Scaffolding Exam

July 6, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Natg; ____________________  Baeg; ____________________________ Joepaby; _____________________ 

Zjaffohn`bd ‚ ^ra`b`bd Joursg - Assgssegbt ^gst Shgasg rgan ahh tlg qugst`obs igforg start`bd tlg tgst. Ygan`bd t`eg ‚ 17 e`butgs ^gst t`eg - 1 lour  Nraw a j`rjhg O aroubn tlg hgttgrs of ahh tlg jorrgjt abswgrs (Zoeg of tlg qugst`obs jobta`b eorg tlab obg jorrgjt abswgr) 1. Zjaffoh Zjaffohns ns arg arg wlat wlat m`bn m`bn of worm worm phatfor phatfore? e? a. Nabdgr dgrous i. Sgr grea eab bgbt j. @hhgdah n. ^gepor epora ary 9. Tlat a. i. j. n.

arg arg tlg ea`b ea`b typgs typgs of sjaffohn`bd sjaffohn`bd usgn usgn ob eost s`tgs? s`tgs? Toongb ^uiuhar  Ahue`bue Zystge

:. Pou Pou jab jab BO^ BO^ usg usg a sjaf sjaffoh fohn n as a? a? a. ^r ^rab absf sfgr gr Sha Shatf tfor ore e i. Eoi` Eoi`hg hg Shat Shatfo fore re j. H`ft H`ft`b `bd d Shat Shatfo fore re n. Torm Torm Shatf hatfor ore e >. Pou jab BO^ sgt hoans ob a sjaffohn sjaffohn phatfore phatfore tlat gxjggns gxjggns tlg sjaffohns? sjaffohns? a. Hgbd Hgbdtl tl abn abn T`n T`ntl tl i. Lg`dlt j. ^otah Z` Z`zg n. Torm Ho Hoan 7. Tlat `s `s tlg jorrgj jorrgjtt rat`o rat`o for tlg tlg abdhg abdhg of a ramg ramgr? r? a. : ; 1 i. > ; 1 j. 7 ; 1 n. 9 ; 1

LZG Zjaffohn`bd ^ra`b`bd


6. Tlat `s tlg tlg eax`eue lg`dlt lg`dlt of ahh h`fts aiovg aiovg tlg f`rst h`ft ob ob a h`dlt nuty sjaffohn? a. 9.63 9.63 egtg egtgrs rs (< ft. 6 ``b. b.)) i. 9.:3 9.:3 egtg egtgrs rs (4 ft. 6 ``b. b.)) j. 9.33 9.33 egtg egtgrs rs (6 ft. 6 `b. `b.)) n. 1.43 1.43 egtg egtgrs rs (7 ft. 6 ``b. b.)) 4. Tlat `s tlg eax`eue eax`eue n`stabjg n`stabjg ahhowaihg ahhowaihg igtwggb tlg trabsoes trabsoes support`bd support`bd tlg ioarns? a. 1.:< 1.:< egtg egtgrs rs (> ft. 6 ``b. b.)) i. 1. 1.93 93 egtg egtgrs rs (> ft.) ft.) j. 1.43 1.43 egtg egtgrs rs (7 ft. 6 `b. `b.)) n. 1. 1.7> 7> egtg egtgrs rs (7 ft.) ft.) ng ngdrggs j. 1 ngdrgg n. : ng ngdrggs 0. Tlgb a. i. j. n.

grgjt`bd grgjt`bd sjaffohn ob soft droubn, wlat eust eust you ahways usg? usg? A i`dd i`ddgr gr ias iasg g phat phatg g A job jobjr jrgt gtg g iho ihojm jm A iho ihojm jm of woon woon A so sohg ioar ioarn n

13.A sjaffohn ioarn slouhn bot ovgrlubd tlg gbn of tlg trabsoe iy eorg tlab? a. 7 jgbt` jgbt`egt egtgrs grs (9 `b.) `b.) i. 13 jgbt`e jgbt`egtg gtgrs rs (> `b.) `b.) j. 17 jgb jgbt` t`eg egtg tgrs rs (6 (6 `b.) `b.) n. :3 jgbt`e jgbt`egtg gtgrs rs (19 `b.) `b.) 11.Tlat 11. Tlat for a. arg ^o tlg lohn lohnirajgs up up tlg tlgusgn sja sjaffo ffohn hn ob a sjaffohn? i. ^o w`ng `ngb `t`t j. ^o t`g t`g tlg tlg sj sjaf affo fohn hn n. ^o strg strgbd bdtl tlgb gb `t 19.Tlat f`tt`bd no you usg to ko`b hgndgrs? a. Zhgg Zhggvg vg jh jhae aep p i. Zw`v Zw`vgh gh jh jhae aep p j. Ko`b Ko`btt-p p`b jha jhaep ep n. Z`bd Z`bdhg hg jh jhae aep p

LZG Zjaffohn`bd ^ra`b`bd


1:.Tlgb iu`hn`bd aby sjaffohn`bd, wlat `s tlg e`b`eue bueigr of ioarns you eust worm ob? a. 7 io ioarns i. > io ioarns j. : ioarns n. 9 io ioarns 1>.Tlgb sgg? a. i. j. n.

jobbgjt`bd stabnarns to a stabnarns (upwarns), wlat f`tt`bd eust you Zw`v Zw`vgh gh jh jhae aep p Noui Nouihg hg jh jhae aep p Zhg hgg gvg jha jhaep ep Ko Ko`b `btt-p` p`b b jhae jhaep p

17.Tlat `s jhaep `s usgn to f`x tlg hgndgr to tlg stabnarn? a. Ko Ko`b `btt-p` p`b b jhae jhaep p i. Zw`v Zw`vgh gh jh jhae aep p j. Nouihg ihg jh jhaep aep n. Z`bd Z`bdhg hg jh jhae aep p 16.^uigs a. i. j. n.

tlat arg f`xgn lor`zobtahhy, froe frobt to iajm, ob a sjaffohn arg jahhgn? Zta tab bnar arns ns Hgndgrs Irajgs ^rabsoes

14.^lg 14. ^lg jorrgjt abdhg abdhg to pos`t`ob a hanngr `s? a. 1 ; 1 i. 9 ; 1 j. : ; 1 n. > ; 1 1 9> `bjlgs) `bjlgs) igyobn igyobn tlg tlg worm`bd h`ft.

LZG Zjaffohn`bd ^ra`b`bd


93.Wpr`dlts aiovg tlg phatfore wlgrg duarn ra`hs arg aff`xgn eust ig spajgn; a. C bot bot ov ovgr gr 0 fgg fggtt i. C bot bot ov ovgr gr 6 fgg fggtt j. C bot bot ovgr ovgr 7 fg fggt 91.^op 91. ^op abn e`n ra`hs eust ig `bstahhgn; a. @b @bs` s`ng ng tlg tlg upr upr`d `dlt lts s i. Outs`n Outs`ng g tlg upr`d upr`dlts lts j. G`tlgr G`tlgr a or i, wl`jlg wl`jlgvgr vgr `s prajt prajt`jai `jaihy hy jobvgb` jobvgb`gbt gbt 99.Ahh worm phatfores eust ig fuhhy phabmgn abn bot lavg aby opgb`bd, Lowgvgr, opgb`bd eat ig ahhowgn to sujl gxtgbt; a. ^lat tlg tlg lohg lohg or opgb`b opgb`bd d `s bo eorg eorg tlab tlab 1 `bjl `bjl i. ^lat tlg tlg lohg lohg or opgb`b opgb`bd d `s bo eorg eorg tlab tlab µ `bjl `bjl j. ^lat tlg lohg lohg or or opgb`b opgb`bd d `s bo bo eorg eorg tlab tlab ² `bjl `bjl 9:.Shabms jab ig ha`n ovgrhapp`bd, Lowgvgr, tlg ovgrhap eust ig; a. At hgast 19 19 `bjlgs or 1 foot abn tlg ovgrhap po`bt eust eust ojjur a support support (igargr or ioarn igargr) i. At hgast 6 `bjlgs abn abn tlg ovgrhap ovgrhap po`bt po`bt eust ojjur ojjur a support support (igargr (igargr or  ioarn igargr) j. At hgast hgast 1 egtgr egtgr to eamg `t eujl eujl safgr  safgr  9>.Vgrt`jah 9>. Vgrt`jah hanngrs hanngrs eust lavg a e`b`eue, hasl`bd or r`d`n attajlegbt attajlegbt to tlg strujturg; a. At tlg tlg ias iasg, g, e`n e`nnhg nhg abn abn top top i. At tlg tlg ias iasg g abn abn top top j. At tlg top 97.@bjh`bgn hanngrs eust lavg a e`b`eue, hasl`bd or r`d`n attajlegbt to tlg strujturg; a. At tlg tlg ias iasg g abn abn top top i At tlg lg to toasg, p g, iot j.. At tttl lg ias i iottoe toe abn abn top top

LZG Zjaffohn`bd ^ra`b`bd

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