SAP Revenue Recognition

March 14, 2017 | Author: Deepak Gupta | Category: N/A
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Revenue Recognition Guide Ratings: (0)|Views: 3,635|Likes: 10 Published by svjagdishj More info: Published by: svjagdishj on Feb 28, 2012 Copyright:Attribution Non-commercial Availability: Read on Scribd mobile: iPhone, iPad and Android. Free download as PDF, DOCX, TXT or read online for free from Scribd Flag for inappropriate content|Add to collection See More See less Revenue Recognition The specific conditions under which income becomes realized asrevenue. Generally, revenue is recognized only when a specificcritical event has occurred and the amount of revenue ismeasurable . Income is recognized as revenue whenever the company delivers itsproduct or service and receives payment for it. However, there areseveral situations in which exceptions may apply The revenue recognition

principle is a cornerstone of accrual accountingtogether withmatching principle. T h ey bo t h de te r m i ne t he accounting period, i n w h i c h revenuesandexpensesare r e co g ni ze d. A c co r di ng to t h e p r i n ci pl e, r ev e nue s a r e r e co g n i z ed w h e n t h ey a r e r ea l i s e d o r realisable, and are earned (usually when goods are transferred or services rendered), no matter when cash is received. Incash accounting– in contrast – revenues are recognized when cash isreceived no matter when goods or services are sold.Cash can be received in an earlier or later period than obligations are met (when goods or services are delivered) and related revenues are recognized that results in the following two typesof accounts: • Accrued revenue: Revenue is recognized before cash is received. • Deferred revenue: Revenue is recognized after cash is received.SAP’s revenue recognition functionality enables you to post the billing documents and recognizerevenue at different points in time. In the regular process, SAP recognizes revenue as soon as the billing document is posted to accounting. The receivables account (customer account) and therevenue accounts are posted with this transaction. However, certain business scenarios requirer e v e n ue to be r e co g ni ze d e i t h er bef o r e o r a f t er t h e i nv o i c e ha s be e n c r e a t e d. T he r ev e n u e recognition function provides a separate transaction (VF44) to trigger the recognition of revenue.Here, two additional G/L accounts come into play: the deferred revenue and Accrued revenue(unbilled receivables accounts). If you bill the customer first and recognize revenue at a later point, the amount is classified as deferred revenue i n th e i nt er i m. On t h e o t he r h a nd, i f t h e business requires you to recognize revenue periodically but bill the customer later, then theamount is kept in the

unbilled receivables account.Suppose you have to bill the customer first and recognize revenue later. Here’s what will happen: 1. The billing document is posted : The receivables account and the deferred revenue accountare updated. Thus, you are billing the customer but not realizing the revenue yet. 2. The revenue recognition is posted : This offsets the deferred revenue account with therevenue account. The revenue recognition is thus completed. Revenue Recognition Process The revenue recognition process has several variations. To discuss the process flow, we’ll present a simple example. Suppose a customer has purchased a oneyear warranty from Galaxyfor a specific musical instrument. The customer has to be billed up front, but the revenue has to be recognized on a monthly basis over the life of the contract. This is an example of time-basedrevenue recognition with up-front billing. In this example, you’d set up a service contract in SAP specifying the start and end dates. Youwould also create a billing document with reference to the contract using VF01.When it comes to revenue recognition, the system uses the contract start and end dates to createequal “buckets” in which the revenue will be recognized. If the customer is billed for $1,200, therevenue recognized per period will be $100 each, for 12 months.The transaction that triggers the revenue recognition is VF44 . You can access it from

SAP Menu ➢ Logistics ➢ Sales and Distribution ➢ Billing ➢ Revenue Recognition ➢ Edit Revenue List . The selection screen of VF44 . In this case, we have specified the contract document number andthe posting period as the entire life of the contract. The details are displayed. The Revenues datai s d i s p l a y e d i n t h e u p pe r w i n do w , a nd t he Co ntr o l Li n es d a t a a p p ea r s i n th e l o w e r o n e. T he Control Lines record contains information such as the total value of the contract. The Recog.Rev. field shows the total revenue recognized until date. Unrec. Rev. is the balance, which is anunrecognized component. In this case, the customer has been invoiced for $1,200. The revenuehas been deferred; hence, the unrecognized revenue is $1,200. Revenue recognition, post revenue selection screenRevenue recognition work list The Revenues list shows the revenue amounts that would be recognized in the selected posting period. Since in this example we are checking data for

the entire life of the contract, we can see12 revenue buckets spread over the posting periods. The Year/Per. field shows the posting perioda n d y e a r . I n every period, revenue will be recognized in equal a m o u n t s ( $ 1 0 0 ) . T h e corresponding G/L accounts appear in the list. In this example, suppose at the end of first period,t he us er s e l e c ts th e f i r s t l i n e (f o r per i o d 20 0 9/ 0 01 ) a n d cl i c k s Co l l e c ti v e P r o ce s s i ng . T h ea c co un ti ng do c um e nt i s g e n er a t ed , a n d r e v e n ue i s r e co g ni z e d t o t he ex t e nt o f t h e a mo u nt specified.The accounting entries that are made at every step of the process.The amount billed ($1,200) is placed in the deferred revenue account. Each month, a revenuer e co g ni ti o n en tr y i s m a de f o r $ 10 0. It u p da te s t he r ev e n u e a c co u n t a nd o f f s ets t he d ef er r e d r e v e n u e a c c o u n t . T h i s p r o c e s s c o n t i n u e s e v e r y p e r i o d u n t i l t h e t o t a l r e v e n u e h a s b e e n recognized. Accounting view, deferred revenue scenario. If there is a mistake in recognizing revenue, you can cancel the e ntry using transaction VF46. F o l l o w t he p a t h SAP Menu ➢ Logistics ➢ Sales and Distribution ➢ Billing ➢

RevenueRecognition ➢ Maintain Cancellation List (transaction code VF46) .You can derive a revenue report using transaction VF45. It lists all the details related to a givensales document. You can check all the revenue documents and cancellation documents that have been posted over a period of time. It is possible to display the accounting documents that have been created. You can access this report using the path SAP Menu ➢ Logistics ➢ Sales AndDistribution ➢ Billing ➢ Revenue Recognition ➢ Revenue Report (transaction code VF45).This was a simple example of a revenue recognition process. There can be other variations as well. For example, you can use sales orders with billing plans instead of contracts. In this case,the billing plan dates control the revenue postings. Another variation is when the revenue is to ber e co g ni ze d bef o r e t h e cus to me r i s b i l l e d. C o ns i der t he ex a m p l e o f G a l a x y ’s w a r r a nt y . A variation could be that the customer is not billed up front but instead billed quarterly, as per a billing plan attached to the contract. The revenue will be recognized in each period. At the end of first period, revenue of $100 is recognized, but it has not

been billed yet. In this case, it updatesthe Unbilled A/R account. The accounting entries for this variation of the process. Accounting view, unbilled A/R scenario Now let’s turn to service-based revenue recognition. In this case, the revenue recognition istriggered by a specific event, such as posting a goods issue. Suppose a customer has placed anorder with Galaxy for some musical instruments. As per the delivery schedule, some instrumentsare to be delivered in the first quarter of the year, and others in the second. The customer will besent a combined invoice at the end. Whenever a delivery is created and a goods issue is posted,y o u ca n tr i g g e r th e r e co g ni ti o n o f r ev e n u e. T hi s e ns ur es th a t r ev e n u e i s r eco g ni ze d i n e a c h financial quarter, although the customer is billed at a later point in time. Set Up Revenue Recognition Configuring revenue recognition requires close coordination with your finance team and SAPFI/CO expert. Since it is complex functionality, it is not open for configuration, and you have tocontact SAP through an OSS message to get it activated. Refer to SAP Service Marketplace OSSnote 779366 for the initial activation. As discussed earlier, the FI/CO experts have to set up G/Laccounts to be used for deferred revenue and unbilled receivables. SAP Service MarketplaceOSS note 777996 provides detailed guidance on the setup of these accounts. Once this initialsetup is completed, you can proceed with the steps in the following section. TIP Before you proceed with configuring revenue recognition functionality, please read the SAPS e r v i c e M a r k e t p l a c e O S S n o t e 1 2 5 6 5 2 5 . I t c o n t a i n s a b e s t - p r a c t i c e d o c u m e n t a n d recommendations from SAP. It also covers the process variations and flow diagrams. Be advisedthat the content of the document is frequently updated, and new notes are often released. Pleasesearch for the latest note number in OSS Search before proceeding.

Set Up Revenue Recognition for Item Categories Revenue recognition is controlled at the item category level.To create the settings, follow the path IMG ➢ Sales and Distribution ➢ Basic Functions ➢ Account Assignment/Costing ➢ Revenue Recognition ➢ Set Revenue Recognition for ItemCategories (OVEP). Select the item category that you plan to activate, and go to the details screen. This screen withthe Business Data tab in it. Maintaining item categories for revenue recognition Let’s look at the fields in this screen: Revenue Recognition In this field, specify the type of process you plan to use. In this field, youcan specify the revenue recognition category you are using, such as time-based or service-basedrevenue recognition. Here are the options to choose from:

Time-based revenue recognition (A) Choose this option if your business scenario calls for revenue recognition over a period of time, usually the length of a contract or the duration of aservice. The process starts with a contract document (or sales document with a billing plan). Inthis process, revenue is recognized in equal parts, over the duration of this contract. Service-based revenue recognition (B) in this scenario, you carry out revenue recognition based on an event, such as rendering a service. The process starts with a contract or a sales order.As soon as a goods issue is posted for the delivery or when there is a confirmation of service,you can run VF44 to recognize revenue. It creates an accounting document that posts to theu n b i l l e d r ev e nu e a c co u nt a n d th e r ev e n u e a c co u n t. W he n t he c us to m er i s i nv o i c e d, a no t her accounting document offsets the unbilled account and impacts the receivables account. There can be other variations of this process, such as invoicing first and then recognizing the deferred revenue later. There can also be contracts with call-off orders. In this case, the call-off order will be delivered and billed.Strong>Time-based and invoice-related revenue recognition (D) In this scenario, the recognitionof revenue is done on the basis of an invoice, over a time period. The process is triggered whenthe invoice is created and posted to accounting. The process is similar to a variation of option Ai n w hi c h t he c us to m er i s b i l l e d f i r s t a nd d ef e r r e d r ev e nu e i s r e co g ni ze d l a t er . T h e m a j o r difference is that option A allows you to either bill first or bill later. Option D limits you to billing first. Credit/debit memo revenue recognition with reference to predecessor (F) Choose this option for credit and debit memos created with reference to documents that usedrevenue recognition functionality. The revenue recognition category in the preceding documentshould be either A or B. If the preceding document is A (time based), it is possible to recognizerevenue in the credit/debit memo over the same duration of time as the original document. If it isB (service

based), it is possible to recognize revenue on the basis of a specific event as in theoriginal document. Proposed start date for accrual period This field controls the start of the accrual-posting period. There are two options. Choose the appropriate option depending on your businessrequirements and whether you plan to use contract documents in the process flow. Proposed start date for accrual periodProposal Based On Contract Start Date The contract start date will be used as the accrual startas well. Proposal Based On Billing Plan Start Date Use this option when you want to refer to the billing plan rather than contract dates. Revenue Distribution This field is used to control the distribution of amounts over a certain period. It is used in conjunction with revenue recognition category A (time-based). There arevarious options to control how the total value and correctional value are divided over the periods.A correctional value can arise if, for example, there is a correction in the pricing of an order or contract, after revenue recognition has already been started. In this case, the correctional valuehas to be distributed over the remaining periods for which revenue has not been recognized asyet. Revenue distribution type Using the options, you can specify whether the correctional value is to be divided equally over all posting periods or is to be booked entirely in the first open posting period. Please check onthe exact requirements with your FI/CO expert before making these settings. Revenue Event

This field is used only in the case of revenue recognition category B (servicebased). You can leave this field blank if revenue is not event related. Choose from the events inthe drop-down list. In the case of a third-party business scenario where a vendor directly deliversgoods or services to your customer, you can specify that an event such as an incoming invoice(B) should trigger revenue recognition. The customer acceptance date (C) can be another suchevent. SAP has also provided a business add-in (BADI_SD_REV_REC_PODEV) to definecustom events. Maintain Account Determination In this section, you will specify the G/L accounts to be used for deferred revenue and unbilledreceivables, respectively. Follow the path IMG ➢ Sales And Distribution ➢ Basic Functions ➢ Account Assignment/Costing ➢ Revenue Recognition ➢ Maintain Account Determination ➢ Assign G/L Accounts For Revenue And Deferred Revenue (transaction code VKOA)

. Youcan choose the appropriate table from the list, based on the key combination. In the G/L Accountfield, specify the revenue account. In the Provision Acc. field, specify the deferred revenueaccount.The other setting you need to define is for the unbilled receivables account. Follow the menu path IMG ➢ Sales And Distribution ➢ Basic Functions ➢ Account Assignment/Costing ➢ Revenue Recognition ➢ Maintain Account Determination ➢ Assign Accounts For UnbilledReceivables (transaction code OVUR).Assigning accounts for revenue and deferred revenue For the chart of accounts and reconciliation account, you can specify the unbilled receivablesaccount here. Assigning accounts for unbilled receivables Item Category Settings Besides the revenue recognition–related settings mentioned earlier, you may require other settings for an item category if you are going to use billing plans. In

the definition of the itemcategory, there are fields where you can specify billing relevance and billing plan type.To definethese settings, use the menu path IMG ➢ Sales And Distribution ➢ Sales ➢ Sales Document Item ➢ Define Item Categories (transaction code VOV7).If you want to use a billing plan, set the Billing Relevance field to I. Then specify the type of billing plan from the list. Item category settings for billing relevance and billing plan Choosing billing relevance I for billing plan --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Screenshots of VF44 1. Get Started • SAP menu path Role ZSBM=>Advanced Scheduled=>Monthly Processing=> Deferred RevenueRecognition => VF44 - Revenue Recognition Worklist

• SAP Fast Path At the Command Line, enter: /nVF44

2. Revenue Recognition: process worklist: initial screen A. Fill in Company code, posting period/year, Posting level & Posting date. Company code CUR for main campus Posting period/year Revenue period that you wish to recognize. So if you enter a future posting period youcan recognize the future revenue today. Posting level‘3’ will recognize revenue per sales document item level per posting period. So if you ranfor multiple posting periods, everything would be posted today but with separate FIdocuments. Blank will recognize revenue per sales document. So multiple line items will be posted to a single FI document with multiple line items. Multiple posting periods willnot be distinguished. Posting date The date used for the FI document posting date B. Click Execute

A list of revenue items to be recognized displays, as shown in the next step. 3. Revenue Recognition: process worklist A. Select all the rows of revenue.

To do so, click on the " Select all " button.As a result, a check mark appears in the Stat column of each row, as shown above. B. Click on Save Result: When processing is complete, a log displays, as shown below. 4. (Optional) Revenue Recognition: review documents created A.Select the group (for example, 1000003251 above) and click the "Documents" soft button(shown above). Result : The SD documents created in this run are listed by number, as shown below.

B.Select the document and click on the "Disp.doc." soft butt on (see button with glassesabove). Result

: The original bill is displayed (see below).C.Click on the Accounting soft button (not displayed).The following FI and CO documents appear:D.Select the last accounting document.The following FI document recognizing the revenue appears:

Notice that the revenue account, 800602, has a 833.33 credit and the deferredrevenue liability account, 202001, has a 833.33 debit. E.

Monthly Statement &

Detailed Transaction Report after revenue has beenrecognized from an earlier run of VF44. Monthly Statement: 800602 Sponsored Revenue Recognized is a new G/L Account Detailed Transaction Report Eventually, the CO Document Number will appear below Description. Clicking on theCO Document Number will bring up:Clicking on the Billing Document Number will bring up:

Detailed Transaction Report (after recognized bill cancellation)

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