Chapter 1 "earning "earning #b$ecti%es 1.1 &o understand the e%olution o the 'ar(eting concept, the 'ost pro'inent tools used to i'ple'ent 'ar(eting strategies, the relationship bet)een %alue and custo'er retention, and the ob$ecti%es o socially responsible 'ar(eting. 'ar(eting. 1.2 &o understand ho) the Internet and related technologies i'pro%e 'ar(eting 'ar(eting transactions by adding %alue that bene*ts both 'ar(eters and custo'ers. 1.+ &o understand the interrelationships a'ong custo'er %alue, satisaction, and retention, and technologys re%olutionary role in designing e-ecti%e retention 'easures and strategies. 1. &o understand consu'er beha%ior as an interdisciplinary area, consu'er decision/'a(ing, and the structure o this boo(.
Ho) can a car help epress its o)ners characteristics
"earning #b$ecti%e 1.1 1.1 &o understand the e%olution o the 'ar(eting concept, the 'ost pro'inent tools used to i'ple'ent 'ar(eting strategies, the relationship bet)een %alue and custo'er retention, and the ob$ecti%es o socially responsible 'ar(eting.
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