Scientology Super Power Briefing Pack

March 1, 2017 | Author: JadedScilon | Category: N/A
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Used by Church of Scientology FSMs, Field Disseminators, Registrars, etc. to separate a mark from his money....


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FREEDOM 30 October 1969


The Independent Journal Published by the Church of Scientology

CULTURAL DESTRUCTION Since World War n Eastern intelligence services have developed a new weapon. The security forces ofWestem countries are too fond oftracing the history of intelligence to show there is nothing new. There have been new intelligence technologies developed in every decade for the last century or more. The extent and literature on the subject are so vast that the superficial student or the nonspecialized government executive is as outdistance as he would be in the field of Chinese literature. Intelligence is highly specialized and intricately sophisticated in the East. A founder ofthe extremely efficient Gennan services, the most vast West had known, spent 17 years studying the intelligence technology ofthe Japanese and even then only scratched the surface. It is no wonder then that a new intelligence technology has been in use against the West since 1948 without detection or understanding. The basic idea of weakening or corrupting a population has been in use since before the Persian attacks on Greece. Naturally the degradation of a population is possible on a long-term basis if actual war is unsuccessful or impossible as a method ofremoving a natural enemy. A sufficiently degraded or weakened people are in effect demilitarized. Where direct combat confrontation is undesirable or considered too dangerous, the weakening of an enemy's trade or economics and the contraction of his sphere of influence by covert means becomes the next solution available. That is textbook. The degradation and weakening ofthe enemy population itself is more difficult and requires a longer time span. Although this is considered desirable by potential attackers, no feasible technology to fully accomplish it had been worked out and employed on any scale before 1948.

MEDIA AND FINANCE The advent of fast transport and mass communication media and the internationalization of fmance controls offered an opportunity to design and use technology which could destroy the enemy's population totally as an effective nation. The atomic bomb made direct combat confrontation between major powers too dangerous thereby opened the door to any program which would promise successful destruction of considered enemy even on a long-term basis. The techniques ofcultural destruction were developed, financed and pressed into action. The West, naive and traditional in the field of security has failed utterly to detect and handle cultural destruction - the major weapon now in full use against Western nations.

ESPIONAGE Espionage to Western security forces and politicians still means enemy efforts to steal the plans of the battleship. Even where Western security officers confusedly suspect what is going on, their political seniors are not likely to permit action since they have been carefully coached to believe in the inevitable deterioration of man in modern society. The essence of the campaign is to make it all seem internal and inevitable with a ready social explanation for each new decline. Spies, as enemy agents are called by those who know very little about it, are generally caught at the point they relay information after citizens whom they have persuaded to steal plans have turned them into the national security service. A new feature in cultural destruction is that these "spies" are agents who do not report. They merely act. Briefed at some period long ago they need no further detailed briefmg. They just go on working. These agents need no funds from their masters as they are fmanced internally and most often by the government they seek to subvert. Three things mask their activities: (a) they assume identities ("cover" in intelligence argot) which are considered above the law; (b) they seem essential to handle the disorder which they themselves are actually creating; (c) the extent and coordination of their actions are too.incredible to be grasped by people who take a "reasonable view of things." All the evidence of their successes is in plain view. Yet they pose as the authorities vital to handling these conditions.

"MISEDUCATION" Soaring crime rates and widespread drug addiction are hallmarks of intelligence subversion and always have been. To these more common signs of attack on the population cultural destruction has added "miseducation," soaring insanity totals, sexual perversion, racial warfare and the sabotage of sound economics. The somewhat natural impulse of rather barbaric societies to go astray and become hectic is being exaggerated to such a degree and with such swiftness that almost anyone with a little help could see that natural turbulence is been enormously assisted. The exact technology by which it is done makes a fascinating and revealing study. All the inventiveness that commonly emerges only during actual warfare has been redirected into the resolution of the problem "How to destroy a nation which cannot be directly fought." England has watched her whole empire contract to the possession of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland as her only undisputed external terrain. An event usually requiring centuries of decline, happened within two decades. The US, conquering hero of World War n, is reduced to bargaining at a conference table while her postage-stamp enemy confreres direct public campaigns to end the war within US borders.


The voice raised in protest against national decay is silenced and vilified, such has become the strength of the external enemy.

ORIGINATORS Security forces in the West see in all this only an effort to bring about an internal revolt where they observe it all. It is not an attempted revolt. It is cultural destruction on a grand scale. It took the originators half a century to smash utterly the basic educational standards of the Western people and substitute new values, or lack of them, which opened the door to total subversion. An examination of the changing textbooks and the connections of the authors of those which then crept into use and the political color and background of the "educators" who recommended them is an interesting search. The source area of the training skills used by "social scientists" is traceable directly to enemy ,/%JI'!\

terrain. The basic cultural institutions normally relied upon to uphold the standards of Western society have been infiltrated, discredited and swept out of power. The motif of the destruction of churches springs directly from the enemy. In place of these institutions have sprung up a horde of "unimpeachably respectable" societies run by suave, glib and enemy connected confidence tricksters to whose deadly advice congresses and parliaments listen with an awe usually reserved in barbaric societies for fathers.

In two countries recently the government paid all the expenses of meetings of the enemy agents who, in their posh hotels, carefully protected by the internal security forces, carefully planned and put into effect the next steps of the cultural destruction of those countries - and in the bargain discussed behind carefully closed doors the abolishment of their hosts' constitutions and cancellation of their boundaries. . A large percentage of those who attended were direct from enemy territory. Another member of this group, a card-carrying enemy, was listened to attentively by a Congressional committee who were already acting on her advice not to oppose so strenuously the widespread drug addiction being pushed by her infmitely "respectable" friends.

"AUTHORITIES" Nearly haifa hundred of these wholly "respectable social scientists" recently entered a Western nation straight from satellite countries and set up in business there at once, marvelously fmanced, entirely above the law because they were "authorities" and "scientists" and ''vouched for" by "eminently respectable professional societies." The security forces there were restless about it but evidently could do nothing because of "pressure from above". It has gone so far that anyone who mentions it is at once accused of "seeing a Red under every bush." The last political figure in the US who refused to believe it was "natural" was stopped and killed as surely as though he had been poisoned. There are many ways to win in competition between nations. Where outright war is impossible or covert military operatives unprofitable, there is now cultural destruction, a complex and highly skilled tool which not only destroys the national will to fight but also morally reduces and destroys the social and economic fiber of the enemy. If action is not taken, if the trend is not halted, the West will be dead within a decade.


"Some time ago I realized the resolution of this scene would require a powerful tech, tailored to check this downward spiral at each step ofthe way and get it reverting upwards. I set about to study and research and develop processes that would accomplish this. The result ofthat work is Super Power. Super Power is the answer to a sick, a dying and dead society. With it we literally revive the dead! With it we have the means to put Scientologists into a new realm ofability enabling them to create a new world!" - LRH


OUR MOST VALUABLE ASSET "The most valuable asset we have, actually, is our ability to understand, to do the right thing, to be kind, to be decent. "Amongst us we have occasionally the feeling like: life requires that we be stern, life requires that we be ornery enough and mean enough to fire him: life requires that we've got to tell this preclear the next time we come that she must go, she must leave, she must never darken our door again. Life requires that. We must be stern, we must be mean, we must be occasionally ornery, and we must steel ourselves to take an unkind action. And we feel sometimes there's something wanting in us, because we refuse to take this unkind action. We feel we hate being cowardly, that we are ducking back from our responsibilities. We feel the best way to solve the thing would be to be a little bit mean about it. Get the idea? We should be able to be tough... "And so our kind impulse is mumed by the fact that we 'know' we had certainly better tell this person off.. "Well, I hate to unsettle a very stable datum, if it does unsettle it. But the only way anything ever does resolve is by letting your own kind heart reach through. That's the only way it ever does solve. "And it never solves by being tough. And believe me, ladies and gentleman, here talks a guy who in his college days was a top sergeant of the reserve marines, who drilled battalions. And when I tell you that it doesn't pay to be tough, rve had experience. "An officer in the war, and I can tell you that at no time, at no time during the entire war, did I ever see toughness win either in the field of discipline, the field ofefficiency, or the field of getting a job done. I have never seen it win. " ...There is no substitute for liking people like liking people. There's no substitute for reality like reality. There's no substitute for communication like communication with good aff'mity and good reality. And that's really close to a static. Do you understand? "You go down scale from that you get into Dale Carnegieism. You ought to read that book sometime; it's a real killer. It's how to subvert ARC. "All right. What do we have then? What do we have in these organizations? What do we really have ofvalue in the organizations of Scientology? "The orily thing we have of value, actually, is Scientology, an understanding of life, increasing ability to communicate, a good concept and grip on reality, and the ability to like guys. That's all you got." - LRH (DEC Tape: Attitude and Conduct of Scientology, 3 November 1955)



he pay is communication, sensation, ARC, understanding, cooperative endeavor, enthusiasm over goals, activity; the feeling one is going someplace and doing something. These are the only payments that can be made to anyone for living. There are some things that try to substitute for them: mink coats, Cadillac's, and big bank accounts. Person says, "Well, if I could just make a couple of million, then I would've been paid for it." Well, you and I know the answer to that. We see some of these fellows that slaved through it for 20-25-30 years, let everything go by the boards but that first couple of million, or something like that, and there they sit in the preclear's chair with ulcers. They were paid, apparently; they were apparently paid; paid in cash - but they weren't paid in communication, sensation, understanding, feeling of a job well done, ARC. These payments they didn't get, and it made them sick! So the -is something real about living, and that something real is life. Not MEST, although MEST is a good substitute for realio/. Now, the funny part of it is, that if you can get paid in the commodities which I have just mentioned, you usually get paid in cash, too and there's certainly nothing wrong in having a few hogsheads full of cash."

LRH, 29 Dec. 57 Ability Congress


ow, you can trace then - here's a person that's higher up the scale. He's occasionally able to disagree with the MEST universe. Once in a while he can - he can disagree with it like mad. He can take a car out here and, I don't know, sort ofpick it up on the curves at ninety degrees and turn it and it doesn't tum over. It just keeps roiling in some direction or other. He's just got a little tiny edge on things. He just doesn't quite care what the MEST universe does to him. Did you ever see anybody at a gambling table who cared desperately and who had to win. Did you ever see him win? Not in this universe. But this fellow who's sitting there and he doesn't care - ifhe got the money he's take it out and throw it in a spittoon. And there that fellow sits with the dollars rolling in on him. And he's getting a higher and higher stack ofwin. But then one day he gets married or something, he's threaten to lose his job and he says, "I've always won at gambling. Now I think I'll go back and play. I'll make some money." He's done. He goes back and he loses and loses and loses and loses and loses. Well, he was able to take a very grand view of all this at first Then later on, when it became serious to him ... And you know - you know, the way to get ahead in the world is "work hartl' and "save your money," and be respectful- respectful and polite and willing, and very agreeable to your superiors. This is the old fonnula, and yet it's dismaying to go around and find the (quote) "captains ofindustry" and find out that they're a whole bunch ofpirates and bums. There were never respectful to anybody. Theyjust -it' s just incredible, yet here they sit in command oflarge works and industries. They didn't save their money. They don't save their money. They are not cautious with their investments. They buy the doggonedest things. They get into the worst possible scrapes and trouble, and seem to keep right on going and getting right out of them again. And you sit around and say, "Well, the fellow is going to come up to griefsooner or later." And after you've said that for about forty years, why, you get a little apathetic about it but you just know that right will1riumph in the end And ofcourse, the end of that track is MEST. We~ the fellow how hopes this, by the way, is already pretty well on that track and he'll be f\.1EST before the other fellow will, because the other fellow can still bend the I\4EST universe around and he doesn't have to agree with it too much."

LRH - Tape excerpt 1 Dec 1952

ETmcs AND JUSTICE Human beings have a very high native sense ofjustice. Advanced Procedure and Axioms There is freedom in knowing what is thought right, what is thought wrong. There is only slavery when nobody knows and the rules are all "offthe cuff" DEC: "Justice" An inability to confront evil leads people into disregarding it or discounting it or not seeing it at all. Management Series: "Ethics" One must act, one must preserve order and decency, but one need not hate or seek vengeance. A New Slant on Life Injustice is not something in which any man with power should ever trade. It is not just a sin. It is suicide. Technical Bulletin: "Riots"

CONSEQUENCES Inaction and indecision in the present is because of fear of consequences ofthe future. Technical Bulletin: "Future Processing"

BRIGHT THINK I DISASSOCIATION The lowest level ofreasoning is complete inability to differentiate, which is to say, identification. Science ofSurvival The highest level of reasoning is complete differentiation. Science of Survival Your enthusiasm and zest for existence come mainly from your ability to differentiate. The Philadelphia Doctorate Course Lectures Association is the essence of logic. Scientology 8-8008

You can't have a civilization without able citizens. It is impossible to have a working democracy without its ranks including only intelligent and capable individuals. Five morons do not make a genius. LRH Note: "Ability Book"

FALSE DATA AND LOSS The road to ruin is paved with false information. Article: "False Reports"

POWER OF CHOICE Try to give somebody something he doesn't want and you are going to overthrow his power of choice. His power of choice is the only thing that he had to begin with, which gave him power, capability and anything else and that power of choice has been consistently and continuously overthrown by giving him things he didn't want and taking away from him things he didn't want to get rid of back and forth. You get the individual pretty overwhelmed and he goes down in power. Technical Bulletin: "Recognition of Rightness ofthe Being" The common denominator of all life impulses is selt:determinism. The Perception of Truth Lectures The essence ofa man is his self-determinism. Self Analysis in Scientology Self:determinism may be defmed as the location of matter and energy in space and time, as well as a creation of time and space in which to locate matter and energy. The Perception of Truth Lectures Choice is the keynote of self-determinism. To determine anything, you must have the choice to determine. Choice to determine means that you must have the power ofdecision. The Route to Infinity Lectures The deterioration ofthe individual is the deterioration ofhis own determinism. Universes and the War Between Theta and Mest Lectures .~

It can be readily established that an individual loses his self A· terminism in the ratio that

he possesses objects and utilizes force. Scientology 8-8008 One can have a game and know it. He can be in a game and not know it. The difference is his determinism. Dianetics 55!

PERCEPTIONS Fear is a state of imperception, fear is an unwillingness to confront. Personal Achievement Series lecture: "Deterioration of Liberty"

Knowingness is reduced by assuming one must be in certain places to perceive and so know, and that one cannot be in certain places. The Creation of Human Ability

Perception is knowing across a distance. Universes and the War Between Theta and MEST Lectures If one can confront, he can be aware. If he is aware, he can perceive and act. Ifhe can't confront, he will not be aware of things and will be withdrawn and not perceiving. Thus he is unaware ofthings around him.

A thetan can be what he can see. Scientology 8-8008

LEARNING DRILLS ''VIII: DUPLICAnON FuNDAMENTAL: The basic action of existence is duplication. LOGIC: All operating principles of life may be derived from duplication. AxIOM: Communication is as exact as it approaches duplication. AxIOM: Unwillingness to be cause is monitored by unwillingness to be duplicated. AxIOM: Unwillingness to be an effect is monitored by unwillingness to duplicate. AxIOM: An inability to remain in a geographical position brings about an unwillingness

to duplicate. Axiom: An enforced fixation in a geographical position brings about an unwillingness to duplicate.

AxIOM: Inability to duplicate on any dynamic is the primary degeneration ofthe ~.


thetan. Axiom: Perception depends upon duplication.

AXIOM: Communication depends upon duplication. AxIOM: In the MEST universe, the single crime is duplication. FORMULA VIII: The primary ability and willingness ofthe thetan to duplicate must be

rehabilitated by handling desires, enforcements and inhibitions relating to it on all dynamics."


A group is as capable as it contains capable individual members. Article: "What it Means to Be a Scientologist" Single men and determined groups have been the only makers of space

in which man could walk free. ,~

Technical Bulletin: "Purpose" The power of the individual is his ability to initiate the resolution ofproblems and execute the solutions. Article: ''Dianometry, Your Ability and State of Mind"

The totality ofpower is orderly progress. DEC: "Justice" Man can seldom handle power. He retreats from it or abuses it. When he has it he often misdirects it. Article: "The States of Existence"

OPENING PROCEDURE BY DUPLICATION (excerpted) " ... So this body that is getting old is simply getting less and less willing to duplicate and is getting more and more changing, more and more radical- and will fmally get so radical that it'll build cancer cells, or it builds wrinkles or it does all sorts ofweird and incredible things, you see. But that's the way it goes on the time track, and so it goes over that peak and then ages. But it spends, today, far more years aging than it does growing. Hmm, this is way out of balance, isn't it? "Your modem society is geared to that. TV - grind-grind-grind-grind-grind; new program, new program, new program, new program, see. It's got to changechange-change, alter-alter-alter-alter. See? No reason why it ought to alter, at all. In fact, there's no reason for TV. "And, by the way, TV would be one ofthe more interesting ways to break down a society - one of the much more interesting ways to break down a society. Make everybody face only MEST and never face another living thing. See, because TV isn't a living thing; it's just MEST shadows. So you see the social life ofa country busting up, and so forth, under the impact of this sort ofthing. "People do not know, by the way, that when sitting in front of a TV set they are being bombarded with enough gamma rays to cause a Geiger counter to go hysterical. They let their little kids sit in front ofthese TV sets. Why don't they let them sit in the middle ofHiroshima? I mean, it's just the same. "There's a desert out there that the government bombed and left it green glass, all radioactive. -They carefully told everybody it isn't radioactive, but then I don't know why some ofthat sand, just a little handful ofthat sand, put in with a couple of dental plates and a key will make a perfect print today on the dental plates - X-ray plates. "But here people sit in front ofthis terrific bombardment of gamma rays, you see, just because they can be absolutely sure that thing isn't going to duplicateisn't going to duplicate. It's sitting there all the time. It's perfectly motionless, actually. But their interests can change, wander and so forth. But there they are, facing MEST. ~'Well, that's because they've had such bad experiences with other people. You know, ~Sociallife is a bad experience. It really shouldn't be duplicated. You know, you go to parties, and you get drunk, and your husband makes a pass at some girl, you know. Bad things happen, and we just better not duplicate those parties anymore, and so on. Why be sociable anyway? It's much better to sit here and look at a piece ofMEST with a glass face on it which changes shadows - much better than to be social. ,,,



"What do you think is going to happen to a country? Just what's happening to it, ofcourse...." - LRH



nd you say 'a world without war' and so forth; we'll have it, very soon. As long as they don't commit one before we make it and that's the rush. And that's why I consider my plate so highly loaded, is we're operating against a . schedule." - LRH (excerpt from SHSBC Lecture entitled Technology and Hidden Standards)


WHAT IS SUPER POWER? In 1978, LRH wrote about Super Power in Ron's Journal 30: "1978, The Year of Lightning New Fast Tech." He called it:

"A superfantastic, but confidential series ofRundowns that can be done on anyone whether Dianetic Clear or not that puts the person intofantostic shape unleashing the Super Power ofa thetan...It consists of12 separate high-power rundowns which are brand new and enter realms ofthe tech never before approached. " - LRH This was the year that he researched and released New Era Dianetics and NED for OTs. He called Super Power the most major technical breakthrough of that year! Taken together, Super Power first addresses barriers to a person's ability to DO and to OPERATE, and handles these. Then the person is raised up to greater awareness ofhis environment. And finally it raises his competence level in his activities in life. Super Power raises the power of a thetan! LRH made a discovery about perception during his research ofthese rundowns. A being has 57 perceptions and each one ofthem has channels along which he can sense things. LRH found that difficulties along a particular sense channel can exist despite there being nothing wrong with the sense channel itself: On Super Power, drills exist which train a thetan to perceive along each ofthe 57 sense channels. Imagine doing a process that increases the ability to perceive magnetic fields, or the saline content ofthe body, or compass direction. How about having every one of the 57 sense channels open and operating and completely under one's control? That's just one ofthe 12 rundownsl -



During the early days of research into Super Power, LRH found a new phenomenon and said: "Apparently during the last decade, A newfactor has entered into the culture that was previously only rare, possibly due to lowered educational standards or the declining nature ofthe culture itself, but mostprobably due to one ofthe common drugs or medications or even food deficiencies. A percentage which was only one or two seems to have jumped up to eighty or ninety. This factor is visible in a decline in the ability to tell identities, similarities and dijJerences. The factor can be called 'Disassociation'. " - LRH Disassociation from situations, present time and in life, is a severe barrier to a being's ability and power. Think of a time you were trying to concentrate on something but were . distracted. You didn't get much done. Well, multiply that to the nth degree in all activities in

life and you get an idea ofthe extreme this can go to. Not everyone by a long shot suffers from it to this degree, but it can be present in varying degrees, any of which is HANDLED on Super Power. These separate rundowns, audited in order, will take a thetan through the exact actions in sequence that he would use to perform effectively and dynamically on any post or job. It starts with handling a person's ability to be fully in-ethics on all dynamics, then it addresses and handles any reason why a person might be stuck at a low point on the tone scale, his ability to predict consequences, his ability to assimilate and use data, to make decisions, and to be at cause over what occurs in his life. Super Power was very appropriately named by LRH as it unleashes the true power of a Super Power does not replace the Grade Chart and can be run on any pc anywhere on the Grade Chart providing he is not in the middle of another major rundown and has handled any harmful effects ofdrugs, alcohol and medicine. The results are spectacular wherever the pc receives it. Right now Scientologists are in a unique position. Normally tech breakthroughs are put together, printed and released and then the public have the opportunity to come in and take the new service. This release is very different as one has the opportunity to be part ofgetting out the release ofa brilliant piece ofLRH tech which will make world clearing a reality in the not too distant future. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Be part of spearheading the way into the 21st Century now!

THE 12 SUPER POWER RUNDOWNS Ethics and Justice Repair Rundown Personal Revival Rundown Consequences Rundown Bright Think Rundown Study Rundown False Data and Loss Rundown (Part I) False Data Rundown (Part II) Cause Rundown. Power of Choice Rundown .~


Perception Rundown Perception Drills Learning Drills Physical Universe Drills

"Super Power••• This is the means that puts Scientologists into a new realm of ability enabling them to create the New World. It puts World Clearing within reach in thefuture." - LRH (Ron's Joumal30) SOME OF THE THINGS THESE RUNDOWNS ACCOMPLISH ARE: Releases the person from out-ethics on all flows on all dynamics.





Removes any reason for the thetan to remain at or below death on the tone scale. Unsticks the person from points ofdisassociation on the track. Puts him in shape to predict and build a future. Removes the causes ofany inability to assimilate data and learn. Frees a person from a fundamental mechanism which pins him to false data. Straightens out his ability to think. Restores his power of choice over data, situations and activities.




Heightens his cause level. Sharpens his perceptics and in many cases restores perceptics the person had thought to be lost or impaired or non-existent. (Another breakthrough LRH made during the time, he was researching Super Power was that a thetan can have missing or impaired perceptics stemming from reasons quite in addition to case and he developed a dynamite handling for this.) Orients the person to his activities in life, from the new viewpoint ofhaving had all the gains from the earlier rundowns.

Late in 1978, LRH had auditors brought in from all over to train on Super Power and this was the advent ofthe New World Corps. However, he found that the standards ofthe TRs and metering needed to deliver Super Power were lacking and from this need to make auditors with the presence and basic auditing skills to deliver Super Power, he researched this, which led to the developments resulting in the Key To Life Course which was followed by the Life Orientation Course.


Super Power is the original tech breakthrough which led to all these other tech releases and now that these other courses (which represent steps needed to ensure proper training of Super Power auditors) are firmly in place, Super Power itselfcan be released. Super Power was very appropriately named by LRH as it unlocks the true power of a thetan. Super Power does not replace the Grade Chart and can be run on any pc anywhere on the Grade Chart providing he is not in the middle of another major rundown. But the results are spectacular wherever the pc receives it.

EXCERPTS FROM TECHNICAL BRIEFING FROM SENIOR CIS !NT MAIDEN VOYAGE 1995 Well, let me tell you what Super Power deals with. One ofthe Super Power rundowns has to do with a subject that people have a serious amount of accumulated bypassed charge on, because it has been so suppressively abused on the whole track That subject is ethics and justice. Ifthat charge isn't handled, it can get in the way of efforts to actually mmJy standard ethics and justice in present time. LRH develo~~.9 a rundown that really handles ALL of the charge connected with ethics. It is THOROUGH. How thorough? He broke it down into 128 aspects, each of which is 4 flows, making a total of 512 individual types of charge blown off your track! The wins that people have had just on this one rundown are miraculous. In fact, in the piloting ofiliis rundown on ~cs, going exterior became so commonplace that LRH added a step at the end of it, for all pes, to check exteriorization! Let me tell you about another Super Power rundown: There are tech breakthrougi}s that LRH made in his OT research which he then used in developing some ofthe Super Power rundowns. One such rundown, the Perception Rundo~ has to do with the 57 human perceptions. Let me read you just a bit of what LRH said about this one subject. It comes from a technical advice in the mid 1980s:

u/'ve actually been doing research, not on the s'!:!!iect ofhearing, but on the perception ofand communication channels ofOTs. Hearing in an atmosphere and with a 60dy is highlY artifICial Not to go too wild on you but the reason whr. people when tfley exteriorize think th~ are really dead is that their friends don t hear them when they talk to them. ThIS is a very usual experience. 1t is based on thefalse datum that p'oception and communication is pnmarilJ!. in the atmosphere, ear and voice box area. This isn't true. These para-psychologjsts' trying to testf,!r reading minds and all that bunk are actuallJ!. ilealing with primary communication. A thetan exterior communicates on miIiofrequencies. "He ca~J when he learns how and with practice, communicate by making air molecules viDrate as welL But it is secondtl!Y communication. A bodj primarily amplifIeS sensation or deadens it and this is also true ofears and eaiYlrums. In this late stage ofdecadence ofthe track when people are convinced and are being convinced that they are bodies and need brains to think with and ears to hear with and voices to talk with, one is actualfy dealing with false datIL It is no more than that It is true that ears are very intncately rigged and that larynxes are very clev- . erly constructed and aU that and it is true that these thi'!8! function. And it is true that when things are wro~ll with them the person has diJJtcuity in speaking or hearing. This IS true ofaU-57 perceptions.

"But what we are dealing with here, no matter what theperson believes or whatfalse data he is operating on, he~ a being who primarilY operates on radio frequencU;s but who can' also perceive and emanate ,n other types ofparticles such as aIr.


"We are actuaUJ! studying here aproblem in body distortion - and what we are tryin( to accomPlish is a return 01 direct response b~ a being to emanations whetlter In atmospliere or in electronicfrequencies. " - LRH

Whj.le developing this one Super Power rundown, LRH found that a person washavmg


trouble hearing some sounds -- but not others. The man went to a doctor and had bis ears checked out thoroughly, and the doctor couldn't find anything wrong. He had extensive NED auditing to handle ~.Y ~~chosomatic aspect,but, though he ran well and had gams, he was still slightly deat: Then LRH made a breakthrouah on it. He said that IN SUCH CASES THE CONDITION PERSISTS BECAUSE IT'S NOT PHYSICAL AND ITS NOT PSYCHOSOMATIC. IT IS, SIMPLY, THAT THE THETAN ISN'T LISTENING! The handling is the Perception Rundown. And to give you an idea ofthe ofthis rundown, the processes on hearing nlake up just one section of theJlercqltion Rundown, as the whole rundown covers every one ofthe 57 perceptions! ~nitude

Another one ofthe Super Power rundowns handles the phenomena of DEADNESS. LRH based the rundown on his discovery that a being can be DEAD as a body is alive. He found the exact mechanism that causes' this. The rundown zeroes in on the precise points that hold this together and the whole mechanism crumbles to pieces and the thetan literally comes back to life! thet~ even though the

There is another technical datum LRH found which became another ofthe Super Power rundowns -- the False Data and Loss Rundown. And the technical datum is that very often, when a person accepts false data, he experienced a LOSS prior to that!


LRH wrote, "The loss causes the person to lose his ability to reject because he is in a defeatedframe ofmind••• At the root ofnot being able to learn something is a cliain of/aise data which, at the basis ofit, is one hell ofa loss. "

LRH gave a hypothetical example ofthis: "You take somebodv who is an ace cook in Rome. And then the dark ages hit and theJ!. wipe out all his materials. And he's got nothing left but afew sheep heau and so he drifts along two or three centuries doing other things. Then one day he gets apprenticed to the cook ofthe Slime Bum Inn as a kitchen boy and this gllY. tens him, 'You always take old boots and throw them in the sOtgJ~'_Qr, 'Now the way to cook is..• ' and he gets a whole bunch offalse data."-LRH .-'1iI'!l\

The rundowns described are but a few ofthose that make up Super Power. I could tell you of many, many wins from staffand public who have completed Super Power rundowns. I would like to just read you one, from an OT VIII after completing only some ofthe Super Power rundowns: .~

"When I started the rundowns I was definitely needing a boost. As an OT vrn I had created some incredible effects but had "hit a wall" several times, including two major broken affluences. Broken aftluences are ugly and this most recent one was no exception. The turnaround since starting Super Power has been nothing short of spectacular. Each

and every part of Super Power has contributed to what is now a major affiuence. When I started this rundown I felt like I had high ethics standards. 'High compared to what?' is what I realized was the problem. The rundown allowed me to truly look at my life in the raw, to turn it upside down and inside out. I came out ofeons of degradation, irresponsibility, out-ethics and injustice. The result was that I now know and can set the standard for myself and others and have been doing so regularly. "Another win is this: I knew someone who had been in excruciating doubt about their post for several years. After completing one rundown I spoke to him and it was resolved favorably in a matter of minutes. What was amazing wasn't that I helped someone but that it was quick and easy and that my ability to span the dynamics was so natural. "But there are more wins that applied to this affluence which must be why it is so awesome. A key one from the Consequences Rundown (another one ofthe Super Power rundowns) has been to know that I can predict and build a future. Previously when I made a commitment to something new, I could get shaken when I should not have been and stubborn when I should have reconsidered. With this new found ability I have found an uncanny accuracy in my decisions but when they are not I can recognize it, correct it and get on with it. This one ability has already been worth millions to myself and my group. II Another thing is -- an amazing phenomena has occurred not once but several times. I have done evals only to find as I started to implement the why and handling that the targets were already being done by those named to do them!


"Super Power has been the most phenomenal action I have ever done. The wins are too incredible to be believed. My experience on Super Power has fully convinced me that this is the key to planetary clearing. "LRH is a true friend and this is the greatest gift I have ever received! II


Super Power will be released broadly to the public when the new FSO delivery building has been completed. Those persons who contribute to getting it built will be first in line to receive Super Power once it is released. Delivering it requires not just auditors but a whole team ofpersonnel, all specialist trained, and all part ofwhat LRH called the New World Corps. Each delivery team includes C/Ses, Ethics Officers and Establishment Officers, or "EstOs", as there are steps of Super Power that are not done by an auditor. The FSO currently has over 120 of its own staffon the Technical Training Corps, and many ofthem are scheduled for Super Power training under the supervision of my office at Int Headquarters. These are the delivery personnel needed to deliver Super Power in Flag's new Tech Delivery Building. LRH intended that Super Power be delivered to every staff member of every org



around the world. In order to do this, he devised a whole system on how this was to be done. He worked out a pattern ofa New World Corps team going to an org, and getting all the staffin one whole portion ofthe org through the first 2 rundowns, then all staff of another portion of the org through those same 2 rundowns, and so on, and then all staff through the next 2 rundowns, and so on, until the entire org is through all of the rundowns. He even worked out that each team includes its own Recruiter! And by doing that, the New World Corps is constantly expanding, with more staffwho get trained up to form new te~ to deliver Super Power. And at the same time as staff are receiving it, Super Power delivery to public will be occurring at the Flag Service Org. which initially will be the only org delivering it to public.

Now how important is Super Power? You now see -it's more than an auditing action. It's a whole rundown. And here's what LRH said about it:

"You've always had the idea ofclearing the planet, right? Alright - THIS is how we'U do it First we clean up all the staffwith Super Power, and then we use it to clean up the public and then we clean up the government! And that's how we'll clear the planet" - LRH

SNR CIS !NT SPEECH EXCERPT ON SUPER POWER: In 1979, LRH completed extensive research into modem society and many individual cases, to establish exactly what changes had occurred and what our current culture is. He wrote:

"We have a culture that has slid right off the third dynamic. It has slid otT onto the second dynamic and it is not even on the second dynamic now; it is operatingt or attempting tOt on the first dynamic only••• "It is no exaggeration to state that we are currently faced with a "dead" and dying society. Causing or contributing to this dissolution are: "a) Drugs, and a drug culture "b) TV watching••• "c) Spreading coDectivism and its resultant negation of individuality and, "d) ••• behind the technological breakdown of the society, the psychologist•."

LRH found that these were the 4 main underlying factors in causing distinct phenomena present in our culture and with individual cases and with all aspects of society. He made a breakthrough -- he found that a person can be DEAD even though his body is alive. .~

He found a whole mechanism underlying this:

"The computation is: 'I'm dead, therefore I'm not responsible.' Dead is as irresponsible as you can get. A dead person causes nothing." - LRH



And further, LRH found that this does not just apply to someone who is a hardened, confirmed or publicly labeled criminal. There are whole HUGE segments of the population who have some greater or lesser degree of deadness or unconsciousness. So it applies VERY BROADLY. Of the 4 major factors contributing to the current state ofthis culture, you are no doubt aware ofthe data on drugs. Psychology, another ofthese factors, has been constantly putting out false data About 30 years ago they began to teach psychology in schools all the way down to the 8th grade. This makes people labor against false data. And so laboring, they go downscale. The attempt to wrap one's wits around a false datum and put it to use can bring about STUPIDITY. The mctor oftelevision was researched extensively by LRH. He wrote,

"TV and compulsive TV watching, which sprouted in the 50's and became widespread by the 60's, has reduced many, adults and children aUke, to spectator-observer roles. A further result is individuation. While the advent of movies may have had some influence on this scene, with movies you at least have to get out of the house and go down to the movie and you usually go with somebody. When you come out of the movie you generally talk to somebody about it. Not so with TV. With TV you get the lone and silent TV-watcher who cannot be intermpted and whose 'communication,' if he is interrupted is often an absent-minded or resentful grunt. He goes nowhere, does not mingle, does not participate because the pictures and the action are aU brought to him, to look at. With a movie you've got a beginning, you've got an end. TV often goes on ceaselessly, throughout the day and night. "There is another factor at work here. A person keyed in to compulsive picture-watching is already severely at effect. In this state the content of much of what he views tends to put him further at effect. "I have just found the basic on hypnotism; it is a being at total effect. So we are looking here at a large segment of society walking around (or glued to a TV set) in what is at least a partial state of hypnosis. It -- LRH The 4th factor in the deterioration ofthe culture is collectivism. Collectivism is the control ofproduction of goods and services and the distribution of wealth by the government or a group. Whether it is called socialism or by any other name, collectivism stifles individual initiative and therefore creativity and productivity.

LRH said,


"To the degree that it is enforced upon the society it Hmits or destroys the power of choice of the individuals within the society and we get a form of robotism and decadence setting in. A being who does not have the power of choice, whose creativity or productivity is curbed, suppressed, unrewarded or worse, punished, goes down scale" -- LRH . Farmers are paid not to grow crops. Tax laws are such that the harder a person works, the more heavily he is taxed for his work. LRH said that scientists, artists, writers, inventors and the like, the most creative members ofthe society and those upon whom the forward thrust ofa culture depends, are lured or forced into becoming captive brains in a collectivism-oriented society. Their works are channeled, or restricted or snatched up and monopolized or even denied and withheld from a population that would benefit from them.

.. ~

Police are part ofthis too. People have been policed to death. With all of these influences operating, it is no wonder that we face a civilization of dead thetans. Such people are unable to predict, as what is the prediction ofthe dead? There is none. That is the current scene on Earth. But LRH came up with the solution to this! And his solution was called SUPER POWER. He developed an entire set of rundowns that handle these factors. Super Power consists of 12 individual rundowns, delivered in an exact sequence that must not be varied. The reason he called it Super Power is that part ofthe auditing handles a case mechanism, which applies to every thetan, that has a similarity to a phenomena addressed in Power Processing. The phenomenon is that of disassociation -- a thetan being stuck out of present time, to a greater or lesser degree. . But LRH made NEW discoveries on this line. One is that this phenomenon has become much more widespread in society than it was in the past. His other new discovery was about the phenomena itself and how to crack it. LRH described this:

"This is the person who associates not A and B, but A and Q. Not apples and bananas but apples and typewriters. You make a statement and he bends it over to something that has nothing to do with the price of fish. "He is very hard to direct because alter-is enters into it. In fact, an alter-is could be a manifestation of being disassociated. "Things which are ditTerent, he conceives to be identicaL Things which are similar he conceives to be widely ditTerent. Things which are identical he conceives to be only similar. "He is lost in his own figure-figure and facsimiles, sometimes universes away••• "The new discovery is that he is back on the time track in locations very remote from where he is. It is not that he is stuck on the track where he is, but is stuck on the time track elsewhere, often eons· ago. " -- LRH This affects ALL beings -- some more so than others.


The Bright Think Rundown, which is just one ofthe rundowns of Super Power, handles this phenomena and as a result makes a person much more aware and makes him able to think more brightly, therefore makes him more effective!

I mentioned the factor ofhypnotism and how many people in the society are in a partial state ofhypnotism -due to combined effect oftelevision, drugs, false data from psychs and collectivism.. One ofthe rundowns of Super Power that addresses this is the Cause Rundown. LRH says the following:


"The cure of hypnotism is to put the being at cause•• Hypnotism is that process by which sufficient agreement can be made between an operator and a subject so that the subject will agree that the operator has entire and complete control of his ioteUectual processes. One can induce hypnotism on any dynamic merely by suppressing the determinism of an individual on that dynamic and supplanting the determinism with one's own will" -- LRH That is EXACTLY what has happened in society due to those four factors. The rundown gets to the root ofthis in the individua~ and TOTALLY reverses it!


Yet another one ofthe Super Power rundowns is one which addresses the suppressive false data that a being has accumulated and how to rid himself ofthis. LRHwrote:

"The common denominator of Hving appears to be learning. We find leamingness at a~ost any level of action, Hving or operation. "Education or learning has been in the past, a system of avoiding observation. A systematic avoidance of observation will sooner or later get something into trouble and into trouble has come the whole of education itself. "Old-time education could be defined as 'placing data in the recaDs of others.' Therefore, old-time education accepts hypnotism, does not really aUow for the useableness of the information, does not analyze doingness and completely avoids any havingness, which of course permits nobody to be anything. .~

"Putting data into the recalls of others causes others to rely on experience, not perception and estimation of the situation. "This condition must be remedied." -LRH And LRH developed the remedy in another one of the Super Power rundowns.



The factor of deadness that I told you about is addressed in different ways by various Super Power rundowns, but is most directly taken up on the Personal Revival Rundown.

This rundown is what is referred to in the instructions ofa CIS Series 53, if "deadness'" or "unconsciousness" reads. LRH said, "The rundown is not directed at the bank or engrams of the pc, it is directed at the pc's considerations, decisions and computations which pin him into his bank and engrams" - LRH ,~

This rundown brings the being up out ofbank conditions. The tech utilized to do this is the plus and minus nature ofthis universe. This is the basic structure that holds ' aberration together~ which LRH was researching during the 60s and covered on SHSBC tapes -- in other words, DICHOTOMIES! Through exact assessments which locate the precise dichotomies to be run on each individual, the person is guided down the EXACT CHANNEL which totally blows the valences and other mechanisms that pin one into this. THE RESULT IS THE CONDITION IS GONE! "With Super Power we enter into a technology wherein we: 1. Remove the reasons or necessity to remain at or below death, 2. Release the person from out-ethics of the past on aU flows. 3. Literally and quite miraculously revive the 'dead' thetan. 4. U nstick the person from the points of disassociation on the track

s. Put him in shape to predict and build a future 6. Remove the causes of his inability to study 7. Free him from a miasma of false data 8. Enhance his ability to learn and to think clearly with stable facts .""",

9. Restore his power of choice 10. Heighten his cause level 11. Sharpen his perceptics and in many cases restore perceptics had thought impaired or lost or non-existent


12. Boost him up to a refreshing new level of action and participation in . life!" -- LRH

GROUNDBREAKING 1998 Thank you very much. And welcome to a groundbreaking like none you've ever seen. This is a moment ofgreat significance in the history of Scientology. Indeed, tonight is a watershed. For as we stand on the cusp of our 50th year - millions strong across 59 nations, this building represents far more than mere concrete and steel. As a matter of fact, when considering all that will eventually comprise the Mecca of our religion in this city -- here is a project greater in physical scope than the combined total of all Scientology just twenty-five years ago. "'lIIIl\.

And so it's not for nothing that I also say -- here will stand a structure that will symbolize our pledge for a better culture -- a civilization without insanity, without criminals, without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where man is free to rise to greater heights. Now, on one hand, maybe this building can only be appreciated in terms of it's sheer physical size. And in purely MEST terms I have a few notes on that score When it's all said and done, we're talking 370,000 square feet, -- 22,000 cubic yards of concrete foundations, -- five miles of carpeting, -- 180 miles of electrical wiring, and -- one million pounds of limestone floor tiles!


But that's really not the point. Instead, let's look at the significance of what that MEST represents. Because, what we begin this evening will ultimately represent more than forty-thousand square feet for the training of 1,500 auditors at any given time -- rooms that reflect every word and syllable of what LRH defined as the ideal Scientology course room. Then there will be the 300 auditing rooms to ultimately deliver 12,000 hours of auditing a week. What they represent are 15 Hubbard Guidance Centers delivering every grade and rundown on the Bridge and, again, in an environment that represents in the physical universe, what LRH envisioned in the tech.

As a matter of fact, its completion will represent something even more significant in the history of our religion -- with the release of Super Power and the Cause Resurgence Rundowns. And that's significant to every Scientologist because these are rundowns for Scientologists at every level ofthe Bridge. The first he described in terms of unleashing the super power ofa thetan. That's why LRH called it Super Power. The second is called Cause Resurgence Rundown, because it rehabilitates the thetan's ability to generate his own energy and blow away the facsimiles of his own case. And still, this new building represents even more than all that. For, you see, being both new and particularly relevant, we have a duty to this world -- to explain what we represent and what we offer. We do not yet have generations upon generations ofScientologists, and so our growth ensues from bringing the news of Scientology to others -- hence our mission to reach as many as possible. And in so doing, by our very presence and, even more, by our perseverance -- the very fact that we have not only survived, but expanded in the teeth ofunbelievable odds raises questions. As in, "What is Scientology?", "What do you do?" and "What can be so valuable it is worth enduring everything you have faced?" And therefore, this building represents our effort to answer those questions for one and all. Because here will stand a facility where the concepts, precepts and principles of Scientology will be seen and understood in three-dimensional clarity. And yet when speaking of bringing understanding of Scientology to those tmfamiliar with Scientology, we're also speaking of something else this building ultimately symbolizes. ,4IIl\

I'm referring to that responsibility we hold in common with every church and religious institution -- a duty to serve its community. When we first established our church in Clearwater more than two decades ago, we honestly had no sense of what the future would hold in terms ofexpansion. After all, when Scientologists first arrived in this city -- primarily Sea Organization members from the Flag Ship Apollo -- we numbered no more than a few hundred

staff: while the parishioners who came for services numbered in the dozens. Today, every week we see several thousand Scientology parishioners, from every comer ofthe globe, not to mention the thousand more staff But something else we never planned for began happening. Visiting Scientologists decided to make Clearwater their home, to be near their Mecca, until today the city contains the most thriving and dynamic community of Scientologists, well over 10,000 strong.



And as we have grown, so, too, have our contributions to this city. And if, through our sometimes trying:first decades, we were not as involved in the community as we might have been, today we are, both as an institution and through the dedicated efforts of individual Scientologists.


Let me give you some facts and figures -- First, there are the 250 hours Scientologists provide weekly for free tutoring programs. -- There are also the many thousands ofhours from 170 Scientologists working year in and year out in the name of Criminon. -- Then there is our 'Winter Wonderland', held yearly from 1993 onward, which has brought the Christmas spirit to over 68,000 people -- children and adults alike, from all around Clearwater. And when you add it all up, every year Scientologists provide more than 167,000 hours of service in the name of a drug-free, crime-free, better educated and more beautiful Clearwater! Now that's all in addition to what we generate on a fully routine basis -- meaning the l.3-billion dollars Scientologists have brought to this community since their arrival two decades ago.


Or to put it in even more bottom-line terms - we are committed to this community because we are a part ofthis community.

And with what we inaugurate today comes our pledge to even greater community commitment - not only through the efforts of local Scientologists, but the full measure ofthe Church as an institution. ,~

I ,~

Working in alignment with the objectives ofthis city, we will help our friends

in Clearwater who share our goal ofcreating that better environment whereby all may better survive. Or, to put it another way, I give you this: .""""

The city of Clearwater is embarking on a path of rejuvenation and revitalization. They call their plan "ONE CITY -- ONE FUTURE". And that future most definitely includes the Church of Scientology, NOW, TOMORROW, AND... FOREVER! In closing, however, I would like to offer one more thought on what this day represents to Scientologists. For when you consider the great religions ofthe world and look at the Vatican, or Mecca, and what their construction so many centuries ago meant to their faithful-- therein lies a little ofwhat this day means to a Scientologist. Because the creation ofour Mecca is right here, and... right now! So as this building begins to rise, I want you to remember all it signifies, as a place of learning, as a place ofwisdom, and as a place of spiritual freedom from which we work to achieve the aims of Scientology and what LRH wrote in conclusion ofthose aims -


What will mark this place tomorrow is made possible by the Church of Scientology Religious Trust. That trust established a project in 1990 which has worked long and hard to make this new building a reality, by raising contributions that make its construction possible. All told, those who have thus far contributed number in the thousands.

I would like to acknowledge every one of you for your contributions -- Thank you!


I would especially like to acknowledge the 'Cornerstone Club Members', - The 'Key Contributors', -The 'Founding Members', and -- The 'Legions ofRonor', whose names appear on the banners beside the stage in recognition oftheir particularly generous contributions. - What you have contributed will stand for the benefit ofevery Scientologist who will step into this building... through tomorrow... the next decade... the next century and beyond.



And for that, both Scientologists oftoday and tomorrow owe you a great debt of gratitude and appreciation. All ofyou - Please stand up and be acknowledged. Thank you for what you have done. And now for the ground breaking. Given all this building means -- not only to Clearwater and Flag -- but to the whole ofthe worldwide Scientology religion, I will be joined by executives from Scientology Organizations around the planet, includingthe Church of Scientology Religious Trust, Religious Technology Center, International Association of Scientologists Administrations, Church of Scientology Internationa~ and -- the Flag Service Organization. Finally, I will also be joined by the 'Legions of Ronor' -who stand in representation ofevery person who has donated to this project, whose support has made this so very possible. And together we stand in representation ofevery Scientologist on earth. For ultimately, that is who this building will stand for. Please join me now in the groundbreaking. ,~


There you have the start ofoUr new building and all that building means in terms ofa new tomorrow.

In closing, I give you this from LRH-

"All great cathedrals began their building by the placement of a single stone. And the building unit of a great society is the individuaL" Tonight we have placed that first stone of our cathedral. But what is most important are the individual efforts that made that possible. And as Scientologists, let's each and every one of us let this mark our rededication to helping create a great society.

...-. _ J




Chairman of the Board RTC's Speech Excerpted from Maiden Voyage Going Global Event 1999 At the higher end ofthe Bridge we are working to bring you Super Power. That not only includes the construction of a new 350,000 square foot Flag Mecca, but also the training of auditors to deliver the rundown. And since you have not had the rundown, its importance in the scheme of planetary clearing may not be totally real to you. So let me put it in context -- LRH researched and developed Super Power the same year he made the breakthroughs ofNew Era Dianetics and, New Era Dianetics for OT's. It was also the same year he personally shot the original tech films, and the year he developed the new Mark VI E-meter. All that as well as a dozen other rundowns including the original Purification Rundown. And yet, notwithstanding the magnitude of those technical breakthroughs, LRH declared that it was Super Power which -"Puts world clearing within reach in the future." - LRH Super Power will consist of a dozen rundowns including ones on, Ethics Repair, Personal Revival, Consequences, Bright Think, False Data, Cause Rundown, Power of Choice Rundown and the Perception Rundown. In fact, the physical requirements to deliver this last rundown, the "Perception Rundown", are what made the construction ofthe new FSO building imperative.

Because, when it comes to delivering LRH tech we have only one standard -- by the book and all the way. Without giving you too much data, I can tell you this - the Perception Rundown comes after the previous series of rundowns for a very important reason. Its purpose is to rehabilitate all frfty-seven perceptions of a thetan. Of course, you've heard that mentioned before. But let me give you a further glimpse. You first begin by handling every part of your case that has brought you to where you are, and the inability to utilize all fIfty-seven perceptics. Now, get that -- you resolve all case barriers to these perceptions. But, and ~ this too, once you have resolved those case barriers, you will have only gained the potential to regain those perceptions. Let me give you an example. In the MEST universe, if you were to break your leg, and keep it in a cast for twelve weeks, just because the bone has mended, it is unlikely you will be able to walk when the cast is removed. And you most defInitely will not be able to run a marathon. So the next step is rehabilitating the use ofthat limb. Well, it's no different with a thetan. Once those case barriers are resolved, there is a rehabilitation step where you receive the core

LRH data on what each ofthese perceptics is composed ot: and how you use those perceptions - as a thetan. Next, you actually rehabilitate your use of those perceptions. And I do mean literally, in the physical universe. Let me give you a mundane example. One of your perceptics, and you use your body for this, is taste. Well, there's being able to "taste" something and then, there is having full use of that perceptic.

One ofthese perception rooms will include equipment containing 2,000 tastes of everything you can imagine from very intense all the way down to microscopic levels. And when you are done going through the procedures, you will have that perceptic. But let's move onto something less physical in nature. Something you probably don't even think about. What about your sense of "compass direction"? Here too, there is an exact way you will rehabilitate that perception. And what about "barriers" and perception of them? And not just solid walls -- something we're used to in the physical universe. What about "liquid"? Or "gaseous"? Yes -- that too will be rehabilitated. .~

And how about "gravity"? Or the perception of "time track motion"? Go down the list ofperceptions and it will all be there. So don't think for a moment that the gorgeous building we are constructing is just that.

It is far more than MEST.


We're talking about your core abilities as a thetan."



While I can still name this and before it becomes the intimacy of me, I want to say that I have learned more about me in the last hour than I have known about me in the last 100,000 lifetimes. I just found out that I wasn't who I thought I was for as long as I can "remember" because "rememberingIt is probably just the reliving ofrestimulated incidents - rather than just being or just knowing. I have never ever experienced auditing like this. I have never had here be so here, and now be so now - and would never ever have thought it would be safe to be me, be here and be now. I don't know how someone could descn"be what happens to you and to Ittime" on this process. LRH, lowe you now and here and me. Thank you for each ofthese; they are precious. Love, P. B.

SUCCESS STORY I wrote a success story last night right after session but now I have had a chance to assimilate the wins of this RD. Even thinking about what occurred here still brings tears to my eyes. The exteriorization that occurs on these rundowns is awesome. I have never, ever run processes where the commands bring up incidents that are more real and more there than the room you are actually sitting in. And when you look at and blow the mass connected with this, you have so much more ofyou and so much more of PT enormous amounts of both, that you didn't even know you were missing or were lost. I have simply never experienced auditing like the auditing of this Super Power RD. I understand why it is so named-LRH is a genius-compassionate, brilliant - but simply a genius. Love, P. B.


This was absolutely, unbelievably fantastic. The gains I made surpass anything I've ever gotten before. It would take me days to write down every win I've had, but the most comprehensive thing I could say is that my ability to live, to understand life and to understand and live with other people has

increased beyond what I really thought was possible. I feel like I understand life as a whole.

.. ~

Thanks a lot to everybody who helped me get through this (especially Peter). It is very powerful stuff and there is no way somebody CQuid ever make it on their own (except, ofcoUfse, LRH). My love and affinity for LRH is more than ever before because I really see how much he did for me and every other person in the world. Love, S.F.

SUCCESS STORY This pilot is incredible.

And this Ethics Repair List is a life changing action--many times over! I have blown huge amounts of charge. I've lightened up. I've gotten back both a sense ofhumor and, ofall things, realigned my purpose for my post and for me. I also feel I have a very basic, unaberrated sense of ethics and justice. I feel I can standardly apply it to others and make sure it is standardly applied to me. It was Great!

P. B.




This was a very simple, yet great action. It got me to extend my responsibility in thinking and acting past the moment to the future. I can predict and make decisions and take actions and be responsible for the effects I will be creating through these. It's really a simple OT ability a thetan has that can easily fall out ofuse. Thanks very much to my auditor and to LRH.

lv.lL, S.H.

STUDY RUNDOWN This was a great action. I rehabilitated an ability as a thetan to absorb and duplicate data and to just be able to have knowledge and to know. It was really a great win, as I felt I could not only apply Study Tech, but actually even be above the mechanics of how to study, I simply restored my ability to have knowledge and to know. Thanks very much to my auditor and to LRH for this incredible tech! ML, S.H.

LEARNING DRILLS The simplicity of this action was so simple and laser like that the cogs and realizations I had were by far beyond my wildest expectations!


The regained ability to learn just came flooding back into my beingness. I know how to know, more so than I ever believed I could (or anyone would allow me to believe}-- whole life times of past knowledge became available to me. My desire to study, learn and know shot up to a height I thought only LRH had. This rundown will change the whole concept of learning and hatting. In fact, this whole Super Power RID factually has to be done to get the full impact of its power. Thank you to my auditor and CIS and thank you very much to LRH. He really has no stops on us becoming totally OT and more.




What a surprise, and what a simple but necessary step on this route!



The thing that gets me is how LRH dovetails all this tech so that it perfectly fits and is the correct step and the correct gradient at that time. I feel really validated because I had been putting these actions into motion - from gains earlier in the rundown and what is so apparent to me is that I am controlling my life now - not IT controlling me.


I love it. Thanks so much. Love, D.E.



For many years I've known that there were 57 perceptions that a thetan had but not until this rundown did that datum hit home that they were my perceptions. Like perception of appetite, endocrine system, gravity etc., etc. They are all there, now in P.T. being perceivedI am no longer a lazy being operating on just a few of my perceptions. Can you imagine what its like to knowingly stand out in an open space and perceive with 57 perceptions all at once knowingly and enjoy what's happening? It took LRH again to map out the way for this to be rehabilitated in a being. Thank you very much, Sir! Much Love, P.S.

SUPER POWER COMPLETION This was by far the most extensive, exhilarating, life-changing RID I have ever done.. This includes a lot of RIDs up to NOTs Case Completion.

It got me into PT (more than I'd ever expected possible). It brought me to life and gave me back more sanity than I ever thought I had, and boosted my ability to learn far in excess of anything I'd imagine. It made the Data Series policy letters something I can use (rather than try

to learn). It expanded my ARC to slightly beyond the limits ofthe upiverse and in general made me feel happier than I've ever felt. It blew me out of my head - permanently. And if you think I'm exaggerating - do the Rundown and see for yourselfl LRH - Dear Sir, I am revitalized as a staff member and as a being. ML, P.S.

SUCCESS STORY So where do I start? Who wants to go back and think about where I was? This is the first auditing I've had that cuts through all that (whatever it is) that I've had hanging around and simply asked me the questions - that's me, the thetan. Its like you get auditing to handle problems, problems, problems and you realize you can handle problems and you really don't have any. Well, Super Power is different. You're given a problem to solve. The question is right to the thetan. Boom! And guess what! You've got J/lOOth ofa second to come up with the solution. Who has time to do anything else but solve it!


That took a bit to confront. But, you mow - now, I confront life and work etc., all that stuff is out ofthe way. Let's get to the point and get the job done! I started off I would say in not so good shape, and my stats were so-so and work was hard. Since then, well, I'm the Division Head, affluent STATS, I love my job and boy, is it a breeze! I recognize out-ethics and can handle it. I can do my BPs, execute my plans and attain my goals. I can help others, which I've felt I could NOT DO before. I can postulate something and it does happen. Super Power are the only 2 words to explain how I feel and how I look at life and the future. ~

What a win to postulate something and make it happen. And it means a lot because I'm doing what I love MOST. I can not wait for everyone to do this. What a team! No one will be able to stop us and our expansion will really be up to us. Thanks - to my auditor and to all who worked on this and most ofall thanks to LRH - what a man! Thanks, Sir. ML,K.D.

SUCCESS STORY This Rundown reversed my dwindling spiral as a being in this universe. I woke up for the 1st time ever. The qualities of life that came back to me are beyond expression in words. The ability to grant beingness and life to others has increased beyond anything I dreamt ot: LRH made this rundown to revitalize a being. Well, it does much, much, more than that. I see now that death and unconsciousness are just considerations agreed upon and made solid. The less agreement the less solidity and the more life there is. Right now I'm so full of life I feel like living for the 1st time ever and it feels 80-0-0 good! I'm going to get everyone else doing it. LRH you are our GREATEST friend, thank you! P. S.

SUCCESS STORY For as long as I can remember I always had thoughts about how good it would be to be somewhere else. This was usually preceded by something happening in present time that I didn't 100% want to get involved with. For the 3 days that I was on this RID, my universe did more 180-degree turns, dips and rises than you would experience in an implant station under a meteorite storm.

Then all ofa sudden the penny dropped and all was quite crystal clear for thousands of miles around me. I had moved out ofthinkingness up to lookingness on the Know to Mystery scale. I am completely aware of myself as a being independent of the body and past experiences. I am using theta perceptions I never dreamed I had. I don't 'think' anymore. I mean it's actually an effort to go back down into that level again. I see now that my future is what I


it and it surely does look like a very bright one

indeed. I have been in Scientology 16 years and have done New OT V and am a Class IX auditor with 25,000 hours ofauditing experience under my belt and I've NEVER experienced case gain like this or seen it in the pc's I am auditing on Super Power. This RID is and will change the conditions on this planet and make a golden age on earth second to none. It truly deserves the name of SUPER POWER

My undying and eternal gratitude to our greatest friend of all time, L. Ron Hubbard. ML, P. S.

SUCCESS STORY Secure your property! I almost took a coffeepot apart, but held myselfback because it wasn't mine - but it was, because I wanted to know how it worked, what made it go, what made it tick. When this happened, I realized I no longer had a back offon things I could not understand. And if I don't understand, I now know why. I'm remembering all kinds ofthings. I want to learn all kinds of things. Life is alive with energy and I'm having a great time!

i .f/!!!!';.


I am very impressed with this action. I feel so ALIVE and in comm with life. I bad so many gains from this action; it is hard to put it in words. I feel I can see, hear, touch, feel etc., more than I ever could before. It is like the lights have been out for awhile and someone really put the lights on and I can SEE! It is VITAL that everyone on this base receive SUPER Power. It is very basic and powerful.



This action has changed my life. I can truthfully say I have NEVER felt this good in my life.

Many thanks to the Qual Sec; who pushed me into session. Thanks to Paul and Pat for getting me DONE with this step. My 'deepest love and admiration to LRH for the tech. My exchange to LRH is to carry on what I am doing on post and help others to Total Freedom. Love, P. F.

SUCCESS STORY I had some of the most amazing things happen on this rundown that I never ever expected to occur and never would have thought I would have that gain from this RD.

In the Perception rundown you address any ofthe 57 perceptics that you may have trouble with. Well I have never, ever, ever, ever had a sense of direction and now I do! ,1'fi?hI\

And in addressing "muscular tension" and "state of endocrine glands", I completely obliterated some major, stuck, fixed chronic somatics - that were so stuck and so fixed and hurt so consistently that I had actually forgotten I had them - since I couldn't recall NOT having them. The result is not only do I not hurt - how amazing! But, I feel somehow, I got back a feeling ofbeing limber. Earlier, I simply felt like I was bone-against-bone and disk-against-disk with nothing in between. I would move a body part and it would audibly grind. While I was running this, all kinds ofbody problems just disappeared, bones popped back in loudly enough for the auditor to hear and, at the end, I di~'t feel like my body was dying anymore. In fact it felt a whole like when you're a kid and have no attention on the body and you just want to run around and expend energy. This is NOT what I expected from this Rundown. It was fabulous and LRH is fabulous. This IS Super Power! J


MI., P.B.

SUCCESS STORY The Ethics Repair List hit on areas I never expected. It ripped to the heart ofwhy any being goes under in this universe and showed me why groups fail. I saw how insidious an SP can be and how they wreck lives far and wide without anyone ever seeming to notice them as the cause for disaster. After this I had a major win on getting o1£a withhold I've had for a very long time. It

wasn't even an overt; it was a withheld reality on who 1 am and what I'm doing here. I was very surprised by the amount of relief I experienced in communicating this to my auditor. . Anyway, this was a fantastic action and was very rehabilitating. Thanks to LRH, RTRC, my CIS & auditor.


SUCCESS STORY I knew I could not spot an outpoint if it hit me in the face. I knew it. It was hopeless because no matter what 1did I just couldn't get it. I gave up. And because this was a hopeless situation, pluspoints started to become hopeless. I now know what each is. I do not even have to but spot pluspoints and outpoints and my life and job have become easier. It really has saved my life where work is concerned. I spot an outpoint and find the situation and get it handled. We will all benefit from it. And best of all, 1 can now understand the data series issues! More tech to have. l'0!!I\

ML,K. D.

SUCCESS STORY From one ofthe first auditors (an OT VIII) to deliver and receive Super Power on the pilot of this rundown:

"I think the most amazing thing about Super Power is that it put me back in comm with life. I've had a lot of auditing and am a New OT VIII Completion. 1didn't have any problem perceiving my environment. "However, I must say that on Super Power I found out, shockingly enough, that I had never really seen, heard, felt or been part of the game of Hfe. "I have never experienced this type of processing before. It touches on things so intimate to a thetan and his relationship to the physical universe, and brings them to the forefront so forcefully that it requires quite some confront on the part ofthe auditor and pc to handle it. After doing a rundown dealing with perceptions, I clearly saw that a lot of my perceptions were on a body automaticity - as they had been for millions ofyears. Needless to say, I was ecstatic to finally be rid of that! "Super Power got me to blow through all ofthat and put me directly in comm with life. "From there it was a rocket ride of sorting out how one actually does think and operate in the physical universe and what it means to generate power. "After KEY TO LIFE and LIFE ORIENTAnON COURSE, there would be no stopping


someone who did Super Power and had a clear idea of what game they wanted to play in the physical universe.


"I should also mention that I have audited others on Super Power and have seen similar results in them. The changes are never mild; they are BIG~ sweeping, life-changing realizations. The auditor and pc really work together and get through some ofthe biggest barriers the pc has ever had to confront. "It's very precise, no nonsense auditing that blows the doors open on a thetan's ability to truly create and handle power in life. ft

ML, P.S.


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