Saptarishi Nadi-Aries-chart 6
March 29, 2017 | Author: Balasubramanian | Category: N/A
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சப்தரிஷி நாடி மேஷ லக்னம் ஜாதகம் 6 Saptarishi Nadi Aries Lagna Translation by yenbeeyes Chart 6 1. சந்திரன் ப ொன்சசய்றொகு தொகதில் சனியுமொதத புந்தியு மிரவிகொடி புகர்மொனில் சகதுபகொலொம் இந்தவொறு கிரகம்நின்று லக்கினம் பகொச்தசதொவ அந்தத்சதொர் சசதிபெல்லொம் அறிவிப்பீர் முனிசெநீதொன். 1. Parvati continued to ask the rishi to tell all the results that he knows in respect of a horoscope having Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Rahu in Aries, Saturn in Virgo, Mercury and Sun in Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn and Ketu in Libra with Aries Lagna.
ஜாதகனின் பிறப்பு 2. உத்தமி சகட்கும்ச ொது உதரக்கிறொர் ரொசர்தொனும் வித்தக னொண் ொல்பசன்மம் வந்ததல் வட்பதன்வீதி த்திெ கீழ் ொல்வொசல் ொலகன் கசேசந்பதற்கில் சத்தியு மீனதிக்கில் சங்கரன் சகொஷ்டம்தொசன.
About the birth of the native 2. When Parvati asked like this, Parasara starts telling. This great person is a male birth. The house where he was born is situate in a street running north-south and the main door is facing the east. There is a temple for Lord Ganesa in the south. Temple for Goddess Sakthi is in the north and the temple of Lord Shankara (Shiva)…(Continued in next verse) 3. பதன்திதச துருவசமொடும் சிறப் ொன பசட்டுஓங்கும் மன்னர்கள் வொசமொகும் மருவிெ ச ரூரொகும் பின்னசத லமும்வொசம் இலகிெ சசொதலயுண்டு அன்தனயின் இல்லம்சதொன்றும் அம்பிதக ெொசேசகேொய். 3. (Continued from previous verse) is in the south. Place is in the northern part and a growing business place where Kings live. Such a big place the native was born. Backside of the place is with strength (meaning there might be a fort). Beautiful grove is also there. He will be born in his mother’s house. Listen! Ambike! (The other name of Parvati). ஜாதகனின் தாயாரின் இருப்பிடம் 4. இன்னவள் பசனன மிருப்பிட மதற்கு ஈசரழு கடிதக தூரத்தில் மன்னிெ வொெவில தந்ததயின் ஊரொம் வட்பதற்கு வீதிசெெொகும் இன்னவூர் குடகு வொசலொம் உத்திரம் சதவிமொ கொளியுவொசம் பின்னமொம் குடியும் சினகுலமொகும் ப ரிதொன இல்லபமன்சறொம். Native’s mothers place 4. Her (native’s mother) birth place is at a distance of 14 ghatika (nazhikai) from the place stated above. Father’s house is in the direction indicated by the great Vayu (Air) which is the north-west and the house is in north-south street. The door-way is facing west. In the north Goddess Kali resides. House is a little dilapidated. A small family. House is a big one.
Note: In olden days the distance between places is stated as so much ghatikas or nazhikai from a reference place. One ghatikas or nazhikai is equal to 24 minutes of time. So if a place is situated at one nazghikai means it will take 24 minutes to reach that place by walk. Here 14 ghatika means 14 x 24 minutes will be the time require to reach the place of native’s mother from the place where the native was born. 5. தந்தததொய் செொகம்தொனும் தந்துதேக ேத்திரபுத்திரர்
வந்தவன் முன்னொட்பசய்தக வதரகிசறொம் செொகச்சசதி பிந்திெ பசன்மம்ெொவும் ச சுவொ மிந்நூல்தன்னில் கந்ததன யீன்றமொசத கழறுசவொம் சகட்டிடொசெ. 5. We will tell about the fortunes of the father and mother, siblings as well as wife and children. Also we will tell about the previous birth. We will tell about the various results for this birth. We will talk about the next birth of the native too. Oh! Begetter of Lord Kanda (Subramanya), we will talk about all these in this book. தாயாரின் வர்க்கம் 6. தொததயின் வர்க்கம்தன்தன சொற்றுசவொம் ஆண் ொல்பரண்டு சந்ததம் தீர்க்கபமய்தும் சலிப்புறொ மிரண்டுமூன்று அந்தவர் ஒன்றொய்வொழ்வொர் அதறகிசறொம் தந்ததசசதி விந்ததெொய்ப் ச சவல்லன் வொதசத கத்தொனொகும். Mother’s family 6. We will tell about the family of the mother. She will have two brothers who will have long life. Two or three will perish. They will live together. We will tell about the father. He is capable of talking jokingly. Will have a windy constitution. தந்ததயின் குணங்கள் 7. யிர்த்பதொழில் பசய்வொனொகும் பரௌ கொரிெவொன் தெவுே மனத்தனொகும் தொனிரு நிறத்தனொகும் அெலொல்ப ொன் னிச்தசயில்லொன் அண்டிசனொர்க் குதவிபசய்வன் ெமிலொன் எதிரிக்கஞ்சொன் கவொனின் க்திபகொள்வன். Characteristics of father 7. He will do agriculture. Helpful to others. Is a kind hearted man. Will have a double coloured body. Will not be interested in others wealth. Will assist those who approach him. Will have no fear. Will not be afraid of enemies. Will be devoted to God. 8. வித்ததயும் புத்திமொனொம் விதேபுலம் விருத்திபசய்வன் உத்தம னொகிவொழ்வன் ஒண்படொடி தனக்குஇஷ்டன் சுத்தவொன் அருகர் த்தி பதொடுத்ததத பவல்வனொகும் சித்திர இல்லம்பசய்வன் தீரமில்லொத பெஞ்சம்.
8. A learned and an intelligent person. He will increase the production of agricultural products. He will be living with greatness. Will be dear to his wife. Is a pure man. Will be devoted to a Jain God (Aruhar). Whatever he undertakes, will be successful in it. Will construct a beautiful house. Will have a mind lacking in courage. 9. அன்தனயு மிரண்டுமொகும் அடிதமசெொர் குடிகளுண்டு ப ொன்ப ொருள் தகயிருப்பு தறொவழி விருத்திபசய்வன் பசொன்னபசொல் பிசகிரொது சதொதகெர் மனத்தனொகும் தனகரம் பிருஷ்டசரதக சங்குசக் கரமுமுள்ேொன். 9. He will have two mothers. Will have servants. He will carefully increase without loss gold, property and cash balance. There will be no mistakes in the words stated by him. Will be attracted towards women. A wealthy hand with a special line on the backside along with conch and wheel. 10. சகொலது ரொசிெொகும் குறித்தபூ ரொடெொேொம் சவபேன ஒப் தொகும் விருந்தினர் பிரிெனொகும் கொலத்தத அறிந்துதரப் ொன் கருதிடொன் கட்டுவொர்த்தத ஞொலசமல் சல்லிெங்பகொள்ேொன் ெவின்தறக் குேத்தொனுக்கு. 10. His Janma rasi is Libra. He was born in Purvashada Nakshatra. A benefactor. Will be offering food with kindness to guests. Capable of telling the fortunes of others. Will never think of fabricated words. Will not borrow in the earth. To such a person of character.. (continued in next verse) ஜாதகனின் குணங்கள் 11. உதிப் னொ மிந்த ொலன் உதரக்கிசறொ மிவன்குேத்தத ப ொதுமொத ரிஷ்டம்பகொள்ேொன் புத்திமொன் யூதகசொலி ெதி ல தீர்த்தம்சதொய்வன் ெற்புத்தி கல்விமொனொம் அதிசெ வொர்த்ததபசொல்வொன் அதடந்சதொதர ஆதரிப் ன். Characteristics of the native 11. (Continued from previous verse) This native will be born. We will tell his characteristics. He will not be interested in other women. An intelligent person and a judicious man. Will take bath in many holy waters. Well educated. Capable of uttering miraculous words. Will protect those who approached him for assistance. 12. அன்தனபசொல் கடசவொனொகும் ஆவுகள் விருத்திபசய்வன்
ென்னிெ வசனமுள்ேொன் ெொவலர்க் கரிதொய்யீவன் அன்னிெ ருறவுபகொள்வன் அவனிே மனத்தனொகும் ப ொன்னது பகொடுக்கல்வொங்கல் புததெல்கள்பசய்வொனொசம. 12. He will not reject the words of his mother. Will increase the cows. Will talk apt words. Will donate to those who are learned. Will get the friendship of others. Has a tender mind akin to that of a child. Will do lending and borrowing business. Will bury the wealth. 13. வொகன முதடெனொகும் மொற்றலர் ததனபசயிப் ன் செொகவொன் தந்ததம்லொய் உத்தமன் வொழ்வொனொகும் ஆகம நுணுக்கம்சதர்வன் அருகர்தன் த்திபகொள்வன் ச ொக ொக் கிெங்களுள்ேொன் புவிமீதில் பசட்டுபசய்வன். 13. He will be possessing vehicles. Will conquer the enemies. Will be a fortunate person. Will live in a higher status than his father. Will be devoted to the Jain God. Will have happiness and prosperity. Will do business on earth. ஜாதகனின் சககாதரர்கள் 14. இன்னவன் துதேவர்தன்தன இெம் முன் துதேகள்கொேொன் பிந்துதே விருத்திபென்சறொம் ச சுசவொ மொண் ொல்பரண்டு கன்னிதக அவ்வொறொகும் கொதேசெ ரிதேசெொர்சதொஷம் மன்னிெ ெொன்கொம்பசன்மம் மொததபூ ரட்தடெொேொம். Siblings of the native 14. If we go to tell about the siblings of this native, we see that there are no elder siblings. There will be younger siblings. There will be two brothers and two sisters. His direct (or the immediate next) brother will pass away. The fourth one will be a girl born in Purvabhadarapada Nakshatra. ஜாதகனின் குணங்கள் 15. தந்திர வொர்த்ததமிக்சகொன் தன் ந்துக் கிேக்கம்கூறொன் இந்திர சொலம்பசொல்வொன் எதிரிதெ ரசிக்கச்பசய்வன் தன்தன முதடெனொகும் சிறுதீனி அதிகம்பகொள்வன் சிந்ததயு மர்மனொகும் சசயிதழ மொர்கள்சமொகன். Characteristics of the native 15. Capable of talking cunningly. Will not say soothing words to relations. Capable of talking juggling words. Will make the opponent happy. Will get his ancestral
property. Will be eating more snacks. Will have secrets in mind. Will be infatuated towards women. 16. லவித வணிகம்பசய்வன் ேத்தின்சம லிச்தசயுள்ேொன் கலகமொ மனத்தனொகும் கட்டுவொர்த் ததகளும்பசொல்வன் லமுே குடும்பிெொவன் பூமியில் வறுதமகொேொன் குலவிடும் பித்தசூடு சகொமளி ஒன்சறெொகும். 16. Will be doing many kinds of business. Is an avaricious person. Will have a disturbing mind. Will tell fabricated words. Will get a strong family. Will not see poverty on earth. Will be subjected to Pitha disease. Wife will be one only. ஜாதகன் மதைவி, குழந்ததகள் மற்றும் இதைய சககாதரன் 17. வடதிதச அணுகுபமன்சறொம் தமந்தர்கள் ஆண் ொபலொன்று அடவுடன் ப ண் ொலவ்வொறு அணுகிடு மிவனுக்சகதொன் உடன்கூடி வொழ்வொனொகும் உத்தம னிதேசெொன்சசதி விடமபசன்மம் அவிட்டெொளில் சமவுவொன் மொஞ்சிவப் ன். Native’s wife, children and younger brother 17. Wife will come from the northern direction. There will be one male child and one female child. He will live with all of them. We will tell about his younger brother. He is a mischief maker. He will be born in Dhanishta Nakshatra. Will be light red in colour. 18. லச ர்கள் மதிக்கவொழ்வொன் ரஉ கொரிெொவன் நிலமது அதிகம்சசர்ப் ொன் நிரு ர்கள் இஷ்டம்பகொள்வொன் ெலமுே புகழுசமற் ன் ெற்சுகி ச ொசனத்தொன் கலகமும் கூறுபெஞ்சம் கஞ்சமொம் சரதகயுள்ேொன். 18. He will live adored by many. He is a benefactor. Will increase the land holdings. Will be desired by the Kings. Will attain fame. Will eat tasty and comfortable food. Has a rebellious mind. Will have lotus lines in hand. 19. அதனவர்க்கு சமலொய்வொழ்வன் பதொல்புவி புகழுசமற் ன் துதேவசனொபடொத்துவொழ்வன் சுந்தரி ஒன்சறெொகும் கனமுே ஆண் ொல்பரண்டு கன்னிதக ஒன்சறதீர்க்கம் விதனெதத எண்ேொபெஞ்சம் விேம்புவொம் சமலுங்சகசே. 19. Will live in a higher status than all. Will get name and fame on earth. Will live peacefully with his brother. Will have only one wife. He will have two male
children and one female child. This is definite. Will never have an evil mind. We will tell more. 20. பிறந்தசசய் மேத்தின்கொலம் ச சுசவொம் திசனழொண்டில் உதறந்திடும் பதன்கீழ்தன்னில் உத்தமி அன்தனவர்க்கம் ப ருதமயும் புகழுமுள்ேொன் புண்ணிெ மனத்தேொகும் நிதறெசவ குடும்பிெொவள் நீங்கொத பசல்வமுள்ேொள். 20. We will tell about the marriage time of the girl born to him. She will get married to a person who will come from the south east from her mother side relation. She will have greatness and glory. She will have a virtuous mind. Will become a big family woman. Will have imperishable wealth. ஜாதகனின் மதைவி பற்றி 21. மத்தியில் மரேமொகி மறுமனி செருபமன்சறொம் வித்தகர் ரொசர்பசொல்ல விருத்தரும் சகட்கலுற்றொர் த்தினி இரண்டுஎன்று கர்ந்தினிர் விவரம்பசொல்வொய் குத்தமொ செழில்சகது குறித்தசெழ் த்தில்நிற்க. About native’s wife 21. In the middle, native’s wife will die and he will get a second wife. When Parasarar stated like this, another aged rishi asked the reason for two wives. Parasarar replied that Ketu in the 7th house and Venus in the 10th house are the reasons. Note: Parasara in his Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, Chapter 18, Verse 6 has stated that If the 7th lord is in a sign of Saturn or of Venus and be aspected by a benefic, there will be many wives. Here the 7th lord Venus is in Capricorn, a sign of Saturn but there is no aspect of benefic planets. Also Verse 22 of Chapter 24 needs to be noted here. If the 2 nd lord (in this case Venus) is in the 10th house, the native will be libidinous, honourable, learned, will have many wives and much wealth but bereft of filial happiness. The chapter numbers here are taken from Sri R.Santhanam’s translation. 22. சரமதி லிருப் தொசல சொற்றிசனொம் தொரம்பரண்டு வருமதன கர்ப் த்தொசல மரேமொய் பரண்டொமொது உதரந்திடு முப் ொன்பரண்டில் உத்தமி வடக்கில்செரும் ப றுஞ்சுதர் ஆண் ொல்பரண்டு ச ததயு மவ்வொறொகும்.
22. Because Venus is placed in a movable Rasi we said there will be two wives. She will die when she is pregnant. In his 32 nd year he will get his second wife. She will come from the northern side. She will beget two male and two female children. ஜாதகனின் தாயார் 23. அன்தனமொஞ் சிவப் ொேொகும் ஆேனுக் கினிெேொகும் ென்னிெ வசனமுள்ேொள் ெற்புத்தி செொகசொலி அன்னிெர்க் குதவிபசய்வள் அறமதி லிச்தசயுள்ேொள் ப ொன் ணி யிச்தசயுண்டு புகலுமும் சகொ ம்பகொஞ்சம். Native’s mother 23. Mother will be slightly reddish colour. Will be dear to her husband. Will talk appropriately. Will have good understanding. Will be fortunate. Will help others. Will be interested in righteous deeds. Will have desire in gold ornaments. A little short-tempered. தாயாரின் உடன் பிறந்தவர்கள்/அவளின் முன் ஜஜன்மம் 24. தந்துதே ஆண் ொபலொன்று ததெலர் ெொன்குதீர்க்கம் பதன்கீழ் ொல் இல்லமொகும் சதவியின் பூர்வம்பசொல்சவன் ன்னக மணிந்சதொன்வொழும் ொண்டியின் பதன் ொல்சிற்றூர் முன்குல மதனிலுதித்து உெர்வொன குடும்பிெொகி. Siblings of the mother/her previous birth 24. She will have one brother and four sisters. This is certain. Her house will be in the south eastern side. We will tell about her previous birth. She was born in a small village to the south of Madurai where the snake draped Lord Shiva resides. Became a member of a large family. தாயாரின் மறு ஜென்மம் 25. வமது யில்லொதொகி ரந்தனள் கொலன் க்கம் அவனியில் பிரமன் வர்க்கம் அருகர்தன் குலமுதித்தொன் ெவனியில் வறுதமகொேொள் ெொெகி பின்பசன்மத்தத தவசிசெ பசொல்லுகின்சறன் தக்சகொல மருகில்ச ரூர். Mother’s next birth 25. Due to lack of God’s grace died early. Then took birth in Brahmin community. But took to Jainism. Never experienced poverty. I will tell about her next birth. Oh!
Ascetic, listen. In a big town near a place called Thakkolam, (Continued in next verse) 26. பிறப் ொேொம் பிரம்மசசெொய் லமுே குடும்பிெொகி அறமதி லிச்தசயுண்டொய் அவளுசம வொழ்வொேொகும் திருமகள் பூர்வம்பசொல்சவன் சதயுவின் அருகில்உத்திரம் குரவர்தன் குலமுதித்து சகொவலர் க்கம்சசர்ந்து, 26. She will be born as a Brahmin. She will have a big family. She will be interested in doing righteous things. I will tell her previous birth. To the north of Agni’s direction (which is the fire God and the direction is North East) she will be born in the Kuravar community and will come where the King resides. Note: Here it is stated about the native’s mother’s previous birth. The verse begins with her next birth. So, the previous birth must be the present status i.e. native’s mother. So a little confusion resides here. 27. அதிகொர முதடெனொகி அழகிெ மதனவிதமந்தர் வதிவனு வொழும்ெொளில் வரகிசறொ மூழிதொனும் மதிமுக மொதுதொனும் வரனின்றி தொயில்லத்தில் சதியில வொழுெொளில் தொனவன் அவள்சமல்சமொகம், 27. One beautiful man fell in love with her and with authority she married her and thus she was living with him with children. At that time a bad Karma came upon her. When this lady with a face resembling that of a Moon was living in her parental house without any ill thoughts in her mind, one Asura like person or a profligate person saw her and fell in love with her. 28. ப ொன் ணி தொகதந்து ச ொகங்க ேனு வித்தொன் தன் ந்து அததெறிந்து ததெதல விலகும்ச ொது இன்னவன் கொக்கலுற்றொன் இருந்துபின் சிலெொள்பசன்று உன்னத கருவுதங்க உத்தமன் சகள்விப் ட்டு, 28. He gave lot of money and gold to her and made her accept him and started enjoying her for many days. Her relations came to know of this they advised her to leave him. When she tried to avoid him, he started meeting her clandestinely. This was going on for some time and she became pregnant. When that great person (here note the words used by the rishi. In the previous verse, he was stated as an Asura and here he is referred to as a great person) came to know of this… (Continued in next verse). 29. விதனபசய்தொன் கருவுதன்தன வித்தகி மரேமொனொள்
பிதேெொக இன்னபமொன்று ச சுசவொம் தொசெெொங்கள் கனமிலொ ஏதழசெொர்கள் கொவலன் தன் ொல்பசன்று மேம்சுதர் தனக்குச்பசய்ெ மொங்கிலிெம் தருவொபென்ன, 29. (continued from previous verse) He advised her to destroy the fetus. But this wise girl died. We will tell one more thing, Mother! When a girl is subjected to such a humiliation (like this one), normally, she will go to the person concerned and request him to marry her and accept the child given by him. 30. ஆதசவொர்த் ததகதேச்பசொல்லி அந்திெ கொலம்தன்னில் கூசொமல் இல்தலபென்றொன் கூறுவொர் ஏதழசெொர்கள் செசம்ச ொல் வொர்த்ததபசொல்லி செரொமல் தகவிரித்தொய் வொசமொ மதனவிமொண்டு மறுமதன வொய்க்குமன்றி, 30. By speaking loving words and denying to accept for marriage at the end how the poor will be subjected to sufferings, like that without adhering to the commitments made in the beginning and in the end refusing to accept those commitments, such a girl may curse that in the next birth that person will lose his wife and will get another wife. 31. மறுபசன்மம் சதொன்றிசெதொன் மதனவிக ளிருவரொகும் வருங்கர்ப் த் தொசலமொண்டு மறுமுதன செருபமன்று உதரத்துப்பின் பசன்றொபரன்சறொம் உதறந்த்து அந்தத்சதொஷம் இருமதன ெொகிசெதொன் ஏகினள் கொலன் க்கம். 31. In the next birth they will be born and will get two wives. Will die during pregnancy – so staying she died. That blemish came upon him. After getting two wives he died. 32. கஞ்சனொல் வரிெப் ட்டு கொதேயு மிச்பசன்மத்தில் மிஞ்சிெ சினகுலத்தில் சமவின் பனன்றுபசொல்வொம் ஞ்தசகள் சொ பமொன்று ற்றிெ கருவிந்சதொஷம் அஞ்சொமல் செருபமன்சறொம் அணுகிடும் ொரிபரண்டு. 32. Destined by Brahma to take birth in Jain community. The curse of the poor will operate during this birth definitely and hence we said that there will be two wives. ஜாதகனின் ஜபாதுவாை கயாகங்கள் 33. வந்தவன் ப ொதுசெொகத்தத வதரகிசறொம் சகதொரசெொகம் சந்ததம் சவசிெொகும் சங்குசக் கரசெொகங்கள் இந்தவொறு செொகம்பசொல்சவொம் இெம்புசவொம் லதனெொங்கள்
முந்தின குடும்பிெொவன் உெர்சவொர்கள் க்திபூண் ன். General results for the native 33. We will tell about the general yogas of the native. He has Kedara Yoga, He will always be a businessman. He has ‘Shanku Chakra Yogas’. We will tell the results for the same. He is an old family man. Will be respectful towards elders. Note: Two Yogas have been stated in this verse. One is the Kedara Yoga: Phaladeepika Chapter 6 sloka 39 describes the Kedara Yoga. When the seven planets are placed in any four houses Kedara Yoga is formed. Such a native will be endowed with wealth and agricultural lands. This is one of the seven Sankhya Yogas which are Gola, Yuga, Pasa, Veena(Vallaki), Kedara and Damini. According to Saravali, the effect of Sankhya Yoga is that the native will be happy only with others wealth, will live only through others’ help and be always not peaceful. Sankhya yogas give mixed-both bad and good-effects. It is also stated that one having Kedara yoga will have a bull intellect or poor comprehensive powers. From the results stated by the rishis, we can conclude that the effect of Kedara Yoga is that the native will be doing agriculture and will be wealthy and famous. With regard to the other Yoga mentioned by the rishi namely ‘Shangu Chakra Yoga’, after scanning many classics I found the following: 1. Shanka Yoga: 5th Lord and the 6th Lord must be places in mutual kendra (1-4-7-10) and Lagna Lord must also be strong being placed in Kendra, Kona or exaltation, Own house or having Digbala. 2. Shanka Yoga: Lagna Lord and 10th lord must be placed in a movable Rasi and the 9th lord must be strong (being placed in Kendra-kona-Own house-Exaltation houseFriendly house-Digbala). The effect of these two versions of the yoga is that the native will be kind-hearted, virtous, learned, blessed with wife and children, morally sound, owns land and lives long. While majority of the qualities of the native are reflective of the results mentioned above excepting the longevity, we can conclude that the Yoga referred to by the rishi is this one. Chakra Yoga: There are three kinds of combinations under this yoga and they are: 1. Rahu in the 10th house and the 10th Lord is in Lagna and the Lagna Lord is in the 9 th and there is a benefic aspect for any of these three planets. 2. All the seven planets are placed in the odd-masculine Rasis. 3. Rahu is in the 10th house, 10th lord is in 1st or 5th, 9th lord is in 7th.
Results of this Yoga is the native will be a King, Head of a small country, a Poligar, Prime Minister, President, Misnister, Chief Minister, Armed forces chief, Chief Justice, Chief of a country or a village, a big jamindar or a landlord, chief of treasury – will be holding such a high position with authority, Status and position. Evidently the chart does not have the combinations and hence there is No Chakra Yoga. However, it is left for the readers to decide on this as it is quite possible, with my little knowledge, I may not be aware of any other combinations that lead to forming of Chakra Yoga. 34. லஊரில் பூமிசசர்ப் ன் ொக்கிெ முதடெவனொவன் குலம்தலமது சவறுபசய்வன் தனமது இருப்புபகொள்வன் லமுசேொர் வசிெம்பகொள்வன் புகழுேொன் தகெொசம்தொன் குலம்வீடு மூன்றுஇல்லம் குலத்துக்கு சமலொய்வொழ்வன். 34. He will accumulate lands in many places. Will be fortunate. Will change his residence to another place. Will accumulate money. Will influence men of strength. Will be famous. Will destroy the enemies. Will be owning three houses. Will be living with a high status amongst his kinsmen. 35. ப ொருேது பூமிதன்னொல் ப ொருந்திடும் திசனழொண்டில் பிதறததச சனிபுத்தி வருங்கொலம் செருபமன்சறொம் திருமகன் குடும் ச்சசதி பசல்லுவொர் இரு ொ(ள்)னொலில் திரு ொக மொகச்பசொல்சவொம் பசல்விதி சமலுங்சகசே. 35. Wealth will increase on account of the land holdings. In his 17 th year in Moon Mahadasa, Saturn Antardasa this will happen. We will tell about the family details of this man. We will tell his 24th year by dividing it into 3 parts. Listen! Wealthy lady. Note: The conjunction of 4th Kenra lord with the 9th trikona lord Jupiter in the Lagna Kendra(Kona) along with the Lagna lord gives rise to many fortunes especially in their dasas and antardasas. Here, there is also a parivartana or exchange of house between Saturn and Mercury. Mercury is not a benefic for this Lagna. Saturn is half benefic. So, Saturn has on account of his ownership of the 10 th house has given the benefits. The last line says that his 24th year results will be stated in three parts. Nothing is found about the same. 36. எண்ேஞ்சு ஆறுஆண்டில் இவந்துதே சவறொய்பசல்வர் வண்ேமொய் ொகமூன்று மருவிடும் என்றுபசொல்சவொம் திண்ேமொய் கதடசெொந்தொனும் சிறப்புற்று வொழ்வொனொகும் அண்ேதலப் பூதசபசய்யும் அமிபிக ெொசேசகேொய்.
36. In his 46th year his brother will go separate. The property will be divided equally into 3 parts. Definitely, the last brother will also live elegantly. The rishi addresses Parvati as the one does Puja of Lord Shiva and request her to listen further. தந்ததயின் பூர்வம் 37. தந்ததயின் பூர்வம்பசொல்சவன் பதன்கயி லொெம்தன்னில் வந்தனன் தவசிெசசெொய் வேமுே பசட்டுபசய்து பெொந்தச ொர்க் குதவிபசய்து செமியில் தலங்கள்பசன்று விந்ததெொய் மொர்க்கம்தன்னில் விடொய்தொகப் ந்தல் தவத்தும், Previous birth of father 37. We will tell about the previous birth of the father of the native. In Kalahasti he was born as a Vaisya child. Did an expanding and profitable business, helped those who were in trouble. Visited the Siva temples and worshipped. Wonderfully established water sheds in many roads. 38. கொலந்தன் திக்குப்புக்கு கஞ்சனொல் வரிெப் ட்டு சீலமொங் குலத்திசலதொன் பசனித்தவ னிவசனபென்சறொம் ஞொலசமல் வறுதமகொேொன் ெசித்சதொர்க் குதனிபசய்வன் ொல் ொக்கிெ முதடெனொகும் த்தினி சகட்டிடொசெ. 38. Went to the abode of Yama and was born again in this higher community due to the writings of Brahma . He never saw poverty during his lifetime on earth. Will assist those who are depressed and poor. Had many milk yielding cows. Listen! Chaste Woman! தந்ததயின் மறு ஜஜன்மம் 39. பின்பசன்மம் வடசமல்திக்கில் ப ருமட மயிக்குலத்தில் அன்னவ னுதிப் ொனொகும் அருகர்தன் பூதசபூண்டு துன்னிெ சதவனொக சதொன்றுவொ னிவசனபென்சறொம் உன்ந்த தவங்கள்பசய்ெ உத்தமி சகட்டிடொசெ. Next birth of the native’s father 39. His next birth will be in north west in a big house. Due to the worship of the Jain God, he will be born as a God’s gift. Will perform penance towards God. Listen, Great woman! தந்ததயின் மரண காலம்
40. முப் து ஆண்டுதன்னில் மூலமொ தத்திசலதொன் பசப்புசவொம் தந்தபகண்டம்……………. அப்ச ொது ணியின்சக்கரம் ஆரல்தன் புத்திெொகும் இப் டி ரொசர்பசொல்ல இெம்புவொர் அத்திரிதொசன. 40. Father will die when the native is of 30 years old in the month of Aries (AprilMay). At that time he will be running Rahu dasa, Mars Antardasa. When Parasara stated like this Attri rishi started telling. 41. இரு து ஆண்டுதன்னில் இெம்புசவொம் தந்ததகண்டம் ொரினில் அஞ்சசொன்லொெ(லொ ம்) ற்றின திதசயிபசொல்சவொம் சூரிென் ருதிசெொடு கூடிசெ யிருப் தொசல மொரகம் செரொபதன்சறொம் அதுமொரஞ்சு ஆண்டில்செரும். 41. That father’s death will happen when the native is of 20 years old. Since the 5 th house lord is in the 11th house of gains, I will say that is the time. Parasara says that since Mercury and Sun are conjoined death will not happen at that time. That will be in his 30th year only. அன்தையின்/ஜாதகனின் மரண காலம் 42. அன்தனயு முப் ொபனட்டில் ஐப் சி மொதந்தன்னில் உன்னத தவிசசர்வள் உதித்தவன் அறு ொசனழில் மன்னிெ சமடமொதம் வதரகிசறொம் பகண்டம்தொனும் பின்பசன்மம் கொஞ்சிதன்னில் பிறப் னொம் பிரம்மசசெொய். Mother’s/Native’s death time 42. His mother will die in his 38th year in the month of Libra (Thula-OctoberNovember). The native will die in the month of Aries (April-May) in his 67th year. Next birth will be in Brahmin community in Kancheepuram. 43. புரந்திடு கொலம்தன்னில் புகர்திதச ஆண்டுஐந்தும் உதரந்திடு பமய்திசனொர்திங்கள் உதரக்கிசறொம் லதனெொங்கள் வருந்துதே விருத்திசசதம் மொனிலம் லிதமொகும் ததரெது சசருபமன்சறொம் சொற்றுசவொம் விவர்ம்பரண்டில். 43. At birth dasa of Venus was running. This was for a period of five years and one month. We will tell the results of this period. Some siblings will be born and live long and some will die. In the vast world, agriculture will yield good results. Land accumulation will be there. We will the details in the 2 nd part.
Notes: The dasa that was running at the time of birth was of Venus. Since Moon is stated to be in Aries, Janma Nakshatra must be Bharani. Venus dasa is 20 years duration or 240 months. So for each pada the duration would be 60 months. For the 60 months the nakshatra longitude will be 3° 20’ or 200’. The balance period of dasa is given as 5 years and one month or 61 months. Which means out of the total duration of 240 months in Venus dasa (240-61) 179 months have already elapsed. Hence Moon must be in the 3 rd pada. Longitude of Moon will be from (Aswini - 13° 20’ + Bharani 2 padas - 6° 40’) 20° 0’ to 23° 20’. For 60 months of Venus dasa 200’ of Nakshatra longitude will be there. So, for 61 months the longitude of the Nakshatra must be 203.33’ which will be 3° 23.33’. So Moon must be in Aries 23°.23.33’. The Navamsa Rasi for the Moon would be Libra. Dasa Table: Dasa Venus Sun Moon Mars Rahu Jupiter Saturn
Y 5 6 10 7 18 16 19
M 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Age from Birth 6 12 22 29 47 63
Age to 6 12 22 29 47 63 72
Bukthi for the timing of events: 1. In the 32nd year the native will be marrying for the 2nd time. 32nd year he will be running Rahu dasa. Rahu dasa starts when he is 28 years 1 month. Rahu bukthi will be over when he is 30 years 9 months and 12 days (31 st year). So the next Antara of Jupiter will be running in his 32 nd year. Let us see the relationship of Rahu and Jupiter in the chart. Both are placed in Lagna and hence aspecting the 7th house. Jupiter is also lord of 9th house. Venus, karaka as well as lord of the 7th house and 2nd house is placed in a Kendra but has no connection with Jupiter or Rahu. But Capricorn has the nakshatras Dhanishta, Satabishang and Purvabhadra ruled by Mars, Rahu and Jupiter respectively. So, Venus must be in any of these three nakshatras more probable would be Satabishang or Purvabhadra to get a relationship between Rahu or Jupiter. 2. In 17th Year Moon dasa, Saturn bukthi the native will increase his land holdings on account of which he will be wealthy. (Verse 35) Readers may refer to Jataka Parijata, Chapter XII, Verse 111 which reads:
“If the lords of the 4th, 9th, 11th and the 2nd bhavas be related to the Lagna in some way and have strength, they will in their dasa periods, respectively lead to the acquisition of a kingdom, good fortune, accession of wealth and property.” Here we find that the lord of the 4th house Moon, lord of the 9th house Jupiter are related to Lagna being placed in the Lagna itself. Added to this Lagna Lord Mars is also placed in Lagna. The dispositor of the 2 nd lord Venus is Saturn. Though he is placed in the 6th house, there is an exchange between Mercury (Saturn’s dispositor) as well as 11 th lord who happens to be Saturn. So for all practical purposes we can say that Saturn is in Aquarius from where he can aspect the Lagna. Hence, no doubt the native will become wealthy by accumulation of lands and property. 3. In his 46th year his brother will go separate. The property will be divided equally into 3 parts. (Verse 36) Rahu dasa is from age 29 to 47. In 46th year Mars bukthi must be running. Quarrel and confusion among brothers, their ruin, waste of wealth, culminating in ranking feud or closing reconciliation and partition and other such events take place according to the nature of the planets associated with those that bring about a breach among the brothers. The planets to be looked into in this regard are the Lagna Lord and the lord of the 3rd bhava or the planet occupying the 3 rd bhava and its karaka. When they are placed in dusthana or inimical places such things happen. In this chart Mars, the Lagna Lord is placed in Lagna itself but with the association of Rahu. The 3rd lord Mercury is in the 11th house and is combust. The 3rd from the 3rd i.e. the 6th is also indicative of siblings which is tenanted by Saturn and aspects the 3rd house. Saturn has exchanged house with Mercury. Lord of Lagna Mars treats the third lord Mercury as enemy where as for Mercury Mars is neutral. For a movable Lagna 11 th house is the badhakasthana. So the Lagna lord as well as karaka for siblings Mars is weak on account of association with Rahu and the 3rd lord Mercury is in a Badhaka place leading to the partition among brothers. 4. Verse 40 and 41 speak about the time of death of native’s father. One rishi says it will be when the native is of 30 years old and the other rishi is of the opinion that it will be in his 20th year. It is given that at the age of 30 when the native is running Rahu dasa Mars Antardasa his father will die. From the table we find that Rahu dasa starts when the native is of 29 years old. So at the age 0f 30 he will be running Rahu dasa Rahu Antardasa and not Mars Antardasa as stated in the verse. Moon Dasa will start at 11 years and 1 month. Antaras in Moon dasa are: Moon-10 months, Mars-7 montha, Rahu-18 months,
Jupiter-16 months, Saturn-19 months, Mercury-17 months, Ketu 7 months which will total upto 94 months or 7 years and 10 months and at the end of Mercury Antardasa he will be 18 years 11 months. Venus Antara will be from 18 Years 11 months to 20 years 7 months followed by Sun Antara which will end 21 years 1 month. Venus Antara in Moon dasa will be operative for the native in his 20 th year. For the 9th house Moon is lord of 8th house of longevity placed in the 5 th house (from 9th house along with a host of planets) and Venus is lord of 6th and 11th and placed in the 2 nd house of Maraka. From Karaka Sun Moon is placed in the 3rd house of longevity and Venus is placed in the 12 th house of exit. On the other hand Rahu is placed in the 5 th house and is in the 3rd from karaka Sun. So the Moon-Venus dasa-Antardasa period seems more logical to bring about the death of the father. But the rishi gives an explanation that since the karaka Sun is with Mercury death will not happen at that time. The reason given is that the 5th house lord is in the 11th house. Why the rishi stated like that? Is it because of the exchange of houses between Saturn and Mercury by which Mercury goes to its Moolatrikona house and becomes a Kendra lord for the 9th house of father? Futher the Antardasa as stated in the verse also needs to be confirmed. Hence I leave this to the readers to decide. 5. Mother will die in his 38th year. The Dasa-Antardasa of the native at this time would be Rahu Dasa. (Verse 42) Antardasa From (Yr-mnth-Dt) To (Yr-mnth-Dt) Rahu 28-01–0 (29) 30-09-12 (31) Jupiter 30-08-12 (31) 33-01-06 (34) Saturn 33-01-06 (34) 35-11-12 (36) Mercury 35-11-12 (36) 38-06-0 (39) So at the age of 38 he will be running Mercury Antardasa. Lord of 4th house Moon is weak due to the conjunction of Rahu as Rahu wherever he is placed takes away the powers of all other planets conjoined with him. Mercury is the 3 rd lord of longevity and 12th lord of exit for the mother reckoned from the 4 th house and is placed in the 8th house of longevity and there is also an exchange between the 3rd and the 8th lords. Hence it is evident that Mercury becomes the firat rate maraka for mother. 6. Native will die in his 67th year. (Verse 42). The dasa running will be that of Saturn. Let us work out the Antar dasa. Antardasa From (Yr-mnth-Dt) To (Yr-mnth-Dt) Saturn 62-01–0 (63) 65-01-03 (66) Mercury 65-01-03 (66) 67-09-12 (34) The Antardasa of Mercury will kill the native. See the effect of the exchange of houses between Saturn and Mercury. Saturn being placed in the 6th house might be responsible for the death. He is also the Badhaka lord. Mercury is owner of 3 rd house of longevity and 6th house of diseases. Placemen is in a Badhaka house. Hence the effect.
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