Science Quiz Bee Reviewer Science

November 20, 2016 | Author: Jen Quiambao | Category: N/A
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Physics reviewer for 12th graders or 4th year highs schoolers...


1. Which branch of Physics deals with the science concerned with the motion of bodies under the action of forces, including the special case in which a body remains at rest?

8. The sky is blue at daytime because air particles in the atmosphere act as tiny a. mirrors which reflect light of short wavelengths. b. prisms which separate light into different colors.

a. acoustics b. astrophysics c. mechanics d. waves 2. Which of the following does not express a derived quantity? a. 20 N b. 220 V

c. gratings which diffract light causing dispersion. d. polarizers which filter all colors of light except blue and violet.

c. 2000 MA

d. 5 seconds

3. 0.25 kg is equivalent to a. 250 mg b. 250 cg c. 250 g d. 250 Mg 4. One kilometer is equal to 1,000,000 mm. Which of the following expresses the value of 1 kilometer to millimeter in scientific notation? a. 1x107 mm b. 1x106 mm c. 1x108 mm d. 1x10 mm 5. The use of wireless technological gadgets such as laptops, cellular phones and iPod are applications of which principles of Physics? a. acoustic b. gravitation c. electricity and magnetism d. inertia 6. Which part of the camera corresponds to the retina? a. lens of the camera b. film c. shutter d. aperture 7. A person in a dark room looking through a window can clearly see a person outside in the daylight. But the person outside cannot see what is inside. Why? a. There is not enough light reflected off a person in the room. b. Light rays cannot pass through the window. c. Outside light does not pass through the windows. d. Sunlight is not intense enough to be a source of light.

9. If you want to see the different colors of light like red, orange, yellow, green, blue indigo and violet, which should you use? a. lense b. mirror c. polarized light d. prisms 10. Sunsets often have reddish-orange color associated with them. This is attributed to the phenomenon of a. diffraction b. dispersion c. polarization d. refraction 11. If a man wishes to use a plane mirror on a wall to view both his head and his feet as he stands in front of the mirror, the required length of the mirror a. is equal to the height of the man. b. is equal to one-half of the height of the man. c. depends on the distance the an stands from the mirror. d. depends on both the height of the man and the distance from the man and mirror. 12. As the angle is increased for a ray incident on a reflecting surface, the angle between the incident and reflected rays ultimately approaches what value? a. zero b. 45⁰ c. 90⁰ d. 180⁰ 13. Which of the following best describes the image formed by a plane mirrors? a. virtual, inverted and enlarged b. virtual, upright and same size as the object c. real, upright and same size as the object d. real, inverted and reduced 14. What kind of mirror will form an image which is always virtual, upright and smaller than the object? a. concave b. convex c. plane d. plane concave

15. A concave mirror with a focal length of 10 cm creates an image 30 cm away from the principal axis, the corresponding object is located how far from the mirror?

24. A radioactive isotope has a half-life of T – years. The time after which its activity is reduced to 6.25 % of the original activity is a. 2T years b. 4 T years

a. 5 b. 7.5 c. 15 d. 20 16. In which of the following material will light pass with the greatest speed?

c. 6 T years d.8 T years 25. The half-life of a radioactive sample is 3.02 days. After how many days 10% of the sample will remain unchanged? a. 10 b. 12 c. 15 d.20

a. Air 1.0003 c. H2o 1.333

b. Ethyl alcohol 1.36 d. ice 1.31

17. How is an incident light refracted as it passes from a less dense to a denser medium? a. at the normal b. away from the normal c. parallel the normal

d. towards the normal

18. How can nearsightedness corrected? a. by using a converging or convex lens b. by using polaroid eyeglasses to eliminate glare c. use bifocal glasses d. use diverging or concave glasses 19. A far-sighted person can only see objects which are far, where is the image formed? a. behind the retina b. in front of the lens c. in front of the retina d. on the retina 20. What makes a fish appear larger when places in a spherical fish bowl? a. Inside the focal point, the image is real, enlarged and magnified b. Inside the focal point, the image is real, inverted and magnified c. Inside the focal point, the image is upright, virtual and magnified d. Inside the focal point, the image is upright, virtual and unmagnified 21. Uranium isotopes have different a. atomic mass b. atomic number c. number of electrons d. number of protons 22. A certain nucleus splits into two medium sized nuclei as induced by bombarding a heavy nucleus with neutrons. What is this? a. fission b. fusion c. ionizing radiation d. radioactive dating 23. Carbon-14 dating could be used to determine the age of the following except a. ancient scrolls b. fossils c. petrified wood d. paintings

26. Which of the following is the famous equation of Albert Einstein which shows mass equivalence of energy expressed in terms of speed of radiant energy? a. c2-m2

b. E = mc2

c. E=mv2

d. M-E c2

27. Atoms of uranium-235 and uranium 238 differ by three a. eb. n⁰ c. p+ d. photons 28. Which is not an advantage of nuclear power? a. A large amount of energy is generated from a very small amount of fuel. b. Nuclear power does not contribute to global warming. c. Nuclear power does not provide CO2 or SO2. d. The fuel is not readily available. 29. Which of the series of reactions is ranked in order of increasing energy? a. chemical reaction → nuclear fission → phase changes → nuclear fusion b. phase changes → chemical reaction → nuclear fission → nuclear fusion c. chemical reaction → phase changes → nuclear fission → nuclear fusion d. nuclear fission → nuclear fusion → chemical reaction → phase changes 30. Nuclear power plants are one of the greatest alternative energy resources. Many countries, despite the disadvantages, have enjoyed the fruits of the technology. Who did not contribute to the discovery of the artificial nuclear reactors? a. Albert Einstein b. Ernest Rutherford c. James Chadwick d. Otto Hahn

31. Three resistors 2 Ω, 3 Ω and 4 Ω are connected so that the equivalent resistance is 0.96 Ω. The resistors are connected in a. 2 Ω and 3 Ω in series and in parallel with 4 Ω

34. Using the graph prepared by a Physics student on voltage and current relationship, which shows the greatest resistance?

b. 2 Ω and 3 Ω in parallel and in series with 4 Ω c. all series d. all parallel

a. R 1 only

32. Given the figure, what is the total resistance in the combination?

d. Both R1 and R2

b. R 2 only c. R 3 only

35. If a resistor of a desired value is not available, a technician simply selects two or more resistors whose combined values add up to the value needed, and connects them in series. Which of the following is true?

a. 9 Ω b. 11 Ω c. 13 Ω d. 18 Ω 33. Given the circuit consists of battery and 3 identical lamps, which of the following is true about the circuit?

a. A 75 Ω resistors in series will have the same resistance as one 150Ω resistor. b. Two 75 Ω resistors in series will have the same resistance as one 150Ω resistor. c. Two 75 Ω resistors in series will have the same resistance as one 100Ω resistor. d. Two 75 Ω resistors in series will have the same resistance as two 150Ω resistor. 36. Two resistors are connected in parallel. The total resistance if the combination a. equal to the sum of the resistances b. equal to the average of the resistances c. greater than the resistance of either resistord. less than the resistance of each resistor

a. I through point x is greater than that through point z b. I through point z is greater than that through point y c. I through point x is greater than that through point y d. I will be the same through points x, y and z

37. Octopus connections are fire hazards. Why? a. Current becomes very high b. Resistance becomes very high c. Voltage becomes very high d. All of the above 38. When a fuse is rated 8A, it means a. it has a resistance of 8Ω b. it will melt if the current exceeds 8A c. it will work if current is less than 8A d. it will work if current is 8A 39. How much electrical energy is used in two hours by a 220 V electric stove whose power rating is 3 kilowatts? a. 3 kilowatts b. 6 kilowatts c. 440 kilowatts d. 660 kilowatts

40. Why are electrical wirings usually covered with a layer of plastic? a. to help electricity flow along the wire b. to make it look good

46. A beam of light is directed forward in a upward magnetic field. In what direction will the beam be deflected? a. backward b. downward

c. to make it safe d. to prevent electricity flow in the current 41. The electrical lines in residential houses maybe either 110 V or 22 V. This voltage may either cause shock or kill us. Which of the enumerated safety measures is NOT advisable?

c. to the left d. to the right 47. A transformer with lens loops in the secondary than in the primary.

a. Connect an appliance with a voltage rating of 110 V to 220 V lines

d. step up transformer 48. Who devised the very first electric generator?

b. Do not switch on electrical appliances with wet hands c. Never insert your finger to the holes of an electrical outlet. d. Wear rubber shoes or slippers when repairing electrical appliances. 42. Calculate the generation cost of electrical power if 46 kwh was consumed by a household in one month. Assume the electrical energy costs ₱ 305.24/kwh.

a. alternating transformer b. AC/DC transformer c. step down transformer

a. Andre Marie Ampire b. Allesandro Volta c. Hans Christian Oerstead d. Michael Faraday 49. Electromagnets WXYZ are made by winding a wire coil around an iron core. Which is the strongest? Electromagnet

# of turns

Current in the wire (A)







a. a current carrying wire




b. a moving electric charge c. a stationary charge




a. ₱ 130 b. ₱ 140 c. ₱150 d. ₱ 160 43. Which of the following does not produce a magnetic field?

d. an oscillating electric charge 44. Whose experiment proved that a magnetic field is present around a current carrying conductor? a. Hertz’s b. Maxwell’s c. Michelson-Marley’s d. Oerstead 45. A magnet is dropped from the ground through a copper wire loop as shown in the diagram. What is the direction of the electric current induced in the wire loop as a result of the changing magnetic field of the approaching magnet? a. clockwise b. counterclockwise c. downward d. upward

a. W

b. X

c. Y

d. Z

50. A transformer steps-down a voltage of 3,300 V to 220V. If there are 40 turns in the secondary, how many turns are there in the primary? a. 880 b. 18, 150 c. 132, 000 d. 726,000 51. A stone is dropped from the roof of a building takes 4 seconds to reach the ground. What is the height of the building? a. 19. 6 meters b. 31.2 meters c. 78.4 meters d. 156.8 meters 52. If an object has an acceleration of 0 m/s2, then one can be sure that the object is NOT a. changing velocity b. changing position c. in a constant motion d. moving

53. The graph shows that the object has 60 40 20 0 2





a. constantly increasing acceleration with time b. constantly increasing distance traveled with time c. constantly increasing speed with time d. constant magnitude of displacement 54. From the given graph, what is the acceleration of the body? a. 0 m/s2 b. 2.5 m/s2 c. 5 m/s2 d. 10 m/s2 55. Which of the following statements about acceleration is not true? a. Acceleration is a vector quantity. b. Accelerating objects must be changing their speed. c. . Accelerating objects must be changing their velocity. d. An object which is moving at a constant speed is accelerating. 56. Gohan accelerates a 0.4 kg ball from rest to 9 m/s during the 0.15 seconds in which the foot is in contact with the ball. What average force does he apply to the ball during the kick? a. 24 N b. 48 N c. 60 N d. 72 N 57. Which of the following statements is NOT true about acceleration? a. Acceleration is a change in velocity. b. Acceleration can either be a positive or negative value. c. A graph of x vs. t where x represents distance and t is time will be linear for a constantly accelerating object. d. An applied force is required for acceleration to occur. 58. When a carabao pulls a cart, the force that causes the carabao to move forward is a. the force the carabao exerts on the cart b. the force the carabao exerts on the ground

c. the force the cart exerts on the carabao d. the force the ground exerts on the carabao 59. A 5000-kg truck travelling at 20 m/s is stopped by the brakes in 5 seconds. Calculate the deceleration of the truck? a. 4 m/s2 b. 10 m/s2 c. 20 m/s2 d. 100 m/s2 60. An object at rest explodes into 2 parts. One piece has a mass 4 times that of the other. If the smaller piece moves with a speed of 120 m/s to the left, the speed if the large piece is a. 30 m/s b. 60 m/s c. 120 m/s d. 480 m/s 61. At what point is the kinetic energy of the pendulum at its highest? a. A

b. B c. C d. D

62. When you lift a 5-kg bag of rice from the floor to your kitchen table whose height is 0.8 meters, how much work do you do on the bag of rice? a. 0 b. 8 joules c. 40 joules d. 50 joules 63. How much force is needed to accelerate a 1,300 kg car at a rate of 1.5m/s2? a. 867 N b. 1950 N c. 8,493 N d. 16,562 N 64. If you double the force acting on an object of a given mass, the acceleration will be a. doubled b. increased by fourfold c. increased by ½ d. increased by ¼ 65. If the velocity of the moving object is doubled, what happens to its kinetic energy? a. doubled b. halved c. quadrupled d. unchanged 66. How much power does a 70 kg person develop by running a 5m stairway in 10 seconds? (g = 10 m/s2) a. 35 Ω b. 350 Ω c. 3500 d. 35 000 Ω

67. Which of the following statements about the above situation is correct? a. The input work is greater than the output work. b. The input work is less than the output work. c. The input work is equal to the output work. d. The lever is used mainly to change the direction of focus. 68. A man lifts a 20-kg load off the ground. A truck moves a 20-kg load to a 100 m distance warehouse. Who did more work with respect to the ground? a. the man b. the truck c. both did the same amount of work d. neither the man nor the truck 69. A stone is thrown upward and falls back to the ground when it reaches its maximum height, the velocity of the ball is a. at its maximum b. at its minimum

74. How much pressure is exerted by the water at the bottom of the swimming pool which is 10 m wide, 20m long and 5m deep? a. 5x104 N/m2 b. 5x103 N/m2 c. 50 N/m2 d. 5 N/m2 75. Study the diagram below. Which of the following statements is true? a. The block is denser than liquid A but less dense than liquid B. b. The block is less dense than liquid A but denser than liquid B. c. The block is heavier than liquid A but lighter than liquid B. d. The block is less dense than both liquid A and B. For number 76 and 77, refer to the diagram below.

c. equal to average velocity d. equal to displacement 70. Which law states that the velocity of liquid is inversely proportional to the pressure exerted by a fluid? a. Archimedes Principle b. Bernoulli’s Principle c. Law of Inertia d. Pascal’s Principle 71. What factors directly affect pressure? a. force and volume b. weight and area c. weight and force d. weight and volume 72. According to Archimedes’ principle, a floating or submerged object displaces an amount of liquid equal to its weight. How many kg of water will a ship weighing 5,000 kg displaces? a. equal to 5000 kg b. less than 500 0 kg c. more than 5000kg d. data not enough 73. The water level in the graduated cylinder rises from 10 cm to 35 cm when a solid lead ball is added. What is the approximate volume of the lead ball? a. 3.5 cm3 b. 25 cm3 c. 35 cm3 d. 45cm3

76. The wavelength is equal to a. 2 cm b. 4 cm c. 6 cm d. 8 cm 77. If the frequency of the wave is 2 cycles/second, the speed of the wave in cm/s is a. 4 b. 8 c. 12 d. 16 78. A boy shouts towards a cliff 80 m away from him. The speed of sound is 320 m/s. How long will it take before the boy hears the echo? a. 0.25 second b. 0.5 second c. 1 second d. 2 seconds 79. Which of the following attributes is not common to both water waves and sound waves? a. a medium is needed b. direction of motion of particles of the medium c. energy is transmitted d. produced by a vibrating body

80. Which of the following ways may you follow to make the pitch of a violin sound higher? a. change it with a thinner string b. decrease the length by pressing one part

86. Which of color bands represents a resistor with resistance of 14 000 Ω? a. black, orange, red b. brown, yellow, orange c. red, yellow, green d. white, blue, violet

c. tighten the string d. all of the above 81. Which of the following characteristics did you particularly change in question number 80? a. amplitude b. frequency

87. Which of the following resists sudden change in voltage? a. capacitor b. diode

c. speed

d. all of the above

82.The wave property shown in the diagram below is? a. diffraction b. interference

c. resistor d. transistor 88. Which semi-conductor carries electric current by the motion of the holes? a. diode c. P-type

b. N-type d. transistor

89. Which of the following diagrams show the expression: ( AB ) + C = Q

c. reflection d. reflection

83. A television remote control is used to direct pulses of electromagnet radiation to a receiver on a tv. This communication from the remote control of the tv illustrates that electromagnetic radiation a. diffracts and accelerates air b. longitudinal wave c. possesses energy inversely proportional to its frequency d. transfers energy without transferring mass 84. Which of the following radio carrier signal modulation types will modulate the height of the carrier signal? a. AM b. FM c. PM d. RF 85. LASERS are instruments that produce streams of very intense infrared radiation or visible light. They are used mostly in surgery to either cut or heat weld. LASER is an acronym for a. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation b. Light Amplification by Spontaneous Emission of Radiation c. Light Amplitude Stimulation Emitter Radiation d. Light Amplitude by Stimulation of Emitter

90. Which of the following expressions refer to the diagram below.

a. ( AB)  (CD)  E

b. ( AB )  (CD)  E

c. ( A  B)  (CD)  E

d. ( AB )(CD)  E

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