Scientific Errors in the Quran

January 9, 2019 | Author: jibranqq | Category: Plate Tectonics, Quran, Religion And Belief, Nature, Science (General)
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Errors in the Quran - most are reasonable arguments .. The fundamental problem being whether you will study the Quran fr...


Scientific Errors in the Qur'an From WikiIslam, the online resource on Islam Jump to: navigation navigation,, search Muslims believe that the Qur'an Qur'an contains  contains a message from an all-powerful, all-knowing, infallible being If this is true then it shoul! not contain an" errors, mistakes, mistakes, or information that contra!icts known facts about the universe If even one error e#ists in the te#t of  Islam Islam''s hol" book then the claims of !ivine authorship an! infallibilit" are not true $n ob%ective evaluation of the Qur&an shows that it contains numerous scientific scientific an!  an! historical errors an! it th reflects a pre-scientific,   centur" view of the natural worl! (ome apologists will contest these numerous scientific errors in the Qur'an b" appealing to metaphor, alternative meanings, or phenomenological or  phenomenological interpretations  interpretations of the te#t )ven if we suppose that alternative e#planations were possible in ever" case, the wor!ing an! content of the Qur'anic verses often mimic the popular m"tholog" an! unscientific misconceptions of the time in which the" were recor!e! *he author of the Qur&an makes no clear or unambiguous statements that !ifferentiate his un!erstan!ing of the natural worl! from the common folklore of the people living in the  th centur" If the Qur&an was !elivere! b" an all powerful, all-knowing being then he woul! woul! have been able to foresee how such ambiguous ambiguous an! mislea!ing statements woul! be un!erstoo! b" future generations an! the !oubts an! confusions the" woul! cause *his alone shoul! be reason to re%ect an" claims to its !ivine authorship

Contents •

+ $s $str tron onom om"" +++ e + eoc ocent entri rici cism sm o


+ (etting (et ting an! an ! .ising .isin g /lace of the (un


+0 (tars are a re Missiles Miss iles (hot at a t 1evils


+2 Moon is Further Fur ther from fro m the )arth than t han the (tars (tar s


+33 Moon )mits + )mi ts 4ight 4ig ht


+5 Moon Mo on was (pli ( plitt in *wo


+ (even (eve n /lanets /lane ts in the 6niverse 6niver se


+77 (e + (even ven 8eave 8ea vens ns


+9 )arth )ar th reate re ate!! in (i# 1a"s


++; )arth )art h reate! reate ! before (tars (ta rs


+++ + ++ (un is a Flat Fl at 1isk 1i sk


++ + + (k" is a *en *ent< tiolog" o


++ )v  )vol olut utio ionn 

+++ 8uman reati + re ation on from la" la "

+ First 8umans: + 8uma ns: $!am $!a m an! )ve

+0 8umans reate! r eate! in /ara!ise /ar a!ise an! then the n >rought to )arth

 )m  )mbr br"o "olo log" g" 

+ (perm ?riginates ?ri ginates >etween > etween the th e >ackbone an! an ! .ibs

 )mbr"o is i s Forme! from fr om Male an! Female Fe male Flui!s Fl ui!s

00 =o Mention  Menti on of Female Femal e ?vum

2 8umans 8uman s reate! rea te! from fr om a lot of o f >loo!

3 ?nl" $llah $ llah @nows @n ows the en!er e n!er of a Fetus


0 $ll ?rganisms ?rga nisms are a re reate! rea te! in /airs /air s


2 Womb Wom b has *hree *hr ee 4a"ers 4a "ers


3 >ones >one s are Forme! before bef ore Flesh Fle sh


5 (ource (our ce an! /urit" /ur it" of Milk Mil k

0 eolog" eolo g" an! Meteor Met eorolog olog"" o

0++ *he )arth 0 )ar th is Flat Fl at 

0+++ Facing *owar! 0+ *ow ar! Mecca Mec ca

0+ )arth is (prea 0+ (p rea!! ?ut an! Flat

0+00 )arth 0+ )art h is 4ike a ouch o uch

0+22 )arth is 4ike 0+ 4i ke a arpet arp et

0+33 )arth 0+ )art h is a Wi!e /lain /l ain

0+5 0+ 5 )arth )ar th is 4evel 4eve l


0 )arth has ha s (even $tmospheric $tmos pheric 4a"ers


00 *he )arth )a rth !oes !oe s not .otate .ota te


++0 (k" (k " uar!s uar! s the )arth )ar th


++2 (k" (k " is Ma!e of (oli! (oli ! Materia Mate riall


++3 (k" (k " can Fall Fal l 1own on /eople /eo ple


++5 Ignorance Ignor ance of the =orth =ort h an! (outh (out h /oles

 >iolog" o


++ )v  )vol olut utio ionn 

+++ 8uman reati + re ation on from la" la "

+ First 8umans: + 8uma ns: $!am $!a m an! )ve

+0 8umans reate! r eate! in /ara!ise /ar a!ise an! then the n >rought to )arth

 )m  )mbr br"o "olo log" g" 

+ (perm ?riginates ?ri ginates >etween > etween the th e >ackbone an! an ! .ibs

 )mbr"o is i s Forme! from fr om Male an! Female Fe male Flui!s Fl ui!s

00 =o Mention  Menti on of Female Femal e ?vum

2 8umans 8uman s reate! rea te! from fr om a lot of o f >loo!

3 ?nl" $llah $ llah @nows @n ows the en!er e n!er of a Fetus


0 $ll ?rganisms ?rga nisms are a re reate! rea te! in /airs /air s


2 Womb Wom b has *hree *hr ee 4a"ers 4a "ers


3 >ones >one s are Forme! before bef ore Flesh Fle sh


5 (ource (our ce an! /urit" /ur it" of Milk Mil k

0 eolog" eolo g" an! Meteor Met eorolog olog"" o

0++ *he )arth 0 )ar th is Flat Fl at 

0+++ Facing *owar! 0+ *ow ar! Mecca Mec ca

0+ )arth is (prea 0+ (p rea!! ?ut an! Flat

0+00 )arth 0+ )art h is 4ike a ouch o uch

0+22 )arth is 4ike 0+ 4i ke a arpet arp et

0+33 )arth 0+ )art h is a Wi!e /lain /l ain

0+5 0+ 5 )arth )ar th is 4evel 4eve l


0 )arth has ha s (even $tmospheric $tmos pheric 4a"ers


00 *he )arth )a rth !oes !oe s not .otate .ota te


02 /ermanent /ermane nt >arrier >arri er between betwee n Fresh an! (alt Water Wa ter


03 Mountains Mounta ins /revent /reven t )ar )arthAu thAuake akess


05 Mountai Moun tains ns ast into int o the )arth )art h


0 hest ontrac ont racts ts with $ltitu!e $ltit u!e


07 )arthAuakes )arthA uakes are ar e a /unishment /unish ment from o! o !


09 8urricanes 8urric anes an! >liBBar!s >liB Bar!s are ar e a /unishment from f rom o!


0+; 0 +; .a .ain inwa wate terr is /ure


0++ =o )vapora )vap oration tion in Water Wat er "cle "cl e


0+ 8ail 8ai l omes from fr om Mountains Mount ains in the (k" (k "


0+0 *hun!e *h un!err is an $ngel $ng el

2 Coolog" o

2++ >ees )at 2 )a t Fruit Frui t


2 $nts .ecogniBe .ec ogniBe 8umans 8 umans an! (peak (pe ak with )ach )ac h ?ther


20 8orses reate! r eate! as *ransport *r ansportation ation


22 >ir! >ir ! Flight Fligh t is a Miracle Mirac le


23 la lassi ssific ficati ation on of re reatu atures res


25 ?nl" ?nl " )ight *"pes *"pe s of attle att le


2 >irth 1efects 1efec ts an! Impe Imperfe rfecti ctions ons


27 /oisonous /ois onous (ea (e a 4ife is )!ible )!ibl e


29 >ir!s >ir !s Fight )lepha )l ephants nts


2+; 2 +; (i (inf nful ul $ni $nimal malss

3 8istor" o

3+ Wall of Iron betwee bet weenn *wo Moun Mountai tains ns


3 hristians hris tians Worship Wo rship Mar" Mar " as /art of the *rinit *rinit""


30 =oah's =oah 's $rk hol!s )ver" )ver " (pecies (pecie s


322 /ha 3 /hara raoh oh or /haraohs /hara ohs


33 Jews Je ws call cal l )Bra the t he (on of o! o !


35 (upernatural (uperna tural 1estructi 1es truction on of ities


3 8umans can (leep for *hree 8un!re! Dears


37 8umans can 4ive for a *housan! Dears


39 =on-)#istent MosAue in Jerusalem

5 (ociolog" o

5+ Fasting an! /ra"er .eAuirements at the /oles


5 /eople are /rotecte! in Mecca


50 =on-Muslims are 1eaf, 1umb, an! >lin!


52 $ll $nimals 4ive in ommunities


53 .eAuirement to 4earn in $rabic

 M"ths an! 4egen!ar" *ales o

+ 8umans *ransforme! into $pes


 *ribe *rappe! >ehin! a Wall


0 (upernatural Foo!


2 $ (tick *ransforms into a (erpent


3 (olomon's $rm" of enies an! >ir!s


5 Jonah /erforms .epentance insi!e a Fish


 Muhamma! Flies on a Winge! 8orse to 8eaven


7 >o!" /arts (peak


9 *he ?cean (plit in 8alf


+; (olomon can ontrol the Win!


++ $ 1ea! Man *estifie! against his @iller


+ $nimals (peak to 8umans


+0 Mountains an! >ir!s can (ing (ongs

7 ?thers o

7+ Mathematical )rror in 8ere!itar" 4aws


7 /eople use the Forehea! to 4ie


70 (pace Flight is Impossible

9 (ee $lso

Astronomy Geocentricism Main $rticle: eocentrism an! the Qur'an *he Qur'an mentions numerous times that the sun an! the moon travel in an orbit, but !oes not mention once that the earth !oes too *his is consistent with a earth-centere! Egeocentric view of the cosmos that places a motionless earth at the center of the universe an! all Gheavenl" bo!iesG travel aroun! the earth *his was the prevailing un!erstan!ing of the universe prior to the +5 th centur" when opernicus helpe! e#plain an! populariBe a suncentere! Eheliocentric view of the universe $n! the (un runs his course for a perio! !etermine! for him: that is the !ecree of E8im the )#alte! in Might, the $ll-@nowing Qur'an 05:07 It is not for the sun to overtake the moon, nor !oth the night outstrip the !a" *he" float in an orbit Qur'an 05:2; (ome apologists tr" to e#plain awa" the Qur'anic !escription of the sun moving in an orbit as a reference to our sun orbiting the black hole at the center of the milk" wa" gala#" *his is an $! hoc h"pothesis an! nothing from the te#t implies that the sun is orbiting an"thing other than the earth If the author ha! knowle!ge of the sun orbiting a black hole then it is conspicuous that he never mentions it e#plicitl" nor in an" wa" !ifferentiates the sun's orbit from that of the moon In the Qur'an, the moon an! the sun orbit the earth together *here is no !istinction ma!e  between the moon, which actuall" revolves aroun! the earth, an! the sun which onl" appears to revolve aroun! the earth when in fact the suns movement through the sk" is a pro!uct of the rotation of the earth aroun! its a#is >" the (un an! his Eglorious splen!ourH >" the Moon as she follows himH Qur'an 9+:+--+ $n! 8e it is Who create! the night an! the !a", an! the sun an! the moon *he" float along in an orbit Qur'an +:00 $n! maketh the sun an! the moon, constant in their courses, to be of service unto "ou, an! hath ma!e of service unto "ou the night an! the !a" Qur'an +2:00 *he author of the Qur'an emphasiBes that the earth is fi#e! in place an! motionless 8e is clearl" unaware that the earth is not onl" revolving aroun! the sun, but also spinning on its own a#is eril" $llah grasps the heavens an! the earth lest they move awa" from their places, an! if the" were to move awa" from their places, there is not one that coul! grasp them after 8im *rul", 8e is )ver Most Forbearing, ?ft Forgiving Qur'an 03:2+

It is o! who ma!e for "ou the earth a fixed place an! heaven for an e!ificeH $n! 8e shape! "ou, an! shape! "ou well, an! provi!e! "ou with the goo! things *hat then is o!, "our 4or!, so blesse! be o!, the 4or! of all >eing Qur'an 2;:52 Setting and Rising Place of the Sun Main $rticle: Flat )arth an! the Qur'an *he Qur'an assumes a flat earth which has a fi#e! place where the sun sets an! a fi#e! place where the sun rises again (ince the earth is a rotating sphere, the sun !oesn't set in an"  particular place an! "ou can never travel to Gthe spotG where the sun sets nor a place where it risesH the sun appears to set or rise on the horiBon no mater where "ou are on the planet In these verses, the author propagates a popular legen! from the 5th centur" of a man name! 1hul-Qarna"n who visits the places where the sun sets an! risesH here he fin!s the sun going !own into a mu!!" spring an! later rising on a tribe with no coverings *ill, when he reache! the setting-place of the sun, he foun! it setting in a mu!!" spring, an! foun! a people thereabout We sai!: ? 1hu'l-Qarne"n )ither punish or show them kin!ness Qur'an +7:75 *ill, when he reache! the rising-place of the sun, he foun! it rising on a people for whom We ha! appointe! no shelter therefrom Qur'an +7:9; (ome Muslim $pologists have come up with creative interpretations of these verses to sa" that 1hul-Qrna"n onl" travele! until he reache! Gthe westG or to a spot Gat the timeG when the sun set an! not the GplaceG where the sun set 6nfortunatel", these alternative interpretations are severel" un!ermine! b" the conte#t an! $rabic wor!s use! in these verses, which instea!  point to a ph"sical location $gain, we must ask wh" an all-knowing being woul! use such mislea!ing verses that mimic the misconceptions an! legen!s prevalent at the time if one of these alternative e#planations is correct Stars are Missiles Shot at evils Main $rticle: Mistranslations of Qur'an 5:3 *he author of the Qur'an !oes not seem to know the !ifference between stars Egiant balls of gas thousan!s of times larger than the earth an! meteorites which are small rock" masses of !ebris which brighten up after entering the earth's atmosphere Man" ancient people confuse! the two, as meteorites look like stars that are streaking across the sk"H this is wh" there were often calle! shooting stars or falling stars In the following verse, the Qur'an claims that $llah uses stars as missiles to war! awa" !evils *his repeats a common $rab m"th at the time the Qur'an was first recite! $n! veril" We have beautifie! the worl!'s heaven with starsacteria repro!uce b" cell !ivision Fungus can repro!uce either se#uall" or ase#uall" Man" species of plants also repro!uce either ase#uall" or through  pollination $n! of every thing We have create! pairs: *hat "e ma" receive instruction Qur'an 3+:29 5om& has $hree "ayers Main $rticle: reek an! Jewish I!eas about .epro!uction in the Qur'an an! 8a!ith *he wor! butun ERST means bell"lessings on 8is Messengers *afsir Ibn @athir  Permanent ,arrier &et#een !resh and Salt 5ater Main $rticle: Meeting of Fresh an! (alt Water in the Quran

When a fresh water river flows into the sea or ocean, there is a transition region in between *his transition region is calle! an estuar" where the fresh water remains temporaril" separate! from the salt water 8owever, this separation is not absolute Ethus cannot be !escribe! as a GbarrierG, is not permanent, an! the !ifferent salinit" levels between the two  bo!ies of water eventuall" homogeniBe *he Qur'an however erroneousl" sa"s that the seperation between the two t"pes of water is absolute an! permanent It is 8e Who has let free the two bo!ies of flowing water: ?ne palatable an! sweet, an! the other salt an! bitterH "et has 8e ma!e a barrier between them, a partition that is for&idden to &e passed  Qur'an 3:30 Mountains Prevent Earth1ua(es Main $rticle: *he Qur'an an! Mountains Mo!ern geolog" has !iscovere! that large plates in the crust of the earth are responsible for the formation of mountains alle! /late tectonic these massive plates meet an! the pressure  between them pushes up the crust forming mountains but also causing earthAuakes an! faults the Qur'an propagates the i!ea that mountains are crucial in stabiliBing the earth when, in fact, the earth woul! be much more stable an! have less earthAuakes if mountains !i! not e#it $n! 8e has set up on the earth mountains stan!ing firm, lest it shoul! shake with "ouH an! rivers an! roa!sH that "e ma" gui!e "ourselves Qur'an +5:+3 Mountains Cast into the Earth Mountains are usuall" forme! through the movement of lithosphere plates *he" were not thrown !own into the earth $n! 8e hath cast into the earth firm hills that it Auake not with "ou, an! streams an! roa!s that "e ma" fin! a wa" Qur'an +5:+3 Chest Contracts #ith Altitude Main $rticle: Qur'an 1escribes $ltitu!e (ickness *his verse sa"s that "our chest cavit" gets smaller with higher altitu!e when in realit" the opposite is true *hose whom $llah Ein 8is plan willeth to gui!e,- 8e openeth their breast to IslamH those whom 8e willeth to leave stra"ing,- 8e maketh their breast close an! constricte!, as if the" ha! to climb up to the skies: thus !oth $llah Eheap the penalt" on those who refuse to  believe Qur'an 5:+3 Earth1ua(es are a Punishment from God

Main $rticle: $cci!ents an! =atural 1isasters in the Muslim Worl! (ome of the highest !eath tolls from natural !isasters in the last !eca!e were in Muslim countries In fact, natural !isasters !o not !ifferentiate between Muslim or non-Muslim nations nor are the" controlle! b" a !ivine being )arth Auakes are e#tremel" common along tectonic fault lines an! are not a punishment for human behavior but the b"pro!uct of natural forces *he Qur'anic author perpetuates an unscientific un!erstan!ing of his phenomena in there verses 1o then those who !evise evil Eplots feel secure that $llah will not cause the earth to swallow them up, or that the Wrath will not seiBe them from !irections the" little perceiveL Qur'an +5:23 >ut the" !enie! him, an! the !rea!ful earthAuake took them, an! morning foun! them  prostrate in their !welling place Qur'an 9:0 urricanes and ,li77ards are a Punishment from God Main $rticle: $cci!ents an! =atural 1isasters in the Muslim Worl! *wo of the !ea!liest bliBBar!s in histor" happene! in Muslim countries 8owever, the Qur'an regar!s those natural !isasters as violent punishment from o! Weather patterns follow  pre!ictable patterns an! are not controlle! b" a !ivine being 1o "e then feel secure that 8e will not cause "ou to be swallowe! up beneath the earth when "e are on lan!, or that 8e will not sen! against "ou a violent torna!o Ewith showers of stones so that "e shall fin! no one to carr" out "our affairs for "ou Qur'an +:57 Rain#ater is Pure *he Qur'an sa"s rainwater is pure, though in some in!ustrial areas rainwater can contain significant amounts of pollution an! aci!it" alle! aci! rain this t"pe of rain causes harmful effects on plants, aAuatic animals an! buil!ings $n! 8e it is Who sen!s the win!s as goo! news before 8is merc"H an! We sen! !own pure water from the clou!, Qur'an 3:27 +o Evaporation in 5ater Cycle Main $rticle: Water "cle in the Qur'an )ver" verse about rain in the Qur'an implies that rain comes either !irectl" from the sk" or from $llah 8owever evaporation of water into the air is conspicuousl" never mentione! *hat sen!s !own Efrom time to time rain from the sk" in !ue measureH- an! We raise to life therewith a lan! that is !ea!H even so will "e be raise! Efrom the !ea! Qur'an 20:++

ail Comes from Mountains in the S(y 8ail forms in cumulonimbus clou!s when super-coole! water !roplets freeBe 8owever, the Qur'an mistakenl" ascribe! the formation of hail to invisible mountains in the sk" (eest thou not that $llah makes the clou!s move gentl", then %oins them together, then makes them into a heapL - then wilt thou see rain issue forth from their mi!st $n! e sends do#n from the s(y mountain masses 3of clouds4 #herein is hail  8e strikes therewith whom 8e  pleases an! 8e turns it awa" from whom 8e pleases, the vivi! flash of 8is lightning wellnigh blin!s the sight Qur'an 2:20 $hunder is an Angel *he Qur'anic author was superstitious about thun!er an! imagine! this natural phenomena as an angel $n! the thun!er !eclares 8is glor" with 8is praise, an! the angels too for awe of 8imH an! 8e sen!s the thun!erbolts an! smites with them whom 8e pleases, "et the" !ispute concerning $llah, an! 8e is might" in prowess Qur'an +0:+0 Muslim sources, which e#plain this verse clearl", in!icate that the author of the Qur'an  believe! that thun!er was not an impersonal natural phenomenon, but an angel: E*he thun!er h"mneth 8is praise b" 8is comman!H it is an angel H it is also sai!: it is the voice of the sk" Ean! Eso !o the angels an! also the angels h"mn 8is praise Efor awe of 8im the angels have awe towar!s $llah E8e launcheth the thun!er bolts ie fire Ean! smiteth with them whom 8e will 8e !estro"s b" means of fire whoever 8e will, referring here to Ca"! Ibn Qa"s whom $llah !estro"e! b" fire, along with his frien! U$mir Ibn al*ufa"l who was kille! as a result of being stabbe! in his waist Ewhile the" !ispute Ein !oubt concerning $llah while the" !ispute with Muhamma! Epbuh concerning the .eligion of $llah, Ean! 8e is might" in wrath 8is chastisement is severe *afsir Ibn-$bbas

8oology ,ees Eat !ruit >ees fee! on nectar an! pollen 8owever, the Qur'an relates that bees consume fruit $n! th" 4or! taught the >ee to buil! its cells in hills, on trees, an! in Emen's habitationsH $hen to eat of all the fruits 3of the earth4 , an! fin! with skill the spacious paths of its 4or!: there issues from within their bo!ies a !rink of var"ing colors, wherein is healing for men: veril" in this is a (ign for those who give thought Qur'an +5:57-59 Ants Recogni7e umans and Spea( #ith Each 0ther

$nts t"picall" communicate with each other using pheromone which are a chemical signal While scientists have also !iscovere! that ants make some noises, nothing has ever in!icate! that the brains of ants coul! pro!uce such comple# communication as is !epicte! in the Quranic stor" of (olomon an! the ants 8owever, the Qur'an tells us that not onl" !oes an ant warn his fellow ants of the approach of a large arm" of humans, but it recogniBes one of the humans as (olomon 8ow an ant coul! even see that far or have known the i!entif" of (olomon is never e#plaine! *his account of a talking ant is clearl" a legen! an! not scientific $t length, when the" came to a Elowl" valle" of ants, one of the ants sai!: G? "e ants, get into "our habitations, lest (olomon an! his hosts crush "ou Eun!er foot without knowing itG Qur'an :+7 orses Created as $ransportation It took thousan!s of "ears of !omestication an! cross-bree!ing before horses were !omesticate! appro#imatel" 2,;;; "ears ago in )ast )urope an! entral $sia /rior to this, horses were wil! animals though the Qur'an neglects to mention this important fact )ven to!a" feral horses are !escen!ants of once !omesticate! horses that aren't tame! or use! for human transportation $n! E8e has create! horses, mules, an! !onke"s, for "ou to ri!e an! use for showH an! 8e has create! Eother things of which "e have no knowle!ge Qur'an +5:7 ,ird !light is a Miracle *o!a", engineers an! scientists are well aware of the aero!"namic properties of a bir!'s wing It functions b" creating a !ifference in the air pressure between the lower an! upper part of the wing an! this creates lift that pushes the bir! upwar! *he wings of bir!s evolve! over millions of "ears to acAuire this feature *he author of the Qur'an, however, is unaware of these scientific !etails an! sa"s that 'nothing' hol!s up the bir! e#cept the miraculous power of $llah 1o the" not look at the bir!s, hel! poise! in the mi!st of Ethe air an! the sk"L =othing hol!s them up but Ethe power of $llah eril" in this are signs for those who believe Qur'an +5:9 Classification of Creatures *he Qur'an observes that creatures of the !esert move using their bellies Esnake or two legs Ehuman or four legs Ecows, goats, etc 8owever, the author fails to inclu!e insects such as millipe!es that have a thousan! legs $n! $llah has create! every animal from water: of them there are some that creep on their  belliesH some that walk on two legsH an! some that walk on four $llah creates what 8e wills for veril" $llah has power over all things Qur'an 2:23

0nly Eight $ypes of Cattle While the Qur'an states that there are eight kin!s of cattle, In fact there are more than a !oBen kin!s of cattle *he wor! GcattleG in 09:5 is al-ana'ami, meaning pasturing Eie graBing animals *he wor! aBwa%in EGkin!sG in the translation of 09:5 below generall" means mate or member of a pair Qur'an 5:+20-+22 clarifies that these refer to male an! female pairs of sheep, goats, o#es an! camels *his neglects other t"pes of cattle from the regions outsi!e of $rabia such as rein!eer, which are important to people in northern latitu!es 8e create! "ou from one being, then from that Ebeing 8e ma!e its mateH an! 8e hath  provi!e! for "ou of cattle eight (inds  8e create! "ou in the wombs of "our mothers, creation after creation, in a threefol! gloom (uch is $llah, "our 4or! 8is is the (overeignt" *here is no $llah save 8im 8ow then are "e turne! awa" Qur'an 09:5 ,irth efects and *mperfections *he author of the Qur'an states that there are no flaws in an"thing *he author fails to mention the numerous !efects an! imperfections in all species Who hath create! seven heavens in harmon" *hou EMuhamma! canst see no fault in the >eneficent ?ne's creationH then look again: anst thou see an" flawL Qur'an 5:0 Poisonous Sea "ife is Edi&le $ number of sea creatures are !ea!l" an! fatal to humans if consume! *his inclu!es the  puffer fish, poison !art frong, marble! cone snail, blue ringe! octopus an! stonefish *he Qur'an, however, makes no prohibition against eating these t"pes of animals even though it goes into length" !etail forbi!!ing the consumption of pigs, which are safe for humans to eat 4awful to "ou is the pursuit of water-game an! its use for foo!,- for the benefit of "ourselves an! those who travelH but forbi!!en is the pursuit of lan!-gameH- as long as "e are in the sacre! precincts or in pilgrim garb $n! fear $llah, to Whom "e shall be gathere! back Qur'an 3:95 ,irds !ight Elephants >ir!s an! elephants !on't fight each other In fact, $frican elephants an! bir!s have a s"mbiotic relationship where the bir!s eat bugs an! lice off of elephants N5O *he Qur'an here !epicts a fanciful stor" of bir!s being !irecte! to attack elephants an! their ri!ers !uring a  battle (ees thou not how $llah !ealt with the companions of the elephantsL 1i! 8e not make their  plan into misgui!anceL $n! he sent against them flights of bir!s Qur'an +;3:+-0 Sinful Animals

$ccor!ing to the Qur'an, all animals will be %u!ge! for their sins *his !espite the fact that animals are not as self-aware as humans an! operate almost e#clusivel" on instinct *here is not an animal Ethat lives on the earth, nor a being that flies on its wings, but Eforms  part of communities like "ou =othing have we omitte! from the >ook, an! the" Eall shall  be gathere! to their 4or! in the en! Qur'an 5:07

istory 5all of *ron &et#een $#o Mountains Main $rticle: 1hul-Qarna"n *he author of the Qur'an repeats a legen!ar" hristian stor" of $le#an!er the reat as a great king who helps a tribe of people buil! a massive wall of iron between two mountains )ven with satellites an! near universal e#ploration of the worl!, no archaeologist has ever foun! even a trace of such a massive structure G>ring me blocks of ironG $t length, when he ha! filled up the space &et#een the t#o steep mountain.sides , 8e sai!, G>low Ewith "our bellowsG *hen, when he ha! ma!e it Ere! as fire, he sai!: G>ring me, that I ma" pour over it, molten lea!G *hus were the" ma!e  powerless to scale it or to !ig through it Qur'an +7:95-9 Christians 5orship Mary as Part of the $rinity hristians have never worshipe! Mar" as part of the *rinit" *he author of the Qur'an seems to be mistaken in his un!erstan!ing of the !octrine of the *rinit" an! the theolog" of hristians throughout histor" $n! behol! $llah will sa": G? Jesus the son of Mar" 1i!st thou sa" unto men, worship me an! m" mother as go!s in !erogation of $llah'LG 8e will sa": Glor" to *hee never coul! I sa" what I ha! no right Eto sa" 8a! I sai! such a thing, thou woul!st in!ee! have known it *hou knowest what is in m" heart, *hou I know not what is in *hine For *hou knowest in full all that is hi!!en Qur'an 3:++5 +oah's Ar( holds Every Species *he legen! of =oah an! the $rk states that two of each kin! of animal was place! on an ark 8owever, there are over a hun!re! thousan! species of animals inclu!ing penguins, polar  bears, koala bears, an! kangaroos that live sprea! across the entire planet an! in !ifferent climates an! reAuiring specialiBe! !iets *here is no wa" such an event coul! have occurre! $t length, behol! there came ?ur comman!, an! the fountains of the earth gushe! forth We sai!: G)mbark therein, of each kin! two, male an! female, an! "our famil" - e#cept those

against whom the wor! has alrea!" gone forth,- an! the >elieversG but onl" a few believe! with him Qur'an ++:2; Pharaoh or Pharaohs eographicall", the optic lan! of )g"pt was a!%acent to $rabia *hus, most $rabs were aware of the preservation metho! applie! b" the ancient )g"ptian to their /haraohs *here were so man" /haraohs ranging from numerous !"nasties, man" of them were preserve! intact >ut the Qur'an merel" narrate! one /haraoh that was preserve! *his !a" shall We save thee in the bo!", that thou ma"est be a sign to those who come after thee but veril", man" among mankin! are hee!less of ?ur (ignsG Qur'an +;:9 9e#s call E7ra the Son of God 8istoricall", Ju!aism has been a strict form of monotheism >ut the author of the Qur'an accuses Jews of pol"theism b" stating that the" call 6Bair E)Bra the son of o! in the same wa" that hristians see Jesus as the son of o! *he author of the Qur'an seems to be unaware of the !ifferent theological implications of these two terms between Ju!aism an! hristianit" *he Jews call '6Bair a son of $llah, an! the hristians call hrist the son of $llah *hat is a sa"ing from their mouthH Ein this the" but imitate what the unbelievers of ol! use! to sa" $llah's curse be on them: how the" are !elu!e! awa" from the *ruth Qur'an 9:0; Supernatural estruction of Cities *he Qur'an author thought that outsi!e the vicinit" of $rabia there were cities an! tribes !estro"e! b" o! 8e acAuire! this information through hearsa" from $rabian folklore as well as Jewish an! hristian legen!s *hose cities an! tribes probabl" were !estro"e! b" natural !isasters, famine, wars, migration or neglect 1o the" not travel through the earth an! see what was the )n! of those before themL *he" were more numerous than these an! superior in strength an! in the traces Ethe" have left in the lan!: Det all that the" accomplishe! was of no profit to them Qur'an 2;:7 umans can Sleep for $hree undred :ears *he ol!est verifie! human life has been a little over +; "ears 8umans cannot live without foo! an! water for more than a few !a"s 8owever, the Qur'an incorporate! a m"th from the 3th centur" legen!s of the (even (leepers of )phesus who sleep in a cave for over 0;; "ears an! then miraculousl" awaken in perfect health *here is no historical evi!ence that this ever happene! or coul! even been scientificall" possible *hen We seale! up their hearing in the ave for a number of "ears

Qur'an +7:++ umans can "ive for a $housand :ears *he ol!est verifie! human life has been a little over +; "ears >ase! on fossil recor!s an! testing on human remains, anthropologists have conclu!e! that human life spans are increasing, not !ecreasing =evertheless, the Qur'an repeats the unsubstantiate! m"th that  =oah live! for almost +,;;; "ears We Eonce sent =oah to his people, an! he tarrie! among them a thousand years less fifty :  but the 1eluge overwhelme! them while the" Epersiste! in sin Qur'an 9:+2 +on.Existent Mos1ue in 9erusalem Muslims claim that $l-$Asa mosAue is mentione! in the Qur'an as the furthest mosAue, even though there was obviousl" no mosAue in Jerusalem !uring Muhamma!'s time lor" to E$llah Who !i! take 8is servant for a Journe" b" night from the (acre! MosAue to the farthest MosAue, whose precincts We !i! bless,- in or!er that We might show him some of ?ur (igns: for 8e is the ?ne Who heareth an! seeth Eall things Qur'an +:+

Sociology !asting and Prayer Re1uirements at the Poles Main $rticle: *he .ama!an /ole /ara!o# Muhamma! was apparentl" unfamiliar with polar regions in which there are si# months without sunlight an! si# months perpetual night !uring winter an! summer *he Qur'an claims that Muslims shoul! fast from sunrise till sunset, however this is arguabl" not observable b" an"one living in the polar regions then complete "our fast *ill the night appearsH Qur'an :+7 $ similar issue e#ists for the five !ail" pra"ers $n"one living in the polar region woul! not  be able to make a sunset or sunrise pra"er all "ear roun! )stablish regular pra"ers - at the sun's !ecline till the !arkness of the night, an! the morning  pra"er an! rea!ing: for the pra"er an! rea!ing in the morning carr" their testimon" Qur'an +:7 People are Protected in Mecca Main $rticle: 8a%%

*he Qur'an claims $llah has ma!e Mecca an! the @a'aba a place of safet" 8owever, historicall" it has been attacke! an! seen battles numerous times Juha"man al-?ta"bi, $b!$llah ibn al-Cuba"r, an! $bu *ahir al-Janabi kille! thousan!s of Muslim pilgrims in Mecca Moreover, DaBi! >in Muawi"a sent an arm" battalion to attack Mecca an! !esecrate! the @a'aba *he universal safet" of people in Mecca has no historical evi!ence supporting it .emember We ma!e the 8ouse a place of assembl" for men an! a place of safety H an! take "e the station of $braham as a place of pra"erH an! We covenante! with $braham an! Isma'il, that the" shoul! sanctif" M" 8ouse for those who compass it roun!, or use it as a retreat, or bow, or prostrate themselves Etherein in pra"er Qur'an :+3 $llah ma!e the 2a'&a6 the Sacred ouse6 an asylum of security for men , as also the (acre! Months, the animals for offerings, an! the garlan!s that mark them: *hat "e ma" know that $llah hath knowle!ge of what is in the heavens an! on earth an! that $llah is well acAuainte! with all things Qur'an 3:9 +on.Muslims are eaf6 um&6 and ,lind Main $rticle: ol!en $ge *he Qur'an calls non-believers G!eaf !umb an! blin!G 8owever all the technolog", me!icine, an! scientific a!vancements in the Muslim worl! are almost e#clusivel" purchase! from the non-Muslim countries omputers, television, space travel, helicopters, me!ia pla"ers, nuclear bombs, cameras, satellites, birth control pills, vaccinations, telephones, ra!ios, light  bulbs, microchips, games consoles, refrigerators, microwaves, plastic, aluminium, #-ra"s, antibiotics, heart-transplants, the internet etc, were all invente! b" non-Muslims 1eaf, !umb, an! blin!, the" will not return Eto the path Qur'an :+7 All Animals "ive in Communities (ome animals such as the %aguar, leopar!, an! pan!a are well known for being solitar" creatures, rarel" meeting in pairs an! onl" to mate *he" !o not live in communities an! routinel" fight each other over territor" *here is not an animal Ethat lives on the earth, nor a being that flies on its wings, &ut 3forms part of4 communities li(e you  =othing have we omitte! from the >ook, an! the" Eall shall  be gathere! to their 4or! in the en! Qur'an 5:07 Re1uirement to "earn in Ara&ic *here are over 3,;;; languages an! !ialects in the worl!, with less than 2V of the worl!'s  population being native $rabic speakers 8owever, it is incumbent upon Muslims to pra" in $rabic, recite the Qur'an in $rabic, an! un!erstan! commentaries an! the tra!itions of Muhamme! in $rabic We are left won!ering wh" an all-knowing being woul! not provi!e a more efficient wa" to sen! his message to all people on earth an! wh" he !oes not account for the immense !iversit" of languages

We have ma!e it a Qur'an in $rabic, that "e ma" be able to un!erstan! Ean! learn wis!om Qur'an 20:0

Myths and "egendary $ales umans $ransformed into Apes *he Qur'an recor!s a miraculous event where (abbath breakers are transforme! into apes *his account seems to be a mere legen! an! has no basis in scientific fact $n! well "e knew those amongst "ou who transgresse! in the matter of the (abbath: We sai! to them: G>e "e apes, !espise! an! re%ecte!G Qur'an :53 $ri&e $rapped ,ehind a 5all Main $rticle: 1hul-Qarna"n *he stor" of 1hul-Qarna"n sa"s that a tribe is trappe! behin! a massive wall of Iron $ccor!ing to the Qur'an, these two beast tribes conceale! themselves behin! this metal wall an! will onl" be let free on the !a" of Ju!gement ?bviousl", no such wall has ever been foun! nor is there a tribe somewhere on earth trappe! behin! it 6ntil the og an! Magog Epeople are let through Etheir barrier, an! the" swiftl" swarm from ever" hill Qur'an +:95 Supernatural !ood Main $rticle: /arallelism >etween the Qur'an an! Ju!eo-hristian (criptures *he Qur'an repeats a legen!ar" stor" of Mar" receiving foo! sent !own from heaven *here have never been an" scientificall" verifie! accounts of full" cooke! foo! falling from the sk" Jesus, son of Mar", sai!: ? $llah, 4or! of us Send do#n for us a ta&le spread #ith food from heaven6 that it may &e a feast for us , for the first of us an! for the last of us, an! a sign from *hee ive us sustenance, for *hou art the >est of (ustainers Qur'an 3:++3 A Stic( $ransforms into a Serpent Main $rticle: /arallelism >etween the Qur'an an! Ju!eo-hristian (criptures *he Quran repeats ancient Jewish m"ths about Moses turning his staff into a snake *hen EMoses threw his ro!, an! behol! it was a serpent, plain Efor all to see Qur'an :+; Solomon's Army of Genies and ,irds

*hroughout histor", kings an! emperors ha! comman!e! huge an! small amount of armies  =one was ever recor!e! to possess armies that entirel" consists of bir!s an! genies *his stor" in the Qur'an !raws on Jewish folklore $n! (olomon was 1avi!'s heir 8e sai!: G? "e people We have been taught the speech of  bir!s, an! on us has been bestowe! Ea little of all things: this is in!ee! race manifest Efrom $llah$n! before (olomon were marshalle! his hosts of Jinns an! men an! bir!s, an! the" were all kept in or!er an! ranks Qur'an :+5-+ 8e spoke with a 8oopoe bir! an! wante! to punish it for a small error $n! he took a muster of the >ir!sH an! he sai!: GWh" is it I see not the 8oopoeL ?r is he among the absenteesL I will certainl" punish him with a severe /enalt", or e#ecute him, unless he bring me a clear reason Efor absence Qur'an :;- *he 8oopoe bir! was in fact bus" eaves!ropping on a beautiful female ruler, Queen (heba I foun! Ethere a woman ruling over them an! provi!e! with ever" reAuisiteH an! she has a magnificent throne Qur'an :0 9onah Performs Repentance inside a !ish $ human coul! not live insi!e a fish an! pra" *his stor", foun! in the Quran, is again a repetition of ancient Jewish m"ths *hen the big Fish !i! swallow him, an! he ha! !one acts worth" of blame 8a! it not been that he Erepente! an! glorifie! $llah,8e woul! certainl" have remaine! insi!e the Fish till the 1a" of .esurrection>ut We cast him forth, on the nake! shore in a state of sickness Qur'an 0:+2 Muhammad !lies on a 5inged orse to eaven Main $rticle: >uraA It took one week to travel from Mecca to the Farthest MosAue b" camel >ut the Qur'an reveals that a magical winge! horse, calle! the >uraA, travele! a similar !istance in a matter of minutes =o such creature has ever been shown to be real an! it seems to onl" e#ist in legen! an! m"tholog" lor" to E$llah Who !i! take 8is servant for a Journe" b" night from the (acre! MosAue to the farthest MosAue, whose precincts We !i! bless,- in or!er that We might show him some of ?ur (igns: for 8e is the ?ne Who heareth an! seeth Eall things Qur'an +:+ ,ody Parts Spea( 

*he limbs an! organs of a human are controlle! b" the brain that conve"s electrical signal through the nervous s"stem >ut the Qur'an believes that the limbs can talk an! testif" against the person, even though the" woul! have no voice, memor" or min! of their own ?n the 1a" when their tongues, their han!s, an! their feet will bear witness against them as to their actions Qur'an 2:2 $he 0cean Split in alf  Moses an! the Israelites crosse! an ocean that was split into two halves $n! remember 5e divided the sea for you  an! save! "ou an! !rowne! /haraoh's people within "our ver" sight Qur'an :3; Solomon can Control the 5ind @ing (olomon ha! the authorit" to manipulate the win! at his comman! an! coul! fl" an"where he wante! *hen We sub%ecte! the win! to his power, to flow gentl" to his or!er, Whithersoever he wille! Qur'an 07:05 $ fl"ing carpet ma!e from woo!, on top of which he coul! carr" ever"thing in his king!om inclu!ing chairs, to wherever (olomon wants to go, whilst flocks of bir!s woul! fl" over to give sha!e Ibn-@athir A ead Man $estified against his 2iller (cientificall", a man who has !ie! for a few !a"s can never be resurrecte! $n! We sai!: (mite him with some of it *hus $llah bringeth the !ea! to life an! showeth "ou 8is portents so that "e ma" un!erstan! Qur'an : Animals Spea( to umans *he Qur'an states that a beast will come an! tell humans the truth $n! when the Wor! is fulfille! against them Ethe un%ust, we shall pro!uce from the earth a &east to Eface them: e #ill spea( to them, for that mankin! !i! not believe with assurance in ?ur (igns Qur'an :7 Mountains and ,irds can Sing Songs

$n! assure!l" We gave 1avi! grace from 6s, Esa"ing: ? "e hills an! bir!s, echo his psalms of praise $n! We ma!e the iron supple unto him Qur'an 02:+;

0thers Mathematical Error in ereditary "a#s 2++: $llah Ethus !irects "ou as regar!s "our hil!ren's EInheritance: to the male, a portion eAual to that of two females: if onl" !aughters, two or more, their share is two-thir!s of the inheritanceH if onl" one, her share is a half For parents, a si#th share of the inheritance to each, if the !ecease! left chil!renH if no chil!ren, an! the parents are the Eonl" heirs, the mother has a thir!H if the !ecease! 4eft brothers Eor sisters the mother has a si#th E*he !istribution in all cases E's after the pa"ment of legacies an! !ebts De know not whether "our parents or "our chil!ren are nearest to "ou in benefit *hese are settle! portions or!aine!  b" $llahH an! $llah is $ll-knowing, $l-wise 2+: In what "our wives leave, "our share is a half, if the" leave no chil!H but if the" leave a chil!, "e get a fourthH after pa"ment of legacies an! !ebts In what "e leave, their share is a fourth, if "e leave no chil!H but if "e leave a chil!, the" get an eighthH after pa"ment of legacies an! !ebts If the man or woman whose inheritance is in Auestion, has left neither ascen!ants nor !escen!ants, but has left a brother or a sister, each one of the two gets a si#thH  but if more than two, the" share in a thir!H after pa"ment of legacies an! !ebtsH so that no loss is cause! Eto an" one *hus is it or!aine! b" $llahH an! $llah is $ll-knowing, Most Forbearing Qur'an 2:++-+ Wife: +
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