Scaffolding Guide

April 22, 2017 | Author: blackwellkid | Category: N/A
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CITB CO:-ISTRI.JC! 10' lndu.._'ir' frainjna: f'kxanJ

AConMruct ion lndustryTrainingBoard Publication



PRACTICAL SCAFFOLDING The construction and use of basic access scaffolds

Second Edition

Revis ed 1987

All d!lnenstons Staled m tlu,e sHe

FOUNDATIO N S Every scaffold structure ll10JSt be 'well founded The foundotior1 must be capal) le of SOP1S /

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'"'termedtatc Transoms

Intermediate T ransoms If thl! hit rs to he hoarded over as a workong platform. ultermedtilte ttansoms wolf be rcqurr~d w supporlthe boards These are f1xed ocros$ ledgers wrth put log couplers normally on thl' tttmre of c~ch tray, al1hougl1 addltlonaltntermccllate transoms may be rcqu trPCIIo support $!tOr i boards. Tlwy may safely be remuved ann used elsewhere 1n the stru('1ure wh(ln 1he platform 1S no longer r(~qu 1red

Ties Toensu re t11il llhe sca f fold framework cnn not move :w;av from. or luwards the bUilding 11 must be swbol11ad. 1h 1s os normally achrr,ved bv securing 1110 SC(1ffold framowork to the hurldtng w1t'1 poSotrve two way ltes lr('S are d•scussed n dotarl under tht• relevant chapu:r headong T•cs must not b,., removed, except hy an expcrocnced and competent scalf older, who ml•St t!11sure tha t the stabdtty o f tho scaffold is noljt!opardisutl II remov"tl for accessor any other puroos". alternot tve 11es must frrst be fixed to maimam the st ~bd1ty of the scaffold Tres must be checked a1 regular Intervals. and re-checked agaon belon: d1smantltng

Braces All scaffold structures fl1USI be braced tn bOth drrecuons F••cade (or sway bracesJ should h~ trued along theourerfaccolthescaffotd. from thchnse tothelull he•ghtoi th~ strucrure In the case of large structures a brace must be f1xe(! overy30m( 1OOfl)or less along I he fnce :111el can be corH111uous or placed across eac11 by 1n a z 1g-z~o (dog-leg) fas1110n Jo1111S m facade braces must be 111ado w11h sleeve couplers If jo111t pms (sp•gotsl are used each JOtnt rnust be splrced w•th a lapoed tube


Ledgers L" are sh;, maonhonzonlaltubesand provodelalt!ralsupponwshessmcsure They mu~l bt! level and foxed to she onsod1\'


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MATERIALS Scaffold•ng rnale r •iltS r Scaffold Boards" Tltrs icicntrfres tlte typly wi th BS 1129. 'Trmber ladckrs. Sll'PS. tr·es!les and lrghtwergh l StrllJ rng for rndustna l uso·. These ~re often used inconjt tncuon wrtl1 propri~tiJfy sys tems of scaffoldrng. Port~ blc olum.n tum ladders . Steps, trestles nn








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Swivel Couplers. are used to con nec t tubes m any angle th ro ug h 360 t!i; yrccs. norma lly used to con11ect braces 10 swndila lt and a11y typeoffiOOI " '9'" pavmgwlliCI1w oll ld be pen.,trmc\1 by a s tanrlurd w 11h a baseplate ' """~ath 11. or ol thrv os doubt abo111the sud ace there shou ld be a further spreadon11 of the load by a sole r>i1S been d!Silirbd f, the w hole piD tC area shou ld no t bo less th
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