SCM521_Conditions and Price Determination in MM

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Participant Handbook Course Version: 81 Course Duration: 3 Days Material Number: 50088323

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About This Handbook This handbook is intended to complement the instructor-led presentation of this course, and serve as a source of reference. It is not suitable for self-study.

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Contents Course Overview ............ ............... ............... ............... ............... ..... vii Course Goals.................................................................................vii Course Objectives .......................................................................... viii

Unit 1: Basics of Price Determination . ............... ............... ............... ....... 1 Basics of Price Determination............................................................... 2

Unit 2: Condition Technique in Price Determination ............. ............... ..... 53 Condition Technique in Price Determination ............................................ 54

Unit 3: Special Functions .. ............... ............... ............... ............... ....101 Special Functions.......................................................................... 102 Header and Group Conditions ........................................................... 137

Unit 4: Maintaining Conditions .......... ............... ............... ............... ....175 Maintaining Conditions.................................................................... 176

Unit 5: Special Condition Types......... ............... ............... ............... .... 211 Special Condition Types .................................................................. 212 Variant Conditions in Purchasing ........................................................ 241

Unit 6: Price Determination in the Procurement of Services ... ............... ....267 Conditions for Services ................................................................... 268

Unit 7: Customizing ......... ............... ............... ............... ............... ....297 Customizing ................................................................................ 298

Unit 8: Subsequent Settlement.......... ............... ............... ............... ....339 Subsequent Settlement ................................................................... 340

Appendix 1: Frequently-Used Menu Paths

....... ............... ............... ....381

Index ............. ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ....387


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Course Overview This course provides an extensive overview of pricing in purchasing. The core feature is the condition technique, an algorithm with which the system searches for valid prices, discounts and surcharges for the individual procurement transactions. In other words, you save the prices, discounts and surcharges that you have agreed with your vendors in the SAP system as condition records, which are automatically applied in procurement transactions. After an overview of the individual elements of the condition technique, their meaning and how they work together, the algorithm of the condition technique will be addressed in greater detail. You will learn how to use the various calculation schemas and how you can direct the search for valid conditions in different tables. In the following chapters you will learn about the different control indicators for the condition types and special functions for pricing in purchasing, as well as what options are available to you for maintaining conditions.

Target Audience This course is intended for the following audiences: • • •

Project team members responsible for pricing in purchasing. Key users in purchasing Consultants

Course Prerequisites Required Knowledge •

SCM500 - Processes in Procurement

Recommended Knowledge • • •


SCM520 - Purchasing SCM550 - Cross-Functional Customizing in MM Participants should be thoroughly familiar with the Purchasing area. Ideally, they should also have some knowledge of the Customizing functionality for this area.

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Course Overview


Course Goals This course will prepare you to: • •

Use price determination functions in purchasing Configure the IMG settings for price determination

Course Objectives After completing this course, you will be able to: • • • • • •


Outline the various elements of the condition technique and describe how they interact Maintain conditions on different levels and update them using collective change transactions Understand how price determination works in the SAP system Recognize the special condition types that you can use in price determination Describe and use the subsequent settlement process Create condition tables, access sequences, condition types and calculation schemas, and adjust your Customizing settings according to your company-specific requirements

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Unit 1 Basics of Price Determination Unit Overview This unit provides you with an overview of pricing in purchasing. The focus of the unit is on the individual elements of the condition technique and explanations of relevant concepts and how they interact.

Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • •

Describe the elements of the condition technique and their interaction Maintain and properly apply time-dependent and time- independent conditions Define important control parameters for condition types and calculation schemas

Unit Contents Lesson: Basics of Price Determination ............................................. 2 Exercise 1: Basics of Price Determination ................................... 21


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Unit 1: Basics of Price Determination


Lesson: Basics of Price Determination Lesson Overview This lesson provides an overview of the basics of price determination. You will become acquainted with the elements of price determination and their meaning.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • •

Describe the elements of the condition technique and their interaction Maintain and properly apply time-dependent and time- independent conditions Define important control parameters for condition types and calculation schemas

Business Example Your purchasing department wants to store purchasing prices, including discounts and surcharges, in the system and have them applied automatically in the relevant purchasing documents. You use price determination to determine prices, discounts and surcharges (for external procurement of materials and vendor services) and the calculation of costs (for internal purposes, such as in cost accounting).

Introduction Conditions are applied to the calculation of a purchasing price. Say, for example, that you want to order a particular amount of a product from a particular vendor on a particular day, the variable factors - vendor, product, order quantity, date - determine the final price to be paid. These variable factors represent dependencies or factors that influence the determination of a price or discount/surcharge. Depending on these influence factors, prices, discounts and surcharges can be stored as master data in the form of condition records. The term condition technique refers to the method/algorithm by which the system determines prices, discounts and surcharges from information stored in condition records. The individual elements of the condition technique are defined and configured in Customizing. During purchase order processing, the system uses the condition technique to determine important pricing information. For example, the system automatically determines which gross price should apply and which discounts and surcharges are relevant given the conditions that apply. The following presents the individual elements of the condition technique.


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Lesson: Basics of Price Determination

Conditions and Condition Records Conditions are terms agreed with the vendor. These include terms of delivery and payment as well as price agreements (gross price, surcharges, discounts). With the condition technique, however, only prices, discounts and surcharges are mapped in the SAP system. The system determines the price in purchase orders on the basis of these pricing elements. You can maintain conditions when you create quotations, info records, outline agreements, and purchase orders. You can also maintain conditions as general conditions.

Figure 1: Conditions

In MM Purchasing, a distinction is made between conditions that are valid for a certain period (time-dependent conditions) and conditions for which no validity period can be defined (time-independent conditions). You can also enter conditions that do not take effect immediately, at the time of individual transactions, but subsequently thereto, and which require settlement at the end of a predefined period.

Time-dependent conditions are stored in the system as condition records. You can create condition records for all the pricing elements - the prices, discounts, and surcharges - that you want the system to take into account during automatic pricing.


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Unit 1: Basics of Price Determination


By specifying a validity period, you can restrict price agreements to a specific timeframe.

Figure 2: Condition Records

If a material's pricing varies according to the quantity purchased, you can enter it in the form of a price/quantity scale. For discounts and surcharges, too, you can maintain the values in a condition record using quantity- or value-dependent scales. The number of scale steps is unlimited. You can specify upper and lower limits for time-dependent conditions in order to prevent, for example, agreed maximum or minimum figures from being exceeded in the event that condition values are changed manually in the purchase order. You can define these upper and lower limits per condition type. • •


In the individual condition record or In the Customizing for all (other) condition records

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Lesson: Basics of Price Determination

Figure 3: Time-Dependent Conditions

Conditions in info records and contracts are always time-dependent. You can specify in Customizing (via the document type) whether time-dependent or time-independent conditions can be maintained in quotations and scheduling agreements. Since Release 4.0A, the standard settings are time-dependent conditions for both scheduling agreements and quotations. Conditions in purchase orders, by contrast, are always time-independent. No validity periods and scales can be defined for these conditions. In addition to time-dependent conditions, which apply to individual info records or outline agreement items, you can also map time-dependent conditions which refer to general price agreements (general conditions) and which can be maintained independently of info records, quotations and outline agreements, such as a vendor discount. Time-dependent conditions are always limited to a certain period of validity, which is defined by a start date and an end date. If you do not manually enter a validity period, the SAP system automatically suggests a period. The proposed validity period (start and end date) is controlled through Customizing settings – depending on the condition type. Time-dependent conditions can be stored on either a plant-specific or a cross-plant basis (in the latter case, for all plants belonging to a purchasing organization).


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Unit 1: Basics of Price Determination


In the standard, the conditions for external procurement of material are dependent on the purchasing organization. Through reference relationships, you can also use conditions negotiated by another purchasing organization (for example, a central purchasing organization). For time-dependent conditions, no subtotals are formed (net price, effective price). When info records or contracts are referenced, time-dependent valid conditions in them are adopted as default values in purchase orders and delivery agreements (with time-independent conditions) and can be changed in the standard.

Condition Types Individual conditions are described by condition types. There are condition types for the gross price, various discounts and surcharges, freight charges, fixed costs, etc. Condition types are defined together with their control parameters in Customizing. You can change the SAP standard condition types or create new condition types according to your particular requirements. Condition types are differentiated broadly using the condition class and more finely using the condition category. The condition category also has various control functions. For example: • •


Condition category H defines that only one basic price (gross price) is used, that is, is active Condition category U (for precious metal discounts and surcharges) controls the conversion between a precious metal unit of measure (for example, grams of gold) and the order unit, as well as the updating of relevant precious metal ruling prices during goods receipt posting Condition category E (cash discount) defines that the cash discount is derived from the payment terms

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Lesson: Basics of Price Determination

Figure 4: Condition Types

The calculation type stipulates how the system calculates the condition value. A discount or surcharge can be a percentage of the gross price, a fixed amount or a quantity-dependent amount. You can also define discounts and surcharges in terms of volume or weight, for example. The plus/minus sign in discounts and surpluses determines whether a condition is treated as a negative or positive amount. Negative amounts are discounts (deductions), positive amounts are surcharges (additions). Prices themselves – a gross price, for example – cannot be negative. The scale basis for scales also depends on the condition type. A scale can be based on quantity or dollar value, for example. You can assign an access sequence to a condition type. By doing so, you can, for example, cause the program to automatically search for a valid condition record for this condition type when you create a purchase order.

Condition Tables Conditions are stored in the system as condition records. When you enter, say, a material price agreed with a vendor or a special discount in the system, you thereby create a condition record (or change a previously existing one).


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Unit 1: Basics of Price Determination


Condition tables reference condition records. Condition tables enable you to vary the key structure of condition records. A condition table defines the combination of fields (key) that characterize the dependencies/factors of an individual condition record. A condition table is comprised of a key part (with one or more partial keys) and a data part. The data part contains the number of the condition record, which itself is stored in another table.

Figure 5: Condition Tables

The SAP standard contains various condition tables. You can either use the standard tables or create new condition tables to meet the needs of your own organization. Condition tables are defined in Customizing. Examples of condition tables and their key fields – in addition to the Condition Type field – in the SAP standard: • • • •


Table A018: Table A017: category Table A066: order unit Table A068:

Vendor, material, purchasing organization, info record category Vendor, material, purchasing organization, plant, info record Vendor, material, purchasing organization, info record category, Purchasing document, item, plant (for outline agreements)

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Lesson: Basics of Price Determination

Condition records are stored in the following transparent tables, for example: • • • •

KONP (time-dependent item conditions) KONH (header conditions) KONM (quantity scales for header and item conditions) KONW (vales scales for header and item conditions)

Access Sequences The access sequence is a search strategy by means of which you specify the order in which condition tables are to be searched for valid condition records for a condition type. The access sequence consists of one or more accesses. The sequence of those accesses defines the sequence of the condition tables to be searched, and thereby the priority of the individual condition records.

Figure 6: Access Sequence

The Exclusion indicator causes the system to stop searching for additional records after the first successful access of a condition record in an access sequence. In other words, the search for further valid entries in (other) condition tables is interrupted if an access was successful and a relevant entry was found. You define the preconditions according to which the SAP system searches certain condition tables for relevant entries via requirement routines. Certain condition tables are only accessed if the document item meets certain criteria.


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Unit 1: Basics of Price Determination


A condition type must have an access sequence assigned to it if you want to maintain conditions with their own validity periods (for example, condition type PB00). In the case of a condition type for a gross price, you can specify that the R/3 System is first to search for a plant-specific price – it is to search for a general, cross-plant price only if it cannot find a plant-specific one. Some condition types for discounts and surcharges (for example, RA00 and ZA00) have no access sequences assigned to them. The conditions for these discounts and surcharges are always maintained as supplementary conditions at the same time as the gross price (PB00) – for example in the info record or in a contract item –, or they are only intended for manual entry, for instance in a purchase order. The period of the main condition of a condition type always applies to the supplementary conditions. A condition type with the Header condit. indicator which is not simultaneously subject to the Item condition indicator cannot have an access sequence assigned to it.

Calculation Schema A calculation schema constitutes a set of rules for determining the purchase price. The calculation schema groups together all condition types that exert an influence in determining the price for a particular transaction. It defines the sequence in which the condition types are processed and thus the order in which they flow into the net/effective price calculation.

Figure 7: calculation schema


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Lesson: Basics of Price Determination

In the calculation schema you can enter requirements governing the use of the individual conditions. In the calculation schema you define which discounts and surcharges are included in the calculation of net price and effective price. The standard differentiates between the following prices: • • •

Gross price: Price excluding any possible discounts or surcharges (base price) Net price: Price including discounts, surcharges, and taxes Effective price: Net price less or plus delivery (incidental procurement) costs, cash discount, and miscellaneous provisions for accrued costs or rebates

In the calculation schema you also define the basis upon which the system calculates percentage discounts and surcharges You can define this with your entry for from-reference step. The from-reference step can also be combined with a to-reference step. In the calculation schema you define which subtotals are to be added up and for which condition types and levels the condition values in which fields are to be stored for the calculation of subtotals. In the calculation schema, a condition type can be identified as a: •

required condition You set this indicator for a condition type if it should always be used in price determination. In the standard, no condition type is flagged as “required” for pricing in purchasing.

Manually entered condition You set this indicator for a condition type if it is only to be entered manually. If a condition type is flagged as “manual”, the system does not search for valid condition records. Examples of this are condition types for delivery costs and for header discounts and surcharges.

Statistical condition You set this indicator for a condition type for a discount or surcharge if you do not want the condition type to change the value. Examples of this are condition types for delivery costs and for non-deductible input taxes.

You can define different calculation schemas, for example for the individual purchasing organizations and groups of vendors. In the standard, schema RM0000 is designated for price determination in purchase orders and other purchasing documents with time-independent conditions.


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Unit 1: Basics of Price Determination


Price Determination Analysis and New Price Determination While processing purchase orders, you can obtain information about the details and origin of conditions: • •

If you execute the condition details function for a condition type, the condition class, calculation type and other information is displayed. For the conditions determined from a condition record, you can display the condition record. So you can see a price-quantity scale, for example, if there happens to be one.

Figure 8: Price Determination Analysis and New Price Determination

You can call a new price determination with the various processing options. A new price determination with the indicator B is useful for the subsequent updating of the conditions of an info record, for instance.


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Lesson: Basics of Price Determination

The analysis of price determination enables you to obtain information about the Customizing settings for this particular document and about the results of the price determination. The analysis provides you with the following information: • •

• • • •

The calculation schema used (for example, schema RM0000) as well as all condition types contained within it The access sequences of the condition types (for example, access sequence 0002 for condition type PB00) and the individual condition tables (accesses) searched by the program The information that the program found/failed to find a valid condition record The number, the key (the combination of fields utilized) and the details on the found condition records The information that a condition type is flagged as a manual condition Information about unfulfilled requirements

Condition Sequence The step numbers of the condition types in the calculation schema determine the sequence (order) in which the condition types are taken into account in the calculation of the net or effective price. This sequence cannot be changed in the document even if the condition types are entered manually. So the program changes the sequence of, say, manually entered condition types according to the step numbers (and only the step numbers) in the calculation schema.


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Unit 1: Basics of Price Determination


Figure 9: Condition Sequence

Condition types assigned to the same step in the calculation schema are placed in the calculation schema via a counter. With these condition types, the order of manual entry decides the point at which the condition type is taken into account in the calculation of the net or effective price. So the program does not change the sequence of, say, manually entered conditions for condition types of the same step.

Scales For each condition type, by specifying a scale basis you can define how any price-quantity scales you may have can be specified. You can also define the scale type, as well as a check of whether scale amounts are to be entered in ascending or descending order.

Quantity and Value Scales When you create a condition record for a condition type, you can also define a price-quantity scale. With a scale based on quantity, for example, you can take account of the fact that a vendor of a particular material demands a quantity-dependent price. You can also maintain scales in the condition records for discounts and surcharges. Scaled conditions consist of one or more scale levels. Each scale level consists of a scale value and a scale amount depending on the latter.


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Lesson: Basics of Price Determination

Figure 10: Quantity and Value Scales

The scale type and the scale basis for a scale are defined for the condition type in Customizing. The scale type defines how the scale value or percentage is to be used. For pricing in purchasing, the following scale types can be used: • • •

Scale type A (Base-scale)(the scale amount is valid upwards of a certain quantity or value) Scale type B (To-scale)(the scale amount is valid up to a certain quantity or value) Scale type D (Graduated-to interval scale)(the scale amount is valid for an interval of quantities or values)

If no scale type has been assigned to a condition type in Customizing, you can specify whether the scale is to be maintained as a From or To scale before entering the lines of the scale. Scale type D (interval scale) cannot be selected manually. You specify how the system is to interpret the price scale for a condition type by means of the scale basis. For example, the scale can relate to a money value (scale basis B), a quantity, (scale basis C), a weight (scale basis D or E), or points. Scaled conditions are stored in the tables KONM and KONW.


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Unit 1: Basics of Price Determination


Interval Scales You can also maintain condition records with interval scales. Using an interval scale allows you to set different prices on each level of a pricing scale. With normal scales, by contrast, a price is determined which is dependent on the item quantity, for example. In that case, the same price applies to every unit of the item. With interval scales, the result is that multiples prices can appear in the pricing screen for an individual item.

Figure 11: Interval Scales

The indicator for the interval scale scale type must be assigned to a condition type in Customizing.

Exercise Data Notes on Exercises All exercises in this course – with the exception of the procurement of services – deal with the procurement of stock material. Thus you should always – unless explicitly instructed otherwise – use the following definitions: • • •


Order type NB (standard purchase order) Item category standard Info record category standard

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Lesson: Basics of Price Determination

The first time you call the transaction Create Purchase Order Vendor/Supplying Plant Known (transaction ME21N), configure your Personal Settings (company code 1000, purchasing organization 1000 and purchasing group Z51). Also take the opportunity to work with favorites to simplify the process of calling the transaction. Add the transactions you use frequently in the course to your favorites. Add to Favorites To do so, select the transaction with the cursor and click the icon. These transactions include: •

Execute Project (transaction SPRO) Tools

→ Customizing → IMG → Execute Project

Create Info Record (transaction ME11)

→ →

Logistics Materials Management Record Create

→ Vendor/Supplying Plant Known (transaction ME21N) Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Create → Vendor/Supplying Plant Known

Create Purchase Order

Maintain Discounts and Surcharges by Vendor (transaction MEKE)

→ →

Materials Management Logistics Conditions Discounts/Surcharges •

→ Purchasing → Master Data → → By Vendor

Create other conditions (transaction MEK1)

→ →

Logistics Materials Management Conditions Other Create


→ Purchasing → Master Data → Info

→ Purchasing → Master Data →

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Unit 1: Basics of Price Determination


In many exercises, you will have to make or display Customizing settings as well as call application transactions. You should therefore always work with two sessions to simplify the process of calling individual functions. •

Session 1 You should call the project in the first session (transaction SPRO). You can work with the SAP Reference IMG or with project 200, view SCM521 Price Determination & Conditions. To simplify the process of calling the Customizing structure and navigation during exercises, you can work with the project view SCM521 Price Determination & Conditions. From the SAP Easy Access screen, choose: Tools

→ Customizing → IMG → Execute Project

You can add Customizing projects and views to your worklist by doing the following on the My Customizing Worklist screen: Add to Worklist and select view SCM521 Price Choose the icon Determination & Conditions of project 200. Then choose Copy (Enter). You can then define this view as the standard project/view: In your worklist, select the line with the project view SCM521 Price Determination & Conditions, then go to the menu bar and choose: Execute •

→ Project → Default Project/View

Session 2 Session 2 is where you should call the application transactions – for example to test your Customizing settings.

Note also that in the exercises, in general, there is no separate instruction to end the transaction(s). Where appropriate, you are simply informed that the subsequent task builds on the same transaction or Customizing activity. Data Used in the Exercises


Type of Data


Name of Data in the Training System

Group number


Company code



Purchasing organization


IDES Germany

Purchasing group


SCM521 Buyer

Order type


Standard purchase order

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Lesson: Basics of Price Determination

Type of Data


Name of Data in the Training System

Item category



Info rec. cat.




100011001200 Plant HamburgDresdenBerlin




Material group


Material group SCM521


T-K521A## T-K521B##TK521C## T-K521D## T-K521E##

Fa. Humpert u. Töchter GmbHFa. Nordspeed GmbHFa. Jotachi Deutschland AGFa. KreutzschmiFa. Grosshandel-Baden



Oil seal M1/D6 JW 57-190 HD GLAD BOY Front fork Rocker bearing GE 180 UK-2RS HD GLAD BOY Exhaust pipe 78 dB Personal computer

Tax code0%Tax code10%


Input tax (training course) 0% Input tax (training course) 10%

Cost centers


Corporate Services Procurement

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Unit 1: Basics of Price Determination


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Lesson: Basics of Price Determination

Exercise 1: Basics of Price Determination Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Describe the elements of the condition technique and their interaction • Examine differences between and maintenance of time-dependent and time-independent conditions • Define important control parameters for condition types and calculation schemas

Business Example Your purchasing department needs a method for storing and determining the purchase prices for materials. In the SAP system, the condition technique is used for price determination in MM. You want to learn more about SAP price determination. The technique is based on conditions that are described via condition types, stored in condition records and condition tables, found by means of access sequences, and arranged in calculation schemas.

Task 1: Purchasing Info Record You require material T-REK## in several plants. You have agreed to the following conditions for this material with vendor T-K521A## and want to enter them in the SAP system. 1.

Create a plant-independent purchasing info record (standard info record category) with the following data: Vendor:




Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Planned delivery time:

10 days

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Standard quantity:


Gross price (PB00):

EUR 9.90/PC from 1 pc EUR 9.50/PC from 100 pc EUR 9.00/PC from 500 pc Continued on next page


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Unit 1: Basics of Price Determination

Discount % on net (RA00):


1 % from 1 pc upwards 2 % from 500 pc upwards

Freight (Value) FRB1:

EUR 50.00

The conditions are valid until the end of next year. Save the info record. Info record number:


Task 2: Vendor discount Vendor T-K521A## also grants purchase organization 1000 a scaled discount on all materials for a limited period of time. 1.

Create a condition record for this vendor discount with the following data: - 3% from a value of 1,000 EUR upwards - 4% from a value of 5,000 EUR upwards - 5% from a value of 9,000 EUR upwards The discount is valid for a period of four weeks, starting today. Save the condition record.

Task 3: Purchase Order Check the adoption of conditions from the info record and the general conditions. 1.

Create a new purchase order with the following data. The delivery date for both items is two weeks from today's date. Vendor:


Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Item 10: Material:



120 PC


1000 (Hamburg plant) Continued on next page


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Lesson: Basics of Price Determination

Item 20: Material:



560 PC


1100 (Berlin)

Hint: Only save the purchase order once you have conducted the following subtasks. 2.

Do you have to enter a purchase order price?


Check the conditions for both items and determine the amounts/percentages for all condition types. Record the results in the following table. Item 10

Item 20

Gross price (per 1 pc) Discount % on Net Vendor discount Net price incl. discount (per 1 pc) Freight surcharge Cash disc. Effective price (per 1 pc) 4.

Display the origin of the condition values of both items by displaying the individual condition records and the details of each. Record the results in the following table. Item 10

Item 20

Gross price Discount % on Net Continued on next page


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Unit 1: Basics of Price Determination


Vendor discount Freight surcharge Cash disc. Save the purchase order. Purchase order number:


Task 4: Condition Types Take a look at the Customizing settings for the individual condition types. 1.

Display the Customizing settings for the following condition types and determine the specified control parameters. Record the results in the following table. Condition type

Access Cond. Sequence class

Calc. type

CondiPlus/mition cate- nus gory

PB00 RA00 RB00 RC00 RL01 FRB1 SKTO Display the meaning of this indicator using the F4 input values. Exit this Customizing activity and return to the IMG structure.

Task 5: Purchasing Info Record You also procure material T-REL## from your vendor T-K521A## and have agreed to he following terms, which you want to enter in the SAP system. 1.

Create another plant-independent purchasing info record (standard info record category) with the following data:

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Basics of Price Determination





Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Planned delivery time:

10 days

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Standard quantity:

120 PC

For this material, you have negotiated the following conditions with your vendor, which are valid indefinitely: Gross price:

EUR 120.00/PC

Discount % on gross:



2.00 EUR/box (from 1 box) 5.00 EUR/box (from 10 boxes) 10.00 EUR/box (from 50 boxes)

Hint: Use the unit of measure BOX for boxes. Be sure to scale the discount/quantity by box, not pieces. Discount (Value):

EUR 20.00 from 1 pc EUR 120.00 from 500 pc

Discount % on net: 2.

1.5 %

What discount condition types did you use for the above conditions? Discount % on Gross:




Discount (Value):


Discount % on Net:


Was the sequence of condition types changed by the program after you entered them? ______________________________________________________________ Continued on next page


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Unit 1: Basics of Price Determination


Save the info record. Info record number:


Task 6: Calculation Schema (Optional) Find out which indicators the condition types from the previous task have in the calculation schema. 1.

Display calculation schema RM0000 and determine the sequence of the following discount condition types as well as the data for the determination of the basis amount for the percentage discount. Select all the lines with the specified condition types Select results in the following table. Condition type



→ All. Record the



RB00 RC00 RA00 RA01 HB01 RL01 RGR0

Task 7: Purchase Order (Optional) 1.

Create a new purchase order with the following data: Vendor:


Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Delivery date:

8 weeks from today

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Basics of Price Determination

Order 500 pcs of material T-REL## for plant 1000. Hint: Only save the purchase order once you have conducted the following subtasks. 2.

Check the conditions of your purchase order item. Compare the sequence of discount conditions with the sequence of these conditions in the info record and in the calculation schema. In which sequence are the discount conditions adopted in the purchase order?


Is the sequence of discount conditions in the purchase order identical to the sequence of those conditions in calculation schema RM0000?


What conversion factor was used for the conversion between the units of measure piece (PC) and box (BOX)? Where does this value come from? 1 BOX = _______ PC


What is the effective price per piece? ______________________________________________________________ Save the purchase order. Purchase order number:



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Unit 1: Basics of Price Determination


Solution 1: Basics of Price Determination Task 1: Purchasing Info Record You require material T-REK## in several plants. You have agreed to the following conditions for this material with vendor T-K521A## and want to enter them in the SAP system. 1.

Create a plant-independent purchasing info record (standard info record category) with the following data: Vendor:




Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Planned delivery time:

10 days

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Standard quantity:


Gross price (PB00):

EUR 9.90/PC from 1 pc EUR 9.50/PC from 100 pc EUR 9.00/PC from 500 pc

Discount % on net (RA00):

1 % from 1 pc upwards 2 % from 500 pc upwards

Freight (Value) FRB1:

EUR 50.00

The conditions are valid until the end of next year. Save the info record. Info record number: a)


From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Materials Management Logistics Info Record Create

→ Purchasing → Master Data →

Enter the following data on the initial screen:

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Basics of Price Determination





Purchasing organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)


Leave blank

Choose the info record category Standard. Continue icon.

Select the

Choose Purch. Org. Data 1. Enter the following data on the Purch. Org. Data 1 screen: Planned deliv. time


Purchasing group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Standard quantity


Net price

9.90 EUR/PC

Choose Conditions. Enter the following data on the Conditions screen: Conditions

Cond. type


Gross price


9.90 EUR/PC (this amount is automatically adopted from the Purch. Org. Data 1 screen)

Discount % on Net



Freight absolute



Check the validity period. Change the validity start of validity to the current date (the current date is the standard default). For the end of validity, enter 12/31 of the next year. Select the

Continue icon.

Maintain scale values for the gross price. Continued on next page


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Unit 1: Basics of Price Determination


First select the Gross Price line (PB00). Choose the Details icon and check the scale type. The indicator for the scale type must be A (Base-scale). Select the

Scales icon

Enter the following data: Scale quantity

Amount 1 PC 9.90 EUR/PC (already the default value) 100 PC 9.50 EUR/PC 500 PC 9.00 EUR/PC

Select the

Continue icon.

Choose the Back icon to return to the main screen for condition maintenance. Maintain scale values for the discount on the net. Select the line Discount % on Net (RA00). Choose the Details icon and check the scale type. The indicator for the scale type must be A (Base-scale). Select the

Scales icon

Enter the following data: Scale Quantity

Amount 1 PC 1 % (is already the default value) 500 PC 2 %

Select the

Continue icon.

Choose the Back icon to return to the main screen for condition maintenance. For condition types PB00 and RA00, the Scales indicator is set. Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon. Continued on next page


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Lesson: Basics of Price Determination

Task 2: Vendor discount Vendor T-K521A## also grants purchase organization 1000 a scaled discount on all materials for a limited period of time. 1.

Create a condition record for this vendor discount with the following data: - 3% from a value of 1,000 EUR upwards - 4% from a value of 5,000 EUR upwards - 5% from a value of 9,000 EUR upwards The discount is valid for a period of four weeks, starting today. Save the condition record. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Logistics Materials Management Conditions Discounts/Surcharges

→ Purchasing → Master Data → → By Vendor

Enter the following data on the initial screen: Purchasing organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)



Scope of list

0001 (note that this is already entered as the default)

Choose the

Execute icon.

Depending on whether you want to display list displays in purchasing with or without ALV Grid Control (user parameter ME_USE_GRID), different list displays are displayed. •

List displays in purchasing without ALV Grid Control (ME_USE_GRID = '_') The condition type RL01 Vendor Discount % is displayed along with the key combination purchasing organization 1000 and vendor T-K521A##. Select the row with the purchasing organization 1000 and the vendor number T-K521A## by placing the cursor on it. Choose the

Create icon.

List displays in purchasing with ALV Grid Control (ME_USE_GRID = X) Continued on next page


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Unit 1: Basics of Price Determination


Select the row with the vendor number T-K521A## , the purchasing organization 1000 and condition type RL01 by placing the cursor on it. New header comb. icon.

Choose the

The following overview appears: Create Vendor Discount % (RL01): Fast Entry. The vendor number is proposed in a field on the first row. Select this row and choose the Details icon. Check the scale type. The indicator for the Scales icon scale type must be A (Base-scale). Select the Enter the following data: Scale quantity

Amount EUR 1,000

3 %

EUR 5,000

4 %

EUR 9,000

5 %

Check the validity period. Change the validity start of validity to the current date (the current date is the standard default). Change the end of validity date to today in four weeks. Select the Choose the

Save icon. Back icon.

Task 3: Purchase Order Check the adoption of conditions from the info record and the general conditions. 1.

Create a new purchase order with the following data. The delivery date for both items is two weeks from today's date. Vendor:


Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Basics of Price Determination

Item 10: Material:



120 PC


1000 (Hamburg plant)

Item 20: Material:



560 PC


1100 (Berlin)

Hint: Only save the purchase order once you have conducted the following subtasks. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Create Vendor/Supplying Plant Known

→ Purchase Order →

Enter the following data in the header data of the purchase order: Vendor


Document date


Choose the

Expand Header icon as appropriate.

In the header details on the Org. Data tab page, enter the following data: Purchasing organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Company code

1000 (IDES AG)

Choose the appropriate.

Collapse Header icon and the

Expand Items icon as

Enter the following data in the item overview area of the purchase order:

Continued on next page


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Unit 1: Basics of Price Determination




PO Quantity

Delivery Date



120 PC

2 weeks from 1000 today



560 PC

2 weeks from 1100 today

Choose the 2.


Continue icon.

Do you have to enter a purchase order price? Answer: No. The purchase order price is adopted from your cross-plant info record.


Check the conditions for both items and determine the amounts/percentages for all condition types. Record the results in the following table. Item 10

Item 20

Gross price (per 1 pc) Discount % on Net Vendor discount Net price incl. discount (per 1 pc)

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Basics of Price Determination

Freight surcharge Cash disc. Effective price (per 1 pc) a)


Take a look at the item details. Choose the Expand Item Details icon. Choose the Conditions tab page. Choose your two items one after the other. Item 10

Item 20

Gross price (per 1 pc)

EUR 9.50

EUR 9.00

Discount % on Net



Vendor discount



Net price incl. discount (per 1 pc)

EUR 9.12

EUR 8.46

Freight surcharge

EUR 50.00

EUR 50.00

Cash disc.



Effective price (per 1 pc)

EUR 9.26

EUR 8.30

Display the origin of the condition values of both items by displaying the individual condition records and the details of each. Record the results in the following table. Item 10

Item 20

Gross price Discount % on Net Vendor discount Freight surcharge Cash disc. Save the purchase order.

Continued on next page


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Unit 1: Basics of Price Determination


Purchase order number: a)


In each case, select a condition type (row). Condition rec.. This enables you to display the previously Choose created condition record, if the condition was determined from a condition record. Choose the

Back icon.

Condition detail icon and then determine the value of the Choose the field Condit. origin. Choose the

Back icon. Item 10

Item 20

Gross price

Automatic pricing (info record)

Automatic pricing (info record)

Discount % on Net

Condition supplement (info record)

Condition supplement (info record)

Vendor discount

Automatic pricing (general conditions)

Automatic pricing (general conditions)

Freight surcharge

Condition supplement (info record)

Condition supplement (info record)

Cash disc.

Condition type STKO is not determined via condition records

Select the Choose the

Copy icon. Back icon.

Task 4: Condition Types Take a look at the Customizing settings for the individual condition types. 1.

Display the Customizing settings for the following condition types and determine the specified control parameters. Record the results in the following table.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Basics of Price Determination

Condition type

Access Cond. Sequence class

Calc. type

CondiPlus/mition cate- nus gory

PB00 RA00 RB00 RC00 RL01 FRB1 SKTO Display the meaning of this indicator using the F4 input values. Exit this Customizing activity and return to the IMG structure. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 1) choose: Tools

→ Customizing → IMG → Execute Project

Choose SAP Reference IMG if necessary. In the Customizing structure, choose: Materials Management Determination Process Choose the

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Define Condition Types

IMG – Activity icon.

In the dialog box, choose Define Condition Type. Press Place the cursor on the table entry PB00: Choose PB00. Choose Continue.


Position..., and enter

Select the row with condition type PB00 and choose the

Details icon.

Check the detail information below for the other condition types as well. Details Position the cursor on a condition type, select it and choose the icon.

Continued on next page


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Unit 1: Basics of Price Determination


Condition Type

Access Sequence

Cond. class

Calc. type

Condition category












































Display the meanings of the individual indicators for the Control data 1 group using the F4 input values. Condition class:


Discount or surcharge



... Calculation type:




Fixed amount



... Condition category:


Delivery costs


Cash disc.



... Plus/minus:

Choose the






Positive and negative

Close icon.

Close the dialog box. Choose the

Exit icon.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Basics of Price Determination

Task 5: Purchasing Info Record You also procure material T-REL## from your vendor T-K521A## and have agreed to he following terms, which you want to enter in the SAP system. 1.

Create another plant-independent purchasing info record (standard info record category) with the following data: Vendor:




Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Planned delivery time:

10 days

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Standard quantity:

120 PC

For this material, you have negotiated the following conditions with your vendor, which are valid indefinitely: Gross price:

EUR 120.00/PC

Discount % on gross:



2.00 EUR/box (from 1 box) 5.00 EUR/box (from 10 boxes) 10.00 EUR/box (from 50 boxes)

Hint: Use the unit of measure BOX for boxes. Be sure to scale the discount/quantity by box, not pieces. Discount (Value):

EUR 20.00 from 1 pc EUR 120.00 from 500 pc

Discount % on net: a)

1.5 %

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Materials Management Logistics Info Record Create

→ Purchasing → Master Data →

Enter the following data: Continued on next page


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Unit 1: Basics of Price Determination






Purchasing organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)


Leave blank

Choose the info record category Standard. Choose Purch. Org. Data 1. Enter the following data: Planned deliv. time


Purchasing group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Standard quantity


Net price

120 EUR/PC

Choose Conditions. Enter the following data: Condition

Cond. type


Gross price


120 EUR/PC (this amount is automatically adopted from the Purch. Org. Data 1 screen)

Discount % on gross





2.00 EUR per BOX

Absolute discount


EUR 20.00

Discount % on net


1.5 %

Hint: Use the unit of measure BOX for boxes. Be sure to scale the discount/quantity by box, not pieces. Check the validity period. Change the validity start of validity to the current date (the current date is the standard default). Continued on next page


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Lesson: Basics of Price Determination

If necessary, enter end of validity 12/31/9999 (this date is the standard default). Select the

Continue icon.

Maintain scale values for the gross price. First select the row Discount/Quantity(RC00). Choose the Details icon and check the scale type. The indicator for the scale type must be A (Base-scale). Select the

Scales icon

Enter the following data: Scale quantity

Amount 1 BOX 2.00 EUR/BOX (already the default value) 10 BOX 5.00 EUR/BOX 50 BOX 10.00 EUR/BOX

Hint: Note that the unit of measure BOX must also be entered for the scale quantity. Select the

Continue icon.

Choose the Back icon to return to the main screen for condition maintenance. Maintain the scale values for the absolute discount. Select the line Discount (Value) (RB00). Choose the Details icon and check the scale type. The indicator for the scale type must be A (Base-scale). Select the

Scales icon

Enter the following data: Scale quantity

Amount 1 PC 20.00 EUR (already the default value) 500 PC EUR 120.00

Continued on next page


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Unit 1: Basics of Price Determination

Select the


Continue icon.

Back icon to return to the main screen for condition Choose the maintenance. 2.

What discount condition types did you use for the above conditions? Discount % on Gross:




Discount (Value):


Discount % on Net:


Was the sequence of condition types changed by the program after you entered them? ______________________________________________________________ Save the info record. Info record number: a)


You can use the following standard condition types for entering discount conditions. Discount % on Gross:




Discount (Value):


Discount % on Net:


No, the sequence of condition types corresponds to the entry sequence. Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Basics of Price Determination

Task 6: Calculation Schema (Optional) Find out which indicators the condition types from the previous task have in the calculation schema. 1.

Display calculation schema RM0000 and determine the sequence of the following discount condition types as well as the data for the determination of the basis amount for the percentage discount. Select all the lines with the specified condition types Select results in the following table. Condition type




→ All. Record the To

RB00 RC00 RA00 RA01

Continued on next page


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Unit 1: Basics of Price Determination


Condition type





HB01 RL01 RGR0 a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 1) choose: Tools

→ Customizing → IMG → Execute Project

Choose SAP Reference IMG if necessary. In the Customizing structure, choose: Materials Management Determination Process Choose the

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Define Calculation Schema

IMG – Activity icon.

Display the details of calculation schema RM000. Select this schema and choose Control in the dialog structure with a double-click. Condition type





























Choose the

Exit icon.

Task 7: Purchase Order (Optional) 1.

Create a new purchase order with the following data:

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Basics of Price Determination



Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Delivery date:

8 weeks from today

Order 500 pcs of material T-REL## for plant 1000. Hint: Only save the purchase order once you have conducted the following subtasks. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Create Vendor/Supplying Plant Known

→ Purchase Order →

Enter the following data in the header data of the purchase order: Vendor


Document date


Select the

Continue icon.

In the header details on the Org. Data tab page, enter the following data: Purchasing organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Company code

1000 (IDES AG)

Enter the following data in the Item overview area of the purchase order: Item


PO Quantity

Delivery date Plant



500 PC

8 weeks from 1000 today

Select the

Continue icon.

Take a look at the item details. Choose the Choose the Conditions tab page.

Expand Item Details icon.

Continued on next page


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Unit 1: Basics of Price Determination



Check the conditions of your purchase order item. Compare the sequence of discount conditions with the sequence of these conditions in the info record and in the calculation schema. In which sequence are the discount conditions adopted in the purchase order? Answer: First, all discount conditions from the info record were adopted in the purchase order item. The sequence of the discount conditions from the info record was not changed. Then the vendor discount was adopted from the general condition record.


Is the sequence of discount conditions in the purchase order identical to the sequence of those conditions in calculation schema RM0000? Answer: No, the discount conditions are listed in a different order in calculation schema RM0000.


What conversion factor was used for the conversion between the units of measure piece (PC) and box (BOX)? Where does this value come from? 1 BOX

= _______ PC

Answer: BOX is an alternative unit of measure maintained in the material master with the following conversion. 1 BOX = 10 PC 5.

What is the effective price per piece? ______________________________________________________________ Save the purchase order. Purchase order number: a)



The effective price is EUR 106.50 per piece. Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.

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Lesson: Basics of Price Determination

Lesson Summary You • • •


should now be able to: Describe the elements of the condition technique and their interaction Maintain and properly apply time-dependent and time- independent conditions Define important control parameters for condition types and calculation schemas

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Unit Summary


Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Describe the elements of the condition technique and their interaction • Maintain and properly apply time-dependent and time- independent conditions • Define important control parameters for condition types and calculation schemas


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Test Your Knowledge

Test Your Knowledge 1.

are agreements on prices, discounts/surcharges, taxes, payment and delivery terms. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence.


Which conditions can you use for pricing in purchasing using the condition technique? Choose the correct answer(s).

□ □ □ □ □ 3.


Terms of delivery Purchase prices Cash discount Vendor discount Terms of payment

The data for conditions for prices, discounts and surcharges are stored in . Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence.


The condition table is a combination of fields that constitutes the key for a . Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence.


The levels on which price agreements are made are predefined in the SAP system. Determine whether this statement is true or false.

□ □ 6.

True False

The scale basis for the maintenance of scaled conditions is defined in the calculation schema. Determine whether this statement is true or false.

□ □


True False

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Test Your Knowledge



In the calculation schema, a condition type can be identified as a: Choose the correct answer(s).

□ □ □ □



Automatic condition type Required condition type Manual condition type Statistical condition type

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Test Your Knowledge

Answers 1.

Conditions are agreements on prices, discounts/surcharges, taxes, payment and delivery terms. Answer: Conditions Payment and delivery terms are also conditions.


Which conditions can you use for pricing in purchasing using the condition technique? Answer: B, D Purchase prices, discounts and surcharges can be applied in pricing in purchasing using the condition technique; cash discount percentage and amount are determined via the payment terms; and for delivery and payment conditions, there are no fields.


The data for conditions for prices, discounts and surcharges are stored in condition records. Answer: condition records


The condition table is a combination of fields that constitutes the key for a condition record. Answer: condition record


The levels on which price agreements are made are predefined in the SAP system. Answer: False The levels on which price agreements are made are defined as "defaults" in the SAP system and can be adjusted.


The scale basis for the maintenance of scaled conditions is defined in the calculation schema. Answer: False The scale basis for the maintenance of scaled conditions can be defined per condition type.


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Test Your Knowledge



In the calculation schema, a condition type can be identified as a: Answer: B, C, D For the "automatic determination of conditions", an access sequence is assigned to a condition type.


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Unit 2 Condition Technique in Price Determination Unit Overview In this unit you will learn about the price determination process with the condition technique in more detail. One focus of this chapter is the use of different calculation schemas. You will learn how to use supplementary conditions and how you can direct the search for valid conditions in different tables.

Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • •

Describe how the calculation schema used is found Explain price determination using supplementary schemas and supplementary conditions Create condition types and calculation schemas using the copy function and adjust them to your enterprise-specific requirements

Unit Contents Lesson: Condition Technique in Price Determination ........................... 54 Exercise 2: New Calculation Schema ........................................ 69 Exercise 3: Price Determination with the New Calculation Schemas .... 81


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Unit 2: Condition Technique in Price Determination


Lesson: Condition Technique in Price Determination Lesson Overview In this lesson you will learn about the algorithm of the condition technique in more detail. You will see how different calculation schemas can be assigned. The relationship between supplementary schemas and supplementary conditions will be explained and detailed information on the access sequence for the gross price will be presented.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • •

Describe how the calculation schema used is found Explain price determination using supplementary schemas and supplementary conditions Create condition types and calculation schemas using the copy function and adjust them to your enterprise-specific requirements

Business Example • •

Your purchasing policy dictates that prices should automatically default into purchase orders whenever possible. Since you negotiate and agree prices with the vendors before the purchasing process starts, to simplify the purchasing process you frequently create info records and contracts.

Price Determination Overview A price determination takes place when you create a purchase order or a delivery plan with non-time-dependent conditions. The system determines the valid conditions and adopts these as default values in the new document. Here, depending on the transaction, the system searches for conditions in different data records (master data and documents): • •


In the case of purchase orders, the system searches for conditions in info records and contracts (for contract release orders), and in General Conditions. For scheduling agreements with non-time-dependent conditions, the system searches in info records and in the General Conditions (contract release orders are only permitted for scheduling agreements with time-dependent conditions).

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Lesson: Condition Technique in Price Determination

You can also create scheduling agreements with time-dependent conditions with a reference to a contract (without maintaining user-defined conditions in the scheduling agreement), so that the current conditions of the contract are always used. The price determination is conducted in several steps which will be presented in the following section. First, the relevant calculation schema is determined. For the determination of the calculation schema the vendor and purchasing organization are called to the process transaction (for example, Standard Purchase Order or Stock Transport Order).

Figure 12: Price Determination Overview (1-3)

The system searches for valid condition records for all condition types in the calculation schema that are not flagged as manual conditions and whose conditions are fulfilled. For this the program determines for each of these condition types whether an access sequence has been assigned and if so, which access sequence is assigned to the condition type.

Figure 13: Price Determination Overview (1-5)


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Unit 2: Condition Technique in Price Determination


The access sequence assigned to a condition type is initially used to determine the condition tables of this access sequence. The system searches in the condition tables determined for a valid condition record for the corresponding condition type. The search for condition records is carried out in the order specified in the access sequence by the sequence number. The search is concluded when a valid condition record is found (on the basis of the exclusive indicator).

Figure 14: Price Determination Overview (1-7)

The conditions of the valid condition record found are determined. With scaled conditions, the applicable scale level is used. In addition to the checked condition type (PB00 in the example) all supplementary conditions that may be present are adopted from the condition record without a further check. Material-specific discounts and surcharges are generally supplementary conditions for the gross price (in the standard solution for condition type PB00). A condition type that is only used as an supplementary condition does not have an access sequence assigned in Customizing. No separate price determination is carried out for supplementary conditions. They are always determined and adopted from the condition record for the gross price (or for the main condition).


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Lesson: Condition Technique in Price Determination

Determination of the Calculation Schema You can predefine how the calculation schema is determined for standard purchase orders and stock transport orders, the calculation of the market price in vendor evaluation and for external services management using Define Schema Determination.

Figure 15: Schema Determination

You have the following options with regard to schema assignment for standard purchase orders: •


You can assign a generally valid calculation schema (RM0000 in the standard system) that is applicable for all purchase orders and other purchasing documents with non-time-dependent conditions. You can – depending on the purchasing organization – use different calculation schemas. For this you assign a schema group to each purchasing organization. The assignment of the calculation schema is conducted in dependence on this schema group for the purchasing organization (among other factors). You can – depending on the vendor – use different calculation schemas. For this you assign a schema group to each vendor. The assignment of the calculation schema is also conducted in dependence on this schema group for the vendor.

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Unit 2: Condition Technique in Price Determination


The schema group comprises those purchasing organizations or vendors to whom the same calculation schema is to be assigned. Schema groups are defined in Customizing. The assignment of purchasing organizations to schema groups is also conducted in Customizing, whereas the assignment of a vendor to a schema group must be made in the relevant vendor master record. The assignment of the calculation schema for stock transport orders depends on the schema group of the purchasing organization, the document type and the supplying plant. The assignment of the calculation for the determination of the market price in vendor evaluation depends on the purchasing organization. The calculation schema for external services management depends on the document type. In this regard, you should note that a uniform calculation schema per document type must be chosen for the document types RFQ/quotation (AN), purchase requisition (NB), and purchase order (NB).

Supplementary Conditions If you create a purchase order, the program initially determines the calculation schema for documents (for example RM0000) depending on the purchasing organization and the vendors of the document. This calculation schema for documents must contain a condition type (PB00 or user-defined, comparable condition type) for the gross price.

Figure 16: Calculation Schema for Condition Type PB00 (1-2)

A calculation schema for supplementary conditions must be assigned to condition type PB00 (or your own, comparable condition type for the gross price). In the standard system, schema RM0002 is used for this purpose.


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Lesson: Condition Technique in Price Determination

This calculation schema for supplementary conditions must also contain the condition type PB00 (or the user-defined condition type for the gross price). Any number of further condition types for the supplementary conditions can also be present. All condition types of this supplementary schema (RM0002 in the standard system) should also be contained in the calculation schema for documents (RM0000 in the standard system). Condition types of the calculation schema for supplementary condition are, for example, the condition types for discounts and surcharges (ZA00, RA00, ZA01, RA01, and so on) and for freight conditions (FRA1, FRB1, and so on), for the material-specific conditions.

Figure 17: Calculation Schema for Condition Type PB00 (1-4)

The list of condition types suggested to you if you choose the Default condition supplement function when maintaining info record conditions or conditions for (time-dependent) quotation or outline agreement items is based on the calculation schema for supplementary conditions. This supplementary schema enables the simple entry of discounts and surcharges, and so on, on the basis of the info record or the quotation or outline agreement item as well as the simplified adoption of supplementary conditions in a purchase order with one single access to this condition record. Supplementary conditions always have the same validity period as the main condition.


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Unit 2: Condition Technique in Price Determination


In the standard system, no access sequence (with the exception of RA01) is assigned to the condition types of the supplementary conditions because no separate condition record has to be found for them. They do not have their own validity periods and are always maintained in conjunction with the gross price (or with another main condition). The structure of the calculation schema assigned to the standard purchase order should correspond to that of the calculation schema for supplementary conditions.

Price Determination with Reference to Contracts You can conclude vendor outline agreements for long-term purchasing relationships and therefore more favorable conditions. When you create a contract, depending on the purchasing organization of the contract, the program again determines the calculation schema for documents (for example, RM0000 and thereby the standard condition types for the gross price (PB00) and the discount from the gross (RA01). The supplementary schema RM0002 is assigned to the condition type PB00 in the standard system. You can enter concrete conditions in the contract item for all condition types of this supplementary schema. A condition record is created with the gross price and any possible further supplementary conditions when creating and saving the contract.

Figure 18: Purchase Order with Contract Reference (1)


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Lesson: Condition Technique in Price Determination

If you create a purchase order with a reference to the contract (contract release order), then the program finds the condition record for the contract item as the first valid condition record for the gross price (in the standard system) and then adopts all valid conditions (that is, including the supplementary conditions) in the purchase order.

Figure 19: Purchase Order with Contract Reference (2)

When you create a contract, the program determines the calculation schema for documents (for example, RM0000) as well as the standard condition type for the discount RA01. The supplementary schema RM0001 and also an access sequence (access sequence KB01) are assigned to condition type RA01 in the standard system. This supplementary calculation schema contains all condition types that can be maintained at contract header level such as percentage surcharges and discounts on the gross or net price. You can enter concrete conditions in the contract header for all condition types of this second supplementary schema. In this way you create another condition record when saving the contract. If you create a purchase order with a reference to the contract (contract release order), then (at item level and using access sequence KB01) the program finds the condition record for the contract header as the first valid condition record for the condition type RA01 (in the standard system) and then adopts all valid conditions in the purchase order.


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Unit 2: Condition Technique in Price Determination


Access Sequence for the Gross Price The access sequence is a search strategy with which you specify with which keys and the order in which the condition tables are to be searched for relevant entries for a condition type. The order of the accesses is determined using the order of the condition tables in the access sequence.

Figure 20: Access Sequence for Gross Price

A vendor's gross price for a material can depend on a variety of factors. There are individual condition tables with different combinations of key fields for the various influencing factors, for example: • • • • • •

Table A068: For plant-dependent gross prices in central outline agreement items Table A016: For gross prices in outline agreement items Table A067: For order-unit-dependent gross prices in plant-specific material info records Table A017: For gross prices in plant-specific material info records Table A018: For gross prices in material info records (plant independent) Table A025: For gross prices in plant-specific non-stock-material info records (info records without a material number)

You define the prerequisites according to which the system searches certain condition tables for relevant entries using requirement routines. Certain condition tables are only accessed if the document item meets certain criteria.


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Lesson: Condition Technique in Price Determination

The conditions contained in a (possibly central) contract can be adopted in a release order (purchase order with reference to contract) as well as applying to scheduling agreements with time-dependent conditions by making a reference to the contract when creating the scheduling agreement. However, in this (second) case, the conditions of the contract are not adopted in the scheduling agreement, as when posting a goods receipt, the (possibly changed) current conditions from the contract should be applied. The access sequence for the gross price must take account of this procedure. Hint: You can find further information on the subject of Conditions in scheduling agreement w/ref to RFQ in SAP Note 160630. The access sequence for the gross price should contain the following accesses in the order specified with the fields listed: •


Access 10: Condition table A068 with conditions from plant-dependent contract items and with the following fields: EVRTN


Purchasing doc.







Access 15: Condition table A016 with conditions from contract items and with the following fields: EVRTN


Purchasing doc.




Access 17: Condition table A016 with conditions from scheduling agreement items and with the following fields: EVRTN





Outline agreement item

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Unit 2: Condition Technique in Price Determination


Figure 21: Adopting Conditions from a Contract




The conditions from the contract are also adopted for the release order for the contract. The EVRTN field contains the contract number for the access to the condition table. When you create a scheduling agreement with time-dependent conditions and without a reference to the contract or maintain user-defined conditions in the scheduling agreement then no contract can be called for the price determination. In this case, when posting a goods receipt with the scheduling agreement number (field ELPAK) the condition table is accessed (for scheduling agreements with time-dependent conditions, a new price determination is always conducted for goods receipts – pricing date category 5). When you create the scheduling agreement with time-dependent conditions for plant 1200 with a reference to the central contract and do not maintain user-defined conditions in the scheduling agreement, the plant-dependent contract conditions are found with access 10, for example on receipt of goods or for list displays for the scheduling agreement. They are only called with access 17 if you maintain user-defined conditions in the scheduling agreement.

Reference Purchasing Organization Conditions are usually negotiated and maintained individually by each purchasing organization and a vendor. However, if your SAP system has been set up appropriately, your purchasing organization can make use of the conditions negotiated by another


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Lesson: Condition Technique in Price Determination

(the reference purchasing organization) or, conversely, make the conditions it has negotiated available to others. This is useful, for example, in the case of centrally agreed (national or corporate) contracts with vendors.

Figure 22: Reference Purchasing Organization (1)

In Customizing, a link must be set up between the relevant purchasing organizations. Furthermore, you must stipulate whether: • • •


It is permissible to issue release orders against contracts of the reference purchasing organization Conditions are to be adopted from info records and the general conditions of the reference purchasing organization Whether conditions from info records and general conditions for the reference purchasing organization should have priority over info records and the general conditions of the individual purchasing organization.

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Unit 2: Condition Technique in Price Determination


Figure 23: Reference Purchasing Organization (2)

If the conditions are to be adopted from info records of the reference purchasing organization, you must set up the access sequences of the price determination process in such a way that accessing of the condition tables is also carried out using the key of the reference purchasing organization. The same applies to adopting the conditions of the reference purchasing organization from the general conditions.


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Lesson: Condition Technique in Price Determination

With accesses 25 and 27 from the above example, the same condition table A017 is searched: •

With access 25 the program searches for a valid condition record with the vendor number from the document, the material number from the document item, the purchasing organization from the document, the plant from the document item and, for example, with the info record 0 for the item type Standard in the purchase order item. With access 27 the program searches for a valid condition record with the vendor number from the document, the material number from the document item, the reference purchasing organization for the purchasing organization from the document, the plant from the document item and, for example, with the info record 0 for the item type Standard in the purchase order item. Hint: Remember that the access sequences are client-independent. User-defined access sequences should be created with Z***. You can adopt the settings of the standard access sequences using the copy function and then enhance the new access sequences with new accesses.


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Unit 2: Condition Technique in Price Determination


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Lesson: Condition Technique in Price Determination

Exercise 2: New Calculation Schema Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Explain how the system finds the appropriate calculation schema • Create condition types and calculation schemas by copying existing ones.

Business Example Your purchasing policy dictates that prices should automatically default into purchase orders whenever possible. Since you negotiate with vendors and agree on prices ahead of time, you often create info records to facilitate this process. If you create a purchase order, the SAP System conducts a price determination and determines the conditions created previously. As the price determination depends on various factors, you would like to test the various control functions with new, user-defined condition types and calculation schemas.

Task 1: New Condition Type for the Gross Price For your new calculation schema you require a user-defined condition type for the gross price. Set up this condition type. 1.

Create a new condition type Z##A by copying the standard condition type PB00. Name your condition type ZP521 Gross price ##. Save your condition type. Exit this Customizing activity and return to the IMG structure.

Task 2: New Calculation Schema for Documents Create a new calculation schema for documents that is to be used for selected vendors. 1.

First read the IMG documentation for the node Define Calculation Schema. Hint: The IMG help files must be loaded in the server in order to complete step 1-2. If the IMG help is not loaded on the server, refer to the SAP Help Portal ( on the Internet.

Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Condition Technique in Price Determination



Create a new calculation schema ZM00## with the title Document Schema ZP521-##, by copying the standard calculation schema RM0000 with all dependent entries. Replace the standard condition type PB00 with your condition type Z##A. Caution: During the copying process, the SAP system will repeatedly display the warning message You should use the counter only for manual item conditions. Confirm this and all other warnings by choosing Continue every time. Save your calculation schema but do not exit this activity yet.

Task 3: New Calculation Schema for Supplementary Conditions for the Gross Price Create a new calculation schema for the supplementary conditions that you wish to maintain for the gross price. Assign this schema to your new condition type. 1.

Create a new calculation schema YM00## with the title Supplementary Conditions ZP521-##, by copying the standard calculation schema RM0002 with all dependent entries. Replace the standard condition type PB00 with your new condition type Z##A. Confirm repeatedly displayed warnings by choosing

Continue every time.

Save your calculation schema Exit this Customizing activity and return to the IMG structure. 2.

Change condition type Z##A. Assign your new calculation schema YM00## to this condition type for the maintenance of supplementary conditions. Save your change. Exit this Customizing activity and return to the IMG structure.

Task 4: Schema Determination You determine that for some of your vendors, the new document schema should be called in the purchase orders and the new schema for supplementary conditions should be called when maintaining info records. 1.

Create a new vendor schema group ## with the title Schema Group ZP521-##. Caution: For course participants belonging to group 01: Continued on next page


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Lesson: Condition Technique in Price Determination

Schema group 01 already exists in the standard system and need not be created anew. Simply change the title. Save your schema group. Exit the maintenance for vendor groups for vendors, but leave the dialog box on display. 2.

Then specify the schema determination by assigning the new calculation schema ZM00## for standard purchase orders for the combination of the purchasing organization schema group 1000 and your vendor schema group ##. Which schema group is assigned to purchasing organization 1000? ______________________________________________________________ Which entry do you make? ______________________________________________________________ Save your assignment. Exit this Customizing activity and return to the IMG structure. Caution: For course participants belonging to group 01: With schema group 01 for vendors of group 01 and the schema group of purchasing organization 1000, a document schema has already been assigned. Only change the assigned schema.


Assign your schema group ## to vendor T-K521B##, by changing the purchasing data of the vendor master record for purchasing organization 1000. Save the changed vendor master record.


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Unit 2: Condition Technique in Price Determination


Solution 2: New Calculation Schema Task 1: New Condition Type for the Gross Price For your new calculation schema you require a user-defined condition type for the gross price. Set up this condition type. 1.

Create a new condition type Z##A by copying the standard condition type PB00. Name your condition type ZP521 Gross price ##. Save your condition type. Exit this Customizing activity and return to the IMG structure. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 1) choose: Tools

→ Customizing → IMG → Execute Project

Choose SAP Reference IMG if necessary. In the Customizing structure, choose: Materials Management Determination Process Choose the

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Define Condition Types

IMG – Activity icon.

In the dialog box, choose Define Condition Type. Press Place the cursor on the table entry PB00: Choose PB00. Choose


Position..., and enter


Select the condition type PB00, and choose the Copy As... icon. Specify the key Z##A and the designation ZP521 Gross price-## and choose Copy (Enter) icon. the Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Exit icon.

Close the dialog box. Choose the

Cancel icon.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Condition Technique in Price Determination

Task 2: New Calculation Schema for Documents Create a new calculation schema for documents that is to be used for selected vendors. 1.

First read the IMG documentation for the node Define Calculation Schema. Hint: The IMG help files must be loaded in the server in order to complete step 1-2. If the IMG help is not loaded on the server, refer to the SAP Help Portal ( on the Internet. a)

In the Customizing structure (session 1), choose: Materials Management Determination Process Choose the

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Define Calculation Schema

IMG activity documentation icon.

Close the window with the documentation. 2.

Create a new calculation schema ZM00## with the title Document Schema ZP521-##, by copying the standard calculation schema RM0000 with all dependent entries. Replace the standard condition type PB00 with your condition type Z##A. Caution: During the copying process, the SAP system will repeatedly display the warning message You should use the counter only for manual item conditions. Confirm this and all other warnings by choosing Continue every time.

Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Condition Technique in Price Determination


Save your calculation schema but do not exit this activity yet. a)

In the Customizing structure (session 1), choose: Materials Management Determination Process Choose the

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Define Calculation Schema

IMG – Activity icon.

Copy As... Select the calculation schema RM0000, and choose the icon. Specify the key ZM00## and the description Document Schema Copy icon. ZP521-## and choose the When executing the copying process, choose copy all if you are requested to make a selection in a dialog box. Select your new schema and choose the Control data level in the dialog structure with a double-click. Replace the standard condition type PB00 with your condition type Z##A. Choose the

Save icon.

Return to the schema overview with a double-click in the dialog structure.

Task 3: New Calculation Schema for Supplementary Conditions for the Gross Price Create a new calculation schema for the supplementary conditions that you wish to maintain for the gross price. Assign this schema to your new condition type. 1.

Create a new calculation schema YM00## with the title Supplementary Conditions ZP521-##, by copying the standard calculation schema RM0002 with all dependent entries. Replace the standard condition type PB00 with your new condition type Z##A. Confirm repeatedly displayed warnings by choosing

Continue every time.

Save your calculation schema

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Condition Technique in Price Determination

Exit this Customizing activity and return to the IMG structure. a)

If required, in the Customizing structure (session 1), choose: Materials Management Determination Process Choose the

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Define Calculation Schema

IMG – Activity icon.

Copy As... icon. Select the calculation schema RM0002, and choose the Specify the key YM00## and the designation Supplementary Conditions Enter icon. ZP521-## and choose the When executing the copying process, choose Copy All if you are requested to make a selection in a dialog box. Select your new schema and choose the Control level in the dialog structure with a double-click. Replace the standard condition type PB00 with your condition type Z##A.


Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Exit icon.

Change condition type Z##A. Assign your new calculation schema YM00## to this condition type for the maintenance of supplementary conditions. Save your change.

Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Condition Technique in Price Determination


Exit this Customizing activity and return to the IMG structure. a)

In the Customizing structure (session 1), choose: Materials Management Determination Process Choose the

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Define Condition Types

IMG – Activity icon.

In the dialog box, choose Define Condition Type. Press Place the cursor on the table entry Z##A: Choose Z##A. Choose Continue.


Position..., and enter

Details icon. Enter Select the condition type Z##A, and choose the the calculation schema YM00## as the schema for the supplementary conditions. Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Exit icon.

Close the dialog box. Choose the

Cancel icon.

Task 4: Schema Determination You determine that for some of your vendors, the new document schema should be called in the purchase orders and the new schema for supplementary conditions should be called when maintaining info records. 1.

Create a new vendor schema group ## with the title Schema Group ZP521-##. Caution: For course participants belonging to group 01: Schema group 01 already exists in the standard system and need not be created anew. Simply change the title. Save your schema group.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Condition Technique in Price Determination

Exit the maintenance for vendor groups for vendors, but leave the dialog box on display. a)

In the Customizing structure (session 1), choose: Materials Management Determination Process Choose the

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Define Schema Group

IMG – Activity icon.

In the dialog box, choose Schema Groups: Vendor. Press


Choose New Entries. Make an entry with the key ## and the title Schema Group ZP521-##.


Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Exit icon.

Then specify the schema determination by assigning the new calculation schema ZM00## for standard purchase orders for the combination of the purchasing organization schema group 1000 and your vendor schema group ##. Which schema group is assigned to purchasing organization 1000? ______________________________________________________________ Which entry do you make? ______________________________________________________________ Save your assignment. Exit this Customizing activity and return to the IMG structure. Caution: For course participants belonging to group 01:

Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Condition Technique in Price Determination


With schema group 01 for vendors of group 01 and the schema group of purchasing organization 1000, a document schema has already been assigned. Only change the assigned schema. a)

If required, in the Customizing structure (session 1), choose: Materials Management Determination Process Choose the

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Define Schema Group

IMG – Activity icon.

In the dialog box, choose Assignment of Schema Group to Purchasing Choose. Organization. Press Schema group “_” (blank) is assigned to purchasing organization 1000. Choose the

Exit icon.

Close the dialog box. Choose the b)

Cancel icon.

In the Customizing structure (session 1), choose: Materials Management Determination Process Choose the

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Define Schema Determination

IMG – Activity icon.

In the dialog box, choose Determine Calculation Schema for Standard Choose. Purchase Orders. Press Choose New Entries. Enter the following entry: Schema Grp. POrg

Sch.Grp. Vndr

Proc. Schema

'_' (blank)



Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Exit icon.

Close the dialog box. Choose the 3.

Cancel icon.

Assign your schema group ## to vendor T-K521B##, by changing the purchasing data of the vendor master record for purchasing organization 1000.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Condition Technique in Price Determination

Save the changed vendor master record. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Materials Management Purchasing Logistics Vendor Purchasing Change (Current)

→ Master Data →

Enter the following data on the initial screen: Vendor


Purchasing organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Select Purchasing Data. Choose the

Continue icon.

Enter the following data: Schema Group: Vendor


Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.


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Unit 2: Condition Technique in Price Determination


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Lesson: Condition Technique in Price Determination

Exercise 3: Price Determination with the New Calculation Schemas Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Analyze and understand price determination with the new condition types and calculation schemas

Business Example When a buyer creates a purchase order, you’d like the SAP System to determine the correct price from a condition record.

Task 1: Purchase Order with New Document Schema You wish to purchase material T-REL## from your vendor T-K521B##. 1.

Create a new purchase order with the following data: Vendor:


Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing Group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Delivery date:

4 weeks from today

Order 100 PC of material T-REL## for plant Hamburg (1000) at a price of EUR 100 per PC. Hint: Save the purchase order once you have conducted the following subtasks. 2.

Why do you have to enter the price manually?


Which condition type has been assigned to the manually entered price? Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Condition Technique in Price Determination



Which calculation schema has been determined for your purchase order? ______________________________________________________________ Save the purchase order. Purchase order number:


Task 2: Purchasing Info Record with New Supplementary Schema When saving the purchase order you just created, a purchasing info record is automatically created. Check and change the following: 1.

Change the info record for vendor T-K521B##, material T-REL##, purchasing organization 1000, which was generated automatically from the purchase order data. Hint: Select the condition screen and remain on the condition screen of the info record for the following subtasks. Save the changes to the info record when you have completed the following subtasks.


Which condition type for the gross price does the system suggest?


You have agreed the following conditions with the vendor: Gross price:

EUR 100/PC

Discount (Value):

EUR 10 from 1 PC EUR 50 from 200 PC

Enter the conditions. Caution: If you have used the Propose condition supplements function, do not forget to use the Restore (Re-create) Condition Supplements function before saving to ensure that all conditions with a Continued on next page


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Lesson: Condition Technique in Price Determination

value of 0 are deleted from the list. Otherwise, problems are likely to occur in subsequent exercises due to a discrepancy between the condition types in the info record and the condition types in the calculation schema. Save the changed information record.

Task 3: Vendor Discount You have also negotiated the following general discount with vendor T-K521B##, which applies to all materials and is valid for four weeks, starting today. 1.

Create a condition record for this vendor discount with the following data: - 1% up to a condition value of EUR 1,000 - 2% up to a condition value of EUR 5,000 - 3% up to a condition value of EUR 999,999 Hint: Before entering the discount scale, you must change the scale type on the condition detail screen. Save the condition record.

Task 4: Purchase Order (Optional) Check the price determination using a new purchase order. 1.

Create a new purchase order with the following data: Vendor:


Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing Group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Delivery date:

2 weeks from today

Order 100 PC of material T-REL## for plant Hamburg (1000). Hint: Save the purchase order after you have completed the following subtasks. Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Condition Technique in Price Determination



Is an order price suggested? If so, what is the price?


How is the default order price calculated? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


Use the analysis function to check the origin of the conditions. Save the purchase order. Purchase order number:



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Lesson: Condition Technique in Price Determination

Solution 3: Price Determination with the New Calculation Schemas Task 1: Purchase Order with New Document Schema You wish to purchase material T-REL## from your vendor T-K521B##. 1.

Create a new purchase order with the following data: Vendor:


Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing Group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Delivery date:

4 weeks from today

Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Condition Technique in Price Determination


Order 100 PC of material T-REL## for plant Hamburg (1000) at a price of EUR 100 per PC. Hint: Save the purchase order once you have conducted the following subtasks. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (mode 2) choose:

→ →

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Create Vendor/Supplying Plant Known

→ Purchase Order →

Enter the following data in the header data of the purchase order: Vendor


Doc. date


In the header details on the Org. Data tab page, enter the following data: Purch. Org.

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purch. Group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Company Code

1000 (IDES AG)

Choose the

Enter icon.

Enter the following data in the item overview area of the purchase order:


Itm Material

PO Quantity

Deliv. Date


100 PC

4 weeks from 1000 today



Net Price EUR 199 per PC

Why do you have to enter the price manually? Answer: The price must be manually entered because the system is unable to determine a valid price (condition record).


Which condition type has been assigned to the manually entered price? a)

In the item details, choose the Conditions tab page. Condition type PBXX is used for the manually entered price.


Which calculation schema has been determined for your purchase order? Continued on next page


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Lesson: Condition Technique in Price Determination

______________________________________________________________ Save the purchase order. Purchase order number: a)


On the Conditions tab page of the item details, choose


Due to the assignment of your vendor T-K521B## to schema group ##, the system determined that calculation schema ZM00## is to be used in your purchase order. Choose the

Back icon.

Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.

Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Condition Technique in Price Determination


Task 2: Purchasing Info Record with New Supplementary Schema When saving the purchase order you just created, a purchasing info record is automatically created. Check and change the following: 1.

Change the info record for vendor T-K521B##, material T-REL##, purchasing organization 1000, which was generated automatically from the purchase order data. Hint: Select the condition screen and remain on the condition screen of the info record for the following subtasks. Save the changes to the info record when you have completed the following subtasks. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (mode 2) choose:

→ →

Logistics Materials Management Record Change

→ Purchasing → Master Data → Info

Enter the following data on the initial screen: Vendor




Purchasing Org.

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Choose the info record category Standard. Choose the 2.

Enter icon. Choose Conditions.

Which condition type for the gross price does the system suggest? Answer: Condition type: Z##A


You have agreed the following conditions with the vendor: Gross price:

EUR 100/PC

Discount (Value):

EUR 10 from 1 PC EUR 50 from 200 PC

Enter the conditions.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Condition Technique in Price Determination

Caution: If you have used the Propose condition supplements function, do not forget to use the Restore (Re-create) Condition Supplements function before saving to ensure that all conditions with a value of 0 are deleted from the list. Otherwise, problems are likely to occur in subsequent exercises due to a discrepancy between the condition types in the info record and the condition types in the calculation schema. Save the changed information record. a)

Enter the following data: CnTy


Z##A (is already entered as the default value)

100 EUR/PC


EUR 10

Choose the b)

Enter icon.

Select the line Discount (Value) (RB00). Choose the Details icon and check the scale type. The indicator for the scale type must be A (Base-scale). Choose the

Scales icon.

Enter the following data: Scale quantity

Amount 1 PC 10 EUR (note this will have defaulted) 200 PC EUR 50

Choose the

Enter icon.

Choose the Back icon to return to the main screen for condition maintenance. For condition type RB00 the Scales are defined flag is set. Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.

Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Condition Technique in Price Determination


Task 3: Vendor Discount You have also negotiated the following general discount with vendor T-K521B##, which applies to all materials and is valid for four weeks, starting today. 1.

Create a condition record for this vendor discount with the following data: - 1% up to a condition value of EUR 1,000 - 2% up to a condition value of EUR 5,000 - 3% up to a condition value of EUR 999,999 Hint: Before entering the discount scale, you must change the scale type on the condition detail screen. Save the condition record. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (mode 2) choose:

→ →

Logistics Materials Management Conditions Discounts/Surcharges

→ Purchasing → Master Data → → By Vendor

Enter the following data on the initial screen: Purchasing Organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)



Scope of list


Choose the •

Execute icon.

List displays in purchasing without ALV Grid Control (ME_USE_GRID = '_') The condition type RL01 Vendor Discount % is displayed along with the key combination purchasing organization 1000 and vendor T-K521B##. Select the row with the purchasing organization 1000 and the vendor number T-K521B## by placing the cursor on it. Choose the

Create icon.

List displays in purchasing with ALV Grid Control (ME_USE_GRID = X) Continued on next page


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Lesson: Condition Technique in Price Determination

Select the row with the vendor number T-K521B## , the purchasing organization 1000 and condition type RL01 by placing the cursor on it. Select the

Create icon.

The following overview appears: Create Vendor Discount % (RL01): Fast Entry. The vendor number is proposed as a row field in the first row. Select this Details icon. Change the scale type. The indicator row and choose the Scales icon. for the scale type must be B (to-scale). Choose the Enter the following data: Scale value

Amount EUR 1,000 1% EUR 5,000 2% EUR 999,999 3%

Choose the

Continue icon.

Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.

Task 4: Purchase Order (Optional) Check the price determination using a new purchase order. 1.

Create a new purchase order with the following data: Vendor:


Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing Group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Delivery date:

2 weeks from today

Continued on next page


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Unit 2: Condition Technique in Price Determination


Order 100 PC of material T-REL## for plant Hamburg (1000). Hint: Save the purchase order after you have completed the following subtasks. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Create Vendor/Supplying Plant Known

→ Purchase Order →

Enter the following data in the header data of the purchase order: Vendor


Doc. date


In the header details on the Org. Data tab page, enter the following data: Purch. Org.

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purch. Group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Company code

1000 (IDES AG)

Choose the

Continue icon.

Enter the following data in the item overview area of the purchase order:




PO Quantity

Deliv. Date




100 PC

2 weeks from today


Is an order price suggested? If so, what is the price? Answer: An order price of EUR 96.90 was suggested.


How is the default order price calculated? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Condition Technique in Price Determination

______________________________________________________________ a)

In the item details, choose the Conditions tab page. The suggested order price was determined as follows: CnTy


Condition value





- 10.00

- 10.00


- 3.000%

- EUR 300.00

Net incl. disc. 4.

EUR 9,690.00

Use the analysis function to check the origin of the conditions. Save the purchase order. Purchase order number: a)


On the Conditions tab page of the item details, choose


The analysis shows you the following origins of the three condition types:


Condition type





Condition record has been found



Supplementary condition to Z##A



Condition record has been found

Choose the

Back icon.

Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.

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Unit 2: Condition Technique in Price Determination


Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Describe how the calculation schema used is found • Explain price determination using supplementary schemas and supplementary conditions • Create condition types and calculation schemas using the copy function and adjust them to your enterprise-specific requirements


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Unit Summary

Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Describe how the calculation schema used is found • Explain price determination using supplementary schemas and supplementary conditions • Create condition types and calculation schemas using the copy function and adjust them to your enterprise-specific requirements


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Unit Summary



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Test Your Knowledge

Test Your Knowledge 1.

The same calculation is used for all standard purchase orders. Determine whether this statement is true or false.

□ □ 2.

True False

It is possible to assign a user-defined calculation schema for documents for every company code. Determine whether this statement is true or false.

□ □ 3.

True False

contains the key that is to be used as A dependencies for creating condition records. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence.


Every condition type can only ever be assigned to one condition table. Determine whether this statement is true or false.

□ □ 5.

True False

One supplementary schema each is assigned to condition types and . Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence.


A supplementary schema that is assigned to a condition type, must also contain this condition type itself. Determine whether this statement is true or false.

□ □


True False

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Test Your Knowledge



The supplementary schema for the gross price is used for condition maintenance ... Choose the correct answer(s).


□ □ □



In all info records In the items for all scheduling agreements Only in the quotation item list for a document type for which the Time-dependent conditions indicator is set In all contract items

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Test Your Knowledge

Answers 1.

The same calculation is used for all standard purchase orders. Answer: False No. The calculation schema for documents, (this includes standard purchase orders) is assigned depending of the schema group of the purchasing organization and on the schema group of the vendor. This means the various calculation schemas can be used for standard purchase orders.


It is possible to assign a user-defined calculation schema for documents for every company code. Answer: False No. The assignment of the calculation schema for documents does not depend on the company code but only on the schema groups of the purchasing organizations. However, if every organization that is assigned to the same company code is also assigned to the same schema group, it is possible to use a user-defined calculation schema indirectly for each company code.


A condition table contains the key that is to be used as dependencies for creating condition records. Answer: condition table


Every condition type can only ever be assigned to one condition table. Answer: False An access sequence can be assigned to a condition type. Any number of condition tables can be assigned to an access sequence.


One supplementary schema each is assigned to condition types PB00 and RA01. Answer: PB00, RA01


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Test Your Knowledge



A supplementary schema that is assigned to a condition type, must also contain this condition type itself. Answer: True The condition type to which a supplementary schema is assigned must be contained in the supplementary schema. It is designated as the main condition.


The supplementary schema for the gross price is used for condition maintenance ... Answer: A, C, D In info records and outline agreement items the supplementary schema for the gross price is always used. For quotations and scheduling agreements, this schema is only used if the Time-dependent conditions flag is set.


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Unit 3 Special Functions Unit Overview In this unit you learn about the special functions of price determination as well as which indicators you can use to control price determination. One focus of this unit is the condition exclusion function, which you can use to make a selection of multiple valid conditions. Another focus of this unit is the group conditions and the condition groups, which you can use to group materials and procurement items.

Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • • • • • • •

Describe the differences between condition types PB00 and PBXX Determine the adoption of conditions from the last purchase order Explain the differences between the various pricing date categories Create a condition exclusion Explain the hierarchy access to condition records Describe the differences between the header, group and item conditions and explain how each is used Define condition types as group conditions Define and use important control parameters for condition types and calculation schemas

Unit Contents Lesson: Special Functions......................................................... 102 Exercise 4: Price Determination Date ....................................... 113 Exercise 5: Condition Exclusion Procedure................................. 119 Lesson: Header and Group Conditions .......................................... 137 Exercise 6: Header and Group Conditions.................................. 147


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Unit 3: Special Functions


Lesson: Special Functions Lesson Overview In this lesson you will learn the special features of the two condition types for the gross price as well as the possibilities for using the condition exclusion procedure to make a selection from several valid conditions. You will learn how you can use “hierarchy access” conditions for efficient maintenance.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • • • •

Describe the differences between condition types PB00 and PBXX Determine the adoption of conditions from the last purchase order Explain the differences between the various pricing date categories Create a condition exclusion Explain the hierarchy access to condition records

Business Example • •

You would like to learn about the differences between the two condition types PB00 and PBXX. As you do not always create purchase info records manually, when creating a new purchase order, prices from previous purchase orders should be proposed. Hint: If no conditions are found during price determination using the condition technique, but the “last” purchase order is noted in the info record, the system can adopt the conditions from this purchase order. In Customizing for Purchasing (under Define Default Values for Buyers), you can set up different variants or default values, that are assigned to individual users using user parameter EVO, and thereby set how the system processes the conditions from the “last” purchase order.

Condition Types for the Gross Price For entering a basic or gross prices in a document or master record in Purchasing, there are two different condition types in the standard SAP system.


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Lesson: Special Functions

If you create an info record manually or automatically using the quotation maintenance, the gross price that is entered or adopted is assigned to condition type PB00. When creating a purchase order without a reference to a contract or quotation, the gross price of a vendor for a material is adopted from the info record conditions (condition type PB00) or possibly from the last purchase order as the default values for the gross price (condition type PBXX). Adopting conditions from the last purchase order (with info update indicator) can be controlled with user parameter EVO. If no valid info record conditions exist and no “last purchase order” can be found, the SAP System is not able to suggest a price and requires the manual entry of a net price. The manually entered price is assigned to condition type PBXX in the standard system.

Figure 24: Condition Types PB00 and PBXX


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Unit 3: Special Functions


Two condition types for the gross price must be available in the calculation schema that is assigned to the standard purchase orders. In the standard system, these are the condition types PB00 and PBXX. You can also use your own, comparable condition types in place of condition types PB00 and PBXX. •

An access sequence is assigned to condition type PB00, so that automatic price determination process can be carried out for this condition type. Furthermore the exclusion indicator X (gross price) is assigned which is adopted in the purchase order item if the program finds a valid condition record for the condition type PB00. No access sequence is assigned to condition type PBXX. No price determination with the condition technique is conducted for this condition type. PBXX is used for the manual entry of the gross price.

PB00 must come immediately before PBXX in the calculation schema. At the time a purchase order is created, if the system finds a condition record belonging to condition type PB00 with valid conditions, condition type PBXX is irrelevant. There is a specification in the calculation schema that PBXX is taken into account only if requirement 6 is fulfilled. Requirement 6 checks the condition exclusion indicator (KOMP-KZNEP). PBXX is then only taken into consideration if the condition exclusion indicator is not X.

Conditions Adopted from Last Purchase Order Until Release 4.5A, during the creation of a purchase order, the system copied the conditions from the last purchase order if the price determination process failed to establish a valid price using the conditions technique.


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Lesson: Special Functions

Figure 25: Controlling the Adoption of Conditions from the Last Purchase Order Using User Parameter EVO

As of Release 4.5A, you can determine how the SAP system is to adopt the conditions from the last purchase order in the default values for buyers (user parameter EVO ). •

• •

If the price determination process is unable to determine a valid price, the conditions are copied from the “last purchase order” (with info update indicator) – as was the case prior to Release 4.5A. If, when you enter the item data, you also enter a price in the purchase order item manually, the conditions are not copied from the last purchase order. The conditions are never copied from the last purchase order.

In addition, you can specify whether or not the system is to apply a manually entered gross price during the price determination process. That is, if a price is entered manually and the system determines a different price after going through the price determination process, the system will not change the manually entered price.

Validity Periods and Pricing Date For the case that you have maintained conditions for several validity periods, you can use the specification of the pricing date category to control from which period the conditions are to be adopted.


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Unit 3: Special Functions


In the automatic price determination process, the price can be calculated as at the document date of the purchase order, or as at another date (such as the today’s date, the delivery date). You can specify the date to which the price that is determined relates at the following points: •

In the vendor master record, in the Pricing date control field, if you wish to use the same price determination date for each of a vendor’s materials or as a default value for the future purchasing info record. In the purchasing info record, in the Pricing date category field, if you wish to use a different pricing date for a certain material supplied by a particular vendor. A value that is not '_' (blank) in the purchasing info record takes precedence over the value in the vendor master record. In the purchase order item in the Pricing date category field (Condition control field).

Figure 26: Validity Periods and Pricing Date

When creating a purchase order the pricing date category from the vendor master record or the purchasing info record determines which validity period is accessed. If a value not equal to '_' (blank) is specified in neither of the two master records for the pricing date category, the standard system used the document date of the purchasing order. However, you can also choose the current date, the delivery date, or a date entered manually in the purchase order instead of the document date.


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Lesson: Special Functions

The proposed pricing date category and the price date can be changed in the purchase order item in the standard system. The price determination with a changed price date is not conducted automatically, but must be triggered manually on the Conditions overview screen (Conditions tab) using the Update prices function with the parameter B (conduct new price determination). If you have selected the value 2 (delivery date) for the pricing date category for an item with several delivery dates/times (schedule lines), the delivery date of the first schedule line is always applicable. If you select the value 5 (GR date) for the pricing date category for the purchasing document item, when goods are received for this item, a new price determination is performed and the item is valuated anew with the current conditions. For scheduling agreements with time-dependent conditions, the pricing date category 5 (GR date) is always used.

Condition Exclusion Procedure As several condition records are valid for price determination purposes, you can define rules specifying which condition records are chosen and which are not taken into account. To do so, you use the condition exclusion procedure. The result of the price determination process can be influenced according to a desired criterion (for example, the most favorable price) through the exclusion of certain condition types, while others are taken into account in price determination.

Figure 27: Condition Exclusion Procedure


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Unit 3: Special Functions


The exclusion of condition records is controlled using exclusion groups. An exclusion group is a group of condition types that are called during price determination using condition exclusion. Depending on the exclusion process, the exclusion groups are used to exclude individual conditions, individual condition types within a group or even entire groups of condition types. The exclusion groups and the exclusion procedure are assigned to a calculation schema. You can use different comparison methods: A

All conditions determined for the condition types within the one assigned exclusion group are compared. The most favorable condition is selected. All others are then inactive.


All condition records for a condition type are compared. The most favorable condition is selected. All others are then inactive. This method can, for example, be used for the condition type PB00 – that is for the determination of the most favorable gross price.


The total of the values for the condition types of the first exclusion group is compared with the total of the values for the condition types of the second exclusion group. The group with the most favorable conditions overall is selected. The conditions of the other group are then inactive.


If a condition record for condition types of the first exclusion group is determined, all condition records of the condition types of the second exclusion group are inactive.


As method B. However, the least favorable condition is selected.


As method C. However the group with the overall least favorable conditions is selected. The conditions of the condition types of the other group are then inactive.

Most Favorable Price or Discount with Condition Exclusion During price determination, the condition with the most favorable price (lowest gross price, lowest surcharge or highest absolute discount) can be selected from several valid conditions (even for one condition type). The other conditions of the condition types of this group are then inactive. If there are several valid condition records for a condition type, such as for the gross price (in plant-dependent and plant-independent info records), then a suitable condition exclusion procedure can be used to determine the least expensive price. Even if you have info records with “user-defined” as well as with a central purchasing organization for the same vendor-material combination you can still determine the


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Lesson: Special Functions

lowest gross price. However, for the determination of the lowest gross price, the exclusive indicator may not be set for the first accesses to the info record condition tables (A017 and A018) in the access sequence for the gross price. Set up a condition exclusion group with the conditions type(s) for the gross price. The condition type(s) for the gross price, for which the condition records are to be compared, are assigned to this one exclusion group of this. The lowest gross price can then be selected with the condition exclusion procedure B.

Figure 28: Most Favorable Discount with Condition Exclusion

If, on the other hand, you use several condition types for the maintenance of discounts and only one of these discounts is granted, all discount condition types must be assigned to an exclusion group and condition exclusion procedure A must be used.

Hierarchy Access to Condition Records Hierarchy accesses are used to optimize price determination for multilevel data constellations such as a product hierarchy. For such hierarchies it can be necessary that for a specified quantity of characteristics any number of partial quantities must be called to determine the key of the condition tables.


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Unit 3: Special Functions


Figure 29: Hierarchy Access to Condition Records

Without hierarchy accesses, it is necessary to create a conditions table for every combination and to arrange all accesses to this tables on a hierarchical basis in an access sequence. This requires a high level of maintenance work and results in a loss of performance. The sequence of accesses is rigidly specified in this procedure. With the hierarchy access function it is possible to implement the solution to such problems with a single access to a condition table. For this it is necessary, when creating the access sequence using one single condition table, to specify at field level for each involved field whether it is to be a fixed component of the key or a variable field (optional field) in condition record maintenance and price determination. Priorities are assigned to the optional fields. During the price determination, the quantity of the records found with an access is sorted according to these priorities and the record with the highest priority is adopted in the purchasing document. Therefore, with a hierarchy access to condition records, a condition record may not be put “out of action” by setting the deletion indicator, but only by changing the validity period. A further advantage is the greater clarity in the overview of conditions maintenance, as the different condition records for a condition type in the fast entry screen of the conditions maintenance can be created or changed together.


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Lesson: Special Functions

A conditions table that you would like to use in the hierarchy-based maintenance of conditions must be included in the access sequence(s) that you have assigned for the discount condition types. You can use the access type to determine which fields belong to the fixed part of the key and which to the variable part. The access type determines how the corresponding field is to be used for the condition access. A field can be marked as belonging to the fixed or variable key part (A) or also as not relevant for the access.

Figure 30: Access Sequence for the Hierarchy Access

This access sequence gives you the option of specifying conditions (for example, for a vendor discount) that applies for a vendor and a purchasing organization with variable keys/dependencies such as the material group or the vendor subrange. The priority controls how a selection is made from the quantity of condition records in an access with a free key part. Values of 01 (very high) to 99 (very low) can be assigned. If, for example, the material of a purchase order item is assigned to the material group 001 (in the material master record) and also the vendor subrange T2 (in the purchasing info record), then (only) the vendor discount of 4% is called due to its higher priority (see also figure Hierarchy Access to Condition Records).


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Lesson: Special Functions

Exercise 4: Price Determination Date Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Analyze and understand the price determination process, taking into account different validity periods and scales

Business Example You would like to make sure that when creating a new purchase order, scaled conditions and various validity periods are taken into account.

Task 1: Purchasing Info Record You have agreed with vendor T-K521B## that the conditions valid on the delivery date for material T-REL## are to be applied for price determination purposes. Record this agreement in the SAP system. 1.

Check whether there is a suitable pricing date category for this. Change the info record for the purchasing organization 1000. Which pricing date category do you use? ______________________________________________________________

Task 2: Purchase Order 1.

Create a new purchase order with the following data: Vendor:


Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing Group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Delivery date:

6 weeks from today

Order 200 PC of material T-REL## for plant 1000 (Hamburg). Hint: Save the purchase order after you have complete the following subtasks.

Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Special Functions



Is an order price suggested?


How was the order price calculated? Enter the amounts and condition values in the following table: CnTy


Condition value

Z##A RB00 RL01 Net value incl. tax 4.

Why was the vendor discount not taken into account?


Display that the delivery date for the price determination was actually called. You can find this information in the item details on the Condition Control tab. Save the purchase order. Purchase order number:



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Lesson: Special Functions

Solution 4: Price Determination Date Task 1: Purchasing Info Record You have agreed with vendor T-K521B## that the conditions valid on the delivery date for material T-REL## are to be applied for price determination purposes. Record this agreement in the SAP system. 1.

Check whether there is a suitable pricing date category for this. Change the info record for the purchasing organization 1000. Which pricing date category do you use? ______________________________________________________________ a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Logistics Materials Management Record Change

→ Purchasing → Master Data → Info

Enter the following data on the initial screen: Vendor




Purchasing Org.

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Choose the info record category Standard. Choose the

Enter icon.

Choose Purch. Org. Data 1. Display the meanings of the individual indicators for the Pr. Date Cat. field using the F4 input values. Select Pricing Date Control 2 (Delivery Date). Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.

Task 2: Purchase Order 1.

Create a new purchase order with the following data:

Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Special Functions




Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing Group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Delivery date:

6 weeks from today

Order 200 PC of material T-REL## for plant 1000 (Hamburg). Hint: Save the purchase order after you have complete the following subtasks. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Create Vendor/Supplying Plant Known.

→ Purchase Order →

Enter the following data in the header data of the purchase order: Vendor


Doc. date


In the header details on the Org. Data tab page, enter the following data: Purchasing organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Company code

1000 (IDES AG)

Choose the

Continue icon.

Enter the following data in the Item overview area of the purchase order:




PO Quantity

Delivery date Plnt



200 PC

6 weeks from 1000 today

Is an order price suggested? Answer: An order price of 99.75 EUR was suggested.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Special Functions


How was the order price calculated? Enter the amounts and condition values in the following table: CnTy


Condition value

Z##A RB00 RL01 Net value incl. tax a)

In the item details, choose the Conditions tab page. The suggested order price was determined as follows: CnTy


Condition value





– 50.00

– 50.00

Net incl. tax

EUR 19,950.00



Why was the vendor discount not taken into account? Answer: The vendor discount is not taken into account because it is not valid on the delivery date (it was only valid for four weeks).


Display that the delivery date for the price determination was actually called. You can find this information in the item details on the Condition Control tab. Save the purchase order. Purchase order number: a)


In the item details, choose the Condition Control tab page. The Pr. Date Cat. contains the value 2 (Delivery Date). In the Price Date field the delivery date you entered (today in 6 weeks) is entered.


Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.

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Lesson: Special Functions

Exercise 5: Condition Exclusion Procedure Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Describe the different condition exclusion procedures • Set up a condition exclusion procedure

Business Example In some instances, several conditions are valid for the same item. In such cases, you would like define which conditions are to be selected by using the condition exclusion procedure.

Task 1: Change Vendor Master Record The calculation schema ZM00## is also to be valid for vendor T-K521D## purchasing organization (1000). 1.

Assign your vendor schema group ## to vendor T-K521D##. Save the changed vendor master record.

Task 2: Create an Info Record Vendor T-K521D## supplies you with the materials T-REK##, T-REL##, and T-REM##. For each of the three materials, create a plant-dependent info record for the purchasing organization 1000 and for plant Hamburg (1000) with an unrestricted validity period. The following general data applies for all three materials. – The planned delivery time is 7 days in all cases. – The responsible purchasing group is Z51 (SCM521 buyer). – The standard quantity is 100 in each case. 1.

Create the info record for the Material T-REK## with the following conditions: Gross price:


Discount % on gross:


Save the info record. Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Special Functions


Info record number: 2.


Create the info record for the Material T-REL## with the following conditions: Gross price:

100 EUR/PC

Discount (Value):

EUR 2 from 1 PC EUR 5 from 100 PC

Save the info record. Info record number: 3.


Create the info record for the Material T-REM## with the following conditions: Gross price:


Save the info record. Info record number:


Task 3: Vendor Discount Your vendor T-K521D## advises you that he is granting you a general discount of 1%, valid indefinitely. This discount applies only to those materials for which there is no material-specific discount. 1.

Create a condition record with the condition type RL01 for the vendor discount. Save the condition record.

Task 4: Preparing Condition Exclusion To ensure that the discount of vendor T-K521D## is not called for the items for which there is a material-specific discount, use condition exclusion. 1.

Define two condition exclusion groups: A## with the description Material discounts ## and B## with the description Vendor discounts ##. Save these condition exclusion groups.


Assign the discount condition types RA00, RA01, RB00 and RC00 to your condition exclusion group A##. Continued on next page


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Lesson: Special Functions

Assign the condition type RL01 to the condition exclusion group B##. Save the assignment of the condition types to the condition exclusion groups.

Task 5: Define Condition Exclusion Assign the condition exclusion groups A## and B## and a suitable condition exclusion procedure to the calculation schema ZM00##. 1.

Which condition exclusion procedure do you need to use?


In which order must the condition exclusion groups be specified?


Make the entry for this condition exclusion and save your settings.

Task 6: Purchase Order Test your settings for condition exclusion. 1.

Create a purchase order with three items for plant Hamburg (1000). The delivery date should be four weeks from today's date. Use the following data: Vendor:


Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Order 10 PC of each of materials T-REK##, T-REL##, and T-REM##. Go to each purchase order item and check the price determination process. How are the net prices for the following materials determined? Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Special Functions


Material T-REK##

Material T-REL##

Material T-REM##

Condition type of the gross price Gross price per PC Condition type of the material discount Discount Condition type of the vendor discount Discount

Save the purchase order. Purchase order number:



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Lesson: Special Functions

Solution 5: Condition Exclusion Procedure Task 1: Change Vendor Master Record The calculation schema ZM00## is also to be valid for vendor T-K521D## purchasing organization (1000). 1.

Assign your vendor schema group ## to vendor T-K521D##. Save the changed vendor master record. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Vendor Purchasing Change (Current)

→ Master Data →

Enter the following data on the initial screen: Vendor


Purchasing organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Select the Purchasing data checkbox. Choose the

Enter icon.

Enter the following data: Schema Group, Vendor Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.


Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Special Functions


Task 2: Create an Info Record Vendor T-K521D## supplies you with the materials T-REK##, T-REL##, and T-REM##. For each of the three materials, create a plant-dependent info record for the purchasing organization 1000 and for plant Hamburg (1000) with an unrestricted validity period. The following general data applies for all three materials. – The planned delivery time is 7 days in all cases. – The responsible purchasing group is Z51 (SCM521 buyer). – The standard quantity is 100 in each case. 1.

Create the info record for the Material T-REK## with the following conditions: Gross price:


Discount % on gross:


Save the info record. Info record number: a)


From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Materials Management Logistics Info Record Create

→ Purchasing → Master Data →

Enter the following data on the initial screen: Vendor




Purchasing Org.

1000 (IDES Deutschland)


1000 (Hamburg plant)

Choose the info record category Standard. Choose the

Enter icon.

Choose Purch. Org. Data 1. On the Create Info Record: Purch. Organization Data1 screen, enter the following data: Continued on next page


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Lesson: Special Functions

Pl. Deliv. Time


Purch. Group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Standard Qty


Net Price

10.00 EUR/PC

Choose Conditions. Enter the following data: Condition

Cond. type


Gross price


10.00 EUR (this amount is automatically adopted from the Purch. Org. Data 1 screen)

Discount % on gross



Choose the

Enter icon.

Check the validity period. If necessary, change the validity start date to today's date and the validity end date to 12/31/9999. Choose the 2.

Save icon.

Create the info record for the Material T-REL## with the following conditions: Gross price:

100 EUR/PC

Discount (Value):

EUR 2 from 1 PC EUR 5 from 100 PC

Save the info record. Info record number: a)


Enter the following data on the initial screen for the second info record:

Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Special Functions






Purchasing Org.

1000 (IDES Deutschland)


1000 (Hamburg plant)

Choose the info record category Standard. Choose the

Enter icon.

Choose Purch. Org. Data 1. On the Create Info Record: Purch. Organization Data1 screen, enter the following data: Pl. Deliv. Time


Purch. Group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Standard Qty


Net Price

100.00 EUR/PC

Choose Conditions. Enter the following data: Condition

Cond. type


Gross price


100.00 EUR (this amount is automatically adopted from the Purch. Org. Data 1 screen)

Discount (Value)


EUR 2.00

Choose the

Enter icon.

Check the validity period. If necessary, change the validity start date to today's date and the validity end date to 12/31/9999. Maintain scale values for the discount. Select the line Discount (Value) (RB00). Choose the Details icon and check the scale type. The indicator for the scale type must be A (Base-scale). Choose the

Scales icon.

Enter the following data: Continued on next page


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Lesson: Special Functions

Scale quantity


1 PC

EUR 2.00 (is already entered as the default value)

100 PC

EUR 5.00

Choose the

Enter icon.

Choose the Back icon to return to the main screen for condition maintenance. For condition type RB00 the Scales flag is set. Choose the 3.

Save icon.

Create the info record for the Material T-REM## with the following conditions: Gross price:


Save the info record.

Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Special Functions


Info record number: a)


Enter the following data on the initial screen for the third info record: Vendor




Purchasing organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)


1000 (Hamburg plant)

Choose the info record category Standard. Choose the

Continue icon.

Choose Purch. Org. Data 1. On the Create Info Record: Purch. Organization Data 1 screen, enter the following data: Pl. Deliv. Time


Purch. Group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Standard Qty


Net Price

20.00 EUR/PC

Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.

Task 3: Vendor Discount Your vendor T-K521D## advises you that he is granting you a general discount of 1%, valid indefinitely. This discount applies only to those materials for which there is no material-specific discount. 1.

Create a condition record with the condition type RL01 for the vendor discount. Save the condition record. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Logistics Materials Management Conditions Discounts/Surcharges

→ Purchasing → Master Data → → By Vendor

Enter the following data on the initial screen:

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Special Functions

Purchasing Organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)



Scope of list

0001 (note this is already entered as the default)

Choose the •

Execute icon.

List displays in purchasing without ALV Grid Control (ME_USE_GRID = '_') The condition type RL01 Vendor Discount % is displayed along with the key combination purchasing organization 1000 and vendor T-K521D##. Select the row with the purchasing organization 1000 and the vendor number T-K521D## by placing the cursor on it. Choose the

Create icon.

List displays in purchasing with ALV Grid Control (ME_USE_GRID = X) Select the row with the vendor number T-K521D## , the purchasing organization 1000 and condition type RL01 by placing the cursor on it. Choose the

Create icon.

The following overview appears: Create Vendor Discount % Condition (RL01): Fast Entry. Enter the discount of 1%. Check the validity period. If necessary, change the validity start date to today's date and the validity end date to 12/31/9999. Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.

Task 4: Preparing Condition Exclusion To ensure that the discount of vendor T-K521D## is not called for the items for which there is a material-specific discount, use condition exclusion. 1.

Define two condition exclusion groups: A## with the description Material discounts ## and B## with the description Vendor discounts ##. Continued on next page


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Save these condition exclusion groups. a)

In the Customizing structure (session 1), choose: Materials Management Determination Process Choose the

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Define Condition Exclusion

IMG – Activity icon. Choose.

Choose Define Condition Exclusion Groups. Press Choose New Entries. Enter the following data: ExGr



Material discount-##


Vendor discount-##

Choose the

Save icon.

Exit the maintenance for condition exclusion groups, but leave the dialog box on display. Choose the 2.

Exit icon.

Assign the discount condition types RA00, RA01, RB00 and RC00 to your condition exclusion group A##. Assign the condition type RL01 to the condition exclusion group B##.

Continued on next page


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Save the assignment of the condition types to the condition exclusion groups. a)

If required, in the Customizing structure (session 1), choose: Materials Management Determination Process

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Define Condition Exclusion

IMG – Activity icon. Choose Assignment of Condition Choose the Choose. Exclusion Groups Condition Types. Press Choose New Entries. Enter the following data: ExGr












Choose the

Save icon.

Exit the maintenance for the assignment of condition types to condition exclusion groups, but leave the dialog box on display. Choose the

Exit icon.

Task 5: Define Condition Exclusion Assign the condition exclusion groups A## and B## and a suitable condition exclusion procedure to the calculation schema ZM00##. 1.

Which condition exclusion procedure do you need to use? Answer: The "Exclusive" (D) must be used. This procedure states that the condition types of the second condition exclusion group are not taken into account if conditions for the condition types of the first condition exclusion group are found.

Continued on next page


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In which order must the condition exclusion groups be specified? Answer: Condition exclusion group A## must be specified as ExGr1 and condition exclusion group B## as ExGr2. The condition exclusion groups must be specified in this sequence as the general vendor discount only applies if there is no valid material-specific discount. If the SAP system finds a valid condition for the condition types of group A##, this precludes conditions for condition types which belong to group B## from being proposed.


Make the entry for this condition exclusion and save your settings. a)

If required, in the Customizing structure (session 1), choose: Materials Management Determination Process Choose the

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Define Condition Exclusion

IMG – Activity icon.

Choose Assignment of Condition Exclusion Groups Calculation Choose. Schema. Press Select the entry ZM00##. Select the schema ZM00##, and double-click to select Exclusion in the dialog structure. Choose New Entries. Enter the following data: Sno








Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Exit icon.

Close the dialog box. Choose the

Cancel icon.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Special Functions

Task 6: Purchase Order Test your settings for condition exclusion. 1.

Create a purchase order with three items for plant Hamburg (1000). The delivery date should be four weeks from today's date. Use the following data: Vendor:


Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Order 10 PC of each of materials T-REK##, T-REL##, and T-REM##. Go to each purchase order item and check the price determination process. How are the net prices for the following materials determined? Material T-REK##

Material T-REL##

Material T-REM##

Condition type of the gross price Gross price per PC Condition type of the material discount Discount Condition type of the vendor discount Discount

Save the purchase order. Purchase order number:


Continued on next page


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From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Materials Management Purchasing Logistics Create Vendor/Supplying Plant Known

→ Purchase Order →

Enter the following data in the header data of the purchase order: Vendor


Doc. date


In the header details on the Org. Data tab page, enter the following data: Purchasing organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Company code

1000 (IDES AG)

Choose the

Continue icon.

Enter the following data in the item overview area of the purchase order: Itm


PO Quantity

Deliv. Date




10 PC

4 weeks from today




10 PC

4 weeks from today




10 PC

4 weeks from today


In the item details, choose the Conditions tab page. The suggested order prices were determined as follows: Material T-REK##

Material T-REL##

Material T-REM##

Condition type of the gross price




Gross price per PC

EUR 10.00

EUR 100.00

EUR 20.00

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Special Functions

Material T-REK##

Material T-REL##

Material T-REM##

Condition type of the material discount





EUR 2.00

Cond- type of vendor discount





1,0 % (*)

1.0% (*)


(*) A condition record for condition type RL01 was actually found by the program, however, this condition is inactive due to condition exclusion. Condition detail Select the row with condition type RL01 and choose the icon. The program shows you that for purchase order items 10 and 20, the conditions for condition type RL01 are inactive due to condition exclusion.


Choose the

Back icon.

Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.

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Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Describe the differences between condition types PB00 and PBXX • Determine the adoption of conditions from the last purchase order • Explain the differences between the various pricing date categories • Create a condition exclusion • Explain the hierarchy access to condition records


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Lesson: Header and Group Conditions

Lesson: Header and Group Conditions Lesson Overview In this lesson you will learn the differences between, and special features of, header and item conditions. You will find out how you use group conditions and which group condition routines are used in the standard system.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • •

Describe the differences between the header, group and item conditions and explain how each is used Define condition types as group conditions Define and use important control parameters for condition types and calculation schemas

Business Example You would like to become acquainted with different options for entering conditions in the document header as well as taking into account the most favorable scale level for several or all items.

Overview The SAP standard system includes condition types that can only be used at the header level – the header conditions. Header conditions are entered in the header of a document, however, they relate to all items of a document and are always adopted in the items.


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Figure 31: Header, Group, and Item Conditions

Condition types that you can only use for items are called item conditions. Item conditions are conditions relating to a single item of a document. The standard system also includes some condition types that can be used both at header and item level, such as percent discount from gross (RA01) Discount (Value) (RB00) Vendor discount (RL01). The Header condition and Item condition indicator in Customizing for the condition type determines usage options. No automatic (separate) price determination process is carried out for header conditions. Therefore you cannot assign access sequences to a condition type which is only indicated as a header condition (and not also as an item condition) and you also cannot create condition records for them. A condition type can be defined as a group condition in Customizing. A group condition is a condition relating to several items of a document. In the case of a group condition, the condition values (amounts, order quantities, weight or volume) of the relevant items are added and the total used as the condition basis. This allows more favorable values to be taken as a basis for the scale computation than would be the case if individual items were considered. The grouping of items is carried out using the key of the condition record for the group condition or by means of a group condition routine, which can be assigned to the condition type in Customizing.

Header Conditions Header conditions apply to all the items of a document and are adopted in the document items automatically.


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Lesson: Header and Group Conditions

A header condition can be either a percentage or a fixed amount that is to be applied as either a surcharge or a discount. If you have specified a header condition in the form of a percentage discount or surcharge, this percentage applies to all the items of the document automatically. If the header condition involves a fixed amount, the value of the condition amount of the header condition can be applied to each item or spread proportionately among the items.

Figure 32: Header Conditions

The condition amount is spread proportionately among the document items if the condition type has been defined as a group condition in Customizing. If the condition type has not been defined as a group condition, the value of the header condition is assigned to each item, in which case the header condition constitutes an entry aid. In the standard system, the apportionment of an absolute header condition is carried out on a value basis. However, you can specify in Customizing that apportionment is to be according to the weight or volume of the individual items. The basis for apportionment is specified in the Base formula field of the calculation schema. Examples of base formulas are:


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1 Volume 2 Net value 12 Gross weight 13 Net weight

Group Conditions and Print Indicator The print indicator that you have assigned to a condition type in the calculation schema, controls the output of condition lines in the document output, for example when printing purchase orders. As of Release 4.0A, for more detailed specifications, in addition to the indicator “_” (blank), the new print indicators A, B, C, and D are available for the output of condition lines in the totals block, and the indicators a, b, c, and d for the output of condition lines at item level: • • • • •


A condition line is not to be printed (print indicator “_”) A condition line is to be printed (print indicator A or a) A condition line is to be printed if the condition value is not 0 (print indicator B or b) A condition line is to be printed if the condition value differs from the condition value of the preceding condition line (print indicator C or c) A condition line is to be printed if the condition value is not 0 and differs from the condition value of the preceding condition line (print indicator D or d)

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Lesson: Header and Group Conditions

Figure 33: Group Conditions and Print Indicator

The meaning of the print indicator is explained in full in the field documentation (PRINT field in the calculation schema). The old print indicators (“_”, X, S) can still be used, but must not be mixed with the new indicators in the calculation schema. The new print indicators are only taken into account if a print indicator X or S is not assigned to any condition type in the calculation schema.

Group Conditions and Scales An item condition type can also be defined as a group condition in Customizing. A group condition is a condition relating to several items of a document. In the case of a group condition, the item values (amounts, order quantities, weight or volume) of the relevant items are added and the total used as the condition basis. This allows more favorable values to be taken as a basis for the scale computation than would be the case if individual items were considered. The grouping of items is carried out using the key of the condition record for the group condition or by means of a group condition routine, which can be assigned to the condition type in Customizing. If a condition type is indicated as a group condition, but no group condition routine is assigned to it, then only the condition values are cumulated that are found with the same condition record, that is, with the same key combination. If, for example, in the example above, the gross price for item 10 is determined from a


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plant-independent purchase info record and the gross price for item 20 is determined from a plant-dependent purchase info record, the quantities of both items are not added for calling a more favorable scale level.

Figure 34: Group Conditions and Scales

As long as the document has not yet been saved, a price determination process is carried out for each document item in isolation, and the condition basis for the price-quantity scale determined. The item values are only cumulated when the document is saved or with the Check Purchase Order function. Afterwards the calculation of the scale amount for each item is conducted on the basis of the cumulated item values. You can also explicitly initiate the determination of the scale amount on the basis of the cumulated item values on the header condition screen by activating the conditions. Both the activation of the conditions and saving the document constitute opportunities to verify the determination of the lower scale amount.

Group Condition Routines In the SAP standard system there are two group condition routines for price determination in Purchasing which will be described in detail in the following section. You can also use user-defined group condition routines for price determination in Purchasing (or in Sales and Distribution).


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Lesson: Header and Group Conditions

Group Condition Routine 1 For the scale basis, the purchase order quantity or condition values are added for all items, which have a condition record with the same condition type and the same or different variable key. If the conditions are determined from several condition records, they must all be maintained with scales.

Figure 35: Group Condition Routines (1)

For both items in the above example, one condition record for the same condition type RL01 was found for each: • •

In item 10, a condition record with the key combination vendor/purchasing organization was determined. In item 20, a condition record with the key combination vendor/purchasing organization/materials group was determined.

Both condition records for the vendor discount contain scaled conditions (scale basis: value scale). The condition values of the two items for the gross prices are added to determine the scale level for the corresponding vendor discount.


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Group Condition Routine 2 For the scale basis, for example, the order quantities or condition values are added for all items •

That have a condition record with the same condition type or that have a different condition type with the Group Condition indicator and the group condition routine 2 And which have condition records with the same or with different variable keys.

Figure 36: Group Condition Routines (2)

For both items in the above example, one condition record for a condition type with the group condition routine 2 was found for each: • •

In item 10, a condition record for condition type RL01 with the key combination vendor/purchasing organization/condition group was determined. In item 20, a condition record for condition type RGR0 with the key combination vendor/purchasing organization/condition group was determined.

Both condition records for the discount contain scaled conditions (scale basis: value scale). The condition values of the two items for the gross prices are added to determine the scale level for the corresponding discount.


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Lesson: Header and Group Conditions

Condition Group The use of condition groups allows you to regulate the price determination process on a variable basis. You can, for example, assign purchasing info records according to vendor-dependent price behavior (for example, for granting discounts) to a condition group by assigning the same alphanumeric character string to them. The condition group is a freely-selectable, four-character, alphanumeric character string that is assigned in the purchase info record (possible both for stock material and non-stock material).

Figure 37: Condition Group

You can create time-dependent conditions with validity periods and scales for a condition group defined for a vendor. For this purpose, the condition type RGR0 is provided in the standard system for the maintenance of a percentage condition discount. Condition type RGR0 is not defined as a group condition in the standard system. A discount or surcharge belonging to a vendor condition group is a general condition. When purchase orders are created, a discount or surcharge belonging to a condition group is only taken into account for items, that are assigned to the condition group of this vendor by means of their purchasing info records.


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Lesson: Header and Group Conditions

Exercise 6: Header and Group Conditions Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Differentiate between and create header, group, and item conditions • Indicate condition types as group conditions • Define and use important control parameters for condition types and calculation schemas

Business Example When creating a purchase order with multiple items, there are often conditions that apply to all the items. However, other conditions only relate to certain items. You would like to become acquainted with the possibilities of header, item and group conditions.

Task 1: Change Vendor Master Record Calculation schema ZM00## is also to be valid for your vendor T-K521C##. 1.

Assign your vendor schema group ## to this vendor on the purchasing data screen of the vendor master record for purchasing organization 1000. Save the changed vendor master record.

Task 2: Create a Purchasing Info Record for Office Supplies Your Hamburg plant (1000) is supplied with diverse office materials by vendor T-K521C##. You have negotiated particularly favorable conditions for these supplies but you do not wish to create material master records. 1.

Create an info record for this materials group (without material master record) using the following data: Vendor:


Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)


1000 (Hamburg plant)

Short text:

Office supplies-## Continued on next page


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Material Group:

ZT521 (material group SCM521)

Order unit:


Sort term:


Planned delivery time:

2 days

Purchasing Group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Standard quantity:



EUR 3.00/PC from 1 PC EUR 2.50/PC from 500 PC

Save the info record. Info record number:


Task 3: Change Condition Type So that the more favorable price of EUR 2.50 per PC is called in the purchase order items with the materials group ZT521 for vendor T-K521C## your condition type Z##A must be flagged as a Group condition. 1.

Set the Group cond. indicator for the condition type Z##A. Save your change. However, do not exit the Customizing activity yet.

Task 4: New Condition Type for Surcharges In some instances, vendor T-K521C## imposes a general surcharge on your purchasing organization that varies according to the total order of each purchase order. Based on the following data determine check if a new condition type is required: The surcharge was agreed as follows: + EUR 30 up to a total order value of EUR 500 + EUR 20 up to a total order value of EUR 800 + EUR 10 up to a total order value of EUR 2,000 No surcharge is payable if the total order value exceeds EUR 2,000.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Header and Group Conditions

The surcharge applies to all materials supplied by the vendor and is to be apportioned among the individual purchase order items by value share. 1.

Upon which factors does a condition depend?


If you determine a new condition is required which condition class should you assign?


If you determine a new condition is required which calculation type should you assign?


How can you make sure that your condition type is interpreted as a surcharge?

Continued on next page


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How do you ensure that the surcharge amount is distributed among all items, but that the split itself cannot be changed?


Which scale basis and which scale type are appropriate?


Based on the data, you have determined a new condition type is required. Which condition type should you use as a copy template for your new condition type?


Define your new condition type with all determined details. Use the key Z##B and the description Surcharge SCM521-##. Hint: Use condition type RL01 as a copy template. Save the new condition type.

Task 5: Change Calculation Schema Adopt the new condition type Z##B in your calculation schema. Specify that the surcharges for the new condition type are output on an item basis. 1.

In which step have the vendor independent discounts and surcharges been inserted into the calculation schema? ______________________________________________________________

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Header and Group Conditions

Assign your new condition type Z##B to your calculation schema ZM00##. Use the copy function and the entry with the condition type RL01. Assign the same step (the one just determined) to condition type Z##B, but with the counter 12. Caution: During the copying process, the SAP system will display the warning message You should use the counter only for manual item Continue. conditions. Confirm this warning by choosing Save your changes after you have completed the following subtask. 2.

The condition values for your condition type Z##B are to be output at the item level. Which print indicator must you set to achieve this? Set the print indicator. Save your change.


Do you have to adopt this new condition type in your calculation schema YM00## for the supplementary conditions for the gross price? Why/why not?

Task 6: Create a Condition Record for the Surcharge 1.

Create a condition record for the surcharge agreed with your vendor T-K521C## for your new condition type Z##B using the following data: + EUR 30 up to a total order value of EUR 500 + EUR 20 up to a total order value of EUR 800 + EUR 10 up to a total order value of EUR 2,000 No surcharge is payable if the total order value exceeds EUR 2,000. The surcharge is valid until the end of next year. Continued on next page


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Save the new condition record.

Task 7: Create Purchase Order Check whether the total quantity for both purchase order items is called for determining the scale level for the gross price. Check if the program determines the correct surcharge for the total order value for both items. 1.

Create a purchase order with the following data. Vendor:


Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing Group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Account assignment cat.


Delivery date:

4 weeks from today


1000 (Hamburg plant)

Material Group:

ZT521 (material group SCM521)

The information for the account assignment category, delivery date/time, plant and materials group applies to both items. Order the following two items, which have no material master records, for cost center T-L##. Item 10:

Notepads, 400 PC

Item 20:

Ring binders, 100 PC

Hint: The program does not use your non-stock info record automatically for your two purchase order items! Before entering the item details in the item overview, first select the info record column and use the F4 input options to select your info record (for both items). Hint: Save the purchase order after you have completed the following subtasks. Continued on next page


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Lesson: Header and Group Conditions



Which prices and surcharges have been determined by the program for the two purchase order items? Which scale levels were used to determine the prices and surcharges? Complete the following table. Itm

Short Text




Ring Binders


Gross price Z##A

Surcharge Z##B

Select the Header Condition tab and check the following values: Total net value of the purchase order:


Gross price per 1 PC:


Surcharge for the entire purchase order: __________________________________ 4.

Choose the function Check (check purchase order function), so that the program cumulates the quantities and values of both items and determines the scale prices and surcharges again with this sum. What is the net price for each item?


Item 10:


Item 20:


What is the surcharge for each item? Item 10:


Item 20:


Save the purchase order. Purchase order number:



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Solution 6: Header and Group Conditions Task 1: Change Vendor Master Record Calculation schema ZM00## is also to be valid for your vendor T-K521C##. 1.

Assign your vendor schema group ## to this vendor on the purchasing data screen of the vendor master record for purchasing organization 1000. Save the changed vendor master record. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Vendor Purchasing Change (Current)

→ Master Data →

Enter the following data: Vendor


Purchasing Org.

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Select Purchasing Data. Choose the

Enter icon.

Enter the following data: Schema Group, Vendor Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.


Task 2: Create a Purchasing Info Record for Office Supplies Your Hamburg plant (1000) is supplied with diverse office materials by vendor T-K521C##. You have negotiated particularly favorable conditions for these supplies but you do not wish to create material master records. 1.

Create an info record for this materials group (without material master record) using the following data:

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Header and Group Conditions



Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)


1000 (Hamburg plant)

Short text:

Office supplies-##

Material Group:

ZT521 (material group SCM521)

Order unit:


Sort term:


Planned delivery time:

2 days

Purchasing Group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Standard quantity:



EUR 3.00/PC from 1 PC EUR 2.50/PC from 500 PC

Save the info record. Info record number: a)


From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Materials Management Logistics Info Record Create

→ Purchasing → Master Data →

Enter the following data on the initial screen: Vendor



Leave blank

Purchasing Org.

1000 (IDES Deutschland)


1000 (Hamburg plant)

Choose the info record category Standard. Choose the

Enter icon.

Enter the following data on the Create Info Record: General Data screen:

Continued on next page


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Shrt Txt

Office supplies-##

Material group

ZT521 (material group SCM521)

Order unit


Sort term (string)


Choose the

Enter icon.

Enter the following data on the Create Info Record: Purch. Organization Data 1 screen: Pl. Deliv. Time


Purch. Group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Standard Qty


Net Price

3.00 EUR/PC

Choose Conditions. Maintain scale values for the gross price. First select the gross price Z##A) line. Choose the Details icon and check the scale type. The indicator for the scale type must be A (from-scale). Choose


Enter the following data: Scale quantity


1 PC

3.00 EUR/PC (already the default value)

500 PC

2.50 EUR/PC

Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Header and Group Conditions

Task 3: Change Condition Type So that the more favorable price of EUR 2.50 per PC is called in the purchase order items with the materials group ZT521 for vendor T-K521C## your condition type Z##A must be flagged as a Group condition. 1.

Set the Group cond. indicator for the condition type Z##A. Save your change. However, do not exit the Customizing activity yet. a)

In the Customizing structure (session 1), choose: Materials Management Determination Process Choose the

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Define Condition Types

IMG – Activity icon.

Choose Define Condition Type. Press


Place the cursor on the table entry Z##A: Choose the and enter Z##A. Choose Continue.

Position… icon,

Select condition type Z##A. Choose the

Details icon.

Set the Group cond. indicator. Choose the

Save icon.

Continued on next page


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Task 4: New Condition Type for Surcharges In some instances, vendor T-K521C## imposes a general surcharge on your purchasing organization that varies according to the total order of each purchase order. Based on the following data determine check if a new condition type is required: The surcharge was agreed as follows: + EUR 30 up to a total order value of EUR 500 + EUR 20 up to a total order value of EUR 800 + EUR 10 up to a total order value of EUR 2,000 No surcharge is payable if the total order value exceeds EUR 2,000. The surcharge applies to all materials supplied by the vendor and is to be apportioned among the individual purchase order items by value share. 1.

Upon which factors does a condition depend? Answer: Since the surcharge is to apply to all materials supplied by the vendor, it depends solely on the purchasing organization and the vendor.


If you determine a new condition is required which condition class should you assign? Answer: Condition class A (discounts and surcharges)


If you determine a new condition is required which calculation type should you assign? Answer: Calculation type B (fixed amount)


How can you make sure that your condition type is interpreted as a surcharge? Answer: The condition type is interpreted as a surcharge due to the plus/minus sign A (plus sign).


How do you ensure that the surcharge amount is distributed among all items, but that the split itself cannot be changed? Answer: By setting the Group cond. flag, the surcharge amount is distributed across all purchase order items, on the basis of value share, for example. The Value indicator in the Change options group may not be set as otherwise the condition values could be changed for each item.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Header and Group Conditions


Which scale basis and which scale type are appropriate? Answer: The scale basis must be B (value scale) and scale type must also be B (To-scale).


Based on the data, you have determined a new condition type is required. Which condition type should you use as a copy template for your new condition type? Answer: The condition type RL01 is suitable as a copy template.


Define your new condition type with all determined details. Use the key Z##B and the description Surcharge SCM521-##. Hint: Use condition type RL01 as a copy template.

Continued on next page


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Save the new condition type. a)

If required, in the Customizing structure (session 1), choose: Materials Management Determination Process Choose the

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Define Condition Types

IMG – Activity icon.

Choose Define Condition Type. Press


Place the cursor on the table entry RL01: Choose RL01. Choose Continue.

Position..., and enter

Select the condition type RL01, and choose the Copy As... icon. Specify the key Z##B and the title SCM521 Surcharge-## and choose the Copy icon. b)

Select the condition type Z##B, and choose the following settings: Control data 1:

Details icon. Make the

Calculat. type B Plus/minus A

Group conditions:

Set the Group cond. indicator.

Change options:

Be sure that the value indicator is not set.


Scale basis B Scale type B

Choose the

Save icon.

Exit this Customizing activity and return to the IMG structure. Choose the

Exit icon.

Close the dialog box. Choose the

Cancel icon.

Task 5: Change Calculation Schema Adopt the new condition type Z##B in your calculation schema. Specify that the surcharges for the new condition type are output on an item basis. 1.

In which step have the vendor independent discounts and surcharges been inserted into the calculation schema? Continued on next page


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Lesson: Header and Group Conditions

______________________________________________________________ Assign your new condition type Z##B to your calculation schema ZM00##. Use the copy function and the entry with the condition type RL01. Assign the same step (the one just determined) to condition type Z##B, but with the counter 12. Caution: During the copying process, the SAP system will display the warning message You should use the counter only for manual item Continue. conditions. Confirm this warning by choosing Save your changes after you have completed the following subtask. a)

In the Customizing structure (session 1), choose: Materials Management Determination Process

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Define Calculation Schema

IMG – Activity icon.

Choose the

Place your cursor on the entry ZM00##. Select ZM00##, and double-click Control data in the dialog structure. The vendor-independent discounts and surcharges are inserted into the calculation schema with step 10. Select the entry with the condition type RL01 (step 10, counter 11). Choose the

Copy As... icon.

Adopt the value 10 for the step, however change the counter, for example, to 12. Change the condition type in the copied entry to Z##B. Choose the 2.

Copy icon.

The condition values for your condition type Z##B are to be output at the item level. Which print indicator must you set to achieve this? Set the print indicator. Save your change. Answer: Specify the condition values to be printed out at the item level by setting the print indicator X. Set this indicator if it has not yet been assigned. The text is case sensitive! Choose the Save icon.

Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Special Functions



Do you have to adopt this new condition type in your calculation schema YM00## for the supplementary conditions for the gross price? Why/why not? Answer: The new vendor surcharge does not depend on the material. It is therefore not necessary to maintain the surcharge in the info records. The condition type Z##B need therefore not be adopted as a supplementary condition for the gross price in calculation schema YM00##. Exit this Customizing activity and return to the IMG structure. Choose the

Exit icon.

Task 6: Create a Condition Record for the Surcharge 1.

Create a condition record for the surcharge agreed with your vendor T-K521C## for your new condition type Z##B using the following data: + EUR 30 up to a total order value of EUR 500 + EUR 20 up to a total order value of EUR 800 + EUR 10 up to a total order value of EUR 2,000 No surcharge is payable if the total order value exceeds EUR 2,000. The surcharge is valid until the end of next year.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Header and Group Conditions

Save the new condition record. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Materials Management Logistics Conditions Other Create

→ Purchasing → Master Data →

Enter condition type Z##B. Choose the Key Combination and choose the Vendor as the key Enter. combination. Choose Enter the vendor number T-K521C##. Maintain scale values for the surcharge Z##B. First select the Vendor T-K521C## line. Choose the

Details icon and check the scale type.

The indicator for the scale type must be B (To-scale). Choose the

Scales icon.

Enter the following data: Scale value

Amount EUR 500.00 EUR 30.00 EUR 800.00 EUR 20.00 EUR 2,000.00 EUR 10.00

A surcharge is not payable if the total order value exceeds 2,000 EUR. For this requirement, no entry needs to be adopted in the scale. Check the validity period. Change the validity start of validity to the current date (the current date is the standard default). For the end of validity, enter 12/31 of the next year. Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.

Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Special Functions


Task 7: Create Purchase Order Check whether the total quantity for both purchase order items is called for determining the scale level for the gross price. Check if the program determines the correct surcharge for the total order value for both items. 1.

Create a purchase order with the following data. Vendor:


Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing Group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Account assignment cat.


Delivery date:

4 weeks from today


1000 (Hamburg plant)

Material Group:

ZT521 (material group SCM521)

The information for the account assignment category, delivery date/time, plant and materials group applies to both items. Order the following two items, which have no material master records, for cost center T-L##. Item 10:

Notepads, 400 PC

Item 20:

Ring binders, 100 PC

Hint: The program does not use your non-stock info record automatically for your two purchase order items! Before entering the item details in the item overview, first select the info record column and use the F4 input options to select your info record (for both items). Hint: Save the purchase order after you have completed the following subtasks. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose: Continued on next page


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Lesson: Header and Group Conditions

→ →

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Create Vendor/Supplying Plant Known

→ Purchase Order →

Enter the following data in the header data of the purchase order: Vendor


Doc. date


In the header details on the Org. Data tab page, enter the following data: Purch. Org.

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purch. Group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Company Code

1000 (IDES AG)

In the item overview of the purchase order, place the cursor to the right on the Info Rec. field. In the first item select your non-stock info record for vendor T-K521C## using the F4 input help. Adopt this in the second item as well. Choose


In the item overview of the purchase order, place the cursor to the left on the first fields (table columns). Complete the purchase order items. Enter the following data in the item overview area of the purchase order: Deliv. Date

Matl Group


400 PC

4 weeks from today



100 PC

4 weeks from today




Short Text

PO Quantity




Ring Binders

In the item details for the purchase order, choose the Account Assignment tab and enter the following data for the two items: Cost Center Confirm your entries with

T-L## Enter. Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Special Functions



Which prices and surcharges have been determined by the program for the two purchase order items? Which scale levels were used to determine the prices and surcharges? Complete the following table. Itm

Short Text




Ring Binders



Gross price Z##A

Surcharge Z##B

In the item details, choose the Conditions tab page. Choose your two items one after the other. The following prices/values should be displayed. Surcharge Z##B


Short Text


Gross price Z##A



400 PC

3.00 EUR/PC EUR 10.00


Ring Binders

100 PC

3.00 EUR/PC EUR 30.00

The gross price and surcharge were calculated individually (and correctly) for each item from the condition records. 3.

Select the Header Condition tab and check the following values: Total net value of the purchase order:


Gross price per 1 PC:


Surcharge for the entire purchase order: __________________________________ a)

Choose the

Expand Header icon as appropriate.

Then choose the Conditions tab page in the purchase order item header details. The following prices/values should be displayed. Total net value of the purchase order

EUR 1,260.00

Gross price per 1 PC

EUR 2.50

Surcharge for the entire purchase order

EUR 10.00 Continued on next page


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Lesson: Header and Group Conditions


Choose the function Check (check purchase order function), so that the program cumulates the quantities and values of both items and determines the scale prices and surcharges again with this sum. What is the net price for each item? Item 10:


Item 20:



Check icon (or alternatively in the menu bar Purchase Choose the Order Check). Choose the Collapse Header icon and the icon as appropriate.

Expand Item Details

In the item details, choose the Conditions tab page. Choose your two items one after the other.


Net price for item 10

2.52 EUR/PC

Net price for item 20

2.52 EUR/PC

What is the surcharge for each item? Item 10:


Item 20:


Save the purchase order. Purchase order number: a)



For this purchase order a surcharge of EUR 10 was determined. It has been split among both purchase order items in proportion to its value: Surcharge for item 10

EUR 8.00

Surcharge for item 20

EUR 2.00

Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.

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Unit 3: Special Functions


Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Describe the differences between the header, group and item conditions and explain how each is used • Define condition types as group conditions • Define and use important control parameters for condition types and calculation schemas


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Unit Summary

Unit Summary You • • • • • • • •


should now be able to: Describe the differences between condition types PB00 and PBXX Determine the adoption of conditions from the last purchase order Explain the differences between the various pricing date categories Create a condition exclusion Explain the hierarchy access to condition records Describe the differences between the header, group and item conditions and explain how each is used Define condition types as group conditions Define and use important control parameters for condition types and calculation schemas

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Unit Summary



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Test Your Knowledge

Test Your Knowledge 1.

Which condition type is used in the standard system for the automatic determination of the gross price?


If the adoption of conditions from the last purchase order (without restrictions) is specified with user parameter EVO (purchasing default values), then the conditions from the last purchase order are ... Choose the correct answer(s).


□ □ □



□ □


always adopted only adopted if no valid conditions are maintained in the info record only adopted if the last purchase order was created and saved with the indicator Info Update Set not adopted if a call to a contract with item type Normal has been created always adopted when there is a reference to a scheduling agreement not adopted when there is a reference to a quotation

The for the price determination.

controls which date is used

Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence.


Which data can you call for the price determination in a purchase order? Choose the correct answer(s).

□ □ □ □ □ □



Today's date The order date The document date of the goods receipt The posting date of goods receipt The delivery date for the release The posting date of the invoice receipt

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Test Your Knowledge



A condition type can only be indicated as a header condition. Determine whether this statement is true or false.

□ □ 6.

True False

A condition type can only be indicated as an item condition. Determine whether this statement is true or false.

□ □ 7.

True False

A condition type can be indicated both as a header condition and also as an item condition. Determine whether this statement is true or false.

□ □ 8.

True False

A condition type that is only indicated as a header condition can be used to specify a fixed amount, for example, for transportation costs, and is not adopted in the item. Determine whether this statement is true or false.

□ □ 9.

True False

If a fixed amount is specified for a condition type that is indicated only as a header condition, then the amount is distributed in proportion to its value among all items. Determine whether this statement is true or false.

□ □


True False

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Test Your Knowledge

Answers 1.

Which condition type is used in the standard system for the automatic determination of the gross price? Answer: PB00


If the adoption of conditions from the last purchase order (without restrictions) is specified with user parameter EVO (purchasing default values), then the conditions from the last purchase order are ... Answer: B, C, D, F The conditions from the last purchase order are only adopted if this is intended with user parameter EVO, if the last purchase order is entered in the info record (Info Update Set) and if no valid conditions can be determined with price determination.


The pricing date category controls which date is used for the price determination. Answer: pricing date category


Which data can you call for the price determination in a purchase order? Answer: A, B, D, E The document date of the goods receipt is solely for information purposes. The posting date of the invoice receipt is not intended for use as a pricing date category.


A condition type can only be indicated as a header condition. Answer: True


A condition type can only be indicated as an item condition. Answer: True


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Test Your Knowledge



A condition type can be indicated both as a header condition and also as an item condition. Answer: True


A condition type that is only indicated as a header condition can be used to specify a fixed amount, for example, for transportation costs, and is not adopted in the item. Answer: False It is not possible in Purchasing to specify conditions at the header level of a document without these being applied in the items.


If a fixed amount is specified for a condition type that is indicated only as a header condition, then the amount is distributed in proportion to its value among all items. Answer: False It is not possible in Purchasing to specify conditions at the header level of a document without these being applied in the items. Distributing a fixed amount proportional to value among all items or adopting unchanged in all items depends on the group condition indicator.


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Unit 4 Maintaining Conditions Unit Overview In this unit you learn about the condition maintenance options available to you. You can use collective changes to simplify the updating of conditions. You can restrict the changeability of conditions determined via the condition technique. One focus of this unit is the condition maintenance authorizations, for which you can define various settings.

Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • •

Execute the different functions for the maintenance and display of conditions Change condition values and validity periods using collective functions Define change options for condition types

Unit Contents Lesson: Maintaining Conditions................................................... 176 Exercise 7: Maintaining Conditions .......................................... 193


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Unit 4: Maintaining Conditions


Lesson: Maintaining Conditions Lesson Overview This lesson covers different transactions for maintaining time-dependent and non-time-dependent conditions. Central to the lesson are collective change transactions which can be used to update conditions efficiently. In this lesson, however, you will also learn which definitions can be used to permit or prevent conditions from being displayed or changed.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • •

Execute the different functions for the maintenance and display of conditions Change condition values and validity periods using collective functions Define change options for condition types

Business Example Over time, the conditions you have negotiated with your vendor may change. Individual and collective functions are available for maintaining and displaying prices, surcharges and discounts.

Maintaining Time-Dependent Conditions Generally speaking, conditions only remain valid for a limited period and therefore must be updated. As well as being used for maintaining conditions in a single purchasing info record, collective condition change is very important in practice.

Purchasing Info Record Time-dependent conditions for outline agreement items, quotations, or info records are maintained directly in the relevant documents or in the info record. In the case of time-dependent conditions, specification of a validity period is required. The system generally proposes a validity period (in the standard system, this is from the current date until 12/31/9999). You can specify the default start and end dates in Customizing via the condition type control parameter. You can create conditions for new periods with the New with Template function. The conditions of the selected period will be proposed.


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Lesson: Maintaining Conditions

You can maintain scaled values for time-dependent conditions. A detail screen is available for each condition type enabling you to maintain the scale values and scale amounts. The scale type (Base- or To-scale) may have to be changed prior to entry of the scale lines on the detail screen for the condition type. In the detail screen for a condition type you can also specify upper and lower limits. The limits may not be exceeded when changing the conditions in a purchasing document such as a purchase order.

Figure 38: Maintaining Time-Dependent Conditions 1

To simplify maintenance of discounts and surcharges, delivery costs, etc. that have the same validity period as the gross price, you can use the Propose condition supplements function. If you use this function, you obtain a list of the condition types that have been assigned in Customizing to condition type PB00 (or a comparable condition type of your own) using a supplementary schema. You then merely have to enter the condition amounts or percentages for the relevant condition types. After this (before saving the conditions), you choose the Restore function, so that all the lines with a condition amount equal to 0 or with no specified amount are deleted. You can also delete conditions whose amount differs from 0 by selecting the condition line and setting a deletion indicator. You can cancel the latter indicator if necessary.


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Unit 4: Maintaining Conditions


Validity Periods If you access info record, outline agreement, or quotation conditions in order to make changes, a dialog box containing a list of existing validity periods appears. You can select an existing validity period for condition maintenance or enter conditions for a new period. You can change both the conditions of an existing validity period and the start/end dates of the validity period.

Figure 39: Validity Periods

Condition validity period overlaps are not allowed. When you create a new validity period or change the start or end date of an existing one, it can happen that the new or changed period completely overlaps another existing period. In this case, a dialog box appears in which the critical validity periods are displayed. You should now be able to: •

Delete the overlapped validity period with its conditions (Confirm function) This will also delete all change documents for this period.

Decide not to create the new validity period or change the date of the existing period (Choose Delete or Cancel function)

When accessing time-dependant conditions within a single function call, you can only access one validity period.


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Lesson: Maintaining Conditions

You can obtain an overview of existing validity periods and the gross prices for each such period. In the condition overview screen, select the condition type PB00 (or similar) for a period and choose Validity periods. Alternatively you can call up one of Conditions .... the list displays in the purchasing menu under Master Data

Maintaining Conditions Using Special Transactions

Time-dependent conditions can be maintained using the Master data menu in Conditions Prices or Discounts/Surcharges). SAP Purchasing (Master Data advises you not to maintain info record, outline agreement and quotation conditions via the Master data menu but to maintain them in the relevant documents or in the info record.

Figure 40: Maintaining Time-Dependent Conditions 2

You can maintain General conditions via the Master data menu, which apply, for example • •


To all the materials supplied by a vendor (vendor discount, condition type RL01) To all the materials belonging to a vendor condition group (condition group discount, condition type RGR0)

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Unit 4: Maintaining Conditions


There are special condition maintenance functions for certain general standard condition types supplied by SAP (for example, RL01 and RGR0) (Master Data Conditions Discounts/Surcharges By Vendor/By Condition Group).

For your own condition types, which cannot be maintained using the info record or outline agreement, you must use the general condition maintenance function (Master Data Conditions Other Create/Change).

You must also use the general condition maintenance function for the standard condition types GAU2 and NAVS. You should only use the general maintenance function for other standard condition types if expressly advised to do so by SAP.

List Displays for Conditions You can also use the special condition maintenance transactions to display an overview of valid conditions. To do this, choose the following in the purchasing menu: Master data Conditions Prices General Overview or Master Data Conditions Discounts/Surcharges General Overview

You can use the scope-of-list parameter to determine which information should be displayed in the list of time-dependent conditions. You can define the scope-of-list parameters themselves in Customizing for pricing in purchasing under the Scope of List for conditions.

Condition Lists You can use condition lists to evaluate condition records according to different criteria. You can define condition lists in Customizing for purchasing under Reporting. For a new condition list, choose • •

the fields which are relevant to your evaluation, i.e. fields which are used as key fields in a condition table such as the Vendor, Purchasing organization or Plant the condition tables from which conditions should be displayed.

You can determine the list structure by positioning and sorting the fields which appear in the selected tables in one of the three following report areas: • • •

Page header Page break at value change Group header New line heading at the start of each evaluated table Items Detailed information about the condition record

You can then generate the condition list and display it with the transaction M_LD.

Collective Changes You can make collective changes to a vendor's conditions in info records, contracts, or scheduling agreements.


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Lesson: Maintaining Conditions

Such collective changes can affect either • •

the gross price, or a certain condition type that is to be entered.

The change to the conditions can be percentage or absolute (an amount) in nature, and can be positive or negative. Both percentage and absolute condition changes are also automatically taken into account in the case of scaled conditions. If you do not wish this, you must cancel the scale lines indicator on the initial screen of the function.

Figure 41: Collective Changes

You can change the condition amounts or percentages of existing validity periods by entering a key date in the Change conditions valid on field. In this case, all condition records that are valid on the key date you specified are selected and changed. The validity period of the condition records remains unchanged. If your condition change is to apply for a new validity period or as of a certain point in time, you must enter the start and end dates of the period in the Change valid only from/to fields. In this case, the collective change function results in the creation of a new period and the start and end dates of the existing period may be altered.


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Unit 4: Maintaining Conditions


Changes to conditions are initially only simulated. To make sure that the changes are indeed executed, the Test Run indicator may not be set. The old and the new status are displayed in a list, and after checking them you can save the changes displayed.

Condition Index As of SAP R/3 4.6C, you can use a condition index to make collective changes to the time-dependent conditions.

Changing conditions using a condition index You can use a condition index to change several or – depending on your selection – all time-dependent conditions and their validity periods within info records, contracts or scheduling agreements together. In doing so, you can use rounding rules, which has also been available since release 4.7. If you would like to use condition indexes, then you can define your own criteria (such as vendor, material or purchasing organization) that are used to select conditions to be changed.

Figure 42: Changing Conditions using a Condition Index

You select the conditions to be processed using condition index tables that you create in Customizing. You must create a condition index in Customizing for Purchasing at Conditions Configure Condition Index.


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Lesson: Maintaining Conditions

To change conditions using a condition index, you must execute the following tasks in Customizing: •

• •

Change condition typesSelected condition types such as PB00 can be indicated for condition changing using the condition index. This indicator can only be set for condition types which have been assigned an access sequence. Define allowed fieldsAs well as the fields provided by SAP, you can also use other fields as key fields for the condition index tables. You create these condition index tables in Customizing. After being transported to the production system, these tables must be activated there. When you rebuild condition index tables you generated indexes for the existing condition records. Define and assign overviews to edit condition records.

Copying Condition Records You can also copy conditions as part of the general maintenance functions for conditions. For example, you can also copy a vendor-dependent discount which has already been entered for, say, material group 0110, in collective processing for other material groups. If necessary, you can manually select the individual material groups for which the conditions are to be adopted in an interim step.

Figure 43: Copying Condition Records


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Unit 4: Maintaining Conditions


You must maintain copying rules in Customizing before you can copy conditions. To do so, you must specify which condition tables and which fields you would like to use to copy the condition records and for each copying rule you must assign a selection report to determine the target field. SAP supplies a number of these standard screen sequences, such as: • • •

RV15CC20 RV15CC21 RV15CC23

copy: Vendor to vendor copy: Material to material copy: Plant to plant

After you have determined the copying rules, you must also determine the condition types for which the copying functions are to be used.

Info Record and Order Price History An info record can be created either manually, or automatically using the info update indicator, for example, in a purchase order. If an info record is created manually, the gross price and supplementary conditions can be maintained for a validity period. It is also possible to enter scales and upper and lower limits. If an info record is generated from a contract or from a quotation with time-dependent conditions, the gross price and all supplementary conditions of a period can be adopted in the info record. If an info record is created from a purchase order or scheduling agreement with non-time-dependent conditions, the conditions are adopted not in the info record but in the order price history.


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Lesson: Maintaining Conditions

Figure 44: Info Record and Order Price History

If info record conditions exist and are valid, they are suggested (i.e. appear as default values) when a new purchase order is created. The conditions from the order price history, i.e. the gross price and any other conditions of the “last” purchase order (with info update indicator) are only used as default values if no valid gross price could be found using the condition technique. Adopting conditions from the last purchase order (with info update indicator) can be suppressed with user parameter EVO. In info record list displays, a distinction is made between info record conditions (price origin Condition) and the conditions of the “last” purchase order (price origin purchase order). Hint: In the SAP standard, purchasing info records can be created with or without specifying a plant. In Customizing for Purchasing, you can define a “plant ban” or a requirement to specify a plant when creating purchasing info records.

Automatic Document Adjustment If time-dependent conditions change after a purchase order has been created, and these new conditions are to apply to this and other already created purchase orders, you can use the automatic document adjustment function to ensure that the relevant amended conditions are adopted in all affected documents. A prerequisite for automatic


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Unit 4: Maintaining Conditions


document adjustment in the case of changes involving conditions is that no follow-on documents (goods receipt and invoice receipt documents) have been entered into the R/3 system. You can use this to • •

adjust all open purchase orders to make the updated conditions available for the evaluation of the goods receipt and for invoice verification, or adjust only the same-day purchase orders which have not yet been issued/sent, for example.

If you intend to use the Automatic document adjustment function (retroactively) to modify vendor documents in response to future changes you must set the Document index active indicator in the vendor’s master record. The document index serves the purpose of determining the purchasing documents that are affected by vendor-initiated changes to conditions. It is compiled when time-dependent conditions for a vendor for which the document index indicator has been set are changed. You should only set this indicator if you wish to use the automatic document adjustment facility for the vendor in question, since otherwise the volume of data is unnecessarily inflated.

Figure 45: Automatic Document Adjustment in the Case of Changes to Conditions


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Lesson: Maintaining Conditions

You can define which condition types and condition tables are updated in the case of automatic document adjustment in Customizing. Automatic document adjustment is carried out in the following steps: •

With the Create worklist function, all indexed condition changes are read and compared with the Customizing settings and your selection criteria (change period). The relevant worklist of condition changes is stored and serves as the basis for further processing, i.e. for the actual change that you can make in a second step.

The relevant worklist of condition changes is stored and serves as the basis for further processing, i.e. for the actual change that you can make in a second step. Since SAP R/3 Enterprise there is a new change pointer for condition records (WIND), and the worklist for document adjustment in the case of condition changes can be compiled automatically. To this end, you must carry out the Direct Entry for Creating Worklist in Customizing. Please refer to the Customizing documentation (release notes in IMG) for further details.

Changeability/Non-Changeability of Conditions In Customizing for the condition type, you can specify whether conditions stemming from info records or outline agreement items that are suggested in purchase orders can be changed, and which changes are (and are not) possible.


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Unit 4: Maintaining Conditions


Figure 46: Change Options Within Document

You specify the relative priorities of automatically determined and manually entered conditions via the Manual Entry indicator. For example, you can specify that •

• •

the automatically determined condition takes priority (indicator B). If a condition record exists for the condition type, the condition cannot be entered or changed manually. the manual condition takes priority (indicator C). In the case of manual entry, no check is made as to whether a condition record exists. the condition in a document cannot be processed (indicator D).

If a condition type can be changed manually, you can specify whether • • • • •


the default condition amount or percentage, the condition value, the calculation type of the condition type, or the conversion factors of the units of measure can be changed, or whether the default condition can be deleted.

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Lesson: Maintaining Conditions

Change Documentation Changes to condition records are documented in change documents. A report function is available for the display of change documents, enabling you to trace all changes made to condition records. The selection of the change documents can relate to one condition record or encompass several condition records via a report.

Figure 47: Change Documentation

Changes are displayed at two levels: 1.


Change date, time; user who made changes and transaction code with which the changes were made; condition type, condition table, and key combination of changed condition record; validity period of condition record at time of change Description of change made; old value (before change) and new value (after change); name of changed field

In the case of changes to scales, all condition scale entries (not just the changed ones) are written into change documents. All changes involving the supplementary conditions are documented and displayed together with the changes made to the condition record. You can also display change documents for price changes if you have changed the prices of a vendor in info records, contracts or scheduling agreements via Master Data Conditions Vendor Price Change.


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Unit 4: Maintaining Conditions


Authorizations for Condition Maintenance The authorization to change conditions in, for example, info records and contracts, is checked using an authorization object. It is, however, also possible to permit or forbid individual end users from displaying or maintain conditions in purchase orders.

Authorizations to Change Conditions The authorization object V_KONH_VKS (condition: authorization for condition types) enables you to restrict user access to certain condition types. The authorization object is assigned to the class Sales and Distribution. It comprises two authorization fields: • •

The authorization field Activity enables you to restrict user access to a certain activity (Create = activity 01, Change = activity 02, Display = activity 03). The authorization field Condition type enables you to restrict user access to certain condition types.

Figure 48: Authorization Protection

Authorization for authorization object V_KONH_EKO (purchasing organization in the master condition) is necessary for the maintenance of other conditions if the purchasing organization is part of the key of the condition record. The authorization object is assigned to the class Materials Management Purchasing.


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Lesson: Maintaining Conditions

The user parameter EFB enables you to specify the authorizations for certain functions used when processing requisitions and purchase orders per user or user group (including authorization to display or maintain conditions). You define the authorizations in Customizing and assign them to a user by entering the authorization key in the user master record under the parameter ID EFB. Authorization for authorization object S_TABU_DIS (table maintenance) and/or S_TABU_CLI (maintenance of client-independent tables) belonging to the class Basis – Administration is necessary in Customizing for the maintenance of condition types, calculation schemas, access sequences and so on. In addition, authorizations for the authorization object V_KONG_VWE (generation of conditions: authorization for usage/application) belonging to the class Conditions is necessary.

Adoption of Price from Purchase Requisition The parameter for the buyer function authorizations for purchase orders (EFB) enables you to determine that a user may specify whether or not the valuation price from the requisition item is to be adopted in the purchase order. If a user has this authorization, the field controlling the adoption of the purchase order price appears among the detail data on the Valuation tab page in the purchase requisition. Via this field, the user can decide whether the price from the requisition is to be adopted in the purchase order as the net or gross price, or is not to be adopted.

Figure 49: Controlling the price adoption from the purchase requisition with user parameter EFB


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Unit 4: Maintaining Conditions


You can also use the EFB parameter to assign a special field selection key controlling the input properties of fields in the Enjoy transaction for purchase requisitions to the user. Function authorizations are maintained in Customizing under Materials Management Purchasing Authorization Management Define Function Authorizations for Buyers.

Figure 50: Adoption of Price from Purchase Requisition

If the field for selecting an option for adopting a price in a purchase requisition item is shown, the user can define a price manually and indicate this for adoption into the purchase order price. The symbols have the following meanings: 1.



Adoption as gross price means that only the gross price from the info record is replaced by the new price and all discounts/surcharges are adopted from the info record (also from the last purchase order) and from the general conditions. Adoption as net price means that only the price from the requisition is adopted in the purchase order as the sole condition.

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Lesson: Maintaining Conditions

Exercise 7: Maintaining Conditions Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Execute functions for the maintenance and display of conditions • Change condition values and validity periods using collective functions • Definition of change options for condition types

Business Example Over time, the prices and conditions of the materials you buy from your vendors will change. Individual and collective functions are available for maintaining and displaying conditions. You want to learn more about the individual functions.

Task 1: Condition Type for Delivery Costs For certain delivery costs, you require a new condition type for which no changes are possible in the document. 1.

Create a new condition type Z##C for planned delivery costs with the description ZP521 Freight ## by copying the standard condition type FRB1. Specify the following for your new condition type: – Neither amounts nor condition values for this condition type should be changed in the document. – The condition type may not be deleted in the document What control parameters for condition types can you use to make these settings? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Save your condition type.

Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Maintaining Conditions


Task 2: Calculation Schemas For purchasing with vendor T-K521B##, the new condition type is to be maintained in the purchasing info records and adopted in the purchase orders. 1.

Change your calculation schemas YM00## and ZM00## by replacing the standard condition type FRB1 with your new condition type Z##C. Save your changes.

Task 3: Cross-Plant Purchasing Info Record You also procure material T-REM## from vendor T-K521B##. You want to plan the costs for the shipment in the info record. 1.

Create a cross-plant info record with the following data: Use your new condition type Z##C for the planned freight costs. Vendor:




Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Planned delivery time:

7 days

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Standard quantity:


You have agreed the following conditions with the vendor: Gross price:

18.00 EUR/PC

Freight surcharge:

EUR 50.00

The conditions are valid from 01/01 of the current year until 12/31 of the following year. Save the info record but do not leave the transaction.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Maintaining Conditions

Task 4: Plant-Dependent Purchasing Info Records Vendor T-K521B## grants special conditions for material T-REM## but only for the plants Berlin (1100) and Dresden (1200). 1.

Create a plant info record for purchasing organization 1000 and for plant Berlin (1100) with the following data; for the planned freight costs, use the new condition type Z##C. Planned delivery time:

7 days

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Standard quantity:


Hint: The data for the fields Planned Deliv. Time, Purch. Group and Standard Qty are proposed by the cross-plant info record and do not have to be changed. Gross price:

17.80 EUR/PC

Freight surcharge:

EUR 40.00

The conditions are also valid from 01/01 of the current year until 12/31 of the following year. Save the info record but do not leave the transaction. 2.

Create a plant info record for purchasing organization 1000 and for plant Dresden (1200) with the following data; for the planned freight costs, use the new condition type Z##C. Planned delivery time:

7 days

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Standard quantity:


Gross price:

18.20 EUR/PC

Freight surcharge:

EUR 35.00

Save the info record.

Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Maintaining Conditions


Task 5: Purchase Order Test your new condition type and the adoption of conditions from the info records. 1.

Create a purchase order with the following data: Vendor:


Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Delivery date:

Today in four weeks

Order 100 pcs of material T-REM## for plant Hamburg (1000). Save the purchase order after you have completed the following subtasks. 2.

Can you change the freight surcharge taken from the info record? ______________________________________________________________


Can you delete the freight surcharge taken from the info record? ______________________________________________________________ Save your purchase order. Purchase order number:


Task 6: Price Changes by Vendor Vendor T-K521B## informs you that he will reduce all gross prices for his materials by 5%. The reduction applies to all plants, but only from the 1st of the coming month for a period of three months. 1.

Collectively change all info records for vendor T-K521B##. Check the proposed price changes in the list with regard to dates and condition amounts. Save the price change.

Task 7: General Overview of Conditions 1.

Display a general overview of all the prices of material T-REM## for vendor T-K521B##. Choose a scope-of-list parameter that enables you to list both cross-plant and plant-specific prices in a general overview.


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Lesson: Maintaining Conditions

Solution 7: Maintaining Conditions Task 1: Condition Type for Delivery Costs For certain delivery costs, you require a new condition type for which no changes are possible in the document. 1.

Create a new condition type Z##C for planned delivery costs with the description ZP521 Freight ## by copying the standard condition type FRB1. Specify the following for your new condition type: – Neither amounts nor condition values for this condition type should be changed in the document. – The condition type may not be deleted in the document What control parameters for condition types can you use to make these settings? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Save your condition type.

Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Maintaining Conditions



In the Customizing structure (session 1), choose: Materials Management Determination Process Choose the

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Define Condition Types

IMG – Activity icon.

Choose Define Condition Type. Press


Place the cursor on the table entry FRB1: Choose FRB1. Choose Continue.

Position..., and enter

Select condition type FRB1 and choose the Copy As... icon. Specify the key Z##C and the designation ZP521Freight ## and choose the Enter icon. b)

You use the indicators in the Changes which can be made group to define whether, and if so, what data for the conditions in the purchase order can be changed. The Amount/percent and Delete indicators are used for this task. • • •

Use the Amount/percent control parameter to specify whether the amount or percentage of a condition can be changed in a document. Use the Value control parameter to specify whether the condition value of a condition can be changed in a document. The Delete parameter allows you to specify whether a condition type can be deleted in a document.

Select the condition type Z##C, and choose the following settings:

Details icon. Make the

Remove the indicator for the changeability of Amount/percent, Value and Delete. Choose the

Save icon.

Exit this Customizing activity and return to the IMG structure. Choose the

Exit icon.

Close the dialog box. Choose the

Cancel icon.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Maintaining Conditions

Task 2: Calculation Schemas For purchasing with vendor T-K521B##, the new condition type is to be maintained in the purchasing info records and adopted in the purchase orders. 1.

Change your calculation schemas YM00## and ZM00## by replacing the standard condition type FRB1 with your new condition type Z##C. Save your changes. a)

In the Customizing structure (session 1), choose: Materials Management Determination Process Choose the

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Define Calculation Schema

IMG – Activity icon.

Place your cursor on the entry YM00##. Select YM00##, and double-click Control data in the dialog structure. Position the cursor on the entry step 31, counter 2: Choose Position…, and in the Counter field, enter the value 31, and in the Step field, enter the value 2. Choose Continue. Replace condition type FRB1 with Z##C. b)

Choose Schemas in the dialog structure by double-clicking. Place your cursor on the entry ZM00##. Select ZM00##, and double-click Control data in the dialog structure. Position the cursor on the entry step 31, counter 2: Choose Position…, and in the Counter field, enter the value 31, and in the Step field, enter the value 2. Choose Continue. Replace condition type FRB1 with Z##C. Choose the

Save icon.

Exit this Customizing activity and return to the IMG structure. Choose the

Exit icon.

Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Maintaining Conditions


Task 3: Cross-Plant Purchasing Info Record You also procure material T-REM## from vendor T-K521B##. You want to plan the costs for the shipment in the info record. 1.

Create a cross-plant info record with the following data: Use your new condition type Z##C for the planned freight costs. Vendor:




Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Planned delivery time:

7 days

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Standard quantity:


You have agreed the following conditions with the vendor: Gross price:

18.00 EUR/PC

Freight surcharge:

EUR 50.00

The conditions are valid from 01/01 of the current year until 12/31 of the following year.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Maintaining Conditions

Save the info record but do not leave the transaction. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Materials Management Logistics Info Record Create

→ Purchasing → Master Data →

Enter the following data on the initial screen: Vendor




Purchasing organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)


Leave blank

Choose the info record category Standard. Choose the

Continue icon.

Choose Purch. Org. Data 1. Enter the following data on the Purch. Org. Data 1 screen: Planned deliv. time


Purchasing group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Standard quantity


Net price

EUR 18.00

Choose Conditions. Enter the following data on the Conditions screen: Condition

Cond. type


Gross price


18.00 EUR/PC (this amount is automatically adopted from the Purch. Org. Data 1 screen)

ZP521 Freight ##


EUR 50.00

Change the start of validity date to January 1st of the current year. For the end of validity, enter 12/31 of the next year. Choose the

Save icon. Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Maintaining Conditions


Task 4: Plant-Dependent Purchasing Info Records Vendor T-K521B## grants special conditions for material T-REM## but only for the plants Berlin (1100) and Dresden (1200). 1.

Create a plant info record for purchasing organization 1000 and for plant Berlin (1100) with the following data; for the planned freight costs, use the new condition type Z##C. Planned delivery time:

7 days

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Standard quantity:


Hint: The data for the fields Planned Deliv. Time, Purch. Group and Standard Qty are proposed by the cross-plant info record and do not have to be changed. Gross price:

17.80 EUR/PC

Freight surcharge:

EUR 40.00

The conditions are also valid from 01/01 of the current year until 12/31 of the following year.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Maintaining Conditions

Save the info record but do not leave the transaction. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Materials Management Logistics Info Record Create

→ Purchasing → Master Data →

Enter the following data on the initial screen: Vendor




Purchasing organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)


1100 (Berlin)

Choose the info record category Standard. Choose the

Continue icon.

Choose Purch. Org. Data 1. Hint: The data for the fields Planned Deliv. Time, Purch. Group and Standard Qty are proposed by the cross-plant info record and do not have to be changed. Choose Conditions. Enter the following data on the Conditions screen: Condition

Condition type


Gross price


17.80 EUR/PC

ZP521 Freight ##


EUR 40.00

Change the start of validity date to January 1st of the current year. For the end of validity, enter 12/31 of the next year. Choose the 2.

Save icon.

Create a plant info record for purchasing organization 1000 and for plant Dresden (1200) with the following data; for the planned freight costs, use the new condition type Z##C.

Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Maintaining Conditions


Planned delivery time:

7 days

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Standard quantity:


Gross price:

18.20 EUR/PC

Freight surcharge:

EUR 35.00

Save the info record. a)

Enter the following data on the initial screen for the second info record: Vendor




Purchasing organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)


1200 (Dresden)

Choose the info record category Standard. Choose the

Continue icon.

Choose Purch. Org. Data 1. Hint: The data for the fields Planned Deliv. Time, Purch. Group and Standard Qty are proposed by the cross-plant info record and do not have to be changed. Choose Conditions. Enter the following data on the Conditions screen: Condition

Condition type


Gross price


18.20 EUR/PC

ZP521 Freight ##


EUR 35.00

Change the start of validity date to January 1st of the current year. For the end of validity, enter 12/31 of the next year. Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon. Continued on next page


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Lesson: Maintaining Conditions

Task 5: Purchase Order Test your new condition type and the adoption of conditions from the info records. 1.

Create a purchase order with the following data: Vendor:


Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Delivery date:

Today in four weeks

Order 100 pcs of material T-REM## for plant Hamburg (1000). Save the purchase order after you have completed the following subtasks. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Materials Management Purchasing Logistics Create Vendor/Supplying Plant Known

→ Purchase Order →

Enter the following data in the header data of the purchase order: Vendor


Document date


In the header details on the Org. Data tab page, enter the following data: Purchasing organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Company code

1000 (IDES AG)

Choose the

Continue icon.

Enter the following data in the Item overview area of the purchase order:




PO quantity

Delivery date Plant



100 PC

4 weeks from 1000 today

Can you change the freight surcharge taken from the info record?

Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Maintaining Conditions


______________________________________________________________ a)

In the item details, choose the Conditions tab page. No, the freight surcharge adopted from the info record cannot be changed either in the Amount or in the Condition Value field.


Can you delete the freight surcharge taken from the info record? ______________________________________________________________ Save your purchase order. Purchase order number: a)


No, the freight surcharge adopted from the info record cannot be deleted. Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.

Task 6: Price Changes by Vendor Vendor T-K521B## informs you that he will reduce all gross prices for his materials by 5%. The reduction applies to all plants, but only from the 1st of the coming month for a period of three months. 1.

Collectively change all info records for vendor T-K521B##.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Maintaining Conditions

Check the proposed price changes in the list with regard to dates and condition amounts. Save the price change. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

→ Purchasing → Master Data → → Involving Info Records

Materials Management Logistics Conditions Vendor Price Changes

Enter the following data on the initial screen: Vendor





Valid from

1st of the coming month

Valid until

31st of the third subsequent month

Ensure that the Gross Price indicator is set. The Scale Lines indicator causes all scaled prices to be adjusted as well. The Test Run indicator must not be be set. Choose the

Execute icon.

For all info records of this vendor with the various key combination, you receive the following overview: • •

Old status with the period 01/01 of the current year until 12/31 of the subsequent year New status with three time periods, where the middle time period contains the reduced prices and is three months long

The display of this overview depends on the value in user parameter ME_USE_GRID. Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.

Task 7: General Overview of Conditions 1.

Display a general overview of all the prices of material T-REM## for vendor T-K521B##.

Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Maintaining Conditions


Choose a scope-of-list parameter that enables you to list both cross-plant and plant-specific prices in a general overview. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Materials Management Purchasing Logistics Conditions Prices General Overview

→ Master Data →

Enter the following data on the initial screen: Vendor




Scope of list


Choose the

Execute icon.

Check the displayed data. Choose the


Exit icon.

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Lesson: Maintaining Conditions

Lesson Summary You • • •


should now be able to: Execute the different functions for the maintenance and display of conditions Change condition values and validity periods using collective functions Define change options for condition types

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Unit Summary


Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Execute the different functions for the maintenance and display of conditions • Change condition values and validity periods using collective functions • Define change options for condition types


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Unit 5 Special Condition Types Unit Overview This unit presents an overview of the various condition types with their control indicators and their special applications. These include, for example, condition types for mapping precious metal ruling prices in the SAP system, for delivery costs and for variant conditions. You will also learn what differences there are between price determination in stock transport orders and scheduling agreements.

Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • • • • • •

Create and use condition types for precious metal conditions Explain the price determination process using precious metal conditions Describe the control parameters for condition types for delivery costs Explain the function of the pallet discount/surcharge condition types Describe how to maintain weight- and volume-dependent conditions Describe the main data and its interaction for using variant conditions in purchasing Maintain variant conditions in the purchasing info record and explain how it is adopted into a purchasing document

Unit Contents Lesson: Special Condition Types ................................................. 212 Exercise 8: Precious Metal Conditions ...................................... 223 Lesson: Variant Conditions in Purchasing ....................................... 241 Exercise 9: Variant Conditions in Purchasing............................... 247


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types


Lesson: Special Condition Types Lesson Overview In this lesson you will learn about different control indicators for condition types and in the calculation schema that can be used for special processes and conditions. For example, you are shown how precious metal ruling prices or delivery costs can be considered in the SAP system.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • • • •

Create and use condition types for precious metal conditions Explain the price determination process using precious metal conditions Describe the control parameters for condition types for delivery costs Explain the function of the pallet discount/surcharge condition types Describe how to maintain weight- and volume-dependent conditions

Business Example • • • •

You purchase certain materials that contain a precious metal. Since the market price of the metal fluctuates, this influences the purchase price. Your vendor, or a freight forwarder, charges delivery costs for which you need a separate condition type. Certain materials that you purchase are delivered on pallets, and the vendor offers you a discount if you purchase a complete pallet. Your vendor imposes a surcharge based on the weight of the material delivered.

Conditions with Ruling Prices There is a separate condition category “U” for pricing components that vary from day to day, such as discounts and surcharges for precious metals. This condition category causes the price for the material to be newly determined at the time the purchase order is created and at the time of goods receipt on the basis of the current ruling price. For every precious metal for which you want to consider ruling prices, you require a separate non-dimensional unit of measure. You specify the precious metal portion in the material master record or the info record using this special non-dimensional unit of measure (for example, GAU = gram of gold).


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Lesson: Special Condition Types

To map the ruling prices, you also need two special condition types for each precious metal. You enter the precious metal price portion contained in the material price in the info record under the condition type GAU1 (or a comparable condition type of your own). You maintain the current ruling price for the precious metal as a General Condition for condition type GAU2 (or a comparable condition type of your own).

Figure 51: Precious Metal Conditions (GAU1/GAU2)


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types


The two condition types must satisfy special requirements: •

Both condition types must be assigned condition class A, condition category U, calculation type C (quantity-dependent), and the same unit of measurement (for example, GAU). Both condition types must be entered in the document schema in the above sequence, and immediately after each other. The Statistical indicator must not be set for either condition type. This first condition type (GAU1) must be marked as a manual condition in the document schema and be assigned the calculation formula 31. Only the first condition type (GAU1) may be entered for the gross price in the supplementary condition schema. The Statistical indicator must be set here.

The second condition type (GAU2) may not be flagged as a manual condition in the document schema. It must be assigned the calculation formula 32, the base formula 32, and the requirement 31. An access sequence must be assigned to the condition type for the current ruling price (GAU2).

Delivery Costs Planned delivery costs are delivery costs that are agreed on in advance of the purchase order with the vendor, a forwarding agent or a customs office, and which are entered when the purchase order is being created. Planned freight or duty costs are entered for one vendor. If they are not to be invoiced by the vendor to which the purchase order is issued, then a different vendor (creditor), for example, a forwarding agent or a customs office, can be entered in the purchase order when planning the delivery costs. A different vendor is entered in the condition detail screen. The forwarding agent can be entered or changed at the time of goods receipt. Whether a different vendor can be entered depends on the condition type (Vendor GR indicator).


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Lesson: Special Condition Types

Figure 52: Delivery Costs

Condition types for delivery costs must satisfy certain requirements: • • •

The condition category must be B (delivery costs). The Accruals indicator must be set. This indicator causes an accrual to be booked for this condition type in Financial Accounting during the valuated goods receipt. The Statistical indicator must be set in the calculation schema. This ensures that this condition type is not taken into account in the calculation of the net price.

A transaction/event key must be assigned to a provision-relevant condition type in the calculation schema (Accrual field) to enable the G/L account determination. If you need separate accounts to differentiate the different provisions for planned freight costs - for example, for rail, ship or truck transports - you can define separate condition types for each transport type and also new transaction/event keys. The assignment of the G/L accounts is carried out through the settings for automatic account determination.


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types


Figure 53: Postings for Delivery Costs

You can plan delivery costs in the purchasing documents. In doing so, you can use various condition types (for example, FRA1, FRB1, FRC1). For these condition types, it has been specified in Customizing for Purchasing that the system is to post the planned delivery costs to a separate account (clearing account or provision account) at the time of goods receipt. You clear the posting on this clearing account or provision account when you enter the invoice for the planned delivery costs. In the incoming invoice posting for this example, the tax rate used for the input tax is 10% (*).


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Lesson: Special Condition Types

Pallet Discount and Incomplete Pallet Surcharge

Figure 54: Pallet Discount/Incomplete Pallet Surcharge

Condition type LP00 allows you to define discount conditions that always only apply to a complete package unit (unit of measure such as pallet, box). The package unit (unit of measure) is assigned to the condition type. The condition type for the pallet discount must be inserted at a suitable point in the calculation schema, with the assignment of base formula 22. Base formula 22 checks the quantity ordered against this package unit and determines the number of complete package units. The pallet discount is only considered for the complete package units. Condition type LP01 allows you to specify surcharges that are only taken into account in the case of incomplete units of measure. The unit of measure (for example, pallet) is assigned to the condition type. The condition type for the incomplete pallet surcharge must be inserted at a suitable point in the calculation schema, with the assignment of base formula 24. This formula checks the quantity ordered against this package unit and determines whether the quantity ordered (in package units) is a whole number. If the quantity ordered (in package units) is a whole number, there is no surcharge, otherwise the surcharge applies for the incomplete package unit.


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types


For mixed pallets, you can use the condition types LP02 (mixed pallet discount) and LP03 (incomplete mixed pallet surcharge). Both are designated as group conditions, have the calculation type fixed amount and thus enable cumulation of the quantities of the individual items (in package units). Scale formula 23 is assigned to condition type LP03. This eliminates the digits in front of the decimal point and checks for places after the decimal point. Condition types LP00, LP01, LP02, and LP03 are not included in standard MM calculation schema RM0000. In all cases, the unit of measure that is assigned to the condition type must be maintained in the master records of the materials that are to be ordered.

Weight- and Volume-Dependent Conditions You have the option of maintaining weight- or volume-dependent conditions. The condition types for weights and volumes are then taken into account during the purchase price determination process.

Figure 55: Weight- and Volume-Dependent Conditions

To maintain weight- or volume-dependent conditions, you require special condition types with the calculation types D, E or F and scale basis D, E or F. Their meanings are as follows:


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Lesson: Special Condition Types


Gross weight


Net weight



The gross or net weight, or the volume per order unit, must be specified in the material master record or purchasing document item. You can maintain the Gross weight and Volume fields in the additional data for the item. Both fields relate to an order unit. This means that if you order 20 PC of material A, for example, and one piece weighs 10 kg, you must enter 10 kg (and not 200 kg) in the Weight field. Weight- or volume-dependent conditions can also be used as group conditions.

Free Goods Free goods are often used in retail. These are goods discounts that belong to the price agreement of a material/article.

Figure 56: Free Goods: Prerequisites


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types


For the free goods to be considered in the purchase order, for example, you must indicate both the vendor and the desired article as qualifying for discount in kind.

Figure 57: Free Goods: Inclusive Bonus Quantity

With the inclusive bonus quantity, the orderer only pays for a portion of the goods desired. The rest of the goods are free. The inclusive bonus quantity is also known as free goods inclusive, and means that a portion of the purchase order quantity are free goods and are thus not invoiced. Example: Of 10 pieces, 1 piece is “free goods”, which means that when 10 pieces are ordered, 10 pieces are delivered and 1 of these pieces is not invoiced. Therefore, the order is made including the free goods.


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Lesson: Special Condition Types

Figure 58: Free Goods: Exclusive Bonus Quantity

With the exclusive bonus quantity, the orderer pays for the goods desired and receives additional goods free. The exclusive bonus quantity is also known as free goods exclusive, and means that a certain portion of free goods is provided in addition to the purchase order, meaning that more is delivered than was ordered, without the additional delivery being invoiced. Example: With 10 pieces, there is an additional 1 piece of “free goods”, which means that when 10 pieces are ordered, 11 pieces are delivered but only 10 pieces are invoiced. The exclusive bonus quantity can involve articles of the same kind, but it is also possible to deliver a different article as the exclusive bonus quantity.

Price Determination in the Stock Transfer of Materials For the stock transfer of materials between two plants, you can create a stock transport order using standard document type UB. If the transport is performed by an external company, you can also schedule delivery costs in the purchase order item for the expected cost of the stock transfer. For stock transport orders and stock transport scheduling agreements, there is a separate calculation schema and the special condition type P101 in the standard system.


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types


Figure 59: Price Determination for Stock Transport Orders

The standard calculation schema for stock transport orders and stock transport scheduling agreements does not contain any condition types that have an access sequence assigned to them. All condition types are indicated as Statistical. With condition type P101 (condition category G), the current valuation price of the material is determined in the valuation area of the supplying plant. For the valuation of the goods issue in the supplying plant, the current valuation price of the material at the time of the posting is used.


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Lesson: Special Condition Types

Exercise 8: Precious Metal Conditions Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Create condition types for precious metal conditions by copying existing ones • Maintain precious metal conditions • Explain the price determination process using precious metal conditions

Business Example You purchase certain materials that contain a precious metal. Since the market price of the precious metal fluctuates, the purchase price varies accordingly. There is a special condition category (“U”) for pricing components that vary from day to day. This condition category causes the price for the material to be newly determined at the time a purchase order is created and at the time of a goods receipt. This is based on the current ruling price of the precious metal.

Task 1: Condition Types for Precious Metal Prices Create two new condition types which will consider the ruling prices for gold. Enter these condition types in your new calculation schemas. 1.

Create a new condition type Z##1 with the description Metal price portion ## for the “gold price contained in the gross price” by copying the standard condition type GAU1. Make sure the unit of measure GAU (= gram of gold) is assigned. Save the new condition type. However, do not exit the Customizing activity yet.


For the gold ruling prices, create a second new condition type Z##2 with the description Curr. metal price ## by copying the standard condition type GAU2. Check whether the unit of measure GAU has also been assigned to this condition type by the copy procedure. Condition type Z##2 should be defined to automatically use the current date as the default for the validity start and end dates. Which control parameters do you use to define this? ______________________________________________________________ Save the new condition type. Continued on next page


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types



Change the calculation schemas ZM00## and YM00## by replacing the standard condition types GAU1 and GAU2 with your new condition types Z##1 and Z##2. Save your changes.

Task 2: Material Procurement with Gold Ruling Prices 1.

Material T-REN## contains five grams of gold per piece. Enter the gold content in the material master record by entering the alternative unit of measure GAU (gram of gold) and the conversion to the base unit of measure piece. What is the conversion formula for the units of measure? ______________________________________________________________ Save the change.


You often get material T-REN## from vendor T-K521C##. Therefore, you create an info record with the following data. Use condition type Z##1 for the “gold price contained in the gross price”. Vendor:




Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)


1000 (Plant Hamburg)

Planned delivery time:


Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Standard quantity:


Specify that when the goods receipt is posted, a new price determination shall be performed. How do you control this? ______________________________________________________________ The gross price of the material is EUR 120 per piece. This price already includes the price EUR 10 per 1 gram of gold. The conditions are valid from 01 of the current month until 12/31 of the following year. Save the info record.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Special Condition Types


Maintain the current prices for precious metals by creating condition records for your condition type Z##2. Ruling price from yesterday:

10.60 EUR per 1 GAU

Ruling price from today:

10.20 EUR per 1 GAU

Save your precious metal conditions. 4.

Create a purchase order with the following data: Vendor:


Doc. date:


Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Delivery date:


Order 1 pc of material T-REN## for plant Hamburg (1000) and storage location 0001. Hint: Save the purchase order after you have completed the following subtasks. 5.


Check the results of the price determination process: Gross price:


Metal price portion:


Current metal price:


Condition base for Z##2:


Condition value for Z##2:


Additional surcharges:




Net price:


Display the analysis of the price determination to determine the condition pricing date for Z##2: Continued on next page


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types


______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Save your purchase order. Make a note of the purchase order number. Purchase order number: 7.

Post a goods receipt for your purchase order. Make a note of the material document number. Material document number:




Display the accounting document for your GR posting. At which price was the material valuated at the time of goods receipt? ______________________________________________________________ How do you explain the difference between the goods receipt value and the PO value? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


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Lesson: Special Condition Types

Solution 8: Precious Metal Conditions Task 1: Condition Types for Precious Metal Prices Create two new condition types which will consider the ruling prices for gold. Enter these condition types in your new calculation schemas. 1.

Create a new condition type Z##1 with the description Metal price portion ## for the “gold price contained in the gross price” by copying the standard condition type GAU1. Make sure the unit of measure GAU (= gram of gold) is assigned. Save the new condition type. However, do not exit the Customizing activity yet. a)

In the Customizing structure (session 1), choose: Materials Management Determination Process

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Define Condition Types

IMG – Activity.


In the dialog box, choose Define Condition Type. Press


Place the cursor on the table entry GAU1. Choose enter GAU1.

Position..., and

Select condition type GAU1. Choose the

Copy As... icon.

Enter the key Z##1 and the description Metal price portion ##, and Copy (Enter). Make sure the unit of measure GAU is assigned choose to condition type Z##1. Select the condition type Z##1, and choose the

Details icon.

Through the copy function, the unit of measure GAU was also assigned to your new condition type. Choose the

Back icon.

Save the new condition type. Choose the

Save icon. Do not exit this activity yet.

Continued on next page


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types



For the gold ruling prices, create a second new condition type Z##2 with the description Curr. metal price ## by copying the standard condition type GAU2. Check whether the unit of measure GAU has also been assigned to this condition type by the copy procedure. Condition type Z##2 should be defined to automatically use the current date as the default for the validity start and end dates. Which control parameters do you use to define this? ______________________________________________________________ Save the new condition type. a)

Select condition type GAU2. Choose the

Copy As... icon.

Enter the key Z##2 and the description Curr. metal price ##, and choose Copy (Enter). Details icon. Use the Select the condition type Z##2, and choose the F4 input help to display the possible entries for the fields valid from and Valid to. With the control parameters – Valid from “_” (blank) and – Valid to 0 you can specify that the current date is suggested as the validity start and end dates when condition records are being created. Enter these values. Save the new condition type. Choose the Choose

Save icon. Exit.

Close the dialog box. Choose 3.


Change the calculation schemas ZM00## and YM00## by replacing the standard condition types GAU1 and GAU2 with your new condition types Z##1 and Z##2.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Special Condition Types

Save your changes. a)

In the Customizing structure (session 1), choose: Materials Management Determination Process

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Define Calculation Schema

IMG – Activity.


Place your cursor on the entry YM00##. Choose YM00##.

Position..., and enter

Select YM00##, and double-click Control data in the dialog structure. Replace condition type GAU1 with Z##1. Caution: If you want to use different precious metal prices, then you should copy the entry with condition type GAU1. For the new entry, enter level 6, counter 1, for example. For this new entry, enter condition type Z##1. Choose Schemas in the dialog structure by double-clicking. Place your cursor on the entry ZM00##. Choose ZM00##.

Position..., and enter

Select ZM00##, and double-click to choose Control data in the dialog structure. Replace condition types GAU1 and GAU2 with Z##1 and Z##2. Caution: If you want to use different precious metal prices, then you should copy the two entries with condition types GAU1 and GAU2. Make sure you give the new entries the same level – for example, level 6 – and consecutive counters – for example, counters 1 and 2. For these new entries, enter condition types Z##1 and Z##2. Choose the Choose

Save icon. Exit.

Continued on next page


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types


Task 2: Material Procurement with Gold Ruling Prices 1.

Material T-REN## contains five grams of gold per piece. Enter the gold content in the material master record by entering the alternative unit of measure GAU (gram of gold) and the conversion to the base unit of measure piece. What is the conversion formula for the units of measure? ______________________________________________________________ Save the change. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ Materials Management → Material Master → Material → → Immediately

Logistics Change

Enter Material T-REN##, choose Select view(s), select the Basic Data 1 view and choose Continue (Enter). Select

Additional data, then choose the Units of measure tab.

Enter the following data: X






The conversion formula for the units of measure is: 5 GAU = 1 pc. Choose the Choose 2.

Save icon. Exit.

You often get material T-REN## from vendor T-K521C##. Therefore, you create an info record with the following data. Use condition type Z##1 for the “gold price contained in the gross price”. Vendor:




Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)


1000 (Plant Hamburg)

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Special Condition Types

Planned delivery time:


Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Standard quantity:


Specify that when the goods receipt is posted, a new price determination shall be performed. How do you control this? ______________________________________________________________ The gross price of the material is EUR 120 per piece. This price already includes the price EUR 10 per 1 gram of gold. The conditions are valid from 01 of the current month until 12/31 of the following year. Save the info record. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Materials Management Logistics Info Record Create

→ Purchasing → Master Data →

Enter the following data on the initial screen: Vendor




Purch. Org.

1000 (IDES Deutschland)


1000 (Plant Hamburg)

Select the Info category Standard. Choose


Choose Purch. Org. Data 1. Enter the following data on the Purch. Organization Data 1 screen: Pl. Deliv. Time


Purch. Group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Standard Qty


Net Price

120.00 EUR / 1 PC

Continued on next page


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types


So that a new price determination is performed when the goods receipt is posted, pricing date category 5 must be used. Enter this. Choose Conditions. Enter the following data on the Conditions screen: Condition



Gross price


120.00 EUR / 1 PC (this amount is automatically adopted from the Purch. Org. Data 1 screen)

Metal price port. ##


10.00 EUR

Check the validity period. Change the start of validity to 01 of the current month if necessary. For the end of validity, enter 12/31 of the next year.


Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Exit icon.

Maintain the current prices for precious metals by creating condition records for your condition type Z##2. Ruling price from yesterday:

10.60 EUR per 1 GAU

Ruling price from today:

10.20 EUR per 1 GAU

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Special Condition Types

Save your precious metal conditions. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Materials Management Logistics Conditions Other Create

→ Purchasing → Master Data →

Enter condition type Z##2. Choose the

Continue icon.

The overview appears. Enter the following data on the Create Curr. metal price ## (Z##2): Fast Entry screen: Company code (CoCode)

Amount / Unit / per / UoM


10.60 EUR per 1 GAU



The current date is suggested as the valid from and valid to dates. Change the Valid From and Valid to dates to yesterday's date. Save your precious metal condition. Choose the

Save icon.

Repeat the steps to enter the new ruling price. Enter the following data: Company code (CoCode)

Amount / Unit / per / UoM


10.20 EUR per 1 GAU



Choose the Choose 4.

Save icon. Exit.

Create a purchase order with the following data:

Continued on next page


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types




Doc. date:


Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Delivery date:


Order 1 pc of material T-REN## for plant Hamburg (1000) and storage location 0001. Hint: Save the purchase order after you have completed the following subtasks. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Create Vendor/Supplying Plant Known

→ Purchase Order →

Enter the following data in the header data of the purchase order: Vendor


Doc. date


In the header details on the Org. Data tab page, enter the following data: Purch. Org.

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purch. Group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Company Code

1000 (IDES AG)



Enter the following data in the Item Overview area of the purchase order:


Itm Material

PO Quantity / Order Unit

Deliv. Date


Storage Location


1 PC





Check the results of the price determination process: Continued on next page


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Lesson: Special Condition Types

Gross price:


Metal price portion:


Current metal price:


Condition base for Z##2:


Condition value for Z##2:


Continued on next page


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types


Additional surcharges:




Net price:



In the item details, choose the Conditions tab page. In each case, select a row with a condition type. Choose Choose the Choose Choose the

Condition rec.. Back icon. Condition detail. Back icon.

The program has determined the following conditions: Cond. type




Condition value


120.00 EUR

1 PC

120.00 EUR


– EUR 10.00


– EUR 50.00


10.60 EUR


53.00 EUR


30.00 EUR

30.00 EUR

Net value incl. discount

153.00 EUR

Metal price port. ##:

EUR 10.00 per 1 GAU, corresponding to EUR 50.00 per 1 PC

Curr. metal price ##:

EUR 10.60 per 1 GAU, corresponding to EUR 53.00 per 1 PC

Condition base for Z##2:


Condition value for Z##2:

EUR 53.00 = 10.60 EUR/GAU * 5 GAU

Display the analysis of the price determination to determine the condition pricing date for Z##2: ______________________________________________________________ Continued on next page


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Lesson: Special Condition Types

______________________________________________________________ Save your purchase order. Make a note of the purchase order number. Purchase order number: a)


On the Conditions tab page, choose


The overview on the right gives you the following information: Condition type





Condition record has been found

Choose condition type Z##2 in the left overview by double-clicking. Below the Z##2 folder you use access 10 to display the Metal prices condition table. Select this row with cursor positioning. Details are shown on the right screen for access 10. The pricing date that was used to determine the condition is yesterday's date.


Choose the

Back icon.

Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.

Post a goods receipt for your purchase order. Make a note of the material document number. Material document number:


Continued on next page


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types



From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Materials Management Purchasing Logistics Follow-On Functions Goods Receipt

→ Purchase Order →

Choose the Goods Receipt transaction. Choose the reference document Purchase Order. Enter movement type 101. Enter the number of your purchase order from the previous subtask and choose the Execute (Enter) icon or the Execute icon. Set the indicator Item OK (item is adopted in document), if is has not been set by default. Hint: Note than you can only change data in the item overview if no detail data is displayed (for this item). Choose Post or the Choose the 8.

Post icon.

Exit icon.

Display the accounting document for your GR posting. At which price was the material valuated at the time of goods receipt? ______________________________________________________________ How do you explain the difference between the goods receipt value and the PO value? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Special Condition Types


From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Materials Management Logistics Display

→ Purchasing → Purchase Order

If your PO from subtask 4 is not displayed, choose the Other Purchase Order icon. Enter your purchase order number from Subtask 4 and choose Other Document. In the item details, choose the Purchase Order History tab page. The material number for your goods receipt posting is displayed in the overview. You use cursor positioning to branch to the material document display. In the header data of the material document, choose the Doc. Info tab page. FI Documents on this tab page.


In the dialog box, select Accounting Document. Press


In the document overview you can see, among others, the amount EUR 151.00, which was posted on the stock account. b)

The material was valuated at EUR 151.00.


The valuation price at the time of goods receipt differs from the order price due to the different ruling prices for precious metals. The difference between the goods receipt value of EUR 151.00 and the PO value of EUR 153.00 is due to the difference between the two ruling prices for precious metals of – EUR 10.60 per 1 GAU (yesterday's date) and – EUR 10.20 per 1 GAU (today's date) With the gold content of the material at 5 GAU per 1 PC, the difference is calculated as follows: (10.60 – 10.20 ) EUR/GAU * 5 GAU = 2.00 EUR Choose


Close the dialog box. Choose Choose the



Back icon.

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Unit 5: Special Condition Types


Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Create and use condition types for precious metal conditions • Explain the price determination process using precious metal conditions • Describe the control parameters for condition types for delivery costs • Explain the function of the pallet discount/surcharge condition types • Describe how to maintain weight- and volume-dependent conditions


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Lesson: Variant Conditions in Purchasing

Lesson: Variant Conditions in Purchasing Lesson Overview This lesson takes a brief look at the variant-dependent conditions for the procurement of configurable material. The focus is on the maintenance of conditions for the different variants of a material. This topic is dealt with in detail in other courses (see Further information.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • •

Describe the main data and its interaction for using variant conditions in purchasing Maintain variant conditions in the purchasing info record and explain how it is adopted into a purchasing document

Business Example Your purchasing department also wants to maintain conditions for configurable materials in purchasing info records.

Prerequisites Many individual steps are required for setting up the knowledge base for a configurable material.

Overview As a basis, you require the characteristics that describe the material. You assign the characteristics to a variant class. You maintain object dependencies for the characteristics and characteristic values so that only allowed values can be chosen. You maintain the necessary settings for the configurable material in the material master. You create a configuration profile in which you define the configuration parameters. The material master record must be assigned to the variant class.


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types


Figure 60: Overview

A constraint (description of the dependencies between one or more objects and their characteristics) is used as an object dependency in the variant configuration. You can use constraints to check the consistency of characteristic value assignments or to derive characteristic values. In the variant configuration, you can also use constraints to address various assemblies of a BOM, which are in turn configurable, and between which there are dependencies. You will find detailed information on variant configuration and on the pricing for variants in training courses PLM140, Variant Configuration 1 – Modeling, and PLM143, Variant Configuration 1 – Integration.

Defining Characteristics Characteristics provide an exact description in the configuration of materials. For example, using characteristics and characteristic values, you can inform your supplier which attribute you want the material ordered to have. For each of the individual product attributes → for example, for the color → you create a characteristic and assign the characteristic values → for example, red, blue, silver.


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Lesson: Variant Conditions in Purchasing

Figure 61: Defining Characteristics

You can define characteristics as restrictable specifically for the variant configuration. The values of a restrictable characteristic can be restricted to a specific value range during the configuration.

Defining Variant Classes Classes are used to group objects together in accordance with specific evaluation criteria. In classes you can use characteristics that describe the objects. The characteristics can be adjusted specifically for classes. For the variant conditions, one of these characteristics must refer to table MMCOM and field VKOND. The characteristic MMCON_VKOND is defined accordingly.


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types


Figure 62: Defining Variant Classes

In the variant configuration, a class holds the attributes that describe a configurable material. By linking the class to the configurable material, the material can be configured using the characteristics of the class. For a class to be used in the variant configuration, it must be created in a class type that allows variant configuration. For this, the variant class type indicator must be set for the class type in the Customizing of the class system. This is class type 300 in the standard system.

Configurable Material The configurable material must be linked with a class or classes of a variant class type in order to make the characteristics available for the configuration. This generally only involves performing an assignment - of material to class - without a valuation. A valuation would involve a restriction of the allowed values.


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Lesson: Variant Conditions in Purchasing

Figure 63: Configurable Material

A valuation of variants in purchasing can only be performed using object dependencies (or by using function modules and tables). The object dependency describes the mutual dependencies between objects of the configuration process, for example between the variant condition RED and a characteristic value for the characteristic COLOR. You create a procedure in which you enter the characteristic with the reference to structure MMCOM and the variant key. You assign the procedure either to the characteristic values that trigger the variant conditions, or to the configuration profile.

Variant Conditions in Purchasing In purchasing you can use variant conditions to define surcharges and discounts for externally-procured, configurable materials. The surcharges and discounts depend on the characteristic value assignment that is transferred from the sales order or the material master (for material variants).


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types


Figure 64: Info Record and Purchase Order

The characteristic value assignment can only be performed in a purchase requisition or purchase order item. You maintain the surcharges and discounts for the individual characteristic values in the info record with condition types VA00 (quantity-dependent) and VA01 (percentage).


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Lesson: Variant Conditions in Purchasing

Exercise 9: Variant Conditions in Purchasing Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Maintain configurable materials • Maintain and use variant conditions in purchasing

Business Example Your purchasing department wants to use configurable materials in purchasing. You want to maintain the purchase prices in the purchasing info record as simply as possible, also for the different variants.

Task 1: Indicating Material You purchase material T-REP## in different variants. The purchase prices vary, depending on the variant. To use variant conditions, the material must be configurable. 1.

Check whether your material T-REP## is indicated as configurable. Set this indicator, if necessary, and save your change. Hint: You will find the indicator Material is configurable in the standard system on the Basic data 2 tab page, in the material master record maintenance.

Task 2: Creating/Changing a Characteristic The purchase prices for your material T-REP## (personal computer) depend on the size of the additionally installed second hard disk, for which you require a Characteristic. 1.

Optional: Create a characteristic T_FP## with the description Hard_Disk_## for the size of the hard disk. For this you use the existing characteristic T_FP00 as a template. Hint: Make sure that your characteristic has the status Released. Save the characteristic. Continued on next page


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types


Alternatively: Display the existing characteristic T_FP00.

Task 3: Creating/Changing a Variant Class For the variant configuration, you require a variant class with your new characteristic. 1.

Optional: Create variant class T_CL##. Use class type 300. This class must contain your characteristic created above and the characteristic MMCOM_VKOND for the variant conditions. Enter the description Personal_Computer_##. For this you use the existing class T_CL00 as a template. Hint: Make sure that your variant class has the status Released. Delete the adopted characteristic T_FP00 and include your characteristic T_FP##. Save your variant class. Alternatively: Display the existing variant class T_CL00.

Task 4: Classifying Material The material master record (Classification) must be assigned to the variant class. 1.

Optional: Change the classification view for your material T-REP##. Delete the assignment for variant class T_CL00 and assign your variant class T_CL##. However, do not perform any characteristic value assignment. Save your changes. Alternatively: Display the classification view for material T-REP## with the assigned variant class T_CL00. However, do not make any changes or perform any characteristic value assignment.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Variant Conditions in Purchasing

Task 5: Creating/Changing a Configuration Profile In a configuration profile you can define the configuration parameters for the configurable material master records. 1.

Optional: Create a separate configuration profile PR_## with priority 10 and class type 300 for your material T-REP##. Assign the application view P (pricing). The profile should also be Released immediately. To link the variants and the characteristic values, create a relationship GR## as a procedure with object dependencies. Call this Hard disk prices. Then copy procedure GR00 and in the object dependencies, replace characteristic T_FP00 with your characteristic T_FP##. Hint: Make sure that your profile has the status Released. Save the procedure and the configuration profile. Alternatively: Also assign configuration profile PR_00 to your material T-REP##. Use the copy function and enter T-REP00 as the template material.

Task 6: Info Record with Variant Conditions You get material T-REP## from your vendor T-K521A## for plant 1000 (Hamburg). 1.

Create a plant-dependent purchasing info record with the following data: Vendor:




Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Planned delivery time:

5 days

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Standard quantity:


Gross price (PB00):

1,000.00 EUR / PC

For the additionally installed second hard disk, the following surcharges apply, which can be created as variant conditions: Continued on next page


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types

Size of the hard disk


Surcharge (quantity-dependent)

100 GByte

50.00 EUR / PC

200 GByte

80.00 EUR / PC

300 GByte

105.00 EUR / PC

400 GByte

125.00 EUR / PC

500 GByte

140.00 EUR / PC

Save the info record. Info record number:


Task 7: Purchase Order for Configurable Material 1.

Create a purchase order with the following data: Vendor:


Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Order a personal computer (your material T-REP##) for plant 1000 (Hamburg) and cost center T-L##. This personal computer should have an additional hard disk with size 200 GByte. Configure the material in your purchase order item. Check the pricing for the variant configuration. Display the analysis, the condition records and the condition details. Which condition category is assigned to condition type VA00? ______________________________________________________________ Which access sequence is assigned for determining the variant conditions (condition type VA00)? ______________________________________________________________ Save the purchase order. Purchase order number:



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Lesson: Variant Conditions in Purchasing

Solution 9: Variant Conditions in Purchasing Task 1: Indicating Material You purchase material T-REP## in different variants. The purchase prices vary, depending on the variant. To use variant conditions, the material must be configurable. 1.

Check whether your material T-REP## is indicated as configurable. Set this indicator, if necessary, and save your change. Hint: You will find the indicator Material is configurable in the standard system on the Basic data 2 tab page, in the material master record maintenance. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ Materials Management → Material Master → Material → → Immediately

Logistics Change

In the initial screen, enter your material number T-REP##. Choose Select View(s). Select the Basic Data 2 view. Choose the

Enter icon.

The Material is configurable indicator should be set. If it has not been set, please set this indicator. Choose the

Save icon, if necessary.

Choose the

Exit icon.

Task 2: Creating/Changing a Characteristic The purchase prices for your material T-REP## (personal computer) depend on the size of the additionally installed second hard disk, for which you require a Characteristic. 1.


Continued on next page


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types


Create a characteristic T_FP## with the description Hard_Disk_## for the size of the hard disk. For this you use the existing characteristic T_FP00 as a template. Hint: Make sure that your characteristic has the status Released. Save the characteristic. Alternatively: Display the existing characteristic T_FP00. a)

Optional: From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Logistics → Central Functions → Variant Configuration → Environment → Classification → Master Data → Characteristics Enter the following data: Characteristic Choose the

T_FP## Create with template icon.

Enter the template characteristic T_FP00 and choose the Adopt all the default indicators and choose the

Copy icon.

Copy icon.

Enter the description Hard_disk_##. On the Basic Data tab page, check the following indicators for your characteristic: Status


Data Type

Character Format

Number of digits


Value Assignment

Single value

Select the Values tab page. The following values were adopted from template characteristic T_FP00:

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Variant Conditions in Purchasing


Characteristic value



100 GByte


200 GByte


300 GByte


400 GByte


500 GByte

Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.

Alternatively: From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Logistics Central Functions Variant Configuration Classification Master Data Characteristics

→ Environment

Enter the following data: Characteristic


On the Basic Data tab page, you will find the following indicators for the characteristic: Status


Data Type

Character Format

Number of chars


Value Assignment

Single value

Select the Values tab page. Characteristic T_FP00 contains the following values: Characteristic value



100 GByte


200 GByte

Continued on next page


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types


Characteristic value



300 GByte


400 GByte


500 GByte

Choose the

Back icon.

Task 3: Creating/Changing a Variant Class For the variant configuration, you require a variant class with your new characteristic. 1.

Optional: Create variant class T_CL##. Use class type 300. This class must contain your characteristic created above and the characteristic MMCOM_VKOND for the variant conditions. Enter the description Personal_Computer_##. For this you use the existing class T_CL00 as a template. Hint: Make sure that your variant class has the status Released. Delete the adopted characteristic T_FP00 and include your characteristic T_FP##. Save your variant class. Alternatively: Display the existing variant class T_CL00. a)

Optional: From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Logistics Central Functions Variant Configuration Classification Master Data Classes

→ Environment

Enter the following data: Class


Class type


Choose the

Create with template icon. Continued on next page


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Lesson: Variant Conditions in Purchasing

Enter the template class T_CL00 and the class type 300 and choose the Enter icon. Adopt all the default indicators and choose the

Continue (Enter) icon.

Enter the description Personal_Computer_##. On the Basic Data tab page, check the following indicators for your variant class: Status


Same classification

Do not check

Choose the Char. tab page. The following characteristics were adopted from template class T_CL00: Characteristic





Variant condition

Select the row with characteristic T_FP00 and choose the icon.

Delete Char.

Adopt your characteristic T_FP##.


Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.

Alternatively: From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Logistics Central Functions Variant Configuration Classification Master Data Classes

→ Environment

Enter the following data: Class


Class type


Choose the

Enter icon. Continued on next page


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types


On the Basic Data tab page, you will find the following indicators for the variant class: Status:


Same classification

Do not check

Choose the Characteristics tab page. Variant class T_CL00 contains the following characteristics: Characteristic





Variant condition

Choose the

Back icon.

Task 4: Classifying Material The material master record (Classification) must be assigned to the variant class. 1.

Optional: Change the classification view for your material T-REP##. Delete the assignment for variant class T_CL00 and assign your variant class T_CL##. However, do not perform any characteristic value assignment. Save your changes. Alternatively:

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Variant Conditions in Purchasing

Display the classification view for material T-REP## with the assigned variant class T_CL00. However, do not make any changes or perform any characteristic value assignment. a)

Optional: From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ Materials Management → Material Master → Material → → Immediately

Logistics Change

In the initial screen, enter your material number T-REP##. Choose Select View(s). Select the Classification view. Choose the (variants).

Continue (Enter) icon. If applicable, select class type 300

Delete Select the row with variant class T_CL00 and chose the assignment icon. Answer the question of whether you want to delete the assignment with Yes. Enter variant class T_CL##.


Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.

Alternatively: From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ Materials Management → Material Master → Material → → Display Current

Logistics Display

In the initial screen, enter your material number T-REP##. Choose Select View(s). Select the Classification view. Choose the

Continue (Enter) icon.

Material T-REP## is assigned variant class T-REP00. There is no characteristic value for the additional hard disk. Choose the

Exit icon.

Continued on next page


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types


Task 5: Creating/Changing a Configuration Profile In a configuration profile you can define the configuration parameters for the configurable material master records. 1.

Optional: Create a separate configuration profile PR_## with priority 10 and class type 300 for your material T-REP##. Assign the application view P (pricing). The profile should also be Released immediately. To link the variants and the characteristic values, create a relationship GR## as a procedure with object dependencies. Call this Hard disk prices. Then copy procedure GR00 and in the object dependencies, replace characteristic T_FP00 with your characteristic T_FP##. Hint: Make sure that your profile has the status Released. Save the procedure and the configuration profile. Alternatively: Also assign configuration profile PR_00 to your material T-REP##. Use the copy function and enter T-REP00 as the template material. a)

Optional: From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Logistics Materials Management Configuration Profile Create

→ Material Master → Environment

Select the Material object. Choose the

Enter icon.

Enter material number T-REP##. Choose the

Enter icon.

Enter the following data for your new profile: Priority

Prof. Name

Class Type








Application view P stands for Pricing, while the Status field can only be changed after an entry is made. Continued on next page


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Lesson: Variant Conditions in Purchasing

Choose the

Enter icon. Profile detail icon.

Select the row with the new profile and choose the Choose the

Object Dependency Assignments icon.

Enter the following data: Dep.


Choose Dependency Editor. Adopt the entry GR## in the dialog window and make sure you select the Copy template icon. Enter the template relationship GR00 and choose Continue (Enter) icon. Enter the following data: the Description

Hard disk prices


1 (release)

Dependency Group


Dependency Type


Choose Dependency Editor. With the rows displayed, the various variant prices are linked with the characteristic values. In these rows, replace (overwrite) the characteristic T_FP00 with your characteristic T_FP##. These rows: 000010 $self.MMCOM_VKOND = ′100GB′ IF $self.T_FP## = ′01′ , 000020 $self.MMCOM_VKOND = ′200GB′ IF $self.T_FP## = ′02′ , 000030 $self.MMCOM_VKOND = ′300GB′ IF $self.T_FP## = ′03′ , 000040 $self.MMCOM_VKOND = ′400GB′ IF $self.T_FP## = ′04′ , 000050 $self.MMCOM_VKOND = ′500GB′ IF $self.T_FP## = ′05′ . mean that the program with the variants ′100GB′, … searches for a variant price for the assigned characteristic value ′01′, … Choose the

Check icon.

Save the procedure and the configuration profile. Choose the

Save icon. Continued on next page


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types



Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.

Alternatively: From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Materials Management Logistics Configuration Profile Create

→ Material Master → Environment

Select the cost Material object. Choose the

Continue icon.

Enter material number T-REP##. Choose the

Copy Template icon and enter material number T-REP00.

Choose the

Enter icon.

Choose the

Save icon.

Task 6: Info Record with Variant Conditions You get material T-REP## from your vendor T-K521A## for plant 1000 (Hamburg). 1.

Create a plant-dependent purchasing info record with the following data: Vendor:




Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Planned delivery time:

5 days

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Standard quantity:


Gross price (PB00):

1,000.00 EUR / PC

For the additionally installed second hard disk, the following surcharges apply, which can be created as variant conditions: Size of the hard disk

Surcharge (quantity-dependent)

100 GByte

50.00 EUR / PC

200 GByte

80.00 EUR / PC Continued on next page


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Lesson: Variant Conditions in Purchasing

Size of the hard disk

Surcharge (quantity-dependent)

300 GByte

105.00 EUR / PC

400 GByte

125.00 EUR / PC

500 GByte

140.00 EUR / PC

Save the info record. Info record number: a)


From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Logistics Materials Management Info Record Create

→ Purchasing → Master Data →

Enter the following data on the initial screen: Vendor




Purchasing organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)


1000 (Plant Hamburg)

Select the Info category Standard. Choose the

Enter icon.

Choose Purch. Org. Data 1. Enter the following data on the Purch. Organization Data 1 screen: Planned deliv. time


Purchasing group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Standard quantity


Net price

400.00 EUR / PC

Choose Variant Conditions. In the dialog window, enter the first variant 100GB, select this row, and press Choose.

Continued on next page


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types


In the dialog window, use cursor positioning to select condition type VA00 Variants/Quantity. Press Choose (or double-click). Enter the following conditions on the Create Variant/Quantity (VA00): fast entry screen. The text is case sensitive! Material




50.00 EUR / PC



80.00 EUR / PC



105.00 EUR / PC



125.00 EUR / PC



140.00 EUR / PC

Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.


Task 7: Purchase Order for Configurable Material 1.

Create a purchase order with the following data: Vendor:


Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Order a personal computer (your material T-REP##) for plant 1000 (Hamburg) and cost center T-L##. This personal computer should have an additional hard disk with size 200 GByte. Configure the material in your purchase order item. Check the pricing for the variant configuration. Display the analysis, the condition records and the condition details. Which condition category is assigned to condition type VA00? ______________________________________________________________ Which access sequence is assigned for determining the variant conditions (condition type VA00)? Continued on next page


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Lesson: Variant Conditions in Purchasing

______________________________________________________________ Save the purchase order. Purchase order number: a)


From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Create Vendor/Supplying Plant Known

→ Purchase Order →

Enter the following data in the header data of the purchase order: Vendor


Document date


Choose the

Enter icon.

In the header details on the Org. Data tab page, enter the following data: Purchasing organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Company code

1000 (IDES AG)

Enter the following data in the Item Overview area of the purchase order: Item

Acc. Assmt. Cat.


PO Quantity





1 PC


In the item details, choose the Account Assignment tab page. Enter cost center T-L## when you are asked to enter an account assignment. In the item details, choose the Material Data tab page. Choose the

Configuration icon.

Choose the characteristic value 02 (200 GByte). Choose the

Enter icon. Continued on next page


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Unit 5: Special Condition Types


Choose the Back icon. The net price of the purchase order item is now 480 EUR / piece. In the item details, choose the Conditions tab page. Among others, condition type VA00 is displayed with the amount 80.00 EUR / PC. Choose Condition rec.. The conditions from the info record (see previous task) are displayed. Choose the

Back icon.

Choose Condition details. Condition type VA00 is assigned to condition category O (Variants). Choose the

Back icon.

On the Conditions tab page, choose Analysis. Select condition type VA00 using cursor positioning. Access sequence 0014 is assigned for determining the variant conditions.


Choose the

Back icon.

Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.

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Lesson: Variant Conditions in Purchasing

Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Describe the main data and its interaction for using variant conditions in purchasing • Maintain variant conditions in the purchasing info record and explain how it is adopted into a purchasing document


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Unit Summary


Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Create and use condition types for precious metal conditions • Explain the price determination process using precious metal conditions • Describe the control parameters for condition types for delivery costs • Explain the function of the pallet discount/surcharge condition types • Describe how to maintain weight- and volume-dependent conditions • Describe the main data and its interaction for using variant conditions in purchasing • Maintain variant conditions in the purchasing info record and explain how it is adopted into a purchasing document


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Unit 6 Price Determination in the Procurement of Services Unit Overview This unit provides an overview of price determination in the procurement of services with service master records.

Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • •

Maintain conditions for service master records Maintain conditions for services in purchasing documents Explain the price determination for services

Unit Contents Lesson: Conditions for Services .................................................. 268 Exercise 10: Conditions for Services ........................................ 275


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Unit 6: Price Determination in the Procurement of Services


Lesson: Conditions for Services Lesson Overview This lesson provides you with an overview of the analog price determination using the condition technique for the procurement of services with service master records.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • •

Maintain conditions for service master records Maintain conditions for services in purchasing documents Explain the price determination for services

Business Example Your company wants to work with master data and service conditions when procuring services.

Conditions for Services The price of a service can be defined using the conditions that apply to a service master record. The prices for service items are determined in the same way as for standard items in Purchasing: • • •


You can store prices for different validity periods. The prices can be scaled according to quantity. You can also maintain additional conditions for services, such as header discounts and header surcharges.

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Lesson: Conditions for Services

Figure 65: Conditions for Service Master Records

You can maintain prices for services that are valid over a long period with the following different dependencies in the standard SAP system: • • • • •

At service level (market price or own estimate) At the level of the service, the purchasing organization, and the vendor At the level of the service, the purchasing organization, the vendor, and the plant At the level of the purchasing organization and the service In the form of contracts

You can customize the price determination in Customizing for services according to the requirements of your company.


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Unit 6: Price Determination in the Procurement of Services


Price Determination Using Master Conditions To maintain the service conditions for service master records, open the SAP Easy Access menu and choose the following: •

Materials Management Logistics Conditions

→ Service Master → Service → Service

– for vendors with plant – for vendors without plant – for service (as market price or own estimate) Materials Management Service Master Logistics Conditions Others

→ →

→ Service → Service

for a service and a purchasing organization, among other things

Figure 66: Price Determination Using Master Conditions (1)

You can also maintain service master conditions as contract conditions. Plant-specific conditions are also permitted. If you require separate key combinations for conditions, you must create separate condition tables and include these in the access sequence(s). You enter the settings in Customizing for Services in Maintain Conditions for Services.


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Lesson: Conditions for Services

Figure 67: Price Determination Using Master Conditions (2)

Service conditions can be used, for example, in purchase orders depending on the vendor (and depending on the purchasing organization): • •

at the level of the service and the vendor at the level of the service, the vendor, and the plant

When purchasing documents are being created, existing conditions are proposed by the system. You can update the conditions maintained in the condition record of a service with the conditions of the current purchasing document (purchase requisition, request for quotation, purchase order). You must first set the Condition Update as Default in Purchasing Document indicator in Customizing.

Formulas You can use formulas for calculating quantities in the procurement of external services in service master records and in purchasing documents.


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Unit 6: Price Determination in the Procurement of Services


Figure 68: Formulas to Simplify the Calculation of Quantities

Formulas have the following attributes: • • •

They are freely definable in Customizing. They can contain up to five variables. They can include common mathematical functions such as sin and cos, and constants such as pi and e.

Service Conditions in the Purchasing Document The procurement of services is indicated by item type D. Service specifications comprise a range of services with detailed information. You enter a separate row for each service.


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Lesson: Conditions for Services

Figure 69: Levels for Service Conditions in the Purchasing Document

You can structure a complex set of service specifications hierarchically using an outline: • • •

A service specifications outline can have a maximum of four hierarchy levels. The outline function allows you to arrange complex service specifications in various hierarchical levels (grouped by project phase, for example). You can enter individual service rows in each outline level.

You can define a price for the service, and also for surcharges and discounts, for each service row. For each outline level, you can define header discounts and surcharges that you can Activate so that they are adopted into every individual service row of the outline level.

Customizing the Price Determination for Services As in the price determination in purchasing for the other item categories, the price determination for services is performed using the condition technique.


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Unit 6: Price Determination in the Procurement of Services


Figure 70: Overview of Customizing - Price Determination for Services

The application indicator for the price determination in purchasing is M, while the application indicator for the price determination for services is MS. Condition tables, access sequences, conditions types, and calculation schemas must be adapted separately for services.


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Lesson: Conditions for Services

Exercise 10: Conditions for Services Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Create service master records • Create master conditions • Maintain conditions in service items and analyze their origins

Business Example Your company uses master data and conditions for service processing. In your company, you also want to use price determination for the procurement of services.

Task 1: Service Master Record Create two service master records for services that have to be procured frequently. Use internal number assignment for your service master records. Enter the data for each service and save when complete. Use examples of services that are typical for your company. Your company may order, for example, the following services: - Office cleaning - Equipment maintenance and repairs - Landscape maintenance


Create the first service master records with the following data: Shrt Txt:

Service description

Service category:

SERV (Purchasing service)

Base unit of measure:

For example, SU for service unit or H for hour

Material Group:

007 (services)

Valuation class:

3200 (services)

Continued on next page


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Unit 6: Price Determination in the Procurement of Services


Long text is optional. Make a note of the short text for the first service (you can only make a note of the service number after subtask 3). Do not save your service yet.


First service activity number:


Short text of the service:


Create another service with a different description. Otherwise you enter the same data as in the first service. You can also use the copy function. Make a note of the short text of the service. Second service activity number:


Short text of the service:


Save both service master records. 3.

Display your two service master records. Record the numbers of your two service master records.

Task 2: Conditions Conditions must be entered for the new service master records. 1.

Enter the prices at the service level without specifying a plant or vendor. Choose an amount (price) and the unit (currency) EUR. Accept the suggested validity period. These conditions represent your “own estimate” and can be used for purchase requisitions. Price for the first service:


Price for the second service:


Save these conditions. 2.

Only maintain conditions for your first service on the service and vendor levels. Enter the conditions for purchasing organization 1000 and vendor T-K521E##. Enter an amount (gross price). This price may be marginally above the “own estimate” and is used in purchase orders. Do not save the condition record yet.


What condition type is used for entering the price for services? Continued on next page


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Lesson: Conditions for Services

______________________________________________________________ With which condition types can you maintain percentage surcharges or discounts? ______________________________________________________________ For your first service, also enter a header discount of 3 %. Make a note of the following data: Gross price (total price):


Condition type header discount:


Can you also maintain scale values for the price of services? ______________________________________________________________ Save these conditions.

Task 3: Purchase Order 1.

Create a new purchase order with the following data. The information for the delivery date and the plant applies to both items. Vendor:


Purchasing Organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing Group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Delivery date:

2 weeks from today


1000 (Hamburg plant)

Order services for cost center T-L##. Use the service item category for both items. Also use the Automatic repeat account assignment function when you are asked to enter a cost center. In the item details for the purchase order, enter the details listed in the following subtasks for both items. For this, choose the Services tab page. Hint: Save the purchase order after you have completed the following subtasks. 2.

Item 10, row 10 Continued on next page


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Unit 6: Price Determination in the Procurement of Services


First order an item (SU, H, …) for your first service. Do you have to enter a price? ______________________________________________________________ Compare the value in the Net Price field in the item overview with the price and value fields in the service row. ______________________________________________________________ Hint: Both the gross price and the net value are displayed in the service row. 3.

For the service row, display the conditions with details, condition record and analysis. Which condition type is used for the gross price (total price)? ______________________________________________________________ Which calculation schema is used for service conditions in purchase orders? ______________________________________________________________


Item 10, row 20 Also order an item (SU, H, …) for your second service. Do you have to enter a price? ______________________________________________________________ Can you manually enter a discount of 2 % for your second service? Which condition type(s) could you use for that? ______________________________________________________________ For your second service, enter a header discount of 2 %. To update the vendor-specific prices you can use the Condition Update indicator. Set this indicator only for your second service row.


Item 20 Choose the Services Fullscreen icon. Enter the outline level 10 with the name SCM521 services. Enter the following services for this outline level:

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Conditions for Services




Shrt Txt

Quantity / UoM



Printer maintenance

1 SU

70 EUR / SU


Copier maintenance

1 SU

80 EUR / SU

What is the amount of the total order value for item 20? ______________________________________________________________ Which condition type is used for the gross price (total price)? ______________________________________________________________ On your outline level 10, enter a header discount of 4 %. Which condition type do you use? Adopt this discount into the two service rows. ______________________________________________________________ What is the amount of the total order value for item 20 now? ______________________________________________________________ Display the total values for outline level 10. Save your purchase order. Purchase order number:


Task 4: Displaying Conditions 1.


Check whether setting the Condition Update indicator for your second service automatically created a condition record for purchasing organization 1000 and vendor T-K521E##, and possibly also with plant 1000.

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Unit 6: Price Determination in the Procurement of Services


Solution 10: Conditions for Services Task 1: Service Master Record Create two service master records for services that have to be procured frequently. Use internal number assignment for your service master records. Enter the data for each service and save when complete. Use examples of services that are typical for your company. Your company may order, for example, the following services: - Office cleaning - Equipment maintenance and repairs - Landscape maintenance


Create the first service master records with the following data: Shrt Txt:

Service description

Service category:

SERV (Purchasing service)

Base unit of measure:

For example, SU for service unit or H for hour

Material Group:

007 (services)

Valuation class:

3200 (services)

Long text is optional. Make a note of the short text for the first service (you can only make a note of the service number after subtask 3). Do not save your service yet.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Conditions for Services

First service activity number:


Short text of the service:



From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Materials Management Logistics Service Master

→ Service Master → Service →

Hide Overview icon, if necessary. Choose the Choose the New Service icon.


In the header of your service enter the following data: Service number

Leave empty (the system will assign the number)

Shrt Txt

Service description

Service category

SERV (Purchasing service)

Base unit of measure

For example, AU (for activity unit) or H (for hour)

In Basic Data enter the material group and valuation class. Material Group

007 (services)

Valuation Class

3200 (services)

Long text is optional. Do not save yet. 2.

Create another service with a different description. Otherwise you enter the same data as in the first service. You can also use the copy function. Make a note of the short text of the service. Second service activity number:


Short text of the service:


Continued on next page


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Unit 6: Price Determination in the Procurement of Services


Save both service master records. a)

Choose the

Create New Service icon again, or choose the

Copy icon.

In the header of your service, enter the following (when you copy, all the data will be proposed by the system, so that you only have to change the description, for example): Service number

Leave empty (the system will assign the number)

Shrt Txt

Service description

Service category

SERV (Purchasing service)

Base unit of measure

For example, AU (for activity unit) or H (for hour)

In Basic Data enter the material group and valuation class. Material Group

007 (services)

Valuation Class

3200 (services)

Long text is optional. Choose the 3.

Save icon.

Display your two service master records. Record the numbers of your two service master records. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Logistics Materials Management Service List

→ Service Master → Service →

Enter your user name in the field Created by and choose Execute. Alternatively, you can use the Service Master transaction. Choose the Back icon.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Conditions for Services

Task 2: Conditions Conditions must be entered for the new service master records. 1.

Enter the prices at the service level without specifying a plant or vendor. Choose an amount (price) and the unit (currency) EUR. Accept the suggested validity period. These conditions represent your “own estimate” and can be used for purchase requisitions. Price for the first service:


Price for the second service:


Save these conditions. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

→ →

Logistics Material Master Service Master Conditions For Service Add

→ Service → Service

Enter both service numbers, the prices, and the currency (unit) EUR. You can accept price unit 1 and the suggested validity period without making any changes.


Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon.

Only maintain conditions for your first service on the service and vendor levels. Enter the conditions for purchasing organization 1000 and vendor T-K521E##. Enter an amount (gross price). This price may be marginally above the “own estimate” and is used in purchase orders.

Continued on next page


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Unit 6: Price Determination in the Procurement of Services


Do not save the condition record yet. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

→ Service → Service

Material Master Service Master Logistics Conditions For Vendor Without Plant Add

First, enter your purchasing organization and the vendor. Purchasing organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)



Enter your first service number and a price. You can accept the currency EUR as the unit for the amount, the price unit 1 and the suggested validity period without making any changes. 3.

What condition type is used for entering the price for services? ______________________________________________________________ With which condition types can you maintain percentage surcharges or discounts? ______________________________________________________________ For your first service, also enter a header discount of 3 %. Make a note of the following data: Gross price (total price):


Condition type header discount:


Can you also maintain scale values for the price of services? ______________________________________________________________

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Conditions for Services

Save these conditions. a)

Condition Supplement

Select the row with your service and choose the icon, for example.

The condition type for the gross price is PRS (total price). Choose the

Propose condition supplements icon.

The condition types for percentage surcharges and discounts are KZ01 and KR01. Enter the following condition supplements: Condition type




Choose the Restore (Re-create) Condition Supplements icon. In the dialog window, answer the question about deleting the conditions with the amount 0 with Yes. Choose the b)

Back icon.

Yes, even for the service master records, scaled conditions for the gross price are possible (condition type PRS total price). Choose the Details icon to display the definition of the scale type and change it if applicable. Choose the

Scales icon to maintain scaled conditions if applicable.

Choose the

Save icon. Choose the

Back icon.

Task 3: Purchase Order 1.

Create a new purchase order with the following data. The information for the delivery date and the plant applies to both items. Vendor:


Purchasing Organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing Group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Delivery date:

2 weeks from today


1000 (Hamburg plant) Continued on next page


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Unit 6: Price Determination in the Procurement of Services


Order services for cost center T-L##. Use the service item category for both items. Also use the Automatic repeat account assignment function when you are asked to enter a cost center. In the item details for the purchase order, enter the details listed in the following subtasks for both items. For this, choose the Services tab page. Hint: Save the purchase order after you have completed the following subtasks. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Create Vendor/Supplying Plant Known

→ Purchase Order →

Enter the following data in the header data of the purchase order: Vendor


Document date


In the header details on the Org. Data tab page, enter the following data:


Purchasing Organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing Group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Company Code

1000 (IDES AG)

Enter the following data in the Item overview area of the purchase order:


Item cat.

Acct. assgmt. cat.

Shrt Txt





2 weeks from today






2 weeks from today


Delivery date


In the item details for the purchase order items, enter the data that is only specified precisely in the following subtasks. Continued on next page


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Lesson: Conditions for Services


Item 10, row 10 First order an item (SU, H, …) for your first service. Do you have to enter a price? ______________________________________________________________ Compare the value in the Net Price field in the item overview with the price and value fields in the service row. ______________________________________________________________ Hint: Both the gross price and the net value are displayed in the service row. a)

In the item details for item 10, choose the Services tab page. Enter the following data in the service specifications: Row

Service number



Number of your first service


Enter cost center T-L## in the dialog window when you are asked to enter Auto repeat account assignment in an account assignment. Also choose order to also adopt this cost center for the subsequent service(s). 3.

For the service row, display the conditions with details, condition record and analysis. Which condition type is used for the gross price (total price)? ______________________________________________________________ Which calculation schema is used for service conditions in purchase orders?

Continued on next page


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Unit 6: Price Determination in the Procurement of Services


______________________________________________________________ a)

You do not have to enter a price for this service, because vendor-specific conditions were already maintained (task 2). The net value of the service is identical to the value in the Net price field in the purchase order overview.


Select row 10. Choose the

Conditions icon.

The condition type for the gross price (total price) is PRS. It is the same condition type with which the conditions were maintained. Condition record (condition Select condition type PRS, and choose record master data) to display the origin of the price. Choose the

Back icon.

Select condition type PRS, and choose the details of the condition type. Choose the c)

Condition details to display

Back icon.

Choose Analysis to display the calculation schema used and other information on the price determination. The calculation schema used is MS0000. Choose the


Back icon.

Item 10, row 20 Also order an item (SU, H, …) for your second service. Do you have to enter a price? ______________________________________________________________ Can you manually enter a discount of 2 % for your second service? Which condition type(s) could you use for that? ______________________________________________________________ For your second service, enter a header discount of 2 %.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Conditions for Services

To update the vendor-specific prices you can use the Condition Update indicator. Set this indicator only for your second service row. a)

Enter the following data in the service specifications: Row

Service number



Number of your second service



You do not have to enter the price manually for this service either. The program will not find a vendor-specific condition record for this service, but it uses the “own estimate” as a default.


The condition type for the header discount is KR01. Enter the following data: Condition type




Choose the d)

Back icon.

Navigate to the right in the service specifications until you see the Condition update field. Only set the Condition update indicator for the second service (row 20).


Item 20 Choose the Services Fullscreen icon. Enter the outline level 10 with the name SCM521 services. Enter the following services for this outline level:

Continued on next page


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Unit 6: Price Determination in the Procurement of Services




Shrt Txt

Quantity / UoM



Printer maintenance

1 SU

70 EUR / SU


Copier maintenance

1 SU

80 EUR / SU


Change to the item details for purchase order item 20. Choose the

Services Fullscreen icon.

Choose the

Outline on / off icon, if necessary.

Position the cursor on the first row of the outline (short text of the item) and New Subgroup. Enter outline level 01 and the short text SCM521 choose Continue icon. services to describe this first subgroup. Choose the b)

To enter the services, choose outline level 10 by double-clicking. Hint: To get a better overview, you can maximize or minimize the size of the window as required. Enter the following data in the service specifications: Row


Shrt Txt

Quantity / UoM



Printer maintenance

1 SU

70 EUR / SU


Copier maintenance

1 SU

80 EUR / SU

Enter cost center T-L## in the dialog window when you are asked to enter Auto repeat account assignment in an account assignment. Also choose order to also adopt this cost center for the subsequent service(s). 6.

What is the amount of the total order value for item 20? ______________________________________________________________ Which condition type is used for the gross price (total price)? ______________________________________________________________ On your outline level 10, enter a header discount of 4 %. Which condition type do you use? Adopt this discount into the two service rows. Continued on next page


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Lesson: Conditions for Services

______________________________________________________________ What is the amount of the total order value for item 20 now? ______________________________________________________________ Display the total values for outline level 10. Save your purchase order. Purchase order number: a)


The order value of item 20 is 150.00 EUR. Select row 10. Choose the

Conditions icon.

The condition type for the gross price (total price) is PRSX. Choose the b)

Back icon.

Select outline level 10 by positioning your cursor. From the menu bar, choose Outline

→ Conditions.

You can use the two condition types KRB1 Document Header Discount and KR01 Header Discount. Enter the following data: Condition type


KR01 (or KRB1)


Choose the Activate icon to adopt the header discount into all the service rows of your outline level. In the dialog window, confirm the adoption of the condition(s) into all the subordinate outline levels with Yes. c)

The order value of item 20 is now 144.00 EUR.


Select outline level 10 by positioning your cursor. Total Values icon. Alternatively, you can also use the context Choose the menu of the outline level (right mouse button) to go to the display of the total values, or you can use the menu bar with Outline Total values.

On the right of the outline level, the order value for item 20 is displayed. Choose the

Save icon.

Choose the

Back icon. Continued on next page


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Unit 6: Price Determination in the Procurement of Services


Task 4: Displaying Conditions 1.

Check whether setting the Condition Update indicator for your second service automatically created a condition record for purchasing organization 1000 and vendor T-K521E##, and possibly also with plant 1000. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Logistics Material Management Service Master Service Service Conditions For Vendor Without Plant Display

Enter the following data on the initial screen: Purchasing Organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)



Service number

Number of your second service

Valid on




The system informs you that there are no condition records for the selection entered. Choose the

Back icon.

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Logistics Material Management Service Master Service Service Conditions For Vendor With Plant Display

Enter the following data on the initial screen: Purchasing Organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)




1000 (Plant Hamburg)

Service number

Number of your second service

Valid on


Choose the

Execute icon.

The following conditions are displayed for your second service:

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Conditions for Services

Condition type



Amount that you entered as “own estimate” and possibly changed in the purchase order.


2,000 %




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Unit 6: Price Determination in the Procurement of Services


Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Maintain conditions for service master records • Maintain conditions for services in purchasing documents • Explain the price determination for services


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Unit Summary

Unit Summary You • • •


should now be able to: Maintain conditions for service master records Maintain conditions for services in purchasing documents Explain the price determination for services

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Unit Summary



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Unit 7 Customizing Unit Overview This unit presents a summary of the various Customizing settings for price determination in purchasing.

Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • •

Describe the ways in which the price determination process can be influenced through Customizing Explain when you have to work with formulas and requirements of your own or carry out system modifications Review the most important control parameters for calculation schemas, condition types and access sequences

Unit Contents Lesson: Customizing ............................................................... 298 Exercise 11: Customizing ..................................................... 313


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Unit 7: Customizing


Lesson: Customizing Lesson Overview This lesson provides a comprehensive overview of the different Customizing settings for pricing in purchasing. Aside from that, you get information which other options there are for adjusting the pricing to your company-specific situation.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • •

Describe the ways in which the price determination process can be influenced through Customizing Explain when you have to work with formulas and requirements of your own or carry out system modifications Review the most important control parameters for calculation schemas, condition types and access sequences

Business Example You want to adapt the price determination process to suit the specific needs of your organization using Customizing. Additional adjustments can be made using your own program routines.

Overview of Possible System Modifications The following system modification options are available:


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Lesson: Customizing

Figure 71: Customizing – Overview

The Customizing for Purchasing enables you to • • • • • • • • • • • •

Create, change, and display access sequences Create, change, and display condition types Set upper and lower limits for the conditions belonging to a condition type Define exclusion indicators for condition exclusion Create, change, and display calculation schemas Create schema groups for purchasing organizations or vendors, and assign schema groups to purchasing organizations Define the process of determining the calculation schema Define the transaction/event key for account determination (for selected transactions/events) Define condition exclusion groups and condition exclusion procedures Create, change, and display condition tables Extend the field catalog for condition tables Define the copy control for conditions

In Customizing for Sales and Distribution, you can define the requirements for price determination and formulas for determining and calculating the scale basis, the condition basis, the condition value, or the group key in the form of ABAP FORM routines..


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Unit 7: Customizing


Condition Tables Condition tables reference condition records. Condition tables enable you to vary the key structure of condition records. However, you should not change the standard condition tables.

Figure 72: Customizing Overview (1)

You can create your own condition tables. The name of the table must be a number between 501 and 999. If you make no specification, the system automatically assigns a sequential number. If you wish to create a new condition table, you must first check whether the existing fields in the field catalog are sufficient for your requirements. You may first have to extend the field catalog. You can include all the fields of the communication structures KOMK, KOMP, and KOMG in the field catalog. To maintain time-dependent conditions, your new condition table must be defined as a condition table with a validity period.

Figure 73: Condition Tables: Selection of Fields


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Lesson: Customizing

Choose the key fields for your condition table from among the allowed fields (fields in the field catalog). Finally, you must generate your condition table. Through the generation process, your new condition table is activated and the reports and screens for condition maintenance are flagged for generation. Hint: When you create new condition tables, keep in mind that the with release status indicator is not relevant for pricing in purchasing and should therefore not be set. You can only maintain conditions for a new condition table if the condition table is used in an access sequence.

Figure 74: Condition Tables: Technical View

For the key fields of the condition table, you can specify whether these are supposed to be used as “header fields” (for example, the fields Purch. Organization and Vendor) or as “row fields” (for example, the field Vendor Subrange) in condition maintenance.


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Unit 7: Customizing


Access Sequences If you have created new condition tables, you must then include these in your access sequences. This is how you control under which conditions and with which priority the condition records are supposed to be used.

Figure 75: Customizing Overview (2)

In the access sequence you define in which order which condition tables are to be searched for relevant entries for a condition type. The sequence of accesses and with it the priority is specified through the order of condition tables (by specifying a sequence number) in the access sequence.

Figure 76: Customizing: Access Sequences

You define the preconditions according to which the SAP system searches certain condition tables for relevant entries using requirement routines. Requirement routines can be created in Customizing for Sales and Distribution as ABAP FORM routines.


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Lesson: Customizing

You use the Exclusive indicator to specify that the search for further valid conditions in (subsequent) condition tables is stopped if an access was successful and a relevant entry found. The field contents with which a condition table is to be accessed are also defined in the access sequence, through the assignment of source fields from the document to the key fields of the condition table. Usually, accessing of the condition tables is carried out with the content of a field from the document header or the document item. However, it is also possible to specify a Direct value for the access. If you wish to define your own access sequences, the key should begin with the letter Z. When creating your own access sequences, pay special attention to the order of the fields. It is detrimental to system performance if a header field follows an item field in the field sequence. You should not change the standard access sequences.

Condition Types A condition type defines the properties and characteristics of a pricing element. Condition types are defined in Customizing. You should not change the standard condition types.

Figure 77: Customizing Overview (3)

If conditions with their own validity period are to be maintained for a certain condition type, this condition type must have an Access Sequence assigned to it. You can assign the standard or user-defined access sequences to the condition types.


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Unit 7: Customizing


Figure 78: Customizing: Condition Type

A Condition Class (for example, A = discounts or surcharges) and a Calculation Type must be assigned to a Condition Type. The calculation type specifies whether the condition amount is defined as an absolute amount, an amount per unit of quantity, weight, or volume or as a percentage. Furthermore, a condition type may have to be assigned to the Condition Category. A condition type can be defined as a Header Condition and/or an Item Condition as well as a Group Condition. The plus/minus sign determines whether the condition type is treated as a discount (deduction) or surcharge (addition). Whether condition amounts or values can be changed or deleted is determined by the fields in the Change Options block, particularly by the Manual Entry field. A Calculation Schema for supplementary conditions must be assigned to the condition type for the gross price. The Scale Basis for a scale defines how the SAP system interprets a condition price scale. For example, the scale can be based on a value, a quantity, or a weight.


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Lesson: Customizing

Figure 79: Customizing: Limits

You can define upper and lower limits for the value of a condition. This is how you restrict the amounts or scale values in the corresponding condition records. The limits are specified at the level of the condition type.

Calculation Schemas A calculation schema constitutes a set of rules for determining the purchase price. It contains the definition which conditions types are supposed to be included in price determination in a certain order and with additional control indicators. If you have created new condition types, you must include these in your condition schemas.

Figure 80: Customizing Overview (4)


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Unit 7: Customizing


Figure 81: Customizing: Calculation Schema


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Lesson: Customizing

The calculation schema contains the following information: • • • • •

• • • • • • • • •

Step: sequence of condition types within the calculation schema Counter: sequence of condition types within a step CTyp (condition type): allowed condition type; used to control which condition types are supposed to be taken into account Fro (from reference step): percentage discounts or surcharges are calculated based on this step To (to reference step): percentage discounts or surcharges are calculated based on preceding steps up to this step (To Reference Step), can be used with the from reference step Manual: whether conditions of a certain type are determined automatically or have to be entered manually Required: whether the condition type is required Statistics: whether a condition is taken into account in the net price calculation P (Print): whether and how condition lines are supposed to be output in messages SuTot (subtotal): whether and in which fields condition values or subtotals are to be stored for further processing Reqt (requirement): controls whether a prerequisite must be fulfilled in order for a condition record to be included/excluded CalType (alternative calculation type): alternative formula to the formula in the standard system that determines a condition. BasType (condition formula for basis): formula for determining the condition basis as an alternative to the standard. AccKey (account key): this transaction/event key is used to determine a G/L account (only relevant for company codes with active purchase account management) Accruals: key that identifies various types of G/L Accounts for accruals

Schema Determination If you want to use new calculation schemas, you have to assign these depending on schema groups for purchasing organizations and suppliers.


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Unit 7: Customizing


Figure 82: Customizing Overview (5)

Formulas and Requirements Requirements and formulas for price determination are defined as ABAP FORM routines in Customizing for Sales and Distribution (transaction VOFM). A requirement sets out the prerequisites according to which a system access of a certain condition type or a certain access sequence takes place or is precluded.


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Lesson: Customizing

Figure 83: Routines: Formulas and Requirements

Formulas influence the calculation of prices, discounts, and surcharges according to predefined rules and are used at various points in the overall price determination process. The following different groups of formulas exist: • • • •

Scale basis: you can assign a formula for calculating the scale basis in the Scale Formula field in Customizing for the condition type. Condition basis: You can assign a formula for calculating the condition basis in the Base Formula field in Customizing for the calculation schema. Condition value: You can assign a formula for calculating the condition value in the Condition Formula field in Customizing for the calculation schema. Group key: you can assign a formula for calculating the scale basis in the case of group conditions in the Group Condition Routine field in Customizing for the condition type. Rounding rule: You can assign a formula for rounding purposes in the Rounding Rule field in Customizing for the condition type.

Further System Modifications Aside from the company-specific adjustments that you can make in Customizing, you might have to use additional fields for price determination or activate user exits such as LMEKO002 (enhance communication structure KOMP for price determination).


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Unit 7: Customizing


If you wish to use your own fields for the price determination process, you must extend the communication structures KOMK, KOMP or KOMG. The structure KOMG represents the sum of KOMK and KOMP and contains all the fields that can be used in price determination. New fields entered in structures KOMK or KOMP are automatically adopted in the structure KOMG. New fields for price determination must be inserted in the following INCLUDEs: • •

Header data in the include KOMKAZ (include in KOMK or KOMG) Item data in the INCLUDE KOMPAZ (INCLUDE in KOMP/KOMG).

Figure 84: System Modification

You must ensure that a new field in the communication structure is filled with a value from the document. This is achieved via appropriate MOVE or MOVE-CORRESPONDING instructions in one of the INCLUDE programs ZXM06U14 or ZXM06U15, which you must either create or change. A MOVE instruction MOVE I_KOMK TO E_KOMK or MOVE I_KOMP TO E_KOMP is always necessary for technical reasons. The include programs are called up via the following function modules: • •


INCLUDE ZXM06U14 via EXIT_SAPLMEKO_001 (enhancement KOMK) INCLUDE ZXM06U15 via EXIT_SAPLMEKO_002 (enhancement KOMP)

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Lesson: Customizing

The function modules are called up via the following user exits (enhancements): •

Function module EXIT_SAPLMEKO_001 via the user exit LMEKO001,

Function module EXIT_SAPLMEKO_002 via the user exit LMEKO002.


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Unit 7: Customizing



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Lesson: Customizing

Exercise 11: Customizing Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Create a working price determination process by building and linking all the components for the condition technique

Business Example Your project team has been asked to adjust and test the price determination to the company's requirements. You will create new objects for all required aspects of price determination and check whether the price determination continues to work correctly with the new objects.

Task 1: Elements of the Condition Technique Describe the following terms and provide an example of how they are used. If you are working with a partner, explain these terms to that person. 1.

Condition table


Access sequence


Condition type

Continued on next page


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Unit 7: Customizing



Calculation schema


Condition records


Condition group

Task 2: Preparation You will be building a price determination strategy from the bottom up. Your management has asked you to implement a new condition group discount that will be applicable to certain vendor, material and plant combinations. 1.

First, write down what has to be done in which order with regard to configuration and application data.

Task 3: Configuration You want to set up a new price determination for a vendor and material-specific discount. To do so, you specify the required settings in Customizing. 1.

Condition table Continued on next page


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Lesson: Customizing

With reference to condition table 45, create a new condition table 7## called vendor condition table ##. The new condition table 7## should include the Vendor, Purchasing Organization, Plant and Condition Group fields. The indicator for the Release Status is not used in Purchasing, so do not set it. The Plant and Condition Group fields are supposed to be row fields in condition maintenance. Generate your condition table. 2.

Access sequence: Create a new access sequence ZS## with the description Access sequence ##, which only contains your new condition table 7##. Save your access sequence.


Condition type: Create a new condition type ZG## with description Condition type ZG## by copying condition type RGR0. Assign the access sequence ZS## to the new condition type. Label your condition type as a group condition. The Valid to field for condition records should default to the last day of the current year. Scales will be on the basis of quantity. Save your condition type.


Calculation schema: Create a new calculation schema Z##CGR with the description Calculation Schema ## by copying the existing calculation schema RM0000. Caution: During the copying process, the SAP system will repeatedly display the warning message You should use the counter only for manual item conditions. Confirm this warning by choosing Enter each time. Replace condition type RGR0 in your new calculation schema Z##CGR with your new condition type ZG##. Save your new calculation schema.


Creating a new vendor schema group:

Continued on next page


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Unit 7: Customizing


Create a new vendor schema group. Get the key of the new vendor schema group from the following table according to their group number. Call your new document type schema group Group ##. Group number

Schema group

Group number

Schema group





























































Save your schema group. 6.

Determining the calculation schema: For your combination of newly created Vendor Schema Group (see previous task) and the schema group of the purchasing organization 1000 assign your now calculation schema Z##CGR. Save your assignment.

Task 4: Master Data Once you have configured price determination in Customizing, you have to create or change your master records. 1.

Change vendor master record: Continued on next page


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Lesson: Customizing

Assign your new vendor schema group to the procurement transactions with purchasing organization 1000 for vendor T-K521D##. Change the vendor master record and save your changes. 2.

Change purchasing info record Change the existing info record for material T-REM##, vendor T-K521D##, purchasing organization 1000 and plant 1000. Assign vendor condition group 00## to this info record (this material/supplier combination). The gross price is EUR 21/piece. Save your changes.


Condition records: Create the condition record for your new condition type ZG## with the following data: Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)



Which key fields are offered to you as row fields for condition maintenance? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Enter a new discount for plant 1000 (Hamburg) and condition group 00## with the following scale values for your new group condition: Amount/percentage:

10 % discount from 400 pieces, 12 % discount from 1,000 pieces

What validity period defaults? Why? ______________________________________________________________ Save the condition record.

Task 5: Testing the New Price Determination 1.

Create a purchase order with the following data:

Continued on next page


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Unit 7: Customizing




Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Delivery date:

One week from today’s date


1000 (Plant Hamburg)

The information for the delivery date and the plant applies to both items. Enter two items for material T-REM##. Item 10:

Quantity 400 PC

Item 20:

Quantity 600 PC

Check whether a condition record was found for your new condition type ZG##. Hint: If the item on Condition tab does not show condition type ZG## with the proper values, choose Analysis to analyze the problem. Which discount was determined for condition type ZG## for the two purchase order items? Item 10:


Item 20:


Choose the Check (Check Purchase Order) function. Which discount is displayed now? Item 10:


Item 20:


Save the purchase order. Purchase order number:



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Lesson: Customizing

Solution 11: Customizing Task 1: Elements of the Condition Technique Describe the following terms and provide an example of how they are used. If you are working with a partner, explain these terms to that person. 1.

Condition table Answer: A condition table is a table with a combination of fields (keys) that identifies a condition record. For example, one field that must be in the condition table for a vendor discount is the Vendor field.


Access sequence Answer: An access sequence is a search strategy (similar to a search engine) that the system uses to find valid data for a particular condition type. An access sequence consists of one or more accesses to the condition tables, and determines the sequence in which the system searches for data. The access sequence for the gross price must, amongst other things, contain the search for conditions for plant-dependent and plant-independent material info records.


Condition type Answer: A condition type is a depiction of a certain aspect of your daily price determination activities, for example, a price, a discount or a surcharge. For example, RL01 is a condition type with which a vendor discount can be maintained in the SAP system.


Calculation schema Answer: A calculation schema is a combination of a group of condition types in a certain order. It is the framework for the price determination process.

Continued on next page


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Unit 7: Customizing



Condition records Answer: A condition record is a data record in which the SAP system saves the current condition information. For example, by entering a price or a discount in the system, you create or change a condition record.


Condition group Answer: A condition group is an alphanumeric key for conditions that refer to a certain vendor and material. The key is entered in the purchasing info record. It is valid for a number of different materials supplied by a vendor to which a uniform discount or surcharge applies.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Customizing

Task 2: Preparation You will be building a price determination strategy from the bottom up. Your management has asked you to implement a new condition group discount that will be applicable to certain vendor, material and plant combinations. 1.

First, write down what has to be done in which order with regard to configuration and application data. Answer: First, you have to configure your new price determination - as specified below - and then maintain the master data. Customizing •

First, you define the criteria by which your condition records are to be created in the SAP system by creating a condition table. • You then create the search mechanism by which the condition records are to be found in the system. To do so, you create an access sequence in which you include one or more condition tables, including your new condition table. • Then you create the condition type, which controls the creation of condition records. Your new access sequence must be assigned to the new condition type. • Now you have to establish the rules for price determination. To do so, you create a calculation schema for documents, which is assigned using schema determination. You must also include your new condition type in this calculation schema. • The new calculation schema is assigned using schema groups. You can create schema groups for suppliers and purchasing organizations and thus allow grouping. You assign your calculation schema for documents depending on the two schema groups. Master data: • •

If you want to use different schema groups for suppliers, you have to assign these in the vendor master records. Once you have set up your price determination procedure, your create the condition records for the new condition type.

Task 3: Configuration You want to set up a new price determination for a vendor and material-specific discount. To do so, you specify the required settings in Customizing. 1.

Condition table Continued on next page


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Unit 7: Customizing


With reference to condition table 45, create a new condition table 7## called vendor condition table ##. The new condition table 7## should include the Vendor, Purchasing Organization, Plant and Condition Group fields. The indicator for the Release Status is not used in Purchasing, so do not set it. The Plant and Condition Group fields are supposed to be row fields in condition maintenance. Generate your condition table. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 1) choose: Tools

→ Customizing → IMG → Execute Project

Choose SAP Reference IMG if necessary. In the Customizing structure, choose: Materials Management Determination Process Choose

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Maintain Condition Table

IMG – Activity.

In the dialog box, choose Create condition table. Press


Enter the following data: Table


Reference table (Copy from condition)




Choose Propose/maintain text, or, alternatively, choose Edit text from the menu bar.

→ Propose

Change the table description to Vendor Condition Group ##. Remove the with release status indicator. Keep choosing Other description until the selected fields and the fields of the field catalog are displayed as a Long Key Word. The following fields are already selected according to the reference table: • • •

Vendor Purch. Organization Condition Group Continued on next page


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Lesson: Customizing

You can accept the order of the first two fields without changing it. However, the Plant field is supposed to be inserted in front of the Condition Group field. • •

Position the cursor on the Condition Group field under Selected Insert Row icon. Fields (in the left screen area) and choose the In the field catalog (right screen area) scroll down until the Plant field is displayed. Double-click to select this field.

Choose Technical view. Also mark the Plant field for condition processing as a Footer fld. Choose

Generate to generate the new table.

If a message appears stating that a table with identical fields already exists, Continue. confirm it by choosing Answer the question Do you want to generate the condition table? with Yes. In the dialog box, choose Local Object. You get the information that table A7## is being generated. Choose


Close the dialog box. Choose 2.


Access sequence: Create a new access sequence ZS## with the description Access sequence ##, which only contains your new condition table 7##.

Continued on next page


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Unit 7: Customizing


Save your access sequence. a)

In the Customizing structure (session 1), choose: Materials Management Determination Process Choose

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Define Access Sequences

IMG – Activity.

Confirm the information Caution, the table is cross-client with (Enter).


Choose New Entries. Enter ZS## and the description Access sequence ##. Choose


Choose your access sequence ZS##, and double-click Accesses in the dialog structure. Choose New Entries. Enter a new entry with sequence number 10 and table 7##. Select the Exclusive checkbox. Choose



Continue (Enter) to confirm the information dialog box.

Select the row with sequence number 10 (access 10) and double-click Fields in the dialog structure. Confirm the warning message with


The overview shows you the fields of your condition table. Choose


In the dialog box, choose Create Request. Enter short description Save (Enter). Copy your order number by SCM521-## and choose Continue (Enter). choosing Choose 3.


Condition type: Create a new condition type ZG## with description Condition type ZG## by copying condition type RGR0. Assign the access sequence ZS## to the new condition type. Label your condition type as a group condition. The Valid to field for condition records should default to the last day of the current year. Continued on next page


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Lesson: Customizing

Scales will be on the basis of quantity. Save your condition type. a)

In the Customizing structure (session 1), choose: Materials Management Determination Process Choose

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Define Condition Types

IMG – Activity.

In the dialog box, choose Define Condition Type. Press


Place the cursor on the table entry RGR0. Select the condition type Copy As.... Enter the key ZG## and the description RGR0, and choose Copy (Enter). Condition type ZG## and choose b)

Select the condition type ZG##, and choose


Replace access sequence KG01 with your new access sequence ZS##. Set the Group cond. indicator. In the Valid to field, enter the value 2 (End of the current year). Change the Scale basis to C (Quantity scale). Choose




Close the dialog box. Choose 4.


Calculation schema: Create a new calculation schema Z##CGR with the description Calculation Schema ## by copying the existing calculation schema RM0000. Caution: During the copying process, the SAP system will repeatedly display the warning message You should use the counter only for manual item conditions. Confirm this warning by choosing Enter each time. Replace condition type RGR0 in your new calculation schema Z##CGR with your new condition type ZG##.

Continued on next page


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Unit 7: Customizing


Save your new calculation schema. a)

In the Customizing structure (session 1), choose: Materials Management Determination Process Choose

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Define Calculation Schema

IMG – Activity.

Copy As.... Enter Select the calculation schema RM0000, and choose the key Z##CGR and the description Calculation Schema ##, and choose Copy (Enter). In the dialog box, choose copy all. b)

Select your new schema and choose Control data in the dialog structure with a double-click. Replace the standard condition type RGR0 with your condition type ZG##.






Creating a new vendor schema group: Create a new vendor schema group. Get the key of the new vendor schema group from the following table according to their group number. Call your new document type schema group Group ##. Group number

Schema group

Group number

Schema group












































C6 Continued on next page


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Lesson: Customizing

Group number

Schema group

Group number

Schema group

















Save your schema group. a)

In the Customizing structure (session 1), choose: Materials Management Determination Process Choose

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Define Schema Group

IMG – Activity.

In the dialog box, choose Schema Groups: Vendor. Press


Choose New Entries. Make an entry with the schema group for your group (from the above table) and the description Group ##. Choose




Do not close the selection screen (dialog box). 6.

Determining the calculation schema: For your combination of newly created Vendor Schema Group (see previous task) and the schema group of the purchasing organization 1000 assign your now calculation schema Z##CGR.

Continued on next page


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Unit 7: Customizing


Save your assignment. a)

In the dialog box, choose Assignment of Schema Group to Purchasing Choose. Organization. Press Schema group '_' (blank) is assigned to purchasing organization 1000. Choose


Close the dialog box. Choose b)


In the Customizing structure (session 1), choose: Materials Management Determination Process Choose

→ Purchasing → Conditions → Define Price → Define Schema Determination

IMG – Activity.

In the dialog box, choose Determine Calculation Schema for Standard Choose. Purchase Orders. Press Choose New Entries. Enter the following entry: Schema GrpPOrg

Sch.Grp Vndr


'_' (blank)

Your vendor schema group






Close the dialog box. Choose


Task 4: Master Data Once you have configured price determination in Customizing, you have to create or change your master records. 1.

Change vendor master record: Assign your new vendor schema group to the procurement transactions with purchasing organization 1000 for vendor T-K521D##.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Customizing

Change the vendor master record and save your changes. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Materials Management Purchasing Logistics Vendor Purchasing Change (Current)

→ Master Data →

Enter the following data on the initial screen: Vendor


Purchasing Organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Select the Purchasing data checkbox. Choose


Enter the following data: Schema Group, Vendor






Your new vendor schema group

Change purchasing info record Change the existing info record for material T-REM##, vendor T-K521D##, purchasing organization 1000 and plant 1000. Assign vendor condition group 00## to this info record (this material/supplier combination). The gross price is EUR 21/piece.

Continued on next page


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Unit 7: Customizing


Save your changes. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Materials Management Logistics Record Change

→ Purchasing → Master Data → Info

Enter the following data on the initial screen: Vendor




Purchasing Org.

1000 (IDES Deutschland)


1000 (Plant Hamburg)

Select the Info category Standard. Choose


Choose Purch. Org. Data 1. Enter the following data: Cond. Grp


Choose Conditions. Enter the following data: CnTy


PB00 (is already entered as 21.00 EUR/PC the default value)






Condition records: Create the condition record for your new condition type ZG## with the following data: Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)


T-K521D## Continued on next page


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Lesson: Customizing

Which key fields are offered to you as row fields for condition maintenance? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Enter a new discount for plant 1000 (Hamburg) and condition group 00## with the following scale values for your new group condition: Amount/percentage:

10 % discount from 400 pieces, 12 % discount from 1,000 pieces

What validity period defaults? Why? ______________________________________________________________ Save the condition record. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Logistics Materials Management Conditions Other Create

→ Purchasing → Master Data →

Enter condition type ZG##. Choose


You get the overview Create Condition type ZG## Condition (ZG##): Fast Entry. Check the header combination: Purch. Organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)




The key field Plant is a header field, the key field Cond. Grp is a row field.


Enter the following data: Plant

Cond. Grp




10 %

Select the row you just entered. Choose the Details icon and check the scale type. The value for the Scale Type must be A (Base-scale). Choose

Scales. Continued on next page


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Unit 7: Customizing


Enter the following data: Scale quantity / UoM


400 PC

10 % (is already entered as the default value)

1,000 PC

12 %


Back to return to the main screen for condition maintenance.

The Scales indicator is set. d)

The validity period starts today and ends at the last day of the current year. You specified this when you created condition type ZG##. Choose




Task 5: Testing the New Price Determination 1.

Create a purchase order with the following data: Vendor:


Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Delivery date:

One week from today’s date


1000 (Plant Hamburg)

The information for the delivery date and the plant applies to both items. Enter two items for material T-REM##. Item 10:

Quantity 400 PC

Item 20:

Quantity 600 PC

Check whether a condition record was found for your new condition type ZG##. Hint: If the item on Condition tab does not show condition type ZG## with the proper values, choose Analysis to analyze the problem. Continued on next page


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Lesson: Customizing

Which discount was determined for condition type ZG## for the two purchase order items? Item 10:


Item 20:


Choose the Check (Check Purchase Order) function. Which discount is displayed now? Item 10:


Item 20:


Save the purchase order. Purchase order number: a)


From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Materials Management Purchasing Logistics Create Vendor/Supplying Plant Known.

→ Purchase Order →

Enter the following data in the header data of the purchase order: Vendor


Doc. date


In the header details on the Org. Data tab page, enter the following data: Purch. Org.

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purch. Group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Company Code

1000 (IDES AG)



Enter the following data in the Item Overview area of the purchase order:

Continued on next page


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Unit 7: Customizing




PO Quantity / Order Unit

Deliv. Date




400 PC

1 week from today




600 PC

1 week from today


In the item details, choose the Conditions tab page. For both items a condition record was found for condition type ZG##. b)

You can display the details of your new condition type and condition record as follows: Select the row with the condition type ZG##. Condition rec.. You see the key combination of Vendor, POrg, Choose Plant and CoGr that you are using as well as the scale levels. Choose


Choose Condition Details. Amongst other things, the condition amount, condition base value, condition class A, calculation type A and condition origin A (Automatic pricing) are displayed. Choose c)


On the Conditions tab page, choose


In the overview on the left, you see your new calculation schema Z##CGR, condition type ZG##, your access sequence ZS## and the new condition table Vendor condition table ##. Choose d)



For condition type ZG##, the following discount was determined for the two purchase order items: Item 10:

10 %

Item 20:

10 %

Choose Check. Based on the Group cond. indicator of condition type ZG##, the scale level is determined with the sum of the two item quantities. The following discount is displayed:

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Customizing

Item 10:

12 %

Item 20:

12 %





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Unit 7: Customizing


Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Describe the ways in which the price determination process can be influenced through Customizing • Explain when you have to work with formulas and requirements of your own or carry out system modifications • Review the most important control parameters for calculation schemas, condition types and access sequences


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Unit Summary

Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Describe the ways in which the price determination process can be influenced through Customizing • Explain when you have to work with formulas and requirements of your own or carry out system modifications • Review the most important control parameters for calculation schemas, condition types and access sequences


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Unit Summary



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Unit 8 Subsequent Settlement Unit Overview This unit provides an introduction to vendor rebate arrangements and subsequent settlements. The focus here is the processes in the application.

Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • • •

Define the process of subsequent settlement with regard to end-of-period rebates granted by vendors Create and settle rebate arrangements Describe the process of cumulative business volume updating Extend a rebate arrangement

Unit Contents Lesson: Subsequent Settlement .................................................. 340 Exercise 12: Subsequent Settlement ........................................ 351


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Unit 8: Subsequent Settlement


Lesson: Subsequent Settlement Lesson Overview This lesson provides an overview of the subsequent settlement process. The condition technique is also integrated into this process. However, the focus is on the transactions in the application.


The SAP Library contains extensive documentation on subsequent settlement: SAP ERP Central Component SAP Retail Decentralized Processing Purchasing Subsequent Settlement.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • • • •

Define the process of subsequent settlement with regard to end-of-period rebates granted by vendors Create and settle rebate arrangements Describe the process of cumulative business volume updating Extend a rebate arrangement

Business Example At the end of the fiscal year, your vendor gives you a rebate if you reach a certain business volume. The subsequent settlement process enables you to create a rebate arrangement, to enter this agreement, and use it to monitor the updating of business volume and create a volume rebate credit memo.

Overview A rebate arrangement, is an understanding with the condition granter (vendor) to whom condition records are assigned. This ensures that stipulations involving conditions requiring end-of-period settlement can be made dependent on a variety of different criteria (for example, vendor, article, settlement group) and handled on a variable basis. You can use different calculation types and scale bases to determine the volume rebate.


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Lesson: Subsequent Settlement

Figure 85: End-of-Period Rebate Overview

Within the validity period of a rebate arrangement, the sales volumes are continually updated for each condition on the basis of the verified vendor invoices in practice. This updated data then serves as the basis for automatic settlement. However, depending on the arrangement type, the sales volume can also be updated through purchase orders and goods receipts (for example, for a test). At the end of the validity period of an arrangement, or at the time of interim or partial settlement, the rebates in respect of the conditions for which settlement is due are calculated and posted in accounting. The outstanding cumulative business volumes qualifying for end-of-period rebates are taken as the basis for this process. If your enterprise has arranged with the vendor to carry out a business volume comparison and agreement process prior to settlement, the business volume figures recorded by each party over the period are compared with each other and reconciled before final settlement takes place.

Prerequisites To enable rebate arrangements entered into with a vendor to be created in the SAP system and for settlement to take place with respect to such arrangements, the Subsequent Settlement indicator must be set in the vendor master record.


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Unit 8: Subsequent Settlement


Figure 86: Prerequisites

A rebate arrangement must be assigned to an arrangement type. The latter specifies whether the arrangement relates to a vendor in general or to specific materials. Arrangement types are defined in Customizing and contain default values and control parameters such as: •

Arrangement and settlement calendars. The arrangement calendar specifies the end of the validity periods of rebate arrangements and controls the extension of the latter. The settlement calendar specifies the dates on which partial settlements are to be effected. Condition type group. The condition type group indicates which condition types and condition tables can be used for an arrangement type.

Settlement type: As of SAP R/3 Enterprise Core 4.704 you can no longer use settlement with a credit memo as a settlement document. Use vendor billing documents (credit-side settlement) instead. For more information, see the release notes - Converting Subsequent Settlement to Vendor Billing Documents. Credit-side settlement means that Purchasing issues one or more billing documents to the vendor (settlement documents are billing documents, that is, special sales and distribution documents).

Updating of Business Volume The basis for cumulative business volume updates is the purchase order. When you create an invoice, price determination that also takes into account the volume rebate conditions takes place. In price determination, if a condition is found for which an


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Lesson: Subsequent Settlement

accrual is to be formed for the (valuated) goods receipt, the percentage and the value of the accrual are displayed in the purchase order. In the case of conditions that do not have an accrual, the value 0 is shown for the volume rebate condition type. In posting a goods receipt, an accrual can be formed for the expected volume rebate income. In procurement to stock, this accrual amount is used to reduce the receipt value and thus affects material valuation. The formation of the accrual depends on the conditions in the arrangement and also requires the Accrual Indicator to be set for the volume rebate condition type. The business volume update for subsequent rebate settlement generally takes place at the time of invoice receipt with the billing date. The data from a successfully verified vendor invoice serves as the basis for settlement.

Figure 87: Updating of business volume

Cumulative updating takes place for each settlement period if settlement takes place monthly or more frequently. If settlement takes place less frequently than monthly, cumulative updating nevertheless takes place on a monthly basis. This is to ensure that monthly statistics can subsequently be created. The Statement function enables you to display a list of all statistical records created within the framework of the cumulative business volume update process with respect to a rebate arrangement. If you wish to see all the purchasing documents covered by a rebate arrangement in addition to the statistical data, you can use the Detailed Statement function.


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Unit 8: Subsequent Settlement


Conditions in Rebate Arrangements You can maintain the volume rebate conditions with various key combinations. In the standard, the following dependencies are possible for the vendor rebate: •

Purchasing organization / vendor / settlement group You can specify different percentages for the volume rebate income, for example, by using the settlement group. You define the actual settlement group in the purchasing info record.

• •

Purchasing organization / vendor Purchasing organization / vendor / vendor subrange You can enter different vendor subranges in the vendor master record. You also assign materials to subranges in the purchasing info record.

Figure 88: Conditions in Rebate Arrangements

Aside from the conditions for volume rebate settlement, you can also maintain conditions for accruals. These are copied, for example, into the purchase orders and become effective in the valuation in posting goods receipts.


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Lesson: Subsequent Settlement

Business Volume Comparison and Agreement The business volume figures arrived at by the two parties for a rebate arrangement may differ, due to the vendor and customer assigning items to different accounting periods for example. The business volume comparison and agreement serves as the basis for the reconciliation of the customer's and the vendor's figures, the aim being to avoid having to make subsequent adjustments. In case of discrepancies between the two sets of figures, an "agreed value" can be entered. This latter value is then taken into account in the settlement accounting process that follows.

Figure 89: Business Volume Comparison and Agreement

If you have arranged to carry out the business volume comparison and agreement process with your vendor, the Business volume comparison indicator must be set in the rebate arrangement. If it has been stipulated that the business volume comparison and agreement process is to be carried out with the vendor prior to final settlement and the Business Volume Comparison indicator has been set in the rebate arrangement, the SAP System will not allow final settlement until this process has taken place. If your business volume statistics agree with the vendor’s figures, you should not save the business volume comparison but deselect the Business Volume Comparison indicator in the rebate arrangement.


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Unit 8: Subsequent Settlement


Settlement A rebate arrangement can be settled, if conditions are due for settlement and cumulative business volume data relating to these conditions exists. Rebate arrangements are subdivided into those requiring once-only settlement and those requiring periodic settlement. Settlement with regard to rebate arrangements requiring once-only settlement is carried out as per the validity end date of the arrangement. With regard to rebate arrangements requiring periodic settlement, partial and final settlement is carried out in accordance with the periods specified in the settlement calendar. Partial settlement means settlement with regard to a rebate arrangement that is to be settled periodically, where the settlement date lies before the validity end date of the rebate arrangement. When partial settlement has been carried out with regard to a rebate arrangement, the condition records are blocked and the rebate arrangement acquires the Settlement effected status.

Figure 90: Settlement

Final settlement means the concluding settlement with respect to a rebate arrangement upon expiration of the latter's validity period, taking into account any already effected partial and interim settlements. For periodic settlements, the last settlement to be effected within the validity period of a rebate arrangement is the final settlement. When final settlement accounting has been carried out with regard to a rebate arrangement, the condition records are blocked and the updating of the business volume statistics deactivated. In addition, the status of the rebate arrangement is set to Final settlement effected for rebate arrangement.


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Lesson: Subsequent Settlement

Interim settlement can be carried out both for rebate arrangements requiring once-only settlement and for those requiring periodic settlement. In the case of an interim settlement, the end date of the current period must be specified as the settlement date and the Interim settlement indicator set for the settlement run. Interim settlement means settlement accounting in respect of vendor business volume carried out prior to expiration of the validity period, facilitating the generation of rebate income in advance of the due date. Following a successful settlement run, the relevant data is automatically posted in Accounting.

Extension of Rebate Arrangements Rebate arrangements entered into with a vendor are often long-term arrangements lasting several years or even indefinitely. However, they are usually initially created for a shorter period, such as the current calendar year. Rebate arrangements can be extended if the arrangement conditions are to remain in effect for a new validity period. A prerequisite for the extension of a rebate arrangement is that an arrangement calendar has been assigned to the relevant arrangement type in Customizing. The arrangement calendar specifies the validity end date of rebate arrangements. It also specifies the period by which an arrangement is to be extended.

Figure 91: Extension of Rebate Arrangements


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Unit 8: Subsequent Settlement


The Extend Arrangement function enables you to create a new, follow-on arrangement with an adjusted validity period. The validity start date of the new arrangement is the day after the validity end date of the arrangement that is to be extended. The end date is determined from the arrangement calendar. You can display rebate arrangement extensions. A rebate arrangement must be extended in good time, before the creation of the first purchase order within the new arrangement validity period, so that the business volume data can be recorded correctly. If a rebate arrangement is not to be extended, you can delete the arrangement calendar from the last valid arrangement by choosing the Remove Arrangement Calendar function from the Extras menu while in arrangement maintenance mode. If you later decide to extend the arrangement after all, you can reassign the arrangement calendar to the rebate arrangement in similar fashion.

Retrospective Compilation of Statistics The vendor business volumes expressed as values are updated in statistical records of info structures S015 and S074 when invoices are entered relating to purchase orders whose price determination process takes into account subsequent conditions. It is also possible to compile these statistics retrospectively. The retrospective compilation of statistics is necessary if the validity start date of a rebate arrangement lies before the date the arrangement is entered in the system. In this case, all purchase orders issued prior to this date of entry must be treated as though the arrangement conditions had already been valid on the PO date.


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Lesson: Subsequent Settlement

Figure 92: Retrospective Compilation of Statistics

If you know that you will have to compile the business volume statistics for a vendor retrospectively, you should set the Subsequent settlement index indicator in the master record of the vendor in question. This indicator causes relevant data to be logged in an index (info structure S111) when a purchase order is created. However, the indicator should be set only if it is clear that retrospective compilation of the statistics will be necessary for a vendor, otherwise the volume of data would be inflated unnecessarily. The retrospective compilation of statistics is based on index structure S111 and takes place via report RWMBON08, which you can start from the Purchasing menu. The report updates the vendor business volumes in the info structures S015 and S074. If you failed to set the Subsequent settlement index indicator in the vendor master record in good time, you can have the index structure S111 compiled retrospectively using report RMCENEUA or (as of Release 4.0A) RMEBEIN3.


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Unit 8: Subsequent Settlement



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Lesson: Subsequent Settlement

Exercise 12: Subsequent Settlement Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Define the process of subsequent settlement with regard to end-of-period rebates granted by vendors • Create and settle rebate arrangements • List the possible operations for updating the business volume

Business Example Your vendor offers you a volume rebate at the end of the year if you do a certain amount of business with him. You want to create a rebate arrangement for this agreement and test subsequent settlement.

Task 1: Check the Vendor Master Record You have entered into a volume-based, period-end incentive rebate arrangement with vendor T-K521E## for purchasing organization 1000 (IDES Deutschland) and want to map this arrangement in the system. 1.

Check whether the required indicator is also set in the vendor master record. If necessary, make the required changes. Also maintain partner role RS, which is required for settlement. Enter vendor T-K521E## as the invoicing party. Save the change.

Task 2: Create a Vendor Rebate Arrangement Irrespective of the material, vendor T-K521E## gives you a volume rebate of 2 % once you reach a business volume of EUR 5,000 and a bonus of 3 % once you reach EUR 10,000. 1.

Create a vendor arrangement for it. Hint: Save the arrangement after you have completed the following subtasks.

Continued on next page


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Unit 8: Subsequent Settlement



Which arrangement type do you choose?


Assign the arrangement to purchaser group Z51 and purchasing organization 1000.


The overall arrangement validity period is to start on today's date and end on December 31 of the current year. Check the default validity period. A business volume comparison and agreement process is optional, but not mandatory.


Maintain the rebate arrangement conditions. Which condition table (which dependencies) do you choose? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Enter the percentage 2 % as the volume rebate percentage as well as for the accrual. Then maintain the details on the specified scale levels. Use your material T-REK## as the settlement material.


Check the period-specific conditions. Have period-specific conditions been created? ______________________________________________________________ Save your rebate arrangement. Number of the arrangement:


Task 3: Create Purchase Order 1.

Create a purchase order with the following data: Vendor:


Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Subsequent Settlement

Delivery date:



1000 (Plant Hamburg)

Tax code:

0I (0 %)

Order 100 pc of material T-REL## at a price of EUR 100. Hint: Save the purchase order after you have completed the following subtasks. 2.

Was condition type A001 used to determine the accrual for this purchase order? Which percentage was used? With which amount is an accrual formed in the goods receipt?


Which effect do condition type A001 and the percentage 2 % have? Save your purchase order. Purchase order number:


Task 4: Post Goods Receipt (Optional) 1.

Post a goods receipt of 100 pieces for the purchase order created in Task 3. Make a note of the material document number but do not leave the transaction. Material document number:


Continued on next page


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Unit 8: Subsequent Settlement



Look at the material document of the goods receipt posting and the corresponding accounting document. Which value was posted to the GR/IR clearing account? How is this value composed? ______________________________________________________________ Which value was posted to the stock account? How is this value composed? ______________________________________________________________

Task 5: Post Incoming Invoice (Optional) 1.

You receive an invoice from vendor T-K521E## for the purchase order for EUR 10,000 created in Task 3. Enter this incoming invoice with today's date as the document date and posting date as well as tax code 0I. Post the document. Number of the invoice document:


Number of the accounting document:


Task 6: Display Updating of Business Volume Check the updating of business volume. 1.

Display the business volume update for your rebate arrangement. What is the figure for the scale basis? ______________________________________________________________ What is the revenue of the settlements? ______________________________________________________________

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Subsequent Settlement

Task 7: Interim Settlement Run a simulation first and then an interim settlement for your rebate agreement using the last day of the current month as the settlement date. Use the report function to do this. 1.

Run the simulation for the interim settlement for your rebate arrangement. What is the simulated revenue of the rebate arrangement for the interim settlement? Which percentage was used? ______________________________________________________________


Post the interim settlement. Make sure you are using the last day of the current month as the settlement date. Number of the settlement document:



Look at the postings for the interim settlement. What accounts were posted to? Hint: However, only leave the transaction for settling vendor rebate arrangements, if you have scheduled a business volume comparison and agreement for final settlement.

Task 8: Business Volume Comparison and Agreement (Optional) 1.

Execute a business volume comparison and agreement. Enter a different amount as the agreed value. Save the change.

Task 9: Subsequent Settlement Run a simulation first and then a final settlement for your rebate agreement using the last day of the current year as the settlement date. 1.

Run the simulation for the final settlement for your rebate arrangement. What is the simulated total revenue of the rebate arrangement for the final settlement? Which percentage was used? Continued on next page


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Unit 8: Subsequent Settlement


______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 2.

Post the final settlement. Use last day of the current year as the settlement date and the last day of the current month as the posting date. Credit memo number:



Look at the postings for the final settlement. What is the amount of the posting on the vendor account? ______________________________________________________________

Task 10: Extension of Rebate Arrangements (Optional) 1.

Extend your rebate arrangement manually. Do you get a new rebate arrangement number? ______________________________________________________________ Look at your original and your new rebate arrangement. Can you see a link between the two arrangements? ______________________________________________________________


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Lesson: Subsequent Settlement

Solution 12: Subsequent Settlement Task 1: Check the Vendor Master Record You have entered into a volume-based, period-end incentive rebate arrangement with vendor T-K521E## for purchasing organization 1000 (IDES Deutschland) and want to map this arrangement in the system. 1.

Check whether the required indicator is also set in the vendor master record. If necessary, make the required changes. Also maintain partner role RS, which is required for settlement. Enter vendor T-K521E## as the invoicing party. Save the change. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Vendor Purchasing Change (Current)

→ Master Data →

Enter the following data on the initial screen: Vendor


Purchasing Organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Select the indicators Purchasing data and Partner functions. Choose


If necessary, set the Subsequent settlement indicator and, if necessary, also the B.vol.comp/ (Business volume comparison and agreement necessary) indicator. Choose


On the Change Vendor: Partner functions screen, make an entry with partner role RS and vendor number T-K521E##. Choose




Continued on next page


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Unit 8: Subsequent Settlement


Task 2: Create a Vendor Rebate Arrangement Irrespective of the material, vendor T-K521E## gives you a volume rebate of 2 % once you reach a business volume of EUR 5,000 and a bonus of 3 % once you reach EUR 10,000. 1.

Create a vendor arrangement for it. Hint: Save the arrangement after you have completed the following subtasks. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Master Data Subsequent Settlement Vendor Rebate Arrangements Arrangement Create

→ 2.

Which arrangement type do you choose? Answer: The arrangement type is 1000. If a rebate arrangement applies to all the materials supplied by a vendor, the agreement type Rebates (key 1000 in the standard system) should be chosen. Enter the agreement type 1000.


Assign the arrangement to purchaser group Z51 and purchasing organization 1000. a)


Organizational Data....

Enter the following data: Purch. Organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing Group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Choose 4.


The overall arrangement validity period is to start on today's date and end on December 31 of the current year. Check the default validity period.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Subsequent Settlement

A business volume comparison and agreement process is optional, but not mandatory. a)

On the Create Rebates: Overview Agreement screen, enter the following data or accept the default values: Condition granter




Validity period



12/31 of the current year

If necessary, set the Comp. BV necessary (business volume comparison and agreement necessary) indicator for final settlement. 5.

Maintain the rebate arrangement conditions. Which condition table (which dependencies) do you choose? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Enter the percentage 2 % as the volume rebate percentage as well as for the accrual. Then maintain the details on the specified scale levels.

Continued on next page


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Unit 8: Subsequent Settlement


Use your material T-REK## as the settlement material. a)

Choose Conditions. In the dialog box, choose the line with the Vendor key combination by positioning the cursor. Press


Accept the default values for purchasing organization and validity period. On the Create Rebates: Overview Rebates (A001) screen, enter the following data: Vendor








Select the row you just entered. Choose the Details icon and check the scale type. The value for the Scale Type must be A (Base-scale). Enter material T-REK## in the Matl f. settl. field. Choose


Enter the following data: Scale value / ScCur


5,000.00 EUR 2 % (already the default value) 10,000.00 EUR 3 % Choose the Back icon to return to the Create Rebates: Overview Rebates (A001) screen. The Scales indicator is set. 6.

Check the period-specific conditions. Have period-specific conditions been created? ______________________________________________________________ Save your rebate arrangement.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Subsequent Settlement

Number of the arrangement: a)


Select the row with the number of your vendor. Period-Specific Conditions icon.

Choose the

Yes, a period-specific condition for every month (from today) until the end of the current year has been created. The percentage 2 % has been used for the amount as well as for the accrual. Choose




Task 3: Create Purchase Order 1.

Create a purchase order with the following data: Vendor:


Purchasing organization:

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing group:

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Delivery date:



1000 (Plant Hamburg)

Tax code:

0I (0 %)

Continued on next page


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Unit 8: Subsequent Settlement


Order 100 pc of material T-REL## at a price of EUR 100. Hint: Save the purchase order after you have completed the following subtasks. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Create Vendor/Supplying Plant Known

→ Purchase Order →

Enter the following data in the header data of the purchase order: Vendor


Doc. date




In the header details on the Org. Data tab page, enter the following data: Purch. Org.

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purch. Group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Company Code

1000 (IDES AG)



Enter the following data in the Item Overview area of the purchase order: Itm


PO Quantity

Net Price

Deliv. Date




100 PC

EUR 100



Choose the Invoice tab page in the item details. Enter Tax Code 0I.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Subsequent Settlement


Was condition type A001 used to determine the accrual for this purchase order? Which percentage was used? With which amount is an accrual formed in the goods receipt? Answer: In the item details, choose the Conditions tab page. Yes, condition type A001 (Rebates) was used. The condition amount is 2 %. The condition value to which amount the accrual is formed at goods receipt is EUR 200.00.


Which effect do condition type A001 and the percentage 2 % have? Save your purchase order. Purchase order number:


Answer: The accrual at goods receipt that is formed by condition type A001 with the percentage 2 % reduces the receipt value of the posting to the stock or consumption account at goods receipt. You therefore get a cheaper valuation for your stock material. The accrual is cleared with the volume rebate settlement. Save your purchase order. Choose Choose

Save. Back.

Task 4: Post Goods Receipt (Optional) 1.

Post a goods receipt of 100 pieces for the purchase order created in Task 3. Make a note of the material document number but do not leave the transaction.

Continued on next page


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Unit 8: Subsequent Settlement


Material document number: a)


From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Materials Management Purchasing Logistics Follow-On Functions Goods Receipt

→ Purchase Order →

Choose the Goods Receipt transaction. Choose the reference document Purchase Order. Enter movement type 101. Enter the number of your purchase order from task 3 and choose Execute. or


Adopt the entire ordered quantity. Set the indicator Item OK (item is adopted in document), if it has not been set by default. Hint: Note that you can only change the data in the item overview if no detail data is displayed (for this item). Choose Post or the 2.

Post icon.

Look at the material document of the goods receipt posting and the corresponding accounting document. Which value was posted to the GR/IR clearing account? How is this value composed? ______________________________________________________________ Which value was posted to the stock account? How is this value composed? ______________________________________________________________

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Subsequent Settlement


Choose the Display transaction. In the Material Document field, the number of your material document is displayed immediately. Choose the Execute (Enter) icon. In the header data of the material document, choose the Doc. Info tab page. FI Documents on this tab page. Choose In the dialog box, choose the accounting document using cursor Choose. positioning. Press



The amount of EUR 10,000.00 was posted to the GR/IR clearing account. This value was calculated as follows: Value of the GR/IR posting

GR quantity

* Order price


100 PC

* 100.00 EUR/pc

= EUR 10,000.00

The amount EUR 9,800.00 was posted to the stock account. This value was calculated as follows: Value of the GR/IR – Order price posting


EUR 10,000.00

= EUR 9,800.00

– 200.00 EUR/pc


Exit. Close the dialog box. Choose



Value of the stock posting


Task 5: Post Incoming Invoice (Optional) 1.

You receive an invoice from vendor T-K521E## for the purchase order for EUR 10,000 created in Task 3. Enter this incoming invoice with today's date as the document date and posting date as well as tax code 0I. Post the document. Number of the invoice document:


Continued on next page


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Unit 8: Subsequent Settlement


Number of the accounting document: a)


From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Materials Management Purchasing Purchase Order Logistics Follow-On Functions Logistics Invoice Verification

Choose the Invoice transaction. Check the displayed company code. If company code 1000 is not displayed, choose Edit Switch Company Code from the menu bar and enter company code 1000.

Enter the following data on the Basic Data tab of the invoice: Invoice date

Today's date

Posting Date

Today’s date (this will default)

Amount and currency

10,000.00 EUR

Tax amount

Leave blank

Set the tax code to 0I, if necessary. Enter the following on the Payment tab of the invoice: BaselineDt

Today's date

On the PO Reference tab page, select reference document type Purchase Order/Scheduling Agreement. Enter the document number of your purchase order from Task 3. Choose Enter. Goods/services items and display layout All information. Choose Check the balance of the document. The balance should be EUR 0.00. Post the document. If you get a warning message about exceptions, choose Enter to confirm it. Choose the

Post icon.

Choose the

Exit icon.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Subsequent Settlement

Task 6: Display Updating of Business Volume Check the updating of business volume. 1.

Display the business volume update for your rebate arrangement. What is the figure for the scale basis? ______________________________________________________________ What is the revenue of the settlements? ______________________________________________________________ a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Master Data Subsequent Settlement Vendor Rebate Arrangements List Displays Business Volume Data

Enter the following data on the initial screen: Rebate arrangement

Your rebate arrangement number from Task 2.

Condition granter


Purchasing organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Leave all other indicators unchanged. Choose



The scale price is EUR 10,000.00.


The value of the settlements is EUR 200.00. Choose


Task 7: Interim Settlement Run a simulation first and then an interim settlement for your rebate agreement using the last day of the current month as the settlement date. Use the report function to do this. 1.

Run the simulation for the interim settlement for your rebate arrangement.

Continued on next page


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Unit 8: Subsequent Settlement


What is the simulated revenue of the rebate arrangement for the interim settlement? Which percentage was used? ______________________________________________________________


From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Master Data Subsequent Settlement Vendor Rebate Arrangements Rebate Create Settlement Document Via Report Arrangement

Enter the following data on the initial screen: Rebate arrangement

Your rebate arrangement number from Task 2.

Condition granter


Settlement date

Last day of the current month

Purchasing organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Billing date (posting date)

Today's date

Select the Simulate (Settlement) and Perform interim sett. accounting indicators first. Leave all other indicators unchanged. Choose Enter. output messages with b)

The simulated revenue of the rebate arrangement is EUR 200.00. For the calculation, the condition basis of EUR 10,000.00 and the percentage of 2 % were used. Choose


Execute. Confirm the


Post the interim settlement. Make sure you are using the last day of the current month as the settlement date.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Subsequent Settlement

Number of the settlement document: a)


Select the Execute (Settlement) and Perform interim sett. accounting indicators. Leave all other indicators unchanged. Choose



Look at the postings for the interim settlement. What accounts were posted to? Hint: However, only leave the transaction for settling vendor rebate arrangements, if you have scheduled a business volume comparison and agreement for final settlement. a)


Sett. doc.

The overview of invoice items appears. Choose


In the dialog box, choose the Accounting Document using cursor Choose. positioning. Press The rebate accrual of the goods receipt has been triggered. On the vendor account, a DEBIT posting was made to the amount of the volume rebate income of EUR 200.00. Choose


Close the dialog box. Choose the

Cancel icon. Choose


Task 8: Business Volume Comparison and Agreement (Optional) 1.

Execute a business volume comparison and agreement. Enter a different amount as the agreed value.

Continued on next page


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Unit 8: Subsequent Settlement


Save the change. a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Materials Management Purchasing Master Data Logistics Subsequent Settlement Vendor Rebate Arrangements Business Volume Comparison Execute

Enter the following data on the initial screen: Agreement

Your rebate arrangement number from Task 2.

Settlement date

Last day of the current year



If necessary, correct the values for the scale basis or condition basis. Choose

Compar. (Activate comparison).







Task 9: Subsequent Settlement Run a simulation first and then a final settlement for your rebate agreement using the last day of the current year as the settlement date. 1.

Run the simulation for the final settlement for your rebate arrangement. What is the simulated total revenue of the rebate arrangement for the final settlement? Which percentage was used? ______________________________________________________________

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Subsequent Settlement

______________________________________________________________ a)

From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

Materials Management Purchasing Master Data Logistics Subsequent Settlement Vendor Rebate Arrangements Rebate Arrangement Create Settlement Document Via Report

Enter the following data on the initial screen: Rebate arrangement

Your rebate arrangement number from Task 2.

Condition granter


Settlement date

Last day of the current year

Purchasing organization

1000 (IDES Deutschland)

Purchasing group

Z51 (SCM521 Buyer)

Billing date (posting date)

Today's date

Select the Simulate (Settlement) and Perform settlement accounting indicators first. Leave all other indicators unchanged. Choose b)


Post the final settlement. Use last day of the current year as the settlement date and the last day of the current month as the posting date. Credit memo number: a)


Select the Execute (Settlement) and Perform settlement accounting indicators. Leave all other indicators unchanged. Choose


Enter and Yes.

The simulated total revenue of the rebate arrangement is EUR 300.00. For the calculation, the condition basis of EUR 10,000.00 and the percentage of 3 % were used. Choose


Execute. Confirm the output messages with


Look at the postings for the final settlement. What is the amount of the posting on the vendor account? Continued on next page


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Unit 8: Subsequent Settlement


______________________________________________________________ a)


Sett. doc. The overview of invoice items appears.



In the dialog box, choose the Accounting Document using cursor Choose. positioning. Press b)

On the vendor account, a DEBIT posting was made to the amount of EUR 100.00. This is the difference between the total volume rebate income and the already settled volume rebate income of the interim settlement. Choose

Exit. Close the dialog box.


Cancel. Choose




Task 10: Extension of Rebate Arrangements (Optional) 1.

Extend your rebate arrangement manually. Do you get a new rebate arrangement number? ______________________________________________________________ Look at your original and your new rebate arrangement. Can you see a link between the two arrangements? ______________________________________________________________


From the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2) choose:

→ →

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Master Data Subsequent Settlement Vendor Rebate Arrangements Rebate Arrangement Extend Manually

Enter the following data on the initial screen: Agreement

Choose the

Your rebate arrangement number from Task 2. Enter icon.

Confirm the output messages with

Continue (Enter). Continued on next page


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Lesson: Subsequent Settlement

You see the screen Create Rebates: Overview Agreement.. The data of your arrangement is copied. The period of the new arrangement is from January 1 to December 31 of next year. Choose


You get a new rebate arrangement number. Number of the arrangement: b)


Choose Display Arrangement (via the menu bar) or from the SAP Easy Access screen (session 2):

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Master Data Subsequent Settlement Vendor Rebate Arrangements Rebate Arrangement Display

Enter the following data on the initial screen: Agreement Choose

Your new arrangement number Agreement Overview.

From the menu bar, choose Goto

→ Extended Agreements.

Your new rebate arrangement as well as an overview of all related arrangements including periods and statuses are displayed. The first rebate arrangement has status D (Final settlement of agreement already carried out). Choose



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Unit 8: Subsequent Settlement


Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Define the process of subsequent settlement with regard to end-of-period rebates granted by vendors • Create and settle rebate arrangements • Describe the process of cumulative business volume updating • Extend a rebate arrangement


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Unit Summary

Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Define the process of subsequent settlement with regard to end-of-period rebates granted by vendors • Create and settle rebate arrangements • Describe the process of cumulative business volume updating • Extend a rebate arrangement


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Unit Summary



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Test Your Knowledge

Test Your Knowledge 1.

The Vendor is relevant for subsequent settlement indicator in the vendor master record belongs... Choose the correct answer(s).

□ □ □ □ 2.


to the control data that is valid for the entire client to the purchasing data, dependent on a purchasing organization to the plant-dependent purchasing data to the vendor subrange data

The Business volume comparison and agreement agreement required indicator must be set in the vendor master record in order to make subsequent settlement possible. Determine whether this statement is true or false.

□ □ 3.

True False

If a rebate arrangement does not refer to concrete materials as is the case with the Vendor Volume Rebate settlement type, for example, a settlement material must be specified. Determine whether this statement is true or false.

□ □ 4.

True False

The updating of business volume in a rebate arrangement always takes place with the posting of incoming invoices. Determine whether this statement is true or false.

□ □


True False

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Test Your Knowledge


Answers 1.

The Vendor is relevant for subsequent settlement indicator in the vendor master record belongs... Answer: B The Vendor is relevant for subsequent settlement indicator belongs to the purchasing data in the vendor master record and is therefore (only) dependent on the purchasing organization.


The Business volume comparison and agreement agreement required indicator must be set in the vendor master record in order to make subsequent settlement possible. Answer: False This indicator can be set as required since it only serves as the default value for rebate arrangement maintenance.


If a rebate arrangement does not refer to concrete materials as is the case with the Vendor Volume Rebate settlement type, for example, a settlement material must be specified. Answer: True A settlement material must always be specified in a rebate arrangement so that, in the creation of an invoice for settling this volume rebate arrangement, the settlement material can be used to fetch data from the material master record, for example, for account assignment and tax determination.


The updating of business volume in a rebate arrangement always takes place with the posting of incoming invoices. Answer: False The updating of business volume in a rebate arrangement is specified by the arrangement type (in Customizing). You can choose between purchase order, goods receipt or invoice receipt for the updating of business volume.


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Course Summary

Course Summary You should now be able to: • • • • • •

Outline the various elements of the condition technique and describe how they interact Maintain conditions on different levels and update them using collective change transactions Understand how price determination works in the SAP system Recognize the special condition types that you can use in price determination Describe and use the subsequent settlement process Create condition tables, access sequences, condition types and calculation schemas, and adjust your Customizing settings according to your company-specific requirements

Related Information Recommended Follow-up Courses • • •

SCM550 - Cross-Functional Customizing in MM PLM140 - Variant Configuration 1 – Modeling PLM143 - Variant Configuration 1 – Integration

Recommended Follow-Up Activities • • • •


Repeat the exercises using IDES data or your own data. Read the online documentation. Read the Implementation Guide (IMG). Read the Release Notes.

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Course Summary



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Appendix 1 Frequently-Used Menu Paths

Maintaining Time-Dependent Conditions Activity

Menu path

Create/Change Info Record

SAP Easy Access menu:

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Master Data Info Record Create

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Master Data Info Record Change Create/Change Contract

SAP Easy Access menu:

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Outline Agreement Contract Create or Change Create/Change Scheduling Agreement

SAP Easy Access menu:

→ → → → → Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Outline Agreement → Scheduling Agreement →

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Outline Agreement Scheduling Agreement Create Vendor Known



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Appendix 1: Frequently-Used Menu Paths


Maintaining Time-Dependent Conditions Activity

Menu path

Create/Change General Conditions:

SAP Easy Access menu:

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Master Data Conditions Discounts/Surcharges By Vendor

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Master Data Conditions Discounts/Surcharges By Condition Group

→ Create/Change Other Conditions

SAP Easy Access menu:

Display Price Overview

SAP Easy Access menu:

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Master Data Conditions Others Create or Copy From or Change

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Master Data Conditions Prices General Overview Price Changes by Vendor

SAP Easy Access menu:

→ → →

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Master Data Conditions Vendor Price Changes By Info Record or By Contract Maintenance of Time-Independent Conditions Activity

Menu path

Create/Change Purchase Order

SAP Easy Access menu:

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Purchase Order Create Vendor/Supplying Plant Known

Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Change

Automatic Document Adjustment


SAP Easy Access menu:

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Purchase Order Follow-On Functions Automatic Document Adjustment Individual Documents or Create Worklist

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Appendix 1: Frequently-Used Menu Paths

Subsequent Settlement Activity

Menu path

Create/Change Rebate Arrangement

SAP Easy Access menu:

Display Business Volume Data

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Master Data Subsequent Settlement Vendor Rebate Arrangement Rebate Arrangements Create or Change

SAP Easy Access menu:

Materials Management Purchasing Logistics Master Data Subsequent Settlement Vendor Rebate Arrangements List Displays Business Volume Data

Perform Business Volume SAP Easy Access menu: Comparison and Agreement Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Master Data Subsequent Settlement Vendor Rebate Arrangements Business Volume Comparison Execute

Extend Rebate Arrangement

SAP Easy Access menu:

→ →

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Master Data Subsequent Settlement Vendor Rebate Arrangements Rebate Arrangement Extend Manually or Via Report

Basic Materials Management Functions



Menu path

Create/Change Material Master Record

SAP Easy Access menu:

Create/Change Vendor Master Record

SAP Easy Access menu:

→ → → → → Logistics → Materials Management → Material Master → Material → Change → Immediately Logistics Materials Management Material Master Material Create (General) Immediately

Logistics Material Master Purchasing Master Data Vendor or Central Create or Change or Display

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Appendix 1: Frequently-Used Menu Paths


Basic Materials Management Functions Activity

Menu path

Post Goods Receipt

SAP Easy Access menu:

→ → → → Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Follow-On Functions → →

Logistics Materials Management Inventory Management Goods Movement Goods Receipt For Purchase Order GR for Purchase Order

Goods Receipt Enter Invoice

SAP Easy Access menu:

Logistics Materials Management Logistics Invoice Verification Document Entry Enter Invoice

Logistics Materials Management Purchasing Purchase Order Follow-On Functions Logistics Invoice Verification Release Invoice

SAP Easy Access menu:

Logistics Materials Management Logistics Invoice Verification Further Processing Release Blocked Invoices Variant Conditions in Purchasing Activity

Menu path

Create/Change/Display Characteristics

SAP Easy Access menu:

Create/Change/Display Variant Class

Create Configuration Profile


→ → →

→ →

Logistics Central Functions Variant Configuration Environment Classification Master Data Characteristics System

SAP Easy Access menu:

→ → →

→ →

Logistics Central Functions Variant Configuration Environment Classification System Master Data Classes

SAP Easy Access menu:

→ →

Logistics Materials Management Material Master Environment Configuration Profile Create

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Appendix 1: Frequently-Used Menu Paths

Service Master Record and Conditions Activity

Menu path

Create/Change/Display Service Master Record

SAP Easy Access menu:

Display Service List

→ →

Logistics Materials Management Master Service Service Master SAP Easy Access menu:

→ →

Materials Management Logistics Master Service Service List Create/Change Service Conditions by Service

SAP Easy Access menu:

Create/Change Service Conditions For Vendor (Without Plant)

SAP Easy Access menu:

Create/Change Service Conditions For Vendor (With Plant)

→ →

→ Service → Service

→ Service Master → → By Service → Add

Logistics Material Master Service Service Conditions or Change

→ → →

→ Service Master → → For Vendor Without

Logistics Material Master Service Service Conditions Plant Add or Change SAP Easy Access menu:

→ → →

→ →

Logistics Material Master Service Master Service Service Conditions For Vendor With Plant Add or Change

Customizing: All menu paths start on the SAP Easy Access screen: Tools

→ Customizing → IMG → Edit Project

Choose SAP Reference IMG → Materials Management Activity

→ Purchasing.

Menu path

→ → Conditions → Define Price Determination Process → Define Condition Types

Maintain Access Sequences Conditions Define Price Determination Process Define Access Sequences Maintain Condition Types

Choose Define Condition Type

Define Upper/Lower Limits Conditions Define Price Determination Process Define Limits


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Appendix 1: Frequently-Used Menu Paths

Customizing: Maintain Calculation Schemas Define Schema Groups


→ → Conditions → Define Price Determination Process → Define Schema Group Conditions Define Price Determination Process Define Calculation Schema

Choose Schema Groups: Vendor or Schema Groups for Purchasing Organizations Define Schema Group Assignment

Conditions Define Price Determination Process Define Schema Group Choose Assignment of Schema Group to Purchasing Organization

Define Schema Determination

Conditions Define Price Determination Process Define Schema Determination Choose Determine Calculation Schema for Standard Purchase Orders

Define Condition Exclusion Conditions Define Price Determination Process Define Condition Exclusion Choose Define Condition Exclusion Groups or Assignment of Condition Exclusion Condition Types or Assignment of Condition Exclusion Calculation Schema Create/Change/Display Condition Tables

Conditions Define Price Determination Process Define Condition Types Choose Create Condition Table or Change or Display

Configure Automatic Document Adjustment

Conditions Automatic Document Adjustment Control Document Adjustment Control Purchasing Document Adjustment

Define Scope-of-List Parameters for Condition Lists

Conditions Scope of List for Conditions Scope of List Parameters

Configure Condition Index


→ Define

→ Configure Condition Index

Then choose Change Condition Types or Edit Condition Index Tables or Assign Overviews Define Condition Lists



→ Define Condition Lists

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Index A ABAP FORM routine, 299, 308 access, 9 access sequence, 7, 9, 55, 66, 111, 301 Access sequence, 303 access sequence for the gross price, 62–63, 67 access type, 111 account key, 307 Accrual, 343–344 accruals, 215 Adoption of price from purchase requisition, 191–192 alternative calculation type, 307 alternative condition basis, 307 analyzing price determination, 12–13 Arrangement calendar, 342, 347–348 Arrangement type, 341–342 Authorizations, 190–191 automatic account determination, 215 automatic document adjustment, 187 Automatic Document Adjustment, 186

B base formula, 139 Base-scale, 15 Business volume comparison and agreement, 345 Business volume data, 341


Business volume figures, 345 Business volume statistics, 346

C calculation schema, 10–11, 13, 55, 108, 215, 304–305 calculation schema for supplementary conditions, 58 calculation type, 7, 304 cash discount, 6 Change Documentation, 189 change options of a condition, 304 characteristic, 241, 243 characteristic MMCON_VKOND, 243 communication structures, 310 condition for price determination, 308 manual, 11, 55 required, 11 statistical, 11 condition access, 111 condition basis, 299, 309 condition category, 6 Condition category, 304 condition category E, 6 condition category H, 6 condition category U, 6, 212 condition class, 6, 304 condition exclusion, 107 condition exclusion procedure, 108 Condition granter, 340 condition group, 145 condition group discount, 145

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condition index, 182 condition Index, 183 Condition Index, 182 Condition Lists, 180 condition record, 3, 7–9, 55–56, 60, 300 condition sequence, 13 condition table, 8–9, 56, 109–111, 300–301, 303 Condition table, 300 condition technique, 3 condition type, 6–7, 10, 187, 303, 305 statistical, 215, 222 condition type B, 215 Condition type group, 342 condition type PB00, 103–104 condition type PBXX, 103–104 condition value, 7, 309 conditions, 3 copying, 183 maintaining, 176–177 variant-dependent, 241 volume-dependent, 218–219 weight-dependent, 218–219 Conditions, 6 changeability, 188 Copying, 182 configuration, 243 configuration profile, 241, 245 contract, 5 contract release order, 61 counter, 14

D default values for buyers, 102 define schema determination, 57 delivery costs, 11, 214–216 Detailed statement, 343 direct value, 303 Document index, 186


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E effective price, 11 effective price calculation, 10, 13 exclusion group, 108 exclusion indicator, 9, 104 exclusion indicator X, 104 exclusion indicators, 299 exclusion procedure, 108 exclusive bonus quantity, 221 exclusive indicator, 56, 303 Extension of rebate arrangements, 347

F field catalog, 299–300 field content document field, 303 Final settlement, 345–346 formula for price determination, 308 formula for quantity calculation, 271 formulas, 299 free goods, 220 exclusive bonus quantity, 221 inclusive bonus quantity, 220 From reference step, 307 from-reference step, 11 function modules, 310

G general conditions, 5, 65, 145, 179 gross price, 11, 103 gross weight, 219 group condition, 138–141, 145, 219 group condition routine, 142–144, 309




H header condition, 138–139, 304 Header condition, 10 hierarchy access, 111 to condition records, 109 hierarchy access to condition records, 111

I inclusive bonus quantity, 220 incomplete pallet surcharge, 217 Indicator Document index active, 186 info record, 5, 8, 10, 12, 59, 67, 185 info update indicator, 103, 105 Info update indicator, 184–185 input taxes non-deductible, 11 interval scale, 15–16 item condition, 138 Item condition, 304

K key fixed, 110 of condition tables, 109 variable, 110

L last purchase order, 102–104 Last purchase order, 185

M main condition, 59 manual condition, 11, 55 master conditions for service, 270 material configurable, 241, 244

N net price, 11


net weight, 219 new price determination, 12

O object dependencies, 241–242, 245 Order price history, 184–185 outline, 273 outline agreement, 60

P pallet discount, 217 Partial settlement, 342, 346 precious metal, 212–213 price determination for purchase orders, 54 for scheduling agreements, 54 price determination for services, 273 price determination overview, 54 price scale, 304 price-quantity scale, 4, 12, 14 pricing date category, 105–106 print indicator, 140–141 priority of an access, 111 procedure, 245 purchase order, 5 purchasing info record, 106

Q quantity scale, 9, 14–15 quotation, 5

R Rebate, 340 Rebate arrangement, 340–342, 345–346, 348 reference purchasing organization, 65–66 required condition, 11

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Requirement for price determination, 299 Requirement program, 9 Requirement routine, 302 requirements, 11 Retrosp. compilation of statistics, 349 Retrospective compilation of statistics, 348 rounding rule, 309 ruling prices, 212–213

S scale basis, 14–15, 299, 309 scale basis for scales, 7 scale level, 14 scale type, 14–15 scales, 14, 141, 143, 145, 177 scheduling agreement, 5, 55, 107 schema assignment, 57 schema determination, 307 schema group, 299 Schema group, 58 schema group for purchasing organization, 57, 307 schema group for vendor, 57, 307 service, 268–269, 271 service conditions, 270, 272 service master record, 268 service specifications, 272–273 Settlement, 346 Settlement calendar, 342, 346 Settlement group, 340, 344 sign, 304 Sign, 7 standard purchase order, 55 statistical condition, 11 Statistical data, 343 step numbers, 13–14 stock transfer, 221–222 stock transport order, 55, 58


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Subsequent settlement, 340 subtotal, 11 supplementary conditions, 10, 56, 58–59 supplementary schema, 59 system Modification, 298

T terms of delivery and payment, 3 time-dependent conditions, 3–5 time-independent conditions, 3, 5 to reference step, 307 to-reference step, 11 To-scale, 15 transaction/event key, 215, 299

U Updating of business volume, 343 upper and lower limits, 4, 177, 299, 305 User exits, 309 user parameter EVO, 102–103, 105

V validity period, 105–106, 179 Validity period, 176, 178 value scale, 9, 14–15 variable field, 110 variant class, 241 variant condition, 241, 243, 245 variant configuration, 243 variants, 241 Vendor billing document, 342 Vendor invoice, 343 vendor master record, 106 Vendor subrange, 344 volume, 219 Volume rebate condition types, 343 Volume rebate income, 344




W Weight, 15


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