Satellite Transmission (FDD)

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Satellite Transmission (FDD)ion Feature Featur e Parameter Par ameter Description Descript Issue






  Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2021. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.  

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Notice The purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and the customer. customer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be within the purchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specied specied in  in the contract, all statements, information, and recommendations in this document are provided "AS IS" without warranties, guarantees or representations of any kind, either express or implied. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every eort eort has  has been made in the preparation prepar ation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendationss in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied. recommendation  

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Issue 01 (2020-03-30)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



eRAN Satellite Transmission (FDD) Feature Parameter Description


Contents 1 Change History... History.............. ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................1 ........1 1.1 eRAN16.1 eRAN16.1 01 (2020-03-30)..................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 eRAN16.1 eRAN16.1 Draft A (2020-01-20 (2020-01-20)......... )................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .............. 1

2 About This This Document.. Document............. ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................3 ........3 2.1 General Statements..... Statements................ ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ................... ........ 3 2.2 Applicable Applicable RAT....... RAT.................. ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ............... ..... 4 2.3 Dierenc Dierences es  Between eNodeB Typ Types........... es..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .............. ... 4

3 Overview......... Overview.................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............. ..5 5 4 Satellite  Satellite  Transmission.............................................................................................................6 4.1 Principles.......... Principles..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ............. ... 6 4.1.1 Systems....................................................................................................................................................................................6 Systems....................................................................................................................................................................................6 4.1.2 Networking...... Networking................. ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... .................... ......... 6 4.1.3 Wavebands........ Wavebands.................. .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ................... ......... 7 4.1.4 Interfaces Interfaces and Links....... Links................. ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ............. ... 8 4.1.5 Bandwidth Bandwidth Calculation.... Calculation............... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ............ 9 4.2 Network  Network 


4.2.1 Benet Benetss.............. ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................. ............................. ............................ ............................ ............................ ......................... ........... 9 4.2.2 Impacts..................................................................................................................................................................................10 Impacts..................................................................................................................................................................................10 4.3 Requirements......... Requirements................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .............. ... 17 4.3.1 Licenses........... Licenses..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... .......... 17 4.3.2 Software................................................................................................................................................................................17 4.3.3 Hardware........... Hardware......................... ............................ ............................. ............................. ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ...................... ........ 18 4.3.4 Networking...... Networking................. ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... .................. ....... 18 4.3.5 Others............ Others.......................... ............................. ............................. ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ............. 18 4.4 Operation Operation and Maintenance.... Maintenance............... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ............. 19 4.4.1 Data Conguration onguration......... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... .......... 19 Data Prepar Preparation........ ation................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ............. 19 Using MML Commands..... Commands................ ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ............... 19 Using the MAE-Deploym MAE-Deployment......... ent.................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... .......... 19 4.4.2 Activation Verication Verication........... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ............. ... 19 4.4.3 Network Monitoring.... Monitoring.............. ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ............. ...19 19

5 Glossary. Glossary............ ...................... ....................... ....................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ................... ........ 20 Issue 01 (2020-03-30)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



eRAN Satellite Transmission (FDD) Feature Parameter Description


6 Reference Documents...........................................................................................................21

Issue 01 (2020-03-30)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



eRAN Satellite Transmission (FDD) Feature Parameter Description

1 Change History


 Change History

This section provides information about the changes in dierent dierent document  document versions. There are two types of changes: ●

Technical ch changes Changes in features and parameters of a specied specied version  version

Editorial changes Changes in wording or addition of information and any related parameters aected by aected  by editorial changes

1.1 eRAN16.1 01 (2020-03-30) This issue does not include any changes.

1.2 eRAN16.1 Draft A (2020-01-20) This issue introduces the following changes to eRAN15.1 01 (2019-06-06).

Technical Changes Change Description

Parameter Change


Base Station Model

Changed the name of U2020 to MAE-Access and the name of CME to MAEDeployment.



● 3900 and 5900 series base stations ● DBS3900 LampSite and DBS5900 LampSite ● BTS3911E


Issue 01 (2020-03-30)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



eRAN Satellite Transmission (FDD) Feature Parameter Description

1 Change History

Editorial Changes Revised descriptions in the document.

Issue 01 (2020-03-30)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



eRAN Satellite Transmission (FDD) Feature Parameter Description

2 About This Document


 About This Document

2.1 General Statements Purpose This document is intended to acquaint ac quaint readers with: ●

The tech technic nical al princ principl iples es of featu feature ress and their their rela related ted p par arame ameter terss

The scenar scenarios ios where where these these featu features res ar are e used used,, the the benets benets they  they provide, and the impact they have on networks and functions

Requireme Requirements nts of the the operat operating ing environmen environmentt that that must must be be met bef before ore feature feature activation

Parameter conguration conguration required  required for feature activation, verication verication of  of feature activation, and monitoring of feature performance NOT NO T

This document only provides p rovides guidance for feature activation. Feature deployment and feature gains depend on the specics specics of  of the network scenario where the feature is deployed. To achieve the desired gains, contact co ntact Huawei professional service engineers.

Software Interfaces Any parameters, alarms, counters, or managed objects (MOs) described in this document apply only to the corresponding software release. For future software releases, refer to the corresponding updated product documentation.

Feature Diferences Diferences Between  Between RATs The feature dierence dierence section  section only describes dierences dierences in  in switches or principles. Unless otherwise stated, descriptions in this document apply to all RATs. If a description does not apply to all RATs, the specic specic RAT  RAT that it does apply to will be stated. For example, the statement "TDD cells are compatible MUMIMO", "TDDincells" indicates that this function cannot bewith usedenhanced iin n non-TDD non-TDD cells. Issue 01 (2020-03-30)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



eRAN Satellite Transmission (FDD) Feature Parameter Description

2 About This Document

2.2 Applicable RAT This document applies to FDD.

2.3 Diferences Diferences Between  Between eNodeB Types

The features described in this document are implemented in the same way on macro, micro, and LampSite eNodeBs.

Issue 01 (2020-03-30)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



eRAN Satellite Transmission (FDD) Feature Parameter Description

3 Overview



Satellite transmission refers to the use of satellites for communications, which enables earth satellites to relay microwave signals transmitted between two or more earth stations to achieve communication. Based on the satellite orbit, satellites are divided into low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite, medium Earth orbit (MEO) satellite, and geosynchronous (GEO) satellite. GEO satellites are often used for transmission in mobile communication and MEO satellites that are developing are also used now. The main dierence dierence between  between satellite transmission and ordinary terrestrial transmission lies in delay. A GEO satellite is about 36000 km away from Earth and an MEO satellite is about 10000 km away from Earth. Through calculation, the one-way delay of GEO satellite transmission is about 280 ms, and the one-way delay of MEO satellite transmission is about 80 ms. In addition, satellite transmission networks may face the following challenges: ●

Large signal jitter

Poor Poor tr transm ansmis issi sion on link link st stab abil ilit ity y

Poor si signal qu quality

Smal Smalll comm commun unic icat atio ion n capa capaci city ty

Expe Expens nsiv ive e equi equipm pmen entt and and band bandwi widt dth h

Therefore, if terrestrial transmission is available in an area, iitt is recommended that Therefore, terrestrial transmission be used.

Issue 01 (2020-03-30)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



eRAN Satellite Transmission (FDD) Feature Parameter Description

4 Satellite Transmission


 Satellite Transmission Transmission

4.1 Principles 4.1.1 Systems A satellite communication system is composed of communication satellites and earth stations. ●

A commun communicat ication ion ssate atelli llite te co consi nsists sts of of a contr control ol syste system, m, commu communic nicati ation on system (antenna and relay), telemetry system, power supply system, and temperature control system.

An earth earth station station is composed composed of an antenna antenna system, system, transmit transmitter ter,, receive receiverr, channel terminal (modem), communication control system, and power supply system. The earth station is divided into hub and very small aperture terminal (VSAT). –

A hub hub stati station on iiss a lar large ge comm communi unicat cation ion station station in comp complia liance nce with with international or European standards. Typically, Typically, a convergence router is used to connect a hub station to the CN. The hub station provides high transmission rate and large antenna diameter, diameter, but requires high equipment cost. A VSAT VSAT is the eart earth h station station that that cons constitu titutes tes a priva private te networ network. k. Gener Generall ally y, VSATss are connected to base stations. Users under dierent VSAT dierent base  base stations use their respective VSATs VSATs for communication. VSATs are characterized by low cost, small aperture, and exible exible deployment.  deployment.

4.1.2 Networking Satellite Transmission Networking for LTE The star topology is often used in satellite transmission, as shown in Figure 4-1 4-1..

Issue 01 (2020-03-30)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



eRAN Satellite Transmission (FDD) Feature Parameter Description

4 Satellite Transmission

Figure 4-1 Satellite 4-1 Satellite transmission networking for LTE

In outbound transmission, a hub station sends data to the VSAT station via a satellite transponder. transponder. In inbound transmission, a VSAT station sends data to the hub. Satellite transmission supports IPv4 and IPv6. The length of an IPv6 packet header is longer than that of an IPv4 packet header and occupies more bandwidth.

Satellite Transmission Networking for Concurrency of LTE and GSM/UMTS In hybrid networking where L LTE TE and GSM/UMTS coexist, coexist , single-mode base stations can be separately deployed for each mode or a multimode base station is deployed using the co-transmission scheme, as shown in Figure 4-2. 4-2. Figure 4-2 Satellite 4-2 Satellite transmission networking where LTE and GSM/UMTS coexist

4.1.3 Wavebands Wavebands Two wavebands are often used for satellite transmission, as listed in Table 4-1. 4-1. A proper waveband is selected based on the climatic climati c conditions and deployed transmission equipment. Issue 01 (2020-03-30)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



eRAN Satellite Transmission (FDD) Feature Parameter Description

4 Satellite Transmission

Table 4-1 Wavebands 4-1 Wavebands used for satellite transmission Waveband Name

Frequency Band



3.7 GHz to 4.2 GHz

● Sm Smal alll atmos atmosph pher eric ic absorption loss

5.925 GHz to 6.425 GHz

● Sl Slig ight htly ly impa impact cted ed by rain, snow, and fog ● Gr Grea eatl tly y iimp mpac acte ted d by by terrestrial microwave communication using the same frequency band ● Large arge ante anten nna diameter Ku

11.7 GHz to 12.2 GHz 14 GHz to 14.5 GHz

● Gr Grea eatl tly y iimp mpac acte ted d by by rain, snow, and fog ● Sl Slig ight htly ly impa impact cted ed by terrestrial microwave communication using the same frequency band ● Small mall ante anten nna diameter ● Fl Flex exib ible le depl deploy oyme ment nt


4.1.4 Interfaces and Links LTE supports satellite transmission over the S1 interface but does not support satellite transmission over the X2 interface. Satellite transmission is mainly applied in islands, remote mountains, or deserts. Therefore, inter inter-site -site handovers are rarely involved. If inter-site handover is required, it is recommended that aggregation devices be used to forward X2 packets. If aggregation devices are unavailable, transmission over the S1 interface is recommended. The two-way delay of satellite transmission is about 600 ms, longer than that in terrestrial transmission. Transmission Transmission links for satellite transmission using an eNodeB are as follows: ●

Control-pla Control-plane ne link: The Stream Stream Control Control Transmiss ransmission ion Protocol Protocol (SCTP) (SCTP) is adopted. The default values of the existing delay-related parameters SCTPTEMPLATE.RTOMIN  SCTPTEMPLATE. RTOMIN , SCTPTEMPLATE. SCTPTEMPLATE.RTOMAX   RTOMAX  , SCTPTEMPLATE.RTOINIT   SCTPTEMPLATE. RTOINIT  , and SCTPTEMPLATE. SCTPTEMPLATE.HBINTER  HBINTER  meet  meet the SCTP requirements in satellite transmission.

User-plan User-plane e path: path: The The GPRS GPRS Tunneling unneling Protocol-U Protocol-User ser Plane Plane (GTP-U) (GTP-U) is us used ed to detect link status. The default value of the involved parameter GTPU.TIMEOUTTH  GTPU. TIMEOUTTH  meets  meets the requirement for detecting user-plane path status in satellite transmission.

Issue 01 (2020-03-30)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



eRAN Satellite Transmission (FDD) Feature Parameter Description

4 Satellite Transmission

4.1.5 Bandwidth Calculation Satellite transmission links usually cost high and only limited satellite bandwidth will be rent for LTE transmission. Therefore, Therefore, the eNodeB bandwidth in this scenario should be evaluated based on trac trac models  models of a site. In IP-based transmission, the available bandwidth for inbound transmission is less than that for outbound transmission. These two t wo bandwidths must be separately calculated to avoid service congestion due to insucient insucient bandwidth.  bandwidth. The total bandwidth required equals the sum of the inbound transmission bandwidth and outbound transmission bandwidth. A base station or EPC equipment sends packets to a satellite terrestrial station in IP over Ethernet transmission mode. The satellite terrestrial station strips the MAC header, retains the IP header, adds the satellite transmission header, and performs FEC coding and then modulation. Then the satellite terrestrial station sends the 4-3  exemplies exemplies this  this process. processed packets to the satellite. Figure 4-3 Figure 4-3 Ethernet 4-3 Ethernet transmission and satellite transmission

The peer satellite terrestrial station receives the packets forwarded by the satellite, and performs demodulation, strips the satellite transmission header header,, and adds the MAC header on the packets. Therefore, the bandwidth calculation involves only the IP-layer transmission bandwidth but not the MAC header. IP-layer transmission bandwidth required for a base station = Uplink IP-layer transmission bandwidth + Downlink IP-layer transmission bandwidth NOT NO T

The preceding formula provides only the IP-layer transmission bandwidth required for a base station. However, However, satellite equipment encapsulation should be considered co nsidered in satellite bandwidth calculation. For details, consult satellite transmission operators.

4.2 Network Analysis 4.2.1 Benets Satellite transmission can break the terrain and distance limits. It features wide coverage, transmission distance, and lower cost compared deploying terrestrial long equipment. Satellite transmission is recommended forwith scenarios with Issue 01 (2020-03-30)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



eRAN Satellite Transmission (FDD) Feature Parameter Description

4 Satellite Transmission

the terrain and distance limits, such as remote mountainous areas, deserts, and sparsely populated grasslands and islands.

4.2.2 Impacts Network Impacts In satellite transmission scenarios: ●

Satellite Satellite transmiss transmission ion experiences experiences great great delay delay and jitter jitter, which which may cause one-way audio and no audio, increase the call drop rate, decrease the handover success rate, and aect aect the  the MOS.

The The tr tran ansm smis issi sion on qual qualit ity y is aected aected by  by adverse weather conditions. To a certain extent, the signal quality, bandwidth, and communication quality are adversely aected.

In IPv6 IPv6 trans transmis missio sion n scenar scenarios ios,, the leng length th of a basi basicc IPv6 p pack acket et heade headerr is 40 bytes, which is longer than that of a basic IPv4 packet header. Therefore, Therefore, the transmission eciency eciency of  of an IPv6 network is slightly lower than that of an IPv4 network. For example, the length of an IPv4 packet is 800 bytes and the length of an IPv6 packet is 820 bytes. The IPv6 transmission eciency eciency is  is 2.5% lower than IPv4 transmission eciency.

Function Impacts ●

Inte Interr-R -RAT AT int inter erop oper erat atab abil ilit ity y Satellite transmission is mostly applied in isolated islands, rendering poorer performance than terrestrial transmission and coverage holes. Therefore, circuit switched fallback (CSFB), PS redirection, and single radio voice call continuity (SRVCC) are performed all based on measurement. Table 4-2 describes the recommended congurations congurations for  for these features. Table 4-2 Recommended 4-2 Recommended congurations congurations for  for inter-RAT interoperatability interoperatability using satellite transmission RAT

Interoperatability Feature

Recommended Conguration



● Use redirection to reduce the number of times that signaling is transmitted using satellites over the S1 interface. ● Incre Increase ase the CSFB CSFB pro protec tection tion timer length by 1s compared c ompared with that in terrestrial transmission.

PS redirection

Issue 01 (2020-03-30)

Use redirection for PS services to reduce the number of times that signaling is transmitted using satellites over the S1 interface.

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



eRAN Satellite Transmission (FDD) Feature Parameter Description


4 Satellite Transmission

Interoperatability Feature

Recommended Conguration


SRVCC using satellite transmission aects aects only  only the handover preparation delay but not the user-plane user-plane interruptioncaused delay. To trigger SRVCC as early as possible, it is recommended that the following SRVCC-based handover thresholds be recongured: ● Set InterRatHoCommGroup.Inte  InterRatHoCommGroup. Inte  rRatHoA1ThdRsrp  to  to -105 dBm. ● Set InterRatHoCommGroup.Inte  InterRatHoCommGroup. Inte  rRatHoA2ThdRsrp  to  to -108 dBm. ● Set InterRatHoCommGroup.Inte  InterRatHoCommGroup.Inte  rRatHoA1ThdRsrq  to  to -16 dB. ● Set InterRatHoCommGroup.Inte  InterRatHoCommGroup. Inte  rRatHoA2ThdRsrq  to  to -20 dB. ● Set InterRatHoCommGroup.Utra  InterRatHoCommGroup. Utra  nB2Thd1Rsrp  to  to -108 dBm. ● Set InterRatHoCommGroup.Utra  InterRatHoCommGroup. Utra  nB2Thd1Rsrq  to  to -20 dB. ● Set InterRatHoUtranGroup.Inter  InterRatHoUtranGroup. Inter  RatHoUtranB1ThdRscp  to  to -94 dBm.



● Use redirection. ● Set the CSFB CSFB pro protec tection tion timer timer length to 4s.

PS redirection

Issue 01 (2020-03-30)

Use redirection for PS services to reduce the number of times that signaling is transmitted using satellites over the S1 interface.

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



eRAN Satellite Transmission (FDD) Feature Parameter Description


4 Satellite Transmission

Interoperatability Feature

Recommended Conguration


SRVCC using satellite transmission aects aects only  only the handover preparation delay but not the user-plane user-plane interruptioncaused delay. To trigger SRVCC as early as possible, it is recommended that the following SRVCC-based handover thresholds be recongured: ● Set InterRatHoCommGroup.Inte  InterRatHoCommGroup. Inte  rRatHoA1ThdRsrp  to  to -105 dBm. ● Set InterRatHoCommGroup.Inte  InterRatHoCommGroup. Inte  rRatHoA2ThdRsrp  to  to -108 dBm. ● Set InterRatHoCommGroup.Inte  InterRatHoCommGroup.Inte  rRatHoA1ThdRsrq  to  to -16 dB. ● Set InterRatHoCommGroup.Inte  InterRatHoCommGroup. Inte  rRatHoA2ThdRsrq  to  to -20 dB. ● Set InterRatHoCommGroup.Ger  InterRatHoCommGroup. Ger  anB2Thd1Rsrp  to  to -108 dBm. ● Set InterRatHoCommGroup.Ger  InterRatHoCommGroup. Ger  anB2Thd1Rsrq  to  to -20 dB. ● Set InterRatHoGeranGroup.Inter  InterRatHoGeranGroup. Inter  RatHoGeranB1Thd  to  to -90 dBm.


Issue 01 (2020-03-30)

LTE ser ervi vice ce solu soluti tion onss

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



eRAN Satellite Transmission (FDD) Feature Parameter Description

4 Satellite Transmission

Table 4-3 Recommended 4-3 Recommended congurations congurations for  for LTE service solutions using satellite transmission Service Solution


Recommended Conguration

Voice and other


The impact of introducing satellite transmission into voice services is reected reected by  by MOSs. The following congurations congurations are  are recommended:


● If th the e band bandwi widt dth h is insucient, the insucient,  the following Adaptive Multirate (AMR) coding schemes are recommended: – AMR AMR-NB: -NB: 4.7 4.75 5 kbit kbit/s /s – AMR AMR-WB WB:: 6.6 6.6 kbit kbit/s /s ● Disable Disable the DRX featu feature re for for voice users at sites using satellite transmission to prevent the delay from being further increased.

Radio and performance

Issue 01 (2020-03-30)


The reporting frequency of   location service (LCS) aects aects the  the transmission bandwidth, which must be considered in network planning with limited bandwidth. The reporting frequency is set by the location timer and cannot be adjusted on a base station.


This feature is not recommended in satellite transmission scenarios.

Video Experience Optimization

This type of feature is not recommended in satellite transmission scenarios.

Basic features

This type of feature is not aected by aected  by satellite transmission.

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



eRAN Satellite Transmission (FDD) Feature Parameter Description

Service Solution

4 Satellite Transmission


Recommended Conguration

Carrier ier Aggregation

The recom commendation policies ies of  this feature vary with scenarios: ● Enable Enable intra intra-eNo -eNodeB deB carrier carrier aggregation under certain conditions in satellite transmission scenarios. For deployment requirements, see Carrier Aggregation . ● In Inte terr-eNod -eNodeB eB car carri rier er aggregation is not recommended in satellite transmission scenarios.

Interf Int erfer erenc ence e coordin coordinatio ation n

This This type of feat featur ure e is not recommended in satellite transmission scenarios.


This feature is not recommended in satellite transmission scenarios.


This feature is not aected aected by  by satellite transmission.

Virtual 4T4R

This feature is not aected aected by  by satellite transmission.

Signaling storm and terminal power saving

This type of feature is not aected by aected  by satellite transmission.

Q oS

This type of feature is not aected by aected  by satellite transmission.

Spectrum reuse

This type by ofsatellite feature is not aected aected by transmission.

Co Cove vera rage ge en enha hanc ncem emen entt

Enab Enable le th this is type type of of fea featu ture re in islands, which does not aect satellite transmission. ● The The site site heig height ht for for oshore coverage within 15 km must range from 40 m to 50 m. ● The The site site heig height ht for for oshore coverage of 15 km to 100 km must range from 50 m to 500 m.

Issue 01 (2020-03-30)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



eRAN Satellite Transmission (FDD) Feature Parameter Description

Service Solution


4 Satellite Transmission


Recommended Conguration

High sp speed scenario

This ty typ pe of of fe feature is is n no ot recommended in satellite transmission scenarios.


This type of feature is not recommended in satellite transmission scenarios.

Inter-RAT mobility to Inter-RAT WiFi

This type of feature is not recommended in satellite transmission scenarios.

ANR Management

When ANR is enabled with the use of satellite transmission, neighboring cells can be added through UEs only in cell coverage overlapping scenarios. The ANR measurement control procedure is not aected aected by  by satellite transmission.

Load balancing


This feature is not aected aected by  by satellite transmission.

PCI Collision Detection & Self-Optimization

This feature is not aected aected by  by satellite transmission.

Ra Rand ndom om Acce Access ss Cont Contrrol

Th This is featu eaturre iiss not not aected aected by  by satellite transmission.

Cell Outage Detection and Compensation

This feature is not aected aected by  by satellite transmission.

Automatic Congestion Control

This feature is not aected aected by  by satellite transmission.

Intra-RAT Mobility Load Balancing

Load balancing belongs to unnecessary handovers and its parameters do not need to be recongured in recongured  in satellite transmission scenarios. If the satellite transmission bandwidth is limited, the load balancing eect will eect  will be aected.

Inter-RAT Mobility Load Inter-RAT Balancing

Powe Powerr savi saving ng

Ener Energy gy Con Conse serv rvat atio ion n and and Emission Reduction RRU PA Eciency Improvement

Issue 01 (2020-03-30)

This type of feature is not aected by aected  by satellite transmission.

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



eRAN Satellite Transmission (FDD) Feature Parameter Description

4 Satellite Transmission

Service Solution


Recommended Conguration



This feature is not recommended in satellite transmission scenarios.



This feature is not recommended in satellite transmission scenarios.


This feature is not recommended in satellite transmission scenarios.


Tra rans nsmi miss ssio ion n and and cloc clock k sy sync nchr hron oniz izati ation on Table 4-4 Recommended 4-4 Recommended congurations congurations for  for transmission and clock synchronization Feature

Recommended Conguration

Transmission Resource Management

Satellite transmission links cost high and limited bandwidth is rent. When the transmission bandwidth is insucient, insucient, rate  rate limit and trac shaping are required to prevent service data from exceeding the transmission link capacity. capacit y. Load control is required to prevent excessive admission and ensure quality of admitted services. For details on transmission resource management, see Transmission Resource  Management . For multimode co-transmission scenarios, see Bandwidth Sharing of Multimode  Base Station Co-Transmission .

Issue 01 (2020-03-30)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



eRAN Satellite Transmission (FDD) Feature Parameter Description

4 Satellite Transmission


Recommended Conguration


● Frequency synchronization Satellite transmission often experiences a large jitter and cannot ensure a time precision of less than 20 ms. IEEE 1588v2 frequency synchronization is not recommended. For macro and LampSite base stations: When inter-site handovers are rarely performed, use the internal clock solution. That is, set TASM. TASM.CurrentSrc  CurrentSrc  to  to INTERCLK(Inter Clock). Clock). When inter-site handovers are involved, use the GPS clock synchronization. For micro eNodeBs, use the GPS clock synchronization. ● Time Time syn synch chro roni niza zatio tion n IEEE 1588v2 time synchronization is not supported. If an eNodeB requires time synchronization, the GPS needs to be deployed.

S1 link self-conguration

Links can be self-congured self-congured over  over the S1-U and S1-C interfaces, which is not aected aected by  by satellite transmission.

Transmission maintenance and test

Transmission maintenance and test functions such as IP performance monitoring (IP PM) and Two-Way Two -Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) are not recommended.


4.3 Requirem Requirements ents 4.3.1 Licenses IPv4 transmission: No requirements IPv6 transmission: For details, see IP eRAN Engineering Guide .

4.3.2 Software Prerequisite Prerequisit e Functions None

Mutually Exclusive Functions None Issue 01 (2020-03-30)

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eRAN Satellite Transmission (FDD) Feature Parameter Description

4 Satellite Transmission

4.3.3 Hardware Base Station Models No requirements

Boards IPv4 transmission: No requirements IPv6 transmission: For details, see IP eRAN Engineering Guide .

RF Modules This function does not depend on RF modules.

4.3.4 Networking Congestion often occurs on satellite transmission links due to resource insuciency, causing insuciency,  causing long delay, jitter, jitter, and packet loss. As a result, voice quality is aected. Therefore, aected.  Therefore, satellite devices must be congured congured with  with proper bandwidth and QoS policy to ensure the quality of voice services. ●

Pr Prop oper er assu assure red d and and maxi maximu mum mb ban andw dwid idth thss In star topology, base stations can share the transmission bandwidth but may not share the assured bandwidth congured congured for  for a specic specic base  base station. Therefore, Therefor e, the assured bandwidth must be properly congured congured on  on the satellite device to increase the shared bandwidth between base stations. The maximum bandwidth must also be properly congured congured to  to prevent a base station from occupying excessive bandwidth.

Pr Prop oper er QoS QoS pol policy icy to red reduc uce e cong conges estio tion n im impa pact ct –

Scheduling based on dierentiated dierentiated services  services code point (DSCP) priorities is used to prioritize voice services and prevent data service congestion from aecting voice aecting  voice services. The DSCP priority settings on the satellite device are the same as those on the radio equipment.

In star star topol topology ogy,, the sign signalin aling g and v voice oice service servicess of al alll base base station stationss are are preferentially prefere ntially scheduled. For example, the signaling and voice service of  base station A can preempt the bandwidth for data services of base station B.

For other networking requirements, see IP eRAN Engineering Guide .

4.3.5 Others Other requirements of satellite transmission are as follows: ●

In IPv6 IPv6 tra transm nsmiss ission ion,, satel satellit lite e devic devices es must must suppor supportt IPv IPv6. 6.

The The EPC EPC sup suppo port rtss ssat atel elli lite te ttrransm ansmis issi sion on..

The The eNod eNodeB eB sup suppo port rtss Ethe Ethern rnet et tra trans nsmi miss ssio ion. n.

The The sate satell llit ite e devi device ce sup suppo port rtss the the LTE LTE mod mode. e.

Quality Quality of service (QoS) (QoS) rrequir equirement ementss for for satellite satellite transmiss transmission ion are described described in Table 4-5 4-5..

Issue 01 (2020-03-30)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



eRAN Satellite Transmission (FDD) Feature Parameter Description

4 Satellite Transmission

Table 4-5 QoS 4-5 QoS requirements for one-way transmission QoS Requirement



Packet Loss Rate

Satellite transmission over the S1 interface

< 350 ms

< 40 ms

< 0.05%


4.4 Operation and Maintenance 4.4.1 Data Conguration Data Preparation It is recommended that satellite transmission deployment be performed during o-peak hours o-peak  hours to avoid aecting aecting services.  services. This is because operations such as software upgrade and log extraction occupy a large bandwidth. For details about data preparation, see IP eRAN Engineering Guide . Using MML Commands For details, see IP eRAN Engineering Guide . Using the MAE-Deployment For details, see IP eRAN Engineering Guide .

4.4.2 Activation  Verication For details, see IP eRAN Engineering Guide .

4.4.3 Network Monitoring For details, see IP eRAN Engineering Guide .

Issue 01 (2020-03-30)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



eRAN Satellite Transmission (FDD) Feature Parameter Description

5 Glossary



For the acronyms, abbreviations, terms, and denitions, denitions, see  see Glossary .

Issue 01 (2020-03-30)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



eRAN Satellite Transmission (FDD) Feature Parameter Description

6 Reference Documents


 Reference Documents

IP eRAN Engineering Guide 

Bandwidth Sharing of Multimode Base Station Co-T Co-Transmission 

Transmission Resource Management 

Carrier Aggregation 

Issue 01 (2020-03-30)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


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