Saptarishi Nadi-Aries-Chart 8
Short Description
This is the 8th chart in the series on Saptarishi Nadi - Aries Lagna...
சப்தரிஷி நாடி மேஷ லக்னம் ஜாதகம் 8 Saptarishi Nadi Aries Lagna Translation by yenbeeyes Chart 8 1. மதிபுதன் பானுவீணை மங்கலன் மகரமாக விதிகன்னி ககதுக்ககாலாம் வெள்ளியும் கடகமாக ததியர் குருவும்ககாச்ணை வைன்மமு கமடமாக இதுவிதம் ககாளாநின்றல் இயம்புவீர் பலணைத்தாகை.
1. Parvati asked the rishis to tell the results of a native who has Moon, Mercury and Sun in Gemini, Mars in Capricorn, Saturn in Virgo, Ketu in Libra, Venus in Cancer, Jupiter and Rahu in Aries with Lagna as Aries. ஜாதகனின் பிறப்பிடம் 2. ைங்கரி ககட்கும்கபாது ைணடமுனி புகலுகின்றார்
இங்கிணெ ஆண்பால்வைன்மம் இல்லமும் கீழ்பால்க ாக்கம் சிங்கொ கைத்தானீைன் வதன்பக்கல் தியுமுண்டு ங்ணகயா மாரிவதன்கீழ் ல்கிய அணடயாளத்துள். Birth place of the native 2. When Parvati asked like this, the rishi with the knotted hair on his head started replying. This horoscope belongs to a man. House is east facing. It is opposite the temple of Lord Shiva. In the south there is a river. In the south east there is temple for Durga. In a place with such identifications… (continued in next verse) 3. பாலக னிரண்டாம்வைன்மம் பகருகொம் தீயின்ெம்ைம் ைாலகெ தந்ணதஅன்ணை ைககாதரர் மணைவிபுத்திரர் ஏலகெ இெர்கள்கயாகம் இயம்புகொம் முன்பின்வைன்மம் ஆலத்ணதயுண்கடாந்கதவி அறிவிப்கபாம் பிதாகுைத்ணத. 3. We will tell that this native will have his 2 nd birth(Janma). He is born in Vanniar community. We will tell the yoga results of his father, mother, brother, wife and son as also the previous and next birth details. The rishi addresses Parvati as the wife of Lord Shiva who ate the poison emitted by the snake Vasuki and requests het to listen. ஜாதகனின் தந்தத பற்றிய விவரம் 4. இருசிகப் புணடயைாகும் ஈணகொன் வபாறுணமைாலி ெருகொணர ஆதரிப்பன் ெளவுகம வைய்ொைாகும் இணரதணல ககாஷ்டம்வைய்ென் குெலயம் ல்கலாைாென் தணரயணத விருத்திவைய்ொன் ைதுஷ்பாதம் விருத்தியுண்டு. Details about native’s father 4. His complexion will be red mixed with black. Is a charitable person. Will be a patient man. Will support those who approached him. Will construct a house. Will construct towers on both sides (for a temple). Will be a good person on earth. Will increase his land holdings. Cattle wealth will increase.
5. தந்ணதயி னில்லம்விட்டுச் ைார்ொன்அவ் வூர்உத்திரம் விந்ணதயா யில்லம்வைய்ென் ராகங்கள் கூறாைாகும் நிந்ணதகள் ஏற்காைாகும் நீத்கதார்க் குதகமீென் பந்துக்கள் மதிக்கொழ்ென் பாரபட் ைங்கள்கபைான். 5. He will leave his father’s house and will be in the northern side. Will construct a beautiful house. Will not have desire on anything. Will not bear the insulting words. Will perform ceremony to the diseased. (a religious purificatory ceremony which consists of duly consecrating water & pouring or sprinkling it on the person or thing to be purified.) Will live to the appreciation of relations. Will not talk taking sides. 6. உண்டியும் ெறுணமகாைான் உயர்ொை குடும்பகமற்பான் ெண்டிொ கைகமற்பான் மாத்தாணர உறவுவகாள்ொன் குண்டுணி கூறாைாகும் குஞ்ைர வமாத்தகதகன் பண்டு ாள் பூமிதன்ணைப் பாலகன் விருத்திவைய்ென். 6. Will have no shortcomings for food. Will get a family of higher status. Will be travelling in vehicles with comfort. Will have friendly relation with the opponents. Will not be a tale bearer. Body will be like that of an elephant. Will increase the ancestral land holdings. தந்ததயின் துதைவர்கள்/ஜாதகதைப் பற்றிய விவரங்கள் 7. தந்ணதயின் துணைஆண்ஒன்று ைத்திமார் மூெராகும் பிந்திய தூணைகெறாகப் கபசுகொம் ஒன்றாய்ொழ்ென் அந்தென் சுதனுவமான்று அழகிய கன்னிஒன்று இந்தொறு தீர்க்கமாகும் இயம்பிை ஆண்பாலுக்கு. Father’s siblings/Details about the native 7. One male and three female were the co-borns of the father. We will talk about the siblings later. He will be living together with all. The native will have one son and one daughter. This is certain for this male native. 8. கமககரா கங்கள்காணும் விருத்தியும் குறவுண்டாகும் பாகமாய் ைாந்திவைய்யில் பாலர்கள் விருத்தியுண்டு ஆககெ பலன்கள்யாவும் அறிவிப்கபாம் பின்பாகத்தில்
கபாகொ ரிதிணயப்வபற்ற புண்ணிய ைாலிககளாய். 8. Will be subjected to venereal diseases. Family growth will also be less. If he does the remedies properly there will be increase in children. Hence we will tell about the results in the later part. The rishi addresses Parvati as the one who gave birth to Lord Muruga who is stated as the sea of enjoyment. தந்ததயின் முன் ஜஜன்மம் 9. தந்ணதயின் முன்வைன்மத்ணதச் ைாற்றுகொம் புலியூர் தன்னில் முந்திை குலமுதித்து உயர்ொை குடும்பியாகி ெந்தெர்க் கன்ைமீந்து மறலியின் பதிக்குச்வைன்று ஈந்தகதார் குலமுதித்தான் யிணலெரி மறித்துச்வைால்ொன். 9. We will tell about the previous birth of the native’s father. Born in a Brahmin community in a place called Puliyur, became a high level family man, offered food to those who approached him and went to the abode of Yama. Because of the creation of Brahma was born in another community and we will details about that. 10. மணறகுல முதித்கதானிங்கு ென்னிய குலமுதிக்கும் குணறயணதப் புகலுவமன்ை குமரன் வைன்மந்தன்னில் மணறகணள விரும்பாைாகி ெந்ததால் உதித்தாவைன்கறாம் உணரத்தஇக் குைத்தானுக்கு உதிப்பைா மிந்தப்பாலன். 10. In the earlier birth he was born in a Brahmin community and this birth is in Vanniar community. What is the reason for that asked Parvati. What were the grievances? He, in his previous birth did not like the Vedas and hence he was made to be born in a lower community. To such a person of character this native was born. ஜாதகனின் குைங்கள் 11. பாலகன் குைத்ணதச்வைால்கென் பைணலகபால் கதகைாகும் சீலொன் யூணகைாலிசிந்தயும் ல்லதாகும் காலத்ணத அறிந்துணரப்பன் கைக்கினில் ெல்லைாகும் ஞாலங்கள் விருத்திவைய்ென் ல்கலார்க்கு ல்கலாைாகும்.
Characteristics of the Native 11. I will tell the characteristics of this native. His body will be like that of a herb called ‘Pasalai’. (a class of hot-herb, portulaca oleracea). Will have good manners. An erudite person. Will have a good mind. Is capable of calculating and telling the time of events likely to come. Good at mathematics. Will increase the land holdings. Good for those who are good to him. 12. கல்விமான் கடவுள்பக்தி கைத்தெர் க ைம்வகாள்ென் வதால்ணலவயப் கபாதும்காைான் துறவிகட் கன்ைமீென் ெல்லியர் கமாகைாென் மாடுகள் பணைகயர்விருத்தி எல்ணலகமல் பிரியைாகும் இடர்வைய்யான் யாெருக்கும். 12. He is well educated. Will be devoted to God. Will make friendship with honorable people. Will never see trouble. Will offer food to the ascetics. Will be infatuated towards women. Cattle, labourers of the farm and ploughman will all be increasing. Will be fond of the Sun God. Will not do any harm to any body. 13. தந்ணதக்குச் ைமமாய்ொழ்ென் ைல்லிய பாணதகயற்கான் முந்துமால் பக்திவகாள்ென் முனியணத வெளிக்காட்டாதான் மந்தமாம் ொர்த்ணதவைால்ென் மறித்துணர அதிகங்கூறான் தந்தியின் ககாஷ்டம்வைய்ென் ைத்தியம் தெறாைாகும். 13. He will live equal to the status of his father. Will not take to borrowing. Will be devoted to Lord Vishnu. Will not display anger. Will be talking softly in a low tone. Will not say objecting words. Will play the Veena. Will be a truthful man. 14. தானிய வைட்டுவைய்ென் தருமத்தி லிச்ணையுண்டு ஈைணரச் கைராைாகும் இணளத்கதாணர ஆதரிப்பன் ஊைமில் லாத்கதகி உறன்முணறக் கிைக்கம்வைால்லான் ககானிடம் வபருணமஏற்பன் பூணெகய ககட்டிடாகய. 14. Will do trade in grains. Will be interested in charity. Will not join the base people. Will protect the weaker sections. Will have no defects in body. Will not be agreeable to what the relations say. Will get honour from Government. Listen! Lady!
15. ைாதகன் தைக்குகயாகம் வைப்பிை காரைம்வைால் மாதென் வைன்மம்தங்க வெள்ளியும் ாலிகலற பூமகன் பத்திலாக பின்சிலி ஏழிலாக நீதியாய் ாலுககந்திரம் நின்றிட மக்கிரகத்தாகல. 15. Parvati asked: What was the reason for telling such fortunes for this native? Rishi replied that Jupiter is in Lagna, Venus is in 4 th house, Mars is in 10th house Capricorn in exaltation and Ketu is in the 7th house and thus all the Kendra houses (1, 4, 7 and 10) are occupied by planets and hence… (continued in next verse). 16. பருெத கயாகவமான்று பாரிைாத கயாகவமான்று இருவித கயாகத்தாகல இப்பாலன் சுகமாய்ொழ்ென் தணரயாலும் வைட்டிொலும் தரணியில் கீர்த்திகயற்பன் வபாருளது வபருக்கம்வைய்ென் புண்ணிய ைாலிககளாய். 16. Parvatha Yoga as well as Parijatha Yoga are in this chart. Because of these two yogas this native will live with all comforts. He will become famous because of the land holdings as well as because of his business. He will accumulate wealth. Oh! Meritorious woman! Listen! Note: Phaladeepika lists the results arising out of Parijatha Yoga as below: (Sloka 55 of chapter VI)
ु पृनिवीशः संनितािथनिियः सक ु ु टुम्बी। नित्यमङ्गलयतः सत्किाश्रवणभनिरनभज्ञो पानरजातजििः नशवतानतः॥५५॥ The person born in the Parijatha Yoga will always be in the midst of festivities (or auspicious ceremonies), will become a King, will become the lord of much hoarded wealth, will own a large family, will be intent on hearing stories of great people, will be learned and doing something auspicious. The conditions applicable are given in sloka 44 which reads as under:
ु नितैस्तदनिप ैः सस्थािग ु भावैः सौम्ययते ैभाथस्वरैः
स्वोच्चस्विथगतैनवथलग्नभविाद्योगाः क्रमद ् द्वादश। ु जलनिच्छत्रास्त्रकामासरा ु संज्ञाश्चामरिेिशौयथ ु ु भाग्यख्यानत सपानरजात मसलास्तज्ज्ञ ैयथिा कीनिथताः॥४४॥ Bhavas being occupied or aspected by benefics, their lords occupying good house or being brilliant and in their exaltation or Swakshetra, constitute certain Yogas and there are 12 such yogas for the 12 Bhavas from the Lagna onwards. Their names are in their order: (1) Chamara (2) Dhenu (3) Saurya (4) Jaladhi (5) Chhatra (6) Astra (7) Kama (8) Asura (9) Bhagya (10) Khyati (11) Suparijata (12) Musala. So the 11th in this series is what is stated by the rishis and it is applicable to the 11th house. But in the chart of this native we find that the 11 th house is not occupied by any planets and is also not receiving the aspect of any benefics. Lord of the 11th house Saturn is also placed in the 6th house and is neither in exaltation nor swakshetra. Hence the combination forming Parijatha Yoga is not there. Dr. B.V.Raman has given a more clear explanation for this Yoga. The lord of the sign in which the lord of the house occupied by the Ascendant Lord, or the Lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the Rasi in which the Ascendant lord is posited, shall join a quadrant, a trine or his own or exaltation places. Applying this rule to this native, we find that Lord of Ascendant is Mars and is placed in Capricorn and its lord is Saturn who is placed in Virgo. Now the lord of this Virgo Mercury is placed in his own sign causing Parijatha Yoga. The results coming out of this Paraijatha Yoga are – Happy in the middle and last parts of life, receiving the homage of Kings and Rulers, fond of wars, possessing elephants and horses, conforming to traditions and customs, generous and famous. Parvatha Yoga: Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra (R.Santhanam edition)
ु े शभु ग्रहयते ु ।स्थवा। सप्तमे िाऽष्टमे शद्ध
ु ष ु योगः पवथतसंज्ञकः॥७॥ के न्द्रेष ु शभु यिे ् तोत्पन्नः वाग्मी वाता ि शास्त्रनवत।् भाग्यवाि पवथ ु हास्यनियो यशस्वी ि तेजस्वी परिायकः॥८॥ Benefics in angles (1, 4, 7 and 10) will produce Parvatha Yoga, as the 7th and 8th are vacant or are occupied by only benefics. One born in Parvatha yoga will be wealthy, eloquent, charitable, learned in Sastras, fond of mirth, famous, splendorous and be the leader of a city. This yoga is formed in many ways according to different classical authors. 1. According to R. Santhanam (Translator of BPHS), there need be benefics in angles while the 7th and 8th are unoccupied or be in conjunction by benefics alone. 2. There is another translation of BPHS according to which the yoga is formed in two ways. One is as per serial number 1 above. The other is – The lords of the ascendant and of the 12 th in mutual angles and be aspected by friendly planets. According to R.Santhanam this explanation is followed by Sata Yoga Manjari (English Translation by Prof. B.S.Rao). 3. In the Hindi translation of Sata Yoga Manjari (By G.K.Ojha) it is stated like this: The dispositor of ascendant lord should be in his own sign or in his Moolatrikona sign which is identical with an angle or trine reckoned from the ascendant. Phala Deepika exactly describes this yoga in this manner. 4. In Jataka Desa Marga we find yet another explanation: If the ascendant, 4th, 7th and 10th are occupied by planets while the 8 th and 12th are unoccupied, Parvatha Yoga is formed. There is no mention of benefics or malefics in angles. That is these houses should remain occupied. 5. Horasara has a similar explanation.
ु नरःफि ैििे शद्ध ु ।े उदयास्तकमथनहबकेु ग्रहयिे यः कनश्चन्नवमगतो योगोऽयं पवथतो िाम॥१९॥
् पवथतयोगे जातो भूपालो िमथवाि नविीतश्च। ु ु ग्रामपरिगरकताथ लोके श्रतु वाि य् गान्तकीनतथ श्च॥२०॥ Should there be planets in the 1 st, 7th, 10th and the 4th and none in the 12th and the 8th, while the 9th has an occupant in it, the resulting yoga is Parvatha Yoga. (19). A Parvatha Yoga native will rule the earth, be virtuous and modest. He will establish villages, towns and cities. He will have his fame last till the yuga ends. (20). 6. Jataka Parijata Chapter VII, Sloka 128 and 129 has the following verses:
ु ऽे िवा शभु यतेु यनद पवथतः स्यात |् सौम्येष ु के न्द्रगृहगेष ु सपत्नरन्ध्रे शद्ध लग्नान्यपौ यनद परस्परके न्द्रयातौ नमत्रेनितौ भवनत पवथतिामयोगः॥१२८॥ भाग्यानितः पवथतयोगजातो नवद्यानविोदानभरतः िदाता। ् ु कामी परस्त्रीजिके नललोलस्तेजोयशस्वी परिायकः स्यात॥१२९॥ If benefic planets be in Kendra houses and if the 6 th and the 8th bhavas be either unoccupied or occupied by benefic planets, the resulting yoga is Parvatha. Again if the lords of the Lagna and the 12 th bhavas be in Kendra positions with respect to each other and aspected by friends, there is the Parvatha Yoga. (128) The person who has his birth in the Parvatha Yoga will be prosperous, engaged in literary pursuits, liberal, libidinous and fond of sporting with women not his own, full of energy, famous and at the head of a city. 7. Phala Deepika has a different kind of Parvatha Yoga which says that Lagna Lord in angle or trine and in own house or in exaltation house. 8. C.G.Rajan in his Tamil translation of BPHS has given two forms for this yoga: Benefics in angles and 6th and 8th. Alternately benefics should be in angles and 9th. 9. A version of the Yavanas forms this yoga thus:The Ascendant, 7 th and 10th occupied by benefics. So simple and no more pre-requisites. Note the 4th among angles is omitted here.
10. Nrusimha Deivajna’s Jathaka Sara Dheepa is exactly like that of Yavanas: 11. Learned Dr. B.V.Raman is of the opinion that Parijatha Yoga is formed when (1) when benefics are in Kendras and 6 th and 8th houses must be free. (2) when benefics are in Kendras and 6 th and 8th should be occupied by benefics. (3) Lords of Lagna and the 12 th should be in mutual Kendras. Under any one of the three conditions the yoga is formed. But for Aquarius Lagna the 3rd condition is not possible as Saturn becomes the Lord of Lagna as well as the 12th. In his opinion, this yoga cannot be so powerful as to minimize the strength of other important yogas. Its presence, no doubt, adds to making the person an entity within a limited circle. Thus there are many varieties of Parvatha Yoga. ஜாதகனின் துதைவர்கள் 17. தன்துணை முன்வபண்ஒன்று ைாற்றுகொம் தீர்க்கமாக் அன்ைெள் குைத்ணதச்வைால்கென் அரிமணை ஏற்பதாகும் மன்ைென் மைதுக்ககற்றாள் ெறுணமயில் லாமல்ொழ்ெள் முன்ககாபம் வகாஞ்ைமுண்டு வமாழியணதக் காப்பாளாகும். Siblings of the native 17. We will say with confidence that he will have one elder sister. We will tell her characteristics. She will be having lands and house. Will be dear to her husband’s heart. Will be living without poverty. Will be a little hot-tempered. Will not go back on her words. Will adhere to her words. 18. ெரனுகம உள்ளூராகும் ணமந்தர்கள் ஆண்பால்மூன்று அரிணலயும் அவ்ொறுதீர்க்கம் அழகாை குடும்பியாெள் குணறவயன்கறார்க் குதவுொளாம் குைமது ல்லதாகும் வபறும்தந்ணத யுதவியுண்டு பூணெயும் தீர்க்கசீவி. 18. Her husband will be from the same place. We will tell about her children. She will have 3 male and 3 female children. She will be a beautiful family woman. She will assist those who are in need. She
will of good character. She will also get assistance from her father. She will also have long life. 19. பாலன்பின் துணையாண்மூன்று ைத்தியும் ஒருத்திதீர்க்கம் ைாலகெ தந்ணதக்ககதான் தன்துணை ஆண்பால் ான்கு கெல்விழி வபண்பாவலான்று விருத்தியாம் பின்பால்வைால்கென் நீலியாம் அன்ணைகைதி நிகழ்த்துகொம் தாகயயாங்கள். 19. This native will have three brothers. Only one sister will be there and will be long lived. His father will have four brothers and one sister. I will tell about the developments of their clan later. We will tell about the mother of the native. Listen! Mother! She will be a cruel or wicked woman. ஜாதகனின் தாயார் 20. வபாறுணமயும் ெறுணமகாைாள் புண்ணிய மைத்தளாகும் திருகுவைால் லாதாளாகும் வைைஉப காரியாகும் அரிமணை கயற்பதாகும் அடிைலுக் கினியளாகும் ெரன்மைம் ஏற்றமர்ந்து ெளமுள குடும்பியாெள். Native’s mother 20. She is a patient woman and will not see poverty and will have a helping or charitable mind. Will not say twisting words. Will assist the general public. Will have a separate house. Will do the cooking lovingly. Will behave according to the wishes of her husband. Will be a member of a well-to-do family. 21. ைகலர்க்கு ல்கலாளாெள் தன்மைம் கபடுமில்லாள் பணகவயன்று மைதில்ணெயாள் பாரபட் ைங்கள்கபைாள் உரிணமயாய்ப் கபசுொளாம் உயர்கொர்க்கு அன்ைமீெள் மிகுதெம் புரியுமாகத வித்தகி தீர்க்கசீவி. 21. She will be good to all. Will not have a deceitful mind. Will not keep enmity in the mind. Will not show partiality while speaking. Will talk with propriety. Will offer food to the high level people. The rishi addresses Parvati as the one who does maximum penance and says that this woman will be long lived.
Note: There seems to be some difference in the character of the mother of the native. In verse 19 in the last line the rishi has stated that she will be a wicked or cruel person. But in the verses 20 and 21 we do not find any reference to this word. From the characters as explained by the rishi the woman cannot be taken to be a cruel person. தாயாரின் துதைவர்கள் 22. இல்லமும் வதன்கீழாகும் இெள்துணை ஆண்பாவலான்று ெல்லியும்அவ் ொறுதீர்க்கம் ெணரகிகறாம் ஆண்பால்கைதி வைால்லுொன் இல்லம்விட்டு சிலருக்கு இல்லம்வைய்ென் ல்லகதார் கரம்வைன்று ல்கிடும் இல்லந்தானும். Siblings of the mother 22. Her house is in the south east. She will have one brother and one sister. We will tell details about her brother. He will leave the house. Will construct houses for some. Will reach a good town and will purchase a house thee for himself. 23. பலருக்கும் ல்கலாைாென் பாக்கியம் விருத்திவைய்ென் வைாலுவமாழி காப்பைாகும் சுந்தர முணடயைாகும் திலாைம்கபால் பந்துகட்குக் கதறிை புத்தியுண்டு லமுடன் கூலிகெணல ல்கலார்க ளுறவுவகாள்ென். 23. Will be good to many people. Will increase his fortunes. Will adhere to his words and will act as per his sayings. Will have a beautiful personality. He will be attached to his relation like the presence of sesame inside the oil. Will do labour work in a good manner. Will be friendly with good people. 24. பாரியும் ஒன்கறயாகும் பாலர்கள் முதலில் ஷ்டம் வீறுகம அதின்பின்ைாக கெல்விழி வபண்பால்வரண்டு மாரன்கபால் ஆண்பால்வரண்டு ெணரகிகறாம் தீர்க்கமாக காரியன் ைமர்த்தைாகும் காதலன் ெயதுதீர்க்கம். 24. He will have only one wife. The earlier born children will die. There after there will be two female children and two beautiful sons akin to
that of Manmatha (the God of love). We will tell this definitely. A very clever man in completing the works. He will have long life. தாயாரின் பூர்வ ஜஜன்மம் 25. மாதுரு பூர்ெம்வைால்கென் மால்மணல தன்னிகலதான் சூதிலா ககாகுலத்தில் வைனித்துகம ெற்ணமயின்றி பாதக மைங்களின்றி பசித்கதார்க்குத் தாகமீந்து கெதணை யில்லாதாகி கமவிைள் காலைாடு. Previous birth of mother 25. We will tell about the previous birth of the native’s mother. Born in Tirumalai hills in the cowherds community and was living without poverty. She had no ill feelings in her mind and offered food to those who are hungry and living like that without any troubles reached the abode of Yama. Note: Here the Tamil word used is ‘maal malai’ which may mean either Tiumalai hills or Tirumal Irun cholai தாயாரின் மறு ஜஜன்மம் 26. தணல ான்ககான் ெரியப்பட்டு ைனித்தெ வளன்றுவைால்கொம் நிணலணமயாய்ப் பின்வைன்மங்ககள் க பாள கரிகலதான் குலவுொள் பிரம்மகையாய்க் குறுமுனி தடுத்துச்வைால்ொர் தணலவிக்கு இச்வைன்மத்தில் ைார்ந்தபுண் ணியங்கவளன்ை. Next birth of mother 26. This was the woman who was again created by Brahma in this birth. Kindly listen to her next birth. She will be born in a town in Nepal. She will be born in the Brahmin community. Listening to this Agasthiyar intercepted and asked what were the good and bad deeds in this birth for this lady? 27. மாரன்தன் மைம்கபால்ொழ்ந்தும் ெருகொணர ஆதரித்தும் கூறுவமாழி தெறாதாலும் ககாபத்ணத வெளிக்காட்டாமல் கெவறாரி டக்ணகயின்றி விரதங்கள் பூண்பதாலும்
கைருொள் மணறக்குலத்தில் கைல்விழி ககட்டிடாகய. 27. The reasons for her rebirth in the Brahmin community were the good deeds done in this birth such as – she lived as per the wishes of her husband, supported those who approached them, followed the said words, never expressed anger, without any difference observed the duties and fasts. Listen, beautiful eyed Parvati! 28. ாலாண்டில் தந்ணதஅன்ணை ழுவுொர் காலைாடு ைாலகெ இருபதாண்டில் தந்ணதயின் தந்ணதவகண்டம் ஏலகெ ாற்பதாண்டில் ஏகுொன் தந்ணததானும் ககாலமா யிெள்பின்வைன்மம் கூறுகொம் கதகயககளாய். 28. In her fourth year her father’s mother will die. In her 20th year her grandfather (father’s father) will die. In her 40th year her father will die. We will tell her next birth. Listen, Mother. (The details given are apparently in her earlier birth and hence the rishi continues with her next birth). 29. உத்திரம் வபரியபாணளயத்து உதிப்பைாம் பிரம்மகையாய் சித்தனிச் வைன்மத்தில் வைய்தபுண் ணியங்கவளன்ை பத்திமாரி ககாஷ்டம் பாரண ந்கதா னும்ககாஷ்டம் அத்தியின் ககாஷ்டம்வைய்தும் ஆபத்ணதச் சிலர்க்குககாத்தும். 29. In the north in Peria Palayam she will be born in a Brahmin community. Parvati asked what good deeds she did in this birth? She constructed a temple for Goddess Durga, Lord Ganesha and Lord Shiva and removed the danger to somebody. ஜாதகனைப் பற்றியும் தாயாரின் மரண காலமும் 30. கைாணலகள் துரவுவைய்தும் சுதனுகம ொழ்ெதாகல சீலமாம் குலமுதித்துச் சிெபூணை வைய்ொைாகும் ஏலகெ ாற்பான்ஒன்றில் ஏகுொள் அன்ணைதானும் ஆலத்ணத யுண்கடாந்கதவி அணறந்தது தப்பாதாகும். About the native and time of death of mother
30. The native will be creating groves and was living by getting birth in a higher community doing Shiva puja. In his 41 st year his mother will die. The rishi addresses Parvati as the wife of the person who ate the poison and said that whatever they said will not go wrong. They are all truths. தந்ததயின் குடும்பம் பற்றி 31. தந்ணதயின் குடும்பம்கெறு ைார்ந்திடும் பாகமஞ்ைாய் பிந்தியும் (அன்பா)ஐம்பாகைழில் பிந்துணை பிரிதலாகும் அந்தெர் கைதியாவும் அறிவிப்கபாம் பின்பாகத்தில் கந்தணை யீன்றமாகத கழறிகைாம் வமாழிகுன்றாது. About father’s family 31. His father’s family will disintegrate (get partitioned) and his father will get one fifth portion of the wealth. In his 57th year his younger brother will die. I will tell about their details in the later part in detail. Oh! Begetter of Kandaswamy (Murugan)! Listen! Our words will not go wrong. ஜாதகனின் திருமைம்/மதைவி பற்றி 32. ைாதகன் மைத்தின்காலம் பத்வதான் பாண்டில் காதலி ெடகீழ்க ரும் கழறுகொம் அெள்குைத்ணத சீதள குைத்தளாகும் தீங்கணத ஒருெர்க்வகண்ைாள் ஓதுொள் சுகமாய்ொர்த்ணத உலகுக்கு ல்கலாளாெள். Marriage of the native/About his wife 32. The native will get married in his 19th year. Wife will come north east. We will tell her characteristics. She will be having a good character. Will never think of doing harm to anybody. Will talk comforting words. Will be good to the people. 33. ஈணகயும் வகாஞ்ைமுண்டு இடர்வைய்யாள் முன்ககாபத்தாள் ைாதிப்பாள் சிலதுைங்ணக ைத்தியும் தீர்க்கசீவி மாதெர் மறித்துச்வைால்ெர் மணழக்ககாளு ாலிலாக ககதுவும் ஏழில்தங்க ககாணதமாரி ருெவரன்கறாம்.
33. A little charitable. Will not do harm. Will be hot-tempered. Will complete all works by perseverance. Will have long life. One rishi objected to this and said that the rain planet Venus is in the 4th house from Lagna and Ketu is in the 7th house, he will have two wives. 34. இருமணை அணுகாதாகும் எப்படி வைால்லுவமன்ை குருவுகம ஏணழப்பார்க்க கூரியன் ஆட்சியாக ெருமணை ஒன்கறதீர்க்கம் மணைவியு மிென்முன்ைாகல உணரகுொள் காலைாடு உணரப்பீர்கள் காலம்தன்ணை. 34. There will not be two wives. How can you say like that? Jupiter is aspecting the 7th house, Mercury is placed in his own house we can say with confirmation that there will be only one wife. That wife will also die wearing her marriage symbol – the Tamil word for this is Sumangali- i.e. before her husband dies. Tell that period asked Parvati. ஜாதகனின் முன் ஜஜன்மம் 35. அறுபது ஆண்டுதன்னில் அம்மணை வகண்டவமய்தும் திருமகன் முன்வைன்மத்ணதச் வைப்புகொம் காஞ்சிதன்னில் தரிவதாழில் கைணியெம்ைம் வைனித்துகம வைட்டுவைய்து முருகர்க்குப் பத்தியாயும் கமகலார்க்குப் பத்திபூண்டு, Previous birth of the native 35. In his 60th year his wife will die. We will tell about his previous birth. Born in Kancheepuram in weavers community doing business, with devotion to Lord Muruga and respects to the elders… (continued in next verse) 36.மறலியின் பதிக்குச்வைன்று மால்மகன் ெரியப்பட்டு ெருகுொன் இந்தபாலன் ெளமுள குடும்பகமற்பன் வபரிதாை தலங்கள்வைல்ென் பூமியு மூவூர்கைர்ப்பன் அறம்வைய்ென் மூன்றுஇல்லம் அணுகிடும் என்றுவைால்கொம். 36. And went to the abode of Yama and was created again Brahma and took this birth. He will be having a prosperous family. Will visit big
holy places. Will purchase three villages. Will do charity. We will say that he will get three houses. ஜாதகனின் மரை காலமும் மறு பிறவியும் 37. அறுபது ஒன்பதாண்டில் ஆதிணர மாதம்தன்னில் நிணறபக்கம் ஏகாதசி நிமலந்தன் உடலகமகும் ெரும்வைன்மம் துொரணகதன்னில் மணறகுல முதிப்பாைாகும் பிருகுகம மறித்துச்வைால்ொர் புதல்ென்வைய் புண்ணியம்என்ை, Native’s time of death and next birth 37. In his 69th year in the month of Sagittarius (Margazhi – DecemberJanuary) on Vaikunta Ekadasi he will die. In his next birth he will be born in Dwaraka in a Brahmin community. Brighu rishi objected to this and said that what are the good deeds that this native did which made him take birth in Brahmin community. 38. திருப்பணி வைய்தலாலும் தந்ணதவைய் புண்ணியத்தால் மணறயெர்க் குதவிவைய்தும் ெளமுள தலங்கள்வைன்றும் சிறிகயாரா பத்ணதக்காத்தும் தீரனும் ொழ்ெதாகல உணரகுொன் மணறகுலத்தில் உத்தமி ககட்டிடாகய. 38. The dedicated work done to the temples by him, the effects of the Puja done by his father, his helping nature to the Brahmins, the results of his visit to various holy places, his assistance to the persons who were in need were all the reasons for his birth in the Brahmin community. Listen! Great woman. 39. புரந்திடு காலந்தன்னில் புைர்புைம் மூன்றாம்பாதம் குருதிணை ஆண்டுஐந்தும் குலவிடும் திங்ககளழும் ெணரந்தைம் பூர்ெபாகம் ெரகுகறாம் பின்புபாகம் அருமணற முடிவிலாடும் அம்பிணக யாகளககளாய். 39. While living comfortably like this, his dasa balance at birth was Jupiter dasa 5 years and 7 months because his Janma Nakshstra was Punarvasu 3rd pada. This is what is to be stated in the 1st part. Oh! Dancing Lady! Listen.
Notes: Balance of dasa at birth was of Jupiter 5 years and 7 months. Events stated and the dasa-antardasa period of their happenings are listed below: 1. Marriage was in his 19th year. Saturn dasa will be running. The Antardasa table in Saturn dasa is given below: Antardasa Yr Mnth Day Age Saturn 3 0 3 8-7-3 Mercury 2 8 9 11-3-12 Ketu 1 1 9 12-4-21 Venus 3 2 0 15-6-21 Sun 0 11 12 16-6-3 Moon 1 7 0 18-1-3 Mars 1 1 9 19-2-12 Rahu 2 10 6 21-0-18 Jupiter 2 6 12 24-7-0 So at the age of 19 he will be running Sun/Moon Antardasa. Moon is the dispositor of the 7th lord Venus. 9th lord Saturn is aspecting the combination of Sun and Moon. In the 19th year the 7th house will be in operation. 7th house lord through its dispositor has brought about the marriage. 2. In his 41st year his mother will die. He will be running Mercury dasa at that time. The Antardasa table is given below: Antardasa Mercury Ketu Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn
Yr 2 0 2 0 1 0 2 2 2
Mnth 4 11 10 10 5 11 6 3 8
Day 27 27 0 6 0 27 18 6 9
Age 26-11-27 27-11-24 30-9-24 31-8-0 32-13-0 34-0-27 36-7-15 38-10-21 41-7-0
Jupiter Antardasa is from his 39th year till his 42nd year. For the 4th house of mother represented by Cancer, the first maraka is Mercury as he owns the 3 rd and 12th houses. The 2nd lord Sun being lord of a single house and also a friendly planet to Lagna Lord Moon (Taking Cancer as Lagna of mother) he will not kill. Saturn being the 7th lord is also a maraka. But since he is Ayushkaraka looses the powers. Jupiter, the Antardasa lord is considered as a benefic for Cancer Lagna as he owns the strong 9 th trikona. But if his association is bad he turns a malefic and gives only bad results. Here Jupiter is conjoined with Rahu and as such Rahu takes away the powers of Jupiter. Rahu is the enemy of Moon and also gives out the results of Saturn, brings about the death of the mother through his associate Jupiter. From Moon, the karaka for mother, Jupiter owns the 7 th house and hence is capable of bringing the death of mother. 3. In his 57th year his brother will die. Ketu dasa is for 7 years which will be over when the native is of 48 years and 7 months. The next dasa of Venus is for 20 years. The Antardasa table is given below: Antardasa Yr Mnth Day Age Venus 3 4 0 51-11-0 Sun 1 0 0 52-11-0 Moon 1 8 0 54-7-0 Mars 1 2 0 55-9-0 Rahu 3 0 0 58-9-0 Jupiter 2 8 0 61-5-0 Saturn 3 2 0 64-7-0 Mercury 2 10 0 67-5-0 Ketu 1 2 0 68-7-0 57th year native will be running Rahu Antardasa. Venus lord of 12th house for the 3rd house of brother represented by Gemini is placed in the 2 nd house of maraka (for brother) and is aspecting the 8th house Capricorn where Mars is placed who in turn aspects the 2nd house. Hence Venus gets maraka powers. For a dual Lagna 11th house lord, planets placed therein gain special maraka powers. Rahu is placed in the 11th house from the 3rd house of brothers and is conjoined with the 7th house lord of Jupiter. Both planets also aspect the 3 rd house of longevity of brother and the 7th house of maraka.
4. Wife will die when the native is of 60 years. Jupiter Antardasa will be running at that time. From the 7th house, Jupiter is lord of 3rd house of longevity placed in the 7th from the 7th house of wife. Lord of 7th house and also the kalatra karaka Venus is aspected by Mars who is the 7 th lord and 2nd lord of maraka for the wife. 5. Native will die in his 69th year. For a movable Lagna the 2 nd and 7th lords are marakas. Ketu Antar dasa in Venus dasa will be running at the time of death. Ketu is placed in the 7th house of maraka. Certain general rules regarding death, I would like to place before the readers for its assessment which is applicable to all Lagnas: 1. For a movable Lagna the 2nd and 7th lords are capable of bringing death. 2. For a fixed Lagna the 3rd and 7th lords are capable of bringing death. 3. For a dual Lagna the 7th and 11th lords are capable of bringing death. 4. More than the maraka house lord, planets placed in maraka place are powerful in inflicting death. 5. More than the maraka house lord, planets associated with them are powerful in causing death. 6. Even if a benefic is associated with the maraka lord, he can cause death. 7. The 3rd house lord and the 8th house lords are longevity lords. They are also capable of inflicting death. If they conjoin any of the maraka lords definitely they will cause death. 8. The weakest planet in the horoscope also gets maraka powers. 9. If the Ayushkaraka Saturn becomes a maraka lord and if he is associated with any of the above stated maraka planets, he will grasp the powers from all other planets and will cause the death. I also would like to record here my observations in regard to Aries Lagna especially with regard to the timing of marriage. I am summarizing below the Dasa-Antardasa periods when the marriages have happened for Aries Lagna natives. As far as marriage is concerned the houses involved are the 7 th, 2nd, 9th, 4th, 11th and the 12th houses. 7th house is the primary house of marriage. 2 nd house is addition to family and a karaka house for marriage. 9th house is the house of baghya or fortune and is a karaka for the house of family. 4 th house is a
house of comfort arising out of family and owning a house and is a karaka for the baghya. 11th house is the house of gains and is a karaka for the 4th house to get the required comforts. 12 th house is the house of bed pleasures and is the karaka house for begetting children indicated by the 5 th house. So, all these houses, their lords, planets placed therein are all to be examined before deciding about the time of marriage. Here I am giving the DasaAntardasa combination of some of the planets. There might be interchange also of the dasa as well as Antardasa indicated herein. Jupiter Dasa – Antardasas of Saturn, Mercury, Venus, Moon and Rahu. Saturn Dasa – Antardasas of Venus, Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Rahu. Sun Dasa – Antardasas of Moon, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus. Moon Dasa – Antardasas of Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Sun and Rahu. Venus dasa – Antardasas of Sun, Moon, Saturn, Mercury and Rahu. Also I have noticed that during Rahu dasa Mercury Antardasa or vice versa I have noticed that many marriages have happened. I have also written four separate articles on Timing of marriage taking the charts exclusively from Saptarishi Nadi and these were published in emagazine “Saptarishis Astrology” some years ago. Copies of the said articles will also be available in More in the chapters to come.
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