
July 24, 2018 | Author: meddebyounes | Category: Invoice, Subroutine, Cheque, Technology, Computing
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Service Order Processing Manual Instructions and Specifications th

(Ryan Niu, Nov. 20  2007) MSN: [email protected]

Revision history Version 1.0

Date DD/MM/YY 2007.11.20

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Reason for change

Ryan. Niu

First draft




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Table of contents Business Business scenario scenario ....................................................................................................... - 3 Task 1: 1: Sales Sales document document type type ...................................................................................... - 3 Task 2: Delivery Delivery and and transport transport scheduling scheduling .................................................................. - 5 Task 3: Item: Item: consumabl consumablee material material ............................................................................. - 5 Task 4: Copying Copying control control ............................................................................................. - 7 Task 5: Servi Service ce Item................................................................................................... - 8 Task 6: Partner Partner Function............................................................................................. Function............................................................................................. - 8 Task 7: Output.......................................................................................................... Output.......................................................................................................... - 12 Task 8: Custom Customer er master master record ............................................................................... - 17 Task 9: Material Material master recordrecord- Service Service material...................................................... - 18 Task 10: Servi Service ce order.............................................................................................. - 20 Task 11: Delivery..................................................................................................... Delivery..................................................................................................... - 21 Task 12: Bill Billing........................................................................................................ ing........................................................................................................ - 21 -


Business scenario Your company offers maintenance and repair services for computer equipment. To do this, your staff sometimes visits your customer’s site. The Service Management (SM) component is not used by your company. One of your customers informs you by telephone that they are having problems with their  computer. An experienced employee decides that the problem has to be solved by a technician at the site and decides which spare parts they will need. The technician is automatically informed. He owns a ‘spare parts’ tool box which he fills by taking parts from the warehouse. The order confirmation contains the service (for example, technician category, hours taken) and a reminder that the dollar amount of the invoice depends on the time taken and cost of the repair. Any unused parts are returned to the warehouse. The technician then enters the materials he used, the time the repair took, and traveling expenses (for example, taxi and hotel) in an overview sheet. This sheet is used to create an invoice for the customer.

Task 1: Sales document type Set up the sales document t ype ZSOR Service Order by copying standard type OR.


1. Copy the reference OR standard order and use the same copying controls. a)  IMG-> Sales and Distribution-> Sales-> Sales Documents-> Sales  Document Header -> Define Sales Document Types-> Select sales  document type OR-> Button: Copy 2. Prevent external number assignment. a) No. range ext. assg., Blank 3. Prevent the system from reading the customer-material info records. a) Read info record field : Blank 4. Deactivate the settings for credit limit checks. a) Check credit limit field : Blank b) Contract messages field : Blank 5. Deactivate the checks for open quotations and contracts. a) Quotation messages field: Blank Contract messages field: Blank 6. Set billing block 02 No completion confirmation . a) Billing block  field: 02 Compl. Confirmation missing 7. Deactivate the settings for payment card processing. a) Payment guarantee procedure  field: Blank Payment card plan type  field: Blank


Checking group field : Blank

8. Use the current date as the requested delivery item. a)  Lead time in days field: Blank

Task 2: Delivery and transport scheduling 1. Deactivate delivery and transportation scheduling for the new sales document type ZSOR. a) IMG->Sales and Distribution-> Basic Functions-> Delivery Scheduling an d  Transportation scheduling-> Define Scheduling by Sales Document Type  DlvSchedlg field : Blank TranspSch field : Blank

Task 3: Item: consumable material 1. When you enter consumable materials, the system does not run an availability check, there is no transfer of requirements and p icking is not necessary. However, you do need to post goods issue in order to update inventory management. Since the delivery quantity (goods issue quantity) is the same as the order quantity, you can invoice these items using order-related billing, like service ite ms. This means that you can invoice the customer for all the items in the sales docu ment without any further processing. a) Create a new item category, ZSTN as a copy of item category TAN . b) Configure the item category so that order-related billing is made. Deactivate the Credit Management function.

Relevant for billing field: B Relevant for order-related billing- Status according  to order quantity Credit active field: Blank


c) Configure the system so that it finds the new item category ZSTN for materials in item category group NORM in the service order. Do not permit any other item categories.  IMG-> Sales and Distribution-> Sales-> Sales Documents-> Sales Document  Item-> Assign Item Categories

2. Change the schedule line category assignment so that the system finds schedule line category CN for consumable materials such as T-ATO01  (Plant:1200) in IDES. MRP type is VM for material T-ATO01.  IMG-> Sales and Distribution-> Sales-> Sales Documents-> Schedule lines->  Assign schedule line categories.


All materials that contain MRP type VM in the material master are assigned to schedule line category CN.  Entry: ZSTN VM CN  All materials that do not contain MRP type in the material master are assigned to schedule line category CN.  Entry: ZSTN blank CN  3. Deactivate the picking-relevant indicator for item category ZSTN in the delivery item category.  IMG->Logistics Execution-> Shipping-> Deliveries-> Define Item Categories for  Deliveries

Task 4: Copying control You need to configure your copying control so that you can create an order-related billing document for item category ZSTN in sales document type ZSOR.

Note: Go to copying control for billing documents and choose process Sales document   ZSOR->Billing document F2 and branch to item step. Copy the entry for item category  TAD to item category  ZSTN.


Task 5: Service Item Configure your sales document type ZSOR so that item category TAD Services is automatically assigned to items with services (materials form item category group DIEN).

Task 6: Partner Function 1. If you need a technician to carry out the repair, you need to record this information in the service order. The technician sho uld then be informed  automatically by mail when he or she is needed. Set up the necessary partner  controls to allow this to happen.  IMG-> Sales and Distribution-> Basic Functions-> Partner Determination-> Setup Partner Determination

2. Define a new partner function 8F with description PC technician.  Set up Partner Determination for Sales Document Header-> Double-click  Partner Function folder-> Button: New Entries  Function: 8F  Description: PC technician  Partner type: KU


3. Define a new partner determination procedure ZSTA with description Service  procedure ZSTA for sales documents and copy the following partner functions in to this procedure. SP Sold-to Party BP Bill-to Party PY Payer  SH Ship-to Party 8F PC technician

Specify all partners as mandatory.

4. Assign procedure ZSTA to your sales document type ZSTA. a) -> Partner procedures assignment folder  Change entry: sales document type ZSTA-> procedure ZSTA Save


5. Define new Account Group Z001-PC technician.  IMG-> Financial Accounting-> Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable-> Customer Accounts-> Master Data-> Preparations for Creating Customer Master  Data-> Define Account Groups with Screen Layout ( Customers)

6. Assign Number Ranges to Customer Account Group Z001.  IMG-> Financial Accounting-> Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable-> Customer Accounts-> Master Data-> Preparations for Creating Customer Master  Data-> Assign Number Ranges to Customer Account Groups

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7. Set Up Partner Determination for Customer Master   IMG-> Sales and Distribution-> Basic Functions-> Partner Determination-> Setup  Partner Determination 

Set Up Partner Determination for Customer Master, double click.

8. Create PC technician mater record with Account group Z001.

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9. PC technician in Sales order header  Here input PC technician number 5982, Enter.

Task 7: Output 1. The PC technician entered in your service order should automatically receive a mail telling him or her when they are needed. This output should be created when you save the sales order and appear automatically as mail in the emplo yee’s office inbox. a)  IMG->Sales and Distribution-> Basic Functions-> Output Control-> Output Determination-> Output Determination Using the Condition Technique 2. Create an output type. To do this, copying output type MAIL from standard SAP system with all its dependent entries.

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3. Maintain appropriate default values for the output master records for output type  ZM00. -> Maintain output types-Button: Change  Details of output type->Tab page: Default values Transm. Medium: 7 SAP office Partner function: 8F PC technician Time: 4 Send immediately 4. Create the relevant mail data in the output type. Document title: Service Mail##  Mail text  You have a repair order. Customer: &VBAK-KUNNR& Order: &VBAK-VBELN& Good luck!

- 13 -

5. Assign output type ZM00 to partner function 8F Select output type ZM00  Dialog structure: Partner function  Button: New Entries   Medium: 7(SAP office)   Function: 8F(PC technician) Confirm your entries with Enter and Save the data.

6. Make sure you have assigned a suitable processing program to output type ZM00. Select output type ZM00 Dialog structure: Processing routines Program:   RSNASTSO Form routine:  SAPOFFICE_AUFRUF_VX

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7. Include the output in output determination procedure V1000 for orders at step 60+11. Set condition 2.

Requirement 2 means that output ZM00 is only activated in the document when the document is complete. For example, if the PC technician has been defined as a mandatory partner, the output is only activated in the document if a valid personnel number has assigned to partner  function 8F in the sales document.

8. Create a master record for the new output. Use the default values from the condition record. a) Create a master record for the new output.  Logistics-> Sales and Distribution-> Master Data-> Output-> Sales  Document-> Create-> Output type: ZM00

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 b) Use default values form the condition record. -> Return Language: maintain DE

9. When your PC technician receives the automatic mail about the customer visit, he should be able to go directly from the mail to the sales document so that he can obtain all the information he needs for the visit. To do this, save the relevant communication data in the master record for output type ZM00. Button: Communication Confirm the dialog for the phantom recipient with Yes. In the Phantom recipient line, activate the Express mail  field.

Menu: Go to-> Execution parameters Execution category: T (Execute a transaction) Execution element: VA03 (Display sales document) Activate field: Execute: Skip first screen

SET/GET parameter: AUN (Parameter ID of the transaction in which the do cument number is set) VBAK-VBELN (Sales document number)

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Task 8: Customer master record Customer T-L63A01 places an order for repairing computer equipment.

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Task 9: Material master record- Service material Change the item category group of your material T-ATP01 to DIEN (service material) in sales view 2.  Logistics-> Sales and Distribution-> Master Data-> Products -> Material-> Services-> Change

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Task 10: Service order 1. Enter a text item that documents the repair. In the Description field, enter the text PC repairs.

Partner function 8F- PC technician at sales order item level

2. Once you have finished the repairs, you enter the service provided in the order. Your technician has installed a new monitor. Set the requested delivery date to one week from today. Material: T-ATP01 (1 hour) Material: T-ATO01 (1 unit)

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Task 11: Delivery Deliver the service order 

Task 12: Billing Bill the service order with billing type F2. Remove billing block in sales order first.

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Condition type R100 exists in pricing procedure, that’s why serviece net value is 0. we can deactive this 100% discount.

Sales document flow from sales order view.

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