
July 24, 2018 | Author: meddebyounes | Category: Invoice, Specification (Technical Standard), Business, Business (General)
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Sale order How Sales Documents are Controlled During Customizing for Sales and Distribution, your system administrator defines various types of data for controlling the processing of sales documents. Data is defined on three different levels: •

 According to sales document type

 According to item category

 According to schedule line category

 At sales document document level, for example, you you can specify whether whether a credit credit chec taes taes place for a particular type of document. !n addition, you can specify whether a document is automatically bloced and must first be reviewed before it can be processed further "a re#uest for a credit memo, for example$.  At item category category level, you can can specify, specify, for example, example, whether whether an item item category is relevant relevant for delivery or billing. %he item categories used in a #uotation, for example, would not be relevant for delivery or billing. &inally, schedule line categories can be defined according to how you want '() re#uirements and the availability chec to be carried out.

0utline agreements


(ush order


uantity contract


'aintenance contract


(ental contract


Scheduling agreement


Credit memo re#uest


Debit memo re#uests


&ree of charge subse#uent deliveries


0utline agreements


(ush order


uantity contract


'aintenance contract


(ental contract


Scheduling agreement


Credit memo re#uest


Debit memo re#uests


&ree of charge subse#uent deliveries


General data •

Can the document be entered only with reference to a preceding document7 Should the existing customermaterial info record be taen into consideration7

Shipping data •

3hich delivery type should the delivery resulting from the order have7

Should delivery scheduling be carried out7

Should transportation scheduling be carried out7

Should a delivery bloc be set automatically for a specific reason7 &or example, a delivery bloc may be appropriate for a freeofcharge delivery. 6ou can define shipping conditions for a sales document type. %hese are copied into the document regardless of what is defined in the customer master record.


Screen se-uence groups


'loc%s for each sales document type


Order types


easons for re+ection


0sage indicator 


ssignments to the different organi2ational units


3. Setting general SD functions )ou have to configure a number of general SD functions for sales document types. )ou can, for example, perform a certain type of pricing for each sales document type. 3n this case, process the sales document type and the pricing independently and allocate the re-uired document pricing procedure for pricing to the sales document type. )ou can also propose your o&n output for each sales document type. To do this, allocate your o&n output types and output determination procedures to the sales document type. )ou have finished defining a sales document type &hen you have processed the follo&ing general SD functions: 4ricing o

)ou can test your ne& sales document types in respect to the settings made &ithout having to edit the other settings. hen copying sales document types, item categories and schedule line categories, the S4 5# System automatically creates a log &ith the copied data. 0sing the log, you can chec% &hether all of the copied data applies to your sales document type or &hether you need to ma%e changes.

Actions 1. 3f you need to ma%e further changes, you should define ne& sales document types. To do this, you enter an alphanumeric %ey &ith a maximum of four characters for a sales document type and a textual description for the %ey. ". 7aintain the specifications on the detail screen according to your re-uirements.

Item ategory !tem categories are defined to provide additional control functions for the sales documents and thus meet the demands resulting from the different business transactions. A separate control is defined for each of these item categories. &or example, the functions of a standard item are completely different from those of a freeofcharge item or a text item. %he following graphic shows some of the item categories which are defined in the standard version of the SA) (*+ System. &or instance, the first example displays the item categories for a standard item in the in#uiry, in the #uotation, and in the sales order.

Billing data •

!s an item relevant for billing7

Should the cost of the item be determined7

!s it a statistical item7 )ricing is carried out for statistical items. 8owever, they are not added to the value of the order, that is, the customer is not charged for them. Should a billing bloc be set automatically for an item7 &or example, this may be important for items whose prices have to be clarified before billing. !s it a returns item7

2.1. Define Item ategories

3n this menu option, you define item categories for sales documents. The item categories that are contained in the standard S4 5# System together &ith the sales document types represent the usual business transactions. )ou have the follo&ing options for defining your o&n item categories:

3f you &ant to create an item category, proceed as follo&s: 1. 8nter an alphanumeric %ey &ith a maximum of four characters. ". 7aintain the respective specifications of the detail screen. #. lso consider the additional functions on item category level and the itemspecific settings in the general sales and distribution functions.


Define Item ategory Groups

2.3. Define Item ategory Group Default #alues $or %aterial Type

!n this menu option, you can enter an item category group for each material type. %his item category group is proposed when you create a material master record of this material type. %he default value can be changed manually in the material master record. %he system determines the item category from the item category group of the material and


Item category group from material master

 A grouping of materials that the system uses to determine item categories during the

2.&. Define Item ategory 'sage

Service item relevant for billing

Service item not relevant for billing

Actions 1. $hec% first &hether you can copy the usages in the standard system. ". 3f necessary, create a ne& item category usage by entering an alphanumeric %ey &ith a maximum of four characters and a description.

2.(. Assign Item ategories

item category of the higherlevel item

item category usage

 /ote The S4 System automatically copies the item category determined for a sales document item to the delivery.

Recommendation Depending on the initial situation you can start the assignment differently: hen you define a ne& sales document type, you should specify the proposed and the allo&ed item categories for the materials that are represented by the item category group. •

hen you define a ne& item category, you should specify for &hich sales document types an item category is proposed or &hich item category is possible for the materials represented by the item category group. hen you define a ne& item category group, you are to enhance the assignment of item categories to sales document types by this ne& item category group.

Actions To define item category determination, proceed, for example, as follo&s: 1. $hoose the sales document type to &hich you &ant to assign item categories. ". Then choose one of the item category groups. #. Specify all the allo&ed item categories for the combination of sales document type and item category group.

Determining the tem Category for Sub!tems Services and rebates in ind can be entered as separate items or can be allocated to other items. An item which is allocated to another one is called a subitem. Determining the item category for subitems depends on the higherlevel item. !f a rebate in ind is allocated to a standard item in a standard order "item category %A-$, the item category %A-- is used for the subitem in the standard version of the SA) (*+ System. %A- is relevant for pricing, %A-- is not. !n this way, the subitem is processed as a freeof charge item.

Schedule "ine Category Control %he various schedule line categories are controlled in different ways: •

%he schedule line A% in in#uiries is used only for information. -o re#uirements are passed on and no availability chec is carried out for the schedule lines 1- and C-. (e#uirements are passed on and the availability of the material is checed for the schedule lines 1) and C). -o stocs are managed for the schedule line categories 1%, C% and C;. -o goods issue is posted for the categories 1% and C%. 8owever, goods issue is posted for C;. %he schedule line categories 12 and C2 are controlled in the same manner as the categories 1- and C-. 8owever, re#uirements can be passed on for analysis purposes. /oods receipt is posted for the schedule line D- in a returns document.

%he schedule line categories C-, C), C%, and C2 are relevant for delivery the other schedule line categories are not.

%he SA) System can only copy items of a sales document to a delivery if they have schedule lines. %he control of the schedule lines depends on the schedule line category. %he following menu options describe how you define schedule line categories or adapt them to the re#uirements of your organization. 6ou must process the following points to do this: )ou must define schedule line categories or adapt them to your re-uirements. •


)ou must allocate the schedule line categories to the item categories depending on the 74 type. 3f necessary, you must define schedule line types for scheduling agreements.

Define Schedule *ine ategories

3n this menu option, you neither stipulate specifications for the re-uirement5planning types for the availability chec% nor for incompleteness. )ou edit these functions later on in the respective menu options. This means that the definition of a schedule line category is only completed once you have also edited these menu options. 3n this menu option, you must ma%e or chec% the follo&ing specifications:

Schedule line category The schedule line category is has an alphanumeric %ey &ith a maximum of t&o characters as &ell as a textual description.

Business data •

Delivery bloc% 

hen you define a delivery bloc% for a schedule line category, this specification is copied to the schedule line. The schedule line is then bloc%ed for all delivery types that are allocated to this delivery bloc%. 3nformation on the assignment of delivery bloc%s to delivery types can be found in the section +Define ,loc-ing reasons in Shipping+. 7ovement type ;ere, you specify a movement type for posting -uantities and changes in value to inventory accounting. The movement type is only relevant to items or schedule lines &hich result in a stoc% movement. 3t is not relevant, for example, for: in-uiry items o o

-uotation items


order items &ithout inventory management


type of document category

t the moment, only purchase re-uisitions can be created automatically.

Transaction procedure •

3ncompletion procedure The incompletion procedure that you enter here, specifies &hich fields must be completed  by the user.  corresponding entry is created in the incompletion log for fields that are not filled during document processing.

Recommendation •

3f you define your o&n schedule line categories, the %eys should start &ith the letter 6 since S4 leaves this range free in the standard system. 3f you define your o&n schedule line categories, you should copy similar schedule line categories that are defined by S4 and ma%e the appropriate changes. 3n this case, all the specifications of the already existing schedule line category are copied, including the allocation to the item categories. 3n particular, the data for example concerning incompleteness, the availability chec% and document flo&, &hich you do not edit in this menu option, is copied. 3n this &ay, you can test your ne& schedule line categories in respect to the settings that have been made &ithout having to edit the other menu options. hen copying sales document types, item categories and schedule line categories, the S4 System automatically creates a log &ith the copied data. 0sing the log, you can chec% &hether all the copied data applies to your schedule line category or &hether you must ma%e changes.


Assign Schedule *ine ategories

Actions 1. ssign the schedule line categories to the item categories depending on the 74 type. 3n this case, indicate the schedule line categories that are to be proposed during document entry. ". 3f necessary, specify schedule line categories &ith &hich the automatically determined schedule line category can be over&ritten in the document.

Appendi A,,r. 3/



Sales Document type 3n-uiry


A,,r. */ *// *$ *< *T< ?/

Item category Standard 3tem *ree of $harge 3tem $onfiguration 3n-uiry 3tem Text 3tem Standard 3tem

Standard order

?// ?< ?$ ?T< T/

*ree of $harge 3tem >uotation 3tem =ariant $onfiguration Text 3tem Standard 3tem

T// T4 T> T O $S $*

ush order   $ash sales order $onsignment fillup

'=/ B'/

*ree of $harge 3tem 8xtent delivered 8xtent delivered =alue 3tem 同 O  $ash Sales 3tem $onsignment *illup


$onsignment issue


$onsignment 3ssue


$onsignment pic%up


$onsignment 4ic%up

$ $D

$onsignment return Deliv.*ree of $harge

B/ B/ B< BS

$onsignment eturns *ree of $harge 3tem *ree of $harge 3tem *.O.$ /onstoc% 3tem


et. 4ac%age. Shipment

A,,r. T

Schedule line category

A,,r. 

%o"ement type

同 */ T T T '/ '=

     同 ?/

'T '/ '/ $= $/ $4 $T $T

8A 81 $A $1 *A *1 DA $< $S $< $' 8"

$onsumption 74 /o 74 Deterministic 74 同 T/ /o inv.mgmt5no ?ds3s 同 T/ /o inv.mgmt5no ?ds3s 同 O  同 T/ StoTranTo$ons.&5o $ StoTranTo$ons. &. $ $onsgt3ssue5&5o v$h $onsgt3ssue5&. v$h. $ons4ic%up &5o v$h $ons4ic%up &. v$h $onsignment eturns 同 T/ /o inventory mgmt eg /o inventory mgmt 3ndiv.4urchase Order StoTranet4c%.&5o $

   @A1 @A1 @A1

?D goods issue: delvy ?D goods issue: delvy ?D goods issue: delvy

 

@#1 @#1 @## @## @#" @#" @#

?3 consgmt: lending ?3 consgmt: lending ?3 iss: cust.consgmt ?3 iss: cust.consgmt ?3 consgmt:ret.delvy ?3 consgmt:ret.delvy ?3 rcpt:cust.consgmt

   @A1 @"1

?D goods issue: delvy ?3 ret.pac%.:lending

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