Sap Portal

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UP110 How SAP Uses the SAP NetWeaver Portal as its Corporate Intranet Site

John Franke, SAP IT Production Management Portals


This presentation outlines our general product direction and should not be relied on in making a purchase decision. This presentation is not subject to your license agreement or any other agreement with SAP. SAP has no obligation to pursue any course of business outlined in this presentation or to develop or release any functionality mentioned in this presentation. This presentation and SAP's strategy and possible future developments are subject to change and may be changed by SAP at any time for any reason without notice. This document is provided without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. SAP assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this document, except if such damages were caused by SAP intentionally or grossly negligent.

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 2


1. SAP Corporate Portal Overview 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5.

General Information, Key Facts Content Examples Application Integration Communities Overview Portal Governance

2. Technical Details 2.1. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3.

Landscape Design Usage Statistics & Reporting Custom UI & Navigation Accelerated Application Delivery Implementation (AccAD)

3. Operational Processes 3.1. 3.2.

Change Management Incident Management

4. Live Demo 5. Questions & Answers © SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 3

SAP's Intranet/Portal Realization Timeline SAPNet – SAP’s legacy intranet – 1995 to 2005 „ Outdated content „ Lack of governance „ Growing user dissatisfaction Portal Program – 2003/4 „ Evaluation phase „ Pilot launched for specific user communities EP6@SAP Program – 2004/5 „ Business Engagement „ Governance Definition „ Migration of SAPNet to SAP Corporate Portal SAP Corporate Portal – 2006 „ SAP Corporate Portal established as single intranet at SAP SAP Corporate Portal – 2007 „ Focus on personalization and usability „ Navigation redesign SAP Corporate Portal – 2008 „ Community, Enterprise 2.0 „ Readability, Accessibility, Consistency © SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 4

SAP Corporate Portal Vision

One single Corporate Portal as a global and individual access point to information, collaboration and application services Scenario prior to October 10th, 2005

SAP Corporate Portal today

Sales & Marketing




Corp. Comm.

Knowledge Management


SAP’s Corporate Portal uses SAP enabling technologies to provide all SAP employees worldwide with a role-based, value-adding workspace on a common infrastructure © SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 5

SAP Corporate Portal Benefits

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 6


Central access point to all internal information at SAP


Role-based access to all information required for daily work


Consistent content governance and publishing capability


Increased productivity by providing easier access to relevant business applications through the portal (CRM, HR, etc.)


One central high-quality search over data sources


New easy-to-use collaboration features for teams & projects


“SAP runs SAP”

SAP Corporate Portal Key Facts „

25+ Backend systems integrated: „ „ „ „


Process Integration „ „ „



„ „ „

60,000 end-users Available in 70 countries 500,000 documents in managed content, 1,000,000 documents in collaboration rooms „ 35,000 managed web pages „ Penetration rate: 99.6 % of potential users

Sales/Marketing Manager & Employee Self Services Executive/Management Reporting

Content Publishing environment: „

„ „

SAP ERP (HR/FI) Business Suite (CRM/RPM) NetWeaver BI/XI Legacy/3rd Party

Document upload (KM) Online web page editing (Custom online web editing tool – WCMS)

80+ Workflows Community Tools: „ „ „ „

Virtual workspaces for Teams & Projects Discussion forums Wiki Podcasts

… another evidence that SAP runs SAP © SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 7

Top Level Navigation

News, events & personal inbox

Information & Interaction

What's new? What do I have to do today?

About the company

Product information & documentation

All services for employees

Collaborative Tools

Job-specific Roles

Information about SAP

Information (Product View)

Information & Transactions

Asynchronous collaboration, Networking

Job-specific Workspaces

What’s SAPs strategy ? How to get to SAP ?

Where can I get information on SAP products?

Where can I submit a leave request, access my payroll?

Relevant for all SAP employees © SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 8

Where can I collaborate with other colleagues?

Personalized entry points based on role model

Relevant for the specific job functions

Content Example: Homepage Global / Regional & Local News

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 9

Content Example: Employee Services

End-user End-user orientation: orientation: navigation navigation is is sorted sorted by by topic, topic, independently independently from from who who delivers delivers content, content, applications applications or or services services

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Content Example: Performance Management

Performance Performance Management Management provides provides the the overall overall process process documentation documentation © SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 11

... ... and and offers offers direct direct access access to to the the application application

Application Integration – Example: PRM

Role-based Role-based access access provides provides integration integration of of backend backend applications applications into into Corporate Corporate Portal Portal © SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 12

Application Integration – Example: Executive Board Role

Graphical Graphical Reports Reports built built using using Visual Visual Composer Composer © SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 13

Community at SAP Corporate Portal At a glance Community as medium to participate, share ideas and place to collective knowledge Services Content provided by everyone choosing the suited services like

Virtual Rooms Wiki spaces Discussions Info Rooms Podcasts

Guidance and Governance „ „ „ „

When to use what Strength and Weaknesses of services Rules and policies Processes

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 14

Communities Services Today Collaboration Rooms, Wiki, Discussions and Podcasts

Virtual Rooms

> 5300 rooms and >1.000.000 docs

Technology „


> 100 Discussions


SAP NetWeaver Collaboration Rooms



SAP Forums based on SAP J2EE



Individual set up


Discussions are open to all SAP employees


Document sharing


Discussions for various topics


Restricted access - detailed permission settings


RSS and Email Notifications

WIKI Technology „

Confluence 2.5.4


>1300 global and >700 personal spaces

Podcasts Technology „




Easy online editing


Knowledge to go


Easy to structure


RSS enabled


RSS and Email notifications


Subscriptions via iTunes

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 15

> 500 Podcasts


Organized Organized to to guide guide user user to to appropriate appropriate solution solution by by topic topic

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 16

Community Example: Collaboration Tab


Collaboration Rooms provide online working areas where you can „ share information, documents, and ideas „ assign tasks, and schedule events

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 17

Community Example: Wiki Tab


Wiki Spaces provide community spaces for group collaboration „ Used for information gathering, project information „ Provides platform for personal/team blogging

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 18

Community Example: Discussions Tab


Discussion Forums provide online communication channel for „ Troubleshooting, tips and tricks, community expert discussion „ Brings user community and topic experts together

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 19

Community Example: Podcast Tab


Podcast Directory provides forum for posting media content „ Download various media formats directly into podcast client „ Grouped by categories of interest

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 20

Information Governance Content Definition Managed vs. Collaborative Content Managed Content

Collaborative Content

Project/Team Rooms Wiki, Forums, …

SAP Corporate Portal

Example Characteristics: „

Binding, reliable, mandatory, strictly governed, upto-date


Large target or work group (>300 employees)




Enables creativity and innovation


Small target or work group (1,000,000 docs

DB Size

2 TB

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 44

Corporate Portal Average Unique Logins

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 45

Corporate Portal Average Page Hits

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 46

Usage Statistics and Reporting - Future Reporting using TREX Search „

Custom implementation allowing real time usage reporting


Standard Activity Data Collector


Data is indexed by retrieved TREX


Custom Web Dynpro UI for self service report generation

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 47

SAP Corporate Portal Anonymous Homepage „

Developed as landing page for all users to reduce unnecessary portal logins


Shows latest news items and top useful links


Any request from this page then logs into portal

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 48

SAP Corporate Portal Design, Layout & Navigation Features

TLN TLN Personalization Personalization „ „ Entry Entry point point selection selection „ „ Drag Drag & & Drop Drop „ „ Text Text size size

Navigation Navigation „ „ Breadcrumbs Breadcrumbs „ „ Favorites Favorites „ „ Hover Hover menus menus

Styles Styles & & Conformance Conformance „ „ Style Style Guide Guide „ „ Content Content Cockpit Cockpit

SAP Corporate Portal Design, Layout & Navigation Features

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 50

SAP Corporate Portal Navigation Details Technical Details: „

The UI of the SAP Corporate Portal is created using a customized framework page „

Custom Framework page uses same concept as Light Framework Page (EFP) enhanced with certain AJAX features and support for additional portal functionalities


JS objects are passed via custom navigation interface to client-side rendering scripts in the framework page


Navigation service and caching components are standard delivery

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 51


1. SAP Corporate Portal Overview 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5.

General Information, Key Facts Content Examples Application Integration Communities Overview Portal Governance

2. Technical Details 2.1. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3.

Landscape Design Usage Statistics & Reporting Custom UI & Navigation Accelerated Application Delivery Implementation (AccAD)

3. Operational Processes 3.1. 3.2.

Change Management Incident Management

4. Live Demo 5. Questions & Answers © SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 52

Change and Transport Overview Weekly Production Maintenance Transport Process „

Weekly release of portal content and bug fix transports to production „ Requested changes can be reviewed and approved by Portal Change Board (PCB) „ Approval for transport based on appropriate documentation, testing, sign-off, etc… MON MON






PCB PCB Meeting: Meeting: Request Request Deadline Deadline

Final Final Scheduling Scheduling and and Approvals Approvals

Production Production Transport Transport Window Window

SUN SUN Spot Spot Checks Checks

Release Based New Functionality Transport Process „

Release dates for enhancements and new applications are projected for the year. (~6 releases per year) „ These are considered the highest risk releases and require checkpoints at various stages through development and testing „ Release Calendar communicated to all stakeholders for proper planning January January

February February

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 53

March March

April April

May May

June June

July July

Transport Categorization

Category Category 1: 1: High High Risk Risk What? What? New New functionality; functionality; integration integration of of new new technologies technologies These These changes changes will will be be planned planned and and scheduled scheduled for for aa specific specific pre-determined pre-determined Release Release Delivery Delivery Date Date to to the the Corporate Corporate Portal. Portal. (monthly) (monthly)



Category Category 2: 2: Medium Medium Risk Risk 2 What? Any change which requires a restart of the Corporate Portal What? Any change which requires a restart of the Corporate Portal Q These These changes changes cannot cannot be be delivered delivered as as emergency emergency transports transports without without proper proper communication communication and and planning planning of of downtime. downtime. Category Category 3: 3: Medium Medium Risk Risk What? What? Binaries; Binaries; code code modifications; modifications; configurations configurations changes changes These These are are changes changes to to objects objects that that are are already already in in production. production.



Category Category 4: 4: Low Low Risk Risk 4 What? Content changes only What? Content changes only These These transport transport requests requests require require LOB LOB approval approval and and are are scheduled scheduled for for weekly weekly release. release.

Q Q-Gate performance tests required prior to release © SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 54

Testing Q-Gate

Project Project Development Development


Production Production Maintenance Maintenance




Quality Assurance


Load / Regression Testing Details: „ In order to ensure that weekly changes do not negatively impact the performance of the SAP Corporate Portal we employ extensive regression testing on all coderelated and medium risk transports in our Q-Gate system. The following outline describes the verification process in the QA System 1. Baseline performance load tests 2. Medium and high risk changes are transported 3. The same performance load test with the new changes 4. The baseline and change results are compiled and analyzed 5. Any changes identified as causing unacceptable regression will be removed

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 55

Performance & Load Testing Automation

Automation Framework „

Custom web application „ Compiles load test results „ Control portal instances „ Prepares reports from data „ Allows comparison of results

Benefits „

Impact of change „ Customizable KPIs „ Scheduled load tests „ Performance trends

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 56

Incident Management Process

Reaction and Communication „ Monitoring infrastructure detects a failure and alerts administrators „ Key stakeholders informed of status and scope

Alerting Alerting

Technical Actions and Analysis „ Data collection – all incident and system related data collected Troubleshooting Troubleshooting „ Systems stabilized – temporary fixes applied if necessary „ Full root cause analysis – tightly integrated with standard SAP support

Corrective Actions „ Permanent fixes identified and applied

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 57

Remedy Remedy

Alerting Support Systems

HP HP Sitescope Sitescope „ „ „ „

URL URL Monitoring Monitoring HTTP HTTP Round Round Trip Trip Time Time

CA CA Wily Wily Introscope Introscope „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 58

Java Java Memory Memory Utilization Utilization Application Application Thread Thread Pool Pool Database Database Response Response Time Time CPU CPU Utilization Utilization

Troubleshooting Support Systems SAP SAP NetWeaver NetWeaver Administrator Administrator „ „ „ „

Viewing Viewing logs logs and and traces traces Viewing Viewing configuration configuration

SAP SAP Solution Solution Manager Manager Diagnostics Diagnostics „ „ „ „ „ „

Root Root cause cause analysis analysis End End to to end end exceptions exceptions Viewing recent Viewing recent changes changes

CA CA Wily Wily Introscope Introscope „ „

Long Long running running DB DB queries queries Memory Memory issues issues

„ „

Backend Backend system system connections connections

„ „

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 59

DEMO © SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 60

Thank you!

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 61

Building Your Business with SDN Subscriptions SDN Subscriptions offers developers and consultants like you, an annual license to the complete SAP NetWeaver platform software, related services, and educational content, to keep you at the top of your profession. SDN Software Subscriptions: (currently available in U.S. and Germany) „A

one year low cost, development, test, and commercialization license to the complete SAP NetWeaver software platform „ Automatic notification for patches and updates „ Continuous learning presentations and demos to build expertise in each of the SAP NetWeaver platform components „ A personal SAP namespace

SAP NetWeaver Content Subscription: (available globally) „ An

online library of continuous learning content to help build skills.

Starter Kit

To learn more or to get your own SDN Subscription, visit us at the Community Clubhouse or at © SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 62

Fuel your Career with SAP Certification

What the industry is saying „

“Teams with certified architects and developers deliver projects on specification, on time, and on budget more often than other teams.” 2008 IDC Certification Analysis


“82% of hiring managers use certification as a hiring criteria.” 2008 SAP Client Survey


“SAP Certified Application Professional status is proof of quality, and that’s what matters most to customers.”* Conny Dahlgren, SAP Certified Professional

Take advantage of the enhanced, expanded and multi tier certifications from SAP today!

Further Information Î

SAP Public Web: SAP Developer Network (SDN): Business Process Expert (BPX) Community: SAP NetWeaver 7.0 on SDN:


Related SAP Education and Certification Opportunities


Related Workshops/Lectures at SAP TechEd 2008 Session ID, Title, Session Type UP108, Accelerated Application Delivery: Enhancing the Performance of Web Applications, Lecture UP360, Enhancing Performance of Web Applications Using Accelerated Application Delivery, Hands-on UP263, Changing the Look & Feel of the SAP NetWeaver Portal, Hands-on

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / UP110 Page 64

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