sap oil

April 5, 2018 | Author: Sachin Karekar | Category: Inventory, Supply Chain Management, Business Process, Business, Supply Chain
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sap oil...


PT SAP Indonesia 30th May, 2007

Introduction - SAP-Oil and Gas to

¤ SAP AG 2007, 2

„ System walkthrough with some scenarios

„ How other oil companies are benefiting

„ Companies using SAP Oil and Gas

„ Common business process flows - Downstream

„ Components of Oil and Gas

„ SAP Oil and Gas solution map


¤ SAP AG 2007, 3

Suppliers & Exploration & Partners Appraisal

Upstream Exploration and Appraisal E&P Contract Management Liquid and Gas Production Allocation and Settlement

Development & Production

Oil & Gas Primary Distribution

Supply, Transmission & Trading Bulk Supply Chain Planning and Optimization Bulk Supply Chain Operations and Scheduling Bulk Supply Chain Execution and Settlement Bulk Supply Chain Reporting and Analytics Physical Oil and Gas Commodity Trading Oil and Gas Paper Trading and Risk Management

Refining & Manufacturing

Enterprise Management & Support

Enterprise Asset and Service Management Investment Planning, Design & Construction Sourcing & Procurement Maintenance Operations and Logistics Success Stories

Refining & Manufacturing Refining Operations Lubes Manufacturing Operations Refining & Manufacturing Success Stories

Hydrocarbon Supply & Gas Transmission

Secondary Distribution

Commercial Customers Sales & Retailing & Channels

Downstream Marketing & Retailing Marketing Planning and Execution Sales Planning and Account Management Opportunity to Cash Customer Service Terminal Management Hydrocarbon Products Transportation Service Station Fuel Management Convenience Retailing Downstream Marketing & Retailing Success Stories

Terminal Management

¤ SAP AG 2007, 4

Suppliers & Exploration & Partners Appraisal


Development & Production

Oil & Gas Primary Distribution

Supply, Transmission & Trading

Refining & Manufacturing

Operations Support

Corporate Services

Human Capital Management



Enterprise Management & Support

Secondary Distribution

Commercial Customers Sales & Retailing & Channels

Downstream Marketing & Retailing

Terminal Management

Enterprise Asset and Service Management

Refining & Manufacturing

Hydrocarbon Supply & Gas Transmission

Management Accounting

Operations Analytics

Commercial Customers Sales & Retailing & Channels

Workforce Deployment

Corporate Governance

Workforce Analytics

¤ SAP AG 2007, 5

Corporate Services Environmental Compliance Incentive and Commission Travel Management Real Estate Management Management Management Operations Support Life-Cycle Data Project and Portfolio Global Trade Quality Management Indirect Procurement Global Trade Services Management Management Management

Workforce Process Management

Human Capital Management

Financial Accounting



Enterprise Management & Support

Secondary Distribution

Downstream Marketing & Retailing

Terminal Management

Enterprise Asset and Service Management

Financial Supply Chain Management

Talent Management

Primary Distribution

Supply, Transmission & Trading

Refining & Manufacturing

Refining & Manufacturing

Hydrocarbon Supply & Gas Transmission

Financial Analytics


Development & Production

Strategic Enterprise Management

Suppliers & Exploration & Partners Appraisal

Oil & Gas


Development & Production

Refining & Manufacturing

Terminal Management

Capture Field Data (SAP S25 zP6 ) Volume Determination (SAP S25 zP6 ) Monitor Reservoir Model

JOA/PSC Development (SAP S2,S24 ) Venture Equity Trading (SAP S2,S24 )

¤ SAP AG 2007, 6

SAP Product Available

Build Reservoir Models

Contractual Allocation (SAP S2,S25

Future Focus

Partner Product Available

Well Abandonment & Site Restoration (SAP S2,S4 )

Partner Product Available with Future Releases

Secondary and Tertiary Recovery

Third Party Drilling Contract Development (SAP S29 )

Depletion Planning

Reserves Accounting and Reporting

Emissions Management (SAP S4,S28 )

Third Party Drilling Contract Management (SAP S2 )

PSC Management (SAP S2,S24 )

Regulatory Reporting (SAP S25 )

Gas Plant Accounting

Revenue Accounting (SAP S25 )

Lease Fuel Valuation (SAP S25 )

zP6 )

Ownership Allocation (SAP S2,S25

zP6 )

Environmental Compliance Health and Safety (SAP S4 )

SAP Product Available with Future Releases

Exploration and Appraisal Drilling for Boundary Determination (SAP S29 )

Surveying, Positioning & Evaluation Joint Venture Management (SAP S2,S24 )

Production Execution (SAP S25 zP6 )

Acquire Leases and Licenses (SAP S2 )

Capacity Management (SAP S25 zP6 )

JOA/PSC Opportunity Analysis (SAP S24 )

Commercial Customers Sales & Retailing & Channels

Allocation and Settlement

Secondary Distribution

Identify Potential Exploration Targets

Well Mapping (SAP S25 )

Liquid and Gas Production

Primary Distribution

JOA/PSC Strategic Planning (SAP S2,S19,S24 )

E&P Contract Management

Hydrocarbon Supply & Gas Transmission

Portfolio and Risk Analysis (SAP S2,S19,S24,S30 )

Exploration and Appraisal

Suppliers & Exploration & Partners Appraisal


¤ SAP AG 2007, 7

SAP Product Available

S2,S23 zP4 )

Strategic Planning (SAP

Bulk Transportation Planning (SAP S2,S23 )

Inventory Planning (SAP S2,S23 )

Bulk Schedule / Program Planning (SAP S2,S23 )

Exchanges & Terminalling Planning (SAP S2,S23 )

Allocation Planning (SAP S2,S23 )

Trade Planning (SAP S2,S23 )

Future Focus

(SAP S23 zP5 ) Exchanges & Terminalling Reconciliation (SAP S23 zP5 ) Customs Execution Management (SAP S17,S23 )

Hydrocarbon Quantity Conversion (SAP S23 ) Inventory Reconciliation

zP5 )

Bulk Movement Invoicing & Settlement (SAP S23 ) Inventory Valuation Update & Management (SAP S23 ) Allocation Processing (SAP S23 ) Exchanges & Terminalling Execution and Settlement (SAP S23

zP5 )

Inventory Update & Management (SAP S23

SAP Product Available with Future Releases

(SAP S23 zP5 ) Contract Operations Management (SAP S23 ) Bulk Supply Chain Monitoring & Control (SAP S23 ) Export / Import Compliance Management (SAP S16,S17,S23 ) Bulk Schedule Management (SAP S23 ) Bulk Rail Scheduling (SAP S23 ) Bulk Continuous (nonBatched) Pipeline Scheduling (SAP S23 ) Exchanges & Terminalling Operations Management (SAP S23 ) Freight Management (SAP S23 ) Allocation Management (SAP S23 )

Custody Transfer Management (SAP S23

Bulk Marine Voyage Scheduling (SAP S23 ) Bulk Batched Pipeline Scheduling (SAP S23 ) Bulk Operational Inventory Management

Demand Planning & Forecasting (SAP S2,S23 ) Supply Planning & Sourcing (SAP S2,S23 )

zP5 )

Primary Distribution

Terminal Management

Secondary Distribution

Partner Product Available

Asset Utilization Analyses (SAP S2,S23 )

Bulk Supply Chain Tax Reporting (SAP S2,S23 )

Transportation Performance Analyses (SAP S2,S23 )

Contract Performance Analyses (SAP S2,S23 )

S2,S23 zP2 )

Trading Analyses (SAP

Inventory Analyses (SAP S2,S23 )

Planning Forecast & Actuals Analyses (SAP S2,S23 ) Exchange Balance Reporting (SAP S2,S23 )

S2,S23 zP2 )

Bulk Movement Planned / Actual Analyses (SAP S2,S23 ) Bulk Movement Profit / Loss Analyses (SAP

Treasury & Financial Management (SAP S2,S6 )

S2,S6 zP2 )

Portfolio & Strategy Management (SAP

S2,S6 zP2 )

Partner Product Available with Future Releases

Export / Import Compliance Management (SAP S2,S16,S17 )

Trading Commodity Pricing (SAP S2,S23 zP2 )

Mgmt (SAP S2 zP2 )

Portfolio & Strategy

Position Management (Long/Short; MtM etc) (SAP S2 zP2 )

Paper Contract Management (SAP

zP2 ) Deal Capture Management (paper) (SAP S2,S6 zP2 )

zP2 ) Trade Contract Management (SAP S2,S23 zP2 )

Risk Assesment and Evaluation (SAP S2,S6

Oil and Gas Paper Trading and Risk Management

Commercial Customers Sales & Retailing & Channels

Deal Capture Management (SAP S2

Bulk Supply Chain Physical Oil and Gas Reporting and Analytics Commodity Trading

Supply, Transmission & Trading

Refining & Manufacturing

Bulk Supply Chain Execution and Settlement

Hydrocarbon Supply & Gas Transmission

Bulk Supply Chain Operations and Scheduling

Development & Production

Bulk Supply Chain Planning and Optimization

Suppliers & Exploration & Partners Appraisal

Supply, Transmission & Trading

Refining & Manufacturing

Secondary Distribution

Commercial Customers Sales & Retailing & Channels

Lubes Production Scheduling (SAP S2,S10 ) Lubes Blending & Packaging (SAP S2,S10 )

Semi-finished Products Blending (SAP S2 )

Emissions Management (SAP S28 )

¤ SAP AG 2007, 8

SAP Product Available with Future Releases

Lubes Production Planning (SAP S2,S10 )

Refined Product Outbound Processing (SAP S2 )

SAP Product Available

Inbound Processing for Base Oils and Additives (SAP S2,S10 )

Partner Product Available

Partner Product Available with Future Releases

Quality Assurance and Control (SAP S2,S10 )

Outbound Processing of Finished Products (SAP S2,S10 )

Warehousing and Storage (SAP S2,S10 )

Supply Chain Monitoring and Control (SAP S10,S19 )

Refinery Production Planning & Scheduling

Lubes Manufacturing Operations

Terminal Management

Crude & Feedstock Inbound Processing (SAP S2 )

Primary Distribution

Supply Plan & Sourcing (SAP S10 )

Future Focus

Refining & Manufacturing

Hydrocarbon Supply & Gas Transmission

Refining Operations

Development & Production

Demand Planning (SAP S2 )

Suppliers & Exploration & Partners Appraisal

Refining & Manufacturing

¤ SAP AG 2007, 9

SAP Product Available

Analyzing local data with Mobile Client (SAP S8 )

Lead Analysis (SAP S8 )

Campaign Monitoring and Analysis (SAP S8 ) Lead Processing (SAP S8 )

Customer Segmentation (SAP S8 ) Surveying Customers with Interaction Center (SAP S8 )

Marketing Planning and Budgeting (SAP S8 ) Campaign Planning and Execution (SAP S8 )

Sales Planning and Forecasting (SAP S8 )

Customer Profitability Analysis (SAP S2,S8 )

In- and Outbound Telesales (SAP S8,S22 ) E-Commerce Sales Order Processing (SAP S2,S8 ) (…)

Activity Processing (SAP S8 ) Opportunity Processing (SAP S8 ) Inquiry Processing (SAP S2,S22 ) Quotation Processing (SAP S2,S8 ) Contract Processing (SAP S2,S20,S8,S22 ) Sales Order Processing (SAP S2,S8,S22 )

Opportunity to Cash

Refining & Manufacturing

Future Focus

Service Performance Analysis (SAP S8 )

Complaints Processing (SAP S2,S8 ) Complaints and Returns Analysis (SAP S8 )

Self-Service Support through FAQ and Solution Search (SAP S8 )

Live Web Collaboration (SAP S8 )

Information Help Desk (SAP S8 )

Customer Service Interaction Center (SAP S8 )

Customer Service

Hydrocarbon Supply & Gas Transmission

SAP Product Available with Future Releases

Analytics for Field Sales Force (SAP S8 )

Sales Pipeline and Funnel Analysis (SAP S8 ) Sales Performance Analysis (SAP S8 ) Account Processing (SAP S8 ) Activity Processing (SAP S8 ) Account Analysis (SAP S8 )

Sales Planning and Account Management

Development & Production

Marketing Planning and Execution

Suppliers & Exploration & Partners Appraisal

Freight Cost Handling (SAP S2,S8 ) Bulk Shipment Reporting (SAP S8 ) (…)

Packaged Products Transportation Execution (SAP S2 )

Packaged Products Transportation Planning (SAP S2 )

Bulk Transportation Execution (SAP S8,S22 )

Bulk Transportation Planning (SAP S8,S22 )

Category Planning & Analytics

Data Upload

Promotion Management Store Promotion Management Merchandise Distribution Customer Loyalty Analysis POS Data Analytics Data Download

Category Planning and Analytics Assortment Management Physical Inventory Store Replenishment Supply Chain Visibility & Tracking Retail Pricing

Partner Product Available with Future Releases

Payment Card Settlement (SAP S8 ) Station Dealer Settlement (SAP S8 )

Fuel Tank Management and Inventory Reconciliation (SAP S8 )

Fuel Book Stock Management (SAP S8 )

Station Fuel Pricing (SAP S8 )

Convenience Retailing

Commercial Customers Sales & Retailing & Channels

Hydrocarbon Service Station Products Fuel Management Transportation

Partner Product Available

S8 zP5 )

Terminal Automation (SAP

Replenishment Planning (SAP S22 ) Supplier Managed Inventory Processing Hydrocarbon Quantity Conversion (SAP S8 )

Secondary Distribution

Downstream Marketing & Retailing

Terminal Management

Shared Depot Handling (SAP S8 )

Physical Stock Monitoring (SAP S2,S8 ) Physical Stock and Book Stock Reconciliation (SAP S8 )

Terminal Management

Primary Distribution

Downstream Marketing & Retailing

SAP Product Available with Future Releases

Managing Catalog Content (SAP S8 )

Sales Quotation and Order Analysis (SAP S8 )

Contract Analysis (SAP S8 )

Opportunity Analysis (SAP S8 )

(…continued) Delivery Processing (SAP S2,S8 ) Billing (SAP S2,S8 )

Refining & Manufacturing

Future Focus

Customer Service

Hydrocarbon Supply & Gas Transmission

Opportunity to Cash

Development & Production

Sales Planning and Account Management

¤ SAP AG 2007, 10

SAP Product Available

Marketing Planning and Execution

Suppliers & Exploration & Partners Appraisal

Secondary Distribution

Export Control (SAP S16 )

Data Collation (SAP S22 )

Tour Planning (SAP S22 )

(…continued) Fleet Management (SAP S2 )

Partner Product Available with Future Releases

Hydrocarbon Service Station Products Fuel Management Transportation

Convenience Retailing

Commercial Customers Sales & Retailing & Channels

Downstream Marketing & Retailing

Terminal Management

Partner Product Available

Terminal Management

Primary Distribution

Downstream Marketing & Retailing

¤ SAP AG 2007, 11

„ System walkthrough with some scenarios

„ How other oil companies are benefiting

„ Companies using SAP Oil and Gas

„ Common business process flows - Downstream

„ Components of Oil and Gas

„ SAP Oil and Gas solution map


¤ SAP AG 2007, 12

¾ SAP Oil and Gas- Service Station Retailing (SSR)

¾ SAP Oil and Gas – IS-Oil Downstream (IS-Oil)

¾ SAP Oil and Gas – Traders and Scheduler’s Workbench (TSW)

¾ SAP Oil and Gas- Remote Logistics Management (RLM)

¾ SAP Oil and Gas- Production and Revenue Accounting (PRA)

High Level components of SAP Oil and Gas

¤ SAP AG 2007, 13

¾ Bulk Distribution Requirement Planning (BDRP)

¾ Marketing Retail Network (MRN)

¾ Marketing, Contracts and Order Entry (MCOE)

¾ Marketing, Accounting and Pricing (MAP)

¾ Transportation and Distribution (TD)

¾ Exchanges ( EXG)

¾ Tariffs, Duties and Permits (TDP)

¾ Hydrocarbon Products Management (HPM)

IS – Oil Downstream

¤ SAP AG 2007, 14

¾ Silo Management

¾ Gains and losses in transfers

¾ Calculation of base quantities and water

¾ Oil and gas quantity conversion in the Sales cycle

¾ Oil and gas quantity conversion in the Purchasing cycle

¾ Gas quantity conversion

¾ Oil quantity conversion

¾ Oil specific data in the material master

Hydrocarbon Products Management (HPM)

¤ SAP AG 2007, 15

¾ A data pool for creating reports

¾ Split inventory management of the ED portion and the net price of a material

¾ Licenses for excise duty (ED) reductions and exemptions

¾ The revaluation of inventories after excise duty rate changes

¾ The use of several excise duty rates for a material

¾ Calculation and posting of excise duty liabilities and claims for goods movements of dutiable material.

¾ Excise duty for production orders

¾Excise duty processing for inner-company goods movements (excise duty calculation for material that is moved between two plants with various tax rates).

¾ Excise duty processing within the sales and purchase cycle

¾ Oil specific data in the material master

Tariffs, Duties and Permits (TDP)

¤ SAP AG 2007, 16

Exchanges (1)

¤ SAP AG 2007, 17

¾ Reporting and evaluations

¾ Quantity Schedule

¾ Fees

¾ Netting

¾ Logical Inventory Adjustment (LIA)

¾ Terminalling for third party throughput

¾ Exchange data flow

¾ Exchange agreement with different oil companies

Exchanges (2)

¤ SAP AG 2007, 18

Transportation and Distribution (TD) (1)

¤ SAP AG 2007, 19

¾ One of the most used features in the entire IS Oil suite

¾ These activities are carried out across the processes of scheduling, load confirmation, and delivery confirmation.

¾ Transportation and Distribution (TD) application area covers the logistics activities related to: ™Delivery of product from a delivering plant to a customer ™Transfer of product between two company-owned locations ™Receipt of purchased product from a vendor

Transportation and Distribution (TD) (2)

¤ SAP AG 2007, 20

¾ Shipment planning workbench

¾ Interface for delivery confirmation processing

¾ Terminal automations system interfaces

¾ Transportation planning interfaces

¾ Scheduling, loading confirmations and delivery confirmations

¾ Shipment documents and shipment cost processing

¾ Compatibility Checking

¾ Rack Meters

¾ Drivers

¾ Vehicles

Various elements of the TD application area are as follows :

Transportation and Distribution (TD) (3)

Contract pricing Cumulative contract call-off pricing Customer price lists Default pricing dates Head office and branch level pricing Location flexible pricing using the differential reference code (DRC) Time pricing Gross and net volume pricing Formula and average pricing Differential invoicing Origin, destination, and external data in the sales and purchasing cycle Conditional exclusion (highest prices) Alternative pricing date at invoicing External quotation invoice Five-decimal pricing Additional material data in an invoice

¤ SAP AG 2007, 21

¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Various elements of the MAP application area are as follows :

Marketing, Accounting and Pricing (MAP)

¤ SAP AG 2007, 22

Marketing, Contracts and Order Entry (MCOE) (1)

¤ SAP AG 2007, 23

¾ Final Delivery indicator

¾ Restrictions for contract call offs

¾ Excise duty

¾ Automatic Plant determination

¾ Item category re determination

¾ Contact person details

¾ Organizational data as a default partner function

¾ IS Oil Fast Order Entry

Various elements of the MCOE application area are as follows :

Marketing, Contracts and Order Entry (MCOE) (2)

¤ SAP AG 2007, 24

„ System walkthrough with some scenarios

„ How other oil companies are benefiting

„ Companies using SAP Oil and Gas

„ Common business process flows - Downstream

„ Components of Oil and Gas

„ SAP Oil and Gas solution map


¤ SAP AG 2007, 25

¾ Updates in the SAP system during all the transactions

¾ Delivery at customer location and delivery confirmation of the actual quantity delivered

¾ Loading of product in the tanker in various compartments

¾ Creation of an IS- Oil TD shipment

¾ Delivery order is created for the sales order

¾ Sales order is created for a customer- credit or cash sales

Downstream process – dispatch of oil products from depot

¤ SAP AG 2007, 26

Process – Step 1: Creation of a sales order

¤ SAP AG 2007, 27

Process – Step 2: Checking status of sales order

¤ SAP AG 2007, 28

Process – Step 3: Stock overview prior to delivery

¤ SAP AG 2007, 29

Process – Step 4: Creation of a delivery

¤ SAP AG 2007, 30

Process – Step 5: Creation of a shipment

¤ SAP AG 2007, 31

Process – Step 6: Compartment planning for truck

¤ SAP AG 2007, 32

Process – Step 7: Start of loading confirmation

¤ SAP AG 2007, 33

Process – Step 8: Start of loading confirmation

¤ SAP AG 2007, 34

Process – Step 9: Oil quantity calculations – quantity conversions

¤ SAP AG 2007, 35

Process – Step 10: Confirmation of loading on truck

¤ SAP AG 2007, 36

Process – Step 11: Stock overview (in transit)

¤ SAP AG 2007, 37

Process – Step 12: Status of delivery after loading confirmation

¤ SAP AG 2007, 38

Process – Step 13: Documents created in the system

¤ SAP AG 2007, 39

Process – Step 14: Confirmation of delivery to customer

¤ SAP AG 2007, 40

Process – Step 15: Status of shipment after Confirmation of delivery to customer

¤ SAP AG 2007, 41

Process – Step 16: Tracking of delivery status

¤ SAP AG 2007, 42

Process – Step 17: Material documents after delivery confirmation

¤ SAP AG 2007, 43

Process – Step 18: Accounting documents after delivery confirmation

¤ SAP AG 2007, 44

„ System walkthrough with some scenarios

„ How other oil companies are benefiting

„ Companies using SAP Oil and Gas

„ Common business process flows - Downstream

„ Components of Oil and Gas

„ SAP Oil and Gas solution map


¤ SAP AG 2007, 45


¤ SAP AG 2007, 46

company ƒ The Group's activities span exploration and production (E&P) of oil and gas, refining and marketing, petrochemicals (polyester, polymers, and intermediates), textiles, financial services and insurance, power, telecom and infocomm ƒ Group turnover exceeds US $ 22 bn ƒ Reliance Group revenue is equivalent to about 3.5% of India's GDP ƒRIL is the largest exploration acreage holder among the private sector companies in India with 30 domestic exploration blocks covering an area of about 300,000 sq km ƒ The Company has the world’s largest grass root refinery in the world with an installed capacity of 33 million tonnes of crude processing capability ƒ There are 23 Terminals with presence all across India for distribution of petro-products all over India ƒ Over 2000 retail outlets all over India currently

ƒ Reliance is the first private sector IndianFortune Global 500

Case Study- Reliance Industries

¤ SAP AG 2007, 47

¾ Power ¾ Life Sciences

¾ Petrochemicals ¾ Telecom

ƒ Dedicated SAP core group of around 200+ team members ƒ More than 700 man years of SAP implementation experience ƒ Expertise in major Industry verticals ¾ Oil & Gas ( using IS Oil) ¾ Insurance ( Using IS Insurance)


ƒ Currently live at over 200 locations within and outside the


refinery and Go live coincided with the going live of refining

ƒ First Implementation for Refinery Business in February 1999 ƒ Implementation started during the construction phase of the

Case Study- Reliance Industries Implementation

¤ SAP AG 2007, 48

„ System walkthrough with some scenarios

„ How other oil companies are benefiting

„ Companies using SAP Oil and Gas

„ Common business process flows - Downstream

„ Components of Oil and Gas

„ SAP Oil and Gas solution map


Improving Regulatory Compliance • Improved transparency and auditability of activities • Reduce risks of fines and penalties Increase Speed & Efficiency • Automate - eliminate errors due to manual processes Increasing Transparency & Accountability • Increase data transparency Reducing Operating Costs & Increasing Efficiency • Reduce administration, improve business processes Improving Service Delivery • Faster access to relevant information Increase Speed & Efficiency • Automate - eliminate errors due to manual processes Increasing Transparency & Accountability • Improve transparency and auditability of activities Reducing Operating Costs & Increasing Efficiency • Automation and standardization of business processes • Reduce transaction costs

Allocation and Settlement

Bulk Supply Chain Execution and Settlement

¤ SAP AG 2007, 49

Business Objectives:


Business Objectives

Increasing Revenue • Improve capacity utilization Increasing Transparency & Accountability • Increase data transparency • Provide decision support Reducing Operating Costs & Increasing Efficiency • Automation and standardization of business processes • Lower logistics costs Increase Speed & Efficiency • Increase collaboration (internally & externally Increasing Revenue • Improve capacity utilization Lowering Working Capital • Shorten order-to-cash cycle Reducing Operating Costs & Increasing Efficiency • Lower logistics costs • Reduce inventory levels Improving Corporate Strategy • Definition and monitoring of a set of targets for business activities Increasing Transparency & Accountability • Provide decision support

Bulk Supply Chain Operations and Scheduling

Bulk Supply Chain Planning and Optimization

Bulk Supply Chain Reporting and Analytics

¤ SAP AG 2007, 50

Business Objectives:


Business Objectives

Improving Customer Service • Improve service quality Increasing Revenue • Efficient campaign planning and management • Improve customer retention and loyalty Lowering Working Capital • Reduce out-of-stock situation Reducing Operating Costs & Increasing Efficiency • Automation and standardization of business processes Improving Customer Service • 24x7 customer self-service • Better service levels • Complaint management and tracking • Improve service quality • Provide a single face to the customer

Convenience Retailing

Customer Service

¤ SAP AG 2007, 51

Business Objectives:


Business Objectives

Improving Customer Service • Collaborate with business partners Improving Regulatory Compliance • Comply with future accounting and regulatory reporting requirements Increase Speed & Efficiency • Automate - eliminate errors due to manual processes Increasing Security • Improve document control, integrity and retention Reducing Operating Costs & Increasing Efficiency • Improve accounting processes Improving Corporate Strategy • Capital budgeting and allocation process • Support for the strategic planning process Increase Speed & Efficiency • Increase collaboration (internally & externally Increasing Revenue • Develop new markets Increasing Transparency & Accountability • Accurately calculate project risks

E&P Contract Management

Exploration and Appraisal

¤ SAP AG 2007, 52

Business Objectives:


Business Objectives

Improving Service Delivery • Faster access to relevant information Increasing Transparency & Accountability • Increase data transparency Reducing Operating Costs & Increasing Efficiency • Automation and standardization of business processes • Lower logistics costs • Integrate processes across divisions and functions Managing Fixed Assets & Resources • Minimize investment in operating facilities • Improve physical inventory process • Improve return-on-investment (ROI) of fixed assets • Optimize capital equipment and asset utilization Reducing Operating Costs & Increasing Efficiency • Reduce transaction costs • Lower communications expenses • Reduce administration, improve business processes

Hydrocarbon Products Transportation

Investment Planning, Design & Construction

¤ SAP AG 2007, 53

Business Objectives:


Business Objectives

Improving Corporate Strategy • Production Growth Improving Regulatory Compliance • New business opportunities - participate in cutting edge "green tags" or "carbon credits" market Increasing Transparency & Accountability • Improvement of regulatory compliance Lowering Working Capital • Improve capacity utilization Reducing Operating Costs & Increasing Efficiency • Improve asset and maintenance management Increase Speed & Efficiency • Speed innovative products / designs to market Increasing Revenue • Improve capacity utilization • Maximize profitability by product Lowering Working Capital • Increase inventory turns Reducing Operating Costs & Increasing Efficiency • Automation and standardization of business processes

Liquid and Gas Production

Lubes Manufacturing Operations

¤ SAP AG 2007, 54

Business Objectives:


Business Objectives

Managing Fixed Assets & Resources • Optimize capital equipment and asset utilization • Reduce down-time Reducing Operating Costs & Increasing Efficiency • Improve procurement processes Increasing Revenue • Efficient campaign planning and management • Extend market share • Improve customer retention and loyalty • Maximize profitability by customer • Develop new markets Improving Regulatory Compliance • Comply with future accounting and regulatory reporting requirements • Reduce risks by permanent compliance tracking with internal and external regulations Increasing Transparency & Accountability • Improve transparency and auditability of activities • Support risk management Reducing Operating Costs & Increasing Efficiency • Removing maintenance of interfaces (Financial Accounting, Cash Management and Risk Management)

Maintenance Operations and Logistics

Marketing Planning and Execution

Oil and Gas Paper Trading and Risk Management

¤ SAP AG 2007, 55

Business Objectives:


Business Objectives

Improving Customer Service • Increase multi-channel delivery of services Increasing Revenue • Enable cross-sell/up-sell capability Lowering Working Capital • Shorten order-to-cash cycle Reducing Operating Costs & Increasing Efficiency • Automation and standardization of business processes • Re-deploy labor to higher value-added activities • Reduce order processing costs Improving Corporate Strategy • Support for the strategic planning process Increasing Revenue • Maximize profitability by customer • Maximize profitability by product Reducing Operating Costs & Increasing Efficiency • Automation and standardization of business processes • Improve inventory visibility

Opportunity to Cash

Physical Oil and Gas Commodity Trading

¤ SAP AG 2007, 56

Business Objectives:


Business Objectives

Improving Regulatory Compliance • Improve manufacturing plant operations by optimizing operating conditions against permit constraints Increasing Revenue • Improve capacity utilization Managing Fixed Assets & Resources • Reduce down-time Reducing Operating Costs & Increasing Efficiency • Improve inventory visibility • Reduction of costs for integration with Accounting and Finance Management Improving Customer Service • Strengthen partnerships and account management • Improve forecast accuracy Increasing Revenue • Efficient sales planning and management • Improve customer retention and loyalty • Maximize profitability by customer

Refining Operations

Sales Planning and Account Management

¤ SAP AG 2007, 57

Business Objectives:


Business Objectives

Improving Regulatory Compliance • Reduce risks of fines and penalties • Comply with future regulatory reporting requirements Lowering Working Capital • Reduce out-of-stock situation Managing Fixed Assets & Resources • Improve physical inventory process Reducing Operating Costs & Increasing Efficiency • Automation and standardization of business processes • Reduction of costs for integration with Accounting and Finance Management Improving Service Delivery • Reduce administration, improve business processes Increasing Revenue • Improve customer retention and loyalty Reducing Operating Costs & Increasing Efficiency • Reduce transaction costs • Reduce inventory levels

Service Station Fuel Management

Sourcing & Procurement

¤ SAP AG 2007, 58

Business Objectives:


Business Objectives

Improving Service Delivery • Collaborate with business partners • Improved quality and accuracy Increase Speed & Efficiency • Automate - eliminate errors due to manual processes Lowering Working Capital • Reduce out-of-stock situation Reducing Operating Costs & Increasing Efficiency • Improve inventory visibility

Terminal Management

¤ SAP AG 2007, 59

Business Objectives:


Business Objectives

• Earnings Before Depreciation, Interest, And Tax • Capacity Utilization • Netback value Number of Orders without Complete and Accurate Documentation Operating Cash Flow Days Of Sales In Backlog Customer Invoicing, Accounting Costs Inventory Carrying Costs Delivery Performance to Scheduled Commit Date Cost of Goods Sold Detailed Schedule Creation Time Distribution Costs Inventory accuracy Delivery Performance to Scheduled Commit Date Cost of Goods Sold Capacity Utilization Inventory Carrying Costs Total Supply Chain Costs

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Distribution Costs • Forecast Accuracy • Inventory accuracy

Allocation and Settlement

Bulk Supply Chain Execution and Settlement

Bulk Supply Chain Operations and Scheduling

Bulk Supply Chain Planning and Optimization

Bulk Supply Chain Reporting and Analytics

¤ SAP AG 2007, 60

Key Performance Indicators:


Key Performance Indicators

Customer Satisfaction Index Operating Expenses Headcount Supplier on time Delivery Performance Inventory accuracy Number of Callbacks as % of total inquiries Percentage of Customer Complaints Percentage of Customers getting served via Internet Protocol Percentage of Service Requests Customer Satisfaction Index Administration Costs Reductions Customer Invoicing, Accounting Costs Cycle Time: Inquiry to Contract Fast close support Faultless Invoices Cash Flow Economic Profit - Capital Charge Internal Rate Of Return Finding & Development costs Reserves replacement ratio

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Convenience Retailing

Customer Service

E&P Contract Management

Exploration and Appraisal

¤ SAP AG 2007, 61

Key Performance Indicators:


Key Performance Indicators

• Rate Of Return On Capital • Material Management and Planning Costs • • • • •

• Average Development Cost per New Product • Number of End Products,SKUs • Time to Market • • • •

• Operating Cash Flow • Inventory Carrying Costs

Investment Planning, Design & Construction

Liquid and Gas Production

Lubes Manufacturing Operations

Marketing Planning and Execution

Oil and Gas Paper Trading and Risk Management

¤ SAP AG 2007, 62

• • • • •

Hydrocarbon Products Transportation

Campaign/Event Cost Revenue Ratio Contact Efficiency Percent of New Customers per Year Percent Revenue Growth – Existing Customers

Return On Capital Employed Lost Time Incident Ratio Lifting Costs Production Stoppage Hazardous Materials Emissions

Delivery Date Accuracy Delivery Performance to Customer Request Date Distribution Costs Order Fulfillment Costs Perfect Order Fulfillment

Key Performance Indicators:


Key Performance Indicators

Revenue Revenue Per Full-Time Equivalent Employee Sales Selling Expenses Contract Negotiation Time

• • • • • • • • •

• Contribution Margin Rate • Gross Profit • Inventory Turnover

Physical Oil and Gas Commodity Trading

Refining Operations

Sales Planning and Account Management

Service Station Fuel Management

¤ SAP AG 2007, 63

• Cost of Goods Sold • Operating Cash Flow • Operating Revenue Margin Operating Revenue Margin Average Inventory Return On Capital Employed Material Stock shortfalls

• • • • • •

Opportunity to Cash

Customer Satisfaction Index Sales Cycle Time (Orders) Cycle Time: Inquiry to Contract Order Fulfillment Costs Invoice Accuracy Rate Order Receipt to Order Entry Complete Time

Key Performance Indicators:


Key Performance Indicators

¤ SAP AG 2007, 64

• • • •

Terminal Management

Inventory Inventory accuracy Inventory Days of Supply (Quantity) Shrinkage

Key Performance Indicators:


Key Performance Indicators

Focus and Accountability

Objectives & Measurement Mechanisms Continuous monitoring

Adapt, Change and Learn

¤ SAP AG 2007, 65

Therefore, an Information Systems Planning project was started as part of the Change Plan implementation in August 1997 to arrive at the long term IT Strategy for the oil company resulting in….

Requires Information Technology Embedded into Business Processes

Restructure along SBU’s

Roadmap for one of the countries

¤ SAP AG 2007, 66

Sales Sales Process Process Automation Automation

Health, Health, Safety Safety and and Environment Environment

Payroll Payroll

Optimisation Optimisation solutions solutions

Time Time and and Attendance Attendance capturing capturing

E Commerce

Production Production Planning Planning

Transportation Transportation


Excise/ Excise/ Customs Customs & & Statutory Statutory Reqmt. Reqmt.


Terminal Terminal Automation Automation

Data Data Warehouse Warehouse

Sales Sales and and Distribution Distribution •• Order Order Entry Entry •• Shipping Shipping •• Billing Billing •• Sales Sales Analysis Analysis •• Pricing Pricing and and Commissions Commissions

Human Resources

LPG consumer Accounting

Financial Financial •• GL GL •• AP AP & & AR AR •• Costing Costing •• Fixed Fixed Assets Assets

Materials Materials Mgmt. Mgmt. •• Procurement Procurement •• Inventory Inventory •• Quality Quality •• Contract Contract Management Management

Internet, Internet, Intranet& Intranet& Extranet Extranet

Service Service •• Project Project Mgmt. Mgmt. •• Maintenance Maintenance

Document Document Management Management System System

Core System

E-mail E-mail

… a complete solution map

Refinery Refinery

in in

Systems Systems

Execution Execution

Manufacturing Manufacturing

Bar Bar Code/Labels Code/Labels

EDI EDI (Electronic (Electronic Data Data Interchange) Interchange)

¤ SAP AG 2007, 67

„ System walkthrough with some scenarios

„ How other oil companies are benefiting

„ Companies using SAP Oil and Gas

„ Common business process flows - Downstream

„ Components of Oil and Gas

„ SAP Oil and Gas solution map


¤ SAP AG 2007, 68

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