SAP VMS Vehicle Management System QPSM240203A

May 29, 2016 | Author: Jay Saji Kulathakal | Category: Types, Brochures
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QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 24th February, 2003 Meeting commenced: 2.05 p.m. " ended: 5.10 p.m. PRESENT:

Councillor Dawson - in the Chair Councillors Boyd, E. Burgoyne, Dobbs, Garrido, Hincks, Jolley, Kean and Memory Councillor Antrobus attended the meeting in relation to the item detailed in Minute 78 below


APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors J. Holt, Hulmes and Morris.


SAP SYSTEM - FEEDBACK FROM DIRECTORATES The Director of Personnel and Performance submitted a report which detailed the responses of Directorates to a questionnaire which had been sent out seeking their views and experiences with regard to the operation of the City Council’s SAP System. The report indicated that the following key areas of concern had been identified by the questionnaire, and these formed the basis of the debate at the meeting, (to which representatives of all Directorates were in attendance), in which they were discussed further, and the observations and comments, as listed below each theme, were made. Councillor Jim Dawson hoped that the discussion would be as open as possible, and the Committee would then consider all the points raised, with a view to developing a way forward. 

Reports  the system is more of an accountancy tool, rather than an aid to management.  much of the information contained within the system is inaccurate with the result that the reports produced are to.  the system does not allow for the production of reports in a format which is suitable for the needs of individual Directorates i.e. they are not user friendly.  it was felt that a central section charged with producing the reports and information required by directorates may have advantages, but would be negated by the fact that there would be delay, as information could no longer be accessed directly at source by the directorate(s) concerned.  directorates are not aware of the full capabilities of the SAP System.

Structural/Organisational Chart  currently difficult for directorates to monitor staff movements, this problem could be addressed by allowing managers to input directly into the SAP


system. 

Attendance Management Policy  the current system does not provide all the information directorates require, at least not in a user friendly format.  a standard access programme needs to be developed, so as to ensure that all information, in relation to the recording of employee absence, inputted into the SAP System is accurate.  access database currently used by Environmental Services Directorate leads to a duplication of inputting, measures need to be taken to link this to SAP system.

Secondary Employment  the input and retrieval of data with regard to this area continues to cause difficulties, particularly with regard to the Education and Leisure Directorate where staff costs can be split between the directorate and individual schools, as the system currently only allows for a single permanent payroll code.

VMS (Vehicle Management System) Purchasing  problems still continue to be experienced with this element of the system, and there is a need to clarify the roles and responsibilities of staff throughout the structure.

Training  need to continue the practice of providing regular updates on the intranet advising users of the full capabilities of the SAP System, so optimum benefits can be achieved, also need to encourage directorates to access and make use of this information.  need to provide training tailored to the specific needs of the different levels of users of the system.

Inputting  need to eliminate any duplication of effort, through clear identification of roles and responsibilities.

Staffing  need to liaise with other local authorities operating the SAP System with a view to sharing experiences and best practice.  need to examine the number of staff currently dedicated to the operation of the system, and whether this needs to be increased to achieve optimum results.

Promotion of the Internet Site  this promotion needs to continue, but to be backed up by regular newsletters for those who do not have access to the internet.

Future Developments - Involvement of Directorates


investigations to be made into the creation of user groups, in which all directorates are to be encouraged to take an active part.

AGREED: (1) THAT the Director of Personnel and Performance be requested to submit a report at the next meeting highlighting the key priorities arising from the discussion held today, and as summarised above, together with a proposed action plan aimed at moving things forward. (2) THAT Councillor Antrobus and the Director of Corporate Services be invited to attend the next meeting of the Committee to be held on 24 th March, 2003, in respect of the report detailed in (1) above. 79.

WORKPLAN 2002/03 Submitted the Committee’s Workplan for 2002/03. AGREED:

(1) THAT the Committee’s Workplan 2002/03 be noted.

(2) THAT the Cabinet’s recommendations with regard to the methodology and costs involved with best value reviews be referred back to this Committee for consideration. (3) THAT consideration of the merger of the former Chief Executive’s and Personnel Directorates be deferred until the meeting of the Committee to be held on 28th April, 2003.


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