SAP MM Bootcamp

November 11, 2016 | Author: Asif Iqbal | Category: N/A
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SAP MM Bootcamp...


SAP Materials Management (MM)

SAP MM Bootcamp (Insert session dates here)



Introduction At the end of the course, participants will be able to: Explain SAP Materials Management (MM) functionality and how the module integrates with other modules Describe the MM organization structure, master data, and common business transactions Perform basic MM business transactions Perform basic MM configuration

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Introduction Ground Rules Participate - Ask questions! Learn From Everyone’s Comments Please Turn Off Cellular Phones Honour Time Schedule Relax and Have Fun!

Introduce Yourself Name, Operating Group, Location Your SAP MM Bootcamp Objective/s

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Introduction Reference Materials SAP Familiarisation Guide  SAP Navigation Assistance

SAP Quick Reference Guide  Provides transaction codes and description

SAP Table Structure Overview

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Introduction Where does the course fit in Delivery Method (ADM) for SAP

3100 Design Application

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Introduction Basic Procurement Introduction to SAP

Day 1 , Material Master, Vendor Master

Day 1

Requisition, Purchasing, Basic configuration, Agreements, RFQ, Quotation

Day 2

Quota Arrangements, Release Strategies, Service Procurement Valuation, Acc. Determination, Inventory Mgmt Special Procurement Sum up

Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 5

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Agenda – Day 1 TOPIC


Course Introduction

09:00 – 09:30

Basic Procurement Philosophy

09:30 – 10:00

Procurement in IT Systems

10:00 – 10:30


10:30 – 10:45

The SAP Requisition to Pay Cycle

10:45 – 11:00

Introduction to SAP

11:00 – 11:15

Introduction to SAP / Log On

11:15 – 11:30

Introduction to IMG

11:30 – 11:45

SAP Enterprise Structure

11:45 – 12:15

Exercise 1.0

12:15 – 12:30


12:30 – 13:15

Master Data Overview

13:15 – 13:45

Master Data

13:45 – 14:45

Exercise 2.0

14:45 – 15:15


15:15 – 15:30

Exercise 2.0 (Continued)

15:30 – 15:45

Vendor Master

15:45 – 16:45

Exercise 3.0

16:45 – 17:30

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Basic Procurement Philosophy

Introduction To Procurement Definition

The process of obtaining services, supplies, and equipment from a vendor is called Procurement.

The procurement department or the purchase department within an organization normally manages the majority of purchasing.

Exceptions may lie in large industrial complexes where procurement may also be handled by engineering, or third party outsourced companies.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Basic Procurement Philosophy

Introduction to Procurement (…Cntd) For organizations Procurement is the acquisition of goods or services at the best possible price, in the right quantity, at the right time, in the right place. The complexity of procurement is trying to “get the balance right”, for example: 

Organizations try to keep inventory levels at a minimum due to the costs associated with high levels of inventory, but at the same time it is very costly to stop production due to shortages in raw materials for example.

Getting the lowest price for a product or service is always important, but the balance between product availability, quality, and vendor relations can be more important.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Basic Procurement Philosophy

The Procurement Lifecycle In most modern organizations the Procurement lifecycle has the following steps: 1. Information Gathering: If the potential customer does not already have an established relationship with sales/ marketing functions of suppliers of needed products and services, it is necessary to search for suppliers who can satisfy the requirements.

2. Supplier Contact: When one or more suitable suppliers have been identified, Requests for Quotes (RFQ), Requests for Proposals (RFP), Requests for Information (RFI) or Requests for Bids (RFB) may be advertised, or direct contact may be made with the suppliers.

3. Background Review: References for product/service quality are consulted, and any requirements for followup services including installation, maintenance, and warranty are investigated. Samples of the products or services being considered may be examined, or trials undertaken. Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Basic Procurement Philosophy

The Procurement Lifecycle (…Cntd) 4. Negotiation: Negotiations are undertaken, and price, availability, and customisation possibilities are established. Delivery schedules are negotiated, and a contract to acquire the products or services is completed. The contract is a mutually binding legal document.

5. Fulfilment: Supplier preparation, shipment, delivery, and payment for the products or services are completed, based on contract terms. Installation and training may also be included.

6. Consumption, Maintenance and Disposal: During this phase the company evaluates the performance of the products or services and any accompanying service support, as they are consumed.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Basic Procurement Philosophy

The Procurement Lifecycle (…Cntd) 7. Renewal: When the products or services have been consumed and/or disposed of, the contract expires, or the product or service is to be re-ordered, company experience with the products or services is reviewed. If the products or services are to be re-ordered, the company determines whether to consider other suppliers or to continue with the same supplier.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Basic Procurement Philosophy

Basic Procurement Activities Determination of Requirement

What Materials or Services are required?


The form or electronic transmission used to inform the purchasing department that purchased items or services are needed for a business purpose

Purchase Order

When the requisition is approved it becomes a Purchase Order. A PO typically includes item, quantity, price, discounts, vendor information, and ship-to information

Goods Receipt / Invoice Received

Invoice Verification / Vendor Payment Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

The material is received. Condition and quality are verified / The invoice is received from the vendor.

Reconciliation of the invoice and the purchase order is accomplished /The Vendor is paid

Basic Procurement Philosophy

Direct Vs. Indirect Procurement Based on the consumption purposes of the acquired goods and services, procurement activities are often split into two distinct categories. The first category being direct, production-related procurement and the second being indirect, non-production-related procurement. 

Direct procurement occurs in manufacturing settings only. It encompasses all items that are part of finished products, such as raw material, components and parts. Direct procurement, which is the focus in supply chain management, directly affects the production process of manufacturing firms.

Indirect procurement activities concern “operating resources” that a company purchases to enable its operations. It comprises a wide variety of goods and services, from standardised low value items like office supplies and machine lubricants to complex and costly products and services like heavy equipment and consulting services.

Note: Terms Direct/Indirect procurement are not always used as cited above. However, the above is an industry standard.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Agenda – Day 1 TOPIC


Course Introduction

09:00 – 09:30

Basic Procurement Philosophy

09:30 – 10:00

Procurement in IT Systems

10:00 – 10:30


10:30 – 10:45

The SAP Requisition to Pay Cycle

10:45 – 11:00

Introduction to SAP

11:00 – 11:15

Introduction to SAP / Log On

11:15 – 11:30

Introduction to IMG

11:30 – 11:45

SAP Enterprise Structure

11:45 – 12:15

Exercise 1.0

12:15 – 12:30


12:30 – 13:15

Master Data Overview

13:15 – 13:45

Master Data

13:45 – 14:45

Exercise 2.0

14:45 – 15:15


15:15 – 15:30

Exercise 2.0 (Continued)

15:30 – 15:45

Vendor Master

15:45 – 16:45

Exercise 3.0

16:45 – 17:30

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Procurement in IT Systems

General cycle of activities: Payment

Determinatio n of requirement

Invoice Verification

Goods Receipt

PO Monitoring

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT


Selection of vendors from the vendor database

PO processing

Procurement in IT Systems

Recapping General cycle of activities: 1. Determination of Requirements Materials requirements are either identified by users or automatically by the IT system of the organization & passed on to the Purchasing department via Purchase requisitions.

2. Source Determination The IT System helps you identify potential sources of supply based on old orders and existing longer-term agreements with the vendor. This speeds the process of creating requests for quotation (RFQs), which can be sent to vendors.

3. Vendor Selection and Comparison of Quotations After receiving the Quotations from the invited vendors, the purchasing department compares them and chooses the most appropriate vendor to complete the order.

4. Purchase Order Processing The Purchasing system takes up input data from the requisition and the quotation to help the user create a purchase order. As with purchase requisitions, the user can generate POs or have the system generate them automatically.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Procurement in IT Systems

Recapping General cycle of activities: (…Cntd) Purchase Order Monitoring The buyer (or Purchasing Officer) can check the status of the PO i.e. if the goods or invoices have been received. Generally Procurement IT systems can also be configured to automatically check PO progress and to issue reminders or expediters at predefined intervals.

Goods Receipt Goods receiving personnel (normally warehouse personnel) can confirm the receipt of goods simply by entering the PO number into the system. By specifying permissible tolerances, buyers can limit over- and under deliveries of ordered goods.

Invoice Verification Vendor invoices are checked for accuracy of prices and contents. Buyers can also specify permissible value tolerances for invoices.

Payment Processing Based on the invoice verification, the Accounts Dept / Accounts Payable normally deals with vendor payments.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Procurement in IT Systems Types of Procurement Procurement for Stock vs. Consumption External vs. Internal Procurement

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Procurement in IT Systems

Types of Procurement Procurement for Stock vs. Consumption Procurement for Stock A stock material is a material that is kept in stock. These materials are kept in stock once received from the vendor. The stock of this material keeps on increasing or decreasing based on amount of the quantity received or issued.

To order a material for stock, the material ‘must’ have a master record in the system.

Procurement for Direct Consumption When procurement is for direct consumption, the user must specify the consumption purpose. By entering an account assignment (for example, a cost center).

To order a material for consumption, the material ‘may’ have a master record in the system.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Procurement in IT Systems

Types of Procurement Procurement for Stock vs. Consumption (…Cntd) Procurement for Stock With Mat.Master Record

Account Assignment

Automatic Acc.Assgt Data from Mat. Master

Stock Account

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Procurement for Consumption

With Mat.Master Record

Without Mat. Master Record

Enter Acc. Ass. Category

Manual Acc. Assgn Data Entry Required

Consumption Acc. Cost Centre Asset

Procurement in IT Systems

Types of Procurement Procurement for Stock vs. Consumption Procurement for Stock

Material Number is Required

Procurement for Consumption

Material Number can be used, but is not mandatory

No Account Assignment Category Account Assignment Category Posting to Stock Account

Inventory Quantity will be updated


Posting to Consumption Account

Inventory Quantity will not be updated

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Procurement in IT Systems

Types of Procurement External vs. Internal Procurement External Procurement Is the process of procuring goods or services from external vendors.

Internal Procurement Refers to trade happening between the different entities of the same organization.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Procurement in IT Systems

Types of Procurement External vs. Internal Procurement (…Cntd) 

External Procurement There are 3 basic forms of external procurement generally supported by the Purchasing component of IT systems.

 One-time purchase orders

 Longer-term contracts with the subsequent issue of release orders

 Longer-term scheduling agreements and delivery schedules

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Procurement in IT Systems

Types of Procurement External vs. Internal Procurement (…Cntd) 

External Procurement One-Time Purchase Order You use one-time orders for materials or services that you order irregularly. You can reference a purchase requisition, RFQ, or another PO when creating a one-time order.

Contract and Release Orders For materials that are being ordered regularly and in large quantities, we can negotiate a deal with the vendor for pricing or conditions & record then in a contract. In a contract you also specify the validity date.

Scheduling Agreement If a material is ordered on a regular basis and is to be delivered according to an exact time schedule, then you set up a scheduling agreement. This method of procurement is typically used when Just-in-Time deliveries are required from the vendor (for example, in the automobile industry).

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Procurement in IT Systems

Types of Procurement External vs. Internal Procurement (…Cntd) 

Internal Procurement

Large corporate organizations may own multiple separate businesses or companies. Each of these companies maintains a complete bookkeeping system with separate Balance Sheets and Profit & Loss Statements and hence when trade occurs between them it needs to be recorded.

Key activities: 

Creating a Purchase Order at the receiving Company

Creating delivery and billing documents at the issuing Company (This is an inter company billing document; Pricing takes place as normal)

Posting the goods receipt at the receiving Company (The material stock increases and an accounting document gets created)

Posting the invoice receipt at the receiving Company (The invoice is checked with reference to the purchase order)

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Procurement in IT Systems

Types of Procurement External vs. Internal Procurement (…Cntd) 

Internal Procurement Sometimes companies also need to record and monitor stock movements between its own entities e.g. production facilities.

Key activities:  Creating a stock transport order in the receiving entity  Generating a delivery document in the delivering entity  Picking the material in the delivering entity  Posting an issuing document in delivering entity  Posting a receipt document in receiving entity

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Agenda – Day 1 TOPIC


Course Introduction

09:00 – 09:30

Basic Procurement Philosophy

09:30 – 10:00

Procurement in IT Systems

10:00 – 10:30


10:30 – 10:45

The SAP Requisition to Pay Cycle

10:45 – 11:00

Introduction to SAP

11:00 – 11:15

Introduction to SAP / Log On

11:15 – 11:30

Introduction to IMG

11:30 – 11:45

SAP Enterprise Structure

11:45 – 12:15

Exercise 1.0

12:15 – 12:30


12:30 – 13:15

Master Data Overview

13:15 – 13:45

Master Data

13:45 – 14:45

Exercise 2.0

14:45 – 15:15


15:15 – 15:30

Exercise 2.0 (Continued)

15:30 – 15:45

Vendor Master

15:45 – 16:45

Exercise 3.0

16:45 – 17:30

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Agenda – Day 1 TOPIC


Course Introduction

09:00 – 09:30

Basic Procurement Philosophy

09:30 – 10:00

Procurement in IT Systems

10:00 – 10:30


10:30 – 10:45

The SAP Requisition to Pay Cycle

10:45 – 11:00

Introduction to SAP

11:00 – 11:15

Introduction to SAP / Log On

11:15 – 11:30

Introduction to IMG

11:30 – 11:45

SAP Enterprise Structure

11:45 – 12:15

Exercise 1.0

12:15 – 12:30


12:30 – 13:15

Master Data Overview

13:15 – 13:45

Master Data

13:45 – 14:45

Exercise 2.0

14:45 – 15:15


15:15 – 15:30

Exercise 2.0 (Continued)

15:30 – 15:45

Vendor Master

15:45 – 16:45

Exercise 3.0

16:45 – 17:30

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

The SAP Requisition to Pay process Is the process that includes from the requisition determination until the payment of the correspondent invoice. It is comprised by the following SAP documents:

Module impacted

Req. Determ.

Purchase Requisition


Purchase Order

Goods Receipt

Invoice Verification


Material Management (MM) Accounts Payable (AP) General Ledger (GL) Project System (PS)

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

The SAP Requisition to Pay process Is the process which helps users determine the material/services requirements. Requirements can be based on customer demand, which drives the production planning process, or requests from within the organization.

Module impacted

Req. Determ.

Purchase Requisition


Purchase Order

Goods Receipt

Invoice Verification


Material Management (MM) Accounts Payable (AP) General Ledger (GL) Project System (PS)

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

The SAP Requisition to Pay process A Purchase Requisition is a request to Purchasing to procure a certain quantity of a material or a service so that it is available at a certain point in time. It is not essential for creating a PO. It can also be created automatically by running the MRP in the PP module.

Module impacted

Req. Determ.

Purchase Requisition


Purchase Order

Goods Receipt

Invoice Verification


Material Management (MM) Accounts Payable (AP) General Ledger (GL) Project System (PS)

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

The SAP Requisition to Pay process A Purchase Order is a formal request to a vendor to supply or provide goods or services at a certain point in time with a certain quantity, under the agreed terms and conditions.

Module impacted

Req. Determ.

Purchase Requisition


Purchase Order

Goods Receipt

Invoice Verification


Material Management (MM) Accounts Payable (AP) General Ledger (GL) Project System (PS)

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

The SAP Requisition to Pay process Goods Receipt is the term used to describe an increase in warehouse stock due to receipt of goods from external vendors of from internal stock transfers.

Module impacted

Req. Determ.

Purchase Requisition


Purchase Order

Goods Receipt

Invoice Verification


Material Management (MM) Accounts Payable (AP) General Ledger (GL) Project System (PS)

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

The SAP Requisition to Pay process Is the verification of the data on the invoice sent by the vendor against the goods receipt and the original purchase order. This ensures that the goods received match the cost and quantity requirements of the purchase order and the vendor’s invoice.

Module impacted

Req. Determ.

Purchase Requisition


Purchase Order

Goods Receipt

Invoice Verification


Material Management (MM) Accounts Payable (AP) General Ledger (GL) Project System (PS)

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

The SAP Requisition to Pay process Once the invoice is posted, the payment is made on the basis of the payment terms and conditions defined in the purchase order. It is processed through Accounts Payable in the FI module.

Module impacted

Req. Determ.

Purchase Requisition


Purchase Order

Goods Receipt

Invoice Verification


Material Management (MM) Accounts Payable (AP) General Ledger (GL) Project System (PS)

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Agenda – Day 1 TOPIC


Course Introduction

09:00 – 09:30

Basic Procurement Philosophy

09:30 – 10:00

Procurement in IT Systems

10:00 – 10:30


10:30 – 10:45

The SAP Requisition to Pay Cycle

10:45 – 11:00

Introduction to SAP

11:00 – 11:15

Introduction to SAP / Log On

11:15 – 11:30

Introduction to IMG

11:30 – 11:45

SAP Enterprise Structure

11:45 – 12:15

Exercise 1.0

12:15 – 12:30


12:30 – 13:15

Master Data Overview

13:15 – 13:45

Master Data

13:45 – 14:45

Exercise 2.0

14:45 – 15:15


15:15 – 15:30

Exercise 2.0 (Continued)

15:30 – 15:45

Vendor Master

15:45 – 16:45

Exercise 3.0

16:45 – 17:30

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Introduction to SAP SAP stands for “Systems, Applications and Products in data processing". SAP is the worlds third-largest independent software provider.

SAP was founded by 5 former IBM employees in 1972 and head quartered in Walldorf, Germany.

SAP is the global market leader in ERP and in collaborative & inter-enterprise business solutions

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Introduction to SAP

The SAP Business suite 

mySAP Enterprise resource planning

mySAP Supply chain management

mySAP Customer relationship management

mySAP Product life cycle management

mySAP Supplier relationship management

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Introduction to SAP

SAP Industry Solutions Aerospace & Defense



Defense & Security

Engineering, Construction & Operations

High Tech


Higher Education & Research

Industrial Machinery


Consumer Products

Life Sciences

Higher Education & Research

Industrial Machinery & Components

Life Sciences

Logistics Service Providers


Mill Products

Health Care

High Tech

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Introduction to SAP

SAP Industry Solutions (…Cntd) Mining

Oil & Gas

Postal Services

Professional Services

Public Sector





Wholesale Distribution

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Introduction to SAP Small and medium business solutions mySAP all-in-one SAP business one

New dimension products Strategic enterprise management Advanced planner and optimizer Enterprise buyer profession edition Business information warehouse

mySAP technology SAP NetWeaver

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Introduction to SAP SAP R/3 main modules are Financial Accounting (FI) Controlling (CO) Materials Management (MM) Sales & distribution (SD) Production Planning and Execution Process (PP) Logistics execution (LE) Quality Management (QM) Project Systems (PS) Plant Maintenance (PM) Customer Service (CS) Human Resources (HR)

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Introduction to SAP

SAP Application Modules SAP has several layers. The BASIS System is the heart of the data operations and should not be evident to higher level or managerial users. Other customising and implementation tools exist also. The heart of the system from a manager’s viewpoint is the application modules. SD Sales & Distribution MM Materials PP Mgmt. Production Planning

FI Financial Accounting CO Controlling


TR Treasury EC Enterprise Controlling PS IM Project Investment System Management WF Workflow IS Industry Solutions

Client / Server ABAP/4

QM Quality ManagePM ment Plant Maintenance PD Personnel Development PA Source: SAP AC010: Financial Accounting & Reporting

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Personnel Administration

Agenda – Day 1 TOPIC


Course Introduction

09:00 – 09:30

Basic Procurement Philosophy

09:30 – 10:00

Procurement in IT Systems

10:00 – 10:30


10:30 – 10:45

The SAP Requisition to Pay Cycle

10:45 – 11:00

Introduction to SAP

11:00 – 11:15

Introduction to SAP / Log On

11:15 – 11:30

Introduction to IMG

11:30 – 11:45

SAP Enterprise Structure

11:45 – 12:15

Exercise 1.0

12:15 – 12:30


12:30 – 13:15

Master Data Overview

13:15 – 13:45

Master Data

13:45 – 14:45

Exercise 2.0

14:45 – 15:15


15:15 – 15:30

Exercise 2.0 (Continued)

15:30 – 15:45

Vendor Master

15:45 – 16:45

Exercise 3.0

16:45 – 17:30

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Introduction to SAP Log On

SAP Logon Screen

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Introduction to SAP Log On

SAP Easy Access Screen

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Introduction to SAP Log On

SAP Screen layout elements

Menu Bar Standard Tool Bar Title Bar Application Tool Bar

Command Field

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Introduction to SAP Log On

SAP – System and Help menu

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Introduction to SAP Log On

Function of F1 and F4 field help


Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT


Introduction to SAP Log On

SAP Logoff Screen

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Agenda – Day 1 TOPIC


Course Introduction

09:00 – 09:30

Basic Procurement Philosophy

09:30 – 10:00

Procurement in IT Systems

10:00 – 10:30


10:30 – 10:45

The SAP Requisition to Pay Cycle

10:45 – 11:00

Introduction to SAP

11:00 – 11:15

Introduction to SAP / Log On

11:15 – 11:30

Introduction to IMG

11:30 – 11:45

SAP Enterprise Structure

11:45 – 12:15

Exercise 1.0

12:15 – 12:30


12:30 – 13:15

Master Data Overview

13:15 – 13:45

Master Data

13:45 – 14:45

Exercise 2.0

14:45 – 15:15


15:15 – 15:30

Exercise 2.0 (Continued)

15:30 – 15:45

Vendor Master

15:45 – 16:45

Exercise 3.0

16:45 – 17:30

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Introduction to IMG

SAP Implementation Guide When a client purchases the SAP, it comes in a CD very similar to any software that we buy off the shelf. When SAP is first installed, SAP comes with some standard set up. Example of those set up are company code 0001, plant 0001 etc. These setup do not necessary meet the client requirement. In the build phase of a project, SAP system is customized according to the requirement of the client which are identified in the design phase. In SAP, customizing is performed through the Implementation Guide (IMG). Note that customizing is different from master data or transactional data.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Introduction to IMG

SAP Configuration – Implementation Guide (SPRO)

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Agenda – Day 1 TOPIC


Course Introduction

09:00 – 09:30

Basic Procurement Philosophy

09:30 – 10:00

Procurement in IT Systems

10:00 – 10:30


10:30 – 10:45

The SAP Requisition to Pay Cycle

10:45 – 11:00

Introduction to SAP

11:00 – 11:15

Introduction to SAP / Log On

11:15 – 11:30

Introduction to IMG

11:30 – 11:45

SAP Enterprise Structure

11:45 – 12:15

Exercise 1.0

12:15 – 12:30


12:30 – 13:15

Master Data Overview

13:15 – 13:45

Master Data

13:45 – 14:45

Exercise 2.0

14:45 – 15:15


15:15 – 15:30

Exercise 2.0 (Continued)

15:30 – 15:45

Vendor Master

15:45 – 16:45

Exercise 3.0

16:45 – 17:30

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

SAP Enterprise Structure

Organizational levels in a procurement cycle Client Compan y Code Plant

Storage Location Pur Org Pur Groups Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

SAP Enterprise Structure

Client An independent unit in R/3 system that contains its own set of master data and table contents It is not a legal entity but is more technical in nature

Company Code

An Independent accounting unit within the client. Each has its own P&L account and Balance Sheet Setup is done by the Finance team

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

SAP Enterprise Structure

Company Code (…Cntd)

Company Code setup in SPRO:

Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Company Code -> Enter Global Parameters (OBY6)

Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Fiscal Year -> Maintain Fiscal Year Variant (OB29)

Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Fiscal Year -> Assign Company Code to a Fiscal Year Variant (OB37)

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

SAP Enterprise Structure


A unit under the company All operation within the company take place here (e.g. Manufacturing, Sales, Storage Unit, Administration Building) It is usually mapped to a physical location even though “virtual” ones can also exist Plant setup in SPRO:


Structure -> Definition -> Define, copy, delete, check plant (SPRO)


Structure -> Assignment -> Logistics – General -> Assign plant to company code (OX18)

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

SAP Enterprise Structure

Storage Location

The storage location is an organizational unit that allows the differentiation of material stocks within a plant. Physical Inventory is carried out at storage location level. Storage location codes can be repeated under a different plant Storage Location setup in SPRO:


Structure -> Definition -> Materials Management -> Maintain Storage Location (OX09)

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

SAP Enterprise Structure

Purchasing Organization

Responsible organizational unit for procuring materials / services Procures the material / service for one or more plants within the company Purchasing Organization setup in SPRO:


Structure -> Definition -> Materials Management -> Maintain purchasing organisation

(OX08) Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Materials Management Assign purchasing organization to company code (OX01) (optional) Assign purchasing organization to plant (OX17)

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

SAP Enterprise Structure

Different forms of purchasing

Centralized purchasing (corporate-wide purchasing)  Purchasing org is not assigned to any company code.  Any plant can purchase through this one purchasing org.

Company-specific purchasing  A purchasing org is assigned to a company code.  Any plant from that company can purchase through this one purchasing org.

Plant-specific purchasing  A purchasing org is assigned to a plant (and not to company code)  One specific plant can purchase through this one specific purchasing org.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

SAP Enterprise Structure

Purchasing Groups

The groups which are responsible for day to day buying in the purchasing organization

Purchasing Group setup in SPRO:


Management -> Purchasing -> Create Purchasing Groups (OME4)

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

SAP Enterprise Structure CLIENT









Bay11 Bay11


Bay12 Bay12

Bay21 Bay21


Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Bay22 Bay22


Bay31 Bay31


Bay32 Bay32

Bay41 Bay41


Bay42 Bay42


SAP Enterprise Structure


Define here

Assign here

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

SAP Enterprise Structure

Configuration Defining Organizational Elements Client : SPRO > IMG > Enterprise Structure > Definition > Financial Accounting > Define Company > New Entries

Company Code : SPRO > IMG > Enterprise Structure > Definition > Financial Accounting > Edit, Copy, Delete, Check Company Code > Copy, Delete, Check Company Code

Controlling Area : SPRO > IMG > Enterprise Structure > Definition > Controlling > Maintain Controlling Area > Maintain Controlling Area

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

SAP Enterprise Structure

Configuration Defining Organizational Elements(…Cntd) Plant : SPRO > IMG > Enterprise Structure > Definition > Logistics General > Define , copy, delete , check plant > copy, delete , check plant

Storage Location : SPRO > IMG > Enterprise Structure > Definition > Materials Management >

Maintain Storage Loc ( w.r.t plant ) > New Entries

Purchase Organization : SPRO > IMG > Enterprise Structure > Definition > Materials Management > Maintain Pur. Org >New Entries.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

SAP Enterprise Structure

Assigning SPRO > IMG > Enterprise Structure > Assignment > Financial Accounting > Assign Company Code to Company SPRO > IMG > Enterprise Structure > Assignment > Controlling> Assign Company Code to Controlling area SPRO > IMG > Enterprise Structure > Assignment > logistics General > Assign Plant to Company Code SPRO > IMG > Enterprise Structure > Assignment > Materials Mgmt > Assign P.Org to Co . Code SPRO > IMG > Enterprise Structure > Assignment > Materials Mgmt > Assign P.Org to Plant SPRO > IMG > Enterprise Structure > Assignment > Materials Mgmt > Assign Standard P.Org to Plant SPRO > IMG > Enterprise Structure > Assignment > Materials Mgmt > Assign P.Org to Reference P.Org

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

SAP Enterprise Structure

Activate Company Code for Materials Management SPRO > IMG > Logistics General > Material Master > Basic Settings >Maintain Co.Code for Materials Mgmt

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Agenda – Day 1 TOPIC


Course Introduction

09:00 – 09:30

Basic Procurement Philosophy

09:30 – 10:00

Procurement in IT Systems

10:00 – 10:30


10:30 – 10:45

The SAP Requisition to Pay Cycle

10:45 – 11:00

Introduction to SAP

11:00 – 11:15

Introduction to SAP / Log On

11:15 – 11:30

Introduction to IMG

11:30 – 11:45

SAP Enterprise Structure

11:45 – 12:15

Exercise 1.0

12:15 – 12:30


12:30 – 13:15

Master Data Overview

13:15 – 13:45

Master Data

13:45 – 14:45

Exercise 2.0

14:45 – 15:15


15:15 – 15:30

Exercise 2.0 (Continued)

15:30 – 15:45

Vendor Master

15:45 – 16:45

Exercise 3.0

16:45 – 17:30

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

SAP Enterprise Structure

Exercise 1.0

Configuration: Display a Company Code Configuration: Display a Plant Configuration: Display a Storage Location Configuration: Display a Purchasing Organization Configuration: Display an Assignment of Plant to Company Code Configuration: Display an Assignment of Purchasing Organization to Company Code Configuration: Display an Assignment of Plant to Purchasing Organization

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Agenda – Day 1 TOPIC


Course Introduction

09:00 – 09:30

Basic Procurement Philosophy

09:30 – 10:00

Procurement in IT Systems

10:00 – 10:30


10:30 – 10:45

The SAP Requisition to Pay Cycle

10:45 – 11:00

Introduction to SAP

11:00 – 11:15

Introduction to SAP / Log On

11:15 – 11:30

Introduction to IMG

11:30 – 11:45

SAP Enterprise Structure

11:45 – 12:15

Exercise 1.0

12:15 – 12:30


12:30 – 13:15

Master Data Overview

13:15 – 13:45

Master Data

13:45 – 14:45

Exercise 2.0

14:45 – 15:15


15:15 – 15:30

Exercise 2.0 (Continued)

15:30 – 15:45

Vendor Master

15:45 – 16:45

Exercise 3.0

16:45 – 17:30

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Agenda – Day 1 TOPIC


Course Introduction

09:00 – 09:30

Basic Procurement Philosophy

09:30 – 10:00

Procurement in IT Systems

10:00 – 10:30


10:30 – 10:45

The SAP Requisition to Pay Cycle

10:45 – 11:00

Introduction to SAP

11:00 – 11:15

Introduction to SAP / Log On

11:15 – 11:30

Introduction to IMG

11:30 – 11:45

SAP Enterprise Structure

11:45 – 12:15

Exercise 1.0

12:15 – 12:30


12:30 – 13:15

Master Data Overview

13:15 – 13:45

Master Data

13:45 – 14:45

Exercise 2.0

14:45 – 15:15


15:15 – 15:30

Exercise 2.0 (Continued)

15:30 – 15:45

Vendor Master

15:45 – 16:45

Exercise 3.0

16:45 – 17:30

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

SAP Master Data Overview SAP R/3 operates “real time”, placing the responsibility of data integrity on all users.

Information in SAP is always current 

No time lag between data entry and data availability

Reports and data displays available online 

Reports can be run in foreground or background

Everyone has a critical role to play in maintaining “data integrity”

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

SAP Master Data Overview SAP R/3 operates using “real time” data that can be categorised as master or transactional data.

Master Data 

Basic informational data created centrally and used in nearly all applications

For example, a Vendor is data that is used in creating contracts, purchase orders, and payments

Remains constant over time, although some master data may need to be updated

Transactional Data 

Data associated with the processing of a business transaction

Specific for each transaction

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

SAP Master Data Overview

Types of Master Data in SAP

Vendor Master Data 

Unique repository of all the relevant information from the vendors.

It’s divided in three categories or views: 

General data: contains mostly the legal information from the vendor, for example address, legal name, ABN number, etc.

Company Code data: contains all the information related to a specific company code. For example: account information, etc.

Purchasing data: this is maintained for each purchasing Organization. For example the currency, incoterms, etc.

Purchasing Info Record 

This is vendor-specific data on a certain material. For example, delivery time and purchase price.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

SAP Master Data Overview

Types of Master Data in SAP (…Cntd) Material Master Data It is an enterprise’s main source of material-specific data. It is used in all areas of logistics in the SAP R/3 system. Since different user departments within an enterprise work with one material, and each department enters different information relating to it, the data in a material master record is subdivided according to area of use. Each user department thus has its own view of a material master record. The data screens used to process material master records can be subdivided into the following types: 

Main data: these are the views for the individual user departments, such as basic data, materials planning, accounting, sales, purchasing, and so on.

Additional data: these are the views on which you find additional information such as alternative units of measure, material short descriptions, and consumption values. Purchasing data: this is maintained for each purchasing organization. For example the currency, incoterms, etc.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

SAP Master Data Overview When you create a purchasing document, SAP R/3 supports you with the data entry by providing you with the default values taken from existing master records.

PO Header Vendor X Items 10 Material A 20 Material B 30 …

Material Master Data

Vendor Master Data Purchasing Info Record

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Agenda – Day 1 TOPIC


Course Introduction

09:00 – 09:30

Basic Procurement Philosophy

09:30 – 10:00

Procurement in IT Systems

10:00 – 10:30


10:30 – 10:45

The SAP Requisition to Pay Cycle

10:45 – 11:00

Introduction to SAP

11:00 – 11:15

Introduction to SAP / Log On

11:15 – 11:30

Introduction to IMG

11:30 – 11:45

SAP Enterprise Structure

11:45 – 12:15

Exercise 1.0

12:15 – 12:30


12:30 – 13:15

Master Data Overview

13:15 – 13:45

Master Data

13:45 – 14:45

Exercise 2.0

14:45 – 15:15


15:15 – 15:30

Exercise 2.0 (Continued)

15:30 – 15:45

Vendor Master

15:45 – 16:45

Exercise 3.0

16:45 – 17:30

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

What is Material Master ? How is the Material master used in all the departments ? How is it useful in creating Purchase Orders?

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 Introduction

The material master record contains the information on all the materials that a company procures or produces, stores or sells. The material master record is a company’s main source of material specific data. It is used by all components in the R/3 logistics system.

Basic data


Materials planning


Stocks in Plant/ stor Loc

Work scheduling


Material Master Record

Quality management



Warehouse Mgmt


Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 Introduction (…Contd) Integration of all material data in a single database, prevents the problem of data redundancy. Data contained in material master records is required for many functions within the R/3 logistics system, for example: Purchasing data for ordering Inventory management data for posting a goods movements and managing physical inventory Accounting data for material valuation MRP data for material requirements planning

Since the material master is used and maintained by different user departments, the material master is subdivided according to area of use, and thus each user department in a company has its own view of a material master record.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 Introduction (…Cntd) Some material views are valid for all organisational levels, while some are valid only for certain levels.

Data at client level is data valid for the whole enterprise (e.g. material number, material group, unit of measure, …) Data at plant level is valid within a plant and all storage locations belonging to that plant (e.g. purchasing data, forecasting data, work scheduling data, …) Data at storage location level is only valid for a particular storage location (e.g. storage bin description, picking area, …)

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 Material Master Record: Screens When creating or editing a material master data, the user goes through a number of screens. In the initial screen the user enters the material number, industry sector and material type. In the second screen the user specifies the user department views to be processed. The third screen prompts the user for organisational data. Material data is then entered in the data screens. Note: Screen sequence can be changed.

Material (Industry sector) (Material type) User department views Basic Data Purchasing Accounting … Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Organizational levels Plant Sloc …

Data screens

Material Master

 Initial Screen The Industry Sector and Material Type fields on the initial screen are mainly control fields i.e. they control the screen sequence, views and fields in the data screens of the material master record. A number of different Industry Sectors and Material Types exist in standard SAP R/3, when companies need more they can define these in Customising according to their own requirements.

Material Types Industry Sectors

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 Initial Screen Material Type Materials with the same basic attributes are grouped together and assigned to a material type. This allows the organisation to manage different materials in a uniform manner in accordance with the company's requirements.

Material Type

Control Function Number assignment

Raw materials

Procurement type Semi-finished products


User departments Field selection

Finished products

Account determination ..............

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 Initial Screen •Material Type (…Cntd) Example: Control Function

Material Type A

Material Type B

Number assignment

Internal Number Assignment (i.e. System)

Internal or external number assignment (i.e. System or user)

Number Range Interval

1000000000 - 1100000000

2000000000 – 2100000000

Basic Data 1

Basic Data 1

Basic Data 2

Basic Data 2


Accounting 1

Warehouse Management 1

Accounting 2

Warehouse Management 2


Which screens are displayed and in which order

Procurement type

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Produced in-house only

Can be produced in-house or procured externally

Material Master

 Initial Screen • Material Type (…Cntd) Along with the plant, the material type determines a material's inventory management requirement; that is, whether the system updates quantity changes in the material master record or updates changes in value in the stock accounts in Financial Accounting.

The material type also determines which accounts are posted when a material is posted to stock or leaves the warehouse.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 Initial Screen • Industry Sector Selection Screen Chemical Industry


Field selection

Pharmaceutical Ind. Like material type, the industry sector has a control function in SAP R/3 When you create a material master record, the industry sector defines:

which screens are displayed and in which order which industry specific fields are displayed in each screen In customizing , you can define new industry sectors and maintain field reference for field selection control according to your company- specific requirements. The Industry sector assigned to a material cannot be changed later.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 User Departments Views - Main Data • Basic Data • Classification • Accounting • Costing • Forecasting • Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) • Purchasing • Stocks, Plant and Storage Location • Sales • Production Resources/Tools • Quality Management • Storage • Work Scheduling

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 User Departments Views - Main Data (…Cntd) • Basic Data: On this data screen, the user enters data that is also used by other user departments • Classification: Classes allow companies to classify materials with the same characteristics. A material can be assigned to one or more classes. Classification data is valid for the whole company. • Accounting: Besides other accounting data, users normally enter data relevant to valuation in the current period here, and companies can manage accounting data on company code level or plant level. • Costing: Besides costing data, users can also define valuation data on this screen. This data is identical with that on the Accounting screen. In most cases, it will already exist on the Costing screen because it has already been entered on the Accounting screen. If it is entered on the Costing screen first, it will appear on the Accounting screen as default values that can be overwritten. Costing data is managed at plant level. Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 User Departments Views - Main Data (…Cntd) • Forecasting: On the Forecasting screen, users have the following options: Users can access the screens on which consumption values and forecast values are entered as a basis for the initial calculations. Users can directly execute an individual forecast for a material. Starting from the maintained forecast parameters, users can simulate the forecast in several dialog steps. The forecast values are updated only when the material master record is saved. The MRP parameters Reorder point and Safety stock, which are based on the forecast, are adjusted dynamically at the same time. Forecasting data is maintained on a plant level.

• Materials Requirement Planning (MRP): MRP is planned at plant level, however if users need to enter data specific to a storage location, they must also specify the storage location concerned. You must specify a storage location if you want a material to be included in storage location MRP. Storage locations are considered as independent units for MRP purposes. Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 User Departments Views - Main Data (…Cntd) • Purchasing: Not all purchasing data is plant-specific. As a result, the data displayed depends on whether the user enters a plant or not. • Stocks, Plant and Storage Location: After material master record has been created, users can select the following data screens in the Select View(s) dialog box for displaying the stocks held at a particular plant or storage location: Plant stock Storage location stock Other User Department Views: Sales Production Resources/Tools Quality Management Storage Work Scheduling Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 User Departments Views - Main Data Basic Data Important Fields: Material Description: Text containing up to 40 characters that describes the material in more detail.

Base Unit of Measure: Unit of measure in which stocks of the material are managed. You define the base unit of measure and also alternative units of measure and their conversion factors in the material master record.

Material Group: Key used to group together several materials or services with the same attributes, and to assign them to a particular material group.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 User Departments Views - Main Data Accounting

Important Fields: Valuation Category Determines whether stocks of the material are valuated together or separately. Split valuation allows companies to valuate different stocks of the same material separately. In the case of split valuation, this indicator also determines which valuation types are allowed, that is, the criteria by which stocks can be valuated. Split valuation allowed Material A Valuation Category Quality Origin

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Valuation Types

Stock x Price = Value

High Quality

1UOM x $100 = $100

Average Quality

2UOM x $90 = $180

Low Quality

1UOM x $75 = $75

Material Master

 User Departments Views - Main Data Accounting (…Cntd) Important Fields:

Valuation Class

Material Type

Valuation Class •Valuation class is used to combine the materials for assigning G/L accounts, so that companies do not have to manage a separate stock account for each material. •The valuation class allowed for a material depends on the material type and can be configured in customizing.

Price Control Indicates the price control used to valuate the stock of a material. The following options exist: •Standard price •Moving average price Valuation will be revisited in more detail on Day 4 of the boot camp.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Valuation Class 1


Valuation Class 2

Accounting 1 Valuation class


Material Master

Price Control Material valuation Price control ( In material master ) “S“ Standard price

“V“ Moving average Price

Material Master

 User Departments Views - Main Data Purchasing

Important Fields: Batch Management Indicator specifies whether the material is managed in batches.

Automatic PO Indicator specifying whether purchase orders are generated automatically when requisitions are converted. Note: The indicator "Automatic POs allowed" must also be set in the master record of the vendor from whom the material is ordered.

Purchasing Value Key Key defining the reminder days and tolerance limits valid, as well as the shipping instructions and order acknowledgment requirement of the material for Purchasing. Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 User Departments Views - Main Data Purchasing (…Cntd)

Important Fields: Quota Arrangement Usage Is field controls how the total order quantity is calculated in the quota arrangement, and thus which source of supply is determined for the material at a particular point in time. (Quota Arrangement will be discussed in detail on day 3 of boot camp)

Source List Requirement Specifies whether the source list (List of available sources of supply for a material, indicating the periods during which procurement from such sources is possible) must have been maintained in the case of external procurement for a certain plant.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 User Departments Views - Additional Data Data screen that can be accessed from any view in a material master record by choosing in the standard material master

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 User Departments Views - Additional Data (…Cntd) Additional data screens are: • Descriptions Companies can enter a description for a material master in different languages. However, only one description per language is allowed.

• Unit of Measure Multiple units of measures can be entered for a material master, however a base unit of measure has to be specified (stockkeeping unit )and a conversion factor to that unit of measure must also be specified. Base Unit of Measure = Piece 4

Order UOM = Box

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT


Sales UOM = Carton

Material Master

 User Departments Views - Additional Data (…Cntd) • Additional EANs An International Article Number (EAN) (or Universal Product Code (UPC) in the USA) is an internationally standardized number uniquely identifying a material. It always refers to a specific unit of measure or type of packaging such as a pack of ten pieces or a box. For each unit of measure defined in a material master record, you can assign one or more EANs and specify packaging data (such as dimensions, volume, and gross weight).

• Document Management A material may have various documents such as drawings and photographs assigned to it. The system differentiates between these documents by means of the document type. If the company uses SAP’s document management system, you can manage documents and assign existing documents to a material in the material master record. Document data is managed at client level.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 User Departments Views - Additional Data (…Cntd) • Basic Data Texts, Inspection Texts, Internal Comments Text are stored at client level, and can be entered in many languages though only one text is allowed per language.

Basic data text This text can be used as per company’s requirement, for example, to store additional, general information on the material. Inspection text This text can be used to stipulate rules on the procedure to be followed for inspecting a material, or any special points to be observed. Internal comment This text can be used as per company’s requirement, for example, to store any specific points to be taken into consideration with regard to the material.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 Extending Material Master Record If one user department has already stored data on a material in a material master record, and another user department wants to enter data on the same material, there is no need to create another material master record. Instead, the material master record is extended to include the information relevant to the user department. A material master record is also extended if the same user department wants it to include data for other organizational levels. Extend to different Extend Views

e.g. Accounting

Org. levels e.g. Plant 1200

Extend with

Material A Material A Purchasing Plant 1000

Purchasing Plant 1000 Accounting Plant 1000

Material A

Purchasing Accounting Plant 1000 Plant 1000 Purchasing Plant 1200 Accounting Plant 1200

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

System Walkthrough Transaction : Create a material master

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master  Initial Screen

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 Selective views for creating Material Master

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 Maintain data in Basic data1 view

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 Maintain data in Purchasing view

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 Maintain data in Accounting 1 view

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

Customizing Settings for Material Master Introduction What is customizing settings for material master?

How is it useful for end users?

How does it satisfy the business requirement of an organisation?

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

Customizing Settings for Material Master Concept Customizing settings for material master, we can customize fields according to the business requirements. Most cases standard SAP providing is enough, but some case you need to customize( i.e. your own industry sector, material type, no ranges, … ).

We can restrict the material number length

When ever you are creating a Material , if u select you select your own material type and industry sector, it will display the selective views required views for our material( i.e., what we have customized )

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master System Walkthrough

Configuration: Create a purchasing value key Configuration: Create a purchasing group Configuration: Define material number length Configuration: Create an industry sector Configuration: Create a material type Configuration: Maintain number ranges Configuration: Define screen sequence

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 Create Purchasing value key

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 Create Purchasing group

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 Material number length – Material

Demo1_Cutomizing settings for Material Master

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 Create an Industry Sector

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 Create a Material Type

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 Maintain Number Ranges

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master  Copy the standard screen sequence to own

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 Assign the screen sequences to material type and industry sector

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

 Important T – Codes in Material Master MM01

Create Material Master


Change Material Master


Display Material Master


Mass Maintenance


Change Material Type


Schedule creation of Material Master


Extend the material view(s)

Once material masters are created from one plant same can be extended to other plants using TCode MM01.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Agenda – Day 1 TOPIC


Course Introduction

09:00 – 09:30

Basic Procurement Philosophy

09:30 – 10:00

Procurement in IT Systems

10:00 – 10:30


10:30 – 10:45

The SAP Requisition to Pay Cycle

10:45 – 11:00

Introduction to SAP

11:00 – 11:15

Introduction to SAP / Log On

11:15 – 11:30

Introduction to IMG

11:30 – 11:45

SAP Enterprise Structure

11:45 – 12:15

Exercise 1.0

12:15 – 12:30


12:30 – 13:15

Master Data Overview

13:15 – 13:45

Master Data

13:45 – 14:45

Exercise 2.0

14:45 – 15:15


15:15 – 15:30

Exercise 2.0 (Continued)

15:30 – 15:45

Vendor Master

15:45 – 16:45

Exercise 3.0

16:45 – 17:30

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Material Master

Exercise 2.0

Note that the exercises are divided into configuration and transaction/master data related. Each exercise are identified as such on the left side of the “colon”.

Configuration: Create purchasing group Configuration: Create Material Type Configuration: Maintain number ranges Transaction: Create material master

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Agenda – Day 1 TOPIC


Course Introduction

09:00 – 09:30

Basic Procurement Philosophy

09:30 – 10:00

Procurement in IT Systems

10:00 – 10:30


10:30 – 10:45

The SAP Requisition to Pay Cycle

10:45 – 11:00

Introduction to SAP

11:00 – 11:15

Introduction to SAP / Log On

11:15 – 11:30

Introduction to IMG

11:30 – 11:45

SAP Enterprise Structure

11:45 – 12:15

Exercise 1.0

12:15 – 12:30


12:30 – 13:15

Master Data Overview

13:15 – 13:45

Master Data

13:45 – 14:45

Exercise 2.0

14:45 – 15:15


15:15 – 15:30

Exercise 2.0 (Continued)

15:30 – 15:45

Vendor Master

15:45 – 16:45

Exercise 3.0

16:45 – 17:30

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Agenda – Day 1 TOPIC


Course Introduction

09:00 – 09:30

Basic Procurement Philosophy

09:30 – 10:00

Procurement in IT Systems

10:00 – 10:30


10:30 – 10:45

The SAP Requisition to Pay Cycle

10:45 – 11:00

Introduction to SAP

11:00 – 11:15

Introduction to SAP / Log On

11:15 – 11:30

Introduction to IMG

11:30 – 11:45

SAP Enterprise Structure

11:45 – 12:15

Exercise 1.0

12:15 – 12:30


12:30 – 13:15

Master Data Overview

13:15 – 13:45

Master Data

13:45 – 14:45

Exercise 2.0

14:45 – 15:15


15:15 – 15:30

Exercise 2.0 (Continued)

15:30 – 15:45

Vendor Master

15:45 – 16:45

Exercise 3.0

16:45 – 17:30

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Agenda – Day 1 TOPIC


Course Introduction

09:00 – 09:30

Basic Procurement Philosophy

09:30 – 10:00

Procurement in IT Systems

10:00 – 10:30


10:30 – 10:45

The SAP Requisition to Pay Cycle

10:45 – 11:00

Introduction to SAP

11:00 – 11:15

Introduction to SAP / Log On

11:15 – 11:30

Introduction to IMG

11:30 – 11:45

SAP Enterprise Structure

11:45 – 12:15

Exercise 1.0

12:15 – 12:30


12:30 – 13:15

Master Data Overview

13:15 – 13:45

Master Data

13:45 – 14:45

Exercise 2.0

14:45 – 15:15


15:15 – 15:30

Exercise 2.0 (Continued)

15:30 – 15:45

Vendor Master

15:45 – 16:45

Exercise 3.0

16:45 – 17:30

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Vendor Master

What is meant by vendor master ?

How is it useful in purchasing?

How is the vendor master record maintained?

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Vendor Master

 Introduction The Vendor Master Record contains information like vendor’s name, address on all the organisation’s vendors. Data in the vendor master record is divided into three categories:


• General data General data is data valid at client level and hence available throughout the organisation. e.g. Vendor address, bank details, …

• Accounting data Accounting data is maintained at company code level and is valid for all the plants belonging to the company code. e.g. Reconciliation account, Payment methods, …

• Purchasing data Purchasing data is maintained at the purchasing organisation level. e.g. Purchase order currency, Incoterms, … Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Ge ner al

Da t a

Company Code

Accounting Data

Pur. Org. as h c r Pu

D ing


Vendor Master Record

Vendor Master

 Creating a Vendor Master record

Initial Screen

When creating a vendor master record, you must specify an account group. The account group has control function in SAP R/3. The Account Group controls:

• The type of number assignment. • The number range • Whether or not a one time vendor is involved. • Which fields are displayed on the respective screens and whether entry in these fields is mandatory or optional.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Vendor Master

 Creating a Vendor Master record (…Cntd)

Initial Screen

Although the account group is the only mandatory field on this screen, the Company code and Purch. Organisation fields will determine the screens that the user will be able to access i.e. at which organisational level the vendor master record is being created.

Account Group

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Acct. Group & CoCode

Acct. Group & CoCode & Pur. Org

Vendor Master  General Data

General Data in a Vendor Master record is divided into 3 sub categories:

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Vendor Master  Accounting Data

Accounting Data in a Vendor Master record is divided into 4 sub categories and is usually maintained by the accounting department :

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Vendor Master  Purchasing Organisation Data Purchasing Data

Purchasing Data in a Vendor Master record is divided into 2 sub categories:

•Terms of Payment: Defines cash discounts and payment periods. •Incoterms: Specify certain internationally recognised procedures that the shipper and the receiving party must follow to complete a shipping transaction.

The purchasing organisation salesperson and contact number at vendor office.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Vendor Master  Purchasing Organisation Data Purchasing Data (…Cntd) •Auto PO: Indicator specifying whether purchase orders are generated automatically when requisitions are converted. •Acknowledgment reqd: Determines whether the purchasing document is to be acknowledged by the vendor. •ABC Indicator: Serves to assign the vendor to one of the categories A, B or C, according to relevance to organisation.

•Purchasing Group: The purchasing group is internally responsible for the procurement of a material/service and as a rule the principal channel for a company's dealings with its vendors. A purchasing group can be an individual or a group of individuals. • Planned deliv. time: Number of calendar days needed to obtain the material or service from the vendor.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Vendor Master  Purchasing Organisation Data Partner Function A vendor can take up different roles depending upon the requirement. these roles are called Partner roles or Partner Function. Some of these roles are given below:

• Ordering address • Supplier of goods • Invoice present by • Alternative Payee

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Vendor Master System Walkthrough Configuration: Define Account group Configuration: Define Number Ranges Configuration: Assign number ranges to account group Configuration: Define the term of payment Configuration: Define the Partner function Configuration: Define the Partner schemas Transaction: Create vendor master Transaction: Change vendor master Transaction: Display vendor master

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Vendor Master  Create an account group

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Vendor Master

 Create an account group

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Vendor Master

 Create an account group

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Vendor Master

 Create an account group

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Vendor Master

 Define number ranges

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Vendor Master

 Assign vendor Account group to number ranges.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Vendor Master

 Define Terms of Payment

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Vendor Master

 Define Partner Function.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Vendor Master

 Define partner schema

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Vendor Master

 Define Partner Function in schema.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Vendor Master

 Create a New Vendor Master.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Vendor Master

 Change a Vendor Master.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Vendor Master

 Display a Vendor Master.

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Agenda – Day 1 TOPIC


Course Introduction

09:00 – 09:30

Basic Procurement Philosophy

09:30 – 10:00

Procurement in IT Systems

10:00 – 10:30


10:30 – 10:45

The SAP Requisition to Pay Cycle

10:45 – 11:00

Introduction to SAP

11:00 – 11:15

Introduction to SAP / Log On

11:15 – 11:30

Introduction to IMG

11:30 – 11:45

SAP Enterprise Structure

11:45 – 12:15

Exercise 1.0

12:15 – 12:30


12:30 – 13:15

Master Data Overview

13:15 – 13:45

Master Data

13:45 – 14:45

Exercise 2.0

14:45 – 15:15


15:15 – 15:30

Exercise 2.0 (Continued)

15:30 – 15:45

Vendor Master

15:45 – 16:45

Exercise 3.0

16:45 – 17:30

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

Vendor Master

Exercise 3.0

Configuration: Create vendor account group Configuration: Maintain number ranges Configuration: Assign account group to number ranges Transaction: Create vendor master

Prepared by : Raj Kumar .A SAP-MM QM CONSULTANT

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