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Special Thanks (In Alphabetical Order) Anand Patil Bal Krishna Patel Bhaskar Rao Chandra Shetty Dominic Dsouza Dr. Vaish (Banaras) Dr. Sanghavi Jamnadas Ji (Banaras) Narhari Prabhakar Shukla Prof Chandrama Pandey (Banaras Hindu University) Prof. Ramchandra Pandey (Banaras Hindu University, ex-Jyotish Head) Prof.Chandramouli Upadhayay (Banaras Hindu University) Late Prof P. K. Dongre Rahul Mishra (Banaras) Raja Rao Rajesh Khambekar Ravindra Kumar Gupta (Banaras) Upendra Singh Bhadoriya B.D.Vaghela Vinay Patwardhan Lorin Cerina (Croatia) Nafisa Shaikh
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Translations & Proofing (In Alphabetical Order)
Anuj Bahl, India
Sai Krishna, India Boiko Natali, Russia Jagannadha Rao Eluri, India N.Suryanarayan, India Sriram Medapalli, India Tushar Mestry, India
Saptarishis Astrology Vol 7-Dec 2009
The C.S.Patel Memorial Issue CONTENT No Article 1 2 3
Vol 7 Publitorial Part 1 Vol 7 Publitorial Part 2 Saptarishis Astrology Update
Author Page Saptarishis Astrology Saptarishis Astrology Saptarishis Astrology
7 36 55
Andrew McDonald, U.K Blanca Bustamante Martino, Mexico Carl Johan Calleman, Sweden Carl Johan Calleman, Sweden Christine Kaspers, Netherlands Ciro Discepolo, Italy Constantine Semenov, Crimea
56 65 81 86 94 99 106
Floco Tausin, Switzerland Holly Hall, Canada Saptarishis Astrology John Frawley, Poland Lisa Gordon, U.K Tapan Das, Canada Ron Bippus, Canada
111 118 123 124 133 138 140
Maarit Laurento, Finland Micha Felner, Holland
157 162
Robert Gover, USA Tapan Das, Canada Luciana Marinangeli, Italy T.Stokes, U.K
171 179 186 192 196
Saptarishis Astrology Saptarishis Astrology Saptarishis Astrology Late C.S.Patel, India
202 203 232 251
U.K.Jha, India Ashutosh Kumar, India Chakrapani Ullal, USA Dr K. S. Charak, India
262 272 282 289
Western Astrology 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
When Will I Find My Next Job Configuraciones Universales Hacia El (Spanish) The Tortuguero Monument 6 & the Mayan End Date The Final Mayan Calendar Steps to 2012 Napoleons Astrocartograhphy Lunar Returns on Airliners How To Predict Forex Awakening the Inner Sense – Some Methods & Meditation Objects Discover The Child Within Saptarishis Astrology - Life Time Achievement Award How To Beat Time A Game Of Chance Launch Your Book - Tapan Das Death In Astrology Financial Astrology Micha Felner - A Saptarishis Astrology Interview Jacko’s - Birth Time Rectification How To Predict Stock Market Crashes & Great Depressions Similarity Between Quantum Mechanics & Astrology The Emperor Hadrian & Astrology Multiple Personality Disorder 1008 Petals
Indian Astrology 25
26 27 28
29 30 31
Saptarishis Astrology - Life Time Achievement Award Vol 7 Publitorial Part 1 Vol 7 Publitorial Part 2 Ashtakvarga Thumb Rules Tribute To A Genuine Researcher In Last 150 Years Of Astrology Nadi Method of Marriage 2009 Triple Eclipses The Fascinating Dashamamsha - 1
33 34
Madhura Krishnamurthi Sastri, India. Gayatri Devi Vasudev, India Vamadeva Shastri (David Frawley), USA
306 315 322
Saptarishis Nadi - Gemini Asc - Chart 3 Saptarishis Nadi - Gemini Asc - Chart 4 Jyotish Phalaratnamala Of Krishnamishra -1 Asta Siddantha Sara - Sukra Gati Agni Purana - 1
Translated By Yenbeeyes, India Translated By Yenbeeyes, India Translated By Chandrashekhar Sharma, India Translated By V.Raghavendra Rao Translated By Rahul Vedi, Australia
332 347 362 391 395
Lomasha Samhita-1
Translated By Ashok Kumar Pandey & Anup Das, India Translated By S. Karthikeyan, Australia Madhura Krishnamurthi Sastri, India. Translated By Chandrashekhar Sharma, India Translated By N Sundara Rajan, India Saptarishis Astrology Team Translated By Anuj Bahl, India Translated By Abhishekha, USA Translated By Alok Jagawat, India Translated By A.K.Singh, India Translated By Anuj Bahl, India Translated By Chandrashekhar Sharma, India Translated By Chandrashekhar Sharma, India Re-Translation By Virendra Battu, India
402 409 427 441 449 463 480 530 543 559 567 574 589 605
Re-Translated By Virendra Battu & Madhav Deshmukh, India Translated By V.Raghavendra Rao Re-Translated By Rohit Sharma, India Translated By Ramakrishna, India Venkat Ramana, India Venkat Ramana, India Venkat Ramana, India Saptarishis Astrology Venkat Ramana, India Andree Leclerc, Canada Saptarishis Astrology Saptarishis Astrology Translated By V. Padmanabhan, India Dr K.P.Vaani, India
618 642 650 669 676 685 691 699 705 712 721 730 741 753
Saptarishis Astrology V.V. Shirvaikar, USA Rabinder Nath Bhandari, India P.M.Padia, India Babubhai Yodh & B.D.Vaghela, India B.K.Chauhan, India Gary Gomes, USA Rakesh Desai, India
762 763 766 790 806 813 820 827
New Light On Jaimini Astrology-4 Obama’s Raja Yogas & U.S. Affairs Krishna & the Unicorn of the Indus Seals
Mission Saptarishis 36
37 38
39 40
41 42
43 44
45 46 47
48 49
50 51
52 53
54 55
56 57 58
59 60
61 62
63 64
65 66
67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
Jataka Jambunatheeyam -1 The Enigma Of Arudha - Part 1 - BPHS Series Guru Nadi -3 Sukra Nadi - 1 Sukar Nadi - 6 Punarvasu Nakshatra Padas in Ravana Samhita Khannar Vachan - 1 Narpatijaycharya-1 JyotishKalpadruma -1 Lagna Varahi Bhrighu Nadi Jyotisham -1 Bhrighu Nadi Jyotisham -2 Krushi-Parasharaha -1 Kalpalatta - 1 Gauli Patnam & Gavuli Palku Lakshanam Tatkalin Bhrigu Prashna – Part 1 Vakya Prashna Saaram -1 Bhrighu Saral Paddathi - 8 Bhrighu Saral Paddathi -9 Bhrighu Saral Paddathi -10 Bhrighu Saral Paddathi -11 Bhrighu Saral Paddathi -12 Bhrighu Saral Paddathi -13 Bhrighu Saral Paddathi -14 Bhrighu Saral Paddathi -15 KumaraSwamiyam - 4 Bhrighu Pada Dasa System Regular Saptarishis Astrology Update Dnyaneshwari - Chapter 5 Saptarishis Astrology Remedies Ascertaining Marriage Life: Divorce Rules Illusive Effect of Nodes - Shadow Of Moon Death Mystery Of Subhash Chandra Bose Jaiminis Chara Dasas & Predictions Can Horoscope be made from Palm Print ? (Gujarati)
77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88
Nabhasa Yogas Upapada - A Novel Exposition Thy Notes -2, BCP & Prashna Child Birth Via Annual Charts Lal Kitab Remedies For the Uninitiated Dharak & Dharakansha Horoscope Karve Guruji - An Exposition Longevity In Astrology Similarity Between Quantum Mechanics & Astrology Saptarishis Astrology 1st Annual Award Ceremony Book Launch - Predictive Series Vol 1
1008 Petals
G.K.Goel, India Jagdish Raj Ratra, India Saptarishis Astrology Laura Barat, USA Rabinder Nath Bhandari, India Paresh Desai, India R.G.Krishnan, USA S.C.Kursija, India Tapan Das, Canada Saptarishis Astrology Saptarishis Astrology Saptarishis Astrology
832 856 874 876 882 893 903 910 920 927 930 931
|| Gururbrahmaa Gururvishnu Gururdevo Maheshvarah || || GururSakshaat Parambrahma, Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah||
Vol 7 – C. S. Patel 2nd Memorial Issue- Part 1
his special issue has been kept manuscript centric because it is re-dedicated to Late Shri C S Patel. The Grandmaster of Modern Vedic astrology taught to the world few rare principles but what was the most important teaching from him most have missed. It was ‘Keep It Simple & NoInfidelity in Astrology’ – this principle can be used by all the Western Astrology students and also the Vedic Astrology students. Especially during these times of internet & fast communication where all kinds of knowledge is available and one has multiple teachers, this is most essential otherwise as we have observed over the last decade many great minds in astrology go ‘Absolute Waste’. In today’s times of multiple organisations and institutions he just stuck to his room in Mumbai and did not waste time doing Public Relations and as many have told us over the years there has never been a master like Mr Patel. These fans of Mr Patel have been from Denmark to Australia and even from small villages in India. The striking part of Mr Patel was he spear-headed the movement in last 100 years to bring out rare manuscripts containing real knowledge of astrology, he travelled far to collect it, he translated them painstakingly and demonstrated application. After him almost none in India succeeded in bringing out so many rare verses from so many rare manuscripts. His books still remain on the top of the shelf of every astro lover in the world. It is this penchant of his to dig deeper into manuscripts and not be satisfied by available books that we follow and will address more gravely in this issue. Hence this issue of the magazine will not follow regular columns and is a Manuscript Centric Issue so as to inspire everyone to dig deeper into classics, we bring out this time translations of several unknown but most important works. Each Publitorial of Saptarishis Astrology is designed to be different from other editorials. As a policy it does not venture into mundane astrology & looks upon itself to take the task mentioned in the ‘Last Book Of Astrology’ to ‘Change The Mindsets’ of astrologers worldwide which would in turn would make the Astrology Consciousness to grow and become purified, thereby creating the stage and the automatic need in the Universe to bring out the hidden and working knowledge in astrology. In today’s time of commercialization and shameless self promotion it is more essential for us to raise the consciousness.
The Enigma Of Birth Time Rectification
et us quickly turn to a world event that happened few months back and a challenge to astrologers worldwide. One must bear in mind that without proper birth time every article on birth time rectification is a product of the authors experience or mind and cannot be taken as a guarantor inspite of the fame or experience of the astrologer. It is the toughest to even rectify & get to the Asc in cases of unknown birth and as complex a life that of Michael Jackson. A new breed of astrologers over the internet fooled for one decade to rectify birth time till the second up to the 60th division asking for $ 250 to $ 500 for it. One way to test an astrologer is no to take the chart of a known person whose birth certificate is crystal clear and give the time of birth as unknown to astrologers. You will find that every astrologer worth his salt will ‘Fit’ all the events into the Asc he chooses and even we are guilty of the same, since birth time rectification is one of the most toughest process. What is more important is being honest and admitting that it is the toughest in getting the Asc right, what say of getting to the exact second, a practice in modern times of fooling young ones. It is Michael Jacksons chart which has given us extreme pain and headaches not because he is a celeb but because he truly was a great entertainer. In recent years, to cause us sleepless nights was a bigger obsession of getting to the chart of Linda Goodman whose date of birth is also unknown, she ensured that you go round and round and don’t get to her, just like Jackson ensured that. Let’s trace his birth time confusion with what some famous astrologers went through. 7
Richard Gehman gives a time of 7:54 AM CDT "from someone close to Michael." Grazia Bordoni writes that Mercurio-3 gave 3:00 AM "from him." Zip Dobyns has 1:30 AM "from a close friend of Michael's to a fellow astrologer." Dobyns speculates late Aquarius rising. Kim Baker speculates 12:09 PM in NCGR Newsletter article. Lois Rodden spec-rectifies to 8:47 AM CDT. Basil Fearrington rectifies to 11:53 PM in "Astrology of the Famed," writing in a footnote of the Introduction that "I had many opportunities to observe Michael but could not get close enough to ask him about his time of birth." On 12/31/1998, Fearrington emailed the statement that "I had occasion, while playing in the opening act for the very last Jackson tour to ask Michael what his time of birth was. He said "I will tell you as I told Jackie Onassis, all I know is that it was late in the evening, definitely after 10:30 PM." However, LMR notes that "Astrology of the Famed" was published in 1996 and Jackson's last tour was in 1984 so there is some question about this. Shortly after Jackson's death in late June 2009, Steven Stuckey 1 wrote to: "My friend and teacher of 25 years, Vedic astrologer Chakrapani Ullal , was Michael Jackson's astrologer in the late '80's. Michael gave him a time of birth of 7:33 PM." In a follow-up e-mail, Stuckey confirmed that Chakrapani received the time from Jackson directly. Edith Hathaway submitted the same time also from Chakrapani Ullal. PT also talked with Chakrapani who confirmed that he received the time directly from Michael. At around the same time Michael Munkasey called citing Ed Healin for 12:09 PM. Ed worked at a record company and did charts as well. When Michael Jackson approached Ed to read his chart, Ed sent Jackson away, saying something like "get the time from your birth certificate." When Jackson returned, he told Ed that he had been born at 12:09 PM according to his birth certificate. Given that there are numerous reports with different times, many from Jackson himself, PT maintained the DD rating as of July 2009. We even asked America’s senior most Astrologer and also a writer for Saptarishis Astrology, Shri Chakrapani Ullal in order to double check the time of birth he received from Jackson. His reply to us: Dear Admin, Thank you for your email. Michael Jackson's birth time is 19:33 and it was personally given by him to me. I was his astrologer from the 80's, 90's, and until 2005. I do believe that this birth time is correct because he had the knowledge that the time should be very accurate for the purpose of the reading. He was kind of an enlightened man, he was vegetarian, a meditator, and was a highly humble human being. Yours, Chakrapani The Asc is Taurus with Indian Zodiac with Basil Ferrington’s time of birth Asc and Aquarius with Chakrapani Ullal’s time of birth reference. Gayatri Devi Vasudev the editor of Modern Astrology also took the same time of birth that of Mr Ullal in her September issue with a nice editorial to Jacksons chart. The agony of a serious student of astrology is when he tried several rare methods to double check on what could be the right Asc and finds that both Asc can resonate with events also matching. What does one do in such circumstances; Indian Astrology has a solution to this which is by taking Moon as the Ascendant.
Michael Jackson Chart via Moon as the Ascendant
n India we see charts from natal Asc and moon Asc and to a lesser extent the Sun Asc. Why did the ancients of India take Moon as the Asc even when the time of birth is known is a mystery, various theories abound but classical works fail to impress as to the reason why. Infact it seems absurd to take Moon as Asc since for nearly 2 days most of the people born will have the same Chart if one takes it from the Moon Asc but still astrologers in India since thousands of years have sworn with their experience that this technique works. One of the reasons to not ignore Moon Asc is not just since it 1
You can check his site and contact him for consultations at http://www.vedicastrology.com/ 8
controls the water on earth and humans having maximum % of water hence Moon Asc but the astronomical reason related to astrology is Moon is the only body which ‘Revolves Around Earth’ – this point has not been mentioned earlier in books and craves deeper thinking on it. Imagine if you are sitting in a park in bench and a kid zooms his bike around you continuously, won’t it affect your mind and by affecting one’s mind it would affect ones action which is what we are trying to find out via astrology. This revolution of the Moon around earth (you) makes it necessary to see the chart ‘Also’ from the Moon as the Asc. Also once the native has crossed the age of 32 then it becomes more than necessary to see the chart also from the Moon Asc. In case of people who are emotional or in creative fields one cannot ignore seeing their charts from the Moon Asc. Charts of people who are compassionate (4H matter), clean heart you must see their charts by making Moon as the Asc and this applies more to Michael Jackson.
Interestingly if we take Moon as the Asc then it will match with the time given by MJ to Chakrapani Ullal but we will take it as Moon Asc chart.
It is difficult to explain any chart as to why the person became a celeb without going into Indian astrology but that will be reduced here considering that the Publitorial is read by western astrology astrologers too. Some key points are a) The Asc Aq has Moon sitting in it which is the 6th lord of diseases and courts and accusations, 2 his life was marred by these factors all his life. 1H is the house of skull & skin and 6L of disease being placed there means some sort of skin disease by which his skin changes frequently just as the moons phases change. He suffered from a skin disease called vitiligo. b) Technique of Deciphering Snap Shot Of Life: This technique can be used by western astrology & Indian astrology adepts too and we had explained it briefly in previous editorials. See the number of the sign in the Asc, suppose it is Sagi Asc then the number of the sign is 9, now go to 9H of the chart and their ruler, conjunctions, planets there in and so on and you would get the Snap Shot of Life in a second. In the case of Michael Jackson, his Moon Asc is Aq which is number 11, so we take 11th house of his chart which signifies achievements in life. Its ruler is 3 Jupiter who is in the 9H of fortune & king. This 9H contains Jupiter & Rahu both expansive planet and Rahu means international. This 9H is 4th (throne) from Venus (Music) and 3rd (singing) from Mars (3L of singing). Thus he became known as the King Of Pop. This 9H of father has Rahu, so his father would be the cause of his fortune which was exactly the case, without his father he would not have achieved it. See 9H is also the house of mentor and it is with Dragons head - Rahu (cheating/break of relations) and his mentor Quincy Jones was also the cause of his great albums and the Dragons head thing happened between them. 9H is also the house of religion and over there the planet of religion Jupiter is sitting and Rahu (change) in Indian astrology shows Other Castes and particularly some astrologers use it to denote Muslims. Thus, Michael changed his religion to Islam and towards the end of his life was attracted towards Hinduism. Jupiter is also the significator of Children and Rahu denotes cheating and scandals, this is what happened in his life. 9H is the Resultant House of the 5H of love and children and he was so much in love with children. Dispositors dispositor is a technique that was revealed by Late J N Bhasin and here the dispositor of Jupiter is Venus (women) and it is in the 6H of divorce and legal settlements and loss of money (Venus). This part of the story everyone knows and need not be explained in detail. Thus you can see how this quick Snap Shot Of Life can be seen by a small forgotten technique of Indian Astrology if ones basics are strong which normally takes 40-50 years in astrology to achieve. c) Chakrapani’ s Version & Symbology of Western Astrology For a second let us truly believe that Shri Chakrapani was given the wrong time of birth, why would someone go to an astrologer for 20-25 years and give him wrong time of birth plus money to get consultations, it is unfathomable unless you believe in the nickname Wacko Jacko as he was called. For some years we have been studying degrees of the zodiac and the prediction for each individual degree of the zodiac. This deserves a very length explanation but in brief it is presented here to highlight only the superb form of symbology of Western Astrology so that Indians look into it in detail. Inspite of so many Sages of Indian Astrology, so far we do not have in Vedic astrology a book available to people anything from the sages that gives prediction for each individual degree but the sages of western astrology have done a lot of work in this field and due credit must be given to them. Charubel, Sepharial, Firmicus Maternus, Kozminsky, M C Jain and many others have done work on it and thus if one wishes to see Michael Jacksons Asc via degrees one must convert it to Tropical Zodiac and one gets 10° Pisces 07 ' which is the 11th Degree of Pisces. The explanation for it given in another work 4 Astrolabium Planum given below for 11th degree of Pisces.
2 3
Dr K.S.Charak, foremost authority on medical astrology quoted us in a mail citing Uttara Kalamrita as 1H for skin 9H of king as per western astrology & also Chandra Kala Nadi, an ancient work.
Astrolabium Planum, one of the most intriguing and enigmatic books written during Renaissance by Johannes Angelus, published in 1488 in Augusta. We referred to a translation of Planum which was translated by R. Turner (15 Jan 1655), foreword given by William Lilly, will try to upload it on our site or you can download it from 10
After spending two days of trying to find out what is the meaning of the word ftaffe & finding that connection of it in the arm (written as arme in original) in the above paragraph we troubled the never give up woman Lorin Cerina – Croatia, Margaret George U.K and finally John Frawley – Poland, the later is considered the foremost authority on William Lillys work, he wrote back…. just in case you're not aware of this - the thing that looks like an f is a standard form of printing s in old books, known as the long s. If you look closely, you'll see that it differs from an f in that the crossbar doesn't go all the way across the upright, but is on only one side of it. The word is staffe (staff in modern spelling). It's a big stick, bigger than a walking-stick, but for the same purpose. Hence the connection with vagabond - someone who wanders about all the time. Best regards, John It is very important to connect between the words used, connect to the era when it was written in a text and use it symbolically in your interpretation. Due to this factor every astrologers interpretation can vary and give in scope for criticism. What can be one form of interpretation is to imagine if the time of birth given by Chakrapani Ullal is correct and to see its western astrology symbolism. In ancient times it was the chieftan of the tribe or clan or church head who carried a staff like huge stick to symbolize that the person was a man of authority. It was like a statement to those around him about his importance. So the point is you need to not do literal translation but get behind the concept that the 16th century text is trying ‘it is trying to say that staff on the arm was a symbol of authority to stand out from the crowd. Now interpret it in modern times, you might have noticed that teenagers nowadays wear color bands on their hands to attract attention or to stand out. Now note that the Asc degree describes that the man will have a kind of a staff on his arm and we all remember that Michael Jackson had a band on his right hand and also a white glove on his hand which is 3H and giving a white silvery band on his right hand means giving Moon in the 3H of singing where already Mars is there, which means combining Mars Moon and, Mars Moon combo is a famous wealth combination in Vedic Astrology, it happening in the 3H of singing shows wealth through singing. Did an astrologer guide him on this point and he was known to visit astrologers. When asked why he wore that band he said it is for the suffering of the children of earth, now he has Mars in the 3H and in Indian astrology Mars is ‘Bhumi Putra’ means the child of the earth. He wore band on hand and the 1H of fame got activated. Offhand note sometimes he used a golden band on his arm, thus activating Sun and the famous Sun Mars Yoga. The main intention of this write up in section is not to prove that the degree of MJ is the correct one as gotten by the 19.33 time but to make the Indian astrologer look and research the texts of the Sages of the West and http://heavenastrolabe.net/about-the-stars-of-angelus-astrolabium-planum/ . It is said Johannes Angelus copied it from Ibnezra. 11
not ignore them as interpretation of the degrees of the zodiac can be the most important tool in birth time rectification than any other birth time rectification tool. d) Moon is the natural 4th lord of the zodiac which shows ones reputation and chastity, hence if the moon is spoilt he becomes prone to the accusations of sexual nature, this is a general rule and also if Moon is spoilt in a chart then ones marriage life is not stable if other factors support, additionally if Moon is spoilt one’s life will not be stable. These general principles are oft ignored by the seasoned astrologers is what has been observed hence it is being repeated here. Now how is this Moon spoilt? e) If you remember one of our previous publitorials we had mentioned a Sage Bhrighu rule that Saturn spoils the 4th from where it is placed, the 4th house from Saturn is Asc where Moon the 6L of health, debts and court problems is placed. Saturn as the 12L of bed pleasures scandals and also heavy karma from previous life brings that energy with it and spoils the Moon who governs all the factors of health, debts and court cases. Thus you can see that two planets Moon and Saturn can indicate his full life story. f) This Moon in turn is spoilt by the 8th lord of scandals and sexual scandals which in MJs chart from Moon Asc is Mercury aspecting the Moon (courts). Thus he was dragged into court for sexual scandals, why children? Since Mercury is the young prince in Indian Mythology whose age is 16 and thus if you see MJ always was dragged to court by children who were around that age. Mercury being retrograde shows that it is past life karma and it being the 8L of Chronic Bad Karma from the Dark Past (8H is house of darkness) it had to show in front of the world since Mercury is placed in the 7H of Public Platform and 7H being the opposite of the 1H it brings out you in front of the people, it being placed with a own house placed Sun who is strong there and the natural 5L of children of the zodiac and Suns properties is to exhibit light it brought the whole story in limelight and will always spoil his image whether it is true or false. g) Jupiter is significator of children and Dragons Head - Rahu significator of Scandals or sexual scandal at times as pointed out in previous publitorials, both these are in 9H and 5th house is for children, now in any chart 5th from Jupiter is also the house of children which in MJs chart would be the 1H of self where the 6th lord of litigation Moon is sitting, no doubt he had to face court on this account of children’s sexual scandal, it being moon can indicate constant regular harassment. A huge interest should arise in astrologers regarding the chart of MJ since if one takes mean nodes the Dragons Head is in 9H whereas with true nodes it shifts to 8H. This controversial topic is not dealt purposely in this Publitorial h) Mysterious Death Technique One should not forget a very broad technique for finding out mysterious death will happen or not is ‘When North Node – Rahu associates with 8H or 8L or 3H or 3L it can give mysterious death’, this is one of the techniques and not the only technique. So if true nodes are used then Rahu goes in the 8H of chronic diseases, sexual scandals and death and that is what Rahu gave him. In MJs case Rahu is in the 8H giving mysterious death & Rahu’s 2nd aspect falls on 8th lord Mercury. John F Kennedy had his 8H and 8L both aspected by Rahu. Marilyn Monroe’s 8th L Saturn is aspected by Rahu and so is the 8H, her death was and is still a mystery. Subhas Chandra Bose the Indian freedom fighter who is dead or not has not been decided since last few decades had his 8L aspected by Rahu. Bruce Lee died a mysterious death, his 8L Mer is in the 12H with Moon, Mars and Venus, all 3 are in the asterism (nakshatra) of Rahu and the 8H receives the ½ aspect (10th) of Rahu. Indira Gandhi’s son Sanjay Gandhi has his 8L Sun aspected by Rahu. In chart of Hitler, 2nd aspect of Rahu falls on the 8H, Rahu’s dispositor Mercury is with the 8L, Rahu aspects the 3H and 3L, in D9 Rahu is with the 8L Mercury of D9. One must note that when such a Rahu aspects it can also mean mysterious or chronic diseases death or sudden death or assassination death like in the case of Abraham Lincoln whose North Node –Rahu aspects his 8L Mer and 8H. Rahus 2nd house aspect on 8L Venus in John Lennon’s chart lead to the mysterious uncalled for assassination. For those who use Bhava chalit the dispositor of Rahu has gone into the 8H. One must 12
use this technique not for prediction but for verification as before Lordship and aspect techniques Yoga (specific combinations) for an Event is given prominence in Indian Astrology. i) Something Unknown About Saturn – The Philanthropist What interests one in Indian Astrology is usually Sun is known as significator for charity, and in Indian mythology it is the legendary & greatest donor ever called ‘Karna’ who is regarded as the son of Sun. Also known in the planetary mythology is that Saturn is the son of Sun yet he is given the significatorship of servants and poverty, hence not associated with charity. Hence here is a small controversial piece of observation ‘Saturn is one of the Biggest Givers’, we use the word givers more than donators as when Saturn gives he does not usually show pomp and drama unless afflicted. Note this part about Saturn and also remember that 12H is the house of charity, hence whenever 12H is connected with Saturn or 12L is connected with Saturn one can get tendencies of donating without much pomp and 5 show. Look at the chart of Angelina Jolie, she has Saturn in the 12H and has done lot of charity work . 6 Jackson has 12th ruler Saturn in the 10H of Karma and Achievements. Here is a quote ‘The MillenniumIssue of the “Guinness Book Of Records” names Michael as the “Pop Star who supports the most charity organizations’’, one can find a more detailed time line of his charity work at jacksonaction.com. Bill Gates Saturn is associated with 12th ruler Venus in 5H. One of the big names in donation is of Andrew Carnegie, his time of birth is given a DD rating by Lois Rodden, yet if we take it for a second, you would see his 12th ruler Mercury is with Saturn in the 1H of self name, as a philanthropist, his gifts to civic organizations were estimated at $350 million7 over his lifetime. One of the team members of Saptarishis Astrology has Saturn in the 12H and in a way lot of giving happens via him. Once we asked mentor what is the most special trait of Saturn in the 12H, he said ‘you have asked a wise question, such a person can at times become such a giver that he can sell himself in giving to others, even take loan and give to others, provided chart combinations (yogas) support it’. Not to forget Rockefeller, John D. Jr. who has a B rating from Lois, his 12L is also Saturn, his father’s the original Philanthropist year of birth is suspect hence not included here as an example. j) One interesting thing about his chart is Jupiter conjoined with North Node (Rahu) in the 9H of teacher and father. Apart from this Jupiter rules Children and it is with Rahu the planet of scandals, and it sitting in the 9H of Fate and Fortune, thus his fate was marred by children led scandals. Whenever the divine planet Jupiter is aspected or in trine to North Node in India students are not taught astrology by their teachers, this is a general but golden rule. The reason is such a person will go against the teacher who is signified by Jupiter (Guru) doubly in MJs case as it is placed in the 9H of father and teacher. He publicly spoke against the harsh practices of his father’s training. Now when will this native speak against his father when Jupiter’s periods are active. This part will be understood well by students of Indian astrology by a technique called Vimshottari Dasa and it was during the period of Mer-MerJupiter which ran from Nov 92 to Mar 93 that Jackson first spoke openly about his childhood abuse in an interview with Oprah Winfrey broadcast on February 10, 1993. He said that he had often cried from loneliness and would sometimes vomit when he saw his father. k) 9H is also the house of Mentor and it having the planet of cheating/deception the North Node (rahu) there will indicate that his relationship with the man who opened his Prosperity (9H-Bhagya) will not last forever and he would severe his relationship with his mentor Quincy Jones who gave him the success of his albums. Jackson was disappointed by the critical reaction to Bad--despite the album's financial success—and blamed it on decisions made by Jones during the making, and that he ended their working relationship at the advice of his advisers. l) When Will Fortune Rise – this is the biggest question in Vedic astrology for which parents come to vedic astrologer concerned about their child and the toughest to answer. In this regard the BCP 5
http://angelinafans.com/charity-work/ http://www.looktothestars.org/celebrity/113-michael-jackson http://www.jacksonaction.com/?page=charity.htm 7 http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Carnegie%2C_Andrew 6
method that was revealed last year in the 1st C.S.Patel Memorial Issue (Vol 3) is the easiest and the best. The 9th house is the house of prosperity and rise of prosperity (Bhagya in Indian astrology), over there the benefic planet Jupiter is sitting with North Node - Rahu which shows sudden great rise. 9H as per the BCP method is the 21st year, 10H is 22nd and so on. In his 21st year on 10th Aug 1979, his 1st Album titled ‘Off The Wall’ was released and he became an instant sensation with the track ‘Don’t stop till you get enough’ after which there was no stopping Michael, thus you can see how easy it is with BCP to time ‘Start of Prosperity’. You can further note the degree of Rahu and you would get around to almost the exact date of 10th Aug 1979 when his album was released8. m) North Node (Past Life Desires-Rahu) & Jupiter (religion) in the 9H of religion, will make him change his view his views on religion as Rahu means Transformation and Pending Issues too from past life and it is said he changed his religion to Islam and in his later period of life he was attracted to Hinduism it is reported in media. n) Dragons Tail – Ketu – This is Where You Can Immortalize Yourself his was supposed to be a future article in the BSP-Planet series but is being included here. Sage Bhrighu method is ‘wherever Dragons Tail (Ketu) sit there you have the possibility of Installing Your Flag Of =Your Own Name Forever’ – that is of establishing yourself if the other planets in the chart supports. This can help you plan your life and of your clients. Let’s quickly look at few charts without illustrations. Jackson has Ketu in the 3H of singing, hands, and shoulders with the 10L of Career. Apart from his singing his hands and shoulder movement in his dance was too innovative and there he established himself what Elvis could not do. Sylvester Stallone has Dragons Tail - Ketu in the 1H as per western zodiac so he has Established His Name forever, if you take the Indian zodiac then the ketu is in the 12H of abroad and charity in the 8th sign of the dark horse and sex. He started his career as the dark horse and his roles were of the dark horse and his name is established abroad. He started his career with a semi-porn movie. He has done charity work for Pediatric Epilepsy 9 Project . Similarly Bollywood star had Ketu in the 1H of self, his name cannot be erased and 1H is personality, ideals and had huge impact to Martin Luther King and Obama. Elizabeth Kübler Ross has Dragons Tail - Ketu in 11H of attainment, it is aspected by the planet of death Saturn, she did revolutionary work on death and dying and Dragons Tail - Ketu being in Sagi, the 9th sign of higher knowledge & Teacher, that’s what she gave a higher knowledge by teaching it to 125,000 students worldwide. Hitler had Dragons Tail - Ketu in the 3H of death (secondary house of death) he put his stamp in the style of death meted out. Elvis had Dragons Tail - Ketu in 9H of Gods aspected by Venus in the 3H of singing; he was considered the God of Rock. Mother Teresa’s time of birth is suspect but if we take the commonly known chart of her, it has Dragons Tail - Ketu in the 12H of Charity in the sign of Sc, chronic diseases, she did charity work for the destitute, sick and homeless, and thus she established her names flag forever and inspired millions. A young astrologer who gave his jyotish software free also has Dragons Tail - Ketu in the 12H of charity and till he was charging for it he was not known but when a mail to him stirred a cord in him, then he gave his software free of charge and has become known now thereby establishing his name. Paramhansa Yogananda has Dragons Tail - Ketu in the 3H of Libra (resultant house of knowledge) and its lord has gone in the 4H of knowledge. 3H is the house of writing and his Autobiography of a Yogi is and will remain an unmatched spiritual classic that everyone picks up in his path to understand Indian Spirituality. Jawaharlal Nehru had Dragons Tail - Ketu in the 6H of fighting with Jupiter the 9L of Rulers. He is known as having fought with the Britishers and helped Gandhi get our freedom. 3H is also the house of servants as per Sage Parasara, Abraham Lincoln had Dragons Tail - Ketu in the 3H he ended slavery in America and established his name forever. 4H is the house of Home Land, Gandhi had Ketu in the 4H of homeland and he freed our land from British Empire and thus established his name. 9H is the house of righteousness (Dharma), higher knowledge, religion and Guru, Lord Krishna has various charts floating around but most scholars agree for Taurus Asc and Ketu in the 9H, he established Righteousness and religion and became Guru of
8 9
For further details on how to use the degree of Rahu to time the date of the event you can refer to our Vol 4 issue the ‘Thy Notes article’ http://www.looktothestars.org/celebrity/342-sylvester-stallone 14
Gurus to Arjuna his student and gave us the great work on righteousness and higher knowledge called Gita. Help direct your clients in how they can establish themselves but please do not forget to warn them that wherever Ketu sits there ‘One Major Mistake’ will happen, there is no 99% in this. o) Dial M for Michael here is a secret system not known to Indian Astrologers on using the 9 Planets in correspondence to the starting letter of one’s name. For e.g. names starting with R stands for Moon and so does S for Moon, A is denoted by Sun & M is signified by Saturn and so on. Whenever one sees a chart this method should be used in the backdrop and you should see your clients name and the planet signified by it should be marked in memory while seeing the chart, at a later date will provide a complete article on it. This planet signified by the starting letter will usually be strong or important in the chart, will give you hints about the ‘Life Path Of the Individual’ & if followed well along with support of planets can give ‘Immortality’. Do not ignore this method at all. Now Michael name starts with the letter M and it stands for Saturn which in Jackson’s case is the Asc lord in the 10H thereby making it doubly strong, is the significator of singing in Jaimini Astrology (being BK) and being the 12th lord in the 10H of career it shows this life is a result of a very deep past life desire to become a star. Also as it is the 12L of bed pleasures and sex life, being placed in the 10H of career he should have been careful not to allow anything on his sexuality to come out in the open. Saturn as the 12H lord of feet and Asc Lord of body, his body and feet movements were characteristic and phenomenal. Quickly see chart of Michael Angelo, M stands for Saturn it is the 3L of hands, painting and sculpting and it is placed in the 7H of Lime-Light, which is what we did in life. Madonna starts with M and her Saturn is placed in the 4H of fortune and chastity in the sign of Scorpio (sex & hidden things, change of religion) aspecting her 10H of Taurus (2H of voice), she used extreme sensuality in her videos to stand out among the crowd of pop singers. SA team’s one volunteers fathers name starts with M and it is the 8L of Aq in the 10H with Mars in Aries (body). 8H is chronic diseases and Aries is body, the gentleman has paralysis of whole body. Paramhansa Yogananda the man who wrote the immortal classic ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ is known as Yogananda and Y stands for Moon, which is in his 1H of Leo (5h of natural zodiac and the house of authorship) and this Moon is the 12L of spirituality placed in the Asc, so he gave the world something new on spirituality never to be forgotten. Elvis is E and it is ruled by Sun who is his 10H of profession, which is placed in the 2H of voice of Elvis Presley with 11L of gains, he gained money due to his profession. K N Rao is a very old Indian astrologer, the word K stands for Mars in his Asc with 8L of occult Venus & 10L of profession and fame Moon who is dispositor of exalted Jupiter, he is the most famous writer on mystic Indian astrology in last 100 years. Note this Mars of K is the 2nd lord of speech and correct predictions (Vak Siddhi), Mr K N Rao is known as the finest predictor in recent times. If you speak of Mr Rao you can’t not speak of Dr B.V.Raman the longest serving editor of an astrological magazine, some people call him B V Raman and some called him Raman but mainly it is B V Raman, now B stands for Saturn and R for Moon, both are placed in his 4H of education (Vidya) which he spread and was famous for it. Moon is 6L so he was famous for war predictions successful on World War 1 & 2.
p) Year Of Death Use Progression the BCP way as mentioned in Vol 3 & 4, which is 1H 1st year, 12H is 12th year of life, again rotate it and 12H will be 24th year, 36, 48 and so on. Michael died on June 25 2009 which will be his 51st year. Now 51-48(last cycle of 12) = 3H – ‘Focus House for the Year’. Now see the planets in his 3H, Mars – the significator of diseases, accidents and mysterious death (natural 8th lord of zodiac) and Dragons Tail - Ketu (Ketu) - significator of accidents, untimely death, ghosts, spirits and black magic. All this in the 3H which is the secondary house of Death (8th from 8th house). Venus sits in the 6H of 10 accidents and shows drug overdose and this Ven was in Transit on this 3H along with Tr Mars 10
Venus in Indian Mythology shows herbs (Sanjeevani) which revive from death like situation but it going in a bad house like 6H (6,8,12 are termed as bad houses in a chart in Indian astro) will show problems due to drugs (herbs). 15
thereby activating 3H of death, also ‘Simultaneously’ being activated by Rahu in the 10th from it which is the 12H of exit thereby giving him an exit in life. Ketu shows ghosts and it is reported in media that his ghost was cited at numerous occasions. q) Moon Walk – With Moon in the Asc and 12L of legs Saturn in the 10H of ‘Trade Mark’ in the watery sign of Scorpio – his Moon Walk became his trade mark and it was as if his feet were of Jelly. How and when will he perform we would look but for those who came in late here is what is Moon walk. The moonwalk or backslide is a dance technique that presents the illusion of the dancer being pulled backwards while attempting to walk forward. A breakdancing move, it became popular around the world after Michael Jackson executed it during a performance of "Billie Jean" on Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever on March 25, 1983. It subsequently became his signature move, and is now one of the best-known dance techniques in the world. Now on March 25th 198311 Michael would be in his 25th year which be 1st house as per BCP Progression of one house per year. 1H is the Asc whose lord Saturn as such signifies the legs and it is placed in the 10H of highest achievement and also 10H of knees, Saturn is also the 12L of legs in the 10H, also ‘where Saturn sits man will come to his knees’ this had been revealed in one of our previous commentaries or better put for this chart there would be a knee jerk. Note the sign where this 25th year Saturn is sitting it is Scorpio, a powerful watery sign, his feet will move like water, akin to gliding on water and so in his 25th year he performed what was termed as a Master Move that won everyone’s heart and you can watch the video http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moonwalk_%28dance%29 after the moon walk he just did that a knee jerk, bending on his knees. r) 8L of sexuality being Mercury who is considered a neuter gender in Indian Astrology, in the initial years the common thought he is neuter gender and has a sexuality problem or has done a sex change. s) Mars and Ketu in the 3H of singing gave him the aggressiveness in his voice whilst Moon in his 1H saw to it that he still had the feminine flavor in him and his voice. Moon here made him like a mother to all and made him distribute his money to 39 charities world over. t) Mars is the 8L of the natural zodiac of male sexual organ and it is placed in the 3H of hands, his trade mark became his hand catching of the crouch though he was no great looker but still men women idolized him world over with his aggressiveness on screen. The way MJ used his hands (Mars Ketu) and feet (Saturn) no entertainer till date has been able to do so. u)
Pepsi Ascendant
1H is head and if one fine tunes the 1H represents the area above the face i.e. the skull where the hair is placed, over there in the 1H of hair 6th lord of accidents Moon is placed in the sign of Aquarius which is ruled by Saturn so Moon and Saturn are two most important planets, the periods of these two in combo can give accidents to the hair, skull. All Vedic astrologers use a system of timing events called Vimshottari Dasa and on January 27, 1984 Jackson was running Saturn Main Period with Moon Sub Period & Saturn sub-sub period when during the shooting pyrotechnics accidentally set Jackson's hair on fire. He suffered second-degree burns to his scalp. Jackson underwent treatment to hide the scars on his scalp, and he also had his third rhinoplasty shortly thereafter. Saturn is the 12L of hospitalization placed in the sign of Scorpio indicating that it will be chronic. Incidentally in Vedic astrology Saturn is the significator of hair and he was running Saturn-Moon-Saturn. You may note how many times Saturn has repeated in the above periods when accident happened and also we mentioned earlier that Saturn is the Philanthropist, you see Pepsi settled out of court for the accident and Jackson donated his $1.5 million settlement to the Brotman Medical Center in Culver City, California, which now has a "Michael Jackson Burn Center" in honor of his donation. So eventually this Saturn that gave him the 11
Somewhere on net it says May 16th 1983 this move was first performed, still it becomes 25th year, our source is wikipedia 16
accident did make him give back to the society, you can’t sue and take the money home, it is never yours is the common mans saying hence Saturn makes you return that money back to the masses (masses significator is also Saturn). Asc has Aq ruled by Saturn and Moon in it, the two colors for these planets are blue for Saturn and white for Moon. Michael often wore blue color shirts with white T-shirt in his videos, do you remember the super hit ‘The Way You Make Me Feel’ video of his song.
How to Unlock Karma v) Now 3H is the house of ‘UnLocking Of the 10H of Karma’ and this aspect is not known, what is 3H it is the house of one’s actions (hands) and the house of free will and it is only with your actions and free will you Unlock your Karma hence the 3H is the house of Unlocking of Karma. So planets in the 3H and 3L can help you Unlock Your Karma and help you achieve Karma for which you are born. This aspect of the 3H is something new for Indian Astrologers but it works. Now see in natural zodiac Mars the 8L of crouch and occult & dark forces is in the 3H with Dragons Tail - Ketu (Ketu) which also signifies Ghosts. This combination fortified the ghost element. It is sitting in the 3H of short walks and travelling and so it is only when he had a short walk with a girl near a crematorium (Ghosts-Ketu) and when he danced with the ghosts his Karma was Unlocked and the whole world sang Thriller. Ketu also signifies ‘Changes’ and if you remember the video of Thriller his face changed to a ghost (Ketu) and that’s what did it for Jackson for his career as Ketu and Mars is in the 1H of Face but unfortunately this kept on happening in his whole life.
Pending Karma or Why You are Born Indian Astrology claims to be very karma centric and from 10,000 years of history of Indian astrology all students will be told at the start of their astro studies that Indian Astrology helps you see your Karma, to help you move ahead in your cycle of re-births to the next level. But unfortunately one spends 50-70 years in astrology and cannot find a single reliable technique by which the student can see his pending karma or what is that one or many thing pending in his life for which he is born. This form of fooling the students has continued since generations and by the time one is 10 yrs old in Indian Astrology one stops thinking or asking this most vital question. Now there are many hidden techniques of finding out what is the Pending Karma in the most ancient form of astrology which is Bhrighu Astrology and only one of them is revealed here for the first time. Make no mistake that it is a ‘General Technique’. One should test it on known charts of atleast 20 before venturing further.
The Unknown Pending Karma Technique of Sage Bhrighu ‘Wherever the 6th Lord in a natal chart sits or the Planets in the 6H indicate the Pending Karma of this Life that must be Crossed to go to the Next Cycle of Birth’. This is the Block that must be cleared & wiped out in This Life. This is the thing that will always Stop your Progress and Haunt you in this life’. One must use this as a broad technique as this is not the only technique to find out pending karma, use it intelligently combining other tools and from various ascendants various things will be shown. Also if there is a planet in the 6H then see it is lord of which all houses and what it disposits, see the planets basic significations. Even though this technique is simple it can only be used by an expert who is master of houses, planets and house significations – if you are not widely read then don’t use this technique nor judge it – make no mistake about what we have written above. MJ Chart & Pending Karma 17
See in his 6H the planet of Music & Entertainment Venus is placed, his pending karma was to sing and entertain. It being in the sign of Cancer it shows that it was very creative as it’s a watery sign. Who does Venus disposit, it disposits the 9H of Father and Mentor, his pending karma was with his father and his Mentor Quincy Jones. At the same time Venus is womenfolk and some of his female friends were very close to him, whom he helped out financially thus his pending karma was towards them. Venus is also Money and Wealth and whatever sits in the 6H one tends to lose or let go. He let go of a lot of money for charities and eventually he got into further debts since 6H is the house of debts. Coming back Venus disposits the 9H where Jupiter (children) and North Node (Rahu-Scandals), his Karma was pending towards these children where he got into scandal and also other world children whom he loved as it was his Pending Karma.
Now where is his 6L placed, it is right in his 1H of self. These diseases, accidents and facial changes all were his Pending Karma and it had to happen. Now if you read BSP-15 that is revealed in this issue in the Indian section you will notice that the technique of where Venus sits it gives medical expenses and can at times indicate death. Venus is in the 6H of diseases his medical expenses were phenomenal and Venus is in the 4H of medicines and 4th sign of heart. He died due to drug over-dose and due to final heart failure (4th H and sign Cancer indicates heart). As the 6L is Moon who is lord of the sign Cancer and heart, he was considered most compassionate and as a mother to several children, why so, since it is the 6L of Pending Karma and thus he was most compassionate, the one with a lonely heart as that was his pending karma. Let us see few more examples:-
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M.D. (July 8, 1926 – August 24, 2004) was a Swiss-born psychiatrist and the author of the groundbreaking book On Death and Dying, where she first discussed what is now known as the Kübler-Ross model. She is a 2007 inductee into the National Women's Hall of Fame. She was the recipient of twenty honorary degrees and by July 1982 had taught, in her estimation, 125,000 students in death and dying courses in colleges, seminaries, medical schools, hospitals, and social-work institutions. Now use the Sage Bhrighu method of Pending Karma and you can see how beautifully it works in this chart. The lady did original work on Death and Dying and became world famous, see the planet in 6H it is the planet of communication and writing Mercury who is the 8L of death, she wrote ground break work on Death and Dying. Now see the 6L it is Moon – she was a psychiatrist, they deal with the mind, this Moon is in the 5H of authorship – she wrote the groundbreaking book Death and Dying, it is with Sun the natural zodiac lord of authorship and real knowledge and life giver. She gave new life to the concept of death and dying, this 6L Moon is with Rahu and rahu is the underworld and dark things significator, death is considered a dark subject in most cultures. Thus you can see how Sage Bhrighus rule of Pending Karma works so well in her chart, in some charts it will not be too obvious until we know the full story of the person so it’s no use speculating it on a chart which is only 30-40 years old. Sylvester Stallone – It Ain’t Over Yet
They say if you work in the Hollywood or Bollywood industry you will not like the celebs, you won’t be in awe of them and this was the case with us and we were not at all impressed with Sly Stallone who just seemed like any other fame hungry guy who is in Hollywood until one reads about this man in a book by a Sage and it seems this man was in demand back there in the Himalayas and the people there seems to think that Stallone has done a great service to mankind. Why ? Since this man taught USA and the world to ‘Never Think Anything is Impossible’ ‘To Fall and Get Up, But Get Up’. When we researched on the net and talked to few oldies in the west they said that Stallone’s Rocky taught you that even though you are the underdog, even if you are a nobody just don’t give up, if you fall in life you make the fastest comeback and win the heart of your enemies. Generations have grown on the Rocky Series, each learning to fight with life’s impossible circumstances just the way Rocky did and as they say Rocky was made for Stallone and no one else could do it, he wrote it and did not get go even when he had few dollars left in his pocket. Now use Sage Bhrighus 6H rule, over there sits Rahu the planet of Cinemas, the 6L is Venus a planet of entertainment in the 8H of the Underdog and the Dark Horse, who is with the 3L of acting Saturn and hands and with Mercury, the natural lord of hands and pending karma and this Mercury is also the 10L of profession and the 7L of public limelight and so it was his boxing (hands) movie that gave him the famous name of the Italian Stallion and his phenomenal left punch (11L of left hand – is the same 6L Venus of Pending Karma). All this energy in 8H with Saturn aspects his 5H of acting and thus the man who became John Rambo – the forgotten dark horse went on to create history as the 20
greatest underdog who could not deliver a single dialogue on camera, who was born physically handicapped to become the Messiah for all underdogs in the world. Lets relook this, North Node (Rahu- obstacles) is in the 6H where the sign Taurus is there, it is nd the 2 house of the natural zodiac signifying face and speech (note the 1H is classically the skull and brain), so this 6H Rahu should show pending karma and what he ‘needs to overcome’ . Doctors used forceps during his birth that severed a nerve and caused paralysis in parts of Stallone's face, resulting in his signature slurred speech and drooping lower lip. There are two kinds of people one who cry and the other who use their disadvantage into an advantage, Stallone used his slurred speech to get into the best quotes ever on screen, remember "Yo, Adrian" - Sylvester Stallone as Rocky Balboa – Rocky. Then you see the 6L again and you see it goes into the 8H of sex with Saturn, whenever Venus Saturn are in 8H or 12H then it can lead to sexual scandals it what has been our limited observation. In Stallone’s case it show pending karma in the sexual dept and it is only when that is finished his Karma will be Unleashed. Now read this from Wikipedia ‘Stallone had his first starring role in the softcore pornography feature film Party at Kitty and Stud's (1970), later re-released as Italian Stallion (the new title was taken from Stallone's nickname since Rocky and a line from the film). He was paid US$200 for two days' work. Do you see how he had to finish this Karma which later re-surfaced in 2007. Mahatma Gandhi – Father of the Nation
Let us see the Pending Karma of Mahatma Gandhi, Father of India Nation. 6th Lord is Jupiter, and we all know that Jupiter means Guru, the one who shows the way and light to his students. Jupiter is also the 9L of Father in natural zodiac and thus here in the case of Gandhi it is in the 7H of Public Life. Thus he became the Father of the nation, showing the way to the whole nation and the world. His teachings are still followed worldwide and he inspired revolutions from Martin Luther King to the current Obama. Now this is for Indians, Jupiter as a planet is categorized as a Brahmin – caste which is a scholarly class and does not fight and loves to eat. Jupiter here is retrograde so it will show some qualities of a normal Jupiter and some of a retrograde and he showed here his quality of non-violence, scholarly works and as it is retrograde he created his system of fasting. If he fasts for a cause the Britishers would throw him in jail, then he would fast again in jail and the Britishers would be forced to throw him out of jail. What a way he showed. Barack Obama – The King
In his 6H there is Venus and the 6th lord Mer is placed in the 7H of ‘Public Life’. It is placed with Sun which signifies Govt and is the King of the Planetary Cabinet, so he got the position of the King of 22
Earth (US President is considered the most powerful man) and this sun is the 8L of suddenness, which is what happened to him. Now who is there in the 6H it is Venus which means money, so it was during a time of economic recession he was the chosen one, now see the lordship of this Venus, it is the 10L of Govt and 5L of power, this is what has happened in his life and this is what is his Pending Karma. Come back to his 6L it is aspected by Saturn and Jupiter, which means he must take care of the common man (Saturn) and also the affluent (Jupiter) and as this Jupiter is the 12L of previous karma, this 6L is further fortified by Jupiter’s aspect. See the whole chart from Moon as the Asc, the 6L is Venus placed in the 2H of administration from the moon and in the 2H of speech. He rose to power due to his speeches (more so as it is in the sign of Gemini- communication) and got into the most affluent administration of all (Venus is affluence). This was his pending karma and you can see this is happening in the 4H of education or for those who take 2H as primary education, he is doing reforms there in the education field – again his pending karma. You can use the natural zodiac of Aries Asc and see that his 6L is Mercury sitting in the 4H of Throne with Sun the King and he is no doubt sitting in the seat of the King. Abraham Lincoln – Father of USA He needs no introduction, from astro point of view his time of birth is suspect. So as we don’t have his exact time of birth let us look at his chart in this broad technique from Moon Asc and Natural Zodiac Asc which is from Aries Asc. From Moon Asc his 6H is empty and its lord Mer who is the natural lord of 3H in zodiac which as you read in this article 3H is the house of ‘Unlocking Of Karma Through Actions’ and it is with Sun (King of Planets) in 2H of administration, thus he became the President of United States. He successfully led his country through its greatest internal crisis, the American Civil War, preserving the Union and ending slavery. Now look from the natural Asc which is Aries and the 6L will always be Mer (use this hint for all charts) and it is with Sun the King in the 11H of Accomplishments of Desires & Power. This is only being spoilt by Saturn whose 4th aspect spoils this Sun Mer combination of Power. It was during Saturn/Mer period he got assassinated if we take the B rating given by ADB, thus you can see how Saturn spoilt this Mercury (Pending Karma) combination by giving death in Saturn/Mer period.
George Lucas – Star Wars Film maker 6H is vacant but the 6L is Mercury the planet of communication in 1H (whole life) and with planet Venus the planet of entertainment and magnanimous wealth. So he communicated via his movies which were big budgets. The lord of this Venus Mer conjunction is Mars (wars-fighting) and is conjoined Dragons Head (Rahu- Movies) and thus he made movies of the unknown (Dragons HeadRahu) which were huge and big movies (it is with Jupiter who is also expansive). This was his pending karma.
Although in some of the above examples one can clearly see how the Pending Karma technique is working, in some cases one need to just see where Mercury is placed and in some cases you need to go to the stronger of planet as reference or the asterism lord (nak lord) as co-association to come to the conclusion. If there are requests then in a separate article would take up other cases of how to use this simple looking technique but extremely complex at times and only superb mastery of astrology coupled with great intuition can help one use this technique to see the Pending Karma. Just so that when readers try it on many charts and not find it working smoothly, the need arises to mention two points a) There are in total as of now 4 methods that Saptarishis Astrology is aware of which are concrete techniques to find out the Pending Karma that must be done in this life to go the next level – which is the real reason behind astrology and not predictions b) At times it is better to switch the zodiac from Indian to Tropical (western) or Sayana System (which is also Indian and some Vedic astrologers still use it and was in vogue in 20th century in Maharashtra) or at the same time to use both the zodiacs and then use this technique. Right now we are unable to comment on which zodiac to use on ‘which’ type of chart as a work called Krishneeyam (dated around 4th or 6th century) contains a verse on the zodiac and we have been unable to decode it exactly. Still let us take the two zodiacs as a case study on Elvis Presley’s chart and though one must not study this Pending Karma technique on charts of singers as classics are not clear on singers and the houses of singers but still let’s venture into it. Indian Zodiac – Elvis Presley
With the Indian Zodiac Chart 6H is empty and 6L Mars has gone into the 11H of highest achievements. Some ancient texts give a clue on singers but mostly scared and confusing Garga Hora Chapter 12 Verse 1248 1248. The Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn in the 11th house: will be truthful, be chief in his race, be very wise and be skillful in singing. Garga Hora Chapter 4 Verse 298 298. Jupiter, Venus, Saturn in the 3rd house: interested in singing, be not sinful, be interested in women's wealth, be prosperous, will locate hidden treasures, be dear to young women, and will be firm in friendship. Let’s see again 6L of pending karma has gone into the 11H whose lord Mercury has gone in the 2H of speech and is with Sun the King of Planets, he was called the King. But still the pending karma is not so easily seen and crystal clear. Now use Western Zodiac Western Zodiac – Elvis Presley The 6H is empty and the 6th lord (owner) is Venus the planet of entertainment and performance, it is in the 2H of voice with Sun (The King & natural 5th lord of performer in the natural zodiac) and is conjoined with Mercury, the singer and communicator and natural 3rd lord of singing. The dispositor of this 2H is Saturn who is in the 3H of singing with North Node (Rahu) the natural planet of immortality and the groovy planet, his songs were groovy and one would go round and round about him. He had the capability of making you drunk over him and his songs without drinking at all. This was his pending Karma which he completed and which is the job of the astrologer to prescribe and unlock. Thus you can see that in this particular chart of Elvis, it is more easier to use the Tropical (Sayana) zodiac to decipher his Pending Karma than the Indian Zodiac or better it is to combine both for e.g. a Gemini Asc with Indian zodiac will have 6L Mars in the 9H of Guru, Teacher and Higher Knowledge and this natives aim is to spread higher knowledge in jyotish and his pending karma was to serve his guru.
If we take the same chart via the western zodiac the Asc comes as Cancer and the 6L of Pending Karma is Jupiter in the 8H of occult and astrology in the sign of Aquarius, the native has been successful in bringing to light some rare hidden knowledge and manuscripts freely to the Astrology world, why so since Jupiter is a planet of Light and where it sits it brings light to the house, whereas 8H of occult is a dark & hidden house and here Jupiter brought out (light) the hidden knowledge in astrology unknown so far to the astrology world right into the outside world. So you combine both and you would safer, at the same time it is easier to predict even for us when a known celeb chart is given to us but on unknown charts that easily it is not decipherable – only experience is the best teacher. Inability to Predict – Pre-Release of Publitorial
s a practice the Publitorial is not shared before release with even the core team members except Mentor. This time we made an exception and shared it with some friends wanting to understand their view point on some of the controversial points of the Publitorial. Presented
here is an ICAS teacher, a voracious teacher, unbiased individual and one of the most novel researchers in modern astrology. His response to the Publitorial is reproduced here with his permission. Dear S, 1) At the outset the editorial is really excellent. After reading this I would admit that I do not know the real astrology. 2) My opinion is there is nothing in this editorial to be edited or removed. But it has become very lengthy and people may lose interest/track in reading it. If possible try to make it a two part. One part can be article on "unlocking the karma". 3) Please go through the incident I am narrating here. On December 25th 1998 one person as a regular routine started to go for morning walk at around 6:00 AM. As the climate was very chilly he wore sweater and covered his face except eyes with muffler to beat the cold. After walking for sometime one car came and stopped in front of him from back side and the person driving the car was shouting at him with anger. Without knowing the mistake he committed he asked the man why he was shouting. Then the man came out of the car and said why you tried to misbehave with my wife when she went for morning walk. By this time one lady came out of the car and told her husband that this is the person who caught her from back side when she was walking. Failing to understand what was happening to him this person (who went for walk) tried to convince them the he is not the one who misbehaved with the lady and probably she had mistaken identity and mistook him for someone and try to think twice before blaming someone for no fault. But the lady and her husband were firm and sure about the person. This story did not stop here and both the parties trying to prove their point. The lady gave a police complaint on the person she identified for his mis behavior. The other side is the person was in a very respectable post and he had a proven track record and none of his acquaintances believed that he could do such thing. Every one supported him and some of the lady colleagues went and spoke to the lady who had lodged the complaint and persuaded her to withdraw the complaint. Though the lady accepted to his colleagues that she may be wrong but she does not want to withdraw the complaint as she was afraid of her husband as he may take her to task for wrong identification. Ultimately the person got rid of the complaint by the involvement of a very senior police officer with the help of his boss. The person was unnecessarily involved in this scandal for no fault of his. Here the lady also cannot be blamed as she had mistaken the identity. But the mental agony the native had was enormous. Can u guess who the person is? Its' me. DOB: 26-08-1968 TOB: 09:44a.m POB: Hyderabad. I have Rahu in the 6th house. 6th lord Jupiter is in the 11th house (Leo) in the star of Venus. I was running Rahu - Venus dasa. Venus is Lagna lord and posited in the 11th house. If we go by BCP method I was 30 years old at that time so my 6th house has to operate in the 30th year. [SA: Going into it minutely the event is 4 months past 30 but still Rahu will operate due to 12th aspect of Rahu] Why I narrated this is whether you can link the unlocking karma for this incident. Regards, K. 12
ICAS – Indian Council of Astrological Studies founded by Late Dr Raman 28
Post mortem is always easy but let us answer to Mr. K’s query as to how to see pending karma. First and foremost pending karma is not one but obviously many and in many areas of one’s life. The 6th house has Rahu, if he is an astrologer he is not an astrologer from this life but from previous life13 and it is his deepest desire to be a great astrologer (sign is Pisces), apart from that the 6L is Jupiter (knowledge) goes in the 11H of Jyotisha (astrology) in the sign of Leo (author) with Sun Mercury, seeing this we have encouraged him to become a writer and his articles have created history so far. Now see the sexual scandal, the 6H has Rahu that is Dragons Head and that denotes scandal as such and it is in the 12th sign which signifies bed pleasures and sex so again something to do with that can happen. Then see 6L has gone in the 11H with Sun (Govt/boss) and Venus (woman) and Mercury (colleagues) with A8 (scandals) and this Venus is the 8L of scandals. It was his boss (Sun) who called up senior police officers (Sun) and with help of colleagues (Mercury) that the problem (Venus) got solved. This was his pending karma that he had to face unfortunately. Also since 11H is that of wife and children, 13
One can note the charts of some astrologers like K.N.Rao they will have Rahu/Ketu in the 6H. 29
either he must have gotten married or have had a child and after some time this scandal would have erupted in his life, we don’t know re the same but will have to check. What we must admit is though we had this chart since one year we could ourselves not see this scandal pending karma since the native is one of the straightest men we have ever known and only thing that we saw was his pending karma of an astrologer and writer that’s it. Technique no doubt works to the T but every time applicability with 100 % accuracy only a Sage can do and let us astrologers start admitting it for a start. Also what must be added here is though the chart holder says after reading this editorial that he realized he does not know astrology, our posting the verbatim letter with his permission is not to show to the world that teachers of astrology are below us or we above them in knowledge. If only we at Saptarishis Astrology could be allowed by our families to tattoo on our hands ‘I Do Not Know Astrology’ it would be one of those honest & most cherished moments in our life. May our Epitaph have it. The moment more amount of astrologers come to know of a technique the planets who are constantly creating & have consciousness come up with new methods to decode and deliver their results thereby making the task of astrologers difficult, this is an unknown secret but that is the reason one of 14 the sages like Parasara said around 3000 years back that even great sages cannot easily decipher the movement and results of the planets.
C.S.Patel Manuscript Centric Issue
ow comes that part which an editor or publisher dreads, you as a publisher or editor or head of an organization needs to appear publicly as the goody goody guy who can never get personal or attack anyone or any concept personally and can’t be expected to write anything apart from technical astrology. If you follow this you will become acceptable in all quarters and other organisations will call you abroad and all over India and by the end of your life felicitate you which every editor wants. But no one wants to take the issue of astrology that will make the ‘Real Change’. No one wants to do the ‘Dirty Job’, no one has so far. No one wants to call a spade a spade and take the bull by the horn since it is considered bad manners and more enemies are born and at the end of the day no awards, no felicitations by Indian and Foreign organisations or no one will call you for lectures by which you can make more money. Here at this crossroad where our image so far has been the goody-goody guys we must take a bold step for what we stand for and believe in and to put the money where our mouth is. It is for this reason we started Saptarishis Astrology and not for doing PR services and pleasing everyone. So in this issue the Publitorial will be divided into 2 parts one where the Western cum Indian astrologer can understand and the 2nd part where more of the Indian astrologers will be able to understand but the western astrology astrologer is requested to also read that for some rare points on technical astrology. So now we must talk & understand the meaning of Knowledge. 1.1 Process of Knowledge Dissemination t takes one to be fortunate to realize that by the end of our lifetimes we are not able to even master 15 one single work (book) of a Sage or ancient writer and the maximum that is available in English language is around 20 classics out of which the modern astrologer has read utmost 2 classics that too even after 20 years in this subject. Forget mastering them. We once read an interview of a very famous Varanasi astrologer in Hindi (national language of India) who said the problem in astrology is it is a science of extreme hard work since the available literature in astrology that needs to be read is around 3000 books (in Hindi) who has the time for it, most start shop after 15 books. Can you see the numbers difference between what an English reading Indian astrologer and a Hindi reading Indian astrologer is ? The English reading Indian astrologer is the most poorly read, having non-classical basis, no true guru and has to resort to intuition for predictions or websites where he can alter his mundane astrology
I 14
He mentioned Sage Vasishtha and Brihaspati in his verse.
Mentor has a more extreme and honest view, he says understanding a single verse of a Sage can take lifetimes if one is lucky. His view is not of arrogance this, scholars of astrology who have pursued it with honesty will agree. 30
predictions after the event has happened and show it as if he predicted it before hand, a practice followed nowadays. 1.2 Minds Don’t Want Knowledge To Come Out he process of knowledge dissemination is the most difficult in astrology not because it is a complex subject but due to the mentality of those associated with astrology. Famous astrologers try their level best not to allow knowledge to come out, this is most unfortunate yet true part even among the legends of astrology whom we students have idolized and when we come to know the real truth about these Legends we feel ashamed that we idolized them since these were the ones who hoarded good quality knowledge and manuscripts and only wanted to become the Modern Fathers of Astrology to achieve fame. Whereas in the West it is far easier for knowledge to come out, if you have astro knowledge in the west, you sell it via classes, lectures, teach per hour or through books and you charge fees towards it but atleast the knowledge and experience of the astrologers goes out to the world. Most western students of this science hence stick to teachers from their continent due to this and ease of accent and non-judgmental nature of their western teachers. Over here in India the mentality of those who hoard knowledge is to make students their slaves and still not give out the full knowledge unless the student is a celeb or a Richie-rich guy or a woman, preferably a beautiful woman. For generations of traditions in astrology grew with certain norms and rules to safe guard their knowledge and thus their interests to not allow their neighbor astrologer to earn more claiming that it is to be given to only the deserving. But now a new trend has arisen in India, to give out tradition secrets when only invited abroad & minor ones in India or give those traditional big secrets when one can charge huge dollars in courses to their Pets (chamchas in Indian language). They swear by traditional secrecy but it comes out when $ is flashed or when a woman student comes in. All of us have seen so many teachers falter to this problem and it is natural, as at the end of the day all of us are humans and who doesn’t like $. None of us are holier than thou.
1.3 Availability of Knowledge ost of the astrological knowledge is held in manuscripts which are either in Latin, Greek, Sanskrit and likewise other ancient texts. The need of the hour since last 100 years of dying experts in these languages is to translate them into English the most universal language and then to test that knowledge on hundreds of charts and then find out what is our lacking in understanding that verse or aphorism. Let us give an example there was one of the most brilliant of astrologers in India somewhere in the 6th century called Varahamihira who wrote a monumental piece of work called Brihat Jataka but at the end he wrote that he has coded all the verses in that text. From then on till now millions of Indian astrologers have studied his work and 100’s have translated this same work but it was only one man in the early 20th century who gave a new meaning to one of the verses from the said work on which we wrote an article called ‘The 19th Verse’ in the 2nd issue (volume 2). It was ignored and left out by scholars in the 20th century due to rivalry. But that verse has so much of hidden knowledge that we ourselves have been able to write on it only on one part and it reveals a new system of timing events but still there are more than 10 articles and techniques that can be derived from it, admin work takes up our time and the pain of not writing on those hidden methods in that 19th verse. So you see what the original writer wrote in the 6th century, his work easily available but the true meaning of the verse took around 1500 years to come by and then the process will start of aggressively testing it and then after some 40-50 years it will either be accepted as a dictum or rejected, which means even we can be wrong. This is the case of where the manuscript was available. What about the techniques where the manuscript is not available at all.
1.4 Non-Availability of Knowledge
ere comes the part where a lot of knowledge is available in manuscripts but no one takes the effort to bring it out. If you bring it out no one will appreciate it and infact will see to it that you don’t bring it out. The way they go about discouraging you cannot even be mentioned in this space. The astrologers in India are one of the poorest; few lots lack funds but most lack the inspiration on their own and the willingness to give out those manuscripts. With millions of 31
manuscripts lying untouched in every city library in India no one cares for them but everyone cries for them, this is our state. One will easily see in a discussion between 2 astrologers that people don’t remove knowledge out but the knowledge those 2 astrologers have will not be removed due to some secrecy law that they themselves cannot explain or comprehend. Publishers in India have failed in their efforts to bring out even 1% of these manuscripts into the public limelight and the maximum we can see is 30-40 quality classics coming out in India in last 100 years in English with poorest of commentaries except a few and not so apt translations due to complexities of ancient languages which give multiple meanings. As such publishing in India is not a profitable business. People can say that inspite of their being more than 10,000 astro organisations in every lane of India which is true and no exaggeration and 1000s of trusts being formed by astrologers in the name of astrology by famous astrologers not a single one of them can be credited to bring out 5 quality manuscripts with commentaries out for the general astro audience. If we say this, then all will become our enemies but someone has to start with the dirty job, how does one inspire organisations especially international organisations to bring out translations of manuscripts? The problem is worse in International Vedic Organisations who have not been able to contribute in translation of manuscripts inspite of having better Sanskrit scholars abroad who are more dedicated, honest and meticulous in their job. We can only request that this piece of Publitorial inspires them to come forward in this, do joint ventures with Indian counter parts. Their complaint of not getting manuscripts can be no longer a complain since Saptarishis Astrology volunteers and friends have already uploaded numerous manuscripts and let us tell you this is just a start. The other problem faced by many is the amount of red tapeism and bureaucratic hurdles one faces while getting manuscript from libraries across India. Traditions that have manuscripts are a joke in the name of astrology as they have not understood the meaning of Knowledge (Gyaan) since if they had they would have freely given away those manuscripts and not hoarded it themselves. The only man to impress us so far was Shri Madura Shastry from a village in India (Andhra) who said ‘This knowledge is not mine, it belongs to the Sages. The Sages worked for the common man and this must be given out to the people’. He has over 50 years distributed and donated rarest of rare manuscripts, no one like him. He is the 16 Karana of Astrology. 1.5 Purpose Of Knowledge (Gyaan) hy do you need knowledge since ‘The Main Reason behind Unhappiness is Insufficient Knowledge’. Actually the correct translation might not come out in previous sentence so for Indians here it is ‘Dukha Ka Main Karan Hota Hain Agyaan’. This is what mentor has always taught us. Our own concept of knowledge was perverted and limiting since we grew up in India where every senior astrologer and teacher teaches you that you must not give away astro information easily. They teach you by example that you must make the student suffer, beg before you and worship you before it is given, but still don’t give it to all who do the begging and worshipping. They put a lot of myth and superstition to it and quote the verses of Sages. In 2006 this perversion took extreme form when we would write in forums or speak to our best friends in coded language and never give out a full technique. Even our hand written notes in text books were coded in such a manner that anyone who borrows our books (borrowing books happens a lot in India) will not be able to understand it. Now we ourselves can’t decode what we coded. Later we found out that this happens to most astrologers. But it was only when we re-read the Last Book of Astrology, where the old Sage compares two forms of knowledge. He says what great miracle can astro information do, it can make some astrologer predict better or solve a humans difficulties by apt guidance. Then the Sage says that look at the man who invented the medicine for Polio, do we even remember his name, no we don’t. He says today a by-pass operation of the heart can be done since someone somewhere in the world understood the meaning and power of true knowledge and shared it to everyone in the medical fraternity and thus world-over this operation can be done, yes at a price, so what, atleast price (Fate) can get you that knowledge by which your life can be saved, can your astro knowledge truly save a life, so why do you all hide knowledge in the name of God and secrecy. Have you who recite mantras for hours for decades understood the meaning of knowledge whereas a kid in medical science understands it so easily. The Sage is then asked,
Karana was a historical figure some 3000 years back who was known as the biggest donator ever. The only cause of controversy among scholars is did he do it for name or was it out of real help to the down trodden. 32
how come some of the past sages then mentioned that this knowledge should not be given to everyone. Our Sage of the Last Book of Astrology replies a) Yes the past sages said don’t give it to everyone but to deserving, but they never said that don’t give it to the ones in your own astrologers’ fraternity, atleast share it within your fraternity, otherwise why would each Sage of previous eras write a book in the first place. b) Some of you might argue that they never wrote a book but spoke it to their students and it was not meant to be written about, if so and if this mistake has happened then why do you prescribe divine foresight to us Sages, could we not see that this knowledge of ours would be written about and also mis-used by many, were we very bad at Muhurtha (Election Time) of when we started our spoken discourse. c) Understand the meaning of Karma and don’t talk about Karma, Karma, Karma for 24 hours in your writings and lectures when you have no clue of it. If a doctor writes and shares his discovery and medical practices for use by other doctors, then when the other doctors use it to help people, some part of that good karma will always come to the originator who shared that method or became a platform for that method to be shared. So if you as an astrologer decided to share your knowledge without ego, without the need for fame then pure part of this energy will go to other astrologers who in turn will use it to help people and that good karma will in turn come back to you one day. If you decide to share it for fame or only for money then the quantity and quality of karma coming back to you will be reduced but not wiped out. d) Today if only few have good knowledge of astrology then they tend to abuse it by sitting on Thrones created by themselves, deriding others and wanting to not let go of the Throne and also not allowing others to grow. So when good quality astro information comes out and is available to all then misuse of power does not happen since there is no exclusivity left. It’s like air, it is freely available everywhere, there is no tax on it. Plus most important is the karma of astrologers is not spoilt by giving wrong predictions and guidance as they would have superior techniques. People have over thousands of years said something wrong about astrologers that they should not see the future and since they see the future their family lives is destroyed and poverty sets in on the astrologer and his family. This is wrong though not totally untrue, yet here I would say it is the bad karma of giving wrong advice and wrong predictions without studying into the science for 50-60 years that too with true honesty that makes their karma bad and their families suffer and poverty reins in. When you see a chart first see if it is written in the chart if he/she would get good predictions and direction in life, if it is not written then don’t predict. What do I say you all don’t know how to see this? You all don’t even know in which charts astrology will not work, you all don’t even know when your own predictions will fail. If you can’t see how and when your predictions will fail how you will see honestly see chart of another. No doubt your lot is laughed behind your back when your own wife is cheating on you and you did not see it, when your own downfall you failed to predict or prevent through your remedial measures of mantras etc. e) Energy Exchange is a concept that has been there from the start in the form of donation to teacher (dakshina) and most of you don’t want to understand the meaning of Energy Exchange and thus you all don’t allow knowledge to not come out. Look in the past 10 years how the energy has changed in 17 the world, how knowledge is available across boundaries. We of the ______ Lineage realized the mistake that has happened for thousands of years from our end and now we are trying to change it, there is resistance from ‘Energy Consciousness’ itself, it’s not easy to explain, the Old Energy is too strong and the New Energy is too weak. Raise the level of Astrologers Consciousness and in few decades the Energy Consciousness will change and the resistance would be reduced, knowledge will come out more. Those who have hidden manuscripts and knowledge, those who gave knowledge in 17
Publisher: We have deleted that word as the name of that tradition needs an explanation to the Western readers and also Indian readers and without detailed explanation it can be misunderstood. 33
bits and pieces and made you crave for it, beg for it, made you worship them, these past heroes of yours, their names will come out and they will be the ones flogged in public forums, mark these words there is no 99% in this prediction. When the Energy will shift, when the magnetic field of earth is corrected once again, when the shift is complete then these gurus will fall and 6 year old kids will come and flog them openly. These kids will blame you as to how come you allowed these gurus to be created in the first place, how did you follow them, how did you become part of their organisations, did you not have a decent bone in your body or were you only after some position in their organization and to create money thereby. Forget you being judged after death, you will be judged now by the New Kids On The Block. f) Think of the science of medicine which gave you birth in the first place, yes you the astrologer was given birth by some doctor who got that knowledge from somewhere, since someone gave his knowledge and experience openly to your doctor for your well-being. When knowledge (of medicine) did not distinguish you on taking this birth in a healthy manner in terms of caste, creed and sex, to give you the best health to enjoy the fruits of God’s creation, who are you to deny that to the world by withholding your knowledge of astrology and hiding your manuscripts, whether that knowledge directly helps or indirectly helps. g) The true meaning and worth of knowledge is when it is of use to increase the quality of life of creatures, real quality increase and not illusionary increase. If it can’t increase then it shalst only be called theory or illusionary theory that you learn in classrooms but can’t apply to help anyone. Meditate on this for days and then you will be able to sift through a good teacher and an illusion giver teacher, between a good technique and an illusionary one.
t was only after thinking on what the Sage has written and observing how medical science has progressed in the last 100 years due to openly sharing of knowledge and helping millions worldwide, by comparing the primitive progress of astrologers we realized something. Then when we compared the egos of doctors who save millions of creatures and don’t brag or boast about it as compared to astrologers who think they are Gods here in India, we at Saptarishis Astrology realized that we were wrong and thus this transformation happened (again). Although our knowledge of articles previous written, that is written before this transformation has not come out in the open but there is one great reward and that is as per what the Sage wrote. He said you all must try to understand Energy; which is always changing and no doubt it is very difficult to comprehend energy which functions in double dichotomy at times depending on which plane you are functioning with. At one plane Energy sees that if you give 2 units of knowledge it gives you back 10 units in return. Now an example to inspire others to join in the movement of bringing out knowledge would be to tell you what you see of Bhrighu Easy Methodology series in Saptarishis Astrology which has stunned the astrological world. This knowledge we did not have before we started this magazine and it is only when so much of giving away of knowledge happened that the marvelous techniques of Bhrighu Easy Methodology came to us and in return it was shared instantly with you without aggressive testing. No doubt there are shortcomings in any method when it is not aggressively tested, ones reputation can be damaged and also harm done but when you are dealing with your own brothers and sisters what is the concern of formality within ones family, what damage to name can happen among family. Lastly let us highlight the result of not sharing knowledge and with folded hands one begs every astrologer in the world to share his knowledge easily without drama or attention seeking methods. 1.6 This Is Your Fate nce upon a time, long long ago there was a man who gained a lot of knowledge in astrology over many lifetimes. He had gone so deep that it was unimaginable but in every lifetime he hoarded that knowledge to create around him aura of respect and longing from others. He loved when students would beg for him to share his knowledge; he loved when big famous people came to him for consultation on his knowledge. The result was that there were too many people over lifetimes who became jealous and hated him for his huge ego of knowledge as the weight of knowledge on his head had not made him to bow down and be humble. He would demand huge money and attention for even the smallest amount of his knowledge to be given to others. He would exhibit partiality of caste,
creed and sex in imparting his knowledge and make his students serve him like slaves for it. Then in one lifetime he was cursed that when he requires this knowledge he won’t be able to use it, he won’t get a teacher, astrology as a science won’t give him correct predictions and as he made people wait for hours and days for a good prediction, so he will have to wait for years for the same and will have to move from astrologer to astrologer but won’t get that prediction that will save or change his life. The curse was so worse that he lost all his fortune and position in life due to astrologer’s wrong predictions. The curse became more worse and said he won’t have the huge memory that he was proud of; he won’t be able to remember something as simple as table of exaltation debilitation of planets for decades, he will be pitied on this inability by his own self, he will forget his greatest techniques right when he, his wife, his parents, his children and best friends require him to use those techniques/knowledge. And then in one life time this curse will haunt him badly and may he become an ‘Example of the Sins Against 18 Knowledge’ for others to learn against mis-use of knowledge. As he misused his power to create fights among fellow astrologers and do politics in the field of knowledge, may he face the same in multiplied quantities? May he go around the world literally begging everyone to part with their knowledge? This curse can happen to each of you as most of us are the astrologers from previous lifetimes, so maybe in some lifetime in the future lets say you are born and roam around the streets of an impoverished country trying to learn astrology, then you struggle for years you will still not get the secret of astrology, then someone will play the role of Karma and tell you to start a magazine and you will feel that it should be free since you belonged to the Old Energy and then you will be forced to put all your penny into that venture and be that platform by which knowledge is given out, as in many previous lifetimes you just did not give out knowledge. As you did not encourage other astrologers to share their knowledge or say you did not encourage other astrologers on their works, so in this lifetime you will not be encouraged and not helped by many. Your pockets will become empty, you will take money on loan and your family will suffer and the Energy will be so strong that you won’t be able to stop, each issue of your magazine will double in size but the Energy won’t allow you to stop the increase in size of your magazine, making you thereby work more harder each time and you will work 365 days a year (no exaggeration) for 15 hours a day without a break, nor have any technical resources also to do the magazine, you will suffer from health problems - this will be your fate, think about it.
………..Continued in Part 2 of the Publitorial
Conclusion arrived from palm leaf nadi readings of close friends who still function in the old energy of hiding knowledge or have ego of superiority associated with knowledge. 35
|| Gururbrahmaa Gururvishnu Gururdevo Maheshvarah || || GururSakshaat Parambrahma, Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah||
Vol 7 – C. S. Patel 2nd Memorial Issue - Part 2
n continuation with the Part 1, this part of a very long but essential Publitorial will concentrate on the need to dig deeper into books and manuscripts rather wasting time on forums and chats which consume whole day & money of the sincere astro students. Also will be discussed ‘How our studies need to be done’ otherwise huge wastage of time happens. In order to understand why we need to dissolve ourselves in our books and manuscripts, let’s first see the end result of our studies, which are predictions. 1.7 What Is A Prediction Many of us spend decades in astrology without realizing ‘What is a Prediction’ – though it has many levels let us touch the very mundane level of it here. The reason for touching this aspect is many of us get impressed with some modern writers and spend years without digging deeper into classics, thinking our so called heroes are the greatest or only mantras can give great predictions. Predicting outcome of an event when the event is known is like 50:50 chance of success, one’s office housecleaning staff can also predict the outcome of elections or predict an earthquake somewhere in the world as every 9 months some earthquake keeps on happening. But when we know nothing about the background of the person whose chart we see and are able to predict a ‘Rare’ event that is a class prediction.
nce upon a time there was an astrologer by the name of K C Saxena who modern students do not know much except that they have seen one or two books in his name in the local astro book shop. K C Saxena was considered one of the foremost authorities on Bhrighu Astrology and rumor was it he learnt it from one of his office colleagues, later went to Nepal and some locations in India to collect more knowledge on this oldest branch of Indian Astrology of Sage Bhrighu. Once upon a time Mr Saxena was travelling to Mumbai from Delhi and on his next seat in the plane there was a man who did not believe in astrology and for 30 minutes he bothered Mr Saxena deriding astrology. When finally Mr Saxena said he is an astrologer himself the man shamelessly took out his horoscope from his bag and asked Mr Saxena to see it citing that he by chance had his horoscope in his bag as his wife wanted him to meet some astrologer in Delhi. Then Mr Saxena took few minutes on the chart and said ‘Your wife right now at this very hour, she is learning Tabla (a particular Indian classical music instrument) with her Guru’. ‘In 2 months from now she will run away with the Guru and leave you’. The man started shouting to Mr Saxena as to how childish is astrology blah blah blah. Mr Saxena asked him ‘Isn’t at this moment your wife supposed to learn Tabla’. The man realized that how did this astrologer predict that, he did not even ask if she has interest in music, 1 straight away said at this moment she is learning Tabla and not another instrument. He said ‘it’s true she should be learning Tabla right now, but after she runs away with that Guru, will she come back?’ Mr Saxena then coolly gave out his card and said ‘when she runs away then you come to Delhi at my office and then I will reply back’. Dot after 2 months the man was in Mr Saxena’s office. It is easy to guess what happened. On our way to the Himalayas we, P.M.Padia and Andree Leclerc stopped at Delhi to pay respects to Mentor and then to Shri J.N.Sharma a friend of ours and a very dear friend of Mentor. We like asking people about their Gurus and fondly listen as they pour out their love for their Gurus something that is missing with the modern students of astrology. We asked Sharma ji about his Guru K.G.Dutta as mentor had told a story to us when mentor took a famous industrialist to Late Shri Dutta’s house for a consultation. Mr Dutta was known as the finest master of horary (Prashna) and in front of Mentor Shri Dutta said ‘Immediately feed this man (industrialist) as he hasn’t eaten food for 2 days’. 1
In some classical texts/nadi readings there is reference to planets and various types of instruments. 36
Mentor thought ‘Ohh now my reputation is finished, I told the industrialist such great things about the predictive power of Mr Dutta, he has obviously failed, how can such a rich man not have food’. After few moments the Industrialist started weeping saying ‘It’s true I have not eaten for 2 days since I have had a fight with my wife’. So we narrated this story to J N Sharma, asking him fondly about his memories of his Guru and the generation of his Guru. After a long chat something emerged when we mentioned to him about the efforts the team of Saptarishis Astrology is taking to bring Ravana Samhita out. He said at the house of his Guru Shri K.G. Dutta, there used to come an old and very pious Pandit (priest) whose name nobody 2 bothered to ask since all called him Panditji . He said Panditji would often come and it was said that he was a Master of Ravana Samhita having committed the whole of it to memory. Now our ears were widened since we knew that even today many old village astrologers swear only by the text Ravana 3 Samhita . The great astrologer that Shri Dutta was had even greater respect towards this Panditji for his extensive knowledge in astrology. Now J N Sharma continued that one day while Panditji came Shri Dutta was about to leave for a restaurant with one of his friends for his afternoon meals. So the Ravana Samhita expert Panditji said to Mr Dutta ‘On the route to the restaurant you would find two snake charmers who will meet you and beg you for money, after you give them few coins still they will refuse to let you go insisting that you give them a Rupee (dollar) only and then they will let you go. After that when you reach the restaurant there you would have to wait in queue as there would be lot of rush in the restaurant and infact you would think of leaving but just at that moment a man will get up from one of the tables and ask you to sit in his place and that man would be blind by one eye.’ Now Shri Dutta along with his friend started walking on the road towards the restaurant while that Panditji trailed behind at a distance wanting to see how his prediction would shape up. After few minutes of walking two snake charmers came on the road and asked Mr Dutta for money, Mr Dutta looked behind and the Panditji smiled knowing his prediction was coming true. Mr Dutta gave few coins but the snake charmers refused to let go and begged for one rupee. In the olden days one rupee was a big amount and so reluctantly Mr Dutta dished out one rupee whilst looking back and the Panditji had a huge naughty grin on his face as his prediction was coming true. Then when Mr Dutta reached the restaurant he saw to his dismay but true to the prediction of the Pandit that the restaurant was packed, whilst they were about to leave, a man got up from one of the tables and offered Mr Dutta his seat to take meals. Mr Dutta just then noticed that the man was blind from one eye. Mr Dutta who had previously seen so many great predictions of the Panditji come true was once again shocked for such a novel prediction to come true. We can go on and on regarding some of the other great predictions of this Ravana Samhita Pandit and Mr Saxena but would reserve it for some other issue. What is important is for us to admit that we don’t think so in our lifetime we would be able to make such kinds of predictions; their knowledge is lost, not documented in books, not encouraged by publishers and organisations that existed even then due to politics. This knowledge still existed it seems just a few decades back but how can today’s Paramparas (traditions) who claim to be 800 years old and having the experience of 800 years 2
In olden days and even in modern day Varanasi still every scholar of shastra will be called either Guruji or Panditji without bothering to ask ones name. 3
Authenticity of Ravana Samhita is doubtful but so far we have found 2 versions and the most original of them is available in a place below Varanasi is what most scholars in Varanasi told us. This version inspite of our volunteer’s efforts have evaded us. Beloved friend Prof Ramachandra Pandey, Ex-Head Jyotish Dept Banaras Hindu University has given us more specifics but no contact number ‘A pandita named Vagishwari Prasad Pathak resident of Gurvalia village in Deoria District near Gorakhpur, brought this book the Ravana Samhita from Nepal. Now that Pandit is no more, but his son Kamakhya Prasad Pathak is using this book in his Astrological practice.’ Another team member Ashutosh Kumar says that in Muzaffarpur, Bihar has been to this Pandit and saw it but he wouldn’t share. The one in our possession is not in manuscript form and we ourselves doubt if it is full or totally original version but so far from the commentary that we have published in previous issues you can make out that inspite of its non-original manuscript form, the rules mentioned on nakshatras in Ravana Samhita is most stunning and over rules all nakshatra books so far published. No doubt Ravana was a great scholar and even in the Jyotish famous area of Darbhanga, Bihar the Jyotishis pray to Ravana daily is what is told by Ashutosh Kumar. Another volunteer who has visited the Gorakhpur area Ravana Samhita pandit claims that it contains a lot of mundane astrology prediction (not found in our version) and this prediction his uncle has observed for 30 years all becoming true. All in all the old astrologers belonging to the North Indian Belt of India have often quoted the greatness of Ravana Samhita and though young ones will ignore such rules given in it but the village astrologers commit it to memory to make stunning predictions is what has observed over many years. 37
cannot make such predictions. People like this Panditji never bothered to set up shop outside their house or create a website, they lead simple lives and did not indulge into marketing and PR, their predictions spoke about their knowledge. Just of the cup, Mr Saxena is the father of modern author Shanker Adewal who has written many books published by Sagar Publications. But then astrology is so vast that it is not possible for any father to dish out his complete knowledge and experience to his own son even if willing within a lifetime. 1.8 After Manuscripts Are Translated What Next his is the toughest part where you come in. It is easy to blame that manuscripts are hidden or in libraries and sanskrit scholars are so egoistical that it is difficult to get any work done out of them. But still few Sanskrit scholars have translated some works and are we studying things the way shastra is to be studied? Let us see how shastra was taught not so long ago by an example. Shri Paresh Desai one of our esteemed writer comes from a Parampara, his father was the legendary Ravindra Desai, family astrologer of the biggest industrialist in India at that time, owner of Mafatlal Company. Mr Ravindra Desai learnt astrology from Gurukul in his home town in Gujarat and then from Banaras. First he was asked to mug up 15 classics and only after that the Guru started teaching the students wherein the Guru would give reference on these classics e.g. references on Adhi Yoga from all the classics that they had mugged up and then taught what works and what does not with the logic behind the yoga. So both mugging and understanding the classics and also experience of the Guru came to be learnt. Then you would go deeper into each classic say for e.g. Brihat Jataka and you would be asked to read all the 40 commentaries on it and then you would be asked to think on each verse to grasp its meaning and then test it practically. For e.g. the most revered astrologer Suryanarayan Vyas of Ujjain whom Dr Raman used to regularly consult when he wanted the charts of Nehru family members always used to say that Laghu Parasari is the Gita of Astrology/Bible of Astrology. This work of 40 (42)4 verses looks easy but if you go Real Deep you would find it extremely confusing. But you would surely realize that the whole of practicing astrology is in Laghu Parasari hence every scholar has attempted to write a commentary on it. In recent times a close friend who is from Gujarat, India known for his stunning predictions has done some original work on Laghu Parasari but still it is a short coming and is not well explained in his work due to lack in command of English language. What is needed today is clarity in thoughts of writers, to explain classical verses in a precise and clear cut language, only two names come to our mind who have already worked cum published on classical literature in modern times, who can do justice to the work in English language, our friends K S Charak and Ernst Wilhem, hope one day they take up Laghu Parasari.
1.9 Theory Vs Experience & The 18 year rule hen the process of learning goes to experience, after you have studied all the 40 sub commentaries on Laghu Parasari or such ancient works is the process of hunting down experts all over India who have practiced those techniques mentioned in those verses for minimum 20 years. The Last Book of Astrology insists on 18 years. Why 18 years we don’t know? Earlier we tried to do Fit-o-logy that every student of astrology does by bringing in some mystic element to each statement or event of one’s life and thought that 18 is near the cycle of Saturn (19 year dasa) but that is one’s own thinking. The thing is Mentor having spent decades travelling all over India and burning huge amounts of wealth realized with experience that unless one learns a method from an astrologer who has practiced ‘Professionally’ that technique for 18-20 years it is no use learning and adding confusion to one’s mind. He is obstinate about this part and won’t budge having burnt his bridges many times earlier. The advantage that he gained was he would know who in which village of India is an expert in Yogini Dasa, who is on Kalachakra Dasa, who in Bhrighu Astrology and who in Padanathamsa Dasa, who in Chara Dasa and so on. Who is good in longevity, who in marriage timing, who knows nakshatra well and so on. Trust us this experience in each technique/subject/text is to be gained ‘Directly’ sitting for days/years in front of each teacher and not from that teacher’s article. In an article not even 20% of the technique comes out – this is the hidden truth that nobody tells you nor did anyone tell us until we experienced. The problem is people are giving lectures and writing articles on a technique of astrology without spending 18 years in that technique including us as we are also guilty of this mistake via our BSP methods which have not
There are two versions available one of 40 verses and other of 42 verses. 38
been perfected for 18 years by us. Ideally one must not write a single article before he has spent 30-35 years in astro studies. A mail that came to us…. Dear Saptarishis Admin, Pranam Sir (SA: some part deleted & edited) You all must write about the practice of students giving lectures and writing articles without spending time perfecting that technique. As a result there can be a chance that some incorrect knowledge can come out. Some of us just use 4-5 books on transits and prepare articles. I am not trying to defame someone but wanting to improve standards in astrology, so only as an example see what I am trying to point out in this forum message on ….. this Jaimini forum on __ Oct (SA: deleted this part of the link message since it was pointing to someone wanting to write an article on Ashtakvarga in some time and asking for references on studying further on ashtakvarga, the sender of that post on the forum has only 6 years in astrology and not even 6 years in ashtakvarga hence probably this mail to us, it would not be proper to discourage that hardworking young student to write on ashtakvarga & hence this mail by the complainant can be interpreted as petty politics which we would like to avoid getting into and rather encourage people to write articles even if young but stating their number of years of experience or experience in number of charts with a particular technique. We are not watch dogs or an organization and request other mails that come to us about forum politics to avoid coming to us, but yes we do not prefer our writers to be of non-controversial image so you can educate us if need be at times since we avoid articles from writers whose public image is suspect or tarnished.) Why are you not doing something about this practice, your organization has representatives all over the world and is the largest you can set up guidelines for conduct and practices in astro writing. (SA: We are not an organization but a business entity and refuse to become an organization or a watchdog, as the moment organization comes in astrology it becomes more of organized politics than organized astrology). You see my father studied astrology in his small town. In olden days student was to learn shastra for 30-40 years before Guru gave Agya (SA: agya means instruction) to write, now all are let loose it seems and no Gurus object. Guru Sishya parampara of India no doubt is finished. Regards San……… New Jersey 2.1 Visiting Some Classics Every Year ost in modern India learn from books of modern authors and somewhere down the line some knowledge is not passed on from available classics to the books of the modern authors. This is a huge problem and after 3-5 years of the study one realizes that one should read only classics. After reading one or two classics the student who’s Saturn might not be strong will go back to modern authors or search for Gurus on the net or classes or courses for easy learning. Unfortunately there is no easy way out and you must develop a habit of revisiting those classics every year, reading them again and again otherwise the mistakes in ones learning that has happened in the last 100 years of astrological magazines and books will happen to you and who will suffer your clients and your bad karma will only increase, your remedies on yourself will not work. Coupled with this the need of the hour is to bring more classics in English including tooth-combing each classic as we read, otherwise one’s whole life will be a waste by not understanding the most basic fundamentals of astrology. Let’s see some verses from a chapter of BPHS by going through the tooth-combing operation which has been missed by most gurus and courses offered in the world on Vedic astrology.
1) If you ask anyone in astrology which is the house of servants they would normally say 6H, this is the way it has been taught to all of us, apart from this even Gurus don’t mention any other house, but should we not go deeper and find from our existing works like BPHS etc. E.g.
िवबमं भृॅाऽािद चोपदेशूयाणकम ।्
् िपऽोव मरणं िवज्ञो िा िनरीक्षयेत ॥४॥ vikramaṁ bhṛtyabhrātrādi copadeśaprayāṇakam | pitrorvai maraṇaṁ vijño duścikyācca nirīkṣayet ||4||
Parasara says 3H for servants; one can refer to Chapter 11, Verse 4 of BPHS, Santhanam version, Ranjan 5 Publications Page 121. In Varanasi Edition, by Pandit Padmanabh Sharma , Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan, Varanasi , First Edition 2004 it is Chapter 12 (instead of chap 11), Verse 4, Page 61 and even in the Hindi version, Ranjan Publications by Dr. Suresh Chandra Mishra it is Chapter 12, verse 4, Page 125, but everywhere it is 3H for servants. This point has been ignored till date in most articles. No doubt the 6h of servants also works but so does 3H which experience will teach. 2) In same Chapter 12 dealing with houses called BhavaVivekAdhaya Parasara says enemies to see from 2H too, whereas all of astrologers take mainly 6H for enemies.
ु धनधां कुटुां मृजालमिमऽकम ।्
् धातरु ािदकं सव धनानािरीक्षयेत॥३॥ dhanadhānyaṁ kuṭumbāṁśca mṛtyujālamamitrakam | dhāturatnādikaṁ sarvaṁ dhanasthānānnirīkṣayet ||3||
This word ‘Enemies’ is mentioned in Santhanams version in his translation of the above verse and in Dr Suresh Chandra Mishras and Varanasi Edition it is mentioned. It being in Hindi, modern Indians don’t want to read Hindi and some can’t so the need that we mentioned earlier of translating things ‘Well’ in English is most essential. After it is in English a more wider range of people can test if the translation is correct and lastly if the verse of the Rishi works or not in real practice. Parasara also says 8H for enemies in the same chapter & 12H for Types & Description of Enemies. Most even ignore that 2H is house of family, Parasara has used the word Kutumbh which means family. 3) In the same Verse 4 the word Upadesha has been used, which loosely translated means Initiatory instructions that one receives is what Santhanam wrote, it can be understood as ‘The Advice that You Receive’ via your ear.
िवबमं भृॅाऽािद चोपदेशूयाणकम ।्
् िपऽोव मरणं िवज्ञो िा िनरीक्षयेत ॥४॥ vikramaṁ bhṛtyabhrātrādi copadeśaprayāṇakam | pitrorvai maraṇaṁ vijño duścikyācca nirīkṣayet ||4||
This has been ignored by all scholars, this is the house of most importance for practicing astrologers since it shows when not to see the chart of a client, when to just let go of a chart, whose chart to avoid. Why do astrologers predictions fail on certain charts inspite of being a good predictor. Nobody talks about this concept or word used by Parasara even in scholarly circles but you can get it by digging deeper into classics savoring each word of it and going through various translations of the same classic. Even an article on this word with examples won’t suffice to say how important it is and how it has been 5
He is head of the Department of Astrology, Shree Nepali Sanskrut Mahavidyala, Varanasi. We had met him in Varanasi in Jan 2008 and though he had promised to write articles for us but due to some issues he has not been able to do so. 40
ignored till date. Same way most of us miss out on the 3H to be house of Parents Death (not just mother) which Parasara pointed out. 4) Ask anyone in India which is the house of Friends everyone says 11H, but here in Chapter of Houses (Chp 12) Parasara ‘also’ says 4H by using the word ‘Bandhu’ which means brother hood, a bit closer than just friend like a best friend, as best friend is like your own blood brother, close to you generally speaking.
ूं मातृसौािदकािप। वाहनाथ ब
् ् िनिधं क्षेऽ ं गृहं चािप चतथु ार्त पिरिचये त॥५॥ vāhanānyatha bandhūṁśca mātṛsaukhyādikānyapi | nidhiṁ kṣetraṁ gṛhaṁ cāpi caturthāt paricintayet ||5||
Santhanam probably translated it as relatives instead of ‘Close Friends/Brotherhood’. 5) Something often missed out is that 5H is for Power & Fall from it, as Parasara used the word Rajya which can be understood as Kingdom for 5H in Verse 6 of Chapter 12
ु ैव ूबकम।् य - मौ तथा िवां बे
् त प् ऽामयाद ु ु ु ् बधः॥६॥ पऽराापॅं शादीन पँये yantra - mantrau tathā vidyāṁ buddheścaiva prabandhakam | putrarājyāpabhraṁśādīn paśyet putrāmayād budhaḥ ||6||
6) 6H is an enigma when it comes to super fine understanding even to us due to lack of Sanskrit knowledge. The word used is Sapatni Mataram, which by Varanasi and Suresh Mishra edition says & can mean 2nd woman - Mistress (other woman) or 2nd wife whilst you are still married to the 1st one (since Suresh Mishra has used the word Sauth).
ु ाकशानां शऽू ं ैव ोणािदकान।् मातल
् सपीमातरं चािप षभावािरीक्षयेत॥७॥ mātulāntakaśaṅkānāṁ śatrūṁścaiva vraṇādikān | sapatnīmātaraṁ cāpi ṣaṣṭhabhāvānnirīkṣayet ||7||
Maataaram means Mother In Law (6H) as per Varanasi edition whereas most of us take the 10H (4th from 7th) for mother in law. Another meaning of Sapatni can also be loosely understood as the maid who stays with wife as per some scholars (in olden times the maid was given as dowry and stayed with your wife in your house for life) 7) Ask anyone for travels they say 3, 7,9,12 but Parasara says 10th House for Foreign Stay (Pravasaasya) but does not mean ‘will not come back’ (subtle difference between this and permanent foreign residence). This point has been ignored by most.
ु था। रां चाकाशवृिं च मानं च ैव िपत
् ूवास ऋणािप ोमानािरीक्षणम॥११॥ rājyaṁ cākāśavṛttiṁ ca mānaṁ caiva pitustathā | pravāsasya ṛṇasyāpi vyomasthānānnirīkṣaṇam ||11||
The people take only 6H for debts but in this verse 11 it uses the word Debts (Rinsyapi). So one should see from 10H Debts too. 41
8) Now ask anyone which is the house of wife and children they would classically speaking it is 7H and 5H but Parasara in Verse 12 uses the word PutraJaayadikasya – Putra means children and Jaaya means wife so probably Santhanam translated it as son’s wife.
ु ु नानावभवािप पऽजायािदक च।
् अं वृिं पशूनां च भवानािरीक्षणम॥१२॥ nānāvastubhavasyāpi putrajāyādikasya ca | anyaṁ vṛddhiṁ paśūnāṁ ca bhavasthānānnirīkṣaṇam ||12||
Whereas Varanasi and Suresh Chandra Mishra edition is clear to say in 11H see Children and Wife (they do not say son’s wife). 11H for children and wife we found out with observation, we lectured on this at Ahmadabad in a lecture arranged by Upendrasingh Bhadoriya & Sanghvi ji, and then the scholars there challenged to quote verse, same night we along with Bhadoriya spent hours going through various translations and found the verse. We do not know Sanskrit at all and know 20 % of Hindi hence our above observation can be wrong at some places and would happily accept corrections but what has been drawn from above is what is followed in common lexicon & also by consulting other scholars. One can infer what the Sage has so far said has been ignored till now or vice versa, but may it atleast make you a voracious and tooth-combing reader. 2.2 The Controversy & Ambiguity of Verses wo things are important, One is studying the shastra like a shastra and the other is gaining from experience as to what works amongst the written word. When we do not have even 1 % of what our ancients wrote people spend time debating on forums on any topic in astrology or on mythological points which are only symbolic like South Node (Ketu) not having aspect since he does not have head. If ketu was a demon how was he made a graha and what happened after Vishnu severed his head, was he given the head of a serpent by Vishnu, was he granted the status of graha, how was he granted that status – this nobody asks nor do they go deep into the mythology is the complaint of those who use Ketu’s aspect. Most important that should guide you in your practice of astrology is what works, and good majority of practicing & utmost successful astrologers use aspects for Ketu. One of the most important debates lead by modern scholars is when Rahu Ketu are only mathematical points and not physical planets, how can they have physical aspects. This is a very important point and should be used in this manner to see if they were only physical points how did some of our ancients even mention aspects to rahu, getting verse for aspect of ketu might be difficult but why did they even mention aspects (dristhis – sight) to Rahu in the first place, did they not have the basic intelligence to know that a mathematical point cannot give physical aspect/sight. Let us look into some verses which do give some hint on the aspects of the nodes which has been ignored so far otherwise you would land up like us who were insulted rudely by mentor during our 3rd meeting with him at Oberoi’s Mumbai, when we asked him if there is any classical base for nodes 6 having aspect, he retorted sharply if you have not read jyotish or BPHS then don’t waste my time. Today whip masters like him can only make us better students. Kindly note the words marked in brown in the Sanskrit verse.
Verses on Rahu and Ketu aspects. Source: Varahamihira’s Brihajjataka “Vimala” commentary by Shrimadachytananad Jha, 5th edition 1986. Published by Chaukhamba Amarabharati Prakashan, Varanasi.
Mentor had access to elderly parampara people who had different versions of BPHS than available in the market but he has not been successful in bringing them out due to socio-economic constraints & unwillingness of people to share manuscripts. 42
sutesÝme pU[R†iòtmSy t&tIye irpaE pad†iòinRtaNtm!, sutesaptame pürëadåñöitamasya tåtéye ripau pädadåñöirnitäntam |
xneraJygehe=xR†iò< vdiNt Svgehe iÇpad< Éve½Ev ketaE>. dhaneräjyagehe'rdhadåñöià vadanti svagehe tripädaà bhaveccaiva ketauù ||
Rahu (and Ketu, if we take Tama to mean both rahu and Ketu) aspects 5th and 7th with full strength, 3rd and the 6th by 1/4th strength aspect, 2nd and 10th with half strength and it aspects own house by 3/4th strength. Similar are the aspects of Ketu. [SA: note the word ketu used in the sanskrit shloka] Gopeshkumar in his commentary on Jataka Parijata published by Motilal Banarasidas, also gives below shloka, and credits the BPHS for this shloka (This is the shloka that also appears in Santanam's book if memory serves right and is attributed to the Bombay edition), which is more or less similar to the one in Brihajjataka commentary and runs as :
sutmdnnvaNte pU[R†iòtmSy yugldzmgehe caxR†iò< vdiNt, sutamadananavänte pürëadåñöitamasya yugaladaçamagehe cärdhadåñöià vadanti|
shjirpu ivpZyn! pad†iò< muinNÔa> injÉuvnmupetae laecnaNx> àidò>. sahajaripu vipaçyan pädadåñöià munindräù nijabhuvanamupeto locanändhaù pradiñöaù ||
Rahu (Or Ketu too as the reference is to Tama) aspects the 5th, 7th and 9th bhava with full aspect, the 2nd and 10th bhava with ½ aspect strength and the 3rd, and 6th with 1/4th aspect. It is blind (does not aspect) in own house (the bhava occupied or own rasi, perhaps the later). 7
Bombay Edition
ु सतमदननवां त े पूणर् िं तम यगु लदशमगेहे चाधर्िं वदंित।
ु सहजिरपिववपँयादिं मिु ना िनजभवनमपु ते ो लोचनाः ूिदः॥२६॥ sutamadananavāṁte pūrṇadṛṣṭiṁ tamasya yugaladaśamagehe cārdhadṛṣṭiṁ vadaṁti | sahajaripuvivapaśyanpādadṛṣṭiṁ munindrā nijabhavanamupeto locanāndhaḥ pradiṣṭaḥ ||26||
Rahu aspects the 5th, 7th and 9th bhava with full aspect, the 2nd and 10th bhava with 1/2 strength aspect and the 3rd and 6th bhava with 1/4th strength aspect. It is blind when in own house (devoid of aspect). Page 498 of Chapter Rahu aspects, first volume of Brihat Parashara hora shastra, written by Pandit Tarachandra Shastri. Khemraj Shrikrishnadas Publications Mumbai, Edition 1989. Dr Raman’s Astrological Magazine – March 1969 Issue ven after searching for 6 years to find this issue of the Astrological Magazine of Dr Raman we could not get our hands on the full article for verification. Incidentally this page that is being produced below was of another article whose by mistake photocopy was done from C S Patel’s house when we were working on Navamsa there with him, as it was a mistake in photocopying by the shop keeper you will find strike lines on the page below. Kindly note the title of the article it is ‘My
E 7
Publisher: This version is by Tarachand Shastri & the original by Venkateshwar Press is very old. What is to be noted is that it is said that Tarachand Shastri, got the original manuscript from the Maharaja of Darbhanga from the Maharaja’s own library, every vedic astrologer knows the history of the region of Darbhanga and the great role of the kings of Darbhanga with regards to original vedic scriptures. The above verse is not found in Santhanams version if one is not wrong. 43
Experiences In Nadi VIII’ and could be by Dr Raman himself, we don’t know. If someone has this article pls send it to us. Then note the part on the right center marked in Red lines where Nadi itself mentions crystal clear the 9th aspect of Ketu.
All of us know that when a genuine nadi is gotten the predictions are more stunning than all the astrologers combined since it is the Sage talking. Before one ventures and say any principle is not working, one must first quote what other authorities/references in the past have quoted/written on it and then denounce it as our experience, without quoting verses the subject (Shastra) cannot be learnt is what the old Indian real tradition (parampara) is. There is no alternative way to learn, otherwise wrong knowledge (agyaan) results. Especially if you are a Guru or plan to teach via phone or courses you must quote verses otherwise you will help in blocking your students mind by not teaching him to explore further. 2.3 Manuscripts & Translations he amount of hard work it takes to get a single manuscript out of any person in India is daunting and hence so far most of our elders have given up. Astrologers can ignore and part with their wives but not with manuscripts or old astrological works, they won’t study it but won’t allow you to get to them. If they know of someone who has it they will see to it that they will easily mislead you without realizing that Saturn is being spoilt in their charts. So far Saptarishis Astrology’s Team has uploaded only a miniscule number of manuscripts, yet to get them one has to part with good amount of money or beg, yes its begging in front of astrologers whose ear drums don’t function right when you are begging, whose heart are made up of stone, but when dollar is flashed (rupee does not work easily) the manuscript will be parted saying ‘the sage wants it to reach Denmark it seems’. That’s it Sukra nadi (not Sukar nadi) is gone forever and astrologers in India will never 8 understand the meaning of Neechabhanga (debilitation cancelation) . Then the laborious task of sending it to various scholars in India, resources are used for that and then waiting for months and nothing comes back from the scholars. One only feels ashamed when one is constantly reminding famous astrologers here in India to part with their manuscripts, they agree but somehow courier services malfunction in cities malfunction always when manuscripts are to be parted and freely given to the world. We won’t take names of those legends in astrology and may they be thankful for it. Then the problem of translation……
Unless Sukra Nadi is translated the true meaning of NeechaBhanga will never be understood, there is a special verse in it. Our efforts to get it from Denmark is on since 3.5 years, lets pray. 44
The worst problem is out of 10,000 people on forums 8 will come forward to help and 7 out of them will just disappear when we send manuscripts to them. Imagine this happening to you not once but 60-65 times in 4 years, what will you do, either you give up or cry like a kid and curse from your heart when it happens to you every time. You must also be prepared to face the egos of those who have knowledge of any language. Regarding translation this mail was sent to us 2 months back when we passed a rare work on Jaimini called Jyotish Phalaratnamala’ of Krishna Mishra duly translated by Shri Chandrashekhar Sharma to a volunteer for proof reading:Dear SA, (he means Saptarishis Astrology) After reading Jyotish Phalaratnamala of Krishnamishra translated by Ravindra Bhagavat and Sharmaji I have realized that me having spent 9 years in Jaimini parampara on internet forums is a waste. Only one thing can be understood after Jyotish Phalaratnamala is read that is all of us have wasted our time in Jaimini astrology. In earlier mail you said you are doing more works and when you all publish the full of these works that you have started on Phalaratnamala, Kalpalatta, Jatasarasangraha, Sutradaprakashika I think it would be easier for us to realize that in this life we can never understand Jaimini astrology. I pray you to success in finding Sanskrit scholars who can translate them and encourage people like Chandrashekhar Sharma, an old hand in astrology to continue what he is doing. Many know Sanskrit but you will find a dearth of them when it comes to dirtying their hands and putting their heads under the sword of real translation. You see scholars of Sanskrit who have gone to USA tell us ‘It is the prerogative of one whether to do translation or not’. Sometimes it takes lifetime to understand God or Knowledge even if for years one does Homams and Havans. One of the most noted singers in India, Asha Bhosale gave an interview on the front page of Bombay Times in the month of September, and she said ‘If God has given you an ability then you should use it for the good of people’. We are sure she does not do hours of homam daily but understands the meaning of Vidya as singing is also a Vidya. What is the use of learning sanskrit and proclaiming oneself great in sanskrit when from 30 years of one’s existence ‘In Sanskrit’ one cannot translate a single manuscript or work. Sometimes Indians learn in Universities that are sponsored by Govt through tax payers money like ours and then they go to America and settle down forgetting that the very reason they can eat and live in comfort in America is due to tax payers money like us, the very reason they can get scholarships in sanskrit back in India is due to us. Shameless followers of theirs can only keep quiet and not point out the flaw of their heroes and these gurus are more shameless when they write in forums ‘I am a good sanskrit scholar’. Sir, if you are a scholar you would never say I am a scholar that is for the world to say so. Vidya (knowledge) is 4H, whether mother’s milk is there or as some take it as 7H for mother’s milk which can be interpreted as the arudha of knowledge being 4th from 4th. This Debt of Mothers milk is only given when what you learn from your mother (education) is given out to the society (7H-public) and hence we can say that people like Shri Chandrashekhar Sharma are giving out the Debt of their mother’s milk by translating works in sanskrit, even though he being a humble man claims he is not a scholar of sanskrit in contrast to others who want to be leaders but not followers of the science, a formula for destruction in Jyotish. We bow down to Chandrashekhar Sharma who has not talked about humbleness and scholarship but demonstrated it. You are hereby requested to publish this not because I want to take revenge but so that I can inspire 100s who know Sanskrit to come forward and work as a Team in translating Jyotish work, maybe this is the karma of this letter. Today we need teams and not individuals. It would be nice if don’t edit this. Regards, P…… 2.4 Manuscripts & Jaimini Astrology f all branches of astrology today Jaimini Astrology has risen in the last few decades thanks to efforts of few nice souls like Iranganti, K.N.Rao & Sanjay Rath. Inspite of their hard work the subject is too huge & nothing substantial has come out and a lot is to be done with the road wide ahead. Most of us young ones feel that everything in Jaimini Astrology is already revealed and tend to use it to make predictions and spoil the lives of people. The worst Karma is considered when self appointed Gurus along with titles of Gurus are dished out and naïve folks tend to believe when we see complex techniques and calculations with more complex conditions that keep on changing every 3 years.
Today more ill-karma is done in the name of Sage Jaimini than ever in the history of astrology. It is when you will become a victim not once but several times and lose your career & status forever, lose your life path forever, (mark forever) and lose $ 28,000 dollars plus a possibility of not getting back another $ 34,000 due to bad predictions of Jaimini astrology parampara astrologers, then you will resolve on one thing which is to either a) Expose the crap in the name of Jaimini that is happening OR b) Help the Gurus & students of Modern Jaimini Astrology Paramparas by providing them manuscripts Some of us here in Saptarishis Astrology like Ravindra Bhagavat chose the Option B. We knew that the glory of Jaimini Astrology is lost forever with most manuscripts not available in the form of commentaries which are the real backbone of Jaimini Astrology of whatever survived little of Sage Jaimini’s work. We knew that today predictions are not possible with the current knowledge of Jaimini. Why so, since not a single Jaimini internet parampara astrologer can ever predict the way Late Vemuri Shastri used to do ‘To The Day’ and again not like Late D K Sen, who was a very close friend of mentor. D K Sen was known to predict marriage to the week, years in advance and at times the job to 9 the day. Forget predicting to the day, predicting 10 major events of one’s life are not possible by current day Jaimini Astrology this you would find with costly experience, but how could Vemuri Shastri do 10 that. Credit must be given not for name sake but truly to K N Rao who lead the International Renaissance in Jaimini astrology via his Chara Dasha. The unfortunate part is what he has written in his book is not even 20% of what he uses (as communicated to us by him via email in 2006) & due to world not wanting more he refuses to write more on it. But what we can request students is for atleast next 150 years not to bother about Jaimini Astrology just read it ‘A Bit’ but don’t spend much time on it otherwise you would waste years in it and get nothing. Your state would be like of most astrologers who have reached age of 70, spent time on 100 dasas and only in privacy can admit that it was a mistake of not sticking to one or two dasas in Parashari. If something is a consolation our 6 years on net forums was wasted and mentors 30 years on Jaimini astrology. Stick to Parashari and little bit of nadi and you can achieve wonders. As per our experience read K N Rao’s Chara Dasha twice then observe each event through the method of his chara dasha, in a day atleast 5 events you must observe on multiple charts, then make your notes. After 1-2 years you would develop your own method of interpretation & trust us it would work fabulously as this has been the experience of senior astrologers. Please note if you only practice what is given verbatim in KNRs book after 3 years you would get only 50-55 % of accuracy but if you take his book or Vemuri as your true Guru and make your own efforts knowing that he left hints in his book (KNRs), also in his magazine and develop your own method the accuracy level can reach at times even 70% depending on your own capability. Apart from Chara Dasa do not (DO NOT) touch any other dasa till next 7 years or till you are mature enough to handle complexities in astrology.
his is the state of Jaimini Astrology and that’s the reason when we resorted to improve standards of Jaimini Astrology as that branch of astrology consumes the net forums and thereby many lives are destroyed we approached Iranganti Rangacharya and Madura Krishnamoorthi Shastri from Andhra Pradesh, as Andhra is considered the Land Of Jaimini where maximum work happened in the past on Jaimini. These two have spent exactly 50 years (50 by 2009) in Jaimini astrology whereas the average age of Astrologers on net forums is not even 30 forget the experience of them, even paramparas age is not 50. Due to old age of Maduraji and Irangantiji, so far we have been able to remove out only few articles than what was our goal. Here we have failed and it has been a costly failure
Actually using any form of current knowledge of astrology it is impossible to predict 5 major events with periods to be honest.
Pls note that we are not students or hardcore fans of KNR and are not propagating him but as an off the cup remark, he was the only astrologer who predicted to the publisher of Saptarishis Astrology that we would be writing a book in 2008. This prediction was done in Oct 2004. But instead of a book Saptarishis Astrology Magazine was launched, still his prediction holds sound. It is unclear if he used Jaimini astrology for the prediction as we are a bit sure that he knows more about Bhrighu Astrology but does not mention about it in his writings. 46
knowing that once these 81 year olds are gone there would be none to save the Fate of Jaimini Astrology from the classic angle. Hence we sent one of our contacts Shanmukha, a young enthusiast and ex-SJC Hyderabad discussion group team member to Iranganti ji to write articles for Iranganti. The Master was old and after having being cheated by many so called students did not want any more student or volunteer to help him write. He resisted a lot. We had to push so much for Iranganti ji to accept. Let us wait for Shanmukha to assist in writing Iranganti ji for more articles, the same way we introduced Andree Leclerc from Canada to the nadi master in Hyderabad Shri A. V. Sundaram for some nadi astrology secrets to come out. If these two fail in bringing knowledge out it would be our failure I guess & not theirs. Some of you might argue that there is so much of Jaimini astrology available on the net forums so why are we cribbing about it. In reality the toughest question in Jaimini Astrology that has been asked on internet parampara forums which none of the gurus could answer is:1. How many major ancient commentaries of Jaimini Sutras are there in total 2. How many Ascendants (lagnas) are there in Jaimini 3. How many Dasas are there in Jaimini 4. How many types of Upapada Lagnas are there 5. How many types of Hora Lagnas are there 6. How many types of calculations are there in Arudhas computation If you search these net forums you would find that people get upset when Divya Lagna and Tripavana Lagna calculation are asked. These are actually a part of Jaimini Astrology. Look at this link where the query of Divya Lagna was asked on May 16th 2006 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sohamsa/message/5208 A famous Guru got upset on being asked this question and now when we were trying to paste the link here, we saw that the rude answer by him was probably deleted from the forum, note not a single guru was able to answer it. Deleting messages of scandals from forums is common but if we do not know something we should admit it whole heartedly and not delete it. In many such internet parampara forums 3-4 times in last 5 years the toughest question was asked ‘How many major ancient commentaries of Jaimini Sutras are there’ – not a single person among them could answer it. If we can’t answer this basic question how can we teach Jaimini Astrology but everyone wants to teach Jaimini Astrology or some program. Teaching is big business in India and West but predicting out of that knowledge none can do. Would not a scholar know how many commentaries are there, the names atleast? There are as per our scant knowledge 35 commentaries which are major, some of them Saptarishis Astrology Team members has uploaded it in the manuscript section which till date none of the Jaimini Paramparas of 800 years have been able to do so. Ofcourse everyone talks outside the forum that if there is a parampara how come they do not have these ancient commentaries but none points it out in the forum as to how come these paramparas cannot quote a single shloka for their new dasas or lagnas since in parampara without quoting shlokas you are never taught. Every kid in astrology in India knows it but none wants to object to the ‘Rape Of Astrology’ since all of us wants to make money by selling courses in our respective countries with the help of our associations or get posts in organisations worldwide and flash our certificates so that more clients come. All of us know that the best predictors in India have never ‘EVER’ flashed certificates or degrees or posts in associations to their name, may the young ones know this & not become a laughing stock among educated clients. Astrology in India is a Vidya and Vidya is equated to Mother here, hence we call the Goddess of Learning ‘Maa Saraswati’ but how fashionable it is for modern day gurus and students to pray every morning to Maa Saraswati, but allow Vidya to be raped and prostituted by Mercenaries and Talibanists of astrology. Students don’t even blink an eye when publicly arrogant gurus display their raping of Vidya and their bad manners or samskara as it is called in India.
et us not stop here and continue and ask what was asked long back in net parampara forums ‘How many types of Lagnas (Ascendants) are there in Jaimini’, none could answer – well there are 65 types of Lagnas as per one direct lineage of Jaimini who resides in Andhra and whose family history of 850 years, their names are written on the walls of his house. Modern paramparas cannot list down their true lineage of 800 years. How many types of Dasas in Jaimini, none could 47
answer – there are 70 types of dasas in Jaimini. No one can even name these lagnas and dasas, what about their calculations, what about how to use them, what about 18 years of experience in each dasa before teaching them. How many types of Arudha calculation are there, this is the basic question in Jaimini, you ask anyone they would say 2, actually there are 5 major types of systems of calculations of Arudhas which were followed by the ancients and none have spoken about it so far? Let it be repeated ‘None’. Then there are sub-divisions or views on these 5 types, and then there is the Bhrighu Arudha 11 System which in future issues we will write about. Coming back to Jaimini arudhas, in the ancient work Kalpalatta, the author Somanathacharya mentions about different calculation for male sign female sign arudha calculation, on the net Paramparas none have spoken about it and even in the majority of India none know about it. Read Kalpalatta translation in this issue, it is being brought out for the first time in last 100s of years, the manuscript you can find in the manuscript link of the website. Mentor long back went to a man who was rumored to be well versed in Jaimini and mentor asked him how many types of Upapada lagna calculation are there, he was quiet and finally said only one is there. Mentor realized at that time this man only poses as a Parampara Guru but does not know Jaimini basics. We knew the answer via mentor that there are 5 types of Upapada Lagna calculation and when we were to start this magazine mentor sent us to the village of Madura Krishnamurthy Shastri, we asked Maduraji the same question that Mentor asked that Parampara Guru. We were committing the sin of testing the knowledge of an old man and we knew it but for the sake of bringing out true knowledge of Jaimini we had to do it and in a second we received the right answer with a knowing smile from Madura ji that he knew why we asked. The question that must come to your mind with different types of arudhas, Upapada lagnas, 7 or 8 chara karakas, where to see Karakamsa chart in rasi or navamsa is that which one will you follow after all these formulas have come out in translations, who will decide this for you, the rishi or the fame hungry guru. Any technique in astrology whether correct or wrong will always work on 10 charts at the end of the day is a concept not known to astrologers who are eager to believe what they want to believe as Rahu controls astrology and not Jupiter and Rahu is the significator of illusion hence some will swear by 7 and some by 8 charakarakas saying it works for them since 40 years or 800 years without realizing that the Game Master is Rahu, the master illusionist who even deceived the gods, what are astrologers in front of Gods. Speaking of Mentor long back in 2006, mentor asked us to teach him how to use Argala, we replied to him what we had learnt in net forums, he instantly retorted ‘you will never understand basics of Jaimini.’ It was only when we published the article of Maduraji in last issue we realized that all this while the whole world has been committing a mistake on something as basic as Argala in Jaimini astrology. He deserves the credit for teaching all of us in the jyotish world this way Argala is to be used and aspecting planets in Argala. No doubt the Master, Mr K.N.Rao knew that argala is a confusing part and never commented on it and thereby avoided misguiding souls in the name of Jaimini astrology. Some of us know that only two opinions exist when it comes to charakarakas either 7 or 8 and most of us quote so and so scholars system of charakaraka, what not a single student or scholar has done is quote the relevant Sanskrit shloka where 7 charakaraka is mentioned or 8 charakaraka is mentioned. When on an internet parampara forum a friend mentioned that there is an opinion among top most scholars in Jaimini in Andhra Pradesh that both 7 and also 8 can be used depending on the type of chart, we were banned by that Paramguru. 2.4 Manuscripts Release & Unhappiness o far in last 100 years of astrological English publications few times some of the ancient manuscripts of Jaimini Sutras commentaries were mentioned. These were kept to a few select individual. Our team decided to help the lovers of Jaimini astrology by bringing this rare manuscripts containing commentaries of Jaimini Sutras out for the public since without commentaries and most important without all of them you cannot even fathom to understand what Sage Jaimini wrote
S 11
The Bhrighu Arudha Lagna of Michael Jackson comes in the 8H which as per known Jaimini Arudhas does not come in the 8H and in the 8H as per true nodes there is Rahu and BAL plus Rahu, Rahu shows scandals and 8H also shows scandals, his whole life was a scandal. 48
in his cryptic condensed coded verses. Thinking that it would be welcome with open arms we realized to our surprise that our mailers containing download links for the commentaries were being moderated by moderators of internet parampara forums, some forums did not even allow it as if these moderators have become Kings in Astrology thinking that their forums is their territory. Fine moderation is acceptable but how come there was no word for appreciation among even one single member of the forum for Ravindra Bhagavat who donated these, don’t they want more knowledge. Was everyone scared of something, of losing their thrones? 1400 people scared to react, if their ParamGuru is not happy. Will these 1400 be forgiven by the Soul Of Astrology for not encouraging people like Ravindra Bhagavat & Raghavendra Rao who bring out manuscripts to the world. Are Jyotishas nothing but spineless creatures, slaves and pets in front of their Gurus? Even some senior members react to commentaries being brought out in a negative manner whereas in Andhra everyone has died to get their hands on commentaries, begging and pleasing their Gurus for 40-50 years, they get in return a big Zero and here it is being given free. See this mail that came to us Dear Admin, I am old now and given up on Jaimini Astrology which the legend Dr B V Raman introduced to us decades back, nobody remembers his contribution now among the young ones. There were tears in my eyes which have become weak when I saw you distributing for free download these commentaries on Jaimini Sutras knowing that I have spent 4 decades searching for them. You kids have done the unthinkable in astrology that none of us nor our heroes did, that is of distributing manuscripts for free for knowledge to truly come out. I feel as if they did nothing so far. Not a single parampara has done it. Can you even imagine that in 40 years how many people I must have met who have shown me manuscripts but not given it displaying their bad manners and their bad blood in them, you said you are young so you can’t imagine the amount of insults people like me have faced. I am not scolding here but pointing a fact that comes from experience. I used to feel like taking my hands and killing some of them when they would look into my eyes with ego and think mentally ‘now start begging me for my manuscripts.’ My Sanskrit is not so great otherwise I would have helped you nor is my health. I wish I could touch the feet of Dr Ravindra Bhagavat and Madura Krishnamoorthi Shastri who have distributed these manuscripts. Mr Shastri I heard so much about this great man in Jaimini, he wrote path breaking articles in 60s but due to financial circumstances and guess my fate could not go to meet him. Kindly pass on his address to me and I will be grateful, maybe one day I will meet him. But what I am not grateful about is what is written in these forums of young ones today. I do copy and paste below, ok. Re: [sohamsa] Jaimini Hare Rama Krsna One can read all the available commentaries, especially if they have a clear mind and can remember what each commentator has said, all the variability’s, take the time to test all these various techniques, and remember what works for them and still be clear about who believes what in scholarly circles.. This is a very high path indeed for one who has the time and intelligence.. Guruji (Sri Sanjay Rath) has read all these commentaries, understood them, tested them, (has rare commentaries not available to the average public), and has the teaching of a living lineage (Parampara) of Jaimini which he was born into and is required to continue. Sanjay’s family lineage was invited to Orissa by the King of Puri because of their jnana. (SA: Deleted rest as non valid to this discussion) Namah Shivaya Freedom http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sohamsa/message/19061 (link inserted by SA for reference) 49
You use I am old fashioned and don’t know how long I will live but I take B V Raman as my Guru, I know he had his own shortcomings and did what he had to do to survive but you see in our days we never made such statements about ones Guru especially in public as the following questions will arise. How can a student endanger his own Gurus reputation throwing him armor-less in this modern world where if you hide anything it is considered wrong and a sin? Now think since you are a young publisher and must learn to respect elders teachings to us. a) If the students word is true in the above email it means his Guru has all the commentaries of Jaimini Sutras. b) His Guru has not replied in the forum saying he does not have those manuscripts. c) If so how come his Guru has not given out the original manuscripts to the Jyotish Fraternity, it does not take long to scan and upload on severs (SA: servers it should be). Nowadays technology is there na. d) If all commentaries are available with the Guru then as a scholar he did not quote the relevant shlokas from those commentaries in his book Upadesha Sutras e) There are some 1500 people in that forum how come no one asked for those commentaries to be given out, why are the gurus hiding it. For me those commentaries are no use as I have 1.5 years left as per nadi predictions. Maybe I will read it in next life via your website. Get them translated will you. Wish Saptarishis Astrology had come 30 years back people like me would have quenched our true thirst for knowledge. During my days I was so passionate about my Guru Dr B V Raman whom I met 4 times, and would defend him against those who were against him. He was always criticized that he hid the Dhruva Nadi for 40-45 years, I think he was gifted that manuscript in 1952 or 53 and even as late as 1990s he said he would translate it. My best friend who was anti-Raman always told me that Dr Raman has not revealed the most important nadi Dhruva Nadi inspite of taking 40 years to translate it and I would fight against him and even to Dr Raman to release that manuscript. His health was not well I am told during those days and did not hear from him. Sorry you have to hear the whinings of an old man but after so many decades in Jaimini and Parashari Astrology one only feels frustrated as our technical queries are not answered in this life time, what will we predict from a chart when we are ourselves having doubts on our completeness of our astro knowledge. May this not discourage you my child you guys are doing important work, don’t give up. Regards, S……….. (name deleted) Delhi
e have around 5-6 major commentaries the work on which has already started and right now the translation of the monumental Kalpalata and Jyotish Phalaratnamala the backbone of Jaimini Astrology is being presented in this issue. After few years there would be some debate and a better translation will come out in them, that is the process of how knowledge comes out but Chandrashekhar Sharma, Virendra Battu will be the Knights who took the challenge and did it without bothering if they would be criticized or not. This only a true Knight of Astrology can do what it takes to be done whereas others sit and write articles but these translators are giving you the very source to research and then write articles, presenting you the tool to glorify your name. No doubt their names will go in the annals of astrology forever as the men who did it instead of just talking about it. To bring out 15 commentaries it would take us 50 years, then it would take you 10 years to read and understand them, then another 20 years to master some of the dasas. Better advice is don’t touch Jaimini Astrology till all the resources are available, don’t touch it till dasas given by paramparas on nets have stopped their transformation process as all of you have observed that various 50
dasas and lagnas over the years change their calculation as per the whims of the same parampara without any shame that some of us might have used that lagna to predict and spoil someone’s life. Astrological organisations are equally responsible worldwide to allow this to go on and so are you for not objecting and thus weakening your 9H of dharma as you did not follow Dharma of righteous action. As it took us 15 years to understand why Lord Krishna urged Arjuna to fight and why did he not tell Arjuna to practice non-attachment which all of us practice by being silent spectators of the dramas of forums, may it not take you 15 years is how we would end here. May you also not become barking dogs, that role only few have to perform. Start translating from Hindi to English, or from any local language to English or Sanskrit to English and make your Mercury powerful that is a bigger remedy than mantras as Gita propagates action to be the highest dharma. Unless the pleasure of giving knowledge is experienced, you just won’t realize the Supreme Bliss of it, don’t crave for instant fame or any at all, don’t crave for creating your brand name or creating your own websites or softwares, all will come on its own what the Lord decides, just give and give and you shall surely receive the blessings of the Sages. Trust us there is no 99% in what has been written above. Nobody saves your wasteful years in astrology, someone did that favor on us in 2006 by telling us at each and every step where not to waste our time, in which dasa not to spend hours, he said one has 20-30 goods years in jyotish that’s it and if you waste time learning it wrongly, at the end on your death bed you would be the most dissatisfied person and would have spent your life like others bitching about other astrologers. In order to pay a part of our debts to Mentor we have written this kind of Publitorial knowing that more enemies will be made, more harm will be done to us, critics will be borne and less people might get associated with us, it does not matter since we are not here to set shop or become astrologers but happy that an advice like this could save 10-20 years of yours, if it’s worth it take it or delete it, don’t waste your time or karma deriding it as one would not prefer to be a tool of bad karma creator for you. To conclude there is a most apt statement from ‘The Last Book Of Astrology’ where the Yogi says ‘Knowledge Is of No Use unless it has come to use for the welfare of all, where it was Unconditionally Given until then it’s like a mistress who is for a select few’. 2.5 Is Jaimini Astrology Destined For You.
f you are learning Astrology or Jaimini Astrology from a Guru or a Parampara he must tell you before you start astrology if you would be able to learn it or not. Then if you are learning various streams of astrology each has its own planet, which should be strong in your rasi or a particular divisional chart. If this has not been told to you then the first step of honesty has not been accorded to you by your Guru or forum from where you learn. Suppose you are learning Jaimini Astrology, you must look at your Ketu; this point is not known at all. This Ketu-Jaimini technique is just a hint of a technique do not forget the word hint and kindly do not take it as the one all end all, a favorite mind set 12 of astrologers. Now the Gothra of Ketu is Jaimini Rishi. Hence Ketu is very important for all those who learn Jaimini Astrology. The technique is to observe placement of Ketu:‘Ketu’s exaltation, debilitation and Moola trikona signs will be most important to observe in
this regard, along with the Kalapurusha Houses that it represents e.g. Ketu is exalted in Scorpio by some and Sagittarius by some, so observe the 8 and 9 houses in chart too, it is debilitated in Taurus or Gemini so observe the 2nd and 3rd houses too’. To make it broadly simple:a) Observe Exal, Deb signs of Ketu which is Sc, Sg, Ta, Ge
Reference of Gothra from a work by Maharishi Dayanand Jothi, Coimbatore, Kerala whose work has supposed references of many rare non-popular Nadis without quoting shlokas from nadis. His work would be soon brought out in the shopping section of Saptarishis Astrology. 51
b) Observe thus the signs houses in natural Kalapurusha zodiac which is 8,9,2,3 houses i.e. ketus placement in these houses. c) Observe their own or Moola trikona or trine houses d) So if you take Pisces as own house observe Pisces and also 12th house, if you take Virgo as trine house you observe Ketu in Virgo or 6th house or if you take Capricorn as Moolatrikona house as mentioned in Bhavartha Ratnakara then you observe Ketu in either Capricorn or in 10th house of a chart and so on. 13
There is lot of confusion among sages/ancient writers on own, exal, deb signs of Rahu Ketu . The concept of using houses in Kalapurusha for everything in astrology and not just body parts (medical astrology) is a Bhrighu Astrology Concept that was first clearly extolled by a Calcutta based astrologer who wrote articles in Astrological Magazine in partnership with Late Surya Prakash, the esteemed son of B V Raman. Let’s use this Ketu and observe it in charts of men who dedicated their lives in Jaimini Astrology but do note that it would also come in the lives of great astrologers who did Parasari or Western astrology too like that of Richard Houck who they say was at times capable of predicting the date of death or even of Nostradamus. Anyways the Great Late Vemuri Rama Murthi Sastri of Andhra Pradesh who is known as the greatest exponent of Jaimini in last 300 years had Ketu Exalted in Scorpio in 6H (natural house of Virgo in Kalapurusha) of accidents and secrecy, going away from home to learn (is also 6H), it is said he quietly by-hearted thousands of shlokas from his teacher in Banaras as his teacher would not part with the manuscripts to be taken out of Banaras and Vemuri is supposed to have finally burnt down his books in his house, which he claimed caught fire (accidents 6H). It is said there 14 was no one like Vemuri Shastri in Jaimini Astrology. Ketu’s ‘Trine House’ is Virgo, in K.N. Rao’s chart you would find this Ketu in Virgo in the 12H (Pisces of natural zodiac & Pisces Ketu connection is 15 well known ) of previous lives unfinished business and abroad, his work on Jaimini is regarded as one of the highest in recent times and he is known for spreading Jaimini abroad, do note that this Ketu is with an exalted Mercury (writing), his books on Jaimini are the most sold by any book shop as Mercury makes one practical and he wrote on the ‘Practical Application of Jaimini’, you would find practicing astrologers swear by K.N. Rao’s version of Chara Dasha, the classical sutra choppers as KNR once called them would criticize his style but the professionals whose bread is gotten by astrology use K.N. Rao’s version of Vemuri Shastris Chara Dasha, that was the Mercury & Virgo (Ketu) touch to Jaimini in KNRs work. Dr Raman had Ketu in the 8H of occult and in the sign of Virgo like K N Rao, Dr Raman 13
Hora Sara Chp 2 Shl8: As Rahu, Ketu have not been dealt with, I give below some information in this regard: Vriddha Samhita and Jyotishamrita state that Aquarius and Scorpio are owned by Rahu and Ketu in their order. Veemesaram, a Tamil work calls Aquarius as Rahu's own house, but nothing is allotted to Ketu. Both are exalted in Scorpio and are in fall in Taurus as per Jatakalankaram (Tamil) and Veemesaram. Jatakachintamani agrees with this, only for Rahu, while it mentions that Ketu is exalted in Gemini, and is in fall in Sagittarius. Syama Sangraham says that Gemini and Sagittarius are exaltation and Neecha for Rahu and the reverse is true for Ketu. Sarvartha Chintamani gives Taurus-Scorpio as exaltation and debilitation for Rahu and Scorpio Taurus as exaltation and debilitation for Ketu. Bhavartha Ratnakara states that Rahu is exalted in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio, and Rahu has Gemini and Cancer as his Moola-Trikonas, while Ketu's MoolaTrikonas are Sagittarius and Capricorn. Also see Uttara Kalamrita, slokas 19-20 of Ch. IV, for more information. There are, thus, varied views in this regard. BPHS Chp 47: Shl: 34-39 1/2. In order to clarify the effects of the Dasha of Rahu, I shall first mention the exaltation and debilitation rashis of Rahu and Ketu. The exaltation rashi of Rahu is Taurus. The exaltation rashi of Ketu is Scorpio. The Moola-Trikonas of Rahu and Ketu are Gemini and Sagittarius respectively. The own rashis of Rahu and Ketu are Aquarius and Scorpio in that order. Some sages have expressed the view that Virgo is the own rashi of Rahu and Pisces is the own rashi of Ketu. 14
Reference Maharishi Dayanand Jothi
Bhavartha Ratnakaraka, Chp 15, Shl 9 - For Ketu, Pisces is own house, Libra friendly, Aquarius own house, Scorpio the place of exaltation, and Sagittarius and Capricorn the moolatrikona places. As we mentioned at the start that Ketu in its signs does not restrict only to Jaimini, e.g. Richard Houck had Ketu in Sc in 12H, Nostradamus had Ketu in Virgo, CEO Carter had Ketu in 6H, Cheiro had Ketu in Pisces, Edgar Cayce had Ketu in Leo (more on this below) and so did Robert Deluce whose work on Divisional chart (D60) is worth reading.
was one of the first to propagate and bring out gems in Jaimini via his magazine and books. There is something not known about Virgo which has been called a Virgin and hence something new must be told about it, Virgo is a sign when combined with Ketu is ‘Bhagwan Ka Rin’ i.e. ‘Gods debts’ which in the case of KNR & Dr Raman would be ‘Debt to Higher (Jyotish) Knowledge’ from previous lifetimes which they have tried to repay in this lifetime. Virgo has another absolutely unknown quality which is ‘To Inspire Others’ and about this we would talk some other time. ‘One should note that Ketu in Virgo in the right house can give deep knowledge of occult or a super fine knowledge of spiritual secrets like in the case of James Redfield the celebrated spiritual author having the best combination of Ketu right on his Asc (most imp) in sign Virgo with 8L Mars.’ Earlier we wrote about Ketu’s trine house sign being Virgo, so observe 6H placement of Ketu also in charts of people who did major work in Jaimini astrology like the case of Prof Suryanarayan Rao, grandfather of Dr Raman, he wrote one of the 1st most famous work on Jaimini in English. Bhavartha Ratnakara says Ketu’s Moola trikona sign is Capricorn & Sagittarius, so observe these two signs and along with it 10th and 9th houses of any chart – sign house combo to be used. Sanjay Rath has Ketu in the 10H of Profession & Karma in the exalted sign of Sagittarius (note both Sc & Sg are considered exalted by many), Sg is also the 9H of Guru in Naisargik Chart, Sanjay Rath has become a Guru figure to some in Jaimini Astrology. You would thus observe that this Capricorn (or 10H) Ketu connection of Bhavartha Ratnakaraka does work if you see some lesser famous people’s chart who have been working on Jaimini but would have Ketu in Capricorn either in 3H of writing or in 11H of Jyotisha & so on. Ketu is also exalted in Scorpio which is the natural sign for the occult & hidden knowledge in occult, it is placed in the 11H of Jyotisha in sign Scorpio in the chart of 81 year old Madura Krishna Moorthy Sastri ji, and his knowledge of Jaimini astrology is legendary in Andhra Pradesh, the land of Jaimini Astrology, apart from his legendary status he still remains a humble soul. Iranganti Rangacharya one of the topmost scholars to write in Jaimini Astrology since last 4 decades in the classical angle has Ketu in Sagittarius in the 2H of education with A5 (authorship), his work on Jaimini is the most scholarly so far in English language & unmatched. Another parampara guru of Jaimini of 800 years from Andhra Pradesh, his son has Ketu in Scorpio, exalted there in 6H of secrecy with A4 (knowledge & passed on in one’s home), this same combination Late Vemuri Shastry had and thus the knowledge has so far in 800 years not come out. When we were just about to start this magazine we contacted his father, who though old told us that crap in the name of Jaimini is happening in internet forums, hence we begged him to write articles so as to clear the cobwebs in Jaimini Astrology, he laid down some conditions to us for him to write in our magazine which were not acceptable to us and thus the ego clash happened but loss to Jaimini Astrology happened forever. It will always remain a black mark on Saptarishis Astrology for having failed in removing this real parampara out on whose house it is said the list of forefathers in Jaimini Astrology since 800 years is written on the wall. Those who are from Andhra Pradesh know whom we are talking about. Sign and house placement both matters, suppose you have Ketu in the 2H in the sign of Aquarius which is the sign of astrology then again you would read a lot (eyes) on Jaimini and it would be your deep passion akin to ‘without food (2H) body cannot survive’ like passion, if it is with A6 then first you would commit mistake (A6 is mistakes) in your learning’s and then you could go to someone else to learn Jaimini since A6 also means changes. See house placement is very important, take for e.g. the case of Sanjay Rath he has Ketu in Sagittarius but if it was in 5H in Sagittarius then you could have created some students (5H-sishyas) like figures who would go on to become Gurus in Jaimini or you could have thrived a lot to bring out the real Jaimini Astrology out in the open or it could be that you would Love reading a lot on Jaimini astrology as 5H is the house of love, this way one should use flexibility in ones interpretation. Ketu in 3H can make you write a lot on Jaimini or talk a lot on Jaimini but remember where Ketu is there mistake will happen so one must be careful of one’s writing if Ketu is in 3H, there is no 99% in the above. Ketu in 12H in Leo can make you write a lot on Jaimini, so much must be written about just Ketu in Leo and astrology connection yet space limitations bar us, but one thing can be said if this Ketu is rightly uses ‘Super Knowledge’ can come out, only thing is ego should be conquered and then you would be No.1, if you are unable to conquer ego kids in astrology will come and break (Ketu) you to pieces, again no 99% in this. Suppose you have Ketu in the debilitated sign of Gemini in the 1H of everything then you can be instrumental in removing the cobwebs of misinterpretation of Jaimini astrology by removing rare manuscripts of Jaimini out in open, we know 2 astrologers with same combination and both have been instrumental in giving out freely rare Jaimini manuscripts to the world, as it is debilitated no name no ego will come into the picture & these guys might never be known. 53
Ketu in Gemini means debt towards astrology (in astrologer’s charts), the sooner a man with this combo realizes this better for his karma, if Ketu with Gemini is in the 1H it is ‘Super Debt towards Jaimini Astrology’ from previous lifetimes as it shows abuse of Jaimini Astrology in the past, when this debt giving will manifest Jupiter and Mars placement will decide if it would be this lifetime or some other but the debt will be seen. Speaking of 1H suppose Ketu is there, you got the combo to learn Jaimini especially some rare points in it and if say it is in sign Leo (natural sign of authorship) your Karma in this life could be to write a monumental work on Jaimini astrology. Coming back to Ketu is in Pisces or 12H (Pisces in natural zodiac) certain ego can come since a planet feels comfortable and thus proud in own sign or exalted sign. Ketu denotes fish and Pisces symbol is fish and also a watery sign. Do not get fooled by seeing Ketu in its debilitated sign or for that matter any planet, debilitation is only a state of condition, it means more efforts are required to bring the talent out if the other 11 houses support. Thus you will get a hint that Ketu and Jaimini astrology are very much interlinked. Finally, in this C S Patel Manuscript Centric Issue we publish translations of some of the rarest of manuscripts first time seen in the jyotish world, where the writers, translators have burnt the midnight oil to get them for you and also release 5 new Jaimini Manuscripts donated by Ravindra Bhagavat, digital size of it is reduced by Raja Sekhar, New Jersey to honor 92 year old Late C S Patel who started the trend of removing rare shlokas from manuscripts that were forgotten by the jyotish world. Also all those unseen and unheard of heroes who have preserved these manuscripts must be first bowed to. Let this aggressive translation projects be called
‘Mission Saptarishis’ where we all
come together to remove all the knowledge from now to the era of the Saptarishis and pay our Debts to 16 the Sages.
Publisher: In Indian culture there are 4 kinds of debts that a human is supposed to pay back before he dies and one of them is Rishi Rin, which means the debt towards the Sages and unless this is done Moksha is not possible is the belief since ages. It is the belief of the people in the Inner Circle of Saptarishis Astrology Magazine which is based on many years of close observation that unless knowledge is given out real knowledge in astrology never comes. 54
Saptarishis Astrology Update
n the auspicious occasion of Datta Jayanti (1st Dec 2009), the day of Lord Dattatreya who is considered the Guru of Gurus and a Guru avatar of Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwara, this issue of the magazine which is a 922 odd page volume is being placed at the holy feet of Late Shri C.S.Patel who started the movement of removing rare shlokas from unknown manuscripts and presenting it in english for the benefit of the astrological world and hope that the injustice done to him by publishers of magazines and books at that time is healed to some extent now. By honoring such a gifted soul who did not have any guru or parampara or organisation or great money behind him one only exemplifies that even you can also become a C.S.Patel of Jyotish if you work honestly without craving for position, money or fame but have true concern of helping the jyotish community and not just for name sake. This issue has been the one where maximum work has gone and one hopes that the readers of the magazine enjoy it as much as the extreme hard work that has gone into it by the volunteers, writers and team members. Though there has been more than 2 months delay in getting this out due to various factors of administration, it is sufficiently big around 930 pages for readers to mull over it minutely for the next 6-9 months. The only difference would be a new entrant would finish reading this issue within a month whereas a true seeker would spend few years trying to find the meaning of each shloka presented and testing the various techniques presented. Each one of you including the new entrants are requested to mull on it for years and to test each technique aggressively. Our vision is not to be seen every month or every 3 months but to remove the hidden knowledge and manuscripts out as it is felt that today we practice or teach astrology after just 10-20 years of learning without having read all the available material on astrology, this is UnShastriac and a practice that must be stopped by us only (complete jyotish community). To translate and hunt manuscripts it takes time and hence would like to come out either once or twice a year and concentrate on travelling over interiors of India with our limited resources. Hence once again a change in policy must be mentioned wherein the next probable date of release could be June-July 2010.
lso one of the significant reasons behind this development is with the resources at hand it’s become a bit tougher and we would rather concentrate on writing on Bhrighu Saral Paddathis and make some steps towards finishing the Rishi Debt that the jyotish community is needed to do. As of now there are 300 Bhrighu Saral Paddathis out of which we have received (for the lack of a better word) around 60, out of which more than 15 are lost by us due to not noting it down properly & memory issues, but the rest of it must be aggressively tested and as quickly as possible written in article form for you all to test it further and understand what the technique is saying and most important what it is not saying. Even if we present 2 BSPs in an issue, in this lifetime we would not cover the complete 300 hence in this issue many are given. There is a specific methodology that is not mentioned in all Bhrighu Saral Paddathis articles which is the key to ‘How to use it’. This is difficult to explain in written form but if you constantly use it then you would get the Master Key yourself of how to use it more and more effectively, after 18 months of constant use you would surely reach at a much higher level than even what we have attained. But one must not forget that to use BSPs the rules of Jyotisha Purusha need to be followed otherwise failure in ones usage will surely result, this is what has been written and observed. We request more translators, typists, proof readers, Sanskrit scholars, english language editors to come forward as there is a dearth of them especially the ones who can selflessly do this for the future generations. Even a work like typing an article or manuscript is not considered low status volunteer work and infact we here at Saptarishis Astrology have the highest regard for those who do it. These are far bigger than the gurus of today. The amount of manuscripts and old works lying with us is so much that one only worries as to when it would come out for everyone since today there is truly a lack of quality information for Jyotishis and to bridge that gap would take centuries hence our hurry in creating such big volumes. The next issue which would be the 2nd Anniversary Issue would be dedicated to volunteers, translators, authors and copy editors of the magazine. For the Anniversary Issue we invite letters from all to express their criticism or appreciation for the articles presented so far which would be published in the Anniversary Issue.
When Will I Find My Next Job? By Andrew McDonald, England.
A Andrew
s I’m writing this article the media are busy watching the present financial crisis unfold. Our world leaders attend important sounding ‘summits’ where they spend their time deftly solving the financial woes of the world. Cheering and booing from the sidelines the media marvel at the beauty of Mrs Sarkozy and gossip over Mrs Obama’s fashion choices, while many of the rest of us are faced with the mundane and not so simple task of finding another job in these financially uncertain times. As the growing legions of unemployed wonder what to do next, it might be instructive to see what astrology has to say on the subject, indeed to see if it can point us in the right direction and help us navigate through troubled waters.
studied Traditional Astrology
extensively with John Frawley and is recognized as a Horary Craftsman and a Craftsman Astrologer. He specializes in Horary, Natal and Electional Astrology, and has clients in these areas. For Astrological consultations contact Andrew at
[email protected] or visit http://www.andymcdonaldartist.com/ . Andrew is also an artist. His work has included large scale murals, small scale panel paintings, portraits and figurative work. He has clients in the UK and USA.
The approach in theory is clear and simple. The practical application is, like all things practical, not quite so simple. 1. Lord 10 will signify the job and the Lord Ascendant and Moon will signify the querent. 2. Connect Lord Ascendant or Moon with Lord 10 or vice versa and we have new job and querent coming together. Fail to do this and we do not. 3. Take the distance between them, figure out the time units, count the degrees 56
to perfection and we have the timing of the event. Now a lot of time this is exactly what we will see or rather, things being what they are, what we won’t see. Usually our attempts to force the chart into contortions to connect querent and job show simply a large dose of wishful thinking about a job that is, at least in the context, not essentially available. Yes you can apply for it, yes you are simply perfect for it, but no, you’re not going to get it. It will be helpful to look at some examples, to see how the reality and the intricacies of the matter and method play out...
‘When will either I or my wife get some work?’
The querent was in financial difficulty and worried; Lord Ascendant is Jupiter which has just turned retrograde in the 8th house of anxiety. Lord 2 signifying his money is also in a precarious situation inside the 12th house of self undoing and about to change sign and lose all 1
For explanations of traditional techniques of dignities, debilities and antiscia I refer the reader back to my earlier article ‘The Divine Michelangelo’.
its dignity by triplicity. Mercury, Lord 7, is the querent’s wife and this planet is also retrograde and in its detriment and fall, so she too is not in a good way. With Mercury also about to back onto the malefic South Node by antiscion this situation looks quite precarious indeed. The querent is also signified by the Moon who being close to malefic fixed star Caput Algol shows that emotionally he is losing his head in the situation. As I said earlier, ideally we’d want a connection between Lord Ascendant, Lord 10 or Lord 7 and Lord 10 – but here there is neither. One apparent problem is that Lord 10 and Lord Ascendant are the same planet. But when the querent is self employed, as in this question, this can be quite common showing that in this sense; person and job are one and the same. We can look for other significators of the job usually the ruler of the next sign on the 10th in this case Saturn but before we jump to this let us see what we already have in front of us. There is an aspect, showing something is about to happen, and this aspect is Moon to sextile Mercury in 1 degree. In context of the question the Moon, natural ruler of wives, to aspect Mercury turned3 Lord 10 could show wife getting some work (also note that Saturn will retrograde onto antiscion of Moon). To figure out the nature of the time units involved we consider only the applying planet and the sign and the house he is in. A fixed sign indicates a slow time unit, mutable a medium and cardinal a fast time unit. We add to this the house, with angular house equalling slow, succedent /medium and cadent / fast. This gives us the following combinations: Fixed and Angular gives us slow, Fixed and succedent / medium, fixed and cadent again gives us medium. Mutable and angular gives us medium, mutable and succedent/ medium, mutable and cadent also gives us a medium unit. Cardinal and angular is medium unit, cardinal and succedent/ medium and cardinal and cadent gives us fast. As you can see this weights the medium unit heavily, but none the less this system works very well and is quite capable of showing fast if the event is fast and slow if it is slow. Try and you will see. The number of degrees to perfection of the aspect gives us the quantity of time units i.e. ten degree to perfection equals ten hours, days, weeks, months or years or whatever unit we’ve judged to use. For a further detailed exposition of this method I refer you to John Frawley’s masterful and remarkably clear work ‘The Horary Textbook’. As with all things in Astrology it is vital that we apply this timing method within the context of the situation. We still need to weigh the testimonies carefully and most of all, we 2
Lord 2 Venus is in Capricorn and so is dignified in it’s triplicity by day. This is a day chart even though the Sun is not quite above the horizon as it would have already been light outside. Always give the day a few degrees leeway at sunrise and sunset as the Sun’s light is visible just before it rises and just after it sets. 3 Mercury is ruler of the ‘turned 10th’ his wife’s 10th house, and so is significator of her job. We find the turned 10th house by counting from her 1st house (the 7th in the chart) and ‘turning the chart’ until we come to her 10th (the 4th in the chart).
must remember that this is not a mechanistic tool and it cannot be applied in the manner of one. So in this context the applying planet is in a fixed sign and so suggests a slow time unit but it is also in a succedent house suggesting a medium unit of time. Slow and medium together gives us medium. As there was no hint of any upcoming work at all to the knowledge of the querent and his wife we could safely say that the most obvious unit would be weeks, using days/fast, weeks/medium, months/slow. But with the knowledge that due to the nature of her business she would normally hear on the grapevine about any upcoming work coupled with the fixity of the Moon slowing things down we may well decide to push up the time unit to a month. And so the judgement was that the querent’s wife would get some work most likely in 1 month’s time. And so it proved – querent’s wife started work on the 4th April – a month later from the chart.
Take Job?
uring times of financial difficulty we are often tempted to apply for or take on a job that is most certainly not the best thing for us. This next chart shows this exact situation. In this instance, thankfully for the querent, he looked before he
Querent was worried and very unsure about taking a job that had been offered to him. He was, ‘worried that it might be a nightmare’. Lord Ascendant the Sun has just lost all his dignity and is now in the detriment of Lord 10 showing he really doesn’t want this job. Mars is Lord 10, the job. He has dignity by triplicity and term but more importantly is seriously debilitated in his fall close to the querent’s 12th house of self undoing, as if it were leaning on his self undoing, this screams out ‘don’t take it’ and in the context shows the possibility that the job will undermine the querent and cause him problems. We can go a bit deeper into the chart... Lord Ascendant has recently lost his dignity and is now ruled by Venus Lord 11 or rather 2 from 10 the jobs money or wages, this is what he is now interested in. The wages are in their exaltation and so very good indeed and the benific North Node is near the 10th house cusp showing increase and beneficence which is of course, also promising. The Moon is Void of Course and is in its detriment exalting the job and in mutual reception with the job. This shows that the querent is emotionally exalting the job, putting it on a pedestal. That the Moon is also in its detriment shows that this is a debilitated Moon, it is not as it should be, and its love for the job is reciprocated by the job itself, meaning they both want to be together. This is cause for concern: He may be blindly drawn into this - With the Moon Void of Course the querent would be unlikely to ruffle the status quo and so if he has committed to the job and now is just having second thoughts, then things would very probably continue as they are, and he would be drawn into it. Hopefully he has not committed in any way. Saturn is also in its detriment inside the 1st house the weight of Saturn weighing down on the querent which doesn’t bode well generally. This can be quite common in situations like these. Querent thought about the situation some more. He had not yet committed himself to the job, and explained that though he somehow felt he wanted the job, shown by the Moon exalting it, that he also didn’t want the job, shown by Lord Ascendant the Sun, in the detriment of it. This is a classic heart (Moon), head (Lord Ascendant) split. Of the type usually seen in personal relationships, but as you can see, not limited to them. The querent decided not to take the job. Looking back at this chart we can see that he made a good decision as the job, though well paid, would probably have been the nightmare that he imagined it would.
Is My Job Safe?
n difficult economic downturns we may still have a job, but if we work for a company that is restructuring, downsizing, or randomly contorting in order to stay afloat we may also be urgently occupied with the question of ‘will my position in this company last?’
A querent contacted me with this worry as her employer was changing over to what she had been told was ‘a new system’, and she had serious doubts whether or not this new system had a place for her.
The job is signified by Lord 10, Mercury, who is accidentally very strong inside the 10th house and being in his own sign and exaltation, is very strong essentially. It certainly looks on the surface as if all is well. But we can also see that Mercury is heading towards the malefic South Node; there is trouble ahead. Mars is Lord Ascendant and has a little essential dignity by term but he is about to lose even this small amount and enter his detriment hence the querent telling me that she felt like she was looking over the edge. Lord Ascendant is also leaving the sign of the job. This is all strongly indicative of change. So we could see, in this context, the querent getting fed up with her work and leaving. The Moon is in the detriment and fall of Lord 10 showing that our querent’s emotions strongly dislike this job situation and her bosses who are also signified by lord 10. The Moon is applying to an opposition with the Sun, natural symbol of high authority, pointing to a run in or an argument with the people in charge, of which the querent said there was great potential! Thankfully there is also a trine with the great benific Jupiter, also symbol of authority but not authority that is as high as the Sun, maybe a benific manager might intervene and warn her off tackling the powers that be head on. This Jupiter aspect happens before the opposition with the Sun, and so traditionally it will prohibit this aspect, it is as if the opposition will not happen, as if it is prevented somehow. We could see 61
the friendly executive having a word in the querent’s ear warning her away from a confrontation with the people in charge. The querent later mentioned to me that her linemanager did indeed do this. I judged that her job would still exist. Lord 10 had too much dignity and was not about to lose it. Mercury’s position in its own sign and exaltation so close to the Midheaven was very strong. Yes it would hit the South Node and things would go downhill but it would still maintain its dignity and not essentially change. The querent would probably lose heart and interest in the job herself shown by the dire impending situation of the Lord Ascendant and so she could be in danger of quitting rather than being laid off. But there is also a fixed sign on her ascendant and even though her Lord Ascendant was entering a cardinal or ‘movable sign’ the fixedness of the horizon I felt would help hold things together even though her heart was not in it as shown by the Moon in the detriment and fall of the job and also opposing the Sun. And yes things did change – A supposed ‘new job’ was created as a result of her company ‘rebranding’ but as the querent told me her job remains technically exactly the same – shown in the chart by Lord 10 essentially maintaining its dignity and so it does not in essence change even despite the accidental debility of heading to the South Node. It nonetheless became more difficult for the querent to execute the tasks that she has to do: essentially it would remain good but it would be debilitated by the conjunction with the South Node. Lord Ascendant moves into its detriment and so, losing heart, the querent begins to look at her work as just ‘a job’ also shown by her significator moving out of the dignities of Lord 10 – literally, she fell out of love with her job and though she did not quit but remained working in it, showing the fixedness of the horizon and the job remaining after all essentially what it always was. Let us move on from such difficulties and trials and end on a hopeful note. Here is a nice well behaved chart that shows the timing of the ‘next job’ beautifully...
Will This Job Come Through? Will It Happen? When?
uerent had repeatedly and unsuccessfully tried to contact by telephone the person offering him the job. This person had previously offered the querent work that had failed to materialize and the querent wondered if this would be the same story.
Moon trine Sun is generally a positive testimony but this is now separating and the Moon is heading into the Via Combusta, showing a period of emotional turmoil, in the 10th house of work thus Indicating querent’s worry over the job and his feeling that it might not happen. The Moon is also opposing the antiscion of Saturn and so maybe showing client’s frustration and inability to get hold of his potential employer by telephone as Saturn is Lord 3 – messages/telephone calls.
But the job is signified by Venus Lord 10 who is thankfully in an applying sextile aspect with the querent, signified by Lord Ascendant Jupiter. This will perfect in less than a degree – in fact in about 10 minutes of arc. Venus is in a movable sign and so it is a fast time unit, but she is in a succedent house which gives us a medium unit. Together they point to a medium unit. Again a realistic option within the context of the situation was days/fast, weeks/medium and months/slow. This would give us a week as our basic time unit. The aspect is almost perfected and so if our time unit for the degrees to perfection is a week and the aspect perfects in around 10 minutes of arc and so, very, very soon, 10 minutes will probably show a day. The judgement was that yes the job will come through within a day from now. And so it proved much to the querent’s amazement: the man with the job called him within an hour of the chart being set to see if he could indeed start work the very next day. These charts, and many others, continually show us that things happen in their own time, despite what we may think or want. Contrary to opinion, the knowledge of this does not condemn us to wandering around like doomed fatalists waiting to be showered with largesse or lightning. No, far from it, it demands instead that we do what we can, what is within our powers to do, in fact what it is our ‘job’ to do. We must try to make sure that we are ready when the opportunity knocks, hone our skills and develop our vision so we can spot an opportunity when we see it. We can nurture our hope and expand our horizons to take in 63
possibilities that we may not of considered and remember that our unfortunate circumstances may provide the opportunity for better things to manifest. We may simply find that we are looking for opportunities in the wrong place, a bit like looking for a jar of sweets in an empty cupboard – no matter how hard we look we won’t find what we are looking for. Or equally, we may be looking at the wrong time – the cupboard has not been restocked mum hasn’t returned home from the shops yet. These things can be clearly seen in the horary chart. And so the idea behind all of this is to bring us and our will into harmony with the larger will that is out there, which is shepherding and guiding us towards our next opportunity, which again, contrary to received opinion, is also out there waiting within the threads of time, waiting till we finally meet. Let’s hope we are ready.
Configuraciones Universales Hacia El By Blanca Bustamante Martino, Mexico
n este articulo veremos las configuraciones universales que se generarán a partir del mes de Diciembre del 2007, como se trata de un proceso en el que varias configuraciones se irán formando hasta formar T en la cual los protagonistas son Plutón en Capricornio, Urano y Júpiter en Aries y Saturno en Libra, todos en los primeros grados de los signos cardinales, creo que se trata de eventos que serán importantes a nivel mundial.
I am Blanca Bustamante Martino born
in Mexico City the 24 of July 1946, I was living for a long time in Greece between 1972 and 1974 I was travelling along all Europe, 1974 almost 14 years married to a German we had in the Island of Samos a Bungalow Hotel with windsurf and Yachting, then began my passion for astrology I began to study with the German Wolfgang Döberainer and Joya Schaetzle, 1984, after 1987 I returned to Mexico, and I am Living now in Cuernavaca the so called City of Etern Spring, besides Astrology which is my main ocupation I have as Hobbie painting. http://www.astrozod.com
La primera configuración importante que se generará antes de la entrada de Plutón a Capricornio será la conjunción de Júpiter y Plutón, en el signo de Sagitario. Esta se genera, el 11 de Diciembre del 2007 a las 7.18pm, tiempo de Greenwich, a 28.23.34º del signo de Sagitario. El simbolismo de Júpiter nos habla de que todos necesitamos valores y creencias, por esto Júpiter se asocia generalmente a las religiones, representa también las leyes, la justicia como medio para controlar a la población, representa las cortes, las iglesias, la filosofía, la filantropía, también se asocia a la prosperidad, la riqueza, y los temas financieros, pero más bien a las altas finanzas. Júpiter en Sagitario esta en regencia así que es el más fuerte de los dos. Sagitario representa todos los asuntos 65
como temas migratorios, empresas de turismo, líneas aéreas, a los atletas o los deportes, el juego, los viajes, los jueces, los legisladores, la salud rige las caderas, muslos, el hígado y las enfermedades como la hepatitis, la diabetes. Plutón en la mitología es denominado el Dios de la Muerte rige todo lo que esta oculto, lo que es secreto, su dominio es el submundo, la sombra del colectivo, rige a los arqueólogos que podrían encontrar algo, rige a la policía secreta y al crimen organizado, los impulsos destructivos, la muerte el renacimiento, el fin de algo y el inicio, la transformación, los procesos virales, y las bacterias, los órganos urogenitales, las masas la destrucción, el poder atómico, el crimen, el rapto, las dictaduras, las obsesiones. La palabra “Plutos” en Griego simboliza riqueza por lo que se asocia también a la abundancia. Las transformaciones suelen ser lentas profundas y en ocasiones dolorosas y destructivas antes de volver a crear algo nuevo. La conjunción de estos dos planetas cuyo ciclo es de doce años, se relaciona a veces con el crecimiento del terrorismo internacional, o el desarrollo del poder político internacional. La combinación nos habla de poder de todas las clases, puede ser físico, material mental o espiritual. Las conjunciones en el siglo pasado ocurrieron en los años 1906, 1928, 1931, 1943, 1955-56, 1968, 1981, la ultima ocurrió el 2 de Diciembre de 1994, a 28º de Escorpio. Algunos astrólogos hablan de esta gran conjunción como típica de pandemias, provocadas por virus o por bacterias. Obviamente tendrá que ver con el comercio internacional, las bolsas de valores, tal vez nuevas filosofías, religiones, leyes, nuevos ideales, nuevos líderes, reformas. Después viene la entrada de Plutón a Capricornio el 27 de Enero del 2008, signo cardinal de tierra que rige la ambición las estructuras. Plutón descubierto en Enero de 1930. Cuando esto sucede estamos en el mundo en una gran depresión y las pérdidas se asocian al dinero, los craks de la bolsa de valores. La época de los Gangsters de la mafia que jugaba en aquel entonces un papel importante en los Estados Unidos y que formaban parte del mundo subterráneo, y tenía sus propias leyes. La forma de vivir de estos individuos es un excelente símbolo de Plutón. Otra influencia de Plutón es la energía atómica, porque el neutrón fue descubierto solo dos años después de que este planeta es descubierto. Y esta energía puede matar millones de seres humanos. El petróleo y el carbón se extrae de las profundidades de la tierra y es también símbolo de esta energía. Así como las explosiones volcánicas. Su entrada al signo de capricornio signo de tierra cardinal cuya palabra clave es la ambición. Es el décimo signo del zodiaco, rige las tradiciones, los gobiernos y sus gobernantes, la perfección, el trabajo duro, la seriedad, la seguridad, la estabilidad, las autoridades, la organización, la solidificación, las estructuras la sabiduría y los límites. 66
Saturno es su planeta regente. El simbolismo de esta entrada sería algo así como evolución, y cambios necesarios hacia otros sistemas, reestructuración. Los primeros 10 grados de este signo los rige saturno. Y Plutón estuvo aquí la ultima vez entre 1762 y 1778. La independencia de Estados Unidos, el invento de la maquina de vapor, el reinado de Luis XVI y Maria Antonieta, la revolución industrial, la rigidez de muchos gobiernos de la época llevó a rebelión y levantamientos en años posteriores. La lección a aprender durante este periodo, si Capricornio rige la constancia la perseverancia, la eficiencia, y la organización, tal vez sería que el mundo debería crear una nueva forma de organizarse y de trabajar creando nuevas leyes y estructuras. Como Plutón trae consigo transformaciones pero antes elimina lo que no sirve, es posible que traiga consigo grandes cambios políticos y sociales, una nueva estructura en el poder. Otro punto a tomar en cuenta sería ver lo que han traído otros planetas transpersonales últimamente, y lo más cercano es la triple conjunción de Saturno Urano y Neptuno en Capricornio hacia finales de los 80ª Esto sucedió en el año 1989, crearon la caída del régimen comunista, la caída del muro de Berlín, y una reorganización mundial, por tanto la entrada de Plutón a Capricornio puede traer también un reacomodo y reorganización en los poderes, tal vez se den cuenta que la globalización no es lo adecuado para todos y puede haber un cambio en las estructuras materiales. Otra manifestación puede ser la lucha de los energéticos del mundo como son el petróleo, el gas y todos los energéticos, así como la riqueza que yace en el subsuelo. De hecho durante la oposición de Saturno a Plutón en el 2001, empezaron a generarse conflictos por la lucha de estos energéticos, cuyo resultado fue la ocupación de Afganistán e Irak, países que poseen estas fuentes energéticas, la lucha contra el terrorismo es también símbolo de este tiempo. La mafia y la lucha por territorios para distribuir la droga puede ser otra manifestación de este tiempo que no debemos dejar de lado. En lo particular la carta que más llama mi atención es la carta de México, relacionada con la entrada del ejercito trigarante a la Ciudad de México. Pues esta carta tiene como ascendente a Capricornio estando en el ascendente la conjunción de Urano a 29.18 de Sagitario y Neptuno a 0.22 de Capricornio, ambos cuadrando a Plutón a 28.39 de Piscis y al sol a 4 de Libra, esto en astrología se llama una T de la cual Urano Neptuno y el ascendente de México forman el punto clave de los dos brazos de la cuadratura cerrados por la oposición de Plutón y el sol Esto podría informarnos de grandes cambios a nivel colectivo en el país. Aquí hay que ir otra vez al pasado para ver lo que causaron los tránsitos anteriores a estos puntos.
Cuando Urano y Neptuno estuvieron en oposición el 1910 fue la Revolución, También aquí Plutón en Transito estaba cuadrando a Plutón de la carta de la declaración de la independencia. Cuando Urano y Plutón hacen cuadraturas desde Virgo en el 68, tenemos grandes manifestaciones que terminan en la matanza de Tlaltelolco. Cuando Neptuno entra al signo de Capricornio y activa el ascendente de México tenemos el terremoto del 1985. Cuando se vuelve a generar la gran conjunción de Urano y Neptuno en febrero del 93, se activa en diciembre del 93, tenemos primero el asesinato de Colosio, el de Ruiz Masieu, y el levantamiento en Chiapas, además de que el 1º de Enero del 94 entra en vigor NAFTA. Por toda esta investigación es de pensar que en nuestro país habrá grandes transformaciones y cambios que ya empiezan a acercarse a la efervescencia política y la polarización actual será algo que tendremos que tomar en cuenta si no deseamos que estas transformaciones necesarias nos lleven a hechos violentos. El siguiente ciclo a analizar es el ciclo Saturno Plutón es de aproximadamente 33 años. Así la ultima gran conjunción se dio el 8 de Noviembre de 1982 en el signo de Libra a 27º terminará en cuanto estos dos mismos planetas vuelvan a estar en conjunción el 13 de Enero del 2020 a 22.47º de capricornio. La semilla de esta gran conjunción tiene cualidades de Libra que nos llevan a pensar sobre la búsqueda del equilibrio, la armonía, la justicia en el mundo, pero paradójicamente lo que hemos visto hasta ahora es justamente lo contrario la pérdida del equilibrio cuando menos en lo ecológico y en lo político. Este ciclo siempre se asocia a profundas transformaciones, políticas, económicas y al desarrollo de las estructuras culturales. Hagamos un recuento de las últimas conjunciones entre estos dos planetas Cuando en el año 1947 la gran conjunción anterior se dio en el signo de Leo el 11 de Agosto, fue cuando India, Pakistán, Burma tuvieron su independencia de Inglaterra, también estos ciclos se asocian a Israel que tuvo su independencia solo un año después todavía cuando la gran conjunción estaba en orbe. Europa estaba en plena reconstrucción después de la 2a Guerra Mundial. Otro país que empieza a emerger con esta gran conjunción del 47 fue China aunque la Republica es proclamada hasta Octubre de 1949. En 1948 después de la guerra Estados Unidos implementa el programa para la recuperación de Europa. En Abril de 1948 se constituye la OECE organización Europea de Cooperación Económica, se firma también el tratado de Dunkerque entre Inglaterra y Francia, el resultado de estos acuerdos en Abril de 1949 fue el nacimiento de la OTAN. También pertenece a este ciclo la constitución de la ONU firmada el 24 de Octubre de 1945, entrando en Vigor el 3 de Mayo de 1946. La gran conjunción anterior a esta tuvo lugar en Octubre de 1914 a 2.14º de Cáncer, un signo cardinal, el signo opuesto en que ahora estará. Las dos primeras Guerras mundiales están incluidas en estos dos últimos ciclos. Esto puede verse más a fondo en el artículo publicado en Abril del 2001, sobre los ciclos Saturno Plutón y sus manifestaciones. 68
Los eventos que ahora se asocian a esta gran conjunción, la última de 1982, en ese entonces empieza la influencia de “EL NIÑO” fenómeno que tiene que ver con los cambios climáticos en el mundo y que cada vez observamos que traen consigo debido a los cambios en la temperatura, muchos más ciclones, e inundaciones, pero a la vez sequías en todo el mundo, el equilibrio simbolizado por el signo de “Libra” parece haberse roto, hemos infligido las leyes de la naturaleza y tendremos que sufrir las consecuencias. Los dos planetas tanto Saturno como Plutón tienen que ver con el karma que hemos creado. Otro evento saliente de esa época es una fuerte crisis financiera en México. Y en este mismo país tenemos la erupción del volcán “El Chichón. El presidente López Portillo nacionaliza la banca. Otros eventos de este ciclo son. La guerra de las Malvinas entre Argentina e Inglaterra. Un poco antes en el 81 empieza el movimiento de Solidaridad en Polonia. El endeudamiento regional Latinoamericano provoca una crisis financiera internacional. En el medio Oriente guerra entre Israel y Líbano, el propósito de Begin era expulsar a los Palestinos de Beirut, el responsable de la invasión es Ariel Sharon. Israel Quiere asumir la influencia sobre Siria en la región.. Ya en el año 1981 Hay un ataque de Israel contra la central nuclear de Tammuz en Irak, el motivo Israel quiere destruir el reactor nuclear. Francia había enviado Uranio a Irak. El presidente de Egipto Sadat es asesinado el 6 de octubre de 1981, el era un mediador de la paz entre Israel y Egipto en aquella época. En diciembre de 1981 Israel se anexa los altos del Golán. Y entre 1980 y 1982 la Península de Sinai es devuelta a Egipto. En 1982 muere Breshnev el presidente de la U.R.S.S. y entra en su lugar Andropov. A partir de 1980 y hasta 1988 también hay una guerra llamada la primera guerra del Golfo en la cual Irak invade a Irán, por conflictos territoriales, España les suministra armas a ambos. Eventos deportivos la copa mundial 1982 en España de foot-tball gana Italia. Crece el mercado mundial de computadoras. Algunos astrólogos que son entendidos en astrología mundial hablan del ciclo como, momentos de cambios estructurales en la humanidad en los que es necesario regresar a lo básico, se generan crisis de autoridad, también casi siempre cuando estos dos planetas están en aspectos difíciles hay crisis financieras y en algunos casos guerras. La siguiente primera cuadratura entre estos dos planetas se genera el 20 marzo de 1993 estando Saturno en Acuario entre los grados 25.23º de Acuario y Plutón en Escorpio, y 69
termina los primeros días de Enero de 1994, a 27.02º de Acuario y Plutón esta en estos mismos grados cuadrando desde el signo de Escorpio, pero este aspecto de tensión estuvo además acompañado de la gran conjunción de Neptuno y Urano que se dio entre los grados 19.30º de Capricornio empezando en Febrero de 1993, y terminando a finales de ese año y principios del 1994. Así aquí tenemos dos ciclos de planetas transpersonales entrelazados entre si. Ahora en el 2010 tendremos los ciclos Júpiter Saturno, Júpiter Urano, Júpiter Plutón, Saturno Urano, Saturno Plutón y Urano Plutón. Son 6 ciclos entrelazados entre si lo que hace más difícil su interpretación. Pero regresemos a la primera cuadratura de Saturno Plutón y sus eventos. En México hay eventos salientes en este ciclo año 1993-94, la muerte de Luis Donaldo Colosio, candidato a la presidencia muere en Marzo del 93, la muerte de Ruiz Massieu también político conocido del PRI. El levantamiento del Ejercito Zapatista el 1º de Enero de 1994, la crisis económica que deja el gobierno de Salinas de Gortari. El inicio del tratado de Libre comercio entre Estados Unidos, México y Canadá. Otros eventos importantes en este ciclo, en septiembre de 1993 inundaciones graves en Dakota norte y sur, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Winsconsin e Illinois. 50 muertos y 15 billones de pérdidas, los ríos se desbordan 10,000 casas destruidas, 75 pueblos dañados. Violentos eventos el 3 y 4 de Octubre en Moscú, los detractores de Boris Yeltzin se oponen, esto lleva a la disolución del parlamento sus opositores son encarcelados, y posteriormente puestos en libertad en Febrero del 94. En la revuelta hay 146 muertos y más de 1000 heridos, se convoca a nuevas elecciones lo que le cuesta a Rusia más de $ 300 millones de Dólares. 1993 primer atentado terrorista a las Torres Gemelas. 1994 Atentado terrorista en Argentina a la sede del edificio de la mutual Judía AMIMA 100 muertos. En 1994 entra en función Internet que revoluciona el mundo de la información. Cuando se genera la oposición dentro de este mismo ciclo y si alguien quiere ver las últimas repercusiones sobre este ciclo recomiendo ir a mi página www.astrozod.com. Artículo Saturno Plutón, cuando se generó la oposición en el año 2001, la oposición se da el 6 de Agosto del 2001, a los 12.37º de los signos Géminis Sagitario, solo un mes antes de los atentados, activando la carta de los Estados unidos con el ascendente a 12º de Sagitario. Las guerras que inicia Estados Unidos contra Afganistán e Irak son repercusiones del ciclo, así como la crisis económica a nivel mundial que siempre trae consigo este ciclo. Cuando este ciclo se activa también se ha observado que los problemas en Israel y el oriente medio también surgen. Ya vimos los simbolismos de plutón y Saturno y debemos recordar que esta gran conjunción la ultima se generó en Libra en el 81, sabemos que saturno rige las estructuras, la disciplina, el sentido de la responsabilidad, la organización, la ambición, las leyes científicas y las leyes 70
que rigen al universo, el tiempo, la profundidad, la paciencia, la constancia, la perseverancia, la solidificación, la sabiduría. Debemos recordar que Saturno es denominado el Señor del Karma y que trae siempre consigo las lecciones y consecuencias de lo que hemos sembrado en la vida. Así cuando el ciclo se manifiesta tendremos como colectivo las consecuencias de lo que se ha sembrado en el pasado, a partir del inicio del ciclo en 1982. Al entrar a Libra, el signo que rige el equilibrio, las leyes, la justicia, la imparcialidad, las relaciones con los demás, la diplomacia, el tacto, la cooperación. Si no cumplimos con estas normas, es posible que los problemas empiecen a suscitarse, debido a que ambos planetas están haciendo un aspecto de tensión que marca tiempos difíciles. La configuración al estar en signos cardinales puede traer consigo Transformaciones radicales en las estructuras mundiales, en las leyes, en los tratados internacionales y en la política, conlleva el riesgo de que se adopten actitudes que implican resistencia hacia los cambios necesarios para la humanidad, si persiste una actitud obstinada (plutón) y temerosa (Saturno), no solo se crean obstáculos para la evolución, esto perjudicará el equilibrio y dañará las relaciones entre países, y gobernantes, que como resultado dañan a la tierra en general. Los que desean controlar el mundo provocarán un gran desgaste de energía, provocando miedo en la sociedad y en las relaciones internacionales. Ahora bien quienes son los que se ven involucrados en estos eventos principalmente. Serán los países cuyas cartas tengan como ascendente o como signo solar los primeros grados de los signos cardinales, Libra, Capricornio, Aries, y Cáncer. Así como todos los países cuyas cartas tengan relación con estos ciclos, como Israel, India, Pakistán, Burma, China, Japón, instituciones como la ONU, la OTAN cuya constitución fue creada después de la segunda guerra mundial. México, con una de sus más importantes cartas la terminación de la guerra de independencia y la entada del ejercito trigarante a la ciudad de México, con su ascendente a 00 de Capricornio, como antes vimos puede ser uno de los protagonistas, la Republica Federal Alemana cuya carta es del 22 de Mayo de 1949, y cuyo ascendente esta a 5 de Capricornio. Nueva Zelanda, cuya carta es del 26 de Septiembre del 1906, a las 23.21GMT, cuyo ascendente también es Capricornio y el sol esta a 1º de Libra, Y que pertenece también a este Ciclo por formarse en su carta la cuadratura entre Plutón y Saturno. Turquía que proclama su República el 29 de Octubre de 1923 en Ankara cuyo ascendente es 7º de Cáncer y su luna a 29.56 de Géminis. Hay dos cartas de Canadá que indican también que este país puede tener eventos pues la primera es el dominio de Canadá del 1º de Julio de 1867 en Ottawa, a las 00.00 Hrs LT. En esta carta vemos a Saturno y a Plutón en oposición entre los signos de Tauro y Escorpio, y en la carta de la constitución de Canadá para la firma de la constitución por la reina el 17 de Abril de 1982, en Ottawa también tenemos el ciclo Saturno Plutón en Libra, y el ciclo Júpiter Plutón que también tiene relación a estas configuraciones del 2010. No tengo desafortunadamente las cartas de todos los países que se verán involucrados. En la carta de independencia de Estados Unidos Venus esta a 3º de cáncer, por lo que la configuración que se formará, hará aspectos tensos a este planeta símbolo de las relaciones y la economía, creando posiblemente una crisis económica, en ese país. A nivel personal también afecta a las personas cuyos signos ascendente o solar estén en los primeros grados de los signos cardinales Aries, Cáncer Capricornio y Libra, que son los 71
nacidos entre el 21 y el 23 de Marzo, entre el 21 y el 24 de Junio, entre el 22 y el 25 de Septiembre, y entre el 22 y 25 de Diciembre. Si por ejemplo cuando inicia la gran conjunción en el año 1982 se inicia el fenómeno del NIÑO, es posible que este fenómeno cobre mayor importancia, y esto es algo que conforme han pasado los años hemos visto que va en aumento. Todo dependerá de las coordenadas a nivel astrocartográfico ahí podremos ver cuales son las zonas más afectadas por el ciclo. Es posible que México por su posición geográfica y por los tránsitos hacia su carta sea uno de los países afectados. Un mes después el 21 de Diciembre a las 9.34 am tiempo de Greenwich del mismo 2009 ser genera la gran conjunción entre Júpiter y Neptuno a 24.17.56, ambos en el Signo de Acuario. Ambos son planetas asociados a ideologías, filosofías, religiones, sistemas de creencias, a veces luchas o pleitos relacionados por diferencias religiosas o filosóficas. Generalmente también se relacionan a las economías socialistas del bloque del este, y otros dicen que se refiere al destino de Francia. La quinta República nació con la conjunción. Cuando en 1958 Francia se encuentra en crisis por la guerra civil en Algéria, el General de Gaulle crea una nueva constitución el 28 de Septiembre así la 5ª. República es inaugurada el 5 de Octubre bajo la conjunción Júpiter Neptuno. La siguiente es el 16 de Septiembre del 71, la siguiente es el 20 de Enero de 1984 la siguiente es 9 de Enero de 1997, esta última será el 21 de Diciembre del 2009, esta conjunción tiene un ciclo de 13 años y generalmente se genera en un signo subsecuente, es decir la última tuvo lugar en el signo de Capricornio y ahora estará en el signo de Acuario. También esta gran conjunción se asocia económicamente a los booms, pero también a los periodos de gran inflación. Hay algunos astrólogos que relacionan cada gran conjunción de Júpiter con un planeta mayor a epidemias o pandemias. Como se genera en el signo de Acuario, signo de aire fijo un signo que se refiere a lo social, a lo humanista, lo intelectual, y siendo esta una conjunción que expresa una fértil imaginación, que puede expresarse en áreas creativas, idealistas, religiosas. Es posible que surjan nuevas ideas, que no hagan distinciones raciales o religiosas. Esto se asocia también a las fases en las que se encuentra Neptuno en Acuario, La combinación produce orientación social, filosófica y política. Si vemos el mapa natal de este día a esa hora tendremos que la gran conjunción Neptuno Júpiter activada por la luna en conjunción a estos y por la oposición de Marte el planeta bélico a estos tres planetas, esto podría hablar de agresión relacionada con temas religiosos. Ambos tanto la Luna como Marte se observan como detonantes de eventos. Al mismo tiempo tenemos la cuadratura de Saturno y Plutón que será activada unos días después por el sol que el 21 de Diciembre, esta ya a 29.39º de Sagitario, aplicativo ya a Plutón. La siguiente gran conjunción de Júpiter y Urano tendrá lugar, el 8 de Junio del 2010 A las 11.10am en tiempo de greenwich. Esta configuración tiene un ciclo de 14 años, el ciclo se asocia al despertar de la conciencia y su desarrollo. Combina las aspiraciones y el esfuerzo así como las posibilidades de evolución del hombre. Cuestiona y abre oportunidades, y desarrolla el espíritu del colectivo con optimismo(Júpiter) y nuevos conocimientos o avances (Urano). Parece asociarse al mercado libre en la economía a nivel internacional. Es un ciclo generalmente orientado hacia el capitalismo. El ciclo otorga ambición poder, toma de riesgos. 72
En una sociedad en crisis como parece ser el momento porque estos ciclos se van a entretejer con otros en aspectos de tensión, y por estar estos dos planetas en un signo de Fuego “Aries” podría causar muchos problemas. Es una configuración que se asocia también a la aeronáutica y a los viajes espaciales, por lo que es posible nuevos lanzamientos e investigaciones en este sector. Cuando esta conjunción se dio en el 68 estuvo ligada a las olimpiadas, y a la gran conjunción Urano Plutón.. La siguiente se dio a mediados de Febrero en el signo de Sagitario. La ultima tuvo lugar el 16 de Febrero de 1997, a 5º. De Acuario. Si la configuración estuviese sola o haciendo aspectos positivos hacia otros planetas podría prometer mucho, un nuevo ciclo de desarrollo y expansión, posibles nuevos descubrimientos, relacionados con la tecnología, la aeronáutica. El problema será que al entrar esta gran conjunción a Aries, un signo cardinal, hará cuadratura hacia Plutón y oposición a Saturno, despertando así los ciclos Saturno Júpiter, Saturno Urano y Urano Plutón, que ahora tendremos también que tomar en cuenta, lo que hace sumamente complicado interpretar los acontecimientos, pero las configuraciones sugieren una gran crisis. Esto hará que tengamos que analizar los otros ciclos. El primero es el ciclo de Saturno Júpiter que se inició en el año 2000, el 28 de mayo a 22.38º de Tauro, signo de tierra, fijo, este es un signo que rige la economía, los valores. Este ciclo se da aproximadamente cada 20 años. El próximo ciclo empieza el 21 de Diciembre del 2020 en el grado 00.24º de Acuario. Este ciclo tocó en su inicio la carta de la declaración de Independencia de Israel cuyo Sol se encuentra el 14 de Mayo de 1948 a 23.41º de Tauro cuadrando a Marte a 28.19 de Leo. Los eventos de ese año para Israel fueron el inicio de la Intifada. Este ciclo es considerado como base del desarrollo, y marca la interacción entre la percepción de las ideas, potencialidades, posibilidades de expansión (Júpiter) en los temas económicos (Tauro) y su manifestación en el mundo concreto material (Saturno), el ciclo tiene que ver con la evolución y el desarrollo de las estructuras económicas y sociales. El ciclo completo de esta gran conjunción a través de todos los signos del zodiaco es de 960 años, y es considerado importante, en la orientación del mundo. Por ejemplo hubo una gran mutación en signos de fuego el 8 de Diciembre de 1603 a 8º de Sagitario, y esto se asocia la colonización de América debido a que Sagitario se asocia a lo religioso, y a los viajes. La gran mutación a signos de tierra el 26 de Enero de 1842, se asocia al desarrollo del materialismo. La ultima conjunción de estos dos planetas en Tauro tuvo lugar en 1941, cuando todavía estaba segunda guerra mundial, es en ese año en el que Estados Unidos entra a la guerra, durante la primera mitad del ciclo, termina la guerra y empieza la reconstrucción. Este ciclo también se le relaciona con los presidentes norteamericanos y casi desde 1840 cada presidente que ha sido electo en un año de la gran conjunción ha muerto durante su mandato. Tenemos como ejemplo a dos presidentes muertos William Henry Harrison, fue electo en 1840, Lincoln fue electo en 1860. Estas predicciones fueron hechas por el astrólogo Dr. L D Broughton que decía que cada vez que la gran conjunción se diera en un signo de tierra, el presidente electo en un año que termine en cero moriría durante su mandato. Otro gran 73
astrólogo Kelsey Richfel hizo un estudio sobre el tema que indica que de todos los presidentes electos en un año que termina en cero 8 han muerto durante su mandato excepto Zachary Taylor que no fue electo en un año cero. Kennedy es otro que no fue electo en un año cero pero si bajo esta gran conjunción en Enero de 1961 en el signo de Capricornio, signo de tierra y es asesinado en su mandato. Los planetas Saturno y Júpiter de la conjunción actual que nos ocupa 2000, cuya semilla se asocia al signo de Tauro, las economías, estarán en oposición a la mitad de su ciclo, no hay que olvidar que el Euro entra en Vigor a partir del 2000 es posible que haya una crisis relacionada con las finanzas en este ciclo. Todas las políticas económicas pueden entrar ahora en crisis, pues se dice que la primera mitad del ciclo se asocia a la expansión y la segunda más a la depresión. En general cualquier aspecto tenso entre estos dos planetas genera problemas en la economía y esto lo estamos viendo ahora, cuando escribo este articulo en Noviembre del 2006 Saturno y Júpiter estuvieron cuadrando, la primera cuadratura se genero en Diciembre del 2005, Júpiter a 10º de Escorpio Saturno a 10º de Leo, la segunda cuadratura se genera a los grados 9º de Escorpio y Leo hacia finales de Junio y la última se generó a 23 de Escorpio y Leo a finales de Octubre del 2006 y se habla de ya de una desaceleración económica en los Estados Unidos y por consiguiente en sus países socios como México. Otro de los ciclos que se entreteje con esta gran configuración es el de Saturno y Urano. Este es un ciclo que dura aproximadamente 45 años. Esta gran conjunción se genera el 23 de Febrero de 1988 a las 12.50am tiempo de greenwich. Y es seguida en 1989 por la conjunción Neptuno Saturno, el 4 de Marzo del 1989 a 11.56 de Capricornio. Esta es una época importante porque entre 1988 y 1989 estaban en capricornio haciendo un stelium Saturno Urano y Neptuno, si tomamos que el ciclo Saturno Urano corresponde más al capitalismo y el de Saturno Neptuno más al socialismo y al comunismo los eventos que en este entonces se generan, dejan sin equilibrio al mundo. Esta triple conjunción constituye una gran transición desde un sistema bipolar articulado en la pugna entre los Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética, a otro protagonizado por la actual hegemonía de Estados Unidos. Existen sin embargo importantes incertidumbres acerca de este nuevo orden internacional que se inicia sobre la triple en Capricornio. Por un lado la Unión Europea que sigue en su proceso de unificación adoptando medidas políticas y económicas como la creación de la nueva moneda el Euro que entra realmente en vigencia hasta el 2000 y se socia más a la conjunción de Saturno Júpiter que vimos anteriormente. En los años 88-89 se produce el fin de la guerra fría, la disolución del bloque comunista en Europa oriental y la desaparición de la URSS, que pertenece al Ciclo Saturno Neptuno, que da paso a la Comunidad de Estados Independientes, la desintegración territorial de la antigua Yugoslavia, el fin de la división del mundo, que tuvo que ver con los bloques que se formaron después de la segunda guerra mundial. El símbolo es en 1989 la caída del Muro de Berlín que da paso en 1990 a la reunificación de Alemania, Octubre 3 de 1990 a partir de las 12.00am 13.23E 52.30N. Esta Carta de Alemania tiene a Venus a 1.48 de Libra en conjunción con el sol a 9 de Libra, ambos cuadrando a Urano a 5 de Capricornio, por tanto este país entra entre los que van a ser activados, por la configuración. Otros eventos significativos de este ciclo son las sondas espaciales Fobo I y II que desaparecen misteriosamente. 74
La NASA anuncia el calentamiento global del planeta Revueltas estudiantiles en China que terminan en una masacre. Estados Unidos envía la sonda espacial Magallanes a Venus. George W Bush padre sube al poder. En la costa de Alaska encalla superpetróleo EXXON Valdez, creando un desastre ecológico. Fuerzas militares de Estados Unidos invaden Panamá y ponen fin al régimen de Noriega. Nelson Mandela es dejado en Libertad a principios de 1990, con la conjunción aun en Orbe. El ciclo Saturno Urano como resultado de los estudios hechos desde 1625 al presente, se asocia a la derecha, y esencialmente a los procesos conservativos y autoritarios, para poner la política en orden (Saturno) Barbault lo asocia a las tendencias capitalistas e imperialistas. En la astro-economía, se indica este ciclo como crucial en las altas y bajas de las inversiones, la producción y la industria pesada, que ha sido dominada por los Estados Unidos. También se asocia a llevar a la realidad (saturno) ideas brillantes, o descubrimientos, o reformas (Urano). Los eventos en el medio oriente y las crisis de Israel han ocurrido o tienen conexión con este ciclo así como con el ciclo Saturno Plutón que parecen ser dominantes para este país y para esta área del mundo. También se le asocia a Egipto, la Republica se establece en 1953 con una cuadratura de estos dos planetas, y Sadat es asesinado cuando estos dos planetas están en cuadratura. Por ultimo tenemos el ciclo Urano Plutón que inicia en 1965 el día 10 de Octubre, a 17.10º de Virgo. pero tratándose de dos planetas tan lentos tendrá vigencia hasta Agosto de 1966, estando aun en orbe estos planetas en el 68. Este es un ciclo de aproximadamente 127 años, así es el mayor de todos, y generalmente se asocia a la reestructuración radical del mundo y los países. Ebertin habla del ciclo como de reconstrucción de lo nuevo (Urano) sobre las ruinas que ha dejado (Plutón) en sus profundas transformaciones. El ciclo anterior empezó en 1850 a 29.24º de géminis estando Saturno muy cerca de la gran conjunción a 19.12º del mismo signo Géminis por tanto en este año hubo también una triple en el mismo signo de Géminis que se asocia a temas de las comunicaciones por tanto la maquina de vapor, los trenes, el telégrafo, el crecimiento de la industria forman parte de esta triple que terminó en 1965, generando la siguiente. Analicemos un poco la trile anterior hacia los años 1850. En México es el fin de la guerra con Estados Unidos en la cual Santana en 1848 por el tratado de Guadalupe pierde sus provincias en el norte que junto con Texas representaban la mitad de su territorio, pero todavía en 1853 Santana le vende a Estados Unidos el Valle de Mesilla lo cual lleva a Juárez a levantarse en una segunda revolución en México. La clase media, abogados, comerciantes, periodistas e intelectuales, quieren establecer una Republica federalista, para eliminar los privilegios del Clero y de los militares, esto es lo que lleva a la constitución de 1857. 75
En estados Unidos se estaban discutiendo en aquella época la cuestión de los esclavos, y en el año 1850 el estado de California es reconocido como libre apoyado por Henry Clay. Como ni el sur, ni el norte estaban de acuerdo con estas nuevas leyes y la mayoría en el congreso de Flankin Pierce un demócrata, en la elección de 1852 parecía que la abolición de la esclavitud sería el tema, estos pleitos son los que realmente en los años 1860 ya estando en el Poder Abraham Lincoln llevan a la guerra Civil. En esta guerra el Note pierde 5.000 millones de hombres y el Sur 3.000 millones. En Europa en Francia Napoleón III sube al poder formando lo que se denomina el Segundo Imperio. En Gran Bretaña estaba reinando la Reina Victoria. Inglaterra quería el mercado libre y tenía aun sus colonias por el mundo. Rusia en ese tiempo estaba en la guerra por Crimea, que empezó porque Rusia quería retener su dominio sobre el Imperio Otomán. En esa época reinaba en Rusia Alejandro I., Rusia Pierde la guerra. Prusia y Austria firman el tratado de Olsmütz con el fin de juntos hacerse fuerte militarmente ante los conflictos por la guerra de Crimea y al levantamiento de Napoleón Tercero. Italia en esa época, Mazzini y Garibaldi que eran republicanos nacionalistas, y por otro lado Vincenzo Gioberti un sacerdote del Piamonte, urgen a la confederación de los estados existentes bajo el liderazgo del Papa. Pero La facción predominante era la de los liberales leales al liderazgo del Reino de Sardinia. En esa época había revueltas desde Venecia hasta Sicilia. Carlos Alberto de Sardinia, Fernando segundo Rey de las dos Cicilias y Pio IX y el gran Duque de Toscana y Florencia se vieron obligados a perdonar a los rebeldes. Dándose cuenta de que necesitaban ayuda si deseaban la unificación de Italia, Sadinia con Cavour a la cabeza se une a Francia y Gran Bretaña contra Rusia en la guerra de Crimea, estas alianzas son las que después llevan a formar el reino de Italia bajo Victor Manuel II. La conjunción actual de Urano Plutón que inicia en 1965, en el signo de Virgo significa el momento en el que se inicia o siembra la semilla, la primera cuadratura entres estos dos planetas se asocia a la manifestación de la cruz de la materia, que ahora se genera representa que lo que fue sembrado en esos años tendrá ahora sus consecuencias, a nivel colectivo así como a nivel individual nuevos poderes emergen solo a través de la determinación y la conciencia y siempre con un esfuerzo y determinación. Generalmente la primera cuadratura del ciclo se asocia a algún tipo de crisis de confrontación con el fin de ver si las ideas que se sembraron en aquel entonces 1965 a 68, pueden madurar y florecer cuando se genere el trino entre estos dos planetas mas tarde. En términos de crecimiento es algo así como cuando la semilla que se planto esta ahora empujando para salir de la tierra al aire y empezar a crecer así de largos son los ciclos de estos dos planetas transpersonales. Los principales eventos en aquel entonces tenían que ver con las nuevas tecnologías relacionadas con las computadoras, en 1965 IBM anuncia el primer grupo de maquinas construidas con circuitos integrados serie 360. La conjunción habla también de revoluciones 76
para preservar la libertad, el respeto de toda clase de vida humana, animal o vegetal, ya que se genera en una signo de tierra Virgo, que se asocia también al trabajo y a la salud corporal. Durante esta gran conjunción en México se empiezan a generar movimientos estudiantiles que empiezan en 1966 en la Universidad de Sonora, este primer movimiento se da debido a que los Sonorenses no entendían porqué sus Gobernadores eran impuestos desde la Ciudad de México y no podían ser electos por ellos mismos, en ese entonces el único Partido que había gobernado era el PRI y se utilizaba para elegir a los gobernantes lo que en México se llama ”El dedazo” es decir el Presidente era quien realmente nombraba a sus Gobernadores. En la Universidad de Puebla en Julio de 1966 también hubo levantamientos estudiantes, Díaz Ordaz el entonces Presidente hace un llamado a los estudiantes a no infligir la ley. Un mes después los Maestros y estudiantes de la Universidad de Michoacán se van a la huelga, por la muerte de un estudiante, durante una manifestación popular debida a la alza de las tarifas en el transporte. En Michoacán fueron arrestados 600 estudiantes. En 1967 los estudiantes de Nuevo León apoyan a las manifestaciones de choferes de autobuses que fueron destituidos de su trabajo por manifestarse. En 1967 los Estudiantes de Chihuahua logran importantes concesiones del Gobierno para abrir la Escuela Agronomía de la Universidad de Chihuahua. Durante este tiempo también hubo huelgas de médicos que terminaron en que los que las dirigieron pasaron un tiempo tras las rejas. Los planetas estaban en Virgo símbolo de hospitales, medicina, salud. Entre 1964 y 1966 había ya dificultades entre los estudiantes en la Universidad Autónoma de México, forzando en 1966 a la renuncia del Rector Chávez, en el 68 no había realmente problemas políticos en la Autónoma, pero si supresión en las escuelas Preparatorias por rivalidades entre ellas. El movimiento del 68 empieza realmente después de la manifestación del 25 de Julio en que hubo manifestaciones celebrando el movimiento Castrista por su 15º aniversario de la Revolución Cubana. Uno de sus líderes Gerardo Unzueta y otros del partido comunista son arrestados. De ahí los estudiantes piden la renuncia por la represión del Jefe de la Policía Luis Cueto y que se desapareciera el cuerpo de Granaderos. La U.NA.M no participa en el movimiento hasta que es ocupada el 1º de Agosto Del 68, el entonces Rector Barros Sierra dirige una manifestación pacífica con 50.000 estudiantes, para el 9 de Agosto se une el Instituto Politécnico Nacional, es entonces cuando realmente se instituye el CNH (Consejo Nacional de Huelga) liderado por Heberto Castillo. Todos sabemos en que término este movimiento el 2 de Octubre del 1968 en la matanza de Tlaltelolco. En Francia en Mayo del 1968 el crisol en el que se fundieron todos los síntomas del malestar que arrastraba a la sociedad Francesa con fuertes ribetes autoritarios de su Presidente Charles De Gaulle. Lleva el 3 de Mayo en la Sorbona a la agitación de los estudiantes que habían intentado participar en una manifestación en apoyo a los obreros. Para el 13 de Mayo los sindicatos llaman a huelga general bajo el “Alto a la represión, libertad, democracia”. Se unen los obreros y los estudiantes y para el 20 de Mayo tenían a Francia paralizada. Para el 25 de Mayo el sindicato, organizaciones empresariales y el Gobierno firman acuerdo sobre salarios mínimos garantizados y el reconocimiento de derechos sindicales. 77
Estos dos movimientos son típicos de esta gran conjunción. Urano rige la independencia, la autonomía a veces a través de la revolución, tiende a la revolución pero una vez en el poder puede convertirse en autocrático y totalitario. Puede asociarse tanto a la izquierda como a la derecha pero siempre va a los extremos. Urano En Virgo se asocia a un interés por la ecología, por los productos naturales, los nuevos inventos relacionados con la medicina, la salud, el enfoque práctico inventivo y humano, necesario para generar cambios que nos proporcionen una mejor salud, con el trabajo que efectuamos todos los días. Virgo se asocia también a los trabajadores y en algunos casos a los sindicatos principalmente a aquellos que sirven a la sociedad como son los médicos, los maestros, campesinos. Plutón se asocia al poder de las masas, trae consigo procesos de eliminación, regeneración. A Veces se asocia a los países que emergen, renacen o se reconstruyen, pero también causa fanatismo, obsesiones, en ideas colectivas o ideales. Plutón en Virgo, trajo consigo nuevos descubrimientos médicos que revolucionaron la práctica de la medicina, la píldora, el control de la natalidad, un cambio de actitud hacia el sexo. La comprensión de los peligros inherentes a los aditivos en los alimentos, pero también trajo consigo, la represión en las huelgas de maestros, médicos, y estudiantes, y demandas y oportunidades iguales en el trabajo para las minorías. Así es de esperar que las minorías reprimidas surjan y clamen por justicia, libertad, democracia real. Puede indicar que en ese tiempo algo tiene que cambiar, pues si vemos que con la triple en Capricornio el mundo y la política mundial tuvo cambios espectaculares, ahora Plutón será quien este en Capricornio y Urano en Aries indicando probablemente un nuevo inicio, unas nuevas estructuras. Todo lo anterior y siendo plutón el que cuadra a todos los demás ciclos, habla de una crisis mayor de inestabilidad y tensión, la urgencia de actualizar las ideas, los retos a los que se verá confrontada la humanidad en su conjunto por el deseo de subsistencia. Tal vez nos demos cuenta que el mundo sobre poblado, y los recursos naturales de los que hemos hecho un mal uso se vuelvan contra nosotros. Tal vez podemos empezar a crear conciencia sobre lo que le hemos hecho a nuestro mundo, a nuestro entorno, pues finalmente la tierra es nuestra casa y si no hacemos algo, ella se revelará a través de eventos de tipo natural. Ya es bien sabido por nuestros científicos que los glaciares se están derritiendo causando cambios en el clima, y de esto ya tenemos las consecuencias en los últimos años, inundaciones, ciclones, pero a la vez zonas de sequía, lo cual destruye las cosechas, (que también son símbolo de Virgo) y es posible que los alimentos no sean suficientes para la sobre-población del mundo. el fenómeno del NIÑO, ha ido creciendo. Las preguntas que nos deberíamos hacer serán ¿Seremos capaces de crear nuestros alimentos, y de dejar de utilizar los productos energéticos que ya de por si se nos están acabando, e utilizarlos de forma conciente?. ¿Serán capaces los gobernantes del mundo de llegar a acuerdos de respeto mutuo? Tendrán los gobernantes la sensibilidad para escuchar las necesidades de sus pueblos?. Otro peligro son los desacuerdos filosóficos y religiosos, que ahora causan guerras, terrorismo, además de los países que poseen armas nucleares, espero que no lleguemos a que un loco apriete el botón. Por último este ciclo siempre habla de las diferencias entre los países “desarrollados” y los subdesarrollados, entre los que tienen el poder financiero y los que no lo 78
tienen, y entre las clases en el poder y las minorías que no tienen nada que perder, por eso es frecuente que se manifiesten en estos ciclos revoluciones, así que tal vez el mundo debería crear un equilibrio entre la riqueza extrema de algunos y la pobreza y marginación de la mayoría. No quiero ser fatalista, pero algo es seguro el mundo como ahora lo conocemos se verá en la necesidad de hacer cambios mayores. Es hacia mediados del año 2010 en el mes de Julio en que todos los planetas estarán Creando la mayor tensión en durante el mes de julio aquí tenemos a Saturno a 0 de Libra, a Júpiter a 3 de Aries, a Urano a 0 de Aries, y a plutón a 3 de Capricornio. Haciendo aspectos tensos. Como sabemos los detonadores de estas configuraciones universales, pueden ser los tránsitos de Marte, los tránsitos del sol y las lunaciones. Hacia finales de Julio el día 31 tanto el tránsito de la Luna como el de Marte activan la configuración y los primeros días de agosto del 2010 Marte el planeta que a veces es el detonador de los conflictos entra a los primeros grados de libra, activa peligrosamente esta configuración. Marte el símbolo del “Dios de la Guerra”, como planeta que se asocia al fuego a la guerra, a las explosiones a veces en este tipo de configuraciones a accidentes aéreos por la intervención de Urano y Júpiter que se asocian a los viajes, hace esta configuración peligrosa. Otro detonador de acontecimientos podría ser la luna llena en los ejes Libra Aries, que tendrá lugar el 23 de Septiembre del 2010 a las 9.17am tiempo de Greenwich.. En la carta del 31 de Julio a nivel astrocartrografico, Marte Saturno en el MC y Júpiter Urano y la Luna en el Bajo cielo apuntan al norte de Canadá Longitud 135 Oeste, y hacia los polos Norte y Sur. Plutón asciende por la frontera entre México y Estados Unidos a la altura de San Diego, la falla de San Andrés. El cruce de Plutón con estas oposiciones esta a la altura del Ecuador en el Mar longitud 135.Oeste. La Luna Júpiter y Urano ascienden y Plutón se encuentra en el MC en la parte norte de Brasil a la altura de Recife y Saturno y Urano descienden por el mismo lugar por el Océano atlántico hacia Groenlandia aproximadamente en la Longitud 33Oeste La líneas tocan otra vez pero en otra longitud las zonas polares, Ártica y Antártica. Las líneas de Marte y Saturno ascienden por Australia cerca de Melbourne atraviesan Nueva Guinea hacia Sapporo en Japón por donde descienden Júpiter Urano y la Luna y esta en el bajo cielo Plutón. Si vemos la segunda carta astrocartografica del 23 de Septiembre del 2010 a las 9.17, Luna Llena activando la configuración tenemos a el sol en el MC en conjunción con Saturno, opuestos a la Luna Júpiter y Urano entre la latitud 40-45º tocando Mozambique, Kenia, Etiopía, Israel, Siria, Turquía, muy cerca de Moscú. Urano la Luna y Júpiter ascienden Por la parte central de Australia, entre la longitud 130-135 Este, tocando alguna Islas de Indonesia la Isla Mindanao, suben hacia Corea, El sol Desciende por las Islas Molucas, Timor atraviesa Australia central a la altura de Alice 79
Springs, y Saturno desciende por Osaka el Norte de nueva Guinea, y Australia central a la altura de Adelaide. El sol y Saturno ascienden por Brasil Sao Paolo y Río son tocados suben hacia Groenlandia y bajan a la Antartida. Júpiter Urano y la Luna descienden por Groenlandia a Brasil cerca de donde desembocan varios ríos como el Amazonas al mar. Plutón en el Bajo cielo esta justo en la desembocadura de los Ríos. Bajan hacia Uruguay y a la frontera entre Uruguay y Argentina en donde desemboca el Río de la Plata. Como Septiembre es un mes de Lluvias y de ciclones estas áreas pueden verse afectadas. Júpiter Urano y la Luna en el MC en Alaska Apuntando otra vez las zonas Ártica Antártica y el Sol y Saturno en el bajo cielo en la ártica y Alaska. La línea de Plutón cruzando en el Ecuador Estos mapas indican claramente los polos de la tierra, las zonas de hielo, como puntos importantes a tomar en cuenta. Además de la zona de por si caliente del medio Oriente y Corea.
The Tortuguero Monument 6 & the Mayan End Date By Carl Johan Calleman, Sweden
hen I started my independent research on the Mayan calendar late in 1993 not a single inscription from the ancient Maya was actually known which would describe what would happen at its so-called end date. All that was known were the various descriptions of the beginning date of the Long Count, notably in the inscriptions in Palenque, which said that the First Father then “erected the World Tree”. Irrespective of this dearth of information, I started to develop my theory about the nine levels of evolution, the nine underworlds, and the various days and nights that generated their wave movements. I simply assumed that the significant Mayan pyramids had been built in nine steps because they were symbolic of nine levels of creation, each affected by seven days, or seven creation gods. I then found that with such a model an enormous amount of historical facts started to make sense if they were seen as results of cosmic energy shifts. This however could be seen to be true only if the nine levels all ended at the same time, similarly to how some of the Mayan pyramids had a straight back. It thus seemed obvious that the understanding of such energy shifts must have been the basis of the prophetic tradition of the Maya. This was of course
Carl Johan Calleman is considered the foremost authority on the Mayan Calendar having written two bestselling books titled ‘Solving the Great Mystery Of Our Times: The Mayan Calendar & The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness. From 1979 when most of us did not know about the Mayan Calendar till now he has delved deeper and deeper into it, travelled extensively. He has travelled to 20 countries spreading the message of Transformation of Consciousness. He is well known to bring out a master to the western world like Don Alejandro Oxlaj, head of the council of elders of the Maya. Mr Calleman work can be viewed at www.calleman.com
not how traditional Mayanism saw it, which essentially treated the calendar and the various deities associated with it as superstitions. Yet, I came from a different scientific tradition, and was primarily interested in if the Mayan time cycles and deities were true reflections of reality. In the beginning of my scientific career in the seventies I had thus been mentored by a member of the Nobel committee in Stockholm and had then at least indirectly seen how science operates from what arguably is its highest level. This meant among other things zero tolerance for making up theories from “beliefs” without empirical facts to back them up and constant emphasis on experimental reality checks. At least professionally this has remained my mind set ever since and the fact that some people believe that Jesus was born on December 25 or that the Mayan calendar ends on December 21 does not constitute proof for me that this is actually the case.
he idea that there were as many as nine Underworlds was for a long time criticized by some who said that there was only one cycle of a longer duration in the Mayan calendar system, namely the 5,125 year Long Count. Yet, already then there were some indications that the Maya had recognized nine steps of evolution. It was for instance known that the Long Count was sometimes referred to as ruled by the SixSky-Lord, indicating that it was the sixth level, and that there were names for time periods beginning with that of the first of the nine levels, the hablatun. Based on these indications of nine levels I proposed my theory since it could be empirically substantiated from human history even though some thought that it was not orthodox enough. Somewhat later, in 1996, Mayanists however started to decipher Monument 6 in Tortuguero, only some 50 kilometers west of Palenque, which would further strengthen my model of nine levels of evolution. For the first time an inscription was found that seemed to refer to what would happen at the end date at least from the perspective of a Mayan king around AD 670.
The text segment describing the descent of the Bolon Yookte from the Tortuguero monument 6. Drawing by Sven Gronemeyer.
More broadly this inscription only gained attention in 2006 and its final text according to David Stuart, who is an expert on Mayan glyphs, reads essentially like this: Tzuhtz-(a)joom u(y)-uxlajuun pik (ta) Chan Ajaw ux(-te’) Uniiw. Uht-oom ? Y-em(al)?? Bolon Yookte’ K’uh ta?
or translated to English: “The Thirteenth ‘Bak’tun” will be finished (on) Four Ajaw, the Third of Uniiw (K’ank’in). ? will occur. (It will be) the descent (??) of the Nine Support? God(s) to the ?. " As is common with such ancient inscriptions they may be difficult to read partly because the glyphs are effaced (which is the case here) and partly because the meanings of the glyphs are not unambiguous. The critical part from our perspective is the deities (or deity) called Bolon Yookte, who at the end date would “descend.” To understand how to interpret this I think it is important to know two things about ancient Mayan deities. The first is that they were not as personalized as for instance Roman or Nordic deities, who were perceived to act more or less as individuals. A Mayan (or Aztec) deity instead typically symbolized a cosmic force associated with a time period and the mythologies of these peoples really describe fairly high level impersonal cosmic relationships. Hence, we know how the ancient day-signs were carried by daybearers, deities that were associated with particular days. Time periods, gods and day-signs were thus more or less interchangeable and it depended on the context how they would be expressed. The second thing to know is that these deities could easily split into several different deities and vice versa depending on whether the context called for the whole or its parts to be expressed. This is almost certainly the case with Bolon Yookte, which can be seen as a whole deity with nine parts or as nine parts constituting a whole. Bolon Yookte is at the same time a whole and its nine parts because Mayan cosmology is essentially holistic and looks upon everything in creation as connected.
ohn Major Jenkins in 2006 wrote an important and interesting article about the Bolon Yookte: Comments on the 2012 text on Tortuguero Monument 6 and Bolon Yookte Ku, http://edj.net/mc2012/bolon-yokte.html, where he summarizes epigraphic information about this deity called Bolon Yookte, which according to the abovementioned inscription will descend at the Mayan end date. Among other things he cites an article by Gillespie and Joyce that states that Bolon Yookte was called “the God of the Nine Steps” and also that this was a deity that was present already at the beginning of creation as can be seen from the famous Vase of the Seven Lords. He also cites Eberl and Prager, who said that the Bolon Yookte was associated with the underworld, wars and conflict. Really what this is telling us is that the structure of Nine Steps of evolution, Nine Underworlds, has existed from the very beginning of creation, what we in modern terminology would call the Big Bang. The Tortuguero Monument 6, and Jenkins study of their meaning, thus provides a perfect verification of the theory I proposed fifteen years ago. The Bolon Yookte are the Nine levels of evolution carried out by the nine underworlds. These nine Underworlds are then obviously also associated with the Seven Lords of Creation (the seven DAYS) as can be seen from the famous Mayan vase. Moreover, as we know from history, all of these Underworlds are associated with conflicts and wars, since shifts in cosmic energies generate shifting balances of power and as a result, warfare. To me, the relationships between these Mayan deities provide a model of evolution that has been verified by massive empirical evidence. Because of this connection to reality this is crucial information for humanity at the present time and not mere mythical relationships. What this inscription means is that on the end date there is not just one cosmic power that will manifest, but Nine and that these were symbolized by a Nine-Step pyramid that was Bolon Yookte – The God of Nine Steps. It is also clear from Jenkins’ article that Bolon Yookte was associated with the World Tree, which especially my forthcoming book ‘The 83
Purposeful Universe’ will demonstrate as the source of all creation – not as a myth, but as a reality. In light of the Tortuguero monument I feel the model of Nine Underworlds and Thirteen Heavens can only be denied by someone, who completely ignores not only the actual Mayan inscriptions, but also the massive empirical evidence of how the Mayan calendar system is connected to reality. If instead this body of evidence is recognized it is however easy to see how in their mythology the Maya would interchange deities, time periods and cosmic energies in a way that can now help us make sense of evolution and how it has played out in biological and historical reality.
The Bolon Yookte, the Nine-step God with its Nine Underworlds, as this is symbolized by the Pyramid of the Jaguar in Tikal. The Nine Underworlds will all be completed, “the Bolon Yookte will descend”, at the same time and to symbolize this synchronistic event the pyramid has a straight back. Photograph by the author. The verification from the Tortuguero monument that the ancient Maya looked upon the end of creation as the simultaneous descent of Nine different deities, or manifestation of nine cosmic forces, is however very timely as we are now on the eighth level of evolution and soon about to climb up one step to the ninth level, the Universal Underworld. It is not an exaggeration to say that for many people now their future will directly depend on knowing exactly how the energies of these nine levels will be playing out. Today it is thus crucial to know about this basic structure of evolution, Nine Underworlds and Thirteen Heavens, and the exact timing of activation of the different wave movements of creation. That nine deities will descend (nine cosmic forces manifest) simultaneously at the end date is thus no longer an unorthodox idea, but instead the only meaningful explanation that can be given to Tortuguero monument 6. What this means is also that the Bolon Yookte mentioned at the Tortuguero monument is not about a single event occurring only at a specific date. It is instead about nine different wave movements; each generated by the Seven Lords of Creation (the seven days in each Underworld) going back to the beginning of the universe (the Big Bang) when, as Jenkins also points out, Bolon Yookte was already present. Thus, any viable theory about the meaning of the Mayan calendar needs to be able to account for such long term evolutionary processes, spanning up to 16.4 billion years. As a 84
consequence, serious researchers need to take their focus off from what might happen on a single day, the end date, since this can only be understood in a much larger context. From this perspective it is thus a problem that especially many American “experts on 2012”, along the lines of the upcoming Hollywood movie 2012, have committed themselves to some physical event that they associate with the singular December 21, 2012 date, such as a pole shift, a galactic alignment, a volcanic eruption, an asteroid impact, a solar flare or some other (usually not very well-founded) idea of what may happen on this particular day. Given the total unreasonableness of such ideas, especially in light of the Tortuguero monument, is it not time that they instead start considering an evolutionary model for the Mayan calendar that is consistent with this monument? “2012” has for too long been a playground for pseudoscience and the many unfounded “singular day” ideas blur the fact that the end scenario of the Mayan calendar is really about a socio-economic transformation resulting from processes influencing human consciousness. It is thus about the human beings themselves and how we co-create the birth of a new world and not about any geological or astronomical event that we only would be observers of anyway.
here is of course a reason that, as I pointed out before, no one advocating the October 28, 2011 end date has ever advocated or been lured into advocating that this date would be “the end of the world.” This is that this date emanates organically from an evolutionary process and is not associated with any real or purported physical or astronomical event. It is simply the day when the universe after nine major quantum steps, starting with the beginning of the universe, attains its highest energy state and there is no logical reason that this would mean the end of the world. It is just an evolutionary completion point when Bolon Yookte fully descends. When it comes to the many events that have been purported to be associated with the singular December 21, 2012 date on the other hand it is not surprising that they invite speculations about the end of the world. If you for instance propose that this end date is about a pole shift or a giant burst of gamma rays from the galactic center, why should people not believe that this could be the end of the world? To propose physical events is like asking for the mainstream media to create fear and hopelessness around the real transformation that is about to occur. I thus believe it will be people at large that will suffer most from the neglect of the understanding we may gain from the ancient Maya, which as we have seen speaks about the fulfillment of a composite of nine evolutionary forces, the Bolon Yookte Ku, and not what happens on a single day. Because of all the confusing information focusing on December 21, 2012 that is already out there I feel however that people will start to align with the true end date of October 28, 2011, not because they realize that the energetic end date logically must be 13 Ajaw or that the 4 Ajaw end date was the result of politics much like the placing of the birth of Jesus at December 25 by the Christian Church. People are instead likely to come to accept the October 28, 2011 date in practice simply because they will not be able to deny the actual wave movement of energies that they themselves are experiencing, especially in the socio-economic realm. Yet, for those seeking to consciously co-create the birth of a new world a knowledge of how the cosmic energies lead up to the October 28, 2011 date will be instrumental, simply because without it no understanding of how the new world will be born, and how this is timed, will be possible. Hence, the activation of these energies, and their preparatory phases in the Galactic and Universal Underworlds will, as always, take place according to a very precise relative timing until the Bolon Yookte, the nine underworlds, will “descend”, manifest fully, and create the foundation for a millennium of peace – the end of the Shift of the Ages.
The Final Mayan Calendar Steps to 2012 Nov 8, 2009 – the beginning of the Sixth Night
By Carl Johan Calleman, Sweden
efore going into the specifics of the upcoming sixth night, November 8, 2009 – November 2, 2010, of the Galactic Wave Movement (or Underworld) I feel I should clarify some of my basic points of departure for understanding the Mayan calendar, since the various ideas that are currently proposed for this vary significantly. There are for instance those that believe that the end date of the Mayan calendar only marks the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new. On my own part I however think that we are approaching something much more profound than just a point in a cycle that again will be repeated. The only Mayan inscription from ancient times, the Tortuguero monument, which describes the end (http://bit.ly/3Ni2rD) of their calendar says that nine cosmic forces will then manifest. Empirically, there is also overwhelming evidence from modern research that we are approaching a point in time when nine evolutionary levels (so called Underworlds) of the cosmic plan are simultaneously going to be completed. This would imply that we are approaching not another cycle or another shift, but the end to all shifts, which have been driving evolution since the beginning of the universe. Such an end to all shifts could conceivably provide the basis for a harmonious eternal peace on Earth.
Carl Johan Calleman is considered the foremost authority on the Mayan Calendar having written two bestselling books titled ‘Solving the Great Mystery Of Our Times: The Mayan Calendar & The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness. From 1979 when most of us did not know about the Mayan Calendar till now he has delved deeper and deeper into it, travelled extensively. He has travelled to 20 countries spreading the message of Transformation of Consciousness. He is well known to bring out a master to the western world like Don Alejandro Oxlaj, head of the council of elders of the Maya. Mr Calleman work can be viewed at www.calleman.com
What is about to transpire now is in other words not something that has ever happened before in the history of the universe. Maybe this impending change, partially unknown, causes the widespread denial that I feel dominate many people at the current moment. Rather than facing a great change in our socioeconomic relationships (since any change in human consciousness also implies a change in our relationships) many prefer to fantasize about some physical or astronomical event, that purportedly is going to happen on December 21, 2012. In reality the Mayan calendar is however not about something that will happen on a singular date, but a description of a divine plan for the evolution of humankind where quantum shifts between calendrical energies bring about shifts in consciousness. Thus, human consciousness will continue to be transformed step by step in accordance with this plan until we come to the real end date of the process of creation, October 28, 2011. At this date the highest quantum state of the universe will be attained ( 13 Ahau) when the shifts disrupting the harmony will come to an end. Obviously, we are not there yet.
n this plan for the evolution of consciousness we are now approaching the sixth night of the Galactic Wave Movement, the eighth of the nine levels, which will begin on November 8, 2009. If my understanding of the Mayan calendar is correct we will in this coming night be witnessing the most significant transformation of consciousness ever in the history of mankind. What is exciting about this is that I feel that a relatively clear picture of how a new world is going to be born is now finally becoming evident. On the other hand, what is also becoming increasingly clear is that this birth is likely to become very demanding. For this reason it becomes all the more important to understand how some of the difficulties ahead actually serve the delivery of this new world even though it may not always seem that they do so in the moment. If people can gain a realistic understanding of how this new world will be born they may be able to keep a hope for the future, which is based on something more than mere wishful thinking. Unfortunately, much confusion reigns about the Mayan calendar and many that present themselves as experts on this deny the ancient Mayan knowledge that there are nine cosmic forces that are about to manifest, and that it is these, and nothing else, that explains why a new world will be born. Thus, what will happen in the time ahead cannot be understood from the sixth night of the Galactic Underworld alone. The overlapping of the cycles preparing for the ninth, and highest, level in the cosmic evolution scheme; the Universal Wave Movement (see Figure) with the energy of this sixth night will then also need to be taken into consideration. Because of this overlapping, and the speed-up of time associated especially with the latter Wave Movement, not only do I think that the upcoming period will be unusually intense, but also energetically quite complex. At the time of this writing (October 31, 2009, 1 Ben) we are towards the end of the sixth day, the period of flowering in the process from seed to mature fruit in the Galactic Wave Movement, which precedes the sixth night. As I predicted in an earlier article it would now to some economists seem that the “global economic recession” (or the worst of it) is already over. There are however certain things currently going on in the world that belies this and are more in line with the prediction I made in an article in May (http://bit.ly/qeisX) of a further economic downturn, especially expressed in a fall in the value of the US dollar, to take place around the time that the sixth night begins (see also: http://bit.ly/2faPHG).
While several sources now predict a dollar fall it is important to note that mine was made a relatively long time ago and if it proves to be correct shows that what is happening in the economy is part of a divine plan charted by the Mayan calendar. My prediction of a further economic downturn was based on the observation that nights, at least in the second part of an evolutionary Wave Movement, usually mean at the very least a slowdown of economic growth. An indication of such an impending downturn at this upcoming night is for instance that there has been a rush for gold, which for the first time passed the magical limit of USD 1000/troy ounce. Moreover, an index of insider trading shows that people knowledgeable about the actual basis for valuing US stock tend to think of this as highly overvalued. Most importantly, increasingly higher voices are now raised in almost all corners of the world for the replacement of the petrodollar system and thus also of the use of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency. These various indices thus do not indicate that the “recession” is over, but if anything that an intensification of the economic decline, especially in the indebted West, is imminent. It seems that investors are escaping assets in the form of paper or digit values, which is exactly what we would expect from this late phase of the Galactic Wave Movement, when a shift in consciousness amounting to a shift from abstract to concrete economic values is taking place. Thus, while many will say that the changes are a result of a conspiracy, for instance against the US, the point to realize is that if that were the case they would not have been predictable from the Mayan calendar. I believe that what is happening in the world’s economy is something much more profound and fundamental than a temporary recession and is a direct consequence of the particular transformation of consciousness that the Galactic Wave Movement is bringing. As I explain in my new book The Purposeful Universe (http://bit.ly/yvXjH) consciousness is primarily a relationship to the Tree of Life, which exists on many different levels of the cosmos and causes synchronized shifts on these different levels. What this means is that the shifts in consciousness that give new directions to our lives will also directly affect the world and society at large and how we relate to this. A shift in consciousness is hence not something that only happens in our heads, but is simultaneously also expressed in changes in our relationships. Our economic relationships are thus also subject to shifts in consciousness and 88
the evolution of this. We should then expect an even further escape from abstract values as the sixth night begins, a shift that may be expected to especially severely hit the western economies of the United States and the United Kingdom, which remain the financial centers of the world and control much of its banking activities. At the present time these nations, and especially the United States, are so indebted that there really is no need to present an explanation as to why there would be another downturn in its economy. All that is needed for this is something to trigger what is going to happen anyway one way or another. While many things may trigger such a downturn, and the media will place all the emphasis on this trigger, the deeper reasons for a downturn is best understood from the Mayan calendar. From a Mayan calendar perspective the ongoing decline in economic growth reflects a stepwise adaptation to the end of the economic cycles that will be associated with the Mayan end date (or beginning date of a new world if you like).
f the downturn of the economy is part of a process creating the conditions for the birth of a new world a relevant question to ask is how deep it is going to be. Even if it seems clear that the value of paper money, and especially the US dollar, will be hit, it is still somewhat of an open question how far-reaching the consequences of this will be. I think this can only be understood from a study of what might be the nature of the new world to be born. When it comes to understanding this it seems however that there are actually no ancient Mayan sources to consult. The Mayan sources only say that Nine cosmic forces are going to manifest as the calendar comes to an end, but there is no ancient inscription, which talks about what will follow upon this. Because of this dearth of material I suggest that we turn to sources from the large Abrahamic religions such as the Bible or the Quran, which do say something on the matter. If we combine these with our understanding from the Mayan calendar I feel we may gain some idea of what is to come. I believe everything that has been happening in this time plan has been subordinated to the delivery of this new world. Hence, the Quran says this in Surah 82:17-19: “And what will explain to thee what the Day of Judgment is? Again, what will explain to thee what the Day of Judgment is? (It will be) the Day when no soul shall have power (to do) aught for another: For the command, that Day, will be (wholly) with Allah.” I believe this disappearance of dominance may refer to the Universal Underworld, which brings a consciousness of oneness and transparency to our whole beings and all of our past actions. If we take this seriously it would imply that all chains to people dominating others would need to be broken. The last book of the Bible, the Book of Revelation 21:4-5 also describes a new world to be born: “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.” This would seem to imply that all chains to the past would need to be broken for the new world to be born. Taken together it would seem that as pre-requisites for the birth of a new earth we would need to free ourselves from the chains to the past as well as from chains to other people. To some these changes may look so great that it might even be more comfortable to fantasize that the world would come to an end than to go through all of the necessary changes that would more or less turn our world upside down. Certainly, there is also a tremendous amount of people in power, who do not want to see such a transformation 89
towards equality and harmony coming about. These quotes may however give us a hint about where the economic downturn may be leading us and how deep it will be. Will money for instance completely disappear? I think the answer to this is that money will disappear to the extent that it no longer chains the world to the past. In practice, this probably means that all thinking about profitable investing etc is somewhat beside the point, since the emerging new world is not likely to be a growth economy based on the drive for accumulation of abstract values. More likely, the new world is going to be one based on sharing and caretaking of all members of society as the unity consciousness of the Universal Wav Movement, presumably after much turmoil, eventually is established. The more immediate time period in the sixth night will then be when the practical expressions of this transformation will need to be tested out and implemented. This may from the perspective of the current world seem unthinkable. Yet, there is no such thing as an eternal human nature and our perception of reality, and what we are propelled to create, always varies between the different Wave Movements. The human beings of the Regional, National, Planetary and Galactic Wave Movements are completely different in their approach to life and the universal human being that will be created by the Ninth and Universal Wave Movement will represent the crowning step of the evolution of consciousness. Thus, she is then likely to embody a different perception of the world and different qualities compared to previously. An economy based on sharing is of course fully possible if the unity consciousness carried by the Universal Wave Movement is successfully established. Even if the energy changes will now be happening quickly I should add that it may take some time (in the range of a few years after 2011) until this economy takes its final form. So how in practice could such a transition come about from a human being, who essentially looks after herself to one that sees the unity of all and shares the fruits of creation? Such a transformation of our experience of life may now seem as impossible as the fall of the Berlin Wall once seemed. But similarly to how the fall of the Berlin Wall ultimately was a reflection of a transcendence of an east-west polarity in human consciousness the new world to be born is designed to result from a transcendence of the inner and outer walls maintained especially by the western mind. Thus, my suspicion is that during the first half of the sixth night the world’s economy will increasingly slow down as the consumption of the US population will no longer be able to keep the industrial engines of the world going. The power of the US in the world would decrease as a result of a dollar fall.* Yet, because of the indirect effects of this downturn, no part of the world can expect to be untouched. In this downturn it will then come a point when it will start to dawn on many people that it will never be possible to resurrect the old growth economy and that there will never be any return to a “business as usual.” At that point very radical socio-economic solutions will need to be explored for people to survive also in a literal physical sense as it becomes obvious that it is the nature of the economic relationships and the chains to the economy of the past that cause the problems. We may for instance ask what will happen if major portions of the population in economically significant countries will not be able to pay their mortgages? Will these people then have to leave their houses in mass so that countless houses owned by banks will sit empty when people are out on the streets? This is the kind of situation that has already appeared in some previously car manufacturing suburbs of Detroit. Hence, this scenario is not hypothetical, but has already to some extent happened on a limited scale. What likely will happen then is that demands will be raised for a moratorium on debts, so that people will no longer have to pay to the banks to stay in their homes. Maybe 90
this will be preceded on a larger scale by some nations that see it necessary to push for the cancellations of national debts as a means of stabilizing the world. If such a moratorium on debts is instituted it would however be like cancelling the power of money and the chains to the past as it exists now. This would effectively create a path towards a sustainable economy an economy where it is emphasized that the needs of people are met in the present moment (returning to the theme of cutting the chains of the past). This of course would be nothing short of a revolution, and most likely a worldwide such, since the worlds’ economies at the current time are so deeply entangled. Possibly this would spread from the US to much of the rest of the world. Such an enormous transformation of the world’s socio-economic system would then be likely to take place in the time period between July 17, 2010 (the Cosmic Convergence)** and the beginning of the Seventh day of the Galactic Wave Movement (November 3, 2010). Naturally, it would serve to dissolve many of the other systems of dominance that the world has inherited especially from the National, but also the Planetary, Wave Movement. Energetically speaking this time period, July 17- November 3, 2010, is created through the overlap of the pre-Universal Underworld and the Galactic Wave Movement.*** What this revolutionary time period most likely is going to amount to is a corresponding decrease of governmental and national authority (not that of any particular government, but governmental authority as such, something which humanity has inherited from the National Wave Movement and its patriarchal frame of consciousness. Needless to say some would try to take advantage of such a situation). It will seriously come into question what we need governments and national borders for “when no soul shall have power (to do) aught for another.” My vision for the time period from the Cosmic Convergence until the beginning of the seventh day of the Galactic Wave Movement is thus a total overhaul of human civilization. This then would also be a time to make choices of path individually.
hy would this particular time period, July 17, 2010 – November 2, 2010, bring such a revolutionary transformation? Well, there are two earlier time periods that are noteworthy as parallels to this upcoming one. One is AD 1498-1617, the Renaissance, which in a broad sense meant the overturning of the feudal system that saw the Vatican as the ultimate source of worldly power and the beginning of the modern era. The other is 1986-1992, which carried a revolutionary wave of democracy (including the fall of the Berlin Wall) resulting in a world whose hemispheres were no longer separated. We may also notice that the two corresponding revolutionary time periods gave rise to new expressions of spirituality, in the first case the Reformation and in the second the Harmonic Convergence**** that became somewhat of a starting point for the eclectic New Age movement of our own time. This would indicate that also this time, following the Cosmic Convergence, there will be a new spiritual awakening. Since the Cosmic Convergence would be the first breeze of a unity consciousness this would imply that people would then be divinely inspired to share and recognize the unity of all creation. I believe it will be a spirituality beyond words based on the immediate experience of the divine. Hence, while the Reformation was an awakening emphasizing the written word and the New Age movement originated in esoteric ideas that were sometimes channeled or spoken I believe that the spiritual awakening ahead will not be something that can be formulated in words and will be based on plain knowing. I feel it is an open question whether this transformative revolution between July 17 and November 3, 2010 will be peaceful, but the parallel to the time period 1986-1992 indicates that this at least is possible. What seems clear however is that people will be divided as to 91
whether they want to flow with the incoming energies leading towards a new world or if they will resist them and seek to hold on to or go back to the system of the past. It is then no wonder that strong forces will try to present the Mayan calendar as if it is about something that will happen on the date December 21, 2012. (A typical example of this is the upcoming Hollywood movie 2012, a disaster movie, but most New Age gurus have prepared the ground for these nonsense fears by emphasizing this singular date and ignoring that the Mayan calendar is constituted by nine levels of evolution). How people will relate to this change will thus also depend on the understanding people have of the Mayan calendar and the cosmic plan, which at the current time only a very small minority is aware of at least in its true form as a manifestation of nine cosmic forces. People at large may in fact never recognize any conscious warning signals for what is to come. Yet, inasmuch as they understand that the large-scale changes emanate from a divine plan this would mean that a spiritual awakening could take place. If this happens they will not be inclined to look at the changes around them as just meaningless chaotic events as they surely will be presented by the dominating media. Considering that this is all about the participation in a process of evolution of consciousness there is a great danger in people believing that the Mayan calendar is about a singular date when some event will take place, whether this is made up to be a “pole shift”, “galactic alignment,” “Planet X,” “end of the world” or “shift in consciousness.” This is an incredibly naïve view of an essentially superstitious nature where a new world is believed to simply fall down upon the human beings from the sky without their active and conscious participation in the processes leading up to a state of unity consciousness. In reality, there is overwhelming evidence that the Mayan calendar describes sequential shifts in consciousness, which will begin to be experienced at an even higher frequency after July 17, 2010 and even more markedly so after the beginning of the actual Universal Wave Movement on March 8, 2011. Only at October 28, 2011 will the shifts come to an end and a unity consciousness stabilize that will provide the basis for a millennium of peace. This frequency increase incidentally also explains how such a tremendous overhaul of all systems of dominance could take place in such a short period of time. A recommendation I would like to make, in addition to ethical living and telling the truth, is to learn to flow with the ninth level (http://bit.ly/WWjiG). Stay in the middle of the river with a focus on the manifestation of the new world! * The effects of a significant fall in the value of the US dollar on its economy are not uncomplicated. Domestic trading would in principle (this is an oversimplification) be unaffected, while US exports would become more competitive. It would however be certain to decrease the power of the US in the world, since its companies could be bought at a lower cost in other currencies and since for instance oil imports would become much more expensive. ** In my earlier books I have vacillated when it comes to the duration of the Universal Underworld, sometimes thinking that it will be a tzolkin round of 260 days and sometimes that it would be a twentieth of the Galactic Underworld, which would amount to 13 x 18 = 234 days. As we are now getting close to the final transformation scenario I have come to lean over to the idea that the Universal Underworld will indeed be 234 days long placing its beginning at March 8, 2011 and the beginning of the preceding pre-Universal Underworld at July 17, 2010. The uncertainty with this is that there seems to be no ancient Mayan source describing such a 18 day oxlahunkin time period, even if it would seem to be the logical one. 92
On the other hand the ancient Maya did not have to deal with the transformation scenario into a new world and so may have ignored this time period, while it still may become very important in our own time. There is in fact a precedent to how a cycle only became followed by the Maya as its effects became a reality. This is the so-called Short Counts of 13 katuns, which were not observed in Classical Mayan times presumably because their effects were then not yet strongly felt. Only later in Post-Classical times did the effects of these Short Counts become so strong that they became the dominating cycles followed by the Maya and so came to replace the Long Count as the central calendrical cycle. Thus, if the Classical Maya did not base their calendars on the Short Counts they would have had even less reason to take a 18 day cycle into account, which to them would have an effect only in a very distant future. *** What is played out here is the interaction between overlapping time periods produced by dividing the Galactic Underworld into 13 and 20, respectively, as a parallel to the energetic overlaps of the trecena and the uinal in the tzolkin. If the Galactic Underworld of 4680 days is divided by 13 it generates a day or night of 360 days, but if it is divided by 20 it generates a wave movement totaling 234 days. **** The Cosmic Convergence called for on July 17-18 is thus a direct parallel to the Harmonic Convergence in the sense that what the Harmonic Convergence was to the Galactic Underworld the Cosmic Convergence will be to the Universal Underworld. This means that the Cosmic Convergence may not only become the beginning of a transformative political period similarly to what happened in 1986, but also the first breeze of a spiritual awakening that will later be fully expressed in the Universal Underworld.
Napoleon’s Astrocartography By Christine Kaspers, Netherlands
his is an astrological technique, developed by Jim Lewis in the last century. What is this technique all about? It all has to do with angles and the planets in a horoscope. Say we look at the Sun. Where on earth would you have the Sun on the Ascendant, on the Descendant, on the Mc , on the Ic? Since Mc and Ic have to do with south and north, those lines are vertical projected on earth. Ascendant and Descendant have to do with east and west and are projected like that on earth. Since the earth is not flat, those lines become a kind of waves around the globe.
Horoscope Napoleon Bonaparte1
The author is aware that 2 other birthtimes are circulating for Napoleon, but the author prefers this one in the article. The other two times in circulation are 09.05 LMT and 09.50 LMT and Astro data bank gives 15 August 1769 at 11:30 (= 11:30 AM ) Place Ajaccio, Corsica, 41n46, 8e48 Timezone LMT m8e48 (is local mean time).
1 94
So if you look at the last picture, you see a great part of Europe computed for the horoscope from Napoleon – born in Ajaccio, Corsica, France, 15th of august 1769 at 09.05 LMT. His Ascendant is 08.03 degr. Libra. Closest to Ajaccio is his Venus/Mc line and you always have to look to the closest line. That line has the greatest influence for good or for bad. As you notice there is no line like a wave in Europe, which means that none of his planets would 2 95
have been on the Ascendant or Descendant in Europe. Only far away in previous Rushia he has Uranus on the Descendant and Jupiter on the Ascendant.
It is possible that 2 astrocartografical lines meet each other, cross each other. These are important points, cities or areas on the world and are called parans. It is the start of a line, that because of the rotation of the earth forms a horizontal line around the earth, a paran. Of course a paran always has to do with 2 planets on an angle and so also is a very important line. Just combine the meaning of the 2 planets. The lines from the benefic planets Venus and Jupiter are more auspicious than the lines of malefics. But you also have to look in the specific chart to see whether they maybe rule or are sitting in difficult houses like the 8th or 12th house. Also you can take just the meaning of the planet – like Venus for love, comfort, friendship or the Sun for succes or developping your identity etc. I also look in the chart whether the planet is strong or weak, in an angle or a difficult house. Let’s first have a look at Europe for Napoleon. We’ve seen already that his Venus/Mc line is closest to Ajaccio and Paris and Venus is his 1st and 8th lord. Since we all know who he was and what he did in his life, I will only mention the meaning of the lines within that context. Napoleon went to Paris to follow military education and also studied old French and Latin texts. In his horoscope Venus is on the Mc and the astrocartografical Venus/Mc line is the closest to Paris. Besides the Venus/Mars paran is the closest to Paris. So we get a combination of 1st house, 8th house, Mc and Mars. Napoleon himself is 1st house, 8th house and Mars the military part and Mc his vocation. Within a few years he married (Mars lord of the 7th) and got a high rank in the army. Do you see the Mc also working? 3 96
He started his 1st attack (Mars and 8th house)) to Italy as Commander in Chief (Mc and 1st house) from Paris. Whereto? To Italy. Note that his Pluto line goes over Italy. Now we have to relocate for the further story. What’s that? Relocation? Well, some astrologers keep looking at astrocartography from the birthplace and others relocate. If an action is made from another place than the birthplace you can relocate the chart to that new place and see how the lines are doing. Some say you work and live out of the lines connected to your birthplace forever, others think you adopt the energy of a new home or city or whatever you are living at a special time. Just by intuition and no more than that I think one has to relocate. Suppose you are born in Germany and move to New Zealand. That’s another world and you have got to absorp the whole of New Zealand to feel home. At least: that’s my opinion. So: I relocate for important actions. Let us look again to the chart for Napoleon. Seen from Paris.
In July 1798 he landed with his troops in Alexandria and shortly after that conquerred Egypt. From Paris his Moon/Ic line runs over Egypt and the Moon is lord of his 10th house. His Moon is weak in his chart. So: why did he conquer Egypt? Time to look at transits. In astrocartography you can also look to what the lines are doing in transit; it is not static but dynamic, just like a horoscope. The weak Moon as his 10th lord in his chart indicates he can expect trouble to have succes by his action. But what happened in transit? See the chart below. 4 97
In July 1798 the Mercury/Mc and Sun/Mc were running over Egypt in transit. His Mercury is quite strong in his 10th house and ruling the 9th. So – the Commander went to this foreign country and succeeded. His Sun is in Leo – there is the Commander again, sitting in the 11th and ruling the 11th. So he managed to command his army (kind of a team) in the same direction and had succes. It is not the intention of this article to describe all the important events in the life of Napoleon. If you understand the essence, you can start playing around with horoscopes and astrocartography. It is really fun! Also it can make you aware of influences in your life from a different point of view!
Christine started with western astrology in 1992; she followed the 4 years education with Karen Hamaker in the Netherlands with success. In 1998 she started to study classical astrology out of frustration, because she was not satisfied by western astrology, especially the relation with her parents. But - that also did not give her the answers. So in 2000 she started to study Vedic astrology and within a year she had the right answers. This motivated her a lot to go on with Vedic astrology and by now she is more and more using Vedic astrology for readings etc. Website: www.christinekaspers.nl
5 98
Lunar Return on Airliners By Ciro Discepolo, Italy From the book “Lunar Returns and Earth Returns”, Ricerca ’90 Publisher
everal times, with practical examples both in my books and in my magazine Ricerca ’90, I have shown how to aim a Solar Return and/or a Lunar Return ‘on the fly’ – or better said: ‘on the flight’ – in order to reach places that one could not reach on the dry land. Remember that in such events (which are the subject of one whole chapter of my book I fondamenti dell’astrologia medica, Armenia editore) you usually have two options: taking a taxi plane or hiring a private aircraft with a pilot from a flying club.
Ciro Discepolo was born in Naples in 1948, where he works as a journalist and writer. He worked for twenty years with the most popular daily of his town, Il Mattino. He worked for five years at the CNR (National Research Council). He has been dealing with astrology since 1970. He has published over 50 books, most of them bestsellers in Italy as well as abroad. In 1990 he founded the quarterly Ricerca ‘90, which has been publishing since then. He has been doing statistical researches from the very beginning of his interest in astrology. At the beginning of the 90s, he obtained very brilliant results with researches on astral heredity on a sample of over 75,000 subjects. He has held seminars, courses and lectures in different universities in Italy and abroad, and in several culture clubs. He is deeply interested in informatics. Astrologically speaking, he followed the school of André Barbault. He founded the school of Active Astrology. http://www.cirodiscepolo.it
I would avoid the first because it would be quite expensive – although of course the notion of ‘expensive’ is a relative one, depending also from the subject’s needs and financial situations. In fact, a rich man seeking desperately to save his own life would certainly choose this solution instead of the other, perhaps less expensive but unsure ways. Usually it’s easier to contact a flying club, where you’d certainly meet a keen flyer whose main dream is to be allowed to fly for free for hours: he’d be only glad if you refund the cost of fuel and give him an extra income of some Euros. Now let me introduce a brand new method; something that – to my knowledge – nobody has ever tried before. Nonetheless it is something that, being 99
pure mathematics, can be said to be self-proven. Say that a David Smith wants to spend his Lunar Return in Milan, Italy, on the 21st of 1 January 2008 at 1:02 pm GMT. As you can see from the relevant chart , it is a very bad Return. Say that David’s current SR is detrimental too, so that he wants to aim (i.e. relocate according to the rules given in my books) this bad LR in order to avoid further risks for himself. The ideal place for such relocation would be an isle in the very middle of the Ocean between Senegal (on the West coast of Central Africa) and Brazil (to be more precise, the North-East point of Brazil). This is one of the emptiest portions of this planet. If Our Lord had been passionately fond of Aimed Solar Returns, he would have certainly filled up this void with at least one island in the middle. Alas, there’s no island in there. Yet, our brain often can be better than an island – so I made up my mind and invented the method that I’m going to expose. In my opinion, it’s something that has very solid theoretical basis and can be applied without spending 50,000 Euros for a taxi plane, but only 1,000 Euros on an airliner. It consists of tracing the route of an airliner, say flying Lisbon to Recife, provided that you know ALL the points touched by the route during the flight, and at what time you’ll be flying over any of them. It is not a ‘mission impossible’! I’m going to show you how, and after the following single example, you’ll be able to do the same for any area of the world and apply it to any Aimed SR and/or Aimed LR. The most difficult point is getting the precise route of the flight. Forget about asking the airlines: they aren’t going to tell you anything for security reasons because of the hazard posed by terrorism. My friend Pino Valente was smart enough to find out, on the Internet, the webpage of the fans of flight simulation. As everybody knows, people like these can become really manic in their wish to create a perfect simulation of flights; therefore they get to know whatever may be needed to be known as far as routes are concerned. Also on ‘normal’ webpages devoted to travels, like for example www.opodo.it, you can get to know the kind of aircraft, the departure & arrival time, the time needed to reach there, and everything else that you need for the purposes that I’m explaining to you. Now this is the URL of the webpage for flight simulators: http://rfinder.asalink.net/ It is necessary to subscribe and login; you’ll have access to this area: http://rfinder.asalink.net/free/autoroute_rt.php From www.opodo.it I got to know that there’s a flight TAP TP151 Lisbon to Recife leaving Lisbon on the 21st January 2008 at 10:50; the flight takes 7 hours and 45 minutes. Hence you can get, from the Route Finder webpage, the following table containing really all the information that you need. We’ll consider only the second part of the table, listing all the virtual points of the sky that are used by air traffic controllers to guide the aircrafts along very narrow skyways: Nakos, Barok, Bentu, Nevel, Mitla… In the following map we have traced all these virtual nodes of the sky and we have connected them to form a line. 1
All charts at the end of this article 100
On Giovanna Bianco & Pino Valente’s website www.bianco-valente.com you can see their work of 2005 titled Relational Domain – it’s a beautiful work of art resembling the world of synapses, the connections between the sky and human mind, the air traffic controllers’ celestial nodes, the communication between our brain and the reality of universe… Back to our scope. After drawing this line on the map you proceed as follows. You open the astrological software that you use to calculate Solar returns and/or Lunar Returns. There you add new ‘locations’ in its database, say: Nakos Radar, longitude 9°20’W and latitude 38°00’N, Barok Radar longitude 10°01’W and latitude 35°58’N and so on. As you already know, the time zone is not required while casting SRs and LRs, so when you’re asked to input the Time Zone, you can simply digit ‘1’. Now consider the following four maps of ALR that I have cast to explain this method. Compare them with the already given map of BLR of Milan, Italy – a very bad one. Having added the additional locations to our software program, it is now able to cast a LR for Maroa. Taken for granted that the map of SR and the map of LR must have the domification of the place where the subject is there in that moment – neither the place of his birth nor the place of his usual residence – nobody can deny that the result is striking. It isn’t important to know what time will it be there in their local time, because our software calculates the GMT of the LR and relocates the map of that moment on to Maroa. Those who still doubt about this method, may cast the Aimed LR for Cape Verde (for example, Sale) and they can see that the resulting map is almost identical to the map cast for Orabi Radar (in fact, the geographic coordinates of the two locations are very close). With the tables given here you can calculate anything. We know that the aircraft, an Airbus A330-220, flying at an average cruise speed of 412 Mph (nautical miles per hour) takes 7 hours and 45 minutes to fly the whole route Lisbon to Recife, corresponding to 3,196 nautical miles. Knowing the distance between the single points of the line that we have traced on our map, we can also know at what time we’ll be flying over each of those points. The method’s only drawback is that the aircraft may take off later than the scheduled time, but you can always recalculate the route by heart. In fact, consider our map with the dotted line. Say that you had reckoned to be over Maroa for your Aimed LR. Now being late, instead of flying over Maroa, you’ll be flying over Delax in the very moment in which the LR takes place. An as you can see from the chart cast for Delax, it’s good anyway. If you wish to get a safe calculation, you can apply larger margins of tolerance and reckon that if the aircraft takes off with a delay of, say, less than 30 minutes, the pilots are able to make up time by flying a little more than the usual cruise speed. I believe that you have now a new tool, and a very feasible one, to achieve the goals that you wish: moreover, spending no more than one hundred Euros instead of, say, fifty thousand Euros.
Rivoluzione Lunare Delax
Rivoluzione Lunare Maroa
Rivoluzione Lunare Orabi
Rivoluzione LunareCapo Verde
Rivoluzione LunareMilano
Rotta Lisbona Recife 104
Geographical Map
How To Predict
by Constantine Semenov, Crimea. Copy Editor: Lorin Cerina, Croatia
he major concept in the capitalism world is how to predict the future of
world money! Forex is the world money market that always moves. Presently, the foreign exchange market is one of the
Constantine Semenov lives in
largest and most liquid financial markets
in the world. Traders include large banks,
& has been a long time student of
mysticism, and a full time practicing
astrologer specializing in business &
speculators, and
financial institutions. The average daily
political astrology. He holds an impressive
volume in the global foreign exchange and
track record of world-wide predictions and
related markets is continuously growing.
makes full use of amulets in his practice.
Daily turnover was reported to be over
You can read about his past predictions on
US$3.2 trillion in April 2007 by the Bank
September 11th, Tsunami in Indian Ocean,
for International Settlements. Since then,
Columbia Shuttle Disaster on his website
According to Euromoney's annual FX Poll,
volumes grew a further 41% between 2007 and 2008. Of the $3.98 trillion daily global turnover, trading in London accounted for around
$1.36 trillion, or 34.1% of the total, making London by far the global center for foreign exchange. In second and third places respectively, trading in New York accounted for 16.6%, and Tokyo accounted for 6.0%. In addition to "traditional" turnover, $2.1 trillion was traded in derivatives. Of course, the main concept is that Forex is driven by planets! How it works?
Trend factor and Non-trend factor What does it mean? Trend factor. It means that some planets in their interactions creates trend – the moving of price in certain direction. How miditrend moves currency? Miditrend is the trend that lasts almost a year! It lasts too long for a investor to think what decision he can make! Miditrend - Several key rules.
Two planets effect What does it mean? It means that one or several planets make different kind of aspects to the important planets. At the same time it could be the negative aspects to one planet and positive to another. It moves the currency price trend to the edge position or trend making it’s high and low! In other words it’s called points of maximum and minimum of energy! Something like that could be seen in spring when winter out and in autumn when winter in! This is Chinese principle of Yin and Yang. One of the most powerful elements is the interaction of Saturn and Jupiter with super planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. It drives currencies ultimately! It’s very important - the role of distant planets. They determine the way of trend for major currencies. It’s really hard to say why, but it could be the result of their horoscopes activity. It doesn’t matter, it moves and people are doing money. The main reason is the moving of major planets Jupiter and Saturn.
Key planet principle Every currency has its own significator, or planet influencing its currency. Every currency has its own major planet, for example Neptune for USD and Pluto for GBP. This is the principle of two. When Saturn and Jupiter interact with trans-Saturnian’s planets, at the same time to be in the particular aspect with two planets, making stronger one and weaker another. It depends on aspect. Trine creates rise of currency and opposition vice versa. I guess these principals are valid for major currencies. As example, I show you the survey analyses of GBP\ USD. Notable examples: Have a look how GBP\USD moves under these factors. GBP\USD
January 2000 – June 2001 What was the cause of strengthening of dollar? The cause was the trine between Saturn and Jupiter in Gemini to Uranus and Neptune in Aquarius. Same time, Saturn and Jupiter were in strong opposition with Pluto in Sagittarius! GBP\USD fell from 1.666 in January 2000 to 1.37 in June 2001! Significant change! By the way in minitrend it was perfect reflected. In June 2001, when most planets were in opposition in the signs of Sagittarius and Gemini, GBP\USD fell the deepest point. You could see it by yourself!
2002 – 2004 Why GBP rose? Because. Jupiter moved out from opposition with Pluto in 2002 and entered to opposition with Neptune in 2002 – 2003. In 2002 GBP was 1.41 and in 2004 it rose to 1.95. It was the weakening of dollar in opposition of Jupiter with Neptune and at the same time strong trine with Pluto in Sagittarius. Remember that strong position of one currency is the weakening of another! Of course, some configurations had places on natal planets and moved transits too. It has to be mentioned. But this fact is absolute! 108
2005 From the end of 2004, Jupiter moved in Libra and situation changed obviously! The USD started to be stronger. The reason was trine of Jupiter and Neptune in air signs. Don’t forget that these planets are considered as dollars planets. That’s why GBP\USD sharply changed its direction downward from the end of 2004 1.93 – 1.72!
2006 - 2008 New rise of GBP\USD was in the period when Jupiter and Pluto were in conjunction. This aspect is totally positive for them. GBP\USD peaked 2. 000. Almost record! It was caused by additional strong position of Saturn to these two planets and its opposition to Neptune key dollar planet in 2006 - 2007! It drove USD down! I hope you understand the concept! You must determine the condition of one and another currency!
Second half of 2008 This period was the disaster for GBP. GBP\ USD fell from 2 to 1.35! Historical falling down. Causes: First reason was the weakening of the pound – Jupiter left the conjunction with Pluto. The next reason was the strengthening of the dollar. Jupiter entered Aquarius and was in conjunction with Neptune, the planet that make dollar stronger. As you see, Pluto has a dominant position in this influencing on GBP\ USD as in minitrend and miditrend too. Every currency has its own major planet, for example Neptune for USD and Pluto for GBP. This is the principle of two. When Saturn and Jupiter interact with trans-Saturnian planets, at the same time be in a particular aspect with two planets it makes one currency stronger and another weaker. Non-trend factor. This is the interaction of planets that don’t create the trend but drives the price up and down when this factor occurs and becomes strong. Usually it lasts two or three days! According to the astrological research of Forex, this factor depends on two or three planets that make particular aspect with each other during the period when it lasts. For example trine between Moon and Venus or Mars could drive the price in certain direction 109
while this aspect occurs and strong. Now, according to the astrological research of Forex, I could tell that some non trend factors for USD\JPY drives it down in 40 occasions from 46 occurrences. Some non-trend factors for GBP\ USD, almost 100% factor, that drives it down for last 2 years. EUR\USD is also driven down in 100% occasions, during strong non-trend factor occurs in same certain period. USD\CHF has 80% occurrence when it is driven down. All about this you can read in my lessons about “How to predict Forex”. Of cause about 70% to 90% of the foreign exchange transactions are speculative. In other words, the person or institution that bought or sold the currency has no plan to actually take delivery of the currency in the end; rather, they were solely speculating on the movement of that particular currency. Hedge funds have gained a reputation for aggressive currency speculation since 1996. They control billions of dollars of equity and may borrow billions more, and thus may overwhelm intervention by central banks to support almost any currency, if the economic fundamentals are in the hedge funds' favor. That’s why this subject of my course of how to predict Forex is too important to foresee what will be next day! Also you can see my financial statement how I made 2000 % fortune from 10000 dol. Gained 200000
Awakening the Inner Sense – Some Methods & Meditation Objects By Floco Tausin, Switzerland.
hat we know as our weekday is a tide of miscellaneous information which we receive with our five senses and put together to an integral picture in the brain. The sense organs are the gates of our body – they connect the outside world with the inner world and determine, dependent on our state of consciousness, how we experience this world.
The name Floco Tausin is a pseudonym. The author has studied at the Faculty of the Humanities at the University of Bern, Switzerland. In theory and practice he is engaged in the research of subjective visual phenomena in connection with altered states of consciousness and the development of consciousness as such. In 2009, he published the mystical story “Mouches Volantes” about the spiritual dimension of eye floaters.
But is there more to human sense activity than touching, seeing, hearing, smelling and tasting? There is, according to many cultures and religions where we find the notion of an inner sense. This sense is thought of as a mode of perception which directly and intuitively gives insight to the essence or true nature of the object perceived. Often this subtle or inner sense is linked to the eye as a widespread symbol of light, cognition and truth. It is then addressed as the “inner eye”, “third eye” or “eye of the heart”, common among mystics who experienced the divine light. In Indian mythology, for example, this inner sense is expressed as God Shiva’s frontal eye that gives him unifying vision. Accordingly, tantric yogis try to open this third eye by activating the “Ajna Chakra”, located between the eyebrows. Likewise, 111
the Buddha Siddhartha Gautama received enlightenment through a “celestial eye” (prajnacaksus) which permitted him to understand the forces of existence and their manifestation in the chain of causality. The Greek philosophers spoke of an “Eye of the Spirit” which has to be opened and purified to see the truth. While the Old Testament calls the prophets “seers” and refers to an all-seeing eye or “Eye of Providence” that turns to those who fear God and gives them superior insights or strength, the New Testament takes up the Greek philosopher’s notion of the “Eye of the Soul or Heart”: the eye becomes the object of purity (Matthew, 6.22), and the Eye of the Heart has to be opened in order to see God (Acts 9.18). Over the centuries, Desert Fathers, Gnostics, and Mystics alike further reported experiences of the inner sense as inner eye or eye of the heart or soul. Since the early modern period, Western esoterics and scientists interested in unifying the scientific and spiritual traditions are trying to find a physiological correspondence of this inner sense. In recent years, for example, the inner sense was associated with the pineal gland, based on scientific insights about the light sensitivity of this gland.
The Eye of Providence at the Aachen Cathedral, Germany.
The relation between perception, soul and pineal gland after René Descartes (1596-1650).
Meditation for the development of the inner sense Developing our inner sense, therefore, is a way to improve our spiritual life. In fact, many of us are doing this already, more or less consciously. For example, while meditating, many have come to experience subjective visual appearances, ecstatic feelings or intuitive insights – first aspects of an inner sense waking up. But if we want to develop that inner sense to its full bloom, years and decades of constant exercise are necessary. In any case, awakening the 112
inner sense means choosing a meditation method which works directly with the inner sense or with its objects and function. Generally, meditation can be carried out on material objects which stimulate the inner sense; or on subtle objects which can be conceived of as objects of this inner sense.
Material meditation objects Material meditation objects are perceived through the eyes, not through the inner sense, but concentrating on them can stimulate the inner sense and lead to subtle appearances. Meditation on material objects should support the inner sense or third eye in its function to mediate between the two brains or consciousness hemispheres. It should make aware to us our right intuitive emotional side as well as our left analytical rational side, bringing them into harmony with each other. This turns out best by means of squinting techniques which have been developed likewise in Western and Eastern traditions. Two different types of squinting must be distinguished here, though: the letting go of the eyes (parallel viewing) in which the concentration point shifts behind the object looked at, and the concentrative directing inside the eyes (cross viewing) in which the concentration point is drawn in front of the object looked at, in the direction of the observer. To distinguish these two types, we call the second type “doubling”. Doubling is the type of squinting ideal for meditation. The simplest exercise of doubling is looking at the root of the nose, according to the way of Indian yogis. However, doubling can also be applied to distant material objects. Anthropologist and author Carlos Castaneda, for example, mentions a seeing technology called “gazing” which at first means to focus the view on an object, similar to the yogi’s cleaning exercise “trataka”. Sometimes, though, it is combined with squinting in which the practitioner moves apart the two pictures and thus superimposes two equally formed objects. The concentration on this superimposed object synchronizes the two consciousness hemispheres and, regularly practiced, produces a depth perception which carries the practitioner into other spheres of consciousness. Another example of this form of meditation is the meditation on the “Tables of Chartres”. The tables are three legendary geometric figures of equal surface area, made from red and blue colored metal pieces shaped as rectangle, square, and circle. They are put down before oneself in two rows of alternating color and shape and doubled until a superimposed third table group appears in the middle. The knowledge around this old meditation type was maintained and passed on by gypsies and published by the French author Pierre Derlon for the first time.
The Tables of Chartres. 113
The subtle objects: Subjective visual phenomena Subtle meditation objects can be feelings and thoughts. For developing the inner sense, however, those objects are particularly well suited which appear through the fusion of the inner sense and the visual sense. I’m referring to those subjective visual phenomena which are known in ophthalmology as “entoptic phenomena”. Entoptics are phenomena which are believed by the observer to be seen outside of him- or herself, though, physiologically explained; they are generated by the observer’s visual system. The following entoptic phenomena are suited as meditation objects for most people: Afterimages: contrasting colored afterimages may be explained as the continuation of the effect of a visual stimulus when this stimulus has gone already. For example, blinking into the sun for a short time period will produce the colored afterimage of the sun in our visual field. Meditation on afterimages includes producing these images by shortly glancing into a light source, e.g. a bulb or a candle flame. Against a dark background or with the eyes shut, we observe these colored luminous spots until they lose their intensity. Again, we generate another afterimage and observe it until it fades and so on. Observing the afterimage, we actively move it with our view and watch it change its form and intensity; we study its proper motion and the influence of our eye movements on its luminosity. Phosphenes: Phosphenes are colored spots and blurs in the dark, often seen with eyes closed. They are said to be discharges of visual neurons. Meditation on phosphenes works similar like meditation on afterimages. However, it is more difficult because it has to be done without the stimulating effect of an external light source. We close the eyes and watch the colored spots taking shape in the dark. They tend to disappear from our awareness and therefore have to be made aware again and again by realigning our attention. An elaborated system of consciousness development focusing on afterimages and phosphenes was created by the French scientist and inventor, Dr. Francis Lefebure; the exercises of his “Phosphenism” combine visual concentration on afterimages with (neuro) physiological rhythmics. Eye Floaters (mouches volantes): Eye floaters are scattered semi-transparent dots and strands appearing with bright light conditions in our visual fields and following the eyes’ motions. In ophthalmology, they are regarded as a normal opacity of the vitreous due to progressing age. Eye floaters meditation means that we bring these the objects into our field of vision and consciously look at them. We explore them, get to know their forms, constellations, and movements. We notice that the floaters constantly drift away, mainly down, and try to keep them in the field of vision. More advanced meditators of eye floaters will begin to see changes in movement, size and luminosity. The teaching of my mentor, seer Nestor, provides elaborated seeing and ecstasy techniques to work with eye floaters, as well as a spiritual interpretation of these dots and strands.
Eye floaters: Mobile transparent dots and strands in the field of vision.
Blue field entoptic phenomenon: this formal term refers to “flying corpuscles” or “luminous spots”, tiny luminous spheres moving fast along in wound tracks. It is best seen in the blue sky (therefore: blue field entoptic phenomenon), but can become very strong in situations with extreme physical challenges like shocks or blackouts. From a medical point of view, it’s related to white blood cells flowing in the capillaries of the retina. Unlike the other entoptics, the luminous spots can’t be fixed with the eyes directly but are seen in the peripheral field of vision. Observing luminous spots, therefore, improves our alertness in the whole visual field, rather than our ability to concentrate on particular objects. Dr. Wilhelm Reich, the Austrian-American psychiatrist and founder of the orgon theory, explained the blue field entoptic phenomenon as a kind of orgon radiation. More spiritually oriented followers of Reich suggest to concentrate on these immaterial luminous spots, in order to silence the inner dialogue and find inner peace. By consciously looking at entoptic phenomena like the above mentioned we withdraw our five senses from the material sense objects and channel the energy usually needed to maintain their functioning to the inner sense. This way, we awaken the inner sense, which in turn will help us recognize and feel immediately and with great intensity the higher significance of these dots, spots and strands as well as their relation to ourselves. We then intuitively understand why such entoptics were watched by people of all times, often provided with religious meanings and used as concentration objects.
Literature: Bókkon, István: Phosphene phenomenon: A new concept, in: BioSystems 92 (2008): 168-174 Chen, Spencer C. u.a.: Simulating prosthetic vision: I. Visual models of phosphenes, in: Vision Research, vol. 49, nr. 12, June 2009, p. 1493-1506 Castaneda, Carlos: Voyage to Ixtlan, 1972 Castaneda, Carlos: The Second Ring of Power, 1977 Derlon, Pierre: Die Gärten der Einweihung. Sphinx Verlag, Basel 1978 115
Lewis-Williams, J. D. / Dowson, T. A.: The Signs of All Times, in: Current Anthropology, vol. 29, nr. 2, April 1988 Meslin, Michel: Eye, in: Eliade, Mircea (Ed.): The Encyclopaedia of Religion (2nd ed.), 2005, p. 2.939-2.941 Pennington, George: Die Tafeln von Chartres. Die gnostische Schau des Westens, Patmos 2002 Sinclair, S.H., M. Azar-Cavanaugh, K.A. Soper, R.F. Tuma, and H.N. Mayrovitz. "Investigation of the source of the blue field entoptic phenomenon." Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 4 (1989): 668-673. Tausin, Floco: Mouches Volantes. Eye Floaters as Shining Structure of Consciousness, Bern: Leuchtstruktur Verlag 2009 Tausin, Floco: Kokons und Fasern – Leuchtkugeln und Leuchtfäden. Mouches volantes als Inspirationsquelle für Carlos Castaneda?, in : AHA Magazin 5/2006 Trick, Gary L.; Kronenberg, Alaina: Entoptic Imagery and Afterimages, in: Tasman, William; Jaeger, Edward A. (Ed.): Duane’s Ophthalmology, Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2007 [electronic edition] Inner sense – inner eye http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_eye (7/31/09) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_of_Providence (7/31/09) Third eye and pineal gland http://www.crystalinks.com/thirdeyepineal.html (7/31/09) http://www.ipn.at/ipn.asp?ALH (7/31/09) Inner sense or open eye meditation http://www.pennington-training.com/meditation/tafeln-en.html (7/31/09) http://home.arcor.de/ralflehnert/id53.htm (7/31/09) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trataka (7/31/09) http://zensplitter.de/Texte/Tsung-tse/tsung-tse.html (7/31/09) Two kinds of squinting: cross viewing and parallel viewing http://www.triplespark.net/render/stereo/pview.html (7/31/09) http://www.vision3d.com/3views.html (7/31/09) Afterimages http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afterimage (8/20/09) http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/after.html (8/20/09) Phosphenes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phosphene (8/20/09) http://www.phosphenism.com/ (8/20/09) Eye Floaters http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floater (8/20/09) http://www.eye-floaters.info/ (8/20/09) Blue field entoptic phenomenon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_field_entoptic_phenomenon (8/20/09) 116
http://www.migraine-aura.org/content/e27891/e27265/e42285/e42442/e54887/index_en.html (8/20/09) http://www.orgon.de/kreiselwellen.htm (8/20/09)
Discover The Child Within By Holly Hall, Canada
very single one of us are children. In our physical form one life after the other, we are born, we age and eventually we will leave our physical form. As a spirit and as a soul, you are an eternal child, pure, perfect and alive. Children take on many forms, many characteristics, and with this many strengths. How can you find out where that child is in your astrological chart? In other words where are you? And why is it important for you to acknowledge the child with in?
First of all, society informs us, media creates us (thoughts), and in the age of now, we are not staying at home and helping our family work the farm: instead we are now thrown out into this wild, fast food, crazy world; we are instantly adults! As young as 17 yrs of age, our families and society expect us to get a job and make money- it is now time for you to take care of your self. We live in an extremely materialistic world, we want it all! So we loose this sense of who we are, we forget about creating happiness for ourselves, because we feel that if we can indulge in the material world we will be happy. And this takes money. Then we lose our creativity, we forget about our playgrounds, we loose the child within. Does this mean that we need to grow up and only play and never work and never provide for ourselves? Absolutely not! If you remain the child that you are, and keep in touch with that creative side, then you can bring this to the world, and yes, you can make a lot of money doing what you enjoy! So dare we digress? Yes. In the rest of this article I will show you how to find that
Hall has almost twenty years
experience as a professional Astrologer. Radio, newspaper, magazine appearances and columns fill her resume. With her psychic grandmother and clairvoyant mother's legacy, Holly will propel your spiritual growth. She can be heard on Wednesday night's 5 PM PST at www.Spiritquestradio.com and if you have any questions you can drop her a line in her forum called Astronumerics at Spirit Quest Radio or at
[email protected]
child with in. And when you do, get back the child' within, never let him/her go.
he first thing that you want to do is look at your Moon sign. Your moon sign represents the child within; your moon sign represents your past life. You will also want to look at your fifth house, what is on the cusp of the fifth house, is it intercepted, are any planets in the fifth house. For instance, Karri has her moon in Aries, all of her other planets are in Leo in the fifth house. Now this makes for an extremely creative little Karri. Karri is 20 years old. Karri is extremely artistic. A graduate of high school, when she was an A average, in art class, in creative English and in music. She loves photography and fashion. However Karri is also a Virgo, her Sun sign is in Virgo in the sixth house. At the age of 18, all Karri wanted to do was to stay in her playground. Virgo influence in the sixth house and the insistence of her realistic mother and get serious stepfather was pushing Karri to teach her to be an adult, to be serious and to serve society, as we all must do. All her Leo and her Aries Moon didn't think that this sounded like a lot of fun, so she became resistant to change showing signs of laziness, and is in the process of losing her child with in. An earth influence in our chart such as Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, second, sixth, and the tenth house, can be our worst enemy. This weighted down, earth bound, realistic, pull up your bootstraps and get the job done; influence can hinder the playfulness of the child within. So does that mean that earth influence charts, can never hang on to their inner child? Absolutely not! Karris’ new playground may be the materialistic world. All that Leo, creates ego, and may need to ‘lead’ to stay creative. Her Aries moon would do well to help others fight for their independence. Her new Virgo “skin” would do well in serving others in this way. Instead of quitting jobs that hinder her, she could rally all employees to fight for their rights. To speak their minds. However Leo can be very romantic and idealistic, thinking the grass is always greener on the other side. “Your playground is more fun than mine”. Searching for the perfect playground, can wastes playful time. Karri may have to learn from experience. It may be creating abundance, financial abundance, to share, and create your own playground. It may be mother Earth creating wood carving, working with clay, landscaping, cooking, nurturing others, or helping to organize others in order for them to make the most of their playground. The law of the planetary influences right now are greatly affecting the ability for many to retain their Creative in inner child. And I will touch on this at the end of this article. The signs and the house is where one looks. These signs carrying the inner child with them every single day of their lives: Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces: first house, third house, fifth house, and ninth house. Does that mean that the rest of us will lose their child within throughout their lives? Absolutely not! But you will need reminding, you will need to continually re-introduce yourself and nurture your inner child. And how exactly do you do this? Below I will list how with each sign/house. Instructions 1. Look up your Moon sign, your Sun sign and your fifth house cusp sign. 2. Take a piece of paper a bright colored fun piece of paper and a pen or pencil, children love pencils and write down, with no form, everything related to your Moon your Sun and your fifth house sign. 3. If you have any of the signs mentioned above in your charts write it down as well. 119
4. If you have any planets in any of the houses mentioned above write this out. 5. After you have written all of this down, read this out loud to yourself while looking in a mirror. 6. Also make him write colored sticky notes and write down the affirmation I will list at the end of this article.
RIES - Always find an adventure, something new, something that is competitive and one that will give you a sense of newness. The Aries and child with in, is not a patient soul, therefore do not expect yourself to see a new project to the end. This is for your more earth bound brothers and sisters. You are the motivator, you are the fuel for the fire, you are the spark that ignites others. So make sure that whatever creativity you bring into your life that you can finish the project shortly after you have started. For example, if you are a project manager or self-employed or even a mother of four kids, get people around you motivated, fire them up get them started. And hire a Taurus, Virgo or a Capricorn to finish the job. Seriously, and then start another project, another adventure. You are a warrior, you’re playground is your battleground. Your territory. The challenge is to choose your battles carefully. Your creativity comes into play in how you can create a win/win situation, where no one loses.
AURUS - Engage with mother Earth, stay Grounded. Learn to cook, garden, working with wood, metals, gems, anything of the material. And of course working with money be it yours or somebody else's. The key is not to be so tied to the material that you feel unsafe without it. If this does happen you may take a long walk in the woods or/and go hug a tree. This will sound silly. That’s the point be silly. Allow yourself to play in the sandbox! Basically Taureans need to get their hands dirty. You need to be creative. As long as everything is done through the heart and not the mind, as you are ruled by Venus you will fare well. You love your comfort food it feeds your soul. Make sure you eat healthy!
EMINI - The eternal child, you are a thinker you are a communicator and you enjoy learning. Working well with your hands you may want to be creative and inventive with machinery, cars and such. However you can tend to have a short attention span and it's very important that you read material that is short and sweet. Such as blogs, magazines, newspapers and gossip columns. You love gossip and you love to be in the know. You also work very well with your hands so if you can strum a guitar or play the piano, this will soothe your soul. If you can have a job where you learn and then share that knowledge as well. You could be a teacher of any sorts, in your own playground. Just be careful not to share knowledge or gossip that has not been completely researched. You make great journalists and radio show hosts. But in the meantime talk talk talk, chat chat chat, and have fun.
ANCER - Your playground is a place where you can enjoy your, sensitive, helpful and domestic side. You enjoy anything that you can do within your home environment. So your first playground is in your home. Make sure that your home is full of the comforts and cosiness that you require. So when you're all grown up it is important you decorate your home. You love collecting and a bit of a packrat, in order to keep your self and those who live with sane you may want to incorporate shelves in the form of furniture or the walls in order to display your collection. You also really enjoy children so if you can involve your self with working in nurturing children you're happy. 120
EO - As long as you are center stage then you have your playground. You are dramatic idealistic, creative, romantic and very optimistic. So if you're in a position where you can share this optimism, and entertain others. Not only have you created your own playground of your own, you also have your own playmates in the form of an audience, friends and/or coworkers. Some Leos do not work well under authority. So you may find that you're playground/career may be self-employment and it must be something that you are proud of. Most Leo's never forget the childhood; often they feel they have to hide this, as the world seems too serious for them. So it is very important that you allow the child to play.
IRGO - Okay this may actually take some organization and planning, doesn't seem much fun does it? Virgos are very very serious in fact one might wonder if they are even a child when they were a child. In their younger years many would consider them to be very mature and reliable. So you may have to slot out an hour a day to play. Believe it or not, if you can relax, you will be most satisfied at a great job of helping other people organize or analyze. You are fact-finding and enjoy a dissecting to find out what makes something work. So you enjoy science, mechanics, humanitarian, cleaning and factfinding career. So don't forget to make time in your schedule to play and be a child.
IBRA - You are very intellectual and your mind is always busy. You may think that pleasing people is your happiness; what makes other people happy is what makes you happy. But this is not always the case. As it drains you, causing a nervousness that can be quite debilitating. So you really need to learn how to play. You are very sociable and extremely artistic, a group, clubs, or classes where you can explore your different artistic abilities will bring out the child within. Shopping can bring out the child within as well; just make sure you have the money first. You'd make a very good secret shopper, its right up your alley, make money and shop for free! Remember don't just buy art make it.
CORPIO - You actually may find it fun and intriguing and penetrate the minds and the psyche of others in order to find out what motivates them. However you're sure to find you may play alone in your playground, and that's no fun. So I think that you either take up reading spy, murder and mystery books. Collect these types of movies. And if you really want to have fun try writing one of your own. You are also very psychic and intuitive. So get involved with groups where you can meditate and exchange psychic knowledge. Have fun investigating, penetrating, your own inner motives can also be enjoyable as long as you don't take it so seriously.
AGITTARIUS - If you were to be the inner child that you want to be, then be a teenager. Because you love to learn, you love sarcastic humour, you are freedom loving and athletic. You can also be a scholar. However, as much as you like to learn, you also like to party. So outside of your work and your responsibilities, do some educating and learning just for fun something that opens your mind and broadens your philosophies of life. Traveling is also very enjoyable for you as long as it's a learning experience where you can engage in different cultures. Even watching the travel Channel can bring out the playfulness in you.
APRICORN - Much like your Virgo sister you can be so cautious and so responsible, that your practical nature literally suffocates the child within. So you may have to schedule and organize a time every day. Make it in a place where there is nothing reminding you of your schedule, your responsibilities you have and how much work is still yet to be done. So go into your woodworking shop and build a bench without instructions. But organize a trip with children, cousins and nieces or nephews or your own children where all you do is play.
QUARIUS - Your central nervous system is continuously taxed as the child within struggles nervously to get out and play. Often your child within likes to play on their own, with their independent, individualistic, intellectual side. The challenge may be finding that alone time. Even if you have to lock the bathroom door and take a 45 minute bath, do it! And on the flipside Aquarians can also be very social, so plan a party, go to a party or a social event. And I may have to remind you on a regular basis. Be different, explore your unique side.
ISCES - very much like your Gemini and Sagittarius cousins, I think cousins because Gemini Sagittarius and Pisces are actually very different but related. Because you know how to play if only the world would let you. You often take on the world's woes in your conduit for healing. So you need time to re charge your batteries, often. So get out your rubber ducky in your pink Mr. Bubbles fill up that I can't take Jacuzzi bath, light the candles, the music and a good sappy novel and you're good to go. Just make sure you're left alone for a good hour to you that’s fun! And if you can make a weekly trip to any waterfront or a yearly trip somewhere near the ocean you're in heaven Water is your playground. The world is your playground, nurture it and it will nurture you. Planetary Update - Saturn is in Virgo opposing Uranus in Pisces. This influences the whole world to get serious and yet want freedom. From constraints and rules, by government, bosses, employees, health care system etc.
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How To Beat Time By John Frawley, Poland John Frawley is the editor of The Astrologer's Apprentice magazine, and tutor of the Apprenticeship Courses in Horary, Electional and Traditional Natal Astrology. John's first book, The Real Astrology, was awarded the Spica Award for International Astrology Book of the Year in 2001. His follow up book, Real Astrology Applied, Sports Astrology & The Horary Textbook are now available. For details of John's work, publications, appearances and courses, visit his website at http://www.johnfrawley.com.
client entered the workshop one day, gorgeously arrayed and carrying a plump chicken for payment. "What I would like to know," he asked, as I sat him down in our consulting room, "is, will I die?"
I had barely finished rubbing my hands together with glee in order to set the chart when, to my disappointment, I woke up. For it is ever the reality of horary that clients want not just predictions, but timed predictions. There, alas, is the rub. Finding the event itself is usually the easy bit; the timing is more difficult, as a close reading of William Lilly makes plain. We see him over and again fumbling towards a plausible answer, with the aid either of inside information or a querent sat before him so suggestions can be bounced back and forth until a feasible result is hammered out. The spectacular answer, where the timing announces itself in trumpet tones of indisputable clarity, does occur; but more often than not, the exact timing of a specific event in horary is hedged around with cautions and probabilities. This is both salutary and inevitable. On the one hand it keeps the burgeoning egos of journeyman astrologers in check; on the other, as when we look at time we are looking at the very stuff of which our astrology is made - looking, as it were, not so much at the face of the clock, where the events that mark time are displayed, but into the workings of the clock itself - the fathoming of time is bound to be harder than the mere tracking of events. The conclusions about the nature of time to which the practice of an accurate, verifiable astrology directs us are not the least of the benefits of directing our attention to the celestial science. Two key works to which I might direct the curious reader are 'Plato's Myth of Er', at the end of his Republic, and Iain Mackenzie's The Anachronism of Time (Norwich, 1994), which is hard work, but which, with a tight logic, clarifies the concepts with which we must work. But we direct our attention here away from our prison bars to the more immediately practical purpose of finding the answer in the chart. 124
Method We will assume that we have set our horary and judged that there will be an event. This will usually have been shown by an aspect between two planets; occasionally by a planet moving to a cusp, or even, rarely, vice versa. Planet to cusp aspects, however, are not to be relied upon to show an event unless the planet signifying the quesited is applying to the querent's cusp. The querent's planet applying to the cusp of the quesited, whatever Lilly may say to the contrary, tends to show desire rather than fulfillment and is not reliable - except when the event is more or less certain. That is, 'Will I get the job?' with Lord of the first applying to the MC: desire; 'When will I get the job?' with Lord of MC applying to the 1st: certainty. The best behaved of charts show a timeable past event. These are not so common, but are delightedly received whenever they arrive. Suppose the question is 'When will I marry again?' and we know that our querent divorced three years ago. The chart shows her significator separating from Mars, the natural ruler of divorce. If it is y degrees separated from Mars, we know that y = 3 years. So if it now applies to aspect the ruler of the seventh house, signifying the future husband, in 2y degrees, judgment is simple: you will remarry in 2 x 3 = 6 years. It is as if the chart carries its own scale of calibration, as we might find the scale marked on a map. Conclusions we reach from this are highly accurate and highly reliable. Few, however, are the charts that show such past events. Or, as in principle I suppose that they all should, few are they that show them with sufficient clarity to be of use. So we need to find something else - and this is when it starts to get complicated. For reasons which cannot be fathomed, students invariably display the utmost resistance to absorbing what follows, more than on any other subject. We would suggest, then, that those who wish to work with these ideas print out this page and forcefully insert it into their head through the left ear with the aid of a screwdriver. We will assume that our chart shows an applying aspect. If it does not, we have no event, so there is no point in trying to time it. If we have an aspect there will be a number of degrees between where the planets are now and where they will be when the aspect perfects. This number is the number of time units between the time of question and the time of the event. Getting this is the easy bit! But even this is not so simple: usually we take the number of degrees that the applying planet must travel before perfecting the aspect. So we look at the degree at which the aspect happens, following the astronomical truth that the planet applied to is not going to stand and wait while the other catches it up. Sometimes, however, we take the number of degrees from where our applying planet is now to where the planet applied to is now - as if the other planet were standing still and waiting. What we have here is in effect not an aspect, but a transit. Example: Let us say that our event is shown by Mercury applying to aspect Mars, and Mercury is now at 8 deg of its sign, Mars at 12 deg of its. From looking at the ephemeris we see that aspect perfects when they are both at 16 degrees of their signs. Mercury has had to travel 8 degrees to perfect the aspect, so our judgment will be that the event will happen in 8 somethings: 125
days, weeks, months, years, whatever. But sometimes we will assume that Mars stands still and take only the distance between the planets' present positions, giving us just 4 degrees and so 4 days, weeks, months, etc. So how do I know when to go for the true aspect and when to go for the transit? I don't know. I have not found any reliable guidelines in either the texts or in practice. I would suggest that the only guide is that in many cases one answer will make sense within the context of the question, while the other will not. I suggest that this is what we see Lilly doing in various of his judgments - bouncing possibilities off the client, or off his own knowledge of the realities of the situation. Suppose we ask 'When will the King be executed?' and find that the transit-type judgment gives us 3 days and the perfection-type gives us 6. We might know that the trial has yet to finish, and when it does it will take time to build the scaffold and organize the hot-dog concessions. 6 days would make better sense. The golden rule in all matters of timing, as in all else in astrology, is that we do not have to be perfect. We are allowed to judge, "It might be in three days; but weighing all the evidence I think it more likely to be in six." We have a piece of music; we must allow ourselves to play. We can swing it or we can play it straight: we are still playing. The one vital point is that we learn our scales, else we cannot play at all. So: we have our number of time units; we now need to work out which is the appropriate unit. Lilly brings nothing but confusion here. First, he gives two contradictory scales of timing; second, he pins both to fixed units. The suggestion that, for instance, angular houses = years is most unhelpful. Suppose our question is "When will my boyfriend phone?"; 'years' is not a relevant concept. So put Lilly away and listen up. Any question carries its own time-frame, which will have a short, a medium and a long possibility. For the love-struck teenager demanding 'When will my boyfriend phone?' minutes as short, hours as medium and days as long might be the options. For the older querent asking 'When will I meet Mr. Right?' years must be the longest option, giving months as medium and weeks as short. The three units will follow one from the other: we do not have minutes, months and years. "Yes, but this assumed time-frame limits the possibilities of what the chart can tell us." No, it doesn't. We can have perfection in less than one degree, so our decision that years, months or weeks is the reasonable range of choice for 'When will I meet Mr. Right?' does not clip Cupid's wings. A perfection at less than one degree on our fastest option could still give us 'This afternoon!' To decide which of our time units we shall choose, we consider the sign and the house in which our applying planet stands. Ignore the sign and house in which the planet applied to stands. No, I know you weren't listening: ignore the sign and house in which the planet applied to stands. Even if you like the look of them, ignore them!
Within our reasonable time-frame for the question, fixed signs will give the longest timeunit, cardinal the shortest and mutable the middle one. That is the easy bit. The complication comes when we introduce the houses, as there is an in-built contradiction. Of their nature, angular houses equate with fixed signs and so indicate the slowest time unit. Cadent - as might be expected from a house that is literally 'falling' - gives the fastest; succedent the middle. Combining house and sign will give us, for instance, long + long, which must indicate our longest unit. Or short + short, which is our shortest. Any other combination will give our middle unit. "But that's not fair, ref!" Yes, the system is heavily weighted in favour of the middle unit. This probably says something about the nature of things; but if the chart wishes to show us the fastest or the slowest it is quite capable of so doing. Now for the contradiction: angular houses of their nature are slow. But a planet in an angular house has a good deal of accidental dignity. Accidental dignity increases the planet's power to act. If that planet wants to act, then, it is well able to do so, and is likely to act quickly. So angular houses are fast. The key is the word 'wants': the issue of volition. If things are unfolding of their nature, whatever is in an angular house will unfold slowly. If whatever or whomever the angular planet signifies is, within the context of the question, in a position to act, and if (and only if) the receptions indicate that it wants to act, it will act quickly. This inherent (apparent) contradiction is the reason for Lilly giving two apparently contradictory tables. Example: I ask 'When will the cheque arrive?' and find the significator of the cheque in an angular house. There is nothing the cheque can do to expedite its own arrival. The angular house would suggest a slow time unit. On the other hand, when Asian women ask the question 'When will I meet the man I will marry?' it is common to find their significators in angular houses. Once they have taken the decision that it is time to marry, there is a good deal that they can do to expedite the process, in contrast to Bridget Jones, who can only wait until Cupid squeezes himself into her life. If these angular significators provide us with an applying aspect, and if (as the fact that she is paying to ask the question would lead us to expect) their receptions show that she wants the match, we can take this angularity as showing a fast unit, because she has power and wishes to use it. Similarly, if a would-be Napoleon were to ask 'When will I conquer the world?' and we were to find his significators in cadent houses, even given an applying aspect we would have to assign a slow time-unit, because he has little power to act. Confused yet? If not, you probably haven't been paying attention. Let us throw a few more ingredients into the stew. What we have so far is the number of degrees needed to perfect an aspect giving us the number of time units, and the sign/house combination of the applying planet telling us which time units they are. In a good proportion of charts this will work. I would suggest using this unless common sense tells that the answer it provides is wrong. In some charts, we consider only the sign of the applying planet, not its house. Which charts? The charts where we consider only the sign of the applying planet, not its house. I 127
would like to be able to quote a rule, but have never found one. They just look like 'sign-only charts'. Given enough practice, you will develop an eye for them. It may be that a preponderance of them have the planet in a fixed sign, but as with Lilly's empirical 'rules', this suggestion should be treated with caution. The number of time units, as shown by the number of degrees, is subject to change. If the applying planet is moving significantly faster or slower than its usual speed, it will take a greater or lesser time to cover the same number of degrees. We can, if we wish, adjust the number. I have timed predictions with an unnecessary degree of accuracy by carefully calculating the exact proportion by which the planet is faster or slower; but while such displays of virtuosity make an amusing party trick there is little point to them. 'A bit' is quite accurate enough an adjustment. NB. the speed of the applying planet will - if we are sufficiently Virgoan to factor it in - affect only the number of time units. It will not affect our choice of time unit. Please, gentle reader, write this out 500 times to make sure it is instilled into your head. Double-bodied signs make things slower. Our psychologically inclined brethren will tell us that this is because they are far too busy talking, worrying, or going down the pub to bother acting. This too will affect only the number of time units, not their nature. In practice, it is not usually necessary to consider these factors, work though they do. Striving to tell our client that she will meet Mr. Right at 3 minutes past 10 on Monday 28th serves only our ego. 'Around the end of the month' is all the accuracy required. If the aspect is to a retrograde planet, so that both planets are applying to perfection, the event can happen faster than the number of degrees would suggest. How much faster? Usually 'a bit'. In such cases it is probably best to use the number of degrees to give an outer limit of time, qualified by 'probably sooner'. If the chart that shows two aspects indicating that the event will happen, these aspects will usually - as we might expect - show the same time. 'Close enough' is good enough. If one, for instance, shows 12 units and the other shows 3, a correlation of 12 weeks = 3 months is sufficiently close to add confidence to our prediction. We could, in principle, expect them to be exactly congruent; but such an expectation ignores our place in the cosmos. We are aware that nor progressions nor transits to the nativity manifest exactly as they happen; so with degrees of precision in horary. If the planets send us an angel, it takes a while for him to find us amid the fogs of this world of generation and corruption. Our gross coporeity resists the instant response that the chart might suggest. When judging horaries, we do best to disregard what we might think is real time. It is a common failing among students, no matter how hard they are beaten, to cling to the idea that if the ephemeris shows that the aspect will happen next Tuesday, the event shown by that aspect will happen next Tuesday. No it won't! What the ephemeris shows us is time from our perception, which is an illusion; what the planets show us is as close an approximation as we may easily get to time as is. 'Next Tuesday' is rarely a correct response to "When will I meet Mr. Right?" 128
When ephemeris time does become relevant is when our questions are on general indications over long periods of time, or when we wish to look beyond the immediate limits imposed by the question to see what may happen over a longer period. This is often to reassure the querent that all is not lost. Examples: Suppose the question is "Can you give some general indications for my business over the next few months?" and we find that the querent's business is signified by Jupiter, which will enter its own sign in three months' time. We might judge that things will start looking up around then. Experience is that the querent will usually respond, "Oh yes - that's immediately after the big trade show", or some such, and that such indications will prove accurate. Or, suppose the question were "Is this really the man of my dreams?" and the chart gave an obvious judgment of "Are you insane?" We might look further, noting that in a couple of months the querent's significator moved out of its detriment and into some interesting mutual receptions, and so add "But by the Autumn you'll be feeling much better in yourself, and so be able to enter a relationship that nurtures you, rather than scraping the barrel of humanity out of sheer desperation, as you are doing now". Or words to that effect. When considering the longer term, a planet's passage through an entire sign shows one of the natural time-units, usually a month or a year. So if, for instance, the querent's business were signified by Venus, placed now at 28 Leo, in a question about long-term prospects, we might judge (other testimonies concurring), "You may feel you have the world at your feet just now (Venus on Regulus), but you are entering a sticky period (into Virgo). The next year (passage through Virgo) looks set to be a story of considerable potentials (Venus in triplicity) never quite unfolding (Venus in fall). Overall, the downside during this period is going to be significantly more than the up; but after that (Venus into Libra) all falls happily into place. So grit your teeth and hang on in till then." It is foolishness to look beyond the next sign or two, as if we do we find everything happening to everybody. And this looking ahead does need to be done sparingly: students show an enthusiasm for racing planets around the chart as if it were a Snakes and Ladders board; such enthusiasm is better curbed. For the most part, we are concerned only with a planet's next aspect and nothing beyond that. Lilly gives several examples where a 'real time' transit is significant. So if Mercury applies to Jupiter he is judging not "It's four degrees till perfection; it will happen in four weeks", but "My ephemeris shows this aspect happening next Tuesday at 3.56; it will happen then". Our advice to the student must be, "Don't try this at home!" Please. We suggest that, if you really must dabble in this kind of thing, it is best kept to side issues. Example: we have decided that boy, our querent, will marry girl in six months' time, judging by the six degrees needed to perfect the aspect between them. We note that both planets are in major dignities of the ruler of her fourth house, showing that her father has a major say in this matter. We note also that at 11.52 on Friday 28th, boy's planet transits the twelfth cusp, there being a mutual reception between the ruler of the twelfth and the significator of the 129
girl's father. The twelfth being the house of animals larger than goats, we advise that at 11.52 on the 28th he attends the market, where he will be able to purchase the very camel that will swing the father's opinion in his favour. On the subject of transits, let us deal with the idea that if something in the horary chart conjuncts something in the querent's nativity, the chart is 'radical' (whatever that may mean). I ask a question about love, and find in the horary that Venus is right on my natal Ascendant. Does this make the chart radical? Of course not. It shows that Venus is transiting my Ascendant, and I, surprisingly enough, am thinking about love. No more than that. Let us not forget that this with which we deal is a congruent system: it all fits together, in the most intricate and endlessly remarkable of ways. That Venus is on my Ascendant may show that I am thinking about love - a fact that might be obvious from my going to an astrologer and asking him 'Does she love me?' - but it tells us nothing about whether this love is reciprocated. Such considerations serve only to confuse the issue. All charts are 'radical', and we are well advised to keep the querent's nativity well apart from his horaries, lest they breed monsters. A particular instance in which the 'real time' movement of the planets can be significant occurs in lost object questions. In the chart for such it will often be found that the significator of the object is combust: it cannot be seen. Assuming that all else in the chart is indicative of a recovery, we can reach down our ephemeris, note the exact moment at which the planet leaves combustion, and judge, "You'll find it then". This may present the odd picture of thousands of people around the world throwing up their hands in glee as they recover cherished possessions at exactly 8.22 GMT, but it seems to work with the reasonable degree of reliability that is all we ask. When a date is specifically mentioned in the question, it is often of great significance, so it is always worth checking the planetary placements on that date against the horary chart. As a general rule, if we restrict the querent to few words, whatever those few words are will usually be important; if those few words relate to timing, let us look at them. This querent was desperate for her son to be accepted into a school - a prospect that was looking increasingly unlikely. Her ambitions to place him in a private school had excluded him from the acceptable state school options, while he had been turned down from the private school she wanted, for reasons which she believed were unsound. The boy had an entrance exam at another school, and an appeal at the school desired, both on named dates. How would he fare? 130
His significator is the ruler of the fifth house, Jupiter. The schools are shown by the ninth and its ruler, the Moon. The first exam was on the 18th of May. By transit, the Moon, Lord 9, was on the 5th cusp on that day. This is a positive testimony, but there was no mutual reception with Lord 5. At this school the boy passed satisfactorily, but with no scholarship. The appeal at the second school was due on August 10th. On that day, the boy's significator, Jupiter, transits the ninth cusp, where, it being in Cancer, it is exalted - so the boy is there and is highly thought of. Would he get the scholarship? Yes. And so it proved. Similarly, if the question contains a given bound of time, this too will be reflected in the chart. It can be taken that the end of the relevant planet's present sign is the end of the given time-frame. So if I ask, "Will I win the lottery this year?" and find my significator conjuncting the ruler of the eleventh house (pennies from Heaven) immediately after it leaves its present sign, I would judge, "No; but I will early next". Robert Nunn has recently emerged from the grueling series of tests and tortures that comprise The Horary Apprenticeship as a fully fledged Horary Craftsman. While indulging in that favourite astrological recreation of bumping off members of the royal family - an amusement which would have William Lilly's whole-hearted approval - he asked "Will the Queen Mother live to see her 100th birthday?" With a woman of this age we must be aware that she is bound to die at some point; so we need to look at the birthday. His reasoning was: the Queen is given to the 10th house, so the Queen Mother is given to the 10th from the 10th, the radical 7th, and so signified by Venus. The Moon is translating light from Venus (Queen Mum) to the Sun (her birthday). Will it get there in time - before the Sun changes sign? Yes, it does; so the Queen Mother gets to see her hundredth birthday and so, of course, it proved. Finally, as a little light relief, there are the questions that admit of only one possible time unit. Yippee! Let us dance and rejoice! Margaret Cahill, an Apprentice on the point of qualification as a Horary Craftsman, asked at what time a certain employee with a watch purchased from Salvador Dali might arrive at work that day. As she judged - in a chart submitted before the event - the employee was signified by Saturn, ruler of the sixth house; the querent herself by Mercury (Lord 1) and the Moon.
The Moon applies to aspect Saturn in four and a half degrees. Which planet applies to which is irrelevant: that the querent's cosignificator applies to that of her employee does not mean that she will have to go to the employee's house to drag her out of bed; that the planets come into contact is sufficient, within the assumptions of the question. The Moon needs four and a half degrees to perfect the aspect with Saturn, so the timing must be four and a half somethings. Minutes were not an option, as the question was asked at 7 am and the business did not open till 9. Days were not an option, as the assumption of the question was 'at what time today?' As with our example of the repairman in The Real Astrology, the chart can show that the person will not arrive at all; but as we have an aspect our only option must be hours. She will arrive in four and a half hours - and so it proved.
A Game of Chance By Lisa J. Gordon, U.K
s an Astrologer I was constantly on the horns of a dilemma: my clients wanted definitive black and white answers about their futures and yet what I had learned in Astrology, was that we have freewill and that the planets are only a guide. Astrology should, in my eyes be used a tool for good and timely decision making and for greater self awareness; however many of my clients wanted to use Astrology as the ultimate financial, emotional and vocational ‘sat nav’ – Take a left at the next turning and you will find Mr Right; keep in this lane for the next two miles and you will find the job of your dreams! It’s fair to say that some clients seemed quite happy to leave the driving of their lives up to Fate entirely. It made me think deeply about exactly how much control we do have over our lives by virtue of freewill and to what extent we are at the mercy of Fate. The amount of people in the UK and US who frequent Psychics, Astrologers, Palmists, Tarot readers and the like each year appears to indicate that a great many of us do indeed believe that fate has a significant hand in our life path. Has our life story indeed already been written by a cosmic author and can the psychic give us a sneak preview of forthcoming events. So, do we have a destiny? Is this destiny set in stone or can we change it by conscious effort and freewill.
Lisa J. Gordon is a qualified Astrologer who has been a regular guest on BBC local radio as an Astro agony aunt and doing Horoscopes since 2001. Although holding a degree in Economics, and being a part qualified accountant, Lisa is a prolific writer and her novel ‘A Sealed Fate’ (which examines this very same issue) will be published this autumn 2009. Lisa is a researcher of alternative and new age avenues of thought. Her book has been published by Janus Publishing Ltd & is available on all book selling websites across the world.
I am sure that we all list amongst our friends those who defend the power of their own freewill vehemently and who brand psychics etc as charlatans; just as many will swear by their accuracy. The rest are perhaps too scared to find out; or as I have discovered, those who are happy and satisfied with their lives rarely trouble themselves with the question of fate versus Madonna once said, “When you freewill. The burning question of what destiny is and how to find one’s own destiny want something badly enough, it is is the domain of those who are dissatisfied, as if the entire universe conspires to unhappy or in turmoil.
help you achieve it.”
Prolific writers on this subject like Uri Geller and Jo Vitale, as well as books like ‘The Secret’ contend that one’s life course is totally within our sphere of influence: we, not Fate are in control. They advocate the use of a combination of positive thinking, affirmations and visualisation to achieve one’s dreams. Their bottom line is that virtually ANYTHING is possible and the limit is simply one’s own imagination or belief system. Is it really as simple as it sounds: how fabulous? Madonna once said, “When you want something badly enough, it is as if the entire universe conspires to help you achieve it.” This theory is at the heart of positive thinking. I conducted my own extensive research into this subject and found that there was more to positive thinking than thinking positive. In order for visualisation, affirmations and the like to be effective, you need to root out both conscious and subconscious beliefs which can scupper your best efforts at positive thinking. I was amazed at how powerful subconscious beliefs could be! What I mean by subconscious beliefs, is the ideas which are set into or programmed into our thinking which we do not often think about, but which influence all our decisions. Often these sub conscious beliefs are planted by our parents, teachers or religions; here are some examples: dreams don’t come true; stick to the day job; you aren’t good at maths; actors are always out of work; everyone in our family is fat; money is hard to come by; being very rich is sinful; you’re not university material; you’re working class; get a proper job; if you don’t get married you will be on the shelf; money is the root of all evil; all the best girls/guys are taken. In order for positive thinking to be effective we have to eradicate all the negative seeds which others or perhaps past experience has planted within our psyche. It is not always easy as often these negative, limiting notions are deep seated and, it is said that a negative thought is four times more powerful than a positive one. This is one of the reasons why positive thinking often does not work; all our best efforts at visualisation and affirmations are undermined by that little voice inside saying: this will never work; you don’t deserve it; it can’t be this easy. All it takes is a small amount of doubt to negate everything. I return to Madonna’s theory and note that single minded, focused attention on a goal allowing no doubt to creep up on you should have exactly the results she has experienced according to the theory. How often have you heard someone say: I’ll believe it when I see it or when I see results. However it rarely works that way, as Linda Goodman says, “For all those who believe, expect a miracle!” The belief or the mindset is the lynchpin. 134
Another more recent slant on positive thinking is Cosmic Ordering, a system supported by Noel Edmonds who purportedly found it highly effective. Cosmic Ordering appears to be a rather novel and updated version of ‘saying one’s prayers’! One asks the universe for something and (hopefully) it is granted to you. Again, on a deeper level, I think one can only gain from this method to the extent to which you honestly believe you deserve or can achieve what you are asking for. Noel Edmunds attributes cosmic ordering to the reigniting of his career.
eepak Chopra who writes extensively on spiritual matters; discusses the concept of synchronicity with respect to destiny and the finding of one’s destiny. Synchronicity: something we often refer to in daily life as ‘being meant’ or ‘coincidence’, is almost like a little nudge in the right direction from Fate. Synchronicity can also take the form of a serendipitous event or meeting which changes the course of our life. I believe that synchronicity underlines the notion that we do indeed have a destiny - which we may be totally unaware of - and Fate will via circumstances attempt to push us towards that destiny. The effects of synchronicity can often be appreciated when we look back at our lives and how things ‘mapped’ out. I came across a concrete example of one of these little life changing coincidences: Penny and Mike returned to the UK after working abroad for many years with not much money, but a dream of running a guest house. Totally disconsolate after another fruitless day of searching for a B&B to buy in the South East; Penny hurled the property magazine into the back of the car with dismay. Later on tidying the car, Penny noticed that that same magazine had flopped open on a certain page: a page advertising a guest house for sale in the Cotswolds. By “coincidence” this guest house was in a little town where she and her husband had once dreamed of living. Filled with a sense of ‘this must be meant’ they went for it and despite many odds, were the proud owners months later. After starting with nothing more than a full guest book and £200, they now run an award winning guest house. Positive thinking tends to be far more successful when the goals we envision are unselfish or are in tune with our higher purpose or, put another way: our destiny. But, how do we know what our destiny is: maybe synchronicity can provide us with a The Chinese word for Crisis is guide. Perhaps only age and the self ‘Change with Opportunity’: many awareness which comes with maturity can times as an Astrologer, I would answer that question. Radio talk show host see in a chart that there were James Whale, in his recent biography “Almost a Celebrity” contends that he never planned great opportunities for my client. anything in his life: one event seemed to lead to another as if a cosmic director was at work. He says that looking back he can see the vital link that every event in his life, both good and bad played in the unfolding of his life story. Perhaps James’ life exhibits synchronicity at work or perhaps he is more in tune with his destiny and able to capitalise on the coincidences and serendipitous events that may pass others by. The Chinese word for Crisis is Astrologer, I would see in a chart However that client would convey What I came to see was that the
‘Change with Opportunity’: many times as an that there were great opportunities for my client. to me that they were suffering great tribulations. ‘comfort zone’ was the biggest block to potential: 135
when we have nothing to lose our lives are dynamic and we go for things; however when we reach a certain level of achievement we become semi satisfied; we stop taking chances as we are scared to lose what we now have; as a result we stagnate. Fate often creates crises in our lives to destroy those comfort zones and to free up our potential again. This is an example of Fate stepping in to give us one of those nudges. One of my clients said the following about astrology: “The revelations from my chart were the start of a new chapter for me. They had set me free. Relieved from this immense guilt that had weighed upon my shoulders, I began to understand and see the purpose behind everything that everything that had happened over the past six years. With a new perspective on the past, I was at last able to move forward.” Another popular writer on these matters is Louise L. Hay, the author of ‘Heal Your Life’. While Louise also champions positive thinking and affirmations in achieving goals, she stresses that the key to happiness and success with affirmations is the ‘releasing’ of all resentment, bitterness and fear. Somewhat like Christianity, Linda emphasises the value of ‘forgiveness’ as an essential element in moving forward and negating the influence of the past on your psyche. Forgiveness does not only involve forgiving others, but also forgiving yourself: no one is unscarred by a mistake. Guilt and self recrimination is another major reason why positive thinking often does not work. Guilt, resentment and fear are some of the most destructive and harmful emotions. Vanessa, 34 and a stressed out yet successful lawyer remarked that reading Louise L Hay’s book had made her far more aware of how invasive negative thinking was in her life. Although Vanessa is not ready to believe that anything she affirms or visualises will materialise; she had found that the use of affirmations and her awareness of how important being positive is, has already had an impact on her daily life and in reducing her stress level. Where does Karma fit into this picture? As the cliché goes: what goes around comes around; but, does everything balance out in one lifetime or over many lifetimes. It is said that the Astrological Chart is a snap shot of the vibrations we have set up around this lifetime, by virtue of our forgotten actions in a past lifetime. The notion of Karma has become more and more important as many more people look to past life regression therapy for answers. Perhaps then, we need clear our Karmic slate before we are really able to grab hold of the reins of our life and use positive thinking to any useful degree. Lara, 42 who recently began to read in depth about Karma remarked that it was the only theory which had ever made the vast suffering of her life somehow understandable. This new understanding had given her new strength and the ability to forgive and move forward for the first time. So which is it then: choice or chance; Fate or freewill? Are our fates sealed at the moment of birth? As an Astrologer, my answer is that Astrology is about choice, not chance. Astrology can guide us and we can use it to help us forecast and navigate life events, but the ultimate control lies with us and how we choose to deal with what life dishes up. There is indeed a high road and a low road and the choice is ours. Maria, 27 who visited an Astrologer found the following: “The astrologer’s words diminished the pressure I was putting on myself; I began to take the view that my life was not just a tick-box exercise; fate was wiser, things would happen they way they were meant to, when the time 136
was right; there was indeed little point in agonising about something I was powerless to change.” And, what about that concept of destiny? I see life as an old tree: when we are young we are travelling up the trunk of the tree, as we have very little say in the direction of our lives; as we reach adolescence we start making choices which will affect our life course, this is where the tree begins to branch out. The choices we make will determine where on the tree we end up, but the tree itself can never change; a poplar cannot become an oak. The tree, like our destiny, is the framework for our life, but we do have a wealth of choice within that framework. My experience has taught me that while some people relish the notion that they can be in total control of their lives via positive thinking; others prefer to lay their life in the Lap of the Gods; in a way abdicating responsibility for the their futures. Debra from the North East of England, who started her working life as a waitress but who now lives in Argentina where she is a teacher fluent in Spanish, said, “I pinch myself ever day and marvel at how I ended up on the other side of the world speaking a different language and living in such an amazing country. Thinking back, this journey started by my own free choice when I decided to spend a year out in South America, but somewhere along that way fate seem to have taken over and kept steering me.” Debra’s experience gives evidence of the combination influence of fate and freewill. I believe that the relative influence of Fate and Freewill in a life course is as individual as the person involved. There is no standard; your own unique beliefs both conscious and subconscious will determine how much say Fate gets in your life. Thus if you want to take more control over the direction of your life; you can do so from today: all it begins with is waking your self up from your sleep walk through life and acknowledging the possibilities you never previously believed were there. Lisa J. Gordon is the author of a Spiritual Thriller, A Sealed Fate; in which she discusses these very same issues within the context of an account.
Launch Your Book Why Astrology Is Science: Five Good Reasons By Tapan Das, Canada
n today’s world, at least 90 percent of Americans under age thirty are said to know their Sun sign, yet no one has ever really delved into answering the question: Is astrology really a science.
Tapan Das, Ph.D., P.Eng. has written a masterpiece answering this question in his book Why Astrology is Science: Five Good Reasons.
In this book, Tapan has explained in details the following five good reasons: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Astrology is based on statistical analysis; Astrology is social science Astrology is linked with alternative medicine; Astrology is explained by cosmic energy and biofield; 5. The basis of astrology is similar to quantum mechanics.
Stars and planets each have a different influence on our lives depending on their positions in their signs and heavenly houses…….All these cosmic forces shape our thoughts which in turn direct our actions. If we are warned that we are prone to rash actions due to the influence of certain planets, then we can hold a check on our emotion and rash action and catastrophic results. If we know that the position of the planets give a favorable condition, then we can take advantage of it by proper action. This is how astrology can help without giving specific answers to specific questions. This book is written for scientists, astrologers, and those with a keen interest to learn a new perspective on astrology that is sure to inspire a new sense of wonder about stars and planets and their patterns and relationships that hold significant meaning to all of us. After reading the book, the reader will understand how stars and planets indicate the positive and negative aspects of a person’s life, that astrology can outline the future but can not answer one-to-one question. The reader also will have a basic knowledge of astrology, 1 138
astronomy, alternative medicine, and quantum mechanics to understand the five good scientific reasons. The scientific community will begin to see astrology in a new perspective after reading the book. They will find that astrology is social science based on statistical analysis not competing with natural science such as physics, chemistry, etc. It is based on probability, not certainty. Author’s bio: Tapan Das has 35 years of technical management experience in telecommunication, wireless, IP, WiFi and ASIC. He has worked in technical management positions in from the University of London, UK and a Ph.D. in Microwave corporate and start-up companies. He holds and M.Sc. in Electronics from the University of Bradford, UK. He holds seven patents and has published number of technical papers in International journals. He had an active interest in astrology for a long time and has been researching in astrology and cosmology for the last five years. He has published six papers on the scientific basis of astrology in Research in Astrology with Media in Science (RAMS), International Society of Astrology Research (ISAR), and Journal of the Mindshift Institute. He has also published a paper on the theory of consciousness in NeuroQuantology. The book can be purchased from: BarnesandNoble.com, iUniverse.com, Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, Amazon.co.uk, Chapters.indigo.ca, Borders.com, Froogle.com, AbeBooks.com, Target.com, Waterstones.com, WHSmith.com. The price of the book is: Perfect bound soft cover: $16.95 US Dust jacket hard cover: $26.95 US E-book: $6.00 US Website of Tapan Das: www.tapandas.com
2 139
Death in Astrology by Ron Bippus, Canada. Copy Editor: Lorin Cerina, Croatia
o rational person would deny that birth and death are the most important events in life. These events mark the beginning and the ending, the alpha and omega. Therefore, death events should be clearly shown in the chart by dynamic planetary aspects. Any chart that shows no such activity at the time of death is simply not correct. Unlike ancient astrologers who used complex rules of analysis to successfully predict death, modern western astrologers avoid this difficult issue and some even insist that it is unethical to predict. In fact, prediction in modern astrology has become unreliable since the late 19th century when Alan Leo eliminated many of the classical rules in order to make astrology easier to understand.
on Bippus is a professional Astrologer
with 35 years experience. Ron has re-typed all of William Lilly's "Christian Astrology" and it is now available in modern English. This is the most informative book ever written on the art of horary astrology. As well, Ron has turned Lilly’s horary astrology
Some modern western astrologers think that death occurs at the time of a heavy transit from the outer planets - Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto. That is sometimes true, but not very often. Mostly, people die under a progressed or directed aspect to an angle, especially the MC/IC axis. Any planet, even benefics like Jupiter or minor planets such as progressed Venus or Mercury can act as
information into a modern horary textbook entitled appropriately enough the “Horary Handbook”. He lives and practices in Toronto, Canada. He can be contacted on
[email protected]
the trigger for death if it rules one of the houses involved in the end of life or aspects the ruler of one of these houses. Classical astrology considers the matters ruled by the houses to be the most important issue when beginning an analysis. I use the Regiomontanus house system for all of my charts. The following are the issues of life ruled by the relevant houses in classical astrology. The 1st house is the house of life and health, the 4th marks the end of life; the 6th house rules illness and the 8th house is the house of death. The 7th rules the doctor and the 10th is the house of all medical treatment including surgery. An example of the difference between modern western astrologers and classical is that modern astrologers tend to think of the 10th house only in terms of career or reputation. For a rough estimate of life span from the natal chart, look at the orb between the ruler of the 1st house of life and the ruler of the 8th house of death or the IC and the ruler of the 8th. Look for the two planets or planet and angle to perfect a hard aspect - a conjunction square or opposition. Moviemaker, Robert Altman was born 20 February 1925, 17 Gemini rising, and died on the 20th of November 2006, age 81 years. To estimate his lifespan, look first at the orb between Mercury ruler 1st and Saturn ruler 8th. Mercury is at 21 Aquarius conjunct the 10th house cusp, and Saturn is at 14 Scorpio in the 6th of illness. The orb is 97 degrees. That would be an improbably long life span, so we need to look at a different indicator. The IC or end of life is in applying conjunction to Saturn ruler 8th, orb 83 degrees. At his death Solar Arc IC was exactly conjunct natal Saturn, ruler 8th of death. Transiting Neptune was trine the ascendant, indicating the use of drugs to ease his pain. He was more than ready to go after a lengthy battle with leukemia, a blood cancer. Transits, progressions and directions can all trigger events that can lead to death. This means that there is a whole suite of indicators that need to be checked before predicting imminent death. Transits are usually reinforced by the progressions, though not always. There may be transits that are the only event to trigger a death, but this does not happen very often. Sometimes the only activity in the chart is a transit by a planet to an angle. Some astrologers swear by tertiary progressions, but I personally prefer transits, Solar Arc Directions and Secondary Progressions. Usually two of these three ingredients in the recipe for Death are in place before something serious and major happens. More often than not, there is activity on all dynamic fronts, transits, progressions and directions. These aspects don’t always have to be hard aspects. In some cases, the easy aspects serve just as well. The MC/IC axis is the angle most often activated when someone dies. The 4th or IC is the end of life and the 10th or MC is the house of medical treatment. Since the Moon in classical astrology always co-ruled the ascendant or 1st house of health, the progressed Moon conjunct the MC or IC is often involved in triggering death. Astrologer Alan Leo, born 7 August 1860, had the Sun ruler 1st widely conjunct Jupiter ruler 8th of death in the 12th of misfortune, an indicator of a short life. His Sun/Jupiter orb is six degrees or about six decades, being fixed and cadent. When he died he had the progressed Moon exactly conjunct the MC a month after his trial and conviction for fortune telling. Even though he was fined only £25, the 141
emotional stress triggered his death. When he died he had transiting Saturn ruler 6th of illness conjunct Jupiter ruler 8th of death. SA Mars ruler IC was trine the IC and sextile the MC and the Mars/IC orb is his closest estimate of lifespan. He was ‘sick’ of his legal problems and only wanted an end to it. He was a mere 57 years old. Albert Einstein on the other hand died with progressed Moon conjunct the IC or 4th of end of life after a lifetime of science and pleasing the ladies. The only transit within orb at the time of death on the 18th of April 1955 was transiting Neptune square natal Mars. From this I conclude his doctors stopped life prolonging drugs and allowed nature to take its course. A recent article in Scientific American celebrating his life delved into his personal habits and documented several hundred romances with female admirers despite the fact he was legally married. One wonders when he had time to work at physics. By the time he reached his seventies he had slowed down intellectually as well as physically, so he was more than ready to end his life at the age of 76. Natally, Moon ruler 1st is separating from a trine to Saturn ruler 8th. The orb for Saturn to oppose Moon is 70 degrees. The orb is 73 degrees until the Moon conjoins Jupiter ruler 6th of illness and MC of medical treatment; a crisis in his illness was reached and treatment ended. Tertiary Sun squared Saturn ruler 8th. This indicates a reasonably long life span for his time. There isn't one particular aspect that is a death aspect. Any planet can indicate death if it rules the 4th, 6th or 8th houses and makes a dynamic aspect to an angle, especially the MC/IC. More often than not the progressed Moon or another progressed planet is in tight aspect to the angles. Generally it is a hard aspect like the conjunction, square or opposition that leads to death. But soft aspects such as a sextile and trine can also indicate death. After a lengthy and painful bout with cancer most people are more than ready to let go and pass over to the other side. Ted Kennedy, brother of assassinated president John F. Kennedy, had brain cancer and died on the 26th August 2009 with secondary progressed ascendant trine natal Moon, and tertiary progressed Moon trine natal Venus and conjunct natal Jupiter. The eclipse just before his death hit his natal Jupiter ruler 12th in the 7th, so he was ready to go into seclusion and fade from the public. An easy death followed a lengthy illness. When death is indicated by hard aspects then death is generally not welcome or the individual is in such bad spot that he commits suicide. Hermann Goering, commander of Hitler’s Air Force, committed suicide rather than face a lengthy and humiliating war crimes trial at the hands of the Allies. He killed himself with poison smuggled in by a guard seduced by a beautiful female accomplice. At the time of his death on the 15th of October 1946, Solar Arc ascendant was conjunct the natal Sun, indicating his light or life force was being extinguished. As well, transiting Neptune was trine natal Neptune, showing death by poison rather than being hung by the neck. Transiting Jupiter ruler 4th of end of life was conjunct the South Node in Scorpio in the 11th, as was the secondary progressed Moon, ruler of the 8th. So this was a case of 11th house friends helping him to end his life. The SA Moon was square natal Mars ruler 1st, indicating an emotional crisis involving death, and tertiary Sun ruler 9th was square natal Mars ruler of his Scorpio ascendant. There was no way out 142
but death, so his personal beliefs led him to end his life by his own hand and cheat the enemy of a victory. The Moon/Mars orb to perfect a square is a good estimate of his lifespan Outer planet transits through the 8th house or aspecting a planet in the 8th can be responsible for deaths. But just because you have a transit or progression in your 8th does not mean you're going to die either. The Moon's Nodes may or may not be implicated in a death. They are found to be active in potential physical death only some of the time and can’t be counted on. In reviewing eclipses I have found most people don’t die on one and having an eclipse closely aspect a natal planet or point is no sure indicator of death. The potential for death can be gleaned from the natal chart and certain markers can be identified which point to a life-threatening time. There is in fact historical evidence that ancient astrologers like the Greeks were extremely pragmatic regarding death and a whole chapter of the Tetrabiblos was dedicated to calculating "The Length of Life". Astrologer William Lilly devoted a fairly lengthy chapter in Christian Astrology to indicators of death related to the 8th house. Yet he devoted even more space to indicators of a long life. There are modern astrologers who will argue that death leaves no markers in the native's chart because death is a non-traumatic transition, like walking across a threshold, and it can better be detected through a loved-one's chart as a grieving. In my opinion, this is simply not true. I use the date of death for the final rectification event to correct the birth time of dead celebrities. As expected, this shows that some celebrity charts were right on time, some were out only by seconds, and others needed extensive work. Does death leave its mark on children and other close relatives? Sure it does, it would be truly surprising otherwise. Death is still one of the most traumatic events to happen in anybody’s life, especially the death of a parent, spouse or child. My own mother died in 1988 with transiting Pluto, natural ruler of death conjunct natal Moon in Scorpio in the 8th of death, at the apex of my Sun/Moon/Pluto T-square. This is one case where outer planets transits in the chart of a close relative clearly indicated that someone would die. Tertiary progressed MC was opposite natal Mars ruler 8th and SA Moon was sextile ascendant. My mother died after six months of treatment for very painful lung cancer. My younger sister had progressed Moon square natal Moon, and transiting Pluto trine natal Mercury ruler 1st. Both the emotional trauma and the relief at my mother’s passing are clearly shown in her chart. My older sister had progressed MC square natal Uranus. She experienced the sudden death of her mother (MC) after lengthy illness. In classical astrology, mothers are ruled by the MC and fathers by the IC. As this example shows, the evidence for a traumatic event like death can be clearly seen in the charts of family members. Let me explore other indicators of long life in the natal chart. In this question you need to see if the ascendant, its ruler, and the Moon are free from misfortune. That is if the ruler of the ascendant is free from hard aspects such as conjunction, square or opposition to the ruler of the 4th, 6th, 8th or 12th houses. You must also see if the ruler of the 1st is direct and angular,
especially in the 1st or 10th house. In any natal chart this is the best place for it, or in the 9th or 11th houses, or in good aspect with Benefics such as Jupiter, Venus or Sun. Indicators of a short life are the ruler of the 1st in the 4th, 6th or 8th or the rulers of these malefic houses in the 1st. The only way this can be countered is having Venus, Jupiter or Sun in the 1st house as well as the rulers of the malefic houses. John F. Kennedy had Libra rising, with Venus ruler 1st in Gemini in the 8th of death; Venus squared the Moon co-ruler 1st in Virgo in the 11th. The two rulers of the 1st in conflict indicate severe health problems. Saturn ruler 4th of end of life and natural ruler of bones is in detriment in Cancer in the 10th of medical treatment. This suggests that even if he had not been assassinated he would still have had a very short life because of his severe health problems. Jupiter ruler 6th of illness is in Taurus in the 8th, another indicator of early death due to an illness. He had several autoimmune disorders that were treated with drugs, Neptune in the 10th. Kennedy’s short 46-year life is illustrated by the orb from Moon ruler of the 10th of medical treatment to Neptune of drugs in the 10th. Both planets are illness related and he needed treatment when SA Neptune conjoined the natal Moon. At the same time SA Moon was square natal Neptune and SA Venus was conjunct natal Neptune. This is an overpowering picture of a major negative event requiring medical treatment. The orb in both cases is 45 degrees, and he was murdered on the 22nd of November 1963. His SA Sun natally in the 8th was exactly conjunct the MC at the time of death, carrying its natal flavour of death and destruction with it. His life span can be estimated from the orb between Sun in the 8th and the MC, and his career was ended by sudden death. However, these indicators are not by themselves always reliable, because it is the planetary aspects that are the best indicators of a planet’s influence in the chart. Paul Newman had Capricorn rising with Mercury ruler 6th, Sun ruler 8th and Venus ruler 4th all in his 1st house of life. He also had Jupiter conjunct the ascendant from the 12th and Venus in the 1st. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are all opposite Pluto in the 6th of illness. Despite this, he lived a long and productive life, had a happy marriage and children and was well respected for his work as an actor. The key to his long life are the sextiles from Saturn ruler 1st in the 10th to the stellium in the 1st. Despite some obvious difficulties shown by the placement of the rulers of the malefic houses in the 1st, the fact that two of the planets are benefic Jupiter and Venus is enough to counteract the negative influences. Sun ruler 8th is also in the 1st, but in its detriment in Aquarius and conjunct the South Node. This makes the Sun’s influence very weak but allows its energy boost to extend Paul’s life to the maximum allowed by the Saturn/Sun orb of 83 degrees. For a rough estimate of lifespan, look at the orb between the ruler of the 1st or the Moon and the ruler of the 8th. For Paul Newman, born 26 Jan 1925, the Sun ruler 8th is natally in Aquarius in applying square to Saturn ruler 1st. The Saturn/Sun orb is 83 degrees, so it would take roughly that many degrees or years to make a conjunction. This gives a rough estimate of about 83 years for his life span. He died on the 26 August 2008 at the age of 83½ with transiting Jupiter conjunct the ascendant. Actor Don Ameche was born on 31 May 1908 144
and died on the 6th of December 1993. He died when SA Saturn, which is natally in the 4th of end of life reached his natal Moon ruler 8th. The orb is just over 84 degrees, and he was 85 at death. Learning to estimate lifespan is a specialized skill and requires a great deal of practice. You need to study the charts of people whose birth and death times are known with a high degree of accuracy and apply a whole suite of analysis tools. There are several indicators, which can interact in many different ways. To judge life span accurately takes an in-depth knowledge of astrology and a good bit of experience. It is a challenging task but no more so than any other important question in astrology.
DEATH DATA Sp = Secondary progressed; Sa = Solar arc; Tr = Transit; Moon is coruler 1st. Tp = Tertiary progressions 1. Robert Altman – 20 Feb 1925; 12:01:55; Kansas City, Missouri. He died 20 November 2006 – Gemini rising, Capricorn on the 8th, 81 years Mercury ruler 1st is exalted in Aquarius in the 9th conjunct MC. Mercury/Saturn opposition is 83 degrees Sa IC Conjunct Saturn ruler 8th; 20 Nov 2006 Sp Moon Conjunct Moon; 2 Dec 2006 Sat (3) ruler 8th Opp Mercury ruler 1st Tr-Na 1 Oct 2006 Death has come, he has accepted it Jup (6) ruler 7th Sqr Nep (3) Tr-Na 13 Oct 2006 Letting go of doctors and family Jup (6) Sqr Mer (9) (X) Tr-Na 15 Oct 2006 The doctors try to keep him alive Jup (6) Sqr MC (9) (X) Tr-Na 26 Oct 2006 The doctors can do no more. They are out of treatments Sat (3) Conj IC (9) (X) Tr-Na 28 Oct 2006 Ruler of death hits house of end of life Nep (9) Tri Asc (1) (X) Tr-Na 20 Nov 2006 He lets go of life. Mercury ruler 1st is exalted in Aquarius in the 9th conjunct the MC. Mercury makes no aspect to Sun ruler 4th, Saturn ruler 8th and 10th, or Mars ruler 6th. Long Life!!! Saturn is in the 6th in Scorpio opposite Mars in Taurus. Jupiter ruler 7th of doctors is in the 8th in Cap trine Mars. 2. Ron Bippus – 5 February 1945, 8:02 AM CET, Krzynia, Poland Mother died 21 Nov 1988 Ura (5)
Opp Mar (11)
9 Oct 1988 145
Mon (4) Mon (10) MC (12) Mon (4) Plu (7) Mer (7) Mon (1) Mon (1) Mer (7) Mon (1) MC (5) Mon (1)
Sqr Sxt Sxt Cnj Tri Sxt Sxt Sqr Sqr Tri Opp Sqr
Ven (1) Asc (1) Ven (1) Sat (4) Mar (11) Nod (5) Sun (12) Nod (5) MC (9) MC (9) Mar (11) Mar (11)
(X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
Sp-Na Sa-Na Sa-Na Sp-Na Sa-Na Tp-Na Tp-Na Tp-Na Tp-Na Tp-Na Tp-Na Tp-Na
3 Nov 1988 20 Nov 1988 5 Dec 1988 18 Dec 1988 25 Dec 1988 4 Nov 1988 13 Nov 1988 17 Nov 1988 17 Nov 1988 18 Nov 1988 19 Nov 1988 26 Nov 1988
3. John Addey- 15 June 1920; 8:15; Barnsley, England Died 27 March 1982, London - 62 years old Leo rising, Aquarius on the 8th, Aries on 10th Sa Pluto Sqr Moon; 31 Jan 1982 Sp Moon ruler 12th Sqr Venus ruler IC; 27 Mar 1982 Emotional acceptance of the end Sa Pluto Cnj Saturn; 26 May 1982 Mars Sqr Mercury 19 Mar 1982 healing crisis TR Mars ruler 10th Conj IC of end of life 27 Mar 1982 The end of medical treatment and life Mars Sqr Pluto; 9 Apr 1982 Moon/ascendant orb is 60 degrees. Sun ruler 1st is conjunct Venus ruler 4th. Moon coruler 1st is in applying square to Saturn ruler 8th and 6th. 4. Alan Leo- 7 August 1860; 5:50:45; Westminster, England Died August 30, 1917, 57 years old. Leo rising, Taurus on the 10th, Scorpio on 4th Sa Mercury Opp Moon; 21 May 1917 Sp Mercury Sqr Venus ruler 10th; 1 Jul 1917 Sp Moon Sqr Sun ruler 1st; 28 Jul 1917 Sp Moon Cnj MC; 30 Aug 1917 - needed medical treatment, height of career Mars Sqr Moon 20 Aug 1917 Mars Cnj Venus 25 Aug 1917 Mars Opp Mars 27 Aug 1917 TR Saturn ruler 7th Cnj Jupiter ruler 8th; 30 Aug 1917 Saturn ruler 7th Sqr Pluto ruler 4th; 8 Sep 1917 Ascendant/Mars orb is 53 degrees. Sa Mars trine IC, Sa Sun cnj Vindemiatrix Mon (8) Sxt Mar (5) (X) Tp-Na 20 Aug 1917 good family support Sun (1) Tri MC (9) (X) Tp-Na 27 Aug 1917 height of career Sun ruler 1st separating from Jupiter ruler 8th and applying to Saturn ruler 6th in detriment in Leo in the 1st. Sun is in applying conj to Saturn. 146
5. Albert Einstein; 14 March 1879; 11:38; Ulm, Germany He died on 18 April 1955, Princeton, New Jersey of an aortic aneurysm.76 years old. Cancer rising, Aquarius on 8th. Sp Moon Sqr Moon 7 Apr 1955 Sp Moon Conj IC 18 Apr 1955 Sa Node Cnj Venus 24 Apr 1955 Mars Sqr Uranus ruler 8th 12 Apr 1955 Neptune ruler 10th Sqr Mars 16 Apr 1955 Mars Opp Moon 2 May 1955 Mars Sqr MC 3 May 1955 Moon/Uranus orb is 76 degrees Mon (9) Cnj Jup (9) (X) Tp-Na Mon (9) Opp Ura (3) (X) Tp-Na Asc (10) Sxt Mar (7) (X) Tp-Na Sun (6) Sqr Sat (10) (X) Tp-Na
2 Apr 1955 9 Apr 1955 17 Apr 1955 20 Apr 1955
Moon ruler 1st is in the 6th square the MC/IC axis. Mercury ruler 4th is conjunct Saturn ruler 8th. Jupiter ruler 6th is in the 8th and opposite Uranus. 6. Alois Alzheimer – 14 June 1864; 4:00; Marktbreit, Germany Died 19 December 1915 Sp Moon Sqr Mercury ruler 1st 30 Aug 1915 Sa Jupiter ruler 7th Sqr Neptune ruler 11th 29 Oct 1915 Sa Ascendant Sqr Pluto ruler 6th 19 Dec 1915 Severe and killing illness Uranus ruler 10th Sqr Pluto ruler 6th 10 Dec 1915 IC Saturn orb is 51 degrees. Sun (12) Cnj Plu (12) (X) Tp-Na 9 Dec 1915 th th Ruler 4 end of life con ruler 6 Mon (6) Opp Sun (12) (X) Tp-Na 14 Dec 1915 st th Ruler 1 afflicts ruler 4 Mon (7) Conj Desc (12) (X) Tp-Na 15 Dec 1915 Person has to see doctor against his will Mon (7) Opp Ura (1) (X) Tp-Na 18 Dec 1915 st Person has medical treatment. Moon coruler 1 is conjunct Saturn ruler 8th at 11 Libra. Mercury ruler 1st is in dignity in Gemini in the 12th. Sun ruler 4th is conjunct the ascendant. Mars ruler 6th is opposite Saturn ruler 8th and Moon. 7. Don Ameche – 31 May 1908;18:59:09; Kenosha, Wisconsin He died on 6 December 1993. 85 years. Selection: Outers Neptune ruler 4th opp Uranus ruler 3rd Sp-15 Jun 1993 th th Mercury ruler 10 Sqr Pluto ruler 12 Sa- 18 Jun 1993 Moon ruler 8th Sqr Pluto ruler 12th Sa-1 Nov 1993 Mercury ruler 10th Sqr Asc Sp-6 Dec 1993 147
Sa Venus conjunct Vindemiatrix, Sa Uranus opposite Vindemiatrix Mon (4) Sqr Ura (2) (X) Tp-Na 16 Nov 1993 Bad shocking news Mon (4) Sqr Ven (8) (X) Tp-Na 21 Nov 1993 th Illness requiring medical treatment- V rules 6 and most of 10th Asc (2) Opp Ven (8) (X) Tp-Na 22 Nov 1993 Powerful illness Ven (9) Sqr Sun (7) (X) Tp-Na 28 Nov 1993 Life ending illness. Long Life. Jupiter ruler 1st and 4th is in Leo in the 8th trine the ascendant. Moon ruler 8th is in dignity in Cancer in the 7th conjunct Mercury ruler 10th. 8. Paul Newman – 26 Jan 1925, 6:29:30, Cleveland Heights, OH Died Sep 26 2008; transiting Jupiter ruler 12th conjunct ascendant. 83 years Selection: Outers Jup (1) Cnj Jup (1) Cnj Jup (1) Cnj Jup (1) Cnj Asc (1) Sqr Mon (1) Sqr
Mer (1) Asc (1) Asc (1) Mer (1) MC (9) Mar (3)
(X) (X)
Tr-Na Tr-Na Tr-Na Tr-Na Tp-Na Tp-Na
16 Aug 2008 20 Aug 2008 26 Sep 2008 30 Sep 2008 12 Sep 2008 17 Sep 2008
18:02 12:18 11:00 04:29
13°Cp18' Rx 13°Cp04' Rx 13°Cp04' D 13°Cp18' D
Saturn ruler 1st peregrine in Scorpio in the 10th trine Uranus. Mercury ruler 6th and Venus ruler 4th both in the 1st. Sun ruler 8th is in the 1st. Moon coruler 1st sextiles Jupiter, Mercury and Venus. 9. Edward Ted Kennedy - 22 Feb 1932, 3:59:49 AM, Dorchester, Mass Died 26 Aug 2009, diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer May 2008. 77 years Ura (2) Cnj Nod (2) (X) Tr-Na 1 Aug 2009 Sat (8) Sxt Plu (7) (X) Tr-Na 9 Aug 2009 Asc (3) Tri Moon (8) (X) Sp-Na 26 Aug 2009 Sat (8) Opp Nod (2) (X) Tr-Na 27 Sep 2009 Mon (7) Sqr MC (10) (X) Tp-Na 13 Aug 2009 Suspend medical treatment Mon (7) Tri Ven (3) (X) Tp-Na 23 Aug 2009 Go on a long trip Died progressed ascendant trine natal Moon in the 8th in Virgo – death is a relief. Mon (7) Sqr MC (10) (X) Tp-Na 13 Aug 2009 Mer (12) Sxt Mar (2) (X) Tp-Na 18 Aug 2009 Mon (7) Tri Ven (3) (X) Tp-Na 23 Aug 2009 Mon (7) Cnj Jup (7) (X) Tp-Na 2 Sep 2009 Mer (12) Sxt Mer (2) (X) Tp-Na 3 Sep 2009 Mon (7) Tri Ura (3) (X) Tp-Na 4 Sep 2009 Sun (12) Sxt Sun (2) (X) Tp-Na 8 Sep 2009 Ven (12) Cnj Asc (12) (X) Tp-Na 8 Sep 2009 148
Saturn ruler 1st is in dignity in Cap in the 1st. Moon coruler 1st is in the 8th in Virgo in separating opposition to Sun ruler 8th and Mercury ruler 6th. 10. Jimmy Hoffa - 14 Feb 1913, 06:51:16; Brazil, Indiana, Last seen 30 July 1975, presumed murdered by Mafia - 62 Jup (2) Sqr Nep (5) (X) Tr-Na 22 Jul 1975 Sat (5) Cnj Nep (5) (X) Tr-Na 25 Jul 1975 Jup (1) Sqr MC (9) (X) Sa-Na29 Jul 1975 Sat (6) Opp Mar (12) (X) Tr-Na 14 Aug 1975 Mon (10) Opp Plu (4) (X) Tp-Na 26 Jul 1975 Mon (10) Cnj Cap (10) (S) Tp-Na 30 Jul 1975 th Died with SA Jupiter ruler 10 square the MC. Ruler of the 1st in the 4th of end of life, 6th of illness or 8th of death or conjunct their rulers is a sign of short life. 11. Hermann Goering- 12 Jan 1893, 4:00, Rosenheim, Germany Died 15 Oct 1946 – Suicide Asc (2) Sqr Sat (10) (X) Sp-Na 11 Jul 1946 Mon (2) Sqr Mar (4) (X) Sa-Na16 Jul 1946 Mer (4) Sqr Mer (2) (X) Sp-Na 29 Aug 1946 Mon (11) Opp Nod (5) (X) Sp-Na 12 Oct 1946 Asc (2) Cnj Sun (2) (X) Sa-Na15 Oct 1946 Mon (2) Sxt Ura (12) (X) Sa-Na2 Nov 1946 Nep (10) Tri Nep (7) (X) Tr-Na 15 Oct 1946 Ruler 4th of end of life trining its natal position. Jup (11) Con SNode (5) (X) Tr-Na 18 Oct 1946 Mon (3) Sqr Asc (1) (X) Tp-Na 9 Oct 1946 Sun (2) Sqr Mar (4) (X) Tp-Na 11 Oct 1946 Mars ruler 1st in the 4th of end of life in dignity at 9 Aries opposite Saturn conjunct Vindemiatrix and conjunct Jupiter ruler 4th. Moon ruler 8th is in the 12th in its fall. 12. Jean Drapeau -18 Feb 1916, 11:49:43, Montreal ,Canada Died 12 Aug 1999 after long illness. Selection: Directions Sat (12) Sqr Ura (9) (X) Tr-Na 31 Jul 1999 th th Ruler 8 of death square ruler 10 of medical treatment. Sat (12) Sqr Mar (3) (X) Tr-Na 6 Aug 1999 th th Ruler 8 of death square ruler 6 of illness. Mon (6) Sqr Ura (9) (X) Sa-Na20 Jul 1999 st Moon coruler 1 of health squares Uranus coruler 10th of medical treatment Asc (4) Opp Sun (10) (X) Sp-Na 12 Aug 1999 Porgressed ascendant ruler of health opposite Sun ruler 4th of end of life. Selection: Tertiaries Mon (1) Sqr Ven (11) (X) Tp-Na 6 Aug 1999 st th Moon ruler 1 squaring Venus ruler 12 . Time to let go and disappear. 149
Mon (1) Cnj Sat (1) X) Tp-Na 14 Aug 1999 Moon coruler 1st conjunct Saturn rule 8th of death. Long life. Mercury ruler 1st is exalted in Aquarius in the 9th. Saturn ruler 8th is in detriment in Cancer in the 1st. Sun ruler 4th is in detriment in Aquarius in the 10th. Mars ruler 6th is peregrine in Leo in the 3rd. Moon is in Leo in the 4th opposite Sun ruler 4th. 13. Patrick Swayze – 18 Aug 1952, 8:10:04 AM, Houston Heights, Texas Died 14 September 2009 of pancreatic cancer. AlKaid conj asc Ven (2) Opp Jup (8) (X) Sp-Na 25 Mar 2009 th th Ruler 9 opposite ruler of the 4 of end of life and natural ruler of travel Plu (1) Sqr Ura (10) (X) Sa-Na8 May 2009 Sudden change for the worse, Pluto ruling death and Uranus change Asc (2) Opp Jup (8) (X) Sa-Na7 Jun 2009 The end of life is near MC (11) Sqr Jup (8) (X) Sa-Na15 Sep 2009 The life is over, no medical treatment can help, death Mon (10) Sxt Ven (12) (X) Tp-Na 13 Sep 2009 Acceptance of death, long trip Nod (4) R (R) Tp 15 Sep 2009 11 Cap Mon (10) Sqr Sat (1) (X) Tp-Na 15 Sep 2009 Having both the stationary Node and pr Moon square Saturn in the 1st spells the end. Nep (5) Sat (12) Ura (7) Sat (12) Sat (1)
Sqr Sqr Opp Sxt Cnj
Mar (3) MC (9) Asc (1) Mar (3) Asc (1)
(X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
Tr-Na Tr-Na Tr-Na Tr-Na Tr-Na
1 Sep 2009 13 Sep 2009 14 Sep 2009 14 Sep 2009 15 Sep 2009
Saturn ruler 6th is conjunct Vindemiatrix in Libra in the 1st. Alkaid conjunct ascendant. Mercury ruler 1st is in Leo in the 11th in applying conjunction to Pluto and SN. Same for the Moon. 14. Farrah Fawcett – 2 Feb 1947, 15:10, Corpus Christi, Texas Died 25 Jun 2009 Nod (2) Sun (11) Mar (11) Mon (7) MC (12) Mon (7) Asc (4)
Cnj Opp Sqr Sxt Cnj Sxt Sqr
Plu (2) Jup (5) Plu (2) MC (10) Mon (12) Jup (5) Mon (12)
(X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
Sa-Na27 Jun 2009 Tp-Na 10 Jun 2009 Tp-Na 11 Jun 2009 Tp-Na 24 Jun 2009 Tp-Na 25 Jun 2009 Tp-Na 29 Jun 2009 Tp-Na 30 Jun 2009
Cancer rising, Moon in Cancer in the 12th. Neptune conjunct Vindemiatrix square the ascendant and Moon. Mercury ruler 4th is in Aquarius in the 8th square Jupiter ruler 6th.
15. Mary Travers – 9 Nov 1936, 8:07:09, Louisville, Kentucky Died 16 Sep 2009 of leukemia. MC (12) MC (12) Ura (4) Ura (4) Sat (9) Plu (1) Sat (10) Sat (10) Ura (3) Nod (11) Mon (5) Mon (5)
Cnj Cnj Sqr Sqr Cnj D Sqr Sqr Opp R Cnj Opp
Asc (12) Asc (12) Jup (1) Nod (1) MC (9) (D) Tr Nod (1) Jup (1) MC (9) (R) Tp Ura (5) Mer (11)
(X) Sp-Na 31 Aug 2009 (X) Sa-Na16 Sep 2009 (X) Tr-Na 4 Sep 2009 (X) Tr-Na 7 Sep 2009 (X) Tr-Na 10 Sep 2009 11 Sep 2009 D 0Cap 39 (X) Tr-Na 17 Sep 2009 16:46 (X) Tr-Na 18 Sep 2009 15:58 (X) Tr-Na 30 Sep 2009 20:22 11 Sep 2009 05°Sc32' R (X) Tp-Na 15 Sep 2009 (X) Tp-Na 24 Sep 2009
Jupiter ruler 1st is in dignity in Sag in the 1st but square Neptune, Moon and Mars in Virgo. Moon is conjunct Alkaid. Venus ruler 6th is in the 1st in applying conjunction to Jupiter. Moon is also ruler of the 8th. 16. Marlon Brandon – 3 Apr 1924, 23:00 Omaha, Nebraska Died 1 July 2004 Asc (3) Mon (3) Mon (3) Ven (8) Ura (6) Mon (4) Sat (8) Sat (8) Ura (3)
Opp Cnj Sqr Sqr Cnj Cnj Sqr Sqr Sqr
Nod (9) Ura (3) Jup (1) Sun (4) Desc (12) IC (10) Mon (4) Sun (4) Asc (12)
(X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
Sp-Na 6 Jan 2004 Sp-Na 3 Feb 2004 Sp-Na 28 Feb 2004 Sp-Na 5 Apr 2004 Sa-Na20 Jun 2004 Sp-Na 1 Jul 2004 Tr-Na 9 Jun 2004 Tr-Na 17 Jun 2004 Tr-Na 8 Jul 2004
Jupiter ruler 1st is in dignity in Sag in the 1st and square the Moon ruler 8th. Venus ruler 6th is in dignity in Taurus in the 6th. Moon ruler 8th is in Aries in the 4th square Jupiter but trine the ascendant. 17. Marshall Applewhite – 17 May 1931, 3:32:30, Spur Texas Died 26 March, 1997 Mon (4) Nod (12) Sat (12) Jup (11) Jup (11) Sat (1)
Sqr R Sqr Sxt Sxt Cnj
Ven (1) (R) Sp MC (10) Asc (1) Nod (1) Asc (1)
(X) Sa-Na5 Mar 1997 9 Mar 1997 (X) Tr-Na 22 Feb 1997 (X) Tr-Na 5 Mar 1997 (X) Tr-Na 25 Mar 1997 (X) Tr-Na 26 Mar 1997
Aries rising, descendant conjunct Vindemiatrix. Killer of 7th house of other people- South Node conjunct descendant axis. Moon ruler 4th combust the Sun. Mars ruler 1st and 8th is in 151
Leo in the 5th of acting and trine the ascendant. Charming. Mars squares Chiron, Moon and Sun. Jupiter conjunct Pluto in the 4th of end of life, opposite Saturn in Cap in the 10th of career. He made a career of mass suicide. 18. Louis Armstrong – 4Aug 1901, 21:50:05, New Orleans, Louisiana Died 6 July 1971 Ura (6) Ura (6) Ura (6) Sun (6)
Sqr Sqr Sqr Sqr
MC/IC MC/IC) Sat (10) Sat (10)
(X) (X) (X) (X)
Tr-Na Tr-Na Tr-Na Tp-Na
28 May 1971 6 Jul 1971 natally in 8th. 18 Aug 1971 18 Jun 1933
Saturn rules the 10th of medical treatment, Sun rules the 5th of pleasure. His pleasures and excesses would cause him to undergo medical treatment. Mon (8) Tri Mer (4) (X) Tp-Na 21 Jun 1933 th Moon trine Mercury rule 6 of illness. He knew he was ill. Mon (8) Cnj Sag (8) (S) Tp-Na 7 Jul 1933 MC (12) Sxt MC (9) (X) Tp-Na 12 Jul 1933 Sun (6) Sxt Sun (5) (X) Tp-Na 15 Jul 1933
in the 8th. Phase change.
Mars ruler 1st and 8th is in detriment in Libra in the 6th of illness square the MC/IC axis. Fame would extract a price through excess of food and sex. Moon ruler 4th of end of life is conjunct the ascendant. Mercury ruler 6th of illness is in the 4th of end of life. Venus ruler 7th of doctors is in the 6th. Mars square Saturn in dignity in the 10th. His career made him famous but also killed him. 19. Desi Arnaz – 2 Mar 1917, 12:17, Santiago de Cuba Died 2 Dec 1986 Nep (7) Sat (6) Sat (6) Sat (6) Ura (6)
Opp Sqr Sqr Sqr Opp
Moon (1) (X) Mars (9) (X) Sun (9) (X) MC/IC (10) (X) Asc (12) (X)
Tr-Na Tr-Na Tr-Na Tr-Na Tr-Na
20 Nov 1986 25 Nov 1986 29 Nov 1986 2 Dec 1986 21 Dec 1986
Tp-Na Tp-Na Tp-Na Tp-Na Tp-Na
8 Nov 1986 30 Nov 1986 30 Nov 1986 1 Dec 1986 5 Dec 1986
DYNAMIC REPORT Asc (6) Mon (3) MC (4) Mon (3) MC (4)
Opp Opp Sqr Opp Sxt
Asc (12) Mer (9) Plu (1) Ura (9) Nep (2)
(X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
Mercury ruler 1st is exalted in Aquarius in the 9th and trine the ascendant. Mercury also rules the 4th of end of life. Mars ruler 6th of illness is conjunct the 10th of medical treatment. His work ethic drained his energy and caused the need for medical treatment. Saturn ruler 8th of death is in the 2nd conjunct the SN. 152
20. Don Ameche – 31 May 1908, 18:59:09, Kenosha, Wisconsin Died 6 Dec 1993 DYNAMIC REPORT Mon (9) Ura (4) Mer (9) Plu (12) Jup (11)
Sqr Cnj Sqr Sxt Tri
Plu (7) (X) Sat (4) (X) Asc (12) (X) MC , trine IC Nod (7) (X)
Sa-Na Sa-Na Sp-Na Tr-Na Tr-Na
1 Nov 1993 2 Dec 1993 6 Dec 1993 25 Nov 1993 5 Dec 1993
(X) Tp-Na (X) Tp-Na (X) Tp-Na (X) Tp-Na (X) Tp-Na (X) Tp-Na (X) Tp-Na (X) Tp-Na (X) Tp-Na 5 Dec 1993
2 Nov 1993 4 Nov 1993 10 Nov 1993 16 Nov 1993 21 Nov 1993 22 Nov 1993 28 Nov 1993 1 Dec 1993 2 Dec 1993
Selection: Directions Mon (4) Mon (4) Mon (4) Mon (4) Mon (4) Asc (2) Ven (9) Mar (5) Mon (4) Nod (5)
Tri Sxt Sqr Sqr Sqr Opp Sqr Sxt Sxt D
Jup (8) Sun (7) Nep (8) Ura (2) Ven (8) Ven (8) Sun (7) Mon (7) Plu (7) (D) Tp
Jupiter ruler 1st is in Leo in the 8th trine the ascendant in Sag. Jupiter is also the ruler of the 4th but makes no hard aspects. Venus ruler 6th is in Cancer in the 8th, Moon ruler 8th is in Cancer in the 7th. Moon is in applying conjunction Mercury ruler 10th and 7th. Married for life. 21. Johnny Carson – 23 Oct 1925, 7:13:30, Corning, Iowa Died 23 Jan 2005 MC (12) Nep (4) Ura (4) Sat (9) Mar (8) Mer (12) Mon (12) Ven (12) Mon (12) Mon (12) Mon (12)
Cnj Sqr Tri Tri Sqr Cnj Sxt Sqr Cnj Cnj Sqr
Asc (12) Sat (1) Asc (12) Ura (5) Ura (5) Mar (12) Nep (10) Plu (9) Sun (12) Sco (12) Nod (9)
(X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (S) (X)
Sp-Na Tr-Na Tr-Na Tr-Na Tp-Na Tp-Na Tp-Na Tp-Na Tp-Na Tp-Na Tp-Na
23 Jan 2005 31 Jan 2005 2 Feb 2005 4 Feb 2005 1 Jan 2005 Mars ruler 1st 9 Jan 2005 Mercury ruler 8th 14 Jan 2005 19 Jan 2005 25 Jan 2005 26 Jan 2005 26 Jan 2005
Saturn ruler 4th is in the 1st and square the MC/IC. Mars ruler 1st and 6th is in the 12th in Libra in detriment square the Moon in Capricorn.
22. Coco Chanel – 19 Aug 1883, 16:00:01, Saumur, France Died 10 Jan 1971 - 88 years Mon (5) MC (1) Mon (12) Mon (12) Jup (12) Jup (12)
Sqr Tri Sqr Tri Sqr Tri
Sun (8) Ura (8) Ura (8) Sun (8) Ura (8) Sun (8)
(X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
Sp-Na Sp-Na Tp-Na Tp-Na Tr-Na Tr-Na
10 Dec 1970 10 Jan 1971 5 Jan 1971 13 Jan 1971 30 Dec 1971 19 Jan 1972
Jupiter ruler 1st is exalted in Cancer in the 7th trine the Moon in Pisces in the 2nd. She made lots of money. Sun ruler 8th is in the 8th in Leo. Mars ruler 4th and most of the 10th is in the 6th of illness but trine NN in the 10th. She worked hard and made her business grow. Mercury ruler 6th is in dignity in the 8th opposite the Moon. 23. Charles Chaplin – 16 Apr 1889, 19:59:50, Walworth, England Died 25 Dec 1977 – 88 years Mar (9) Mon (3) Mon (3) Sat (1) Mon (3)
Sqr Opp Sqr Cnj Tri
Asc (1) Sat (9) Mar (7) Asc (1) Plu (7)
(X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
Sa-Na Sp-Na Sp-Na Sa-Na Sa-Na
1 Nov 1977 11 Nov 1977 15 Nov 1977 25 Dec 1977 30 Dec 1977
Mars ruler 1st and 6th is in detriment in Taurus in the 7th. Aggressive toward others. Saturn ruler 4th is in detriment in Leo in the 9th, square the AC/DE axis. Sun ruler 10th is exalted in Aries in the 6th trine the MC. Moon coruler 1st is in its fall in Scorpio but in mixed reception with the Moon. 24. Frederick Chopin – 1 March 1810, 18:00:26, Zelazowa, Poland Died 17 Oct 1849 39 years old. Asc (2) Plu (8) Mon (8) Sun (1)
Opp Cnj Opp Sqr
Jup ruler 4th (X) Jup (8) (X) Jup (2) (X) Sat (9) (X)
Sa-Na Sa-Na Tp-Na Tp-Na
17 Oct 1849 4 Nov 1849 17 Oct 1849 26 Oct 1849
Mercury ruler 1st is exalted in Aquarius on the 6th trine the MC and square Uranus. Mercury rules the 10th. Jupiter ruler 4th and 6th is in the 8th in Aries squaring the Moon coruler 1st in detriment in Capricorn. Very short life. 25. Elvis Presley – 8 Jan 1935, 4:37:39, Tupelo, Mississippi Died 16 Aug 1977 – 42 years old. Nep (11) Mon (9) Asc (2) Jup (7) Jup (7)
Opp Tri Cnj Sxt Sqr
Ura (5) Sun (2) Mer (2) Ura (5) MC (10)
(X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
Sa-Na Sp-Na Sp-Na Tr-Na Tr-Na
8 Jun 1977 5 Aug 1977 15 Aug 1977 6 Aug 1977 6 Aug 1977 154
Mon (1) Mon (1) Mon (1) Asc (8) Mon (1)
Sxt Tri Sqr Opp Cnj
Sat (3) Ura (5) MC (9) Nod (2) Cap (1)
(X) (X) (X) (X) (S)
Tp-Na Tp-Na Tp-Na Tp-Na Tp-Na
11 Aug 1977 14 Aug 1977 15 Aug 1977 18 Aug 1977 20 Aug 1977
Jupiter ruler 1st and 4th is in Scorpio in the 11th square Saturn. Moon conjunct Saturn. Mercury ruler 7th and 10th is in Cap in the 2nd opposite Pluto in the 8th. Neptune squares the AC/DC axis. 26 John F. Kennedy -29 May 1917, 14:53:26, Brookline, Massachusetts. Died 22 Nov 1963 – 46 years old Nep (11) Sat (11) MC (11) Ura (6) Mon (8) Sun (10) Sun (10) Nep (11)
Sqr Tri Sqr Sxt Cnj Cnj Cnj Cnj
Ven (8) Nod (3) Sun (8) Sun (8) Sun (8) MC (10) MC (10) Mon (11)
(X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
Sa-Na Sa-Na Sp-Na Sa-Na Sp-Na Sp-Na Sa-Na Sa-Na
26 Jul 1963 1 Aug 1963 4 Aug 1963 15 Aug 1963 23 Oct 1963 22 Nov 1963 22 Nov 1963 1 Jan 1964
Venus ruler 1st is in Gemini in the 8th. Venus is also ruler of the 8th. Saturn ruler 4th is in detriment in Cancer in the 10th square the Ac/DC axis. Moon is in Virgo in separating square to Venus. Jupiter ruler 6th is conjunct Algol in the 8th. Jupiter squares Uranus in the 4th. 27. Wolfgang Mozart – 27Jan 1755, 19:59:40, Salzburg, Austria Died 5 Dec 1791 – 35 years Sat (6)
MC (10)
Sa-Na5 Dec 1791 NS
Saturn ruler 6th of illness square MC of treatment and IC of end of life. Mer (4) Sqr Ura (7) (X) Tr-Na 1 Dec 1791 NS Sun (4) Sqr Nod (12) (X) Tr-Na 3 Dec 1791 NS Mer (4) Cnj Plu (4) (X) Tr-Na 3 Dec 1791 NS Mer (4) Cnj Mon (4) (X) Tr-Na 3 Dec 1791 NS Mer (4) Sxt Jup (2) (X) Tr-Na 4 Dec 1791 NS Sun (4) Sqr Asc (1) (X) Tr-Na 4 Dec 1791 NS Mar (1) Sqr Plu (4) (X) Tr-Na 4 Dec 1791 NS Mar (1) Sqr Mon (4) (X) Tr-Na 4 Dec 1791 NS Sun (4) Sqr Ura (7) (X) Tr-Na 5 Dec 1791 NS Ven (2) Tri Ven (6) (X) Tr-Na 5 Dec 1791 NS Sat (6) Sqr MC/IC (X) Sa-Na 5 Dec 1791 NS Mercury ruler 1st and 10th is in its exaltation in Aquarius in the 5th opposite Neptune and combust the Sun. Jupiter ruler 4th and 7th is at 18 Libra conjunct Spica. Saturn ruler 6th is in Aquarius in the 5th in separating combustion to the Sun and applying opposition to Neptune. Mars ruler 8th is in Cancer in the 10th trine Venus. 155
28. Isaac Hayes – 20 Aug 1942, 3:50:08, Covington, Kentucky Died 10 Aug 2008 Mon (9) Mon (9) Sun (7) Mon (10) MC (11)
Tri Opp Tri Cnj Opp
Asc (12) Nep (3) Nep (3) MC (10) Mon (5)
(X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
Tp-Na Tp-Na Tp-Na Tp-Na Sp-Na
3 Aug 2008 22 Aug 2008 24 Aug 2008 27 Aug 2008 10 Aug 2008
Financial Astrology Micha Felner – An Interview Conducted For Saptarishis Astrology
By Maarit Laurento, Finland
aarit Laurento has had an interesting talk with Micha Felner who has developed new fascinating methods for financial astrology. Micha Felner is originally from Israel and is now living in Amsterdam. He is a member of ISBA, the International Society of Business Astrologers http://www.businessastrologers.com . You can contact Micha at
[email protected]
What is your astrological background, Micha? My astrological era began in 1982 and since then it was more or less my only doing. From the beginning I have developed methods which are different from the ordinary classical astrology; however these methods are very well based on the traditional astrology.
How and when did you become a financial astrologer? Around 1997 while I was staying in the US, I started to investigate the stock market with a lot of curiosity checking if my method was good enough for analyzing the stock market. That time I was not aware as to what I am getting into.
What do you mean by saying that? Now, after 12 years I can say that it was the most fascinating learning process I ever had. Some parts of the journey had been painful, like in the old saying: “No pain, No gain”. When the Sun is in the 8th house like it is in my case, this is my main way of learning. From the methodical point of view, there is no better feedback than the stock market performance, to give a clue if my way of thinking and analyzing is right or wrong. In a personal consultation, the client may return or may not. The stock market history and current performance always exist to teach you something. All along the years I spent unlimited time comparing the market history and the different planetary combinations trying to understand the connection between the two. 157
You mentioned your different methodology, could you, please, tell us more about it? Yes, of course. I am using a traditional method that gives each planet a solar or a lunar identity by a day or a night chart principle. This is a very important tool as each planet except the Sun and the Moon are ruling 2 signs which are very different from one another. Having this identity is helping for more precise birth chart analyzing and prediction. In addition, I am using a house system called “The Focus Degree House System”. It is an equal house system that combines the Asc and the Mc to an average degree, which is the center of the house. This degree can be called as “The Main Life Clock”. The last important method factor is the intense use of the 3 crosses to have a better understanding of life processes. (1-7/4-10 2-8/5-11 3-9/6-12) By that, each planet going into a house, reflect the other 3 houses that belong to the same cross.
You predict the future; what kind of prediction system do you use? I am using transits planets and transits midpoint to sensitive points such as the Focus degrees that I mentioned before. By that, I am only looking at exact birth time factors, so there is a great dependency on exact birth time data. To make the process easier, I produced a computer program that enables the user to find the exact birth time within 2 hours of an estimated time. All you have to do is to type in few significant events from the person’s life and the program instantly comes up with the exact birth time.
Please tell us more about the data issue. What kind of data are you looking for? Regarding the market data, and I am referring only to the US market, I am using the birth data of the main indexes such as: Dow Jones, S&P 500, Nasdaq and Russull 2000. More problematic is the company’s data. I am using the excellent file of Michael Munkasey from the US. In that file there is information on most companies that are trading in NYSE, including the changes history of the companies’ formation. I am using the first trading data, together with the last registration date of the company. Not always the exact data is available, but in the end I can say that Michael did and doing a great job dealing with this matter. Without this file, my life as a financial astrologer would be much harder.
Let’s get back to the methodological issue. In your experience, what is needed from the astrological method to be most suitable for the stock market analyzing? In my experience, there are 2 important conditions for that. One is that for any given indication using by that method, the positive or the negative influence will be defined very clearly. There is no room for a lack of clarity. The second condition is that it should be clear what is more important and what is less regarding the different indications using that method. Without these 2 basic conditions it will be impossible to make the right analyzes.
Let’s talk about your actual work as a financial astrologer. Are you a trader yourself? Yes, I am. 158
When you compare yourself with other traders, what kind of similarities and differences do you find? Unlike anybody else that are busy listening to all kind of information trying to figure out what is meaningful, and what is not, my job is not to listen to anything.
What do you mean by not listening? I am expecting my method to give me an advantage, so while people are busy with the current trend, I can prepare myself to the next phase, by what I see coming in my papers. If I will listen to the ordinary information, it will just take me out of focus. So the CNBC channel is open in my place, but mostly to follow the market movements, and much less to listen to different people’s opinions.
Could you, please, give us a more specific example? I am choosing now stocks for 2010 portfolio. Sometime there is a big difference between the stock performance right now and between the potential future as it’s appear to me. My work is to take an advantage of that gap and find the best buying period. If the stock has a down trend right now, and I understand why it is from the astrological point of view, then the turning point will be when positive astrological data is replacing the bad one, and just before that it might be a buying period opportunity.
It sounds very simple, is it so? It is not as simple as it sounds. Sometimes, the positive and the negative astrological data coming together and I have to evaluate many factors at the same time. When more and more positive astrological factors are coming into the picture, I should trust what I see and put money on the table a while before, even the trend did not change yet. So when I want to be one step ahead, that means to be able to act many times in the opposite direction than the current trend. However, to follow one stock is not as difficult as it is to follow the market as a whole.
Do you mean predicting the directions of the main indexes such as Dow Jones, Nasdaq etc? Yes, this is the real difficult part. If there is anything that I spent 90 percent of my time is on this issue of defining the US stock market structure from the astrological point of view.
Could you, please, be more specific? I am using the main indexes birth chart data, not only each chart alone, but also different combinations of composite charts between the indexes. For example, the composite chart between the Dow Jones and the S&P 500 create a cycle at 3 degrees of Cancer. When Pluto was at 3 degrees of Capricorn, according the method I am using, it was one of the important factors for the major up-trend in the market during that period of time. By many other different calculations, there are more many cycles. In the end, there is a complete map of cycles for the US market. Then for any given time I check the current transits picture in regards to that complete US market map. Of course not all of the cycles are activated at the same time, but for any given time, there is enough information to evaluate. This is the complicated part. I am glad for any time I am having a success, and when it is not the case, I am willing to learn from it for the next time. 159
Can you give an example for both cases, for a success and for a failure? On summer 2008 I was able to predict that September 2008 is a problematic period for the market. I was not sure how strong it will be, but in the end I prepared the right position to benefit from the down trend. Also, around the end of March 2009 I was convinced that the major down trend is over, so I was buying stocks at a very cheap price. That was fun. On the other hand, I did not see the February 2009 strong down trend, so I sold my short positions too early and did not benefit from that trend.
Do you consult other people regarding the stock market? From time to time I give a recommendation on different stocks. In most cases people want to know about the market in general.
Furthermore, do you give consultation to business clients? I consult few companies’ managers regarding their business.
What kind of information are you able to give them? I am kind of a time planner for them. When is the good time to act, or when is the time not to act, or which direction to put the energy in any given time.
Things to do and not do? Yes, exactly. The most important consultation is about deals. Go or not go regarding new business activities.
It sounds like a lot of responsibility? It is. I prefer to say what I see and to be wrong, then not to say and realize that what I saw was correct. Business people are interested in what can give them an advantage in comparison to others. As long I am giving them that, they are happy. Otherwise, they will not come anymore.
What is your opinion regarding the crisis; how bad is it, when will it end? I think for the moment, we are coming out of the crisis. It may take more time then the optimistic recovery view. It is looking like the market is still vulnerable to a down trend, any time the optimistic view for a quick recovery will not be justified by the reality. In 2010 in general I see a huge difference between sectors performance in US economy. Furthermore, the problem is not when the sense of crisis is still in the air, but when things will get back to normal. Then I see new bubbles in the world economy. When these bubbles will explode, the 2008 crisis will be like a children’s game, as compared to that new future crisis.
When is it going to happen? This information I tend to keep between me and myself.
The seventh international financial and business astrology conference ISBA 2010 will be organized in Finland next summer (Helsinki June 11-12). You are going to give a talk. What is your topic for that talk? 160
I am going to talk about the US stock market outlook for 2011. In my talk I will combine a full explanation regarding the methods I am using, together with a complete US market outlook for 2011. It is a great challenge, and it will be a 2 hours talk divided into 2 parts.
See you all next June in Helsinki!
Maarit Laurento has been a professional astrologer since 1997 when Astro Bar was founded in downtown Helsinki, the capital city of Finland. In addition to personal analyses she has worked as a business astrologer since then (business strategies, management, and coaching). She is the chair of the Professional Astrologers in Finland and a board member at the International Society of Business Astrologers (ISBA). Before her career in astrology she worked as a researcher for several years.
Jacko’s - Birth Time Rectification The Case Of Michael Jackson By Micha Felner, Holland Readership Level: Advanced
ollowing M. Jackson mystery death, a debate regarding his exact birth time began. Different charts had been suggested as the real one chart together with very convincing arguments. Because M. Jackson was born only once, I thought it will be useful to run a methodical rectification case by the SolarLunar method.
Micha Felner is well known for having developed new fascinating methods for financial astrology but his more important contribution is his own software for rectification of birth times. Micha Felner is originally from Israel and is now living in Amsterdam. He is a member of ISBA, the International Society of Business Astrologers You can contact Micha at
[email protected]. His website is http://www.astro-balance.net/
Here is the list of events for the rectification Release “Off the wall” album – 8/1979 Release “Thriller” album- 12/1982 Winning the Grammy award – 26.2.1985 The buying of “ATV music” – 1985 Wrote" We Are The World” – 1985 MJ seen for the first time wearing a surgical mask in public – 1990 MJ being accused in molesting 13 years old boy by his father – 8/1993 MJ being arrested – 20.11.2003
What Is The Solar-Lunar Method The solar-lunar method is a basic technique that gives each planet rather a solar or lunar identity.
. In the diagram above, the dividing line divides the wheel into 2 symmetrical parts, so each planet represented on both sides. In that diagram, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto appears as a higher level of Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. By the Sun-Moon polarity represented by Cancer-Leo signs, we can see that it takes 30 degrees to change from a Solar phase to a Lunar phase. This principle applies for each one of the planets by giving them solar or lunar identity
A Day Or A Night Chart It is all determined by the position of the Sun above or below the horizon. If the Sun is above the horizon, it is a day chart. If the Sun is below the horizon, it is a night chart. In a day chart, each planet in the chart will have a Solar or a Lunar identity as it appears in the half side of the Sun in the diagram above. (Day) In a night chart, each planet in the chart will have a Solar or a Lunar identity as it is appears in the half side of the Moon in the diagram above. (Night) Therefore: In a day chart (Sun above the horizon): Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto will have a Lunar identity. Venus, Jupiter, Neptune will have a Solar identity In a night chart (Sun below the horizon): Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto will have a Solar identity. Venus, Jupiter, Neptune will have a Lunar identity 163
The Rectification Process – The 2 Main Cycles Unlike many others rectification methods that are looking for the right ASC and MC, the following rectification method is about 2 main others degrees. One is the Focus degree. The second is the Karma degree.
Focus Degree Calculation – Example (see diagram below) The Mc is at 0AQ44 Adding 90 degrees bring us to 0TA44 The Asc degree is at 21TA45 The midpoint between (MC + 90) and between the Asc is 11TA15 This is the focus degree of the 1st house. 30 degrees farther on is the focus degree of the 2nd house, and so on. By this method, the focus degree is the center of the house.
0 44 Focus Degree MC
21 45 ASC
The Karma Degree Calculation – Example (see diagram below) The Midpoint between the Focus degree and the Moon-Node is The Karma cycle degree. By the above focus degree calculation example, the focus degree is at 11TA30 The Moon-Node is at 15VI The Karma degree cycle will be at 13CN which is the midpoint between the two.
0 44 Focus /
11.5 15 Focus / 13
In both cases, the focus and the karma degrees, these degrees create a 12 houses degrees cycle, means that the 2nd house focus degree will be at 11GE30 and so on It means that the 2nd house karma degree will be at 13 Leo.
The Rectification Process – Verifying The Events When we are verifying the events, the focus will be on the position of 6 major transit positions: Uranus Neptune Pluto Uranus/Neptune Uranus/Pluto Neptune/Pluto
Stage 1 Looking at 1979 event – most of the major planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto is at the degree 17. As it is the first main album release, we can assume that the focus degree is at 17 degree or at 2 degree (45 degrees cycle)
Stage 2 If the Focus degree is at 17 or 2 degree, what are the possibilities for the Karma cycle degree to be? The Moon-Node in MJ chart is at 23LI. So the possible degree for the karma cycle is 20 or 5 (45 aspect) 165
when calculating midpoint between 17 and 23 Or 12 or 27 (45 aspect) when calculating the midpoint between 2 and 23 After a quick check of the events above and the main transits planets positions, it was mostly clear that the 20/5 appearances are much more dominant. That is leaving us with 12 possibilities, in the range of 24 hours rectification, as the focus degree is at 17 degree and the karma cycle is at 20 or 5 degrees.
Stage 3 Going into the second event – 12/1982 we are trying to find out: Can we get another confirmation to the degree 17 as the focus degree? Can we have an idea what is the 1st house sign which will lead us directly to the exact birth time as we know already the exact degree? The 6 main positions are: Uranus – 6SAG Neptune – 26SAG Pluto – 28LI30 Uranus/Neptune – 16SAG Uranus/Pluto – 17SC Neptune/Pluto – 27SC We can consider 2 transits out of 6 around the 17 degree as a kind of confirmation for the 17 degree as the focus degree. We can not have any idea by this 1982 event what is the 1st house sign of MJ
Stage 4 Now we are coming to one of the most important years of MJ life the 1985 year. In that year he received the Grammy award, he bought the “ATV Music” and he wrote the song “We are the world” Looking at the Grammy award date – 26.2.1985 The 6 main positions are: Uranus – 17SAG Neptune – 03CP Pluto – 04SC Uranus/Neptune – 25SAG Uranus/Pluto – 26SC Neptune/Pluto – 04SAG The most interesting position is: Uranus at 17SAG
Regarding Uranus at 17SAG If we compare the 1979 first main album release to the Grammy award event, this is the only main transit position that repeat itself. Neptune was at 17SAG in 1979 event Uranus was at 17SAG in 1985 event. We like to make an assumption that 17 in mutable signs will be the 1st house sign. In that case we have 4 possibilities for the 1st focus degree: 17 Gemini 17 SAG 17 VIRGO 17 PIECES
Now for the first time we will use the solar/lunar principles to figure out which one of these 4 possibilities is most likely to be the right one. We have to assume that Uranus transit was solar to the 10th house as it was creating and advancing MJ status. By that: Gemini 1st house is a night chart as the Sun is below the horizon. Uranus transit will be in that case Solar in the 7th house (Uranus is solar in a night chart) Because the 90 degree aspect turns the phase of the planet, it will be lunar regarding the 4-10 houses. So we have to drop that possibility. Virgo 1st house is a day chart as the Sun is above the horizon. Uranus transit will be in that case lunar in the 4th house (Uranus is lunar in a day chart) So we have to drop this possibility as well We remain with 2 options only: SAG or Pieces 1st house sign. 17 SAG in a day chart comparing to 17 pieces in a night chart The main problem to find which the right one is the fact that each transit we will check will have the same outcome. (See the 2 pictures below) Uranus Transit in a day chart
Uranus Transit in a night chart
A solar transit is activating the house. A lunar transit brings a passive energy into the matter. How can we separate between these 2 possibilities? Now it is the time to use the Karma cycle.
Stage 5 In the 17 SAG option, the karma cycle is 20SC (The midpoint between 17SAG and 23LI) In the 17Pieces option, the karma cycle is 20TA (Because it is a night chart, and the position of the Sun in relation to the Moon-Node is a day chart, we have to make to Moon-Node degree to be a night chart as well-means to be 23CN By that the karma cycle is the midpoint between 17PI and 23CN Now we have 2 options which are in opposition between one another one is a day chart – 20SC One is a night chart – 20TA in regards to the Sun position in Virgo. If we will check transits to this cycle, we will have different interpretation by the solar-lunar method. Here we come.
Regarding the 8/1993 molesting accusation:
In general we are expecting to find solar transits to the 8th house, and lunar transit to 5th / 11th houses. These accusations could hurt MJ reputation badly, and that is what the lunar transits to 5-11 houses should show. 168
In addition we may find solar transits to 1-7 houses and lunar transits to 4-10 houses as it puts in risk MJ’s career. Here are the positions of the main transits: Uranus – 19CP Neptune – 19 CP Pluto – 22SC Uranus/Neptune – 19CP Uranus/Pluto – 20SA50 Neptune/Pluto – 20SA50 To begin with, all the positions are around the degree 20 which is the karma cycle in both possibilities. We will focus first on Uranus/Pluto and Neptune/Pluto midpoints both at 20SAG.
For the 17PI focus degree possibility which makes the karma cycle to be at 20TA (A night chart) Both midpoints are on the 8th house degree of the karma cycle. Because it is a night chart: Uranus/Pluto midpoint – both planets are solar and activating the 8th house. Neptune/Pluto midpoint is mixed, Neptune is lunar and Pluto is Solar to the 8th house. We always consider Pluto influence to be stronger then Neptune, so it is the solar Pluto to the 8th house that dominant the picture again.
Karma Cycle At 20TA
Pluto at 22SC is a bit out of the picture as we are discussing the 20 degree cycle. However, for this possibility the Moon-Node/MC-1 cycle is at…. 22TA, as we take the MC 1st house degree which is 21PI as the MC is at 21SAG. 169
Because it is a night chart, it is the solar Pluto that activating the 7th house degree, and by that 4-10 houses will be lunar.
BINGO This is what we are looking for. The 8th house and 1-7 houses are having solar transit at the same time. This is not only “BAD”. This is really “BAD”. To complete the picture, on 20.11.2003 when MJ was arrested Pluto is at 19SAG and moving forward to 20SAG announcing one of the most embarrassing happening in MJ life. Again the 8th house degree of the karma cycle had been activated. At that time, the Moon-Node itself is at…. 20TA ! This can explain the difference between the 1993 event when there was no arrest involved and the 2003 event. In 1993, regarding the midpoint Neptune/Pluto at 20SAG, the Neptune is lunar to the 8th house, which makes it to be solar to the 5th house. So there was a way out then. In 2003 solar Pluto to the 8th house is stand alone making the lunar influence to the 5th house, so there was no escape this time.
What would happen if we take the other option of 17SAG which makes the karma cycle to be at 20SC – A day chart. In that case, in August 1993: The lunar energy will be on the 2nd house- 20SAG. By that, the solar energy will go to the 90 degrees phase, to 5-11 houses. By that it should be a supporting reputation event, and it was not. The same is about 20.11.2003, when Pluto was at 20SAG. Pluto is lunar in a day chart and on the 2nd house, sending solar energy to the 5th house. So it is not making any sense as well. By that we can determine that the 19:40 PM is the right time for MJ which was born on 29.8.1958 and died on 25.6.2009 ASC – 13PI MC – 21SAG Focus – 17PI Karma – 20TA
How To Predict Stock Market Crashes & Great Depressions By Robert Gover, USA Readership: Intermediate To Advanced
ho knows how or why the planets influence us? If someone knows for sure, I wish they’d tell me. The best I can come up with is that, at some level of our being, we are the universe and all the whirling planets we think of as “up there in the sky” are really “in here, in our souls,” and your soul and mine aren’t really separate, they’re interwoven with the universe—it’s just that we’ve been taught to believe they are separate, and in our external reality that’s how it appears. We are also part of collectives called nations, each of which, like any other entity, has a “birth” or start-up time that can be used to erect an astrological chart, showing where the planets of our solar system were when each entity arose in our common reality. Now, not everyone may agree about when a nation was born, exactly, or where. Astrologers argue about the precise birth time of the USA, for example. And in China, not everyone may agree that the true birth time was the founding of the Peoples Republic of China—some may argue that an ancient dynasty’s originating date should be used. Nations live on landmasses, so it can also be argued that nations of people and the landmasses they live on are one and the same. Although governments may change, you have to go back quite a few millennia to
Robert Gover (born November 2, 1929) grew up in an endowed orphanage (Girard College in Philadelphia), attended the University of Pittsburgh on athletic scholarship (swimming the butterfly), received a degree in economics, worked as a journalist, became a bestselling novelist by age 30, lived most of his life in California where he began his study of astrology, and now resides in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. His latest novel is Two Brothers. He describes it as an “economic novel.” One brother becomes a millionaire, the other a skid row bum. A third character was an economics professor till he studied astrology—he was subsequently confined in an insane asylum. Robert’s first novel, One Hundred Dollar Misunderstanding, is a satire on racism and remains a cult classic. He has published 10 novels and 2 works of nonfiction, including Time and Money: the Economy and the Planets. He can be reached at
[email protected].
chart major changes in landmasses, and thus in the nations of people who live on them. The modern USA is a bit different in this regard, for although there were uncounted peoples living in the Western Hemisphere before Columbus ran aground in what we now call the Bahamas, native populations were almost entirely obliterated by diseases they had no I want to emphasize that my system immunity to, brought to them by explorers two for predicting crashes doesn’t work cycles of Pluto-in-Capricorn ago, the late 1490s 100 percent of the time, but it has through the early 1500s. The newcomers to the Americas then created nation states on the worked since 1857 with but few European model. exceptions. The USA was born when it separated from its mother country, England. That separation is dated July 4, 1776, although it was really more a process than this specific date implies. Most American astrologers accept this date as the birthday of the USA but argue about what time on July 4, 1776 the actual birthing occurred. In other words, when did this new nation take its first breath, free from dependence on its mother country? The time most astrologers accept for this event is late afternoon of July 4, 1776, usually designated as 5:10 PM and called “The Sibley Chart.” I prefer to use what is usually called the “Gemini Rising” chart, mainly because the most influential founders were Masons and this chart puts Venus, Jupiter, Sun and Mercury all in Cancer in the 2nd, the “money house.” The rapid rise of this new nation to the world’s most expansive and wealthiest is a kind of testimony, I think, to a birth time of 2:15 AM. Also, that time puts Uranus in Gemini on the Ascendant, and “Uncle Sam’s” persona to the world certainly fits the astrological reading for that combination. No matter what time on July 4, 1776 we use for the birth time, the system I have come up with for predicting stock market crashes works by transit-to-natal angles to two important positions in the USA’s nativity. For calculating crashes, it doesn’t matter what houses of a Western style chart they fall in. Well, it matters to any astrologer who wants to explore the finer points of the USA’s situation at any given time, but not to anyone who only wants to predict when the next major stock downturn is likely. Long ago I gave up trying to predict the stock markets day to day. It seems to me that so many influences are involved in daily movements, it’s impossible to predict daily ups and downs by any astrological method more than 70 percent of the time. Although the Lunation and Mars often trigger major daily moves, you could lose your shirt trying to rely on them over time. It’s said in the USA that when the New York Yankees win the World Series, stocks will rise during the coming year. I haven’t researched this but word on the street is that this stock predictor works 100 percent of the time. Of course stocks can rise in numerical value during times of inflation, when investors lose money because the increased numbers of dollars they make buy less than the fewer dollars they’d invested. I want to emphasize that my system for predicting crashes doesn’t work 100 percent of the time, but it has worked since 1857 with but few exceptions. It doesn’t enable you to pinpoint the precise time of a crash, but it does give you a “zone” of time within which a crash is likely, very likely, or practically certain. In other words, on a scale of 1 to 10, it enables investors to bet the downside and win better than 90 percent of the time. Since the last quarter of 2007 we have been in a “crash zone” according to my system. The downturn that began in late 2007 turned into a full-blown crash by the summer and 172
autumn of 2008. Still within the crash zone in early 2009, stocks ticked up, plunged again March, ticked up again and by now (early November 2009) appear to be headed higher. This correlates with my system—the 2009 crash zone is abating—while a pattern that has correlated with past great depressions is forming. One more caution before I get into the details of my system: If you’re an amateur trader, especially a risk-averse one, you are liable to be scared out of the stock market just before a major move that would have made you richer. This happened to me, as I am not a skillful trader. I was sure the markets were going to drop like a rock on September 15, 2008, but Congress was voting on a stimulus package around noon of the big crash day. As the vote was being counted, the Dow turned up and I took that as a signal that the market had gone down as far as it would go that day and sold my bearish positions—only to see the Dow turn down again and dive to a new record after Congress rejected that first stimulus package. I made about half as much money as I would have made if I’d stayed in. The Plunge Protection Team is another factor one has to take into consideration when predicting American stock markets. That is the nickname given to a secret group formed by Executive Order during the presidency of Ronald Reagan. This group’s mission is to prevent catastrophic stock market plunges by stepping in to buy (presumably with taxpayer-backed dollars) when markets appear to be crashing. If the planetary angles indicate crash, the PPT can lessen the severity, but not prevent the downturn. The astrological influences and/or Whenever the US Mars-Neptune “temper of the time” will overpower the best square is conjoined, opposed or efforts of conservatives to conserve the system that so lavishly rewards them. squared by the outermost planets,
there is danger of a stock market crash.
My system aims at simplicity. Here’s how it works:
A. Whenever the US Mars-Neptune square is conjoined, opposed or squared by the outermost planets, there is danger of a stock market crash. The outermost planets are Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The two exceptions in US history are the turbulent years of the 1960s and the 1830s during President Andrew Jackson’s term. What may or may not count as a third exception is the late summer and autumn of 2009. B. There is Minimal danger when the US Mars-Neptune square is afflicted by the inner planets only: Sun, Mercury, Moon, Venus, Mars and Jupiter. C. There is Maximum danger when more than One of the outermost planets oppose, square or move conjunct the USA’s natal Mars or Neptune. D. Usually, it is a Combination of inner and outer planets afflicting the US Mars-Neptune square which bring panics. Mars and/or the lunations often act as triggers when Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto oppose or square the US Mars-Neptune square. E. History suggests that the number of planets afflicting is more indicative of a crash and panic than the preciseness of the orb. 173
F. Caution is called for when transiting planets move through Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and
The following is a quick summary of past crashes and the planets which were afflicting the USA’s Mars-Neptune square at the time: 1857: Neptune and Mars in Pisces. 1869: Saturn in Sagittarius. 1873: Mars in Sagittarius; Sun, Mercury, Jupiter in Virgo. 1893: Pluto, Neptune, Sun, and Venus in Gemini. 1903: Pluto and Venus in Gemini; Uranus in Sagittarius; Jupiter in Pisces. 34.1% loss from Feb. to Nov. 1907: Pluto in Gemini; Saturn in Pisces. 40.9% loss from Dec. 1906 to Nov. 1907. 1916: Mars in Sagittarius, Chiron in Pisces. From Nov. 1916 to Dec. 1917, the Dow dropped by more than one-third. This loss is spread over too long a time to qualify as a panic, but I include it here because of the amount lost: 34.9%. 1920: Saturn in Virgo; Mars in Sagittarius. The Dow plunged precipitously in October 1919. Before the turnaround in the summer of 1921, the Dow had lost 41.2%. 1929: Saturn in Sagittarius; Jupiter in Gemini. Oct. 28 and 29, Dow lost 24.5%. 1932: From peak reached in Sept. 1929 to May 1932, the loss was 81.8% 1937: Mars, Moon and Moon’s Node in Sagittarius, Chiron in Gemini, Neptune and Mercury in Virgo. From Aug. 1937 to April 1938, Dow lost 39.3%. 1946: Uranus and Moon’s Node in Gemini, Mars and Venus in Virgo. From May ’46 to May’47, Dow lost 25.3% 1987: Saturn and Uranus in Sagittarius; Moon’s Nodes in Pisces and Virgo. Oct. 19 Dow lost 22.6% 1997: Mars and Venus in Sagittarius; Moon’s Nodes in Pisces and Virgo. April 3, 2000: Pluto and Chiron in Sagittarius, Venus and Mercury in Pisces. Dow lost 19.6% during this month. May 15, 2001: Pluto, Mars and Moon in Sagittarius; Sun in Pisces.
September 11, 2001: Pluto and Chiron in Sagittarius; Saturn and Moon in Gemini; Sun in Virgo. Dow had lost 22.9% by December 2001. NASDAQ fell 50.7% from July 2000 high to December 2001. Oct. 2007 - Mar. 2008: 19% drop. Uranus in Pisces opposite the US Neptune was the most influential. Sept. 15, 2008: 500 point drop. Full Moon conjunct Saturn-Uranus opposition, conjunct/opposite US Neptune and square US Mars. One of the most fascinating things about the study of astrology is that you cannot predict anything with absolute certainty. At least I can’t predict the stock market with absolute certainty. After defining all of 2008 as a crash zone because of a Saturn-Uranus opposition that hit the USA’s Mars-Neptune square—a prediction that proved true—I predicted that another exact Saturn-Uranus opposition in September 2009 would bring another crash, but that one didn’t materialize. After stocks fell in March 2009, they zigzagged higher to the present, November 2009, even though the Saturn-Uranus opposition was closer to exactly hitting the USA’s Mars-Neptune square in September. What this and other similar instances suggest is that the affliction to the USA’s Mars-Neptune becomes most effective when stocks are ripe to fall. But after a crash, prices are low and ripe to rise, and not likely to fall again when hit again by the same pattern that coincided with the previous crash. The stock market is not to be confused with the overall economy or the Federal Reserve. Talking heads on TV financial news shows often suggest that if stocks rise, the overall economy is robust and all is well with the Fed. Actually, the stock market is part of the overall economy, as is the Fed. But stocks can rise while unemployment drags down the overall economy and the Fed struggles with gnarly monetary problems. By November 2009, many media pundits declared the “Great Recession,” as they called it, over and done because stocks were rising. But so was gold, as the dollar was falling and unemployment remained around 10% (or closer to 20% by a fuller method of counting). It remained to be seen whether we were really beyond the worst of the economic woes that struck in 2008, for the astrology involved indicates we—in the USA—are headed into another great depression. We have never avoided a great depression in the past whenever the outermost planets form a grand cross pattern with the USA’s Sun-Saturn square. And by late 2009, the SaturnUranus opposition of 2008-2009 was evolving into a T square with Pluto square Uranus, which will move within orb of a grand cross to the USA’s natal Sun-Saturn square. This next grand cross will form gradually. By July 2010, as indicated by the chart below, a SaturnUranus-Pluto T-square will hit the USA’s natal Venus-Jupiter conjunction, but not yet be within orb of the USA’s natal Sun.
What this affliction to the USA’s natal Venus-Jupiter indicates is the probability of trouble with monetary matters for the USA. Since it is the Fed which deals with such monetary matters, it’s the Fed which we can expect to be undergoing a radical (Uranus) transformation (Pluto). And since the Fed and the dollar have, for the past 60 years, been so pivotal to the world monetary system, we can expect this planetary pattern to coincide with some kind of major change in the world’s monetary system. During 2009, there have been persistent rumors that the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) are dumping dollars, preparing to do away with the dollar as the preferred currency for international trade. China has begun taking other currencies in trades, so that their trading partners do not have to convert their currencies to dollars in order to buy or sell to China. Around the world there has been growing resentment against the “Almighty Dollar” and US military hegemony. So it appears now, late 2009, that the dollar is doomed to fall lower against the euro and other currencies. When the dollar falls, gold and other commodities can be expected to rise, and inflation plague American consumers. Given the astrology involved, it looks like this trend will either climax or kick into high gear under the T-square of 2010. During 2010 and 2011, Saturn will move conjunct the USA’s natal Saturn, square the USA’s Sun, but probably without causing anything very dramatic in the overall economy, because T Saturn will be out of major aspect with Uranus and Pluto. The distinct probability is that the overall economy will go on life-support when Pluto moves within a 7 degree orb of an opposition to the US Sun in November 2011. By this time, Uranus will be moving into Aries and by the summer of 2012 be within orb of an opposition to the US Saturn—and simultaneously square Pluto in Capricorn, which will be within orb 176
of an opposition to the US Sun. This will form the grand cross pattern which has never failed to coincide with a great depression in US history since 1776. The Full Moon at the end of December 2012 will be conjunct and opposite Pluto and simultaneously conjunct and opposite the US Sun, square US Saturn, creating a very difficult T square. That T square will become a grand cross in 2013 when Uranus moves into an opposition to the US Saturn simultaneously square T Pluto to form the grand cross with the US Sun-Saturn square, as indicated by the chart below.
The US Sun-Saturn square will be afflicted by the Uranus-Pluto square till 2018, although the effects may linger into the early years of the next decade. These will be crisis years for the USA and much of the world. The Chinese saying, “Crisis equals opportunity” applies. Since government sets the economic rules and parameters, what the Barack Obama Administration does in the USA from 2008 till 2012 (assuming Obama gets a second term) will form the basis for how the USA gets through this crisis period. Uranus square Pluto spells a time of radical change. If conservatives dominate the USA, determined to perpetuate the status quo, this period will become a lot more difficult than if progressives dominate and seek new and innovative ways to cope with this time of radical change. As things now stand, the US Congress is described as “a wholly-owned subsidiary of the big corporations,” because so many Congress persons vote for the interests of the big corporations instead of the voters who sent them to Congress. Corporate lobbyists distribute campaign contributions, which amount to bribes, which enable politicians to buy the advertising and public relations that persuade voters to reelect them. 177
By 2020, as indicated in the chart above, Saturn will move conjunct Pluto with both conjunct the USA’s natal Pluto, opposite the USA’s Mercury. This will bring changes to the business community of volcanic proportions. Historically, the USA’s Mercury has to do with business. Theoretically, the purest form of capitalism is slavery while the purest form of socialism is economic democracy. In today’s world, although most nations proclaim themselves to be one or the other, there is really a mix of capitalism and socialism. If we pose capitalism as the thesis and socialism as the antithesis, it’s quite possible that we will see a synthesis; something not yet named and defined, arising under this planetary pattern. Economically, the human race seems to progress in fits and starts, taking two steps forward and one step backward. Pluto’s roughly 250 year cycle in Capricorn has historically brought tremendous change—during the late 1490s into the early 1500s, and then during the 1760s into the 1770s when the USA rebelled against its mother country, and was born as a new nation. So we can be certain that Pluto’s move through Capricorn during this decade into the early 2020s will bring massive, radical, long-lasting change again, although what exactly the world will look like by 2025 is hard to say. Much depends on what governments and economic authorities do in this period to lay the foundation for the future.
Similarity Between Quantum Mechanics & Astrology By Tapan Das, Canada Readership Level: Very Advanced
odern physics is dominated by the concept of quantum mechanics. The principles of quantum mechanics are – duality of wave and particle, probability, uncertainty, discreteness of energy, and contextual behavior. In this article, the author shows with examples how the principles of astrology are similar to quantum mechanics. If the research work on astrology is pursued on these principles, astrology will be accepted as a science by the scientific community.
Tapan Das, Ph.D., P.Eng. has 35 years of technical management experience in telecommunication, wireless, IP, WiFi and ASIC. He has worked as VP, Director and Technical Manager in SGNT Technologies, Kinaare Networks, Lucent, Nortel, and Plessey. He holds an M.Sc. in Electronics from the University Of London, UK and a Ph.D. in Microwave Electronics from the University of Bradford, UK. He holds seven patents and has published number of technical papers in International journals. He had an active interest in astrology for a long time and has been researching astrology and cosmology for the last five years. He has published six papers on this subject in Research in Astrology with Media in Science (RAMS),
Quantum Mechanics Quantum mechanics is the science of matter and radiation at an atomic level. Classical (Newtonian) physics failed to explain very small particles (where quantum mechanics took over) and very fast particles of nearly the speed of light (where theory of relativity took over). Quantum mechanics corrects classical physics at the atomic and subatomic levels. The term quantum (Latin for quantity) refers to the discrete units that the theory assigns to physical quantities such as the energy of light and electromagnetic wave.
International Society of Astrological Research (ISAR).and Journal of the Mindshift Institute. Recently, he has published a book Why Astrology is Science: Five Good Reasons.
Classical physics explained all physical phenomena in the world with two entities – 1 179
matter and fields. Drop a stone from a bridge. The stone is made of matter. It drops because the earth’s gravitational field pulls it. Earth as a matter produces gravitational field which pulls the other much smaller matter like stone following Newton’s laws of motion. Scottish physicist James Clark proposed another field called electromagnetic field laying down the laws of electric and magnetic fields. Electricity and magnetism are not two separate fields but different aspects of a single electromagnetic field. Maxwell figured out that light is also an electro-magnetic field at certain frequencies. However, problem came with the classical physics in explaining why iron glows red around thirteen hundred degrees. According to classical physics, black bodies should glow bright blue at all temperatures. German scientist Max Planck solved this problem by proposing that matter particles do not vibrate any way they please, but at frequencies that follow the simple rule: E = nhf Where E is the particle’s energy, n is any integer, f is the frequency of the particle’s vibration, and h is the Planck’s constant. This was the first foundation of the quantum mechanics. Following this, the most celebrated scientist of the twentieth century Albert Einstein explained the photoelectric effect – light’s ability to eject electrons out of metal – using Max Planck’s quantum action. Einstein also showed that light consists of shower of particles called photons. While physicists were puzzling over the light’s seemingly contradictory properties - waves and particles, French physicist Louis de Broglie hypothesized that all entities have both wave and particle aspects. The wavelength of a photon can be obtained from its momentum by the formula: p = h/λ
Where, p is the momentum, λ is the wavelength, and h is the Planck’s constant. But, this wave function differs from ordinary waves in that it carries no energy. For an ordinary wave, the square of its amplitude measures its energy. For a quantum wave, the square of its amplitude at a certain location represents not energy but probability, the probability that a particle – localized quantum of energy - will be observed by a detector placed at that location. 2 probability = (amplitude of wave function)
The fundamental principle of quantum mechanics is based on the laws of probability, not laws of certainty. Probability is a measure of the relative number of ways an event can happen. The probability that a coin, when tossed, will come up heads is exactly ½ or 0.5. But the result of any toss is uncertain. But, if we flip the coin enough number of times, say a million times, we will find that heads showed up very close to half a million times making the probability of heads almost ½ or 0.5. Danish physicist Niels Bohr, who is considered the founder of quantum mechanics, proposed that electrons can exist only at discrete energy levels around the nucleus of an 2 180
atom which prevents them from spiraling into the nucleus as classical physics predicts. Let us look at the picture of a hydrogen atom in its ground state. If we think that the electron is looping around the nucleus as shown in Figure 1A, then we are 80 years out of date. According to quantum mechanics, the probability density plot of the electron in hydrogen atom is shown in Figure 1B. The density of the dots represents the probability of finding the electron in that region.
Figure 1A: Electron looping around the nucleus in hydrogen atom according to classical physics.
Figure 1B: Electron probability density cloud of hydrogen atom according to quantum mechanics.
The size of an atom is ~1 x 10-10 meter. The central nucleus where 99.9 percent of the atom’s mass resides is ~1 x 10-15 to 1 x 10-14 meter. The size of an electron is not exactly known, but thought to be of the order of 1 x 10-14 meter. If the nucleus were the size of our Sun, then the hydrogen ground state would be twenty times larger than the solar system. If the electron were really a point particle moving around the atomic space, it would reside in a space so vacant that it would make solar system seem crowded. Now, if we consider the wave function of the electron with its probability density, then the probability density will fill up the whole atomic space. For instance, let us try to push our hand through a wall. Since atoms 3 181
are mostly empty space, their electrons are too small to stop us. But, the probability density clouds of the atoms push our hand back. Pretty effective, aren’t they? German physicist Werner Heisenberg proposed uncertainty principle for the quantum mechanics stating that position and momentum of a particle can not be accurately determined simultaneously. If the position of the particle is accurately known, then the speed and direction of the speed will have poor accuracy. This is because the measurement itself changes the position or speed or direction of the particle. This is not obvious in the macroscopic world around us. If we want to measure the length of a table with a tape, the measurement does not change the length or position of the table in our acceptable measuring capacity. In the case of electron, measurement becomes different. The very act of looking at the electron with a super high power magnifier uses light made of photons. These photons would have enough momentum that they once hit the electron would change its course. Heisenberg wrote the uncertainty principle as: ΔpΔx = h
………………………………. Equation 1
On the right side is the Planck’s constant divided by 2π. Momentum is represented by p, and position (distance) is represented by x. The Δ symbols mean ‘uncertainty of’, not ‘change of’. Hence, Δx is the uncertainty of position, and Δp is the uncertainty of momentum. Since h on the human scale is extremely small, Δx and Δp are, for all practical purposes, zero in everyday world. The attributes of an electron are contextual [1] depending on how they are measured. An example of a contextual attribute is the color of an object. If you go to a shop to buy a dress, the color of the dress you choose will depend on the light in the shop. If the dress you choose is white, but the light in the shop is bluish, then the dress will have the bluish tinge. Moreover, if you are wearing tinted glasses, then the color of the dress will also depend on the tint of your glasses. Hence, the contextual attributes of an object depends on the environment and the person observing or measuring it.
strology is based on the idea that the cosmic events happening in the universe affect the events happening in the Earth. The basic concept of astrology is that the planets and zodiacs affect the health and energy of a person. By studying the patterns and cycles of the planets and zodiacs, astrologers have gathered data thousands of years ago how cosmic patterns and events affect human life. The planets and their relationship between themselves and with zodiacs change constantly, but can be predicted accurately by mathematical calculations. Thus by comparing the position of the Earth to the planets and zodiacs, astrologers can explain the present event and predict the future. The cosmic energies that we know so far are the protons of elements of the periodic table. The dominant elements are hydrogen and helium along with other elements (lithium, beryllium and boron) with a few like carbon and oxygen. These cosmic rays on their way to the Earth are deflected by the electromagnetic field present throughout the galaxy. When these cosmic rays reach the Earth, they collide with the atoms of the upper atmosphere of 4 182
the Earth releasing showers of gamma rays, X-rays and subatomic particles. There may be other forms of cosmic energies reaching the Earth that are still to be discovered. Our Sun is producing energy bursts continuously not only in the form of heat and light, but as radio waves, ultraviolet rays, X-rays, and gamma rays. A solar flare is a sudden local explosion in a particular region of the Sun’s atmosphere releasing intense bursts of X-rays, ultraviolet rays, radio waves and energy particles [2]. A constant stream of electrons from the Sun is responsible for the Auroras on the Earth. The space surrounding the Sun and its corona is plasma. Each planet has a plasma sheath, the size of which is determined by the difference between the electric potential of the planet and that of the nearby solar plasma. The shape of the plasma is like a tear drop with the pointed end facing away from the Sun. The Sun and all planets except Venus and Mars have intrinsic magnetic field. There are strong “Dust Devils” in Mars which is a storm of highly charged particles. The planets and their satellites very close to the Earth also act as shields for the energy flow reaching the Earth. The effect of shielding of the Moon is particularly strong for the Earth. Thus the cosmic energies reaching the Earth are also affected by the solar system. How these energies affect a person is still to be understood. One theory is that it affects the biofield of a person. Modern science has confirmed that the human body is not just a physical structure, but is also composed of energy field. This biofield or human energy field (HEF) is the frontier of modern science, and the development of diagnostic and treatment systems. Dr. Victor Inyushin [3] at Kazakh University in Russia has done extensive research in the area of biofield and has suggested the existence of a bioplasmic energy field composed of ions, free protons, and free electrons. The bioplasmic particles are constantly renewed by chemical processes in the cells and are in constant motion. There is a balance of positive and negative particles within the bioplasma that is relatively stable. A shift in this balance causes a change in the person or organism. At the same time, some of this energy is radiated into space. Dr. George De La Warr and Dr. Ruth Brown built instruments to detect radiation from living tissues, and developed Radionics, a system of detection, diagnosis and healing from a distance, using the human energy field. They took photographs using the patient’s hair as antenna. These photographs showed internal diseases, like tumors, cysts inside the liver, and cancers within the brain. The biofield energy has been known in the past and has been called by different names in different cultures, such as qi in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), ki in Japanese Kampo system, doshas in Ayurvedic medicine, prana in Hinduism. The imbalance in the biofield energy causes sickness and disease. This concept has been in the practice of many forms of therapy, like acupuncture, qiqong, ayurvedic, homeopathy, and therapeutic touch.
Similarity between Quantum Mechanics and Astrology
ike quantum mechanics, astrology is also based on probability. Astrologers have collected data thousands of years ago how certain pattern of zodiacs and planets provide certain attributes. Sun sign represents the zodiac that the Sun is in at the time of a person’s birth. For example, the attributes of a person with Sun sign Aries is – 5 183
leadership, energy, aggressiveness, courage, confidence, arrogance and belligerence. It does not mean that every Aries person will have these attributes. It means that the probability of an Aries person to have these attributes is higher than other Sun signs. The actual figure of probability is not quoted so far, but only be calculated statistically from very large numbers of collected data. The uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics applies to astrology as well. The Sun sign of a person means that the zodiac of the Sun sign, the Sun and the Earth are in line. The energy particles from the Sun sign zodiac and the Sun reach the Earth, and affect the people born at that time. But, the energy particles on their way to the Earth can be impacted by the electromagnetic fields and gravitational fields in the path, and the solar system as described earlier. Thus there is some uncertainty how much of these energy particles can reach the Earth. Similarly, there are some uncertainties on the attributes assigned to the Sun signs. These attributes have been based on the collected data so far. How extensive the data collection has been is not known and the attributes may change as more data are collected. If the uncertainty of the energy flow is ΔE, and the uncertainty of the assigned attributes are ΔA, then
ΔE ΔA = astrology error
As we see from Equation 1, the multiplication of the uncertainties of position and momentum in quantum mechanics equals Planck’s constant divided by 2π. In case of astrology, the values of astrology error and its constancy are not known. But, what is accepted so far is that there is a margin of error in astrology analysis and prediction. The contextual attributes mentioned in quantum mechanics apply to astrology as well. If the astrology prediction is that a person is going to win some money, then for a poor person living in poor neighborhood, winning $100 may be substantial and the neighbors might congratulate him. But, for a rich person living in rich neighborhood, this amount may be insignificant and will go unnoticed by the neighbors. Hence, the effectiveness of the prediction depends on the environment and the observers.
Conclusion "I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics." - Richard P. Feynman, US physicist. No one has yet claimed to understand quantum mechanics, but it has been successful so far in explaining the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level. Einstein never accepted the probability theory of quantum mechanics. His famous saying – “God does not play dice”. He had constant debate with Niels Bohr about quantum mechanics, but they agreed that somehow quantum mechanics explains the behavior of atomic and subatomic particles. Couldn’t the same thing be said about astrology? First thing that should be realized that astrology is not certainty but probability. Second thing is that the astrology is based on the data collected over a certain periods few thousand years ago. That data collection has not continued; hence astrology attributes have not been updated. Astrology has not been 6 184
accepted as a science by the scientific community. In order to get astrology accepted as a science, its basis should be similar to quantum mechanics – (1) duality of cosmic energies as particles and waves, (2) probability, not certainty, (3) uncertainty principle of cosmic energy flow and human attributes, and (4) contextual attributes. The scientific basis of astrology should be how cosmic energies affect human biofield. There are two limitations here. First, scientists so far know very little about the cosmic energies. Our universe is made up of 74% dark energy, 22% dark matter, and 4% ordinary matter consisting of baryons [4]. So far nothing is known about the dark energy and dark matter. Second, very little is known about human biofield, although currently some research work is going on. Until the study of human biofield is taken into mainstream scientific research, the full effect of cosmic energies on humans will not be understood.
References [1] “Quantum Reality beyond the New Physics”, by Nick Herbert. [2] “Cosmic Energy Controlled by Planets and Zodiacs Affecting Human Life”, Tapan Das, ISAR, Vol XXXVI Number 3. [3] “The Human Energy Field”, Gloria Alvino, http://twm.co.nz/enrg.htm [4] “Dark Energy and Primordial Energy”, Tapan Das, The Journal of the Mindshift Institute.
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The Emperor Hadrian & Astrology By Luciana Marinangeli, Italy Introductory Note
his paper was originally presented to the International Congress of Astrology organized by the C.I.D.A, the Italian Center for Astrology, in 1993. It is about the astrological interests of Roman Emperor Hadrian who in the second century A.D. built a wonderful villa for himself in Tivoli, near Rome.
Luciana Marinangeli, has studied under
A research project recently presented by the “Istituto dei Rapporti con l’Oriente” to the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche of Italy provides for the inclusion within its scientific programme of an investigation to find out whether “… the impact that some charismatic individuals (kings, emperors, military leaders) have had on history’s events has in fact been instrumental in comparison to other institutions. In addition to “kingship”, a historical and religious category amongst those which have been investigated more fully, an occult decisional moment could be considered as being controlled by a technocracy (which may also overlap with the others) … the investigation would aim at analyzing the astrological and astronomical data relevant to the institution of kingship in order to define spheres of influence in relation to
the psycholinguist M.A. Sèchehaye in Geneva and the junghian Mario Moreno in Rome. She is an anchorwoman and author for RAI. Her books have been translated in many countries, as far as Japan. Among her books are Humpty Dumpty salta. Storia iniziatica (‘Humpty Dumpty jumps. A History Of Initiation’, Lo Faro 1983), Astrologia tibetana (‘Tibetan Astrology’, Edizioni Mediterranee 1987), Introduzione all’astrologia indiana (‘Introduction To Indian Astrology’, Rizzoli 1993), Vivere sereni (‘Living Peacefully’, Rizzoli 1995), Parlare con Pinocchio (‘Talking to Pinocchio’, Bompiani 1996), Contro la sofferenza (‘Against Suffering’, Rizzoli 1998).
institutions”. (1) From this point of view the life of the emperor Hadrian would be a particularly difficult case study: a man who believed in astrology but was also an astrologer himself, just like the members of the Medici family in Florence and the enlightened Mughal emperors of India, whom they resembled so much, the object but also the active subject of astrology’s skills in creating emperors – and also gods – at the time of the Caesars in Rome. (2) Hadrian, who “explored all branches of science”, united within himself, in an apotheosis of the late ancient world, two souls and two cultures, the Roman and the Greek, without favouring one over the other: by praising the wise administration of the former – which also included his very unusual interest in the education of soldiers, his passion for architecture, his love of travelling – and his passion for the arts, his versatility, his scientific curiosity, which included a deep and reverent attention for the guidance of the stars. It is the union of the opposites – to quote Jung (3) – which produces an increase of positive energy; it is not by chance that it is under Hadrian’s rule that the long period of peace of the Antonine dynasty, the happiest period of Roman history, begins; “Under Hadrian there almost was no longer talk of war” writes Aelius Spartianus, the writer of the Historia Augusta, (4) who testifies to the man’s and the emperor’s interest for astrology:” Emperor Hadrian’s family has its remotest origins in the Picenum, its more recent ones in Spain … he was born in Rome on the 24th of January 76 A.D…. Exactly in the last years of Domitian’s rule he was sent to Lower Mesia where it is said that an astrologer predicted his future imperial dignity, thus confirming a prophecy by his paternal uncle Aelius Hadrian, a great expert in the study of the stars … He believed he was so skilled in astrology that, on the first of January he had already written all that would happen to him during the year, hence in the year when he died, he had already written all that he would do to the last hour of his life…” Hadrian’s predecessors had already made use of astrology: Nero with his astrologer Balbillus, whom he nominated prefect of Egypt, and whose niece, Julia Balbilla, would accompany Hadrian to the oracle of the Colossus of Memnon; and Tiberius with Trasillus. It had been known for a long time in the Rome of the Caesars that astrology could be used not only to advise but sometimes to create emperors, and also gods,
The Emperor Hadrian
because the mathematicians (5) of the Roman empire never forgot that they were the successors of the ancient Caldean priests. The prestige conferred on astrology by its constant relationship with the godly stars is splendidly described in the words of Arellius Fuscus, a rhetorician of the time of Augustus: “He, to whom the gods themselves reveal the future, who also imposes the gods’ will upon kings and their people, cannot be formed within the same womb that has borne us, ignorant men. He belongs to a superhuman kind. The confidant of the gods, he himself is divine. If the affirmations of astrology are true, why is it that men of all times do not devote themselves to their study? Why is it that from our childhood we do not fix our eyes upon nature and upon the gods, when we see that the stars unveil themselves for us, and that we could live amongst the gods?” In Hadrian’s time an imperial horoscope was not only that of a man’s nature and of a man’s destiny: it could even signal or create a king: Suetonius, who was an official at Hadrian’s court wrote that a certain Vettius Pompusianus was sentenced to death by Domitian because he let people know that he had a horoscope which revealed an emperor. With the danger of these mathematicians of Greek culture who found within the make up of Caesar’s empire a way to impose men of their own choice, Hadrian was not the sort of man to leave to others the use of such a powerful instrument of power: the latest research indicates that he used the secrets of the geniture oroscopica precisely to back up his government decisions: amongst others, to choose, very advisedly, his adoptive sons and heirs to the empire: the future Lucius Verus and a young boy with a pensive and sincere look, Annius Verus, the future Marcus Aurelius. It appears that Hadrian used the prestige astrology gave to justify a previous choice, which had at the time appeared bizarre and unjustified, that of the youth Ceionus Commodus, called Aelius Verus, clearly unsuitable to be a ruler and who died young; perhaps he was Hadrian’s secret son. Naturally the astrology of the time took great interest in Hadrian’s horoscope: here is its description, by an admiring Antigonus of Nicea, a scholar of the 2nd century who must have been writing soon after the death of the great man:” There was a man born when the sun was at the 8 degree of the Aquarius, the Moon, Jupiter and the Point of the Horoscope, the three all together in the first degree of the same sign of Aquarius, Saturn in the 16 degree of Capricorn, Mercury in the same sign, at the 12 degree, Venus in Pisces at 23 degrees, whilst Mars was in the 22 degrees … The moon was in conjunction with a bright fixed star …. The fact that he was honoured and received the proskynesis (6) from all men alike is because Jupiter was in epicentric vigilance (?) on the Sun and on the Moon … And he received beneficial qualities from Jupiter’s position. That he was the benefactor of many … comes from the fact that the epicentric Sun and the Moon were equally served by five other planets. Above all if the Sun and the Moon are found in the active points (or cardinal ones?) that is in the Horoscopic Point or in the Mesouranema, and they are thus served by all the 188
stars (planets), they cause those who are born under such a conjunction to become kings ruling over numerous nations”. The recent discovery of a Swiss historian (7) has shown the important place astrology had in the life of this son of Jupiter even during the last years of his life: a mysterious building at Tivoli, in the villa which Hadrian had built for himself in 118 A.D., and whose purpose was for a long time a mystery, seems to have been the personal observatory of the emperor. It is the so-called Teatro Marittimo, which was not a theatre because no plays were ever performed there, nor a natatio, a pool, because the water there is only a meter deep. It was instead the place where Hadrian, in the midst of a symbolic architecture, allusive to the four elements and the sinuous cyclicity of time, would retire to personally read in the stars of the future of Rome and of the Empire. The building is a complex radiocentric structure with a barrel vault roof supported by a circular enclosure wall and 40 columns, with a portico which surrounds a basin with a central small island, having the same 44 meters diameter as the Pantheon. The inspira-tion for this peculiar building is to be found in Varro’s birdhouse at Casium, in the Via Latina; in Nero’s Domus Aurea with a “… circular room that continuously turned on its own axis, just as the world does …”; in the Anticitera’s machine, an extraordinary computer that operated as a lunar and solar calendar; in the Tower of the Winds in Athens, an anaphoric clock that marked the rise of Hadrian’s observatory in Villa Adriana, Tivoli the stars or the appearance of the signs of the zodiac on the horizon. The planetary symbols were shown inside Hadrian’s cupola by a series of revolving bronze armillary spheres (the thin tilted bands which were used by Hipparcus and the ancient astrologers to observe the skies), whilst underneath there was the zodiac starry band; today all that remains is a small frieze underneath it with the symbol of Capricorn, repeated many times.
Far away, many centuries later, another extraordinary ruler, with the same nature as Hadrian’s, “… who freed himself through a frenetic building activity; who sunk in a deep melancholy to explode sometimes in a disproportionate rage, with an inexhaustible thirst for knowledge and for understanding philosophy, but above all for satisfying the impulse to transcribe in stone his own visions and the most esoteric messages …” (8) (Petruccioli). He built a similar place to satisfy his cognitive, but also magic and ritual needs. This was Akbar, the Mughal emperor, who, in the 16th century, in India, build in his palace in Fatehpur Sikri the mysterious Anup Talao, “the incomparable pool” at the centre of which he would retire on a platform covered by a planetary canopy and he would meditate and also show himself as a cosmocrator, the lord of the world, in a manner very akin – it can be surmised – to that of Hadrian’s in his own very similar palace.
Again in Rome, in the 17th Century, another great man echoed similar concepts by creating an architecture which was the concrete expression of a cosmic vision. This was Francesco Borromini who had heard of the wonders of the East from his patrons at the Propaganda Fide and who had certainly studied with fervent attention the ruins of Hadrian’s villa: in 1644 he showed cardinal Pamphilij a project for a villa where “… from the windows of the side walls one could see many of the things in the sky which are taught by mathematicians 190
with the aid of spheres. The whole building should in fact be a study of practical mathematics…” (9) Marguerite Yourcenar makes Hadrian say “… I once offered to the constellations the sacrifice of a whole night it happened during a crossing of the Syrian desert. Lying down and with my eyes wide open, for a few hours casting aside all human preoccupations, I abandoned myself from dusk to dawn to that world of crystals and flames. This was the most beautiful of my journeys… I have tried to comply with the divine in many different ways… I still ignore what happens behind that dark curtain. But the Syrian night represents my conscious part of immortality.” (10) NOTES 1)
Adriana Bellucio, Scienza, storia e destino nella definizione dell’istituto della regalità, Programma scientifico del Progetto di Ricerca per il CNR, Centre Nazionale del Ricerche, Italia
Paolo Cueno, Il Principe e gli astri : astrologie e astronomia presso i Medici e i Moghul, in : Franchetti, Jones, Koch, Giusti, Spallanzani, Fabris, Grube, Petruccioli, Pieper, Conforti, Devapriam, Cuneo, Cimino, Lo Speccio del Principe. Mecenastismi paralleli: Medici e Moghul, Edizioni del’Elefante, Roma 1951.
C. G. Jung, Aion, 1951
A collection of the lives of Roman Emperors by many authors
Latin: the astrologers from Greece
Greek: veneration
Henri Stierlin, 1983, C.f. Rossana Rossi, Il cosmo in una stanza, “Airone”, n. 99, july 1989
Attilio Petruccioli, La città come teatro: note in margine all’urbanistica delle grandi capitali moghul dei secoli XVI-XVII, in Lo Specchio des Principe, cited
Paolo Portoghesi, Borromini nella cultura europea, Laterza, Bari 1982
10) Marguerite Yourcenar, Mémoires d’Hadrien, Libraire Plon, Paris 1951
Multiple Personality Disorder By T Stokes, U.K.
T Stokes is known worldwide as the “Consultant Palmist” & is regarded as one of the finest palmists in the West. He has many years of combined practice and blending from an array of diagnostic skills coupled to 10 years training in the Harry Edwards school of spirit mediumship and guidance, and accessing the wisdom of the multimedical and multispiritual arenas of the Indo/Pak subcontinental energy flow disciplines such as Hasthricka and IlMul-Kaff, have meant a sharpening and honing of clairvoyant skill ranges which can take a subject from pre-birth through the main events of the life, to the present day. Palms read by post or email at
[email protected] www.t-stokes.co.uk A beautiful young girl in her early thirties turned up at the alternatives clinic without an appointment, and presented with some strange symptoms screaming she needed an urgent exorcism. My immediate colleague said do whatever is necessary to quieten her down and get her out of here. While I was trying to take some coherent notes, she exhibited hysterical behavior in several different voices and accents, this is called “xenoglossy” and the psychologist in me said she was manifesting behavior patterning from some early trauma, while the psychic in me said this bore many of the hallmarks of genuine spirit possession. In backing off and telling her I would study her notes and call her back in a couple of days, she began flirting with me in quite a provocative manner, the sexual content here, powerfully charged with its youthful energies, made me realize that she had learnt at an early stage how to manipulate men, and this suggested symptoms of early sexual abuse. Desperate people often form gripping relationships with their therapists in a needy manner with a deep sexual nucleus. The difficulty is, these people have often experienced through their lives much Abandonment anxiety, and for a therapist to also abandon them can further enhance their pain. They can see you as the lifeline to a drowning person, and they can cling to you in the throes of their torment, and will do literally anything to maintain that bond. With early sexual abuse similar symptoms are expressed as with studies on those tortured from both the Cold War and Guantanamo Bay, they create in their minds a special place where they go, when the awful acts are committed on them, over a period of time the separate energies form a nucleus of their own and can in some instances become separate personalities, the main difficulties with exorcists is to decipher the basic crux of the problem, Is it outside spirit intervention ? or is it internal multiple personality syndrome? 192
Or is it both? The one determining factor is that these people are split apart, and getting them back together can be a long process, the thing they crave is love and acceptance of who they are, accepting is the easy part, and the love we offer must be paternal only.
There is a trend just now for rejecting Freud’s basic premise of memory repression, many practitioners now claim it is an impossibility for a childhood memory to become buried, then come to consciousness in later life with all its original clarity and focus. The mid 1990s saw particularly in the U.S.A a series of “recovered memory syndrome” scandals, where psychologists would talk patients into the belief constellations of childhood abuse, often involving large financial payouts, these memory manipulations were labeled in many cases, “Iatrogenic” or moulded by doctors themselves, certainly, much further research work is needed to avoid future mistakes. The inability of many women to establish or maintain a relationship, has long been one of the inner hallmarks of early trauma, yet the very inner fabric of women is changing, women no longer have to mate for life, contraception, online dating, workplace equality and the decline in anti-women feeling in religious philosophies, has meant new statistics show women have four distinct stages in emotional development. These four life stages, from a footloose 20 year old, to the fifty something search for a toyboy, show middle age is seen as the time of greatest freedom. These distinct life stages display the early loves, the need to settle and procreate, the years of work and financial struggle, then the time when children leave and real freedom beckons, allowing women to discover then who they really are. At any stage, problems may become deeply entrenched in the emotional theatre, and it is these which we see increasingly in alternative practice. The clinic is very forward looking and we have found spiritual therapy to play an important part in the healing cycle, this is a controversial aspect with many professionals who have to deal with those battle damaged on the long path of life's journey. However, in this girls case, she responded well and come to terms with the childhood abuse, and in a mixture of counseling, gentle exorcism and spiritual healing, I was thrilled to hear our beautiful friend goes swimming once a week and is no longer afraid to show her body, she tells us she is studying to be an architect and comes into the clinic each Friday lunchtime and makes us tea and biscuits. We believe in an open door policy where a welcome is an essential part of the bonding process of healer and the healed. Let’s look at her handprint; (1) The open life and head, is a sign that the thinking is unconnected to the life force, information is impulsively absorbed with distortions, their expectations are inaccurate and inconsistent with reality leading to various minor anxiety conditions. The head line also vears low toward the wrist with offshoots, depicting Multiple Personality Syndrome or depressive disorders. (2) Curved line cutting off the hypo-thenar eminence, always seen in Attention Deficit Disorders and occasionally identified as an allergy line, e.g. diet or medication.
(3) Slightly curving Mercury finger alongside an Apollo finger thin throughout its length, depicts a traumatic latency period maternal experience, which leads to an inability to be passionately involved in the sexual experience, and later to body dysmorphia as in anorexia, physique hypochondria or body building. This compounded with a flat Venus mount, and tightly swept in life line, showing a maternal rejection factor and life energy difficulties. The mother would probably been emotionally inarticulate or have arrested development, this coupled to low set Mercury finger deeply enhancing the abandonment anxiety with issues of trust. (4) The fate line with 3 branches to the headline, is known as the sign of "the temple" and tells that mysticism or spirituality in the mid thirties, will become a major life focus. Tibetan palmistry calls the low set bent Mercury finger, coupled to open lines of life and head with the headline drooping, as the "Serpents Tongue" because it brings such problems. In short a difficult hand, in a hauntingly beautiful woman.
1008 Petals The Mayonnaise Jar Contributed By
Carole McMechan, Canada When things in your life seem, almost too much to handle, When 24 Hours in a day is not enough, Remember the mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee. A professor stood before his philosophy class And had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, He picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students, if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open Areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous 'yes.' The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed. 'Now,' said the professor, as the laughter subsided, 'I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things - family, children, health, Friends, and Favorite passions – Things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, Your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, house, and car. The sand is everything else --The small stuff. 196
'If you put the sand into the jar first,' He continued, 'there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, You will never have room for the things that are important to you.
So... Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play With your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal. 'Take care of the golf balls first -The things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.' One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. 'I'm glad you asked'. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.' Please share this with other "Golf Balls" I just did......
Saptarishis Astrology Vol 7-Dec 2009
The C.S.Patel Memorial Issue CONTENT No Article 1 2 3
Vol 7 Publitorial Part 1 Vol 7 Publitorial Part 2 Saptarishis Astrology Update
Author Page Saptarishis Astrology Saptarishis Astrology Saptarishis Astrology
7 36 55
Andrew McDonald, U.K Blanca Bustamante Martino, Mexico Carl Johan Calleman, Sweden Carl Johan Calleman, Sweden Christine Kaspers, Netherlands Ciro Discepolo, Italy Constantine Semenov, Crimea
56 65 81 86 94 99 106
Floco Tausin, Switzerland Holly Hall, Canada Saptarishis Astrology John Frawley, Poland Lisa Gordon, U.K Tapan Das, Canada Ron Bippus, Canada
111 118 123 124 133 138 140
Maarit Laurento, Finland Micha Felner, Holland
157 162
Robert Gover, USA Tapan Das, Canada Luciana Marinangeli, Italy T.Stokes, U.K
171 179 186 192 196
Saptarishis Astrology Saptarishis Astrology Saptarishis Astrology Late C.S.Patel, India
202 203 232 251
U.K.Jha, India Ashutosh Kumar, India Chakrapani Ullal, USA Dr K. S. Charak, India
262 272 282 289
Western Astrology 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
When Will I Find My Next Job Configuraciones Universales Hacia El (Spanish) The Tortuguero Monument 6 & the Mayan End Date The Final Mayan Calendar Steps to 2012 Napoleons Astrocartograhphy Lunar Returns on Airliners How To Predict Forex Awakening the Inner Sense – Some Methods & Meditation Objects Discover The Child Within Saptarishis Astrology - Life Time Achievement Award How To Beat Time A Game Of Chance Launch Your Book - Tapan Das Death In Astrology Financial Astrology Micha Felner - A Saptarishis Astrology Interview Jacko’s - Birth Time Rectification How To Predict Stock Market Crashes & Great Depressions Similarity Between Quantum Mechanics & Astrology The Emperor Hadrian & Astrology Multiple Personality Disorder 1008 Petals
Indian Astrology 25
26 27 28
29 30 31
Saptarishis Astrology - Life Time Achievement Award Vol 7 Publitorial Part 1 Vol 7 Publitorial Part 2 Ashtakvarga Thumb Rules Tribute To A Genuine Researcher In Last 150 Years Of Astrology Nadi Method of Marriage 2009 Triple Eclipses The Fascinating Dashamamsha - 1
33 34
Madhura Krishnamurthi Sastri, India. Gayatri Devi Vasudev, India Vamadeva Shastri (David Frawley), USA
306 315 322
Saptarishis Nadi - Gemini Asc - Chart 3 Saptarishis Nadi - Gemini Asc - Chart 4 Jyotish Phalaratnamala Of Krishnamishra -1 Asta Siddantha Sara - Sukra Gati Agni Purana - 1
Translated By Yenbeeyes, India Translated By Yenbeeyes, India Translated By Chandrashekhar Sharma, India Translated By V.Raghavendra Rao Translated By Rahul Vedi, Australia
332 347 362 391 395
Lomasha Samhita-1
Translated By Ashok Kumar Pandey & Anup Das, India Translated By S. Karthikeyan, Australia Madhura Krishnamurthi Sastri, India. Translated By Chandrashekhar Sharma, India Translated By N Sundara Rajan, India Saptarishis Astrology Team Translated By Anuj Bahl, India Translated By Abhishekha, USA Translated By Alok Jagawat, India Translated By A.K.Singh, India Translated By Anuj Bahl, India Translated By Chandrashekhar Sharma, India Translated By Chandrashekhar Sharma, India Re-Translation By Virendra Battu, India
402 409 427 441 449 463 480 530 543 559 567 574 589 605
Re-Translated By Virendra Battu & Madhav Deshmukh, India Translated By V.Raghavendra Rao Re-Translated By Rohit Sharma, India Translated By Ramakrishna, India Venkat Ramana, India Venkat Ramana, India Venkat Ramana, India Saptarishis Astrology Venkat Ramana, India Andree Leclerc, Canada Saptarishis Astrology Saptarishis Astrology Translated By V. Padmanabhan, India Dr K.P.Vaani, India
618 642 650 669 676 685 691 699 705 712 721 730 741 753
Saptarishis Astrology V.V. Shirvaikar, USA Rabinder Nath Bhandari, India P.M.Padia, India Babubhai Yodh & B.D.Vaghela, India B.K.Chauhan, India Gary Gomes, USA Rakesh Desai, India
762 763 766 790 806 813 820 827
New Light On Jaimini Astrology-4 Obama’s Raja Yogas & U.S. Affairs Krishna & the Unicorn of the Indus Seals
Mission Saptarishis 36
37 38
39 40
41 42
43 44
45 46 47
48 49
50 51
52 53
54 55
56 57 58
59 60
61 62
63 64
65 66
67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
Jataka Jambunatheeyam -1 The Enigma Of Arudha - Part 1 - BPHS Series Guru Nadi -3 Sukra Nadi - 1 Sukar Nadi - 6 Punarvasu Nakshatra Padas in Ravana Samhita Khannar Vachan - 1 Narpatijaycharya-1 JyotishKalpadruma -1 Lagna Varahi Bhrighu Nadi Jyotisham -1 Bhrighu Nadi Jyotisham -2 Krushi-Parasharaha -1 Kalpalatta - 1 Gauli Patnam & Gavuli Palku Lakshanam Tatkalin Bhrigu Prashna – Part 1 Vakya Prashna Saaram -1 Bhrighu Saral Paddathi - 8 Bhrighu Saral Paddathi -9 Bhrighu Saral Paddathi -10 Bhrighu Saral Paddathi -11 Bhrighu Saral Paddathi -12 Bhrighu Saral Paddathi -13 Bhrighu Saral Paddathi -14 Bhrighu Saral Paddathi -15 KumaraSwamiyam - 4 Bhrighu Pada Dasa System Regular Saptarishis Astrology Update Dnyaneshwari - Chapter 5 Saptarishis Astrology Remedies Ascertaining Marriage Life: Divorce Rules Illusive Effect of Nodes - Shadow Of Moon Death Mystery Of Subhash Chandra Bose Jaiminis Chara Dasas & Predictions Can Horoscope be made from Palm Print ? (Gujarati)
77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88
Nabhasa Yogas Upapada - A Novel Exposition Thy Notes -2, BCP & Prashna Child Birth Via Annual Charts Lal Kitab Remedies For the Uninitiated Dharak & Dharakansha Horoscope Karve Guruji - An Exposition Longevity In Astrology Similarity Between Quantum Mechanics & Astrology Saptarishis Astrology 1st Annual Award Ceremony Book Launch - Predictive Series Vol 1
1008 Petals
G.K.Goel, India Jagdish Raj Ratra, India Saptarishis Astrology Laura Barat, USA Rabinder Nath Bhandari, India Paresh Desai, India R.G.Krishnan, USA S.C.Kursija, India Tapan Das, Canada Saptarishis Astrology Saptarishis Astrology Saptarishis Astrology
832 856 874 876 882 893 903 910 920 927 930 931
Presents Life Time Achievement Award To
Shri Iranganti Rangacharya For Highest Achievement In Jaimini Astrology Host: Indian Council Of Astrological Sciences - Secunderabad Date: Sunday – 27th Dec 2009, 9.30 a.m Venue: 10, Kowtha Swarajya Vihar, Padmaraonagar, Secunderabad Full Day Seminar By ICAS, Secunderabad: On Matrimonial Harmony For Details & Registration -: Contact Shri B Somanatha Sharma +91 9441533988/ Mr V Gopala Krishna +91 9866248350
|| Gururbrahmaa Gururvishnu Gururdevo Maheshvarah || || GururSakshaat Parambrahma, Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah||
Vol 7 – C. S. Patel 2nd Memorial Issue- Part 1
his special issue has been kept manuscript centric because it is re-dedicated to Late Shri C S Patel. The Grandmaster of Modern Vedic astrology taught to the world few rare principles but what was the most important teaching from him most have missed. It was ‘Keep It Simple & NoInfidelity in Astrology’ – this principle can be used by all the Western Astrology students and also the Vedic Astrology students. Especially during these times of internet & fast communication where all kinds of knowledge is available and one has multiple teachers, this is most essential otherwise as we have observed over the last decade many great minds in astrology go ‘Absolute Waste’. In today’s times of multiple organisations and institutions he just stuck to his room in Mumbai and did not waste time doing Public Relations and as many have told us over the years there has never been a master like Mr Patel. These fans of Mr Patel have been from Denmark to Australia and even from small villages in India. The striking part of Mr Patel was he spear-headed the movement in last 100 years to bring out rare manuscripts containing real knowledge of astrology, he travelled far to collect it, he translated them painstakingly and demonstrated application. After him almost none in India succeeded in bringing out so many rare verses from so many rare manuscripts. His books still remain on the top of the shelf of every astro lover in the world. It is this penchant of his to dig deeper into manuscripts and not be satisfied by available books that we follow and will address more gravely in this issue. Hence this issue of the magazine will not follow regular columns and is a Manuscript Centric Issue so as to inspire everyone to dig deeper into classics, we bring out this time translations of several unknown but most important works. Each Publitorial of Saptarishis Astrology is designed to be different from other editorials. As a policy it does not venture into mundane astrology & looks upon itself to take the task mentioned in the ‘Last Book Of Astrology’ to ‘Change The Mindsets’ of astrologers worldwide which would in turn would make the Astrology Consciousness to grow and become purified, thereby creating the stage and the automatic need in the Universe to bring out the hidden and working knowledge in astrology. In today’s time of commercialization and shameless self promotion it is more essential for us to raise the consciousness.
The Enigma Of Birth Time Rectification
et us quickly turn to a world event that happened few months back and a challenge to astrologers worldwide. One must bear in mind that without proper birth time every article on birth time rectification is a product of the authors experience or mind and cannot be taken as a guarantor inspite of the fame or experience of the astrologer. It is the toughest to even rectify & get to the Asc in cases of unknown birth and as complex a life that of Michael Jackson. A new breed of astrologers over the internet fooled for one decade to rectify birth time till the second up to the 60th division asking for $ 250 to $ 500 for it. One way to test an astrologer is no to take the chart of a known person whose birth certificate is crystal clear and give the time of birth as unknown to astrologers. You will find that every astrologer worth his salt will ‘Fit’ all the events into the Asc he chooses and even we are guilty of the same, since birth time rectification is one of the most toughest process. What is more important is being honest and admitting that it is the toughest in getting the Asc right, what say of getting to the exact second, a practice in modern times of fooling young ones. It is Michael Jacksons chart which has given us extreme pain and headaches not because he is a celeb but because he truly was a great entertainer. In recent years, to cause us sleepless nights was a bigger obsession of getting to the chart of Linda Goodman whose date of birth is also unknown, she ensured that you go round and round and don’t get to her, just like Jackson ensured that. Let’s trace his birth time confusion with what some famous astrologers went through. 203
Richard Gehman gives a time of 7:54 AM CDT "from someone close to Michael." Grazia Bordoni writes that Mercurio-3 gave 3:00 AM "from him." Zip Dobyns has 1:30 AM "from a close friend of Michael's to a fellow astrologer." Dobyns speculates late Aquarius rising. Kim Baker speculates 12:09 PM in NCGR Newsletter article. Lois Rodden spec-rectifies to 8:47 AM CDT. Basil Fearrington rectifies to 11:53 PM in "Astrology of the Famed," writing in a footnote of the Introduction that "I had many opportunities to observe Michael but could not get close enough to ask him about his time of birth." On 12/31/1998, Fearrington emailed the statement that "I had occasion, while playing in the opening act for the very last Jackson tour to ask Michael what his time of birth was. He said "I will tell you as I told Jackie Onassis, all I know is that it was late in the evening, definitely after 10:30 PM." However, LMR notes that "Astrology of the Famed" was published in 1996 and Jackson's last tour was in 1984 so there is some question about this. Shortly after Jackson's death in late June 2009, Steven Stuckey 1 wrote to: "My friend and teacher of 25 years, Vedic astrologer Chakrapani Ullal , was Michael Jackson's astrologer in the late '80's. Michael gave him a time of birth of 7:33 PM." In a follow-up e-mail, Stuckey confirmed that Chakrapani received the time from Jackson directly. Edith Hathaway submitted the same time also from Chakrapani Ullal. PT also talked with Chakrapani who confirmed that he received the time directly from Michael. At around the same time Michael Munkasey called citing Ed Healin for 12:09 PM. Ed worked at a record company and did charts as well. When Michael Jackson approached Ed to read his chart, Ed sent Jackson away, saying something like "get the time from your birth certificate." When Jackson returned, he told Ed that he had been born at 12:09 PM according to his birth certificate. Given that there are numerous reports with different times, many from Jackson himself, PT maintained the DD rating as of July 2009. We even asked America’s senior most Astrologer and also a writer for Saptarishis Astrology, Shri Chakrapani Ullal in order to double check the time of birth he received from Jackson. His reply to us: Dear Admin, Thank you for your email. Michael Jackson's birth time is 19:33 and it was personally given by him to me. I was his astrologer from the 80's, 90's, and until 2005. I do believe that this birth time is correct because he had the knowledge that the time should be very accurate for the purpose of the reading. He was kind of an enlightened man, he was vegetarian, a meditator, and was a highly humble human being. Yours, Chakrapani The Asc is Taurus with Indian Zodiac with Basil Ferrington’s time of birth Asc and Aquarius with Chakrapani Ullal’s time of birth reference. Gayatri Devi Vasudev the editor of Modern Astrology also took the same time of birth that of Mr Ullal in her September issue with a nice editorial to Jacksons chart. The agony of a serious student of astrology is when he tried several rare methods to double check on what could be the right Asc and finds that both Asc can resonate with events also matching. What does one do in such circumstances; Indian Astrology has a solution to this which is by taking Moon as the Ascendant.
Michael Jackson Chart via Moon as the Ascendant
n India we see charts from natal Asc and moon Asc and to a lesser extent the Sun Asc. Why did the ancients of India take Moon as the Asc even when the time of birth is known is a mystery, various theories abound but classical works fail to impress as to the reason why. Infact it seems absurd to take Moon as Asc since for nearly 2 days most of the people born will have the same Chart if one takes it from the Moon Asc but still astrologers in India since thousands of years have sworn with their experience that this technique works. One of the reasons to not ignore Moon Asc is not just since it 1
You can check his site and contact him for consultations at http://www.vedicastrology.com/ 204
controls the water on earth and humans having maximum % of water hence Moon Asc but the astronomical reason related to astrology is Moon is the only body which ‘Revolves Around Earth’ – this point has not been mentioned earlier in books and craves deeper thinking on it. Imagine if you are sitting in a park in bench and a kid zooms his bike around you continuously, won’t it affect your mind and by affecting one’s mind it would affect ones action which is what we are trying to find out via astrology. This revolution of the Moon around earth (you) makes it necessary to see the chart ‘Also’ from the Moon as the Asc. Also once the native has crossed the age of 32 then it becomes more than necessary to see the chart also from the Moon Asc. In case of people who are emotional or in creative fields one cannot ignore seeing their charts from the Moon Asc. Charts of people who are compassionate (4H matter), clean heart you must see their charts by making Moon as the Asc and this applies more to Michael Jackson.
Interestingly if we take Moon as the Asc then it will match with the time given by MJ to Chakrapani Ullal but we will take it as Moon Asc chart.
It is difficult to explain any chart as to why the person became a celeb without going into Indian astrology but that will be reduced here considering that the Publitorial is read by western astrology astrologers too. Some key points are a) The Asc Aq has Moon sitting in it which is the 6th lord of diseases and courts and accusations, 2 his life was marred by these factors all his life. 1H is the house of skull & skin and 6L of disease being placed there means some sort of skin disease by which his skin changes frequently just as the moons phases change. He suffered from a skin disease called vitiligo. b) Technique of Deciphering Snap Shot Of Life: This technique can be used by western astrology & Indian astrology adepts too and we had explained it briefly in previous editorials. See the number of the sign in the Asc, suppose it is Sagi Asc then the number of the sign is 9, now go to 9H of the chart and their ruler, conjunctions, planets there in and so on and you would get the Snap Shot of Life in a second. In the case of Michael Jackson, his Moon Asc is Aq which is number 11, so we take 11th house of his chart which signifies achievements in life. Its ruler is 3 Jupiter who is in the 9H of fortune & king. This 9H contains Jupiter & Rahu both expansive planet and Rahu means international. This 9H is 4th (throne) from Venus (Music) and 3rd (singing) from Mars (3L of singing). Thus he became known as the King Of Pop. This 9H of father has Rahu, so his father would be the cause of his fortune which was exactly the case, without his father he would not have achieved it. See 9H is also the house of mentor and it is with Dragons head - Rahu (cheating/break of relations) and his mentor Quincy Jones was also the cause of his great albums and the Dragons head thing happened between them. 9H is also the house of religion and over there the planet of religion Jupiter is sitting and Rahu (change) in Indian astrology shows Other Castes and particularly some astrologers use it to denote Muslims. Thus, Michael changed his religion to Islam and towards the end of his life was attracted towards Hinduism. Jupiter is also the significator of Children and Rahu denotes cheating and scandals, this is what happened in his life. 9H is the Resultant House of the 5H of love and children and he was so much in love with children. Dispositors dispositor is a technique that was revealed by Late J N Bhasin and here the dispositor of Jupiter is Venus (women) and it is in the 6H of divorce and legal settlements and loss of money (Venus). This part of the story everyone knows and need not be explained in detail. Thus you can see how this quick Snap Shot Of Life can be seen by a small forgotten technique of Indian Astrology if ones basics are strong which normally takes 40-50 years in astrology to achieve. c) Chakrapani’ s Version & Symbology of Western Astrology For a second let us truly believe that Shri Chakrapani was given the wrong time of birth, why would someone go to an astrologer for 20-25 years and give him wrong time of birth plus money to get consultations, it is unfathomable unless you believe in the nickname Wacko Jacko as he was called. For some years we have been studying degrees of the zodiac and the prediction for each individual degree of the zodiac. This deserves a very length explanation but in brief it is presented here to highlight only the superb form of symbology of Western Astrology so that Indians look into it in detail. Inspite of so many Sages of Indian Astrology, so far we do not have in Vedic astrology a book available to people anything from the sages that gives prediction for each individual degree but the sages of western astrology have done a lot of work in this field and due credit must be given to them. Charubel, Sepharial, Firmicus Maternus, Kozminsky, M C Jain and many others have done work on it and thus if one wishes to see Michael Jacksons Asc via degrees one must convert it to Tropical Zodiac and one gets 10° Pisces 07 ' which is the 11th Degree of Pisces. The explanation for it given in another work 4 Astrolabium Planum given below for 11th degree of Pisces.
2 3
Dr K.S.Charak, foremost authority on medical astrology quoted us in a mail citing Uttara Kalamrita as 1H for skin 9H of king as per western astrology & also Chandra Kala Nadi, an ancient work.
Astrolabium Planum, one of the most intriguing and enigmatic books written during Renaissance by Johannes Angelus, published in 1488 in Augusta. We referred to a translation of Planum which was translated by R. Turner (15 Jan 1655), foreword given by William Lilly, will try to upload it on our site or you can download it from 206
After spending two days of trying to find out what is the meaning of the word ftaffe & finding that connection of it in the arm (written as arme in original) in the above paragraph we troubled the never give up woman Lorin Cerina – Croatia, Margaret George U.K and finally John Frawley – Poland, the later is considered the foremost authority on William Lillys work, he wrote back…. just in case you're not aware of this - the thing that looks like an f is a standard form of printing s in old books, known as the long s. If you look closely, you'll see that it differs from an f in that the crossbar doesn't go all the way across the upright, but is on only one side of it. The word is staffe (staff in modern spelling). It's a big stick, bigger than a walking-stick, but for the same purpose. Hence the connection with vagabond - someone who wanders about all the time. Best regards, John It is very important to connect between the words used, connect to the era when it was written in a text and use it symbolically in your interpretation. Due to this factor every astrologers interpretation can vary and give in scope for criticism. What can be one form of interpretation is to imagine if the time of birth given by Chakrapani Ullal is correct and to see its western astrology symbolism. In ancient times it was the chieftan of the tribe or clan or church head who carried a staff like huge stick to symbolize that the person was a man of authority. It was like a statement to those around him about his importance. So the point is you need to not do literal translation but get behind the concept that the 16th century text is trying ‘it is trying to say that staff on the arm was a symbol of authority to stand out from the crowd. Now interpret it in modern times, you might have noticed that teenagers nowadays wear color bands on their hands to attract attention or to stand out. Now note that the Asc degree describes that the man will have a kind of a staff on his arm and we all remember that Michael Jackson had a band on his right hand and also a white glove on his hand which is 3H and giving a white silvery band on his right hand means giving Moon in the 3H of singing where already Mars is there, which means combining Mars Moon and, Mars Moon combo is a famous wealth combination in Vedic Astrology, it happening in the 3H of singing shows wealth through singing. Did an astrologer guide him on this point and he was known to visit astrologers. When asked why he wore that band he said it is for the suffering of the children of earth, now he has Mars in the 3H and in Indian astrology Mars is ‘Bhumi Putra’ means the child of the earth. He wore band on hand and the 1H of fame got activated. Offhand note sometimes he used a golden band on his arm, thus activating Sun and the famous Sun Mars Yoga. The main intention of this write up in section is not to prove that the degree of MJ is the correct one as gotten by the 19.33 time but to make the Indian astrologer look and research the texts of the Sages of the West and http://heavenastrolabe.net/about-the-stars-of-angelus-astrolabium-planum/ . It is said Johannes Angelus copied it from Ibnezra. 207
not ignore them as interpretation of the degrees of the zodiac can be the most important tool in birth time rectification than any other birth time rectification tool. d) Moon is the natural 4th lord of the zodiac which shows ones reputation and chastity, hence if the moon is spoilt he becomes prone to the accusations of sexual nature, this is a general rule and also if Moon is spoilt in a chart then ones marriage life is not stable if other factors support, additionally if Moon is spoilt one’s life will not be stable. These general principles are oft ignored by the seasoned astrologers is what has been observed hence it is being repeated here. Now how is this Moon spoilt? e) If you remember one of our previous publitorials we had mentioned a Sage Bhrighu rule that Saturn spoils the 4th from where it is placed, the 4th house from Saturn is Asc where Moon the 6L of health, debts and court problems is placed. Saturn as the 12L of bed pleasures scandals and also heavy karma from previous life brings that energy with it and spoils the Moon who governs all the factors of health, debts and court cases. Thus you can see that two planets Moon and Saturn can indicate his full life story. f) This Moon in turn is spoilt by the 8th lord of scandals and sexual scandals which in MJs chart from Moon Asc is Mercury aspecting the Moon (courts). Thus he was dragged into court for sexual scandals, why children? Since Mercury is the young prince in Indian Mythology whose age is 16 and thus if you see MJ always was dragged to court by children who were around that age. Mercury being retrograde shows that it is past life karma and it being the 8L of Chronic Bad Karma from the Dark Past (8H is house of darkness) it had to show in front of the world since Mercury is placed in the 7H of Public Platform and 7H being the opposite of the 1H it brings out you in front of the people, it being placed with a own house placed Sun who is strong there and the natural 5L of children of the zodiac and Suns properties is to exhibit light it brought the whole story in limelight and will always spoil his image whether it is true or false. g) Jupiter is significator of children and Dragons Head - Rahu significator of Scandals or sexual scandal at times as pointed out in previous publitorials, both these are in 9H and 5th house is for children, now in any chart 5th from Jupiter is also the house of children which in MJs chart would be the 1H of self where the 6th lord of litigation Moon is sitting, no doubt he had to face court on this account of children’s sexual scandal, it being moon can indicate constant regular harassment. A huge interest should arise in astrologers regarding the chart of MJ since if one takes mean nodes the Dragons Head is in 9H whereas with true nodes it shifts to 8H. This controversial topic is not dealt purposely in this Publitorial h) Mysterious Death Technique One should not forget a very broad technique for finding out mysterious death will happen or not is ‘When North Node – Rahu associates with 8H or 8L or 3H or 3L it can give mysterious death’, this is one of the techniques and not the only technique. So if true nodes are used then Rahu goes in the 8H of chronic diseases, sexual scandals and death and that is what Rahu gave him. In MJs case Rahu is in the 8H giving mysterious death & Rahu’s 2nd aspect falls on 8th lord Mercury. John F Kennedy had his 8H and 8L both aspected by Rahu. Marilyn Monroe’s 8th L Saturn is aspected by Rahu and so is the 8H, her death was and is still a mystery. Subhas Chandra Bose the Indian freedom fighter who is dead or not has not been decided since last few decades had his 8L aspected by Rahu. Bruce Lee died a mysterious death, his 8L Mer is in the 12H with Moon, Mars and Venus, all 3 are in the asterism (nakshatra) of Rahu and the 8H receives the ½ aspect (10th) of Rahu. Indira Gandhi’s son Sanjay Gandhi has his 8L Sun aspected by Rahu. In chart of Hitler, 2nd aspect of Rahu falls on the 8H, Rahu’s dispositor Mercury is with the 8L, Rahu aspects the 3H and 3L, in D9 Rahu is with the 8L Mercury of D9. One must note that when such a Rahu aspects it can also mean mysterious or chronic diseases death or sudden death or assassination death like in the case of Abraham Lincoln whose North Node –Rahu aspects his 8L Mer and 8H. Rahus 2nd house aspect on 8L Venus in John Lennon’s chart lead to the mysterious uncalled for assassination. For those who use Bhava chalit the dispositor of Rahu has gone into the 8H. One must 208
use this technique not for prediction but for verification as before Lordship and aspect techniques Yoga (specific combinations) for an Event is given prominence in Indian Astrology. i) Something Unknown About Saturn – The Philanthropist What interests one in Indian Astrology is usually Sun is known as significator for charity, and in Indian mythology it is the legendary & greatest donor ever called ‘Karna’ who is regarded as the son of Sun. Also known in the planetary mythology is that Saturn is the son of Sun yet he is given the significatorship of servants and poverty, hence not associated with charity. Hence here is a small controversial piece of observation ‘Saturn is one of the Biggest Givers’, we use the word givers more than donators as when Saturn gives he does not usually show pomp and drama unless afflicted. Note this part about Saturn and also remember that 12H is the house of charity, hence whenever 12H is connected with Saturn or 12L is connected with Saturn one can get tendencies of donating without much pomp and 5 show. Look at the chart of Angelina Jolie, she has Saturn in the 12H and has done lot of charity work . 6 Jackson has 12th ruler Saturn in the 10H of Karma and Achievements. Here is a quote ‘The MillenniumIssue of the “Guinness Book Of Records” names Michael as the “Pop Star who supports the most charity organizations’’, one can find a more detailed time line of his charity work at jacksonaction.com. Bill Gates Saturn is associated with 12th ruler Venus in 5H. One of the big names in donation is of Andrew Carnegie, his time of birth is given a DD rating by Lois Rodden, yet if we take it for a second, you would see his 12th ruler Mercury is with Saturn in the 1H of self name, as a philanthropist, his gifts to civic organizations were estimated at $350 million7 over his lifetime. One of the team members of Saptarishis Astrology has Saturn in the 12H and in a way lot of giving happens via him. Once we asked mentor what is the most special trait of Saturn in the 12H, he said ‘you have asked a wise question, such a person can at times become such a giver that he can sell himself in giving to others, even take loan and give to others, provided chart combinations (yogas) support it’. Not to forget Rockefeller, John D. Jr. who has a B rating from Lois, his 12L is also Saturn, his father’s the original Philanthropist year of birth is suspect hence not included here as an example. j) One interesting thing about his chart is Jupiter conjoined with North Node (Rahu) in the 9H of teacher and father. Apart from this Jupiter rules Children and it is with Rahu the planet of scandals, and it sitting in the 9H of Fate and Fortune, thus his fate was marred by children led scandals. Whenever the divine planet Jupiter is aspected or in trine to North Node in India students are not taught astrology by their teachers, this is a general but golden rule. The reason is such a person will go against the teacher who is signified by Jupiter (Guru) doubly in MJs case as it is placed in the 9H of father and teacher. He publicly spoke against the harsh practices of his father’s training. Now when will this native speak against his father when Jupiter’s periods are active. This part will be understood well by students of Indian astrology by a technique called Vimshottari Dasa and it was during the period of Mer-MerJupiter which ran from Nov 92 to Mar 93 that Jackson first spoke openly about his childhood abuse in an interview with Oprah Winfrey broadcast on February 10, 1993. He said that he had often cried from loneliness and would sometimes vomit when he saw his father. k) 9H is also the house of Mentor and it having the planet of cheating/deception the North Node (rahu) there will indicate that his relationship with the man who opened his Prosperity (9H-Bhagya) will not last forever and he would severe his relationship with his mentor Quincy Jones who gave him the success of his albums. Jackson was disappointed by the critical reaction to Bad--despite the album's financial success—and blamed it on decisions made by Jones during the making, and that he ended their working relationship at the advice of his advisers. l) When Will Fortune Rise – this is the biggest question in Vedic astrology for which parents come to vedic astrologer concerned about their child and the toughest to answer. In this regard the BCP 5
http://angelinafans.com/charity-work/ http://www.looktothestars.org/celebrity/113-michael-jackson http://www.jacksonaction.com/?page=charity.htm 7 http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Carnegie%2C_Andrew 6
method that was revealed last year in the 1st C.S.Patel Memorial Issue (Vol 3) is the easiest and the best. The 9th house is the house of prosperity and rise of prosperity (Bhagya in Indian astrology), over there the benefic planet Jupiter is sitting with North Node - Rahu which shows sudden great rise. 9H as per the BCP method is the 21st year, 10H is 22nd and so on. In his 21st year on 10th Aug 1979, his 1st Album titled ‘Off The Wall’ was released and he became an instant sensation with the track ‘Don’t stop till you get enough’ after which there was no stopping Michael, thus you can see how easy it is with BCP to time ‘Start of Prosperity’. You can further note the degree of Rahu and you would get around to almost the exact date of 10th Aug 1979 when his album was released8. m) North Node (Past Life Desires-Rahu) & Jupiter (religion) in the 9H of religion, will make him change his view his views on religion as Rahu means Transformation and Pending Issues too from past life and it is said he changed his religion to Islam and in his later period of life he was attracted to Hinduism it is reported in media. n) Dragons Tail – Ketu – This is Where You Can Immortalize Yourself his was supposed to be a future article in the BSP-Planet series but is being included here. Sage Bhrighu method is ‘wherever Dragons Tail (Ketu) sit there you have the possibility of Installing Your Flag Of =Your Own Name Forever’ – that is of establishing yourself if the other planets in the chart supports. This can help you plan your life and of your clients. Let’s quickly look at few charts without illustrations. Jackson has Ketu in the 3H of singing, hands, and shoulders with the 10L of Career. Apart from his singing his hands and shoulder movement in his dance was too innovative and there he established himself what Elvis could not do. Sylvester Stallone has Dragons Tail - Ketu in the 1H as per western zodiac so he has Established His Name forever, if you take the Indian zodiac then the ketu is in the 12H of abroad and charity in the 8th sign of the dark horse and sex. He started his career as the dark horse and his roles were of the dark horse and his name is established abroad. He started his career with a semi-porn movie. He has done charity work for Pediatric Epilepsy 9 Project . Similarly Bollywood star had Ketu in the 1H of self, his name cannot be erased and 1H is personality, ideals and had huge impact to Martin Luther King and Obama. Elizabeth Kübler Ross has Dragons Tail - Ketu in 11H of attainment, it is aspected by the planet of death Saturn, she did revolutionary work on death and dying and Dragons Tail - Ketu being in Sagi, the 9th sign of higher knowledge & Teacher, that’s what she gave a higher knowledge by teaching it to 125,000 students worldwide. Hitler had Dragons Tail - Ketu in the 3H of death (secondary house of death) he put his stamp in the style of death meted out. Elvis had Dragons Tail - Ketu in 9H of Gods aspected by Venus in the 3H of singing; he was considered the God of Rock. Mother Teresa’s time of birth is suspect but if we take the commonly known chart of her, it has Dragons Tail - Ketu in the 12H of Charity in the sign of Sc, chronic diseases, she did charity work for the destitute, sick and homeless, and thus she established her names flag forever and inspired millions. A young astrologer who gave his jyotish software free also has Dragons Tail - Ketu in the 12H of charity and till he was charging for it he was not known but when a mail to him stirred a cord in him, then he gave his software free of charge and has become known now thereby establishing his name. Paramhansa Yogananda has Dragons Tail - Ketu in the 3H of Libra (resultant house of knowledge) and its lord has gone in the 4H of knowledge. 3H is the house of writing and his Autobiography of a Yogi is and will remain an unmatched spiritual classic that everyone picks up in his path to understand Indian Spirituality. Jawaharlal Nehru had Dragons Tail - Ketu in the 6H of fighting with Jupiter the 9L of Rulers. He is known as having fought with the Britishers and helped Gandhi get our freedom. 3H is also the house of servants as per Sage Parasara, Abraham Lincoln had Dragons Tail - Ketu in the 3H he ended slavery in America and established his name forever. 4H is the house of Home Land, Gandhi had Ketu in the 4H of homeland and he freed our land from British Empire and thus established his name. 9H is the house of righteousness (Dharma), higher knowledge, religion and Guru, Lord Krishna has various charts floating around but most scholars agree for Taurus Asc and Ketu in the 9H, he established Righteousness and religion and became Guru of
8 9
For further details on how to use the degree of Rahu to time the date of the event you can refer to our Vol 4 issue the ‘Thy Notes article’ http://www.looktothestars.org/celebrity/342-sylvester-stallone 210
Gurus to Arjuna his student and gave us the great work on righteousness and higher knowledge called Gita. Help direct your clients in how they can establish themselves but please do not forget to warn them that wherever Ketu sits there ‘One Major Mistake’ will happen, there is no 99% in this. o) Dial M for Michael here is a secret system not known to Indian Astrologers on using the 9 Planets in correspondence to the starting letter of one’s name. For e.g. names starting with R stands for Moon and so does S for Moon, A is denoted by Sun & M is signified by Saturn and so on. Whenever one sees a chart this method should be used in the backdrop and you should see your clients name and the planet signified by it should be marked in memory while seeing the chart, at a later date will provide a complete article on it. This planet signified by the starting letter will usually be strong or important in the chart, will give you hints about the ‘Life Path Of the Individual’ & if followed well along with support of planets can give ‘Immortality’. Do not ignore this method at all. Now Michael name starts with the letter M and it stands for Saturn which in Jackson’s case is the Asc lord in the 10H thereby making it doubly strong, is the significator of singing in Jaimini Astrology (being BK) and being the 12th lord in the 10H of career it shows this life is a result of a very deep past life desire to become a star. Also as it is the 12L of bed pleasures and sex life, being placed in the 10H of career he should have been careful not to allow anything on his sexuality to come out in the open. Saturn as the 12H lord of feet and Asc Lord of body, his body and feet movements were characteristic and phenomenal. Quickly see chart of Michael Angelo, M stands for Saturn it is the 3L of hands, painting and sculpting and it is placed in the 7H of Lime-Light, which is what we did in life. Madonna starts with M and her Saturn is placed in the 4H of fortune and chastity in the sign of Scorpio (sex & hidden things, change of religion) aspecting her 10H of Taurus (2H of voice), she used extreme sensuality in her videos to stand out among the crowd of pop singers. SA team’s one volunteers fathers name starts with M and it is the 8L of Aq in the 10H with Mars in Aries (body). 8H is chronic diseases and Aries is body, the gentleman has paralysis of whole body. Paramhansa Yogananda the man who wrote the immortal classic ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ is known as Yogananda and Y stands for Moon, which is in his 1H of Leo (5h of natural zodiac and the house of authorship) and this Moon is the 12L of spirituality placed in the Asc, so he gave the world something new on spirituality never to be forgotten. Elvis is E and it is ruled by Sun who is his 10H of profession, which is placed in the 2H of voice of Elvis Presley with 11L of gains, he gained money due to his profession. K N Rao is a very old Indian astrologer, the word K stands for Mars in his Asc with 8L of occult Venus & 10L of profession and fame Moon who is dispositor of exalted Jupiter, he is the most famous writer on mystic Indian astrology in last 100 years. Note this Mars of K is the 2nd lord of speech and correct predictions (Vak Siddhi), Mr K N Rao is known as the finest predictor in recent times. If you speak of Mr Rao you can’t not speak of Dr B.V.Raman the longest serving editor of an astrological magazine, some people call him B V Raman and some called him Raman but mainly it is B V Raman, now B stands for Saturn and R for Moon, both are placed in his 4H of education (Vidya) which he spread and was famous for it. Moon is 6L so he was famous for war predictions successful on World War 1 & 2.
p) Year Of Death Use Progression the BCP way as mentioned in Vol 3 & 4, which is 1H 1st year, 12H is 12th year of life, again rotate it and 12H will be 24th year, 36, 48 and so on. Michael died on June 25 2009 which will be his 51st year. Now 51-48(last cycle of 12) = 3H – ‘Focus House for the Year’. Now see the planets in his 3H, Mars – the significator of diseases, accidents and mysterious death (natural 8th lord of zodiac) and Dragons Tail - Ketu (Ketu) - significator of accidents, untimely death, ghosts, spirits and black magic. All this in the 3H which is the secondary house of Death (8th from 8th house). Venus sits in the 6H of 10 accidents and shows drug overdose and this Ven was in Transit on this 3H along with Tr Mars 10
Venus in Indian Mythology shows herbs (Sanjeevani) which revive from death like situation but it going in a bad house like 6H (6,8,12 are termed as bad houses in a chart in Indian astro) will show problems due to drugs (herbs). 211
thereby activating 3H of death, also ‘Simultaneously’ being activated by Rahu in the 10th from it which is the 12H of exit thereby giving him an exit in life. Ketu shows ghosts and it is reported in media that his ghost was cited at numerous occasions. q) Moon Walk – With Moon in the Asc and 12L of legs Saturn in the 10H of ‘Trade Mark’ in the watery sign of Scorpio – his Moon Walk became his trade mark and it was as if his feet were of Jelly. How and when will he perform we would look but for those who came in late here is what is Moon walk. The moonwalk or backslide is a dance technique that presents the illusion of the dancer being pulled backwards while attempting to walk forward. A breakdancing move, it became popular around the world after Michael Jackson executed it during a performance of "Billie Jean" on Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever on March 25, 1983. It subsequently became his signature move, and is now one of the best-known dance techniques in the world. Now on March 25th 198311 Michael would be in his 25th year which be 1st house as per BCP Progression of one house per year. 1H is the Asc whose lord Saturn as such signifies the legs and it is placed in the 10H of highest achievement and also 10H of knees, Saturn is also the 12L of legs in the 10H, also ‘where Saturn sits man will come to his knees’ this had been revealed in one of our previous commentaries or better put for this chart there would be a knee jerk. Note the sign where this 25th year Saturn is sitting it is Scorpio, a powerful watery sign, his feet will move like water, akin to gliding on water and so in his 25th year he performed what was termed as a Master Move that won everyone’s heart and you can watch the video http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moonwalk_%28dance%29 after the moon walk he just did that a knee jerk, bending on his knees. r) 8L of sexuality being Mercury who is considered a neuter gender in Indian Astrology, in the initial years the common thought he is neuter gender and has a sexuality problem or has done a sex change. s) Mars and Ketu in the 3H of singing gave him the aggressiveness in his voice whilst Moon in his 1H saw to it that he still had the feminine flavor in him and his voice. Moon here made him like a mother to all and made him distribute his money to 39 charities world over. t) Mars is the 8L of the natural zodiac of male sexual organ and it is placed in the 3H of hands, his trade mark became his hand catching of the crouch though he was no great looker but still men women idolized him world over with his aggressiveness on screen. The way MJ used his hands (Mars Ketu) and feet (Saturn) no entertainer till date has been able to do so. u)
Pepsi Ascendant
1H is head and if one fine tunes the 1H represents the area above the face i.e. the skull where the hair is placed, over there in the 1H of hair 6th lord of accidents Moon is placed in the sign of Aquarius which is ruled by Saturn so Moon and Saturn are two most important planets, the periods of these two in combo can give accidents to the hair, skull. All Vedic astrologers use a system of timing events called Vimshottari Dasa and on January 27, 1984 Jackson was running Saturn Main Period with Moon Sub Period & Saturn sub-sub period when during the shooting pyrotechnics accidentally set Jackson's hair on fire. He suffered second-degree burns to his scalp. Jackson underwent treatment to hide the scars on his scalp, and he also had his third rhinoplasty shortly thereafter. Saturn is the 12L of hospitalization placed in the sign of Scorpio indicating that it will be chronic. Incidentally in Vedic astrology Saturn is the significator of hair and he was running Saturn-Moon-Saturn. You may note how many times Saturn has repeated in the above periods when accident happened and also we mentioned earlier that Saturn is the Philanthropist, you see Pepsi settled out of court for the accident and Jackson donated his $1.5 million settlement to the Brotman Medical Center in Culver City, California, which now has a "Michael Jackson Burn Center" in honor of his donation. So eventually this Saturn that gave him the 11
Somewhere on net it says May 16th 1983 this move was first performed, still it becomes 25th year, our source is wikipedia 212
accident did make him give back to the society, you can’t sue and take the money home, it is never yours is the common mans saying hence Saturn makes you return that money back to the masses (masses significator is also Saturn). Asc has Aq ruled by Saturn and Moon in it, the two colors for these planets are blue for Saturn and white for Moon. Michael often wore blue color shirts with white T-shirt in his videos, do you remember the super hit ‘The Way You Make Me Feel’ video of his song.
How to Unlock Karma v) Now 3H is the house of ‘UnLocking Of the 10H of Karma’ and this aspect is not known, what is 3H it is the house of one’s actions (hands) and the house of free will and it is only with your actions and free will you Unlock your Karma hence the 3H is the house of Unlocking of Karma. So planets in the 3H and 3L can help you Unlock Your Karma and help you achieve Karma for which you are born. This aspect of the 3H is something new for Indian Astrologers but it works. Now see in natural zodiac Mars the 8L of crouch and occult & dark forces is in the 3H with Dragons Tail - Ketu (Ketu) which also signifies Ghosts. This combination fortified the ghost element. It is sitting in the 3H of short walks and travelling and so it is only when he had a short walk with a girl near a crematorium (Ghosts-Ketu) and when he danced with the ghosts his Karma was Unlocked and the whole world sang Thriller. Ketu also signifies ‘Changes’ and if you remember the video of Thriller his face changed to a ghost (Ketu) and that’s what did it for Jackson for his career as Ketu and Mars is in the 1H of Face but unfortunately this kept on happening in his whole life.
Pending Karma or Why You are Born Indian Astrology claims to be very karma centric and from 10,000 years of history of Indian astrology all students will be told at the start of their astro studies that Indian Astrology helps you see your Karma, to help you move ahead in your cycle of re-births to the next level. But unfortunately one spends 50-70 years in astrology and cannot find a single reliable technique by which the student can see his pending karma or what is that one or many thing pending in his life for which he is born. This form of fooling the students has continued since generations and by the time one is 10 yrs old in Indian Astrology one stops thinking or asking this most vital question. Now there are many hidden techniques of finding out what is the Pending Karma in the most ancient form of astrology which is Bhrighu Astrology and only one of them is revealed here for the first time. Make no mistake that it is a ‘General Technique’. One should test it on known charts of atleast 20 before venturing further.
The Unknown Pending Karma Technique of Sage Bhrighu ‘Wherever the 6th Lord in a natal chart sits or the Planets in the 6H indicate the Pending Karma of this Life that must be Crossed to go to the Next Cycle of Birth’. This is the Block that must be cleared & wiped out in This Life. This is the thing that will always Stop your Progress and Haunt you in this life’. One must use this as a broad technique as this is not the only technique to find out pending karma, use it intelligently combining other tools and from various ascendants various things will be shown. Also if there is a planet in the 6H then see it is lord of which all houses and what it disposits, see the planets basic significations. Even though this technique is simple it can only be used by an expert who is master of houses, planets and house significations – if you are not widely read then don’t use this technique nor judge it – make no mistake about what we have written above. MJ Chart & Pending Karma 213
See in his 6H the planet of Music & Entertainment Venus is placed, his pending karma was to sing and entertain. It being in the sign of Cancer it shows that it was very creative as it’s a watery sign. Who does Venus disposit, it disposits the 9H of Father and Mentor, his pending karma was with his father and his Mentor Quincy Jones. At the same time Venus is womenfolk and some of his female friends were very close to him, whom he helped out financially thus his pending karma was towards them. Venus is also Money and Wealth and whatever sits in the 6H one tends to lose or let go. He let go of a lot of money for charities and eventually he got into further debts since 6H is the house of debts. Coming back Venus disposits the 9H where Jupiter (children) and North Node (Rahu-Scandals), his Karma was pending towards these children where he got into scandal and also other world children whom he loved as it was his Pending Karma.
Now where is his 6L placed, it is right in his 1H of self. These diseases, accidents and facial changes all were his Pending Karma and it had to happen. Now if you read BSP-15 that is revealed in this issue in the Indian section you will notice that the technique of where Venus sits it gives medical expenses and can at times indicate death. Venus is in the 6H of diseases his medical expenses were phenomenal and Venus is in the 4H of medicines and 4th sign of heart. He died due to drug over-dose and due to final heart failure (4th H and sign Cancer indicates heart). As the 6L is Moon who is lord of the sign Cancer and heart, he was considered most compassionate and as a mother to several children, why so, since it is the 6L of Pending Karma and thus he was most compassionate, the one with a lonely heart as that was his pending karma. Let us see few more examples:-
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M.D. (July 8, 1926 – August 24, 2004) was a Swiss-born psychiatrist and the author of the groundbreaking book On Death and Dying, where she first discussed what is now known as the Kübler-Ross model. She is a 2007 inductee into the National Women's Hall of Fame. She was the recipient of twenty honorary degrees and by July 1982 had taught, in her estimation, 125,000 students in death and dying courses in colleges, seminaries, medical schools, hospitals, and social-work institutions. Now use the Sage Bhrighu method of Pending Karma and you can see how beautifully it works in this chart. The lady did original work on Death and Dying and became world famous, see the planet in 6H it is the planet of communication and writing Mercury who is the 8L of death, she wrote ground break work on Death and Dying. Now see the 6L it is Moon – she was a psychiatrist, they deal with the mind, this Moon is in the 5H of authorship – she wrote the groundbreaking book Death and Dying, it is with Sun the natural zodiac lord of authorship and real knowledge and life giver. She gave new life to the concept of death and dying, this 6L Moon is with Rahu and rahu is the underworld and dark things significator, death is considered a dark subject in most cultures. Thus you can see how Sage Bhrighus rule of Pending Karma works so well in her chart, in some charts it will not be too obvious until we know the full story of the person so it’s no use speculating it on a chart which is only 30-40 years old. Sylvester Stallone – It Ain’t Over Yet
They say if you work in the Hollywood or Bollywood industry you will not like the celebs, you won’t be in awe of them and this was the case with us and we were not at all impressed with Sly Stallone who just seemed like any other fame hungry guy who is in Hollywood until one reads about this man in a book by a Sage and it seems this man was in demand back there in the Himalayas and the people there seems to think that Stallone has done a great service to mankind. Why ? Since this man taught USA and the world to ‘Never Think Anything is Impossible’ ‘To Fall and Get Up, But Get Up’. When we researched on the net and talked to few oldies in the west they said that Stallone’s Rocky taught you that even though you are the underdog, even if you are a nobody just don’t give up, if you fall in life you make the fastest comeback and win the heart of your enemies. Generations have grown on the Rocky Series, each learning to fight with life’s impossible circumstances just the way Rocky did and as they say Rocky was made for Stallone and no one else could do it, he wrote it and did not get go even when he had few dollars left in his pocket. Now use Sage Bhrighus 6H rule, over there sits Rahu the planet of Cinemas, the 6L is Venus a planet of entertainment in the 8H of the Underdog and the Dark Horse, who is with the 3L of acting Saturn and hands and with Mercury, the natural lord of hands and pending karma and this Mercury is also the 10L of profession and the 7L of public limelight and so it was his boxing (hands) movie that gave him the famous name of the Italian Stallion and his phenomenal left punch (11L of left hand – is the same 6L Venus of Pending Karma). All this energy in 8H with Saturn aspects his 5H of acting and thus the man who became John Rambo – the forgotten dark horse went on to create history as the 216
greatest underdog who could not deliver a single dialogue on camera, who was born physically handicapped to become the Messiah for all underdogs in the world. Lets relook this, North Node (Rahu- obstacles) is in the 6H where the sign Taurus is there, it is nd the 2 house of the natural zodiac signifying face and speech (note the 1H is classically the skull and brain), so this 6H Rahu should show pending karma and what he ‘needs to overcome’ . Doctors used forceps during his birth that severed a nerve and caused paralysis in parts of Stallone's face, resulting in his signature slurred speech and drooping lower lip. There are two kinds of people one who cry and the other who use their disadvantage into an advantage, Stallone used his slurred speech to get into the best quotes ever on screen, remember "Yo, Adrian" - Sylvester Stallone as Rocky Balboa – Rocky. Then you see the 6L again and you see it goes into the 8H of sex with Saturn, whenever Venus Saturn are in 8H or 12H then it can lead to sexual scandals it what has been our limited observation. In Stallone’s case it show pending karma in the sexual dept and it is only when that is finished his Karma will be Unleashed. Now read this from Wikipedia ‘Stallone had his first starring role in the softcore pornography feature film Party at Kitty and Stud's (1970), later re-released as Italian Stallion (the new title was taken from Stallone's nickname since Rocky and a line from the film). He was paid US$200 for two days' work. Do you see how he had to finish this Karma which later re-surfaced in 2007. Mahatma Gandhi – Father of the Nation
Let us see the Pending Karma of Mahatma Gandhi, Father of India Nation. 6th Lord is Jupiter, and we all know that Jupiter means Guru, the one who shows the way and light to his students. Jupiter is also the 9L of Father in natural zodiac and thus here in the case of Gandhi it is in the 7H of Public Life. Thus he became the Father of the nation, showing the way to the whole nation and the world. His teachings are still followed worldwide and he inspired revolutions from Martin Luther King to the current Obama. Now this is for Indians, Jupiter as a planet is categorized as a Brahmin – caste which is a scholarly class and does not fight and loves to eat. Jupiter here is retrograde so it will show some qualities of a normal Jupiter and some of a retrograde and he showed here his quality of non-violence, scholarly works and as it is retrograde he created his system of fasting. If he fasts for a cause the Britishers would throw him in jail, then he would fast again in jail and the Britishers would be forced to throw him out of jail. What a way he showed. Barack Obama – The King
In his 6H there is Venus and the 6th lord Mer is placed in the 7H of ‘Public Life’. It is placed with Sun which signifies Govt and is the King of the Planetary Cabinet, so he got the position of the King of 218
Earth (US President is considered the most powerful man) and this sun is the 8L of suddenness, which is what happened to him. Now who is there in the 6H it is Venus which means money, so it was during a time of economic recession he was the chosen one, now see the lordship of this Venus, it is the 10L of Govt and 5L of power, this is what has happened in his life and this is what is his Pending Karma. Come back to his 6L it is aspected by Saturn and Jupiter, which means he must take care of the common man (Saturn) and also the affluent (Jupiter) and as this Jupiter is the 12L of previous karma, this 6L is further fortified by Jupiter’s aspect. See the whole chart from Moon as the Asc, the 6L is Venus placed in the 2H of administration from the moon and in the 2H of speech. He rose to power due to his speeches (more so as it is in the sign of Gemini- communication) and got into the most affluent administration of all (Venus is affluence). This was his pending karma and you can see this is happening in the 4H of education or for those who take 2H as primary education, he is doing reforms there in the education field – again his pending karma. You can use the natural zodiac of Aries Asc and see that his 6L is Mercury sitting in the 4H of Throne with Sun the King and he is no doubt sitting in the seat of the King. Abraham Lincoln – Father of USA He needs no introduction, from astro point of view his time of birth is suspect. So as we don’t have his exact time of birth let us look at his chart in this broad technique from Moon Asc and Natural Zodiac Asc which is from Aries Asc. From Moon Asc his 6H is empty and its lord Mer who is the natural lord of 3H in zodiac which as you read in this article 3H is the house of ‘Unlocking Of Karma Through Actions’ and it is with Sun (King of Planets) in 2H of administration, thus he became the President of United States. He successfully led his country through its greatest internal crisis, the American Civil War, preserving the Union and ending slavery. Now look from the natural Asc which is Aries and the 6L will always be Mer (use this hint for all charts) and it is with Sun the King in the 11H of Accomplishments of Desires & Power. This is only being spoilt by Saturn whose 4th aspect spoils this Sun Mer combination of Power. It was during Saturn/Mer period he got assassinated if we take the B rating given by ADB, thus you can see how Saturn spoilt this Mercury (Pending Karma) combination by giving death in Saturn/Mer period.
George Lucas – Star Wars Film maker 6H is vacant but the 6L is Mercury the planet of communication in 1H (whole life) and with planet Venus the planet of entertainment and magnanimous wealth. So he communicated via his movies which were big budgets. The lord of this Venus Mer conjunction is Mars (wars-fighting) and is conjoined Dragons Head (Rahu- Movies) and thus he made movies of the unknown (Dragons HeadRahu) which were huge and big movies (it is with Jupiter who is also expansive). This was his pending karma.
Although in some of the above examples one can clearly see how the Pending Karma technique is working, in some cases one need to just see where Mercury is placed and in some cases you need to go to the stronger of planet as reference or the asterism lord (nak lord) as co-association to come to the conclusion. If there are requests then in a separate article would take up other cases of how to use this simple looking technique but extremely complex at times and only superb mastery of astrology coupled with great intuition can help one use this technique to see the Pending Karma. Just so that when readers try it on many charts and not find it working smoothly, the need arises to mention two points a) There are in total as of now 4 methods that Saptarishis Astrology is aware of which are concrete techniques to find out the Pending Karma that must be done in this life to go the next level – which is the real reason behind astrology and not predictions b) At times it is better to switch the zodiac from Indian to Tropical (western) or Sayana System (which is also Indian and some Vedic astrologers still use it and was in vogue in 20th century in Maharashtra) or at the same time to use both the zodiacs and then use this technique. Right now we are unable to comment on which zodiac to use on ‘which’ type of chart as a work called Krishneeyam (dated around 4th or 6th century) contains a verse on the zodiac and we have been unable to decode it exactly. Still let us take the two zodiacs as a case study on Elvis Presley’s chart and though one must not study this Pending Karma technique on charts of singers as classics are not clear on singers and the houses of singers but still let’s venture into it. Indian Zodiac – Elvis Presley
With the Indian Zodiac Chart 6H is empty and 6L Mars has gone into the 11H of highest achievements. Some ancient texts give a clue on singers but mostly scared and confusing Garga Hora Chapter 12 Verse 1248 1248. The Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn in the 11th house: will be truthful, be chief in his race, be very wise and be skillful in singing. Garga Hora Chapter 4 Verse 298 298. Jupiter, Venus, Saturn in the 3rd house: interested in singing, be not sinful, be interested in women's wealth, be prosperous, will locate hidden treasures, be dear to young women, and will be firm in friendship. Let’s see again 6L of pending karma has gone into the 11H whose lord Mercury has gone in the 2H of speech and is with Sun the King of Planets, he was called the King. But still the pending karma is not so easily seen and crystal clear. Now use Western Zodiac Western Zodiac – Elvis Presley The 6H is empty and the 6th lord (owner) is Venus the planet of entertainment and performance, it is in the 2H of voice with Sun (The King & natural 5th lord of performer in the natural zodiac) and is conjoined with Mercury, the singer and communicator and natural 3rd lord of singing. The dispositor of this 2H is Saturn who is in the 3H of singing with North Node (Rahu) the natural planet of immortality and the groovy planet, his songs were groovy and one would go round and round about him. He had the capability of making you drunk over him and his songs without drinking at all. This was his pending Karma which he completed and which is the job of the astrologer to prescribe and unlock. Thus you can see that in this particular chart of Elvis, it is more easier to use the Tropical (Sayana) zodiac to decipher his Pending Karma than the Indian Zodiac or better it is to combine both for e.g. a Gemini Asc with Indian zodiac will have 6L Mars in the 9H of Guru, Teacher and Higher Knowledge and this natives aim is to spread higher knowledge in jyotish and his pending karma was to serve his guru.
If we take the same chart via the western zodiac the Asc comes as Cancer and the 6L of Pending Karma is Jupiter in the 8H of occult and astrology in the sign of Aquarius, the native has been successful in bringing to light some rare hidden knowledge and manuscripts freely to the Astrology world, why so since Jupiter is a planet of Light and where it sits it brings light to the house, whereas 8H of occult is a dark & hidden house and here Jupiter brought out (light) the hidden knowledge in astrology unknown so far to the astrology world right into the outside world. So you combine both and you would safer, at the same time it is easier to predict even for us when a known celeb chart is given to us but on unknown charts that easily it is not decipherable – only experience is the best teacher. Inability to Predict – Pre-Release of Publitorial
s a practice the Publitorial is not shared before release with even the core team members except Mentor. This time we made an exception and shared it with some friends wanting to understand their view point on some of the controversial points of the Publitorial. Presented
here is an ICAS teacher, a voracious teacher, unbiased individual and one of the most novel researchers in modern astrology. His response to the Publitorial is reproduced here with his permission. Dear S, 1) At the outset the editorial is really excellent. After reading this I would admit that I do not know the real astrology. 2) My opinion is there is nothing in this editorial to be edited or removed. But it has become very lengthy and people may lose interest/track in reading it. If possible try to make it a two part. One part can be article on "unlocking the karma". 3) Please go through the incident I am narrating here. On December 25th 1998 one person as a regular routine started to go for morning walk at around 6:00 AM. As the climate was very chilly he wore sweater and covered his face except eyes with muffler to beat the cold. After walking for sometime one car came and stopped in front of him from back side and the person driving the car was shouting at him with anger. Without knowing the mistake he committed he asked the man why he was shouting. Then the man came out of the car and said why you tried to misbehave with my wife when she went for morning walk. By this time one lady came out of the car and told her husband that this is the person who caught her from back side when she was walking. Failing to understand what was happening to him this person (who went for walk) tried to convince them the he is not the one who misbehaved with the lady and probably she had mistaken identity and mistook him for someone and try to think twice before blaming someone for no fault. But the lady and her husband were firm and sure about the person. This story did not stop here and both the parties trying to prove their point. The lady gave a police complaint on the person she identified for his mis behavior. The other side is the person was in a very respectable post and he had a proven track record and none of his acquaintances believed that he could do such thing. Every one supported him and some of the lady colleagues went and spoke to the lady who had lodged the complaint and persuaded her to withdraw the complaint. Though the lady accepted to his colleagues that she may be wrong but she does not want to withdraw the complaint as she was afraid of her husband as he may take her to task for wrong identification. Ultimately the person got rid of the complaint by the involvement of a very senior police officer with the help of his boss. The person was unnecessarily involved in this scandal for no fault of his. Here the lady also cannot be blamed as she had mistaken the identity. But the mental agony the native had was enormous. Can u guess who the person is? Its' me. DOB: 26-08-1968 TOB: 09:44a.m POB: Hyderabad. I have Rahu in the 6th house. 6th lord Jupiter is in the 11th house (Leo) in the star of Venus. I was running Rahu - Venus dasa. Venus is Lagna lord and posited in the 11th house. If we go by BCP method I was 30 years old at that time so my 6th house has to operate in the 30th year. [SA: Going into it minutely the event is 4 months past 30 but still Rahu will operate due to 12th aspect of Rahu] Why I narrated this is whether you can link the unlocking karma for this incident. Regards, K. 12
ICAS – Indian Council of Astrological Studies founded by Late Dr Raman 224
Post mortem is always easy but let us answer to Mr. K’s query as to how to see pending karma. First and foremost pending karma is not one but obviously many and in many areas of one’s life. The 6th house has Rahu, if he is an astrologer he is not an astrologer from this life but from previous life13 and it is his deepest desire to be a great astrologer (sign is Pisces), apart from that the 6L is Jupiter (knowledge) goes in the 11H of Jyotisha (astrology) in the sign of Leo (author) with Sun Mercury, seeing this we have encouraged him to become a writer and his articles have created history so far. Now see the sexual scandal, the 6H has Rahu that is Dragons Head and that denotes scandal as such and it is in the 12th sign which signifies bed pleasures and sex so again something to do with that can happen. Then see 6L has gone in the 11H with Sun (Govt/boss) and Venus (woman) and Mercury (colleagues) with A8 (scandals) and this Venus is the 8L of scandals. It was his boss (Sun) who called up senior police officers (Sun) and with help of colleagues (Mercury) that the problem (Venus) got solved. This was his pending karma that he had to face unfortunately. Also since 11H is that of wife and children, 13
One can note the charts of some astrologers like K.N.Rao they will have Rahu/Ketu in the 6H. 225
either he must have gotten married or have had a child and after some time this scandal would have erupted in his life, we don’t know re the same but will have to check. What we must admit is though we had this chart since one year we could ourselves not see this scandal pending karma since the native is one of the straightest men we have ever known and only thing that we saw was his pending karma of an astrologer and writer that’s it. Technique no doubt works to the T but every time applicability with 100 % accuracy only a Sage can do and let us astrologers start admitting it for a start. Also what must be added here is though the chart holder says after reading this editorial that he realized he does not know astrology, our posting the verbatim letter with his permission is not to show to the world that teachers of astrology are below us or we above them in knowledge. If only we at Saptarishis Astrology could be allowed by our families to tattoo on our hands ‘I Do Not Know Astrology’ it would be one of those honest & most cherished moments in our life. May our Epitaph have it. The moment more amount of astrologers come to know of a technique the planets who are constantly creating & have consciousness come up with new methods to decode and deliver their results thereby making the task of astrologers difficult, this is an unknown secret but that is the reason one of 14 the sages like Parasara said around 3000 years back that even great sages cannot easily decipher the movement and results of the planets.
C.S.Patel Manuscript Centric Issue
ow comes that part which an editor or publisher dreads, you as a publisher or editor or head of an organization needs to appear publicly as the goody goody guy who can never get personal or attack anyone or any concept personally and can’t be expected to write anything apart from technical astrology. If you follow this you will become acceptable in all quarters and other organisations will call you abroad and all over India and by the end of your life felicitate you which every editor wants. But no one wants to take the issue of astrology that will make the ‘Real Change’. No one wants to do the ‘Dirty Job’, no one has so far. No one wants to call a spade a spade and take the bull by the horn since it is considered bad manners and more enemies are born and at the end of the day no awards, no felicitations by Indian and Foreign organisations or no one will call you for lectures by which you can make more money. Here at this crossroad where our image so far has been the goody-goody guys we must take a bold step for what we stand for and believe in and to put the money where our mouth is. It is for this reason we started Saptarishis Astrology and not for doing PR services and pleasing everyone. So in this issue the Publitorial will be divided into 2 parts one where the Western cum Indian astrologer can understand and the 2nd part where more of the Indian astrologers will be able to understand but the western astrology astrologer is requested to also read that for some rare points on technical astrology. So now we must talk & understand the meaning of Knowledge. 1.1 Process of Knowledge Dissemination t takes one to be fortunate to realize that by the end of our lifetimes we are not able to even master 15 one single work (book) of a Sage or ancient writer and the maximum that is available in English language is around 20 classics out of which the modern astrologer has read utmost 2 classics that too even after 20 years in this subject. Forget mastering them. We once read an interview of a very famous Varanasi astrologer in Hindi (national language of India) who said the problem in astrology is it is a science of extreme hard work since the available literature in astrology that needs to be read is around 3000 books (in Hindi) who has the time for it, most start shop after 15 books. Can you see the numbers difference between what an English reading Indian astrologer and a Hindi reading Indian astrologer is ? The English reading Indian astrologer is the most poorly read, having non-classical basis, no true guru and has to resort to intuition for predictions or websites where he can alter his mundane astrology
I 14
He mentioned Sage Vasishtha and Brihaspati in his verse.
Mentor has a more extreme and honest view, he says understanding a single verse of a Sage can take lifetimes if one is lucky. His view is not of arrogance this, scholars of astrology who have pursued it with honesty will agree. 226
predictions after the event has happened and show it as if he predicted it before hand, a practice followed nowadays. 1.2 Minds Don’t Want Knowledge To Come Out he process of knowledge dissemination is the most difficult in astrology not because it is a complex subject but due to the mentality of those associated with astrology. Famous astrologers try their level best not to allow knowledge to come out, this is most unfortunate yet true part even among the legends of astrology whom we students have idolized and when we come to know the real truth about these Legends we feel ashamed that we idolized them since these were the ones who hoarded good quality knowledge and manuscripts and only wanted to become the Modern Fathers of Astrology to achieve fame. Whereas in the West it is far easier for knowledge to come out, if you have astro knowledge in the west, you sell it via classes, lectures, teach per hour or through books and you charge fees towards it but atleast the knowledge and experience of the astrologers goes out to the world. Most western students of this science hence stick to teachers from their continent due to this and ease of accent and non-judgmental nature of their western teachers. Over here in India the mentality of those who hoard knowledge is to make students their slaves and still not give out the full knowledge unless the student is a celeb or a Richie-rich guy or a woman, preferably a beautiful woman. For generations of traditions in astrology grew with certain norms and rules to safe guard their knowledge and thus their interests to not allow their neighbor astrologer to earn more claiming that it is to be given to only the deserving. But now a new trend has arisen in India, to give out tradition secrets when only invited abroad & minor ones in India or give those traditional big secrets when one can charge huge dollars in courses to their Pets (chamchas in Indian language). They swear by traditional secrecy but it comes out when $ is flashed or when a woman student comes in. All of us have seen so many teachers falter to this problem and it is natural, as at the end of the day all of us are humans and who doesn’t like $. None of us are holier than thou.
1.3 Availability of Knowledge ost of the astrological knowledge is held in manuscripts which are either in Latin, Greek, Sanskrit and likewise other ancient texts. The need of the hour since last 100 years of dying experts in these languages is to translate them into English the most universal language and then to test that knowledge on hundreds of charts and then find out what is our lacking in understanding that verse or aphorism. Let us give an example there was one of the most brilliant of astrologers in India somewhere in the 6th century called Varahamihira who wrote a monumental piece of work called Brihat Jataka but at the end he wrote that he has coded all the verses in that text. From then on till now millions of Indian astrologers have studied his work and 100’s have translated this same work but it was only one man in the early 20th century who gave a new meaning to one of the verses from the said work on which we wrote an article called ‘The 19th Verse’ in the 2nd issue (volume 2). It was ignored and left out by scholars in the 20th century due to rivalry. But that verse has so much of hidden knowledge that we ourselves have been able to write on it only on one part and it reveals a new system of timing events but still there are more than 10 articles and techniques that can be derived from it, admin work takes up our time and the pain of not writing on those hidden methods in that 19th verse. So you see what the original writer wrote in the 6th century, his work easily available but the true meaning of the verse took around 1500 years to come by and then the process will start of aggressively testing it and then after some 40-50 years it will either be accepted as a dictum or rejected, which means even we can be wrong. This is the case of where the manuscript was available. What about the techniques where the manuscript is not available at all.
1.4 Non-Availability of Knowledge
ere comes the part where a lot of knowledge is available in manuscripts but no one takes the effort to bring it out. If you bring it out no one will appreciate it and infact will see to it that you don’t bring it out. The way they go about discouraging you cannot even be mentioned in this space. The astrologers in India are one of the poorest; few lots lack funds but most lack the inspiration on their own and the willingness to give out those manuscripts. With millions of 227
manuscripts lying untouched in every city library in India no one cares for them but everyone cries for them, this is our state. One will easily see in a discussion between 2 astrologers that people don’t remove knowledge out but the knowledge those 2 astrologers have will not be removed due to some secrecy law that they themselves cannot explain or comprehend. Publishers in India have failed in their efforts to bring out even 1% of these manuscripts into the public limelight and the maximum we can see is 30-40 quality classics coming out in India in last 100 years in English with poorest of commentaries except a few and not so apt translations due to complexities of ancient languages which give multiple meanings. As such publishing in India is not a profitable business. People can say that inspite of their being more than 10,000 astro organisations in every lane of India which is true and no exaggeration and 1000s of trusts being formed by astrologers in the name of astrology by famous astrologers not a single one of them can be credited to bring out 5 quality manuscripts with commentaries out for the general astro audience. If we say this, then all will become our enemies but someone has to start with the dirty job, how does one inspire organisations especially international organisations to bring out translations of manuscripts? The problem is worse in International Vedic Organisations who have not been able to contribute in translation of manuscripts inspite of having better Sanskrit scholars abroad who are more dedicated, honest and meticulous in their job. We can only request that this piece of Publitorial inspires them to come forward in this, do joint ventures with Indian counter parts. Their complaint of not getting manuscripts can be no longer a complain since Saptarishis Astrology volunteers and friends have already uploaded numerous manuscripts and let us tell you this is just a start. The other problem faced by many is the amount of red tapeism and bureaucratic hurdles one faces while getting manuscript from libraries across India. Traditions that have manuscripts are a joke in the name of astrology as they have not understood the meaning of Knowledge (Gyaan) since if they had they would have freely given away those manuscripts and not hoarded it themselves. The only man to impress us so far was Shri Madura Shastry from a village in India (Andhra) who said ‘This knowledge is not mine, it belongs to the Sages. The Sages worked for the common man and this must be given out to the people’. He has over 50 years distributed and donated rarest of rare manuscripts, no one like him. He is the 16 Karana of Astrology. 1.5 Purpose Of Knowledge (Gyaan) hy do you need knowledge since ‘The Main Reason behind Unhappiness is Insufficient Knowledge’. Actually the correct translation might not come out in previous sentence so for Indians here it is ‘Dukha Ka Main Karan Hota Hain Agyaan’. This is what mentor has always taught us. Our own concept of knowledge was perverted and limiting since we grew up in India where every senior astrologer and teacher teaches you that you must not give away astro information easily. They teach you by example that you must make the student suffer, beg before you and worship you before it is given, but still don’t give it to all who do the begging and worshipping. They put a lot of myth and superstition to it and quote the verses of Sages. In 2006 this perversion took extreme form when we would write in forums or speak to our best friends in coded language and never give out a full technique. Even our hand written notes in text books were coded in such a manner that anyone who borrows our books (borrowing books happens a lot in India) will not be able to understand it. Now we ourselves can’t decode what we coded. Later we found out that this happens to most astrologers. But it was only when we re-read the Last Book of Astrology, where the old Sage compares two forms of knowledge. He says what great miracle can astro information do, it can make some astrologer predict better or solve a humans difficulties by apt guidance. Then the Sage says that look at the man who invented the medicine for Polio, do we even remember his name, no we don’t. He says today a by-pass operation of the heart can be done since someone somewhere in the world understood the meaning and power of true knowledge and shared it to everyone in the medical fraternity and thus world-over this operation can be done, yes at a price, so what, atleast price (Fate) can get you that knowledge by which your life can be saved, can your astro knowledge truly save a life, so why do you all hide knowledge in the name of God and secrecy. Have you who recite mantras for hours for decades understood the meaning of knowledge whereas a kid in medical science understands it so easily. The Sage is then asked,
Karana was a historical figure some 3000 years back who was known as the biggest donator ever. The only cause of controversy among scholars is did he do it for name or was it out of real help to the down trodden. 228
how come some of the past sages then mentioned that this knowledge should not be given to everyone. Our Sage of the Last Book of Astrology replies a) Yes the past sages said don’t give it to everyone but to deserving, but they never said that don’t give it to the ones in your own astrologers’ fraternity, atleast share it within your fraternity, otherwise why would each Sage of previous eras write a book in the first place. b) Some of you might argue that they never wrote a book but spoke it to their students and it was not meant to be written about, if so and if this mistake has happened then why do you prescribe divine foresight to us Sages, could we not see that this knowledge of ours would be written about and also mis-used by many, were we very bad at Muhurtha (Election Time) of when we started our spoken discourse. c) Understand the meaning of Karma and don’t talk about Karma, Karma, Karma for 24 hours in your writings and lectures when you have no clue of it. If a doctor writes and shares his discovery and medical practices for use by other doctors, then when the other doctors use it to help people, some part of that good karma will always come to the originator who shared that method or became a platform for that method to be shared. So if you as an astrologer decided to share your knowledge without ego, without the need for fame then pure part of this energy will go to other astrologers who in turn will use it to help people and that good karma will in turn come back to you one day. If you decide to share it for fame or only for money then the quantity and quality of karma coming back to you will be reduced but not wiped out. d) Today if only few have good knowledge of astrology then they tend to abuse it by sitting on Thrones created by themselves, deriding others and wanting to not let go of the Throne and also not allowing others to grow. So when good quality astro information comes out and is available to all then misuse of power does not happen since there is no exclusivity left. It’s like air, it is freely available everywhere, there is no tax on it. Plus most important is the karma of astrologers is not spoilt by giving wrong predictions and guidance as they would have superior techniques. People have over thousands of years said something wrong about astrologers that they should not see the future and since they see the future their family lives is destroyed and poverty sets in on the astrologer and his family. This is wrong though not totally untrue, yet here I would say it is the bad karma of giving wrong advice and wrong predictions without studying into the science for 50-60 years that too with true honesty that makes their karma bad and their families suffer and poverty reins in. When you see a chart first see if it is written in the chart if he/she would get good predictions and direction in life, if it is not written then don’t predict. What do I say you all don’t know how to see this? You all don’t even know in which charts astrology will not work, you all don’t even know when your own predictions will fail. If you can’t see how and when your predictions will fail how you will see honestly see chart of another. No doubt your lot is laughed behind your back when your own wife is cheating on you and you did not see it, when your own downfall you failed to predict or prevent through your remedial measures of mantras etc. e) Energy Exchange is a concept that has been there from the start in the form of donation to teacher (dakshina) and most of you don’t want to understand the meaning of Energy Exchange and thus you all don’t allow knowledge to not come out. Look in the past 10 years how the energy has changed in 17 the world, how knowledge is available across boundaries. We of the ______ Lineage realized the mistake that has happened for thousands of years from our end and now we are trying to change it, there is resistance from ‘Energy Consciousness’ itself, it’s not easy to explain, the Old Energy is too strong and the New Energy is too weak. Raise the level of Astrologers Consciousness and in few decades the Energy Consciousness will change and the resistance would be reduced, knowledge will come out more. Those who have hidden manuscripts and knowledge, those who gave knowledge in 17
Publisher: We have deleted that word as the name of that tradition needs an explanation to the Western readers and also Indian readers and without detailed explanation it can be misunderstood. 229
bits and pieces and made you crave for it, beg for it, made you worship them, these past heroes of yours, their names will come out and they will be the ones flogged in public forums, mark these words there is no 99% in this prediction. When the Energy will shift, when the magnetic field of earth is corrected once again, when the shift is complete then these gurus will fall and 6 year old kids will come and flog them openly. These kids will blame you as to how come you allowed these gurus to be created in the first place, how did you follow them, how did you become part of their organisations, did you not have a decent bone in your body or were you only after some position in their organization and to create money thereby. Forget you being judged after death, you will be judged now by the New Kids On The Block. f) Think of the science of medicine which gave you birth in the first place, yes you the astrologer was given birth by some doctor who got that knowledge from somewhere, since someone gave his knowledge and experience openly to your doctor for your well-being. When knowledge (of medicine) did not distinguish you on taking this birth in a healthy manner in terms of caste, creed and sex, to give you the best health to enjoy the fruits of God’s creation, who are you to deny that to the world by withholding your knowledge of astrology and hiding your manuscripts, whether that knowledge directly helps or indirectly helps. g) The true meaning and worth of knowledge is when it is of use to increase the quality of life of creatures, real quality increase and not illusionary increase. If it can’t increase then it shalst only be called theory or illusionary theory that you learn in classrooms but can’t apply to help anyone. Meditate on this for days and then you will be able to sift through a good teacher and an illusion giver teacher, between a good technique and an illusionary one.
t was only after thinking on what the Sage has written and observing how medical science has progressed in the last 100 years due to openly sharing of knowledge and helping millions worldwide, by comparing the primitive progress of astrologers we realized something. Then when we compared the egos of doctors who save millions of creatures and don’t brag or boast about it as compared to astrologers who think they are Gods here in India, we at Saptarishis Astrology realized that we were wrong and thus this transformation happened (again). Although our knowledge of articles previous written, that is written before this transformation has not come out in the open but there is one great reward and that is as per what the Sage wrote. He said you all must try to understand Energy; which is always changing and no doubt it is very difficult to comprehend energy which functions in double dichotomy at times depending on which plane you are functioning with. At one plane Energy sees that if you give 2 units of knowledge it gives you back 10 units in return. Now an example to inspire others to join in the movement of bringing out knowledge would be to tell you what you see of Bhrighu Easy Methodology series in Saptarishis Astrology which has stunned the astrological world. This knowledge we did not have before we started this magazine and it is only when so much of giving away of knowledge happened that the marvelous techniques of Bhrighu Easy Methodology came to us and in return it was shared instantly with you without aggressive testing. No doubt there are shortcomings in any method when it is not aggressively tested, ones reputation can be damaged and also harm done but when you are dealing with your own brothers and sisters what is the concern of formality within ones family, what damage to name can happen among family. Lastly let us highlight the result of not sharing knowledge and with folded hands one begs every astrologer in the world to share his knowledge easily without drama or attention seeking methods. 1.6 This Is Your Fate nce upon a time, long long ago there was a man who gained a lot of knowledge in astrology over many lifetimes. He had gone so deep that it was unimaginable but in every lifetime he hoarded that knowledge to create around him aura of respect and longing from others. He loved when students would beg for him to share his knowledge; he loved when big famous people came to him for consultation on his knowledge. The result was that there were too many people over lifetimes who became jealous and hated him for his huge ego of knowledge as the weight of knowledge on his head had not made him to bow down and be humble. He would demand huge money and attention for even the smallest amount of his knowledge to be given to others. He would exhibit partiality of caste,
creed and sex in imparting his knowledge and make his students serve him like slaves for it. Then in one lifetime he was cursed that when he requires this knowledge he won’t be able to use it, he won’t get a teacher, astrology as a science won’t give him correct predictions and as he made people wait for hours and days for a good prediction, so he will have to wait for years for the same and will have to move from astrologer to astrologer but won’t get that prediction that will save or change his life. The curse was so worse that he lost all his fortune and position in life due to astrologer’s wrong predictions. The curse became more worse and said he won’t have the huge memory that he was proud of; he won’t be able to remember something as simple as table of exaltation debilitation of planets for decades, he will be pitied on this inability by his own self, he will forget his greatest techniques right when he, his wife, his parents, his children and best friends require him to use those techniques/knowledge. And then in one life time this curse will haunt him badly and may he become an ‘Example of the Sins Against 18 Knowledge’ for others to learn against mis-use of knowledge. As he misused his power to create fights among fellow astrologers and do politics in the field of knowledge, may he face the same in multiplied quantities? May he go around the world literally begging everyone to part with their knowledge? This curse can happen to each of you as most of us are the astrologers from previous lifetimes, so maybe in some lifetime in the future lets say you are born and roam around the streets of an impoverished country trying to learn astrology, then you struggle for years you will still not get the secret of astrology, then someone will play the role of Karma and tell you to start a magazine and you will feel that it should be free since you belonged to the Old Energy and then you will be forced to put all your penny into that venture and be that platform by which knowledge is given out, as in many previous lifetimes you just did not give out knowledge. As you did not encourage other astrologers to share their knowledge or say you did not encourage other astrologers on their works, so in this lifetime you will not be encouraged and not helped by many. Your pockets will become empty, you will take money on loan and your family will suffer and the Energy will be so strong that you won’t be able to stop, each issue of your magazine will double in size but the Energy won’t allow you to stop the increase in size of your magazine, making you thereby work more harder each time and you will work 365 days a year (no exaggeration) for 15 hours a day without a break, nor have any technical resources also to do the magazine, you will suffer from health problems - this will be your fate, think about it.
………..Continued in Part 2 of the Publitorial
Conclusion arrived from palm leaf nadi readings of close friends who still function in the old energy of hiding knowledge or have ego of superiority associated with knowledge. 231
|| Gururbrahmaa Gururvishnu Gururdevo Maheshvarah || || GururSakshaat Parambrahma, Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah||
Vol 7 – C. S. Patel 2nd Memorial Issue - Part 2
n continuation with the Part 1, this part of a very long but essential Publitorial will concentrate on the need to dig deeper into books and manuscripts rather wasting time on forums and chats which consume whole day & money of the sincere astro students. Also will be discussed ‘How our studies need to be done’ otherwise huge wastage of time happens. In order to understand why we need to dissolve ourselves in our books and manuscripts, let’s first see the end result of our studies, which are predictions. 1.7 What Is A Prediction Many of us spend decades in astrology without realizing ‘What is a Prediction’ – though it has many levels let us touch the very mundane level of it here. The reason for touching this aspect is many of us get impressed with some modern writers and spend years without digging deeper into classics, thinking our so called heroes are the greatest or only mantras can give great predictions. Predicting outcome of an event when the event is known is like 50:50 chance of success, one’s office housecleaning staff can also predict the outcome of elections or predict an earthquake somewhere in the world as every 9 months some earthquake keeps on happening. But when we know nothing about the background of the person whose chart we see and are able to predict a ‘Rare’ event that is a class prediction.
nce upon a time there was an astrologer by the name of K C Saxena who modern students do not know much except that they have seen one or two books in his name in the local astro book shop. K C Saxena was considered one of the foremost authorities on Bhrighu Astrology and rumor was it he learnt it from one of his office colleagues, later went to Nepal and some locations in India to collect more knowledge on this oldest branch of Indian Astrology of Sage Bhrighu. Once upon a time Mr Saxena was travelling to Mumbai from Delhi and on his next seat in the plane there was a man who did not believe in astrology and for 30 minutes he bothered Mr Saxena deriding astrology. When finally Mr Saxena said he is an astrologer himself the man shamelessly took out his horoscope from his bag and asked Mr Saxena to see it citing that he by chance had his horoscope in his bag as his wife wanted him to meet some astrologer in Delhi. Then Mr Saxena took few minutes on the chart and said ‘Your wife right now at this very hour, she is learning Tabla (a particular Indian classical music instrument) with her Guru’. ‘In 2 months from now she will run away with the Guru and leave you’. The man started shouting to Mr Saxena as to how childish is astrology blah blah blah. Mr Saxena asked him ‘Isn’t at this moment your wife supposed to learn Tabla’. The man realized that how did this astrologer predict that, he did not even ask if she has interest in music, 1 straight away said at this moment she is learning Tabla and not another instrument. He said ‘it’s true she should be learning Tabla right now, but after she runs away with that Guru, will she come back?’ Mr Saxena then coolly gave out his card and said ‘when she runs away then you come to Delhi at my office and then I will reply back’. Dot after 2 months the man was in Mr Saxena’s office. It is easy to guess what happened. On our way to the Himalayas we, P.M.Padia and Andree Leclerc stopped at Delhi to pay respects to Mentor and then to Shri J.N.Sharma a friend of ours and a very dear friend of Mentor. We like asking people about their Gurus and fondly listen as they pour out their love for their Gurus something that is missing with the modern students of astrology. We asked Sharma ji about his Guru K.G.Dutta as mentor had told a story to us when mentor took a famous industrialist to Late Shri Dutta’s house for a consultation. Mr Dutta was known as the finest master of horary (Prashna) and in front of Mentor Shri Dutta said ‘Immediately feed this man (industrialist) as he hasn’t eaten food for 2 days’. 1
In some classical texts/nadi readings there is reference to planets and various types of instruments. 232
Mentor thought ‘Ohh now my reputation is finished, I told the industrialist such great things about the predictive power of Mr Dutta, he has obviously failed, how can such a rich man not have food’. After few moments the Industrialist started weeping saying ‘It’s true I have not eaten for 2 days since I have had a fight with my wife’. So we narrated this story to J N Sharma, asking him fondly about his memories of his Guru and the generation of his Guru. After a long chat something emerged when we mentioned to him about the efforts the team of Saptarishis Astrology is taking to bring Ravana Samhita out. He said at the house of his Guru Shri K.G. Dutta, there used to come an old and very pious Pandit (priest) whose name nobody 2 bothered to ask since all called him Panditji . He said Panditji would often come and it was said that he was a Master of Ravana Samhita having committed the whole of it to memory. Now our ears were widened since we knew that even today many old village astrologers swear only by the text Ravana 3 Samhita . The great astrologer that Shri Dutta was had even greater respect towards this Panditji for his extensive knowledge in astrology. Now J N Sharma continued that one day while Panditji came Shri Dutta was about to leave for a restaurant with one of his friends for his afternoon meals. So the Ravana Samhita expert Panditji said to Mr Dutta ‘On the route to the restaurant you would find two snake charmers who will meet you and beg you for money, after you give them few coins still they will refuse to let you go insisting that you give them a Rupee (dollar) only and then they will let you go. After that when you reach the restaurant there you would have to wait in queue as there would be lot of rush in the restaurant and infact you would think of leaving but just at that moment a man will get up from one of the tables and ask you to sit in his place and that man would be blind by one eye.’ Now Shri Dutta along with his friend started walking on the road towards the restaurant while that Panditji trailed behind at a distance wanting to see how his prediction would shape up. After few minutes of walking two snake charmers came on the road and asked Mr Dutta for money, Mr Dutta looked behind and the Panditji smiled knowing his prediction was coming true. Mr Dutta gave few coins but the snake charmers refused to let go and begged for one rupee. In the olden days one rupee was a big amount and so reluctantly Mr Dutta dished out one rupee whilst looking back and the Panditji had a huge naughty grin on his face as his prediction was coming true. Then when Mr Dutta reached the restaurant he saw to his dismay but true to the prediction of the Pandit that the restaurant was packed, whilst they were about to leave, a man got up from one of the tables and offered Mr Dutta his seat to take meals. Mr Dutta just then noticed that the man was blind from one eye. Mr Dutta who had previously seen so many great predictions of the Panditji come true was once again shocked for such a novel prediction to come true. We can go on and on regarding some of the other great predictions of this Ravana Samhita Pandit and Mr Saxena but would reserve it for some other issue. What is important is for us to admit that we don’t think so in our lifetime we would be able to make such kinds of predictions; their knowledge is lost, not documented in books, not encouraged by publishers and organisations that existed even then due to politics. This knowledge still existed it seems just a few decades back but how can today’s Paramparas (traditions) who claim to be 800 years old and having the experience of 800 years 2
In olden days and even in modern day Varanasi still every scholar of shastra will be called either Guruji or Panditji without bothering to ask ones name. 3
Authenticity of Ravana Samhita is doubtful but so far we have found 2 versions and the most original of them is available in a place below Varanasi is what most scholars in Varanasi told us. This version inspite of our volunteer’s efforts have evaded us. Beloved friend Prof Ramachandra Pandey, Ex-Head Jyotish Dept Banaras Hindu University has given us more specifics but no contact number ‘A pandita named Vagishwari Prasad Pathak resident of Gurvalia village in Deoria District near Gorakhpur, brought this book the Ravana Samhita from Nepal. Now that Pandit is no more, but his son Kamakhya Prasad Pathak is using this book in his Astrological practice.’ Another team member Ashutosh Kumar says that in Muzaffarpur, Bihar has been to this Pandit and saw it but he wouldn’t share. The one in our possession is not in manuscript form and we ourselves doubt if it is full or totally original version but so far from the commentary that we have published in previous issues you can make out that inspite of its non-original manuscript form, the rules mentioned on nakshatras in Ravana Samhita is most stunning and over rules all nakshatra books so far published. No doubt Ravana was a great scholar and even in the Jyotish famous area of Darbhanga, Bihar the Jyotishis pray to Ravana daily is what is told by Ashutosh Kumar. Another volunteer who has visited the Gorakhpur area Ravana Samhita pandit claims that it contains a lot of mundane astrology prediction (not found in our version) and this prediction his uncle has observed for 30 years all becoming true. All in all the old astrologers belonging to the North Indian Belt of India have often quoted the greatness of Ravana Samhita and though young ones will ignore such rules given in it but the village astrologers commit it to memory to make stunning predictions is what has observed over many years. 233
cannot make such predictions. People like this Panditji never bothered to set up shop outside their house or create a website, they lead simple lives and did not indulge into marketing and PR, their predictions spoke about their knowledge. Just of the cup, Mr Saxena is the father of modern author Shanker Adewal who has written many books published by Sagar Publications. But then astrology is so vast that it is not possible for any father to dish out his complete knowledge and experience to his own son even if willing within a lifetime. 1.8 After Manuscripts Are Translated What Next his is the toughest part where you come in. It is easy to blame that manuscripts are hidden or in libraries and sanskrit scholars are so egoistical that it is difficult to get any work done out of them. But still few Sanskrit scholars have translated some works and are we studying things the way shastra is to be studied? Let us see how shastra was taught not so long ago by an example. Shri Paresh Desai one of our esteemed writer comes from a Parampara, his father was the legendary Ravindra Desai, family astrologer of the biggest industrialist in India at that time, owner of Mafatlal Company. Mr Ravindra Desai learnt astrology from Gurukul in his home town in Gujarat and then from Banaras. First he was asked to mug up 15 classics and only after that the Guru started teaching the students wherein the Guru would give reference on these classics e.g. references on Adhi Yoga from all the classics that they had mugged up and then taught what works and what does not with the logic behind the yoga. So both mugging and understanding the classics and also experience of the Guru came to be learnt. Then you would go deeper into each classic say for e.g. Brihat Jataka and you would be asked to read all the 40 commentaries on it and then you would be asked to think on each verse to grasp its meaning and then test it practically. For e.g. the most revered astrologer Suryanarayan Vyas of Ujjain whom Dr Raman used to regularly consult when he wanted the charts of Nehru family members always used to say that Laghu Parasari is the Gita of Astrology/Bible of Astrology. This work of 40 (42)4 verses looks easy but if you go Real Deep you would find it extremely confusing. But you would surely realize that the whole of practicing astrology is in Laghu Parasari hence every scholar has attempted to write a commentary on it. In recent times a close friend who is from Gujarat, India known for his stunning predictions has done some original work on Laghu Parasari but still it is a short coming and is not well explained in his work due to lack in command of English language. What is needed today is clarity in thoughts of writers, to explain classical verses in a precise and clear cut language, only two names come to our mind who have already worked cum published on classical literature in modern times, who can do justice to the work in English language, our friends K S Charak and Ernst Wilhem, hope one day they take up Laghu Parasari.
1.9 Theory Vs Experience & The 18 year rule hen the process of learning goes to experience, after you have studied all the 40 sub commentaries on Laghu Parasari or such ancient works is the process of hunting down experts all over India who have practiced those techniques mentioned in those verses for minimum 20 years. The Last Book of Astrology insists on 18 years. Why 18 years we don’t know? Earlier we tried to do Fit-o-logy that every student of astrology does by bringing in some mystic element to each statement or event of one’s life and thought that 18 is near the cycle of Saturn (19 year dasa) but that is one’s own thinking. The thing is Mentor having spent decades travelling all over India and burning huge amounts of wealth realized with experience that unless one learns a method from an astrologer who has practiced ‘Professionally’ that technique for 18-20 years it is no use learning and adding confusion to one’s mind. He is obstinate about this part and won’t budge having burnt his bridges many times earlier. The advantage that he gained was he would know who in which village of India is an expert in Yogini Dasa, who is on Kalachakra Dasa, who in Bhrighu Astrology and who in Padanathamsa Dasa, who in Chara Dasa and so on. Who is good in longevity, who in marriage timing, who knows nakshatra well and so on. Trust us this experience in each technique/subject/text is to be gained ‘Directly’ sitting for days/years in front of each teacher and not from that teacher’s article. In an article not even 20% of the technique comes out – this is the hidden truth that nobody tells you nor did anyone tell us until we experienced. The problem is people are giving lectures and writing articles on a technique of astrology without spending 18 years in that technique including us as we are also guilty of this mistake via our BSP methods which have not
There are two versions available one of 40 verses and other of 42 verses. 234
been perfected for 18 years by us. Ideally one must not write a single article before he has spent 30-35 years in astro studies. A mail that came to us…. Dear Saptarishis Admin, Pranam Sir (SA: some part deleted & edited) You all must write about the practice of students giving lectures and writing articles without spending time perfecting that technique. As a result there can be a chance that some incorrect knowledge can come out. Some of us just use 4-5 books on transits and prepare articles. I am not trying to defame someone but wanting to improve standards in astrology, so only as an example see what I am trying to point out in this forum message on ….. this Jaimini forum on __ Oct (SA: deleted this part of the link message since it was pointing to someone wanting to write an article on Ashtakvarga in some time and asking for references on studying further on ashtakvarga, the sender of that post on the forum has only 6 years in astrology and not even 6 years in ashtakvarga hence probably this mail to us, it would not be proper to discourage that hardworking young student to write on ashtakvarga & hence this mail by the complainant can be interpreted as petty politics which we would like to avoid getting into and rather encourage people to write articles even if young but stating their number of years of experience or experience in number of charts with a particular technique. We are not watch dogs or an organization and request other mails that come to us about forum politics to avoid coming to us, but yes we do not prefer our writers to be of non-controversial image so you can educate us if need be at times since we avoid articles from writers whose public image is suspect or tarnished.) Why are you not doing something about this practice, your organization has representatives all over the world and is the largest you can set up guidelines for conduct and practices in astro writing. (SA: We are not an organization but a business entity and refuse to become an organization or a watchdog, as the moment organization comes in astrology it becomes more of organized politics than organized astrology). You see my father studied astrology in his small town. In olden days student was to learn shastra for 30-40 years before Guru gave Agya (SA: agya means instruction) to write, now all are let loose it seems and no Gurus object. Guru Sishya parampara of India no doubt is finished. Regards San……… New Jersey 2.1 Visiting Some Classics Every Year ost in modern India learn from books of modern authors and somewhere down the line some knowledge is not passed on from available classics to the books of the modern authors. This is a huge problem and after 3-5 years of the study one realizes that one should read only classics. After reading one or two classics the student who’s Saturn might not be strong will go back to modern authors or search for Gurus on the net or classes or courses for easy learning. Unfortunately there is no easy way out and you must develop a habit of revisiting those classics every year, reading them again and again otherwise the mistakes in ones learning that has happened in the last 100 years of astrological magazines and books will happen to you and who will suffer your clients and your bad karma will only increase, your remedies on yourself will not work. Coupled with this the need of the hour is to bring more classics in English including tooth-combing each classic as we read, otherwise one’s whole life will be a waste by not understanding the most basic fundamentals of astrology. Let’s see some verses from a chapter of BPHS by going through the tooth-combing operation which has been missed by most gurus and courses offered in the world on Vedic astrology.
1) If you ask anyone in astrology which is the house of servants they would normally say 6H, this is the way it has been taught to all of us, apart from this even Gurus don’t mention any other house, but should we not go deeper and find from our existing works like BPHS etc. E.g.
िवबमं भृॅाऽािद चोपदेशूयाणकम ।्
् िपऽोव मरणं िवज्ञो िा िनरीक्षयेत ॥४॥ vikramaṁ bhṛtyabhrātrādi copadeśaprayāṇakam | pitrorvai maraṇaṁ vijño duścikyācca nirīkṣayet ||4||
Parasara says 3H for servants; one can refer to Chapter 11, Verse 4 of BPHS, Santhanam version, Ranjan 5 Publications Page 121. In Varanasi Edition, by Pandit Padmanabh Sharma , Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan, Varanasi , First Edition 2004 it is Chapter 12 (instead of chap 11), Verse 4, Page 61 and even in the Hindi version, Ranjan Publications by Dr. Suresh Chandra Mishra it is Chapter 12, verse 4, Page 125, but everywhere it is 3H for servants. This point has been ignored till date in most articles. No doubt the 6h of servants also works but so does 3H which experience will teach. 2) In same Chapter 12 dealing with houses called BhavaVivekAdhaya Parasara says enemies to see from 2H too, whereas all of astrologers take mainly 6H for enemies.
ु धनधां कुटुां मृजालमिमऽकम ।्
् धातरु ािदकं सव धनानािरीक्षयेत॥३॥ dhanadhānyaṁ kuṭumbāṁśca mṛtyujālamamitrakam | dhāturatnādikaṁ sarvaṁ dhanasthānānnirīkṣayet ||3||
This word ‘Enemies’ is mentioned in Santhanams version in his translation of the above verse and in Dr Suresh Chandra Mishras and Varanasi Edition it is mentioned. It being in Hindi, modern Indians don’t want to read Hindi and some can’t so the need that we mentioned earlier of translating things ‘Well’ in English is most essential. After it is in English a more wider range of people can test if the translation is correct and lastly if the verse of the Rishi works or not in real practice. Parasara also says 8H for enemies in the same chapter & 12H for Types & Description of Enemies. Most even ignore that 2H is house of family, Parasara has used the word Kutumbh which means family. 3) In the same Verse 4 the word Upadesha has been used, which loosely translated means Initiatory instructions that one receives is what Santhanam wrote, it can be understood as ‘The Advice that You Receive’ via your ear.
िवबमं भृॅाऽािद चोपदेशूयाणकम ।्
् िपऽोव मरणं िवज्ञो िा िनरीक्षयेत ॥४॥ vikramaṁ bhṛtyabhrātrādi copadeśaprayāṇakam | pitrorvai maraṇaṁ vijño duścikyācca nirīkṣayet ||4||
This has been ignored by all scholars, this is the house of most importance for practicing astrologers since it shows when not to see the chart of a client, when to just let go of a chart, whose chart to avoid. Why do astrologers predictions fail on certain charts inspite of being a good predictor. Nobody talks about this concept or word used by Parasara even in scholarly circles but you can get it by digging deeper into classics savoring each word of it and going through various translations of the same classic. Even an article on this word with examples won’t suffice to say how important it is and how it has been 5
He is head of the Department of Astrology, Shree Nepali Sanskrut Mahavidyala, Varanasi. We had met him in Varanasi in Jan 2008 and though he had promised to write articles for us but due to some issues he has not been able to do so. 236
ignored till date. Same way most of us miss out on the 3H to be house of Parents Death (not just mother) which Parasara pointed out. 4) Ask anyone in India which is the house of Friends everyone says 11H, but here in Chapter of Houses (Chp 12) Parasara ‘also’ says 4H by using the word ‘Bandhu’ which means brother hood, a bit closer than just friend like a best friend, as best friend is like your own blood brother, close to you generally speaking.
ूं मातृसौािदकािप। वाहनाथ ब
् ् िनिधं क्षेऽ ं गृहं चािप चतथु ार्त पिरिचये त॥५॥ vāhanānyatha bandhūṁśca mātṛsaukhyādikānyapi | nidhiṁ kṣetraṁ gṛhaṁ cāpi caturthāt paricintayet ||5||
Santhanam probably translated it as relatives instead of ‘Close Friends/Brotherhood’. 5) Something often missed out is that 5H is for Power & Fall from it, as Parasara used the word Rajya which can be understood as Kingdom for 5H in Verse 6 of Chapter 12
ु ैव ूबकम।् य - मौ तथा िवां बे
् त प् ऽामयाद ु ु ु ् बधः॥६॥ पऽराापॅं शादीन पँये yantra - mantrau tathā vidyāṁ buddheścaiva prabandhakam | putrarājyāpabhraṁśādīn paśyet putrāmayād budhaḥ ||6||
6) 6H is an enigma when it comes to super fine understanding even to us due to lack of Sanskrit knowledge. The word used is Sapatni Mataram, which by Varanasi and Suresh Mishra edition says & can mean 2nd woman - Mistress (other woman) or 2nd wife whilst you are still married to the 1st one (since Suresh Mishra has used the word Sauth).
ु ाकशानां शऽू ं ैव ोणािदकान।् मातल
् सपीमातरं चािप षभावािरीक्षयेत॥७॥ mātulāntakaśaṅkānāṁ śatrūṁścaiva vraṇādikān | sapatnīmātaraṁ cāpi ṣaṣṭhabhāvānnirīkṣayet ||7||
Maataaram means Mother In Law (6H) as per Varanasi edition whereas most of us take the 10H (4th from 7th) for mother in law. Another meaning of Sapatni can also be loosely understood as the maid who stays with wife as per some scholars (in olden times the maid was given as dowry and stayed with your wife in your house for life) 7) Ask anyone for travels they say 3, 7,9,12 but Parasara says 10th House for Foreign Stay (Pravasaasya) but does not mean ‘will not come back’ (subtle difference between this and permanent foreign residence). This point has been ignored by most.
ु था। रां चाकाशवृिं च मानं च ैव िपत
् ूवास ऋणािप ोमानािरीक्षणम॥११॥ rājyaṁ cākāśavṛttiṁ ca mānaṁ caiva pitustathā | pravāsasya ṛṇasyāpi vyomasthānānnirīkṣaṇam ||11||
The people take only 6H for debts but in this verse 11 it uses the word Debts (Rinsyapi). So one should see from 10H Debts too. 237
8) Now ask anyone which is the house of wife and children they would classically speaking it is 7H and 5H but Parasara in Verse 12 uses the word PutraJaayadikasya – Putra means children and Jaaya means wife so probably Santhanam translated it as son’s wife.
ु ु नानावभवािप पऽजायािदक च।
् अं वृिं पशूनां च भवानािरीक्षणम॥१२॥ nānāvastubhavasyāpi putrajāyādikasya ca | anyaṁ vṛddhiṁ paśūnāṁ ca bhavasthānānnirīkṣaṇam ||12||
Whereas Varanasi and Suresh Chandra Mishra edition is clear to say in 11H see Children and Wife (they do not say son’s wife). 11H for children and wife we found out with observation, we lectured on this at Ahmadabad in a lecture arranged by Upendrasingh Bhadoriya & Sanghvi ji, and then the scholars there challenged to quote verse, same night we along with Bhadoriya spent hours going through various translations and found the verse. We do not know Sanskrit at all and know 20 % of Hindi hence our above observation can be wrong at some places and would happily accept corrections but what has been drawn from above is what is followed in common lexicon & also by consulting other scholars. One can infer what the Sage has so far said has been ignored till now or vice versa, but may it atleast make you a voracious and tooth-combing reader. 2.2 The Controversy & Ambiguity of Verses wo things are important, One is studying the shastra like a shastra and the other is gaining from experience as to what works amongst the written word. When we do not have even 1 % of what our ancients wrote people spend time debating on forums on any topic in astrology or on mythological points which are only symbolic like South Node (Ketu) not having aspect since he does not have head. If ketu was a demon how was he made a graha and what happened after Vishnu severed his head, was he given the head of a serpent by Vishnu, was he granted the status of graha, how was he granted that status – this nobody asks nor do they go deep into the mythology is the complaint of those who use Ketu’s aspect. Most important that should guide you in your practice of astrology is what works, and good majority of practicing & utmost successful astrologers use aspects for Ketu. One of the most important debates lead by modern scholars is when Rahu Ketu are only mathematical points and not physical planets, how can they have physical aspects. This is a very important point and should be used in this manner to see if they were only physical points how did some of our ancients even mention aspects to rahu, getting verse for aspect of ketu might be difficult but why did they even mention aspects (dristhis – sight) to Rahu in the first place, did they not have the basic intelligence to know that a mathematical point cannot give physical aspect/sight. Let us look into some verses which do give some hint on the aspects of the nodes which has been ignored so far otherwise you would land up like us who were insulted rudely by mentor during our 3rd meeting with him at Oberoi’s Mumbai, when we asked him if there is any classical base for nodes 6 having aspect, he retorted sharply if you have not read jyotish or BPHS then don’t waste my time. Today whip masters like him can only make us better students. Kindly note the words marked in brown in the Sanskrit verse.
Verses on Rahu and Ketu aspects. Source: Varahamihira’s Brihajjataka “Vimala” commentary by Shrimadachytananad Jha, 5th edition 1986. Published by Chaukhamba Amarabharati Prakashan, Varanasi.
Mentor had access to elderly parampara people who had different versions of BPHS than available in the market but he has not been successful in bringing them out due to socio-economic constraints & unwillingness of people to share manuscripts. 238
sutesÝme pU[R†iòtmSy t&tIye irpaE pad†iòinRtaNtm!, sutesaptame pürëadåñöitamasya tåtéye ripau pädadåñöirnitäntam |
xneraJygehe=xR†iò< vdiNt Svgehe iÇpad< Éve½Ev ketaE>. dhaneräjyagehe'rdhadåñöià vadanti svagehe tripädaà bhaveccaiva ketauù ||
Rahu (and Ketu, if we take Tama to mean both rahu and Ketu) aspects 5th and 7th with full strength, 3rd and the 6th by 1/4th strength aspect, 2nd and 10th with half strength and it aspects own house by 3/4th strength. Similar are the aspects of Ketu. [SA: note the word ketu used in the sanskrit shloka] Gopeshkumar in his commentary on Jataka Parijata published by Motilal Banarasidas, also gives below shloka, and credits the BPHS for this shloka (This is the shloka that also appears in Santanam's book if memory serves right and is attributed to the Bombay edition), which is more or less similar to the one in Brihajjataka commentary and runs as :
sutmdnnvaNte pU[R†iòtmSy yugldzmgehe caxR†iò< vdiNt, sutamadananavänte pürëadåñöitamasya yugaladaçamagehe cärdhadåñöià vadanti|
shjirpu ivpZyn! pad†iò< muinNÔa> injÉuvnmupetae laecnaNx> àidò>. sahajaripu vipaçyan pädadåñöià munindräù nijabhuvanamupeto locanändhaù pradiñöaù ||
Rahu (Or Ketu too as the reference is to Tama) aspects the 5th, 7th and 9th bhava with full aspect, the 2nd and 10th bhava with ½ aspect strength and the 3rd, and 6th with 1/4th aspect. It is blind (does not aspect) in own house (the bhava occupied or own rasi, perhaps the later). 7
Bombay Edition
ु सतमदननवां त े पूणर् िं तम यगु लदशमगेहे चाधर्िं वदंित।
ु सहजिरपिववपँयादिं मिु ना िनजभवनमपु ते ो लोचनाः ूिदः॥२६॥ sutamadananavāṁte pūrṇadṛṣṭiṁ tamasya yugaladaśamagehe cārdhadṛṣṭiṁ vadaṁti | sahajaripuvivapaśyanpādadṛṣṭiṁ munindrā nijabhavanamupeto locanāndhaḥ pradiṣṭaḥ ||26||
Rahu aspects the 5th, 7th and 9th bhava with full aspect, the 2nd and 10th bhava with 1/2 strength aspect and the 3rd and 6th bhava with 1/4th strength aspect. It is blind when in own house (devoid of aspect). Page 498 of Chapter Rahu aspects, first volume of Brihat Parashara hora shastra, written by Pandit Tarachandra Shastri. Khemraj Shrikrishnadas Publications Mumbai, Edition 1989. Dr Raman’s Astrological Magazine – March 1969 Issue ven after searching for 6 years to find this issue of the Astrological Magazine of Dr Raman we could not get our hands on the full article for verification. Incidentally this page that is being produced below was of another article whose by mistake photocopy was done from C S Patel’s house when we were working on Navamsa there with him, as it was a mistake in photocopying by the shop keeper you will find strike lines on the page below. Kindly note the title of the article it is ‘My
E 7
Publisher: This version is by Tarachand Shastri & the original by Venkateshwar Press is very old. What is to be noted is that it is said that Tarachand Shastri, got the original manuscript from the Maharaja of Darbhanga from the Maharaja’s own library, every vedic astrologer knows the history of the region of Darbhanga and the great role of the kings of Darbhanga with regards to original vedic scriptures. The above verse is not found in Santhanams version if one is not wrong. 239
Experiences In Nadi VIII’ and could be by Dr Raman himself, we don’t know. If someone has this article pls send it to us. Then note the part on the right center marked in Red lines where Nadi itself mentions crystal clear the 9th aspect of Ketu.
All of us know that when a genuine nadi is gotten the predictions are more stunning than all the astrologers combined since it is the Sage talking. Before one ventures and say any principle is not working, one must first quote what other authorities/references in the past have quoted/written on it and then denounce it as our experience, without quoting verses the subject (Shastra) cannot be learnt is what the old Indian real tradition (parampara) is. There is no alternative way to learn, otherwise wrong knowledge (agyaan) results. Especially if you are a Guru or plan to teach via phone or courses you must quote verses otherwise you will help in blocking your students mind by not teaching him to explore further. 2.3 Manuscripts & Translations he amount of hard work it takes to get a single manuscript out of any person in India is daunting and hence so far most of our elders have given up. Astrologers can ignore and part with their wives but not with manuscripts or old astrological works, they won’t study it but won’t allow you to get to them. If they know of someone who has it they will see to it that they will easily mislead you without realizing that Saturn is being spoilt in their charts. So far Saptarishis Astrology’s Team has uploaded only a miniscule number of manuscripts, yet to get them one has to part with good amount of money or beg, yes its begging in front of astrologers whose ear drums don’t function right when you are begging, whose heart are made up of stone, but when dollar is flashed (rupee does not work easily) the manuscript will be parted saying ‘the sage wants it to reach Denmark it seems’. That’s it Sukra nadi (not Sukar nadi) is gone forever and astrologers in India will never 8 understand the meaning of Neechabhanga (debilitation cancelation) . Then the laborious task of sending it to various scholars in India, resources are used for that and then waiting for months and nothing comes back from the scholars. One only feels ashamed when one is constantly reminding famous astrologers here in India to part with their manuscripts, they agree but somehow courier services malfunction in cities malfunction always when manuscripts are to be parted and freely given to the world. We won’t take names of those legends in astrology and may they be thankful for it. Then the problem of translation……
Unless Sukra Nadi is translated the true meaning of NeechaBhanga will never be understood, there is a special verse in it. Our efforts to get it from Denmark is on since 3.5 years, lets pray. 240
The worst problem is out of 10,000 people on forums 8 will come forward to help and 7 out of them will just disappear when we send manuscripts to them. Imagine this happening to you not once but 60-65 times in 4 years, what will you do, either you give up or cry like a kid and curse from your heart when it happens to you every time. You must also be prepared to face the egos of those who have knowledge of any language. Regarding translation this mail was sent to us 2 months back when we passed a rare work on Jaimini called Jyotish Phalaratnamala’ of Krishna Mishra duly translated by Shri Chandrashekhar Sharma to a volunteer for proof reading:Dear SA, (he means Saptarishis Astrology) After reading Jyotish Phalaratnamala of Krishnamishra translated by Ravindra Bhagavat and Sharmaji I have realized that me having spent 9 years in Jaimini parampara on internet forums is a waste. Only one thing can be understood after Jyotish Phalaratnamala is read that is all of us have wasted our time in Jaimini astrology. In earlier mail you said you are doing more works and when you all publish the full of these works that you have started on Phalaratnamala, Kalpalatta, Jatasarasangraha, Sutradaprakashika I think it would be easier for us to realize that in this life we can never understand Jaimini astrology. I pray you to success in finding Sanskrit scholars who can translate them and encourage people like Chandrashekhar Sharma, an old hand in astrology to continue what he is doing. Many know Sanskrit but you will find a dearth of them when it comes to dirtying their hands and putting their heads under the sword of real translation. You see scholars of Sanskrit who have gone to USA tell us ‘It is the prerogative of one whether to do translation or not’. Sometimes it takes lifetime to understand God or Knowledge even if for years one does Homams and Havans. One of the most noted singers in India, Asha Bhosale gave an interview on the front page of Bombay Times in the month of September, and she said ‘If God has given you an ability then you should use it for the good of people’. We are sure she does not do hours of homam daily but understands the meaning of Vidya as singing is also a Vidya. What is the use of learning sanskrit and proclaiming oneself great in sanskrit when from 30 years of one’s existence ‘In Sanskrit’ one cannot translate a single manuscript or work. Sometimes Indians learn in Universities that are sponsored by Govt through tax payers money like ours and then they go to America and settle down forgetting that the very reason they can eat and live in comfort in America is due to tax payers money like us, the very reason they can get scholarships in sanskrit back in India is due to us. Shameless followers of theirs can only keep quiet and not point out the flaw of their heroes and these gurus are more shameless when they write in forums ‘I am a good sanskrit scholar’. Sir, if you are a scholar you would never say I am a scholar that is for the world to say so. Vidya (knowledge) is 4H, whether mother’s milk is there or as some take it as 7H for mother’s milk which can be interpreted as the arudha of knowledge being 4th from 4th. This Debt of Mothers milk is only given when what you learn from your mother (education) is given out to the society (7H-public) and hence we can say that people like Shri Chandrashekhar Sharma are giving out the Debt of their mother’s milk by translating works in sanskrit, even though he being a humble man claims he is not a scholar of sanskrit in contrast to others who want to be leaders but not followers of the science, a formula for destruction in Jyotish. We bow down to Chandrashekhar Sharma who has not talked about humbleness and scholarship but demonstrated it. You are hereby requested to publish this not because I want to take revenge but so that I can inspire 100s who know Sanskrit to come forward and work as a Team in translating Jyotish work, maybe this is the karma of this letter. Today we need teams and not individuals. It would be nice if don’t edit this. Regards, P…… 2.4 Manuscripts & Jaimini Astrology f all branches of astrology today Jaimini Astrology has risen in the last few decades thanks to efforts of few nice souls like Iranganti, K.N.Rao & Sanjay Rath. Inspite of their hard work the subject is too huge & nothing substantial has come out and a lot is to be done with the road wide ahead. Most of us young ones feel that everything in Jaimini Astrology is already revealed and tend to use it to make predictions and spoil the lives of people. The worst Karma is considered when self appointed Gurus along with titles of Gurus are dished out and naïve folks tend to believe when we see complex techniques and calculations with more complex conditions that keep on changing every 3 years.
Today more ill-karma is done in the name of Sage Jaimini than ever in the history of astrology. It is when you will become a victim not once but several times and lose your career & status forever, lose your life path forever, (mark forever) and lose $ 28,000 dollars plus a possibility of not getting back another $ 34,000 due to bad predictions of Jaimini astrology parampara astrologers, then you will resolve on one thing which is to either a) Expose the crap in the name of Jaimini that is happening OR b) Help the Gurus & students of Modern Jaimini Astrology Paramparas by providing them manuscripts Some of us here in Saptarishis Astrology like Ravindra Bhagavat chose the Option B. We knew that the glory of Jaimini Astrology is lost forever with most manuscripts not available in the form of commentaries which are the real backbone of Jaimini Astrology of whatever survived little of Sage Jaimini’s work. We knew that today predictions are not possible with the current knowledge of Jaimini. Why so, since not a single Jaimini internet parampara astrologer can ever predict the way Late Vemuri Shastri used to do ‘To The Day’ and again not like Late D K Sen, who was a very close friend of mentor. D K Sen was known to predict marriage to the week, years in advance and at times the job to 9 the day. Forget predicting to the day, predicting 10 major events of one’s life are not possible by current day Jaimini Astrology this you would find with costly experience, but how could Vemuri Shastri do 10 that. Credit must be given not for name sake but truly to K N Rao who lead the International Renaissance in Jaimini astrology via his Chara Dasha. The unfortunate part is what he has written in his book is not even 20% of what he uses (as communicated to us by him via email in 2006) & due to world not wanting more he refuses to write more on it. But what we can request students is for atleast next 150 years not to bother about Jaimini Astrology just read it ‘A Bit’ but don’t spend much time on it otherwise you would waste years in it and get nothing. Your state would be like of most astrologers who have reached age of 70, spent time on 100 dasas and only in privacy can admit that it was a mistake of not sticking to one or two dasas in Parashari. If something is a consolation our 6 years on net forums was wasted and mentors 30 years on Jaimini astrology. Stick to Parashari and little bit of nadi and you can achieve wonders. As per our experience read K N Rao’s Chara Dasha twice then observe each event through the method of his chara dasha, in a day atleast 5 events you must observe on multiple charts, then make your notes. After 1-2 years you would develop your own method of interpretation & trust us it would work fabulously as this has been the experience of senior astrologers. Please note if you only practice what is given verbatim in KNRs book after 3 years you would get only 50-55 % of accuracy but if you take his book or Vemuri as your true Guru and make your own efforts knowing that he left hints in his book (KNRs), also in his magazine and develop your own method the accuracy level can reach at times even 70% depending on your own capability. Apart from Chara Dasa do not (DO NOT) touch any other dasa till next 7 years or till you are mature enough to handle complexities in astrology.
his is the state of Jaimini Astrology and that’s the reason when we resorted to improve standards of Jaimini Astrology as that branch of astrology consumes the net forums and thereby many lives are destroyed we approached Iranganti Rangacharya and Madura Krishnamoorthi Shastri from Andhra Pradesh, as Andhra is considered the Land Of Jaimini where maximum work happened in the past on Jaimini. These two have spent exactly 50 years (50 by 2009) in Jaimini astrology whereas the average age of Astrologers on net forums is not even 30 forget the experience of them, even paramparas age is not 50. Due to old age of Maduraji and Irangantiji, so far we have been able to remove out only few articles than what was our goal. Here we have failed and it has been a costly failure
Actually using any form of current knowledge of astrology it is impossible to predict 5 major events with periods to be honest.
Pls note that we are not students or hardcore fans of KNR and are not propagating him but as an off the cup remark, he was the only astrologer who predicted to the publisher of Saptarishis Astrology that we would be writing a book in 2008. This prediction was done in Oct 2004. But instead of a book Saptarishis Astrology Magazine was launched, still his prediction holds sound. It is unclear if he used Jaimini astrology for the prediction as we are a bit sure that he knows more about Bhrighu Astrology but does not mention about it in his writings. 242
knowing that once these 81 year olds are gone there would be none to save the Fate of Jaimini Astrology from the classic angle. Hence we sent one of our contacts Shanmukha, a young enthusiast and ex-SJC Hyderabad discussion group team member to Iranganti ji to write articles for Iranganti. The Master was old and after having being cheated by many so called students did not want any more student or volunteer to help him write. He resisted a lot. We had to push so much for Iranganti ji to accept. Let us wait for Shanmukha to assist in writing Iranganti ji for more articles, the same way we introduced Andree Leclerc from Canada to the nadi master in Hyderabad Shri A. V. Sundaram for some nadi astrology secrets to come out. If these two fail in bringing knowledge out it would be our failure I guess & not theirs. Some of you might argue that there is so much of Jaimini astrology available on the net forums so why are we cribbing about it. In reality the toughest question in Jaimini Astrology that has been asked on internet parampara forums which none of the gurus could answer is:1. How many major ancient commentaries of Jaimini Sutras are there in total 2. How many Ascendants (lagnas) are there in Jaimini 3. How many Dasas are there in Jaimini 4. How many types of Upapada Lagnas are there 5. How many types of Hora Lagnas are there 6. How many types of calculations are there in Arudhas computation If you search these net forums you would find that people get upset when Divya Lagna and Tripavana Lagna calculation are asked. These are actually a part of Jaimini Astrology. Look at this link where the query of Divya Lagna was asked on May 16th 2006 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sohamsa/message/5208 A famous Guru got upset on being asked this question and now when we were trying to paste the link here, we saw that the rude answer by him was probably deleted from the forum, note not a single guru was able to answer it. Deleting messages of scandals from forums is common but if we do not know something we should admit it whole heartedly and not delete it. In many such internet parampara forums 3-4 times in last 5 years the toughest question was asked ‘How many major ancient commentaries of Jaimini Sutras are there’ – not a single person among them could answer it. If we can’t answer this basic question how can we teach Jaimini Astrology but everyone wants to teach Jaimini Astrology or some program. Teaching is big business in India and West but predicting out of that knowledge none can do. Would not a scholar know how many commentaries are there, the names atleast? There are as per our scant knowledge 35 commentaries which are major, some of them Saptarishis Astrology Team members has uploaded it in the manuscript section which till date none of the Jaimini Paramparas of 800 years have been able to do so. Ofcourse everyone talks outside the forum that if there is a parampara how come they do not have these ancient commentaries but none points it out in the forum as to how come these paramparas cannot quote a single shloka for their new dasas or lagnas since in parampara without quoting shlokas you are never taught. Every kid in astrology in India knows it but none wants to object to the ‘Rape Of Astrology’ since all of us wants to make money by selling courses in our respective countries with the help of our associations or get posts in organisations worldwide and flash our certificates so that more clients come. All of us know that the best predictors in India have never ‘EVER’ flashed certificates or degrees or posts in associations to their name, may the young ones know this & not become a laughing stock among educated clients. Astrology in India is a Vidya and Vidya is equated to Mother here, hence we call the Goddess of Learning ‘Maa Saraswati’ but how fashionable it is for modern day gurus and students to pray every morning to Maa Saraswati, but allow Vidya to be raped and prostituted by Mercenaries and Talibanists of astrology. Students don’t even blink an eye when publicly arrogant gurus display their raping of Vidya and their bad manners or samskara as it is called in India.
et us not stop here and continue and ask what was asked long back in net parampara forums ‘How many types of Lagnas (Ascendants) are there in Jaimini’, none could answer – well there are 65 types of Lagnas as per one direct lineage of Jaimini who resides in Andhra and whose family history of 850 years, their names are written on the walls of his house. Modern paramparas cannot list down their true lineage of 800 years. How many types of Dasas in Jaimini, none could 243
answer – there are 70 types of dasas in Jaimini. No one can even name these lagnas and dasas, what about their calculations, what about how to use them, what about 18 years of experience in each dasa before teaching them. How many types of Arudha calculation are there, this is the basic question in Jaimini, you ask anyone they would say 2, actually there are 5 major types of systems of calculations of Arudhas which were followed by the ancients and none have spoken about it so far? Let it be repeated ‘None’. Then there are sub-divisions or views on these 5 types, and then there is the Bhrighu Arudha 11 System which in future issues we will write about. Coming back to Jaimini arudhas, in the ancient work Kalpalatta, the author Somanathacharya mentions about different calculation for male sign female sign arudha calculation, on the net Paramparas none have spoken about it and even in the majority of India none know about it. Read Kalpalatta translation in this issue, it is being brought out for the first time in last 100s of years, the manuscript you can find in the manuscript link of the website. Mentor long back went to a man who was rumored to be well versed in Jaimini and mentor asked him how many types of Upapada lagna calculation are there, he was quiet and finally said only one is there. Mentor realized at that time this man only poses as a Parampara Guru but does not know Jaimini basics. We knew the answer via mentor that there are 5 types of Upapada Lagna calculation and when we were to start this magazine mentor sent us to the village of Madura Krishnamurthy Shastri, we asked Maduraji the same question that Mentor asked that Parampara Guru. We were committing the sin of testing the knowledge of an old man and we knew it but for the sake of bringing out true knowledge of Jaimini we had to do it and in a second we received the right answer with a knowing smile from Madura ji that he knew why we asked. The question that must come to your mind with different types of arudhas, Upapada lagnas, 7 or 8 chara karakas, where to see Karakamsa chart in rasi or navamsa is that which one will you follow after all these formulas have come out in translations, who will decide this for you, the rishi or the fame hungry guru. Any technique in astrology whether correct or wrong will always work on 10 charts at the end of the day is a concept not known to astrologers who are eager to believe what they want to believe as Rahu controls astrology and not Jupiter and Rahu is the significator of illusion hence some will swear by 7 and some by 8 charakarakas saying it works for them since 40 years or 800 years without realizing that the Game Master is Rahu, the master illusionist who even deceived the gods, what are astrologers in front of Gods. Speaking of Mentor long back in 2006, mentor asked us to teach him how to use Argala, we replied to him what we had learnt in net forums, he instantly retorted ‘you will never understand basics of Jaimini.’ It was only when we published the article of Maduraji in last issue we realized that all this while the whole world has been committing a mistake on something as basic as Argala in Jaimini astrology. He deserves the credit for teaching all of us in the jyotish world this way Argala is to be used and aspecting planets in Argala. No doubt the Master, Mr K.N.Rao knew that argala is a confusing part and never commented on it and thereby avoided misguiding souls in the name of Jaimini astrology. Some of us know that only two opinions exist when it comes to charakarakas either 7 or 8 and most of us quote so and so scholars system of charakaraka, what not a single student or scholar has done is quote the relevant Sanskrit shloka where 7 charakaraka is mentioned or 8 charakaraka is mentioned. When on an internet parampara forum a friend mentioned that there is an opinion among top most scholars in Jaimini in Andhra Pradesh that both 7 and also 8 can be used depending on the type of chart, we were banned by that Paramguru. 2.4 Manuscripts Release & Unhappiness o far in last 100 years of astrological English publications few times some of the ancient manuscripts of Jaimini Sutras commentaries were mentioned. These were kept to a few select individual. Our team decided to help the lovers of Jaimini astrology by bringing this rare manuscripts containing commentaries of Jaimini Sutras out for the public since without commentaries and most important without all of them you cannot even fathom to understand what Sage Jaimini wrote
S 11
The Bhrighu Arudha Lagna of Michael Jackson comes in the 8H which as per known Jaimini Arudhas does not come in the 8H and in the 8H as per true nodes there is Rahu and BAL plus Rahu, Rahu shows scandals and 8H also shows scandals, his whole life was a scandal. 244
in his cryptic condensed coded verses. Thinking that it would be welcome with open arms we realized to our surprise that our mailers containing download links for the commentaries were being moderated by moderators of internet parampara forums, some forums did not even allow it as if these moderators have become Kings in Astrology thinking that their forums is their territory. Fine moderation is acceptable but how come there was no word for appreciation among even one single member of the forum for Ravindra Bhagavat who donated these, don’t they want more knowledge. Was everyone scared of something, of losing their thrones? 1400 people scared to react, if their ParamGuru is not happy. Will these 1400 be forgiven by the Soul Of Astrology for not encouraging people like Ravindra Bhagavat & Raghavendra Rao who bring out manuscripts to the world. Are Jyotishas nothing but spineless creatures, slaves and pets in front of their Gurus? Even some senior members react to commentaries being brought out in a negative manner whereas in Andhra everyone has died to get their hands on commentaries, begging and pleasing their Gurus for 40-50 years, they get in return a big Zero and here it is being given free. See this mail that came to us Dear Admin, I am old now and given up on Jaimini Astrology which the legend Dr B V Raman introduced to us decades back, nobody remembers his contribution now among the young ones. There were tears in my eyes which have become weak when I saw you distributing for free download these commentaries on Jaimini Sutras knowing that I have spent 4 decades searching for them. You kids have done the unthinkable in astrology that none of us nor our heroes did, that is of distributing manuscripts for free for knowledge to truly come out. I feel as if they did nothing so far. Not a single parampara has done it. Can you even imagine that in 40 years how many people I must have met who have shown me manuscripts but not given it displaying their bad manners and their bad blood in them, you said you are young so you can’t imagine the amount of insults people like me have faced. I am not scolding here but pointing a fact that comes from experience. I used to feel like taking my hands and killing some of them when they would look into my eyes with ego and think mentally ‘now start begging me for my manuscripts.’ My Sanskrit is not so great otherwise I would have helped you nor is my health. I wish I could touch the feet of Dr Ravindra Bhagavat and Madura Krishnamoorthi Shastri who have distributed these manuscripts. Mr Shastri I heard so much about this great man in Jaimini, he wrote path breaking articles in 60s but due to financial circumstances and guess my fate could not go to meet him. Kindly pass on his address to me and I will be grateful, maybe one day I will meet him. But what I am not grateful about is what is written in these forums of young ones today. I do copy and paste below, ok. Re: [sohamsa] Jaimini Hare Rama Krsna One can read all the available commentaries, especially if they have a clear mind and can remember what each commentator has said, all the variability’s, take the time to test all these various techniques, and remember what works for them and still be clear about who believes what in scholarly circles.. This is a very high path indeed for one who has the time and intelligence.. Guruji (Sri Sanjay Rath) has read all these commentaries, understood them, tested them, (has rare commentaries not available to the average public), and has the teaching of a living lineage (Parampara) of Jaimini which he was born into and is required to continue. Sanjay’s family lineage was invited to Orissa by the King of Puri because of their jnana. (SA: Deleted rest as non valid to this discussion) Namah Shivaya Freedom http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sohamsa/message/19061 (link inserted by SA for reference) 245
You use I am old fashioned and don’t know how long I will live but I take B V Raman as my Guru, I know he had his own shortcomings and did what he had to do to survive but you see in our days we never made such statements about ones Guru especially in public as the following questions will arise. How can a student endanger his own Gurus reputation throwing him armor-less in this modern world where if you hide anything it is considered wrong and a sin? Now think since you are a young publisher and must learn to respect elders teachings to us. a) If the students word is true in the above email it means his Guru has all the commentaries of Jaimini Sutras. b) His Guru has not replied in the forum saying he does not have those manuscripts. c) If so how come his Guru has not given out the original manuscripts to the Jyotish Fraternity, it does not take long to scan and upload on severs (SA: servers it should be). Nowadays technology is there na. d) If all commentaries are available with the Guru then as a scholar he did not quote the relevant shlokas from those commentaries in his book Upadesha Sutras e) There are some 1500 people in that forum how come no one asked for those commentaries to be given out, why are the gurus hiding it. For me those commentaries are no use as I have 1.5 years left as per nadi predictions. Maybe I will read it in next life via your website. Get them translated will you. Wish Saptarishis Astrology had come 30 years back people like me would have quenched our true thirst for knowledge. During my days I was so passionate about my Guru Dr B V Raman whom I met 4 times, and would defend him against those who were against him. He was always criticized that he hid the Dhruva Nadi for 40-45 years, I think he was gifted that manuscript in 1952 or 53 and even as late as 1990s he said he would translate it. My best friend who was anti-Raman always told me that Dr Raman has not revealed the most important nadi Dhruva Nadi inspite of taking 40 years to translate it and I would fight against him and even to Dr Raman to release that manuscript. His health was not well I am told during those days and did not hear from him. Sorry you have to hear the whinings of an old man but after so many decades in Jaimini and Parashari Astrology one only feels frustrated as our technical queries are not answered in this life time, what will we predict from a chart when we are ourselves having doubts on our completeness of our astro knowledge. May this not discourage you my child you guys are doing important work, don’t give up. Regards, S……….. (name deleted) Delhi
e have around 5-6 major commentaries the work on which has already started and right now the translation of the monumental Kalpalata and Jyotish Phalaratnamala the backbone of Jaimini Astrology is being presented in this issue. After few years there would be some debate and a better translation will come out in them, that is the process of how knowledge comes out but Chandrashekhar Sharma, Virendra Battu will be the Knights who took the challenge and did it without bothering if they would be criticized or not. This only a true Knight of Astrology can do what it takes to be done whereas others sit and write articles but these translators are giving you the very source to research and then write articles, presenting you the tool to glorify your name. No doubt their names will go in the annals of astrology forever as the men who did it instead of just talking about it. To bring out 15 commentaries it would take us 50 years, then it would take you 10 years to read and understand them, then another 20 years to master some of the dasas. Better advice is don’t touch Jaimini Astrology till all the resources are available, don’t touch it till dasas given by paramparas on nets have stopped their transformation process as all of you have observed that various 246
dasas and lagnas over the years change their calculation as per the whims of the same parampara without any shame that some of us might have used that lagna to predict and spoil someone’s life. Astrological organisations are equally responsible worldwide to allow this to go on and so are you for not objecting and thus weakening your 9H of dharma as you did not follow Dharma of righteous action. As it took us 15 years to understand why Lord Krishna urged Arjuna to fight and why did he not tell Arjuna to practice non-attachment which all of us practice by being silent spectators of the dramas of forums, may it not take you 15 years is how we would end here. May you also not become barking dogs, that role only few have to perform. Start translating from Hindi to English, or from any local language to English or Sanskrit to English and make your Mercury powerful that is a bigger remedy than mantras as Gita propagates action to be the highest dharma. Unless the pleasure of giving knowledge is experienced, you just won’t realize the Supreme Bliss of it, don’t crave for instant fame or any at all, don’t crave for creating your brand name or creating your own websites or softwares, all will come on its own what the Lord decides, just give and give and you shall surely receive the blessings of the Sages. Trust us there is no 99% in what has been written above. Nobody saves your wasteful years in astrology, someone did that favor on us in 2006 by telling us at each and every step where not to waste our time, in which dasa not to spend hours, he said one has 20-30 goods years in jyotish that’s it and if you waste time learning it wrongly, at the end on your death bed you would be the most dissatisfied person and would have spent your life like others bitching about other astrologers. In order to pay a part of our debts to Mentor we have written this kind of Publitorial knowing that more enemies will be made, more harm will be done to us, critics will be borne and less people might get associated with us, it does not matter since we are not here to set shop or become astrologers but happy that an advice like this could save 10-20 years of yours, if it’s worth it take it or delete it, don’t waste your time or karma deriding it as one would not prefer to be a tool of bad karma creator for you. To conclude there is a most apt statement from ‘The Last Book Of Astrology’ where the Yogi says ‘Knowledge Is of No Use unless it has come to use for the welfare of all, where it was Unconditionally Given until then it’s like a mistress who is for a select few’. 2.5 Is Jaimini Astrology Destined For You.
f you are learning Astrology or Jaimini Astrology from a Guru or a Parampara he must tell you before you start astrology if you would be able to learn it or not. Then if you are learning various streams of astrology each has its own planet, which should be strong in your rasi or a particular divisional chart. If this has not been told to you then the first step of honesty has not been accorded to you by your Guru or forum from where you learn. Suppose you are learning Jaimini Astrology, you must look at your Ketu; this point is not known at all. This Ketu-Jaimini technique is just a hint of a technique do not forget the word hint and kindly do not take it as the one all end all, a favorite mind set 12 of astrologers. Now the Gothra of Ketu is Jaimini Rishi. Hence Ketu is very important for all those who learn Jaimini Astrology. The technique is to observe placement of Ketu:‘Ketu’s exaltation, debilitation and Moola trikona signs will be most important to observe in
this regard, along with the Kalapurusha Houses that it represents e.g. Ketu is exalted in Scorpio by some and Sagittarius by some, so observe the 8 and 9 houses in chart too, it is debilitated in Taurus or Gemini so observe the 2nd and 3rd houses too’. To make it broadly simple:a) Observe Exal, Deb signs of Ketu which is Sc, Sg, Ta, Ge
Reference of Gothra from a work by Maharishi Dayanand Jothi, Coimbatore, Kerala whose work has supposed references of many rare non-popular Nadis without quoting shlokas from nadis. His work would be soon brought out in the shopping section of Saptarishis Astrology. 247
b) Observe thus the signs houses in natural Kalapurusha zodiac which is 8,9,2,3 houses i.e. ketus placement in these houses. c) Observe their own or Moola trikona or trine houses d) So if you take Pisces as own house observe Pisces and also 12th house, if you take Virgo as trine house you observe Ketu in Virgo or 6th house or if you take Capricorn as Moolatrikona house as mentioned in Bhavartha Ratnakara then you observe Ketu in either Capricorn or in 10th house of a chart and so on. 13
There is lot of confusion among sages/ancient writers on own, exal, deb signs of Rahu Ketu . The concept of using houses in Kalapurusha for everything in astrology and not just body parts (medical astrology) is a Bhrighu Astrology Concept that was first clearly extolled by a Calcutta based astrologer who wrote articles in Astrological Magazine in partnership with Late Surya Prakash, the esteemed son of B V Raman. Let’s use this Ketu and observe it in charts of men who dedicated their lives in Jaimini Astrology but do note that it would also come in the lives of great astrologers who did Parasari or Western astrology too like that of Richard Houck who they say was at times capable of predicting the date of death or even of Nostradamus. Anyways the Great Late Vemuri Rama Murthi Sastri of Andhra Pradesh who is known as the greatest exponent of Jaimini in last 300 years had Ketu Exalted in Scorpio in 6H (natural house of Virgo in Kalapurusha) of accidents and secrecy, going away from home to learn (is also 6H), it is said he quietly by-hearted thousands of shlokas from his teacher in Banaras as his teacher would not part with the manuscripts to be taken out of Banaras and Vemuri is supposed to have finally burnt down his books in his house, which he claimed caught fire (accidents 6H). It is said there 14 was no one like Vemuri Shastri in Jaimini Astrology. Ketu’s ‘Trine House’ is Virgo, in K.N. Rao’s chart you would find this Ketu in Virgo in the 12H (Pisces of natural zodiac & Pisces Ketu connection is 15 well known ) of previous lives unfinished business and abroad, his work on Jaimini is regarded as one of the highest in recent times and he is known for spreading Jaimini abroad, do note that this Ketu is with an exalted Mercury (writing), his books on Jaimini are the most sold by any book shop as Mercury makes one practical and he wrote on the ‘Practical Application of Jaimini’, you would find practicing astrologers swear by K.N. Rao’s version of Chara Dasha, the classical sutra choppers as KNR once called them would criticize his style but the professionals whose bread is gotten by astrology use K.N. Rao’s version of Vemuri Shastris Chara Dasha, that was the Mercury & Virgo (Ketu) touch to Jaimini in KNRs work. Dr Raman had Ketu in the 8H of occult and in the sign of Virgo like K N Rao, Dr Raman 13
Hora Sara Chp 2 Shl8: As Rahu, Ketu have not been dealt with, I give below some information in this regard: Vriddha Samhita and Jyotishamrita state that Aquarius and Scorpio are owned by Rahu and Ketu in their order. Veemesaram, a Tamil work calls Aquarius as Rahu's own house, but nothing is allotted to Ketu. Both are exalted in Scorpio and are in fall in Taurus as per Jatakalankaram (Tamil) and Veemesaram. Jatakachintamani agrees with this, only for Rahu, while it mentions that Ketu is exalted in Gemini, and is in fall in Sagittarius. Syama Sangraham says that Gemini and Sagittarius are exaltation and Neecha for Rahu and the reverse is true for Ketu. Sarvartha Chintamani gives Taurus-Scorpio as exaltation and debilitation for Rahu and Scorpio Taurus as exaltation and debilitation for Ketu. Bhavartha Ratnakara states that Rahu is exalted in Taurus and Ketu in Scorpio, and Rahu has Gemini and Cancer as his Moola-Trikonas, while Ketu's MoolaTrikonas are Sagittarius and Capricorn. Also see Uttara Kalamrita, slokas 19-20 of Ch. IV, for more information. There are, thus, varied views in this regard. BPHS Chp 47: Shl: 34-39 1/2. In order to clarify the effects of the Dasha of Rahu, I shall first mention the exaltation and debilitation rashis of Rahu and Ketu. The exaltation rashi of Rahu is Taurus. The exaltation rashi of Ketu is Scorpio. The Moola-Trikonas of Rahu and Ketu are Gemini and Sagittarius respectively. The own rashis of Rahu and Ketu are Aquarius and Scorpio in that order. Some sages have expressed the view that Virgo is the own rashi of Rahu and Pisces is the own rashi of Ketu. 14
Reference Maharishi Dayanand Jothi
Bhavartha Ratnakaraka, Chp 15, Shl 9 - For Ketu, Pisces is own house, Libra friendly, Aquarius own house, Scorpio the place of exaltation, and Sagittarius and Capricorn the moolatrikona places. As we mentioned at the start that Ketu in its signs does not restrict only to Jaimini, e.g. Richard Houck had Ketu in Sc in 12H, Nostradamus had Ketu in Virgo, CEO Carter had Ketu in 6H, Cheiro had Ketu in Pisces, Edgar Cayce had Ketu in Leo (more on this below) and so did Robert Deluce whose work on Divisional chart (D60) is worth reading.
was one of the first to propagate and bring out gems in Jaimini via his magazine and books. There is something not known about Virgo which has been called a Virgin and hence something new must be told about it, Virgo is a sign when combined with Ketu is ‘Bhagwan Ka Rin’ i.e. ‘Gods debts’ which in the case of KNR & Dr Raman would be ‘Debt to Higher (Jyotish) Knowledge’ from previous lifetimes which they have tried to repay in this lifetime. Virgo has another absolutely unknown quality which is ‘To Inspire Others’ and about this we would talk some other time. ‘One should note that Ketu in Virgo in the right house can give deep knowledge of occult or a super fine knowledge of spiritual secrets like in the case of James Redfield the celebrated spiritual author having the best combination of Ketu right on his Asc (most imp) in sign Virgo with 8L Mars.’ Earlier we wrote about Ketu’s trine house sign being Virgo, so observe 6H placement of Ketu also in charts of people who did major work in Jaimini astrology like the case of Prof Suryanarayan Rao, grandfather of Dr Raman, he wrote one of the 1st most famous work on Jaimini in English. Bhavartha Ratnakara says Ketu’s Moola trikona sign is Capricorn & Sagittarius, so observe these two signs and along with it 10th and 9th houses of any chart – sign house combo to be used. Sanjay Rath has Ketu in the 10H of Profession & Karma in the exalted sign of Sagittarius (note both Sc & Sg are considered exalted by many), Sg is also the 9H of Guru in Naisargik Chart, Sanjay Rath has become a Guru figure to some in Jaimini Astrology. You would thus observe that this Capricorn (or 10H) Ketu connection of Bhavartha Ratnakaraka does work if you see some lesser famous people’s chart who have been working on Jaimini but would have Ketu in Capricorn either in 3H of writing or in 11H of Jyotisha & so on. Ketu is also exalted in Scorpio which is the natural sign for the occult & hidden knowledge in occult, it is placed in the 11H of Jyotisha in sign Scorpio in the chart of 81 year old Madura Krishna Moorthy Sastri ji, and his knowledge of Jaimini astrology is legendary in Andhra Pradesh, the land of Jaimini Astrology, apart from his legendary status he still remains a humble soul. Iranganti Rangacharya one of the topmost scholars to write in Jaimini Astrology since last 4 decades in the classical angle has Ketu in Sagittarius in the 2H of education with A5 (authorship), his work on Jaimini is the most scholarly so far in English language & unmatched. Another parampara guru of Jaimini of 800 years from Andhra Pradesh, his son has Ketu in Scorpio, exalted there in 6H of secrecy with A4 (knowledge & passed on in one’s home), this same combination Late Vemuri Shastry had and thus the knowledge has so far in 800 years not come out. When we were just about to start this magazine we contacted his father, who though old told us that crap in the name of Jaimini is happening in internet forums, hence we begged him to write articles so as to clear the cobwebs in Jaimini Astrology, he laid down some conditions to us for him to write in our magazine which were not acceptable to us and thus the ego clash happened but loss to Jaimini Astrology happened forever. It will always remain a black mark on Saptarishis Astrology for having failed in removing this real parampara out on whose house it is said the list of forefathers in Jaimini Astrology since 800 years is written on the wall. Those who are from Andhra Pradesh know whom we are talking about. Sign and house placement both matters, suppose you have Ketu in the 2H in the sign of Aquarius which is the sign of astrology then again you would read a lot (eyes) on Jaimini and it would be your deep passion akin to ‘without food (2H) body cannot survive’ like passion, if it is with A6 then first you would commit mistake (A6 is mistakes) in your learning’s and then you could go to someone else to learn Jaimini since A6 also means changes. See house placement is very important, take for e.g. the case of Sanjay Rath he has Ketu in Sagittarius but if it was in 5H in Sagittarius then you could have created some students (5H-sishyas) like figures who would go on to become Gurus in Jaimini or you could have thrived a lot to bring out the real Jaimini Astrology out in the open or it could be that you would Love reading a lot on Jaimini astrology as 5H is the house of love, this way one should use flexibility in ones interpretation. Ketu in 3H can make you write a lot on Jaimini or talk a lot on Jaimini but remember where Ketu is there mistake will happen so one must be careful of one’s writing if Ketu is in 3H, there is no 99% in the above. Ketu in 12H in Leo can make you write a lot on Jaimini, so much must be written about just Ketu in Leo and astrology connection yet space limitations bar us, but one thing can be said if this Ketu is rightly uses ‘Super Knowledge’ can come out, only thing is ego should be conquered and then you would be No.1, if you are unable to conquer ego kids in astrology will come and break (Ketu) you to pieces, again no 99% in this. Suppose you have Ketu in the debilitated sign of Gemini in the 1H of everything then you can be instrumental in removing the cobwebs of misinterpretation of Jaimini astrology by removing rare manuscripts of Jaimini out in open, we know 2 astrologers with same combination and both have been instrumental in giving out freely rare Jaimini manuscripts to the world, as it is debilitated no name no ego will come into the picture & these guys might never be known. 249
Ketu in Gemini means debt towards astrology (in astrologer’s charts), the sooner a man with this combo realizes this better for his karma, if Ketu with Gemini is in the 1H it is ‘Super Debt towards Jaimini Astrology’ from previous lifetimes as it shows abuse of Jaimini Astrology in the past, when this debt giving will manifest Jupiter and Mars placement will decide if it would be this lifetime or some other but the debt will be seen. Speaking of 1H suppose Ketu is there, you got the combo to learn Jaimini especially some rare points in it and if say it is in sign Leo (natural sign of authorship) your Karma in this life could be to write a monumental work on Jaimini astrology. Coming back to Ketu is in Pisces or 12H (Pisces in natural zodiac) certain ego can come since a planet feels comfortable and thus proud in own sign or exalted sign. Ketu denotes fish and Pisces symbol is fish and also a watery sign. Do not get fooled by seeing Ketu in its debilitated sign or for that matter any planet, debilitation is only a state of condition, it means more efforts are required to bring the talent out if the other 11 houses support. Thus you will get a hint that Ketu and Jaimini astrology are very much interlinked. Finally, in this C S Patel Manuscript Centric Issue we publish translations of some of the rarest of manuscripts first time seen in the jyotish world, where the writers, translators have burnt the midnight oil to get them for you and also release 5 new Jaimini Manuscripts donated by Ravindra Bhagavat, digital size of it is reduced by Raja Sekhar, New Jersey to honor 92 year old Late C S Patel who started the trend of removing rare shlokas from manuscripts that were forgotten by the jyotish world. Also all those unseen and unheard of heroes who have preserved these manuscripts must be first bowed to. Let this aggressive translation projects be called
‘Mission Saptarishis’ where we all
come together to remove all the knowledge from now to the era of the Saptarishis and pay our Debts to 16 the Sages.
Publisher: In Indian culture there are 4 kinds of debts that a human is supposed to pay back before he dies and one of them is Rishi Rin, which means the debt towards the Sages and unless this is done Moksha is not possible is the belief since ages. It is the belief of the people in the Inner Circle of Saptarishis Astrology Magazine which is based on many years of close observation that unless knowledge is given out real knowledge in astrology never comes. 250
Ashtakvarga Thumb Rules By Late C.S.Patel, India Translation: Dushyant Trivedi, India. Copy Editor: Shahina Begum Meah, U.K. [SA Publisher: This is an unpublished work of the man who introduced Ashtakvarga in its modern avatar to the Indian Astrological Community way back in 1957 from his path breaking book titled ‘Ashtakvarga’. It was such a path breaking book that whenever we would go and introduce us as friends of C S Patel to senior astrologers they would instantly say ‘Ohh Ashtakvarga’. This article was originally written in Guajarati language and would have not appeared in English, if it was not for the recent pointing out by his student Mr Upendra Singh Bhadoriya who readily gave his copy of the Guajarati printed work & translation by Mr Trivedi. We remain grateful to both of them.
C. S. Patel, how one can describe the Late 92 year old master who still lives among us. How many of us know of astrologers who have truly shared ‘Every Bit’ of their knowledge to all without consideration of caste, creed or sex. Without Vidya blocks of bow to me and only then I would teach, but yes he would test the honesty of the student and then share all. If there was one who understood the meaning of the word Vidya (Education) in its true esoteric and spiritual sense probably Mr Patel’s name would crop up instantly is what those who knew him would say. If Gujarati reading astrologers come forward for translation then many of his unpublished articles would be published here.
The most special part of this article by Late C. S. Patel is that at the end of the article in the paragraph ‘Successful Years’. You would find two marked sentences, one in maroon colour and the other in red colour. The maroon if you observe is the starting basis of Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi (BCP) that we wrote in Vol: 3 – Aug 08 – C. S. Patel Memorial Issue, which means Patel Saheb also knew about the BCP method at least to an extent. The sentence marked in Red is the research we ourselves had done using BCP method & combining it with Ashtakvarga and this was one of the 60 methods that we mentioned would be revealed at a later date, but 251
it seems the 92 year old Master of Ashtakvarga had done that decades ago.]
n this article dots or zeros are considered benefics and dash are considered malefic.
In an Ashtakvarga horoscope if a planet is at the cusp at the beginning or the end of a zodiacal sign then the results obtained may be doubtful and so will be the case if in a Chalit horoscope when there are two houses in one zodiacal sign or one house containing two zodiacal signs. Hence astrologers are advised to consider the degreecal difference and the zodiacal sign of planets while giving predictions. Ashtakvarga horoscope which consists of 8 columns inclusive of lagna/ascendant and the final 9th column gives the total known as Samudaya Ashtakvarga or Sarvashtakvarga. Some astrologers give predictions based on Bhinnashtakvarga which does not include Lagnashtakvarga (benefic dots based on ascendant) where the total is 337 is not proper.
Samudaya or Sarvashtakvarga A table consisting of 12 houses and 7 planets i.e. of 84 squares (in which starting from lagna/ascendant & all seven planets together) is prepared by putting all the dots/zeroes and adding them together is known as Samudaya or Sarvashtakvarga. The total benefics should be written in each house along with the planets and zodiacal signs. Samudaya or Sarvashtakvarga can be prepared without the preparing of Bhinnashtakvarga with much less difficulty ‘Balo Balishtho’ (Prashna Marga Ch 32 sloka 59-60; Horasara Ch 17, sloka 73-74; Phaldeepika Ch 24, sloka 34-35 and Jataka Deshmarga Ch 9, sloka 35-36). Planets which are exalted in their own zodiacal signs, in friends house, in quadrants, trines and Upachayas (3, 6, 10 & 11) houses being strong etc, but if they have less than 28 benefic dots then they shall give adverse results. Weak planets such as 1. Owners of 6th 8th and 12th houses. 2. Planets of 6th 8th and 12th houses. 3. Debilitated planets, planets with malefic or in enemies house Have more than 28 benefic dots then they shall give benefic results.
House and Lords of the house Zodiacal sign rising at the eastern horizon or ascendant/lagna and its lord/lagnesh and the lords of the subsequent houses are to be noted. For each and every house a minimum number of benefic dots have been determined & they are as follows:
House No.
Benefic dots
4 24
16 Total 337
Any house containing benefic dots less than shown above will give that much less benefic result in proportion to the difference from the benefic dots. On the contrary if benefic dots are more than those shown above then the benefic results will be that much more in proportion. If these houses are aspected by benefic planets then the extent of benefic results will be much more. If instead it is aspected by malefic planet then the benefic results will get reduced. The houses which contain less than benefic dots shown above if aspected by malefic planet then the malefic results will be much more and if aspected by benefic planets then the malefic results will get reduced. Should such houses be aspected by benefic as well as malefic planets then the results would be mixed. Houses which contain 30 or more benefic dots give benefic results, houses with 25 to 30 benefic dots give average results and houses with less than 25 benefic dots shall give adverse results. Houses with 30 or more benefic dots should be taken into consideration for commencing good work. For travelling and other religious workhouses and ascendant with less than 25 benefic dots should be avoided. Match Making for marriage. In marriage if the Bride and Bridegroom have more than 30 benefic dots in their rashi (Moon sign) then they would have a happy married life and would be successful. If instead in the rashi or moon sign one has 30 or more and the other has 30 or less then their marriage will give mix results. It would be good in some aspect and bad in other aspect. 253
In case they have 25 or less then 25 in their rashi or Moon sign then their marriage would be unhappy and a failure. Inheritance 1. If the 4th house has 24 or more benefic dots and then the house does not have any malefic planet or is not aspected by malefic planet. 2. And in the same way the 2nd house does not have malefic planet nor is it aspected by malefic planet and has 22 or more benefic dots. Any one of the above two combinations in the native horoscopes can give inheritance. Self Earning If the 10th house has 36 or more benefic dots and it does not have any malefic planet nor is it aspected by malefic planet then the native will be self made, will earn well and shall lead a happy life. Gains If the 11th house has 54 benefic dots and it does not have any relation with malefic planet then the natives earns a lot without hard work.
Sudden Monetary Gains If the ascendant has more than 25 benefic dots & the 9th house has more than 29 benefic dots and both these houses have no connection with malefic planet then such native gets sudden monetary gains. Prakeerna Yogas In a native’s horoscope the special good/auspicious results can be known from the benefic dots in various houses. As for example, if the 12th house contains less number of benefic dots as compared to the 11th house then the native shall be rich. If the case is reverse then the native will always have economical difficulty. If the 11th house contains more numbers of benefic dots than the 10th house then the native will get more money than the efforts put in by him. In case the benefic dots in the 11th house are less than the 10th house then the native will get less money as compared to the efforts put in by him. In this way the difference in the benefic dots also give difference in results. Add up the benefic dots in the lagna/ascendant, 2nd house, 4th house, 9th house, 10th house and the 11th house. If the total is more than 164 then the native is happy and his income will be more than his expenses. Add up the benefic dots of the 6th house, 8th house and the 12th house. If the total is less than 76 then the income shall be more than expenses. If the total is more than 76 reverse is the case. 254
Add the benefic dots in the lagna/ascendant, 4th house, 5th house, 7th house, 9th house and the 10th house. Add up the benefic dots of the remaining houses. If the first total is more than the second then the native is wise, doer of good deeds, satisfied and will be charitable. 1-5-9
Total benefic dots of these houses----------Bandhu
Total benefic dots of these houses----------Sewak
Total benefic dots of these houses----------Poshak
Total benefic dots of these houses----------Ghatak
The names have been given as above. If the total of Poshak is more than Ghatak then the native is a rich man. If the total of Bandhu is more than Sewak then the native will do independent business and will have good colleagues/ associates. If the 11th house has more number of benefic dots than the 10th house but the 12th house has less benefic dots than those in the 11th house and the 10th house, and if the benefic dots in the lagna/ascendant is more than the 12th house then the native will be famous, rich and strong. The results will differ according to the difference in the number of benefic dots. Poisoning-Illness If Rahu is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house then the native is likely to be bitten by poisonous snake or can have food poisoning at the age shown by the number of benefic dots in those houses, and if in that year Rahu happens to transit the same house then it is definitely going to happen. If Mars is placed in any house then at the age indicated by the benefic dots in that house the native is likely to get injured by weapons. In the same way where Saturn is placed then at the age indicated by the number of benefic dots in that house the native is likely to get ill or there are sad occasions at that age. Poverty-Illness Take lagna/ascendant, 9th, 10th and 11th houses. If in each of these houses the benefic dots are less than 30 the native will be poor, ill and hot tempered. If in the above houses the benefic dots are between 19 and 22 and there are malefic planets in trines then the native lacks happiness.
Wealth and Children Where Jupiter is placed then at the age indicated by the number of benefic dots in that house the native gets children and wealth.
Marriage Marriage of native takes place at the age indicated by the benefic dots in the house where Venus is placed. Education-Wisdom Similarly from Mercury one gets education, wisdom and fame.
Directions Lagna/ascendant
12th house
11th house ---------------East
10th house
9th house
8th house----------------South
7th house
6th house
5th house----------------West
4th house
3rd house
2nd house----------------East
Add up the benefic dots in the above houses as per the directions given. The direction which has the highest benefic dots indicates benefic results in that direction. The direction which has the least number of benefic dots indicates that the native will have loss in that direction. Hence the native should avoid that direction. The native shall benefit from staying in countries/region of the direction(s) which has maximum number of benefic dots, and also the direction in which the planets are exalted in their own zodiacal signs etc. The direction indicated by the group which has 2nd house is favourable for making money. The direction indicated by the group which has 8th house is the direction in which the native’s death takes place.
Important Yoga’s-Luck Note the number of benefic dots in Lagna/Ascendant. If the native is born in Sampat Suchak yoga (indicating richness) then the native will after the age indicated by the benefic dots will get honour from government, money, son and higher education etc.
Longevity If the 12th house lord is in the lagna/ascendant in the zodiacal sign ruled by Saturn and if the ascendant lord and the lord of the 8th house are weak in strength then the native will live as much years as indicated by the benefic dots in the ascendant. Note this happens only in Capricorn and Aquarius ascendant.
Determination of Longevity For determining the life span of the native the use of Samudaya/Sarvashtakvarga is of prime importance. Compare the benefic dots in the ascendant with those in the 8th house. Also compare the benefic dots placed in the Moon sign and the 8th house from the Moon sign. In case the benefic dots in the ascendant and the Moon sign are more than their corresponding 8th house then the native will have Deergha Aayush/Long life. If they are equal then the native will have average life span and if they are less then the native will have short life span. Affluence If the lord of the ascendant is in the 4th house and the lord of the 4th house is in the ascendant (Parivartan yoga-Exchange of the lords of the houses) and if the benefic dots are 33 in both the houses then the native shall have affluence and have kingly status. He will be best among the people. Financial Gain If the benefic dots in the ascendant and the 11th house are more than 30 and if these benefic dots are same in both the houses then at the age indicated by the number of benefic dots the native will get financial gains from the King/Government. If in each of the first, fourth and the eleventh house the benefic dots are more than 30 then the native after the age of 40 will have commanding personality and will earn lots of money. Counting from ascendant and starting from the 4th house till the 9th house if all the 6 houses have benefic dots between 25 and 30 then the native shall after the age of 28 at any time will be as rich as King Kuber (King of wealth). If exalted Jupiter is in the 4th house and if there are 40 benefic dots, Sun in the ascendant of Aries and if Moon is in Capricorn then the native will be like King. If the ascendant has 40 benefic dots; Jupiter is in Sagittarius, Venus is in Pisces, Mars is exalted and Saturn is in Aquarius then such a native will be extremely rich and King of Kings. If there are 30 or more benefic dots in the ascendant, 9th house, 10th house and the 11th house then such a native will be happy like a king all through out his life or shall have power and affluence like that of a king. Minister If the ascendant, Moon sign, 10th house and the 11th house; all these four have 30 or more benefic dots and if the ascendant is fully aspected by Jupiter then the native becomes minister or a chief minister of a state. Leader 257
If the ascendant has 30 benefic dots and majority of planets are placed in the 9th and the 10th house then the native enjoys happy and relaxed life. If instead there are 35 benefic dots in the ascendant then the native is also leader amongst his family members. Ownership of Vehicles If the 4th house has 30 or more benefic dots and it is associated with benefic planets either by placement or aspect then the native owns vehicles. If the ascendant lord is in the 4th house containing more than 30 benefic dots then the native is happy and without any problems. Vargottam planet in any house that has more than 30 benefic points then the native shall have good results of that house in great extent. Difficulty due to Evil Spirits If the Moon is weak and if the Moon sign lord is having less than 25 benefic points and if Moon is fully aspected by Saturn (birth is on New Moon day and if Moon is aspected by Saturn) then that native is harassed by evil spirits. Upturn and Downturn In a horoscope there are minimum benefic points (for e.g. 18) in any house and the next house contains maximum benefic dots (for e.g. 35) Then all of a sudden the native experiences good luck or Upturn in his fortunes. On the contrary if any house contains maximum benefic dots (for e.g. 35) and the next house contains minimum benefic dots (for e.g. 18) then the native experiences all of a sudden bad luck or downturn in his fortunes. If in all the houses of horoscope there are benefic dots between 27 to 29 then the native leads happy and leisurely life through out his life span. Information regarding zodiacal signs All the 12 zodiacal signs are divided into 3 parts. Each part contains benefic dots of 4 zodiacal signs. There are many ways given by our Rishis & Sages to form these divisions. Some of them are given below: 1. Aries to Cancer; Leo to Scorpio and Sagittarius to Pisces. 2. Aries to Cancer; Leo to Scorpio and Sagittarius to Pisces. Deduct from them the benefic dots from the 8th and the 12th house. 3. Pisces to Gemini; Cancer to Libra; Scorpio to Aquarius. 4. Ascendant to 4th house; 5th house to 8th house; 9th house to 12th house; 5. 12th house to 3rd house; 4th house to 7th house; 8th house to 11th house; 6. Kendrasthan/Quadrants (1,4,7 & 8);Panafars/Cadent houses (2,5,8 & 11); Apokilams/Succedent houses (3,6,9 & 12) 258
From the above 6 different methods the 3rd one is more in use. If the first division has more benefic dots then the first 1/3rd life is a happy one. The 2nd division has more benefic dots then the middle 1/3rd life is a happy one. If the last division has more benefic dots then the last 1/3rd life is a happy one. If in all the three divisions it has nearly same number of benefic dots then the whole life is seamlessly a happy one. If in any division the benefic planets are placed then that part of the life is a happy one. If in any division the benefic as well as malefic planets are placed then that part of life gives mixed results. That division which contains malefic planets will be unhappy and sad one. Kaahal Yoga If the 3rd division is bigger than the 2nd division and the 2nd division is bigger than the first division then Kaahal yoga is generated. The result of this yoga is that as the age advances the life of the native gets better and better and he leads happy and prosperous life. Result of Mudal Yoga If the 2nd division is bigger than the 3rd and the 1st division then Mudal yoga is generated. The result of this is that the native will be fond of music and of witty nature. He will be happy & prosperous in the middle life. Bheri Yoga If all the 3 divisions are nearly same then Bheri Yoga is generated. Such a native’s whole life is nice and smooth. Result of Damar Yoga If the 2nd division is smaller then the 1st and the 3rd division then Damar yoga is generated. The result of this is that the native’s first and the last 1/3rd of the life is a happy one. Results of Planetary Transits If in a horoscope any of the houses contain benefic dots more than 28 then whenever a planet transits that house the native will experience the benefic results governed to that house and will be in proportion to the extent of the number of benefic dots. If the case is reverse i.e. if the benefic dots are less than 28 then during the transit of any planet through that house the native will experience the bad results governed by that house. Similarly if more number of planets is transiting the house then the native will experience the good or bad results in direct proportion to the amount of excess or less benefic dots.
In the houses which contain more number of benefic dots, and if at the same time more number of planets are transiting those houses then any work commenced during that time will be successful. Whenever Sun passes through the house containing more number of benefic dots; in that month and in the same way determine the day by the passage of Moon if important works are commenced on that day it is certain that the works commenced shall be successful without any hindrance and shall give good results. Take the zodiacal sign in which there are maximum number of benefic dots; if one commences work during the rise of that zodiacal sign (rapt conjunction) one gets complete success. As the houses/zodiacal signs containing maximum number of benefic dots are good for certain work in the same way the houses/zodiacal signs containing minimum number of benefic dots are good for other work. For example, if the native wants to go for the examinations of certain disease or say if the native wants to borrow or lend money then if such act is done during the time those houses/zodiacal signs which contain minimum number of benefic dots are rising it will prove beneficial. Since such work gets destroyed in a short time. It means that the disease will get cured, money landed is returned or one is able to return the money if borrowed. The above points are very important in a man’s daily life. Timings for Good & Bad results: Disease-unhappy Starting from the ascendant till the house which has Saturn (both inclusive) add up the total number of benefic dots. Multiply this total by 7 and divide the result by 27. Note the remainder as well as the number obtained by the division. Count from Ashwini nakshatra to the nakshatra which coincides with the remainder. Whenever malefic planets are passing through that nakshatra the native gets major illness. If the native has malefic planets in the 5th house and the 9th house then such a native will have severe problems due to illness. Similar is also the case at the age as per the division number. Just as above, one should calculate starting from the house in which Saturn is placed till the ascendant. Happiness and Wealth Do the same calculations for Moon and other benefic planets such as Jupiter, Venus and Mercury. Whenever benefic planets passes through the nakshatra obtained from the remainder or at the age indicated by the result of the division the native will get son, money and happiness. Successful Years Prepare Samudaya Ashtakvarga. Note the houses which have more number of benefic dots. Also note the houses with less number. of benefic dots. Consider ascendant as the 1st year, 2nd house as the 2nd year in the same way the 12th house is the 12th year. Once again consider the 260
ascendant as the 13th year. Now the houses which have more number of benefic dots will give good results as per their years, and the houses which have less number of benefic dots will give bad results. Ascendant thus, will indicate 25th year, 37th year, 49th year etc. Such method is known as determining “successful years”. In this we have considered Samudaya Ashtakvarga and the easy way of giving predictions without much difficulty. Thus we can give immediate general prediction without much effort.
Tribute To A Genuine Researcher In Last 150 Years Of Astrology By U. K. Jha, India
hat flashed in my mind before picking up the pen to write this tribute is the word “research” because there are too many people in the field of astrology today who claim to be engaged in carrying out research on several topics wherein they are doing nothing except going tong and hammer to rage the established principles of this divine science with some hostile zeal for self-glorification by virtue of their current position in the astrological market. The word research as per Oxford Dictionary means careful search or inquiry after or for or into; endeavour to discover new or collate old facts by scientific investigation. Research in simple sense implies the discovery of something which might have been known earlier but lost entirely in the far fading past for the current generation. It comprises of the works appurtenant with both invention as well as discovery of the things that look very new and fresh to the people of current era though it might have been known once upon a time to the pre-historic people of few millennia earlier. Researchers delve deep to find out the same and produce afresh for the public with its wider applications and ramifications. In this respect Mr. C S Patel is one among the very few savants who
A graduate in Mechanical Engineering from University of Roorkee (Now IIT Roorkee) U K Jha has produced over 100 thought provoking articles in several astrological journals and is a known name in the academic foray of this science. He is known for his innovative ideas, one point sharp logic, acute rationality and scientific approach for dealing with the things. He is the author of famous book "Utopia and Anarchy of Stars" and his commentaries on Yoga-Pushpanjali and Phala Deepika is a master piece for absorbing reading. His another book "Lost Horizon of Vaidik Astrology" and a book on Tara Dasa is likely to come out soon. Presently he is busy writing commentary on Brihat Parasara Hora Shasta (BPHS). His vast knowledge of Tantra and esoteric psychology find conspicuous reflection in all of his works.
1 262
have devoted time and energy to do genuine and meaningful research in the field of astrology. His book titled "Navamsha and Nadi astrology" is a compendium of such marvellous works. All the topics of this book were earlier published in various astrological journals and each endeavour was fresh for the astrological community. He industriously culled out the relevant informations from different sources and demonstrated their efficacy lucidly to the astrological fraternity for the first time without ever laying any claim as its original discoverer. This is the paragon of his nobility and sobriety. Any discussion on the invaluable contributions of this great savant to the divine science of astrology would loose weightage without a talk on his nativity. This great savant was born on 31st of December 1915 in Ahmadabad in the state of Gujarat in India and his birth particulars are as under
The royal sign Cancer with Virgo Navamsha was rising on horizon at the time of birth. The chart is rendered sufficiently strong owing to formation of Simhasana Yoga as 2nd, 6th, 8th and 12th houses are occupied by the planets. Placement of Moon in the 4th house under aspect of Jupiter and without being afflicted by any malefic is a pointer to the fact that mind and heart in general is clean. Some may feel impelled to indicate that the Lagna is occupied by Ketu and is also hemmed betwixt Saturn and Mars which shows the desired intellectual shrewdness coupled with elements of cunningness and deceit. It may please be noted that that the native was Company Secretary with Mafatlal Group of Industries and such attributes are essential requirements to manage the company affairs. Every one who was associated with him would testify that he was not manipulative in personal affairs of activities and dealings. Esoterically it must always be understood that the occupation of Lagna by Ketu gives the warmth to healthy thoughts and propels the native for marching towards eternal goals without fear and prejudices. A glimpse of the same can be clearly had from the sedate and stolid ways with which he pursued his research in astrology. Occupation of the 4th house by an affliction free Moon gave him a heart where God resides and he was increasingly affectionate to his friends, relatives and disciples; a heart that used to embrace all in the same way as the universal Mother embraces Her creations. However; this Moon was also certainly wounded by the cardinal influence of lunar nodes 2 263
and Venus as a result of which his cravings for perfection and success always spattered against the ramparts of dissatisfaction and frustration. "Jha! most of the people come to me seeking favour in one or the other way even at this age of my life but they never look concerned about my condition", he had once opened his heart to me. The baulking agony of the heart was conspicuous on face. The emotions loaded in his choked voice can be described in silent realisation of following words O, sweetly smiling faced, O glamorously lustred bodied, Your blazing glow is inexhaustible. Look at the Moon, O dear one! Roving proudly in the blue dome Whose puissant gait is irresistible. Who knows, how many times like this It may appear from clouds and stars To provide the poets sumptuous feat. But your efforts to trace me again in the sensual bushes of worldly ties Shall always be faced with defeat. Placement of Ketu in Lagna is a pointer to the fact that the soul entered into this perishable robe with one point objective to clear the imprints of residual karmic ruts so that the inner evolution for the purpose of emancipation can be enabled by the end of this life. As such; the native was required to undergo all sorts of experiences during the currency of life so that when the soul stands before the Lord for final trial it can show its feet washed with blood of heart as a proof of the countless sacrifices made for the benefit of others. The enormous contribution of Sri Patel in astrology bears a testimony to this fact; for, he burnt his candle from both the ends to cull out those valuable informations for which astrological community would remain indebted to him for good. Mercury is running ahead of Sun and Rahu is prepared to pounce over them. This shows that the embodied soul is bound to be devoured by the oceanic flux of retributive karmic energy where the intelligence and power of discrimination would not be able to bring about any means of rescue. The Jupiter in its horoscopic sojourn would first collide with Saturn and then bump into Mars through the long tunnels of struggles depicted by Ketu before tasting the celestial nectar contained in the Moon. The Dharma of the native would be such that he shall be bound to do hard karma without much credit and profit. The life of Sri Patel is a proof of this fact. The disposition of celestial anchorite Saturn against the sovereign of planetary kingdom Sun would make the incarnated ego suffer from the hands of his own people and he would be victim of the conspiracies time and again. Patel Saheb was cheated many times even by those who approached him for favours. His disciples also did not spare him in this respect and many of his books/Granths were clandestinely taken away by these beloved pupils in return of very small obligations. The 2nd house is distinctly linked to the science of astrology and placement of yogakarka Mars therein has become an asset from this point of view because astrology involves mathematics and sharp logic. Mathematicians are called wranglers which Mars as a planet truly is. Aspect of Jupiter on 2nd house gives vak-siddhi and Sri Patel reaped the benefit of this ingrained quality to the hilt, especially in his prediction of share-market and earned a 3 264
good name among his clients. In fact he drew his sustenance for long during the last one and half decades of his life through such forecasts only. But as he was very plane and simple at heart he could not encash the rich dividend through this and had to live in financially tight position always. In this context following lines are apt for him Though He knew the earning source Yet always modest to earn And seeing the wrong in economic world He had to yield to self-struggles. My association with Patel Saheb is long; though mainly through letters and we exchanged views through correspondence in early days of our relationship. I was learning the tenets of Nadi astrology from Sri Ashwathappa, the great astrologer of south India and when this great master was on his sick-bed; before taking final breath, I asked him after him who will teach me nadi astrology, he advised me to remain in touch with Sri Patel in future for any solution or clarification in Nadi astrology. It was after his death that I wrote letter to Patel Saheb beseeching his help and guidance in Nadi astrology. Name of Sri Patel was not new to me as I had gone through few of his articles in AM of Sri B V Raman; albeit I took his postal address from my astrologer friend R. Santhanam, the founder editor of TOA. For the first time I met him in person in Mumbai sometime in early 1997 at his residence. "Sir, 150 division of a zodiac sign is not a new thing and there is clear reference to same in Saravali, then why Nadi astrology is deemed something of exclusive south Indian origin", was my query. "It is because most of the books of these divisions are now found in the regional languages of south under the names of Nadi" he replied relaxing on the pillow in small corner room of his residence at Mumbai. It was the cramped small study space of this great savant of astrology where he used to sit for hours together rummaging through numerous old and new classics. The neatly bound copies of AM and TOA was kept in one side of the shelves and the other side was filled with copies of many Nadi Granthas viz Chandra Kala Nadi, Bhrigu Nadi, and Amsha Nadi etc. Lots of classical texts commented upon by several savants filled the room in ramshackle manner and this sage of astrology could be seen sitting with pen and paper pads kept near by. "But were the scholars of north not aware of Nadi system" "I don't think so. Books like Bhrigu Samhita and Ravan Samhita are the same thing though it is not called Nadi Granthas." "And why these informations are not found in the books available in north." "It is hard to give reasons for this. The 150th division of the sign could not be popular in this side because of lack of sufficient information. These 150 divisions are actually the result of shodas varga belonging to 16 kala of Moon. That is why Dev Keralam is popularly known as Chandra Kala Nadi." It was quite a revelation to me and then he explained the relation between shodas varga and Nadi Amsha. I had learnt the basics of Nadi astrology from elsewhere but was not aware of this fact. Coming back to his fantabulous acumen in astrological research. His 8th house is occupied by Jupiter and the placement of 8th lord Saturn in the 12th house under the aspect of 6th lord is quite revealing. All of his papers are the results of his industrious work. Both Saturn and Jupiter are aspecting 2nd house, the house of astrology. Aspect of 9th lord on Saturn and Mars, both influencing 2nd house shows the perseverance coupled with logic in 4 265
his research work. Saturn is the dispositor of Jupiter which is dispositor of Mercury (and Sun) that in turn is the dispositor of Saturn showing great link between the planets of astrological connections and the great research acumen by virtue of their disposition in houses of mysticism. When you say Ashtakvarga you only remember Patel is the saying that one learns from olden days of astrology. It may be pertinent to share here one incident. Someone had long back suggested in pages of AM that Ashtak-Varga should be drawn for Navamsha chart also. Patel Saheb was a master in Ashtaka-Varga system of prediction and my interest in this side was evinced when one local Pandit in Junagardh made many predictions about me on the basis of Ashtaka-Varga only which subsequently came to be astonishingly accurate. It was after this that I had a photocopy of the book of Sri Patel on Ashtaka-Varga because it was out of print during those days. After I came in contact with Patel Saheb I wished to have his opinion on the above said suggestion of Navamsha chart. Mr. Patel wrote back to me that he had not found such things in any of the original texts. But this suggestion kept on ringing in my head and once at Ahmadabad I reopened the topic with him. "Then why not for other divisional charts," he tossed the question on my face, "Why only for Navamsha chart, are other divisions not important?" "Do not deviate your mind on such irrational things," he suggested politely. "But sir, Suppose if I try it on Navamsha Sphuta Chakra (chart)," I submitted diffidently. To this, he became serious and nodded his head in affirmation for a trial. I immediately showed him the work I had done in this respect on my own chart and explained the efficacy of events occurred on those ages of my life. He appreciated that fully and encouraged me to do more works in this direction. Since I was stifled in too many things I could not do much work. Navamsha Sphuta Lagna is worked out with the help of planet traversed most longitudinally in the nativity and degree of birth ascendant. Few astrologers calculate Navamsha Sphuta Lagna with help of longitude of Moon also. But this may create confusion in erection of Navamsha Sphuta Chakra. Navamsha Sphuta of planets are scintillating points and Ashtaka-Varga calculated on this chart also gives marvellous results. I would in future explain the whole procedure in a separate paper. From year 2000 to 2005 my interaction with Sri Patel was optimum because I was staying at Ahmadabad and he used to be there every year from Dashara to Deepawali. Twice or thrice every week I used to be with him and Sunday was reserved for special sittings. He had a kind of spark in him that kept on flashing within him till his last breath and by dint of which so much of discoveries could be enabled through his pen. It was during such an intense session of ponderings that he gave the knowledge of Bhujanga-Pat. The calculation for Bhujanga-Pat he received from some Pandit of Andhara Pradesh in Hyderabad but due to his own personal problems during those days he could not concentrate on the same. As a matter of fact, the diary in which he noted the method for working Bhujanga-Pat was misplaced for long and after 13-14 years he could again lay hand on the same from the old bundle of papers at his Ahmadabad residence. The ink was spread and writing had become quite faint and illegible. However; he read it with great difficulty and gave me to work on the same extensively to verify its veracity in terms of astrological efficacy on several charts. Here in this tribute I would demonstrate its efficacy on the chart of Sri Patel in subsequent discussions and elaborations. He was so humble that he would even accept his errors which were few. He has accepted his mistakes in his writings and when he did not have the opportunity he would do 5 266
so in private which is what he accepted with his students on his work on arudhas though there is no book in comparison to that topic till date. For whatever topic he picked up his pen to write a book was rare till that time and he gave them a new enlarged face in academic fora of astrology. For example, few of the astrologers attached any importance to Ashtak-Varga for the purpose of prediction but Sri Patel popularised its utility to the amazing extent. His books and other works on AshtakVarga remains unbeatable till date. Not only did he write an excellent and exhaustive text on Ashtak-Varga but also repeatedly explained the deeper and finer nuances of AV system of prediction through his various papers of articulate labour, intelligence and style to inspire others for carrying out more research on this otherwise obsolete technique of divination. It would not be any exaggeration to say that C S Patel revived Ashtak-Varga system of prediction with new meaning, style and theme. All were simply talking about the importance of Navamsha but its fuller extent was presented only by C S Patel through a separate book that contains plethora of research capsules. His papers on multifarious use of Navamsha is unparalleled in the field of astrological research. Hardly anyone used Pushkar Navamsha in prognostication before he explained its nuances in his books and papers. Same is the case with the use of 64th Navamsha. People before, either used to fail to understand what is 64th Navamsha or their calculations were erroneous. With the help of different papers and through extensive quotations from Nadi texts he made the things lucid for even the common students of astrology. The concept of Rasi Tulya Navamsha and Navamsha Tulya Rasi was entirely new for most of the savants; no matter today they accept it or not. Same can be said about Bhrigu Bindu. Exhaustive exposition on Arudha system of prediction is his rare of the rarest contribution in the field of astrology. Those knowledgeable with history of astrology know that it is but for C S Patel that the Nadi system has become so popular today among the north Indian savants. Earlier many even did not know how to calculate the Nadi Amsha accurately. Many savants think that Nadi astrology is a separate technique of prediction but Patel Saheb explained to the masses that every bit of it is Parasari in actual disposition. Like Jaimini, Nadi astrology (so called) is also nothing but an advanced study of BPHS. "Have you found anywhere the procedure to work out the strength of zodiac signs", he enquired quite seriously. "No sir, and I have never felt a need for that as well", I tried to look unperplexed. To that he took out his book titled "Arudha System of Prediction". It was in connection with working out the Graha Arudha that required the counting from the stronger sign for the Panch Tara Graha (Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus & Saturn) each owning two signs. "I have suggested to decide the relative strength of the signs on the basis of benefic dots obtained by them in SAV chart. But what if the two signs owned by any planet contain same number of benefic dots? Although I have suggested to look for benefic aspect in that eventuality, I am not really satisfied and wish to have some solution within the ken of AV (Ashtaka-Varga)", he explained the problem haunting him since long. He was very fond of AV system and in view of his affinity for the same attachment of due importance to the issue became imperative. Thereafter, ensued an intense discussion for exploring the possibilities to find a solution to this problem. "For a second stage investigation we may take the BAV of the lord of the sign and see which of its sign has more number of Bindu (dot). If again the number is found same we may look as to which sign has been contributed a Bindu by its own lord, and like that", I offered the suggestion. 6 267
"Yes, yes!" he was nearly thrilled, "why it did not occur to me earlier at the time of writing that book", he remorsed pensively. "Gurudev, I have also developed methods to calculate AV longitude of the planets and Amshatmak (longitudinal) SAV", his constant pamperings had given me somewhat boastful voice. "What is that?" he was seriously poised. "It is something like SAV Tulya planetary longitude and natal planetary longitude Tulya SAV" I said, "This is a snap shot method to work SAV." "Absurd enough", he dismissed my point summarily without listening further. "How have you been able to use them', he quipped. I explained to him the method applied on his own chart for an on the spot verification of the results. Taking out the calculator from my pocket I did the calculation in his presence and prepared the Amshatmak SAV for his chart. He was surprisingly pleased to see the results and smilingly remarked, "A devil is dwelling in your head and fortunately it is an astrologer." "Develop it in full and prepare a lengthy paper for publication of this new finding of yours", was the master's instruction for me. It is a matter of great regret; and I am genuinely sorry, that I have not been able to comply with the instructions of Sri Patel till date. Any discussion about C S Patel without a talk on Ashtak-Varga remains incomplete but it is not possible to explain the whole procedure for calculation of Amshatmak SAV in this tribute. However, to give a glimpse of its efficacy few words about the same becomes mandatory. Given below is the comparative figure of dots in his original or natural SAV (say NSAV) and Amshatmak SAV (say ASAV) in tabular form for further brief discussion SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ZODIAC SIGNS Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini TOTAL
BINDU(NSAV) 25 31 33 33 28 32 19 25 25 30 31 25 337
BINDU(ASAV) 20 25 43 22 18 54 25 25 38 08 24 35 337
In the natural SAV the 11th house has 31 Bindus in comparison to the 25 Bindus in 12th house which indicates good earnings and savings but it was never true in the life of Patel Saheb. Financially he remained hard pressed for most of the periods in his life, no matter what was the amount of income. The ASAV having 35 Bindu in 12th house and 24 Bindu in 11th house provides better justification in this respect. The 43 Bindu in 3rd house and 54 Bindu in 6th house also yields better clue to his writing power and troubled living respectively. He has 33 Bindu in 4th house in NSAV but he had no vehicle and spent his life in a rented house despite having big bungalow at Ahmadabad that was almost like having no house for 7 268
himself. This is explained by the 22 Bindu in his 4th house in the ASAV. 54 Bindu in 6th house and 08 Bindu in 10th house in ASAV again explains his downfall and demotion in office. 18 Bindu of 5th house is the pointer for no major support from offsprings. The name and fame in astrology and support of luck is explained better by 38 Bindu of the 9th house. The BAV (Bhinnastak Varga) prepared in reference to ASAV are also not less informative but one must not try to integrate this BAV of planets with ASAV. To arrest the size of this "Tribute" Amshatmak BAV of all the planets are not being given here and only relevant information are furnished here. For example, Sri Patel earned huge money in April 1960 when both Saturn as well as Jupiter were transiting over his 6th house through Sagittarius. In ASAV Sagittarius has maximum (54) Bindu while in ABAV chart Jupiter and Saturn contained 8 and 5 Bindu respectively. On the contrary in Natural Bhinnashtaka Varga (NBaV) of Jupiter and Saturn, the sign Sagittarius has 4 and 6 Bindu respectively. Similarly, he met with a serious accident on 09-09-1956 when both Rahu and Saturn were passing through the sign Scorpio in his 5th house. In the ASAV, Scorpio has only 18 Bindu as compared to 28 Bindu in the NSAV. Further in the ABAV of Saturn sign Scorpio contains only one Bindu. Interestingly Scorpio is located 6th from Saturn and 11th from Rahu in his natal chart and both these places are distinctly linked to accidents and for causing wounds. In February 1962 he was humiliatingly demoted from his position by his employer from where he was not elevated again till the end of his service. Rahu was transiting Cancer and Saturn in Capricorn at the time of event. In the ASAV, Lagna or sign Cancer has only 20 Bindu and in the ABAV of Saturn sign Capricorn contains only 3 Bindu. In the NBAV also the Saturn has only 3 Bindu but in NSAV sign Cancer has 25 Bindu. So the conditions obtained from ASAV seems to be more accurate for manifestation of such events. He underwent a major throat operation on 22-03-1965 S N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
SUN NBAV/A BAV Aries 4/0 Taurus 3 / 4 Gemin 6 /5 i Cancer 5 / 3 Leo 4/3 Virgo 5 / 7 Libra 4/3 Scorpi 2 / 3 o Sagitt. 6 / 6 Capric. 2 / 4 Aquari 3 /3 . Pisces 4 / 7
JUPITER NBAV/A BAV 4/2 6/3 4/6
SATURN NBAV/A BAV 2/0 3/2 4/5
MARS NBAV/A BAV 4/0 4/2 3/5
VENUS NBAV/A BAV 4/1 4/4 3/5
2/3 7/5 5/6 5/4 6/4
5/3 3/4 3/5 5/3 3/1
2/3 3/4 4/5 2/3 3/1
3/3 5/4 5/7 8/3 6/3
4/8 3/4 5/5
6/5 3/3 0/4
5/5 2/3 4/4
2/8 4/4 5/4
when transit of Rahu was through Taurus, Saturn in Aquarius, Jupiter in Taurus, Mars in Leo and Sun in Pisces. In their respective NBAV these planets in the said signs have 0, 6, 3 8 269
& 4 Bindus; whereas, in ABAV the number of Bindus in respective charts in those signs are 4,3, 4 & 7 respectively. Here the success of operation is attributable to Sun (7-Bindu) and not the Jupiter (6-Bindu). His marriage took place on 25-05-1933 when Venus was exalted in Pisces. In NBAV of Venus sign Pisces has only 3 Bindu as compared to 6 Bindu (dot) in ABAV. The AV longitude of the planets are also quite important as can be seen from the chart of Sri Patel. The natal longitudes and the SAV longitude of the planets in tabular form are given as below SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PLANETS Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Lagna
NATAL LONGITUDE 16d 10m 12d 13m 07d 09m 25d 13m 29d 29m 13d 14m 20d 42m 17d 06m 17d 06m 08d 53m
Sagittarius Libra Leo Sagittarius. Aquarius Capricorn Gemini Capricorn Cancer Cancer
SAV LONGITUDE 20d 00m 20d 12m 23d 51m 17d 47m 13d 24m 16d 44m 19d 14m * * 15d 08m
(*The longitude of Rahu and Ketu is not worked out as they do not normally figure in Ashtaka Varga; although the Ashtaka Varga of Rahu is given in Yavan Jataka. Based on the same the scribe has worked extensively to erect the Ashtaka Varga of Ketu also but that is a separate issue. When a Navamsha chart is drawn from these longitudes and Ashtaka Varga is calculated, we find wonderful results there from also. This gives a cross-sectional view of the natal Ashtaka Varga.) In the above speculum only the natal longitude and the Ashtaka Varga longitude of the planets are given. These can be used in various ways by working out the mean and differential positions because they give very sensitive points for effectuating the events. For example the massive accumulation of Bindu (43) in 3rd house (ASAV) is a sure indication of the writing power of the native as this happens to be 10th house from Surya Lagna also. Its gains can be judged from birth Lagna (Cancer). As soon as the Jupiter entered Cancer and crossed over the differential point of Sun (3d50m) the native started writing his first book on Ashtaka Varga (May 1955). The integral point of Lagna is 23d35m and the Saturn was square to it in Libra. Likewise manifestation of other events can be seen but I am not elaborating them here and shall do it subsequently in a separate paper. However; this has been elaborated with exhaustive detail in my forth coming book titled "Points of Providence in Nativity". Before summing up this "Tribute" it would be pertinent to deliberate in brief the Bhujanga Pat. Patel Saheb gave me only the method for calculating the Bhujanga Pat with a duty to work on it as he himself could not owing to multifarious reasons. Its rate of progression, Navamsha application etc are products of the extensive research of the scribe. I learnt the calculation of Bhujanga Pat from Sri Patel; although he himself got it from elsewhere, and I have not come across with it anywhere; either in any book or in any 9 270
published paper, so far. In that respect BP is purely virgin in academic fora of astrology and is coming for the first time to the readers in print form. So, my heart compels me and my veneration for Sri Patel impels me to dedicate this point to him by rechristening it as CSPP (C S Patel Point) as a token of respect to the great savant. Now let us see the use of BP (nay CSPP) in the birth map of Sri Patel. Since the Saturn is retrograde in his horoscope the calculation of BP would proceed as follows BP = (Longitude of Moon - Longitude of Saturn) + Longitude of Rahu = (192d 13m - 80d 42m) + 287d 06m = 38d 37m Or Taurus 08d 37m Navamsha of BP - Pisces. At the time of his marriage (28-05-1933) Venus was transiting through Taurus containing Bhujanga Pat. In fact Sun, Mercury & Venus were all deposited in Taurus containing BP and Jupiter & Mars in Leo with Rahu in Aquarius were squared to it. At that time the progressed BP [@ 01d 57m per year] was in Gemini (12d 34m) on natal Saturn and its Navamsha is Capricorn where natal Venus is situated. In April 1960 he earned huge sum when BP was in Leo (04d 50m) through the house of wealth having the Navamsha of Taurus identical with the house of gain. He met with serious accident on 09-09-1956. At that time both Rahu and Saturn were in Scorpio opposite natal BP and Mars in Aquarius was squared to it. Progressed BP was in Lagna -Cancer (27d 58m) in Pisces Navamsha. So it retained its power through Navamsha to strike the Lagna (self) so that the manifestation of ordained effect could be enabled. Death of his daughter occurred on 30-04-1954 when BP was in Cancer (23d 22m) identical with Aquarius Navamsha. At that time the 5th lord Mars was in Sagittarius (12d 21m) in the constellation of Ketu which aspects the 5th house in natal chart. BP was over natal Ketu to effectuate the event. He was demoted due to office politics in February 1960 when BP was progressing through Leo (8d 52m) over the 10th lord Mars(7d09m - natal) in very close conjunction. Likewise other events can be seen. He departed from this world on 14-08-2007 when progressed BP was in Scorpio (7d17m), very closely opposed to its own natal position. It was placed in the constellation of Saturn the lord of 8th house and the natural messenger of death. The master has returned back to his heavenly abode but the vacuum created by this friar of astrology shall never be filled in future. The real tribute to this divine sage of astrology would be to continue his legacy by exhibiting identical dedication and articulation with the subject. It is hard to describe in words what Sri Patel meant to me because the warm feelings of hearts cannot be translated in the cold realms of words. I was almost lost once and felt orphaned in the field of astrology after sudden demise Sri Bhasin (J N Bhasin) but the departure of Sri Patel has left me inconsolate; for, there are many who can approach me for requisite help and guidance in astrology but there is none today whom I can turn to. Finally, taking lead from William Wordsworth I wish to conclude this tribute with following words "Many books in market and articles in magazine Shall appear with sense and sheen, But the depth and dexterity of C S Patel Would never more be seen."
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Nadi Method Of Marriage By Ashutosh Kumar, India.
or many of us Marriage is a mystery, it is very hard in Astrology to find the date and type of marriage. There are lots of methods to find the date of marriage in astrology. One we will discuss here and I am not taking credit of this method as I am only a medium to reveal it. This method is mentioned / discussed with illustration in Mr. C.S. Patel’s book ‘Navamsha in Astrology’. He elucidates hints in it that there are lots of information about this method. The method I am going to write about is an advanced method of what Mr. C.S. Patel has given. Mr. Pawan Chandra has worked a lot on this method of C. S. Patel and it was Mr Chandra who revealed it to me. Mr. C.S. Patel & Mr. Pawan Chandra is the only person who should get the credit. Mr. Pawan Chandra had discussed lots of related rule in his books published by Mothilal Banarsi Das (Jyotish Ke Anubhoot Rahashya & Vivah & Time), also available in Saptarishis Astrology book shop. The mentor of Mr. Pawan Chandra, Sri A.B. Sukhla a great man and soul, gave one Hymns from “Atharveda” to Mr. Pawan Chandra with the help of this quotation from Ved he was able to discover this rule:
Ashutosh Kumar is a young amateur Astrologer from Ranchi, India with specialization in Vedic Astrology and Jaimini Paddathi. He has been in astrology from very early age of 15 & started working on Astrology. His deep passion is to share knowledge and not hide it. He travels extensively all over Northern India meeting rare astrologers not known in the English reading astrology circle.
The Hymn is
ये िऽषाः पिरयि िवापािण िवॅतः।
वाचितर्बला तेषां त अध दधात ु म॥
ye triṣaptāḥ pariyanti viśvārupāṇi vibhrataḥ | 272
vācaspartibalā teṣāṁ tanvoṁ adha dadhātu meṁ ||
िऽषा (triṣaptā: Means three & seven) 1 year = 1 cycle= 360 days, if we multiply it by three it gives 360 x 3 = 1080 The value of one Navamsha is 3°20’ If 1080 is divided by 3°20’ (3.33) we get 324. This 324 is a root value.
Method 1 For finding Marriage we have to Step A: Multiply Lagna longitude by 324, which is root value Step B: 9 cycles (each of 360 days), which adds up to 360 x 9= 3240 days which is root cycle Step C: We have to add step a) & step b). Some points before we go further 1) The technique though sounds technical and to the day but it does not give us the date of marriage in real practice but kind of brings you closer to the year. 2) There are so far 3 methods, two of which is presented and unless all the 3 parts are read the flavor of this technique will not be savored. 3) Here only cycle of 9 is being mentioned; there are 2 more cycles like this. 4) Even after all the 3 parts are read one will realize that 100 % efficiency is not achieved but of all methods of timing marriage this method comes closer to the truth in few minutes. 5) Even 1-2 minutes time difference can zoom the number of days difference by many days. Example 1: C S Patel The first example we take is of the ‘Bhishma Pita Maha’ of Jyotish Mr. C.S. Patel. Ascendant = 3s 8° 53’ Ignore the signs (in this case 3 signs)
Asc = 8° 53’ Let’s convert it to exact decimals by taking it as 60=100 53’= ? 53 x 100/60=88.33 Hence 8° 53’= 8.88 as Asc Thus, Asc = 8.88 (8° 53’) x 324 (root value) = 2878 days Add 9 years cycle (root cycle) = 3240 days 6118 days His DOB is 31-Dec-1915 & Date of marriage is 28-May-1933 (Date of Marriage in days) (28 May 1933 – 31 Dec 1915) (- means Subtract) = 17 yrs + 4 months +28 days = 6120 days + 120 days (30 days months hence 360 days year) + 28 days = 6268 days He got married in 6268 days whereas as per our previous theory calculation we got 6118 days which is a difference of 150 days i.e. 5 months only. Snap Shot Table Method 1 Sr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Difference Between Actual & Calculated Marriage Timing 150 days 76 days 224 days 114 days 39 days 260 days 179 days 121 days 63 days
Case Name C.S.Patel Example 2 J.K.Sharma Rajiv Gandhi Example 5 Example 6 Example 7 Example 8 Example 9 Method 2 Indira Gandhi Rajiv Gandhi B V Raman Sonia Gandhi Sanjay Gandhi
145 days 14 days 6 days 1 year 1 year
Example – 2 DOB – 25.1.1959, Time – 10:45:28 AM, Place – Ambala (India) Date of Marriage – 06th July 1986
Ascendant = 11 20° 44’ = 20.73 (20° 44’) x 324 (root value) = 6717 = 6717 + 3240 (root cycle) = 9957 Difference = 9881 – 9957 = 76 days The difference between actual date of marriage and calculated date of marriage as per proposed theory is 76 days only. Example – 3: J.K. Sharma Date of Marriage – 7th Dec 1981 Time 8:43:40 AM
Ascendant = 5S 170 57’ = 17.95 (170 57’) x 324 (root value) + 0 (no root cycle taken for obvious reasons) = 5815 Date of Marriage – Date of Birth (7.12.1981 – 27.02.1965) = 6040 Difference = 6040 – 5815 (calculated date) = 224 days (7.46 months) He got married in 6040 days whereas as per our previous theory calculation we got 5815 days which is difference of 224 days i.e. 7.46 months only. Example – 4: Rajeev Gandhi Date of Marriage – 23.02.1968, Time – 07:16:20 AM
Ascendant = 4S 15° 47’ = 15.78 (15° 47’) x 324 (root value) = 5112 + 3240 (root cycle) = 8352 (calculated date) Date of Marriage – Date of Birth = 8466 Difference = 8466 (actual date) – 8375 (calculated date) = 114 days Example – 5 DOB – 26.3.1951 Date of Marriage – 23.02.1968 Time – 8:18:46 AM
Ascendant = 0S 19° 31’ = 19.51 (19° 31’) x 324 = 6321 + 3240 = 9561 (calculated marriage date) Difference = 9601 (actual marriage date) – 9536 (calculated marriage date) = 39 days Example - 6 The next example we take of Mr. Pawan Chandra DOB 24 June (his birth information is withheld) Date of Marriage is 8086 days. His Ascendant is 14° 1’ Now Start Calculation 60=100 1’= ? 1 x 100/60=1.66 Hence 14° 01’= 14.01 as Asc 14° 1’ x 324 (root value) = 4568 Thus, Asc = 14.01 (14° 01’) x 324 (root value) = 4568 days Add 9 years cycle(root cycle) = 3240 days 7808 days Difference between:Date of Marriage – Proposed Date of Marriage =8068 – 7808 = 260 days (8.66 months later) Example – 7 DOB – 15.08.1978, Time – 02:22:30 PM, Place – Pauri (India) Date of Marriage – 21.10.2004
1 Publisher: The lagna degree as per supplied by writer does not match with what software gives
Ascendant = 7 20° 51’ = 20.85 (20° 51’) x 324 (root value) = 6756 = 6756 + 3240 (root cycle) = 9996 Difference = 9996 (calculated) – 9817 (actual) = 179 days Example – 8 DOB – 28.Aug.1965, Time – 1:55:40 AM, Place – Delhi (India) Date of Marriage – 07.12.1981 s
Ascendant = 2 18° 27’ 30” = 18° 27’ 30” x 324 = 5980 Difference = 5980 – 5859 = 121 days Example – 9 DOB – 27.1.1967, Time – 4:01:00 AM, Place – Delhi (India) Date of Marriage – 09.07.1989 s Ascendant = 7 24° 45’ = 24° 45’ x 324 = 8019 Difference = 8082 – 8019 = 63 days
Method - 2
here is another method to find date of Marriage & certain charts will vibrate with not the 9 cycle but the 7 cycle. For every one the cycle of 7 is very important. First take the longitude of Ascendant and multiply by 216 and then add 7 years on it (7 years = 2520 days) (In this method sometimes the difference will be 1 exact year) Example – 1: Indira Gandhi Date of Marriage – 26 March 1942 Time – 23:15 Ascendant = 28° 15’ = 28° .25 (28° 15’) x 216 (root value) = 6102 days = 6102 + 2520 (root cycle) = 8622 days Difference = 8767 (actual) – 8622 (calculated) = 145 days
Example – 2 Rajiv Gandhi Date of Marriage – 23rd Feb 1968 Time – 7:16 AM Ascendant = 15° 46’ 52” = 15° 46’ 52” x 216 = 3409 days = 3409 + (2520 x 2 cycles) = 8449 days Difference = 8463 (actual days) – 8449 (calculated days) = 14 days difference only
Example – 3: B.V. Raman DOB – 08 October 1912 Time – 7:30 PM Place – Bangalore (India) Date of Marriage – 30 October 1930 Ascendant = 6° 48’ = 6.80 (6° 48’) x 216 (root value) = 1468 days = 1468 + (2520 x 2 root cycle) = 6508 days Date of birth – Date of marriage (30.10.1930 - 8.10.1912) = 6502 Difference =6508 (calculated) – 6502 (actual) = 6 days only
Example – 4: Sonia Gandhi2 DOB – 09 December 1946 Time – 9:30 PM Place – Italy Date of Marriage – 26 February 1968
Ascendant = 25° 21’ 23” = 25° 21’ 23” x 216 = 5476 days = 5476+ 2520 = 7996 Difference = 360 days which is difference of exact one year as mentioned at the start of the Method 2 that at times this difference of one year is observed Example – 5: Sanjay Gandhi DOB – 14 December 1946 Time – 9:27:02 AM Place – Delhi Date of Marriage – 29 September 1974 Ascendant = 1° 24’ 59” = 1° 24’ 59” x 216 = 305 days = 305+2520 = 2825 Total: 2825 + (2520 x 3 root cycle) = 10385 Date of marriage – date of birth (29 September 1974 - 14 December 1946) (- means Subtract) = 10005 Difference = 10385- 10005= 380 days = approx 1 year which corresponds to the exception that has been observed earlier.
Publisher: The author has taken 25 degs as Asc whereas the Asc with the given time is 27 degree 280
The Second Method gives probably more accurate results. Infact the 7 year method and 1st Method both are based on ‘Navamsha’ & ‘Ardh Navamsha’ Sutra, where one year difference on Marriage is ‘Ardh Navamsha’ is working. The research is still going on…………………
2009 Triple Eclipses By Chakrapani Ullal, USA
any of you are aware that there are three eclipses in 2009 and have inquired as to the significance. The following is a short explanation. As you may know, the first eclipse, a lunar eclipse occurred on July 7. A second, more important solar eclipse occurred on July 21, 22, (depending on your location), and the last is a lunar eclipse which occurred on August 5.
Chakrapani Ullal, heralded as one of the
The significance of these eclipses has some universal applications, but like everything else in astrology, largely depends on one’s planetary set-up. I can offer some general guidelines for evaluating how it may affect you personally, as well as a few observations of how it may affect our country and our political leaders.
foremost Vedic Astrologers in not only the United States, but around the world, and considered to be a teacher of teachers. His clientele includes the who's who of Hollywood and Washington. Chakrapani is from Kerala, South India. He was born into a traditional Hindu family of astrologers where the practice of Astrology has been passed from father to son for many generations. Chakrapani began to receive training from his father while still a young boy. From his youth, Chakrapani had a deep interest in spiritual life, and desire for greater experience and understanding led him to seek out many saints and sages in India. Thus began a long association with both unknown sadhus as well as many of the most revered spiritual leaders of our time. You can consult him via http://www.vedicastrology.com
But first, to give you some context as to the current phenomena, eclipses typically occur in pairs, usually with a lunar eclipse preceding a solar eclipse. A so-called triple eclipse is relatively uncommon. The current triple eclipse is followed by six sets of similar eclipses spanning eleven years, culminating in 2020. This gives some astrologers some special concerns, although I do not subscribe to such theories which I will elaborate below. Before I comment on my interpretation of the eclipses, let me take a moment to explain the basic mechanics of an eclipse so that you may better understand, in a 1 282
physical sense, how it affects the earth’s inhabitants. You must always keep in mind that the Sun is the sole giver of life on our planet, which is how it happens that we orbit around it. The Moon, which has such immediate affect on us, is likewise nothing without the Sun, as it depends on the reflected energy/light of the Sun. Remember, we perceive an illuminated Moon in the sky only when the Sun shines upon it, otherwise the Moon is but a dim shadow as it has no light of its own. The 28 day lunar cycle, which tracks the Moon’s orbit around the Earth, is observed by us relative to its position to the Sun. The Sun, which illuminates Moon completely in what we call the Full Moon, progressively gives less and less illumination for the next 14 days as the Moon moves away from Sun, culminating at the New Moon at which time the Moon is barely visible. One gets some idea of the Sun’s power when considering how brilliant a Full Moon can appear, and yet how invisible Moon is without the Sun’s light. The progression of the Moon moving away from the Sun’s illumination, losing strength each day, is called Waning Moon. At the New Moon, the Moon begins to again grow progressively in strength, swelling in apparent size as the Sun reveals more of Moon each day. This period of growth culminating in the Full Moon is called the Waxing Moon. Thus, following the 14 days of Moon’s progressive shrinking and weakening power is 14 days of growth and expansion. The 28 day cycle of Waxing and Waning, shrinking and expanding Moon creates a steady rhythm by which our days and months are calibrated, except for the brief and notable exception of Lunar and Solar eclipses.
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A Lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is aligned directly in between the Sun and the Full Moon, obstructing the Sun’s ability to shed light upon the Moon. When this happens, and the Moon is temporarily darkened it is called a Lunar Eclipse. During this time the Earth does not receive the benefit of the Moon’s energy. Given the importance of the Moon to Earth this occurrence creates an affect which is significant. To help us appreciate the power of the Moon on earthly affairs one only need consider the cycles of the tides which are created by the gravitational force of the Moon. Remember that in astrology, water and emotions are intimately connected. The Moon is seen as the major determining influence on the mind and emotions of the people. From a physical standpoint, when one considers the Moon’s connection to the ocean tides, is it such a stretch to think that same power could also affect the subtle water/emotional composition of the body/mind? The police department’s across the globe concur, knowingly or not, as they have long acknowledged the increase of crime and aberrant behavior at the time of the Full Moon. Statistics demonstrating these phenomena are easily available and widely accepted. Why are we talking about this in connection with the eclipse phenomena? Because we first want to understand, in a fundamental sense, what is the Moon’s influence on Earth such that we can better comprehend what energy is being obstructed during an eclipse.
Let us also consider the Sun’s energy, independent of its significance to the Moon. 3 284
The Sun is the center of life and the fountainhead of energy. It is the essential, originating energy force. All physical life forms require its energy for sustenance. From an astrological standpoint, the Sun is associated with the essential soul or spirit of the individual, and also his/her physical constitution and well-being. It also addresses the basic circumstances and status of the individual. On the broader stage, the Sun represents the king or chief executive of state or country. When we look to the chart of a country, we look to the circumstances of the Sun to indicate the disposition of the country and/or its principal leader. We also look to the current leaders chart to further reveal and elaborate this disposition. A solar eclipse occurs when the respective bodies are aligned such that at the time of the new moon, the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, during which time the Moon temporarily blocks the light of the Sun. Because the Sun plays such a fundamental, essential role in our lives on Earth, the obstruction of its energy for even a moment, (in this case, for up to 6 ½ minutes) has farreaching consequences. From an astrological perspective, the affects of a solar eclipse are felt for at least 6 months after the eclipse, and begin to be felt some time before it. How, and to what degree it may be felt by any given person I will enumerate below, but its affect is experienced by everyone on the planet. The affect of an eclipse is also determined by its location and strength. The July eclipse is focused over the Asian continents, (which mitigates the affects somewhat for Obama, but still creates significant problems for him). Those located in the path of the eclipse, and in that general part of the world will experience greater consequences from it than those of us in the western part of the globe.
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The arc of the July 22 umbral eclipse (where the Sun’s light is completely obstructed creating a dark shadow across the sky) begins its sweep across India from the Gulf of Khambhat off the Arabian Sea at 6:32 AM local time. The shadow sweeps inland covering various cities including Surat, Indore, Bhopal, Varanasi and Pata, as well as parts of Nepal, Bangladesh and Burma. When it reaches southern China its path proceeds over many major cities including Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan and Hangzhou, culminating at China’s largest city, Shanghai which will experience a total eclipse of 5 minutes. The shadow continues across the East China Sea, over Japan’s Ryuku Islands and Iwo Jima and Southern Japan proper, concluding its course in the South Pacific at the Cook Islands. The umbral eclipse at its beginning lasts a little more than 3 minutes. By the time it reaches southern Japan it has increased to about 6 1/2 minutes, nearly its longest time, at which point it will be overhead at the local midday. It then diminishes, finishing, as it started at around 3 minutes duration. The entire umbral eclipse from beginning to end lasts about 3.4 hours and covers 0.71% of the Earth’s surface. A partial, preumbral solar eclipse (where the moon’s shadow partially covers the Sun) cuts a much broader path including most of eastern Asia, Indonesia and a good part of the Pacific Ocean. This solar eclipse is the longest total solar eclipse that will occur in the 21st century, and until June 2132 will not be surpassed in duration. An eclipse results in less oxygen in the air and a greater concentration of carbon dioxide. It is considered toxic. One should never look directly in the direction of the Sun during an eclipse because direct exposure is harmful for the eyes. In considering the astrological implications of a solar eclipse, we look first to the domains of the Sun, as mentioned above. Since the Sun rules the essential soul and vitality of the person, as well as their health and status, these are the area’s most directly affected. Furthermore, Sun rules the father, and the traditional male domains. There is an overall affect on Earth generated by the eclipse which touches everyone, regardless. We are all affected by the atmosphere and health of our planet as well as its agricultural output. We are affected by the overall conditions and status of our country, its policies, and the agenda and success of our President. All of these areas will be affected, and these domains are already feeling the affects of the coming eclipse. The same areas will face continued challenges in the days and months ahead. The affects of the eclipse will continue to be felt for at least 6 months, if not more. This is the power of an eclipse, the affects of which are global, but which are much less for us in the West than those who are in the direct path, or in the general region of the eclipse itself. Before Obama took office, knowledge of the impending eclipse did result in some forecaster’s speculating as to whether he might not survive his term. However, this has never been my feeling, or even my style of thinking. I mention it only by way of illustrating that these eclipses represent significant obstacles for Obama by any terms. 5 286
We do not know with certainty if Obama’s birth time is correct, but it appears he has Capricorn rising, with Saturn and debilitated Jupiter, both retrograde, in the rising sign opposite the Sun in Cancer. With two of the three eclipses in Capricorn, (Lunar eclipses in Capricorn, Solar eclipse in Cancer), they strongly affect his rising sign, Saturn, Jupiter, Sun and Mercury. Without going into detail, the resulting affect of these eclipses brings challenge to Obama resulting in delays and obstructions, challenging his overall spirit and his success and his achievements. Many people would not be able to overcome these planetary conditions, however Obama’s natal chart is exceptionally strong and he will survive it. Like Obama, those people who will be most vulnerable to the ill affects of the eclipse are those who have planets deposited in Capricorn or Cancer, especially if they are the Sun, Moon or the Rising Sign. These people in particular need to be careful about their health. Because the Sun is so intimately connected to health and vitality, anyone who has a weak immune system, or suffers from a weak constitution for any reason needs to be extra careful at this time. A lunar eclipse, like the solar eclipses affects everyone, especially in relation to health issues connected to the emotions, and ones strong likes and dislikes. Generally, the lunar eclipses intensify health problems in the mind/body and can express some problems in the area of relationships. Normally around the time of an eclipse it is better to have less activity in the stomach by consuming a lighter diet or in fasting altogether so that the body’s energy is available to cope with the effects of the eclipse. You may be hearing that there are some people who feel that the triple eclipses herald the potential for global crisis, (as during the time of World War’s I an II, and even back to the time of the Kurushetra War referenced in the Mahabharata) however I don’t subscribe to these theories. The eclipses have always been there. They bring certain challenges that cannot be avoided. However, this is a part of life, and it is always more to the point to choose to be conscious of the process, and to use that consciousness to make wise choices to the extent possible. This results in one being less a victim and more a party to the growth process. If one’s chart indicates that the eclipse or eclipses will bring some difficulties, it is to one’s advantage to take stock and face it, as this is the real meaning of our sojourn on earth, to grow in strength and maturity through the process of dealing with these challenges. As a result of the nature of the problems facing many people during the present days, we often are looking for pleasure a little differently than we might have previously. We may find unexpected joy in banding together with our family or friends, for example, or in the simple joy of being in nature, or in the pleasures of home life. Or we may be in a position to enjoy offering a helping hand to someone in need, or to discover the gratifying feeling of being supported or cared for by another. 6 287
Likewise, we may find through the process of loss or challenge of one kind or another, that certain people whom we thought were friends, were not, or that certain activities or investments of time and money did not really yield what we wanted or expected. As a result we may lighten our load of what is either untrue, or not valuable to us, or experiment with realigning our priorities in a way that may bring us greater fulfillment or happiness. These are all potential changes for the better that come through challenge as opposed to maintaining status quo. Change takes us out of our comfort zone, and requires additional reserves of energy, but only through change can growth occur. All of these experiences represent a myriad of possibilities in the kaleidoscope of human endeavors, each one of which offers us certain insights into ourselves and the nature of life. We need not fear the changes of landscape that bring these different angles of view. Rather, we should embrace them, fully conscious, and thus, fully aware of the various options we have before us when going through any changes, or in the ongoing natural problem solving process that greets us each day. There are certain remedial measures which are traditionally suggested during eclipses including prayer, meditation, spiritual activities, and charitable work. In essence, these activities are about being pro-active, albeit in a quiet manner. These reflections on what is the significance of eclipses come, as always, with my warmest regards and best wishes to you and your families
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The Fascinating Dashamamsha - 1 Indicator of Inherent Nature and Inclinations By Dr K. S. Charak, India Readership Level: Intermediate to Advanced
O Dr
ne of the most fascinating of the sixteen vargas, or divisions of a rashi of thirty degrees, is the Dashamamsha. This particular varga, which indicates one-tenth of a rashi or an arc of three degrees, in our opinion, has not received the significant attention that it deserves. While dealing with the relative numerical worth of the different vargas, sage Parashara himself does not give a lot of importance to this varga. He is, however, careful to mention that specific and significant aspects of the life of a native must be judged from the Dashamamsha. Says he:
Charak needs no introduction to
veterans in astrology. He is a surgeon by profession with the qualification of MS (Surgery) and FRCS (UK). He heads the Department of Surgery in ESI Hospital, which is a 600 bed hospital in New Delhi. He started studying astrology whilst in school. So by now, he has been in touch with the subject for over 40 years having written about ten books, only one of which is not on astrology! He edited the Vedic Astrology magazine for 11 years, from 1997 to 2007.
n'keka'ks egRQye~ That is: “Highly significant results (must be judged) from the Dashamamsha.” The Dashamamsha is often used to predict about the profession of a native. In the olden times, the vocation of the native, at least in India, depended upon the vocation followed by his father. Modern times have seen more and more new professions 289
coming up, and they do not normally happen to be specific to families. This, in today’s circumstances, increases the significance of the Dashamamsha manifold. The Dashamamsha has really become an important divisional chart that should not be ignored by any serious student of astrology. It has been said, and rightly too, that the navamsha is one of the most important amongst the various vargas. Authorities have gone so far as to say that the navamsha even takes precedence over the rashi chart. This emphasizes the significance of the navamsha which indicates one-ninth of a rashi. Unfortunately, the Dashamamsha has not been granted similar eminence. While it is not our intention to belittle the relevance of the navamsha in any way, it is certainly suggested that any serious study of a horoscopic chart must include not just the rashi and the navamsha charts but also the Dashamamsha chart.
Constructing a Dashamamsha chart Each rashi or sign is an arc of 30 degrees. A Dashamamsha is one-tenth of a rashi or an arc of 3 degrees. Each rashi thus has ten Dashamamshas. For an odd rashi, the first Dashamamsha starts from the same rashi. For an even rashi, the first Dashamamsha starts from the rashi that falls in the ninth house from the rashi in question. Table-1 may be used to construct as Dashamamsha chart. Chart 1: Bill Gates
Let us consider the chart of Bill Gates (Chart 1: born on October 28, 1955; at 21:05 hours; at Seattle, Washington, 47°N36'33", 122°W19'57", TZ 8 hours; Daylight Saving 0) with Mithuna (Gemini) lagna and Makara (Capricorn) Dashamamsha. The eighth house of the rashi chart becomes the lagna of the Dashamamsha, signifying the sudden, the unexpected and the enigmatic in his work and achievements. Much earlier, in these very pages, we have highlighted the significance of the eighth house pertaining to significant and enigmatic earnings. The eighth lord Sun in the lagna of this chart does not damage the tenth house as, 290
according to Parashara, the Sun as the tenth lord does not suffer the blemish of the eighth lordship.
u jU/kzs'kRonks"kks·= lw;kZpUæelksHkZosr~ That is: The blemish of the eighth lordship does not apply to the Sun and the Moon. The natal chart shows very significant Dhana yogas or yogas for wealth. All the planets here have something to do with the eleventh house or eleventh lord (by association or aspect). This signifies the income and the consequent financial status of the individual. A special Dhana yoga is formed when all the planets are located in houses 10, 3, 4 and 5. The native attained eminence particularly during the dasha of Venus (from December 15, 1982 to December 15, 2002), the fifth lord in the fifth house. As the lord of the twelfth house, associated with Saturn, the ninth (as well as the eighth) lord in the fifth house, Venus also indicates spiritual inclinations and a charitable disposition.
These facts are also confirmed in the navamsha and the Dashamamsha charts. In the navamsha, a prominent Dhana yoga forms in the third house by the conjunction of the lagna (and eighth) lord Mars, the second lord Venus and (the tenth and) the eleventh lord Saturn, while the ninth and twelfth lord Jupiter occupies the second house to confer on the native a tendency to spend his wealth in charitable activities. In the Dashamamsha, the eighth lord Sun in the lagna is aspected by the lagna lord, the second lord and the eleventh lord, as well as by Jupiter, the twelfth lord. Jupiter as the twelfth lord in the ninth, in exchange with the ninth lord Mercury, aspected by the lagna and the second lord Saturn further signifies that the native would have plenty of wealth and a spiritual/charitable disposition. Venus is the yogakaraka planet whose dasha proved to be the most significant to the native. This Venus occupies the sixth house and is aspected by the ninth (and sixth) lord from the twelfth house. The Sun dasha (from December 15, 2002 to December 15, 2008) does not see any reduction in his benevolent disposition. A very significant feature of this chart is that both in the navamsha as well as the Dashamamsha, the two luminaries, the Sun and the Moon, are aspected by Jupiter. This feature in any chart raises the status of the native immensely.
The Ruling Deities
hile the Dashamamsha chart needs to be studied like any varga chart as we have done above, the important point that we intend to highlight here is the significance of the ruling deities of the ten Dashamamshas in any given sign. These have been indicated by Parashara thus:
n'k iwokZfnfnDikyk bUækfXu;ejk{klk%AA o#.kks ek#r'pSo dqcsjs'kkuin~etk%A vuUr'p Øeknksts les ok O;qRØes.k rqAA That is: The ten lords of the east, etc., directions, viz., Indra, Agni, Yama, Rakshasa, Varuna, Maruta, Kubera, Ishana, Padmaja and Ananta, in this order for odd signs and in reverse order for even signs (happen to be the lords of the ten Dashamamshas). Thus, the lords of the ten directions have been allotted the rulership of the ten Dashamamshas. This is the real significance of the Dashamamsha. It emphasizes the direction that the native takes in his life or at different times in his life. The ten ruling deities of the Dashamamsha are as under: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Indra Agni Yama Rakshasa Varuna Maruta Kubera
: : : : : : :
Lord of the east. He is king of the gods. The Fire-god. He rules over the south-east. The lord of Death; the upholder of Dharma. Ruler of the south. The demon; Nirriti, the demon. Rules over the south-west. The lord of waters; ruler of the west. Vaayu, the Wind-god. Rules over the north-west. The god of Wealth. Rules over the north. 292
8. 9.
Ishaana Brahma
: :
Lord Shiva. Rules over the most auspicious north-east. The Creator. Rules over the heavens above, the upward direction.
10. Ananta : downward direction.
Shesha, the Serpent-king. Rules over the nether world, the
In this above-mentioned order, the ten Dashamamshas in the odd signs are ruled over by the ten deities starting from Indra and ending at Ananta. In case of even signs, the order is reversed so that the first Dashamamsha is ruled by Ananta and the last by Indra. The implied meanings of these ten deities are indicated in Table-2. Sage Parashara emphasizes that highly significant results must be judged from the Dashamamsha. This means that professional rise (and fall), social status, lifetime achievements and governmental recognition are all to be judged from the Dashamamsha. An understanding of the nature of the ruling deities throws light on the inclinations of the native and the direction in which his life tends to move. This may not only indicate the inclination that in inherent in the chart and, therefore, something fixed and unchangeable. It must also indicate dynamicity and the change in attitude and inclinations at different times in life, as we shall see presently. The most elementary method of ascertaining a native's inclinations would be to see the nature of the ruling deity of the Dashamamsha in which his lagna falls. This may give a reasonably accurate clue about the nature of the individual. The other important factor that appears relevant to us is the lord of the tenth house since the Dashamamsha chart is specifically relevant to the tenth house. Thus the nature of the deity that rules over the Dashmamsha in which the lord of the tenth house resides could also throw a lot of light on the nature of activities that a person is inclined to undertake during his lifetime. These factors need to be given the importance that they have not so far received.
Table 1: Dashamamsha chart Signs/
Dashamamsha 1.
0°- 3°
3°- 6°
6°- 9°
Table 2: Ruling Deities of the Dashamamsha 1.
Power, lust for power, physical pleasures, wealth, recognition,
learning, overlordship, arrogance, dominance, ability to take measures to attain one's ends without always caring for the means. 2.
Energy, capacity to perform and consume, limitless appetite,
inclination toward virtuous and sacred deeds, excessive sexual energy, fearful when provoked. 3.
Capacity to inflict punishment or death, impartiality, justice,
limitless power without loss of discrimination, spirituality. 4.
Raw energy, inclination toward wickedness, great physical strength
and determination, vengefulness, capacity to wreak havoc, 'Tamasic' nature. 5.
Varuna(vé[) :
Expanse, all-encompassing, great learning, hidden strength, ability to pacify tempers.
Instability; capacity to permeate and to destabilize, interest in a wide
range of things, immense strength and energy. 7.
Ishaana($zan) :
Wealth, prosperity, arrogance because of riches. Overlordship, prominence, sacredness, benevolence, auspiciousness, the first amongst the lot.
Creativity, procreation, freshness, power to materialize, great learning and wisdom, sagacity, ability to disseminate knowledge.
10. Ananta (AnNt) :
Limitlessness; very limited (‘zero’); strength, benevolence, virtue, perseverance, power to sustain; outside the realm of imagination in a positive or a negative sense.
Note: Odd signs: Direct order; Even signs: Reverse order.
Looking back at the above chart (birth chart of Bill Gates, Chart 1, discussed in the preceding issue), we find that the lagna Mithuna (Gemini) at 22º59' falls in the eighth Dashamamsha of this odd sign. The ruling deity of this Dashamamsha is Ishaana or lord Shiva. This is the most auspicious and the most benevolent of the Dashamamsha lords. It is no secret that the native has been devoting himself to numerous benevolent and charitable activities. Renowned all over the world, the native stands out prominently amongst his contemporaries. His tenth lord Jupiter in Simha (Leo) at 4º32' falls in the second Dashamamsha ruled by Agni, the Fire-god. This indicates energy, zeal and capacity for achievement. Agni destroys evil and anything else that obstructs his way. He is supposed to have a great appetite, including sexual appetite. The tenth lord signifies the Karma that the native is inclined to indulge in. The ruling deity indicates the manner of its accomplishment. The fire-element is supposed to control all significant activities that concern a native. It is highly desirable to have the lagna or the tenth lord in a Dashamamsha ruled by the Fire-god. The Moon could be another graha of significance to the native. In the chart in question, the Moon occupies the tenth house at 14º28' in Meena (Pisces). This is the fifth Dashamamsha. For an even sign, counting in the reverse manner, the fifth Dashamamsha is ruled by Vaayu, the Wind-god. This indicates ‘capacity to permeate’ and wide ranging interests. This could also indicate communication and transmission. The Moon indicates the mental inclinations of an individual, and its Dashamamsha ruler could throw light on the natural mental inclinations and interests of a native. As we have observed, the Venus dasha (December 15, 1982 to December 15, 2002) proved highly significant to the native. Venus in Tula (Libra) at 26º56' falls in the ninth 295
Dashamamsha of an odd sign, ruled by Brahma the Creator. Creativity is a prominent feature of this Dashamamsha. Lord Brahma created the whole manifest universe from virtually nothing. Creation, materialization, new ideas and the like are important aspects of this Dashamamsha. The native displayed these qualities quite remarkably during this dasha. So, the application of the concepts of ruling deities of the Dashamamsha is not just a ‘static’ concept. It has its appropriate dynamicity when applied to the dasha system. Presently, the native runs the dasha of the Sun, from December 15, 2002 to December 15, 2008. The Sun at 11º45' in the odd sign Tula (Libra) falls in the fourth Dashamamsha ruled by Raakshasa. This indicates excess of physical energy and an untiring disposition, though not all activities may appear to be, or really be, above board. The native is certainly not sitting idle. The next dasha, that of the Moon which we have mentioned of above, promises enhancement and widening of his interests as the Dashamamsha rulership of the dasha lords changes from Raakshasa to Vaayu. Chart 2: Indira Gandhi
The chart of the late Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi (Chart 2) is an interesting example of the relevance of the ruling deities of the Dashamamshas. She was born on November 19, 1917 at 23:11 hours IST, at Allahabad 25ºN27', 81ºE51'. The natal chart shows three Parivartana yogas or yogas of planetary exchange. It is a remarkable chart for studying the application of astrological principles. The Dashamamsha chart is also remarkable. Two planets, Mars and Saturn, are exalted, one (the Sun) occupies its own house, while there is an exchange of the Moon and Venus, lords respectively of the eighth and the eleventh houses. The lagna lord Jupiter aspects the lagna. The deities ruling over her various Dashamamsha are also significant. The lagna Karka (Cancer) at 27º22' falls in the last Dashamamsha of an even sign, its ruling deity being Indra the king of gods. True to the nature of Indra, she remained powerful most of her life, to the extent that she was labeled as ‘the only man’ in her cabinet of ministers. She of course made mistakes, the worst of them being the imposition of emergency in India in the year 1975. This action of hers remains the most criticized till date, and she suffered for it in the subsequent general elections in 1977. She, however, sprang back with a vengeance and thereafter remained in power till her very end. Her name and her charm persist to this day, decades after her departure from this world. Even like Indra, she wielded excessive power in Indian politics, enjoyed her life, suffered at the hands of her detractors, reprimanded several of them, committed follies, performed acts of courage, and was extensively revered as well as criticised at the same time. Her tenth lord Mars at 16º23' in Simha (Leo) an odd sign, falls in the sixth Dashamamsha ruled by Vaayu which signifies strength as well as interest in a wide variety of things. Vaayu, the Wind-god, has the capacity to permeate. She was a popular leader of the masses. Her Moon in Makara (Capricorn) at 5º35' is located in the second Dashamamsha of an even sign, ruled by Brahma the Creator. It indicates a fertile mind and a highly creative disposition. The dashas of Jupiter and Saturn were of particular significance in her career. Jupiter dasha (November 15, 1954 to November 15, 1970) saw her grooming as a politician and eventually becoming the Prime Minister of India during the Jupiter-Sun (May 25, 1965 to March 13, 1966) dasha. Jupiter as the ninth lord in the eleventh, and as the Dashamamsha lagna lord aspecting the lagna, is significant for her career. In the sixth Dashamamsha, of an even sign, ruled by Varuna the lord of waters, the dasha of Jupiter indicates her being widely accepted as a leader. In fact, there were doubts in the beginning about whether a frail-looking woman could really, and effectively, rule over the vast and diverse India. But once she came to power, she left no one in doubt about her capability and efficiency. The AD lord Sun, in Vrishchika, an even sign, at 4º08' falls in the second Dashamamsha ruled by lord Brahma. The Sun also owns and occupies the ninth house of the Dashamamsha chart. Later on, during the Jupiter-Rahu (from May 19, 1968 to November 15, 1970) dasha, she removed most of her detractors from within the ruling party and gave the ruling party a new name. Rahu, at 9º12' in Dhanu (Sagittarius), an odd sign, falls in the fourth Dashamamsha ruled by Raakshasa. Obviously, propriety and ethics had to be sacrificed to achieve the desired end. But then that was the necessity of the times. 297
It was the MD of Saturn (November 15, 1970 to November 15, 1989) that had to prove more eventful for her. Saturn in the lagna in the eighth Dashamamsha, ruled by Yama, gave her immense power to enforce her rule, and justice as well as punishment as she thought fit. Right at the commencement of her Saturn dasha, in Saturn-Saturn (from November 15, 1970 to November 18, 1973) itself, she handed over a comprehensive defeat to Pakistan in the 1971 war, creating Bangladesh, a new country, out of the trouble-making neighbor. It was Saturn the malefic, the eighth lord, in the Dashamamsha ruled by Yama, the fierce lord of death and justice, in full swing. In the Dashamamsha chart, Saturn is exalted in the eleventh house, under the benevolent aspect of Jupiter, but also associated with the eighth lord Moon. The dasha of Saturn saw her take wide-ranging decisions, several of them highly controversial. The most criticized and politically incorrect decision of hers was the imposition of the state of emergency in India in March 1975 in the Saturn-Mercury (November 18, 1973 to July 27, 1976) dasha. She had sensed instability in her career as the Prime Minister and feared losing at the hustings. The imposition of emergency was a desperate move by her to keep her opponents at bay. Mercury in the fifth Dashamamsha of an even sign is ruled here by Vaayu which has the characteristic of instability. As a consequence, after the lifting off of the emergency rule and the subsequent general elections in 1977 in her Saturn-Ketu (July 27, 1966 to September 6, 1977) dasha, she lost and faced ignominy. She was even briefly arrested during the new regime. Ketu is in the Dashamamsha ruled by Raakshasa or the demon, and occupies the twelfth house (of imprisonment, losses, ignominy) in the natal chart. In the subsequent dasha of Saturn-Venus (September 6, 1977 to November 5, 1980), she regained her lost power and her glory, and became the Prime Minister of India again. Political pundits had earlier written her off as of no significant consequence in future. She proved them all wrong. Venus, the AD lord, as the eleventh lord exchanging signs with the ninth lord, in the sixth house gave her the capacity and the skill to fight back. Venus occupies the eighth Dashamamsha of the odd sign Dhanu (Sagittarius) which is ruled by the most auspicious Ishaana. It was at the peak of her popularity that she suffered a violent death, at the hands of her own Sikh body guards, supposedly as a retaliation against some of her actions that seemed to have hurt the religious sentiments of a section of the people of north India, on October 31, 1984. The dasha running was that of Saturn-Rahu (June 27, 1984 to May 3 1987). Rahu, as we have mentioned above, occupies her sixth house and its Dashamamsha lord is Raakshasa. Chart 3: Jacques Chirac We may have a look at the chart of the erstwhile President of France, Jacques Chirac, who was born on November 29, 1932, at 12:00 hours in Paris, France, at 48ºN52' and 2ºE20' (Chart 3). He has been a very popular President of France. His popular and enduring image with the French people has been considered to be due to his legendary appetite, his heartiness, his past reputation with ladies, and his penchant for Sumo wrestling. He has been variously charged with absurd political beliefs, questionable judgment and allegations of corruption. Inspired by General de Gaulle to enter public life, he became a junior minister 298
in 1969. He remained the mayor of Paris for several years between 1977 and 1995, interrupted in 1986-88 when he was the Prime Minister.
Having stood and lost in 1981 and 1988 elections, he was finally elected as the President in May 1995. In 1997, he dissolved the assembly while still in majority, and lost re-election. He then had to wait till 2002 to be back as the President which post he held till May 16, 2007. One of his major political reforms was to reduce the presidential term of office from seven years to five years, bringing it in line with that of the Parliament, though it meant a shorter second presidency for himself. He opposed the US invasion of Iraq in the year 2003. In his birth chart, the lagna lord occupies the lagna while the tenth lord Venus occupies the tenth house. There is an exchange between the eighth lord Sun and the eleventh lord Mars. The ruling deity of his lagna is Indra, even like the preceding chart. This expectedly makes the native popular, powerful, controversial, prone to physical enjoyments, sometimes arrogant, and going through fluctuations in his fortune because of his tendency to get into politically incorrect situations. The tenth lord Venus in the tenth is aspected by Saturn, and 299
its ruling deity in the Dashamamsha is Raakshasa, the demon. The Moon, the lord of the seventh house in the twelfth, in Dhanu at 5º02' is ruled in the Dashamamsha by Agni or Fire. The rulers of Dashamamshas in case of the above three nodal points (the lagna, the tenth lord and the Moon) indicate most of the natural inclinations of the individual. The important dashas for him have been those of the Moon (April 8, 1963 to April 8, 1973), Mars (April 8, 1973 to April 8, 1980), Rahu (April 8, 1980 to April 8, 1998), and Jupiter (April 8, 1998 to April 8, 2014). The Moon, as stated above, is under the influence of Agni, the Fire. Mars, in the fifth Dashamamsha of Simha (Leo) is governed by Varuna which indicates expansion and generally a tendency to contain the ‘Fire’. During this dasha, he remained the mayor of Paris or held the posts of junior minister. His Rahu dasha became particularly significant for his career. Rahu in the seventh Dashamamsha of the odd sign Kumbha (Aquarius) is ruled by Kubera, the god of wealth. This generally indicates prosperity and riches, more so for this native since his Rahu occupies the second house (wealth) aspected by Jupiter (the Karaka for wealth) and the eleventh lord (income) Mars. It is a different matter that Rahu has its own demoniac nature and is aspected by Jupiter and Mars from the eighth house, hence the charges of corruption against him. He fought elections in 1981 and 1988, and lost on both occasions. He finally won in May 1995 during the dasha of Rahu-Sun. The Sun in the fifth Dashamamsha of Vrishchika (Scorpio) is ruled by Vaayu, the god of ‘Wind’. This was followed by RahuMoon (September 1995 to March 1997); the Moon, as already mentioned, is ruled by the powerful Agni, the Fire. The subsequent dasha of Rahu-Mars (March 20, 1997 to April 8, 1998) saw him taking the unwise decision of dissolving the assembly and losing in the reelection. Mars, in the eighth house with the twelfth lord Jupiter and in RKA, is in the fifth Dashamamsha of Simha (Leo) ruled by Varuna. He had to wait till the year 2002 to be reelected as the President, in the dasha of Jupiter-Saturn (May 26, 2000 to December 7, 2002). Jupiter, the MD lord, is in the last Dashamamsha of the odd sign Simha, ruled by Ananta while Saturn in the Makara (Capricorn) lagna is in the third Dashamamsha ruled by the allauspicious Ishaana. Jupiter as the twelfth lord also indicates retirement. He quit as President on May 16, 2007, in the dasha of Jupiter-Venus. Venus ruled by the Dashamamsha lord Raakshasa indicates the element of ‘Tamas’ which indicates lethargy and inactivity. He had himself reduced the term of Parliament by two years (from seven years to five) and thus quit office two years earlier than he could have. This he did despite the AD lord being the tenth lord in the tenth house which, looked at superficially, must indicate active professional life.
Appendix Indra: Ruler of the East ndra is the king of the gods. Highly revered and excessively feared, this eldest son of Aditi, the mother of the gods, also lords over rain and thunder. These latter he sometimes uses as his weapons in his not-so-infrequent skirmishes with his rival cousins, the sons of Diti, the mother of demons. He is endowed with great physical strength and charm. A terror to his enemies, he protects the gods and their interests with the immense prowess that he has earned through austerities. The gods, the sages, the beautiful heavenly maidens and a host of celestial beings stand in attendance in his court. It is only natural that power and plenty sometimes go to his head, and he lands himself in peculiarly unenviable situations. From there he comes out again and again to start afresh and the cycle goes on. Indra conducted to completion a hundred yajnas and attained the overlordship of all the gods. His renown increased progressively as a result of his austerities. Sage Brihaspati; the preceptor of the gods, gave him spiritual initiation which increased his wealth and fame manifold. Over a period of time, Indra and the gods became all-powerful and prosperous. This eventually made Indra fall a prey to arrogance, to the extent that he lost all his sobriety and discrimination. As a consequence, he even failed to get up from his seat and render due respects to sage Brihaspati, his guru, who happened to visit his court. The guru was pained but uttered no word of reproach. He merely walked out of the assembly of the gods, wishing all the while that Indra should lose his riches. It was some time before Indra realized that he had unwittingly slighted sage Brihaspati and this could have ominous forebodings for him. He got up and rushed straight to Brihaspati’s residence but the guru was nowhere to be seen. While Indra returned, he halted at the bank of the river Mandakini for a bath. There he happened to see Ahalyaa, the lovely young wife of the sage Gautama, wrapped in thin wet cloth, emerging from the river after a bath and proceeding toward the hermitage close by. Her half a smile, slanting glances, prominent curves and perfect limbs enchanted the lustful Indra so much that he followed the lady to the hermitage and the two of them indulged in sexual activity. It was here that the sage Gautama also arrived. Indra sensed trouble, disengaged himself from Ahalyaa, and fell at the feet of the infuriated sage, seeking forgiveness. “Despite your glorious lineage,” thundered the sage, “being the son of the sage Kashyapa, the great grandson of the Creator Brahma, and related to Daksha, the Progenitor, how could you stoop to this wretchedness? Where has your wisdom and the knowledge of the Vedas gone? Your lofty preceptor, sage Brihaspati, is a dear friend of Mine and for his sake alone I spare your life. But suffer for your sin you must. May then a thousand female organs, the apparent cause of your way-wardness, grow upon your skin.” The mortified Indra implored for forgiveness. The sage then agreed to mollify his curse. “Go and offer worship to the Sun-god for a year, and your blemish will change into a thousand eyes on you body.”
Indra performed the penance as directed, and in due course became the thousand-eyed lord. It was not infrequent for Indra to deceive others to fulfill his own selfish motives. At many an occasion Indra deceived the trusting demons, the principal rivals of the gods, to get better of them. He obstructed many a sage in his penance so that none could acquire a status higher than his. Many a woman did he violate to satiate his lust. He developed friendship with the great and benevolent king Prahalada, a descendant of the demons, who ruled over the heaven. By sheer deceit, Indra robbed the benevolent king of his benevolence, virtue and character and ultimately displaced him to re-acquire the kingship of heaven.
Agni: Ruler of the South-East gni, the Fire-god, represents the fire-element in everything that exists. Through this element, the Fire-god performs several benevolent functions that ensure the survival of not only the earthlings but the entire universe. For the living beings, the Fire-god provides the necessary heat to ensure survival, and to enable several metabolic functions in the body to proceed without hindrance. In the human body, the Fire-god acts through seven different ‘fires’ or ‘energies’ which perform varied functions. The first of these ‘fires’ helps in digestion of food and its absorption in a liquid form. The second converts the absorbed liquid food into blood. The third ‘fire’ converts blood into flesh. The fourth, acting on the flesh, creates lipid (fat). From the fat, the fifth ‘fire’ creates the skeleton. The sixth ‘fire’ produces the marrow inside the skeleton. And the seventh ‘fire’ generates from the marrow the highly precious seminal fluid. The same ‘fire’ in different forms thus conducts different body functions to help life go on and to propagate. Agni was born out of the Ksheera-Saagara, the Celestial Ocean of Milk. This happened as a result of Lord Brahma depositing. His seminal fluid in the ‘Ocean’. Soon after the incident, a child come out of the Ocean and sat in the lap of lord Brahma who accepted him as His son, Almost immediately, lord Varuna, the god of ‘Waters’ reached there and claimed the child to be his, since the child had emerged from the Ocean waters. There was thus an argument between Lord Brahma and Lord Varuna about who the real father of this child was. Lord Vishnu commented that Brahma was no doubt the father of the child but the right of fatherhood could not be denied to Varuna as well since the child had emerged from the body of the Ocean. Lord Shiva finally settled the dispute. “Brahma is no doubt the father of this child Agni,” said He. “Let Varuna grant this child learning and knowledge of the Mantras and thus accept the child as his disciple. Scriptures declare that a disciple is equivalent to the son too. May lord Vishnu grant him brilliance and incendivity. This Agni will be able to burn anything and everything, and lord Varuna will be able to pacify him.” Sage Bhrigu once cursed Agni thus: “May you become all-devouring.” This annoyed Agni because he happens to be the mouth of the gods and the Pitras and carries to them the nutrients from the sacrificial rituals. So he retracted himself from all yajnas, fire rituals and earthly functions. As a result, the three worlds went into chaos and misery. Lord Brahma finally pacified Lord Agni and persuaded him to resume his usual functions.
Agni-deva is supposed to have been instrumental in the birth of Skanda, the six headed son of lord Shiva. The mighty Skanda killed the dreaded demon Taraka even while he was just seven days old. Agni-deva himself carries the essence of lord Shiva, and the consequent benevolence.
Yama: Ruler of the South ord Yama is the lord of Death. He enforces the rule of Dharma, law and justice, and grants the individual the fruits of his Karmas. He is stern and powerful and is not affected by attachments and allurements. Impartial in His disposition, He operates in both His forms, as Dharma and as Death. It is in His nature thus to ensure the implementation of discipline on the one hand and inflict punishment for any lapses on the other. None can escape His vigilant eye and His functionaries operate ceaselessly to carry out His command. Every living being has to proceed to the abode of Yama at the expiry of his term on earth and reap the fruits of his actions. Only the Creator can afford to mollify Him in His fury. The wicked Raavana had become virtually invincible through his austerities. In his Pushpaka Vimaana, he could fly from the world of mortals to that of the gods with the speed of the mind. It was his desire to conquer the three worlds and rule over them. With this aim in mind, he set out to first conquer the earthlings. Once upon a time, while flying by the Pushpaka through the clouds, Raavana met sage Naarada, the Rishi of heavenly encyclopedic knowledge. The demon king saluted the sage and offered him the due courtesy. Naarada exhorted Raavana to give up his desire to overcome the earthlings by making him understand that the feeble-bodied earthlings were afflicted by miseries, ailments and old age. There was no greatness in destroying or subjugating those who were already proceeding to the world of Yama. Real strength would be to conquer Yama, the lord of Death, himself. Raavana was amused. “I shall conquer Yama. The god who bestows death upon others would himself be afflicted with death.” Indra, the king of gods, and all the movable and immovable creatures on the earth, meet their death at the hands of Yama as their longevity expires. Yama is witness to the good and bad deeds of all living beings, and bestows justice upon them on the basis of their Karmas. He instills fear in the minds of all beings. The very thought of someone daring to face Death itself to conquer Him intrigued Naarada. Naarada went to the kingdom of Yama to warn the lord of Death about the intentions of the ten-headed Raavana. While Naarada was apprising Yama of the impending arrival of the demon king, the two of them spotted the glittering aircraft of Raavana approaching them from a distance. As he reached the Yama-loka, Raavana witnessed countless creatures receiving the fruits of their good and sinful Karmas at the hands of Yama’s men. Raavana had a close view of the numerous hells there and the creatures who suffered the torments in those hells. The mighty Raavana forcibly released all those suffering the torments of hell. This annoyed Yama’s men who attacked Raavana in great numbers and broke the doors, the
seats and the couches, etc., of his aircraft. The self-repairing aircraft, however, regained its original shape soon after being broken. In the fierce fight that ensued, Raavana and his men were severely wounded but they continued their fight. Raavana was greatly harassed. His armor was broken and he had to use the never-failing Paashupata missile, acquired with the grace of lord Shiva, to overcome Yama's men. Yama, the son of the Sun-god, was incensed at the prospect of Raavana’s success and proceeded to the battlefield. Seeing Yama in person, the forces of Raavana lost heart and ran helter-skelter leaving the fearless Raavana virtually alone. Raavana received a good beating at the hands of Yama so that at one stage he even appeared to have lost much desire to continue battle. But continue he did, for he still longed for victory. The fierce battle between the two of them wrought a lot of damage and destruction around. As Yama decided to kill Raavana, He lifted His fierce and never-failing Kaala-Danda to strike him. Just then, the Creator Brahma intervened. “O’ mighty son of Surya! Pray do not slay this demon with the Kaala-Danda. I have given this Raakshasa a boon that he would not be slain by any god. Do not, therefore, falsify my word. In earlier times, I alone constructed this formidable weapon of yours. With My strength behind it, it never fails, and causes certain death. Raavana too would not survive its blow. I have made the Kaala-Danda an unfailing weapon. If Raavana dies as a result of your strike, or if he survives your blow, in either case My word, the word of the Creator, would be falsified. Withhold your weapon and let my word remain True.” “O’ Lord of the world,” said Yama, the lord of Dharma, to Lord Brahma, the Creator, “may your word prevail. See, here, I withdraw my weapon. Besides, if I am not supposed to kill this demon, there is no sense in my continuing this fight with him.” Saying this, Yama retreated and disappeared along with His chariot and His horses. Raavana shouted in triumph.
Rakshasa: Ruler of the South-West akshasas are a class of demons, the anti-gods. They represent all that is against benevolence and virtue. The ruler of the South-West is the Rakshasa. This particular corner is called as the ‘Nirritya Kona’, ruled by the demon Nirriti. It is considered as the most inauspicious direction. Puranas mention of the eleven Rudras who were born to Brahma’s son Sthanu. Nirriti was one of them, hence revered like all other Rudras, and ruler of the south-west. It is the evil Nirriti, that represents the demoniacal principle, however, that is of concern to us here. Puranas refer to Nirriti as both male as well as female. During the early phases of creation, there came a time when there was not enough for the earthlings to eat and to satisfy their hunger. Starvation aroused in them cruelty towards each other so that they started killing each other for food. This gave birth to Adharma, the unrighteousness or anti-Dharma, the certain annihilator of living beings. Adharma married Nirriti (a demoness). From Adharma and Nirriti were born the ferocious sinners Bhaya (fear), Mahabhaya (intense fear) and
Mrityu (death). It is said that Mrityu engulfs all living beings. He has no wife and no progeny because he does not spare any one. The Vedas mention of Nirriti as the elder sister of the goddess Lakshmi. Lakshmi’s elder sister, also known as Daridra or Alakshmi, is also supposed to have come out of the process of churning of the Ocean for Amrita. The churning of the ocean was a grand event in which both the gods and the demons participated. The purpose was to extract Amrita, the Elixir of Life, from the ocean. In the process, however, several other things came out. Some of these were very precious while others, like the all-consuming poison, were quite fearsome. One of the undesirable things that came out of the ocean was the goddess Daridra (Nirriti), the elder sister of the goddess Lakshmi. Daridra, the impoverishing one, dressed in red garments, asked the weary gods, “What may I do?” The gods replied, “Pray go and reside where there is discord. Take along with you inauspiciousness to the abodes of those who use harsh language at home, those who speak the untruth and those who are mentally unclean, the sinners who sleep at sunset. May you spread suffering and poverty in those homes. May you continue to torment those with malicious intent and those who are evil-doers.” In one of the Pauranic stories, Yami, the sister of the law-enforcing Yama, tells her brother, ‘Doesn’t the demon Nirriti sexually associate with his own sister regularly?” The south-west is considered inauspicious. Place of worship is not constructed in this direction while designing a house. In general, this corner of the house is reserved for undesirable or unclean purposes.
To Be Continued
New Light On Jaimini Astrology – Part 4 (AN ANALYSIS OF THE COMMENTARY OF SOMANATHA) BY MADHURA KRISHNAMURTHI SASTRI, INDIA. COPY EDITOR: SHANMUKHA [Publisher: As the articles of Sastriji were very advanced for the internet Jaimini astrologers, we have requested our friend Shanmukha to make extensive notes so that advanced Jaimini adepts can understand many 1st time revealed points by Sastriji even though these articles first appeared in Oct 1962. We hope Shanmukha’s efforts have addressed the complaints we received from Jaimini net forums regarding the new concepts explained by Maduraji, although they are part of the standard ancient commentaries of Jaimini.]
One of the oldest authorities on Jaimini Astrology, he graced the Astrological Magazine in 1960s under immense persuasion of Late Dr Raman and gave us some rare jewels in Jaimini Astrology. At the age of 81, he lives in a small town in Andhra Pradesh. Incidentally not many in India & West know that Andhra Pradesh has been the land of Jaimini Astrology after Banaras. Revered Sastriji leads a strict Brahminical life along with being very open minded & extremely humble. His humility only shows his supreme mastery over divine part of astrology. He and Iranganti Rangacharya are considered as the foremost authorities alive today in Jaimini Astrology. Mr. Sastri has supported Saptarishis Astrology right from its inception stage.
n the last article, Sun was selected as Brahma planet and the longevity was fixed by me in the previous horoscope. Longevity according to Brahma planet does not tally with that according to Varnada dasa. A different dasa system is discussed now to belittle the ambiguity. Something more has to be discussed about Brahma planet, the matter will be considered further in relation to the views of Somanatha and Krishna Mishra. Let us take a case of birth on 8-8-1912 at 733 p.m IST. (Copy Editor: As already stated in the earlier articles, Sri Madhura Krishna Murthi Sastri uses his own Ayanamsa which he came to conclusion after spending 6 months in Jantar 306
Mantar Observatory in Rajasthan which was built in the 18th century. The chart is generated with JHora Software. For the benefit of the readers, we are giving below, the longitudes given by the author.) Sun: Mars: Jup: Sat: Ketu:
26⁰Cn10′16″ Moon: 25⁰Ta57′0″ 24⁰Le32′52″ Merc: 17⁰Le01′0″ 16⁰Sc10′0″ Ven: 05⁰Le26′0″ 13⁰Ta20′0″ Rahu: 25⁰Pi55′40″ 25⁰Vi55′40″ Lagna: 11⁰Aq26′0″
Brahma Planet: Sun;
Atmakaraka: Sun
Bhagya, Dara Kosa
Arudha Chart
Labha, Mantra
Arudha Pada (AL) Upapada
The Bramha planet for this horoscope is Sun and the other opinion of the commentators is discussed below.
Brahma Planet Calculation According to
ु िवषमो ॄा ूभ ु भाव वैरीशूािण िपतृलाभूाण्यनचरो
prabhu bhāva vairīśaprāṇi pitṛlābhaprāṇyanucaro viṣamastho brahmā (2-1-49),
The strongest of the lords of 6th, 8th, 12th houses occupying the odd sign (Aries for example) behind the strongest of 1 and 7th is Brahma planet. This meaning was given by the recent commentators – Durgaprasada Dwivedi, Sitaram Jha and others and Nilakantha, Krishnanada Swami and others among the older commentators. But, Raghava Bhatta, Krishna Mishra and Somanatha have separated the sutra into parts, taking the later part for defining Brahma. According to them the planet behind (counter clockwise) the stronger of 1 and 7 is Brahma planet. After considering all the authorities, Brihat Parasara Hora, Venkateswara, Nilakantha, Swami and others like Sri Krishna, Kalidasa, I have adopted Raghava Bhatta’s view and fixed Sun as the Brahma planet in this example as per sutra. “The stronger lord of 6th, 8th, and 12th signs from the Lagna or the Seventh will indicate death in its period”. In this chart, 7th is the stronger and Moon the lord of the 12th house is very strong and is in Taurus. Therefore we must consider Rasi dasas up to Taurus.
Bramha – Maheswara Dasa: (Copy Editor: Though the author hasn’t explicitly mentioned the name of the following dasa, it is understood that this dasa is called Bramha – Maheswara Dasa. The maximum longevity will be from the Bramha planet to Maheswara Planet. The calculation of dasa years is from dasa sign to the sign occupied by the lord according to Prakriti Chakra. For example, in this chart, Moon is in Taurus and hence for Cancer sign, the dasa years will be from Cancer to Taurus counting anti zodiacally giving three years. The standard deduction of one year is not followed.) Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dasa Sign Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Total
Dasa Years 3 12 2 11 4 12 9 4 5 5 67 Years
Taurus has 10 years. Virgo antaradasa in Taurus indicates death, because it is occupied by Ketu and aspected by Rahu and happens to be the 8th from the Ascendant; the duration of 9
antaras (from Taurus to Virgo will be 90 months Æ 7 years and 6 months); the total longevity will be 67 years + 7 years and 6 months = 74 years and 6 months. Here, even though the starting dasa is an even sign, the regular zodiacal order must be observed beginning from the sign occupied by Brahma for fixing the dasas; the work has been given in the previous paragraph. Other dasas like Maheswara dasa, Vidhatri dasa, etc. has been mentioned. Due to lack of details, they have not been discussed here. Somanatha suggests reference to a Mula Sasthra by Kalidasa for this purpose. In conclusion it might be suggested that the longevity extends to 72 – 73 years.
Rudra Dasa: Somanatha states in his Kalpalatha that the stronger of the lords of the 8th house from Lagna and the 7th house is strong Rudra (Prani Rudra). The weaker is also Rudra but weak (Aprani Rudra). It will cause trouble to all like the deity Rudra. Start the dasa from the stronger of the two signs – Lagna and the 7th. There are four types of Rudra dasa. Death occurs in the strongest malefic Sign aspected by Rudra planet. Start from the Navamsa sign occupied by the lord of Lagna.
Drekkana dasa: Take the sum (if either are odd or even) of the lords of the Lagna and the 7th sign, or the difference (if the lords of Lagna and the seventh are one odd and the other even) and find the Drekkana. Start the dasa from Drekkana rasi so obtained. (Copy Editor: It appears that the author intends to take the nature of the sign occupied by respective lords and their longitudes) Observe Chara dasa method for this Rudra dasa. Fix death in the dasa of Rudra sign or the Sign aspected by the Rudra planet according as the life is short, medium or long – whichever suits the occasion. Again another method is also considered: It is by taking the trine signs (Trikona signs) for fixing death. This is called Sula Dasa. Fixing the Rudra planet: According to 2 – 1 – 37, the stronger of the lords of the 8th house either from Lagna or its 7th is Rudra planet. Mercury is strong Rudra (Prani Rudra) and Jupiter is weak Rudra (Aprani Rudra). Start dasa from Lagna or its 7th whichever is the first strong (Prathama prani). (Copy Editor: Please note the usage of both of the Rudra planets, the stronger and the weaker. Though the Prani Rudra (stronger Rudra) is important Maraka, Aprani (Weaker) Rudra also is a Maraka planet in this Dasa System. The secret here is the association of benefic planets and malefic planets for Prani and Aprani Rudras respectively, is very important for their marakatwa. It must be understood that the starting sign will be the stronger of the Lagna and 7th house, not the stronger of the respective lords. Now, the author is explaining the rules of strength of signs below.)
अथ ूाणः atha prāṇaḥ
Translation: Here after the strength is discussed. The first source of strength is given below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
First is the association with the Karaka (planet). Choose sign that which has more planets. Then, choose the planet in exaltation. Etc; Then Natural Strength Failing which the strength of respective lords.
The second source of strength is the aspect by the lord, Jupiter and Mercury or their association.. The third source is the lordship. The fourth is from occupation. Somanatha has given details about this, which will be discussed later. Raghava Bhatta states that the first of the four must be used for determining the strength. So Leo sign is stronger. Start dasas from this sign Leo and end with Sign Aries which is aspected by both the Rudra planets. Since Jupiter, Mercury and Venus aspecting Aries are benefics, death will occur in the dasa of the next sign which is either associated with the malefic or aspected by them. Taurus is such a sign. So, death will occur in Taurus Sign. Let us consider the dasas from Leo to Aries: Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Dasa Sign Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Total Taurus Total
Dasa Years 12 2 11 4 12 9 4 5 5 64 Years 6 years 8 months 70 years, 8 months
In Taurus Mahadasa, the antaradasa of Capricorn will bring about death, as it is aspected by Mercury and Jupiter, both the Rudra planets and also by the malefic Mars. To the end of antara of Sagittarius, it is 8/12 * 10 years = 6 years and 8 months. Death occurs after the 70 years 8 months. Taking all these points into consideration, Brahma dasa method indicating 72 years may be to be fairly correct.
General guidelines to choose a dasa for a horoscope: To give general life reading, which dasa system is to be used for this chart, is the next problem. There are a number of types of dasas. It is an elaborate affair to discuss all these dasas at length in these articles. I shall now choose only the most suitable of the dasas for consideration. • As there are no planets in the trikona houses (1, 5, 9), Trikona Dasa is ruled out. • For the same reason, Chara Paryaya dasa is ruled out. • Sthira Paryaya dasa may be used by choosing the stronger of Lagna or its 7th. Seventh house Leo is strong on account of its association with 3 planets. • Drig dasa may be applicable if there are planets in the 9th house from which dasa may be studied. This dasa is not to be used for this chart. (Copy Editor: We request all to note down these guidelines for their study of Rasi dasas. Some recent commentators on Jaimini system opine that Trikona, Chara Paryaya and Sthira Paryaya dasas are Ayurdasas. Yet, most ancient commentators clearly state these are very important Sampat dasas. Raghava Bhatta in his Sara Sangraha states that second source of strength (aspect or conjunction of Atmakaraka, Jupiter, and Mercury) must be exclusively used for these Sampat dasas)
Padanaathamsa Dasa: It is the dasa system of Navamsa Chart and starts from the sign occupied by the lord of Arudha Lagna of Rasi Chart. The Arudha Lagna of this native is placed in Leo and its lord Sun occupied Aquarius in Navamsa. Start the dasa from Aquarius and continues till the longevity is covered. Karaka, Arudha and other effects are to be studied in this dasas. We have to allot Dwara and Bahya signs for each Rasi dasa.
S No
Dasa Sign Dwara Sign
Bahya Sign
Dasa Years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Aquarius Cancer Sagittarius Taurus Libra Pisces Leo Capricorn Gemini Scorpio Aries Virgo
Aquarius Sagittarius Libra Leo Gemini Aries Aquarius Sagittarius Libra Leo Gemini Aries
3 12 12 1 8 5 7 10 4 1 8 1
72 Years
Aquarius Cancer Sagittarius Taurus Libra Pisces Leo Capricorn Gemini Scorpio Aries Virgo
(Copy Editor: Since the starting dasa sign Aquarius is a fixed odd sign, dasa progresses in zodiacal 6th, 6th signs. Dwara sign is the dasa sign itself and Bahya sign is the sign obtained by counting as many signs as the dasa sign is from the starting sign. This Padanadhamsa dasa is essentially of a dasa 1 in Navamsa chart, so the dasa years must be calculated from dasa sign to its lord using Prakriti Chakra in Navamsa chart only. Here standard deduction of one year is not used. It is very surprising that the author has taken one year as the dasa years for the sign occupied by its lord. See, for example, dasa years for Taurus and Virgo in the above table.) For this native, Aquarius dasa is in operation at birth. It is aspected by Saturn and associated with the malefic Sun and Rahu. Its 7th house is associated with Ketu and waning Moon. Therefore this dasa indicates sickness. Dwara and Bahya signs are Aquarius for this dasa and as it is under the influence of malefic, severe sickness is indicated. All the twelve bhavas can be studied easily for this dasa using the Navamsa chart. Karakas for this dasa are to be fixed in the order of the planets as found in the Navamsa chart starting from Lagnadhipati Saturn. The following table is for Aquarius dasa:
S No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
Karaka Tanu Karaka (Body) Dhana Karaka (wealth) Bhatri Karaka (Brothers) Matri Karaka (Mother) Buddi (Intelligence) Jnati (enemies & sickness) Dara (Spouse)
Planet Saturn Venus Ketu Moon Mercury Mars Jupiter
Remarks Lord of dasa sign The 2nd from Tanu Karaka in Navamsa The 3rd – doThe 4th – doThe 5th – do-
Prakriti Chakra reckoning: Count Zodiacal for Odd signs and Anti - Zodiacal for Even Signs 312
8 9 10 11
Ayush (Longevity) Pitri (Father) Rajya (Profession) Labha (Gains)
Rahu Sun Saturn Venus
Vyaya (Losses)
The Lord of Dasa Sign The 2nd from lord of Dasa Sign in Navamsa The 6th from lord of Dasa Sign Navamsa
(Copy Editor: The successive karakas in the above table are found by using Graha Chakra reckoning. For example, Tanu Karaka is the lord of the dasa sign, and planet next to him in Udaya Chakra (Zodiacal) reckoning will be Dhana karaka and so on. In this reckoning, the lord of dasa sign will be Rajya Karaka again. Similarly the Karaka planets for each and every dasa sign must be calculated.) Since karaka for father – Sun – is with Rahu, Karaka for the 8th, and occupies Janma (Starting) dasa Rasi, its lord Saturn being debilitated in this period the father of the native will be put to great difficulties; sickness will threaten the whole family. Rajyakaraka is Saturn and is debilitated; he aspects the Sun – Karaka for father – who will be subjected to some indignities. Even though the starting sign is Aquarius (It is to be treated as Lagna), as there are strong benefic planets in the three angles (Kendras), longevity is assured. This method is to be adopted in studying the effects of different dasas. We must study the effects according to Lagna, Yogada, Vilagnadhipathi (Lord of Hora Lagna, Ghatika Lagna etc.) and select the most powerful of these for deciding the results. This is according to Krishna Mishra and others (vide Jyotisha Phala Ratnamala 7-15). In this chart, results are to be studied according to Karaka, Yogada and Arudha Lagna as they are very strong.
Tanu Bhava: Since the Atma Karaka Sun is in the Navamsa of Aquarius, the following effects are to be noted:
तटाकादयो धम taṭākādayo dharme
उेधमर् िनता कै वं च uccedharma nityatā kaivalyaṁ ca
(Copy Editor: According to Katapayadi numeric, धमर् = 11 (Aquarius), उ = 12 (Pisces). AK Sun is placed in Aq and hence the danger from lake etc.) There is danger from water in a lake or a tank; the native will be highly evolved soul and a Vedantic, not in the sense of external profession but as one practicing the doctrine of non – attachment. The results are to be studied with Karakamsa, Drekkana, Chara Karaka and Arudha Lagna also. Arudha Lagna (Leo) is strong because in Leo sign there are many planets. Either in Aquarius or Leo dasa (from 41 to 48 years), the natïve will have danger from beasts. Since Sun is the Atma Karaka and is also the lord of Arudha lagna having conjoined Rahu in Navamsa, the native’s color will be ordinary, he will be of medium height, frank, kind and generous. As Sun and Rahu are in Aquarius and as Saturn is debilitated in Navamsa, the person will have a hot constitution. 313
Dhana Bhava: According to Jaimini, financial prosperity and immense riches, etc; are to be studied with reference to Arudha Lagna and Drekkana. Of Karaka and Arudha Lagna, the latter is stronger. So Dhana yoga must be discussed with reference to Rasi Chakra. As there are planets in the 2nd and 11th houses from the Karaka and the position of Jupiter in the 5th house, there is Dhana Yoga. The presence of Rahu in the 9th house, there is cancellation of Dhana yoga to some extent. The native will experience want of money on some occasions. Jupiter in the 4th house from Arudha Lagna indicates ordinary Dhana yoga. Libra dasa is the dasa when financial prosperity begins since the second and the eleventh houses from Libra have Mars, Jupiter, Moon and Ketu. Since Venus – Rajya karaka for this dasa – is in the 8th house from Libra, the Yoga for money will be ordinary. The dasa runs from 28 to 36 years. Pisces dasa runs from 36 to 41 years, does not indicate financial prosperity. Bahya sign for this dasa is Aries. As Aries is occupied by a debilitated planet which happens to be the 2nd sign from dasa sign and as Dhana Karaka for this dasa viz,. Rahu is in the 12th, financial prosperity during the age 36 to 41 years will be ordinary. Then, Leo Dasa commences, operates from 41 to 46 years. Bahya Sign for this is Aquarius. The Dasa sign also happens to be Arudha Lagna. For this dasa rasi, we should consider only Navamsa positions. Exalted Mercury is in the 2nd, Jupiter and mars are in the 4th, Sun and Rahu are in the 7th, Saturn in the 9th, Venus in the 10th and Moon and Ketu in dasa rasi. Dhana Karaka (for this dasa) is Saturn and he is debilitated and is in a movable sign. Because the 2nd, 4th and 10th are well fortified, considerable financial prosperity is shown in this dasa. As however Saturn a malefic is debilitated in the 9th, there cannot be excess of Bhagya Vriddi (Increase of Wealth). Vyaya Karaka (lord of loss) for this dasa is Mercury and he is in the 2nd exalted. Therefore there will be excess of expenses also. Thus should be divined from other twelve houses.
Obama’s Raja Yogas & U.S. Affairs By Gayatri Devi Vasudev, India. Earlier Published In ‘Modern Astrology’
bama’s Presidency comes at a critical stage in the history of the United States of America. The global financial meltdown will be its greatest challenge as will the burning AfPak problem. Does Obama’s chart carry the strength he needs to handle these and other grave crises that are building up to the consternation of the United States? And what are the Yogas that have placed Obama where he is today? The Ascendant Capricorn in Obama’s horoscope (Chart 1) is occupied by its ruler Saturn(R) and malefic Jupiter(R). Saturn in the 1st is welcome as the Ascendant lord in his own sign. He forms a Sasa Mahapurusha Yoga in Lagna Kendra. As 3rd and 12th lord, malefic Jupiter cannot be expected to be of any great help in generating Raja Yoga. The Ascendant is aspected by benefic 9th lord Mercury and with him is the Sun, a malefic 8th lord. Hardly the kind of combination to show the extraordinary Raja Yoga Obama currently enjoys. But a closer look shows an equally extraordinary, if lesser known, Raja Yoga at work. The Ascendant lord Saturn in Lagna Kendra renders the foundation of the chart very powerful under what is known as the Veeryotkata principle enunciated by Varahamihira in his Brihat Jataka (I-19)
rs.Gayatri Devi Vasudev is the Editor of
Modern Astrology, the successor to Dr.B.V.Raman's The Astrological Magazine which closed down in December 2007 following her resignation from its Editorship in June 2007. As Editor (January 1999 to July 2007) of The Astrological Magazine, the world's foremost and most authentic journal on Jyotisha or Indian astrology, and earlier as its Associate Editor Gayatri Devi Vasudev was actively involved with her father--- its Founder and the Father of Modern Astrology Dr. B.V.Raman,---- from 1972 to until his death in December 1998, in his mission to bring astrology into the comity of sciences. She continues his mission. She is also the National Vice-President of the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences founded by Dr. B.V.Raman in 1984 to organize the study and practice of astrology. Gayatri Devi Vasudev has authored many books on astrology that include The Art of Matching
Charts, The Art of Prediction in Astrology, Advanced Principles of Prediction, Clues to Interpreting Charts, Practical Horary Astrology , The Story of Dr. B.V.Raman for Children and How to Judge a Horoscope- Volume II.
according to which, WûÉåUÉxuÉÉÍqÉaÉÑÂ¥ÉuÉÏͤÉiÉrÉÑiÉÉ 315
lÉÉlrÉæ¶É uÉÏrÉÉåïiMüOûÉ - if the lord of the Ascendant, Jupiter or Mercury occupy or aspect the Ascendant, the Ascendant is greatly fortified. But planets other than these in the same positions do not contribute to such strength. Chart 1: Barack Obama1
Obama has Saturn, the Ascendant lord, and also Jupiter in the Ascendant which has strengthened the Ascendant according to Varahamihira.
rɱMüÉåÅÌmÉ ÌuÉUÉÎeÉiÉÉÇzÉÑÌlÉMüUÈ xÉÑxjÉÉlÉaÉÉå uÉ¢üaÉÉå | 1 We cannot vouch for the correctness of the birth particulars. — Gayatri Devi Vasudev 316
lÉÏcÉxjÉÉåÅÌmÉ MüUÉåÌiÉ pÉÔmÉxÉWûzÉÇ ²æ uÉÉ §ÉrÉÉå uÉÉ aÉëWûÉÈ || Phaladeepika (VII-31)
Even a single planet, though in depression, is capable of making the native a king’s equal, provided he be with brilliant rays, retrograde in motion and occupy an auspicious house (other than a Dustana). Two or more such planets make the native a king. Jupiter who is in depression fulfils all the conditions of this Shloka. He is free of combustion, retrograde and in the 1st house where he gets Digbala or directional strength. The result is a Raja Yoga for one to be equal to a king. There are five independent conditions according to Phaladeepika that cause Neechabhanga and if more than one condition obtains, the Neechabhanga Raja Yoga is strengthened proportionately. The results of Neechabhanga Raja Yoga are far superior to plain Raja Yogas. If the latter produce kings, the former are said to show emperors (cÉ¢üuÉiÉÏï) according to classical works. The U.S. Presidency certainly equates with the emperor’s.
lÉÏcÉå rÉxiÉxrÉ lÉÏcÉÉåŠpÉåzÉÉæ ²ÉuÉåMü LuÉ uÉÉ | MåülSìxjɶÉ劢üuÉiÉÏï lÉ×mÉÈ xrÉÉSèpÉÔmÉuÉÎlSiÉÈ
Phaladeepika VII-30 If a planet in depression and if the lord of the depression sign as well as that of the planet’s exaltation sign, or at least one of them be in a Kendra, the native will become an emperor and will be saluted by other kings. Jupiter is the planet in depression. The lord of that sign (Capricorn) is Saturn. The sign of Jupiter’s exaltation is Cancer ruled by the Moon. Of the three planets identified in this Sloka, two, namely, Jupiter and Saturn are in Kendras. Another important factor contributing to the Raja Yoga strength of the chart is the fact of retrogression of Saturn and Jupiter. Both are in a state of Ativakra being in a sign diametrically opposite that occupied by the Sun. Such a disposition endows the retrograde planet with unusual strength. Mercury as 9th lord aspecting the Ascendant lord Saturn from a Kendra in the 7th is also a Raja Yoga but of a lesser kind, formed due to Kendra and Trikona lords being in mutual aspect. In brief, it is the extraordinary strength of Jupiter (Neechabhanga Raja Yoga) and of Saturn and their retrogression that has raised Obama from humble origins to the world’s most powerful office. The Raja Yoga surfaced in Mars Bhukti of Jupiter Dasa. The Dasa and Bhukti lords are in mutual trines, Mars being Labhadhipati or the 11th lord. The present Bhukti which covers the initial years of the Presidency is of Rahu. Rahu is in the 8th in a Dustana in a solar sign Leo ruled by his bitter enemy Sun. There are two ways Rahu can operate. One, he can function as his sign dispositor Sun and the other, as Saturn, according to the dictum sanivadrahu. Here Rahu can be expected to reflect the results of both the Sun and Saturn. Saturn as the Ascendant lord is the center of a Sasa Mahapurusha Yoga. The Sun, though 8th lord, is the planet who invests both Jupiter and Saturn with extra strength 317
due to Chestabala or retrogression. Rahu Bhukti is the last Bhukti in Jupiter Dasa and brings the chart under the shadow of Dasa-chidram. More so, as Rahu occupies the 8th from the Ascendant Capricorn and the Dasa lord Jupiter. This may make the Presidency a tough one for Obama. Jupiter, Neecha, as the treasurer, does not help the economy recover sufficiently from the recessionary trap in which the U.S. is caught. Nor does Rahu in the 8th in an inimical sign Leo and the Nodal axis cutting across his 2nd house. More problems are likely to hit the Administration than it is currently geared for. Chart 2: USA Independence Chart
Moving on to the U.S. Declaration of Independence horoscope (Chart 2) Mars as Dasa lord is in Mrigasira, his own Nakshatra, in the 7th in the house of combat and confrontation. Even before moving into Mars Dasa, the U.S. was inextricably caught in a war with Iraq and still continues to be stuck with its troops in the Middle East. And with Afghanistan too beckoning the U.S. it may get dragged into a greater mess. Saturn, the Bhukti lord, is in Chitta, also ruled by Mars. Saturn is the 2nd and 3rd 318
lord. As 2nd lord, Saturn has primary control over ÌuÉ¨É or finances. The mutual aspect between Mars and Saturn is likely to reflect in the economy continuing to be a matter of grave concern in the coming months. As 12th lord Mars could sting the U.S. exchequer even more severely. The fact that the July-August 2009 eclipses occur across the 2nd and 8th house of the U.S. Independence chart are disquieting features. Mars as 12th lord in the 7th is aspected by 2nd and 3rd lord Saturn and involves the 10th house. From the Moon-sign, Mars, the 10th lord, aspects Saturn who is in the 8th. This disposition could indicate violence directed at the top executive of the state. Transit Mars enters Cancer on October 3, 2009 and continues in the same sign till about May 24, 2010. This period could see the financial crisis worsen. Factories, big business houses and industries may be forced to lay off large numbers of employees. For the first time in recent U.S. history, people — families and children — may suffer great privation in terms of food and shelter. The period may also see a spurt in violent crime especially in educational institutions, libraries and hospital-nursing complexes. A new strain of virus could emerge affecting either the lungs or the digestive tract or both and also the eyes. Vision problems may peak up. Medical researchers may come up with alarming facts on chemotherapy. Mars, being the Karaka for blood, conditions related to blood and arterial clogging may show a spurt in the senior citizen population of the country. The weather pattern in the U.S. could get disturbed in distinctly destructive manner. Hurricanes and tornadoes may rip across heavily populated zones, more especially in October-November 2010 when Mars moves into an exact opposition with Rahu on October 9, 2009. The period between December 21, 2009 to March 10, 2010, when Mars turns retrograde needs to be noted as pointing to destructive winds and or heavy seismic activity. Chart 3: Obama Swearing In Chart
The Muhurta chart cast for Obama’s swearing-in (Chart 3) has interesting features, predominantly the Sun-Mercury combination in the 10th. Jupiter also there could have been a blessing (with his Neechabhanga strength) but being combust is a worrisome factor in some ways. 319
The Panchaka2 can also help in assessing the Muhurta. The Agnipanchaka exposes the President to risk or danger from firearms or blasts. The element of Akasha (air and space) may also figure in this context and show up as an aerial attack or an attack while on board Aircraft One. The Ascendant Aries, a fiery war-like sign, only seems to confirm the country getting more embroiled in embattled regions. Despite Obama’s conciliatory rhetoric, circumstances may so propel the U.S. that it may have little choice but to continue a policy of brutal might in sensitive zones of the globe. The Sun and Mercury in the 10th and their very close conjunction within minutes of arc emphasizes the growing intellectualism of the country - it will be apparent in extraordinary research findings, but Jupiter being combust, oftentimes bordering on the bizarre and with little respect for the human element or ethics. The 4th lord Moon is in the 8th in his house of depression. Mental sickness, depressive moods and fragile ties and dysfunctional families may push more and more people into addictions. Ketu in the 4th shows attraction towards weird cults and practices that could ultimately only undermine one’s psyche and erupt in gore and violence. It also shows a cultist figure coming to prominence who could attract federal police action. Reverting to Obama’s horoscope (Chart 1), the Bhukti lord Rahu in Leo is in the 8th from the Dasa lord Jupiter. The period up to July-August 2011 therefore comes under Dasachidram. The eclipses of July-August 2009 have a direct bearing on his Ascendant Capricorn and Dasa lord Jupiter. Obama is likely to find his first two years in office both challenging and disturbing as crisis after crisis may erupt. The White House may also see the very unlikely event of a burglary taking everyone by surprise. A daughter or spouse may suffer a serious injury or illness. A bereavement cannot be ruled out with Rahu in the 8th showing participation in funeral ceremonies. The Moon is at 8° 18' Aquarius in Chart 2. Post August 2009, transit Saturn moves into Virgo bringing the U.S. chart under ashtama sani. Markets may tumble and the recession worsen. The dollar is likely to be affected adversely. The new chapter that Barrack Obama 2
The lunar day is Krishna Ekadasi (15 + 11 = 26), the Nakshatra is Anuradha (17), the weekday is Tuesday (3) and the Zodiacal sign is Aries (1), all adding up to 47 which divided by 9 gives a remainder of 2 or Agnipanchaka. 320
was expected to script in American history may not be as exciting or positive as his campaign promised. Summing up: (i) Obama is exposed to gandantara or physical danger and his personal security needs to be beefed-up. (ii) The fixed stimulus plan for the economy may not fall into place. It will be hard, if not impossible, to hold the falling American economy under the Dasa of 12th lord Mars. Saturn in the 10th as Bhukti lord controlled by Mars and abetted by ashtama sani can hardly help restore job losses. If anything the coming months may only see worsening conditions. (iii) Mars and Saturn are no agents of peace and can do little to help the winding down of the war in Iraq. The troop withdrawal deadline of 16 months will not be easy to implement. (iv) The U.S.’s attempts to engage Iran are not likely to make much difference and could affect its Iraq-exit strategy adversely. (v) Obama may be forced to soften his belligerent approach to the Afghan war, though the war itself seeing an end is unlikely. Astrological indications are more in the nature of identifying trends and not deterministic. As always, the role of purushakara or right effort in handling these trends can never be overlooked.
Krishna & the Unicorn of the Indus Seals By Vamadeva Shastri (David Frawley), USA
Vamadeva (Dr. Frawley) is a unusual western born knowledge-holder in the Vedic tradition. He carries many special Vedic ways of knowledge (vidyas), which he passes on to students in India and in the West. In India, Vamadeva is recognized not only as a Vedacharya (Vedic teacher), but also as a Vaidya (Ayurvedic doctor), Jyotishi (Vedic astrologer), Puranic (Vedic historian) and a Yogi. He is a visiting professor for the Vivekananda Yoga Kendra in Bangalore, India, a government approved deemed university for Yogic and Vedic studies and also a teacher with the Sringeri Shankaracharya Math, the most central of the traditional Vedantic centers in India. In India, Vamadeva's translations and interpretations of the ancient Vedic teachings have been given great acclaim in both spiritual and scholarly circles. In America he is more known as a teacher and practitioner of Ayurvedic medicine and of Vedic astrology (Jyotish) and has done pioneering work on both these subjects in the West. You can visit his site http://www.vedanet.com
Note that the original article contains the Sanskrit of the quotes in diacritical marks, but we could not transpose this font on to this presentation of it. The article is a part of a new book of the author on the Indus Seals. The seal images come from Sasravati Epigraphs of S. Kalyanaraman. The numbering of verses from the Mahabharata is from the Gita Press edition, translations by the author.
he Indus seals constitute the written records of the 'Indus Valley' or 'Harappan civilization', India's oldest civilization. The Indus civilization was contemporary with the great civilizations of the ancient Near East in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Though not always made as important in history books, it was the largest urban civilization that existed in the ancient world in the third millennium BC, dwarfing the Near Eastern civilizations in size and in the uniformity and continuity of its remains. The Indus civilization has also been called the 'Indus-Sarasvati civilization' because the great majority of its sites were located on the now dried banks of the Sarasvati River,
a once great river that flowed east of the Indus and whose termination around 1900 BCE appears to correspond to the last phase of this great civilization. Sometimes it is called the 'Harappan civilization', after the name of Harappa, one of its first large sites discovered (though to date there are at least five larger sites found over the years). There is so far no generally agreed upon decipherment of the Indus script, though several attempts have been made along the lines of Sanskritic and Dravidian languages. However, the Indus seals feature a number of important and dramatic images that may provide the key to the people and the ideas behind the culture, and which have not been given adequate attention. The purpose of this article is to look at the images themselves and what they tell us. The Harappan images actually reflect the main images of later Indian art with figures in seated meditation, sacred bulls, pipal leaf designs and even swastikas. While there has been some doubt cast as to the continuity of Indus civilization into later India, the Harappan images are distinctly Indian already. Yet curiously, the most common image by far on the Indus seals, is that of a unicorn, a purely symbolic animal, which largely disappeared from the iconography of later India. Other mythical and multiheaded animals abound on the seals, as well as many wild animals, but few domestic creatures are found. Even the human figures that do rarely occur are of deities or yogis in meditation poses and may have multiple heads or animal heads. Clearly the Indus seal images reflect mainly a spiritual concern and cannot be simply looked upon for a portrayal of the actual animals or the daily life of the Harappan people. Many local animals of India, which were common even then, do not appear on them at all, including dogs, onagers, monkeys and peacocks. The Indus or Harappan unicorn always has a strange device like a cauldron always placed to its front, associating it with some sacrificial ritual. This device has been interpreted as an incense burner, fire altar or Soma filter. The seal is obviously primarily of religious value, not simply an artistic image much less a zoological representation. The inscriptions found along with the image vary greatly, suggesting that the image was more of overall symbolic value than directly related to the message of the script in each instance. This is also suggested by the frequency with which the image occurs. More notably, the head of the animal varies quite a bit in its presentation and may be broad or narrow, full or crimped. The neck also may be shorter or longer. The body may be shorter or longer as well. Sometimes the animal appears more like a young creature, other times as mature. These variations appear not just as differences in artistic approach but a rather different idea of the actual form of the animal, which does not seem to reflect any single species. The Harappan unicorn almost appears like an all-in-one animal, or a singular animal that represents a number of primary sacred animals. However, the stance of the animal and the cauldron like vessel in front of it remain remarkably uniform. Note further variations on the 323
unicorn images presented here, which demonstrate such differences in the animal itself as well as the inscriptions above it. The question arises as to what this strange unicorn indicates and whether it has any counterpart in the ancient literature and traditions of India, particularly in the Vedas and Puranas that contain the oldest records of the spiritual life of the Indian people. In this article we will look into these literary connections, which are quite extensive. Though not easy to find, there are references to a very prominent unicorn animal in the Mahabharata, the great epic which centers on the life of Krishna. In fact the unicorn called Ekashringa or one (eka) horned (shringa) appears as the highest animal image of the Divine. It appears as a prime symbol of Vishnu-Krishna and the Vedic and Yogic knowledge he taught. The unicorn connected to the Varaha avatara or boar incarnation of Lord Vishnu, with which Krishna is also aligned, but which in the Mahabharata is connected to the bull as well as the boar. The Mahabharata Shanti Parva contains a section that seems to be quite old and which recounts the main names and forms of Vishnu-Krishna, which it connects with the ancient Nirukta or etymology of terms. It is also the main section in the epic that deals with the unicorn. It is taught by Krishna (Vasudeva) himself as a revelation of his own most important names, attributes and associations. We must thank noted Vedic scholar Natwar Jha for drawing attention to this important section of the text and N.S. Rajaram for highlighting it. Let us examine it further to the image of the unicorn.
Mahabharata, Shanti Parva 342 6-7: Arjuna asks, "Your names that are praised by the seers, in the Vedas and in the Puranas, and which are secret by their actions. I want you to declare their meaning (niruktam). There is no one else like you who can relate the meaning of your names." 8.-10. Krishna replies: "In the Rigveda, Yajurveda, Atharvaveda, Samaveda, Puranas, Upanishads, in astrology, in Samkhya, Yoga and Ayurveda, many are my names that are praised by the seers. Some of these names are by attributes and others by actions. The meaning (nirukta) of those born of action, listen with attention." Clearly these names are very important, very ancient and cover all branches of Vedic knowledge. Mahabharata, Shanti Parva 343 A specific explication (niruktam) of Krishna's names begins with verse 67 and includes Govinda (verse 70). We will go over a few relevant portions leading up to the unicorn. 71. "Shipivishta is the name of he who has no hair. By that I enter into whatever there is and am known as Shipivishta." 72. "The great rishi Yaska lauded me as such in many sacrifices. For this reason I came to bear this secret name." 73. "Lauding me as Shipivishta, Yaska the Rishi of high mind, from my grace, received the lost Nirukta." These verses relate to the Nirukta of Yaska, the famous text for determining the meaning of the Vedic mantras. The meaning here is that there was an earlier Nirukta that was lost, which Yaska recovered at least in part. Shipivishta is a name of Indra and Varuna from the 324
Rig Veda, VII.99 and 100, among the hymns of the great rishi Vasishta. The statement about Yaska indicates that this section of the Mahabharata is a kind of condensed Nirukta or explanation of Vedic mantras and that it contains some very important lost ancient secrets. 79. "I till the earth, having become like great like a mass of hard iron. From that is my black color. Thus I am Krishna." Even the name Krishna is explained in this section. It relates to agriculture as the root ‘krish' for Krishna also refers to tilling the ground. The boar is the only hoofed animal that digs the ground. Hence it has a possible symbolic connection with agriculture as well. Now we will go forward to the main names that connect Krishna-Vishnu with the unicorn. 88. "Vrisha (the Bull or Male) is Bhagavan Dharma, famous in the worlds. In the Nighantuka (ancient lexicon), know me as the supreme Bull or male (vrisha uttamam)." 89. "The Kapi (horned) Varaha (boar) is said to be the highest dharma and the bull or male (vrisha). Hence Kashyapa Prajapati calls me Vrisha Kapi." Dharma is generally symbolized in Hindu thought by the bull, vrishabha. The related term vrisha, not only means bull but also male and strong. It need not always refer to a bovine creature, though that image is usually in the background as the prime image. However, in this section of the Mahabharata, the highest Vrisha or supreme male is not a bull, vrishabha, but a varaha, which usually meant a boar. One could say that the boar is the supreme form of the bull or male animal. Note that it is this supreme male principle or Vrisha that is lauded as the boar or bull here, not the specific animal per se. The Varaha is not simply a boar as an animal but part of the symbolism of the supreme male principle of Dharma, the Purusha or cosmic spirit, which is Vishnu-Krishna. This supreme male or vrisha is further connected to Vrisha Kapi of the Vedas, who is lauded as a special companion to Indra, the foremost of the Vedic Gods. Vishnu himself in the Vedas is called Upendra or associated with Indra. Vrisha Kapi is also said to be a special vrisha and a boar. Vrisha Kapi occurs in the tenth mandala of the Rig Veda (RV X.86) and is one of the later hymns. Kapi is considered here to mean a horn and Vrisha, the male principle or bull. Indra, the supreme Vedic deity, is generally lauded as Vrisha and as a bull, Vrishabha. The bull is generally called vrisha, which means both bull and male in Sanskrit, while vrishabha only means bull. The vrisha uttama or supreme male is not just a bull but a boar. This is because the boar is the fiercest of all animals when attacked. That is why it became part of the coat of arms for many royal dynasties, including some of ancient Persia to the last great Hindu dynasty of Vijayanagar. 90-91: "The Gods and titans have never found my beginning, middle or end. Hence I am sung as the witness of the world, the Lord, the pervader, who has no beginning, middle or end." 92. "Having previously become the Unicorn Boar (Ekashringa Varaha), who increases joy, I upheld this world. Therefore I am called the Unicorn (Ekashringa)." Here the Unicorn (Ekashringa) is specifically mentioned, primarily as a boar, though its overall connections with Vrisha, the male element, more commonly symbolized by the bull, remain from the previous verses as the supreme Vrisha. This is the boar of Dharma. It is the last and most prominent of the names of the deity mentioned in this section, suggesting a great importance for it. No doubt the single horn is a symbol of unity and supremacy of the deity. 325
93."Then I dwelled as the form of a boar (varaha) who has three parts (or three humps, Trikakut). By that I am known as trikakut, through the form of my body." The Indus seals often show the unicorn as part of a three headed creature, generally with the other two heads as that of an antelope and a bull, as we examined in the last chapter and as presented below. The Mahabharata remembers this threefold form of the unicorn boar, as trikakut, having three humps or prominences!
The Varaha as a Symbol of Vedic Knowledge After the names of Vishnu culminating in the unicorn boar, the following verses of this section of the Mahabharata (Shanti Parva 343) go on to laud the great Vedic teachings in all their details. These start with Kapila and the system of Samkhya, for which he is the originator (verse 94-95), Hiranyagarbha and the Yoga system, for which he is the originator, (verses 96), the twenty one thousand aspects of the Rig Veda (verse 97), the thousand branches of the Sama Veda (verse 97), the Aranyakas (verse 98), the Yajur Veda (verse 99), the Atharva Veda (verse 99-100). It goes on further to outline the different aspects and methods of reciting and chanting the Vedas (verse 100-104). The glorification of the Unicorn ends up with a glorification of Vedic knowledge of the four Vedas and of Samkhya and Yoga. Previously (verses 85-86) even Ayurveda was addressed! We see the basis here of the Yajna Varaha of the Puranas, the boar that symbolizes the Vedic knowledge and ritual! In other words, the Unicorn Boar or Ekashringa Varaha is the prime form of Vishnu-Krishna and also the symbol of Vedic knowledge. This tells us a lot about the religion of the Harappan people. That the unicorn is a common symbol on writing inscriptions makes sense as a Vedic symbol of speech and knowledge. Shanti Parva 209: Vishnu as the Varaha In this section of the Mahabharata, Vishnu as the Varaha defeats and destroys all the demons. 16. Then Vishnu of great power assumed the form of the boar (varaha). Entering into the Earth, he attacked the demons. 21-22.Then Vishnu as the God of Gods as the soul of Yoga and the mover of Yoga, assuming his power of Yoga, then the Lord roared with a great roar agitating the demons. By that roaring all the worlds and the ten directions were shaken. The boar creates a powerful great roar or nada, a sound vibration that destroys them. This identified him with the power of mantra and more specifically with the power of the Divine Word OM, which we must remember is the origin of all the Vedas. Some extended sections of the Mahabharata, apart from the numbered versions, further use this same section to teach the great mantras OM Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya! and Namo Narayanaya! The Varaha is obviously here a symbol of the Vedic mantras. It shows the roar or vibration, the mantric chant of the Supreme.
Yajna Varaha: the Sacrificial Boar Varaha among the avatars of Vishnu is the special symbol of the Yajna or the Vedic sacrifice. The Vishnu Purana I.IV.9 calls the Varaha Avatara as vedayajnamaya, "of the 326
nature of the Vedic sacrifice," and further states I.IV.22-23: "You are the sacrifice and you are the vashat call. You are the Om chant and you are the sacred fires. You are the Vedas and you are the limbs of the Vedas. You are the Yajna Purusha, the deity of the sacrifice. " The Varaha incarnation of Lord Vishnu is the form most connected to the Vedic sacrifice and to the preservation of the Vedas. In this regard, the western translator of the Puranas, H. H. Wilson in his notes on the Vishnu Purana (vol. 1, page 44, note 7) states, "The notion that the Varaha incarnation typifies the ritual of the Vedas, is repeated in most of the Puranas in nearly the same words." The boar is the symbolic animal of the Vedas, not just of Vishnu. The boar symbolizes the Vedic sacrifice more so than any other animal. In fact, the boar is a symbol of Dharma in general and is said to be satyadharmamaya sriman dharma vikramasamsthitah., who has the nature of the true Dharma, the Lord of Dharma who dwells in victory, in the Vayu Purana. This is the Yajna Varaha, the sacred or sacrificial boar. The Standard in Front of the Unicorn The Harappan unicorn is always portrayed with a standard, cauldron or filter in front of it. This can easily be equated with Vedic sacrificial cauldrons and Soma filters. It is in any case a sacrificial implement that connects the animal to ritualistic activity. This devise is something we would expect with the boar as a symbol of the Vedic Yajna or sacrifice, which is how it is presented in the ancient literature, and confirms its meaning as such. Govinda as the Unicorn Boar Govinda is one of the most important names for Krishna/Vishnu that among other things means he who finds, vinda, the Earth, go. As such, it is sometimes associated with the Varaha, who saves the Earth after a great flood. Another section of the Mahabharata lauds Govinda as the boar in the same way. Mahabharata Shanti Parva 346. 12. This earth was lost previously surrounded by water. Govinda carried it up quickly, assuming the form of a boar (Varaha). 13. Having stabilized the Earth in its own place, the Supreme Purusha, with his limbs dripping with water and mud accomplished his work for the benefit of the world. In the Mahabharata, the varaha is the animal most associated with Krishna. The other animal avatars of Vishnu, the fish and the tortoise are hardly mentioned, but a number of long passages connected Krishna as the Varaha. Krishna is said to be Purushottma or the supreme male. Purusha is also called Vrisha. So as Vrishottama Krishna is also the unicorn. Some may say but is not the Harappan unicorn a unicorn bull and the Vedic unicorn a unicorn boar? The Harappan unicorn is sometimes portrayed more like a bull, other times like a boar or even other creatures, just as it sometimes has composite heads with other creatures. We have already noted the considerable variations of the body and head of the animal. Note the boar like images to the left. In a few seals, the unicorn has the features of a Rhinoceros. Note a rhinoceros like unicorn seal and rhinoceros seal below.
Clearly the unicorn is a mythic animal, not a literal representative of a real species. When it has three heads, one is clearly a bull with two horns. As we have noted, the Vrisha is usually the bull but as the supreme vrisha it is also the boar, which suggests a possible bull-boar mixture. The Harappan unicorn may be a composite animal in a singular form, a kind of bull and boar mix like the Vrisha term. It may include other animals like the rhinoceros. Many other Harappan seals show animals with human heads or multiple body parts from various creatures. Note to the left a composite animal with a human face, the body of a ram, horns of a bull, trunk of an elephant, hind legs of a tiger and an upraised serpent tail. Then note the unicorn with a bull and a fish as his other two heads or body parts! The same image usually appears with the unicorn, a bull head and an antelope head. The Harappan artists were probably trying to show the unity of different animals and their powers as part of the cosmic being, not just delineate their physical characteristics. We also have the unicorn as a twin or dual form, with a curious image that features the Ashvattha leaf. The design almost looks like a bow on its side. NS Rajaram has interpreted this image as an OM seal, as it resembles the OM symbol but placed on the side. The unicorn head here appears to resemble a horse like animal, suggesting the Ashvins or twin horsemen of the Vedas. This is not surprising when we consider that horse bones have been found at Indus sites, and that the onager, a horse like equine, is a common Indian animal, roaming even today in the parts of India and Pakistan where Indus sites can be found. Rama and the Unicorn Boar Rama, the other great avatar of Vishnu often invoked along with Krishna, is also lauded as a unicorn boar in a few instances. This occurs in the Brahmakrita Rama Stava, the ‘Hymn in Praise of Rama' by Lord Brahma. Ramayana Yuddha Khanda 117.14. "You are Narayana, the deity, the glorious wielder of the chakra, the Lord, You are the unicorn boar (ekashringa varaha), the destroyer of past and future enemies." Notice that the unicorn boar is directly identified with Narayana, the supreme form of Vishnu as the wielder of the chakra. The chakra has always been a prime Vishnu symbol. There are many chakras or sixspoked wheels found on the unicorn seals as well, largely in the script itself. Note the nearby seal that shows a chakra on the very neck of the unicorn. It seems that the martial form of Vishnu is more a boar, or the martial form of the boar may be more the one-horned form. Another verse of this same hymn 328
speaks of the bull (Ramayana Yuddha Khanda 117.19). "You are the thousand horned great bull, the soul of the Veda, with a hundred heads." Curiously, while the boar is associated with the one-horn form, the bull is associated with the thousand horned form of what is probably the same great symbolic animal. The Rig Veda also refers to a bull with a thousand horns (RV VII.55.7). Shiva and the Unicorn The Varaha is not limited to Vishnu but can refer to Shiva as well, in which regard it may also be one-horned. Another verse from a nearby section of the Mahabharata (Shanti Parva 341.106) proclaims to Rudra-Shiva: "To the one with the hair knot, to the wise, unicorn boar (ekashringa varaha). To the Sun God, to the horse's head, who ever carries four forms." This shows the unicorn boar as Shiva and Surya (the Sun). It also connects it to the horse's head, suggesting that the unicorn's head may be related to a horse at times. Shiva or Rudra with a hair knot or kapardin is mentioned several times in the Rig Veda. It is also a common feature of the Shiva of the Indus seals. The Rig Veda I.114.5 speaks of Shiva as "the boar of heaven (divo varaha)", which may be an indication of the same unusual or heavenly creature, and as the kapardin or with the hair tuft. The Mahabharata mentions Vrisha Kapi, which it identifies as the one-horned boar, with the forms of Rudra. Curiously, the Skanda Purana refers to Vrisha Kapi as the Shasta or scriptural form of the Shiva Linga. So while the boar connects to Vishnu most prominently, it has its associations with Shiva as well. After all it is a prime vrisha (or bull, male) animal of the Purusha and symbolizes the Vedas overall. Of course, the two deities are commonly equated in the Mahabharata and elsewhere in many other ways. There are also a number of Harappan seals that show a three headed deity in meditation posture surrounded by wild animals. Many scholars have identified these seals with a Proto-Shiva as Pashupati, the Lord of the animals. Pashupati is the main name of Shiva in the Mahabharata, where Shaivite Yoga, perhaps represented in these seals, is called Pashupata Yoga. So the Harappan images of Shiva are of the same order as those of Vishnu and can similarly be found in the Mahabharata. Other Vedic Symbols on the Indus Seals There are many other Vedic symbols on the Harappan seals that confirm the Vishnuunicorn connection. The Brahma bull, a symbol of dharma is another common Indus seal. As in the next illustration. The Brahma bull is the main form of the bull that has endured in Indian art. The unicorn has largely disappeared, though the boar has continued, but usually portrayed with two tusks. Yet other Indus seals show figures like the seven rishis of Vedic thought, in the seal to the left at the bottom. The rishis 329
have special hair knots, just as in the Vedic description. There are many other such correlations that could be made. Probably the most common design on the Indus seals is the swastika, as shown below. It occurs in dozens of seals and sometimes aligned with various animals like the elephant.
Conclusion We see, therefore, that the Indus Seals reflect an early core of the Mahabharata and a later phase of the Vedas in terms of their primary images. They suggest that the Harappan culture is not pre-Vedic or non-Vedic, as some have argued, but late Vedic. The greater question arises is whether the Harappan Unicorn like the one-horned Varaha of the Mahabharata is an actual symbol for Lord Krishna. Or is it an image taken over by a later Krishna cult because of its sanctity or antiquity? Since the Varaha is also the symbol of Vedic knowledge, can we further equate the Harappan Unicorn with the Vedic compilation of Veda Vyasa that occurred at the time of Krishna? We may not yet be in a position to definitely answer these questions from the seal images along. But in any case there is nothing in the Indus Seals that goes against the idea that Krishna lived five thousand years ago, which would explain why a Krishna related image, the unicorn dominates the seals. Yet even if Krishna came later, the Mahabharata has at its core the dominant images of the Harappan world, which if not close to Krishna would at least reflect Vishnu. There is other corroborating evidence to consider that we have examined in other books and articles. When we remember that the main Indus and Harappan sites are on the Sarasvati River that dried up around 1900 BCE and contain fire altars, the connection to the late Vedic culture is again affirmed. The Mahabharata also recognizes the Sarasvati as a great river in decline, which was its condition in the Harappan era. At the level of archaeo-astronomy, the Mahabharata and Brahmanas contain references to the importance of Rohini and Krittika Nakshatras, which are the stars Aldeberan and the Pleiades in the constellation of Taurus, as by turns marking the beginning of the Nakshatras. If these marked the vernal equinox, which they appear to do, this also refers to the period from before 3000 BCE to around 1500 BCE or the Harappan era. Of course, the Mahabharata has many layers and much was added later, but its core is firmly rooted in the Harappan world. When we look at the Indus Seals, particularly the Harappan unicorn, we must wonder if it is an animal symbol for Krishna himself! Clearly the Mahabharata knows of the connection.
Saptarishi Nadi – Chart 3 Gemini Ascendant By
Yenbeeyes, India Copy Editor: Bhaskaran Natesan Manuscript Supplied By: Upendra Bhadoriya
Chart 3 1. மந்திரி வைண ீ யாக மதிசுறா கருங்ேகாள் ெகண்ைடப் புந்தியான் சனியும் ெவள்ளி புக்கிடக் ேகால தாகச்
Yenbeeyes hails from a Tamil family
ெசந்தீயும் வருைட யாகச் சிகிகன்னி மிதுனம் ஜன்மம் இந்தவாறு ேகாள்கள் நின்றால் இயம்புவர்ீ
wherein he learnt astrology from his grandfather who knew the entire BPHS by heart. He was first asked to by heart the Sanskrit verses of BPHS & then slowly taught astrology by his grandfather who was his Guru. After 3 years of teaching only BPHS he was then taught Jaimini Sutras by the age of 23. Yenbeeyes is our author’s pen name and he having retired in 2007 has taken up to the cause of astrology full time and is currently translating Jaimini Sutras into Tamil. Saptarishis Astrology has observed that Shri Yenbeeyes pursues this science with an unmatched discipline and dedication which is praiseworthy.
பலைனத் தாேன.
1. Tell about the chart wherein Jupiter is in Gemini, Moon in Capricorn, Rahu in Pisces, Mercury, Sun, Saturn and Venus in Libra, Mars in Aries, Ketu is in Virgo and Ascendant is Gemini. 2. அம்பிைக ேகட்கும் ேபாது அத்திரி முனிவர் ெசால்வார் ெசம்ைமயாய் ஆண்பால் ஜன்மம் ெசப்புமில் கீ ழ்ேமல் வதி ீ ெதனதிைச வாச லாகும் தீர்த்தமும் ேமற்கில் தங்கும் ெகாம்ைமேய வடக்கில் ஓைட கூறுேவாம் கிழக்கில் மாரி.
2. When Parvati asked, Athri Rishi said: This is definitely a male birth. His birth house is situated in a street running east west and the main door is facing south. On the western direction there will be a tank (a natural tank – a small place on earth filled with water), on the north a large water course (a brook), and on the eastern side a Mari Amman Temple.
3. அதன்கீ ழ்ப்பால் கேணசன் தங்கும் அக்கினி காளி வாசம் எதிரில்ல மில்ைல யாகும் இலகிய சிற்றூர் தன்னில் சதிருடன் கூைர வட்டில் ீ ஜாதகன் ஜனிப்பானாகும் நதிகுல வம்ச ெமன்ேறாம் நாயகி ேமலும் ேகேள.
3. To the east of that, there is a Vinayakar (Lord Ganesha) temple, in the south east (agni direction) a temple for Kali. In the opposite side of his house, there are no houses. In such a small place, in a thatched roof house the native will be born. Will be born in an agriculture family. Oh! Parvati! Further, listen. 4. இன்னவன் ஜனன ேயாகம் எழில்ெபருகும் தந்ைத ேயாகம் மன்னிய அன்ைன ேயாகம் வரும்புத்திர களத்திர ேயாகம் தன்னிேல முன்பின் ஜன்மம் சேகாதர ேயாகெமல்லாம் அன்ைனேய இந்நூல் தன்னில் அைறகிேறாம் விபரமாக.
4. In this horoscopic treatise, we will tell about the native’s birth, his fortunes, the fortunes of his handsome father, mother’s fortunes, fortunes on account of wife and children, previous birth, re-birth and about co-borns. Oh! Mother! 5. தந்ைதயின் குணத்ைத யாங்கள் சாற்றுேவாம் சிவந்த ேமனி 333
பந்தமாய்ச் சேமத கத்தன் பாரினில் ஊக சாலி வந்தவர்க் கன்ன மீ வன் வாக்குகள் சுத்த முள்ளான் சந்தம் தியாகி யாவன் சன்மார்க்கன் ெநறியுள் ேளானாம்
5. We will tell about the father’s characteristics. Will be reddish in color. Medium build and symmetrical. And has mental prowess of induction, deduction and abstraction and arriving at correct conclusions; gives food to those who come begging for alms. Pure in his words; (acts in accordance with his verbal commitments) gives up what is dear and very valuable to him without expecting corresponding benefit.; is of good conduct and follows the rule and path of virtue, Yenbeeyes’s Note: Reddish color of father: Father is to be studied from 9th house. 9th house in this chart is Aquarius whose Lord Saturn gets exalted in Libra and is in association with friends Mercury and Venus and enemy Sun. Sun being karaka for father will have a say in the matter. Saturn since he is sitting in the house of Venus will be inclined to adopt the qualities of Venus. Mercury has no independent say and he will follow what others say due to association habit of him and in this case will take side of Venus as he is placed in his house. Mars and Jupiter are also aspecting the house where 9L of father is sitting. So the colors of Mars - blood red or deep red, Sun – red or copper and Jupiter golden yellow, Venus – variegated color should prevail. From Moon 9th house Lord is Mercury who has no separate say in the matter. As the major influencing planets are Mars and Sun, the reddish color of the father is justified. 6. கல்விமான் அரச ரிஷ்டன் கதித்தேதார் புத்தி உள்ளான் இல்ைலெயன் றுைரக்க மாட்டான் எதிரிைய வசியம் ெகாள்வன் ெதால்புவி அதிகம் ேசர்ப்பன் துறவிகள் ேநசம் ெகாள்வன் நல்லவனாகி வாழ்வன் நாயகி ேமலுங் ேகேள.
6. Has good knowledge and education. Dear to the employees of the King; and also to the king and a very intelligent person. Never says no to those who come asking for alms; has the capacity to make his opponents to see his point of view and accept that view without rancor and bitterness; will accumulate lands; dear to saints; will live with a name as good man. Oh! Mother! Further, listen. Yenbeeyes’s Note: For the father Aquarius becomes 9th house. From Aquarius, note the placement of Jupiter in the 5th house in the sign of Mercury and the 5 – 9 relationship between Jupiter and Mercury. No doubt he will be intelligent. When we consider the 9th house as the Lagna of his father, we find a host of combinations in the 9th house Libra (from Aq) which are responsible for all the beneficial results stated in this and the next verse.
7. வண்டிவா கனமு முள்ளான் வணிபங்கள் ெசய்வா னாகும் குண்ைடேகா விருத்தி உள்ளான் குலத்துேளார் ெமச்ச வாழ்வன் அண்டிேனார் தம்ைமக் காப்பன் ஆள்கார ருைடய னாவன் எண்டிைசக் கீ ர்த்தி ெகாள்வன் இவன்பித்த ேதக வானாம்.
7. Has cart and vehicles; will be doing business; has plenty of bullocks and cows; will live praised by his tribesmen; supports those who took shelter under him; has servants; gets famous in all eight directions; has a bilious body. 8. அரசரால் வணிபம் ெசய்வன் ஆசாரன் அடியார் ேநயன் கரங்காலும் வடிவு முள்ளான் காரிைழ இஷ்டனாவன் 334
விைரவினில் நடக்க வல்லன் விளம்புேவாம் சூடு உள்ளான் நிைரஉப ேதச முள்ளான் நிமலிேய ேமலுங் ேகேள.
8. Engaged (his father) in a trade connected to the King; Observes the prescribed rites; Dear to the devotees of Shiva; has a mole on the hands and legs. Is fond of wife; walks quickly; hot bodied person; has lot of spiritual instructions; Oh! Parvati! Further, listen. 9. இவனுைடத் துைணவர் தம்ைம இைசக்கிேறா மாண்பால் மூன்று நவனியில் தீர்க்க மாகும் நசித்திடும் மற்ற ெவல்லாம் அவனியில் துைணவர் ேசதி அைறகிேறாம் இரண்டி ேலதான் கவனமிக் குணத்தானாகும் காைளயுங் மூன்றாஞ் ஜன்மம்;
9. We will tell about his (native’s father’s) co-borns; three male members will be long lived; others will not stay; we will tell the results for the co-borns in the second part; the native, as the third son to a father having such a family position.... 10. உதிப்பனா மிவேன என்ேறாம் உைரக்கிேறா மவன்கு ணத்ைதத் ததிெநய்பால் இஷ்டம் ெகாள்வன் ஸத்தான ருறவு ெகாள்வன் அதிபனும் மிகுநி றத்தன் வாயுவாம் ேதக முள்ளான் நதிபல் தீர்த்தம் ேதாய்வன் நற்சித்திர வடு ீ ெசய்வன்.
10. will take birth was what we stated. We will tell about the characteristics of him (the native). He will be interested in curd, ghee and milk; has the relationship of good people; beautiful colored person; has a windy body; will take bath in many sacred rivers; will construct a beautiful house. Yenbeeyes’s Note: We have already given a note in chart 1 about construction of a beautiful house. There are mainly 3 conditions which are being repeated here. 1. Lord of 9th house should occupy a Kendra 2. Lord of 4th house should be in exaltation or friendly house or conjoined with Ve or Mo. 3. 4th house is occupied by a planet in exaltation If you see from Lagna, Lord of 9th house Saturn is occupying a Trikona and not a Kendra. Lord of 4th house Mercury is in his friend’s house Venus and associated with him. 4th house is occupied by Ketu – not in exaltation. If you see from Moon – Lord of 9th house Mercury is placed in Kendra in 10th. Lord of 4th house Mars from Moon is in his own house. 4th house from Moon is occupied swakshetra (own house) Mars. Hence all the 3 conditions are satisfied. No doubt, he constructed a beautiful house. 11. பால்பாக்ய முைடயனாகும் பைகவைர ேநசங் ெகாள்ளான் சீலமா சாரனாவன் சிறுத்தவர் தம்ைம காப்பன் ேவல்விழி மைனயாள் பட்சன் விரும்புவான் சுக புசிப்பு ஆலமாம் பைகவ ருக்கு அரியாவ னிவேன என்கிேறாம்.
11. Has the fortune of having milk-yielding animals; will not make friendship with enemies; has good conduct and observes the prescribed rites; supports those who are in distress; has liking towards his wife who has beautiful eyes that pierce the heart of the 335
beholders like a lance; likes to eat healthy food; a severe poison to the enemies; looks like a lion. 12. மூலேநா யுைடயனாவன் முன்ேகாபி பின்பு சாந்தன் ஞாலேமல் கீ ர்த்தி ஏற்பன் நற் கல்வி கடவுள் பக்தி மாலமகெனாப்ப தாகும் வசீகர முைடயெனன்ேறாம் காலைன உைதத்ேதான் ேதவி கழறின ெமாழிகுன் றாேவ.
12. Has piles disease; is hot-tempered; later becomes calm; will become famous in the world; has good knowledge and education; a pious man; has beautiful figure like Kama; a charming person; Oh! Parvati!, Consort of the kicker of Yama! Stated words will not go wrong. 13. சகலர்க்கு நண்பனாவன் தானிய விருத்தி உள்ளான் தைகைமயாய்க் குடும்ப முள்ளான் தாளமாம் தந்த முள்ளான் இகபரனன்பு கூர்வன் ஈைகவான் வணிபம் ெசய்வன் உகைமயாய்ப் ேபச வல்லான் உறுதியா மனத்த ெனன்ேறாம்.
13. Will be friendly to all; has increased wealth of grains; has a good family; has teeth like coral; fondness towards God; a charitable man; doing business; capable of talking with parables. Strong-minded person. 14. உேராமங்கள் நீட்சி இல்லான் நுவலுப ேதச முள்ளான் தீைமைய ஒருவர்க் ெகண்ணான் சங்கீ தம் பாட வல்லன் காமியன் கனத்த புத்தி காவலர் ேநசம் ெகாள்வன் பூமியும் விருத்தி ெசய்வன் புயபல னிவேன என்ேறாம்.
14. A person with Short-hairs in the body; capable of giving advices; never thinks of evil to anyone; knows music very well and also sings; interested in sex; a liberal minded person; has friendship of the royal guards and King; will increase land holdings; has strong shoulders. 15. இன்னவன் ெசங்ைக தன்னில் நல்கிடும் கமல ேரைக மன்னிய சுழியு முள்ளான் மர்மவான் விசால மார்பன் உன்னித ஆல யங்கள் உத்தமன் ெசய்வா னாகும் கன்ெனன ெமாழியு முள்ளான் காதலி ேகட்டி டாேய.
15. He has the Lotus line in his hand; one circle is also there; secretive person; broad chested person; will do service for excellent temples; speaks sweet words; Oh! Mother: listen. 16. இன்னவன் துைணவர் தம்ைம இைசக்கிேறா மாண்ப ெலான்று கன்னியும் மூன்று தீர்க்கம் கனக்காது மற்ற ெதல்லாம் தன்னிேல ரண்டு நஷ்டம் சாற்றிேனா மிவனுக் ேகதான் அன்னேம யாங்கள் ெசால்லும் அருள்ெமாழி குன்றா ெதன்ேறாம்.
16. We will tell about the co-borns of the native; has three siblings - One brother and Three sisters; others will not live; we say that two will be born and die; Oh! Swan (Calling Goddess Parvati as Swan – meaning God walks like swan)! Our sayings will not go wrong. 17. சாதகன் மணத்தின் காலம் சாற்றுேவா ெமாருபாெனட்டில் ேகாதிலா உள்ளூர் தன்னில் குணமுடன் மாதுரு வர்க்கம் மாதிவள் வருவா ெளன்ேறா மவளுமா நிறத்தா ளாவள் தீதிலா குணத்தா ளாகும் தீங்கான வார்த்ைத கூறாள்.
17. We will tell about the marriage time of the native. At the age of eighteen, from the same place, from the mother side relation, we say a good-natured girl will come. She will have light complexion; an evilless character; will not talk evil words. Publisher’s Comment: In earlier issues of Saptarishis Nadi translation we had shown how the timing is sometimes done in these nadis and we had then used Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi. Using the same here you can see that the Rishi says about marriage at 18th year of age, 18th year is the 6H (18-12), the lord of it goes in the 11H of marriage (BPHS) aspecting the 5H of affection and the 5L Venus who is karaka for wife too, sitting in the 11H of gains from the 7L of marriage. But the aspect on the Bhrighu Focus year lord (mars here) by so many planets from the 5H of love & children should create problems later on which is justified by the Rishis further statements & is a most interesting read. 18. அன்னங்கள் ேபாட வல்லாள் ஆசார முைடய ளாகும் கன்ெனன ெமாழியு முள்ளாள் கற்புளாள் ஊக சாலி பின்னமில் லாத ேதகி ெபரிேயார்க ளுறவு ெகாள்வள் மன்னிய வரனுக் ேகதான் மனதுேபால் நடப்பா ளாகும்.
18. Will offer food to hungry persons; observes the prescribed rites and is of good character. Talks sweet words; is chaste; has wisdom; has blemishless beautiful body; will have affinity towards elders; behaves according to the wishes of her husband. 19. மைனவிகள் இருவராகும் ைமந்தனு மில்லானாகும் சினமிலா முனிவர் ெசால்லச் சயமுனி ேகட்க லுற்றார் கனமுள சாத கர்க்குக் கழறின ீர் தாரம் ரண்டு அைனயேவ அந்தச் ேசதி அைறகுவர்ீ என்று ேகட்டார்.
19. When the rishis said that the native has two wives; and has no sons, Jaimini started asking: you said that native has two wives; what is the reason for that? Yenbeeyes’s Notes: Sapta Rishi Nadi was supposed to be created by seven rishis – Athri, Agasthiyar, Songinarr, Jaimini, Narad, Vasishta and Viswamitra. A reference to this is available in the preface to this grantha (manuscript). Jaimini who is asking the question here is one among them. One must also note that the tamil word used is Jayamuni and not Jaimini. At the same time Mr. J.N.Bhasin in his book 'Commentary on Saptarishi Nadi' has mentioned in the 1st chapter itself the name as "jaimini". Hence, I used the same spelling. இரு மைனவிகள் ஏற்பட்ட கிரக நிைல 20. ெசால்லுேவனிரண்ேடாெனட்டில் சுகமதில் ேகது நிற்கச் 337
சல்லியனுடேன ைமந்தன் சார்ந்திட தாரம் ரண்டு வில்ேலானும் ஜன்மந் தங்கி ேமவிய ஏைழ பார்த்தும் சல்லியன் ஆட்சி யாகச் சனியுேம உச்சமாக;
20. Lord of second house (indicating family) Moon is placed in the 8th in Capricorn, placement of Ketu in the fourth house, the house of comforts and the conjunction of Venus and Saturn are the reasons for two wives. Since Jupiter aspects the seventh, the house of wife, Venus is in his own house and Saturn is exalted…(continued in next verse) மறுப்பும் புத்திர ேதாஷமும் 21. இருப்பதால் தாரம் ஒன்ேற இயம்பிேனாம் தீர்க்க மாகச் சிறப்பன சுதர்கள் ேதாஷம் ெசப்பின ீ ரந்தச் சங்ைக குறிப்பிடு ெமன்று ேகட்கக் கூறுவார் அத்திரி தாமும் பிருகுேம அஞ்சில் நிற்கப் பரிதியும் நீச னாகி;
21. only one wife will be permanent. Kindly tell me the reasons for the blemish of childlessness, Athri rishi states: Placement of Venus in Libra in the fifth house (the house of progeny), debilitated Sun.. (continued in next verse) புத்திர ேதாஷம் தீரும் கிரக நிைல 22. அஷ்டமத் ேதானுங் கூடி அரசனும் பார்த்த தாேல நஷ்டங்கள் சுதர்க்கு என்ேறாம் நாயகி ேகட்க லுற்றாள் துஷ்டர்களிருந்த ேபாதும்சுரர்குரு ஐந்ைதப் பார்க்கச் சட்டமாய்ப் புத்திர ருண்டு தசமத்தில் ராகு நிற்க;
22. Conjoined with the eighth lord Saturn and aspected by Mars, we said that there is Putra dosha (blemish of childlessness); Parvati again started asking: even though malefics are placed in the fifth, since Jupiter aspects the fifth house, there will be definitely issues. Rishi started telling: Since Rahu is in the tenth.. (continued in next verse)
Yenbeeyes’s Notes: Rahu is in the tenth-By these words the rishi means that Rahu is placed in the sign of Jupiter. So Jupiter acts like Rahu and gives bad effects. There is a general rule that Whenever a planet is lord of a sign which is occupied by another planet, the former planet tries to modify the results – good or bad. 23. தனத்துேளா ெனட்டில் நிற்க ஜாதகன் முன்னூழ் தன்னால் கனக்காது மதைல என்ேறாம் ெகளசிகர் ேகட்க லுற்றார் சினமுள முன்னூழ் தன்ைனச் ெசப்புவர்ீ என்று ேகட்க அைனயேவ ெசால்லு கின்றார் அத்திரி முனிவர் தாமும்.
23. In addition, Lord of second house Moon is placed in the eighth house, because of the evil deeds done by the native in his previous birth, children will not live. Rishi Kausika asked: Tell the sinful bad deeds of the previous birth, Athri Rishi started telling. 24. ஜாதகன் முன்ஜன் மத்ைதச் சாற்றுேவாம் தவைள ெதன்பால் நீதியாய் அருகில் ேபரூர் நிமலனும் ெகளரி வம்சம் 338
ேமதினி லுதித்து ேமலும் விைனபல முள்ளா னாகிக் ேகாதிலாச் ெசட்டு ெசய்து குலத்துக்குத் தைலவ னாகி;
24. We tell about the native’s previous birth. Born in a big place, to the south of Dhavaleswaram (a place near Rajamhundri in East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh) in Gowri race, having the strength of fate, doing business and became the head of his race…(continued in next verse) கணக்கில் ேமாசம் 25. மைனவிைமந் தருமுண்டாகி வாழ்கின்ற நாளிேலதான் அைணயேவ வந்த ஊழி அைறகிேறாம் ேகளுமம்மா இைணயிலா ஏைழ கட்கு இவன் சில ெபாருளும் தந்து விைனயிலாக் கணக்கில் ேமாசம் வித்தகன் ெசய்தாெனன்ேறாம்.
25. And living with his wife and children, we will tell about an evil deed that happened. Oh! Mother! Listen. While giving pecuniary aid to poor and the destitute, he did some cheating in the accounts. 26. தனமைதக் ேகட்கும் ேபாது தந்தனர் ேபைத தானும் சினமுடன் கணக்ைகப் ேபாலச் ெசல்வத்ைதக் ேகட்க லுற்றான் கனமுடன் ஏைழ தானும் கழறுவார் சாபந் தானும் மனமுடன் மறுஜன் மத்தில் குழவிகள் ேதாட மாகும்.
26. When he asked them to return back the money lent by him, they paid him back without knowing the manipulation done by him. However, he became angry and demanded as per the accounts. (Probably the poor people might have paid lesser than shown in the accounts. It is also possible that according to them that was the amount payable by them as per their calculations. That might be the reason for his anger). (Since the money demanded by him was probably more), the poor people were sad and troubled, cursed him that in his next birth he will be subjected to Putra Dosha. (no issues). 27. பலஏைழ ெசால்ல லுற்றார் ெபருகிற்று வந்தத் ேதாஷம் குலவிேய இதுவல் லாமல் கூறுேவா மின்னும் ேவறு நலமுட நதியின் பக்கல் நற்சிைல நாகம் ஒன்று பலமான அரசு ஒன்று புக்கிற்றுக் ேகளு மம்மா.
27. Like that, many poor people started cursing. That curse reached the native. In addition to this, I will tell one more thing. On the side of a much benefitable sacred river, there was a statue of a cobra (snake) and near to that, there was a pipal tree. Listen. Mother! புத்திர ேதாஷம் 28. மரத்தினில் பிசாசு ஒன்று வாசமாம் ெவகு நாளாகத் திரமுட னம்ம ரத்ைதச் ெசல்வனும் ெவட்டி விட்டான் உரிைமயாய்ப் பிசாசு தானும் உைறதற்கு இடேம இன்றி உைரந்தது அந்தச் சாபம் அம்மணி ெசால்லுகின்ேறன். 339
28. In that tree, there lived an evil spirit for a long time. The native cut off that tree with courage. The evil spirit, which was living there like his own place, now cursed him because of want of place to reside. I will tell that curse. Mother! Listen. 29. இல்லங்கள் பாழ தாகும் இனிஜன்மம் மில்லம் பாழாம் ெசால்லிேய ேவறு விருக்ஷம் ெசன்றது பிசாசு தானும் வல்லிேய அந்தச் சாபம் வரனுக்கு ேநர்ந்ததம்மா அல்லலு மதிக முண்டாய் அவனுேம வறுைம பூண்டு,
29. Houses will be ruined; in the coming births also the living house will be destroyed. Cursing like that, the evil spirit went to another tree. Mother! That curse came to this native. Lot of sufferings came and he also became poor.. (continued in next verse) 30. ெசாந்தேதா ரில்லம் தன்ைன ேதாற்றனன் ெபாருளுக் ேகதான் வல்லியும் தானுங் கூட வளமுள தக்ஷி ணத்தில் முந்திய தீர்த்தம் ேதாய முயன்றுநன் ேசதுக் ேகதான் வந்தனம் ஸ்நானம் ெசய்து மால்பூைச ெசய்யு வானாம்.
30. He lost his own house to debts (he sold the house to clear the debts). Then he along with his wife, took bath in the sacred rivers in the southern direction, then reached Sethu (Rameswaram) and took bath there and did puja to Maha Vishnu and other things. 31. லிங்கத்ைதப் ேபாற்றி ெசய்து நிர்மல மனம தாகப் ெபாங்கிய மதுைர புக்கிப் புண்ணிய ஸ்நானம் ெசய்து இங்கிவன் ரங்கம் ெசன்று இவனுந்தன் உள்ளூர் மீ ண்டு திங்களும் பத்துச் ெசன்று ேசர்ந்தனன் எம்ப திக்ேக.
31. Then he praised the Lingam and with a clear mind reached the flourishing Madurai and took sacred bath there (probably in the river – Vaigai) and then reached Srirangam and returned back (to his place) and died after ten months. 32. பிரமனால் வைரயப் பட்டுப் பிறந்தவனிவேன என்ேறாம் அருமைற முனிவர் ெசால்ல அம்பிைக ேகட்கலுற்றாள் கருமியாய் முன்ஜன் மத்தில் ெகளரியின் குலமு தித்துப் ெபருைமயாய் ஏைழ சாபம் ெபற்றதால் இச்ெசன் மத்தில்;
32. Then we said that this native was created by Brahma. When the rishis knowing the 1 Vedas said like this, Parvati asked: In the previous birth, he was born in the Gowri race 1
Copy Editor Mr Bhaskaran’s Notes: they have been classed as cultivators on the strength of a statement, Gavara as they are known now, is however, an important sub-division of Komati (Traders), and these Gavaras are probably in reality Gavara Komatis. These are so called after Gowri, the patron deity of this Caste”. 340
and was a miser and also got the curse of the poor people, but in this birth.. (continued in next verse) நதி முதலிய தீர்த்தங்களில் ஸ்நாநம் ெசய்த பலன் 33. கங்ைகதன் குலமு தித்த காரணம் ெசால்லு ெமன்னப் ெபாங்கிய ேசது தீர்த்தம் புரிந்ததால் இச்ெசன் மத்தில் இங்கிவனுதித்தா ெனன்ேறாம் இயும்புேவாம் பிசாசு சாபம் பங்கமாம் ஜனித்த இல்லம் பருகாது ேசத ெமன்ேறாம்.
33. What is the reason for taking birth in the Ganga race (the Vellala tribe who claim to have migrated from the Gangetic region)? We say that because he took bath in the Sethu possessing bubbling waves, was born in this race in this birth. Because of the curse of the evil spirit, we said that, there will be difficulty in getting the house in which he was born. (Copy Editor: It can be interpreted that he may not live in the house he was born in or the house will be damaged beyond repair) 34. ேவெறாரு கிருகம் வாய்க்கும் வித்தகி இவனுக் ேகதான் கூறுேவாம் மதைலத் ேதாடம் குணமுடன் விருத்தி நஷ்டம் தீரமாய்ச் சாபம் நீங்கச் ெசப்புேவாம் சாந்தி தானும் ஆறுமா முகைனப் ெபற்ற அம்பிைக யாேள ேகளாய்.
34. He will get another house, we say wise woman. Because of the curse of childlessness (Putra dosha), progeny will not increase. We will tell a remedy to remove the curse. Oh! Mother of Lord Subramanya! Listen and grace! புத்திர ேதாஷம் தீர சாந்தி 35. பாரியும் தானு மாகப் பக்ஷிதன் மைலக்கு ெசன்று நாரியின் பாகத் ேதார்க்கு நலமுடனர்ச்சித் ேதத்திச் சீருடன் கிரிைய சுற்றிச் ேசயின் தன் வாரம் தன்னில் ேதரிய மைறேயா ருக்குச் சிறப்புட னன்ன மீ ந்து;
35. The native should go to the bird hill, pray and worship the half male and half female Siva (Arthanareeswara) there, then with due devotion should go round the hill on a Tuesday, then offer special food to the all knowing and Veda knowing Brahmins, (The verse is not complete here and continues to flow into the next stanza) Yenbeeyes’s Notes: There is a place in Tamilnadu near Kancheepuram called Thirukazhukundram, popularly known as Pakshi Thirtham and Dakshina Kailasam. The word Thirukazhukundram comes from Tamil word Thiru (Respectful) + Kazhugu (Eagle) + Kundram (mount). The Siva temple in this place is on a hillock and the presiding deity is called Vedagiriswarar. Two sacred eagles appear over the temple, after circling around the temple top, come down to a rock where sweet rice is offered as food to them by a priest. They eat the balls of rice and after cleaning their beaks in the water kept in a small vessel nearby, take off, circle around the tower again and fly off. This has been going on for centuries now. Rishi refers to this place as Pakdhi hill. In the second line the rishi states that ‘half male and half female’ – which is one of the forms of Shiva called ArthaNareeswarar (Artha means half; Naree means-woman i.e. half woman body; Eswarar means Lord Shiva). However, the presiding deity at Thirukazhukundram, is not half male and half female. Instead of telling directly as Shiva, probably the rishi 341
gives the other name of Shiva. The most famous Arthanareeswarar temple in Tamilnadu is in Thriuchengode, a place near Erode. Here also the temple is situated on a hillock. However, this place has no relation to birds. So what exactly the rishi means is not clear. Whether the native has to go to both places, viz to Thirukazhukundram as well as Thiruchengode and do the rest of the things as said in the remaining part of the verse is not clear. 36. விடங் கந்தம் ெசார்ணத் ேதாடு ேமதினில் மைரேயார்க் கீ ந்து அடவுடன் உள்ளூர் ெசன்று அவனுேம ஷஷ்டி ேநான்பு திடமுட ேனாராண்டுந் தான் ெசய்திடத் ேதாடம் நீங்கி உடேனதான் மதைல ேதான்றி உைரந்திடும் தீர்க்க மாக.
36. (Continued from previous verse)..Offer flowers, sandalwood paste, gold (give a fee) and betel and nuts to Brahmins, then after returning back to his place, should observe fast on Shashti thithi (the 6th day after new moon or full moon day). If he does like this for a year, the curse will be removed; children will be born and will have long life. 37. ெசாற்படி ெசய்யா னாகில் துலங்காது மதைல தானும் ெசாற்படி ெசய்வா னாகில் ேதான்றிடு மாண்பா ெலான்று ைமப்படி ெபண்கள் ரண்டு வந்திடுந் தீர்க்க மாக ெமய்ப்புடன் முதலில் ரண்டு விளங்காது ேசத மாேம.
37. If the Rishis advices are not followed, children will not prosper. If he does as per the sayings of the rishis, one male child and two female children will be born and they will live long. However, the first two children will have blemishes. They will not stay. (Meaning that the native will get a total of five children and the first two will die and the rest three will survive) 38. மாதுரு குணத்ைத யாங்கள் வைரகிேறா மிரு நிறத்தாள் ேமதினில் வாயு ேதகி வித்தகி கபடு ெகாஞ்சம் தீதிலா குணத்தா ளாகுஞ் ெசப்புநன் நடக்ைக உள்ளாள் மாதவர் தைமத் துதிப்பாள் வரனுக்கு ேநய முள்ளாள்.
38. We will tell about the character of the mother of the native. Her complexion will be reddish black. Has windy body; a little deceitful; but not evil minded; has good conduct; will worship ascetics (The word used is “madhavar” means ascetic. If we take it as “Madhavan” it will indicate Thirumal or Vishnu). Dear to her husband. Yenbeeyes’s Note: Refer the note under verse 5 also. Fourth house and Moon rules over Mother. 4th house Lord is Mercury and fourth house is occupied by Ketu. So in the first place Mercury will exhibit the traits of Ketu. But he has association of many planets as described under Verse 5. Also the said house viz. Libra is aspected by Mars and Jupiter. Hence more or less the mother should get the same reddish color. But here, Moon representing Mother is placed in the house of Saturn and hence will be exhibiting the qualities of Saturn which is black. Hence it is stated as reddish black color. 39. அன்புட னன்ன மீ வள் அவளுேம பித்த ேதகி இன்பமாய் வார்த்ைத ெசால்வள் இவளுமுன் ேகாபி ெகாஞ்சம் துன்பமில் லாதா ளாகுஞ் சுகமுளாள் ெதய்வ பக்தி 342
மன்னிய இடுப்பில் காலில் வாயுவால் அல்ப ேராகி.
39. Will offer food with fondness to those who are hungry; has a bilious body; will talk sweetly; But a little short-tempered; has no difficulties; has happiness; devoted to God; because of the windy nature, has little disease in hip and legs. 40. மாதுரு துைணவர் தம்ைம வைரகிேறா மாண்பா ெலான்று ேகாதிலாப் ெபண்பா லவ்வாறு கூறுேவாந் தீர்க்க மாகத் தீதாகு மற்ற ெவல்லாஞ் ெசல்விதன் இல்லம் பாழாம் ேமதினில் மாமன் தானும் ேமவுவன் இவன் தன் பக்கல்.
40. We will tell about the siblings of the mother of the native. One brother and one sister will be there with long life. Others will die. Mother’s house will be destroyed. Maternal Uncle will also come and join the native. 41. இவளுைட முன்ஜன் மத்ைத இைசக்கிேறாஞ் காஞ்சி கீ ழ்ப்பால் நவனியில் ேபரூர் தன்னில் நாயகி ெசங்குந்த வம்சம் அவனியி லுதித்து ேமலும் அவளுக்குச் சுதர்க ளுண்டாய்த் தவசிகட் கன்பு பூண்டு தானவள் அன்ன மீ ந்து;
41. We will tell about mother’s previous birth. To the east of Kancheepuram, in a big town, took birth in ‘Senguntha’ race, gave birth to children, offered food with devotion to ascetics; 42. மார்க்கத்தில் தாகப் பந்தல் வன்ைமயாய் ைவத்து ேமலும் ஏற்கேவ வரனின் கூட இவள்பல தீர்த்தம் ேதாய்ந்து தீர்க்கமாங் கல்யம் ெபற்றுச் ெசல்வியும் ேபதி யாேல மூர்க்கமாய் மரண மாகி முயன்றவ ளிவேள என்ேறாம்.
42. on the road side established lot of quenching water-sheds (to quench the thirsts of those who travel by foot), took bath along with her husband in many sacred rivers, lived for a long time with long enjoyment of married status and had a severe death because of purging - is she (native’s mother) who was then born in this birth. 43. பின்ஜன்மம் காஞ்சி தன்னில் பிராமண குல முதித்து அன்னவள் வாழ்வா ளாகும் அைறகிேறாந் தந்ைத ஜன்மம் மன்னிய ேவலங் காட்டில் வணிகர்தங் குல முதித்து உன்னித ெசட்டுச் ெசய்து உத்தமன் வாழ்ந்தா ெனன்ேறாம்.
43. Re-birth, she will take birth in Brahmin community and will be living in Kancheepuram. We will tell about the history of previous birth of the father. Took birth in business community in Velankadu (see notes) and lived in high status by doing higher level of business. Yenbeeyes’s Note: Velankadu is a name of place in Tamil Nadu which is in Vandavasi taluk, Tiruvannamalai district. Velankadu is a place filled with full of a tree with thorns whose botanical name is Aracia Arabica. There 343
is reference to Thiruvannamalai in verse 45 and hence, we can conclude that Velankadu is indeed the name of the place. 44. சிவபணி விைடயும் ெசய்து தீபங்க ளனந்தம் ைவத்துப் பவமுள புத்திர ரின்றிப் பலதல தீர்த்தம் ேதாய்ந்து தவவடி ேவல ருக்குத் தான்பணி விைடயுஞ் ெசய்து நவனியில் மரண மாகி நாற்றைலக் கஞ்சன் தன்னால்;
44. Did service to Lord Shiva, lighted numerous lamps, due to the absence of the birth of sons took bath in many a sacred rivers, did service to the ascetic look alike Lord Subramanya, and in the end died; On account of the four headed Brahma, (Continued in next verse) 45. வைரயேவ விக்கு லத்தில் வந்தவன் ெபருைம பூண்டு அைறகிேறாம் பின்ஜன் மத்ைத அருைணமா நகரில் தான் ெதரியேவ ைசவச் ேசயாய் ஜனித்துேம உபேதசி யாக உரன்முைற யாரு ெமச்ச உத்தமன் வாழ்வா ெனன்ேறாம்.
45. Got created, and took birth in this community. Here also he will be with proudness (with greatness). We will tell about his re-birth. We said that taking birth in Thiruvannamalai, in the Shaiva community, was living, by giving advice to others and duly praised by relatives and others. 46. ஜாதகன் ெபாதுேயா கத்ைதச் சாற்றுேவாஞ் சகடு முள்ளான் ேமதினில் சல்லிய மில்லான் விைளநிலம் விருத்தி ெசய்வன் ேகாதிலாச் ெசட்டுச் ெசய்வன் ேகாவல ரிஷ்ட மாவன் பாதக ெமண்ணா ெநஞ்சம் பாரினில் கீ ர்த்தி ஏற்பன்.
46. We will tell about the native’s general fortune. Has Sakata Yoga; Free from debts in the world; will increase the fertile lands; will be doing business; will be dear to the Kings; no evil thoughts against others; will become famous. Yenbeeyes’s Notes: Sakata Yoga is caused when Moon is in the 12th, 6th or 8th from Jupiter. In this chart Moon is in the 8th from Jupiter. Majority of the astrological writers are of opinion that Sakata Yoga produces evil results. Also there is a difference as regards this yoga. According to the great Parasara and Varhamihira, when all planets are in the 1st and 7th, Sakata is caused. B.V.Raman, in his 300 important combinations states that “In the large number of horoscopes examined by me I have been able to mark that Sakata Yoga has not really made the natives poor and wretched but often the degree of poverty and wretchedness has been nominal.” He also quotes from “Sukranadi” which says that one born in Sakata will have his fortune obstructed now and then. The exact words used are “Sakata yoga jatasya yogabhangam pade pade”. Even if he be of a royal descent, he becomes indigent, faces king’s aversion and always under mental torment – Jataka parijatham ( sakatadhi yogadhyaya) 47. ரத்தின நைககள் ேசர்ப்பன் நாதனார் பக்தி பூண்பன் உத்தம னாகி வாழ்வன் உயரச்வ முைடய னாவன் சுற்றத்தார்க் குதவி ெசய்வன் ெசான்னெசால் தவறா ெனன்ேறாம் அத்திமா முகைனப் ெபற்ற அம்பிைக ேமலுங் ேகேள. 344
47. Accumulates jewels of gems; Will have devotion to Shiva; will be an excellent person; has the best breed of horse; will be helping his relatives; will not go back on his words; Oh! The begetter of the elephant headed God! 48. உதித்தவன் ஜனன காலம் உயர்மதி தைச இருப்பு மதித்திட ஆண்டு ஒன்று வருந்திங்கள் நான்க தாகும் சதியுண்டு ஜாத கர்க்குத் தவறிேய வழ்வா ீ னாகும் விதவித ேநாய்க ளுண்டு ெமல்லிேய ேமலுங் ேகேள.
48. At the time of birth, the native had remaining Moon dasa, one year and four months. There will be danger to the native; he may fall down by mistake; will get different kinds of diseases. Oh! Delicate woman! Further, listen. 49. ஆரல்தன் தைசகா லத்தில் அப்புறஞ் ெசல்வானாகுங் கூறிய கிருஷி நஷ்டங் குணமது ேபத முண்டாம் ேதரிய ெசலவ ேனகம் துைணவர்கள் விருத்தி யாகும் மாரியால் பாைத உண்டு அவன் வடு ீ சித்திரம் ெசய்வன்.
49. Will go to another place during Mars dasa. Will get loss in agriculture; there will be change in character; Expenses will be more; co-borns will increase; will suffer on account of small pox; will beautify his house. 50. ஜயமுனி இதைனக் ேகட்டுத் திடுக்ெகன வுைரக்க லுற்றார் நயமுடன் சித்திர வடு ீ நாட்டுவான் என்று ெசான்ன ீர் தையயுடன் எவ்வி டத்தில் சாதிப்பான் விபரம் நன்றாய்ப் பயமிலாச் ெசால்வ ீ ெரன்ன பகருவார் முநிவர் தாேம.
50. After listening to this Jaimini suddenly asked: you said that he would construct a beautiful house. Where he will construct? Kindly tell the details clearly and without fear. 51. முன்ஜன்ம முனியின் சாபம் முயன்றதா லிக்கா லத்தில் இன்னவன் ஜனித்த இல்லம் இவனுேம அைடயா னாகித் ெதன் திைச அருகி ேலதான் ெசய்குவ னில்லம் தானும் பன்னிய பலன்க ளின்ைம பகருேவாங் ேகளு மம்மா.
51. In view of the curse of the evil spirit in the previous birth, he will not get the house where he was born; to the south of that house, he will construct another house. We further state the results. Listen! Mother! 52. ேசய்த்தைச முன்பா கத்தில் ெசலவுகள் அனந்த மாகும் ஆயேவ பிற்பா கத்தில் ஆதிகமாம் பலேன உண்டு தாய்தந்ைத துைணவ ருக்குச் சாற்றுேவாஞ் சுபங்க ளுண்டு வாய்பூமி பலித ேமாங்கும் மனக்கவைல களுந் தீரும்.
52. In the first half of Mars mahadasa , expenses will be more. Hence, in the later part will get more better results. For the mother and father and brothers, auspicious events will happen. Income from the fertile lands will increase; mental worries will leave. 53. ஆலயஞ் ெசய்வா னாகும் அதிகமாம் ெபாருளும் ேசரும் சாலேவ தானியச் ெசட்டு தரித்திடும் பூமி தானும் ேகாலமாய் விபரம் ரண்டில் கூறுேவாம் விபர மாக ேவலைன யீன்ற மாேத விமலிேய ேகட்டி டாேய.
53. Will be involved in building a temple; wealth will increase excessively; will do grains business; lands will remain with him; we will tell in detail in the second part. Oh! Giver of Lord Subramanya to the world! Please listen. Yenbeeyes’s Notes: On karakatwa of father: BPHS Ch 32-Ver 22-24 states that the stronger among Sun or Venus is the karaka for father while the stronger one between the Moon and Mars is the significator for mother. In Brihat Jataka, Varahamihira states that Sun is the significator for father and Venus for mother in case of day birth and Saturn is the significator for father and Moon for mother for night births. Parasara has no distinction between day and night births. My own observation is that Varahamihira is more accurate in this regard. The general signification of Sun for father and Moon for mother should not be ignored. It works well in practice. It is also an accepted fact that Venus is karaka for ‘beeja’ (seed) and Mars for ‘kshetra’ (field), a concept used by Mantreswara while calculating the ‘beeja sphuta’ and ‘kshetra sputa’ in assessing the fecundity/fertility factor. In a female chart it is done by adding the longitudes of Moon, Mars and Jupiter. In a female chart it is done by adding the longitudes of Moon, Mars and Jupiter. Parasara’s suggestion too could be founded on a similar principle. But for all general purposes, Varahamihira is more acceptable while the standard significations of Sun for father and Moon for mother should be kept in mind at all times.
Copy Editor Mr Bhaskaran’s Notes: According to verse 48 – the native runs moon maha dasa with a remainder of 1
year and 4 months. Therefore the native runs mars maha dasa from 1 year 4 months to 8 years and 4 months (if the Rishi alludes to Mars Maha dasa under vimsottari). If that were so, whose expenses will be more? not those of a child, surely. If we should reckon that the native’s expenses will be more, even though the verse states “Saei” which normally refers to mars, if we take Saturn maha dasa, which the native will run in his 40’s it may be appropriate (Saturn is also son of sun) - we can think on this. 346
Saptarishi Nadi – Chart 4 Gemini Ascendant By Yenbeeyes, India Copy Editor: Bhaskaran Natesan Manuscript Supplied By: Upendra Bhadoriya
Chart 4 ஜாதகம் 4 1. புந்தியு முச்ச மாகப் பூமக னிரவி ேகாலில்
Yenbeeyes hails from a Tamil family
சந்திரன் சாடி யாகச் சனிேகது1 மாட தாக
wherein he learnt astrology from his grandfather who knew the entire BPHS by heart. He was first asked to by heart the Sanskrit verses of BPHS & then slowly taught astrology by his grandfather who was his Guru. After 3 years of teaching only BPHS he was then taught Jaimini Sutras by the age of 23. Yenbeeyes is our author’s pen name and he having retired in 2007 has taken up to the cause of astrology full time and is currently translating Jaimini Sutras into Tamil. Saptarishis Astrology has observed that Shri Yenbeeyes pursues this science with an unmatched discipline and dedication which is praiseworthy.
மந்திரி வைண ீ யாக ெவள்ளியும் ராகு ேதளில் வந்தவன் மிதுனஞ் ஜன்மம் வைரகுவர்ீ பலைனத் தாேன.
1. Tell the results of a person who has Gemini as Lagna with placements of planets as: Mercury in his exaltation place in Virgo, Mars and Sun in Libra, Moon in Aquarius, Saturn and Ketu in Taurus, Jupiter in Gemini, Venus and Rahu in Scorpio.
2. வதிட்டரும் ெசால்லு கின்றார் ஆணது ஜனன மாகும்
பதியது கீ ழ்ேமல் வதி ீ பகர் வாசல் ெதற்ேக யாகுஞ் சதிெசய்யும் மாேயான் மாரி தங்கிடும் ெதன்ேமல் திக்கில் நதிசைட ஈசன் காளி நற்றந்தி சந்தி யப்பன்;
2. Vasishta Rishi started telling: This is the horoscope of a male. His house is in a street running east to west with the door facing south. In the southwest direction, there is a temple for Vishnu and Mari Amman. A temple for Shiva, the wearer of Ganges on his muffed head, one for Kali, a temple for Lord Ganesha in the junction and ... (continued in next verse) 3. ேசாைலயுஞ் சூழி ேமற்கில் சூழ்ந்திடுங் கிழக்கில் தந்திச் சாலேவ எதிர்வ ீ டில்ைல சமவூரில் தந்ைத இல்லம் பாலக னுதிப்பா ெனன்ேறாம் பலசாதி அவ்வூர் வாசஞ் சீலமாய்க் கங்ைக வம்சஞ் ெசப்ேவாம் மிந்தப் பாலன்.
3. A grove and a tank are in the western direction. In the east, there is another temple for Ganesha. In the opposite side, there are no houses. We said that, in such a balanced place, in his father’s house, this native would be born. In that place people of many races will live. This native will be born in the virtuous Ganga community
Saturn Ketu
Asc. Jupiter
Mars Sun
Venus Rahu
4. இன்னவன் ஜனன ேயாகம் எழில்ெபருந் துைணவர் ேயாகம் மன்னிய அன்ைன ேயாகம் வரும்புத்திர களத்திர ேயாகந் தந்ைதயின் ேயாகந் தானுஞ் சாற்றுேவாம் முன்பின் ஜன்மம் அன்ைனேய யாங்கள் ெசால்லும் அருள்ெமாழி குன்றா ெவன்ேறாம்.
4. We will tell about the fortunes of this native, fortunes of beautiful co-borns, mother’s fortune and fortune of the expected wife and children, father’s fortune. Our sayings about the previous birth and the next birth will also not go wrong. 5. தந்ைதயின் குணத்ைதச் ெசால்ேவன் சற்சனன் ெபாறுைம உள்ளான் சிந்ைதயில் கபடு மில்லான் சீலவான் அன்ன மீ வன் பந்தமால் நிறத்த னாகும் பலகைல படிக்க வல்லான் எந்ைதேய கிருஷி உள்ளான் ஈைகவான் ஒடிச்சல் ேதகி.
About the Native’s father
5. I will tell about the father’s history. Is of good manners; has patience; has no deception in mind; a man of good disposition; offers food to the hungry persons; is black like Vishnu; capable of studying many arts and science (Out of 64 types); will also do agriculture; a charitable man; has lean body. Yenbeeyes Notes: The color of Lord Vishnu is the colour of a dark blue cloud. It is the color of the sky, denoting the cosmic dimensions and his connection with the Vedic Gods of rain and thunder and his relationship with the earth. Meghavarnam shubhangam is what Vishnu Sahasranama tells. It is the combination of depth and purity. The word ‘பலகைல’ needs some explanation. Actually it is composed of two words meaning ‘pala’ (meaning many) and ‘kalai’ which has a host of meaning but in this context refers to philosophy, arts and science. Normally in Tamilnadu the word ‘kalai’ is used for arts related things. We see even the Arts colleges are mentioned as ‘kalai kalluri (college) but all subjects including science is also taught there. We find a reference in Hindu scriptures about the ‘chatuh shashti kala’. We find 2 types of Kala – one is found in Kama sutra which deals with sensual pleasures and the other is known as bahya kala or practical arts. So it is quite possible that the rishis refer to the traditional bahya kalas and states that the native’s father will be learning many items listed out under the 64 kalas. 6. இனத்துக்குப் பைகயு மாவன் எதிரிைய நசிக்கச் ெசய்வன் கனத்தவர் ேநசங் ெகாள்வன் காலாள்க ளுைடய னாகுஞ் சினமது ெகாஞ்ச முள்ளான் சீக்கிர நைடய னாவான் தனமது வதிக முள்ளான் தாட்சிண்யன் தீர ெநஞ்சன்.
6. Enemy to his own relations; capable of destroying the enemies; has friendship with honorable/noble people; has many servants; a little short-tempered; Capable of walking fast; has lot of wealth; Compassionate person; courageous minded person. Yenbeeyes Notes: The native’s father will be wealthy – Can we find out from the chart? Father is indicated by the 9th house, its lord and Sun. Though there are numerous factors involved to determine if a person will be wealthy, the primary importance goes to the 2nd house (dhana dhanyam kutumbah cha mritujalam amitrakam dhatu ratnadikam sarvam dhanasthanat noreekshyate- BPHS – Sloka 2 – Chapter 11). The status and wealth is linked with the 2nd house. The father is indicated by the 9th house. If we take the 9th house as Lagna of father – second house lord Jupiter is placed in a trine (5th house) and aspecting the Lagna. Dhanabhavaphalam vacham srunu tvam dwijasattama Dhaeshah dhanabhavasthah kendrakonagato api va – BPHS – Chapter 13 -Sloka 1
From the 2nd Lord Jupiter, the 2nd house Lord Moon is placed in a trine and also aspected by himself. Moon and Jupiter are considered as the affluent planets and their strategic placements indicate the result. Also note the Lagna Lord (Saturn) is placed in a Kendra and is aspected by the 9th and 10th lord Venus and Mars respectively. The parivartana between the 9th and 10th lord seen from the Lagna of father is also worth mentioning. If we look from the angle of Moon the 9th house is Libra whole lord Venus has exchanged houses with the 2nd Lord Mars who is again aspected by Dhanakaraka Jupiter and is also conjoined with 11th lord Sun. From the Sun the 9t h house is Gemini wherein Dhanakaraka himself is placed and the 2nd there from again becomes Moon who occupies the trine 5th from Sun. 7. பூமியும் பரிபா லிப்பன் புகழுளன் அன்ன மீ வன் தீைமைய விரும்பா ெநஞ்சன் ஜனவுப கார னாவன் தாமத மன்னர் ேநயர் சுவாமிகள் பத்தி பூண்பன் ேநமிேயார் ெமச்ச வாழ்வன் நிதமும் சீல னாவன்.
7. Conserves the land; is famous; Offers food to the hungry; has no desire in the mind to do evil; benefactor to the public; a friend to the King and his men; devoted to God; lives by being praised by the people on earth; Always a man of good conduct and manners. 8. இவனுைடத் துைணவர் தம்ைம இயம்பேவ யாண்பால் காேணாம் அவனியில் ெபண்பா ெலான்று அைறகிேறாந் தீர்க்க மாக நவனியில் குணத்தா னுக்கு நாயகன் மூன்றாஞ் ஜன்மம் கவனமா யுதிப்பா ெனன்ேறாம் காதலி ேமலுங் ேகேள.
8. When we look at the siblings of the native’s father, we do not see any brothers. We distinctly say that one sister will be there with long life. The native will be born as the third son to such a person of character. Oh! Mistress (of Shiva), Further listen: 9. சாதகன் ேசதி ெசால்ேவன் தயாளவா னிருசி வப்பன் சீதளக் குணதா னாகுந் தீரமா ெநஞ்சு முள்ளான் ேமதினில் கீ ர்த்தி ெகாள்வன் வித்ைதயு முைடய னாகும் பாதக ெமண்ணா ெநஞ்சன் பஞ்ைசகட் குதவி ெசய்வன்.
About the Native:
9. I will tell about the news of the native. Benevolent hearted person; has reddish black complexion. A tenderhearted person; has a courageous mind; will become famous in the world; is knowledgeable; never thinks of evil to others; helps the poor. Yenbeeyes Notes: The colour of the native is specified as “Iru sivappan”. Iru means double and Sivappan means red colored person. Hence, the rishi might have wanted to say that the native has two colors mixed. That is justified from the planetary positions especially from Moon sign. Lord of Moon is Saturn and is aspected by Rahu gives a black color. Saturn is also aspected by Venus who will give variegated color. Venus is placed in the house of Mars and hence will partake the qualities of Mars and may give a reddish tinge. Saturn also has the aspect of Mars and hence reddish. Therefore, we can say that the person is of reddish black complexion. 10. ேபாசனம் புளிப்பி லிச்ைச பூமியு மதிகஞ் ேசர்ப்பன் மாசிலாக் குணத்தா னாகும் மாடுகள் விருத்தி யுள்ளான் ேவசிமார் ேமாக வானாம் வண்வார்த்ைத ீ ேபசா னாகும் பாசமா மைனவி ேநயன் பந்துபூ சிதனாஞ் ெசால்ேல. 350
10. Interested in eating food with sour taste. Will increase the fertile lands; a person of flawless character; has growth of quadrupeds (cow, goat, sheep, oxen etc); interested in prostitutes; will not say vain words; has fondness towards wife; praised by relatives; கமல ேரைக 11. ேதவதாப் பத்தி ெகாள்வன் சீலனாம் ஊக முள்ளான் நாவுேம தப்பா னாவன் நன்ெமாழி கமல ேரைக ஆவுகள் ேசர்ப்பா னாகும் யாைரயும் வசியஞ் ெசய்வன் ேகாவலர் ேநசங் ெகாள்வன் குருவுப ேதசங் ேகட்பன்.
11. a pious man; has good manners; can arrive at conclusions; will not go back on his words; talks good words; has lotus line in his hand; will increase cows; is capable of charming or influencing anybody; will be friendly towards kings; will listen to the spiritual instructions of the Guru. 12. இவனுைடத் துைணவர் தம்ைம இயம்புேவா மாண்பா ெலான்று அவனியில் கன்னி ரண்டு அைறகின்ேறா மிவனுக் ேகதான் நவனியில் இைளேயா னாக நாட்டுேவாந் துைணவர் தம்ைமக் கவனமா யவன் தன் ேசதி கழருேவாங் ேகளு மம்மா.
12. We will tell about the siblings of the native. We say that he will have one brother and two sisters. Brother is younger to the native. We will carefully tell the details about him (his younger brother). Listen! Mother! About the native’s younger brother: 13. ேயாகவான் குணவா னாகும் உறுதியா மனத்த ெனன்ேறாம் பாகமாய்ப் ேபச வல்லன் பலருக்கும் நல்ேலா னாவான் நாகரி கங்க ளுள்ளான் நற்றந்ைத தாயின் கர்மம் ஆகமுஞ் ெசய்யா னாகும் அவன்பலன் இரண்டில் ெசால்ேவன்.
13. He (Native’s younger brother) Is a lucky, good-natured person and firm minded person; capable of speaking impartially (we can say also - in a mature way); good to many people; has polished Urban manners (means a gentle accomplished person); not doing the rites prescribed in the Vedas to the good father and mother; we will tell his fortunes in the second part. About Native’s wife 14. ஜாதகன் மணத்தின் காலம் சாற்றுேவா ெமாருபா ெனட்டுள் ேமதினில் வடகீ ழ்த் திக்கில் வித்தகி வருவா ெளன்ேறாம் ேகாதிலா வவள்கு ணத்ைதக் கூறுேவா மிருசி வப்பள் பாதக மில்லா ளாகும் பரிவுடன் வார்த்ைத கூர்வாள்.
14. We will tell about the native’s marriage time. Within his eighteenth year, from the northeast direction, his wife will come. We will tell about the character of such faultless woman. She will have reddish body. No evil thinking in mind; will talk with affection.
Yenbeeyes Notes: In this verse also the word “Iru Sivappal” is used as in verse 9. Therefore, as per the arguments given there she should also have double colour. When we look at the planetary positions, we find that the seventh house from Ascendant is ruled by Jupiter who is placed in Gemini. Jupiter has got golden yellow color and Mercury is of green. Both the planets have no aspects. From Moon sign the seventh house Lord Sun is placed in Libra along with Mars both denoting reddishness. This combination is also aspected by Jupiter. Mars and Sun though will be eager to exhibit the qualities of Venus, but the aspect of Jupiter will dominate. Hence, the colour will be reddishness with a tinge of golden yellow. The native married before the age of 18 is what is stated here. Let us see if we could reason out this issue from the chart. From Lagna 7th lord is the benefic and marriage giver is aspecting the 7th. From Moon 7th lord is Sun placed with Mars who had exchanged houses with Venus, karaka for marriage. From Sun 7th lord is Mars also aspecting the 7th house from Sun. From Venus Saturn is placed in the 7th house and himself joined with Rahu. Coupled with the aspect of Saturn on the 2nd house may cause delay. But we should remember that Venus will act as though he is in the 5th house due to the exchange of houses. So practically, the 7th lord from Venus from his supposed house of activity becomes Mars with whom he has conjoined. There is a shloka in Tamil in Jataka Chinthamani which stated that if the lord of the 10th house and the lord of the 7th house are within four signs from Lagna early marriage is likely to happen. However, this needs to be tested in other horoscopes too. From shloka 41 and 42 we find that the native was having Rahu dasa balance of 4 years and 10 months at the time of birth. So his Jupiter dasa-Mars bhukthi will be from 17 year 6 months and will end in 18 year and 5 months. So at the time of marriage he was running Jupiter dasa (lord of 7th aspecting the 7th) and Mars Antara (who due to the exchange of house with Venus acts as Venus (karaka for marriage). 15. புத்திமான் ெபாறுைம சாலி புண்ணிய மனத்த ளாகும் சித்தேம கறப்பு மில்லாள் ெசல்வியும் ேயாக சாலி சுத்தமு முைடய ளாகும் சுதர்களும் விருத்தி ெயன்ேறாம் அத்திையப் ெபற்ற மாேத அைறகின்ேறா ேமலுங் ேகேள.
15. Intelligent; a patient woman; a pure minded person; no evil thoughts in her mind; she is also lucky; she is pure (has an unadulterated mind); we said that sons will thrive. Oh! Mother of elephant headed God! We are telling, further listen. 16. மதைலகள் விருத்தி தம்ைம வைரகின்ேறா மாண்பால் ெரண்டு சதியிலாப் ெபண்பால் ெரண்டு சாற்றுேவாம் தீர்க்க மாக முதல்ெசன்மம் நட்ட மாகும் முடிவினில் இரண்டு ேசதம் நதிதைன யணிந்ேதான் ேதவி நங்ைகேய ேமலுங் ேகேள.
16. We will tell about the birth of children. There will be two male children and two female children, we say with perfection. The first-born child will not stay. The last two will also die. Oh! Wife of Shiva, the bearer of Ganga on his head, listen. About the Native’s mother: 17. மாதுரு மாநி றத்தாள் மர்மமில் லாதா ளாகுங் ேகாதிலாப் பித்த ேதகி குற்றமில் லாதாளாகும் ேபாதேவ வரனுக் ேகதான் ெபாருந்துநன் னடக்ைக யுள்ளாள் ேமதினி லன்ன மீ வள் வித்தகி ேகட்டி டாேய.
17. Mother is fair complexioned (i.e. native’s mother); has no secrets; of bilious body; faultless woman; behaves according to the wishes of her husband; is of good and virtuous manners; offers food to those who are hungry; Oh! Mother, listen further. Yenbeeyes Notes: The word ‘மர்மம்’ – (marmam) has been used by the rishi almost in all the charts to describe the qualities of a person. The word has a meaning ‘A secret meaning or purpose’ It may also denote a secret 352
part of the body which is not apt under the circumstances. There is another word ‘வர்மம்’ – (varmam) which has been used in poetic languages to indicate a malicious person or a person who has maliciousness, spitefulness, grudge, venomous. It is quite appropriate to take this meaning also. So when it is stated that no secret – meaning that there is no malevolence or grudge against anybody.
About native’s Mother’s family) 18. அவளுைடத் தாய்க் குடும்ப மைலச்சலாம் என்று ெசான்ேனாம் நவனியில் துைணவர் தம்ைம நாட்டுேவா மாண்பால் மூன்று பவமுள இரண்டு ேசதம் பகருேவா ெமாருவன் தீர்க்கம் அவனுேம ேசாங்கின் ேமேல அக்கைர ெசல்வா னாேம.
18. Her mother’s family will be a distressed or troubled one. Out of three brothers to her (native’s mother) two will be lost (meaning loss of life) and one will be with long life. He will also go to a foreign country by ship. Yenbeeyes Notes: Mother is indicated by the fourth house and karaka Moon. Mother side family is to be seen from the second to the fourth viz. fifth house. We find that the house indicating family of mother is occupied by Mars (karaka for brothers and also lord of 3rd and 8th house) and Sun (lord of 12th house). No doubt, mother’s family house is totally damaged. The third house indicating brothers is having Venus who will give out the qualities of Mars and he is also conjoined with Rahu and aspected by Saturn all indicating loss of brother. Aspect of Jupiter on Mars and Sun can to some extent mitigate the evil. From Moon, the fourth house is Taurus and second from that is occupied by Jupiter lord of eighth house for mother confirming the distress for the mother side relations. 19. சிலகாலம் அங்கு நின்று ெசல்லுவான் தந்ைத யில்லம் நலமுள குடும்பி யாவன் நற்பூமி ேசர்ப்பா னாகும் பலமான கிருகம் ெசய்வன் பந்துேம லாக வாழ்வன் மைலயிைற மகளாய் வந்த மங்ைகேய ேமலுங் ேகேள.
19. For some time he will be there and thereafter will go to his father’s house. Has a good family. Will accumulate good lands; will construct a strong house; will be living in a high status than his relations; Oh! Daughter of the mountain king Himavan! Listen further. Yenbeeyes Notes: Himavan was the emperor of mountains. He had two beautiful daughters named Ganga and Uma. Himavan gave Ganga to Devas. She flowed in heaven and purified anything she touched. Uma alias Parvati wanted to marry Shiva and after severe penance she married Lord Shiva.
About Previous Birth of Native’s father: 20. தந்ைதயின் முன்ெசன் மத்ைதச் சாற்றுேவாம் புதுைவ தன்னில் சந்ததம் வடுகர் வம்சந் தானவ னுதித்து ேமலும் முந்திய தனங்கள் ெபற்று முயற்சியாய்ச் ெசட்டுச் ெசய்து பந்தமாய் மைனவி ைமந்தர் பரிவுடன் வாழு நாளில்;
20. We will tell about the previous birth of the native’s father. Born in Puducheri in vadugar community, got plenty of wealth (ancestral property), did business with his own efforts, while living with wife and children with affinity, (continued in next verse) Yenbeeyes Notes: Vadugar – The people of telugu and Kannada ancestry in Tamil Nadu whose ancestors are believed to have moved into Tamil Nadu. They are also called in some parts of Tamil Nadu like Erode as Vettuva Gounder and they say they are from Andhra and speak Telugu.
21. வந்தவூழ் தன்ைனச் ெசால்ேவன் வணிகனு ெமாருவன் தானுந் தன் தனம் வாங்கி ேயதான் தரணியில் ெசட்டுச் ெசய்தான் பிந்தியும் நட்டம் ேநர்ந்து ெபாருளைத யீயா னாகிச் சிந்ைதயில் கலக்க முற்றுத் ேதசேமல் ெசன்றா ெனன்ேறாம்.
21. We will tell about the fate that befell on him; Another merchant had borrowed money from the native’s father (in his previous birth) and was doing business. Later on, he (who had borrowed money) incurred losses in the business and could not return back the borrowed money. Getting worried, he went to another place.
Confiscating The Property Of Others 22. அவன்வட்ைடப் ீ ெபாருளுக் காக அண்ணலும் பறித்துக் ெகாண்டு தவசிகள் வாசஞ் ெசய்ய சத்திரஞ் ெசய்தா ெனன்ேறாம் நவனியில் வருேவா ருக்கு நன்றாகப் பந்தல் வத்து இவனுேம ேசது ெசன்று இராமலிங் கத்ைதப் ேபாற்றி;
22. For the money (given to the merchant), the native’ father (in his previous birth) confiscated his house. He constructed a choultry for the ascetics (mendicants or recluse) in that place. Constructed a water booth also. (for quenching the thirst of travelers and passersby) Afterwards, he went to Sethu (Rameswaram) and worshipped the Lord Ramalingaswamy there…(Continued in the next verse) 23. பலவிதத் தலங்கள் ெசன்று பாலக னுள்ளூர் மீ ண்டு கல்வியும் நாச மாகக் ெகாண்டனன் ம்ரணந் தானும் நலமுள விக்கு லத்தில் நாயக னுதித்தாெனன்ேறாம் தைலவியுங் ேகட்க லுற்றாள் தானவன் முன்ெசன் மத்தில்;
23. And after going to various sacred places he returned to his place and died. Again, took birth in this beneficial race as the native’s father – was what we said. Parvati started asking: The native’s father In his previous birth... (Continued in next verse) Yenbeeyes Notes: Two words used in this shloka is confusing: ‘கல்வியும் நாச மாகக்’ – the first word
‘kalviyum’ means education, study. The second word means destruction, loss. It does not make sense that loss of education. What the Rishi wanted to say might be that he lost his mental balance and died as a result. But this is subject to correction by more learned Tamil scholar. ேசதுவில் நீராடிய பலன் 24. வடுகர்தங் குலமு தித்து வரன் திருக் குலத்தி ேலதான் அைடவுட னுதித்த ெதன்ன அைறகுவர்ீ முனிேய ெயன்றாள் திடமதாய் முன்ெசன் மத்தில் ேசதுக்குச் ெசன்ற தாேல உடேனதா னிக்கு லத்தில் உதித்தன னிவேன யம்மா.
Results of taking bath in Sethu (Rameswaram)
24. “Having born under vadugar caste, state the reason for his birth in this race in current birth? Oh! Rishi! Tell me!” Rishi replied “Mother!. because he went to Rameswaram with a strong mind in his previous birth, he was born in this race.” மறுபிறவி யில்லாத காரணம் 354
25. மறுெசன்ம மிவனுக் கில்ைல மங்ைகயுங் ேகட்க லுற்றாள் திருமக னிச்ெசன் மத்தில் ெசய்தபுண் ணியங்க ெளன்ன வைறகின்ேறா மிச்ெசன் மத்தில் மைறமுதற் றைலவன் றன்ைன அருைமயாய்த் தியானஞ் ெசய்தான் அதனாேல ெசன்ம மில்ைல.
Reasons for absence of re-birth
25. He has no re-birth. Parvati started asking: What are the good deeds that he did in this birth? Rishi started telling: In this birth since he worshipped the God extolled by the Vedas in a rare manner, he has no rebirth. 26. பாதக னிச்ெசன் மத்தில் பலபல விேராத முற்றுக் காதக மனத்த னாகிக் கனெபாரு ளிச்ைச ைவத்தும் ேமதினில் வாழ் வானுக்கு விளம்பின ீர் ேதவ ராக ஏது கார்யம் ெசய்தாலுந் ஈசன்ேமல் பக்தி பூண்பன்.
26. In this birth with manifold animosity and with a mind filled with harassing intentions had lust towards great riches. You said that to such a person there will be liberation from 1 rebirth. (Parvati is asking the reason for such a result) . The rishi said that whatever work he does, he does so with devotion to God (Lord Shiva). 27. பக்தியால் ேதவ ராகப் பகர்ந்தனம் மாதா விற்குச் சித்தமாய் முன்ஜன் மத்ைதச் ெசப்புேவாஞ் காஞ்சி ேமல்பால் சுத்தமாய்ப் ேபரூர் தன்னில் சூத்திர ஜாதி யாக வித்தகி உதித்தா ெளன்ேறாம் ெமல்லிேய ேமலுங் ேகேள.
About previous birth of native’s mother
27. Because of that devotion, we said that he would reach deva loka (attain liberation from rebirth). We will tell about the previous birth of his mother. We said that to the west of Kancheepuram, in a pure and big place, she was born in the Sudra caste; Oh! Gentlewoman! Listen further. 28. மதைலக ளுள்ளா ளாகி மனமது ஈைக யாளாய் அதிதிகட் கன்பு பூண்டு யாவர்க்கும் நல்ேலா ளாகிச் சதியிலா வரனுக் ேகமுன் சத்தியும் மாண்டா ெளன்ேறாம் விதியினால் இச்ெசன் மமதில் விளங்கினா ளிவேள என்ேறாம்.
28. We said that she had children, had charitable mind, loved the guests, lived as a good woman to all and died before her husband. Because of fate, she was born in this birth. 29. பின்ஜன்மம் பக்ஷி தன்னில் பிறப்பேள இக்கு லத்தில் தன்னிேல குடும்பி யாகிச் சஞ்சல மில்லா ளாகி இன்னவள் வாழ்வா ளாகும் இயம்பின ெமாழி குன்றாேவ கன்ெனன ெமாழியி னாேள காதலி ேகளு மம்மா.
Publisher: The beauty of nadi readings can only be appreciated by a true seeker of knowledge and not by a seeker of mere techniques. Even if one does not find much of easily decipherable techniques from such nadis like Saptarishis Nadi, but what one can learn is how to see the play of Karma and understand it. Often we get judgmental when we see a money hungry astrologer or human but this verse shows the complexity of understanding Karma and rightly questioned by Maa Parvati. 355
29. In the next birth, she will be born in the same community in Thirukazhukundram and will be living as a good wife and without any grief. Words said by us will not fail; Oh! Mother! Utter of sweet words like sugarcane! Listen. About previous birth of native 30. ஜாதகன் முன்ஜன் மத்ைதச் சாற்றுேவா மாலங் காட்டில் ேமதினில் வன்னிய வம்ச மிதனிலி லுதித்து ேமலும் ேபாதேவ தனங்கள் ெபற்றுப் பூஷண முள்ளா னாகித் தீதிலா கிருஷி யாேல சீவன்ஞ் ெசய்தா ெனன்ேறாம்.
30. We will tell about the native’s previous birth; We said that taking birth in vanniar community in Thiruvalangadu, gained lot of wealth, got jewels, was living by doing blemish less agriculture. 31. சாைலமார்க் கத்தி ேலதான் தாகப்பந் தலு மைமத்துச் சீலமாய் முருகன் ேபரில் சதாவுேம தியானஞ் ெசய்து ஆலங்காட் டானுக் கூழி அவனுேம நடத்தி வந்து ஞாலேமல் மரண மாகி நாற்றைலக் கஞ்சன் தன்னால்;
31. Established water booths on road side (to quench the thirst of travelers who are on foot), always dutifully worshipped Lord Muruga (Subramanya), did service to the Lord in the temple at Thiruvalangadu and finally died and because of the four headed Brahma…(Continued in next verse)
ேமம்பட்ட வருணத்தில் பிறக்கக் காரணங்கள் 32. வைரயேவ கங்ைக வம்சம் வந்தவ னிவேன என்ேறாம்
அைறகிேறா மிவன்பின் ஜன்மம் அக்காஞ்சி தன்னிேல தான் ெதரியேவ பிரம்ம ேசயாய்ச் ெசல்வனு முதிப்பா ெனன்ேறாம் குைறவிலா வாழ்வா னாகுங் கூறுேவாங் ேகளுந் தாேய.
Reasons for taking birth in the said community
32. Was created again and took birth in Ganga (agricultural) community and we continue to tell about his next birth. We will say that he will take birth in Brahmin community in Kancheepuram and will be living without any deficiency. Listen, Mother! 33. தந்ைதயின் மரணக் காலஞ் சாற்றுேவா நாற்பா ெனான்றில் பிந்திய அன்ைன காலம் ேபசுேவாம் நாற்பா நான்கில் எந்ைதேய இவனின் காலம் இயம்புேவாம் அறுபதாண்டில் சந்ததங் கன்னி மாதஞ் சார்ந்திடு வம்மா வாைச.
33. We will tell the death of the father of the native will be in his forty first year. Then his mother will die in his forty fourth year. In addition, we will say that the native will die in his sixtieth year, in the month of Purattasi (a Tamil month and the English equivalent date is between 15th September to 15th October- Sun will be placed in Virgo at that time) on Amavasya Thithi.
Yenbeeyes Notes: We find quite often in the grantha that such and such event will happen in a specific month and particular day. However, the rules have not been given anywhere. Hence we have to reason out from our knowledge the factors responsible for the happening of such an event. Here the death of the native, his father and mother are given. Let us work out the dasa and antar dasa of the native which will be running during the times stated above. It is given in shloka 41 and 42 that the native has balance of Rahu dasa 4 years and 10 months at the time of birth. The calculation goes like this: Dasa
Age (Yr-MM-D)
Father died at 41
Mother died at 44
Other Antaras
Upto Mars
Native died at 60
Father’s death: Event happened in Mercury dasa-Mercury Antar dasa. From the 9th house of father Mercury is placed in the 8th house and he is also lord of 8th house. BPHS – Chapter 44 – Sloka 6 – alabhe punah e tesham sambandhena vyavesthituhu Kvachat shubhanam cha dashasu ashtameshadashasu cha | th So the 8 lord dasa can bring about the death. The 8th house is as much a house of death and life like that of the 1st house. The dasa of the lord of 8th house can cause death of the relation from whom it is 8th. For mother Mercury is in the 8th house from karaka Moon. For the native he becomes Lord of Lagna. Thus Mercury has played its role. Now when we take up the Antar dasa for Father, Mercury himself is the Antar dasa planet. For mother, Ketu Antar dasa. ‘Kujavat Ketu’ – so Mars is placed in the 2nd house from the 4th house and as such assumes the maraca power. But since he has exchanged placed he will be acting as if he is placed in Scorpio from where he is aspecting Ketu designating his role to Ketu. The aspect of Jupiter on Mars could not stop this as Jupiter himself is a maraca for mother being owner of the 2nd house from karaka Moon. Now left out is the native himself. Native is said to have died at the sixtieth year. Rahu Antara is upto 60 years 9 months 18 days. Jupiter Antara starts while the native was still running his 60th year. Jupiter as lord of 7th house is capable of assuming maraca powers. From Moon also Jupiter is lord of 2nd house. The month of death is seen from the transit of the Sun in trines to the Arudhapada of the 8th house. 8th house is Capricorn. Counting from Capricorn, Saturn is placed in the 5th therefrom. So again counting 5 houses from Saturn, the Mrityupada falls in Virgo. How true it is that when Sun was transiting Virgo, the native died. The tithi on the day of death was Amavashya. The following planets determine the tithi Sun – Prathama, Navami Moon = Dwithiya, Dasami Mars – Trithiya, Ekadasi Mercury – Chaturthi, Dwadasi Jupiter – Panchami, Trayodasi Venus – Shashti, Chaturdasi Saturn – Sapthami, Full Moon or Pournima Rahu – Ashtami, New Moon or Amavasya This is according to Kalachakra. The tithi of death is seen from the strongest planet in the 5th house from Lagna or sammuka rasi. (Sammuka rasi is mutual opposite facing rasis – They are – Aries-Scorpio; Taurus-Libra; GeminiVirgo; Cancer-Aquarius; Leo-Capricorn and Sagittarius-Pisces) Here from Lagna in the 5th house Mars and Sun are placed. Sun is debilitated here. So if we take Mars, he has exchanged houses with Venus. So he will do as though he is placed in Scorpio. In Scorpio he has joined, Rahu. So Rahu will decide the tithi which is Amavasya or Ashtami. The native died in Amavasya tithi.
Saptarishis Astrology Publisher: Death of father in 41 year, if you use Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi,
41 year would be 5H (41-36=5), where Sun Karaka for Father and Mars the 3L of death from 9H of father is placed in trine to 9H of father so the Rishi telling 41st year looks fine. For Mother Rishis say 44th year which is the 8H (44-36=8H), which is the natural house of death so in that year some death should happen, this 8H is 12th from Moon karaka of mother and its lord Saturn who signifies death is with Ketu (end) in the 12H of exit and in the 4th house from Moon (this 4th house from Moon is important never miss it) so 44th year is justified as to the death of mother. Note that this Saturn Ketu forms 10th aspect to the Moon (mother) so when this Saturn Ketu is activated in the various BCP cycles events to Mother will be activated. Rishi says 60th year as death of the native which is the 12H (exit) of the chart, where 8L Saturn (death) is with Ketu so even this matches with Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi. 34. சுரத்தினால் மரண மாவான் ெசால்லுேவாம் ேயாகச் ெசய்ைக தைரமிகத் ேதட வல்லன் சகலர்க்கும் நல்ேலா னாவன் மைறயவர் ேநசங் ெகாள்வன் வண்டிவா கனமு முள்ளான் குைறவிலாச் ெசல்வ முள்ளான் ேகாவுகள் விருத்தி என்ேறாம்.
34. He will die because of fever. We will tell about his fortunes: He is capable of searching for fertile lands; will be good to all; will be friendly to the Brahmins knowing Vedas; will have cart and carriages like vehicles. Has plenty of wealth; There will be increase in cows (in his cattle shed). 35. பலருக்கும் உதவி ெசய்வன் பத்தினிக் கன்பனாவன் நலமிகு வார்த்ைத கூறுவன் நலமுள குடும்பி யாவன் விைலமாதர் விருப்பங் ெகாள்வன் ேமலான புத்தி யுள்ளான் மைலமுரு கருக்கு அன்பு ைவத்திடு வானாஞ் ெசன்ேனாம்.
35. Will help many people; dear to his wife; speaks virtuous (fair) words; will be good family man; interested in prostitutes; has higher intellect; we said that, he would have devotion towards the Lord of the hill, Subramanya.
About the native’s sisters: 36. அத்திரி முனிவர் ெசால்வார் அவன்துைண விகள்தம் ேசதி சுத்தமாய்ச் ெசால்லு ெமன்னச் ெசப்புவார் வதிஷ்டர் தாமும் வித்தகி மூத்ேதா ளுக்கு விளங்காது புத்திர ெரன்ேறாங் 36. When
ெசால்லு ெமன்ன கூறுவார் முநிவர் தாேம.
Athri asked to tell cleanly about the events in his sister’s life, Vasishtar started telling: The elder sister will have no issues. When asked the reason for the reason of childlessness, rishi started telling:
புத்திர ேதாஷம் நீங்க சாந்தி
37. முன் ஜன்ம விைனயி னாேல ெமாழிந்திட்ேடாம் மதைலத் ேதாடம் அன்புட னதற்குச் சாந்தி அைறகின்ேறாம் விவர மாகத் தன்னிேல கிரக சாந்தி ெசய்துபின் தணிைகக் ேககி மன்னிய ேவழு கார்த்தி விடாமேல ெசன்று ேமதான்;
Remedy to remove Putra Dosha (Childlessness)
37. Because of the curse that befell in the previous birth, she had no issues. We will tell with grace a remedy for that. After doing Navagraha Shanti (remedy to\for the nine planets) at his residence in a grand manner, he has to go to Thiruthani (Lord Subramanya temple) for seven days on which Krittika nakshatra comes..(Continued in next verse) Yenbeeyes’s Note: Now, I am unable to resist my thoughts and just pouring out the same for the benefit of those readers who are not aware of the story behind Lord Subramanya. If the publisher feels this irrelevant, the same can be removed from the pages. The Hindu religion rests upon a vast canon of Puranas, Vedas, and Agamas including srutis (revelation) and smritis (inspiration). The Puranas (meaning 'ancient') are the encyclopedias of sacred lore. Scientists and scholars are only beginning to appreciate the deep psychological and metaphysical wisdom preserved and transmitted in the form of puranic legend. Puranic traditions maintain that there was once a period when there lived among the people a class of very advanced yogis called the munivars ('sages') who could see through an inner eye the past, present and future. They could even see the devas and asuras, the demigods and titans of mythic accounts who also inter-married and waged war very much as human beings do. The devas and asuras were rivals and each had recourse to the subtle powers of the planets as personified in mythology. Thus Jupiter and Venue quarreled by taking sides with these rivals, and so we have reference to Jupiter being the Guru of the devas while Venus was the Guru of the asuras. There were three asura brothers--Soorapadman, Tarakasuran and Simhasuran--who were the sons of a great rishi named Kashyapa. Their mother Maya was an asura woman who by her womanly wiles had won the heart of Kashyapa and begot these sons by him. When Kashyapa preferred to teach them the principles of dharma, ahimsa and ethics, his wife Maya countered and taught them the mantras or incantation for obtaining powers to conquer the devas and become rulers of the world. Thus the asuras fought and subdued the devas and became the rulers of the world with the power of the planet Venus. Their tyranny over the conquered devas was such that the devas, with Vishnu and Indra at their head, went to appeal to God Siva. Siva who had already promised eternal life to Soorapadman, would not intervene but entered yogic trance (samadhi) instead. However, when the cruelties of the asuras became unbearable, the devas again appealed to Siva. This time Siva opened his third eye and out of it came six rays of light. These were received by Agni and diverted into a marshy lake called Saravana or 'forest of reeds', where each ray turned out to be a child. Hence, we hear of the six syllables Saravana- bhava, 'born in the forest of reeds'. This extraordinary event happened in the month of Krittika or November, and hence the child Murugan is called Karttikeya after the six krittika maidens who found and nursed the six divine infants. Later, it is said, the mothergoddess Uma Devi gathered the six together as one so that their six heads shared one body. Because he has six faces, he is also called Shan-mukha, 'the six-faced one'. The six faces have their own significance, for each has its own purpose. Being a god, the child Murugan could take up any form and do anything He pleased, anywhere and anytime. He happens to be a god of the afflicted; hence everyone looks up to Him. The Sapta Rishi or Seven Seers called him Kali Yuga Varada, the granter of boons in the present Dark Age of Quarrel. Approach to Him may be done through prayers and supplication by those afflicted by disease, sorrow, or discontents. Siva intended for His son Karttikeya to go South to put down the asuras. But first He sent His ambassador to advise Soorapadman to avoid war and release the devas. However, Soorapadman, who had already obtained the boon of eternal life from Siva through his very arduous penance, refused all advice. So war was declared. As mythology has it, at that time many of the stars and planets in the common were populated by titanic races of asuras. All of these powerful beings were destroyed and yet Soorapadman could not be killed or 359
captured. Murugan then prayed to the Cosmic Mother, Shakti, and She sent Him the holy Vel or lance, the most advanced weapon that could track Soorapadman and flush him our of from wherever he hid. Soorapadman had fled the battlefield and was hiding in the deep sea in the form of an enchanted mango tree in order to escape his relentless pursuer. Lord Murugan finally hurled the vel which split the tree and broke the enchantment. Soorapadman surrendered to Murugan, acknowledged His Divine Majesty, and begged Him for His limitless mercy. Accordingly, the Lord transformed the asura's one half into a peacock to serve as His vahana or vehicle, and his other half into the ensign of a cock as his vetri-kodi or victory pennant. Lord Murugan, as Subrahmanya the Radiator of Brilliance, hence granted such a wonderful boon even to His sworn enemy. Lord Subrahmanya, along with Agasthyar Rishi, came from the North but chose to offer his service and mercy particularly to the people of the South. Thus, today He has many friends and many great shrines in South India and Sri Lanka. Of the greatest, six are in Tamil Nadu while two are in Sri Lanka, namely Kataragama (Kathirkamam) and Nallur Kandaswami temple. Almost every worshiper at these temples has his or her prayers answered. In almost all of these temples there is a samadhi or final resting place of a yogi or siddha over which is built a shrine to Lord Murugan or Karttikeya or Subrahmanya or Skanda or Arumuga, the most popular of the Lord's Thousand Names Since he was born in the Tamil month of Krittika and was brought up by krttika ladies, the day when Krittika Nakshatra comes, all the temples of Subramanya celeberate the day and worshippers also observe fast on that day.
38. அறுமுகர்க் கர்ச்சித் ேதத்தி அைடவுடன் மாதந் ேதாறும் வருங்கார்த்தி தன்னில் தாேன அடியவ ெராருவர்க் கன்னந் திடமுடன் பத்தி ேயாடு அவளுேம ஈவாளாகில் உடேனதான் மதைல ேதான்றும் உைரக்கின்ேறா மாண்பாெலான்று..
Remedy 38. After worshipping the Lord Arumuga (Subramanya), continuously on every month on the day of Krtitika Nakshatra, if she offers food with devotion to one of the devotees or follower of Shiva, she will immediately conceive and give birth to a male child. 39. கன்னிைக யிரண்டு தீர்க்கங் கழறுேவா மவள்கு ணத்ைத நன்னய புத்தி யாவள் நாயகன் பட்ச முள்ளாள் அன்னியர் தமக்கு நல்ேலாள் அவளுேம யீைக யுள்ளாள் உன்னதக் குடும்பந் தன்னில் உைறகுவா ளிவேள ெயன்ேறாம்.
39. She will get two female children also and they will have long life. We will tell about her character, she has a good intellectual mind; loves her husband; good to even other unknown people; is charitable; and will live in a dignified family. Note”: The word “பட்சம்” (Patcham) has got two meanings. One is to take sides and the other one is to bear affection to one. The Rishi wants to convey probably that she is very affectionate towards her husband. 40. இவளுக்கு இைளேயாள் ேசதி இயம்புேவாங் ேகாபம் ெகாஞ்சம் அவசர மனத்தா ளாகும் அன்புள குணத்தா ளாகும் நவனியில் புத்திர பாவம் நாட்டுேவா மாண்பால் ரண்டு பவமுள கன்னி ரண்டு பகருேவாந் தீர்க்க மாக. 360
40. We will tell about her younger sister. A little angry; a little hasty minded; has affectionate disposition; We will say with confidence that she will have children; two male and two female issues. 41. தன்வரன் தன்னா ேலதான் தனக்கவ மான முண்டு அன்னவள் சுகேம வாழ்வள் அைறந்தனம் விவர மாகப் பன்னிய சாத கர்க்குப் பகர்ந்தனஞ் ஜனன காலம் உன்னித ராகு தன்னில் உைறந்திடு மாண்டு நான்கும்;
41. She will be subjected to disgrace because of her husband. Even then we say in detail that she will live comfortably. At birth, the native has balance of Rahu Mahadasa four years...(continued in next verse) 42. திங்களு மீ ரஞ் சாகும் ெசப்புேவாம் பலைன யாங்கள் தங்கிடும் ேராகந் தானுஞ் ஜன நிந்ைத விேராத முண்டு ெபாங்கின காலி ேசதம் புராதனங் கலகம் ேநருஞ் சங்ைககள் இரண்டி ேலதான் சாற்றுேவாங் ேகளு மம்மா.
42. and ten months. We will tell the results of that time. Will get disease; will be subjected to disgrace and enmity with people; the herd of cows, which increased, will be lost; there will be a fight in respect of antiquity. (Meaning that there is to be problem with regard to some old property or things). We will tell about them in the second part. 43. மந்திரி தைச யிேலதான் வந்திடுங் வழக்குத் தானுஞ் சந்தத மிைளேயான் ேசதந் தந்துைண சுபமு முண்டு முந்தின தந்ைத ஞாதி வர்க்கத்தில் மைனவி ேதாடம் பந்தமாய்க் குடும்ப சூதம் பைகெவல்லும் பூமி ேசரும்.
43. In the Jupiter dasa there will be litigation. The younger brother will die. His wife will have good things. There will be blemish to the wife from his father’s relation side. Happiness will be there in the family; will conquer the enemies; lands will increase. 44. நட்டமாம் ெபாருளுங் கூடும் ஞாதியின் பூமி ேசரும் மட்டிலாச் சாத கர்க்கு மைனயவள் ேசரு ெமன்ேறாந் துட்டரு முறேவ யாகுஞ் ெசால்லுேவாம் விவரம் ரண்டில் திட்டமாய்த் தவங்கள் ெசய்யுந் ேதவிேய ேகட்டி டாேய.
44. Will get back the lost things; lands of relations will come to him; defect less native will get wife; will get the relationship of wicked men. We will tell the rest of the details in the second part; Oh! Parvati! Doer of penance with strong mind! Listen.
Jyotish PhalaRatnamala Of Krishnamishra - 1 Translated By Chandrashekhar Sharma, India A ‘Mission Saptarishis’ Initiative
ïI çré
Chandrashekhar Sharma, from Nagpur,
has good knowledge of sanskrit and a well known name in the internet forums for his humbleness & kindness to teach each and everyone. He has been an ardent student of this science from decades with deep thoughts into various disciplines. He is the author of the book "Vedic Astrology Demystified", published by Parimal Publications Delhi ".
k«:[imïivricta |jyotiñaphalaratnamälä|| Kåñëamiçraviracitä
Foreword by Chandrashekhar: his manuscript was sent to me by my very dear and knowledgeable astrologer friend Ravindra Bhagwat, who is devoted to unravel the mystery of what is commonly called Jaimini Jyotish. It was received by him from his Guru Sri Madura Krishnamurthy Sastry who is one of the foremost authorities on Jaimini system of Jyotish in India. I began translating this manuscript for Ravindra who is going to write a Book and commentary on Jaimini system of Astrology. So the credit for this translation should go to Ravindra and his Guru Madura Krishnamurthy.
Jyotishphalaratnamala is written by “Krishnamishra” who was a contemporary Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma
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of “Varāha Mihira”, in the court of King Vikramāditya. This is one of the most respected classics on Jaimini Jyotish and it has certain new concepts on how to draw Navamsha and Dreshkāna that needs the attention of the learned. I must also thank my young friend from Saptarishis Astrology who has prodded me to undertake translations of some Jyotish Classics that have so far remained inaccessible to astrologers. Saptarishis Astrology must be thanked for making some rare manuscripts available on the web for translation to English. If there are any inaccuracies or errors in interpretation of these shlokas, the blame entirely lies with me and my lack of knowledge of both Sanskrit and Jyotish.
ïIiv³makaeR jgtItle=iSmn jIyan! mnuàOyyza nreNÔ>, pupae; y> kaeiqsuv[Rtae ma< sbaNxv< sÝit vTsrai[. çrévikramärko jagatétale'smina jéyän manuprakhyayaçä narendraù| pupoña yaù koöisuvarëato mäà sabändhavaà saptati vatsaräëi||
I have lived with my brothers for 70 years, well supported with 10 million gold coins received from Shri Vikramaaditya, (Aaditya means Sun and the learned Krishnamishra has used the synonym for Sun- Arka here to denote that) the famous king amongst human beings.
tÇaXyayaiô prmizvpd< c àaßuyadNTykale. karabadarasamänaà çästrametadvipaçcina niyatamapi vilocya çreyase yannaräëäm| yadi vadati tadänéà devatulyo manuñyaù paramaçivapadaà ca präpnuyädantyakäle||
One who tells what is apparent, with the help of this science (which makes it possible to view the future), is said to be equivalent to God and shall achieve the abode of lord Shiva after his demise. ( Therefore) Though the science is as clear as a jujube fruit in one’s palm, I have studied the science for the betterment of human beings.
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AXyay.1. adhyäya ||1||
Chapter ||1|| muinvrk«thaerakanne;u SvbuXyaPynixgt)lTvaàaÝsaEOy< mnu:ym!, S)…qtr)lrÆEÉUR;yn! k[Rdeze jyit jgit iv*aÉU;[> k«:[imï>.1. munivarakåtahoräkänaneñu svabudhyäpyanadhigataphalatväpräptasaukhyaà manuñyam| sphuöataraphalaratnairbhüñayan karëadeçe jayati jagati vidyäbhüñaëaù kåñëamiçraù||1||
The learned Krishnamishra (the author), who shines like a gem, in the ornament worn in ears, and who is praised worldwide has delved into the complex forest of the Hora shastra, devised by the sages, which cannot be unraveled without study and is giving the results that he understood using his own intellect; for the benefit of mankind that is in distress. Chandrashekhar’s Comment: There is a beautiful play of words in describing Krishnamishra as the gem in ear ornaments, as the name of the grantha is Jyotishphalaratnamala (string of Gems of results of Jyotish). The author intends to equate the knowledge gained through study of the 2300 granthas (books) that he referred to earlier, to string of gems which is equated to this book. The fact that in the days of Krishnamishra the science was learnt by hearing words, spoken by the Guru, is also the reason that he is referring to the gems in ear ornaments. The hearing is through ears and the first words shall always fall on gems of an ear ornament. So he is, in a way, also praising his Guru by calling his Guru as the repository of all Jyotish knowledge and himself as only one of the gems (shishyas), in the ear ornament worn by the Guru.
me;a*a> àiwta> ³me[ muiniÉ> àae´aStwa razy> oeqaíaÇ tu kWyte s karka>, meñädyäù prathitäù krameëa munibhiù proktästathä räçayaù kheöäçcätra tu kathyateà'çakavidhiù saìkñepataù kärakäù|
The sages have explained about the rasis beginning from Mesha (Aries) onwards. The method to understand the navamsha occupied by grahas, in these rasis, is explained, by me (Krishnamishra), in brief.
pUvRiSmn! crÉaÑvedœ ¢hpraxIz³me[ iÖxa Éaga> SyuiSwrÉe twaeÉyg&he pUvERmuRnINÔEmRtm!.2. pürvasmin carabhädbhaved grahaparädhéçakrameëa dvidhä bhägäù syusthirabhe tathobhayagåhe pürvairmunéndrairmatam||2||
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The ancient seers are of the opinion that the first navamsha of a rasi is identical with chara rasis, (beginning from Mesha) in reverse order (Mesha, Makara, Tula and Karka) then comes the sthira rasis and lastly the Ubhaya rasis, in succession. Chandrashekhar’s Comment: Here the learned Krishnamishra is giving a different method of allotting navamsha lordships than what is known to the modern world and the learned might like to test this method against the results on live charts.
.Aw àkaraNtre[ Éaganynm!. |'tha prakäräntareëa bhägänayanam||
Another method of division.
crÉe crÉaiTSwrÉe nvmat! sutÉaÊÉye munyae=ip jgu iv;maT³mtae ivprItmwae ivÊr.3. carabhe carabhätsthirabhe navamät sutabhädubhaye munayo'pi jagu viñamätkramato viparétamatho viduraàçakakalpanamatra budhäù||3||
In case of chara rasi the navamsha begins from the same chara rasi, in case of Sthira rasi it begins from the 9th rasi to itself and in case of Ubhaya rasi it begins with the 5th rasi from the Ubhaya rasi under consideration. The count is regular for the odd rasis and in case of even rasis the count is reverse, so think the learned. Chandrashekhar’s Comments: The shloka tells us that if the rasis are Odd the order is regular and if even then reverse. This means that whereas for Mesha the order will be Mesha, Vrishabha, Mittuna….. till Dhanu, for Vrishabha Rasi the order of Navamsha shall be Makara, Dhanu, Vrishchika, Tula, Kanyaa, ….. till Vrishabha. I am giving below the table of Navamsha order that is suggested by the learned Krishnamishra, for easy reference of the Jyotish fraternity. Navamsha as suggested by the Venerable Krishnamishra. Rasi Mesha Vrishabha Mithuna Karka Simha Kanyā Tula Vrishchika Dhanu Makara Kumbha Meena
Navamsha Order per Krishnamishra Mesha, Vrishabha, Mithuna, Karka, Simha, Kanyā,Tulā, Vrishchika, Dhanu. Makara, Dhanu, Virshchika, Tulā, Kanyā, Simha, Karka, Mithuna, Vrishabha. Tula, Vrishchika, Dhanu, Makara, Kumbha, Meena, Mesha, Vrishabha, Mithuna Karka, Mithuna, Vrishabha, Mesha, Meena, Kumbha, Makara, Dhanu. Mesha, Vrishabha, Mithuna, Karka, Simha, Kanyā,Tulā, Vrishchika, Dhanu. Makara, Dhanu, Vrishchika, Tulā, Kanyā, Simha, Karka, Mithuna, Vrishabha. Tula, Vrishchika, Dhanu, Makara, Kumbha, Meena, Mesha, Vrishabha, Mithuna Karka, Mithuna, Vrishabha, Mesha, Meena, Kumbha, Makara, Dhanu. Mesha, Vrishabha, Mithuna, Karka, Simha, Kanyā,Tulā, Vrishchika, Dhanu. Makara, Dhanu, Vrishchika, Tulā, Kanyā, Simha, Karka, Mithuna, Vrishabha. Tula, Vrishchika, Dhanu, Makara, Kumbha, Meena, Mesha, Vrishabha, Mithuna Karka, Mithuna, Vrishabha, Mesha, Meena, Kumbha, Makara, Dhanu.
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†ga[„iÝírÉa½ra[a< g&haixpe yuGmgte iSwraÏI, Vyy< smar_y twaeÉyiSwte tdaid sNt> àvdiNt inTym!.4. dågäëakÿptiçcarabhäccaräëäà gåhädhipe yugmagate sthiräddhé| vyayaà samärabhya tathobhayasthite tadädi santaù pravadanti nityam||4||
In DrugāNa (Dreshkāna), the trick is that from chara rasi (Charabha) first dreshkāna is lorded by the lagna lord (grihādhipe) and the next by the rasi 12th to it (Vyayam) the third dreshkāna being lorded by the lord of rasi in 11th to the lagna (Samārabhya…). Similarly in case of Sthira rasi the first dreshkāna is the sthira rasi, itself, and in case of Ubhaya rasi the first dreshkāna is the Ubhaya rasi itself next dreshkāna being that of the 12th lord and the third dreshkāna being that of the 11th lord of the rasis from the respective the sthira and Ubhaya rasis respectively.
razIñr> Syat! àwmae iÖtIyae Éagaixpae l¶pitSt&tIy> cNÔítuwaeR ¢hnaykae veTyev< ih yaege )lkarka> Syu>.5. räçéçvaraù syät prathamo dvitéyo bhägädhipo lagnapatiståtéyaù candraçcaturtho grahanäyako vetyevaà hi yoge phalakärakäù syuù||5||
Lord of the rasi occupied by Chandra is first graha capable of giving results (Phalakaraka), Lord of the Lagna is next graha that can give results, and then comes the Moon. And fourth is the graha that conjoins either of these.
Svl¶padòmgStda*> )[InpuÇaE ih twa iÖtIyaE, cNÔae xrajStdnuSt&tIyaE inyaR[kale )lkarka> Syu>.6. svalagnapädañöamagastadädyaù phaëénaputrau hi tathä dvitéyau| candro dharäjastadanuståtéyau niryäëakäle phalakärakäù syuù||6||
At the time of deciding time of death (Niryānakaale) the graha that occupies the 8th bhava from the lord of the Lagna is the one who is the first to give results. Amongst such occupant graha (who could Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma
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impart death) first, in importance (or potency), is Rahu second in order of of death inflicting qualities is Chandra (Moon) and third in potency is the Son of earth (Mars) {they can cause death in their dashas and transits in declining order of strength}.
dzaivxaE tÄÏIñra> Syu> )làda me;ctuòySy, twaiSwra[a< irpugehnawa> keNÔaixpaíaeÉymiNdrSy - re Syu>.7. daçävidhau tattaddhéçvaräù syuù phalapradä meñacatuñöayasya| tathästhiräëäà ripugehanäthäù kendrädhipäçcobhayamandirasya - re syuù||7||
Dashas of the lords of the Mesha and its squares are not capable of giving results (for the chara rasis), in case of sthira rasis the dashas of the 6th lords from them will not give results and in case of the Ubhaya (dual) rasis the dashas of the lords of squares (kendra) cannot give results.
twaefudaye muiniÉ> à[Ita ye karkaSte yuij tT³me[, ANyÇ tu SyaiÖprItmev n]Çnawe iv;maNys Syat! blaixka½aip n ketutí, xrasutíakRsutae=PyxIzaE dzaivpake blvanxIz>.10. padapravåttirna ca rähutaù syät balädhikäccäpi na ketutaçca| dharäsutaçcärkasuto'pyadhéçau daçävipäke balavänadhéçaù||10||
Rahu and Ketu do not rule over any dasha, even when they are powerful. They give results in the dasha of Saturn and Mars respectively. Or No pada lagnas are to be drawn from the position of Rahu and Ketu even when they are powerful (than Saturn and Mars, being co-lords of Kumbha and Vrishchika). They deliver results during the dasha of Saturn and Mars or the planet they conjoin with, depending on who is stronger, between them. Chandrashekhar’s Comment: Personally, I think that the second option in the translation of the above two shlokas, that I have indicated, is more apt.
oeqe twa Sv]Rgte ctuw¡ pd< Évet! sÝmge c ir>)m!, ANyÇ c Sv]Rgte tdev pd< ivl¶aixptevRdiNt.11. kheöe tathä svarkñagate caturthaà padaà bhavet saptamage ca riùpham| anyatra ca svarkñagate tadeva padaà vilagnädhipatervadanti||11||
When a planet occupies the fourth from own rasi the pada falls in own rasi and that falling in the 7th bhava falls in the 12th bhava. When it falls in other bhavas the pada falls as in the case of Lagna lord pada. Or Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma
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In the same manner as when the planet falling in the 4th bhava gives pada in the 4th bhava, itself, same happens when it occupies the 7th and the 12th bhava. Chaandrashekhar’s Comment: Here I think that the first option is apt.
cNÔae yda kikRi[ s Syat! razIñrae l¶pit> tda Syat!, tÇEv jatSy nrSy keNÔiÇkae[ketaE-zaE- bilnaE ih ten-blvan ih neta-kark-.12. candro yadä karkiëi saàsthitaù syät räçéçvaro lagnapatiù tadä syät| tatraiva jätasya narasya kendratrikoëaketau-çau- balinau hi tena-balaväna hi netä-käraka-||12||
As Chandra occupying Karka rasi makes him the rasi as well as the Lagna lord (thus very strong and capable of giving extermely good results), similarly with Ketu occupying a Kendra or a trikona the Jataka becomes a King/ powerful leader.
%½aixneÇaip yutStwae½> nIcenyu´ae=ip twEv nIc>, Éavezyu´ae=ip c ra÷yu´ae blVYapetSsogaeÇ- ocrae=Ç-zaôe.13. uccädhineträpi yutastathoccaù nécenayukto'pi tathaiva nécaù| bhäveçayukto'pi ca rähuyukto balavaypetassakhagotra- khacaro'tra-çästre||13||
When a graha is conjunct the lord of its neecha rasi (debilitated sign), or aspected by it or a graha in debility or conjunct Rahu, it is bereft of strength. Similarly it acts like being in exaltation if it is conjunct an exalted graha or conjunct the lord of the rasi where the graha in question is exalted, or aspected by them (the lords of exaltation rasis).
blaixka> Sv]Rgta> oga> Syu> tÇaip cNÔe[ yuta bilóa>, nIcairyu´a ivblaStwaSt Syat! kIqe twa miÙg&he iviz:y, buxSy gehe tu kdaicda÷rNyÇ razaE s blVypet>.15. meñatrikoëe balavän ravéù syät kéöe tathä mantrigåhe viçiñya| budhasya gehe tu kadäcidähuranyatra raçau sa balavyapetaù||15||
Surya/ Ravi (Sun) is strong in trines to Mesha rasi (Aries sign). He is especially strong in Vrishchika and Dhanu rasis. He is also strong in the rasis of Budha (Mithuna and Kanyaa), sometimes (mostly he is weak). In other rasis he is bereft of strength.
cNÔae (guê) É&gae> Sv]Rgtae guraeí (gurae>) g&he blI ÉagRvmiÙyu´>, mXyae=kRpuÇSy g&he blI Syat! ÉaEm}sUyR]Rgtae yutí (Syat!).16. candro (gurü) bhågoù svarkñagato guroçca (guroù) gåhe balé bhärgavamantriyuktaù| madhyo'rkaputrasya gåhe balé syät bhaumajïasüryarkñagato yutaçca (syät)||16||
Chandra is strong in own rasi and that of Shukra. Chandra is strong when in the house of Guru if conjunct Shukra and Guru. He is strong in the house of Shani (if in middle degrees? Or in the 10th house in rasi of Shani?). Chandra is also strong when in conjunction with Mars and Budha and Surya, in house of Shani. Chandrashekhar’s Comment: I do not think the word Guru in place of Chandra, which appears in another text as indicated in the book, as “Pathabheda”, is right. The word Chandra is correct. The order of shlokas from Surya to Shani is obvious.
ÉaEmae blI Sv]Rgtae=ip (}jIv) jIvinzezyu´í (zzI}) tdIygehe, mXyae=kRyu´ae ivblae=Nywa Syat! #tIv svR}mte vdiNt.17. bhaumo balé svarkñagato'pi (jïajéva) jévaCopyright Chandrashekhar Sharma
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niçeçayuktaçca (çaçéjïa) tadéyagehe| madhyo'rkayukto vibalo'nyathä syät itéva sarvajïamate vadanti||17||
Mangal is strong in its own rasi. It also gets strength in the houses of Chandra and Guru if he conjoins them (another edition talks of the strength coming when it is with Budha and Guru and a third one says it is with Chandra and Budha that Mangal must conjoin in their rasis, to gain strength). Also it gains strength in rasi of Surya when it is conjunct Surya. In other rasis, when conjunct Surya, it is bereft of strength.
Chandrashekhar’s comment: I think the conjunction with Chandra and Guru is right, since grahas always gain strength when in samāgama with Chandra, not the other “Pāthabheda”.
buxStwa Sv]Rgtae idnezmu´ae blI zaeÉnoeqyu´>, mXy> k…j]I[suxa prÇ daEbRLymuziNt sNt>.18. budhastathä svarkñagato dineçamukto balé çobhanakheöayuktaù| madhyaù kujakñéëasudhäàçuyuktaù paratra daurbalyamuçanti santaù||18||
In the same manner, Budha gains strength when in own rasi, and when he is conjunct strong benefics (also its friends) if he is free of Surya (not combust). When with Mangal or conjunct weak Moon, and in other rasis, it is weak, say the sages.
gué> zuÉ> ]I[suxa.19. guruù çubhaù kñéëasudhäàçuçukrabhujaìgamänäà yutimantareëa| madhyastathä bhaumatadéyagehe paratra daurbalyamuçanti santaù||19||
Guru is benefic. It is also a benefic when with (even) weak Chandra, Shukra or Rahu or when occupying their rasis, according to other learned (antareNa). In the house of or conjunct Mangal, (also), Guru is strong. In other rasis and with other grahas he is weak.
zu³ae blIyan! ocraixnet&kNyayuit< caStmn< ivnEv, Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma
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³ªre[ yu´ae=ip buxen mXy> )[INÔyu´ae mr[e blIyan!.20. çukro baléyän khacarädhinetåkanyäyutià cästamanaà vinaiva| krüreëa yukto'pi budhena madhyaù phaëéndrayukto maraëe baléyän||20||
Shukra is strong when he is owner of the rasi occupied. When in Kanyaa rasi and combust (astam) he is devoid of strength. When conjunct malefics and also when in a rasi of Budha or conjunct Rahu it becomes a strong maraka.
zu³]Rg> Sv]Rgtae blIyan! zinSsuracayRg&he buxSy, g&he c mXyae ivblae=Nywa Syat! yaege ¢ha[amip tÖdev.21, çukrarkñagaù svarkñagato baléyän çanissuräcäryagåhe budhasya| gåhe ca madhyo vibalo'nyathä syät yoge grahäëämapi tadvadeva||21|
Shani is strong in the rasi of Shukra, own rasis, in the rasi of Guru and that of Budha. In other rasis he is bereft of strength. One should predict the yogas caused by grahas in that fashion (after assessing the strength of grahas due to their placement in different rasis).
ra÷Ssda ³ªryutae blIyan! zu³e[yu´ae=ip twEv mXy>, sdaip ra÷mRr[e blIyan! blSy hain> n kdaip tSy.22. rähussadä krürayuto baléyän çukreëayukto'pi tathaiva madhyaù| sadäpi rähurmaraëe baléyän balasya häniù na kadäpi tasya||22||
Rahu is always strong when with malefics and also when conjunct Shukra or in the rasis owned by them. Rahu is always a strong maraka and he never looses his strength.
.#it ïIbalaiÇpurisNdrI k«pakqa]smixgtsmStiv*avEÊ:y ïIk«:[imïk«taE Jyaeit;)lrÆmalaya< àwmae=Xyay>.
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AXyay.2. adhyäya ||2||
Chapter ||2|| Aaejeivl¶e tu tdev l¶< yuGme tu tTsNmuomamniNt, ojevilagne tu tadeva lagnaà yugme tu tatsanmukhamämananti|
When lagna falls in odd rasi it is treated as the lagna but when it falls in even rasi, the sanmukha rasi is treated as lagna. Chandrashekhar’s Comment: This, perhaps, means that one should count regular when the lagna is odd and reverse when it happens to be even. The logic would be that a sanmukha rasi falls opposite to a rasi and hence count in opposite direction. However one could also interpret as given above since the sanmukha rasi of the even rasi is always an odd rasi. However the succeeding paragraphs do suggest that the learned Krishnamishra intended to indicate Sanmukha rasia only. I leave it to the learned to make their own assessment.
tÇaip tTsÝmyaebRlain-tTsMmuoyaebRlain in[IRy ivÖan! àvdet! )lain.2,1. taträpi tatsaptamayorbaläni-tatsammukhayorbaläni nirëéya vidvän pravadet phaläni||2|1||
The learned should (also) predict on the basis of who amongst the 7th from lagna (Pathabheda: from the rasi opposite the lagna) is stronger. Chandrashekhar’s Comment: In a round-about way, what is being said is that the stronger between the Lagna and 7th bhava is to be ascertained and the prediction be based on that. Again the first half of the shloka tends to indicate that for odd rasi one should treat lagna itself as lagna and in case of even rasi the Sanmukha rasi should be treated as lagna. If we consider this then we have to look the combination of rasi-Sanmukha rasis, in rasi drishti. Which then means that for Vrishabha lagna we consider the strength of Tula rasi and 7th from it, for Karka rasi we look at strength of Aquarius and 7th from it, for Dhanu rasi we look at Meena and 7th from it, for Vrishchika we look at Mesha and 7th from it, for Makara we assess the strength of Simha and the 7th from it and with Meena, we look at Dhanu Rasi and 7th from it for assessment of the strength of these lagnas.
@v< g&hItadip l¶Éavat! pd< smanIy sda ivpiít!, evaà gåhétädapi lagnabhävät padaà samänéya sadä vipaçcit |
In the same manner, as in case of Lagna (above), one should see (assess the strength of) the Pada lagna.
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@eñyRmayuí ivÉJy kale vdedyÆen †F< sÉasu.2,2. aiçvaryamäyuçca vibhajya käle vadedayatnena dåòhaà sabhäsu||2|2||
Give prediction with confidence after distinguishing between the events under consideration being related to Wealth and longevity, on the basis of time (dashas/transits operating, at the relevant time).
pde zuÉanamip s.2,3. vyayatrikoëeñu ca rähuyogaà vinä sthitärthaà- sthiataù syät çubhayogamähuù||2|3||
If the pada (Arudha lagna or Lagna pada) or the rasis squaring it, is conjunct a benefic graha and, if Rahu does not conjoin the 12th from pada lagna or trines to 12th from pada lagna, one gets steady income. Chandrashekhar’s Comment: “sthitaH syaat” also appears to be the correct Pathabheda and could indicate good results, though these are not specifically described.
pd< smanIy ivc][en àdi][enEv ivcar[Iy>, padaà samänéya vicakñaëena pradakñiëenaiva vicäraëéyaù|
Éava nyuGme c tdNywaSyu> pd³mae=y< ivbuxE> à[It>.2,4. bhävä nayugme ca tadanyathäsyuù padakramo'yaà vibudhaiù praëétaù||2|4||
When Pada lagna falls in an even rasi, one should count in right to left direction (reverse order), when it falls in odd rasi count otherwise (regular) as told by the learned. Chandrashekhar’s Comment: This could also mean that while calculating Pada lagna (or any other Pada) if the graha is in even Rasi count in reverse order and if in odd rasis count in regular order and I personally think that this is what the learned Krishnamishra intended to convey in the shloka.
pde twa ³ªrg&hezuÉen! ¢he[ †òe=PyzuÉay Éaiv, Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma
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pade tathä krüragåheçubhen graheëa dåñöe'pyaçubhäya bhävi|
zuÉe twa zaeÉnoecre[ †òe zuÉTv< smudahriNt.2,5. çubhe tathä çobhanakhecareëa dåñöe çubhatvaà samudäharanti||2|5||
When the Pada lagna falls in malefic rasi or gets aspect of malefic graha/s, the results are malefic. When however the Pada lagna falls in a benefic rasi or gets the aspect of a benefic graha/s benefic results ensue (for the Jataka).
pdaïye - pdadœÖye zaeÉnoecra[a< yaege ÉveÔajsmanyaeg>, padäçraye - padäddvaye çobhanakhecaräëäà yoge bhavedräjasamänayogaù|
ANyÇ zu³adip raiÇnawaÚIcadip Syat! ivprItmev.2,6. anyatra çukrädapi rätrinäthännécädapi syät viparétameva||2|6||
When a Pada lagna is occupied by two benefics, a Rajyoga is obtained. However, if the (the two benefics being Shukra and Chandra) Shukra is conjunct a debilitated Chandra, the results are reverse (one gets Dāridrya/penury). Chandrashekhar’s Comment: This could also mean that, if Shukra and Chandra are the two planets occupying the Pada lagna, or if either Shukra or Chandra is neecha (in debility) at any place other than Pada lagna (“anyatra”), one gets Dāridrya}
laÉe pda½NÔguê Éuj¼yu´aE tda÷> inixlaÉmayaR>, läbhe padäccandragurü bhujaìgayuktau tadähuù nidhiläbhamäryäù|
@kae É&guíNÔyutae yid Syat ÉveÚrezaÏnlaÉ @v.2,7. eko bhåguçcandrayuto yadi syät bhavennareçäddhanaläbha eva||2|7||
When the 11th from the Pada lagna is occupied by Chandra, Guru and Rahu, the jataka is blessed with wealth and nidhi (hidden wealth). If the said 11th be occupied by Shukra and Chandra, the Jataka can have good wealth from the King. Chandrashekhar’s Comment: Bhunjanga could also be translated as 8th. This could mean that Guru and Chandra in the 8th bhava from the pada lagna indicate income through hidden wealth (Nidhi) and this Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma
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may actually be the right translation.Thus Guru and Chandra in either 11th or the 8th could indicate that one gets hidden wealth or even legacy. At the same time the next shloka indicates that bhujanga could refer to Rahu. I leave it to the authorities in Jaimini to decide which of the meaning is more suitable.
laÉe buxakIR-AkaER Éujgen †òaE devaly]I[g&he;u tÖt! läbhe budhärké-arkau bhujagena dåñöau devälayakñéëagåheñu tadvat
ÉaEmen ÉUmavvqe;u ketae> cNÔa¾lei:vTyvdn! munINÔa>.2,8. bhaumena bhümävavaöeñu ketoù candräjjaleñvityavadan munéndräù||2|8||
When Budha and Shani aspected by Rahu, and occupying the 11th bhava or debilitated Mangala conjunct/aspected by Ketu occupying the 9th bhava (devalaya); are aspected by a weak/waning Chandra, similar (becomes wealthy) results are obtained by the Jataka. Chandrashekhar’s Comment: This yoga appears to be based on the Vipareeta principle (principle of contrary results where two negatives give positive results), in so far as the Mangal related yoga is concerned, as the weak Mangala will be aspected by its own weakened dispositor.
rvaE twa ÉaEmg&he pdSy laÉe iSwte æat&xnSy laÉ>, ravau tathä bhaumagåhe padasya läbhe sthite bhrätådhanasya läbhaù|
When the pada lagna falls in the rasi owned by Ravi or Mangal, occupying the 11th bhava to the pada lagna, one gets wealth from brothers.
jIvSy gehe tu sUtaÏnaiÝ> buxSy tu }aitxn< vdiNt.2,9. jévasya gehe tu sütäddhanäptiù budhasya tu jïätidhanaà vadanti||2|9||
When such 11th from the Pada lagna falls in the rasi of Guru, one gets wealth from the son and if it falls in Budha’s rasi he gets wealth from relatives.
cNÔaikRgehe SvÉujaijRt< Syat! ANyÇ ra}ae xnlaÉ @v, candrärkigehe svabhujärjitaà syät anyatra räjïo dhanaläbha eva|
Similarly, if the 11th from the Pada lagna falls in the rasi of Chandra or Shani one earns wealth through own efforts. In other case (rasi owned by Shukra) one gets wealth through the King. Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma
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³ªrEyuRte nIcgte=PymagaRt! zuÉEyuRte Svae½gte sumagaRt!.2,10. krürairyute nécagate'pyamärgät çubhairyute svoccagate sumärgät||2|10||
When (the 11th from pada lagna) it is occupied by krura or debilitated planets, the wealth is accrued through bad (corrupt/lowly work/great labour or efforts?) means. When (the 11th from padalagna is) occupied by planets that are shubha or exalted one earns through good means.
cNÔaeblIyen-ilóen yutae=ip ySy-cNÔe[ nIcen gehe s @v àÉvet! )lay, candrobaléyena-liñöhena yuto'pi yasya-candreëa nécena gehe sa eva prabhavet phaläya|
If Chandra is strong (good means) or that which is weak (bad means), joins (the 11th from pada lagna) also gives similar results.
idnezyu´ae=PywvaipnIcae- nIcenyu´ae xnVyyayEv ÉveiÚtaNtm!.2,11. dineçayukto'pyathaväpinéco- nécenayukto dhanavyayäyaiva bhavennitäntam||2|11||
If such a weak or debilitated Chandra is conjunct Ravi, one always spends money (can not retain his wealth).
ÉaEmae blI laÉgtStwEv ³ªrEyuRtae SvLpxnàdata, bhaumo balé läbhagatastathaiva krürairyuto svalpadhanapradätä|
When a strong Mangal occupies the 11th (from pada lagna) and is conjunct a krura graha, he bestows limited (not much) wealth.
]edzmat! æat&sutaidkayat! vdiNt laÉ< yvna> Svgehe.2,12. kñetrakramät bhrätåsutädikäyät vadanti läbhaà yavanäù svagehe||2|12||
However if Mangala occupies the 3rd or the 5th (from Pada lagna) one gets profits (wealth), so says Yavanāchārya.
zu³Sy ra}> sicvSy puÇat! rve> iptuíNÔms> klÇat!, Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma
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çukrasya räjïaù sacivasya puträt raveù pituçcandramasaù kalaträt|
Shukra (placed in 11th from Pada lagna) gives wealth through the king, Guru through Son, Ravi so placed will give wealth through the father and Chandra in 11th from the Padalagna indicates wealth through the wife.
buxSy tu }aitxn< )[INÔat! caEyeR[ ketae> munyae vdiNt.2,13. budhasya tu jïätidhanaà phaëéndrät cauryeëa ketoù munayo vadanti||2|13||
If Budha be so placed one gets wealth through the relatives or members of the clan and Rahu through theft or through his intelligence (“KetoH”) say the sages.
cNÔakRjaE ra÷guê k…jakIR XvjakRpuÇaE yid cae´rITya, candrärkajau rähugurü kujärké dhvajärkaputrau yadi coktarétyä|
iSwta> tdanI— inyt< nra[a< laÉe pdaÚIcxnàda> Syu>.2,14. sthitäù tadänéà niyataà naräëäà läbhe padännécadhanapradäù syuù||2|14||
Should the pairs of Chandra-Shani, Rahu-Guru, Mangal-Shani or Ketu- Shani be so placed (11th from pada lagna) and should one (out of the pair of grahas concerned) of them be in its neecha rasi (since they are together as indicated by word niyataM and both can not be neecha occupying one rasi) they are capable of bestowing wealth.
nIciSwta> zaeÉnoecreNÔa> yu´a> tda MleCDxnàda> Syu>, nécasthitäù çobhanakhecarendräù yuktäù tadä mlecchadhanapradäù syuù|
ra÷> zuÉ]eÇgtStwEk> ketuStwa ³ªrgtStwEv.2,15. rähuù çubhakñetragatastathaikaù ketustathä krüragatastathaiva||2|15||
Should a benefic, being in debility, be conjunct Rahu or should Rahu occupy a rasi of benefic (“tathaika”) or should Ketu conjoin a Krura graha (in debility) or occupy a Krura rasi, the jataka gets wealth through a MlecCha (foreigner).
nIcae½gEíNÔsutStwEv Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma
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³ªrEyuRtae MleCDxnàdata, nécoccagaiçcandrasutastathaiva krürairyuto mlecchadhanapradätä|
Similarly if Budha be in either debility or exaltation and conjunct a krura graha, it can indicate wealth through a MlecCha.
guêyRda nIcgt> td raJyaxRmev àidzTyjöm!, eko balé kuëòalinäà vareëyaù räjyärdhameva pradiçatyajasram|
Even if one graha is bestowed with strength in a chart, one is capable of becoming an adviser to the king.
zu³e[ yu´í idnezyu´> twEv nae ceiÖprItmev.2,23. çukreëa yuktaçca dineçayuktaù tathaiva no cedviparétameva||2|23||
Even if Shukra is conjunct Ravi, no different results ensue. Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma
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Chandrashekhar’s Comment: I think what he means here is that even if Ravi’s conjunction of a strong Shukra is causing combustion, the results of strong Shukra are undiminished as Shukra and Shani do not get weak on account of combustion according to sages.
NyaYy< xn< ³ªrg&he Éuj¼e ivpyRy< saEMyg&he ddait, nyäyyaà dhanaà krüragåhe bhujaìge viparyayaà saumyagåhe dadäti|
When Rahu occupies a krura rasi (in 11th from pada lagna Or 6th from Pada lagna), one gets wealth, through litigation. If in Saumya (benefic) rasi it is the other way (one gets wealth without litigation). Chandrashekhar’s Comment: The reference to earning through litigation, could also indicate that one earns through legal profession. Again “Viparyaya” could mean that being in a Saumya (beneifc) rasi the person looses wealth through litigation, instead of gaining it without litigation. However since the earlier shloka’s are referring to sources of earning, I have translated it as above. The learned may correct me if wrong.
@v< XvjSyaip ivcayR ivÖan! )l< vdeÚae ivtw< kdaip.2,24. evaà dhvajasyäpi vicärya vidvän phalaà vadenno vitathaà kadäpi||2|24||
Similarly think about Ketu. The learned say that this will never go wrong.
keNÔiSwta> saEMyoga> zuÉay ³ªra ¢ha Êò)làda> Syu>, kendrasthitäù saumyakhagäù çubhäya krürä grahä duñöaphalapradäù syuù|
Shubha grahas in a Kendra give good results whereas Krura grahas placed in a Kendra give evil results.
Ôòa VyySy àblae=ip oeq> pdaiÖraexIit vdiNt sNt>.2,25. drañöä vyayasya prabalo'pi kheöaù padädvirodhéti vadanti santaù||2|25||
A graha that aspects the 12th bhava, if also endowed with strength, opposes what is promised by the pada. Chandrashekhar’s Comment: I think the mention of Kendra and 12th bhava in the above two couplets is to position of bhavas with reference to Pada lagna, but it could as well be from 11th to Pada lagna. The aspects may be rasi aspects. However the next shloka indicates the possibility that this could also mean the Kendra and 12th bhava of the Pada lagna and therefore I have translated as above. The learned may correct me if I have gone wrong. Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma
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keNÔiSwtae va inxniSwtae va pdaÓlI pZyit yae Vyy< c, kendrasthito vä nidhanasthito vä padädbalé paçyati yo vyayaà ca|
iviz:y zu³eNÊÉuj¼raj-dœòe Vyye inxRntEv sTym!.2,26. viçiñya çukrendubhujaìgaräja-dñöe vyaye nirdhanataiva satyam||2|26||
A graha that is strong and aspects the 12th from the pada while occpying a Kendra or 8th bhava, especially if the graha happens to be Shukra, Chandra and/or Rahu, its aspect on 12th leads to poverty.
t&tIy;ó]Rgtaí nIca> ³ªra> pdawRkra ÉviNt, %½aStu pZyiNt ydI àk«Tya pd< tda tan! sblan! vdiNt.27. tåtéyañañöharkñagatäçca nécäù krüräù padärthakarä bhavanti| uccästu paçyanti yadé prakåtyä padaà tadä tän sabalän vadanti||27||
When debilitated malefic grahas occupy the 3rd or the 6th and are krura as well as Neecha (in debility) they give good results especially if they also aspect their exaltation bhava in Pada lagna.
ivl¶Éat! karkt> pda½ ivcayR oeqan! ivivxan! ivpiít!, %dIryet! rajsÉasu sMyk kdaip nae yit m&;apd< s>.28. vilagnabhät kärakataù padäcca vicärya kheöän vividhän vipaçcit| udérayet räjasabhäsu samyaka kadäpi no yati måñäpadaà saù||28|
One should analyze (a chart) from the lagna lord, Karaka and Pada lagna after considering different grahas. Then one shall be honoured in the King’s court, this will never be wrong. Chandrashekhar’s Comment: Here is a clear injunction of the learned Krishnamishra to look at the bhavas and graha position from janma Lagna, Karakamsha lagna and Pada Lagna.
.#it ïIbalaiÇpurisNdrI k«pakqa]smixgtsmStiv*avEÊ:y ïIk«:[imïk«taE Jyaeit;)lrÆmalaya< iÖtIyae=Xyay>. ||iti çrébälätripurasindaré kåpäkaöäkñasamadhigatasamastavidyävaiduñya çrékåñëamiçrakåtau jyotiñaphalaratnamäläyäà dvitéyo'dhyäyaù|| Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma
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AXyay.3. adhyäya ||3||
Chapter ||3|| cra iSwran! pÂmlaÉÉavan! iSwraiô;ó< nvm< twEv, ctuwRjaimÇg&h< c ir>)< twaeÉySwa> àivlaekyiNt.1. carä sthirän païcamaläbhabhävän sthirästriñañöhaà navamaà tathaiva| caturthajämitragåhaà ca riùphaà tathobhayasthäù pravilokayanti||1||
Chara rasi aspects the sthira rasis in 5th, 8th and the 11th bhava (from itself) or all sthira rasis, Sthira rasi similarly aspects the 3rd, 6th and the 9th from itself. The dual rasi aspects the 4th, the 7th and the 12th {or Meena rasi that is the ubhaya rasi} (from itself). Chandrashekhar’s Comment: There is some confusion, here, as in case of Chara rasi the 8th from itself is not mentioned, though if we consider Sthira to mean 8 (kept secret, so Randhra) then it is mentioned. However in case of Ubhaya rasis instead of the 10th rasi from self the 12th rasi is said to be receiving aspect. If we accept the literal meaning, what is said is that the Chara rasis aspect the 5th and 9th from themselves and Ubhaya rasis aspect the 4th, 7th and 12th from itself. This being at great variance from Jaimini, The only explanation for this anamoly, is that symbolic names are used here and that might have been done to adhere to the meter of the shloka.
Aaeje ivl¶e tu tdev l¶< yuGme tdNyt! pué;Sy yaeJym!, tÇaip tTsÝmyaebRlen ¢aý< ivl¶< inyt< ih siÑ>.2. oje vilagne tu tadeva lagnaà yugme tadanyat puruñasya yojyam| taträpi tatsaptamayorbalena grähyaà vilagnaà niyataà hi sadbhiù||2||
When lagna is an odd rasi, that rasi itself is the lagna, in case of lagna falling in even rasi it is otherwise. In that case the one that is stronger amongst the even rasi lagna and 7th rasi from it, is to be accepted as Lagna (or is inevitably the Lagna).
zin> k…jae }ae guézu³cNÔ - zNyarsaEMyeJyistE[icNh Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma
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idneñra[a< blmuÄr< Syat!, ANye tu sUyeRNÊÉ&gaeStnUj gué}ÉaEmakRsutan! vdiNt.3. çaniù kujo jïo guruçukracandra çanyärasaumyejyasitaiëacinha dineçvaräëäà balamuttaraà syät| anye tu süryendubhågostanüja gurujïabhaumärkasutän vadanti||3||
The grahas are stronger in the ascending order of Shani, Mangal, Budha, Guru, Shukra, Chandra and Ravi. However some (authorities) say that they are stronger in the ascending order of Surya, Chandra, Shukra, Guru, Budha, Mangal and Shani.
¢hVypetat! sogae blIyan! tÇaPynek¢hs Syat!.4. grahavyapetät sakhago baléyän taträpyanekagrahasaàyutatvam sämye carädikramato balésyät yän taträpi sämye tu nisargataù syät||4||
A graha that is conjunct another graha is stronger than the graha that is alone. The graha with more number of grahas is stronger than the one with lesser number of grahas. If grahas are conjunct identical number of grahas, then their strength is determined by occupation of rasi in the ascending order of Chara, Sthira, and Ubhaya rasis. If, even here, the grahas occupy similar rasis, then the natural strength of the grahas is to be considered (to decide which is stronger of the two rasis). Chandrashekhar’s Comment: I think here the relative strengths of the bhava or rasi are, also, being talked about.
@v< ctuxaRip bl< c yaeJy< yaege ivl¶Sy sdEv siÑ>, m&taE tu svRÇ tu ÊbRl< ih blaixk< ¢aýtm< vdiNt.5. evaà caturdhäpi balaà ca yojyaà yoge vilagnasya sadaiva sadbhiù| måtau tu sarvatra tu durbalaà hi balädhikaà grähyatamaà vadanti||5||
In this manner should one assess the strength of grahas on four parameters. A graha in lagna is always auspicious. Grahas in mritavastha/debility or those placed in the 8th are to be treated as always weak. The strength of the shadow planets are (now) told. Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma
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ywaeÄr< yaegivxaE }ketu É&gaeStnUjai'rsa< vdiNt, ANye ivdae devpuraeihtSy XvjSy zu³Sy bl< )[iNt.6. yathottaraà yogavidhau jïaketu bhågostanüjäìirasäà vadanti| anye vido devapurohitasya dhvajasya çukrasya balaà phaëanti||6||
The yoga (conjunction of) of Ketu with Chandra, Budha, Shukra and Mangal is stronger in ascending order. Some (authorities) say that Ketu’ strength is similar to Guru and that of Rahu is equal to that of Shukra. The conjunction of Ketu with Budha and that of Shukra with Mangal are progressively stronger. Others opine that the conjunctions of Guru with Ketu and of Shukra with Rahu are stronger in ascending order.
rVyarmNda Éujgí m&TyaE blen yu´a ih ywaeÄr< te, - ywaeÄr< te ih blen yu´a> ]I[zzI ³ªryutae buxíeTyev< jgu> kecn maEinvyaR>.7. - yaeigvyaR>.7. ravyäramandä bhujagaçca måtyau balena yuktä hi yathottaraà te| - yathottaraà te hi balena yuktäù kñéëaçaçé krürayuto budhaçcetyevaà jaguù kecana maunivaryäù ||7|| - yogivaryäù ||7||
Surya, Mangala, Shani and Rahu are progressively stronger in inflicting death. Some sages, however, are of the opinion that weak Chandra and Budha who is conjunct a malefic are stronger in ascending order (to give bad results).
zuÉEyuRt> pU[Rkl> twae½> cNÔ> oge_yae=_yixk< blIyan!, ïeyae=zuÉSyaip ivxaE blIyan! sdaip -pap> - nIcae ivblae=ip cNÔ>.8. çubhairyutaù pürëakalaù tathoaccaù candraù khagebhyo'bhyadhikaà baléyän | çreyo'çubhasyäpi vidhau baléyän sadäpi -päpaù - néco vibalo'pi candraù||8||
Chandra, when conjunct a benefic, with full paksha bala or in exaltation makes other grahas, even malefics, strong. However a Chandra in debility or bereft of strength is always malefic (and makes other grahas weak). Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma
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ivc][ae l¶bl< ivcayR zuÉain píaiÚyt< ivlaeKy, s prÇ ÖaE oecraE tÇ bl< ivl¶m!, @kStwa Svae½gt> prÇ ÖaE va tdanImip tÖdev.10. vilagnago lagnapatiù paratra dvau khecarau tatra balaà vilagnam| ekastathä svoccagataù paratra dvau vä tadänémapi tadvadeva||10||
When the Lagna lord occupies Lagna, when two grahas occupy lagna, or when even when one or two grahas are in exaltation anywhere in the chart (or when in the 12th bhava of the chart), lagna gets strength. Chandrashekhar’s Comment: The reference to grahas in exaltation in any bhava, other than lagna, could also mean their being in the 12th bhava as “paratra” also means sequel. It is the 12th bhava that rises after the Lagna and may therefore be considered as sequel to the Lagna, though some could take the 2nd as the sequel.
@kÇ tu ÖavixpaE tu nIc> tTsÝme=Pyekoge twEv, ¢hEyuR´ae=Pyixpe twae½e tdev l¶< àvdiNt sNt>.11. ekatra tu dvävadhipau tu nécaù tatsaptame'pyekakhage tathaiva| Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma
26 387
grahairyukto'pyadhipe tathocce tadeva lagnaà pravadanti santaù||11||
(Similarly)When two such grahas (in lagna) are conjunct a graha in debility occupying the 7th bhava (simultaneously) or when such grahas are conjunct a graha in exaltation the Lagna gains strength. Chandrashekhar’s Comment: The reference to the graha in exaltation could also be hinting at the graha in exaltation occupying 7th from two grahas in the lagna. Again the graha in the 7th could be required to be a graha who rules water element (Chandra/Shukra) as the reference is to “Apya”. The reference to lagna is only indicative of a bhava and for all bhavas, and bhaveshas, the strength is to be seen in a manner similar to that indicated by the next shloka.
@v< c razerw raizpa½ blain sv¡ c inrIúy ivÖan!, dzaivpake:vip tÖdev blaixk< l¶pde=iÉi;Âet!.12. evaà ca räçeratha räçipäcca baläni sarvaà ca nirékñya vidvän| daçävipäkeñvapi tadvadeva balädhikaà lagnapade'bhiñiïcet||12||
In this manner, the rashi and rashi lord’s strengths are viewed (assessed) by the learned. At the time of results of the dashas, it is said that the strength of the Lagnapada (or pada of the relevant bhava) also influences the results (this could also mean that the dasha of the rasi where lagna pada falls influences the results of Lagna rasi dasha more than the Lagna rasi itself- by virtue of being strong or weak etc.) Chandrashekhar’s Comment: Rashi and Rashi lord equates the bhava and bhava lord, the two being treated equally in Jaimini.
svRÇ saMye=ip †ga[tae=ip ivcar[Iy< ih bl< suxIiÉ>, tÇaip saMye olu haert>- ya- SyaidtIv svR}mte vdiNt.13. sarvatra sämye'pi dågäëato'pi vicäraëéyaà hi balaà sudhébhiù| taträpi sämye khalu horataù- yä- syäditéva sarvajïamate vadanti||13||
In the same manner, one should analyze the Drekkana and Hora strength, also, thus opine the knowledgeable.
iÇ.14. triàçatkalä vyomamaëervidhostu kalästathä ñoòaça bhüsutasya| ñaò jïasya cäñöau surapujitasya bhågordaça dvädaça caikikärkeù||14||
The strength of Chandra and Shani (the airy one) be seen from Trimshāmsha (D-30), of Mangal from ShodashāMsha (D-16), of Budha from shashthyamsha (D-6), from Ashtāmsha (D-8) of Guru, strength of Shukra be assessed from its strength in Dashāmsha (D-10) and that of Ravi should be assessed from the Dwādashamsha (D-12). Chandrashekhar’s Comment: : This is a very important shlokas since for the first time in an astrological text one is finding the direction to look at grahas strength not from Lagna, Navamsha, Shadavarga (6 Varga Charts), Saptajavarga (7 Varga Charts) or Shodasha varga (16 Varga charts) but telling to use different vargas to assess strength of different grahas.
indanmetiÏ ble insgeR klaivÉagan! munyae vdiNt, blI )[INÔae XvjStwEk> zuÉEyuRtTve blvan! Xvj> Syat!.15. nidänametaddhi bale nisarge kalävibhägän munayo vadanti| balé phaëéndro dhvajastathaikaù çubhairyutatve balavän dhvajaù syät||15||
In this manner have the sages told the natural strength and the strength in vargas. Similarly Rahu and Ketu gain strength when conjunct shubha grahas.
ra÷bRlI ³ªrogen yu´ae=PyetÓl< jatkmaÇ @v, nIcStwa Svae½ogen yu´> Svy< twae½Sy )l< ddait.16. rähurbalé krürakhagena yukto'pyetadbalaà jätakamätra eva| nécastathä svoccakhagena yuktaù svayaà tathoccasya phalaà dadäti||16||
Rahu, when conjunct a malefic, endowed with strength, gives results of that strong malefic. Similarly even if it is weak but conjunct an uccha graha it (Rahu) gives results as if it is in his own Uccha rasi.
yaege tdNyÇ tu nIc @v Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma
28 389
blI yutae½< ivbl< kraeit, dzaivÉage=Pyymev yaeJy> NyayStwa zaôivze;tí.17. yoge tadanyatra tu néca eva balé yutoccaà vibalaà karoti| daçävibhäge'pyayameva yojyaù nyäyastathä çästraviçeñataçca||17||
Similarly when an exalted Rahu is conjunct a debilitated graha, that makes Rahu loose its strength (give results of the graha in debility). This principle is to be especially used for analysis of Dashas. Chandrashekhar’s Comment: This is amplification of the principle of Rahu (also Ketu) giving the results of the graha conjunct, during its dasha.
ivcar[Iy< b÷zae=Ç siÑ> ¢NwSy ivStarÉyaÚ cae´m!, At> SvbuÏ(Ev ivcayR sv¡ vdNtu sv¡ gu[dae;iv}a>.18. vicäraëéyaà bahuço'tra sadbhiù granthasya vistärabhayänna coktam| ataù svabuddhyaiva vicärya sarvaà vadantu sarvaà guëadoñavijïäù||18||
There are many other concepts which are not dealt with here for fear of the book being too bulky. Therefore the astrologer should think with his own intellect and then tell all the qualities and afflictions (pluses and minuses) of the chart.
.#it ïIbalaiÇpursuNdrIk«pakqa]smixgtsmStiv*a vEÊ:y ïIk«:[imïk«taE Jyaeit;)lrÆmalaya< t&tIyae=Xyay>. ||iti çrébälätripurasundarékåpäkaöäkñasamadhigatasamastavidyä vaiduñya çrékåñëamiçrakåtau jyotiñaphalaratnamäläyäà tåtéyo'dhyäyaù||
To Be Continued……..
Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma
29 390
Asta Siddantha Sara - Sukra Ghati And Its Results By Raghavendra Rao, India A ‘Mission Saptarishis’ Initiative Daily from morning 6:00 AM onwards for every 24 minutes i.e., one Ghati period is taken and its Results (Phal) are given in the table as per Asta Siddhanta Sara.. One need not see - thithi, nakshatra, muhurtha, Rahu kala, Yama Ganda, Durmuhurtha, etc., etc., for doing urgent/routine matters Just follow this and be happy. The results as same in the night time also. HrsMts 06:00
06:48 07:12
08:00 08:24
Time Hrs-Mts 06:24
07:12 07:36
08:24 08:48
Journey will be fruitful
Hurdles to the work
Monitory gains
Bad News
Monitory gains
Proposal will be fruitful
Hurdles in the proposal
Good Time for Education
Will be honored
Good for Journey
Feels bad
Things will be fruitful
Work will not be completed
xÉÉèEò®úÒ¨Éå Eò¹]Âõ
Difficulty in Job
Vehicle comfort
Monitory Gains
Monitory gain
Good for Marriage
Enemies may develop
Comforts for ladies
Fear from Ghosts
Fruitful proposal
Vehicle Comforts
Favorable authorities
Fear of Thieves
Gains on Land
Vehicle comfort
Hurdles in the work
Good for Marriage
Journey will be fruitful
Helping nature
Great fear
Loss of comfort
Successful work
Vehicle comfort
´ÉºjÉ |ÉÉÎ{iÉ
nÖù&JÉ / ¦ÉªÉÂ
Proposal will be fruitful
Secret monitory gains
may buy new dresses
Fickle mind
Success in job
Sad / fear
Work will be successful
´ªÉ´É½þÉ®Âú VɪÉÂ
Safety – gains
Success in case
Loss in Journey
May go to temple
Brave / Confident
Honored in Office
11:12 11:36 12:00 12:24 12:48 1:12 1:36
11:36 12:00 12:24 12:48 1:12 1:36 2:00
Eò¹]Âõ xɹ]Âõ
EòɪÉÇ xɹ]Âõ
Good for marriage
No controversy
Hurdles in Journey
Difficulty & Loss
Losses in the proposed work
|ɪÉÉhÉ Eò¹]Âõ
Wide friends circle
Trouble from enemies
Break in joueney
Proposal will be fruitful
Difficulties in Journey
Life threat
Gains through lady
Gains through lady
Honored by officials
Success in trade
Dress / gains
´ÉºiÉÖ ´ÉɽþxÉÂ
Interview with Official
Failure in work
Money and grains
Enemies will be destroyed
Material and vehicle comforts
Fickle minded
IÉä¨É - ±ÉɦÉÂ
Auspicious deeds Hurdles in the proposal
Success in Job
Success in marriage dealings
Safe and Profitable
Loss of friendship
®úÉäMÉ xÉɶÉÂ
Try and succeed Diseases
Fear from animals
Disease cures
Successful proposal Friendship
|ɪÉixÉ VɪÉÂ
Fear from poison Proposal will be fruitful
Problems with fire
Try and succeed
Fear from weapons Gains through ladies
®úÉäMÉ {ÉÒb÷É
Destruction of enemies
May buy dress
Danger to job
Destruction of enemies
Monitory gains
Fever / disease
Gains from Cow
New arrival / baby boy may born
Mad with rage
Much More fear
Journey will be fruitful
Official Honors
Successful work
Successful work
Good Education
Loss in Journey
|ɪÉÉhÉ ±ÉɦÉÂ
ºlÉÉxÉ xÉɶÉxÉÂ
®úÉäMÉ {ÉÒb÷É
Gains through journey
Minimum gains
Loss of position
®úÉäMÉ {ÉÒb÷É EòɪÉÇʺÉÊrù
2:00 2:24 2:48 3:12 3:36 4:00 4:24 4:48 5:12 5:36
2:24 2:48 3:12 3:36 4:00 4:24 4:48 5:12 5:36 6:00
Official Honor
Fear from thieves
Vehicle comfort
, péòito måtyumäpnoti svagåhe strésamanvitaù |
He dies at home when his wife is with him, due to an accident.
kalkªqa sdazuic>. çänto gaura samäìgaçca sarvavidyä viçäradaù | dhärmiko dhanikaù kämé çivabhaktaù sadäçuciù ||
One born in the second half of AhIamsha (serpent meaning the kalkuta amsha or nadi) is a Quiet (or peaceloving) person who is of fair complexion with a proportionate body. He is expert in all fields of learning, religious, wealthy, lustful (or virile), pious and a devotee of Lord Shiva.
Chandrashekhar’s Comment: Kālkoota is a poison that was churned form the seas by the Devas and Danavas. The reference to Ahiamsha seems to indicate that the reference is to Kālkoota amsha as Ahi means a serpent or serpent of skies, and serpents being poisonous this could be refering to Kālkoota amsha or nadi. The manuscript copier also seems to think this way as he has written Kālkoota in red letters before this shloka.
pÂaSy saedra:;fœdas pÆI mat&ja> pre. Aòadzeva. païcäsya sodaräññaòdäsa patné mätåjäù pare || añöädaçeväàsatyänicatastro dayitä småtäù ||
He has five brothers (or siblings), sixth is born out of a servant girl (from his father) and the next is born (again) of his mother. In his 18th year he marries one whom he loves much.
k…ljaitöjetÇ àempaÇawva pra, sÝme zuÉ s. kulajätisrajetatra premapäträthavä parä | saptame çubha sandåñöe tistra eva kulastriyaù ||
-(The wife is) either born in his own clan or someone with whom he falls in love. Should the 7th bhava be in aspect of a benefic, the wife is from own clan (or class).
sÝme ièyte mata sÝiv, Aòaiv Öaiv. saptame mriyate mätä saptaviàçepiturmåtiù | añöäviàçe sutotpattiù dväviàçe stré parigrahaù ||
His mother dies at the age of 7 and father dies in his 27th year of age. He marries when 22 years old and gets a son (or progeny) when 28 years old.
AòadzaBde ingRMy spUva¡idzme:yit, tÇEvvsveZyaÛy k…vRNtí gtagitm!. añöädaçäbde nirgamya sapürvändiçameñyati | tatraivavasaveçyännya kurvantaçca gatägatim ||
He goes to the eastern direction when 18 years of age and does not travel from there (stays there) .
Çyaeivza. nityaà paricariñyanti prétipurvaà dhanädibhiù | çarädyabdeñu puëyeñu meharogeëa prapéòitaù ||
He serves (the king) with devotion and is endowed with wealth, lands etc. In his 65th year, he shall be troubled by Meha disease (diabetes or urinary disease). Chandrashekhar’s Comment: There appears to be some corruption in the second line of the above shloka. There is no reason one should be troubled by urinary disease due to doing some good deeds (Punyeshu), that the said line seems to imply and sharaadya would mean 15 years if adi is taken to be beginning and shara as 5. In the background of all that is given earlier, it does not seem to be the correct age. So I have taken the liberty of treating the word adi as the age of 60 mentioned in earlier shloka. I am sure that if I am wrong the learned will correct me.
sMpd-----------------. svamätäriñöamäpnoti ---------------------------------------- | Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma, Nagpur.
7 580
te mande mäträriñöaà pare viduù------------------------- ||
When Chandra (Moon) occupies (4th?) – bhava the jataka has a long living mother. (however) if Shani (Saturn), occupying Mithuna (Gemini) rasi, in natal chart, in transit comes to end of Vrishabha (Taurus) in the Ketu bhukti or antardasha of the 4th Mahadasha, his mother suffers some calamity (Including death), say the wise. Chandrashekhar’s Comments: I think the first word that is missing in the first line of the shloka is “Hibuka” or “Matri”, meaning the 4th bhava. The second part of the 3rd line seems to indicate some condition when the harm coming to the mother, because of Shani moving to the last part of Vrishabha, is minimized. The Lagna is perhaps Makara lagna when Shani will be aspecting the 8th from 4th (the 11th) from Vrishabha rasi and occupying the Maraka, that is 2nd, bhava of the 4th bhava representing the mother. Ketu will be the lord of the 8th from the 4th (dual lordship). The second shloka seems to suggest that the shloka is about one born in Sudhā nadi of Makara lagna. I leave it to the learned, to further investigate this shloka. Should I be able to unravel it, I shall write about it, when the Lords wills so.
suxa. ------------------------------------------samanvitaù | prastäräñöakavargeñu bhrätåsaukhyävinirëayaù|| Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma, Nagpur.
8 581
suxa, jIve ra÷yu -----------------. Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma, Nagpur.
9 582
näöakälaìkåte kävye priyavaktä vicakñaëaù | jéve rähuyu ------------------------------------------------------- ||
He writes music/songs for dramas and is an extremely good speaker. If Guru conjuncts Rahu….. Chandrashekhar’s Comments: The missing words are, perhaps, pointing to Guru conjoining Rahu and Shukra (Venus) in the second bhava of speech, where Guru will give him the ability to speak with authority, Rahu being co-lord of 2nd (Aquarius) will give good results and Shukra will indicate the ability to write good poetry since he also rules the 5th.
--raizgte jIvazaNtàk«itkaepvan!, l¶keNÔgtee ketaE raegI ÊbRldehvan!. ------räçigate jéväçäntaprakåtikopavän | lagnakendragate ketau rogé durbaladehavän ||
When Ketu occupies kendra (square) from Lagna, the jataka is of a weak constitution. When Guru occupies ----- rasi one is ever disturbed and given to anger. Chandrashekhar’s Comments: I think the missing word for rasi occupied by Guru, is Mithuna (the 6th bhava rasi for Makara Lagna). Of course I could be wrong.
ip-----------------------n>, Vyapare c Kvic¾Ivae ]eÇmulaiÖ;ezvan!. pi----------------------------------------------------------naù | vyäpäre ca kvacijjévo kñetramulädviñeçavän ||
also------------------------------------------------ wealthy, due to trade and some times from employees and especially from lands. Chandrashekhar’s Comments: I have tried to decipher this shloka, though it has almost one complete line missing. The reference to “Jeeva” being a source of wealth could be reference to the Jataka either being a Doctor or being supplier of human labour. He would also earn from trade and especially real estate including farm lands as a form of business.
baLye saEOy< zuÉapÚae mnuv;RsmavxI, ------------------------n!. bälye saukhyaà çubhäpanno manuvarñasamävadhé | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------n ||
He is happy in his childhood till 14 years of age.
pÂme A]r}an< Aòme maENjIbNxnm!, Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma, Nagpur.
10 583
ÖadzaBde ivvahí Çyaedz c vTsre. païcame akñarajïänam añöame maunjébandhanam | dvädaçäbde vivähaçca trayodaça ca vatsare ||
He gets to understand letters (begins learning how to write), at the age of 5 and his thread ceremony is performed at the 8th year of his age. He gets married at 12 or 13 years of age. Chandrashekhar’s Comments: The reference to knowledge of letters is connected with the ancient tradition of teaching to write letters as the first class indicative of beginning of serious studies for a student. Once thread ceremony is performed the young boy used to go to the Gurukula for formative studies. So this means he begins to learn letters at home before his formal education begins.
;aefze s --------------------, Kvic½eit ivvah mnurävIt!. ñoòaçe sa ---------------------------------------------------- | -----------kvacicceti viväha manurabravét ||
--------------------------r laÉvan!, l¶at! sÝm ------------------------. r---------------------------------------------------a läbhavän | lagnät saptama --------------------------------------------- ||
If there is ------ in 7th from Lagna he sometimes marries at the age of sixteen, says sage Manu. Chandrashekhar’s Comments: The above two shlokas, as the following ones, have very few words per line to be able to understand exactly what they mean. Yet from the few words that are available, I think the above is the import of those shlokas. The next shloka also gives some indication of which graha could be said to cause this delay in marriagre, when in the 7th and I think it is position of the great Shani which can give somewhat delayed (as compared to twelve years indicated earlier) marriage and which can give a wife who is either sick or one doing austerities.
- ---------------------ÔaegsmiNvta, %ÖahanNtr< kò< ---------------------. --------------------------------------------- drogasamanvitä | udvähänantaraà kañöaà ----------------------------- ||
---------------- êFe ¢haÉave cNÔ va, -----------------------------k>. ----------------------- rüòhe grahäbhäve candra vä | -------------------------------------------------------------------kaù ||
Should there be no graha occupying --- arudha or Chandra Arudha----------- he suffers after marriage and his wife is sickly. Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma, Nagpur.
11 584
Chandrashekhar’s Comments: Now the sage is telling of absence of some graha in Arudha of some bhava or graha or Chandra Arudha. I think the reference is to Saptama or Chandra Arudha. For Makara lagna Cancer is the 7th bhava ruled by Chandra and so I think position of some graha, other than Shani in either Saptama Arudha or Chandra Arudha is being hinted at for causing some ( perhaps beneficial) modification to the health of wife and the troubles after marriage, when some graha joins such Arudha.
ktRrIyaegjatSy }aitzÇuk…lapvan!, siÂtawR ivnazen ¬ez< àaßaeit ÉUirz>. kartaréyogajätasya jïätiçatrukuläpavän | saïcitärtha vinäçena kleçaà präpnoti bhüriçaù ||
Jataka subject to Kartari yoga (When there are grahas (malefics) on either side of Lagna) looses his savings and undergoes much suffereing due to enmity from of his own clansmen or relatives.
;aefza ------------------, -r dzasaEOy< ipt&mUlat! suoaixkm!. ñoòaçä ----------------------------------------------------------- | --ra daçäsaukhyaà pitåmülät sukhädhikam ||
After his sixteenth year---------- in the dasha of Mangal he gets much happiness due to his father. Chandrashekhar’s Comments: I have taken the partial word “ra” to mean “Aara”, that is Mangal, since it is both the lord of the 4th and of the 11th and happens to be lord of the 8th from 9th indicating ancestral property of his father. If I am wrong in my assumptions, I am sure the learned shall correct me.
sMpÎaye twEv Syat! %ÄraxeR mnaeéjm!, sMpÎaye % ------------------. sampaddäye tathaiva syät uttarärdhe manorujam | sampaddäye u -------------------------------------------------- ||
Similarly he will have some mental ailments during the second half of the 2nd dasha. -------------------.
pIfa, ------------------------------------------------- ca çriyädhiakaù | th
In the 5 dasha he becomes fortunate through help of his son and due to the help from his stepbrother and becomes more and more powerful. ______________and_has much wealth.
To Be Continued……..
Copyright Chandrashekhar Sharma, Nagpur.
15 588
May The Sage Guide & Protect
Bhrigu Nadi Jyotisham - 2 Translated By Chandrashekhar Sharma, India
Chandrashekhar Sharma, from Nagpur, has good knowledge of sanskrit and a well known name in the internet forums for his humbleness & kindness to teach each and everyone. He has been an ardent student of this science from decades with deep thoughts into various disciplines. He is the author of the book "Vedic Astrology Demystified", published by Parimal Publications Delhi ".
A ‘Mission Saptarishis’ Initiative
ïI çré
É&gu nafI Jyaeit;m! bhR^igu nADI jyotiSam
Page 6 to 12
kyaR cars,) & (2) sutasthe janmaH.
daaraaH (dara>) is plural of (the word) daaraa (dara). So, it refers to more than one sign or bhava. Sva (Sv) has more than one meaning. (i) Swa is own. (ii) Putting numerical value to Swa is 4. (iii) Dara's numerical value is, Da = 8. Ra = 2. If written in speaking order, it is 28. expunging multiples of 12, we get 4. [Having collected the numbers from the letters used, we have to reverse them. Then divide the same figure by twelve, and obtain the remainder. Thus the word daaraa (dara) stands for 28 divided by 12, it stands for the figure 4 indicating 4th house.] If Simha lord is placed in his own sign, there is zero gap between sign and sign lord, in terms of signs. Rishi says extend this gap to 4 signs, eg. If Mars is in Mesha, its pada is in Kataka. The second connotation is that, if that gap between sign and sign lord is four signs, [then also extend to another further a total of four signs], to get Aroodha, eg. If Mars, the Lord of Mesha is placed in Cancer, count four signs away [from Kataka] which is Tula, which is Aroodha of Mesha. These are special rules for [concerned] sign lord's placement in first Kendra, but second Kendra placement from his sign comes under general rules to which one sign reduction is applicable in Aroodha to retro lords of Pitree, Agrachara and Anuchara signs. sutasthe janmaH. (sutSwe jNm>,) is special rule for placement of sign lord in the 3rd Kendra to his sign. The word Suta (sut) is seven, and the word Janma (jNm) is ten, numerically, under katapayadi paddhati. This rule says, if sign lord is placed in seventh from its sign, though gap is seven signs, extend it ten signs ahead to reach the Aroodha. This is the rule for third Kendra placement. To the fourth Kendra placement general rule is applicable, as no specific rule has been framed. These Kendra placement rules override vriddha karikas and their followers. Rishi rejects them. Summary of Padas: Placement of Sign Lord First House Seventh House Second House Eighth House Third House Ninth House Fourth House Tenth House Fifth House Eleventh House Sixth House Twelfth House
Aroodha of Sign Fourth House Fourth House Third House Third House Fifth House Fifth House Seventh House Seventh House Ninth House Ninth House Eleventh House Eleventh House
This summary of padas (Aroodhas) is valid where Lagna degrees and Planet degrees are not available. Wherever this information is available the padas are calculated by formula: Pada = Sphuta (degrees) of bhava lord X 2 – Bhava sphuta. Under special rules, simply add 90°, 120°, 180° etc. to the bhava sphuta to get the Pada.
Pitree (ipt&) is a key word in definition. Almost all scholars have put numerical value of Pitree (ipt&) condensed to one i.e. rising Lagna [bhava]. A careful study of Jaimini Sutras will reveal that, his predictions on Jataka are not based on rising lagna but, on derived lagnas such as seven karakamsha lagnas, twelve Aroodha Lagnas, [including one Upapada-Lagna], Varnada Lagna, Gulika etc. Bhavesha Ashraya Raashi (Éavez Aaïy razI that is the Rashi that gives shelter to the Bhava lord) is very significant in Aroodha system. Here rising lagna is subordinate to the sign of placement for Lagna Lord, because the placement sign is the place in the horoscope from where it shall discharge its horoscopic duties by aspects and other relationships. Hence, placement sign is called Pitree (ipt&) Bhava. (Éavezae yÇ itóit s> ipt&,). This concept has given excellent results in age calculations, in thousands of horoscopes. Anuchara (Anucr) is the one that follows the person ahead of him. Suppose A, B, C three persons are standing in queue. A is first in queue, B second, and C as third. Hence B is anuchara of A. C is anuchara of B. A is leader of (A¢cr) of B. B is Agrachara (A¢cr) of C. Applying this logic to signs that rise in the east. Suppose Mesha is rising in the East, whose Agrachara (A¢cr) was Mina. When it passes off, Vrishabha shall follow as Anuchara (Anucr). We shall chart the odd signs as per Praachi VrittiH Vishameshu' (àacIv&ÄI iv;me;u). For odd signs: Agrachara
sign Pitree sign
(A¢cr razI)
(ipt& razI)
(Anucr razI)
12 Pisces 2 Taurus 4 Cancer 6 Virgo 8 Scorpio 10 Capricorn
1 Aries 3 Gemini 5 Leo 7 Libra 9 Sagittarius 11 Aquarius
2 Taurus 4 Cancer 6 Virgo 8 Scorpio 10 Capricorn 12 Pisces
For Even signs: REVERSE ORDER. Parävåtyotareñu (prav&Tyaetre;u). AgraChara sign Pitree sign
Anuchara sign
(A¢cr razI)
(ipt& razI)
(Anucr razI)
3 Gemini 5 Leo 7 Libra 9 Sagittarius 11 Aquarius 1 Aries
2 Taurus 4 Cancer 6 Virgo 8 Scorpio 10 Capricorn 12 Pisces
1 Aries 3 Gemini 5 Leo 7 Libra 9 Sagittarius 11 Aquarius
Merging the two groups, we get Anuchara and Agrachara signs as under: Pitree sign
sign Anuchara sign
(ipt& razI)
(A¢cr razI)
(Anucr razI)
1 Aries 2 Taurus 3 Gemini
12 Pisces 3 Gemini 2 Taurus
2 Taurus 1 Aries 4 Cancer 859
4 Cancer 5 Leo 6 Virgo 7 Libra 8 Scorpio 9 Sagittarius 10 Capricorn 11 Aquarius 12 Pisces
5 4 7 6 9 8 11 10 1
Leo Cancer Libra Virgo Sagittarius Scorpio Aquarius Capricorn Aries
3 Gemini 6 Virgo 5 Leo 8 Scorpio 7 Libra 10 Capricorn 9 Sagittarius 12 Pisces 11 Aquarius
Anuchara sign (Anucr razI) is relevant for male nativity and Agrachara sign (A¢cr razI) for female nativity. As per Vedic tradition, wife is Anuchara (follower or one who walks behind) of husband, and Husband is (leader or one who walks ahead) Agrachara. Having understood Pitree, Anuchara and Padam, we can easily locate Upapada in any horoscope. Please note, in Aroodha, no distinction is made between even and odd signs. Their count is always forward. If a bhava lord is retrograde, such retrogration needs special attention and are subject in themselves, as explained herein after. Sri Jaimini gives following Sutras. papSy papyaege àìJya darnazae va, (Paapasya Paapayoge pravajyaa Daara Naasho Vaa.) (J.S. 01.04.05.) na AÇ rvI> pap>,
(Na Atra RaviH PaapaH.) (J.S. 01.04.03.)
zuɆgyaegat! n,
(Shubha Drug Yogaat Na.) (J.S. 01.04.04.)
nIce darnaz>, (Neece Daara NaashaH.) (J.S. 01.04.05.) %½E b÷dara>,
(Ucche Bahu DaaraH.) (J.S. 01.04.06.)
In a nutshell, benefics by aspect (Jaiminian Aspects) and conjunction on Upapada, or its lord, blesses native with blissful married life. While malefics create differences, tensions, quarrels, disloyalty and even divorce. It has been observed that, Ketu by aspect or conjunction on Upapada or its lord, denies marriage. If benefics force marriage. Ketu kills spouse or destroys marriage, while other malefics create disharmony. Practical utility of Upapada is available in the following horoscope discussed by late Dr. B. V. Raman, at page 760, of October 1986 issue of [The] Astrological Magazine. In this piece Raman gives instance of his flop interpretation of Kalatra Bhava of one Sri Acharya of Tirupati at Allahabad in March 1938. How is my Kalatra Bhava? was asked by 48 years old Acharya. Mr. Raman writes - my analysis was simple following Parashara. The lord of the seventh house Sun is in Kendra in association with Jupiter and Mercury and otherwise un-afflicted. Depositor of Sun, Mars is exalted, but in the twelfth house with Venus and Ketu, aspected by Lagna lord Saturn. Thus, while the seventh house is somewhat afflicted, there is no denial of marriage. Since Moon is in a malefic sign and aspected by Saturn and Mars. This makes you impulsive and quarrelsome. Due to this, your wife could have left or died. The Acharya became furious and remarked that, he took pity on his knowledge. He said, "No astrologer in India including 'Jyotisha Samrat' has succeeded in analyzing correctly my seventh house. He told - 'My first marriage took place in my 12th year and wife died in 18th year. And my second wife marriage performed in the 18th years and bore me two sons and four daughters. She also died in 41st year. My third marriage was performed when I was 43 years and she too died in my 47th year, after giving birth to a female child, who also died. Today, I have no wife and have come to this place to spend rest of my life. I myself know astrology but cannot figure out which yoga have caused these deaths''. 860
The horoscope quoted by Shri Raman is difficult to decode as far as 7th house is concerned. Using Jaimini definition of Upapada we shall try to understand, whether it is applicable to this chart. The sign allotted to Lagna Lord Saturn is Kataka (an even sign). It also is Pitree. It qualifies for backward counting. Its Anuchara is Mithun. (See chart of Anuchara and Agrachara). Aroodha for Mithun is Mesha, which becomes Upapada. It is a malefic sign. But sign lord being exalted should grant multiple wives which it did grant. But how many? Three benefics Sun, Mercury and Jupiter aspect Upapada, denoting three wives.
Moon Upapada
Saturn Rahu Pitree Lagna
Lagna // Ketu Mars Shukra Sun Mercury Jupiter
But all died. Ketu's conjunction or aspect on Upapada or its lord, or both or on marriage granting planets, destroys wives (spouses). Here Ketu joins Upapada lord (Mars) and aspects three marriages granting planets destroying all marriages.
End of Part I We will demonstrate role of Ketu on Upapada over dozen cases in Part II. Thereby confirming our interpretation of Upapada passes the test of scrutiny.
Upapada Part II Deviating entirely from traditional meaning of Upapada we have visualized new concept of Pitree [sign] (ipt& razI) and Anuchara [sign] (Anucr razI) and proposed Agrachara [sign] (A¢cr razI) for female natives. We have made random selection of charts from various sources - astrodata bank - Articles by renowned authors appearing in widely read magazines. Chart No 1. A female born on 19th November, 1957 at Ambala (India). She married twice and became widow on both occasions. Any explanation?
Lagna Saturn Mercury Sun //
Mars Rahu Pitree Lagna
Jupiter Moon
Lagna [Scorpio] lord Mars occupies Tula rasi which is (i.e. Pitree) an odd sign. It is female chart. We take Agrachara sign, from Pitree, which is Kanya. Pada for Kanya is makara, which becomes Upapada of chart. Upapada is a malefic sign makara aspected by two benefics Mercury and Sun. (Sun is not a malefic under Upapada), along with Saturn, the lord of Upapada, granting two marriages. Ketu, the terminator, aspects Upapada lord Saturn and also the marriage grantors Sun and Mercury, which resulted in termination of both marriages. Next 5 charts are from Saptarishis Astrology website where all are cases of 'No-Marriage' are given. Chart No 2. A female native born on 19th February, 1959 at 4-45 Hours at 7 E 6, 50 N 44. Sagittarius Asc Ketu, Venus
Moon 7 th House
Mercury Sun Female Chart (Reverse counting)
Saturn Agrachara //Lagna
Jupiter Pitree Lagna
Lagna lord Jupiter in Vrishchika which is Pitree, an even sign, governed by reverse counting. Agrachara of Pitree is Dhanus, whose Aroodha is Tula. Hence, Tula is Upapada. Ketu joins Venus, the Upapada lord, destroying all possibilities of marriages. Chart No 3. 862
A female born on 11th November, 1958 at 00-30 Hours. (05-30 East). 77 E 13, 26 N 40. Lagna Katak. Ketu
Lagna // Upapada
Sun, Moon, Rahu Jupiter, Agrachara Venus Pitree Lagna
Lagna lord Moon occupies Tula which becomes Pitree, which is an odd sign governed by forward counting. Agrachara of Pitree is Kanyaa whose Aroodha, Makara, becomes Upapada of the chart. Ketu aspects Saturn, the Upapada lord, which gets no benefic relief. Hence, marriage denied. Chart No 4. A female born on 16th June, 1954 at 20-00 Hours. (05-30 East). 77 E 13, 28 N 40. Dhanu is Lagna. Agrachara
Mars(R) Moon Rahu Lagna //
Sun, Ketu, Mercury, Jupiter, Lagna Pitree Venus
Saturn ( R ) Upapada
Lagna lord is placed in Mithuna which is Lagna Pitree Mithuna, an odd sign is governed by forward counting. Agrachara to Mithuna is Vrishabha, whose Aroodha falls in Kanya. So, Kanya is Upapada. Ketu aspects Upapada and pollutes upapada lord Mercury, along with Sun and Jupiter, and aspects Moon, other benefic. Thus destroys all chances of marriage. Chart No 5.
A male native born on 12th October, 1931 at 07-54 Hrs. (05-30 East). 81 E 8, `16 N 10 with Tula as rising lagna. This is the chart of Shri K. N. Rao, astrologer and writer who remained chronic bachelor like A. B. Vajpayee, A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, and Miss. Lata Mangeshkar. Rahu
Anuchara Moon,Venus, Mercury, Mars Sun, Ketu Lagna & Pitree Upapada Lagna //
Lagna/ Pitree rashi is Tula (as Venus lord of lagna occupies lagna) by forward count Anuchara is Vrishchika, whose Aroodha is Kanyaa which is Upapada. Ketu joins Kanyaa and its lord Mercury, marriage denied. Chart No 6. A female native born on 11th July, 1968 at 1`5-17 Hrs. (05-30 East). 78 E 28, 17 N 23 with Vrishchika Lagna. Rahu
Agrachara Sun,Mars Mercury Pitree Lagna Venus
Ketu, Upapada
Lagna is Vrishicika and Pitree Lagna rashi is Mithuna, an odd sign with forward count, has Vrishabha as Agrachara. The lord of Vrishabha, Venus is placed in 3rd house from Vrishabha. Hence, Kanyaa is Vrishabha's Aroodha, which becomes Upapada of the chart. Ketu joins Upapada and at the same time, aspects Mercury-Upapada Lord, destroying all chances of marriage. Next five charts (from 8 to 12) have been taken from Editorials 'KUJADOSHA CONFINED' to KUJA DOSHA ALONE by Mrs. Gayatri Devi Vasudeva, Editor of ASTROLOGICAL MAGAZINE, December 2005 issue. In all these charts, there is Kuja Dosha, and marriage ended in Divorce or Death. 864
All that happened, when Parashara's Vimshottari Dasha of Mars was not operative in nativity. We have examined them under Upapada, and found that Ketu was culprit in each. Chart No 7. Shri. M. K. Gandhi was a Mangalik but his conjugal life was most harmonious. Chart of M. K. Gandhi 1 is well known. I have no exact degrees of planets with me. Editor may add them .
Rahu, Moon
Saturn Anuchara
Mars, Mercury Venus Lagna Pitree Lagna
Sun Upapada // &
Lagna and Pitree rashi is Tulaa (since lagna lord occupies Lagna itself) - an odd sign, needing forward count. Its Anuchara rashi is Vrishchika, whose Aroodha falls in Kanyaa i.e. Upapada, with Sun free of any malefics including Ketu. His married life was blessed. Chart No 8. Mrs. Indira Gandhi was born on 19 November, 1917 at 23 Hrs. 13 min. at 25 N 27, 81 E 51 with balance of unexpired Vimshottari of Sun - 1 Year 3 Months 25 Days. Jupiter Ketu
Saturn // Lagna Moon Pitree Lagna Venus Rahu Upapada
Mars Sun Mercury
Copy Editors addition: Mahatma Gandhi born on 2nd October 1869 at 7.12 a.m. Porbandar, with Tula lagna at 4 degrees 37 minutes (LMT used). Co-ordinates 69E36 21N38 865
Editors (of Astrological Magazine) comment were Mars in the 8th House, from Moon, is severest form of Kuja Dosha. Here Mars Dasha expired from 12th to 19th year of age. But widowhood came 16 years later. Kuja Dasha had nothing to do with Kuja Dosha. Lagna Pitree is Makara, an even sign of backward count. With Agrachara being Kumbha, whose Aroodha Dhanu becomes Upapada, with Venus (showing love marriage) & Rahu (Out of Caste Marriage) but, Ketu terminates marriage. Chart No 9. A female born on 26th January, 1975 at 3 Hrs 26 Min. at 29 N 32, 75 E 04 with balance of Vimshottari Dasha of Rahu having 10 Months 22 Days. Ketu
Moon Saturn(R)
Jupiter Venus Mercury Sun Upapada Mars Pitree Lagna
Rahu Lagna //
Mars in 2nd house from Lagna is weak Kuja-Dosha. Mars being placed in the 7th from Moon,, is powerful Kuja-Dosha. Her husband died within 4 years of marriage, during Saturn Dasha- Rahu Bhukti. Lagna Pitree is Dhanus, an odd sign, under forward count, whose Agrachara Vrishchika getting Aroodha of Makara, which is Upapada, under aspect of Ketu. Retrograde Saturn is running towards Ketu. Hence Upapada comes under grip of Ketu, hastening the death of husband. Chart No 10. A female born on 31 December, 1969 at 20 Hrs 22 Min. at 29 N 36, 77 E 12 with balance of Vimshottari of Moon at 7 years 14 days. Saturn (R) Mars Rahu Upapada Mercury
Sun Venus
Lagna // Ketu
Moon Pitree Lagna
Mars in 8th from Lagna is severe form of Kuja-Dosha. Mars Dosha commenced when native was 8 years and was over, when she was 15 years. She was married in September 1996 and consent divorce came in January 2000. Lagna Pitree is Kanya (backward count) having Agrachara in Tula, whose Aroodha is Kumbha which becomes the Upapada of chart. Upapada is occupied by Mars and Rahu showing rift with spouse. 866
Jupiter aspects on Upapada granted marriage. Ketu aspects Upapada Lord as well as Jupiter consuming his benefic powers, did not kill, but separated the spouse. Chart No 11. A female born on 25 August 1956, at 5 Hrs at 28 N 39, 77 E 13 with balance of Ketu Dasha of 6 years 13 days.
Moon Pitree Lagna
Mars Lagna // Upapada
Sun Jupiter Saturn Rahu
Mars in 8th of Lagna is dangerous Manglika Yoga, should have killed spouse in his dasha, which was operative from September 1998 to September 2005. But, death occurred much earlier during Vimshottari Venus Dasha and Mercury Bhukti. The husband was killed in a plane accident. Lagna Pitree is Mesha, an odd sign for forward count. Agrachara is Meena, whose Aroodha falls in Makara. Two benefics Sun + Jupiter aspects Upapada. Ketu aspecting Makara terminated first marriage. She may re-marry. Chart No 12. A male native born on 14 November, 1948 at 21 Hrs 15 Min. at 51 N 30, 00 W 10. With balance of Vimshottari Ketu at 2 years 4 Months and 22 Days. The native belongs to British Royalty and got married in July 1985. But divorce came in August 1996. The Mars Dasha, which operated from April 1987 to April 1994, did not destroy marriage. Moon Rahu Pitree Lagna Lagna // Upapada
Sun Mars
Ketu Venus Mercury
Lagna Pitree is Mesha an odd sign, with direct counting has Vrishabha, as Anuchara. Aroodha for Vrishabha is Makara, which becomes Upapada. Upapada is aspected by benefic Sun and malefic Mars also Upapada lord Saturn, prolonging married life somewhat, but Ketu aspecting Upapada lord spoils the game.
We observe that, in cases of celibacy (Siddhas, Shankaracharyas, Spiritual men) no marriages, disharmony, divorce or destruction of spouse, Ketu is involved by aspect or conjunction over Upapada sign or Upapada Lord. In the first place Ketu denies marriage and if benefics force marriage, it destroys them.
End Of Part II. In Part III we shall take some tough cases. Some charts of spiritual men are being discussed here. Chart No 13. Shri. Shankaracharya of Shringeri born on 13th November, 1917 at 8-29 A.M. at Bangalore. Planetary longitudes of planets and Bhavas are: Lagna 2360 37', Sun 2070 28', Moon 1880 13', Mars 1320 59', Mercury 2120 58', Jupiter (R) 450 50', Venus 2530 30', Saturn 1110 2 41', Ketu 700 50', Shri Shankaracharya was world known Brahmachari. Jupiter (R) Shri. Shankaracarya of Sringeri 13-11-1917.
Mars Pitree Lagna Venus Rahu Upapada
Mercury Sun Lagna Moon //
Ignoring longitudes, we may say that Lagna Pitree is Simha, Anuchara is Kanya, whose lord Aroodha is Makara, which becomes Upapada, and is aspected by Mercury, Jupiter and Mars. Ketu is nowhere involved with Upapada and its lord, the native should have been a family man. Has Jaiminian failed ? No. Notice carefully Kanyaa sphuta is 1760 36' (i.e. Lagna Sphuta minus 600.) and Mercury is 2120 58'. The gap between them is 360 12'. When we add 360 12’ to the longitudes of Mercury, that is 2120 58', we get 2490 10', i.e. Dhanu becomes Upapada. Which is under aspect of Ketu, along with Venus. Ketu has destroyed sensuous, Venusian role and made him Brahmachari and Spiritual Man. Chart No 14. Sai Baba of Shirdi born on 18th May 1837 at 8-21 P.M. at Pathri (Maharashtra).
Copy Editor’s note: All Shankaracharyas are brahmacharis (celibates), having taken oath of renunciation while they are still very young and bachelors 868
Sun Mercury Venus Sai Baba of Shirdi Jupiter
Mars Lagna Pitree
Lagna //
Saturn Moon Ketu
Pitree is Simha. Anuchara is Kanya, whose Aroodha is Makara, which becomes Upapada. Ketu joins Upapada Lord. Saturn controls Venus by aspect, making him a Spiritual Man. Jaimini Upapada and Ketu's role makes wonderful distinction between Shri. Ramkrishna Paramhamsa a super spiritual man who had spouse and kins and his disciple Shri Vivekananda, who was a karmayogi without spouse. Chart No 15. Ramakrishna Paramhamsa. Venus Upapada Sun Moon Mercury Lagna Mars
Jupiter ( R)
18-2-1836 // Ramakrishna Paramhamsa (Figures indicate degrees and minutes) Ketu Saturn(R ) Pitree Lagna
Lagna Pitree is Tula. Anuchara is Vrishchika, whose Aroodha is Meena, which is Upapada. Ketu is nowhere involved with Upapada and his lord. Hence, not destroying spouse. Chart No 16. Swami Vivekananda Lagna Pitree is Tula. Anuchara is Vrishchika, whose Aroodha is Kanya, which is Upapada. Ketu aspects Upapada lord and Venus, thus denying family life.
Mars 7.46
Mercury 13.13 Venus 8.32
Ketu 23.41
Swami Vivekananda 12-1-1863
Sun Rahu 29.24 23.41 Lagna // 27.31
Jupiter 5.28 Pitree Lagna
Moon 18.54 Saturn 15.02 Upapada
Now, we will discuss difficult charts, where Lagna lord or Lords of Anuchara and Agrachara bhavas are in retrogration. Here, Upapada worked out in normal procedure, do not respond to the realities of life. How to tackle them? There is no guideline in texts. We are of the view, that retrograde planets have their corpus or body in one sign, and their inclinations are focused in the previous sign. Compare such a planet to a retreating soldier who is firing in his front, but stepping backward to his previous bunker for safety. In such a situation, we propose to use both signs - sign of placement and previous sign. Take Agrachara / Anuchara bhavas from previous sign, but keep the order of forward and backward count applicable to sign of placement of retrograde plane. To explain the thought, an illustration chart is given. Jupiter (R) Pitree Lagna Mars (R)
Lagna // Dhanu is Lagna and its lord Jupiter, as retrograde, is placed in Mithun, which is Pitree. It's body is placed in 7th bhava, while it's inclinations are towards 6th bhava. Take Agrachara and Anuchara from Vrishabha, but count will be forward, as Pitree is an odd sign. If it is male chart, Anuchara is Mithuna, follower of Vrishabha. If it is female chart, Agrachara is Mesha, predecessor of Vrishabha. Let us prepare chart of Agrachara and Anuchara signs, for odd and even Pitree Lagna signs having retrograde planet.
Placement sign For odd signs Aries (1) Gemini (3) Leo (5) Libra (7) Sagittarius (9) Aquarius (11) For even signs Placement sign Taurus (2) Cancer (4) Virgo (6) Scorpio (8) Capricorn (10) Pisces (12)
Previous sign
Anuchara sign
Agrachara sign
Pisces (12) Taurus (2) Cancer (4) Virgo (6) Scorpio (8) Capricorn (10)
Aries (1) Gemini (3) Leo (5) Libra (7) Sagittarius (9) Aquarius (11)
Aquarius (11) Aries (1) Gemini (3) Leo (5) Libra (7) Sagittarius (9)
Previous sign Aries (1) Gemini (3) Leo (5) Libra (7) Sagittarius (9) Aquarius (11)
Agrachara sign Taurus (2) Cancer (4) Virgo (6) Scorpio (8) Capricorn (10) Pisces (12)
Anuchara sign Pisces (12) Taurus (2) Cancer (4) Virgo (6) Scorpio (8) Aquarius (11)
Having fixed the procedure for locating Anuchara/Agrachara signs, we might face another problem in locating Aroodha for Anuchara/Agrachara signs, if their lords are retrograde. We propose to locate Aroodha as usual, but reduce one sign from such Aroodha to reach Upapada. Chart No 17. Miss. Lata Mangeshkar born on 22 September, 1929 hated marriage. Rahu
Jupiter Lagna //
Ms. Mangeshkar 22-09-1929.
Lata Moon
Mars Ketu Upapada
Sun Mercury (R) Pitree Lagna
Lagna Pitree is Kanya, where lagna lord is retrograde. As per retrogression chart, Agrachara sign is Karka, whose Aroodha is Tula which is Upapada. Venus, its Lord is aspected by Ketu, thus destroying all desire for marriage. Chart No 19. A female born at Delhi on 13 February, 1978. at 04-28 A.M. at Delhi. Left “in-laws” forever after 2 days of marriage.
Jupiter (R) Pitree Lagna Mars (R)
Sun Venus 13-02-1978. Mercury
Saturn (R) Rahu Upapada
Lagna //
Lagna Pitree is Mithun, with retrograde Jupiter. As per retrograde chart, Agrachara is Mesha, whose Aroodha in normal case is Tula. As Mars, Lord of Mesha, is retrograde, one sign is reduced reaching Kanyaa as Upapada which is under aspect of Ketu. Three more female charts with retrograde lagna lords found with Prof. P. S. Sastry's Jaimini Sutras at pages 93 and 94. All became widows after short interval of marriage, due to effects of Ketu on Upapada and Lord of Upapada. Place of birth and has been withheld by P.S. Sastry. Chart No 20. Venus Upapada
Moon, Jupiter Saturn (R) Lagna, Pitree Lagna & Agrachara //
Mercury Mars (R)
Female Chart 03-06-1961.
Rahu (R)
Her husband was shot dead six months after marriage. Pitree sign is Makara, with retrograde Saturn. As per retrograde chart, Agrachara sign is Makara, whose Aroodha is Mesha. Ketu aspects both Mesha and its lord Mars. Chart No 21
Sun Upapada
Venus Ketu Mercury
Jupiter Lagna //
Moon Mars Saturn(R) Rahu Lagna Pitree & Agrachara Pitree Vrishchika. Lagna lord Retrograde. As per Retrograde chart, Agrachara is Vrishchika. Upapada being Meena. Ketu aspects Jupiter. Upapada Lord being Uccha, showing multiple marriages. She became widow early in life. It is likely that, there might be cases which do not respond to Upapada and Ketu combination. We remember a Chandrakaka Nadi dictum "based on Parashara Principles' that, a male who has Jupiter in the 3rd house, will make his in-laws (from where he gets wife) prosperous {7th is spouse or wife, 9th from 7th is 3rd his in-laws (Wife's father)}. Another dictum - aspect or conjunction of Rahu + Saturn on 3rd house, or its lord, destroys chances of marriage. If the marriage does occur then such aspect/conjunction, destroys the marriage. So far we have demonstrated the effects of ketu on Upapada. Over the centuries astrological scholars were unable to crack Upapada, and thus discarded it, as useless, having no practical value. It is surprising - even 'Chandra Kala Naadi' which uses every tool of prediction, prescribed by Shri Parashara has not made a mention of Upapada even once. This may be due to the way Upapada had been defined under Parashara system, in their times, did not match with realities of Life. Therefore, they dropped Upapada in their Nadi. We have presented before astrological community interpretation of Upapada as defined by Shri Jaimini and its utility. Still more work, is needed on this topic. Some one will do that in future. We would request the parents that apart from traditional method of horoscopic matching, they should also study Upapada of 'WOULD-BE' (Groom/bride) before taking final decision. We are of the opinion that, each Jaimini Sutra is a topic in itself. Perhaps nobody knows that simple looking first Sutra of Jaimini %pdez< VyaOyaSyam>, contains full profile of Jaimini Jataka Shastra having 581 sutras spread over 3 chapters each divided into 4 sections each. We propose to write on it, some day. Lastly would like to thank Shri K. Bhushan, one of the senior most student of this shastra in this country & always a great inspiration to me and others, with whom this particular discussion on Upapada & Pitree dates back to 11 years back & without whose support this article would not have been written.
Thy Notes – 2 By Saptarishis Astrology Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi (BCP) & Prashna
Our office accountant came and said there is a problem, we instantly did question. Noticed that Moon is in the 6H so there is a health issue, the Hora Lord was also Moon and Kaala Lord is Saturn sitting in the 10H of father. The dispositor of this moon is also with debilitated Sun (karaka father) the 9L of father & also 10L Mercury. So both ways 9H or 10H of father are afflicted. He said it is heart problem of father so we saw the 4H in the chart and also the 4L from 9H or 10H. This 4L from 9H is Mars sitting with Ketu indicating operation and in the 8H of longevity, so the conclusion was it’s a serious question re the longevity of the father. He said he has been admitted to the Govt hospital in Kerala and he does not want to shift to private as they would charge a lot. So our attention while he was talking went to Lagna Lord Jupiter sitting in the 2H of money. So the issue was about money, where lagna lord sits the issue is seen is a dictum that many a times comes true. The dictum of where Moon is in the prashna chart does not always come true and there is more to it. The Key is at times to look in the Navamsa chart too and here in the Navamsa chart Moon is in the 8H with Ketu so the question is about longevity. Unfortunately Moon in one of the most important divisionals is with Saturn who is the 8L of death there and in the 4H of one’s home. So death or a chronic disease to an old man (Saturn) can come in ones house. Now Saturn has to play a very important role and in Rasi chart it is in the 10H and in Bhava Chalit Chart it has gone into the 9H of father. Saturn means Peeda karaka (troubles significator), always look at it in a prashna chart, don’t ignore it at all. Saturn in a Prashna Chart signifies the Karma that is pending. It is gone in the Bhava Chalit Chart in the 9H of father, in the sign of Leo whose lord Sun is the karaka of father and the boy needs to rush to his native place and be next to father. 874
ow do you use BCP to double check what is happening and where is the remedy. We asked him what is the age of his father currently and he said 64 years. Now deduct from age multiples of 12 (refer Vol 3 issue for articles on BCP). So deduct 60 from 64 which is the 4H of heart and he had to query relating to heart condition of his father. The 4H has A8 (longevity) A6 (diseases) and HL (money) in it. Its lord Jupiter is with Rahu in the 2H of family and money. The issue is of the heart of the father or you can take it this way since 9H is father, 8th from it which is the 4H is the issue, which is the longevity of the father (4H). Do u see now with BCP methods one can double check the prashna. You will notice that there is some logical issue here since 1H is self the querent and the 64th year is not of his but of his father, yet it has been observed that by some strange coincidence it does work at times and gives us clues. Actual BCP Method One is seeing from Prashna about father so see 9H is father, its 64th year would be 4th from 9th house which is the 12H, it has Gulika Mandi so there will be problem to father in the 64th yar, now its lord is Mars (operation) with Ketu (scissors) in the 8H of longevity (question for client) but in 12th (hospitals) from 9H of father in the sign of Cancer (heart-4H of natural zodiac) it is aspected by Jupiter, so Jupiter will give the remedy as it is also 6H (health) from 9H of father. All this is matching and within an hour from this write up we would come to know if operation is really needed or not. The remedy lies in the recitation of mantra of Jupiter as it is in the 2H of the chart. As predicted to the accountant his father did go to hospital, money was an issue so they operated in a Govt hospital instead of private hospital and he has now come out of the hospital (Jupiter’s aspect) with the bi-pass operation which went well. Probably in the next issue will try to reveal some more methods of usage of BCP which since a year we have ignored.
Child Birth Via Annual Charts By Laura Barat, USA Copy Editor: Virendra Battu, India.
Readership Level: Advanced Publisher: Laura’s research must be applauded, she was only given the topic by SA and she came up with this novel article.
hildbirth must be a focus of the year. Childbirth is indicated through the 5th house, 9th house and 7th house. The 5th house because it is a house of children, the 9th house because it is a secondary house of children according to the principle of bhavat bhavam, and the 7th house because it is the house of conception. To determine if it is, indeed, a focus, there should be at least two of the following factors present:
Laura Barat has been practicing Vedic Astrology and giving consultations for 12 years. She is a graduate of the American College of Vedic Astrology and a graduate and regional teacher of Dirah Academy International. She is also a member of the American Federation of Astrologers and has written numerous articles about Astrology. During her teens, she was very interested in Astronomy and that turned into an avid passion for Astrology. Metaphysical subjects have interested her since childhood. Laura studies under the brilliant Vedic Astrologer, Ernst Wilhelm. She uses the rather novel method of delineating horoscopes with the Tropical Zodiac instead of the Sidereal Zodiac while also using all Vedic techniques from Maharishis Parasara and Jaimini. Her website is: www.laurabarat.org.
• The Muntha (Progressed Ascendant) occupies any of the aforementioned Houses within the Annual Chart (Varshaphal) • The Muntha lord occupies any of the aforementioned Houses within the Natal Chart • The Year Lord rules or occupies the aforementioned Houses within the Varshaphal • The Year Lord occupies the aforementioned Houses within the Natal Chart • Jupiter as Year Lord
• Jupiter or the ruler of the 5th or 9th house occupying the Muntha. • The Sun in the 5th, 7th or 9th house or ruling these houses. The Varshaphala is based on the Sun, so the Sun always plays a major role in every Varshaphala chart.
Sahams When predicting with Varshaphal and Tajika in general, Sahams play an extremely profound role. Sahams must always be assessed in every Varshaphal or the astrologer would most certainly miss something important during the year. There are many Sahams and of course, it is impossible for each one to give their effects during every year. For a Saham lord to give its effects, the planet must be For a Saham lord to give its effects, the endowed with strength by either having a planet must be endowed with strength by Pancha Vargiya bala of above 10 or being either having a Pancha Vargiya bala of above exalted in the Varshaphala, or being within its 10 or being exalted in the Varshaphala, or own Hadda, TriRasi, Drekkana, Hora or being within its own Hadda, TriRasi, Navamsa. The better a planet is with regards Drekkana, Hora or Navamsa. to these factors; the more able it is to give its effects. After determining childbirth is a major focus of the year through the methods mentioned previously with regard to the Muntha, Muntha lord, Year lord, Sun, etc., then it is important to consider the Sahams pertaining to childbirth. They are the Prasava (Delivery of Child) Saham and the Putra (Progeny) Saham. To determine if the Saham is activated, assess the following factors: • The Saham is conjoined the Year Lord • The Saham is in the Muntha • The Saham lord aspects the Ascendant or the Ascendant lord and is related to the 5th house lord or 9th house lord, or the Saham is in the 5th or 9th house. This is only in the Varshaphal chart.
Timing – Method 1 To time the event of childbirth, there are two methods. a) Using the Patyayini Dasa, you determine the planet that will give the event by strength (pancha vargiya bala) and lordship of relevant houses. b) Look at the Tajika Yogas formed by this planet. When it forms a Tajika yoga with the Ascendant Lord, Year Lord, Muntha Lord or Ascendant, then the event will take place in its dasa or antardasa. c) To determine whether it will be the dasa or antardasa of the planet, you must first determine the type of Tajika yoga it is forming.
d) If it is an applying Tajika yoga, then the event will take place in the planet’s dasa that comes first within the dasa sequence. The antardasa will be that of the aspecting planet. e) If the Tajika yoga is a separating yoga, then of the two planets, the event will take place in the planet’s dasa that comes second in the dasa sequence and the antardasa of the other aspecting planet.
Timing -Method 2 This method seems to give the event more often than Method 1. a) Find the Saham in the Varshaphala chart and determine its Shastiamsa (D-60) sign. b) Using Mudda Dasa and using the Shastiamsa, the event will happen in the dasa of either the lord of this sign, the ruler of the lord of the Shastiamsa Sign, or the lord of the 5th house from this Shastiamsa sign. c) To determine which of these planets will give the event in its dasa, you must take the strongest by dignity utilizing Parasara principles. 1
Some Examples using this method Case 1: Angelina Jolie -4 June 1975 at 09:09 AM, Los Angeles CA, USA, 34n03, 118w14, PDT h7w (is daylight saving time) Varshaphala and Shastiamsa Chart for Angelina Jolie at age 30. Shiloh, her first natural born daughter, was born on May 27, 2006.
1 Copy Editor: Kindly note that Laura Barat uses Vedic Astrology on Tropical Zodiac (Sayana system) and Kala software, the D 60 and some charts might not match what other free softwares display. 878
Ascendant in Natal Chart is Cancer Muntha: Capricorn Year Lord: Mercury Muntha Lord: Saturn There is a focus on childbirth due to the year lord being in the 9th house and the 9th lord. The Sun is also in the 9th house. Mercury is imbued with very high Pancha Vargiya Bala at 14.038. The Muntha is Capricorn which falls in the 7th house in the Rasi. Shiloh was born just a few days before Angelina’s next birthday so she was conceived within this year, so 7th house indications would be revealed and are correct. Now that we have established that this chart holds the possibility of children, let’s go further. The Prasava or Delivery of a Child Saham falls at 13:19 Pisces. The Putra or Progeny Saham falls at 18:43 Aries. The Lagna is being aspected by Jupiter to 40.9 points out of a possible 60. Anything over 40 is a strong aspect. Therefore, we can see that the Prasava Saham will be activated. Not only is it aspecting, it is within the Ascendant which gives Jupiter, the Saham lord, extra power. The Shastiamsa of the Prasava Saham occupies Taurus. For timing of childbirth, we have three possibilities. Taurus is ruled by Venus, so Venus dasa could bring the birth. The ruler of Venus, the Moon, could also bring the birth. Mercury, as the ruler of Virgo, the 5th house from Taurus, could bring the birth. As it was, Shiloh was born in Venus/Ketu dasa/antardasa of the Mudda Dasa. Venus is in neutral dignity and also rules over the Moon and Mercury in this case, so Venus has quite a lot of say in bringing the baby into this world.
Case 2: July 19, 1951 in Glendale, California at 20:33. First born child came into this world on April 2, 1972 879
Native, Age 20 Varshaphala and Shastiamsa.
Ascendant in Natal Chart is Aquarius Muntha is Libra Year Lord is Saturn Muntha Lord is Venus The year lord, Saturn, occupies the 5th house in the Natal chart and the Muntha occupies the 9th house in the Natal Chart. The Sun rules the 9th house. Also, here again, there is a heavy emphasis on the 7th house. Her son was born within 2 weeks of exactly nine months of her birthday so it very well could have been that he was conceived in this year with Saturn the year lord being in the 7th house and with strength at 11.831 of Pancha Vargiya Bala. Three factors point toward children being a focus of the year. The Saham of Progeny is at 6:53 of Gemini conjoined the Year Lord. Its Shastiamsa is Cancer. In the Mudda dasa, her son was born in Moon Dasa which lasted between March 9th and April 9th.
Case 3: March 2, 1969 in Lakeland, Florida at 06:38. Child was born September 21, 1990. Native, Age 21 Varshaphala and Shastiamsa.
Natal Ascendant is Pisces Muntha is Sagittarius Year Lord is Sun Muntha Lord is Jupiter. In this chart, the Muntha falls in the 9th house. The Muntha Lord falls in the 5th house in the Natal Chart and the Year Lord, which is also the Sun, rules the 5th house. So, clearly, children are a possibility. The Saham for Delivery of a Child falls in Leo and its lord, the Sun, is the Year Lord. The Sun aspects the Lagna within orb. The Progeny or Putra Saham falls is in Cancer at 00:41, directly on top of the Muntha lord, Jupiter. However, it is the Delivery of a Child Saham that will give the birth. The child was born during Mercury/Mercury dasa/antardasa. The Shastiamsa of the Prasava Saham is Virgo. The possible candidates for the dasa lord in Mudda dasa were Mercury, Saturn and Venus. Mercury rules over Virgo and consequently Saturn and is in a great friend’s sign. Venus rules over the Saham lord, Mercury, and is in enemy’s dignity. Therefore, it is only natural that the Mercury dasa would give the birth. One can utilize these methods not only for childbirth, but also for marriage, falling in love, increased wealth and promotion in career. All that is needed is to substitute the 5th, 7th and 9th houses with the relevant houses regarding these subjects and then manifestation and timing of manifestation can be predicted.
Lal Kitab Remedies – For The Uninitiated By Rabinder Nath Bhandari, India. Readership Level: Advanced beemari ka bagair dwayee bhi ilaaz hai (Disease can be cured without medicine) magar mout ka koyee ilaaz nahin (but to avert death there is no medicine) duniyavi hissaab kitaab hai (these are worldly calculations) koyee daawaa e khudai nahin (not a final verdict of almighty)
Rabinder Nath Bhandari was born on 26th Dec 1950 and is a science graduate from Punjab University. He has been studying astrology since 1978 in which 28 years he has spent in extreme deep study of Lal Kitab. Being well versed in Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi & English he has delved deeper into Present day Palmistry along with Indian Samudrik Shastra apart from doing vast amount of readings for people. His interests likes in nature photography & the exactly how nature is simple, this simplicity reflects in his persona being an extremely humble and loving human being. He is considered one of the foremost authorities on Lal Kitab alive today.
bove quoted lines are printed at the top of front page of LAL KITAB, which convey their message very clearly to the reader or follower of this system of prediction. So, I am giving at the beginning of this article on remedies an example case, showing the strength of the first line i.e. beemari ka bagair dwayee bhi ilaaz hai (disease can be cured without medicine) Example Case
n 4TH April, 2009, I received a phone call from a lady, who was weeping while talking to me and said that her husband had met with an accident, received head 882
injury and is now admitted in a Hospital at Chandigarh. He is lying in a subconscious state and attending doctors say that his life is at risk and they will have to perform an operation of his brain. But she trusted me and asked for some remedy, if I can recommend something for avoiding this operation and to protect his life. On that day, I advised her to do some charity at temple. Next day, she came to me early in morning asking for remedial measures. After reading planetary influences and also his palm lines, as his hand prints were already with me in my computer, I advised her to donate or take ½ kg, Barley grains and approximately same quantity of Jaggery (gur – a sweet product made from sugar cane juice) in the evening time within two hours after Sun set to some religious place, and advised her to repeat it for three days continuously at the advised time and stop after that, because it is very clearly mentioned in LAL KITAB, as for any turmoil in brain or brain fever, Rahu is mainly affecting planet, just like molten LAVA beneath earth layers, so with the help of this remedy, ill effects of planet Rahu can be totally controlled, and may be helpful in treating such cases. In this case, according to the hand lines or horoscope of native, rahu was the main affecting planet to the brain but longevity of the native was not hampered. She started performing the advised remedy from the same day evening and on the third day evening time, when she last visited the temple and returned back, native started giving some response and after a weeks time, he was discharged from Hospital and got cured without any operation. I understand that when there is only ill health indicated, it can be cured by performing very simple remedies. Birth Chart and Annual Chart according to LAL KITAB are given below:
Similarly, you can also have a look on the Palm Lines of native in attached image:
In the annual birth chart, we can very clearly see that Sun and Rahu are again in 8th house, which is supposed to be the big loss causing return of planet rahu over Sun as per natal chart. From, palm lines of native, you can very clearly see the points, which I have marked both in Left and Right hands, most adversity is shown in Left Hand, influences of which can be cured with the help of remedies, where as in the right hand, there are signs of longevity, protection and life line is uninterrupted except head line, which wears an island on it (4), which will affect natives brain power for some time. Above quoted example shows that: Beemari Ka Bagair Dwayee Bhi Ilaaz Hai (Disease Can Be Cured Without Medicine) To understand remedies, first of all it is a must for the reader to understand the basics of remedies and items related with concerned planets, for which I am giving below first of all some charts for ready reference: Table No: 1 - For Single Planets Ill Influences Of Planets Can Be Cured By Donating Items Of Concerned Planets / Through Worship Of Concerned Divinity Quoted Against Name Of Planet
Name of Planet
Color of Planet
Gender of Planet
Brahma Ji 884
Remedy for General items for progeny remedy & other factors Haripujan Yellow gram
Planet Male Planet Female Planet Female Planet
Like curd
Mercury Green
Emasculated Durga Ji
Emasculated Bhairon Ji
Emasculated Saraswathi Ji
White Black mix
Emasculated Ganesh Ji
Male Planet
Vishnu Ji Shivji Lakshmi Ji
Hanuman Ji
Katha Harivansh Aradhaya Dev Pujan Public Service
Pulse, Gold Wheat, Red Copper Rice, Milk, Silver
Ghee, Curd, Camphor, Pearl White Gayatari Red Masoor Daal Paath (pulse of red color) Durga Pulse Moong full Paath (green), Emerald Worship of Full black pulse King (Daal urdmaash) Iron Blue Sapphire, Kannya Daan Mustard (Bearing expenditure of girl`s marriage) Seasame (Black Donation and White) – of Kapila TIL in Punjabi Cow
Articles Representing Conjoined Planets (More Than One Planet) Conjoined Planets Jupiter –Ketu Jupiter – Moon Sun – Moon Sun – Venus Sun – Mercury Moon – Mercury
Related Articles Yellow Lemon Banyan tree Horse and cart, Litchi fruit, Milk of Banyan tree. Shining red, burnt earth, bronze bowl, Multani Mitti (gaachni). Green mountains, red alum, white glass Mother - Daughter, sand in river water, parrot, swan, well with downstairs Moon – Saturn Black ink, Baoli (water storage well), reversed weapon which strikes in forehead, tortoise, spoiled milk, bus or vehicles of iron, poisoned milk, cursed well Venus – Mars Earthen tandoor, sweet pomegranate (Anaar), Geru (ochre) Venus – Mercury Constituents of Sun, Libra (weighing scale), sand, floor machines Venus – Saturn Ghee (clarified butter) and black pepper, burnt black brick in brick Killen, black shining dry mountain Mars (mangal bad) – Magnifying glass, shining red garments of girl, flower of Mercury pomegranate. Mars (Mangal Nek) – Subhra (Red cloth which is non-shining of the bride, at the time of 885
Mercury Mars – Saturn Mercury – Saturn Mercury – Rahu Mercury – Ketu Saturn – Rahu
marriage), blood red color which is not shining, parrot with girdle around its neck. Dry palm date (chhohare), coconut fruit (unpeeled) Mango tree Nelar, which is common on banyan tree (Moon and Jupiter) and spoils its fruits Barry (a hunter bird) from whom even the elephant dreads. Sarpmani, which sucks out the snake poison from the snake bite.
(This Chart Proves Helpful In Treatment Of Conjoined Plants Through Items Quoted Against These)
Curing Ill Influences Of Planet Through Habits Of Native:
very individual when observed closely indicates the dominating planet by choice of color in general use, his character, behavior with relatives, his personal behavior and eating habits etc. The native will not be in the habit of using items related to the dominating planet in excess, where as on the contrary, if any planet is very weak, he will be used to make use of items in excess, related to that planet. For example, if the Sun is the dominating planet, the native will avoid excess use of common salt and will not like to eat salty preparations. Similarly, if the Mars is weak, the native will be used to eat sweet if the Sun is weak, excess intake of common preparations in excess. However, if the Mars salt should be avoided, one should correct his is dominating, the native will avoid use of nature by controlling his temper, he must excess sweet preparations. follow old traditions laid down by our ancestors and pay respect to his parents, must do charity and refrain from accepting donations or charity.
In similar manner choice of colors influences up to a great extent, so there is a great stress paid on use of or to avoid some colors according to planetary placement in birth chart or according to palm lines in the hand of native. Human behavior of a person in worldly matters, and with his fellow beings or relatives is also under the influence of dominating or adverse affecting planets. So, it is also advised in Lal Kitab, repeatedly not to behave against the fixed norms for planetary behavior, according to their placement in Birth Chart. If any one want to correct or ward off ill influences of negative planets, it is a must for him to refrain from intake of items e.g. if the Sun is weak, excess intake of common salt should be avoided, one should correct his nature by controlling his temper, he must follow old traditions laid down by our ancestors and pay respect to his parents, must do charity and refrain from accepting donations or charity. So, first of all, more stress should be paid to correct those habits, which generally destroy good effects of planets on native, which are generally indicated, while interpreting a Birth Chart according to Lal Kitab, which I will like to say as Lal Kitab Warnings, which should not be ignored, before advising any Lal Kitab remedy. 886
Few examples from Lal Kitab: Example: 01
Sun in 11th house: Sun in the 11th house is quoted as fully religious minded, but selfish with luxurious life. If native is a vegetarian and religious, will be a man of power and authority, and live a long, happy life. But it is also quoted in the same chapter: Zubaan Teri Gost Ka Khaana Jo Maangey Likhey Khud Lawalidy Vidhaat Kalam se. If a person, in whose Horoscope, the Sun is placed in 11th house and is a meat eater, will be like eating boiled flesh of one’s own kith and kin and will remain issueless up to the age of 40 years and at the end, he will lose his male child). This is a warning to a person born with the Sun placed in 11th house of Horoscope, which is very clearly mentioned in Lal Kitab, which I have found and observed many times come true. Logic behind this is explained in a unique way in Lal Kitab, as Saturn is the real significator of 11th house (own house of Saturn) but Jupiter also exercises its powerful influence here (fixed house of Jupiter).The 11th house is treated as Court of Jupiter, where Saturn takes an oath to decide all matters in a judicious manner. In this case, the Sun is expected to be fully religious, but when native behaves against the expected planetary behavior, by indulging in bad vices represented by Saturn, i.e. eating meat etc, Saturn will write a decree for his father, the Sun. In Lal Kitab, there are mentioned Baits of Sacrifice for every planet which means that a real planet spoils the effects of other planet instead of its own, in this case the Sun will take benefit of this and push forward Ketu to be punished or in other words, ill effects of Sun will be transferred to Ketu. This is the main reason for trouble to ones male child which is represented by Ketu. So, before performing any remedy for this planet, it is must for a person with Sun in 11th house to refrain from use of meat etc. Example: 02
Sun in 10th house: Placement of the Sun in 10th house of horoscope, it is advised to native that he should not wear dark blue and black color clothes and avoid moving bareheaded. White and wheatish color turban or cap will give auspicious results. Source of light in western wall of his house will give adverse effects. He should avoid stay for long time with his in-laws and keep good relations with them. Hot tempered nature will spoil him. Why all this is quoted in this house alone? 887
Reason for this can be very well explained in the light of Lal Kitab. As 10th house of horoscope is the own house of Saturn, when Sun comes to the house of Saturn, it will make Sun a weak planet. So, to protect Sun, first of all, remedies are done through colors of malefic planets, i.e. Saturn & Rahu, the native is advised to wear white clothes instead of Black And Blue colored clothes and keep head covered with white cloth. Secondly, to correct Rahu, help through behavior with relatives of Rahu is advised. Next, native is advised to control his temper and reduce the use of common salt (salty items), which are representing items of the Sun. If native follows above guidelines in his life, when the Sun is placed in 10th house, he will be a successful person. There are more remedies, which may be performed in addition to changes as quoted above, but these changes will give him a great relief. Example: 03 Venus In 10TH House: According to Lal Kitab, native with Venus in 10th house of horoscope gets very many occasions for indulging with other women, but there is a warning “will be deprived of children and there will be no conception for a period of 12 years from the day of sex with other women”, where as on the other hand, it is also quoted if such person maintains good character, Venus will give good results and will live a luxurious life. This is a clear example of behavior (karma) of native, which spoils or improves the results of the concerned planet, by obeying guidelines given in Lal Kitab, in relation with planetary behavior. There is a great number of such remedies, which are quoted in Lal Kitab in connection by linking every planet with every house of horoscope and also by paying attention towards ill influences of other planets on concerned planet, which are very much logical in their explanation, when someone tries or makes an effort to understand these remedies. Every remedy works effectively when performed strictly according to Lal Kitab direction.
As every body part is linked to some planet, so there are a number of remedies which can be performed through the concerned body part: In Lal Kitab, relationship of Planets with various body parts of human beings is very well explained; e.g.: (Nine planets as quoted on face in Lal Kitab) ________ Jupiter _________________: Nose and forehead Sun______________________: Right eye ball Moon ___________________: Left eye ball Venus ___________________: Cheeks Mars +Ve________________: Upper Lip Mars –Ve________________: Lower Lip Mercury________________: Teeth and frontal part and tip of nose Saturn__________________: Hairs of eye brows and eye lashes specially Rahu ____________________: Chin Ketu_____________________: Ear 888
Similarly, every part is representing some planet, and there are a number of remedial measures quoted to ward of ill influences of different planets, as an when required by linking that remedy with concerned planet and house of horoscope with that body part, which prove very effective in giving curative results, few examples of which are quoted below: 1. Application of Saffron or Turmeric Tilak (Dot) in central part between eye brows on forehead (to improve the position of Jupiter, when it is ill affected by Mercury or Rahu or when Jupiter is giving negative results due to it’s weak placement). 2. Cleaning of nose early in morning with water and keep nose dry (a remedy for Jupiter). 3. Cleansing teeth every morning with fresh water immediately after getting out of bed (a remedy for Mars –Venus, through by curing Mercury). 4. Use of Alum (an item of Mercury planet) for cleaning teeth for 43 days is recommended (to correct ill influences of planet Mercury). 5. Piercing of nose is recommended (a remedy of Mercury). 6. Piercing of Ears is recommended (a remedy of Ketu). 7. Tie up pure white silk thread on both toes of feet (a remedy of Ketu). 8. Let the rain water pour onto summit of head of the native, because it is written in a symbolic way i.e. Brahaman di bodi minh mangdi, which suggests for a remedy of moon to ward of ill influences of Jupiter’s placement in 7th house of horoscope. And there are many more remedies quoted in a similar way, having a link with body parts, which when performed according to Lal Kitab directions, works wonderfully and results are astonishing. So, from this, it is evident that it is also of much importance to be careful in knowing the link of planets with body parts and adopt concerned remedial measure in the same way as per laid down guidelines in Lal Kitab. Effects of plants / animals/ pets/ main entrance of residential place/ metals and utensils used in daily routine life of a person are also to be studied accordingly to select a proper and permanent cure for ill influences of weak planets. In the similar way, native’s behavior with his relatives linked with various planets is also supposed to be maintained accordingly as per Lal Kitab guidelines. There are so many other warnings related with our daily routine work, which are also helpful to common man for smooth sailing of life of a person: When the general remedy is of no use, the under noted remedies will be helpful within a time of hours: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Mars Negative: Sugar and sesame combined balls (rewaries) to be thrown in running water. Jupiter: Application of Saffron on forehead, tongue, umbilical point is recommended. Sun: Put Jaggery (gur – an sweet product made from sugar cane juice) in running water. Moon: Place milk or water in a pot towards head side of bed during night time and put it in Keekar (Acacia tree) in the morning time. 889
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Saturn: Donate Mustard Oil after looking in it, the shadow of your face should be seen in that mustard oil and then it is to be donated. (Chhaya Paattar Daan). Venus: Donate Cow or Millet (Jowar / Churry). Mars Positive: Give sweets or sweet meals in charity or flow Jaggery in running water. Mercury: Punch (make a hole) a copper coin and flow it in running waters. Rahu: Donate white color radish with leaves or flow wooden charcoal in flowing waters. Ketu: Serve dogs with bread from your food.
General Indications & Helpful Remedies For Destroyed (Ineffective) Planet Of A Person: This is a very important point, which was first of all quoted in Lal Kitab 1940 version on page 48 (from line 3) to page 50 (up to line 2) and in Lal Kitab 1952 on page 183 in one table.
Sr. Planet No. Name 1 Jupiter
General Indication of Debilitation Loss of hair on the summit of the head of such person without any illness. Habit of wearing round weeds necklace around neck. Loss of gold; false rumors may become the cause of calumny. Stoppage of education without any reason. Death / Loss of Sun colored (Red) Cow or of brownish grey colored buffalo. Loss of power of giving motion in the parts of body and flow of saliva from the mouth continues.
Helpful Remedies in Such Condition To apply yellow “Tilak” on the forehead or turban. Starting of work after cleaning nose, and keep the nose dried up all day will be helpful. From the childhood, day from which water in the nose dries up automatically, the Jupiter will be considered as active.
Put some sugar or sweet thing in mouth and drink some water before starting daily routine work.
Death of Horse and Milk To receive blessing of others by touching animals. Water pond or their feet would be of great help. well may dry up. Loss of sense of feeling and touch in the body.
Thumb of such person may Taking care of ones clothing (dress) would become worthless without be helpful. any disease or skin may be affected (SKIN DISEASE) 890
Death of child soon after birth. Loss of eyesight of one eye. Joints may become motionless. Color of blood may appear to be like of a dead man. May have sexual strength, but with no ability to reproduction. Damage of teeth. Unable to differentiate fragrance or bad odor. The sex power of such person proves deceptive. House may fall, buffalo may die, incidence of fire. Loss of hair from body without any illness, particularly from eyebrows. Pure black dog may die or may be lost. Loss of nails of hand, mental disorders and unnecessary enemies. Nails of feet may be lost. Troubles of urinary tract or rheumatic disease. Death or trouble of children.
Use of white surma (stibnite - Antimony sulfide) will be helpful. The remedy quoted in Mangal Bad – Mars negative will also be of help.
Get nose pierced. Keeping teeth clean will be helpful.
Use Meswak (tree branch or bark of a tree) for cleaning teeth.
Staying with joint family and not spoiling relations with in laws. Keeping up summit (Choti) in the head will be helpful. Get the ear pierced. Rearing of Ketu will be of help. (Here Ketu may be quoted as: 1. Son in law staying at in-laws house. 2. When brother stays at sisters house. 3. Daughters son staying at maternal house. Except these above three worldly representative, a two colored i.e. black and white Dog is also treated as Ketu’s representative.
There are so many helpful remedies quoted in Lal Kitab, but always keep in your mind, the first line of Lal Kitab i.e. Beemari ka bagair dwayee bhi ilaaz hai (disease can be cured without medicine) magar mout ka koyee ilaaz nahin (but death can`t be averted) For the last line, I am giving birth details of a person, who is not in this world with us and his hand prints were not available for Astro Palmistrical readings, but still I am giving his birth chart and annual chart with available details of his last days because it is quoted in Lal Kitab : Magar mout ka koyee ilaaz nahin (but death can`t be averted)
This boy consumed poison on 12th June, 2009 at about 3:00pm and left this world on 22nd June, 2009 after struggling for life at 5:00 AM. Lal Kitab clearly points out to the astrologer to consider the longevity of native first and if he finds some adversity therein, it is the moral duty of astrologer not to disclose this time (time of death) before hand, because this may put the concerned person in a state of worry, because there may be some error while doing calculations, because it is also quoted in Lal Kitab in its very beginning i.e. Duniyavi hissaab kitaab hai (these are worldy calculations) koyee daawaa e khudai nahin (not a final verdict of almighty) So, it is a request to all and specially to learned astrologers, who understand this system of prediction to be careful while selecting and recommending any remedy by considering permanent effects (planet effect) and curable effects (rashi phal effects) i.e. From right hand and from left hand readings respectively and follow laid down rules according to Lal Kitab. Khush raho aabad dunya, maal o jaan badhte raho Madad malik apni dega, neki khud karte raho…… These lines are from Lal Kitab, as blessings to all from our respected Pandit Rup Chand Joshi Ji (writer of Lal Kitab) and also an advice to do good always.
Dharak & Dharakansha Horoscope By Paresh Desai, India Readership Level: Advanced
e have come across many such situations where in spite of giving prediction after considering all the principles of Phalit Jyotish, our predictions have gone wrong. One of our great Jyotishacharyas of yester years Varaha Mihir has given us the principle that “a native will get good and favourable fruits of the house whose lord is strong and powerful in the birth horoscope provided that it is also strong in the Navamansha horoscope”. This has been verified to be true in many instances but there are few instances where this principle has not been proved correct. My Guruji wondered why this has been so. He thought of all the principles of Phalit Jyotish he had studied but did not get any answer so he went to his Guruji for the explanation and solutions. His Guruji also thought about this but could not find any reason. So he told my Guruji that he had taught him all the principles of Jyotish which he had studied from his Guruji and that he had nothing more to offer. My Guruji kept on thinking about it and one day, he suddenly thought of Tarak. Our jyotishacharyas have described about Tarak in their literature. My Guruji prepared a table of Tarak and put all the planets in the nakshatra under Tarak in which they were situated at the time of birth respectively. He found out that a planet which came under favourable Tarak gave favourable fruits but a planet which came under unfavourable Tarak did not give good or favourable fruits even though it was
Paresh Desai is a doctor by profession & has pursued deep study of astrology since several decades. He comes from a parampara where ‘Only Sarvatobhadra Chakra’ is used for predictions, no dasas at all. His Guru was the illustrious legendary celebrity astrologer of Bombay, Shri Ravindra Desai who had learnt astrology from Baroda & Benares for 25 years and then developed his own system of Sarvatobhadra Chakra. We expect Mr. Desai to reveal some rare secrets in this space in the coming years.
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strong in birth horoscope as well as in Navamansha horoscope as per the principle of Varaha Mihir. He studied many charts in this way and found out that a planet which is strong in the birth horoscope and also in the Navamansha horoscope has to be strong or favourable in Tarak also. Then and then only it was capable of giving favourable or good fruits of that house. He verified this in many horoscopes or charts and came out with the modified principle that “a planet which is strong and favourable in birth horoscope and also in Navamansha kundali gives favourable and strong fruits of the house of its lordship only if it is present under good or favourable Tarak”.
o understand this properly, we must first understand the concept of Tarak given by our learned Rishi-Munis. They studied the effects of different nakshatras on planets starting from the nakshatra of Moon. Why nakshatra of Moon? In Indian Vedic Astrology, whenever a planet is giving fruits of its house, Moon plays very important role. Moon is considered as our mind in astrology and it is through our mind that we feel happiness or unhappiness, joy or sorrow. All the emotions and feelings are because of mind. Moon is also very close to earth and whenever a planet is going to give fruits, it transfers its fruits to Moon and Moon transfers them to the native and this way native gets Shubha or Ashubha fruits as per the transit of planets. So Chandra Rashi Kundali (Moon Rashi horoscope) is used for Gochar prediction in our Nirayan system of Indian Vedic Astrology. Our learned Rishi-Munis observed the effects of various constellations on planets as per its distance from the constellation of Moon. They studied the effect of nakshatra on planets in giving fruits when it is in the same constellation as that of Moon. Then the effect of second constellation from Moon was studied and so on. In this way they studied the effects of all 27 Nakshatras on planet’s behavior in giving fruits and they found out that there were nine types of effects as per the distance of specific nakshatra from the constellation of Moon. Considering the nakshatra of Moon as the first Nakshatra, the effects up to nine nakshatras were different and same effects were repeated from 10th Nakshatra to 18th Nakshatra and from 19th Nakshatra to 27th Nakshatra. This way nine groups of nakshatras were formed each having three nakshatras. These groups were given the name of Tarak. Each Tarak was given a name as per its effect on planets. The names they gave were in serial order 1 Janma 4 Kshema 7 Naithan
2 Sampad 5 Pratyari 8 Mitra
3 Vipad 6 Sadhak 9 Adhimitra
As we know there are 27 Nakshatras or constellations. Our learned Rishi-Munis considered the nakshatra of Moon as the first nakshatra and placed this nakshatra below Janma Tarak. Then second nakshatra from moon was placed in second Tarak i.e. Sampad Tarak. This way they placed nine Nakshatras under nine Taraks in serial order. The 10th Nakshatra was again placed under Janma Tarak and next nine nakshatras were put under nine Taraks respectively in serial order in second row. Again 19th nakshatra was placed under Janma Tarak and remaining nakshatras were placed under respective Tarak in 3rd row. In this way three rows of nine nakshatras were formed under taraks. Each Tarak contained three constellations. So Tarak is nothing but the group of nakshatras. The nakshatra of moon is considered as the first nakshatra. So Janma Tarak will contain 1st, 10th and 19th 2 894
nakshatra from Moon’s nakshatra, Sampad Tarak will contain 2nd,11th and 20th nakshatra from Moon’s nakshatra and so on. If we see this in tabular form it will be as follows. Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Serial Number of Nakshatra from Moon Janma 1 (Nakshatra 10 19 of Moon) Sampad 2 11 20 Vipad 3 12 21 Kshema 4 13 22 Pratyari 5 14 23 Sadhak 6 15 24 Vadha 7 16 25 Maitra 8 17 26 Adhimitra 9 18 27
The effect of each Tarak on planets in short is as follows: 1. Janma Tarak: Fruits obtained as per the strength of the planet in birth horoscope. 2. Sampad Tarak: More than expected fruits are obtained. 3. Vipad Tarak: Fruits with worries and obstacles in the beginning. 4. Kshema Tarak: Fruits for family and enjoyed with family members. 5. Pratyari Tarak: Fruits with hopes and despair or hopelessness. 6. Sadhak Tarak: Fruits with constant efforts. 7. Naithan (Vadh) Tarak: Destruction of fruits at the last moment. 8. Maitra Tarak: Fruits with the help of friends or recent acquaintance 9. Adhimitra Tarak: Fruits obtained with the help of family members or very close friends. My Guruji changed the word “Naithan” to “Vadha” (Sudden end – slaughter) as it is more appropriate. As the planets were imbibing the effects of Tarak under which they came, my Guruji changed the word Tarak to Dharak as the meaning of Dharak is to wear or to take the effect of some thing else. E.g. when a car is painted red, we say it is a red car, when it is painted yellow, we say it is a yellow car. Similarly a planet coming under a particular Tarak takes the effects of that Tarak. So we can say that it has taken the effect of that Dharak and will give fruits as per the characteristics of that Dharak.
Characteristics of Dharak 1. Janma: This is the first Dharak. The Nakshatra of Moon is placed under this Dharak. 10th and 19th Nakshatra from Moon also come under this Dharak. a) Its meaning is taken as “As It Is” i.e. a planet coming under this Dharak gives fruits or results of its house as per its strength or weakness in the birth horoscope. 3 895
b) If it is strong and powerful in the birth horoscope and is equally strong and powerful in Navmansh kundali, then it gives good and favourable fruits of the house of its lordship. c) The fruits are obtained easily and also last for a long time. d) If it is weak in the birth horoscope and also in Navmansh kundali, then it gives weak fruits or unfavourable fruits of the house it represents. e) If it is strong in birth horoscope and weak in Navmansh kundali or vice versa, it gives mixed fruits. A strong planet gives good fruits and a weak planet gives poor results of the house it represents if it comes under Janma Dharak. 2. Sampad: This is the second Dharak. 2nd, 11th and 20th Nakshatra from Moon comes under this Dharak in three rows respectively. a) In Sanshodhanatmak Sarvatobhadra chakra, the meaning of Sampad is taken as “More Than Expected.” It also means extra or additional or more or excessive. b) That means a planet coming under this Dharak gives fruits of its house of lordship in excess or more than what a native was expecting. Sampad Dharak makes the planet coming under it to give more fruits of its house. c) Suppose a person is doing some consultation and expects to earn Rs.5000/- as his fees but his client would be very happy with his consultation and gives him Rs.7000/which is more than what he had expected for. So a planet coming under this Dharak gives more fruits than its capacity or its strength in the birth horoscope. d) Similarly if malefic planets are giving worries or unfavourable fruits than the native will get more worries than what he had expected for. 3. Vipad: This is the 3rd Dharak and 3rd, 12th and 21st Nakshatra from Moon comes under this Dharak. a) Vipad means Obstacles or Worries. b) These obstacles and worries are found in the initial phase of the deeds. These worries and obstacles get over as the deeds progresses. c) A planet coming under this Dharak always gives worries and obstacles while giving the fruits of the house it governs. As the native continues his work, these obstacles and worries start getting removed and the deeds get completed eventually. d) But there is no charm at the end of the work as the native has to pass through lot of difficulties and worries even for executing a simple work. E.g. a person wants to buy a car of particular model and colour. He goes to the showroom of that car and books his car. He is promised the delivery of the car after 7 days. He goes to the showroom for delivery but his car has not reached the showroom. So he is told to come after another 7 days. He again goes after 7 days to find out that the car of his choice of colour is not there. He is not interested in other colour so he is promised delivery of the car of his choice of colour after another 7 days. After 7 days he gets the car of his choice but there is no happiness or charm of obtaining the car of his choice as it has come after so many obstacles and frequent visits to the showroom. e) So a planet under vipad Dharak does give fruits of the house it governs but after obstacles and hardship in the beginning. 4. Kshema: This is the fourth Dharak and 4th, 13th and 22nd Nakshatras from the Nakshatra of Moon come under this Dharak. 4 896
a) The meaning of Kshema is “Easily Obtained And Enjoying Fruits With Whole Family”. It also means that whatever fruits native gets, he shares them with his family members and enjoys with them. b) Whenever there is worries about the fruits of the house, he dose not share his worries with his family members but keeps it to him. c) Thus a planet coming under this Dharak gives fruits of the house it governs easily, without worries and as per expectation and are enjoyed by whole family. d) We can take two meanings of this Dharak. 1. Fruits are obtained easily, without many efforts and 2. They are enjoyed with whole family. e) Native will not use the fruits for self only but will distribute them to all family members and relatives who are in his contact. f) As there are always two sides of a coin, here also fruits obtained are of two types. When benefic planets are giving fruits, they are obtained easily and enjoyed by the family but when fruits are obtained by malefic planets, i.e. when unfavourable fruits are obtained and there are worries and less fruits in spite of hard work, native does not like to pass on his unhappiness or worries to his family members. He would try to keep his worries and unhappiness or failures to himself. g) We can take an example of a person doing a job. He will earn his salary every month and give money to his family. Whatever he earns, he uses for the happiness of his family. But when he loses his job, he gets worried but does not tell his family about it. He does not want his family to worry about it and be unhappy. But his family would come to know about this in due course and every one in the family will be sad and unhappy. h) But this is a good dharak, so whenever the unfavourable transit of planets is over, the person will get another job and every one in the family will be happy. So this dharak involves his family in both favourable and unfavourable situations. 5. Pratyari: This is the 5th Dharak and 5th, 14th and 23rd Nakshatras from the nakshatra of Moon occupy this Dharak. a) The meaning of the word Pratyari is “Nirasha” i.e. “Despair’’. b) The planet coming under this dharak gives fruits of the house it governs in such a way that the situation is very hopeful to start with and the native is confident that he will get the fruits soon but suddenly the situation changes and it becomes hopeless. Native looses confidence of getting fruits and becomes disappointed. c) But this situation does not remain for long and as the transit becomes favourable, he again becomes hopeful of getting fruits. This way, the planet coming under this Dharak gives fruits of its house always with hopes and despair. 6. Sadhak: This is the 6th Dharak and 6th, 15th and 24th Nakshatra from the nakshatra of Moon come under this Dharak. a) The meaning of Sadhak is “Sadhana or Intense Efforts”. b) The fruits of the house are not obtained without making efforts if the lord of that house is placed under this dharak. It makes the native continuously work or keep on making efforts to obtain the fruits of the house. c) If a person makes efforts to achieve some level and achieves it and stops making efforts thinking that the level will be maintained without much effort, he finds it difficult to maintain that level. 5 897
d) That means that the native has to be constantly active to keep on getting the fruits of the house if the lord of that house is placed under this dharak. e) If native stops working, the fruits also stop coming in. 7. Vadha: This is the 7th Dharak and 7th, 16th and 25th Nakshatra from the nakshatra of Moon comes under this Dhark. a) The literal meaning of Vadha is Slaughter. It means Premature and Sudden Death. b) Here its meaning is taken as sudden and premature loss of the fruits of the house if the lord of that house comes under this dharak. c) This dharak is not considered as a good dharak. d) There is sudden loss of the fruits of the work which is near completion. Native is confident of getting the fruit of the work he is doing but suddenly something untoward happens and picture changes suddenly and everything is lost. e) The fruits of the work which native was about to get are suddenly lost and the native does not understand what went wrong. f) If the planet coming under this Dharak is strong and powerful then it gives the fruits of the house during benefic rotation, then suddenly the fruits are stopped from coming in but after some time when the rotation of benefic planets start, he starts getting the fruits of that house again. g) That means there are many ups and downs in getting fruits of that house. 8. Maitra: This is the 8th Dharak and 8th, 17th and 26th Nakshatra from the Nakshatra of Moon comes under this Dharak. a) Maitra means Friend or Some Person With Recent Acquaintance. b) The planet coming under this dharak gives fruits of its house with the help of a friend or some other person. c) That means some person, a recent friend or an acquaintance becomes instrumental in getting the fruits of that house. If the native works himself, he may find some delays or obstacles or may not be able to do it satisfactorily but if he asks someone to do his work, then the work will be done nicely and satisfactorily. So someone becomes instrumental in getting the fruits of that house. d) During benefic rotation of planets, native gets good fruits with the help of others but during malefic rotation of planets, native gets worries and may not get the desired fruits. E.g. a person wants to buy a railway ticket. If he goes himself to railway station or booking office, he would find a big queue. He may have to stand for a long time and waste his time but if he contacts some railway booking agent on phone, he will get the ticket without standing in long queue and without wasting his time and ticket will be delivered at his door step. e) It is also observed that when a planet under this Dharak it becomes capable in giving fruits and if there is no one at that time to help the native, he may not get those fruits. 9. Adhimitra: This is the 9th Dharak and 9th, 18th and 27th Nakshatra from the Nakshatra of Moon comes under this Dharak. a) Adhimitra means Family Members or Very Close Friend or Someone Very Close To The Native. b) Here also a close friend or a family member becomes instrumental in getting the fruits of the house whose lord is placed under this Dharak. 6 898
c) If native tries to get the fruits of the house with his own efforts, he may not get the desired result but gets the fruits with the help of a close friend or a family member. d) Here also during benefic rotation of planets, native gets good fruits with the help of a family member or a close friend but during unfavourable rotation of planets, the same close friends or family members become instrumental for native getting bad fruits or worries of that house.
Dharakansha Horoscope
harakansha Kundali is one of the research works of my Guruji Dr. Ravindra Desai, it would be prudent for the erudite scholar to work further on it for its miraculous snap shot results in judging houses.
He calculated the Dharak of each planet and placed them in the house in which the respective planet is situated in the birth horoscope. II. He then studied the effects of dharak on that house and found out that Dharak plays a very important role in modifying the fruits of that house. III. If a favourable Dharak is present in the house, it increases the favourable fruits of that house but if an unfavorable Dharak occupies that house the fruits of that house become unfavourable even if the house is strong in the horoscope. IV. If more than one dharaks were present in the house then their combined effects were observed on the fruits of that house. To understand this properly let us prepare a Dharkansha Horoscope of a native and study the effects of dharaks on the fruits of that house. To prepare Dharakansha Horoscope, one has to prepare a birth horoscope with spasta grahas (Degreecal position of planets). From this, find out the constellation of each planet. One has to prepare a dharak chart and place each planet under the Dharak in which its Nakshatra is present. Then find out the dharak of each planet. Place the dharak of each planet in the house where it is situated in the birth horoscope. This way dharakansha kundali will be ready. Let us take few examples. Example: 1 Name: KD DOB: 13-05-1986, TOB: 17.34.00, POB: Vadodara, Gujarat State, India
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Planets at the time of birth will be as follows: Planet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Uranus Neptune Naseeb Ascendant
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sign-Dg-Mt-Sc 00-28-45-57 02-18-32-53 08-25-28-44 00-17-44-19 10-23-51-46 01-26-36-15 07-13-48-41 00-05-08-33 06-05-08-33 07-27-50-26 08-11-48-44 07-26-06-03 06-06-19-08
Nakshatra Krutika Aardra Purva Shadha Bharani Purva Bhadrapad Mrugashirsh Anuradha Ashwini Chitra Jyeshtha Moola Jyeshtha Chitra
Prepare the tabular chart of nine dharak and write nakshatra in serial order under it starting from the nakshatra of Moon as follows. Janma Adra Mo
Sampad Pun
Vipad Pus
Pratyari Magh
Ur Fo
Kshema Ashl
Hast Shra
Adhimitra Chi Asc Ke Dhan
Draw the birth horoscope and put the dharak of planets in the house which they occupy. Dharakansha Kundali
Vipad Kshema
6 Adhimitra
Pratyari 9 Sadhak
7 10
4 1
Sam pad
Vadha Pratyari Sadhak
Janma 2
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Nakshatra Adra - Aardra Pun - Punarvasu
Swa - Swati Vis - Vishakha
Pus - Pushya
Anu - Anuradha
Ashl - Ashlesha Magh - Magha P.Fa - Purva Falguni U.Fa - Uttara Falguni Has - Hasta Chi - Chitra
Jye - Jyeshtha Mool - Mool P.Sha - Purva Shadha U.Sha - Uttara Shadha Shra - Shravan Dha - Dhanishtha
Sha - Shatbhisha P.Bha - Purva Bhadrapada U.Bha - Uttara Bhadrapada Rew - Rewati Ashw - Ashwini Bha - Bharani Kru - Krutika Roh - Rohini Mrug Mrugashirsh
Planets Asc Ascendant Su - Sun Mo - Moon Ma - Mars
Me - Mercury
Ra - Rahu
Ju - Jupiter Ve - Venus Sa - Saturn
Ke - Ketu Ur - Uranus Ne - Neptune
Fo - Fortune
Predictions from Dharakansha Kundali: Adhimitra Dharak in 1st House: Adhimitra means family members or very close friend and the 1st house is the house of body and mind. Family members and close friend of the native become instrumental in proper growth of mind and body of the native and also in maintaining it fit. They also help him in his deeds for getting stability in his life and to maintain it. But during malefic rotation of planets, they become instrumental in bringing him mental and physical worries and also for his stability in life. Vipad in 2nd House: Vipad means obstacles and worries and 2nd house is the house of financial matters, wealth and family members. Native is finding obstacles and worries in his deeds for getting money and saving it and also for creating wealth. He is finding obstacles and worries in the beginning of his deeds even if they are straight forward and simple. Native has to work for removing those obstacles and then he will succeed in his efforts of earning money and getting wealth. But there will be less charm in spite of getting money and wealth as native has to pass through lot of hardships and extra work. This is also the house of family members so there may be worries in his relationship with his family members. As the lord of this house Mars is situated in third house, native will earn money and get wealthy by his self efforts and enterprises and his brothers or sisters may become helpful. Kshema in 2nd House: Kshema means to get fruits easily and to enjoy them with family members. 2nd house is the house of money, wealth and family members. So native will be able to earn money easily and save them for the future. He distributes the fruits of second house among his family members and his relatives or his well-wishers and enjoys with them happily. He does not use or keep money for himself alone. Native also shares his wealth 9 901
with his family members and enjoys with them. But whenever there are financial worries or worries regarding his wealth, he would not share them with his family members. This is the special feature of this Dharak. Pratyari in 3rd House: Pratyari means despair and the 3rd house is the house of new enterprises. This is also the house of brothers and sisters. Whenever native thinks of doing some new enterprise he finds that the atmosphere is not always favourable. The atmosphere which was favourable when he started his deeds does not remain same for long. After some time he would find some obstacles and unfavourable circumstances which make him lose his hopes about the out come of his deeds. His mind fills up with despair. But this despair also does not remain for long. As the rotation of planets improve, the place of despair is taken up by hopes, this way there is always the atmosphere of hopes and hopelessness regarding the fruits of this house. As this is also the house of brothers and sisters, the relations of native with his brethren are sometimes very good and sometimes there is worries. Sadhak in 3rd House: Sadhak means Sadhana or Tap or to work continuously or constantly either mentally or physically. Native has to work constantly for obtaining the fruits of his deeds. If he stops his deeds then the fruits of his deeds would stop coming in i.e. he has to work constantly for achieving and maintaining the fruits of his deeds or enterprise. Suppose native has established a company and has fixed certain target for income and works to achieve his target and is happy after achieving it. He thinks that his company is well established now and there will be no problem if he focuses his attention to some other business. But as soon as he stops looking after his company, the business slows down and his income decreases. He again has to focus all his attention to the affairs of this company and again he will start getting fruits i.e. he has to look after his company affairs even after it is well established. Then and then only he would get proper and continuous fruits. Sampad in 5th house: Sampad means extra or more then one’s expectation. 5th house is the house of education, intelligence and children. Some take 5H for higher education note this. Native was an average student during school; parents were always worried about his education. But he got more marks than his efforts during exams. He got better results in his exams than his expectations. During graduation studies he got first class through out. Then he gave CET for MBA but could not get admission in India. He was totally disappointed. He then read about Australian University fair and attended the seminar. He submitted his certificates and was selected for MBA by one of the best universities of Australia and has completed 2 semesters with credits and he was one of the top ten students out of 70 who were selected for industrial training. This means that whenever there is a rotation of malefic planets over 5th house, he would get worries which are more than his expectations but whenever there is a rotation of benefic planets over this house, he would get much better fruits than his expectation. Till the next issue of Saptarishis Astrology I would leave you to work out the results of Vadh & Janma in the above chart.
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Karve Guruji – An Exposition By R.G.Krishnan, USA
arve Guruji (respectfully called in this manner by his devotees) is a well known person in the astrological world. He, Karve Guruji along with his daughter Pinki and son Sandeep visited our house at Murphy, Texas and stayed with us from May 22nd until May 30th, 2009. We consider this as our good fortune and a blessing that a highly spiritually elevated person like Karve Guruji could spend his time with us and perform his daily poojas in our house. This was his second visit to our house. He had earlier visited our house for the first time in 1995 and stayed with us for a week. Karve Guruji is a blessed soul who got divine vision in his childhood and is also a self realized person. During his stay with us from May 22 to 30, 2009 we had several occasions to chat with him whenever he was free from his daily poojas. On each such occasion, I took the opportunity to ask him as many questions as possible about his early childhood and as to how he got “Siddhi” that is super normal powers and high degree of intuition with the help of which he is able to comprehend date and time of birth of any one who meets him or talks to him over the telephone. I also asked him questions about his Guru from whom he got the astrological knowledge. Karve Guruji is a very humble person and as such he did not want any publicity about him. However we tried to reason out with him stating that he owed to the Astrological world to tell about him and to spread his message of love to all human beings and to bring to their notice the Divine mantra he got in his divine vision. He replied stating that all things that happened in his life were by the will of God and that he did not plan for it nor will he take any credit for the various things that happened in his life. I asked probing questions to him, to his daughter Pinky and to his son Sandeep and the information gathered from such questioning is given below which I share with the readers of the Saptarishisastrology magazine
Karve Guruji’s Birth & Early Childhood.
hri Karve was born on an Ashadi Ekadasi day, (the exact year of his birth is not known as he was born in his parent’s home at Pune (old name Poona) in a middle class Brahmin family household. In those days births that took place in homes were not recorded by the local Municipality. Due to this reason he did not have any birth certificate. His father was a pious Vedic Brahmin and his grand father was also a pious Vedic Brahmin. They both devoted their entire time in doing prayers & meditation and 903
spent a considerable part of their time to go to Varanasi [old name Benaras] and to do ‘Tapasya’ (penance) there. In his early childhood, he was guided by his parents in doing daily prayers and other Vedic rituals as done in any Brahmin family. When he came of school going age he went to a nearby Municipal school at Poona itself. However he did schooling for two years only and then dropped out of school as the school education did not interest him.
His First Exposure To Astrology: In his early childhood, some time in the year 1938 or 1939, he happened to pick up a used book from an old books shop. He said that something made him pick up this book as it fascinated him from the very beginning. In that book he found horoscopes of Lord Sri Ram and Lord Sri Krishna were given with some astrological comments. That was his first encounter with Vedic Astrology. Reading this book was a thrilling experience to him and he felt that as if that he knew the subject (may be from his past births). With great interest he read the book over and over again as the two horoscopes made a big impact on his young mind. He soon memorized these two horoscopes along with the astrological comments on them as contained in that book. The details of these two horoscopes are as under:
Sri Ram’s Horoscope: Sri Ram was born in Punarvasu Nakshatra in Kataka Rasi (Cancer Moon sign) Kataka Lagna (Cancer ascendant), with a Jupiter exalted and well placed in ascendant (Lagna). Saturn exalted and well placed in 4th house, Mars exalted and well placed in the 7th house, Venus exalted and well placed in the 9th house, Sun exalted and well placed in the 10th house along with Mercury, Rahu in 6 and Ketu in the 12th house. Thus lord Rama had 5 planets in exaltation signs and one planet in own sign. He told me that this horoscope made big impact in his mind and it seemed to him that he was familiar with astrology as he could understand the book very clearly.
Sri Krishna’s Horoscope
Lord Sri Krishna’s horoscope has the following placement of planets: He was born in Rohini Nakshatra in Vrishabha Rasi (Taurus Moon sign), Taurus ascendant (Vrishabha lagna). Sun strongly placed in own house and in the 4th house in Leo sign (Simha Rasi), Mercury strongly placed in Virgo sign (kanya Rasi), Venus strongly placed in own house in Libra (Thula Rasi), Mars exalted and placed in Capricorn sign, Saturn strongly placed in own sign Aquarius, Jupiter strongly placed in own house in Pisces, Rahu placed in 6th house from ascendant and Ketu placed in the 12th house from ascendant. Thus Lord Krishna had in his horoscope 5 planets well placed in own sign (Swagrahee) and 2 planets well placed in exaltation signs. These two horoscopes made a big impact on his young mind and he read this book with interest over and over again. Around this time he felt a deep urge to learn more and more about astrology by reading more books and by discussing the matter with astrology knowing persons.
Shortly, after this book incident, in the year 1939, he met his first Guru by the name of Hari Bhau Dikshit. He gave him the initial knowledge in Astrology. Later in the year 1945 he met Sri GaneshViswanath Joshi. He was a born blind but knew astrology and was a bachelor. He used to sit in a temple all day long every day and tried to guide astrologically the various persons who came to seek his guidance. By the blessings and guidance of Shri Joshi he developed his knowledge further & could also astrologically guide persons who had come to him with their problems. Around this time the number of people from all walks of life seeking astrological guidance from him was increasing day by day and he did his best to help them astrologically. One such person was Shri Harivansh Rai Bachchan, father of Super Star Amitabh Bachchan who had come to Poona to attend one “Kavi Sammelan” (Meeting of poet artistes) in the year 1942. He had told Karve Guruji that his wife was expecting a baby and wanted to know about the future of that baby. Karve Guruji told him that a son will be born to him soon who
1 Publisher: It may interest readers to read another very interesting variation of Shri Krishna’s Horoscope via this article in Outlook Magazine http://www.outlookindia.com/article.aspx?225095 905
will have a very bright future and that he will become a famous person down the road & will be visible throughout the world. Later a son was born to him who was named Amitabh Bachchan and every one knows about Amitabh Bachchan now is a super star of Indian Hindi movies In the year 1943 Lata Mangeshkar then a teenage girl met him and wanted to know about her future. Karve Guruji told her that she will become a famous person down the road and her name will be practically in the lips of every citizen of India. All of us know about the singing sensation called Lata Mangeshkar. Around this time many astrology knowing persons used to meet him and discuss astrology with him. In the year 1944 one famous astrologer of that time by name Sahu Modak met him and discussed astrological points with him. In the year 1944 One Inspector general of Police in then Bombay Presidency( now called Maharashtra State) by name MaruthikarNarainkar Kamte met him and took him to Yerawada Jail to meet Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru who was lodged in that prison (jailed by the British Rulers for taking part in freedom movement). Karve Guruji told Mr.Nehru at that meeting that he will be the first Prime Minister of Independent India and that day is not far of. Every one knows that India became independent in the year 1947 and Mr.Jawaharlal Nehru became the first Prime Minister of Independent India. Around this time the father of Sri Shantaram had met him and told him that he is worried about the future of his son. Karve Guruji told him not to worry as his son will make a big mark down the road and will become very famous all over India. Everyone knows about V.Shantaram a highly successful Movie figure. Around this time, many Hindu Sadhus and Sanyasis & some saintly persons from Muslim community, used to meet him often and all of them used to tell him that he is a blessed person & that he will be able to see God in a divine vision very soon. Shortly after this on 8 Aug, 1945, he had a “Divya Dhrishti” (Divine Vision) at a Vishnu temple, at Poona. In that Divine vision he could see in the Idol, the God Vitthal, God of Pandharpur temple – God Balaji of Tirupathi temple and God Srinathji of Dwarka temple. They all appeared before him as if he was watching a TV screen. This was his first divine vision and during that divine vision he experienced a blissful state of mind and a feeling of happiness of the highest order never so far experienced in his life. Soon after this incident many Hindu Sadhus and Sanyasis used to meet him and told him that he will be able to see many more such “Divya Dhrishtis”(Divine Vision) in his life. On 18th August 1952 at 7 pm, through the help of one Sanyasi, he could get a grand divine vision in which he could see Lord Vishnu in Vishwadarshana. It was like watching TV screen and during this Divine Vision the mantra “Om Shri Vishvadarshan Devatayai 906
Namaha” was given to him. Since then he has been reciting this mantra in his daily pooja & he continues to do so even now. He has since asked several persons who sought his guidance to chant this mantra daily as a remedy to overcome their problems as this mantra will help to invoke the blessings of the Almighty God.
His Marriage & Family Life Karve Guruji got married in the year 1957. Since he did not have a formal education he did not work on any job. He used the family fortunes for making his living and the family fortunes gradually got dwindled. His family consists of three sons and three daughters. Although he never worked on any job, by the grace of God he has been running the family comfortably until to-day without any problem as most of the people who sought his guidance generally helped the family by giving some donation.
Karve Guruji’s Trips Abroad: He was invited by Arsha Vidya Gurukulam at Saylosburg PA, USA in the year 1995 to attend an astrological seminar. As part of that trip he visited Texas and stayed with us in our home for about 15 days. Subsequently he has been visiting USA almost every year during summer. He has also visited countries in the Middle East. During 1997 he was invited by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to Nether lands and there he was conferred the title of “Satpursuha’’ by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Karve Guruji is a tireless person. It is amazing that at his age (estimated to be about 80 yrs old), he observes fasting on every Monday which means that he will not take even water after he gets up until he finishes his daily pooja and after that he will take a small quantity of special food prepared for such fasting days. He observed this fast during his stay in our house and we were amazed to see his energy level was the same as on non-fasting days. He attributed this to “Daiva Shakthi” that is divine help. I have heard of Sages living in Himalayas living on pure cosmic energy as they live in caves in remote areas where food and water is generally not accessible. Likewise may be Karve Guruji is able to absorb energy from the cosmos (cosmic energy) on such fasting days. It was really amazing.
Karve Guruji’s Message To Readers Of Saptarishis Astrology Magazine He says that the mantra he got in the divine vision namely “Om Shri Vishvadarshan Devatayai Namaha” should be chanted for overcoming all problems by each and every one irrespective of the religion they may belong, as this is a universal mantra for all religions and Gods. The flyer given by Karve Guruji is attached for information of all readers at the end of this write up. May God bless Karve Guruji with long life so that he can be a source of inspiration to the younger generation? For the benefit of those readers who wish to call Karve Guruji they may call his daughter Pinky Karve in India, I have given below the cell (mobile) number & landline number of Pinky Karve in India. Before calling her the readers are advised to keep a copy of their horoscope with them for ready reference to enable them to double check the placement of planets in the horoscope which they will hear over the telephone during their telephonic talk with Pinky or Karve Guruji. 907
Pinky Karve (aka Sanjivani Karve)—mobile (cell):9769753139; Landline 91-22-24362998: mail—
[email protected] His Message
For All Religions & Gods
Longevity In Astrology By Dr.S.C.Kursija, India
I S.C.
f we read any classical book we will find a chapter on longevity and some principles to know the time of death. Death is ultimate end of the life. Every Jeeva is to die. These classical books were written hundreds of years back. Then natives were not afraid of death. They wanted to know their period and time of death because they were honest and true to their karma. They knew that rebirth will give more energy and force to work more hard for uplift of soul. But the present man is afraid of death. He knows that he is not doing right things and doing karma only for the benefit of present life and seeking more and more comfort of life for the body, not for the uplift of Soul. He requires Artha (money) to purchase comfort of life. He wants to earn more and more money by illicit manner, wrong means. Therefore he is afraid of death. The journey of life is for the upliftment of the Soul. So to know the span of life and time and day of death is not a curse but a boon for those who follow the righteous path in life. But it is fearful for those who follow the path of materialism and amass wealth from every source and every way with out caring for his fellow being and society. They know that wealth and material is capable to increase body comforts only and pomp and show in the society.
Kursija is a graduate of Delhi
University, Meerut University and Homeopathic System of Medicines in Delhi. He has worked in various capacities for Delhi Homeopathy Medical Association (DHMA), and was founder and chief editor of their monthly journal, Hahnemann Homoeopathic Sandesh. He has received numerous awards and passed the Jyotish Visharad from the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (Madras). He is a member of the faculty of Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan and has taught astrology for ICAS, Madras Delhi Chapter-1. Currently, Dr. Kursija is General Secretary of all Indian Federation of Astrologers Societies. Dr. Kursija teaches astrology and Vaastu in various chapters, and has written on various topics of interest. He is particularly interested in hearing from fellow astrologers who have researched the topic of suicide in astrology. He can be contacted at
[email protected].
In connection with longevity we desire to know A. the span of life, B. nature of death such as unnatural death or accident, long suffering from chronic disease or peaceful death, C. place of death such as at home, at distance place like in foreign country or away from home or on the way to home. The yoga, dasha and transit are important to know all the above factors. The longevity is divided by our sages in to three periods 1) Alpa Ayu 2) Madhya Ayu and 3) Purana Ayu.
Alpa Ayu (short span of life) is up to 32 years. It has been divided in to again three periods. ¾ Sadhyorista immediate death within one year ¾ Balarishta one to 12 years ¾ Yogarishta up to 20 years Madhya Ayu (medium span of life) is up 64 to 75 years. It has been divided in to again three periods ¾ Madhya Alpa ayu ¾ Madhya-Madhya ayu ¾ Madhya Purana Ayu Purna Ayu Age (full span of life) is more than 70 years and up to 100 years ¾ Deerga Ayu more than 100 years up to 120 years ¾ Parama Ayu more than 120 years. We are mainly concerned up to Purna Ayu. There are nearly 82 methods of calculations of the span of life and all fails to calculate accurate span of life as the native has free will to do karma. He can increase his life by controlling his Karma and devoting in good karma. He can decrease his life span by bad karma and immersing himself in the philosophy of eat, drink and do merry or living the style of W cube. Wealth, Wine and Woman. Our Rishis were very concerned about the span of life. They evolved methods to determine the span of life. They evolved A. Amshayu, B. Nisargayu, C. Pindayu and D. Lagnayu. They said that ¾ If lagna lord is strong and have aspect or conjoined with benefic planet, one should determine the span of life by Amshayu. ¾ If Sun is strong then determine the span of life by Pindayu. ¾ If Moon is strong then determine the span of life by Nisargayu. It was only Acharya Satyacharya who said that the span of life should be determined only by Lagnayu.
Standard methods of Judgment of Longevity (1) Method of three planets: Placement of Lagna lord, 10th lord and 8th lord in movable, fixed or common sign. The Movable sign represents Purna-ayu, Fixed sign represents Alpa-ayu and Common sign represents Madhyam-ayu. (PAM)
Method of three pairs: (a) Lagna lord and 8th lord (b) Saturn and Moon; (c) Lagna and Hora (2) lagna posited in movable, fixed or common sign (PAM). Movable + Movable=Purna-ayu; Fixed +Fixed = Alpa-ayu; Common + Common + Madhyam ayu (3) 8th Lord Placement: (a) Occupation of Kendra indicates a Long life. (b) Occupation of panaphara house indicates Madhyam life. (c) Occupation of apoklim house indicates Alpa-ayu
Kakshya Vridhi of Ayu: If Jupiter is posited in 7th or Lagna or conjoined with benefic planet (4) or aspected by a benefic planet. Only Jupiter is not enough, powerful planet in Kendra or trine, indicates long life. (a) When Ascendant (lagna) is hemmed in between benefic planets (b) When benefics are in trine from Ascendant. (c) When benefics planet is posited or aspects lagna (5)
Kakshya Harana of Ayu:
(a) If Saturn is debilitated or in enemy sign and associated with or aspected by a malefic planet. This reduction will not be done if Saturn is posited in exaltation, own sign, or not aspected or associated with malefic sign. (b) When Saturn is posited in Kendra from Jupiter or Kendras are aspected by Saturn along with Mars. (c) If Moon is posited in 8th or 12th from Ascendant. (d) If Saturn is posited in Lagna or Rashi i.e. sign of Moon (e) If Saturn is posited in 6th, 8th or 12th from Ascendant or Rashi (f) If Saturn conjoined with Lagna Lord or Rashi lord. (g) If Lagna is hemmed in between malefic planets. (h) If Malefic planets are posited in lagna, 8th, 3rd, 5th, 9th, or 11th from Lagna. As our span of life is dependent on our “Sanchit” and “Prarabdha Karma” our Rishis emphasized on the dasha and antar dasha of Marakesha and Badhakesha. When span of life is decided on Marakesha and Badhakesh, it is called Dashayu. The 8th and 8th from 8th i.e. 3rd are the houses of longevity. The 12th from these houses i.e. 7th and 2nd are the Maraka houses, their lords are called Marakesh. The badhaka lord for movable sign is 11th lord, for fixed sign is 9th lord and for dual sign is 7th lord. There are some learned astrologers who are not ready to accept 9th lord as badhaka for fixed sign. They say that it is lord of the trine and Sage Parashara has said that the dasha and antar dasha of 9th lord is beneficial as it is house of Lakshmi. But they forget that it is Apoklim1 house also. The lagna, lagna lord, planets in lagna and planets associated with lagna lord are also responsible for longevity. The 10th house and 10th lord, planets posited in 10th and planets associated with 10th indicate present karma which can increase or decrease the span of life. Therefore the three planet, Lagna, 10th and 8th lords are the easiest method to calculate the span of life. After calculating probable span of life, one should look for the dasha of maraka and transit during that period. We read in “Mahabharata” that mass destruction was caused by malefic planets surrounding Sun at the time of war. Sun is the soul of the Kala Purusha i.e. of the Universe. Varahamihira calls the Sun as Kalatma-The soul of time. Therefore it is important to consider Sun in matters of longevity. If the span of life is going to expire then the dasha and antar dasha of Marakesh i.e. (1) The Lord of 2nd house, (2) The Lord of 7th house (3) The malefic planets posited in 2nd, (4) The malefic planets posited in 7th, (5) The malefic planets associated with 2nd lord, (6) The malefic planets associated with 7th lord, (7) The malefic planets aspecting 2nd lord, (8) The malefic planets aspecting 7th lord, (9) The lord of the sign occupied by 2nd lord in navamsha, (10) The lord of sign occupied by the 7th lord in navamsha. (11) The 12th lord 1
Brihat Jataka Chapter 1 Shl - 18. The houses next to the angles are known as the Panapharas or Succedent houses. The houses next to the Succedent houses are termed the Apoklims or Cadent houses. The fourth house is known as Hibukam, Ambu, Sukham and Vesma. The seventh house is known as Jamitram. The fifth house is called Trikonam. The tenth house is known as Mesurana and the 10th. 912
(12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)
The planets posited in 12th house. The planets associated with 12th lord. The lord of the sign occupied by the 12th lord in navamsha. The 8th lord The planets in 8th house can cause death if the span of life is going to expire. If the span of life is going to expire then if Saturn is lord of 3rd, 6th, 11th or 8th and associated with marakesh its dasha or antar dasha can also cause death. If the span of life is going to expire then the dasha of a benefic planet associated with marakesh can cause death.
So in Laghu Parashari it is clearly said that if the span of life is going to expire then only the dasha and antar dasha of marakesh can cause death, otherwise not. Therefore it is the duty of an astrologer to know the possible span of life i.e. Alpa, Madhya or Poorna and then see the dasha and antar dasha of marakesh. Since the subject is vast we will touch the matter in general way and these will be in connection with Alpa, Madhya and Poorna ayu.
The principles according to Sage Parashara Alpayu – Short Span Of Life (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
If the Lagna Lord is posited in movable sign and 8th lord in dual sign. If the Lord of Lagna and 8th Lord are posited in fixed sign. If Saturn and Mars in Lagna and Jupiter in 6th and Moon in 8th, If lagna lord in 8th aspected by malefic planet. If the Lagna Lord is weak and malefic planets in 6th, 8th, 12th If 8th lord in kendra aspected by a malefic planet. If Lagna Lord is posited in 6th, 8th, 12th, and not aspected by a benefic planet, and conjoined or aspected by a malefic planet. If Lagna Lord is conjoined by a malefic and malefic planets are posited in kendra not aspected by a benefic planet, If malefic planets are posited in 2nd and 12th, not aspected by benefic planet, If Lagna Lord and 8th lord are combust, debilitated, posited in enemy’s sign, and posited in 6th, 8th or 12th house. If 8th lord or Saturn is combust, debilitated, or posited in enemy’s sign,
Madhyayu – Medium Span Of Life (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Lagna lord in immovable sign and 8th lord in fixed sign. The malefic planets in 2nd,3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, and 11th The malefic and benefic planets occupy kendra and trikona Jupiter as lagna lord becomes weak and malefic planets in kendra and trikona. The benefic planets in kendra and trine and Strong Saturn in 6th and malefic planets in 6th and 8th Hora lagna in fixed sign.
Poornayu – Full Span Of Life (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
If Lagna Lord and 8th lord in movable sign, Hora Lagna in dual sign 10th Lord in 5th and 8th lord in exaltation and benefic planets in Kendra. The benefic planets in Kendra and malefic planets in 3rd, 6th and 11th. The benefic planets in 6th, 7th, and 8th and malefic planets in 3rd, 6th, and 11th. 8th Lord in lagna and aspected by Jupiter or Venus. The Lagna Lord, 8th Lord and 10th Lord in Kendra or trikona or 11th. The Lagna Lord or 8th in 8th or 11th. The Lagna Lord or 10th Lord in kendra, 913
The lagna lord, 6th lord and 12th lord in own houses.
According to Sage Parashara, the movable signs give Poornayu, fixed sign gives Alpayu, and Dwisvabhava sign gives Madhyayu. He has made three groups to judge the longevity of a native, (1) Lagna lord and 8th lord, (2) Moon and Saturn, (3) Lagna and Hora lagna. If lagna lord and 8th lord are posited in movable sign or one in fixed sign and other in dual sign, one enjoys Poornayu. If both are posited in dual sign or one in movable and other in fixed sign, the native enjoys Madhyayu. If both are posited in fixed sign or one in movable sign and other in dual sign, the native enjoys Alpayu. If the entire three groups indicate Poornayu, the native lives for 120 years, if two members indicate Poornayu, the native lives for 108 years if only one indicates Poornayu, the naïve enjoys 96 years of life. Similarly 80, 72, 64 respectively are the years for the Madhyayu Similarly 40, 36 and 32 respectively are the years for Alpayu The final decision of longevity is to be taken from Lagna and Hora lagna, if all the three group members give different results. Hora Lagna he calculation of Hora lagna in the text is not sound mathematically. The text says that if the birth lagna is odd sign, add the Ishta kala to the longitude of the Sun. If the birth sign is even, add the Istha kala to the longitude of the lagna, which looks unsound. More over the longitude of the lagna or Sun has not been taken in to account. It is clearly said that the Ishta kala is the time from sunrise to the birth time of the native. Therefore the longitude of the Sun should be taken into account. We should take the standard time deduct the local time of the sun rise. It will give the Istha kala in hours and minutes. The hours indicate sign and minutes divided by 2 indicates the longitude of the lagna. The Hora lagna will be the Longitude of Sun in sign and degree and minutes plus the sign and hours and minutes arrived at by Istha kala. Suppose we desire to the Hora lagna of Delhi at 4pm.. the sun rise is at 6hrs and 19 minutes. The 4pm means 16hrs.Now 16-00 minus 06-19= 9 hrs and 41 minutes. 9hrs are the sign and 41 divided by 2 i.e. 20-30 is the longitude of the sign i.e.9s-20 degree and 30 minutes is the longitude; add longitude of the Sun on that day. It will give the Hora lagna with longitude.
If Moon is posited in lagna or 7th from lagna then lagna and Moon gives the final indications. If Jupiter is posited in lagna or 7th in strength and conjoined or aspected by a benefic planet, then one section of life is increased i.e. Alpayu becomes Madhyayu, Madhyayu becomes Poornayu and Poornayu becomes Amitayu. If Saturn is one of the members of the group indicating span of life, one should deduct one section of the life. If Saturn is posited in his own sign or exalted, or yoga karaka, not conjoined or aspected by a malefic planet, one should not deduct the section of life. BPHS chapter 39 shloka 31—50 Sage Parashara has given other methods also, such as 8th lord and Saturn, 3rd lord and Mars etc. The above method is mainly applied. Sage Jaimini has taken the three groups as Parashara but with little difference A) Lagna lord and 8th lord, B) Moon and lagna, C) Lagna and Hora lagna, not Saturn. Moreover both have not taken into account the 10th house and 10th lord in its account, where as 10th house and 10th lord indicate karma of the native during present birth. The karma of the present birth can 914
reduce or increase the kakshya of the birth i.e. from Alpayu to Madhyayu, from Madhyayu to Poornayu or from Poornayu to Madhyayu.
Some rules of Jaimini
Alpayu: if four or more planets in from 9th to 12th houses, Madhyayu: If four or more planets in from 5th to 9th house Poornayu: if four or more planets in from lagna to 4th house.
Kalidas in Uttarkalamrita Alpayu: if malefic planets are posited in Kendra and trikona, 8th and 12th Madhyayu: if benefic planets are posited in 2nd, 3rd and 11th Poornayu: if benefic planets Jupiter, Venus, unafflicted Mercury and full Moon and trine lords are posited in kendra or trine.
Ramadayalu in Sanket Nidhi According to him if the planets are posited in last portion of the sign it contributes little toward its longevity. If planet posited in own sign or exaltation or friend’s sign contribute long life.
Some Observations Long life is indicated (1) If benefic planets are posited in benefic houses, Kendra or Kona with strength. The malefic planets in Upachaya houses. (2) No malefic planet should be connected with 8th or 8th lord except Saturn. (3) If 8th lord, 3rd lord and 10th lord are strong and posited in kendra. (4) If Lagna Lord and 8th lord are posited in movable sign with benefic aspect.
Madhyamayu is indicated (1) (2)
If benefic and malefic planets are posited in kendra and kona. If lagna lord is weak and 8th lord is strong without benefic aspect, and 8th house has no malefic planet but has benefic aspect.
Alpayu is indicated (1) (2) (3)
If malefic planets are in kendra, kona and benefic houses. Weak lagna lord and 8th lord or both posited in fixed sign. If Saturn is weak and not aspected by a benefic planet.
Source Of Death 8th house from lagna or Moon which ever is strong indicates death and source of death. When there are many planets in 8th, death will be due to disease of various kinds pertaining to these planets. One’s death should be expected to happen caused by humour to the sign of the 8th house or to the Navamsha sign occupied by the 8th lord. • Sun indicates death due to fire. • Moon-water, • Mars-weapon, • Mercury-by fall, • Jupiter-by fever, • Venus-by indigestion, • Saturn-by hunger
• Sign or Navamsha belong to Aries be unoccupied: fever, poison, disorder of stomach and biliousness. If Aries is occupied or aspected by a planet, death will be caused by disorder belonging to that planet. (It should be considered in each sign.) • Taurus: death is caused by vitiation of three humours of the body, by weapon, or fire. • Gemini: due to cough, asthma, excessive heat, colic and the like. • Cancer: due to rheumatism, insanity, or diarrhoea • Leo: due to boil, poison, weapon, or fever. • Virgo: due to disorder of stomach, quarrel, a fall from a piece, • Libra: due to own faults, fever, • Scorpio: due to jaundice, enlarge spleen, • Sagittarius: due to fall from a tree, wood, weapon, water. • Capricorn: due to derangement of mind, plough, colic, • Aquarius: animal, weapon, poison of serpent, cough, consumption, un-natural death. • Pisces: serpent bite, while on journey, through storm, or machine.
Place of death The rising Navamsha of the chart indicates place of death. • Aries-forest or where sheep and goat are abound, cow shed • Taurus-forest where animal graze • Gemini-residence • Cancer-water resort • Leo-forest, distance place • Virgo-if forest, distance place • Libra- market place • Scorpio-uneven place in the ground • Sagittarius-cowshed • Capricorn-water resorts, near river, in well etc. • Aquarius-residence • Pisces-water resort These are the general indications from classical books particularly from Hora Sara. Let us apply the above principles on some charts.
Case 1 Dr. B.V.Raman DOB Aug 08, 1912, TOB 19:43 hrs, Bangalore. Dr. B.V.Raman – the father of modern Astrology, his life was not an easy task. He died on Dec 20, 1998 after 86 years of span of life.
The lagna lord Saturn is posited in fixed sign Taurus a friends sign in Kendra and aspected by Jupiter who is in a kendra. The 8th lord Mercury is posited in fixed sign with malefic planet. 8th house is occupied by Ketu a malefic planet. If we go by the method of Alpayu, Madhyayu and Poornayu, we can say that the native will live for Alpayu. But as the lagna lord, 8th lords 3rd lord and 10th house and 10th lord are posited in kendra, lagna lord is aspected by Jupiter and lagna lord aspects its own lagna, so the native lived a long life. Moreover lagna lord and 8th lord are posited in movable sign in navamsha is giving Poornayu. The benefic planet Venus exalted in kendra. At least two lagna should be strong. The lagna is aspected by his own lord and Moon is posited in the sign of friend and dispositor Mars who is in Kendra in his friend’s sign.
Case 2nd The native was born on Sep 26, 1913, at 21:00, at Tenali Andhra Pradesh. He is still alive 2009.
The lagna lord Venus is posited in Kendra and aspected by Jupiter from own sign, 8th lord Jupiter is posited in his own sign, 3rd lord Moon posited in own sign, 10th lord Saturn in lagna indicates long life. The native is plus 95 and all faculties are normal. Moon in his own sign, lagna lord in Kendra gives two strong lagnas.
Case 3 The native was born on 17-10-1977, 18:15 hrs Faridabad. He died on 17-07-1996 at the age of 19 years.
The lagna lord Mars is debilitated in Kendra, lagna is aspected by Sun in debilitation. Mars is 8th lord also and 8th house is aspected by Gulika. The 3rd lord Mercury is posited in 6thhouse with Rahu and 2nd lord Venus, a maraka. The 10th lord Saturn is posited in 5th house in the house of enemy and hemmed in between Mars and Rahu. The two lagnas, birth lagna lord Mars and Sun are debilitated. Moon is posited in the sign of Jupiter, but Jupiter in 3rd is detrimental to 9th. So all the three lagna are weak. He died at the age of 19 years.
Case 4 The native was born on 23-3-1951, at 19:00, Bulandshahar UP. He died on 10-1-1996 The native died at the age of 45, Madhyayu 918
"The Lagna is Virgo and lagna lord Mercury is posited in 7th and is debilitated, detrimental to lagna. 8th lord Mars is posited in 7th, aspecting the lagna and 10th, afflicting Moon and Sun. Retro Saturn is posited in lagna, aspecting 3rd, 7th and 10th. Saturn is 5th and 6th lord. 3rd lord Mars is again posited in 7th. 2nd lord Venus is in 8th. 7th lord Jupiter is posited in 7th aspecting lagna, 3rd house which gave him Madhyamayu. 10th lord Mercury is debilitated in 7th.It is the position of Jupiter which gave him Madhyamyu."
More cases of span of life can be given. It will only multiply the volume, but the result will be the same. The lagna and lagna lord, 8th house and 8th lord, 3rd house and 3rd lord, 10th house and 10th lord should be strong for Poornayu. If two or three are strong it will give Madhyamyu and if are weak and afflicted Alpayu is give as span of life. There are three lagnas (Asc) in a horoscope. All three lagnas should be strong for Poornayu (full span). The strength of two or one gives Madhyamyu (medium span). When all three lagna are weak it gives Alpayu (short span).
Similarity Between Quantum Mechanics & Astrology By Tapan Das, Canada Readership Level: Very Advanced
odern physics is dominated by the concept of quantum mechanics. The principles of quantum mechanics are – duality of wave and particle, probability, uncertainty, discreteness of energy, and contextual behavior. In this article, the author shows with examples how the principles of astrology are similar to quantum mechanics. If the research work on astrology is pursued on these principles, astrology will be accepted as a science by the scientific community.
Tapan Das, Ph.D., P.Eng. has 35 years of technical management experience in telecommunication, wireless, IP, WiFi and ASIC. He has worked as VP, Director and Technical Manager in SGNT Technologies, Kinaare Networks, Lucent, Nortel, and Plessey. He holds an M.Sc. in Electronics from the University Of London, UK and a Ph.D. in Microwave Electronics from the University of Bradford, UK. He holds seven patents and has published number of technical papers in International journals. He had an active interest in astrology for a long time and has been researching astrology and cosmology for the last five years. He has published six papers on this subject in Research in Astrology with Media in Science (RAMS),
Quantum Mechanics Quantum mechanics is the science of matter and radiation at an atomic level. Classical (Newtonian) physics failed to explain very small particles (where quantum mechanics took over) and very fast particles of nearly the speed of light (where theory of relativity took over). Quantum mechanics corrects classical physics at the atomic and subatomic levels. The term quantum (Latin for quantity) refers to the discrete units that the theory assigns to physical quantities such as the energy of light and electromagnetic wave.
International Society of Astrological Research (ISAR).and Journal of the Mindshift Institute. Recently, he has published a book Why Astrology is Science: Five Good Reasons.
Classical physics explained all physical phenomena in the world with two entities – 1 920
matter and fields. Drop a stone from a bridge. The stone is made of matter. It drops because the earth’s gravitational field pulls it. Earth as a matter produces gravitational field which pulls the other much smaller matter like stone following Newton’s laws of motion. Scottish physicist James Clark proposed another field called electromagnetic field laying down the laws of electric and magnetic fields. Electricity and magnetism are not two separate fields but different aspects of a single electromagnetic field. Maxwell figured out that light is also an electro-magnetic field at certain frequencies. However, problem came with the classical physics in explaining why iron glows red around thirteen hundred degrees. According to classical physics, black bodies should glow bright blue at all temperatures. German scientist Max Planck solved this problem by proposing that matter particles do not vibrate any way they please, but at frequencies that follow the simple rule: E = nhf Where E is the particle’s energy, n is any integer, f is the frequency of the particle’s vibration, and h is the Planck’s constant. This was the first foundation of the quantum mechanics. Following this, the most celebrated scientist of the twentieth century Albert Einstein explained the photoelectric effect – light’s ability to eject electrons out of metal – using Max Planck’s quantum action. Einstein also showed that light consists of shower of particles called photons. While physicists were puzzling over the light’s seemingly contradictory properties - waves and particles, French physicist Louis de Broglie hypothesized that all entities have both wave and particle aspects. The wavelength of a photon can be obtained from its momentum by the formula: p = h/λ
Where, p is the momentum, λ is the wavelength, and h is the Planck’s constant. But, this wave function differs from ordinary waves in that it carries no energy. For an ordinary wave, the square of its amplitude measures its energy. For a quantum wave, the square of its amplitude at a certain location represents not energy but probability, the probability that a particle – localized quantum of energy - will be observed by a detector placed at that location. 2 probability = (amplitude of wave function)
The fundamental principle of quantum mechanics is based on the laws of probability, not laws of certainty. Probability is a measure of the relative number of ways an event can happen. The probability that a coin, when tossed, will come up heads is exactly ½ or 0.5. But the result of any toss is uncertain. But, if we flip the coin enough number of times, say a million times, we will find that heads showed up very close to half a million times making the probability of heads almost ½ or 0.5. Danish physicist Niels Bohr, who is considered the founder of quantum mechanics, proposed that electrons can exist only at discrete energy levels around the nucleus of an 2 921
atom which prevents them from spiraling into the nucleus as classical physics predicts. Let us look at the picture of a hydrogen atom in its ground state. If we think that the electron is looping around the nucleus as shown in Figure 1A, then we are 80 years out of date. According to quantum mechanics, the probability density plot of the electron in hydrogen atom is shown in Figure 1B. The density of the dots represents the probability of finding the electron in that region.
Figure 1A: Electron looping around the nucleus in hydrogen atom according to classical physics.
Figure 1B: Electron probability density cloud of hydrogen atom according to quantum mechanics.
The size of an atom is ~1 x 10-10 meter. The central nucleus where 99.9 percent of the atom’s mass resides is ~1 x 10-15 to 1 x 10-14 meter. The size of an electron is not exactly known, but thought to be of the order of 1 x 10-14 meter. If the nucleus were the size of our Sun, then the hydrogen ground state would be twenty times larger than the solar system. If the electron were really a point particle moving around the atomic space, it would reside in a space so vacant that it would make solar system seem crowded. Now, if we consider the wave function of the electron with its probability density, then the probability density will fill up the whole atomic space. For instance, let us try to push our hand through a wall. Since atoms 3 922
are mostly empty space, their electrons are too small to stop us. But, the probability density clouds of the atoms push our hand back. Pretty effective, aren’t they? German physicist Werner Heisenberg proposed uncertainty principle for the quantum mechanics stating that position and momentum of a particle can not be accurately determined simultaneously. If the position of the particle is accurately known, then the speed and direction of the speed will have poor accuracy. This is because the measurement itself changes the position or speed or direction of the particle. This is not obvious in the macroscopic world around us. If we want to measure the length of a table with a tape, the measurement does not change the length or position of the table in our acceptable measuring capacity. In the case of electron, measurement becomes different. The very act of looking at the electron with a super high power magnifier uses light made of photons. These photons would have enough momentum that they once hit the electron would change its course. Heisenberg wrote the uncertainty principle as: ΔpΔx = h
………………………………. Equation 1
On the right side is the Planck’s constant divided by 2π. Momentum is represented by p, and position (distance) is represented by x. The Δ symbols mean ‘uncertainty of’, not ‘change of’. Hence, Δx is the uncertainty of position, and Δp is the uncertainty of momentum. Since h on the human scale is extremely small, Δx and Δp are, for all practical purposes, zero in everyday world. The attributes of an electron are contextual [1] depending on how they are measured. An example of a contextual attribute is the color of an object. If you go to a shop to buy a dress, the color of the dress you choose will depend on the light in the shop. If the dress you choose is white, but the light in the shop is bluish, then the dress will have the bluish tinge. Moreover, if you are wearing tinted glasses, then the color of the dress will also depend on the tint of your glasses. Hence, the contextual attributes of an object depends on the environment and the person observing or measuring it.
strology is based on the idea that the cosmic events happening in the universe affect the events happening in the Earth. The basic concept of astrology is that the planets and zodiacs affect the health and energy of a person. By studying the patterns and cycles of the planets and zodiacs, astrologers have gathered data thousands of years ago how cosmic patterns and events affect human life. The planets and their relationship between themselves and with zodiacs change constantly, but can be predicted accurately by mathematical calculations. Thus by comparing the position of the Earth to the planets and zodiacs, astrologers can explain the present event and predict the future. The cosmic energies that we know so far are the protons of elements of the periodic table. The dominant elements are hydrogen and helium along with other elements (lithium, beryllium and boron) with a few like carbon and oxygen. These cosmic rays on their way to the Earth are deflected by the electromagnetic field present throughout the galaxy. When these cosmic rays reach the Earth, they collide with the atoms of the upper atmosphere of 4 923
the Earth releasing showers of gamma rays, X-rays and subatomic particles. There may be other forms of cosmic energies reaching the Earth that are still to be discovered. Our Sun is producing energy bursts continuously not only in the form of heat and light, but as radio waves, ultraviolet rays, X-rays, and gamma rays. A solar flare is a sudden local explosion in a particular region of the Sun’s atmosphere releasing intense bursts of X-rays, ultraviolet rays, radio waves and energy particles [2]. A constant stream of electrons from the Sun is responsible for the Auroras on the Earth. The space surrounding the Sun and its corona is plasma. Each planet has a plasma sheath, the size of which is determined by the difference between the electric potential of the planet and that of the nearby solar plasma. The shape of the plasma is like a tear drop with the pointed end facing away from the Sun. The Sun and all planets except Venus and Mars have intrinsic magnetic field. There are strong “Dust Devils” in Mars which is a storm of highly charged particles. The planets and their satellites very close to the Earth also act as shields for the energy flow reaching the Earth. The effect of shielding of the Moon is particularly strong for the Earth. Thus the cosmic energies reaching the Earth are also affected by the solar system. How these energies affect a person is still to be understood. One theory is that it affects the biofield of a person. Modern science has confirmed that the human body is not just a physical structure, but is also composed of energy field. This biofield or human energy field (HEF) is the frontier of modern science, and the development of diagnostic and treatment systems. Dr. Victor Inyushin [3] at Kazakh University in Russia has done extensive research in the area of biofield and has suggested the existence of a bioplasmic energy field composed of ions, free protons, and free electrons. The bioplasmic particles are constantly renewed by chemical processes in the cells and are in constant motion. There is a balance of positive and negative particles within the bioplasma that is relatively stable. A shift in this balance causes a change in the person or organism. At the same time, some of this energy is radiated into space. Dr. George De La Warr and Dr. Ruth Brown built instruments to detect radiation from living tissues, and developed Radionics, a system of detection, diagnosis and healing from a distance, using the human energy field. They took photographs using the patient’s hair as antenna. These photographs showed internal diseases, like tumors, cysts inside the liver, and cancers within the brain. The biofield energy has been known in the past and has been called by different names in different cultures, such as qi in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), ki in Japanese Kampo system, doshas in Ayurvedic medicine, prana in Hinduism. The imbalance in the biofield energy causes sickness and disease. This concept has been in the practice of many forms of therapy, like acupuncture, qiqong, ayurvedic, homeopathy, and therapeutic touch.
Similarity between Quantum Mechanics and Astrology
ike quantum mechanics, astrology is also based on probability. Astrologers have collected data thousands of years ago how certain pattern of zodiacs and planets provide certain attributes. Sun sign represents the zodiac that the Sun is in at the time of a person’s birth. For example, the attributes of a person with Sun sign Aries is – 5 924
leadership, energy, aggressiveness, courage, confidence, arrogance and belligerence. It does not mean that every Aries person will have these attributes. It means that the probability of an Aries person to have these attributes is higher than other Sun signs. The actual figure of probability is not quoted so far, but only be calculated statistically from very large numbers of collected data. The uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics applies to astrology as well. The Sun sign of a person means that the zodiac of the Sun sign, the Sun and the Earth are in line. The energy particles from the Sun sign zodiac and the Sun reach the Earth, and affect the people born at that time. But, the energy particles on their way to the Earth can be impacted by the electromagnetic fields and gravitational fields in the path, and the solar system as described earlier. Thus there is some uncertainty how much of these energy particles can reach the Earth. Similarly, there are some uncertainties on the attributes assigned to the Sun signs. These attributes have been based on the collected data so far. How extensive the data collection has been is not known and the attributes may change as more data are collected. If the uncertainty of the energy flow is ΔE, and the uncertainty of the assigned attributes are ΔA, then
ΔE ΔA = astrology error
As we see from Equation 1, the multiplication of the uncertainties of position and momentum in quantum mechanics equals Planck’s constant divided by 2π. In case of astrology, the values of astrology error and its constancy are not known. But, what is accepted so far is that there is a margin of error in astrology analysis and prediction. The contextual attributes mentioned in quantum mechanics apply to astrology as well. If the astrology prediction is that a person is going to win some money, then for a poor person living in poor neighborhood, winning $100 may be substantial and the neighbors might congratulate him. But, for a rich person living in rich neighborhood, this amount may be insignificant and will go unnoticed by the neighbors. Hence, the effectiveness of the prediction depends on the environment and the observers.
Conclusion "I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics." - Richard P. Feynman, US physicist. No one has yet claimed to understand quantum mechanics, but it has been successful so far in explaining the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level. Einstein never accepted the probability theory of quantum mechanics. His famous saying – “God does not play dice”. He had constant debate with Niels Bohr about quantum mechanics, but they agreed that somehow quantum mechanics explains the behavior of atomic and subatomic particles. Couldn’t the same thing be said about astrology? First thing that should be realized that astrology is not certainty but probability. Second thing is that the astrology is based on the data collected over a certain periods few thousand years ago. That data collection has not continued; hence astrology attributes have not been updated. Astrology has not been 6 925
accepted as a science by the scientific community. In order to get astrology accepted as a science, its basis should be similar to quantum mechanics – (1) duality of cosmic energies as particles and waves, (2) probability, not certainty, (3) uncertainty principle of cosmic energy flow and human attributes, and (4) contextual attributes. The scientific basis of astrology should be how cosmic energies affect human biofield. There are two limitations here. First, scientists so far know very little about the cosmic energies. Our universe is made up of 74% dark energy, 22% dark matter, and 4% ordinary matter consisting of baryons [4]. So far nothing is known about the dark energy and dark matter. Second, very little is known about human biofield, although currently some research work is going on. Until the study of human biofield is taken into mainstream scientific research, the full effect of cosmic energies on humans will not be understood.
References [1] “Quantum Reality beyond the New Physics”, by Nick Herbert. [2] “Cosmic Energy Controlled by Planets and Zodiacs Affecting Human Life”, Tapan Das, ISAR, Vol XXXVI Number 3. [3] “The Human Energy Field”, Gloria Alvino, http://twm.co.nz/enrg.htm [4] “Dark Energy and Primordial Energy”, Tapan Das, The Journal of the Mindshift Institute.
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request the pleasure of your company and participation with friends at the inaugural session of SEMINAR ON MATRIMONIAL HARMONY – ASTROLOGICAL ASPECTS & Honouring of
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Sri Kowtha Lalith Manohar National Vice President of ICAS and Patron of the Secunderabad Chapter will Preside
Date: SUNDAY, 27th DECEMBER 2009 at 10 AM
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1300 Hrs
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1300 Hrs To 1400 Hrs
Technical Session II:
Moderator - Sri C.V. B. Subrahmanyam, Dean – Astrology Department, Potti Sri Ramulu Telugu University, Hyderabad.
1415 Hrs
Speakers: Mr M Anjaneyulu CEO Saptarishis Astrology, Mumbai Smt Satyamma Bharadwaja
“Sri Iranganti Rangacharya Sanmana Sabha” 1615 Hrs
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Honouring Sri Iranganti Rangacharya Garu by Sri Gokaraju Gangaraju
Sri Daya Shanker (Courtesy - Saptarishis Astrology)
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Book Launch Saptarishis Astrology - Predictive Series Vol 1 Collector’s Edition Launched This is to announce that Saptarishis Astrology has launched its first book titled ‘Predictive Series – 1, Collector’s Edition’ which has been launched by Sagar Publications at an MRP of Rs 300/It contains 30 of the finest articles from the digital edition of Saptarishis Astrology magazine along with a foreword by Ernst Wilhem, USA – author of various bestselling books & courses. The foreword is accompanied by an interesting Preface from the Publisher of Saptarishis astrology. The book can be gotten in various stores in India & on our website http://shop.saptarishisastrology.com/ . All authors have decided not to accept any royalty & the total royalty from the sale of the book gotten by SA from Sagar Publications will be donated to an old and poor astrologer that will be nominated by readers, pls feel free to nominate by writing to us at
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Reviews Ernst Wilhem – Last year, 2008, was the launch date of Saptarishi Astrology online astrological journal, which for the first time unveiled a fraction of India’s astrological knowledge to the entire world via the internet. Sure, there have been and are other astrological magazines that have revealed interesting principles of astrology, but these had small circulation in comparison to Saptarishi Astrology which was made available to anyone everywhere and that for free. Saptarishi Astrology has made the vastness of the Astrological Library of India available worldwide. In this first Saptarishi Astrology book the finest gems from amongst the many gems to be found in the Saptarishi Astrology online journal have been selected for you.
Starteller – These are some of the rarest articles ever found on Predictive Astrology. Some obscure concepts that have been hidden for centuries are presented here. All articles are exceptional; some of them demand re-reads and further research.
1008 Petals The Mayonnaise Jar Contributed By
Carole McMechan, Canada When things in your life seem, almost too much to handle, When 24 Hours in a day is not enough, Remember the mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee. A professor stood before his philosophy class And had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, He picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students, if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open Areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous 'yes.' The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed. 'Now,' said the professor, as the laughter subsided, 'I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things - family, children, health, Friends, and Favorite passions – Things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, Your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, house, and car. The sand is everything else --The small stuff. 931
'If you put the sand into the jar first,' He continued, 'there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, You will never have room for the things that are important to you.
So... Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play With your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal. 'Take care of the golf balls first -The things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.' One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. 'I'm glad you asked'. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.' Please share this with other "Golf Balls" I just did......