SAP Document on BADI

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Document on BADI  

Added by MANSI ASNANI, last edited by kishan P on Jan 16, 2012 (view change) Document on BADI After completing this document you will be able to,

      

Understand what Business Add In's (BADIs) are Define BADIs Implement BADIs Use BADIs Create an implementation for an existing SAP BADI Create Multiple Use BADIs Create Filter Dependent BADI Introduction -

Traditional way of doing code modifications - Exits


3 Tier Architecture For Presentation Server


Field Exits


Screen Exits


Menu Exits For Application Server


Programs -> Program exits -> call customer function -> Include At Database Level


Table -> SE11 -> Go to -> Append Structure


With BAdIs you can make changes only at the Application Layer.


The traditional way of doing code modifications was via User exits.


As per SAP's 3 Tier Architecture, at the Presentation layer you had Field Exits, Screen Exits and Menu Exits. At the

Application layer you had Program exits; at the Database layer you could append structures to the existing SAP structures. BADI's -

Business Add-Ins is a new SAP enhancement technique based on [[ABAP Objects]]


They can be inserted into the SAP system based on specific user requirement


Business Add-Ins should be considered generalized Business Transaction


Events that can be used to bundle program, menu and screen enhancements into a single add-in.


Each Business Add-In has :

 o o o

at least one Business Add-In definition a Business Add-In interface a Business Add-In class that implements the interface -

In order to enhance a program a Business Add-In must first be defined


Subsequently two classes are automatically generated :

o An interface with 'IF_EX_' inserted between the first and second characters of the BAdI name o An adapter class with 'CL_EX_' inserted between the first and second characters of the BAdI name.

o The Application developer creates an interface for this Add-InEnhancement management generates an adapter class for implementing the interface o This opens a path for custom implementations to be created by partners or customers. o By instantiating the adapter class in the application program, its corresponding methods can be used BADI Enhancement options o In the business Add INS, all the components of an options are grouped together o Program Enhancements: Functional enhancements of the program are defined in the form of interface methods and can be used with or without Menu Enhancements or Screen Enhancements o Menu Enhancements: Function codes can be entered for a BADI for the corresponding menu entries in the user interface definition. o Screen Enhancements: Sub screen areas can be entered for a Business Add-In. Screen enhancements can be implemented for these in the form of sub screen screens. Defining BADIs Enter BADI name Click on CREATE SE18 To define a BADI use Sap Menu -> Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> Utilities -> Business Ad-Ins -> Definition For Application developers to include BADIs in their program they need to define an interface for their enhancement in the 'Business Add-Ins Initial Maintenance Screen'. Defining BADIs - Attributes -

Enter short text


BADI class is automatically created


When a BADI is created, BADI class gets automatically created with the suffix 'CL_EX_' after the first character of the

BADI name.


Package: Specifies the Package in which this BADI resides.


Multiple uses: With this option you can have multiple implementations for the same BADI

Filter-Dependent: Business Add-Ins may be implemented depending on a specific filter value (example, country-specific versions: Distinct implementations of the BADI can be created for each country). A filtertype must be entered when defining your enhancement (a country or industry sector, for example). All methods created in the enhancement's interface have filter value 'FLT_VAL' as their import parameter. The method then selects the active implementation based on the data provided in the filter value BADI Definition - Save -

Enter Package name


Save the BADI to a Package. (Z_DELTA_STUDENT##)

Defining BADIs -

Package name populated


BADI class created


A BADI class ZCL_EX_DELTA_7_0_DEMO1 is created automatically.

Defining BADIs - Interface -

BADI Interface is created automatically


To edit double click on the interface


An interface is created automatically with the suffix 'IF_EX_' after the first character of the BADI name


When you double click the interface 'ZIF_EX_DELTA_7_0_DEMO1 you will be taken into the class builder where you

can define the methods, parameters and exceptions for that interface Defining BADIs - Interface methods -

Method name


Method type


Specify the methods in the Class Builder for the interface


Instance methods can access all of the attributes of a class, and can trigger all of the events of the class


Static methods can only access static attributes and trigger static events


Click on the Parameters button to specify any Import/Export parameters for the method

Defining BADIs - Interface methods - parameters -

Import and Export parameters


The Import/Export parameters for the method are specified in the 'Parameters' section


The type specifies whether the parameter is an Importing, Exporting, Changing or Returning parameter.


Check the Optional field if it is not a mandatory parameter


The type, default value and description of the parameter can be specified

Defining BADIs - Exceptions -



You can specify any exceptions in the Exceptions section.


For class based exceptions, check the checkbox 'Exception Classes'.

BADI Implementation -

Double click on the method to modify method code


During implementation creation, a class for implementing the enhancement's interface is also created


Navigate to the Class Builder by double-clicking the method.

Implementing BADIs: Method implementation -

Modify the method code within the METHOD/ENDMETHOD statements and activate


Insert the source code between the method and end method statements and activated.


Exception handling for the method can be handled in this section.

Using a BADI -

When a BADI is created, the enhancement manager automatically generates classes that implement the interface


In order to be able to call static methods, you must declare the corresponding class in ABAP Objects using the 'class

... definition load' statement -

In the example having created a BADI for division, you can program the call for the BADI in the following manner:


Create an Interface Reference Variable in the program 'L_BADI_INSTANCE'


Perform the statement 'call method cl_exithandler ...' using the BADI and the interface reference variable.


Call method DIVIDE_NUMBERS using the interface reference variable L_BADI_INSTANCE.

Create an Implementation for an SAP provided BADI -

Find the corresponding BADI for the SAP transaction


Create a custom Implementation for the BADI


From the methods available in the BADI and select the appropriate method


Enter custom code in the method and activate


Execute SAP transaction and test if method with custom code is being invoked

Finding a BADI - Transaction VD02 Double click on the program name Three BADIs used in this program -

Double click required


BADI to see the source code


Double click on the method to enter the source code.


Interface reference


Variable for the BADI


Finding a BADI - Interface reference to the BADI


Interface reference


Variable defined


If the BADI name is not specified in the CL_EXITHANDLER=>GET_INSTANCE method call, you can find out the

BADI name by removing the prefix IF_EX_ from the interface name. -

Using an SAP BADI - Create a Custom Implementation


Enter the name of the BADI




Enter the implementation name


Click on CREATE


To create a custom implementation for an SAP defined BADI do the following:


Go to transaction SE19


Enter a name for the BADI


Hit the 'Create' button


The BADI definition selection popup will be displayed


Enter the name of the standard SAP BADI that you want to implement

BADI Implementation - Attributes -

Enter description


Enter the description for the custom implementation


Click on the Activate button to activate the implementation

BADI Implementation - Interface methods -

Click on the interface tab to view the available methods


Double click on method


SAVE_DATA to modify it


In the interfaces tab you will find a list of methods included in the BAdI Interface


Double clicking on any of the methods will take you into the Class Builder where you can enter custom code for the

corresponding method BADI Implementation - Class builder -

Enter custom code


In our example we have chosen the SAVE_DATA method to enter our code changes


Double clicking on the SAVE_DATA method takes us into the class builder


You can enter your code changes between the methods, end method statements


Enter the custom code that will be executed when customer data is saved in transaction VD02.

BADIs - Execute the Change customer transaction -

Click on SAVE button




Go into the change customer transaction VD02 and change the name of the customer


Click on the SAVE button.


This should invoke the BADI - CUSTOMER_ADD_DATA and subsequently execute the custom implementation.

BADI Implementation - Invoked by VD02 -

Custom code for method invoked via BADI CUSTOMER_ADD_DATA


A break point is hard-coded into the method SAVE_DATA.


Execute transaction VD02 and change the customer address.


When you hit the SAVE button, the code entered in the SAVE_DATA method is executed.

Multiple Use BADIs -

Single Use Business Add-Ins

Do not select the multiple use checkbox from the Administration tab when defining a Single Use BADI BADI has a single Implementation Similar to procedures Return values can be expected Can use importing, changing and returning parameters N/A A single implementation will be triggered by the application program -

Multiple Use Business Add-INS

Select the Multiple use checkbox from the Administration tab when creating the BADI definition BADI has multiple implementations Similar to event calls Cannot expect return values Can use importing and changing parameters For multiple implementations there is no sequence control because at the time of BADI definition it does not know which implementation will be active All active implementations will be triggered by the application program using the BADI Multi Use BADIs - CUSTOMER_ADD_DATA Definition -

Multiple use buttons checked




CUSTOMER_ADD_DATA is an SAP defined BADI that is invoked by the transaction VD02


Multi Use BADIs - Custom Implementation for BADI - CUSTOMER_ADD_DATA


Create a second implementation for BADI CUSTOMER_ADD_DATA


Specify BADI name


Click on CREATE


Create a second implementation for BADI CUSTOMER_ADD_DATA


Multi Use BADIs - Interface method SAVE_DATA


Double click on method




Double click on method SAVE_DATA TO enter the class builder where you can enter custom code for this method.

Multi Use BADIs - Modify method SAVE_DATA -

Enter custom code for method SAVE_DATA


Enter the custom code for the method SAVE_DATA in the class builder and activate.


Activate the BADI Implementation before exiting.


Multi Use BADIs - View implementations for BADI




Displays list of




Select to display list of


Implementations for BADI




To view all implementation for BADI CUSTOMER_ADD_DATA go to the BADI definition in se18. Click on

Implementation->Display. -

A list of all the Implementations is displayed.


You can CREATE CHANGE, DISPLAY and DELETE Implementations from here.


Both BADIs will be triggered when the customer data is modified in transaction VD02 and saved.


Filter Dependent BADIs


Business Add-Ins can be implemented based on a specific filter value


If you want to call the implementation of a Business Add-In depending not only on one filter value but on various

values, you can enter the name of a structure into the Filter type field. The structure can consist of several data elements that fulfill the above conditions for data elements Filter Dependent BADIs - BADI Definition -



Click checkbox for


Filter Dependent BADIs


Enter Filter type


A filter type can be a data element or a structure. A data element must fulfill the following criteria:


The data element's domain may contain a maximum of 30 characters and must be of type Character.


The data element must 1). Either have a search help with a search help parameter of the same type as the data

element and this parameter must serve as both the import and export parameter or 2). The element's domain must have fixed domain values or a value table containing a column with the same type as the data element. Filter Dependent BADIs - BADI Definition -

Double click on the Interface to add parameters and methods


Enter text


When you double click on the interface it takes you to the class builder where you can add methods, parameters, and

exceptions to the interface. -

Filter Dependent BADIs - Interface - Method Definition


Now create an interface with a method. Be aware that for each method you create in the interface of a filter-

dependent enhancement, the appropriate filter value must be defined as the import parameter so that the application program can provide the filter value to the enhancement method. The method then selects the active implementation for that value. Filter Dependent BADIs - Interface - Parameter Definition -

FLT_VAL parameter preset for method


Create parameter to export tax rate


The filter value is declared using parameter flt_val and is preset in the list of parameters.


Filter Dependent BADIs - Implementation


Create BADI Implementation


Enter name of BADI


Select CREATE button


Filter Dependent BADIs - BADI Implementation




Select a value from the search help or enter a valid value


Click on button to create an entry for filter value


Create a BADI

Filter Dependent BADIs - BADI Implementation -

Double click on the Method to enter source code


Select the Interface tab


Filter Dependent BADIs - Method code


Enter code for the


Method to calculate the tax rate based on the company code in Parameter FLT_VAL


Save and activate


The parameter FLT_VAL will have the company code value passes to the implementation.


Move the tax rate to the export parameter Z_TAX_RATE.


Save and Activate the method


Filter Dependent BADIs - Source code to Invoke BADI


Call BADI from within the program


Selection screen parameter for Company code


Call method get_bukrs passing the company code


The Tax rate is returned


A second implementation can be created wherein a different set of company codes can be specified.

The use of object orientated code within SAP has lead to new method of enhancing standard SAP code called Business Add-Ins or BADI's for short. Although the implementation concept is based on classes, methods and inheritance you do not really have to understand this fully to implement a BADI. Simply think of methods as a function module with the same import and export parameters and follow the simple instructions below. Steps:        

Execute Business Add-In(BADI) transaction SE18 Enter BADI name i.e. HRPBSGB_HESA_NISR and press the display button Select menu option Implementation->Create Give implementation a name such as Z_HRPBSGB_HESA_NISR To access already created implementations simple select menu option Implementation->display or Implementation->change. You can also access existing BADI implementations via transaction SE19 You can now make any changes you require to your BADI within the implementation, for example choose the Interface tab Double click on the method you want to change, you can now enter any code you require. Please note to find out what import and export parameters a method has got return the original BADI definition (i.e. HRPBSGB_HESA_NISR) and double click on the method name for example within HRPBSGB_HESA_NISR contract is a method When changes have been made activate the implementation

How to Implement a BADI in SAP ABAP with Tutorial The Requirement is to put a information message while creating a material if Material Group is A05 and Division is: 02.

(Why can’t we use field exit ?? : As it needs two information for the material and user wants information message while saving the material. we can’t use field exit for this). Step 1: How to find appropriate BADI for this requirement?? Put the break- point into Class CL_EXITHANDLER’s GET_INSTANCE method. Go to transaction code MM01 , create a material and try to save it. it stops at many location with different values of EXIT_NAME. (After checking into Se18 we got the BADI_MATERIAL_CHECK which can be use for our requirement.

 

It has a method CHECK_DATA which is called before saving the material. It also has WMARA table as input data (Material Group and Division comes in MARA table).

Step 2: Go to Transaction code SE18. Open BADI : BADI_MATERIAL_CHECK. Go to menu option Implementation à Create.

Step 3:

Give the implementation name as ZMM_MAT_CHECK.

Step 4: Double click on the method CHECK_DATA.If you notice the input parameters we have many data related to batch , material and storage location etc.. For our requirement we need material group and devision Which exist in WMARA.Put the below code inside the method then activate the class and method. if WMARA-MATKL eq ‘A05′ and WMARA-SPART eq ‘02′. message ‘Material creation for this Group should be avoided for animal products!!’ TYPE ‘I’. endif. This code is just checks the material group and division.

Step 5: Go back and Activate the implementation.

Step 6:

So now it’s the time to Disco !!!!!!!Upsssss Sorry it’s the time to test this BADI. For this go to transaction MM01 and try to create a material. (if you are confused use material name as CH004 , Industry sector as Animal Health and Material Type as Beverages ) Click on the ENTER Button and from the view select BASIC DATA 1.

How to find BADI , Kernel BADI or USER EXIT for a particular Transaction code or Program There are many options to do that: Option No: 1: For finding the BADI: put a break point in CL_EXITHANDLER class’s GET_INSTANCE Method and execute the Transaction code whenever it calls a BADI debugger stops at that point. Advantage: It is for sure that you will get the respective BADI. Disadvantage: It is not possible to get USER-EXIT or kernel BADI (As Kernel BADI is using GET BADI syntax to get the instance of its class,So in that case you need to put a break point also at GET BADI statements )

Option No: 2

This is the most commonly used option: Get the package in which the transaction code belongs and open that package in SE80:(you can check this using transaction SE93) Option No 3: Try out the Below Report Program: Give a Transaction Code as an input and it will return you ALL the User EXIT and BADI which can be used.

*&———————————————————————* *& Report zget_badi_exit *&———————————————————————* *& *& *&———————————————————————* REPORT zget_badi_exit. TABLES : tstc, tadir, modsapt, modact, trdir, tfdir, enlfdir, sxs_attrt , tstct. DATA : jtab LIKE tadir OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. TYPES : BEGIN OF stab , include TYPE tadir , txt(60) TYPE c, END OF stab. DATA : it_tab TYPE


DATA : wa_tab LIKE LINE OF it_tab.

DATA : field1(30). DATA : v_devclass LIKE tadir-devclass. DATA : it_badi_spot TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF badi_spot. DATA : wa_badi_spot LIKE LINE OF it_badi_spot. PARAMETERS : p_tcode LIKE tstc-tcode, p_pgmna LIKE tstc-pgmna . DATA: otr_context TYPE sotr_cntxt, otr_text TYPE sotr_text, otr_key TYPE sotr_key. DATA wa_tadir TYPE tadir. START-OF-SELECTION. IF NOT p_tcode IS INITIAL. SELECT SINGLE * FROM tstc WHERE tcode EQ p_tcode. ELSEIF NOT p_pgmna IS INITIAL. tstc-pgmna = p_pgmna. ENDIF. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. SELECT SINGLE * FROM tadir into wa_tadir WHERE pgmid = ‘R3TR’ AND object = ‘PROG’ AND obj_name = tstc-pgmna. MOVE : tadir-devclass TO v_devclass. IF sy-subrc NE 0. SELECT SINGLE * FROM trdir WHERE name = tstc-pgmna. IF trdir-subc EQ ‘F’. SELECT SINGLE * FROM tfdir WHERE pname = tstc-pgmna.

SELECT SINGLE * FROM enlfdir WHERE funcname = tfdir-funcname. SELECT SINGLE * FROM tadir WHERE pgmid = ‘R3TR’ AND object = ‘FUGR’ AND obj_name EQ enlfdir-area. MOVE : tadir-devclass TO v_devclass. ENDIF. ENDIF. SELECT * FROM tadir INTO table jtab WHERE pgmid = ‘R3TR’ AND object IN (’SMOD’, ‘SXSD’) AND devclass = v_devclass. SELECT SINGLE * FROM tstct WHERE sprsl EQ sy-langu AND tcode EQ p_tcode. *Get Kernal BADIS SELECT * FROM badi_spot AS a INNER JOIN enhspotheader AS b ON a~enhspotname EQ b~enhspot INNER JOIN tadir AS c ON a~enhspotname EQ c~obj_name INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE it_badi_spot WHERE








EQ v_devclass.

IF sy-subrc EQ 0. loop at it_badi_spot into wa_badi_spot. move wa_badi_spot-BADI_NAME to wa_tadir-OBJ_NAME.

move ‘ENHS’ to wa_tadir-object. append wa_tadir to jtab. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. FORMAT COLOR COL_POSITIVE INTENSIFIED OFF. WRITE:/(19) ‘Transaction Code – ‘, 20(20) p_tcode, 45(50) tstct-ttext. SKIP. IF NOT jtab[] IS INITIAL. WRITE:/(105) sy-uline. FORMAT COLOR COL_HEADING INTENSIFIED ON. * Sorting the internal Table SORT jtab BY object. DATA : wf_txt(60) TYPE c, wf_smod TYPE i , wf_badi TYPE i , wf_object2(30) TYPE c. CLEAR : wf_smod, wf_badi , wf_object2. * Get the total SMOD. IF jtab[] IS NOT INITIAL. FORMAT COLOR 2 INTENSIFIED ON. WRITE : / ‘Click on the USER EXIT or BADI to VIEW/EDIT’. ENDIF. LOOP AT jtab INTO wa_tadir. AT FIRST. FORMAT COLOR COL_HEADING INTENSIFIED ON. WRITE:/1 sy-vline, 2 ‘Enhancement/ Business Add-in’,

41 sy-vline , 42 ‘Description’, 105 sy-vline. WRITE:/(105) sy-uline. ENDAT. CLEAR wf_txt. AT NEW object. IF wa_tadir-object = ‘SMOD’. wf_object2 = ‘Enhancement’ . ELSEIF wa_tadir-object = ‘SXSD’. wf_object2 = ‘ Business Add-in’. ELSEIF wa_tadir-object = ‘ENHS’. wf_object2 = ‘ Kernal Business Add-in’. ENDIF. FORMAT COLOR COL_GROUP INTENSIFIED ON. WRITE:/1 sy-vline, 2 wf_object2, 105 sy-vline. ENDAT. CASE wa_tadir-object. WHEN ‘SMOD’. wf_smod = wf_smod + 1. SELECT SINGLE modtext INTO wf_txt FROM modsapt WHERE sprsl = sy-langu AND name = wa_tadir-obj_name. FORMAT COLOR COL_NORMAL INTENSIFIED OFF. WHEN ‘SXSD’. * For BADis

wf_badi = wf_badi + 1 . SELECT SINGLE text INTO wf_txt FROM sxs_attrt WHERE sprsl = sy-langu AND exit_name = wa_tadir-obj_name. FORMAT COLOR COL_NORMAL INTENSIFIED ON. WHEN ‘ENHS’. wf_badi = wf_badi + 1. FORMAT COLOR COL_NORMAL INTENSIFIED ON. READ TABLE it_badi_spot INTO wa_badi_spot WITH KEY badi_name = wa_tadir-obj_name. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. otr_key-concept = wa_badi_spot-shorttext_obj. CALL FUNCTION ‘SOTR_READ_TEXT_WITH_KEY’ EXPORTING langu

= sy-langu


= otr_context


= otr_key


= otr_text

EXCEPTIONS no_entry_found


language_missing = 2 OTHERS

= 3.

IF sy-subrc 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. MOVE otr_text-text TO wf_txt.

ENDIF. ENDCASE. WRITE:/1 sy-vline, 2 wa_tadir-obj_name HOTSPOT ON, 41 sy-vline , 42 wf_txt, 105 sy-vline. AT END OF object. WRITE : /(105) sy-uline. ENDAT. ENDLOOP. WRITE:/(105) sy-uline. SKIP. FORMAT COLOR COL_TOTAL INTENSIFIED ON. WRITE:/ ‘No.of Exits:’ , wf_smod. WRITE:/ ‘No.of BADis:’ , wf_badi. ELSE. FORMAT COLOR COL_NEGATIVE INTENSIFIED ON. WRITE:/(105) ‘No userexits or BADis exist’. ENDIF. ELSE. FORMAT COLOR COL_NEGATIVE INTENSIFIED ON. WRITE: /(105) ‘Transaction does not exist’. ENDIF. AT LINE-SELECTION. DATA : wf_object TYPE tadir-object. CLEAR wf_object. GET CURSOR FIELD field1. CHECK field1(8) EQ ‘WA_TADIR’.


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