Sbi Power of Attorney

August 1, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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at present residing at

DO HEREBY APPOINT AND CONSTITUTE Shri/Smt/Kum Son/Daughter/Wife of   ( hereinafter called “Attorney” who has subscribed his/her signature hereunder in token of identification ) at present residing at to be my lawful Attorney in my name and on my behalf to do any one or all of the following deeds and things, namely. 1. To apply apply for for a loan/l loan/loan oanss under under the the variou variouss scheme schemess of state state ba bank nk of India India as also also any any further additional loans to SBI for such amount as the attorney may deem fit and for that  purpose, to pay the processing fees and sign the loan application/s in my/our name and on my/our behalf and to furnish all the details and information required by SBI and to give statement, letter, clarification or any other writing required or necessary for availing of the said loan/s from SBI and from time to time to follow up the said loan application/s and do such other things and deeds as may be necessary in relation thereto. 2. To accept accept th thee lo loan an offer offer le lett tter er an and d si sign gn the ac accep ceptan tance cess th ther ereo eoff in token token of my/our  my/our  acceptance accep tance of the terms and conditions conditions therein contained contained and to pay on my/our behalf the service charges and any other charges and any other charges leviable in respect of the said loan/s. 3. To request request SBI or agree agree with SBI SBI for any change change or modificati modification on in the loan loan amount/s amount/s rate/s rate/s of interest, period of repayment of loan/s or any other terms and conditions iin n relation to the above loan/s at any time or from time to time. 4. To receive receive the disburs disbursement ement of of the said loan/s loan/s and for for that purpos purposee give effectual effectual discha discharge rge and give all the necessary information and documents to assist the Technical and Legal Appraisal of the property/ies purchased/to be purchased with the help of the loan/s. 5. To mortgage mortgage any propert property/ies y/ies he/she/ he/she/ may may book/purc book/purchase hase on my/our my/our behalf behalf or which which I/we might have booked/purchased ( whether with or without SBI’s financial assistance), with SBI by deposit of Title Deeds as security for the repayment of the loan/s granted/ to be granted by SBI to me/us. 6. To deposi depositt on my/ou my/ourr behalf behalf the docume document nt of title and and to state on my/our my/our beh behalf alf to any officer of SBI that the said documents are being deposited for creating & security on the said property/ies by way of equitable mortgage for repayment of the said loan/s. the attorney is fully authorised to make these statements and convey my/our intentions to create security on my/our said property/ies property/ies he/she may book/buy o on n my/our behalf.


7. He/she He/she is furth further er authoris authorised ed to make make any other other statemen statements ts necessar necessary y to create create equitab equitable le mortgage by deposit of title deeds and also to execute my writings, undertakings, indernities etc, on my/our behalf in respect of mortgage of the said property/ies or the guaranteeing of  the repayment of the said loan/s any other writings whatsoever required in respect of the said transactions of the loan/s granted to be granted to ma/us or creation of the said security. 8. He/she He/she is also autho authoris rised ed to execut executee any loan agreem agreement ent/s, /s, promis promissor sory y note/s, note/s, let letter ter/s /s or  declaration/s and indemnity/ies or such other documents as may be required by SBI in respect of the said loan / s. 9. He/she He/she is also aut author horise ised d to execut executee in favour favour of SBI in irrevoca irrevocable ble power power of attorney attorney authorisin autho rising g SBI to execute in its own favour or in favour favour if any other person person,, as SBI in its sole discretion may decide, legal mortgage in any form including in the English form of the  property / ies. 10. He/she He/she is also authorised authorised to pledge with SBI any shar sharee certificate/s, certificate/s, debenture/s, debenture/s, bond/s, bond/s, unit/s, issued by Unit Trust of India, National savings certificate/s, fixed deposit/s, or any other security owned by me/us in favour of SBI by way of security for the said loan/s and to sign any document/s, transfer form/s or paper/s, that may be required by SBI in connection therewith. 11. To acknowledge my/our liability / debt in respect respect of the loan/s. 12. To book a flat/s residential residential unit/s unit/s on my/our behalf and to execute Agreement Agreement for sale/Sale sale/Sale deed of the same with any builder / seller and make payments to him thereof and to present such suc h Agreem Agreement ent/s /s for regist registrat ration ion before before the approp appropria riate te Regist Register/ er/ Sub-Re Sub-Regis gister ter of  Assurance or any other authority at any place or places in India as may be necessary.He/She is authorised to make such payments to SBI as may be demanded by SBI by way of service charge. He/she is authorised to make such payments to SBI as agreement/s letter/s and document/s as may be required by SBI in respect of the above. 13. To admit execution of the Agreement/s Agreement/s for sale before before the said Register/su Register/sub-Reg b-Register ister of  Assurance or any authority as may be required for the purpose. 14. To obtain possession possession of the flat/s, unit/s as and when the same is ready ready for occupation. 15. To receive loan/s and all other document/s document/s including including title document/s on my behalf from SBI and execute receipt/s therefor. 16. 16. To sign form/s form/s docum document ent/s /s and paper/s paper/s requir required ed for the purpos purposee of reg regist istrat ration ion of Cooperat ope rative ive Housing Housing Society Society or a Limited Limited Company Company or or an Associ Associatio ation n of Apartm Apartment ent Owners and become a Member thereof participate in all the meeting and proceedings from time to time, obtain share certificate/s and / or other document/s issued in my /our name and same as my/our attorney and obtain possession of the flat/s. 17. To open and/or operate Bank Account in any Bank in India in my/our name both resident as well as non-resident. The account may be operated in Indian Currency or Foreign Currency to be remitted by me/us from time. 18. To assign my Life Insurance Insurance Policy/ies Policy/ies bearing bearing Nos. in favour of SBI and to sign such papers including notice/s in respect thereof as may be required. 19. He/she He/she is authorised authorised to do all such acts, deeds deeds and things including including signing any paper/s, paper/s, document/s docu ment/s as are necessary necessary and incidental incidental to the above AND that any act or statement of  writing of my/our said Attorney in pursuance thereto shall be deemed to be fully authorised and ratified by me/us.


20. I have not received received any consideration for executing this Pow Power er of Attorney. 21. The Power Agent Agent as to render proper proper accounts accounts to the Principal. Principal. In favour of SBI and to sign such papers including notice/s in respect thereof as may be required. He is authorised to do all such acts, deeds and things including signing any paper/s, documents as are necessary and Incidental to the above AND that any act or statement or  writing of my said Attorney in pursuance thereto shall be deemed to be fully authorised and ratified by me.

Dated at  

this the

day of

Signature : Address :

Specimen Signature of Attorney


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