operation.
Task To execute the shipping activities, you are an employee of shipping point X0## that operates for plant 12##. Use the usual functions for collective processing, which you use to process intra-company-code sales operations in shipping. 1.
Deliver the order created in the previous lesson for purchase order ##-B by processing the pool of sales orders due for shipment, and the purchase orders for shipping point X0##. Limit your selection to shipping point X0##! Hint: If your order does not appear in the worklist, enter a higher date as the delivery creation date in the selection screen. Make a note of the outbound delivery number. Outbound delivery number: ___________________________________
Trigger picking by creating a transfer order for the outbound delivery that you created. To do this, use the collective processing function (via outbound delivery monitor). Limit your selection to shipping point X0##!
Once picking is complete, you can post the goods issue for the outbound delivery you created.
Continued on next page
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Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
The system is set in such a way that confirmation (from picking) does not have to first take place (no confirmation requirement). To do this, use the collective processing function. Limit your selection to shipping point X0##!
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Shipping and Goods Movements for Cross-Company-Code Sales
Solution 9: Executing Shipping Activities Task To execute the shipping activities, you are an employee of shipping point X0## that operates for plant 12##. Use the usual functions for collective processing, which you use to process intra-company-code sales operations in shipping. 1.
Deliver the order created in the previous lesson for purchase order ##-B by processing the pool of sales orders due for shipment, and the purchase orders for shipping point X0##. Limit your selection to shipping point X0##! Hint: If your order does not appear in the worklist, enter a higher date as the delivery creation date in the selection screen. Make a note of the outbound delivery number. Outbound delivery number: ___________________________________ a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics→ Sales and Distribution → Shipping and Transportation → Outbound Delivery → Create → Collective Processing of Documents Due for Delivery → Sales Orders and Purchase Orders. Enter shipping point X0##. Choose Execute. If your order does not appear in the worklist, enter a higher date as the delivery creation date in the selection screen. In the list, select the row that refers to the order you created above. Choose Create Delivery in Background.
b) 2.
Finally, choose Log Delivery Creation, select the entry and choose Documents to determine the outbound delivery number.
Trigger picking by creating a transfer order for the outbound delivery that you created. To do this, use the collective processing function (via outbound delivery monitor).
Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
Limit your selection to shipping point X0##! a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and Transportation → Picking → Create Transfer Order→ Via Outbound Delivery Monitor. Enter shipping point X0##. Choose Execute. In the picking workload list, select the outbound delivery that you created and choose Create TO in background. Confirm the dialog box that appears using Enter.
Once picking is complete, you can post the goods issue for the outbound delivery you created. The system is set in such a way that confirmation (from picking) does not have to first take place (no confirmation requirement). To do this, use the collective processing function. Limit your selection to shipping point X0##! a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and Transportation → Post Goods Issue → Collective Processing Via Outbound Delivery Monitor. Enter shipping point X0##. Choose Execute. In the list Goods Issue for Posted Outbound Deliveries, select the outbound delivery you created and choose Post good issue. Confirm the dialog box that appears using Enter.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Shipping and Goods Movements for Cross-Company-Code Sales
Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Execute shipping with the help of the outbound delivery
2003 / Q3
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Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
Lesson: Invoices for Cross-Company-Code Sales Lesson Overview In this lesson, you will learn about intercompany billing between company codes, and the Customizing settings for this.
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • • • •
Determine the company code to which the invoice is assigned Explain how the system determines the payer Trigger automatic posting to the vendor account Explain the conditions in the internal invoice Explain the origin of the sales area
Business Example As a result of its own sales processes, the enterprise triggers a direct delivery to the customer from stocks of another company belonging to the same group, without the goods going via the enterprise’s own warehouse. Your task is to analyze the creation of internal invoices and the creation of billing documents for the customer.
Customer Billing Document When the goods issue is posted, the delivery is entered in the billing due list of sales organization 2200 (France). The invoice for the end customer is created in the sales organization that entered the sales order. Billing occurs with reference to the outbound delivery. It is thus irrelevant that another company code undertook the outbound delivery. The invoice is either created explicitly or by the collective billing run. The billing date relevant for the billing due list is the goods issue date of the outbound delivery.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Invoices for Cross-Company-Code Sales
Figure 26: Elements of the invoice for the end customer
The invoice for the end customer concerns a “usual” invoice. The billing types F2 or F1 are used per default, whereby billing type F2 is automatically used by the system as the proposed billing type in the case of standard orders (sales document type TA). In contrast to internal invoices, the payer, the sales organization units, and the company code are copied directly from the order. In the order, the company code was derived from the sales organization that entered the order. The ordering company code is the company code concerned here.
Conditions in the Sales Order In addition to the sales price with condition type PR00, the internal price is determined in the billing document. As in the sales order, it is statistical.
Intercompany Billing When the invoice is created for the end customer, the delivery is entered in the billing due list of the sales organization of the supplying company code. An internal invoice is created for the ordering company code. This invoice quotes the internal price for billing.
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Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
For the purposes of intercompany billing for the service provided to the customer of sales organization 2200, the delivering company code creates an internal invoice for the ordering company code. Sales organization 1000 creates the internal invoice. You assign the sales organization responsible for intercompany billing to the delivering plant in Customizing. As in the case of the invoice for the end customer, billing occurs with reference to the outbound delivery. When selecting the documents to be billed, you need to set the intercompany billing indicator.
Figure 27: Elements of an internal invoice
The outbound delivery is first entered in the billing due list of the responsible sales organization of the supplying company code when the invoice for the end customer is entered. SAP R/3 Note 38501 describes how the billing due list for intercompany billing can be constructed before the customer billing document is created. Billing type IV is used per default for the internal invoice. This is proposed based on the document type of the order. In principle, t he payer of the internal invoice corresponds to the ordering company code, which appears like a customer to the supplying company code.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Invoices for Cross-Company-Code Sales
For this reason, you create a customer master record in the supplying company code. You enter the relevant data for billing in this customer master record. Finally, you assign the related customer number of the sales organization of the ordering company code in Customizing (field Customer IV). The company code in the internal invoice results from the company code affiliation of the supplying plant. It thus corresponds to the supplying company code. In Customizing, you assign the sales area necessary to create the internal invoice to the supplying plant (fields sales organization IV, distribution channel, division IV). Hint: Make sure that the same setting is also used for stock transfer processes.
Customer Master Record The sales organization in the ordering company code, which enters the sales order, takes on the role of payer in intercompany billing. A customer master record must exist for the payer for an internal invoice to be created. This is assigned to the sales organization in the ordering company code.
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Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
Figure 28: Customer master record for the payer
The customer master record must contain at least all the information that is relevant for the role of payer (address, control account, for example). In the same way, you store the currency that the intercompany billing is carried out in. The company code data is stored in the supplying company code. Sales area data is entered with regard to the distribution channel for intercompany billing (sales organization IV, distribution channel IV, division IV).
Conditions in the Internal Invoice Condition type PR00 in the internal invoice shows the end customer the invoiced amount. It serves as a source of information and is inactive. Condition type IV01 gives the active price of the internal billing document for the customer. It is determined with reference to condition type PI01, and shows the amount that the supplying company code should receive from the ordering company code. Condition type IV01 represents the sales revenue for the supplying company code. Its costs are given by the moving average price of the material.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Invoices for Cross-Company-Code Sales
Figure 29: Elements of an internal invoice
Two invoices are produced in cross-company-code sales processing: • •
An invoice for the customer An internal invoice for the ordering company code
An internal price, which has been agreed by the supplying and ordering company codes, is displayed in both the billing document for the customer and the internal invoice. In the invoice for the end customer, this is the price of the delivered value for the profitability analysis in the ordering company code.
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Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
Figure 30: Condition type PI01
In the invoice that the ordering company code receives, an internal price is invoiced and is a sales revenue in the profitability analysis of the supplying company code. To fulfill this double function, the system works with two calculation schemas within price determination. Price determination in the sales order and in the invoice for the customer takes place using the standard calculation schema. The internal invoice determines a second calculation schema. This schema is a copy of the standard schema. The newly set condition type IV01, however, takes on the task of showing the internal price instead of condition type PI01.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Invoices for Cross-Company-Code Sales
Figure 31: Condition type IV01
Condition type IV01 is set in such a way that it uses condition type PI01 as a reference. This means that no unique condition records exist for condition type IV01, but in price determination in the internal invoice, the relevant condition is determined for condition type PI01. This procedure enables the value of condition PI01 to be copied to the value field costs, when the invoice data is forwarded to profitability analysis in the case of the billing document for the customer, and, in the case of an internal invoice, the procedure enables condition type IV01 to be copied to the value field sales revenue.
Calculation Schema of an Internal Invoice A calculation schema that differs from the sales order and customer billing document is used in the internal invoice (ICAA01 in the default).
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Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
Figure 32: Internal invoice: (Header) details
Condition type PI01 is replaced by condition type IV01 here. In contrast to PI01, IV01 is not indicated as statistic. The same condition values for both condition types result from the reference to condition type PI01 stored in the definition of the condition type. In this way, condition PI01 represents the costs of the ordering company code and IV01 represents the sales revenue of the supplying company code. The use of different condition types for the internal moving average price is thus necessary if forwarding to the profitability analysis is to occur correctly (component CO-PA).
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Invoices for Cross-Company-Code Sales
Figure 33: Calculation Schema of an Internal Invoice
The calculation schema in the internal invoice is determined based on the document pricing procedure stored in the document type, the sales area and the customer pricing procedure stored in the customer master. The sales area refers to the sales area assigned to the supplying plant.
Credit-Side Invoice The invoice brought to the account of the ordering company code by the supplying company code must be entered in the financial accounting of the ordering company code for payment to occur. This can be done manually. Cross-company-code sales processing can be set so that the creation of an internal invoice in the supplying company code automatically results in the creation of an incoming invoice in the ordering company code. The two enterprises concerned can agree that a posting to vendor account in the ordering company code (company code 2200) immediately occurs for internal billing documents invoiced by sales organization 1000 to sales organization 2200.
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Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
Figure 34: Credit-side invoice
If the ordering company code wants to enter the incoming invoice manually, an invoice document can be printed in the supplying company code using message type RD00. This is then sent to the payer. If automatic invoice receipt has been arranged, you need to use SD message control to make sure that message type RD04 is found in the internal billing document. In the SAP R/3 standard, message determination schema V40000 is assigned to billing type IV. This message determination schema contains this message type. Automatic posting to vendor account is triggered when message type RD04 is processed. Technical conversion takes place using EDI techniques. This enables cross-company, electronical data exchange between business partners that can deploy different hardware, software and communication services. In this case, however, the data concerned is exchanged between two partners within one system. The data exchanged belongs to EDI message category INVOIC (for invoice). The message is exchanged between a sender (vendor = supplying company code) and a receiver (customer = ordering company code). Two variants exist for the message category INVOIC. Using variant FI, an invoice receipt is posted directly in financial accounting. This variant is used in this process.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Invoices for Cross-Company-Code Sales
Using variant MM, the invoice receipt is posted via invoice verification in materials management. The MM variant is used for cross-company-code stock transfer. Hint: However, you can only assign one of the two variants to each message type. The EDI message category INVOIC is used in the FI variant. You can find details about the necessary system settings (partner profiles, and so on) in the Implemetation Guide for intercompany billing.
Figure 35: Assignment of the vendor master record for the supplying company code to the ordering company code (= company code for the credit-side invoice)
For the payable in the accounting of the ordering company code to be posted, the supplying company code must be created as the creditor (creditor 1000).
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Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Invoices for Cross-Company-Code Sales
Exercise 10: Creating an Invoice for the End Customer Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Determine the company code to which the invoice is assigned
Business Example Once the goods issue for the outbound delivery to your French customer has been posted in the German branch, the invoice for the customer can be created.
Task As an employee of the French sales organization, you create the customer billing document. 1.
Create the billing document as an exception in the one-step procedure, with explicit reference to the outbound delivery created in the previous exercise. Find out the company code and the sales organization to which the invoice is assigned. Company code:
Sales organization:
Is the ordering or the supplying company code concerned here? _____________________________________________________________ Save the customer billing document and make a note of the document number. Billing document:
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
Solution 10: Creating an Invoice for the End Customer Task As an employee of the French sales organization, you create the customer billing document. 1.
Create the billing document as an exception in the one-step procedure, with explicit reference to the outbound delivery created in the previous exercise. Find out the company code and the sales organization to which the invoice is assigned. Company code:
Sales organization:
Is the ordering or the supplying company code concerned here? _____________________________________________________________ Save the customer billing document and make a note of the document number. Billing document: a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Document → Create. If necessary, enter the document number of the outbound delivery that you noted above. Choose Execute. Choose Display details for document header. Company code: Sales organization:
2200 2200
Since the invoice for the end customer is concerned here, it is assigned to the company code in which the order was entered, that is, to the ordering company code. Choose Save.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Invoices for Cross-Company-Code Sales
Exercise 11: Creating an Internal Invoice Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Determine the company code to which the internal invoice is assigned • Explain the origin of the sales area • Explain how the system determines the payer • Explain the conditions in the internal clearing
Business Example For the purposes of intercompany billing for the goods delivered by the supplying company code to the customer of the ordering company code, the German branch now creates an internal invoice. The French branch acts as payer and invoice recipient.
Task As an employee of the German sales organization, you create intercompany billing documents. 1.
Create the internal billing document as an exception in the one-step procedure, with explicit reference to the outbound delivery created in the previous exercise. Determine the company code to which the internal invoice is assigned Company code:
Is the ordering or the supplying company code concerned here? _____________________________________________________________ What does this depend on? _____________________________________________________________ Save the billing document and make a note of the document number. Internal invoice: 2.
Since the internal invoice was created by a German sales organization, the sales area specified in the internal invoice differs from the sales area specified in the customer billing document. Determine the sales area to which the internal invoice is assigned. Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
Sales organization:
Distribution channel:
This sales area serves the purposes of intercompany billing. What does this depend on? _____________________________________________________________ Where in Customizing does the corresponding assignment take place? _____________________________________________________________ Who has made this basic setting for cross-company-code operations? _____________________________________________________________ 3.
In the internal invoice, a business partner that does not seem to have appeared in the previous business operation, appears as the payer. Determine the payer of the internal invoice: _____________________________________________________________ What does the payer depend on? _____________________________________________________________ What path do you follow to find the setting in the system? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
Display the total customer master record for the payer. Which company code and which sales area are relevant here? Company code:
Sales organization:
Distribution channel:
In what currency should the customer be billed (according to master data), and what are the terms of payment? Currency:
Terms of payment:
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Invoices for Cross-Company-Code Sales
Display the conditions screen for the item in the internal invoice. Which condition type reflects the price that the ordering company code has to pay to the supplying company code? Condition type:
Optional What price does condition type PR00 refer to in the internal invoice? _____________________________________________________________ Does the amount assigned to this condition type contribute to the net value? _____________________________________________________________ Optional What billing type does the internal invoice have? _____________________________________________________________ In which object in Customizing is the default billing type for intercompany billing stored ? _____________________________________________________________ Find this place.
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
Solution 11: Creating an Internal Invoice Task As an employee of the German sales organization, you create intercompany billing documents. 1.
Create the internal billing document as an exception in the one-step procedure, with explicit reference to the outbound delivery created in the previous exercise. Determine the company code to which the internal invoice is assigned Company code:
Is the ordering or the supplying company code concerned here? _____________________________________________________________ What does this depend on? _____________________________________________________________ Save the billing document and make a note of the document number. Internal invoice: a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Document → Create. If necessary, enter the document number of the outbound delivery that you noted above. Choose Execute.
Choose Display details for document header. Company code:
The internal invoice is created by the supplying company code and is directed at the ordering company code. That is why the company code displayed is the supplying company code. The supplying company code corresponds to the company code to which the supplying plant is assigned. Choose Save.
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Invoices for Cross-Company-Code Sales
Since the internal invoice was created by a German sales organization, the sales area specified in the internal invoice differs from the sales area specified in the customer billing document. Determine the sales area to which the internal invoice is assigned. Sales organization:
Distribution channel:
This sales area serves the purposes of intercompany billing. What does this depend on? _____________________________________________________________ Where in Customizing does the corresponding assignment take place? _____________________________________________________________ Who has made this basic setting for cross-company-code operations? _____________________________________________________________ a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Document → Display. Choose Display details for document header. Sales organization: Distribution channel: Division:
b) c)
1000 12 00
The sales area that is needed for intercompany billing depends on the supplying plant. Choose IMG → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Intercompany Billing → Assign Organizational Units by Plant. Choose Assign Organizational Units to the Plants. You made the entries for plant 12## yourself in a previous exercise.
In the internal invoice, a business partner that does not seem to have appeared in the previous business operation, appears as the payer. Determine the payer of the internal invoice: _____________________________________________________________ What does the payer depend on? Continued on next page
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Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
_____________________________________________________________ What path do you follow to find the setting in the system? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Document → Display. Payer in the internal invoice: 22000 In principle, the payer in the internal invoice corresponds to the ordering company code, that is, to the enterprise in which the sales order was created. It depends on the sales organization that creates the order.
Choose IMG → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Intercompany Billing → Define Internal Customer Number By Sales Organization . Sales organization 2200 ⇒ Customer number for intercompany billing 22000
Display the total customer master record for the payer. Which company code and which sales area are relevant here? Company code:
Sales organization:
Distribution channel:
In what currency should the customer be billed (according to master data), and what are the terms of payment?
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Invoices for Cross-Company-Code Sales
Terms of payment:
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics→ Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Business Partner → Customer → Display → Complete. Enter debtor number 22000 in the initial screen: The system accesses the master record for the payer using the supplying company code and the sales area that is assigned to the supplying plant. Enter the following data: Company code: Sales organization: Distribution channel: Division:
1000 1000 12 00
Choose Sales area data and then the tab pages Sales and and Billing document, to determine the currency (tab page Sales) and the terms of payment (tab pages Billing) of the debtor. 5.
Display the conditions screen for the item in the internal invoice. Which condition type reflects the price that the ordering company code has to pay to the supplying company code? Condition type:
Optional What price does condition type PR00 refer to in the internal invoice? _____________________________________________________________ Does the amount assigned to this condition type contribute to the net value? _____________________________________________________________ Optional What billing type does the internal invoice have? _____________________________________________________________ In which object in Customizing is the default billing type for intercompany billing stored ? Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
_____________________________________________________________ Find this place. a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Document → Display. If you have not already done so, enter the document number of the internal invoice that you noted above in the initial screen. In the internal invoice, select the item and choose Item conditions. Condition type: V01 The condition value specified agrees with the net value of the internal invoice.
Condition type PR00 refers to the price relevant for the customer. The condition value of PR00 does not contribute to the net value, since the condition is inactive due to the subsequent price.
You can see the billing type in the title line, amongst others. Billing type:
The billing type that the system uses automatically for the internal invoice, that is, without manual intervention, is stored in the sales document type. Choose: IMG → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales Documents → Sales Document Header → Define Sales Document Types . Position on the item with sales document type TA and choose Details. Billing type IV has been assigned for intercompany billing.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Invoices for Cross-Company-Code Sales
Exercise 12: Posting an Invoice Receipt Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Trigger automatic posting to the vendor account
Business Example An agreement has been made between the two company codes concerned for invoices from the German sales organization charged to the French sales organization to be posted automatically as invoice receipts in the accounting of the French company code. This saves you from entering the invoice manually.
Task You can make settings for the automatic credit posting to take place directly when you save the internal invoice. Unless this immediate posting is absolutely essential, it is not be necessary to do this as this overloads the system unnecessarily. In our case therefore, we decide to collectively trigger the automatic credit posting for the accrued internal invoices. This could take place as a background program during the night, for example. 1.
Look at the internal invoice to see if the system has determined message type RD04 and if the message has already been processed. _____________________________________________________________ Process message RD04 contained in your internal invoice. Message type: Billing document:
RD04 Number of the internal invoice noted in the previous exercise
Hint: Only process the message for the internal invoice that you created! 2.
Optional Make sure that the accounting document for the credit posting exists in the ordering company code. To do this, branch to the document display within accounts payable accounting. What is in the field Reference?
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
Solution 12: Posting an Invoice Receipt Task You can make settings for the automatic credit posting to take place directly when you save the internal invoice. Unless this immediate posting is absolutely essential, it is not be necessary to do this as this overloads the system unnecessarily. In our case therefore, we decide to collectively trigger the automatic credit posting for the accrued internal invoices. This could take place as a background program during the night, for example. 1.
Look at the internal invoice to see if the system has determined message type RD04 and if the message has already been processed. _____________________________________________________________ Process message RD04 contained in your internal invoice.
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Invoices for Cross-Company-Code Sales
Message type: Billing document:
RD04 Number of the internal invoice noted in the previous exercise
Hint: Only process the message for the internal invoice that you created! a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Document → Display. If you have not already done so, enter the document number of the internal invoice that you noted in the previous exercise in the initial screen. Choose Goto → Header → Messages. Message type RD04 was determined automatically by the system based on the settings in message determination, and still remains unprocessed.
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Output → Issue Billing Documents. Enter the following data in the initial screen: Message type: Billing document: Sales organization:
RD04 Number of the internal invoice noted in the previous exercise 2200
Select Intercompany billing. Select the relevant row and then choose Process. 2.
Optional Make sure that the accounting document for the credit posting exists in the ordering company code. To do this, branch to the document display within accounts payable accounting.
Continued on next page
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Unit 2: The Cross-Company-Code Sales Process
What is in the field Reference? a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Accounting → Financial Accounting → Accounts Payable→ Document → Display. Choose Document list. Enter the following data: Company code: Entry date:
1000 Current date
Choose Own documents only. The document number of the internal invoice is stored in the field Reference.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Invoices for Cross-Company-Code Sales
Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Determine the company code to which the invoice is assigned • Explain how the system determines the payer • Trigger automatic posting to the vendor account • Explain the conditions in the internal invoice • Explain the origin of the sales area
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Unit Summary
Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Set up cross-company-code sales processing for certain materials • Explain when a cross-company-code sales operation exists • Assign a sales area to a plant for the purpose of intercompany billing • Maintain permitted outbound supplying plants • Explain the conditions in the sales order • Execute shipping with the help of the outbound delivery • Determine the company code to which the invoice is assigned • Explain how the system determines the payer • Trigger automatic posting to the vendor account • Explain the conditions in the internal invoice • Explain the origin of the sales area
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2003 / Q3
Unit 3 The Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process Unit Overview In this unit, you will learn how to transfer materials between two plants within the same company code by means of a purchase order. You will get to know this stock transfer process from the point of view of sales and distribution, inventory management, and shipping.
Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • • • • • • • •
Trigger the intra-company-code stock transfer process using a stock transport order Explain which settings in SD and MM are necessary for and possible for stock transfer processing within a company code Set up the procedure for certain plants using stock transport orders with SD deliveries Decide between one-step and two-step procedures Explain the significance of a goods recipient master data record assigned to the plant Explain how the system determines important delivery parameters Complete the one-step stock transfer by posting the goods issue Explain which movement type is used Read the status of the stock transfer operation
Unit Contents Lesson: Stock Transport Order for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer 129 Exercise 13: Preparations .................................................139 Exercise 14: Creating a Stock Transport Order ........................145 Lesson: Goods Movements for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer....151 Exercise 15: Creating a Replenishment Delivery ......................161
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Unit 3: The Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Exercise 16: Executing Picking and Posting a Goods Issue ..........167
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Stock Transport Order for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Lesson: Stock Transport Order for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Lesson Overview In this lesson, you will gain an overview of stock transfer options. In this lesson, you will familiarize yourself with stock transport orders for the transfer of material within a company code.
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • • •
Trigger the intra-company-code stock transfer process using a stock transport order Explain which settings in SD and MM are necessary for and possible for stock transfer processing within a company code Set up the procedure for certain plants using stock transport orders with SD deliveries Decide between one-step and two-step procedures
Business Example The enterprise has one central warehouse and several decentralized warehouses, which provide the technical field sales force with spare parts. The spare parts are procured by transferring stock from the central warehouse. To make the processes simpler, the goods receipt at the receiving point should be posted automatically as soon as the goods issue is posted. Your task is to analyze the creation of stock transport orders.
Overview of Stock Transfers and Transfer Postings A change of the stock ID or stock type of a material is prominent in transfer postings. Transfer postings do not need to be connected to an actual goods movement. In stock transfers, however, a physical goods movement always takes place.
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Unit 3: The Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Figure 36: The stock transfer procedure
A stock transfer between two plants can be executed using different procedures. The procedures used to execute a stock transfer posting solely use the component MM - materials management. Contrary to this are the procedures in which the stock transfer is triggered when a purchase order is entered in MM purchasing. If you work with Logistics Execution (LE) outbound delivery in the stock transfer process, shipping activities can also be processed by SAP R/3 (pick, pack, print delivery note, and so on). If you want to use the SAP R/3 shipping functions in stock transfer processing, you need to use the procedure Via stock transport order with LE outbound delivery for intra-company-code processes as well as the procedure Via stock transport order with LE outbound delivery and SD billing document for cross-company-code stock transfers.
Stock Transfers with Shipping The process described in this unit uses the procedure Via stock transport order with LE outbound delivery, which is designated for intra-company-code stock transfers.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Stock Transport Order for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Figure 37: The intra-company-code stock transfer process
First of all, a stock transport order, with a reference to a purchase requisition, if necessary, is entered in purchasing of plant 1400. Plant 1400 uses this to internally request goods from plant 1200. In this stock transport order, plant 1400 is the receiving plant. When the purchase order is due for shipment, an outbound delivery is created. The goods can be packed, and assigned to an outbound shipment, for example. Once the shipping procedure is complete, the goods issue is posted. The goods are now shipped from plant 1200 to plant 1400. Plant 1200 is the issuing plant. If, as in this case, you use the one-step procedure, a goods receipt does not need to be posted in the receiving plant when the goods arrive.
Stock Transfer with Purchase Order In contrast to a stock transfer without a stock transport order, a stock transfer via a stock transport order has the following advantages: • •
2003 / Q3
The receipt can be planned in the receiving plant It is possible to enter a vendor (transport vendor) in the stock transport order
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Unit 3: The Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
• •
• • •
Delivery costs can be planned in the stock transport order. The stock transport order is included in material requirements planning: Purchase requisitions that were created by MRP can be converted into stock transport orders. The goods issue can be entered with a purchase order via shipping processing (LE-SHP) The goods receipt can be posted directly to consumption The complete process can be followed in the purchase order history.
You can choose between two procedures for the stock transfer via shipping processing (LE-SHP) Two-step procedure In the two-step procedure with stock transport order and shipping processing, stock in transit is created when the goods issue is posted. Stock that is in transit is thus monitored. You can display the stock in transit in the stock overview for the material.
Figure 38: Two-step procedure
The stock in transit is valuated but is not for unrestricted use. It is stocked at receiving plant level.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Stock Transport Order for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer
A goods receipt is posted in the receiving plant when the goods are received. Depending on the choice you make, you transfer to the unrestricted-use stock, the blocked stock, or the stock in quality inspection. Material is usually withdrawn from the unrestricted-use stock. One-step procedure In addition to the two-step procedure for the stock transfer procedure with stock transport order and shipping processing, a one-step procedure has been available since since Release 4.0.
Figure 39: One-step procedure
Stock in transit is not created in the one-step procedure. In the goods issue the system books stock directly to the stock in the receiving plant. In the order item, you can define whether the receipt is to occur in the • • •
Unrestricted-use stock Stock in quality inspection Blocked stock
of the receiving plant. Manual goods receipt posting in the receiving plant is therefore unnecessary.
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Unit 3: The Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
The one-step procedure makes sense if the two plants are not far apart in terms of distance, or if the receiving plant does not execute inventory management in SAP R/3. You decide in Customizing whether to work with the one-step or the two-step procedure. This setting depends on the issuing plant and the receiving plant. If you make use of the stock transfer posting in MM (without a purchase order reference) as the stock transfer procedure, both a one-step and a two-step procedure are available. In principle, stock can only be transferred from the unrestricted-use stock of the issuing plant in one-step stock transfers from one plant to another (without stock transport order). In the receiving plant, the stock can be received in the unrestricted-use stock or in the stock in quality inspection.
Stock Transfer and MRP You can define the procurement type for the material within the MRP data in the material master record of the receiving plant. You can assign a special procurement key to the materials that are predominantly procured via a stock transport order from another plant. You define special procurement keys in the Customizing of MRP/consumption-based planning. You define special procurement keys based on a plant-dependent basis. If you set up special procurement keys for stock transfers, you must define a key for each supplying plant.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Stock Transport Order for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Figure 40: Stock transfer in the material master record
In the case of a supply shortage, the program can generate purchase requisitions with item category stock transfer (U) for these materials. This requirement can be seen in the supplying plant straight away.
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Unit 3: The Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Figure 41: Properties of the item category stock transfer
Stock Transport Order You create stock transport orders for stock transfer within a company code using document type UB in the default. In addition to the receiving plant, you also specify the supplying plant here. You also use the item category U (stock transfer) here. The items can be assigned to account if the goods are ordered for consumption and not for the warehouse. If the material in the receiving plant has not been valuated, it is not possible to assign it to account. In this case, the goods can only be ordered for the warehouse. Hint: If you use the one-step procedure, you must specify the storage location in the receiving plant in the purchase order. In purchasing, you can use the field external procurement storage location in the material master record for storage location proposals. A stock transport order with an own MRP element is displayed in the requirements/stock overview.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Stock Transport Order for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Figure 42: Stock transport order
The stock transport order is considered by material requirements planning in both the receiving plant and the issuing plant. In this way, the goods receipt in the receiving plant and the goods issue in the issuing plant are planned in advance. A purchase requisition or a stock transport scheduling agreement can initiate the stock transport process. The purchase requisition can be created in the department, or created by MRP. You use document type NB (purchase requisition), and item category U (stock transfer) for the purchase requisition. You use the stock transport scheduling agreement if stock transfers are to be executed in regular time intervals, or if you want to schedule the delivery dates of a stock transfer precisely. Moreover, you can make settings in Customizing that define whether an availability check is executed or not in the delivering plant when a purchase order is created. Characteristics of a stock transport order: •
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The quantity of stock booked out is first stocked in the stock in transit of the receiving plant.
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Unit 3: The Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Only when the goods receipt is posted is the quantity posted to the stock of the receiving plant. In this way, it is possible to monitor the quantity that is in transit. The transfer posting with the valuation price of the material is valuated in the issuing plant. If the two plants belong to different company codes, the stock transport order is also a stock transfer from company code to company code. In this case, two accounting documents are created when the goods issue is posted. The offsetting entry for the stock posting occurs in a company-code clearing account.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Stock Transport Order for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Exercise 13: Preparations Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Set up the procedure for certain plants using stock transport orders with LE outbound delivery • Decide between one-step and two-step procedures
Business Example At the Stuttgart location of your enterprise, only outbound deliveries within the framework of repairs take place. The spare parts are in a small warehouse that procures its stock via stock transfers from the central warehouse in Dresden. Shipping for this kind of replenishment delivery should proceed in exactly the same way as for customer deliveries. In particular, the system should support the operations pick, pack, print delivery note, and so on. Since both locations belong to the same enterprise and transportation takes place in a reliable way, you would like to cut out the goods receipt posting as an extra workstep in the Stuttgart plant.
Task 1 Your enterprise has decided to implement intra-company-code stock transfers with the help of stock transport orders, and to use LE outbound delivery to execute the shipping process. 1.
Where in Customizing do you define whether an LE outbound delivery is created for stock transfers with a stock transport order? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ What field does this depend on? _____________________________________________________________ Make an entry that determines the delivery type used for the replenishment delivery in supplying plant 12##. To do this, use the following data:
Continued on next page
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Unit 3: The Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Purchasing document type: Supplying plant: Delivery type: Checking rule:
UB 12## NL RP
Shipment scheduling should be executed. 2.
Ensure that the one-step procedure is used for stock transports with supplying plant 12## and receiving plant 14##. Supplying plant: 12## Plant: 14## Purchasing document type: UB
Task 2 In the stock transfer, the receiving plant appears as the goods recipient. A customer master record is necessary for this. In the stock transfer process, the system takes different shipping data such as the goods recipient address from this customer master record. 1.
Create a customer master record that represents plant 14##. Hint: It is not essential for you to create company code data for the intra-company-code stock transfer process to function. Create a debtor with the following details. Use the copy function (a template debtor). Account group: Debtor: Sales organization: Distribution channel: Division:
Internal debtor 140## 1000 12 00
Reference: Debtor: Sales organization: Distribution channel: Division:
14000 1000 12 00
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Stock Transport Order for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer
2003 / Q3
Address: Name: Search term 1/2: Street/house number: Post code/place: Region: Transportation zone:
Plant 14## Stuttgart Service 14## Haeberleweg 2 70000 Stuttgart 08 D000070000
Control data: Partner company ID:
VAT registration number:
Assign customer number 140## to receiving plant 14##.
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 3: The Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Solution 13: Preparations Task 1 Your enterprise has decided to implement intra-company-code stock transfers with the help of stock transport orders, and to use LE outbound delivery to execute the shipping process. 1.
Where in Customizing do you define whether an LE outbound delivery is created for stock transfers with a stock transport order? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ What field does this depend on? _____________________________________________________________ Make an entry that determines the delivery type used for the replenishment delivery in supplying plant 12##. To do this, use the following data: Purchasing document type: Supplying plant: Delivery type: Checking rule:
UB 12## NL RP
Shipment scheduling should be executed. a)
Choose: IMG → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Set Up Stock Transport Order → Assign Delivery Type and Checking Rule. Here, what is crucial is whether a delivery type has been assigned to the combination of sales document type and supplying plant. If this is the case, then LE outbound delivery is used in the shipping process. Place your cursor on the entry that has the purchasing document type UB and supplying plant 12##. Enter delivery type NL and checking rule RP. Select the field Sent. Choose Save.
Ensure that the one-step procedure is used for stock transports with supplying plant 12## and receiving plant 14##. Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Stock Transport Order for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Supplying plant: 12## Plant: 14## Purchasing document type: UB a)
Choose: IMG → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Set Up Stock Transport Order → Assign Document Type, One-Step Procedure, Underdelivery Tolerance. Choose New Entries. Create an entry using the above data. Select the field One-step. Choose Save.
Task 2 In the stock transfer, the receiving plant appears as the goods recipient. A customer master record is necessary for this. In the stock transfer process, the system takes different shipping data such as the goods recipient address from this customer master record. 1.
Create a customer master record that represents plant 14##. Hint: It is not essential for you to create company code data for the intra-company-code stock transfer process to function. Create a debtor with the following details. Use the copy function (a template debtor). Account group: Debtor: Sales organization: Distribution channel: Division:
Internal debtor 140## 1000 12 00
Reference: Debtor: Sales organization: Distribution channel: Division:
14000 1000 12 00
Continued on next page
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Unit 3: The Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Address: Name: Search term 1/2: Street/house number: Post code/place: Region: Transportation zone:
Plant 14## Stuttgart Service 14## Haeberleweg 2 70000 Stuttgart 08 D000070000
Control data: Partner company ID:
VAT registration number:
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics→ Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Business Partner → Customer → Create → Sales and Distribution. Create a customer master record using the above data and copy template. Copy all remaining default values. Choose Save.
Assign customer number 140## to receiving plant 14##. a)
Choose: IMG → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Set Up Stock Transport Order → Define Shipping Data for Plants. Position on the table entry plant 14##. Select this entry and choose Details. Assign customer number 140## to receiving plant 14##. Choose Save.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Stock Transport Order for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Exercise 14: Creating a Stock Transport Order Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Trigger the stock transfer process within a company code using a stock transport order
Business Example The stock of a certain replacement is running short. You need to request replenishment from the central warehouse in Dresden.
Task Create stock transport order and check stock 1.
Create a stock transport order for your material T-AUE## using the following data: Supplying plant:
Document date:
Current date
Purchasing organization: Purchasing group: Company code:
1000 008 1000
Material number: Quantity: Delivery date: Plant: Storage location:
T-AUE## 300 m Current date + 2 weeks 14## 0001
What item category does the system use? Familiarize yourself with the information on the tab page Shipping in the item details. What delivery type and what goods recipient/debtor are displayed? Make a note of the shipping point and the route. Save the purchase order. Make a note of the document number.
Continued on next page
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Unit 3: The Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Delivery type:
Shipping point:
Purchase order number:
Branch to the stock overview for material T-AUE##. What quantities exist in the unrestricted-use stock in the two plants? Plant 12##:
Plant 14##:
Under what stock type is the released quantity in plant 12## listed? _____________________________________________________________
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Stock Transport Order for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Solution 14: Creating a Stock Transport Order Task Create stock transport order and check stock 1.
Create a stock transport order for your material T-AUE## using the following data: Supplying plant:
Document date:
Current date
Purchasing organization: Purchasing group: Company code:
1000 008 1000
Material number: Quantity: Delivery date: Plant: Storage location:
T-AUE## 300 m Current date + 2 weeks 14## 0001
What item category does the system use? Familiarize yourself with the information on the tab page Shipping in the item details. What delivery type and what goods recipient/debtor are displayed? Make a note of the shipping point and the route. Save the purchase order. Make a note of the document number.
Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 3: The Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Delivery type:
Shipping point:
Purchase order number:
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics→ Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Create → Vendor/Supplying Plant Known. Choose the document type Stock transport ord. and enter the supplying plant. Create a purchase order using the data specified above. To enter the organizational data, if necessary, choose Expand Header and the tab page Org. data. Enter the item data in the item overview, which, if necessary, you show using Expand Items.
Choose Item Details and the tab page Shipping. Delivery type: Debtor: Shipping point: Route:
NL 140## X0## R00125
Save the purchase order. 2.
Branch to the stock overview for material T-AUE##. What quantities exist in the unrestricted-use stock in the two plants? Plant 12##:
Plant 14##:
Under what stock type is the released quantity in plant 12## listed?
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Stock Transport Order for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer
_____________________________________________________________ a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Display. Double-click on Display material data. Choose Environment → Stock overview. or: From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Environment → Stock → Stock Overview. In the initial screen, enter the material number and plants 12## and 14##. (Alternatively, delete the entries in the fields Plant and Storage location Choose Execute. Plant 12##: Plant 14##:
2000 m 50 m
Select the stock of plant 12## (by double-clicking in the row of plant 12##, for example). The released quantity in plant 12## is listed under stock type Release stock transport order: 300 m
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Unit 3: The Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Trigger the intra-company-code stock transfer process using a stock transport order • Explain which settings in SD and MM are necessary for and possible for stock transfer processing within a company code • Set up the procedure for certain plants using stock transport orders with SD deliveries • Decide between one-step and two-step procedures
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Lesson: Goods Movements for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Lesson Overview In this lesson, you will learn about the shipping activities and goods movements for intra-company-code stock transfer.
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • • • •
Explain the significance of a goods recipient master data record assigned to the plant Explain how the system determines important delivery parameters Complete the one-step stock transfer by posting the goods issue Explain which movement type is used Read the status of the stock transfer operation
Business Example The enterprise has one central warehouse and several decentralized warehouses, which provide the technical field sales force with spare parts. The spare parts are procured by transferring stock from the central warehouse. To make the processes simpler, the goods receipt at the receiving point should be posted automatically as soon as the goods issue is posted. Your task is to analyze goods movements for stock transport orders.
Goods Issue A purchase order history record is automatically created in purchasing for the replenishment delivery and for the final goods issue posting.
Delivery for Stock Transport Order To deliver the materials ordered by plant 1400, an outbound delivery is first created. In the case of a stock transport process, this is called a replenishment delivery. Replenishment deliveries are created exclusively using collective delivery processing. Extend your selection of purchase orders using the relevant indicators in the selection screen. The replenishment delivery reference document is the stock transport order.
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Unit 3: The Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
The document flow of the outbound delivery displays the referenced purchase order. Creation and processing of the outbound delivery takes place in the relevant shipping point for the stock transport process concerned. This shipping point must be assigned to the delivering plant in Customizing. In the replenishment delivery, the receiving plant represents the goods recipient.
Figure 43: Goods recipient in the replenishment delivery
A relevant customer master record must exist for stock transfer processing to take place using LE outbound delivery. Important details such as address, transportation zone, and shipping condition are taken from the customer master record. The master record is created in the sales area - a result of the sales organization, distribution channel, and division for intercompany billing. These are assigned to the supplying plant in Customizing and are valid for both cross-company-code sales and cross-company-code stock transfer.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Figure 44: Assignment of the sales area to the supplying plant
You do not need to enter company code data as long as the plant concerned is the receiving plant only in the case of intra-company-code stock transfer. The customer number of the goods recipient is assigned to the receiving plant in Customizing.
Figure 45: Assignment of the goods recipient to the receiving plant
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Unit 3: The Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Since the replenishment delivery does not refer to a sales order, the system must, in part, determine important outbound delivery parameters in a different way. The delivery type to be used results from the document type of the stock transport order and from the supplying plant. Assign the delivery type NL (replenishment delivery) in Customizing for this.
Figure 46: Definition of the delivery type replenishment delivery
If you do not assign a delivery type, stock transport processes that are initiated by a stock transport order are executed without outbound delivery (different stock transfer procedure).
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Figure 47: Determination of outbound delivery parameters
The item category is a result of the item category determination of the delivery, where the criteria delivery type, the item category group of the material, and if necessary, the item category of the higher-level item play a role. Usage V serves as an internal indicator. In the SAP R/3 standard, the item category NLN is assigned. Depending on the item category, you can make settings with regards to picking, for example. Shipping point determination occurs based on the supplying plant, the shipping condition of the customer master record that belongs to the receiving plant, and the loading group of the material. Shipping data (view Gen. sales/plant data) and accounting data must be maintained for the material in the material master record of the supplying plant. Purchasing and accounting data from the material master record is needed for the receiving plant. Sales area data for sales organization units for intercompany billing must also be stored for the material. The item category group, for example, is taken from this.
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Unit 3: The Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Picking and Goods Issue The replenishment delivery is usually processed in shipping, that is, like an outbound delivery that was created with reference to a sales order. To do this, you include the replenishment deliveries, if you use a special number range for these, in the selection. You also post the goods issue in the application LE shipping. When doing so, you refer to the replenishment delivery. For the procedures, which do not use shipping processing, you post the goods issue in MM inventory management.
Effects of the Goods Issue Posting (One-Step Procedure) The system creates a material document during the goods issue posting in MM inventory management. The result is that the quantity of stock is booked out in the supplying plant. At the same time, the quantity of stock is booked in in the relevant stock type of the receiving plant if you use the one-step procedure. The putaway also reduces the on-order stock.
Figure 48: Effects of the goods issue posting (one-step procedure)
If, however, you use the two-step procedure, stock in transit is created in the receiving plant. This is then reduced or cancelled out when the goods are received.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer
For technical reasons, the structure and, in this case, simultaneous reduction of the stock in transit also appears in the material document for the one-step procedure. If the plants belong to different valuation areas, an accounting document is created in parallel to the material document. The transfer posting with the valuation price of the material is valuated in the issuing plant. Consequently, a price change can result in the receiving plant. A purchase order history record is automatically created in purchasing for the replenishment delivery and, in this case, for the final goods issue posting. In this way, it is possible for both the point of receipt and the point of issue to follow the stock transport procedure. In the two-step procedure, the process is completed by the goods receipt posting. A purchase order history record is also created automatically here.
Movement Types for Stock Transfer with LE Outbound Delivery The movement types for the goods issue for the delivery are taken from the schedule line category. In the stock transport process, the system determines the schedule line category with help of the item category NLN in the replenishment delivery and the MRP type from the material master record. In SAP R/3, the schedule line category NN is provided for intra-company-code stock transfer. The following overview shows which movement types are used in the default for the individual stock transfer procedures with LE outbound delivery.
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Unit 3: The Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Figure 49: Movement types for stock transfer with LE outbound delivery
The corresponding movement types for one-step and two-step procedures are assigned to schedule line category NN (for intra-company-code stock transfer), and to schedule line category NC (for cross-company-code stock transfer) so that you can post the goods issue from the outbound delivery.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Figure 50: Schedule line category NN (for intra-company-code stock transfer)
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Unit 3: The Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Exercise 15: Creating a Replenishment Delivery Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Explain the significance of a goods recipient master data record assigned to the plant • Explain how the system determines important outbound delivery parameters
Business Example The replenishment delivery is prepared at a shipping point assigned to the central warehouse in Dresden. The goods recipient address corresponds to an unloading point at the receiving plant. The fact that the delivery is not intended for an external business partner should not make a great difference to the creation of a replenishment delivery and further shipping processing.
Task To execute the shipping activities, you are an employee of shipping point X0## that operates for plant 12##. To create the replenishment delivery, you use the collective processing function. 1.
Deliver the stock transport order created in the previous exercise by processing the pool of sales orders due for shipment, and the purchase orders for shipping point X0##. Limit your selection to shipping point X0##! Delivery Creation Date to:
Current date + 2 weeks
Make a note of the outbound delivery number: Outbound delivery number: ___________________________________ Who is the goods recipient in the outbound delivery document? _____________________________________________________________ To which address is the replenishment delivery sent? _____________________________________________________________ Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 3: The Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Based on which assignment in the system does the system determine the goods recipient in the replenishment delivery?
Take the delivery type and the item category from the replenishment delivery. Delivery type:
Item category:
In your case, what does the delivery type depend on? 1. __________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________ Look for the setting in the system. Menu path: _____________________________________________________________ What settings would you have had to make in the system preparations for this topic, if you did not want to use LE outbound delivery when transferring stock? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Solution 15: Creating a Replenishment Delivery Task To execute the shipping activities, you are an employee of shipping point X0## that operates for plant 12##. To create the replenishment delivery, you use the collective processing function. 1.
Deliver the stock transport order created in the previous exercise by processing the pool of sales orders due for shipment, and the purchase orders for shipping point X0##. Limit your selection to shipping point X0##! Delivery Creation Date to:
Current date + 2 weeks
Make a note of the outbound delivery number: Outbound delivery number: ___________________________________ Who is the goods recipient in the outbound delivery document? _____________________________________________________________ To which address is the replenishment delivery sent?
Continued on next page
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Unit 3: The Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
_____________________________________________________________ a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics→ Sales and Distribution → Shipping and Transportation → Outbound Delivery → Create → Collective Processing of Documents Due for Delivery → Sales Orders and Purchase Orders. Enter the shipping point X0## and the Delivery Creation Date. Choose Execute. In the list, select the row that refers to the purchase order you created in the previous exercise. Choose Create Delivery in Background.
b) c)
Finally, choose Log Delivery Creation, select the entry and choose Documents to determine the outbound delivery number. Choose Display Document or From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and Transportation → Outbound Delivery → Display. Goods recipient:
The shipping address for the replenishment delivery is taken from the goods recipient’s customer master record: Plant 1420 Stuttgart / Haeberleweg 2 / D-70000 Stuttgart Choose Address alongside the field Goods Recipient to display further data. 2.
Based on which assignment in the system does the system determine the goods recipient in the replenishment delivery? a)
At the start of the exercises for this unit, you made the following setting: Choose: IMG → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Set Up Stock Transport Order → Define Shipping Data for Plants. Position on the table entry plant 14##. Select this entry and choose Details. Customer number 140## is assigned to plant 14##.
Take the delivery type and the item category from the replenishment delivery.
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Delivery type:
Item category:
In your case, what does the delivery type depend on? 1. __________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________ Look for the setting in the system. Menu path: _____________________________________________________________ What settings would you have had to make in the system preparations for this topic, if you did not want to use LE outbound delivery when transferring stock? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and Transportation → Outbound Delivery → Display. Choose Header Details and then the tab page Org. Data. Delivery type:
Choose the item overview. Item category: b)
The delivery type used in your example for intra-company-code stock transfer depends on: 1.
Purchasing document type UB
Delivering plant 12##
Choose: IMG → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Set Up Stock Transport Order → Assign Delivery Type and Checking Rule. Delivery type NL is assigned to the combination of sales document type UB and Supplying plant 12##. c)
2003 / Q3
If you do not want to make use of LE outbound delivery when you transfer stock, you should not assign a delivery type to the combination of sales document type UB and supplying plant 12##.
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Unit 3: The Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Exercise 16: Executing Picking and Posting a Goods Issue Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Complete the one-step stock transfer by posting the goods issue • Explain which movement type is used • Read the status of the stock transfer operation
Business Example The shipping activities pick, pack, print delivery note, and so on should be executed on the basis of the outbound delivery. Since you are working with the one-step procedure, the goods issue posting should automatically trigger a goods receipt posting in the receiving plant.
Task You are an employee in the supplying plant and responsible for picking and goods issue postings. 1.
Trigger picking by creating a transfer order for the replenishment delivery that you created. Hint: Depending on the menu path that you use to create the transfer order, you need to enter the warehouse number (012) if necessary.
Post the goods issue for your replenishment delivery in the one-step procedure or in collective processing.
Branch again to the stock overview for material T-AUE##. What quantities now exist in the unrestricted-use stock in the two plants? Plant 12##:
Plant 14##:
Describe what the current situation would be had you used the two-step procedure. Which stock type in which plant would have an entry? _____________________________________________________________ Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 3: The Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
_____________________________________________________________ 4.
Call the document flow for your replenishment delivery. Branch from the document flow to the material document display. Which movement types did the system use?
M. type of goods issue:
M. type of goods receipt:
In purchasing of the receiving plant, an enquiry about the progress of the stock transfer process is made. Display the purchase order history.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Solution 16: Executing Picking and Posting a Goods Issue Task You are an employee in the supplying plant and responsible for picking and goods issue postings. 1.
Trigger picking by creating a transfer order for the replenishment delivery that you created. Hint: Depending on the menu path that you use to create the transfer order, you need to enter the warehouse number (012) if necessary. a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and Transportation → Picking → Create Transfer Order→ Via Outbound Delivery Monitor. Enter the following data in the initial screen: Shipping Point/Receiving Point:
Picking Date to:
Current date +2 weeks
Choose Execute. In the picking workload list, select the outbound delivery that you created and choose Create TO in background. Confirm the dialog box that appears using Enter.
Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 3: The Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Post the goods issue for your replenishment delivery in the one-step procedure or in collective processing. a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and Transportation → Post Goods Issue → Collective Processing Via Outbound Delivery Monitor. Enter the following data in the initial screen: Shipping Point/Receiving Point:
Planned goods movement date:
Current date + 2 weeks
Choose Execute. In the list Goods Issue for Posted Outbound Deliveries, select the outbound delivery you created and choose Post good issue. Confirm the dialog box that appears using Enter. 3.
Branch again to the stock overview for material T-AUE##. What quantities now exist in the unrestricted-use stock in the two plants? Plant 12##:
Plant 14##:
Describe what the current situation would be had you used the two-step procedure. Which stock type in which plant would have an entry? _____________________________________________________________
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer
_____________________________________________________________ a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Environment → Stock → Stock Overview. In the initial screen, enter the material number T-AUE## and plants 12## and 14##. (Alternatively, delete the entries in the fields Plant and Storage location Choose Execute. Plant 12##: Plant 14##:
1700 m 350 m
Had you used the two-step procedure, the following quantities would be in the unrestricted-use stock of the two plants: Plant 12##: Plant 14##:
1700 m 50 m
In addition, the stock type stock in transit in plant 14## would have an entry, since a receipt posting to the stock in transit of the receiving plant would occur. 4.
Call the document flow for your replenishment delivery. Branch from the document flow to the material document display. Which movement types did the system use? M. type of goods issue:
M. type of goods receipt:
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and Transportation → Outbound Delivery → Display. Choose Environment → Document Flow or the symbol In the document flow, place the cursor on the material document Stock transfer to stock in transit and choose Display Document. M. type of goods issue: M. type of goods receipt:
647 101
Continued on next page
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Unit 3: The Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
In purchasing of the receiving plant, an enquiry about the progress of the stock transfer process is made. Display the purchase order history. a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Display. Choose the tab page purchase order history in the item details. In addition to the material document of the goods receipt, the delivery and the material document of the goods issue are also listed in the purchase order history for the stock transport order.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Intra-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Explain the significance of a goods recipient master data record assigned to the plant • Explain how the system determines important delivery parameters • Complete the one-step stock transfer by posting the goods issue • Explain which movement type is used • Read the status of the stock transfer operation
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Unit Summary
Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Trigger the intra-company-code stock transfer process using a stock transport order • Explain which settings in SD and MM are necessary for and possible for stock transfer processing within a company code • Set up the procedure for certain plants using stock transport orders with SD deliveries • Decide between one-step and two-step procedures • Explain the significance of a goods recipient master data record assigned to the plant • Explain how the system determines important delivery parameters • Complete the one-step stock transfer by posting the goods issue • Explain which movement type is used • Read the status of the stock transfer operation
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Unit 4 The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process Unit Overview In this unit, you will learn how to transfer materials between two plants that belong to differing company codes, by means of a purchase order. You will get to know this stock transfer process with delivery and billing document/invoice from the point of view of materials management and sales and distribution.
Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • • • • • • •
Trigger the intra-company-code stock transfer process using a stock transport order Explain the reasons for the choice of the delivery type List the effects of goods issue posting in Inventory Management Determine the company code to which the internal invoice is assigned Explain the origin of the sales area Explain how the system determines the payer Post the goods issue for a replenishment delivery Post the invoice receipt in the invoice verification
Unit Contents Lesson: Stock Transport Order for Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer ...........................................................................177 Exercise 17: Preparations .................................................183 Exercise 18: Creating a Stock Transport Order ........................191 Lesson: Transactions/Events in the Issuing Company Code..............197 Exercise 19: Creating a Replenishment Delivery ......................205 Exercise 20: Executing Picking and Posting a Goods Issue ..........211 Exercise 21: Creating an Internal Invoice ...............................219 Lesson: Transactions/Events in the Receiving Company Code ..........225
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Exercise 22: Posting a Goods Receipt ..................................229 Exercise 23: Posting an Invoice Receipt for the Purchase Order ...233
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Stock Transport Order for Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Lesson: Stock Transport Order for Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Lesson Overview In this lesson, you will familiarize yourself with stock transport orders for transferring material between two company codes.
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • •
Trigger the intra-company-code stock transfer process using a stock transport order Explain the reasons for the choice of the delivery type
Business Example The enterprise procures some materials by transferring stock from another company belonging to the same group. It should be possible to post the goods issue and goods receipt in separate work steps if the two branches are too far apart. Immediate goods receipt posting does not thus make sense. Your task is to analyze the creation of stock transport orders.
Stock Transport Order for Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer A stock transport order that includes delivery and a billing document is a hybrid of a standard purchase order and a stock transport order: • •
As in the case of a stock transport order, the transfer of stock from one place to another is monitored As in the case of standard purchase orders, when items are created (items with item category standard), price determination is executed, and shipping data is determined.
The characteristics of a stock transport order for cross-company-code stock transfer differ from those of the previous unit. •
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The quantity of stock booked out is (in the case of the two-step procedure) neither stocked in the issuing or the receiving plant.
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Only during the goods receipt posting is the quantity posted to the unrestricted-use stock of the receiving plant (or to the stock in quality inspection or to the blocked stock, if, for example, this was defined in the purchase order item). •
In the stock overview, the quantity transferred is designated as cross-company-code stock in transit after the goods issue. In the stock display, this stock is dynamically determined.
During the transfer posting, price determination is executed in both sales and distribution (SD), and in purchasing: –
In purchasing, the price for the material is determined in the usual way, from the info record, for example. – In sales and distribution, the price is determined in the usual way, that is, in the billing document. The goods movements are valuated at the price determined in the relevant price determination.
Accounting documents are created in the following operations: • • • •
Goods issue Goods receipt Billing Invoice receipt
Overview In contrast to intra-company-code stock transfer, the two plants described in the process in this unit belong to two different company codes. The stock transfer procedure described as “intra-company-code stock transfer” at the beginning of this unit will be described in this unit using LE outbound delivery and the SD billing document. This is to be used for cross-company-code stock transfers as long as SAP R/3 functions for shipping processing and billing are to be used in the process flow.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Stock Transport Order for Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Figure 51: The cross-company-code stock transfer process
First of all, a stock transport order is created in the receiving plant (plant 2200). As soon as the stock transport order is due for shipping, an outbound delivery is created. Once the shipping activities have been executed, the goods issue is posted in the supplying plant (plant 1200). The goods are then transported between plants1200 and 2200. Finally, an internal invoice is created in sales organization 1000, that is, in the supplying company code. In this way, intercompany billing can take place between the company codes involved. Since the two-step procedure is used, the goods receipt is posted in the receiving plant once the goods have been received. Once the the invoice arrives, it can be entered in the Logistics Invoice Verification of the receiving company code.
Creating a Stock Transport Order The stock transfer process begins when you enter a stock transport order in purchasing of the receiving plant. If necessary, this takes place with reference to a purchase requisition. You can also work with a scheduling agreement here. You use the order type NB (standard purchase order) as the default.
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
In the Customizing of purchasing, you can control whether a warning message or an error message occurs if you enter an unsuitable order type (UB, for example). The stock transport order is taken into account in material requirements planning of the supplying plant and the receiving plant. Depending on the settings in the system, it is possible, with the help of an availability check in the supplying plant, to determine whether the requested goods will be available on time or not.
Order Types In contrast to intra-company-code stock transfer, the order type UB is not used for the stock transport order for cross-company-code stock transfer with outbound delivery and billing document.
Figure 52: Order types for the stock transfer procedure
You create a standard purchase order (order type NB) with item category normal (’ ’/blank). In the case of intra-company-code stock transfer, you use the item category stock transfer (U). You specify a vendor when creating a stock transport order with order type NB. The supplying plant is assigned to this vendor in the vendor master record.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Stock Transport Order for Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer
If a vendor is specified when a stock transport order is created, the plant is automatically copied from the vendor master record to the stock transport order. However, if you created a stock transport order with order type UB, you can directly specify the supplying plant. In the order item itself, you always specify the receiving plant. For this type of stock transport order, the stock transfer is not posted at the valuation price of the material in the issuing plant. Instead, the price of the stock transfer is determined by conditions in both the issuing and the receiving plant. To do this, you can use a purchasing info record to maintain the purchase order price for the material and for the supplying company code from the point of view of the receiving company code. Once again, you use the vendor number of the supplying plant to do this.
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Stock Transport Order for Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Exercise 17: Preparations Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Set up the procedure for certain plants in different company codes using stock transport orders with LE outbound deliveries and SD invoices
Business Example Some materials are procured by the Paris location of the French branch of your enterprise via a stock transfer from the central warehouse of the German branch in Dresden. Shipping for this kind of replenishment delivery should proceed exactly in the same way as for customer deliveries. As the two locations are too far away from each other, the goods receipt is not posted in the receiving plant at the same time as the good issue is posted.
Task 1 Your enterprise has decided to implement cross-company-code stock transfers with the help of stock transport orders, and to use LE outbound delivery to execute the shipping process. Intercompany billing then occurs using the SD billing document. 1.
Make an entry that determines a used delivery type for replenishment deliveries in cross-company-code stock transfers in the supplying plant 12##. To do this, use the following data: Purchasing document type: Supplying plant: Delivery type: Checking rule:
Shipment scheduling should be executed. 2.
Ensure that the two-step procedure is used for stock transfers with supplying plant 12## and receiving plant 22##. Make a corresponding entry. Supplying plant: 12## Plant: 22## Purchasing document type: NB Continued on next page
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Task 2 In your scenario, plant 22## represents the goods recipient and the payer. A customer master record is necessary for this. In the stock transfer process, different shipping and billing data such as the goods recipient address and terms of payment is taken from this customer master record. 1.
Create a customer master record, that is to represent plant 22## from the accounting and the sales view (that is, Total). Create a debtor with the following details. Use the copy function (use a reference debtor). Account group: Debtor: Company code: Sales organization: Distribution channel: Division:
Internal debtor 220## 1000 1000 12 00
Reference: Debtor: Company code: Sales organization: Distribution channel: Division:
22000 1000 1000 12 00
Address: Name: Search term 1/2: Street/house number: Post code/place: Region: Transportation zone:
Division 22## Paris 22## rue des Erables 32 75015 Paris 75 F000010000
Control data: Partner company ID:
VAT registration number:
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Stock Transport Order for Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Sales area data/billing document: Tax classification: 0
Assign customer number 220## to receiving plant 22##.
Supplying plant 12## is to be represented by vendor master record T-S100##. Store the relevant entry in the vendor master record. Sales organization:
2003 / Q3
Optional Must you enter a sales area for receiving plant 22## for the purposes of intercompany billing, for your cross-company-code stock transfer process to function correctly? Give reasons for your answer.
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Solution 17: Preparations Task 1 Your enterprise has decided to implement cross-company-code stock transfers with the help of stock transport orders, and to use LE outbound delivery to execute the shipping process. Intercompany billing then occurs using the SD billing document. 1.
Make an entry that determines a used delivery type for replenishment deliveries in cross-company-code stock transfers in the supplying plant 12##. To do this, use the following data: Purchasing document type: Supplying plant: Delivery type: Checking rule:
Shipment scheduling should be executed. a)
Choose: IMG → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Set Up Stock Transport Order → Assign Delivery Type and Checking Rule. Place your cursor on the entry that has the purchasing document type NB and the supplying plant 12##. Enter delivery type NLCC and checking rule RP. Select the field Shipping date. Choose Save.
Ensure that the two-step procedure is used for stock transfers with supplying plant 12## and receiving plant 22##. Make a corresponding entry.
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Stock Transport Order for Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Supplying plant: 12## Plant: 22## Purchasing document type: NB a)
Choose: IMG → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Set Up Stock Transport Order → Assign Document Type, One-Step Procedure, Underdelivery Tolerance. Choose New Entries. Create an entry using the above data. Do not select the field One-step. Choose Save.
Task 2 In your scenario, plant 22## represents the goods recipient and the payer. A customer master record is necessary for this. In the stock transfer process, different shipping and billing data such as the goods recipient address and terms of payment is taken from this customer master record. 1.
Create a customer master record, that is to represent plant 22## from the accounting and the sales view (that is, Total). Create a debtor with the following details. Use the copy function (use a reference debtor). Account group: Debtor: Company code: Sales organization: Distribution channel: Division:
Internal debtor 220## 1000 1000 12 00
Reference: Debtor: Company code: Sales organization: Distribution channel: Division:
22000 1000 1000 12 00
Continued on next page
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Address: Name: Search term 1/2: Street/house number: Post code/place: Region: Transportation zone:
Division 22## Paris 22## rue des Erables 32 75015 Paris 75 F000010000
Control data: Partner company ID:
VAT registration number:
Sales area data/billing document: Tax classification: 0
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics→ Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Business Partner → Customer → Create → Complete. Create a customer master record using the above data and copy template. Copy all remaining default values. Choose Save.
Assign customer number 220## to receiving plant 22##. a)
Choose: IMG → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Set Up Stock Transport Order → Define Shipping Data for Plants. Position on the table entry plant 22##. Select this entry and choose Details. Assign customer number 220## to receiving plant 22##. Choose Save.
Supplying plant 12## is to be represented by vendor master record T-S100##. Store the relevant entry in the vendor master record.
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Stock Transport Order for Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Sales organization: a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics→ Materials Management → Purchasing → Master Data → Vendor → Purchasing → Change (Current). In the initial screen, enter the creditor number and the sales organization named above. Select the view Purchasing Data and choose Enter. Choose Extras → Add.purchasing data and enter 12## in the field Plant. Choose Save.
Optional Must you enter a sales area for receiving plant 22## for the purposes of intercompany billing, for your cross-company-code stock transfer process to function correctly? Give reasons for your answer. Answer: For a stock transfer process using LE outbound delivery and SD billing document to function correctly, a sales organization, distribution channel and division for intercompany billing need to be assigned merely to the supplying plant. These organizational units do not need to be assigned for the receiving plant, since its role is like that of a customer in the process. Rather, the related customer master record must exist in the corresponding sales area.
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Lesson: Stock Transport Order for Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Exercise 18: Creating a Stock Transport Order Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Trigger the cross-company-code stock transfer process using a stock transport order
Business Example A certain material is required in a department in the French branch. It should now be procured by means of a stock transfer by the central warehouse of the German branch of the group.
Task Create stock transport order and check stock 1.
Create a purchase order for the stock transfer of your material T-AUD## using the following data: Vendor:
Document date:
Current date
Purchasing organization: Purchasing group: Company code:
2200 220 2200
Material number: Quantity: Delivery date: Plant: Storage location:
T-AUD## 30 pc. Current date + 2 weeks 22## 0001
Is the plant that you specified in the purchase order the supplying or receiving plant? Plant 22##:
Which shipping point will process the outbound delivery? Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Shipping point:
Make a note of the purchase order number. Purchase order number: 2.
Branch to the stock overview for material T-AUD##. What quantities exist in the unrestricted-use stock in the two plants? Plant 12##:
Plant 22##:
Under what stock type is the released quantity in plant 12## listed? _____________________________________________________________
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Stock Transport Order for Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer
Solution 18: Creating a Stock Transport Order Task Create stock transport order and check stock 1.
Create a purchase order for the stock transfer of your material T-AUD## using the following data: Vendor:
Document date:
Current date
Purchasing organization: Purchasing group: Company code:
2200 220 2200
Material number: Quantity: Delivery date: Plant: Storage location:
T-AUD## 30 pc. Current date + 2 weeks 22## 0001
Is the plant that you specified in the purchase order the supplying or receiving plant? Plant 22##:
Which shipping point will process the outbound delivery? Shipping point:
Make a note of the purchase order number.
Continued on next page
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Purchase order number: a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics→ Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Create → Vendor/Supplying Plant Known. Choose the document type Standard PO and enter the vendor number. Create a purchase order using the data specified above. To enter the organizational data, if necessary, choose Expand Header and the tab page Org. data. Enter the item data in the item overview, which, if necessary, you show using Expand Items.
The plant which you explicitly specified in the purchase order is the receiving plant.
Choose Item Details and the tab page Shipping. Shipping point:
Save the purchase order. 2.
Branch to the stock overview for material T-AUD##. What quantities exist in the unrestricted-use stock in the two plants? Plant 12##:
Plant 22##:
Under what stock type is the released quantity in plant 12## listed?
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Stock Transport Order for Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer
_____________________________________________________________ a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Display. Double-click on Display material data. Choose Environment → Stock overview. or: From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Environment → Stock → Stock Overview. In the initial screen, enter the material number and plants 12## and 9.98kg#. (Alternatively, delete the entries in the fields Plant and Storage location Choose Execute. Plant 12##: Plant 22##:
10,000 pc. 5 pc.
Select the stock of plant 12## (by double-clicking in the row of plant 12##, for example). The quantity released in plant 12## is listed under stock type Release stock transport order: 30 pc.
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Trigger the intra-company-code stock transfer process using a stock transport order • Explain the reasons for the choice of the delivery type
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Transactions/Events in the Issuing Company Code
Lesson: Transactions/Events in the Issuing Company Code Lesson Overview In this lesson, you will get to know the shipping activities and intercompany billing in the issuing company code.
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • • •
List the effects of goods issue posting in Inventory Management Determine the company code to which the internal invoice is assigned Explain the origin of the sales area Explain how the system determines the payer
Business Example The enterprise procures some materials by transferring stock from another company belonging to the same group. It should be possible to post the goods issue and goods receipt in separate work steps if the two branches are too far apart. Immediate goods receipt posting does not thus make sense. It is your task to analyze the delivery and intercompany billing for the stock transport order.
Goods Issue for Cross-Company-Code Stock Transport The goods issue process for cross-company-code stock transfer is executed in the same way as in the case of intra-company-code stock transfers.
Replenishment Delivery At the start of shipping activities, a replenishment delivery is created. The replenishment delivery is created in the appropriate shipping point exclusively in collective delivery processing, where purchase orders are used to make selections. Determination of the goods recipient and the remaining outbound delivery parameters takes place in exactly the same way as intra-company-code stock transfer: A customer number is assigned to the receiving plant in Customizing. The same setting as in intra-company-code stock transfer is used.
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
The combination of delivery type NB and supplying plant refers to a delivery type. Use the delivery type NLCC to do this (Cross-company replenishment).
Figure 53: Delivery type Cross-company replenishment
Picking and Goods Issue As in the case of cross-company-code stock transfer, the replenishment delivery is processed in shipping. If, however, differences occur in processing in comparison to outbound deliveries for sales orders or for replenishment deliveries in the case of intra-company-code stock transfers, these can be determined in the Customizing of the delivery type and of the item category. If necessary, the replenishment delivery can be packed or planned for an outbound shipment. Once shipping activities have been completed, the goods issue is posted in LE shipping for the replenishment delivery.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Transactions/Events in the Issuing Company Code
Movement Type Determination
Figure 54: Movement type determination
When posting the goods issue for the replenishment delivery, the system needs to know which movement type to use. This results from the schedule line category, which itself is determined in a three step event. In Customizing, you assign the delivery type NLCC to the combination of delivery type NB and supplying plant. Using the delivery type and the item category group of the material, item category determination of the delivery ensures that the item category NLC is found for standard items, that is, for materials that have the item category group NORM. The schedule line category NC is usually determined for the item category NLC and for materials with any MRP type. For deviant settings, maintain schedule line category determination accordingly. In the standard setting for the schedule line category NC, settings have been made for movement type 643 to be used for the two-step procedure, and for movement type 645 to be used for the one-step procedure.
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Figure 55: Settings for the schedule line category NC
The movement types for one and two-step procedures in intra-company-code stock transfer are determined in the same way with the help of the assignment of the delivery type, and item and schedule line category determination.
Changes to Stock after Goods Issue (Two-Step Procedure) The goods issue posting causes the stocks in the stock types Unrestricted-use stock and Delivery to customer to change in the stock overview of the supplying plant, since the goods have left the plant due to an outbound delivery (in this case, a replenishment delivery). In the same way, the stock accounts and material usage accounts were updated accordingly in the financial accounting of the supplying company code, whereupon the valuation price of the material enters the supplying plant.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Transactions/Events in the Issuing Company Code
Figure 56: Changes to stock after goods issue (two-step procedure)
In the two-step procedure for cross-company-code stock transfer, the goods have not yet been booked in in the receiving plant. In terms of accounting, the goods do not yet belong to the company code of the receiving plant. Both unrestricted-use stock and on-order stock remain unchanged. The quantity that is currently being shipped is assigned as cross-company-code stock in transit. The value of the cross-company-code stock in transit can be displayed cumulatively for a plant or a company code.
Internal Invoice for Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Creating an Internal Invoice For the purposes of intercompany billing, the supplying company code (company code 1000) creates an invoice for the goods delivered to the receiving plant. The internal invoice is created by sales organization 1000. This is the sales organization responsible for intercompany billing assigned to the supplying plant in Customizing. The same setting is also relevant for intercompany billing in the case of cross-company-code sales. The internal invoice is created with explicit reference to the replenishment delivery, or in collective processing. When processing the billing due list, you need to set the intercompany billing indicator.
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
In the case of a corresponding agreement between the enterprises involved, the system can be set in such a way that invoice receipt is automatically triggered in the Logistics Invoice Verification of company code 2200 once an internal invoice has been created. Automatic invoice receipt takes place in the same way as cross-company-code sales based on the message control of the invoice in connection with EDI techniques. In this case, the EDI message category INVOIC is used in the MM variant.
Elements of an Internal Invoice The proposal for the billing type of the internal invoice is taken from the order type DL, which, in Customizing, is assigned to the delivery type NLCC as the default order type for deliveries without reference to orders.
Figure 57: Elements of an internal invoice
The payer is a result of the assignment of a customer number to the receiving plant. This setting is also used to determine the goods recipient in the case of replenishment deliveries. The company code in the internal invoice is the supplying company code, that is the company code of the supplying plant.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Transactions/Events in the Issuing Company Code
The sales area is assigned to the supplying plant in Customizing. The sales area also applies for intra-company-code stock transfer and cross-company-code sales.
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Lesson: Transactions/Events in the Issuing Company Code
Exercise 19: Creating a Replenishment Delivery Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Explain the reasons for the choice of the delivery type
Business Example To process shipping, the replenishment delivery is created in a shipping point assigned to the central warehouse in Dresden.
Task To execute the shipping activities, you are an employee of shipping point X0## that operates for plant 12##. To create the replenishment delivery, you use the collective processing function. 1.
Deliver the stock transport order created in the previous exercise by processing the pool of sales orders due for shipment, and the purchase orders for shipping point X0##. Limit your selection to shipping point X0##! Delivery creation date to:
Current date + 2 weeks
Make a note of the outbound delivery number: Outbound delivery number: ___________________________________ Who is the goods recipient in the outbound delivery document? _____________________________________________________________ 2.
Determine the delivery type and the item category in the replenishment delivery. Delivery type:
Item category:
In your case, what does the delivery type depend on? 1. __________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________ Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Optional In which basic setting do the two delivery types for stock transfer differ from a delivery type that is used for outbound deliveries with reference to sales orders? Field name:
Look for the corresponding setting for delivery type NLCC. Menu path: _____________________________________________________________
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Transactions/Events in the Issuing Company Code
Solution 19: Creating a Replenishment Delivery Task To execute the shipping activities, you are an employee of shipping point X0## that operates for plant 12##. To create the replenishment delivery, you use the collective processing function. 1.
Deliver the stock transport order created in the previous exercise by processing the pool of sales orders due for shipment, and the purchase orders for shipping point X0##. Limit your selection to shipping point X0##! Delivery creation date to:
Current date + 2 weeks
Make a note of the outbound delivery number: Outbound delivery number: ___________________________________ Who is the goods recipient in the outbound delivery document?
Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
_____________________________________________________________ a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics→ Sales and Distribution → Shipping and Transportation → Outbound Delivery → Create → Collective Processing of Documents Due for Delivery → Sales Orders and Purchase Orders. Enter the shipping point X0## and the Delivery creation date. Choose Execute. In the list, select the row that refers to the purchase order you created in the previous exercise. Choose Create Delivery in Background.
Finally, choose Log Delivery Creation, select the entry and choose Documents to determine the outbound delivery number.
Choose Display Document or From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and Transportation → Outbound Delivery → Display. Goods recipient:
The shipping address for the replenishment delivery is taken from the goods recipient’s customer master record: IDES France SA / 31, rue des Erables / F-75015 Paris Choose Address alongside the field Goods Recipient to display further data. 2.
Determine the delivery type and the item category in the replenishment delivery. Delivery type:
Item category:
In your case, what does the delivery type depend on? 1. __________________________________________________________
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Transactions/Events in the Issuing Company Code
2. __________________________________________________________ a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and Transportation → Outbound Delivery → Display. Choose Header Details and then the tab page Org. Data. Delivery type:
Choose the item overview. Item category: b)
The delivery type used in your example for cross-company-code stock transfer depends on: 1.
Purchasing document type NB
Delivering plant 12##
Optional In which basic setting do the two delivery types for stock transfer differ from a delivery type that is used for outbound deliveries with reference to sales orders? Field name:
Look for the corresponding setting for delivery type NLCC. Menu path: _____________________________________________________________ a)
In the field ’order required’, the system defines which type of preceding document is needed for a delivery with the corresponding delivery type. Choose IMG → Logistics Execution → Shipping → Deliveries → Define Delivery Types. Position on the item with the delivery type NLCC and choose Details. The field Order required contains the entry Purchase order required.
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Lesson: Transactions/Events in the Issuing Company Code
Exercise 20: Executing Picking and Posting a Goods Issue Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • List the effects of goods issue posting in Inventory Management • Explain how the movement type is determined
Business Example On completion of shipping activities, and once the goods have been issued, the issue should be entered in the inventory management of the supplying plant. The receipt posting in the receiving plant should take place once the material is received in the receiving plant.
Task You are an employee in the supplying plant and responsible for picking and goods issue postings. 1.
Start with packing by creating a transfer order for the replenishment delivery that you created. Hint: Depending on the menu path that you use to create the transfer order, you need to enter the warehouse number (012) if necessary.
Post the goods issue for your replenishment delivery in the one-step procedure or in collective processing.
Branch to the stock overview for material T-AUD## again. What quantities now exist in the unrestricted-use stock in the two plants? Plant 12##:
Plant 22##:
How high is the on-order stock in plant 22##? On-order stock:
Under which stock type and under which plant is the quantity that is currently being shipped listed? Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Stock type:
Call the document flow for your replenishment delivery. Branch from the document flow to the material document display. Which movement types did the system use? M. type of goods issue:
Which Customizing object is the movement type attached to? 1. __________________________________________________________ 5.
Optional You want to check why, in the above exercise, the system used the movement type that you determined. Which parameters help the system to determine the schedule line category? 1. __________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________ From the schedule line category assignment, pick out the relevant entry for this example: Item category:
MRP type:
Default schedule line category:
Display the definition of the schedule line category that you have just picked out. Which movement type has been stored there for the two-step procedure? Movement type:
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Lesson: Transactions/Events in the Issuing Company Code
Solution 20: Executing Picking and Posting a Goods Issue Task You are an employee in the supplying plant and responsible for picking and goods issue postings. 1.
Start with packing by creating a transfer order for the replenishment delivery that you created. Hint: Depending on the menu path that you use to create the transfer order, you need to enter the warehouse number (012) if necessary. a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and Transportation → Picking → Create Transfer Order→ Via Outbound Delivery Monitor. Enter the following data in the initial screen: Shipping Point/Receiving Point:
Picking Date to:
Current date + 2 weeks
Choose Execute. In the picking workload list, select the outbound delivery that you created and choose Create TO in background. Confirm the dialog box that appears using Enter.
Continued on next page
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Post the goods issue for your replenishment delivery in the one-step procedure or in collective processing. a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and Transportation → Post Goods Issue → Collective Processing Via Outbound Delivery Monitor. Enter the following data in the initial screen: Shipping Point/Receiving Point:
Planned goods movement date:
Current date + 2 weeks
Choose Execute. In the list Goods Issue for Posted Outbound Deliveries, select the outbound delivery you created and choose Post good issue. Confirm the dialog box that appears using Enter. 3.
Branch to the stock overview for material T-AUD## again. What quantities now exist in the unrestricted-use stock in the two plants? Plant 12##:
Plant 22##:
How high is the on-order stock in plant 22##? On-order stock:
Under which stock type and under which plant is the quantity that is currently being shipped listed?
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Transactions/Events in the Issuing Company Code
Stock type:
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Environment → Stock → Stock Overview. In the initial screen, enter the material number T-AUD## and plants 12## and 22##. (Alternatively, delete the entries in the fields Plant and Storage location Choose Execute. Plant 12##: Plant 12##:
9,970 pc. 5 pc.
Select the stock of plant 22## (by double-clicking in the row of plant 22##, for example). On-order stock:
30 pc.
The quantity currently being shipped is listed in a special stock in transit. Plant: Stock type: 4.
22## Cross-company-code stock in transit
Call the document flow for your replenishment delivery. Branch from the document flow to the material document display. Which movement types did the system use? M. type of goods issue:
Which Customizing object is the movement type attached to?
Continued on next page
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
1. __________________________________________________________ a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and Transportation → Outbound Delivery → Display. Choose Environment → Document Flow or the symbol In the document flow, place the cursor on the material document UL An Cross Company and choose Display Document . M. type of goods issue:
b) 5.
The movement type is defined by the schedule line category.
Optional You want to check why, in the above exercise, the system used the movement type that you determined. Which parameters help the system to determine the schedule line category? 1. __________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________ From the schedule line category assignment, pick out the relevant entry for this example: Item category:
MRP type:
Default schedule line category:
Display the definition of the schedule line category that you have just picked out. Which movement type has been stored there for the two-step procedure?
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Transactions/Events in the Issuing Company Code
Movement type: a)
The assignment of the schedule line category depends on: 1.
The item category
The MRP type from the material master record
Choose: IMG → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales Documents → Schedule Lines → Assign Schedule Line Categories . Position on the table entry with the follow details: Item category:
MRP type:
’ ’ (blank)
Schedule line category NC has been assigned as the default value for item category NLC (Field SchLC). Hint: Since the MRP type has not been specified in the schedule line category assignment for item category NLC, you do not need to determine the MRP type from the material master record of material T-AUD##. c)
Choose: IMG → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Sales Documents → Schedule Lines → Define Schedule Line Categories . Position on the item with the schedule line category NC and choose Details. Movement type:
The field Movement type 1-step contains the movement type that the system would use in the one-step procedure.
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Transactions/Events in the Issuing Company Code
Exercise 21: Creating an Internal Invoice Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Determine the company code to which the internal invoice is assigned • Explain the origin of the sales area • Explain how the system determines the payer
Business Example For the purposes of intercompany billing for the goods delivered by the supplying German company code to the French branch, the German branch now creates an internal invoice. This work step should not differ substantially from the billing of a customer. The SD billing document is thus used to do this. The invoice is to be sent by post to the French company code. The two companies have made an agreement that automatic invoice receipt does not take place when the internal invoice is created.
Task Create the internal billing document as an exception in the one-step procedure, with explicit reference to the replenishment delivery you created in the previous exercise. 1.
Create the billing document in the one-step procedure. Find out the company code and the sales area to which the internal invoice is assigned. Company code:
Sales organization:
Distribution channel:
Who is the payer, and what are the terms of payment? Payer:
Terms of payment:
Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Save the internal billing document and make a note of the document number. Internal invoice: 2.
You want to clarify the origin of several entries in the internal invoice: Where does the system draw the terms of payment from? _____________________________________________________________ What does the payer depend on? _____________________________________________________________ What sales area does the system use to access the master record to determine the terms of payment? Sales organization:
Distribution channel:
How does the system determine these organizational units? Menu path: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Transactions/Events in the Issuing Company Code
Solution 21: Creating an Internal Invoice Task Create the internal billing document as an exception in the one-step procedure, with explicit reference to the replenishment delivery you created in the previous exercise. 1.
Create the billing document in the one-step procedure. Find out the company code and the sales area to which the internal invoice is assigned. Company code:
Sales organization:
Distribution channel:
Who is the payer, and what are the terms of payment? Payer:
Terms of payment:
Save the internal billing document and make a note of the document number.
Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Internal invoice: a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Document → Create. If necessary, enter the document number of the replenishment delivery that you noted in the previous exercise. Choose Execute.
Choose Display details for document header. Company code: Sales organization: Distribution channel: Division:
1000 1000 12 00
The company code refers to the supplying company code. Payer: Terms of payment:
220## ZB01
Choose Save. 2.
You want to clarify the origin of several entries in the internal invoice: Where does the system draw the terms of payment from? _____________________________________________________________ What does the payer depend on? _____________________________________________________________ What sales area does the system use to access the master record to determine the terms of payment? Sales organization:
Distribution channel:
How does the system determine these organizational units? Menu path: _____________________________________________________________
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Transactions/Events in the Issuing Company Code
_____________________________________________________________ a) b)
The term of payment is taken from the payer’s customer master record. The payer is determined via the partner roles from the customer master record that was assigned to the receiving plant. From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics→ Sales and Distribution → Master Data → Business Partner → Customer → Display → Sales and Distribution. In the initial screen, enter debtor 220## and the sales area: Sales organization: Distribution channel: Division:
1000 12 00
Choose Enter. You can find the payer on the tab page Partner roles. To assign the customer number to the receiving plant, choose: IMG → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Set Up Stock Transport Order → Define Shipping Data for Plants. Position on the item with plant 22## and choose Details. You made the relevant assignments to plant 22## in a previous exercise. c)
Choose: IMG → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Set Up Stock Transport Order → Define Shipping Data for Plants. Position on the item with plant 12## and choose Details. Sales organization: Distribution channel: Division:
1000 12 00
The sales area that is assigned to the supplying plant in Customizing for the purposes of intercompany billing is concerned here. You made the entries in the Customizing of intercompany billing in connection with cross-company-code sales processing.
2003 / Q3
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • List the effects of goods issue posting in Inventory Management • Determine the company code to which the internal invoice is assigned • Explain the origin of the sales area • Explain how the system determines the payer
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Transactions/Events in the Receiving Company Code
Lesson: Transactions/Events in the Receiving Company Code Lesson Overview In this lesson, you will get to know the transactions/events goods receipt and invoice receipt for cross-company-code stock transfer in the receiving company code.
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • •
Post the goods issue for a replenishment delivery Post the invoice receipt in the invoice verification
Business Example The enterprise procures some materials by transferring stock from another company belonging to the same group. It should be possible to post the goods issue and goods receipt in separate work steps if the two branches are too far apart. Immediate goods receipt posting does not thus make sense. It is your task to analyze the goods receipt and invoice receipt for the stock transport order.
Goods Receipt for Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Posting a Goods Receipt When the goods enter the receiving plant, the number of the replenishment delivery is specified and a goods receipt is posted for the purchase order with movement type 101. Only if you enter the goods receipt and a reference to the replenishment delivery will an entry be created in the document flow for the replenishment delivery. If you know the order number, you can enter it directly. You can define the category of the system message Document flow for delivery cannot be updated (message no. M7 352) in the Customizing of inventory management. For more information, read SAP R/3 Note number 361014. If the stock transfer occurs as a one-step procedure, the goods receipt is not posted.
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
A purchase order history record is automatically created when the goods receipt is posted.
Changes in Stock The unrestricted-use stock (or the stock in quality inspection or the blocked stock) in the receiving plant increases once the goods receipt has been posted. The on-order stock is partially cancelled out accordingly, since the delivery for the stock transport order has arrived.
Figure 58: Changes in stock
The apparent cross-company-code stock in transit that can be seen in the stock overview of the receiving plant is partially cancelled out. In terms of accounting, the goods are now assigned to the company code of the receiving plant. A corresponding accounting document was created where the purchase order price was entered as the price of the material. The stock situation in the supplying plant is not influenced by the goods receipt.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Transactions/Events in the Receiving Company Code
Invoice Receipt for Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Invoice Receipt Once the invoice of the supplying company code has arrived, the invoice receipt is posted to the logistics invoice verification of the receiving company code. Invoice receipt can also be seen in the purchase order history. If the invoice receipt has already been executed in the course of internal billing, the invoice is given a payment block (see “cross-company-code sales” also). Once the quantity, and, if necessary, the quality of the goods received have been checked, the invoice can be released for payment. The payment block in the accounting document is thus removed.
2003 / Q3
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Transactions/Events in the Receiving Company Code
Exercise 22: Posting a Goods Receipt Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Post a goods issue for a replenishment delivery
Business Example The replenishment delivery enters at the point of receipt. The goods receipt is now to be posted with reference to the attached delivery note.
Task You are an employee in the goods receiving department of the receiving plant. 1.
Post the goods issue with reference to the above replenishment delivery. Purchase order: Document date: Posting date:
Doc. no. of the replenishment delivery noted in the previous exercise Current date Current date
Make a note of the document number. Material document: 2.
Display the stock overview for material T-AUD## in plant 22##. What quantity now exists in the unrestricted-use stock of the receiving plant? How high is the cross-company-code stock in transit in this plant?
2003 / Q3
Unrestricted-use stock:
Cross-company-code stock in transit:
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Solution 22: Posting a Goods Receipt Task You are an employee in the goods receiving department of the receiving plant. 1.
Post the goods issue with reference to the above replenishment delivery. Purchase order: Document date: Posting date:
Doc. no. of the replenishment delivery noted in the previous exercise Current date Current date
Make a note of the document number. Material document: a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Goods Movement → Goods Receipt → For Purchase Order → PO Number Known. Choose the function Goods receipt for outbound delivery. Enter the document number of your replenishment delivery and choose Enter or Execute. Select the item as OK. Choose Post.
Display the stock overview for material T-AUD## in plant 22##. What quantity now exists in the unrestricted-use stock of the receiving plant? How high is the cross-company-code stock in transit in this plant?
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Transactions/Events in the Receiving Company Code
Unrestricted-use stock:
Cross-company-code stock in transit:
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Environment → Stock → Stock Overview. In the initial screen, enter the material number T-AUD## and the plant 22##. Choose Execute. Unrestricted-use stock: Cross-company-code stock in transit:
2003 / Q3
35 pc. 0 pc.
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Transactions/Events in the Receiving Company Code
Exercise 23: Posting an Invoice Receipt for the Purchase Order Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Post the invoice receipt in invoice verification
Business Example The two company codes concerned have made an agreement that, in the case of stock transfer processes, the German branch send an invoice by post to the French branch. As such, a posting to a vendor account does not take place automatically in the French company code when the internal invoice is created. The invoice receipt therefore needs to be posted manually.
Task You are an employee in invoice verification in company code 2200 in Paris. The following invoice was issued by the German branch. INVOICE IDES AG (vendor T-S100##) Invoice date: (Current date)
Invoice 590013## Invoice for your purchase order 45000... Material T-AUD## Sunny 01 monitors
Unit price
Total price
30 pc.
625.00 EUR
18,750.00 EUR
Invoice amount: 1.
18,750.00 EUR
Enter the invoice in company code 2200. Use tax code E4. Make a note of the document number. Invoice document number: ___________________________________
Optional Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Display the accounting document for the invoice. What accounts were posted to? Account no.
______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Transactions/Events in the Receiving Company Code
Solution 23: Posting an Invoice Receipt for the Purchase Order Task You are an employee in invoice verification in company code 2200 in Paris. The following invoice was issued by the German branch. INVOICE IDES AG (vendor T-S100##) Invoice date: (Current date)
Invoice 590013## Invoice for your purchase order 45000... Material T-AUD## Sunny 01 monitors
Unit price
Total price
30 pc.
625.00 EUR
18,750.00 EUR
Invoice amount: 1.
18,750.00 EUR
Enter the invoice in company code 2200. Use tax code E4. Make a note of the document number.
Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Invoice document number: ___________________________________
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Logistics Invoice Verification → Document Entry → Enter Invoice. Choose the transaction Invoice. Enter the invoice in company code 2200 using the following data. Hint: If the system does not offer company code 2200 as a proposal straight away when you enter the incoming invoice, first choose Edit → Switch company code. Then enter company code 2200. Document date: Posting date: Reference: Amount: Tax amount: Tax code:
Current date Current date 590013## 18,750.00 EUR ’ ’ (blank) E4 (that is, 20,6% input tax)
Purchase order/scheduling Document number of the agreement: replenishment delivery noted above Select the indicator Calculate tax. Choose Enter. Check the difference. Choose Post. 2.
Optional Display the accounting document for the invoice. What accounts were posted to?
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Transactions/Events in the Receiving Company Code
Account no.
______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________ a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Logistics Invoice Verification → Further Processing → Display Invoice Document. Accept the default values for the fields Invoice doc. number and Fiscal year and choose Enter or Display doc.. Choose Follow-On Documents.... Select the accounting document by double-clicking.
2003 / Q3
Account no.
Creditor number of the supplying plant (IDES AG)
18,750.00 EUR
GR/IR clearing account
18,750.00 EUR
EC input tax (20.6%)
3,675.00 EUR
EC output tax (20.6%)
3,675.00 EUR
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 4: The Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfer Process
Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Post the goods issue for a replenishment delivery • Post the invoice receipt in the invoice verification
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2003 / Q3
Unit Summary
Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Trigger the intra-company-code stock transfer process using a stock transport order • Explain the reasons for the choice of the delivery type • List the effects of goods issue posting in Inventory Management • Determine the company code to which the internal invoice is assigned • Explain the origin of the sales area • Explain how the system determines the payer • Post the goods issue for a replenishment delivery • Post the invoice receipt in the invoice verification
2003 / Q3
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Unit Summary
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2003 / Q3
Unit 5 Subcontracting Unit Overview In this unit, you will learn how to procure materials in subcontracting using the subcontract order. You will get to know subcontract procurement processing from the point of view of sales and distribution, inventory management, shipping and invoice verification.
Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • • • • • • • • • • • •
2003 / Q3
Flag a certain material for subcontracting by means of a special procurement key in the MRP data of the material master. Check the bill of material (BOM) for the material Determine the requirements for the material using single-item planning Check the planning elements for the BOM material and the components Convert the automatically created purchase requisition into a purchase order Explain the possibility of subcontractor procurement using a scheduling agreement Monitor the subcontractor’s stock Create a delivery in order to send the required component quantity to the subcontractor Explain the prerequisites and settings required for this operation Transfer additional quantities to the subcontractor using MM Explain which settings in SD and MM are necessary and possible for subcontracting Post the goods receipt for the subcontract order Explain which amounts are posted to which accounts as a result of the goods receipt
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Unit 5: Subcontracting
• • •
Enter the subsequent adjustment resulting from excess consumption and explain how the accounts are updated Enter the invoice receipt for the subcontract order Explain the possibility of subcontractor procurement using a scheduling agreement
Unit Contents Lesson: Procurement via Subcontracting ...................................243 Procedure: Scheduling Agreement Schedule Line ....................252 Exercise 24: Subcontract Order ..........................................253 Lesson: Goods Movements for Subcontracting.............................263 Exercise 25: Monitoring the Stock of Material Provided by Customer/Triggering the Transfer Posting of Components ............273 Exercise 26: Executing Shipping Activities and Posting a Goods Issue..........................................................................279 Exercise 27: Making a Transfer Posting to the Stock of Material Provided to Vendor .........................................................285 Lesson: Goods Receipt and Invoice Receipt................................291 Exercise 28: Goods Issue for a Subcontract Order ....................295 Exercise 29: Invoice Receipt for a Subcontract Order .................301
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Procurement via Subcontracting
Lesson: Procurement via Subcontracting Lesson Overview In this lesson, you will look at subcontracting from the point of view of purchasing.
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • • • • •
Flag a certain material for subcontracting by means of a special procurement key in the MRP data of the material master. Check the bill of material (BOM) for the material Determine the requirements for the material using single-item planning Check the planning elements for the BOM material and the components Convert the automatically created purchase requisition into a purchase order Explain the possibility of subcontractor procurement using a scheduling agreement
Business Example For subcontracting, the vendor (that is, the subcontractor) receives components, which s/he uses to manufacture a product. The completed product is requested by your company in a purchase order. Components that the vendor requires to make the ordered product are listed in the purchase order and provided to the subcontractor. You can stage the components using the LE outbound delivery. The system can determine the components using a BOM. Your task is to analyze the creation of subcontract orders.
Procurement via Subcontracting In subcontracting, your enterprise orders material from an external vendor. In contrast to a normal external procurement process, your enterprise partially or fully makes the components needed for the production of the material available to the vendor (that is, to the subcontractor). This incurs the following steps:
2003 / Q3
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Unit 5: Subcontracting
Figure 59: Overview of subcontracting
You order the end product via a subcontract order. The components that the vendor receives to produce the finished product are named in the purchase order. To do this, you can use a bill of material, which can contain further components that the vendor receives.
The components are then delivered to the vendor and stocked as vendor-related special stock O (= stock of material provided to vendor). The vendor can obtain these components from you or from a further business partner. If you send the components to the subcontractor from your enterprise, you can use the shipping activities.
The vendor executes the service and delivers the material ordered (the finished product). The consumption of the components is automatically booked with the goods receipt posting. If, once the goods receipt has been posted, the vendor informs you that more or less components were consumed than planned, you must adjust the stock (subsequent adjustment). The vendor issues an invoice for the service rendered. This is then checked in invoice verification.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Procurement via Subcontracting
You indicate the subcontracting items (SC item) in purchasing documents using the item category subcontracting. This means that you have to enter one or several subitems for each SC item for the components that are to be provided. If a bill of material exists for the material that is to be procured, then the components are copied from this bill of material to the SC item. You can also enter the components manually, or add further components to the components in the bill of material.
Subcontracting and Material Requirements Planning If you always procure certain materials for a plant via subcontracting, then you can control this using a special procurement key in the material master. If purchase requisitions are then created for these materials in material requirements planning, these are then designated with an indicator for subcontracting. You can place all components that are used to produce a material in subcontracting together in a bill of material. In this way, components, which the subcontractor procures and uses him/herself are given an indicator to show that they are parts provided to the vendor. If you enter an SC item with components in the purchase requisition, or create an SC item by exploding a BOM, a dependent requirement is automatically created for each component. This requirement is only relevant for material requirements planning. In material requirements planning, you can work with MRP areas with the category subcontractor. The advantage of this is that the stock of material provided to vendor can be planned separately for each individual subcontractor. The material quantities provided do not flow into the available stock of the plant, but into material requirements planning at plant level.
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Unit 5: Subcontracting
Figure 60: Purchase requisition for subcontracting
If a requirement, which is marked with the special procurement key subcontracting, exists for the finished product, the planning run generates a purchase requisition with item category L (subcontracting), or a planned order with item category L. This planned order is converted into a purchase requisition with item category L. You can see item category L, that is, the special procurement key L, if you display the MRP element in the stock/requirements list or the MRP list. At the same time, the BOM for the finished product is exploded. Dependent requirements are created for the components for the planned start date of the planned order or the release date of the purchase requisition at finished product level. You can • •
Manually enter or change the individual component items Create individual component items if the material ordered has a BOM
If you enter the components, which the vendor needs to complete the ordered material (finished product) manually, you do not need to enter the requirement date of the components. If you press Continue, the system proposes this date. It is made up of the following: Delivery date of the item
planned delivery time
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Procurement via Subcontracting
If the quantity of the components is not to be changed when the purchase order quantity of the finished product is changed, then you can set the indicator Fix quantity. If your components are to be handled in batches, you can specify the desired batch of the component which you would like to assign to the vendor for the production of the ordered material.
Subcontract Order Different document types are stored for each purchasing document category. Follow-on relationships between document types of different purchasing document categories can be stored in document type assignment. Permitted item categories are assigned to the individual document types in Customizing. In this way, item category L is defined per default as the permitted item category for subcontracting for document type NB. You can create subcontract order items for both purchase requisitions with the item category normal (’ ’), and items with the item category subcontracting in the SAP R/3 standard.
Figure 61: Subcontract order
Each SC item in the purchase order has component items. They are transferred from the purchase requisition, entered manually, or created via BOM explosion.
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 5: Subcontracting
The material that the vendor is to produce can be ordered by means of a purchase order or a scheduling agreement with subcontracting items (SC items). Whereas each SC order item has one or several subitems with individual components that are made available to the vendor for subcontracting, the components of SC scheduling agreement items are first assigned with the schedule line of this item (see “subcontracting scheduling agreement”) You can check the availability of the components for the requirement date from the component view by selecting component list→ component availability. If you have entered a BOM as ordered material, the components are created automatically. If you would like to determine the components from the BOM at a later stage (for example, if the BOM was subsequently changed ), you can explode the BOM again. The existing components in the order item are deleted if you do this and the current components are copied from the BOM. The components are listed per order item when the order is output. The purchase order price is the price of the vendor’s subcontracting service for the production of the ordered material and, if necessary, the materials the vendor provided. To enter the purchasing conditions and other data, you can use use the purchasing info record category subcontracting. You can also use the special procurement type L (subcontracting) in the quota arrangement. As of Release 4.0, it is possible to add specification services to subcontracting items. In this way, you can provide your vendor, in a clear, concise way, with detailed specifications for the desired services that are to be rendered. The specification service is of an informative nature. It has no effect on the value of the item. In subcontract procurement processing in purchasing, you need to note the following: •
If you change the purchase order quantity or the schedule line quantity, the quantities of the components provided to the vendor are changed proportionally, provided the indicator Fix quantity has not been set. If you change the delivery date/time, only the requirement date is calculated again; the components are not redetermined from the bill of material.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Procurement via Subcontracting
This means that in this case, you need to explode the bill of material again.
Item Type Subcontracting Item categories control how a material is procured. The item category subcontracting determines that components are provided to vendor for a material that is ordered from the vendor. You can use the item category subcontracting to procure stock material and consumable material. You can also use it for services. Subcontracting items can also be assigned to a cost center or to a sales order, for example. Hint: You can work with the item category individual purchase order (TAB) in a sales order item. If the special procurement key subcontracting has been designated for the material of this item, an SC purchase requisition item is created when you save the sales order. This purchase requisition item does not contain any components, however. The components are first determined when you convert this purchase requisition item into an order item. The following excerpt from SAP R/3 Customizing shows you the settings for the item category subcontracting.
Figure 62: Item category subcontracting
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Unit 5: Subcontracting
The goods receipt indicator is set for the item category subcontracting and cannot be changed, since the stock of material provided to vendor for the individual components is only reduced or cancelled out when the goods receipt is posted.
Subcontracting Scheduling Agreement You can also use a scheduling agreement for the procurement of materials via subcontracting. You enter the material to be produced in a subcontracting item in the scheduling agreement. The components themselves are first determined in the scheduling agreement schedule line of the current bill of material, or have to be entered manually in the schedule line. You enter the components, which are to provided to the vendor, in each schedule line, or you explode the bill of material. This means that the components and their reservation items are arranged below the schedule lines. This is valid for scheduling agreement schedule lines as well as for schedule lines in purchase requisitions and purchase orders.
Figure 63: Subcontracting scheduling agreement
You enter the material to be produced as a SC item in the scheduling agreement item.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Procurement via Subcontracting
You enter the components that are needed to produce the grouped quantities in the schedule lines. Reservation items are created for these component quantities. The grouping of scheduling agreements can occur via the MRP run of material requirements planning.
2003 / Q3
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Unit 5: Subcontracting
Scheduling Agreement Schedule Line 1.
Proceed as follows if you enter more than one delivery date/time for a SC order item. Call the scheduling screen of the item.
Enter the quantities and the delivery dates/times. If the material ordered has a bill of material, the components are determined when you explode the BOM. If you do not work with bills of material, you must either enter the components manually, or refer to an existing purchase requisition.
You must enter the components for each schedule line. You reach the screen necessary to process the components if you place the cursor on a schedule line item and choose Item → Component → Overview. You can enter or change the individual components in the same way as for an order item. To make this easier, you can make settings for the system to memorize the components for further schedule line items. To do this, choose Edit → Repeat components → Switch on. When you enter the next schedule line for the material, the components from the memorized schedule line are copied, and the quantity and the requirement date are determined again.
Save the schedule line. When you print, the quantity needed per component, and the requirement date are output again.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Procurement via Subcontracting
Exercise 24: Subcontract Order Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Explain the special features of a subcontract order • Point out components, their origin and, if necessary, their availability
Business Example In subcontracting, the vendor (that is, the subcontractor) receives components, which s/he uses to manufacture a product. The product to be manufactured is requested by your company in a purchase order.
Task 1 Create a purchase requisition for your material, which you procure from one of your vendors via subcontracting. First check the components provided. 1.
Your vendor T-L10A## manufactures material T-F1## within subcontracting. You provide the necessary components, that are listed in the BOM for this material, for the vendor. Display the BOM for material T-F1## in plant 1000, BOM usage 1. What components and quantities do you need to provide for material T-F1##?
Display the stock overview for the components in plant 1000. Which quantities of these materials can be used unrestrictedly in storage location 0001? What quantity does subcontractor T-L10A## already have? Answer these questions by noting the current stock situation.
Continued on next page
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© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 5: Subcontracting
Plant 1000, material:
Stock of matl provided to vendor
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
How is the stock at subcontractor displayed in the current stock/requirements list?
Since you have, in the past, often arranged for material T-F1## to be produced by subcontractor T-L10A, you have stored the conditions in a purchasing info record for subcontracting. Display the purchasing info record for plant 1000 and sales organization 1000, and find out the information detailed below.
Planned delivery time:
Net price:
100 pieces of material T-F1## are to be procured for plant 1000 (Hamburg). Communicate this to purchasing in a subcontracting item in a purchase requisition. The delivery date is today in 4 weeks. What item category are you using? How is the requirements date of the components calculated? Purchase requisition:
Display the current stock/requirements list for your components. Has the available quantity changed?
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Procurement via Subcontracting
In Customizing, check whether the item category for subcontracting is allowed for sales document type NB (standard purchase order).
Task 2 As buyer, convert your purchase requisition into a purchase order. 1.
Create a purchase order at your subcontractor T-L10##; use sales organization 1000. Refer to your subcontracting purchase requisition item for material T-F1##. What price per piece is suggested for the subcontracting costs? Where does this price come from? _____________________________________________________________ What components exist for your order item? Check the availability of the individual components. Material:
Requirement quantity:
Confirmed quantity:
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
Save your purchase order. Purchase order number:
2003 / Q3
Are there any effects on the available quantity of the components in the current stock/requirements list?
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Unit 5: Subcontracting
Solution 24: Subcontract Order Task 1 Create a purchase requisition for your material, which you procure from one of your vendors via subcontracting. First check the components provided. 1.
Your vendor T-L10A## manufactures material T-F1## within subcontracting. You provide the necessary components, that are listed in the BOM for this material, for the vendor. Display the BOM for material T-F1## in plant 1000, BOM usage 1. What components and quantities do you need to provide for material T-F1##? Component
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Production → Master Data → Bills of Material → Bill of Material → Material BOM → Display. Enter the following data in the initial screen: Material: Plant: BOM Usage:
T-F1## 1000 1
The following components are displayed: Component T-B1## T-B2## T-B3## T-B4##
Quantity 1 1 1 1
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Procurement via Subcontracting
Display the stock overview for the components in plant 1000. Which quantities of these materials can be used unrestrictedly in storage location 0001? What quantity does subcontractor T-L10A## already have? Answer these questions by noting the current stock situation. Plant 1000, material:
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
Stock of matl provided to vendor
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Environment → Stock → Stock Overview. In the initial screen, enter the first material number and plant 1000. Choose Execute. To display the stock of other materials, you enter the next material number within the stock overview and choose New Selection. Plant 1000, material:
Unrestricted-use Stock of matl provided to vendor 820 0
How is the stock at subcontractor displayed in the current stock/requirements list? Answer: From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Environment → Stock → Stock/Requirements List. The stock at the subcontractor is displayed in an individual planning segment and not included in the available quantity of the plant.
Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 5: Subcontracting
Since you have, in the past, often arranged for material T-F1## to be produced by subcontractor T-L10A, you have stored the conditions in a purchasing info record for subcontracting. Display the purchasing info record for plant 1000 and sales organization 1000, and find out the information detailed below. Planned delivery time:
Net price:
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Master Data → Info Record → Display. Enter the following data in the initial screen: Vendor: Material: Purchasing organization: Plant:
T-L10A## T-F1## 1000 1000
Choose the info category Subcontracting, and choose Enter. In the info record, choose the view PurchOrgData 1.
Planned delivery time:
10 days
Net price:
100 EUR
100 pieces of material T-F1## are to be procured for plant 1000 (Hamburg). Communicate this to purchasing in a subcontracting item in a purchase requisition. The delivery date is today in 4 weeks. What item category are you using? How is the requirements date of the components calculated?
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Procurement via Subcontracting
Purchase requisition: a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Requisition → Create. Enter a purchase requisition using the following data: Item category: Material: Requested quantity: Delivery date: Plant:
L (subcontracting) T-F1## 100 pc. Current date + 4 weeks 1000 (Hamburg)
In the lower part of the screen (item details), choose the tab page Material Data and then Components. The requirements date of the components is the result of the delivery date minus the planned delivery time of the finished product from the material master. Choose Save. 6.
Display the current stock/requirements list for your components. Has the available quantity changed? a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Environment → Stock → Stock/Requirements List. The available quantity is reduced by the subcontracting requirement for the requirement date of the components.
In Customizing, check whether the item category for subcontracting is allowed for sales document type NB (standard purchase order). Answer: Choose IMG → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Define Document Types. Select the row NB - Standard PO. Double-click on Allowed item categories. Item category L is allowed for the standard purchase order NB.
Task 2 As buyer, convert your purchase requisition into a purchase order. 1.
Create a purchase order at your subcontractor T-L10##; use sales organization 1000. Refer to your subcontracting purchase requisition item for material T-F1##.
Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 5: Subcontracting
What price per piece is suggested for the subcontracting costs? Where does this price come from? _____________________________________________________________ What components exist for your order item? Check the availability of the individual components. Material:
Requirement quantity:
Confirmed quantity:
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
Save your purchase order. Purchase order number:
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics→ Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Create → Vendor/Supplying Plant Known. Turn the document overview on. In the document overview, choose the selection variant My purchase requisitions. In the document overview, select the purchase requisition that you created and copy it to the current purchase order on the right-hand side of the screen using the pushbutton Copy. Alternatively, you can use the left mouse button to transfer the purchase requisition to the shopping basket. Vendor:
Choose Enter. b)
A price of 100 EUR is suggested. The price is taken from the subcontracting info record. Choose Environment → Info Record.
In the lower part of the screen (item details), choose the tab page Material Data and then Components. Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Procurement via Subcontracting
This takes you to an overview of the components. When a purchase order with item category L is created, the BOM for material T-F1## is exploded in the background, and the items from the BOM are proposed as components in the purchase order. The materials are as follows: T-B1## T-B2## T-B3## d)
T-B4## From the menu list in the overview screen of the components, choose Component list and component availability. Material:
Requirement quantity:
Confirmed quantity:
Are there any effects on the available quantity of the components in the current stock/requirements list? Answer: From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Environment → Stock → Stock/Requirements List. An individual area for the subcontractor is created in the current stock/requirements list. The system checks whether the subcontractor already has available quantities of the components. The shortfall quantity is then planned in the anonymous area as remaining requirements for subcontracting. The quantity currently available has not changed.
2003 / Q3
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Unit 5: Subcontracting
Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Flag a certain material for subcontracting by means of a special procurement key in the MRP data of the material master. • Check the bill of material (BOM) for the material • Determine the requirements for the material using single-item planning • Check the planning elements for the BOM material and the components • Convert the automatically created purchase requisition into a purchase order • Explain the possibility of subcontractor procurement using a scheduling agreement
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Subcontracting
Lesson: Goods Movements for Subcontracting Lesson Overview In this lesson, you will look at the various ways you can trigger the transfer of components to the subcontractor in SAP R/3.
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • • • •
Monitor the subcontractor’s stock Create a delivery in order to send the required component quantity to the subcontractor Explain the prerequisites and settings required for this operation Transfer additional quantities to the subcontractor using MM Explain which settings in SD and MM are necessary and possible for subcontracting
Business Example In subcontracting, the vendor (that is, the subcontractor) receives components, which s/he uses to manufacture a product. The completed product is requested by your company in a purchase order. Components that the vendor requires to make the ordered product are listed in the purchase order and provided to the subcontractor. You can stage the components using the LE outbound delivery. The system can determine the components using a BOM. Your task is to analyze the goods movements of material or components provided for subcontract orders.
Staging Components Stock of Material Provided to Vendor The stocks of the components that are to be made available for the vendor are entered in the stock of material provided to vendor. This stock has the following characteristics: • • •
It is administered as a part of the total valuated stock and is available for material requirements planning. It is only administered at plant level, since it is not stored in your enterprise, but with the vendor. Two stock types are possible: –
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Unrestricted-use stock
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Unit 5: Subcontracting
Stock in quality inspection
Stock can be transferred between the two stock types. However, material withdrawals can only be posted from the unrestricted-use stock. •
You can carry out a physical inventory of the stock of material provided to vendor.
An SC requirement for the components emerges at the vendor with a subcontracting order item. The net requirements calculation for the subcontracting components in subcontracting takes into account that the stock of material provided by customer can only be used to cover the corresponding requirement of material provided. The stock of material provided by customer that already exists with a vendor (subcontractor) can thus only be used to cover the corresponding stocks of material provided by customer at this subcontractor. Only the stock that is not assigned to a subcontractor can be used as unrestricted-use stock to cover all requirements.
Figure 64: SC requirement and SC stock
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Subcontracting
The components at vendor are stocked in a vendor-related special stock. This is valuated and is available for material requirements planning. If you make use of MRP areas, you can separately plan the stock of material provided by customer according to vendor. Consumption of the components can only occur from the stock of material provided by customer of the corresponding vendor. You can monitor the stock of material provided by customer by means of a valuation.
Figure 65: Stock of material provided by customer: Receipts
The vendor can obtain the necessary provision of material or components from your plant or from another vendor. In the procurement items (purchase order, scheduling agreement, contract) for the provision of material or components from another vendor, you use the indicator SC Deliv. in this case, and enter the vendor number of the subcontractor. In this way, you ensure that the receipt for these items takes place directly in the stock of material provided by customer of the specified vendor.
Providing Components for Existing Purchase Orders You can provide components for purchase orders that already exist in the following way: •
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Starting from subcontracting stock monitoring for the vendor as a goods movement via inventory management
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Unit 5: Subcontracting
• •
Starting from subcontracting stock monitoring for the vendor with a delivery via shipping Starting from the inventory management menu
Once you have called the report SC stock monitoring for vendor and once you have pressed Execute, you obtain a list of the components that belong to the selected subcontract orders. Highlight the components that you would like to provide. You can choose between Post Goods Issue (MM transfer posting) and Create Delivery (delivery via shipping).
Monitoring of Subcontracting Stock By valuating the stocks of material provided by customer, you can determine whether the components essential for subcontracting orders are available in the warehouse at the vendor. The function subcontracting stock monitoring for the vendor creates a list of stocks of material provided by customer with the current stock situation, planned issues and receipts. Issue elements are: • •
Dependent requirements from subcontracting purchase requisitions Dependent requirements from subcontracting orders
Receipt elements are: • • • •
Stock transfer reservations (when using MRP areas) Purchase requisitions to an external vendor, who replenishes the SC stock Purchase orders to an external vendor Deliveries (from one’s own plant to the subcontractor)
The list is firstly shown as an aggregated list, that is, the requirement and receipt elements are shown as totals lines. You can also display the individual purchase orders, deliveries and so on. All issue and receipt elements are only shown with their open quantities. The total of the SC stock and the receipts less the dependent requirements results in the available SC stock, which is displayed in green (if 0 or positive) or red (if negative).
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Subcontracting
Figure 66: LE outbound delivery for components
As of Release 4.0, you can create both an MM transfer posting with movement type 541 and an LE outbound delivery for a subcontractor. You do this from SC stock monitoring. In this way, you can deliver material provided by customer to the subcontractor in connection with a subcontracting order. The advantage of this procedure is that shipping documents and delivery notes are available when you ship the material provided by customer. Likewise, you can use the standard functions of shipment and transportation processing such as picking, packing and dispatching in shipments. You can also provide the subcontractor with components even if a subcontract order does not exist as a reference. You thus execute a transfer posting with movement type 541. To help you with your entries, you can also refer to a bill of material, for example.
MM Transfer Posting Within inventory management, you can transfer the components needed from your own storage location stock to the stock of material provided by customer. Use movement type 541 for this procedure. To enter the components for this transfer posting, you can refer to the following: • • •
The bill of material of the material ordered A subcontracting order item (only transactions MB1*) Reservations
If you post the components via inventory management, you can (only) print goods receipt/issue slips. The following messages types are provided for this: • •
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WLB1: Goods issue slip for subcontracting - version 1 WLB2: Goods issue slip for subcontracting version 2
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Unit 5: Subcontracting
WLB3: Goods issue slip for subcontracting - version 3
Delivery You can create a delivery via shipping from the subcontracting stock monitoring for the vendor list. The advantage of this procedure is that shipping documents and delivery notes are available when you ship the material provided by customer. The following data needs to be maintained in the system to create a delivery: •
A sales organization, a distribution channel and a division need to be assigned to a plant. You can make these settings in the Customizing of purchasing via Set stock transport order. A delivery type needs to be defined for the plant from which you deliver. You can define the delivery type in the Customizing of purchasing via Set subcontract order. If you would like to refer to a reservation when creating a delivery, then you must set the indicator Predecessor essential to L (provision of materials for subcontract order essential) when defining the respective delivery type. In this way, the requirements created by the reservations can be correctly offset against the orders created. You can make these settings in the Customizing of shipping via Define delivery types.
The delivery type for the SC stock must be created as customer for the organizational units sales organization, distribution channel, and division of the supplying plant. The material provided by customer must be created for the organizational units sales organization, distribution channel, and division of the supplying plant. A shipping point must be assigned to the combination of shipping condition (from the subcontractor’s customer master), loading group (from the material master record of the subcontracting component), and plant. You can make these settings in the Customizing of shipping via Assign shipping points.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Subcontracting
Figure 67: Prerequisites for Shipping (1)
A sales organization, a distribution channel and a division must be assigned to the plant from which components are delivered. A delivery type must be entered for the purchase order. The delivery type is delivered per default. In the Customizing of shipping, the indicator Predecessor essential must be set to L for this delivery type. Moreover, a partner schema should be assigned to the delivery type. This partner schema should contain the partner role vendor.
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Unit 5: Subcontracting
Figure 68: Master data required
In the supplying plant, shipping data (Sales view: gen./plant data in the material master) must be entered for the component materials. A debtor must be assigned to the SC vendor in the master record; the debtor must be created for the sales organization, distribution channel and division of the supplying plant. A shipping point must be assigned to the combination of shipping condition (from the debtor’s master record, which is assigned to the SC vendor), loading group (from the material master of the component), and plant.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Subcontracting
Figure 69: Determination of outbound delivery parameters and movement type
Since the outbound delivery does not refer to a sales order, the system must, in part, determine important outbound delivery parameters in a different way. The delivery type to be used results from the Customizing of the subcontract order. If no further settings are made here, the delivery type LB is used as the default. The item category is a result of the item category determination of the delivery, where the criteria delivery type and the item category group of the material play a role. In the default Customizing, the item category LBN is assigned. When posting the goods issue to the SC vendor for the outbound delivery, the system needs to know which movement type to use. This results from the schedule line category, which is determined via the item category. Schedule line category LB is determined as the default for the item category LBN and for materials with any MRP type. The standard setting for the schedule line category LB determines that movement type 541 is used.
Components from Another Vendor If the components are not provided by you, but by another vendor, you can order them at the vendor and specify the subcontractor’s delivery address in the purchase order. The components are directly posted to the stock of material provided to vendor when the goods are received.
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Unit 5: Subcontracting
To order subcontracting components at a vendor, which are to be delivered to a subcontractor, you create a standard purchase order and specify a different delivery address to the ordering plant. In the item detail, choose the tab page Delivery address. In the vendor field, enter the number of the subcontractor, and select the indicator SC Deliv. This indicator ensures that the components are posted directly to the stock of material provided to vendor when the goods are received.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Subcontracting
Exercise 25: Monitoring the Stock of Material Provided by Customer/Triggering the Transfer Posting of Components Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Explain valuation for the monitoring of stock with the subcontractor • Explain the special features of outbound delivery to provide material or components for subcontractor stocks
Business Example The components that the vendor needs to produce the ordered product are provided to the vendor. The system can determine the components using a BOM. You can stage the components using the LE outbound delivery.
Task Check the stock of material provided to vendor for your subcontract order. Carry out a transfer posting for the components. 1.
Display the stocks of material provided to vendor for your subcontracting vendor T-L10A##. Which materials and which quantities must you still send to the vendor for your purchase order to be executed? Material:
Requirement quantity:
Still to be delivered:
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
Check whether the necessary settings exist to create an outbound delivery to make a transfer posting to the stock of material provided to vendor in subcontracting. Display the material master records of the BOM components and check whether material master records have been created for sales organization 1000 and distribution channel 12. Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 5: Subcontracting
What transportation group and loading group have been entered? Material:
Transportation group:
Loading group:
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
What debtor has been entered for your subcontracting vendor T-L10A##? Debtor: 3.
You must make the components that are needed to manufacture material T-F1## available to subcontractor T-L10A##. Initiate shipping of the components to the vendor by entering an outbound delivery for the open quantities. To do this, use SC stock monitoring for the vendor. Confirm the default quantities for the individual items. How many outbound deliveries have been created? Outbound delivery number(s):
What quantities are delivered to the subcontractor? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 4.
In shipping, check the outbound delivery created for the components and corresponding quantities.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Subcontracting
Solution 25: Monitoring the Stock of Material Provided by Customer/Triggering the Transfer Posting of Components Task Check the stock of material provided to vendor for your subcontract order. Carry out a transfer posting for the components. 1.
Display the stocks of material provided to vendor for your subcontracting vendor T-L10A##. Which materials and which quantities must you still send to the vendor for your purchase order to be executed? Material:
Requirement quantity:
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
Still to be delivered:
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics→ Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Reporting → SC stocks per vendor. Vendor: T-L10A##
Requirement quantity:
Still to be delivered:
Check whether the necessary settings exist to create an outbound delivery to make a transfer posting to the stock of material provided to vendor in subcontracting. Display the material master records of the BOM components and check whether material master records have been created for sales organization 1000 and distribution channel 12. Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 5: Subcontracting
What transportation group and loading group have been entered? Material:
Transportation group:
Loading group:
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
What debtor has been entered for your subcontracting vendor T-L10A##? Debtor: a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Material Master → Material → Display → Display Current. Choose the views Sales: Sales Org. data 1 and Sales: Sales Org. Data 2. Enter the following data in the dialog box Organizational Levels. Sales organization: Distribution channel:
1000 12
The material master records have been created in sales organization 1000 and distribution channel 12. b)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Material Master → Material → Display → Display Current. Choose the view Sales: General/Plant Data. Plant: 1000
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Subcontracting
Transportation group:
Loading group:
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics→ Materials Management → Purchasing → Master Data → Vendor → Purchasing → Display (Current). Creditor: Purchasing organization:
T-L10A## 1000
Select the view Control. Debtor:
The subcontracting vendor has been assigned the same debtor number in this system, so that you can identify them more easily. 3.
You must make the components that are needed to manufacture material T-F1## available to subcontractor T-L10A##. Initiate shipping of the components to the vendor by entering an outbound delivery for the open quantities. To do this, use SC stock monitoring for the vendor. Confirm the default quantities for the individual items. How many outbound deliveries have been created? Outbound delivery number(s):
What quantities are delivered to the subcontractor? _____________________________________________________________
Continued on next page
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Unit 5: Subcontracting
_____________________________________________________________ a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics→ Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Reporting → SC stocks per vendor . Vendor: Purchasing organization:
T-L10A## 1000
Choose Select All. Choose Create Delivery. Confirm the dialog box Create Delivery four times using Enter (no further entries) for each material. b)
One outbound delivery is created.
80 pieces of components T-B1##, T-B2## and T-B4## were sent to the vendor. In the case of component T-B3##, 80 pieces. The deliveries correspond to the quantities “still to be delivered” from the previous exercise.
In shipping, check the outbound delivery created for the components and corresponding quantities. Answer: From the SAP Easy Access menu, choose Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Outbound Delivery → Display or Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and Transportation → Outbound Delivery → Display.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Subcontracting
Exercise 26: Executing Shipping Activities and Posting a Goods Issue Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Explain shipping processing • Explain the characteristics of the stock of material provided to vendor
Business Example Shipping processing is triggered for outbound deliveries created from the valuation of stocks of material provided to the vendor; the goods issue of the components is posted. In this way, the components are transfer posted from the unrestricted-use stock to the stock of material provided to the subcontractor.
Task 1.
Start with packing by creating a transfer order for the outbound delivery that you created in the previous exercise. Hint: Depending on the menu path that you use to create the transfer order, you need to enter the warehouse number (010) if necessary.
Post the goods issue for your outbound delivery in the one-step procedure or in collective processing.
Check the document flow for your outbound delivery and make a note of the document number that was used to post the goods issue to the subcontractor. Document number:
What is the movement type? Movement type:
What items does the material document contain? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 5: Subcontracting
Why is each material listed twice? Is there an accounting document for this operation? 4.
Display the stock overview for the component materials and make a note of the stock situation. Compared with the initial stock situation, what changes have occurred? Plant 1000, material:
Provision of material to a vendor
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 5.
Execute a valuation of the stock of material provided to your vendor T-L10A## again. What change has occurred? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Subcontracting
Solution 26: Executing Shipping Activities and Posting a Goods Issue Task 1.
Start with packing by creating a transfer order for the outbound delivery that you created in the previous exercise. Hint: Depending on the menu path that you use to create the transfer order, you need to enter the warehouse number (010) if necessary. a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Picking → Create Transfer Order → Via Outbound Delivery Monitor or Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and Transportation → Picking → Create Transfer Order → Via Outbound Delivery Monitor. Shipping Point/Receiving Point: 1000 Picking Date: to current date + 4 weeks Choose Execute. In the picking workload list, select the outbound delivery that you created and choose Create TO in background. Confirm the dialog box that appears using Enter.
Post the goods issue for your outbound delivery in the one-step procedure or in collective processing. a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Outbound Delivery → Post Goods Issue → Collective Processing Via Outbound Delivery Monitor or Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and Transportation → Post Goods Issue → Collective Processing Via Outbound Delivery Monitor. Shipping Point/Receiving Point: 1000 Planned goods movement date: To current date + 4 weeks Choose Execute. In the list Goods Issue for Posted Outbound Deliveries, select the outbound delivery you created and choose Post goods issue. Confirm the dialog box that appears using Enter. Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 5: Subcontracting
Check the document flow for your outbound delivery and make a note of the document number that was used to post the goods issue to the subcontractor. Document number:
What is the movement type? Movement type:
What items does the material document contain? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Why is each material listed twice?
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Subcontracting
Is there an accounting document for this operation? a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Outbound Delivery → Display. or Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Shipping and Transportation → Outbound Delivery → Display. Environment → Document Flow The goods issue document is displayed under GI warehouse to SC Deliv. in the document flow. In the document flow, position your cursor on this material document and choose Display Document. Movement type: 541 (transfer posting to stock of material provided to contractor from unrestricted-use stock) The material document contains all components.
Each material is listed twice, since the material is transfer posted from the unrestricted-use stock to the stock of material provided to vendor. For this stock type, O is entered in the special stock indicator field. Issue posting from storage location Transfer posting to special stock O = subcontracting
Choose FI/CO Documents.... No, there isn’t an accounting document for this operation since the transfer posting/stock transfer to the SC stock is not valuation-relevant.
Display the stock overview for the component materials and make a note of the stock situation. Compared with the initial stock situation, what changes have occurred? Plant 1000, material:
Provision of material to a vendor
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
________________ ________________
Continued on next page
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Unit 5: Subcontracting
_____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Environment → Stock → Stock Overview. Plant 1000, material: T-B1##
Unrestricted-use Stock of material provided to vendor 720 100
The unrestricted-use stock has been reduced by the quantity that you have just delivered to the subcontractor. 5.
Execute a valuation of the stock of material provided to your vendor T-L10A## again. What change has occurred? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Reporting → SC stocks per vendor. Vendor: T-L10A## All components at the vendor have the necessary quantity.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Subcontracting
Exercise 27: Making a Transfer Posting to the Stock of Material Provided to Vendor Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Execute transfer posting to the stock of material provided to vendor without an order reference, and without an outbound delivery • Explain the difference between a transfer posting to the stock of material provided to vendor, and the outbound delivery of components to the subcontractor.
Business Example You want to fill the stocks at your subcontractor without a precise purchase order, and execute this step without LE, using a transfer posting only. You check the result using the stock overview and the current stock/requirements list.
Task It is forseeable in your enterprise that, in the near future, several orders will be planned for your subcontractor T-L10A## to manufacture your material T-F1##. To enable the vendor to process these efficiently, you send him/her a certain quantity of the required components that are listed in the bill of material for this material. 1.
Make a transfer posting for 100 pieces of the component materials from plant 1000, storage location 0001 to you subcontractor T-L10A##. Execute this work step with the help of a transfer posting from the inventory management system. Enter the operation with reference to the BOM, and enter your BOM material T-F1##. Hint: In a transfer posting using transaction MIGO, it is not (yet) possible to refer to your subcontract order item. What menu path are you using? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
Continued on next page
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Unit 5: Subcontracting
Movement type:
Material document:
Display the material document. What items does it contain? Component
Movement type
Special stock indic.
____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Subcontracting
Solution 27: Making a Transfer Posting to the Stock of Material Provided to Vendor Task It is forseeable in your enterprise that, in the near future, several orders will be planned for your subcontractor T-L10A## to manufacture your material T-F1##. To enable the vendor to process these efficiently, you send him/her a certain quantity of the required components that are listed in the bill of material for this material. 1.
Make a transfer posting for 100 pieces of the component materials from plant 1000, storage location 0001 to you subcontractor T-L10A##. Execute this work step with the help of a transfer posting from the inventory management system. Enter the operation with reference to the BOM, and enter your BOM material T-F1##. Hint: In a transfer posting using transaction MIGO, it is not (yet) possible to refer to your subcontract order item. What menu path are you using? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Movement type:
Material document:
Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
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Unit 5: Subcontracting
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → MIGO - Goods Movement. or → Inventory Management → Goods Movement → Transfer Posting Hint: If you use the transaction Transfer Posting, you can choose the movement type as follows: Movement Type → Transfer Posting → Stock with Subcontractor → From Unrestricted (movement type 541) Choose the function Transfer Posting Others in the transaction Transfer Posting (MIGO) and enter the movement type 541 as the default value for all items . First enter all data on the tab page Transfer of the detail screen. Transfer posting from: Material: Plant: Storage location: Transfer posting to: Plant: Vendor: Unit of entry:
T-F1## 1000 0001 1000 T-L10A## 100 pc.
Finally, choose (explode BOM)(below the item overview). Copy the default values in the dialog box Change Settings for BOM Explosion. 2.
Display the material document. What items does it contain?
Continued on next page
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Movements for Subcontracting
Movement type
Special stock indic.
____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ a)
2003 / Q3
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Material Document → Display. Component
Movement type
Special stock indic. Sign
T-B1## T-B1## T-B2## T-B2## T-B3## T-B3## T-B4## T-B4##
541 541 541 541 541 541 541 541
’ ’ (blank) O ’ ’ (blank) O ’ ’ (blank) O ’ ’ (blank) O
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– + – + – + – +
Unit 5: Subcontracting
Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Monitor the subcontractor’s stock • Create a delivery in order to send the required component quantity to the subcontractor • Explain the prerequisites and settings required for this operation • Transfer additional quantities to the subcontractor using MM • Explain which settings in SD and MM are necessary and possible for subcontracting
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Receipt and Invoice Receipt
Lesson: Goods Receipt and Invoice Receipt Lesson Overview In this lesson, you will get to know the special features of the goods receipt for the subcontracting item. You will find out that the valuation of the ordered material is influenced by the invoice receipt and the subsequent adjustment.
Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • • • •
Post the goods receipt for the subcontract order Explain which amounts are posted to which accounts as a result of the goods receipt Enter the subsequent adjustment resulting from excess consumption and explain how the accounts are updated Enter the invoice receipt for the subcontract order Explain the possibility of subcontractor procurement using a scheduling agreement
Business Example In subcontracting, the vendor (that is, the subcontractor) receives components, which s/he uses to manufacture a product. The completed product is requested by your company in a purchase order. Components that the vendor requires to make the ordered product are listed in the purchase order and provided to the subcontractor. You can stage the components using the LE outbound delivery. The system can determine the components using a BOM. Your task is to analyze the goods and invoice receipt as well as the adjustment posting for material or components provided for subcontract orders.
Goods Receipt for the SC Item If the vendor delivers the ordered material (finished product), you post the goods receipt for the subcontract order as for a goods receipt for a standard purchase order. The goods receipt is thus entered with a reference to the SC order item.
2003 / Q3
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Unit 5: Subcontracting
In the case of a goods receipt posting, the system automatically determines the components and automatically creates a goods receipt item for each component item. With the goods receipt, the consumption of the components is posted retrograde. Consequently the material document consists of the following items: • •
Goods receipt items for the materials delivered by the vendor Goods issue items for the components
Once you have copied an order item for the goods receipt posting, you can still change the component quantities in the goods issue items manually. This might be necessary if the SC vendor has consumed more or less component material than was planned in the purchase order. The goods receipt is valuated with the price of the subcontracting service and the value of the components consumed. If by-products have been planned in the purchase order as components with negative quantities, the receipt of these by-products is automatically posted to the stock of material provided to vendor during the goods receipt. If the SC vendor does not report excess or underconsumption until after the goods receipt posting, the difference is to be posted as a subsequent adjustment; this takes place according to order. The stocks of material provided by customer are reduced or cancelled out during the goods receipt.
Subsequent Adjustment If the vendor reports excess or underconsumption of the components after the goods receipt posting, you need to execute a subsequent adjustment. The subsequent adjustment is entered according to order and serves to correct a goods receipt posting for a subcontract order. Once the subcontractor as vendor of the ordered material (finished product) has delivered, you posted a goods receipt for the subcontract order. The system determined the necessary components for each order item and created a goods issue item for each component, with the quantity that was defined in the purchase order. If the vendor reports excess or underconsumption of the SC components after these postings, you must book in or book out these variances via subsequent adjustment, to correct the component consumption.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Receipt and Invoice Receipt
Figure 70: Stock and valuation adjustment in subcontracting
The specified quantities of the goods receipt that was originally posted are thus corrected to subsequently adjusted quantities by the system.
Invoice Receipt and Valuation Verification of an invoice for a subcontract order occurs in exactly the same way as for a standard purchase order. However, in the case of price variances, additional account movements when the invoice is posted. The invoice for an SC order item refers exclusively to the labor costs of subcontracting. The labor costs together with the value of the components consumed result in the valuation price which is used to valuate the SC material. If the vendor reports excess or underconsumption of the components after the goods receipt posting, you need to execute a subsequent adjustment. The subsequent adjustment results in a valuation adjustment of the material produced (moving average price control). Postings for goods receipts and the invoice receipts for the subcontracting order item are shown in the following graphic.
2003 / Q3
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Unit 5: Subcontracting
Figure 71: Postings for SC items
The postings shown are also valid for a semifinished product with a moving average price. For materials with standard price control, you need to determine whether you want to post the receipts with or without price differences. You can make settings for this in the Customizing of inventory management.
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2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Receipt and Invoice Receipt
Exercise 28: Goods Issue for a Subcontract Order Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Enter the goods issue of the finished product • Explain the treatment, on a stock and value basis, of components and finished product
Business Example Your vendor (the subcontractor) delivers your finished product, and you enter the goods issue for your subcontract order.
Task Once the vendor has finished subcontracting, s/he sends you the ordered material. 1.
Vendor T-Ll10A## delivers the ordered material T-F1##. Enter the goods receipt for your purchase order in plant 1000, storage location 0001. What movement type does the system use? Make a note of the document number.
Movement type:
Material document:
Display the material document. What items does it contain? Material
Movement type
Special stock indicator Sign
____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ What G/L accounts were updated? Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 5: Subcontracting
Account number Description
______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________ 3.
Your subcontractor informs you that s/he needs an extra piece of component T-B4## to manufacture all of the pumps. Enter the subsequent adjustment. Hint: If you are working with the transaction MIGO, enter your purchase order number and choose Enter. Choose to display the components. If you are not working with the transaction MIGO, enter your purchase order number and choose Enter. Choose Copy to display the material components. Material document:
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Receipt and Invoice Receipt
Solution 28: Goods Issue for a Subcontract Order Task Once the vendor has finished subcontracting, s/he sends you the ordered material. 1.
Vendor T-Ll10A## delivers the ordered material T-F1##. Enter the goods receipt for your purchase order in plant 1000, storage location 0001. What movement type does the system use? Make a note of the document number. Movement type:
Material document:
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics→ Materials Management → Inventory Management → Goods Movement → Goods Receipt → For Purchase Order → PO Number Known. Choose the function Goods receipt for order. Enter the following data and choose Enter or Execute. Purchase order: Document date: Posting date:
Document number noted in previous exercise Current date Current date
Select the item as OK. Choose Post. 2.
Display the material document. What items does it contain? Material
Movement type
Special stock indicator Sign
____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________________ ____________ What G/L accounts were updated? Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 5: Subcontracting
Account number Description
______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________ a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Material Document → Display. Accept the default values for the fields Material document and Material document year and choose Enter.
Movement type
Special stock indicator
T-F1## T-B1## T-B2## T-B3## T-B4##
101 543 543 543 543
’ ’ (blank) O O O O
+ – – – –
In the material document display, choose the pushbutton FI/CO documents. Select the accounting document by double-clicking. Account number Description
792000 191100 893010 417001 790000 893020
Debit posting Credit posting Credit posting Debit posting Credit posting Debit posting
Finished products GR/IR clearing account Cost of goods manufactured/business Services procured volume Unfinished products Change in stock - receipt
Continued on next page
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Receipt and Invoice Receipt
Your subcontractor informs you that s/he needs an extra piece of component T-B4## to manufacture all of the pumps. Enter the subsequent adjustment. Hint: If you are working with the transaction MIGO, enter your purchase order number and choose Enter. Choose to display the components. If you are not working with the transaction MIGO, enter your purchase order number and choose Enter. Choose Copy to display the material components. Material document: a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Goods Movement → Subsequent Adjustment → Subcontracting. Choose Enter. Choose Copy. Enter quantity 1 for item 4 for excess consumption. Choose Post. Hint: To calculate lower consumption instead of excess consumption, you would enter the quantity with a negative sign, or select the indicator for underconsumption (transaction MIGO).
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 5: Subcontracting
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Receipt and Invoice Receipt
Exercise 29: Invoice Receipt for a Subcontract Order Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Show manual entry of the invoice in invoice verification • Explain the items in the accounting document
Business Example Your vendor (the subcontractor) sends you an invoice for the service rendered, that is, the production of your desired material with the components that you provided. You enter the vendor’s invoice using Logistics Invoice Verification.
Task You receive the following invoice from your vendor (subcontractor): INVOICE Harvey Parts & Co (Vendor T-L10A##) Invoice date: (Current date)
Invoice 471113## Invoice for your purchase order 45000... Material T-F1## Pump PRECISION 100 VAT 10% (1l)
Unit price
Total price
10 pc.
100.00 EUR
10,000.00 EUR 1,000.00 EUR
Invoice amount: 1.
11,000.00 EUR
Enter the vendor’s invoice in company code 1000. Make a note of the document number. Invoice verification document number:
Display the invoice document and the accounting document. What accounts are updated?
Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 5: Subcontracting
Account number Description
______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________ 3.
Display the purchase order history for your subcontract order.
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Receipt and Invoice Receipt
Solution 29: Invoice Receipt for a Subcontract Order Task You receive the following invoice from your vendor (subcontractor): INVOICE Harvey Parts & Co (Vendor T-L10A##) Invoice date: (Current date)
Invoice 471113## Invoice for your purchase order 45000... Material T-F1## Pump PRECISION 100 VAT 10% (1l)
Unit price
Total price
10 pc.
100.00 EUR
10,000.00 EUR
Invoice amount: 1.
1,000.00 EUR 11,000.00 EUR
Enter the vendor’s invoice in company code 1000. Make a note of the document number.
Continued on next page
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 5: Subcontracting
Invoice verification document number: a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Logistics Invoice Verification → Document Entry → Enter Invoice. Choose the transaction Invoice. Enter the invoice in company code 1000 using the following data. Hint: If the system does not offer company code 1000 as a proposal straight away when you enter the incoming invoice, first choose Edit → Switch company code. Then enter company code 1000. Document date: Posting date: Reference: Amount: Tax amount: Tax code: Purchase order/scheduling agreement:
Current date Current date 471113## 11,000.00 EUR 1,000.00 EUR 1l (that is, 10%) Document number of the purchase order noted above
Choose Enter. Check the difference. Choose Post. 2.
Display the invoice document and the accounting document. What accounts are updated?
Continued on next page
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Lesson: Goods Receipt and Invoice Receipt
Account number Description
______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________ ______________ _____________________________ _______________ a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Logistics Invoice Verification → Further Processing → Display Invoice Document. Accept the default values for the fields Invoice doc. number and Fiscal year and choose Enter or Display doc.. Choose Follow-On Documents.... Select the accounting document by double-clicking. Account number Description
Creditor number of vendor
11,000.00 EUR
GR/IR clearing account
10,000.00 EUR
Input tax
1,000.00 EUR
Display the purchase order history for your subcontract order. a)
From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Display. In the lower part of the screen (item detail), select the tab page purchase order history.
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Unit 5: Subcontracting
Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Post the goods receipt for the subcontract order • Explain which amounts are posted to which accounts as a result of the goods receipt • Enter the subsequent adjustment resulting from excess consumption and explain how the accounts are updated • Enter the invoice receipt for the subcontract order • Explain the possibility of subcontractor procurement using a scheduling agreement
Related Information You can find further information about subcontracting in purchasing in the SAP Library under SAP R/3 Application Components → Logistics → Materials Management (MM) → Inventory Management (MM-IM) → Special Stocks and Special Procurement Forms → Subcontracting.
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Unit Summary
Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Flag a certain material for subcontracting by means of a special procurement key in the MRP data of the material master. • Check the bill of material (BOM) for the material • Determine the requirements for the material using single-item planning • Check the planning elements for the BOM material and the components • Convert the automatically created purchase requisition into a purchase order • Explain the possibility of subcontractor procurement using a scheduling agreement • Monitor the subcontractor’s stock • Create a delivery in order to send the required component quantity to the subcontractor • Explain the prerequisites and settings required for this operation • Transfer additional quantities to the subcontractor using MM • Explain which settings in SD and MM are necessary and possible for subcontracting • Post the goods receipt for the subcontract order • Explain which amounts are posted to which accounts as a result of the goods receipt • Enter the subsequent adjustment resulting from excess consumption and explain how the accounts are updated • Enter the invoice receipt for the subcontract order • Explain the possibility of subcontractor procurement using a scheduling agreement
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Course Summary
Course Summary You should now be able to: • • • • •
Map the process of third-party order processing in an enterprise Map the process of cross-company-code sales in an enterprise Map the intra-company-code stock transfer process in an enterprise Map the cross-company-code stock transfer process in an enterprise Map the process of subcontracting in an enterprise
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Appendix 1 Overview of G/L accounts and Postings in MM and SD
The basic principle of duplicate financial accounting is that each business process is always posted to two different accounts. In the most simple of cases, only two accounts are affected. The fundamental posting record is thus debit to credit.
Figure 72: Duplicate financial accounting
In this way, one account is debited while the other account is debited. Basic principle: Regardless of the number of accounts affected, the total of debit postings always equals the total of credit postings.
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Appendix 1: Overview of G/L accounts and Postings in MM and SD
Figure 73: Account types - balance sheet accounts
Business transactions are posted to accounts (= invoices, on which value movements are registered, are maintained on both sides). In this way, accounts can be assigned to different groups of basic accounts, which themselves can be separated into two categories. Balance sheet accounts (property and capital or debt accounts) to which stock and its changes are posted. P&L accounts (expense accounts, cost accounts and revenue/service accounts) to which successful operations are posted. The structure of all accounts corresponds to the fundamental equation: Opening stock + acquisition - retirement = closing stock The named accounts differ according to the account side to which the opening stock, acquisition and retirement, as well as closing stock are posted.
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2003 / Q3
Appendix 1: Overview of G/L accounts and Postings in MM and SD
Figure 74: Account types - P&L accounts
In the example of an SD business process, an accounting document is created at the time of goods issue as well as at the time of invoice creation.
Figure 75: Example: Postings in SD
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Appendix 1: Overview of G/L accounts and Postings in MM and SD
At the time of the goods issue, the goods physically leave the warehouse. In this way, posting on both a stock basis and a value basis occurs. The stock is thus reduced and the material usage increased. The posting is thus material usage to stock. At the time of billing, receivables are created at the customer and acquisitions are posted for the sales of goods. (Posting record: receivables for sales of goods). If the incoming payments are made in FI, the receivables are reduced and the monetary payment is posted to a bank account (Posting record: bank to receivables). In this simplified example, the posting of output tax has not been taken into consideration.
Figure 76: Example: Postings in MM
In the example of an MM process, an acquisition in the stock occurs at the time of the goods receipt. In terms of the booking, the clearing posting takes place against a special goods receipt/invoice receipt clearing account (stock to goods receipt/invoice receipt clearing account). As long as standard prices are used for the evaluation, it may possibly be necessary to post the difference amount between the purchasing costs and evaluation to a price difference account.
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2003 / Q3
Appendix 1: Overview of G/L accounts and Postings in MM and SD
At the time of invoice creation, the GR/IR clearing account is credited and payables are created for the relevant creditor (GR/IR clearing account to creditors). Throughout the payment run, the payables are settled and a retirement is registered in the bank account (Payables to bank). In this simplified example, the posting of accumulated taxes has not been taken into consideration.
2003 / Q3
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Appendix 1: Overview of G/L accounts and Postings in MM and SD
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Index A Account assignment category, 38 ALE function, 39 Automatic invoice receipt, 202 purchase order, 6 third-party processing, 4 Automatic posting to vendor account, 108 Availability of the component, 248 Availability check, 180
B Backward scheduling, 12 Bill of material, 244–245, 248, 250, 267 Billing due list, 54, 98–100 Billing relevance, 54 Billing type, 99 IV, 100, 108 Blocked stock, 133 By-product, 292
C Calculation schema, 104–105 Collective billing run, 98 Collective delivery processing, 151, 197 Company-code clearing account, 138 Component, 244, 247, 263, 292 Condition types PI01 and IV01, 102, 104–106 PI01 and PI02, 77
2003 / Q3
Copying control, 55 Costs, 105 Creating a third-party order automatically, 39 Credit-side invoice, 107 Cross-company-code stock in transit, 178, 201, 226 Customer billing document, 54
D Delivering plant, 76 Delivery, 98, 268 Delivery address, 12, 37, 271 Delivery costs, 132 Delivery due list, 91 Delivery note, 92, 130 Delivery proposal, 11 Delivery type, 155 Cross-company replenishment, 198 NL, 154 SC, 269 Dependent requirement, 245 Document flow, 38, 56, 152 for replenishment delivery, 225
E EDI, 202 EDI message category INVOIC, 108–109 Excess or underconsumption, 292 External procurement storage location, 136
© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
F Forward scheduling, 14
G Goods issue posting, 156 Goods receipt, 40, 156 Goods receipt/issue slip, 267 Goods recipient, 37, 152–153, 197
I Incoming invoice, 53, 107 Intercompany billing, 74, 77, 100, 102, 201 Internal billing document, 77, 227 invoice, 99, 101 price, 99, 103 Internal invoice, 201 INVOIC, 202 Invoice receipt, 227 Invoiced quantity, 55 Item category, 5–6 ALES, 6, 40 LBN, 271 NLC, 199 NLN, 155, 157 stock transfer, 137 subcontracting, 249 TAS, 5–6, 10, 40, 55 Third-party, 38–39 Item category determination, 155 Item category group, 6, 155
L LE outbound delivery, 130, 157 LE shipping, 156 Loading group, 155, 268 Logistics Execution (LE) outbound delivery, 130, 152
M Manual
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third-party processing, 4 Material document, 156 Material stock account, 200 Message category INVOIC, 108 Message determination schema, 108 Message type RD00, 108 Message type RD04, 108 Monitoring of subcontracting stock, 265 Movement type for stock transport order, 157, 199 Moving average price, 56, 77 MRP area, 245
O One-step procedure, 131, 133–134, 136, 156 Outbound delivery, 91, 151
P Pack, 91, 130 Part provided to a vendor, 245 Payer, 99–102, 202 Permitted delivering plants, 74 item category, 247 Physical inventory, 264 Pick, 91, 130 Pick list, 91 Planned delivery time, 11–12 Price determination, 104, 178, 181 in cross-company-code sales, 76 Price for intercompany billing, 77 Procurement type, 134 Product allocation for third-party items, 11
2003 / Q3
Profit margin, 53 Profitability analysis, 106 Purchase order history, 38, 54, 132, 151, 157, 226 Purchase order scheduling, 11–12 Purchase order text, 37 Purchasing department processing time, 12 Purchasing info record, 248
Q Quota arrangement, 35, 248
R Replenishment delivery, 151–152, 154, 156–157, 197, 225 Requirements planning, 245, 251 Requirements/stock overview, 136
S Sales order, 249 Sales revenue, 105 Schedule line, 250 Schedule line category, 7, 199 CS, 5, 8, 10 NC, 158 NN, 157–158 SC, 271 Scheduling agreement, 179 Scheduling agreement schedule line, 250 Service specifications, 248 Shipping, 268 Shipping condition, 152, 155, 268 Shipping documents, 268 Shipping point, 91, 152, 268 Shipping point determination, 155 Source determination, 34 Source list, 35
2003 / Q3
Source of supply, 11–12, 34 Special procurement key, 134, 245–246 Special stock, 265 Stock in quality inspection, 133, 264 Stock in transit, 132–133, 137, 156 Stock of material provided to vendor, 244, 263, 266, 271 Stock transfer, 101, 129, 131, 267 Stock transport order, 130–131, 133, 136, 151, 154, 177, 179 Stock transport scheduling agreement, 137 Subcontracting, 243 Subcontracting scheduling agreement, 248, 250 Subsequent adjustment, 244, 292 Supplying plant, 134, 180 System message, 225
T The stock transfer procedure, 157 Third-party processing, 3 Transfer order, 91 Transfer posting, 129, 267 Transportation zone, 152 Two-step procedure, 132, 156, 177
U Unrestricted-use stock, 133 Usage, 155
V Vendor for the supplying plant, 180 Vendor invoice, 53
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© 2003 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
2003 / Q3
Feedback SAP AG has made every effort in the preparation of this course to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the materials. If you have any corrections or suggestions for improvement, please record them in the appropriate place in the course evaluation.
2003 / Q3
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