Science 4 Q1 Module 4 Changes in The Materials That Are Useful or Harmful To One's Environment

August 29, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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= Zjoelje

Xuhrter 8 ‚  Gamuce  Gamuce =; Jbhl`es ol tbe Ghterohcs tbht hre Useiuc ar Bhrgiuc ta Ale‟s  Elvoralgelt





Zjoelje = Zeci-Cehrlol` Gam uce (ZCG) Xuhrter 8  ‚  Gamuce =; Jbhl`es ol tbe Ghterohcs tbht hre Useiuc ar Bhrgiuc ta A le‟s  Elvoralgelt   Elvoralgelt Iorst Emotoal, >6>6 ^epuncoj Hjt 2>?:, sejto al 809 sthtes 809 sthtes tbht; La japyro`bt sbhcc sunsost ol hly ward ai tbe @averlgelt ai tbe Vbocoppoles. Bawever, proar hppravhc ai tbe `averlgelt h`eljy ar aiioje wbereol ward os jrehtem sbhcc tbol`s, ne lejesshry ai phygelt sujb ward praiot. Zujb h`eljy artbe aiioje ghy, hgal` atber ogpase iar hs hexpcaothtoal jalmotoal tbe ai iar rayhctoes. Narrawem ghterohcs (o.e., sal`s, staroes, paegs, pojtures, pbatas, nrhlm lhges, trhmeghrds, etj.) oljcumem ol tbos gamuce g amuce hre awlem ny tbeor respejtove japyro`bt bacmers. Every eiiart bhs neel exertem ta cajhte hlm seed pergossoal ta use tbese ghterohcs irag tbeor respejtove japyro`bt awlers. ]be puncosber hlm hutbars ma lat represelt lar jchog j chog awlersbop aver tbeg. Mevecapgelt ]ehg ai tbe Gamuce Proters; Ecghroe Hthneca- Yecesrunoa, Kavecyl N. Zohjar Z ohjar & Hne`hoc Hquola-@hnutol Emotars; Ghrossh Y. Zhchlmhlhl, Caronecce J. Ihlh`ec & Gecolmh H. Nhycal ^evoewers; Caurmes @. Dhbucu`hl, Caronecce J. Ihlh`ec & Gecolmh H. Nhycal Occustrhtar; Ecghroe Occustrhtar;  Ecghroe H. Yecesruno Ye cesrunoa, a, Kavecyl N. Zohjar & Hne`hoc Hquola-@hnutol Chyaut Hrtost;  Hrtost;   Javerr Hr t Meso`ler;  Hrvec @hrry C. Jhgpacca Jave Ghlh`egelt Gh lh`egelt ]ehg; ]ehg;  Hcchl @. Ihrlhza, Ihrlhza, JEZA OY ‚ OY ‚ ^e`oalhc  ^e`oalhc Morejtar Ioec _. Hcgelmrh, JEZA Y ‚ Y  ‚ Hssosthlt  Hssosthlt ^e`oalhc Morejtar Aghr H. Anhs, JEZA Y - Zjbaacs Movosoal Zuperoltelmelt Zuperoltelmelt Khsgol V. Osch JEZA-Hssosthlt Zjbaacs Movosoal Zuperoltelmelt @ocnert N. Nhrrerh ‚ Nhrrerh ‚ Jboei,  Jboei, JCGM  Hrtura M. ]ol`sal Kr. ‚ Kr. ‚ ^EVZ,  ^EVZ, C^GZ Veter Yhl J. Hl`-u` ‚ Hl`-u` ‚ ^EVZ,  ^EVZ, HMG Veter Yhl J. Hl`-u` ‚ Hl`-u` ‚ Zunkejt  Zunkejt Hreh Zupervosar Zupervosar Geocrase N. Verhcth, EmM- JOM Jboei Bhzec @. Hphreje, EmM - EVZ Ol Jbhr`e ai C^GZ  Hltaloa ^. Vhso`hma Vhso`hma Kr. - HMG Jaarmolhtar Jaarmolhtar Caurmes @. Dhbucu`hl Dhbucu`hl ‚ EVZ  ‚ EVZ Zjoelje

Vroltem ol tbe Vbocoppoles ny Mephrtgelt ai Emujhtoal  ‚ ZAJJZDZH^@EL  ZAJJZDZH^@EL  ^e`oal   Aiioje Hmmress;  ]eceihx;  E-ghoc Hmmress; 

^e`oalhc Jelter, Nr`y. Jhrpelter Bocc, Joty ai Daralhmhc (62:) >>222>5/ (62:) >>282?:  re`oal8>Fmepem.`av.pb



= Zjoelje Xuhrter 8 ‚  Gamuce  Gamuce =; Jbhl`es ol tbe Ghterohcs tbht hre Useiuc ar Bhrgiuc ta Ale‟s  Elvoralgelt 



Oltramujtary Gessh`e Iar tbe ihjocothtar; Pecjage ta tbe Zjoelje = Zeci-Cehrlol` Gamuce (ZCG) al Jbhl`es ol tbe Ghterohc tbht hre Useiuc ar Bhrgiuc ta Ale‟s A le‟s Elvoralgelt! Elvoralgelt!  ]bos gamuce whs jacchnarhtovecy meso`lem, mevecapem hlm revoewem ny emujhtars natb irag puncoj hlm provhte olstotutoals ta hssost yau, tbe tehjber ar ihjocothtar ol becpol` tbe cehrlers geet tbe sthlmhrms set ny tbe D ta 8> Jurrojucug wboce averjagol` tbeor persalhc, sajohc, hlm ejalagoj jalstrholts ol sjbaacol`.  ]bos cehrlol` resaurje bapes ta el`h`e tbe cehrlers olta `uomem hlm olmepelmelt cehrlol` hjtovotoes ht tbeor awl phje hlm toge. Iurtbergare, tbos hcsa hogs ta becp cehrlers hjquore tbe leemem >8st jeltury sdoccs wboce thdol` olta jalsomerhtoal tbeor leems hlm jorjugsthljes. Ol hmmotoal ta tbe ghterohc ol tbe ghol text, yau wocc hcsa see tbos nax ol tbe namy ai tbe gamuce;

Lates ta tbe ]ehjber  ]bos jalthols becpiuc tops ar strhte`oes tbht wocc becp yau ol `uomol` tbe cehrlers. Hs h ihjocothtar yau hre expejtem ta aroelt tbe cehrlers al baw ta use tbos gamuce. _au hcsa leem ta deep trhjd ai tbe cehrlers' pra`ress wboce hccawol` tbeg ta ghlh`e tbeor awl cehrlol`. Iurtbergare, yau hre expejtem ta eljaurh`e hlm hssost tbe cehrlers hs tbey ma tbe thsds oljcumem ol tbe gamuce.




Iar tbe cehrler; Pecjage ta tbe Zjoelje = Zeci-Cehrlol` Zeci-Ceh rlol` Gamuce (ZCG) al Jbhl`es ol tbe Ghterohcs tbht hre Useiuc ar Bhrgiuc ta Ale‟s A le‟s Elvoralgelt! Elvoralgelt!  ]be bhlm os ale ai tbe gast sygnacozem phrt ai tbe bughl namy. Ot os aitel usem ta mepojt sdocc, hjtoal hlm purpase. ]brau`b aur bhlms we ghy cehrl, jrehte hlm hjjagpcosb. Belje, tbe bhlm ol tbos cehrlol` cehrl ol` resaurje so`loioes tbht yau hs h cehrler os jhphnce hlm egpawerem ta sujjessiuccy hjboeve tbe recevhlt jagpeteljoes hlm sdoccs ht  yaur awl phje hlm toge. _aur hjhmegoj sujjess coes ol yaur awl bhlms! bhlms!  ]bos gamuce whs meso`lem ta pravome yau wotb iul hlm gehlol`iuc appartulotoes iar `uomem hlm olmepelmelt cehrlol` ht yaur awl phje hlm toge. _au wocc ne elhncem ta prajess tbe jaltelts ai tbe cehrlol` resaurje wboce neol` hl hjtove cehrler.  ]bos gamuce bhs tbe iaccawol` phrts phrts hlm jarrespalmol` ojals;

Pbht O Leem ta Dlaw

 ]bos wocc `ove yau hl omeh ai tbe sdoccs ar jagpeteljoes yau hre expejtem ta cehrl ol tbe gamuce.  ]bos phrt oljcumes hl hjtovoty tbht hogs ta

Pbht O Dlaw

Pbht‟s Ol  

Pbht‟s Lew  

jbejd wbht yau hcrehmy dlaw hnaut tbe cessal ta thde. Oi yau `et hcc tbe hlswers jarrejt (866%), yau ghy mejome ta sdop tbos gamuce.  ]bos os h nroei mrocc ar revoew ta becp yau y au cold tbe jurrelt cessal wotb tbe prevoaus ale. Ol tbos partoal, tbe lew cessal wocc ne oltramujem ta yau ol vhroaus whys sujb hs h stary, h sal`, h paeg, h pranceg apeler, hl hjtovoty ar h sotuhtoal.  ]bos sejtoal pravomes h nroei mosjussoal ai tbe

Pbht os Ot

Pbht‟s Gare  

Pbht O Bhve Cehrlem

cessal. ]bos hogs ta becp yau mosjaver hlm ulmersthlm lew jaljepts hlm sdoccs.  ]bos jagproses hjtovotoes iar olmepelmelt prhjtoje ta sacomoiy yaur ulmersthlmol` hlm sdoccs ai tbe tapoj. _au ghy jbejd tbe hlswers ta tbe exerjoses usol` tbe Hlswer Dey ht tbe elm ai tbe gamuce.  ]bos oljcumes questoals ar nchld seltelje/phrh`rhpb ta ne ioccem ol ta prajess wbht yau cehrlem irag tbe cessal.  ]bos sejtoal pravomes hl hjtovoty wbojb wocc

Pbht O Jhl Ma

becp yau trhlsier yaur lew dlawcem`e ar sdocc olta rehc coie sotuhtoals ar jaljerls.





Hmmotoalhc Hjtovotoes

Hlswer Dey

 ]bos os h thsd wbojb hogs ta evhcuhte yaur cevec ai ghstery ol hjboevol` tbe cehrlol` jagpeteljy. Ol tbos partoal, hlatber hjtovoty wocc ne `ovel ta yau ta elrojb yaur dlawcem`e ar sdocc ai tbe cessal cehrlem. ]bos hcsa telms reteltoal ai cehrlem jaljepts.  ]bos jalthols hlswers ta hcc hjtovotoes hj tovotoes ol tbe gamuce.

Ht tbe elm ai tbos gamuce yau wocc hcsa iolm; ^eiereljes

 ]bos os h cost cost ai hcc saurjes saurjes usem ol mevecapol` mevecapol` tbos gamuce.

 ]be iaccawol` hre sage regolmers ol usol` tbos tbos gamuce; 8. 8.   Use tbe gamuce wotb jhre. Ma lat put ullejesshry ghrd/s al hly phrt ai tbe gamuce. Use h sephrhte sbeet ai phper ol hlswerol` h lswerol` tbe exerjoses. >. >.   Mal‟t iar`et ta hlswer Pbht O Dlaw   neiare gavol` al ta tbe atber hjtovotoes oljcumem ol tbe gamuce. :. :.   ^ehm tbe olstrujtoal jhreiuccy neiare maol` ehjb thsd. =. =.   Anserve balesty hlm olte`roty ol maol` tbe thsds hlm jbejdol` yaur hlswers. 5. 5.   Iolosb tbe thsd ht bhlm neiare prajeemol` ta tbe lext. 9. 9.   ^eturl tbos gamuce ta yaur tehjber/ihjocothtar alje yau hre tbrau`b wotb ot. Oi yau eljaulter hly moiiojucty ol hlswerol` tbe thsds ol tbos gamuce, ma lat besothte ta jalsuct yaur tehjber ar ihjocothtar. Hcwhys nehr ol golm tbht yau hre lat hcale. Pe bape tbht tbrau`b tbos ghterohc, yau wocc experoelje gehlol`iuc cehrlol` hlm `hol meep ulmersthlmol` ai tbe recevhlt jagpeteljoes. _au jhl ma ot!

Pbht O Leem ta Dlaw




 ]bos gamuce whs meso`lem hlm wrottel wrotte l wotb yau ol golm. Ot os bere ta becp yau ghster tbe Jbhl`es ol tbe Ghterohcs tbht hre Useiuc ar Bhrgiuc ta ale‟s Elvoralgelt . ]be sjape ai tbos gamuce pergots ot ta ne usem ol ghly moiierelt cehrlol` sotuhtoals. ]be chl`uh`e usem reja`lozes tbe moverse vajhnuchry cevec ai stumelts. ]be cessals hre hrrhl`em ta iaccaw tbe sthlmhrm sequelje ai tbe jaurse. Nut tbe armer ol wbojb yau rehm tbeg jhl ne jbhl`em ta jarrespalm wotb tbe textnaad yau hre law usol`.  ]be gamuce os movomem olta tbree cessals, lhgecy; ◁  Cessal =.8 ‚  =.8 ‚  Jbhl`es  Jbhl`es ol tbe Ghterohcs tbht hre Useiuc ta tbe Elvoralgelt   ◁  Cessal =.> ‚  =.> ‚  Jbhl`es  Jbhl`es ol tbe Ghterohcs tbht hre Bhrgiuc ta tbe Elvoralgelt   ◁  Cessal =.: ‚  =.: ‚  Phys  Phys ta Vrevelt/Gologoze Bhrgiuc Eiiejts ta tbe Elvoralgelt E lvoralgelt  Hiter `aol` tbrau`b tbos gamuce, yau hre expejtem ta; 8. 8.   Omeltoiy jbhl`es ol tbe ghterohcs wbetber useiuc ar bhrgiuc ta ale‟s elvoralgelt. elvoralgelt.  

Pbht O Dlaw Morejtoals;  Jbaase tbe cetter ai tbe nest hlswer. Prote tbe jbasel cetter ta tbe sphje Morejtoals; Jbaase pravomem neiare ehjb lugner.  QQQ 8. Pbojb jbhl`e ol ghterohc sb sbaws aws useiuc eiiejt ta tbe elvoralge elvoralgelt1 lt1  H. Nurlol` ai mroem ceh cehves. ves. N. Juttol` jcatb ta g ghde hde h poccaw. J. Usol` s styraiahg tyraiahg ol ph phjdol` jdol` iaam. M. ]brawol` m mejhyol` ejhyol` `h `hrnh`e rnh`e olta tbe rover.  QQQ >. Pba hgal` tbeg tbeg prhjtojes whste mospa mospashc shc useiuc ta elvoralgelt1  H. Khysal tbra tbraws ws e`` sbeccs ol tbe wolmaw. N. Kenay tbraws bos j jhlmy hlmy wrhpp wrhpper er ol tbe jh jhlhc. lhc. J. Pelalhb tbra tbraws ws ber nhlhlh peecol` ol tbeor iralt yh yhrm. rm. M. Pecchcyl tbraws ber jrugpcem php phper er ol tbe `hrnh` `hrnh`e e jhl.  QQQ :. Pbojb os tbe jarrejt jarrejt prhjtoje ol mospasol` whste whste ghterohcs1  H. Ghlly use uses s bht hlm sbaes. N. Hmrohl uses ghs ghsd d hlm `caves. J. Pecch uses h bhorlet hlm hpral. M. Pellh use uses s sajds hlm bhl bhlmderjboei. mderjboei.  QQQ =. Ot os h jbhl`e ol ghterohc ghterohc tbht os neleiojohc ta ale‟s elvoralgelt.  H. Nurlol` whstes whstes.. N. Jcehlol` tbe pchy`raulm. J. Egottol` sgade irag ihjtaroes. M. Necjbol` sgade irag vebojces. .  QQQ 5. Pbojb ai tbe iaccawol` hjtovotoes jaltronutes ta thdol` jhre jhre ai tbe surraulmol`s1 5



 H. N. J. M.

Mylhgote os usem ol iosbol`. Vchstoj jups were re rejyjcem. jyjcem. @hrnh`e were tbrawl ol tbe j jhlhcs. hlhcs. Icaarght lat ol use os neol` nurlem.

 QQQ 9. Pba hgal` tbeg MAEZ LA] ZBAP `aam ZBAP `aam prhjtoje ht bage1  H. Hcol` Zoth uses no` jh jhls ls hs ber icawer pats. N. Ghl` Nrula juts mawl trees usol` bos jbh jbholshw. olshw. J. Hcol` Olmhy u uses ses pchstoj na nattces ttces hs ber icawer vhse. M. Ghl` Ulma uses acm jcatb h hs s mohper iar tbeor nhny. nhny.  QQQ 0. ]be iaccawol` jbhl`es jbhl`es ol tbe ghterohcs hre useiuc ta tbe elvoralgelt, elvoralgelt, ERJEV] ALE.  H. Usol` olsejtoj olsejtojomes omes ol doccol` olsejts. N. Usol` acm wrhpper ol wrhppol` `oits. J. Usol` e eja ja nh` w wbel bel nuyol` `rajeroes. M. Usol` natb somes ai nal nalm m phper wbel w wrotol`. rotol`.  QQQ 2. Omeltoiy tbe jbhl` jbhl`es es ol tbe ghterohcs wbojb os useiuc ta tbe elvoralgelt. elvoralgelt.  H. ^ejyjcol` egp egpty ty pchstoj nattces. N. Nurlol` m mospashnce ospashnce spa spaal, al, jups, h hlm lm pchtes. J. ]brawol` shloth shlothry ry lhpdols ol tbe namoes ai wh whter. ter. M. Jagnolol` noame`rhmhnce ta lal-noame`rhmhnce whstes.  QQQ ?. Pbojb os LA] LA] h  h  prhjtoje ol tbe iaccawol` sotuhtoals1  H. Kasepb reus reuses es bos acm latenaads. N. Drostole re rejyjces jyjces eg egpty pty pchstoj nattces. J. Dellhb uses jeccapb jeccapbhle hle ta s sthrt thrt h iore. M. Kasbuh jaccejts bos nradel j jrhyals rhyals iar tbe l lext ext use.  QQQ 86. Pbojb sthtegelt sthtegelt os jarrejt hnaut tbe useiuc eiiejts ai ghterohcs ghterohcs ta tbe elvoralgelt1  H. Egpty jhls j jhl hl ne useiuc oi yau tbraw ot. N. ]be warl au autt tores hre use useiuc iuc oi yau rejy rejyjce jce tbeg. J. Ye`ethnce pe peecol`s ecol`s hre bh bhrgiuc rgiuc oi tbey hre ghm ghme e olta iertocozers. M. ]be ghterohcs tbht mej mejhy hy hre bhrgiuc oi yau pchje tbeg ol tbe jag jagpast past pot.



Jbhl`es ol tbe Ghterohcs tbht hre Useiuc ta ale‟s Elvoralgelt 

Becca @rhme = cehrlers! Bhve yau seel ghterohcs ol yaur surraulmol`s1




Ghterohcs hre iaulm everywbere. ]bese ghterohcs ulmer`a jbhl`es. Jbhl`es ol ghterohcs jhl ne useiuc ta tbe t be elvoralgelt. Ol tbos gamuce yau wocc omeltoiy tbe jbhl`es ai ghterohcs tbht hre useiuc ta ale‟s elvoralgelt. _au hre `aol` ta stumy hlm hlswer seroes ai hjtovotoes ol armer ta womel yaur dlawcem`e hlm ulmersthlmol` hnaut tbe tapoj. tapoj.  

Pbht‟s Ol 

  Pbht ma yau see olsome yaur bausebacm1 Ma yau see whstes1 Jhl yau lhge tbeg1 Baw jhl yau jchssoiy tbese whstes ghterohcs1 ]B^AP AU^ PHZ]EZ V^AVE^C_! Morejtoals; Jchssoiy Morejtoals;  Jchssoiy tbe whste ghterohcs necaw olta o lta noame`rhmhnce, lal-noame`rhmhnce hlm/ar rejyjchnce. Prote tbe lhge ai tbe whste ghterohc al tbe jarrejt trhsb nol. CE]‟Z




no` jhl



sthr nrehm

pchstoj nh`


N o am am e r h hm mh hn n cce e

egpty sbeccs egpty nattce jups

acm culjbnax




Lal al--noame noame rh rhmh mhnce nce

jaiiee shjbet





Lates ta tbe ]ehjber ]bos pravomes yau wotb suppcegelthc tehjbol` strhte`oes, ghterohcs, omehs hlm hjtovotoes ta ne usem hcc tbrau`baut tbe cessal. ]be jaltelt hlm ush`e ai tbos gamuce os `aam iar twa weeds. Peed 9 wocc sthrt irag Pbht O Dlaw ai Dlaw  ai tbe gamuce ultoc Cessal =.8 wboce =.8 wboce Peed 0 wocc 0 wocc sthrt irag Cessal =.> ultoc tbe elm ai tbe t be gamuce. ]bere wocc ne la sungossoal ai gamuce g amuce iar weed 94 tbe retroevhc ai tbe gamuce wocc ne al weed 0 hiter iolosbol` tbe wbace jaltelt. Ot os bapem tbht wotb tbos gamuce, aur cehrlers wocc bhve iul hs tbey cehrl hlm expcare tbe tapoj. Vraper evhcuhtoal hlm reht resuc resucts ts w wocc occ ne hjboevem hjboevem wotb aur bec .




Pbht‟s Lew   Ol tbos gamuce, yau wocc omeltoiy tbe jbhl`es ol ghterohcs tbht hre useiuc ta tbe elvoralgelt. Hre yau rehmy1 _au ghy law prajeem ta tbe iorst hjtovoty.  Hjto  Hj to vo t y 8- –Baw O Jbhl`e Jbhccel`e! ‗  Morejtoals; Omeltoiy Morejtoals;  Omeltoiy baw jbhl`e thdes pchje irag ale ghterohc ta hlatber. Jbaase yaur hlswer irag tbe nax hlm wrote al tbe nchld ta jagpcete tbe iaccawol` sthtegelts. jut hlm sbhpem

hmmem hlm goxem

jut hlm sewem

jcehlem hlm meso`lem

jcehlem hlm pchltem




]ol jhl whs


=. Acm tore were


5. Zhct were









 Hjtt ov o t y >-–Baw Hg O Useiuc  Hj Useiuc 1 ‗  Morejtoals; Ghtjb Morejtoals;  Ghtjb tbe jbhl`es ol ghterohcs ol Jacugl H wotb ots useiucless ol Jacugl N. Jbaase tbe cetter ai yaur hlswer hlm wrote al tbe sphje pravomem neiare ehjb lugner. lugner.  H


 QQQQ 8. Irag waam O hg law h thnce

H. ar`hloze hl hlm m pchje peljocs

O jhl law ne useiuc ny QQQQ  QQQQ >. O hg law h bhlmderjboei bhlmderjboei irag

N. ot jhl ne usem ta pchlt yaur

 kust h poeje ai ai jcatb.


O jhl law ne usem ta QQQQ  QQQQ :. Baw jhl O ne useiuc useiuc oi irag tol jhl O hg law h peljoc jhse1

J. pchjol` yaur yaur iaam hlm use ge murol` gehc toge.

 QQQQ =. Acm tore ghme olta icawer pat os

M. ot `oves thste ta tbe jaadem jaadem iaam.

neleiojohc nejhuse QQQQ  QQQQ 5. Mossacvol` shct shct ol jaadol` os

E. wope tbe swe sweht ht hlm tehrs.

useiuc nejhuse QQQQQQQQ

Pbht os Ot Mom yau dlaw! Ghterohcs pchy ogparthlt race ol aur coves. Pe P e use tbeg ol aur mhocy bausebacm jbares hlm ol mevecapol` lew pramujts code ol iaam, h`rojucture hlm gemojole. ]bere hre h cat ai neleiots tbht every ghterohc jhl nrol` oi we use tbeg prapercy.




Jbhl`es ol tbe Gh Jbhl`es Ghterohcs terohcs t bht hre useiuc ta tbe e elvoralgelt lvoralgelt

Pbht ghme ghme tbeg useiuc ta t be e elvo lvo ralgelt

Zbhpol` poejes ai waam

  Ot os usem iar sottol`, ghdol` us jagiarthnce.

ta ghde h jbhor.   Ot os usem iar pratej pratejtoal toal h` h`holst holst mort mort hlm voruses.

Juttol` poeje ai jcatb ta ne ghme olta ihje ghsd.

  Acm tore jhl ne usem hs ielje ol y yaur aur `hrmel ta pratejt yaur pchlts irag strhy hloghcs.

Usol` acm tore ta ghde h ielje.

  Vchstoj nh`s jhl ne rejyjcem ar reusem.

^ejyjcol` pchstoj nh`s.

  Meter`elts usem ol whsbol jhl regave mort ol jcatbes.

Usol` meter`elts ol whsbol` whsbol` jcatbes

  Noame`rhmhnce ghterohcs pchjem ol jagpast pot wocc turl olta iertocozer.

Noame`rhmhnce ghterohcs Noame`rhmhnce hre pchjem ol h jagpast pot.

  ^ejyjcol` pchstojs code egpty jaltholer ai pholt, ghdol` tbeg olta icawer pats wocc remuje whstes ol tbe elvoralgelt.

Usol` whste pchstojs olta atber uses.

   Hloghc ghlure serves hs iertoc iertocozer. ozer. ]bey pravome esseltohc lutroelts lutro elts requorem ta `raw behctby pchlts.  pchlts. 

Vchjol` hloghc ghlure ol pchlts.

Pbht‟s Gare   Mrhw Ge! Morejtoals;  Mrhw h sthr Morejtoals;  oi tbe sthtegelt os jarrejt hlm behrt hlswer al tbe sphje pravomem neiare ehjb lugner.  QQQQQ 8. Ghdol` runner runner tores ghme icawer pats os useiuc.   QQQQQ >. Nurlol` tore os useiuc useiuc ta ale‟s elvoralgelt. elvoralgelt.    QQQQQ :. Mejhyem ghterohcs ghterohcs jhl ne usem hs ar`h ar`hloj loj iertocozer. 86

oi lat. Mrhw yaur



 QQQQQ =. ^ejyjcol` ^ejyjcol` os ghdol` ghterohcs useiuc.  QQQQQ 5. Jbhl`ol` waam olta thnce os useiuc.

Pbht O Bhve Cehrlem   Gorra r Ge Aut!

Morejtoals; Prote yaur reicejtoal hnaut tbe cessal ny jagpcetol` tbe selteljes necaw. 8. O bhve ce cehrlem hrlem tbht jbhl`es ol ghterohcs nej nejage age useiuc wbe wbel l h. waam os ghme olta h QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. n. pchstoj nattce os ghme olta QQQQQQQQQQ. j. acm tores hre ghme olta QQQQQQQQQQQQQ. m. hloghc ghlure turl olta QQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQ. Q.

>. ]bere os h jbhl`e ta h poeje ai jcatb wbel yau j jut ut ot. ]be jbhl`e tbht bhppelem ta tbos poeje ai jcatb os neleiojohc oi ot wocc ne ghme olta QQQQQQQQQ hlm QQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQ..

Pbht O Jhl Ma 

   Hppcy. Pbht jbhl`es yau jhl g ghde hde olta tbe iaccawol` ghterohcs1  Hre tbe jbhl`es yau yau ghme ol tbe iaccawol` ghte ghterohcs rohcs useiuc ta tbe elvoralgelt1

Jhl Jh l _au Ghde Ge1  H. Mor ejt ejtoo al s;  Pbht wocc yau ma ta jbhl`e tbe iaccawol` ghterohcs hlm ghde tbeg useiuc ta tbe elvoralgelt1 Jbaase yaur hlswer irag tbe warms ol tbe nax hlm wrote ot al tbe nchld.

icawer pat

jrhyal bacmer

ar`hloj iertocozer


whter jaltholer

`oit nax



8. O wocc ghde tbos whste ghterohc

olta QQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQ ta ghde ot useiuc ol tbe


>. O wocc ghde tbos whste ghterohc

olta QQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQ ta ghde ot useiuc ol tbe


:. O wocc ghde tbos whste ghterohc

olta QQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQ ta ghde ot useiuc ol tbe


=. O wocc ghde tbos whste ghterohc

olta QQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQ ta ghde ot useiuc ol tbe


5. O wocc ghde tbos whste ghterohc

olta QQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQ ta ghde ot useiuc ol tbe


O Phlt Phlt ta Becp! N. Morejtoals; Morejtoals; Loje  Loje ale! Law, yau hre `aol` ta rejyjce hcc tbe rejyjchnce ghterohcs. ]ry ta becp Bhezec rejyjce tbe ghterohcs aut irag i rag tbeg. Jbaase tbe jarrejt hlswer irag tbe nax necaw hlm wrote al tbe sphje pravomem iar.

icawer vhse


icawer pat

peljoc jhse whter mopper

Bhezec jaccejts hcc tbe rejyjchnce ghterohcs irag autsome hlm olsome tbeor bause. Zbe `ets tbe no` jhl hlm uses ot hs QQQQQQQQQQQQ murol` nhtbol`. Zbe juts wrhppers ai jhlmoes, jaiiee, sbhgpaa shjbet, nosjuots hlm tetrh phjds hlm pchjes tbeg ta`etber ta ghde h   QQQQQQQQQ wbojb sbe jhl use wbel sceepol`. Zbe hcsa `ets tbe sghcc egpty golerhc nattce ta ghde h QQQQQQQQQQ iar ber nratber ta put bos peljocs. Potb tbe becp ai ber soster, sbe ghdes h QQQQQQQQQQQQQ aut irag tbe sghcc jhl sa tbht sbe wocc bhve sagetbol` ta put al ber jut icawers.  8>



Pbel Bhezec `aes aut irag tbe bause, sbe sees ber gatber pchltol` icawers. Zbe teccs ber gatber ta use tbe acm tores hs QQQQQQQQQQQQQ ta pchlt ber icawers.

Hssessgelt Morejtoals; Jbaase tbe cetter ai yaur hlswer hlm wrote ot al tbe sphje pravomem neiare Morejtoals; ehjb lugner.  QQQ 8. Pbojb hjtovoty os LA] NELEIOJOHC ta NELEIOJOHC  ta ale‟s ale‟s elvoralgelt1  elvoralgelt1  H. Yhlka dojds tbe `hrn `hrnh`ebe h`ebe shw ol tbe street. N. Yhl`oe p prephres rephres trhsb jhls ta p put ut tbeor whste. J. Yhceroe uses tbe mejhyol` gh ghterohcs terohcs hs iertocozer ta ber ber pchlts. M. Yoj rejyjces tbe pch pchstoj stoj jups hlm ghdes hl ogp ogpravosem ravosem hlegageter.  QQQ >. Pba hgal` tbe iaccawol` iaccawol` jbocmrel sbaws praper wh whste ste mospashc tbht useiuc ta tbe elvoralgelt1  H. Khle nurls be berr jrugpcem phper. N. tb tbraws raws tbe egpty j jhls hls ol tb tbeor eor nhjdyhrm. J. Khy Kay tbraws mroem cehves ul ulmer mer tbe trees. M. Khjd tbraws b bos os nhlhlh peecol`s ol tbeo tbeorr iralt yhrm.  QQQ :. Nhsyh wocc bhve h nortbmhy nortbmhy phrty al Zulmhy Zulmhy.. Pbht os tbe nest prephrhtoal sbe jhl ma tbht wocc neleiojohc ta tbe elvoralgelt1  H. Vhjd tbe iaam ol sty styraiahg. raiahg. N. Vrephre pch pchtes tes tbht jh jhl l ne wh whsbem sbem hiter us use. e. J. Use strhw strhws s ol mroldol` neverh`es. M. Use mospashnce pchtes  QQQ =. Ot os h  H. N. J. M.

jbhl`e ol ghterohc tbht os neleiojohc ta ale‟s elvoralgelt. Nurlol` whstes whstes.. Jcehlol` tbe pchy`raulm. Egottol` sgade irag ihjtaroes. Necjbol` sgade irag vebojces.

 QQQ 5. Pbojb ai tbe iaccawol` hjtovotoes os useiuc ta tbe elvoralgelt1  H. ]brawol` `hrnh`e ool l tbe seh. N. Usol` let wotb sghcc ba baces ces ol iosbol`. J. Zeccol` a acm cm lewsphpers ol tbe kul kuld d sbap. M. Nurlol` acm scopp scopper er ghme ai run runner ner ta sthrt h iore.  QQQ 9. Pba hgal` tbeg MAEZ LA] ZBAP `aam ZBAP `aam prhjtoje ht bage1  H. Hcol` Zoth uses sgh sghcccc jhl hs whter mopper. N. Ghl` Nrula juts mawl trees usol` bos jbh jbholshw. olshw. J. Hcol` Olmhy uses pchstoj n nattces attces hs ber icawer vhse. M. Ghl` Ulma uses acm j jcatb catb hs mohper iar tbeo tbeorr nhny.




 QQQ 0. ]be iaccawol` jbhl`es jbhl`es ol tbe ghterohcs hre useiuc ta tbe elvoralgelt, elvoralgelt, ERJEV] ALE. E. Usol` pestojomes ol doccol` olsejts. I. Usol` acm wrhppe wrhpperr ol wrhppol` `oits. @. Usol` eja nh` wbel n nuyol` uyol` `rajeroes. B. Usol` natb somes ai nal nalm m phper wbel w wrotol`. rotol`.  QQQ 2. Omeltoiy tbe jbhl`e ol tbe ghterohcs wbojb os useiuc ta tbe elvoralgelt. Pocmrel

hlm Lola `et nhgnaas ta QQQQQQQQQQQQQ Q QQQQQQQQQQQQQ. Q.  H. nurl N. pchy wotb ot J. ghde –dhchdht‗  –dhchdht‗  M. tbraw ol tbe rover  QQQQ ?. Hcc ai tbe hjtovotoes hre neleiojohc neleiojohc ta tbe surraulmol`s ERJEV] surraulmol`s ERJEV]   H. Kasei bos lew ph phm m phper hs sjrhtjb. N. Drostole ioxem tbe icop icap ai ber s scopper copper ol armer ta use ot h`hol J. Dellhb preie preiers rs ta nuy sbhgpaa ol tunes rhtbe rhtberr tbhl ol shjbets. M. Eghl ghdes h tay jhr ghme ai waam olste olstehm hm ai nuyol` lew ale ale..  QQQQ 86. Pbojb sthtegelt sthtegelt os jarrejt hnaut tbe use useiuc iuc eiiejts ai ghterohcs ta tbe elvoralgelt.1   H. ]be acm tore nejage nejages s useiuc oi yau rejyjce. N. ]be egpty jhls jhl ne u useiuc seiuc oi yau tbraw ot. J. ]be mejhyem gh ghterohcs terohcs hre bhrgiuc oi yau put ot ol tbe jag jagpast past pot. M. ]be ve`ethn ve`ethnce ce peecol`s ne nejage jage bhrgiuc oi tbey hre ghme olta iertocozers.

Hmmotoalhc Hjtovotoes @reetol`s! _au hre hcgast male! Prote tbe lhge ai hly ghterohc iaulm ol yaur bage tbht ulmer`aes jbhl`es hlm baw ot nejages useiuc ta tbe elvoralgelt. 8. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ >. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ :. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ 




Hlswer Dey (Iar Peed 9)      J

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Pbht O Leem ta Dlaw ]bos gamuce bhs oltelmem h spejoioj purpase ta becp yau ghster tbe jaljept ai Zjoelje. tbos gamuce, weoltecco`eljes. jalsomer yauOtta nehjtovhte phrt ol yaur ot. ]be cessals ghme hjjarmol`Oltaghdol` yaur guctopce cehrlol` wocc golm wotb tbe twere be moiierelt hjtovotoes hlm hccaw yau ta thde phrt ol becpol` aur elvoralgelt. ]be gamuce os movomem olta twa cessals, lhgecy;   Cessal =.> ‚  ‚  Jbhl`es ol tbe Ghterohcs tbht hre Bhrgiuc ta Ale‟s Ale‟s Elvoralgelt  Elvoralgelt   Cessal =.: ‚Phys ta Vrevelt/Gologoze Vrevelt/Gologoze tbe Bhrgiuc Eiiejts ta Ale‟s Elvoralgelt Elvoralgelt 

 Hiter `aol` tbrau`b tbos gamuce, gamuce, yau hre expejtem ta; 8. Omeltoiy tbe jbhl`es ol tbe ghterohcs tbht hre useiuc ar bhrgiuc ta ale‟s elvoralgelt.

Pbht O Dlaw  H.

jbhl`es s ol tbe ghterohcs ta tbe Morejtoals ; Prote tbe bhrgiuc eiiejt ai jbhl`e elvoralgelt. Jbaase tbe cetter ai tbe jarrejt hlswer irag tbe nax.  

 H. Hor Vaccutoal  QQQQQQ8. sgade sgade irag vebojces N. Zaoc Vaccutoal  QQQQQQ>. tbrawol` `hrnh`e `hrnh`e ol rovers J. Phter Vaccutoal  QQQQQQ:. mugpol` mugpol` jbegojhcs al chlm M. Meiaresthtoal  QQQQQQ=. usol` pestojomes hlm olse olsejtojomes jtojomes  QQQQQQ5. jcehrol` ai ai iarest iar bausol` prakejts N. Morejtoals; ^ehm tbe iaccawol` sthtegelts jhreiuccy hlm jbaase tbe nest hlswer iar ehjb oteg necaw. Prote P rote yaur hlswer al tbe sphje pravomem neiare tbe lugner.  QQQQQQ9. Pba hgal` hgal` tbe iaccawol` @rhme iau iaurr pupocs os respalsonce al bos/ber wh whste1 ste1  H. Vhaca tbrew hwhy bos jh jhlmy lmy wrhppers ol tbe jagiart raag. N. Murol` Ghtb toge, @cell usem s sjrhtjbem jrhtjbem phper iar sacvol`. J. Ghynecce ceit nebolm hcc ber trhsb a al l tbe thnce ol tbe jhlteel. M. Cohlh pchjem ber kul kuld d iaam jeccapbhle ulme ulmerr tbe mesd hiter ehtol`.  QQQQQQ0. ]be peapce peapce ol Narhjhy becp ta shve tbe elvoralgelt ny QQQQQQQQQQQQQ.  H. cotterol` al tbe ajehl h hlm lm hlywbere N. whsbol` tb tbeor eor jcatbes al tbe neh nehjb jb J. tbrawol` whste ol tbe jhlhcs hlm hlm rovers M. jcehlol` up tbe neh nehjbes jbes hlm iaccaw tbe prap praper er se`re`htoal ai whste  QQQQQQ2. Pbojb ai tbe iaccawol` iaccawol` sotuhtoals nest mesj mesjrone rone rejyjcol`1  H. Hcol` Lelh usem el eler`y-eiiojoelt er`y-eiiojoelt co`bts ht bage. N. Uljce Nel stotjbem sage a aii bos acm jcatbes wbojb jh jhl l ne wehrhnce. J. Ghroh hlm Ku Kuhl hl ghme icawer p pats ats irag hl acm sbae. sbae. M. Lhlhy Galh ghme u use se ai pchstoj jalthole jaltholerr iar ber ceitaver iaam.




 QQQQQQ?. Pbojb ai tbese games games ai trhlsparthtoal gologozes/cessels gologozes/cessels tbe egossoa egossoal l ai jhrnal moaxome ol tbe hor1  H. Hlmay uses bos j jhr hr ta ward every mhy. N. Kecehle rome romes s ber nojyj nojyjce ce `aol` ta sjbaac. J. ]hthy ^anerta mroves h kee keepley pley ta pojd up phsse phssel`ers. l`ers. M. H jhr`a trujd mecovers hcc tbe ` `aams aams ht @hoshla @rhl @rhlm m Ghcc.  QQQQQQ86. Baw Baw jhl we prevelt tbe bhrg bhrgiuc iuc eiiejts ai tbe jbhl`es ol ghterohcs ghterohcs ta aur elvoralgelt1  H. Vrhjtoje hlm Ma tbe 5^‟s (^emuje, ^euse, ^ejyjce, ^ephor ^ ephor hlm ^at) ht bage, sjbaac hlm jagguloty. N. Use hcc dolms ai waam tree trees s ta ghde jbhors, thnces hlm atber jalstrujtoal ghterohcs. J. Phsb hcc yaur jcatbe jcatbes s ol tbe rover ta hvaom phyol` whter nocc. M. Nurl jeccapbhle ar scopper ta sth sthrt rt iore ehsocy.

Cessal =.> 

Jbhl`es ol Ghterohcs tbht hre Bhrgiuc ta Ale‟s Elvoralgelt 

Becca yaul` cehrlers! Bhve yau seel ghterohcs tbht hre jbhl`ol` ol yaur surraulmol`s1 Zage jbhl`es ol tbe ghterohcs bhve bhrgiuc eiiejts ta tbe elvoralgelt. elvoralgelt. ]bere hre sage whys ai preveltol` tbe bhrgiuc eiiejts ta tbe elvoralgelt. Ol tbos gamuce yau wocc cehrl hnaut tbe bhrgiuc eiiejts ai tbe jbhl`es ol tbe ghterohcs ta tbe elvoralgelt.

Pbht‟s Ol    H. Mor ejt ejtoo al s;  Mrhw bhppy ihje oi tbe jbhl`es ai ghterohcs os useiuc ta tbe elvoralgelt hlm shm ihje oi ot os bhrgiuc.

 QQQQQQ8. nurlol` ai pchstoj ghterohcs  QQQQQQ>. ghdol` ghdol` ai icawer pats irag pchstoj whstes  QQQQQQ:. `rajery `rajery stares usol` phpe phperr nh`  QQQQQQ=. `rajery `rajery stares usol` pchstoj jeccapbh jeccapbhle le  QQQQQQ5. h ihrger ihrger usol` ar`hloj pestojome  QQQQQQ9. h ihrger ihrger usol` olar`hloj pestojome  QQQQQQ0. iosbergel iosbergel usol` let ol jhtjbol` iosb iosbes es  QQQQQQ2. iosbergel iosbergel usol` mylhgote ol iosbol`  QQQQQQ?. nurlol` ai ihccol` cehves ol tbe nhj nhjdyhrm dyhrm  QQQQQQ86. puttol` puttol` tbe ihccol` cehves olta h jagpast pot.




Pbht‟s Lew    Hj to vo t y 8  Hjto Baw deel O Hg1 Ankejtove;   Omeltoiy tb tbe e bhrgiuc eiiejts ai tbe jbh jbhl`es l`es ol tbe ghterohcs ta tbe elvora elvoralgelt lgelt Pbht yau l ee eem;   Veljoc / m;  nhccpel Hjtovoty Zbeet (Vravomem) Pbhtt ta ma; Pbh 8. Ztumy tbe iaccawol` pojtures. >. Omeltoiy wbht ma tbe pojtures sbaw. Prote yaur hlswer al tbe t be naxes ta jagpcete tbe `rhpboj ar`hlozer. Bhrgiuc Bh rgiuc eiie eiiejts jts ai tbe jbhl`e jbhl`es s ol tbe ghte ghterohcs rohcs t a tb e Elvoralgelt

 :.  =.  5. 

@uome Xuestoals; Nhsem al tbe hjtovoty yau jalmujtem, hlswer tbe iaccawol` questoals nroeicy. 8. Pbht jbhl` jbhl`es es ol tbe ghterohcs b bhs hs bhrgiuc eiiejt ta tbe elvoralgelt1  QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQ >. Baw maes ot hiiejt aur elvoralgelt1 elvoralgelt1    QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQ   Q   :. Pbel yau see sotuhtoals code wbht tbe pojtures sbaw sbaw,, wbht wocc yau ieec1 Pby1 Pby1    QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQ   =. Baw ma yau mospase yaur `hrnh`e ht bage1  bage1   QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQ   5.  Hs yaul` Iocopo Iocopola la jot jotozel, ozel, b baw aw jhl yau becp prevelt ots bh bhrgiuc rgiuc eiiejt tta a tbe elvoralgelt1   elvoralgelt1  Hj to vo t y >  Hjto Phlt ta ne Elvoralgelthcost! Phlt Ankejtove;   Mesjrone tbe bh bhrgiuc rgiuc eiiejts ai tbe j jbhl`es bhl`es ol tbe g ghterohcs hterohcs ta tbe elvoralgelt Pbht yau leem; Veljoc / nhccpel  Hjtovoty Zbeet (Vravomem) (Vravomem) Pbhtt ta ma; Pbh 8. Ztumy tbe iaccawol` pojtures. 8?



>. Mesjrone tbe bhrgiuc eiiejts ai tbe jbhl`es ol tbe ghterohcs ta tbe :. Prote yau yaurr hlsw hlswers ers ol tbe sp sphje hje p pravomem. ravomem. *Potb tbe `uomhlje ai tbe phrelt ar `uhrmohl.


E B] A ] ]





L J I G I L A C ^O U Y


I L G E ^ H B Z O]

@uomem Xuestoals; 8. >.

:. =.

Nhsem al tbe hjtovoty jalmujtem, hlswer tbe iaccawol` questoal. Pbht hre tbe bhrgiuc eiiejts ai tbe jbhl`e jbhl`es s ta tbe elvoralgelt1  QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQ Baw jhl y yau au pratejt yau yaurseci rseci irag tbe sga sgade de ai vebojces h hlm lm sjhtterem `hrnh`e ol yaur pchje1  QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQ Oi peapce jaltolue ma maol` ol` tbese h hjtovotoes, jtovotoes, wbht m ma a yau tbold wocc bhp bhppel1 pel1  QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQ Zuppase ya yau u hre hl el elvoralgelthcost, voralgelthcost, wbht jhl y yau au ma ta shve Gatber Ehrtb irag tbe bhrgiuc eiiejts ai tbe jbhl`es ol tbe ghterohcs1  QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQ

Cessal =.: 

Phys ta Vrevelt/Gologoze tbe Bhrgiuc Eiiejts ta Ale‟s


Mehr yaul` Cehrlers, we wocc hcsa cehrl c ehrl al sage whys baw ta prevelt/gologoze tbe bhrgiuc eiiejts ai tbe jbhl`es ol ghterohcs ta aur elvoralgelt.  HJ]OYO]_ :




Cet‟s Zhve aur Vchlet! 

Ankejtove; Zu``est sage whys ol gologozol` tbe bhrgiuc eiiejts ai tbe jbhl`es ol ghterohcs Pbht yau leem; Veljoc/Nhccpel Hjtovoty Zbeets Pbht ]a Ma; 8. Ztumy tbe iaccawol` pojtures ol tbe nhsdet/nhyal` necaw. >. Zu``est sage whys al wbht ta ma wotb tbe iaccawol` ghterohcs we usem ht bage ol armer ta gologoze ots bhrgiuc eiiejts ta aur elvoralgelt. nattces

acm jcatbes


pchsto j jalthol er

pchstoj nattces  


Pbht os Ot   NEH^ OL GOLM!

Zage jbhl`es ol tbe ghterohcs bhve bhrgiuc eiiejts ta tbe elvoralgelt. Ot ghy paccute chlm, whter hlm hor. ]bese jbhl`es hiiejt tbe covol` hlm lal-covol` ttbol`s bol`s hs tbey olterhjt wotb ale hlatber ol tbe elvoralgelt. Aur Gatber Lhture os law experoeljol` tbe bhrgiuc eiiejts ai tbe jbhl`es ol tbe ghterohcs we use hlm jalsuge every mhy.




Jbhl`es Jbh l`es ol tbe Ghterohcs Ghterohcs

Nurlol` acm tore

Bh Bhrgiu rgiu c eiiejts ta tbe elvora lgelt Zgade hlm taxol irag nurlol` tores hre recehsem ta hor wbojb jaltronutes ta `canhc whrgol` hlm hor paccutoal. Nurlol` ai pchstojs recehses paosalaus jbegojhcs tbht ghdes tbe hor paccutem hlm

Nurlol` ai pchstoj

Phsbol` jcatbes ol tbe rover. Mugpol` ai `hrnh`e ol namoes ai whter Mugpol` `hrnh`e al chlm

Juttol` mawl ai trees

tbht ghy jhuse cul` jhljer hlm atber resporhtary mosehses. Meter`elts usem iar whsbol` jcatbes jalthol taxoj sunsthljes tbht jhl paccute whter hlm jhl docc covol` ar`hlosgs ol tbe whter code iosbes hlm whter pchlts. @hrnh`e mugpem ol rover, ajehl hlm jreeds wocc paccute tbe whter hlm ghy serve hs nreemol` pchje ai pests. Pbel chlm os mugpem wotb `hrnh`e, tbe chlm nejages paccutem. Vests tbht jhrry `ergs icaurosbem ol paccutem chlm belje mhl`eraus ta bughls‟ behctb.  behctb.  Ot hiiejts tbe quhcoty ai hor tbht we nrehtbe. Ot jhuses rhpom jbhl`e ol tegperhture. ^hol cevec os severecy hiiejtem hlm saoc erasoal. Ghly iarest hloghcs case tbeor bhnothts nejhuse ai meiaresthtoal.

]bere os h `reht why ta stap Ehrtb‟s mestrujtoal hlm ot os ta jalserve ots resaurjes hlm shve aur elvoralgelt. ]be iaccawol` hre sage ai tbe whys ta prevelt ar gologoze tbe bhrgiuc eiiejts ai tbe jbhl`es ol tbe ghterohcs olta tbe t be elvoralgelt; h. Ne respalso respalsonce nce jotozel. Vrhjtoje tbe 5^‟s (^emuje, ^euse, ^ejyjce, ^ephor hlm ^at) ht bage. h.8 ^emuje ‚ ^emuje ‚ ta  ta nuy hlm jalsuge pramujts wbojb yau alcy leemem tbe gast. h.> ^euse ‚ ^euse ‚ ta  ta use ghterohcs ht bage tbht hre reushnce code jaltholer iar starh`e, usem phper jhl ne usem hs sjrhtjb, warl-aut tores hs ielje iar pchlts. h.: ^ejyjce ‚ ^ejyjce  ‚otegs otegs tbht jhl ne ghme h`hol olta hlatber ghterohc (acm lewsphper ta tossue ar phper h`hol). h.= ^ephor ‚ ^ephor  ‚ hppcohljes  hppcohljes hlm equopgelt tbht bhve h sco`bt mhgh`e jhl ne iox ny ecejtrojohl ar ol h sbap. h.5 ^at ‚ ^at  ‚ Jagpase  Jagpase ai noame`rhmhnce ghterohcs gox ol tbe saoc tbht jhl ne use hs iertocozer ta pchlts. n. Iaccaw tbe strojt ogpcegelthtoal ai yaur joty ol whste ghlh`egelt. Zephrhte tbe noame`rhmhnce,, lal-noame`rhmhnce hl noame`rhmhnce hlm m taxoj ghterohcs. j. Oi yau bhve sphje ht yaur nhjdyhrm, pchlt iruot trees ar hly ve`ethnces. _au jhl hcsa tecc yaur phrelts ta tehjb t ehjb yau baw ta pchlt hlm re`raw pchlts. m. Lever tbraw yaur `hrnh`e hlywbere phrtojuchrcy ol tbe streets ar ol tbe rover. e. Deep yaur surraulmol` jcehl hlm pchlt gare trees. *Ghde ot h bhnot ta becp aur elvoralgelt shie.




Pbht‟s Gare   N^APZE GE UV

Law tbht yau bhve cehrlem hnaut tbe bhrgiuc eiiejts ai tbe jbhl`es ol tbe ghterohcs ta tbe elvoralgelt, try ta hlswer tbe lext hjtovoty.  hjtovoty.   H. Mor ejt oa l s ;  ^ehm ehjb sthtegelt necaw. Prote ]rue ]rue oi  oi tbe sthtegelt os jarrejt hlm Ihcse oi Ihcse  oi ot os lat jarrejt. Prote yaur hlswer al tbe nchld neiare tbe lugner.  QQQQQQ8. Juttol` ai ai trees jhuses saoc erasoal.  QQQQQQ>. Zgade-egottol` Zgade-egottol` vebojces hre bhrgiuc ta behctb.  QQQQQQ:. Nurlol` ai ai tores hlm pchstojs maes lat hiiejt bu bughl ghl hlm ots elvoralgelt. elvoralgelt.  QQQQQQ=. Mospashc ai whste hlywbere jhl ne olbhnotem ny olsejts tbht rosd peapce‟ peapce‟s s behctb.  QQQQQQ5. ]brawol` `hrnh`e ol tbe rover ar sehs ghy mestray ghrole bhnotht. Law tbht yau bhve cehrlem hnaut tbe bhrgiuc eiiejts ai tbe jbhl`es ol tbe ghterohcs ta tbe elvoralgelt, try ta hlswer tbe lext hjtovoty. N. Morejtoals ; Ghtjb tbe jbhl`es ol ghterohcs tbht bhs bhrgiuc eiiejts ta tbe elvoralgelt wotb tbe pojtures. Prote tbe cetter ai tbe jarrejt hlswer al tbe nchld pravomem.

 H N J  QQQQQQ8. Nurlol` ai ai cehves hlm weems  QQQQQQ>. ]brawol` ai `hrnh`e al tbe streets  QQQQQQ:. Phsbol` jcatbes jcatbes ol tbe rover  QQQQQQ=. Nurlol` ai ai pchstojs  QQQQQQ5. Mugpol` Mugpol` `hrnh`e ol tbe rover



J. Morejtoals; Morejtoals; Mrhw h ]bug ]bugn n Up so`l ( )oi ot su``ests whys ta pre prevelt velt ar gologoze tbe bhrgiuc eiiejts ai tbe jbhl`es ai ghterohcs ta aur elvoralgelt hlm  hlm  ]bugns Mawl ( Mawl  ( ) oi lat.  QQQQQQQQQQ 8. 8. Ghdol` h jagpast pot/nol ol tbe yhrm yhrm iar iruot ar ve`ethnce peecol`s.

 QQQQQQQQQQ > sbaes pats iar pchlts.  QQQQQQQQQQ >. :.. Usol` :. Usol` aut`rawl tbe nax jaltholer jal tholerhs hspats h iaam starh`e.  QQQQQQQQQQ =. =. Pehvol` h nhsdet usol` acm acm lewsphper.  QQQQQQQQQQ 5. 5. ]brawol` ulusem nattces, nattces, egpty jhls hlm j jeccapbhle eccapbhle ol tbe vhjhlt cat.  QQQQQQQQQQ9.  QQQQQQQQQ Q9. Vchltol` ve`ethn ve`ethnces ces hlm trees ht yaur nhjdyh nhjdyhrm. rm.  QQQQQQQQQQ 0. 0. Nurlol` ai jeccapbhle ta ghde ghde iore ol jaadol` roje.  QQQQQQQQQQ 2. 2. Jcehlol` ai jhlhcs ar strehgs strehgs ta deep gasquotaes irag gh ghdol` dol` ot hs h nreemol` pchje.  QQQQQQQQQQ ?. ?. Mugpol` ai whste ghterohcs sujb sujb hs jbegojhcs, pchstoj pchstojs s ol tbe rover nhlds.  QQQQQQQQQQQ86.  QQQQQQQQQQ Q86. Juttol` mawl ai trees ta pramuje phper, waam iurloture code jbhors hlm thnces.




Pbht O Bhve Cehrlem   O V^AYE PBH] O CEH^L

_au hre hnaut ta jagpcete tbos gamuce4 O hg sure yau bhve cehrlem sagetbol` irag tbe moiierelt hjtovotoes. Jagpcete tbe selteljes necaw. necaw. 8. O bh bhve ve ceh cehrlem rlem tbh tbhtt tbere hre jb jbhl`es hl`es ol tbe g ghterohcs hterohcs tbht hre  QQQQQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQQ QQQQQQ ta tbe elvoralgelt. >. Bhrgiuc eiiejts a aii tbe jbhl`e jbhl`es s ol ghterohcs g ghy hy ros rosd d tbe coves ai QQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQ QQQQ hlm QQQQQQQQQQ. :. O w wocc occ h hvaom vaom mugpol` hlm nurlol` ai `hrn `hrnh`e h`e nejhuse  QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. QQQQQQQQQQ. =. Iolhccy, O jhl pratej pratejtt aur pchlet E Ehrtb hrtb nyQQ nyQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQ

Pbht O Jhl Ma    H. Cet‟s ma h prakejt tbos toge. Pe wocc ghde h rejyjchnce pat iar aur pchlts ht bage. Jage al doms, `htber law yaur ghterohcs hlm iaccaw i accaw tbe olstrujtoal necaw.  Hj to vot vo t y; Vra kej t Zh` op Nhs ur h ‚ ^ejyjcem Vats  

Ankejtove Ol tbos hjtovoty, yau wocc ghde h pat usol` rejyjchnce ghterohcs. Olstehm ai tbrawol` tbeg hwhy yau jhl use tbos hs h pat iar yaur pchlts hlm ve`ethnces ht bage. Ghterohcs Le Leemem emem Zjossar Vchstoj nattce (8.5 sait mrold, golerhc nattce hlm etj) Zeemcol`s/ icawer pchlt Aptoalhc (Vholt ar polturh) Vrajemure

8. Iorst, jcehl hcc tbe nattces yau bhve jaccejtem hnave hnave..

>. Lext, prephre yaur sjossar hlm j jut ut tbe nattce olta twa. Vcehse hsd hl hmuct ta becp yau sa hs ta hvaom juttol` yaur bhlms.

:. ]bel, use h peltec pel/nhcc pel ta iarg h phtterl ai pethcs kust code h rehc icawer. Jut ot aut olta iaur/iove phrts.




=. Hiter tbht, ghde h sghcc bace ht tbe jelter hlm mrocc ht cehst iove baces al tbe nattag ai tbe atber bhci ai tbe nattce.

5. Chstcy, put tbe icawer ta tbe bace ai tbe atber nattce. _au jhl hcsa hcsa use pholts (aptoalhc alcy) ta jacar ar meso`l yaur pat. Iocc up tbe rejyjcem icawer pat wotb saoc hlm pchje yaur seemcol`s/ve`ethnce/icawers olta tbe saoc.

Paw! iolhccy yau ghme ot. _au bhve law yaur awl rejyjchnce pats usol` pchstoj nattces. Late; Ghde sure yau whter yaur pchlts doms. N. Morejtoals Morejtoals;; Cehrlers, rehm ehjb sotuhtoals necaw. Cet‟s becp tbe stumelts al wbht

ta ma wotb tbe whste iaulm ol tbeor surraulmol`s. 8. [aey caves ta thde ber ma` iar h whc whcd d every garlol`. Ht tbe shge, sb sbe e maes sage exerjose ta nejage pbysojhccy iot hlm behctby. Hcal` tbe why sbe sees cats ai pchstoj nattce hlywbere. Oi yau were [aey, wbht wocc yau ma ta ghde tbe elvoralgelt jcehl1  QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQ

>. Cauoe rome bos n nojyjce ojyjce ol `aol` ta sjb sjbaac aac hlm nhjd ta bos bos bause. Every tbree galtbs be jbhl`es tbe tores hlm deep ot ol tbeor nhjdyhrm. Law be bhs h nax iucc ai usem tores ht bage. Pbht P bht su``estoals jhl yau `ove ta Cauoe1  QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQ :. Zhdurh‟s gag jaccejts moiierelt vhroety ai pchlts ol ber `hrmel. Zhdurh becp ber gatber ol thdol` `aam jhre ai tbe pchlts. Ale chte hiterlaal, sbe shw h shjd ioccem wotb egpty jhls lehr tbe ^hgnuthl tree. Pbht wocc yau ma wotb tbe egpty jhls oi yau were Zhdurh1  QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQ =. Nel hlm Nelly hcwhys vaculteer ta becp tbeor tbeor tehjber ol jcehlol` tbe jchssraag. jchssraag. ]bey sweep cats ai phpers hlm trhsb al tbe icaar ceit ny tbeor jchssghtes. Pbht ruces wocc yau su``est iar zera trhsbes ol tbe jchssraag1  QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQ 5. Ale sully ga garlol`, rlol`, Hmrohl `aes ta bos iroel iroelm m ta pchy. Hs be phssem ny  Hcol` Nenhl`‟s bause, be iaulm acm lewsphper hlm pchstoj jeccapbhle ceit ht tbe t be vhjhlt cat. Oi yau were Hmrohl, wbht wocc yau ma1  QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ  QQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQ




Hssessgelt H.  H.  Guctopce Jbaoje; ^ehm ehjb otegs jhreiuccy. jhreiuccy. Prote tbe cetter ai tbe jarrejt

hlswer al tbe nchld pravomem.  QQQQQQ 8. ]be iaccawol` jbhl`es ol tbe gh iaccawol` ghterohcs terohcs hre bhrgiuc ta tbe elvoralgelt ERJEV]1  H. Mugpol` `hrnh`e hlywbere N. Nurlol` ai ihccol` cehves ol tbe nhjdyhrm J. Ghdol` a aii icawer pats irag whs whste te pchstojs M. Nurlol` ai pch pchstoj stoj gh ghterohcs terohcs  QQQQQQ >. Pbojb ai tbe iaccawol` iaccawol` wocc ne h bhrgiuc eiiejt ta tbe elvoralgelt1  H. ]brawol` `hrnh`e ol tbe rover N. Usem tore hlm pchstoj ja jaltholers ltholers ol ` `hrmelol` hrmelol` J. Nurlol` a aii runner hlm pchstoj M. Zgade irag vebojce  QQQQQQ :. Pbht wocc ne tbe bhrgiuc bhrgiuc eiiejt oi peapce deep al juttol` juttol` mawl trees1  H. Ot jhuses saoc erasoa erasoal. l. N. Ot cess cessels els tbe `canh `canhcc whrgol`. J. Ot jhllat case hloghcs‟ lhturhc bage.  bage.   ]bere hre bhrgiuc eiiejts ai tbe jbhl`es ol tbe ghterohcs ta tbe elvoralgelt. Pbojb ai tbe iaccawol` os LA] h bhrgiuc eiiejt1  H. Hor Vaccutoal J. Zaoc Vaccutoal N. ^eiaresthtoal M. Phter Vaccutoal  QQQQQ 5. Pby sbaucm sbaucm we prhjtoje praper mospashc a aii `hrnh`e hlm bhrgiuc jbegojhc1 jbegojhc1  H. ]a hvaom paccutoal al hor, chlm hlm whter. N. ]a sprehm mosehses hgal` bughl hlm hloghcs. J. ]a `ove pests h nreemol` pchje. M. ]a ghde aur surraulmol`s jalthgolhtem.  QQQQQQ9. Pbojb ai tbe iaccawol` iaccawol` maes lat jhuse hor paccutoal1  H. Mugpol` ai ghterohcs (pchstojs (pchstojs,, jbegojhc hlm egpty nattces) ol vhjhlt vhjhlt cat. meter`elts ta w N. Usol` whsb hsb jcatbes ol tbe rover. J. Vchltol` ai iruot trees h hlm lm ve`ethnce ol tbe `hrmel. M. Bhrgiuc sgade irag j jhrs, hrs, jo jo`hrettes `hrettes hlm ihjtaroes  QQQQQQ0. Pbht wocc yau ma ta becp gholthol tbe praper se`re`htoal ai whste ol yaur sjbaac1  H. ^ephor tbe acm stuii code hrg jbhors jbhors ar thnce wbojb jhl stocc ne use use N. Vojd up trhsb yau bhve iaulm ol sjbaac pch pchje je ol tbe jarrejt trhsb nol. J. ]ecc yaur jc jchssghtes hssghtes ta costel ta yaur tehjber ht hcc toges. M. Gholthol tbe j jcehlcoless cehlcoless ai tbe sjbaac surraulmol` surraulmol`..  QQQQQQ2. ]be iaccawol` sotuhtoals hre useiuc ol tbe elvoralgelt exjept.  H. Goccoals ai tores hlm pchstojs pchstojs tbrawl hwhy eh ehjb jb yehr ol tbe chlmiocc. N. ]hde h reushnce nh` ghme aut ai jcatb ta nuy `aams ol `rajery stares J. Usol` ai pchstoj jaltholer ta stare ceitaver iaam. M. Usol` eja-iroelmcy `chss, utelsocs hlm pchtes ol h ihst-iaam i hst-iaam jbhol.




 QQQQQQ?. Pby ot os ogparthlt ta jalserve hlm preserve tbe resaurjes ai aur Gatber Ehrtb1  H. Pe leem ta prevelt prevelt ots bhrgiuc eiiejts ol aur el elvoralgelt. voralgelt. N. Pe go`bt experoelje h `reht mhl`er ol tbe iuture. J. Pe alcy bhve h very cogotem resaurjes wbojb elhnce us ta survove. M. Pe bhve ta stap hlm gologoze tbe paccutoal.  QQQQQQ86. Baw wocc yau nejage h respalsonce jotozel ol yaur bage, nhrhl`hy hlm ta yaur jagguloty1 H. Mospase whste whste ghterohcs olta tbe rovers hlm vhjhl vhjhltt cat. N. Nurl tbe pch pchstojs, stojs, cehves hl hlm m runner ghme g ghterohcs. hterohcs. J. Lever golm tbe jbhl`es tbht ajjur ol tbe elvoralgelt. M. Vrhjtoje tbe 5^‟s hlm ne hl hjtove hmvajhte iar elvoralgelthc hjtovotoes (jcehl-up mrove, tree pchltol` hlm etj.)





Hlswer Dey

(Iar Peed 0)      M  .  6   8

   J .  ?    H .  2    N .  0    J .  9    H .  5    N .  =    H .  :    N .  >    J .  8

    s   e   o   t   o   v   o   t   j    H


  y   r   h   v   y   h    g   s   r   e    w   s   l    H   a    M   O  l   h    J   t   h   b    P

 c   h   l   a   o   t   o   m   m    H   t   l   e    g   s   s   e   s   s    H

    y   r   h   v  s   r   e    w   s   l    H .  =   y   r   h   v  s   r   e    w   s   l    H .  :   s  c  h    g  o  l   h   /  l   h    g    u    B .  >  c    u   i   g   r   h    B .  8   m   e   l   r   h   e   C   e   v   h    B   O  t   h   b    P

  e   j   h   i  y   p   p   h    B .  6   8   e   j   h   i   m   h    Z .  ?   e   j   h   i   m   h    Z .  2   e   j   h   i  y   p   p   h    B .  0   e   j   h   i  y   p   p   h    B .  9   e   j   h   i   m   h    Z .  5   e   j   h   i   m   h    Z .  =   e   j   h   i  y   p   p   h    B .  :   e   j   h   i  y   p   p   h    B .  >   e   j   h   i   m   h    Z .  8


  l   O  s  ‟   t   h   b    P

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     w   e    L   s  ‟   t   h   b    P

   H .  6   8    N .  ?    J .  2    M  .  0    N .  9    M  .  5    H .  =    N .  :    J .  >    H .  8    w   a   l    D   O  t   h   b    P



^eiereljes  Hnuthy, Cechlo ^., et hc. Zjoelje = Cehrler‟s Ghterohcs 8st Emotoal. Vbocoppoles; Cexojal Vress,OLJ, >685  Hnuthy, Cechlo ^., et hc. Zjoelje = ]ehjber‟s @uome 8 st  Emotoal. Vbocoppoles; Cexojal Vress,OLJ, >685




MOZJCHOGE^  ]bos Zeci-cehrlol Zeci-cehrlol` ` Gamuce (ZCG) whs mevecape mevecapem m ny MepEm ZAJJZDZH^@EL ZAJJZDZH^@EL wotb tbe proghry ankejtove ai prephrol` iar hlm hmmressol` tbe lew larghc. Jaltelts ai tbos gamuce were nhsem al MepEm‟s Gast Esseltohc Cehrlol` Jagpeteljoes (GECJ). ]bos os h suppcegelthry ghterohc ta ne usem ny hcc cehrlers ai ^e`oal ROO ol hcc puncoj sjbaacs ne`ollol` Z_ >6>6->6>8. ]be prajess ai C^ mevecapgelt whs anservem ol tbe pramujtoal ai tbos gamuce. ]bos os versoal 8.6. Pe bo`bcy eljaurh`e ieemnhjd, jaggelts, hlm rejaggelmhtoals. rejaggelmhtoals. Iar olquoroes ar ieemnhjd, pcehse wrote ar jhcc; Mephrtgelt ai Emujhtoal ‚ Emujhtoal ‚ ZAJJZDZH^@EL  ZAJJZDZH^@EL Cehrlol` ^esaurje Ghlh`egelt Zysteg (C^GZ) ^e`oalhc Jelter, Nr`y. Jhrpelter Bocc, Joty ai Daralhmhc ]eceihx La.; (62:) >>222>5/ (62:) >>282?: Eghoc Hmmress; re`oal8>Fmepe re`oal8>Fmepem.`av.pb m.`av.pb




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