Scientific Method

December 15, 2018 | Author: Dean Jezer | Category: Scientific Method, Experiment, Hypothesis, Plants, Science
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Scientfc Mehod Workshee Workshee Put the following steps of the scienc method in the proper order.


Research the problem


Observe and record


Make a hypothesis hypothesis


Idenfy the problem


Arrive at a conclusion


est the hypothesis

Match the following terms with the correct denion.  _____________ !" #ypothesis  _____________ &" 'ontrol (ariable (ariable

A" Or$ani%ed Or$ani%ed process to test a hypothesis hypothesis )" An educated $uess about about the soluon to a problem

 _____________ *" Dependent (ariable

'" Observaons + measurements measurements recorded

 _____________ ," -.periment

D" A /ud$ment based on the results of an an e.periment

 _____________ 0" 'onclusion

-" 1sed to sho2 that the result of an e.periment is really due to the condion bein$ tested

 _____________ 3" Data

4" he factor that is manipulated manipulated durin$ durin$ an e.periment

 _____________ 5" Independent (ariable (ariable

6" he response that is measured measured in an e.periment

CAN YOU SPOT THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD? Each sentence below describes a step of the scienc method. Match each sentence with a step of the scienc method listed below. A" Reco$ni%e a problem )" 4orm a hypothesis

'" est the hypothesis 2ith an e.periment D" Dra2 conclusions

 _______ 7" 8tephen predicted that seeds 2ould start to $ro2 faster if an electric current traveled throu$h the soil in 2hich they 2ere planted"  _______ 9" 8usan said ;If I ferli%e my $eranium plants they 2ill blossom"<  _______ !=" >onathan?s data sho2ed that household cockroaches moved a2ay from ra2 cucumber slices"  _______ !!" Rene $re2 bacteria from the mouth on special plates in the laboratory" 8he placed drops of di@erent mouth2ashes on bacteria on e ach plate"  _______ !&" athy used a survey to determine ho2 many of her classmates 2ere leBChanded and ho2 many 2ere ri$htChanded"  _______ !*" Dana 2anted to kno2 ho2 synthec bers 2ere di@erent from natural bers"  _______ !," >ose sa2 bats catchin$ insects aBer dark" #e asked ;#o2 do bats nd the insects in the darkE<  _______ !0" >usn 2ondered if dyes could be taken out of plant leaves Fo2ers and stems"  _______ !3" Ar/ulia soaked si. di@erent kinds of seeds in 2ater for &, hours" hen she planted the seeds in soil at a depth of ! cm" 8he used the same amount of 2ater li$ht and heat for each kind of seed"  _______ !5" )ob read about $ro2in$ plants in 2ater" #e 2anted to kno2 ho2 plants could $ro2 2ithout soil"  _______ !7" evin said ;If I $ro2 ve seedlin$s in red li$ht" I think the plants 2ill $ro2 faster than the ve plants $ro2n in 2hite li$ht"<  _______ !9" An$ela?s e.periment proved that earth2orms move a2ay from li$ht"  _______ &=" 8coG said ;If acid rain a@ects plants in a parcular lake it mi$ht a@ect small animals such as craysh that live in the same 2ater"<  _______ &!" Michael fed di@erent diets to three $roups of $uinea pi$s" #is e.periment sho2ed that $uinea pi$s need vitamin ' and protein in their diets"  _______ &&" im?s e.periment sho2ed that chicken e$$ shells 2ere stron$er 2hen she $ave the hen food to 2hich e.tra calcium had been added"

Read the paragraph below and answer the following questions given: Long ago, many people believed that living things could come from nonliving things. They thought that worms came from wood and that maggots came from decaying meat. This idea was called spontaneous generation. In 1!, an Italian biologist, "rancesco Redi, did e#periments to prove that maggots did not come from meat. $ne of  his e#periments is shown below.

/roup I

/roup II

Redi placed pieces of meat in several %ars. &e divided the %ars into two groups. &e covered the first group of %ars with fine cloth. &e left the second group of %ars uncovered. Redi observed the %ars for several days. &e saw flies on the cloth of the covered %ars, and he saw flies laying eggs on the meat in the uncovered %ars. 'aggots appeared only on the meat in the group of %ars left uncovered.


1. (hich is not a step in the scientific method) a. *roblem or question.

c. +s other people for their opinion.

 b. Research.

d. +rrive at a conclusion.

- (hat was the problem in Redis e#periment) .

a. &ow do maggots appear in meats)  b. &ow do worms appear in wood)

c. Is spontaneous generation a valid e#planation for maggots in meats) d. +ll of the above are e#amples of problems.

0. (hat do you thin his hypothesis was) a. 'aggots grow through spontaneous generation.  b. 'aggots come from eggs laid by flies. c. 'aggots find their way into woods and meats. d. The problem cannot be solved.

. &ow did he test his hypothesis) a. &e placed food in two %ars, covering one %ar and leaving the other uncovered.  b. &e placed food in two %ars and left both %ars uncovered. c. &e placed food in two %ars and covered both %ars. d. &e put food in one %ar and no food in a second %ar.

2. (hat was the variable in his e#periment) a. 3overing both %ars.  b. 3overing one %ar and leaving the other uncovered. c. Leaving both %ars uncovered. d. There was no variable in this e#periment.

. (hat do you thin Redis conclusion was) a. Living things come from other living things.  b. Living things are created through spontaneous generation. c. &e did not have enough data to arrive at a conclusion.

Can You Spot the Scientifc Method Work Sheet 4ach sentence below describes a step of the scientific method. 'atch each sentence with a step of the scientific method listed below.

 5555 6. 7tephen predicted that seeds would start to grow faster if an electric current traveled through the soil in which they were planted.

+. Recogni9e a problem

@. "orm a hypothesis  5555 !. 7usan said, 8If I fertili9e my geranium plants, they will blossom.

 5555 ;. athy used a survey to determine how many of her classmates were left?handed and how many were right?handed.

 5555 1-.
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