SC-BS336-Specification for Fire Hose Coupling and Ancillary Equipment

April 24, 2018 | Author: Joe Aggarwal | Category: Certification, World Wide Web, Technology, Computing And Information Technology, Business
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Short Description

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Global-Mark P/L Management Document CS-BS336  Title: BS 336:2010 Specification for fire hose coupling and ancillary equipment  Type of Document: Document: Standard Complement

 This document is external

Document Information and Revision History Document Number


Original Author(s)

Herve Michoux

Current Revision Author(s)

Herve Michoux i

Revision History Revision






Herve Michoux

Original Release – ISSUED FOR COMMENTS

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

 Table of Contents 1 2

 Why do we have this document .........................................................................................................................3 How is document developed, updated, used and maintained..........................................................................3


 This document may be updated if:.......................................................................................................................................3

2.2 3 4 5 6

If the document is updated: .................................................................................................................................................. 3 How to use this document.................................................................................................................................3 Release and implementation dates ....................................................................................................................3  Type Testing of the Product ..............................................................................................................................4 Manufacturing, assembly Inspection and Testing............................................................................................4 6.1 Routine testing ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4 6.2

7 8

Batch testing............................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Product marking requirements..........................................................................................................................4  What documents/records are needed to implement this procedure ................................................................4

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 Why do we have this document  This document describes how certification of a particular product is to be undertaken by Global-Mark Pty Ltd.  This document defines the rules and conditions that Global-Mark Pty Ltd has set to allow for the review, testing, factory review, factory surveillance, and product marking.


How is document developed, updated, used and maintained •

2.1 • •

2.2 • • •


 This document has been developed by Global-Mark Pty Ltd to assist its product certification program. This document aims to completement the specified standard in areas of product review, testing, surveillance and marking which may not be well addressed in the specified standard. Client, industry groups, consumer groups and other stakeholder are free to participate and comment on the content of the document. It is an accreditation requirement that this document be developed in a process that takes into account the view of interested parties. It is our aim to meet this requirements, and its public availability support this aim. Before this document is used in the field for the purpose of certification, it must be reviewed by key stakeholders (Clients, or industry groups). The document may be sent for comments, and if no comments are received within 2 weeks, the document will be released.  The PCP Program Manager maintains the Standards Complements  This document may be updated if:  The standard is updated, Experience or feedback shows that some of the requirements in the document are not adequate. If the document is updated:  The latest version (and previous version, marked as superseded) will be available on our web site,  All Certified Clients will be emailed a copy of the reviewed document  The revised document will provide guideline on the effective date of implementation of the revised document, including the date by which all certified Clients must have demonstrated compliance to the new document

How to use this document

 When using this document, you should also reference: MSP-00_Introduction to our management systems MSP-05_Nomenclature and definitions  The specific standard to which certification is to be granted (or already granted), mentioned on the first page of this document  AS 1199-1988 Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes. • • •


 AS 1199.1-2003 Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes. Global-Mark Pty Ltd Welcome Pack document (which can be downloaded from our web site).

Release and implementation dates

 This is the original release of this document so there no specified dates. Implementation date Date of release of the document  Transition completion date: NA • •

 Note: • •

Implementation date is the date by which all new client will be assessed for compliance with the new version. Transition completion date is the date by which all certified clients must have been assessed and demonstrated compliance with the new revision of this document.

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 Type Testing of the Product

 Type testing shall be in accordance with the requirements of Annexes BS 336:2010 for the type of product certification being claimed for, with GM witnessing appropriate tests to be conducted every 2 ½ years.


Manufacturing, assembly Inspection and Testing

6.1 Routine testing  All products produced shall be visually inspected to the appropriate requirements of section 5.1.  This shall include dimensional checks after machining, and go/no go test using a reference coupling 6.2

Batch testing

For each batch or Client purchase order, or every 100 product producted (which ever is the lowest) samples shall be taken from the prudction area and tested for:: Finish (clause 5.3) Dimensional tests (clause 5.4) Pressure test • • •


Product marking requirements

Marking shall be in accordance with Clause 7 BS 336:2010 and the requirements of the Global Mark “Welcome Pack”.


 What documents/records are needed to implement this procedure

Document Number


Paper or  Where are they kept Electronic

How long form (years)

 Access restrictions


Nil End of document

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