SAP - PS User Guide

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SAP: Project System




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SAP: Project System

General Login Information    

Double Click on SAP LOGON Icon Select development server of SAP 4.6C Select Client 250 Enter User id & Password

Master Data Requirements            

Controlling Area Company Code Business Area Plant Cost Center   Activity Type Cost Element GL Account Purchasing Organisation Purchasing Group Material Group Profit Center 

Project Management Transactional Steps                 

Project Definition creation WBS Creation Network & Activity creation Component Planning Plant Approval Corporate Planning Approval Budget Creation Board Approval Budget Release WBS Release Purchase order release Procurement cycle starts Production cycle starts Labour hour confirmation Settlement of Cost WBS completion AUC converts to Asset


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SAP: Project System

General Login Information    

Double Click on SAP LOGON Icon Select development server of SAP 4.6C Select Client 250 Enter User id & Password

Master Data Requirements            

Controlling Area Company Code Business Area Plant Cost Center   Activity Type Cost Element GL Account Purchasing Organisation Purchasing Group Material Group Profit Center 

Project Management Transactional Steps                 

Project Definition creation WBS Creation Network & Activity creation Component Planning Plant Approval Corporate Planning Approval Budget Creation Board Approval Budget Release WBS Release Purchase order release Procurement cycle starts Production cycle starts Labour hour confirmation Settlement of Cost WBS completion AUC converts to Asset


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SAP: Project System

Project Definition T h e p r o j e c t d e f i n i t io io n i s t h e b i n d i n g f r a m e w o r k f o r a l l o r g a n i za za t io io n a l e l em em e n t s w i t h i n a p r o j e c t . Yo Yo u c a n a l s o d e f i n e n o n - b i n d i n g s t a r t a n d f i n i s h d a t e s f o r t h e p r o j e c t

Menu Path: Logistics -> Project System -> Project -> Special Maintenance Functions -> Structure Planning -> Work Breakdown Structure -> Project Definition -> Create Transaction: CJ01 This transaction is carried out for the creation of Project Definition by the Coordinator or the NPI office after he receives the approved proposals from the respective cost centers. Person Responsible: Coordinator / NPI Office

Refer to the Project Coding Mask for TATA Motors as explained below


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T.00.X1X2X3. T 00 X1 X2 X 3

Represents projects in Tata Motors Year of Project Commencement e.g. 03 ,04 X1 : C = CVBU ; M = MUV ; K = CAR X2 : A = HCV ; B = MCV ; C = LCV ; D = SUB FOUR TONNE-CUB ; E = BUS-HCV ; F = BUS-MCV ; G = BUS-LCV ; H = ENGINES ; I = TRANSMISSION ; J = AXLE ; K = CAB ; L = SUMO/SPACIO ; M = SAFARI ; N = 207 ; O = INDICA ; P = SEDAN ; Q = ESTATE




X3 : N = NEW GENERATION ; D = DERIVATIVE ; E = ENHANCEMENT ; F = FACELIFT ; U = UPGRADE ; V = VERSION Running Serial number for given project category 001 to 500 = PCBU & CAR 501 to 999 = CVBU Level 1 WBS element serial number – number – to  to be standardized as follows: Characters

Work breakdown

(alternate characters)

001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009

ERC(Inhouse) ERC(Outsource) PE (Inhouse) PE(Outsource) SQIG /ADD Plant and Machinery PO,PP Trials Marketing(Launch) Others(not known)


Level 2 WBS element serial number to be standardized as follows (for PE toolings only) : Characters


Activity (alternate characters) (Toolings reqd for) 01 ENGINE AE 02 GEAR BOX AG 03 BIW AB 04 PRESS/FRAME AF 05 VEH ASSY AV 06 STEERING AS 07 AXLE AA 08 PAINT AP Level 3 WBS element serial number to be standardized as follows (for PE toolings only) : Characters Activity (alternate characters) (Toolings reqd for) 1 Non Foundry toolings N 8 Foundry toolings F

 All projects for TATA Motors will be defined as per above coding mask.  mask.  In TATA Motors WBS can be created up to level 4.


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SAP: Project System

Field Definitions: Field Name



Project def


Project Profile




Enter new project number System help is available to search next available number , using ‘OPEN NUMBER’ Push Button Profile determines which kind of project it is and based on settings fields are displayed on the screen Data will be copied from reference template


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Project Definition Details Screen: Basic Data Tab:

Click here to see the Project Status

Field Definitions: Field Name



Description Start

Yes Yes



Controlling  Area Company Code Business  Area Plant


Enter Project Description Enter Start Date of overall project Enter End Date of overall project Use '0100' for Tata Motors Use '0100' for Tata Motors Based on Location select BA from drop down box Based on Location select

Yes Yes Optional


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Plant from drop down box Profit Center Yes Enter the Correct Profit Center from drop down box Mask ID Optional Free field helps you to search project Factory Optional Select calendar for Calendar location where work is going to get exceeded Enter in all the relevant data.

TATA Motors TAB:

Field Name



Market Classification Project Type Launch Date


Select from Drop Down

No No

Select from Drop Down Enter Launch date


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NPV IRR EVA Life Cycle Volume Pay Back

No No No No

To be put by User To be put by User To be put by User To be put by User


To be put by User

Project Status Management: The current status of a project or an object in a project determines which business t r a n s ac t i o n s c a n b e e x e c u t e d . S t at u s e s d o c u m e n t t h e c u r r e n t p r o c e s s i n g s t a g e o f a n object

When the different stages of the project are completed, the relevant gate status is ticked by the project office.


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Work Breakdown Structure I t i s t h e f u n c t i o n a l b a s i s f o r f u r t h e r p l a n n i n g s t e p s i n a p r o j e c t , f o r e x am p l e , f o r p r o c e s s p l a n n i n g , c o s t p l a n n i n g , s c h e d u l i n g , c a p ac i t y p l a n n i n g o r c o s t i n g a s w e l l a s p r o j e c t s con trol. It gives you a clear picture of the project and facilitates the coo rdination and i m p l e m e n t a t io n o f t h e p r o j e c t f r o m a m a n a g e m e n t s t a n d p o i n t  .

Menu Path: Logistics -> Project Systems -> Project -> Special Maintenance Functions -> Structure Planning -> Change Project Transaction: CJ20 This transaction is carried out by the Project Planner, Coordinator / NPI Office, Department Head for creating WBS for each cost center. Person Responsible: Project Planner, Coordinator / NPI Office, Department Head

Field Name



Project def


Use drop down menu to select existing project number


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Press ‘Enter’.


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Short Cut: Use ' “.01 ‘ to generate new WBS. Field Name



WBS element


Description Short id

Yes No

Based on Masking system allows to create running WBS number Enter WBS description You can change default number to identify WBS by different name

Note: To Create a lower level WBS change the level to ‘2’ instead of ‘1’ and follow the same steps as that of creating the first level wbs element.


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D o u b l e C l i c k o n W B S E l e m e n t f o r D e t ai l s S c r e en : Tata Motor s Tab:

Field Name

Supply Source Basis of Estimate Primary Category Secondary Category  Aggregate Business Unit Inv. Classification NPI Process WBS Element description



Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

Select from drop down box Select from drop down box Select from drop down box Select from drop down box Select from drop down box Select from drop down box Select from drop down box Select from drop down box Appropriate description to be put

Go to next tab ‘WBS Basic Data’


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SAP: Project System

WBS Basic Data:

Field Name


Project type Priority Responsibl e Person Resp. Cost Center Req. Cost Center Billing Element


Select from drop down box

No No

Select from drop down box Select from drop down box


Cost Center where asset will be capitalised Who is going to consume

No Optional

User Status System Status


If WBS is billable to customer then check this option Detail explanation on another page System based on different business transaction maintains different statuses

Go to next tab ‘Dates’. TATA TECHNOLOGIES

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SAP: Project System

Dates Tab:

Field Name



Basic Start Date Duration Basic End Date Forecast Start Forecast End Calendar


Plan Start date

Yes No

Duration of the activity Plan End date

No No Yes

Select Calendar


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SAP: Project System

A d d i t i o n o f P S T ex t t o a W B S E l em e n t

In the CJ20 Screen go to Details -> PS texts as shown below:

This will give the following screen:


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Select the type of PS text like in the example ‘Z1’ has been selected and give a Description and press Enter which will give the following screen where one can enter the text in detail.


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Back and Save.


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SAP: Project System

NETWORK A n e t w o r k c a n r e p r e s en t t h e s e q u e n c e o f a c t i v i t i e s i n a p r o j e c t o r t h e s e q u e n c e o f a s i n g l e a c t i v it y w i t h i n a p r o j e c t  .

Menu Path: Logistics -> Project Systems -> Project -> Special Maintenance Functions -> Network -> Create Transaction: CJ20 This Transaction is carried out by the Planner who creates separate Network activities for each WBS. Person Responsible: Project Planner Select the WBS element and click on ‘Activity Data’ Tab. This will bring us to the detail screen for creating Network Activity.

Click on Activity data tab


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SAP: Project System

Type: Internal Activity (Mainly for Internal Labor us age)

Field Name



 Activity Description Duration Unit Plan Duration Work Center

Yes No No Yes Yes



 Activity type


System defaults number Activity Description E.g. Hours/ Day Plan Duration Resource group within Cost Center Facility where activity is going to be perform Skill set from cost center / Work Center

For selecting the Activity Type, follow the process wherein the dates for the activity are to be put in. Double click  on activity and then go to Dates tab where the dates can be put in. Save.


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This will enable us to select the relevant Activity Type.


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Type: External A ctivity (Mainly fo r Material)

Select the Activity and click on the Component Overview icon

External Activity can be ‘Material’ and ‘Services’. For Components: Select Activity and click on the Component Overview Icon to go to the component overview screen.


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C o m p o n e n t O v e r v i e w S c r ee n :

If Material was procured before or if it is Stock item then select material code from drop down list else for new Capital Material procurement use Generic material ‘CAPITAL_DOM’  for domestic procurement and ‘CAPITAL_IMP’  for imports. Double click  on the item number and enter the price for the component.


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Click here for Invoice Plan.


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Invoic e Plan:

Click on the Button ‘Invoice Plan’ as shown above to get the following screen:

Enter the Details as shown

Save. Field Name


 Activity Yes Description No Purchasing Org No Cost Element Vendor

Yes No

Material Group Price


 Activity Qty




System defaults number Description of the activity Who is going to perform procurement activity Where cost to get booked Required at the time of WBS release Required at the time of WBS release Expected price of the material Plan Quantity

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Type: External Activ ity (Mainly fo r Services)

Tick the Services Box for creation of Service

Select ‘Service’ tab & enter description of activity. Press Enter to get to the next screen.


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Enter the Contract number where relevant. If Service is coded then pick up number from drop down else enter short text manually. Enter all the relevant info including Qty and Price and press F3 twice.


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Type: Primary Cos t Activ ity (Mainly General Expenses)

Field Name

 Activity Description  Amount Currency Cost Element



Yes No Yes Yes Yes

System defaults number Description of the activity Total Plan amount While using search, put ‘TATA’ in the chart of accounts.

Press Enter to fill up Details.


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Save after having filled up the details in the respective Tabs.


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SAP: Project System

WBS Status Management The current status of a project or an object in a project determines which bu siness t r a n s ac t i o n s c a n b e e x e c u t e d . S t at u s e s d o c u m e n t t h e c u r r e n t p r o c e s s i n g s t a g e o f a n object

To check the WBS Status Select the WBS Element or the Activity and the click on the Status Button


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Based on Status certain business transactions will be allowed: Draft Capex: By Default WBS will have this status. Deferred Capex: If the WBS is not approved, it is put on hold and this status is set. (Plant Head / Corporate Planning) Project Manager Approved: This Status is set by Project Manager Project Office Approved: This Status is set by Project Office HO Clarification requested:  This status is set when the Head Office asks for any clarification. (Corporate Planning) Management Approved:   When Management Approves the Budget, this status is set. (Corporate Planning) Budget Closed: In case the work was dropped in the middle and the budget is no longer required then this status is set. (Planner) Budget Not Required: This status is set in case planner wants to return approved budget. Budget Carry Forward: This Status is set in case the excess budget for the year is to be carried forward to the next financial year. (Corporate Planning)


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To use Template for creating new proposals. For including Standard Network as an activity set in the WBS Element. Go to Activity screen – then go to menu Network -> Include Std. Network  which will give the following screen.

Select a Standard Network from the List and press Enter


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Standard Network has been included which contains these three activities


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To attach a document to a WBS Element Select the WBS and then click on the ‘Services for object’ button -> Create -> Create attachment as shown below.

Click here and follow the path


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Which then gives us the option of selecting which ever document we want to attach from the directory as needed.


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Create Standard Network Menu Path: Logistics -> Project Systems -> Basic Data -> Templates -> Standard Network Transaction: CN01 This transaction is carried out by the Project Planner, Coordinator / NPI Office, or Corporate Planning for creating Standard Network. Person Responsible: Project Planner, Coordinator / NPI Office, Corporate Planning

To be left blank – system generated number

Fill up the Profile and press Enter.


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SAP: Project System Click on Activities Button

Field Name



Network Usage Planner Group Network Status Std. WBS Element Predefined Plant

No No No No

Select from drop down Select from Match Code Select from drop down Select from Match Code


Select from Match Code

Click on activities button to go to the next screen.


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Click on the External Activities Tab and create the Activity as follows:

Press Enter to go to the details screen.


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Field Name


Work Center / Yes Plant Material Group Yes Purchasing Yes Group Purchase No Organisation Net Price No



Select from Match code Select from Match Code Select from Match Code Select from Match Code Enter the Price of the Component

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Click on the Internal Activities Tab and creat e the Activity as follows:

Press Enter to go to the Details Screen.


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Field Name


Work Center / Yes Plant Work No


Select from Match code No. of days to be filled up

Click on tick which takes you back to the previous screen and save the internal number gets generated as shown below.


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