SB2009-Part 3 Manufacturers

July 22, 2016 | Author: grinchy | Category: N/A
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Manufacturers & Suppliers Section

prod ucts with dia pers. Its new est product lines in clude: ul tra cloth- like dia pers and ba sic Plus dia pers. The com pany has had its prod ucts cer ti fied with ISO 9001:2000. In April 2004, two dia pers com peti tors (Tyco Health care Re tail and Para gon Trade Brands, King of Prus sia, PA), pro tested Ab sor mex’s alledged patent in fringe ment on baby dia pers and incon ti nence prod uct, fil ing their complaint with the U.S. In ter na tional TradeCommission.

Part III List ings in clude stock sym bols for pub lic com pa nies (Ex change: Com pany ID). URL = Web site ad dress on Inter net (de fault is http://) SKU = Stock Keep ing Units

Products: Disposable diapers, Incontinence

E = Es ti mated N/A = Not Avail able or Non-Applicable HBC = Health & Beauty Care


Sales Contacts:

Rodoifo Gordillo

GM = Gen eral Mer chan dise

Note: List ings are al pha beti cal. Retailer sec tion be fore and In dex section that fol lows may not agree with these page numbers since list ings change on an on go ing basis..

ABUNDA LIFE LABO RA TO RIES 208 Third Ave., As bury Park, NJ 07712 USA Tel: (732) 775- 7575; 800-443-5649 Fax: (732) 502- 0899 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: $5 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%Ex port Markets:



(Sub sidi ary of Ab sor mex S.A. de C.V.)


13604 North Unitec Drive, Laredo, TX 78045 USA Tel: (956) 725-7366 Fax: (956) 725- 7523 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 40%

Ex port Mar kets: South & Cen tral Amer ica, Southeast Asia, East ern Europe, West ern Af rica, Canada Profile:

Ab sor mex USA, Inc. is U.S. sub sidi ary of Ab sor mex S.A. de C.V. of Ciu dad Mi tras, N.L, , Mex ico, which was formed in 1982. Qual ity, through stateof- the- art equip ment and pro cesses, has al lowed Ab sor mex to grow through its his tory. Ex pan sion of ca pac ity will continue for the fore see able fu ture. Its new pa per mill and con vert ing equip ment will en able the com pany to ship pa per

This small, family- owned manu fac turer, started in 1964, spe cial izes in healthrelated and fit ness prod ucts (ho lis tic), hav ing dis tin guished it self in the natu ral vi ta mins and food sup ple ments area. Pri vate la bel busi ness started more than 10 years ago. Its port fo lio in cludes 600+ prod ucts. The firm op er ates a na tional mail or der busi ness, a clinic, and a clinic and health retreat. Abunda Life publishes trade cata logues.

Products: Natural fruit sweeteners, Celtic salt, liquid homeopathic remedies, herb formulas, healing botanical teas, cold press vegetable oils, vitamin formulas, enzyme formulas, powder formulas, liquid energy elixirs, weight loss, fibers, bowel tonics, thyroid replacement, hormone replacement Sales Contacts:

162 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Mark Abeel

Lat est News: In Oc to ber 2008, ACH Food Com pa nies joined with Archer Dan iels Mid land Com pany (ADM), also in the SOUR CE BOOK, to form a joint ven ture, Stra tas Foods, LLC, for the manufacture,.marketinganddistribution of pack aged oil prod ucts in the U.S. and Can ada. The new firm, based in Mem phis, TN, will serve the food serv ice, spe cialty food in gre di ent, and re tail private la bel bot tled oil mar kets. Its prod uct port fo lio will cover vege ta ble oil, shorten ing, mar ga rine, and pan spray; while also hand ing foods ervice brands, Whirl and Fry max.

ACH FOOD COM PA NIES, INC. 7171 Goodlette Farms Pkw., Cor dova, TN 38018 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(901) 381-3000; (800) 691- 1106 (901) 381-3185

To tal 2006-07 Sales Vol ume: $1 Bil lion+ Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, South east Asia, Can-


ada, South Amer ica, Mex ico, Af rica, Mid dle East For merly called AC Humko, ACH Food Com pa nies is a di vi sion of As so ciated Brit ish Foods plc, Lon don, one of Eu ro pe’s larg est food com pa nies with sales of $13.6 bil lion ( £ 69.8 bil lion) oper at ing in 44 coun tries and di ver si fied in foods, in gre di ents, and re tail stores. The com pany is traded on the Lon don Stock Ex change (ABF). Web site: Its grocery di vi sion (£2.6 bil lion) includes ACH Food Compa nies, Inc., a ma jor sup plier of specialty food in gre di ents (herbs and spices) and a lead ing store brand supplier of cook ing oils, pan sprays, shorten ings, non- dairy cream ers, and ol ive oils in the United States. The disiv ion op er ates six manu fac tur ing plants in the U.S. Re cently, ACH along with Heartland Sweet en ers part nered with Merisant, the maker of Equal brand sweet ener, to pro vide gro cers with a single source of pri vate la bel zero calo rie sweet en ers: yel low for su cra lose, prink for sac cha rin, and blue for as par tame. Mean time, ACH’s par ent com pany, in July 2005, pur chased Lit tle woods Stores Hold ings, which operates 122 Lit tle wood out lets in the UK and Ireland. Plans called for keeping 40% of their sell ing space and con vert ing the out lets over to the Pri mark fas cia. There are now 170 Pri mark stores (value cloth ing and ac ces so ries) in the UK, the Re pub lic of Ire land, and Spain. The stores are own brand out lets, sell ing apparel un der the Pri mark, At mos phere and other store brands.

Products: Botttled cooking oils including vegetable, canola, olive, sunflower, peanut, blends, corn oils; non-dairy creamer, including lite, fat-free, and flavored; pan sprays; shortening; spices & seasonings, sugar substitutes Sales Contacts:

Brian Hoots, Director of Sales; Terry Reagan, Director of Marketing

AC TA VIS GROUP HF. `Dlshraun 1, 220 Haf nar fjardur, ICELAND Tel: Fax: URL:

+354 535 2300 +354 535 2301

To tal 2006 Sales Vol ume: $ 1.6 Bil lion (€ 1.3 Bil lion) 138% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%+ (E)

Ex port Mar kets: Worldwide Profile:

Ac ta vis Group was founded in 1956, hav ing adopted its pres ent name in 2004. In the last five years, this com pany has grown from € 210 mil lion to € 1.3 billion in sales. Ac qui si tions have been a key fac tor: In 2006, four key busi nesses were added: Sin dan in Ro ma nia (on cology com pounds); Ab rika in the U.S. (cont rolled re lease prod ucts); 51% in terest in ZIO Zdorovje in Rus sia; and a manufacturingplantinIndia.Actavis operates19genericpharmaceutical manu fac tur ing plants in 12 coun tries

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 163

plus Norgesplas ter in Nor way, proEx port Mar kets: 56 Coun tries World wide ducer of self- adhesive plas ters and tapes Profile: This com pany was for merly called Vil lafor wound care, sports, and spe cialty ma rin, op er at ing as one of the old est and ap pli ca tions. Over all, the com pany sells larg est ol ive gro cers in Spain. In the re cent some 650 prod ucts in 30 coun tries. In past, the em ploy ees and man ag ment ex er2006, some 376 new prod ucts were cised a buy out, re nam ing the firm Acyco, added. In the U.S., its pro duc tion plant Acei tu nas Y Con ser vas. The com pany is in Lin coln ton, NC, dis trib utes creams, the only firm pack ing ol ives in PET square ointments,liquids,andsuppository jars—an in no va tion in tro duced some 20 prod ucts. It is a lead ing sup plier of first years ago to the Euro pean mar ket. The aid,femininehygiene,hydrocortisone, plas tic square jars are light weight, nonanti- fungal, and per methrin prod ucts breakable, fea tur ing easy han dling and a for private la bel and own- label sales. 20% sav ings on shelf space, while pro vidIn De cem ber 2005, the com pany acing good in- store dis plays. In green oilives, quired Al pharma U.S Hu man Phar mathe firm of fers a com plete se lec tion stuffed ceu ti cals, which had been merged with withdifferentingredients:pepperpaste, PurepacPharmaceuticals.That an chovy, salmon, tuna, lemon, gar lic, or acquired business now called Ac ta vis al capar rado. Its salad ol ives (with or withU.S., believes it self to be the mar ket out paste) are stuffed with whole gar lic, leader in ge neric liq uid and topi cal gher kins, ja lapeno pep per, al mond, or onpharmaceuticalswithasubstantial ions. The firm has ISO 9002 cer ti fi ca tion. presenceinconsumerpharmaceuticals, This com pany op er ates Ol ives & Foods in such as res pi ra tory and cough/cold to the U.S., which is listed sepa rately in the first aid and women’s health. It proSOURCEBOOK. vides 150+ liq uid, semi- solid and specialty prod ucts in more than 300 Products: Spanish olives--green (whole, pitted or pack age sizes. In its U.S. op era tion, stuffed) and black (whole, pitted, sliced); Ac ta vis is now mov ing its Bal ti more, olive oil (virgin extra, 100% pure); capers; MD , liq uid manu fac tur ing fa cil ity to cocktail onions Lin coln ton, NC. Sales Contacts: Antonio Soto Patino

Products: OTC creams, ointments, liquids,

first aid, hair growth, anti-fungal femlinine hygiene; Pharmaceutical formulations

Sales Contacts:

Brad Blake, Director, director National Sales-Private Label (U.S.) Tel: 410-298-1000 (or 800-432-8534)

ADH HEALTH PROD UCTS, INC.* 215 North Route 303, Con gers, NY 10920 USA Tel: Fax: URL:


(Owned by Acyco S.A.L.) Ve lazquez 3, 41700 Dos Her manas, Seville, SPAIN Tel: Fax: URL:

+34 955-66-9344 +34 954- 72- 59- 15

To tal Sales Vol ume: $10 Mil lion+ Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 5%

Ex port Mar kets: South east Asia, Europe, South Amer ica, Can ada, Far East (35 coun tries total) Profile:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A 164

(845) 268-0027; (800) 292-6002 (845) 268- 2988

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

ADH Health Prod ucts, Inc., for merly Ameri can Drug House, Inc., which be gan op era tions 20+ years ago, spe cial izes in cus tom for mu la tions and con tract manufac tur ing of die tary sup ple ments and nu-

tri tional prod ucts (tab lets, cap sules, pow ders, liq uids). ADH is a prime, medium-sizemanufacturerstructured to re pond to trade cus tom ers’ needs in a shorter pe ri od of time and with greater flexi bil ity. Be sides its chew ables, timerelease, hypo- allergenic and “na tional equiva lent”- type prod ucts, the firm stocks a com plete line of vi ta mins and min eral sup ple ments for nu mer ous exclu sive brand com pa nies. ADH helps cus tom ers set up and im ple ment their own pro grams tai lored to in di vid ual needs and unique in ter ests. Its staff of specialists--chemists,pharmacistsand tech ni cians are avail able to serve cli ents. The com pany op er ates with a 75,000 square foot fa cil ity, us ing cGMP standards.

and Merck ens. The firm is backed by a strong tech ni cal staff and knowl edge able sales force. ADM pro cesses co coa beans and pro duces co coa liq uor, co coa butter, co coa pow der, choco late, and vari ous com punds for the food proc ess ing in dustry. ADM stands for Archer Dan iels Midland Co., a world leader in ag ri cul tural proc ess ing (soy beans, corn, wheat, and cocoa) and in clud ing the produ tion of soy meal and oil, etha nol, corn sweet en ers,a nd flour. Based in De ca tur, IL, ADM sales for fis cal 2008 (June 30) of $69.8 bil lion, op erat ing a to tal of 240 proc ess ing plants. Cocoa and choco late pro duc tion is part of its Food and Feed In gre di ents Busi ness. Lat est News: In Oc to ber 2008, ADM formed a joint ven ture with ACH (also in the SOUR CE BOOK) to work as Stra tas Foods LLC, Mem phis, in pro duc ing packaged oil prod ucts (in clud ing re tail pri vate la bel) in the U.S. and Can ada. Prod ucts include: vege ta ble oil, short en ing, mar ga rine and pan spray.

Prod ucts: Dietary supplements minerals, vitamins, herbs, national equivalents, chewables, amino acids, antioxidants, digestive aids, specialty products. Sales Contacts:

Balu Advani, President; Maya Advani, Vice-President


(A Di vi sion of ADM Com pany) 4666 Far ies Pkwy., De ca tur, IL 62526 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

chocolate, butterscotch, peanut butter, chocolate flavored); chocolate and white bark coatilngsoils (vegetable, corn, canola, sunflower, peanut, blended); flours; soy-based meat alternatives and soy enriched pasta

Sales Contacts: Kent Dell, Director of Sales; Rick Moncrief, National Account Manager

(217) 424-5200 N/A

To tal Fis cal 2008 Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Mex ico, Pa cific Rim, Europe Profile:

Products: Baking chips semi-sweet chocolate, milk

AFASSCO, INC P.O. Box 1767, Car son City, NV 89702 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(775) 885- 2900; 800-441-6774 (775) 885- 2997

ADM Co coa op er ates three do mes tic and 9 for eign choco late and co coa bean To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A proc ess ing plants fa cili ties on five con tiPer cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 80% nents, serv ing over 70 coun tries. Its Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Asia, Mid dle East, Saudi prod uct line includes a full range of Ara bia, Cen tral & South Amer ica, Can ada natu ral and dutched pow ders, choco late and com pound chips and chunks, as Profile: AFASSCO, which be gan op era tions in well as choco late and con fec tion ery 1970, makes a com plete line of in dus trial, coat ings. Its prod ucts are mar keted unmedical,pharmaceuticalandfirst-aid der the brands: Am b ro sia, De Zaan, prod ucts, in clud ing unit- burn and com bi2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 165

na tion kits with re fill and bulk sup plies con tain ing non- prescription drugs, bandages,dressings,antiseptics,antibiotics, emer gency eye so lu tions and other prod ucts. Many of these items are included in the best- equipped and larg est va ri ety of first- aid kits on the mar ket for home, of fice, ve hi cle and in dus trial use. The com pany is now ISO 9002 cer ti fied. Its latest prod ucts in clude foodserviceblue me tal lic ban dages, Derma Cool (burn dress ings, wound and blis ter dressings).

€ 10 mil lion for new equip ment and construc tion at its three sites.

Products: Non-woven fabric, wipes--personal care (baby, skin, moist, toilet tissue, incontinent), home care, institutional, auto, dairy

Sales Contacts: Gil Serfaty, Vice-President, Marketing & Sales; Shmuel Regev, European Marketing Manager; Michael Fitzgerald, Vice-President, Sales & Marketing, AFG Wipes Inc. (Tel: 336-637-1061)

Prod ucts: First-aid cabinets & kits; first-aid supplies; burn products; bandages, dressings, an isep ic & brun trea ments; pharmaceuticals (non-prescription) infection control products.

Sales Contacts:

Jim Grant, Vice-President Sales & Marketing


(Dec. 31, 2003)

AL COA CON SUMER PROD UCTS** 6603 West Broad St., Rich mond, VA 23230 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(804) 281- 4630 (800- 433- 2244) (804) 281-45302

To tal 2006 Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A

Mas suot Yitz hak, D.N. Sde GAT, 79858 IS RAEL Tel: Fax: URL:

+972 (8) 8 860 72222 +972 (8) 8 850 1102

To tal Sales Vol ume: $111.2 Mil lion (NIP 486.9 Million) +7.8% Pe rcent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 80% (E)

Ex port Mar kets: All con ti nents of the world, over 35 coun tries world wide. Profile:


Al baad is po si tioned as a world leader in the area of wet tow els. The com pany is traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange. In re cent years, this com pany has more than tri pled its sales vol ume. In 2002, Al baad ac quired Feucht Hygiene- Werk in Ochtrup, Ger many, a wipes pro ducer. Al baad also has strength ened its U.S. mar ket ing po sition, pro duc ing White Cloud brand wipes for Wal- Mart, while mar ket ing Ge owipes in this market. In September 2004, the com pany opened a new subsidiary, AFG Wipes Inc., Reids ville, NC. Plans in 2006-07 call for in vest ing

Profile: Al coa Con sumer Prod ucts is part of the $30.4 billion (+19% in fis cal 2005) Al coa Inc., Pitts burgh, the world’s larg est pro ducer of pri mary and fab ricated alu mi num and alu minia. It sup plies all types of alu mi num for use in trans po ra tion, bev er age cans, build ings, etc. Pack ag ing and con sumer goods, in clud ing non- aluminum prod ucts, rep resent $6.9 bil lion +23% of that vo lume. In consumer ap pli ca tions, cov er ing foil, film and pa per prod ucts for re tail and food serv ice cus tom ers, this unit is di vided into four ar eas: Rey nolds Consumer Prod ucts (foil), Presto Prod ucts (plas tic bags, wraps, constinsers), Baco Con sumer Products (house hold wraps and bags) in the UK, and Reyco (pack ag ing) in South Amer ica. In May 2000, Rey nolds Met als, the sec ond larg est alu minum com pany in the U.S., was pur chased by Alcoa. Part of the pack age in cluded Presto Prod ucts (also in the SOUR CE BOOK), the leader in private la bel plas tic food and dis poser bags, a subsidi ary of Rey nolds since 1988. In 2005, Al coa sold its pack ag ing serv ices busi ness, South ern Graph ics Sys tems (SGS), also in the SOUR CEBOOK, un der C. M. Jack son, to Ci ti group Venture Capi tal Eq uity Part ners LP.

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

jars, and to in sert PB&J strip in PET containers.

Prod ucts: Alu mi num foil, flexi ble and protec tive pack ag ing, con tain ers, plas tic wraps & bags, film and pa per items, alu mi num/plas tic bev er age and food clo sures, etc.

Products: Peanut butter, preserves, jellies,

Sales Contacts: N/A


Sales Contacts: Nick Melhuish, Export Sales Manager; James Melhuish, VP of Sales.

AL GOOD FOOD COM PANY 7401 Trade Port Drive, Lou is ville, KY 40258 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

AL LEGRO CORP. 14134 N.E. Air port Way, Port land, OR 97230-3443 USA

(502) 637- 3631 (502) 637- 1502

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 65%

Tel: Fax: URL:

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, the Mid dle East, the Car ib bean, and the Pa cific Basin

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A


(503) 257- 8480 (503) 257- 9061

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Asia, South Amer ica

Al good Food was launched August 1, 1985, with the pur chase of the Lou is ville Profile: Al legro, founded in 1982 as a spe cialty dis(KY) plant of the Shedd’s Food Prodtribu tor of clas si cal mu sic im ports, has ucts Di vi sion from its owner, The Beagrown to be come one of the larg est fulltrice Com pa nies. This fa cil ity, serviceindependentdistributorsinNorth pro duc ing vari ous food prod ucts for Amer ica. The com pany con tin ues to be the some 75 years, was pri mar ily a pea nut largestindependentdistributorofclassical butter plant at the time of the take over. mu sic in the US. Al legro also dis trib utes Al good has since ex panded its busi ness jazz, blues, world, show tunes, and pop from re tail pri vate la bel pea nut butter prod uct. The firm also dis trib utes a cominto other mar kets: in dus trial, food pre hen sive line of spe cial in ter est video service,export,contractmanufacturing cas settes. Al le gro’s ar ray of serv ices inand the U.S. gov ern ment. In June 1992, clude:marketing,Internetmarketing, the com pany ac quired a va cated food sales man age ment, re tail pro mo tions, memanufacturingfacilityinLawrencedia re la tions, art ist tour sup port, prod uct burg, KY, equipped with new, mod ern mar ket plan ning, graphic de sign, P.O.P., proc ess ing equip ment de signed for the and ad de sign. The com pany main tains a pro duc tion of jams, jel lies, pre serves, full- time sales force and op erates its own sal sas, etc. In April 1993, pre limi nary in- house graphic arts de part ment. Al legro pro duc tion of jel lies, jams and pre serves is a tech nol ogy leader with MIS ca pa bilibe gan. In July 2002, the com pany ties that are sec ond to none. The com pany moved its pea nut butter manu fac tur ing pro vides its la bel cli ents with an area of to a new 100,000 square foot fa cil ity in customreports. Lou is ville, KY. Al good claims to be the first pri vate la bel manu fac turer to: use a Products: Compact discs, audio cassettes, video cassettes fully-staffedin-housemicrobiological Sales lab, put foil seal on glass jars, of fer both Contacts: Joseph Micallef, CEOt Jif- and Skippy- like for mu la tions, con([email protected]) vert from glass to PET jars, ni tro gen flush the head space on pea nut butt er 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 167

AL LENS, INC. 305 E. Main St., P.O. Box 250, Si loam Springs, AR 72761 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(479) 524- 6431; (800) 234-25531 (479) 524-3291

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Es tab lished in 1926, Al len Can ning com pany (name changed to Al lens, Inc. in 2006), a family- owned and op er ated busi ness, has been grow ing and pack ing vege ta bles for the re tail and food serv ice trade un der a number of brands: The Al lens, Popey, Trap pey’s, Veg- All, etc. The com pany op er ates seven plants in five states. The com pany prides it self on us ing fam ily farm ers as its source of sup ply for beans, greens, spin ach, sweet po ta toes, etc. In 2003, Allen Canning purchased Birds Eye’s Veg.All brand, followed in 2004 by its Freshlike canned vegetable brand. In December 2006, Allen Canning agreed to buy Birds Eye’s non-branded frozen vegetable business, thus picking up three frozen food processing plants, a couple of former Birds Eye foodservice brands (Chill Ripe and Garden Classics) and—most significant of all—the private label retail frozen food business of Birds Eye. As part of its de but in frozen foods, Al len also pur chased Flint Riber Foods, Mon te zuma, GA. Thus Al len emerges as a ma jor pri vate la bel sup plier in canned and fro zen vege tables, op er at ing now out of 13 fa cili ties in seven states.

AL PHA PLAS TICS, INC. 800 Wood side Dr.., St. Louis, MI 48880 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(989) 681-5781 (089) 681-4153

To tal Sales Vol ume: $15+ Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 80%

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Far East, Europe Profile:

Al pha Plas tics, founded in 1986, is a privately-owned manu fac turer of highquality plas tic bot tles and jars for the pharmaceuticalandnutritionalsupplement in dus tries. The com pany pro duces both stock and cus tom pack ag ing in highdensitypolyethylene(HDPE),Polyethylene terephtha late (PET), and poly pro pylene (PP). Al pha has a customer- focused ap proach to busi ness, which en ables the com pany to re spond quickly to cus tomer’s re quests for new and cus tom pack ag ing. This fast- growing com pany is con sid ered a leader in new pro cesses and tech ni cal matters. Re cently, the com pany in tro duced a new line of PET bot tles for pack ag ing vi tamins and sup ple ments.

Products: PET, HDPE and PP rigid packaging. Sales Contacts: Paul Bonastia, Sales Manager

AL PHA TO OMEGA 1190 North U.S. Hwy #1, Or mond Beach, FL 32174 USA Tel: Fax:

(386) 673-2024 (386) 677-9595

Products: Canned and frozen vegetables,

breaded vegetables, onion rings.

Sales Contacts:

Bobby D. Ray, VP, Retail Sales/Marketing

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 95%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, South Amer ica, Canada, Mex ico Profile:

168 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

In re cent years, Al pha to Omega has estab lished it self as a mar ket leader in sun

care prod ucts, of fer ing a broad spectrum, multi vi ta min, age de fy ing, oil free andmoisturizingformulations,baby and kids spray and lo tion, sport spray and lo tion, skin pro tec tion, gels, lo tions, creams, oils, etc.. Po si tioned as the contract pack ag ing and ex clu sive brand manu fac tur ing di vi sion of Tan ning Research Labs, Inc., the com pany pro vides full serv ice in sun care prod ucts, in cludinginnovativepackagingconceptsand up- to- date skin care re search sup port. The firm is self- sufficient, pro duc ing its own bot tles, in- house deco ra tion, supply ing its own art work, etc., all con tribut ing to re duced lead times. Its abil ity to emu late na tional brands as well as create unique sun and skin care prod ucts makes Al pha To Omega an ex cel lent pri vate brand part ner. The firm uses Al pha Hy droxy skin care re search.

Products: Sales Contacts:

Sun care, skin care and bath products.

Products: Vitamins, minerals, herbal formulations, and dietary supplements,

Karen Jessee, Vice-President, U.S. Sales; Debbie Jennings, Marketing Directorr.

Sales Contacts: Scott Jenkins, General Manager

AL PINE HEALTH PROD UCTS LLC 1525 West Busi ness Park Dr., Orem, UT 84058 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

duc tion ca pa bili ties grew to in clude capsules, ta bles, and liq uid prod ucts in a va riety of pack ag ing for mats. Al pine also un der went at least three ma jor ex pan sions since then. In 2000, how ever, Al pine Health Products was taken over by Me tabo life In ter na tional, San Di ego, CA., a pro ducer of die tary sup ple ments (in cluding Me ta bo life 356 herbal die tary sup plement To day, Al pine serves as the manufacturingarmforMetabolife,operated as a wholly owned subsidiary. The firm’s rapid growth is the re sult of its 100% dedi ca tion to de liv er ing prompt reli able serv ice and pre mium qual ity products to its cus tom ers. Un sur passed qual ity is en sured by the fully- staffed, in- house lab, which ana lyzes in gre di ents upon receipt for iden tity, pu rity, and po tency, systematicallyevaluatesproductsduring nu mer ous stages of pro duc tion, and tests the fin ished goods be fore shipp ing.

(801) 225- 5525; (800) 572-5076 (801) 225- 0956

AL PINE IN DUS TRIES COR PO RA TION 2908 29th Ave., East Braden ton, FL 34208 USA Tel: Fax:

(941) 749- 1900 (941) 748- 6616

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Australia,Norway,PacificRim,

Ex port Mar kets: Po land, Ghana, world wide

Europe, South America Profile: Profile:

Al pine Health In dus tries (its former name) opened its phar ma ceu ti cal grade manufacturingfacilityfortheexclusive pro duc tion of cus tom nu tri tional supple ments in 1991. In 1995, Al pine was acquiredbyHHG,International (Humco, also in the SOUR CE BOOK), a leader in health care prod ucts and services since 1872. With the sup port of Humco, Al pi ne’s state- of- the-art pro-

Thiscompanyspecializesindeveloping and build ing semi- automatic and automat ic ma chin ery that deco rates on unusual shapes, i.e., three- dimensional sub strates, as well as stan dard con tain ers. Dry ing sys tems for ma chin ery are also avail able. The firm ad ver tises on a lim ited ba sis. It sells di rect and works through dealers.

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 169

Products: Alpine/Alpeha printers for special applications in screen printing

Sales Contacts:

Hans G. Broemel, General Manager

To tal Sales Vol ume: $4 Mil lion+ Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 25% ExportMarkets: Europe, Asia, Souh Af rica, New Zealand, Mid dle East, Canada Profile:

AL TAIRE PHAR MA CEU TI CALS, INC. P.O. Box 849, West Lane, Aque bo gue, NY 11931 USA

Tel: Fax: URL:

(516) 722- 5988; (800) 258-2471 (516) 722- 9683

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 40%

Ex port Mar kets: Far East, Po land, Can ada Profile:

This nine- year- old op era tion, privatelyheld, di vides its busi ness equally: 1/3 con tract manu fac tur ing (half a dozen na tional brand ac counts), 1/3 branded busi ness, and 1/3 pri vate la bel. Its range of prod ucts cov ers pri mar ily oint ments, creams and gels--some 45 dif fer ent OTCpharmaceuticalSKUs—primeon eve ry thing, in clud ing a cou ple of proprie tary items (cough & cold liquid and Mi cona zole 1% gel). Its oint ments: tripleantibiotic,hydrocortisone,andbacitracin. In 1995, the com pany be gan ex port ing prod uct to the Far East and is now look ing to de velop busi ness in Eastern Europe, Europe, and pos si bly Africa.

Products: Full line of over-the-counter

creams and ointments, cough & cold remedies, formulas, solutions.

Sales Contacts:

Joseph Sawaya

This privately- held cus tom manu fac turer be gan do ing busi ness in 1967. The company pro duces health & beauty care products, OTC phar ma ceu ti cals, and is an innovatorinthedevelopmentofnatural source drug and cos metic items. It has built a par ticu larly strong pres ence in the health food in dus try. Some 75%+ of its busi ness is in pro prie tary brands, such as its Born Again® herbal prod ucts, Wart Fix, Corn Fix, Sul- Ray acne treat ment, Lucky Ti ger skin and hair care, Arth Dr, sports Med, etc. The bal ance of the business is in con tract manu fac tur ing and private la bel. Al vin Last makes its own herbal ex tracts. The com pany prides it self on its ex per tise in de vel op ing unique and/or differ ent prod ucts.

Products: Over-the-counter skin and hair

treatments (internal and external)—lotions, creams, gels, powders, herbal, collodion-based corn and wart removers

Sales Contacts: Bruce Last, President; Maria Apostle, Export Manager

AM BIX LABO RA TO RIES Di vi sion of Or gan ics Corp. Of Amer ica 55 West End Rd., To towa, NJ 07512 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(973) 890-9002 (973) 890- 9778

To tal Sales Vol ume: $5 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 95% AL VIN LAST, INC. 425 Saw Mill River Rd., Ard sley, NY 10502 USA Tel: Fax: URL:


Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Mid dle East, West Af rica, Latin Amer ica, South east Asia Profile:

(914) 479-0900 (914) 479-0901

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

In busi ness since 1967, Am bix Labo ra tories is a me dium size pri vate la bel and private for mula cos metic and phar ma ceu ti cal manufacturer. Ists prod uct range cov ers: creams, lo tions, gels, oint ments, pastes,

and liq uids, pack aged in tu bes, jars, and bot tles. Its man age ment has over 100 years ex pe ri ence with ex per tise in the development,production,marketing, and dis tri bu tion of its prod uct line. In ad di tion to its manu fac tur ing of health & beauty aids, skin care & hair care, and nu tri tional & herbal ton ics, Recently, the com pany added foil packets

Products: Skin care, hair care, cosmetics,

Tel: Fax: URL:

Ex port Mar kets: 60 countries--all con ti nents ex cept Ant arc tica

Alvin Goren, President


AMERICALCORPORATION 389 Ameri cal Rd., Hender son, NC 27536 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(252) 492- 2166 (252) 492- 7127

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 65%

Ex port Mar kets: Mex ico, Can ada, South Amer ica, Profile:

Es tab lished more than 30 years ago, Ameri cal Cor po ra tion has be come the third larg est pro ducer of women’s hosiery in the U.S. as well as the lead ing pri vate la bel sup plier of women’s hosiery (niche leg wear and ready- to- wear prod ucts) in dis count chan nels. The com pany sup plies ba sic and fash ion hosiery to all classes of trade. Its name brand is Vas sarette. The Peds sock brand (owned since 1969) was sold in 2004.

Products: Ladies’ sheer hosiery, tights, trouser socks

Sales Contacts:

(847) 392-4600; (800) 426- 5564 (847) 506-6199

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

toiletries, health & beauty products, nutritional and herbal products

Sales Contacts:

AMERI CAN COL LOID CO. 1500 West Shure Drive, Ar ling ton Heights, IL 60004 USA

Debbie Ladd Koller (Phone: 203-899-0058) — Sheer Hosiery; Ron Huston (phone: 860-651-3440) — Socks.

Ameri can Col loid Co. is a di vi sion of Amcol In ter na tional Corp., a $744.3 million firm, also lo cated in Ar ling ton Heights, IL. The com pany holds the pat ent on the use of so dium ben to nite for scoo pa ble cat litter. It only uses 100% so dium ben tonite--just like the lead ing na tional brands- - and not a blend or an in fe rior clay. Ameri can Colloid is the only company that mines and pro cesses so dium ben to nite spe cifi cally to pro duce constantly high- qual ity scoo pa ble cat lit ter. Its vertically- integrated op era tion cov ers mining,processing,designing,packaging, and shipping via its own truck ing company. The firm is the larg est pro ducer of so dium ben to nite in the world. Ben to nite clay also is used as a thick ener, seal ant, binder, lu bri cant or ab sorp tion agent in other pro duacts, such as metal cast ing and oil and gas well drill ing.

Products: Scoopable cat litter (100% sodium bentonite), chew treats

Sales Contacts: Brett Gaylord, General Manager; Bart Becherer, National Accounts Manager; John Galus, Regional Sales Manager; Elizabeth Newman, Regional Sales Manager; John Rennick, Sales Manager (Pet); Jay Keys, Regional Sales Manager (Pet); Nicole Pokonosky, Inside Sales (e-mail: [email protected]

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 171

Profile: AMERI CAN COMB CORP. 22 Ken tucky Ave nue, Pater son, NJ 07503 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(973) 523- 6551; (800) 522-COMB (973) 523- 0257

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 35%

Ex port Mar kets: Mex ico, South Amer ica, Can ada, France, Eng land, Car ribean, Aus tra lia Profile:

Since 1949, Ameri can Comb has been a family- run busi ness. It has be come a leader in the manu fac turer of plas tic prod ucts and ac ces so ries: Prod ucts include all va rie ties of hair combs and brushes; as sorted comb packs; and travel items, such as soap boxes, toothbrush hold ers and caps, ra zor hold ers, cos metic travel bags, and com bi na tion sets; pat ented lice combs; and bathroom ac ces so ries (the Bath Mat ters line). Lice shampo manu fac tur ers use Americn Comb’s pat ented lice combs as an es sen tial com po nent of their lice treat ment lines. Its prod ucts also are sold in kits, ho tels, and the beauty- andbarberindustry.

Products: Cotton balls, cosmetic puffs,

cosmetic pads, 100% cotton gauze diapers, 100% cotton cheese cloth, cotton swabs

Sales Contacts: Gary Bockhold, Director of Consumer Marketing

AMERI CAN ITAL IAN PASTA COM PANY* NYSE: PLB 4100 North Mul berry Drive (Suite 200), Kan sas City, MO 64116 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

holders, housewares

Jal Cristantiello, Vice-President, Sales

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Mex ico, Con ti nen tal Europe


AMERI CAN FI BER & FIN ISH ING, INC. P.O. Box 2488, Al ber marle, NC 28002USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(704) 983- 6102; (800) 451-2807 (708) 983-1943

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Asia, Mid dle East, South America


(816) 584- 5000 (816) 584-5100

To tal Fis cal 2007Sales Vol ume: $398.1Mil lion +13.4%% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Products: Combs, soap boxes, toothbrush Sales Contacts:

This privately- held com pany was formed in April 1986 with the buy out of the Textile Di vi sion of The Ken dall Co., Ameri can Fi ber & Fin ish ing has be come the in dustry’s lead ing manu fac turer of light to medium weight woven in dust rial fab rics and the larg est manu fac turer of light weight gauze in the U.S. Its prod uct range for the pri vate la bel health and beauty seg ment cov ers: cos metic pads, cot ton balls, cloth dia pers, cheese cloth, and cot ton swabs.

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

AIPC has en tered a “new chap ter” of op timism af ter some pretty rough go ing in the re cent past. The dry pasta mar ket overall suf fered some losses from a drop in sales; AIPC as a result had to cut its work force and re duce in ven tory; ad di tion ally, its finan cial re ports go ing back to 2002 had to be re stated which re sulted in the com pany facing a number of law suits about mis repre sen ta tion of those re ports; and its ex ecutive suite has a clean sweep of personnel. Now John Kelly, first as COO, ef fec tive Janu ary 2008, took over as presi dent and CEO. The com pany in its cur rent fi cal year ( end ing Sept. 28, 2007) turned a net loss of $30.4 mil lion in the pre vi ous year to a net in come of $5.3 million. AIPC pro-

duces some 200 dry pasta shapes, cov ering some 2,700 skus. It be lieves it is the larg est pro ducer of dry pasta in North Amer ica (93% of its reve nues). Ma jor cus tom ers like Wal- Mart and Sy sco rep re sent a sub stain tial por tion of its reve nues. New strate gies are now in place, which call for re- pricing of products, cost re duc tions in op era tions, and set ting the mar ket ing tar get toward a smaller base for a more prof itable vol ume. This means less em pha sis for AIPC on pri vate la bel and its in gredi ent mar kets. AIPC is verticallyintegrated via its mill ing, produc tion and dis tri bu tion fa cili ties in three U.S. lo ca tions and one in It aly. In Feb ru ary 2006, the company an nounced plans to diav est two non- strategic brands, Eddie’s and Mrs. Leep er’s pasta, plus plans to close its Ke nosha, WI plant in April 2006.

Childs Eq uity Part ners II, L.P., Ameri can Safety Ra zor com pany again was sold to an other pri vate eq uity group, Lion Capi tal of Lon don, Eng land, in Sep tem ber 2006. ASR con tin ues to be the lead ing manu facturer of high- quality, value- priced shav ing prod ucts world wide. Most ma jor re tail ers glob ally mar ket its prod ucts un der their own pri vate brands. ASR also mar kets its brands, Per sonna, Acti- Flexx, MBC, TriFlexxx, Gem, Flicker, Bump Fighter, and Burma Shave. ASR also pro duces in dustrial, spe cialty and medi cal blades for private la bel and un der its brands. The com pany ad di tion ally pro duces and sells pri vate brand cot ton balls, cos metic puffs and foot care items. The com pa ny’s Hewitt Soap Di vi sion sells premiumquality, cus tom bar soaps for cosmetic/skin care, phar ma ceu ti cal and depart ment store mar kets. ASR traces its his tory back to 1875. The com pany has been an in no va tor and through ac qui sitions has gained the number one mar ket share in four prod uct cate go ries: value and store- brand shav ing ra zors and blades, con sumer cot ton and foot care prod ucts, spe cialty in dus trial blades, and bladed hand tools and blades. ASR operates plants in six states (Vir ginia, Tennes see, Ohio, Mis souri, In di ana, and Con necti cut) as well as in Puerto Rico, Mex ico, and Is rael. (The lat ter op era tion, Bond Blades Ltd. is also in the SOUR CEBOOK.) Its Per sonna In ter na tional di vision is also in the SOUR CE BOOK.

Products: Pasta — dry pasta shapes and a

variety of packaging configurations --spaghetti, linguine, fettuccine, angel hair and lasagna; plus short goods, such as elbow macaroni, mostaccioli, rigatoni, rotini, ziti, and egg noodles.

Sales Contacts:

Jerry Dear, Executive Vice-President, Retail Markets (U.S.); Matt Duffield, European Sales (Tel: 39-030-936-441)

Products: Twin & pivoting cartridges, twin and single blade disposables, moving blade cartridge, double edge injector, cotton swabs, cotton balls, foot care products, custom bar soaps

AMERI CAN SAFETY RA ZOR COM PANY 240 Ce dar Knolls Rd., Ste. 401, Ce dar Knolls, NJ 07927 USA Tel: (973) 753-3000 Fax: (973) 326- 9005 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: $300 Mil lion (E) Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 67.8 %

Sales Contacts: Chris Andersont, Dir. Sales/Marketing

Ex port Mar kets: Canada,Mexico,Europe,Pacific Profile:


AMPACET 660 White Plains Rd., Tar ry town, NY 10591 USA

Slighltly more than seven years af ter be ing ac quired (April 1999) by RSA Ac qui si tion Corp., an af fili ate of J.W.


(914) 631-6600

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 173

Fax: URL:

(914) 631-7278

To tal Sales Vol ume: $760 Million Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90%

Products: Pretzels Sales Contacts: Denis Bischoff, Vice-President Sales

Ex port Mar kets: Global Profile:

Am pacet pro vides col or ants and ad ditives that de fine prod uct by dif fer en ti atingplasticpackagingandfacilitating production

Products: Plastic Colorants and Additives. Sales Contacts:

Eileen Ferguson

AN NIEL SPORT SNC Via Mo rer, Mon te bel luna (TV) 1- 31044 IT ALY Tel: Fax: URL:

+39-423/600178 +39-423/302209

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Mid dle East, South America, North Amer ica, Far East AN DER SON BAK ERY CO., INC.

(Owned by Brook stone Hold ings, Inc.)


2060 Old Phila del phia Pike, Lan cas ter, PA 17602- 3413 USA

Tel: Fax: URL:

(717) 299- 2321; (800) 732) 0089 (717) 393- 3511

To tal Sales Vol ume: $55 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 33 1/3%

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Mex ico, Eng land, Is rael, Ger many Profile:


An der son Bak ery, which started its busi ness in 1888, en tered the pri vate label sec tor some 18 years ago, even tu ally be com ing the larg est pri vate la bel pretzel pro ducer in the U.S. In No vem ber 1999, the com pany, op er ated un der Ameri fods Snacks, York, PA, was sold to Brook stone Hold ings, Inc., San Francisco, which owns Cali for nia Pret zel, Va si lia, CA. The lat ter firm is now a sister com pany to An der son Bak ery. Ander son does a sub tan tial packer la bel busi ness for ma jor food mar ket ers. The firm pro duces pret zels in every shape, size, & form, and in all types of pack aging.

Es tab lished in 1976, An niel Sport spe cializes in the pro duc tion of slip pers for rythmic gym nas tics, bal let, and mod ern dance. The com pany has 10 prod uct lines with more than 2,500 styles of shoes and clothing. Ever avant- garde re gard ing fash ion and col ors, An niel also makes a com plete line in dance- ware, gym nas tic wear, fit ness wear & aero bicwear, swim wear, skat ing wear, and cy cle wear. For its ex port markets, ap proxi mately 50% of the pro duction is di rected to wards Europe, Mid dle East, Asia, and the United States of America.

Products: Shoes and bodywear for gymnastics, swimming, aerobics, fitness, cycling, dance, and skating.

Sales Contacts: Zavarise Luigino, Zavarise Demis, both Export Managers

APOLLO HEALTH AND BEAUTY CARE CORP. 20 Grani te ridge Rd., Con cord, ON L4K 5M8 CANADA

Tel: Fax: URL:

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

(905) 695-3700; (866) 695- 3030 (905) 695- 3701

To tal Sales Vol ume: $70 Mil lion (E) Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90% (E)

other prod uct ar eas. More recently, the firm en tered the pri vate la bel field. Lately, it has be come more ag gres sive in pri vate la bel, its lat est en try: dia betic creams & lotions. The com pany mar kets such brands as: Ezy Dose, Aids for In de pendent Liv ing, and Me diset. The firm’s con trolled brands cover Ari zona Natu ral (bath line) and Bain de Beaute (toi let ries). Ari zona Natural Re sources also sup plies CVS with its up scale Down To Earth toi let ries range. Apothe cary Prod ucts in mid- 1999 moved into a new, 180,000- square- foot, fully computerized,state-of-the-artfacility.In2006, the com pany opened a new ISO cer ti fied vial manu fac tur ing plant. In 2007, the firm introducedoralsyringesandaccessories.

Ex port Mar kets: U.S., Mex ico, Latin America, Af rica, Asia Profile:

Founded in 1990, this pri vate com pany has be come the larg est pri vate la bel and con trol la bel per sonal care manu facturer in Can ada with ex ten sive busi ness through out North Amer ica. The company sup plies ma jor re tail ers in these mar kets. Apollo also han dles con tract work for na tional brand com pa nies. The com pany pro duces more than 1,000 products,includingcosmetics,nutraceuti cals plus its full range of per sonal care items.

Products: Per sonal Care, cov er ing lbody

Products: Analgesics, cough & cold, creams &

Sales Contacts:

Sales Contacts: David Polflie, Vice-President of Sales

washes, lo tions, shower gels, scrubs, shampoos,conditioners, spe cialty bath, cleans ers, creams, sani tiz ers, liq uid soap

Danielle Rogers, Director of Sales & Marketing

AR GUS IN DUS TRIES 1610 Co lo nial Park way, In ver ness, IL USA

APOTHE CARY PROD UCTS, INC. 11750 12th Ave. South, Burns ville, MN 55337- 1295 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

Tel: Fax: URL:

(612) 890- 1940; (800) 328-2742 (612) 890- 0418

(224) 83603900; (888) 55 AR GUS (888) 297- 8909

To tal Sales Vol ume: $20 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 35%

To tal Sales Vol ume: $24 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 10%

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, West ern Europe, South

Ex port Mar kets: Ar gen tina, Lat via, Spain, Singa pore, Ja pan, Thai land, Rus sia, Po land, Can ada, France, Ger many, United King dom, South Ko rea, Saudi Ara bia, Aus tra lia Pro file:

ointments, digestive aids, laxatives, Aloe Vera products, specialty products, vitamins, minerals, sterile eye care, compliance aids

Apothe cary Prod ucts be gan in 1974, when its founder in tro duced Re constube, a de vice used by phar ma cists whencompoundingprescriptionsfor dis tilled wa ter, with out us ing a cyl in der or gradu ate. The com pany be came the larg est sup plier of these de vices in its field and even tu ally di ver si fied into

America Profile:

Ar gus’ first cam era, known as the Model A, was in tro duced in 1936 as the first lowcost, easy- to- use 35mm film cam era in the world. Its popu lar ity con vinced Ko dak to switch their film manu fac tur ing from a 126 to a 35mm for mat. Ar gus fol lowed up with its Model C2 in 1938, the first of a distinctively-shaped,square-cornered, range finder cam era, called the “Brick.” Argus’ fa mous Model C3, in tro duced in 1939, re mained the best- selling 35mm cam era in the world for al most three dec-

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 175

ades. Dur ing the 1970s, Ar gus sur vived through part ner ships with over seas facto ries. In ves tors took over in 1985 and, in 1990, Ar gus was sold to Con cord Cam era Corp (also listed in the SOURCE BOOK)., where it was split off from Con cord to its pres ent owner. The company now of fers a full range of quick photographicproducts;point-and-shoot 35mm cam eras, single- use 35mm cameras, ul tra 35mm, video trans fer systems, power zoom cam eras (35 up to 118 mm), and digi tal im age prod ucts. Itslatestoffering:disposablecameras with or with out flash and more re cently, digi tal cam eras (six mod els).

Products: Disposable cameras, reusable

cameras, digital photo printers, digital camerras

Sales Contacts:

Stu Kalov, Vice-President of Sales & Marketing

pow er ful free radi cal fighter avail able). This sys tem cov ers three steps on a daily ba sis: fa cial cleanser, a pu ri fy ing toner, and an all- over body lo tion that treats the skin and both an anti- oxidant cream and se rum for mois tur iz ing the skin, com bating the ag ing pro cess. In 2007, the company ex panded into or ganic prod ucts, dis play ing the USDA seal on the pack aging.

Products: Hair care, skin care, bath care, sun care, custom fragranced and aromatherapy candles.

Sales Contacts: George F. Dembow, III, President of Operations & Export; Paul E. Dembow, President of Sales; Peter H. Anderson, Sales & Marketing Director

A/S ARO VIT PET FOOD Har ston Mill, Har ston, Cam bridge, CB22 7GG, UNITED KINGDOM

ARI ZONA NATU RAL RE SOURCES, INC. 2525 E. Beard sley Rd., Phoe nix, AZ 85050- 1322 USA

Tel: Fax: URL:

Tel: Fax: URLl:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Pe cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 100% Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Asia, Can ada, USA

(602) 569- 6900 (602) 569- 9697

To tal Sales Vol ume: $30 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 33 1/3%


Ex port Mar kets: Korea,Malaysia,Singapore,Brazil,Mexico,Scandinavia,MiddleEast, Can ada, Ja pan, Trini dad Profile:


This privately- owned cos metic manufac turer was in cor po rated in 1972. The com pany then es tab lished an ex clu sive niche in fine- line de part ment stores, sub se quently ex panded to serve all mar ket seg ments. Its pri vate la bel business be gan about 1974. The firm recently in tro duced a skin care line, called Age less Beauty, which boldly com bines sci ence and na ture to pro duce a revo lution ary treat ment pro gram, rich in alpha-hydroxyacids,anti-oxidants, natu ral bo tani cals, and Pyc no genol (a natu ral plant ex tract that is the most

+45 87 14 93 00 +45 76 14 84 00

This firm, founded in 1969 origi nally in Den mark, has had free ac cess to the best raw ma te ri als, in clud ing fresh fish from the North Sea and first- quality Dan ish farm prod ucts, such as beef, pork, and poul try. Its prod uct range is proba bly the wid est avail able in terms of wet pet food. The com pany now op er ates six pro duc tion plants in five Euro pean coun tries. Arovit also pro duces natu ral snacks for pets. In 2001, Do ane Pet Care, Bren twood, TN pur chased Aro vit, but af ter Do ane it self was ac quired by Mars, Inc. in 2006, the Doan Euro pean op era tions were sold to a th ird party. See (Do ane) Mars in the SOURCEBOOK.

Services: Pet food (wet and dry), Pet Treats

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Sales Contacts:

Flemming Enevoldsen, Sales Director; Niels Gentlemen. Andresen, Bo Keller, Ole Arendttorp, and Erik Jeppesen, all Sales Managers; Michael Uht, Product Manager; Sales Managers outside Denmark--Paolo Busi (Italy), Roger Mohr (Spain), Nikolaus Bleimling, Christian Ahrens, and Jobst Blome (all Germany); and Rune Eriksen (Norway)

AR RAY MAR KET ING GROUP 45 Pro gress Ave., To ronto, ON M1P 2Y6 CANADA Tel: Fax: URL:

AR QUEST, INC. 101 In ter change Plaza, Cran bury, NJ 08512 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

Sales Contacts: Matt Rinaldi, Vice-APresident Sales/Marketing; M. Reid Macfarlan, Vice-President Marketing

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

(609) 395- 9500; (888) 270-8378 (609) 395- 9778

Ex port Mar kets: North Amer ica, Profile:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 95% ExportMarkets: Europe, South east Asia, Canada Profile:

Ar quest, Inc., a privately- held, spin- off com pany of John son & John son (1991), to day is a mar ket leader with more than 40 years ex pe ri ence in the pri vate la bel baby dia per in dus try. Its highly ef ficient, high- quality manu fac tur ing system and number one po si tion in cus tomer serv ice to gether have cre ated a well- deserved repu ta tion for re sponsive ness, qual ity of prod uct and pack aging, and be ing a true part ner in help ing to grow its cus tom ers’ pri vate la bel busi ness. In 1998, Ar quest launched a full line of im proved dia pers, fea tur ing a stretch able hook and loop fas ten ing system and a full line of train ing pants. The com pany also op er ates Ar quest, Ltd, a leadingprivatelabelinfantdisposable dia per firm in North Wales, United King dom (Phone: +44 1352- 711171), which has re cently been upgraded. Its Cam den, AR, facili y has been dou bled in size as well.

Products: Disposable baby diapers and

(416) 299- 4865; 800-295-4120 N/A

training pants, Youth Pants, Swim Pants

KCS In dus tries was the former sub sidiary of Ar ray, op er ating out of Hart land, WI. This of fice has since been closed and Ar ray in Chat ta nooga, TN, now serves as one U.S. of fice for the com pany, which is based in Canada. KCS ac tu ally got started in 1909 in the sign busi ness. Its screen decals and la bels busi ness be gan in 1970 and eight years later was ex panded also into roll- to- roll pro duc tion with a flexo press. The firm serves re tail ers and manu fac turers, prov ing in- store mar ket ing serv ices.

Products: In-Store floor stands, fixtures & High-quality, pressure-sensitive labels, point-of-sale signs & displays, neon signs & displays.

Sales Contacts: Rick Davis, Sales Director (Chattanooga office) Tel:: (423) 624-1191; (800) 264-9473

AR THUR D. LIT TLE, INC. 125 High St., High Street Tower (28th Fl), Bos ton, MA 02110 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(617) 532- 9550 (617) 261- 6630

To tal Sales Vol ume: $500 Mil lion+ (E) Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 177

and the larg est pri vate la bel pro ducer of ban dages in the world. Aso op ertes plants in Sara sota, El Paso, TX; Ku ma moto, Japan; and Cebu, the Phil ip pines. In Oc tober 1997, Aso be came ISO 9001 cer ti fied. Its new state- of- the- art, 100,000- squarefoot fa cil ity fea tures ad vanced de sign machin ery with unique, built- in com put erized tech nol ogy to as sist in qual ity con trol. Its prod ucts de liver sure- stick ad he sion, even when wet. A non- adherent, ab sorbent pad cush ions and pro tects the wound. A com plete seal around the pad pro vides extraprotection.Additionally,thereis overallventilationandeasy-to-opensterile wrap pers. The firm’s uniquely- tailored, first- aid line cov ers: plas tic, sheer, clear, fab ric and non- woven ad he sive ban dage strips; ad he sive tape, gauze pads or roll and non- adherent dress ings. This firm aggres sively helps to pro mote its prod ucts throughAd-Bands,combinationpacks, pri vate la bel char ac ter strips, and bo nus pack ages. In Janu ary 2007, the com pa ny’s Medi cal & In dus trial Di vi sion opened a new state- of- the- art fac tory in Juarez, Mexico.

Ex port Mar kets: Op er ates of fices and labo ra tories situ ated in 20 coun tries around the globe.


This com pany was founded in 1886 by Ar thur De hon Lit tle as “the world’s first con sult ing firm.” In April 2002, how ever, the com pany (ADL) was auctioned off, foll owing its fil ing for Chapter 11 bank ruptcy pro tec tion. Five buy ers to gether paid nearly $100 million for its vari ous busi nesses. The biggest pieces, i.e., its global con sul tancy busi ness, the ADL name, and its Cambridge Con sult ants Ltd. (www.cambridge con sult went to Al tran Tech nolo gies, Paris, which to day is a $1.6 bil lion Euro pean con sul tancy ( To day, ADL op erates as an Al tran part ner, pro vid ing serv ices in high- quality ac cel er ated productdevelopment,statistically-based test de sign, pro cess, pack age and equipment en gi neer ing and technology- based con sult ing for the food and con sumer productsindustries.ence,spanning more than 50 years.

Services: Technical and management

consulting; product and process development; sensory analysis; package innovation; customized equipment design.

Sales Contacts:


ASO COR PO RA TION 300 Sara sota Cen ter Blvd., Sara sota, FL 34240 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(941) 379- 0300; (800) 966-8066 (941) 378- 9040

To tal Sales Vol ume: $30 Mil lion+ Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 95%

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Started some 50 years ago, this familyowned busi ness (as so ci ated with Aso PharmaceuticalCo.,Ltd.,Kumamoto, Ja pan) claims to be the world’s sec ond larg est pro ducer of ad he sive ban dages

Products: Plastic, sheer, clear, & fabric

adhesive bandages; sterile pads, gauze roll, adhesive tape, First Aid, Wound Care.

Sales Contacts: Mark Bolling, Vice-President of Retail Sales & Marketing

AS PEN PROD UCTS, INC. 4231 Clary Blvd., Kan sas City, MO 64130 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(816) 921- 0234 (816) 924- 1488 pen

To tal Sales Vol ume: $40 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 95%

Ex port Mar kets: Mexico,LatinAmerica,Caribbean, Mid dle East, Can ada Profile:

178 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

As pen Prod ucts, a family- run manu factur ing op era tion, started in 1977, over the past dec ade, has evolved into one of the

larg est pri vate la bel sup pli ers in the U.S. In March 1996, the com pany moved from Lenexa, KS, to its new ad dress in Kan sas City, shar ing a 300,000 squarefoot fa cil ity with its sis ter com pany, Foam Con tainer Corp. (also listed in the SOURCEBOOK).Thelatestaddition to its prod uct line: foam plates and brown- and- white pa per lunch bags. T

products: fla vored drink mixes, iced tea, hot choco late drinks, des sert mixes, soups, bouillon, side dishes, and ar ti fi cial sweet en ers. The com pany also sup plies house hold products: plas tic food wraps; sand wich/storage/freezer bags, fab ric dyes, and its branded J- Cloth re suse able tow els.

Products: Bouillon, Dry side dish mixes,

artificial sweeteners, drink mixes, sugar-free drink mixes, hot cocoa, powdered gelatin & puddings, dry soup mixes, iced tea mix, stuffing, baking products, single-serve sugar-free packets, dry mix meal cups; food protection plastic bags--storage, sandwich, freezer.

Products: White Paper plates & cups, bowls, lunch bags, foam plates & cups, white paper and designer paper plates

Sales Contacts:

John Schaefer, National Sales Manager

Sales Con tacts:Joy Rich ard son, Na tional Ac counts Man ager; Todd Masse, Sales Di rec tor, Can ada; Rob ert Long champ (Oa khurst, NJ) 732- 531- 2112; John Magee, Mar ket ing (Pala tine, IL) Tel: 877-705-8488.

AS SO CI ATED BRANDS INC. 335 Jud son St., To ronto, On tario M8Z 1B2, CAN ADA Tel: Fax: URL:

(416) 503- 7000; (800) 265-0050 (416) 259- 4317

To tal 2005 Sales Vol ume: $150 mil lion (E) Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 70+% (E)

Ex port Mar kets: U.S.A., Mex ico, Mid dle East Profile:

AS SO CI ATED HY GI ENIC PROD UCTS LLC 3400 River Green Court, Ste. 600, Du luth, GA 30096 Tel: Fax: URL:

(770) 497- 9800; (800) 683-6633 (770) 623- 3292

As so ci ated Brands be gan in 1985 and in Oc to ber 2001 merged with On tario Foods, To tal DGIF Sales Vol ume: $210 Mil lion+ Inc., Med ina, NY/New Jer sey, fol low ing Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50% the lat ter’s sale by Gene see Corp., Roch ester, NY. On tario Foods was ac quired for Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Car ribean $27 mil lion, as a step by As so ci ated Brands to de velop a U.S. plat form for Profile: As so ci ated Hy gi enic Prod ucts is the U.S. cross- border pri vate la bel growth stratesub sidi ary of DSG In ter na tional Ltd. gies. The merger trans forms As so ci ated (Nasdaq: DSGIF), Hong Kong, op er at ing from a medium- stized Ca na dian op era tion since the early 1980s in the U.S. and since into one of the top three pri vate la bel dry 1972 in Hong Kong. DSG (Dis pos able blend food product sup pli ers in North Soft Goods In ter na tional) op er ates eight America.AssociatedBrands,however, manu fac tur ing plants: two in the U.S. faced prob lems in capi tal iz ing its op era tion Plus in China, Thai land, In do ne sia, and and, as a re sult, the Canadian- based eq uity Ma lay sia. In June 2001, AHP ac quired firm, TorQuest Part ners took over As so cithe North Ameri can as sets of Drypers ated Brands, which was op er at ing as a Corp., Hous ton, TX, from the U.S. Bankpub licly traded in come fund, in May 2007. ruptcy Corp in that city. To day, AHP the As so ciated Brands now op er ates four sec ond larg est pri vate la bel sup plier of manu fac tur ing plants (two in Can ada, two dia pers and train ing pants in North in the U.S.), sup ply ing up to 50 of the maAmer ica. AHP also mar kets the Drypers jor North Ameri can food re tail ers. Its and Fitti value brand. prod uct line cov ers dry blend food 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 179

Products: Disposable baby diapers, training pants, Youth Pants, Changing pads,disposable adult ibriefs

Sales Contacts: Jim Marsh, Sal Mazzella, Robert Gellert, Sam Tufano, Al Pish, Bernie Deutchman, Jacque Foltz

Sales Con tacts: Steve Pankow, Executive Vice-President, Sales & Marketing; Brian Mullenbach, Vice-President, Sales

ATALANTA COR PO RA TION Atalanta Plaza, Eliza beth, NJ 07206 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(908) 351- 8000 (908) 351- 0761

ATA RON DE VEL OP MENT (1985) LTD. P.O. Box 47080 Ata rot In dus trial Zone Je ru sa lem, Is rael 97800 Is rael Tel: Fax: URL:

+972-2-833131 +972-2-859762

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Pe rcent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 80%

Ex port Mar kets: Den mark, Hol land, Bel gium, Spain, Es to nia, Hong Kong

To tal Sales Vol ume: $500 Mil lion + Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 83%


Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Atalanta, a lead ing im porter of food prod ucts from around the world, was founded as a part ner ship in New York City be tween two len gen dary names in the in ter na tional trade cir cuit, Leon Rubin and Her bert Moel ler. In 1945, the firm was in cor po rated as busi ness devel oped in global com modi ties. Five years later, Atalanta de cided to fo cus ex clu sively on the food in dus try—expand ing its trad ing and mar ket ing exper tise in meats, sea food, cheese and gro cery items. It brands are: Ce leb rity, Kra kus, Zerto, Mar tel, Atalanta, and Del Destino. Its more than 200 premium im ported food prod ucts cov er a di verse range—proc essed meats, cheese, beef, sea food, in sti tu tional and re tail gro cery items. More food is be ing im ported from Hun gary, Po land, and Can ada.

This com pany is the daugh ter com pany of In ter cosma, Azur, Is rael, which is Is rael’s lead ing manu fac turer of hair care products. Ata ron com petes with the lowmedium price range of in ter na tional brand names.

Products: Skin Care Cosmetic Products Sales Contacts: Mr. G. Flohr

AT LAN TIC MILLS, INC. 1295 Tow bi nAve., Lake wood, NJ 08701- 5934, USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(732) 363- 9281; 800-242-7374 (732) 363-4302

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90%

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Mex ico, Aus tra lia

Products: Deli/dairy (cheeses, hams, etc.),

gro cery (ol ive oil, ol ives, mush rooms, etc.), sea food (fro zen lob ster tails, shrimp, etc.)


180 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

At lan tic Mills is a pro ducer and pack ager of non woven wipes, cloths and tow els. For foodservice,institutional,industsrial,retail, and golf mar kets. Its prod ucts are

manu fac tured in a 70,000- square- foot head quar ters fa cil ity. The firm of fers na tional dist ribu tion from six warehouses. Its sales to re tail ers cen ter in store branded con sumer pack ages. Also, the com pany is a ma jor sup plier to the food-serv ice and jani tor ial su pply channels in in sti tu tional pack ages. The company re cently de vel oped the first an ti mi cro bial towel—Kerri Klean Microbe Guard, an all- purpose house hold towel. This item is avail able for store brand pro grams, po si tioned as a premium prod uct that ex ceeds na tional brand qual ity, while of fer ing an antimicrobial prop erty in ad di tion. Other new items: Kerri Klean cof fee towel in ma hog any color used to mask tough cof fee stains; Sim ple So lu tions all surfce3 sani tiz ing wiper (EPA reg istered, FDA sanc tioned).

Products: Household nonwoven wipes,

dis pos able clean ing cloths (dust ing or wipes)—ac tu ally forc ing a com pany name change with the ad di tion of “& Foil” to its iden tity. The com pany, which op er ates three fa cili ties, was est ab lished in 1990 by its man age ment, which brought more than 40 years ex pe ri ence in the pa per convert ing busi ness to this new ven ture. The firm now pro duces the high est quality—100% vi rign pulp—prod ucts for private la bel.

Products: Household aluminum foil, facial

tissues (2-ply interfolded pop-up), dinner napkins (2 and 3 ply), luncheon napkins (1 and 2 ply), bathroom tissues (1 and 2 ply), kitchen towels (1 and 2 ply), disposable cleaning cloths, plastic food wrap, foam plates/bowls/trays

Sales Contacts: Mr. S. Shaun Gabbay, Executive Vice-President

anti-microbial household nonwoven towels

Sales Contacts:

AUDUBON PARK CO. 49 Main St. , Ak ron, CO 80720 USA

Thomas E. Coghan, VP/General Manager, Consumer Sales Division

Tel: Fax: URL: AT LAN TIC PA PER & FOIL CORP. 325 Ken nedy Drive, Haup pauge, NY 11788 USA Tel: Fax: USRL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $18 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 25%

(631) 232-2626 (631) 232- 3535

Ex port Mar kets: Canada Profile:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

(970) 345- 2063; (800) 848-BIRD (970) 345- 2067

At lan tic Pa per is on a roll (no pun intended), of fer ing a full line of stan dard, pre mium and ul tra in four pa per product group ings: Pa per tow els (1 or 2 ply with up to two col ors), bath tis sues (1 or 2 ply), nap kins (1- or multi- ply), and facial tis sues (2 ply). That “roll” ex tends to other cate go ries, in clud ing its new house hold alu mi num foil, its plas tic food wrap, its fab ric sof tener sheets, and its

In busi ness for 40+ years, Audubon Park Co. is one of the top bird food com pa nies withnationwidedistribution.All-natural bird food is their only busi ness, which enables an of fer ing of a full line of bird food products—includingpremiumupscale prod ucts of fer ing a large growth and profitpotential.

Products: Wild bird food (thistle seed,

songbird & cardinal blend, fruit & Nut, wild finch blend, premium no waste), wild bird bells, sunflower seed/wild bird feeding, pet foods for caged birds, rabbits and hamsters.

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 181

Sales Contacts:

Products: Cigarettes. Richard (Dick) Beaman, Vice-President, Sales & Marketing; Stephen Siebenaler, Sales Executive

Sales Contacts: Staffan Gunnarsson, Chairman; Hagen von Wedel, Director Marketing/Sales; Markus Knoche, Key Accounts


(Aus tria Ta bak Vi enna) Kopp strasse 116, A- 1160 Vi enna, AUSTRIA Tel: +43 1/313/ 42-0 Fax: +43 1/313/ 42-1636 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Europe Profile:

AUTUMN HARP 61 Pine Street, Bris tol, VT 05443 USA Tel: Fax: URLl:

(802) 453- 4807 (802) 453-4903

To tal Sales Vol ume: $7 Million Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 100%

Started in 1784 as a to bacco manu facturer (state- owned en ter prise), Aus tria Ex port Mar kets: United Kingdom, Can ada Ta bak be came a state- owned cor po ration in 1939. In 2001, the com pany was Profile: As a leader in the natu ral prod ucts in dussold to Gal la her Group Plc of the UK, try for more than two dec ades, Autumn at that time the fifth larg est to bacco Harphasdevelopednumerouscustomer group ( $15 bil lion+ in sales) in the spe cific con cepts for many lead ing brands. world. In April 2007, Gal la her, in turn, Spe cialty re tail ers and pre mier cos metic for about $15 bil lion was ac quired by brands have re lied on Autumn Harp’s talJa pan To bacco Inc. (a $40.4 bil lion ented, market- savvy pro fes sion als to firm). Eight years pre vi ously, Ja pan create naturally- based al ter na tives to satTobacco ac quired U.S-based RJR Naisfy to day’s de mand ing cus tomer. Known bisco’sinternationaltobaccobusiness industry- wide for manu fac tur ing the highand formed JT In ter na tional est qual ity, natu ral and ef fi ca cious prod( JT In ter na tional is now ucts, its plant is reg is tered as an OTC drug the third larg est to bacco com pa ny in the and cos metic fa cil ity. world; its brands in clude: Mild Seven, Products: Lip balms, lip gloss, lip tints, solid Win son, Sa lem, Camel, etc. In 1982, perfume, facial sunblocks, medicated the Aus trian com pany, a sub sidi ary of balms and ointments, color AT Vi enna, en tered the pri vate la bel cosmetics mar ket for ciga rettes. The com pany is Sales Aus tria’s mar ket leader as well as the Contacts: Ka trina Simeck, Sales Man ager lead ing sup plier of pri vate la bel cigarettes to ma jor re tail ers and whole sal ers through out Europe. As a whole saler, the com pany op er ates in Aus tria, Germany, and Hun gary. As part of its in tegra tion into Gal la her Group, Aus tria BAKKAV ÖR GROUP HF Ta bak ex tended its mar ket as Con tiAr muli 3, 4th Floor, 108 Reyk ja vik, ICELAND nen tal Europe (CED) of Gal la her to 35 coun tries in Europe. Tel: +354 550-9700 Fax: +354 550- 9701 URL:



2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

To tal Sales Vol ume: $3 Bil lion (£ 1.5 Bil lion) +21% To tal UK Sales Vol ume: $2.6 Bil lion (£ 1.3 Bil lion) +19%

BAU MER FOODS, INC. 2424 Eden born Ave., Ste 510, Me tairie, LA 70001 USA

Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 95%+ (E)

Ex port Mar kets: UK, France, Bel gium, Spain, South Af rica, China, the Czech Re pub lic, United States) Profile:

Founded in 1986, Bak ka vör Group has grown, via ac quis tions, into the world’s leader in fresh pre pared foods and produce, op er at ing 62 fac to ries in 10 countries. Some 90% of its sales are in the United King dom, a mar ket it en tered in 2000 with the ac qui si tion of Wine & Dine. The Group con tin ues to ex pand its op era tions in Cen tral Europe and Asia. A new mar ket opened in Janu ary 2008 with the ac qui si tion of Two Chefs On A Roll, Car son, CA. This pro ducer of bak ery prod ucts, sauces, soups and sa voury dips will serve as a base for the Group’s U.S. Ex pan sion. In March 2008, the Group ac quired 48% in ter est in a Hong Kong-based food and bev erage com pany and athe fol low ing month took over Hong Kong’es lead ing producer of bak ery and pas try prod ucts. Dur ing 2007, the Group ac quired five com pa nies, in clud ing 4G, a French salad pro ducer, Ex otic Farm Pro duce Group in the UK, 51% of Heli Food Fresh (ready meals) in the Czech Repub lic, and the re main ing 60% stake in Crea tive Foods China. Net op er at ing income for the year slipped by 13.9% to £57.3 mil lion, due to tough trad ing condi tions in the UK, a prod uct recall, and risingcommodityprices.

Products: Fresh Prepared Foods & Produce.

(ready meals, fresh pizza/pasta, soups, sauces, stir fries, ethnic snacks, prepared vegetables, specialty breads, salads, dips, desserts, prepared fruits, salads)

Sales Contacts:

Nikki Gorman, New Business Development Director (London) Tel: +44 1775-761111

Tel: Fax: URL:

(504) 482- 5761 (504) 483- 2425

To tal Sales Vol ume: $50 Mil lion+ Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 40%

Ex port Mar kets: Mid dle East, Europe, South America, Can ada Profile:

This Lou isi ana in sti tu tion has be come the country’sfastest-growingcondiment manu fac turer. Bau mer Foods, privatelyowned, started its op era tion in 1923. Its inter na tional dis tri bu tion now brings the com pa ny’s great taste of Crys tal brand hot sauce to pepper- loving peo ple in more than 75 coun tries. Every year, 1.5 mil lion gal lons of hot sauce are shipped out of its New Or leans plant. Cay enne pep per hot sauce is the heart of Bau mer Foods, In 2004, Bau mer pur chased The Fi garo Co., Mes quite, TX, a con di ments sup plier, which con tin ues as a sub sidi ary.

Products: Hot sauces, mustards (yellow,

brown, Dijon, horseradish), oriental sauces, steak sauces, Worcestershire sauces, Habanero sauce, soy sauce, Teriyaki sauce, chicken wing sauce

Sales Contacts: Steven A. Forret, National Accounts Manager, Private Label Products; Terry Hanes, Executive Vice-President/COO; Alvin A. Baumer, Jr., President and CEO

THE W. E. BAS SETT COM PANY 100 Trap Falls Road., Ext., Shel ton, CT 06484 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(203) 929- 8483 (203) 929- 8963

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 183

voted to pri vate la bel cus tom ers. Its product line of sto ne ground mus tards fea tures two kinds of whole seed (no mus tard flour used) with no ad di tives or pre serva tives. Plans call for mov ing into a new 50,000square-footplant.

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Asia/Pa cific, Mid dle East, Latin America- - 60+ countries Profile:

The W.E. Bas sett Com pany is a family-held manu fac tur ing busi ness that was in cor po rated in 1947. The firm pro duces the TRIM brand of mani cure im ple ments, which are sold on a worldwide ba sis. About 1987, the com pany be came in volved in the pri vate la bel busi ness. In Sep tem ber 2001, the company ac quired Cook Bates, a di vi sion of Pacer Tech nol ogy, bring ing more private la bel busi ness in. Lately, the firm has be gun ex pand ing on pedi cure products as well as im prov ing on an easyhold fea ture for its line of prod ucts. The com pany has ex paned its line of manicure, pedicure, and eye care kits and also promotes the personal care lines GEM® and Kurlash®/Diamon Deb®. The W. E. Bassett Company is a major supplier of implements to the private label and OEM markets.

Products: TRIM mani cure im ple ments,

Easy- Hold mani cure im ple ments, TRIM gift sets, ‘Ku stom King’ ad ver tis ing spe cial ties.

Sales Contacts:

Hugh Scolllins, Vice-President Sales

Products: Stoneground mustards (14 stock

flavors, capability to make custom flavors) and barbecue sauce (sweet jalapeno flavor).

Sales Contacts: Johan N. Bech, Presidentr

BEE MAID HONEY LIM ITED Box 3909, 70 Al berta Ave., Spruce Grove, Al berta T7X 3B1 CAN ADA Tel: (780) 96205573 Fax: (780) 962-1653 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: $25 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 43%

Ex port Mar kets: 30+ coun tries, mostly North ern Hemisphere Profile:

J. N. BECH, LTD. 214 Dex ter St., P.O. Box 667, Elk Rap ids, MI 49629 USA Tel: Fax:

(231) 264- 5080 (231) 264- 5107

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 25%

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Since start ing its busi ness in 1982, J.N. Bech has be come a ma jor manu facturer in the Michi gan mar ket. With increas ing cus tomer de mand, the firm de vel oped new fla vors for the food-service trade. To day, its busi ness is di vided 55% into food serv ice, 15% for gift pack ers and fund rais ers, and 25% de-

Over the past 30+ years, Can ada has become fa mous for white, mild- flavored honey pro duced in its Prai rie prov inces. The con sis tently good qual ity of Ca na dian honey has made it a stan dard world wide. Helpingestablishthatinternationalreputa tion, Bee Maid Honey of Win ni peg has ap plied its mar ket ing ex per tise. Started in the 1930s, the com pany has helped Ca nadian honey be come ‘Nu mber One’ in the world, while Bee Maid claims the number one po si tion in Can ada. It is that coun try’s larg est honey com pany and the only Cana dian firm to mar ket its prod uct in all 10 prov inces and both ter ri to ries in ad di tion to main tain ing a net work of agents and bro kers around the world. In fact, the com pany sees it self first and fore most as a mar ket ing op era tion, dedi cated to de velop ing new mar kets, even though it car ries out proc ess ing and pack ag ing func tions as well.

Products: Liquid honey, creamed honey, honey

184 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

mustards, honey Bar-B-Q sauce.

Sales Contacts:

Profile: R. J. (Rick) Rees, Vice-President, Marketing (e-mail: [email protected])

BENT LEY MANU FAC TUR ING, INC. 41 Ethel Rd. W, Pis cata way, NJ 08854 USA Tel: Fax:

(732) 572-5933 N/A

Products: Rawhide dog bones (prepacked), dog toys, dog chews, dog treats, pet supplies

To tal Sales Vol ume: $18 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 25%

Ex port Mar kets: South Amer ica, Rus sia Profile:

BentleyManufacturingproducesthe lowest- price prod uct within each category men tioned, of fer ing qual ity that com pares to mid- range priced prod ucts. Plans called for the in tro duc tion of adult incontinenceproductsbeginninglatein 1996. Its prod ucts are quality- controlled with in- house labo ra tory test ing completed every day in ad di tion to monthly testingthroughoutsideindependent labo ra to ries to en sure its own test ing results. The com pany also of fers a new com pressed ultra- thin dis pos able dia per at very com peti tive pric ing.

Products: Products:Disposable diapers,

feminine napkins, panty liners, baby wipes, adult incontinence, color cosmetics.

Sales Contacts:

Victor Braha; Eli Braha; Ralph Braha.

BENTY AMER ICA PET SUP PLY 908 N. Cen tral Ave., Wood Dale, IL 60191 USA Tel: Fax:

(630) 766-1636 (630) 766-1635

To tal Sales Vol ume: $10 Million Pe cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 40%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Can ada, South America

This com pany is owned by Ber tin, Sao Paulo Est., Lins, Bra zil, a four- year- - old, slaugh ter house and tan nery op era tion. Benty Amer ica Pet Sup ply opened in June 1999 as a ware house op era tion. Bertinhandlescontractmanufacturing to ma jor branded com pa nies, plus private la bel busi ness. This firm claims to be the only fac tory in the world that produces the fresh est prod uct of its kind- -a 30 hours pro cess.

Sales Contacts:

Charles Ferreira, President (e-mail: [email protected])

BER LIN PACK AG ING 111 N. Ca nal Street (Ste. 300), Chi cago, IL 60606 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(847) 640- 4790; (800) 4- BERLIN (847) 640- 0386; (800) 423- 7545

To tal Sales Vol ume: $140 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Canada Profile:

Since 1898, Ber lin Pack ag ing has been a pre mier dis tribu tor of glass, plas tic, and metalcontainersandaccompanyingclosure sys tems. Be cause Berlin buys more than two bil lion bot tles and clo sures annu ally, they have the pur chas ing power equal to many Fortune 100 com pa nies. This en ables Ber lin Pack ag ing to sell at very com peti tive prices, even in small quan ti ties. The com pany also has the capa bil ity to cre ate con tain ers for com panies desiring a cus tom look. Draw ing from its stock of over 15,000 pack ag ing components,Berlinsuppliescontainers to a di verse mar ket place including food, phar ma ceu ti cal, per sonal care, chemicals, auto mo tive, etc.

Products: Containers (glass, plastic, metal) and accompanying closures

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 185

Sales Contacts:

Ex port Mar kets: Car ribean, Can ada, South Amer ica Any company representative (e-mail: [email protected])


BER NER FOODS INC.. 11824 Main St., Roscoe, IL 61073 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(815) 623-1722; (800) 819-8199 (815) 623-1622

To tal Sales Vol ume: $160 Mil lion+ Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Puerto Rico

For the past 20 of its 40- plus years in business, Berns & Kopp stein has sup plied private la bel prod ucts. It has be come a spe cial ist in canned corn beef, ground beef, cubed beef, roast beef with gra vies, and fro zen cooked beef. It also pro vides a va ri ety of canned fruits and vege ta bles. Its par ent com pany im ports com modi ties and is traded on the NYSE.

Products: Canned meat, fish, fruits and vegetables

Sales Contacts: Richard Smaligo, President; Mike Prince, Chris Maragulia, both Sales Managers (e-mail: [email protected])


A family- owned dairy busi ness for more than 60 years, Ber ner Fods de veloped its shelf cheese line in 1992. Be sides BERRY PLAS TICS CORP. cheese spreads, sauces, and dips, cus tom 1401 W. 94th St., Min nea po lis, MN 55431 USA for mu la tions of shelf cheese prod ucts are also avail able. This com pany disTel: (952) 884-7281 trib utes to na tional gro cery chains. ToFax: N/A day, the com pany is an in dus try leader URL: in pre mium, pri vate la bel proc essed cheese suaces, spreads, and top pings. prod ucts. Ber ner Foods op er ates two To tal Sales Vol ume: $3.1 Billion proc ess ing plants. In 1988, the com pany Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A be gan mass pro duc ing a pri vate la bel Ex port Mar kets: North Amer ica, Europe, SE Asia ched dar cheese sauce (emu lat ing the brand Cheez Whiz). The com pany now Profile: As a re sult of re cent merg ers and ac quisiof ers cho les terol free cheese. tons, Berry Plas tics has emerged as the number one pro ducer of plas tic trash Products: Shelf-stable cheese products bags, stretch film and plas tic sheet ing in (spreads, sauces, dips) the U.S., as well as be ing the world’s largSales est manu fac turer of duct tape. Based in Contacts: Steven Fay, Vice-President, Sales & Evans ville, IN, the com pany over sees 71 Marketing manufacturingfacilitiesworldwide.Its most re cent take over (Feb ru ary 2008) is Cap tive Hold ing, Pis cata way, NJ, owner of Cap tive Plas tics, a manu fac turer of BERNS & KOPP STEIN blow- molded bot tles and injection- molded clo sures, en com pass ing 13 plants. In 2006, (Di vi sion of Im pe rial Com modi ties Corp.) Berry Plas tics was ac quired by Apollo 17 Bat tery Place, New York, NY 10004 USA Man age ment L.P. and Gra ham Part ners, Inc. In April 2007, Berry completed a Tel: (212) 837- 9475 stock- for stock merger with Co va lence Fax: (212) 797- 3528 SpecialtyMaterialsHoldingCorp., Bloomington,MN.Covalence,operatorof To tal Sales Vol ume: $70 Mil lion 37 manu fac tur ing plants, is a ma jor proPer cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 95% 186

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

ducer of polethyylene- based pla sitc films was ac quired by Uni le ver PLC and reindustrialtapes,medicalspecialties, named Unil vever Best Foods and then its packaging, heat- shrinkable coat ings and bak ery op era tion sold mainly for its specialty lami nates. Co va lence Plas tics branded business in July 2001 to George was founded in 1960 as Car lisle Plas tics Wes ton of Can ada for $1.8 bil lion. The and six years later was ac quired by spe cialty di vi sion had been one of the maTyco In ter na tional, which ended up selljor sup pli ers of pri vate la bel crou tons for ing all of its plas ti cs, ad he sives, and Ludyears. low coated prod ucts busi nesses to an af fili ate of the pri vate in vest ment firm, Apollo Man age ment, in Feb ru ary 2006. A new com pany was then formed as BET TER BAKED FOODS, INC. CovalenceSpecialtyMaterialsCorp., 56 Smed ley St., P.O. Box 432, North East, PA 16428, Bed min is ter, NJ, while the plas tics busiUSA ness (for merly called Tyco Plas tics) was re named Co va lence Plas tics, based in Minneapolis,MN.CovalenceSpecialty Tel: (814) 725- 8778 Ma te ri als Corp’s fis cal 2006 reve nues Fax: (814) 725- 9422 to tal $1.8 bil lion, of which 96% comes URL: from its North Ameri can op era tion. The companyoperates37manufacturing To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A plants. Its busi ness also in clude Co valence Ad he sives (tape prod ucts) and Co- Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A va lence Coated Prod ucts. Its re tail Ex port Mar kets: N/A prod ucts cover trash bags and food-contact prod uct, of which 57% of the re tail Profile: Es tab lished in 1964, Bet ter Baked Foods chan nel sales are in pri vate la bel. The (BFF) con tin ues to be a leader in the frocom pany also pro duces value- positioned zen pizza in dus try. The in no va tors of froRuf fies brand bags, Rip Stop, Sure zen French bread pizza is one of the many Strength and Sure Sak to the mass merac co lades of this or gani za tion. The comchant, gro cery and drug store trades. Its pany is family- owned, fo cused on handFilm- Gard sheet ing prod ucts meet a held, user- friendly fast fro zen food prodwide range of in door and out door doucts. Main tain ing a low- cost pro ducer it- yourself proj ect needs and are availmen tal ity is a top com pany pri or ity. As a able in hard ware/home stores. con tract packer for some of the na tion’s larg est fro zen food cor pora tions, BFF Products: Tall kitchen & trash bags meets and ex ceeds the cri te ria nec es sary to (plastic); food-contact products suc ceed in this arena. Its fa cili ties in clude a Sales 242,000-square-footprocessingplantand Contacts: Frank Rowe, National Sales Manager a sepa rate 56,000- square- foot bak ery. Its newly- constructed Re search & De vel opment fa cil ity, in clud ing a pi lot plant, accom mo dates a staff of eight full- time as so ci ates. BBF is com mit ted to pro vid ing BESTFOODS SPE CIALTY PROD UCTS` its cus tom ers with su pe rior prod ucts and serv ice. The High est Achieve ment re cipiThe spe cialty di vi sion was part of ent of the Tri- State Qual ity award en sures Bestfoods (for merly called CPC In terits po ten tial cus tom ers of that su pe rior na tional Inc.), Engle wood Cliffs, NJ, an sup port. $9 bil lion con sumer prod ucts and corn re fin ing firm—the owner of fa mous Products: Microwaveable French bread pizza brand names such as Knorr soups, Maand bakery products zola corn oil, Hell mann’s may on naise, etc. In late 2000, how ever, Bestfoods

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 187

Sales Contacts:

David Elchynski, Director of Sales & Marketing

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 45%

Ex port Mar kets: France, Spain, Ben lux, Scan di na via, Hong Kong, Aus tra lia Profile:

BEY ERS KOF FIE NV/SA Kon ing Leo pold laan 3, B- 2870 Puurs (Breen donk), BELGIUM Tel: Fax: URL:

+32 3 260 16 30 +32 3 260 16 39

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Europe Profile:

In 2004, Bey ers took over Fort Cof fee Roast ing Com pany in Ite gen, Bel gium and the sales of fice E.P. Leid sche, Ridderk erk, The Neth er lands, both known as Fort-E.P. Leid sche, based in Ant werpen, Bel gium. These com pa nies were owned by Elite In dus tries of Is rael. The com pany was one of Eu ro pe’s largest privatelabelcoffeeproducers,offering spe cial brands and blends. Plus its own brands. E.P. Leidsche- Het Klav er blad was es tab lished in 1769 in The Neth erlands. Bey ers Kof fie formed a joint invest ment with Cafe do Bra sil of Naples, I taly, owned by the Rubino fam ily, estab lish ing Puurs as the cof fee roast ing plant. Bey ers took over this op era tion.

For merly called Bonded Fi bre Fab ric, BFF Non wov ens has weath ered a trou bled his tory. The com pany started in 1952 and even tu ally be came part of La mont Holdings PLC of Bel fast, North ern Ire land (sub se quently moved to Roch dale, Lan cashire in the UK). Lamont, also in volved in com mision print ing, how ever, went into re ceiv er ship early in 2003, which led to a man age ment buy out of BFF by two company di rec tors. Re named BFF Tech ni cal Fab rics, the com pany was un able to cope with mount ing en er gy costs and put its four pro duc tion lines up for sale in Novem ber 2006. BFF was rec og nized as one of the lead ing manu fac tur ers of con verted non woven prod ucts, pro ducting a vast vari ety of fab rics, sup ply ing mar kets through out the world for a number of end us ers from in ter lin ing, to medi cal products, to prod ucts for tech ni cal ap pli ca tions as well as con verted re tail prod ucts. BFF some 25 years ago was the first non woven manufacturertorecognizeopportunityin the own la bel clean ing cloth mar ket. Eventu ally, this busi ness ex panded to in clude a range of im preg nated baby wipes.

Products: N/A Sales Contacts: N/A

Products: Coffee (ground, Beans), Espresso; Tea; cocoa

Sales Contacts:

Patrick Vermaelen, Commercial Director

BFF NON WOV ENS LTD. Bath Road, Bridg wa ter Som er set TA6 4NZ UNITED KINGDOM Tel: Fax: URL: 188

+44 1278 428500 +44 1278 429499

B&G FOODS, INC. 426 Ea gle Rock Ave., Rose land, NJ 07068 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(973) 228- 2500 (973) 228- 7461

To tal Sales Vol ume: $300 Mil lion Percent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Aus tra lia, South Amer ica, Europe

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


B&G, Inc. is owned by Bruck mann, Rosser, Sher rill (BRS), New York, an in vest ment firm. Its busi ness is di vided pri mar ily into two di vi sions: DSD for the Di rect Store Dis tri bu tion Co., handling branded and pri vate la bel business, and B&G for Block & Gug gen heimer, a pro ducer of pep pers and re lated prod ucts. Its af filia tion with Spe cialty Foods Co., a di ver si fied foodholding com pany in Deer field, IL, has ended with the sale of that com pany. B&G has been in busi ness for more than 100 years, hav ing be come the number one brand in pick les and peppers in New York. B&G also op er ates Burns & Ricker, a pro ducer of ba gel chips and pita crisps snacks, some of which are also in pri vate la bel. In the recent past, this com pany has added to its brandportfolio,purchasingRegina vine gars. Brer mo las ses, Wright’s liq uid smoke, Trap pey Brand hot sauces, and Ma ple Grove Farm.

Products: Pickles, peppers, hot sauace, jam, Sales Contacts:

pizza, self-rising pizza, Italian entrees, stuffed appetizers, custom foods

Sales Contacts: N/A

BI AZZO DAIRY PROD UCTS INC. 1145 Edge wa ter Ave nue, Ridge field, NJ 07657 USA Tel: Fax: URL

(201) 941- 6800 (201) 941- 4151

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 70%

David Burke, Executive Vice-President Marketing; Rick Nechay; Mike Molum.

Ex port Mar kets: Europe Profile:

Bi azzo is a 35- year- old family- run company, which pro duces Bi azzo brand as well as pri vate la bel Ri cotta and Moz zarella cheese on the con ti nen tal East Coast. The com pany op er ates a 58,000 sq. ft. Facility.

Products: Ricotta cheese, Mozzarella cheese,

string cheese, shredded Mozzarella cheese, fresh Mozzarella cheese, curd, smoked Mozzarella, Mozzarella with Proscuitto and pepperoni

(847) 956- 0055 (847) 956- 0684

To tal Sales Vol ume: $10 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 48%

Sales Contacts: John Iapichino Jr., Vice-President

Ex port Mar kets: Canada,Korea,Japan,Mexico Profile:

Products: Stuffed pizza, pan pizza, thin crust

jelly, pure maple syrup, snack mix, steak sauce, relish.

BI AGIO’S GOUR MET FOODS, INC. 2416 East Es tes Ave nue, Elk Grove Vil lage, IL 60007 USA Tel: Fax:

self- rising crust, etc. Ad di tion ally, its Ital ian en tree range cov ers: meat or vegetablelasagna,eggplantparmesan,Rotolo, cheese Mani cotti, chicken cac cia tore, etc. Bi agio’s op er ates in a 30,000- square- foot, USDA- inspected fa cil ity. The com pany also han dles con tract work, meet ing the speci fi ca tions of its cus tom ers.

This 10- year- old firm en tered the market with its spe cialty item, Su pa rossa brand fro zen stuffed pizza. To day, the com pany is the number one manu facturer of stuffed pizza for both the private la bel in dus try as well as its own branded line. Its other va rie ties of pizza in clude pan, thin crust, French bread,

BICK EL’S SNACK FOODS, INC. 1120 Zinns Quarry Rd., York, PA 17404 USA Tel: Fax:

(717) 843- 0738 (717) 843- 4161

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 189

To tal Sales Vol ume: $100 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 65%

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Mex ico, Europe, Asia Profile:

For the past six years ago, Ameri foods Snacks has op er ated as a con glom er ate for its op era tions, Bon Ton Po tato Chips and York Foods. Ad di tion ally, the com pany op er ated An der son Bakery com pany The lat ter com pany (also listed in the SOUR CE BOOK) was sold to a Cali for nia hold ing com pany in Novem ber 1999. Ameri foods was taken over by Han nover Foods, Han nover, PA, and re named Bick el’s Snack Foods.

Sales Contacts: Jennifer Irani, Marketing; Mark Fisher, International Marketing(e-mail: [email protected])

DAVID BIERN BAUM CON SULT ING 36 Four Sea sons Cen ter (Ste. 101), Ches ter field, MO 63017, USA Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

(314) 434- 6008 (314) 434- 6513

Products: Potato chips, corn chips, tortilla

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 80%

Sales Contacts:

Ex port Mar kets: N/A

chips, cheese corn curls, popcorn, pork rinds

Richard Davidson, Director of Sales; Raymond Shull, Vice-President, Sales


BIOMER ICA, INC. 1533 Mon rovia Ave., New port Beach, CA 92663 USA Tel: Fax: URL

(949) 645- 2111, (800) 854- 3002 (949) 722- 6674

Services: Corporate planning and strategic

development; board advisory services; executive & sales training/development; marketing & category management consulting; executive mentor services; retailer-supplier networking, on-site seminars & workshops; trade & industry relations; media & communications; trade show strategic planning, financial analysis and planning

To tal Sales Vol ume: $6 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 20%

Ex port Mar kets:

Europe, South ern Asia, South Amer ica, Cen tral Amer ica, Mid dle East, North Amer ica--worldwide


Biomer ica has been de vel op ing and manu fac tur ing ad vanced home di agnos tic test prod ucts for more than 20 years. Its prod ucts are mar keted un der the Fortel and EZ De tect brands. The com pany op er ates as the par ent company of Lancer Or tho don tics, Inc. and AllergyImmunoTechnologies,Inc.

Products: Midstream one-step pregnancy

test, Plus one-step pregnancy test, ovaluation test, EX Detect for hidden blood in stool, and ulcer test.

David Biern baum is a con sumer jpack age jgoods spe cial ist with ex per tise in mar keting, re tail sales and busi ness de vel op ment. His cre den tials in clude in ter ac tion with sev eral lead ing pri vate la bel, niche brand, and na tional brand com pa nies go ing back to 1977.

Sales Contacts: David S. Biernbaum, President & Senior Consultant

BIO- FAMILIA AG* Brunig strasse 141, CH- 6072, Sa chseln, SWIT ZERLAND Tel:

190 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

+41 41 666 25 55

Fax: URL:

+41 41 666 25 50

Tel: Fax: URL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $25 Mil lion+ (43 Mil lion Swiss francs) Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%

(502) 584- 8338; (800) 860-2445 (502) 584-8844

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, North Amer ica, South

Ex port Mar kets: N/A

Amer ica, Asia (33 coun tries) Profile:

In 1954, BIO- familia be gan op er at ing Profile: In op era tion since 1919, Bloe mer over the un der the name So ma lon AG, a disdec ades has de vel oped a sig nifi cant custribu tor of bak ery foods. Over the years, tomer loy alty in its mar ket ing re gion. The the company has been a pio neer of com pany now plans to ex pand, de vel op ing muesli in the mar ket place. As a ma jor pri vate la bel busi ness be yond its re gional pro ducer of break fast ce re als, BIOmar ket. The prod ucts it feels are best f amilia of fers 70 dif fer ent reci pes of suited for pri vate la bel in clude: 3- ounce muesli prod ucts. As a pio neer in or ganic chile pow der shaker, 1- ounce chile powfoods, the firm’s BIO SU ISSe la bel der, and 15- ounce canned shred ded beef guar an tees that 95% of its raw ma te riwith bar be cue sauce or shred ded pork als (wheat, rye, bar ley, spelt and ap ples) with bar be cue sauce. Re cently, taco seacome from or ganic farming The comson ing (origi nal and hot) was added to its pany has dis tin guished it self by pio neeroffering. ing in the func tional food area. It also has in no vat ed with animal- shaped ce re- Products: Canned meats (BQ pork, beef, chicken); chile powder (1--ounce als, pio neer ing this tech nol ogy at the end original, 3-ournce original shaker, of 1994. To day, it is the world’s larg est 3-ounce hot); taco shakers pro ducer of shaped ce re als via the ex(3-ournce original or hot); tru sion method. More re cently, the refrigerated dried chile (80ounce com pany has de vel oped fa milia c.m. cups in original or hot flavor) Plus, a func tional food for women (enSales riched with cal cium, mag ne sium, ViContacts: Brent Haire, General Manager (Ext. 26) tamin D3 plus 9 other vi ta mins, all E-mail: [email protected] help ing to im prove a body’s cal cium sup ply. In 2007, this was com ple mented with the first func tional muesli- based ce real, un der its body Bal ance brand, for healthierdigestion. BLUE CROSS BEAUTY PROD UCTS, INC. 12251 Mon ta gue St., Pa co ima, CA 91331 USA Products: Organically-grown muesli (with fruits, chocolates, etc.), crunchy muesli granola products, animal-shaped ready-to-eat cereals, functional foods (with health relevant additives), snacks

Sales Contacts:

Dr. H.P. Binz

Tel: Fax: URLl:

(818) 896-8681 N/A

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Mex ico, Can ada, Pa cific Rim, Carib bean, South Amer ica, Asia Profile: BLOE MER FOOD SALES 925 South Sev enth Street, Lou is ville, KY 40203 USA

This family- owned busi ness, op er at ing in South ern Cali for nia since 1933, manu factures budget cos met ics and is the larg est filler of nail enamel in the west ern U.S.. Its prod uct line in cludes sea sonal pro moti onal items. Be sides sup ply ing top North

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 191

American re tail ers, the com pany export product world wide.

Products: Color cosmetics and specialty nail treatment

Sales Contacts:

Maurice Rasgon, VP, Sales & Marketing

To tal Sales 2007/08 Vol ume: $ 2 Bil lion ( € 1.5 Bil lion) +15.4% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 35%

Ex port Mar kets: Allcontinents—worldwide Profile:

BOL NER’S FI ESTA PROD UCTS INC. 426 Men chaca St., San An to nio, TX 78207 USA Tel: Fax:

(210) 734- 6404 (210) 734- 7866

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 20% URL:

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Started some 41 years ago, Bol ners Fiesta, a family- run busi ness, in tro duced fa jita sea son ing and fa ji tas to the U.S. mar ket. Its pri vate la bel busi ness be gan some 10+ years ago. Lately, the firm has introducedjalapenoseasoningand carne guisada ; more re cently a new line of Mexi can spe cialty sea son ings was added to the range, such as fi deo, pinto beans, rice sea son ing, etc. Its prod uct line is pack aged in cello bags or jars. Bol ner’s im ports spices from more than 60 coun tries and pro duces some 600 differentproducts.

Products: Spices & seasonings Sales Contacts:

Tel: Fax: URL:


Products: Canned vegetables and Frozen

vegetables—artichokes, Parisian (round-shaped) carrots, “Minute Blends” (100% cooked ready for re-heat), cooked skin fries (with sauces around the vegetables), grilled vegetables, vegetable patties, and the biggest seller 1-sieve whole string beans.

Clifton J. Bolner, President & CEO

BON DU ELLE S.A. BP 173 59653,Vil le neuve D’Ascq Ce dex FRANCE +33 20 43 79 64 +33 20 43 61 58

Bon du elle claims to be the Eu ro pean lead er in vegetables- - canned tak ing 48% and fresh tak ing 29% of com pany sales. In fro zen vege ta bles, Bon du elle claims to be number 2 in Europe (23% of company sales). In canned goods, the com pany controls 30% of the Euro pean mar ket and in fro zen 11% mar ket share. With improv ing busi ness in Europe, the com pany reg is tered net prof its up by 32.1%. The strong Euro con vinced the com pany in July 2006 to buy a 23% eq uity in ter est in Ali ments Car rière, Cana da’s lead ing proces sor of canned and fro zen vege ta bles. In, July 2007, Bon du ella took con trol of that com pany ( € 160 mil lion with 37% of its sales in the U.S.) and formed Bon du elle North Amer ica as a sub sidi ary. The company re ports 22% of its group sales are now in non- EU zone coun tries. The sales for those op era tions were up by 18.9% in the cur rent year- - the North Ameri can opera tion driv ing over all sales upward for the company. Bon du elle op er ates 30 plants worldwide, sell ing close to 500 va rie ties of vege ta bles and salad greens in 80 countries. This fam ily owned busi ness is the world leader in proc essed vege ta bles. Its last big ac quis tion was the fro zen vege table busi ness of Uni le ver in Spain (the Salto brand).

Sales Contacts: Jose Giasson, Bonduelle USA Tel: ( 514) 384-4281

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

trends, able to in tro duce added fea tures as they de velop within an al ready di ver si fied dia per line. The com pa ny’s full line of prod ucts cov ers: baby dia pers (ba sic to na tional brand equiva lent), sani tary napkins and panty shields, dish wash ing liq uid, bath foam, liq uid laun dry, etc. Most of the com pa ny’s busi ness is in ex port, while U.S. dis tri bu tion cov ers 25 states.

BOSMAT Kib butz Hafetz Hayim 76817, ISRAEL Tel: +972 8 86 33 900 Fax: +972 8 85 93 803 URL: www.bosmat .com To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Aus tra lia, South Africa, South America Profile:

Estab lished in 1987, Bos mat has be come one of the world’s lead ing manu fac turers of wet wipes and moist tis sues. Its prod ucts meet the ISO 9002 Euro pean quality stan dards.

Products: Baby and family care moist tissues, all-purpose household wipes, antibacterial wipes (home or clinci), cosmetic remal and face cleansing wipes, computer wipes, pet care wipes

Sales Contacts:

Ronit Ramo , Marketing Manager

Products: Disposable baby diapers, dishwashing liquid, foam bath & shower gel

Sales Contacts:


BRAD FORD SOAP WORKS, INC.* P.O. Box 1007, 200 Provi dence St., West War wick, RI 02893 USA Tel: (401) 821- 2141 Fax: (401) 821- 1660 URl: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 80%+ (E)

Ex port Mar kets: 50+ countries BRACO MANU FAC TUR ING COM PANY 4301 B New Bruns wick Ave., South Plain field, NJ 07080, USA Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

(732) 752- 5040; (800) 719-9800 (732) 752- 0532

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 60%

Ex port Mar kets: 15+ coun tries, cov er ing Cen tral & South Amer ica, Can ada, Mid dle East, and Pa cific Rim Profile:

Since 1983, when Braco Manu fac tur ing be gan pro duc ing dis pos able baby diapers and sani tary nap kins, its sales have grown ten fold, based on the for mula: Top qual ity and ex cel lent value, while never com pro mis ing for price. In ei ther of its plants in New Jer sey and Venezuela, the firm can sup ple ment pro duction. Braco keeps pace with in dus try


Founded in 1876, the Origi nal Brad ford Soap Works (now iden ti fied with out the “Origi nal”) at first fo cused on soaps for the tex tile in dus try. To day, the com pany is po si tioned as the world’s lead ing spe cialty soap maker. Un like most other soap manu fac tur ers, Brad ford makes its own soap bases, stock ing more than 50 proprie tary formulations- - the larg est in the world--fromtraditionaltallowtovegetable to or ganic to su per mild syn thet ics. It bar soaps are made from cer ti fied or ganic ingre di ents and pro cesses. The range includes:translucent,transparent,organic, synthetic,moisturizing,beaded,striated, mar bled and oth ers in dif fer ent shapes, col ors and fra grances. The com pany also sup plies sev eral new cleans ing forms, sucyh as creams, gels, pow ders and mousses. Also, the firm pro duces brands for other sup pli ers, un der con tract. Bradford Soap Works UK in Ches ter, Eng land, serves the Euro pean mar ket. In Oc to ber

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 193

2003, Brad ford, rec og nized as number 1 in the bar soap seg ment, ac quired the number 2 pro ducer: Hewitt Soap Co., Day ton, OH (in clud ing plants in Day ton and Co lum bus, IN.

Products: Bar soaps & proprietary soap base formulations

Sales Contacts:

private label, and retail store design

Sales Con tacts: Greg Kolligian, Partner & Managing Director; Elinor Selame, President; Linda Fisher, Strategic Marketing (e-mail: [email protected])

Steve LeGraw, President & CEO; Chris Buckley, Managing Director (44-1244-390100) in England BREMNER, INC.*

(Di vi sion of Ral corp. Hold ings, Inc.) BRAN DEQUITY IN TER NA TIONAL

A Se lame Com pany 2330 Wash ing ton St., New ton, MA 02462 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(617) 969- 3150; (800) 969-3150 (617) 969- 1944

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

800 Mar ket St., 25R, St. Louis, MO 63101 Tel: (314) 877-7992 Fax: (314) 877-7745 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: $325.1 Mil lion -0.06% Pe cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

BrandEquity/Internationalisrecognized as one of the lead ing vis ual market ing and brand con sult ing firms. For over 40 years, Bran dEquity has helped com pa nies to in crease sales, name devel op ment and pack age de sign programs. Bran dEquity has cre ated and implementedsuccessfulnamingand brand ing strate gies, re tail store de sign and ex clu sive brand pack ag ing, pri vate la bel brands and po si tion ing programs for com pa nies such as Kmart, Amoco Oil, East man Ko dak, Sta ples, CVS, NantucketNectars,GeneralCinema Corp., Allmer ica Fi nan cial, Bank of Bos ton, Brigham and Women’s Hos pital, Har vard Pil grim Health Care, Solium Inc., Bos ton Mu seum of Sci ence, Good will In dus tries, Dock ers, Clarks of Eng land, IBM, Camp bell’s, Du Pont, and Sara Lee.

Bremner op er ates as the cook ies and crack ers di vi sion of Ral corp Hold ings, Inc. (also listed in the (SOUR CE BOOK). This op era tion is the larg est manu fac turer of store brand crack ers and cook ies for sale in the U.S. Its prod ucts are po si tioned as low- cost, pre mium qual ity; and the company di vides its sales be tween 55% in crack ers and 45% in cook ies. Seven plants sup port the busi ness. Ists own brands include: Rip pin’ Good, Ry Krisp, and Cham pagne.

Products: Cookies & crackers Sales Contacts:

Karen Morgan, Sr. Sales Coordinator


7105 Old Katy Rd., Hous ton, TX 77024-2111 USA Tel: (713) 868-8200 Fax: (713) 868- 8273 E-Mail: [email protected]

Services: Exclusive brand identity and

package design, name development, in-store merchandising systems,


To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Products: Frozen pastas, frozen prepared

Ex port Mar kets: Pa cific Rim, Europe, South

foods, kosher & non-kosher

America Profile:

At presstime, Broth ers Gour met Cof fee, Inc. of Hous ton changed its iden tity to Ave nues Cof fee Co.. The firm is a private la bel and con tract pack ag ing cof fee sup plier for su per mar kets, mass merchan dis ers, dis tribu tor groups, foodservice, and ex port markets. To date, Ave nues has been suc cess ful in at tracting such com pa nies as Proc ter & Gamble and Mother Park ers Tea and Cof fee. The com pany has his tori cally pro vided qual ity prod ucts with con sistent value and serv ice to its cus tom ers. In ad di tion to pri vate la bel and con tract packaging,

Sales Contacts: Louis R. D’Agrosa, Vice-President


(Di vi sion of the Sara Lee Corp.) 1 Chur chill Rd., West Point, MS 39773 USA Tel: Fax:

(601) 495-4556 (601) 495- 4505

To tal Sales Vol ume: $370 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 9.5%

Ex port Mar kets: Mid dle East, Pa cific Rim, Puerto Rico, Rus sia, Can ada, Mex ico

Products: Ground coffee, decaf, regular;


flavored coffee; whole bean coffee, regular, decaf

Sales Contacts:

Jim Burger, National Sales Account Manager

BRUNO SPE CIALTY FOODS, INC. 208 Cherry Ave nue, West Say ville, NY 11796- 1223 USA Tel: Fax:

(516) 589- 1700 (516) 589- 6357

To tal Sales Vol ume: $2 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 30%

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:


Thisprivately-heldcompany,operating un der its pres ent own er ship for the past 10 years, spe cial izes in pro vid ing niche prod ucts, in clud ing ko sher, low so dium, and/or re duced fat foods, which are all natu ral. Its se lec tion in cludes a number of Ital ian en trees, with or with out sauce: la sa gna, baked ziti, ra voli, ca vatelli, mani cotti, etc. The firm manu fac tur ers for food-serv ice/re tail pri vate la bel accounts.

A ma jor di vi sion of the Sara Lee Corp., Bryan Foods was founded in 1936. It is now part of Sara Lee Foods busi ness ($5.2 bil lion), which also cov ers bak ery items. In packa gaed meats ($4.1 bil lion), the Bryan Foods op era tions main tains its lead er ship in the south ern United States as a producer of high- quality lunch eon meats, hot dogs and smoked sau sage. Its Bryan band is pro moted as “The Fla vor of the South.” In 1998, the com pany in tro duced its Butcher Fresh brand for mari nated pork prod ucts. In ex clu sive brands, the company spe cial izes in canned meat prod ucts, cov er ing world wide sales (some 25 countries). Its more than 150 items avail able in canned pork, beef, chicken, and a full range of ready- to- serve broths, as well as an ex ten sive re search and de vel op ment facilitytoformulateexclusiverecipes,allow Bryan to serve cus tom ers worldwide.

Products: Canned meat, pork, beef, chicken,

and ready-to-serve broth (chicken, beef, turkey, vegetable)

Sales Contacts: Chris Bush, National Sales Manager, PL Sales

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 195


(For merly MTL- ACTS, a Bu reau Veri tas Co.)

Sales Contacts: Karen Root, Sr. International Sales Rep (716-505-3634) or karen.root@ Health, Beauty, Food and Household Products.

100 Northpointe Park way, Buf falo, NY 14228- 1884 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(716) 505-3300; (800) 277- 3300 (716)505-3301

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A

T.W. BUR LE SON & SONS, INC. Box 578, Waxa hachie, TX 75165, USA Tel: Fax: URL:


(972) 937- 4810 (972) 937- 8711

In Janu ary 2003, MTL- ACTS, a BuTo tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 25% reau Veri tas Com pany, was re named BureauVeritasConsumerProducts Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Asia Serv ices Inc. One year ear lier, Bu reau Veritas,adiversifiedservicescompany Profile: T. W. Bur le son & Sons to day is po si tioned in volved in ma jor in dus trial sec tors, as a mas ter blender of raw honey. The had merged its ACTS Tes ting Labs (accom pany sources from world wide beequired in 1998) with its Mer chan dise keep ers to en sure the best qual ity and Test ing Labo ra to ries, Inc. or MTL (acpric ing. All its raw honey is tested for quired in May 2001). The new en tity SIRA/ISIRA to de tect eco nomic adul teranow serves as the Con sumer Prod ucts tion. The com pa ny’s cus tom PET plas tic Di vi son of the com pany, in volved in molds are avail able to en hance prod uct consumerproductstesting,inspection, ap pear ance. In 2007, Bur le son cele brated and con sult ing. It pro vid es serv ices to its 100th an ni ver sary. This com pany is a retailers,manufacturers,wholesalers mem ber of the Na tional Honey Board. and other com pa nies , pro vid ing ex pertise to meet their most com plex qual ity Products: Honey assuranceandinternationaltrade Sales needs. Its com mit ment is to work with Con tacts: Jim Phillips, Sales/Marketing Manager each cli ent as their qual ity as sur ance (e-mail: [email protected]); Dan part ners, pro vid ing prod uct test ing for Dougherty, Private Label Sales (Phone: comparisonandcompliance,quality 804-360-9039) moni tor ing pro grams, con sult ing, microbiologicalanalyses,consumerpanels, importtesting,domesticandinternational in spec tions and aud ing serv ices. This di vi sion op eres in 25 coun tries and BUR LING TON BIO- MEDICAL & SCI ENworks through a global net work of 30+ TIFIC CORP. full- service labs and lo ca tions. Its fo cus 71 Caro lyn Blvd., Farm ing dale, NY 11735 USA is on such con sumer prod ucts as: toys and ju ve nile prod ucts, soft lines, pre miums, hard lines, health prod ucts, beauty Tel: (631) 694-4700 prod ucts, house hold items, and food Fax: (631) 694-9177 products. E-Mail: [email protected] Services: Quality assurance testing, inspection and consulting services To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A 196

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

1949 then sold in 2000 and sub se quently merged with Ho ri zon Bis cuit Co., Ltd. In March 2007, Duke Street Capi tal, an in depend ent pri vate eq uity firm (fo cused on the UK and France) ac quired Bur ton’s. Burton’s is a sup plier of bis cuits and snacks and the sec ond larg est bis cuit manu fac turer in the UK, operating four bak er ies. In Janu ary 2008, Duke Street Capi tal ac quired North um brian Fine Foods Ltd., Gates head, Tyne and Wear, a manu fac tu rer of ce real bars and bis cuits, also in clud ing pri vate la bel busi ness. North um brian will be com bined with Bur ton’s, which also does con tract work for Cad bury’s` .

Ex port Mar kets: Worldwide Profile:

Since its be gin nings as a sup plier of biomedical prod ucts in 1974, Bur ling ton Bio-Medical&ScientificCorporation has fo cused on the fu ture, to an tici pate the needs of its cus tom ers in the ag ri cultural, feed, phar ma ceu ti cal and specialty chemi cal in dus tries. The com pany is ver ti cally in te grated, from manu fac tur ing raw ma te ri als and formulatingchemicalstomarketingretail prod ucts. Bur ling ton is ac tively involved in the in ter na tional mar ket ing and sale of its aver sive in gre di ents, specialty chemi cals, RO- Pel brand re pellents, home and gar den and con sumer prod ucts, through out the world. Its ingre di ents and spe cialty chemi cals are sold di rectly to manu fac tur ers worldwide for in clu sion in their prod ucts. Its re pel lents and home and gar den and con sumer prod ucts are sold through a US net work of in de pend ent reps, distribu tors and deal ers, through lawn and gar den sup pli ers, hard ware stores, mail or der cata logs, mass mer chan dis ers, supermarkets.

Products: Animal repellents & deterrants,

lawn & garden products, health & safety products, pet products, consumer products

Sales Contacts:

Bill Rudy

Products: Biscuits, Snacks, cook ies, ce real bars

Sales Contacts: N/A


C & F FOODS, INC. 15620 Val ley Blvd., City of In dus try, CA 91744 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(626) 723-1008 (626) 912- 9100

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Mid dle East, Europe, Cen tral and South Amer ica Profile: BUR TON’S FOODS LTD. Pas ture Road, Mo re ton, Wir ral, Mer sey side CH468 8SE UNITED KINGDOM Tel: Fax: URL:

+44 151 488 4536 +44 151 488 4533

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Scandanaviancountries,France, U.S. Profile:

This privately- held busi ness, started in 1975, shortly af ter ward en tered the private la bel field. C&W has con tin ued to mar ket its own C&F and Bean Clas sic brands, while also de vel op ing a strong private la bel re tail and food- serv ice busi ness. The com pany al ways has em pha sized top qual ity for pri vate la bel, stay ing in step with the brand lead ers in dif fer ent cate gories. Re cently, C&W in tro duce a multibean mix, packed in 10- pound bags, added for club busi ness.

Products: Beans, peas, rice, popcorn—all dry formulations

Started in the 1930s, this com pany was ac quired by As so ci ated Brit ish Foods in 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 197

Sales Contacts:

S.A. Has de vel oped its brand Fra gata to be come one of the larg est Span ish ol ive com pa nies in the world. Its plants are located in south ern Spain plus in the United States (Plant City and Er lan ger, KY.) The par ent com pany mar kets its prod ucts to some 65 coun tries. A An gel Ca ma cho S.A., Av en ida del Pi lar, 6, 41530 Mo ron de la Frontera (Seville) Spain. Phone: +34- 95585-47-00;fax:+34-95-585-01-45.

Luis Faura, Vice-President, Sales & Marketing

CALI FOR NIA PRUNE PACK ING CO. 2200 Enci nal Road, Live Oak, CA 95953 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(530) 671- 4200 (530) 695- 3654

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 60%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, South east Asia, South

Products: Olives, olive oil, capers, cocktail

onions, marachino cherries, Greek pepperoncini, Greek olives, preserves

Sales Contacts: Merle Hanneken, President (e-mail: [email protected])

America Profile:

Es tab lished in 1918, Cali for nia Prune Pack ing has be come the world’s larg est grower of dried prunes, po si tioned as a grower, ship per, and packer. It con tinues to ex pand its op era tion do mes ti cally and in ter na tion ally. The com pany is one of the first in pri vate la bel to pack the com plete line of re seal able/re closable, easy- lock bags.

CA NAM ERA FOODS 14711 128 Ave., Ed mon ton, Al berta T5J 2K1 CANADA Tel: Fax: URL:

(780) 447- 6960 (780) 452- 0541

Products: Dried fruits, prunes, raisins, nuts

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 100%

Sales Contacts:

Ex port Mar kets: Asia, North Amer ica, South Amer-

Todd Garcia, Director of Sales & Administration

ica, Europe Profile:

A. CA MA CHO INC.* 2502 Wal den Woods Drive, Plant City, FL 33566 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(813) 305-4534 (813) 305-4545

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Products: Margarine, canola oil, vegetable oil, fry shortenings, baking shortenings

Sales Contacts: Greg W. Morhun, Marketing Manager

Ex port Mar kets: 65 countries Profile:

CanAmeraisresponsibleformanufacturing and sell ing ex clu sive brands. Ca nAmera is rec og nized in North Amer ica for its lead er ship in the tech nol ogy and manu facture of edi ble oil prod ucts as well as for its mar ket ing of oilseed- based prod ucts. It is Cana da’s larg est proc es sor of canola oil prod ucts.

This com pany traces its roots back to 1897, when a fam ily busi ness was started near Seville, Spain, pro duc ing ol ive oil. Since then A An gel Ca ma cho,

198 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Products: Yeast bakers, brewers yeast, CARAPELLI USA, LLC 1 Hor mel Place, Aus tin, MN 55912, USA Tel: Fax:

autolyzed yeast (flavor enhancer), vegetarian chicken flavor


(973) 890- 0773; (800) 533-2000 (973) 890- 0972

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 30%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, South Amer ica, Asia,

This privately- owned com pany, started in 1987, ba si cally sup plies raw ma te ri als to the trade. Iit supplies ba sic up to high- tech in gre di ents. Mark Prod ucts is its shrinkwrap equip ment and film op era tion..

Sales Con tacts: Charlie Schweizer, Doug Mark

Mexico,Canada,Australia,Africa Profile:

In Janu ary 2000, Carapelli formed a joint ven ture with Hor mel Foods (also listed in the SOUR CE BOOK). As a CAR LISLE CE REAL COM PANY. result, Carapelli closed its West PaterP.O. Box 2775, Bis marck, ND 58502, USA son, NJ of fice and in te grated its busi ness into Hor mel’s op era tion, while still opTel: (701) 222- 3577; (800) 809-6018 er at ing un der the Carapelli USA umFax: (701) 222- 3577 brella. The company is a leader in the URL: pro duc tion of ex tra vir gin ol ive oil, upscalepackaging,andextraordinary To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A qual ity prod ucts. This op era tion in the Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 100% U.S., started in 1990, served as the market ing arm of Carapelli Firenze SpA., Ex port Mar kets: N/A (Firenze) It aly, which in 1989 was acquired by Eri da nia Beghin- Say, a di ver- Profile: Car lisle pro duces an 18- ounce box of corn si fied manu fac turer in Paris. flakes ce real called Home town Stars. The Carapel li’s line con sists of four va rie tiunique fea ture is the customed- imprinted ties of ol ive oil (pre mium ex tra vir gin, pic tures of “home town stars” that is ex tra vir gin, mild, andlight- - available in unique to each com mu nity. It is gen er ally 8.5, 17, and 26.5 ounce sizes. sold to a gro cer or other re tail out lets as a promotion,whichbuildscommunity Products: Extra virgin olive oil, grapeseed pride, lo cal spirit, and self- esteem to those oil , Italian wine vinegars ap pear ing on the box. These com memo raSales tive boxes have fea tured lo cal sports Contacts: Greg Baskin, Specialty Products, Hormel teams, bands, choirs, sen ior classes, and Foods (also listed in the SOURCEBOOK) even a race horse.

CARDI FOODS INC. Box 6378, Par sip pany, NJ 07054 USA Tel: Fax:

(973) 983-8818 (973) 627-6273

Products: Ready-to-eat packaged cereal and confectioneries

Sales Contacts:

Charles Fleming, Owner & General Manager; Stan Scott, Vice-President of Sales ([email protected]

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 80%

Ex port Mar kets: Thai land, Po land, China, Hungary, Rus sia 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 199


Sub sidi ary of Ral corp Hold ings, Inc. 196 New ton St., Fre do nia, NY 14217, USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(716) 673-8440 (800) 828-8915 (716) 673- 8443

To tal Sales Vol ume: $424.4 mil lion +9% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

cante, taco, Sante Fe Salsa, three- bean salsa, and fruit- flavored salsa), steak, hot ori en tal, Worces ter shire, and even a gourmet Sauce Ar turo (fresh to ma toes, herbs and spices). The subs didi ary ad di tion ally pro vides five va rie ties of bar be cue sauces (in clud ing emu la tions of the lead ing brands, KC Mas ter piece and Bull’s Eye). Also in the shelf- stable area: ta bled syr ups (ma ple with butter, lite, etc.), fla vored syrups (choco late, cof fee, straw berry), honey, and coctktail mixes. Car riage House has a full se le cition of or gani cally- grown-and proc essed items- - mari a nara sauce, pea nut butter, straw berry and rasp berry preserves, pi cante sauce, salsa, and pan cake and waf fle syrup.

Af ter a few years of flat sales, this segment’s re sults in fis cal 2007 were encour ag ing. Gains re sulted from Products: Shelf-stable condiments, covering im por ved pric ing and a slighltly fa vorpreserves, jellies, jams, spreads, able prod uct mix. Pea nut buttesr es pepeanut butter, sauces (pasta, Mexican, specialty), syrups, cially proved suc cess ful. From four dressings, honey cocktail mixes, plants, this busi ness pro duces a va ri ety organics, etc. of store brand shelf- stable dress ings, Sales syr ups, pea nut butter, jel lies, sal sas and Contacts: Mike Klanac sauces, and non- alcoholic drink mixes. Some 19% of sales were in pre serves and jel lies, 19% in pea nut butter, 17% in ta ble syrup, and 15% in spooon able or pour able salad dress ings. Car riage CAR ROLL DIS TRIBU TOR AL LI ANCE House sells mostly to re tail cus tom ers GROUP (87% of its net sales). The com pany pro vides more than 5,000 skus. In pre2900 West King sley Rd., Gar land, TX 75041 USA serves and jel lies, the com pany claims to be the sec ond larg est prod ucer in the Tel: (972) 278-1304; (800) 527-5722 Fax: N/A U.S. Its se lec tion also cov ers jams, multi- fruit and fruit spreads, and URL: lite/low- sugar spreads. In the pea nut To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A butter cate gory, Car riage House claims Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A to be the third larg est U.S. pro ducer and the larg est as a store brand supEx port Mar kets: N/A plier. Its va rie ties of pea nut butter cover regu lar, re duced fat, all natu ral, no salt, Profile: Car roll Co., es tab lished in 1921, is a dedifor ti fied, fun stripes, fun dots, and comcated manu fac turer of pri vate brand in stibi na tion pe an ut butter and jelly. There tutioanlcleaningandmaintenance are nearly 30 dif fer ent for mu las of prod ucts, sold to a se lect group of dis tribupasta sauces of fered by the com pany, tors, sales and mar ket ing groups, etc. In cov er ing mainstream, up scale and De cem ber 2006, the com pany ac quired canned. Car riage House also pro duces Cello Corp. from Sherwin- Wailliams (also mayonnaise(includinggourmet)and in the SOUR CE BOOK). The lat ter comspoon able and pour able salad dress ings pany had origi nally owned Clean ing So luand sand wich spreads, as well as vin etions Group (CSG) of Havre de Grace, gars and vine ga rettes. Other sauces are MD, a pri vate la bel manu fac turer of liqavail able, in clud ing Mexi can (salsa, piuid clean ing prod ucts and aero sol house-

200 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

hold clean ers. Sher win sold the in sti tu tional por tion of that busi ness to Car roll, but kept the re tail busi ness under its Con sumer Group.

ices cover all con sumer goods: food, cosmet ics, phar ma ceu ti cals, health care, automo tive prod ucts, etc.

Products: Printed carton, carton boards,

pressure sensitive labels; UV printed products for health and beauty care, food and pharmaceutical consumer goods

Products: Institutional Cleaning &

Maintenace products--carpet/floor care, cleansers/degreasers, hand cleaners, kitchen cleaners, insecticides, skin care, laundry detergent, furniture polish, etc..

Sales Contacts:

Greg Kerley, VP Marketing

CAR TON MAS TER SPEC TRA LA BEL 3865 Sym mes Rd., Ham il ton, OH 45015 USA Tel: Fax: E- Mail:

(513) 860- 1675 (513) 860- 2675 [email protected]

To tal Sales Vol ume: $9 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Sales Contacts: Curtis Curran, Robert Curran

CASCADES 772 Sher brooke St. West, Mont real, Que bec H3A 1G1 CANADA Tel: (514) 282-2681 Fax: (514) 282- 2624 URL: To tal 2006 Sales Vol ume: $4 Bil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: U.S., France, Eng land, Ger many, Swe den, Mexico

Products: Packaging products (containerboard,

Car ton Mas ter and Spec tra La bel servProfile: ice in cludes start- to- finish sup port, begin ning with ex pert tech ni cal guid ance to pro duce per fectly matched, maximum- impact la bels and car tons. Its ex pe ri ence in un der stand ing of inks, coat ings, la bels and car tons helps the firm im prove on nar row web tech nology. Its own unique proc ess ing—combin ing let ter press, ro tary screen and UV Flexo print ing meth ods, cre ates its Stratus Graph ics Sys tem: ul tra vio let (UV) inks and coat ings on la bels and car tons; Stra tus Graph ics Sys tem print ing, rotary screen print ing, foil stamp ing, and die cut ting on a con tinu ous pro duc tion line; flexi bil ity to meet unique cus tomer re quire ment costs (small, me dium or large runs for mul ti ple pack age sizes); ca pa bil ity of print ing on a va ri ety of substrates(pressure-sensitivematerials, un sup ported ma te ri als and light to heavy weight pa per board for car tons and in serts); and a web that han dles ma te rial up to 22 inches wide. Its serv-

boxboard & specialty items), tissue paper, fine paper

As Cana da’s larg est manu fac turer of pack ag ing prod ucts, Cas cades also is that coun try’s larg est tis sue pa per pro ducer and the fourth larg est in North Amer ica. Its in creas ing mar ket share in tis sue pa per was en hanced in June 2002 with the purchase of $90 mil lion in as sets from bankrupt Ameri can Tis sue. Cas cades picked up a tis sue pa per mill, two con ver sion sites, and a pa per ma chine. A year ear lier, the com pany took over two pa per mills from Plain well Tis sue. Cascades’ Tis sue Group is a ma jor sup plier of pri vate la bel products as well as its own brands. As a supplier, Cas cades also op er ates the Box board Group (fold ing car tons) and its Fine Papers Group. The com pa ny’s Spe cialty Prod ucts Group in March 2007 in troduced Bi oxo, the first- ever food foam contain ers that com pletely de grade into a fine pow der within three years in a land fill setting.

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 201

Sales Con tacts:

Thomas Roberts, VP Business Development; Mike L. Armstrong, Marketing Dev./Customer Service Director, Cascades Tissue Group, Eau Claire, WI (Tel: 715-834-3461)

CAV ENDISH FARMS 100 Mid land Dr., Dieppe, New Bruns wick, E1A 6X4 CANADA Tel: Fax: URL:

(506) 858-7777 (506) 858-91-7


(MACVI In ter na tional) Monte Camerun #54, Lo mas de Chapul te pec, Mex ico D.F. 11000 MEX ICO Tel: (525) 520- 20- 43 Fax: (525) 520- 8965 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: $10 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 20%

Ex port Mar kets: United States Profile:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: U.S., the Car ib bean, Europe, Asia Profile:

In 1994, the McKel li gan fam ily es tab lished this trad ing manu fac tur ing com pany, after hav ing worked for dif fer ent in ter national com pa nies and banks. Their prin ci pal busi ness is Mexi can prod ucts, sourcing dif fer ent prod ucts, such as 807 or cloth ing Maquila in gen eral. Some 50% of the sales are in cof fee, for ex am ple. Celta/MACVI also spe cial izes in pri vate la bel for house hold chemi cal prod ucts, tequila, dia pers and gen eral gro cery items. Re cently, the com pany opened an of fice (below)inCalifornia.

Op er at ing as part of the Irving Moncton Group of Com pa nies (listed sepa rately in the SOUR CE BOOK), Cav endish Farms is now the fourth larg est fro zen po tato proc es sor in North Amer ica. The com pany pro duces a full se lec tion of items: sea soned fries, shred- Products: Cleaners, detergents, janitorial ded hash browns, shoe string po ta toes, supplies, tequila, diapers, other hash brown pat ties, tater puffs, crin kle groceries cuts, steak fries, etc. Cav endish sup plies Sales prod uct for the re tail trades as well as Contacts: Oscar Mc.Kelligan res tau rants and quick serv ice out lets. The com pany op er ates two pro duc tion CELTATRADE(USA) fa cili ties, one in Prince Ed ward Is land, 5 Spoon Lane, Coto De Caza,, CA 92679USA Can ada, and one in Jame stown, ND. Re cently, its op era tion changed over all Tel: (949) 766-9710 its branded re tail and food serv ice Fax: (949) 766-9710 products to non- hydrogenated oi l, To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A where the pack ag ing is flashed with a Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A sym bol in di cat ing no trans fat, no choles terol. Profile: This is the South ern Cali for nia of fice for Celtatrade/MACVIInternational(see Products: Fresh & Frozen Potatos above). Its func tion is to con cen trate on the Sales U.S. mar ket, ad vis ing in ves tors about Contacts: Jeff Rose, Director of Marketing; Mex ico, as well as pro vid ing sourcing, Cavendish Farms Operations in manufacturingandmarketingadvicefor Burlington, MA (Tel: 781-273-2777), that coun try. Stephen Frazer, Sr. VP Sales Sales Contacts: Oscar Mc.Kelligan, Fernando Amaya, Mayu Ramos


2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

In 1948, Chase was one of the first gov ernment li censes is sued for pressurepackaged in sec ti cides. The com pany lays claim to in vent ing hair spray, spray starch, and spray de odor ants. The company took a pio neer ing step with the SureGRIP™ can with eR ING™ tech nol ogy, in tro duced late in 1999. This eCAN™ concept is a 211 x 413 steel aero sol can that fea tures an ac tua tor over cap with an inbutton sys tem for easy dispensing- -a unique er go nomic de sign in tended to address the is sue of work- related mus culosketal dis or ders, and a bot tom cup de vice, con tain ing sev eral Du Pont Sontara® engineered- cloth wipes. In 2008, its new line of premois tened, en gi neered cloth wipes (Cham pion WipeOn sur face cleaners) de buted, cov er ing nine prod ucts: disin fec tant wipes, leather and vi nyl pro tec tant wipes, fur ni ture pol ish wipes, glass wipes; plus mul tipu pose hand tow els, stain less steel cleaner wipes, multi- Metal pol ish wipes, hand sani tiz ing wipes, and in sect re pel lent tow els.

CEY LON BIS CUITS LTD. High Level Road, Ma kum bura, Pan nipi tiya, SRI LANKA Tel: Fax: URL:

+94 011-2855846 +94 011- 2855367

To tal Sales Vol ume: $1,000 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 25%

Ex port Mar kets: U.S., Can ada, Swe den, Saudi Ara bia, Du bai, Ku wait, UAE, Tai wan, Singapore,Australia,NewZealand Pro file:

Cey lon Bis cuit (CBL), be gan in 1968, sell ing high- protein nu tri tious bis cuits to schools.To day, it is Sri Lanka’s larg est bis cuit manu fac turer. In 1979, the company be gan pro duc ing Hunt ley Pal mer Cream Crack ers and Wa fers un der a li cense agree ment with As so ci ated Biscuits of Eng land. CBL then di ver si fied into manu fac tur ing of Ritzbury Chocolates. For merly, Na bisco had a 30% equity. CBL has a Hong Kong sub sidi ary. Ists brand is Munchee.

Products: “Household cleaners, personal care products, paints, insecticides, automotive, hobby and craft, seasonal, bench and maintenance contractor paints

Products: Biscuits (wafers, crackers,

cream-filled, etc), Chocolates, TSP soya, Tiara cakes

Sales Contacts:

Sales Contacts: Kenneth Falk, VP Sales/Marketing; Judith A. Albazi, President/COO

Mr. M. Wickramasingha, Chairman; Stanley Almeida

CHASE PROD UCTS CO. 19th St & Gard ner Rd, Broad view, IL 60155 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

Tel: Fax: URL:

(708) 865- 1000; (800) 242-7326 (708) 865-7041

(631) 924- 1135 (631) 924- 6033

To tal Sales Vol ume: $9.2 mil lion +41.9% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 40% Ex port Mar kets: Worldwide

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Pe cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Mex ico, Po land, It aly, Russia, Ara bia, South America Profile:

CHEM BIO DI AG NOS TIC SYS TEMS, INC. 3661 Horse block Road, Med ford, NY 11763

Since 1927, Chase Prod ucts has been the leader in spray and pres sure packag ing re search, cus tom la bel ing, and inno va tive prod uct de sign to the in dus try.


This privately- owned firm is a lead ing pro ducer of rapid di ag nos tic tests for the OTC and point- of- care mar kets, spe cificaly for in fec tious diseases. The com pany de vel ops, manu fac tur ers and sells a range of easy- to- use tests to screen for a va ri ety

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 203

ofconditions,includingfertility,infectious dis eases, can cer and car diac mark ers. All its tests have a 24- month shelf- life, are dis pos able, and re quire no re frig era tion. In re cent years, Chem bio has in vested sig nifi cant re sources in R&D. The com pa ny’s in- house team of sci en tists is, in turn, sup ported by a network of lead ing aca demic and in dus try ex perts. Chem bio’s di ag nos tic tests have unparalleledaccuracy,sensitivityand speci fic ity. All prod ucts are manu factured at the com pa ny’s verticallyintegrated fa cili ties in Med ford, NY, which is regu lated by the FDA and employs cur rent GMP stan dards. The com pany, which mar kets its prod ucts in more than 70 coun tries world wide, has be come a lead ing pri vate la bel sup plier.

Products: Pregnancy tests, ovulation tests, infectious disease tests, cancer and cardiac markers.

Sales Contacts:

James Shuster (U.S. OTC Sales), Avi Pelossof, Director of Sales and Marketing (e-mail: [email protected])


(Di vi sion of United In dus tries Cor po ra tion) 8825 Page Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63114 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(314) 427- 0780; (800) 242- 1166 (314) 253- 5963

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

its brand busi ness and Chemsico, serv ing as the manu fac tur ing arm for con tract pack ag ing and pri vate la bel busi ness. Chem sico, for med in 1973 can now pro duce more than 400 formu la tions in con sumer prod ucts in aero sols, lliq uid and water- soluble fertil iz ers. As such, this privately- held firm has be come the second larg est in sec ti cide com pany in the United States. The com pany of fers a water- based tech nol ogy (ver sus a solvent- petroleum dis tillate) across all its aero sol prod ucts. In fact, the com pany claims to be the lead ing manu facturer of water- based aero sol prod ucts in the U.S. Its pat ented tech nol ogy is nonflammable, non- staining, low odor, en vi ronmentally sound, and highly ef fi ca cious.

Products: Household cleaning products,

automotive chemicals, insecticides, lawn & garden chemicals

Sales Contacts: Mike Mullen, Director, Sales and Marketing

CHEP 8517 South Park Cir cle, Or lando, FL 32819- 9040 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: 30+ coun tries on six con ti nents Profile:

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

(407) 370-2437; (800) CHEP USA (407) 355-5354

Started in 1974 as a con tract packer and pri vate la bel manu fac turer of aero sol products for nu mer ous ap pli ca tions and in dustries, United In dus tries Corp. has ex panded its prod uct range since then. With the acqui si tion of brands like Hot Shot, Real Kill, and Rid- a- Bug in sec ti cides, Spec tracide lawn and gar den chemi cals and Cut ter in sect re pel lents, the com pany has re organ ized into two di vi sions: Spec trum for

204 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

CHEP is an in ter na tional pal let and container pool ing com pany, serv ic ing manufac tur ers and dis tribu tors in the con sumer goods in dus tries; grower/ship pers and receiv ers in the pro duce in dus try; pack ers, proc es sors and dis tribu tors in the meat indus try; home im prove ment, hard ware & house wares manu fac tur ers and dis tributors and sup pli ers and as sem bly plants in the auto mo tive in dus try. CHEP serv ice in the Ameri cas spans the United States, Can ada, Mex ico, Chile, Bra zil, and Ar gentina, sup ply ing cus tom ers with high-quality pal lets and re us able con tain ers from a com pre hen sive de pot net work. The com-

pany is part of the world wide CHEP organi za tion, op er at ing in 30 coun tries on six con ti nents, con trols more than 110 mil lion pal lets and con tain ers.

Amer ica. In 2007, Chiq uita pushed sales up by 4% to $4.7 bil lion, but still car ried a net loss of $49 mil lion for the year.

Products: Conveinenience green salads; fresh fruit products

Products: Pallet and container pooling service

Sales Contacts:

Sales Contacts: Tim Riemenschneider, Director of International Sales (Fax: 715-243-8350; e-mail: [email protected])

Brian S. Beattie, Vice-President New Business Development & Marketing


(NYSE: CQB) 250 East Fifth St., Cin cin nati, OH 45202 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(513-784-8000 (513) 56402920

To tal 2006 Sales Vol ume: $4.5 Bil lion +15% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: 70 countries

CHUD LEIGH’S LTD. 624 McGeachie Drive, Mil ton, ONT L9% 3^5 CANADA Tel: Fax: URL:

(905) 878- 8781; (800) 387-4028 (905) 878-6979

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: United States, Mex ico, Profile:

Chiq uita Brands In ter na tional is a marEurope, Asia keter and dis tribu tor of ba nanas and Profile: Chud leigh’s started into busi ness more other fresh fruit plus value- added than 30 years ago as an apple- picking packaged salads. The com pany, which farm and ex panded into food serve in the ac quired Fri day Can ning Corp. in 1992, 1980s and into the re tail, sec tor in 1998. Its changed its name to Chiq uita Proc essed Ap ple Blossom®- shaped slice of ap ple pie Foods and con soli dated this busi ness as is now sold to ma jor North Ameri can rea sub sidi ary. Fri day it self had de vel oped tail ers, in clud ing pri vate la bel busi ness. In into an in dus try leader, op er at ing 21 the spring of 2007, the com pany con solidplants in eight states through out the ted its three plant op era tion into a new MidwesternandnorthwesternUnited 82,000- square- foot fro zen des sert pro ducStates, pro duc ing nearly 50 mil lion cases tion plant. Ap ple prod ucts are a staple at of more than 25 dif fer ent canned vegeChud leigh’s but its fro zen des sert line has ta bles and food items. In May 2003, this been ex panded into cakes, Ital ian des serts vege ta ble proc ess ing di vi sion was sold to and other items featuring other fruits. Se neca Foods Corp., Mar ion, NY. In Feb ru ary 2005, Chiq uita Brands In terProducts: Frozen Desserts na tional purchased Fresh Ex press, a sub sidi ary of Per form ance Food Group Sales (both Se neca and Per form ance are Contacts: Scott Chudleigh listed sepa rately in the SOUR CEBOOK). Fresh Ex press claims 40% of the bagged salad mar ket in the U.S., gen er at ing $1 bil lion in reve nues. Chiquita suf fered a $96 mil lion loss in 2006 CLIFF STAR COR PO RA TION which re sulted from in creased tar iff One Cliff star Ave., Dun kirk, NY 14048 USA rates on ba nanas im ported from Latin 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 205

Tel: Fax: URL:

(716) 366- 6100; (800) 777- 2389 (716) 366- 0136

To tal Sales Vol ume: $300 Mil lion

Tel: Fax: URL:

(510) 271-7000 N/A

Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 99%

To tal Sales Vol ume: $4.000Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Cen tral Amer ica, Mid dle East

Ex port Mar kets: N/A


Cliff star so lidi fied its pri vate la bel mar- Profile: In Janu ary 1999, the lead ing branded ket ing po si tion in the juice seg ment by bleach com pany, Clo rox, Oak land, CA, sign ing a de fini tive agree ment to acpurchased First Brands Corp., Dan bury, quire the pri vate la bel busi ness of CT, which pushed Clo rox’s sales from NorthlandCranberies,Inc.,Wisconsin $2.7 bil lion to $4 bil lion. The First Brands Rap ids, WI. The lat ter com pany is the op era tion, a pro ducer of house hold prodlarg est grower of cran ber ries in the ucts, auto mo tive spe cialty prod ucts, pet world. The ac qui si tion cov ers cranprod ucts, alu mi num foil, clean ing cloths, berry, ap ple, grape fruit, and grape juice and com mer cial pack ag ing, has since been prod ucts. (North land re cently ac quired integratedintoClorox. the Se neca brand juice busi ness.) Pre viProducts: Plastic bags and wrap; cat litter, ously, Cliff star had ac quired Caro lina firelogs, and fire starters Prod ucts. The com pany now op er ates Sales manufacturingfacilitiesinDunkirk, Contacts: Bob Richardson, Sales Manager (Tel: NY; Joplin, MO; Fon tana, CA; and 972-280-8716) Greer, SC; as well as three proc ess ing plants (War rens, WI; East Free town, MA; and Fre do nia, NY. Cliff star was started as a win ery by Meyer Star in 1899 in West ern New York’s fer tile CODI IN TER NA TIONAL B.V. Chautau qua con cord grape belt. The Tur bin estraat 13- 19, 3903, LV Veenen daal THE NETHcom pany is now one of the larg est in deERLANDS pend ent pri vate la bel juice and drink proc es sors in the U.S. Be sides serv ing Tel: +31 318- 564811 hun dreds of pri vate la bel lines, the comFax: +31 318- 529382 pany sup plies grape and cran berry conURL: cen trate and bulk juice to many of the world’s larg est manu fac tur ers of bev erTo tal Sales Vol ume: $ 115+ Mil lion (E) ages, jel lies and fla vors. Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 98%

Products: Shelf-stable fruit juices and drinks

Sales Contacts:

Sean P. McGirr, President; Janice Barton, , Vice-President, Marketing; Monica Consonery, Vice-President, Sales; Dean Sallak, Vice-President, Finance

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Pa cific Rim, North America Profile:

THE CLO ROX SALES COM PANY 1221 Broad way, Oak land, CA 94612 USA

206 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Codi In ter na tional, re garded as the third larg est con verter of wet wipes in Europe, in August 2003 was ac quired by Suomi nen Corp., Tam pere, Fin land. Sub se quently, the com pany was re struc tured and iden tified as Suomi nen Codi. Codi brought more prod ucts to its par ent com pany and also a com mit ment to pri vate la bel. Suomi nen (www.suomi now re ports sales of € 202.6 mil lion, its busi ness divided about evenly with wet wipes, nonwov ens, and flexi ble pack ag ing.

Products: Baby wipes, moist toilet paper,

Fax: E-Mail:

various wet wipes, eyeglass cleaning wipes, nonwoven dressings.

Sales Contacts:

To tal Fis cal 2007 Sales Vol ume: $57.4 Mil lion +12.2% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Willem van de Weerdhof, Marketing & Sales Manager; Olaf van Stempvoort, Sales Consumer Products; Marcel van Schenkhoff, Sales Medical Products

Ex port Mar kets: Worldwide Profile:

COF FEE BEAN IN TER NA TIONAL 2181 N.W. Ni co lai St., Port land, OR 97210 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(503) 227- 4490; (800) 877- 0474 (503) 225- 9604

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Latin Amer ica, Europe, Asia, Pa cific Rim Profile:

Since 1972, Cof fee Bean In ter na tional has been roast ing ex traor di nary cof fees in the Great Pa cific North west—the birth place of to day’s cof fee ren ais sance. Its un ri valed ex pe ri ence, unique style of roast ing and com mit ment to qual ity, all en sure cus tom ers of the fin est in ter national cof fee prod ucts. The com pany also is listed among the top U.S. wholesale cof fee roast ers, serv ing more than 3,000 cof fee, tea and es presso shops nation wide. CBI also is one of the country’s larg est pur vey ors of top- quality teas. Since 1992, CBI has dou bled in size.

Products: Gourmet roasted coffees, quality teas, gourmet cocoas

Sales Contacts:

(718) 832- 0892 www.cof fee hold

Es tab lished in 1972, Cof fee Hold ing is a family- owned whole sale cof fee roaster and dealer com pany, sup ply ing green cof fee (70 types to spe cialty gour met roast ers worldwide), pri vate la bel cof fee, and branded cof fee, the lat ter two sold to U.S. and Ca na dian cus tom ers. Its pri vate la bel cof fees are roasted, blended, pack aged and sold to whole sal ers and re tail ers, pack aged in cans, brick packs, and in stants. Dur ing 2006, the com pany formed a joint ven ture with Cof fee Bean Trading- Roasting LLC to op er ate a new com pany, Cafe La Rica LLC for sale of ia new spe cialty es presso brand (Cafe La Rica) cof fee. Also, Cof fee Hold ing took 60% in ter est in an other joint ven ture with Caru so’s Cof fee, Brecks ville, OH, to form Gen era tions Cof fee Company LLC for mar ket ing of pri vate la bel spe cialty cof fee prod ucts aimed at the gour met whole bean busi ness. Its bean pro gram (AA Ara bica) com ple ments Coffee Hold ing canned busi ness in pri vate label, while the com pany is ex clu sive sup plier of the beans. The sales gain in 2007 came mainly from the com pa ny’s spe cialty green bean and branded business.

Products: Colombian coffee, Italian espresso, Spanish espresso and other regular, espresso and decaffeinated blends as well as specialty green coffee; and now gourmet whole beans.

Sales Contacts: Andrew Gordon, President; Sterling Gordon, Director, National Food Service Sales

Karen Hunt, Senior Vice-President, Sales

CO LAVITA USA* 2537 Bruns wick Ave., Lin den, NJ 07036 USA COF FEE HOLD ING CO., INC. 4401 First Ave., Box 320208, Brook lyn, NY 112320005 USA Tel:

Tel: Fax: URL:

(908) 862- 5457 (908) 862- 4382

(718) 832- 0800

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 207

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

pa nies in both Can ada and the U.S. The com pany prides it self on its work in formu lat ing low- fat and sugar- free cook ies, crack ers and bis cuits.One new de vel opment: gluten- free cook ies.

Ex port Mar kets: United States Profile:

Four gen era tions of the Co lavita fam ily have kept Co lavita of It aly (Cam pobasso) in the busi ness of pro duc ing top qual ity, ex tra vir gin olive oil and pasta. In 1978, the com pany com mitted to an ex port ven ture in the United States, called Co lavita USA, owned by the Pro faci fam ily, act ing as ex clu sive importer for Co lavita of It aly. This venture has since been ex panded into other prod ucts: ex tend ing oilive oils into re gional, in fused (pep per, basil, lemon, truf fle, gar lic), vine gar, pasta sauce, mari nated vege ta bles, Ar bo rio rice, etc. Up un til 2005, U.S. busi ness was mos tly branded with pri vate la bel as a sec ondary ac tiv ity.

Products: Italian extra virgin olive oil, pasta

(including speciality), pasta sauce, Tomatos, Gnocchi, Polenta, Assorted vinegars (inlcuding Balsamic), marinated vegetables, Aroborio rice, breadsticks, blended oils for foodservice

Sales Contacts:

Products: Cookies, biscuits, crackers,

including low-fat & sugar-free varieties.

Sales Contacts: Anthony J. Fusco, Sr., President

COM PACT IN DUS TRIES, INC. 3945 Ohio Ave., St. Char les, IL 60174 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $68 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: South east Asia, South Amer ica, Canada,Africa Profile:

Jennifer Lionti, Business Development Manager

COM MER CIAL BAK ER IES CORP. 45 Tor bar rie Rd., Downs view, On tario M3L 1G5 CANADA Tel: Fax: URL:

(416) 247- 5478 (416) 242- 4129

To tal Sales Vol ume: $30 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 100%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, United States, Car ib bean, South east Asia, Ja pan, Ko rea Profile:

(630) 513- 96000; (800) 513-4262 (630) 513- 9655

For more than 30 years, Com pact In dustries, a privately- held com pany, has been in the fore front of tech nol ogy, qual ity and service- - positioned as an in dus try leader in pack ag ing pow dered prod ucts. The company is one of only three dis tribu tors cer tified to rep re sent the Co lom bian Cof fee FederationtorColombianfreeze-dried cof fee through out the US. Its cof fee, hot chocolate,cappuccino,andpowdered drink mixes are avail able in regu lar and sugar- free for mu las; the firm also providesartificialsweeteners,non-dairy cream ers, and non- food prod ucts.

Products: Instant coffee, hot cocoa, drink mixes, cappuccinos, rice, cheese sauces, breakfast drinks, nutritional drinks, powder grianita mixes

Sales Contacts: Gary L. Johnson, Vice-President Sales & Marketing; Renee Sesma, Customer Service Manager (e-mail: [email protected])

CommercialBakeriesbeganoperations in 1957 as a wholly- owned pri vate company in volved ex clu sively in pri vate label manu fac tur ing. To day, the com pany serves ma jor re tail food com-

208 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


CON AIR COR PO RA TION 1 Cum mings Point Rd., Stam ford, CT 06904 USA

Store Brands Di vi sion 21340 Hayes Ave., Lakev ille, MN 55044 USA

Tel: Fax: URL:

Tel: (952) 469-7449 Fax: (952) 469- 7486 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Ex port Mar kets: Hong Kong, Costa Rica, etc., cov er-

ing dif fer ent parts of the world. Con Agra Foods/Store Brands Di vi sion Profile: Founded in 1959, this privately- held comproducesnationalbrandcomparable pany has es tab lished its repu ta tion on prod ucts for key pri vate la bel ac counts. Con air hair dry ers and its fa mous Jheri This op era tion, un der Con Agra Retail Red ding line of health and beauty care Prod ucts, is part of Con Agra, Foods prod ucts. To day, Con air claims about Inc., Omaha, NB, a $12 bil lion branded 50% of the hair dryer mar ket, mak ing it and value- added manu fac turer, traded the lead ing U.S. pro ducer. The com pany is on the NYSE (CAG). Con Agra in this a lead ing manu fac turer of branded percen tury has cut its reve nues al most in sonal and health care small ap pli ances. half, due to a ma jor di vest ment of its non- core busi nesses. In 2000, this inProducts: Hair care (shampoos, conditioners, cluded the $300- million-plus pri vate lastyling gels), oral care (toothpaste, bel com pany, Ar row In dust ries of denture tablets and adhesives), Texas. Ar row, in busi ness for dec ades, personal care (deodorant sticks, was ac quired by Con Agra in 1992. This antiperspirant sticks, roll-ons), and busi ness, how ever, was sold off with appliances (hair dryers, curling parts going to dif fer ent com pa nies: irons). char coal to Bern side, flexi ble pack ag ing Sales to Be mis, pa per plates to As pen, beans Contacts: Rich Delallo, Denis Rizzuto. to Trini dad, and plas tic bags and foil to Rey nolds. Con Agra sought to con solidate its in de pend ently op er ated busi nesess, di vest ing the non- core parts and ac quiring only core busi ness. The comCON CORD CAM ERA CORP. pany now is struc tured with three segNasdaq: LENS ments: Re tail Prod ucts ($8.4 bil lion in 4000 Hol ly wood Blvd., Ste. 650-N, Hol ly wood, FL sales), cov er ing pack aged foods (fro zen, 33021 USA re frig er ated, and shelf sta ble), Foodserv ice Prod ucts ($3.7 bil lion) cov er ing Tel: (954) 331-4200 meals, en trees, pre pared po ta toes, mea Fax: (954) 981- 3055 sin cerely, sea food, sauces; and Food InURL: gre di ents ($2.4 bil lion) cov er ing milled grain, sea son ings, blends and fla vor ings. To tal Fis cal 2001 Sales: $183.4 Mil lion +5.9% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Products: Canned pasta, cooking spray, fruit

snacks, wholesome snack bars, toaster pastries, pudding, Pot Pies

Sales Contacts:

(203) 351- 9000 (203) 351- 9440

James Akers, Vice-President, Sales (Store Brands)

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Cen tral Amer ica, France, Ger many, Eng land, Hun gary, Ja pan, China, Hong Kong Profile:

Con cord Cam era is a world leader in single- use cam eras and the larg est pro-

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 209

ducer of them for pri vate la bel. The com pany also sells: a popularly- priced, easy- to- use Ad vanced Photo sys tem, tra di tional 35 mm, 110 car tridge, and 35mm and 24 mm single- use cameras- manufactured and as sem bled in the Peo ples Re pub lic of China on an OEM ba sis. These prod ucts ap pear un der the APEX by Key stone, Le Clic by Keystone, Cray ola by Key stone brands. AR GUS and pri vate la bels are also mar keted. Re cently, Con cord Cam era (Europe) Ltd.) merged with Gold line (Europe) Ltd., help ing to ex pand the com pa ny’s bus inss (Con cord and Goldline brands) in the United King dom and through out Europe. Both com pa nies are op er ated as 100% owned sub sidi aries. Own brand also has been mar keted by Gold line. Con cord Cam era has sales andmarketingdivision,Keystonecamera graph, a di vi sion of Con cord Key stone Sales Corp., based in Bre merton, WA.

Products: Cameras: 110, 35mm, single-use,

manual, motorized (with a variety of features including red-eye reduction, Photo Date & Photo Message, Logo Photo, cutomized).

Sales Contacts:

ter, wick start, and matches); Sum mer Light Can dle (cit ro nelle can dles in container styles and col ors to com ple ment patio fur ni ture and ac ces sory fash ion); and Ross Glue (glue sticks).

Products: Fire logs, firestarter, wick start, matches, candles, glue stick

Sales Contacts: Joe Nunes, General Manager

CON SOLI DATED BIS CUIT CO., LTD. M7,Mrie hel In dus trial Es tate, B’Kara BKR30009, MALTA Tel: Fax: URL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $6 Mil lion+ Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 15%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Mid dle East, Af rica, North America Profile:

Ira Lampert, President; Urs Stampfli, Director, Global Marketing/Sales; Phil Balis, US retail sales; Kimberly Clark and Betsy Skibinski, both sales reps

CONROSCORPORATION 1190 Birch mount Road, Scar bor ough, On tario, M1P 2B8, CANADA Tel: Fax:

(416) 751- 4343; (800) 387-5275 (416) 751-5262

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Pe cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 40%

Con ros, owned by the Con ros Group of Companies,adiversifiedCanadianconglomerate,operatesthreedivisions: North land Prod ucts (fire logs, fire star-

Es tab lished in 1982, Con soli dated Bis cuit Co., Ltd., stra te gi cally lo cated in Malta, the hub of Europe and the Medi ter ra nean re gions, spe cial iz es in high- quality bis cuit con fec tion ery un der its global brand “Devon.” The com pany also pro duces “Ovaltine” bis cuits for No var tis Nu tri tion of Swit zer land and other brands: S&F, Elite, Sga raws, and Tir rany. Con soli dated Biscuit is ac cred ited for ISO 9002 cer ti fi cation by the Brit ish Stan dards Institute, to gether with the HACCP Sys tem (Hazard Analy sis Criti cal Con trol Point System). its prod uct range cov ers: choco late con fec tion ery, semi- sweeet, plain & savory, cream- filled bis cuits, and cook ies.

Products: biscuits (cream-filled sandwich,

cookies, crackers, etc), confectionery products, snacks (extrusion and fried snacks)

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, South Amer ica Profile:

+356 2144 0361 +356 2144 0365

Sales Contacts:

210 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Joseph Pace, Managing Director; Ms. Caroline Lawson, Export Manager (e-mail: [email protected])

COO PER FARMS 6793 U.S. Rt. 127, Van Wert, OH 45891 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(419) 238- 4056; (888) 238-8759 (419) 238-3678

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 85%

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

In 1938, Vir gil Coo per started his business with a small flock of tur keys on his fam ily’s farm in Oak wood, OH. Married to Vir ginia the fol low ing year, they worked to gether to pro duce Coo per Farms, a lead ing proc es sor of fine turkey meat prod ucts, op er at ing four plants in Ohio. Each state- of- the- art growingandprocessingfacilityhandles the hatch ing of tur key eggs right through the proc ess ing of the cooked meats. To day, this second- generation, family-owned business pro vides an upscale deli line, in clud ing naturallyshaped, oven- roasted smoked tur key prod ucts, old- fashioned, open panroasted fla vored breast prod ucts, old World- style net ted prod ucts, Black Forest- style prod ucts, and pre mium dark meat items. Cooper Farms has devel oped a cus tom ized pri vate la bel program, fea tur ing one- call, one- order, one-shipcapabilityforconsolidating pri vate la bel and branded prod ucts.

Products: Cooked turkey products Sales Contacts:

Lynn DeArmond, Retail/Deli Sales Manager (E-mail: [email protected])


Tel: Fax: URL:

(416) 203- 3898 (416) 203-8171

To tal 2007 Sales Vol ume: $1.8 Bil lion +0.2% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 94% (E)

Ex port Mar kets: United States, Mex ico, Europe, Asia Profile:

Cott Cor po ra tion is one of the world’s largestnon-alcoholicbeveragecompanies and the world leader in re tailer brand soft drinks. The com pany com mands 67% of the re tailer brand car bon ated busi ness in North Amer ica and 65% of that busi ness in the UK. Some 93% of its bev er age sales come from those two ar eas. Cott also produces clear, still and spar kling flavored wa ters; juice- based products, bot tled water, en ergy drinks, and ready- to-drink teas. In this cen tury, Cott has acquired a number of com pa nies. Recently, Cott made its big gest ac qui si tion ever: Ma caw (Soft Drinks) Ltd., the larg est pro ducer of re tailer brand in the United King dom. Stiff com pe ti tion in North Amer ica and higher in gre di ent and pack ag ing costs, how ever, have de pressed its earn ings. For 2007, Cott suf fered an op er at ing loss of $54.5 mil lion, ver sus a gain of $2.3 mil lion the pre vi ous year. Its port fo lio cov ers 200+ re tailer and li censed brands plus its own com pany brands (Cott, RC, Vin tage, Vess, and So Clear).

Products: soft drinks, water, and new age beverages

Sales Contacts: Mark Be na diba, Executive VP, North American Operations; John Dennehy, VP, North American Sales & Marketing; Andrew gentlemen. Murfia, Sr. VP & Managing Director, U.K./Europel

COTT EUROPE TRAD ING LTD. Cit rus Grove, Side Ley Kegs worth, Der by shire DE74 2FJ UK Tel: +44 1977 601 683 Fax:+44 1977 599 723

207 Queen’s Quay West (Suite 340), To ronto, On tario M5J 1A7 CAN ADA

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 211

COT TONSMITH LLC 9000 Sun set Blvd. Ste. 814, West Hol ly wood, CA 90069 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(310) 858-8841 (310) 858- 8851

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

This dedi cated pri vate la bel sup plier which started in 1992, of fers sweat shirts, polo shirts, T/shirts, 3- button Hen ley’s in sev eral fab rics, such as Jersey, in ter lock, fleece, pique, and other fab ri ca tions. Its va ri ety of styles cover the ba sic to the more en gi neered ones, ac cord ing to cus tom ers specs. The company op er ates as a ver ti cal mill, us ing state-of-the-artspinning,knitting,and fin ish ing equip ment. Cus tom ers can expect strict qual ity con trol, fast turn-around time, and very com peti tive pric ing. All its prod ucts are made in Rus sia, but priced, ware housed, and shipped from its Cali for nia ware house. This com pany has been sup ply ing such cus tom ers as Dis ney, War ner Broth ers, Planet Hol ly wood, and Big Dog stores.

part of Co vidi en’s Medi cal Sup plies seg ment, pro duc ing sales of $109 mil lion in fis cal 2007.)

CRACKLE CREA TIONS, INC. 268 Tosca Drive, Stough ton, MA 020721 Tel: Fax: URL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Pe cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Chile, United Arab Re pub lic, Europe, Japan Profile:

Bath--soap-filled combination sponge/buffs; Crafts/Hobby--patented heat shield for fingertips, bandage style thimbles

and fashionable knitted PFD (prepared for dye) garments

Ralphae Mense

CO VIDIEN (U.S.) (In April 2008, Co vidien Ltd., Ham il ton, Ber muda, sold its U.S. Re tail Prod ucts busi ness, com prised of in fant care prod ucts, in con ti nence prod ucts, and femi nine hygiene prod ucts, as ma jor pri vate la bel su pplier , to First Qual ity En ter prises Inc., also listed in the SOUR CEBOOK.. In an other di vest ment, Co vidien com pleted the sale of its Euro pean in con ti nence busi ness to a jpri vate Frech com pany, which will re name the busi ness “Lille Health care.” The busi ness, based in Lille, France, was

Crackle Crea tions is a manu fac turer of ad he sive ban dages and a pio neer in the de vel op ment of the fash ion ban dage concept. The com pany takes tra di tional catego ries and gives them a novel twist. Its motto: Giv ing cus tom ers a greater value than they ex pect in an ex cit ing pack age at a com pel ling price. Crackle Crea tions has won nu mer ous awards for its pack ag ing. Some of its lat est prod ucts: CoolTips™ first aid health shield for fin gers, Stitch Tips™ and Nim ble Thim ble

Products: “First aid--novelty bandages;

Products: Apparel—men’s women’s, youth, Sales Con tacts:

(781) 344-3211 (781) 344-92038

Sales Contacts: Alan E. Nash, President; Steven Boroy, National Accounts (e-mail: [email protected])

CREA TIVE PUB LISH ING INC. 17206- 106A Ave nue, Ed mon ton, Al berta, T5S 1E6, CANADA Tel: Fax: E- Mail:

212 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

(780) 486- 4461 (780) 486- 0146 [email protected]

qual ity toi let ries for the high-street re tail trade. Creigh tons also has pio neered in the de vel op ment of naturally- derived skin care and toi let ries. Since 1976, Creigh ton’s Natu rally has been pro duc ing cruelty- free toi let ries, us ing pure, natu ral ex tracts and es sences. Its tech ni cal ex per tise meets internationalstandards,regulations,and world wide en vi ron mental needs. Es tablished as a con tract manu fac turer, the firm blow- molds its own bot tles and backs its serv ice with an in- house pack ag ing design team. Its prod uct range cov ers: bath ad di tives, shower gels, bath oil, skin care prod ucts, sa lon hair care, men’s shav ing and skin care prod ucts, pow ders, lip balms, eye gel, fine fra grance fill ing, and sun care prod ucts. Lately, more em pha sis has been placed on its branded busi ness, es pe cially the Real Shav ing Com pany brand, launched in De cem ber 2004. Also a sub sidi ary has been es tab lished in the U.S.

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: United States, Europe, Aus tra lia, New Zea land Profile:

Crea tive Pub lish ing is a sis ter com pany to Crea tive Edge Graph ics, a 10- yearold pub lish ier of cook books. The company spe cial izes in multi- language conver sions with each of its pub lish ing proj ects. For in stance, a cur rent proj ect be ing pub lished in 15 lan guages. Its cook books can fea ture 30 to 45 of a retailer’sprivatelabelingredientsper book. Each book con tains up to 45 recipes, de pend ing on prod uct cate go ries, eg, des serts, pasta, etc. Reci pes are adjusted by the com pa ny’s mas ter chefs and bak ers, en sur ing all reci pes will taste best, when us ing the pri vate la bel ingredients.Stockphotographyis available.Point-of-salematerialsalso are avail able, such as a recipe- of- theweek or meal- of- the- week, and a shopping list for the number of peo ple served for each rec ipe.

Products: Toiletries (bath, skin/sun care,

shaving, etc.), soaps and fragrances.

Sales Contacts: Mrs. Margaret Kenwood, Sales & Marketing Manager

Products: Promotional cookbook programs and related merchandising services

Sales Con tacts:

CREST PROD UCTS, INC. P.O. Box 1739, 430 Race track Road, Oldsmar, FL 34677 USA

Steven Prescott, Vice-President of Production

Tel: Fax: E- Mail:

CREIGH TONS PLC 1210 Lin coln Rd., Peterbourgh Eng land PE4 6ND UNITED KING DOM Tel: Fax: URL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $14 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 33%

+44 1733 28100 +44 1733 281028

Ex port Mar kets: Cen tral Amer ica, South Amer ica, Mex ico, Can ada, Car ribean Ba sin, Mid dle East, Far East

To tal Fis cal 2007 Sales Vol ume: $25 Mil lion ( £ 12.9 Million)+2.8% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Asia, North Amer ica, Canada,Scandinavia Profile:

(727) 855- 6688 (727) 854- 2225

Founded in 1952, this com pany has evolved into a ma jor manu fac turer of


With over 40 years of con tinu ous op erational ex pe ri ence, Crest Prod ucts has po sitioned it self as a manu fac turer of high- quality house hold clean ing prod ucts. While other ex clu sive brand and pri vate la bel com pa nies have closed, merged, or changed di rec tion, Crest has re mained inde pend ent and fo cused on high- quality

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 213

prod ucts, top- line pack ag ing, pro motional tools, and serv ice. Its news products in clude: liq uid pot pour ris, A Plus Value line of $1 re tail prod ucts, and aro mather apy gel can dles.

productionfacilityproducesanaverageof one mil lion pre- plated meals weekly; up to 125,000 ome lettes daily; soups, sauces and stews; plus about 500,000 pounds of fresh poul try weekly. A new 1200,000- squarefoot freezer ware house was re cently opened as well.

Products: Shower, bath and kitchen

cleaners, drain openers, rug room deodorant, mildew and soap scum remover, potpourri liquids, aromatherapy gel candles

Sales Contacts:

William L. Parker, President; Steven W, Poirier, Vice-President Sales; Mark Junnier, Sales Manager

CU LI NARY FOODS 4201 S. Ash land, Chi cago, IL 60609 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(773) 650- 4047; (800) 682-7132 (773) 650- 4501

To tal Sales Vol ume: $100 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 20%

Ex port Mar kets: Canada Profile:


Cu li nary Foods, es tab lished in 1960, was ac quired re cently by Ty son Foods, Spring dale, AR—an $8 bil lion op era tion, called the world’s larg est fully-integratedproducer,processor and mar keter of chicken and poultrybased food prod ucts. Cu li nary supplies a di verse line of prod ucts to a wide cus tomer base, deal ing with special ized food- service mar kets (res taurants, chains, ho tels, hos pi tals, and ca ter ers). The com pany works through a net work of 900 dis tribu tors through out the U.S. and Can ada. Culi nary also co- packs for re tail and food-servicecustomers.Additionally, a ma jor por tion of its busi ness is in custom- designed prod ucts for ma jor air lines world wide and other ar eas of the trans por ta tion in dus try, as well as hos pi tals, club stores, re tail/deli op erations, and chain res tau rants. Its product list com prises more than 900 cus tom items. Its 125,000- square- foot

Products: Frozen poultry specialties,

preplated dinners, frozen entrees, soups, sauces

Sales Contacts: Ed Lemm, Director National Accounts (e-mail: [email protected])

CUS TOM LA BEL/AD VANCE NU TRI TION 8258 South 192nd St., Kent, WA 98032 USA Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

(425) 656-0460 (425) 656-0462 [email protected]

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Asia, Can ada Profile:

Cus tom La bel mar kets to small re tail stores, smaller chain stores, pro vid ing a line of nu tri tional sup ple ments and overthe- counter drugs. With its cus tom ers’ cus tom ized pri vate la bels, Cus tom Label/Ad vance Nu tri tion util izes a phar macy pre scrip tion la bel or a busi ness card to coor di nate the “cus tom” la beled prod uct to the cus tomer’s mar ket ing strat egy. Its custom ers look for a way to make their products re flect the col ors and the cor po rate lo gos and graphic de sign they cre ated. All prod ucts in its line cary the cus tomer’s unique la bel.

Products: Vitamins, OTC drugs, custom

nutritional formulations, creams, liquids, herbals

Sales Contacts: Mark A. Taylor, Sales Manager; Carolyn Mayer, Purchasing

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

in all ar eas of prepress.from con cept to press to in ven tory man age ment of electronic files, nega tives and print ing plates. Its serv ices in clude crea tive de sign, produc tion art, color sepa ra tion, re touch ing, proof ing and film as sem bly and im ag ing. The com pany also pro duces mag ne sium en grav ings and molded rub ber plates or pho to poly mer print ing plates. The firm has can ex pe dite large proj ects, while keep ing pack age de signs graphi cally consistent.

CUS TOM WINE AL LI ANCE 925 Lakev ille Street, #210, Petaluma, CA 94952, USA Tel: (707) 766-6140 Fax: (707) 766-6141 E-Mail: [email protected] To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 95%

Ex port Mar kets: Eu rope, Asia, Can ada, South America Profile:

Based in Sonoma County, the heart of Cali for nia’s wine coun try, Cus tom Wine Al li ance prides it self on its ex tensive wi ne mak ing and productionmanagementexperience.Thecompany sources and de velops award- winning wines within a wide ar ray of sty lis tic andbudgetaryparameters.Custom Wine Alliance is not tied to one vineyard, win ery, or wine source. It plays the field on be half of its cus tom ers, work ing with them to de velop brands and pro duce wines based on their unique pri ori ties.

Products: Wines Sales Contacts:

Matt Praetzel, Michael DuBois

Products: Flexographic packaging Sales Con tacts: Mark Parrish (e-mail: [email protected])

D DABUR IN DIA LIMITED Dabur Tower, Kaushambi, Ghazia bad, 201010, Ust tar Pradesh, INDIA Tel: Fax: URL:

To tal FY 2007 Sales Vol ume: $504.9 Mil lion (Rs 20.8 Bil lion) +18.4% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Mid dle East, South Asia, Africa, United States, Can ada Profile:

CY BER GRAPH ICS 3825 Delph Street, Mem phis, TN 38118, USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(901) 369- 5400 (901) 794- 8897

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Worldwide Profile:

Cy ber Graph ics is a full- service digi tal prepress/graph ics com pany that spe cializes in high- end pro cess work for flexographic pack ag ing. This privately- owned firm pro vides so lu tions

+91 120- 3982000 +91 120- 4374 935

Dabur In dia, which start ed into busi ness in 1884 (Dabur- Ayurvedic medi cines) expanded into herb als and to day is a key player in India, as a di ver si fied manu fac turer of personal care, health care, and food prod ucts. In the first two seg ments, Dabur is the coun try’s larg est pro ducer. In Janu ary 2005, the company ac quired Balsara, a pro ducer of oral care and house hold prod ucts, in clud ing tooth paste, airfresheners,insectrepellants,dishwasher and sur face clean ers, and toi let clean ers. Balsar’s strong in ter est in pri vate la bel tooth paste in the U.S. mar ket has sharpened Dabur’s inter est in pri vate la bel, cov er ing oral care and se lected herbal sup ple ments. Pri vate la bel also prom ises to play a role in Dabur’s lat est ven ture: the chain of beauty, health and wellness stores un der the “newu” ban ner. In March 2008, the com pa ny’s H&B Stores

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 215

Ltd. sub sidi ary an nounced plans to open its first four- story store (4,500 square feet), feat uring more than 13,000 skus- - the largest range of fered by a health and beauty start- up re tailer in In dia. Plans call for open ing 350 stores within five years and more than 1,000 in 10 years- - ranging in size from 1,500 to 6,000 square feet. Leading In dian and in ter na tional brands will be fea tured as well as pri vate la bels. Dabur plans to capi tal ize on its syn er gies as a manu fac turer in the de vel op ment of this re tail chain.

Products: Toothpaste, Herbal Supplements Sales Contacts:


Sales Contacts: Jerry Finkelstein, National Sales Manager (E-mail: [email protected])

DA KOTA GROW ERS PASTA COM PANY** One Pasta Ave., Car ring ton, ND 58421 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(701) 652- 2855 N/A

To tal Sales Fis cal 2008 Vol ume: $280.2 Mil lion +4l6.7% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N.A Profile: DADDY RAY’S** P.O. Box 186, Mos cow Mills, MO 63362 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(636) 366-9900 (636) 366-9905

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Mex ico, Can ada, Puerto Rico Profile:

For more than 37 years, Ray Henry has been in volved in the bak ery busi ness (cook ies, crack ers, breads, and fig bars), most of his work de voted to fruit bars. In Nov. 1998, he launched Daddy Ray’s with an im pres sive 65,000- square- foot, state- of- the- art fa cil ity. Henry, as president and CEO, re cruited fam ily members to help pro duce his line of cake en robed fruit- filled bars The com pany now op er ates as a whole sale cookie manu fac turer, pro duc ing fig and fruitfilled bars, of fer ing four ma jor fla vors: fig, ap ple, blue berry, and straw berry, each in a va ri ety of sizes and con figu rations. His fa cil ity is full parve (Ko sher).

Products: Fig bars, fruit bars, breakfast bars

Started as a farm ers co op era tive in 1963, the com pany was in cor po rated in Janu ary 2002 with mem ber ag ri cul tural pro duc ers becoming share hold ers. To day, the company claims to be the larg est sup plier of non- branded pasta prod ucts in the U.S. , the third larg est dry pasta manu fac turer in North Amer ica, and a mar ket leader in pri vate la bel (re tail mar kets).Its fis cal 2003 sales dropped and re sulted in a $429,000 loss, due pri mairly to lower sales to its larg est cus tomer, U.S. Food serv ice (part of Ahold, listed in the SOUR CE BOOK), rep re sent ing 17% of sales, be cause of its accountingirregularities.Also,itsco-pack busi ness to New World Pasta Com pany, an other sig nifi cant cus tomer, fell dur ing the year. Da kota Grow ers pro duces some 275 mil lion pounds of pasta per year. Dakota Grow ers has en tered an agree ment with Gruppo Euri com to be its ex clu sive dis tribu tor of its Ital ian pasta and rice products in the U.S. and Canada- - sold primar ily in the pri vate la bel re tail and foodserv ice mar kets.

Products: Dry pasta, egg noodles, organic pasta, Italian import passta, macaroni & cheese dinners, rice

Sales Contacts: Jack Has per, VP Sales/Mar ket ing (St. Louis Park, MN, of fice) Tel: 763-253-0441

216 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

DAN LIND AS Hos trups vej 13, P.O. Box 1446, Hol ste bro, DK- 7500 DENMARK Tel: Fax: URL:

+45 97 42 52 22 +45 97 42 52 41

To tal Sales Vol ume: $35 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe Profile:

Dan lind, a family- owned com pany, was founded in 1928. The firm’s man ag ing di rec tor, Gus tav Lind, is sec ond gen eration. The com pany, op er at ing three plants in Den mark, in no vates in dif ferent prod uct ar eas, pay ing strict at tention to prod uct im pact on the environment.Itslatesttechnological break through: a 7- in-1 dis wash ing tablet, which de liv ers such func tions as: clean ing ta ble ware and cut tlery, cut ting salt con tent in wa ter, a rins ing aid, glass pro tec tion, and en hanc ing the steel shine in cut lery, pots and pans, etc.

Products: Spray-dried washing powders (all

types), dishwashing powders, tabs for dishwashers and for adding additives to the washing process

Sales Contacts:

Henrik Aagaard, Sales Manager (+45 40 34 12 65); Stig Reindahl, Export Manager

back to 1892, when Ted Egan joined grocer Char les H. Do err to be gin pro duc ing and sell ing bis cuits and then can dies. Through the De pres sion and a dev as tat ing fire in 1943, the com pany sur vived and expanded its op era tions be yond the German- speaking com mu nity of Kitchener. Since the fam ily name was not known or eas ily pro nounce able, the family changed its name and the com pany iden tity to Dare—a brand name used on its candy pack ages (which ap proxi mated the sound of ‘D oerr’). Through the 1950s, the com pany moved away from bulk pack ag ing into a new tech nol ogy at the time, cel lo phane pack ages. To in sure prod uct fresh ness, Dare also in no vated by adopt ing the cof fee pack age, a bag sealed with wire, for its choco late chip cook ies. An at tempt at re shap ing Dare into a food con glom er ate even tu ally led to a sell off of its non- traditional busi ness with re newed con cen tra tion in the bis cuit and candy area. Ex pan sion and ac qui si tions led to a move into the cracker area with its Bre ton brand. The com pany set up a U.S. sub sidiary and ne go ti ated agree ments with foreign manu fac tur ers to bake Dare prod ucts (parn ter ships in 23 coun tries). Dare op erates four state- of- the- art prod uct de vel opment and pro duc tion fa cili ties in Can ada and the U.S., mak ing both pre mium private la bel prod ucts for re tail ers and custom prod ucts for lead ing U.S. food marketers.

Products: Gummi bears, spice drops, jelly

beans, ju jubes, packaged soft & hard candy, mints

Sales Contacts: Erhard Dreger, Vice-President, Custom Products

DARE FOODS LIM ITED P.O. Box 1058, Kitche ner , On tario N2G 4G4 CANADA Tel: Fax:

(519) 893- 5500 (519) 893- 8369

DAWN FOODS INC. 3333 Sar gent Rd., Jack son, MI 49201 USA Tel: (517) 789- 4400; (800) 248-1144 Fax: (517) 789-4465 URL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $150 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 10%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, U.S., Asia Profile:

This privately- owned pro ducer of topquality and pre mium cook ies, crack ers and sugar con fec tions, traces its his tory

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 217

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Mex ico, Cen tral Amer ica, United King dom, Europe

To tal Fis cal 2007 Sales: $11.8 Bil lion +16.8% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A


Started nearly a cen tury ago, Dawn Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Asia, South Af rica, South Foods has grown into one of the larg est, America,EasternMediterranean,Australia, in de pend ently owned bak ery manu facMexico tur ers and dis tribu tors in the world. In 1997, the com pany formed Dawn Food Profile: A number of changes are un der way at In ter na tional to sell American- style Dean Foods, in an ef fort to con soli date and bak ery prod ucts abroad. To day it has to fo cus its dif fer ent ac tivi ties. The commore than 4,000 prod ucts, cov er ing pany had re named its Branded Prod ucts mixes, bases, ic ings, glazes, fill ings, froGroup as WhiteWare Foods, and con solizen dough, baked prod ucts, etc. In 2002, dated its newly ac quired Ho ri zon Or ganthe com pany pur chased CSP Foods ics un der this busi ness, as well as its Dean Co., a pro ducer of flour and bak ery Na tional Brands Group. Its Dairy Group goods, then a di vi sion of The Sas katchecon tin ues to over see up to 50 brands plus wan Wheat Pool and a sup plier to the pri vate la bel busi ness in fresh milk and pri vate la bel industry. CSP had the licream, yo gurt, and cot tage cheese. Dairy cense rights to sell Dawn prod ucts in Group sales were up by 18.2% for the Can ada. Dawn op er ates 31 manu facyear to $10.4 bil lion. WhiteWare sales adtur ing fa cili ties in the U.S., 6 in Can ada, vanced by 9.2% to $1.4 bil lion. Founded in 4 in Mex ico, and 4 oth ers in other coun1925 as a pro ducer of evapor tated milk, tries. The com pany also op er ates Dawn Dean Foods has evolved into the top procDistributorsAdvantage,amarketing es sor of fluid milk—the big gest pri vate laand buy ing co- operative. bel cate gory in su per mar kets—in the United States. It also be came the sec ond Products: Flours; powders (drinks, flavors larg est U.S. dairy proc es sor. In De cem ber and desserts), bakery mixes and 2001, the coun try’s larg est dairy proc esbases; pastry, cookie, nonut and sor, the $5.8 bil lion Suiza Foods Corp., pie filling; icings, fondants, glazes; Dal las, took over Dean Foods for $1.5 biljams, fruit purees, spreads, lion in cash and stocks. The sur viv ing savory condiments, and sauces; com pany: Dean Foods Com pany. In peanut butter and nut Janu ary 2005, Dean Foods de cided to spin pastes/purees; colors, flavors, off its Spe cialty Foods Group, which beextracts, emulsions; dried, sliced came Tree House Foods (also in the glace, and maraschino fruit; and dairy ingriedents (aseptic , ice SOUR CE BOOK). Dean today is the largcream, milk powder, milk shake and est proc es sor and dis tribu tor of fresh milk ice cream syrups, colors, and other dairy prod ucts in the U.S. floavors, and toppings)

Sales Contacts:

Products: Dairy, ice cream,specialty dairy items.

N/A Sales Contacts: Tom Murrin, Vice-President, Private Label Sales DEAN FOODS CO.* NYSE: DF

12515 McKin ney Ave. Ste. 1200, Dal las, TX 75201, USA

Tel: Fax: URL:

(214) 303-3400 (214) 303-3830

218 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

To tal 2004 Sales Vol ume: $2.1 Bil lion +16.7% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A


Ex port Mar kets: United States, Europe, Asia

One Mar ket @ The Land mark, San Fran cisco, CA 94105 USA

Tel: Fax: URL:


(415) 247-3000 N/A

To tal 2007 Sales Vol ume: $3.4 Bil lion +14% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Pro file:

Del Monte is the larg est pro ducer of proc essed fruits, vege ta bles and to mato prod ucts in the U.S. Its De cem ber 2002 take over of sev eral busi ness from H. J. Heinz, ex tended its prod uct port fo lio into tuna, soup, in fant feed ing, and pet prod ucts. Del Monte now mar kets some 2,500 prod ucts, un der 20 strong brands, as well as pri vate la bel busi ness. In this fis cal pe riod, the com pany di vested its pri vate la bel soup and in fant feed ing busi ness; while Del Monte ac quired two strong brands, Meow mix and MilkBone. The com pany re ports 60% of its busi ness is now in consumer prod ucts, 40% in pet products; while 90% is in branded busi ness. The pri vate la bel spinoffs went to Tree House Foods, Chicago, a com pany spun off by Dean Foods in 2005.

Products: Proc essed vege ta bles, spe cialty vege tables, wet soups, gra vies Sales Con tacts:


While DESC (and ac ro nym for De sarrllo Economico So cie dad Civil) is mainly involved in chemi cal prod ucts (37% of sales) and auto parts (36% of sales), food rep resents 18% of its to tal sales- -a growth area for the com pany: up 12% to $394.5 million in 2004. The com pa ny’s real es tate hold ing rep re sent 9% of sales. DESC oper ates two food di vi sions, Branded Products, con sist ing of food proc ess ing plants in three Mex ican states plus a plant in Califor nia. ItsPork Busi ness func tions across Mex ico in poul try farms and plants. Its shelf- stable branded processed foods, oper ated through Cor fuerte in Mex ico and Authen tic Ac quisi tion Corp. In the U.S., the com pany pro duce to mato sauce and re lated products plus canned vege ta bles, mainly un der the Del Fuerte brand. O ther brands: La Glo ria corn oil and gela tin, Bla son cof fee, Nair tuna, Em basa ketchup, etc. In the U.S. The com pany manu fac turers and or dis trib utes authen tic Mexi can food products, such as sal sas, taco sauces, other Mexi can sauces, plus ja lapeno peppers un der such labes as La Vi croria and Em basa. Its prod ucts are tar geted to the U.S. His panic mar ket, rep re senting strong mar ket ing po si tions in the South west and westernregions,especiallyCalifornia. Authen tic Spe cialty Foods ($85 mil lion sales, up 11.8% for the year), City of Indus try, CA, serves as the um brella or ganiza tion, cov er ing both brands and pri vate label.

Products: Mexican sauces, picante sauce, thick & chunky salsa, cheese salsa, taco sauce, enchilada sauce

DESC SA DE CV Paseo de los Tam grin dos 400-B, piso 28, Bosques de las Lo mas, MEX ICO, D.F. 05120 Tel: Fax: URL:

(52- 55) 52 61 80 00 N/A

Sales Contacts: Paul Pen ning ton, Di rec tor Corporate Chain Accounts U.S. (Tel: 830-609-7010); Dan Prince, Vice-President, Foodservice Sales & Marketing (website: Tel: (714) 521- 7999 www.asf-

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


Schemmel, Bernhard C. Rathgens, all Export Managers

DEUT SCHE EX TRAKT KAF FEE (DEK) Cafeas trasse, D-21107 Ham burg, Post fach 930269; D21082,Hamburg,GERMANY Tel: Fax: URL:

+49 40/75304-0 +49 40/75304- 417

DI COM B.V. De Kou men 12, 6433 KD Hoens broek, THE NETH ERLANDS

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Tel: Fax:

Ex port Mar kets: 60 coun tries on five con ti nents

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 75%

Pro file:

+31 45- 5- 238484 +31 45- 5- 229393

DEK was formed as an in stant cof fee Ex port Mar kets: Europe pro ducer in 1955 by ma jor play ers in the Ger man cof fee mar ket: Max Hertz Profile: Di com is a ma jor sup plier to the food and (Tchibo), Wal ter Jacobs- Kaffee), Edudrug-store re tail ers in the coun tries of the ard Schopf (Eduscho), and Bern hard Euro pean Un ion. The firm is a wellRoth fos (cof fee im porter). In 1980, this established, com pe tent and marketcom pany was taken over by the Roth fos oriented sup plier with whom trend prodfam ily and or gan ized un der the KORD ucts can be de vel oped quickly and at comGroup, an in ter na tional hold ing competi tive prices. The cus tomer bene fits by pany. This group in cludes: KEK deal ing with one sup plier, of fer ing a wide GmbH; Fine Food In ter na tional se lec tion of prod ucts as well as pack ag ing GmbH, Ber lin; Edel S.A., Liege, Belop tions (bot tles, tubes, pouches, Bag- ingium; Mil cafe, Rathe now, Ger many; Box and milk car tons—us ing re cy cled and CCI (Con ti nen tal Cof fee In dusma te ri als, glass, PE, PP, and PET). Di com, tries), Dun sta ble, Eng land. To day, DEK a sub sidi ary of Dolli Werke Mau rer & claims to be the world’s lead ing proWirtz, Stol berg, Ger many, prides it self on ducer of pri vate la bel in stant cof fee. its flexi bil ity, friend li ness, and no- nonsense DEK also pro duces cap puc cino blends ap proach when deal ing with cus tom ers. (Venezia, ama retto, va nilla, choco late, Secco), avail able in 100-, 125-, and 180Products: Laundry products, household gram sizes. The firm op er ates a to tal of cleaners, cream cleaners, specialty eight plants. They pro duce some 100 cleaners, aerosols, bath & shower ba sic blends, rang ing from me dium to products, hair care, hair styling, pre mium qual ity. DEK also sells its own deodorants, skin care products. Grands, Gran dos and Ex tra Mocca. In Sales 1966, the com pany met the strin gent Contacts: Hans van de Riet, Export Manager DIN EN ISO 9001 cri te ria for in stant cof fee. Its ex ports ac count for 65% of to tal turn over. To day, the com pany is Eu ro pe’s lead ing pro vider of pri vate label solu ble coff fee (freeze dried, ag glomDIS TILL ER IES RYS SEN 1829 er ated, spray dried, and de caf fein ated), Ave nue des Til leuls, 62140 Mar conne, FRANCE and solu ble cof fee drinks (cap puc cino, iced cof fee, etc.) Tel: +33 3 Fax: +33 3 Products: Instant coffee, coffee Mixes (jars, URL: tins, boxes, bags) Sales To tal Sales Vol ume: $100 Mil lion Con tacts: Arnulf Meuser, Marketing & Sales Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50% Director; Claus Dieter Haevescher, Ursula 220 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

genic,microporousadhesive).Itsproducts are de vel oped with its own tech nol ogy .

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Af rica, Asia, North Amer ica, South Amer ica Profile:

Since 1829, Dis till er ies Rys sen has op erated through five gen era tions of the Rys sen fam ily, where 51% of the compa ny came to be owned by M. Rys sen Sen ior and his son. The re main der is owned by Gen er ale Su cri ere, the sec ond most im por tant sugar pro ducer in France, which guar an tees a sup ply of rawmaterials.Thecompanyreaffirms its com mit ment to a higher level of quality with an ISO 9002 cer tifi cate, is sued by the Brit ish Re tail Con sor tium. Besides spir its, the com pa ny’s ba sic product can be used in the food, pharmaceuticalorcosmeticsareas.In 2005, Gen er ale Su cri ere took con trol of the dis till ery, mak ing it a wholly owned subsidiary.

Products: Pure alcohol 96%—alcoholic

Patrick Ryssen, Chairman; Mark Maes, Sales Manager; Philippe Denis, Administration and Finance Manager; Laurent Saltel, Technical and Quality Manager

Labo ra to rio Far ma ceu tico Tuset, 19, 4a Planta, Bar ce lona E- 08006, SPAIN +34 3 201- 81- 55 +34 3 201- 64- 70

To tal Sales Vol ume: $5 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 20%

Ex port Mar kets: France, Bel gium, It aly Profile:

Sales Contacts: Eduardo Noguera Torres, Subdirector General; Claudia Nick

(DO ANE) MARS PET CARE U.S 210 West wood Place South (Ste. 400), Bren twood, TN 37024-2487 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(615) 373-7774 (615) 309- 1174

To tal Fis cal 2005 Sales Vol ume : $991.6 Mil lion -5.5% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 82%



Tel: Fax: URL:

strips, condoms

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Asia, Mex ico, South America

spirits, including rum, whisky, liquors, brandy, vodka

Sales Contacts:

Products: Adhesive plasters, strips, dressing

This privately- owned com pany, financed with 100% Span ish capi tal, was founded in 1979. The firm manu fac turers ad he sive tapes, strips, plas ters, dressing strips, as well as natu ral rub ber la tex con doms and Sanipore- Fix (a non- woven elas tic fab ric, hy poaller-

Po si tioned as the larg est manu fac turer of pri vate la bel pet food and the sec ond largest manu fac turer of dry pet food over all in the U.S., Do ane also is a lead ing pri vate label pet food manu fac turer in Europe. The companymanufacturersthemajorityof Wal- Mart’s top sell ing pri vate la bel pet food brands, Ol’ Roy and Spe cial Kitty, the former be ing number one brand of dry pet food in the U.S. by vol ume. Some 71.3% of net sales are in dry pet food, 21.3% in wet pet food and other items, and 7.4% in bis cuits and treats. Some 43% of Do ane’s to tal sales are gen er ated from Wal- Mart. The com pany pro duces some 200 store brands. Also, Doan comanufactures (15.1% of sales) and has regional brands (2.9% of sales). Net loss in 2005 was re duc ced to $1.2 mil lion from a loss of $1.4 mil lion in 2004. It op er ates 28 combinedmanufacturinganddistribution facilities.manufacturingfacilities(including 6 in Europe. Early in 2001, the company di vested Deep Run and Per ham. Doane’srecentacquisitionsinclude: Windy Hill Pet Foods, Bren twood, TN; a 50% in ter est in North Ameri can Prod ucts, Inc., Lan cas ter, PA., and the take over of Aro vit Pet food (also in the SOUR CEBOOK) in Den mark, dur ing 2001. In

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


August 2005, Do ane agreed to be purchased by the pri vate in vest ment unit of On tario Teach ers Pen sion Plan for $850 mil lion in cash. Eight months later, Mars, Inc., McLean, VA (the $18 bil lion brands manu fac turer) pur chased Doane, ex clus ing its Euro pean busi ness. Mars, Inc. has re named the op era tion Mars Pet Care U.S., which cov ers 20 plants and two dis tri bu tion cen ters. Mars looked to tap into Do an’s sup ply chan nel through out North Amer ica.

Products: Dry dpg and cat food, Wet,

semi-moit pet foods, and biscuits and treats.

Sales Contacts: Scott Viebranz, Vice-President Sales; Bob Vanfleteren, Director of Grocery Sales

Sales Con tacts:

DOMIL, INC. 1921 An na po lis Rd., Bal ti more, MD 21230 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

Ex port Mar kets: N/A

DOC TOR HOY’S WILD AND EX OTIC SKIN CARE PROD UCTS 515 E. Care free Hwy #354, Phoe nix, AZ 85027, USA (602) 465- 2001 (602) 465- 2002

To tal Sales Vol ume: $0.6 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 20%

(410) 545- 4400 (410) 545- 4300

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 100%


Tel: Fax: URL:

Bruce Haughey, President; Roxanne Haughey, Vice-President (e-mail: [email protected])

Domil, Inc. sources prod uct from It aly as well as lo cat ing sup pli ers from all over the world for the sole pur pose of pro vid ing up scale pri vate la bel items to the su permar ket trade. The firm helps cli ents develop a com plete pro gram of unique, up scale prod ucts which will in crease profits, while sat is fy ing its cus tom ers de mands for spe cialty items.

Products: Imported frozen pizza, olive oil, Balsamic vinegar, antipasto (marinated vegetables), candy

Sales Contacts: Marc Klien, Colleen Vittik

Ex port Mar kets: Japan,Australia,Europe Profile:

Doc tor Hoy’s in- house pro duc tion of per sonal care prod ucts, graphic de sign and la bel print ing, all is greared to small pri vate com pa nies that want their own look. A pro gram can be started for as lit tle as 50 bott tles of prod uct. An extremely fast turn around (2 weeks or less) is pos si ble. Small quan ti tites: 6+ pieces.

Products: Lotions, massage oils, bath soaks,

foaming bath oils, food and body powdeer, shower gel, shampoo, anti-aging serum, scented personal care products

DOU MAK INC.** 2201 Touhy Ave., Elk Grove Vil lage, IL 60007 USA Tel: (847) 437-2100 Fax: (847) 437- 1809 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Can ada, Mex ico, Cen tral Amer ica, South Amer ica, Asia, Carribean Profile:

222 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Dou mak, a privately- held com pany, invented the ex tru sion pro cess in 1954, which is the method used to day by all marshmallowmanufacturers.Itsstate-of-

the- art fa cil ity is con tinu ally up graded to meet the cur rent tech nol ogy.

Products: Marshmallows Sales Contacts:

Fax: URL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $257 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%

Dan Donahue, President; Donna Fitzpatrick, Manager Sales Administration (e-mail: [email protected])

Ex port Mar kets: Scandinavia,Finland,Benelux, France, Spain, Greece, Po land, United Kingdom, Rus sia, Bal tics Profile:

DO VER FIN ISH ING PROD UCTS INC. 3245 Jean- Baptiste- Deschamps, La chine, Que bec H8T 3E4 CAN ADA Tel: Fax:

(514) 420-6030; (800) 354- 4445 (514) 420-6050

To tal Sales Vol ume: $1.5 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%

Ex port Mar kets: United States, Europe, Asia, Middle East Profile:

DoverFinishingProducts,divisionof Do verco Inc., is a lead ing sup plier of wood fin ish ing and re pair prod ucts. Since 1950, they have sup plied cabi net makersandfurnituremanufacturers and have re cently in tro duced their prod ucts to the re tail mar ket. Spe cial izing in unique pol ishes and care prod ucts for fur ni ture, Do ver’s prod uct mix includes the na tional brand Trade Se cret, to gether with more than 3,000 SKUs of re lated prod ucts. Its lead ing qual ity, serv ice and cost com peti tive ness are evident in the com pa ny’s rapid growth into re tail sales.

Products: Furniture polish, scratch

removers for wood, Melamine (Formica) polish.

Sales Contacts:

William Booth—President

+31 73.612.87.40

In 1818, a cof fee roaster and tea mer chant, Drie Mol len sinds 1818, opened its business at the Hin tham er street, com monly known as “In de Drie Swarte Mol len.” As a tra di tional roaster, the firm has de veloped with branches opened in the Neth erlands, Great Brit ain, Po land, Lithua nia, and Rus sia. “Drie Mol len” has spe cial ized in the pro duc tion of a large range of quality prod ucts: cof fee, in stant cof fee, tea and spe ci ali ties. Its branded prod ucts in clude Gala cof fee, Prin cess tea, and Mo ment instant cof fee. The com pany also has be come a well- known sup plier of prod ucts un der pri vate la bel and en joys an es tab lished repu ta tion world wide in air line ca ter ing. A spe cial range, un der the Mill House brand, has been com posed to meet the de mand of the air line com pa nies. Re cently, this company ac quired the French and Span ish cof fee busi ness and some Ger many cof fee brands from Elite In dus tries (also in the SOURCEBOOK).Thisacquisitionhelped boost the com pa ny’s sales, mak ing it the larg est pri vate la bel cof fee roaster in Europe, op er at ing 13 com pa nies in eight Euro pean coun tries. Re cently, Drie Mollen pur chased 50% of Kai ser Kaf fee from the Ger man food re tailer, Tengel mann (also in the SOUR CE BOOK)

Products: Coffee (ground and beans), tea

(black and flavored) in bags, tins or boxes; instant coffee (jars and hermetic sachets)

Sales Contacts: Rolf van Hellenberg Hubar, Marketing Manager

DRIE MOL LEN SINDS 1818 B.V. Zuid- Willemsvaart 217, P.O. Box 285, 5201 AG’s- Hertogenbosh, THE NETH ER LANDS Tel:

+31 73.687.14.09 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


DY MON, INC. 805 East Old 56th Hwy., Olathe, KS 66061USA

EA GLE HOME PROD UCTS, INC. 110 Em jay Boule vard, Brentwood, NY 11717 USA

Tel: Fax: URL:

Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

(913) 397- 9889 (913) 397- 8761

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: 30+ coun tries—Europe, Aus tra-

To tal Sales Vol ume: $9 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 40%

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, South Amer ica, Europe, Ja-

lia, Ko rea, Ja pan, Can ada, Mex ico, Cen tral Profile: & South Amer ica Profile:

Po si tioned as “the new idea com pany,” Dy mon cele brated its 25th years in 1995. Over its his tory, the com pany has in tro duced a number of “firsts” in productformulationsandpackaging tech nol ogy. Its prod ucts ad dress all main te nance needs for whole sale or customprivatelabeldevelopment.For ex am ple, its Do It All sta ble foam dis infec tant cleaner, in tro duced in 1983, serves as an ef fec tive vi ru cide against HIV-1 (AIDS Vi rus). Other prod ucts in its line: Scrubs In- A- Bucket wa ter less hand- cleaning towel, Dry Breeze air fresh eners, Liq uid Alive floor cleaner, Natu ral Force bac te ria for de greas ing drains, Dry Fog in sec ti cides, etc. The range cov ers clean ing prod ucts, pro tection and main te nance prod ucts, personal care prod ucts, dis in fec tants and deodorants,andspecialtyproducts. Sup port, be sides R&D and cus tomer serv ice, in cludes crea tive de sign serv ices and deco ra tion serv ices on silk screen ing aero sol con tain ers, color treat ment of pa per la bels, and mul ti ple color laminated poly- film la bels.

Products: Ready-to-use bulk, quart and

aerosol products: disinfectant cleaners, disinfectant/deodorant, air fresheners, insecticides, floor care, hand/body cleaners, specialty items, etc.

Sales Contacts:

Pete Keilman, National Sales Manager-Core Products (e-mail: [email protected])

(516) 435-3800 (516) 435-3467 [email protected]

pan In busi ness for more than 30 years, Ea gle Home Prod ucts is a sis ter com pany of Eagle Hy genic Rub ber Co., part of Tops E.H.R. Corp., the lat ter two in volved in pro duc tion and im port ing. Ea gle is quick to re spond to new de vel op ments in the name brand area, pro vid ing its pri mary cus tom ers — mass mer chan dis ers, drug-storeretailers,supermarketoperators and va ri ety dis count own ers— with similar prod ucts un der their own la bel. Spe cial pro mo tional dis plays are avail able for its differentprivatelabelprograms.The companyrecentlyintroducednonwoven clean ing wipes.

Products: Latex gloves, toothbrushes,

cleaning aids, sponges, cleaning wipes

Sales Contacts: Albert Chemtob; Robert Chemtob, Vice-President

EBRO PU LEVA GROUP Paseo de la Cas tel lana, 20, 28046 Ma drid, SPAIN Tel: Fax: URL:

+34 917- 245- 250 +34 917- 245- 341

To tal 2007 Sales Vol ume: $3.7 Bil lion ( € 2.7 Bil lion) +9.5%

Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Europe -- some 22+ countries.

224 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion



This Span ish com pany (#1 food group rent year, raw ma te rial costs con trib uted to a 72.8% drop in op er at ing in come. But in that coun try), a pro ducer of sugar, over all reve nues were strong, helped es pemilk, rice, pasta, and bio tech no logical prod ucts for health as well as other procially in its rice busi ness. In the pasta busiducts, through ac quis tions over the past ness, the com pany has in tro duced Smart Taste (high cal cium, high fi ber) pasta unfew years, has emerged as a world leader in the rice sec tor and the number der its brands and started to de velop mitwo pro ducer of pasta prod ucts. Ebro cro wave able pasta. Re cently, the com pany formed Ebro North Amer ica to over see Puleva also is the mar ket leader in the Rivi ana and New World Pasta busiSpain for sugar and milk. Its strat egy: tak ing over lead ing brand manu fac turness in North Amer ica. In dairy prod ucts, ers (some of whom also sup ply pri vate microwaveableready-to-eatmilkand baby ce re als also are now be ing de vel oped. la bel). The com pany emerged from an ac quis tion by sugar pro ducer, Azu carProducts: Sugar, rice, Pasta era Ebro Ag ri co las S.A. of the dairy firm, Pu leva S.A. in Spain. While more Sales than half its reve nues de rive from Contacts: Robert Bain, Di rec tor, Pri vate La bel Sales, Spain, the com pany has mounted an ag- Rivi ana Foods (rice) in Hous ton, TX (Tel: 713- 525gres sive international ac quisi ton pro9552); New World Pasta, Har ris burg, PA (tel: 800- 730gram. A sig nifi cant de vel op ment came 5957) in 2004, when it ac quired Rivi ana Foods Hous ton, TX. Ebro had al ready formed partnershipswithRiviana’sBelgium and United King dom sub sidi ar ies, selling rice, dried fruit and other foods. ECO NED ER LAND BV Rivi ana is one of the larg est sell ers of Wa ter Mo len 11, 6442 PS Bruns sum, THE NETH ERrice in the U.S. In April 2005, Ebro acLANDS quired Pan zani SAS, Lyon, France, a ma jor pro ducer of dry and fresh pasta, +31 45-4007477 sauces, rice and cous cous. This com pany Tel: Fax: +31 45- 5273150 is now ex pand ing into fro zen foods Ebro URL: also took con trol of one of Eu ro pe’s top rice pro ducer, Herba Group. In June To tal Sales Vol ume: $5 Mil lion 2006, Ebro ac quire New World Pasta, Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 65% Har ris burg, PA, for $362.5 mil lion, which added a number of brands Ex port Mar kets: All Euro pean coun tries, Far East (Healthy Har vest, Ron zoni, Skin ner, Prince, Amer ica Beauty, San Gior gio, Profile: Eco Ned er land is the pro ducer of a wide and Creamette- - all in the U.S., plus the range of chemical- technical prod ucts, number one pasta brand in Can ada, which makes this com pany lit er ally the exCatelli). New World had emerged from pert in al most every clean ing area imag in18 months of Chap ter 11 bank ruptcy able: per sonal care, house hold fur nish ing protection in De cem ber 2005. For an and floor cov er ing, as well as car and en core, Ebro in July 2006 an nounced truck. Eco vir tu ally fills every clean ing plans to buy Kraft’s Min ute Rice busineeds for both the pro fes sional and the ness in the U.S. And Can ada. Min ute con sumer. Its prod uct line en com passes Rice is the number two rice brand in cleanersfordomesticfurnishings—glass, Can ada and number 5 in the U.S. In tile, oven, car pet, floor— as well as for July 2007, the com pany bid to ac quire hand, body, face, and hair care (sham poos, Ger many’s lead ing pasta acom pany, cleans ers, gels, lo tions, creams). Its range Birkel Teig waren Gmbh. In its in ter nacov ers clean ing aids for spe cific us age tional ex pan sion, Ebro Pue leva be comes (scale re mover, fur ni ture pol ish, gar den the number one mar ket leader in its refur ni ture cleaner, de ter gents for man ual spec tive prod uct cate go ries. In the curor me chani cal ap pli ca tion, etc.). In skin 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


and body care, the range also in cludes hand clean ers for all types of con tamina tion, plus PH neu tral value fa cial creams. As a pri vate la bel spe cial ist, Eco works as an as so ci ate with its customers,recognizingeachmarketing phi loso phy, while also ad dress ing specific needs in pack ag ing, la bel ing, logo, odor and color re quire ments, bio degrad ab lity and/or re cy cling fac tors. The company’sentiremanufacturingproces is EN ISO 9001:2000 cer ti fied.

EF FAR (TIBE RIAS) LTD In dus trial Zone Tibe rias, Elite, POB 659, Tibe rias IS RAEL Tel: Fax:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $10 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 100%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, USA, South Amer ica, Asia, Far East, Aus tra lia & New Zea land, Ghana, South Af rica

Products: Cleaning products for cars,

household, skin and bodycare, hand cleansers, truck cleners, bag-in-box, permanent paint protection

Sales Contacts:

Tel: Fax: URL:


Wolfgang Onken, Director

ED WARDS BAK ING CO. 6875 Jimmy Car ter Blvd., Suite 3200, Nor cross, GA 30071-1248 USA (404) 377- 0511 (404) 373- 9297

+972 2- 732360 +972 6- 732368

This firm op er ates mainly as an ex port busi ness, sup ply ing a wide range of wet wipes for ba bies, cos met ics, cars, medi cal andhygienicpurposes.Additionally,Effar manufacturersplasticpackagingand non- woven fab rics, thus sup ply ing its custom ers with a broad range of pack ag ing op tions in col ors and non- woven fab rics. Ef far has de vel oped pri vate label busi ness in Asia.

Products: Wet wipes, non-woven fabric Sales Contacts: Efi Lahav, President; Bruria Lahav, Vice-President

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 10%

Ex port Mar kets: Canada Profile:

This 50-year- old bak ing firm mar ket s pre mium, fro zen, ready- to- serve des sert pies to the re tail and food-serv ice in dustries. Ed wards has be com ing a lead ing sup plier of gour met des serts. Cus tomers in clude na tional gro cery chains, quick-servicerestaurants,deli/bakeries, in sti tu tional mar kets and ven dors. This com pany spe cial izes in pre mium and upscaleprivatelabelprograms.

Products: Frozen dessert pies Sales Contacts:

ELAMEX SA DE CV Av en ida In sur gen tes No 4145-B OTE, CD Juarez Chichuaha, MEXICO Tel: FAX: URL:

915 774 8333 N/A

To tal 2007 Sales Vol ume: $110.7 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Mike Rioux, Division Manager, Special Channels

226 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Elamex is a whole sale gro cer, which through its sub sidi ary, Frank lin Con nections LP, owns a nut and food serv ice nut pack ag ing and candy manu fac tur ing and pack ag ing busi ness. In July 2002, Elamex ac quired those op era tions, which en compassed Azar Nut Cjo., El Paso, TX, and

Sun rise Con fec tions, Cjiu dad Juarez, Mex ico. Elamex was founded in 1973 as a con tract manu fac turer and went public in 1996, listed as ELAM on NASDAQ. Azar was founded in 1907 as a privately- owned busi ness, which included pri vate la bel, be gun in the 1920s. Azar grew to be come one of the larg est pri vate la bel nut sup pli ers in the U.S. Its plant fa cil ity is filled with stateof-the-artnutprocessingandpackaging equip ment. Its qual ity, serv ice, and value all de pend on strict, re li able de livery and care ful con trol of ware house and store in ven to ries. Prod uct lines are sold ex ten sively though Az ar’s ef fec tive re tail, food-serv ice, and spe cialty/gourmet food mar ket ing prod ucts. The firm serves the re tail and food- serv ice trade, each with a com mit ment ment to quality, serv ice and value for every prod uct it makes.

Products: Nuts, snack mixes, candy Sales Contacts:

Greg Butler, VP Sales/ Marketing (Azar Nut, El Paso-- (915) 877- 4079; (800) 351-8178)


Di vi sion of Un ion Com modi ties (PVT) Ltd. 5155 Hart ford Ave., Co lum bus, IN 47203 USA Tel: Fax:

+812 375- 1937 +812 376- 7382

To tal Sales Vol ume: $0.5 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 80%

Ex port Mar kets: U.S., Can ada, Aus tra lia, Saudi Ara bia, United King dom, Rus sia Pro file:

From a coun try tra di tion ally re known for its qual ity tea, Un ion Com modi ties (PVT) Ltd., es tab lished some 12 years ago, has pro duced an out stand ing record in tea ex ports. The firm now maintains Em pire Tea Serv ices as its mar ket ing arm for pure Cey lon tea prod ucts. Ex ports to other coun tries are han dled from Sri Lanka by Un ion Com modi ties (also listed in the SOUR-

CE BOOK). Pri vate la bel has opened up a new ave nue of mar ket ing for the com pany’s high- quality teas, of fered to mass merchandisechains,supermarketsand other seg ments of the busi ness—ena bling them to com pete with na tional brand prod ucts.

Products: Tea bags, loose leaf tea in packets Sales Contacts: Larry Paranavitana

EN ZO PAC, INC. 4350 South Tay lor Drive, She boygan, WI 53081 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(920) 457- 7761; 800- 473- 0757 (920) 457- 3899

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 25% ExportMarkets: N/A Profile:

En zo Pac con tin ues to be a lead ing manufac tur ing serv ice pro vider for the food indus try with an on going com mit ment to ex cel lence. Its strength is its abil ity to ap ply its ex pe ri ence, since 1925, in pro duc ing dry food prod ucts to the chang ing food mar kets. The com pa ny’s R&D de partment util izes a pro gram of con stant formula evalua tion, which fo cuses on all parts of its business-- re tail, food- service, and con tract manufacturing. When national brand for mula changes are detected,EnzoPacreactsimmediatelyto meet or ex ceed these changes. The company has moved to a new, state- of- the- art, 112,000- square- foot fa cil ity. Its fully in tegratedmanufacturing/warehousing/corporateheadquartersallowsthecompany to pro vide com plete serv ices to its cus tomers from prod uct de vel op ment to dis tri bution. In 1999, En zo pack ex panded its dis tribu tion cen ter to 130,000 square feet.The firm has taken qual ity one step fur ther through modu lar blend ing and pack ag ing bays that elimi nate any chance of cross con tami na tion.

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


Products: All dry foods, including gelatins,

manu fac turer. Shortly there af ter its in terest turned to pri vate la bel, pro duc ing prod ucts for gro cery chains, whole sal ers, and food-serv ice ac counts. For 75 years, the com pany has strived to pro vide its custom ers with qual ity prod ucts and on- time delivery;customersatisfactionhasbeen the key to its suc cess. In the mid 1950s, Erbrich ex panded into house hold clean ing prod ucts, since its cus tom ers could ac cept de liv ery of both food and clean ers on the same truck. While po si tioned as a Midwest manu fac turer, the com pany re cently dis tin guished it self by be com ing the first pri vate la bel manu fac turer to in tro duce a thick liq uid dis in fec tant toi let bowl cleaner.

puddings, dessert mixes, pancake mixes, and other baking mixes, drink mixes, sauces & gravies, bread mixes

Sales Contacts:

Steve Van Remortel, Vice-President, Sales & Marketing

EP SEN HILL MER GRAPH ICS CO. 2000 California Street, Omaha, NB 68102 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(402) 342- 7000 (402) 342- 5593

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Pre cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

In busi ness since 1908, Ep sen Hill mer Graph ics is pri vately owned by the Hillmer fam ily and key board mem bers. Its busi ness be gan in beer la bel ing and has over the years ex panded through the bev er age, health and beauty care, automo tive, and toys mar kets. Re cently, the firm has in tro duced a new data ex press serv ice, link ing all its cus tom ers to its com puter sys tem, put ting them on- line.

Services: Label design and printing Sales Contacts:

Phil Cruz

Products: Bleach, ammonia, fabric softener, toilet bowl cleaner, specialty household cleaners, assorted mustards, vinegars

Sales Contacts: Steve Sewell, President; Marcia Lindsey, Customer Service

EURO BROS BV Klare nan steler weg 2, 6468 EP Ker krade, THENETHERLANDS Tel: Fax: URL:

+31 45 567 89 00 +31 45 567 89 01

To tal Sales Vol ume: $18 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 80%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, USA, South east Asia Profile: ER BRICH PROD UCTS CO., INC. 1120 E. 32nd St., In di an apo lis, IN 46205 USA Tel: Fax:

(317) 925- 6433 (317) 921- 5023

To tal Sales Vol ume: $10 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 100%

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Er brich Prod ucts be gan op era tions in 1921 pri mar ily as a brand name food

228 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Formerly called Sanodent, this company now called Eurobros, operates as a member of the Coronet group of companies. Eurobros is family-owned, under the owners G. Weihrauch and H. Weihrauch. It operates in 20 locations inside and outside of Germany. Eurobros holds 1,750 patents, a large number of them in the toothbrush area. Its expertise covers dental care: toothbrushes, floss and sticks. The company additionally produces its own special filments for toothbrushes. Eurobros also now produces household products, such as household brushes,

doormats, coat hangers; hair brushes; and different painting tools, such as paintbrushes, paint rollers, etc.

Products: Tooth brushes; den tal picks,

EURO PEAN ROASTERIE INC. 250 West Brad shaw St., Le Cen ter, MN 56057 USA

Sales Contacts: Leon Vroe me

Tel: Fax: URL:

den tal floss, household brushes, hair brushes, paintbrushes, etc.

(507) 35702272 (507) 357-4478

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 95%

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Japan EURODOUGH


(Sub sidi ary of Sara Lee Bak ery Group) Z.1. Des Alou ettes, 1494 Rue Fran cois Ja cob, Lievin Ce dex 62800, FRANCE Tel: +33 3- 21- 72- 75- 75 Fax: +33 3- 21- 29- 95- 63 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Europe Profile:

For merly called Eu ro pate, this business has be come the larg est refrigerateddough sup plier in France, thanks to its pur chased in mid- 1999 of Pat rick Raulet, S.A., Dole, France. Euro Dough distrib utes prod ucts un der its CroustiP>te and Hap py Roll brands as well as store brands and co- packing busi ness through out West ern Europe. The company is the only pro ducer of canned refrig er ated dough in Europe, op er at ing four plants in France. Euro Dough formerly be longed to The Earth grains com pany, Car roll ton, TX (rei den tifed as Sara Lee Bak ery Group-.

Products: Raw bakery dough (refrigeated or frozen), including recipes for short pastry, puff pastry, sweet dessert pasting, and pizza dough

Sales Con tacts:

Guillaume Reveilhac, Directeur Commercial

Founded in 1986, Euro pean Roasterie Inc. is a privately- held spe cialty gourmet cof fee roaster. Pri vate la bel busi ness be gan in 1991. Its spe cialty: German- style method of slow roast ing cof fee beans. Be sides coffee, the com pany also pro vides loose leaf teas, Oregon chai tea, Big Train brand tea, and dolce syr ups. Its cof fee is also packaged in gift bas kets and boxes. Ists products are ISO 9002 com pli ant and Blue Rib bon Ko sher.

Products: Gourmet coffee, espresso coffee,

flavored coffee whole bean & ground, portion packed & bulk., teas

Sales Contacts: Mark Ericsson, Sales representative

EVER FRESH BEV ER AGES, INC. 6600 East Nine Mile, War ren, MI 48091 USA Tel: Fax:

(800) 323- 3416 N/A

To tal Sales Vol ume: $100 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Hong Kong, Sin ga pore, Can ada, Europe, Car ib bean Profile:

Ever fresh Bev er ages is a sig nifi cant manufac turer of juices and juice drinks in glass and plas tic con tain ers un der its Ever fresh, Sun dance and Rich N’ Ready brands. It plants are in the U.S. and Can ada with its pri mary fo cus on single- serve con tain ers.

Products: Juices, juice drinks, carbonated juices and drinks.

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


Sales Contacts: Walt Kozi ara, Pri vate la bel Manager


EV ER GREEN (C.P.) U.S.A., INC. 338 N. Ca nal St. Suite #8.,South San Fran cisco, CA 94080 USA Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

(650) 952- 8091 (650) 952- 3629 [email protected]

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Worldwide Profile:

Ev er green USA is a di vi sion of the Chung Pak Group, a privately- owned, $500-million-plusmanufacturerof qual ity prod ucts for more than 30 years. The firm is a ma jor sup plier of OEM bat ter ies in the Far East, based in Hong Kong.

Products: Batteries: General purpose, heavy duty, alkaline, nickel cadmium, rechargeable, button cells; batteries for cordless phones, as well as cameras, watches, lanterns, flashlights, toys.

Sales Contacts:

Martin Kuchinski, National Sales Manager

Founded in 1995 by a group of ag ri culturalentrepreneurs,Expropalmtodayis one of the larg est hearts of palm proc essors and ex port ers in Ec ua dor. Hearts of palm or pal mito are ob tained from the heart of the cul ti vated palm spe cies, Bactris ga si paes, nown as “Chon taduro” in Ec ua dor. Pal mito is an ex otic tropic vegeta ble, freshly cut by the com pany to en sure its soft tex ture, deli cate fla vor and ivory color. The com pany pro cesses cul ti vated pal mito ex clu sively, us ing only or ganic fertil iz ers and no pessti cides in its fields. The prod uct is mar keted un der the Tsabo brand as well as pri vate la bel.

Products: Hearts of palm, papaya Sales Contacts: Vladimir A. Torres L., General Manager; Jose Luis Pacheos; Esteban Davalos V, Export Service.

F & F FOODS, INC. 3501 W. 48th Place, Chi cago, IL 60632 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(773) 927- 3737; (800) 621- 0225 (773) 927- 3906

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 24%

Ex port Mar kets: Russia,Mexico,Canada Profile: EX PRO PALM S.A. P.O. Box 17- 11- 4929, Quito- Ecuador, SOUTH AMERICA Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

+593 2- 243- 140 +593 2- 243- 096 [email protected]

To tal Sales Vol ume: $10 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 95%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe (France, Bel gium, Switzer land, Ger many), United States, Ar gentina, Chile, New Zea land, etc.,

Started in 1928 as a pro ducer of cough drops, cough syr ups and the like, this private com pany has ex panded and ac quired some in ter est ing well- known brands, such as Smith Bros. cough drops (started in 1847) pur chased from War ner Lam bert in 1978 and Sen- Sen, the old est breath freshe ner in the U.S. Ad di tion ally, the com pany mar kets Daily C vi ta min brand. Its ex clu sive brands busi ness be gan recently and now is di vided be tween cough & cold reme dies and con fec tions, Its recent ac tiv ity in cludes a heavy push into nutraceuticals(soliddosageproducts).

Products: Cough & cold (cough drops, zinc,

230 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

pressed tablets, lozenges); confections (breath strips, hard


candy including sugar-free, mints) drugs, vitamins, candy, cookies,

Sales Contacts:

U.S, rep re sent ing con soli dated net sales of $9.1 billion- - filed for Chap ter 11 bankruptcy pro tec tion. Di vest ments and sales fol lowed for this fi nan cially trou bled opera tion. A slumping fer til izer busi ness and prob lems in pret roleum fu eled its de cline. Its beef proc ess ing busi ness was sold to U.S. Pre mium Beef, its pork proc ess ing business ($1.8 bil lion in sales) in Oc to ber 2003 went to Smith field Foods Inc., while other parts of its op era tion also dis appeared. Farm land was founded in 1929 as Un ion Oil Com pany and changed its nametoConsumersCooperativeAssociation in 1935. Thirty years later, 1966, the associationassumeditspresentidentity. Part of its busi ness in cluded Farm land Pet Food. Most of the 30 years his tory of that business in cluded pri vate la bel, to tal ling more than 75 dif fer ent pet food la bels at one time.

Dr. Owen Harris, Vice-President Research & Development; Scott Hulvat, Senior Vice-Presidents, Sales & Marketing.

FAB RICA DE PA PEL SAN FRAN CISCO Blvd Lopez Mateos Km. 5.5, Mexi cali, BC, MEXICO Tel: (760) 357-0204 Fax: (760) 357-4853 URLl: To tal Sales Vol ume: $60 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 5%

Ex port Mar kets: United States Profile:

This firm is po si tioned as the strong est pa per com pany in North west ern Mexico. The com pany traces its roots back to 1959, be gin ning as Pa per Con vert ing of Baja Cali for nia, pro duc ing Kraft paper bags. Then the com pany ex paned into nap kins and toi let pa per. In 1980, a tis sue mill plant was added, sig nal ling the start of Fab rica de Pa pel San Francisco. This com pany now looks to en ter the South west ern mar ket of the United States.

Products: Dry dog and cat pet food Sales Contacts:

Mario A. Garcia, Export Manager (e-mail: [email protected])

Products: N/A Sales Contacts: N/A

FEM PRO INC. 1313 Mi chaud, Drum mon ville, Que bec J2C 2Z5, CANADA Tel: (819) 475- 8912; (800) 649- 7813 Fax: (819) 475- 8925 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A FARM LAND IN DUS TRIES, INC.

(Out of Busi ness) 10380 N. Ex ecu tive Hills Blvd., P.O. Box 7305, Dept. 121, Kan sas City, MO 64116- 0005 USA URL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

In May 2002, Farm land In dus tries—the largestagriculturalcooperativeinthe


This com pany was started two years ago, af ter Cas cades PSH of Mont real, Que bec, Can ada, a di vi sion of Cas cades, Inc. of Kingsey Falls, Can ada, was sold. The parent com pany con tin ues as a pro ducer of recycledpaper.Itsadultincontinence busi ness went to SCA Molnlycke (Canada), owned by SCA Molnlycke of Sweden. The femi nine hy giene busi ness be came Fem pro, which con tin ues with its brand, In cog nito, as well as de vel op ing its pri vate la bel busi ness. The com pany ac tually traces its be gin ning to 1984, when the

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 231

French com pany, Kaysers berg, joined Cas cades Inc., to mar ket sani tary napkins un der the Va nia brand. That identity was changed to In cog nito in 1990 and six years later, the com pany was reor gan ized as a new pri vate en ter prise, un der Fem pro Inc. Re cently, the company ex panded its pro duc tion fa cili ties.

with strin gent qual ity and proc ess ing standards, while sta tis ti cal pro cess con trol and meth ods of qual ity im prove ment are used on most proj ects.

Products: Packaging for pharmaceutical,

personal care, OTC, toiletries and cosmetics. Leaders in roll-on dispensing systems and oval stick deodorants and antiperspirants.

Products: Feminine hygiene pads (Sanitary

Napkins--panty liners, ultra thin, maxi-thin, maxi); meat soaker Pads

Sales Con tacts:

Jean Louis Bouchard, Vjice-President, Commercialization; Michel Bourassa, Director of Exports

FEN TON, WE BER & JONES PACK AG ING 385 Cross point Pkwy., Getz ville, NY 14068 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(716) 568-1290 (716) 568-1301

Sales Contacts: Russell Fenton, COO, Sales & Marketing or Phone/fax for one of five offices—New Jersey, Florida, Buffalo (NY), Chicago, or Los Angeles

FER RA NIA TECHNOLOGIES* 6063 Hud son Road, Ste. 121, Wood bury, MN 55125 USA

Tel: Fax: URL:

(651) 704-3503; (888) 846-2846 (651) 734-6625

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 15%

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: North and South Amer ica,

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, South east Asia, South Amer ica—up to 60 coun tries

Europe,Caribbean Profile: Profile:

This privately- held com pany, founded in No vem ber 1984 by Rus sell Fen ton and John Scott Jones, is po si tioned to pro vide cus tom and stock rigid plas tic pack ag ing to ma jor mar ket ers on a national and in ter na tional ba sis. Its ca pabili ties cover con cept to com ple tion, design,engineeringandprocessingby ex tru sion blow mold ing, in jec tion blow molding,injectionmolding,injection stretch blow mold ing and multi- layer. A varietyofsecondarydecoratingoptions and as sem bly is avail able as well. The com pany is a leader in de odor ant and antiperspirantpackaging.Itssealing sys tems are de vel oped in roll- on packages, de signed to pre vent leak age in difficult- to- hold for mu las. Over the past 10 years, the com pany has av er aged a 35% growth rate. The firm’s manu factur ing fa cili ties are audited to com ply

232 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

In August 1999, Ima tion Corp. sold its Photo Color Sys tems busi ness; and Fer rania Im ag ing Tech nolo gies was formed as an in de pend ent, privately- held com pany. In July 2005, how ever, own er ship was trans ferred to FI TRA In ves ti menti Spa, a consortiumoftopItalianindustrialists. Their in terest, which cover mari time transportation,thesteelindustry,general con struc tion, and en ergy pro duc tion, also in cludes high- tech products- - an area that Ferraniaprovidesassociatedproducts. Fer ra nia to day, based in It aly, has been build on a busi ness started some 80 years ago and now cov er ing pho tog ra phy, health care and graphic arts. Ad di tion ally, the com pany claims to be the world leader in pri vate la bel pho to graphic prod ucts, such as: color film, single- use cam eras and photo-qual ity ink jet printer pa per for the con sumer mar ket. In the U.S., 75% of its pho tog ra phy sales are in pri vate la bel,

while in in jet prod ucts, its’s about 40% pri vate la bel. Lately, the com pany has FICHTHORN AS SO CI ATES DE SIGN CO. ex panded its se lec tion of ready- to- use, 645 Domax St., Sanibet, , FL 33614, USA color 35 mm cam eras, in clud ing one that con tains black- and- white film (its Tel: (239) 472- 5436 So laris brand film) and a Go- Digital Fax: (239) 472-5486 35mm cam era (packed with post age URL: paid pho tof in ish ing en ve lope). Also, its ink jet car tridges and pa per of fer ing (iden ti fied un der the Op tiJet brand) has To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A been ex panded, the car tridges com patible with a va ri ety of name brand deskEx port Mar kets: N/A top print ers. Late in 2004, the com pany Profile: Fichthorn As so ci ates, which has been in in tro duced a highly ad vanced tech nolbusi ness since 1984, is an in de pend ent ogy, Per Dura, which pre vents gas fadpackagedesignconsultantservice,designing of ink jet printed full- color pho tos. ing pack ag ing for ma jor re tail dis tribu tors Glossy po rous ink jet pa per has a surand name brand manu fac tur ers. De vel opface that al lows ozone to at tack the dyeing graph ics and copy for re tail pack ag ing, based ink, thus caus ing up to 70% of the firm de signs pack ages that reach color den sity loss in just half a year. The carefully- targeted audi ences in the re tail Per Dura tech nol ogy pre vents this gasen vi ron ment by cre at ing a unique blend of fading prob lem by using radi cal scav enmarketingobjectives,creativeaesthetics ger and an ti oxi dant at the mo lecu lar andconsumerpsychology. level, which re pel the ozone at tacks, thus pro tect ing the color of the printed imProducts: Package design services for OTC age. Fer ra nia op er ates through two drug, health and beauty, household manufacturing,researchanddevelopchemicals, housewares, consumer ment, and dis tri bu tion fa cili ties in It aly electronics. and in the U.S., while also main tain ing Sales sales of fices in six coun tries. Its headContacts: Rick Fichthorn quar ters: Fer ra nia S.p.A., Sede Le gale: Vi ale della Lib erta, 57, Fra zi one Ferrani, 117014 Cairo Mon tenotte (SV). Tel: +39 019522.1; Fax: +39 0195220412. FIELDALE FARMS CORP. Products: Color print film, single-use P.O. Box 558, Bald win, GA 30511 USA cameras (outdoor, indoor/outdoor with flash, panoramic, digital, and waterproof-underwater), and photo-quality inkjet papers and inkjet printer cartridges).

Sales Contacts:

Tel: Fax:

(706) 778- 5100 (706) 776- 3191

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: 50 coun tries Don Cacciola, Marketing Manager; Wacek Kucy, International Export Sales & Profile: Fieldale Farms, founded in 1972, is an Marketing ); Tom “Dog” Zohn, Inkjet independently- owned op era tion. Since its Media & Cartridge Director for ma tion, the com pany has en joyed signifi cant growth, up by 400%. The company, which packs some 500 dif fer ent items, is the larg est pro ducer of pri vate label tray- pack prod ucts. Products: Tray-pack poultry products. 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


Sales Contacts:

ing plants in Vir ginia, Cali for nia, New Jer sey and, most re cently, Ver mont, which pro vide a com plete line of va rie tals, bends, fla vored and de caf fein ated cof fees in a vari ety of roast lev els. (Its New Jer sey op eration is listed in the SOUR CE BOOK as The Origi nal Pre mium Cof fee Com pany.) Prod uct is pack aged in valve bags and vaccum- packed bricks to pre serve freshness of the fine ara bica cof fees. First Colony also has an ex clu sive li cens ing agree ment with the Ghi rar delli Choco late Co. to pro duce chocolate- flavored cof fees. The com pany pack age sizes range from 1.5 ounces up to five pounds as well as a va ri ety of year- round and holi day cof fee gifts and a com plete line of spe cialty teas.

Gus Arrendale, Vice-President of Marketing; Sammy Franklin, Sales Manager; Bo Coursey, Export Manager; Jim McGahee, Commodity Sales; Jeff Paschall, Tray-Pack Sales; Larry Glover, Further Processing Sales

FINE FOODS IN TER NA TIONAL (N.Y.) LP 20 Kristy Drive, Be thel, CT 06801, USA Tel: Fax:

(203) 748- 1062 (203) 748-1085

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 98%

Ex port Mar kets: Canada Profile:


John Kuzmick, Vice-President, Sales & Market


204- 22 West 22nd Street, Nor folk, VA 23517, USA Tel: Fax: URL:

Sales Con tacts:

This privately- held com pany, es tablished in 1988, is a ma jor dis tribu tor of the prod ucts listed be low, sold to wholesale gro cery chains.

Products: Instant coffee, gourmet coffee, Sales Contacts:

Products: Coffee, tea, gift packs

(757) 622- 2224; (800) 466- 8555 (757) 623- 1833

FIRST QUAL ITY HY GI ENIC, INC.* 80 Cut ter mill Road (Suite. 500), Great Neck, NY 11021 USA Tel: Fax:

(516) 829-3030; (800) 488- 3130 (516) 498- 2424


To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: 50+ coun tries—Can ada*, South Amer ica, Europe, Mid dle East, Pa cific Rim, han dled through First Qual ity In ter na tional (*ex cept Can ada) Profile:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $50 Million Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 30%

Ex port Mar kets: Asia,Canada,Australia Profile:

Carl Smith, Vice-President of Sales; Liz Sflharty, Head of Customer Relations

First Col ony Cof fee & Tea Com pany was founded in 1902 as a lo cal roast ing com pany, serv ing the Nor folk and Tidewa ter Vir ginia area. The com pany has grown to become rec og nized as a leader in the spe cialty cof fee in dus try, op er at-

234 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

First Qual ity Hy gi enic, started in 1990, is a privately-heldbusinessthatoperates through three di vi sions: ab sorb ent hy gienic prod ucts, pa per prod ucts, and nonwovenmaterials,servingthehealthcare, re tail, and com mer cial chan nels. The company manu fac tures and mar kets adult in con ti nence prod ucts, tam pons and wet wipes. Its manu fac tur ing fa cil ity is a stateof- the- art, 1,300,000- square- foot plant, located in McEl hat tan, PA. The firm supplies pri vate la bel tam pons to more than

50 top re tail ers in the food, drug, and International Sales; Simon Shavanson, mass mer chan diser classes of trade. The Director of Sales, International; Shirley com pany sells Fem tex® value brand Mazzullo, Sales & Marketing Coordinator Open- End and Rounded- Tip Card(e-mail: [email protected]) board Ap pli ca tor tam pons, a full line of Pre vail® value brand adult in con tinence prod ucts, as well as spun bound non-wovenmaterials.Lineextensions FLA VOR & FRA GRANCE SPE CIAL TIES and new prod ucts are in cluded in its future plans. In June 2007, its 7th pro duc300 Cor po rate Drive, Mahwa, NJ 07430 USA tion line be gan op era tions; while plans Tel: (201) 828- 9400 for its 8th ma jor pro duc tion line were announcedwithscheduledproduction Fax: (201) 828- 9449 to be gin in the first quar ter of 2009. URL: This new line will in cor po rate the lat est To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Reifenhausertechnologyforspinning Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 10% and melt blow ing and will in clude the company’sproprietaryfeatures.This Ex port Mar kets: Europe, South east Asia com pany has es tab lished a new sis ter com pany to en ter the baby dia per Profile: This privately- held firm, founded in 1983, business- -a natu ral ex ten sion with its exserves all classes of cus tom ers, large and per tise in ab sorb ent hy giene prod ucts. small, pro vid ing strong tech ni cal sup port In April 2008, the com pany paid $330 in a broad range of in dus tries. FFS’s remil lion in cash to ac quire the Re tail search has led to the de vel op ment of Prod ucts Busi ness of Co vidien Ltd., unique and pro prie tary prod ucts, such as Ham il ton, Ber muda. This por tion of an En vi ron men tal Odor Con trol fraCo vidien (a $9 bil lion en ter prise) grance sys tem for con trol ling malo dors; showed sales of $744 mil lion in fis cal High Im pact fla vors, Qual ity Tested fla2007, cov er ing in fant care prod ucts vors and fra grances, and Am mo nia (dia pers and train ing pants), in con tiGuard. Its in gre di ents are used in: soaps nenceproducts(protectiveunderwear, and de ter gents cat lit ter, pa per goods, oral blad der con trol pads, adult briefs, etc.), prod ucts, bev er ages, and space fresh eners. and femi nine hy giene prod ucts (lin ers, ul tra thin pads and maxis with wings). Products: Flavors and fragrances Co vidi en’s re tail busi ness sup plied 17 of Sales the top 20 re tail ers in North Amer ica. Contacts: William Palmer, Vice-President, Sales The ac quisi ton for First Qual ity promises to en hance its di ver si fied product port fo lio plus fill out a full range of adult in con ti nence, femi nine hy giene, wet and dry wipes, and baby dia pers. Also, its FLAVORCHEMCORPORATION over all busi ness ob vi ously now will produce $1 bil lion+ in es ti mated sales. Or chidia Fra grance Di vi sion 1525 Brook Drive, Down ers Grove, IL 60515 USA

Products: Tampons, incontinence products, disposable adult/baby wet wipes, nonwoven roll goods

Sales Contacts:

Kenneth W. Schuler, Vice-President of Sales; Daniel Murphy, Regional Vice-President, Sales & Marketing; Rich Galbraith, Director of Sales, Western Region; Heros Minassian, Vice-President

Tel: Fax:

(847) 932- 8100 (847) 932- 4626

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 30%

Ex port Mar kets: Mexico,Canada,Romania

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion



Fla vor chem is a full- service fla vor company, of fer ing eve ry thing from prod uct developmenttofinishedretailproducts. The com pany cre ates fla vor sys tems for use in manu fac tur ing candy, bak ery goods, soft drinks, ice cream and re tail home use prod ucts. Con sis tency, qual ity con trol, and timely or der proc ess ing (nor mally 14 days) in sure cus tomer satis fac tion. It can mix batches from one pound up to sev eral th o u s a nd pounds for manu fac turer of fla vor ex tracts and food col or ings. Es tab lished in 1971, the com pany serv ices ma jor gro cery chains, de part ment stores, and cata log re tail ers. Its re tail pack ages fea ture eye- catching la bels with proper iden ti fi ca tion of the prod uct, list ing all the in gre di ents plus a U.P.C. code. Its Spi cery Shoppe fla vors are packed in re cy cla ble glass, be cause no other ma te rial can bet ter pro vide the bar rier quali ties of glass, in sur ing product shelf life.

ori gins trace back to li censed phar ma ceu ti cal prod ucts with the DDD medi cated range. Fleet pro duces, mar kets, and sells many lead ing brands (As tral, Blis teze, Den ti nox, Ibuleve, Me dijel, Otex, Oz, and Stain Dev ils). Its two manu fac turing sites cover more than 80,000 square feet, ca pa ble of han dling a wide range of prod ucts: liq uids, lo tions, creams, gels, suspen sions, and alcohol- based items. Re cent prod uct de vel op ments in clude: (1) a Tea Tree range of naturally- occuring es sen tial oils—anti- bacterial and antiinflammatory, such as cleans ing lo tion, facial wash, spot stock, mois tur iser, cleansing pads, oil, toner, body and hand wash, lip balm, sham poo, and con di tioner; (2) a Shine Con trol range of prod ucts (con taining ac tive in gre di ents) that re duce skin shine and give a matte fin ish to the face, such as a mois tur iser cream, cleans ing lotion, cleanser/toner, and treat ment; and (3) a Medi cated Skin care line to pre vent spots and acne, es pe cially de signed for oily skins, in clud ing cleans ing milk, gel, an tibac te rial fa cial wash, sen si titve skin wash and lo tion, and dual- action pads. Fleet Labs prides it self on idea gen era tion and creativity,conceptandformulationdevelop ment, pack ag ing de sign and origi na tion, mar ket re search, etc. The firm can han dle a wide range of pack ag ing for mats: bottles, tot tles, jars, alu mi num, plas tic and lami nated tubes, and foil seal ing. Fleet operatestopharmaceuticalGMPquality stan dards and pro ce dures; MCA li censed, FDA ap proved, and ISO 9001 ac cred ited.

Products: Baking supplies—flavorings,

dietary supplements, sanitary chemicals, fragrances

Sales Contacts:

Phillip Sprovieri, John Barba


(See Za vida Cof fee Com pany)

Products: Haircare, skincare, toiletries, bath FLEET LABO RA TO RIES LIM ITED 94 Rick man sworth Rd., Wat ford, Herts, WD1 7JJ UNITED KING DOM Tel: Fax: URL:

+44 1- 923- 229251 +44 1- 923- 220728

& shower products, pharmaceuticals, household products.

Sales Contacts: Judy Slater, Business Development Manager; Hanna Coonagh, PL Account Manager

To tal Sales Vol ume: $40 Mil lion (E) Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 30 %

Ex port Mar kets: United States, Europe Profile:

Fleet Labo ra to ries, a mem ber of The DDD Group, was founded in 1912. Its


Cus tom Flexo gra phers 12820 W. Glen dale Ave., But ler, WI 53151 USA Tel:

236 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

(262) 790- 2748; 800- 422- 6888

Fax: URL:

(262) 790- 2759

new 300,000- square- foot plant in Kan sas City, MO

Products: Foam cups and plates

To tal Sales Vol ume: $5 Mil lion+ Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 40 ExportMarkets: Profile:

Sales Contacts: Bill Biggins, President

South east Asia

This cus tom flexo gra pher is equipped with a one- to eight- color nar row web flexo graphic printer, in clud ing fourcolor pro cess. It pro duces cus tom la bels, de cals and tags for the auto mo tive, brew ing, house wares, elec tron ics, health care and food in dus tries. The com pany is a sup plier to sev eral For tune 500 and ex clu sive brand com pa nies. Its rapid growth is at trib uted to out stand ing customer serv ice, fast turn around and ontime de liv ery of top- quality, costeffectiveproducts.

Products: Labels, decals and tags. Sales Contacts:

FOOD SPE CIAL TIES COM PANY 12 E. Sun ny brook Dr., Cin cin nati, OH 45237 USA Tel: Fax:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90%

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Tim Mueller, President; David Schulz, Executive Vice-President; Barbara A. Tenpenny, Vice-President of Special Sales

(513) 761- 1242 (513) 821- 3733

In busi ness for some 80 years, Food Special ties is a pri vate la bel sup plier to re tailers/whole sal ers. The family- owned firm also is a con tract manu fac turer, sell ing to retailers and to food-serv ice ac counts.

Products: Dressings, sauces Sales StuartSchulman,President Contacts: FOAM CON TAINER COR PO RA TION 4231 Clary Blvd., Kan sas City, MO 64130 USA Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

(816) 924- 7100 (816-924-1488 [email protected]

To tal Sales Vol ume: $4.5 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 80%

Ex port Mar kets: Canada,Mexico Profile:

FOODEX S.A. Mag dalena, Mani zales, COLOMBIA Tel: (57) 1 629 2490 Fax: (57) 1 629 2468 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Pe cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Foam Con tainer claims to be the Ex port Mar kets: North Amer ica, South fastest- growing pri vate la bel foam cup Amer ica, Asia, Europe, Far East manu fac turer in the U.S. Its strength: A will ing ness to han dle the high pack ag ing Profile: Founded by the Toro fam ily in Oc to ber re quire ments of pri vate la bel at low 1988, Decafe S.A. Be gan pro duc ing conmini mum runs. The firm main tains cen trated cof fee ex tract un der the De cafe maxi mum flexi bil ity for smaller com paS.A. iden tity in 1991. Then the com pany nies. Started in 1987, this privately- held di ver si fied into other in stant food prodfirm is a sis ter com pany of As pen Products. To day, it op er ates two di vi sions. The ucts (also in the SOUR CE BOOK). In Cof fee Di vi sion pro duces pow dered and March 1996, both firms re lo cated to a agglomeratedsolublecoffee,concentrated 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


cof fee ex tract, cof fee oil and granits, cap puc cino, and cafe latte. Its Bev er age Di vi sion han dles soft drinks, in stant juices, pow dered milk modi fi ers, and gela tins. Its fully- automated and comput er ized fac tory is lo cated in the fer tile area of Mani zales, Co lom bia, at the very heart of the coffee- growing in dustry. Its ex port busi ness started in January 1994. In August 1995, the com pany started re tail pack ing for the Japa nese mar ket, then ex panded exports to other Latin Ameri can mar kets: with pri vate brands. In Oc to ber 2003, the com pany re named it self, Foodex S.A.

growing pack age con vert ers. Dedi cated to pro duc ing out stand ing pack ag ing for exclu sive brand food, bev er age and household prod uct manu fac tur ers, FDC of fers a broad rep er toire of serv ices, fea tur ing all phases of print ing—from on- demand digital print ing to flexo gra phy to direct- toplate and in clud ing Hi- Colour 7- color print ing capability. In Janu ary 2004, however, the com pany sold its Vir tu al color prepress di vi sion for $10 mil lion to Schawk, Inc., Des Plaines, IL, a brand managementsolutionsproviderwith services in dig it ized high reso lu tion color graph ics. Fort Dear born thus agreed to outs ource its prepress needs with Schawk for five years, and con cen trate on its printing op era tion.

Products: “Coffee and coffee products Sales Contacts:

Alejandra Sarasty Q, Marketing Coordinator

Products: Lithographic, flexographic, and

digital printing services for label and packaging requirements

Sales Matt Adler, National Sales Manager; Con tacts: Allyson Szafranski, Marketing Manager (e-mail: [email protected]) FORT DEAR BORN COM PANY 1530 Morse Ave., Elk Grove, IL 60007, USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(847) 357- 2300 (847) 357-8021

To tal Sales Vol ume: $170 Mil lion+ (E) Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 60% Ex port Mar kets: Mex ico, Europe Profile:

4C FOODS CORP. 580 Foun tain Ave., Brook lyn, NY 11208 USA Tel: Fax:

(718) 272- 4242 (718) 272- 2899

To tal Sales Vol ume: $65 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%

In June 2006, Fort Dear born Com pany, a family- run busi ness founded in 1925, Ex port Mar kets: Mid dle East (six coun tries) in cludwas ac quired by the pri vate eqquty ing Cy prus, Israel, Cen tral and South Amerfirm, Gen star Capi tal, San Fran cisco. ica (10 coun tries), Hong Kong, Ja pan, Rus sia, Fort Dear born is a lead ing sup plier of Korea. high- impact deco ra tive la bels for bev erProfile: Founded more than 75 years ago, the priages, food, house hold prod ucts, paint vately (fam ily)- held 4C Foods be gan by and coatilngs, and per sonal care prodpack ing grated cheese be hind the famucts. The com pany spe cial izes in cut ily-owned gro cery store. Later, the comand stack, pres sure sen si tive, and shrink pany ex panded into the pack ing and sleeve re quire ments. Pri vate la bel plays sea son ing of bread crumbs as well as spare a sig nifi cant role in its busi ness. In 2007, rib sauce. Some 25 years ago, its ac qui sithecompanyacquiredRenaissance tion of Ideal Tea Pack ing Co., Inc. led it Mark, which was merged into the cominto the pri vate la bel pack ing of iced tea pa ny’s cut and stack la bel op era tion. mix, de hy drated soup mixes, and seaFort Dear born is rec og nized as North soned coat ing mixes. To day, the com pany Ameri ca’s larg est pro ducer of off set lais the pre mier and ma jor packer of these bels, and one of Ameri ca’s fastest-

238 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

pri vate la bel items in the en tire na tion. Profile: In busi ness for more than 25 years, Frazer In fact, if the 4C brand and the pri vate De sign Prod ucts spends most of its ef forts la bel brands of iced tea mix can be comin de sign ing and en gi neer ing plas tic prodbined, then 4C Foods packs and sells ucts. The com pany has col lected up wards more iced tea mix ton nage than does of 40 pat ents in pack ag ing ma te ri als. The Lip ton. 4C Foods packs only 100% firm also manu fac tur ers “snap- in” pour pure im ported grated cheese with no spouts. Its spouts snap into stan dard plasfill ers or ad di tives. New cheese pack ing tic bot tle neck fin ishes. The spouts miniequip ment has been re cently in stalled, mize drips, aid in con trol ling pour as the com pany has now ex panded into dy nam ics, and en hance the pack age’s perthe up scale cheese mar ket. The comceived value. One of the most re cent projpany now can util ize and pack in glass ects in volves a one- piece, flip- top jars, com pos ite cans, poly eth yl ene condis pens ing cap, which Frazer plans to protain ers and ever- increasing net-weight duce un der con tract with a clo sure manucan sizes. Re cent ad di tions to the grated facturer. cheese line in clude 8- ounce deli cups of Par me san and Ro mano cheese, 3- pound Products: Complete package design services, drip minimizing/control pour spout bags of Par me san and Ro mano grated inserts cheese, and 14- ounce com pos ite cans of Sales Par me san and Ro mano grated cheese. Contacts: James (Jim) Frazer, Marketing Manager Bread crumbs are now packed in a su(e-mail: [email protected]) per size 46- ounce net- weight can, while iced tea mix is packed in a new 96ounce- size net-weight can. 4C Food is now “OU” kosher ap proved for the pack ing of iced tea mix, plain and flaFRES- CO SYS TEM USA, INC. vored bread crumbs and lem on ade mix. 3005 State Road, Tel ford, PA 18969- 1033, USA

Products: Bread crumbs, cappuccino mixes,

dehydrated soup mixes, grated cheese, iced tea mixes, seasoned coating mixes, lemonade drink mix, spare rib sauce.

Sales Contacts:

Nat Celauro, Senior Vice-President; Tony Landolfi, Vice-President of Sales; Dan Swartz, Vice-President.

FRAZER DE SIGN PROD UCTS INC. 239 An ti och Road, P.O. Box 885, Bar ne gat Light, NJ 08006- 0885 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(609) 494- 3412 (609) 361- 8578

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Mex ico, Europe

Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

(215) 721- 4600 (215) 821- 4414 [email protected]

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

With more than 80 years of ex pe ri ence, Fres- co is a leader in high- performance, flexi ble pack ag ing sys tems. The com pany is a sin gle re source for cus tom ers, of fer ing customizedpackagingandengineeringdesign, roll stock lami na tions, pre- made bags and pouches, and auto mat ic and semiautomatic pack ag ing equip ment. Its othnated bar rier bags for su pe rior en vi ronmental pro tec tion of high- value, sen si tive products.Primaryareasofapplication are: cof fee, pet food, and com mer cial products,includingagrochemicals,resins and poly mers, feed and food in gre di ents, pig ments and dyes, and spe cialty chemicals.

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


Products: Rollstock laminations, pre-made

bags and pouches, automatic and semi-automatic packaging machines

Sales Contacts:

FUJI NOVEL BAT TER IES AND STATIONERY 300 Cor po rate Dr., Mah wah, NJ 07430 USA

Customer Services

Tel: Fax: URL: FRU TA ROM INC. 9500 Rail road Ave nue, North Ber gen, NJ 07070 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(201) 861- 9500 (201) 861- 9267

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Global Profile:

In 1993, Fru ta rom, Ltd. of Haifa, Is rael, com pleted the ac qui si tion of Meer Corp., Ber gen, NJ. In Janu ary 1996, MeerCorporation,InternationalFrutarom Cor po ra tion (IFC) and Fru ta rom USA (FUSA) an nounced their con solida tion un der the name, Fru ta rom Inc. This new op era tion, now part of ICC Chemi cal Corp., New York, an in ter national trad ing com pany and also owner of Kon syl Phar ma ceu ti cals Inc., listed in the SOUR CE BOOK), de vel ops, manufac tur ers, and mar kets qual ity fla vors for use in foods, bev er ages and other con sumer prod ucts; as well as fine ingre di ents (flaor ex tracts, func ti onal food ingredients,essentialoils,citrus products, etc. for foods and bev er ages, per sonal care jproducts and other sectors.

Products: Water soluble gums, botanical

extracts, botanical essential oils, natural colors, oleoresins, flavors, aroma chemicals, sunscreen agents, custom processing

Sales Contacts:

Arthur Curran (e-mail: [email protected])

(201) 512- 0033; (800) 224-3854 (201) 512- 0626

For some 50 years, Fuji Novel Batt eries has sup plied bat ter ies, both branded and pri vate la bel. To day, the com pany is one of the world’s larg est manu fac tur ers of batter ies for port able elec tronic and digi tal camer as. Over the dec ades, this firm has col lected a number of in dustry firsts: 100% mercury- free for mula for cadiumfree bater ies; launch of car bon zinc battery tech nol ogy in the 1950s; and man ganese bat ter ies in 1969. Its popu lar pri vate la bel skus in clude: four- pack AA and AAA bat ter ies, one- pack 9 volt bat ter ies; and two- pack C and D al ka line batt eries.

Products: Batteries (alkaline, heavy duty, general purpose), stationery

Sales Contacts: Russ Bongiorno, Vice-President, Marketing


(Owned by the Fu tai Ger ex per tise in cludes devel op ment of lamiroup) 42 May field Ave.., Edi son, NJ 08837 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(732) 225- 1717 (732) 225- 7707

To tal Sales Vol ume: $10 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 20%

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Mex ico, South Amer ica Profile:

240 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Fu tai first opened its New York sales of fice and show room in 1991. The com pany oper ates its gen eral of fice and dis tri bu tion

cen ter in Edi son, NJ. The com pany is part of the Fu tai Group, the world’s larg est um brella manu fac turer, based in Taipei Hsien, Tai wan (Phone: +886 2291- 7777; con tact: Mr. T.F. Chen, Presi dent), which started the Fu Tai Um brella Works in 1953 and has since expandedinternationallythroughout South east Asia, dis trib ut ing to more than 50 coun tries world wide. Up un til 1992, Fu tai pro duced more than 80% of Totes um brel las. Its um brella de sign car ries pat ents in more than 20 countries. It op er ates 18 fac to ries world wide with sales ex ceed ing $200 mil lion. Outside of pur chas ing ny lon from out side sources, the com pany is a verticallyintegrated um brella pro ducer. The com pany claims that “vir tu ally every um brella on the mar ket to day con tains parts pro duced by our fac to ries.” Its latest prod ucts in clude: light weight raincoats, un der the Leigh ton brand, as well as Feather Light all- aluminum um brellas (avail able for pri vate la bel).

less hand sani tizer, sham poo, con di tioner, bub ble bath, bath beads, bar soaps (beauty,deodorant,translucent,glycerin, ol ive oil, com plex ion, laun dry, nov elty, oatmeal, etc.), plain or mar ble ized in a va ri ety of shapes, sizes, scents and col ors for the re tail and ho tel in dus tries, avail able in a va ri ety of pack ag ing op tions. Its ho tel/motel amen ity pro gram fea tures bar soaps, bath & shower gels, con di tion ing shampoos, lo tions, mend ing kits, shower caps, shoe pol ish ers, bas kets, etc. Gift baskets/woodencratesaccommodateholiday pack ag ing. Pow der laun dry de ter gents are sold in 50- pound bags for ex port & in dustrial cus tom ers. Femi nine sani tary products can be sup plied as well as liq uid de ter gents. The firm’s food di vi sion supplies: ol ive oils (all types), dried figs, ap ri cots, ol ives, canned peaches, fresh kiwi fruits, na vel or anges, and fresh figs.

Products: Toilet soaps, health & beauty

products, toiletries, bulk glycerine soap, liquid soaps, hand sanitizer, hair care, skin care, bath products, feminine hygiene products, powder detergents, hotel amenities. Its food line covers fruits, olives, and figs.

Products: Custom-designed umbrellas and raingear

Sales Contacts:

Alex Dumin, Executive Vice-President, Sales & Marketing; Cliff Gallagher, Vice-President Sales; Carol Giordano

Sales Contacts: Zack Monahoyios, President; Ian Monahoyios; Jason Monahoyios; Carole Poulin (e-mail: [email protected]). U.S. address: P.O. Box 456, Champlain, NY 12919.


FU TURE IN TER NA TIONAL DI VER SI FIED 563 Lin berg St., La val, Que bec, H7P 2N8 CANADA G&L FOOD PROD UCTS LLC P.O. Box 876, 2 Pa petti Plaza, Eliza beth, NJ 07206, USA

Tel: (514) 622- 4064; (800) 565- SOAP Fax: (514) 622- 2170 URL:

Tel: Fax: URL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $4 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 25%

Ex port Mar kets: United States, Car ib bean, Southeast Asia Profile:

(908) 351- 0330; (800) 421-EGGS (908) 351- 0334

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 40%

Since 1985, this com pany has of fered a Ex port Mar kets: Europe, East Europe, Asia, South full line of soaps and toi let ries, such as: a America body wash, bath & shower gels, hand & Privately- held G&L Food Prod ucts op erbody lo tions, foot lo tions, aro mather apy Profile: at es as a sub sidi ary of Debel Foods, a proprod ucts with es sen tial oils, cream liq uid ducer of liq uid, fro zen and dried egg soap, an ti bac te rial liq uid soaps, wa terprod ucts pri mar ily for bak er ies and food 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


manufacturers. G&L Food pro duc es mayo naisse, salad dress ing, pow dered drink mixes for the re tail trade and food serv ice business. G&L’s lat est prod uct line is an as sort ment of dry spices. including TotASak shopping bag carrier

Tel: (630) 350- 9500; (888) TOTASAK Fax: (630) 350- 9555 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Stephen Wietschner, Vice-President, Sales

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Mex ico, South Amer ica

Products: General merchandise items, Sales Contacts:

G.A.I.M. /HEN WAY 833 Fair way Drive, Bensen ville, IL 60106, USA


G&W LABO RA TO RIES, INC. 111 Coo lidge Street, South Plain field, NJ 07080 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(908) 753- 2000 (908) 753- 5174

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%

Ex port Mar kets: South Amer ica Profile:

Through three gen era tions of the Green blatt fam ily, G&W con tin ues to im ple ment many of the origi nal familyoriented ways of pro duc ing qual ity prescrip tion and over- the- counter products. This started with Carl Green blatt in 1919, a phar ma cist who be gan produc ing teeth ing lo tions and wart re movers. G&W has since be come a lead ing de vel oper and manu fac turer/sup plier of sup posi to ries, creams, oint ments, tablets, hem or rhoi dal/vagi nal pads, stimulant laxa tives, bulk ing prod ucts, and Sennatural(standardizedsennavegetable laxa tive).

G.A.I.M. pro duces high- performance prod ucts made from in dus trial poly mer scrap. Its To tASak re tail/gro cery bag (sack) car rier, molded in ther mo plas tic engi neer ing type poly mer, is one re cent exam ple. Made of re cy cled, ground automotivecomponents,thiscomfortable, strong, ligh weight grip han dle is handheld by con sum ers, who can weave it through the “loops” of the han dles on carry out plas tic shop ping bags. To tASak can carry a re tail er’s pri vate brand to rein force a store brand im age.

Products: General merchandise items, including TotASak shopping bag carrier

Sales Contacts: Skip Glatt, President (e-mail: [email protected])

GAN ONG BROS. LTD. 1 Choco late Dr., St. Ste phen, New Bruns wick E3L 2X5 CANADA Tel: Fax: URL:

(506) 465- 5600; (800) 922-1038 (506) 465- 5610

Products: Hemorrhoidal products, Rx

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 15%

Sales Contacts:

Ex port Mar kets: United States, Puerto Rico, Ar gen-

suppositories, stimulant laxatives, bulking products

tina, Ja pan, Thai land, Hong Kong, Eng land

Linda Pilkington, Joel Zaklin Profile:

242 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Es tab lished in 1873, Gan ong Bros. Ltd. is the old est in de pend ent candy com pany in Can ada, a pro ducer of a full line of qual ity choco lates and sugar con fec tions. This privately- owned com pany, founded by the

Gan ong broth ers, James and Gil bert, has to its credit many firsts, in clud ing in ven tor of North Ameri ca’s first fivecent choco late nut bar (1910) and in 1885 the “Chicken Bone,” a cinnamonflavored pink, hard candy jacket over a choco late cen ter. Ad di tion ally, the company was first to im print choco lates on the bot tom, us ing em bossed cel lu loid pads (pat ented by Gil bert Gan ong). Now in its fifth gen era tion of Gan ong fam ily own er ship, Gan ong has transformed the use of real fruit pu rees into verysuccessfulproducts,specifically fruit snacks and real fruit jel lies. These prod ucts are made with real fruit puree—availableforcustomersdesiring qual ity pri vate la bel or con trolled la bel prod ucts as well as sugar con fec tions and boxed choco lates. The com pany opened a plant in Bang kok, Thai land, in 1989.

Products: Fruit snacks, fruit jellies, jelly beans, gum drops, ju jubes, mint lozenges, chocolates

Sales Contacts:

J. Terry Ar thurs, Vice- President U.S. Di vi sion; Robin Hawkes, Sen ior Prod uct Manager(e-mail:[email protected])

GAR COA INC. 24007 Ven tura Blvd., Suite 135, Cala ba sas, CA 913022568 USA Tel: Fax:

Products: Vitamins, hair and skin care,

over-the-counter (OTC) drugs

Sales Contacts: Greg Rubin, CEO; Dolan Aberg Jr. (Vitamin Classics); Michele Pezzner, Sales Administrator; Melinda Benioff, Marketing

GARD CORP. 2727 Roe Lane, Kan sas City, KS 66103 USA Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

(913) 236- 5000 (913) 432- 8309 [email protected]

To tal Sales Vol ume: $12 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 35%

Ex port Mar kets: South Amer ica, South east Asia, Af-

(818) 225- 0375; (800) 831-4247 (818) 225- 9251

rica, Mid dle East Profile:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $10 Mil lion+ Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 70%

Ex port Mar kets: Ja pan, Bra zil, Phil lip pines, Ko rea, Tai wan, Mex ico, China, Para guay, Can ada Profile:

problem- oriented head and body con ditions. For ex am ple, in 1995, the com pany introduceOcu-Max,a20-20nutritional sup ple ment for vis ual en hance ment. The prod uct con tains vi ta mins, herbs and anti- oxidants. In 1996, the firm in tro duced Sleep- Max (PM) — a natu ral for mu la tion with mela tonin (a natu ral sup ple ment that en hances sleep with herbs). These products are avali able for pri vate la bel as well. Vi ta min Clas sics of fers qual ity for mu las at very af ford able, very ag gres sive pric ing ($1 and $2 pro grams at re tail). The company started ex port ing in the 1990s; its over all pri vate la bel and con trolled la bel pro grams re port edly are grow ing at 100% per year.

This com pany is or gan ized around Garcoa (lo tions, styl ing gels, con di tion ers, sham poos, baby prod ucts), and Vi ta min Classics(nutritionalsupplements,burn fat nu tri tional bars & drinks, OTC drugs). Started in 1984, Gar coa/Vi ta min Clas sics has built a fam ily of prod ucts for life- enhancing bene fits as well as

Gard Corp., founded in 1958, is an in depend ent manu fac turer of auto mo tive, industrial,andagriculturallubricantsand chemicalspecialties,covering:motoroils, trans mis sion flu ids, brake flu ids, gear lubes, an ti freeze, wind shield washer fluid.

Products: Automotive lubricants: motor oils,

transmission fluids, automotive chemicals, windshield washer fluid, antifreeze.

Sales Contacts: Leslie D. Cohn, President

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


GEORGIA- PACIFIC NORTH NYSE: GP 800 Con necti cut Ave., P.O. Box 6000, Nor walk, CT 06856-6000 USA Tel: (203) 854-2411 Fax: (203) 854-2852 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Pe cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

In 2000, Fort James, the larg est tis sue manu fac turer in North Amer ica (sales ap proach ing $7 bil lion), was ac quired by Georgia- Pacific Corp., At lanta (Tel: 404- 652- 4000), and re named GeorgiaPacific North. This takeover boost ed GP’s con sumer prod uct sales sig nificantly with the ad di tion of such brands as: Quilted North ern, Brawny, and Dixie (cups and plates). GP now claims to be the North Ameri can mar ket leader in a number of cate go ries, includ ing bath tis sues, tow els, nap kins, and dis pos able ta ble way. It now oversees 600+ fa cili ties in North Amer ica and 11 Euro pean coun tries.

high- quality, low- price, and fast- service stan dards. The com pany keeps floor stock avail able, in which cus tom ers can or der smaller runs from—with a 72-hour turnaround. Within the past cou ple of years, this com pany also has moved into ex port markets.

Products: Analgesics, vitamins, laxatives,

suppositories, liquids (antiacids)

Sales Contacts: Wayne Licker, Vice-President of Sales & Marketing

GILRO LTD. ALMA PRO DUC ERS West In dus trial Zone, P.O. Box 75, Bet Se mesh, 99000 ISRAEL Tel: Fax:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $7 mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, South Amer ica, North America,Australia Profile:

Products: Bathroom and facial tissues, paper towels, napkins, cups, plates, cutlery, food wrap products

Sales Contacts:

(972) 2- 991- 4351 (972) 2- 991- 2271

Jim Rockford, Director, Customer Brands

Gilro Ltd., a fam ily en ter prise, op er ated by Mr. Avi Gel bard, was founded in 1951. This well- established manu fac turer of hollow wa fers, wa fers and ice cream cones, util izes pro duc tion pro cess that are at the fore front of hol low wa fer and rolled, baked ice cream cone tech nol ogy—a fact ac count ing for the prod ucts’ re mark able taste and crisp ness.

Products: Ice cream cones, wafer & bakery GERICAREPHARMACEUTICALS 1650 63rd Street, Brook lyn, NY 11204, USA Tel: Fax:

(718) 234- 8800 (718) 234-5188

To tal Sales Vol ume: $10 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 68%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Rus sia Profile:


Sales Contacts: Ron Sonnenfeld, Export Manager

Started in 1987, Geri Care Phar ma ceuti cals from the be gin ning fo cused on privatelabelbusiness—maintainingits

GILSTER- MARY LEE CORP. 1037 State St., P. O. Box 227, Ches ter, IL 62233 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

244 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

(618) 826- 2361; (800) 851- 5371 (618) 826- 2973

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 93%

iz ing in plano gram de vel op ment and image and dimage date base de vel op ment. With more than 28 years of ex pe ri ence, the com pany is uniquely quali fied to support mer chan dis ing and space man agement needs. Its ad di tional serv ices in clude developmentofpromotionalmaterials, new pack age de sign, mul ti me dia sales tools, and training pro grams. Re cently, the com pany ac quired the Na tional Prod uct Li brary of In for ma tion Re sources Inc. (a mar ket re searcher also in the SOUR CEBOOK), form ing a joint ven ture to serve the e- commerce needs of IRI and Glad son. The li brary fea tures prod uct im ages and other data, which helps set re tail shelves in stores.

Ex port Mar kets: Europe,Canada,Caribbean, South Amer ica, Cen tral Amer ica Profile:

Gilster- Mary Lee Cor po ra tion is a multi-million-dollaroperation,positioned as one of the lead ing pri vate la bel pro duc ers of food prod ucts in the U.S., sell ing vir tu ally to eve ry one in the re tail trade. The com pany be gan as a flour mill about 1959, then ex panded into cake mixes and other prod ucts. The com pany be gan as a family- run op eration, but in 1962 was in cor po rated. In 1999, the com pany ac quired Jas per Foods (pri vate la bel mi cro wave popcorn and ce re als). To day, Gilster- Mary Lee pro duces more than 8,000 items in 500+ pri vate la bel brands as well as under its own Hos pi tal ity la bel. The companyoperates14manufacturing fa cili ties in four states.

Products: Mixes (cakes and bread, pancake,

drink, muffin, brownie, cookie, biscuit), ready-to-eat cereals, , pasta, microwave popcorn, , macaroni & cheese, stuffings, gelatins & puddings, dinners, rice & pasta, frosting, soup/sauces/gravy, marshmallow items, coatings, frosting, etc.

Sales Contacts:

Robert W. Saak

Servicess:Category management, planograms, promotional materials, package design, multimedia sales tools, training programs.

Sales Contacts: Ted Gladson, President; Paul Waldron, Senior Account Manager; Greg Gates, Account Manager (e-mail: [email protected])

GLOBAL MA TE RIAL TECH NOL OGY, INC. 1540 E. Dun dee Rd., Ste. 210, Pala tine, IL 60067, USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(847) 202- 7000; (800) soap- pad (847) 202- 9414

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%

GLAD SON & AS SO CI ATES 1973 Ohio Street, Lisle, IL 60532

Ex port Mar kets: Mex ico, Can ada, Cen tral and South Amer ica, South east Asia

Tel: Fax: URL:

(630) 435-2200 (630) 435- 0296


To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Pe cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Glad son & As so ci ates is a cate gory man age ment serv ices com pany, spe cial-

GlobalMaterialTechnologiesoperates differentcompanies,includingRhodes Ameri can Co., one of the coun try’s old est and larg est pro duc ers of steel wool, as well as a di ver si fied manu fac turer of paint ing, ad he sive coat ings, auto mo tive and in dustrial prod ucts. This com pany was formed from Ameri can Steel Wool Manu facturring Co. (started in 1896) the first manu fac turer of steel wool in the U.S., and

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


James H. Rho des Co. (1889), a producer of chemi cal prod ucts. The firm op er ates plants in the U.S., China, South Af rica, and the Ukraine. In 1997, this firm ac quired Du rowool, Inc., Queens Vil lage, NY, which has been absorbed by GMT, Inc. founded in 1947,

Household roll towels, facial tissue, multi-ply napkins, bath tissue

Sales Contacts: Philip Shaoul, Director of Business Development

Products: Consumer and institutional steel

wool soap pads, no-rust soap pads, stainless steel and copper scourers.

Sales Contacts:

Alan Neustadter, Vice President


(Div. of Grove/Natu ral En ergy Un lim ited) 2109 E. Di vi sion Street, Ar ling ton, TX 76011 USA Tel: Fax:

(817) 795- 4671 (817) 795- 4673

To tal Sales Vol ume: $6 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 20% GLOBAL TIS SUE GROUP* 1101 Lake land Ave., Bo he mia, NY 11716USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(631) 419- 1300; (866) GTG-ONLY (631) 4191304

Ex port Mar kets: Rus sia, Ja pan, Mex ico, Spain Profile:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Canada Profile:


Started in 1998, Global Tis sue Group has emerged as one of the young est and fast est grow ing pa per converters in the U.S., supply ing pri vate la bel and value branded paper prod ucts to every sales for mat. In No vem ber 2005, the com pany un veil ved its new in no va tive, pat ented Tis sueK ups , a fa cial tis sue dis penser is a 20- ounce plastic cup with a clear dome lid for tis sue pop- up, filled with 50 two- ply tis sues. TissueK ups is a part ner ship of Global Ti sue Group and The Car Cups Com pany LLC. Global Tis sue Group has stepped up the tempo on pro duc ing Bounty brand com para ble qual ity for its ac counts. Also there has been gert im prove ment in flexo graphic print ing for its pack ag ing. In Feb ru ary 2008, the com pa ny plans to ex pand to a new dis tri bu tion fcil ity in Jack son ville, FL. The com pany pro vides cus tom ers with a T.A.D. (Through Air Dry) tech nol ogy for pa per tow els and nap kins.

GNS (Grove Natu ral Snacks) is the supplier/whole saler di vi sion of The Grove, a 15-year-oldairportconcessionsoperation—some 58 stores. The Grove, part of Natu ral En ergy Un lim ited, New Or leans, stocks natu ral snacks, its own brand of French Mar ket Cof fee Ex change gour met cof fees, and is a fran chi see of the I Can’t Be lieve It’s Yo gurt brand. The Grove started GNS Foods some six years ago to han dle pro duc tion and dis tri bu tion for its stores plus de velop out side busi ness. In 1994, GNS ac quired Acme Can dies Co. GNS spe cial izes in pe can prod ucts and han dles trail mixes, nut mixes plus packaged gifts.

Products: Nuts, nut mixes, candies, trail mixes Sales Contacts: Malcolm S. Cohen

GOLDFOREST** 112 NC 41 Street, Mi ami, FL 33137 USA Tel: (305) 573-7370 Fax: (305) 573-8719 URLl: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

246 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

wings,boneless/skinless breasts, IQF.

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Gold for est is a brand ing and in den tity con sul tancy with a spe cialty in pri vate la bel mar ket ing, brand strat egy, and pack age de sign. Its ex per tise cen ters around key ques tions, such as: When should the brand name be the same as the store name? What vis ual cues do con sum ers look for in pri vate la bel pack age de sign? Should the pack age imitateordifferentiatefromnational brand pack ag ing? How does a com pany de velop and main tain iden tity stan dards across the pri vate la bel line?

Services: Package design, brand names,

product identity, corporate identity, advertising, collaterial materials

Sales Contacts:

Sales Contacts: Carl Pruett, Director Branded Sales; Alex Stripling, Export Sales Manager; Jud Williams, Further Processed Sales Manager.

GOLDEN TEM PLE/SUN SHINE YOGI TEA 1616 Pre uss Rd., Los An ge les, CA 90035 USA Tel: Fax:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $20 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 15%

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Michael Gold, President; Lauren Gold, Vice-President(e-mail: [email protected])

GOLD KIST, INC. 244 Pe rime ter Ctr. Pkwy., At lanta, GA 30346 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(770) 393- 5000 (770) 393- 5584

(310) 275-9891 (310) 275-2923

Es tab lished in 1972, this firm’s pri vate label busi ness started about 10 years ago, be gin ning with gra nola, museli ce real and low- fat prod ucts. Golden Tem ple sup plies prod uct to the gro cery and natu ral foods trade. It also im ports and sup plies those mar kets with herb and spice teas as well as or ganic foods. In 1995, the com pany installed an Ima tea bag line, al low ing it to handleproductionin-house.Thecompany can pack age ce re als in tra di tional con tainers or in milk- style (cable- top) car tons.

Products: Organic cereals and candies, herbal teas, aromatherapy and massage oil

Sales Contacts:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $1,600 Mil lion Pe rcent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 20%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, South east Asia, former

Ranbir Bhai, Vice-President, Private Label International Sales

So viet Un ion, Far East Profile:

Gold Kist, es tab lished in 1933, is the second larg est poul try pro ducer in the U.S. Most types and forms of young broiler chicken prod ucts are proc essed in its plants. The com pany ex ports more than 100 mil lion pounds of prod ucts worldwide. Its branded line re cently was renamed Gold Kist Farms.

Products: Cut-up chicken; fried chicken;

formed chicken nuggets, patties, tenders; fully-cooked

GOLDSCHMIDT COS MET ICS, INC. 72 Bridge Rd., Is lan dia, NY 11722 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(516) 234- 5900; (800) 323- 1203 (516) 234- 5941

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 100%

Ex port Mar kets: Worldwide

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion



Goldschmidt Cos met ics is an in de pendent cos metic con trac tor, serv ing the private la bel and cus tom cos met ics in dus try since 1945. The com pany offers turn key serv ices, from con cept to consumer- ready prod ucts. Its serv ices include:R&D,formulation,containers, decorating,manufacturing,filling,and packaging—inanycombination.For con tract cli ents, the com pany pro vides additionalmanufacturingcapacityfor peak/over flow runs, new prod uct in troduc tions, sam ples, or items the cli ent does not wish to run in its own fa cili ties. The com pany fills its cus tom ers’ needs, not just their prod ucts. Now un der development:cosmeceuticals(drugswith a cos metic or thera peu tic ef fect).

Emi lie prides it self in pro vid ing 85% of total cases of store brand fro zen gar lic bread prod ucts. In fact, the com pany claims 33% mar ket share of the 16- ounce number one seller in that cate gory. The com pany also prides it self on bak ing only the fin est qual ity prod ucts. Grandma Emi lie Brown was the first to pack age garlic bread in me tal ized poly es ter film. Today, 80% of the manu fac tur ers use a simi lar ma te rial. Its re cent prod ucts include: thick- sliced gar lic toast (all natu ral in gre di ents for a lighter tex ture)-- 1- 3ounce gar lic and 100% pure par me san cheese gar lic flavors; gar lic din ner rolls, and par me san cheese gar lic bread.

Products: Skin care, hair care,

Products: Frozen garlic bread, frozen garlic

Sales Contacts:

Sales Contacts: Bill R. Condrey, Vice-President Sales & Marketing, 6007 Fairway Palms Ct., Tampa, FL 33647 (Phone: 813-971-0840; Fax: 813-971-0948; e-mail: [email protected])

cosmeceuticals,aroma therapy, make-up, OTCs, molded sticks, children’s theatrical & novelty cosmetics

Les Goldschmidt, MS, RPh, Vice-President Sales (e-mail: [email protected])


(Af fili ated with Brown’s Bak ery, Inc.) 505 Downs St., P.O. Box 1040, De fi ance, OH 43512 USA

Tel: Fax:

(419) 784- 3330 (419) 784- 5346

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 60% Ex port Mar kets: Profile:


bread sticks, frozen garlic sub rolls.

GREAT LAKES CHEESE CO., INC. 17825 Great Lakes Pkw., P.O. Box 1806, Hi ram, OH 44234- 1806, USA Tel: Fax:

(440) 834- 2500 (440) 834- 1002

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%+

Ex port Mar kets: Puerto Rico Profile:

Af fili ated with Brown’s Bak ery, Inc., Grandma Emi lie’s started in June 1991 and has since be come the larg est producer/sup plier of store brand fro zen gar lic bread prod ucts in the United States. The com pany is cur rently supply ing 38 states, cov er ing most of the largestsupermarketretailersand whole sal ers in the U.S. Brown’s Bak ery traces its roots back to 1873. Grandma

248 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

This privately- held com pany was started some 39 years ago by a Swiss im mi grant who, af ter be ing drafted into the Army, opened a two- man op era tion in Cleve land. In the early 1960s, the com pany en tered the pri vate la bel busi ness as well. The com pany since has be come the sev enth larg est cheese com pany in the U.S.—still very leanly op er ated, main tain ing close con tact with its cus tom ers. In 1988, Great Lakes pur chased a ched dar cheese plant

in New York state and has since dis tinguished it self with Gold Medal awards in ched dar and Moz za rella cheese compe ti tion. Also the firm has in tro duced pack ag ing in no va tions. The firm sells blocks of ched dar, Moz za rella and Provolonetotheinstitutional/food-service sec tor as well. To day, Great Lakes Cheese op er ates five plants, the new est opened two years ago in La Crosse, WI.

name from each of the Group’s Convenience Foods businesses, cre at ing in stead: Green core Sand wiches (and its radialdistributionservice– Greencore Food Serv ices); Green core Pizza; Greencore Pre pared Foods; Green core Chilled Sauces & Soups; Green core Chilled Meals; Green core Gro cery; Green core Min eral Wa ter;Green core Cakes & Desserts; GreencoreContinentalConvenience Foods; while also mak ing the Rob erts Group, a ma jor pro ducer of fro zen Yorkshire pud dings and des serts, Green core Fro zen Foods.

Products: Prepackage cheese; bars, slices,

exact weight and random, shredded cheeses; bulk/block Mozzarella, Provolone, New York Cheddar, Monterey Jack and bags of dry sweet whey

Sales Contacts:

William Andrews, Director of Sales

GREEN CORE GROUP PLC St. Ste phen’s Green House, Earls fort Ter race, Dub lin 2, IRELAND Tel: Fax: URL:

+44 1- 332- 295295 +44 1- 332- 292300

To tal Fis cal 2006 Greencore Sales: $1.2 Bil lion (€901 Mil lion) +8.3% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 85% (E)

Ex port Mar kets: ExclusivelyWesternEurope Profile:

Up date: In April 2008, Green core acquired Home Made Brand Foods Inc., New bury port, MA, a re gional North east pro ducer of fresh foods. Green core USA plans to lend its ex per tise to the U.S. Firm and grow its chilled con ven ience food mar ket in North Amer ica. Pri vate la bel is very much part of this strat egy.

In Janu ary 2001, Green core Group acquired Hazle wood Foods of the UK. As a re sult, Green core’s to tal mar ket ing strat egy has changed. In 2000, be fore the take over, some 25% of its sales where in con ven ience foods, 75% in ingre di ents and Ag ri busi ness. For 2006, con ven ience foods domi nate at 92% of sales, the re main ing 8% in in gre di ents and Agri busi ness. This new di rec ti on into more con ven ience foods led GreenCore in No vem ber 2004 to bring all its cate gory busi nesses un der the Greencore name, uni fy ing its con ven ience foodsoperationsandtotallyintegrating the Hazle wood busi ness. The change resulted in dropping the Hazlewood

Products: convenience foods (chilled foods,

prepared meals, dry groceries, etc.).

Sales Contacts: Eoin Tonge, Group Capital Markets Director (Tel: +353 1 605 1036

GRUPO DI COMER, S.A. DE C.V. (Car retera Mexico- Queretaro Km. 37.5) Con do minio Indus trial Cuamatla, Bodega 9, Cu au tit lan Izcalli 54730, MEXICO Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

+525 881- 1220 +525 871- 2244 [email protected]

To tal Sales Vol ume: $30 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 83%

Ex port Mar kets: United States, Spain, Bo livia, Australia Profile:

Dilcomerspecializesinmanufacturing. The com pany looks for stra te gic part ners in spe cific ter ri to ries, who can dis trib ute the prod uct. Both part ners share mar keting ef forts in the pri vate la bel busi ness. The firm has been ac tive for 12 years. It is look ing for ward to es tab lish ing a long-

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


bleached deororized palm oil, olien, and stearine; palm fatty acid; pepper vinegar; mineral water

termrelationshipwithU.S.customers, offeringtop-qualityproducts.Dilcomer is com mit ted to prod uct in no va tion.

Products: Powdered instant soft drink

mixes, portion packs (sachets) liquid portions, confectionery fruit chews of taffy

Sales Contacts:

Jorge Ko vacs, Presi dent; Gab riel Na varro, AreaMarketingManager

GUAN SOON HENG EDI BLE OIL SDN BHD (Sub sidi ary- Guan Soon Heng Hold ing SDN BHD) 290, Ja lan Raja Laut, Kuala Lum pur 50350, MALAYSIA Tel: Fax:

Sales Contacts: Keh Soon Kion; Kheoh Soon Thian; Kheoh Sin Lian (Phone: 605-8911266, Fax: 605-8911051); Wan Hon Kong

603-2915233 603-2915970

To tal Sales Vol ume: $80 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

GUSTIN KRA MER LIM ITED 80 Doney Cres cent, Con cord, On tario L4K 3P1 CANADA Tel: Fax: URL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 75%

Ex port Mar kets: United States, Mex ico, Ja pan, Korea, United King dom, West ern Europe Profile:

Ex port Mar kets: China, Hong Kong, Sin ga pore, Paki stan, In dia, Saudi Ara bia, U.A.E., England,Holland Profile:

This com pany is one of the lead ing palm oilrefineriesinMalaysia,producing and mar ket ing not only re fined palm oil, palm olien, palm stearin and palm fatty acid dis til late, but also a wide range of in dus trial fats—short en ing, mar ga rine, dough fats, and vege ta ble ghee. The com pany can tailor- make productstocustomersspecifications. Ad di tion ally, GSHEO pro duces consumer-packed items like cook ing oil. The com pany prides it self on qual ity and hy genic con cerns, sup ported with an ef fi cient qual ity con trol lab run by well- trained and ex pe ri enced tech nicians. Its qual ity con trol staff regu larly par tici pates in the Ameri can Oil Chemists Socie ty’s Smal ley Cross Check Program. GSHEO’s R&D de part ment keeps a close lia sion with the Palm Oil ResearchInstituteofMalaysia.

Products: Industrial margarine, shortening,

dough fat; vegetable ghee; refined

(905) 738- 5656 (905) 738- 1462

Started in 1963, the com pany is a fullservice sup plier of ex clu sive brands in both the U.S. and Can ada. Its prod ucts are manu fac tured in a 100,000- square- foot facil ity out side of To ronto and dis trib uted through four ware houses in the U.S. The firm sup plies ma jor gro cery, dis count, and de part ment store chains and ware house clubs. It also spe cial izes in the de vel op ment of ex clu sive brand pro grams for to tal categorymanagement.

Products: Coffee filters, sheet fabric softener.

Sales Contacts: Erick Berke, President; Paul Cartwright, North American Sales Manager, Consumer Products (e-mail; [email protected]); Torrey Glass, Executive Vice-President

GWB FOODS 1955 54th Street, Brook lyn, NY 11204 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

250 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

(718) 492- 2400 (718) 258- 0733

that in dus try by be ing the first to pack age nail pol ish re mover in plas tic bot tles, which even tu ally led to the na tional brands fol low ing its lead. The com pany has ex tended its prod uct base by add ing the en tire baby cate gory and is com mit ted to be ing in no va tive rather than a cop ier of na tional brands. Some of its new est products in clude; deep cleans ing pore strips, makeup re mover tis sues, oil ab sorb ing tissues, and over night acne blem ish re moving patches. HABA is now the ex clu sive manu fac turer and dis tribu tor of a to tally pat ented nail pol ish re mover sys tem, called TAKE IT OFF CLEAN, which incor po rates a bot tle and an in stant jar remover.

To tal Sales Vol ume: $3.5 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 75%

Ex port Mar kets: South Amer ica, Mid dle East, Europe, Af rica, Asia, Profile:

Started in 1983, GWB Foods im me diate ly en tered the pri vate la bel busi ness. Its po si tion has been to du pli cate popular baked items that the lead ing brand name bak er ies pro duce, pro vid ing quality as good as if not bet ter, as well as pro duc ing spe cialty items. The company, for ex am ple, ca ters to its cus tomers needs, pro vid ing up scale items like liq uid cream- filled Ital ian cook ies or wa fer rolls, as spe cialty items, or working on sugar- free wa fers, us ing Sor bi tol in the rec ipe as an al ter na tive sweet ener.

Products: Baby powder, baby oil, baby

shampoo,cornstarch baby powder, deoderant body powder, medicated body powder, nail polish remover, petroleum jelly, pore cleaning strips, tissues (makeup, oil absorbing), acne blemish removing patches

Products: Wafer rolls, rice casseroles,

creme cookies, water (mineral, regular), bagel chips, snacks, baked goods.

Sales Contacts:

Sales Contacts: James A. Placa, President

Jerry Greene, Jay Weinstein.


C. HAHNE MUH LENWERKE Muh len strase 37, Lohne, D- 32584 GER MANY

HABA, DI VI SION OF DAVION, INC. 29- 75 Riv er side Ave., Build ing # 10, New ark, NJ 07104 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

Tel: +49 5731- 781 300 Fax: +49 5731- 781 500 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: $50 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 60%

(973) 485- 0793 (973) 485- 0025

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%

Ex port Mar kets: World wide, 50 coun tries

Ex port Mar kets: Mid dle East, Europe, Car ib bean, New Zea land, South America Profile:

HABA traces its be gin nings back to the early 1970s. The com pany was an outgrowth of Cos metica, Inc., a con tract pack ager to both the cos metic and health and beauty aids in dus try. HABA en tered into the manu fac tur ing of store brand prod ucts in the late 1970s. The com pany ini tially mar keted nail pol ish re mover to stores and revo lu tion ized


Founded in 1848, C. Hahne to day is one of the lead ing pri vate la bel sup pli ers of ce reals in Europe. En ter ing the re tail sec tor with clas si cal rolled oats, the com pany began sup ply ing store brands in the 1970s. To day, Hahne serves the top Euro pean retail ers as well as the in dus try with mod ern break fast ce re als. In 2001, the com pany ac quired an other Euro pean ce real company.

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


Products: Breakfast cereals: toasted

Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

Sales Contacts:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

cornflakes, rolled oats, mueslies, extruded cereal; muesli bars; organically grown grain health foods

Zsolt von Berzsenyi, Sales Director; Sophie Monzat; Jorg Michael Zamek (e-mail: [email protected])

Ex port Mar kets: France, Spain, United King dom, Mexico,Canada Profile:

HAL PAK PLAS TICS INC.* 360 Mar cus Blvd., Deer Park, LI, NY 11729 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(631) 242- 1100 (631) 242- 6150

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 45%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Mid dle East, Cen tral Amer ica, South Amer ica, Can ada Profile:

In busi ness since 1971, Hal pak has becomeapackagingpioneer,introducing its spe cially-welded Vi nyl Dri- Seal sleeve com part ment(s), al low ing for the com bi na tion of two, three or more unique size and shaped prod ucts into one space- saving pack age. The company of fers more than 40 dif fer ent size pre- forms for neck band seal ing. When neck band seal ing is not pos si ble, Halpak’s SoniK- Bag, a sonically- welded sys tem, makes tamper evi dence pos sible, while se cur ing any pre mium to the pri mary prod uct.

Products: Patented packaging concepts, such as TWinSleeve, SoniK Bag, and Halstrips

Sales Contacts:

Hal Kaplan, CEO; Rose Becchina, Sales Service Manager.

(607) 722- 1372 (607) 722- 9150 [email protected]

Hans mann’s Mills traces its ori gins back to 1832, when it was es tab lished as Tanners Mill, then re named the Ro ra paugh Mill, tak ing its name from a Civil War cap tain who pur chased the op era tion in 1865. By 1911, Fre der ick H. Hans mann be came pro prie tor and in 1933 for mu lated his fa mous self- rising pan cake mixes. These prod ucts were be lieved to be the first in the U.S. to of fer a “just add wa ter” fea ture. To day, the firm of fers three types of bak ing mixes: health- conscious, premium, and stan dard for mu las. Pri vate label busi ness recently has de vel oped into a ma jor com mit ment. Its lat est prod uct into duc tion: a full line of in- store bak ery mixes (cakes, do nuts, pas try creams, etc.)

Products: Baking mixes—muffins, bread, cake, brownnies, pancake, general purpose, in-store bakery mixes

Sales Contacts: Eileen Lawyer (Phone: 607-859-2443)

HAR RIS TEA CO. 344 New Al bany Rd., Moore stown, NJ 08057 Tel: (856) 793- 0290; (888) 561-5017 Fax: (856) 793- 0283 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

HANS MANN’S MILLS INC. 336 Court Street, P.O. Box 970, Bing ham ton, NY 13902 USA

252 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Har ris Tea is the larag est blen desr and packer of pri vate la bel teas in North Amer ica. The com pany op er ates three pro duc tion fa cili ties in the U.S. Plus a plant in In dia. Its ex per ti ese stsrsetches back to some 160 years of tea ex pesrtise, as part of Har ris Free man & com pany LP,

Ana heim, CA. The later ac quired the pri vate la bel busil ness of Tetley USA in Oc to ber 2002.

Products: Tea Bags, Loose Tea, Instant Tea, Iced T4ea Mix; teas (black, green, white, specialty, herbal, organic), Fair Trade Teas

Sales Contacts:

Bob Hackel, Vicje-President Sales; Richard Haas, Vice President of Marketling

Tel: Fax: URL:

Ex port Mar kets: 30+ coun tries world wide: West & East Europe, Mid dle East, Af rica, Car ib bean Profile:

(914) 423- 2900 (914) 963- 6001

To tal Sales Vol ume: $38 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90%

Ex port Mar kets: China, Bra zil, Para guay, Ar gentina, Rus sia, Is rael, Swit zer land, Leba non. Profile:

This privately- owned com pany celebrated its 25th year of busi ness in 1998. The firm be gan as a vi ta min spe cialty manu fac turer and grew to be come a full- brand vi ta min sup plier as well as a ma jor sup plier of store brand spe cialty vitaminsandover-the-counterdrug prod ucts. En ter ing the oral care product busi ness, the firm launched a success ful bak ing soda prod uct line. To day, through its sig nifi cant growth since 1984, Health Prod ucts Corp. is a ma jor pro ducer of ex clu sive brand health and per sonal care prod ucts. An es ti mated 30% of its sales go to ex port mar kets New prod ucts include: a stop- smoking item, diet gum, and a pain re lief item.

Products: Toothpaste, mouthwash,

tooth-whitening paste, vitamins, natural vitamins, HBA and OTC drugs, creams, lotions, herbal products.

Sales Contacts:

+44 1274- 595021 +44 1274- 581515

To tal Fis cal 2007 Sales Vol ume: $300 Mil lion (€ 234.3 Mil lion) +10.7% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

HEALTH PROD UCTS CORP. 1060 Nep per han Ave., Yonk ers, NY 10703 USA Tel: Fax:

HEALTH LIFE LIM ITED (Sub sidi ary of D.C.C. Plc) Charlestown House, Ot ley Road, Bail don, Ship ley, West York shire BD17 7JS, UNITED KING DOM

Health life, based in West York shire, was es tab lished in 1962. The com pany has oper ated as a wholly- owned sub sidi ary of D.C.C. Plc, Dub lin, since 1996. Health life, one of the UK’s lead ing pro duc ers of vi tamins, min er als, and die tary sup ple ments, supplies prod ucts un der its Health life brand as well as pri vate la bel brands. Its newproductdevelopmentandnutritional re search has led to de vel op ment of a beauty sys tem for hair, nail and skin care. DCC Health care (its cur rent iden ti fi cation) car ries a strong busi ness in in tra vene ous phar ma caeu tic als and re lated de vices. Its Health and Beauty So lu stions growth fo cuses on nu traceu ti cals. The com pany de vel ops prod ucts in- house and out sources manufac tur ing, mainly in Asia and east ern Europe.

Prod ucts:Beauty sys tem (pre mium hair & nair care, skin care) plus vi ta mins & supplements

Sales Contacts: Mr. Robin M. Cal vert, Ex port Sales Man ager

HEALTHY ‘N FIT AD VANCED NU TRI TION 435 York town Rd., Cro ton on Hud son, NY 10461 USA

Tel: Fax:

(914) 271-6040 N/A

Gina Gilleece, Export Department To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


Ex port Mar kets: Europe, South east Asia, Af rica, PacificRim,Canada,Australia—more than 40 coun tries world wide Profile:

HEALTH- MARK DI AG NOS TICS, LLC 3341 South west 15th St., Pom pano Beach, FL 33069, USA

Cele brat ing its 20th year of busi ness in 1996, Healthy ‘N Fit In ter na tional, Inc. has es tab lished it self as an in no va tor Tel: (954) 979-0400 and pio neer in vi ta mins, min er als, nuFax: (954) 979- 1241 tri tional sup ple ments, and sports nu triURL: tional prod ucts. In 1979, the com pany in tro duced 100% Egg Pro tein pow ders To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A as a pro tein source.Two years later, the Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 80% firm pio neered with the in tro duc tion of natu ral ster ols (from plants) for bodyEx port Mar kets: N/A build ing. More re cently, the com pany de buted the first 100% ion ex change Profile: Health- Mark Di ag nos tics is a prime wheyaminoacids—formulatingprotein source for home health tests and medi cal into its most us able form (pep tide bond di ag nos tic de vices to the OTC mar ket in amino ac ids) to aid in the in crease of both a pri vate la bel and brand format. body mus cle. This patent- pending The com pany is af fili ated with Tech ni cal prod uct is said to yield the high est ni troChemi cals & Prod ucts Inc. (TCPI), a gen ab sorp tion, utili za tion and re ten tion global lead ing manu fac turer of medi cal pos si ble. In de pendent test ing and anadi ag nos tic tests with many prod ucts suited lyti cal data sup ports this laboratoryfor drug -store chains, su per mar kets, discertified prod uct. Sports nu tri tion is count stores, and other re tail ers. Healthonly one spe cialty seg ment of Healthy Mark po si tions it self as a manu fac turer ‘N Fit Ad vanced Nu tri tional prod ucts. and brand mar keter, which de vel ops proThe firm also pro duces more than 100 grams that gen er ate higher profit mar gins vi ta min, min eral and nu tri tional supfor its cus tom ers. The com pany now seeks ple ments —from A to Z, in clud ing custo ex pand its pri vate la bel busi ness with tom for mu la tions. Po si tioned as a new in no va tive home health test prod ucts re searcher and de vel oper, the com pany to meet the needs of its cus tom ers. Prodpro vides graph ics and pack age/la bel deucts will be fea tured at re tail lo ca tions in signs (in clud ing multi- lingual ca pa bilcol or ful dis plays la beled as Health Test ity), prod uct for mu la tions, plus raw Cen ters as well as on- shelf place ment. ma te rial avail ablity for op ti mum cost sav ings. Ad di tion ally, the firm pro vides Products: One-Step One Minute ™pregnancy free con sult ing, lab sup port, pi lot runs tests (mid-stream and slide format) to large- scale pro duc tion, and medi cal in one and two test packages, One con sul ta tion by doc tors. Its AAT (AdStep™ ovulation detection kit, and other diagnostic tests vanced Ana bolic Tech nol ogy) for mu laSales tiions are pro moted as well. Contacts: Bob Morrow

Products: Vitamins, minerals, nutritional

supplements, sports nutritional products—advanced nutritional products, capsules, caplets, liquids, and powders plus custom formulations.

Sales Contacts:

HEALTHCARENUTRITIONALS 1525 West Busi ness Park Drive, Orem, UT 84058 USA

Robert J. Sepe, President Tel: Fax:

254 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

(801) 225- 6367; (888) 225- 6080 (801) 225- 6610; (888) 225- 6090

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

45 years’ ex pe ri ence in the gro cery in dustry, rang ing from sourcing to mar ket ing. His com pany sources qual ity prod ucts from around the world, work ing with suppli ers or re tail/whole sale part ners. The firm pref ers to work with com mit ted partners with whom it would grant ex clu siv ity in their mar ket ing ar eas. Two ma jor labels of fered on an ex clu sive ba sis: HomePlace and King Saver. Its pri vate la bel pro gram in cludes cus tom ized la bel de sign, qual ity con trol, freight con soli da tion, nego tia tion and sourcing, power buyer, tollfree cus tomer hot line, mar ket ing de vel opment re sources, ex ecu tive in volve ment at every level.

Ex port Mar kets: Aus tra lia, Pa cific Rim, Europe, Norway Profile:

Health Care Nu tri tion als is a pri vate label manu fac turer of nu tri tional health care prod ucts, rang ing from for mu las for weight loss and fit ness to single- item herbalproducts.Customers(including re tail ers and health food out lets) can choose from a pre- formulated prod uct line and put their name or brand on their own la bel. Un der Health Care Nutri tion als Ex press La bel Pro gram, custom ers can also choose from two styles ofpre-designedlabels(phamaceuticalor bo tani cal) and have their name and phone number im printed on the la bel. This pro gram is avail able with no set- up or art work costs nor mally as so ci ated with cus tom la bel ing. The lead time can be as lit tle as 24 hours, al low ing for next- day ship ping. Vol ume re quire ment starts with as few as 12 bot tles per item

Products: Canned fruits and vegetables, juices and beverages, condiments, cereals, soups, seafood, and canned meats, baking supplies, cookies, candies and snacks, household chemicals, paper products

Sales Con tacts: Henry M. Fraley, Jr., Presi dent

Products: Herbal supplements (single item herbs and multiple ingredient formulas), liquid, powder, and lotion/cream nutritional helath care products

Sales Contacts:

Bret Rawson (Mail Order Companies, Food Co-ops, home businesses); Howard Petersen (Grocery and Mass Retailers); Bill Stephens (Health Food and Drug Stores). Brokers are welcome to inquire.

HONEE BEAR CANNING 72100 M-40 South, P.O. Box 907, Law ton, MI 49065 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(269) 624-4681 (269) 624- 6009

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A HOME PLACE FOOD GROUP, LTD. 100 Creek side Drive, George town, KY 40324, USA Tel: Fax:

(606) 278- 9535 (606) 846- 4715

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 100%

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Henry M. Fraley, Jr., presi dent of Home Place Food Group, has more than

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Pa cific Rim, Australia Profile:

This com pany claims to be the larg est aspara gus can ner in Michi gan and the largest pri vate la bel sup plier of as para gus in the world. The com pany also canns fruits (cher ries, blue ber ries, plums, etc.) in syrup or wa ter. It bran is “Michi gan Made.”

Products: Canned asparagus & fruits Sales Con tacts: N/A

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


HOR MEL FOODS COR PO RA TION NYSE: HRL 1 Hor mel Place, Aus tin, MN 55912- 3680 USA

Ho spe co’s Retail Div. of Tran zo nic Com pa nies

Tel: Fax: URL:

Tel: Fax: URL:

(507) 437- 5600 (507) 437- 5120

HOS PI TAL SPE CIALTY CO. 670 Al pha Dr., High land Heights, OH 44143 USA (440) 720-1800; (800) 321- 9832 (440) 720-4191

To tal Fis cal 2003 Sales Vol ume: $4.2 Bil lion +7.7 Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 70%

Ex port Mar kets: None

Ex port Mar kets: Canada


Hor mel, a lead ing manu fac turer of food Profile: prod ucts since 1891 and for merly called Geo. A. Hor mel & Co., in mid- 1996, dis tin guished it self by be ing awarded ISO- 9002 cer ti fi ca tion for its gelatin/spe cial ized pro teins plant in Dav enport, IA. Its Spe cialty Prod ucts Di vi sion of fers a com plete line of pri vate la bel sugar- based and sugar- free gela tin desserts, in stant and cooked pud dings and drink mixes, canned meats, boul lion, and Mexi can sauces. Hor mel has been a leader in the pri vate la bel des sert category for more than 35 years. Its 80,000square- foot dry- mix plant, lo cated in the Chi cago area, is dedi cated to produc ing gela tin des serts and pud dings. The firm of fers a com plete pri vate la bel pro gram, in clud ing pack age de sign and production,marketing,legal,research and de vel op ment sup port, and com petitive pric ing.

Products: Gelatin desserts, SF gelatin

desserts, instant and cooked puddings, SF instant puddings, powdered drink mixes, cocoas, canned meats, Mexican sauces, boullion

Sales Contacts:

Greg Baskin, Cor po rate ManagerPrivate La bel/Con tract Pack ag ing (Exten sion # 5603, e- mail: [email protected]); Randy Swat fager, Sales & Mar ket ing Manager- Retail Pri vate label (Ex ten sion # 5600, e- mail: [email protected])

Hos pi tal Spe cialty Co., an 87- plus- yearold com pany in busi ness since 1919, is no stranger to the part ner ship re la tion ship. The com pany has changed dra mati cally through ac qui si tions, new prod uct line intro duc tions and ex pan sion of its prod uct, warehousinganddistributionfacilities. The firm now op er ates three fac to ries in the U.S. and 12 ware houses in North Amer ica, all stra te gi cally lo cated to provide su pe rior cus tomer serv ice. DBA Hospeco, the com pany is one of the larg est manufacturersofpersonalcareproducts for pri vate la bel. Its par ent com pany, The Tran zo nic Com pa nies, Cleve land, was acquired by Lin sa lata Capi tal Part ners in 1998. Tran zo nic gen er ates sales of some $200 mil lion, cov er ing per sonal hy giene, washroomsupliesandaccessories,wiping and clean ing sup plies, and safety prod ucts. These prod ucts are sold to the in dustrial, in sti tu tional, and con sumer sec tors.

Products: Sanitary napkins, disposable baby diapers, adult incontinence products, adult/baby wipes.

Sales Con tacts: Beth Richman, Vice-President Private Label; Paul Marion, Vice-President, Sales & Marketing; Bill Hemann, President (e-mail: [email protected])

THE HOUSE OF WEB STER, INC. 1013 North 2nd St., P.O. Box 1988, Rogers, AR 72757- 1988 USA

256 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Tel: Fax: URL:

(501) 636- 4640 (501) 636- 2974 www/

HUHTA MAKI FOOD SERVICE 9201 Pack ag ing Dr., De soto, KS 66018 USA

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 60%

Tel: Fax: URL:

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

The House of Web ster, since 1934, has been serv ing the busi ness and pro fessional com mu nity needs with ap pre ciation gifts for their cus tom ers, ven dors and em ploy ees. The firm also manu factures pri vate la bel prod ucts, such as pre serves, jel lies, syr ups, sal sas and other con di ments—a busi ness it has addressed for the past 10 years.

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Global Profile:

Products: Business food gift packages,

preserves, jellies, syrups, salsas and other condiments.

Sales Contacts:

Dale Webster, President

HUD SON UNI VER SAL LTD. 213 South Van Brunt Street, Engle wood, NJ 07631 USA Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

(201)567- 7740; (800)526- 1032, (201) 507- 3769 [email protected]

(913) 583-8676 (913) 583-8206

Founded in the early 1930s as a pro ducer of food-serv ice items and soon af ter ward be com ing a mar ket leader, sup ply ing distribu tors and re tail ers na tion wide, Ny man Mfg. Co., East Provi dence, RI, was acquired by The Chi net Co., which in turn, in 1999, was merged into Huh ta maki of Fin land and re named Huh ta maki Food Serv ice Inc. The com pany for merly handled re tail in Al bert ville, AL; while foodserv ice was man aged from Wa ter ville, ME. This all has been con soli dated in Desoto, KS. The Chi net name has be come a global brand, sold in the Ameri cas, Europe, and Oceania. It joins Huh tamaki’s other brands Bibo in Europe and Lily in Oceania. Huh ta maki Okyi is a € 2.3 bil lion con sumer pack ag ing com pany. Its past his tory as a con glom er ate in volved confectioneryprodutsandpharmaceuticals.

Products: Disposable Plastic Plates, Bowls, Cups

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Sales Contacts: Russ McCann, National Sales Manager

Ex port Mar kets: Cen tral Amer ica Profile:

This 60- year- old firm is now op er ated by the third gen era tion of the origi nal fam ily found ers. The com pany started as a manu fac tu rer of pipes (for smoking), then switched to sun glasses and displays.Today,HudsonUniversal claims to provide the most up- to- date styles within its price range (at re tail) of from $3.99 up to 420 per item.

Products: Reading glasses, sun glasses Sales Contacts:

Melvyn W. Lurie, Vice-President of Sales

HUISH DE TER GENTS, INC. (To be re named The Sun Prod ucts Corp.) 3540 w. 1987 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84104 USA Tel: Fax: URLl:

(801) 975- 3100; (800) 776-6702 (801) 97503249

To tal Sales Vol ume: $2 Bil lion+ Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A Ex port Mar kets: Canada

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion



suds detergents, window cleaner, Estab lished in 1976, this privatelyprewash, heavy duty liquid owned manu fac turer of laun dry de terdetergents, high suds detergents, gents and house hold clean ing prod ucts all purpose cleaners, liquid dish, has es tab lished mar ket lead er ship in oxygen laundry & satin removers, laun dry de ter gents and fab ric softeners, Ultra detergents. com mand ing an es ti mated 90% mar ket Sales share of the store brand house hold Contacts: Earnie Redfearn, Sr. Vice-President, Private detergent busi ness in the U.S. The comLabel pany is sec ond only to Proc ter & Gamble in terms of ton nage in over all house hold de ter gent sales in the U.S. Its lead er ship has been based upon its re invest ment of capi tal into its busi ness to HUMCO HOLD ING GROUP, INC. keep ahead tech no logi cally with the lat7400 Alu max Drive, Tex ar kana, TX 75501 USA estproduct/packaginginnovations,and a with goal to ward ver ti cally in te grat ing Tel: (903) 831- 7808; (800) 662- 3435 its op era tions. Huish op er ates its own Fax: (903) 831- 7736 pack age mold ing op era tion for pails, URL: lids, bot tles; its own print ing fa cili ties for la bels; its own car ton form ing maTo tal Sales Vol ume: N/A chin ery; and its own sur fac tant plant. Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50% Its prod uct is pro duced out of four Ex port Mar kets: Ber muda, Guam, Puerto Rico, Virplants, sup ported by a dedi cated Regin Is lands search and De vel op ment fa cil ity in Hous ton. The com pany pro duces both pri vate la bels and its own value brands, Profile: For 128 years, the HUMCO brand has pri mar ily un der the Sun brand. Huish been rec og nized for high- quality pack ing also con tract manu fac tur ers for top and dis tri bu tion of tra di tional use wets branded com pa nies, such as Clo rox, and drys. In 1994, the com pany be gan a Uniliver, and Colgate- Palmolive. In late charted course of growth and ex pan sion 2006, Huish made it first ven ture into un der new own er ship. The firm sup plies per sonal and body care with the ac quimajorwholesalers,hospitalbuying si tion of the White Rain Co., from Diagroups, gov ern ment con tracts, and mass mond Prod ucts Co., Bran don, FL. As a mer chan dis ers. Lead prod ucts in clude alre sult, Huish added a line of sham poos, co hols, com pound ing pow ders, and OTC con di tion ers, mousse, gel, body wash, first- aid items. HUMCO has led a drive to and hair spray, all un der the White pri vate la bel these prod ucts for its cus tomRain brand. In March 2007, Ves tar ers, work ing with in di vid ual ac counts to Capi tal Part ners, New York, pur chased providetheoptimumproductassortment a ma jor ity own er ship of Huish and for plano grams, end- cap de signs, cus tom that’s when things at Huish really got formulations,in-houselabeldesign,and ex cit ing. In July 2008, Ves tar agreed to custommarketingmaterials.Itspharmabuy the laun dry busi ness of Uni le ver in cists, chem ists, qual ity and tech ni cal staff the U.S., Can ada, and Puerto Rico, are on hand to of fer opt ions and com pa rawhich in cludes the All, Wisk, Sun light, bil ity test ing on pack ag ing and sta bil ity for Surf, and Snug gle brands for $1.5 bilboth glass and plas tic con tain ers and clolion. This busi ness will be merged with sures. HUM CO’s 122,000- square- foot faHuish and a new com pany, called The cil ity is a com plete in- house op era tion for Sun Prod ucts Corp., will be formed, customerservice,sales,manufacturing, rep re sent ing sales of $2 bil lion+ anddistribution.

Products: Automatic dish detergent, gels & tabs, all fabric bleach, fabric softener sheets and liquid, low

Products: Powders and liquids, including

258 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

alcohols, benzoin compound tincture, boric acid , castor oil,

Sales Contacts:

calamine lotion, epsom salts, essential oils, hydrogen peroxide, mercuroclear, milk of magnesia, syrups

HY DRA S.A. 5, route Na tion ale 68690 Moosch, FRANC E

Terry Couch, Vice-President of Sales; Ron Gallaway, General Manager

Tel: Fax:

+33 +33

To tal Sales Vol ume: $25 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50% HUNTER GRAPH ICS PKG DSN 140 N. Or lando Ave. (Ste. 150), Win ter Park, FL 32789, USA Tel: Fax: URL:

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Mid dle East, Far East Profile:

(407) 644- 2060 (407) 644- 0957

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

This com pany spe cial izes in the de sign and pro duc tion sup port of pack ag ing, la bels, and col lat er als for pri vate la bel pro grams. Its ex per tise cov ers new creative ideas and copy, re in for ce ment of brand iden tity, pro vid ing an ar chive sys tem to man age large lines. Hunter Graph ics has both art ists and tech nicians on staff to take its cli ents’ ideas and lay outs into the pro duc tion stage. Thecompanyadditionallyprovides elec tronic or tra di tional pre- press as required, de signs for im port or ex port, as well as braille on new or ex ist ing packag ing. This firm also does web sites, print me dia ads and a full range of printed col lat er als. Call for re views and estimates.

Products: Design and production support of

packaging, labels, and collaterals for private label programs

Sales Contacts:

John Hunter (e-mail: [email protected])

Hy dra spe cial izes in hy giene cot ton products and man ages all the steps of the manu fac tur ing pro cess from the raw cotton to the fin ished items. The com pany sup plies the ma jor French su per mar ket chains, while some 35% of its turn over goes to ex port. Re cently, the com pany expanded its pro duc tion ca pac ity by 6,000 m2. A new prod uct ad di tion: the “Hy dra Twin” double- side cot ton pad, fea tur ing two mul ti pur pose, light em bossed sided, offeringimprovedthree-dimensional strength—can’t be torn, di vided or fleeced.

Products: Round make-up pads, square make-up pads, cotton buds, cotton balls, pleated cotton.

Sales Contacts: Mr. A. Kleiber

HYSAN/AMP (Owned by Spe cialty Chemi cal Re sources, Inc.) 1055 South Free way Dr., Ma ce do nia, OH 44056, USA Tel: Fax:

(330) 467- 4195; (800) 321- 9500 (330) 468- 1365; (800) 947- 8750

To tal Sales Vol ume: $40 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 75%

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, South Amer ica, Far East Profile:

In May 1997, the name and brand of Hysan Cor po ra tion, founded in 1926 and one of the larg est pri vate la bel manu fac tur ers of spe cialty chemi cals in the U.S., was acquired by Spe cialty Chemi cal Re sources, Inc., a pro ducer of aero sols and cus tomized pack ag ing. Hy san/AMP has the

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


manufacturingandpackagingcapabilities to pro duce more than 750 dif fer ent prod ucts in a va ri ety of forms, in clud ing aero sols, liq uids, and pow ders.

IM PE RIAL FLA VOURS INC. 7550 Tor bram Road, Mis sis sauga, On tario L4T 3L8 CANADA

Products: Disinfectants, tub & tile cleaners, furniture care, air fresheners, insecticides, de-greasers, general purpose cleaners

Sales Contacts:

Fred Lombardi

Tel: Fax:

(905) 678- 6680 (905) 678- 6684

To tal Sales Vol ume: $25 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 35%

Ex port Mar kets: China, Ja pan, Tai wan, Hong Kong, Thai land, Eng land, Ger many, France, Spain


Profile: I.A.A.S.A. Ruta 8 km. 60 - Par que In dus trial Pi lar - Calle 24 - Lote 35 (B1630CFA) Pi lar, Prov. De Bue nos Ai res, ARGENTINA Tel: +54 2322 496 714 Fax: +54 2322 496 716 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 40%

Ex port Mar kets: EE. UU, Chile, United States Profile:

IAASA(IndustriasAlimenticiasArgenti nas S.A.), con sti tuted in 1998, is the mar ket leader in Ar gen tina with an 80% share in fro zen piz zas. Its pri vate la bel busi ness is strong, cov er ing the ma jor re tail ers, such as Bell’s, Car refour, Jumbo, Wal- Mart, and Leader Price. The com pany of fers 12 dif fer ent prod ucts of deep fro zen pizza in 31, 28, 24, and 18 cm sizes. They can be kept up to 8 months af ter the pack ing date, since the prod uct is frozen at -18 degrees C. Piz zas, which all ful fill ISO 9002 re quire ments, come in mo za rella, ham and red pep per, on ion and cheese. No pre serva tives or ad di tives are used.

Products: Frozen pizzas Sales Contacts:

Sr. Federico Valobra

This com pany is one of Cana da’s larg est pri vate la bel pack ers of fro zen juices and drinks con cen trates for the re tail in dus try. Im pe rial Fla vours also is one of Cana da’s pre mier sup pli ers to the dairy in dus try of ice cream bases and yo gurt bases, which in clude granola- base crunchs. The company is now pro duc ing scotch mints and other re lated coated con fec tion ery products. Also, the firm packs health- related bev er ages for medi cal com pa nies that supply hos pi tals in North Amer ica. Im pe rial has a com plete re tort sys tem in place to pro duce the re quired items.

Products: Frozen juice and drink

concentrates, ice cream bases and flavors, scotch mints coated confectionery items, ready-to-serve health drinks

Sales Contacts: Ed Choy, President; John Borkowski, Vice-President; Andrew Wiber, Regional Sales (Phone: 604-940-1417; Fax: 604-940-1417)

IM PE RIAL HOLLY COR PO RA TION AMEX: IHK 8016 High way 90A, Sugar Land, TX 77478 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(713) 491- 9181 (713) 491- 9198

To tal Sales Vol ume: $2,000 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 20%

260 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

IM PE RIAL SUGAR COM PANY* Im pe rial Holly has cata pulted it self into (Sept. 30, 2004) the number one po si tion as the lead ing P.O. Box 9, 8016 High way 90, Sugar Land, TX 77487 publicly- owned sugar com pany in the USA United States. In De cem ber 1997, the companyacquiredSavannahFoods, Tel: (281) 491-9181 which was op er ated as one of the top Fax: N/A three sugar proc es sors in the U.S. (SaURL: van nah Foods op er ated the sub sidi ary, Michi gan Sugar Co., Sagi naw, MI.) SaTo tal Sales Vol ume: $963.6 Mil lion -13.3% van nah has brought ar ti fi cial sweet ener Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands:N/A pri vate la bel busi ness to Im pe rial Holly. Im pe rial Holly had pre vi ously purEx port Mar kets: N/A chased Spreck els Sugar, West Pleas ant, CA, in 1996. The com pany in 1988 was Profile: Im pe rial Sugar, which emerged from privately-owned,operatingasImperial eight- months of bank ruptcy pro tec tion in Sugar, un til it pur chased publiclyAugust 2001, to day is one of the larg est owned Holly Sugar Corp, thus re namproc es sors and mar ket ers of re fined sugar ing it self Im pe rial Holly. In 1998, the in the U.S., sell ing to food manu fac tur ers, com pany signed an agree ment to purfood re tail ers, and food serv ice dis tribuchase the $125 mil lion Dia mond Crys tal tors. Be sides its na tional brands, the comSpe cialty Foods, Inc., Wil ming ton, pany main tains an im por tant pri vate la bel MA—a ma jor sup plier of nu tri tional busi ness. Lately, Im pe rial Sugar in trodry mixes,sauces, sea son ings, drink duced new plas tic, re seal able zip per mixes and des serts to the food- service pouches (3.4 pound) for its granu lated andhealthcareindustries.Imperial sugar. This pack ag ing ini tially was in troHolly plans to dove tail this busi ness in duced in brown and pow dered sugar. with its Dixie Crys tals Brands foodProducts: Granulated, powdered, liquid and service di vi sion in Sa van nah, GA. Dixie brown sugar Crys tals sup plies sugar and non- sugar Sales single- service prod ucts to the foodContacts: Art Saxby, Vice-President of Marketing service and health care sec tor as well. Im pe rial Holly now sells to all 50 states. The firm also sup plies in gre di ents to the industrialmarket.

Products: Granulated sugar, powdered

sugar, brown sugars artificial.

Sales Contacts:

Bob Baldwin, National Sales Manager, Consumer Products (e-mail: [email protected]); Bill Tumlin, Vice-President of Private Label (Phone: 912-651-5071 or e-mail: [email protected]); Bob Baldwin, National Accounts Manager, Private Label.

INCA CON SUMER PROD UCTS B.V. Bedrijven park Twente 43, P.O. Box 757, At Al melo 7600 AT, THE NETH ER LANDS Tel: Fax:

+31.546.574745 +31.546.574765

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 75% Ex port Mar kets:


World wide—90% of its busi ness

This privately- owned firm, started in 1985 as a pro ducer of fast- moving con sumer prod ucts for chain stores in West ern Europe,beganproductionofhazelnut spread in late 1987. Since then, Inca has

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 261

es tab lished it self as a pri mary pri vate la bel sup plier in such Euro pean countries as: Ger many, Bel gium. France, Great Brit ain, Ire land, as well as in its own coun try, Hol land. The com pany mar kets its own brand, Ha zella, ge neric brands, as well as pri vate la bel and produces spe cialty goods, such as no- sugar spread for dia bet ics and bio dy namic prod ucts. Inca ex er cises ex treme care in its proc ess ing and se lec tion of raw ma teri als, where in gre di ents to fin ished prod uct are moni tored con tinu ously to guar an tee high qual ity. Inca dis tinguishes it self in the mar ket by roast ing its ha zel nuts in its own roast ing house and proc ess ing them when still fresh.

ja lapeno pep pers, fire- roasted green chiles, sal sas, to ma til las and other Mexi can products. These items are packed in U.S.-made re tail, food-serv ice and in dus trial size contain ers: 28- ounce/#10 cans, 1- gallon plas tic and glass jars, 1- to 5- gallon plas tic pails, and 55- gallon drums. Also, its pep pers are of fered fro zen and IQF.

Products: Canned peppers, chiles, salsas, tomatillas, and other Mexican products; hot sauces, brined peppers.

Sales Contacts: Alonso Echevarria, Sales Manager

Products: Chocolate (hazelnut) spreads, diabetic spreads, sweeteners, instant cocoa powder

Sales Contacts:

Henk Sparrius, Commercial Director

IN DUS TRIA DEL PANAL, S.A. DE C.V. Car los B. Zet ina No. 22, Xalostoc, Edo. de Mex ico. C.P. 55000 MEX ICO Tel: +525 714- 39- 57 Fax: +525 714- 30- 48 To tal Sales Vol ume: $13.5 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 15%

IN DEL FOOD PROD UCTS, INC. 11415 Ce dar Oak Drive, El Paso, TX 79936 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(915) 590- 5914 (915) 590- 5913

Ex port Mar kets: Indonesia,Thailand,Singapore, Bra zil, Peru, Chile Profile:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $13.5 mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 45%

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Mex ico, Eng land, Spain, Aus tra lia, New Zea land, In dia, Korea Profile:

In del Food Prod ucts, one of the three larg est hot- pepper proc es sors from north ern Mex ico, is a family- owned business(AgroindustriasDeandarde De licias, S.A. de C.V.) founded in 1987 in De licias, Chi hua hua, Mex ico. In del moved its head quar ters to the United States in 1991. Up un til recently, the companyadministereditsproduction fa cili ties just in El Paso, TX. Now the com pany has pur chased a sec ond plant in Sin loa, Mex ico, which al lows for alter na tive win ter and sum mer pro duction of prod ucts. In del pro cesses

Started some 15 years ago, this family- run busi ness has es tab lished a 6% mar ket share in its coun try, mar ket ing Se ke cito Dry brand dia pers, Con fem and Con fi ace femi nine nap kins, and Pro tex brand incon ti nence. The firm is now de vel op ing a new in con ti nence line for ex clu sive brand ac counts. The com pany serves as dis tributor of wet wipes for Nice- Pak from the U.S. (also in the SOUR CE BOOK). Its pri vate la bel busi ness started three years ago, while ex port of prod uct be gan in 1994.

Products: Baby diapers, feminine napkin

protection, adult incontinence products

Sales Contacts: David Ocejo, Luis Miguel Ocejo

262 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Ex port Mar kets: 27 coun tries—Europe, Mid dle East, South east Asia, New Zea land, Ko rea, Mexico, Cen tral Amer ica, South Amer ica, Car ibbean

IN NO VA TIVE FOLD ING CAR TON CO. 901 Dur ham Ave., South Plain field, NJ 07080- 2401 USA Profile: Tel: Fax: URL:

(908) 757- 6000 (908) 757- 6464

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Europe, Hong Kong Profile:

Since its found ing in 1984, In no va tive Fold ing Car ton has built its suc cess on un der stand ing the im por tance of meeting cus tom ers’ strin gent pack ag ing require ments as well as be ing dedi cated to excellence,totalqualitymanagement, and cus tomer serv ice. Within its 100,000-square-foot,bi-level,state-ofthe- art fa cil ity, this firm of fers the lat est in off set print ing, UV flexo and ro tary let ter presses, in- house CAD/CAM system for struc tural de sign, and the most ad vanced, full- service, in- house, MACbased graphic de sign de part ment.

Products: Folding cartons,

pressure-sensitive labels, printed flexible packaging material, shrink-sleeve labels, tamper-evident bands, labeling system, inserts/outserts, and source tagging applications

Sales Contacts:

Dan Stolfi, Executive Vice-President, Sales & Marketing; Vincent Kover, VP, Sales

Inter- American Foods, Inc., a sub sidi ary of The Kroger Com pany, a $70.2 bil lion re tailer (listed un der Trade Cus tom ers in the SOUR CE BOOK), has 42 manu fac turing plants through out the U.S. (17 states), pro duc ing a wide va ri ety of qual ity dairy, bak ery, bev er age, cheese, and dry gro cery prod ucts. Some 43% of the cor po rate brand units sold by Kroger are pro duced at these plants. The break out includes: 18 dair ies, 11 deli or bak er ies, 5 gro cery product plants, 3 meat plants, 3 bev er age plants, and 2 cheese plants. The com pany has 100+ years of ex pe ri ence with an eye to the fu ture—its state- of- the- art pro duction and pack ag ing tech nol ogy backed by researchanddevelopmentcapabilitiesthat keep the firm on the front lines of new prod uct de vel op ment. It is part of a longterm com mit ment to pro vide its cus tom ers with the right va ri ety and the right qual ity at the right time...all the time.

Products: Deli items, spices, salad dressings,

jellies, peanut butter, bread, rolls, sweet goods, bottled water, juices, cheese, ice cream, coffee, tea, red sauces, extracts, dairy products, etc.

Sales Con tacts: Gary Belew (Dry Grocery); Mary Egnor (Export), Roger Templeton (Cheese), Holly Abernathy (Baked Foods) Tom Raterman (Dairy), Ken Kuhn (Carbonated Beverage), Mike Huffman (Ice Cream/Novelties)


Sub sidi ary of The Kroger Co. 1015 Vine St., Cin cin nati, OH 45202 USA Tel: Fax:

(512) 762- 4526, (800) 645- 2233 (513) 762- 4565

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 100%

IN TER BAKE FOODS LLC 2821 Em ery wood Park way, Ste. 210, Rich mond, VA 23294 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(804) 755- 7107 (804) 755-7173

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


To tal Sales Vol ume: $500+ Mil lion (E) Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

ates as a di vi sion of Om ni com, one of the world’s lead ing brand con sul tan cies (24 of fices in 16 coun tries). In ter brand conducts Best Brands stud ies based on valuation, in clud ing pri vate la bel ac tivi ties. Late in 1996, In ter brand acquired Gerstman+Meyers,aninternational brand iden tity man age ment and pack age de sign con sult ing firm, which was ac tive in pri vate la bel pack ag ing de sign. In 2008, In ter brand worked with Ahold on its new co po rate iden tity for Stop & Shop su permar kets.

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

This busi ness be gan in 1890 and de veloped into South ern Bis cuit Works, un til Wes ton Foods of Can ada (listed in the SOURCEBOOKunderLoblaw Companies- - retail sec tion) aquired the firm in 1946. In a con soli da tion of its opera tions, it was re named In ter bake Foods in 1967. To day, In ter bake is the third larg est cookie and cracker manufac turer in North Amer ica, op er at ing from nine lo ca tions. Its busi ness has focused on enr obed cook ies, i.e., choco late and cara mel cov ered prod ucts such as fudge gra ham, choco late dev il’s food, cara mel dipped short bread, etc. A subsidi ary pro duces ice cream sand wiches, cones and other nov elty ice cream prod ucts. In ter bake pro vides pri vate label and con tract manu fac tur ing. Another op era tion, ABC Bak ers, sup plies girl scout cookies- - more than 50% of the sup ply in the U.S.

Products: Salad dressings, sauces, mayonnaise and dips

Sales Contacts:

Arnie Unger, President; Alysse Unger, Private Label Sales Director

Products: Store and brand identities, package

design, structural packaging design, name development, consumer research, merchandising systems

Sales Contacts: Lisa Marsala in New York and Graham Hales in the United Kingdom (+44 20 7554 1169)

IN TER CORP EX CELLE FOODS INC. 1880 Or mont Dr., To ronto, Ont. M9L 2V4, CAN ADA Tel: Fax: URL:

(416)744-2124 (416) 744- 4369

To tal Sales Vol ume: $30 Million Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 25% Ex port Mar kets: United States

IN TER BRAND CORP. 130 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10011, USA


Tel: (212) 798-7500 Fax: (212) 798-7501 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A Ex port Mar kets: Global Profile:

Thisprivate,internationalbranding con sul tancy was formed in 1974 as Ano va mark. To day it spe cial izes in brand serv ices and ac tions, in clud ing brand strat egy, cor po rate iden ti ties, and name de vel op ment. The com pany op er-

In ter corp Ex celle Brands Foods is the manufacturerofCanada’s#1refrigerated salad dress ing, Renee’s Gour met. In ad dition to its brand, the com pany pro duces pri vate la bel prod ucts for many su permar kets and res tau rant chains in Canada and the United States. Its spe cial ties are re frig er ated and shelf- stable salad dress ings, sauces, may on naise and dips. Cus tom for mu la tions are avail able with manypackagingcontainers.

Products: Salad dressings, sauces, mayonnaise and dips

Sales Contacts: Arnie Unger, President; Alysse Unger, Private Label Sales Director

264 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 8%

IN TER CAFE, S.A. DE C.V. Bosque de Ci rue los, n. 18010o Piso, Bosques de Las Lo mas 1170 MEX ICO D.F. Tel: Fax:

Ex port Mar kets: United King dom Profile:

+525 728- 5926 +525 728- 5989

To tal Sales Vol ume: $3 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 15%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, South Amer ica, United States, Can ada, Asia Profile:

In ter cafe has a tra di tion of pre mium qual ity cof feee, dat ing back to 1874. Its cof fee is a spe cial se lec tion of mountaingrown Ara bica cof fee beans care fully roasted and ground to yield a rich balance of fla vor, aroma, and body. Beans are hand- picked from the “Oax aca Pluma” re gion in south ern Mex ico, whichisinternationallyrecognizedfor con sis tent high-qual ity har vests, pro viding ideal soil and cli mate con di tions. Spe cial care is taken, us ing spring wa ter to clean the beans and sun rays to dry them over a five- day pe ri od. In de caffein ated moun tain cof fee beans, the natu ral method of hot wa ter and steam is em ployed, never us ing chemi cal solvents to re move the caf feine. All beans are roasted to their peak fla vor in small batches at its plant in Oax aca, Mex ico, then air- cooled un til they are hard and brit tle, then fi nally ground to ob tain the de sired body.

Products: Roasted coffee Sales Con tacts:

Lic. Cesar Carranza, Director; Lic. Gabriel Hernandez, Export Manager

(732) 560- 3700 (732) 560- 9050 [email protected]

Products: Reusable ice cubes, wine chillers, can coolers, therapeutic pads, reusable ice mats

Sales Contacts: James L. Wilgus, President


NYSE: IFF Lie berg er weg 72- 98, 1221 JT Hil ver sum, THE NETHERLAND Tel: +31 35-6883911 Fax: +31 35- 6883202 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: $1.5 Bil lion +2% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Worldwide

INT’L. CREA TIVE EN TER PRISES, INC. 560 Lin coln Boule vard , Mid dlesex, NJ 08846- 2441 USA Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

This com pany be gan in 1972 and soon became an in no va tor and leader in the de velop ment and manu fac ture of re us able ice sub sti tute prod ucts. Int’l. Crea tive En terprises, in fact, is the in ven tor of the world’s first suc cess ful re us able ice cube, in troduced nearly 10 years ago. It is a 2 x 2 poly eth yl ene pouch with liq uid in side. Its lat est prod ucts in clude wine chillers and can cool ers. Pri vate la bel be came a fac tor in its mar ket ing ef forts in the re cent past.


In ter na tional Fla vors and Fra grances Inc. (IFF) is the larg est crea tor and manu facturer of fla vors and fra grances in the world. Its mar ket po si tion ing was enhanced in No vem ber 2000 with the ac quisition of Bush Boake Al len, a $499 mil lion fra grance and fla vors house. In busi ness for 111 years, IFF dur ing 2000 com bined its two di vi sions, fla vors and fra grances, into a single op era tion . Its head quar ters are lo cated in New York, while the company op er ates crea tive cen ters, sales offices, and manu fact ur ing fa cili ties in 42 coun tries . IFF fla vors are pro duced mostly for use in bev er ages, food, con fec-

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 265

tion ery, dairy prod ucts, and snacks. Its fra grances are used in fine fra grances, toi let ries, per sonal wash prod ucts, and fab ric care , home care, and air care products.

21340 Hayes Ave., Lakev ille, MN 55044, USA Tel: Fax:

(612) 469-4981 (612) 469-5550

Products: Flavors and fragrances

To tal Sales Vol ume: $265 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 75%

Sales Contacts:

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Mr. Frans A M Nijnens, Vice-President (e-mail: [email protected])


IN TER NA TIONAL FRA GRANCE & TECHNOL OGY, INC. 210 Hick ory Springs, In dus trial Drive, Can ton, GA 30115 USA Tel: Fax:

(770) 345- 3079 (770) 345- 3086

To tal Sales Vol ume: $15 Mil lion Pe cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 35%

Ex port Mar kets: Mex ico, Can ada, Po land, Bel-

Products: Fruit snacks, marshmallows, chewy

granola bars, ready-to-eat cereal, crisp rice bars, farina hot cereal, fruit & grain bars, canned meat, canned pasta, canned beans, cooking spray, canned chili, graham cracker pie crust, beef stew, spread cheese, spicy brown mustard

gium, It aly Profile:

IFT, Inc. is a full- service fra grance house, dedi cated to cre at ing fra grances, providingexactanalyticalduplicationof fra grances, and manu fac tur ing fragrances. The firm doesn’t work off of the 300- 800% work- ups that are common to this in dus try. It pro vides a 24hour manu fac tur ing lead time ver sus the stan dard 10 days to four weeks turn around. IFT pays the freight on all or ders more than 200 pounds—FOB its cus tomer’s plant.

Products: Fragrances for household and

personal care products, sanitary supply, and plastics

Sales Contacts:

Perry Pellegrino, Vice-President Sales & Marketing

In 1998, Inter na tional Home Foods Store Brands was formed by the con soli da tion of Grist Mill Com pany, Crea tive Prod ucts Inc., Lib by’s brand canned meats, and exist ing IHF store brands. The re sult ing prod uct line is one of the broad est in the store brand in dus try. IHF Store Brands prod ucts are manu fac tured in six plants lo cated through out the coun try. IHF Store Brands has a #1 or #2 store brand share po si tion in nine ma jor cate go ries. These in clude: fruit snacks, chewy gra nola bars, crisp rice bars, fruit & grain bars, gra ham cracker pie crust, marsh mal lows, canned pasta, canned meats, and cook ing spray.

Sales George Mik eta, Vice- President of Sales Contacts: (Tel:412-788-2510)

IN TER NA TIONAL TRAD ING CO., LTD. 3100 Ca nal Street, Hous ton TX 77003 USA Tel: (713) 224- 5901 Fax: (713) 546- 1505 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: $180 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 85%



266 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Founded in 1950, In ter na tional Trad ing Co. (ITC) has evolved from a small imported foods com pany into a multi-

dimensional, proc essed meat manu facturer, pack ager, and im porter/ex porter. As part of its com mit ment to its cus tomers, ITC has in sti tuted pro cesses to ensure qual ity through out the pro duc tion pro cess. The com pany has ex pe ri enced sig nifi cant growth through its dedi cation in pro vid ing the high est level of qual ity in all its prod ucts and services,hus set ting and reach ing its goal to be come the first ham com pany in the United States to re ceive ISO 9001 cer tifi ca tion. ITC has the ma jor ity of its busi ness in pre- packaged, pre- sliced refrig er ated meats, while pro vid ing bulk prod uct to food-serv ice and in sti tu tional ac counts.

pri vate la bel ac counts, and as high- market items, such as pre mium gifts. Parent JBB owns Jim Beam Brands Co., Deer field, IL, the sec ond larg est US dis tilled spir its company (op er ated un der JBB World wide, Inc., which is owned by For tune Brands Inc.).

Products: Scotch whisky, vodka, gin Sales Contacts:

Products: Premium ham, turkey and chicken

products. Manufactured, sliced & packaged for retail, food service, or industrial customers.

Sales Contacts:

Benjamin Warren, Director of Sales; Keith DeShazo, Director of Sales; Tom Hill, Director of Food Service; Claus J. R. Mercer, Director of Club and Export; Dave Gerle, Director of Business Development

(Di vi sion of JBB (Greater Europe) PLC)

Tel: Fax: URL:

(877)696-2525 (781) 647- 3939

Ex port Mar kets: Canada

9-21 Sal man der Place, Leith, Ed in burgh, EH6 7JL SCOTLAND


+44 131- 554- 4404 +44 131- 554- 1531

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 45%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, United States, Can ada, Mid dle East, East Europe, Southest Asia, Pa cific Rim Profile:

IN VER NESS MEDI CAL TECH NOL OGY* AMEX: IMA 51 Saw yer Rd.., Waltham, MA 02453 USA

To tal 2007 Sales Vol ume: $839.5 Mil lion +48.7% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 25%


Tel: Fax:

Angus Bruce (France, Netherlands, Scandinavia, U.S., Canada); Romana Findlay (Italy, Greece, Malta, Cyprus, Portugal); Peter Hepburn (France); Terry Magill (Spain, Latin America); Iain Gilchrist (Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Southeast Asia); Nick Wright (Japan, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand); John Wright (Africa, Middle East, Thailand); Keith Geddes (Eastern Europe, Turkey); Clive Miquel, Marketing Controller

In ver gor don Dis till ers is the world’s third larg est Scotch whisky pro ducer, of fer ing a ’l ibrary of whisky in stock.’ It also is the “world’s larg est pro ducer of cus tomer speci fied Scotch whisky.” Its prod ucts are sold in three ways in the value for money sec tor: su per mar kets,

Dur ing 2000, In ver ness Medi cal Tech nology be came the new name of Self care, Inc. This com pany traces its roots back to 1991, founded as a women’s health company. It has evolved into a lead ing force within the medi cal tech nol ogy field with prod ucts for peo ple with dia be tes, such as its pro prie tary, elec tro chemi cal blood glucose test strips. In Feb ru ary 1998, the com pany ac quired Can- Am Care, a dominant player in the dia be tes pri vate brands busi ness; even tu ally, that op era tion was com pletely ab sorbed into the In ver ness busi ness, which now op er at es as a sin gle en tity. The com pany to day is po si tioned as the number one U.S. pro vider of storename dia be tes-care and women’s fam ily

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


plan ning prod ucts. Its prin ci pal R&D andmanufacturingfaci

Sales Contacts: N/A

Products: Women’s Health products

(pregnancy and ovulation test kits) and diabetes-care products ( syringes, lancets, glucose tablets, and finger creams.

Sales Contacts:

Steve Ferullo, National Sales Manager (Ext. # 4023)

IRVING CON SUMER PRODUCTS. In ter na tional Plaza 2, Suite 405, Phila del phia, PA 19113 USA Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

(610) 362- 0800; (800) 952-6633 (610) 362-0820

IRVING MONC TON GROUP 100 Mid land Dr., Dieppe, NB E1A 6X43

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Tel: Fax: URL:

Ex port Mar kets: N/A

(506) 632-7777 (506) 648- 2205


To tal Sales Vol ume: $1Bil lion+ (E) Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: International Profile:

For more than 120 years, this pri vate, family- owned busi ness has pros pered in East ern Can ada and Maine. To day, the com pany, re ferred to as the Irving Group of Com pa nies, is a family- owned organizationandaverticallyintegrated, di ver si fied busi ness, in volved in: manufac tur ing branded and pri vate la bel house hold tis sue prod ucts (Irving Tissue) and pri vate la bel baby dia pers and train ing pants (Irving Per sonal Care)--see Irving Con sumer Prod ucts (be low); pro duc tion of fro zen po tato prod ucts for re tail and food serv ice markets (Cav endish Farms), a grower and packer of fresh po tato prod ucts, truck trans port and cou rier service (Midland), and ag ri cul tural prod ucts and serv ices. The com pany also op er ates a chain of some 30 Kent home im provement stores in At lan tic Can ada plus some 500 con ven ience stores un der the Bluecanoebanner(formerlyMainway) in East ern Can ada and New Eng land.

Products: Household tissues (see Irving

Op er at ing as part of Irving For est Products, Irving Consumer Products be gan in 1988 and to day is one of North Ameri ca’s lead ing tis sue manu fac tur ers. Its branded pro ducts include Scot ties fa cial tis sues, Roy ale (Can ada) tissues, and Soft Weave bath room tis sues (1 ply). Its pri vate la bel prod ucts cover tis sues, tow els, nap kins plus dis pos able baby diapeers and train ing pants

Products: Paper towels, Bathroom Tissue, Facial Tissue, paper Napkins, disposable baby diape5rs and trailning pants.

Sales Con tacts: Ken Landman, VP Sales, U.S.

ISO PHARM COS MET ICS INC. 409 In dus trial Dr., Bensen ville, IL 60106 USA Tel: Fax:

(630) 860- 1330 (630) 860- 1334

To tal Sales Vol ume: $0.5 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Asia, Af rica Profile:

Tissue below), frozen potato products (see Cavendish Farms listing in Sourcebook))

268 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Be sides sup ply ing a com plete line of cosmet ics and toi let ries un der its brand, Floryn,IsopharmCosmeticshandlesprivate

label/contractmanufacturingneeds fromformulationthroughfinished prod uct.

Jackson Associates (CMJ) as its private label services arm.

Services: Design and presentation,

photography (custom and stock vignettes), film and proofs to printers specs, master film programs, high-speed data communications network for quick turnarounds on design and finsihed art approvals.

Products: Lotions, creams, shampoos,

conditioners, bubble baths, shower gel, baby oil, petroleum jelly

Sales Contacts:


Ramesh S. Patel, Chairman

Sales Con tacts: Larry S. Nuss baum, Mi chael Jack son Sr., Mark Smith, Susie Jack son C.M. JACK SON AS SO CI ATES INC.

(Di vi sion of SGS In ter na tional, Inc. 133 Wil liams Dr., Ramsey, NJ 07446 USA Tel: (201) 828-5000 Fax: (201) 828-5252 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

JAR DEN HOME BRANDS* 345 South High Street #201, Mun cie, IN 47305USA Tel: Fax: URLl:

(765) 281-5000 (765) 281-5403

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Founded in 1992, C. M. Jack son As so ciPer cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A ates has since been custom- built to servEx port Mar kets: Europe ice the pri vate la bel in dus try in store brand iden tity and pack ag ing graph ics. Profile: Jar den Home Brands is a di vi sion of JarThe com pany uses high- tech, in- house den Corp., Rye, NY, a $3.2 bil ion pro vider re sources to de sign and im ple ment of branded consumable goods (home canpack ag ing proj ects from 1 SKU up to ning, home vac uum pack ag ing, kitchen thou sands. Work ing with ma jor re tailmatches, plas tic cut lery, rope, cord, twine, ersandmanufacturerscoast-to-coast, tooth picks, etc.), Con sumer so lu tions the com pany pro vides serv ices from (house hold electronic items un der such con cept to fi nal film and proofs, while brands as Crock Pot, Mr. Cof fee, Os ter, also help ing its cus tom ers to con trol Sun beam prod ucts, etc.), and out door sopack ag ing costs by giv ing them comlu tions (Cole man and Camp in gaz brands). plete own er ship and con trol of their The par ent com pany changed its name print ing ma te ri als. In March 2007, from All trista Corp. in 2002; in Feb ru ary C.M. Jackson Associates Inc. was ac2005, its di vi sion, All trista Con sumer quired by Southern Graphics Systems, Prod ucts Com pany, was re named Jar den a subsidiary of SGS International, Inc., Home Brands to be ter re flect its con necLouisville, KY. South ern Graph ics once tion to the par ent com pany. Jar den Home part of Al coa (also in the SOUR CEProd ucts sells to the pri vate la bel seg ment, BOOK) has in 2007 also ac quired the of fer ing such prod ucts as: plas tic cut lery, pre- press firm, Syn no flex Inc. in Canplas tic straws, and book matches. Jar den ada and The McGurk Group (digi tal Corp. has grown in re cent years via a art work & re pro graphic pack ag ing sonumber of ac quisi tions, in clud ing Dialu tions) in the United Kingdom . SGS, a mond Brands of Min nea po lis (pro ducer of global leader in the digital imaging and kitchen matches, tooth picks, plas tic cutcommunications in dus try with sales of lery and drink ing straws, clothes pins, etc.), $290 million, now operates C.M. O.W.D. And Tup per Lake Plas tics, sup pli-

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 269

ers of plas tic cut lery, straws and plates, all in 2003. More ac qui si tions fol lowed: AHL (Ameri can House hold Inc., owner of the Cole man and Sun beam brands) and Hol mes (home en vi ron ment and small kitchen elec tronic devices- - Crock Pot). This ex pan sion helped to push sales ahead by 280% in 2005 over the previ ous year. In Sep tem ber 2006, the com pany ac quired Con ros Corp. (firelogs), based in North York, On tario, Can ada.

Sales Contacts: Judith Hofstatter, Export Manager

JO- EL, INC. 31 N. Spruce St., P.O. Box 488, Eliza bethtown, PA 17022- 0488 USA

Products: Plastic cutlery, Plastic Straws,

Tel: Fax: URL:

(717) 367- 2441 (717) 367- 4055

Sales Con tacts:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $20 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%

Bjook matches, firelogs

Pete Danielson, Senior Product Manager; Mike Furmanski, Business Manager, National Accounts

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

JERI CHO BATH SALTS LTD. P.O. Box 1538, Cae sarea, 38900 IS RAEL Tel: Fax:

+972-6-343717 +972-6-336445

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Ja pan, South Ko rea, Hong Kong, Tai wan Profile:

Jeri cho Bath Salts, also known as Jericho Cos met ics, spe cial izes as the first and lead ing ex porter of health and beauty prod ucts pro duced from min erals ex tracted from the Dead Sea—its wa ters noted for con tain ing spe cial com pounds of natu ral min er als whose thera peu tic and re lax ing quali ties are known world wide. The Dead Sea waters have proved their ef fi ciency in reliev ing joint and mus cle pains, skin af fec tions, gen eral stress.

Products: Salts, “Black Mud”, facial creams, cleansers, hygienic wipes, and other health and beauty, highly-concentrated mineral products products, the ingredients taken from the Dead Sea area.

Jo- El, a family- owned cor po ra tion in business since 1974, to day op er ates two manufac tur ing di vi sions: Si mon Candy Co. in Eliza bethtown and Phar ma loz in Lebanon, PA. The lat ter fa cil ity pro duces lozenges and cough drops. Si mon Candy pro duces individually- wrapped hard candies. The com pany con tin ues to build a strong pri vate la bel and con tract manufac tured busi ness, sell ing to: chain gro cers, whole sale gro cers, chain drug stores, whole sale drug firms, and mass merchants.

Products: Hard candies, cough drops, throat lozenges, Vitamin C drops.

Sales Contacts: Brian Coil, Vice-President of Sales; David Deck, President

JOKO COSMETICS Ul. Geo de tow 4, 05- 200 Wolo min, POLAND Tel: Fax: URL:

(717) 367- 2441 (717) 367- 4055

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 80%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe & the United States

270 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


Joko Cos met ics is a rec og nized European pro ducer of color cos met ics for pri vate la bel. The com pany has been in busi ness for 20+ years and has in troduced ISO 1900:2000 as a guar an tee of the high est qual ity for its prod ucts. Its en try into the U.S. mar ket came in 2006. The com pany of fers a full cos met ics line: pressed prod ucts, pow ders and blush ers, lip stick, lip gloss, eye lin ers, mas cara, foun da tion, nail enamel and nail care, loose prod ucts, and min eral make up.

Ltd., 2430 Payne St., Evan ston, Chi cago, IL 60201 (847- 859- 1802). Wis dom in the U.S. sup plies tooth brushes and ac ces so ries, den tal floss, tape and sticks, and bat tery pow ered tooth brushes. Jor dan Group also pro duces paint ing tools and house hold clean ing mi cro fi ber cloths and dish washing brushes.

Products: Toothbrushes, dental floss Sales Contacts: Joe Warady, CEO, Wisdom Oral Care , Evanston, Chicago, IL (847-859-1802)

Products: Color Cosmetics Sales Contacts:

Tomasz Stencel, International Key Account Manager (tomasz.stencel

JOY CONE COM PANY 3435 La mor Road, Her mit age, PA 16148, USA Tel: (412) 962- 5747 Fax: (412) 962- 3470 URL:

JOR DAN AS Haaa vard Mar tin sen vei 30, NO- 0978, Oslo, NORWAY Tel: Fax: URL:

+47 2278-80-00 +47 2278-80-51

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

To tal 2006 Sales Vol ume: $174 Mil lion (NOK 1,079 Million)+7% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Worldwide Profile:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $20 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 25%

Jor dan AS is one of the world’s larg est pro duc ers of oral care prod ucts and a mar ket leader in the Nor dic re gion. In 1996, the com pany ac quired Wis dom Tooth brushes Ltd., Suf folk, Eng land, from the Ad dis fam ily. Wis dom’s history traces back to 1780, when Wil liam Ad dis in vented the mod ern tooth brush. His busi ness, first was called Ad dis, was changed to Wis dom. This op era tion pro duces tooth bru shes for the Brit ish mar ket and for Jor dan. Jor dan is a brand ori ented com pany, but does supply pri vate la bel oral care products in the UK and in the U.S.: Wis dom Toothbrushes Ltd., The Silk Mill, Ha ven hill, Suf folk CB9 8DT, Eng land (+44 (0) 1440- 714800); and Wis dom Oral Care

The Joy Cone Com pany, a family- owned and op er ated busi ness, un der one fam ily since 1918, con tin ues its tra di tion of “making one prod uct—cones—bet ter than any other com pany does.” The com pany, oper at ing out of the larg est single- cone manu fac tur ing lo ca tion in the U.S., has devel oped its own cone ov ens (built right in its plant), while us ing a time- tested, fam ily rec ipe that re quires close at ten tion to every de tail of mix ing the bat ter, bak ing the cones, then pack ag ing the prod uct. This firm is a ma jor sup plier to both the food- serv ice and re tail cone mar ket. Since food- service cones are 100% in spected and since each filled cone is handed across a store coun ter to the con sumer, Joy Cone must pro vide a prod uct that is defect- free. Its larg est cus tom ers in foodserv ice are McDon ald’s and Dairy Queen in the U.S. and Can ada. Joy Cone is the only manufac turer that of fers a full prod uct line for pri vate la bel—cake cup, sugar cone, color cup, jumbo cup, waf fle cones, and spe cialty cones. Peak sea son avail abili ty is guaranteed.

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


Products: Toothbrushes, shoe brushes, plastic Products: Ice cream cones and cups—cake

cups, sugar cones, waffle cones, specialty cones

Sales Contacts:


Paul P. Luchsinger, National Sales Manager

K.R. DENT- HAMIVRESHET Kib butz Ru hama, 79180 IS RAEL Tel: Fax:

+972 7- 6807177 +972 7- 6807773

To tal Sales Vol ume: $6 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 60%

products (self-inking stamps)

Sales Contacts: Michael Koenigsfeld, Export Manager

K.O.S. /NU TRA PET 7335 E. Acoma Drive, Scotts dale, AZ 85260 USA Tel: Fax:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $2.1 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 35%

Ex port Mar kets: Mexico,Canada,Brazil,Indonesia, Spain, Tai wan, Hong Kong, Ja pan Profile:

Ex port Mar kets: United States, United King dom, France, It aly, Greece, Hol land, South Africa, Australia Profile:

Po si tioned as the larg est and lead ing brush manu fac turer in Is rael, K.R. Dent- Hamivreshet pro duces a wide range of ver sa tile brushes and plas tic mold- injection prod ucts. Its toothbrushes are the main prod uct line—all FDA- registered, while sev eral K.R. Dent tooth brushes have achieved the ADA(AmericanDentalAssociation) seal of rec og ni tion. About 30% of Israel’s tooth brush needs are sup plied by this firm. Its other lines in clude household brushes, shoe brushes, paintbrushes, and white wash brushes. The firmmanufacturesproductsaccording to spe cific cli ent needs, sup ply ing custom- made in dus trial brushes as well. Additionally,thecompanyprovides three sizes of self- inking stamps: personal, busi ness and ‘your’ size. Nearly six mil lion pri vate la bel tooth brushes are ex ported mainly to large U.S. compa nies in the drug-store seg ment, while K.R. Dent prod ucts are sold in Europe as well. Its 64,000- square- foot plant is equipped with unique manu fac tur ing ma chin ery; while the Plas tic De partment uses mod ern in jec tion mold ing machines,accommodatingsubcontracting work as well.

(480) 905- 7117 (480) 905- 0080

The mak ers of “Peo ple Pleas ing Prod ucts for Pets,” K.O.S. In dus tries was es tablished in 1984. Re cently, the com pany has be come as so ci ated with the MNI Group. All its prod ucts are made in the North Amer ica and are non- toxic, con tain ing recy cled ma te rial when pos si ble. The company strives to of fer the high est qual ity at the low est price. Pri vate la bel is one of its very strong points, where it cur rently supplies many ma jor gro cery, mass mer chandise re tail ers in ad di tion to sup ply ing its own branded la bels. Some of its new est prod uct en tries: breath fresh eners, Grreap Grravy fla vor en han cer for dry foods, and a se lec tion of wipes--den tal, eye, ear, sham poo, etc. (The MNI Group, a productdevelopmentcompany,distributes nu tri tional and health re lated products for both peo ple and pets. Its prod ucts are clas si fied as “Nu traceu ti cals” that is, food or food sup ple ments that pro vide medi cal or health bene fits, in clud ing the pre ven tion and treat ment of dis ease).

Products: Litter liners, odor eliminator, stain

272 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

eliminator, dog shampoo, cat shampoo, flea & tick wipes, pooch pick-up mitt, pet placement, dental wipes, eye wipes, ear wipes, shampoo wipes, Gold Caps vitamin supplements, Silver Cap anti-oxident supplements, New Science supplements, Super C supplements,

PNT supplies, flavor enhancer for dry foods, breath fresheners.

Sales Contacts:

with “Boil- in- Bag” pouches and food pouch seal ing, prides it self on dec ades of in no va tion. In 1963, the firm de vel oped the first pouch con vert ing ma chine, al low ing for manu fac ture of pre- made pouches. In 1988, Ka pak in vented vented, re seal able cof fee pouches, called Cof fee PAK. The com pany was the first to bring the standup pouch, the Stand PAK, and the spouted stand- up pouch, the KAPAK tech nol ogy to the United States. Popu lar in Europe, this type of pack ag ing is just be gin ning to ap pear in the U.S. Of fer ing beau ti ful printingcapability,flexotorotogravure, the pack age serves as a bill board on the store shelf. In 1994, Ka pak be came the first U.S. com pany to ac quire worldrenownedOkazakirotogravureprinting and ad he sive lami nat ing equip ment.

Elliot Elrod, President

K.T.’S KITCH ENS, INC. 1065 East Wal nut St., Ste. C, Carson, CA 90746 USA Tel: Fax:

(310) 764-0850 (310) 764-0855

To tal Sales Vol ume: $40 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 5%

Ex port Mar kets: Korea,Japan,Russia Profile:

En tre pre neur Kathy Tag ga res purchased the Bob’s Big Boy salad dressings com pany from Mar ri ott Corp. in 1987 and since has ex panded the business into the pizza cate gory as well. A full range of dress ings, in cluding light and fat- and cholesterol- free, are available in 12- and 16- ounce jars, as well as a va ri ety of sauces (tar tar, BBQ, seafood). Also avail able: ham burger rel ish. In pri vate la bel, for both re tail and food-serv ice ac counts, the com pany custom packs as well as of fer ing club store packs and cus tom for mu las.

Products: Refrigerated salad dressings and frozen pizzas

Sales Contacts:

Products: Flexible packaging from rollstock

to stand-up pouches, including spout inserts

Sales Contacts: Brian Bell, National Sales Manager

KARGHER CHOCO LATE (Di vi sion of Kargher Corp.) 3131 Sand stone Dr., Hat field, PA 19440 USA Tel: Fax:

(215) 822- 1186; (800) 355-1247 (215) 822- 9666

To tal Sales Vol ume: $10 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 60%

Kathy Taggares, President

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Europe, Rus sia, Pa cific Rim KA PAK COR PO RA TION 5305 Park dale Dr., Min nea po lis, MN 55416- 1681 USA Tel: (612) 541- 0730 Fax: (612) 541- 0735 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Australia,Japan,Brazil Profile:

Ka pak, started by Ben ja min B. Kaplan and Harry R. Bell in 1961, be gin ning


Kargher Corp., founded in 1977, be gan manufacturingchocolateandconfectionery bak ing drops in 1980. Two years later, the firm added its en rob ing op era tion. The com pany is now ex pand ing its pro duc tion ca pac ity from 17 mil lion to 38 mil lion pounds per year. In 1996, the firm in troduced a com plete line of to tally Parve confections,includingpeanutbutter, but ter scotch, semi- sweet choco late, etc.

Products: Baking chips—chocolate, chocolate flavor, peanut butter, cherry,

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 273

butterscotch, and carob chips; chocolate nonpareils; coconut, chocolate-flavor covered pretzels.

Sales Contacts:

Douglas Kargher, President/CEO

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

KAR LEN MANU FAC TUR ING, INC. 5401 S. Gra ham Rd., St. Char les, MI 48655 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(517) 865- 8221; (800) 262- 8221 (517) 865- 8156; (800) 262- 8156

To tal Sales Vol ume: $10 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 60%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Aus tra lia, Can ada, Mexico, Af rica, Paa cific Rim Profile:

This com pany, first known as Op tico Manu fac tur ing when it started op erations in 1967, has grown to be come the world’s larg est sup plier of both eye care and cos metic ac ces so ries. As a re sult of its grow ing di ver si fied prod uct line, Optico adopted a more ge neric name, hencebecomingKarlenManufacturing in 1993. Kar len now con trols more than 80% of the mass mer chant mar ket and 60% of the drug-chain mar ket in their respectivecategories.

Products: Eye-care accessories, ear plugs, cosmetic sponges, facial buffs, cosmetic brushes, magnifiers, safety products, advertising specialty imprinted products.

Sales Contacts:

Tim Drumhiller, President; Tony d’Agosta, National Sales Manager (e-mail: [email protected])

KAR LIN FOOD PROD UCTS, INC. 1845 Oak Street (Suite 19), Northfield, IL 60093, USA Tel: Fax:

(847) 441- 8330 (847) 446- 2040

Since 1977, Kar lin Foods has been produc ing na tional brand prod ucts un der private la bel and packer la bel, em pha siz ing qual ity, value, and serv ice. There are now more than 30 cate go ries in Kar lin’s product line, in cludi a full range of po tato mixes, bak ing needs/spices/ex tracts; sauces; gravy/sea son ing mixes; soup/dip mixes; rice and stuff ing mixes; skil let dinners; crou tons; pan cake mix; international cof fees; and regu lar, de luxe, and mi crowave able mack & cheese. Re cently, the com pany in tro duced a com plete line of bak ing items (bak ing pow der, bak ing soda, corn starch, va nilla), and a full line of po tato mixes (mashed, au gratin, scalloped, fla vored mashed).

Products: Baking soda and powder, corn

starch, stuffing mixes, potato mixes, skillet dinners, steak sauce, rice mixes, Worcestershire sauace, macaroni & cheese, soup mixes, international coffees.

Sales Contacts: Michael Frick, National Sales Manager


((See Ar ray Mar ket ing Group)

HUGH KEE GAN AS SO CI ATES, INC. 50 Clin ton Ave., Courtland, NY 13045 USA Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

(607) 753- 9696 (607) 753- 8085 [email protected]

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

274 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Kee gan As so ci ates is an in de pend ent market ing and de sign firm with ex pe ri ence in

the food in dus try. The com pany spe cializes in trade mark de vel op ment, de sign and graph ics for la bels, POP dis plays, con tract print ing and other pro mo tional andsupportivecollateralmaterials.

crunchy cookies), children’s cookies

Sales Contacts: Lars Norgaard, Vice-President Sales/Marketing

Products: Trademark development, label

Sales Contacts:

design, point-of-purchase displays, shelf talkers, banners, signs, and end-of-aisle displays, print media ads and coupons

KERRY GROUP Prin ce’s Street, Tralee, Co. Kerry, IRELAND

Hugh Keegan, President

Tel: Fax:

+353 66718 2000 +353 66718 2961


To tal 2006 Sales Vol ume: ( £ 4.7 Bil lion) +4.9% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

KEL SEN INC. (Kel sen The In ter na tional Baker A/S) 510 Broad Hol low Rd., Mel ville, NY 11747, USA Tel: Fax: URL:

Ex port Mar kets: Worldwide Profile:

(516) 694- 8080 (516) 694- 8085

To tal Sales Vol ume: $150 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 25% Ex port Mar kets: 80 coun tries: Europe, South east Asia, United States, Can ada, South America,Australia Profile:

Kel sen traces its roots back to a sin gle bak ery opened in 1890 in a small vil lage in Den mark. The com pa ny’s Dan ish butter cook ies are made from wholesome natu ral in gre di ents, which over the years have made Kel sen the world’s lead ing manu fac turer in this seg ment. Its brands in clude: Kjeld sens, Roual Dansk, Kel sen, Dan ish Leg end, Karen Volf, Fa mous dane, Mer maid. Kel sen The In ter na tional Bak ery, the par ent com pany, is based in Norre Snede, Denmark. Its lat est in no va tions cover puff- pastry, cro canes, and a spe cial line of chil dren’s cook ies in alphabet- shaped let ters. Pri vate la bel is one of the cor nerstones in the its suc cess, es pe cially in the US.

Products: Danish butter cookies, Danish

cookies, chocolate-coated cookies, puff pastries, crocanes (sweet,

Kerry Group is one of the world’s larg est pro duc ers of spe cialty in gre di ents. Its core busi ness, In gre di ents, rep re sents (£ 3.1 bil lion) + 3.7%; while its con sumer foods busi ness (chilled ready meals, pre packed cooked meats, sau sage, cheese, and spreads) rep re sents ( £ 1.8 bil lion) +5.4%. Kerry is the lead ing pro ducer of own brand spreads (dairy and low fat) in the United King dom. Lately, it has fo cused on add ing Omega 3 and 6 en riched prod ucts to its spread range. The com pany serves both the re tail and food serv ice busi ness segments.

Products: Dairy & Low Fat Spreads, Ingredients, etc.

Sales Contacts: N/A

KIC CHEMI CALS, INC. 451 Main Street, Ar monk, NY 10504, USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(914) 273- 6555 (914) 273- 6760

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 30%

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


cated phar ma ceu ti cals, and health and beauty care prod ucts. In 2007, KCP Fund agreed that Caxton- Iseman Capi tal, Inc., New York, a pri vate eq uity firm, would ac quire the sub sidi ary, KIK Cus tom Prod ucts, for $804 mil lion (Ca na dian). After com ple tion of that deal, KIK ac quired Aero sol Serv ices Co. and Pied mont Labora to ries, pro duc ers of aero sol and nonaerosol fill ing and pack ag ing serv ices in the per sonal care, sa lon, household industrial and auto prod ucts mar ket. In Octo ber 2007, KIK ac quired the as sets of Heri tage Brands, which manu fac tur ers and sells pri vate la bel and branded liq uid laun dry and house hold clean ing prod ucts. (Caxton- Iseman in De cem ber 2007 was spun off from Cax ton As so ci ates and renamed CI Capi tal Part ners LLC).

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, SE Asia—World wide Profile:

For merly known as Kor ben In ter national Corp., KIC Chemi cals, Inc. was es tab lished in 1985. KIC is an ISO 9002- certified chemi cal dis tribu tor, oper at ing its head quar ters in New York state with a rep re sen ta tive of fice in Europe. The firm of fers high- quality, im ported prod ucts at com peti tive prices. Its stock is han dled out of 13 ware houses across the United States and Europe. The com pany also is accred ited by ANSI- RAB and the Dutch Coun cil for Cer ti fi ca tion. It manu factures a range of vege ta ble oils: canola, car rot, ol ive, pea nut, saf flower, ses ame, soy bean, sun flower, wheat germ.

Products: Glycerin, fatty acids, propylene

glycol, citric acid, essential oils, cosmetic/food/- pharmaceutical ingredients (Kosher certification available)

Sales Contacts:

care, per sonal hy giene); House hold prod ucts (clean ers, fab ric/ car pet/home/dish care), auto mo tive care (wind shield wash, tire/glass care, clean ers), spe cialty food prod ucts (food col or ing and no- stick sprays), medi catd prod ucts (pre scrip tion, Over- the coun ter medi cated treat ments, medi cal devices.

Eric Kort (e-mail: [email protected])

KIK CUS TOM PRODUCTS 33 Mac In tosh Blvd., Con cord, ONT L4K 4L5 CANADA Tel: (905) 660- 0444; (800) 276-8260 Fax: (905) 660- 7333 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A ExportMarkets: U.S. Profile:

Prod ucts:Per sonal Care (hair/oral/skin/baby

From 1995 to 2002, KIK re portedly grew from one fa cil ity to 11 ver ti cally integratedmanufacturingfacilities.In 2002, KIK formed an In come Trust, going pub lic as KCP In come Fund, then grew to where to day its over sees 23 manu fac tur ing fa cili ties and four Ken Krest dis tri bu tion cen ters. The company is one of North Ameri ca’s larg est custommanufacturersofnational brand and re tailer brand con sumer goods, in the fol low ing cate go ries: laundry, house hold cle an ders, OTC medi-

Sales Contacts: Steve Olinger, Sen. VP Sales (Tel: 727-510-8975 in Florida)


(Owned by Ka nan En ter prises) 30725 Aurora Rd., So lon, OH 44139 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(440) 248- 8484; (800) 860- 5464 (440) 248- 0153

To tal Sales Vol ume: $15 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 10%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, South Amer ica, Pa cific Rim Profile:

276 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOKManu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Over the past year, King Nut has dou bled its ca pac ity with new equip ment and fa cilities. Es tab lished in 1937, the com pany was pur chased by Ka nan En ter prises in 1989. King Nut is po si tioned as a manu fac turer,

roaster and proc es sor of fresh nuts, dried fruits, snack mixes and candy. All its prod ucts are fresh- roasted and/or packed to or der; the pack ages are nitrogen- flushed to in sure ad di tional fresh ness. Prod uct is packed in clear win dow bags (16-, 14-, 12-, 10-, 9-, 8- and 4- ounce sizes). Ad di tion ally, there are tube nut packs (packed 6/12 in 2- and 1.5- ounce sizes), in ter me di ate (9-, 8-, and 7- ounce), peg board (packed 36), and an 8- ounce sugar- free candy lines., as well as a vend ing line (0.75-, 1-, 1.5-, and 2ounce sizes). The firm is a lead ing supplier of one- half- ounce snack bags in airlinesworldwide.

ni ties to our manu fac tur ers and customers.”

Products: Vitamins, first aid, feminine hygiene,

cotton products, laxatives, bath & body, diet, nutritionals, bottled water, coffee

Sales Contacts: John Malmborg, Executive Vice-President Sales; John Jennings, Executive Vice-President Marketing

KLEEN BRITE LABO RA TO RIES P.O. Box 20408, Roch es ter, NY 14602- 0408 USA

Products: Roasted nuts, peanuts, dried fruit mixes, snack mixes, pretzels

Sales Contacts:

Tel: Fax:

Martin Kanan, Executive Vice-President Sales & Marketing (e-mail: [email protected])

(716) 637- 0630; (800) 223- 1473 (716) 637- 0960

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Profile: Some 50 years ago, D. James Manno KKM 6 Black stone Val ley Place, Ste. 201, Lin coln, RI 02865-1112 USA Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

(401) 333- 1290 (401) 334- 3416

To tal Sales Vol ume: $75 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 12%

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

In 1977, Troy Ketchum formed this con sumer prod ucts bro ker, serv ing the food, drug and mass mer cha ndis ing trade in six New Eng land states. It is organ ized by ma jor prod uct di vi sion, taking a cate gory man age ment ap proach for: health and beauty care; gen eral mer chan dise; fra grances, cos met ics, accessories;confectioneryandspecialty foods; and mar ket ing and op era tions. This “customer- driven, value- added sales and serv ice or gani za tion is dedicated to bring ing su pe rior, fact- based marketingandmerchandisingopportu-

started into busi ness with his fa ther, Domin ick, ped dling bleaches. Mr. Manno subse quently was in stru men tal in launch ing the com pany, which was in cor po rated in 1957. Right from the start, Kleen Brite began sup ply ing pri vate la bel. In fact, the companybecameaninnovator,introducing de ter gents in plas tic jugs—even be fore the brands—a ma te rial that was more user- friendly than the con ven tional 120ounce glass con tain ers at the time. To day, KBL of fers top tech ni cal ex per tise, product de vel op ment and cate gory man agement serv ices. In 1999, Kleen Brite comple ted its ac qui si tion of Trico So lutions, Inc., Eau Claire, WI, one of the largest manu fac tur ers of ex clu sive brand laun dry care/house hold clean ing prod ucts in North Amer ica.. The com pany now offers a com plete as sort ment of fab ric softeners,windowcleaners, and all- purpose cleaners.

Products: Laundry detergents (liquid and dry), bleach, fabric softener sheets, laundry pretreaters, de-icing windshield solvent

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


Sales Contacts:

Tim Manno, President; Bob Kaminska, Vice-President, Marketing; Matt Carroll, Vice-President, Contract Manufacturing

KON SYL PHAR MA CEU TI CALS INC. 8050 In dus trial Park Rd., Eas ton, MD 21601 Tel: Fax: URL:


(410) 822- 5192; (800) 356-6795 (410) 822- 5264

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

+31 31- 433- 822580 +31 31- 433- 680168 absorption.materi [email protected]


To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, United States Profile:

KNPLeykamAbsorptionMaterials spe cial izes in the pro duc tion, sale, and mar ket ing of cat lit ter.

Products: Cat Lit ter Sales Contacts:

Ron Moes, Business Unit Manager

KONGS FOSS NORGE A.S. Bae rumsv Salg 385 1346 Gjettun, NOR WAY

This pro ducer of natu ral fi ber sup plements once was part of Phar ma ceu ti cal For mu la tions, Inc. (PFI), which in turn was owned by ICC Chemi cal Corp. The PFI op era tion was sold and Kon syl kept in tact. ICC also owns the fla vor and in gredi ents house, Fru ta rom In dusts ries, also in the SOUCE BOOK. The com pa ny’s supple ments used for im proved in tes ti nal and di ges tive health, are sold un der their own brands as well as to pri vate la bel ac counts.

Products: Powdered dietary natural fiber supplements

Sales Contacts: N/A


(Konica Cor po ra tion) 440 Syl van Ave., Engle wood Cliffs, NJ 07632 USA

Tel: Fax:

+47 67 56 69 00 +47 67 56 69 10

To tal Sales Vol ume: $7.7 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Worldwide

Tel: Fax:

(201) 568- 3100 (201) 568- 7864

To tal Sales Vol ume: $6,089 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:


Products: Cellulose Cleaning wipes,


sponges, and scouring sponges, Nonwoven cleaning clothes

Sales Contacts:

Christopher Paus, Nicolay Paus.

278 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Es tab lished in 1873, Konica Corp., based in To kyo, has grown to be come a global Fortune 500 com pany. The Konica USA di vi sion was es tab lished in 1959 to in troduce Konica cam eras to the U.S. mar ket. The op era tion be gan sup ply ing pri vate label film in 1977. Its pri mary prod ucts include: pho to graphic pri vate la bel and Konica brand film, single- use cam eras, color pho to graphic pa per, mini- lab sys-

tems and pho to graphic chem is try, 35 mmcameras,photofinishingservices, plain pa per copi ers, fax ma chines, graphic arts ma te ri als and equip ment, medi cal and X- ray prod ucts and consumer video tape, and digi tal ID sys tems.

KRAN SON IN DUS TRIES, INC. 2330 West 205th St. (Suite 200), Tor rence, CA 90501, USA Tel: Fax:

Products: Consumer photographic camera

film and single-use cameras. Film sizes available: 35mm ISO’s 100, 200 and 400; 110-24 ISO 200, both in carded and non-carded packaging, plus multipacks in 35mm film.

Sales Contacts:

Keith Gross, National Sales Manager, Private Label Film; John Conroy, Western Regional Manager, Private Label Film.

KOREXCORPORATION 50000 W. Pon tiac Trail, Wixom, MI 48393, USA Tel: Fax:

(810) 624- 0000 (810) 624- 0506

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Mex ico Profile:

It’s a case of the sub sidi ary be com ing the com pany. Ko rex once op er ated underCCLCustomManufacturing, which was known as North Ameri ca’s larg est con tract manu fac turer. That com pany, founded in 1973, be came a spe cial ist in the ag glom era tion of household prod uct. The firm, un der its new iden tity, serves both con tract and private la bel cus tom ers.

Products: Dry laundry detergent, automatic

dish detergent (gel and powder), liquid cleansers, automatic dish detergent rinse agent, dry bleach-carpet and room freshener

Sales Contacts:

Robert Ditmar, Director of Sales

(310) 320- 4911 (310) 320- 2875

To tal Sales Vol ume: $300 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A Ex port Mar kets: Mex ico, South Amer ica, Can ada Profile:

Kran son Industries is the par ent firm to severalindependent,synergistically-linked or gani za tions: “tbd de sign” mar ket ing design serv ices; Clin ton Pack ag ing, which spe cial izes in niche mar kets, im port ing and ex port ing plas tic and glass pack ag ing through out Europe, Asia and Latin Amer ica; Nev eeti In dus tries, which manufac tures cot ton and rayon coil for the food supplmentandpharmaceuticalindustries; The Cali ber Wine Group, di vi sion of Tricor Braun, a sup plier of do mes tic and imported glass wine bot tles and re lated com po nents. Tri cor Braun is the re sult of a 1997 con soli da tion of North west ern Bottle Co., Texberry Con tainer, and Cali ber Pack ag ing. This was fol lowed by the 1998 pur chase of W. Braun Com pany. Tri cor Braun can de sign, source and sup ply all typesofpackagingcomponents,including glass and plas tic tonc tin ers, clo sures, spray ers, tubes, and more.

Products: All packaging—glass, HDPE, vinyl,

PET bottles, tubes, jars, caps, dispensers; also upscale containers for cosmetics, personal care, fragrance; expanding into gourmet food, pet products, automotive, household chemicals, pharmaceuticals

Sales Contacts: See below

TRI COR BRAUN (DivisionofKransonIndustries) 460 N. Lind bergh Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63141, USA

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 279

Tel: Fax: URL:

(314) 569- 3633 (314) 569- 5087

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A ExportMarkets: N/A Profile:

Tel: Fax:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A Ex port Mar kets: N/A

Profile: With a DMF on file and util iz ing Good The re sult of a con soli da tion of NorthManufacturingPractices,NeveetimanuwesternBottle,TexberryContainer, fac tures soft, ab sorb ent, contaminate- free Cali ber Pack ag ing, and W. Braun. Tricoils to pro tect pack aged tab lets for the cor Braun is po si tioned as the larg est food sup ple ment, health, and ethi cal pharand most di verse pack ag ing com pany of maceuticalindustries. its kind in North Amer ica, op er at ing 20 branch of fices in the U.S. Products: Rayon, cotton and polyester coils—strong, resilient and chemically perfect

Products: Rigid packaging design,

distribution, and sourcing for the personal care, food, beverage, nutraceutical, general industrial, household chemical, veterinary & pet care, biotechnical and automotive industries—plastic and glass packaging jars, tuabes, bottles, drums and vials; closures, sprayers, dispensers.

Sales Contacts:

(702) 856- 2444 (702) 856- 1223

Sales Contacts: Tom Iwasyszyn, General Manager

TBD de sign (DivisionofKransonIndustries) 2330 West 205th Street, #200, Tor rance, CA 90501, USA

Suzanne Fenton, Director of Marketing

THE CALI BER WINE GROUP (DivisionofTricorBraun/KransonIndustries) 603 In di ana Street, Be ni cia, Ca 94510, USA

Tel: (310) 320- 4911 Fax: (310) 320- 2875 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A Ex port Mar kets: N/A

Tel: Fax: URL:

(707) 747- 1055 (707) 747- 1064


To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A ExportMarkets: N/A Profile:

This op era tion has been serv ing the U.S. wine in dus try since 1982.

Products: Wine bottles and related

This full- service mar ket ing de sign firm serves high- profile, multi- national cli ents, producingcorporateidentities,marketing communications,media,advertising, pack age de sign, and web page de sign.

Products: Marketing design services Sales Contacts: Mike Dean, President)


Sales Contacts:

Pamela Blanchard, Vice-President

NEV EETI IN DUS TRIES (DivisionofKransonIndustries) 4969 En ergy Way, Reno, NV 89502, USA

CLIN TON PACK AG ING (DivisionofKransonIndustries) 450 N. Lind bergh Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63141, USA Tel: Fax:

(314) 569- 2212 (314) 569- 2536

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

280 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

This di vi sion de vel ops and im ports a wide va ri ety of unique glass con tain ers from top- quality sources in Europe and the Pa cific Rim. Clin ton Pack ag ing holds the li cense for many fa mil iar consumer pack ages, pro vid ing a pro prietary line of plas tic lar ge ware con tain ers and car boys to the in dus trial chemi cal mar ket as well

Products: Unique glass containers, plastic largeware containers, carboys

Sales Contacts:

David Kettler, President

DE KROES BV Ever den berg 60, P.O. Box 299, 4900 AG Oosterhout, THE NETHERLANDS Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

+31.162.462404 +31.162.461835 [email protected]

To tal Sales Vol ume: $15 Million Pe cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 75%

Ex port Mar kets: Bene lux, France, United King dom, Ger many, Ja pan, It aly, United States, Can ada


Founded in 1820, De Kroes is fully special ized in pri vate la bel. Its strength lies in a high- quality stan dard of prod uct and serv ice (HACCP cer ti fied) and constant prod uct in no va tion. De Kroes mainly spe cial izes in cre at ing new and ex cit ing prod ucts, which can cre ate incre mental sales. Re cently, the com pany in tro duced cheese, ba con and pi zaza crack ers; plus cheddar- filled wa fers.

KWIKEE IM AGE & DATA NET WORK 1720 W. Detweil ler Drive, Peo ria, IL 61615 USA Tel: (309) 692- 1530; (888) KWIKEE1 Fax: (309) 692- 6566 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Kwikee Im age & Data Net work (KIDN), a di vi sion of Multi- Ad Serv ices, Inc., calls itself the world’s larg est li b rary of prod uct im ages and data for the con sumer packaged goods and auto af ter mar ket in dustries. KIDN de vel ops, man ages, and dis trib utes na tional and store branded images and data for ad ver tis ing, on line, promotional,andmerchandisingapplications. The com pany offers more than 65,000 images in a va ri ety of file for mats, in clud ing: high- resolution, EPS im ages in four- color and black & white; low- resolution, TARGA im ages in four- color; and gif images in four- color. Lead ing manu fac tur ers rely on KIDN not only for the de vel opment and man age ment of its prod uct images, but for a dis tribu trion da ta base that gets their im ages into the hands of the people that need them. Re tail ers, whole sal ers, me dia out lets, on line ven dors, ad agen cies, news pa pers, sign and la bel com pa nies and many oth ers re ceive Kwikee’s su pe rior qual ity im ages free of charge. In 2002. The par ent com pany, Multi- Ad Serv ices was re named MultiAd- - an um brella iden tity to re flect its cov er age of soft ware, prod uct im ages, cus tom Inter net sites, printed books, etc.

Products: CD-ROMs (Mac and PC-compatible), Internet, printed reference books

Sales Contacts: Jeff Loman, National Accounts Manager (e-mail: [email protected])

Servicess: Snacks, crackers Sales Contacts:

Mr. J.M. Bouman, Sales Director; Mrs. N.F. Fischer, Area Manager

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 281


for all types of prod uct—cos met ics, bi cy cles, food, phar ma ceu ti cals. Its equipment ca pa bil ity dis tin guishes this firm fromcompetitors.

LA SI ESTA FOODS, INC. 3139 SE 10th St., Topeka, KS 66607 USA Tel: Fax:

(785) 354- 1449 (785) 357- 7369

To tal Sales Vol ume: $15 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: None Profile:

La Si esta Foods com menced op era tions in1978,manufacturingburritosand tor til las. The com pany has kept abreast of tech no logi cal changes in its busi ness, in clud ing the adop tion of hori zon tal form/fill/seal pack ag ing ma chines that within its co- packing op era tions per mit pro duc tion of re closable bags for its prod ucts. Its prod uct line includes break fast bur ri tos and vege ta ble en chila das.

Products: Taco shells, frozen burritos (dinner and breakfast), corn tortillas, flour tortillas, vegetable enchilada.

Sales Contacts:

Mike Koester, Vice-President Sales

Products: Custom imprinted pressure sensitive labels

Sales Contacts: Tom Silvano. Denise Silvano

LADY BURD EX CLU SIVE PRI VATE LA BEL 44 Ex ecu tive Blvd., Farm ing dale, NY 11735, USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(516) 454- 0444 (516) 454- 0446

To tal Sales Vol ume: $10 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90% Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Asia, South Amer ica, Can ada, So viet Un ion Profile:

This 35 year- year- old firm has be come a leader in pri vate la bel cos met ics.

Products: Color cosmetics, skin care, custom make up kits, brushes, displays and accessories

LA BEL GRAPH ICS MFG. INC. 175 Pater son Ave., Lit tle Falls, NJ 07417 USA Tel: Fax:

(973) 890- 5665 (973) 890- 1164

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

La bels Graph ics is a cus tom manu facturer of pres sure sen si tive la bels for the in dus trial and re tail user. The la bels are flexo graphic, hot- stamped, ro tary let ter press, and ro tary silk screen imprinted--up to nine col ors. Es tab lished in 1980, the com pany produces la bels

Sales Contacts: Roberta Burd, CEO, President

LAGGS SOFT LINE AB Bjurs dals vagen 1, S- 59013 Box holm, SWEDEN Tel: Fax: URL:

+46 142 50030 +46 142 5oo39

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Pe cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Worldwide Profile:

Start ing out with a ship ping com pany, Cali for nia Ship ping, in Or ange County, Cali for nia, for 10 years, fam ily own ers sold out and moved to Swe den in 1995.

282 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

This led to the startup of LAGG, which of fers an environmentally- approved sof ten ing agent, spe cially made for the strict Euro pean mar ket. The prod uct has been tested by IFP Re search AB in Goth en burg, Swe den. In 1998, Laggs pur chased a new manu fac tur ing building, then se cured its trade mark, Tumlare. In 2000, LAGG will ex pand into pri vate la bel.

Fax: URL:

To tal 2007 Sales Vol ume: $762.7 Mil lion +4.5% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 27%

Ex port Mar kets: Canada Profile:

Servicess: Fabric softener sheets Sales Contacts:

Jonny Lagg

LA MAGNA CHEESE CO., INC. #1 La magna Dr., Ve rona, PA 15147 USA Tel: Fax:

(412) 828- 6112 (412) 828- 6782

To tal Sales Vol ume: $10 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

This family- owned re gional cheese producer, now in its third gen era tion of own er ship, began in 1928 ba si cally in the ri cotta cheese mar ket. La magna has ex panded into other cheese prod ucts, hav ing in vested in state- of- the- art shreddingequipment.

(704) 556- 5638

Es tab lished in 1913, Lance, Inc. along with itssubsidiarybakeries,includingVista Bak er ies, Bur ling ton, IA, pro vides pri vate la bel filled sand wich cracker/cookie items plus in sti tu tional salad crack ers, which has ex panded re cently. Lance (Nasdaq: LNCE) today has a strong pres ence in supermarkets,C-stores,wholesaleclubs, mass mer chan dis ers, and res tau rants. It has di rect store de liv er ies in 23 states. In March 2008, Lance ac quired pri vately owned Brent & Sam’s Inc., North Lit tle Rock, AR, a pro ducer of gour met cook ies (in clud ing pri vate la bel). About June 2008, Lance con soli dated its Vista Bak ery, Brent & Sams & Tam ming Foods un der Lance PrivateBrands,operatinginBurlington, IA (Tel: 319- 754- 6551 or 800- 553- 2343). In De cem ber 2008, Lance for $30 million took control of Arch way Cook ies LLC, Ash land, OH, a snack foods com pany operatingunderbankruptcyprotection.

Products: Filled sandwich crackers & cookies, institutional cracker products, sugar wafers

Sales Contacts: Gordon Rider, Private Brands Director (Iowa)

Products: Cheeses: ricotta, feta, shredded

mozzarella, shredded cheddar, shredded provalone, and mozzarella and provolone in whole blocks.

Sales Contacts:

LAN DER CO., INC. 2000 Len nox Dr., Ste. 202, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 USA

Rudy Lamagna Jr.,

Tel: Fax: URL: LANCE INC. 14120 Bal lan tyne Corp. Plaza, Ste. 350,, Char lotte, NC 28273 USA

(609) 219-0930; (800) 4- LANDER (609) 219- 1238

To tal Sales Vol ume: $99.6 Mil lion+ Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 30%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Asia, Latin Amer ica, North America,Africa,Australia


(704) 554- 1421; (800)438- 1880

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 283


Lan der Com pany, in 2003, was acquired by a pri vate eq uity firm, the LANG NATU RALS Her mes Group LLC, Prince ton, NJ, 850 Aquid neck Ave nue, New port, RI 02842 USA which in cluded Lander’s fa cili ties in To ronto, Can ada, and Bing ham ton, Tel: (401) 848- 7700 NY. Lan der serv ices more than 90 Fax: (401) 848- 7701 coun tries. It has been an in ter na tional URL: leader in the manu fac tur ing and market ing of value- brand health- andbeauty- care prod ucts for more than 75 To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A years. Lan der’s value brand cov ers Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 20% more than 15 health- and- beauty- care Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Ja pan, Europe cate go ries in more than 300 SKUs. Addi tion ally, Lan der fo cuses on store Profile: Lang Natu rals spe cial izes in pro duc ing brand (national- brand- equivalent forfood and bev er age prod ucts that make mu la tions) and up scale or pre mium health claims, such as “low fat,” “low soexclusive brands bath- and- body proddium,” “all natu ral,” “vi ta min for ti fied,” ucts. The com pany very likely is the “or ganic,” “no cho les terol,” and other larg est pro ducer of bub ble bath in claims. The com pany has de vel oped and North Amer ica. Its pro duc tion of skin pro duced a wide range of prod ucts such as care (lo tion and cream) also is sig nifisauces, snacks, and bev er ages (see prod uct cant.Its prin ci ple mar kets in clude: dollist ing). The firm spe cial izes in cus tom forlar stores, gro cery out lets, and dis count mu la tions for pre mium pri vate la bel prochains. The com pany ex ports prod ucts grams, and also of fers spe cial ized ex per tise to some 110 coun tries. The firm also for die tetic and well ness prod ucts. Lang op er ated Ra nir/DCP, West Or ange, NJ, Natu rals is po si tioned on the cut ting edge a den tal care firm (also in the SOURof con sumer taste and health- conscious CE BOOK) up un til the take over by trends. Its ex per tise cov ers a wide va ri ety The Her mes Group. Two years later, of pack ag ing is sues such as por tion con2005, Lan der was merged into Ce nuco trol, shelf life, freight ef fi cient pal la ti za tion, Inc. To cre ate a new firm, As cen dia de sign and new in no va tions. Of fer ing net Brands Inc.. But in August 2008, the pric ing or ac crual fund pro grams, the com pany filed for Chap ter 11 bankcom pany works closely with ac counts on ruptcy pro tec tion, as it sought to sell its an on go ing ba sis to en sure prod uct assets. success.

Products: Bath and body lines, bubble bath,

Sales Contacts:

deodorants, baby products (shampoo, lotion, powder, oil, bath, pet jelly); oral care, skin care, mouthwash

Products: Steak sauces and other sauces and

William Acheson, Exec. VP, Sales/Marketing; Laura Barry, Director Marketing; Harrie Driessen, Exec. VP/Dir. International Sales; Office in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada (Tel: 416-297-6700)

Sales Contacts: David Lang, President

marinades, salad dressings, pasta sauces, salsa, seafood sauces, spice blends, macaroni and cheese, popcorn, caramel corn, chocolate-covered caramel corn, nutraceutical beverages

LA SER SHAV ING (UK) LTD. At lan tic House, 45- 47 Alp er ton Lane, Wem bley HAO 1JJ UNITED KING DOM


2009 EB SOUR CE BOOKManu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Tel: Fax: URL:

+44 (208) 566- 8762 +44 (208) 566- 8763

Jill brand soap bub bles plus pri vate la bel.

Products: Ammonia, heavy duty liquid

detergent, liquid dishwashing detergent, fabric softeners, soap bubbles

To tal Sales Vol ume: $9 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 20%

Ex port Mar kets: France, Spain, Swe den, Sin ga-

Sales Contacts: John Revolinsky

pore, Hong Kong, Ma lay sia, Thai land, United States, South Amer ica, Mid dle East, Rus sia, Profile:

The com pany, for merly called Al li ance LEAD ING BRANDS INC. In dustsries (UK) Ltd., pack ages and mar kets prod ucts pro duced by the Nasdaq: BRIO world’s sec ond larg est ra zor blade 160- 7400 River Rd., Rich mond, Brit ish Co lum bia V6X manu fac turer, Mal ho tras of In dia. Mal1X6 CAN ADA ho tras, a family- owned busi ness, started its op era tion in 1950 and be gan its priTel: (604) 214- 9722 vate la bel ac tiv ity in 1990- 91, which Fax: (604) 214- 9733 brought the UK op era tion on stream. URL: The firm also sells ra zor blades un der its To tal Sales Vol ume: $49.2 Mil lion To paz and La ser brands. Its product Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 85% range: sin gle blade, fixed twin blade, piv ot ing twin blade dis pos able ra zors Ex port Mar kets: Ja pan, United States plus shav ing car tridges (with or with out Profile: The com pany, for merly called Brio In duslu bri cat ing strip) and mov ing cartridges. tries, is the larg est in de pend ent pack ager and dis tribu tor of soft drinks, juices, waProducts: Disposable razors and shaving systems ters, and New Age bev er age in Can ada. The firm packs ready- to- serve bev er ages Sales (car bon ated and non-carbonated drinks Contacts: Mr. N. C. Dadia, Mr. V. K. Anand and juices) in vari ous for mats. Re cently, it added sports bev er ages (canned, bot tled, or PET con tain ers) as well. It produces/packs to ex act ing speci fi ca tions in each of its three plant op era tions. It also LAUN DRY AIDS, INC. packs nack food and con fec tion ery items. 333 Starke Road, Carl stadt, NJ 07072 USA

Products: Ready-to-serve soft drinks in

Tel: (201) 933- 3500 Fax: (201) 933- 5193 E-Mail: [email protected] To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 85% Profile:

This privately- held firm, es tab lished in 1961, is the lead ing manu fac turer of private la bel am mo nia in the United States. Re cent ad di tons: ul tra heavy- duty laundry de ter gents (in clud ing the popu lar 200- ounce size) and ul tra con cen trate fab ric sof tener (in clud ing the re fill carton). The firm also works with Man hattan Prod ucts, Inc., pro ducer of Jack &

aluminum cans and PET bottles; spring water, mineral water, glacier water in PET bottles; ready-to-serve juices and drinks in PET bottles, PVC containers and glass bottles; also corn snack food and confectionery items in various formats.

Sales Contacts: Ross Wells, Vice-President Operations (e-mail: [email protected]

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 285

LEI NER HEALTH PROD UCTS LLC.* 901 East 233rd Street, Car son, CA 90745 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

tered vol un tary Chap ter 11 pro tec tion in July 2005.

Products: Vitamins/minerals/nutritional

supplements; Over-the-counter drugs including analgesics, cough/cold, allergy, antacid, laxative, sleep aid, motion sickness remedies; Skin and hair care products

(310) 835- 8400 (310) 952- 7770

To tal Sales Vol ume: $685 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 67%

Ex port Mar kets: Asia, South Amer ica, Europe,

Sales Contacts: Bob Laferriere, Executive Vice-President, Sale/Marketing

Mid dle East, Mex ico, Can ada Profile:

Lei ner Health Prod ucts is the lead ing U.S. Manu fac turer of store brand vi tamins, min erals, amd nu tri tional sup pleGROUPE LEM OINE ments and the sec ond larg est sup plier of 56 Rue de Passy, 75016, FRANCE OTC phar ma ceu ti cal sin cerely to the re tail tade. Lei ner sells 90% of its viTel: +33 ta mins to mass mar ket and ware house Fax: +33 club re tail ers. (Pri vate la bel ac counts URL: for nearly 83% of Leiner’s vi ta min sales.) Not with stand ing its fis cal 2001 To tal Sales Vol ume: $50 Mil lion+ de cline, Lein ter’s U.S. vi ta min sales Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 95% have been up 10% per year compounded an nu ally over the past 7 years. Ex port Mar kets: Worldwide The com pany is vi ta min cate gory manProfile: Groupe Lem oine is the larg est manu facager for many lead ing U.S. re tail ers. turer of cot ton buds in Europe and con sidThe com pany sells some 3,000 prod ucts ers it self an in ter na tional group with and also is the larg est sup plier of vi tapro duc tion plants in France, bel gium, mins, Min ner als and sup ple ments to the Hol land, and Bra zil.. Started in 1985, the mili tary. The company’s brands infirm to day pro duuces 100% pure cot ton clude. Your Life vi ta mins, Phar ma cist ear buds/swabs, pads, pleats, and balls. For mula OTCs, Body col ogy hair/skin Among some re cently introduced prodcare, and Natu ral Life skin care products is a mon obloc poly pro pyl ene (PP) box ucts. In De cem ber 1999, the com pany of 50 or 160 cot ton buds, which fea ture ac quired two sub sidi ar ies from No vo100% pure cot ton tip with a PP or pa per pharm Lim ited of On tario (Can ada)- stick, avail able in dif fer ent col ors. Buds Granutec, Inc., Wil son, NC, a manualso are avail able in round or rec tan gu lar fac turer of pri vate la bel, OTC phar maflat poly sty rene (PE) or PP boxes, transceu ti cal drugs; and Stanley par ent PE printed bags (with or with out PharmaceuticalLtd.,manufacturerof draw strings), card board boxes with preprivatelabel,OTCpharmaceutical cut PP win dow, and PE and/or PP disdrugs, and vi tam supple ments. The latpenser boxes ter was incoropo rated into Leiner’s Cana dian sub sidi ary, Vita Health, Products: Cotton buds, cotton wool, cosmetic Win ni peg, Mani toba, Canada (also pads (100% cotton) listed in the SOUR CE BOOK). More Sales re cently, in Sep tem ber 2005, Lei ner acContacts: Philippe Lemoine, President; Frederic quired most of the as sets of Cartier, Sales Manager Pharmaceutical For mu la tions (also in the SOUR CE BOOK), which had en-

286 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

land, this busi ness evolved into a butter fac tory dur ing the 1920s, earn ing a reputa tion for ex cel lent serv ice and a fresh, wholesme prod uct. It’s no dif fer ent to day, car ry ing its heri tage of in no va tive tech nology for ward be yond butter into an hydrousmilkfat/butteroil,sweetened con densed milk, milk pow ders, and cream cheese. The co- op serves cus tom ers in the re tail and food- service seg ments, as well as in gre di ents for manufacturers and ex port busi ness. Level Val ley Cream ery pro vides newproductdevelopment,specificallyformu lated for cus tomer needs. It also meets spe cial re quire ments, such as ko sher cer tified, cer ti fied rBST free and or ganic dairy prod ucts.

LEPAGE’S, INC. 120 Delta Dr., Pitts burgh, PA 15238- 2806 USA Tel: (412) 967- 0250, (800) 628- 5702 Fax: (412) 967- 0255 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 70%

Ex port Mar kets: South Amer ica, Europe, Pa cific Rim, Can ada Profile:

Founded in 1876, LePage’s has a long his tory of pro vid ing top- quality ad hesive and tape prod ucts to the U.S. market. Its mu ci lage glue is one of the most rec og niz able prod ucts among U.S. consum ers. LePage’s is the lead ing pri vate la bel trans par ent tape and glue sup plier in the U.S. This privately- held com pany is now in tro duc ing a new line of package seal ing tapes on a 3- inch core.

Products: Cream cheese, butter, sweetened condensed milk, anhydrous milkfat/butteroil

Sales Contacts: E-mail: [email protected]

Products: Adhesive tape, glue, packaging

tape, dispensers, super-glue, removable stick notes, holiday gift tags, and printed tapes.

Sales Contacts:

Ed Kennedy, Senior Vice-President Marketing & Sales

Tel: Fax: URL:

(818) 882- 2951; (800) 327-2012 (818) 341- 3840

To tal Sales Vol ume: $40 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 70%

Ex port Mar kets: Australia,Korea,Japan,Hungary, China, Can ada

(262) 675- 6533 (262) 675-2827


To tal Sales Vol ume: $100 Mil lion+ Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%

Ex port Mar kets: Mex ico, Europe, Can ada, South America Profile:

dba Na ture’s Gate Herbal Cos met ics 9200 Ma son Ave., Chatsworth, CA 91311 USA

LEVEL VAL LEY CREAM ERY** 800 Pleas ant Val ley Rd., West Bend, WI 53095 USA Tel: Fax: URL:


In 2005, privately- owned Level Val ley Cream ery will cele brate its Cen ten nial year. Started as a sim ple farm co- op in 1905, in the heart of Ameri ca’s dairy-

Since 1972, Lev lad has spe cial ized in naturally- based organic- type prod ucts. A pioneer in bio de grad able prod ucts, its strong com mit ment to en vi ron mental issues re flects in its prod uct line. Lev lad operatesanin-housecomponentdecoration ca pa bil ity, while of fer ing a com plete turnkey op era tion. As the larg est sup plier of natu ral prod ucts to the natu ral foods indus try, its mar ket ing chan nels in clude: the mass mar ket, sa lon in dus try, drug chains, di rect sales, and spe cialty stores. Levlad ex panded its busi ness into ex clu sive

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 287

brands, sup plying su per mar kets, depart ment stores, celebrity- endorsed lines, multi- level firms and spe cialty stores.

LID ESTRI FOOD, INC 815 West Whit ney Road, Fair port, NY 14450- 1030 USA

Products: Hair care, skin care, sun care,

Tel: Fax: URL:

Sales Contacts:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

body care, oral care, baby care, resort & spa products, deodorants, pet products

Rosalyn Feldman, Rhonda Vilardo, Wayne Dunlap

(585) 377- 7700 (585) 377- 8150

Ex port Mar kets: Puerto Rico, South Amer ica, Middle East Profile:

LG CHEMI CAL AMER ICA, INC. 1000 Syl van Ave., Engle wood Cliffs, NJ 07632 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(201) 816- 2305 (201) 816- 0961

To tal Sales Vol ume: $70 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 80%

Ex port Mar kets: Worldwide Profile:

LG Chemi cal Amer ica, for merly called Lucky Amer ica, is a sub sidi ary of LG Group, Seoul, South Ko rea, a $85 billiondiversifiedoperationinvolvedin electronics,petroleum,andconsumer prod ucts. World wide, the com pany pro duces about $1.4 bil lion in con sumer prod ucts, in clud ing roughly 20% in private la bel. LG Chemi cal, addresses the US mar ket, now serv ing as the in terna tional sales of fice for the com pany.

Products: Soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, rinse, baby diapers, powder detergent, hair gel and spray, cosmetics, and a full line of pharmaceuticals (growth hormones to aspirin).

Sales Contacts:

Mr. Joshua Lee, Sales Manager .

This privately- owned firm (for merly called Can ti sano Foods), which started in 1978, has de vel oped into be com ing “the source for sauce,” to day of fer ing more than 50 vari ties of sauces as well as spe cial reci pes. Its prod ucts are packed in any size con tainer from 11- ounce re tail glass to No.10 food-serv ice size. Its roots be gan in 1937, when Ralph Can ti sano with his family origi nated Ragu spa ghetti sauce, which be came a lead ing na tional brand in its prod uct cate gory; but in 1971, he sold Ragu and left the com pany. To day, he has more than 50 years sauce- making ex pe rience. Ca ti sano Foods op er ates two stateof- the- art sauce plants, one in Fair port, NY, and one in Selma, CA. The firm can ship quickly to Europe, the Near East, and the Far East. The com pany also provides ro tary glass re tort packs: cheese, al fredo, chili con carne, soups, etc.) for pri vate label.

Products: Pasta sauces, pizza sauces, salsas, barbecue sauces, cooking sauces, and ketchup

Sales Contacts: Edward P. Salzano, Executive VicePresident (Phone: 201-944-1233; Fax: 201-944-3158

LIFE SCI ENCE LABO RA TO RIES, INC. 5854 But ter nut Drive East, Syra cuse, NY 13057 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

288 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

(315) 445- 1105; (800) 784-7447 (315) 445- 1301

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A ExportMarkets: Profile:

Life Sci ence Labo ra to ries is a fullserviceanalyticallaboratory,serving many vari ous sec tions of the in dus trial, manufacturingandpackagingmarkets through out the U.S. and the world. Because of over- night de liv ery and second- day de liv ery, the com pany is within reach of al most any in dus try anywhere.Itsanalyticalexpertise, backed by a staff with over 13 years aver age ex pe ri ence, makes the firm not only a re li able, ac cu rate, and de pendable re source, but also a valu able as set to its cli ents.

Services: All types of laboratory analytical services, including Food (QA/QC, nutritional labels, process control, microbiology), Pharmaceuticals (USP Monograph, release testing, R&D), Food Packaging (FDA compliance, indirect food additives, 3A), as well as full environmental analytical services

Sales Contacts:

Hugh Guider, Director of Client Services

chines with a ca pac ity of 200 mil lion pieces per year. Its pri vate la bel di vi sion is growing fast; by the end of 2001, it is es ti mated that 50% of its ca pac ity will be de voted to pri vate la bel dia pers. The firm op er ates an in- house re search & de vel op ment en gineeringdepartment,whichmanufactusres equip ment for baby dia pers ma chines and sup plies manu fac turers in West ern Europe. The com pany is now the ex clu sive manufacturer- supplier of the Wal- Mart’s Co sies brand in Ger many.

Products: Baby and adult diapers Sales Contacts: Michael Ioannides (Tel: +357 2-484600 in Cyprus or e-mail: [email protected])

LIT TLE LADY FOODS, INC. 2323 Pratt Blvd., Elk Grove Vil lage, IL 60007 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(847) 806- 1440; (800) 439-1440 (847) 806- 0026

To tal Sales Vol ume: $40 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Ja pan, Hong Kong, Ko rea, Tai wan, Canada LI NETTE HEL LAS S.A. Eth nikis An tis ta seos 27, 15235 Ath ens, GREECE Tel: Fax: URL:


+30 1- 6801359 +30 1- 6855494

Products: Pizzz 5- to 14-inch sizes, self-rising

To tal Sales Vol ume: $20 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 40%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Mid dle East, Af rica Profile:

Lit tle Lady Foods is the larg est made- toorder, spe cialty pizza manu fac turer in the US, pro vid ing a wide va ri ety of highvalue-addedcustomizedfrozenpizza prod ucts to both the food- serv ice and retail mar ket seg ments.

Li nette Hel las S.A. is a pri vate company, op er ated as a sub sidi ary of Linette Ltd., a Cyprus- based dia pers manu fac tur ing com pany. The sub sidiary manu fac tur ers baby dia pers at its plant out side Ath ens, us ing two ma-

pizzas, calzones, enrobed sandwiches, heat-and-serve sandwiches

Sales Contacts: Peter Cokinos, Director of Business Development (Ext. 3520)

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 289

‘priv ilege la bel’ brands for gro cery chains in Cali for nia. Lo gret also de vel oped, produced and mar keted sev eral brands in new cate go ries na tion ally — cool ers and New Age soft drinks. The firm spe cial izes in the crea tion and pro duc tion of eq uity privi lege la bels in the malt bev er age category. These prod ucts are then es tab lished forcooperativeretailerswithcustomized distributionsystems.

LNK IN TER NA TIONAL, INC. 60 Ar kay Drive, Haup pauge, NY 11788, USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(631) 435-3500 (631) 435- 3542

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

LNK In ter na tional is an over- thecounterpharmaceuticalmanufacturer. One of its most re cent new prod ucts is a children’sacetaminophen(melt-inmouth tab let) in bub ble gum fla vor,

Products: Malt beverages (beer), soft drinks. Sales Contacts: David Pergl, Vice-President Marketing (e-mail: [email protected]); Phil Alexander.

Products: Solid dosage OTC pharmaceuticals (ibuprofen, acetaminophen, aspirin, loperamide, cough/cold/allergy/sinus, antacid and laxative products)

Sales Contacts:

Jo seph J. Mol lica Jr., Sales Man ager; Earl E. Cas sell III, Vice- President of Sales (Mana la pan, NJ, Tel: 732- 5366888)

LOUNS BURY FOODS LIM ITED 11 Wilt shire Avenue, To ronto, On tario M6N 2V7 CAN ADA Tel: Fax:

(416) 656- 3331 (416) 656- 6803

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 40%

Ex port Mar kets: United States LO GRET IM PORT & EX PORT CO. 150 North Wil low Ave., City of In dus try, CA 91746 USA Tel: Fax: URL:


(626) 961- 9800; (800) 574-9934 (626) 961-8530

To tal Sales Vol ume: $85 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 70%

Ex port Mar kets: Asia, Europe Profile:

This com pany started in the mid 1970s as an im porter of bev er age al co hol from Europe and South Amer ica. In 1981, the com pany was pur chased by John Le nore & Co., San Di ego, CA, a beer, wine and spir its whole saler. As a re sult, Lo gret be came a bev er age prod uct com pany, de vel op ing brands for the gen eral mar ket as well as ex clu sive

Es tab lished in 1931, this com pany be gan its pri vate la bel ac tiv ity 50 years later. Its op era tion fo cuses on prod uct pro duced fresh- to- order. In the past three years, Louns bury has ex panded its prod uct lines and pro duc tion ca pac ity. The com pany is now mov ing into an ex panded range of mus tards and con di ment prod ucts. Its busi ness in cludes food- service and in sti tutional ac counts.

Products: Horseradish, seafood cocktail

sauce, mint sauce, horseradish, mustard, tarter sauce

Sales Contacts: Tim Higgins, Vice-President (e-mail: [email protected])

290 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

li censes the two Safeway brands to the part ners, who in turn pro duce their products un der those brands for sale to re tailers and food serv ice ac counts.


Sub sidi ary of Safe way Inc. 2800 Yg na cio Val ley Rd., Wal nut Creek, CA 94598 USA

Tel: Fax:

Products: Soft drinks, dairy, ice cream and

frozen novelties, baked goods, dry pet food, beverages, fruit juices and concentrates, salsas, mayonnaise, sport drinks, cheese, james and jellies, sauces, vinegar

(925) 944- 4444 (925) 944-4287

To tal Sales Vol ume: $2 Bil lion+ (E) Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90%(E)

Ex port Mar kets: World wide: Asia, South America, Mid dle East, Pa cific Is lands, Europe Profile:

Sales Contacts: Dave Maco, Vice-President of Sales (e-mail: [email protected])

Lu cerne Foods, for merly called Om niBrands, is a di verse manu fac tur ing organi za tion that sup plies pri vate la bel prod ucts to Safe way (22% of its pri vate la bel product) as well as to out side acMACFAR LAN SMITH/MAR KET AC TIVES, counts. These in clude a grow ing line of LLC sales- tested and proven Su per Pre mium 8300 SW 71st Ave., Port land, OR 97223 USA items. The com pany is one of the larg est pri vate la bel manu fac tur ers in the in(503) 244- 0166; (800) 786-1609 dus try. Its 32 plants, lo cated through out Tel: Fax: (503) 244- 0166 the United States (20) and Can ada (12), URL: manu fac ture a wide range of in no va tive prod ucts, such as or ganic foods, en ergy To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A drinks, and pre mium ice cream plus Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A key prod uct cate go ries: dairy, bak ery, carbonatedbeverage,bottledwater, Ex port Mar kets: 60+ coun tries world wide frozen vegetables/fruits,frozenjuice con cen trates, jams/pre serves, and cook- Profile: Macfar lan Smith, Ltd., started in 1780, is ies/crack ers. The Lu cerne name comes a lead ing pro ducer of fine chemi cals in from the Lu cerne Cream and But ter Ed in burg, Scot land. Its chem ists dis covCo., which in 1929, the year Safeway ered Bi trex®, “the bit ter est stuff on ac quired the com pany, had been an exearth,” and de vel oped its use as a poi sonclu sive Safe way sup plier. With the sucing pre ven tion ad di tive. Bi trex® is used in cess of two new Safe way pro prie tary both pri vate la bel and na tional brand brands, O Or gan ics (2005 de but) and house hold, auto mo tive and graden prodEat ing Rich (2007 de but), both in the ucts to help pre vent in ges tion. The Bi trex® health and well ness sec tor, Lu cerne in logo is used as a co- branded in gre di ent to May 2008 joined a newly fromed al lisuc cess fully lev er age safety as a sales tool. ance of food and bev er age manu fac turMar ket Ac tives, LLC now pro vides sales, ing,marketinganddistribution mar ket ing and tech ni cal sup port for this com pa nies to sell its O Or gan ics and prod uct in the United States. Eat ing Right lines to other retailers in the U.S. Other mem bers of the al li ance: Products: Bitrex — an aversive agent for household, garden, and automotive Over hill Farms, Inc (pre pared fro zen chemicals. foods)., Ready Pac Pro duce, Inc. (Conven ience fresh foods in clud ing pro duce), Sales Contacts: N/A (e-mail: [email protected]) and Schrei ber Foods Inc. Di ary products); and EMAK World wide, Inc. And Cross mark Inc., for mar ket ing and communicationssupport.Thealliance 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 291


Magic Val ley Foods is one of the larger pro duc ers of de hy drated po tato flakes to the re tail, pri vate la bel, food-serv ice, industrialingredients,andexportmarkets. In fro zen po tato spe cial ties, such as IQF hash browns, slices, dices and mashed pota toes, its prod ucts are well- known for their high qual ity. The firm also mar kets prod uct un der its brands, Mr. Spud and Idaho Natu rally.

IAN MA CLEOD & COM PANY LTD. Rus sell House, Dun net Way, Brox burn, EH52 5BU SCOTLAND Tel: Fax: URL:

+44 1506- 852205 +44 1506- 856434

To tal Sales Vol ume: $30 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 70%

Ex port Mar kets: 50 plus coun tries world wide. Profile:

Ian Ma cleod & Com pany Ltd. is the UnitedKingdom’sleadingindependent pri vate la bel spir its sup plier. The company spe cial izes in pre mium own/private la bel spir its. Its brands in clude Ma cleod's Isle of Skye su pe rior blended scotch whisky, Ma cleod's malt, and Lon don Hill gin. Op er at ing since 1936, this com pany to day func tions as the inter na tional mar ket ing arm of the Pe ter J Rus sell Group. More than 15 mil lion bot tles of spir its are sold by this fim yearly.

Products: Dehydrated potato flakes, I.Q.F.

frozen potato specialties (hashbrowns, slices, dices, mashed)

Sales Contacts: Bruce Huizinga, Vice-President Sales; Corey Smith, Sales Manager

MAINE POLY, INC. 933 Route 202, Greene, ME 04236, USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(207) 946- 7440 (207) 946- 3819

Products: Scotch whisky, gin, vodka, rum,

To tal Sales Vol ume: $26 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 10%

Sales Contacts:

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada


Leonard S. Russell, Marketing Director; R.C. Patrick, Area Director Europe; R. Mackenzie, Area Director Americas; A. Harvie-Clark, Area Director Far East. (e-mail: [email protected])


MAGIC VAL LEY FOODS, INC. P.O. Box 475, Ru pert, ID 83350 USA Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

(208) 436- 3126 (208) 436- 4542 [email protected]

To tal Sales Vol ume: $30 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 20%

Ex port Mar kets: All coun tries Profile:

Maine Poly is a fully- integrated flexi ble packagingmanufacturerthatspecializes inhigh-quality(8-color/process)printing for re tail and whole sale prod ucts. The com pany serv ices a wide range of fro zen food manu fac tur ers through out the U.S. and Can ada, help ing to show case their qual ity prod ucts. The com pany of fers a completestate-of-the-artgraphicsdepartment, which sup ports its flexo graphic printing.Itslamination/convertingcapabili ties of fer bar rier pack ag ing with ziplock, vac uum seals and other fea tures.

Products: Printing of flexible packaging,

including flexographic printing for frozen foods, cosmetics, confectionery products

Sales Contacts: Tom Laundry and Skip Crane, both National Account Managers; David Gordon and Fred Pellerin, both ESD Account Managers; Jason

292 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

meal, corn flour, bran flakes, raisin bran, extruded corn flakes

Litterfield, Marketing Manager (e-mail: [email protected])

Sales Contacts: Enrique Rodrigo Najar, Foreign Trade Director; Jorge Luis Sanchez y Sanchez and Mrs. Gabriela Felix-Diaz C., both Foreign Trade Managers; Alex Gifford (U.S. Sales)

MAI ZORO S.A. DE C.V. Norte 59 #1100, Col. In dus trial Val lejo, Zip. 02300, MEX ICO D.F. Tel: +525 587- 87- 99 Fax: +525 567- 08- 98 E-Mail:[email protected]

MALT- O- MEAL COMPANY 80 South 8th St., Suite 2700, Min nea po lis, MN 55402, USA

To tal Sales Vol ume: $57 Mil lion+ Pe rcent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 10%

Ex port Mar kets: Ca nary Is land (Spain), Gua temala, Hon du ras, Costa Rica, Pan ama, Colom bia, Puerto Rico, Do mini can Re pub lic, Ec ua dor, Para guay, Chile, Venezeula, Peru, Bra zil, and United States Profile:

Tel: Fax: URL:

(612) 338-8551 (612) 359-5424

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 80%+ (E) Ex port Mar kets: N/A

Mai zoro traces its his tory back to 1933, Profile: Founded in 1919, this privately- held comwhen the Fer nan dez broth ers formed pany to day is the fourth larg est ready- tothe im port com pany, Her dez, in Mex ico eat (RTE) ce real manu fac turer in the U.S. City. A con tract was es tab lished for 25 The com pany mar kets about nine brands years with Quaker Oats Co. of the U.S., in the top 50 cate go ries in its prod uct segwhere the Mexi can firm would pro duce ment, pro vid ing more than 30 RTE ce reMai zoro (Corn of Gold) corn flakes. als. Ad di tion ally, its pro duces three When the con tract ended, the com pany va rie ties of hot wheat ce re als and a full line formedCerealesIndustrializadosand of oat meal prod ucts. The com pany op erhas since built an in ter na tional busi ness, ates five pro duc tion fa cili ties. ex pand ing from corn flakes into other varieties—sugar-andchocolate-coated, Products: Ready-To-Eat and Hot Cereals wheat fi ber, ex truded or in flated prodSales ucts, pre- cooked bean and rice flour. InContacts: Paul Norton, VP Sales/Cust. Marketing ter na tional ex pan sion be gan in 1986, where to day, Mai zoro ex ports to more than 30 coun tries in the Ameri cas, Europe, Asia, and Af rica. The company pro duces all types of Ready- ToEat ce re als, from corn flakes to sugarMAN AGE MENT RE CRUIT ERS OF MER CER frosted and chocolated- covered, to ISLAND healthy fi bers, re gular or with rai sins, to 9725 SE 36th Street (Ste. 312), Mer cer Is land, WA all types of extruded prod ucts in a va ri98040- 3896 USA ety of sizes and de signs. Its pri vate la bel busi ness in Mex ico in cludes prin ci pal Tel: (206) 232- 0204 cli ents such as Aur rera, Com er cial Fax: (206) 232- 6172 Mexi cana, and Che draui. URL:

Products: Corn flakes, sugar frosted, cocoa flakes, fiber, fiber with raisins, frosted corn puffs, puffed rice, cocoa puffed rice, pillows (chocolate or strawberry), corn

To tal Sales Vol ume: $2 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 30%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, South east Asia 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 293


Bill ing it self as “the search and re cruitingspecialist,”ManagementRecruiters has been ver ti cally spe cial ized in nonfoods pri vate la bel re cruit ments. The com pany has been in volved in this area for more than 14 years, of fer ing manage ment po si tions in such ar eas as sales, mar ket ing, qual ity con trol, etc. The firm, op er at ing with 600 fran chi sees in the U.S., is af fili ated with E. New man of Vienna,Austria.

Bread, which pro duces branded and private la bel bak ery prod ucts and fresh pasta and sauces.

Products: Fresh and prepared meats (hams,

roast beef, smoked sausage, deli meats, hot dogs), poultry, flour, fresh and frozen bakery products, fresh pasta..

Sales Contacts: N/A

Services: Executive recruiting Sales Contacts:

Jim Dykeman (e-mail: [email protected]


(Sub sidi ary of Du raflame Hold ings, Inc.) 123 In dus try St., To ronto, On tario M6M 5B6 CAN ADA MA PLE LEAF FOODS* 30 St. Clair Ave nue West, 15th Floor, Toronto, ON M4V 3A2 CAN ADA

Tel: Fax: URL:

Tel: Fax: URL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 60%

(416) 926-2000 (416) 926- 2018

To tal Sales Vol ume: C$6.4 Bil lion +28% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 8%

Ex port Mar kets: United States, It aly, Ger many, France, Denmark Profile:

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Pa cific Rim, U.S.A., South Amer ica Profile:

Ma ple Leaf Foods is primarily a branded company, but does do busi ness in pri vate la bel within dif fer ent ar eas of itsoperation.Itsindependently-run Shur- Gain (also in the SOUR CEBOOK) pro vides dry ex truded foods for dogs, cats and fer retts. In April 2004, Ma ple Leaf ac quired Schnei der Corp. from Smith field Foods, Smithfield, VA. The Schnei der sub sidi ary (C$1.2 bil lion in sales) is one of Ca nad’s largestpackagedmeatmanufacturers (20 proc ess ing and dis tri bu tion sites in the coun try). The Schnei der brand joined Ma ple Leaf’s two other pow erful brands, Ma ple Leaf in meats and Demp ster’s in bak ery prod ucts. Schreider also brought in its pri vate la bel busi ness, in cluding pack aged proc essed meats, poul try and grocery prod ucts. Ma ple Leaf also owns 86.9% of Can ada

(416) 763- 5538 (416) 763- 8819

In Oc to ber 1999, Gotham Corp. was acquired by Ma ple Leaf Fire log Prod ucts companyandeffectiveimmediatelybegan con duct ing busi ness un der this new cor porate iden tity. Ma ple Leaf Fire log is part of Du raflame Hold ings, which has been the fire log cate gory leader in North Amer ica for more than 25 years. The company has pro vided premium- quality fire logs and fire starters to a va ri ety of re tail ers and whole sal ers across North Amer ica. Its firelogsareUnderwritersLaboratories“UL” clas si fied. The firm can ac com mo date a unique va ri ety of pack ag ing op tions with its 6, 5-, 3- and 2.5- pound fire logs and 5-, 7.5- and 8- ounce fire starters. Its new est product: kin dling (100% kiln- dried wood) made from re cy cled wood.

Products: Firelogs (wax- sawdust),

firestarters (wax-sawdust), kindling, firewood

Sales Contacts: David L. Smith (e-mail: [email protected])

294 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Fax: MAR KET ING RE SOURCES IN TER NATIONAL P.O. Box 7897, In cline Vil lage, NV 89450 USA Tel: Fax:

(775) 833-1480 (775) 832- 5107

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 25%

Ex port Mar kets: United States Profile:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $40 Mil lion Pe rcent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Ko rea, South Amer ica, Mexico,Canada,Australia—worldwide Profile:

MarketingResourcesInternational sources and mar kets candy, cook ies and crack ers for manu fac tur ers and dis tributioncompaniesworldwide.Products are mar keted un der the house brands or pri vate la bel. The com pany spe cializes in place- packed tins and boxes of cook ies and crack ers. A na tional sales force net work in the U.S. serv ices distribu tors, su per mar kets, mass merchandisers,warehouseclubs,military and spe cialty food trade through out the U.S. Ware houses are lo cated in Bal timore, Dal las, and Los An ge les. Ma jor cus tom ers in clude: Wal- Mart, Kmart, Wool worth, McCrory, etc. Sales and marketingplansandimplementation are pro vided on an agency ba sis or as di rect im porter. Prod uct sourcing, conception,design,productionoversight, lo gis tics, ware hous ing, sales and market ing are pro vided to manu fac tur ers seek ing to pene trate new mar kets in the U.S. or world wide.

Products: Gum, candy, cookies & crackers, marshmallows

Sales Contacts:

Reg Hitchcock, President; Seymour D. Wiessen, Chairman; Stuart Warren, Vice-President

MAR SAN FOODS LIM ITED 46 Mod ern Road, Scar bor ough, On tario M1R 3B6 CANADA Tel:

(416) 755- 9262

(416) 755- 6790

Started in 1970, Mar san Foods en tered the pri vate la bel mar ket in 1978, be com ing both a dedi cated co- packer and pri vate label sup plier. This com pany works in a number of in no va tive area, such as boilable bags, dual oven able trays, pro vid ing prod ucts that ap peal to con sum ers who shop for Weight Watcher- type foods as well as the pa trons of a Marks & Spencer- type store.

Products: Frozen prepared entrees and dinners, diet entrees

Sales Contacts: Graeme Jewett, President


(A Lan cas ter Col ony Com pany- LANC, Nasdaq) 1105 Schrock Road, P.O. Box 29163, Co lum bus, OH 43229- 0163 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(614) 846- 2232 (614) 842-4186

To tal Fis cal 2007 Sales Vol ume: $728.7 Mil lion +3% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 20%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Aus tra lia, Far East Profile:

Es tab lished in 1896, T. Mar zetti be gan as a res tau rant in Co lum bus, OH. To day, the firm is a leader in pri vate la bel salad dress ings, fro zen gar lic bread, and fro zen fruit pies. Ad di tion ally, the com pany has in no vated with cheese gar lic bread. Its par ent com pany, Lan cas ter Col ony Corp., Co lum bus, op er ates Mar zetti as its Specialty Food Group. Lan cast esr ac quired Mar zetti in 1970. Lately, Lan cas ter has put more em pha sis on its spe cialty foods busi ness, rep re sent ing 66% of its to tal $1.1

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 295

bil lion reve nues. (Glass ware and candles rep re sent 16% and auto parts 11%). In June 2007, the par ent company ac quired Mar shall Bis cuit company ($11 mil lion in sales), Sara land, AL, a strong pri vate la bel sup plier of fro zen rolls and bis cuits.

dles 120,000 tons of cof fee with 2.5 mil lion bags of green cof fee proc essed per year. This com pany also pro vides ex clu sive coffee blends for bars and sup plies co coa, teas, and spices as well. In July 2006, Massimo Zanetti Bev er age, USA as signed Rock elle Corp., Miller Place, NY, in a licen se agree ment to help de velop and franchise the Chock full o’ Nuts quick serv ice res tau rant chain be yond its East Coast base.

Products: Pourable salad dressings, frozen

bread, frozen fruit pies, croutons

Sales Contacts:

Tom Ewing, National Account Sales Manager

Products: roast and ground coffee, including espresso; teas; smoothies, etc.

Sales Contacts: N/A MAS SIMO ZANETTI BEV ER AGE, USA 500 Ma maroneck Ave., Har ri son, NY 10528 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(914) 670-3300 (914) 670- 3500

MAS TER BILT HO SIERY CO., INC. 15- 51 208th Place, P.O. Box 604177, Bay side, NY 11360 USA

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Tel: Fax:

Ex port Mar kets: Canada

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%


(212) 736- 5480 (718) 631-8072

This com pany was formed early in 2006 Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Europe when Sara Lee Corp., Chi cago (listed in the SOUR CE BOOK) for $82.5 mil lion sold its U.S. re tail cof fee busi ness, includ ing such brands as Chock full o’ Profile: This is the sales of fice for Mas ter bilt HoNuts, Hills Bros., MJB, and Chase & siery’s fac tory, lo cated in Hick ory, NC. San born, and its cor po rate brand busiThe firm, started in 1957, has been a priness plus 103 Chock full o’Nuts cof fee vate la bel socks sup plier ever since then. shops to Se ga fredo Zanetti S.p.A., Bo loMas ter bilt also does con tract work for gna, It aly. The new U.S. op er ation, bebranded manu fac tur ers. Its of fer ings incause of its pro duc tion and na tional clude: la dies Pom Pom socks and brushed distributioncapabilitiesanditsbroad acrylic boo tie socks. product of fer ing, thus becomes a leadProducts: Socks (childrens, infants, mens, ing full- service pro ducer of roast and girls, ladies) ground cof fee for pri vate la bel cus tomSales ers. The par ent com pany, the world’s Contacts: Alex Malcheck, President larg est pri vate cof fee com pany, is a hold ing com pany unit ing 37 com pa nies that rep re sent sales of $800 mil lion+ in 100 coun tries. With this ac qui si tion, the Ital ian com pany op er ates a net work of 600+ in ter na tional cof fee shops (Se gaMATERNE- CONFILUX S.A. fredo Zanetti Es presso, Puc ci no’s and Al lee des Cerisi ers, No 1, Floreffe, B- 5150 BEL GIUM Chock full o’ Nuts) plus through its nine roast ing plants around the world hanTel: +32 81 44 09 09

296 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


+32 81 44 09 22


To tal Sales Vol ume: $100 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 60%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Mid dle East, North Amer ica, Af rica, Far East, South Amer ica, East ern Europe Profile:

Materne- Confilux, lo cated just 60 km south from Brus sels, was cre ated in 1977 from the as so cia tion of two family-ownedcompanies—Materne, which was founded in 1888, and Con filux, started in 1928. The com pany to day spe cial izes in fruit proc ess ing, par ticularly in the manu fac tur ing of pre serves and mar ma lades, com potes, and fruits in syrup or in natu ral juice. All of its prod ucts are manu fac tured in a 550,000+square-footmodernfacility, where an nual prod uct reaches about 55,000 tons of jams, com potes and other fruit prepa ra tions. The com pany is by far a mar ket leader in Bel gium and one of the most im por tant jam pro duc ers in Europe. It of fers a flexi bil ity in both the number of va rie ties and vari ous fruits used as well as in the type of prod ucts.

Products: Preserves. jams, fruit compotes,

pie fillings, marmalades, fruit-syrup, fruits in natural juice, fruits spreads, apple sauce

Sales Contacts:

Jean-Luc Heymans, President; Luc Jomouton, Sales Manager; Guy Tiebackx, Export Manager

Products: Canned pineapple, pineapple juice, fresh pineapple

Sales Contacts: James McCann, Vice-President Sales & Marketing; Renata Miller, Division Sales Manager (Retail); James Duffy, Division Sales Manager (Institutional/Export); Ken Synder, Division Sales Manager (Fresh Fruit)

McBRIDE PLC McBride House, 28th Floor, Cen ter Point, 103 New Oxford St., Lon don WC1A 1DD UNITED KINGDOM Tel: Fax: URL:

MAUI PINE AP PLE COM PANY, LTD. P. O. Box 4003, Con cord, CA 94524- 4003 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(925) 798- 0240 (925) 798- 0252

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Europe, Asia

+44 207 539 7850 +44 207 539 7855

To tal Fis cal 2008 Sales Vol ume: $1.4 Bil lion ( £ 700.9 Mil lion) + 18.4% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90%+ (E)

Ex port Mar kets: ContinentalEurope Profile:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $97.7 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 80%

This com pany traces its ori gins back to 1914 as the Bald win Pack ers, which handled pri vate la bel busi ness at that time. In 1932, the com pany was rei den ti fied as Maui Pine ap ple, which con tin ued contract ing for pri vate la bel busi ness. To day, the com pany is the world’s larg est producer of “fancy” grade, pri vate la bel canned pine ap ple and pine ap ple juice. The com pany also is the only can ner of Ha waiian pine ap ple and juice. Al though this firm packs un der many dif fer ent la bels, the prod ucts are eas ily iden ti fied by the bold print ing on the can lid: “100% HAWAI IAN, U.S.A.” Maui Pine ap ple products are found in most large su per mar ket chains as well as in top- quality ho tels and res tau rants. In ad di tion to canned pine apple and juice, the firm picks field- ripened pine ap ple to or der for su per mar kets and re sorts through out the U.S.

McBride, traded on the Lon don Stock Exchange, is Eu ro pe’s lead ing pro vider of pri vate la bel house hold and per sonal care prod ucts, op er at ing three di vi sions, one in the United King dom, and two in Continental Europe-- one for West and

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 297

cleaners, jtoilet cleaners, bleach), one for East Europe. The com pany is a and air care (aerosols, timed mar ket leader in the UK and the larg est release, gels, plug-ins). In personal pro vider for its prod uct categoires in care: body care (bath and shower west ern Europe. In the previous fiscal gel, liquid soap, deodorant, skin and pe riod, the com pany ac quired Hen kel’s baby care), men’s grooming (shaving Europeanprivatelabelhousehold gel, shaving foam, after shave, product busi ness (auto matic dish washdeodorant), hair care (shampoo, ing prod ucts), help ing its growth over all conditioner, hair spray, styling aids), in the cate gory and in Ger many; Dasty and oral care (toothpaste and Italia spe cial ist clean ing prod ucts firm mouthwash) in It aly, help ing es tab lish its mar ket Sales lead er ship there; plus some smaller Contacts: N/A firms. As a mar ket leader, the com pany con tin ues to in no vate. A range of trig ger clean ers with a pat ented re fill en ables the trig ger and bot tle to be re used up to 10 times. McBrides manu fac tur ers McCLANCY SEA SON ING CO.** more than 80% of its own bot tles and 1 Spice Rd., Fort Mill, SC 29715 USA re cov ers more than 70% of its own waste in pro duc tion. . McBride’s air Tel: (803) 548- 2366; (800) 843- 1968 freshe ner busi ness also con tin ues to Fax: (803) 548- 2704 grow and to di ver sify into more for mats URL: such as sprays, gels and liq uids, to electric, time- released prod ucts. McBride as the first ma jor pri vate la bel manu facTo tal Sales Vol ume: $20 Mil lion turer to sign onto the Waste and RePer cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 80% sources Ac tion Pro gram (WRAP) Ex port Mar kets: South America Cour tauld Com mit ment, launched in 2005, is now in tro duc ing mroe lightMcClancy Sea son ing Com pany spe cial izes weight bot tles, re view ing cap de sign and Profile: in com plete R&D re source de vel op ment reducingouterpackagingmaterial,as for dry- blended and pack aged prod ucts in part of a goal to achieve ab so lute re duca wide range of prod uct cate go ries. For tions in pack ag ing waste by March more than 50 years, the com pany has been 2010. Also, the com pany is de vel op ing a re source for multi- unit res tau rant chains more con cen trated prod ucts to help reand food prod uct manu fac tur ers, spe cialduce dos age lev els with out com pro misizinginpre-portionedpackagingsolutions ing on prod uct per form ance. Laun dry for both food- serv ice and re tail ap pli capow ders have been re duced from a tions. Prod uct pack ag ing op tions range stan dard dos age of 135 grams per wash from 5 grams to 50- pound multi- wall (1998) to 100 grams. A new prod ucts bags, all avail able on its high- speed manuprom ises to re duce dos age to 80 grams. fac tur ing lines. Work con tin ues also on re duc ing pack size, pack ag ing and the im pact on the Products: Spices, seasoning, dry gravies, dry en vi ron ment. In March 2008, McBride sauces, hot & cold beverage blends, re lo cated its head of fice from Bea consdry salad dressings, dry soup field, Buck ing ham shire, UK, to Lon don. blends, non-fat dry milk, shake

Products: Household products (washing

powders/tablets/liquids/sachets, fabric conditioners, anti-calc products, laundry aids); diswashing products (machine, rinse aids, washing up liquid), household cleaning (all purpose, trigger cleaners, specialist


Sales Contacts: Von Peyton, Director of Industrial Sales (E-mail: info@

298 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

MDH PACK AG ING COR PO RA TION** 4500 Olym pic Blvd., Er lan ger, KY 41018 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(859) 746- 0993 (859) 746-0933

To tal Sales Vol ume: $5 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 70%

Ex port Mar kets: World wide Profile:

Products: Packaging, resealable bags, zipper bags

Sales Contacts: Alan Eads, General Manager

A.R. MEDI COM INC. 1200, 55th Ave., La chine, Que bec H8T 1A1, CANADA

This com pany op er ates as part of Zip Pack AG, Goldach, Swit zer land (+41 (0) Tel: (514) 636- 6262; (800) 361- 2862 71- 841- 0781-- Con tact: Rainer Garger), Fax: (514) 636- 6266; (800) 616- 4266 which was founded in 1984. Zip Pack is URL: aninternational,innovativepackaging To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A com pany. Its other op era tions are in Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50% Don caster, United King dom, a joint ven ture with Zip Pak Pty in Syd ney, Ex port Mar kets: Europe, United States, South Aus tra lia, plus sub- licensees in GerAmeric, Rus sia, Mid dle East, Pa cific Rim many and Aus tria. MDH is the U.S. Opera tion, which over sees busi ness Profile: Medi com, formed in 1988, has be come a lead ing through out North Amer ica, Cen tral sup plier of dis pos able products- - one of the lead ing Amer ica, and South Amer ica. The convertersofnon-wovenandtissuedmaterials. company pro duces re seal able clo sures The com pany is North Ameri ca’s top supplier of that can be in cor po rated into mul ti wall dis pos ables in the den tal and medi cal in dus tries. pa per bags by the pro duc ers of those Specializinginvalue-priced,high-qualityprivate bags. MDH can source com plete packla bel prod ucts for the health care com mu nity, ages in ad di tion to sup ply ing its clo sures. Medicomhassuccessfullyestablisheditself Its clo sures ap pear on the prod ucts of a through an ex ten sive in ter na tional net work. Sevnumber of re tail ers, in clud ing Marsh eral years ago, the com pany rec og nized the po tenSu per mar kets (U.S.), Lo blaw’s (Cantial of non- woven tech nol ogy in medi cal ada), Safe way (U.S.), Mi gros (Swit zerap pli ca tions and com mit ted it self to be com ing a land), etc. Its pat ented rip- n- zip lead ing con verter of non- woven and tis sue ma te rire seal able bag clo sure sys tem is used als. The com pany holds a strong mar ket po si tion with mul ti wall pa per or heavy weight in non- woven gauze pads and in con ti nence plas tic bags. This sys tem is designed for wipes. portion- use dry goods pack ag ing in Products: Non-woven gauze pads and all-cotton weights of from 3 to 50 kg. Ap pli ca tions gauze pads (sterile and non-sterile), in clude: rice, beans, flour, bak ery mixes, latex gloves, incontinence wipes, pow dered milk, pet food, cat lit ter, charcleaning wipes and conforming, coal, soil, fer til izer, and granu lar or elastic and triangular bandages pow dered chemi cals. Each sys tem feaSales tures an easy- open tamper- evident seal, Contacts: Ron ald Reu ben, Presi dent; Ou riel Levy, a self- cleaning zip per, and op tional carDi rec tor of Sales & Marketing; Ishai Bet tan, ry ing han dle. Prod ucts rang ing from Ex port Sales Man ager (e- mail: sales ex pen sive super- premiums to the most [email protected]) ba sic econ omy brands ad opt the patented zip per clo sures. The com pany also pro vides con sul ta tion and de sign serv ice for qual ity pack ag ing, from bag constructionthroughprintingprocesses. 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 299

Founded in 1889, The Men tho la tum Company to day op er ates out of 26 lo ca tions world wide, as a manu fac turer of nonprescription drugs and health care products. Its mar ket reach cov ers some 150 coun tries. In 1988, this op era tion was acquired as a wholly- owned sub sidi ary of RohtoPharmaceuticals,Osaka,Japan (, —a ma jor health- andbeauty- care manu fac turer (eye care, stomach reme dies, lip balm, etc.). Men tho la tum pro duces chest rubs for the re lief of colds for adults and chil dren plus a va ri ety of topicalanalgesicsfortemporaryrelief from sore mus cles, body aches, and mi nor ar thri tis pain. The com pany is one of the larg est lip balm pro duc ers in the world.

MEDPORT 23 Acorn St., Provi dence, RI 02903 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(401) 273-0444 (401) 273-0630

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Pe cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Can ada, South Amer ica, Australia Profile:

Medportmanufacturersandmarkets gen eral medi ca tion and dia be tes manage ment prod ucts, mo bil ity aids, medicationreminders,plus comfort/inflatabletherapeuticback, lum bar, and seat ing so lu tions. With the acquisitionofVitaminder,Medporthas in creased the amount of pri vate la belled prod ucts of fered. This has en abled the com pany to keep store brand and its name brand in front of im por tant nu tritional su ple ment cus tom ers. Re cently, the com pany has in tro duced air lock tabletdispensersandaMedoroanizer medi ca tion travel kit.

Products: Vitamin organizer, drink mixer,

medication organizers, diabetic management organizers

Sales Contacts:

Products: Lip balm and medical chest rubs Sales Contacts: Rex Spencer

MEN THO LA TUM CO. OF CAN ADA 20 Lewis St., Fort Erie, On tario L2A 5M6 CANADA Tel: Fax:

(905) 871- 1665 (905) 871- 2535

To tal Sales Vol ume: $8 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 9%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, North Amer ica, South Amer ica, Asia

Jim Shuster, Vice-President of Sales; Shaunette Beauvais, Sales Manager; Jeffrey Jacober, President

THE MEN THO LA TUM COM PANY* (SubsidiaryofRohtoPharmaceuticals)) 707 Ster ling Drive, Or chard Park, NY 14127, USA

Products: Lip balm, topical analgesics (rubs). Sales Contacts: N/A


(Sub sidi ary of Spe cialty Foods, Inc.) 520 Lake Cook Rd., Deer field, IL 60015 USA

Tel: (716) 677- 2500 Fax: N/A URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A ExportMarkets: N/A Profile:

Tel: Fax: URL:

(847) 267-3000 N/A

To tal Sales Vol ume: $800 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

300 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Ex port Mar kets: Canada Profile:

In busi ness for some 35 years, Metz Bak ing Group to day main tains the number two po si tion in the mar kets it sells to. This re gional baker op er ates 18 plants in the U.S. One of its di vi sions, Grand ma’s Bake Shoppe, Bea trice, NE, pro duces cakes for pri vate la bel as well as un der its fa mous Grand ma’s brand. Metz is op er ated as a sub sidi ary of Specialty Foods, Inc. (also listed in the SOURCEBOOK).

MEXI CAN SPE CIAL TIES INC. 1035 Pro gress Drive, Fer gus Falls, MN 56537 USA Tel: Fax:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $1 Mil lion+ Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 100%

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Products: Bread, rolls, cakes, croutons,

bagel bars, English muffins, snack pies, dessert cakes

Sales Contacts:

Nick Fekete, Merle Renner (at Grandma’s Bake Shoppe, Phone: 402-223-2358)

MEXI CAN AC CENT, INC. 16675 W. Glen dale Dr., New Ber lin, WI 53151 USA Tel: Fax:

(414) 784- 4422 (414) 784- 5810

Products: Burritos and tortillas Sales Contacts: Lori Bartlett

Tel: Fax: URL:

(216) 791- 6222; (800) 551-7196 (216) 231- 2504

To tal Sales Vol ume: $30 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 40%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Can ada

This privately- held com pany be gan Ex port Mar kets: None pro duc ing snack items in 1988, adding tor til las (low fat, no fat, fla vored, gourProfile: Mi celi Dairy Prod ucts is po si tioned as an met, regu lar homestyle, etc). Within a Ital ian spe cialty cheese manu fac turer, year of its startup, the com pany was expro vid ing re tail and ex clu sive brand items. port ing to Can ada and the fol low ing year to Europe. In 1992, Mexi can Accent added a new plant for greater capac ity. A large por tion of its sales goes to Products: Ricotta, mozzarella, provolone, string, shredded, grated cheeses, as the food-serv ice trade.

Products: Corn and flour tortillas, tortilla chips, pasta snacks, extruded snacks

Sales Contacts:

Mexi can Spe cial ties is a dedi cated pri vate labelmanufacturer,operatingsince1989. Its prod uct line is sold through bro kers through out the U.S.

MI CELI DAIRY PROD UCTS COM PANY 2721 East 90th St., Cleve land, OH 44104 USA

To tal Sales Vol ume: $15 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%


(218) 736- 2110 (218) 736- 2129

Ken Levitt, Stu Larson

well as Italian specialty cheeses like Mascarpone, Bocconcini, braided and old-fashioned ricotta.

Sales Contacts: Jim Plesko, Vice-President Sales & Marketing

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 301

MI CHEL ST- ARNEAULT INC.** 4605, av Thi bault, Saint- Hubert (Que bec), CAN ADA J3Y 3S8 Tel: (450) 445- 0550 (800-565- 0550) Fax: (450) 445- 5689 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 30%

land: $ 75.3 Mil lion (CHF 89.6 Mil lion) -7.8% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 100%

Ex port Mar kets: Con ti nen tal Europe, United King dom, United States, Far East Profile:

Ex port Mar kets: United States, Mex ico, Europe Profile:

Es tab lished in 1973, to day, this company is the larg est fresh and fro zen potato trans former in Cen tral Can ada. Its po ta toes are grown in Que bec and New Bruns wick. Since 1994, Mi chel StArneault has em barked on ex port ing fro zen french fried po ta toes. It re tail (su per mar ket) busi ness is fo cused primar ily on pri vate brand pro grams; while the firm also sells prod uct un der its own brands to res tau rants, ho tels and food serv ice ac counts. In June 2003, the com pany an nounced plans to in vest $5.5 mil lion in its Ca na dian po tato trans- for ma tion fa cili ties. This will allow for an in crease in its pro du ci ton capac ity from 60 mil lion to 90 mil lion pounds.

Products: Pre-cooked and frozen potatoes

(Russet Burbank, Shepody, Hilite, Gold Rush, Chieften), all kosher.

Sales Contacts:

Bruno Lanoie, Sales Manager Account/Exportation


(Pro duc tion Com pa nies of Fed era tion of Mi gros Co op era tives) Lim mat strasse 152 CH- 8005 Zu rich, SWIT ZER LAND Tel: +41 44 277 21 11 Fax: +41 44 277 25 25 URL: To tal 2007 Sales Vol ume: $3.9 Bil lion (4.7 Bil lion CHF) +0.8% Net Reve nues from Goods/Serv ices Sold out side Swit zer302 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Mi gros In dus try rep re sents 12 en ter prises of the Fed era tion of Mi gros Co op era tives (also in SOUR CE BOOK), a $23.4 bil lion con sumer co op era tive, based in Zu rich. Mi gros In dus try re ported growth in all cus tomer seg ments, the Mi gros chan nel up by 1.9% and ex ter nal cus tom ers in Switzer land up 12%, while ex ports ad va nced 2.9% in sales. Some 18% of sales are outside the Mi gros chan nel. Strong est growth of 8.7% was in meat, fish and poul try busi nesss. Sales in choco late, cof fee and bisu its were up 1.4%, helped by ex port business (up by 9% in this unit). Sales in bread, bak ery and pasta rose by 2.7%. Near-foodproducts(cosmetics,detergents and clean ing ma te ri als) ad vanced by 3.1%, he led by new prod uct in troeductions in Swit zer land and even with an in crease of branded prod uct in ven tory in Mi gros stores. Ex port fo cus is on mar kets in Ger many, the United King dom, and France, with the mar ket in North Amer ica show ing prom ise. Mi gros In dus try looks to dou ble its sales within five years. Mifa (laun dry& clean ing agents, mar garines) Mibelle (cos met ics, skin care,toiletries, hair care, oral care, per fumes), Frey (choco late and con fec tion ery products, chew ing gum), Jowa (breads, cakes, pas tries, pasta and fro zen food- - pizza, snacks, cock tail crackers), Midor (bis cuits, ice cream prod ucts, powdered des erts, bak ing in gre di ents and cocktailcrackers), Bischofszell(ca ter ing, ice tea, fruit juice, jams and mar me lades, crisps, chips, tomato and po tato prod ucts, ready pre pared meals, tinned fruit, vege ta bles and meat), Seba Ap roz (mineralwater, ta ble bev erages and syr ups), Mifroma (cheese), Micarna (fresh meat, deli meats & poultry, fish), Mi froma (France (cheese), Rise ria Tav erne (rice),

ScanaLebensmittel(catering), Merat & Cie (gas tron omy and ca ter ing services), Es ta vayer Lait (fresh prod ucts like dairy items, foods- - vinegar, mayo, sauces; and com mer cial goods). Sales Contacts:

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Anne D. Hogan, U.S. Business Development Director, Grand Specialties I, Ltd. (Lampeter, PA), Tel: 717-687-3596

MILL ERS FORGE, INC. 1411 Capi tal Ave., Plano, TX 75074 USA Tel: Fax:

(972) 422- 2145 (972) 881- 0639

Mi rab USA cal ls it self the world’s leader in store brand beef jerky manufacturing. In the U.S., the com pany also claims to sup ply more than 90% of na tion ally branded jerky com pa nies. Po si tioned as anindustryinnovator,itsspecially processed “Soft and Ten der” beef jerky snack also is sold un der its Pe cos Bill’s brand (in origi nal or pep pered beef versions). Re cently, the com pany int roduced a 97% fat-free Zero Carb beef jerky, swe tened with Splenda. Mi rab USA op er ates a 60,000 square foot manufacturing plant in Tay lor, MI, as well as a fully HAAC com pli ant plant in Buenos Ai res, Ar gen tina, which has been ISO9001 c er ti fied for more than five years. All its jerky prod ucts are made from Argen tine beef.

To tal Sales Vol ume: $6 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%

Products: Beef Jerky Snacks.

Ex port Mar kets: Cen tral and South Amer ica,

Sales Contacts: Gary Crawford, Sales Representative

West ern Europe, Can ada Profile:

Started in 1914 as a scis sors and manicureimplementmanufacturer,the com pany in the 1940s also be came a lead ing sup plier of pet groom ing products. Tto day, it is a lead ing ex clu sive brands sup plier of both mani cure imple ments and pet groom ing items. Some 10% of its sales go to ex ports.

Products: Manicure implements, pet grooming products.

Sales Contacts:

Mike Engles — Manicure Implements; Ted Hughes, Jr. — Pet Products.

MIT SUI FOODS, INC. 35 Ma ple St., Nor wood, NJ 07648- 0409 USA Tel: (201) 750- 0500 Fax: (201) 750- 0145 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

MI RAB USA 21655 Troll ley In dus trial Dr., Tay lor, MI 48180 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(313) 292- 4100; (800) 644-0445 (313) 292- 2770

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Mit sui Foods, Inc. is the only food im port op era tion of the gi ant, Mit sui To kyo, Inc., based in Ja pan. The U.S. op era tion is po sitioned as an im port leader — the big gest tuna, pine ap ple and mush room im porter in the U.S. Im port ing prod uct from all con ti nents of the world, Mit sui Foods main tains a world wide net work of 250 offices, of fer ing in no va tive serv ice plus a comprehensiveprivatelabelprogramfor both re tail and food- service ac counts. The com pany, a vir tual one- stop shop ping source, also owns Ven tura Foods (listed in theSOURCEBOOK).

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 303

Products: Canned tuna, sardines, shellfish,

mackerel, pineapple, grapefruit sections, mandarin oranges, tropical fruit salad, Asian vegetables, mushrooms (all types), artichokes, olives, pimientos, pepperoncini, rice cakes, pet food.

Sales Contacts:

Patrick Mirabella, Sales Manager (e-mail: [email protected])

MONA GHAN & CAR TER Nine Lake Bel le vue Drive, Suite 116, Bel le vue, WA 98005 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(425) 451- 8005 (425) 451-8006

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A ExportMarkets: N/A

Sales Contacts: Robert Wilkes, President (e-mail: [email protected]); John Carter, Vice-President (e-mail: [email protected])

MONA GHAN & CAR TER One Pre mier Plaza, Suite 970, 5605 Glen ridge Dr., Atlanta, GA 30342, USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(404) 531- 4285 (404) 531- 4290

Services: Services/contacts same as above.

MON SANTO COM PANY (Nu tri tion and Con sumer Sec tor) NYSE: MTC Ste. 900, The Mer chan dise Mart, 200 World Trade Center, Chi cago, IL 60654, USA


Mona ghan & Carter, a graphic de sign andmarketingcommunicationsfirm, Tel: (312) 840- 5000 has been help ing do mes tic and in ter naFax: (312) 840- 5400 tional com pa nies build sales and profit URL: for over 25 years. Through its dis ciTo tal Sales Vol ume: $8,648 Mil lion plined marketing- driven crea tive proPer cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A cess, this com pany in creases prod uct sales po ten tial with a pow er ful im age Ex port Mar kets: World wide (100 coun tries) and per son al ity that breaks through The Nu traSweet Kelco Com pany, now com peti tive clut ter, reso nates with cus- Profile: un der the Mon santo name, is still the leadtom ers, and mo ti vates them to buy.The ing food in gre di ents com pany. As Moncom pany has de signed more than 4,000 santo, the com pany com mits it self to SKUs of pack ag ing, in clud ing many faact ing as one life sci ences com pany. It mous brands, as well as pri vate la bel. draws on the re sources of ev ery Mon danto Among its di verse list of cli ents are leaddi vi sion, work ing to ward a com mon goal ing pri vate la bel manu fac tur ers, such as in food, health and hope for the world. Para gon Trade Brands and Heinz This re sults in more in no va tive and valuU.S.A. , su per mar ket lead ers, such as able prod ucts and serv ices for its cli ents. Gi ant Ea gle. The com pany is the high- intensity sweetener leader with Nu traSweet brand sweetServices: Corporate identification systems, ener. Ad di tion ally, the com pany is name and logo generation, retail packaging and merchandising de vel op ing a brand new high- intensity design, sales materials, sweet ener, Neo tame, to meet fu ture cusadvertising and promotion, market tomer need. This busi ness of fers the Kelco positioning strategy development, fam ily of gums and hy dro col loids, along new product introduction, web with fat re plac ers which im prove the taste, site development. tex ture, and per form ance of food and bever ages. Nu traSweet brand sweet ener, Kel304 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

trol xan than gum, Kel co gel gel lan gum, and Sim plesse are some of its sig na ture prod ucts. Its Nu traSweet is now used in more than 7,000 prod ucts world wide. It is granu lar (for bev er ages, pow dered drinks, fruit prepa ra tions, dairy products,ready-to-eatdesserts),encapsulated (for baked goods, soft con fec tions, chew ing gum), and liq uid (for bev erages, yo gurt, fruit prepa ra tions, fountain drink appli ca tions). The com pany in August 1999 said it in tends to sell its Kelco ar ti fi cial sweet ener busi ness. At presstime, Mon santo an nounced its agree ment to sell the sweet ener in gre dient busi ness, in clud ing the Nu traSweet brand name to J.W. Childs Eq uity Part ners II LP, Bos ton, an in vest ment firm. Mon santo also agreed to merge with Phar ma cia & Up john Inc. To form a new com pany called Phar ma cia Corp., based in Pea pack, where Pharma cia & Up john base their op era tion.

Products: NutraSweet brand food and

beverage sweetener, Keltrol xanthan gum, Kelcogel gellan gum, PrimaCel food cellulose product, Simplese fat substitute

Sales Contacts:

Dan Beck

larg est privately- owned food proc es sors in the U.S. The firm has been pro duc ing soups since the 1950s. Re cently, Mor gan Foods opened a $1 mil lion research- anddevelopment pi lot lab at its head quar ters facilities.Thismini-productionfactory han dles up to 400 cans per test run and up to five proj ect for mu la tions at a time. This serv ice al lows co- packers, for ex am ple, to avoid send ing prod uct to out side labs for lengthy test ing. Mor gan can test their prod ucts in- house and move the testingto- production phase up four to six weeks faster. As a re sult, the lab dem on strates just how a prod uct per forms un der ac tual processingconditions,.

Products: Canned soups (condensed, chunky,

homestyle, healthy recipe, broths), canned beans (refried, baked, beans & franks, pork & beans, green), canned gravies

Sales Contacts: Carl A. Stout, Vice-President of Sales; David L. Crane, Regional Sales Manager (e-mail: [email protected])

MOR RI SON LA MOTHE INC. 275 Slater St., Suite 1603, Ot tawa, On tario K1P 5H9 CANADA

MOR GAN FOODS, INC. 90 W. Mor gan Street, Aus tin, IN 47102, USA

Tel: Fax: URL:

Tel: Fax: URL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%

(812) 794- 1170 (812) 794- 1287

Ex port Mar kets: United States

To tal Sales Vol ume: $100 Million Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 95%


Ex port Mar kets: Europe, South east Asia, South America Profile:

(613) 238-8877 (613) 238- 8340

In 1899, Jo seph S . Mor gan joined with other young men to start Aus tin Canning Com pany in Aus tin, IN. Seven years later, the Mor gan fam ily took control of the busi ness. To day, this company is a fourth- generation, family- owned con cern and one of the

Founded in 1933, Mor ri son La mothe Inc. to day is an in de pend ent Ca na dian company with three plants, all located in Toronto, On tario. Its cus tom ers are ma jor Canadianandinternationalretailers,restau rant chains and food manu fac tur ers. The firm of fers na tional brand qual ity to the pri vate la bel in dus try. Its plants are HACCP, Ag ri cul ture Can ada, and USDA approved.

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 305

Products: Frozen, baked and unbaked fruit and meat pies, frozen dinners, entrees, side dishes, and frozen puff pastry hors d’oeuvres.

Sales Contacts:

Gord Crowson, Vice-President, Marketing and Business Development; Gary Fread, Vice-President & General Manager, Prepared Meals Division; Chris Mifflin, Vice-President & General Manager, Fine Foods Division (e-mail: [email protected])

To tal Sales Vol ume: $25 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90%

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Started some 15 years ago, MRI has become a con verter of printed films, spe cializ ing in screen and pro cess print ing. A strong sell ing point: its above-in dustry-stamdard quick turn aroun,. achieved partly through its own in- house art depart ment. Awarded for its print ing ca pabil ity, MRI is in volved in printed film, roll stock, and sleeve la bels.

Products: Flexible packaging MOUN TAIN CITY MEAT COM PANY 5905 East 42nd Ave., Den ver, CO 80217 USA Tel: (303) 320- 1116 Fax: (303) 320- 0449 E-Mail: [email protected] To tal Sales Vol ume: $50 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 8%

Sales Contacts: Art Bucci, Rich Speeney


740 S.E. Dal bey, Ank eny, IA 50021 USA

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Mex ico, Bahamas Profile:

Es tab lished in 1964, Moun tain City has main tained a long- term com mit ment to pri vate la bel brands, providing topquality fresh and fro zen USDA beef products. Po si tioned as an in no va tive de vel oper of sea soned and re struc tured beef prod ucts, one of its new est prod uct de vel op ments is a cer ti fied an gus beef ground chuck pat ty.

Tel: Fax: URL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 60%

Ex port Mar kets: Canada,Caribbean,SouthAmerica, Tai wan, Mexico Profile:

Products: Frozen ground beef patties,

portion-control steaks, and seasoned beef products

Sales Contacts:

Jim Bernat, Director of Sales & Marketing

MRI FLEXI BLE PACK AG ING (MRI) 122 Penns Trail, P.O. Box 128, New town, PA 18940 USA

Tel: Fax: URL:

(515) 964- 8100; (800) 736-5674 (515) 964 8397

(215) 860- 7676 (215) 860- 6170

306 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

In busi ness since 1926, Mrs. Clark’s Foods to day is one of the lead ing Mid west copackersandprivatelabelmanufacturers for re tail salad dress ing and juices. It is a wholly owned sub sidi ary of AGRI Industsries, a farmer- owned co- op based in Des Moines, IA. The com pany pro duces a full line of salad dress ings, bar be cue sauces, and mus tards for the whole sale food- service in dus try as well. Mr. Clark’s is able to manu fac ture 438 SKUs of ex clusive brand prod ucts, pack aged in glass or plas tic and in sizes rang ing from singleserve to gal lons. Most of the com pany person nel are trained in To tal Qual ity Manage ment (TQM) and Sta tis ti cal Proc ess Con trol (SPC). Cur rently, the firm is involved in Ef fi cient Con sumer Re sponse (ECR) part ner ing. In May 2002, this sub-

sidi ary of AGRI In dus tries, a farmer co- op, ac quired All juice Food and Bever age Corp., Hender son ville, NC, a major pri vate la bel juice sup plier and lead ing ap ple juice manu fac turer in the Southeast..

technology- enabled soft ware sys tems. Recog niz ing the criti cal im por tance of brand iden tity to sales per form ance im provement, MVP’s port fo lio in cludes the creation of names and de signs for Pre ferred Se lec tion, owned by whole saler SU PERVALU, Pro gresso Healthy Clas sic Soup for manu fac turer Pills bury, Store Fresh for re tailer Kmart, and Pres tige for retailer Coast- to- Coast. Founded and op erated by Dick We in rib since 1985, MVP has fo cused on crea tive and cost- effective pri vate la bel mar ket ing and de sign strategies. MVP also has pro vided brand identity and pack age de sign to such cli ents as Twin County Gro cers, White Rose Food, West ern Fam ily Foods, IGA, Fleming, plus more than 125 pri vate la bel manu facturers.

Products: Shelf-stable fruit juices, fruit

drinks, flavored soft drinks, isotonics, salad dressings, mayonnaise, spaghetti sauces, Mexican sauces, barbecue sauces, tarter sauce.

Sales Contacts:

Bruce Spurlock, National Sales & Marketing Manager.

MVP MAR KET ING + DE SIGN, INC. 111Third Ave nue South (Suite 230), Min nea po lis, MN 55401 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(612) 332- 8939 (612) 332- 8927

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Services: Brand identity and package design consulting,

Sales Contacts: Dick Weinrib, President (e-mail: [email protected])

NA BISCO, INC. 151 W. Ohio, Ken dall ville, IN 46755 USA


Ex port Mar kets: Mid dle East, Far East, Mex ico, Latin Amer ica, Europe Profile:

Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

(219) 347- 1300; (877) 627-2487 (219) 347-5590

MVP helps cli ents to in crease the sales and prof its of their pre mium and firsttier store brand pro grams through To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A compre hen sive and ef fec tive la bel and Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A pack age de sign. The com pa ny’s track rec ord in cludes suc cess ful brand building pro grams for food, non- food, health Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Aus tra lia, South Amer ica, and beauty care, and over- the- counter Mid dle East, Mex ico, Cen tral Amer ica, Asia drug cate go ries. MVP’s pri mary mission is to achieve out stand ing mar ket ing re sults for cli ent’s prod ucts through la- Profile: In the past five- plus years, this marsh malbel and pack age de signs that help maxilow and cara mel busi ness, origi nally part mize the cus tomer’s crea tive in vest ment of Kraft Foods, has changed dra mati cally. from con cept through film. MVP’s most In vest ment part ners took con trol of the re cent crea tive achieve ments in clude rebusi ness in 1995 and re named the comdes ign ing the Sny der Drugs brand and pany, Fa vor ite Brands, Inc., Lin coln shire, the Nash Finch Our Fam ily brand—a IL. The next year, the in ves tors took over 1,000 SKU pro gram. MVP of fers cli ents Kidd and Co., Li go nier, IN, the in dus try’s categorymanagementexpertise larg est pri vate la bel marsh mal low prothrough its af filia tion with Proscape ducer. The Kidd op era tion (trac ing its Technologies,developersofSalesgod roots back to 1895) was ab sorbed, its fa-

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 307

cili ties turned into a ware house. In the fourth quar ter of 1999, Fa vor ite Brands was ac quired by Na bisco Group Holdings (NYSE: NGH), Par sip pany, NJ. The lat ter com pany, for merly called RJR Na bisco Holdings- - fresh from its spinoff of the R.J. Rey nolds To bacco com pany (the number two US ciga rette pro ducer)--has been re cently re po sitioned, via Nabisco Holdings- - the largest cook ies and crack ers maker in the US (also a pro ducer of other fa mous brand names in sauces, nuts, pet snacks and mus tard; see web site for de tails). This $17 bil lion op era tion took con trol of Fa vor ite Brands (some $50 mil lion in reve nues), plac ing it un der its US Foods Group, in an ef fort to strengthen its leadershipinnon-chocolatecandies.

Products: Marshmallows, caramels Sales Contacts:



(A Sub sidi ary of Na tional Bev er age Corp.) 34 Busch wood Park Dr., Suite 235, Tampa, FL 33618, USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(813) 933- 7776; (800) 505-7112 (813) 936- 1313

To tal Fis cal 2000 Sales Vol ume: $426.3 Mil lion +6% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 25%

such brands as: Shasta, Faygo, Ever fresh, LaCROIX, aS ante, Spree, etc. Its Na tional Re tail Brands di vi sion lev er ages this support by pro vid ing out stand ing prod ucts and un matched serv ice to its re tail partners. The firm of fers com plete bev er age so lu tions as well as as sist ing re tail ers with the de sign, sourcing, and mar ket ing of com pre hen sive pre mium brand programs. The com pany also of fers ex per tise in mar ket ing, pack age de vel op ment, category man age ment, mer chan dis ing, etc. It is a full- line pro vider of branded and retailer brand value al ter na tives in all bev eragecategories.

Products: Carbonated and non-carbonated

soft drinks,bottled water, spring water, sports drinks, iced teas and fruit drinks

Sales Contacts: John Minton, President; Jim Lee, Vice-President, Sales, Private Label (Tel: 904-642-3246)

NA TRA S.A. Av. De Aragoó n, 30-5 0 planta, 46021 Va len cia, SPAIN Tel: Fax: URL:

To tal 2006 Sales Vol ume: $ 369.1 Mil lion (€ 292.9 Million +20.9% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: North Amer ica, Europe Profile:

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, South Amer ica, Ja pan, Caribbean Profile:

+34 96 159 7300 +34 96 192 0453

Formed in 1995, Na tional Re tail Brands, is the only U.S. bev er age company sup ported by a wholly- owned national net work of bot tling plants. The com pany is op er ated as a di vi sion of Na tional Bev er age Corp. (AMEX: FIZ), a pub li c com pany, based in Fort Lau der dale, FL. NBC com bined with Bev Pack op er ates 16 plants through out North Amer ica. Over all, NBC pro duces

308 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Over the past three years, Na tra has tripled its turn over as a pro ducer of co coa derivatives,chocolateproducts,functional foods, and wines. Its growth has been helped by ac qui si tions. The com pany began in 1946 by sup ply ing theo bro mine found in co coa beans to phar ma ceu ti cal firms. Na tra then di ver sifed into nu traceuti cals and wines. In 2004, the com pany estab lished a Con sumer Goods Di vi sion, after pur chas ing Za hor, the larg est con fection ery firm in Spain . Za bor had ear lier pur chased Ex cella S.A a ma jor pri vate label choco late bar pro ducer in France. Ex-

cella was owend by Elite of Is rael since 1992. Ex cell’s roots trace back to 1906. Za hor also merged with a co coa proc essor, N utra Ca coa to be come the third larg est choco late pro ducer in Spain. Natra fol lowed up in 2005 by tak ing over Jacali, a Bel gian con fec tion ary firm; then in 2006 both Za hor and Jacali were in te grated. In 2007, Na tra ac quired All Cump of Bel gium and Nut kao of It aly in No vem ber, which to gether made Natra the sec ond larg est pro ducer of choco late and ha zel nut spreads in Europe- - and number one for pri vate label. The com pany pre dicts its to tal sales in 2008 will top € 480 mil lion with these acquisitions. The com pany sup plies 21 of the top 30 Euro pean re tail ers with choco late prod ucts; and Na tra owns 55.8%ofNutraceuticalBiotechnology Corp. plus op erates a win ery.

Products: Chocolate candy bars, chocolate and hazelnut spreads

Sales Contacts:

Products: Vitamins, minerals, herbs, sports

nutritional products, diet aids and other nutritional supplements

Javier Astigarraga, Export Director at Zahor (tel:+ 34 943 716303)

Sales Contacts: N/A

NBTY, INC. 90 Or ville Drive, Bo he mia, NY 11716 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

nutritionalsupplements,managingsome 22,000+ prod ucts. Some 47% of its sales derivefromwholesale/U.S.Nutrition (brands and pri vate la bel); re tail sales account for 43% of sales (30% in Europe, 13% in North Amer ica), and 10% is in Mail Or der busi ness. Its Euro pean re tail op era tion con sists of 549 Hol land & Barrett, GNC (UK), and Na ture’s Way re tail out lets in the UK and Ire land. An other 68 out lets, un der the De Tuinen ban ner, oper ate in The Neth er lands. In the U.S. (44 states plus in Guam, Puerto Rico and the Vir gin Is lands), there are 476 Vi ta min World and Nu tri tion Ware house re tail stores plus an ad di tional 96 Le Na tur iste out lets in Que bec, Can ada. In fis cal 2003, the com pa ny ac quired Rex all Sun down Inc. (A Boca Ra ton, FL- based manu facturerofvitamins,nutritionalsupplements and con sumer health pr oducts), Health and Diet Group and the De Tuinen re tail chain.

NESTLE PU RINA PET CARE CO. NYSE: RAL Check er board Square, St. Louis, MO 63164 USA

(631) 567-9500 N/A

Tel: Fax: URL:

To tal Fiscal20006 Sales Vol ume: $1.9 Bil lion +11.8% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

(314) 982- 3809 (314) 982- 5277 www.nes

Ex port Mar kets: Worldwide

To tal Sales: $6.1 Bil lion +6.1% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A


Ex port Mar kets: Global

For merly called Na ture’s Bounty, Inc., but re named NBTY, Inc. in 1998, this com pany be gan op era tions in 1979. Since 1986, the com pany has ac quired over 30 com panies, the lat est in Oc to ber 2006: Zila Nutr aceu ti cal Inc. (re named Es ter C Company). To day NBTY is a verticallyintegratedmanufacturer, mar keter ad re tailer of a broad line of


In De cem ber 2001, Ral ston Pu rina Co., the world’s larg est pro ducer of dry dog and dry and soft- moist cat foods as well as moist dog food and pet treats, mostly under its Pu rina brand, was ac quired by Nes tle S.A., which in 2007 rep re sented global sales of $54 bil lion . Nes tle, a ma jor branded con sumer prod ucts manu fac-

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 309

turer, merged its Friskies pet care business (in 2001 rep re sent ing $3.7 bil lion in sales) with Ral ston Pu rina business (then about $2.7 bil lion in sales) and renamed the com pany, Nes tle Pu rina Pet Care Co. Its pet care busi ness today is world wide with op era tions in: the U.S., the United King dom, Bel gium, France, Ger many, It aly, the Neth er lands, Spain, South Africa, Bra zil, Mex ico, Ja pan, and China.

Products: Dog and cat premium and super

premium formulas (dry, soft-moist, treats, biscuits, and canned cat food); consulting for store brand pet food strategy/product mix/retail format/marketing/category management issues.

computerized EDI sys tem links di rectly to a cus tomer’s com puter base, al low ing for quicker,moreefficientcommunications and greater flexiblity. Ad di tion ally, the firm of fers a di verse range of con trol brand prod ucts for baby items, body, bath, hair care, oral hy giene, and household prod ucts), cov er ing a full range from eco nomi cal to up scale qual ity lev els.

Products: Shampoos, conditioners, foam bath,

body wash, lotions, bath gel, baby wipes, air fresheners, anti-bacterial liquid soap, baby shampoo, baby oil, plug-ins, drop-ins

Sales Contacts: Michael Korenberg, President; Natalie Toussaint, Executive Vice-President

Sales Contacts: Betsy H. Co hen, Store Brands Busi ness Direc tor; Polly Do lan, Sales Di rec tor. NEWHALL LABO RA TO RIES 26529 Golden Val ley Rd., Santa Clarita, CA 91350USA NEUCO IM AGE GROUP 50 Place CrJmazie West, Suite 1022 Mont r Jal, Que bec H2P 2T7 CAN ADA Tel: Fax:

(514) 381- 7190 (514) 381- 7059

Tel: Fax:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 33%

Ex port Mar kets: Cen tral and South Amer ica, Car ibbean, Af rica

To tal Sales Vol ume: $8 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 70%

Ex port Mar kets: United States, South Amer ica Profile:

Es tab lished early in the 1990s, Neuco Im age Group has since be come a ma jor sup plier of pri vate la bel health and beauty care prod ucts, pro vid ing re tailers with in no va tive and unique products. Its range of prod ucts is backed by high stan dards of cus tomer serv ice, flexi bil lity, knowl edge and crea tiv ity. In 1992, the firm founded its manu fac turingsubsidiary,Ultrapac,allowing Neuco to work on every level, from initial prod uct con cept, mar ket ing research and pack age de sign, through formuladevelopment,toprocessing, manufacturing,distribution,accounting, and cus tomer serv ice. Its fully-

(805) 250- 1111 (805) 250- 1242


Newhall, founded in 1976, has grown to na tional dis tri bu tion, stock ing more than 500 SKUs. It is one of the fastest- growing health and beauty care sup pli ers in the country, sellingtosupermarkets,chain drug stores and mass mer chan dis ers. The firm focuses on ethnic- oriented prod ucts, ca ter ing to His panic and black con sum ers

Products: Hair care, skin care, ethnic

products, salon products, vitamins and supplements.

Sales Contacts: Al Rodriguez, President; Dan Stegall, Vice-President of Sales.

310 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Products: Baby wipes, Anti-Bacterial wipes,

Cosmetic & Facial Cleaning Wipes, Nail Polisher Remover Wipes, Lens Wipes, personal care products

NICE- PAK PROD UCTS, INC. Two Nice- Pak Park, Or an ge burg, NY 10962-1376 USA

Tel: Fax: URL:

Sales Contact

(845) 365- 1700; (800) 999- 6423 (845) 365- 1729

To tal Sales Vol ume: $300 Mil lion (E) Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 60% (E)

Jeremy Morrissey, Manager, Sales Support; Michael Kelter, Director Marketing, Retailer Brands; Jan Anderson, Director Marketing, Nice -Pak UK.

Ex port Mar kets: Europe (4 coun tries), South east Asia (3 coun tries plus Hong Kong & Singa pore), Aus tra lia, South Amer ica, /Central Amer ica (5 coun tries), Mid dle East (10 countries) Profile:

NOR CHEM IN DUS TRIES 950 Mich elin St., La val Que bec H7L 5C1 CAN ADA Tel: Fax:

(450) 629- 3800 (450) 629- 4355

Fam ily owned Nice- Pak, which celebrated its 50th an ni ver sary in 2007, To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A claims to be the global leader in Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 70% branded and pri vate la bel wet wipes (cov er ing con sumer and health care Ex port Mar kets: United States, Mid dle East, Europe markets). One re port in di cates that the com pany sup plies 80% of the world’s Profile: Es tab lished in 1965, Nor chem In dus tries disinfectantwipes.Nice-Pak,operates Can ada is the larg est manu fac turer of prithree U.S. plants plus two in Europe vate la bel de ter gents in Que bec. The firm (Wales and Ger many). Its wide se lechas ISO 90002 equiva lent cer ti fi ca tion. tion of pre-mois tened wipes covers More than 400 house hold/in dus trial/in stibaby care, house hold cle aning, toi let tistu tional prod ucts are avail able. Nor chem sue, lens clean ers, nail pol ish re mover, con ducts its fill ing of vari ous for mats from etc. The com pany is noted for its resam ple size up to bulk size. Its pow der search and de vel op ment, qual ity conprocessing/fillingdepartmentshandle: trol,pace-settingproductdevelopment, metalcleaners,chlorinatedcompounds, technology,innovation,andservice.In oxygenbleaches,diswashingcompounds, 2004, Nice-Pak in tro duced its SaniCart laun dry de ter gents, etc. Liq uid proc esswipes for shop ping carts (a new prod uct ing/fill ing is pro tected by an explosioncate gory). In 2008, Nice- Pak is roll ing proof area; flexi bil ity of manu fac tur ing out in stant hand- sanitizing wipes said to cov ers small up to 4,500 U.S. gal lon kill 99.99% of all germs, in clud ing batches. Its mod ern manu fac tur ing fa ciliMRSA (methicillin- resistantties in clude an ex cel lent qual ity con trol/destaphylococcus au reus). All its prod ucts velopmentlaboratorystaffedbycertified are ISO 9001 cer ti fied and fol low GMP chem ists and chemi cal en gi neers. stan dards, plus are FDA & EPA reg istered and CE marked as re quired. The Products: Household cleaners, such as liquid bulk of its larg est cor po rate di vi sion, the and powder detergents for dishwashing and laundry, fabric Con sumer Di vi sion, is in pri vate la bel. softeners, all-pourpose cleaners, The firm’s Pro fes sional Dis pos ables Diglass cleaners, plus many vi sion is an in dus try leader, pro vid ing institutional/industrial cleaning high-qualityinfectioncontrolproducts products for the medi cal com mu nity. Its In sti tuSales tional Di vi sion is a leader in pro duc ing Contacts: Natalie Codere, Business Development moist tow el ettes for the food-serv ice inManager; Richard Masson, President dus try.

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 311

NORTH AMER ICA FINE FOODS, INC. P.O. Box 6753, Ches ter field, MO 63006- 6753, USA Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

(314) 275- 9059 (314) 275- 8794 [email protected]

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 100%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe: France, United King dom, Belgium,Portugal,Sweden,Norway,Finland Profile:

Products: Plastic plates and cups, paper napkins, food containers

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Mexico Profile:

Addressingenvironmentalconcerns,Nupik lately has in tro duced 100% bio degrad able cups and plates.

Sales Contacts: Juan Ramon Pinosa, Sales Manager

Started early in the 1990s, this company-- already one of the top five pri vate la bel cof fee roast ers in the U.S.--is one of the few pack ers of pri vate la bel in stant cof fee, ac tu ally pack ing in the U.S. Since the com pany has no brands, it does not NUT CRACKER BRANDS INC.* com pete with its cus tom ers. The com(Di vi sion of Ral corp Hold ings, Inc.) pany has a ma jor af filia tion with Cof fee Hold ing Co., Brook lyn, NY (also listed 26 Cook St., Bille rica, MA 01821 USA in the SOUR CE BOOK). North AmerTel: (978) 663-5400 ica Fine Foods op er ates three pro ducFax: (978) 667-8596 tion fa cili ties: one in New York and two URL: in Mex ico (Mon ter rey and Cor doba). This firm sup plies many of the larg est To tal Sales Vol ume: $175 Mil lion re tail ers and whole sal ers in the U.S. as Pe cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A well as food- service ac counts, ca ter ing Ex port Mar kets: N/A to both high- and low- end pric ing needs. Its port fo lio in cludes ground, freezeProfile: Ral corp Hold ings, Inc. (also listed in the dried, ag glom er ated and spray- dry cof(SOURCEBOOK),acquiredFlavor fees. House Prod ucts, a leader in store brand jar and can snacks and nuts. In 1998, RalProducts: Coffee--ground & instant corp fol lowed with the pur chase of Nutcracker Brands and, in March 1999, took Sales con trol of South ern Roasted Nuts of GeorContacts: Rick Clatt, Glenn Fischer (Tel: gia, Inc. These op era tions have been con61--975-2946; Fax: 612-937-1272); Peter soli da taed into this di vi sion, the larg est Schmalfeld (Tel: 716-674-8577; Fax: pri vate la bel snack nut sup plier in the U.S. 716-674-2239) In 2000, the com pany added James P. Linette, Inc., mak ing Nu tac racker the market leader in pea nut butter cups and other fine choco lates. The com pany op er ates three plants. NU PIK IN TER NA CIONAL S.A. Products: Snacks & packaged nuts C/Pin tor Goya 1-7, Po li gono In dus trial Sur este. 08213 Poli nya (Bar ce lona) SPAIN Sales Contacts: Gregory Hintlian, President Tel: +34 937 284 000 Fax: +34 937 133 117 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: $24.5 Million Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 18.6% 312 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion



Nasdaq: NMPC

(Div. of Up state, Dairy lea, Ni ag ara Co- ops)

51 Black burn Dr., Glouces ter, MA 01930 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

Ce dar & El li cott Sts., P.O. Box 718, Bata via, NY 14021- 0718 USA

(978) 283- 1800 (978) 281- 0483

Tel: Fax: URL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $110 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 95%

To tal Sales Vol ume: $115 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Mid dle East, Tai wan,

Ex port Mar kets: N/A

Mex ico, Ar gen tina, Chile, Hong Kong, Poland,Latvia,Estonia

Profile: Profile:

Late in the 1990s, af ter ac quir ing a number of com pa nies, in clud ing American White Cross, Day ville, CT, a ma jor pro ducer of ad he sive ban dages, cot ton swabs, first- aid kits and sup plies (for hos pi tals and in dus trial safety mar kets), etc., Nu tra Max filed for Chap ter 11 reorganization in May 2000. The company emerged from that pro tec tion in Feb ru ary 2001, backed with a $40 million credit fa cil ity from its sen ior debtor in pos ses sion lender. Nu tra Max to day, through its six manu fac tur ing di vi sions (9,000 skus), is po si tioned as the larg est U.S. producer of store brand dis pos able douches,ready-to-useenemas, disposablepediatricelectrolyteoral maintenancesolutions,disposablebaby bot tles, cough drops, and throat lozenges. In 2007, the com pany sold its first aid di vi sion, a pro ducer of pri vate la bel ad he sive ban dages to Derma Sciences.

Products: Disposable douche, ready-to-use

enema, baby bottles, ophthalmics, solid dosage cough/cold (cough drops, throat lozenges), pediatric electrolyte oral maintenance solution, nutritional supplement, toothbrushes, dental floss, contact lens

Sales Contacts:

Jack Man heimer, Vice- President Sales (Phone:973-984-3345)

(585) 343- 0536; (800) 828-8152 (585) 343- 4473

O- At- Ka, jointly owned by Up state Milk Cooperatives,Inc;DairyleaCooperative, Inc., and Ni ag ara Milk Co op era tives, Inc., was started in 1959 in or der to clear ex cess mem ber milk through the pro duc tion and sale of com mod ity prod ucts, such as dried milk pow der, bulk con densed milk, and bulk butter. The co- op evolved into a steady sup plier of canned evapo rated milk, printed butter and cus tom copacking for ma jor food com pa nies. Its milk- related prod ucts: canned evapo rated milk, bulk con densed milk, fla vored- and specialty- drinks, de hy drated dairy products for in dus trial use, bulk butter for food serv ice, iced cof fee in re tail packs, etc.

Products: Evaporated milk, butter, bulk

powder, milk, specialty beverages, instant nonfat dry milk, adult nutritional & specialty beverages

Sales Contacts: Rich Edelman, Sales & Marketing Director; Bill Lawrence, Sales Manager Consumer Products; Jack Hoops, Sales Manager Industrial Products

OIL- DRI CORP. OF AMER ICA (NYSE: ODC) 410 N. Michi gan Ave., Chi cago, IL 60611 USA Tel: Fax:

(312) 321- 1515 (312) 321- 9525

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 313


To tal Sales Vol ume: $160.3 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A Ex port Mar kets:


Europe, Asia, Mex ico, Latin Amer ica

Oil- Dri Corp. is the leader in de vel oping,manufacturing,andmarketing sorbent prod ucts for con sumer, in dustrial,environmental,agriculturaland spe cialty mar kets. Its cat lit ter sales repre sent 60%+ of its to tal sales. Oil- Dri also produces spe cialty ag ri cul tural and fluid pu ri fi ca ton prod ucts plus in dustrial and auto mo tive prod ucts.

Products: Scoopable cat litter (scented and unscented), natural coarse cat litter, scented coarse cat litter.

Sales Contacts:

OL IVES & FOODS, INC. (Subsidiary- - Acyco, Acei tu nas Y Con ser vas) 13903 NW 67th Ave. (Ste. 430), Mi ami Lakes, FL 33014 USA Tel: Fax:

(305) 821- 3444 (305) 821- 0047

To tal Sales Vol ume: $ 1.5 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 95%

Ex port Mar kets: United States, Car ib bean, Cen tral & South Amer ica Profile:

Daniel Jones (Grocery--Phone: 514-663-6467)

Ol ives & Foods is wholly- owned by Acyco, Acei tu nas Y Con ser vas, S.A.L., Seville, Spain. Its par ent firm (also listed in the SOUR CE BOOK) is owned and op er ated by its em ploy ees.

Products: Spanish olives,; capers; cocktail onions

OLD WORLD SPICES & SEA SON INGS INC. 4601 Cleaver 11 Blvd., Kan sas City, MO 64130 USA Tel: Fax:

(816) 861- 0400 (800-241-0070 N/A

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A Ex port Mar kets:


Sales Contacts: Fernando Gazmuri

Europe, Canada

This third gen era tion sea son ings blender, started in 1988, works with some 5,000 for mu las, pro vid ing soup mixes, dip mixes, cheese ball mixes, etc., to some 1,500 ac counts in North America. In 2006, the com pany launched Lau rie’s Kitchen to pro duce some 23 prod uct mix lines in up scale gour met packaging.Itsblendingcategories cover: bread dough, pret zels, pizza dough, tor til las, bred sticks and snacks, pan cakes and waffles

ON TEX INTERNATIONAL N.V.* Spin nerijs traat 12, B-9240 Zele, BEL GIUM Tel: Fax: URL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $1.4 Bil lion (€ 1 Bil lion) Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 80%

Ex port Mar kets: Worldwide Profile:

Products: Seasoned soup0, dip and cheeseball mixes

Sales Contacts:

(32) 52- 454 611 (32) 52- 454 610

Daavid Maples, private label director; Beth Benteman, Vice-President

314 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

ONTEX,Europe’sleadingmanufacturer of pri vate la bel hy gi enic dis pos ables, supplies the wid est range of femi nine hy giene (sani tary tow els, panty lin ers and tampons), baby prod ucts (nap pies and wipes) & in con ti nence dia pers and medi cal dispos ables avail able on the mar ket to day. In 2003, On tex was taken over (78% stake) by Can do ver, a pro vider of eq uity for large Euro pean buy outs. Sub se quently, how ever, On tex has faced tough com pe tition, es pe cially from Proc ter & Gam ble and de faulted on its debt. In 2007, On tex

carred a to tal debt of 7670 mil lion, but was in volved in re fi nanc ing ef forts. World wide, Ontex has at the fore front in the in tro duc tion of ma jor in no vations. The com pany has grown through ac qui si tions of smaller com pa nies. At one time, the com pany op er ated 18 produc tion and sales sites. It now re ports it operates12manufacturingfacilities. The com pany in vests heav ily in R&D, mak ing qual ity a top pri or ity, which has been rec og nized by the at tain ment of ISO 9001 and ISO 9002.

also cov ers, ports mar ket ing proj ects, instore/point-of-purchasedisplaysandtrade show im agery.

Services: Packaging design, private label and branded development, graphic communication, point-of--purchase displays, line extensions, photography

Sales Contacts: Mike Carrel, President/Sales; Jeff Madden Marketing/Sales (e-mail: j.madden@oymdesign,com)

Products: Feminine hygiene products, adult incontinence products, baby diapers,, wipes, medical disposables

Sales Contacts:

Bart Van Malderen, President; Patrick Piette, Director of Private Label/Retail Development;ArnauldDemoulin,Category Di rec tor, On tex Group

OP TI MAL GRAPH ICS P.O. Box 2224, Win ter Park, FL 32790- 2224 USA Tel: Fax:

(407) 740- 8239 (407) 740- 5338; (800) 444- 5338

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Global

ON YOUR MARK PACK AG ING & DE SIGN GROUP LLC 7223 W. 95th St. (Suite 230), Over land Park, KS 66212 USA Tel: Fax: URL:


(913) 381- 51- 09; (800) 635-4967 (913) 381-60150

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Pe cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, South Amer ica, Profile:

On Your Mark Pack ag ing & De sign Group is an as sem bly of vis ual com muni ca tion pro fes sion als, who have spe cialized in pack age de sign for more than four years. OYM has de signed thousands of suc cess ful pack ages, which have in creased item shelf ap peal for top gro cery chains and re tail ers world wide. As a full- service pack ag ing de signer, its serv ices cover brand de vel op ment, identity crea tion, line ex ten sion, mar ket ing strategies,photography,productionart, film sepa ra tions, and print man agement. It cov ers all cate go riess. OYM

Op ti mal Graph ics serves as a crea tive and tech ni cal graphic out source, backed with 20 years in press and graph ics, spe cial iz ing in pack ag ing, la bel, and col lat er als for both for eign and do mes tic prod uct lines. The firm func tions as a full- service art depart ment staffed with art ists and tech nicians on its de sign team, who pro vide eve ry thing from the de vel op ment of new prod uct iden ti ties to the modi fi ca tion or ex ten sion of ex ist ing lines. All ma te ri als can be trans lated into state- of- the- art, ed itable, digi tal files. This is backed with its Com puter Ar chive Sys tem, where sin gle item cop ies can be used by the cli ent’s vendor(s) as prepress. Other sup port in cludes tech ni cal backup in film sepa ra tions, match prints, and art boards for noncomputerized prepress.

Services: Packaging and label design for

diverse product areas: refrigerated and frozen foods, beverages, lawn and garden accessories, auto parts, Over-the-Counter drugs, health and beauty care, plus foreign language editions of ethical pharmaceuticals

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 315

Sales Contacts:

firm is the larg est manu fac turer of fine soaps for pri vate la bel mar ket ing and a pro ducer of spe cialty prod ucts for the textile,paperandpharmaceuticalindustries. In 1993, the com pany opened Brad ford Soap Works, Ltd., Ches ter West Park, Ches ter, CH1 4QL, Eng land (Phone: 44244- 390100; FAX: 44- 244- 390333). Another plant is planned in the Pa cific Rim re gion. To day, the firm is the larg est manu fac turer of fine soaps for pri vate label mar ket ing and a pro ducer of spe cialty prod ucts for the tex tile, pa per and pharma ceu ti cal in dus tries. Re cently, the company de vel oped a new range of trans par ent soaps in a crea tive va ri ety of shapes and col ors.

John Hunter, Vice-President Sales & Marketing; Susan Perego

OR GANIC MILL ING CORP. 505 W. Al len Ave., San Di nas, CA 91773 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(909) 599- 0961; (800) 638-8686 N/A

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Canada Profile:

Es tab lished in 1960, Or ganic Mill ing today spe cial izes in pri vate la bel and contract manu fac tur ing and pack ag ing. It op er ates two plants and also mar kets its own brands. In 2002, the com pany intro duced the in dus try’s first stand- up pouch for gra nola. The com pany also licenses the brands Weight Watch ers and Cin na bon for prod ucts in North America.

Products: Bar soap — covering skin care, gifts, novelties, hotel amenities and premiums; cataloges and industrial products for the paper textile and other industries.

Sales Contacts: Pe ter Boll, Global Mar ket ing; Aus tin Wat son, Di rec tor of Sales

Products: RTE Cereal, Granola, Snack Foods

Sales Contacts:

Doug Nietering, Director PL Sales

THE ORIGI NAL PRE MIUM COF FEE CO. 611 In dus trial Way, Eden town, NJ 07724 USA Tel: Fax:

ORIGI NAL BRAD FORD SOAP WORKS 200 Provi dence St., P.O. Box 1007, West War wick, RI 02893 USA Tel: Fax:

(401) 821- 2141 (401) 821- 5960

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 75%

Ex port Mar kets: Worldwide Profile:

(908) 901- 1119; (800) 524- 2743 (908) 901- 1118

Origi nal Brad ford Soap Works was founded in 1876 by im mi grants from Brad ford, Eng land. Since 1931, the com pany has op er ated from a his toric mill site in Rhode Is land. To day, the

316 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

In 1998, this com pany merged with First Col ony Cof fee & Tea, Nor fold, VA (also listed in the SOUR CE BOOK). Started by part ners Sol Rockower and L. Gary Shafto in 1967, The Pre mium Cof fee Co. has dis trib uted a number of fa mous cof fee and tea prod ucts (Mar tin son, Tetley, Lyons Tea, etc). Since then, the com pany has pio neered in gourmet- flavored cof fee, while also de vel op ing its own brands, Premium Cof fee and Benche ley tea. The firm was the first in the U.S. to de velop and mar ket a de caf fein ated tea. Its pri vate la-

bel busi ness be gan in 1985, no ta bly serv ing A&P in its gour met prod uct line. In deed, all the prod ucts packed un der A&P’s fa mous Eight O’Clock logo are de vel oped by Pre mium Coffeee. Pre mium Cof fee of fers a com plete line of spe cialty cof fees, in clud ing tra ditionals,flavored,estate-grownvarietals, and de caf packed in valve bags for fresh ness.

Products: Coffee, tea, hot cocoa, flavored

(Sub sidi ary of Osem Foods, Israel) 640 Pali sade Ave., Engle wood Cliffs, NJ 07632 USA Tel: Fax:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A


Richard Nothrab, Sales Manager

casseroles mixes, dessert mixes

Sales Contacts: Izzet Ozdogan, President

To tal Sales Vol ume: $5 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 60%

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, United King dom, South America Since 1946, The Origi nal Ya.Hoo! Baking Com pany has been bak ing fancy qual ity des serts for multi- unit na tional ac counts, in clud ing cust som reci pes and pack ag ing. Op er at ing as a small batch bak ery, the com pany features hand deco rated cakes. A ma jor ity of its produc tion is de voted to pri vate la bel business. Some of its new est prod ucts in clude ap ple cob bler and peach cobbler.

Products: Custom desserts-special

recipes--cakes, cobblers, pies, cookies

Sales Contacts:

David Millican, Director of Sales & Marketing (e-mail: [email protected])

In 1965, Osem be gan mar ket ing Nes tle brand prod ucts and in 2003, the lat ter com pany took 51.1% own er ship in Osem. Osem has stopped its pri vate la bel business.

Products: Snacks, soup mixes, cookies,

THE ORIGI NAL YA.HOO! BAK ING COM PANY** 5302 Texoma Park way, Sher man, TX 75090 USA Tel: (903) 893- 8151 Fax: (903) 893- 5036 URL:


(201) 871- 4433 (201) 871- 8726

Ex port Mar kets: Europe,Australia,Africa,Asia


Sales Contacts:



(Part of Lau rens Speth mann Hold ing Ak tienge sellschaft & Co.) Am Bauhof 13- 15, Seeve tal, D- 21218 GER MANY Tel: Fax: URL:

+49 4105- 504-0 +49 4105- 624- 106

To tal 2007 Sales Vol ume: $780.9 Mil lion ( € 570 Million) Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 56%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, 65 coun tries world wide Profile:

This family- run busi ness, founded in 1907 by Lau rens Jans sen as a tea com pany, cele brated its 100th An ni ver sary in 2007. Pri vate la bel helped shape the busi ness; but in the 1960s, the foun der’s grand son, Lau rens Speth mann, cre ated the Mil ford brand. Other brands fol lowed, as OTG estab lished it self as one of Eu ro pe’s lead ing tea com pa nies. In the 1980s, a sec ond di vision was started in the health ful nu tri tion

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 317

area. Its br ands in clude Veel mann for dia bet ics, Huxol for health ful nu tri tion, and the Schnee koppe brand, also a health brand. As a sec ond pil lar of OTG, the Schnee koppe busi ness was ex panded into vi ta mins, min er als, digestive and cho les terol aids, plus an exten sive line of die tary prod ucts for calorie- conscious and dia betic cus tomers. How ever, in Janu ary 2007, OTG sold its Schnee koppe health food business to con cen trate on ex pand ing its sweet en ers and bar busi ness, as well as ce re als. In 2007, the com pany es tablished Nu tri sun GmbH & Com pany KG as a mar ket ing and sales arm for its sweet ners and bar business In Germany, the com pany claims a 38% market share for its branded tea line alone. Some 35% of its over all sales are outside of Ger many.

Products: Tea products (regular, herbal,

flavored, instant), ready-to-eat cereals

li cense to pro duce fro zen en trees un der the Eat ing Right and O Or ganic brands.

Products: Custom frozen food

products--entrees, plated meals, meal components, soupus, sauces, poultry, meat and fish specialties

Sales Contacts: N/A

OXI BRITE INC. 2171 Dun win Drive #6, Mis sis sauga, ONT L5L 1X2 CANADA Tel: Fax: URL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A Ex port Mar kets:

Profile: Sales Contacts:

Hans-Ulrich Schatz; Christian T. Jarks

OVER HILL FARMS, INC. 2727 East Ver non Ave., Ver non, CA 90058 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

United States, Mex ico, Chile

Oxi Brite, started in 2004, is a small, dedicated pri vate la bel sup plier of house hold clean ers with a deep com mit ment to the environmentandmakingproducts greener and more ef fec tive. The com pany uses only PET and HDPE plas tics in its bot tles. All its green prod ucts are read ily biodegradable.

Products: Household Cleaners (all purpose,

glass, bathroom, Shower, toilet bowl) as well as concentrated Liquid Laundry Detergent and Fabric Softener.

(323)) 582- 9977; (800) 859-6406 (323) 582- 6122

To tal Sales Vol ume: $240 Mil lion+ (E) Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

(905) 602- 1082; (866) 281-1392 (905) 602- 8536

Sales Contacts: Jeremy Quinn, General Manager


Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Over hill Farms pro duces cus tom fro zen food prod ucts, es pe cially for the Panda Res tau rant Group and Jenny Craig Inc. In May 2008, the com pany en tered a five- year li cens ing agree ment with Bet ter Living Brands (or gan ized at Safe way’s Lu cern Foods subsidiary--also in the SOUR CEBOOK) where Over hill has an ex clu sive

PA CIFIC WEST MAR KET ING 20 Ana Ca pri, La guna Niguel, CA 92677, USA Tel: (949) 363- 9129 Fax: (949) 363- 8429 E-Mail: [email protected] To tal Sales Vol ume: $1 Million Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 20%

318 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

gos, ar twork, li censed char ac ters, ap parel graph ics, events, etc., all die- cut as an embroi dered patch. They are heat- applied, used on ap parel lines, hats, jack ets, shorts, etc. One new item: Head ward 2000 private la bel caps, fea tur ing dif fer ent trademark de signs. Also avail able: low- cost promotionalcaps,MagiCap(removable logo) caps, and bean ies. The com pany prides it self on “ex treme qual ity, ag gressive pricing, criti cal de liv ery and de voted serv ice.” This firm also is the founder and li cen sor of Class of 2000 mil len nium brand.

Ex port Mar kets: Europe,Canada,Australia, South east Asia, South Amer ica, Ja pan Profile:

Pa cific West Mar ket ing is dedi cated to pro vid ing unique and in no va tive products and crea tive pro mo tio nal con cepts to all part ners in the pri vate la bel and incentivemarketindustries.Itsnewest of fer ings: cor po rate gifts, gour met food prod ucts, and gift items. Pa cific West Mar ket ing also pro vides im printed mer chan dise, pre mi ums, and pro motional ma te rial for cor po ra tions, res taurants, ho tels, and agen cies. Ad di tion ally, the com pany han dles fund- raising mate ri als for schools, churches, and nonprofit groups. In pri vate la bel, its customer base in cludes su per mar kets, conveniencestores,exporters,distributors, etc..

Products: Innovative promotional food and

gift products & concepts, specifically for gourmet fods, giftware, imprinted merchandise, premium promotions, fund raising, etc.

Sales Contacts:

Edward V. Shriber, President

(619) 281- 6688 (619) 281- 6687

Sales Contacts: Rich C. Soergel, President; Michael Chavez, Vice-Presient of Sales; Mike Traa, Vice-President of Special Markets; Jeanne Guillod, Sales (e-mail: [email protected])

Tel: Fax: URL:

(281) 485- 1457 (281) 485- 3242

To tal Sales Vol ume: $14.4 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 20% Ex port Mar kets: Latin Amer ica, Mid dle East, West Africa

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 75%


Ex port Mar kets: Japan,Italy,Canada,Germany, Switzerland Profile:

patches, lapel pins, wool/leather jackets

PACK AG ING SERV ICE CO., INC. 1904 Mykawa Road, P.O. Box 875, Pear land (Hous ton), TX 77581 USA

PA CIFIC SPORTS WEAR COM PANY, INC. P.O. Box 152111, San Di ego, CA 92195, USA Tel: Fax: URL:

Products: Custom private label headwear,

Since 1984, Pa cific Sports wear & Emblem Com pany has been manu fac turing and im port ing la pel pins from its two over seas fac to ries, proud of its prompt on- time de liv ery. The com pany also is an in no va tor in the design and manu fac tur ing of supurb- quality, embroi dered patches. Since 1991, it has offered cus tom Laser Cut (in clud ing 3-D) em broi dered patches for com pany lo-

Since 1971, Pack ag ing Serv ice Co. has served the ‘e xcl usive brands/pri vate la bel’ mar ket, as well as hav ing pro duced a va riety of prod ucts un der its own la bels. Its forte cov ers a range of non- food items for house hold and auto mo tive us age, as well as sea sonal items and paint sun dries. The compnay re cently has added equip ment to itsoperations,increasingplantcapacity up wards to 20%.

Products: Charcoal starter, lamp oil, mildew removers, windshield washer fluid,

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 319

paint thinners/removers, deck cleaner, K-1 kerosene

Sales Contacts:

George Foster, Sales Manager; Harold Mansfield

CLEM ENT PAP PAS & CO., INC. 10 North Par son age Rd., Se ab rook, NJ 08302 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

PAN TAN ELLA SUD SPA Via Naro 7800040, Pomezia, Rome (Roma), IT ALY Tel: Fax:

+39 6 911.42.81 +39 6 910.84.10

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $25 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 20%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Far East, Asia, North Amer ica, South Af rica Profile:

The ur bani za tion and growth of Rome since the last cen tury has chased Pantan ella Sud out of town, but not out of the hearts of Ital ians, who rec og nize its brands, Fer rari (La Pasta d’ Ita lia), Pan tan ella, and Agostini, for their taste, pro duced ex clu sively with first- quality du rum wheat semo lina. The com pany was founded in 1882, situ ated just one mile from the Co los seum. But in the 1930s, af ter build ing a new larger factory in the sub urbs, that lo ca tion quickly be came sur rounded by downtown Rome, forc ing an other move in the 1970s out to an in dus trial park near Pomezia, just 25 kilo me ters south of Rome. To day, this highly- automated factoryfeaturesmodernproduction lines with a ca pac ity of about 120 tons of pasta prod ucts each work ing day (three shifts daily), usu ally on a seven- daysper- week sched ule. Out put cov ers hundreds of dif fer ent pasta va rie ties (by size, thick ness and shape), packed in 500 gram or one- pound net cel lo phane bags (20 bags per box)

This family- run busi ness be gan in 1921 as a farm ing op era tion (to ma toes and squash proc essed in a can nery), then switched to food proc ess ing in 1925, af ter which the companyinitiatedcranberryprocessing, pioneeringinthecommericalproduction of cran berry sauce. By 1942, Clem ent Pap pas then went off on his own to start a can ning fac tory, which grew and af ter his death came un der the di rec tion of his two sons, Dean and Pe ter. By 1970s, the company was pro duc ing fruit juices in glass bot tles. Through ac qui si tion of the Se abrook Foods fa cil ity in Se ab rook, NJ, the com pany tri pled its ca pac ity. Its an nual out put cov ers more than 600 dif fer ent brands of juices plus blended juice products and proc essed jel lies and sauces made from cran ber ries. Ca pac ity ex ceeds 75,000 cases of juice daily. The firm is “the leader in pri vate la bel juice and fruit products for U.S. su per mar ket chains, wholesal ers and buy ing groups.”

Products: Cranberry juice & blends, apple

juice, grapefruit juice, lemon juice, prune juice, grape juice, cranberry sauce, isotonics, orange juice, tomato juice, grapefruit cocktails, iced tea

Sales Contacts: John A. Graham, Vice-President of Sales; Peter Pappas, President; Robert Crawford, VP, PL Retail Salesr

Products: Pasta products (spaghetti and

macaroni; quick-cooking spaghetti (90 seconds)

Sales Contacts:

(; 856) 455- 1000; 800- 257- 7019 (856) 455-8746

Paolo Capinera, Managing Director; Omero Chini, Export Manager

320 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Ex port Mar kets: United States, Mex ico, South America


(Di vi sion of Par ma lat, Can ada.) 1780 Burns Ave. St. Louis, MO 63132 USA Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

(314) 429-2111; (800) 878-6772 (800) 875-3291 [email protected]

To tal Sales Vol ume: $200 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90%

Parmalat Bak ery Di vi sion is the domi nent sup plier of pri vate la bel cook ies in Can ada and an emerg ing leader in the United States (listed above) and in ter na tional mar kets. The com pany bakes and mar kets a full range of cookie prod ucts. In ad di tion to its lead er ship in pri vate la bel, the firm also mar kets prod ucts un der the Co lo nial, WindsorWafer,Parmalat,General Henry, and Mrs. Ali son’s la bels.

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, South Amer ica, Japan

Products: Cookies—upscale/indulgent,

Profile: For merly called Bea trice Bak ery Di vi sion, Parma lat Bak ery Di vi sion is now a di vi sion of Parma lat Can ada (a sup plier of dairy prod ucts in Canada),Toronto,Ontario,Canada,operates six bak ery plants, three in Can ada and three in the U.S., as well as a cen tral dis tri bu tion cen ter in St. Louis, MO. The Bak ery Di vi sion supplies full- line cookie pro grams for pri vate la bel accounts. The firm, al ready the lead ing pri vate label mar keter of cook ies in Can ada, has been ex pand ing rap idly in the United States with its prod uct line that in cludes in dul gent, na tional brand equiva lent, tra di tional, and spe cialty prod ucts. Re cently, the com pany ex panded its ca pabili ties with DSD (di rect store de liv ery) in sev eral key U.s. markets

Sales Contacts: Ted Clarke, Vice-President, Business Development, Canada

Products: Premium & national brand

equivalent cookies; fruit bars, sugar wafers, traditional cookies

Sales Con tacts:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Pre cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Tel: Fax:

(919) 775- 5931 (919) 774- 1627

To tal Sales Vol ume: $10 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 10%

Ex port Mar kets: N/A This company, started in 1943, has sev eral re gional brands, sold in the gro cery, nonfood and food-serv ice mar kets.

Products: Canned meats, including chili, chili

Neil Lampe, Vice-President; Dick Bordnell, Director of Sales; Cas Sloane, Export Sales (Tel: 519-622-2230; Fax: 519-622-7090)

(519) 893- 6400 (519) 893- 6427

PAT TER SON PACK ING COM PANY P.O. Box 447, San ford, NC 27330 USA


w/beans, beef stew; gravies, including sausage, beef, ham, white

Sales Contacts: Tom Price, Vice-President, Sales & Marketing

PAR MA LAT BAK ERY DI VI SION, CAN ADA 135 Otona bee Drive, P.O. Box, Kitche ner, On tario N2G 4J3 CAN ADA Tel: Fax:

traditional, fig & fruit bars, wafers

PAT TER SON LABO RA TO RIES, INC. 11930 Pleas ant Ave., De troit, MI 48217 USA Tel: Fax:

(313) 843- 4500 (313) 843- 9416

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Pe rcent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 80% 2008 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 321

tive ideas. Its new syr ups are de vel oped in its lab in co op era tion with its cus tom ers.

Ex port Mar kets: South east Asia, Mex ico, Can ada Profile:

Pat ter son Labo ra to ries is owned by Dr. Joon S. Moon, who has dedi cated the busi ness to the de vel op ment and manufac tur ing of chemi cal clean ing prod ucts. Started in 1935, the firm en tered the pri vate la bel busi ness some 25+ years ago. Cur rently, the firm manu fac tures pri vate la bel clean ing prod ucts for more than 25 na tional food chains and the top two lead ing na tional re tail chains in the U.S. Be sides its De troit plant, the firm op er ates a simi lar plant in Phoe nix, AZ. In ad di tion, Pat ter son op er ates a powder de ter gents plant in Oak land, CA, and an in dus trial strength acid- based prod ucts plant in How ell, MI.

Products: Liquid bleach, household ammonia,

liquid fabric softeners, liquid dish detergents, heavy-duty laundry detergents, glass cleaner, drain openers, toilet bowl cleaners.

Sales Contacts:

Dick Dilcher, Vice- President Sales/Mar ket ing; Larry Kro zek, Sales Man ager.

Products: Soft drink concentrates, syrups Sales Contacts: AnnaMette Khristensen, Ms. Dorte Jensen

PEN GUEN GIDA PAZAR LAMA A.S. Bursa- Izmir Karayolu, Mu min Gen co glu Cad, 16130 Bursa, TUR KEY Tel: +90 224- 470 10 10 Fax: +90 224- 470 15 15 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: $80 Million Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 75% Ex port Mar kets: United States, Can ada, Eng land, Ger many, Swe den, Hol land, France, New Zealand,Finland,Italy Profile:

PE BAS SCAN DI NA VIA A/S Thors vej 11, 6950 Ring koebing, 6950 DENMARK Tel: Fax: URL:

+45 97321588 +45 97324000 bas. dk

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 30%

Products: Vegetables in jars/cans

(cornichons/gherkins, capers, roasted red pappers), fruits in jars/cans (grapefruit segments in juice/syrup, cherries), I.Q.F. (Strawberries, tomatoes, red/green peppers, leeks, cauliflower)

Ex port Mar kets: Ger many, Fin land, Swe den, Norway, Bel gium, Hun gary, The Neth er lands, Austria Profile:

Pe bas Scan di navi is a pro ducer of soft drink con cen trates for re tail and ca tering. It offers its cus tom ers: eco logi cal syr ups; preservative- free syr ups; light con cen trates with up to 50% fruit juice; Bag- in- Box for post mix sys tems; syr ups for juice dis pens ers, vend ing ma chines and slush ice ma chines’ ice tea con centrates. All its syr ups can be de liv ered as pri vate la bels and in al most any size of bot tles. The com pany wel comes in no va-

Lo cated in the heart of the best vege ta bleand-fruit-grow ing area in Tur key, Penguen pro duces fro zen and pre served fruits and vege ta bles in one of Eu ro pe’s most mod ern plants. Its pro duc tion fa cili ties are geared to the speci fi ca tions of its cus tomers, con trol ling the pro cess from seed ing right to the store shelf. Its busi ness cov ers re tail trade in private la bel, ca ter ing, and bulk pack ing. Fro zen prod ucts (I.Q.F. and block fro zen) are avail able plus all sizes of jars and cans, rang ing from 105 ml up to 5 kgs. .

Sales Contacts: Mr. Aykan SozuHtin, International Sales Chief (e-mail: [email protected]); and sales representatives, Korel Do™u, Aykut Basar, Ms. Ebru Gunduz, Ms. Ozlem Sezer

322 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

PENN SYL VA NIA DUTCH CAN DIES 408 N. Bal ti more Ave., P.O. Box 128, Mt. Holly Springs, PA 17065-0128 USA Tel: Fax:

(717) 486- 3496; (800) 233- 7082 (717) 486- 4678

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 5%

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Started in 1957, Penn syl va nia Dutch Can dies, while al ways open to pri vate la bel sales, has since late 1995 put more em pha sis on this busi ness. The com pany is uniquely po si tioned as a manu facturer, dis tribu tor and im porter of products—more than 700 items over all in its range, in clud ing lol li pops, bulk candy, chil dren’s items, etc. This medium- size con fec tions firm pro vides a wide va ri ety of pri vate la bels, cov er ing the tra di tional large vol ume ac counts as well as smaller-volumeoperations.

Products: Chocolate bars, bagged candy, thin-stick bundles

Sales Contacts:

Steve Wittmann, Sales Manager


Nasdaq: PRGO June 28, 2008 515 East ern Ave.., Al le gan, MI 49010 USA Tel: (269) 673- 8451 Fax: (269) 673- 7535 URL: To tal Fis cal 2008 Sales Vol ume : $1.8 Bil lion (+26%) Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90%

Ex port Mar kets: Japan,Russia,Mexico,Canada, Europe, South America Profile:

Per rigo is the world’s larg est manu facturer of OTC (non- prescription) pharmaceuticalandnutritionalproducts sold un der store brands. It now di vides its busi ness into three seg ments: Con-

sumer Health care ($1.3 bil lion +29%), RX Pharmaceuticals($161.3million+17%), Ac tive Phar ma ceu ti cal Ingredients ($149.6 mil lion +22%). Also, there is other business, cov er ing Is rael con sumer products/pharmaceutical/diagnosticproducts) ($175.2 mil lion +17%). Its prin ci pal business covers OTC, phar mac aeu ti cal and nutritionalproducts:analgesics, cough/cold/allergy/sinus,gastrointestinal, smok ing ces sa tion, first aid, vi ta mins and nutritionalsupplementproducts--marketed ba si cally in the U.S., the United King dom, and Mex ico. This com pany since 2004 with net sales of $898.2 mil lion has con tin ued to ac quire smaller manufac tur ers: In March 2005, Agis In dus tries (1983) Ltd., the sec ond larg est phar ma ceuti cal com pany in Is rael; in March 2007, Qualis Inc., a pri vate com pany pro duc ing store brand pedi cu li cide prod ucts; and in Janu ary 2008, Gal pharm Health care Ltd., a ma jor pro ducer of OTC phar ma ceu ticals in the United King dom. Also, in 2007, Perrigo ac quired some ge neric pre scription der ma to logi cal prod ucts from Glades Pharmaceuticals. Followingitsfiscal2008 re port, Per rigo added more businesses. In Oc to ber 2008, for about $25 mil lion in cash,PerrigopurchasedLaboratorios Diba S.A., a pri vate firm spe cial iz ing in store brand OTC and pre scrip tion pharma ceu ti cals, thus add ing 150 for mu las and 50 trade marks to its Mexi can store brand busi ness. The fol low ing month, Per rigo, just prior to the PLMA Chi cago trade show, ac quired Unico Hold ings Inc., Lake Worth, FL, for about $49 mil lion in cash. This pri vately held manu fac turer of store brandpediatricelectrolytes,enemasand femi nine hy giene (douche) prod ucts for retail will add nearly $50 mil lion in an nual sale to Per rigo’s busi ness and add new cate go ries as well (es pe cially elec trol ytes). Es tab lished in 1889, Per rigo to day markets some 1,130 store brand skus for about 100 cus tom ers. It also sells product un der its Good Sense brand. In fis cal 2008, the com pany formed a part ner ship with Dexcel Pharma Tech nolo gies Ltd., giv ing Perrigo ex clu sive right to mar ket Ome pra zole delalyed- release tab lets in 20 mg size (for fre quent heart burn treat ment) to its store brand cus tom ers. The com pany also

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 323

launched nico tine polac rilex, coated fruit gum in 2 mg and 4 mg, and cetrizine hy dro chlo ride 10 mg tab lets. Net income for the year was up by 84% to $135.8 mil lion. Some 20% of Per rigo’s net sales go to Wal- Mart.

com pany, Per sonal Care Prod ucts, manufac tures and dis trib utes a com plete line of 150 dif fer ent health & beauty aid products. Its line cov ers: bath prod ucts, skin care creams and lo tions, mouth washes, body washes, sham poos and con di tion ers - - equivalent to every ma jor na tional brand, stick de odor ants and antiperspirants, foot pow der and foot sprays, body pow der, medi cated body pow ders, and styl ing gels. Its manu fac tur ing fa cilities for health & beauty aids are lo cated in Los An ge les, serv ing the West Coast, and in Chi cago, serv ing the Mid west and East.

Products: Cough and cold remedies,

analgesics, antacids, feminine hygiene test kits, sleep aids, hemorrhoidal remedies, hair restoration, laxatives, smoking cessation, nutritional s, (vitamins, supplements, drinks)

Sales Contacts:

Jim Tomshack, Senior Vice-President of Sales; David Mesley, Vice-President Contract Sales; Tom Ayres, Director Marketing Information; Jeff Needham, Sr. VP Commercial Business Development; Ron Schutt, Dir. OTC Marketing.

Products: Baby products (lotion, oil, shampoo,

powder), skin care lotions & creams, petroleum jelly, mouth wash, deodorants, shave cream, household aerosols, shower & bath gels, styling gels, shampoos all types, conditioners

Sales Contacts: Larry Weisberg, President PER SONAL CARE PROD UCTS, INC.

Ameri can House hold Prod ucts Di vi sion 32500 Tele graph Rd. (Ste. 202), Bing ham Farms, MI 48025- 2463 USA Tel: Fax:

(248) 258- 1555 (248) 258- 6229

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 30%

Ex port Mar kets: Mex ico, Europe, South Amer ica, Cen tral Amer ica, Mid dle East, Asia, Africa Profile:


(In ter na tional Div. of Ameri can Safety Ra zor) Ra zor Blade Lane, Ve rona, VA 24482 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(540) 248- 8000 (540) 248-1701

To tal Sales Vol ume: $54 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 70%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Asia, Can ada, Mex ico,

Ameri can House hold Prod ucts, a di vision of Per sonal Care Prod ucts, Inc., Profile: manu fac tur es and dis tributes the most ex ten sive line of aero sol prod ucts in North Amer ica. Its range in cludes: householdcleaners(aerosolbathroom, furniturepolish,disinfectant,oven cleaner, room freshe ner, and in sec ticides) as well as liq uid cleaners-- woolwash, an ti bac te rial soaps, and ul tra dish detergent.Additionally,thecompany pro duces health & beauty aid aero sols (de odor ants, hair sprays, hair mousses, femi nine de odor ant spray). The par ent

324 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

South Amer ica, Af rica, Austs ra lia PersonnaInternationalLimitedmanages mar ket ing and sales of Ameri can Safety Ra zor Co. ( also in the SOUR CE BOOK) for prod ucts out side the U.S. Its pri vate label mar kets in clude: Can ada, Europe, Japan, and Latin Amer ica. Per sonna pro vides a com plete range of pack ag ing con figu ra tions. As AS R com mits more to cot ton prod ucts, Per sonna is now de vel oping that busi ness in Can ada, Mex ico, and Puerto Rico, look ing to ex pand into other mar kets as well. In 1996, ASR ac quired

Bond Blades ltd., Naz areth Il lit, Is rael (listed in the SOUR CE BOOK). One of Personna’slatestdevelopments:a triple-bladeshavingsystem

Products: Fixed, pivotal and moving blade

Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

shaving cartridges, disposable razors, shaving blades, specialty shaving products for women, cotton products.

Sales Contacts:

PET LIFE FOODS, INC. 7628 Plaza Court, Wil low brook, IL 60521 USA

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90%

Mario Soussonr, President (e-mail: [email protected])

Ex port Mar kets: None Profile:

THE PET CON NEC TION P.O. Box 391806- EBS96, Moun tain View, CA 94039 USA Tel: Fax:

(650) 949- 1190 (650) 948- 2359

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 40%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe,Australsia Profile:

The Pet Con nec tion, which started in 1975, was “green” bef ore it be came fash ion able to be green in terms of protect ing the en vi ron ment and ani mals. Euca lyp tus, spearamint and other scents (con tained in bar rier pack ag ing) are used on dog col lars versus con ventional nerve gas. The lat ter reaches to the dog’s tail and into its breath, thus also com ing into con tact with chil dren, etc., who pet or are licked by the ani mal. The com pa ny’s origi nal natu ral pet care prod ucts, such as col lars, sham poos, pow ders, and skin oint ments, are formulatedbythisinnovativeentrepreneurial com pany. Lately, the firm has in tro duced a cer ti fied organically- grown cat nip, avail able in in di vid ial clean pack ets—called the “Black La bel whisky of cat nip.”

Products: Herbal pet products, natural pet

gifts, pet shampoos & powders, stain or ordor control products, custom bedding

Sales Contacts:

(708) 789- 5757; (800) 323- 2267 (708) 789- 5762

Manu fac tur ing pet foods for more than 65 years, Pet Life Foods, has long been rec ognized as a leader in qual ity prod ucts through out the in dus try. While pri vate label has domi nated its busi ness, the company also manu fac tur ers Lolli- Pups, Peo ple Crack ers, and other well- known branded prod ucts in the U.S. The firm is ca pa ble of pack ing off most items in bulk, poly, small and large car tons, and small and large bags. The com pany fo cuses on in no va tion. Its prod ucts pro vide 100% bal anced diet.

Products: Dry cat food, dry dog food, soft

moist cat or dog food, dog biscuits, value-added bisucits, dog treats.

Sales Contacts: Robert J. Gallian, Executive Vice-President


In July 2005, PFI filed for Chap ter 11 bankruptcy pro tec tion and then an nounced its agree ment to sell sub stan tially all of its as sets to Lei ner Health Prod ucts, LLC (also in the SOUR CE BOOK). PFI how ever, kept its wholly- owned sub sidi ary, Kon syl Phar ma ceuti cals Inc. PFI, then 87% owned by ICC Indus tries Inc., New York, a pri vate com pany (chemi cal, plas tic and phar ma ceu ti cal products) op er ated Kon syl as well as Fru ta rom Indus tries (both also listed in the SOUR CE BOOK).

Dave Adams, Han Nguyen 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 325

creativepossibilitiesarelimitless.The com pany proudly cre ates all its prod ucts in a state- of-the art bak ery, which has been awared a “Su pe rior” rat ing by the Ameri can In sti tute of Bak ing (AIB) for three con secu tive years. Vari ous Pi nahs snack chips are cur rently vi tal com ponents of many of the na tion’s lead ing snack mixes. The firm util izes three main sales chan nels: bulk/industrial- - as a unique ad di tion to snack mix; pri vate la bel - - to en hance sales of a store brand; and international- - in bulk or pri vate la bel.

PHOE NI CIAN HERB ALS, INC. 7655 E. Evans, Suite #2, Scotts dale, AZ 85260 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(602) 368- 8144; (800) 368- 8144 (602) 368- 2912

To tal Sales Vol ume: $1 Million Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 10% Ex port Mar kets: South Amer ica, Europe Profile:

ThesecretingredientatPhoenician Herb als is its mas ter herb al ist, who shares his knowl edge about herbs. The com pa ny’s for mu la tions, both teas and cap sules, have been put to gether by this gen tle man, who has stud ied plants, herbs, and ton ics for more than 25 years. As a sci en tist and problem- solver, he ap plies this knowl edge to the com pany’s prod uct line. Ex ten sive re search, test ing, and se lec tion of the fin est in gredi ents avail able, all go into its topquality prod ucts that are “in har mony with life and land.” Among its new est prod ucts; 5- HT- Kara Kava.

Products: Herbal teas, herbal supplements Sales Contacts:

Junea Baker

Products: Bread-based snacks in various

flavors, seasonings for snack mixes or as stand-alone snacks

Sales Contacts: Jeff Handrich, Vice-President of Sales & Marketing; cheryl Dillner, Sales Manager; Sue Gaulke, Customer Relations (e-mail: [email protected])

PIN NA CLE OIL, INC. 5009 W. 81st St., In di an apo lis, IN 46268 USA Tel: Fax:

(317) 875- 9465; (800) 829- 8899 (317) 875- 0889

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 70%

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Mid dle East, Rus sia, PoPI NAHS COM PANY, INC. N8 W22100 John son Dr., Wau ke sha, WI 53186 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

land, China, Mex ico Profile:

(262) 547- 2447 (262) 547- 2047

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, canada Profile:

Pi nahs is a third- generation, family- run manu fac turer and mar keter of breadbased snack chips for stand- alone snacks or mixes. Un limited pos si bili ties for bread bases (rye, ba gel, whole wheat) and sea son ings (on ion, gar lic, cin na mon, jalapeno) are avail able. The

Pin na cle Oil was formed with lu bri cat ing oil pro fes sion als to blend and pack age motor oils, hy drau lic oils, gear oils and other auto mo tive and in dus trial flu ids and chemi cals. Re cently, the com pany has moved to ward pri vate la bel. The firm now pack ages pri vate la bel prod ucts for many of the com pa nies hold ing API licenses in the U.S. The com pany works closely with its cus tom ers, pro vid ing quality prod ucts plus full serv ice, rang ing from pack age de sign to in ter fac ing with API, Gen eral Mo tors and Ford.

Products: Automotive products: Motor oil,

326 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

transmission fluids, power-steering fluids, brake fluids, carb cleaner,

Sales Contacts:

washer solvent, anti-freeze; also industrial oils.

To tal Sales Vol ume: $60 Mil lion+ Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 75%

Charles Collins, Vice-President Sales; George Feldwisch, Sales Manager.

Ex port Mar kets: East ern Europe, Leban non, Switzer land, Bel gium, France, Ger many, Mid dle East, Tur key Profile:

PITT PENN OIL CO. P.O. Box 296, Free port Rd., Creigh ton, PA 15030 USA Tel: Fax:

(724) 226- 2712 (724) 226- 9976

To tal Sales Vol ume: $30 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 20%

Ex port Mar kets: Cen tral Amer ica, Mid dle East, Can ada, Far East Profile:

This com pany, which was started in the early 1990s, was taken over some 10 years ago by new own ers. Since then, the firm has po si tioned it self uniquely as a sup plier of one- stop shop ping needs, of fer ing a full range of prod ucts—marketed at a price niche, with out sac ri ficing qual ity. Its range of prod ucts cov ers auto mo tive needs, char coal lighter fluids, paint thin ners, as well as mo tor oil and an ti freeze. Its ex port busi ness contin ues to grow sig nifi cantly. Re cently, the com pany re did all of its pack ag ing.

Products: Motor oil, washer solvent,

antifreeze, automotive chemicals (power steering fluid)

Sales Contacts:

Harry Pizzingrilli, National Sales Manager; William Sukitch, International Sales Manager

Piz zolotto, a privately- held com pany, has been in busi ness since 1919 as a pro ducer of house hold clean ing prod ucts. To day, the com pany op er ates an in te grated produc tion sys tem out of two factories, handling the to tal op era tion from plas tic raw ma te ri als to bot tles blow mold ing, to detergentsproductions,tofillingoperations, onto prod uct de liv ery. Piz zoloto em phasizes environment- friendly prod ucts at all stages of pro duc tion, from the poly thene gran ule to the pal let ized prod ucts. The com pany pro vides a full prod uct range, all sizes and pack ag ing, cov er ing all types of liquiddetergent.Itsproductionincludes recyclablebottles—emphasizinglightweight, less ex pen sive ma te ri als, and en viron men tally- friendly con tents and pack ag ing. Ad di tion ally, the firm was the first in It aly to ap ply for cor po rate cer ti fica tion in ac cor dance with EU stan dards: a concreteguaranteeofconsistentquality. Piz zolotto also works in part ner ship with two other Ital ian firms (Carma srl and Sin tes Srl) and three Ger man co mpanies (do mal GmbH, Wasch- und Kor perpflegenit tel GmbH, and Wit tol Chemi GmbH), to gether as the E.D.I. Net work ( They co op er ate in technologicaldevelopments,economiesof scale, prod uct ex changes, raw ma te rial pur chas ing and re search and development. All the com pa nies (home de ter gent and per sonal care clean ing prod uct produc ers) are ISO Cer ti fied.

Products: Liquid detergents PIZ ZOLOTTO SPA Via Mon te grappa, 18, 31010 One Di Fonte, Tre viso, ITALY Tel: Fax: URL:

Sales Contacts: Mario Piz zolotto, Ex port Man ager (e-mail: [email protected])

+39 423- 948041 +39 423- 949930

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 327

PL DE VEL OP MENTS** 200 Hicks St., West bury, NY 11590 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(516) 986- 1700 (631) 249- 0869

To tal Sales Vol ume: $20 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 100%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe Profile:


(A Di vi sion of North Ameri can Bak ing, Inc.) 120 Arm strong Ave nue, George town, On tario, L7G 4S3 CANADA Tel: Fax:

(905) 873-8744 (905) 873-8746

To tal Sales Vol ume: $40 Mil lion (E) Pe cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90%

Ex port Mar kets: United States, South Amer-

This com pany is a pack ager and disica, Hong Kong, Mexico tribu tor of over- the- counter (OTC) drugs, focused on main tain ing 95% Profile: North Ameri can Bak ing is cur rently one service lev els to all its cus tom ers. All of of the lead ing co- pack and pri vate la bel its prod ucts are 100% brand matching. manu fac tur ers in North Amer ica, sup plyPL De vel op ments fol lows all FDA ing pri vate la bel crack ers to all the lead ing guide lines and GMP pro ce dures and re tail ers in Can ada and many lead ing US stan dards. The com pany maintains re tail ers. Its sup port comes from sen ior strategicallianceswithdifferentmanubakingprofessionalswithsignificantexpefac tur ers, such as Ban ner Phar ma caps, ri ence from Na bisco, Bea trice Bak er ies, which gives PL De vel op ments its ex cluand United Bis cuits. The com pany consive prod uct line. In early 2008, the ducts multi- channel sales to whole sale com pany ac quired the as sets of PAL clubs,massmerchandisers,conventional Laboratories,apharmaceuticalmanure tail gro cery chains, gour met shops, and fac turer based in Mi ami, FL, a progiftbasketsuppliers. ducer of OTC drugs, nuitri tional tab lets, cap lets, and two- piece hard shell Products: Premium, upscale crackers (Kosher), cap sules. PAL Labs is now called rotary cut cookies Avema Pharma So lu tions, op er ated as a sub sidi ary of PL De vel op ments. The take over al lows the com pany to in troSales duce nu tir tional items, niche prod ucts Contacts: Mr. C.A.S. (Cass) Sloane, Vice-President, and even tu ally ADNA OTC prod ucts to Business Development (e-mail: the pri vate la bel mar ket. One of its [email protected]) est prod ucts: Motrin- type liq uid gel, where the liq uid for mu latin is not available un der the Mo trin brand.

Services: OTC drugs--analgesics, cough & cold, laxatives, antacids, etc.

Sales Contacts:

William Bennett, Vice-President, Sales & Marketing; Joni Foley, Sales & Marketing Director

PLAS TIC BOT TLE COR PO RA TION 28055 North Ash ley Cir cle (Ste. 110), Lib er ty ville, IL 60048- 9459 USA Tel: (847) 367- 1900; 888-722-7465 Fax: (847) 367- 1990 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Canada,Mexico

328 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


Plas tic Bot tle, es tab lished in 1981, produces and sells stock, cus tom, and custom ized plas tic bot tles, jugs, and jars in a va ri ety of sizes, rang ing from ¾ ounce to 4 li ters. Con tain ers are pro duced in a varietyofmaterials,includingHDPE. LDPE, PP, EPET, OPET, PVC, Barex, and re cy cled con tent ma te ri als. The privately- owned com pany has more than 260 sets of molds avail able. Lately, the firm has added clo sures, in clud ing tamper- evident fea tures. Its mar kets in clude: auto mo tive and house hold chemi cals, oils and ap pear ance products, ad di tive and ap pear ance prod ucts, house hold and in dus trial chemi cals, cos metic/per sonal care prod ucts, pet prod ucts, lawn/gar den/patio, and others. Its tech ni cally-trained staff of fers ex pert, per son al ized serv ice through all stages of prod uct de vel op ment. Minimum or ders: 5,000 pieces.

Products: Flexo graphic print ing/bag- converting for the dis pos able dia per, in con ti nence, femi nine sani tary prod ucts, cookie/cracker snack food, tex tile, pa per prod ucts markets.

Sales Con tacts:Bill Lip scomb, Vice- President Sales

POLY- SEAL CORP. 1810 Por tal St., Bal ti more, MD 21224 USA Tel: Fax:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $60 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 30%

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Mex ico, United King dom, South Amer ica, Cen tral Amer ica, Mid dle East

Products: Plastic bottles, jugs, jars Sales Contacts:

Profile: Stuart Feen, President; Mitzi Sorenson (e-mail: [email protected])

PLAS TIC PACK AG ING, INC. 1246 Main Ave. SE, Hick ory, NC 28603 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(828) 328- 2466 (828) 322- 1830

Privately- held Poly- Seal since 1934 was ac quired by Berry Plas tics Corp., Evansville, IN, in May 2000 and now con tin ues as a sub sidi ary of Berry Plas tics. This subsidi ary is a mar ket leader in injectionmolded and compression- molded plas tic clo sures. It is a full- service manu fac turer of plas tic clo sures, plugs, and fit ments. The com pany sup plies all in dus tries from stock that is among the larg est in North America.

Products: Plastic bottle closures

To tal Sales Vol ume: $28 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 65%

Sales Contacts: Marketing Department at Berry Plastics (Tel: 812-424-2104; or

Ex port Mar kets: Caribbean,Canada Profile:

(410) 633- 1990 (410) 633- 6311

Since 1957, Plas tic Pack ag ing has offered the best in flexi ble pack ag ing film. Its high- speed flexo graphic presses include eight- color and pro cess print ing, along with spe cial ized bag- making equip ment. As one of the top 100 U.S. converters,supplyingflexiblepackaging for the dis pos able, sani tary, tex tile and pa per prod ucts mar kets, PPI can also print on poly eth yl ene sleeve la bels and laminations.

POT LATCH CORP.--C ONSUMER PROD UCTS DI VI SON 801 Mill Rd., Lewis ton, ID 83501USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(208) 799-1082 (208) 750- 7809

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 329

To tal Sales Vol ume: $446.6 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90%+ (E)

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Pot latch (NYST: PCH), Spo kane, WA, re ported reve nues up 6.7% to $1.7 billion . Op er at ing as a real es tate in vestment trust, the com pany over see s 1.7 mil lion acres of for estland. Its business in volves in lum ber, panel prod ucts, and bleachedpulpproducts(including paper board and tis sue). In the lat ter busi ness, its con sumer products segment ac counts for 27% of total revenues. The com pany op er ates 12 manu fac tur ing fa cili ties. In 2003, the com pany separated its pri vate la bel con sumer tis sue busi ness from its paper board busi ness. Now, in July 2008, Pot latch has de cided to exe cute a taxfree spin off of its pulp- based busi ness, in clud ing the con sumer prod ucts business, thus cre at ing a new pub lic company, called Clear wa ter Pa per Corp. in or der to bet ter fo cus on its core business. Op er at ing as a pulp-based manufac turer, the new companywill include Potlatch’s Consumer Products operations in Lewiston, Las Vegas, and Elwood, IL; its pulp and paperboard plants in Lewiston and Cypress Bend, AR; and its wood-products plant in Lewiston. These businesses had about $1.2 billion in revenues in 2007. The spinoff will be named Clearwater Paper Corp. A separate tim ber busi ness will also be formed as a pub lic com pany. Ris ing pulp costs in 2007 have af fected Potlatch’s in come. The com pany has strongregionalleadership,supplying some 90% of the pri vate la bel tis sue prod ucts sold in 11 west ern states.

PRE MIER BRANDS OF AMER ICA, INC. 120 Pearl St., Mount Ver non, NY 10550 USA Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

(718) 325- 3000 (718) 325- 1250

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90%

Ex port Mar kets: South Amer ica, Europe, South east Asia, Mid dle East Profile:

Pre mier Brands of Amer ica be gan sup plying shoe- fitting prod ucts to the shoe re tail trade and de part ment stores in 1972. Its busi ness has since evolved pri mar ily around foot care prod ucts (60+ items), encom pass ing well over 100 SKUs of items such as those men tioned be low. Pre mier is the lead ing manu fac turer of na tional brand equiva lent foot care prod ucts sold both un der the Pre mier name and pri vate la bel. All of its prod ucts are tested by an out side lab and ei ther meet or ex ceed the qual ity of the na tional brands. The firm prides it self on top- notch qual ity, serv ice, and com peti tive pric ing. The com pany has in no vated in its prod uct cate gory with items such as no- slip, ball- of- foot cush ion ware (women’s high heels), rub ber heel grips and ground grip pers. The com pany also pro duces se lected skin care prod ucts (aero sol sprays, pow ders, and soap) as well as pedi cure prod ucts (nail trimmers, etc.).

Products: Foot care, shoe care, glue-on finger nails, body sprays

Sales Contacts: Pam Cress.

Products: Facial tissues; paper towels,

bathroom tissues and napkins

Sales Contacts:

Steve Standridge, Director of Marketing

PRE MIUM COF FEE COMPANY (Di vi sion of First Col ony Cof fee & Tea Co.) 611 In dus trial Way West, Ea ton town, NJ 07724 USA Tel: (732) 578- 1580 Fax: (732) 578- 1579 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A

330 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

to pur chase RHM plc for £1.3 bil lion ($2.5 bil lion), a ma jor bak ery sup plier and chilled ready meals in the UK with roots trac ing back to 1875. (RHM was for merly called Rank Ho vis McDou gal.) This merger unites more than 40 Brit ish brands, mak ing Pre mier the larg est brand food manu fac turer in the UK. RHM also has a sig nifi cant own brand busi ness (49% of its total £ 1.6 bil lion in sales). So the pro forma branded sales ra tio for Pre mier Foods drops back to 57%. The company di vides its busi ness be tween gro cery (£ 844.8 mil lion +23.6%) and fresh pro duce (£ 114.6 mil lion +7.8%) for the UK re tail and food serv ice sectors. With RHM aboard, Pre mier Foods is now number one in breads and cakes and has en hanced its chilled and fro zen foods ca pa bili ties.

Ex port Mar kets: Asia, Can ada, Aus tra lia, New Zealand Profile:

This firm, which started in 1967, was ac quired in August 1997 by First Colony Cof fee & Tea Co., Nor fold, VA (also listed in the SOUR CE BOOK). Pre mium Cof fee, now op er ated as a divi sion of First Col ony, of fers a com plete line of spe cialty cof fees, in clud ing tra ditionals,flavored,estate-grownvarietals, and de cafs, all packed in valve bags for fresh ness. The com pany also sup plies liqueur- flavored cof fees, pack aged in vacuum- packed bricks.

Products: Coffee, tea, hot cocoa, gift packs

Products: Conveniece foods, pickles, sauces, Sales Contacts:

meat-free products; spreads, desserts, beverages; fresh produce

Joseph Breslin, President & CEO; Carl Smith, Vice-President of Sales; Betsy Cridlin, Director of Marketing

Sales Contacts: N/A

PRE MIER FOODS PLC Pre mier House, Grif fiths Way, St Al bans AL1 2RE UNITED KINGDOM

PRE MIER MAR KET ING, INC. 160 Ches ter field Ind. Blvd., Ches ter field, MO 63005 USA

Tel: +44 (0) 1727- 815850 Fax: +44 (0) 1727-815982 URL: To tal 2006 Sales Vol ume: $1.9 Billion (£ 959.4 Mil lion) +21.5%

Tel: (314) 537- 5348 Fax: (314) 537- 3359 URL: www.go pre To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 95%

To tal Sales Vol ume (in clud ing RHM ac qui si tion): $5 billion (£ 2.5 bil lion) Per cent age of 2006 Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 34%

Ex port Mar kets: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile: Profile:

In August 2006, Pre mier Foods acquired the UK and Irish busi ness of Camp bell Soup Co., bring ing in some £200 mil lion in branded busi ness (brands like Oxo, Batche lor’s, and Home pride). That heavy branded in fusion brought Pre mier Foods’ brand ed sales to 66% of to tal gro cery sales. By year- end, how ever, the com pany a greed

Es tab lished in 1995, Pre mier Mar ket ing to day spe cial izes in the mar ket ing and sales of con trolled/pri vate la bel prod ucts and pro grams. Trade class cov er age encompasses:conveniencestoredistributors and chains, full- line dis tribu tors, gro cery wholesalers,independentgrocers,drugstore chains, and mass re tail mer chan disers. In set ting its goal of long- term partner ships, the com pany pro vides high- quality prod ucts at a com pe ti tive

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 331

price, while fea tur ing mar ket ing ex pertise and an em pha sis on value- added proprietaryprogramssuperiorto manufacturer- driven pro grams. Its serv ices cover: source and de velop prod ucts, niched mar ket plans, de sign and per son al ized p- o-p sup port, cooperative sales calls, crossmerchandising,localizedmarketingand test mar ket ing, volume- buying programs, or der pro cess/sales track ing, and exclusiveterritories.

includingitsconsumerbusiness--plastic food con tact bags (sand wich, re closable freezer, plas tic wrap, and re closable storage), plas tic dis poser bags (tall kitchen, trash can lin ers, gar bage/waste bas ket, lawn & leaf), health and beauty care items (wipes and cot ton swabs), baby bot tle liners and plas tic sheet ing. Its Fresh- Lock Zip per Busi ness Unit pro vides pack ag ing for branded and pri vate la bel snacks, pet food, pot ting soil, etc. Two other units: Geo- systems for land scap ing and construc tion and its In dus trial films unit. A key strat egy is to ex pand its pres ence in other trade chan nels that use the pri vate labelmarketingconcept,includingmass mer chan dis ers and ware house clubs, plus ex port busi ness. Its new est prod uct in clude a Stretch & Hold elestic draw string bag for trash bins and EcoSafe trash bags that de grade natu rally in the waste stream.

Products: Cigarettes, candy, premium cigars, snuff and chewing tobacco

Sales Contacts:

Mark Dunham, President/CEO; Keith Thomas, Vice-President, National Accounts


Products: Plastic food bags and wraps,

disposer bags, cotton swabs, trash bags, reclosable zipper, plastic sheeting., home and garden

(Sub sidi ary of Al coa, Inc.) 670 N. Perkins St., Apple ton, WI 54914 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(920) 739- 9471; (800) 558- 3525 (920) 738- 1432

To tal Sales Vol ume: $300 Mil lion+ (E) Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Mid dle East, South Amer ica, Can ada, Latin Amer ica, Asia Profile:

Sales Contacts: Greg Sullivan, VP, Sales & Marketing

PRIN SEN B.V. P. O. Box 498, 5700 AL Hel mond, THENETHERLANDS

Presto has been a pri vate la bel in no vaTel: +31 492- 5- 35955 tor right back to its startup in 1961, as a Fax: +31 492- 5- 26075 pro ducer of plas tic bags and food wraps URL: . One of the origi nal pri vate la bel comTo tal Sales Vol ume: N/A pa nies, Presto has the peo ple, prod ucts Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A and pro grams to help drive pri vate label sales. Presto late in the 1970s was Ex port Mar kets: Europe, South east Asia, Mid dle taken over by Coca- Cola, then later acEast, and 20 other coun tries quired by Rey nolds Met als Co., Richmond, VA. In May 2000, Rey nolds itself was merged into Al coa Inc., Pitts burgh Profile: Prin sen B.V., a food and bev er age manu(also in the SOUR CE BOOK). fac turer founded in 1924 by Jo han PrinThrough out, Presto has kept its course sen, con tin ues as a family- owned busi ness. as a pri vate la bel supplier- - today the inIts spe cialty: Pro duc tion of in stant dus try leader in sup ply ing plas tic bags, foods.The com pany prides it self on of ferwrap, con tain ers and re lated con sumer ing top- quality prod ucts at the best price, prod ucts.Presto op er ates six manu facwhile pro vid ing high flexi bil ity in its servtur ing fa cili ties. It op er ates four units, ices and ongoing prod uct de vel op ment.

332 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Full at ten tion is paid to prod uct de velop ment and mar ket re search, earn ing Prin sen the high est ranks in the foodstuffs in dus try. It is a mar ket leader for diet prod ucts in Hol land and in cer tain Asian coun tries. Ad di tion ally, the company has a sig nifi cant mar ket share for cof fee creamer and sweet en ers in the Euro pean mar ket. Rec og nized for its high-qualitycappuccino,Prinsen produces in stant cap puc cino as well as other in stant food and bev er age products.

PROFERS, INC. 1136 Moo sic St., Scran ton, PA 18505 USA Tel: Fax:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $15 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 35%

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Products: Health food, diet food, instant

coffee products (e.g. cappuccino), coffee creamers, sweeteners, instant drinks (e.g. ice tea, fruit drinks), desserts, dehydrated soups and sauces, catering products

Sales Contacts:

(570) 342- 4181 (570) 342- 4853

Pat rick Prin sen; Mrs. Marie- Jose Toll

This pizza com pany traces its his tory back to the be gin ning of the last cen tury. Through the dec ades, Pro fers has marketed pizza to the re tail and food-serv ice trade. Some six years ago, the com pany en tered the pri vate la bel busi ness and has de vel oped that busi ness into more than one- third of its to tal sales. The com pany is now in no vat ing with new pack ag ing that will en hance its prod ucts.

Products: Frozen pizza, French bread, frozen snacks & topped bagels.

Sales Contacts: Joe Bevevino, Vice-President of Sales & Marketing

PRI VATE PORTFOLIO 150 Dun can Mill Rd., To ronto, ON M3B 3M4, CANADA Tel: (416) 441- 9933; (800) 268-7865 Fax: (416) 443-0314


To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

(Di vi sion of Pro gress Ltd.) 99 Uni ver sity Place (Ste. 205), New York, NY 10003 USA

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

PrivatePortfolioproducesprivatelabel fra grances, bath and body products, skin care and treat ment lines as well as cos met ics and color cos metic kits. The com pany is a di vi sion of Riviera Concepts Inc., To ronto, a pri vate com pany that has the world wide li cens ing rights to a number of de sign ers (Al fred Sung in Can ada, Bob Mackie in the U.S., etc.)

Products: Fragrances, bath & body, skin care, cosmetics

Sales Contacts:

Lisa Toppan, National Sales Manager

Tel: Fax:

(212) 228- 6737; (800) 814- 8847 (212) 228- 6829

To tal Sales Vol ume: $1 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Aus tra lia, New Zea land, Japan, Rus sia, South Amer ica Profile:

Some two years ago, Pro gress U.S.A. was es tab lished as the mar ket ing di vi sion of Pro gress Ltd., Ash kelon, Is rael. The company is a new comer to the ex clu sive brands mar ket place. Pro gress Ltd., a family- owned busi ness started in 1932, pro duces a de li cious line of pra lines and cor dials; as well as choco lates filled with cherry,hazelnut,blueberry,amaretto,

2008 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 333

cap puc cino, Irish cream, and mint. Additionally,confectionsfordiabetics sweet ened with fruit juice are avail able. Its prod ucts are all ko sher.

Products: Chocolate gift boxes,

chocolate-covered cordials, candy and chocolate in bulk, sugar-free chocolate & candy, carob, and wafers

Sales Contacts:

Doron Katz, Vice-President of Marketing; Yitzhak Persky (Phone: 972-7-710413 at Progress Ltd., South Industrial Zone, Ashkelon, Israel)

PRO GRES SIVE LABO RA TO RIES INC. 1701 W. Wal nut Hill Ln., Irving, TX 75038 USA Tel: Fax:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $10 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 35%

Ex port Mar kets: Hong Kong, South Amer ica, Europe Profile:

PRO- OPTICS, INC. 317 Wood work Lane, Pala tine, IL 60067 USA Tel: Fax:

(847) 991- 2020 (847) 991- 9696

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 30%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Mex ico, Can ada, Mid dle East, New Zea land/Aus tra lia, South Amer ica, South east Asia Profile:

Pro- Optics has been a lead ing manu facturer of ac ces so ries for eye glasses, contact lenses, and ear care since 1965. The com pany has a strong mar ket share in drugstore chains, mass mer chan dis ers, and op ti cal re tail ers. The firm sells private la bel and its brands, Op tic Shop and Optik- Aids.

Products: Eyewear/contact lens accessories

(eyeglass retainers, lens cleaners, repair kits, eye/ear care, contact cases, slip-in/clip-on/flip-up sunglasses

Sales Contacts:

(972) 518- 9660 (972) 518- 9665

Es tab lished in 1972, Pro gres sive Labs first en tered the pri vate la bel busi ness in 1989. The firm has es tab lished it self as a spe cialist in small pro duc tion runs, having installed two high- speed en cap su lat ing lines. Among its many new prod ucts, the firm of fers All in One Step™, a to tal body cleansingdietarysupplementbeverage mixthatcontainspowerfulantioxidant and anti- aging nu tri ents, plus an ar ray of nu tri ents found to be use ful in weight loss pro grams, for im mune sup port and for intes ti nal health; Cardio- Flow™, an oral chelationformulacontainingselectednutri ents plus a pro prie tary blend of Ayurvedic herbs; Memo ries™, a com pre hen sive nu tri tional for mula for sup port of memory and brain func tion; and Man nose, used for uri nary tract health and many oth ers. The firm op er ates its own mix ers, en cap su la tors, cap sule coun ters, etc, also pro vid ing both two- piece hard gel capsules and all- vegetable capsules. A fulltime chem ist is on staff as a back- up to QC supportandcustomizedformulations.

Products: Vi ta mins, min er als, glan du lars,

ho meo path ics, herbs, amino ac ids

Sales Contacts: Joe Oneal, David Palmer

Jay L. Blomquist, President PROVEN OR GAN ICS Box 215, Grav el bourg, Sask. S0H 1X0 CAN ADA Tel: Fax:

334 2008 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

(306) 648- 2243 (306) 648- 2252

To tal Sales Vol ume: $1.5 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

QUAL ITY BAK ERY PROD UCTS, INC. 888 Las Olas Blvd. (Suite 700), Ft. Lau der dale, FL 33301- 2272 USA

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Pa cific Rim Profile:

Big ex pan sion is now un der way at Proven Or gan ics, which is boost ing plant ca pac ity by 50%-- incl uding more in ter est in the pri vate la bel sec tor. This com pany es tab lished its busi ness in organic foods in 1988, pro duc ing cer ti fied or ganic and con ven tional prod ucts. Its prod ucts come shipped in plain plastic/cel lo phane from 1- up to 25- pound pack ages. Re cently, the firm added paper pack ag ing as well.

Tel: Fax: URL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $21 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 25%

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Puerto Rico, South America, Europe, Mid dle East Profile:

Products: Split lentil, whole lentil, split pea, hulled barley

Sales Contacts:

Cy Ross

PU RITY MAR KET ING GROUP 5400 Bro ken Sound Blvd., NW (Suite 100), Boca Ra ton, FL 33487 USA Tel: (561) 994-9360 Fax: (561) 995-2054

stuffing, pan-style stuffing.

Pu rity Mar ket ing Group pro vides consoli da tion serv ices for LTL pri vate brand manu fac tur ers at most whole sale and re tail dis tri bu tion cen ters in the United States.

Sales Contacts: David Hazlet, Retail Sales (e-mail: [email protected]); Ralph Arruzza, Food Service Sales (e-mail: [email protected])


QUAL ITY HOME PRODUCTS. 8701 Jane St., Unit C, Vaughan, ONT L4K 2M6 CANADA

Dave LaPlante, Vice-President of Marketing; Jack Knight, Sales Representative

Tel: Fax: URL:

Services: Consolidated private label LTL Sales Contacts:

Since 1947, Qual ity Bak ery Prod ucts has spe cial ized in dry bak ery prod ucts. As the larg est packer of pri vate la bel and branded bread crumbs in the US, QBC is one of the larg est pack ers of pri vate la bel and branded crou tons, cube- style stuff ing, pan- style stuff ing and crumb- style stuffing. Ac tive in both the re tail and foodservice, the com pany op er ates plants in De troit, Chi cago, Knox ville (TN), Mi ami, and Will ing boro, NJ. The firm is AIBinspected twice an nu ally and main tains a su pe rior rat ing.

Products: Bread crumbs, croutons, cube-style

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Pe cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

(954) 779- 3663 (954) 7797678

(905) 660-4311 (905) 660-9355

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 100%

Ex port Mar kets: United States Profile:

Started in 1969 by H. (Jim) Sut ton, Quality Home Prod ucts fills pri vate la bel

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 335


productrequirementsinnumerous cate go ries, cov er ing health and beauty care, over- the- counter drugs, and house hold prod ucts. QHP pro vides more than 100 cus tom molds and works with more than 500 For tune 500 manufac tur ers to match na tional brand quality. The com pa ny’s house hold line includesliquiddetergents,window clean ers, rug sham poos, fur ni ture polish, oven clean ers, etc.

Swit zer land to use the Moven pick brand ex clu sively in Tesco stores in the UK. That op era tion also pro duces Nes tle ice cream brands, in clud ing Fab. The com pany opera tion on the Con ti nent is: R&R Ice Cream Deutch land GmbH in Osn abruck, Ger many (tel: +49 541- 9999-0)

Products: Ice Cream products & novelties Sales Contacts: N/A

Products: Baby oil, powders, creams,

shampoos, deodorants, antiperspirants, shave creams and gels, floss, toothbrushes, mouthwash, body lotions, bath gels, hair spray, hair gel, pest control/insecticides, foot care, saline solution, bandages, household products

Sales Contacts:

David Sutton, President, General. Mgr.

RAANI COR PO RA TION 5401 W. 65th St., Bed ford Park, IL 60638 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(708) 496- 8025 (708) 496-8906

To tal Sales Vol ume: $13 Mil lion+ Pe rcent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 30%

R R&R ICE CREAM LTD. Rich mond House, Leem ing Bar In dus tries Es tates, Northal ler ton, North York shire, DL7 9UL UNITED KINGDOM Tel: Fax: URL:

Ex port Mar kets: China, Bra zil, Latin Amer ica, Europe, Mid dle East, Rus sia, United Kingdom Profile:

+44 1677 432 397 + 44 1677 428 298

To tal Sales Vol ume: $300 Million + (E) Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Europe Profile:

In 2006, Oak tree Capi tal Man age ment , an Ameri can in vest ment firm, purchased Rich mond Ice Cream, a producer of im pulse ice cream prod ucts in the UK. This was fol lowed in July 2007 with Rich mond’s merger with Roncadin GmbH, Osn abruck, Ger many, the third larg est ice cream com pany in Europe. The re sult pro duced Eu ro pe’s larg est manu fac tur ers of brand ice cream, op er at ing seven plants and produc ing more than 2,000 dif fer ent specialty ice creams. . The com pany has just been li censed by Moven pick of

Started in 1983, Raani has grow into a multi- million- dollar, full- service pri vate label con tract pack ager and l manu fac turingspecialist,coveringcosmetics,toiletries, and house hold prod ucts and par ticu larly antiperspirant-deodorantsticksandrollons. The com pany sup plies toi let ries, sa lon prod ucts, and eth nic (Black) hair care prod ucts. In pri vate la bel, its strength rests onbothantiperspirantdeodorantsand bath and body care prod ucts. Since 1988, the com pany has more than dou bled its manufacturing/warehousespaceto 275,000 square feet.

Products: Deodorant sticks, antiperspirant sticks & roll-ons, lip balms, skin care, hair care, bath care ethnic products.

Sales Contacts: Dr. Eugene M. Frank, Sen ior Vice- President of Sales & Mar ket ing

336 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

pro ducer of pri vate la bel foods and a major pro ducer of food serv ice prod ucts, into a branded com pany as well. The company pur chased the Post ce real busi ness from Kraft Foods Inc., a merge val ued at $2.6 bil lion; Post is the third largest branded ready- to- eat U.S. ce real manufac turer with a 100- year his tory. Ral corp ac quired its manu fac tur ing plants in Battle Creek, MI; Jon es boro, AR; Mode sta, CA; and Ni ag ara Falls, ONST, Can ada. The deal gave Kraft share hold ers 54% stake in the com bined com pa nies, while Ral corp share hold ers got 46% stake. Ralcorp, which re ported debt of $763.6 million at the end of fis cal 2007, picked up an other $960 mil lion in debt with this acqui si tion. In addition, Ralcorp holds an interest of approximately 19% in Vail Resorts, Inc., the leading mountain resort operator in the United States. Af ter the close of fis cal 2006 (Sep tem ber 30), Ralcorp in No vem ber 2006 ac quir ed Cot tage Bak ery, Lodi, CA, a lead ing manu fac turer of high- quality fro zen par- baked breads and fro zen dough sold in re tail stores and in the food serv ice chan nel. Later in fis cal 2007, Ral corp ac quired Bloom field Bakers, L.P. and its affiliate Lovin Oven LLC, a lead ing manu fac turer of nu tri tional and ce real bars and natu ral and or ganic specialty ce re als, cook ies and crack ers, which was in te grated into the Ral ston Foods busi ness unit (see be low). Ral corp, as a result, has be come more di ver si fied: branded bus iness 32% of sales, pri vate label 49% of sales, and fro zen bak ery 19% of sales. Deal boosts Ral corp’s 2007 sales up by 50% to $3.3 bil lion with Post business claim ing 32% of those sales.


NYSE: RAH 800 Mar ket St., St. Louis, MO 63101 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(314) 877-7039 N/A

To tal Fis cal 2007 Sales: $ 2.2 Bil lion +15.8% Pe cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90%+ (E)

To tal Sales (in clud ing Post ce real busines added in fis cal 2008): $ 3.3 Bil lion Pe cent age with Post in Ex clu sive Brands: 49%

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Ral corp Hold ings was formed in 1994, fol low ing its spin-off from the former par ent com pany, Ral ston Pu rina. Since 1997, the com pany has ac quired 19 othercompanies,mostlymanufacturers of store brand or value- oriented foods. Today,Ralcorpoverseesfouroperating seg ments (the Post ac quis tion com pleted in July 2008 adds a fifth segment). They are (un der scored seg ments al pha betically listed in SOUR CE BOOK): (1) Bremner Food Group - $325 mil lion + (store brand crack ers & cook ies/Nutcracker Brands store brand and value brand snack nuts/RyKrisp crisp bread (2) Car riage House - $ 424 mil lion +9% pri vate la bel shelf sta ble foods/Medal lion Foods store brand corn- based snack foods/Li nette Qual ity Choco late privatelabelchocolateconfections (3)Ral corp fro zen bak ing prod ucts $620 mil lion +40% (pan cakes, waf fles, French toast, fro zen pre baked items (4) Ral ston Foods (list ed be low)- $610 mil lion +35%privatelabelready-to-eat & hot ce re als (5) Post brand ready- to- eat ce re als. Ral corp re ports its ce re als, crack ers and cook ies seg ment to gether rep re sent $935 mil lion in sales +20%; while snack nuts & candy rep re sent $254 mil lion +6%. The big gest ac qui si tion for Ralcorp was com pleted in July 2008, when the com pany lit er ally changed from primar ily a dedi cated pri vate la bel/value brand sup plier, i.e., the na tion’s lead ing

Products: Variety of foods (see below and

separate listings in sourcebook)

Sales Contacts: See each division listing

RAL STON FOODS (Di vi sion of Ral corp Hold ings, Inc.) 800 Mar ket Street, St. Louis, MO 63101 USA Tel: Fax:

(314) 877-7710; (800) 772- 6757 (314) 877- 7786

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 337

URL: To tal Sales: $609.9 Mil lion +34.8% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

competitor of Ranir, was founded by a dentist who shared the same belief that flossing was an integral part of preventive oral care, and key to maintaining a healthy smile. In 1990, the two companies with a shared phi loso phy joined forces, forming Ranir/DCP Cor po ra tion. The company’s product line grew to include toothbrushes, dental floss, trial/travel, accessories and most recently, dental whitening prod uct. More re cently, the com pany was ac quired by Lan der Co., Engle wood, NJ, an HBC manu fac turer (also listed in the SOUR CEBOOK), but has since been sepa rated, follow ing Lan der be ing taken over by The Her mes Group. Ra nir/DCP Corp in April 2005 was ac quired by Lin den LLC, a health care and life sicences pri vate in vestment firm, which changed the name to Ra nir LLC. To day, Ra nir calls it self “the larg est pri vate label manu fac turer of oral care prod ucts in North Amer ica.” The com pany is the sec ond larg est manu facturer of den tal floss in the world, trail ing only the name brand manu fac turer, Johnson & John son. Ra nir claims to manu facture more than 955 of the pri vate brand tooth brushes, den tal floss, breath spray and den tal ac ces so ries sold by chain stores, pharmacies,supermarketsanddistributors. Its tooth brushes and flosses carry the Ameri can Den tal As so cia tion Seal of Approval. Its Ra nir brand is widely dis tributed abroad. In ad di tion, the firm is a con tract manu fac turer for many fa mous brand tooth brushes and den tal flosses in the U.S., Cen tral Amer ica, South Amer ica and Asia. With two fac to ries (140,000 square feet), the com pany does its own injec tion mold ing, floss wind ing, tooth brush bris tling, deco rat ing and pack ag ing. Newest prod ucts in clude: Whit en ing Wraps (com pa ra ble to Crest Whit es trips), Whiten ing Gel Night (com pa ra ble to Col gate Sim ply White Night), and Whit en ing Gel (com pa ra ble to Col gate Sim ply White).

Ex port Mar kets: Car ib bean re gion, Cen tral and South Amer ica Profile:

For 50+ years, Ral ston Foods has been the lead ing US pro ducer of store brand ready- to- eat ce re als (61% of sales at retail) and hot break fast ce re als 11% of sales at re tail), sold un der the in di vid ual la bels of gro cery re tail ers. Many top gro cery chains and whole sal ers purchase Ral ston’s store brand ce re als. The com pany now pro duces more than 40 cerealvarieties,usingflaking,extrusion and shred ding tech nolo gies. The compa ny’s new prod uct de vel op ment efforts have yielded the first store brand ver sions of Kel logg’s Co coa Frosted Flakes and Kel logg’s Honey Crunch Corn Flakes. Ral ston has five ce real plants in the United States to as sure a fresh and con tin ued sup ply. Dur ing fiscal 2007, par ent com pany Ral corp purchased Bloom field Bak ers and its af fili ate Lovin Oven LLC and in tegrated them into Ral ston Foods.

Products: Ready-to-Eat cereals, quick and

old fashioned oats, instant oats, cereal snack bars

Sales Contacts:

Dan Bersett, Director of Sales Operations

RA NIR LLC 4701 East Paris Ave nue SE, Grand Rap ids, MI 49512 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(616) 698- 8880 (616) 222-0710

To tal Sales Vol ume: $35 Mil lion+ (E) Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90%

Products: Toothbrushes, dental floss, breath

Ex port Mar kets: Pa cific Rim, South Amer ica,

Sales Contacts: Robbie Criado, VP Sales; Duff Lewis, Director Category Manager

Cen tral Amer ica, Mid dle East, Can ada Profile:

Some 35 years ago, Ra nir was founded. Dental Control Products (DCP), a

spray, travel kits, whitening products, kids oral care

338 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Fax: URL:

RAS KAS FOODS, INC. 165 N. Mera mec (Ste. 200), St. Louis, MO 63105- 3780 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $14 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 10%

Ex port Mar kets: Puerto Rico, Mex ico, Can ada,

(314) 727- 9992 (314) 727- 6312

South east Asia, South Amer ica Profile:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Puerto Rico, Ja pan, Tai wan, Mex ico, Peru, Ar gen tina, South Af rica Profile:

(402) 593- 0614

This family- owned com pany cele brated its 110th an ni ver sary in 1998. The company also can cele brate be ing the number one manu fac turer and distribu tor of re tail store brand cream cheese. In fact, Ras kas cred its it self with be ing the first pri vate la bel manu facturer of cream cheese for the re tail grocery mar ket. To day, the company pro duces more than 100 brands of cream cheese and Neuf cha tel cheese. In ad di tion, the com pany pro duces and mar kets cream cheese, blue cheese, and sour cream for the food-serv ice mar ket seg ment. Ras kas operates three manufac tur ing fa cili ties: St. Louis; Nauvoo, IL; and Ship pens burg, PA. Lately, the com pany has de buted whipped cream cheese.

RC is an in ter na tional manu fac turer of per sonal care prod ucts for hair, skin, and bath- related items. Its par ent com pany, Mari anna, Inc., Omaha. was started in 1968 as an im porter of wigs and ac ces sories. Its pro duc tion of high qual ity professional sham poos began in 1982, sold to sa lons and other pro fes sional hair care out lets. RC In ter na tional rep re sents an exten sion of its pro fes sional sham poos and con di tioner business into the food, drug and mass re tail mar kets. The firm op erates three manu fac tur ing fa cili ties. RC is most noted for its Ap pear ance brand line of hair care and bath care prod ucts. Its other brands in clude: Re flec tions, Natu ral Herb, and Gold Clas sic Edi tion. New productintroductions:upscalebubble bath line (washes, lo tions & mists), an tibacterialhandsanitizer,andantibacterial soap.

Products:Bath and skin care products,

shampoo, conditioner, gels, mists, and aerosols.

Sales Contacts: Tanja Mordesan, National Sales Manager

Products: Cream cheese, light cream cheese,

Neufchatel, fat-free cream cheese, flavored cream cheese, sour cream, Gorgonzola cheese, blue cheese

Sales Contacts:

Ed Thibeault, Vice-President, Marketing & Sales; Bob Keyser, Retail Field Sales Manager (e-mail: [email protected])

READY PAC PRO DUCE, INC. 4401 Fox dale Ave., Ir win dale, CA 91706 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(800) 800-7822 (626) 856o- 0088

To tal Sales Vol ume: $750 Mil lion+ RC IN TER NA TIONAL

(Re tail Prod ucts Di vi sion of Mari anna, Inc.) 11222 “ I” St., Omaha, NE 68137- 1296 USA Tel:

(402) 592- 2102; (800) 433-3970

Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Started in 1969 by Den nis Gert me nian, Ready Pac Pro duce has be come the market leader in fresh- cut pro duce to re tail

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 339

gro cery chains- - and the larg est sup plier of store pri vate la bel fresh cut sal ads. The com pany prides it self on in no va tion and has mar keted since the 1970s its pat ented pro cess for Aq ua Pack vegetables. In 2006, the com pany embarked on a $30 mil lion ex pan sion of iots plant ca pa bil ties. In 2008, Mr. Gertmenian re tired from the busi ness. Also in May 2008, Ready Pac joined the Bet ter Liv ing Brands Al li ance, which al lows the com pany to be li censed to sell its prod ucts un der the O Or gan ics and Eat ing Right brands (see Lu cerne Foods in SOUR CE BOOK for de tails).

Products: Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables Sales Contacts:

ing. Costs are cut since all of the work is com pleted in- house.

Products: Packaged and unpackaged custom

imprinted nail files and nail buffers, custom imprinted sanding blocks and sanding tools, cosmetic accessories, hotel and airlines amenities items.

Sales Contacts: Julian Wilson, Marketing Director (e-mail: [email protected])

RE HEIS INC. 235 Sny der Ave., P.O. Box 609, Ber keley Heights, NJ 07922- 1139 USA

N/A Tel: Fax: URL:

REA LYS, INC. 7601 Wood wind Drive, Hunting ton Beach, CA 92647 USA

(908) 464- 1500 (908) 464- 8094

To tal Sales Vol ume: $60 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 5%

Ex port Mar kets: Worldwide- - 80+ coun tries for raw Tel: Fax: URL:

(714) 842- 1702; (800) 473- 2597 (714) 848- 0946

To tal Sales Vol ume: $5 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 45%

ma te ri als; 10+ coun tries for pri vate la bel (South Amer ica, Europe, Af rica, Can ada & Caribbean) Profile:

Ex port Mar kets: 77 coun tries--Europe, South Amer ica, Asia, Pa cific Rim, Af rica, Is rael, Ja pan, Mid dle East Profile:

Rea lys, Inc.,es tab lished in 1985 as a privately- held cor po ra tion, from its new 29,000-square-footfactory,supplies “the fin est nail files in the world” to the beauty trade and re tail out lets in ter nation ally. Its Pri vate La bel Di vi sion produces hun dreds of ex clu sive brand items for do mes tic and for eign cus tomers. Over its busi ness life, the firm has grown at a rapid pace. Its em pha sis has been in the beauty sup ply area, while pri vate la bel re tail sales are also increas ing. The com pany prides it self on its abil ity to cost- effectively im print exclu sive brand iden ti ties right on the nail file in stead of just on the card pack ag-

Re heis for the past 50+ years has been the world’s lead ing manu fac turer of the ac tive ingredientsforOver-The-Counterantacids, such as Mylanta- type and Maaloxtype prod ucts as well as milk of mag ne sia, serv ing as a con tract packer for both brands and pri vate la bel. Late in 1995, the com pany in tro duced its own prod uct line of the best tast ing, high est qual ity, low est cost liq uid ant ac ids for pri vate la bel/store brand sales. More re cently, the com pany in tro duced a Pepto Bismol- type stom ach prod uct & ant acid tab lets.

Products: Liquid antacids (aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide suspensions) and milk of magnesia

Sales Contacts: David L. White, General Manager of Private Label/Store Brands (e-mail: [email protected])

340 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

pendentpharmaciesandconvenience stores. Re pub lic is able to sup ply small retail ers with lim ited quan ti ties, as well as work with large sup pli ers and re tail ers. The com pany prides it self on the flexi bil ity and speed in which it can bring prod ucts to mar ket and de liver prod uct runs number ing as few as 36 pieces. The com pany offers its own Choice la bel, plus vari ous store la bels and brands.

REM PAK IN DUS TRIES, INC. 560 Syl van Ave., Engle wood Cliffs, NJ 07632 USA Tel: Fax:

(732) 382- 2400 (732) 382- 2002

To tal Sales Vol ume: $12 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 15%

Ex port Mar kets: Latin Amer ica, South Amer ica,

Products: Analgesics, cough/cold remedies, ear

Can ada, Europe, Asia, Pa cific Rim Profile:

Products: Sales Contacts:

Rem pak In dus tries is a cus tom con tract manu fac turer/con tract pack ager, special iz ing in unit- dose pack ag ing designed and manu fac tured for the pharmaceutical,cosmetic,healthand beauty care, and health foods in dus tries. Serv ices in clude blend ing and fill ing of pow ders, liq uids, and sol ids. Pack age styles in clude: pack ettes, vi als, tubes, jars, bot tles, blis ters, and environmentally-responsiblepackages. Con tract packer of pow ders, liq uids, sol ids for unit- dose packaging

care, family planning diagnostics, first aid, laxatives & stomach aids, lice treatments, lip balms, nasal strips & products, thermometers, topicals

Sales Contacts: Steve Casey, Vice-President of Sales & Marketing; Ed Ced feldt; Dave Radka.

RICH PROD UCTS CORP. One Rob ert Rich Way, Buf falo, NY 14213 USA Tel: Fax:

(716) 878- 8000; (800) 356-7094 N/A

Robert Beltr, Sales Manager To tal Sales Vol ume: $2.6 Billion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Mex ico, China, etc.

RE PUB LIC DRUG COM PANY, INC. 175 Great Ar row, Buf falo, NY 14207 USA Tel: Fax: URL:


(716) 874- 5060 (716) 874- 6060

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 60%

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Re pub lic Drug Co., a privately- held busi ness for more than 40 years, fo cuses on niche prod ucts within the over- thecounter (OTC) drug mar ket. Of fer ing over 100 prod ucts in the OTC and health care de vice are nas, the com pany pro vides highly flexi ble, cus tom ized private la bel prod ucts to cus tom ers from the larg est drug store chains to in de-

Founded in 1945, Rich Prod ucts in troduced the world’s first non- dairy whipped top ping. To day this fro zen foods pro ces sor prod ces more than 2,000 prod ucts, sold in 70+coun tries, in cluding top pings, ic ings, fin ished des serts, bread & rolls, sweet goods, pizza jproducts, Bar- B-Q iteems, appetizers,Italainspecialties,shrimp& sea food. The com pany also ils di ver sified, inv loved in sports & en ter tain ment, restau rants, and lo gis tic com pa nies. In 2005, Rich Prod ucts ac quired Bat tistoni Ital ian Spe cialty Meats (for merly called Bi son Pro ducts), of Buf falo, a regional brand and pri vate la bel sup plier of meats and higher- end spe cialty meats.

Products: Non-dairy creamers, toppings and

icings; frozen doughs, baked boods

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 341

Sales Contacts:

and sweet goods, specialty meats, pastas, and frozen seafood

To tal Sales Vol ume: $25 Million Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 20%

Bob Grow, Consumer Products Division

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

RI PON FOODS, INC. 420 Osh kosh St., Ri pon, WI 54971- 0348 USA Tel: Fax:

(920) 748- 3151; (800) 538- 1778 (920) 748- 0233

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 65%

Ex port Mar kets: Canada Profile:

Hor ace Bumby be gan bak ing cook ies in 1930 in Ri pon, WI. To day, Ripon produces a full range of cook ies and wa fers, mak ing it a one- stop cookie shop for many of the na tion’s food stores. It provides ex pert prod uct de vel op ment, Kosher ca pa bil ity, strong pack age developmentanddesign,specializeddeliverycapability,andconsistentquality prod uct, as one of the larg est cookie bak ers in the Mid west. Ri pon’s specialty is a choco late en robed cookie. For a bet ter tex ture, the firm wire- cuts its cook ies, ver sus the ro tary die method. Its line cov ers 80 dif fer ent items.

Products: Cookies (full-line

capability)—rotary sandwiches, plain, marshmallow, plain plus, wire-cut sandwiches, creme wafers, fudge enrobed, enrobed, etc,

Sales Contacts:

Mike O’Neil, Vice-President Sales; Dave Burleson, Director, Private Label Sales (Tel: 423-542-8899).

Products: Containers for detergents, edible

oils, food products, personal care products

Sales Contacts: Rocky Chamberlain (Tel: 314-727-8200)

ROB ERT’S PACK AG ING, INC. 126 Ave nue C, Bat tle Creek, MI 49015 USA Tel: Fax:

(616) 962- 5525 (616) 962- 7041

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:


(Owned by Har bi son Corp.) 4444 Hol le rich Dr., Peru, IL 61354- 9334 USA Tel: Fax:

In July 1998, Robb Con tainer was acquired by Har bi son Corp, a St. Louisbased con tainer firm, bring ing its to tal sales to $135 mil lion+. Robb Container has more than 30 years ex pe ri ence in manufac tur ing ex tru sion and stretch blowmolded con tain ers. It has grown from one manu fac tur ing line to more than 50 lines, now lo cated in plants in Peru, IL; Le Center, MN, and Nas sua, NH. The com pany manu fac tures rigid plas tic con tain ers in a varietyofresins,includinghigh-density poly eth yl ene and clear PET. Robb Container op er ates Bekum, Uniloy, Hays sen, and MAG blow- molding ma chines. The firm of fers 300+ stock con tain ers, supporting its out put with a com plete en gineer ing de part ment for cus tomized containers.

(630) 955- 0600 (630) 955- 0630

342 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Founded some 20 years ago by Rob ert Koppe, Rob ert’s Pack ag ing be gan of fer ing greatly re duced pack ag ing costs via its systemofconvertingandredesigningexisting pack ag ing ma chines. The busi ness grew as a high- quality, low- cost con tract pack agingoperation,attractingmajorpackaged goods com pa nies like Dow Chemi cal, Quaker Oats, Con ti nen tal Cof fee, Gen eral Foods, etc. The firm also de signed its own

high-speedform-fill-sealmachinery, which even tu ally led to the mar ket ing of C- Series ma chin ery to con sumer productmanufacturers,coveringpouching and car ton ing units as well as customdesigned ma chin ery. The firm can source and de sign auto mated pack ag ing systems.Thisprivately-heldcompany of fers full cus tomer sup port in plan ning production,schedulingandcontrolling inventory,andmanagingdistribution.The com pany has re cently expanded its pack ag ing ca pa bil ity by mov ing to a new 120,000- square- foot productionandwarehousingfacility.

leading” struc tural and graphic de sign cen ters. In March 2008, the com pany com pleted its ac qui si tion of South ern Container Corp., a pro ducer of con tain erboard and cor ru gated pack ag ing, thus mak ing Rock- Tenn more in te grated in its packagingcapabilities.

Products: Customized packaging and displays

made from paperboard, corrugated and plastic.

Sales Contacts: Paul Schutes, Folding Cartons; Bill Kimble, Plastics; Mark Sadock, Corrugated Displays; Mel Bothamley, Partitions.

Products: Contract packing of dry food

products (snacks, breakfast cereals, dried fruit) in stand-up, zippered pouches

Sales Contacts:

ROCK LINE IN DUS TRIES 1113 Mary land Ave., She boygan, WI 53081 USA

Mike Boyd, Director of Sales & Marketing, Private Label Division

Tel: Fax: URL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 98%

ROCK- TENN CO. 504 Thrasher St., Nor cross, GA 30071 USA Tel: Fax:

Ex port Mar kets: 50 Countries

(770) 448- 2193 (770) 417- 2346


To tal Sales Vol ume: $2.3 Bil lion +9.5% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 10%

Ex port Mar kets: None Profile:

(920) 452- 3004; (800) 558- 7790 (920) 459- 4172

Rock- Tenn is one of North Ameri ca’s larg est pro duc ers of pack ag ing and recycledpaperboard,operating88plants and dis tri bu tion cen ters in the United States , Can ada, Mex ico, Chile, and Argentina. The com pany serves as a pack ag ing part ner with pri vate la bel manufacturers.Itspartnershipsover the past 50 years have in cluded work in fold ing car tons, solid fi ber par ti tions, innovativepoint-of-purchasedisplaysor thermoformedplastics.Thecompany re gards it self as not just a pack ag ing sup plier, but as a pack ag ing part ner, draw ing on the sup port of its own re cycling pa per board mills, in- house plas tic ex tru sion fa cili ties and “industry-

Family- owned since 1976, Rock line In dustries is the larg est sup plier of cof fee fil ters and pri vate la bel baby wipes in North Amer ica. The com pany has a long his tory of lead ing the con verted pa per prod ucts in dus try, us ing the lat est tech nol ogy to manufactureinnovative,high-quality, low- cost prod ucts for con sumer and commer cial use. Rock line has also po si tioned it self within the in dus try as a lead ing manu fac turer of bak ing cups, cof fee stir sticks, heat- seal pa per for tea bags/cof fee pouches, and moist tow el ettes. It now oper ates plants in four coun tries; its startup in Guang dong, China, be gan in 2004.

Products: Baby wipes, moist towelettes, coffee filters, baking cups, coffee stir sticks, heat seal paper for bea bags & coffee pouches, incontinent wipes, contract products

Sales Contacts: Sam Salm, Senior Vice-President, Sales; Ron Kerscher, Vice-President, Sales and

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 343

Marketing; Phil Barnhart, National Sales Manager; David Deising, Direction of Marketing; Milt Menjivar, Director of International Sales

Ex port Mar kets: Canada Profile:

ROYAL CROWN COM PANY, INC. (Now part of Dr Pep per Snap ple Group)

This privately- owned poul try proc es sor operatesmanufacturingfacilitiesin Spring field, MA and Mar ion, AL. The com pany is a re tail pri vate la bel packer of fro zen, breaded chicken pat ties and nuggets, breaded chicken, fried steak, breaded veal pat ties, breaded chicken tend ers and fi lets. Royal Har vest Foods also packs club and re tail packs and pro vides a full pri vate labelmeatdepartmentprogram.

Royal Crown, which cele brated its 100th an ni ver sary as a brand in 2005, had achieved mar ket rec og ni tion as the Products: Fro zen proc essed poul try (breaded third larg est cola pro ducer and fifth chicken nug gets and pat ties), larg est soft drink com pany in the U.S., breaded meats, mari nated meats, sells prod ucts in 61 coun tries. Its lead ing stuffed chicken breasts, spe cialty brands, Royal Crown Cola, Diet Rite bone less items on skew ers. Cola, Nehi fla vors, and Kick (cit rus), Sales were mar keted in the US through 169 Contacts: James Val lides, Presi dent; Frank McNa mara, bot tlers and other li cen sees. The comSales Man ager pany also is the ex clu sive world wide sup plier of specially- formulated cola con cen trate to Cott Corp. (also listed in the SOUR CE BOOK). Non- cola carRU DOLPH FOODS COM PANY, INC. bon ated soft drink con cen trates also are part of this agree ment. In 2001, the P.O. Box 509, Lima, OH 45802 USA com pany sold Royal Crown Cola In terna tional to Cott Corp. (also in the Tel: (419) 648- 3611 SOUR CE BOOK), giv ing the lat ter the Fax: (419) 648- 4087 right to sells RC branded busi ness outTo tal Sales Vol ume: $45 Mil lion side North Amer ica. At the turn of this Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 80% cen tury, Royal Crown was ac quired by London- based Cad bury Schweppes; Ex port Mar kets: 20 Coun tries: Cen tral Amer ica, but in April 2008, that com pany deMex ico, South Amer ica, Europe, China, merged(separatingchocolate/confecAustralia tion ery busi ness from its bev er age busi ness. As a re sult Cad bury Profile: Ru dolph Foods is the world’s larg est proSchweppes Ameri can Bev er ages was ducer of pork rind snacks. The com pany, re named Dr Pep per Snap ple Group- started in 1952, be came part of Bea trice now based in Plano, TX, as a $5.7 bilFoods, un til 1987, when the Ru dolph famlion busi ness, over see ing more than 50 ily bought back the com pany, mak ing it a brands and with no in ter est in the pripri vate com pany. Lately, the firm has devate la bel busi ness. vel oped a tender- style crack lin fried- like pork rind with a slight amount of fat added for tex ture. ROYAL HAR VEST FOODS

Products: Snack foods—pork rind, pork cracklins, extruded product.

55 Avo cado St., Spring field, MA 01104 USA Tel: Fax:

(413) 737- 8392 (413) 731- 9336

Sales Contacts: Richard Rudolph, Vice-President Marketing; Robert Mayer; and Eric Moore

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 35% 344 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOKManu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


SAINT BREN DAN’S IRISH CREAM LIQUEUR CO., LTD. (Owned by Golden Vale Co.) 10 Ross downey Road, Derry, BT47 INS, NORTHERNIRELAND

SAM UEL & SON P.O. Box 3, Kiryat- Gat, 82100, ISRAEL

Tel: Fax:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%

Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

+44 1504- 343434 +44 1504-342723

To tal Sales Vol ume: $21 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 56%

Ex port Mar kets: Ger many, Un isted States, Eng land, Switzerland,Australia,Singapore,Belgium

Ex port Mar kets: United King dom, France, Spain,


Germany,Portugal,Scandanavia,United States, Rus sia, Thai land, Car ib bean, South America Profile:

+972 7- 6884889 +972 7- 6884889 [email protected]

Saint Bren dan’s Irish Cream Li queur Co. Ltd. was es tab lished in 1983 by Lock patrick Dairy Co., af ter ex ten sive re search found there to be a de mand for high- quality Irish cream li queurs. Today, Saint Bren dan’s is the ma jor supplier of Irish cream li queurs un der pri vate la bel and ex clu sive brands to many lead ing United King dom and Europeansupermarketandhypermarket chains. The com pany also has an exten sive range of pre mium branded prod ucts. As part of the Golden Vale Dairy Group, Saint Bren dan’s bene fits from the tech ni cal ex per tise and fi nancial re sources of an internationallyrenowned dairy com pany with an annual turn over in ex cess of $600 mil lion.

Sam uel and Son de vel ops and manu factures a com plete line of wet wipes, which cover clean ing and pol ish ing of such ma teri als as: jew elry, sil ver, gold, cop per, brass, plas tic, and wooden fur ni ture. The firm also pro duces its “revo lu tion ary paint-and- ink re mov ing wet wipes.” Addi tion ally, the com pany mar kets a full line of kitchen sponges, loofa straps, bath mittens for mas sage, and chil dren’s bath mittens. Pri vate la bel or ders to cus tomer speci fi ca tions are ac cepted for all these products.

Products: Wet wipes for cleaning/polishing

different metals, jewelry, wood, windows and glass; bath mittens, loofa straps, and kitchen cleaner spongers

Sales Contacts: Elie Samuel, President; Rena Samuel, Marketing Manager

Products: Assorted Irish cream

liqueurs—formulations, flavors, label design, production

Sales Contacts:

Peter Marsman (U.S.A., Canada/Caribbean) --tel (954) 384-5097 ; Mike Dorf man (East ern Europe/Far East); Fiona McHenry (United King dom)

JOHN B. SAN FILIPPO & SON, INC.* Nasdaq: JBSS 2299 Busse Road, Elk Grove Vil lage, IL 60007- 6057 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(847) 593- 2300 (847) 593- 3085

To tal Fis cal 2007 Sales Vol ume: $540 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe , Asia , Oceania , Latin Amer ica, Can ada & Mex ico

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 345


Es tab lished in 1922, this com pany has de vel oped into what it con sid ers to be “themostinnovativeanddiversified nuts, snack, and food proc es sor in the U.S.” This former, family- run busi ness con tin ued through four fam ily gen erations up un til 1992, when John B. Sanfilippo and Son went pub lic. The com pany since then has ac quired a number of com pa nies. In the past decade, the com pany also has ex panded into in ter na tional sales. Its prod uct line is of fered un der sev eral bands: Fisher, Evon’s, Sun shine Country, Fla vor Tree, etc. The com pany op er ates as a proc essor, pack ager, mar keter, and dis tributor of shelled and in- shell nuts and ses ame sticks, all of which are sold under its own brands and a va ri ety of private la bels. The com pany mar kets and dis trib utes other food and snack items. How ever, since 2006, this com pany has faced some fi nan cial prob lems, forc ing it to sell some of its fa cili ties, to try to rene goite terms with lend ers. In fis cal 2006 and 2007, the com pany suf fered sig nifi cant losses.


Saputo is the larg est dairy proc es sor in Can ada and one of the larg est cheese proc es sors in North Amer ica, as well as the third larg est dairy proc es sor in Argen tina. Over the past 50 years, this com pany has grown or gani cally and, more re cently, via ac qui si tions as well. In No vem ber 2003, the com pany acquired Molfino Her ma nos S.A., the third larag est dairy proc es sor in Ar gentina. In May 2005, the com pany purchased pri vately held Schnei der Cheese Inc. of Wis con sin to com pletment its U.S. Cheese busi ness (strong in cheese and chees sticks), which had sales of $40 mil lion, in clud ing branded and pri vate la bel. To day, some 95.3% of Saputo’s con soli dated reve nues are in dairy products, while 4.7% de rives from gro cery items, pro duced in its Bak ery Di vi sion.

Products: Cheese, cheese sticks, snack cakes, tarts, cereal bars.

Sales Contacts:

N/A (U.S. Headquarters: 25 Tri-State International Office Centre, Suite 250, Lincolnshire, IL 60069. Tel: 847-267-1100, fax: 847-267-1110.

Products: Snacking nuts, baking ingredient

nuts, extruded snacks, peanut butter, chocolate chips, candies (hard/chocolate-covered)

Sales Contacts:

Jeff Sanfilippo, Sr. Vice-President Sales/Marketing; Jim Barker, Vice-President of Marketing

SAPUTO, INC.. 6869 Met ro pol itain Est, Saint- Leonard (Que bec), H1P 1X8 CANADA Tel: Fax: URL:

(514) 328-6662 N/A

SARA LEE CORP. 3500 La cey Rd., Down ers Grove, IL 60515- 5424 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(630-598-6000 N/A

To tal Fis cal 2008 Sales Vol ume: $13.2 Bil lion +10.3% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Worldwide Profile:

To tal Fis cal 2004 Sales Vol ume: $3 Bil lion (C$ $3.6 Bil lion) +5.1% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: United States, South Amer ica

346 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Since Feb ru ary 2005, Sara Lee Corp. (NYSE: SLE), has un der gone a sig nificanttransformation,exitingitsnon-core busi nesses and thus dis pos ing of some 40% of its com pany. This dis rup tion has af fect sales, as op era tions in clud ing direct sell ing, the U.S. Re tail cof fee busness, and in Europe both its branded ap parel and its nuts and snacks business, all have been sold. (Its head quar-

ters also no longer is in down town Profile: Family-ownedandoperated,Sargento Chi cago.) In Food and Bev er ages (ReFoods con sists of a Con sumer Prod ucts tail), the com pany main tains its packDi vi sion and a Food Serv ice Di vi sion. It is aged meats and fresh- frozen bak ery a na tional mar keter of a full line of shredop era tions. But in cof fee, the com pany ded, sliced, snack and spe cialty cheeses, sold its U.S. brands and pri vate la bel and eth nic sauces. busi ness to Se ga fredo Zanetti Cof fee Products: Natural shredded cheeses and Group of It aly (also in the SOUR CEspecialty blends, single serve BOOK). Cof fee, how ever, still re mains portable snacks, frozen breaded im por tant for the com pany, which since Sales 1978 has owned Douwe Eg bert of The Contacts: DickWilliamson,Vice-President Neth er lands, the world’s third larg est InternationalSales cof fee roaster. Sara Lee also mar kets coffeeconcentratemachines,including Sen seo cof fee pods. Both Douwe Eg bert and Sen seo are sup pli ers to the pri vate la bel busi ness. Sara Lee owns Su peSAT URN PET FOOD GMBH rior Cof fee (also listed in the SOUR CESenator- Mester- Str. 1, 28197 Bre men, GERMANY BOOK) in Bensen ville, IL, which han dles pri mar ily food-s ervice busi ness, Tel: +49 421 52690 mar ket ing Sara Lee bev er age brands, Fax: +49 421 5269 135 spices, etc. Sara Lee Cour taulds in the URL: UK sells pri vate la bel cloth ing. Over all, Sara Lee is a branded busi ness ( Sara Lee bread is now a $1 billion brand. ReTo tal Sales Vol ume: N/A cently, the com pany spun off its Hanes Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A brand busi ness. Ex port Mar kets: Europe

Products: coffee, bakery goods

(Refrigerated and frozen dough products, specialty and basic biscuits, dinner rolls, cinnamon rolls, cookies, crescent rolls, English muffins, toaster pastries)

Sales Contacts:

Jerry Reilly, Vice-President, Private Label Sales; Bakery--Ray Martin, Exec. VP, Sales; Bob Bridges, National Accounts Manager


Sat urn Pet food is part of of the fam ily ownedheristoaktiengesellschaftgroup and Eu ro pe’s larg est pet food sup plier. Its par ent firm is the high est vol ume food pro ducer in Ger many, op er at ing Stockmeyer meat and sau sage, Fine Food Al liance (soups, ready to serve meals, deli sal ads, con di ments, etc.) .

Products: Wet and dry food for dogs and cats, snacks and baked foods

Sales Contacts: Hubert Schiermeier, In ter na tional Sales Director SAR GENTO FOODS 1 Per snick ety Place, Ply mouth, WI 53073 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(920) 893- 8484 (920) 893- 8399

To tal Sales Vol ume: $500 Mil lion+ Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 5%

Ex port Mar kets: Mex ico, Can ada, Pa cific Rim


( Sven ska Cel lu losa Ak tie bo laget SCA) Mu nich Air port Cen ter, Ter mi nal strasse Mitte 18, 85356 Muchen Air port, GERMANY Tel: +49 89 9 70 06-0 Fax: +49 89 9 70 06 -04 URL: 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 347

300 fa cili ties in 20 coun tries and sell ing to 50 coun tries in Europe and Asia. Over the years, ac qui si tions have helped SCA achieve mar ket lead er ship. In 2001, for exam ple, the com pany pur chased GeorgiaPacific Tis sue and Tus ca rora in North Amer ica.

To tal 2007 Hy giene Group Sales Vol ume: $ 8.2 Bil lion (SEK 55.4 Bil lion)

To tal Sales in Tis sue: $4.9 Bil lion (SEK 33.3 Bil lion) +6.4% To tal Sales in Per sonal Care: $ 3.3 Bil lion (SEK 22.1 Bil lion) +3.8% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: WesternEurope,Central/Eastern

Products: Toilet paper, kitchen towels,

Europe, U.S., Latin Amer ica, Asia Profile:


hankerchiefs, napkins, facials, feminine hygiene, baby diapers, incontinence products

SCA Hy giene Group, con sist ing of personal care prod ucts (in con ti nence care, Sales baby dia pers and femi nine care) and Contacts: MaxineWilson,InternationalPrivateLabel tis sue (toi let, house hold pa per, fa cial tisBrand Man ager. sue, hand ker chiefs, and nap kins) lately has been pri or tized by SCA- -a com pany also in volved in pack ag ing ( SEK 33.7 bil lion) and For est Prod ucts (SEK 18.7 bil lion). Over all SCA, based in Stockholm, Swe den, pushed its net sales in SCHMALBACH-LUBECA 2007 up by 4.4% to SEK 105.9 bil lion (Plas tic Con tainer USA, Inc.) ($15.7 bil lion). Op erating profit shot up- 10521 High way M-52, Man ches ter, MI 48158 USA ward by 19%. The Hy giene Group, besides be ing very brand- oriented (its Tel: (731) 428- 9741 Tena brand in con ti nence prod ucts and Fax: (731) 428- 8887 its Tork away- from- home tis sue brand , each rep re sent sales in ex cess of € 1 billion) has a sig nifi cant busi ness in re tailer To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A brands (pri vate la bel). SCA claims to be Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A the larg est tis sue sup plier in Europe and Ex port Mar kets: Worldwide third larg est in North Amer ica for the Profile: The Plas tic Con tainer Di vi sion of John son away- from- home seg ment. In its conCon trols, a world leader in the de sign and sumer tis sue business, SCA is Eu ro pe’s manu fac turer of PET- packaging for food, larg est sup plier for re tailer brands. The bev er age, health care and house hold com pany com mands the number one chemi cals and cleaner mar kets, was acmar ket share for tis sues in Europe, quired in March 1997 by Schmalbachmar ket ing prod ucts to 80 coun tries Lubeca of Dus sel dorf, Ger many. In ef fect, overall. In per sonal care, SCA also is both com pa nies merged their Euro pean number one both in Europe and on a com po nents. This firm supplies Su per cyglobal ba sis., op er at ing 21 plants in 18 cle and Nucy cle post- consumer re cy cled coun tries. Dur ing 2007, the com pany PET bot tles (up to 100% con tent) for all ac quired Proc ter & Gam ble’s Eurofood, bev er age and non- foods. pean tis sue busi ness, in clud ing its Tempo hand ker chief brand. SCA, howProducts: PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) ever, sold its North Ameri can pack agplastic bottles and jars plus ing op era tion to Me tal mark Capi tal. post-consumer recycled PET Also dur ing the year, SCA formed new bottles joint ven tures in In dia and the Mid dle Sales East for its femi nine care and baby diaContacts: Shelley Steele, Manager of Marketing per busi ness. In pack ag ing (head qurted in Bel gium), SCA is number two in Europe for both cor ru gat ede board and container board, over all op er at ing some

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

origi nal sal tine cracker and pro duced the first gra nola bar and toaster pas try. Today, the firm is a lead ing sup plier of ex clusive brand fruit- filled toaster pas tries, one of the fastest- growing gro cery cate go ries over the past few years.

SCHREI BER FOODS INC. 425 Pine St., Green Bay, WI 54301 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(920) 437-7601 (920) 455-6079

Products: Toaster pastries, granola bars, crackers, cookies, cereals.

To tal Sales Vol ume: $3 Billion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Sales Contacts: Bill Stu art, Vice- President, Mar ket ing & Sales.

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Latin Amer ica, Mid dle Est, Asia Profile:

Founded in 1945, Schrei ber Foods has de vel oped into the world’s larg est customer brand dairy company-- and the world’s larg est supplier of pri vate la bel dairy prod ucts to gro cery chains and whole sal ers. Also, the com pany is the sec ond larg est pro ducer of cream cheese in the U.S. In 1999, Schrei ber Foods was bought out by its em ploy ees. Recently, the com pany added you gurt to its lines. In May 2008, the com pany became a li cen see of the O Or gan ics and Eat ing Right brands, un der the newly formed Bet ter Living Brands Al li ance (see Lu cerne Foods in list ing for de tails). natural, high-end specialty & deli, String, imitation & substitute) plus yogurt, and butter and butter blends.

Elaine Howard, Sr. National Account Manager

SCHULZE AND BURCH BIS CUIT CO. 1133 West 35th St., Chi cago, IL 60609 USA Tel: Fax:

(312) 927- 6622 (312) 376- 4528

2401 W. Emaus Ave., Al len town, PA 18103 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(610) 709- 0510; (800) 390- 3668 (610) 791- 5357

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 85%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe,Australia,Canada In June 1998, Scott Foot Care Prod ucts, Omaha, NE, was ac quired by Aetna Felt Corp., Al len town, PA, a manu fac turer of Com foot brand and pri vate la bel foot padding prod ucts. Scott is a manu fac tuer and dis tribu tor of pri vate la bel foot care products, spe cial izing in cus tom, high- quality pri vate la bel pro grams that re duce the inven tory car ry ing costs for cli ent cus tomers. Of fer ings in clude a com plete line of foot com fort prod ucts as well as pri vate label pro gram in te gra tion serv ices that allow cus tom ers to have non- foot care prod ucts pack aged and dis trib uted from one cen tral lo ca tion.

Products: Foot care products (full range of

insoles, pads & ancillary items) and contract packaging.

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, South Amer ica, Europe Profile:

(Di vi sion of Aetna Felt Corp.)


Products: Cheeses (processed, cream,

Sales Contacts:


Sales Contacts: Anna Houser, Division Manager (e-mail: [email protected])

Founded in 1923, Schulze and Burch Bis cuit Co. is an in no va tor in baked prod ucts. The com pany de vel oped the 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 349

as the fastest- growing con verter and manu fac turer of seamed ma te rial, tub ing, stock and plain printed bands, straightsided bags, A- shaped bags, pre forms, and die- cuts. Seal- It main tains a 42 mil lion inven tory for all tub ing needs. The com pany also stocks and cus tom builds heat tun nels.

SEA BAND IN TER NA TIONAL 580 Thames St., New port, RI 02840 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(401) 841- 5900 (401) 841- 5937

To tal Sales Vol ume: $4.5 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 5%

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Mex ico, Europe, Far

Products: PVC and PET-G labels and tamper-evident bands

Sales Contacts: Jim Jul ian

East, Latin Amer ica, Af rica, Mid dle East Profile:

Based in the United King dom, a business which was started some 15 years ago, the com pany manu fac tures drugfreealternativeproducts.Thiscompany is af fili ated with De Gaud Labo ra to ries, Paris, France. About one- third of its busi ness is in the U.S., one- third in West ern Europe, while the bal ance is the rest of the world.

Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

(201) 646- 9050 (201) 646- 0990 [email protected]

waterless vaporizers, refill pads

To tal Sales Vol ume: $5 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 40%

Leonard Nihan, Marketing Director (e-mail: [email protected])

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Mex ico, South Amer ica,

Products: Acupressure, wrist bands, Sales Contacts:

SE BRO PACK AG ING CORP. 280 Green St., S. Hack en sack, NJ 07606 USA

Europe, East ern Europe Profile:

Se bro Pkg. was spun off in 1962 from another com pany, which traces its ori gins to 1900. The com pany to day spe cial izes in medium- size (15,000 to 100,000 unit) orders with a quick turn around.


Paper folding boxes for package goods, pharmaceuticals, electronics, software, toys, etc.

SEAL- IT, INC. 70 Schmitt Blvd., Farm ing dale, NY 11735 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(516) 935- 3965; (800) PVC- SEAL (516) 935- 3967

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Sales Contacts: Daniel Kiselik

Ex port Mar kets: Mex ico, South Amer ica, Cen tral Amer ica, Can ada, Europe, Is rael, Asia Profile:

Seal- It is one of the larg est con vert ers of PVC heat- shrinkable film, pro vid ing manufacturerswithtamper-evident and la bel needs. Its multi- colored heat shrink PVC and PET-G la bels and tamper- evident bands are printed domes ti cally, fea tur ing up to seven col ors. Short lead times for cus tom print jobs are avail able. The com pany views it self

SEDA SOLU BLES Par que Em pre sar ial La Mo raleja, Av. Eu ropa, 24, 28109 Alcobendas,Madrid,SPAIN Tel: Fax: URL:

350 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

+34 91 484 1941 +34 91 662 44 88

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A


Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Rus sia, South Af rica, Japan, Ukraine Profile:

SEDA (So cie dad Espa nola de Ali mentos) was es tab lished in 1963 with its dedicationtomanufacturingsoluble coffee- - starting into the pri vate la bel busi ness. SE DA’s line of solu ble cof fee and sub sti tute prod ucts to day is ex clusively ori ented to pri vate la bel. It op erates cof fee and aroma ex trac tion plants, a green cof fee de caf feina tion plant, a cof fee freeze- drying plant, and its own pack ing and power plants. In 2003, the com pany opened a mod ern pack ing plant in Mos cow, op er ated un der a new com pany, In terseda. SEDA is 77.9% owned by Alina Pri vate La bel Manufac turer, Ma drid, which also now owns SevendayCerealsInternational(alsoin theSOURCEBOOK).Additionally, Kru ger Be teil in gungs GmbH of Germany owns 17.9% of SEDA.

Products: Instant coffee (powder, granules,

freeze dried); coffee blends/substitutes (coffee/chicory, soluble barley or cereals, mixtures coffee or without coffee; specialties--cappuccino or milk/chicory/coffee

Sales Contacts:

Manuel Diaz de Mera, Ex port Director

With its 2007 ac qui si tion of Sig na ture Fruit com pany LLC from John Han cock Life In sur ance Co., at $47.3 mil lion, Seneca Food Corp., Mar ion, NY, has become the sec ond larg est fruit can ner as well as the larg est vege ta ble can ner in the U.S. Some 78% of its food proc ess ing sales are in canned vege ta bles, 18% in fu rit prod ucts, and 4% in fro zen vege ta bles. The firm’s net earn ings jumped by 46.6% to $32 .1 mil lion for the year. Se neca op erates more than 24 food p rocessing plants and two can manu fac tur ing plants stra tegi cally lo cated through out the U.S. The com pany is mainly a food proc es sor, mostly canned vege ta bles but also in cluding fro zen vege ta ble prod ucts and fruit products. Its brands, rep re sent ing 10% of food prod ucts in clude: Se neca, Lib by’s, Aunt Nel lie’s Farm Kitchen. Se neca also packs Green Gi ant vege ta bles un der its Al li ance Agree ment with Gen eral Mills Op era tions, Inc. In May 2003, Se neca Foods ac quired Chiq uita Proc essed Foods, LLC the vege ta ble proc ess ing di vi sion of Chiq uita Brands (also in the SOUR CEBOOK), mak ing Se neca the largest supplier of canned vege ta bles to U.S. re tail, food serv ice, and ex port mar kets.

Products: Canned & frozen vegetables;

bottled, canned fruits & frozen fruit juices (citrus & non-citrus).

Sales Contacts: George E. Hopkins III, VP, Private Label Sales; Bill Loftus, Ann Tuohey, Pete Hales, Dan Miller, Mark Gavigan Jr., Marshall Crenshaw, and Don Jones, all Private Label Sales/Account Managers.

SE NECA FOODS COR PO RA TION 418 E. Conde St., Janes ville, WI 53546 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(608) 757-6000 (608) 743-8324

To tal Fis cal 2007 Sales Vol ume: $1 Bil lion +16% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 45%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Car ib bean, Cen tral & South Amer ica, Can ada, South east Asia, Mid dle East, Af rica

SE NECA PRINT ING & LA BEL CO./SA LEM LABEL P.O. Box 1211, Frank lin, PA 16323 USA Tel: (814) 432-7890 Fax: (814) 432-8050 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: $45 Million Pe cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 40%

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 351

chan dis ing pro grams com ple ment Sen tinel’s com pre hen sive line of prod ucts. Be sides its Men tor, OH, manu fac tur ing and dis tri bu tion cen ter, the firm main tains simi lar cen ters in An nis ton, AL, and Clear field, UT., each stra te gi cally lo cated to ex pe dite de liv ery of prod ucts.

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Can ada, Mexico Profile:

Se neca Print ing and La bel com pany and Sa lem La bel merged in Janu ary 1999 to pro vide a com plete of fer ing of print ing serv ices to cur rent and new clients. The com pa ny’s “One Source” stsrat egy is to pro vide cut-and- stock labels, sheet- fed la bels, com mer cial printing ca pa bili ties, ex press print ing and ful fill ment serv ices. Se neca was the first Penn syl va nia printer to earn ISO 9002 Cer ti fi ca tion, one of a mi nor ity of the printingcompaniesnationwidewho have ap plied. Sa lem is a pio neer in unique,innovativelabelsolutionsfor both the pri vate la bel and ex clu sive brand mar ket, of fer ing shrink film (POP) for con toured and ribbed contain ers. The com pany re ports it can print on a wide va ri ety of sub strates. It also spe cial izes in print ing of plas tic inmold la bels as well as de frac tion and metallizedlabels.

Products: Labels Sales Contacts:

Joseph M. Varano, Director of Sales & Marketing

Products: Cotton swabs, cosmetic fluffs,

cotton balls, foot care, first-aid, cosmetic pads(rounds and squares).

Sales Contacts: Michael Czaja and Harvey Mitchell, both Vice-President Sales; Chuck George, Director of Sales.

SER VAAS LABO RA TO RIES, INC. 1200 Wa ter way Blvd., In di an apo lis, IN 46202 USA Tel: Fax:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 25%

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

SEN TI NEL CON SUMER PROD UCTS, INC. 7750 Ty ler Blvd., Cleve land, OH 44060 USA Tel: Fax:

(216) 974- 8144 (216) 974- 0249

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Es tab lished in 1905, Sen ti nel to day is a lead ing, world wide manu fac turer of branded and pri vate la bel health and beauty care prod ucts. The com pany offers more than 350 HBC prod ucts, encom pass ing five cate go ries: first aid, foot care, cos metic care, swabs and cosmetic fluffs. A spec tacu lar ar ray of color, pow er ful pack age de signs, aggres sive sales sup port and flexi ble mer-

Ser Vaas Labs is a privately- held manu facturer of top- quality clean ing prod ucts such as Bar Keep ers Friend cleans ers & pol ish. The firm be gan pri vate la bel busi ness at the re quest of some of its branded cus tomers, be cause of its qual ity prod ucts. The prod uct line has con tin ued to grow as custom ers re quest new prod ucts.

Products: Soft cleanser, soft cleanser with

bleach, lime remover, soap scum remover, mildew remover, bathroom cleaner, bleach with cleaner, basin tub & tile cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

(317) 636- 7760 (317) 264- 2192

Sales Contacts: Tony Pat ter son, Vice- President of Sales

352 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

chemical,electricalenvironment,textiles, paper/packaging,engineering/materials, andinspections.

SEVEN DAY CE RE ALS INTL. S.A. Z.I. — Rue de l’Ober wald, 68360 Soultz, FRANCE

Services: Analytical/testing facilities for Tel: Fax:

product analysis, quality assurance testing, claims substantiation, regulatory compliance, full laboratory services.

+33 389.74.75.20 +33 389.74.75.21

To tal Sales Vol ume: € 18.1 Million Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90%

Ex port Mar kets: West ern and Cen tral Europe Profile:

Started in 1993, Seven day has ex panded its a pro duc tion ca pac ity, be com ing an industryinnovator..Thecompany, which pro vides for a whole range of RTE (ready- to- eat) break fast ce re als at a top- quality level, be longs to Seven day Ce re als Ltd of the United King dom. In 2001, how ever, Seven day filed for bankruptcy and sub se quently was ac quired by Alina s.l.., Ma drid (owner of Seda Solu bles (also in the SOUR CE BOOK). Sevenday ex pected to be at full ca pac ity (17,000 tons per year) in 2004.

Products: Ready-to-eat, extruded breakfast

SHARI CAN DIES, INC. 1804 North Sec ond St., Mankato, MN 56001 USA Tel: Fax:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $15 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 65% ico, Mid dle East Profile:

Manuel Diaz, Export Director

SGS U.S. TEST ING COM PANY, INC. 291 Fair field Ave., Fair field, NJ 07004 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(507) 387- 1181 (507) 387- 4463

Ex port Mar kets: South Amer ica, Asia, Can ada, Mex-

cereals (corn flakes, rice and wheat flakes)

Sales Contacts:

Sales Contacts: Dominick Lepore, Technical Account Representative (e-mail: [email protected])

Shari is a lead ing in ter na tional whole sale candy and con fec tion ery re pack ager, servic ing its own brand as well as pri vate brands for such lead ing re tail ers/whole salers/co op era tives as: Toys R Us, HEB Grocery, Tar get, Topco, Shurfine, etc. The firm, wholly- owned by Ar lens Kit sis, son of the firm founder, is one of the larg est pri vate la bel re pack ers.

Products: Candy & confectionery items: hard

(973) 575- 5252; (800) 777-8378 (973) 575- 7175

candy, jellies, jelly candy, suckers, caramels, caramel chews, licorice.

Sales Contacts: Wally Schill Executive Vice-President;

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

SGS U.S. Test ing is an in de pend ent testing labo ra tory, es tab lished in 1880. The com pany is a mem ber of the world wide test ing SGS Group, Ge neva, Swit zerland. Its serv ices in clude: bio logi cal,

SHEF FIELD PHARMACEUTICALS 170 Broad St., New Lon don, CT 06320 USA Tel:

(800) 222-1087

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 353

Fax: URL:

(860) 442- 0356

por tion of its Cello Corp. (for merly iden tified as the Cle aning So lu tions Group (CSG), a dedicted pri vate la bel sup pler based in Havre de Grace, MD, to Car roll Dis tribu tor Al li ance Group (also in the SOUR CE BOOK). Dur ing the year, Sherwin- Williams ac quired the VHT brand of high- temperature enam els and spe cialty fin ishes for the auto mo tive af termarket.

To tal Sales Vol ume: $5 Mil lion+ (E) Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

This di vi sion of Faria Lim ited LLC got started in 1850, when Dr. Shef field invented the world’s first tooth paste. His son, in spired by metal tubes used to hold jpaints and inks, put the tooth paste in tubes. The com pany pro vides pri vate la bel and con tract work for its prod uct line, fo cused on health and beauty care and per sonal care jproducts.

Products: Coatings, all-purpose cleaners,

liquid laundry detergents, aerosol household cleaners, insecticides, etc.

Sales Contacts: N/A

Products: Toothpastes, Creams & Ointments Sales Contacts:

Ana de Oliverira, VP Sales & Operations SHER WOOD BRANDS, INC. 6110 Ex ecu tive Blvd., #1080, Rockville, MD 20852

THE SHERWIN- WILLIAMS CO. 101 Pros pect Ave. N.W., Cleve land, OH 44115 USA

Tel: Fax: URL:

Tel: Fax:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

(216) 566-2000 N/A

To tal 2007 Sales Vol ume: $8 Bil lion +2.5% Con sumer Group Ex ter nal Net Sales: $1.3 Bil lion +3.9%

Ex port Mar kets: World wide Profile:

Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: 20+ Countries Profile:

Sherwin- Williams col lects more than half its sales from its Paint Store Group (listed in the SOURCEBOOK’S Trade Cus tom ers Sec tion). Its Con sumer Group, op er at ing some 27 manu fac turing plants, pro vides coat ings and coating re lated prod ucts to 35,000+ of the es ti mated 56,000 re tail out lets in the U.S. It mar kets such brands as Dutch Boy paint, Kry lon, Min Wax, Thompson Wa ter Seal, etc. That sell this type of prod uct. This Group also sup ports the Paint Store Group with manu fac tur ing, dis tri bu tion, new prod uct re search and de vel op ment, etc. In De cem ber 2006, Sherwin- Williams sold the in dus trial

(301) 881- 9340 (310) 881- 0826

This com pany is a lead ing mar keter of con fec tion ery and food prod ucts worldwide. From its in cep tion in 1984, Sherwood Brands has in cluded pri vate la bel as part of its busi ness. This family- owned opera tion of fers a full se lec tion of tof fees, wafers, filled choco late bars, hard and fruit- filled can dies, as well as a “choco late games” gift se ries, fea tur ing white and dark choco lates, pre sented as check ers, domi nos, or war ships.

Products: Tof fees, wa fers, filled choco late

bars, demi tasse, sweet bis cuits, etc.

Sales Contacts: Vziel Frydman, Amir Frydman

354 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Sales Contacts: Keith Kiedinger, Vice-President, Sales, Pharmaceutical Group (Tell: 704-895-0443); Tim Klewicki, Vice-President, Sales (Tel: 773-880-2201); Marty Zarett, Vice-President, Sales (Tel: 732-650-3065); and for Canada, Ken Clements, Regional Vice-President, Sales (Tel: 416-292-3990)

SHORE WOOD PACK AG ING CORP. 277 Park Ave., New York, NY 10172- 3000 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(212) 371-1500 (212) 223-38157

To tal Sales Vol ume: $552.2 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Canada


A Member of Ma ple Leaf Foods Inc. At presstime, Shore wood Pack ag ing, 30 Eg lin ton Ave. West, Mis sis sauga, L5R 3E7 one of the world’s largest manu fac turCANADA ers of print and pa per board pack ag ing, agreed to its take over by the $25- billion In ter na tional Pa per Co., Pur chase, NY. Tel: (905) 501-3426 Both com pa nies’ re tail con sumer prodFax: (905) 501-3436 ucts are to be con soli dated into one unit, To tal Sales Vol ume: $13 Mil lion op er at ing un der the Shore wood name. Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 8% Es tab lished in 1967, Shore wood produces pri vate la bel pack ag ing for pharEx port Mar kets: Europe, Pa cific Rim, U.S.A., South ma ceu ti cal, health and beauty care, America food, and house hold prod ucts in the US and Can ada, as well as brand pack ag ing for a di verse range of con sumer prodProfile: As part ot Ma ple Leaf Foods In ter naucts in dus tries. Its mix of pack ag ing tional, To ronto, Can ada, a $3 bil lion food prod ucts, serv ices and tech nolo gies are mar keter - - one of the larg est in the world, “un matched in the pri vate la bel in dusShur- Gain spe cial izes in pro duc ing dry try.” Sig nifi cant bene fits in clude the dog and cat foods in mul ti ple pack age Shore wood Tech nol ogy Cen ter (for cussizes. The com pany backs up its prod ucts tomer R&D), in- house graphic and with a to tal pro gram sup port in pri vate lastructuralpackagingdesign,digital bel. Its Pet Food Nu tri tion staff pro vides pre- press, computer- to- plate (CTP) caconsultationandformulationsfornew pa bil ity, EDI, in- line source tag ging, viproductdevelopment. sion and la ser scan ning, gra vure and Products: Dry extruded food for dogs, cats, off set print ing, large press for mats, a and ferretts. pro prie tary 8- color Q- System, adSales vanced con vert ing and fin ish ing techContacts: Bruce Christie, Manager niques,customizedinventory managementprograms,warehousing and ex press de liv ery op tions. The firm oper ates 15 plants in the US, Can ada, and the Peo ple’s Re pub lic of China. SHUS TER LABS/STR (Di vi sion of Spe cial ized Tech nol ogy Re sources) 85 John Rd., Canton, MA 02021USA Products: Folding cartons, set-up boxes, Profile:

blister packaging, unit dose packs, counter top displays, thermoforming, and specialty packaging

Tel: Fax: URL:

(781) 821- 2200, 800-444-8705 (781) 821- 9266

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 355

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Services: Quality testing services include:

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Mex ico, Europe, Ja pan Profile:

Product development, performance testing, comparative evaluations, facility audits, TQM/HACCP/QA programs, label review, regulatory compliance,consumer and sensory panels, and chemical and microbiological services.

Since 1960, the Shus ter Group has played a sig nifi cant role in the pri vate la bel in dus try. Through serv ices includ ing prod uct evalua tion, prod uct deSales velopment,qualityassurance,consumer Contacts: Katie Griffin, Sales Executive test ing and ana lyti cal serv ices, Shus ter ad dresses the needs of manu fac tur ers and re tail ers, im port ers and dis tributors, mar ket ing and serv ice or gani zations. Its ex per tise spans a range of SIREL DI LE ONELLI ERNE STO consumerproducts,includingfoods, Via Me leg nano 22, Vil lag gio Ca vour, per sonal care prod ucts, phar ma ceu tiSet timo Mil an ese (MI) 20019 IT ALY cals and medi cal de vices, cos met ics, house hold chemi cals, soft goods and Tel: +39 2.48920154 gen eral mer chan dise. Its serv ices are inFax: +39 2.48920081 dependent,objective,technicallysound, and con fi den tial. Its staff in cludes more To tal Sales Vol ume: $8.5 Million than 100 spe cial ized pro fes sion als and Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 70% sup port per son nel, help ing to de fine today’s stan dards of qual ity in the pri vate Ex port Mar kets: Europe la bel in dus try. More re cently, its par ent Profile: Sirel is the larg est, non- multinational procom pany, Hauser, Inc. (Nasdaq: ducer of ad he sive strips in Europe. Its priHAUS), Boul der, CO, a natu ral prodvate la bel cus tomer base in cludes sev eral ucts pro ducer, agreed to merge with of Eu ro pe’s larg est re tail ers. The com pany Zuel lig Bo tani cal Ex tracts, Inc., a leadof fers an ad van tage of be ing able to sup ply ing sup plier of ex tracts, and other opa range of phar ma ceu ti cal prod ucts era tions. Sub se quently, Hauser sold its adapted to re tail ers needs. Its ad he sive in ter est in Shus ter to Spe cial ized Techstrips are avail able in all types of ma te rial nol ogy Re sources, Inc., En field, CT. and sizes. Be sides its Euro pean mar ket, STR ( is a global techSirel has es tab lished con tacts and trad ing ni cal serv ices com pany, pro vid ing qualre la tion ship on all con ti nents of the world. ityassurance,complianceconsulting, and ISO reg is tra tion serv ices. It op erProducts: Adhesive strips, corn plasters, ates labs and of fices in 39 coun tries. general pharmaceutical products. Shus ter will bene fit from STR’s inSales volve ment in such prod uct ar eas as soft Contacts: Erne sto Le onelli; Clive Brown goods, elec tronic goods, toys, and fur niture, which Shus ter has not cov ered before. Shus ter also has recently in au gu rated its TAQA pro gram (Techni cally Ad vanced Quality As sur ance), SKW BIO SYS TEMS INC. which pro tects re tail ers, while guar antee ing its test ing pro to col, based upon 2021 Cabot Blvd. W., Lang horne, PA 19047 USA ISAO and FDA stan dards. Ef fec tive Jan. 1, 2009, this com pany will change Tel: (215) 702-1000 its name to STR, re flect ing its own erFax: (215) 702-1015 ship by Spe cial ized Tech nol ogy ReURL: sources.

356 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 70%

Ex port Mar kets: Will ship to any coun try.


To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 95%

Ex port Mar kets: N/A In Sep tem ber 1998, the SKW Bio systems Inc., within its Na ture Prod ucts DiSlat tery Mar ket ing Corp., founded in vi sion) ac quired the In gre di ents Sys tems Profile: 1980 by Mi chael J. Slat tery, Sr., has grown Di vi sion of Bunge Foods Corp., At lanta. to be come one of the larg est pri vate la bel That brought in some $70 mil lion of bro kers in the North east. The firm is a business,coveringfruitpreparations, full-servicehouse,offeringstate-of-the-art fla vors and sta bil liz ing sys tems. The tech nol ogy backed with ex ten sively ex pe ritake over also made SKW’s Fla vors & enced per son nel. This firm rep re sents Fruit Sys tems the sec ond strong est in some of the pre mier gro cery sup pli ers in North Amer ica in terms of fruit sys tems. the in dus try, hav ing es tab lished it self as SKW Bio sys tems is a sub sidi ary of the leader in many of the prod uct cate goSKW Trost berg AG, Trost berg, Gerries in which it com petes. many, which also pro duces gela tin and spe cial ties, salt prod ucts, tex tur ant sysServices: Food brokerage services tems, cul tures and en zymes, as well as fla vors and fruit prepa ra tions. The Ger- Sales man firm is a $3.9 bil lion chemi cal comContacts: Michael J. Slattery, President; Edward A. pany. To day, it op er ates as an ex ten sive Kubarewicz, Executive Vice-President specializedchemicalcorporation (63.7% of its shares owned by the in dustrial group, VIAG AG), over see ing some 200 in vest ments in sub sidi ar ies SMITH CON TAINER COR PO RA TION and af fili ated com pa nies in 40 coun tries. Its three core busi nesses: Na ture prod260 South field Pkw., For est Park, GA 30297- 2520 USA ucts, chemi cals, and con struc tion chemicals. Its Na ture Prod ucts Di vi sion sells Tel: (404) 363- 1001; (888) 810-0078 natu ral ex tracts (de caf feinat ing of tea, Fax: (404) 363- 1011 hops ex tracts, de fat ten ing of co coa), FlaURL: vors (ap ple, co coa, cit rus), and fruit preparationsforbeverages,prepared To tal Sales Vol ume: $50 Mil lion foods, spices, sweets, and dairy prodPer cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90% ucts. SKW’s Na ture Prod ucts is now a global leader in na ture prod ucts and ad- Ex port Mar kets: Car ribean, Puerto Rico, Rus sia, di tives for the be ver age and food in dusEurope, Far East try,plustechnicalapplications. Profile: Started in 1907, Smith Con tainer Corp. has evolved un der the motto, “We put eveProducts: Soft drinks, New Age drinks, tea, ry thing into pack ag ing.” The busi ness isotonics, juice drinks startedbysupplyingreconditioned Sales wooden bar rels, kegs, and drums. It has Contacts: W.E. Dick Hegi, National Sales Manager, grown through the years to be come a Beverage Flavors pack ag ing con sult ant and a lead ing wholesale dis tribu tor of all types of rigid pack aging. The firm pro vides pack ag ing for everyindustry,includingfood,medicinal SLAT TERY MAR KET ING CORP. and health, toi letry and cos met ics, pet and vet eri nary, and in dus trial prod ucts. Its One Sta tion Plaza, Ridge field Park, NJ 07660 USA cus tom ers in clude many of the larg est private la bel pack ers. The com pany op er ates Tel: (201) 440- 8060 nine ware houses, stocked with bot tles, Fax: (201) 440- 0388 Profile:

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 357

jugs, jars, cans, pails, tubs, and drums made of glass, plas tic, metal, and fi ber. Ad di tion ally, the firm stocks spray ers and a huge va ri ety of clo sures, in clud ing snap-on,dispensing,tamper-evident, and child- resistant. Smith can pro vide the most ef fec tive form of deco ra tion or la bel ing for a prod uct. If it’s not in stock, the com pany guar an tees it will find it or custom- make it in any conceiv able size, shape, or ma te rial.

Products: Bottles, jugs, jars, cans, pails, drums, closures, sprayers, dispensers and decorating (packaging supplied for every industry).

Sales Contacts:

W. Larry Moore, Vice-President Sales & Marketing

E.D. SMITH & SONS LTD. 944 High way #8, Wi nona, On tario L8E 5S3 CAN ADA Tel: Fax: URL:

(905) 643- 1211 (905) 643- 3328

To tal Sales Vol ume: $45 million Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

brand iden tity at com peti tive prices. E. D. Smith re cently re in tro duced its fresh- pack pre serves. Tree House Foods (also in the SOUR CE BOOK) has made a bid to acquire E.D. Smith.

Products: Fruit-based products--Jams &

preserves, pie fillings, ketchup, plus pasta, salsa barbecue and specialty sauces.

Sales Contacts: Directors of Grocery Sales--Doug Ladoucer, Canada; Tom Burke, USA (Tel: 814-725-9617 in North East, PA.

SOLO CUP COM PANY 1700 Old Deer field Road, High land Park, IL 60035- 9984 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

To tal 2007 Sales Vol ume: $2.1 Bil lion -0.2 % Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Worldwide Profile:

Ex port Mar kets: Russia,China,Japan,Malaysia, Aus tra lia, Saudi Ara bia, United Arab Emir ates, South Af rica Profile:

(847) 831- 4800; (800) FOR- CUPS (847) 831- 4358

E.D. Smith & Sons, Ltd., a privatelyheld com pany, started in 1882, op er ates a fac tory in Wi nona, Can ada, where its busi ness is now con soli dated. In 2002, the com pany was ac quired by Im pe rial Capi tal Corp., To ronto, an in vest ment firm. In Feb ru ary 2005, E.D. Smith acquired North Coast Proc ess ing, Inc. (also in the SOUR CE BOOK). This added pour able salad dress ing to E.D. Smith’s porto fo lio. The ac quired firm has been re named: E.E. Smith USA Inc. Its ex per tise covers unique for mu lations with cus tom ized pack ag ing, for ‘own’ brands with truly dis tinc tive

358 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Af ter re port ing a net loss of $375 mil lion and sales of $2.5 bil lion for 2006, Solo Cup has sharp ened its op era tion in 2007 which in cluded some di vest ments. In De cem ber 2006, the com pany sold its Japa nese dairy busi ness, then fol lowed up in Oc to ber 2007 with the sale for $170 mil lion of its Hoffmast er busi ness (nap kins, ta ble cov ers and place mats) and the fol low ing month for $42 mil lion, its Yugen Kaisha Solo Cup Asia- Pacific and Solo Cup Ja pan sub sidiar ies (drink ing straws). As a re sult, 2007 showed a $68.2 mil lion net in come. Its busi ness, some 80% in food serv ice, also encompassesretailaccounts--brandedand pri vate la bel , of fer ing the trade one of the broadest prod uct se lec tion in its categories. Thecompanyoperatesmanufacturing plants in North Amer ica, the Can ada, the United King dom, Mex ico, and Pan ama. In Sep tem ber 2008, Solo Cup in tro duced a new “greener” single- use cups and plates line, un der its Bare by Solo brand. This

eco- forward line is made from 20% post- consumer re cy cled PET plas tic for the cups and bam boo for the plates.

Ex port Mar kets: Canada,Mexico Profile:

Products: Disposable plastic cups, plates, bowls, cutlery, and straws

Sales Contacts: Drake Taliaf erro, Pri vate La bel Sales Manager

Products: Salsa, barbecue sauce, teriyaki

sauce, soy sauce, chili sauce, sesame oil, hot sauce, ketchup, taco sauce, and pasta sauce.

SOLU BLE PROD UCTS CO., L.P. 480 Ober lin Avenue South, Lake wood, NJ 08701- 6997 USA Tel: Fax:

(732) 364- 8855 (732) 364- 6689

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: World wide (Europe, Can ada)

Sona & Hol len is a shelf- stable con di ments processor,specializingintomato-and soy- based prod ucts. Its ca pa bili ties in clude pack ag ing in re tail glass, in di vid ual portion con trol, gal lon and five- gallon buckets.

Sales Contacts: John E. Kidde, President; Wesley M. Stroben, VP, Sales & Marketing.

SONOCO FlexiblePackagingDivision North Sec ond St. (Mail Code W3), Harts ville, SC 29550, USA

Tel: (803) 339- 6037 In busi ness for 50+ years, Solu ble ProdFax: (803) 339- 6501 ucts spe cial izes in cus tom iz ing new URL: prod ucts to fit the par ticu lar mar ket ing To tal Sales Vol ume: $135 Million needs of a trade cus tomer. As a con tract Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 5% manu fac turer and prod uct de vel oper, the firm pro duces a cus tomer’s for muEx port Mar kets: Mex ico, Europe, South east Asia las with ex act ing care. All its prod ucts are in pow der form. Profile: In Sep tem ber 1999, Sono co’s Flexi ble Pack ag ing Di vi sion dou bled its size by acProducts: Beverage mixes, nutritional and quir ing the flexi ble pack ag ing di vi sion of diet supplements, sports Graph ics Pack ag ing Corp, which now beverages, protein snacks and makes Sonoco one of North Ameri ca’s desserts in powdered form. larg est sup pli ers in this area. The year, Sales 1999, also marked Sono co’s 100th An niContacts: Thomas A. Flora ver sary. The com pany main tains lo ca tions in both the US and Can ada. The di vi sion, part of Sonoco Prod ucts com pany (a $1.9 bil lion+ pack ag ing gi ant) ad dresses the con sumer pack ag ing busi ness in such arSONA & HOL LEN FOODS, INC. eas as per sonal and health care, cou3712 Cer ri tos Ave., Los Alami tos, CA 90720 USA pons/games; flexi ble pack ag ing in con fec tions, com pos ite can; and spe cialty Tel: (562) 431- 1379; (800) 200-SONA pa per board in glass ware cov ers and coasters, per sonal care and health care. Lately, Fax: (562) 598- 6207 the com pany has in no vated with ValveTo tal Sales Vol ume: $11 Mil lion Pak can is ters with a one- way oxy gen Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 35% valve, which al lows roasted cof fee to be Profile:

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 359

packed im me di ately; and with lin ear pak shaped com pos ite can nis ters.

Products: Shrink, roll-fed labels; paper &

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 100%

Ex port Mar kets: United States

laminations (extrusion/adhesive)

Sales Contacts:

Profile: Dudley Jones, Marketing Manager (e-mail: [email protected])

SO PAK CO. 215 S. Mullins St., P.O. Box 1129, Mullins, SC 29574 USA Tel: Fax:

(803) 464- 0121 (803) 464- 2178

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 10%

Ex port Mar kets: Mid dle East, Can ada, South America,CentralAmerica Profile:

For merly called Sig na ture Foods, this com pany was es tab lished in Janu ary 1994 as the com mer cial proc ess ing di vision of So pak Co, spe cial iz ing in the processingofvalue-addedproducts. These prod ucts may be made ei ther shelf- stable, or in re frig er ated or fro zen form. Pack ag ing may be in glass, plas tic bowls, trays, or pouches. Its plant is oper ated un der USDA and FDA in spection for meat, poul try and sea food products.

Products: Meat, poultry, and seafood products, sauces.

Sales Contacts:

Gene Gasque, Di rec tor of Sales & Marketing.

Started in 1975 as a re gional brand sauce manu fac turer, this entreprenurial company has evolved since 1991 into Cana da’s larg est pri vate la bel soup manu fac turer. As a co- packer for pri vate la bel and in dustrial ac counts, Soup Ex perts also pro vides mili tary shelf- stable ready- to- eat meals for the mili tary. Its plant is ISO 9002 cer ti fied, op er at ing with a HACCP food safety system. Re cently, the com pany was ac quired by Bax ters Food Group, Focha bers, Scotland, a family- owned busi ness run by the Bax ters back to 1868 (now un der fourth gen era tion man age ment). Bax ters in mid 2003 ac quired CCL Foods in the UK, a pro ducer of con di ments and pick les, helping to boost its own brand busi ness in the UK. Now with Sou pEx perts, Bax ters’ inter est in pri vate la bel has ex panded sig nificantly. Bax ters is noted for its branded soups, pick les, pre serves, chut nys, and sauces. Sou pEx perts con tin ues as a wholly- owned sub sidi ary of Bax ters.

Products: Canned soups (ready-to-serve and condensed), broths, gravies, and sauces.

Sales Contacts: N/A

SPE CIALTY BRANDS 2301 SE Tones Drive, Ank eny, IA 50021, USA Tel: (515) 965- 2711 Fax: (515) 965- 2807 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: $311 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 9%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Can ada, South Amer ica, SOUP EX PERTS INC. 4800 Pi nard Blvd., St- Hyacinthe, Que bec J2S 8E1 CANADA Tel: (450) 796-3210 Fax: (450) 796-3406 URL:

Aus tra lia, Car ib bean, Mid dle East, SE Asia Profile:

360 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Spe cialty Brands is a di vi sion of the $450million Tone’s Broth ers, Inc., Ankerny, IA, which it self is owned by Burns Philp, Sydney,Australia,aninternationalfood, fermentation,andconsumerproducts

com pany. Spe cialty Brands has re located from San Fran ci sco, con soli dated with the com pa ny’s Tones Broth ers. In 1988, Burns Philp joined Fleischmann’s Yeast with Spe cialty Brands, owner of Spice Is lands. Since then, Spe cialty Brands has added to its spice port fo lio with the ac qui si tion of Blue Rib bon brand in 1990 and the pur chase of Durkee and French spice, sea son ings, and sauce and gravy mixes in 1992. That pur chase also in cluded Dec- A- Cake cake deco rat ing prod ucts, Dur kee Famous sauce, co co nut- and lemon- flavor pie fill ing. In 1994, the com pany added fur ther strength to its spice busi ness with the pur chase of Tone’s Brothers Spices. In ad di tion to the in gre di ents busi ness, Spe cialty Brands has lev eraged its Spice Is lands brand name to launch Spice Is lands Quick Meal, soup in a cup, and Spice Is lands Good Harvest, a line of 13 healthy, crea tive side dishes.

larg est cookie busi ness; Arch way Cookie Co., Bat tle Creek, MI; and Andre- Boudin Bak er ies, San Fran cisco, a lead ing producer of pre mium, tra di tional sour dough bread since 1849.

Products: Baked goods, bread, and cookies Sales Contacts: Sean Stack, Vice-President, Treasurer

SPICE IT FOODS 575 Pros pect St., Suite 230, Lake wood, NJ 08701 USA Tel: Fax:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $12 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 33%

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Rus sia, Ausstralia Profile:

Products: Spices/extracts, dry sauce and gravy mixes, coconut, icings and gels, vinegar.

Sales Contacts:

(732) 364- 0500 (732) 364- 0333

Chris Bentley, Marketing Manager

Spice It is a privately- held com pany, founded in 1989, which sells a com ple ment of spices. The com pany has been in volved in the pri vate la bel field for three years and has been ex pand ing on an on- going basisinternationally.

Products: Spices SPE CIALTY FOODS COR PO RA TION 520 Lake Cook Rd., Ste. 550, Deer field, IL 60015 USA Tel: Fax:

(847) 405-5300 (847) 405- 5310


(Di vi sion of Mapa Spon tex)

To tal Sales Vol ume: $1,000 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 80%

P.O. Box 561, Co lum bia, TN 38402- 0561 USA

Ex port Mar kets: None Profile:

Sales Contacts: David Gold man, Sales Man ager

Spe cialty Foods Cor po ra tion is a leading pro ducer, mar keter and dis tribu tor of re tail baked goods.The com pa ny’s op era tions include: Metz Bak ing Company, Deer field, IL, the lead ing sup plier of bread and other baked goods in the Midwest (also listed in the SOUR CEBOOK); Mother’s Cake and Cookie Co., Oak land, CA, the na tion’s third

Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

(931) 540- 2161; (800) 251- 4222 (931) 388- 8924 76101.2171Compuserve

To tal Sales Vol ume: $32 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 34%

Ex port Mar kets: Canada Profile:

Spon tex is the world’s larg est manu facturer of cel lu lose sponge clean ing tools. In

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 361

fact, the com pany takes credit for invent ing the cel lu lose sponge in 1936. Its full range of wip ing and scour ing products are avail able for every type of customer. ISO 9002 cer ti fied manufacturingandcustomerservice en sure out stand ing qual ity and value. Spon tex also of fers a full line of allpurpose scour ing/clean ing pads. These boxed prod ucts are sought af ter by upscale con sum ers. The firm is the only source manu fac turer with sev eral cel lulose pro duc tion plants. Re cently, the com pany added la tex gloves.

Products: Cellulose sponges,

sponge/scurbbers, non-woven wiping products, scouring pads, miscellaneous cleaning products, latex gloves.

tea bags, and Ba tik brand fla vored teas and gift packs.

Products: Packeted teas, tea bags, flavored teas, gift packs

Sales Contacts: Lalin Fernando, Deepal Chandrasekera, Ken Ratwatte, Manoj Samarasinghe, Shenon Ranasinghe, and Conrad Brohier

STAN LEY PHAR MA CEU TI CALS LTD. #117- 260 West Es pla nade, North Van cou ver, B. C. V7M 3G7 CAN ADA Tel: Fax: URL:

(604) 987- 3391; (800) 663- 5903 (604) 984- 8532

Sales Contacts:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Greg Long, Private Label Manager (Ext. Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90% 161); Anthony Brown, Export Director, Mapa Spontex—based in France for Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Asia, South Amer ica, Afmarkets in Mex ico, Cen tral and South rica, United States Amer ica, Mid dle East, Af rica, South east Asia, Pa cific Rim, Aus tra lia/New Zea land: Profile: Stan ley Phar ma ceu ti cals is one of CanaCall: +33 (1) 49 01 41 00 da’s larg est over- the- counter prime product manu fac tur ers. The firm of fers an ex ten sive line of tab lets, liq uids, and powder forms. Its dis tri bu tion net work cov ers all prov inces. In- house graphic ca pa bili ties STAN DARD TRAD ING CO. (PVT) LIM ITED al low this privately- held com pany to cus195/2. Dhar ma pala, Ma watha, Co lombo - 7 tom ize its art work, while of fer ing a full SRI LANKA rangeofpromotionalmaterials. Tel: Fax:

+94 698014 +94 686812

To tal Sales Vol ume: $12 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 25%

Ex port Mar kets: Aus tra lia, Can ada, UAE, Egypt, Ger many, Hol land, Ja pan, Paki stan, Poland, Rus sia Profile:

Stan dard Trad ing Co. (pvt) Ltd., formally in cor po rated in 1987, now op erates with two sub sidi ar ies: L F Teas (pvt) Ltd., set up in 1991, and STC Trad ing House (pvt) Ltd., in au gu rated in 1993. STC ranks among the top 10 tea ex port ers of Sri Lanka. Its brands, Ba tik and Sani, cover pack eted teas and

Products: Vitamins, OTC analgesics, stomach remedies, cough/cold, laxatives

Sales Contacts: Marlene Novack, Vice-President-Sales & Marketing; Linda Webb, Account Manager-International Sales

STAN MAR USA MAR KET ING INC. 6450 Lusk Blvd., Suite E106, San Di ego, CA 92121 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

362 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

(858) 455-6998 ; (800) 778-6498 (858) 455-7497

To tal Sales Vol ume: $ 10Mil lion Pe cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 10%

firm, car ried on by Holu ba’s sons, Stan ley and Rob ert, manu fac tur ers its own powders and liq uids. Its fa cili ties are lo cated less than 10 miles from Port Eliza beth and Con rail’s trans load ing site. The com pany has its own rail sid ing and can re ceive most raw pow der or liq uid in bulk. Stanson has the ca pac ity to pro vide 200 mil lion pounds pow der pro duc tion per year and 8,000 gal lons per hour liq uid ca paci ties.

Ex port Mar kets: SouthAfrica, Can ada, Israel, Italy Profile:

Stan mar In ter na tional is based in Toronto, Can ada. Gro cery or der ing can be ac cessed through its web site. The company has strate gic parner ships with a lead ing con fec tion ery com pany in South Af rica. This fa cil ity is one of the world’s most ad vanced manu fac tur ing plants with un lim ited ca pac ity. One of its newest prod uct de vel op ments comes in private la bel choco lates and candy.

Products: Chocolate, candy, confectionery items, fruit juice

Sales Contacts:

Martin Pamensky, National Sales Manager

Sales Contacts: Jack Honchar, Sales Manager-Export; Robert Holuba; Stan Holuba. (e-mail: [email protected])

(Di vi sion of Gel Spice Com pany) 105 Har bor Dr., Jer sey City, NJ 07305 USA

(973) 344- 8666 (973) 344- 8505

Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $25 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 85%

(201) 200- 9820 (201) 200- 9827 [email protected]

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 35%

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, South Amer ica, Car ib-

Ex port Mar kets: South Amer ica, Europe, Can ada

bean, Europe, Mid dle East, Pa cific Rim Profile:

detergents (liquid and powder), hard surface cleaners, disinfectants, bleach, softeners, polishes, dish detergents, hand and body cleaner, commercial & industrual cleaners


STAN SON COR PO RA TION 2 Hack en sack Ave., South Kearny, NJ 07032 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

Products: Household cleaning and laundry

Founded nearly 50 years ago by the late Stan ley Holuba Sr., Stan son Corp. has es tab lished it self as one of the lead ing householdchemicalmanufacturersof pri vate la bel prod ucts in the world. With more than 100 dif fer ent pow ders and liq uids, its prod uct range cov ers laun dry and dish de ter gents and household clean ers, rang ing through every imag in able cleanser, cleaner, bleach, pol ish and stain re mover. Most of these prod ucts ap pear un der the com pa ny’s con trolled brands, Maxx or Stan zal, or pri vate la bels owned by 100+ lead ing gro cery, drug and mass mer chan diser chains in the U.S. This family- owned


Started in 1993, Star Snacks op er ates as a di vi sion of Gel Spice Co., Bay onne, NJ. Star Snacks is an im porter and packer of nut items. Its fa cili ties cover 75,000 square feet--astate-of-the-art,computerizedopera tion. The com pany im ports prod uct from all over the world to pro cess and pack age nuts in a va ri ety of as sort ments. The com pany also pro cesses dried fruits. Re cently, the com pany in tro duced: tof fee pea nuts, tof fee al monds, choco late cov ered cashews/peanuts/raisins/almonds.

Products: Canned nuts. Sales Contacts: Mendel Brachfeld, President

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 363

STE FANO, A TASTE OF IT ALY, INC. 150 Gamma Drive, RIDC Park, Pitts burgh, PA 15238 USA Tel: (412) 781- 4104 Fax: (412) 781- 4210 To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 5%

STEP PING SERV ICES, INC. 108 Ab bie Ave nue, Kan sas City, KS 66103 USA Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

(913) 281- 5313; (800) 255- 7837 (913) 281- 5297 [email protected]

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Can ada, Australia

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A Ex port Mar kets: N/A



Ste fano, A Taste of It aly was in cor porated in June 1992, formed by Ste fano Te de schi, his mother, Emma, and a fam ily friend, Wil liam W. Acker. Coming from pure Ital ian an ces try, Ste fano of ten vis ited It aly, where he dis cov ered the qual ity of ex tra vir gin ol ive oil, toma toes, pasta sauce, pizza sauce, vinegar, pasta, etc. He also dis cov ered that his sur name ref ers back to Greek roots, which lit er ally means “ol ive branch.” It was a natu ral move for Ste fano to first beginimportingspecialtyselectedextra vir gin ol ive oil and pasta, as his business. Even tu ally, he re al ized that in order to re pro duce genu ine sauces, he would have to open his own manu factur ing plant. It de vel oped into a unique facility,reproducing“homemade”techniques with out com pro mise: Us ing only im ported ex tra vir gin ol ive oil, freshly grilled gar lic, fresh vege ta bles, and the highestqualitytomatoes.Absolutelyno pre serva tives or stretch ers were used. In stead, Ste fano util izes tra di tional mason jars and natu ral “hot pack” and “high acid ity” pack meth ods to en sure shelf- life. To day, the com pa ny’s brand “Steff Gour met” cov ers a com plete line of se lected go ru met prod ucts: sauces, vine gars, ol ive oils, spread, pizzelles, grilled vege ta bles and to ma toes. Ad dition ally, there is a line of 66 cuts of “Ger ardo di Nola” pasta, im ported from Naples, It aly. Its pri vate la bel sauce line fol lows the ba sic phi loso phy of the com pany: all natu ral in gre di ents.

Products: Pasta sauces--marinara, tomato basil, traditional, hot pepper, Sicilian, fresh garden)

Sales Contacts:

Step ping Serv ices has pro vided pro duction art serv ices to pack ag ing buy ers since 1982. Its ca pa bili ties in clude all phases of pack age de vel op ment, from conceptdevelopmentanddesign, through pro duc tion art, to the fin ished pack age. In ad di tion to in- house de sign capabilities,thefirmoffersspecialized de sign serv ices. Con ven tional and electronic pro duc tion art ca pa bili ties as well as print ing re sources are avail able to suit any pack ag ing and col lat eral needs. Its serv ice is dis tin guished by the staff’s tech ni cal ex per tise in the print abil ity of de signs, an ac tive ac count serv ices role by the CEO, and a cli ent com mu ni cations pro gram that fea tures cli ent profiles,regularactivityreporting, news let ters, and pe ri odic ac count reviews. Proc ess im prove ment serv ices include ven dor bro ker age serv ices and pro cess audits.

Services: Package development and design from concept through finished package

Sales Contacts:

John Stevenson

STERIDYNECORPORATION 3725 In vest ment Lane, Riviera Beach, FL 33404 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(561) 844- 3486; (800) 327- 6185 (561) 844- 8415

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Pe rcent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 30%

Muzzy Colosimo, Sales Manager

364 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


Ex port Mar kets: South Amer ica, Europe, Carribean Profile:

In August 1996, Ste ri dyne, a manu facturer of a va ri ety of clini cal and re tail medi cal prod ucts, was ac quired by MTII (Medi cal Tech nol ogy & In no vations, Inc.) Lan cas ter, PA, which special izes in in no va tive medi cal and home care products. Ste ri dyne started into busi ness in the early 1970s as a medi cal de vice think- tank and a manufacturing-marketingvehicleto bring new medi cal in ven tions to fruition, such as the small, per sonal electronic thermomenter- - now a sta ple in to day’s medi cal world. The firm’s in novativeindividualpatientkitapproach was de tailed in 1986, mak ing Ste ri dyne the first en try into that field. Ster itemp holds some 17 U.S. pat ents plus twice as many for eign pat ents. To day, the company op er ates three di vi sions: Medi cal Prod ucts, Home Health Care Prod ucts, and Con sumer Prod ucts. Pri vate la bel is the com pa ny’s lat est growth area. Ste ridyne cur rently is the sec ond larg est and fast est grow ing sup plier of ther mome ter prod ucts in the U.S.

Products: Glass thermometers; digital

thermometers; basal ovulation, forehead (LCD) thermometers, probe covers, digital pacifier, baby products

Sales Contacts:

Bill Schoonmaker, National Sales Manager; Tracey Dixon, Sales Assistant.

Products: Sterile small volume injectables,

opthalmic, otic pharmaceuticals; classes include: vitamins, hormones, anesthetics, steroids, physio-therapeutics, antiobiotics.

Sales Contacts: Michael J. Blank, Vice-President, Marketing;

STOLLER’S HONEY P.O. Box 97, 685 Fifth St., Latty, OH 45855 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(Sub sidi ary of Schein Phar ma ceu ti cal) 620 N. 51st Ave., Phoe nix, AZ 85043- 4705 USA Tel: Fax:

(602) 269- 5120; (800) 692- 9995 (602) 269- 7468

To tal Sales Vol ume: $200 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 87.5%

Ex port Mar kets: Mex ico, Can ada, Car ib bean Basin, Tai wan, Far East

(419) 399- 5786 (419) 399- 4924

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 70%

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, South Amer ica, Europe Profile:


Steris Labo ra to ries operates a 175,000square- foot fa cil ity, em ploy ing over 700 peo ple and pro ducing ster ile in jecta bles, oph thal mic, otic and over- the- counter prod ucts for its par ent com pany, Schein Phar ma ceu ti cal, Flor ham Park, NJ, as well as for many of the lead ing dis tribu tors of phar ma ceu ti cals in the U.S. In busi ness for more than 25 years, the firm is the leader in pro duc ing pri vate la bel ster ile prod ucts for the phy si ci an’s of fice, al ter native health care sites, and phar macy markets.

Stoller’s Honey is one of the lead ing honey mar ket ers in the in dus try. Stoller’s conducts its own bee- keeping, proc ess ing, and pack ag ing of not only its own, but also specific honey types world wide. With new bottlingcapacity,packagingfacilities,and ISO cer ti fi ca tiion, Stoller’s ships a broad range of re tail, foodserv ice, and bulk honey and fla vored honey with natu ral fruit world wide. Flexi ble serv ice and strong man age ment sup port back both its branded and pri vate la bel of fer ings. The com pany pro vides cus tom honey and blends in pri vate la bel for many in dus try lead ers, in clud ing Aldi, Spar tan, Marsh

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 365

Su per mar kets, and Sam’s Whole sale Clubs.

Products: Premium honey products and

flavored honey spreads with natural fruit in a full range of retail, food service and bulk packagess

Sales Contacts:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $5 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, South Amer ica, Af rica, Asia Profile:

Jeffrey Bury, Executive Vice-President and Corporate Director of Sales & Marketing

STROH MEYER & ARPE CO. 636 Mor ris Turn pike, Short Hills, NJ 07078 USA Tel: Fax:

(973) 379- 6600 (973) 379- 8181

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Stroh meyer & Arpe Co., Inc. is a canned food im porter, op er at ing since 1882. Sourcing is done world wide with ma jor em pha sis on Europe, South Amer ica and the Far East. The company serv ices the su per mar ket, drug and dis count re tail in dus try na tion wide. The com pany also mar kets its own Kings Pan try brand.

Products: Canned pineapple, Mandarin

oranges, peaches, mushrooms, grapefruit, apricots, cherries, fruit cocktail, mackerel and sardines

Sales Contacts:

Products: Scouring powder, cream cleanser,

liquid gel cleaner, carpet freshener powder

Sales Contacts: Semih Demiz, Vice-President

SUMMA RX LABO RA TO RIES, INC. 2940 FM Road, #3028, Min eral Wells, TX 76067 USA Tel: Fax:

(940) 325- 0771; (800) 527- 7319 (940) 325- 0807

To tal Sales Vol ume: $5.5 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 100%

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Pierre Crawley, Vice-President; Charles Kocot.

SUDE SAN CLEAN ING PROD UCTS & PACK AG ING** Am barli do lum te sis leri yolu, 34840, Avci lar, Is tan bul, TURKEY Tel: +90 212- 4221870 Fax: +90 212- 4221031 URL:

Sude san is a manu fac turer of clean ing prod ucts for house hold and in dus trial use. The com pany does con tract manu fac turing for a number of ma jor mul ti na tional com pa nies, such as Uni le ver, Di ver seylever, Col gate Pal mol ive, as well as smaller firms, such as USA De ter gents, sup ply ing prod ucts to dif fer ent coun tries, and The Lon don Oil Re fin ing Com pany. Sude san’s pri vate la bel cus tom ers in clude ma jor retail chains, such as Car re four Tur key, Dia, Mi gros Tur key & Swit zer land, and Metro.

Since 1972, Summa Rx Labs has been strictly in volved in con tract manu fac turing. Its op era tion in cludes two phar macolo gist on staff. The com pany meets cGMPPharmaceuticalManufacturing Stan dards, while pro vid ing prod uct de velop ment as sis tance. Its prod uct range covers: pow ders, cap sules, tab let prod ucts plus pow dered food and drink prod ucts in foil pouches. Its new est prod ucts in clude stop smok ing im mune and health items.

Products: Custom food/diet supplements, OTC

366 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

pharmaceuticals, prescription pharmaceuticals,

vitamin/mineral/berbal custom formula diet supplements, weight/diet replacement powder drinks, drinks, zinc lozenges, homeopathic tablets

Sales Contacts:

Products: Automatic in-tank toilet bowl cleaners

Sales Contacts: Dona M. Dahlheimer-Brooks, Sales Manager (e-mail: [email protected])

Joel Pettegrew, Sales Manager (Phone: 817-731-7317 or e-mail: [email protected]); Jerry Nelson, President

SU PER COF FEEMIX MANU FAC TUR ING LIMITED 26 Senoko Way, Sin ga pore 758048 SIN GA PORE Tel: Fax:

SU PER BRANDS, INC. 151 Gal lagher Crest, Hender son, NV 89014 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $44 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 10%

(702) 566- 6868 (702) 566- 6555

Ex port Mar kets: Malaysia,Vietnam,Myanmar, China, Hong Kong, Rus sia, Ja pan, Mid dle East, Europe

To tal Sales Vol ume: $13 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 80%


Ex port Mar kets: Canada,Mexico,Japan,Taiwan, Hong Kong, Uru guay, Vene zuela, Columbia Profile:

+65 7533088 +65 7537833

The prede ces sor com pany to Su per Brands, Inc. was founded in April 1973 as Tri dent Prod ucts, Inc. In 1985, Trident was ac quired and the as sets were merged into Su per Brands. In 1987, Super Brands ac quired the as sets of North west Sani ta tion; then in May 1991, the com pany ac quired the as sets of Glo bol USA, a sub sidi ary of Brit ish Pe tro leum and the de vel oper of the drop- in bowl cleaner tab lets. Su per Brands’ fore most ob jec tive has al ways been to manu fac ture the most ef fec tive, “safe” auto mat ic toi let bowl clean ers avail able — prod ucts that rep re sent genu ine con sumer val ues. As pro ducer of sev eral na tional brands, it can be stated that this firm does in deed manufac ture true na tional brand qual ity.Its prod ucts in clude: drop- in bowl cleaner tab lets, ul tra long- lasting bowl cleaner blocks, solid bowl cleaner in glass jars, bleach bowl cleaner tab lets, and blue sur fac tant rim sticks.

Su per Cof feemix Manu fac tur ing is the mar ket leader in Sin ga pore for its two main prod uct lines, 3- in-1 cof fee mix and nu tri tious ce real drink prod ucts, de scribed as “The Any time Any where Drinks.” The firm, which pro duces more than 40 va rieties of food and in stant bev er age items (packed in sa chets and other con ven ient forms that are easy- to- carry and easy to pre pare), ex ports to more than 30 countries. Its mod ern pro duc tion fa cili ties are complementedbysimilarproduction plants in Ma lay sia, China, and In do ne sia.

Products: 3-in-1 coffee mix (instant coffee,

non-dairy creamer & sugar), 3-in-1 cereal mix beverage (nutritious cereal mix, non-dairy creamer & sugar)

Sales Contacts: Mr. Kuik See Juan, Executive Director; Mr. V. Joseph, Export Manager

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 367

com bines a con sci en tious ef fort with educa tion in serving its cus tom ers.

SU PE RIOR COF FEE AND FOODS 990 Su preme Dr., Bensen ville, IL 60106 USA

Products: Fruit juices, fruit drinks,iced teas,

Tel: Fax: URL:

Sales Contacts:

(630) 860- 1400 (630) 350- 2309

sports drinks, carbonated soft drinks

Terry Shin

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Korea,Japan,Canada,Mexico, Pa cific Rim, Aus tra lia, Europe Profile:

Su pe rior Cof fee and Foods is a di vi sion of the Sara Lee Corp. (Also in the SOUR CE BOOK). Su pe rior was es tablished in 1908 and to day is a lead ing roaster to the gour met gro cery and food-serv ice in dus tries. Its cof fees include more than 40 fla vored va rie ties or 75varietiestotal,includingvarietals, fla vors, blends, de caf fein ated, and dark roast.

SWEET RIPE DRINKS, LTD. 6745 In vader Cres cent, Mis sis sauga, On tario L5T 2B6 CANADA Tel: Fax: URL:

(905) 670- 0638 (905) 670- 0904

To tal Sales Vol ume: $100 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 23%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Car ib bean, United States

Products: Gourmet coffee, spices, tea,

coffee gift packs, gourmet cocoa, instant cappuccino.

Sales Contacts:

Louis Cer one

SWAG GER FOODS COR PO RA TION 900 Cor po rate Woods Park way, Ver non Hills, IL 60061 USA Tel: Fax: URL:


Es tab lished in 1987 as a juice box pri vate la bel manu fac turer, this com pany has become a lead ing North Ameri can manufac turer of fruit juice and re fresh ment bev er ages. Sweet Ripe manu fac tures more than 400 SKUs in a wide range of pack age for mats and sizes.

Products: Fruit juices, fruit drinks,iced teas, sports drinks,

Sales Contacts: Jim Faulkner (Canada)

(847) 913- 1200 (847) 913- 1263

To tal Sales Vol ume: $4 Mil lion+ Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%

T TARO PHAR MA CEU TI CALS U.S.A., INC. 3 Sky line Dr., Haw thorne, NY 10532 USA

Ex port Mar kets: Canada,Mexico,Korea,Japan, Europe Profile:


Es tab lished in 1978, this small- sized, manu fac turer of sea son ings and rec ipe mixes maintains a com mit ment to qual ity, price and serv ice. The com pany prac tices TQM, TPM, and ex ten sive manu fac tur ing con trol. Also, the firm

Tel: Fax: URL:

(914) 345- 9001 (914) 345- 8727

To tal Sales Vol ume: $300 Mil lion+ (E) Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: 20+ countries

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


Taro Phar ma ceu ti cals was formed in Isas well as in drums, serv ing ap proxi mately 35 coun tries. rael two years af ter the state of Is rael was es tab lished. In re cent years, the Products: Olives—all varieties companyhasestablishedsubsidiariesin the U.S. And Can ada. Its U.S. sales acSales count for nearly 90% of to tal com pany Contacts: Javier Sainz, J. Ma Garcia sales. A ma jor po rtion of Ta ro’s business in volves sales to ma jor U.S. drug distributors(McKesson,Cardinal Health, Ameri sour ce Ber gen, etc.). Taro TEE PEE OL IVES, INC. is a research- based, in ter na tional spe109 Mont gom ery Ave., P.O. Box 239, Scars dale, NY cialty phar ma ceu ti cal firm, which de vel- 10583 USA ops, manu fac turers and mar kets prescriptiondrugs(includinggenerics) Tel: (914) 723- 6600; (800) 431-1529 and OTC phar ma ceu ti cal prod ucts. In Fax: (914) 723- 2837 re cent years, the com pany has con soliURL: dated its busi ness, its pro duc tion centered near Toronto, Can ada, and its dis tri bu trion lo cated in a 315,000 square To tal Sales Vol ume: $25 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 70% foot New Jer sey dis tribu trion cen ter. The com pany pro duces some 180 pharEx port Mar kets: None macaeu ti cal prod ucts for a va ri ety of skin treat ments as well as an al ge sic Profile: Op er at ing as a vertically- integrated ol ive prod ucts. com pany, Tee Pee Ol ives (es tab lished in 1968 with its af fili ate in Spain- - see above) Products: Topical creams and ointments con trols all as pects of its pro duc tion — (footcare, feminine hygiene, baby from its ol ive ranches to its pack ag ing faointment), nasal sprays, cili ties. The com pany is po si tioned as the hemorrhoidal suppositoriess larg est im porter of bulk ol ives to the U.S. Sales The com pany, which spe cial izes in SpanContacts: Carlton Holmes, Marketing Director-OTC ish green ol ives, packs 23% of this prod uct in the US and Can ada. Tee Pee, which also spe cial izes in pri vate la bel pack ing for the re tail and food-serv ice trade, guar an tees ef fi cient serv ice from its Span ish and NorTE- PE, S.A. folk, VA, plants. Car retera Madrid- Cadiz, KM 547, Apar tado de Cor reos, Products: Spanish green olives, Greek No 520, Sevilla, 41080 SPAIN Tel: Fax:

giardiniera, Greek pepperoncini, jalapeno peppers, sun-dried tomatoes, cornichones, capers.

+34 5- 4693025 +34 5- 4680740

Sales Contacts: Robert Cory, Lucy Landesman.

To tal Sales Vol ume: $35 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, South Amer ica, Asia South, United States, Puerto Rico Profile:

This com pany is po si tioned as one of the three larg est ol ive pro duc ers in Spain and one of the larg est ol ive proc ess ing fac to ries in the world. It pro vides all varie ties and pres en ta tion of the ta ble ol ive busi ness to the re tail and ca ter ing trade


Con sumer For mu la tions Busi ness Unit 1730 East Pros pect Rd., Ft. Col lins, CO 80553- 0001 USA Tel: Fax:

(970) 221- 4840 (970) 221- 8715

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 369

To tal Sales Vol ume: $100 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

operatesastate-of-the-artpecanshelling plant in Cor dele, GA.

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Far East

Products: Dried fruit, nuts and chocolates.


Sales Contacts: Mark Graziano, VP, Sales/Marketing.

Tele dyne Wa ter Pik is one of the 21 com pa nies owned by Tele dyne, Inc., Los An ge les. Wa ter Pik is a ma jor consumer com pany made up of seven business units. Best known are the oral con sumer unit, which manu fac tures and sells the Wa ter Pik oral ir ri ga tor, and the shower unit, which sup plies the “Shower Mas sage.” Its point- ofentry/point-of-usehomewaterfiltration at tach ments are an im por tant seg ment of its busi ness. The Con sumer For mu lations Busi ness Unit has been manu factur ing pri vate la bel oral health care prod ucts for the past 2 1/2 years to major drug-store and gro cery chains in the U.S. In ter na tional sales began in 1994.

Products: Oral analgesics, water filtration attachments, denture adhesive, toothpaste and other ointments and creams.

Sales Contacts:

TESA TAPE, INC. 5825 Car ne gie Blvd., Char lotte, NC 28209 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $45 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, South Amer ica, South east Asia, Af rica Profile:

Ken Riedel, General Manager

TERRI LYNN, INC. 1450 Bowes Rd., El gin, IL 60123- 5539 USA Tel: Fax:

(847) 741- 1900; (800) 323-0775 (847) 741-2805URL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

(704) 554- 0707 (704) 553- 5634

As a sub sidi ary of Beiers dorf AG, Hamburg, Ger many (, tesa tape is one of the larg est full- line tape manu factur ers in the world. In fact, the com pany is one of only two full- line manu fac tur ers of tape in the world. The firm manu fac tures more than 600 pressure- sensitive tapes under the brand names tesa and Tuck, and em ploys more than 850 peo ple in the US. Its tesa brand is the lead ing tape brand in Europe and the sec ond larg est tape brand in the world. The com pany traces its origins back to the last cen tury, when Paul Beirsdorfinventedadhesivetape.

Products: Tape, pressure-sensitive adhesives, mailing and packaging supplies.

Sales Contacts: Angela Nichols.

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

Thisfamily-owned-and-operatedfirm be gan in 1936 as a di rect sup plier of gourmet nuts and has since ex panded into dried fruits, chocolate- covered and yogurt- coated prod ucts. The com pany is self- sufficient as a proc es sor and pack ager, sup plying prod uct to con fection ers, bak er ies, dair ies, re tail ers, restau rants, and fund- raisers. It also


(For merly called South ern Tea, this di vi sion of Tetley, Inc., Shel ton, CT (owned by Tetley Group, Lon don, Eng land) be came the larg est pro ducer of ex clu sive brand tea prod ucts in the U.S. In 2000, how ever, all of the Tetley business world wide was pur chased by Tata Tea

370 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Lim ited of In dia, which be came the sec ond larg est tea pro ducer in the world. The pri vate la bel busil ness at Tetley USA, how ever, was sold in Oc to ber 2002 to Har ris Tea com pany (listed in the SOUR CE BOOK), a di vi sion of Har ris Free man & com pany LP, Ana heim, CA.)

To tal Sales Vol ume: $8 Million Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 12.5% Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Europe, Mid dle East, South America,Australia Profile:

THOMP SON CANDY CO. 80 South Vine St., Me ri den, CT 06451 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(203) 235- 2541 (203) 630- 2492

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 33%

Ex port Mar kets: Ja pan, United King dom, Can ada, Australia Profile:

Thomp son Candy has manu fac tured pre mium choco late nov el ties to the U.S. spe cialty trade since 1879, thus be coming one of the old est choco late manu factur ers in the coun try. The com pany is privately- owned and op er ates plants in Me ri den, CT, and Fair field, CA. In addi tion to its do mes tic whole sale and export busi ness, the com pany also op er ates in the ar eas of pri vate la bel and cus tom choco late pro duc tion. Re cently, the com pany in tro duced choco late bars to its prod uct line.

Products: Hollow and solid molded

chocolate items, chocolate bars, and panned products.

Sales Contacts:

Jeff White, President (e-mail: [email protected])

3 STRIKES CUS TOM DE SIGN 25 Cres cent St., Stam ford, CT 06906 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(203) 359- 4559 (203) 359- 2187

Founded by Mark Kauf man in 1979, 3 Strikes Cus tom De sign pio neered the use ofhigh-quality,coordinatedsportswear and ap parel in the pro motion in dus try. To day, the com pany calls it self “Ameri ca’s TowelSuperstore,”sellingcustomized tow els in all sizes with all em bel lish ment tech niques, in clud ing the silk screen process. Cli ents can rep li cate their ads, package de signs and origi nal art on not only tow els, but ties, ban ners, bags, jack ets, and other fab rics, us ing the com pa ny’s new Ma trix To tal Cov er age pro cess, a patentpending sys tem pro duc ing a print ing look like full- bleed litho re pro duc tions. An other new prod uct is the com pa ny’s Pak Tites com pressed prod ucts (also pat ent pending), which compresses T- shirts, tow els and other cotton- rich items un der 50 tons of pres sure to a frac tion of their orgi nal size. (Nor mal laun der ing re moves the wrink les). Printed la bels are then shrink-wrapped around the com pressed item to keep the prod uct clean and moisture- free. Prod ucts also can be compressed into in no va tive shapes (foot ball, heart, post card, etc.).

Products: T-shirts, towels, banners, blankets, sweaters, sportswear

Sales Contacts: Mark Kaufman, President; Larry Edinger, Senior Account Executive

THURN PRO DUKTE Bovin gen In dus trial Estate 108, Much, D- 53804 GERMANY Tel: Fax: URL:

+49 2245 6090 +49 2245 60911

To tal Sales Vol ume: $18 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90%

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 371

Ex port Mar kets: Europe and East ern Europe Profile:

A family- owned com pany, Thurn Produkte, started in 1977, is very well equipped and pro duces its own bot tles in line with the fill ing units. All its productioniscompletelycomputerized. About 85% of the pro duc tion goes to pri vate la bel prod ucts for Euro pean retail ers. Many dis count ers are served by Thurn. The firm can of fer a com plete range of house hold prod ucts—wash ing pow ders and liq uids as well as hair and body care prod ucts.

Products: Washing detergents (powder and liquids), household cleaning products, body and hair care products

Sales Contacts:

TISH CON CORP. 30 New York Ave nue, Box 331, West bury, NY 11590 USA Tel: Fax:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $36 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 25%

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Cen tral Amer ica, South Amer ica, Europe, East Europe, South east Asia,Australia Profile:

Ivan Crost, Marketing & Sales Manager

TIP TOP CANNING CO., INC. 505 S. 2ndSt., P.O. Box 126, Tipp City, OH 45371 USA Tel: Fax:

(937) 667-3713 (937) 667-3802


Now with more than 80 years of ex pe rience as a to mato proc es sor, Tip Top Can ning, a family- run busi ness (4th gen era tion) pro vides more than 50 varie tites of to mato prod ucts. Its se lec tion ranges from to ma toes (whole, peeled, diced, crushed, stewed, pu reed), to spaghetti and pizza sauces, to PET ketchup, to to mato and vege ta ble juice. The company serves both the re tail and foodserv ice mar ket seg ments.

Products: Tomato Products, sauces, juices Sales Contacts:


Started in 1977 as a con tract manu facturer of vi ta mins and food sup ple ments in the tab let dos age form, Tish con be gan pro duc ing soft ge la tin cap sules in 1984 in ad di tion to its tab lets, hard gela tin capsules, and pow dered sup ple ments. The com pany to day is a lead ing manu fac turer of chew able tab lets of vi ta mins, min er als, andover-the-counterpharmaceuticals.Its Gel-TecDivisionmanufacturerscosmetic for mu la tions in soft ge la tin cap sules. The firm pro duces more than 5,000 dif fer ent formulations,includingnaturaland multi- ingredient prod ucts.

Products: Vitamins, health foods, diet aids, cosmetics, over-the-counter pharmaceuticals

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90%

Ex port Mar kets: N/A

(516) 333- 3050; (800) 848- 8442 (516) 997- 1052

Sales Contacts: Raj Chopra, President; George McShane; Deepak Chopra, President, Eckhart Corp. (Tel: 415-898-9528; Fax: 415-898-1917)

TOR BITT & CAS TLE MAN One Qual ity Place, Buck ner, KY 40010 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(502) 222-1424 (502) 222-1878

To tal Sales Vol ume: $ 200+ Mil lion Pe cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90%

Ex port Mar kets: South east Asia, Can ada, Car ribean, Europe, Ja pan

372 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


Tor bitt & Cas tle man traces its his tory To tal Sales Vol ume: $2.5 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 100% back to 1869. It de vel op ed as a privately- owned com pany known for its Ex port Mar kets: Rus sia, France, Leba non, Cy prus pri vate la bel con di ments, which were expanded- - not only in the prod uct line Profile: This firm spe cial izes in pro duc ing vari ous but in ways to help its trad ing part ners kinds of wa fers, chocolate- coated bars, achieve a com peti tive ad van tage. To day, and coated nuts, al monds, rai sins, and the com pany is a cate gory leader, propea nuts. Its fac tory makes real chocolatevid ing pan cake and waf fle syr ups, corn coatedconfectionery,usingnaturalingresyrup, chocolate- flavored syr ups, jams di ents as well as a se ries of whiteand jel lies, Mexi can sauces and sal sas, chocolate- coated wa fers and cer tain sugand bar be cue sauces. Its new est prodar less prod ucts. Along with its mar ket ing ucts in clude steak sauces and pour able and pro duc tion, the firm also spe cial izes in fruit syr ups. Re cent ac qui si tion , Enzopro duc ing prod ucts un der li cense for Pac, She boygan, WI, and the drink mix other large con fec tion ery com pa nies, indi vi sion of Park Foods, Bar ring ton,IL., clud ing a large re tail chain in Is rael. have helped Tor bitt & Cas tle man to expand into sweet ened in stant tea mix, Products: Chocolate-coated bars, sugar break fast drink mix, pow dered drink wafers, sugarless wafers, chocolate mix, fla vored drink mix for milk and nuts, almonds, etc. pan cake mix. Also, the com pany has acSales quired Five Star Brands, bring ing in Contacts: Yu val Oren other new prod ucts: nu tri tional bars and other neu tri ceu ti cal prod ucts. This dedi cated pri vate la bel cate gory lead er’s com mit ment in ter twines its growth and suc cess with cate gory growth and priTREEHOUSE FOODS INC. vate la bel mar ket share growth. The NYSE:THS com pany prides it self on its cus tomer Two West brook Corp. Cen ter, Suite 1070, West Ches ter, serv ice and dis tri bu tion ac tivi ties, quality prod ucts, and com peti tive pric ing, IL 60154 USA set ting in dus try stan dards in these arTel: (708) 483-1300 eas. S Fax: N/A Products: Jam, jelly, pancake syrup, Mexican URL: sauce, barbecue sauce, flavored dessert syrups, steak sauce, powdered drink mix, gelatin & pudding, pourable fruit syrups

Sales Contacts:

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Dave Funk, Vice-President of Retail Sales (tel: 630-295-6777); Kevin Dress , Director Profile: of Foodservice Group (tel: 317-818-0527)


Wa fer & Con fec tion ery, Qual ity In dus tries Te fen In dus trial Area, P.O. Box 22, 29959 IS RAEL Tel: Fax:

To tal 2006 Sales Vol ume: $939.4 Mil lion +32.7% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 80%+ (E)

+972 4 873201 +972 4 872204

Tree House Foods was formed in June 2005, when Dean Foods (also in the SOUR CEBOOK) spun off its Spe cialty Foods Di vision. Most of Tree House’s op era tions are cen tered in Bay Val ley Foods, Green Bay, WI. The new com pany con tin ues as the lead ing sup plier of pri vate la bel pick les, nondairy pow dered cof fee cream ers, and soups in the U.S. Ac qui si tions are un der way at this com pany. In Feb ru ary 2006, Tree House acquired Ox ford Foods, a Massassuetts producer of pick les, pep pers and re lated prod ucts for food serv ice. Then the com pany fol lowed up with the ac qui si tion of the baby food and

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 373

pri vate la bel soup busi ness of Del Monte Profile: The Triad Group, which cele brated its Foods (also in the SOUR CE BOOK) in 30th an ni ver sary in 2005, op er ates three early March 2006. The com pany calls itdivisions:TriadDisposables(antiseptics self the larg est manu fac turer of pick les and and scrubs, wipes, wash cloths, pa tient care non- dairy pow dered cream ers in the U.S. medi cal/per sonal items); Triad Phar maAnd a lead ing pri vate la bel sup plier in ceu ti cals (drugs, medi cal de vices & those cate go ries as well as in pri vate la bel cosmetics--suppositories,hemorrhoidal soup in the U.S. Tree House con tin ues its oint ment, swabs, acne pads, wash cloths); ac qui si tion strat egy. In July 2007, Treeand Triad Con tract Manufacturing. Po siHouse Foods ac quired San An to nio tioned as a lead ing manu fac turer of an tiFarms of Texas, a $45.3 mil lion pro ducer sep tics and scrubs, wet pack dis pos ables, of Mexi can sauses and salsa, pi cante, and pa tient care pro ducts, Triad Group cheese dip, en chi lada sauce and taco sauce, serves the pri vate la bel trade in its Dis posfrom Sil ver Ven tues, for $88.5 mil lion in ablesandPharmaceuticalsDivisions,and cash. San An to nio Farms is pri mar ily a also pro vides con tract work. Re cently, the pri vate la bel sup plier plus sells to foodcom pany com bined its head quar ters and serv ice ac counts, un der the San An to nio manufacturingfacilities(fourlocations) brand. Also, Tree House ac quired Derelocated to Hart land, WI, in a 300,000 Graf fen reid LLC., Spring field, MO, a square foot fa cil ity, which was sched uled proc es sor of pick les and re lated foods to to open in the fall of 2006. the foodser vice busi ness for $10 mil lion. Products: Alcohol Swabs, Moist Towelettes, The com pa ny’s sales are $23 mil lion. Acne treatment, baby wipes/pads, Ad di tionally, Tree House agreed in June household wipes, iodine, 2007 to ac quire the op er at ing busi ness suppositories, medicated creams and of E.D. Smith for $203 mil lion. E.D. ointments, cold sore treatments, Smith’s fis cal 2007 sales were $245 miland other OTC formulations lion. In Can ada, it is the lead ing pri vate Sales la bel manu fac turer in its gro cery cateContacts: Mary Aagesen, Director, Triad gories(fruit-basedproductsincluding Pharmaceuticals (630) 272-0155 jams, pie fill ings, as well as ketchup and sauces) and in the U.S. The lead ing producer of salad dress ings. Products:pickles, non-dairy powdered coffee creamers, sauces, salad dressings, liquid non-diary creamers, Soups

Sales Contacts:


TRIL LIUM HEALTH CARE PROD UCTS (BODY CARE IN NO VA TIONS). 2768 Davis Drive, New mar ket, On tario L3Y 4W1 CANADA Tel: Fax: URL:

THE TRIAD GROUP 19355 Jana cek Court, Brook field, WI 53045 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(262) 641- 1500; (800)288-1388 (262) 641- 1451

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

(905) 868- 9990; (877) 875-5486 (905) 868- 9993

To tal Sales Vol ume: $300 Mil lion (E) Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: United States, Mex ico, Europe, South Amer ica, Asia, Mid dle East Profile:

Ex port Mar kets: N/A

374 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Tril lium Health Care Prod ucts is the world’s larg est pro ducer of pri vate la bel bar soap. The com pany was started in No-

vem ber 1993, when three part ners purnow con cen trates on value- added and inchased the An drew Jer gens’ Ca na dian no va tive per sonal care and health care manufacturingfacilityinPerth, products. Ontario. Its busi ness has evolved and Products: Bar soap, liquid soap, body wash, ex panded into cus tom pack ing bar soap body scrub, shampoo, shower gels, and liq uid health and beauty care items foam bath, lotion, creams, beauty for na tional branded com pa nies. In cream; plus health care range; 1998, Perth Soap pur chased WarnerPre scrip tion phar ma ceu ti cals and Lambert’s Brockville, Ont., phar maover- the- counter drugs ceu ti cal plant, en ter ing the pre scrip tion Sales drugs and over- the- counter busi ness. A new com pany emerged: Tril lium Health Contacts: Kelly-Ann McIntosh, Vice-President Sales & Marketing (Ext. 33); Steve Rasberry, Care Prod ucts, producing ef fer ves cent National Sales Manager (Tel: 613-342-4436) capsules,solutions,syrups,emulsions, suspensions,lotions,mouthwash, creams, oint ments, and sup posi to ries. Ad di tion ally, Tril lium provides pack aging flexi bil ity with its own bot tle manuTRI PLE T FOODS** fac tur ing, plus blis ter packs, foil, tube 1601 W. McKay, P.O. Box 943, Fron te nac, KS 66763 fill ing both metal and plas tic, la bel ing, USA and car ton ing. In late 2003. Tril lum pur chased Proc ter & Gam ble’s Ivo ry(316) 231- 7711 dale, OH plant, a 1.1 mill lion square foot Tel: Fax: (316) 231- 0071 fa cil ity, re nam ing it the St. Bar nard EMail: [email protected] Soap Co. Tril li um’s con tract busi ness now en com passes all of P&G’s bar soaps (Ivory, Oil of Olay, Camry, Zest To tal Sales Vol ume: $25 Mil lion brands) for North Amer ica. Pri vate laPer cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 1% bel interest be gan early in 1994. Its conEx port Mar kets: Pa cific Rim, Europe, Can ada, South tinu ous soap mak ing plant al lows for America the on- going pro duc tion of a highquality base, us ing a com bi na tion of edi- Profile: Tri ple T Foods is the par ent com pany of ble grade beef tal low and co co nut oil. Natu ral Life Pet Prod ucts. Natu ral Life Computerizeddryingandup-to-date was one of the first two natu ral pet foods packagingequipmentensureconsistent on the mar ket. The firm manu factures high qual ity and pro vide the flexi bil ity natu ral (pri vate la bel) pet food in its own to sat isfy the cus tomer’s pack ag ing restate- of- the- art pet food plant. Opened in quir ments. Re cently, the firm in stalled Oc to ber 1994, this fa cil ity is APHIS (Aniunique glyc er ine soap equip ment, which mal Plant Health In spec tion Serv ice) apre duces im pu ri ties and im proves the proved. Less than one- half of all U.S. pet clar ity of the prod uct. To day, Tril lium is food plants are APHIS ap proved. Chemipo si tioned as a global con tract manu faccal an ti oxi dants and pre serva tives have turer in health and beauty, phar ma ceunever been used in its plant. The com pany ti cal, and nu tri tional health & well ness pack ages 4- up to 50- pound bags. Its fa cilproducts(TrilliumNutraceuticals,a ity has fresh meat ca pa bili ties. sub sidi ary). In March 2007, the company re struc tured its op era tions, where Products: Dry dog and cat pet food Tril lium con tin ues all con tract op eraSales tions, while the re cently ac quired Contacts: George Tobiason, Business Development liquid- filling soap fa cil ity in Bramp ton, Manager (Tel: 816-224-8424) On tario has been com bined with the exist ing soap bar plant in Perth, On tario, all op er ated un der a new busi ness identity, Body Care In no va tions. The lat ter

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 375

pli ca tions that of fer greater flexi bil ity, for ex am ple, im print ing pack ag ing at the time of proc ess ing to cut costs. Tro phy is now seek ing to ex pand into ex clu sive brand opportunities,bothdomesticandexported.

TRISA AG. P.O. Box CH- 6234, Tri en gen, SWIT ZER LAND Tel: Fax: URL:

+41 41 935 35355 +41 41 935 3300

To tal Sales Vol ume: $45 Million Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 45% Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Mid dle East, Af rica, Latin Amer ica, South Asia, South east Asia Profile:

Trisa of Swit zer land, a manu fac turer, in no va tor, and mar keter in busi ness trac ing back to 1887, em ploys a staff of 350 people- - all of whom are also sharehold ers in the com pany. Its main products are con ven tional and elec tri cal tooth brushes, which are de vel oped in closecooperationwithdentalprofessionals, as well as fash ion able hair brushes and house hold aids, all con form ing to the ISO 9001 stan dard.

Products: Dry roast and oil-roasted nuts,

natural snacks, packaged in cans, jars, and cello.

Sales Contacts: Joe R. Joity, National Sales Manager; Scott T. Litmer, Regional Sales Manager

UL TRA DATA SYS TEMS, INC. 9375 Di el man In dus trial Dr., St. Louis, MO 63132, USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(314) 997- 1150 (314) 997- 2250

To tal Sales Vol ume: $30Million Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 20% Ex port Mar kets: N/A

Products: Flexible head toothbrushes,

rotary head plaque removers

Sales Contacts:


Mr. Alois Arnold, Export Department (e-mail: [email protected])

TRO PHY NUT CO. 320 North 2nd Street, Tipp City, OH 45371 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(937) 667- 8478; (800) 729- 6887 (937) 667- 4656

To tal Sales Vol ume: $20 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 25%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Mid dle East, South Profile:

This con sumer elec tron ics com pany provides “Road Whiz’s” with an “ex traor dinary da ta base” for trav el ers and mar kets hand- held com put ers and GPS re ceiv ers fordriverinformation.Additionally,the firm de vel ops and mar kets hand- held “Road Whiz” units through re tail ers in the fields of travel, home and gar den, sports, medi cal, etc. Its cli ents in clude depart ment stores, chain drug stores, mass merchandisers,leadingcatalogsuppliers, ca ble te le vi sion mar ket ers, and of fice supply re tail ers and con sumer elec tronic stores. Re tail prices range from $19.95 to $49.95. Ex clu sive brands in clude Tar get brand “Car and Driver,” Sear’s brand “Path finder,” and AAA brand “Trip Wizzard.”

Amer ica, South east Asia, Mex ico, Can ada

Products: Hand-held travel information

In busi ness for more than 70 years, Trophy Nut is one of the top ten nut proc essors in the U.S. Its pri vate la bel busi ness be gan about 15 years ago. The com pany pos sesses most of the ma jor proc ess ing tech niques, in clud ing some unique ap-

Sales Contacts: David S. Biernbaum, COO (e-mail: [email protected]); Dan Muehlemann, Vice-President Sale

computers and GPS (global positioning satellite) receivers for driver information

376 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion


To tal Sales Vol ume: $22 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 37%

UNICO HOLD INGS, INC. 1830 Sec ond Ave nue North, Lake Worth, FL 33461, USA

Ex port Mar kets: South Amer ica, Asia, Mid dle East, CentralAmerica,Caribbean,Canada, Australia

Tel: (561) 582- 3030 Fax: (561) 582- 8558 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: $10 Million Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 60%


Ex port Mar kets: Near East, Far East, Asia, South America Profile:

Formed in 1992, UNICO be gan to produce and dis trib ute Na tu ra lyte Oral Elec tro lyte Sou tion and other healthrelated prod ucts. In late 1996, the company re lo cated its plant from Co lumbus, MS, to Lake Worth, FL, equip ping its new fa cil ity with a custom- designed fill ing sys tem (up to 140 bot tles per minute). Privately- owned, this firm produces low- cost, high- quality prod uct, allow ing cus tom ers higher mar gins than na tional brands. Its new est pro duct entries in clude: adult nu tri tion als (in three fla vors, va nilla, choco late, and strawberry), that com pare to the brand, Ensure, plus a line of en ema prod ucts (sa line laxa tive), com parable to the brand, Fleet. UNICO can pro duce prod ucts from 4 ounces up to one gallon, help ing in the de sign, de vel op ment, and im ple ment ing of eve ry thing from la bels to fin ished liq uid prod ucts.

U.S. Cot ton is the manu fac turer of the highest- quality, health-and-beauty cot ton prod ucts. The com pa ny’s nationallybranded Swisspers and Swiss Beauty cotton rounds domi nate the branded side of the cate gory; each of these brands is comple mented with a full line of cot ton balls, squares, and swabs. Both brands have been the choice of many ma jor re tail ers for their own ex clu sive la bels pro grams. In Janu ary 2000, these brands were con solidated un der the Swisspers la bel to fur ther re in force the brand’s mar ket domi nance. All the prod ucts in the con soli dated line con tinue to be of fered for ex clu sive branding. Based on the suc cess of its unique pop- top swabs can is ters, U.S. Cot ton has re cently in tro duced pop- top cos metic appli ca tors can is ters (25 and 80 count). Addi tion ally, the com pany of fers a line of 100% cot ton baby items; dis pos able washcloths, nurs ing pads, and swabs. U.S. Cotton’smanufacturingfacilitiesarelocated in Rio Ran cho, NM; Char lotte, NC; and San ti ago, Chile. The com pa ny’s headquar ters is in Rio Ran cho. The com pany also has stra te gic part ner ships with Flawa AG, Swit zer land; Al pha Con seil et Par ticipa tions, France; and Quimica Es trella, Argentina.

Products: Enema, douche, oral electrolyte

Products: 100% cotton balls, pads, squares,

Sales Contacts:

Sales Contacts: Richard Fallows, Senior Vice-President-Sales & Marketing; Rusty Channer, Vice-President-Sales Eastern Region #1; Joanne Yaskevich, Vice-President-Sales Western Region; Garland Green, Vice-President-Sales Eastern Region #2


solutions, adult nutritionals


U.S. COT TON, LLC 590 La ser Road, Rio Ran cho, NM 87124 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(505) 892- 2269; (800) 888-0747 (505) 892- 0977

U.S. NON WOV ENS CORP. 100 Em jay Blvd., Bren twood, NY 11717 USA Tel:

(631) 952-0100

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 377

Fax: URL:

(631) 952-0200

dered sug ars). Un like the ma jor sugar refin ers, U.S. Sugar is fo cused 100% on the re tailer and whole saler (ver sus in dus trial and food- serv ice cus tom ers). In 1999, the companyintroducedrecloseablezipper bags.

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

U.S. Non wov ens, a family- owned business, which started in 1995 in the nonwoven roll goods area, en tered fin ished con sumer dis pos able prod ucts. Its expan sion be gan in 1999 and the fol low ing year the com pany re ceived ISO 9002 Certificationinmanufacturingand opera ting pro ce dures. In 2006, U.S. Nonwovensopenedastate-of-the-art dis tri bu tion fa cil ity and new manu factur ing plant. The com pany claims to be the only pro ducer with mill ca pac ity and ca pa bil ity to pro duce Nonwoven Substrates.

Products: Laundry Care, Bathroom Care,

floor Care, Baby Care, Surface Care, Dish Care, Household Cleansers & Fresheners

Sales Contacts:

Matt Carroll, Executive VP, Sales & Marketing

Products: Brown and powdered sugars Sales Contacts: Tom Ferlito, Vice-President of Sales (Ex. 203)


Div. of Mega corp In ter na tional Mar ket ing 16k00 Stee les Ave. W (Ste. 426), Con cord, On tario L4K 4M2 CAN ADA Tel: Fax:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: United States, France Profile:

U.S. SUGAR CO., INC. 692 Bai ley Ave., Buf falo, NY 14206 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(716) 828- 1170; (800) 388- 7252 (716) 828- 1509 [email protected]

To tal Sales Vol ume: $20 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 100%

(905) 660- 4006 (905) 660- 1995

Uni- Wipes produces a pre- moistened lens tow el let, used for len and screen clean ing. The dis pos able wipes are im preg nated with an ef fec tive clean ing so lu tion first devel oped in Europe and per fected by this com pany. It is suit able for anti- reflective coated, un coated, plas tic, glass and nu merous difficult- to- clean lenses, as well as for cam eras, com puter screens, copi ers and other glass items.

Products: Disposable wipes Sales Contacts: Angelo Grossi

Ex port Mar kets: None Profile:

U.S. Sugar Co. is the lead ing pro ducer of pri vate la bel brown and pow dered sug ars in the east ern United States. Its “un ri valled” pri vate la bel poly pack aging ca pac ity and state- of the- art equipment per mits this firm to pro vide out stand ing qual ity and serv ice in a highly- seasonal cate gory (brown/pow-

UN ION COM MODI TIES (PTV) LTD 55/73 Vaux hall Lane, Co lom bia 2 SRI LANKA Tel: Fax:

+94 440605 +94 440604

To tal Sales Vol ume: $12 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 35%

378 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

To tal Sales Vol ume: $30 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 31%

Ex port Mar kets: U.S.,Canada,Australia,Saudia

Ex port Mar kets: East Europe, South Amer ica, Can-

Ara bia, United King dom, Rus sia Profile:

ada, Russia

From a coun try tra di tion ally re known for its qual ity tea, Un ion Com modi ties has pro duced an out stand ing rec ord in tea ex ports for some 75 years. The firm’s mar ket ing arm is Em pire Tea Serv ices (also listed in the SOUR CEBOOK)


Products: Tea bags, loose leaf tea Sales Contacts:


Un ion Foods, a di vi sion of the $3- billion Hanawa, Seoul, South Korea- based conglom er ate, is 25 years old. In the U.S., its Smack brand is ranked number three. A new plant has been opened in Geor gia, while the South ern Cali for nia plant has tripleditsproduction.

Products: Ramen soups—instant cups and regular

Sales Contacts: Howard Cha, Vice-President UN ION COM MODI TIES (PVT) LTD.

dba Em pire Tea Serv ices 5155 Hart ford Ave., Co lom bus, IN 47203 USA Tel: Fax:


(812) 375- 1937 (812) 376- 6357

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Pe rcent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Tel: Fax: URL:

Ex port Mar kets: U.S., Can ada, Europe

+31 76- 578 1000 +31 76- 578 1001

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A Profile:

This is the U.S. over seas mar kets of fice for Un ion Com modi ties of Sri Lanka.

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Amer ica, Af rica, Asia-100+ countries

Products: Tea bags, leaf tea Sales Contacts:

Lalith Paranavitana, Worldwide Marketing Representative


(Di vi sion of Hanawa) 14522 My ford Rd., Ir vine, CA 92602 USA Tel: Fax: URL:


(714) 546- 1962 (714) 545- 9375

Es tab lished in 1538, United Dutch Brewer ies is the old est ex ist ing com mer cial enterpriseintheNetherlands,representing that coun try’s third larg est brew ery group and the larg est pri vate la bel sup plier in the beer cate gory in Hol land. The com pany sup plies top- notch re tail chains in the U.S., United King dom, Ger many, Spain, Ja pan, Hong Kong, Bel gium, and Hol land.

Products: Lager beer, lagers, alcohol-free beer.

Sales Contacts: Jef van Gerven, Export Director; Reinier Schipper, Export Sales Manager

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 379

UNITED STATES SUGAR CORP. 111 Ponce de Leon Ave., Clewis ton, FL 33440 USA Tel:


(863) 983-8121

Fax: (863) 983- 9827 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: None Profile:

United States Sugar Corp, started in 1931, to day claims to be the larg est producer of cane sugar (700,000 tons per year) in the U.S. And the largest supplier of pri vate la bel not- fromconcentrate or gange juice in the U.S. The com pany pro duces 120 million- plus gal lons of or ange juice per year from some 33,000 acres of or ange groves. This employee- owned busi ness processes its OJ through a sub sidi ary, southern Gar dens Cit rus. Plans are un der way to build a $100 mil lion, state-of-the-artsugarprocessingmill, sched uled to open some time in 2007.

Uni ver sal Fla vors is a sup plier of food and bev er age fla vors and in gre di ents to the dairy, food proc es sor and bev er age in dustries world wide. Its par ent com pany, UniversalFoodsCorporation,Milwaukee, WI, is a 112- year- old, $1 bil lion sales purveyor of fla vors, col ors, de hy drated vegeta bles, yeast prod ucts, and fla vor en han cers and other bio- products. In the past five years, this firm has switched from a 50- 50 mix of con sumer prod ucts and ingre di ents sup plier to a to tal fo cus on in gredienttechnologies.

Products: Still, carbonated, and alcoholic beverages; coffee, tea; fruit, meat/savory, bakery and snack foods; candy, vanilla, food and beverage flavors; templar.

Sales Contacts: Bob Burns, Director of Sales

UNI VER SAL NU TRI TION CORP. 3 Ter mi nal Rd., New Bruns wick, NJ 08901 USA

Products: Pure cane sugar, orange juice (not-from-concentrate)

Sales Contacts:

Tel: Fax:

(908) 545- 3130 (908) 214- 1210

N/A To tal Sales Vol ume: $25 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 48%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, South Amer ica, Asia, South east Asia UNI VER SAL FLA VORS USA, INC.

(Uni ver sal Foods Corp.)


5600 West Ray mond St., In di an apo lis, IN 46241 USA Tel: Fax:

(317) 243- 3521 (317) 240- 1524

To tal Sales Vol ume: $400 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, South east Asia, Mex ico, South Amer ica, Can ada

Nearly 30 years in busi ness, Uni ver sal Nutri tion was taken over by its pres ent owners in 1978. Up to that point, the prod uct line was pri mar ily branded pow ders. Then the firm de vel oped con tract manufac tur ing as well as its own brand for tablets, cap sules, pow ders, and liq uid for mu la tions. Lately, the firm has put more em pha sis on its own brand mar keting, but also keeps its con tract manu facturingbusinessactive.

Products: Sports nutrition supplements,

herbal tablets and other health and nutrition products

Sales Contacts: Tim Tantum, Steve Patton, Jeff Rhodes 380 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Profile: UNIVERAL RA ZOR IN DUS TRIES 12424 Wil shire Blvd., Ste. 850, Los An ge les, CA 90025 USA Tel: (310) 820- 3399 Fax: (310) 207- 3499 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%

Ex port Mar kets: Cen tral and South Amer ica, Canada, Mex ico, Europe, E. Europe, Rus sia, South east Asia, Mid dle East Profile:

Uni ver sal Ra zor In dus tries has acquired an ex ten sive ca pac ity in sup plying the re quire ments of ex clu sive brand cus tom ers across the U.S. and in ter nation ally. Its prod uct range is among the most com plete in the in dus try. Its at tention to de tail, flexi bil ity, cus tomer service and qual ity con trol has al lowed the com pany to gain an in creas ing share of the ex clu sive brands mar ket in a short pe ri od of time. Its new up scale prod ucts are said to sur pass the na tonal brand prod ucts.

This family- owned busi ness, which owns the Ko jel brand, manu fac tures dry grocery mixes: stove top stuff ing, stuff ing, chicken coat ing, po tato pan cake, gravy, soup, hot choco late, and drink mixes. Its des sert mixes cover pud dings in in stant or cook- up types (choco late, va nilla, lemon, or but ter scotch fla vors) as well as vege tarian gela tin types, which blend vege ta ble gums, deli cately fla vored with fruits. Ad dition ally, the firm of fers a broad va ri ety of soup-in-a-cupflavors,featuringnoodles, cous cous, or a se lec tion of vege ta bles and beans. The com pany re cently introduced a line of cake mixes avail able in 15 fla vors in both in sit tu tional pack (add wa ter only) and tra di tional re tail boxes for the su permar ket trade. The firm han dles cus tom for mu la tions, of ten under pri vate la bel or contract.

Products: Soup mixes, instant soup-in-a-cup,

dessert mixes, gravy mixes, coating mixes, cake mixes, pancake mixes, sugar-free mixes

Sales Contacts: Esther Freund, Sales Manager

Products: Ladies’ and men’s disposable twin

and single-blade razors with fixed or pivoting heads, disposable prep razors (single, twin or double-edge), lubricating strips, shaving systems, cartridges, cotton swabs, bandages.

Sales Contacts:

Afshin Moghavem, President (e-mail: [email protected])


THE VALSPAR COR PO RA TION NYSE: VAL 1101 South Third Street, Min nea po lis, MN 55415 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(612) 332- 7371 (612) 375- 7723

To tal Sales Vol ume: $1,100 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 30% V.I.P. FOODS INC. 1080 Wyck off Ave., Ridge wood, NY 11385USA Tel: Fax:

(718) 821- 5330 (718) 497- 7110

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

The Valspar Corp. is one of the five larg est North Ameri can manu fac tur ers of paints and coat ings. Founded in 1806 as the manu fac turer of Ameri ca’s first var nish,

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: N/A 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 381

Valspar through the years grew through a com bi na tion of many pioneer ing coat ings firms. Its prod ucts include in dus trial and pro tec tive coat ings, sold di rect to manu fac tur ers; la tex and oil- based paints, stains and var nishes sold to the do- it- yourself and con trac tor mar kets, and spe cialty prod ucts—resins, emul sions, col or ants, floor care prod ucts, and in dus trial main tenace and ma rine coat ings. The com pany oper ates 22 manu fac tur ing plants. Some 34% of its to tal sales de rive from consumer goods.

Products: Paints and coatings, stains, varnishes

Sales Contacts:

Ken Arthur, Vice-President, Consumer Division; Jim Robellard, Director of Marketing—Contact both at Valspar Corp., 1191 South Wheeling Rd., Wheeling, IL 60090 (Phone: 847-520-8507).

VAN DEPUTTE S.A./N.V. Rboule vard In dus triel 120, 7700 Mouscron B- 7700 BELGIUM Tel: Fax: URL:

+32 56 85 97 20 +32 56 84 02 01

toilet cleaners, washing-up liquids, liquid and soft llindseed oil soap

Sales Contacts: Frederic Declercq, Export Manager

VAN HUYS TEE BE HEER B.V. Ooster goweg 10, Post bus 301, 8901 BC Leeu war den, THE NETHE LANDS Tel: Fax:

+31 58 862462 +31 58 862419

To tal Sales Vol ume: $25 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 30%

Ex port Mar kets: Sin ga pore, Hong Kong, Ja pan, Korea, Ku wait, Bah rain, Saudi Ara bia, Ni ge ria, Australia Profile:

This 125- year- old firm is a ma jor food ex porter mainly of Euro pean food products shipped to coun tries in Af rica, the Mid dle East, the Far East, and Aus tra lia. Its three main di vi sions are: bulk/fro zen, food serv ice/fresh, and gro cery & con fection ery.

Products: Holland House, Chef’s Choice, Holland Garden.

Sales Contacts: H. Schutte, Presi dent

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 80% Ex port Mar kets: Europe Profile:

Van deputte started in 1887, the company in 2000 formed two di vi sions: Soaps and De ter gents Division and the (lin seed) Oil Di vi sion. The next year, it formed the Oleo chemi cals Di vi sion, pro vid ing vege ta ble oil based poly mers and de riva tives. The com pany spe cializes in liq uid and soft soaps. Tits product line cov ers: floor care, all pur pose clen ers, dish wash ing, fab ric care, and beauty care prod ucts.

VEN TRE PACK ING COM PANY, INC. 6050 Court Street Rd., Syra cuse, NY 13206- 1711 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(315) 463- 2384; (888) 4- SAUCES (315) 463- 5897; (888) 472- 8237

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 40%

Ex port Mar kets: Ja pan, Hong Kong, Great Brit ain, France, Saudi Ara bia, Can ada Profile:

Products: Liquid clening products, biological detergents, soaps, laundry liquids, APC’s, fabric softeners,

382 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Started in 1938, Ven tre Pack ing has distin guished it self as the pre mier familyowned manu fac turer of pasta sauces, salsas, spe cialty sauces, juices and jams in the U.S. The com pa ny’s brand, En ri co’s, is the

leader in the natu ral foods in dus try. Ventre’s125,000-square-foot,state-ofthe- art fac tory, which is a cer ti fied organic fa cil ity, was opened in the re cent past. These mod ern fa cili ties plus the firm’s repu ta tion for taste and qual ity have en able Ven tre Pack ing to be come a pri vate la bel sup plier for some of the biggermassmerchandisingoperations in the coun try. All of its prod ucts meet or ex ceed nu tri tion ist health food product stan dards. A wide range of pack aging op tions and the abil ity to manu fac ture to or der pro vide cus tomers with a “healthy flexi bil ity.” Re cently, the com pany formed an al li ance with Or ganic In gre di ents, Ap tos, CA, a manufacturerofcertifiedorganicfood in gre di ents, thus al low ing Ven tre Packing to ex pand its or ganic produ ct of fering for juices, sal sas, pasta sauces, etc.

vid ing econ omy of scale and value from the farm to the con sumer. Wil sey Foods be gan its busi ness in 1919 as an egg proces sor, ex pand ing into butter, then into food- service prod ucts. In 1989, the company was ac quired by Mit sui. Mit sui Foods is listed sepa rately in the SOUR CEBOOK. Hol sum traces its his tory back to 1867, be gin ning as Jewett & Sher man Com pany. Har vest States took over Holsum in 1967. To day, Ven tura op er ates 12 manufacturingfacilities,servingtheretail, food- sservice, and con tract pack ag ing sectors.

Products: Edible oils (soy, Corn, canola, olive,

safflower, sunflower), vegetable shortening, margarine, pourable dressing, mayonnaise, and other salad and sandwich spreads), sauces, syrups, drink mixes

Products: Pasta sauce, salsa, pizza sauce,

Sales Contacts: N/A

Sales Contacts:

VI- JON LABO RA TO RIES, INC. 8515 Page Ave., St. Louis, MO 63114 USA

barbecue sauce, seafood cocktail sauce, marinades, ketchup, bean dips, cheese dip, juices

Martin Ventre, President; Edwina Villegas, Western Regional Sales Manager (Tel: 610-698-3040)

VEN TURA FOODS LLC 14850 E. Don Jul ian Rd., City of In dus try, CA 91746, USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(818) 961- 9701; (800) 382- 2299 (818) 934- 1333

To tal Sales Vol ume: $1,000 Mil lion (E) Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 20% Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

In Sep tem ber 1996, Mit sui and Company Ltd. Of To kyo and Mit sui and Com pany (USA), Inc., joined with Harvest States Co op era tive to merge their pack aged edi ble oil and re lated products busi nesses. Mit sui’s Wil sey Foods and Har vest States’ Hol sum Foods com bined as sets to cre ate Ven tura Foods- -a new in dus try re source, pro-

Tel: Fax:

(314) 427-1000 (314) 427-1010

To tal Sales Vol ume: $500 Mil lion+ Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90% (E) URL:

Ex port Mar kets: Pa cific Rim, Europe, Car ib bean Profile:

Started in 1908 as the Per ox ide Spe cialty Com pany, this firm be came the larg est U.S. sup plier of hy dro gen per ox ide. Today is also is the con try’s old est familyowned pri vate la bel health and beauty com pany. En ter ing the cos metic skin cream busi ness in the 1930s, Vi- Jon pushed into the store brands busi ness in the 1950s. To day, through sig nifi cant growth since 1980s, the com pany is a major pro ducer of ex clu sive brand per sonal care prod ucts (more than 1,800 SKUs), sup ply ing the top 50 US re tail ers or approxi mately 200 cus tom ers world wide. The com pany has set the stan dard for private la bel qual ity con trol, pack ag ing and

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 383

productdevelopment,becoming,forexam ple, the first manu fac turer to add Bitrex, a bit ter ing agent, to its nail pol ish re mover to de ter ac ci den tal in ges tion by chil dren. Up wards of 5% of its sales go to ex port mar kets. One of its new est productareas:topicalanalgesics.In Janu ary 2006, Jack Brun ner, former chair man and son of the com pa ny’s founder, passed away aft er 55+ years work ing at Vi- Jon. In July 2006, Vi- Jon agreed along with Comber land Swan Holdings (also in the SOUR CE BOOK) to be ac quired by Berk shire Part ners LLC, Bos ton, a pri vate eq uity firm. The re sult ing com pany now pro duces some 3,000+ prod ucts un der about 100 prod uct cate go ries, includin: oral care, soaps, first aid prod ucts, baby care and hair care. To gether, the new com pany is a ma jor sup plier of pri vate la bel products to the U.S. health and beauty care business.

Products: After shaves, baby care, body

wash, dental rinse, deodorants, hand sanitizer, light body oil, antibacterial liquid soap, lotions, medicated chest rub, mouthwash, nail polish remover, etroleum jelly (adult & baby), shampoo/conditioners, shower powder.

Sales Contacts:

pro vides more than 300 prod ucts for re tail, cov er ing a va ri ety of sauces plus ingre di ents such as ol ives, pep pers, ol ive oil, vine gars, etc.

Products: Sauces (pasta, meat, organic,

cooking), olives, pepperoncini, peppers, olive oil, vinegar, dips, salsas, etc.

Sales Contacts: Brad Denis, Private Label Director

VIN- DOTCO., INC. 2875 MCI Blvd., Pi nel las Park, FL 33782 USA Tel: Fax: URL

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, South east Asia, Can ada, Mex ico, South Amer ica, United King dom, Switzerland,Germany,Africa,Austria Profile:

Gary Wat son, Executive Vice- President, Sales; Edu ardo Alves, Na tional Ac count Manager

VIC TO RIA PACK ING CORP. Brook lyn, NY Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

(718) 927- 3000 (718- 649- 7069) (718) 649-7069

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile:

(727 712- 9200; (800) 237- 5911 (727) 712- 9400

Vic to ria Pack ing be gan in 1929 and con tin ues to day as a family- owned business (four gen era tions). The com pany

384 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Twenty years ago, Vin cent Do tolo be gan developingcleaningproductsderived from a cit rus ter pene known as d’limonene. His first prod uct was a hand cleaner mar keted un der the trade name “Really Works!”—a non- toxic, com pletely biodegradableproduct,beneficialtothe skin. The firm’s suc cess in the in dus trial and com mer cial mar ket place led to a doubling of its fa cili ties to 46,000 square feet of pro duc tion area plus 3,500 square feet of of fice space in August 1985, fol lowed later to an ad di tional 90,000 square- foot fa cil ity. By 1993, the firm’s sub sidi ary, Ci tra Brands, was of fer ing a broad line of hand clean ers, house hold de greaser, nail pol ish re mover, paint strip per and paint brush cleaner prod ucts. Re cently, the com pany in tro duced a Wild Or ange hand cleaner for the price- competitive mar ket. Also new: a multi- purpose clean ing sys tem, featur ing pre- moistened tow els dis pensed from a bar rel. Plans called for the launch of an all- purpose liq uid cit rus cleaner late in 1996.

Products: Hand cleaners, super

Sales Contacts: Darren Crandall, Sales Coordinator (E-mail: [email protected])

concentrates, degreasers, adhesive removers, multi-purpose hand cleaning towels, offset cleaning solution, foaming hand/hair/body shampoo

Sales Contacts:

Maria Dotolo

VITA HEALTH PROD UCTS* (A Di vi sion of Lei ner Health Products) 150 Be ghin Ave.,Win ni peg, Mani toba R2J 3W2 CAN ADA

Tel: Fax: URL:

VISTA BAK ERY, INC.** P.O. Box 888, 3000 Mt. Pleas ant St., Bur ling ton, IA 52601USA Tel: Fax: URL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $70 Mil lion (Ca na dian) Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 75%

(319) 754- 6551 (319) 752-0063

Ex port Mar kets: Hong Kong, China, Tai wan, Ma laysia, Malta, Sin ga pore, W. In dies Profile:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $97 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 77.3%

Ex port Mar kets: Mexico,Canada Profile:

In 1934, the De laney fam ily of Bur lington, IA, pur chased Iowa Bis cuit Co., chang ing the name to Mid west Bis cuit Co., which con tin ued un der pri vate own er ship un til 1979. Then Lance Corp. (also listed in the SOUR CEBOOK), Char lotte, NC. , took con trol, mak ing it a fully- owned sub sidi ary. About 16 years later (1995), its name was changed to Vista Bak ery. To day, this op era tion pro duces a full line of cook ies and crackers- - all items made with 100% vege ta ble oil and bear ing the Cir cle U sym bol. The com pa ny pro duces prod ucts within a 14 work ing day lead time, in or der to de liver the fresh est prod uct pros si ble. All prod ucts are date codes; nor mal shelf life for these products is six months. Cook ies and crackers, which pro vide re tail and food-service cus tom ers with a high profit mar gin (30 to 40%), are listed among the top 10 prod ucts in re tail stores.

Products: Cookies, crackers, sugar wafers, sandwich crackers

(204) 661- 8386; (800) 665-8820 (204) 663- 8386; (800) 667- 8482

Started in 1936, Vita Health has be come one of Cana da’s larg est manu fac tur ers and dis tribu tors of high- quality vi ta mins, herbal prod ucts and nu tri tional sup plements for the health food in dus try and mass mar ket re tail ers, drug stores, and gro cery chains. It is also Cana da’s larg est suppllier of pri vate la bel vi ta mins, min erals, herb als and OTC drugs. In ad di tion to manufacturing,bottlingandpackaging, Vita Health’s state- of- the- art fa cil ity includes re search & de vel op ment, un surpassed qual ity con trol and qual ity as sur ance, la bel de sign and com plete re tail mar ket ing sup port. Vita Health is the exclu sive Ca na dian manu fac turer of products con tain ing Os ti vone®, the trad marked name of ipri fla vone. This is the only non- hormonal nu tri ent shown to build bone den sity and in hibit the loss of healthy bone mass, an im por tant fac tor in the pre ven tion of os teo po ro sis. In 1999, the com pany formed a stra te gic al li ance with Apo tex Inc., the larg est Canadian- owned phar ma ceu ti cal com pany in the world and a lead er in OTC prod ucts. Through Vita Health’s par ent company- - Leiner Health Prod ucts (also in the SOUR CE BOOK) took con trol of the company in 1997- - Vita Health in 1999 as sumed man age ment of Stan ley Phar ma ceu ti cals of Brit ish Colum bia. This helped Vita Health to move more into liq uids and other al ter na tive dos age forms. With Leiner’s re cent reen-

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 385

gi neer ing of its op era tions, Vita Health plans to dis con tinue its Health Food line.

pany also has sup plied some of the newer, unique prod ucts ap pear ing un der President’s Choice, such as An cient Greens and Seven Rea sons—made from non- hybrid strains of wheat that trace back to grains grown 4,000 years ago. The com pany also han dles the LifeS tream Natu ral Foods brand.

Products: Vitamins, herbal products, nutritional supplements

Sales Contacts:

Eric Smith, President; David Ormerod, Director of Sales; Linda Whitfield, Director of Marketing

VITA MILLS INC. 7453 Pro gress Way, Delta, Brit ish Co lum bia V4G 1E8 CANADA Tel: Fax: URL:

Products: Ready-to-eat extruded cereals,

muesilis, brand threads, custom blends

Sales Contacts: David Neuman, Vice-President of Sales & Marketing (e-mail: [email protected]); Arran Stephens, President.

(604) 940- 0505 (604) 940- 0522

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 11%


Sub sidi ary of KVIK Pet Cen ter Dalgaards vej 13, 9620 Aal es trup, DENMARK

Ex port Mar kets: United States, Sin ga pore, Aus tralia, United King dom, Hol land, Is rael, Japan Profile:

Tel: Fax:

+45 9022 3033 +45 7022 3088

Started in 1990 as the manu fac tur ing To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A en tity of Na ture’s Path Foods Inc. (loPer cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 100% cated at the same ad dress), Vita Mills is po si tioned as a niche, up scale gour met Ex port Mar kets: East ern & West ern Europe, Asia, packer of ready- to- eat ce re als. Na ture’s United States Path, es tab lished in 1984, is noted for KVIK Pet Care, op er at ing for 37 years, ofhav ing built Cana da’s first high- tech ce- Profile: fers top- quality and value in its com plete real ex tru sion and pack ag ing plant and pet prod ucts range- - some 250- plus prodfor us ing fruit juice (ver sus re fined ucts for dogs, cats, birds, fishes, and rosugar) as a sweet ener in its ce real proddents. The com pany has spe cial ized in the ucts. Its ce re als are said to con tain less de vel op ment of prod uct se ries for pri vate salt than many lead ing brands and do la bel or own brand prod ucts from con cept not con tain pre serva tives or added fat. to fi nal re tail prod ucts. Its pri vate la bel The prod ucts are packaed in re cy cled pro jects, han dled by Vi tal Pet food, are ofpa per board boxes. Vita Mills, of course, ten ini ti ated through de vel op ment of can of fer all the ce real prod ucts un der branded prod ucts, thus avoid ing the costs Na ture’s Path for pri vate la bel. The of new prod uct de vel op ment and en sur ing com pany has been in stu men tal in formar ket suc cess. One of its new est prod uct mu lat ing unique, healthy break fast cese ries is a pat ented, wild bird feeder, inre als un der such lead ing pre mium store clud ing bird seed and fat balls for wild brands as Lo blaw’s Presi dent’s Choice birds. Vi tal Pet food’s knowledge of packand A&P’s Mas ter Choice. Its ce re als ag ing puts its ac counts in a po si tion to are ex clu sively QAI cer ti fied or gani cally choose ex actly the pack ag ing re quested for grown and proc essed. The range also a spe cific prod uct series. Its cus tomer base can be custom- formulated. The com-

386 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

in cludes large su per mar ket chains, buying as so ci ations, and whole sal ers. The com pa ny’s ob jec tive is to en sure op ti mal re la tions be tween the nu tri tive re quirements, qual ity and price. Vi tal Pet food runs its own spe cific, high- technological productionfacilities.

Products: Pet food products, such as dried dog feed, dried cat feed, snacks for dogs and cats, bird feed, collars and leads, toys for dogs and cats, chewing items

Sales Contacts:

Dan Brockdorff, Managing Director; Jorn Senger, Managing Director; Paul van der Raad, Export Manager

Products: Healthy drinks: isotonic drink, ice coffee, yogurt mineral drink, can oolang tea, can green tea, fiber drink, milk tea, vitamin soft drink, champagne soft drink

Sales Contacts: Sara Chuang, Foreign Marketing Representative

VI TARICH LABO RA TO RIES, INC. 4365 Ar nold Ave., Naples, FL 34104 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(941) 430-2266; (800) 817-9999 (941) 430-4930

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A VI TA LON FOODS COM PANY LTD. 26, Rd. 9, Tai chung In dus trial Zone, Tai chung, TAIWAN, R.O.C. Tel: Fax:

+886 4- 3590808 +886 4- 3590707

To tal Sales Vol ume: $130 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%

Ex port Mar kets: United States, Can ada, Sin ga pore, Ja pan, South Af rica, Aus tra lia, China, Malaysia,Indonesia Profile:

Vi ta lon Foods has been a bev er age producer since 1956. To day it is the fourth larg est bev er age con cern in Tai wan. Its fac to ries are lo cated in Tai chung, Taiwan (30,000 square me ters) and in Peking, China (39,360 square me ters). Its Su pau iso tonic drink is the number one iso tonic drink for the past 15 years in Tai wan. The com pany en tered the private la bel busi ness in 1995, put ting emphasis on iced cof fee, yo gurt min eral drink, can oo long tea, can green tea, and its en ergy drink. The yo gurt min eral drink was well re ceived at past PLMA trade shows in Am ster dam and Chicago.

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Ja pan, United Kingdom, Aus tra lia, Phil lipi nes, South America Profile:

The Vi tarich Group, a pio neer in the nutri tional prod ucts in dus try, is one of the fast est grow ing pri vate la bel ers in North America. The com pany pro vides 300+ nutri tional sup ple ments plus cus tom for mulas for pri vate la bel ap pli ca tions. Its OTC pharmacaeutical for mu las cover: pain, cold & flu, sleep ing, si nus/al lergy, diet, eye/ear/nose/throat, cough, etc. The company of fers re search, de vel op ment and cus tom for mu la tion of pre mium nu tritional or die tary sup ple ment pri vate la bel for mu las. Vi tarich of fers all types of packag ing, in clud ing pow der fill ing, foil packs, blis ter packs, and spe cialty bot tling. Ad dition ally, the com pany pro vides al lo pathic, ho meo pathic, OTC and nu tri tion als. Finally, the com pany of fers ta blet ing, en capsu la tion, soft gels, and con fec tion prod ucts.

Products: Vitamins, minerals, OTC drugs, herbs, specialty formulas

Sales Contacts: Frank Guzzo, Di rec tor of Sales (e- mail: [email protected])

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strip pack ing. Wal lis has re cently been acquired by Work hardt of In dia. This company is a multi- national phar ma ceu ti cal group, which main tains op era tions in the United King dom, the United States, In dia, Rus sia, the Mid dle East, and the Far East.

VI TATECH IN TER NA TIONAL, INC. 2832 Dow Ave nue, Tus tin, CA 92780 USA Tel: (714) 832- 9700 Fax: (714) 731- 8482 To tal Sales Vol ume: $50 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 100%

Ex port Mar kets: Australia,NewZealand,Italy, Bel gium, France, Swit zer land, Swe den, Norway,Canada,Columbia,Argentina, England,Mexico Profile:

Vi taTech In ter na tional is a cus tom manu fac turer of nu tri tional and die tary food sup ple ments and Over- TheCounter drugs—more than 1,000 products. With more than 40 years ex pe rienceofcontinuousmanufacturing ex pe ri ence, the com pany pro vides a wide range of choices to meet spe cific cus tomer needs. Pack ag ing serv ices also are avail able. Vi taTech wel comes samples and for mu la tions for quo ta tion.

Products: Vitamins, minerals, amino acids,

herbs, glands, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and diet aids, protein powders and drink mixes

Sales Contacts:

Products: Solid dose pharmaceuticals, powder pharmaceutical sashets, denture cleaning tablets

Sales Contacts: David Emsley, Sales and Marketing Director; David Maxwell, Business Development Manager

THE WARD LEY COR PO RA TION One Aquar ium Drive, P.O. Box 2687, Se cau cus, NJ 07096 USA Tel: Fax:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Worldwide Profile:

Aaron G. Williford, Vice-President, Sales & Client Services

W THE WAL LIS LABO RA TORY LTD. La porte Way, Lu ton, Bed ford shire LU4 8WL, UNITED KINGDOM Tel: Fax:

+44 1582.413614 +44 1582.417964

To tal Sales Vol ume: $16 Million Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 90%

Work ing for many years with ma jor branded and re tail cus tom ers, Wal lis has the ex per tise to bring its cus tomer’s la bel to mar ket to speci fi ca tion in full and on time. One of its new est prod ucts: denturecleaningtabletformulations,in

For some 45 years, The Ward ley Corp. has pro vided nu tri tional prod ucts for aquar ium fish (tropi cal and gold fish). Its modern,100,000-square-footmanufacturing, ware hous ing and re search com plex is dedi cated to the pro duc tion of aquatic products,includingwaterconditioners, aquatic reme dies, gar den pond prod ucts, and wa ter test kits. The firm prides it self on its stan dard of ex cel lence, ad dress ing qual ity—from raw ma te ri als, to the contain ers, the la bels, the clo sures, etc. Its Qual ity As sur ance peo ple sam ple, check, weigh, ana lyze and count prod uct that is sold in every in hab ited con ti nent, avail able in 12 lan guages.

Products: Tropical fish food, goldfish food,

reptile foods, waterconditioners, remedies, aquatic test kits

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Australia Profile:

(201) 348- 4040 (201) 348- 9201

Sales Contacts: Dick Woodall

388 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Ex port Mar kets: USA, Europe, Latin Amer ica WAR REN PER FORM ANCE PROD UCTS 727 South 13th Street, Omaha, NE 68102 USA Tel: Fax: E-Mail:


(402) 977- 5886 (402) 977- 5881

To tal Sales Vol ume: $80 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 45%

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Mex ico, Cen tral America, East ern Europe, Asia Profile:

War ren Per form ance Prod ucts produces and dis trib utes oils, an ti freeze, and chemi cals. The com pany op er ates a fully- integrated, state- of- the- art manufac tur ing fa cil ity which, the com pany claims, pro vides within its prod uct catego ries the broad est prod uct ca pa bil ity in the U.S. War ren sup plies auto mo tive whole sal ers, gro cers, mass mer chan disers, and oil com pa nies through out the world. Its branded lines in clude Mag 1 (oils and chemi cals) and Po lar (an tifreeze and win ter prod ucts). In 1997, the com pany cele brated its 75th an ni versary by re vis ing its en tire pack ag ing look, la bels, and trade marks. The company is now ISO 9001 reg is tered.

Products: Automotive antifreeze, oils, lubricants, chemicals

Sales Contacts:

The Watt Group, for merly owned by The Cott Corp., is now a mem ber of the En voy Com mu ni ca tions Group, a $59 mil lion mar ket ing and de sign firm. The Watt Group is one of North Ameri ca’s lead ing re tail, stra te gic mar ket ing and de sign consul tan cies. For the past 30 years, Watt has ap plied its win ning so lu tions in more than two- dozen in dust ries, span ning 35 countries. Its com mit ment to help ing cli ents achievesignificantandlastingprofitability has earned it the re spect of re tail gi ants like Wal- Mart, Safe way, PETsMART, and Do It Best Corp. Re cent busi ness includes a re tail de sign and cor po rate brand proj ect at Carulla Vivero S.A., the sec ond larg est re tailer in Co lum bia.a. Its par ent com pany, En voy, in De cem ber 2004, agreed to ac quire 65% in ter est in London- based Parker Wil liams De sign. Its clientsinclude:Sainsbury’sSupermarkets and Coop Nor den, both lead ing Euro pean retailers.

Services: Market analysis & evaluation,

graphic design (brand identities and packaging), environmental design (store design, merchandising, integrated communications)

Sales Contacts: Bruce Smith ; Anthony Lucerno, Sr. Manager, Marketing

Lynne Branigan, International Sales & Marketing Manager (e-Mail: [email protected] WEB STER IN DUS TRIES

(A Di vi sion of Chel sea In dus tries, Inc.) 58 Pu laski St., Pea body, MA 01960 USA WATT IN TER NA TIONAL

(Di vi sion of En voy Com mu ni ca tions Group ) 300 Bay view Ave nue, To ronto, On tario M5A 3R7 CANADA Tel: Fax: URL:

(416) 364- 9384 (416) 364- 1098

Tel: Fax: URL:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $90 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Canada,Caribbean Profile:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 60%

(978) 532-2000 (978) 531- 3354; (978) 532- 6289

Web ster mar kets a full line of plas tic trash bags and food bags, serv ic ing the ex clu sive brand needs of both the su per mar ket and

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 389

non- food chan nels. Be yond the tra ditional de mands, its prod uct mix also includes draw string and handle- type con ven ience clo sure bags, scented bags, hi- density rolls and re cy cled prod ucts, plus fold lock and zip per seal food bags. One of the 12 found ing mem bers of PLMA, Web ster is the long est consecutively- owned com pany within the trash bag in dus try (1957). The firm was the pio neer of scented kitchen bags (1982) as well as a pio neer of re cy cled trash bags (1972). In 2007, its 50th an niver sary, the com pany in tro duced high re cy cled plas tic con tent bag lin ers (60%), tak ing an in dustsry lead er ship poi si ton by also be ing the first to se cure independentthirdpartycertificationon this con tent.

Products: Trash bags, food bags Sales Contacts:

(208) 322- 1166; (800) 627-0309 (208) 322-6226

To tal Sales Vol ume: $ 5 Mil lion Pe cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%

Ex port Mar kets: Ja pan, Lebannon Profile:

Products: Coffee and coffee products Sales Contacts:

Roger Daub, President/COO; Jerome Eberharter, CEO, Founder; Steve Walker, National Accounts Sales Manager

Howard Kirschenbaum, Vice-President of Sales; Arnie Sainker, Senior Vice-President of Sales

WHITE CLOUD MOUN TAIN COM PANY 199 E. 52nd St., Bois, ID 83714 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

pendentoperatorsbothdomesticallyand internationally.Thecompanyfocuseson the pro cure ment and roast ing of spe cialty cof fees, work ing to pro vide its cus tom ers with a se le ction of spe cialty coffees (regular, va nilla huckleberry- - specifically formu lated for res tau rants, food serv ice, and of fice cof fee); gou rmet and fla vored coffees, in clud ing fine ara bica cof fees (Costa Rica house cof fee and Bra zil fla vored coffees); mild roast to full- bodied dark roasts (some 30 va rie ties); sig na ture va rie tals and blends; a full line of cer ti fied or ganic coffees; de cafs and fla vored cof fees (cap puccino, ama retto, ha zel nut, etc.).

WHITEPOINT (PTY) LTD. 27 Blue St., Botshabelo, SOUTH AFRICA Tel: +27 51 5341471 Fax: +27 51 5341220 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 65% Ex port Mar kets: Europe, United States, Can ada, Mex ico, Latin Amer ica, South and South ern Africa Profile:

White Cloud Cof fee started roast ing its fa mous spe cialty cof fees in 1988. Founded in Boise by Jer ome Eber harter, the com pany and its af fili ate brands, White Cloud Cof fee, Moxie Java, and Life Foods Or ganic cof fees, con tinue to ex pand through out the US and abroad. Its prod ucts now are featured in more than 300 gro cery stores in the United States. The com pany also opened its first Moxie Java cafe in Boise in 1988. To day, there are more than 50 Moxie Java ca fes man aged by in de-

390 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Whitepoint pro vides clas sic pens that of fer the very best smooth ness of writ ing. Its pens are pro duced un der Ger man norm (DIN 16554/2), Scan di na vian norm, EN71 (Europe), ASTM D4236 (U.S.), SABS (South Af ri can Bu reau of Stan dards), and most re cently, ISO 9002 certified. Its wide range of prod ucts in cludes pens with crystal clar ity, show ing the level of ink re maining, plus white- body, and other pen mod els. The pen body is ligh weight with a hex ago nal shape for bet ter grip as well as the popu lar round shape.

Products: Ball point pens (part of

stationery, office supplies or school supplies), other writing instruments

Sales Contacts:

WIL LERT HOME PRODUCTS 4044 Park Ave nue, St. Louis, MO 63110 Tel: (314) 772-2822 Fax: (314) 772- 1409 URL:

Mr. S. Ben-Attar, Marketing and Development Manager (e-mail: [email protected]

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 8% (E)

Ex port Mar kets: 40+ coun tries worldwide Profile:

WHIT ES TONE AC QUI SI TIONS CORP. 4265 W. Ver nal Pike, Bloom ing ton, IN 47407 USA Tel: Fax:

(813) 332-3703 (812) 333-3270

To tal Sales Vol ume: $60 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 25%

Ex port Mar kets: South Amer ica, Mex ico, East ern Europe, Rus sia, Far East Profile:

Founded by Otto Stie ber in 1949, Whites tone Prod ucts in the re cent past has con soli dated its three plant op era tions into one fa cil ity in Bloom ing ton, IN. Its headquarters,formerlyinPiscataway, NJ, is now in Bloom ing ton, with a new corporateidenitityestablished:Whitestone Ac qui si tions Corp. Dur ing the 1970s, the com pany in tro duced bodyworn in con ti nence prod ucts. In 1982, an other plant was opened in Bloom ington, IN, mak ing Whit es tone truly a national com pany. In 1989, RLG InvestmentspurchasedtheWhitestone Prod ucts Di vi sion. To day, the com pany op er ates in more than 600,000 square feet of space, manu fac tur ing nearly five mil lion cases of prod uct an nu ally.

Products: Disposable adult briefs and

underpads, wingfold briefs, pads and liners, underpads, stress shields, baby diapers.

Sales Contacts:

William H. Schrack, Executive Vice-President, Sales & Marketing

Es tab lished in 1946, Wil lert Home Products, a privately- held com pany, has de veloped a strong branded busi ness in the U.S., where it claims to be the larg est manu fac turer of moth pre ven tives . Globally, Wil lert claims to be the larg est manufac turer of toi let bowl de odor iz ers and one of the top five pro duc ers of pot pourri and home fra grances. Its 500,000 square foot cor po rate fa cil ity is sup ported by addi tional fa cili ties in Hender son, NV, and Ke nova, WV. Willert’s brands in clude: Enzo moth pre ven tion and home- garden in sect treat ments, Bowl Fresh toi let deodor ant, Wil lert home prod ucts, Scented Gardenincenses,Concertoaromatherapy col lec tion, etc.

Products: Toilet bowl cleaners and

deodorizers; home fragrance products (bag or liquid potpourri and sachets); specialty scrubbers, and scourers; laundry care supplies (wire and plstic hangers)

Sales Contacts: Shelley Cade Vice-President, Sales & Marketing

WIL LIAMS FOODS, INC. 13301 W. 99th Street, Lenexa, KS 66215 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(913) 888- 4343; (800) 255-6736 (913) 888- 4955

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Scandinavia,Canada 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 391


Started in 1937, Wil liams Foods has become one of the pre mier in de pend ent firms in the sea son ing in dus try. The com pany of fers a full range of branded and pri vate la bel sea son ings, sauces, dry gravy, and salad dress ing mixes with personalattentiontoindividualneeds. A 130,000- square- foot dis tri bu tion center has just been added to its mod ern, 60,000-square-foot,climate-controlled plant in Lenexa, KS. The com pany packs pri vate la bel for many of the major re tail chains and whole sal ers in the US. Its pri vate la bel busi ness is con sidered a pri mary com po nent of the opera tion, re ceiv ing full at ten tion and sup port along with the guar an tee of qual ity and in teg rity of prod uct. The com pany claims, “in every case, we will meet or ex ceed our cus tom ers’ speci fica tions.”

Products: Seasonings, sauce and dry gravy mixes, pectin, spices.

Sales Contacts:

Joe Kay, Vice-President Private Label Division, Tel.: (770-956-9046)

WIL LOW IN TER NA TIONAL MAR KET ING CORPORATION P.O. Box 7897, In cline Vil lage, NV 89452 USA Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

by find ing sources on an OEM or pri vate la bel ba sis. Prod uct sourcing serv ices include con cep tion, de sign, pro duc tion oversight and lo gis tics to pro vide a fin ished prod uct to the cli ent’s speci fi ca tions and satisfactiion.Inaddition,WillowInternational helps cli ents sell prod ucts on a private la bel ba sis to cus tom ers in the U.S., Europe, Mex ico, South Af rica and Ko rea.

Products: Gum (stick, bubble, ball, coated,

filled, diet/health/specialty), candy, cookies, crackers

Sales Contacts: Seymour D. Wiessen, Chief Executive Of fi cer; Stu art M. War ren, Chair man

WIL LOW WIND OR GANIC FARMS, INC. 157 South Mon roe St. #200, Spokane, WA 99201 USA Tel: (509) 624-3700 Fax: (509) 624-6412 URL: To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 80% (E) Ex port Mar kets: Ja pan, United King dom, Canada Profile:

(702) 832- 5386 (702) 832- 5107 [email protected]

To tal Sales Vol ume: $15 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 100%

Ex port Mar kets: Ko rea, Hong Kong, China, South Africa,Mexico—worldwide Profile:

WillowInternationalMarketingspecial izes in the sourcing and mar ket ing of con fec tion ery and other food products for manu fac tur ers and dis tribu tors world wide. The com pany has 75+ years ag gre gate ex pe ri ence in the food in dustry with an ex ten sive net work of contacts world wide. The com pany acts as con tract pack ager or sourcing agent to help its cus tom ers ex tend prod uct lines

Founded in 1980, Wil low Wind Or ganic Farms has evolved into a pro ducer of organic fro zen prod ucts, which includes a pri vate la bel line of: french fries, hashbrowns (dices and shred ded), cut corn, peas, green beans, and mixed vege ta bles. With large quan ti ties of its prod uct currently be ing ex ported to dif fer ent markets, Wil low Wind Or ganic Farms is now concen trat ing on pro mo tion in the United States. The com pany also is de vel op ing its own brand, Earth’s Fin est or ganic.

Products: Organic frozen potato products,

392 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

french fries, hash browns, baked whole potato & shells, specialty croquettes, organic IQF vegetables (cut corn, cob corn, green beans, peas, carrots, mixed vegetables, drhydrated potato flakes)

Sales Contacts:

Steve or Margaret Walser (509-467-6070)

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A Ex port Mar kets: N.A Profile:

WINCUP 4640 Lewis Rd., Stone Moun tain, GA 30083 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(770) 938- 5281; (800) 272-2877 N/A

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A Ex port Mar kets: East ern Europe, Mex ico, South Amer ica, South east Asia, Ori ent, Pa cific Rim Profile:

Call ing it self “the pre mier foam container manu fac turer,” Win Cup manufac tur ers high- quality EPS thermo cups, food con tain ers, and bowls. The company is cur rently de vel op ing the EPS thermo cup mar ket in East ern Europe throughdistributionchannels.WinCup of fers mar ket strength in sales per sonnel (equipped with in- depth prod uct knowl edge), who are stra te gi cally located in all ma jor Eastern Euro pean coun tries. In 2006, Win Cup was purchased by TR Ac qui si tions com pany LLC, a sub sidi ary of Ten nen baum Capi tal Part ners LLC. The com pany pro duces a broad jline of dis pos able food serv ice prod ucts in the U.S. Plus specialtychemicalproductsworldwide.

Products: Styrofoam cups, containers, and bowls; EPS thrermo cups (European market only)

Sales Contacts:

Products: Disposable tableware (Designer,

Ultra Strong, Coated, and Economy) paper plates; jumbo bowls, hot/cold cups

Sales Contacts: Jim Berkenfield

WLGROUP 1102 Jef fer son Street, Al goma, WI 54201 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(920) 487- 3424 (920) 487- 5644

To tal Sales Vol ume: $97.2 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 75%

Ex port Mar kets: South east Asia, Mex ico, Can ada, N/A

WIN TER FIELD, LLC. 1010 Golfview Rd., Glen view, IL 60025 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

In August 2005, Win ter field of fi cially purchased its Mar ion, IN, pro duc tion fa cil ity and launched its pro duc tion. This privately-ownedventure,operatingwith its main sales of fice in Glenview, plus regional sales of fices in Red Bank, NJ, and Santa Fe Springs, has since ex panded its of fer ing to in clude natu ral kraft plates made from solid un bleached sul phate, whichisenvironmentallyresponsive.In Oc to ber 2008, the com pany ac quired Boots Creek Con vert ing, Mar ion, IN, a pri vate com pany with closely re lated prod ucts, in clud ing party goods.

(847) 998-1319 (847) 998-1329

Europe, South Amer ica Profile:

WLGroup is an or gani za tion of com panies that of fers a sin gle source for customer print ing and pro mo tional pack ag ing needs. It pro vides a com prehen sive line of prod ucts and the wid est array of ca pa bili ties and ex pe ri ence in flexo graphic, screen, and off set print ing. WisconsinLabelCorporationbeganin 1966 as a manu fac turer of pressuresensitive la bels. It grew to in clude 13 di visions, which are now mar keted as WLGroup, a leader in the print ing in dus-

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 393

try. WLGroup has the ad van tages of its own re search and de vel op ment teams and full- service in- house art de partments. Both EDI ca pa bili ties and the interactivewebsiteofferefficienciesin quoting,ordering,productproofing, andcompanyinformationalupdates. WLGroup has re de fined “sin gle source” by com bin ing the di verse ca pabili ties of its di vi sions in qual ity products, com pre ti tive pric ing, and exceptionalcusstomerservice.

Products: Pressure sensitive labels,

commercial/offset printing, specialty tapes, promotional packaging, screen- printing, folded cartons, thermal labels, application equipment, special adhesives and coatings, etc.

Sales Contacts:

Becky Smith, Regional Sales Manager; Bill Challoner, Regional Sales Manager (e-mail: [email protected])

Wise po tato chips, pop corn, corn chips; Cheez Doo dles; Br avos tor tilla chips, etc.

Products: Full line of salty snacks Sales Contacts: Rich Powers, National Sales Manager-Private Label; Chris Jayne, Director of Sales

WISH NEV WINE MAN AGE MENT 2255 Wgna cio Val ley Rd. (Ste. P), Wal nut Creek, CA 94598 USA Tel: Fax: E-Mail:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 80%

Ex port Mar kets: Ja pan, England Profile:

WISE FOODS, INC. 245 Town park Lane, Ken ne saw, GA 30144 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(770) 426- 5821 (770) 426- 0971

To tal Sales Vol ume: $360 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 10%

Ex port Mar kets: Car ib bean, South Amer ica, Canada Profile:

Wise Foods, es tablil shed in 1921 as Wise Po tato Chips, today is the lar gesst re gional snack manu fac turer and distribu tor in the United States.The company manu fac tures pri vate la bel snacks for many large re tail cus tom ers. Fully staffed with its own QA & R&D de part ments, Wise op er ates four stra tegicallylocatedproductionfacilitiesin the east ern U.S. The com pany ap plies its cate gory man age ment knowl edge, mar ket ing branded snacks as well, backed with a pro fes sional team of man ag ers. Its branded range in cludes:

(925) 930- 6374 (925) 930- 6388 [email protected]

Wish nev Wine Man age ment has been bot tling wine since 1981. The firm sells wines avail able from some of the fin est Napa and Sonoma win er ies in Cali for nia. Po ten tial cus tom ers are sent blended tank sam ples. No two cli ents re ceive the same wine. The buyer can sup ply their own labels or have Wish nev print them. Deadleaf green punt or other ap pro pri ate bottles are avail able. No charge is made for branded corks. The firm han dles both 750 ml and 1.5 ml bot tles. All its wines are current vin tage; lower qual ity and lower priced wines also can be pro duced, in cluding red and white ta ble wines. Other choices:Chardonnay,whiteZinfandel, white Grenache, Cab er net Sau vi gnon, Sau vi gnon Blanc. Mini mum or ders: 500 cases per type of wine. The com pany also buys close- outs of wines and beers.

Products: Wine & beer Sales Contacts: Sanford Wishnev, Owner

394 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Profile: THE WIZ ARD’S CAUL DRON, LTD. 8411 Hwy. NC 86, North Ce dar Grove, NC 27231 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(919) 732- 5294 (919) 732- 5180

To tal Sales Vol ume: $1.5 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 85%

Ex port Mar kets: Ja pan, Europe Profile:

In the foot hills of Ce dar Grove, NC, this com pany spe cial izes in cre at ing highquality foods, us ing pure, cer ti fied organic and un usual in gre di ents. Put ting a high in ter est in the in teg rity and qual ity of in gre di ents, the com pany spe cially co- packs and pri vate la bels each product with care and con sid era tion for the planet and its peo ple. Spe cial iz ing in natu ral sauces, dress ings and con diments (75 dif fer ent types), the Wiz ard’s Cal dron sup plies the ven dors of the organic food trade with 10 na tional brands, con sist ing of 50 organic po sitioned prod ucts. All its prod ucts are GMO (Ge neti cally Modi fied Or gan ism) free. This firm also cre ates prod ucts designed for the emerg ing healthconsciousconsumer.

Products: Sauces, salad dressings, and condiments.

Sales Contacts:

John Troy, Presi dent (e-mail: [email protected])


(Sub sidi ary by John Wad ding ton PLC) P.O. Box 8190, Roll ing Me dows, IL 60008 USA Tel: Fax:

(847) 303-1560 (847) 303-1608

To tal Sales Vol ume: $50 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 60%

Ex port Mar kets: CentralAmerica,Carribean

WNA Wad ding ton North Amer ica, owned by John Waddin gon PLC, Leeds, Eng land, is com prised of five plas tic manufacturingcompanieswhichproduce ther mo formed and in jec tion molded cups, plates, bowls, cut lery, and straws. The com pa nies are: WNA Car thage (Carthage, TX), Comet East (Chelms ford, MA), Comet West (City of In dus try, CA), Hop ple Plas tics (Flor ence,KY), and Cups Il lus trated (Lancaster, TX). They serv ice the food, drug, mass mer chant, clubs, party goods chan nels of dis tri bu tion plus food serv ice. Re cently, the com pany installed state- of- the- art ex tru sion equipment for two- color cups

Products: Thermoformed and injection molded cups, plates, bowls, cutlery, and straws.

Sales Contacts: Bill Tostlebe, Vice-President Sales

WOH HUP FOOD IN DUS TRIES PTE LTD. 18 Cross St., #12- 01/08 China Square Cen tral,, Sin gapore, 048423 SIN GA PORE Tel: Fax:

+65 6212 0100 +65 6226 2126

To tal Sales Vol ume: $10 Mil lion + Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 50%

Ex port Mar kets: U.S., Europe, South east Asia, China,Japan,Australia Profile:

Woh Hup, a sub sidi ary of Cere bos Pa cific Ltd., a lead ing food and health su ple ment en ter prise, is a well- known manu fac turer of good qual ity ori en tal and eth nic Asian sauces, cur ries, bev er ages, canned soups, etc. The com pany be lieves in pro duc ing only good qual ity prod ucts at a high standard and at a rea son able price. Qual ity con trol is there fore of para mount im portance. The com pany of fers one of the largest ranges of ori en tal prod ucts and sauces in the world.

Products: Oriental and ethnic sauces,

beverages, canned foods and soups, vegetarian meals

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 395

Sales Contacts:

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ms. Mi chelle Chow, Di rec tor

Ex port Mar kets: N/A Profile: WOOD PROD UCTS IN TER NA TIONAL P.O. Box 1359, Conover, NC 23613- 1359 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(828-465-9955 (828) 464-1122

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Mid dle East, South east Asia Profile:

Started in 1986, Wood Prod ucts In terna tional, Inc. is the larg est manu facturer/sup plier of Fat wood fire star ter for use in fire places, bar be cues, wood stoves, camp fires, etc. Made of 100% all- natural, non- toxic pine wood, hand split from the stump of pine trees, the Fat wood con tains no ad di tives or chemi cal. It is taken only from nonendangered wood spe cies. Its prod uct, simi lar to kin dling, but richer in resin, starts quicker and pro vides a more intense fire. Pri vate la bel ing as well as custompackagingisavailable,including as sis tance with art work and sam ple presentations.Recentnewpackaging in cludes a color 10- pound box with a barbecuebriquettesmotif.

Products: Chocolate bars; bite-sized,

gourmet-wrapped chocolate pieces; chocolate-covered nuts and fruits; seasonal chocolatse shapes; nut clusters; malted milk balls; bulk chocolate and ingredients; biscuits; and gift items

Sales Contacts: Susan Pilcher, Marketing Manager (E-mail: [email protected])

WORLD WIDE SOURCING, LTD 748 Lake shore Blvd. , P.O. Box 7897, In cline Vil lage, NV 89450 USA

Products: Fat Wood firestarter Sales Contacts:

World’s Fin est Choco late is a privatelyheld com pany that has been pro duc ing pre mium choco late since 1949. The company is one of 11 U.S. com pa nies that ac tually make their own chocolate- - direct from the co coa bean on through to fin ished prod uct. This firm prides it self on be ing thecustomizationexperts,specializingin cus tom pack ag ing to meet the needs of its custom ers. Its sub sidi ary, Cook Choco late Com pany, spe cial izes in co coa blends and bak ery top pings. Among its news prod uct offeringunderexclusivebrands: chocolate- covered al monds, chocolatecovered bis cuits, and choco late bars.

Tel: Fax:

Patty Zettler, Richard E. Davis

(775) 833-1480 (775) 833-1883

To tal Sales Vol ume: $35 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 95%

Ex port Mar kets: Ko rea, Hong Kong, China, South

WORLD’S FIN EST CHOCO LATE, INC.* 4801 South Lawn dale, Chi cago, IL 60632 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(773) 847- 4600; (888) 821-8452 (773) 847- 7804

Africa,Mexico Profile:

396 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Started as an im porter and dis tribu tor of con fec tion ery prod uct some 20+ years ago, this com pany, for merly called Global Con fec tion ery, has been re named W.W. Sourcing. It is one of a group of re lated com pa nies dedi cated to sourcing and mar-

ketingconfectioneryproductsfor manufacturersanddistributioncompanies world wide. The firm helps manufac tur ers ex tend their prod uct lines by find ing sources of prod uct on an OEM or pri vate la bel ba sis. The firm also works to help manu fac tur ers en ter new markets,locatingdistributionchannels and part ners. The firm can serve as an ex clu sive bro ker for pri vate la bel business in Mex ico, South Af rica, and Korea; or the com pany can buy and re sell prod uct in those ar eas. Re cent ly, W.W. Sourcing also be gan im port ing prod ucts from Mex ico, Europe, and Ko rea.

Products: Gum, candy, cookies, crackers, pet food

Sales Contacts:

Seymour Wiessen, Chief Executive Officer

WY AN DOT, INC. 135 Wy an dot Ave., Mar ion, OH 43302 USA Tel: Fax:

(614) 383- 4031 (614) 382- 5584

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 70%

Ex port Mar kets: Can ada, Mex ico, Swe den, Denmark, Ja pan Profile:

Since its in cep tion in 1936, Wy an dot, has been in volved in pri vate la bel snack foods. To day, this privately- owned manu fac turer claims to be the larg est pri vate la bel packer of corn- based snacks. The ma jor ity of this firm’s es timated $100 mil lion+ sales go to pri vate la bel, keep ing re tail ers and dis tribu tors on the cut ting edge of one of the fast est growingsnackcategories—tortilla chips. The com pany sup plies food- service ac counts, co- packs and han dles direct ac count sales as well.

Products: Caramel corn, cheese puffs,

cheese crunchy, corn chip, BBQ corn chips, white and yellow corn tortilla chips, nacho- flavored tortilla chips, potato chips

Sales Contacts: Gary Haugsby, Vice President, Sales

Y YEO HIAP SENG, LTD.* 3 Senoko Way, SIN GA PORE 758057 Tel: Fax: URL:

+65 6752 2122 +65 6756 5625

To tal 2004 Sales Vol ume: $332.9 Mil lion +2% Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Aus tra lia, New Zea land, North Amer ica, South east Asia, Mid dle East, Indochina Profile:

Yeo Hiap Seng Group be gan manu fac turing food and bev er age prod ucts in 1900. From a small be gin ning, the com pany has growninternationallywithoperationsin Ma lay sia, Hong Kong, In do ne sia, Mau ritius, Can ada and the U.S. It op er ates a salesanddistributionnetworkextending over more than 20 other coun tries. A leader in food and bev er age in Asia, the Yeo’s logo stands for in no va tive de vel opment and manu fac tur ing ex cel lence. The firm was a pio neer in the bot tling of Asian bev er ages, in clud ing soya bean drink and chry san the mum tea in 1953. In 1967, the com pany be came the first manu fac turer in the world to use ultra- heat treat ment (UHT) pro cess for pack ag ing tra di tional Asian bev er ages in Tetra Brik. The company han dles fran chised prod ucts like Pepsi, Schweppes, Mir inda, etc. In the U.S., its prod ucts in clude Chun King, a leader in Ori en tal foods. The group also con tract packs for cus tom ers un der their own la bels.

Products: Authentic cooking sauces, instant

noodles, Asian beverages, fruit drinks with jelly/fruit bits, canned food, chili sauces, soy bean products.

Sales Contacts: Mr. S. C. Toh, Di vi sion Man ager, InternationalSales

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 397

spe cial izes in own brand sales in France, Bel gium, Hol land, Spain and Ger many. Ef forts are un der way to ex pand ex clu sive brands busi ness in many other coun tries, such as Po land, the Czech Re pub lic, Hungary, Rus sia, etc. Yplon op er ates six produc tion sites. McBride over all is po si tioned as Eu ro pe’s lead ing pri vate label manufac turer of house hold clean ing and personal care prod ucts.

YHS EX PORTS PTE LTD.* 241 Dun earn Road, Sin ga pore 589474 SIN GA PORE Tel: Fax:

+65 447-5112 +65 452-3575

To tal Sales Vol ume: $300 Mil lion+ Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 12%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, South east Asia, North

Products: Personal care products

Amer ica, South Amer ica Profile:

(bath/shower products, shampoos, eau de cologne, deodorants, shaving, hair sprays, etc.) household products (washing up liquids, toilet cleaners, bleach, floor or window cleaners, air fresheners, etc.), and washing products (powders, fabric conditioners, liquid wash, etc.).

YHS rep re sents Yeo Hiap Seng, which is rec og nized as a lead ing brand in the Singaporefoodandbeverageindustry. The com pany, op er at ing for nearly 100 years, has sur vived tur bu lent times. Today, YHS is internationallydriven—com mit ted to meet ing the needs of its cus tom ers by pro vid ing ef ficient net work ing sys tems through all its agency lines and cli ents.8- 810- 8731; Fax: 818- 810- 8231).

Sales Contacts: Francis Lietaert, Sales Director; P. Deconinck, Export Manager.


Products: Asian (soya bean) beverages,

sauces, canned foods, snacks, instant food

Sales Contacts:

ZA VIDA COF FEE CO., INC 70 Con nie Cres cent, Con cord, On tario L4K 1L6 CANADA

Mr. Billy Seah, Manager-International

Tel: Fax: URL:


To tal Sales Vol ume: $18 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 95%

(A Trad ing Com pany of McBride Lim ited.) 6, rue Mou lin Masureb- 7730, Es taim puis B- 7730 BEL GIUM

Tel: Fax:

+32 56 48 21 11 +32 56 48 21 10

Ex port Mar kets: United States, Europe, Asia Profile:

To tal Sales Vol ume: $250 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 95%

Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Af rica, Cen tral Europe Profile:

(905) 738- 0103; (800) 667- 0192 (905) 738- 6986

Founded in 1968, Yplon, for merly part of the T-16 Group (an in vest ment group) has been re or gan ized un der the Euro pean group, McBride Ltd., London. Yplon works in Bel gium and France; its sis ter trad ing com pa nies, Rob ert McBride Ltd.. works in the United King dom and Gen eral De tergents S.P.A.,in Mi lan, It aly. The firm

398 2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion

Started in 1982, roast ing and fla vor ing gour met cof fees, Fla vor Cof fee more recently has changed its name to Za vida Cof fee Com pany. It claims to be the first ma jor roaster to sup ply fla vored gour met cof fee in North Amer ica. To day, it sup plies 85% of the spe cialty/gour met stores in Can ada. Fla vor Cof fee also sup plies most majorinternationalbrandmanufacturers with gourmet- flavored cof fee un der their la bels. A com plete range of fla vored and regu lar gour met cof fees is avail able. The com pany sup plies and serv ices su per market chains, drug-store chains plus shows a strong growth in mass mer chant and

ware house club seg ments across North To tal Sales Vol ume: $200 Mil lion Amer ica. Re cently, the com pany in troPer cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: N/A duced gour met liq uid fla vors (a con centrated liq uid form of cof fee), avail able in Ex port Mar kets: Europe, Af rica, South Amer ica, North Amer ica, South east Asia, Aus tra lia a 300 ml size and for food- service, 150 ml. Size. Profile: Zobele In dus trie Chimi che Spa, was started in 1919 by En rico Zobele, who Products: Gourmet flavored and regular pro duced fly rib bons. The busi ness de velcoffee (non-flavored bulk and oped into household in sec ti cides, later retail) plus seasonal gift pack mos quito coils be came the sec ond ma jor items, gourmet liquid flavors, in sec ti cide prod uct for the com pany. Tomini-bricks. day, Zobele is the sole Euro pean sup plier Sales of such coils. The firm’s 15,000- square meContacts: Charles Litterst, President; Roger K. ters fac tory is highly auto mated with Steele, Vice-President Sales. much of its equip ment and ma chin ery fab ri cated by its own en gi neer ing staff.

Products: Household insecticides, air A. ZERE GA’S SONS, INC. 20- 01 Broad way, Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 USA Tel: Fax:

(201) 797- 1400 (201) 797- 0148

fresheners, home care products, firelighters

Sales Contacts: Dr. Enrico Zobele; ing. Davide Gaspari.

To tal Sales Vol ume: $50 Mil lion Per cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 20%

Ex port Mar kets: South Amer ica, Asia Profile:

A. Zere ga’s Sons is a privately- held dry pasta manu fac turer that was founded in 1848. The com pany spe cial izes in the custommanufacturingofspecialty pasta prod ucts for the food in dus try. More than 500 pasta shapes are available, plus unique shapes and for mu las made for spe cific ap pli ca tions. Its packag ing sup port in cludes car tons, bags and club packs.

Products: Pasta, macaroni, egg noodles. Sales Contacts:

Rob ert A. Vermy len, Vice- President

ZUM BIEL PACK AG ING 2339 Har ris Ave nue, Cin cin nati, OH 45212 USA Tel: Fax: URL:

(513) 531- 3600 (513) 531- 0072

To tal Sales Vol ume: N/A Pe cent age of Sales in Ex clu sive Brands: 35%

Ex port Mar kets: Mex ico, Can ada, UK Profile:

Privately-ownedZumbielPackaginghas been a lead ing de signer and manu fac turer in the pack ag ing in dus try since 1843. The com pany holds a unique po si tion in the fold ing car ton in dus try as it is one of the very few world- class com pa nies ca pa ble of pro duc ing fold ing car tons by the off set, roto gra vure, and flexo graphic (nar row and wide- web print ing pro cesses).

ZOBELE HOLD ING S.P.A. Via Fersina, 4, 38100 Trento, IT ALY

Products: Folding cartons, beverage carriers,

Tel: Fax: URL:

Sales Contacts: Tom Zum biel (Fold ing Car tons), Char les Mace (Bev er age Car ri ers), Wade Bowman, Sales Director

+39 461 30 37 00 +39 461 30 37 90

blister cards, microflute cartons, set-up boxes

2009 EB SOUR CE BOOK Manu fac tur ers/Sup pli ers Sec tion 399

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