SAP HR Processen

November 10, 2016 | Author: Nicky Jain | Category: N/A
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Index PROCESS 1: BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION................................................................................................3 PROCESS 1.1: BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION..............................................................................................................3 PROCESS 1.1.1: Determination of benefits offer for employee.....................................................................6 PROCESS 1.1.2: Adjustment of benefits plans...............................................................................................6 PROCESS 1.1.3: Consistency check...............................................................................................................7 PROCESS 1.1.4: Selection of benefits.......................................................................................................................9

PROCESS 1.2: HEALTH INSURANCE CLAIM...........................................................................................................11 PROCESS 1.3: COBRA...................................................................................................................................11 PROCESS 1.3.1: Initial Notification............................................................................................................11 PROCESS 1.3.2: Enroll................................................................................................................................11 PROCESS 2: COMPENSATION MANAGEMENT.......................................................................................12 PROCESS 2.1: COMPENSATION MANAGEMENT........................................................................................................12 PROCESS 2.1.1: Preparation of planning for compensation adjustment....................................................12 PROCESS 2.1.2: Compensation monitoring................................................................................................14 PROCESS 2.1.3: Performance of compensation adjustment.......................................................................14 PROCESS 2.1.4: Consolidation of compensation adjustment plans............................................................15 PROCESS 2.1.5: Compensation adjustment approval.................................................................................17 PROCESS 2.1.6: Compensation adjustment planning.................................................................................18 PROCESS 2.2: PERSONNEL COST PLANNING.........................................................................................................19 PROCESS 2.3: JOB PRICING................................................................................................................................19 PROCESS 2.4: BUDGETING.................................................................................................................................19 PROCESS 3: EXECUTIVE INFORMATION SYSTEM (EIS).....................................................................20 PROCESS 3.1: DATA MODELING..........................................................................................................................21 PROCESS 3.2: TASK FUNCTIONS ON TOOLS..........................................................................................................21 PROCESS 3.3: TASK FUNCTIONS ON INFORMATION SYSTEM....................................................................................21 PROCESS 3.4: TOOLS........................................................................................................................................21 PROCESS 3.5: INFORMATION SYSTEM (EC-EIS)..................................................................................................21 PROCESS 3.6: DATA TRANSFER..........................................................................................................................21 PROCESS 3.7: DATA BASIS...............................................................................................................................27 PROCESS 3.8: BASIC SETTINGS...........................................................................................................................28 PROCESS 4: ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND SAFETY ........................................................................29 PROCESS 4.1: MASTER DATA PROCESSING PRODUCT SAFETY.........................................................................29 PROCESS 4.1.1: Material Master PROCESSING EH&S............................................................................29 PROCESS 4.1.2: Information System...........................................................................................................30 PROCESS 4.1.3: Product Safety..................................................................................................................31 PROCESS 4.2: OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH...............................................................................................................35 PROCESS 4.2.1: Injury/Illness Log..............................................................................................................36 PROCESS 4.2.2: Protocol............................................................................................................................37 PROCESS 4.3: INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND SAFETY.................................................................................................39 PROCESS 4.3.1: Work Area (PROCESSING).............................................................................................40 PROCESS 4.3.2: Standard Operating Procedure........................................................................................40 PROCESS 4.3.3: Accident............................................................................................................................43 PROCESS 4.3.4: Agent.................................................................................................................................44 PROCESS 4.4: MASTER DATA PROCESSING DANGEROUS GOODS WITH SUBSTANCE DATABASE............................45 PROCESS 4.4.1: Material Master................................................................................................................45 PROCESS 4.4.2: Product Safety..................................................................................................................48 PROCESS 4.5: MASTER DATA PROCESSING DANGEROUS GOODS WITHOUT SUBSTANCE DATABASE.....................50

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HR PROCESSES PROCESS 4.5.1: Material Master................................................................................................................51 PROCESS 4.5.2: Dangerous Goods............................................................................................................55 PROCESS 5: HR FUNDS AND POSITION MANAGEMENT.....................................................................57 PROCESS 6: ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT .................................................................................58 PROCESS 6.1: ORGANIZATIONAL PLAN.................................................................................................................58 PROCESS 6.1.1: Task analysis....................................................................................................................59 PROCESS 6.1.2: Organizational monitoring...............................................................................................59 PROCESS 6.1.3: Implementation of organizational plan............................................................................59 PROCESS 6.1.4: Task synthesis...................................................................................................................59 PROCESS 7: PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION.........................................................................................61 PROCESS 7.1: PERSONNEL ACTIONS....................................................................................................................61 PROCESS 7.1.1: Employee hiring................................................................................................................69 PROCESS 7.1.2: Employee information on salary adjustment....................................................................69 PROCESS 7.1.3: Employee leaving..............................................................................................................69 PROCESS 7.1.4: Employee transfer.............................................................................................................70 PROCESS 7.1.5: Salary adjustment.............................................................................................................70 PROCESS 8: PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT..............................................................................................71 PROCESS 8.1: PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT..............................................................................................................71 PROCESS 8.1.1: Succession planning.........................................................................................................71 PROCESS 8.1.2: Individual personnel development planning....................................................................74 PROCESS 8.1.3: Career planning................................................................................................................77 PROCESS 9: TIME............................................................................................................................................79 PROCESS 9.1: PERSONNEL TIME MANAGEMENT....................................................................................................79 PROCESS 9.1.1: Personnel time planning...................................................................................................80 PROCESS 9.1.2: Provision of additional personnel time specifications.....................................................82 PROCESS 9.1.3: Time statement creation...................................................................................................83 PROCESS 9.1.4: PROCESSING of personnel time evaluation messages....................................................83 PROCESS 9.1.5: Day evaluation..................................................................................................................84 PROCESS 9.1.6: Personnel time accounts administration.........................................................................86 PROCESS 9.1.7: Entry of employee remuneration specifications...............................................................88 PROCESS 9.1.8: Personnel time recording.................................................................................................88 PROCESS 9.1.9: Infrastructure setup for personnel time recording...........................................................91 PROCESS 9.2: PERSONNEL SHIFT PLANNING - OPERATIVE......................................................................................92 PROCESS 9.2.1: Personnel shift planning - operative...............................................................................92 PROCESS 9.3: INTERFACES.................................................................................................................................94 PROCESS 10: TRAINING AND EVENT MANAGEMENT.........................................................................96 PROCESS 10.1: BASICS.....................................................................................................................................96 PROCESS 10.2: INTERFACES...............................................................................................................................96 PROCESS 11: TRAVEL MANAGEMENT...................................................................................................126 PROCESS 12: PAYROLL NETHERLANDS................................................................................................160

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HR PROCESSES PROCESS 1: Benefits administration Path: \Benefits administration

Benefits administration


Health Insurance Claim

PROCESS 1.1: Benefits administration Path: \Benefits administration\Benefits administration

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HR PROCESSES Benefits offer must be adapted for employee

Benefits system is available

Period for recurring enrollment has started

Determination of benefits offer for employee

Benefits plans are available to employee for selection

Notification given of correction requirements

Selection of benefits

Benefits selection of employee is available to enterprise Consistency check

Benefits plans are available for termination

Benefits plans are available for changing

Benefits plans are available for enrollment

Need to correct benefits selection is transmitted

Adjustment of benefits plans

Employee participation in benefits is complete

Employee participation in benefits is active

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Confirmation of adaptation transmitted to employee

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HR PROCESSES PROCESS 1.1.1: Determination of benefits offer for employee Path: \Benefits administration\Benefits administration\Determination of benefits offer for employee

Activities: -

Obtain information on employee Obtain information on eligibility provisions Obtain information on benefits offer Obtain information on current employee benefits Make decision on employee benefits Transmit benefits offer to employee Transmit information on benefits selection guidelines to employee Transmit information on current employee benefits

PROCESS 1.1.2: Adjustment of benefits plans Path: \Benefits administration\Benefits administration\Adjustment of benefits plans

Benefits plans are available for termination

Benefits plans are available for changing

Benefits plans are available for enrollment

Termination of benefits plans [standard]

Change of benefits plans [standard]

Enrollment in benefits plans [standard]

Employee participation in benefits is complete

Employee participation in benefits is active

Confirmation of adaptation is desired

Confirmation of adjustment of benefits participation [standard] Confirmation of adaptation transmitted to employee

Activities: Enrollment in benefits plans [standard]

Path: \Benefits administration\Benefits administration\Adjustment of benefits plans\Enrollment in benefits plans [standard]


Enroll employee in benefits plans

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Activities: Confirmation of adjustment of benefits participation [standard]

Path: \Benefits administration\Benefits administration\Adjustment of benefits plans\Confirmation of adjustment of benefits participation [standard]


Choose transmission route Create confirmation of adaptation of benefits participation Transmit confirmation of adaptation of benefits participation

Activities: Termination of benefits plans [standard]

Path: \Benefits administration\Benefits administration\Adjustment of benefits plans\Termination of benefits plans [standard]


Terminate employee participation in benefits plans

Activities: Change of benefits plans [standard]

Path: \Benefits administration\Benefits administration\Adjustment of benefits plans\Change of benefits plans [standard]


Change benefits plans for employee

PROCESS 1.1.3: Consistency check Path: \Benefits administration\Benefits administration\Consistency check

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HR PROCESSES Benefits selection of employee is available to enterprise Consistency check [standard]

Benefits plans are available for termination

Benefits plans are available for changing

Need to correct benefits selection has arisen

Benefits plans are available for enrollment

Notification of need to make correction for benefits selection [standard] Need to correct benefits selection is transmitted

Activities: Consistency check [standard]

Path: \Benefits administration\Benefits administration\Consistency check\Consistency check [standard]


Check each plan type to determine whether selection is allowed Check dependencies between plans Check selected plan parameters Check that required documents are available Make decision on selected benefits Make decision on selected benefits plans

Activities: Notification of need to make correction for benefits selection [standard]

Path: \Benefits administration\Benefits administration\Consistency check\Notification of need to make correction for benefits selection [standard]


Determine specifications for correction Choose transmission route Create notification of need to correct benefits selection Transmit need to correct benefits selection to employee

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HR PROCESSES PROCESS 1.1.4: Selection of benefits Path: \Benefits administration\Benefits administration\Selection of benefits

Benefits plans are available to employee for selection

Notification given of correction requirements

Selection of benefits [standard]

Correction of benefits selection [standard]

Benefits selection of employee is available to enterprise

Activities: Selection of benefits [standard]

Path: \Benefits administration\Benefits administration\Selection of benefits\Selection of benefits [standard]


Choose required benefits Obtain required documents Transmit required benefits selection to employer Transmit required documents to employer

Activities: Correction of benefits selection [standard]

Path: \Benefits administration\Benefits administration\Selection of benefits\Correction of benefits selection [standard]


Correct benefits selection Correct benefits plan parameters Obtain required documents Transmit corrected benefits selection to employer Transmit required documents selection to employer

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HR PROCESSES Preparation of planning for comp. adj. desired

Compensation management system available

Requirement for comp. adj. planning available

Preparation of planning for compensation adjustment Notification given of need to correct comp. adj. plan

Compensation adjustment planning is desired

Specifications for comp. adjustment available

Compensation adjustment planning

Subplan for comp. adjustment released for approval

Compensation adjustment plan released for approval

Need to correct comp. adj. plan is available

Compensation adjustment approval

Subplan for comp. adj. available for consolidation

Time reached for consolidation

Need to correct comp. adj. plan is transmitted

Compensation adjustment plan is approved

Consolidation of compensation adjustment plans

Comp. adjustment plan is released for checking

New time is determined for consolidation of comp. adj. plan

Subplan requirement for comp. adjustment is transmitted

Performance of comp. adj. is desired

Compensation check is desired

Performance of compensation adjustment

Benefits offer must be adapted for employee

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Payroll accounting specifications changed

Compensation monitoring

Employee Compensation notified adjustment of compensation plan adjustment is converted

Compensation management system must be adjusted

Bases Job evaluation of compensation must adjustment be updated must be changed

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HR PROCESSES PROCESS 1.2: Health Insurance Claim Path: \Benefits administration\Health Insurance Claim

PROCESS 1.3: COBRA Path: \Benefits administration\COBRA

Initial Notification


PROCESS 1.3.1: Initial Notification Path: \Benefits administration\COBRA\Initial Notification

PROCESS 1.3.2: Enroll Path: \Benefits administration\COBRA\Enroll

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HR PROCESSES PROCESS 2: Compensation management Path: \Compensation management

Compensation management


Job Pricing

Personnel Cost Planning

PROCESS 2.1: Compensation management Path: \Compensation management\Compensation management

PROCESS 2.1.1: Preparation of planning for compensation adjustment Path: \Compensation management\Compensation management\Preparation of planning for compensation adjustment

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HR PROCESSES Preparation of planning for comp. adj. desired

Compensation management system available

Requirement for comp. adj. planning available

Bases of compensation adjustment must be changed

Obtainment of information for compensation adjustment planning Relevant info. for comp. adj. planning available Determination of specifications for compensation adjustment Specifications for comp. adjustment available

Activities: Obtainment of information for compensation adjustment planning

Path: \Compensation management\Compensation management\Preparation of planning for compensation adjustment\Obtainment of information for compensation adjustment planning


Obtain Obtain Obtain Obtain Obtain

information on org. structure information on job pricing information on pay grade structure information on general economic environment enterprise-specific information on comp. adjustment planning

Activities: Determination of specifications for compensation adjustment

Path: \Compensation management\Compensation management\Preparation of planning for compensation adjustment\Determination of specifications for compensation adjustment


Determine Determine Determine Determine Determine Determine

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relevant compensation elements compensation adjustment types basic condition for comp. adjustment amount eligibility provisions for comp. adjustment budget specifications for comp. adjustment time specifications for compensation adjustment

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PROCESS 2.1.2: Compensation monitoring Path: \Compensation management\Compensation management\Compensation monitoring

Compensation adjustment plan is approved

Specifications for comp. adjustment available

Compensation check is desired

Compensation monitoring

Compensation management system must be adjusted

Job evaluation must be updated

Bases of compensation adjustment must be changed

Activities: Compensation monitoring

Path: \Compensation management\Compensation management\Compensation monitoring\Compensation monitoring


Obtain information on basic compensation management conditions Obtain information on compensation system Obtain information on employee compensation Analysis of available info on comp management system Determine need to act for compensation management system

PROCESS 2.1.3: Performance of compensation adjustment Path: \Compensation management\Compensation management\Performance of compensation adjustment

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HR PROCESSES Performance of comp. adj. is desired

Compensation adjustment plan is approved

Performance of compensation adjustment

Benefits offer must be adapted for employee

Payroll accounting specifications changed

Employee must be notified of compensation adjustment

Compensation adjustment plan is converted

Notification of compensation adjustment to employee Employee notified of compensation adjustment

Activities: Performance of compensation adjustment Path: \Compensation management\Compensation management\Performance of compensation adjustment\Performance of compensation adjustment


Update payroll specifications

Activities: Notification of compensation adjustment to employee Path: \Compensation management\Compensation management\Performance of compensation adjustment\Notification of compensation adjustment to employee


Create notification of compensation adjustment for employee Choose transmission route Transmit notification of compensation adjustment to employee

PROCESS 2.1.4: Consolidation of compensation adjustment plans Path: \Compensation management\Compensation management\Consolidation of compensation adjustment plans

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Subplan for comp. adj. available for consolidation

Time reached for consolidation

Consolidation of compensation adjustment plan

Comp. adjustment plan is released for checking

New time is determined for consolidation of comp. adj. plan

Further subplans required for compensation adjustment Subplan requirement for compenation adjustment Subplan requirement for comp. adjustment is transmitted

Activities: Consolidation of compensation adjustment plan Path: \Compensation management\Compensation management\Consolidation of compensation adjustment plans\Consolidation of compensation adjustment plan


Include subplans in overall plan Check that all subplans are available Released consolidated plan for checking

Activities: Subplan requirement for compenation adjustment Path: \Compensation management\Compensation management\Consolidation of compensation adjustment plans\Subplan requirement for compenation adjustment


Create subplan requirement for comp. adjustment Choose transmission route Transmit subplan requirement for compensation adjustment

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HR PROCESSES PROCESS 2.1.5: Compensation adjustment approval Path: \Compensation management\Compensation management\Compensation adjustment approval Subplan for comp. adjustment released for approval

Compensation adjustment plan released for approval

Approval of subplan for compensation adjustment

Approval of compensation adjustment plan

Subplan for comp. adj. available for consolidation

Compensation adjustment plan is approved

Need to correct comp. adj. plan is available Notification of need to correct compensation adjustment plan Need to correct comp. adj. plan is transmitted

Activities: Approval of subplan for compensation adjustment Path: \Compensation management\Compensation management\Compensation adjustment approval\Approval of subplan for compensation adjustment


Check adequacy of compensation adjustment Check financial resources for compensation adjustment

Activities: Notification of need to correct compensation adjustment plan Path: \Compensation management\Compensation management\Compensation adjustment approval\Notification of need to correct compensation adjustment plan


Determine correction specifications for comp. adjustment plan Create notification of need to correct compensation adjustment plan Choose transmission route Transmit notification of need to correct comp. adjustment plan

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HR PROCESSES Activities: Approval of compensation adjustment plan Path: \Compensation management\Compensation management\Compensation adjustment approval\Approval of compensation adjustment plan


Check adequacy of compensation adjustment Check financial resources for compensation adjustment

PROCESS 2.1.6: Compensation adjustment planning Path: \Compensation management\Compensation management\Compensation adjustment planning

Compensation adjustment planning is desired

Notification given of need to correct comp. adj. plan

Specifications for comp. adjustment available

Creation of compensation adjustment plan

Correction of compensation adjustment plan

Comp. adjustment plan is released for checking Check for compensation adjustment plan

Subplan for comp. adjustment released for approval

Compensation adjustment plan released for approval

Need to correct comp. adj. plan is available

Activities: Creation of compensation adjustment plan Path: \Compensation management\Compensation management\Compensation adjustment planning\Creation of compensation adjustment plan


Obtain info on basic conditions of comp. adjustment amount Obtain info on eligibility provisions for comp. adjustment Obtain info on budget specifications for comp. adjustment Obtain info on time specifications for comp. adjustment Determine employee affected Obtain info on employee for compensation adjustment

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Create compensation adjustment plan

Activities: Check for compensation adjustment plan

Path: \Compensation management\Compensation management\Compensation adjustment planning\Check for compensation adjustment plan


Check observance of basic conditions for comp. adj. Amount Check observance of eligibility provisions for comp. adj. Check observance of budget specifications for comp. adj.

Activities: Correction of compensation adjustment plan Path: \Compensation management\Compensation management\Compensation adjustment planning\Correction of compensation adjustment plan -

Obtain correction specification for comp. adj. Plan Obtain info on basic conditions of comp. adjustment amount Obtain info on eligibility provisions for comp. adjustment Obtain info on budget specifications for comp. adjustment Obtain info on time specifications for comp. adjustment Obtain info on employee for compensation adjustment Correct compensation adjustment plan

PROCESS 2.2: Personnel Cost Planning Path: \Compensation management\Personnel Cost Planning

PROCESS 2.3: Job Pricing Path: \Compensation management\Job Pricing

PROCESS 2.4: Budgeting Path: \Compensation management\Budgeting

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HR PROCESSES PROCESS 3: Executive Information System (EIS) Path: \Enterprise Controlling\Executive Information System (EIS)

Data Modeling Required

Data modeling

Basic Settings to be made

Basic settings

Number Ranges Defined

Foreign Currencies Are Specified

Units of Measure Specified

File Names Established

Data basis

Data basis determined

Data transfer

Data transfer specified

Information System (EC-EIS)


Task Functions on Tools

Task Functions on Information System

Information System

Tools set up

Task functions for tools set up

Task functions for Information System set up

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PROCESS 3.1: Data modeling Path: \Enterprise Controlling\Executive Information System (EIS)\Data modeling

PROCESS 3.2: Task Functions on Tools Path: \Enterprise Controlling\Executive Information System (EIS)\Task Functions on Tools


Data (Tools) Information System

PROCESS 3.3: Task Functions on Information System Path: \Enterprise Controlling\Executive Information System (EIS)\Task Functions on Information System

SubPROCESSES Reports (EIS) Forms (EIS) Variables (EIS) Report data (EIS) Report portfolio (EIS)

PROCESS 3.4: Tools Path: \Enterprise Controlling\Executive Information System (EIS)\Tools

SubPROCESSES Conversion to Release 4.0 Autorization management (EIS) Data basis Data Transfer Data Transport

PROCESS 3.5: Information System (EC-EIS) Path: \Enterprise Controlling\Executive Information System (EIS)\Information System (EC-EIS)

SubPROCESSES Maintain Report Selection Print in MS Word for Windows Maintain Hierarchy Directory

PROCESS 3.6: Data transfer Path: \Enterprise Controlling\Executive Information System (EIS)\Data transfer

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Define material type Specify material number


Specify industry sector Choose views Maintain units of measure / dimensions Maintain material description Define laboratory/ office Enter environment data Process cross-plant material status and validity Define whether material is configurable Define distribution of material master/ ALE Check design documents Enter EAN/UPC code Define quota allocation procedure Classify material Process material status and validity across distribution chains Maintain statistics group Maintain volume rebate group Maintain item category group Maintain sales status Maintain shipping data Define general plant parameters Maintain product attributes Check foreign trade data for export Process material status and validity specific to distribution chain Determine tax data Maintain price determination data Maintain commission group Maintain account assignment group Maintain quantity agreements Maintain availability check Maintain sales texts Maintain material groups Maintain general foreign trade data Specify export licenses Maintain preference data Create material

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HR PROCESSES Data is to be transferred from Other Applications

Data is to be transferred from Source System

External Systems

Non-SAP Systems Defined

Transaction data

Master data

Transaction Data Defined

Master Data Defined


Comments Defined

Master Data Hierarchy Master Data Hierarchy Defined

Transfer procedure

Transfer Procedure Defined


File Defined

Control Report Portfolio Control Report Portfolio Defined Steps when setting up a data transfer Data Transfer Steps Defined Repeatability from Data transfer (Authentification/Scheduling) Data Transfer Set Up

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HR PROCESSES PROCESS 3.7: Data basis Path: \Enterprise Controlling\Executive Information System (EIS)\Data basis Data Basis needs to be defined


Characteristics Defined

Basic key figures

Basic Key Figures Specified

Field groups

Specify Field Groups


Aspects Specified

Calculated Key Figures

Accounted Key Figures Defined

Comment tables

Comment Tables Defined

Fixed Characteristics

Fixed Characteristics Specified

Summarization levels

Summarization Levels Defined Currency Translation Types for Data Transfer and Planning Layouts Currency Translation Defined


Derivations Specified


Validation Completed

Data slices

Data basis determined

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HR PROCESSES PROCESS 3.8: Basic settings Path: \Enterprise Controlling\Executive Information System (EIS)\Basic settings

Basic Settings to be made

Number ranges

Foreign currencies

Quantity Units

File names

Number Ranges Defined

Foreign Currencies Are Specified

Units of Measure Specified

File Names Established

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HR PROCESSES PROCESS 4: Environment, Health and Safety Path: \Environment, Health and Safety


Master data PROCESSING product safety Master data PROCESSING dangerous goods with substance database Industrial Hygiene and Safety Occupational Health

PROCESS 4.1: Master Data PROCESSING Product Safety Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Product Safety

EH&S master data is to be created Material Master

Product Safety data is to be processed

Drilldown reporting is to be carried out

Product Safety

Information System

Processing is completed

Result is displayed

PROCESS 4.1.1: Material Master PROCESSING EH&S Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSing Product Safety\Material Master\Material Master PROCESSING EH&S

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PROCESS 4.1.2: Information System Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Product Safety\Information System

Drilldown reporting is to be carried out

Substance Search Using Substance Information System

Report Search Using Report Information System

Result is displayed

Activities: Substance Search Using Substance Information System

Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Product Safety\Information System\Substance Search Using Substance Information System


Enter search criteria Specify Time Limit Save Query Save Set of Hits Choose Output Variant Edit Output Variants Define drill down reporting as a job

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Activities: Report Search Using Report Information System Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Product Safety\Information System\Report Search Using Report Information System


Choose report category Choose language Specify Time Limit Choose Report Object Display Report Trigger Substance Report Shipping Manually

PROCESS 4.1.3: Product Safety Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Product Safety\Product Safety

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Product Safety data is to be processed

Substance Master Processing for Product Safety

Attributes are to be formulated in text form

Substance Classification Using EH&S Expert

Phrase Processing

Phrases are to be assigned to the characteristics of the substance properties

Substance report is to be created

Document Template Processing

Substance Report Processing

Processing of Substance Report Generation Variants

Phrase Set Processing

Shipping (printing) of reports is to be triggered Report Shipping

Processing is completed

Activities: Phrase PROCESSING Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Product Safety\Product Safety\Phrase PROCESSING

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Choose phrase library Enter phrase key Enter phrase group Enter phrase text in source language Enter phrase code in source language Record change document Allocate phrase to phrase set Maintain phrase items (Translation) Specify conditional phrase output via user exit Set up phrase distribution via ALE

Activities: Report Shipping

Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Product Safety\Product Safety\Report Shipping


Monitor Report Shipping Monitor Subsequent Shipping of reports

Activities: Substance Report PROCESSING

Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Product Safety\Product Safety\Substance Report PROCESSING


Select substance(s) for report PROCESSING Trigger report generation from substance management Trigger report generation from request(s) Release reports Archive reports using Archivelink Select report(s) in substance information system Trigger substance report generation

Activities: Document Template PROCESSING

Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Product Safety\Product Safety\Document Template PROCESSING


Choose Document category Enter document template Enter document template description Enter relevant language dependent labels PROCESS contents of document template Release document template

Activities: PROCESSING of Substance Report Generation Variants Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Product Safety\Product Safety\PROCESSING of Substance Report Generation Variants

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HR PROCESSES Enter substance report generation variant Enter leading validity area Enter substance report type Enter document template Enter control indicator for report management Enter relevant language dependent labels Enter ratings Maintain relevant validity area / laanguage assignments for multilingual reports

Activities: Substance Classification Using EH&S Expert Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Product Safety\Product Safety\Substance Classification Using EH&S Expert


Maintain rule using rule editor Use rule in substance characteristic assignment

Activities: Substance Master PROCESSING for Product Safety Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Product Safety\Product Safety\Substance Master PROCESSING for Product Safety


Maintain substance char value items Allocate subs indentifiers to subs lists Record substance char value additional information Generate substance hit list Record change document Select substances for report PROCESSING Assign materials to substances Specify substances identifiers Choose subs characteristic category in properties tree

Activities: Phrase Set PROCESSING

Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Product Safety\Product Safety\Phrase Set PROCESSING


Enter phrase set Enter phrase set label Record change document Enter label in language Allocate sorted phrases to phrase set

PROCESS 4.2: Occupational Health Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Occupational Health

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HR PROCESSES Occupational health data is to be entered

Injury/ Illness Log


Entering data is completed

PROCESS 4.2.1: Injury/Illness Log Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Occupational Health\Injury/Illness Log

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HR PROCESSES Occupational health data is to be entered Injury/ Illness Log Entry Processing Injury/ illness log entries are to be entered in the injury/illness log Data Transfer Injury/ Illness Log to Accident Entering data is completed

Activities: Injury/Illness Log Entry PROCESSING

Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Occupational Health\Injury/Illness Log\Injury/Illness Log Entry PROCESSING


Enter person Enter reason for inclusion Enter treatment Arrange follow up appointment Trigger medical service

Activities: Data Transfer Injury/Illness Log to Accident Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Occupational Health\Injury/Illness Log\Data Transfer Injury/Illness Log to Accident


Transfer data to incident / accident log

PROCESS 4.2.2: Protocol Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Occupational Health\Protocol

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HR PROCESSES Occupational health data is to be entered Determining Protocol Proposal Lists Protocol is to be assigned to person

Protocol Assignment Medical service is to be created for person Open Medical Service Questionnaire answers are to be entered

Answering Questionnaires

Evaluations are to be Performed

Medical Service Processing

Entering data is completed

Activities: Determining Protocol Proposal Lists

Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Occupational Health\Protocol\Determining Protocol Proposal Lists


Assign agent Create / maintain exposure group Create / maintain questions Create / maintain questionaire Create / maintain examination Create / maintain preliminary examination Determine exposure situation of person

Activities: Medical Service PROCESSING

Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Occupational Health\Protocol\Medical Service PROCESSING


Enter medical results Enter diagnostics Enter occupational health assessment Enter restrictions Enter trigger corrective actions Specify next appointment for protocol Close service

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HR PROCESSES Activities: Answering Questionnaires

Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Occupational Health\Protocol\Answering Questionnaires


Enter questionnaire answers Check questionnaire answers

Activities: Open Medical Service Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Occupational Health\Protocol\Open Medical Service


Choose person Check protocol assignment Group protocols together Choose person for medical service Open medical service

Activities: Protocol Assignment Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Occupational Health\Protocol\Protocol Assignment


Assignment protocol to person

PROCESS 4.3: Industrial Hygiene and Safety Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Industrial Hygiene and Safety

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HR PROCESSES Work area is to be defined

Work Area

Agents in the enterprise are to be entered

Accident data is to be entered



Create standard operating procedure Standard Operating Procedure

Entering data is completed

PROCESS 4.3.1: Work Area (PROCESSING) Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Industrial Hygiene and Safety\Work Area\Work Area PROCESSING

Activities -

Enter work area data Enter industrial hygiene and safety data Maintain exposure profile Interpret data

PROCESS 4.3.2: Standard Operating Procedure Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Industrial Hygiene and Safety\Standard Operating Procedure

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Define material type Specify material number Specify industry sector


Choose views Maintain units of measure / dimensions Maintain material description Define laboratory/ office Enter environment data Process cross-plant material status and validity Define whether material is configurable Define distribution of material master/ ALE Check design documents Enter EAN/UPC code Define quota allocation procedure Classify material Process material status and validity across distribution chains Maintain statistics group Maintain volume rebate group Maintain item category group Maintain sales status Maintain shipping data Define general plant parameters Maintain product attributes Check foreign trade data for export Process material status and validity specific to distribution chain Determine tax data Maintain price determination data Maintain commission group Maintain account assignment group Maintain quantity agreements Maintain availability check Maintain sales texts Maintain material groups Maintain general foreign trade data Specify export licenses Maintain preference data Create material

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HR PROCESSES Create standard operating procedure

Document Template Processing

Substance Report Processing

Processing of Substance Report Generation Variants

Shipping (printing) of reports is to be triggered Report Shipping

Entering data is completed

Activities: PROCESSING of Substance Report Generation Variants Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Industrial Hygiene and Safety\Standard Operating Procedure\PROCESSING of Substance Report Generation Variants

Enter substance report generation variant Enter leading validity area Enter substance report type Enter document template Enter control indicator for report management Enter relevant language dependent labels Enter ratings Maintain relevant validity area / language assignments for multilingual reports

Activities: Report Shipping Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Industrial Hygiene and Safety\Standard Operating Procedure\Report Shipping


Monitor report shipping Monitor subsequent shipping of reports

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Activities: Substance Report PROCESSING

Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Industrial Hygiene and Safety\Standard Operating Procedure\Substance Report PROCESSING


Select substances for report PROCESSING Trigger report generation from substance management Trigger report generation from requests Release reports Archive reports using archivelink Select report(s) in substance information system Trigger substance report generation

Activities: Document Template PROCESSING

Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Industrial Hygiene and Safety\Standard Operating Procedure\Document Template PROCESSING


Choose document category Enter document template Enter document template description Enter relevant language dependent labels PROCESS contents of document template Release document template

PROCESS 4.3.3: Accident Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Industrial Hygiene and Safety\Accident

Accident data is to be entered Incident/ Accident Log Processing Create standard operating procedure

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HR PROCESSES Activities: Incident/Accident Log PROCESSING

Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Industrial Hygiene and Safety\Accident\Incident/Accident Log PROCESSING


Enter / maintain event related accident data Enter / maintain person related accident data

PROCESS 4.3.4: Agent Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Industrial Hygiene and Safety\Agent

Agents in the enterprise are to be entered Agent Processing Agents are to be assigned to exposure logs Exposure Log Processing

Create standard operating procedure

Activities: Agent PROCESSING

Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Industrial Hygiene and Safety\Agent\Agent PROCESSING


Specify substance char values Enter substance category Maintain char value for subs char val assignment Determine notification status Record change document Select substances for reporting PROCESSING Assign materials to substance Specify substance identifiers Choose subs characteristics category in properties tree

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Activities: Exposure Log PROCESSING

Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Industrial Hygiene and Safety\Agent\Exposure Log PROCESSING


Enter exposure log Maintain exposure amounts

PROCESS 4.4: Master Data PROCESSING Dangerous Goods with Substance Database Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Dangerous Goods with Substance Database

EH&S master data is to be created Material Master

Basic data is to be processed

Dangerous goods master is to be processed

Product Safety

Dangerous Goods

Processing is completed

PROCESS 4.4.1: Material Master Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Dangerous Goods with Substance Database\Material Master

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HR PROCESSES EH&S master data is to be created Material Master Processing EH&S

Basic data is to be processed

Dangerous goods master is to be processed

Activities: Material Master PROCESSING EH&S

Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Dangerous Goods with Substance Database\Material Master\Material Master PROCESSING EH&S

PROCESS 4.4.2: Dangerous Goods

Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Dangerous Goods with Substance Database\Dangerous Goods

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HR PROCESSES Dangerous goods master is to be processed Subsequent Processing of Dangerous Goods Master Dangerous goods master is to be distributed

Automatic retrieval of dangerous goods data is to be carried out

Dangerous Goods Master Distribution

Filling Dangerous Goods Master from Substance Database

Processing is completed

Activities: Subsequent PROCESSING of Dangerous Goods Master

Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Dangerous Goods with Substance Database\Dangerous Goods\Subsequent PROCESSING of Dangerous Goods Master


Enter material Enter dangerous goods regulation Generate dangerous goods hit list PostPROCESS empty fields

Activities: Dangerous Goods Master Distribution

Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Dangerous Goods with Substance Database\Dangerous Goods\Dangerous Goods Master Distribution


Enter material Enter dangerous goods regulation Enter selection date Enter logical target system Execute dangerous goods master distribution

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HR PROCESSES Activities: Filling Dangerous Goods Master from Substance Database

Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Dangerous Goods with Substance Database\Dangerous Goods\Filling Dangerous Goods Master from Substance Database


Set selection date Enter dangerous goods classification Enter real substance Enter material Enter phrase group for dangerous goods texts Carry out filling for dangerous goods master

PROCESS 4.4.2: Product Safety Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Dangerous Goods with Substance Database\Product Safety

Attributes are to be formulated in text form

Basic data is to be processed

Dangerous Goods Basic Data Processing

Substance Master Processing Product

Dangerous Goods Classification

Phrase Processing Phrases are to be assigned to the characteristics of the substance properties Phrase Set Processing

Processing is completed

Activities: Phrase PROCESSING 02/17/2001 10:21:19 AM

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HR PROCESSES Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Dangerous Goods with Substance Database\Product Safety\Phrase PROCESSING


Choose phase library Enter phrase key Enter phrase group Enter phrase text in source language Record change document Allocate phrase to phrase set Maintain phrase items (translation) Specify conditional phrase output via user exit Set up phrase distribution via ALE

Activities: Substance Master PROCESSING Product

Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Dangerous Goods with Substance Database\Product Safety\Substance Master PROCESSING Product


Specify substance char value usage Enter substance category real substance Trigger dangerous goods master filling Record change document Choose properties tree dangerous goods data Enter reference substances Choose subs characteristics category in properties tree

Activities: Dangerous Goods Classification Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Dangerous Goods with Substance Database\Product Safety\Dangerous Goods Classification


Enter substance key Enter substance category dangerous goods classification Enter substance authorization group Generate substance hit list Specify substance identifiers Maintain transport classifications Maintain hazard inducer Specify substance char value usage

Activities: Dangerous Goods Basic Data PROCESSING Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Dangerous Goods with Substance Database\Product Safety\Dangerous Goods Basic Data PROCESSING


Enter substance key Enter substance category and listed substance Enter substance authorization group Generate substance hit list Specify substance identifiers Allocate subs identifiers to subs lists Maintain dangerous goods regulation data Specify substance char value usage

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Accept dangerous goods basic data from data provider

Activities: Phrase Set PROCESSING

Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Dangerous Goods with Substance Database\Product Safety\Phrase Set PROCESSING


Enter phrase set Enter phrase set label Record change document Enter label in languages Allocate sorted phrases to phrase set

PROCESS 4.5: Master Data PROCESSING Dangerous Goods Without Substance Database Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Dangerous Goods Without Substance Database

EH&S master data is to be created Material Master Dangerous goods master is to be processed Dangerous Goods

Processing is completed

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HR PROCESSES PROCESS 4.5.1: Material Master Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Dangerous Goods Without Substance Database\Material Master

EH&S master data is to be created Material Master Processing EH&S Dangerous goods master is to be processed

Activities: Material Master PROCESSING EH&S

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HR PROCESSES Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Dangerous Goods Without Substance Database\Material Master\Material Master PROCESSING EH&S

Define material type Specify material number Specify industry sector Choose views Maintain units of measure / dimensions Maintain material description Define laboratory/ office Enter environment data Process cross-plant material status and validity Define whether material is configurable Define distribution of material master/ ALE Check design documents Enter EAN/UPC code Define quota allocation procedure Classify material Process material status and validity across distribution chains Maintain statistics group Maintain volume rebate group Maintain item category group Maintain sales status Maintain shipping data Define general plant parameters Maintain product attributes Check foreign trade data for export Process material status and validity specific to distribution chain Determine tax data Maintain price determination data Maintain commission group Maintain account assignment group Maintain quantity agreements Maintain availability check Maintain sales texts Maintain material groups Maintain general foreign trade data Specify export licenses Maintain preference data Create material

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HR PROCESSES PROCESS 4.5.2: Dangerous Goods Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Dangerous Goods Without Substance Database\Dangerous Goods

Dangerous goods master is to be processed Dangerous Goods Master Processing Dangerous goods master is to be distributed Dangerous Goods Master Distribution

Processing is completed

Activities: Dangerous Goods Master PROCESSING

Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Dangerous Goods Without Substance Database\Dangerous Goods\Dangerous Goods Master PROCESSING


Enter material Enter dangerous goods regulation Generate dangerous goods hit lists Enter dangerous goods classification data Enter substance characteristics Enter packing data Enter labelling data Enter exception data Enter printed text on paper Maintain packing requirements Enter pakaging code Enter approved quantities for packaging code

Activities: Dangerous Goods Master Distribution 02/17/2001 10:21:19 AM

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HR PROCESSES Path: \Environment, Health and Safety\Master Data PROCESSING Dangerous Goods Without Substance Database\Dangerous Goods\Dangerous Goods Master Distribution


Enter material Enter dangerous goods regulation Enter selection date Enter logical target system Execute dangerous goods master distribution

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HR PROCESSES PROCESS 5: HR Funds and Position management Path: \HR Funds and Position Management

HR Funds and Position Management Integration with Funds Management

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HR PROCESSES PROCESS 6: Organizational management Path: \Organizational Management

PROCESS 6.1: Organizational plan Path: \Organizational Management\Organizational plan

Analysis of enterprise task is desired

Enterprise goals are determined

Resource specifications are available

Task analysis

Performance of Organizational Planning is Desired

Task catalog is available

Task synthesis

Implementation of Organizational Structure is Desired

Organizational plan is released for implementation

Implementation of organizational plan

Check desired for organizational structure

Organizational monitoring

Task catalog must be adapted

Requirement for organizational Requirement plan for job unit is available is available

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Requirement for position is available

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PROCESS 6.1.1: Task analysis Path: \Organizational Management\Organizational plan\Task analysis

Activities -

Derivation of global tasks (from enterprise goals) Subdivisions of tasks (different alternatives) Check whether futher subdivision is necessary Evaluation of draft task catalog Make decision on draft task catalog

PROCESS 6.1.2: Organizational monitoring Path: \Organizational Management\Organizational plan\Organizational monitoring

Activities -

Obtain info on Obtain info on Obtain info on Obtain info on Obtain info on Obtain info on Make decision

task catalog organizational plans jobs positions basic conditions for organizational planning progress of implementation on organizational plan

PROCESS 6.1.3: Implementation of organizational plan Path: \Organizational Management\Organizational plan\Implementation of organizational plan

PROCESS 6.1.4: Task synthesis Path: \Organizational Management\Organizational plan\Task synthesis

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Performance of Organizational Planning is Desired

Task catalog is available

Determine specifications for organizational planning [standard]

Requirement for organizational plan unit is available

Requirement for job is available

Requirement for position is available

Planning of organizational plan [standard] Organizational plan is released for implementation

Activities: Determine specifications for organizational planning [standard] Path: \Organizational Management\Organizational plan\Task synthesis\Determine specifications for organizational planning [standard]


Determine tasks relevant to organizational planning Determine date for completion of organizational plan Determine other basic conditions for organizational planning

Activities: Planning of organizational plan [standard] Path: \Organizational Management\Organizational plan\Task synthesis\Planning of organizational plan [standard]


Define organizational plan unit Define job Define position Monitoring of organizational structure Evaluation of draft organizational plan Make decision on draft organizational plan

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HR PROCESSES PROCESS 7: Personnel Administration Path: \Personnel Administration

PROCESS 7.1: Personnel Actions Path: \Personnel Administration\Personnel Actions

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HR PROCESSES Applicant must be hired

Time for restart reached

Employee hiring

Employee is active Reason for employee leaving has arisen Notification given of approval of employee transfer

Salary adjustment for employee is approved

Salary adjustment

Employee leaving

Employee transfer

Employee staffs position

Position is Vacant Benefits offer must be adapted for employee

Payroll accounting specifications changed

Employee is in an inactive work relationship

Employee has left

Employee is retired

Employee information on change desired

Employee information on salary adjustment Notification of change in salary transmitted to employee

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HR PROCESSES PROCESS 7.1.1: Employee hiring Path: \Personnel Administration\Personnel Actions\Employee hiring


Transfer personal data on employee Transfer organizational assignment Enter personnel time recording specifications Enter payroll accounting specifications Enter personnel internal control data Enter additional information on employee

PROCESS 7.1.2: Employee information on salary adjustment Path: \Personnel Administration\Personnel Actions\Employee information on salary adjustment


Choose transmission route Create notification of change in salary Transmit notification of changen in salary to employee

PROCESS 7.1.3: Employee leaving Path: \Personnel Administration\Personnel Actions\Employee leaving

Reason for employee leaving has arisen

Employee is active

Employee leaving

Payroll accounting specifications changed


Position is Vacant

Employee is in an inactive work relationship

Employee has left

Employee is retired

Change employee status

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Delimit payroll specifications Delimit organizational assignment Delimit personell internal control data

PROCESS 7.1.4: Employee transfer Path: \Personnel Administration\Personnel Actions\Employee transfer


Update organizational assignment Update personnel time recording specifcations Update payroll specifications Update personnel internal control data Enter additional information on employee

PROCESS 7.1.5: Salary adjustment Path: \Personnel Administration\Personnel Actions\Salary adjustment


Update payroll specifications

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HR PROCESSES PROCESS 8: Personnel development Path: \Personnel development\Personnel development

PROCESS 8.1: Personal development Succession planning must be performed for position

Check desired for succession plan

Employee career plan must be checked

Succession planning must be checked

Employee career plan check is desired

Succession planning

Succession plan is complete

Succession plan for position is in process

Career planning must be performed for employee

Career planning

Need to recruit has arisen

Employee career plan must be checked

Succession planning must be checked

Personnel development plan must be determined

Staff qualifications are required

Career plan for employee is in process

Employee career plan is complete

Check desired for development plan

Individual personnel development planning

Development plan is in process

Development plan is complete

PROCESS 8.1.1: Succession planning Path: \Personnel development\Personnel development\Succession planning

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HR PROCESSES Succession planning must be performed for position

Screening of succession candidates [standard]

Potential candidates are available Selection of succession candidates [standard]

Need to recruit has arisen

Staff qualifications are required

Succession plan for position is in process

Employee career plan must be checked

Check desired for succession plan

Succession planning must be checked

Succession plan monitoring [standard]

Succession plan is complete

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Succession plan must be modified

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Activities: Screening of succession candidates [standard]

Path: \Personnel development\Personnel development\Succession planning\Screening of succession candidates [standard]


Obtain info on requirements Obtain info on basic conditions Determine potential candidates

Activities: Succession plan monitoring [standard]

Path: \Personnel development\Personnel development\Succession planning\Succession plan monitoring [standard]


Obtain info on Obtain info on Obtain info on Make decision

succesion candidates position organizational basic conditions on succession plan

Activities: Selection of succession candidates [standard]

Path: \Personnel development\Personnel development\Succession planning\Selection of succession candidates [standard]


Obtain info on candidates Determine candidate selection method Determin room and date Invite parties concerned Perform selection procedure Evaluate results of selection procedure Make a decision on candidates Inform employee of succession planning

PROCESS 8.1.2: Individual personnel development planning Path: \Personnel development\Personnel development\Individual personnel development planning

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HR PROCESSES Personnel development plan must be determined

Staff qualifications are required

Individual personnel development planning [standard]

Development plan is in process

Check desired for development plan

Monitoring of personnel development plan [standard]

Development plan is complete

Development plan must be modified

Activities: Individual personnel development planning [standard] Path: \Personnel development\Personnel development\Individual personnel development planning\Individual personnel development planning [standard]


Obtain info on employee Obtain info on personnel development goals Obtain info on possible personnel development actions Obtain info on basic conditions Determine personnel development actions for employee

Activities: Monitoring of personnel development plan [standard] Path: \Personnel development\Personnel development\Individual personnel development planning\Monitoring of personnel development plan [standard]


Obtain info on employee

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Obtain info on Obtain info on Obtain info on Make decision

personnel development plan basic conditions personnel development actions already implemented on personnel development plan

PROCESS 8.1.3: Career planning Path: \Personnel development\Personnel development\Career planning Career planning must be performed for employee

Career planning [standard]

Succession planning must be checked

Staff qualifications are required

Employee career plan is in process

Employee career plan check is desired

Employee career plan must be checked

Career plan monitoring [standard]

Employee career plan is complete

Employee career plan must be modified

Activities: Career planning [standard]

Path: \Personnel development\Personnel development\Career planning\Career planning [standard]


Obtain info on employee

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Obtain info on career models Obtain info on basic conditions Obtain info on target posts (jobs, positions) Determine possible target posts (jobs, positions) Assessment of possible target posts Determine career plan for employee

Activities: Career plan monitoring [standard]

Path: \Personnel development\Personnel development\Career planning\Career plan monitoring [standard]


Obtain info on Obtain info on Obtain info on Make decision

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employee employee career plan basic conditions on employee career plan

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HR PROCESSES Process 9: Time PROCESS 9.1: Personnel Time Management Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management Need for personnel time recording infrastructure

Need to create calendar and work schedule

Infrastructure setup for personnel time recording

Need for long-term work scheduling

Need Requirement for operative for operative personnel planned time working scheduling time determination

Personnel time planning

Personnel time recording infrastructure is available

EE planned working time determination - operative is available

Entry of personnel time specifications is desired

Planned personnel time specifications are available

Person-based work schedules are available

Transfer of planned personnel time specifications as actual is desired

Personnel time recording

Actual personnel time specifications are available

Employee - personnel day times are available

Need for remuneration specifications is available

Update of personnel time accounts is desired

Absence entitlement determination for employee is desired

Need for absence entitlement compensation

Need for personnel time transfer specification

Need for personnel time evaluation is available

Entry of employee remuneration specifications

Performance of personnel time evaluation is desired

Day evaluation

Personnel time evaluation message is available Transfer of activity allocation specifications is desired

Processing of pers. time evaluation messages is desired

Personnel time account posting is available

Activity allocation specifications are available

Processing of personnel time evaluation messages Provision of additional personnel time specifications

Personnel time accounts administration Need Need for correction for correction of personnel of personnel time time specifications quota statement

External service specifications are available

Activity allocation specifications transmitted

Personnel cost assignment specification is available

Time remuneration specification is available

Operative remuneration specification is available

Personnel time accounts are updated

Need for personnel time transfer specification

Need No need for correction to act of employee because master of pers. data time evaluation message

Time statement creation is desired

Time statement creation Time statement transmitted to employee

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PROCESS 9.1.1: Personnel time planning Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Personnel time planning Need to create calendar and work schedule Work schedule creation Need for long-term work scheduling

Work schedule is available

Long-term working time planning Requirement for operative planned working time determination

Person-based work schedules are available

Operative planned working time specification EE planned working time determination - operative is available

Need for operative personnel time scheduling

Operative personnel time planning

Planned personnel time specifications are available

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Activities: Work schedule creation

Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Personnel time planning\Work schedule creation


Obtain Obtain Obtain Obtain Create Create Create

info on statutory specifications info on contractual specifications info on enterprise specifications info on environment work schedule elements calendar calendar-based work schedule

Activities: Operative personnel time planning Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Personnel time planning\Operative personnel time planning


Entry Entry Entry Entry

of of of of

shift plan specifications EE - attendance specifications - plan EE - absence specifications - plan EE - availability specifications - plan

Activities: Operative planned working time specification Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Personnel time planning\Operative planned working time specification


operative planned working time determination

Activities: Long-term working time planning Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Personnel time planning\Long-term working time planning


Assign employee to work schedule Determine planned working time for employee Create personal work schedule for employee

Activities: Personnel time check Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Personnel time check


Personnel time check

Activities: Personnel time check 02/17/2001 10:21:19 AM

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HR PROCESSES Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Personnel time check\Personnel time check


Personnel time check

PROCESS 9.1.2: Provision of additional personnel time specifications Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Provision of additional personnel time specifications

Transfer of activity allocation specifications is desired

Activity allocation specifications are available

Transfer of activity allocation specifications

Deriving of personnel cost assignment specifications

Activity allocation specifications transmitted

Personnel cost assignment specification is available

Activities: Transfer of activity allocation specifications Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Provision of additional personnel time specifications\Transfer of activity allocation specifications


Transfer of activity allocation specification

Activities: Deriving of personnel cost assignment specifications Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Provision of additional personnel time specifications\Deriving of personnel cost assignment specifications


Derivation of personnel cost assignment specifications

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PROCESS 9.1.3: Time statement creation Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Time statement creation

Time statement creation is desired

Personnel time accounts are updated

Time statement creation Time statement transmitted to employee

Activities: Time statement creation

Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Time statement creation\Time statement creation


Create time statement Choose transmission route Transmit time statement to employee

PROCESS 9.1.4: PROCESSING of personnel time evaluation messages Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\PROCESSING of personnel time evaluation messages

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HR PROCESSES Processing of pers. time evaluation messages is desired

Personnel time evaluation message is available

Processing of personnel time evaluation messages

Need for correction of personnel time specifications

Need for correction of personnel time quota statement

Need for personnel time transfer specification

Need No need for correction to act of employee because master of pers. data time evaluation message

Activities: PROCESSING of personnel time evaluation messages Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\PROCESSING of personnel time evaluation messages\PROCESSING of personnel time evaluation messages


Analysis of EE - personnel time evaluation messages Obtaining of information on context of evaluation message Determination of need to act because of evaluation message

PROCESS 9.1.5: Day evaluation Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Day evaluation

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HR PROCESSES EE planned working time determination - operative is available

Planned personnel time specifications are available

Person-based work schedules are available

Need for personnel time evaluation is available

Actual personnel time specifications are available

Performance of personnel time evaluation is desired

Provision of required personnel time data Required personnel time data for day is available

Clock-time based day evaluation

Hour-based day evaluation

External service specifications are available

Personnel cost assignment specification is available

Time remuneration specification is available

Personnel time account posting is available

Personnel time evaluation message is available

Activities: Provision of required personnel time data

Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Day evaluation\Provision of required personnel time data


Retrieval of required personnel time data

Activities: Clock-time based day evaluation

Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Day evaluation\Clock-time based day evaluation


Retrieve daily work schedule for current day Retrieve time pairs Retrieve attendances Retrieve absences PROCESSING of absence reasons Dynamic work schedule assignment Addition of missing time postings

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Determine position of dynamic breaks Application of smoothing rules to actual personnel time specifications More detail for time pairs based on times in daily WS Provisional planned time determination Break determination Determination of planned times Determination of break times Determination of overtime hours Determination of guaranteed times Determination of time remuneration specifications Overtime compensation Creation of time account postings

PROCESS 9.1.6: Personnel time accounts administration Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Personnel time accounts administration Absence entitlement determination for employee is desired

Need for absence entitlement compensation

Need for personnel time transfer specification

Absence entitlement compensation

Absence entitlement accrual

Personnel time transfer

Employee - personnel day times are available

Actual personnel time specifications are available

Time quota deduction using personnel time specifications

Personnel time account posting is available

Operative remuneration specification is available

Update of personnel time accounts is desired

Updating of personnel time accounts Personnel time accounts are updated

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HR PROCESSES Activities: Absence entitlement accrual

Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Personnel time accounts administration\Absence entitlement accrual


Check whether and which EE - absence quotas must be calculated Determination of absence quota accrual rule Determination of calculation bases Determine base period and base entitlement Determination of the absence entitlement size Determination of deduction period Granting of absence entitlement

Activities: Updating of personnel time accounts

Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Personnel time accounts administration\Updating of personnel time accounts


update of personnel time accounts

Activities: Personnel time transfer

Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Personnel time accounts administration\Personnel time transfer


Determination of personnel time transfer specifications Performance of personnel time transfer

Activities: Absence entitlement compensation

Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Personnel time accounts administration\Absence entitlement compensation

Determine method for determining the potentially affected quota statements Determine method for determining remuneration Determination of the potentially affected quota statements Divisions of time duration and EE remuneration specs over quota statuses

Activities: Time quota deduction using personnel time specifications Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Personnel time accounts administration\Time quota deduction using personnel time specifications


Check of whether deduction of PT quotas required Determine pers. time quota statements that are potentially to be deducted Determine deduction sequence for pers. time quota statements Perform deduction of pers. time quota statements

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HR PROCESSES PROCESS 9.1.7: Entry of employee remuneration specifications Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Entry of employee remuneration specifications

Need for remuneration specifications is available Entry of employee remuneration specifications

Personnel cost assignment specification is available

Activity allocation specifications are available

Operative remuneration specification is available

Subgroup: Entry of employee remuneration specifications

Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Entry of employee remuneration specifications\Entry of employee remuneration specifications


Enter remuneration specifications Enter activity allocation specifications Enter personnel cost assignment specifications

PROCESS 9.1.8: Personnel time recording Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Personnel time recording

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HR PROCESSES Personnel time recording infrastructure is available

EE Planned planned personnel working time time specifications determination - operative is available are available

Entry of personnel time specifications is desired

Transfer of planned personnel time specifications as actual is desired

Entry of Personnel Time Specifications-Actual

Requirement for operative planned working time determination

Activity allocation specifications are available

Person-based work schedules are available

Transfer of planned personnel time specifications as actual

Need Planned to count personnel personnel time time specifications specifications is available are available

Actual personnel time specifications are available

Counting of personnel time specifications Employee - personnel day times are available

Activities: Entry of Personnel Time Specifications-Actual Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Personnel time recording\Entry of Personnel Time Specifications-Actual


Enter employee - attendance specifications - actual Enter employee - absence specifications - actual Enter employee - personnel time event

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Pair formation PROCESSING of pair formation errors

Activities: Counting of personnel time specifications

Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Personnel time recording\Counting of personnel time specifications


Determine Determine Determine Determine Determine

relevant EE - work schedule usage dependent attendance/ absence counting rule deduction days / hours calendar days / hours payroll days / hours

Activities: Transfer of planned personnel time specifications as actual

Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Personnel time recording\Transfer of planned personnel time specifications as actual


Transfer of personnel time specifications - plan as actual

PROCESS 9.1.9: Infrastructure setup for personnel time recording Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Infrastructure setup for personnel time recording

Need for personnel time recording infrastructure Infrastructure setup for personnel time recording Personnel time recording infrastructure is available

Activities: Infrastructure setup for personnel time recording Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Time Management\Infrastructure setup for personnel time recording\Infrastructure setup for personnel time recording


Infrastructure setup for personnel time recording

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PROCESS 9.2: Personnel Shift Planning - Operative Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Shift Planning - Operative Requirement for operative shift planning exists

Shift planning for shift planning group is desired

Personnel shift planning - operative

Long term personnel requirement exists

Uncovered operative personnel requirement is accepted

Personnel assignment for org. plan exists

Need for operative personnel time scheduling

Operative personnel requirement must be reformulated

Staff qualifications are required

Operative personnel requirement for org. plan exists

Human resource without shift accepted

Human resource cannot be implemented long term

PROCESS 9.2.1: Personnel shift planning - operative Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Shift Planning - Operative\Personnel shift planning operative

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Create operative shift plan Determine handling options for coverage of operative personnel requirement Determine handling options for usage of human resources Operative adjustment of personnel assignment for organizational plan unit Operative adjustment of personnel reqmnt assignment for org. plan unit

Activities: Create operative shift plan

Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Shift Planning - Operative\Personnel shift planning operative\Create operative shift plan


Obtain info on relevant human resources Obtain info on relevant operative personnel requirement Create alternative shift plans Valuate alternativeshift plans Make decisions on alternative shift plans

Activities: Operative adjustment of personnel reqmnt assignment for org. plan unit Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Shift Planning - Operative\Personnel shift planning operative\Operative adjustment of personnel reqmnt assignment for org. plan unit

Activities: Operative adjustment of personnel assignment for organizational plan unit

Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Shift Planning - Operative\Personnel shift planning operative\Operative adjustment of personnel assignment for organizational plan unit


Create demand for temporary assignment Create temporary assignment availability

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Obtain human resources from reserve pool Perform temporary assignment Release human resources to reserve pool

Activities: Determine handling options for usage of human resources Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Shift Planning - Operative\Personnel shift planning operative\Determine handling options for usage of human resources


Obtain info on usage options Make decision on usage of human resources

Activities: Determine handling options for coverage of operative personnel requirement Path: \Personnel Time Management\Personnel Shift Planning - Operative\Personnel shift planning operative\Determine handling options for coverage of operative personnel requirement


Obtain info on coverage options Make decision on coverage of operative personnel requirement

PROCESS 9.3: Interfaces Path: \Personnel Time Management\Interfaces

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Time sheet

Activity Allocation Personnel Costs Assignment Confirmations from Logistics External Services Management

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HR PROCESSES PROCESS 10: Training and Event Management Path: \Training and Event Management

Basics Business Event Planning and Performance Business Event Attendance Administration Room Reservation Management


PROCESS 10.1: Basics Path: \Training and Event Management\Basics

PROCESS 10.2: Interfaces Path: \Training and Event Management\Interfaces

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Time Management

Materials Management

Budget Management

Settlement and Allocation

Appointment Calendar

Mail Connection

SAP Knowledge Provider

PROCESS 10.2.1: Settlement and Allocation Path: \Training and Event Management\Interfaces\Settlement and Allocation


Activity Allocation

Cost Reposting

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HR PROCESSES PROCESS 10.3: Business Event Attendance Administration

Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Attendance Administration Organizer receives business event attendee inquiry Entry of a Business Event Attendee Inquiry

Business event attendee inquiry is entered

Requirement exists for business event attendance offer Creation of a Business Event Attendance Offer

Business event attendance offer is created

Place for business event attendee is reserved

Registration order exists

Business event attendance offer cannot be created

Business event attendee is prebooked

Development Action Must be Performed

Development plan is in process

Registration Order Processing

Business event attendance exists

Organizer receives replacement order

Organizer receives rebooking order

Replacement Order Processing

Rebooking Order Processing

Replacement order of business event attendee is performed

Notification of business event management is desired

Business event attendee inquiry is entered

Replacement order of business event attendee is rejected

Business event attendance offer is created

Rebooking order or business event attendee is performed

Business event attendance exists

Need for operative personnel time scheduling

Registration order of business event attendee is rejected

Business event attendance cancellation order exists

Business event attendance must be cancelled

Cancellation of Business Event Attendance

Rebooking order of business event attendee is rejected

Registration order of business event attendee is rejected

Business event attendance offer cannot be created

Replacement order of business event attendee is performed

Replacement order of business event attendee is rejected

Rebooking order or business event attendee is performed

Business event attendance cancellation order is performed

Registration order is cancelled

Business event attendance is cancelled

Place in business event is available

Need for operative personnel time scheduling

Rebooking order of business event attendee is rejected

Business event attendance cancellation order is performed

Registration order is cancelled

Business event attendance is cancelled

Business event resource is reserved

Business event resource reservation is cancelled

Notification of Business Event Management Notification of business event management is transmitted

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Subgroup: Entry of a Business Event Attendee Inquiry

Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Attendance Administration\Entry of a Business Event Attendee Inquiry

Organizer receives business event attendee inquiry Entry of a Business Event Attendee Inquiry

Business event attendee inquiry is entered

Requirement exists for business event attendance offer

Subgroup: Entry of a Business Event Attendee Inquiry

Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Attendance Administration\Entry of a Business Event Attendee Inquiry\Entry of a Business Event Attendee Inquiry

Enter/ determine business event attendee Enter business event attendee inquiry

Subgroup: Notification of Business Event Management 02/17/2001 10:21:19 AM

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HR PROCESSES Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Attendance Administration\Notification of Business Event Management

Notification of business event management is desired

Business event attendee inquiry is entered

Business event attendance offer is created

Business event attendance exists

Registration order of business event attendee is rejected

Business event attendance offer cannot be created

Replacement order of business event attendee is performed

Replacement order of business event attendee is rejected

Rebooking order or business event attendee is performed

Rebooking order of business event attendee is rejected

Business event attendance cancellation order is performed

Registration order is cancelled

Business event attendance is cancelled

Business event resource is reserved

Business event resource reservation is cancelled

Notification of Business Event Management Notification of business event management is transmitted

Subgroup: Notification of Business Event Management

Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Attendance Administration\Notification of Business Event Management\Notification of Business Event Management

Determine recipient of business event management notification Determine transmission route for business event management Create notification business event management notification Transmit business event management notification

Subgroup: Cancellation of Business Event Attendance Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Attendance Administration\Cancellation of Business Event Attendance

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HR PROCESSES Business event attendance cancellation order exists

Business event attendance must be cancelled

Business event attendance exists

Processing of Business Event Attendance Cancellation Order

Business event attendance cancellation order is performed

Cancellation by Organizer of Business Event Attendance

Place in business event is available

Need for operative personnel time scheduling

Business event attendance is cancelled

Registration order is cancelled

Subgroup: PROCESSING of Business Event Attendance Cancellation Order Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Attendance Administration\Cancellation of Business Event Attendance\PROCESSING of Business Event Attendance Cancellation Order

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Enter cancellation order of business event attendee Cancel business event attendance Determine cancellation fee for business event attendee Cancel registration order of business event attendee Complete cancellation order of business event attendee

Subgroup: Cancellation by Organizer of Business Event Attendance Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Attendance Administration\Cancellation of Business Event Attendance\Cancellation by Organizer of Business Event Attendance

Organizer cancels business event attendance Organizer cancels registration order of business event attendee

Subgroup: Rebooking Order PROCESSING

Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Attendance Administration\Rebooking Order PROCESSING

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HR PROCESSES Organizer receives rebooking order

Business event attendance exists

Rebooking Order Processing

Rebooking order or business event attendee is performed

Rebooking order of business event attendee is rejected

Subgroup: Rebooking Order PROCESSING

Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Attendance Administration\Rebooking Order PROCESSING\Rebooking Order PROCESSING

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Enter rebooking order of business event attendee Create business event att. cancellation order on basis of rebooking order Determine rebooking fee for business event attendee Successfully complete rebooking order of business event attendee Reject rebooking order of business event attendee

Subgroup: Replacement Order PROCESSING Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Attendance Administration\Replacement Order PROCESSING

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Organizer receives replacement order

Business event attendance exists

Replacement Order Processing

Replacement order of business event attendee is performed

Replacement order of business event attendee is rejected

Subgroup: Replacement Order PROCESSING

Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Attendance Administration\Replacement Order PROCESSING\Replacement Order PROCESSING

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Enter replacement order of business eventCreate attendee business event att. cancellation order on basis of replacement order Determine replacement fee for business event attendee Successfully complete replacement order of business event attendee Reject replacement order of business event attendee

Subgroup: Registration Order PROCESSING Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Attendance Administration\Registration Order PROCESSING

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HR PROCESSES Development Action Must be Performed

Registration order exists

Development plan is in process

Available place for business event attendee must be obtained

Displacement of a Business Event Attendee

Registration Order Processing

Business event attendance exists

Need for operative personnel time scheduling

Registration order of business event attendee is rejected

Business event attendance must be cancelled

Place for business event attendee is reserved

Displacement of business event attendee is not possible

Subgroup: Registration Order PROCESSING Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Attendance Administration\Registration Order PROCESSING\Registration Order PROCESSING

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Enter/ determine business event attendee Enter

registration order of business eventCheck attendee prerequisites of business event attendee Determine places available in business events Determine business event attendance fee Enter

specifications for settlement and allocation of business event fees Accept registration order of business event attendee Register business event attendee Reject registration order of business event attendee

Subgroup: Displacement of a Business Event Attendee Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Attendance Administration\Registration Order PROCESSING\Displacement of a Business Event Attendee

Obtain business event attendee list Displace business event attendee

Subgroup: Creation of a Business Event Attendance Offer

Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Attendance Administration\Creation of a Business Event Attendance Offer

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HR PROCESSES Requirement exists for business event attendance offer Creation of a Business Event Attendance Offer

Business event attendance offer is created

Place for business event attendee is reserved

Business event attendance offer cannot be created

Business event attendee is prebooked

Subgroup: Creation of a Business Event Attendance Offer

Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Attendance Administration\Creation of a Business Event Attendance Offer\Creation of a Business Event Attendance Offer

Obtain information on business event planning Obtain information on business activity of organizer Create business event attendance offer

Subgroup: Business Event Planning and Performance 02/17/2001 10:21:19 AM

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HR PROCESSES Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Planning and Performance Creation of business event catalog is des ired

Requirement for creation of busines s event catalog exists

Enterpri se objectives of organizer are determined

Requir ement for business event planning exists

Business event planning is desired

Order for business event monitoring exists

Business event monitoring is desired

Business Event Monitoring Determination of business event requirement is desired

Business event requirement must be determined

Determinat ion of Business Event Requirement

Business Event Planning

Business event requirement exists

Requirement for business event advertising ex ists

Business event advertising is desired

Requirement for business event resource reservation planning exists

Business event exists

Bus iness event resource reservation planning is desired

Implementation of business event resource reservation plan is desired

Bus iness Event Resource Administration

Business Event Advertising

Advertising action of business event management is specified

Requirement for operative shift planning exists

Bus iness event resource is reserved

Long term personnel requir ement exists

Business event resource reservation is cancelled

Preparation of business event performance is desi red

Business Event Performance

Business event is complete

Tim e for business event follow-up processing is reached

Business event is cancelled

Specific ations for appraisal of business event exist

S pecifications for appraisal of business event attendees exist

Appraisal of business event exists

Apprais als of business event attendees exist

Bus iness event attendanc e must be canc elled

Requirement for business event resource reservation planning exists

Specifications for settlement and allocation of business event fees exist

Specifications for allocation and reposting of business event costs exist

Business Event Follow-Up Processing

Follow-up processing is performed for business event

Registration order is complete

Bus iness event fees are settled

Business event fees are allocated

Business event costs are allocated

Business event cos ts are repost ed

Subgroup: Determination of Business Event Requirement

Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Planning and Performance\Determination of Business Event Requirement

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HR PROCESSES Determination of business event requirement is desired

Business event requirement must be determined

Determination of Business Event Requirement Business event requirement exists

Subgroup: Determination of Business Event Requirement

Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Planning and Performance\Determination of Business Event Requirement\Determination of Business Event Requirement

Determine method of determining business event requirement Obtain information on market for sales for business Obtainevents information on business activity of organizer Determine business event requirement

Subgroup: Business Event Monitoring

Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Planning and Performance\Business Event Monitoring

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HR PROCESSES Order for business event monitoring exists

Business event monitoring is desired

Business Event Monitoring

Requirement for creation of business event catalog exists

Requirement for business event planning exists

Subgroup: Business Event Monitoring

Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Planning and Performance\Business Event Monitoring\Business Event Monitoring

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Obtain information on business event requirement Obtain information on business event planning Obtain information on business event appraisals Obtain information on business event resourceObtain administration information on business activity of organizer Analyze activity of organizer Determine need to act for organizer

Subgroup: Business Event Follow-Up PROCESSING Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Planning and Performance\Business Event FollowUp PROCESSING Business event is complete

Specifications for appraisal of business event exist

Appraisal of business event is desired

Appraisal of business event attendees is desired

Specifications for apprais al of business event attendees exist

Appraisal of Business Event

Appraisal of Business Event Attendees

Appraisal of business event exists

Appraisals of business event attendees exist

Business event is cancelled

Time for business event follow-up processing is reached

Settlement and allocation of business event costs are desired

Allocation and reposting of business event costs are desired

Settlement and Allocation of Business Event Fees

Processing of Business Event Results

Follow-up processing is performed for business event

Specifications for settlement and allocation of business event fees exist

Registration order is complete

Business event fees are settled

Specifications for allocation and reposting of business event costs exist

Allocation and Reposting of Business Event Costs

Business event fees are allocated

Business event costs are allocated

Business event costs are reposted

Subgroup: Appraisal of Business Event Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Planning and Performance\Business Event FollowUp PROCESSING\Appraisal of Business Event

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Choose appraisal model for appraisal of business event Determine appraisal period Determine appraiser of business event Perform appraisal of business event

Subgroup: Allocation and Reposting of Business Event Costs

Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Planning and Performance\Business Event FollowUp PROCESSING\Allocation and Reposting of Business Event Costs

Determine incurred business event costs Choose item in breakdown of business event costs for int. act. allocation Choose item in breakdown of business event costs for cost reposting

Subgroup: Settlement and Allocation of Business Event Fees Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Planning and Performance\Business Event FollowUp PROCESSING\Settlement and Allocation of Business Event Fees

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Determine incurred business event fees Determine billing documents created already for business Chooseevent attendee item in breakdown of business event fees for int. act. allocation Choose item in breakdown of business event fees for billing

Subgroup: PROCESSING of Business Event Results Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Planning and Performance\Business Event FollowUp PROCESSING\PROCESSING of Business Event Results

Obtain business event resource reservations Create statements for instructors/ vendors Transmit statements for instructors/ vendors Create statements of business event attendance Transmit statements of business event attendance Complete business event follow-up processing

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Subgroup: Appraisal of Business Event Attendees

Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Planning and Performance\Business Event FollowUp PROCESSING\Appraisal of Business Event Attendees

Choose appraisal model for appraisal of business event attendees Determine appraisal period Determine appraiser of business event attendees Determine business event attendees for appraisal Perform appraisal of business event attendees

Subgroup: Business Event Performance Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Planning and Performance\Business Event Performance

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HR PROCESSES Preparation of business event performance is desired

Business event exists

Preparation of Business Event Performance

Time for performance of business event is reached

Preparation of business event performance is successfully completed

Requirement for business event planning exists

Business event must be cancelled

Business Event Performance

Business event is complete

Business Event Cancellation

Business event attendance must be cancelled

Requirement for business event resource reservation planning exists

Business event is cancelled

Subgroup: Preparation of Business Event Performance Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Planning and Performance\Business Event Performance\Preparation of Business Event Performance

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Obtain information on business event planning Obtain information on business activity of organizer Make decision on performance of business event Obtain business event resource reservations Determine final business event resource reservations Obtain business event attendee list Determine final business event attendee list Complete preparation of business event performance

Subgroup: Business Event Cancellation Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Planning and Performance\Business Event Performance\Business Event Cancellation

Obtain business event resource reservations Obtain business event attendee list Cancel business event

Subgroup: Business Event Performance

Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Planning and Performance\Business Event Performance\Business Event Performance

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Perform business event

Subgroup: Business Event Advertising Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Planning and Performance\Business Event Advertising

Requirement for business event advertising exists

Business event advertising is desired

Business Event Advertising Advertising action of business event management is specified

Subgroup: Business Event Advertising Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Planning and Performance\Business Event Advertising\Business Event Advertising

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Determine target group for business event advertising Determine business event types and business events to be advertised Obtain information on media and advertising instruments Determine budget for business event advertising Specify advertising action of business event management

Subgroup: Business Event Resource Administration Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Planning and Performance\Business Event Resource Administration

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HR PROCESSES Requirement for business event resource reservation planning exists

Business event resource reservation planning is desired

Business Event Resource Reservation Planning Implementation of business event resource reservation plan is desired

Business event resource reservation plan exists

Business Event Resource Reservation

Business event resource is reserved

Requirement for operative shift planning exists

Long term personnel requirement exists

Business event resource reservation is cancelled

Subgroup: Business Event Resource Reservation Planning Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Planning and Performance\Business Event Resource Administration\Business Event Resource Reservation Planning

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Obtain information on availability of business event resources Create alternative business event resourceEvaluate reservation plans alternative business event resource reservation plans Make decision on alternative business event resource reservation plans

Subgroup: Business Event Resource Reservation Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Planning and Performance\Business Event Resource Administration\Business Event Resource Reservation

Obtain information on business event resource reservations Implement business event resource reservation plan

Subgroup: Business Event Planning

Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Planning and Performance\Business Event Planning

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HR PROCESSES Creation of business event catalog is desired

Enterprise objectives of organizer are determined

Requirement for creation of business event catalog exists

Creation of Business Event Catalog

Business event planning is desired

Business event catalog exists

Requirement for business event planning exists

Business Event Planning

Requirement for business event advertising exists

Business event exists

Requirement for business event resource reservation planning exists

Subgroup: Creation of Business Event Catalog Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Planning and Performance\Business Event Planning\Creation of Business Event Catalog

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Obtain information on business event requirement Obtain information on offers from competitors Obtain information on business activity of organizer Obtain information on market for procurement for business event resources Create alternative drafts of business event catalog Evaluate alternative drafts of business event catalog Make decision on alternative drafts of business event catalog

Subgroup: Business Event Planning Path: \Training and Event Management\Business Event Planning and Performance\Business Event Planning\Business Event Planning

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Obtain information on business event requirement Obtain information on availability of business event resources Create alternative overall schedules for business events Evaluate alternative overall schedules for business events Make decision on alternative overall schedules for business events

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HR PROCESSES PROCESS 11: Travel Management Path: \Travel Management

Presettings for Travel Management Travel Request

Travel Planning

Travel Expenses

Subgroup: Presettings for Travel Management Path: \Travel Management\Presettings for Travel Management

Subgroup: Travel Expenses Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses

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HR PROCESSES Need for trip has arisen Entry of a travel request

Trip is requested

Approval of travel request

Planned trip is reject ed

Planned trip is approved

Need to correct planned trip is transmitted

Advance payment

Trip advance is transmitted/ paid

Unrequested trip has taken place

Approved trip has taken place

Entry of trip facts Trip facts and receipts have been released for checking

Approval of trip facts

Planned trip must be canceled

Trip expenses reimbursement is rejected

Trip facts are released for accounting

Approval of trip facts is transmitted

Accounting date is reached

Travel Expenses

Trip expenses reimbursement must be canceled

Payment amount transmitted to bank/ payee

Trip costs must be included in cost accounting

Payments must be released

Payment must be effect ed

Amounts relevant to accounting transmitted to payroll accounting

Amounts liable to employment tax transmitted to payroll

Trip costs statement is transmitted


Trip is canceled

Trip costs cancelation statement is transmitted

Subgroup: Presettings for Travel Expenses Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Presettings for Travel Expenses

Subgroup: Cancellation Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Cancellation

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Cancelation of trip advance [standard] Cancelation of Travel Expenses reimbursement [standard] Creation/ transmission of Travel Expense cancelation statement [standard]

Subgroup: Cancelation of trip advance [standard]

Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Cancellation\Cancelation of trip advance [standard]

Transmit amounts to be canceled to financial accounting Claim trip advance back

Subgroup: Creation/transmission of Travel Expense cancelation statement [standard]

Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Cancellation\Creation/transmission of Travel Expense cancelation statement [standard]

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Choose transmission route Create trip costs cancelation statement Transmit trip costs cancelation statement

Subgroup: Cancelation of Travel Expenses reimbursement [standard] Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Cancellation\Cancelation of Travel Expenses reimbursement [standard]

Transmit trip costs to be canceled toTransmit financial accounting need for retroactive accounting to payroll Claim reimbursement amount back

Subgroup: Travel Expenses Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Travel Expenses

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Performance of Travel Expenses [standard] Transmission of Travel Expense results [standard] Creation/ transmission of Travel Expenses statement [standard]

Subgroup: Performance of Travel Expenses [standard]

Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Travel Expenses\Performance of Travel Expenses [standard]

Perform accounting by individual statement Perform per-diem/ flat-rate accounting Make distinction between amounts acc. to calc. guideline for sales tax Make distinction between amounts according to CO objects

Subgroup: Creation/transmission of Travel Expenses statement [standard] Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Travel Expenses\Creation/transmission of Travel Expenses statement [standard]

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Choose transmission route Create trip costs statement Transmit trip costs statement

Subgroup: Transmission of Travel Expense results [standard]

Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Travel Expenses\Transmission of Travel Expense results [standard]

Transmit payment amount to payroll accounting Prepare data for data medium exchange Prepare data for payment by check Transmit payment amount to financial accounting Transmit amounts relevant to accounting to accounting Transmit amounts relevant to accounting to payroll accounting Transmit amounts liable to employment tax to payroll

Subgroup: Approval of trip facts 02/17/2001 10:21:19 AM

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HR PROCESSES Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Approval of trip facts

Check for trip facts [standard] Notification of rejection of trip facts [standard] Notification of approval of trip facts [standard] Notification of need to correct trip facts [standard]

Subgroup: Check for trip facts [standard]

Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Approval of trip facts\Check for trip facts [standard]

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Check necessity of trip Check shift planning Check financial resources for trip expensesCheck reimbursement general plausibility of trip facts Check consistency with statutory and enterprise-specific provisions Check consistency with original receipts Archive trip expense receipts

Subgroup: Notification of need to correct trip facts [standard] Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Approval of trip facts\Notification of need to correct trip facts [standard]

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Determine specifications for facts to be corrected Choose transmission route Create notification of need to make correction Transmit notification of need to make correction Return trip expenses receipts to employee

Subgroup: Notification of approval of trip facts [standard] Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Approval of trip facts\Notification of approval of trip facts [standard]

Choose transmission route Create notification of approval of trip facts Transmit approval of trip facts

Subgroup: Notification of rejection of trip facts [standard] 02/17/2001 10:21:19 AM

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HR PROCESSES Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Approval of trip facts\Notification of rejection of trip facts [standard]

Choose transmission route Create notification of rejection of expenses reimbursement Transmit rejection of trip expenses reimbursement Return trip expenses receipts to employee

Subgroup: Entry of trip facts Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Entry of trip facts

Entry of trip facts (including per diems/flat rates and expenses) Supplement trip facts [standard] Correction of trip facts [standard]

Subgroup: Entry of trip facts (including per diems/flat rates and expenses) Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Entry of trip facts\Entry of trip facts (including per diems/flat rates and expenses)

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Enter General Data for Trip Enter Further Destinations for Trip Enter Advance for Trip Enter Alternative Cost Assignment for Trip Enter Trip Comments Enter Travel Costs Flat Rate for Trip Enter Meals Per Diem for Trip Enter Accommodations Per Diem for Trip Enter Expense Receipts Enter Additional Information for Expense Receipt (e.g.Enter Reason, Location) Comments for Expense Receipt (Text Enter Entry Only) Alternative Cost Assignment for Expense Receipt

Subgroup: Correction of trip facts [standard]

Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Entry of trip facts\Correction of trip facts [standard]

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Correct General Data for Trip Correct stopovers for trip Correct return of advance Correct Cost Assignment Specifications for Trip / Expense Receipt Correct Comments for Trip / Expense Receipt Correct Flat Rate for Travel Costs for Trip Correct Meals Per Diem for Trip Correct Accommodations Per Diems for Trip Correct Expense Receipts

Subgroup: Supplement trip facts [standard] Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Entry of trip facts\Supplement trip facts [standard]

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Supplement General Data for Trip Add Further Destinations for Trip Supplement Comments for Trip / Expense Receipts Enter return of advance Supplement cost assignment specifications for trip Supplement Per Diems / Flat Rates Add Further Expense Receipts Supplement Cost Assignment Specifications for Expense Receipt Prepare trip expense receipts Release trip facts for checking Transmit trip expense receipts to expense department

Subgroup: Advance payment

Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Advance payment

Trip advance payment/ transmission [standard]

Subgroup: Trip advance payment/transmission [standard]

Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Advance payment\Trip advance payment/transmission [standard]

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Pay trip advance in cash Prepare data for data medium exchange Prepare data for payment by check Transmit payment amount to financial accounting Transmit advance amounts to financial accounting

Subgroup: Approval of travel request Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Approval of travel request

Check for travel request [standard] Notification of rejection of travel request [standard] Notification of approval of travel request [standard] Notification of need to correct travel request [standard]

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HR PROCESSES Subgroup: Check for travel request [standard]

Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Approval of travel request\Check for travel request [standard]

Check necessity of trip Check shift planning Check Financial Resources for Trip Check General Plausibility of Entered Trip Data Check Consistency with Statutory and Enterprise-Specific Trip Provisions

Subgroup: Notification of need to correct travel request [standard] Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Approval of travel request\Notification of need to correct travel request [standard]

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Determine specifications for facts to be corrected Choose transmission route Create notification of need to make correction Transmit notification of need to make correction

Subgroup: Notification of approval of travel request [standard] Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Approval of travel request\Notification of approval of travel request [standard]

Choose transmission route Create Notification of Travel Request Approval Send Approval of Travel Request

Subgroup: Notification of rejection of travel request [standard] Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Approval of travel request\Notification of rejection of travel request [standard]

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Choose transmission route Create Notification of Rejection of This Travel Request Transmit Notification of Rejection of Travel Request

Subgroup: Entry of a travel request Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Entry of a travel request

Enter general trip data for travel request [standard] Enter per diems / flat rates for travel request Receipt entry for a travel request Correction of travel request

Subgroup: Enter general trip data for travel request [standard] Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Entry of a travel request\Enter general trip data for travel request [standard]

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Enter General Data of Travel Request Enter Further Destinations for Travel Request Enter Advance for Travel Request Enter Alternative Cost Assignment for Travel Request Enter Comments for Travel Request

Subgroup: Correction of travel request

Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Entry of a travel request\Correction of travel request

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Correct General Data of Travel Request Correct Advance for Travel Request Correction of Requested Stopovers Correction of Requested Travel Costs Correct Costs of Meals Correct Costs of Accommodations Correct Miscellaneous Costs

Subgroup: Receipt entry for a travel request Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Entry of a travel request\Receipt entry for a travel request

Enter Expense Receipts Enter Additional Information for Expense Receipt (e.g. Reason, Location) Enter Comments for Expense Receipt (Text Entry Enter Only) Alternative Cost Assignment for Expense Receipt

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HR PROCESSES Subgroup: Enter per diems / flat rates for travel request Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\Entry of a travel request\Enter per diems / flat rates for travel request

Enter Flat Rate for Travel Costs for Enter Travel Request Meals Per Diem for Travel Request (Including Enter Deductions) Accommodations Per Diem for Travel Request

Subgroup: PROCESS-oriented questions for Travel Expenses Path: \Travel Management\Travel Expenses\PROCESS-oriented questions for Travel Expenses

Subgroup: Travel Planning Path: \Travel Management\Travel Planning

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Presettings for Travel Planning Process-Oriented Questings Regarding Travel Planning Entry of Travel Plan Approval of Travel Plan

Subgroup: Presettings for Travel Planning Path: \Travel Management\Travel Planning\Presettings for Travel Planning

Subgroup: Approval of Travel Plan

Path: \Travel Management\Travel Planning\Approval of Travel Plan

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Check Travel Plan Message: Travel Plan Rejected Message: Travel Plan Approval Message: Travel Plan Corrections Needed

Subgroup: Check Travel Plan

Path: \Travel Management\Travel Planning\Approval of Travel Plan\Check Travel Plan

Check Business Necessity for Planned Trip Check Financial Resources for Planned Trip Check Shift Planning with Regard to Planned Trip Check Statutory and Enterprise-Specific Trip Provisions

Subgroup: Message: Travel Plan Corrections Needed Path: \Travel Management\Travel Planning\Approval of Travel Plan\Message: Travel Plan Corrections Needed

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Set Specifications for Travel Plan Data to be Corrected Choose Transmission Route Create Notification: Travel Plan Needs Correction Send Notification: Travel Plan Needs Correction

Subgroup: Message: Travel Plan Approval Path: \Travel Management\Travel Planning\Approval of Travel Plan\Message: Travel Plan Approval

Choose Relevant Transmission Route Create Notification Regarding Travel Plan Approval Send Approval of Travel Plan

Subgroup: Message: Travel Plan Rejected Path: \Travel Management\Travel Planning\Approval of Travel Plan\Message: Travel Plan Rejected

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Choose Transmission Route Create Notification Regarding Travel Plan Rejection Transmit Notification Regarding Travel Plan Rejection

Subgroup: Entry of Travel Plan Path: \Travel Management\Travel Planning\Entry of Travel Plan

Enter General Trip Data for Planned Trip [Standard] Plan Transportation / Accommodations Book Means of Transportation and Accommodations Create Trip Documents [in Travel Agency] Correction of Travel Plan [Standard] Correction of Postings Already Executed

Subgroup: Enter General Trip Data for Planned Trip [Standard] 02/17/2001 10:21:19 AM

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HR PROCESSES Path: \Travel Management\Travel Planning\Entry of Travel Plan\Enter General Trip Data for Planned Trip [Standard]

Enter General Data for Planned Trip Enter Further Destinations for Planned Trip Enter Advance for Planned Trip Enter Alternative Cost Assignment for Planned Trip Enter Travel Plan Comments Entry Option for Estimated Total Costs of Planned Trip

Subgroup: Correction of Postings Already Executed

Path: \Travel Management\Travel Planning\Entry of Travel Plan\Correction of Postings Already Executed

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Cancel Flight Bookings in Travel Plan Cancel Hotel Bookings in Travel Plan Cancel Car Rental Bookings in Travel Plan Confirm Flight Cancelations in Travel Plan Confirm Hotel Cancelations in Travel Plan Confirm Car Rental Cancelations for Travel Plan New Entry of Flight Data New Entry of Hotel Data New Entry of Car Rental Data

Subgroup: Correction of Travel Plan [Standard]

Path: \Travel Management\Travel Planning\Entry of Travel Plan\Correction of Travel Plan [Standard]

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Correct General Data for Planned Trip Correct stopovers for planned trip Correct advance for planned trip Correct Cost Assignment for Travel Plan Change Comments in Travel Plan Change Train Data in Travel Plan

Subgroup: Create Trip Documents [in Travel Agency]

Path: \Travel Management\Travel Planning\Entry of Travel Plan\Create Trip Documents [in Travel Agency]

Create Trip Itinerary (in R/ 3 or Travel Agency) Create Flight Tickets (Travel Agency) Transmit Trip Documents (Travel Agency)

Subgroup: Book Means of Transportation and Accommodations

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HR PROCESSES Path: \Travel Management\Travel Planning\Entry of Travel Plan\Book Means of Transportation and Accommodations

Confirm Planning Data for Transportation / Accommodations Booking of Transportation and Accomm. (Triggered by Confirmation Above)

Subgroup: Plan Transportation / Accommodations Path: \Travel Management\Travel Planning\Entry of Travel Plan\Plan Transportation / Accommodations

Plan or Reserve Flight Data (Round Trip) Reserve Hotel Within Travel Plan Reserve Car Rental in Travel Plan Plan Train Trip to Destination Plan Return Train Trip

Subgroup: PROCESS-Oriented Questings Regarding Travel Planning Path: \Travel Management\Travel Planning\PROCESS-Oriented Questings Regarding Travel Planning

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Subgroup: Travel Request Path: \Travel Management\Travel Request

Travel Request Entry Approval of Travel Request

Subgroup: Travel Request Entry

Path: \Travel Management\Travel Request\Travel Request Entry

Enter General Trip Data for Travel Request [Standard] Request Transportation / Accommodations [Standard] Correction of Travel Request

Subgroup: Enter General Trip Data for Travel Request [Standard] Path: \Travel Management\Travel Request\Travel Request Entry\Enter General Trip Data for Travel Request [Standard]

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Enter General Trip Data for Travel Request (e.g. Trip Beginning, Dest...) Enter Stopover for Travel Request Request Advance Alternative Cost Assignment Travel Request Travel Request Comments Entry Option for Estimated Total Costs of Requested Trip

Subgroup: Correction of Travel Request

Path: \Travel Management\Travel Request\Travel Request Entry\Correction of Travel Request

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Correct General Trip Data in Travel Request Correct Stopovers in Travel Request Correct Travel Request Advance Correct Cost Assignment of Travel Request Change Comments for Travel Request Change Estimated Value for Travel Request Correct Flight Data in Travel Request Correct Hotel Data in Travel Request Correct Car Rental Data of Travel Request Correct Train Data in Travel Request

Subgroup: Request Transportation / Accommodations [Standard]

Path: \Travel Management\Travel Request\Travel Request Entry\Request Transportation / Accommodations [Standard]

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Enter Flight Data for Travel Request (Round Trip) Enter Hotel Data for Travel Request Request Car Rental Request Train Trip to Destination Request Return Train Trip

Subgroup: Approval of Travel Request Path: \Travel Management\Travel Request\Approval of Travel Request

Check Travel Request Message: Rejection of Travel Request Message Regarding Travel Request Approval Message: Travel Request Needs Correction

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HR PROCESSES Subgroup: Check Travel Request

Path: \Travel Management\Travel Request\Approval of Travel Request\Check Travel Request

Check Business Necessity for Requested Trip Check Financial Resources for Requested Trip Check Shift Planning with Regard toCheck Requested Trip Statutory and Enterprise-Specific Trip Provisions

Subgroup: Message: Travel Request Needs Correction Path: \Travel Management\Travel Request\Approval of Travel Request\Message: Travel Request Needs Correction

Set Specifications for Data to be Corrected in Travel Request Choose Relevant Transmission Route Create Notification: Travel Request NeedsSend Correction Notification: Tavel Request Needs Correction

Subgroup: Message Regarding Travel Request Approval 02/17/2001 10:21:19 AM

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HR PROCESSES Path: \Travel Management\Travel Request\Approval of Travel Request\Message Regarding Travel Request Approval

Choose Relevant Transmission Route Create Notification of Travel Request Approval Send Approval of Travel Request

Subgroup: Message: Rejection of Travel Request

Path: \Travel Management\Travel Request\Approval of Travel Request\Message: Rejection of Travel Request

Choose Transmission Route Create Notification of Travel Request Rejection Transmit Notification of Travel Request Rejection

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HR PROCESSES PROCESS 12: Payroll Netherlands -

Bases Time data PROCESSING Incentive wages Loans Guaranteed net Amounts Pensions Social Insurance Tax Posting to Accounting Payment transactions Statistics Statements Reporting

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