sap Pm User Exits
December 19, 2016 | Author: vid1122 | Category: N/A
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User Exits For Plant Maintenance and Service Managemant
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Menu Path: Tools>ABAP/4 Workbench>Utilities>Enhancements>Definition (Transaction SMOD)
Table Of Contents: 1. BATCH INPUT FOR PM (IBIP1).....................................................................................................................3 1.1 BATCH-INPUT PLANT MAINTAINANCE: ..................................................................................................... 3 2. CUSTOMER SERVICE (ICSV).........................................................................................................................3 2.1 ICSV0001 DISPLAY OF GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION DATA .........................................................3 2.2 ICSV0002 SM NOTIFICATION: AUTOMATIC TASK DETERMINATION FOR SERVICE NOTIFICATIONS.................3 2.3 ICSV0003 NOTIFICATION: PARTNER SELECTION .............................................4 2.4 ICSV0004 CHECK PM OBJECT AND DISPLAY OBJECT INFORMATION ...............................................4 2.5 ICSV0005 SM: WARRANTY CLAIM REASON FOR REJECTION (RESOURCE RELATE BILLING).........................4 2.6 V45W0001 SM: FORWARD CONTRACT DATA TO ITEM (VA)....................................................................4 3. EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT (IEQM)........................................................................................................5 3.1 IEQM0001 EQUIPMENT: INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT AT FUNCTIONAL LOCATION....................................5 3.2 IEQM0002 EQUIPMENT: HIERARCHY ASSIGNMENTS...................................................................................5 3.3 IEQM0003 EQUIPMENT: CHECKS AT EQUIPMENT SAVE...............................................................................5 4. PLANT MAINTENANCE ORDER PROCESSING (IWO1).........................................................................6 4.1 CNEX0013 PM ORDER: DEFAULT ITEM CATEGORY – COMPONENT/MATERIAL ..........................................6 4.2 IWO10001 PM ORDER: CREATE A PM SUB-ORDER .............................................6 4.3 IWO10002 PM ORDER: CHECKS FOR ORDER RELEASE .........................................................................6 4.4 IWO10004 PM ORDER: CHECK AT TECHNICAL COMPLETION......................................................................6 4.5 IWO10005 PM ORDER: PROFIT CENTRE DETERMINATION...........................................................................6 4.6 IWO10006 PM ORDER: DEACTIVATION OF MENU FUNCTIONS ....................................................................7 4.7 IWO10007 PM ORDER: PERMIT EXPANSION............................................................................................... 7 4.8 IWO10008 PM ORDER: DETERMINE TAX JURISDICTION..............................................................................7 4.9 IWO10009 PM ORDER: CHECK AT TIME 'SAVE'..........................................................................................7 4.10 IWO10010 PM ORDER: DETERMINATION OF WBS...................................................................................7 4.11 IWO10011 PM ORDER: COMPONENT SELECTION .....................................................................................8 5. MAINTENANCE ORDER HISTORY (IWO2)...............................................................................................9 5.1 IWO10012 PM ORDER: DATE DETERMINATION WHEN SETTING/CHANGING PRIORITY..................................9 5.2 IWO20001 PM ORDER: USER SELECTION OPTIONS FOR TASK LISTS.............................................................9 6. WORK ORDER CYCLE (IWOC).....................................................................................................................9 6.1 IWOC0001 CREATE PM/SM NOTIFICATION: DETERMINE REFERENCE OBJECT............................................9 7. NOTIFICATION (QQM)....................................................................................................................................9 7.1 QQMA0001 PM NOTIFICATION: ADDITIONAL HEADER DETAIL .................................................9 7.2 QQMA0002 PM NOTIFICATION: ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION CHECKS ..............................................10 7.3 QQMA0003 PM NOTIFICATION: "USER DATA" FUNCTION IN "GOTO" MENU..............................................10 7.4 QQMA0004 PM NOTIFICATION: "USER DATA" FUNCTION IN "GOTO > ITEM" MENU................................10 7.5 QQMA0005 PM NOTIFICATION: AUTHORISATION CHECK ON STATUS CHANGE..........................................11 7.6 QQMA0006 PM NOTIFICATION: AUTOMATIC TASK DETERMINATION........................................................11 7.7 QQMA0007 PM NOTIFICATION: DEFINE DEFAULT VALUES ON CREATION.................................................11 7.8 QQMA0008 PM NOTIFICATION: ADDITIONAL “ITEM” DETAIL..................................................................11 7.9 QQMA0009 PM NOTIFICATION: INFLUENCE ORDER PARAMETERS PRIOR TO NOTIFICATION CREATION.......12 7.10 QQMA0010 PM NOTIFICATION: ADDITIONAL “CAUSE” DETAIL..............................................................12 7.11 QQMA0011 PM NOTIFICATION: ADDITIONAL “TASK” DETAIL................................................................13 7.12 QQMA0012 PM NOTIFICATION: ADDITIONAL “ACTIVITY” DETAIL.........................................................14 7.13 QQMA0013 PM NOTIFICATION: DEFAULT VALUES FOR “TASK” SCREEN.................................................14 7.14 QQMA0014 PM NOTIFICATION: VALIDITYE CHECKS DURING SAVE.........................................................14 8. LOGISTICS INFORMATION SYSTEM (MCR)..........................................................................................15 8.1 FUNCTION EXIT FOR THE AUTHORIZATION CHECK IN THE LIS STANDARD ANALYSES: ...............................15 8.2 FUNCTION EXIT FOR CHANGING KEY FIGURE TEXTS IN STANDARD ANALYSES: ..........................................16 8.3 FUNCTION EXIT FOR DETERMINING CHARACTERISTIC TEXTS IN LIS ANALYSES: ........................................16 9. RESOURCE RELATED BILLING (KSDI)...................................................................................................16 9.1 KSDIEX01 FUNCTION EXITS FOR RESOURCE RELATED BILLING: ............................................................16
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10. SERVICE CONTRACT CHECKS (VA).......................................................................................................17 10.1 FUNCTION EXITS FOR SD SERVICE MANAGEMENT: CONTRACT DATA CHECKS...........................................17 11. EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT (IEQM)....................................................................................................18 11.1 FUNCTION AT INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT..........................................................................................18 11.2 FUNCTION AT INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT..........................................................................................18 11.3 FUNCTION AT INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT..........................................................................................19 12. CONFIRMATION (CORU)............................................................................................................................19 12.1 FUNCTION TO HIDE FUNCTION CODES (MENU ITEMS) IN CONFIRMATION SCREENS....................................19
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Batch Input for PM (IBIP1)
1.1 Batch-Input Plant Maintainance: Function exits: EXIT_SAPLIBIP_001 This extension allows you to develop your own data transfer. The advantage of the user exit over an internal ABAP is that error handling, remote function call and test data functions are available to you. This extension is called up using transactions IBIP, IBI2 and the ABAP RIIBIP00. How it works: Fill out internal table BDCDATA[ ] (for further information see ABAP (LXPMZU01). BDCDATA[ ] is a table with batch input details. It defines which screens and which fields should be filled with which values. The source from which these field are filled is in INT_TAB[ ]. Note: The interface is shifted immediately to the standard work fields. The interface data is moved automatically to other work fields. Logical interface: You need: - tables - field string (record) to fill the table
INT_TAB[ ] Item menu option. Make sure you also refer to the documentation for the individual components of this user exit:
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• user exit • function code 7.5 QQMA0005 PM notification: authorisation check on status change Function exits: EXIT_SAPMIWO0_006 User exit "Check permissibility of status change" With this user exit, you can carry out individual authorization checks in addition to the authorization checks carried out in the standard SAP system. Make sure you also refer to the documentation for the user exit EXIT_SAPMIWO0_006. 7.6 QQMA0006 PM notification: automatic task determination Function exits: EXIT_SAPMIWO0_007 When you process the notifications, you can have the system determine the tasks automatically. In the standard system, the system determines the tasks on the basis of the response time and service profile, which are assigned to the notification type. In addition to this standard function, you can also determine the tasks yourself. The system provides you with all of the latest notification data as a source of information. On the basis of this information, you can create your own algorithms to determine the tasks. These tasks will be copied into the notification. You can also specify whether or not the standard SAP function will be executed. Make sure you also refer to the documentation for the user exit EXIT_SAPMIWO0_007. 7.7 QQMA0007 PM notification: define default values on creation Function exits: EXIT_SAPMIWO0_001 Default values when creating a notification This user exit allows you to define default values when you create a quality notification. Time of call-up: On the initial screen (program SAPMIWO0, screen 0200) after the possible call-up of an initial screen. Make sure you also refer to the documentation for user exit EXIT_SAPMIWO0_001. 7.8 QQMA0008 PM notification: additional “Item” detail Function exits: EXIT_SAPMIWO0_010 EXIT_SAPMIWO0_011 Screen areas: SAPMIWO03030_USER0002_SAPLXQQM0100 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0002_SAPLXQQM0210 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0002_SAPLXQQM0211 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0002_SAPLXQQM0212 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0002_SAPLXQQM0213 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0002_SAPLXQQM0214 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0002_SAPLXQQM0215 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0002_SAPLXQQM0220 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0002_SAPLXQQM0221 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0002_SAPLXQQM0222 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0002_SAPLXQQM0223 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0002_SAPLXQQM0224 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0002_SAPLXQQM0225 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0002_SAPLXQQM0230 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0002_SAPLXQQM0231 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0002_SAPLXQQM0232 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0002_SAPLXQQM0233 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0002_SAPLXQQM0234 Subscreen w/o fields (default)
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SAPMIWO03030_USER0002_SAPLXQQM0235 Subscreen w/o fields (default) With this user exit, you can enter additional data on the detail screen for the notification item (screen SAPMIWO0 3030). The notification header data and item data are transferred to the function group for this purpose. You can then include this data on the customer-specific subscreen. You can change the data. Make sure you transfer the structure VIQMFE to the export structure E_VIQMFE, before you leave the user exit. Only in this way, will the fields that you did not change be transferred back properly. Note If field TQ80-USERSCR2 (which can be maintained in the Customizing application) contains a screen number, this screen will be called up as a subscreen; otherwise screen 0100 will be used. It is important that the screens for program SAPLXQQM are defined. Also refer to the documentation for the individual components of this enhancement: • user exit • screen 7.9 QQMA0009 PM notification: influence order parameters prior to notification creation Function exits: EXIT_SAPMIWO0_012 With this user exit, you can influence the order parameters individually before you create a QM order. Among other items, you can change the settlement rule (for example, when you a settle a WBS element). 7.10 QQMA0010 PM notification: additional “Cause” detail Function exits: EXIT_SAPMIWO0_013 EXIT_SAPMIWO0_014 Screen areas: SAPMIWO03030_USER0003_SAPLXQQM0100 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0003_SAPLXQQM0310 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0003_SAPLXQQM0311 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0003_SAPLXQQM0312 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0003_SAPLXQQM0313 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0003_SAPLXQQM0314 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0003_SAPLXQQM0315 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0003_SAPLXQQM0320 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0003_SAPLXQQM0321 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0003_SAPLXQQM0322 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0003_SAPLXQQM0323 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0003_SAPLXQQM0324 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0003_SAPLXQQM0325 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0003_SAPLXQQM0330 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0003_SAPLXQQM0331 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0003_SAPLXQQM0332 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0003_SAPLXQQM0333 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0003_SAPLXQQM0334 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO03030_USER0003_SAPLXQQM0335 Subscreen w/o fields (default) With this user exit, you can include additional data on the CAUSE detail screen for notification item (screen SAPMIWO0 3030). For this purpose, the data for the notification header, item and cause data are transferred to the function group via the user exit. You can then include this data on the customer-specific subscreen. It is possible to change the data. Make sure the structure VIQMUR is transferred to the export structure E_VIQMUR before you leave the user exit. Only then will the unchanged fields be transferred back properly. Note If field TQ80-USERSCR3 (maintained in Customizing) contains a screen number, this screen will be called up
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as a subscreen. Otherwise, screen 0100 will be used. It is important that the screens for program SAPLXQQM are defined. Also refer to the documentation for the individual components of this user exit: • User exit • Screen 7.11 QQMA0011 PM notification: additional “Task” detail Function exits: EXIT_SAPMIWO0_015 EXIT_SAPMIWO0_016 Screen areas: SAPMIWO04010_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0100 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04010_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0410 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04010_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0411 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04010_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0412 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04010_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0413 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04010_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0414 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04010_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0415 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04010_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0420 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04010_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0421 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04010_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0422 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04010_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0423 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04010_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0424 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04010_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0425 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04010_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0430 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04010_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0431 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04010_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0432 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04010_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0433 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04010_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0434 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04010_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0435 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04100_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0100 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04100_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0410 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04100_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0411 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04100_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0412 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04100_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0413 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04100_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0414 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04100_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0415 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04100_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0421 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04100_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0422 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04100_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0423 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04100_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0423 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04100_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0424 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04100_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0425 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04100_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0430 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04100_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0431 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04100_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0432 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04100_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0433 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04100_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0434 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO04100_USER0004_SAPLXQQM0435 Subscreen w/o fields (default) With this user exit, you can include additional data on the task detail screen (SAPMIWO0 4010 and 4100). For this purpose, the notification header data, item data and task data are transferred to the function group via the user exit. You can then include this data on the customer-specific subscreen. It is possible to change the data. Make sure the structure VIQMSM is transferred to the export structure E_VIQMSM before you leave the user exit. Only then will the unchanged fields be transferred back properly. Note If field TQ80-USERSCR4 (maintained in Customizing) contains a screen number, this screen will be called up as a subscreen. Otherwise, screen 0100 will be used. It is important that the screens for program SAPLXQQM are defined.
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Also refer to the documentation for the individual components of this user exit: • User exit • Screen 7.12 QQMA0012 PM notification: additional “Activity” detail Function exits: EXIT_SAPMIWO0_017 EXIT_SAPMIWO0_018 Screen areas: SAPMIWO05010_USER0005_SAPLXQQM0100 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO05010_USER0005_SAPLXQQM0510 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO05010_USER0005_SAPLXQQM0511 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO05010_USER0005_SAPLXQQM0512 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO05010_USER0005_SAPLXQQM0513 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO05010_USER0005_SAPLXQQM0514 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO05010_USER0005_SAPLXQQM0515 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO05010_USER0005_SAPLXQQM0520 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO05010_USER0005_SAPLXQQM0521 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO05010_USER0005_SAPLXQQM0522 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO05010_USER0005_SAPLXQQM0523 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO05010_USER0005_SAPLXQQM0524 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO05010_USER0005_SAPLXQQM0525 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO05010_USER0005_SAPLXQQM0530 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO05010_USER0005_SAPLXQQM0531 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO05010_USER0005_SAPLXQQM0532 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO05010_USER0005_SAPLXQQM0533 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO05010_USER0005_SAPLXQQM0534 Subscreen w/o fields (default) SAPMIWO05010_USER0005_SAPLXQQM0535 Subscreen w/o fields (default) With this user exit, you can include additional data on the activity detail screen (SAPMIWO0 5010). For this purpose, the notification header data, item data and activity data are transferred to the function group via the user exit. You can then include this data on the customer-specific subscreen. It is possible to change the data. Make sure the structure VIQMMA is transferred to the export structure E_VIQMMA before you leave the user exit. Only then will the unchanged fields be transferred back properly. Note If field TQ80-USERSCR5 (maintained in Customizing) contains a screen number, this screen will be called up as a subscreen. Otherwise, screen 0100 will be used. It is important that the screens for program SAPLXQQM are defined. Also refer to the documentation for the individual components of this user exit: • User exit • Screen 7.13 QQMA0013 PM notification: default values for “Task” screen Function exits: EXIT_SAPMIWO0_019 Default values when creating a task This user exit allows you to enter default values when you create a task. The system calls up the user exit at one of the following times: • after you have entered the task • after you have selected the function for the automatic determination of tasks Make sure you also refer to the documentation for the user exit EXIT_SAPMIWO0_019. 7.14 QQMA0014 PM notification: validitye checks during save Function exits: EXIT_SAPMIWO0_020 Customer exit: checks before saving message When saving notifications, this customer enhancement allows you to carry out inspections and to supplement
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missing values. Whenever you call the F11 save function in the notification transaction, a subroutine is run. The enhancement is called up from this subroutine. The call up takes place after the mandatory partner check and before the number assignment, the update of the logistics information system and the start of subsequent functions for tasks. See also the following documentation for the function module exit: EXIT_SAPMIWO0_020.
Logistics Information System (MCR)
8.1 Function exit for the authorization check in the LIS standard analyses: Function exits: EXIT_RMCREPAU_001 Before the standard analysis is carried out, an authorization check is made on certain characteristics of an information structure. This check ia based on the authorization objects in the standard R/3 system. In addition, you can use the enhancement MCR00001 to perform a user-defined authorization check. The function exit has the following parameters: 1. Import parameters a) I_MCINF: Info structure designed to identify the respective analysis b) I_DOMNAME: Domain for the corresponding selection criterion c) I_ROLLNAME: Data element for the corresponding selection criterion 2. Changing parameter a) C_END_CHECK: Flag which helps you to control whether the standard authorization check should be carried out via the SAP authorization objects in addition to the authorization check using the enhancement MCR00001. This parameter is only relevant in those cases where the characteristics have a standard authorization object. The parameter has the value ' ' when called up. If you set the parameter to 'X' in the enhancement, there will be no further authorization check in the standard analysis for the current characteristic. 3. Table parameters a) T_SEL_OPTION: Table with the restrictions for a characteristic. When you call up the enhancement, the table will contain therestrictions that the user specified in the selection screen in the selection criterion for the corresponding characteristic. Example: Selection criterion for plant (name 'SL_0001'). The user wants to select the plants '0001' to '0003' and also plant '0005'. In this case, the table contains the following entries: SELNAME KIND SIGN OPTION HIGH LOW SL_0001 S I BT 0001 0003 SL_0001 S I EQ 0005 These entries in the table allow the authorization check to take place in the enhancement MCR00001. This means that the characteristic values for which the user has no authorization must be attached to the table by filling the field SIGN with the value 'E' (for Exclude). Example: The user does not have any authorization for the plant '0002'. When leaving the enhancement, the table must contain the following: SELNAME KIND SIGN OPTION HIGH LOW SL_0001 S I BT 0001 0003 SL_0001 S I EQ 0005 SL_0001 S E EQ 0002 new line
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The program will comsequently issue the message: "Authorization check: Selection '&3' was restricted". 4. Exceptions: None
8.2 Function exit for Changing key figure texts in standard analyses: Function exits: EXIT_SAPLMCS2_001 This SAP enhancement enables you to do the following in the standard analysis of the Logistics Information System: • Define the preset key figures depending on the drill-down level. • Change the text (= column heading) for individual key figures. The standard analysis usually gets the heading for a key figure from the Data Dictionary. (The system reads a text (= field label) which is assigned to the respective data element in the Dictionary). The above SAP enhancement allows you to make your own column headings which differ from data element field labels of the respective key figure. See User-Exit documentation for further details. 8.3 Function exit for determining characteristic texts in LIS analyses: Function exits: EXIT_RMCSTEXT_001 When you call up a standard analysis or a flexible analysis in the Logistics Information System (LIS), texts for a characteristic value are determined at runtime. Here, the domains are determined for a field in the information or evaluation structure, which is evaluated in the analysis. The text for the respective characteristic value is read with this domain in program RMCSTEXT in the routine TEXT_SEARCH_DOM. This routine contains the enhancement RMCSTEXT. If a text for the characteristic value cannot be determined by the routine TEXT_SEARCH_DOM (because you included the field in an LIS communication structure, for example) the system calls up the function exit. In this case, you can determine the text by looking it up in a separate table, for example. In addition, it is possible to change the standard procedure for determining texts, i.e. you can define a new text determination for domains for which a text has already been determined by program RMCSTEXT in the standard system. See User-Exit documentation for further details.
Resource Related Billing (KSDI)
9.1 KSDIEX01 Function exits for Resource Related Billing: Function exits: EXIT_SAPLEBBS_001 Determine Items for New Documents EXIT_SAPLEBBS_002 Read Items for Existing Documents EXIT_SAPLEBBS_003 Record Document Flow Overview In expense-related billing, individual expense items are generated from cost information. In the process, activity numbers (material numbers) are determined for use in identifying the individual items in the billing document. The complexity of billing item selection and activity number determination means that it is not possible to cover all options in the standard SAP system.
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Enhancement KSDIEX01 has been added to permit inclusion of customer-specific requirements for the transfer of item information to SD documents, by building on the standard functionality. Currently, the enhancement is only addressed as part of resource-related billing, but has been prepared with future functions involving transfer of information to SD documents in mind. In detail, you can carry out the following functions with this enhancement: • • • •
Filtering of the items selected with the standard functionality, using a customer-specific logic Addition of items not selected in the standard Customer-specific additions to items selected in the standard Influence on document flow update
Components in the Enhancement Enhancement KSDIEX01 contains the following components (function exits): • EXIT_SAPLEBBS_001: Determining items for new documents. This function exit is accessed when you create a new SD document. • EXIT_SAPLEBBS_002: Reading items for existing documents. This function exit is accessed when during editing of an existing document. • EXIT_SAPLEBBS_003: Document flow update. This function exit is access when the document flow for an SD document is being read. A detailed description of the function exits and their interfaces can be found in the documentation to the EXIT_SAPLEBBS_xxx function modules. General Technical Information ID for Document Flow Processing When an SD document is created, a document flow is recorded for the items, including those created within the framework of this enhancement. So that you can edit these items, it is necessary to assign each one a unique, reproduceable 22-character ID. IDs relating to items created in this enhancement must begin with "Y" or "Z”. So that you can read the items selected in the standard, their IDs must first be decoded. You can use the standard function module EBBS_ITEM_KEY_GET for this. Performance Aspects If you want to evaluate the standard item selection again in this enhancement, you do not need to read the items again from the database. You can access the standard function module EBBS_BUFFERED_TABLES_GET to read the item information from a buffer. Procedure For a description of the procedure for using enhancements, read the system documentation or the online documentation for transaction CMOD (project management of SAP enhancements, function exits).
Service Contract Checks (VA)
10.1 Function exits for SD service management: contract data checks Function exits: EXIT_SAPLV45W_001 Requirements The user exit for copying contract data has the following prerequisites: • The indicator Y is set in the Contract data allowed field in the activity Define sales document types.
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• The contract items contain data which differs from the data in the contract header. Use The user exit for copying contract data enables you to: • Define additional checks which are performed after the checks defined in the standard R/3 system have been completed • Define checks which override the checks defined in the standard R/3 system • Influence the information which is displayed in the action log The following tables are provided for user-defined checks: PVEDA_POSNR Number of the current item KVEDA_NEW Contract data at header level KVEDA_OLD Contract data at header level before header data is changed PVEDA_NEW Contract data at item level PVEDA_OLD Contract data at item level before header data is changed PVEDA_PROT Messages for the action log
Equipment Management (IEQM)
11.1 Function at installation of Equipment EXIT_SAPLIEL2_002 The function module EXIT_SAPLCOIH_002 mentioned in this enhancement is called up when you want to install a piece of equipment at a functional location. You can arrange for additional functional and logical checks to be carried out at this location, before the equipment is installed on the functional location. The indicator INSTALLATION_NOT_ALLOWED on 1 (= Installation not allowed) or (= Installation allowed) is set after the checks have been carried out. If the installation of equipment was not allowed, the system informs the user of this with dialog message IA051. 11.2 Function at installation of Equipment EXIT_SAPLIEL2_001 The function module EXIT_SAPLIEL2_001 mentioned in this enhancement is called up when you define equipment hierarchies, therefore, during the following activities: • • • •
when you assign sub-equipments to a superior equipment when you exchange one sub-equipment for another when you delete the superior equipment for a sub-equipment and/or define a new superior equipment when you change the position of a sub-equipment
You can arrange for additional functional and logical checks to be carried out before the data changes are authorized. After the checks have been carried out, the indicator IND_EQ_SELECT on (= Equipment hierarchies not allowed) or (= Equipment hierarchy allowed) is set. If the equipment hierarchy was not allowed, the system informs the user of this with the dialog message IE061.
User Exits For Plant Maintenance and Service Managemant
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11.3 Function at installation of Equipment EXIT_SAPMIEQ0_001 The function module EXIT_SAPMIEQ0_001 that is used in this enhancement is called up if the user wants to save the data for a piece of equipment. At this stage, you can arrange for addtional factual and logical checks to be performed, before the piece of equipment can be saved. The data can only be saved if the module does not generate any error conditions (in the form of the exception POSTING_NOT_ALLOWED). If an error condition is generated, the data is not saved and an appropriate message is displayed. The message that is displayed depends on whether a separate message is required. For this, - the export parameter OWN_MSG should have a value that is not equal to ' ', - the exception should be generated with MESSAGE xnnn RAISING In this case, the message that is displayed is the one that was specified in the statement (as xnnn). Otherwise the standard message IS200 is displayed.
Confirmation (CORU)
12.1 Function to hide function codes (menu items) in Confirmation screens EXIT_SAPLCORU_001 You can use this customer enhancement to hide function codes in confirmation transactions. The complete order-/network header (CAUFVD) is transferred to the interface along with the order-/network operation (AFVGD). You can extend the table T_CUAFC using function codes (with or without the use of the information transferred). These function codes are then deactivated in the CUA interface. You can find out what the function codes are called using transaction SE41 (maintain CUA interface). The program name for the confirmation is SAPLCORU. You can use the new function status list to get an overview of all the statuses that belong to this program. When you select a status from this list you find the internal names for the function codes in the detailed processing of the status.
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