SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.3 - Simple Use Cases
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SAP NetWeaver 7.30
SAP NetWeaver Process Integration Simple Use Cases Document Version 1.0 – December 2010
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SAP NetWeaver 7.30 – Process Integration Simple Use Cases
1 Preface ........................................................................................6 2 Introduction and Prerequisites ..................................................6 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4
Introduction .............................................................................................. 6 Prerequisites............................................................................................ 8 General Prerequisites ................................................................................................... 8 Providing the necessary User and Authorizations ....................................................... 9 Special Prerequisites for Configuring the Variants 1 up to 6 and 8 up to 12 ............... 9 Special Prerequisites for Configuring Variants 7 and 13............................................ 12
3 Variant 1: One Sender and One Receiver ...............................16 3.1 3.2 3.3
Design Objects Used ............................................................................. 17 Configuring the Process Integration Scenario ....................................... 19 Execution ............................................................................................... 23
4 Variant 2: One Sender and Two Receivers .............................24 4.1 4.2 4.3
Design Objects Used ............................................................................. 24 Configuring the Process Integration Scenario ....................................... 24 Execution ............................................................................................... 26
5 Variant 3: One Sender and Two Receivers – with Routing Condition ........................................................................................27 5.1 5.2 5.3
Design Objects Used ............................................................................. 27 Configuring the Process Integration Scenario ....................................... 27 Execution ............................................................................................... 27
6 Variant 4: One Sender and Two Receivers – with Mapping ...28 6.1 6.2 6.3
Design Objects Used ............................................................................. 28 Configuring the Process Integration Scenario ....................................... 30 Execution ............................................................................................... 31
7 Variant 5: One Sender and Two Receivers - with XMLValidation ........................................................................................32 7.1 7.2 7.3
Design Objects Used ............................................................................. 32 Configuring the Process Integration Scenario ....................................... 32 Execution ............................................................................................... 32
8 Variant 6: One Sender and One Receiver - using Exactly Once In Order .................................................................................34 8.1 8.2 8.3
Design Objects Used ............................................................................. 34 Configuring the Process Integration Scenario ....................................... 35 Execution ............................................................................................... 37
9 Variant 7: One Sender and One Receiver - Proxy-to-Proxy Communication ..............................................................................37 9.1
Design Objects Used ............................................................................. 38
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SAP NetWeaver 7.30 – Process Integration Simple Use Cases
9.2 9.3
Configuring the Process Integration Scenario ....................................... 39 Execution ............................................................................................... 40
10 Variant 8: One Sender and One Receiver using Advanced Adapter Engine ..............................................................................40 10.1 10.2 10.3
Design Objects Used .......................................................................... 40 Configuring the Process Integration Scenario .................................... 40 Executing the Use Case ..................................................................... 43
11 Variant 9: One Sender and Two Receivers Using Advanced Adapter Engine.............................................................43 11.1 11.2 11.3
Design Objects Used .......................................................................... 44 Configuring the Process Integration Scenario .................................... 44 Executing the Use Case ..................................................................... 45
12 Variant 10: One Sender and Two Receivers using Advanced Adapter Engine – with Routing Condition ..................46 12.1 12.2 12.3
Design Objects Used .......................................................................... 46 Configuring the Process Integration Scenario .................................... 46 Executing the Use Case ..................................................................... 47
13 Variant 11: One Sender and Two Receivers using Advanced Adapter Engine – With Mapping..................................47 13.1 13.2 13.3
Design Objects Used.......................................................................... 47 Configuring the Process Integration Scenario .................................... 48 Executing the Use Case ..................................................................... 48
14 Variant 12: One Sender and Two Receivers using Advanced Adapter Engine - with XML-Validation ........................49 14.1 14.2 14.3
Design Objects Used .......................................................................... 49 Configuring the Process Integration Scenario .................................... 49 Execution ........................................................................................... 50
15 Variant 13: One Sender and One Receiver - Proxy-toProxy Communication using the Advanced Adapter Engine .....51 15.1 15.2 15.3
Design Objects Used .......................................................................... 51 Configuring the Process Integration Scenario .................................... 51 Execution ........................................................................................... 54
16 Variant 14: Using HTTPS for internal communication between PI components ................................................................54 16.1 16.2 16.3
17 4
Prerequisites ...................................................................................... 54 Configuration ...................................................................................... 54 Execution ........................................................................................... 55
Appendix .................................................................................56 December 2010
SAP NetWeaver 7.30 – Process Integration Simple Use Cases
Monitoring Tools ................................................................................. 56
17.1.1 17.1.2 17.1.3
December 2010
Monitoring in Runtime Workbench ................................................................. 56 Transaction SXMB_MONI .............................................................................. 56 Monitoring in Solution Manager ...................................................................... 57
SAP NetWeaver 7.30 – Process Integration Simple Use Cases
1 Preface Constraints The texts, references, and graphics contained in this manual have been compiled with utmost care; nevertheless, it is impossible to guarantee that they are fully without error. SAP cannot assume any responsibility for the correctness or completeness of the following documentation; the user alone is responsible for verifying the information contained therein. SAP will only assume liability for damage arising from the use of this documentation – irrespective of the pertinent legal basis – in the case of intentional or active negligence, under no other circumstances will a warranty be made. Definition This manual describes simple application cases for process integration and all the configuration steps that are necessary to execute the application cases on the basis of SAP NetWeaver 7.30. Intended Audience This manual is intended to be used by both technology and application consultants. Structure The structure of this document follows the sequence of steps required to configure and run the use cases. Additional Documentation List of related documentation Documentation
SAP NetWeaver Library documentation: Demo Examples
Introduction to demo examples and description of the process integration scenarios
Configuration of SAP NetWeaver Process Integration
Configuring usage type Process Integration
This document is updated on a regular basis in SAP Developer Network (SDN) at Service Bus Getting Started.
2 Introduction and Prerequisites 2.1 Introduction Use cases are based on simple examples that enable you to learn the main features of SAP NetWeaver Process Integration. These instructions will enable you to understand, configure, and execute simple scenarios (that are based on fundamental communication patterns), as well as check that the scenarios are executed correctly. The prerequisite for this document is that you have a general understanding of SAP NetWeaver Process Integration. The following use case variants are available at present: Variant
Variants 1, 6, 7, 8 and 13:
Represents message exchange between a sender and a receiver
One sender and one receiver (see 3, see 8, see 0, see 10, 6
Variants 8 to 13 are using the Advanced Adapter Engine December 2010
SAP NetWeaver 7.30 – Process Integration Simple Use Cases
see 15)
Capabilities. Variant 6 is using the EOIO protocol.
Variants 2 and 9: One sender and two receivers (see 4, see 12) Variant 3 and 10: One sender and two receivers – with routing condition (see 5, see 12) Variant 4 and 11: One sender and two receivers – with mapping (see 6, see 13) Variant 5 and 12: One sender and two receivers – with XMLValidation (see 7, see 14)
Represents message exchange between one sender and two receivers Variant 9 is using the Advanced Adapter Engine capabilities. Represents message exchange between one sender and two receivers in which the way the message is forwarded to the receivers is determined by routing conditions Variant 10 is using the Advanced Adapter Engine capabilities. Represents message exchange between one sender and two receivers. A mapping is executed when the message is forwarded to one of the two receivers. Variant 11 is using the Advanced Adapter Engine capabilities. Represents message exchange between one sender and two receivers. A mapping is executed when the message is forwarded to one of the two receivers. The payload is validated using XML-Validation in inbound processing of the integration engine. Variant 12 is using the Advanced Adapter Engine capabilities.
You can aim to learn about the following with the use cases:
Working with the Enterprise Services Builder – Enterprise Services Repository: Understanding existing design objects
Working with the Integration Builder – Integration Directory: Configuring simple scenarios and understanding created configuration objects
Working with the runtime: Executing the use cases and checking the results by using monitoring
SAP provides the required design objects and files for these learning targets. This document contains a complete set of instructions that enable you to configure and execute the use cases without any additional special prerequisites.
SAP NetWeaver Process Integration must be installed and configured, and be error free. In this respect, note the information under 2.2.1. In variants 1 … 6, file directories on the host of the SAP system on which the Integration Server is installed serve as the senders and receivers of messages. These use cases rely on file directories (and therefore the file/FTP adapter) to keep the technical prerequisites as simple as possible. In variants 7 and 13, an SAP system serves as sender and receiver of messages. This use case relies on the ABAP proxy runtime. In variants 8 … 12, file directories on the host of the SAP system on which the Integration Server is installed serve as the senders and receivers of messages. This used case relies on file directories (and therefore the File/FTP adapter) to keep the technical prerequisites as simple as possible. The messages are sent directly from the sender adapter to the receiver adapter without using the ABAP IS runtime to show the possibility of using the Advanced Adapter Engine.
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SAP NetWeaver 7.30 – Process Integration Simple Use Cases
This document assumes that you will configure the variants in succession, in the order specified. While it is technically possible to configure the variants in a different order, doing so would mean that the order of the step-by-step instructions in this document would no longer be correct.
If you need to configure and execute the use cases as quickly as possible, skip the chapters concerning the design objects used (3.1, 4.1…) and start instead with configuration. You can then return to the skipped chapters at a later stage for a better understanding of the various concepts.
2.2 Prerequisites 2.2.1 General Prerequisites To configure and execute the use cases, SAP NetWeaver with usage type Process Integration must be correctly installed and configured. The following table lists the prerequisites and the relevant guides: List of required steps Step
1. You have installed SAP NetWeaver 7.30.
Master Guide – SAP NetWeaver Installation Guide – SAP Web AS ABAP and Java You can find the corresponding guides on SAP Service Marketplace in the Implementation Documentation Center for SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.3
2. You have imported the content for the Enterprise Services Repository corresponding to the latest support package/patch.
SAP Note 836200
The simple use cases are located in the Enterprise Services Repository in the software component SAP BASIS, software component version SAP BASIS 7.30, in the namespaces m/Patterns. 3. You have configured SAP NetWeaver Process Integration.
Configuration of SAP NetWeaver Process Integration
4. You have configured the System Landscape Directory (SLD).
Configuring, Working with and Administering System Landscape Directory
Note that you set up the use cases in your development or test system, but not in your productive system. 8
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SAP NetWeaver 7.30 – Process Integration Simple Use Cases
2.2.2 Providing the necessary User and Authorizations To log on to the SAP system to configure the simple use cases, you have to create a user XIDEMO with the following roles in the integration server client (001):
2.2.3 Special Prerequisites for Configuring the Variants 1 up to 6 and 8 up to 12 The variants 1 … 6 and 8 … 12 are based on a very simple system landscape that comprises various different file systems (on the host of the SAP system on which the Integration Server is installed). When the use cases are executed, files are moved between file directories. Therefore, to be able configure the use cases, the file directories must have been created and described in the System Landscape Directory. Only then can you access the directories during configuration in the Integration Directory. To set up and describe the system landscape you must carry out the following steps.
Setting Up the File Directories Perform the steps below to create the required directories on the host of the SAP system on which the Integration Server is installed. 1. Using Windows Explorer, open the file directory of the SAP system on which the Integration Server is installed. 2. Create a directory in which you can save files temporarily and create sub directories XiPatterns and XiPatternsO in it.
A work directory already exists on many computers that can be used for this purpose and under which you can create the required directories. 3. Create six further sub directories in the sub directory XiPatterns. Suggested names: XiPattern1, XiPattern2, XiPattern3, XiPattern4, XiPattern5, XiPattern6. 4. Create two further sub directories in the sub directory XiPatternsO. Suggested names: XiPattern7, XiPattern8.
You must have authorization to access this directory to be able to test the process integration scenario. Bear this in mind when you define the directory, and, if applicable, contact your system administrator. 5. Copy the following three files to directory XiPattern1 and XiPattern4.
6. Copy the following file to directory XiPattern7
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SAP NetWeaver 7.30 – Process Integration Simple Use Cases (This file contains 1000 xml files for the EOIO scenario, they will be unpacked when executing the scenario.)
These files are provided by SAP in a ZIP file. The ZIP file is located in SAP Developer Network (SDN) at Service Bus. On the page Service Bus-Based Integration select Getting Started. On the page Getting Started With Service Bus-Based Integration select the hyperlink Process Integration – Simple Use Cases – Test Files. As long as the SDN page is not updated for PI 7.30 the zip File for 7.30 containing also the EOIO test files can be found using this direct link:
Creating the Technical and Business Systems in the System Landscape Directory Perform the following steps to create the required technical and business systems in the System Landscape Directory (SLD): 1. To call the System Landscape Directory, choose Process Integration Integration Builder in the user menu.
2. Start the SLD. To do so, on the Process Integration start page, choose System Landscape Directory. 3. Log on using the XIDEMO user you created in 2.2.2. 4. On the initial screen of the SLD, choose Technical Systems. 5. Create a new technical system. To do so, choose New Technical System. 6. Select the type Standalone by choosing the appropriate radio button. 7. Choose Next. 8. On the Technical System Wizard - System Details screen, enter the following information about the technical system:
Technical System Identification: Enter a name according to the following naming convention: _FileSystem. In this case, is the system ID of the SAP system (on which the Integration Server is installed).
System Host Name: Enter the host name of the system on which you are working, for example pwdf2638.
9. Choose Finish. 10. Now create eight new business systems. To create the first business system, on the SLD start page, choose Business Systems. 11. Choose New Business System.. 12. Select the type Standalone by selecting the appropriate radio button. 13. Choose Next. 14. Select the technical system that you defined previously (dropdown list box in field System). 15. Choose Next. 16. Enter the name _FileSystem_XiPattern1. 17. Choose Next.
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SAP NetWeaver 7.30 – Process Integration Simple Use Cases
18. Specify the assigned Integration Server to be used for process integration (field Related Integration Server). 19. Choose Finish. 20. Following the same procedure, create business systems with the following names:
Defining Business System Components in the Integration Directory In the following steps you define communication components for the business systems you just created. You need to create communication components to be able to address the business systems as senders/receivers of messages when you configure the process integration scenario in the Integration Directory. To prepare the configuration of the process integration scenario, you must do the following:
Define the involved business systems as communication components (business system components) in the Integration Directory Only then can you address the business systems as senders or receivers of messages.
Define communication channels for outbound message processing (for all relevant receiver business systems)
You define communication components in the Integration Directory. Therefore, to execute the activities described below, call the Integration Builder (user interface of Integration Directory). 1. To call the Integration Builder, choose Process Integration Start Integration Builder in the user menu. 2. On the initial screen, choose the hyperlink Integration Builder (under Integration Directory). 3. Log on using the XIDEMO user you created in 2.2.2. The system opens the Integration Builder. You use the steps below to define a communication component (business system component) in the Integration Directory for each business system. 1. Clear the SLD cache. To do this, select Environment Clear SLD Data Cache in the menu of the Integration Builder. 2. In the Integration Builder navigation area, on the Objects tab page, position the cursor on the Communication Components Without Party node. 3. To call the wizard for assigning business systems, choose Assign Business System in the context menu. 4. Choose Continue. 5. On the next screen, choose Continue. The business system components are not assigned to a party. December 2010
SAP NetWeaver 7.30 – Process Integration Simple Use Cases
6. On the next screen, select the following business systems by using the corresponding checkboxes:
7. Make sure that the Create Communication Channels Automatically checkbox is deselected.
The relevant communication channels are created when the process integration scenario is configured. 8. Choose Finish. The system displays the communication components in the Integration Builder navigation area, on the Objects tab page, under Communication Components Without Party Business System. Perform the following steps to activate the communication components. 1. In the navigation area, choose the Change Lists tab page. 2. Choose Open Standard Change List. 3. Check that the eight communication components you just created are contained in the change list. 4. Position the cursor on the Standard Change List node and choose Activate ( context menu.
) in the
2.2.4 Special Prerequisites for Configuring Variants 7 and 13 Variants 7 and 13 describes message exchange based on the ABAP proxy runtime. In this document the following standard configuration is described:
The same application system is used as sender and receiver of messages.
The application system is implemented by a separate client of the SAP system where the Integration Server is installed: client 001 is used for the Integration Server and client 105 for the application system. Client 105 is called application client in the following. The application system is represented by one business system in the System Landscape Directory and by a business system component in the Integration Directory.
Generation of Different Clients You generate the application client from the Integration Server client (001) by using client copy.
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SAP NetWeaver 7.30 – Process Integration Simple Use Cases
To do this, execute the following steps in the SAP system of the Integration Server: 1. Set up the logical systems (for travel agency and airlines). 2. Assign client and logical system. 3. Perform client copy. 4. Register clients in SLD
The client for the Integration Server is set up during installation of SAP NetWeaver Process Integration. The relevant configuration steps are described in detail in the document SAP NetWeaver Process Integration - Demo Examples Configuration Guide in the chapter Setting up the System Landscape (section 4.2). To configure this variant of the use cases, you only have to consider the steps according to client 105.
You can find this document in SAP Community Network at Getting Started.
Creating the Technical and Business Systems in the System Landscape Directory Since the involved business system is simulated by a specific client of the SAP system of the Integration Server, you only need one technical system (the system of the Integration Server).
The system of the Integration Server registers itself as a technical system in the System Landscape Directory automatically during installation of SAP NetWeaver Process Integration (according to the Installation Guide ). You should check the application client for this technical system. 1. On the initial screen of the System Landscape Directory, choose Technical Systems. The system displays all the technical systems in a table. The technical system of the Integration Server has the following name: on .
If you have called the system , the name of the server () is displayed in the corresponding status field in the status bar of the SAP window (for the system ) (for example, PWDF1234). 2. Open the technical system on . To do this, click the corresponding entry. 3. Details of the system are displayed. 4. Check if the client 105 is already automatically registered. This should be the case after you executed the Clients SLD Registration. Execute the following steps to define a business system for the sender/receiver: 1. On the initial screen of the System Landscape Directory, choose Business Systems. 2. Choose New Business System. The system opens the business system wizard. 3. Select the system type AS ABAP with the corresponding radio button. December 2010
SAP NetWeaver 7.30 – Process Integration Simple Use Cases
4. Choose Next. 5. First specify the technical system. In the dropdown list box for the System field, select the name of the technical system. The name of the technical system is on . 6. In the Client field, select the client that implements the application system: 105. 7. Choose Next. 8. Enter the following name for the business system: _105. 9. Choose Next. 10. Select all the specified products. All software component versions resulting from the product selection are displayed. 11. Choose Next. 12. Enter the following information:
In the Business System Role field, specify the role of the business system. Specify the role Application System for the clients of the application systems.
In the Related Integration Server field, specify the technical system of the Integration Server ( on ).
13. To save your entries, choose Finish.
Configuring the Business System as Local Integration Engine The relevant configuration steps are described in detail in the document SAP NetWeaver Process Integration - Demo Examples Configuration Guide in the chapter 4.4 Configuring the Business System as Local Integration Engine. To configure this variant of the use cases, you only have to consider the steps according to client 105.
Defining Business System Components in the Integration Directory In the following steps you define a communication component for the business system you just created. To prepare the configuration of the process integration scenario, you must do the following:
Define the involved business system as communication component (business system component) in the Integration Directory Only then can you address the business system as sender or receiver of messages.
Define a communication channel for outbound message processing (for the receiver business system)
You define the communication component in the Integration Directory. Therefore, to execute the activities described below, call the Integration Builder (Integration Directory). 1. To call the Integration Builder (Integration Directory), choose Process Integration Start Integration Builder in the user menu. 2. On the initial screen of Process Integration, choose the hyperlink Integration Builder (under Integration Directory). 3. Log on using the XIDEMO user you created in 2.2.2.. The system opens the Integration Builder (Integration Directory). You use the steps below to define a communication component (business system component) in the Integration Directory for each business system. 14
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SAP NetWeaver 7.30 – Process Integration Simple Use Cases
1. Clear the SLD cache. To do this, select Environment Clear SLD Data Cache in the menu of the Integration Builder. 2. In the Integration Builder navigation area, on the Objects tab page, position the cursor on the Communication Components Without Party node. 3. To call the wizard for assigning business systems, choose Assign Business System in the context menu. 4. Choose Continue. 5. On the next screen, choose Continue. The business system components are not assigned to a party. 6. On the next screen, select the following business system by using the corresponding checkbox: _105. 7. Make sure that the Create Communication Channels Automatically checkbox is selected. 8. Choose Finish. The system displays the communication component in the Integration Builder navigation area, on the Objects tab page, under Communication Components Without Party Business System. The communication channels that are generated automatically are displayed in the Integration Builder navigation area under Communication Channel. The communication channels with adapter type XI (for proxy-to-proxy communication) have the name GeneratedReceiverChannel_XI. The name of the communication channel in the navigation area is preceded with the name of the business system the channel is assigned to. You need a receiver communication channel with adapter type XI. To be able to use the communication channel, you have to edit it manually.
Editing the Communication Channels You must execute the following steps to edit the communication channel GeneratedReceiverChannel_XI. 1. In the Integration Builder navigation area, under Communication Channel, open the channel *I_105/ GeneratedReceiverChannel_XI. 2. Switch to change mode. To do this, choose Switch between display and edit mode (
3. Enter the following values for the communication channel attributes.
The table contains the correct entries for all fields in the communication channel. Note that some fields will be completed by the system when communication channels are created automatically. The Specify Manually column indicates which fields remain to be completed. Entries for Communication Channels Specify Manually
Transport Protocol
HTTP 1.0
Message Protocol
XI 3.0
Addressing Type
URL Address
Target Host
Name of the server of the target host (for example, pwdf0005)
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SAP NetWeaver 7.30 – Process Integration Simple Use Cases
Service Number
Number of the HTTP port
To find out the number of the HTTP port (service number), see the ICM Monitor of the relevant Integration Server (call transaction SMICM and then Goto Services). Select the Service Name/Port for the Protocol HTTP. Path
Authentication Data Specify Manually x
Authentication Type
Use Logon Data for SAP System
User Name
User Password
Set the password for the user in client 105
Logon Language
4. Save the communication channel (
Sender agreements are not necessary for adapter type XI and XI 3.0 protocol. Therefore, no sender communication channels are necessary. Perform the following steps to activate the communication component and communication channel. 1. In the navigation area, choose the Change Lists tab page. 2. Choose Open Standard Change List. 3. Check that the three communication components you just created are contained in the change list. 4. Position the cursor on the Standard Change List node and choose Activate ( context menu.
) in the
3 Variant 1: One Sender and One Receiver This variant enables you to configure and execute the simplest kind of message exchange: one sender (file directory XiPattern1) sends a message to one receiver (file directory XiPattern2). No mapping is executed between the outbound and inbound interface in this variant.
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SAP NetWeaver 7.30 – Process Integration Simple Use Cases
3.1 Design Objects Used This section explains all the design objects that are used for describing this variant. There is a step-by-step description of how to access each object. SAP recommends that you follow these steps directly in the system. The subsequent description of each variant will refer to the detailed step-by-step description in this section; the relevant design objects will only be listed briefly in each case. You use the component view File2File_NoMapping in process integration scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario to configure this variant. The following graphic shows the component view:
The following describes all the objects that describe the message exchange in this variant in turn. Starting with the process integration scenario (component view), you can open all the objects that the component view uses. 1. To call the Enterprise Services Builder (user interface of the Enterprise Services Repository), choose Process Integration Start Integration Builder in the user menu. 2. On the Process Integration initial screen, choose Enterprise Services Builder under Enterprise Services Repository. 3. In the navigation area, open the software component SAP BASIS, software component version SAP BASIS 7.30, and namespace 4. Open the node Process Integration Scenarios. 5. Open process integration scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario by double-clicking. The process integration scenario editor is opened.
Process Integration Scenario/Component View A process integration scenario describes the process flow and represents the points in the process flow at which messages are exchanged between application components (in this case, the application components Sender and Receiver). Specific communication variants are represented by different component views. Component View File2File_NoMapping represents the three variants without a mapping. Component View File2File_WithMapping represents the variant that includes a mapping.
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SAP NetWeaver 7.30 – Process Integration Simple Use Cases
Ensure that component view File2File_NoMapping is displayed in the graphical editor. If it is not displayed, choose the component view in the preview area on the left by double-clicking. The component view comprises two actions Send Message 1 and Receive Message 1, which are linked by an asynchronous communication step (angled arrow).
Interface Objects Interface objects describe the communication mode and the data structure for exchanging messages. Interface objects comprise service interfaces, message types, and data types, which you can open by means of forward navigation, starting in the component view. 1. To open the interface objects used, double-click the connecting arrow in the component view. The connection editor is displayed. The service interfaces for the sender and receiver are displayed on the Assign Interfaces tab page: in the case of the sender, it is the outbound interface XiPatternInterface1 and in the case of the receiver, it is the same inbound interface XiPatternInterface1. Since the interface is the same for both the sender and receiver, no mapping is required. 2. To open the service interface XiPatternInterface1, double-click the interface name. 3. In the Service Interface editor you can see that it is an abstract interface. The interface is abstract because the interface description is not implemented in the relevant software component. 4. To open the message type, double-click the name of the message type XiPatternMessage1 (in the service interface editor under Messages). In the Message Type editor, you can display the data structure of the message. The data structure is defined by the data type XiPatternDataType1. Information about a person is structured by different elements in the data structure of the exchanged message. Details such as the maximum character length are displayed in the Details column.
Mapping Objects If the interfaces at the sender and receiver are different, a mapping is required. Navigate to the connection editor and choose the Assign Mapping tab page. You can see that a mapping has not been assigned for the connection between the two (identical) service interfaces.
Communication Channel Templates You use communication channel templates to define details, which were defined when the process integration scenario was defined, for the inbound or outbound processing of the message. You can then use the communication channel template to create the corresponding communication channel when configuring in the Integration Directory. You then need to specify all the details, which are only known at configuration time, in the communication channel. 1. In the connection editor, choose the Assign Communication Channel Template tab page. One communication channel is specified for both the sender and receiver: (XiPatternChannel_FileSender for the sender, XiPatternChannel_FileReceiver for the receiver. 2. To open a communication channel template (for example, for the sender), double-click the name. Further details are displayed in the Display Communication Channel Template editor. 3. Close all objects and the process integration scenario.
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SAP NetWeaver 7.30 – Process Integration Simple Use Cases
Summary of Design Objects Used The design objects used are summarized once more in the following table.
For a general description of the various object types, see SAP Help Portal at: Enterprise Services Repository Design Objects Used Object Type (Name)
Process Integration Scenario
Describes the process flow and indicates the points at which
messages are exchanged between the different components. The component view File2File_NoMapping in particular describes all variants in which no mapping is executed (interfaces at the sender and receiver are identical).
Service Interface
Specifies the communication mode (asynchronous) and references
the message type used.
Message Type
Describes the message sent at runtime and references the data type
Data Type (XiPatternDataType1)
Describes the data structure of the message
Communication Channel Templates
Specifies the sender (and receiver) adapter configuration details,
for Sender and Receiver
which are defined at design time. Communication channel templates
enable a communication channel to be preconfigured at design time.
3.2 Configuring the Process Integration Scenario You perform the following configuration steps in the Integration Directory.
Note the prerequisite steps described in section 2.2. In configuration, you translate the process described by the process integration scenario (component view) to an actual system landscape. You have already described the system landscape in the SLD. The communication components you defined earlier enable you to address the involved business systems as senders/receivers of messages in the Integration Directory. You use the model configurator for the whole configuration procedure. This tool enables you to use an process integration scenario from the Enterprise Services Repository as a configuration template and to add further information (which is not known until configuration time).
Calling the Integration Directory First, call the Integration Directory (transaction SXMB_IFR). On the Process Integration initial screen, choose hyperlink Integration Builder (under Integration Directory).
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SAP NetWeaver 7.30 – Process Integration Simple Use Cases
Selecting the Process Integration Scenario Perform the following steps to select the process integration scenario that you want to configure from the Enterprise Services Repository. Also, enter the name of the configuration scenario (in the Integration Directory) in which you want to group the configuration objects. 1. To call the model configurator, choose Tools Apply Model from Enterprise Services Repository in the Integration Builder menu bar. This calls a wizard, which you use to select a model (in this case, a process integration scenario) and create a configuration scenario in the Integration Directory. 2. Make sure that the model type Process Integration Scenario is selected (radio button under Type of ES Repository Model). 3. Choose the input help (for the Name field) (
This calls an input help, which displays all process integration scenarios from the Enterprise Services Repository in a list. 4. Select the process integration scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario (software component version SAP BASIS 7.30, namespace from the Enterprise Services Repository and choose Apply. 5. Choose Continue. 6. Enter the name of the configuration scenario as: XiPatternOneStepScenario. 7. Choose Finish and then Close. The system calls the model configurator.
Selecting the Component View Check whether the component view File2File_NoMapping is displayed. If it is not, choose the menu option Select Component View ( ). On the subsequent screen, select the component view (in the preview area) by double-clicking.
Assigning Communication Components You perform the following steps to assign communication components to the application components of the process integration scenario. You use the business system components that you created before (see 2.2.3). 1. In the graphical editor, click on the lane representing the Sender application component. This calls the Assign Business System Component dialog box for the Sender application component (below the graphical representation of the process integration scenario). 2. To assign a communication component click in the input field in the Communication Component column and call the input help (
3. In the subsequent screen, select the communication component _FileSystem_XiPattern1 and then choose Apply. 4. Choose Next Role ( ) to navigate to the configuration dialog for the application component Receiver. 5. Assign the communication component _FileSystem_XiPattern2 to the application component Receiver. Follow the same procedure as when assigning the communication component to the application component Sender. 6. Choose Assign.
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Configuring the Connection You perform the following steps to configure the connection of the process integration scenario. You activate the relevant sender-receiver relation (between the sender and receiver component) and assign both the sender and receiver a (sender or receiver) communication channel. You create the communication channel on the basis of the communication channel templates that the process integration scenario already contains. 1. In the graphical editor, click on the connection between the lanes representing the two application components. 2. This calls the Configure Connection dialog box for the connection between the actions (below the graphical representation of the process integration scenario). 3. On the Configure Connections screen, choose the tab page Connections from Component Assignment. The communication components that you assigned in the previous configuration step are displayed.
The remaining tab pages contain further information about the process integration scenario, for example, the communication channel templates that are defined for the process integration scenario in the Enterprise Services Repository. 4. Assign the sender a communication channel. To do so, place the cursor in the field Communication Channel for the Sender Component, in the push button bar choose Create Communication Channel With Template ( ). In the subsequent wizard you can create a communication channel based on a communication channel template. 5. Choose Continue. The default communication channel template on the subsequent screen is that which was assigned to the sender application component in the process integration scenario (name XiPatternChannel_FileSender, software component version SAP BASIS 7.30, namespace 6. Choose Continue. The default name for the communication channel on the next screen is XiPatternChannel_FileSender. 7. Confirm your selection by choosing Finish. 8. Following the same procedure (see step 4-7), assign the application component of the receiver a communication channel (XiPatternChannel_FileReceiver) based on the default communication channel template (name XiPatternChannel_FileReceiver, software component version SAP BASIS 7.30, namespace
Generating the Configuration Objects In the following steps, you generate the relevant configuration objects based on the settings made in previous steps. 1. Choose the push button Create Configuration Objects (
2. Under General, select the radio button Generation. 3. Choose Start. The configuration objects are generated based on the settings you made. Once generation is complete, the generation log is opened. The generation log displays the results of generation. The generation log enables you to analyze any errors that occurred during generation. 4. Close the generation log. December 2010
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5. Close the model configurator. Choose Apply. 6. Save the configuration scenario.
Manual Editing In the following steps, you edit the generated configuration objects manually and enhance the configuration settings made during generation. In this variant, you must edit the communication channels after generation. 1. In the editor Display Configuration Scenario (for the open scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario), on the tab page Objects open the communication channel ( ) XiPatternChannel_FileSender by double-clicking. 2. Under File Access Parameter in the Source Directory field, enter the path in the file directory that you defined previously (see 2.2.3). In the case of the sender communication channel, enter the whole path for the file directory XiPattern1. Example: C://XiPatterns/XiPattern1 3. Save the communication channel. 4. Following the same procedure, edit the communication channel XiPatternChannel_FileReceiver (communication component _FileSystem_XiPattern2). Enter the path for the file directory XiPattern2. 5. Save the communication channel.
Activating the Change List 1. To do this, select the Change Lists tab page in the Integration Directory navigation area. 2. Choose Open Standard Change List. 3. Position the cursor on the Standard Change List node and choose Activate ( context menu.
) in the
Summary of the Configuration Objects Used The generated configuration objects used are summarized once more in the following table.
SAP recommends that you look at the configuration objects directly in the system and that you understand the configuration settings resulting from these objects.
For a general description of the various object types, see SAP Knowledge Warehouse at: Integration Directory – Configuration Objects Configuration Objects Used Object Type (Name)
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SAP NetWeaver 7.30 – Process Integration Simple Use Cases
Configuration Scenario
Groups all configuration objects that are relevant for the
execution of the process integration scenario.
This documentation recommends that you group the configuration objects for all variants of the process integration scenario in the same configuration scenario. Business System Component
Identifies a business system in the Integration Directory that is
(_FileSystem_XiPattern1 for
to be addressed as the sender or receiver of messages.
sender and _FileSystem_XiPattern2 for receiver) Sender Communication Channel
Contains the details for configuring a sender adapter that is
used to process the message on the inbound side. In a real installation, the sender file/FTP adapter is used to write a file from a source directory to the pipeline.
Receiver Communication Channel
Contains the details for configuring a receiver adapter that is
used to process the message on the outbound side. The receiver file/FTP adapter writes the file to one or more target directories.
Receiver Determination (I _FileSystem_XiPattern1 I XiPatternInterface1) Interface Determination (I _FileSystem_XiPattern1 I XiPatternInterface1 I _FileSystem_XiPattern2) Sender Agreement (I _FileSystem_XiPattern1 I XiPatternInterface1) Receiver Agreement (I _FileSystem_XiPattern1 I _FileSystem_XiPattern2 I
Specifies the receiver of the message for the sender and the outbound interface XiPatternInterface1. The receiver _FileSystem_XiPattern2 must be entered in the receiver determination as a configured receiver. Specifies the inbound interface XiPatternInterface1 for the sender, outbound interface, and the receiver. The inbound interface must be entered in the interface determination as a configured inbound interface. Specifies the sender communication channel XiPatternChannel_FileSender to be used for the sender and the outbound interface. Specifies the receiver communication channel XiPatternChannel_FileReceiver to be used for the sender, the receiver, and the inbound interface.
3.3 Execution You perform the following steps to check that the process integration scenario is executed without errors. 1. On the host of the Integration Server, open the file directory XiPattern1. 2. Rename the file ZXiPatternSenderFile1.xml as follows: XiPatternSenderFile1.xml. December 2010
SAP NetWeaver 7.30 – Process Integration Simple Use Cases
The File/FTP adapter is designed so that a file with exactly this name is recognized and moved from the source directory XiPattern1 to the target directory XiPattern2 every 60 seconds. If the configuration was executed without errors, the file will be moved from the source directory 60 seconds after it is renamed. 3. Open the directory XiPattern2 and check that the file has arrived. 4. Open the file and check whether the content has changed (compare with the original file ZXiPatternSenderFile1.xml).
The file must not be altered when this variant is executed. Furthermore, you can check the processing of the message in monitoring. To do this, proceed as follows: 1. Start the Monitoring by choosing Configuration and Monitoring Home on the PI start page. (transaction SXMB_IFR) 2. Choose Message Overview. 3. Select the Integration Engine as component. 4. Use appropriate filter criteria to restrict the number of XML messages displayed (for example, the processing period). 5. Choose Go. The system displays the selected messages in a table. You want to locate the messages that were sent during execution. 6. Select the message to be displayed by selecting the appropriate radio button and then choose Open Message. The tab Payloads displays the message contents for the various versions of the message during processing. .
4 Variant 2: One Sender and Two Receivers This variant extends variant 1 by adding an additional receiver. The message is sent from the sender to two receivers, without a mapping being executed at runtime.
4.1 Design Objects Used The same component view and design objects are used as in variant 1 (see 3.1).
4.2 Configuring the Process Integration Scenario When you configure this variant, you will partially overwrite the configuration settings from variant 1. You use the same configuration scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario as in variant 1.
Opening the Configuration Scenario Perform the following steps to open the configuration scenario that you created in variant 1. 1. In the Integration Directory, open configuration scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario. To do so, in the Integration Directory navigation area, choose the tab page Scenarios and open the configuration scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario by double-clicking.
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If you followed the configuration sequence suggested in this document, the configuration objects that were generated in variant 1 are displayed in the configuration scenario. 2. Change to Edit Mode. 3. Start the model configurator. To do so, in the menu bar of the configuration scenario object editor, choose Configuration Scenario Model Configurator.
The model configurator loads the same process integration scenario as in variant 1.
Selecting the Component View Check that the component view File2File_NoMapping is selected. If it is not, under Configuration Steps, choose the menu option Select Component View. On the subsequent screen, select the component view (in the preview area) by double-clicking.
Assigning Communication Components Additionally, assign the application component Receiver the business system component _FileSystem_XiPattern3.
Configuring the Connection The communication channels selected for variant 1 are displayed for the relation from sender communication component _FileSystem_XiPattern1 and receiver component _FileSystem_XiPattern2. If this is not the case, select them again by using the input help. For the relation from the sender component _FileSystem_XiPattern1 and receiver component _FileSystem_XiPattern3, proceed as follows:
Assign the communication channel XiPatternChannel_FileSender (communication component _FileSystem_XiPattern1) that you created previously to the sender component. To do so, position the cursor on the input field in the column Communication Channel (in the composite column Sender Business System Components for A2A) and call the input help (
Using the communication channel template, create a new communication channel for the receiver communication component _FileSystem_XiPattern3. To do so, proceed as described in variant 1.
Generating the Configuration Objects Proceed as described in variant 1. Once you have checked the generation log, close it and save the configuration scenario.
Manual Editing Manually edit the new communication channel XiPatternChannel_FileReceiver for communication component _FileSystem_XiPattern3 as in variant 1. Under File Access Parameter in field Source Directory, enter the path for the file directory XiPattern3 (see 2.2.3). Save and activate the changes.
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Summary of the Configuration Objects Used The same configuration objects are used as in variant 1. The following differences arise as a result of the additional receiver component:
Two receiver components are configured in the receiver determination (as configured receivers). At runtime, the message is sent simultaneously from sender _FileSystem_XiPattern1 to the two receivers _FileSystem_XiPattern2 and _FileSystem_XiPattern3.
There is an additional communication channel XiPatternChannel_FileReceiver for the additional receiver _FileSystem_XiPattern3.
There is a further receiver agreement I _FileSystem_XiPattern1 I _FileSystem_XiPattern3 I XiPatternInterface1. The receiver agreement specifies the receiver communication channel XiPatternChannel_FileReceiver to be used for the sender, additional receiver _FileSystem_XiPattern3, and the inbound interface.
4.3 Execution You perform the following steps to check that the process integration scenario is executed without errors. As for the execution of variant 1, in directory XiPattern1, copy the file ZXiPatternSenderFile1.xml and rename it XiPatternSenderFile1.xml. The file will be moved from the directory within the next 60 seconds. Since this variant has two target directories (receivers), check in both directory XiPattern2 and XiPattern3, whether the file has arrived. Furthermore, you can check the processing of the message in monitoring. To do this, proceed as follows: 1. Start the Monitoring by choosing Configuration and Monitoring Home on the PI start page. (transaction SXMB_IFR) 2. Choose Message Overview. 3. Select the Integration Engine as component. 4. Use appropriate filter criteria to restrict the number of XML messages displayed (for example, the processing period). 5. Choose Go. The system displays the selected messages in a table. You want to locate the messages that were sent during execution. 6. Select the message to be displayed by selecting the appropriate radio button and then choose Open Message. The tab Payloads displays the message contents for the various versions of the message during processing. Message monitoring displays three messages (see 3.3).
In this variant, two messages are created from the outbound message (one for each receiver).
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5 Variant 3: One Sender and Two Receivers – with Routing Condition This variant extends variant 2 by adding a routing condition. Depending on the condition, the message is sent to one of the two receivers.
5.1 Design Objects Used The same component view and design objects are used as in variant 1 (see 3.1).
5.2 Configuring the Process Integration Scenario To configure this variant you use the configuration settings from variant 2. The only enhancement you need to make is to add a routing condition to the receiver determination. 1. Open configuration scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario. 2. On the tab page Objects open the receiver determination I _FileSystem_XiPattern1 I XiPatternInterface1 ( ) by double-clicking. 3. Switch to change mode (
4. Under Configured Receivers, select the cell for the receiver component _FileSystem_XiPattern2 in the column Condition. 5. Call the condition editor by choosing the input help icon (
6. In the column Left Operand, call the expression editor by choosing the input help icon (
7. In the expression editor, select the XPath radio button. The data structure of the message is displayed. 8. Expand the structure and select the element CountryCode by using the cursor. 9. Choose OK. 10. In the condition editor, choose the operator = in the column Op. 11. In the column Right Operand, enter US. 12. Choose OK. You have specified the routing condition CountryCode = US.
At runtime, messages that have the value US entered for the element CountryCode are sent to receiver _FileSystem_XiPattern2. 13. Following this procedure, create the routing condition CountryCode = DE for the configured receiver _FileSystem_XiPattern3. 14. Save the receiver determination. 15. Activate your change lists.
5.3 Execution You perform the following steps to check that the process integration scenario is executed without errors.
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In directory XiPattern1, copy the file ZXiPatternSenderFile1.xml and rename the copied file XiPatternSenderFile1.xml. The file will be moved from the directory in the next 60 seconds. Check whether the file has arrived in directory XiPattern2. Open the file and check that the country code US is entered in the personal data. There should be no file in directory XiPattern3. Furthermore, you can check the processing of the message in monitoring. To do this, proceed as follows: 1. Start the Monitoring by choosing Configuration and Monitoring Home on the PI start page. (transaction SXMB_IFR) 2. Choose Message Overview. 3. Select the Integration Engine as component. 4. Use appropriate filter criteria to restrict the number of XML messages displayed (for example, the processing period). 5. Choose Go. The system displays the selected messages in a table. You want to locate the messages that were sent during execution. 6. Select the message to be displayed by selecting the appropriate radio button and then choose Open Message. The tab Payloads displays the message contents for the various versions of the message during processing. Monitoring contains an entry for this exchange of messages (see 3.3).
You can repeat this procedure for file ZXiPatternSenderFile2.xml. This file arrives in directory XiPattern3 (contains personal data with the country code DE).
6 Variant 4: One Sender and Two Receivers – with Mapping In this variant, the message is sent to two receivers. A mapping is executed when the message is forwarded to one of the two receivers.
6.1 Design Objects Used You use the component view File2File_WithMapping in process integration scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario to configure this variant. The following graphic shows the component view:
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As described under 3.1, you can navigate to all design objects used from the component view. The following explains the design objects that play an additional role when using this component view.
Interface Objects You can see that the outbound interface entered in the connection editor is the same as the interface in component view File2File_NoMapping. If you navigate further to the message type and data type used, you will see that the data structure on the sender side is the same as in the previous variants (defined by the data type XiPatternDataType1). However, the asynchronous service interface XiPatternInterface2 is entered as the inbound interface at the receiver. This service interface references the message type XiPatternMessage2. The data structure of the message is defined by the data type XiPatternDataType2. The structure of data type XiPatternDataType2 is different to the structure of data type XiPatternDataType1 (which is used in the component view) in the following ways:
In data type XiPatternDataType1, two separate elements are used to specify the person’s first and second name, whereas in data type XiPatternDataType2, only one element is used (FullName).
In data type XiPatternDataType1, the name of the element that specifies the telephone number is TelephonNumber, whereas in data type XiPatternDataType2, the name is PhoneNumber.
Mapping Objects A mapping between the sender and receiver data structures must therefore be executed for the message to be processed. In the connection editor, navigate to the relevant mapping objects by choosing the tab page Assign Mapping. Double-click on the name of the operation mapping (XiPatternInterface1ToInterface2) to open it. The names of the source and target interface, as well as the source and target message are displayed. The message mapping used is displayed under Mapping Program. Doubleclick to open the message mapping (XiPatternMessage1ToMessage2). In the message mapping editor, the tab page Design displays the source and target structures.
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You have the option of displaying for which elements of the source and target structure mappings are to be executed. To do so, choose Display Dependencies Display All (
Summary of Additional Design Objects Used The following table summarizes the additional design objects used. Additional Design Objects Used Object Type (Name)
Component View File2File_WithMapping
Describes the process flow and the message exchange if a
(Process Integration Scenario
mapping is to be executed during message processing (the
interfaces on the sender and receiver sides are not identical)
Service interface (XiPatternInterface2)
Describes the interface and data structure of the receiver. The
Message Type (XiPatternMessage2)
data structure is different to the data structure of the sender.
Data Type (XiPatternDataType2) Operation mapping
Describes the mapping between the source and target interface
(XiPatternInterface1ToInterface2) Message Mapping
Describes the mapping between the source and target structure
in detail
6.2 Configuring the Process Integration Scenario This variant uses the configuration settings from the previous variant. Open configuration scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario in Edit Mode and call the model configurator from the configuration editor.
Selecting an Process Integration Scenario (Component View) Select component view File2File_WithMapping.
Any settings previously made in the model configurator will be overwritten.
Assigning Communication Component Assign the communication component _FileSystem_XiPattern1 to the application component Sender, and the communication component _FileSystem_XiPattern3 to the application component Receiver.
In this variant, only the connection between sender _FileSystem_XiPattern1 and receiver _FileSystem_XiPattern3 is reconfigured. The configuration of the connection between sender _FileSystem_XiPattern1 and receiver _FileSystem_XiPattern2 (defined in the previous variants) remains unchanged.
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Configuring the Connection When you configure the connection, you select the communication channels that were selection in the previous variants.
Generating the Configuration Objects To do so, proceed as described in variant 1. Under Change to Existing Interface Determinations, select the checkbox Activate Changes.
Generation reuses the interface determination from variant 1. You must select this option to enter the mapping to be used in variant 4 in the existing interface determination. When you have checked the generation log, close it and save the configuration scenario. Activate your change lists.
6.3 Execution You perform the following steps to check that the process integration scenario is executed without errors. In directory XiPattern1, copy the file ZXiPatternSenderFile2.xml. Rename the directory XiPatternSenderFile2.xml. The file will be moved from the directory within the next 60 seconds. Check whether a file has arrived in directory XiPattern3. Open the file. The structure will have changed: The first and second name of the person will have been concatenated, the field for the telephone number has a new name. You can also check the processing of the message in monitoring. To do this, proceed as follows: 1. Start the Monitoring by choosing Configuration and Monitoring Home on the PI start page. (transaction SXMB_IFR) 2. Choose Message Overview. 3. Select the Integration Engine as component. 4. Use appropriate filter criteria to restrict the number of XML messages displayed (for example, the processing period). 5. Choose Go. The system displays the selected messages in a table. You want to locate the messages that were sent during execution. 6. Select the message to be displayed by selecting the appropriate radio button and then choose Open Message. The tab Payloads displays the message contents for the various versions of the message during processing. If logging is activated in the Integration Server, (RUNTIME parameter LOGGING in SXMB_ADM Integration Server Configuration) you can compare the payload before mapping with the payload after mapping checking the payload in the different message versions. Monitoring contains an entry for this exchange of messages (see 3.3).
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You can repeat this procedure for file ZXiPatternSenderFile1.xml. This file is expected in directory XiPattern2 (no mapping executed).
7 Variant 5: One Sender and Two Receivers with XML-Validation This variant extends variant 4 by switching in the XML-Validation to check the schema of the file to be sent. The message is sent from the sender to two receivers if the schema is correct, the message will be stopped in error if the schema does not fit.
7.1 Design Objects Used The same component view and design objects are used as in variant 4 (see 3.1).
7.2 Configuring the Process Integration Scenario When you configure this variant, you will partially overwrite the configuration settings from variant 4. You use the same configuration scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario as in variant 1.
Opening the Configuration Scenario Perform the following steps to open the configuration scenario that you created in variant 1. 1. In the Integration Directory, open configuration scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario. To do so, in the Integration Directory navigation area, choose the tab page Scenarios and open the configuration scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario by double-clicking.
If you followed the configuration sequence suggested in this document, the configuration objects that were generated in variants 1 to 4 are displayed in the configuration scenario. 2. Open the sender agreement I _FileSystem_XiPattern1 I XiPatternInterface1 by double-clicking. 3. Change to Edit mode. 4. Check that the software component version of the sender interface is set to SAP BASIS 7.30. As Schema Validation select the radio button Validation in Integration Engine. 5. Save the sender agreement and activate the change list.
7.3 Execution You perform the following steps to check that the process integration scenario is executed without errors.
Execution without Validation Error For the execution in directory XiPattern1, rename the file ZXiPatternSenderFile1.xml to XiPatternSenderFile1.xml. The file will be moved from the directory within the next 60 seconds. Check in directory XiPattern2 whether the file has arrived.
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Furthermore, you can check the processing of the message in monitoring. To do this, proceed as follows: 1. Start the Monitoring by choosing Configuration and Monitoring Home on the PI start page. (transaction SXMB_IFR) 2. Choose Message Overview. 3. Select the Integration Engine as component. 4. Use appropriate filter criteria to restrict the number of XML messages displayed (for example, the processing period). 5. Choose Go. The system displays the selected messages in a table. You want to locate the messages that were sent during execution. 6. Select the message to be displayed by selecting the appropriate radio button and then choose Open Message. The tab Payloads displays the message contents for the various versions of the message during processing. Message monitoring displays one message.
Execution with Validation Error For the execution with wrong XML schema in directory XiPattern1, rename the file ZXiPatternSenderFile3.xml to XiPatternSenderFile3.xml. The file will be moved from the directory within the next 60 seconds. No file should arrive in directory XiPattern2. The message-processing will stop in the Integration Builder because the message has the wrong XML-schema. If you check the XML file ZXiPatternSenderFile3.xml, you will see a tag with the name Email, this tag does not exist in the message type XiPatternMessage1 used in the outbound interface XiPatternInterface1. You can check the error in monitoring. To do this, proceed as follows: 1. Start the Monitoring by choosing Configuration and Monitoring Home on the PI start page. (transaction SXMB_IFR) 2. Choose Message Overview. 3. Select the Integration Engine as component. 4. Use appropriate filter criteria to restrict the number of XML messages displayed (for example, the processing period). 5. Choose Go. The system displays the selected messages in a table. You want to locate the messages that were sent during execution. 6. Select the message to be displayed by selecting the appropriate radio button and then choose Open Message. The tab Payloads displays the message contents for the various versions of the message during processing. 7. To further process the message you have the following possibilities: a. End the message choosing Cancel. The message will be set to a final state and will not be processed further. b. Edit the message and delete the tag … using the Message Editor to fit the structure to the expected schema and restart the message using Resend.
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To be able to edit the message content you need the role SAP_XI_MONITOR_ENHANCED. c.
Restart the message with the option to skip the XML-Validation. Press the button Resend and answer the question Are you sure you want to execute the action? above the message table with Skip Validation. In this case the message will be processed despite the fact that the message has a wrong structure.
8 Variant 6: One Sender and One Receiver using Exactly Once In Order This variant enables you to configure and execute the simplest kind of message exchange: one sender (file directory XiPatterns7) sends a series of messages to one receiver (file directory XiPatterns8). No mapping is executed between the outbound and inbound interface in this variant. The messages are delivered in some particular order. Concretely, the file adapter allows either the last-modified timestamp or the filename to be used to order the input files in its directory.
8.1 Design Objects Used You use the component view File2File_NoMapping_InOrder in process integration scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario to configure this variant. The following graphic shows the component view:
As described under 3.1, you can navigate to all design objects used from the component view. The following explains the design objects that play a role when using this component view.
Interface Objects In this variant, the data structures at both the sender and receiver side are the same and no mapping is required, the service interfaces XiPatternInterface1O is used for sender and receiver
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SAP NetWeaver 7.30 – Process Integration Simple Use Cases
Summary of Design Objects Used The following table summarizes the design objects used. Design Objects Used Object Type (Name)
Component View
Describes the process flow and the message exchange for this
File2File_NoMapping_InOrder (Process
Integration Scenario
XiPatternOneStepScenario) Service interface (XiPatternInterface1O) Message Type (XiPatternMessage1)
Describes the interface and data structure of the sender and receiver. The data structure is the same for sender and receiver.
Data Type (XiPatternDataType1)
8.2 Configuring the Process Integration Scenario To configure this variant, a new configuration scenario is created.
Selecting the Process Integration Scenario Perform the following steps to select the process integration scenario that you want to configure from the Enterprise Services Repository. Also, enter the name of the configuration scenario (in the Integration Directory) in which you want to group the configuration objects. 1. To call the model configurator, choose Tools Apply Model from ES Repository in the Integration Builder menu bar. This calls a wizard, which you use to select a model (in this case, a process integration scenario) and create a configuration scenario in the Integration Directory. 2. Make sure that the model type Process Integration Scenario is selected (checkbox under Type of ES Repository Model). 3. Choose the input help (for the Name field) ( Scenario in the dropdown listbox.
) and select Process Integration
This calls an input help, which displays all process integration scenarios from the Enterprise Services Repository in a list. 4. Select the process integration scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario (software component version SAP BASIS 7.30, namespace from the Enterprise Services Repository and choose Apply. 5. Choose Continue. 6. Enter the name of the configuration scenario as: XiPatternOneStepScenario_EOIO. 7. Choose Finish and then Close. The system calls the model configurator.
Selecting the Component View Select component view File2File_NoMapping_InOrder.
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Assigning Communication Component Assign the communication component _FileSystem_XiPattern7 to the application component Sender and _FileSystem_XiPattern8 to the application component Receiver.
Configuring the Connection You create the communication channel on the basis of the communication channel templates that the process integration scenario already contains. 1. In the Configure Connections screen, assign the sender a communication channel. To do so, place the cursor in the field Communication Channel for the Sender Component, in the push button bar choose Create Communication Channel With Template ( ). In the subsequent wizard you can create a communication channel based on a communication channel template. 2. Choose Continue. The default communication channel template on the subsequent screen is that which was assigned to the sender application component in the process integration scenario (name XiPatternChannel_FileSenderO, software component version SAP BASIS 7.30, namespace 3. Choose Continue. The default name for the communication channel on the next screen is XiPatternChannel_FileSenderO. 4. Confirm your selection by choosing Finish. 5. Following the same procedure (see step 4-7), assign the application component of the receiver a communication channel (XiPatternChannel_FileReceiverO) based on the default communication channel template (name XiPatternChannel_FileReceiverO, software component version SAP BASIS 7.30, namespace
Generating the Configuration Objects To do so, proceed as described in variant 1. When you have checked the generation log, close it and save the configuration scenario.
Manual Editing In the following steps, you edit the generated configuration objects manually and enhance the configuration settings made during generation. In this variant, you must edit the communication channels after generation. 1. In the editor Display Configuration Scenario (for the open scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario_EOIO), on the tab page Objects open the communication channel ( ) XiPatternChannel_FileSender by double-clicking. 2. Under File Access Parameter in the Source Directory field, enter the path in the file directory that you defined previously (see 2.2.3). In the case of the sender communication channel, enter the whole path for the file directory XiPattern7. Example: C://XiPatternsO/XiPattern7 3. Save the communication channel. 4. Following the same procedure, edit the communication channel XiPatternChannel_FileReceiverO (communication component _FileSystem_XiPattern8). Enter the path for the file directory XiPattern8. 5. Save the communication channel. 36
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6. Activate your change lists.
8.3 Execution You perform the following steps to check that the process integration scenario is executed without errors. 1. Stop the channel _FileSystem_XiPattern7 | XiPatternChannel_FileSenderO in the Configuration and Monitoring Home Adapter Engine Communication Channel make sure no processing runs during the time the files are placed into the source folder. 2. On the host of the Integration Server, open the file directory XiPatternsO/XiPatterns8. If the output file XiPatternReceiverFile.txt is already present, delete this file. The execution of this test will create this file if it is not present and append a series of output files to this file. 3. Open the file directory XiPatternsO/XiPatterns7 4. Unpack file in the current directory. This will place a series of input files XiPatternSenderFile00001.xml, …, XiPatternSenderFile01000.xml. The File/FTP adapter is configured so that the files are picked in the order sorted by the file names and moved from the source directory XiPatterns7 to the target directory XiPatterns8 and the files are concatenated into a single file XiPatternReceiverFile.txt. 5. Start the channel _FileSystem_XiPattern7 | XiPatternChannel_FileSenderO in the Configuration and Monitoring Home Adapter Engine Communication Channel Monitoring to start processing the files. 6. Open the directory XiPatternsO/XiPatterns8 and check that the files have been transferred. 7. Open the XML file XiPatternReceiverFileAll.xml which includes the output file and check whether the content is in the correct order.
The content must be in the correct order with the incremental ID value and the entire content must be present. 8. Furthermore, you can check the processing of the messages in the message monitoring as in Variant 1.
9 Variant 7: One Sender and One Receiver Proxy-to-Proxy Communication In this variant, the message is processed via the ABAP proxy runtime. Following the standard configuration suggested below one application system is used both as sender and receiver of messages.
You can use this variant to test if an SAP system to be used as business system is configured correctly with regard to the connection from the SAP system to the Integration Server. In particular, you can test if an SAP system works correctly both as sender and receiver of messages. You can use this use case to check if the installation of SAP NetWeaver Process Integration is correct.
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9.1 Design Objects Used You use the component view Proxy2Proxy_NoMapping in process integration scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario to configure this variant. The following graphic shows the component view:
As described under 3.1, you can navigate to all design objects used from the component view. The following explains the design objects that play a role when using this component view.
Interface Objects In this variant, the data structures at both the sender and receiver side are the same and no mapping is required. Nevertheless, two different service interfaces are used: outbound interface XiPatternInterface2_Out for the sender and inbound interface XiPatternInterface2_In for the receiver. This is due to the fact that the sender and receivers systems are SAP systems that communicate with each other by the ABAP proxy runtime. This communication type requires an outbound proxy and an inbound proxy (both generated resp. derived from the outbound resp. inbound interface).
Summary of Design Objects Used The following table summarizes the additional design objects used. Design Objects Used Object Type (Name)
Component View
Describes the process flow and the message exchange for this
Proxy2Proxy_NoMapping (Process
Integration Scenario
XiPatternOneStepScenario) Service interface
Describes the interface and data structure of the receiver. The
data structure is the same for sender and receiver.
Service Interface (XiPatternInterface2_In)
The fault message type is used to handle application-specific
Message Type (XiPatternMessage2)
errors that occur on the inbound side and that are reported back
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Fault Message Type
to the sender.
(XiPatternFaultMessage) Data Type (XiPatternDataType2)
9.2 Configuring the Process Integration Scenario To configure this variant, a new configuration scenario is created.
Selecting the Process Integration Scenario Perform the following steps to select the process integration scenario that you want to configure from the Enterprise Services Repository. Also, enter the name of the configuration scenario (in the Integration Directory) in which you want to group the configuration objects. 1. To call the model configurator, choose Tools Apply Model from ES Repository in the Integration Builder menu bar. This calls a wizard, which you use to select a model (in this case, a process integration scenario) and create a configuration scenario in the Integration Directory. 2. Make sure that the model type Process Integration Scenario is selected (checkbox under Type of ES Repository Model). 3. Choose the input help (for the Name field) ( Scenario in the dropdown listbox.
) and select Process Integration
This calls an input help, which displays all process integration scenarios from the Enterprise Services Repository in a list. 4. Select the process integration scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario (software component version SAP BASIS 7.30, namespace from the Enterprise Services Repository and choose Apply. 5. Choose Continue. 6. Enter the name of the configuration scenario as: XiPatternOneStepScenario_Proxy2Proxy. 7. Choose Finish and then Close. The system calls the model configurator.
Selecting the Component View Select component view Proxy2Proxy_NoMapping.
Assigning Communication Component Assign the communication component _105 to the application component Sender and to the application component Receiver.
Configuring the Connection When you configure the connection, assign the communication channel GeneratedReceiverChannel_XI (see 2.2.4) to the application component of the receiver.
Generating the Configuration Objects To do so, proceed as described in variant 1. When you have checked the generation log, close it and save the configuration scenario. Activate your change lists. December 2010
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Deactivate the advanced authorization check In 7.30 a new advanced authorization check for proxy applications is introduced that will not be used for the simple use case proxy application. To deactivate this check please execute the following steps: 1. Login to the client 105. 2. Call transaction SXMB_ADM Integration Engine Configuration Specific Configuration 3. Add the parameter AUTHORITY_ON_MSG_TYPE from category RUNTIME with the value 0. 4. Save the entry.
9.3 Execution You perform the following steps to check that the process integration scenario is executed without errors. To run the process integration scenario, you can use a transaction that is available in the SAP system of the Integration Server. 1. Logon to the SAP system of the Integration Server, client 105. 2. Choose transaction SXIPATT1. 3. Enter values for the fields Name, Country, and Tel. 4. Choose Send. 5. To check whether the data are transferred correctly from the sender to the receiver, switch to the receiver view (pushbutton Receiver View). When the message was sent without errors, the data are displayed that you entered in the sender view.
If you switch fast enough from sender to receiver view after having chosen Send, you can see the former data. Choose Refresh to check if the message was already processed and the data is updated accordingly.
10 Variant 8: One Sender and One Receiver using Advanced Adapter Engine This variant enables you to configure and execute the simplest kind of message exchange: One sender (file directory XiPattern4) sends a message to one receiver (file directory XiPattern5). Hereby, the message is exchanged between sender and receiver adapter by using one single Adapter Engine without using the integration server runtime. No mapping is executed between the outbound and inbound interface in this variant.
10.1 Design Objects Used In this variant the same interfaces are used as in variant 1 (see 3.1). Note that no process integration scenario exists for this variant.
10.2 Configuring the Process Integration Scenario You perform the following configuration steps in the Integration Directory. 40
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Note that this scenario can run in parallel with variant 1. For this scenario, the integrated configuration object is used for configuration. The model configurator is not used in this case.
For more information, see Defining the Integrated Configuration.
Calling the Integration Directory First, call the Integration Directory. On the Process Integration initial screen, choose Integration Directory.
Creating a Configuration Scenario Perform the following steps to create a configuration scenario to group the configuration objects. 1. In the Integration Directory main menu, choose Object New. 2. Under Administration select Configuration Scenario. 3. Enter the name XiPatternOneStepScenario_AAE2AAE. 4. Choose Create. 5. Save the configuration scenario.
Creating the Communication Channels for Sender and Receiver Perform the following steps to create the communication channels. 1. In the Integration Directory main menu, choose Object New. 2. Under Collaboration Profile select Communication Channel. 3. Call the input help (
) for the Communication Component.
4. Select the communication component _FileSystem_XiPattern4 and choose Apply. 5. In field Communication Channel enter XiPatternChannel_FileSender. 6. Under Add to Scenario select XiPatternOneStepScenario_AAE2AAE (input help). 7. Choose Create. The newly created communication channel is opened. 8. In the menu of the communication channel object editor select Communication Channel Apply Template. 9. Select the template XiPatternChannel_FileSender. 10. Choose Apply. 11. Under File Access Parameter in the Source Directory field, enter the path in the file directory that you defined under 2.2.4. In the case of the sender communication channel, enter the whole path for the file directory XiPattern4.
Example: C://XiPatterns/XiPattern4 12. Save the communication channel.
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13. Following the same procedure, create the communication channel XiPatternChannel_FileReceiver (communication component _FileSystem_XiPattern5) using the template XiPatternChannel_FileReceiver. Enter the path for the file directory XiPattern5.
If there already is an entry for the communication component in the Create Communication Component screen delete it before calling the input help. Otherwise the input help may not provide the _FileSystem_XiPattern5. 14. Save the communication channel. 15. Save the scenario. 16. Activate the change list.
Creating the Integrated Configuration 1. In the Integration Directory main menu, choose Object New. 2. Under Collaboration Agreement select Integrated Configuration. 3. Call the input help (
) in the field Communication Component.
4. Select the communication component _FileSystem_XiPattern4 and choose Apply. 5. In the fields Interface and Namespace enter XiPatternInterface1 and, respectively.
The input help may not show the interface and namespace. Create the entry manually or choose Category Any in the F4 Help. 6. Under Add to Scenario select XiPatternOneStepScenario_AAE2AAE (input help). 7. Choose Create. 8. In tab Inbound Processing select the communication channel XiPatternChannel_FileSender. For the software component version of sender interface select SAP BASIS 7.30. 9. In the tab Receiver select the communication component _FileSystem_XiPattern5. 10. In tab Receiver Interfaces for name and namespace enter XiPatternInterface1 and, respectively. In Software Component Version set SAP BASIS 7.30.
The input help may not show the interface and namespace. Create the entry manually. 11. In the tab Outbound Processing select the communication channel XiPatternChannel_FileReceiver. 12. Save the integrated configuration. 13. Save the Configuration Scenario.
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Activating the Change List 1. To do this, select the Change Lists tab in the Integration Directory navigation area. 2. Choose Open Standard Change List. 3. Position the cursor on the Standard Change List node and choose Activate ( the context menu.
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10.3 Executing the Use Case You perform the following steps to check that the use case is executed without errors. 1. On the host of the Integration Server, open the file directory XiPattern4. 2. Rename the file ZXiPatternSenderFile1.xml as XiPatternSenderFile1.xml. The File/FTP adapter is designed in a way that a file with exactly this name is recognized and moved from the source directory XiPattern4 to the target directory XiPattern5 every 60 seconds. If the configuration was executed without errors, the file will be moved from the source directory within 60 seconds after it is renamed. 3. Open the directory XiPattern5 and check that the file has arrived. 4. Open the file and check whether the content has changed (compare with the original file ZXiPatternSenderFile1.xml). The file must not have been changed when this variant is executed. Furthermore, you can check the processing of the message in monitoring. To do this, proceed as follows: 1. Start the Monitoring by choosing Configuration and Monitoring Home on the PI start page. (transaction SXMB_IFR) 2. Choose Message Overview. 3. Select the Adapter Engine as component. 4. Use appropriate filter criteria to restrict the number of XML messages displayed (for example, the processing period). 5. Choose Go. The system displays the selected messages in a table. You want to locate the messages that were sent during execution. 6. Select the message to be displayed by selecting the appropriate radio button and then choose Open Message. The tab Payloads displays the message contents for the various versions of the message during processing. Note that the message can not be seen in the Integration Server as the message is sent directly from the sender adapter to the receiver adapter.
11 Variant 9: One Sender and Two Receivers Using Advanced Adapter Engine This variant extends variant 8 by adding an additional receiver. The message is sent from the sender to two receivers using the Advanced Adapter Engine, without a mapping being executed at runtime.
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One sender (file directory XiPattern4) sends a message to two receivers (file directory XiPattern5 and XiPattern6 ). The message is exchanged between sender and receiver adapter using one single Adapter Engine but without the integration server runtime. No mapping is executed between the outbound and inbound interface in this variant.
11.1 Design Objects Used In this variant the same interfaces are used as in variant 1 (see 3.1). Note that no process integration scenario exists for this variant.
11.2 Configuring the Process Integration Scenario When you configure this variant, you will extend the configuration settings from variant 8. You use the same configuration scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario_AAE2AAE as in variant 7.
Opening the Configuration Scenario In this variant, the configuration scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario_AAE2AAE created in variant 8 is extended. The integrated configuration object is used again for configuration for this scenario. The model configurator is not used in this case.
For more information, see Defining the Integrated Configuration.
Creating the Communication Channel for the Second Receiver Perform the following steps to create the communication channels. 1. In the Integration Directory main menu, choose Object New. 2. Under Collaboration Profile, select Communication Channel. 3. Call the input help (
) for the communication component.
4. Select the communication component _FileSystem_XiPattern6 and choose Apply. 5. In field Communication Channel enter XiPatternChannel_FileReceiver. 6. Under Add to Scenario select XiPatternOneStepScenario_AAE2AAE (input help). 7. Choose Create. The newly created communication channel is opened. 8. In the menu of the communication channel object editor, select Communication Channel Apply Template. 9. Select the template XiPatternChannel_FileReceiver. 10. Choose Apply. 11. Under File Access Parameters in the Target Directory field, enter the path in the file directory that you defined under 2.2.4. In the case of the sender communication channel, enter the whole path for the file directory XiPattern6.
Example: C://XiPatterns/XiPattern6 12. Save the communication channel. 44
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13. Save the scenario. 14. Activate the change list.
Changing the Integrated Configuration 1. In the Integration Directory main menu, open the Integrated Configuration Object _FileSystem_XiPattern4 / XiPatternInterface1 / 2. Switch to change mode (
3. In the tab Receiver add a new line and additionally select the communication component _FileSystem_XiPattern6. 4. In tab Receiver Interfaces select the line for the communication component _FileSystem_XiPattern6. In the table Receiver Interfaces and Mappings for name and namespace enter XiPatternInterface1 and, respectively. In Software Component Version set SAP BASIS 7.30.
The input help may not show the interface and namespace. Create the entry manually. 5. In the tab Outbound Processing select the line for the communication component _FileSystem_XiPattern6. In the table Configuration select the communication channel XiPatternChannel_FileReceiver. 6. Save the integrated configuration.
Activating the Change List 1. To do this, select the Change Lists tab in the Integration Directory navigation area. 2. Choose Open Standard Change List. 3. Position the cursor on the Standard Change List node and choose Activate ( the context menu.
)) in
11.3 Executing the Use Case You perform the following steps to check that the process integration scenario is executed without errors. As for the execution of variant 8, in directory XiPattern4, copy the file ZXiPatternSenderFile1.xml and rename it XiPatternSenderFile1.xml. The file will be moved from the directory within the next 60 seconds. Since this variant has two target directories (receivers), check in both directory XiPattern5 and XiPattern6, whether the file has arrived. The content of the xml file should not change as no mapping is executed. Check the message monitoring as described for variant 8 (see 10). The message monitoring will display two messages, one for each of the receivers.
In this variant, two messages are created from the outbound message (one for each receiver). Again, the messages can not be seen in the Integration Server as the message is sent directly from the sender adapter to the receiver adapters. December 2010
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12 Variant 10: One Sender and Two Receivers using Advanced Adapter Engine – with Routing Condition This variant extends variant 9 by adding a routing condition. Depending on the condition, the message is sent to one of the two receivers.
12.1 Design Objects Used In this variant, the same interfaces are used as in variant 1 (see 3.1). Note that no process integration scenario exists for this variant.
12.2 Configuring the Process Integration Scenario When you configure this variant, you will extend the configuration settings from variant 8 and 9. You use the same configuration scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario_AAE2AAE.
Using the Configuration Scenario In this variant, the configuration scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario_AAE2AAE created in variants 8 and 9 is extended. For this scenario, again the integrated configuration object is used for configuration. The model configurator is not used in this case.
Changing the Integrated Configuration 1. In the Integration Directory main menu, open the integrated configuration object _FileSystem_XiPattern4 / XiPatternInterface1 / 2. Switch to change mode (
3. In tab Receiver, select the cell for the receiver component _FileSystem_XiPattern5 in the column Condition. 4. Call the condition editor by choosing the input help icon (
5. In the column Left Operand, call the expression editor by choosing the input help icon (
6. In the expression editor, select the XPath radio button. The data structure of the message is displayed. 7. Expand the structure and select the element CountryCode by using the cursor. 8. Choose OK. 9. In the condition editor, choose the operator = in the column Op. 10. In the column Right Operand, enter US. 11. Choose OK. You have specified the routing condition CountryCode = US.
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At runtime, messages that have the value US entered for the element CountryCode are sent to receiver _FileSystem_XiPattern5. 12. Following this procedure, create the routing condition CountryCode = DE for the configured receiver _FileSystem_XiPattern6. 13. Save the integrated configuration.
Activating the Change List 1. To do this, select the Change Lists tab in the Integration Directory navigation area. 2. Choose Open Standard Change List. 3. Position the cursor on the Standard Change List node and choose Activate ( the context menu.
)) in
12.3 Executing the Use Case You perform the following steps to check that the process integration scenario is executed without errors. In directory XiPattern4, copy the file ZXiPatternSenderFile1.xml and rename the copied file XiPatternSenderFile1.xml. The file will be moved from the directory within the next 60 seconds. Check whether the file has arrived in directory XiPattern5. Open the file and check that the country code US is entered in the personal data. There should be no file in directory XiPattern6. Message monitoring contains one entry for this exchange of messages (see 10)..
You can repeat this procedure for file ZXiPatternSenderFile2.xml. This file should arrive in directory XiPattern6 (contains personal data with the country code DE). Again, the messages can not be seen in the Integration Server as the message is sent directly from the sender adapter to the receiver adapters.
13 Variant 11: One Sender and Two Receivers using Advanced Adapter Engine – With Mapping In this variant the scenario from variant 10 is extended. The message is sent to two receivers. A mapping is executed when the message is forwarded to one of the two receivers.
13.1 Design Objects Used In this variant the same interfaces are used as in variant 4 (see 6.1). Note that no process integration scenario exists for this variant.
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Mapping Objects The mapping XiPatternInterface1ToInterface2 is executed between the sender and receiver data structure for receiver _FileSystem_XiPattern6 during message exchange.
13.2 Configuring the Process Integration Scenario When you configure this variant, you will extend the configuration settings from variant 10. You use the same configuration scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario_AAE2AAE.
Using the Configuration Scenario In this variant the configuration scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario_AAE2AAE created in variant 8 and extended in variants 9 and 10 is extended to use a mapping for one of the receivers. For this scenario, again the integrated configuration object is used for configuration. The model configurator is not used.
Changing the Integrated Configuration 1. In the Integration Directory main menu, open the integrated configuration object _FileSystem_XiPattern4 / XiPatternInterface1 / 2. Switch to change mode (
3. In tab Receiver Interfaces select the line for the communication component _FileSystem_XiPattern6. In table Receiver Interfaces and Mappings for mapping select the mapping XiPatternInterface1ToInterface2 from software component version SAP BASIS 7.30. 4. In tab Outbound Processing, select the line for the communication component _FileSystem_XiPattern6. In the table Configuration, select the communication channel XiPatternChannel_FileReceiver again as in this scenario another interface is used (XiPatternInterface2). 5. Save the Integrated configuration.
Activating the Change List 1. To do this, select the Change Lists tab in the Integration Directory navigation area. 2. Choose Open Standard Change List. 3. Position the cursor on the Standard Change List node and choose Activate ( the context menu.
)) in
13.3 Executing the Use Case You perform the following steps to check that the process integration scenario is executed without errors. In directory XiPattern4, copy the file ZXiPatternSenderFile2.xml. Rename the file to XiPatternSenderFile2.xml. The file will be moved from the directory within the next 60 seconds. Check whether a file has arrived in directory XiPattern6. Open the file. The structure will have changed: the first and second name of the person have been concatenated; the field for the telephone number has a new name. Monitoring contains one entry for this exchange of messages.
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You can repeat this procedure for file ZXiPatternSenderFile1.xml. This file is expected in directory XiPattern5 (no mapping executed).
14 Variant 12: One Sender and Two Receivers using Advanced Adapter Engine - with XMLValidation This variant extends variant 11 by switching on the XML-Validation to check the schema of the file to be sent. The message is sent from the sender to two receivers directly using the local Advanced Adapter Engine if the schema is correct, the file will not be picked up if the structure does not fit.
14.1 Design Objects Used In this variant the same interfaces are used as in variant 4 (see 6.1). Note that no process integration scenario exists for this variant.
14.2 Configuring the Process Integration Scenario When you configure this variant, you will extend the configuration settings from variant 11. You use the same configuration scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario_AAE2AAE.
Opening the Configuration Scenario In this variant the configuration scenario XiPatternOneStepScenario_AAE2AAE created in variant 8 and extended in variants 9 to 11 is extended to use XML-Validation to check the structure of the message. For this scenario, again the integrated configuration object is used for configuration. The model configurator is not used.
Changing the Integrated Configuration 1. In the Integration Directory main menu, open the integrated configuration object _FileSystem_XiPattern4 / XiPatternInterface1 / 2. Switch to change mode (
3. In tab Inbound Processing for Schema Validation select the radio button Validation by Adapter. 4. Save the Integrated configuration.
Activating the Change List 1. To do this, select the Change Lists tab in the Integration Directory navigation area. 2. Choose Open Standard Change List. 3. Position the cursor on the Standard Change List node and choose Activate ( the context menu.
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14.3 Execution You perform the following steps to check that the process integration scenario is executed without errors.
Execution without Validation Error For the execution in directory XiPattern4, rename the file ZXiPatternSenderFile1.xml to XiPatternSenderFile1.xml. The file will be moved from the directory within the next 60 seconds. Check in directory XiPattern5 whether the file has arrived. Furthermore, you can check the processing of the message in monitoring. To do this, proceed as follows: 1. Start the Monitoring by choosing Configuration and Monitoring Home on the PI start page. (transaction SXMB_IFR) 2. Choose Message Overview. 3. Select the AdapterEngine as component. 4. Use appropriate filter criteria to restrict the number of XML messages displayed (for example, the processing period). 5. Choose Go. The system displays the selected messages in a table. You want to locate the messages that were sent during execution. 6. Select the message to be displayed by selecting the appropriate radio button and then choose Open Message. The tab Payloads displays the message contents for the various versions of the message during processing. Message monitoring displays one message.
Execution with Validation Error For the execution with wrong XML schema in directory XiPattern4, rename the file ZXiPatternSenderFile3.xml to XiPatternSenderFile3.xml. The file will not be moved from the directory within the next 60 seconds. No file should arrive in directory XiPattern5. The message-processing will not process the message because the message has the wrong XML-schema. If you check the XML file ZXiPatternSenderFile3.xml, you will see a tag with the name Email, this tag does not exist in the message type XiPatternMessage1 used in the outbound interface XiPatternInterface1. You cannot see the error in message monitoring because the adapter engine does not create a message out of the file because of the wrong structure. You can only see the error in channel monitoring. To do this, proceed as follows: 1. Start the Monitoring by calling the Configuration and Monitoring Home on the PI Start Page (transaction SXMB_IFR). 2. Select Adapter Engine Communication Channel Monitoring. 3. Use the Link Advanced to get additional selection fields. 4. Set XiPatternChannel_FileSender as channel name and _FileSystem_XiPattern4 as communication component to get only the channel used for this variant. 5. Choose Use Filter.
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The system displays the channel used for picking up the files from the sender directory. You will see that the channel is in error state because the XML-Validation found an error in the structure of the payload. 6. To end the processing delete the file XiPatternSenderFile3.xml from the directory.
15 Variant 13: One Sender and One Receiver Proxy-to-Proxy Communication using the Advanced Adapter Engine In this variant, the message is processed via the ABAP proxy runtime, the message is forwarded using the Adapter Engine instead of the Integration Server. Following the standard configuration suggested below one application system is used both as sender and receiver of messages.
15.1 Design Objects Used In this variant the same interfaces are used as in variant 7 (see 9.1). Note that no process integration scenario exists for this variant.
15.2 Configuring the Process Integration Scenario Create the connection to the XI Adapter in the Advanced Adapter Engine To connect the sending client to the Java XI Adapter you have to create a HTTP Destination to the Adapter Engine. Do the following in the application client 105: 1. Call transaction SM59. 2. Create a HTTP Destination to an external system (Type G). As name set JAVA_XI_ADAPTER_AAE, as description use Connection to Java XI Adapter in Adapter Engine. As target host set the host name of the adapter engine, as service set the HTTP Port and as path set /XISOAPAdapter/MessageServlet?ximessage=true.
You will get the warning ‘Query string not allowed’ when saving the destination, just press enter to confirm the warning message. 3. Under Logon and Security select Basic Authentication and set the user PIAPPLUSER (or a copy of the PIAPPLUSER) with the corresponding password. 4. Save the destination.
Activating the connection to the Java XI Adapter To enable the sending application system to send a message to the Java XI Adapter instead of the Integration Server you have to create a filter for the sending interface and have to set the URL to the Adapter Engine in the sending application client. Execute the following steps in the sending client 105: 1. Call transaction SXMSIF. 2. Create a new entry for Sender/Receiver ID with the name JAVA_XI_ADAPTER. As description set Call the Java XI Adapter in PI Demo Examples , as communication Component set _105, as interface name and namespace set XiPatternInterface2_Out and December 2010
SAP NetWeaver 7.30 – Process Integration Simple Use Cases
3. Save the entry. 4. Call transaction SXMB_ADM, select Integration Engine Configuration. 5. Select the button Change Configuration. Switch to Change Mode and create a new entry with the following settings:
Category: RUNTIME
Parameter: IS_URL
Subparameter: select the Sender/Receiver ID JAVA_XI_ADAPTER
Note that this scenario cannot run in parallel with variant 6, if you set the RUNTIME/IS_URL parameter in SXMB_ADM all messages for this interface will be sent to the destination maintained here. 6. Save the entry.
Calling the Integration Directory You perform the following configuration steps in the Integration Directory. For this scenario, the integrated configuration object is used for configuration. The model configurator is not used in this case.
For more information, see Defining the Integrated Configuration. First, call the Integration Directory. On the Process Integration initial screen, choose Integration Directory.
Creating a Configuration Scenario Perform the following steps to create a configuration scenario to group the configuration objects. 1. In the Integration Directory main menu, choose Object New. 2. Under Administration select Configuration Scenario. 3. Enter the name XiPatternOneStepScenario_Proxy2Proxy_AAE. 4. Choose Create. 5. Save the configuration scenario.
Creating the Communication Channels for Sender and Receiver Perform the following steps to create the communication channels. 1. In the Integration Directory main menu, choose Object New. 2. Under Collaboration Profile select Communication Channel. 3. Call the input help (
) for the Communication Component.
4. Select the communication component _105 and choose Apply. 5. In field Communication Channel enter XiPatternChannel_XISender. 6. Under Add to Scenario select XiPatternOneStepScenario_Proxy2Proxy_AAE (input help). 52
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7. Choose Create. The newly created communication channel is opened. 8. In the menu of the communication channel object editor select Communication Channel Apply Template . 9. Select the template XiPatternChannel_XISender. 10. Choose Apply. 11. Save the communication channel. 12. Following the same procedure, create the communication channel XiPatternChannel_XIReceiver (communication component _105) using the template XiPatternChannel_XIReceiver. As path set the entry path for the application client 105: http://server:http-port/sap/xi/engine?type=entry. As Authentication Data enter client 105 and the user PIAPPLUSER (or a copy of the PIAPPLUSER) with its password in client 105. 13. Save the communication channel. 14. Activate the change list.
Creating the Integrated Configuration 1. In the Integration Directory main menu, choose Object New. 2. Under Collaboration Agreement select Integrated Configuration. 3. Call the input help (
) in the field Communication Component.
4. Select the communication component _105 and choose Apply. 5. In the fields Interface and Namespace enter XiPatternInterface2_Out and, respectively. 6. Under Add to Scenario select XiPatternOneStepScenario Proxy2Proxy_AAE (input help). 7. Choose Create. 8. In tab Inbound Processing select the communication channel XiPatternChannel_XISender. For the software component version of sender interface select SAP BASIS 7.30. 9. In the tab Receiver select the communication component _105. 10. In tab Receiver Interfaces for name and namespace enter XiPatternInterface2_In and, respectively. In Software Component Version set SAP BASIS 7.30. 11. In the tab Outbound Processing select the communication channel XiPatternChannel_XIReceiver. 12. Save the integrated configuration. 13. Save the Configuration Scenario.
Activating the Change List 1. To do this, select the Change Lists tab in the Integration Directory navigation area. 2. Choose Open Standard Change List. 3. Position the cursor on the Standard Change List node and choose Activate ( the context menu.
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SAP NetWeaver 7.30 – Process Integration Simple Use Cases
Deactivate the advanced authorization check In 7.30 a new advanced authorization check for proxy applications is introduced that will not be used for the simple use case proxy application. To deactivate this check please execute the following steps: 1. Login to the client 105. 2. Call transaction SXMB_ADM Integration Engine Configuration Specific Configuration 3. Add the parameter AUTHORITY_ON_MSG_TYPE from category RUNTIME with the value 0. 4. Save the entry.
15.3 Execution You perform the following steps to check that the process integration scenario is executed without errors. To run the process integration scenario, you can use a transaction that is available in the SAP system of the Integration Server. 1. Logon to the SAP system of the Integration Server, client 105. 2. Choose transaction SXIPATT1. 3. Enter values for the fields Name, Country, and Tel. 4. Choose Send. 5. To check whether the data are transferred correctly from the sender to the receiver, switch to the receiver view (pushbutton Receiver View). When the message was sent without errors, the data are displayed that you entered in the sender view.
If you switch fast enough from sender to receiver view after having chosen Send, you can see the former data. Choose Refresh to check if the message was already processed and the data is updated accordingly. The message should be visible in the monitoring in client 105 and in the PI monitoring for the adapter engine, but not in Integration Server.
16 Variant 14: Using HTTPS for internal communication between PI components 16.1 Prerequisites For executing this variant HTTPS has to be enabled first. Please refer to the documentation for enabling HTTPS.
16.2 Configuration This variant enables secure communication via HTTPS between different PI components, for example between Integration Server and Adapter Engine during message exchange. After you have setup HTTPS as described in the linked online documentation you perform the following steps to enable internal PI communication via HTTPS: 54
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1. Call the PI Start Page (transaction SXMB_IFR). On the Process Integration initial screen, choose hyperlink Administration. Launch the exchange profile using the link ExchangeProfile.
You need the role SAP_XI_ADMINISTRATOR to call the exchange Profile. 2. Goto Connections and modify the following parameters: Parameter
https port for the ABAP integration server
https port for the java adapter engine of Integration Server
3. Save the parameters and close the browser window. 4. From the Administration Browser Window select AII properties to check the parameters present in the cache. If there still the old values are present refresh the cache using the Refresh Button. 5. Delete the cache content for the internal configuration in the integration server. Call transaction sxi_cache in the Integration server client and choose Goto Adapter Engine Cache. Delete the cache content using the wastebasket button.
The cache will be filled new when the next message is processed in the Integration Server.
16.3 Execution Check Message Processing Verify the following to check if the HTTPS communication is enabled between the PI components Integration Server and Adapter Engine. 1. Execute one of the Variants 1 to 5 and check that the scenario is executed successfully and the internal communication happens via HTTPS. 2. To verify this you can check the Audit logs for the receiver channels when the message is received by the messaging system. Start the Monitoring by choosing Configuration and Monitoring Home on the PI start page. (transaction SXMB_IFR) 3. Choose Message Overview. 4. Select the AdapterEngine as component. 5. Use appropriate filter criteria to restrict the number of XML messages displayed (for example, the processing period). 6. Choose Go. The system displays the selected messages in a table. You want to locate the messages that were sent during execution. 7. Select the message to be displayed by selecting the appropriate radio button and then choose Open Message. The tab Payloads displays the message contents for the various versions of the message during processing. The tab Audit Log the processing of the message can be checked. Here it can be found if the messaging system was called using the HTTP or HTTPS port: December 2010
SAP NetWeaver 7.30 – Process Integration Simple Use Cases
https://:/MessagingSystem/AFW/XI http://:/MessagingSystem/AFW/XI
Keep in mind that after resetting the parameters both caches (AII cache and Adapter Engine Cache in Integration Server) have to be reset to get the other protocol again, see points 4 and 5 from the last chapter.
17 Appendix 17.1 Monitoring Tools 17.1.1 Monitoring in Runtime Workbench The message exchange can be monitored in the Configuration and Monitoring Home as described in the execution chapters and in the Runtime Workbench. To start the Runtime Workbench monitoring proceed as follows: 1. Start the Monitoring by choosing Runtime Workbench on the PI start page. (transaction SXMB_IFR) 2. Choose Message Monitoring. 3. Select Adapter Engine as the component and then choose Display. 4. Use appropriate filter criteria to restrict the number of XML messages displayed (for example, the processing period). 5. Choose Start. The system displays the selected messages in a table. You want to locate the messages that were sent during execution. 6. Select the message to be displayed by selecting the appropriate radio button and then choose Details. The tab page Message Contents displays the message contents including all message versions for the various phases of message processing.
17.1.2 Transaction SXMB_MONI The messages in the Integration Server can not only be monitored in the Runtime Workbench but as well in the SAP system of the Integration Server. To do this, proceed as follows: 1. In the Integration Server client, start Exchange Infrastructure Integration Engine: Monitoring (transaction SXMB_MONI) 2. Select Monitor for Processed XML Messages and use the appropriate search criteria to restrict the number of XML messages displayed (for example time/date) 3. Choose Start The system displays the selected messages in a table. For more details select the line of the message and choose Display 4. The system displays the message in detail. To display the payload before and after the mapping step you have to activate logging in the Integration server (RUNTIME parameter LOGGING in SXMB_ADM Integration Server Configuration). IN this case, every step in the message processing will be persisted and you can check the payload for each of the steps. To compare the payload before mapping with the payload after mapping use the following procedure in the details screen of a message in transaction SXMB_MONI. 56
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1. On the left side in the tree select Inbound Message Payloads Main Document and choose Display contents in window 1. The Inbound message payload is displayed. 2. Do the same procedure with Receiver Determination --> Payloads --> Main Document and choose Display contents in window 2. The Outbound message payload is displayed.
17.1.3 Monitoring in Solution Manager The messages can also be monitored centrally in the Solution Manager System. To do this, proceed as follows: 1. Log into the connected SAP Solution Manager System and call the Solution Manager Workcenters using transaction SOLMAN_WORKCENTER. 2. Change to Tab Technical Monitors and follow the link to PI Monitoring. 3. Select the PI Domain you want to monitor (for example B4X). 4. Launch the Message Monitor either embedded or in a new window using the button Message Monitor.
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