SAP Down Payment Request With VIM

July 30, 2018 | Author: Sushil Sarkar | Category: N/A
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SAP Down Payment Request with VIM

Create SAP Down Payment with VIM This article will detail how to create a SAP Down Payment with VIM or Vendor Invoice Manangement. The whole workflow will be detail from Document reation To Posting the !I Document.

Step by Step Workflows Instead of using the starting "oint of the "rocess# this guide simulated scanning and identification of Invoice in VIM.

Simulation of Document Tcode$ /OPT/VIM_7AX1 This is the Testing Program for %on&'( Scenario. !ill on Archive Id ) Archive Document Id and DP Document Ty"e. Then e*ecute the document.

Run Business Rules +*ecute the ,usiness (ules to check document is '- with ,usiness Validation (ule.  for e*am"le# checking the scanned Vendor really e*ist in SAP -%A/ and it0s o"ened for the Sales 'rg. 1

Submit Document for Approval 'nce the document is created# the document have to be im"roved. To trigger the A""roval workflow# "ress the 2Submit !or A""roval0 in the Process '"tions for Accountant. The receiver of the task will read from VIM0s 3sers table.

The ne*t "o"&u" tells who will a""rove this down "ayment.

 Approve the ocument

Post Down Payment 'nce the document is a""rouved# a new o"tion a""ears in Process '"tions$ Post DownPayment

Create Down Payment Invoice The final ste" is to create an invoice  !I Document 1 for this down "ayment.

Technical Side for Down Payment !or SAP Down Payment# "lease consider these technical "oints$

Main !able The keys tables for Down Payment are$






SAP Accounting Document Header

"ritin# to B$P% Before Postin# ,efore "osting the VIM document# there is no !I document created So %o record for the document ID in ,-P! will be found. 'nly a document Id refers to the created re4uest in 5'PT5VIM6/7+AD

 After Postin# Posting of SAP Down Payment will create the SAP Document in ,-P!. The "rocess will be in the function module /OPT/VIM_CA_IDX_T!A"#ACTIO"

where bdcid eq ‘00803’ . ” Post Down Payment 

1 CHECK bdcid EQ !!"!#$

Down Payment Approval %unction Sa" Down Payment A""roval is handled in the SAP function module /O!#/%%%%%7_TAKE_ACTIO" 8ith the action ok_code EQ ‘APP!"E’ .

1 CHECK o%_code EQ APP&OVE $

Ientify Down Payment In table ,-P!# down "ayment are identified by #$A% & ‘'A’ 

1 SE'ECT ( )&OM *KP) +HE&E K'A&T ,KA$

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