SCM150 - 2008-Q1 - Reporting and Analysis

August 22, 2017 | Author: Fernando Andres Cañas Galviz | Category: Business Intelligence, Statistical Classification, Logistics, Microsoft Excel, Data Warehouse
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SCM150 - 2008-Q1 - Reporting and Analysis...


SCM150 SCM Reporting and Analysis SAP Supply Chain Management

Date Training Center Instructors

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Participant Handbook Course Version: 81 Course Duration: 2 Days Material Number: 50088352

An SAP course - use it to learn, reference it for work

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About This Handbook This handbook is intended to complement the instructor-led presentation of this course, and serve as a source of reference. It is not suitable for self-study.

Typographic Conventions American English is the standard used in this handbook. The following typographic conventions are also used. Type Style


Example text

Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths, and options. Also used for cross-references to other documentation both internal (in this documentation) and external (in other locations, such as SAPNet).


Example text

Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics, and tables


Names of elements in the system. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for example SELECT and INCLUDE.

Example text

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Example text

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Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries.

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About This Handbook


Icons in Body Text The following icons are used in this handbook. Icon

Meaning For more information, tips, or background

Note or further explanation of previous point Exception or caution


Indicates that the item is displayed in the instructor's presentation.


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Contents Course Overview ......... ............... ............... ............... ... vii Course Goals ...........................................................vii Course Objectives .....................................................vii

Unit 1: Logistics Information System (LIS) ...... ............... ..... 1 Data Warehousing in the ECC System ..............................2 Reporting Functions in LIS .......................................... 21

Unit 2: Introducing SAP BI............ ............... ............... ... 49 SAP BI Overview...................................................... 50 Terminology used in BI ............................................... 59

Unit 3: Data Flow from ECC to BI ... ............... ............... ... 71 Logistics Data Extraction............................................. 72

Unit 4: Query Development in SAP BI ............ ............... ... 89 Query Designer ....................................................... 90 InfoProviders in the BEx Query Designer.........................103 SAP BI Reporting Tools .............................................122

Unit 5: Business Content in SAP BI ............... ............... .. 137 Metadata Repository and BI content ..............................138

Unit 6: Other BI Analysis Opportunities .......... ............... .. 151 Other BI Analysis Opportunities....................................152

Unit 7: Comparing LIS and BI ........ ............... ............... .. 163 Comparing BI and LIS ...............................................164


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Course Overview Contents: • • • • •

Course Goals Course Objectives Course Content Course Overview Diagram Main Business Example

Main Business Scenario •

Management wants to see reports related to sales, procurement and production operations to evaluate the performance of each department. The reporting environment you choose should provide flexibility and a set of powerful reporting tools You are assigned to this project in order investigate and evaluate LIS and SAP BI to determine which is the right solution for your business

Target Audience This course is intended for the following audiences: •

Project team members and key users responsible for SCM reporting

Course Prerequisites Required Knowledge • • • •

SCM100 Business Processes Planning SCM300 Supply Chain Manufacturing – Overview SCM500 Processes in Procurement ... SCM600 Business Processes in Sales

Course Goals This course will prepare you to: •

This course will prepare you to determine how LIS and SAP BI meet the requirements of your logistics reporting team.

Course Objectives After completing this course, you will be able to:


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Course Overview


Understand how the Logistics Information System (LIS) acquires data and how the LIS reporting tools work Understand how SAP BI acquires data and how the BI reporting tools work Identify the relative strengths and weaknesses of each reporting environment

• •


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Unit 1 Logistics Information System (LIS) Unit Overview Logistics Information System (LIS): Business Example •

Management wants to see reports on the performance of the different logistics departments in the company. You are responsible for generating the relevant reports that capture the important parameters that highlight the performance. You need to understand how the LIS environment works.

Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • •

Describe data warehousing concepts and the related SAP terminology Explain the how LIS provides basic data warehousing capabilities within an ERP system Explain the reporting functionality of LIS

Unit Contents Lesson: Data Warehousing in the ECC System ...............................2 Exercise 1: Logistics Data Creation....................................... 11 Lesson: Reporting Functions in LIS ........................................... 21 Exercise 2: LIS Functions .................................................. 33


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Unit 1: Logistics Information System (LIS)


Lesson: Data Warehousing in the ECC System Lesson Overview Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • •

Describe data warehousing concepts and the related SAP terminology Explain the how LIS provides basic data warehousing capabilities within an ERP system

Business Example As the company has implemented ECC logistics modules of SAP, it wants a common reporting platform for viewing the reports.

Figure 1: Data Warehousing Concepts


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Lesson: Data Warehousing in the ECC System

Data Warehousing follows a three-tier model and provides the following features: •

• •

The three tiers subdivide the flow of data, from data acquisition in the operative systems right through to the presentation of information at the top level. Integrated, operative applications in OLTP systems form the basis for obtaining information. They are filled with large quantities of master and process data. The information systems present this information in a compact and structured form. This is achieved by compressing the application data to obtain more compact, informative key figures and then managing it separately in the database tables of a data warehouse. The statistical data obtained in this way can then be analyzed using a variety of analysis tools which are available in the third tier. These tools offer a wide range of methods that allow statistical data to be analyzed and presented in an efficient and impressive way. They can therefore make a huge contribution toward reducing the time needed to make decisions in modern management.

Figure 2: Logistics Data Warehouse in SAP ECC

The Logistics Information System provides information from the areas of Sales and Distribution, Purchasing, Production, Warehouse Management, Plant Maintenance, and Quality Management. In LIS, important information is stored in individual databases, which are maintained in parallel to the operational systems. The primary objective here is to transform the detailed data in the operational systems into key figures with a high predictive value.


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Unit 1: Logistics Information System (LIS)


Further information systems are available for the Financial Accounting, Controlling, and Human Resources modules.

Figure 3: Online Transaction Processing

OLTP is the first layer of the three-tiered LIS model. The transaction data in the SAP ECC modules, i.e. the OLTP system, is extensive; this data gives a detailed overview of business processes, however, a broad-based analysis or a bird's eye view of the business is difficult to achieve. These ECC Logistics Information Systems are anchored in the ECC OLTP applications through special updating modules. LIS updating, together with data aggregation, constitutes one of the chief principles of the overall LIS concept. LIS updating provides the following benefits: •


Update programs reduce the process data down to its statistically-relevant components, that is, they cumulate relevant data in LIS at regular intervals in terms of objects, and then use formulas and conditions to calculate informative key figures. Statistical data can be updated in LIS at the same time as the process data is being processed in the application modules. This guarantees that LIS information is consistent with operational data. You can also link ECC LIS components to external OLTP systems.

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Lesson: Data Warehousing in the ECC System

Figure 4: Logistics Data Warehouse

Data warehouse is the second layer of the three-tiered LIS model. The individual physical tables in the SAP Information Warehouse are called information structures. All information structures, info structures in the following, have the same structure. The objects for analysis in the real business world are represented by characteristics in info structures, which are used as a basis for categorizing data. Statistical information is updated and aggregated around characteristics, such as vendor, customer, or material. Organizational elements, such as purchasing group, material group, valuation area, plant, or storage area can also function as characteristics in info structures. The time base is another aggregation option. The data is not only accumulated for each characteristic but also for each period. For each information structure, you can choose a daily, weekly, or monthly data aggregation. Logistics key figures are updated for each combination of characteristics in accordance with the predefined period unit. Key figures are quantitative figures, which convey a concise but meaningful amount of information. Key figures can be obtained for each characteristic through the cumulation of data, such as purchase order quantity or production order quantity; however, they can also take the form of simple counters, such as “number of deliveries”. The SAP ECC system contains a wide range of standard information structures for different application areas. You can also group characteristics and key figures together to suit your needs, resulting in self-defined info structures, which can then be supplied with data through separate update programs.


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Unit 1: Logistics Information System (LIS)


Figure 5: Timing Of the Update to LIS

The diagram above illustrates the timing of the various updates to both the transaction tables and also the LIS Infostructures. Whereas the update to the transaction tables is always immediate (technically a synchronous update), the LIS update can be carried out either immediately (synchronously), almost immediately (asynchronously) or at a predefined timepoint (based on a scheduled job). In order to determine which update timing method os the right one you have to consider how critical it is to have the data up-to-date for reporting in LIS. Most organization would choose 'Almost Immediate' (asynchronously) in order to minimize the disruption to the online transactions but the data would be available a short time after the order was saved. In order to completely minimize the disruption to the on-line transaction you could consider updating the Infostructures overnight or at the time when the on-line transactions are not being used. The data will simply be queued. The Infostructure is initially filled with historic logistics data using a special setup program, this is purely to bring the Infostructure up to date with your historic business data. Once the Infostructure is up to date the subsequent updates will be using delta updates. This means that we only load the new or changed logistics records since the last upload. This ensures we have a more efficient loading mechanism, though we have to be aware that if we have errors during the upload process recovery may not always be possible as LIS does not have sophisticated delta recovery or rebuild features as we have in BI.


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Lesson: Data Warehousing in the ECC System

Figure 6: Business Intelligence

In the Logistics Information Library (LIL) all of the key figures available in the Logistics Information System (LIS) are systematically cataloged and organized in accordance with application-specific criteria. In addition, the Logistics Information Library helps you to create, classify, and find key figures in the area of logistics. The Logistics Information Library allows you to not only access the key figures in the area of logistics, but also to access key figures that are not available in the Logistics Information System and also those key figures that were created in your enterprise. The Logistics Information Library performs the following important functions: • • •

Integrates key figures from customer-specific developments Catalogs all available key figures centrally Groups key figures individually to make info sets

The planning function of the information systems in LIS is performed with the help of flexible planning tools. The master data is first maintained, i.e. the info structures and the key figures. The creation of planning data is supported by special tools such as distribution functions, interactive graphical techniques, and proven forecasting methods. You can compare planned data with actual data as part of the standard analyses. BI then provides a wide range of methods for online analysis of warehouse data. •


Standard analyses enable you to analyze data from a variety of perspectives. They support a large number of statistical functions, allow unlimited navigation, and enable statistical data to be enhanced with background data from the operative systems at OLTP level. Flexible analyses can be generated by means of reporting tools and tailored to suit corporate requirements. They provide a variety of possible layouts, allow you to define your own formulas, and are graphically supported in the same way as the standard analyses. Furthermore, with the aid of SAP ABAP products, you can perform your own analyses and process any warehouse information without any problems, since data in the Logistics Data Warehouse is stored transparently. The Logistics Data Warehouse is open and of course allows you to perform analyses using non-SAP products, such as Excel or native SQL.

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Unit 1: Logistics Information System (LIS)


Figure 7: Logistics Information System

SAP Logistics offers a number of application-related information systems with a standardized user interface and similar basic functions. All data in Logistics Information Systems is stored in the same way. Special tools and methods underline the typical data warehouse character in LIS. The following logistics information systems are available: • • • • • • • •

SIS – Sales Information System PURCHIS – Purchasing Information System INVCO – Inventory Controlling WMIS – Warehouse Management Information System PPIS – Shop Floor Information System QMIS – Quality Management Information System PMIS – Plant Maintenance Information System RIS – Retail Information System

Figure 8: Update Events in PURCHIS


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Lesson: Data Warehousing in the ECC System

Figure 9: Update Event from SIS

Figure 10: Update Events in INVCO

Figure 11: Update Events in PMIS

Figure 12: Update Events in QMIS


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Unit 1: Logistics Information System (LIS)


Figure 13: Update Events from PPIS


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Lesson: Data Warehousing in the ECC System

Exercise 1: Logistics Data Creation Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Enter transaction data in ECC system from sales order booking in SD, to MRP and Production Order processing in PP and Purchasing in MM. • Use this transaction data to generate reports in LIS and understand the functionalities.

Business Example Your organisation is implementing all SAP ECC Logistics modules. In order to have consistent reporting across the enterprise, management has requested that the same set of data warehouse reporting tools be used for all logistics analyses. The reporting tools are delivered with the Logistics Information Systems (LIS). In order to use LIS you must first generate some data. You will do this by creating a sales order in the sales module. This demand is then transferred to production planning and so plan orders are generated for the system through an MRP run. The production process is managed in the production planning module and the required purchase of raw materials is tracked in procurement module. Later you will use all this transaction data to generate reports in LIS.

Task 1: One of your customers has placed an order for the finished goods that your plant produces. You do not stock the item so a backorder will be created. 1.

Create a sales order using the standard order type OR, Sales Organisation 1000, Distribution Channel 10 and Division 00.


For Sold to Party and Ship to Party use customer 1400, PO Number SCM150-##. For Req. Deliv Date put a date 4 weeks from now.


Book order for Material 150-##, Order Quantity 10 and Plant 1000. Remember there is no stock available for this item so confirm the order line as a backorder and save the sales order.

Task 2: For this demand that has been placed, the production department now has to plan for this material’s production as well as procurement of the raw materials required in the production. 1.

First check the material requirements list then run the MRP for the material 150-## in plant 1000. Continued on next page


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Unit 1: Logistics Information System (LIS)



Check for plan orders generated by the system to cater to the sales order requirement, make sure you check not just the finished product (150-##) but also the dependant raw material (RM-##).

Task 3: Before we can produce the finished item (150-##) we must first purchase the raw material (RM-##). So a purchase order needs to be created and then the goods have to be delivered against that order. 1.

Check the plan order for raw material RM-## generated by the system. Convert the planned order to a purchase requisition. Then convert the purchase requisition to a purchase order. The purchase organisation is 1000, purchase group 000 and vendor 1000. You will also need to enter a material price of 5 Euros.


Make a note of the purchase order number generated by the system. ______________________________________________________


Receive the raw material against the purchase order you just created. The material has to be received in plant 1000 and storage location 0001.


Check for stock of the raw material RM-## in the plant. ______________________________________________________

Task 4: Now the finished goods have to be produced. So a production order has to be converted from the plan order generated by the system. 1.

Check the planned order for the finished goods 150-## generated by the system. Convert this to a production order and release the order.


Note the production order number generated by the system. ______________________________________________________


Confirm the operation 10 of the production order. This will also automatically create the issue of material RM-## to the production order as backflushing is used.


Receive the finished goods against the production order. The material has to be received in Plant 1000 and Storage Location 0001.


Check for stock of the finished goods 150-## in the plant. Continued on next page


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Lesson: Data Warehousing in the ECC System


Task 5: We must now return to the sales order we created earlier and perform an availability check on the stock in order to confirm the schedule line and shipping information. 1.

Return to your sales order and perform an availability check in order to confirm the schedule line. Save the sales order.

Task 6: Now, the delivery of the finished goods has to be done for the sales order created. So we have to create a delivery. 1.

Create a delivery with reference to the sales order created earlier.


Pick the required quantity. As the storage location is warehouse managed you have to create a Transfer Order.


Now process the goods issue using the Post Good Issue function.


Check the stock of the finished goods 150-## in the plant. ______________________________________________________


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Unit 1: Logistics Information System (LIS)


Solution 1: Logistics Data Creation Task 1: One of your customers has placed an order for the finished goods that your plant produces. You do not stock the item so a backorder will be created. 1.

Create a sales order using the standard order type OR, Sales Organisation 1000, Distribution Channel 10 and Division 00. a)

From the ECC menu choose: Logistics

→ Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order → Create

Enter Order Type OR, Sales Organisation 1000, Distribution Channel 10, Division 00 and press Enter 2.

For Sold to Party and Ship to Party use customer 1400, PO Number SCM150-##. For Req. Deliv Date put a date 4 weeks from now. a)


Enter Sold to Party and Ship to Party 1400, PO Number SCM150-##. For Req. Deliv Date put a date 4 weeks from now and press Enter.

Book order for Material 150-##, Order Quantity 10 and Plant 1000. Remember there is no stock available for this item so confirm the order line as a backorder and save the sales order. a)

Enter Material Number 150-##, Order Quantity 10 and Plant 1000 and press Enter. When the Availability Control screen appears just press the Continue button. Then save the sales order by pressing Save button. Make a note of the sales order number generated.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Data Warehousing in the ECC System

Task 2: For this demand that has been placed, the production department now has to plan for this material’s production as well as procurement of the raw materials required in the production. 1.

First check the material requirements list then run the MRP for the material 150-## in plant 1000. a)

Logistics Production List (MD04)

→ MRP → Evaluations → Stock/Requirements

Enter Material Number 150-##, Plant 1000 and press Enter. The sales order number and the quantity will be displayed on the screen. Now run MRP by following the path

Logistics Production Multi-Level (MD02)

→ MRP → Planning → Single-Item,

Enter Material Number 150-##, Plant 1000 and press Enter. Press Enter again to confirm the messages displayed. The system shows the result of the MRP run. 2.

Check for plan orders generated by the system to cater to the sales order requirement, make sure you check not just the finished product (150-##) but also the dependant raw material (RM-##). a)

Execute transaction MD04 . Enter material number 150-##, plant 1000 and press Enter. A plan order has been generated for the quantity 10 units. Click on the Plan Order and then click on the Show Overview Tree button. Then click on the button Order Report. Now both 150-## and RM-## will be displayed. By double clicking on them, you can see the Stock/Requirements List of each of them.

Task 3: Before we can produce the finished item (150-##) we must first purchase the raw material (RM-##). So a purchase order needs to be created and then the goods have to be delivered against that order. 1.

Check the plan order for raw material RM-## generated by the system. Convert the planned order to a purchase requisition. Then convert the purchase requisition to a purchase order. Continued on next page


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Unit 1: Logistics Information System (LIS)


The purchase organisation is 1000, purchase group 000 and vendor 1000. You will also need to enter a material price of 5 Euros. a)

Continuing with the same screen (MD04), double click on RM-##. The plan order for RM-## is displayed on the right. Double-click on the Plan Order. In the dialog box that appears, click on Pur Req. Save the screen that appears. The Plan Order is now converted to Purchase requisition. The MD04 screen appears again. Refresh it to see the PurReq number being displayed for RM-##. Note the Purchase Requisition number. Double click on the Pur Req number showing on the screen. In the dialog box that appears, click on Purchase Order. In the create Purchase Order screen, you will find the Pur Req number appearing on the right side in the Document Overview. Drag it to the cart symbol next to which is written NB Standard PO and drop it. Enter the vendor number 1000 and also the Purchasing Organisation 1000. Under the Conditions tab of the Item area enter the Gross Price of amount 5 EUR (though you don't need to enter the currency) Save the Purchase Order. The MD04 screen reappears. Refresh it to see the purchase order number generated by the system.


Make a note of the purchase order number generated by the system. ______________________________________________________ a)

Write the PO number here.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Data Warehousing in the ECC System


Receive the raw material against the purchase order you just created. The material has to be received in plant 1000 and storage location 0001. a)


→ Inventory Management → Goods Movement → MIGO

In the dropdown on the top, select Goods Receipt and Purchase Order. Put the Purchase Order number in the next field and press Enter. Under the Quantity tab look for the check box Item OK and check this. Check the Item OK button on the bottom. Under the Where Tab enter the storage location as 0001. Click on the Check button on the top. If everything is OK then the green traffic light appears. Now click on the Post button. Goto the MD04 screen for RM-## and plant 1000. The material would now show in stock 4.

Check for stock of the raw material RM-## in the plant. ______________________________________________________ a)

Make sure you see that there is now stock available for material RM-##.

Task 4: Now the finished goods have to be produced. So a production order has to be converted from the plan order generated by the system. 1.

Check the planned order for the finished goods 150-## generated by the system. Convert this to a production order and release the order. a)

Execute transaction MD04. Enter material number 150-##, Plant 1000 and press Enter. You will find the plan order for 150-##. double click on that. In the dialog box that appears, click on > Prod.ord. In the Create Production Order screen, click on the flag appearing on the top left of the screen to release the order. Then save the order by clicking on the save button. The system shows the production order number generated at the bottom.


Note the production order number generated by the system. ______________________________________________________ a)

Make a note of the production order.

Continued on next page


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Unit 1: Logistics Information System (LIS)



Confirm the operation 10 of the production order. This will also automatically create the issue of material RM-## to the production order as backflushing is used. a)

Logistics Production Shop Floor Control For Operation Time Ticket (CO11N)

→ Confirmation →

Enter the production order number and Oper/Activity 10 and press Enter. Click on Actual Data button on the top. The default values are copied. Click on the Goods Movement button to see RM-## being issued to the Production Order for the required quantity. Save the confirmation. The operation confirmation and backflushing takes place. 4.

Receive the finished goods against the production order. The material has to be received in Plant 1000 and Storage Location 0001. a)


→ Inventory Management → Goods Movement → MIGO

In the dropdown on the top, select Goods Receipt and Order. Put the Production Order number in the next field and press Enter. Check the Item OK button on the very bottom of the screen under the Quantity tab. Click on the Check button on the top. If everything is OK then the green traffic light appears. Now click on the Post button. Execute transaction MD04 and enter material 150-## and plant 1000. The material would now show in stock. 5.

Check for stock of the finished goods 150-## in the plant. ______________________________________________________ a)

Make sure the stock is available.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Data Warehousing in the ECC System

Task 5: We must now return to the sales order we created earlier and perform an availability check on the stock in order to confirm the schedule line and shipping information. 1.

Return to your sales order and perform an availability check in order to confirm the schedule line. Save the sales order. a) b)

→ Sales → Perform an availability check using the menu path Edit → Check →

Use the menu option Logistics Sales and Distribution Order Change and enter your sales order number. Availability then save the sales order.

Task 6: Now, the delivery of the finished goods has to be done for the sales order created. So we have to create a delivery. 1.

Create a delivery with reference to the sales order created earlier. a)

Logistics Sales and Distribution Shipping and Transportation Outbound Delivery Create Single Document With Reference to Sales Order (VL01N)

Enter the shipping point 1000, the sales order number and the delivery date as the Req Del Date in the sales order and press Enter. Save the delivery and make a note of the delivery number. 2.

Pick the required quantity. As the storage location is warehouse managed you have to create a Transfer Order. a)

Execute transaction VL02N and enter the delivery number and press enter. Go to the Picking tab to view the items required to be picked. Follow the menu path Subsequent Functions

→ Create Transfer Order .

Press Enter and then save the transfer order. 3.

Now process the goods issue using the Post Good Issue function. a)

Go back to the delivery order (VL02N) and and click on Post Goods Issue button. Now go to MD04 and display material 150-## and plant 1000 and check for the stock. The material should now have been removed from stock.


Check the stock of the finished goods 150-## in the plant. ______________________________________________________ a)


The stock quantity should now be zero as the delivery has consumed all the available quantity.

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Unit 1: Logistics Information System (LIS)


Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Describe data warehousing concepts and the related SAP terminology • Explain the how LIS provides basic data warehousing capabilities within an ERP system


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Lesson: Reporting Functions in LIS

Lesson: Reporting Functions in LIS Lesson Overview

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: •

Explain the reporting functionality of LIS

Business Example Management have asked you to provide an overview of the reporting capabilities of LIS. You will need to study the basic functionality. Reporting Functionality in LIS •

The various functions supported are – – – –

Standard Analysis in LIS Early Warning System Flexible Analysis in LIS LIS Interface

Reporting using Standard Analysis •

Data Selection – – – – –


Single Value selection Multiple Selection Selection using self defined heirarchies Selection Options Variants

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Unit 1: Logistics Information System (LIS)


Figure 14: Navigation Options in Standard Analysis

After executing a standard analysis, an initial list is displayed on the screen. Starting from this initial standard analysis list, the system offers three ways for navigation: •


Standard drilldown: By double-clicking on a characteristic you will access the next level of a predefined standard drilldown. In order to define this drilldown, you can use all characteristics and the period unit of the relevant info structure. Drill down by: You can drill down each characteristic according to a different characteristic. Starting from any list in a standard analysis, you can drill down any characteristic value in this list according to a different characteristic. Switch drilldown: The whole drilldown can by displayed for another characteristic. From any list in a standard analysis, the total values of all key figures can be drilled down by any possible characteristic of the standard analysis.

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Lesson: Reporting Functions in LIS

Figure 15: Functions in Standard Analysis

A wide range of functions can be used to individually examine the key figures and characteristic values on which the analysis is based from a business perspective. All the functions for statistical analyses are graphically supported. •


ABC Analysis: The values of a characteristic (e.g. vendors) and a particular key figure (e.g. order value) are compared in order to make a classification in three segments. Various strategies can be used to set the class limits as characteristic or key figure-specific and as percentage or absolute values, respectively. The results are displayed in a cumulative frequency curve with an additional classification into three segments. The sizes of the segments correspond to the setting made when the strategy was selected. Classification: Classification provides you with an overview of the characteristic values for a key figure. You can define up to six classes here. You can also organize the class limits to suit your requirements. Results can be displayed as both lists and presentation graphics. The sequence is preset. Dual Classification: You can classify the characteristic values of two key figures. The navigation and presentation options are identical to those in classification.

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Unit 1: Logistics Information System (LIS)


Figure 16: Functions in Standard Analysis (Contd)

Plan/actual comparison: At each drilldown level, there are three possibilities to carry out comparisons: • • •

The current data of a key figure can be compared to the data of a plan version. The values of the previous year can be compared to the current data. The values of any two key figures can be compared to each other.

Cumulative frequency curve: It graphically illustrates the distribution of a cumulated key figure value over the existing characteristic values. It can be scaled to represent either percentage or absolute values according to the selection made in the list upon which the curve is based. Correlation: Correlation curves depict interrelationships between two or more key figures. When creating the correlation diagram, the system observes the sort sequence defined in the underlying list. The key figures in the correlation are always standardized to 1. Time series: From the drilldown list of a characteristic, you can create a time series for any key figure. The period corresponds to the predefined period you determined when entering the standard analysis.


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Lesson: Reporting Functions in LIS

Figure 17: Early Warning System: An Overview

The Early Warning System enables you to search for exceptional situations and helps to detect and eliminate imminent problems at an early stage. This is done by the following process: • •


The LIS provides the data that is analyzed by the EWS. Hence, the EWS can be used in any Logistics Information System. The Early Warning System is based on information structures. Information updated in these structures can be analyzed using the EWS. This also applies to data that is updated using your own programs, e.g. from an external system. The EWS can be used both to indicate defined alarm situations and to highlight specific data in an analysis.

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Unit 1: Logistics Information System (LIS)


Figure 18: Application of EWS

The Early Warning System is either used interactively in the standard analyses or run at regular intervals as a background job. •

If you use it interactively in the standard analyses, the exceptional situations are highlighted using color codes or filtered in the exception analysis. This allows you to detect exceptional situations at an early stage. In the periodic analysis, a list of the exceptional data is automatically sent to the designated recipient by fax, mail, or workflow.

Figure 19: Defining an Exception


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Lesson: Reporting Functions in LIS

To create an exception, the following steps have to be followed: •

• •

Since an exception is always created with reference to an information structure, the characteristics are selected from this info structure. The sequence of characteristics defines the subsequent standard drilldown and the level at which the requirement is checked. The key figures are also selected from the info structure. Then the exception requirements for the selected key figures can be defined. In a third step, the follow-up processing of the exception is defined.

The characteristic in an information structure is used to define the characteristics of an exception. •

When you select the characteristics, you also define the aggregation level at which the check for the exception will take place. The key figure check always takes place at the lowest characteristic level. The sequence of the selected characteristics serves to define the standard drilldown sequence in a standard analysis, which is triggered by the exception.

Those key figures of an info structure that are required for the definition of an exception are chosen. •

Several requirements can be defined both for several key figures and for each individual key figure.

There are three types of requirements: • • •

Threshold values: identifies the key figure values that exceed or fall below a specific threshold value, e.g. incoming orders value > 200,000. Trend: identifies the key figure values that demonstrate a predefined trend, e.g. a negative trend. Planned/actual comparison: identifies the key figure values for which the actual data deviates from the planned data by more than a predefined percentage, e.g. 10%.

These individual requirements you defined can be linked by means of And or Or. In the follow-up processing, you define whether the exception is active for the standard analysis and/or a periodic analysis. • •


The color used to highlight the exceptional values determined via the requirements in the standard analysis. In addition, definition of how the result of a periodic analysis is to be further processed (workflow, mail, distribution list, fax) is done.

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Unit 1: Logistics Information System (LIS)


Figure 20: Requirements

For Threshold Value Analysis, you enter a threshold value for a key figure and an operator for the threshold value (e.g. incoming orders value > 200,000). •

• •


The threshold value in the example above is defined so that the exception is satisfied when the total of the incoming orders values of the last three months, including the current month, exceeds 200,000. The number of periods defines the number of periods to be analyzed. If the option Separate periods is chosen, each individual period is checked instead of the key figure value total of these three periods. Any other currencies are converted into the specified analysis currency, before the check for exceptions takes place. You may also run a threshold value test to analyze future developments. You need to choose the number of forecast periods that you wish to test. A forecast then takes place for the next few periods (2 in this case) which is based on the number of periods you have selected (7 in this case). A threshold value analysis is then carried out for the forecasted values.

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Lesson: Reporting Functions in LIS

The trend analysis determines whether there is a positive or negative trend in the dataset with regard to the selected key figure. •

Based on the dataset and the number of periods to analyze (6 in this case), the system checks whether or not a trend exists. It is not possible to determine a trend if only one period to analyze is selected. If a positive trend exists and no statistical test has been performed, an exceptional situation will occur if each value exceeds the value in the previous period. If the period to analyze extends over 3 or more periods, you can also carry out a statistical trend test for each individual requirement by means of statistical resources. This is recommended if you want to know whether a general trend exists, even if the dataset contains outliers. If there is a positive trend and a statistical test has been performed, an exception will occur when the system detects a trend with a probability of 95%. If there are 3 or 4 past periods available to carry out a statistical test for a trend, a regression line is drawn upon which the trend is based. If there are 5 or more past periods, a reliable statistical test for a trend can be performed. If you select only two past periods, the system only determines whether the second period value is greater or less than the first value.

The planned/actual comparison compares planned data of a specific planning version with actual data. You can check the realization of the plan and determine the weak points with respect to planned/actual values. To do this, you enter the plan realization percentage and an operator. •


In the first example, the planned values for a key figure are compared with the actual data. An exceptional situation occurs when the realization of the plan is less than 90%, i.e. when the actual data falls short of the planned values by more than 10%. Note: The exception is based on the total number of specified periods because the flag “Separate periods” is not set. In the second example, the system creates a forecast for the next two periods, based on the values of the last six periods. The total of both forecasted values is compared with the total planned values assigned to these periods. This kind of analysis enables you to detect potential problems which are in the future.

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Unit 1: Logistics Information System (LIS)


Figure 21: Flexible Analysis in LIS

The flexible analyses in LIS are used in the same way as a report generator: You use a menu to describe the content and format of the list you require and, at the touch of a button, the respective program is generated in the background. In comparison to standard analyses, flexible analyses have the following advantages: • • •

This technique enables you to combine characteristics and key figures from different information structures or DDIC tables in one list. You can choose between a variety of layouts. You can use your own formulas to calculate new key figures for existing ones.

You can use the Evaluation function to describe the reporting function in LIS. The “Evaluation” concept contains a program object that controls the collection and formatting of data for evaluation purposes.


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Lesson: Reporting Functions in LIS

In LIS, the evaluation structures control the way in which the evaluations collect data. They describe the possible data sources of your evaluations. These data sources are usually information structures. •

• •

An evaluation structure mainly consists of a list of characteristics and key figures. An evaluation structure can also contain characteristics and key figures from different physical database tables. The name of an evaluation structure must begin with “ZF” (example: ZFMARA). Evaluations are created with reference to evaluation structures. The characteristics and key figures in an evaluation structure can form the rows and columns of your evaluation list. When evaluation structures and evaluations are generated, Report Writer objects are created in the background. They can also include libraries for evaluation structures and reports for evaluations. When you run an evaluation, a list of data is displayed at the data presentation level, which you can change and interpret using a variety of functions.

Figure 22: LIS Interface with Excel: Transfer Process


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Unit 1: Logistics Information System (LIS)


You can transfer data to Excel using all the reporting functions already discussed within the Logistics Information System. Standard analyses, early warning systems and flexible analyses provide easy-to-use tools for transferring data. •

One method is to save the current content of a list locally as an ASCII file using the Save to PC file function with the spreadsheet option. You can then open this file in Excel. The other option is implemented through the function Transfer to XXL. Data is transferred to the XXL interface in the form of a list object. XXL (Extended Excel) comprises the tools for displaying and manipulating list objects from SAP R/3 applications. You first have to define the characteristics to be transferred. The figures transferred are the key figures in the current standard analysis list. Depending on the software installed on your computer, you can use XXL to transfer data to the following media: – – – – –


SAPoffice: You can save the list object to the SAPoffice inbox. From there you can send the list object or save it in a folder. PC file: You can save the list object to the local file system for subsequent editing using another display media at your disposal. Excel display: Table display with all characteristics combinations. Excel SAP macros: You can display and edit the list using SAP Macros (SAP-XXL List Viewer). Excel Pivot table: You can display and edit the list using Excel.

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Lesson: Reporting Functions in LIS

Exercise 2: LIS Functions Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Develop a basic level of knowledge of the LIS analysis functionality.

Business Example Your organisation is implementing all ECC Logistics modules. In order to have consistent reporting across the enterprise, management has requested that the same set of data warehouse reporting tools be used for all logistics analyses. You need to become familiar with the basic functions of LIS so that you can demonstrate how this could be achieved.

Task 1: You must choose one of the three activities based on the Logistics Information System (LIS). They are all similar but are based on either sales data, purchasing data or production order data you created in the previous exercise steps. Please do not work through more than one activity. You will investigate some of the key reporting functions of the Logistics Information System (LIS). Sales Orders Analysis 1.

Use the customer standard analysis in the Sales Information System, create a list of materials that has been sold in the last 3 months.


See which materials you have sold to the customer 1400. Using the standard drilldown path, drill down to the materials that have been sold to the customers in the list.


Change the characteristic display to include the key and the description.


Change the column width for the characteristic to see more information.


Change the analysis currency to USD. Use exchange rate type M and the current date for conversion date.


Return to the customer level of the analysis. What do you notice about the display? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Continued on next page


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Unit 1: Logistics Information System (LIS)



You are now interested to view the monthly sales directly for the customer rather than material display of the sales. Use the Switch Drilldown function to do this.


You have decided you want to see the Incoming Orders Qty for the customer displayed. Therefore, you want to add this key figure to your list.


You would now like to define your own default settings for the customer analysis. You would like a drilldown in the order Customer, Material, Month and Sales Organisation. In addition to the default key figures, you also require the key figure Incoming Order Quantity. All key figures should be displayed without decimal places.

10. Execute a standard analysis for the Material, create a list for materials RM-00 to RM-24. 11. Since you regularly use these selections, save these settings as a variant. 12. Return to the main menu. Execute the analysis again, using the variant.

Task 2: You will investigate some of the reporting functions of the Logistics Information System (LIS). This activity uses the purchasing data you created in the previous exercise steps. Purchase Orders Analysis 1.

Use the vendor standard analysis in the Purchasing Information System, create a list of materials that has been been procured for the past months.


See which materials you are ordering from the vendor 1000. Using the standard drilldown path, drill down to the materials for the vendor in the list.


Change the characteristic display to include the key and the description.


Change the column width for the characteristic to see more information.


Change the analysis currency to USD. Use exchange rate type M and the current conversion date.


Return to the vendor level of the analysis. What do you notice about the display? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Continued on next page


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Lesson: Reporting Functions in LIS


You are now interested to view the monthly purchases directly for the vendor rather than by material displays of the purchases. Use the Switch Drilldown to do this.


You have decided you want to see the GR Quantity for the Vendor displayed. Therefore, you want to add this key figure to your list.


You would now like to define your own default settings for the Vendor analysis. You would like a drilldown in the order Vendor, Material, Month and Material Group. In addition to the default key figures, you also require the key figure Qty of goods recvd. All key figures should be displayed without decimal places.

10. Execute a standard analysis for the Material, create a list for materials RM-00 to RM-24. 11. Since you regularly use these selections, save these settings as a variant. 12. Return to the main menu. Execute the analysis again, using the variant.

Task 3: You will investigate some of the reporting functions of the Logistics Information System (LIS). This activity uses the production order data you created in the previous exercise steps. Production Orders Analysis 1.

Using the production operations standard analysis in the Shop Floor Information System, create a list of materials that has been been produced for the past three months. Hint: For LIS part we would only have a look at Purchase Information System. The way the Sales and Distribution System and Shop Floor Information System would operate would be similar to this.


What is the Standard Drilldown that the report provides. ______________________________________________________


See which materials you have produced for the plant 1000. Using the standard drilldown path, drill down to the materials for the plant.


Change the characteristic display to include the key and the description.


Change the column width for the characteristic to see more information.


Return to the plant level of the analysis. What do you notice about the display? Continued on next page


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Unit 1: Logistics Information System (LIS)


______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 7.

You are now interested to view the production from a date perspective rather than for the material. Hence use the Switch drilldown to do this.


You have decided you want to see the Confirmed Quantity for the date displayed. Therefore, you want to add this key figure to your list.


You would now like to define your own default settings for the operations analysis. You would like a drilldown in the order Date, Plant, Material, Order. In addition to the default key figures, you also require the key figure Confirmed Quantity. All key figures should be displayed without decimal places.

10. Execute a standard analysis for the Material, create a list for materials RM-00 to RM-24. 11. Since you regularly use these selections, save these settings as a variant. 12. Return to the main menu. Execute the analysis again, using the variant.


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Lesson: Reporting Functions in LIS

Solution 2: LIS Functions Task 1: You must choose one of the three activities based on the Logistics Information System (LIS). They are all similar but are based on either sales data, purchasing data or production order data you created in the previous exercise steps. Please do not work through more than one activity. You will investigate some of the key reporting functions of the Logistics Information System (LIS). Sales Orders Analysis 1.

Use the customer standard analysis in the Sales Information System, create a list of materials that has been sold in the last 3 months. a)


Enter the Sold-to party as 1400 and leave all other fields as they are. Execute the report (F8). Double click on the each characteristic in order to follow the drill down path.

Change the characteristic display to include the key and the description. a)


See which materials you have sold to the customer 1400. Using the standard drilldown path, drill down to the materials that have been sold to the customers in the list. a)


Logistics Logistics Controlling Logistics Information System Standard Analyses Sales and Distribution Customer

Click on Settings Characteristic Display view both the key value and description.

→ Key and Description to

Change the column width for the characteristic to see more information. a)


→ Column Width → Characteristic.

Enter a column width of 40. 5.

Change the analysis currency to USD. Use exchange rate type M and the current date for conversion date. a)



→ Currency → Analysis Currency.

Return to the customer level of the analysis. What do you notice about the display? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Continued on next page


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Unit 1: Logistics Information System (LIS)


______________________________________________________ a)


→ Basic List

The analysis currency is the original currency. Changing the settings only affects the level you are working on and below. It does not change the higher level. Therefore to have consistent settings, make the settings in the highest level before drilling down. 7.

You are now interested to view the monthly sales directly for the customer rather than material display of the sales. Use the Switch Drilldown function to do this. a)

Return to the initial drill down level (Sold to) then use the button or menu option View


→ Switch Drilldown → Month.

You have decided you want to see the Incoming Orders Qty for the customer displayed. Therefore, you want to add this key figure to your list. a)


→ Choose Key Figures

On the right side of the display, scroll down until you find Incoming Orders Qty. Select this field by clicking once on that line. Press the left arrow. The field will move from the right to the left of the display. Choose Continue/Enter. 9.

You would now like to define your own default settings for the customer analysis. You would like a drilldown in the order Customer, Material, Month and Sales Organisation.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Reporting Functions in LIS

In addition to the default key figures, you also require the key figure Incoming Order Quantity. All key figures should be displayed without decimal places. a)

Return to the initial selection screen for the analysis. Choose User Settings. Enter your ID: SCM150-##. Click on Choose Characteristics. Click on the bottom Do Not Choose All in order to remove all characteristics from the selection. On the right side of the find Sold-To Party. Select this field by clicking once on that line. Press the left arrow. The field will move from the right to the left of the display. Repeat this step for the characteristics Material, Month and Sales Organisation so that they appear in this order from top to bottom. Now press the Continue button. Choose Key Figures. Click on Choose Key Figures. On the right side of the display, scroll down until you find Incoming Order Quantity. Select this field by clicking once on that line. Press the left arrow. The field will move from the right to the left of the display. Select no Decimal places for all Key Figures. Press the Save button to save your settings. Test your setting by executing the analysis one more time.

10. Execute a standard analysis for the Material, create a list for materials RM-00 to RM-24. a)

Logistics Logistics Controlling Logistics Information System Standard Analyses Sales and Distribution Material

On the selection screen, select the Multiple Selection arrow for the Material. In the range selection, enter 150-00 to 150-24. Click on the Execute button. Leave the other selection entries as they are.

Continued on next page


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Unit 1: Logistics Information System (LIS)


11. Since you regularly use these selections, save these settings as a variant. a)


→ Variants → Save as variant.

Enter your ID SCM150-## and the description. Then save the variant 12. Return to the main menu. Execute the analysis again, using the variant. a)


→ Variant → Get

Select the Variant. The Settings defined will now be displayed.

Task 2: You will investigate some of the reporting functions of the Logistics Information System (LIS). This activity uses the purchasing data you created in the previous exercise steps. Purchase Orders Analysis 1.

Use the vendor standard analysis in the Purchasing Information System, create a list of materials that has been been procured for the past months. a)


Logistics Logistics Controlling Standard Analyses Purchasing

→ Logistics Information System → → Vendor

See which materials you are ordering from the vendor 1000. Using the standard drilldown path, drill down to the materials for the vendor in the list. a)

Enter the Vendor as 1000 and the Plant as 1000. Execute the report (F8).

Click on Settings Characteristic Display view both the vendor name and description.

→ Key and Description to

Double click on the vendor to drilldown to the go to the material level display for that vendor. 3.

Change the characteristic display to include the key and the description. a)


Click on Settings Characteristic Display Key and Description to view both the material name and description.

Change the column width for the characteristic to see more information. a)


→ Column Width → Characteristic.

Enter a column width of 40. 5.

Change the analysis currency to USD. Use exchange rate type M and the current conversion date. a)


→ Currency → Analysis Currency.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Reporting Functions in LIS


Return to the vendor level of the analysis. What do you notice about the display? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ a)


→ Basic List

The analysis currency is the original currency. Changing the settings only affects the level you are working on and below. It doesnot change the higher level. Therefore to have consistent settings, make the settings in the highest level before drilling down. 7.

You are now interested to view the monthly purchases directly for the vendor rather than by material displays of the purchases. Use the Switch Drilldown to do this. a)

Select the Vendor View


→ Switch Drilldown → Month.

You have decided you want to see the GR Quantity for the Vendor displayed. Therefore, you want to add this key figure to your list. a)


→ Choose Key Figures

On the right side of the display, scroll down until you find Qty of goods recvd. Select this field by clicking once on that line. Press the left arrow. The field will move from the right to the left of the display. Choose Continue/Enter. 9.

You would now like to define your own default settings for the Vendor analysis. You would like a drilldown in the order Vendor, Material, Month and Material Group.

Continued on next page


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Unit 1: Logistics Information System (LIS)


In addition to the default key figures, you also require the key figure Qty of goods recvd. All key figures should be displayed without decimal places. a)

On the Initial screen choose User Settings. Enter your ID: SCM150-##. Click on Choose Characteristics. Click on the bottom Do Not Choose All in order to remove all characteristics from the selection. On the right side of the display, scroll down until you find Vendor. Select this field by clicking once on that line. Press the left arrow. The field will move from the right to the left of the display. Repeat this step for the characteristics material, month, material group Choose Key Figures. Click on Choose Key Figures. On the right side of the display, scroll down until you find Qty of goods recvd. Select this field by clicking once on that line. Press the left arrow. The field will move from the right to the left of the display. Select no Decimal places for all Key Figures.

10. Execute a standard analysis for the Material, create a list for materials RM-00 to RM-24. a)

Logistics Logistics Controlling Standard Analyses Purchasing

→ Logistics Information System → → Material – MCE7 (Double Click)

On the selection screen, select the Multiple Selection arrow for the Material. In the range selection, enter RM-00 to RM-24. Click on the Execute button. Enter the Plant as 1000. 11. Since you regularly use these selections, save these settings as a variant. a)


→ Variants → Save as variant.

Enter your ID SCM150-## and the description. Then save the variant

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Reporting Functions in LIS

12. Return to the main menu. Execute the analysis again, using the variant. a)


→ Variant → Get

Select the Variant. The Settings defines will now be displayed.

Task 3: You will investigate some of the reporting functions of the Logistics Information System (LIS). This activity uses the production order data you created in the previous exercise steps. Production Orders Analysis 1.

Using the production operations standard analysis in the Shop Floor Information System, create a list of materials that has been been produced for the past three months. Hint: For LIS part we would only have a look at Purchase Information System. The way the Sales and Distribution System and Shop Floor Information System would operate would be similar to this. a)


Logistics Logistics Controlling Standard Analyses Production

→ Logistics Information System → → Operation

What is the Standard Drilldown that the report provides. ______________________________________________________ a)


Click on the Standard Drilldown button. The Drilldown format will be displayed.

See which materials you have produced for the plant 1000. Using the standard drilldown path, drill down to the materials for the plant. a)

Enter the plant as 1000 and remove the entry for material Leave the date range as it is. Execute the report (F8). Double click on the plant to drilldown to work center then double click once more to drill down to the material level.


Change the characteristic display to include the key and the description. a)

Click on Settings Characteristic Display Key and Description to view both the material name and description.

Continued on next page


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Unit 1: Logistics Information System (LIS)



Change the column width for the characteristic to see more information. a)


→ Column Width → Characteristic.

Enter a column width of 40. 6.

Return to the plant level of the analysis. What do you notice about the display? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ a)


→ Basic List

The settings you just changed are lost. Changing the settings only affects the level you are working on and below. It does not change the higher level. Therefore to have consistent settings, make the settings in the highest level before drilling down. 7.

You are now interested to view the production from a date perspective rather than for the material. Hence use the Switch drilldown to do this. a)

Select the Vendor View


→ Switch Drilldown → Date.

You have decided you want to see the Confirmed Quantity for the date displayed. Therefore, you want to add this key figure to your list. a)


→ Choose Key Figures

On the right side of the display, scroll down until you find Confirmed Quantity. Select this field by clicking once on that line. Press the left arrow. The field will move from the right to the left of the display. Choose Continue/Enter. 9.

You would now like to define your own default settings for the operations analysis. You would like a drilldown in the order Date, Plant, Material, Order.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: Reporting Functions in LIS

In addition to the default key figures, you also require the key figure Confirmed Quantity. All key figures should be displayed without decimal places. a)

On the Initial screen choose User Settings. Enter your ID: SCM150-##. Click on Choose Characteristics. Click on the bottom Do Not Choose All in order to remove all characteristics from the selection. On the right side of the display, scroll down until you find Date. Select this field by clicking once on that line. Press the left arrow. The field will move from the right to the left of the display. Repeat this step for the characteristics plant, material, order Choose Key Figures. Click on Choose Key Figures. On the right side of the display, scroll down until you find Confirmed Quantity. Select this field by clicking once on that line. Press the left arrow. The field will move from the right to the left of the display. Select no decimal places for all key figures.

10. Execute a standard analysis for the Material, create a list for materials RM-00 to RM-24. a)

Logistics Logistics Controlling Standard Analyses Production

→ Logistics Information System → → Product Costs

Enter the Plant as 1000. On the selection screen, select the Multiple Selection arrow for the Material. In the range selection, enter 150-00 to 150-24. Click on the Execute button. 11. Since you regularly use these selections, save these settings as a variant. a)


→ Variants → Save as variant.

Enter your ID SCM150-## and the description. Then save the variant

Continued on next page


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Unit 1: Logistics Information System (LIS)


12. Return to the main menu. Execute the analysis again, using the variant. a)


→ Variant → Get

Select the Variant. The Settings defines will now be displayed.


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Lesson: Reporting Functions in LIS

Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Explain the reporting functionality of LIS


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Unit Summary


Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Describe data warehousing concepts and the related SAP terminology • Explain the how LIS provides basic data warehousing capabilities within an ERP system • Explain the reporting functionality of LIS


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Unit 2 Introducing SAP BI Unit Overview General Positioning of SAP BI: Business Example •

In order to understand how SAP BI can be used for logistics reporting, an overview of the BI architecture and key functions is required.

Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • •

Give an overview of SAP BI List the basic terminology and objects used in SAP BI

Unit Contents Lesson: SAP BI Overview ...................................................... 50 Lesson: Terminology used in BI................................................ 59


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Unit 2: Introducing SAP BI


Lesson: SAP BI Overview Lesson Overview Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: •

Give an overview of SAP BI

Business Example This will set the basic foundation for SCM reporting using BI.

Figure 23: SAP Net Weaver Platform

SAP NetWeaver is an integration architecture for all the business applications and processes in a modern enterprise. This architecture integrates people, information and processes within a framework that provides for incremental implementation of its capabilities.

Business Intelligence is a primary component of the Information Integration layer of SAP NetWeaver. The SAP NetWeaver Portal is a component of the People Integration layer. These two components work closely together providing users powerful business information reporting and analysis features.


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Lesson: SAP BI Overview

The different components of SAP Net Weaver are: • • • • •


Net Weaver XI Net Weaver Mobile Net Weaver Portal Net Weaver BI Net Weaver MDM

Business Intelligence Scenario •

Enterprise Reporting, Query and Analysis

– High Focus on User Productivity – Formatted Reporting – Intuitive Ad-hoc Analysis – Advanced Excel integration – Model-driven BI application Business Planning and Analytical Services

– Business Planning integrated in BI Platform ans Suite Enterprise Data Warehousing – – – – –

High Performance with BI Accelerator Flexibility by enhancing data modelling capabilities Data Transfer Process Real-time data acquisition Web-based administrator cock-pit

Business Information Management is about managing all types of information (structured and unstructured) from integration to delivery with a focus on achieving transparency and broad reach within and outside of the organization. In the Business Information management IT practice, there are three IT scenarios. • • •

Enterprise Reporting, Query and Analysis Business Planning and Analytical Services Enterprise Data Warehousing

These IT scenarios describe how organizations use the functionality of SAP NetWeaver to carry out the work of the Business Information Management IT practice. Each IT scenario includes everything organizations need through the life cycle phases of Discovery, Evaluation, Implementation and Operations.


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Unit 2: Introducing SAP BI


Figure 24: Data Warehouse Systems

A data warehouse system serves primarily to stage information from various data sources. This data and information, and the reports resulting from them, constitute the basis of successful business processes within a company. The information is staged in various forms including personalized reports, freely definable queries, and predefined reports. Recipients of information can use these reporting and analysis functions to analyze the data for deviations and significant facts. Thus, a data warehouse can: • • •

Pool data from different, mostly heterogeneous sources Overcome this heterogeneity on different levels (system, schema, and data) Stage data in the form required by the user

In a Data Warehouse, information must be stored in a homogeneous and consistent form at a central location where it can be called up. Therefore, modern data warehouses require a separate database that an independent application environment can use to provide the required services objectively. Efficient analysis techniques with powerful multi-dimensional visualization are indispensable on the presentation side of the data warehouse. The system must be able to cope with the information needs of the various user groups.


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Lesson: SAP BI Overview

A data warehouse must satisfy the following criteria: • • • • • • • • •

Standardized structuring and presentation of all company information An easy-to-use, single point of access to all company information Sophisticated business reporting methods for self-service analysis at all levels Fast and cost-effective installation A high performance environment Data staging from a heterogeneous environment Release of source systems and IT organization Data access independent of the source system Analysis of data over a specific period of time, and the storage of historical information (time-dependent master data)

Figure 25: OLTP System Vs OLAP System


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Unit 2: Introducing SAP BI


Data warehousing Differences between OLTP and OLAP systems •

• •

• •

Level of detail: The OLTP layer stores data with a very high level of detail, whereas data in the Data Warehouse is compressed for high-performance access (aggregation). History: Archiving data in the OLTP area means it is stored with minimal history. The Data Warehouse area requires comprehensive historical data. Changeability: Frequent data changes are a feature of the operative area, while in the Data Warehouse, the data is frozen after a certain point for analysis. Integration: In contrast to the OLTP environment, requests for comprehensive, integrated information for analysis is very high. Normalization: Due to the reduction in data redundancy, normalization is very high for operative use. Data staging and lower performance are the reasons why there is less normalization in the Data Warehouse. Read access: An OLAP environment is optimized for read access. Operative applications (and users) also need to carry out additional functions regularly, including change, insert, and delete.

Figure 26: SAP Business Intelligence

SAP BI allows analysis of data from operational SAP applications or any other business application. You can also extract and analyze data from external sources such as databases, online services, and the Internet.


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Lesson: SAP BI Overview

The realization of SAP BI aimed for the following: • • • • • •

Data warehousing system with optimized data structures for reporting and analysis Separate system OLAP engine and tools Comprehensive data-warehousing architectural base Automated data warehouse management Pre-configuration using SAP global business know-how

With these goals in mind, SAP has developed a separate data-warehousing solution that handles reporting activities as an autonomous business component, even providing a separate server with its own database and SAP system: SAP Business Intelligence.

Figure 27: SAP BI Architecture

SAP BI enables the analysis of data from operative SAP applications as well as all other business applications and external data sources such as databases, online services, and the Internet. The SAP BI architecture provides for the acquisition, transformation, storage, analysis, access and distribution of data from both SAP and non-SAP sources. The Business Explorer Suite (BEx) includes a variety of tools to make this possible.


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Unit 2: Introducing SAP BI


The BEx Query Designer is the tool for creating query definitions. These query definitions structure how data from a variety of sources will be structured for presentation to the user. Power users can use the BEx Query Designer to create queries based on data stored in BI data providers in an easy and intuitive manner using Drag and Drop. Analyses and reports can draw on components that need to be created only once but can be reused in many queries. BEx queries and query views are the basis for analyses, reports, and planning scenarios in the BEx Web Application Designer, BEx Report Designer, and BEx Analyzer (Excel Add-in). The BI server, which is pre-configured by Business Content for core areas and processes, allows you to examine the relationships in every area within your company. Business Content provides targeted information to companies, divided into roles. This helps your employees to carry out their tasks. As well as roles, Business Content includes other pre-configured objects such as InfoCubes, queries, key figures, and characteristics. These objects facilitate the implementation of SAP BI. Within the BEx Web area, the Web Analyzer provides for web-based execution of queries as well as ad hoc analysis of data from a wide array of sources. The BEx Web Application Designer is a complete toolset for designing and deploying custom web applications within the organization. These applications often contain data from queries, but could also provide access to other structured and unstructured data. The BEx Report Designer allows for a high degree of control over the formatting of query output. They can change the layout of reports individually, add headers and footers to reports and pages, integrate texts, pictures, and charts, enter page breaks etc. The Web Item Report enables power users to include formatted reports in BExWeb applications. Queries can be executed within several different user interfaces. The BEx Analyzer makes use of Microsoft Excel to provide a well-understood interface for viewing and analyzing data. Information Broadcasting is accomplished by the BEx Broadcaster that provides all the functions necessary to distribute queries, reports and analyses to end users and to the Enterprise Portal. In addition, the BEx Broadcaster provides a wide range of functions such as alerting and the pre calculation of results. The SAP NetWeaver Portal serves as the main interface for users wanting to access business information. With powerful Knowledge Management features for a wide range of collaboration and feedback activities, the SAP NetWeaver


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Lesson: SAP BI Overview

Portal integrates the reporting and analysis tasks of users of all types. BEx Web Applications and BEx reports are deployed in SAP NetWeaver Portal. They are easily converted into PDF format and printed. • • • • • • • •


Empower business users Design queries in an easy and intuitive way and use as the basis for a user-oriented presentation of information and effective analysis Design presentation-quality, print-optimized formatted reports Wizard-based creation of Web applications for all user types – no coding necessary Provides BI data in a user-oriented and flexible way Information is provided for all types of BI users Personalized access to BI information in SAP NetWeaver Portal supports quick and efficient decision making Simple conversion of reports and Web applications to PDF files allowing BI information to be printed as required

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Unit 2: Introducing SAP BI


Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Give an overview of SAP BI


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Lesson: Terminology used in BI

Lesson: Terminology used in BI Lesson Overview

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: •

List the basic terminology and objects used in SAP BI

Business Example In order to understand how BI works a solid grasp of the basic BI terminology is important

Figure 28: Basic Terminology and Objects

Info Object Business analysis-objects (customers, sales volumes, and so on) are called Info Objects in SAP BI. These Info Objects can be divided into characteristics and key figures. Characteristics can be further divided into units, time characteristics, and technical characteristics (for example, request ID). In this example, Postal Code characteristic is assigned to the characteristic Plant, hence it is an attribute of Plant characteristic. Key figures are all data fields that are used to store values or quantities (sales volumes, kilowatt-hours, costs, and so on). Characteristics describe the affiliation of key figures. For example, costs belong to a cost center, whereby the cost center is a characteristic.


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Unit 2: Introducing SAP BI


Figure 29: OLTP Database Schema

OLTP systems are designed using a highly normalized relational schema. In reality, many more tables are involved, especially in sophisticated systems like mySAP ECC. A very simplified example of a sales order is shown on the following figure. As described in the figure, normalization is the process of removing repeated data from a table to auxiliary connected tables, there by making the original table much smaller. This decrease in size, combined with only the most basic indexing scheme, helps when creating, updating, and deleting records. The price paid for this advantage is a decrease in performance for analysis-type queries.

Figure 30: Classical Star Schema


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Lesson: Terminology used in BI

The classic star schema, is the most frequently used multidimensional model for relational databases. This database schema classifies two groups of data: facts (sales amount or quantity, for example) and dimension attributes (customer, material, or time, for example). Facts, sometimes called measures, are the focus of the analysis for a business process. The fact data (values for the facts) is stored in a highly normalized fact table. The values of the dimension attributes are stored from a technical perspective, in various denormalized dimension tables. From a business perspective, these tables are collectively revered to as dimensions of the business process, or for short, dimensions. Here, logically related dimension attributes are stored as a hierarchy (parent-child relationships) within the dimension table. The dimension tables are linked relationally with the central fact table by way of key relationships. In the star schema design shown, the key of the dimension tables is a machine-generated dimension key (DIM ID) that uniquely defines a combination of dimension attribute values. The DIM ID (a sequentially assigned number) is a foreign key in the fact table. In this way, all data records in the fact table can be uniquely identified.

Figure 31: Extended Star Schema

Extended star schema is an enhancement of the classic star schema. The enhancement comes from the fact that the dimension tables do not contain master data information. This master data information is stored in separate tables, called master data tables. We can say that the master data tables extend the star schema, resulting in an extended star schema. In SAP BI, we use what is called as an Info Cube. InfoCubes are the central objects of the multidimensional model in BI. Most BEx reports and analyses are based on these. From a reporting perspective, a InfoCube describes a self-contained data set within a business area, for which you can define queries.


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Unit 2: Introducing SAP BI


A InfoCube consists of a quantity of relational tables arranged multidimensionally, meaning that it consists of a central fact table surrounded by several dimension tables. SID tables link these dimension tables to their respective master data tables.

The facts in the fact table are referred to as key figures and the dimension attributes are known as characteristics. The dimension tables are linked the central fact table by way of key relationships. In contrast to the classic star schema, characteristics are not components of the dimension tables; in other words, the characteristic values are not stored in the dimension tables. A numerical SID key is generated for each characteristic. This alias key replaces the characteristic as the component of the dimension table. Here, SID stands for Master Data ID or Surrogate ID (replacement key).

Figure 32: Info Cube using the Star Schema

InfoCube The central data containers that form the basis for reports and analyses in SAP BI are called InfoCubes. They contain key figures (sales volumes, incoming orders, actual costs, and so on) and a link to the characteristics (master data of the SAP BI system) such as cost centers, customers, materials, and so on). Key figures and characteristics are InfoObjects. Each individual InfoCube should contain a self-contained dataset, since queries refer primarily to one InfoCube. Master data in the BI system consists of attributes of a characteristic (for example, the person responsible for a cost center), as well as hierarchies and texts of a characteristic.


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Lesson: Terminology used in BI

An InfoCube consists of several database tables that are linked according to the star schema. They include a fact table that contains the InfoCube key figures, as well as several surrounding dimension tables that store the links to the characteristics. • • •

Each InfoCube has one fact table and a maximum of 16 dimension tables. Each fact table can contain a maximum of 233 key figures. A dimension can contain up to 248 freely available characteristics.

InfoCubes are stored in structures in the SAP BI system. If you want to store an InfoCube, you create a new folder or use an existing one. This is similar to the method used when storing data on your PC: These folders are called InfoAreas in SAP BI.

Figure 33: Info Providers

InfoProviders Info Provider is the super-ordinate term for an object that you can use to create reports in Business Explorer (BEx). Info Providers are objects or views that are relevant to reporting. Info Providers include various database meta objects that deliver data for query definitions. The type of data procurement differs depending on the Info Provider used. However, the type of data procurement has no influence on reporting. Info Providers deliver data that can be analyzed using a query. There are two types of data stores. Physical stores include: • • •


Info Cubes DataStore Objects Info Objects (of type characteristic)

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Unit 2: Introducing SAP BI


Logical views of physical data stores include: • • •

Info Sets Virtual Providers MultiProviders

The previous figure gives an overview of SAP BI reportable objects, divided into data targets that contain physical data, and InfoProviders that only contain logical views. From the BEx view, only Info Providers are accessed. The way in which the data is modeled is inconsequential to the BEx toolset. DataStore Object A DataStore Object stores data at the basic level (document level). It is normally used to resolve and consolidate datasets. These datasets are often from various data sources and/or source systems.

Figure 34: Data Warehousing Workbench


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Lesson: Terminology used in BI

The functions of the Data Warehousing Workbench are: •


Database objects and transformations are created Administration

Load scheduling, monitoring, and data administration Transport Connection

Specialized BI transport tool set (discussed in BW360) Documents

Central GUI for the maintenance of documents BI Content

Delivered content is activated for use (discussed in UNIT 5) Translation

BI object (queries, Info Cubes, and so on) descriptions are translated for multiple language support Metadata Repository Power users and functional experts can find details on delivered and custom content objects

Figure 35: DW Workbench: Modeling


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Unit 2: Introducing SAP BI


The Modeling function area is used to create and maintain (meta) objects that are relevant to the data staging process in the BI system. These objects are displayed in a tree structure where the objects are ordered according to hierarchical criteria. You use context menus to access the relevant maintenance dialogs and functions belonging to each of the objects in the object tree. The Modeling function with the appropriate tab in the DWWB can be accesses through transaction RSA1.


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Lesson: Terminology used in BI

Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • List the basic terminology and objects used in SAP BI


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Unit Summary


Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Give an overview of SAP BI • List the basic terminology and objects used in SAP BI


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Test Your Knowledge

Test Your Knowledge 1.

What type of source systems can be connected to SAP BI? Choose the correct answer(s).

□ □ □ □ 2.


Data sources based on XML SAP systems Databases Fax machines

Which of the following statements are true regarding InfoObjects? Choose the correct answer(s).

□ □ □ □ 3.


Characteristics and key figures are InfoObjects. An InfoObject can also be an InfoProvider. All attributes are characteristic or key figure InfoObjects. All characteristic InfoObjects carry attribute, text and hierarchy data.

What are the important structural aspects of an InfoCube structure? Choose the correct answer(s).


□ □


□ □ □


An InfoCube consists of a maximum of 16 fact tables. An InfoCube has a primary fact table and a maximum of 16 dimension tables. A dimension table consists of characteristics and key figures. A dimension table consists of characteristics and attributes. A dimension table contains key links to attributes.

What options does SAP BI reporting offer for creating reports? Choose the correct answer(s).




□ □


You can display analyses in Microsoft Excel using the BEx Analyzer. You can display analyses on the web using the Enterprise Portal and the Web Analyzer. You can export a web report to a BEx Analyzer report. You can convert a Microsoft Excel table query into a BW report.

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Test Your Knowledge


Answers 1.

What type of source systems can be connected to SAP BI? Answer: A, B, C Fax machines cannot be directly connected to SAP BI as a source system. A facsimile image could be stored in SAP BI as a document through document integration.


Which of the following statements are true regarding InfoObjects? Answer: A, B, C Characteristic InfoObjects may carry attribute, text and hierarchy master data, but each type of master data can be specified in the InfoObject definition as needed.


What are the important structural aspects of an InfoCube structure? Answer: B, E There is only one fact table in an InfoCube and a maximum of 16 dimension tables. The dimension table contains characteristics while the fact table contains key figures. The dimension tables are linked to attribute, text and hierarchy master data.


What options does SAP BI reporting offer for creating reports? Answer: A, B, C The Business Explorer tool set is capable of producing both Microsoft Excel-based reports and web-based reports. Each type can be easily exported to the other format. A Microsoft Excel table query cannot communicate directly with SAP BW directly, however.


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Unit 3 Data Flow from ECC to BI Unit Overview Data Flow from ECC into SAP BI: Business Example •

Management wants to use the BI system for reporting of the transaction data in the ECC logistics system. Hence the relevant data has to be extracted from the ECC system and taken to the BI system.

Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: •

Describe the necessary steps to extract data from the ECC system to BI.

Unit Contents Lesson: Logistics Data Extraction ............................................. 72 Exercise 3: Load ECC logistics data to BI ............................... 81


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Unit 3: Data Flow from ECC to BI


Lesson: Logistics Data Extraction Lesson Overview

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: •

Describe the necessary steps to extract data from the ECC system to BI.

Business Example Management would like to see logistics reporting carried out in the SAP BI system. But first the data has to be extracted to BI. You would like to develop a basic understanding of the data flow from SAP ECC to BI.

Basic Data Flow

Figure 36: Basic Data Flow in BI 7.0

Before we look into the detail of the data flow lets take a quick look at a very basic flow so that we can understand the journey the data follows. The basic flow includes a source system connection, a DataSource followed by a Transformation and finally a Data Target (in our case an InfoCube). The data is first pulled from the source system by the execution of the Infopackage. The job of the Infopackage is to pull the data only as far as the Persistent Staging Area


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Lesson: Logistics Data Extraction

(PSA) which is associated with the DataSource. Next a Data Transfer Process (DTP) is triggered and loads the data to the Data Target via a Transformation. The Transformation supplies the mapping rules between the PSA and the target, here the data could be modified, ignored or merged – the rules are very flexible. There are a number of different targets in BI, in our example we are using an InfoCube. Both the Infopackage and the DTP are usually triggered in sequence by a background job known as a Process Chain. The Process Chain ensure that all job steps are executed in the correct order and at the correct time. Now let's get to the detail. For the extraction of data from ECC and taking it to BI, there are a number of steps that need to be followed: •

First, the data structures need to be created that map on to the ECC database tables and the respective fields from where data has to come in. The data structure is known as the extraction structure and is a BI object which belongs to the DataSource. The DataSource is present on both the ECC system and BI. Initially the DataSource is created i nthe ECC system and is then automatically created on the BI system via a synchronisation mechanism known as a replication. Secondly, the data targets, i.e. the place where the data has to be loaded finally in the BI system is created. These are InfoCubes etc. Then the Transformation is created between the DataSource and the data targets. Then, data can be extracted onto the data targets. There will be an initial upload followed by delta uploads from time to time to update the data targets with the most recent data.

Figure 37: Data flow during Logistics Data Extraction


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Unit 3: Data Flow from ECC to BI


The above graphic illustrates the data flow for the logistics data extraction by means of an application example from sales. When a sales order is created it updates the respective tables in ECC system such as VBAK and VBAP. Through extraction structures, this data is taken to the DataSources. The diagram above illustrates in detail how the data flows from the logistics transaction tables to BI. Notice there is a separate flow for the initial load of data versus the ongoing delta loads. Note: SAP BI is capable of extracting data in FULL mode or DELTA mode. Delta mode provides only the data that is new or has been changes since the last load. This makes most sense in nearly all logistics scenarios where large volumes of data can quickly grow and you only want to load the changes. The DataSource in the ECC system is replicated in BI system so that the two systems agree on what is being sent and what is being received. The next object in the flow is the transformation rules that feed the data into targets such as InfoCubes. Once the data is loaded into the InfoCubes you are then ready to create BI Queries in order to build reports based on Excel and on the web.

Figure 38: Logistics Data Extraction Cockpit

The extraction structure and DataSource are maintained in the Logistics Extraction Structures Customizing Cockpit in the transaction SBIW. This is a task always carried out in ECC system. The following functionality can be performed: •


Maintaining extraction structures

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Lesson: Logistics Data Extraction

Every extraction structure can be maintained by you and by SAP. The extraction structure is filled with the assigned communication structures. You can only use selected fields from the communication structures. SAP already delivers extraction structures. You can enhance them as well. After you set up the extraction structure, the system automatically generates it. This completes missing fields (associated units and compounded characteristics). The extraction structure is created hierarchically according to the communication structures. Every communication structure leads to the generation of a substructure that belongs to the actual extraction structure. •

Maintenance of DataSources

At this point, you call the general maintenance of DataSources, where you can set up the selection of selectable fields and the ability of fields to be negated. •

Activation of updating

When you activate, data is written to the extraction structures immediately - both online and when you fill the tables for restructuring. • •

Job control Update mode

Here you can set which type of accrued data is to be updated during delta updates. The various update methods are described in more detail later in the lesson. Once the DataSource has been defined in the ECC system you must then replicate this to the BI system. Note: For extraction from SAP ECC to BI using the standard SAP supplied extractor (rather than flat file etc.), Datasources are always created in the ECC system and never in BI. For replicating metadata, we have to go to the Data Warehousing Workbench → DataSources. On executing Replicate Metadata all of the DataSources for this application component from ECC that are not yet present in BI are transferred to BI . Replication of the entire sources system can also be carried out but would take a large amount of time and hence it is advisable to replicate only the concerned DataSources. Next the DataSource is assigned to the InfoCube. This is done by the Transformation. The InfoPackage and the DTP are triggered using the BI Process Chain. Using the Process Chain means that you are able to define a strict sequence in which the loading tasks must be performed. The Process Chain is set to run at a pre-determined time and can easily be monitored by administrators.


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Unit 3: Data Flow from ECC to BI


Figure 39: Executing the data load

The design of the data flow uses metadata objects such as DataSources, Transformations, InfoSources and InfoProviders. Once the data flow is designed, the InfoPackages and the Data Transfer Processes take over to actually manage the execution and scheduling of the actual data transfer. There are two processes that need to be scheduled. •


The first process is loading the data from the source system. This involves multiple steps that differ depending on which source system is involved. For example, if it is a SAP source system, a function call must be made to the other system, and an extractor program associated with the DataSource might be initiated. An InfoPackage is the BI object that contains all the settings directing exactly how this data should be uploaded from the source system. The target of the InfoPackage is the Data Source associated with the InfoPackage. In a production environment, the same data in the same source system should only be extracted once, with one InfoPackage; from there, as many data transfer processes as necessary can push this data to as many InfoProviders as necessary. The second process identified in the figure is the Data Transfer Process (DTP). It is this object that controls the actual data flow (filters, update mode (delta or full) for a specific transformation. You might have more than one data transfer process if you have more than one transformation step or target in the ETL flow. If you include more than one InfoProvider, you need more than one DTP.

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Lesson: Logistics Data Extraction

Other possibilites for loading logistics data from from SAP ECC to SAP BI We have so far looked at a very basic data flow from the ECC system to BI using only the absolute minimal objects required to get data from ECC to an InfoCube in BI. We will now take a look at some other examples of data flows that are possible with SAP BI.

Figure 40: Multiple Staging Layers / Multiple Sources

In the diagram above we now present a realistic data flow using multiple staging layers. This concept involves the use of a BI component called a DataStore Object. A DataStore Object is used to capture the logistics data at a finer level of detail than the InfoCube. The InfoCube is typically used to store the aggregate view of the logistics data and the DataStore Object will be used to store the data at the most detailed level. i.e. you could not break the data down any more, this is as detailed as it gets. Notice how the data is first loaded to the DataStore Object at the first level then the same data is combined with other detailed data from another source so we now have consolidated (but still detailed) data. Finally the consolidated detailed data is aggregated and loaded to the InfoCube. The benefit of using this more complex flow is that you would then be able to create reports in BI that start with a summary view of the business data (taken from the InfoCube) with the option to drill-down to the DataStore Object levels in order to expand the summary analysis to include the transaction details.


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Unit 3: Data Flow from ECC to BI


Figure 41: Direct Access for Transactional and Master Data

The diagram above illustrates the architecture used in a direct access scenario. Direct access simply means that the data used in your BI report is requested 'live' from the source system. You are accessing the data directly. This makes it possible to report on data that is fresh in the ECC system, and therefore provides you with a real time view of logistics data. Using this method operational reports could be created or perhaps combined with historical data stored in the BI system to create a view of longer term trends with up to date information. Direct access still uses InfoCubes, the main difference is that the data is never stored permanently in BI, it is dropped once the report has been closed. Both transactional and master data can be accessed directly from ECC, this means you can produce detailed logistics reports which can be enhanced with master data attributes.


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Lesson: Logistics Data Extraction

Figure 42: Real Time Data Acquisition (RDA)

Real time data acquisition support the loading of ECC logistics data at frequent intervals. How frequent is really up to you, but you can take this down to as frequently as one minute intervals. This means that every minute BI checks to see if there is new data created in your logistics applications with ECC, if there is then the data is loaded to BI immediately and is ready for use in BI reports. If there is no data then BI will check back again one minute later. This scenario is ideal if you have large data volumes and want to break up the load. Of course another benefit to using RDA is that you are able to obtain a near real time view of you business data. You may like to think of this loading technique as 'streaming the data'. Unlike direct access method RDA actually loads and stores the data permanently.


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Unit 3: Data Flow from ECC to BI


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Lesson: Logistics Data Extraction

Exercise 3: Load ECC logistics data to BI Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Load the data you created in the SAP ECC system in preparation for reporting in BI

Business Example Before you can report on your logistics data in BI you first have to load this from a source system, in our case the SAP ECC system. Note: In the following exercises you will load your sales and purchase order data only. You will NOT load your production order data (the instructor will do this for the entire class).

Task 1: You will now create a DTP in order to define the parameters for the loading of your sales order data. You will then execute the DTP so that only your data is loaded to a shared BI InfoCube. 1.

Logon to the assigned BI system using the logon details provided by your instructor and navigate to the Data Warehousing Workbench.


Create a DTP with the name Group ## Load Sales Data to load the data from the DataSource (PSA) 2LIS_11_ VAITM (under the source system T90CLNT090) to the InfoCube T_SDDEMO2. Do not change any default settings in the DTP except for the filter value. You should define a filter so that only your material (150-##) is loaded. Execute your DTP immediately and check the monitor to ensure the data loaded successfully.

Task 2: You will now create a DTP in order to define the parameters for the loading of your purchase order data. You will then execute the DTP so that only your data is loaded to a BI InfoCube. 1.

Create a DTP with the name Group ## Load Purchase Order Data to load the data from the DataSource (PSA) 2LIS_02_ITM (under the source system T90CLNT090) to the InfoCube 0PUR_C01. Do not change any default settings in the DTP except for the filter value. You should define a filter so that only your material (RM-##) is loaded. Execute your DTP and check the monitor to ensure the data loaded successfully.


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Unit 3: Data Flow from ECC to BI


Solution 3: Load ECC logistics data to BI Task 1: You will now create a DTP in order to define the parameters for the loading of your sales order data. You will then execute the DTP so that only your data is loaded to a shared BI InfoCube. 1.

Logon to the assigned BI system using the logon details provided by your instructor and navigate to the Data Warehousing Workbench. a)


Ask your instructor for the logon information. Once you have logged on use the transaction RSA1 to reach the Data Warehousing Workbench.

Create a DTP with the name Group ## Load Sales Data to load the data from the DataSource (PSA) 2LIS_11_ VAITM (under the source system T90CLNT090) to the InfoCube T_SDDEMO2. Do not change any default settings in the DTP except for the filter value. You should define a filter so that only your material (150-##) is loaded. Execute your DTP immediately and check the monitor to ensure the data loaded successfully. a)

Under the Modelling panel on the left of the screen click on the entry Source Systems.


Expand the node SAP and locate the source system with the technical name T90CLNT090. Right click on this entry and from the context menu choose Display DataSource Tree.


Expand the node in the following path SAP SAP Application Components Sales and Distribution and locate the DataSource with the technical name 2LIS_11_VAITM.


Right click on the DataSource and choose the context menu entry Create Data Transfer Process.


Use the table below to fill in the required fields for the first dialog in the DTP creation. Hit the button Continue when you are done with the first dialog.

Field Name

Value to Enter

Data Transfer Proc.

Group ## Load Sales Data

Target of DTP > Object Type


Target of DTP > Name


Continued on next page


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Lesson: Logistics Data Extraction


On the second screen on the Extraction tab press the button Filter and you will see a dialog appear containing a list of proposed filter characteristics. The oane we want is not on the list so we have to add it in the next step.


Press the button Change Selection and locate Material from the list on the right. Click on this characteristic to highlight it then press the arrow left button to move it across to the left side. (to check it you may have to scroll to the bottom of the list on the left). Press Continue to close the Change Selection dialog ready to enter a filter values.


Enter your material 150-## in the selection field then press the Continue button to close the dialog.


From the toolbar click on the button Activate Data Transfer Process . Make sure you have no error messages before continuing.


Click on the Execute tab and press the button Execute. When prompted click Yes to jump to the monitor. Make sure your job has a green light next to it to show it loaded the data successfully.


Use the regular back arrow at the top of the screen to leave the monitor.

Task 2: You will now create a DTP in order to define the parameters for the loading of your purchase order data. You will then execute the DTP so that only your data is loaded to a BI InfoCube. 1.

Create a DTP with the name Group ## Load Purchase Order Data to load the data from the DataSource (PSA) 2LIS_02_ITM (under the source system T90CLNT090) to the InfoCube 0PUR_C01. Do not change any default settings in the DTP except for the filter value. You should define a filter so that only your material (RM-##) is loaded.

Continued on next page


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Unit 3: Data Flow from ECC to BI


Execute your DTP and check the monitor to ensure the data loaded successfully.



Under the Modelling panel on the left of the screen click on the entry Source Systems.


Expand the node SAP and locate the source system with the technical name T90CLNT090. Right click on this entry and fro the context menu choose Display DataSource Tree.


Expand the node in the following path SAP SAP Application Components Materials Management and locate the DataSource with the technical name 2LIS_02_ITM.


Right click on the DataSource and choose the context menu entry Create Data Transfer Process.


Use the table below to fill in the required fields for the first dialog in the DTP creation. Hit the buttonContinue when you are done with the first dialog.

Field Name

Value to Enter

Data Transfer Proc.

Group ## Load Purchase Order Data

Target of DTP > Object Type


Target of DTP > Name



On the second screen on the Extraction tab press the button Filter and you will see a dialog appear containing a list of proposed filter characteristics. The one we want is not on the list so we have to add it in the next step.


Press the button Change Selection and locate Material from the list on the right. Click on this characteristic to highlight it then press the arrow left button to move it across to the left side. (to check it you may have to scroll to the bottom of the list on the left). Press Continue to close the Change Selection dialog ready to enter some filter values.


Enter your material RM-## in the selection field then press the Continue button to close the dialog.


From the toolbar click on the button Activate Data Transfer Process. Make sure you have no error messages before continuing.


Click on the Execute tab and press the button Execute. When prompted click Yes to jump to the monitor. Make sure your job has a green light next to it to show it loaded the data successfully.


Use the regular back arrow at the top of the screen to leave the monitor.

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Lesson: Logistics Data Extraction

Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Describe the necessary steps to extract data from the ECC system to BI.


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Unit Summary


Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Describe the necessary steps to extract data from the ECC system to BI.


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Test Your Knowledge

Test Your Knowledge 1.

What is the sequence in which data is extracted from ECC to BI? Choose the correct answer(s).

□ □ □ □ □ □ 2.


Info Sources → Info Cubes → Data Sources Info Sources → Data Sources → Info Cubes Data Sources → Info Sources → Info Cubes Data Sources → Info Cubes → Info Sources Info Cubes → Data Sources → Info Sources Info Cubes → Info Sources → Data Sources

What are the update modes for InfoPackage? Choose the correct answer(s).

□ □ □ □



Delta Update Initialisation Process Part Update Full Updates

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Test Your Knowledge


Answers 1.

What is the sequence in which data is extracted from ECC to BI? Answer: C The data comes in the Data sources first. Using transfer rules, this is loaded into Info Sources. Then Transformations are used to transfer this to InfCubes.


What are the update modes for InfoPackage? Answer: A, B, D You can do a full update or do an initialisation followed by delta updates.


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Unit 4 Query Development in SAP BI Unit Overview Queries in SAP BI: Business Example •

Management wants customized reports as per their requirements. Thus queries have to be designed accordingly.

Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • • • • •

Describe the functions of BEx Query Designer Create basic queries in SAP BI Understand the enhancements that can be made in the query to get more refined reports Describe the role of the BEx Analyzer Use the navigation options in the BEx Analyzer in order to explore the business data.

Unit Contents Lesson: Query Designer ........................................................ 90 Lesson: InfoProviders in the BEx Query Designer .........................103 Exercise 4: Defining Queries in SAP BI .................................109 Lesson: SAP BI Reporting Tools..............................................122 Exercise 5: SAP BI Reporting Tools .....................................129


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Unit 4: Query Development in SAP BI


Lesson: Query Designer Lesson Overview

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • •

Describe the functions of BEx Query Designer Create basic queries in SAP BI

Business Example You would like to explore the functionality of the BI reporting tools. The basis for any BI report is the query and so you must learn how to create these.

Figure 43: Role of the BEx Query

Before we look into the detail of query building it is helpful to understand the role the query plays in the overall reporting scenarios with SAP BI. The query is a very important object which sits between the source of the data and the final report. The job of the query is to filter the data according to business rules supplied by the developer and also to supply a set of default presentation settings to the final report. The filters within the query can either be simply a proposal (which can be changed by the user) or fixed filters which cannot be changed. Having understood the role the query plays let's now take a look at some key concepts regarding query usage.


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Lesson: Query Designer

Figure 44: Examples of Query Usage

A query is always assigned to exactly one InfoProvider, such as an InfoCube or DataStore Object. However a query can be used in multiple reports (either web or Excel based). Think of the query as a generic object who's job is to simply provide the extract of data to the reports regardless of the end tool used to actually present the report. If you change the definition of the query then all reports will be immediately affected. Also a report could include the results from multiple queries so that a series of data views could be provided within the same report to the user. For example you could include a different query on each worksheet tab within an Excel workbook, or perhaps present a different query result across different tabs in a web dashboard.

Figure 45: Blending Logistics Data


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Unit 4: Query Development in SAP BI


Although we stated earlier that the query must be assigned to only one InfoProvider the InfoProvider could be a MultiProvider. The diagram above illustrates the flow of data from the original sources, in this case an InfoCube and a DataStore Object and then you see how the MultiProvider brings together the data so that the query is able to use all the data. Now we have covered some of the key concepts regarding query usage we can now look a how queries are created.

Figure 46: BEx Query Designer: New Query creation

To use the SAP BI reporting functions and evaluate a dataset from an InfoProvider according to various characteristics and key figures, a query has to be defined in the BEx Query Designer. By selecting and combining the InfoObjects in a query, you determine the way in which data from the chosen InfoProvider is evaluated.

Path for calling up the Query Designer: Start Query Designer

→ Programs → Business Explorer

Click on the Create button to create a new query. It opens a dialog box to help choose an Info Provider to create the query. There are three buttons: • • •


Find (use search options to locate an InfoProvider) History (Your most recently used InfoProviders are listed) InfoAreas (A list of all InfoProviders organised by InfoAreas is shown)

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Lesson: Query Designer

Figure 47: BEx Query Designer: Query Toolbar

Let us now have an overview of the BEx Query Designer functions that you can call from the Query Designer toolbar. The functions are described within the context of query definition. Please note, toolbar functions are context sensitive which means that certain buttons may be inactive if they are not valid for your context. (i.e. the Save button is inactive until there is something to save!) • • • • • •

• • •

• • •


New Query: With this function, you are able to define a new query. Open Query: Choose this function if you want to open an existing query. Save Query: Using this function, you can save your query. Execute: Choose this function if you want to display your query results via the portal. Check Query : This function will perform a validity check on your query and inform you of any errors. Properties: Choose this function if you want to change the description of the query or define the settings for the result position, display options, numeric display, zero display and key date of the query. Cut: You use this function to remove a query object ready for inserting into another section of the query definition. Copy: You use this function to identify a query object in preparation for an insert of the object into another section of the query definition. Insert: This function is used to insert either the copied or cut object in query definition. Be sure to mark the place where you want the query object to inserted. InfoProvider: This function will open the InfoProvider pane. Filter: This function will open the Filter pane. Rows/Coumns: This function will open the Rows/Columns pane.

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Unit 4: Query Development in SAP BI

• •

• •



Table View: You can create a query for tabular reporting (each query element in a separate column), as well as for Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) reporting, by activating or deactivating the Table View mode in the query definition when defining a query. This function is only available for queries with one structure. You can only have queries with two structures in the multi-dimensional display. They are not suitable for OLAP reporting. Cells: This function is only available for queries with two structures. You can define formulas and selection conditions for cells explicitly. In this way, you control the values of cells that appear at the intersections of structural components. This function enables you to access individual cells in queries or to assign special values to these. Conditions: You use this function to define conditions for a query. For each characteristic, you can give limit conditions to the key figure values in order to determine, for example, all sales revenues above or below a specified threshold value. The chosen characteristics are displayed in the query with restricted key figures. Exceptions: You use this function to define exceptions for a query. Exceptions are deviations from normal key figure values, as defined by you, and are highlighted in color in the query view. Query Properties:Choose this function if you want to change the description of the query or define the settings for the result position, display options, numeric display, zero display and key date of the query. Tasks: Using this function, you can display the actions which are valid for the query object you have highlighted. Messages: This function opens the messages pane. In the messages pane there is a llist of the outstanding messages relating to the status of the query. These messages may be informational i.e. 'Query is successfully saved' or warning i.e. 'No filter specified'. Use the Check Query function to display a list of messages in the messages pane relating to the correctness of the query. Query Where-Used List: Using this function, you can find out in which objects (Workbooks, Web templates) the query is used. Technical Name: Using this function, you can show/hide the technical names of the query components.

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Lesson: Query Designer

Figure 48: Query Creation (Filter View)

For creating a new query after selecting the relevant InfoProvider, the above screen is displayed. This is the basic view of the query designer. The Query Designer contains many different panes, some panes are only displayed when a function button is pressed. However, we will now describe the key panes: •

Directory tree of the selected InfoProvider.

Once you have selected the required InfoProvider, all available objects (dimensions, key figures, structures) display in the directory tree in the left screen area of the Query Designer. In this example, you can see the directory tree for the InfoProvider InfoCube Customer Cube T_SDDEMO2. •

Characteristic Restrictions

Here you define the characteristic filter values which apply to the entire result set. •

Default Values

In this pane you define the characteristic filter values which should be used for the initial view of the result set. The user may choose to modify these filters in the result. •


Here is where the settings relevant to the currently highlighted query object are displayed. You can also make changes to the setting here. Often there will be multiple tabs used to organize the settings in this pane. •


This pane is where informational or error messages are displayed.


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Unit 4: Query Development in SAP BI


Figure 49: Query Creation (Row/Columns View)

Free Characteristics. Put the characteristics which you want to offer to the user for navigation purposes in this pane. These characteristics do not appear in the initial view of the query result set, the user must use a navigation control in order to make use of them. You do not define the filter values here. •


Here is where the query objects (key figures or characteristics) must be placed if you want them to appear in the columns of the results set. •


Here is where the query objects (key figures or characteristics) must be placed if you want them to appear in the rows of the results set. •


This pane gives you an idea of what the layout of the results set will look like when you execute the query. •

Where Used

This pane provides information relating to the use of the query object.


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Lesson: Query Designer

To create a query, you can expand or collapse the InfoProvider directories by choosing the plus or minus symbol. By expanding the key figure node in the InfoProvider tree, for example, you can display a list of all the key figures for the InfoProvider. •

Use Drag&Drop to transfer the characteristics, key figures, and structures of the InfoProvider into the various panes within the Query Designer. You can also transfer these characteristics using the keyboard and the clipboard. Choose CTRL+C to copy and CTRL+V to paste. You can also include characteristic attributes and variables in the query definition in this way. You can use the right mouse button to call all of the valid functions that are in the current context menu. To do this, first select the required query component, then select a menu entry from the context menu. By double-clicking on an element in the query designer, you call a dialog box that offers the default function for that element. For example, if you doubleclick on a characteristic, the dialog box for restricting characteristics appears. If you click on an element you will notice that the suitable tasks are also displayed in the Task Pane. Simply click on one of the tasks to open up the dialog box to make the settings.

Figure 50: Creating Queries (1)

To start creating queries, drag the required key figures and dimensions to the rows and columns box. The queries can be designed the way you like it. Generally, key figures are put in the columns and the dimensions in the rows. As seen in the slide, the key figures like Actual GR Quantity, Plan Quantity etc. are put in the columns box and the characteristics like Plant, Material put in the rows box. The Preview give a feel of the way the report would look like.


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Unit 4: Query Development in SAP BI


MRP Controller, Order and Material Type have been defined as free characteristics. These characteristics would not be there in the initial report that would be generated. The user has the flexibility of inserting it and modifying the report after it has been generated.

Figure 51: Creating Queries (2)

Some of the Characteristics can be restricted for the value that it can take up only defined value for this report. Example, the Plants for which the report can be generated has been restricted to only 4. This definition is done in the Characteristics Restriction box. The Default Values have been defined for some of the other characteristics, which will be the values for which the report will be generated first. Then the report can be modified by the user as per his requirement. Now, the query can be checked for its correctness using the Check Query button on the toolbar. Once you have defined a query, choose Save Query or Save As to save the query. If you have not yet saved the query, you must enter a query description and a unique technical name. You can also choose where you want to save the query (in your roles or in your favorites folder). You can use Save Query As... to save existing queries under a different name. You will notice a default description and technical name are proposed, these are made up of REP_ followed by the date and time. Simply overwrite these if you prefer to use your own names. You are able to save a query even though it may contains errors. This means you can return to the query at a later time and correct the errors. Once you have saved the query, you can execute the report from the BEx Analyzer in order to see the required function.


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Lesson: Query Designer

Figure 52: Finding a Query

In order to find a query for which you already know a part of the description or other information, choose Find . In the Search for Queries dialog box, enter the technical name or description of the query. If necessary, you can restrict the search to additional criteria. Choose Find. If you are in the BEx Analyzer and have called the search function from the Choose Query dialog box, the query result displays as an Analyzer report. If you are using the search function from the Query Designer, the query definition displays.

Figure 53: Filter Values and Query Properties

Filtering Data


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Unit 4: Query Development in SAP BI


It is often necessary to restrict the characteristics to specific values in your reports. For example, you are interested only in the results of a specific sales team but the InfoProvider on which the query is assigned contains sales results for all sales teams, you can restrict the query by defining a filter on the required characteristic. The result will be that your report will only show the results for the required sales team. The filters are defined under the tab Filter. Be sure to select this tab before attempting to define any filters. Once you are displaying the Filters tab you can define the filters in either theCharacteristic Restrictions pane or the Default Values pane. Filters set in the Characteristic Restrictions pane are always applied to the query result and cannot be modified by the user in the result. These are often regarded as global or static filters. Filters set in the Default Values pane are applied immediately once the query is executed. However, the user is able to navigate freely within these filters. The user cannot add additional filters to the default values i.e. the filters in the query definition set out the maximum range of the result data a user can display, this may produce more data than the user requires so the user simply navigates to a reduced result set by modifying the filters in the report.

There are two basic ways to restrict a characteristic in the query definition: •

By selecting a characteristic value from the InfoProvider tree (on the left side of the query designer). Simply open the tree to display the required characteristic within the appropriate dimension and then open the characteristic node to reveal the sub folders, one will be called Characteristic Values. Open this folder to display the values and then drag and drop these to the required pane. You don't need to have previously dragged the characteristic into the pane beforehand, the act of dragging the first characteristic value will also drag the characteristic into the pane. You can also restrict a characteristic you have already included in the query definition by calling the context menu for the characteristic and choosing Restrict. You could also highlight the characteristic and then display the Tasks tab to show the suitable tasks, one of them will be Restrict. And finally a double-click on the characteristic would also open the default task which for a characteristic in the filter view would be Restrict.

Query Properties


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Lesson: Query Designer

There are a number of settings which you can make which will affect the presentation and/or the behavior of the query, these are called query properties. Query properties are accessed via the right most pane of the query designer. The query properties are organized as: •

General Tab – – – –

• • • • •


Description Technical Name Info Provider Key Date: If time dependant master data is used in the query (attributes, hierarchies, text) this date (which can be fixed or supplied by a variable) is used to select the correct master data. The checkbox Use standard date is used to tell the query to use the current date at query run-time. Variable Sequence Tab: You can change the sequence of the variables to ensure they are presented to the user in a logical order. Display Tab: Allows change in the display settings Rows / Columns Tab: Allows changes in the display of rows and columns Value Display Tab: Controls display of +/- signs and zeros Planning Tab: The setting here determines whether the query is started in display or change (planning) mode. Planning mode allows the results cells to be changed.

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Unit 4: Query Development in SAP BI


Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Describe the functions of BEx Query Designer • Create basic queries in SAP BI


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Lesson: InfoProviders in the BEx Query Designer

Lesson: InfoProviders in the BEx Query Designer Lesson Overview

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: •

Understand the enhancements that can be made in the query to get more refined reports

Business Example You have to design different types of reports in BI as per the needs of the user. Hence the queries have to be fine tuned to incorporate all these features so that the report is generated to fulfill the customer needs.

Figure 54: Exceptions

Exceptions: The function defines deviations of key figure values in a query. You can see deviations from predefined threshold values or intervals in the query result displayed in different colors if the exception is active. Early spotting of these deviations provides the basis for timely and effective reactions.


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Unit 4: Query Development in SAP BI


Figure 55: Creating Exceptions

Step1: You create an exception in the Query Designer by choosing the Exception icon from the Query Designer toolbar to open the Exception window. Right-click anywhere in the window and choose New Exception to create the new exception object. It will be displayed in the Exception window. Right-click on this exception object and choose Edit to begin creating the exception definition. Step2: On the General tab, you can set the default status, description, and one or more exception values. The default status is set using the Exception is Active checkbox. If the checkbox is selected, the exception is applied as soon as you execute the query. If you do not set the active flag, you can activate the exception BEx Analyzer; from the BEx toolbar, choose Insert List of Exceptions. There you have the option of activating or deactivating the exception from there. You can use exceptions to evaluate one or all key figures in your query definition. If you want to use exceptions selectively on specific key figures in your query definition, you have to define an exception for each key figure accordingly. Exception Values: On the Exception Values section of the General tab page, you enter your values by first choosing New. An alert level row is activated at the bottom of the screen consisting of the fields Alert Level, Operator, and one or more Value fields, depending on the operator chosen. Choose Transfer to add your entries to the list of exception values. You can set the alert levels to the colors red (Bad 1, 2 and 3), yellow (Critical 1, 2 and 3), and green (Good 1, 2 and 3), each in three shades, as required.


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Lesson: InfoProviders in the BEx Query Designer

Figure 56: Conditions

By defining a condition, you have the option of analyzing the query results in more detail. You can analyze combinations of characteristics using ranked lists, thereby displaying your ten best customers by sales revenue, for example. By defining value limits, you can display all key figure values above or below a certain value. The data is restricted accordingly in the results area of the query so that you only see the area that interests you. You can define multiple conditions for a query, and then activate or deactivate them in the report itself to create different views of the data. You can make restrictions in the Query Designer using the toolbar button Condition. As a prerequisite, you have to have created a query definition for which one or more conditions can be defined. Within the conditions pane that appears right-click and choose the menu option New Condition. A new condition is created with a temporary name. You must double-click on this new object (or select it first, then use the menu option Edit) to define the settings for the condition. The General tab appear first. Here enter a Description and set the condition to Active. If the condition has the status Active, the condition is used in the report as soon as you execute the query. If you do not set the active flag, the condition can be activated in the report itself. In Define Condition Parameters, choose New to select a Key Figure for which a condition is to be used. In the second field, you can see the operators for specifying value definitions. You choose Transfer to add your entries to the list of conditions and choose New to define more conditions. Save your conditions by choosing OK; you can then display your report in the BEx Analyzer.


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Unit 4: Query Development in SAP BI


On the characteristic assignments tab you define how the condition will work in conjunction with the characteristics in your query. If the query contains many drill-down characteristics, it is very easy for the condition to be out of context and produce invalid results. You can choose between the following options: • • • •

All characteristics in the drill-down independently: The condition is always valid for all characteristic combinations. Most detailed characteristic along the rows: The condition will be applied to the most detailed characteristic along the rows. Most detailed characteristic along the columns: The condition will be applied to the most detailed characteristic along the columns. Individual Characteristic and Characteristic combinations: For this setting, you define precisely which characteristics must be in the drilldown before the condition is valid. Check the boxes to include them.

Figure 57: Restricted and Calculated Key Figures

Restricted key figures are (basic) key figures of the InfoProvider that are restricted (filtered) by one or more characteristic selections. The key figure that is restricted by one or more characteristic selections can be a basic key figure, a calculated key figure, or a key figure that is already restricted. By using restricted key figures, you can focus the query result on certain values. Unlike a filter, whose restrictions are valid for the entire query, for a restricted key figure, only the key figure in question is restricted to its allocated characteristic value or characteristic value interval. Scenarios such as comparing a particular key figure for various time segments, or plan/actual comparison for a key figure if the plan data is stored using a particular characteristic can be realized using restricted key figures.


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Lesson: InfoProviders in the BEx Query Designer

Calculated key figures: In the Query Designer, you can use a formula to calculate key figures that are not in the InfoProvider by using basic key figures, restricted key figures and existing calculated key figures in the formula definition. The definition can happen either at the InfoProvider level or the Query level.


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Unit 4: Query Development in SAP BI


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Lesson: InfoProviders in the BEx Query Designer

Exercise 4: Defining Queries in SAP BI Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Use the BEx Query Designer to create your own basic queries • Change existing queries

Business Example Your organisation is implementing all SAP ECC logistics modules as well as BI for logistics reporting. But after analysing the standard BI Content provided by SAP, the management finds that they do not exactly match the company reporting requirements. Thus you have been entrusted with the job of creating the queries in BI as per organisation requirements. You will choose only one of the following tasks. Each task is the same, the only difference is the source of data used, you can choose any of the three tasks according to your preference and logistics background.

Task 1: Production Order Scenario You will create a new query in order to extract data from the Production Orders InfoCube. 1.

Create a new query using the InfoCube Status Manufacturing Orders (0PP_C10). This path for accessing this InfoCube is InfoAreas Supply Chain Management(0SCM) Production Planning and Control(0PP) Production/Process Orders(0PPSFCPI) Status Manufacturing Orders (0PP_C10).


Use the three key figures No. Manufact Orders and Plan Quantity and Actual GR Quantity in the columns


Use the Characteristics Plant and Material in the rows.


Save the Query in the favourites folder using the name: Description: SCM150-## Production Orders Query Technical Name: SCM150_##_PP Execute the query on the web and check results. Leave the Query Designer ready for the next task.

Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Query Development in SAP BI


Task 2: Now, you should reopen the query definition and make some changes to it. 1.

Find the query you had created SCM150-## Production Orders Query from the History. Put the characteristics Material Group and Base Unit in Free Characteristics.


Filter the data with a characteristic restriction based on calendar month to select data from the last 5 years.


Put Plant in Characteristic Restriction pane and select a variable to allow the filter to be selected by the user at runtime.


Replace Base Unit with Order in the Free Characteristics.


Define a Restricted Key Figure Plan Quantity(0PLANORDQTY) at Query Level. Restrict this using the characteristic Calendar Year/Month (0CALMONTH) from the last 12 months.


Save the query then execute it on the web to check the results and finally close the BEx Query Designer completely.

Task 3: Purchasing Scenario You will create a new query to extract data from the purchasing InfoCube. 1.

Create a new query using the InfoCube Purchasing Data (0PUR_C01). This path for accessing this InfoCube is InfoAreas Supply Chain Management(0SCM) Purchasing Purchasing Data (0PUR_C01).


Use the three key figures No. of PO Items and Purchase Order Value and PO Quantity in the columns


Use the Characteristics Plant and Material in the rows.


Save the Query in the favourites folder using the name: Description: SCM150-## Purchase Orders Query Technical Name: SCM150_##_PO Execute the query on the web and check results. Leave the Query Designer ready for the next task.

Task 4: Now, you should reopen the purchase orders query definition and make some changes to it. 1.

Find the query you had created SCM150-## Purchase Orders Query from the History. Put the characteristics Vendor and Purchasing Organisation in Free Characteristics. Continued on next page


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Lesson: InfoProviders in the BEx Query Designer


Filter the data with a characteristic restriction based on calendar month to select data from the last 5 years.


Put Plant in Characteristic Restriction pane and select a variable to allow the filter to be selected by the user at runtime.


Define a Restricted Key Figure PO quantity Query Level. Restrict this using the characteristic Calendar Year/Month (0CALMONTH) from the last 12 months.


Save the query then execute it on the web to check the results and finally close the BEx Query Designer completely.

Task 5: Sales Scenario You will create a new query to extract data from the Sales InfoCube. 1.

Create a new query using the InfoCube Customer Cube (T_SDDEMO2). This path for accessing this InfoCube is InfoAreas BW Training BW Customer Training BW305 Reporting Customer Cube T_SDDEMO2..


Use the three key figures No. of PO Items and Purchase Order Value and PO Quantity in the columns


Use the characteristics Division and Material in the rows.


Save the Query in the favourites folder using the name: Description: SCM150-## Sales Orders Query Technical Name: SCM150_##_SO Execute the query on the web and check results. Leave the Query Designer ready for the next task.

Task 6: Now, you should reopen the sales orders query definition and make some changes to it.



Find the query you had created SCM150-## Sales Orders Query from the History. Put the characteristics Customer and Sales Organisation in Free Characteristics.


Filter the data with a characteristic restriction based on calendar month to select data from the last 5 years.


Put Sales Organisation in Characteristic Restriction pane and select a variable to allow the filter to be selected by the user at runtime.


Define a Restricted Key Figure Order Entry Quantity. Restrict this using the characteristic Calendar Year/Month (0CALMONTH) from the last 12 months. Continued on next page

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Unit 4: Query Development in SAP BI




Save the query then execute it on the web to check the results and finally close the BEx Query Designer completely.

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Lesson: InfoProviders in the BEx Query Designer

Solution 4: Defining Queries in SAP BI Task 1: Production Order Scenario You will create a new query in order to extract data from the Production Orders InfoCube. 1.

Create a new query using the InfoCube Status Manufacturing Orders (0PP_C10). This path for accessing this InfoCube is InfoAreas Supply Chain Management(0SCM) Production Planning and Control(0PP) Production/Process Orders(0PPSFCPI) Status Manufacturing Orders (0PP_C10).


Open the BEx Query Designer using the following path Start Programs Business Explorer Query Designer.

In the system selection dialog select the appropriate SAP server and log in.

Click on the New Query button and then select the InfoCube using the following path: InfoAreas Supply Chain Management(0SCM) Production Planning and Control(0PP) Production/Process Orders(0PPSFCPI) Status Manufacturing Orders (0PP_C10). Click on Open to begin defining the query.


Use the three key figures No. Manufact Orders and Plan Quantity and Actual GR Quantity in the columns a)

Click on the Rows/Columns tab. From the Key Figures list on the left, select the following three key figures: No. Manufact. Orders, Plan Quantity and Actual GR Quantity., and Drag these three key figures into the ‘Columns’ section.


Use the Characteristics Plant and Material in the rows. a)


From the Dimensions list on the left, select the Material/Plant dimension, select Material first then Plant and drag these into the Rows’ section.

Save the Query in the favourites folder using the name: Description: SCM150-## Production Orders Query Technical Name: SCM150_##_PP

Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Query Development in SAP BI


Execute the query on the web and check results. Leave the Query Designer ready for the next task. a)

To save the query, choose the toolbar button Save Query. In the dialog box, save the query in the Favourites folder and use the following description and technical name: Description: SCM150-## Production Orders Query Technical Name: SCM150_##_PP

Choose Save and then use the menu path Query Execute to launch the query on the web. Finally exit the Query Designer completely by using the path Query End and Discard Changes..

Task 2: Now, you should reopen the query definition and make some changes to it. 1.

Find the query you had created SCM150-## Production Orders Query from the History. Put the characteristics Material Group and Base Unit in Free Characteristics. a)

Open the BEx Query Designer using the following path Start Programs Business Explorer Query Designer.

In the system selection dialog select the appropriate SAP server and log in again. Click on the Open Query button and then select the query that you had just created from the History folder. Click on the Rows/Columns tab to activate it. From the dimensions list, select Material Group from the Material/Plant dimension and Base Unit from the Unit dimension and drag it to the Free Characteristics pane. 2.

Filter the data with a characteristic restriction based on calendar month to select data from the last 5 years. a)

Go to the Time Dimension on the left, and select Calendar Year/Month (0CALMONTH). Drag it on to the Characteristic Restrictions pane. Right click on Calendar Year/Month and choose Restrict. From the drop down list select the entry Value Range. Adjacent to the first date entry field select the icon Select From List and enter the range of months for the last 5 years in the format MM.YYYY in both fields. Then click on the arrow to take the selection to the right. It will now appear in the Selection box. Click on OK.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: InfoProviders in the BEx Query Designer


Put Plant in Characteristic Restriction pane and select a variable to allow the filter to be selected by the user at runtime. a)

From the Material/Plant dimension select Plant and drag it on to the Characteristic Restrictions pane. Right click on Plant and choose Restrict. In the Show dropdown on top, select Variables. In the box below, select Plant (Selection Options, Optional). Then click on the arrow to take it to the right. It will now come into the Selection pane. Click on OK.


Replace Base Unit with Order in the Free Characteristics. a)

Select Base unit from the Free characteristics pane and drag it back to the Dimensions pane on the left. Now from the Order/Item dimension, select the characteristic Order (0PRODORDER) and drag it to the right and place in the Free Characteristics box.


Define a Restricted Key Figure Plan Quantity(0PLANORDQTY) at Query Level. Restrict this using the characteristic Calendar Year/Month (0CALMONTH) from the last 12 months. a)

Goto the Rows/Columns tab. In the columns pane, select Plan Quantity(0PLANORDQTY) and right click. Select the menu option Edit. From the Time Dimension on the left select Calendar Year/Month (0CALMONTH). Drag it on to the Details of the Selection pane. Right click on Calendar Year/Month (0CALMONTH)and choose Restrict. Select Value Range and put in the two values. Then click on the arrow to take it to the right. It will now come into the Selection box. Click on OK.


Save the query then execute it on the web to check the results and finally close the BEx Query Designer completely. a)

Click the Save button then use the menu path Query Execute and End finally leave the Query Designer using the menu path Query and Discard Changes to close the Query Designer

Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Query Development in SAP BI


Task 3: Purchasing Scenario You will create a new query to extract data from the purchasing InfoCube. 1.

Create a new query using the InfoCube Purchasing Data (0PUR_C01). This path for accessing this InfoCube is InfoAreas Supply Chain Purchasing Purchasing Data (0PUR_C01). Management(0SCM)

→ → Open the BEx Query Designer using the following path Start → Programs → Business Explorer → Query Designer. →


In the system selection dialog select the appropriate SAP server and log in.

Click on the New Query button and then select the InfoCube using the following path:InfoAreas Supply Chain Management(0SCM) Purchasing Purchasing Data (0PUR_C01) Click on the button Open to begin creating the query


Use the three key figures No. of PO Items and Purchase Order Value and PO Quantity in the columns a)

Click on the Rows/Columns tab. From the Key Figures list on the left, select the following three key figures: No. of PO Items and Purchase Order Value and PO Quantity and Drag these three key figures into the Columns section.


Use the Characteristics Plant and Material in the rows. a)


From the Dimensions list on the left, select the Material Number dimension, select Material and from the dimension Plant select Plant and drag these into the Rows’ section.

Save the Query in the favourites folder using the name: Description: SCM150-## Purchase Orders Query Technical Name: SCM150_##_PO Execute the query on the web and check results. Leave the Query Designer ready for the next task. a)

To save the query, choose the toolbar button Save Query. In the dialog box, save the query in the Favourites folder and use the following description and technical name: Description: SCM150-## Purchase Orders Query Technical Name: SCM150_##_PO

Choose Save and then use the menu path Query Execute to launch the query on the web. Finally exit the Query Designer completely by End and Discard Changes.. using the path Query

Continued on next page


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Lesson: InfoProviders in the BEx Query Designer

Task 4: Now, you should reopen the purchase orders query definition and make some changes to it. 1.

Find the query you had created SCM150-## Purchase Orders Query from the History. Put the characteristics Vendor and Purchasing Organisation in Free Characteristics. a)

Open the BEx Query Designer using the following path Start Programs Business Explorer Query Designer.

In the system selection dialog select the appropriate SAP server and log in again. Click on the Open Query button and then select the query that you had just created from the History folder. Click on the Rows/Columns tab to activate it. From the dimensions list, select Vendor from the Vendor Number dimension and Purchasing Organisation from the Purchasing Organisation dimension and drag it to the Free Characteristics pane. 2.

Filter the data with a characteristic restriction based on calendar month to select data from the last 5 years. a)

Go to the Time Dimension on the left, and select Calendar Year/Month (0CALMONTH). Drag it on to the Characteristic Restrictions pane. Right click on Calendar Year/Month and choose Restrict. From the drop down list select the entry Value Range. Adjacent to the first date entry field select the icon Select From List and enter the range of months for the last 5 years in the format MM.YYYY in both fields. Then click on the arrow to take the selection to the right. It will now appear in the Selection box. Click on OK.


Put Plant in Characteristic Restriction pane and select a variable to allow the filter to be selected by the user at runtime. a)

From the Plant dimension select Plant and drag it on to the Characteristic Restrictions pane. Right click on Plant and choose Restrict. In the Show dropdown on top, select Variables. In the box below, select Plant (Selection Options, Optional). Then click on the arrow to take it to the right. It will now come into the Selection pane. Click on OK.

Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Query Development in SAP BI



Define a Restricted Key Figure PO quantity Query Level. Restrict this using the characteristic Calendar Year/Month (0CALMONTH) from the last 12 months. a)

Goto the Rows/Columns tab. In the columns pane, select PO quantity and right click. Select the menu option Edit. From the Time Dimension on the left select Calendar Year/Month (0CALMONTH). Drag it on to the Details of the Selection pane. Right click on Calendar Year/Month (0CALMONTH)and choose Restrict. Select Value Range and put in the two values. Then click on the arrow to take it to the right. It will now come into the Selection box. Click on OK.


Save the query then execute it on the web to check the results and finally close the BEx Query Designer completely. a)

Click the Save button then use the menu path Query Execute and finally leave the Query Designer using the menu path Query End and Discard Changes to close the Query Designer

Task 5: Sales Scenario You will create a new query to extract data from the Sales InfoCube. 1.

→ Open the BEx Query Designer using the following path Start → Programs → Business Explorer → Query Designer.

Create a new query using the InfoCube Customer Cube (T_SDDEMO2). This path for accessing this InfoCube is InfoAreas BW Training BW Customer Training BW305 Reporting Customer Cube T_SDDEMO2..


In the system selection dialog select the appropriate SAP server and log in.

Click on the New Query button and then select the InfoCube using the following path:InfoAreas BW Training BW Customer Training BW305 Reporting Customer Cube T_SDDEMO2. Click on the button Open to begin creating the query


Use the three key figures No. of PO Items and Purchase Order Value and PO Quantity in the columns a)

Click on the Rows/Columns tab. From the Key Figures list on the left, select the following three key figures: Sales Order Item and Incoming Orders and Order Entry Quantity and drag these three key figures into the Columns section. Continued on next page


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Lesson: InfoProviders in the BEx Query Designer


Use the characteristics Division and Material in the rows. a)


From the Dimensions list on the left, select the Material dimension, select Material and from the dimension Sales Area Data select Division and drag these into the Rows’ section.

Save the Query in the favourites folder using the name: Description: SCM150-## Sales Orders Query Technical Name: SCM150_##_SO Execute the query on the web and check results. Leave the Query Designer ready for the next task. a)

To save the query, choose the toolbar button Save Query. In the dialog box, save the query in the Favourites folder and use the following description and technical name: Description: SCM150-## Sales Orders Query Technical Name: SCM150_##_SO

Choose Save and then use the menu path Query Execute to launch the query on the web. Finally exit the Query Designer completely by using the path Query End and Discard Changes..

Task 6: Now, you should reopen the sales orders query definition and make some changes to it. 1.

Find the query you had created SCM150-## Sales Orders Query from the History. Put the characteristics Customer and Sales Organisation in Free Characteristics. a)

Open the BEx Query Designer using the following path Start Programs Business Explorer Query Designer.

In the system selection dialog select the appropriate SAP server and log in again. Click on the Open Query button and then select the query that you had just created from the History folder. Click on the Rows/Columns tab to activate it. From the dimensions list, select Sold to party from the Customer dimension and Sales Organisation from the Sales Area Data dimension and drag it to the Free Characteristics pane.

Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Query Development in SAP BI



Filter the data with a characteristic restriction based on calendar month to select data from the last 5 years. a)

Go to the Time Dimension on the left, and select Calendar Year/Month (0CALMONTH). Drag it on to the Characteristic Restrictions pane. Right click on Calendar Year/Month and choose Restrict. From the drop down list select the entry Value Range. Adjacent to the first date entry field select the icon Select From List and enter the range of months for the last 5 years in the format MM.YYYY in both fields. Then click on the arrow to take the selection to the right. It will now appear in the Selectionbox. Click on OK.


Put Sales Organisation in Characteristic Restriction pane and select a variable to allow the filter to be selected by the user at runtime. a)

From the Sales Area Data dimension select Sales Organisation and drag it on to the Characteristic Restrictions pane. Right click on Sales Organisaiton and choose Restrict. In the Show dropdown on top, select Variables. In the box below, select Sales Organisation. Then click on the arrow to take it to the right. It will now come into the Selection pane. Click on OK.


Define a Restricted Key Figure Order Entry Quantity. Restrict this using the characteristic Calendar Year/Month (0CALMONTH) from the last 12 months. a)

Goto the Rows/Columns tab. In the columns pane, select Order Entry Quantity and right click. Select the menu option Edit. From the Time Dimension on the left select Calendar Year/Month (0CALMONTH). Drag it on to the Details of the Selection pane. Right click on Calendar Year/Month (0CALMONTH)and choose Restrict. Select Value Range and put in the two values. Then click on the arrow to take it to the right. It will now come into the Selection box. Click on OK.


Save the query then execute it on the web to check the results and finally close the BEx Query Designer completely. a)


Click the Save button then use the menu path Query Execute and finally leave the Query Designer using the menu path Query End and Discard Changes to close the Query Designer

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Lesson: InfoProviders in the BEx Query Designer

Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Understand the enhancements that can be made in the query to get more refined reports


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Unit 4: Query Development in SAP BI


Lesson: SAP BI Reporting Tools Lesson Overview Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • •

Describe the role of the BEx Analyzer Use the navigation options in the BEx Analyzer in order to explore the business data.

Business Example The logistics data has now been loaded into SAP BI and the queries have been created in order to extract the data to the front end reporting tools. You will use the BEx Analyzer to display this data and you will also discover the navigation possibilities available in that tool.

Figure 58: BEx Analyzer

BEx Analyzer is an analytical, reporting, and design tool embedded in Microsoft Excel to easily access InfoProvider data, Queries, Query Views, and workbooks and to analyze the data by navigating interactively. They can configure global settings and specific settings for workbooks, create new workbooks and trigger the distribution of them. In order to define new query definitions they also can launch the BEx Query Designer. When you first launch the BEx Analyzer two toolboxes appear. The analysis toolbox contains all the functions used when the user is working with the query results in the workbook. The design toolbox contain the functions used when developing the workbook. In this lesson we will concentrate only on the analysis part.


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Lesson: SAP BI Reporting Tools

Figure 59: Global Settings and System Info

Global Settings The global settings allow you to define the environment in which all workbooks will be processed. The settings are organized via tabs as follows: Behavior • •

Display System Name in Local History: Sometimes it is helpful to identify the source of the report (and therefore the data) before opening. Log On with Attached GUI: If the user is already logged on to the SAP BI, this setting means that the same user id will be used to launch the BEx Analyzer. If you prefer to enter the logon details each time the Analyzer is launched then do not check this box. Launch Legacy Version from RRMX: RRMX is the transaction code used to launch the BEx Analyzer from the SAP GUI. The BEx is supplied with a BW 3.x version of the tools as well as the current Netweaver BI 7.0 version. You can choose to launch the older BW 3.x version of the BEx Analyzer from RRMX by checking this box. Launch Analyzer whenever Excel starts: You can choose to launch the BEx Analyzer functions whenever you start Excel.

Connect and System Information Some key system information including how you are currently logged on then press the System Information button in the analysis toolbox. Here you also have an opportunity to log off and log on again.


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Unit 4: Query Development in SAP BI


Figure 60: Opening Queries

Click on the Open Query button. In the dialog box that opens, there are a number of ways to search for the queries. • • •


Find: Use this option to supply partial information which will help track down a workbook History: This option will display the last 15 workbooks you have worked with. Favorites: This option will display any workbook which you have added to your favorites. If you spot a workbook which you know you want to work with frequently you can use the 'Add to Favorites' option so it will appear under this button thereafter. Roles: A user may be assigned to one or more roles by the system administrator. The workbooks may be stored against roles. If the user presses this button they will see the roles to which they have been assigned and against these roles the assigned workbooks will appear. InfoAreas: A query is assigned to an InfoProvider such as an Infocube or Infoset. All InfoProviders are organized into InfoAreas. So if you know which InfoProvider your query has been assigned to it may be easier to locate the query by drilling down to the InfoProvider via the InfoAreas.

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Lesson: SAP BI Reporting Tools

Figure 61: Search for Queries

The Find button gives a number of choices to help you drill down to the specific query that you are looking for. You can search using the Description, Technical Name or both.

Figure 62: Displaying the Data

The data is displayed by the BEx Analyser. The report title is shown at the top followed by the author name and other details. There are 3 buttons: Chart, Filter and Information. Using Chart, you can display the result as charts instead of a table. Filter shows the free characteristics defined in the query that can be added to the report or deleted as per user requirement. Information details are shown in the slide.


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Unit 4: Query Development in SAP BI


Figure 63: Filters in Report

Right-click on a characteristic in the navigation block to filter, drill-down or across or to remove it from the data table. You can also Select Filter Value. This opens up the dialog box shown on the right from which values can be selected

Figure 64: Drilling Down in Report


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Lesson: SAP BI Reporting Tools

In order to drill down in the report: • •

Double click on the characteristic in Filter area OR In the data table Right click and select Filter and drilldown. Select the characteristic. The Table shows the display according to the selected characteristic Component

Figure 65: Query Properties

To have a look at the Query properties, right click on any of the characteristics data and select Query Properties from the list. You can edit these data as per your requirement.


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Unit 4: Query Development in SAP BI


Figure 66: Saving Query Workbooks

Once the query has run, you may save your workbook as an excel file anywhere on your computer or network. You can e-mail links to this file to others and use it outside the BW connection. To refresh the data later, start Bex, open the excel file, and click on the refresh button. It will remember the filters and report layout you last used.


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Lesson: SAP BI Reporting Tools

Exercise 5: SAP BI Reporting Tools Exercise Objectives After completing this exercise, you will be able to: • Execute a query and use the navigation options in the BEx Analyzer

Business Example You would like to execute your queries in the BI system and navigate through the results. Although there are a number of tools within the Business Explorer (BEx) for our example we will use the BEx Analyzer.

Task 1: Create a new report using the query created in the previous exercise using the InfoCube Status Manufacturing Orders (0PP_C10). Search for this query in the History folder. Query Name: SCM150-## Query 1 1.

Open the BEx Analyzer. Search for the query in the History folder. Query Name: SCM150 ## PP.


Create a Variant with Plant as 1000. Name the Variant as SCM150-## Variant 1 and execute the query to get the result to appear.


Save this workbook in the Favourites folder with the description: SCM150-## PP Report.

Task 2: Now use the navigation features of BI reporting to slice and dice the report. 1.

Drag the Characteristics Order from the Filter table and drop it next to the Material to show the order details of the materials.


Remove the Material characteristic. Then exchange Order characteristic with Material again.


Drag the Plan Quantity key figure out of the report to the Filter Table. Then take it back to the initial format of display.


Add a local formula “Difference” for the Key Figures which is the difference between the Plan Quantity and the Actual GR Quantity.


Take a look at the Local Query Properties for this particular report.


Material is in the Drill Down format. Change it to Drill Across and check the results. Then change it back to Drill Down format.


Sort the Material by the Text. Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Query Development in SAP BI



Drag Material Group into the report and use it to replace Material. Then drag it back and place Material back in the report.

Task 3:

→ →

Now open the purchasing query using the following path after opening Supply Chain Management (0SCM) the Bex Analyzer. InfoAreas Purchasing (0MMPUR) Purchasing Data (0PUR_C01) Order Values(TB_PUR_C01_Q0015)

Use the Open Query option, and follow the path mentioned above and leave the variables blank, press OK to see results. 1.

Filter the Vendor by using value 1000.


Save this workbook in the Favorites Folder: Description: SCM150-## MM Report.


Repeat using the navigation options as used in the previous report to slice and dice the data.

Task 4: Now try to open SD related query using the following path after opening the Bex Analyzer. InfoAreas Customer Relationship Management (0CRM) ERP Analytics (0ECC_CRM) Sales and Distribution Analyses- SAP R/3 SD (0SD) Sales Overview(0SD_C03) Incoming Orders (0SD_C03_Q004) Incoming Orders (0SD_C03_Q004) and open it.

→ →

Use the “Open Query” option, and follow the path mentioned above.



Create a Variant with Sales Organisation as 1000, Distribution Channel 10 and Division 00. Name the Variant as SCM150-## SD variant and execute the query to get the report.


Filter the Sold to Party by using value 1250.


Save this workbook in the Favourites Folder with the Description: SCM150-## SD Report.


Repeat using the navigation options as used in the previous report to slice and dice the data.

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Lesson: SAP BI Reporting Tools

Solution 5: SAP BI Reporting Tools Task 1: Create a new report using the query created in the previous exercise using the InfoCube Status Manufacturing Orders (0PP_C10). Search for this query in the History folder. Query Name: SCM150-## Query 1 1.

Open the BEx Analyzer. Search for the query in the History folder. Query Name: SCM150 ## PP. a)

Open the BEx Analyzer using the following path Start Business Explorer Analyzer .

→ Programs →

Click on Open Query and the Login Pad will pop up. Log in to the required system. Select query “SCM150 ## PP” in the History folder and open it. 2.

Create a Variant with Plant as 1000. Name the Variant as SCM150-## Variant 1 and execute the query to get the result to appear. a)

Enter 1000 as the Plant and click on the save variant button. The system asks for a name. Enter “SCM150-## Variant 1” and click on OK. Now Click on OK in the “Select Variables” screen to run the query.


Save this workbook in the Favourites folder with the description: SCM150-## PP Report. a)

Once the report is generated you can save it as a Workbook. Click on the Save Workbook button and enter the description as “SCM150-## PP Report”.

Task 2: Now use the navigation features of BI reporting to slice and dice the report. 1.

Drag the Characteristics Order from the Filter table and drop it next to the Material to show the order details of the materials. a)

Click on the Filter button. A table opens up that shows the key figures and the characteristics that can be used as filters. Drag the characteristic Order and drop it next to the Material in the result area.

Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Query Development in SAP BI



Remove the Material characteristic. Then exchange Order characteristic with Material again. a)

Click on the Material header in the report and drag it outside the result area to remove it. Now click on the Order header in the report and use the menu option Exchange Order with and choose Material.


Drag the Plan Quantity key figure out of the report to the Filter Table. Then take it back to the initial format of display. a)

Click on the Plan Quantity header in the report and drag it and bring it to the Filter table and drop it. It goes out of the report. In the Filter table, right click on Key Figures and select back to bring back Plan Quantity to the report.


Add a local formula “Difference” for the Key Figures which is the difference between the Plan Quantity and the Actual GR Quantity. a)

Right click on Key Figures in the Filter Table and select Local Formula. Enter the Description as Difference. From the Key Figures, click on “Plan Quantity”. Then click on the subtract symbol and then on “Actual GR Quantity”.Then click on OK. The Difference column is added on the rightmost column of the report which shows the difference in quantities.


Take a look at the Local Query Properties for this particular report. a)


Right click on any of the characteristics that are there in the Filter table and select “Query Properties”. You can change the presentation of the report by changing the options available there.

Material is in the Drill Down format. Change it to Drill Across and check the results. Then change it back to Drill Down format. a)

In the Filter table, right click on Materials and select “Drill Material Across”. The orientation of the report changes. To bring it back to the original form, right click on the Materials in the Filter Table and select “Drill Material Down”.


Sort the Material by the Text. a)

In the Filter table, right click on Materials and select Sort Material ‘Sort Ascending by Text. The orientation of the report changes accordingly.

Continued on next page


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Lesson: SAP BI Reporting Tools


Drag Material Group into the report and use it to replace Material. Then drag it back and place Material back in the report. a)

Click on “Material Group” in the Filter Table, and drag it to the report and place it on top of the Material column header. Materials is replaced by Material Group details in the report. To bring it back to original format, click on “Material” in the Filter Table, and drag it to the report and place it on top of the Material Group column header. Material Group is replaced by Materials details in the report.

Task 3:

→ →

Now open the purchasing query using the following path after opening the Bex Analyzer. InfoAreas Supply Chain Management (0SCM) Purchasing (0MMPUR) Purchasing Data (0PUR_C01) Order Values(TB_PUR_C01_Q0015)

Use the Open Query option, and follow the path mentioned above and leave the variables blank, press OK to see results. 1.

Filter the Vendor by using value 1000. a)


Save this workbook in the Favorites Folder: Description: SCM150-## MM Report. a)


In the report, right click on Vendor and then Select Filter Value. In the dialog box that pops up, select the Vendor “1000”.

You can save it as a Workbook. Click on the “Save Workbook” button and enter the description as “SCM150-## MM Report”.

Repeat using the navigation options as used in the previous report to slice and dice the data. a)

Now you can further filter the data as per the Material and do the navigations in the report as done in the previous exercise.

Continued on next page


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Unit 4: Query Development in SAP BI


Task 4:

→ →

Now try to open SD related query using the following path after opening the Bex Analyzer. InfoAreas Customer Relationship Management (0CRM) ERP Sales and Distribution Analyses- SAP R/3 SD (0SD) Analytics (0ECC_CRM) Sales Overview(0SD_C03) Incoming Orders (0SD_C03_Q004) Incoming Orders (0SD_C03_Q004) and open it.

Use the “Open Query” option, and follow the path mentioned above. 1.

Create a Variant with Sales Organisation as 1000, Distribution Channel 10 and Division 00. Name the Variant as SCM150-## SD variant and execute the query to get the report. a)

Enter 1000 as the Sales Organisation, Distribution Channel 10 and Division 00 and click on the save button. The system asks for a name. Enter SCM150-## SD Variant and click on OK. Now Click on OK in the “Select Variables” screen to run the query.


Filter the Sold to Party by using value 1250. a)


Save this workbook in the Favourites Folder with the Description: SCM150-## SD Report. a)


You can save it as a Workbook. Click on the “Save Workbook” button and enter the description as SCM150-## SD Report.

Repeat using the navigation options as used in the previous report to slice and dice the data. a)


In the report, right click on Sold to Party and then Select Filter Value. In the dialog box that pops up, select the value1250.

Now you can further view the report as per Material(from the Filter Table) and do the navigations in the report as done in the previous exercise.

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Lesson: SAP BI Reporting Tools

Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Describe the role of the BEx Analyzer • Use the navigation options in the BEx Analyzer in order to explore the business data.


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Unit Summary


Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Describe the functions of BEx Query Designer • Create basic queries in SAP BI • Understand the enhancements that can be made in the query to get more refined reports • Describe the role of the BEx Analyzer • Use the navigation options in the BEx Analyzer in order to explore the business data.


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Unit 5 Business Content in SAP BI Unit Overview Business Content of SAP BI: Business Example •

Instead of doing the whole report generation work from scratch, you would want to have a look at some readily delivered content by SAP which might satisfy your business requirement to quite an extent.

Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: • •

Identify SAP delivered role-based and industry-based BI content Find SAP delivered content through the meta data repository in SAP BI

Unit Contents Lesson: Metadata Repository and BI content...............................138


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Unit 5: Business Content in SAP BI


Lesson: Metadata Repository and BI content Lesson Overview This lesson covers SAP delivered Business Content, how to discover it and also how to implement it.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: • •

Identify SAP delivered role-based and industry-based BI content Find SAP delivered content through the meta data repository in SAP BI

Business Example You are aware that SAP have developed a significant number of business performance reports relating to logistics functions and that these reports are delivered as Business Content within BI. You are sure that many of these reports could accelerate your implementation of BI and so you would like to learn more about these reports and also what you need to do in order to make these delivered reports available to business users.

Business Content

Figure 67: Industry Specific Content

SAP provides industry-based content in order to support industry-specific functionality delivered by SAP's industry-targeted OLTP products. One example of this is SAP Retail and SAPs Oil and Gas applications. BI has, as of this writing, varied amounts of BI Content for industries. Please speak to your SAP account representative for the complete, up-to-date picture.


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Lesson: Metadata Repository and BI content

Figure 68: Business Content Organized by Roles

So that you are able to easily identify the relevant reports for each of your logistics team members, SAP have organized significant amounts of Business Content by role. This ensures that you are able to see all the content SAP have intended for a particular person, many of these report titles will sound familiar, many will be new. Activation of the business content can also be carried out by role. Caution: Be careful when activating business content by role as this could cause a large number of dependant BI objects to be activated. The object 'role' is at the very top of the 'object dependency hierarchy' and there are significant numbers of dependant objects beneath some roles. Make sure you have studied the dependent object thoroughly before proceeding.


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Unit 5: Business Content in SAP BI


Figure 69: Business Content Objects

Business Content contains all objects that enable you to structure your reporting quickly, from data extraction from SAP source systems, to roles that supply employees in a company with information they need to complete their work. These objects include: • • • • •

Roles Queries and workbooks (BI reports and particular views of them) InfoProviders that the reports are based on InfoObjects that provide the characteristics and key figures used in reports Update rules and extractors for SAP business applications, and other selected applications

All necessary BI content can be activated at the same time. Then the relevant data from SAP source systems can be loaded into the BI system and analyzed using BI queries. Use can use the BI content without adjustment, change the delivered content and maintain versions or copy the BI content to use it as template. Roles •


The objects are grouped together into roles for optimum use. A role corresponds to a specific function in a company, for example, purchasing manager. A role is linked to particular tasks, areas of responsibility, and the information requirements that result from them. There are roles for the different areas within your company. Targeted reports and applications are available for these roles, according to what employees assigned to the various roles need to do their job.

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Lesson: Metadata Repository and BI content

Industries •

In the case of many industries, for example, Retail, Pharmaceuticals, Banking, and so on, roles and the objects that belong to them in Business Content are delivered to meet the needs of the individual areas.

SAP DemoContent •

You can also use SAP DemoContent with delivered examples. The data is stored as flat files during installation on the BI server. This allows demo scenarios from the Purchasing, Sales and Distribution, Financial Analysis, Profitability Analysis, Mobile Applications, AC Nielsen, and SEM to be activated and displayed.

Figure 70: Metadata Repository

Metadata Repository Metadata means data about data. Metadata is the descriptive technical information about the objects used to build your application, in this case, a BI system. Metadata about a InfoCube would include the names of the InfoObjects and dimension tables used in the InfoCube, as well as the date it was designed and the last person who changed the design. It would not include a record in the InfoCube, as that is data, not metadata. Another example would be data about an InfoObject; this metadata would include the field length, who created it. And when it was created. It would also include every other bit of information on the screens used to create the InfoObject.


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Unit 5: Business Content in SAP BI


Each object has its own metadata table to store the technical information about that object. There are metadata tables to store information about InfoCubes, InfoObjects, DataStore objects, and everything else. When all the metadata tables are collected in a group, we get a Metadata Repository. To look at the objects and the relationship between them, we have a Metadata Repository browser tool. The metadata repository can be found in the Data Warehousing Workbench of the BI system. It contains definitions of all active objects delivered in Business Content, as well as their links to other objects. The metadata repository is particularly suited to comparing your reporting requirements with objects and information available in Business Content, and to identifying objects that fully or partially meet your requirements. You can find the following information on all objects in your BI system in the metadata repository: •

Technical data

Technical name, object version, content release, and description •

Graphical display

For example, the data flow and star schema (the latter available only for InfoCubes) •

Additional objects

For example, required objects, objects to which data is forwarded, and objects that supply data

Figure 71: Top Down Approach

The main approach during the BI Content check should be a top-down approach. First try to find a BI key figure that matches the KPI you would like to implement. Bear in mind the key figure could be in the form of a calculated key figure. You will then find the corresponding BI objects that are used to supply data to the chosen key figure (e.g. which InfoCube contains the key figure?, which DataSource supplies the source fields to the key figure?, are there any calculations involved?). Once you have identified the entire data flow that is required for the


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Lesson: Metadata Repository and BI content

supply of data to the key figure you are ready to activate all the objects in the flow. If the search for corresponding key figures is not successful, a bottom-up approach may be the only way to proceed.

Figure 72: Bottom Up Approach

If you cannot find matching BI key figures for your KPI's then you should try a reverse approach. Focus this time on the source data (from your transactional systems) and try to find BI DataSource which use the source fields. Trace the flow to the final BI InfoObjects in order to identify how SAP have used the source field in Business Content.

Figure 73: Business Content Browser

Business Content is found in the Data Warehousing Workbench of the BI system. The bar on the left is used to choose how objects delivered in Business Content are to be listed in the middle section of the screen. The objects that you transfer are then listed in the right hand window.You can subdivide the objects into


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Unit 5: Business Content in SAP BI


InfoProviders by InfoArea, for example. Under the InfoAreas, the various assigned InfoProviders, such as InfoCubes, are listed. You can also sort by role or object type. The drilldown by object type option is especially useful to compare an analysis demand with Business Content.

The query definitions delivered by SAP can be found in the middle section of the screen in the BI menu by object types, with a sub-entry of query elements. • • • • •

Query Definitions Global Structures for Key Figures Restricted Key Figures Calculated Key Figures Variables

Figure 74: BI Content Installation

The first step in the Installation of a BI content is to select the relevant object like the Info Cube and drag it onto the right side bar under collected objects. The relevant objects in the Info Cube are selected for installation. Then the relevant Source System(s) has to be selected from where the data has to be extracted and loaded. This followed by installation of the BI content. Installation can be done in the foreground or background or can even be simulated first.


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Lesson: Metadata Repository and BI content

Figure 75: Discovering Business Content via SAP Help

Online documentation for SAP NetWeaver and therefore also BI is available at Here you will find detailed information about all of the BI Content objects. For example, you will find information about the source tables and fields from which the data is read using a standard BI extractor.


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Unit 5: Business Content in SAP BI


Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Identify SAP delivered role-based and industry-based BI content • Find SAP delivered content through the meta data repository in SAP BI


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Unit Summary

Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Identify SAP delivered role-based and industry-based BI content • Find SAP delivered content through the meta data repository in SAP BI


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Unit Summary



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Test Your Knowledge

Test Your Knowledge



What are the advantages of Business Content? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________


Why are the objects in Business Content organized in roles? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________


What does the metadata repository contain? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

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Test Your Knowledge


Answers 1.

What are the advantages of Business Content? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Answer: Business Content contains all SAP-supplied objects (information models) that ensure the fast extraction of data from SAP source systems and allow you to carry out comprehensive analyses. You can activate all necessary/related objects at the same time.


Why are the objects in Business Content organized in roles? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Answer: There are roles for all the areas within your company. Targeted reports and applications are available for these roles, according to what employees assigned to the various roles need to do their job. In the case of many industries, roles and the objects that belong to them in Business Content are delivered to meet the needs of the individual areas.


What does the metadata repository contain? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Answer: The metadata repository contains definitions for all active objects that are delivered in Business Content, as well as their links to other objects. The metadata repository is particularly suited to comparing your reporting requirements with objects and information models in Business Content, and to identifying objects that fully or partially meet your requirements.


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Unit 6 Other BI Analysis Opportunities Unit Overview Other BI Analysis Opportunities: Business Example •

You are aware that BI offers many possibilities for advanced data analysis. You would like to explore these possibilities.

Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: •

Describe the role of all BEx reporting tools.

Unit Contents Lesson: Other BI Analysis Opportunities ....................................152


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Unit 6: Other BI Analysis Opportunities


Lesson: Other BI Analysis Opportunities Lesson Overview In the previous lessons we have focused on the BEx Analyzer. But there are other reporting tools and functions available in the BEx reporting suite. We will now take a brief tour of each of these.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: •

Describe the role of all BEx reporting tools.

Business Example You need to provide a comprehensive overview of all reporting tools and key functions available in SAP BI to your management team so that your organization can evaluate and compare the possible options in order to make the best decisions regarding reporting approaches. The Business Explorer (BEx) is a family of reporting tools that are used to develop reports from BI data sources. The diagram below provides an overview of the reporting tools architecture. We have spent quite some time looking at the BEx Analyzer but it is important to be aware of other reporting tools available. In particular notice the family of web based reporting tools known collectively as BEx Web. Also the report scheduler tool know as the BEx Broadcaster. Regardliess of the reporting tool used all BI reports can be launched from the SAP Portal.

Figure 76: BEx Reporting Architecture


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Lesson: Other BI Analysis Opportunities

Figure 77: BEx Analyzer Design Mode

In this class we looked at the BEx Analyzer and how this is used to present BI data within an Excel environment. We covered the navigation options and various workbook settings. However we did not cover the Design Mode of the BEx Analyzer which provides a range of tools to allow an experienced BI developer to create highly customized and sophisticated workbooks. There are also a number of advanced features available to the develop including the ability to interpret the BEx results as native Excel formulas. These features are covered in the class BW306.


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Unit 6: Other BI Analysis Opportunities


Figure 78: BEx Web Analyzer

SAP BI users should use the BEx Web Analyzer to perform ad hoc analysis on top of various BI data providers (InfoProviders, BEx Queries and BEx Query Views) as well as 3rd party BI data providers. Users can save the results of the ad hoc analysis in the Enterprise Portal or as a new BEx Query View. The results of the ad hoc analysis can also be printed or can be sent to Information Broadcasting for distribution. The BEx Web Analyzer is one of several BEx Web tools provided as part of the Business Explorer Suite. The analytical options provided by the Web Analyzer are optimized for business experts. For example, navigation in an analysis is easy and intuitive using drag and drop operations to quickly change the structure of the analysis. Additionally, the user can quickly create exceptions and conditions with the help of built-in wizards.


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Lesson: Other BI Analysis Opportunities

Figure 79: BEx Web Application Designer

Another key tool in the BEx Suite is the BEx Web Application Designer which makes designing advanced web templates easy. The BEx Web Application Designer provides a wide range of web itemswhich represent various useful features of a web report, e.g. drop down lists, buttons, charts, filters. Although it certainly helps to understand web technology when using the BEx Web Application Designer, the tool is designed to be used by relative web novices with wizards and auto-prompts to assist in complex areas of development. The template can be enhanced with native web languages such as HTML and Java Script. The templates created with the BEx Web Application Designer can be immediately published to the Portal. These features are covered in the class BW306.


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Unit 6: Other BI Analysis Opportunities


Figure 80: BEx Report Designer

Sometimes reports results are easier to interpret if the special attention is paid to the presentation, especially complex results. For example using color, repositioning result cells, re-sizing values, adding spaces. The BEx Report Designer takes the output from a query or query view and allows you control the precise positioning and formatting of the output. The result can be viewed on the web, broadcast or generated as a PDF to save or print. These features are covered in the class BW306. •

Source of Data? Query Web Template Query View Report Workbook


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Lesson: Other BI Analysis Opportunities

Target? Email Portal Printer Bursting to email Exceptions (Alerts) …

Format of Data? HTML MHTML PDF Printer Format Online Links …

Information Broadcasting is a flexible function of the Business Explorer which provides to facility to distribute reporting results out to various audiences whether they are regular SAP BI users or not. Broadcasting is not restricted to one method. You can choose the source of the data, the format of the data, the target audience, the broadcast channel and of course the timing of the broadcast. You can even use a combination of these for a single broadcast. There is also a Wizard to help you work through the settings if you are an occasional user. Broadcasts can be defined as a one time distribution or they can be set to distribute result data on a regular basis at predetermined times. The data can be either precalculated or the broadcast can send a link to the online data. Users may decide if they want to subscribe to broadcasts, (or perhaps even unsubscribe). There are many scenarios in which the Broadcaster can play a key role. Broadcasting can be executed as a one time event, regular scheduled event, or even used just to alert personnel of any critical situation which needs attention. The Broadcaster can also be used to improved the performance of the BEx environment by using the tools to precalculate reports, fill the query cache


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Unit 6: Other BI Analysis Opportunities


Figure 81: NetWeaver Visual Composer

NetWeaver Visual Composer is not actually part of the BEx Suite, it is part of SAP NetWeaver Analytics. It is mentioned briefly here simply to provide a basic understanding of this powerful tool and to help you to understand how it works in conjunction with BI. NetWeaver Visual Composer is used to build interactive Analytical Applications, BI can provide content to the Visual Composer via the BI Integration Wizard. An example of an Analytical Application is shown in the graphic below. Here you can see that a list of blocked orders is produced at the top of the screen (assume this detailed information comes from the SAP ECC system). We need to make a decision to remove the orders or release them. On the same screen you can see we are also showing some statistics from the ECC system and also from BI together with key customer master data relating to credit class etc. This is an example of a closed loop analytical application which bring together all the key information required (from transactional and analytical sources) in one place to support my decision making. NetWeaver Visual Composer provides the tools to help us build these types of applications. BI content (queries, views, InfoProviders) can easily be integrated into the Visual Composer using a special Wizard.

Data Mining You can use data mining to automatically determine significant patterns and hidden associations from large amounts of data. Data mining provides you with insights and correlations that had formerly gone unrecognized or been ignored because it had not been considered possible to analyze them. Since each company has different data mining requirements, it is not possible to deliver fixed models for producing prediction results. However, the data mining methods available


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Lesson: Other BI Analysis Opportunities

in SAP BI allow you to create models according to your requirements and then use these models to draw information from your SAP BI data to assist your decision-making. For example, you can analyze patterns in customer behavior and predict trends by identifying and exploiting behavioral patterns.

Figure 82: Supervised Learning (Predictive)

Predictive methods, also called supervised learning methods, are characterized by the fact that both input data and a representative set of valid output data is available for the training process. The model is set up to match the input patterns and the desired output patterns exactly as required and defined in the model's parameters. During the training (supervised learning) phase for predictive models, algorithms try to determine what relationships exist in the data to match the known outcome. Using the rules established in the learning phase, they predict the outcome for a new unknown set of data. Decision trees might be used to predict which customers will end up defaulting on their invoice by using prior loss history for other customers as a baseline. Regression might be used to forecast customer purchases by their age group, given prior purchase history by age for a range of ages.


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Unit 6: Other BI Analysis Opportunities


Figure 83: Unsupervised Learning (Informative)

While supervised learning (predictive) methods require known output data records, unsupervised learning (informative) methods do not depend on output patterns to detect rules, correlations, and associations. They can provide meaningful information about your data immediately. 2 Decision trees display data using (non-continuous) category quantities. The display rules are determined in training using those sections of historic data where the assignment to categories is already known. Clustering is used to split data into homogeneous groups. The model looks for a global structure for the data with the aim of partitioning the data into clusters. Association analysis can be used to establish composite effects and thereby identify cross-selling opportunities, for example. The search for associations considers objects with information content that is remotely comparable. Statements are formulated about partial structures in the data and take the form of rules. In contrast to decision tree classification, clustering and association analysis determine the models using the data itself. In scoring, data is displayed using continuous quantities. If required, discretization can then be applied to split the data into classes. The scoring function can either be specified using weighted score tables or be determined by training using historic data as linear or nonlinear regression of a target quantity. ABC Classification displays data grouped into classes of A, B, C and so on, using thresholds and classification rules. The classified results are displayed in the form of ABC chart or list. You can use historic data to train the models that you create for these data mining methods. This data helps the model to learn by establishing formerly unrecognized patterns. You can either export the result of this learning process into another system (association rules) or you apply the result during prediction to other data that lacks certain information (clustering, decision trees). You use BI queries to train the model and perform the prediction. You assign these BI queries to the model as sources for the respective business transaction.


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Lesson: Other BI Analysis Opportunities

Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Describe the role of all BEx reporting tools.


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Unit Summary


Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Describe the role of all BEx reporting tools.


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Unit 7 Comparing LIS and BI Unit Overview Comparing LIS and BI: Business Example •

You would like to consider the strengths and weaknesses of the reporting tools you have been studying.

Unit Objectives After completing this unit, you will be able to: •

Describe the strengths and weaknesses of LIS compared to BI

Unit Contents Lesson: Comparing BI and LIS ...............................................164


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Unit 7: Comparing LIS and BI


Lesson: Comparing BI and LIS Lesson Overview In this lesson we will place LIS and BI side by side and highlight their respective strengths and weaknesses compared to each other for logistics reporting performance.

Lesson Objectives After completing this lesson, you will be able to: •

Describe the strengths and weaknesses of LIS compared to BI

Business Example Your company would like implement an SAP logistics reporting system. You are aware that logistics reports can be developed in LIS and also SAP BI. You would like to compare the strengths and weaknesses of each environment so that you are able to make the right decision.

Comparing LIS and BI In this lesson we will compare LIS and BI. They both have relative strengths and weaknesses and one environment is not necessarily 'better' than the other. We will look at all aspects of each environment and make comparisons.

Figure 84: Basic Architecture of LIS vs BI


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Lesson: Comparing BI and LIS

Let us start with the basic architecture of LIS and BI. As you can see from the preceeding diagram LIS is not a separate system, it is an integral part of SAP ECC and uses SAPGUI for the reporting interface. Whereas SAP BI is typically a separate system connect to SAP ECC and provides both XL and web reporting interfaces. Caution: It is important to note that SAP BI can now be installed as part of SAP ECC so that a separate server is not always required. However, this is only suitable for low volume data warehousing and where reporting requirements are minimal. Customers typically install SAP BI on a separate server (as per the diagram). It is also fair to say that LIS is more useful in an SAP ECC centric environement (where the only source of data is from SAP ECC), whereas BI is powerful in the area of data extraction and SAP ECC is only one of many source of data.

Figure 85: LIS vs BI – Key Observations

LIS and BI both possess and number of strengths and weaknesses. Although it is no secret that BI is a far superior analysis solutions for any business data (not just logistics) there are reasons as to why you may want to consider LIS for some of your logistics reporting. LIS is based on a very simple architecture. LIS is is actually part of SAP ECC, this means that you do not require additional hardware and software. The implementation is very straightforward – there are very few objects to setup and the extraction of data to the infostructure is a simple affair. However, LIS is not intended to be used to implement an industrial strength Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) and its scalability and ease of data extraction from multiple sources is limited. SAP BI allows you to develop a powerful, multi-layered EDW with extraction possibilities from anyb data source.


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Unit 7: Comparing LIS and BI


Thee are limited performance tuning possibilities with LIS, whereas BI provides tools dedicated to the job of monitoring and fixing performance issues. Finally LIS provides a basic set of drill down tools but does not provide sophisticated OLAP style functionality as found in SAP BI. The simplicity of LIS should not be overlooked, remember LIS is an integral part of SAP ECC, no separate licence fees are required to use this system and it is not necessary to have your teams develop additional skills to administer the LIS environment.

Figure 86: Comparing Reporting Functionality

It is fair to say that LIS provides a basic set of reporting functions as described in the above table, however compared to BI these functions will appear limited. For some organizations this limited functionality may be sufficient to meet their reporting needs. A significant difference between LIS and BI in the reporting area is that for LIS there is not support for web reporting. Although it is possible to send the report results to Excel for further analysis and report development, the LIS interface is based on SAPGUI.


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Lesson: Comparing BI and LIS

Figure 87: Availability of Logistics Data

LIS and BI both offer very similar options when it comes to making logistics data available to reporting users. Completely different technologies are used, for example LIS relies of the standard ECC job scheduling options (synchronous, asynchronous etc) where as BI uses dedicated data loading techniques developed specifically for accessing source data from multiple sources.


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Unit 7: Comparing LIS and BI


Lesson Summary You should now be able to: • Describe the strengths and weaknesses of LIS compared to BI


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Unit Summary

Unit Summary You should now be able to: • Describe the strengths and weaknesses of LIS compared to BI


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Course Summary


Course Summary You should now be able to: • • •


Understand how the Logistics Information System (LIS) acquires data and how the LIS reporting tools work Understand how SAP BI acquires data and how the BI reporting tools work Identify the relative strengths and weaknesses of each reporting environment

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Feedback SAP AG has made every effort in the preparation of this course to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the materials. If you have any corrections or suggestions for improvement, please record them in the appropriate place in the course evaluation.


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