December 20, 2016 | Author: anilshan | Category: N/A
SAP Customer Relationship Management Configuration Guide...
Project Parivartan
Customer Relationship Management Configuration Guide
[ARYA ACHALAM], Version 1.0 January 9, 2012
Client Input – Asset Accounting
Table of contents 1 Configuration Settings for Organization Model........................................................................4 Organizational Model Overview..........................................................................................4 1.1 Organizational Model Synchronization ERP CRM..................................................5 1.1.1 Checking Sales Organization (SAP ERP).................................................................................5 1.1.2 Checking Distribution Channels (SAP ERP).............................................................................5 1.1.3 Checking Divisions (SAP ERP)................................................................................................. 6 1.1.4 Checking Sales Areas (SAP ERP)............................................................................................ 6 1.1.5 Checking Assignment of Sales Offices to Sales Areas (SAP ERP)..........................................7 1.1.6 Checking Assignment Company Code -> Sales Organization (SAP ERP)...............................7 1.1.7 Checking Assignment Distribution Channel -> Sales Org. (SAP ERP).....................................7 1.1.8 Checking Assignment Division → Sales Organization (SAP ERP)...........................................8 1.1.9 Defining Divisions .................................................................................................................... 8 1.1.10 Performing Division Settings (SAP CRM)...............................................................................8 1.1.11 Defining Distribution Channels................................................................................................ 9 1.1.12 Defining Combination of Distribution Channel and Division....................................................9 1.1.13 Set Up Integration Business Partner – Organizational Management....................................10 1.1.14 Defining Number Range for Org. Business Partners (SAP CRM).........................................10 1.1.15 Defining Grouping for Org. Business Partners (SAP CRM)..................................................11 1.1.16 Setting Up Integration............................................................................................................ 12 1.1.17 Executing Report for Changeover Classification...................................................................12
1.2 Maintaining Organizational Units.................................................................................13 1.2.1 Creating an Organizational Model (SAP CRM).......................................................................13 1.2.2 Creating and Assigning Organizational Units..........................................................................14 1.2.3 Assigning Attributes to Organizational Unit.............................................................................14 1.2.4 Matching Sales Organization.................................................................................................. 16 1.2.5 Maintain Holder for Positions.................................................................................................. 16 1.2.6 Assigning Employees to Positions........................................................................................... 17 1.2.7 Integration of System Users and Employees ERP CRM..................................................18 1.2.8 Set Up Buffering for Sales Scenario.......................................................................................18
2 Configuration settings of Master Data Replication ERP -> CRM...........................................19 2.1 Replicating Business Partners.....................................................................................19 2.1.1 Defining Sources for Business Partner Creation.....................................................................19 2.1.2 Business Partner Concept ERP CRM...............................................................................20 2.1.3 Defining Number Assignment Strategy for Business Partners................................................21 2.1.4 Mapping Business Partner Master Data from ERP to CRM....................................................21 2.1.5 Identifying Relevant ERP Account Groups (SAP ERP)..........................................................22 2.1.6 Defining Number Ranges for CRM Business Partners (I) (SAP CRM)...................................23 2.1.7 Defining CRM Business Partners Groupings (SAP CRM).......................................................23 2.1.8 Mapping ERP Account Groups to CRM Classifications (SAP ERP).......................................24 2.1.9 Mapping Business Partner Master Data from CRM to ERP....................................................24 2.1.10 Defining Number Ranges for CRM Business Partners (SAP CRM)......................................25 2.1.11 Defining CRM Business Partners Groupings (SAP CRM).....................................................25 2.1.12 Mapping CRM Classifications to ERP Account Groups (SAP ERP) ....................................26 2.1.13 Synchronizing Field Settings for Business Partners (SAP ERP)...........................................26 2.1.14 Selecting Customers for Replication (SAP CRM).................................................................27 2.1.15 Replicating Customers (SAP CRM)......................................................................................27 2.1.16 Monitoring Replication Status (SAP CRM)............................................................................28 2.1.17 Checking Business Partners (SAP CRM)..............................................................................28 2.1.18 Monitoring Replication Status (SAP CRM)............................................................................28 2.1.19 Checking Completeness of Replication (SAP CRM).............................................................29
2.2 Replicating Materials....................................................................................................29 2.2.1 Checking Material (SAP ERP)................................................................................................ 29 2.2.2 Defining Item Category Groups............................................................................................... 30 2.2.3 Checking Item Category Groups (SAP ERP)..........................................................................30 2.2.4 Copying Item Category Groups (SAP CRM)...........................................................................30 2.2.5 Selecting Materials for Replication (SAP CRM)......................................................................30
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2.2.6 Replicating Materials (SAP CRM)........................................................................................... 31 2.2.7 Monitoring Replication Status (SAP CRM)..............................................................................31 2.2.8 Checking Materials (SAP CRM).............................................................................................. 32
2.3 Replicating Conditions.................................................................................................32 2.3.1 Creating Pricing Procedures................................................................................................... 32 2.3.2 Replicating Conditions (SAP CRM)......................................................................................... 33 2.3.3 Checking Data Integrity of Replication....................................................................................37 2.3.4 Object Management................................................................................................................ 38
3 Configuration settings for Marketing master Data.................................................................45 3.1 Defining Objectives.......................................................................................................45 3.2 Defining Tactics............................................................................................................ 45 3.3 Defining Campaign Types/Objectives/Tactics............................................................46 3.4 Maintaining Sender Addresses for E-Mail...................................................................47 3.5 Defining Types for Marketing Plan..............................................................................48 3.6 Marketing Calendar.......................................................................................................48 3.6.1 Assigning Graphic Profile for Marketing Calendar..................................................................49
3.7 Campaign Execution.....................................................................................................49 3.7.1 External List Management...................................................................................................... 49
4 Configuration settings for CRM Lead Management..............................................................51 4.1 General Settings for Leads...........................................................................................51 4.1.1 Defining Lead Origins.............................................................................................................. 51 4.1.2 Maintaining Organizational Data Profile..................................................................................51 4.1.3 Defining Transaction Type for Lead........................................................................................ 52 4.1.4 Defining Number Range for Leads.......................................................................................... 53 4.1.5 Assigning New Number Range................................................................................................ 54 4.1.6 Defining Item Category Determination....................................................................................54 4.1.7 Defining Questionnaires.......................................................................................................... 55 4.1.8 Defining your individual questionnaire:..................................................................................55 4.1.9 Assigning Qualification Levels to Questionnaires...................................................................56 4.1.10 Defining Determination for Questionnaires...........................................................................56 4.1.11 Defining Copy Control from Lead to Opportunity..................................................................57
5 Configuration settings for Basic Sales...................................................................................57 5.1 Maintaining Organizational Data Profile......................................................................58 6 Configuration settings for Activity Management....................................................................59 6.1 Settings for Basic Functions for Activity Management..............................................59 6.1.1 Defining Partner Functions...................................................................................................... 59 6.1.2 Defining Partner Determination Procedure.............................................................................60 6.1.3 Defining Transaction Types..................................................................................................... 61
6.2 Actions........................................................................................................................... 62 6.2.1 Defining Action Profiles and Actions.......................................................................................62 6.2.2 Defining Conditions................................................................................................................. 62 6.2.3 Assigning Organizational Data Profile to Transaction Types..................................................63 6.2.4 Assigning Partner Determination Procedure to Transaction Types.........................................64 6.2.5 Assigning Action Profile to Transaction Types........................................................................64 6.2.6 Assigning Text Determination Procedure to Transaction Types.............................................65
7 Configuration settings for CRM Opportunity Management....................................................65 7.1 Defining Transaction Type for Opportunity................................................................65
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1 Configuration Settings for Organization Model Purpose This configuration guide provides the information you need to set up the configuration.
Organizational Model Overview Organizational Management in CRM offers you a flexible tool for handling your company’s task-related, functional organizational structure as a current organizational model. You can maintain the company structure including the positions and employees in an application and assign specific data (attributes) to the organizational units. The organization model will be especially used for organizational data determination within the CRM scenarios for marketing, sales and service. Compared to ERP the organizational model in CRM is more comprehensive, flexible and dynamic. A synchronization of the organizational structure for sales and service in ERP and CRM is possible via mapping of organizational units. This is a prerequisite for a master data and transactional data integration between ERP and CRM. In the following a sample organizational structure will be defined. It consists of separate organizational units for marketing, sales and service. Positions will be assigned to the different organizational units in order to implement the functional task distribution of individual items and their reporting structure in the organizational model. Employees are assigned to these positions as holders.
These sample organizational structure is essential for all SAP Best Practices scenarios because organizational data determination, partner determinations and evaluations are based on this structure. If you use ERP as a back-end system in CRM, you need the sales structure from the SAP ERP system in order to transfer or create master data (for example, business partner, products, and conditions) in CRM. The organizational model can be initially created automatically based on the sales organizational structure in ERP. But this functionality will not be used for the following reasons: • SAP Best Practices for CRM can also be used without an ERP system as a back end if only scenarios without ERP integration are implemented, such as Activity Management, Opportunity Management •
An automatic transfer of the ERP sales structure is only possible once. Errors may occur in organizational data determination if there are already organizational units in the system.
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Further changes in the organizational model have to be maintained manually in the CRM system anyway.
1.1 Organizational Model Synchronization ERP CRM The ERP system is closely linked to the CRM system. The two systems have to be synchronized in some configuration areas, such as the organizational model. Decide which sales areas you need to have in the CRM system, and check them in the ERP system. A sales area consists of: • a sales organization •
distribution channels
• divisions The sales areas and related data are downloaded from ERP to CRM.
1.1.1 Checking Sales Organization (SAP ERP) Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP ERP IMG menu
Sales Organiza ti o n 4003
OVX5 Enterprise Structure → Definition → Sales and Distribution → Define, copy, delete, check sales organization
Sales Organizat ion Description Sales Org.- PPL
1.1.2 Checking Distribution Channels (SAP ERP) Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP ERP IMG menu
OVXI Enterprise Structure → Definition → Sales and Distribution → Define, copy, delete, check distribution channel
Disc. Chan Distribu tion Channel nel Description 41 Direct Sales 42 Broker Sale
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43 Referral Sale
1.1.3 Checking Divisions (SAP ERP) Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP ERP IMG menu
OVXB Enterprise Structure → Definition → Logistics General → Define, copy, delete, check division
Division Division Description 11 Residential 12 Commercial 13 I.T
1.1.4 Checking Sales Areas (SAP ERP) Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP ERP IMG menu
Sales Org
OVXG Enterprise Structure → Assignment → Sales and Distribution → Set up sales area
Dis Channel
The above combination of Sales Org. and Disc Channel has been identified in combination of divisions as below 11
12 Commercial 13 I.T
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1.1.5 Checking Assignment of Sales Offices to Sales Areas (SAP ERP) Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP ERP IMG menu
SPRO Enterprise Structure → Assignment → Sales and Distribution → Assign sales office to sales area
All the sales areas identified above are assigned to following sales offices: 403 1 Site Office-Est.Rng
1.1.6 Checking Assignment Company Code -> Sales Organization (SAP ERP) Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP ERP IMG menu
Sale s Org 4003
Description Sales Org.PPL
OVX3 Enterprise Structure → Assignment → Sales and Distribution → Assign sales organization to company code
Company Code 2003
Co. Code Description Phadnis Properties Ltd.
1.1.7 Checking Assignment Distribution Channel -> Sales Org. (SAP ERP) Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP ERP IMG menu
Sale s Org 4003 4003 4003
Distribution Channel 41 42 43
OVXK Enterprise Structure → Assignment → Sales and Distribution → Assign distribution channel to sales organization
Description Direct Sales Broker Referral Sale
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1.1.8 Checking Assignment Division → Sales Organization (SAP ERP) Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP ERP IMG menu
Sales Org.
OVXA Enterprise Structure → Assignment → Sales and Distribution → Assign division to sales organization
1.1.9 Defining Divisions Use In this step, you can define divisions for CRM.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu
SPRO Customer Relationship Management → Master Data → Organizational Management → Division Settings à Define Divisions
2. Choose New Entries (F5).
Division 00 11 12 13
Description Common Residential Commercial I.T
1.1.10Performing Division Settings (SAP CRM) Use You can specify whether or not you work with divisions in the CRM system. If you use CRM together with an ERP system, you must always maintain a dummy division in ERP, in order that you can exchange data (master data and documents) between systems, if you are not using a header division in CRM.
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If you use a header division in CRM you do not need to use a dummy division for data transfer between the ERP and CRM systems.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code
Customer Relationship Management → Master Data → Organizational Management → Division Settings à Define Use of Division and Dummy Division
2. Deselect the checkbox Division not act. 3. Select the indicator Header Div. Act. to use divisions at header level in business
transactions in CRM Enterprise. 4. Enter an R/3 dummy division from the list of SAP ERP divisions identified in step Checking
Divisions (SAP ERP).
1.1.11Defining Distribution Channels Use In this step, you can define distribution channels for CRM.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management → Master Data → Organizational Management → Organizational Data for Sales Scenario à Define Distribution Channels 2. Choose New Entries (F5). 41 42 43 3. Save
Direct Sales Broker Sales Referral Sale your entries.
1.1.12Defining Combination of Distribution Channel and Division Use In this step, you can define combinations of distribution channels and divisions that can be assigned as attributes to the sales organization to define a sales area.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management à Master Data à Organizational Management à Organizational Data for Sales Scenario à Define Combination of Distribution Channel and Division
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2. Choose New Entries (F5). Distribution ChannelDescription 41Direct Sales 41Direct Sales 41Direct Sales 42Broker Sales 42Broker Sales 42Broker Sales 43Referral Sale 43Referral Sale 43Referral Sale 3. Save your entries.
DivisionDescription 11Residential 12Commercial 13I.T 11Residential 12Commercial 13I.T 11Residential 12Commercial 13I.T
1.1.13Set Up Integration Business Partner – Organizational Management Use For you to use your existing organizational units in orders, the system must create business partners from these organizational units. The system uses the Organizational Unit role for the business partners it creates from organizational units.
1.1.14Defining Number Range for Org. Business Partners (SAP CRM) Use For each organizational unit created in the organizational model a business partner is generated automatically. For this business partners a number range has to be created. If you don’t define a number range the created business partner will get a number that belongs to other business partner types, e.g. consumers.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu
BUCF Cross-Application Components à SAP Business Partner à Business Partner à Basic Settings à Number Ranges and Groupings à Define Number Ranges 4. In the next steps you define the number range for Org business partners. 5. Choose Insert interval (Shift+F1).
6. Enter the following values:
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No. From number
Y4 0004000000
To number
Choose an ID with leading ‘Y’ If you use numeric values make sure you add leading zeroes to the value until the full length of the field is reached. If you use numeric values make sure you add leading zeroes to the value until the full length of the field is reached.
Current number Ext
Internal number assignment is required.
7. Choose Insert (Enter). 8. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
1.1.15Defining Grouping for Org. Business Partners (SAP CRM) Use For each organizational unit created in the organizational model a business partner is generated automatically. This grouping can be used for selecting the number range when creating a business partner.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction code
Cross-Application Components à SAP Business Partner à Business Partner à Basic Settings à Number Ranges and Groupings à Define Groupings and Assign Number Ranges
2. Choose New Entries (F5). 3. Enter the following values:
The grouping must have the same ID as the assigned number range
Short name
CRM Organizational Units Business Partner for Org Units Y4
Description (EN) Number range External
The number range you have created for Org Business Partners. Internal number assignment is required.
4. Choose Enter.
Int.Std.Grping Ext.Std Grping
Selected Deselected
5. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
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1.1.16Setting Up Integration Use Activate the integration of organizational units and business partners and assign the number range defined in the preceding sections.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu
SPRO Customer Relationship Management à Master Data à Business Partner à Integration Business PartnerOrganization Management à Set Up Integration with Organizational Management
2. Enter the following values for the existing combination of Group and Sem.abbr.: Group HRALX HRALX HRALX
Value abbr X ON 2
Description Activate HR Integration Integration O-BP Activated Business Partner Number Assignment (Org. Unit) Business Partner Subgroup (Organizational Unit)
3. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
1.1.17Executing Report for Changeover Classification Use A report has to be executed to changeover the customer classification from former CRM releases. This report has to be executed once even in case of a new installed CRM system. Otherwise error messages during business partner processing will occur. It has to be executed at this time because otherwise the business partners which are related to the organizational units are not created correctly.
Procedure 1. To run the report, use the following navigation option: Transaction code
2. Enter the report CRM_MKTBP_ZCACL_UPDATE_30 and choose Execute (F8). 3. Keep the default values and choose Execute (F8). 4. In case of the status message Class Type BUP: No Suitable Classes Found no further actions are required. 5. In case of other messages, read the documentation of the report and run the report with deactivated flag for Test mode.
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1.2 Maintaining Organizational Units Use Organizational units are functional units of a company. Depending on how task distribution is organized in a company, these can be, for example, departments, groups or project teams. Separate organizational units for marketing, sales and service will be defined. The organizational unit in sales and distribution structures the company according to SD requirements. Sales transactions are prepared and implemented in a sales organization. Several sales offices or sales groups or other freely definable organizational units can be assigned at lower level than the sales organization. It is not possible, however, for other sales organizations to be subordinate to a sales organization. You can assign attributes to a sales organization in organizational plan maintenance. The sales organization is then responsible for these attributes; for example, one or more divisions and distribution channels, a language, or a postal code. In addition there are organizational unit in the service area in which services are planned and
1.2.1 Creating an Organizational Model (SAP CRM) Use An organization model is created initially together with a root organizational unit which builds the basic node for all other organizational units.
Procedure 1. Access the Organizational Model using the following navigation:
SAP CRM WebClient menu
Master Data → Organization Model
2. Create a root organizational unit by choosing Root Organizational Unit. 3. Choose Continue. 4. Maintain the following values for this organizational unit::
Field name General data Code Description Address Address Suppl Street/House No. City Postal Code Country Region Telephone no. Fax Number Attributes Country Ref. currency for document Correspondence Language
Value PPL_COMP Phadnis Properties Ltd. Phadnis Properties Ltd. Kalpavriksha, 2nd Floor New 100 Ft. D.P.Road, Karvenagar Mumbai 400063 IN MH 02067243000 02067243200 IN IN IN
5. Choose Save. An ID will be automatically created for the root organization. To display this
ID, choose the button ‘ Personalize’ , move ‘ ID’from the Available Columns to the Displayed Columns and Save.
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1.2.2 Creating and Assigning Organizational Units Prerequisites The root node PPL_COMP has already been created as described in the preceding section.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using one the following navigation: SAP CRM WebClient Master Data → Organization Model menu 2. Enter the description of the organizational unit, that has been created in the preceding section Oberoi Company and choose Search. 3. In the view area Result List, select the link of the root organizational unit PPL_COMP. This object has already been created in the preceding section. 4. In the assignment block Organizational Unit select the root organization PPL_COMP and choose the button Organizational Unit to create a new organizational unit on the level below. 5. In the assignment block Organization Unit Details and the view area General Data enter the Code and a Description for the new organizational unit. 6. Run the following steps to create the following SAP Best Practices organizational structure as an example to work with: Description Hierarchy Code Level Phadnis Properties Ltd. 0 OB_COMP PPL Sales Organization
7. Save your entries using the Save button.
Result The necessary organizational units for the marketing, sales and service scenarios have been created.
1.2.3 Assigning Attributes to Organizational Unit Use You can use general attribute maintenance to attribute data (attributes) to organizational units, when creating your sales and distribution or service structure. You always maintain these attributes specifically for a scenario (Sales or Service). CRM distinguishes between organizational and business attributes: Organizational attributes define the type of organizational unit, for example, whether it is a sales organization or a service group. Business attributes define the responsibility of an organizational unit, for example, for which distribution channels or product groups an organizational unit is responsible. Attributes can have one or more values. For some attributes, you can also enter areas (for example, partner numbers 001 to 300).
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The following organizational units are available in CRM for which you can enter the corresponding organizational unit in the ERP system. Scenario Organizational attribute Corresponds in ERP with Sales Sales organization Sales organization Sales Sales office Sales office Sales Sales group Sales group Service Service Organization Maintenance planning plant
Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: SAP CRM WebClient Master Data à Organization Model menu 2. Enter the description Oberoi Company and choose Search. 3. In the view area Result List, select the link of the root organizational unit Oberoi Company. 4. In the assignment block Organizational Unit select the organizational unit, that you want to maintain 5. In the view Allow Org. Unit to be Determined of the assignment block Organizational Unit Details, select field if necessary. Otherwise this organizational unit will not be taken into consideration for the organizational data determination. Organizational Unit Details Organizational Functions Unit ID BP_COMP OCPL S Org 1010 S Off 101 S Group 102 S Group 103 S Group 104 S Group 105 S Group 106 S Group 1011 S Off 111 S Group 112 S Group 1012 S Off 121 S Group 122 S Group 1015 S Off 151 S Group ORL S Org 1110 Off 101 S Group 102 S Group
Sales Organization Sales Office Sales Group Sales Group Sales Group Sales Group Sales Group Sales Group Sales Office Sales Group Sales Group Sales Office Sales Group Sales Group Sales Office Sales Group Sales Organization Sales Office Sales Group Sales Group
Allow Org. Unit to be Determined
Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales
1. In order to maintain the attributes select the created organizational units one after another and choose Edit List in the assignment block Attributes. 2. Maintain all required attributes for all three scenarios (Marketing, Sales and Service) of an organizational unit if necessary. For the SAP Best Practices organizational model maintain the following attributes.
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Most of the values cannot be pre-defined because they are depending on the country or on the individual organizational structure. Organizational Unit ID PPL_COMP
Scenario Attribute Sales
Country Ref. currency for document Correspondence Language
Value to
Only inherited attribute values Only inherited attribute values
3. In the assignment block Attributes, choose the button Check Consistency for the consistency. Examine the messages for the check results. 4. Choose Save.
1.2.4 Matching Sales Organization Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG Customer Relationship Management à Master Data à menu Organizational Management à Assignment of Organizational Units from SAP ECC à Assign SAP CRM Sales Organizations to SAP ECC Sales Organizations 2. Choose New Entries (F5). 3. Maintain the following data using the input help: Sales Organization ID Field R/3SlsOrg Entry Name O 50000002 1031 4. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
1.2.5 Maintain Holder for Positions Use You assign employees or users to positions; in doing this, you also determine the tasks assigned to them. Defining Number Ranges for Employees Use You want to create employees with separate external number ranges in CRM.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
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Transaction code
BUCF Cross-Application Components à SAP Business Partner à Business Partner à Basic Settings à Number Ranges and Groupings à Define Number Ranges
2. Choose Change intervals. 3. Choose Insert interval (Shift+F1). 4. Enter the following values:
No. Y1
From number 0000001501
To number 0000001530
5. Choose Save (Ctrl+S). Defining Grouping for Employees Use You want to create employees with the external number ranges in CRM. You have to define the grouping and assign the number range to this grouping.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu
SPRO Cross-Application Components à SAP Business Partner à Business Partner à Basic Settings à Number Ranges and Groupings à Define Groupings and Assign Number Ranges
2. Choose New Entries (F5). 3. Enter the following values:
Grouping Short name Y1 CRM Employees
Description CRM Employees
Number range Y1
Ext. Std. Grping Deselecte d
Int Std. Grping Selected
4. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
1.2.6 Assigning Employees to Positions Prerequisites You have maintained the organization units and the positions. Employees and users have been created.
Procedure 1. Log on to the CRM GUI screen. 2. Access the activity using the transaction code PPOMA_CRM: 3. In the search criteria area choose Find by Organizational Unit. 4. Choose Search. 5. In the view area Result List, select the link of root organizational unit, Phadnis Properties Ltd.
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6. In the Organizational Unit view expand the tree to the position you want to assign an employee to. 7. Mark the Position. 8. Click on Employee. 9. Search the employee by criteria (last name, user ID). 10. Select the business partner. 11. Choose Save. 12. Choose Back.
1.2.7 Integration of System Users and Employees ERP CRM Creating System Users (SAP ERP) Use If not already done, you need to create some additional system users in the ERP system.
Procedure 1. To create a new system user, choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP ERP GUI menu
SU01 Tools à Administration à User Maintenance à Users
2. In the User field, enter the system user name. 3. Choose Create (F8). 4. Enter the following data: Field name Address tab page Last name First name Logon data tab page Initial password Repeat password User Type Profiles tab page Profile
Value PANDIT MRINAL Initial Initial Dialog Leave empty. Will be assigned in the next activity
5. Choose Save (Ctrl+S). 6. Repeat these steps for the following system all other users:
Result Additional system users were created in the CRM system.
1.2.8 Set Up Buffering for Sales Scenario Some processes of CRM need to have the sales areas. The sales areas are represented in the organizational model that you can maintain with the transaction PPOMA_CRM, this means they are not physically stored, but they are the result of the different combinations of sales organizations, sales offices, sales groups, channels and divisions maintained in the organizational model.
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Whenever a CRM transaction or a business partner needs the sales areas, they are calculated, and this is an expensive process. To speed up this process, the sales areas are buffered. Report HRBCI_ATTRIBUTES_BUFFER_UPDATE is used to buffer the attributes of organizational management objects. To enable buffering you have to maintain view T77OMATTR. Enable Buffering for Sales Scenario Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation option:
Transaction code
2. Select the structure node Scenarios. 3. Flag the field in the column Buffering for the scenario SALE. 4. Mark scenario SALE. 5. Choose Attributes/Scenarios in the Dialog Structure 6. Adapt the values for the following combination of Scenario/Attribute::
Inherit Type No inheritance No inheritance No inheritance
Invisible Selected Selected Selected
Seq 00 00 00
7. Choose Save (Ctrl+S). 8. Log off and log on again to the CRM system in order to make the effect of these settings
visible to your user.
2 Configuration settings of Master Data Replication ERP -> CRM 2.1 Replicating Business Partners 2.1.1 Defining Sources for Business Partner Creation Use A business partner can be created and maintained in different classifications and in different systems depending on the business scenario. The following table describes the business partner usage in the Best Practices scenarios. An entry in the column CRM or ERP indicates that this business partner classification is mandatory in this system for a complete walkthrough of the scenario.
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Area Classification Required for Customer Prospective customer Competitor
Sales CRM X X
Marketing ERP X
Service CRM X
2.1.2 Business Partner Concept ERP CRM Use The business partner concepts of the ERP system and the CRM system are different. Therefore you have to define a mapping when exchanging business partners from ERP to CRM and vice versa. a) ERP System •
Every business partner has to be assigned to an account group that determines the properties of business partners, especially: −
Master data fields
Number range
Specific functionality for sales and distribution
There are more than 20 different account groups available in the standard delivery.
b) CRM System •
Business partners in the CRM system are grouped by using classifications which determine: −
Master data fields
Specific functionality
The number ranges are not directly assigned to the classification. The number range is determined by the so-called grouping. This grouping has to be assigned manually or automatically when creating a business partner.
There are only 5 different classifications −
Consumer: Organization
Consumer: Person
Prospective customer
− Competitor The mapping of business partners has to be defined for both directions: from the ERP system to the CRM system and vice versa. Thereby you have to: • Map account groups to classifications and make sure that the required fields in both systems are identical •
Map the number ranges
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2.1.3 Defining Number Assignment Strategy for Business Partners Use 1. Choosing identical number ranges •
Description •
The business partner IDs of ERP and CRM business partners are identical.
There is always an internal assignment table that maps the ERP business partner ID to the corresponding CRM business partner to ensure a consistent data exchange.
Procedure •
There are two ways to guarantee identical number ranges. a) Leading system approach Define a leading system for business partner maintenance, i.e. business partners belonging to the same account group or classification are only maintained in the OLTP ERP or in the CRM system exclusively. For example: Customers (account group 0001) are only maintained in the OLTP ERP, consumers (account group 0170) are only maintained in the CRM system. The account group and the mapped classification must have the same number range. For the receiving system external number assignment is required. You have to make sure that business partner creation in the receiving system is prohibited. Mapping Example CRM System Classificatio n
From number to number
External number range
1000 -ZZZ
Internal number range (leading )
OLTP ERP Replicatio Accoun n t group direction 0001
From number to number 1 -999 1000 -ZZZ
Internal number range (leading) External number range
2.1.4 Mapping Business Partner Master Data from ERP to CRM Use This step is for the business partner exchange only from ERP to CRM. In the following section you perform all necessary steps to get the business partners from the ERP into the CRM system. In order to map the business partner master data from ERP to CRM you have to run the following activities: 1. Identifying relevant ERP account groups. 2. Defining number ranges for CRM business partners.
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3. Defining CRM business partner groupings. 4. Mapping ERP account group to CRM classification The following table describes all relevant elements that have to be maintained for the mapping of ERP account groups to CRM classifications. It is also mentioned at which activity the element is maintained. It is recommended to maintain this table to keep the overview when running the following activities. The mapping runs as follows: 1. A business partner for account group 0001 (sold-to party) is created in the ERP system. 2. The account group has the number range assignment 01 and internal number assignment, i.e. a number is automatically created from the interval 0000100000-0000999999 for this business partner, e.g. 100001. 3. The business partner is replicated to the CRM system. 4. The account group is assigned to the classification Customer with grouping R001. Grouping R001 is assigned to number range R1 that is identical to the ERP number range 01. The ERP customer that is replicated to the CRM system automatically is created with classification Customer and gets the same number because external number assignment is chosen for the CRM number range.
2.1.5 Identifying Relevant ERP Account Groups (SAP ERP) Use In the ERP system, analyze the relevant account groups and their assigned number ranges. Identify the account groups that you are using when creating business partners in the ERP system. For these account groups a mapping has to be defined in the following activities.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP ERP IMG menu
OVT0 Logistics - General à Business Partner à Customers à Control à Define Account Groups and Field Selection for Customers
2. Select your relevant customer groups. 3. Choose Details (F2). 4. An overview table of the number ranges appears.
Select the field Number range and choose F4 to get the interval for this number range. In this table, the External field indicates whether the number range is internal or external. A/c Grp A/c Grp Description No. Range Int/Ext Ph- PPL Dir domestic 3110 customer V1 Ext 5. Note down the account group information
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2.1.6 Defining Number Ranges for CRM Business Partners (I) (SAP CRM) Use For each number range of the selected account groups of the ERP system you have to create a number range in the CRM system.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu
BUCF Cross-Application Components à SAP Business Partner à Business Partner à Basic Settings à Number Ranges and Groupings à Define Number Ranges 2. Choose Change intervals. For each different number range identified in the activity Identifying Relevant ERP Account Groups create a new number range. 3. Choose Insert interval (Shift+F1) and enter the number range according to the ERP
number range. 4. Choose the Ext flag for the number range.
Number Range V1
Int/Ext Ext
5. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
2.1.7 Defining CRM Business Partners Groupings (SAP CRM) Use For each number range created in the activity Defining Number Ranges for CRM Business Partners you have to create a grouping. The business partner gets a number from the number range that is assigned to the grouping. This grouping is only used for defining number ranges for business partners that are replicated from ERP to CRM.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu
SPRO Cross-Application Components à SAP Business Partner à Business Partner à Basic Settings à Number Ranges and Groupings à Define Grouping and Assign Number Ranges
2. Choose New Entries (F5).
Create a grouping for each number range interval created in the activity Defining Number Ranges for CRM Business Partners. 3. Enter the following values:
Grouping 3110
Description 3 Direct Customers Springs
Number Range
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4. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
2.1.8 Mapping ERP Account Groups to CRM Classifications (SAP ERP) Use For each of the ERP account groups you have to define a mapping to a CRM business partner classification and grouping. In the CRM system, the following business partner classifications exist: • Customer •
Consumer: Organization
Consumer: Person
Sales Prospect
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation option:
SAP ERP Transaction PIDE code For each account group you have to specify the classification (for example Consumer) and the grouping (that is, number ranges). 2. In the dialog structure choose R/3→CRM: Assign Account Grp. to BP Classification. 3. Choose New Entries (F5). 4. Enter the following values:
Account Group 3110
Account Group Description Ph- PPL Dir domestic customer
Classification B
5. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
2.1.9 Mapping Business Partner Master Data from CRM to ERP Use This step is for the business partner exchange only from CRM to ERP. In the following section you perform all necessary steps to get the business partners from the CRM into the ERP system. In order to map the business partner master data from CRM to ERP you have to run the following activities: 1. Defining number ranges for CRM business partners. 2. Defining CRM business partner groupings. 3. Mapping CRM classifications to ERP account groups.
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2.1.10Defining Number Ranges for CRM Business Partners (SAP CRM) Use For the business partners created in the CRM system you have to define number ranges. You can define one number range for all classifications or define for example a separate number range for each classification.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code BUCF SAP CRM IMG menu Cross-Application Components → SAP Business Partner → Business Partner → Basic Settings → Number Ranges and Groupings → Define Number Ranges
2. Choose Change intervals.
No. Range
Interval (from)
Interval (from)
3. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
2.1.11Defining CRM Business Partners Groupings (SAP CRM) Use The grouping was created earlier. This grouping has to be assigned manually or automatically when creating a business partner. The business partner gets a number from the number range that is assigned to the grouping.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu
SPRO Cross-Application Components → SAP Business Partner → Business Partner→ Basic Settings → Number Ranges and Groupings → Define Grouping and Assign Number Ranges
2. Choose New Entries (F5).
Create a grouping for each number range interval created in the activity Defining Number Ranges for CRM Business Partners. 3. Enter the following values:
Grouping 3110
Description Ph- PPL Dir domestic customer
4. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
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2.1.12Mapping CRM Classifications to ERP Account Groups (SAP ERP) Use For each of the CRM business partner classifications you have to define a mapping to an ERP account group. Use the ERP account groups you have created in the activity Creating ERP Account Groups.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation option: SAP ERP Transaction PIDE code 2. In the dialog structure choose CRM→R/3: Assign BP Classification to Account Grp. 3. Choose New entries (F5). 4. Enter the mapping according: a) Customer Assign the account group that is relevant in the ERP system for customers. This is also assigned when the business partner is additionally classified as a prospective customer and a competitor in the CRM system. CRM Classification ERP Account Group Customer (B) 3110 (Ph- PPL Dir domestic customer) 5. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
2.1.13Synchronizing Field Settings for Business Partners (SAP ERP) Use In order to replicate business partners from the ERP to the CRM system and vice versa you have to synchronize the field settings for business partner, i.e. if a master data record field in the receiving system has the setting Required Entry an upload is only successful if this field maintained in the master data record of the sending system. To avoid replicating problems the required entries of the master data records have to be identical.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP ERP IMG menu
OVT0 Logistics - General > Business Partners > Customers > Control > Define Account Groups and Field Selection for Customer
2. Choose an account group that is relevant for the mapping. 3. Choose Details (F2). 4. Double-click on the text General data in the screen area Field status. 5. Double-click on each of the different entries in the Select Group area, for example,
Address. The corresponding field list is displayed. 6. Repeat these steps for all field status areas (Company code data, Sales data).
Account Group (3110)
Mandatory Fields
Page 26 of 66
General Data
Name 1/last name Postal code, city
Sales data
Pricing Procedure Shipping Conditions/POD relevance
7. Save your changes.
2.1.14Selecting Customers for Replication (SAP CRM) Procedure 1. This step is optional, and has to be performed in case there are any business partner
(relevant for CRM) available in ERP. This activity was not needed in current case, but documented for future reference. 2. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code R3AC1 SAP CRM GUI Architecture and Technology à Middleware à Data menu Exchange à Object Management à Business Objects 3. To set the filter for the business object CUSTOMER_MAIN, click on the filter symbol. 4. Go to the tab Filter Settings. 5. In the field Source Site Name, choose the site source of your data (normally OLTP). 6. Make sure that you are in change mode. Choose Display Change (Ctrl+F1). 7. Choose the relevant data for your filter settings, for example you can specify the customer
numbers for replication. 8. Enter the following data:
Table/Stru cture
Inclusive defined set/array
9. Choose Save (Ctrl+S) 10. Choose No to all on the first dialog box. 11. Choose Continue (Enter) on the second dialog box..
2.1.15Replicating Customers (SAP CRM) Procedure 1. This step is optional, and has to be performed in case there are any business partner (relevant for CRM) available in ERP. This activity was not needed in current case, but documented for future reference.
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2. To replicate the customers, either as specified in the filter or all customers, into the CRM system, access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code R3AS SAP CRM GUI menu Architecture and Technology → Middleware → Data Exchange → Initial Load → Start 3. In the Load Object field, enter CUSTOMER_MAIN. 4. In the Source Site (Sender) field enter OLTP and in the Destination Site (Receiver) field enter CRM. 5. To run the replication, choose Execute (F8). 6. Confirm the next screen message by choosing Continue (Enter).
2.1.16Monitoring Replication Status (SAP CRM) Procedure 1. This step is optional, and has to be performed in case there are any business partner
(relevant for CRM) available in ERP. This activity was not needed in current case, but documented for future reference. 2. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP CRM GUI menu
R3AM1 Architecture and Technology à Middleware à Data Exchange à Initial Load à Monitor Objects
3. In the Object Name field, enter the downloaded object to get the download status of this
object. You can also make no entry to get the status of all downloaded objects. 4. Choose Execute (F8). 5. The replication is complete if all objects have the status Done.
2.1.17Checking Business Partners (SAP CRM) Prerequisites In the business partner maintenance of the CRM system, make sure that the business partner has a corresponding entry in the Sales Area of the sales, distribution, and invoicing data.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
SAP CRM WebClient menu
Master Data à Accounts
2. Enter the Account ID of your business partner in the Search Criteria field Account ID is. 3. In Search Criteria field Role, choose the Role Sold-to. 4. In the area view Result List double-click on the business partner Name. 5. Then scroll down to the view area Sales Area Data. This view area might be hidden. It can
be added by choosing Personalize in this Account View.
2.1.18Monitoring Replication Status (SAP CRM) Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
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Transaction code SAP CRM GUI menu
R3AM1 Architecture and Technology à Middleware à Data Exchange à Initial Load à Monitor Objects
2. In the Object Name field, enter CUSTOMER_REL to get the download status of this object. You can also make no entry to get the status of all downloaded objects.
Result The replication is complete if all objects have the status Done.
2.1.19Checking Completeness of Replication (SAP CRM) Procedure To check the completeness of the contact person replication, carry out these steps: 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SE16 SAP CRM GUI menu Architecture and Technology à ABAP Workbench à Overview à Data Browser 2. Enter BUT050 in the field Table Name. 3. Choose Table Contents (Enter). 4. Compare the number of entries with the Relationship Category value BUR001 Contact Person Rel.ship with the number of entries in the ERP table KNVK. The number of entries should be identical. Please note that all contact persons for which the corresponding business partner isn’ t available in the CRM system are not replicated, i.e. you have to set a filter in the tables which is identical with the filter used for the download of customers.
2.2 Replicating Materials Use The following activities are required to replicate the product settings to the CRM system: • Checking Material •
Defining Item Category Groups
Selecting Materials for Replication
Replicating Materials
Monitoring Replication Status
2.2.1 Checking Material (SAP ERP) Use In this step you check whether the material master that you want to sell in your CRM system is in the corresponding sales area in the ERP system.
Procedure Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
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Transaction code SAP ERP GUI menu
MM03 Logistics à Materials Management à Material Master à Material à Display à Display Current
2.2.2 Defining Item Category Groups Use The item categories of the ERP back end have to be created in the same way in the CRM system.
2.2.3 Checking Item Category Groups (SAP ERP) Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP ERP IMG menu
SPRO Sales and Distribution à Sales à Sales Documents à Sales Document Item à Define Item Category Groups
2. All the item category groups are to be copied which are there in ERP.
2.2.4 Copying Item Category Groups (SAP CRM) Procedure To create the item category groups in the CRM system, carry out these steps: 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management à Transactions à Basic Settings à Define Item Category Group 2. On the Item Category Group screen choose New Entries (F5).
3. Paste the relevant item category groups of the ERP back end. 4. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
2.2.5 Selecting Materials for Replication (SAP CRM) Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP CRM GUI menu
R3AC1 Architecture and Technology à Middleware à Data Exchange à Object Management à Business Objects
2. Set the filter for the business object MATERIAL by clicking on the filter symbol. 3. Make sure that you are in change mode. Choose Display Change (Ctrl+F1). 4. In the field Source Site Name choose OLTP. 5. Specify the material numbers for replication, for example by selecting table MARA and field MATNR. 6. Enter the following data:
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Table/Structure MARA
Incl./Excl. Inclusive defined set/array
7. Choose Save (Ctrl+S). 8. Choose No to all on the first dialog box. 9. Choose Continue (Enter) on the second dialog box. 10. Choose Filter Sync. 11. Choose Continue (Enter) on the dialog box. If you specify filter criteria and enter values into numeric fields to narrow the range of objects to be downloaded, make sure you add leading zeros to the value until the full length of the ERP database table field is reached. Material number MARA.MATNR requires 18 digits (000000000010000040). The material number must have the same format as in the ERP system, check database entries with transaction code SE17.
2.2.6 Replicating Materials (SAP CRM) Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code R3AS SAP CRM GUI Architecture and Technology à Middleware à Data menu Exchange à Initial Load à Start 2. In the Load Object field, enter MATERIAL. 3. In the Source Site (Sender) field enter OLTP and in the Destination Site (Receiver) field enter CRM. 4. To run the replication, choose Execute (F8).
2.2.7 Monitoring Replication Status (SAP CRM) Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code R3AM1 SAP CRM GUI Architecture and Technology à Middleware à Data menu Exchange à Initial Load à Monitor Objects 2. In the Object Name field, enter the downloaded object to get the download status of this object. You can also make no entry to get the status of all downloaded objects.
Result The replication is complete if all objects have the status Done.
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In case of problems during replication, call transaction SMWP (Middleware Portal) and search for error states in the area Runtime Information.
2.2.8 Checking Materials (SAP CRM) Prerequisites In the product maintenance of the CRM system, make sure that the product has entries for Sales and Distribution.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
SAP CRM WebClient menu
Master Data à Products
2. Enter the Product ID of one of your replicated products from ERP to CRM. 3. Choose a product in the Result List view area and check the fields in the view areas
Product Details, Categories for completeness.
2.3 Replicating Conditions This chapter describes the Initial Load of Condition Customizing Data and Condition Master Data for specific pricing procedures. When using SAP Best Practices for CRM the sales order processing (quotation, sales order) takes place in the ERP system only.
2.3.1 Creating Pricing Procedures Use In order to replicate condition customizing data and condition master data you have to make sure that the following activities, creating two new customer pricing procedures, have been executed in ERP.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP ERP IMG menu
SPRO Sales and Distribution à Basic Functions à Pricing à Pricing Control à Define And Assign Pricing Procedures
2. Choose Maintain pricing procedures. 3. Choose New Entries (F5) and create the new pricing procedure ZOCLPR CRM Pricing
Procedure PPL. 4. Choose Enter. 5. Select the newly created pricing procedure and choose Control data in the left-hand Dialog
Structure. 6. Choose New entries (F5) and create pricing procedure as below:
Lev el
Co un
Usa ge
Con. Type
Fro m
Manu al
Subto tal
Calculat ion Formul
Base Form ula
Page 32 of 66
a 30 45 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 900 920 950 140
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 30
30 900 900
2 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 10
7. Choose Save (Ctrl+S). 8. Save your entries and select a customizing request if required.
Result Pricing procedure ZOCLPR will be used for the scenario Opportunity Management.
2.3.2 Replicating Conditions (SAP CRM) Use The initial load of the condition customizing object is performed before the initial load of the condition master data objects and after the initial load of business partner master data and material master data has been performed. Please see SAP note 484073 for information about cross-client and client-specific customizing tables. Selecting Condition Customizing for Replication (SAP CRM) Use An important prerequisite to the successful initial download of condition customizing is that all the necessary filter settings are in place. Without using a filter all customizing objects, i.e. pricing procedures etc. are replicated. This activity was performed using download object DNL_CUST_CNDALL. For future maintenance create own download object as described in steps below, which is given as example. In case you would like to run another condition customizing download in an additional CRM client it is recommended to use (copies of) the download objects DNL_CUST_PRC and DNL_CUST_CND_PR with filters instead of DNL_CUST_CNDALL because DNL_CUST_CND_ALL comprises client independent and client dependent customizing whereas the other two objects are restricted to client specific customizing.
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Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP CRM menu
R3AC5 Architecture and Technology → Middleware → Data Exchange → Object Management → Condition Objects
2. Choose Create in the change mode. 3. If you want to create a new condition customizing download object (e.g.,
YDNL_CUST_CNDALL) choose Create Object. Make sure that you enter exactly the same information for the new object as you have for DNL_CUST_CNDALL. 4. Save your entries. 5. The following table can be used as an orientation for defining table filter settings within the
newly created download object. According to your specific data some settings may have to be adapted. Table MNTCNT T681
T682, T682I, T682T, T682Z
T683, T683S, T683U, T683T
T684, T684G, T684T, T684S
T68 5, T685A, T685T, T685Z
Filter settings Not needed. Using field KOTAB enter only those condition tables accessed by condition types from the pricing procedures that you are going to download to the CRM system. Using field KOTABNR enter only those condition tables accessed by condition types from the pricing procedures that you are going to download to the CRM system. Also restrict the Language key to E using field SPRAS and the Usage of the condition table to A using field KVEWE. Using fields KOTABNR enter only those condition tables accessed by condition types from the pricing procedures that you are going to download to the CRM system. Also restrict the Usage of the condition table to A using field KVEWE. Using field KOZGF enter only those access sequences used by condition types from the pricing procedures that you are going to download to the CRM system. It is recommended that you set filters on fields KVEWE and KAPPL, restricting download only to Usage A Pricing and Applications V Sales/Distribution. Set a filter on the field KALSM, specifying only those pricing procedures you want to use in the CRM system. It is recommended that you also set filters on fields KVEWE and KAPPL, restricting download only to Usage A Pricing and Applications V Sales/Distribution Specify filter settings only if you use condition exclusion groups in your pricing procedures that you are downloading to the CRM system. Otherwise, deactivate these tables. Using field KSCHL enter only those condition
Page 34 of 66
types which you use in the pricing procedures that you are going to download to the CRM system. It is recommended that you also set filters on fields KVEWE and KAPPL, restricting download only to Usage A Pricing and Applications V Sales/Distribution You can leave these tables without filter settings. Using field GSTRU only enter those condition tables, which are accessed by condition types from the pricing procedures that you are going to download to the CRM system. You can leave these tables without filter settings.
T686E, T686F TMC1
6. For the SAP Best Practices scenarios only two pricing procedures have to be replicated
from the ERP system to the CRM system: a simplified pricing procedure for CRM Opportunity Management (Y00001) and a pricing procedure for Service Order Management identified in section Determine ERP Sales Pricing Procedure. In order to restrict the download at least on the level of pricing procedures you can add the following filters to the T683 tables in the new download object YDNL_CUST_CNDALL and keep all other filters unchanged: Table T683 T683 T683S T683S T683T T683T T683U T683U
Operator EQ Equality (= Low) EQ Equality (= Low) EQ Equality (= Low) EQ Equality (= Low) EQ Equality (= Low) EQ Equality (= Low) EQ Equality (= Low) EQ Equality (= Low)
Value Y00001 Y00001 Y00001 Y00001
7. Choose Save (Ctrl+S). Replication of Condition Objects Use The purpose of this task is to replicate the condition customizing and the condition master data from the ERP back-end system to the CRM system. 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code R3AS SAP CRM GUI menu Architecture and Technology àMiddleware à Data Exchange à Initial Load à Start 2. Select the new download object YDNL_CUST_CNDALL (if created new) (or the objects DNL_CUST_PRC and DNL_CUST_CND_PR) or DNL_CUST_CNDALL for the condition customizing data. 3. In the Source Site (Sender) field enter OLTP and in the Destination Site (Receiver) field
enter CRM. 4. To run the replication, choose Execute (F8). 5. In the Source Site (Sender) field enter OLTP and in the Destination Site (Receiver) field
enter CRM. 6. To run the replication, choose Execute (F8).
Page 35 of 66 Monitoring Replication Status (SAP CRM) Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP CRM GUI menu
R3AM1 Architecture and Technology à Middleware à Data Exchange à Initial Load à Monitor Objects 2. In the Object Name field, enter the downloaded object to get the download status of this object. You can also make no entry to get the status of all downloaded objects.
Result The replication is complete if all objects have the status Done. In case of problems during replication, call transaction SMWP (Middleware Portal) and search for error states in the area Runtime Information. Checking Completeness of Replication (SAP CRM) Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation option:
Transaction code CND_MAP_LOG_DISPLAY 2. Enter COND_EXCHANGE in the Object field and CONDITIONS in the Subobject field. 3. Check the log file for errors.
You can also compare the content of the ERP condition tables with the corresponding CRM condition tables. The CRM condition tables have the prefix CNCCRMPRSAPXYZ where XYZ is the number of the ERP condition table, e.g. the ERP table A304 is mapped to the CRM table CNCCRMPRSAP304. Displaying Condition Types in Product Conditions (SAP CRM) Use The purpose of this task is to make your downloaded ERP condition types (for example PR00) visible in the CRM product conditions. The following steps are described for condition type PR00 as an example.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu
SPRO Customer Relationship Management à Master Data à Conditions and Condition Technique à Condition Technique: Basics à Create Maintenance Group 2. Select the group PRODUCTCRM (Product sales prices). 3. Double-click on folder Condition Maintenance Group: Detail. 4. Now you can see the permitted conditions and tables displayed in the product conditions. 5. Note the highest used counter. 6. Choose New Entries. 7. Make the following 3 entries for the condition tables SAP004, SAP350 and SAP304:
Page 36 of 66
Counter Appl. Class Usage Condition Table
Next unused Counter
CRM PR Use the condition table you are using for your condition, SAP004, SAP350 and SAP304. Cond. Type In this case ZPPL, ZCAR, ZAGV, YEST, YES2, ZBRO, ZPSD, ZPRC, ZPEC, ZOPV, ZPCH, ZPMC Description 8. Choose Enter and disregard the warning. 9. Save (Ctrl + S) your settings. 10. Check the log for errors.
Result The downloaded conditions are now visible in the CRM product conditions.
2.3.3 Checking Data Integrity of Replication Use The Data Integrity Manager allows to compare customizing and master data between systems (in this case between CRM and ERP). Either Header Compare (Object exists in both systems) or Detail Compare (comparison on field level) can be executed. In the following the compare for the replicated master data objects customer, contacts and products will be described.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP CRM GUI menu
SDIMA Architecture and Technology Middleware Data Exchange Synchronization à Data Integrity Manager
2. Choose New DIMA Instance. 3. Choose Continue. 4. Enter a DIMa Instance description, e.g. Z_CUSTOMER and a DIMa Object, e.g.
CUSTOMER and choose Continue. 5. Check whether the RFC connection points to your connected ERP system. Select Filter
Mode All Filters. 6. Choose Continue. 7. Set a filter which corresponds to the filter you have used for the download of the object,
e.g. customer number range by choosing Append Row. Define the filter by using a combination of table, field and range, e.g. KNA1, KUNNR, BT, 0000100000 – 0000199999. 8. Choose Continue. 9. Choose Complete. 10. Choose DIMa -> Start Compare to run a comparison on header level. 11. Choose DIMa -> Start Detail Compare to run a comparison on field level. 12. Choose Refresh to update the status (traffic light) of the DIMa instance.
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13. In the Results of DIMA Instance list the following information is provided: •
Existence of objects in CRM and ERP
Differences between objects
14. Choose Show First Message to display data inconsistency messages. 15. Correct relevant master data inconsistencies by maintaining the relevant master data to
trigger a delta download of master data between ERP and CRM. 16. Repeat these steps for DIMa objects CONTACTS and MATERIAL.
2.3.4 Object Management Changing Block Size Use The block size specifies the number of object instances that will be selected and forwarded in a single operation. The block size is set by the system. The default value only has to be changed if there are problems (for example, memory overflow when making selection in the ERP system).
Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP CRM GUI menu
R3AC1 Architecture and Technology à Middleware à Data Exchange à Object Management à Business Objects
2. On the Object Overview screen select the object for which the block size should be
changed and choose Filters. 3. Choose Display à Change (Ctrl + F2). 4. Change the entry in the field Block Size. 5. Save (Ctrl + S) your entries. Defining Filters for Objects Use Under Filter Settings you can set filters for a business object. For Customizing and condition objects the filters can be defined only using tables/structures and the table-related filter symbol. If you use more than one filter entry per object, filters to the same table field are linked with an OR. Filters to different table fields are linked by AND. The filter condition VKORG = 0001, VTWEG = 01 results in objects that fulfill both conditions at the same time.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code R3AC1 SAP CRM GUI Architecture and Technology à Middleware à Data menu Exchange à Object Management à Business Objects 2. Select a business object and choose Details.
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3. Choose Filter Settings. 4. Enter the data for the following fields:
Field Source site
Procedure Use the input help to select the site you want to set the filter criteria for. For example, for an initial data transfer from SAP ERP, this is the ERP System from which the data is to be transferred. Note: The selection is dependent on the allowed flow contexts (SMOFINICON). Table Use the input help to select a table, for example, KNA1 for customer master. Field Use the input help to select a field. OP (Operator) Select an operator. LOW Specify the lower limit for the filter condition. If the field you selected is a date field, enter the date with the format YYYYMMDD. Leading zeros should be used as values for example, for customer and material numbers. HIGH Specify the upper limit. Incl./Excl. Specify whether the stated value/interval range should be included or not. Inclusive: the resulting set lies within the range. Exclusive: The resulting set lies outside the range. Inactive Set your filter conditions to active. 5. Save (Ctrl + S) your entries. The Generate Filter pushbutton located below the menu is only used for regenerating filter modules for selected objects, and should only be used in exceptional cases. •
The fields for filtering are available predefined for the objects. You will find the values allowed for each object when you make your selection.
Some objects are delivered with predefined filters. SAP recommends that you do not change or delete. If necessary, you should define new filters. The purpose of filters is to reduce the size of the dataset transferred. You can find the predefined filters in the change functions of the Adapter Framework and in table SMOFFILTAB.
Filter conditions are only stored locally and are not contained in the transport of adapter objects. In this way filters are not transported from the development system to the production system. This is because filter conditions are site-specific and are defined differently in the development system to the production system. New filter settings have to be defined in each system. Improving Performance during Replication Use The initial download of objects such as the material master data can lead to performance problems.
Procedure In order to improve performance, apply SAP Note 350176. Monitoring and Error Analysis for Replication Several tools for monitoring can be used to check the status of the replication.
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Monitoring Download Status
Use The list Monitor Objects shows the current download status (Running, Wait, Done) for previously selected objects.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP CRM GUI menu
R3AM1 Architecture and Technology à Middleware à Monitoring à Data Exchange à Monitor Objects
2. Enter either an object name or an object name area or use the F4 input help.
Leave the selection empty if you want to display all objects. 3. Under Additional Selection Criteria you can select by the current status: Abort, Waiting,
Running or Done. 4. Choose Execute. 5. On the Monitor Download Objects screen you get the following information that gives you
hints about the correctness of the download for each object. Field Value Checkbox Set the indicator to select a transfer object for further processing. Status The following values are possible:
Object name P (Parent) Date Time Block No.
Attempt Source Site Destination
Red (waiting) i.e. not yet started or aborted
Yellow (Running)
Green (Done)
If this indicator is set, there is a superordinate object in the transfer. Date of the last transfer block. Start time of the last transfer block. The block number indicates how many blocks have already been downloaded. If, for example, the block size has been set to 100, then block number 15 means that 1,500 objects have already been posted on the CRM Server database. This field shows the number of attempted transfers. Specification of the RFC OLTP destination. Specification of the CRM system or CDB
6. If an object will not start (red light and status = Waiting), check if the object is dependent
(field Subobject). Only if the parent object has been loaded successfully, can dependent objects be started, e.g. Material can only be downloaded once Customer has been downloaded, since there are materials dependent on customers. 7. If an object has not changed in the Monitor for a long time, (e.g. no increase in block
numbers for the last five minutes), ascertain the reason first and then try to download the object again. In this case you should run the following activities to detect the error.
Page 40 of 66 Monitoring Outbound Queue Procedure 1. This is used in cases when the queues are stuck in replication. With this you can identify
the queues and do the debugging for those. 2. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP CRM GUI menu
SMQ1 Architecture and Technology à Middleware à Monitoring à Queues à Display Outbound RFC Queues
3. To display a list of the queues, enter the client, queue name (for example *) and the queue
destination (for example *). 4. Choose Execute. 5. To display the status, select the queue and choose Display selection (F7). 6. Call a specific outbound queue, select it and choose Display Selection (F7). 7. To display details on a queue, double-click the field Queue name. 8. If the queue was stopped because of capacity overload, use F6 to restart the queue. 9. If a second start of the queue is not successful, call the short dump analysis in the CRM
system. Monitoring Inbound Queue Procedure 1. This is used in cases when the queues are stuck in replication. With this you can identify
the queues and do the debugging for those. 2. To view the inbound queues in the CRM system and their status, choose one of the
following navigation options: Transaction code SMQ2 SAP CRM GUI menu Architecture and Technology à Middleware à Monitoring à Queues à Display Inbound RFC Queues 3. Enter the client and the queue name (for example *). 4. Choose Execute. 5. To display the status, select the queue and choose Display selection (F7). 6. When you double-click the field Status, additional detailed information is generated. 7. To display details on a queue, double-click the Queue name field. 8. On the queue details screen, a red entry in the field Status indicates an error. 9. If the queue has status STOP, this is a Customizing problem in the CRM application. 10. When you double-click on the status field entry detailed information is displayed.
Page 41 of 66 Analyzing BDoc Messages Use By analyzing the BDoc messages you get information about incorrect settings in the CRM system that influences the replication.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP CRM GUI menu
SMW01 Architecture and Technology à Middleware à Monitoring à Message Flow à Display BDoc Messages
2. Specify date and time of the relevant period of time. 3. Choose Execute. 4. BDOC messages with status beginning with E (red traffic light) need manual correction
and retry. 5. Select the message and choose Errors. 6. Here you find notes regarding CRM setting problems. Checking Transactional RFC Requests Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation option:
Transaction code
2. On the initial screen Transactional RFC, specify dates for the display period. 3. Fill in the remaining fields. Alternatively, enter *. 4. Choose Execute. 5. To display further details, drill down in the log. Analyzing ABAP Dumps Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP CRM GUI menu
ST22 Architecture and Technology à Middleware à Monitoring à Performance à Exceptions/Users à Exceptions à ABAP Runtime Errors
2. Specify the period (today, yesterday). 3. Choose Display list (F8). 4. To display the ABAP short dump description, select one of the short dumps and choose
Dump analysis (F2).
Page 42 of 66 Restart Replication Use After detecting and solving the replication error you have to restart the replication. There are no restrictions for repeating data transfers from ERP to CRM.
Procedure In order to restart the replication you have to run the following steps: 1. Canceling download of objects in transaction R3AM1. 2. Deleting outbound queue in transaction SMQ1. 3. Deleting inbound queue in transaction SMQ2. 4. Restart download using transaction R3AS. Cancelling Download of Objects Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP CRM GUI menu
R3AM1 Architecture and Technology à Middlewareà Monitoring à Data Exchange à Monitor Objects
2. Enter either an object name or an object name area or use the F4 input help.
Leave the selection empty if you want to display all objects. 3. Under Additional Selection Criteria you can select the status: Waiting and Running. 4. Choose Execute. 5. On the Monitor Download Objects screen select the objects you want to cancel for
download. 6. Choose the Cancel symbol. Deleting Outbound Queue Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP CRM GUI menu
SMQ1 Architecture and Technology à Middleware à Monitoring à Queues à Display Outbound RFC Queues
2. To display a list of the queues, enter the client, queue name (for example *) and the queue
destination (for example *). 3. Choose Execute. 4. To delete an outbound queue, select the queue and choose Delete selected objects. Deleting Inbound Queue Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Page 43 of 66
Transaction code SAP CRM GUI menu
SMQ2 Architecture and Technology à Middleware à Monitoring à Queues à Display Inbound RFC Queues
2. To display a list of the queues, enter a queue name (for example *). 3. Choose Execute. 4. To delete an inbound queue, select the queue and choose Delete selected objects. Checking Delta Replication Events Use For all master data objects an automatic delta replication will be activated during the initial download, i.e. each modification of a master data object is automatically transferred from the ERP into the CRM system. Customizing data is not automatically replicated. You have to run the delta replication manually or run a background job periodically. The initial load of an object normally performs the activation of delta events automatically. You have to activate the delta events manually only if you need the delta events but have not performed the initial load of an object, for example for sales documents. If all relevant objects that will be used in the scenarios have been downloaded successfully, you can skip this activity.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP ERP GUI menu
SE16 Tools à ABAP Workbench à Overview à Data Browser
2. In the table name field enter TBE31. 3. Choose Table Contents (Enter). 4. Choose Execute (F8). 5. Check the column FUNCT for the relevant entries. For sales documents the relevant entry
is: APPLK FUNCT BC-MID CRS_SALES_COLLECT_DATA If this entry is in the table, the delta replication for sales documents is switched on. In case you need to activate the delta events manually, run the following activity in the CRM system: Transaction code R3AC4 SAP CRM GUI menu Architecture & Technology Middleware à Data Exchange à Delta Load à Set Up Delta Load 1. Choose Display Change in order to switch to change mode. 2. Choose New Entries. 3. Enter the relevant object class in field Object Class and the RFC destination to the ERP
system in the field Destination. 4. Save your entries.
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3 Configuration settings for Marketing master Data Purpose This configuration guide provides the information you need to set up the lean campaign management.
3.1 Defining Objectives Use In this activity, you can define objectives for campaigns and campaign elements. The objective is an optional criterion (together with the campaign type and priority, for example) by which evaluations of the success of a campaign can as well be run in the Business Information Warehouse.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code
Customer Relationship Management → Marketing → Marketing Planning and Campaign Management → Basic Data → Define Objectives
2. In the CRM Marketing Planning: Objectives view maintain the following data: Objective
Description (EN)
Customer Acquisition
Brand Awareness
Z004 Z005
Increase consumer awareness Customer Retention
Product Information
Lead Generation
Result New objectives for campaigns and campaign elements have been defined.
3.2 Defining Tactics Use In this activity, you define the tactics for campaigns and campaign elements .
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
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Transaction code
Customer Relationship Management → Marketing → Marketing Planning and Campaign Management → Basic Data → Define Tactics
2. In the CRM Marketing Planning: Tactics view maintain the following data: Description (EN) Multiple strategies Product Presentation Trade Show
Tactic Z002 Z003 Z004
Result New tactics for campaigns and campaign elements or trade promotions and trade promotion elements have been defined.
3.3 Defining Campaign Types/Objectives/Tactics Use Campaign types are a feature in the Marketing Planner and are used to help categorize individual campaigns or trade promotions (for example, telephone or e-mail campaigns). The campaign type is one of the attributes of a campaign which can be used to compare the success rate of different campaigns. There are no restrictions to the number or category of campaign types you may define.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code
Customer Relationship Management → Marketing → Marketing Planning and Campaign Management → Basic Data → Define Types/Objectives/Tactics
2. Choose New Entries: Field name
User action and values
Z002 Product Promotion
(Description) Category
3. Save your entries. 4. Select the newly created campaign type Z002 and assign the following combination of objectives and tactics to this type on the views Types / Objectives and Types / Objectives / Tactics : Campaign Type Z002
Tacti c
Customer Acquisition
Product Presentation
Page 46 of 66
Z002 Z002
Customer Acquisition Brand Awareness
Z004 Z003
Brand Awareness Increase consumer awareness Increase consumer awareness Customer Retention Customer Retention Product Information Product Information
Lead Generation
Lead Generation
Trade Show Product Presentation Trade Show Product Presentation
Trade Show
Product Presentation
Trade Show
Product Presentation
Trade Show Product Presentation Trade Show
Result A new campaign type has been created and maintained for Marketing Plans.
3.4 Maintaining Sender Addresses for E-Mail Use In this activity, you enter the e-mail address that is to appear as the sender's address for the recipients of a marketing e-mail. You need to make this setting if you are planning an e-mail marketing campaign. In the Marketing Planner, you enter this address on tab page Channels for the marketing element to which the target group is assigned. In addition to a sender address, you can also enter an address that is to appear as the reply address in the e-mail. This enables you to specify two separate addresses where needed.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code
Customer Relationship Management → Marketing → Marketing Planning and Campaign Management → Personalized Mail → Maintain Sender Addresses for E-Mail
2. Choose New Entries (F5). 3. Enter the following values for the new mail address: Ident
Mail Address
[email protected]
4. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).
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Result You have defined the e-mail address that is to appear as the sender's address for the recipients of a marketing e-mail.
3.5 Defining Types for Marketing Plan Use With SAP CRM 7.0, a marketing type is required for the creation of a marketing plan. You can also create and assign objectives specifically for a predefined marketing type and/or create pairs of objectives and tactics for this marketing plan type. These settings need to be defined under Define Objectives and Define Tactics respectively.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code
Customer Relationship Management → Marketing → Marketing Planning and Campaign Management → Basic Data → Define Types/Objectives/Tactics
2. Highlight the entry Z002 and choose Copy As. 3. Enter the following data and save your entries: Field name
User action and values
Marketing Promotion
Marketing Plan
4. Choose copy all and save your entries.
Result A new type for a Marketing Plan has been created.
3.6 Marketing Calendar Use The marketing calendar is designed to act as a central entry point and to provide a working area that gives you an overview of all promotional events within a certain time range, providing basic information, such as the name of the promotion, status and time range in the form of bars. It also allows you to create new promotions or campaigns by creating a bar directly in the appropriate time range and to reschedule any of your planned activities by moving or stretching this bar. You can also delete the activity or copy it elsewhere.
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3.6.1 Assigning Graphic Profile for Marketing Calendar Use In this activity you enter all of the graphic profiles that you wish to make available in the user settings for the marketing calendar. You must make an entry here before you use the calendar. The profile defines how the calendar is displayed, for example, the colors, shapes and so on. You can also decide on the color for each campaign type (type view) and for each status (status view) for every graphic profile. Default: There are four standard graphic profiles: • The first three profiles are color profiles and use color as the differentiating factor. •
Profiles 1 and 2 use the whole color palette.
The third profile does not use the color green.
The fourth profile uses templates to differentiate between the different graphic elements.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code
Customer Relationship Management → Marketing → Marketing Planning and Campaign Management → Marketing Calendar → Assign Graphic Profile for Marketing Calendar
2. Highlight the following graphic profile: Graphics ID
Bar Profile
All Colors - Profile 1
3. In order to maintain specific colors for different campaign types select view Campaign Types and assign the colors accordingly by choosing New Entries. GraphicsID (Campaign) Type (Layer) Type 1 0001 03 1 Z002 12
Result Now you have successfully assigned the graphic profiles for the relevant campaign types to the marketing calendar.
3.7 Campaign Execution 3.7.1 External List Management Use The business scenario External List Management provides you with a comprehensive solution to manage your external address lists to acquire new customers, increase market share, and to increase brand awareness. It encompasses the complete process of procuring external addresses, checking and preparing this data to create business partners and target groups from these address records.
Page 49 of 66 Defining List Type Use In this activity you define the possible types of your lists. If the data in an address list is rented, the indicator is set to Rented. Rented business partners have to be treated in a specific way in the system after upload (for example, restricted use may have to be applied).
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code
Customer Relationship Management → Marketing → External List Management → Define List Type
2. Choose New Entries and maintain the following values: Field name Type Description Rented
User action and values Y1 Customer Contacts
3. Save your entries. Defining List Origin Use In this activity you define the possible origins of your lists. The values that you define here are available in the input help for the field Origin. For each origin defined you can set the consumer indicator to determine general business partners which are created when you generate business partners.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code
Customer Relationship Management → Marketing → External List Management → Define List Origin
2. Choose New Entries and maintain the following values: Field name Origin Description IDType Consumer Prio
User action and values Y00001 Trade Show
3. Save your entries.
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4 Configuration settings for CRM Lead Management Purpose This configuration guide provides the information you need to set up the configuration.
4.1 General Settings for Leads 4.1.1 Defining Lead Origins Use In this activity, you define the different origins that may be assigned to leads.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code
Customer Relationship Management → Transactions → Settings for Leads → Define Lead Origins
2. The following new lead origins need to be defined: Origin Z01 Z02 Z03 Z04 Z05 Z06 Z07 Z08 Z09 Z10
Description Site Walk-in Broker Web Existing Client Inbound Call Inquiry Advertisement Friends & Relatives Exhibition Referal E Mail
Result Some new lead origins have been defined in addition.
4.1.2 Maintaining Organizational Data Profile Use The purpose of this activity is to create a new organization determination profile that allows you to determine the responsible organizational unit by means of the assignment of the respective system user, which creates a business transaction, in the organizational model.
Prerequisites The organizational model has been created and all persons creating business transactions in the CRM system are assigned to an organizational unit - either as user or as business partners with an assigned user.
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Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu
CRMC_ORGPROF Customer Relationship Management → Master Data → Organizational Management → Organizational Data Determination → Change Rules and Profiles → Maintain Organizational Data Profile
2. In order to create the new organizational data determination profile Z00000000005 perform the following steps: 3. Choose New Entries and enter the following values: Field
Z00000000005 Org. Data Profile for Order (Header)
Determination Rules Organizational Model Determin.Rule
10000194 (User org unit)
Responsibilities Determin. Rule
Mandatory Sales Organization Distribution Channel Sales Office 4. Choose Save and select a customizing request if required.
Result A new organizational data determination profile has been created, ready to be assigned to one or more CRM business transactions.
4.1.3 Defining Transaction Type for Lead Use The purpose of this activity is to reduce and adapt the required transaction type for leads.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu
SPRO Customer Relationship Management → Transactions → Basic Settings → Define Transaction Types
2. Select transaction type LEAD and choose Copy As... 3. On the Definition of Transaction Types screen make the following entries (for all other fields the default values can be taken): Field name
User action and values
Transaction Type
Page 52 of 66
Field name
User action and values
General Description
Phadnis Leads
Profiles Partner Determ.Proc.
Org. Data Prof.
4. Save your entries.
Result A new transaction type for leads has been defined. Selecting Relevant Lead Transaction Types Use In this process, you deselect those transaction types for leads that you don’t want to use.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG Customer Relationship Management → Transactions → menu Basic Settings → Define Transaction Types 2. Set the following transaction types to inactive: Trans. Type Description LDCP Partner Lead LDPO Channel Lead LEAD Lead
Inactive Inactive Inactive Inactive
3. Save your entries.
Result Several standard transaction types for leads have been set to inactive.
4.1.4 Defining Number Range for Leads Use Define a new number range for leads that are created in the CRM system.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code CRMC_NR_RA_LEADS SAP CRM IMG Customer Relationship Management → Transactions → menu Basic Settings → Define Number Ranges 2. In the Choose Activity dialog box choose Number Range for Leads and choose Continue. 3. To create new number ranges for leads on the Number range lead CRM screen, choose Change intervals.
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4. Choose Insert interval (Shift+F1). 5. In the Insert Interval dialog box enter, e.g., the following data and choose Insert: Field name
From number
To number
Current number
6. Save your entries. 7. Confirm the information message.
Result A new number range for leads that are created in the CRM system has been created.
4.1.5 Assigning New Number Range Use You can assign the new number range to the new lead transaction type.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management → Transactions → Basic Settings → Define Transaction Types 2. Select the new transaction type ZALD and choose Details. 3. In the Transaction Numbering screen area you can replace the assigned number range with the new one (using the input help): Field name
Transaction Numbering Int.No.Range No
4. Save your entries and choose a customizing request if required.
Result The new number range has been assigned to the new lead transaction type.
4.1.6 Defining Item Category Determination Use In this process, you can define, per business transaction category and item category group, which item categories the system defaults for processing business transactions. At the same time, you can define which item categories can alternatively be entered manually for system default. There are a maximum of three alternative item categories possible.
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Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management → Transactions → Basic Settings → Define Item Category Determination 2. Enter the following values and press Enter. Field name
Transaction Typ
Item Cat. Group
Item Category
3. Save your entries.
Result You have added your own transaction type to the Item Category Determination.
4.1.7 Defining Questionnaires Use The lead qualification process can be supported by using pre-defined questionnaires. The questionnaire in the lead is based on the survey.
Procedure 1. Navigate in the navigation area to marketing and select Surveys: SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management → Transactions → Settings for Leads→ Questionnaire for leads→Define Questionnaire for leads 1. Enter the following data:
Field Name
Survey Detail ID
2. Choose Save.
4.1.8 Defining your individual questionnaire: 1. Click New. a. Enter an ID and choose Application to create a new questionnaire. b. Enter a description for the new questionnaire. c. If you have already assigned a survey to the component, you can choose Change to maintain it.
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d. If you are copying an existing survey from another application, select the survey, choose Copy, assign your newly created survey to application Leads and rename the survey. 2. You can choose Edit to Maintain Survey Attributes. The system opens the maintenance area in which you can maintain the questions, which are as follows: Date of Birth Date of Anniversary Occupation Budget Interested in Source Suggestions if any
4.1.9 Assigning Qualification Levels to Questionnaires Use The qualification level is derived from the percentage rate that is calculated from the answers of the questionnaire.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management → Transactions → Settings for Leads → Questionnaires for Leads → Assign Qualification Levels to Questionnaires 2. Choose New Entries, select questionnaire (PROSPECTIVE CUSTOMER) using the input help and press Enter. 3. Highlight the questionnaire and double-click on view Qualification Level. 4. Choose New Entries and define the following qualification levels: Qualification Level Minimum percentage Cold 07 Warm 92 Hot 95 5. Save your entries and select a customizing request if necessary.
Result Qualification levels and the percentage rates belonging to them have been defined and assigned to a questionnaire.
4.1.10Defining Determination for Questionnaires Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management → Transactions → Settings for Leads → Questionnaires for Leads → Define Determination for Questionnaires 2. Choose New Entries enter the following values (and keep the other columns empty):
Page 56 of 66
Field name
User action and values
Questionnaire ID
Activ 3. Save your entries and select a customizing request if necessary. 4. Choose Back.
Result A new determination for questionnaires has been defined.
4.1.11Defining Copy Control from Lead to Opportunity Use In this activity you define the copying control for transaction type ZLED to ZOPT.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code SPRO SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management → Transactions → Basic Settings → Copying Control for Business Transactions → Define Copying Control for Transaction Types 2. Select the existing copying control entry from LEAD (source transaction type) to OPPT (target transaction type) and choose Copy As…. 3. On the Change View Copy Transaction Types screen make the following entries: Field name
User action and values
Source trans.
Tgt Trans. Type
4. Choose Enter. 5. Save your entries.
5 Configuration settings for Basic Sales Purpose This configuration guide provides the information you need to set up the basic sales scenario in CRM.
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5.1 Maintaining Organizational Data Profile Use The purpose of this activity is to create a new organization determination profile that allows you to determine the responsible organizational unit by means of the assignment of the respective system user, which creates a business transaction, in the organizational model.
Prerequisites The organizational model has been created and all persons creating business transactions in the CRM system are assigned to an organizational unit - either as user or as business partners with an assigned user.
Procedure Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu
CRMC_ORGPROF Customer Relationship Management → Master Data → Organizational Management → Organizational Data Determination → Change Rules and Profiles → Maintain Organizational Data Profile
1. To create the new organizational data determination profile Z00000000001 perform the following steps: 2. Choose New Entries and enter the following values: Field
Profile (first field)
SALE Sales
Determination Rules Organizational Model Determin. Rule
10000194 (User org unit)
Responsibilities rule Mandatory Sales Organization Distribution Channel Sales Office
3. Choose Save and select a customizing request if required.
Result A new organizational data determination profile has been created and is ready to be assigned to one or more CRM business transactions.
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6 Configuration settings for Activity Management Purpose This Configuration Guide provides the information you need to set up the configuration of activity management.
6.1 Settings for Basic Functions for Activity Management Defining Partner Determination In this section you do the settings for partner processing. You should carry out the following: 1. Define partner functions 2. Define access sequences 3. Define partner determination procedures in which you specify an access sequence 4. Assign the partner determination procedures to the required business transaction types.
6.1.1 Defining Partner Functions Use In this activity, you define partner functions by entering short descriptions (such as pharmacist or stock options analyst), assigning them to partner function categories and entering usages, such as Customer Relationship Management. The descriptions you enter here are displayed in the transactions that include these partner functions.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu
SPRO Customer Relationship Management → Basic Functions → Partner Processing → Define Partner Functions
2. Select partner function 00000015 Contact Person and set the Block indicator. 3. Create Following partner additionally copying Partner Function Description Z0000014
Sales Employee
Back Office Sales Person
Power of Attorney
Alternate Contact Person
Created By
Front Office Sales Person
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6.1.2 Defining Partner Determination Procedure Use The purpose of this activity is to define a partner determination Y0000002 procedure with calendar entry and partner determination procedure Y0000004 with no calendar entry.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu
SPRO Customer Relationship Management → Basic Functions → Partner Processing → Define Partner Determination Procedure
2. Select Procedure 00000002 Business Activities and copy as….and assign the partner functions as shown in table below. Procedure
Partner Function
00000015 00000021 00000024 Z0000014 Z0000019
00000001 00000014 00000015 00000021 Z0000019
00000001 00000012 00000014 00000015 00000021 Z0000014 Z0000018 Z0000019
In section Assigning Profiles and Procedures to Transaction Types the Partner Determination Procedure is assigned to the relevant transaction types.
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6.1.3 Defining Transaction Types Use A transaction type controls the processing of a specific business transaction. It defines the properties and characteristics (for example, sales order, service request, sales call) and defines further on the control attributes (for example, text determination procedure, partner determination procedure, status profile, organizational data profile). A transaction type is assigned to one or several business transaction categories. This category determines the business context in which the transaction type can be used (for example, service, sales, activity). One business transaction category must be defined as the leading category. This one is not related hierarchically to other transaction categories, but represents a preference. A sales transaction with business activity data would, for example, be more likely to have sales as leading business transaction category than business activity. Depending on the leading business transaction category, only specific combinations are possible with further business transaction categories. The purpose of this activity is to reduce and adapt the required transaction types.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code
Customer Relationship Management →Transactions → Basic Settings → Define Transaction Types
2. Copy the following transaction types to the new transaction types with the following description. Transaction Type
Ph Outgoing Mail
Allotment Process
Complaint & Maintenance
Extrawork Process
Final Possession
After Sales Process
Phadnis Leads
Loan NOC
Phadnis Opportunity
3. Choose Save.
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6.2 Actions Use Actions in CRM use the Post Processing Framework (PPF). The Post Processing Framework is a Basis component which generates actions from the data for an application according to an action definition. The actions are processed at a specific time. The PPF provides the tools for planning, starting and monitoring the actions.
6.2.1 Defining Action Profiles and Actions Use The purpose of this activity is to create an action profile and templates for actions. When creating an action profile, note for which business transaction type you can use this action profile. You must assign the relevant business object type to the action profile. The assignment of the business object type makes sure that the attributes for the relevant business transaction type can be used for defining and processing the conditions. Only one business object can be assigned for each action profile. All maximum allowed actions are defined for a transaction type. In this activity, you create an action profile and templates for actions. You can define the action templates more closely in the following step Defining Conditions.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code CRMC_ACTION_DEF SAP CRM IMG menu Customer Relationship Management → Basic Functions → Actions → Actions in Transaction → Change Actions and Conditions → Define Action Profiles and Actions 2. Copy the action profile ACTIVITY with the description Activities to create following action profile 3. Action Profile ZACTION_ALLOT ZACTION_OPPT ZAGREEMENT ZLEADACTPROFILE 4. Choose Save.
6.2.2 Defining Conditions Use In this step, you process the action templates you have created in the activity Defining Action Profiles and Actions.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code
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Customer Relationship Management → Basic Functions → Actions → Actions in Transaction → Change Actions and Conditions → Define Conditions
2. Double-click the action template under Scheduling of Actions. 3. Choose Create from the toolbar on the right-hand side and then choose the action definition. 4. Go to the Processing Details tab. 5. Deselect Default Settings from Action Definition. 6. Maintain the settings as needed. 7. Following action definitions are assigned to to action templates.
Action template
Action definition
Allotment form to set status blocked in Product Master ERP
Inventory Status
Quotation form print Send mail - Thank you mail Preview Mail_Lead Mail
6.2.3 Assigning Organizational Data Profile to Transaction Types Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code
Customer Relationship Management →Transactions → Basic Settings → Define Transaction Types
2. Assign the Org. Data Profile to the following transaction types: Trans. Type
Org Data Profile
Page 63 of 66
Trans. Type
Org Data Profile
6.2.4 Assigning Partner Determination Procedure to Transaction Types Use Assign the Partner Determination Procedure to the following transaction types.
Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code
Customer Relationship Management →Transactions → Basic Settings → Define Transaction Types
Trans. Type
Partner Determination Procedure
6.2.5 Assigning Action Profile to Transaction Types Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction code
Customer Relationship Management →Transactions → Basic Settings → Define Transaction Types
Trans. Type
Partner Determination Procedure
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2. Save the settings
6.2.6 Assigning Text Determination Procedure to Transaction Types Use You can assign Text Determination Procedures to Transaction Types.
Procedure 1. Access the transaction type using the following navigation options:
Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu
SPRO Customer Relationship Management →Transactions → Basic Settings → Define Transaction Types
2. Assignment as follows:
Trans. Type Z005
Text Determination Procedure ACT00003
3. Save the entries
7 Configuration settings for CRM Opportunity Management 7.1 Defining Transaction Type for Opportunity Use In this process, you define transaction types. The business transaction type defines the characteristics for the opportunity, and defines the control attributes (for example, text schema, partner schema, status schema, organizational data profile).
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Procedure 1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code SAP CRM IMG Menu
SPRO Customer Relationship Management → Transactions → Basic Settings → Define Transaction Types
2. Select Trans.Type OPSM and choose Copy As… (F6). 3. Enter a new name for the Trans.Type (ZOPT). Enter a unique description for your Transaction Type (Phadnis Opportunity). 4. Save the entries
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