SAP BW BEX Reporting User Guide

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Developer’s Guide SAP NetWeaver 2004s SPS 7

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis Document Version 3.00 – März 2006

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Contents 1

ENTERPRISE REPORTING, QUERY, AND ANALYSIS.................................................. 1


GETTING INVOLVED ........................................................................................................ 2 2.1






Working with the Development Environment ............................................................ 2

GO AND CREATE ............................................................................................................. 3 3.1

Defining New Queries ............................................................................................... 3


Creating Web Applications with the BEx Web Application Designer ........................ 7

CORE DEVELOPMENT TASKS ..................................................................................... 10 4.1

Developing User Interfaces..................................................................................... 11 4.1.1 Web Application Design: BEx Web Application Designer ............................ 11 4.1.2 Enterprise Reporting .................................................................................. 271 4.1.3 Design Mode .............................................................................................. 298


Developing Business Logic ................................................................................... 344 4.2.1 Installing Business Content ........................................................................ 344 4.2.2 Query Design: BEx Query Designer........................................................... 353 4.2.3 Customer and Partner Content .................................................................. 469


Using Connectivity and Interoperability................................................................. 529 4.3.1 Report-Report Interface.............................................................................. 530 4.3.2 Open Analysis Interfaces ........................................................................... 545 4.3.3 Open Standards in the SDK ....................................................................... 609 4.3.4 BI Java Connectors .................................................................................... 614 4.3.5 Access to External Data Sources............................................................... 628


Applying Extensibility ............................................................................................ 630 4.4.1 Customer Exits ........................................................................................... 630 4.4.2 Classic BAdIs ............................................................................................. 631


Enabling Globalization .......................................................................................... 632

ENSURING QUALITY.................................................................................................... 633 5.1

Testing................................................................................................................... 633 5.1.1 Query Monitor............................................................................................. 633 5.1.2 BI Content Analyzer.................................................................................... 649


Logging and Tracing ............................................................................................. 666

REFERENCE ................................................................................................................. 666 6.1

API Documentation ............................................................................................... 666


Web Application Examples ................................................................................... 667


Checklist for Defining Queries............................................................................... 667

COPYRIGHT .................................................................................................................. 667 7.1

SAP Copyrights and Trademarks.......................................................................... 667

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis

March 2006

Working with the Development Environment


Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis

Purpose You can use various BI interfaces and tools to adapt the Enterprise Reporting, Query and Analysis scenario to your needs.

Advantages for Application Development ●

With BI, you can define your own queries, reports, and Web applications to best represent the processes of your enterprise.

Customers and partners of BI can develop their own content and deliver it to their business units. You can also make limited modifications and changes to BI Content.

Business Explorer Web application design allows you to apply generic OLAP navigation to BI data in Web applications and Business Intelligence cockpits. You can implement this for all scenarios, from simple scenarios to highly specialized scenarios. You can use standard markup languages and Web design APIs to implement highly individual scenarios with user-defined interface elements.

The Visual Composer provides functions that allow you to integrate BI queries into analytical applications. You use the BI integration wizard to define queries for any type of data service that is connected using BI Java connectors.

With the SAP enhancement concept, you can make enhancements to the standard in the BI system. You can use customer exits and BAdIs for enhancements within query design und Web application design.

Services that are based on the SAP NetWeaver Internet Communication Framework (ICF) are delivered with BI. The BI HTTP services allow you to display or exchange BI data using a URL.

The report-report interface allows you the flexibility to call a jump target (receiver) online from a BEx query (sender) within or outside of the BI system.

BI provides interfaces for evaluating data for reporting with third-party front-end tools.

You use the BI Java SDK to create analytical applications with which you access both multidimensional (Online Analytical Processing or OLAP) and tabular (relational) data. You can also edit and display this data.

Prerequisites Area


Development of BI content: queries, reports, Web applications


Developing customer and partner content

ABAP development license

Web application design

Proficiency in standard markup languages

BI in Visual Composer


Enhancements using function exits and BAdIs

ABAP proficiency

ICF services

ABAP proficiency

Report-report interface


Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis


Getting Involved

March 2006

Working with the Development Environment

Connecting to third-party front-end tools

For more information about the technical prerequisites, see Open Analysis Interfaces [Page 545].


Java programming proficiency; Business Intelligence experience

How to Use This Documentation If you have no experience of working with Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis, start with the following sections: Working with the Development Environment [Page 2] Go and Create [Page 3] These sections contain information about the basic principles, as well as introductory tutorials. If you have previous experience of working with Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis, you can use these sections as a reference for specific details.


Getting Involved

This section provides an overview of the concepts and the development environment.


Working with the Development Environment

Purpose The BI system provides heterogeneous development environments for the Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis scenario. Area

Development Environment

Development of BI content: queries, reports, Web applications

BEx Query Designer, Report Designer, Web Application Designer

Developing customer or partner content

BEx Query Designer, Report Designer, Web Application Designer

Web Application Design

Web Application Designer

BI in Visual Composer

Visual Composer

Customer exits and BAdIs

ABAP Workbench tools

ICF services

Internet Communication Framework (ICF)

Report-report interface

BI system

Connection of third-party front-end tools using open analysis interfaces

Not determined


Visual Composer, Developer Studio

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis


Go and Create

March 2006

Defining New Queries


Go and Create

We provide instructions for first development in the following areas:

Designing a Query You use a query to evaluate the data in an InfoProvider. For information about creating a simple query with the Query Designer, see Defining New Queries [Page 368].

Web Application Design You use the BEx Web Application Designer to create Web applications with BI-specific content. To do this, you create an HTML page that displays the BI data in the form of tables, images, or maps. For information about creating a simple BEx Web application using the BEx Web Application Designer, see Creating Web Applications with the BEx Web Application Designer [Page 47].

BI Java SDK You use the BI Java SDK to create analytical applications with which you access both multidimensional (Online Analytical Processing or OLAP) and tabular (relational) data. You can also edit and display this data. See Chapter 1 of the Developers Guide for the BI Java SDK for two tutorials on developing complete scenarios, from extracting data to displaying it on an HTML page: •

Hello MDX: First Example for a Multidimensional Data Source

Hello SQL: First Example for a Relational Data Source

You can access the Developer’s Guide for the BI Java SDK in SDK distribution packages or on the SDN at → Release → Business Intelligence.


Defining New Queries

Use You need queries as data providers for data analysis in the BEx Analyzer or in BEx Web Applications. Queries as data providers are also used to create reports. To do this, in the BEx Query Designer, you define new queries based on InfoProviders.

Prerequisites At least one InfoProvider must be available in the BI system. You have called the BEx Query Designer using one of the following options: ●

Standalone, by choosing Start → Programs → Business Explorer → Query Designer.

BEx Web Application Designer: In the menu bar of the Web Application Designer, you have chosen Tools → BEx Query Designer.

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis


Go and Create

March 2006

Defining New Queries ●

BEx Analyzer: You are in an empty cell and have chosen Tools → Define New Query in the analysis toolbar.

BEx Report Designer: In the menu bar of the Report Designer, you have chosen Tools → BEx Query Designer.

Finally, you chose Query → New in the Query Designer menu bar.

Procedure Overview You define queries by: ●

Selecting an InfoProvider for which the query is defined

Selecting reusable structures that already contain characteristic or key figure combinations (for example, contribution margin schema)

Selecting characteristics from the InfoProvider

Restricting selected characteristics to characteristic values, characteristic value intervals, or hierarchy nodes

Using variables for characteristic values, hierarchies, hierarchy nodes, formulas, and texts or defining new variables where necessary

Selecting key figures from the InfoProvider

Formulating calculated key figures

Restricting key figures by combining them with characteristics

Defining exception cells

Arranging the characteristics and key figures in rows or columns and thereby establishing an initial view for the query analysis

The steps that are not in bold are optional. You do not have to use these functions.

Defining Queries The selection screen is displayed for all InfoProviders for which you can define a new query. ...

1. From your history, or from all available InfoProviders under InfoAreas, select the InfoProvider that you want to base your query on.

If you want to show the technical name of the InfoProvider, choose the symbol Technical Name On/Off. 2. The available objects for the InfoProvider you selected are displayed as a directory tree in the InfoProvider screen area.

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis


Go and Create

March 2006

Defining New Queries The Filter screen area contains empty directories for the filter selection; the screen area Rows/Columns contains empty directions for the rows, the columns, and the free characteristics of the query. The preview of the results area for the query can be found at the bottom right. This area is also still empty. For more information about the process of creating a query, see Working with the BEx Query Designer [Page 356] in the section Proceed As follows to Create a Query. 3. Make the selections for the filter of the query. Note that the filter selection has a restricting effect on the entire query, which means that all the InfoProvider data is aggregated with the filter selection. From the directory tree of the InfoProvider, select the characteristics or the key figure on which the query is to be based. ○

Characteristics Expand the required dimension directory and first select one or more characteristics that you wish to restrict to one or more values, a variable, a value interval or a hierarchy node from the InfoProvider. Expand this characteristic and using drag and drop, drag: ■

one or more single values in the Characteristic Restrictions area of the filter.

one or more characteristics in the Characteristic Restrictions area of the filter. Using the secondary mouse button on a characteristic, choose Restrict in the context menu. Then select a characteristic value interval or a hierarchy node (see also: Restricting Characteristics [Page 371]). ○

Key Figure

Decide whether all of the query data is to refer to the numerical values of a key figure or whether the query should be based on several key figures. If the query refers to the numerical values of one key figure, select the corresponding key figure for the InfoProvider tree and drag it to the Filter area using drag and drop. You can also use a restricted or calculated key figure (see also: Defining Restricted Key Figures [Page 434] and Defining Calculated Key Figures [Page 436]). If required, define default values for the filter by dragging the required filter values into the Default Values area of the filter using drag and drop. For more information, see Filters [Page 402]. 4. Determine which characteristics, key figures, or structures you want to use to navigate through the query data. Using drag and drop, drag the corresponding directories of the characteristics of the InfoProvider tree to the directories Rows, Columns, or Free Characteristics in the Rows/Columns screen area, or drag the structure directories into the rows or columns.

You can use any number of characteristics in the query; however, the number of characteristics in the drilldown is restricted. In the Free Characteristics area, an unlimited number of characteristics is permitted, but the rows and columns may include a maximum of 50 - characteristics only. If the query does not contain a structure, a total of 50 characteristics are permitted in the rows and columns. If you use one structure, 49 characteristics are permitted, and with two structures, 48 characteristics are permitted in the rows and columns. If you have not selected any key figures for the filter, define one or more key figures either in the rows or columns of the query. Using drag and drop, drag a key figure from the Key Figures directory in the InfoProvider tree into one of the directories, Rows or

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis


Go and Create

March 2006

Defining New Queries Columns. The Query Designer automatically generates a new structure with the proposed description Key Figures, which includes the selected key figure. You can also define a new calculated key figure and use it for the query. For example, instead of “Sales revenue”, define the key figure “Price”, which is calculated by dividing “Sales revenue” by “Quantity”. Select the Key Figures directory in the InfoProvider tree and choose New Calculated Key Figure in the context menu (using the secondary mouse button). You can restrict key figures to characteristic values, characteristic value intervals, or hierarchy nodes by selecting the key figure and choosing Edit in the context menu (using the secondary mouse button). A restricted key figure would be “Sales revenue in first quarter”, for example. By placing the characteristics, key figures, or structures either in the rows or columns directory, you configure the first navigational state of the query (start view). In the lower right area, you can see a preview of the results area of the query in the start view that you selected.

You can change the arrangement of the key figures and characteristics in the rows and columns using drag and drop until the preview shows the results area you want. 5. When you have created the query, you can check the query definition by choosing Query → Check in the menu bar. Choose Query → Properties in the menu bar if you want to change the Description, settings for Result Position, Display Options and Number Display, or Key Date for the query. See also Query Properties [Page 438]. 6. Save the query. Enter a Technical Name and a Description for the query. The Technical Name must uniquely identify the query; this means the name may appear only once across all InfoProviders of the BI System. The technical name can contain a maximum of 30 characters and must begin with a letter.

Result The query has been saved and can now: ●

Be used in the BEx Analyzer as a data provider for design items

Be used in the Web Application Designer as a data provider for Web items.

Be displayed in the BEx Web Analyzer: Choose Query → Execute.

You can analyze the query data in the Business Explorer.

See also: Creating Reusable Structures [Page 399] Properties of Query Components [Page 443] Functions of the Menu Bar in the Query Designer [Page 358] Authorizations for the Query Definition [External]

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis


Go and Create

March 2006

Creating Web Applications with the BEx Web Application Designer


Creating Web Applications with the BEx Web Application Designer

Use Using the BEx Web Application Designer, you can create a BEx Web application (an HTML page with BI-specific content) easily.

Procedure ...

1. Creating a Web template The Web template is the starting point for creating a Web application. The Web template [Page 28] is an XHTML document that is used to define the structure of a Web application. It contains placeholders for Web items, data providers, and commands. A Web template becomes a Web application when the data is displayed in the Web browser. During the design process, you change the Web template by embedding placeholders for Web items and data providers. You can keep track of these changes in the XHTML view. To create a new Web template [Page 28], choose Web Template → New in the Web Application Designer menu bar. You can also create Web templates from the Select Web Template window. Choose Create New Web Template. 2. Setting the data binding/selection of the data provider The data for your Web items is provided by data providers that you create in the Web Application Designer. You can assign a data provider to multiple Web items. The data provider concept makes it possible to change the data source of a Web item easily. If a particular data provider is assigned to more than one Web item, any changes made affect all the assigned Web items. By means of navigation (by changing the drilldown), the Web item always displays the current drilldown data.

A data provider is a dynamic object that returns current data for one or more Web items at runtime. You define the start view of the data provider by selecting a query or a query view. For more information about data providers, see Data Providers in BI Applications [External]. There are several ways to create data providers: a. In the Data Provider section in the Web Items screen area i.

Select whether you want to create a data provider of type Filter or type Query View, and drag the corresponding line into the lower data provider section of the Web template screen area. The Maintain Data Provider dialog box appears.


Assign a name to the data provider and make the remaining settings required.

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis


Go and Create

March 2006

Creating Web Applications with the BEx Web Application Designer

In the dropdown box beneath the name field, you can also select or change the data provider type. b. Using the New Data Provider symbol in the lower data provider section of the Web Template screen area i.

Double-click to choose New Data Provider. The Maintain Data Provider dialog box appears.


Proceed as described under a. ii.

c. Using the General tab page in the Properties screen area You can only use this option if you have already inserted a Web item into your Web template. i.

In the header of the properties screen area, select the Web item for which you want to create a data provider.


On the General tab page, choose New Data Provider. The Maintain Data Provider dialog box appears. Proceed as described under a. ii. The data provider is assigned to the selected Web item. You can also create more than one data provider, as described under c. The data providers are listed in the dropdown box under Assigning Data Providers. This enables you to assign a different data provider to the selected Web item. The Maintain Data Provider dialog box appears under data provider: . You can modify or change the settings for the data provider here.

When you have created a data provider, it is assigned to the inserted Web item. Assigning depends on the order of the data providers in the inner structure of the Web template. See also 4.a. 3. Adding a Web item The Web items [Page 54] in the Web Items screen area serve as templates. By dragging a Web item into your Web template, you create an actual version of the Web item; this is called an object. The Web item has a name and certain other default parameters that you can change as required (see also 4.). You see the changes in the XHTML view. A Web item tag for the Web item and a data provider tag for the data provider (assuming you have created a data provider) were integrated into the XHTML as placeholders. Change the name of the Web item and assign a data provider to it. In the XHTML view, you can see that your settings have been written to the Web item tag. The layout you choose is also applied in the XHTML. a. Drag a Web item [Page 54] from one of the Web item groupings Standard, Extended, or Miscellaneous in the Web Items screen area to the Web template by using dragand drop. The Web item appears in the Web template.

Underneath the selection area for Web items and data provider maintenance, you see the help area, which provides explanations for the Web items and data providers. To display the texts for a Web item, select the Web item by doubleclicking with the secondary mouse button. To hide the texts, proceed in the same way. When you hide the display of texts and select a Web item by singleclicking it, a quick info is displayed for the Web item. b. If you want to rename the inserted Web item, proceed as follows:

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis


Go and Create

March 2006

Creating Web Applications with the BEx Web Application Designer In the Properties screen area, choose Rename Web Item to the right of the dropdown box in which the inserted Web items are listed. Name the Web item by overwriting the default text under Name in the Properties screen area next to the dropdown box in which the inserted Web items are listed. 4. Specifying the properties of the Web item a. In the Properties screen area, choose the General tab page to make or change the assignment of a data provider for the corresponding Web item. See also 2. b. Choose the Web Item Parameters tab page to set the parameters for the selected Web item.

You can also set the parameters for the Chart Web item using the Edit Chart dialog box. Choose Edit in the context menu of the Chart Web item or Edit Chart in the Internal Display parameter grouping of the Chart Web item. For more information, see Editing Charts [Page 175]. 5. Adding additional Web items To insert additional Web items, repeat steps 3 and 4.

When you insert additional Web items using Insert → Web Item, pay attention to where you position the cursor in your Web template. The cursor position determines where the new Web item is inserted. See also Designing the Layout of Web Templates [Page 30]. When you insert Web items using dragand drop, the position of the cursor is irrelevant.

Make sure that you set the data binding and any Web itemspecific parameter settings for the correct Web item. To make settings for a Web item, select the Web item in the layout view. In the header of the Properties window, the system displays the Web item for which you can change the settings. As an alternative to selecting the individual Web items, you can use the dropdown box to toggle between the attributes of individual Web items.

6. Designing a Web template layout In the Web Application Designer, you create your Web template in the same way you do in various XHTML editors. See also Designing the Layout of Web Templates [Page 30]. 7. Changing the Web template properties a. To change the default properties of the Web template, select the Web template from the dropdown box in the Properties screen area. b. Choose the Web Template Parameters tab page, where you can change the parameter settings for the Web template. For more information, see Web Template Properties [Page 30]. 8. Saving and executing the Web template You execute the Web template in the Web browser (portal). The Web template becomes a Web application, which means the template is saved on the Application Server for ABAP and a URL is generated for this Web application.

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Creating Web Applications with the BEx Web Application Designer At runtime (triggered by calling the URL), the BI tags are replaced by corresponding HTML with the information determined by the Web item and data provider settings. When this is done, the Web template on the Application Server for ABAP is accessed. Therefore, you must save your Web template before you execute it. a. To save your Web template, in the menu bar of the Web Application Designer, choose Web Template → Save. b. Choose Web Template → Execute to view your Web application in the browser (portal). You must save the Web template before executing it in the Web browser. Therefore, when you execute the template, you are asked to save it if you have not already done so.

To assign a Web template to a role, choose Web Template → Publish → In Role. See also Role Maintenance [External].

To copy the URL of a Web template to the clipboard, choose Web Template → Publish → Copy URL to Clipboard. The Web template, however, must already be saved.

To broadcast a Web template, choose Web Template → Publish → BEx Broadcaster. For more information, see Precalculating and Broadcasting Queries, Query Views, Web Templates and Reports [External].

Result Your Web application is started and displayed in the portal, which in turn runs in a Web browser.

If you want to print your Web application, choose Print in the context menu for the executed Web application. See also: Further Editing Web Templates [Page 34]


Core Development Tasks

This section forms the core of the Developer's Guides and describes the central areas of the development phase.

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces


Developing User Interfaces

Purpose Web Application Design Business Explorer Web application design allows you to create highly individual scenarios with user-defined interface elements by using standard markup languages and Web design APIs. You can adjust and enhance the Web templates (the HTML pages that determine the structure of Web applications) on an individual basis. Before you start creating a Web application, we recommend that you consider some basic points: See also Calling the Web Application [Page 43]. For more information about Web application design, see Web Application Design: BEx Web Application Designer [Page 11] and Web Design API [Page 53].

Enterprise Report Design You can use the Report Designer to format and adapt the layout of your business data, according to your needs, in the form of a report. For more information, see BEx Report Designer [Page 278].

Using Microsoft Excel Formatting You can use the functions of Microsoft Excel to format your workbook, add new worksheets, and define graphics and charts. For more information, see Design Mode [Page 298].

BEx Workbooks Design You can configure various settings for your workbooks or apply themes to your workbooks. For more information, see Workbook Settings [Page 303].

BI Java SDK You use the BI Java SDK to create analytical applications with which you access both multidimensional (Online Analytical Processing or OLAP) and tabular (relational) data. You can also edit and display this data. You use command processors [External] to create and edit complex queries with simple commands. For more information, see the Developer’s Guide in SDK distribution packages or on the SDN at → BI.


Web Application Design: BEx Web Application Designer

Use Web application design, with the BEx Web Application Designer as its main tool, allows you to use generic OLAP navigation for your BI data in Web applications as well as in business

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces intelligence cockpits for simple or highly individual scenarios. Web application design comprises a broad spectrum of Web-based business intelligence scenarios, which you can adjust to meet your individual needs using standard Web technologies.

Features The following figure shows how the Web Application Designer is integrated into the function landscape and tool landscape of the Business Explorer: SAP NetWeaver Portal Business Explorer Suite (BEx) Information Broadcasting BEx Web

BEx Analyzer BI Pattern

Web Analyzer

Web Application Designer

Report Designer

Microsoft Excel Add-in

BI Consumer Services

3rd Party BI

BI InfoProvider

BEx Query Designer

You can use this BEx Web Application Designer [Page 12], the desktop application used to create Web applications, to generate HTML pages that contain BI-specific contents such as tables, charts or maps. These objects, which retrieve BI data from a data provider and place it in a Web application as HTML, are known as Web items. For more information about the Web items available, see Web Items [Page 54]. Web Applications are based on Web Templates [Page 28] that you create and edit in the Web Application Designer. You can save the Web templates and access them from the Web Browser or the portal. Once they have been executed in the Web, Web templates are known as Web Applications. Business Explorer Web application design allows you to create highly individual scenarios with user-defined interface elements by using standard markup languages and the Web design API. You can adjust and enhance the Web templates (the HTML pages that determine the structure of Web applications) on an individual basis. For more information on this, see Web Design API [Page 53].

BEx Web Application Designer

Use The BEx Web Application Designer is a desktop application for creating Web applications with BI-specific content. Using the BEx Web Application Designer, you can create an HTML page containing BI-specific content such as various tables, charts, or maps. This HTML page (Web application) is the basis not only for Web applications with complex interaction, but also for Web cockpits and iViews.

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces

Features The initial view of the BEx Web Application Designer has four different screen areas in addition to the menu and Toolbars [Page 18]. ●

Web Items Screen Area [Page 14]

Web Template Screen Area [Page 14]

Properties Screen Area [Page 16]

Error and Warnings Screen Area [Page 17]

For a detailed guide on creating Web applications, see Creating Web Applications with the BEx Web Application Designer [Page 47]. For more information about creating Web applications, see Creating Web Applications [Page 43]. You can adjust the appearance of the Web Application Designer to your requirements. The object on which you are working, namely the Web template, is handled differently from the tools and help windows with which you are working. ●

You can show and hide the individual screen areas and toolbars using the View menu option.

You can move the three toolbars and the Web Items and Properties windows as you require. Depending on where you move the object to, it is anchored or it appears freely as a toolbox.

Since the Web Application Designer is a Multi-Document Interface Application (MDI Application), you can open and manage different windows with Web templates at the same time. You can use the Window menu option to arrange the windows differently: cascading (overlapping), vertical or horizontal.

Screen Areas in the Web Application Designer

Use The initial default view of the Web Application Designer consists of the following four screen areas to assist you when you work with the BEx tool: Web Items Screen Area [Page 14] Web Template Screen Area [Page 14] Properties Screen Area [Page 16] Error and Warnings Screen Area [Page 17]

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces

Web Items Screen Area

Definition A component of the Web Application Designer

Use The Web Items window offers a pool of Web items [Page 54] that you can use to create your Web application.

A Web item describes the way in which the data from a data provider [External] is displayed, such as tables (Web item Analysis), maps (Web item Map) and graphics (Web item Chart).

Structure The Web Items screen area is divided into the following sections: ●

The selection groups for Web items (master Web items) are located in the upper area, divided into various categories: ○

Web-Item Grouping: Standard [Page 55]

Web-Item Grouping: Extended [Page 93]

Web-Item Grouping: Miscellaneous [Page 149]

Under Data Provider, you can create data providers of type Filter or of type Query View. Drag the required data provider type into your Web template using Drag&Drop. The dialog for creating data providers opens. ●

Underneath the selection for Web items and data provider maintenance, you see the help area, which provides explanations for the Web items and the data providers. To display the texts for the respective Web item, select the Web item by double-clicking with the right mouse button. To hide the texts, proceed in the same way. Once you have hidden the display of texts and selected a Web item by single clicking, a quick info is displayed for the Web item.

Web Template Screen Area

Definition A component of the Web Application Designer.

Use The Web Template window contains the Web templates that you edit in the design process and that form the basis of your Web applications.

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The HTML page published on the Web is called a Web application. The Web template [Page 28] is the HTML page that you use to specify the structure of the Web application.

Structure In the upper section of the Web Template screen area, there are three tab pages you can use to change the view of the Web template – in the same way that you do in an HTML editor. ●

Layout tab page In the layout view, you have a visual focus and specify the layout of the Web application. To do this, you use drag and drop to insert Web items from the pool of Web items into your Web template. For more information about other options and procedures for the layout of Web templates, see Designing the Layout of Web Templates [Page 30] and Context Menu in Web Templates [Page 32]. In the lower section of the layout view, you can create data providers. When you double-click New Data Provider, the dialog for creating data providers opens. You can also create data providers in the Web Items screen area.

XHTML tab page The XHTML view displays the XHTML that corresponds to the layout view. Each element of the XHTML syntax has a different color:

Syntax Element






Attribute values


HTML tags


BI-specific content (BI tags) such as Web items, commands, data providers

Dark red





In the XHTML view, you can edit the XHTML of a Web template directly. Alternatively, you can also edit the XHTML with an external XHTML editor. For more information about editing XHTML, see Further Editing Web Templates [Page 34]. ●

Overview tab page On the Overview tab page, all Web items, data providers, and commands used in Web templates are listed. By selecting or deselecting checkboxes, you specify which of these objects is listed. The objects are listed vertically in the Web Item Name column. In the horizontal alignment of the table, any data providers and reusable Web items associated with the object listed are displayed. Using Sort Order, you can specify how the used objects are to be listed: ○


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Developing User Interfaces If you choose this sort order, the objects used are listed by type: data providers, Web items and commands. ○

Web Template If you choose this sort order, the sequence of the objects used in the Web template are displayed as a flat structure.

Web Template (Hierarchical) If you choose this sort order, the sequence of the objects used in the Web template are displayed as a hierarchical structure. You see a hierarchical structure if you nest Web items in the Web template (for example, when you use the Container Web item).

You can change the parameters of the associated objects using the context menu for each Web item, Web template, and data provider listed. For more information, see Creating Web Applications with the BEx Web Application Designer [Page 47].

Properties Screen Area

Definition This a component of the Web Application Designer

Use In the Properties screen area, you define the properties of Web templates and Web items.

Structure The Properties screen area is divided into the following sections: ●

In the dropdown box in the header of the screen area you see the selection for which you want to define properties – for a Web template [Page 28] or for specific Web items [Page 54]. Depending on your choice in the dropdown box, you can then make various settings for Web templates or Web items. ○

Once you have selected a Web template from the dropdown box, you can set the paramters for the Web template on the Web Template Parameter tab page.

Once you have chosen a Web item from the dropdown box, you can make the following settings: ■

Tab page: General Here you can use the Create New symbol next to the dropdown box to create a data provider and assign it to the Web item. See Web Template Parameters [Page 173].

Tab Page: Web Item Parameter

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Developing User Interfaces Here you can set the parameter for the selected Web item. See also: Web Items [Page 54]. ●

In the lower area of the Web Item Parameter tab page or the Web Template Parameter Web page, context sensitive help is available.

Errors and Warnings Screen Area

Definition This a component of the Web Application Designer

Use The Errors and Warnings screen area is used to display errors and warnings that are found when a Web template is being verified.

Integration The errors and warnings that are displayed in this screen area refer to the following possible checks of the Web template. ●

Verify This check is performed automatically and by default every two seconds. Within the verification, the internal structure of the Web template is checked. You can change the refresh time for the verification in the menu bar under Tools → Settings.

Verification on the server With this verification, which you trigger manually, additional conditions for creating a correct Web template are checked on the server side. Here for example, the system verifies whether a query that is being used as a data provider exists. To trigger the verification, on the menu bar for the Web Application Designer, choose Web Template → Verify on Server For more information about verification and verification on the server, see Editing Web Templates Further [Page 34].

Correct and format During this verification, which you can trigger manually, the internal structure of the HTML is checked. You can only trigger this verification when you are in the XHTML view. From the Web Application Designer menu bar, choose Edit → Correct and Format.

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Functions of the Web Application Designer Menu Bar

Use From the menu bar and toolbars in the Web Application Designer, you can call all the functions you need to create or edit a Web template. This section provides you with an overview of these functions. For more information about creating Web applications with the BEx Web Application Designer, see Creating a Web Application [Page 43] and Creating Web Applications with the BEx Web Application Designer [Page 47].

Features Menu Bar The functions are available from the following menus in the menu bar: Web Template [Page 19] Edit [Page 22] View [Page 23] Insert [Page 24] Format [Page 24] Tools [Page 25] Table [Page 27] Window [Page 27] Help [Page 28]

Toolbars The Web Application Designer has the toolbars Standard, Insert, and Format.

Standard Toolbar In the Standard toolbar, the following functions are available as pushbuttons in the menu bar: ●





Verify on Server

Execute in Browser




Correct and Format

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Insert Toolbar In the Insert toolbar, the following functions are available as pushbuttons in the menu bar: ●

Insert Table



Language-Dependent Text



Any Tag

Format Toolbar In the Format toolbar, the following functions are available as pushbuttons in the menu bar: ●


Font Size



Left Align

Right Align


Background Color

Font Color

Background Color of Text

Functions in the Web Template Menu

Use This section outlines the functions that are provided in the menu bar for the Web Application Designer in the Web Template menu.

Features You can choose from the following functions in the Web Template menu: Menu Entry

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Choose Web Template → New to create a new Web template that you want to publish as a Web application in a Web browser. See also Creating Web Applications with the BEx Web Application Designer [Page 47].


This function opens the BEx open dialog [External]. From this dialog, you can open a Web template in your history, favorites, or roles, or by using the search function; you can then edit it or publish it in the Web browser.


You use this function to close a Web template. If you have edited a Web template and want to keep the changes, save the Web template before you close it.


You use this function to delete open Web templates that are already saved.


You use this function to save any changes you make to an existing Web template. When you create a new Web template and choose Save, the BEx save dialog [External] appears, where you can save your Web template in your favorites or roles.

Save As…

This function takes you to the BEx save dialog [External], where you can save your Web template in your favorites or roles. If you are authorized to delete Web templates, you are also able to overwrite any existing Web templates that you have saved in your favorites or roles. To do this, create a new Web template. To overwrite an existing Web template with the new Web template, in the Web Application Designer menu bar, choose Web Template → Save As. In the Save Web Template dialog box, select the Web template that you want to overwrite from your favorites or roles. Choose Save. In the Do you want to overwrite ? dialog box, choose OK.

You cannot overwrite Web templates that are currently open in the Web Application Designer. Import from File…

You use this function to import a Web template that you edited with an external XHTML editor back into the Web Application Designer. See also Further Editing Web Templates [Page 34].

Export to File…

You use this function to export to a file system of your choice a Web template that you want to edit with an external XHTML editor. See also Further Editing Web Templates [Page 34].

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This function checks that the internal structure of the Web template is correct. By default, the verification is performed automatically every two seconds. You can change the refresh time under Tools → Settings. Any errors found during this check are displayed in the errors and warnings screen area [Page 17]. For more information about verification, see Further Editing Web Templates [Page 34].

Validate Against Server

You use this function to trigger an additional check of the Web template. This checks the server conditions for a correct Web template. Any errors found during this check are displayed in the correction assistant, which suggests correction changes for the errors found. For more information about verification on the server, see Further Editing Web Templates [Page 34].

Runtime Format Preview

This function provides a technical preview of the existing Web application. The runtime format is displayed.


You use this function to call your Web application in the portal.


In Role You use this function to publish Web templates in roles. The system saves a link to the current Web template in the selected role. To Portal You use this function to publish Web templates as iViews in the Portal Content Directory. See also Publishing Queries, Web Applications and Reports [External]. BEx Broadcaster... You use this function to open the BEx Broadcaster, which you can use to precalculate and broadcast the Web template. See also Precalculating and Broadcasting Queries, Query Views, Web Templates and Reports [External]. Copy URL to Clipboard You use this function to copy the URL of the Web template to the clipboard so that you can call it in a Web browser or send it as an e-mail, for example. However, you must save the Web template first.

Recent Documents

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The Web templates that you opened last are displayed under this function.


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You use this function to close the Web Application Designer. If you want to keep the changes you made to a Web template you created or edited, save the Web template before you close the Web Application Designer.

Functions in the Edit Menu

Use Here you get an overview of the functions that are provided in the menu bar for the Web Application Designer in the Edit menu.

Features You can choose from the following functions in the Edit menu: Menu Entry



You use this function to copy single Web items, pictures, text and so on, or an HTML table, to insert them, for example, into another Web template.


You use this function to cut a highlighted Web item, HTML element, picture or text.


You use this function to paste into a Web template any Web items, texts, pictures or HTML elements that you have copied. For more information about the menu options in the Edit menu, see Context Menu in Web Templates [Page 32]

Delete Web Item

You use this function to delete a highlighted Web item from the Web template.

Edit tag

You use this function, which is only available in the layout view, you can edit the tag of the Web template.

Edit tag

You use this function, which is only available in the layout view, to edit the tag of the Web template.

Correct and format

You use this function, which is only available in the XHTML view, to trigger the check of the inner structure of the Web template. The XHTML text is simultaneously structured (formatted).

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Functions in the View Menu

Use Here you get an overview of the functions that are provided in the menu bar for the Web Application Designer in the View menu.

Features You can choose from the following functions in the View menu: Menu Entry


Show Borders

You use this function, which is only available in the layout view, to display the frames of the inserted HTML tables.

Display HTML Tags

Hide HTML Tags, Display Important HTML Tags, Display HTML Tags: You use this function to display HTML tags that are not visibly displayed in the layout view by default (for example font tags). You can edit the tags using the context menu of the displayed tags.

Change Grid Display

You use this function, which is only available in the layout view, to change the grid and grid pages that the Web template is based on, to suit your needs. You can hide grids, show grids and grid pages, or show the grid or grid pages individually. You can set the size of the grids and grid pages using Grid Pages Settings.

Status Bar

You use this function to show and hide the status bar in the lowest screen area of the Web Application Designer. Depending on the view in which you are working (layout view or XHML view), different information is displayed.

Display Toolbars

You use this function to show and hide the Insert, Format and Standard toolbars.

Web Items

You use this function to show and hide the Web Items screen area.


You use this function to show and hide the Properties screen area.

Reusable Web Items

You use this function to show and hide the Reusable Web Items screen area. If you show this screen area, it appears as a tab page in the Web item screen area by default. However you can move this screen area about freely within the Web Application, just as you can with all other screen areas. See also Working with Reusable Web Items [Page 51].

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Errors and Warnings

You use this function to show and hide the Errors and Warnings screen area.

Functions in the Insert Menu

Use Here you get an overview of the functions that are provided in the menu bar for the Web Application Designer in the Insert menu.

Features You can choose from the following functions in the Insert menu: Menu Entry


Web Item

You use this function to insert Web items from the various Web item groupings into a Web template.


You use this function to insert hyperlinks into your Web templates.


You use this function to insert pictures into your Web templates.

Language-dependent text

You use this function to insert languagedependent texts into your Web templates.


You use this function to insert tags into your Web templates.


You use this function to insert tags into your Web templates.

Favorite tag

You use this function to insert favorite tags into your Web templates. The available tags are given in a dropdown box.

Functions in the Format Menu

Use Here you get an overview of the functions that are provided in the menu bar for the Web Application Designer in the Format menu.

Features You can choose from the following functions in the Format menu: Menu Entry

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You use this function to determine the font of the texts that you insert into your Web templates.

Font Size

You use this function to select the font size of the texts that you insert into your Web templates.


You use this function to format texts as bold.


You use this function to set texts as italic.


Left Align You use this function to left align objects. Center You use this function to center objects. Right Align You use this function to right align objects.

Background Color

You use this function to specify the background color of the Web template.

Font Color

You use this function to specify the color of the texts that you insert into your Web templates.

Background Color of Text

You use this function to specify the background color of the texts that you insert into your Web templates.

Functions in the Tools Menu

Use Here you get an overview of the functions that are provided in the menu bar for the Web Application Designer in the Tools menu.

Features You can choose from the following functions in the Tools menu: Menu Entry


Migration Tool

You use this function to convert Web templates from SAP BW 3.x to Web templates from SAP NetWeaver 2004s. See also Migration Tool [Page 38].

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BEx Query Designer

You use this function to call the BEx Query Designer to define queries. For more information, see Defining New Queries [Page 368].

BEx Web Analyzer

You use this function to call the BEx Web Analyzer to define a new query view (based on a query or on a query view). For more information, see BEx Web Analyzer [External].


You use this function to use BI Integrated Planning functions. Planning Modeler The planning modeler appears, which you can use to model, administer, and test all the metadata that belongs to a planning scenario. Planning Wizard The planning wizard appears, which supports you in using planning modeling for the first time. For more information, see Modeling Planning Scenarios [External].


You use this function to make the settings for the Web Application Designer. HTML Documentation Here you can specify a link to any online or offline HTML documentation that you may need when editing the HTML (such as when inserting HTML tags). By default, there is a link to the documentation from the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) here. For more information about HTML documentation, see SAP Note 904001 on SAP Service Marketplace at Metadata In addition to specifying the directory for the metadata, you can update the metadata General Here you can determine the refresh time for the Errors and Warnings screen area and set the trace level that determines the granularity of the recording.

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Functions in the Table Menu

Use Here you get an overview of the functions that are provided in the menu bar for the Web Application Designer in the Table menu.

Features You can choose from the following functions in the Table menu: Menu Entry



You use this function to insert HTML tables into your Web templates. Note that to display HTML tables without frames in the layout view, the frames display must be switched on. See Menu: View [Page 23] → Display Frames.

Insert Rows

You use this function to insert rows into an inserted HTML table. Use the mouse to click on the row under which the additional row should be inserted.

Insert Columns

You use this function to insert a column into an inserted HTML table. Use the mouse to click on the column to the right of which the additional column should be inserted.

Delete Rows

You use this function to delete a row from an HTML table. Use the mouse to click on the line to be deleted.

Delete Columns

You use this function to delete a column from an HTML table. Use the mouse to click on the column to be deleted.

Merge Cells

You use this function to merge cells in an HTML table. First enter texts in the cells that you want to merge. Select these cells and choose Merge Cells.

Split Cells

You use this function to split a cell that you created by merging other cells.

Functions in the Window Menu

Use Here you get an overview of the functions that are provided in the menu bar for the Web Application Designer in the Window menu.

Features You can choose from the following functions in the Window menu:

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You use this function to arrange the various screen areas of the Web Application Designer so that they overlap.


You use this function to horizontally arrange the various screen areas of the Web Application Designer.


You use this function to vertically arrange the various screen areas of the Web Application Designer.

Select Web Template

You call the Select Web Template window with this entry. You can create new Web templates or selecting existing ones from this window. Furthermore, the Web templates that you currently have open in the Web Application Designer are executed under the context menu entry.

Functions in the Help Menu

Use Here you get an overview of the functions that are provided in the menu bar for the Web Application Designer in the Help menu.

Features You can choose from the following functions in the Help menu: Menu Entry


Application Help

You can use this function to view the SAP NetWeaver online documentation. The Web Application Design: BEx Web Application Designer section in the documentation for the Business Explorer is displayed automatically.


You can use this function to see the release of the Web Application Designer with the number of the patch and the revision. You can quote this information to SAP if you need to send problem messages.

Web Templates

Definition You determine the structure of a Web application with a Web template. Using the Web Application Designer, you can insert placeholders for Web items [Page 54], data providers

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Developing User Interfaces [External] and commands (see Command Wizard [Page 222]) into an XHTML document. The XHTML document with the BI-specific placeholders is called a Web template and can be edited in the Web Application Designer. The HTML page that is displayed in the Internet browser is called a Web application. Depending on which Web items you have inserted into the Web template, a Web application can contain one or more tables, charts, maps, dropdown boxes and so on.

Structure A Web template is the keystone of a Web application and contains placeholders for Web items, data providers and commands. For the Web application, the place holder is filled during runtime and Web items, data providers and commands are generated. In the Web template, you determine from which data provider and it what way (Web items) the BI data is displayed. You also determine which additional operations are possible (commands). When a request is sent from a Web application to the application server for ABAP, a Template object is generated from which the structure of the requested XHTML page is derived. The following objects are generated on the basis of this Template: •

Data providers

Web item

Integration You create Web templates on the application server for ABAP. The executed Web applications are started and displayed in the portal, which in turn runs in a Web browser.

Example The following is an example of a simple Web template with the navigation pane [Page 68] and analysis [Page 56]Web items: Netweaver BI Web Application

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Web Template Properties

Use You can specify the properties for your Web application in each Web template. You can determine whether messages are displayed in the Web application. The properties are set, as with all Web items, using the associated parameters. From the dropdown box in the header of the Properties screen area, choose the Web template for which you want to make the settings. On the Web Template Parameter tab page you can change the properties set by default. For information about the individual properties (parameters), see Web Template Parameters [Page 173].

The context menu [Page 170]Web item is available for setting the context menu in a Web application.

Designing the Layout of Web templates

Use You can change your Web template in the layout and design it as you like.

Features Arranging Web Items on the Page ●

You can change the size of the placeholders. You can see what effect resizing a Web item in a Web application has by looking at the values, shown in the XHTML view by the parameters Height and Width for the corresponding Web item.

You can align the Web items horizontally. ○

Choose Format → Left Justify in the menu bar of the Web Application Designer, to left justify the Web item.

Choose Format → Right Justify in the menu bar of the Web Application Designer, to right justify the Web item.

Choose Format → Center in the menu bar of the Web Application Designer, to center justify the Web item.

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To change the position of the Web items in the Web template, drag a Web item to the required position using Drag&Drop.

To place several Web items next to each other you have to take the width of the Web template into account. If the Web Template is wide enough for a second Web item, this is positioned to the right of the first Web item because the Web browser breaks up pages according to standard HTML.

Arranging Web Items Using an HTML Table You can use an HTML table to arrange Web items optimally next to and below one another. You can apply this grid as required.. ...

1. Choose Table → Insert Table in the menu bar of the Web Application Designer. 2. Set up the table according to your settings and requirements. 3. Choose OK. The table is inserted into the Web template. 4. You can drag different Web items into the individual table cells, depending on whether you want to arrange your Web items horizontally or vertically.

Enhancing Web Templates with Texts As well as inserting and arranging Web items, you can also enhance your Web template with texts, which you can format. ...

1. Place the cursor on a position in the Web template and enter a text. 2. You format it by selecting the text passage and choosing one of the following options from the menu bar (menu Format) or the Format toolbar of the Web Application Designer. ○


Font size



Left justify

Right justify


Text color

Background color of text

Enhancing Web Templates with Images In addition to inserting and arranging Web items and texts, you can attach images, such as corporate logos, to your Web templates. These images are stored in the MIME Repository of the BI server. The system supports GIF, JPG and BMP formats. ...

1. Position the cursor where you want to insert an image into the Web template. 2. Choose Insert → Image and select the image file. For more information, see Context Menu in Web Templates [Page 32].

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Context Menu in Web Templates

Use Web items and HTML elements (for example, tables, texts, and images) that you insert into a Web template, as well as the Web template itself, have a context menu. This context menu has context-sensitive menu entries that you can use to call various Web Application Designer functions. You can, for example, use the context menu to save a Web item (for which you have determined specific properties using the parameters) as a reusable Web item, call the properties dialog box for this Web item, copy the Web item and paste it into another Web template, or delete the Web item from the Web template.

Features You can call the context menu ...

1. From an empty point in the Web template You can choose from the following functions: ○

-tag properties… If you choose this function, you can edit the tag of the Web template.

Paste ■

Table If you choose this function you can insert an HTML table into your Web template.

Hyperlink If you choose this function you can insert hyperlinks into your Web template.

Image If you choose this function you can insert images into your Web template.

DIV If you choose this function you can insert the tag.

SPAN If you choose this function you can insert the tag.

Favorite tag If you choose this function you can insert any tag from the list.





For more information about inserting images and HTML tables into Web templates, see Designing the Layout of Web Templates [Page 30].

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Developing User Interfaces 2. From a Web item that you have previously inserted into your Web template You can choose from the following functions: ○

Properties You use this function to call the properties dialog box for the Web item in the properties screen area [Page 16].

Save as a reusable Web item You can use this function to save the Web item as a reusable Web item. See also Working with Reusable Web Items [Page 51].

Copy You can use this function to copy all of the elements that you have inserted into your Web template (for example, Web items, hyperlinks, texts, images, HTML tables and so on) so that you can paste them into another Web template, for example.


Paste See Paste under point 1.

For the Chart and Map Web items, you also have the edit function available. You can access the Copy, Cut and Paste functions using the Standard toolbar or from the Edit menu in the menu bar. ○



3. From a cell in an HTML table that you inserted into the Web template You can choose from the following functions: ○

-tag properties

Paste See Paste under point 1.

Table ■

Edit: edit , edit row, edit cell

Paste: row above, row below, column left, column right, split cell, merge cells

Delete: table, row, column





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Merging Cells in an HTML Table

Use To arrange Web items horizontally and vertically in the optimum way, without line breaks, you can use an HTML table. You can apply this grid required. You can also merge cells that are situated next to each other in the table.

Prerequisites You have called the Web Application Designer and have included an HTML table to your Web template. For more information about inserting an HTML table, see Designing the Layout of Web Templates [Page 30].

SAP recommends that you only merge cells in tables if you have not already inserted Web items.

Procedure Merging cells (in this example) in an HTML table with two columns and two rows:

For technical reasons, you can merge cells horizontally only. ...

1. Place the cursor on the outermost left margin of one of the two cells that you want to merge. 2. On your keyboard, hold down the Shift key and either the left or right arrow key: ●

If you have placed the cursor in the left cell, press the arrow key that is pointing to the right.

If you have placed the cursor in the right cell, press the arrow key that is pointing to the left.

3. From the Web Application Designer menu bar, choose Insert → Table → Merge Cells (the Merge Cells menu entry is now active). You now see one cell instead of two.

Alternatively, you can insert a text in each of the cells to be merged, highlight this and then proceed as described in step 3. Afterwards, delete the text from the newly created cell.

Further Editing Web Templates

Use You can edit a Web template’s XHTML source directly in the Web Application Designer or with an external XHTML editor. If you prefer you can also make changes to the XHTML source in the layout view of the Web Application Designer.

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Prerequisites The Web Application Designer is displayed. You have created a Web template and would now like to edit the XHTML source of this Web template.

Procedure You have the following options: ...

1. You can edit the Web template directly in the XHTML view of the Web Application Designer. ○

To do this, choose the XHTML tab page from the bottom of the Web Application Designer Template window.

Edit the XHTML.

You have the following options for checking the checked XHTML: ○

Verify i.

Choose Web Template → Verify in the menu bar of the Web Application Designer, to allow the system to check the edited XHTML. The system only checks that the syntax of the BI tags is correct. If errors are found they are shown in the Errors and Warnings screen area, but no corrections are suggested. From here you can chose to go to the row/column where the error was found. For certain errors that are found you can also goto the incorrect coding point by clicking on the displayed hyperlink.

ii. ○

Correct the incorrect XHTML.

Verify on server



Choose Web Template → Verify on Server in the menu bar of the Web Application Designer, to allow the system to check the edited XHTML. The system checks, where possible, whether the XHTML is syntactically correct. The changes in XHTML are not transferred into the Web template during verification. If errors are found the correction assistant appears that offers suggestions for correcting the discovered errors.


In the correction assistant, you have the option of ignoring all errors, ignoring individual errors, or adopting the suggested corrections. Choose one of the three options.

Note that if you ignore the errors that are found, it may mean that you cannot save and/or run the Web template.

The system automatically starts verifying the Web template in the following instances: ●

You change from the XHTML view in which you edited the XHTML into another view of the Web Application Designer.

You save the Web template.

2. You can also edit the Web template with an external XHTML editor.

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To process a Web template further using an external XHTML editor, choose Web Template → Export to File from the menu bar of the Web Application Designer. Your Web template, that is the XHTML file, is stored on a file system of your choice. You can call it from there with your XHTML editor.

To call a Web template that you have edited in the XHTML editor (that is, the edited XHTML file) in the Web Application Designer again and edit it further, store the file on your file system again. In the Web Application Designer, choose Web Template → Import from File and specify the names and location of the saved file.

3. For technically orientated and very experienced users, an ABAP program that you can call exists in the BI system To make changes to the Web Template, proceed as follows: a. In the menu bar of the SAP Easy Access screen in the BI system, choose System → Services → Reporting (Transaction Code SA38). b. Enter the RS_TEMPLATE_MAINTAIN_70 report in the program field. c. Enter the name of the Web template that you want to edit. d. Edit the Web template.

Mass Maintenance and Conversion of Web Templates

Use The mass maintenance of Web templates allows you to automatically change multiple Web templates simultaneously. You can simultaneously export or import multiple Web templates and execute simple replacement operations.

Integration The mass maintenance and conversion of Web templates is a standard ABAP report that you can execute by specifying a report name. In the menu bar of the SAP Easy Access screen, choose System → Services → Reporting (Transaction code SA38), and enter the report name RS_TEMPLATE_MASS_ALTER_70 in the Program field.

Prerequisites Exporting and Importing Web templates is only possible for Web templates that already exist.

Features The Mass Conversion of Web Templates screen is divided into four areas: Entry In this area you can select Web templates that you want to change or export/import according to criteria such as role, name of Web template or user name of the last person to change the Web template. Alternatively you can specify a file with a list of technical names of Web templates. When importing from the file system, you can specify a folder in which the Web templates to be imported are located.

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Developing User Interfaces Filters In the Filter area you can restrict the quantity of selected Web templates once again. The following restriction criteria are available for this: ●

You can enter a certain search string that must be contained in the Web template.

You can enter a pattern that must appear in the Web template.

You can enter an XSLT transformation that is saved in the BI system, for filtering.

Operation selection In this area you set whether and which operations are executed in the selected Web templates. You can select one of the following operation possibilities: ●

Choose this option if you only want to export or import Web templates.

Export / import the Web templates

Data, such as role assignment, header information (for example, language dependent texts) and local chart settings, is not exported along with the Web templates. ●

Manipulating Web templates using XSLT transformation.

Converting Web templates with a function module, whose signature must correspond to the pattern RSWAD_ALTER_TEMPLATE_SAMPLE.

Converting Web templates using a string replacement.

Output target In this screen area, determine where and how the output of the Web template takes place. The following options are available: ●

Saving in the database

Creating in the database

Saving in the file system in the front end

Output list of technical names after entering the corresponding file.

Overwriting Web templates can lead to massive, irretrievable changes to the Web template. Therefore you should save the original Web template data before automatic conversion takes place. Also note the information about using this report in SAP note 710112.

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Migration Tool

Use The migration tool for the Web Application Designer is a helpful tool for migrating Web templates with a SAP BW 3.x format to the format of SAP NetWeaver 2004s.

Integration The migration tool is part of the Web Application Designer. You can call it from the menu bar for the Web Application Designer using Tools → Migration Tool.

Features The migration tool supports you while you are migrating Web templates from the SAP BW 3.x format to the SAP NetWeaver 2004s format. The parameters that were inserted into a Web template with a SAP BW 3.x format are converted into the Web template format for SAP NetWeaver 2004s. The migration includes 5 main steps: ...

1. Selecting a Web template of format SAP BW 3.x 2. XML generation for the Web template 3. Stylesheet-based automatic conversion of the generated XML into the format SAP NetWeaver 2004s. 4. Manual subsequent correction (for example subsequent correction of JavaScript functions) and changes in the XHTML view of the Web Application Designer 5. Saving the Web template after successful migration

Activities Information on how you proceed during migration of a Web template can be found at Migrating Web Templates [Page 38].

Migrating Web Templates

Use There is a utility tool for migration that is available for the Web Application Designer to convert Web templates of format SAP BW.3x into Web templates of format SAP NetWeaver 2004s and to migrate them.

Prerequisites ●

You are in the Web Application Designer and have called the migration tool using the menu bar by choosing Tools → Migration Tool.

Library Web items that are in a Web template of format SAP BW 3.x that you wish to migrate must first be migrated using the standard ABAP report RSZW_ITEM_MIGRATION_3X_TO_70 of a BI system. In the menu bar of the SAP Easy Access screen, choose System → Services → Reporting (transaction code SE38), and enter the report name RSZW_ITEM_MIGRATION_3X_TO_70 in the

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Developing User Interfaces Program field. For more information on the report, see SAP Note 832712 at

Procedure If you want to migrate Web templates of format SAP BW 3.x to SAP NetWeaver 2004s, proceed as follows: ...

1. Choose Select Web Template in the Migration Tool dialog box. The BEx Open Dialog appears. 2. Enter the technical name and the description for the Web template that you want to migrate to SAP NetWeaver 2004s and choose OK. The Web template you selected is now listed under the Web Template to Be Converted section with the respective technical name and description.

You can also select the Web template using the search in the Open Dialog or using the role view. 3. Under Conversion Settings, you can select the following options. ○

Select Automatic Web Template Conversion into XML (If Possible) when you want an automatic conversion of the Web Template to XML.

Note that, for technical reasons, automatic conversion cannot always take place. See the section Manual Support for XML / XHTML Conversion. ○

Select the Display XML and Stylesheets Used to display the XML file used (Web template from SAP BW 3.x that has been converted to XML) and the stylesheet used for the conversion. After successful conversion, it is displayed under Edit and Close.

4. Choose Start Conversion. Under Status of the Conversion you can see to what extent the conversion was implemented. 5. Choose Close and Edit as soon as the conversion process is complete. The XHTML view of the Web Application Designer opens, in which you can make additional changes and any corrections to the Web template that are required. To see which other corrections have to be made to the Web template in certain circumstances, see SAP Notes 832713 (note on the migration of Web templates) and 832712 (note on migration of library Web items). 6. Save the migrated Web template and specify a new description and new technical name. However, you can also keep the technical name of the original Web template.

Since Web templates of format SAP BW 3.x are neither overwritten nor changed during migration, you can migrate Web templates with this format as often as you want to change them to suit your needs. For more information, see SAP Note 832713.

Note that you may have to edit the Web template further under certain circumstances before you can save it.

Manual Support for XML / XHTML Conversion

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Developing User Interfaces When you have not selected Automatic Web Template Conversion to XML (If Possible) or when automatic conversion could not be performed and you have chosen Start Conversion, the Manual Support for XML / XHTML Conversion dialog box opens. Here you have the option of manually editing the XML document that is required for Web template migration: ●

Choose Check XML when you want to check the changes that you made to the XML document for correctness of the XML syntax. ○

If errors are found during the check, they are displayed in the lower area of the dialog box. Correct the error and execute the test again.

If no errors are found during the check, choose Continue Conversion to continue with conversion of the Web template. The first dialog box for the migration tool opens. To learn how to proceed from here, see point 5 in the procedure above.

Choose Reset when you want to discard changes you made to the XML document and return to the document that was originally displayed.

Choose Convert XML to trigger automatic conversion of the Web template into XML (see also Automatic Web Template Conversion into XML (If Possible) under point 3 above. Note that automatic conversion cannot always be performed.

Result You have migrated a Web template of format SAP BW 3.x to SAP NetWeaver 2004s.

We recommend that you execute the migrated Web template and test it functionally. We also recommend that you check whether certain Web template elements that can be found in the Web template (such as commands for Web items or data providers) could be created more simply or clearly with the functions of the Web Application Designer from SAP NetWeaver 2004s (for example using the command wizard) as is possible with an automated and context-free migration. For functionality reasons and for reasons of completeness, we recommend that you create such elements using the Web Application Designer from SAP NetWeaver 2004s, especially when these elements could not be converted completely with the automated migration.

Text Input Dialog

Use The text input dialog is used to display text for certain parameters in Web items. You can enter the following text types using the dialog: ●

Language-independent texts

Language-dependent texts, in the object (Web template or reusable Web item)

Language-dependent texts, store in tables

Language-dependent report texts (obsolete)

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Integration The text input dialog is part of the Web Application Designer and is called when you set certain Web item parameters, such as parameter tray - in which you can give the tray for the Web item a label. Using the text input dialog, you can enter the hyperlink text (parameter TEXT_CONTENT) and the quick info text (parameter TOOLTIP) for the Link Web item, for example.

Features You can create the following text types with the text input dialog: ●

Language-independent texts When you select this text type, you can enter the free text of your choice. The text is not translated.

Language-dependent texts, in the object (Web template or reusable Web item) If you select this text type, you can enter free texts that are either specific for the Web template or specific for a reusable Web item. Texts of this type are translated and transported with the associated object (Web template or reusable Web item). See Transport System [External]. Choose New to enter a new text of your choice. Then save the text. To edit a text that has already been saved, proceed as follows:


a. From the dropdown box of the dialog segment Text Properties, choose the text you wish to change. b. Choose Edit. c. Edit the text in the text dialog segment and then save it. ●

Language-dependent texts, store in tables When you select this type of text, you can edit texts that are saved in the RSBEXTEXTS table of the BI system and that have a translation connection and you can also create new ones. The texts are not transported with the object, but they can be used in other BEx tools (such as the Report Designer).


a. Choose the Maintain button in the Text Properties dialog segment. The BEx text maintenance dialog box appears. b. In the text maintenance dialog, choose the text that you wish to change and make the changes or In an empty row of the text maintenance dialog, enter your text into the Key and Text fields. c. Choose Save Changes. Your changes are made in the table. ●

Language-dependent report texts (obsolete) When you select this text type, you can select the texts of an ABAP report program that you have created. These texts have a translation connection; they are not transported with the object and have to be created in the BI system within the associated report program. See also Generating an ABAP Program to Maintain Language-Dependent Texts [Page 42] .


a. Under Report, in the Text Properties dialog segment, enter the report program names and enter the key for the text to be edited under Key.

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Developing User Interfaces b. Choose Get Text. The selected text is shown under Text.

Creating ABAP Programs for Maintaining LanguageDependent Texts

Use To make Web applications independent from static texts, you can maintain and translate the text in an ABAP table. The Web application is then filled with the corresponding texts according to the logon language.

Prerequisites You are in the ABAP Editor (transaction SE38)

Procedure ...

1. In the Program field enter the name of the program, for example ZHTML_TEXTS and in the subobject screen, select Source Code. 2. Choose (Create). You reach the ABAP: Program Properties Change screen. 3. Enter the title of the program, for example Web Application Texts. 4. Under Type in the Attributes field, choose Executable Program and then Save. The Create Object Catalog Entry dialog box appears. 5. In the Attributes field under Package enter $TMP and save the program as a Local Object. You have created an ABAP report called ZHTML_TEXTS 6. In the menu bar choose Goto → Text Elements → Text Symbols. You reach the ABAP Text Elements: Display Text Symbols Language English screen. Choose (Create Change). Enter your texts in the empty table. ...

a. In the Sym field enter the numerical key of the new text element (0-999), for example, 001. b. In the Text field, enter the name of the text element, for example, Credit Memos. The dLen field is filled automatically with the actual length of the text you entered, for example, 12 in the case of Credit Memos. c. In the mLen field, enter the maximum length of the text field.

If the maximum length of the text field (nLen) is smaller than the actual length of the text field (dLen), the system asks you whether you want the text to be shortened to the maximum length. d. When you have entered all your texts, choose (Activate). You reach the ABAP Text Elements: Change Text Symbols Language English screen. 7. In the menu bar of the ABAP Text Elements: Change Text Symbols Language English, choose Goto → Translation. You reach the Target Language for Translation screen. ...

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Developing User Interfaces a. Select the target language, into which you want to translate the texts, for example, DE and choose (Continue). You reach the Translation: ABAP Text Pool: ($) from Language to , on which your texts and translation proposals from the ABAP text pool are displayed. For example, “Credit Memos” is translated as “Gutschriften”. You can transfer the proposals or edit them as you wish.

The program generated the text translations from the ABAP text pool if corresponding entries are available there. For texts without proposals you have to enter the translation yourself. b. Choose Save.

Result In the Web template you can select this program text using the fourth option of the text input dialog.

Creating a Web Application

Before you start creating a Web application, we recommend that you consider the following basic questions: ●

How is the Web application to be called? See also Calling the Web Application [Page 44].

Where should the displayed data come from? See also Connecting the Data to Be Displayed [Page 44].

How should the data be displayed? See also Displaying the Data [Page 45].

Should interaction be possible in the Web application? See also Interactions in the Web Application [Page 46].

Should additional information be displayed and how should the layout of the Web application look? See also Displaying Additional Information and Designing the Layout [Page 46].

Should the Web application be reusable? See also Reusability of Web Applications [Page 47].

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Calling the Web Application

Purpose Web applications can be called in different ways: ●

as a link in your Intranet

as a link in the BEx Portfolio or in My Portfolio See Calling with the BEx Portfolio [External].

as an iView in the portal See BEx Web Application or Query As iView in the Portal [External].

Precalculated by e-mail or in the portal (with/without navigation) For calling in the portal, see BEx Web Application or Query As Document or Link in KM [External].

From the universal worklist, only when alerts occur

Depending on calling and display of the Web application, you need to be aware of various things: ●

If the user receives the Web application precalculated as MHTML by e-mail, the Web application should only contain the required information. Do not use elements for interaction. See Precalculating and Broadcasting Queries, Query Views, Web Templates and Reports [External].

You have to maintain the associated broadcast settings for precalculation. See Broadcast by E-Mail [External] and Broadcast to the Portal [External].

If the user is to call a Web application from the universal worklist, you first have to make the appropriate broadcast settings to put entries into the alert framework. See Broadcast by Exception [External].

Connecting the Data to Be Displayed

Purpose Data providers provide the data for your Web applications. Data providers are suppliers of data and can be initialized using queries, query views, or InfoProviders. Data providers in the Web Application Designer are queries or query views.

Prerequisites ●

Think about which queries you need to create your Web application.

Create the queries as needed. See Creating Queries below.

Check whether you can reduce the number of required queries by using query views for queries that already exist. See Creating Query Views below.

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Process Flow Creating Queries The Query Designer is available for creating queries (see Defining New Queries [Page 368]). When creating queries, be aware of any need for user-dependent display of data. Userdependent display can be realized using variables [Page 403]. You can preview the results of your query definition by executing the query in the Web. The query is displayed in the Web Analyzer [External]. In the Web Analyzer, you can also test the effect of basic settings for the Web items (such as the Analysis Web item or the Chart Web item) on the display.

Creating Query Views To create query views, you execute an existing query or a query view in the Web Analyzer and navigate to the required view. Setting standard chart settings allows you to create a query view that appears as you wish it to appear. You save the query view using the context menu in the Web Analyzer.

Result You can now use the queries created using the Query Designer and the query views created with the Web Analyzer in the Web Application Designer as data providers.

Displaying the Data

Purpose Data is displayed in Web applications using Web items. The Analysis, Chart, Report and Map Web items are available as concrete display types for data. The display of this Web item can be controlled with the associated parameters. Separate tools are available for the design of the Chart and Report Web items. See also Editing Charts [Page 175] and the Report Designer [Page 278].

Prerequisites When choosing the display type, note the following points: ●

Not every user can enter data visually using a chart. For this reason, make sure you also provide a tabular display in addition to a graphical display.

Large sets of data cannot be entered all at once by the user.

Process Flow ●

Drag the required Web item onto your Web template using Drag&Drop and set the required parameters. You will find an explanation of the parameters in the descriptions for the individual Web items under Web Items [Page 54].

In order to test the Web item and the parameter settings you made, assign a data provider to the Web item, save the Web template and execute it.

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Interaction in the Web Application

Purpose Interactions within the Web application can, on the one hand, change the data displayed (for example when setting filter values or changing the drilldown status). However, they can also generally affect the display of data and the layout of the Web application (for example when the display is changed from table to chart or when areas are hidden or displayed). The following options are available for interaction within the Web application: ●

Context menu You can display and hide the entries in the context menu according to your needs. For more information on the context menu, see Context Menu [Page 170] .

Web items for changing the status of data providers and Web items. These include, among others, the Filter Pane [Page 70], Navigation Pane [Page 68], Dropdown Box [Page 75], and Property Pane [Page 165] Web items. For a list of all available Web items, see Web Items [Page 54].

Command wizard The Command Wizard [Page 222] is available for special interactions within the Web Design API. With the command wizard, you can create your own command sequence to connect them with interaction elements. In this way, you can connect commands to the Web items Button Group [Page 72], Link [Page 154], Dropdown Box [Page 75] and Menu Bar [Page 159]. However, you can also link commands with an HTML link.

Displaying Additional Information and Designing the Layout

Purpose After you have clarified the points regarding calling the Web application, data connection, data display and interaction in the Web application and implemented them, your Web application is functional and complete. However, remember that you may want to display some status information for the user in the Web application (for example, name of the query that is being executed, currentness of the data, filter values that have been set and so on), as well as design the layout of the Web application. Also remember that during runtime, Web applications are executed with the portal theme that is valid for the user. As required, change the portal theme.

Process Flow Displaying Additional Information The Info Field [Page 146] and Text [Page 151] Web items are available to display additional information. Move the required Web item using Drag&Drop into your Web template.

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Design of the Layout The following Web items are available for designing the layout: Tab Page [Page 98], Group [Page 101], Container [Page 97] und Container Layout [Page 94]. ●

Move the required Web item using Drag&Drop into your Web template. This Web item is special because it can contain other Web items.

Drag the Web item that you want to see in one of the above Web items into one of those Web items using Drag&Drop.

Use mainly predefined Web items for the layout design as they are provided in the Web Application Designer. In this way you reduce the use of your own HTML.

Reusability in Web Applications

Purpose To decrease the total cost of ownership (TCO) you should consider to what extent you can reuse the created Web application.

Process Flow If a Web application only differs from another one in only a few objects (a different data provider is displayed, for example, or a pushbutton does not appear or another Web item is used to display the data), you can create a second Web template by only using the Web Template Web item there. ●

Drag the Web Template Web item into the second Web template using Drag&Drop.

You assign the first Web template to this Web item under the Web Template (TEMPLATE_ID) parameter.

Save the Web template and open it again. Now you see all the elements that exist in the first Web template. Here you can overwrite individual Web items or data providers. For more information, see Web Template [Page 94].

Creating Web Applications with the BEx Web Application Designer

Use Using the BEx Web Application Designer, you can create a BEx Web application (an HTML page with BI-specific content) easily.

Procedure ...

1. Creating a Web template The Web template is the starting point for creating a Web application. The Web template [Page 28] is an XHTML document that is used to define the structure of a Web application. It contains placeholders for Web items, data providers, and

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Developing User Interfaces commands. A Web template becomes a Web application when the data is displayed in the Web browser. During the design process, you change the Web template by embedding placeholders for Web items and data providers. You can keep track of these changes in the XHTML view. To create a new Web template [Page 28], choose Web Template → New in the Web Application Designer menu bar. You can also create Web templates from the Select Web Template window. Choose Create New Web Template. 2. Setting the data binding/selection of the data provider The data for your Web items is provided by data providers that you create in the Web Application Designer. You can assign a data provider to multiple Web items. The data provider concept makes it possible to change the data source of a Web item easily. If a particular data provider is assigned to more than one Web item, any changes made affect all the assigned Web items. By means of navigation (by changing the drilldown), the Web item always displays the current drilldown data.

A data provider is a dynamic object that returns current data for one or more Web items at runtime. You define the start view of the data provider by selecting a query or a query view. For more information about data providers, see Data Providers in BI Applications [External]. There are several ways to create data providers: a. In the Data Provider section in the Web Items screen area i.

Select whether you want to create a data provider of type Filter or type Query View, and drag the corresponding line into the lower data provider section of the Web template screen area. The Maintain Data Provider dialog box appears.


Assign a name to the data provider and make the remaining settings required.

In the dropdown box beneath the name field, you can also select or change the data provider type. b. Using the New Data Provider symbol in the lower data provider section of the Web Template screen area i.

Double-click to choose New Data Provider. The Maintain Data Provider dialog box appears.


Proceed as described under a. ii.

c. Using the General tab page in the Properties screen area You can only use this option if you have already inserted a Web item into your Web template. i.

In the header of the properties screen area, select the Web item for which you want to create a data provider.


On the General tab page, choose New Data Provider. The Maintain Data Provider dialog box appears. Proceed as described under a. ii. The data provider is assigned to the selected Web item. You can also create more than one data provider, as described under c. The data

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Developing User Interfaces providers are listed in the dropdown box under Assigning Data Providers. This enables you to assign a different data provider to the selected Web item. The Maintain Data Provider dialog box appears under data provider: . You can modify or change the settings for the data provider here. When you have created a data provider, it is assigned to the inserted Web item. Assigning depends on the order of the data providers in the inner structure of the Web template. See also 4.a. 3. Adding a Web item The Web items [Page 54] in the Web Items screen area serve as templates. By dragging a Web item into your Web template, you create an actual version of the Web item; this is called an object. The Web item has a name and certain other default parameters that you can change as required (see also 4.). You see the changes in the XHTML view. A Web item tag for the Web item and a data provider tag for the data provider (assuming you have created a data provider) were integrated into the XHTML as placeholders. Change the name of the Web item and assign a data provider to it. In the XHTML view, you can see that your settings have been written to the Web item tag. The layout you choose is also applied in the XHTML. a. Drag a Web item [Page 54] from one of the Web item groupings Standard, Extended, or Miscellaneous in the Web Items screen area to the Web template by using dragand drop. The Web item appears in the Web template.

Underneath the selection area for Web items and data provider maintenance, you see the help area, which provides explanations for the Web items and data providers. To display the texts for a Web item, select the Web item by doubleclicking with the secondary mouse button. To hide the texts, proceed in the same way. When you hide the display of texts and select a Web item by singleclicking it, a quick info is displayed for the Web item. b. If you want to rename the inserted Web item, proceed as follows: In the Properties screen area, choose Rename Web Item to the right of the dropdown box in which the inserted Web items are listed. Name the Web item by overwriting the default text under Name in the Properties screen area next to the dropdown box in which the inserted Web items are listed. 4. Specifying the properties of the Web item a. In the Properties screen area, choose the General tab page to make or change the assignment of a data provider for the corresponding Web item. See also 2. b. Choose the Web Item Parameters tab page to set the parameters for the selected Web item.

You can also set the parameters for the Chart Web item using the Edit Chart dialog box. Choose Edit in the context menu of the Chart Web item or Edit Chart in the Internal Display parameter grouping of the Chart Web item. For more information, see Editing Charts [Page 175]. 5. Adding additional Web items To insert additional Web items, repeat steps 3 and 4.

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When you insert additional Web items using Insert → Web Item, pay attention to where you position the cursor in your Web template. The cursor position determines where the new Web item is inserted. See also Designing the Layout of Web Templates [Page 30]. When you insert Web items using dragand drop, the position of the cursor is irrelevant.

Make sure that you set the data binding and any Web itemspecific parameter settings for the correct Web item. To make settings for a Web item, select the Web item in the layout view. In the header of the Properties window, the system displays the Web item for which you can change the settings. As an alternative to selecting the individual Web items, you can use the dropdown box to toggle between the attributes of individual Web items.

6. Designing a Web template layout In the Web Application Designer, you create your Web template in the same way you do in various XHTML editors. See also Designing the Layout of Web Templates [Page 30]. 7. Changing the Web template properties a. To change the default properties of the Web template, select the Web template from the dropdown box in the Properties screen area. b. Choose the Web Template Parameters tab page, where you can change the parameter settings for the Web template. For more information, see Web Template Properties [Page 30]. 8. Saving and executing the Web template You execute the Web template in the Web browser (portal). The Web template becomes a Web application, which means the template is saved on the Application Server for ABAP and a URL is generated for this Web application. At runtime (triggered by calling the URL), the BI tags are replaced by corresponding HTML with the information determined by the Web item and data provider settings. When this is done, the Web template on the Application Server for ABAP is accessed. Therefore, you must save your Web template before you execute it. a. To save your Web template, in the menu bar of the Web Application Designer, choose Web Template → Save. b. Choose Web Template → Execute to view your Web application in the browser (portal). You must save the Web template before executing it in the Web browser. Therefore, when you execute the template, you are asked to save it if you have not already done so.

To assign a Web template to a role, choose Web Template → Publish → In Role. See also Role Maintenance [External].

To copy the URL of a Web template to the clipboard, choose Web Template → Publish → Copy URL to Clipboard. The Web template, however, must already be saved.

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Developing User Interfaces ●

To broadcast a Web template, choose Web Template → Publish → BEx Broadcaster. For more information, see Precalculating and Broadcasting Queries, Query Views, Web Templates and Reports [External].

Result Your Web application is started and displayed in the portal, which in turn runs in a Web browser.

If you want to print your Web application, choose Print in the context menu for the executed Web application. See also: Further Editing Web Templates [Page 34]

Working with Reusable Web Items

Use When you integrate a Web item into your Web template from the Web item groupings in the Web Items screen area and you define your settings, you might want to use this Web item again in this form in other Web templates, without having to define the settings over again. The BEx Web Application Designer enables you to use your own version of a Web item as the Web template for other items. You store this Web item as a template. You can then access your Web items from the Reusable Web Items screen area.

You can hide and show the Reusable Web Items screen area by choosing View → Reusable Web Items from the menu bar in the Web Application Designers. By default, this screen area is displayed as a tab page in the Web Items screen area. You can, however, change its position in the Web Application Designer.

Prerequisites ●

You have integrated a Web item into your Web template and made the required settings for the relevant parameters under the tab page Web Item Parameters in the Properties screen area.

You have the necessary authorizations to save Web items in roles.

Saving Web Items as Reusable Objects

You save a Web item with its set parameters as a reusable Web item. These Web items revert to a template character, which you can alter. In accordance with this character of the Web item, data binding is not stored. Web templatedependent settings are also not saved (for example, if you use the Button Group Web item and include commands for it). ...

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Developing User Interfaces 1. Choose Save as Reusable Web Item in the Web item context menu in the layout view. The dialog box Create New Reusable Web Item appears. 2. Choose whether you want to save the Web item in your favorites or roles. If you want to save the Web item in your favorites, you can create folders for the favorites into which you can save the Web item by choosing Create New Folder. 3. Enter a description (suitable text) and a technical name (unique name) for the Web item. 4. Choose Save.

Opening and Inserting Reusable Web Items ...

1. In the menu bar for the Web Application Designer, choose View → Reusable Web Items if you have not opened the Reusable Web Items window. 2. Choose → Open Reusable Web Item in the Reusable Web Items screen area. This brings you to the Open Reusable Web Item dialog box. 3. Select the Web item you want to open in the history view, favorites view, or role view and choose Open. The Web item appears in the Reusable Web Items screen area. 4. Move the Web item using Drag&Drop into your Web template.

Additional Context Menu Functions The following additional functions are available from the context menu of a reusable Web item: ●

Open Reusable Web Item If you choose Open Reusable Web Item, you can show the additional reusable Web items in the screen area.

Close Reusable Web Item If you choose Close Reusable Web Item, the selected Web Item is hidden in the Reusable Web Items screen area.

Change Web Item If you choose Change Web Item, the Maintain Reusable Web Item dialog box appears. Here you can change the parameter settings for the selected Web item. See also: “Change Reusable Web Items” section.

Delete Web Item If you choose Delete Web Item, the selected Web item is deleted as a reusable Web item and cannot be recovered. You are only able to delete reusable Web items if these Web items are not already being used in Web templates.

Changing Reusable Web Items Any changes that you make to settings of the reusable Web item (as described above) have a global effect. This means that the changes are effective in all saved Web templates, in which you use the Web item concerned. This does not apply to Web templates in which you changed the parameters of a reusable Web item locally. In this case, the settings that you make locally are effective. If you want to change the settings in a reusable Web item locally, (that is, in a specific Web template in which you are using this Web item), proceed as follows: ...

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Developing User Interfaces 1. Open the Web template. 2. Select the reusable Web item in the Web template. 3. Change the parameters of this Web item on the Web Item Parameters tab page in the Properties screen area. 4. Save the Web template. The changes that you have made to the reusable Web item apply only in this Web template. The parameter settings of the reusable Web item are not affected by the changes. Special Features for the Web Item Chart If you try to overwrite the parameters of a Chart Web item that you have saved as a reusable Web item locally, the Create Local Chart Settings? dialog box appears. Here you are told that you are about to overwrite the settings for a reusable Web item locally. ●

If you choose Yes, the Edit Graphic dialog box appears. To change the parameters for the chart locally, reset the chart parameters and close the Edit Graphic dialog box by choosing OK. If you close the Edit Graphic dialog box by choosing Cancel, no local chart parameter settings are created. The reusable Web items settings are still effective.

If you choose No or Cancel, no changes to the saved chart parameter settings are made.

Web Design API

Purpose The Business Explorer Web Application Design allows you to apply generic OLAP navigation to BI data in Web applications and Business Intelligence cockpits. You can implement this for all scenarios, from simple scenarios to highly specialized scenarios. You can use standard markup languages and Web Design APIs to implement highly individual scenarios with userdefined interface elements. Web application design comprises a broad spectrum of interactive Web-based business intelligence scenarios that you can adjust to meet your requirements using standard Web technologies. This document is intended for Web designers who want to create highly-specialized applications on the basis of Web application design.

Integration You can access BI data in Web applications using a Web browser. This is usually installed with the operating system . No additional software installation is required.

Features The Web Design API provides the following functions: ●

Creating commands for data providers, planning applications, Web items and Web templates.

Parameterization of Web items

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The main tool for generating the commands is the command wizard [Page 222] of the BEx Web Application Designer The command wizard enables you to easily create commands using a step-by-step procedure.

Web Items

Definition Web items are objects that either display data in a Web application or are used to design Web applications. These objects are replaced by generated HTML at runtime. Web items that display data must be connected to a data provider. All Web items have parameters such as header, width, and height, which can be used to define the appearance of the Web items, as well as their behavior in the Web application. You can change the parameters as follows: ●

At design time, in the Web Application Designer using the parameter settings

At runtime, in Web applications using the property dialogs for the Web item, or using commands from the Web Design API

If the data, the navigational state, or the parameters change, the HTML for the Web item is regenerated.

Structure The following section lists the Web items available in the BEx Web Application Designer, separated into different groups: Web Item Grouping: Standard ●

Analysis [Page 56]

Chart [Page 61]

Report [Page 66]

Navigation Pane [Page 68]

Filter Pane [Page 70]

Button Group [Page 72]

Dropdown Box [Page 75]

Radio Button Group [Page 83]

Checkbox Group [Page 85]

Listbox [Page 88]

Hierarchical Filter Selection [Page 90]

Web Item Grouping: Advanced ●

Web Template [Page 94]

Container Layout [Page 94]

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Container [Page 97]

Tab Pages [Page 98]

Group [Page 101]

Single Document [Page 103]

Document List [Page 106]

Map [Page 109]

System Messages [Page 145]

Information Field [Page 146]

Web Item Grouping: Miscellaneous ●

Data Provider - Information [Page 150]

Text [Page 151]

Link [Page 154]

List of Exceptions [Page 155]

List of Conditions [Page 157]

Menu Bar [Page 159]

Properties Pane [Page 165]

Ticker [Page 164]

Context Menu [Page 170]

Script [Page 173]

Integration The Web items above are available as master Web items [External] in the Web Items window in the BEx Web Application Designer. You choose a master Web item from the list, assign a data provider to the Web item, if necessary, and set the parameters. You have now created your own Web item, which you can add to your Web template or save for later use.

Web Item Grouping: Standard

Use The Web item grouping is used to structure the pool of Web items in the Web Application Designer.

Structure The following Web items are part of the Standard grouping: ●




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Navigation area

Filter area

Button group

Dropdown box

Radio button groups

Checkbox group

List box

Hierarchical filter selection


Definition Web item that allows you to display data in a table with analytical functions.

Use The Analysis Web item displays the values of a data provider in the Web application in a table. The same list geometries that are used in the BEx Analyzer are supported. Characteristics and structures can be displayed in both rows and columns.

Structure The following tables list the parameters for the Analysis Web item, arranged according to the various parameter groupings. Display Parameter


Width in Pixels (WIDTH)

You use this parameter to specify the width of the Web item.

Full Width (FULL_WIDTH)

You use this parameter to specify that the value in the Width in Pixels (WIDTH) parameter be ignored and that the width be set to 100% instead. The full width depends on the width of the environment in which the Web item is embedded (for example, the width of a tab page on a portal page or iView).

Height in Pixels (HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to specify the height of the Web item.

Full Height (FULL_HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to specify that the value in the Height in Pixels (HEIGHT) parameter be ignored and that the height be set to 100% instead. The full height depends on the height of the environment in which the Web item is embedded (for example, the height of a tab page on a portal page or iView).

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Visibility (VISIBILITY)

You use this parameter to specify whether the Web item is to be visible in the Web application.

With Tray (WITH_TRAY)

You use this parameter to specify whether the Analysis Web item is to have a symbol that allows the Web item to be expanded and collapsed. For more information about this parameter, see Parameter Tray [Page 174].

Internal Display Parameter


Alternate Table Row Styles (ALTERNATE_STYLES)

You use this parameter to specify whether the styles for the odd and even table rows are to alternate and be displayed in a striped list.

Totals cells are not included in this display. Display Repeated Texts (REPEATED_TEXTS_DISPLAYED)

You use this parameter to specify whether repeated texts or keys are to be displayed more then once or whether the repetitions are to be suppressed and the cells merged.

Scaling Factors Visible (SCALING_FACTORS_VISIBLE)

You can use this parameter to specify whether the scaling factors are to be displayed, if possible.

Row Header Visible (ROW_HEADER_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to specify whether the row header area is to be displayed. The row header area displays the labels to the left of the data.

Column Header Visible (COLUMN_HEADER_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to specify whether the column header area is to be displayed. The column headers display the labels above the data.

Data Cells Visible (DATA_CELLS_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to specify whether the data cells are to be displayed.

Number of New Lines (NEW_LINES_COUNT)

You use this parameter to insert any required number of empty rows into the table. The parameter is set to 0 by default.

Depending on the query settings, this parameter is used to insert columns instead of rows.

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Position of New Lines (NEW_LINES_POSITION)

You use this parameter to specify the position at which the additional empty rows are to be inserted. You can select from: ●



If the Number of New Lines parameter (NEW_LINES_COUNT) inserts columns instead of rows as a result of the existing query settings, Left and Right are the values to select from instead of the above values. Data Column From (DATA_COLUMN_FROM)

You use this parameter to specify the data column from which the data is to be displayed. The parameter is set to 1 by default.

Data Column To (DATA_COLUMN_TO)

You use this parameter to specify the data column up to which the data is to be displayed. The parameter is set to 0 by default. If the value is 0, the system tries to display all columns. If there are too many, a scrolling area is inserted. If the value is not 0, data is displayed up to the specified column only. No scrolling area is provided.

Data Row From (DATA_ROW_FROM)

You use this parameter to specify the data row from which the data is to be displayed. The parameter is set to 1 by default.

Data Row To (DATA_ROW_TO)

You use this parameter to specify the data row up to which the data is to be displayed. The parameter is set to 0 by default. If the value is 0, the system tries to display all rows. If there are too many, a scrolling area is inserted. If the value is not 0, data is displayed up to the specified row only. No scrolling area is provided.

Behavior Parameter



You use this parameter to specify whether navigation and other interaction is to be possible in the Web application.

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Only Hierarchy Navigation (ONLY_HIERARCHY_NAVIGATION)

You use this parameter to specify whether the context menu is to be hidden and expand and collapse options only are to be provided for the list.

Data Binding Parameter



You use this parameter to assign a data provider to the Web item. The Web item gets the data and metadata that it needs to generate the output and commands from this data provider. We recommend that you keep to the conventions supported by the Web Application Designer when specifying names: Names can be a maximum of 30 characters and consist of characters “A-Z”, “0-9” and “_”, but cannot start or end with “_”. Adhering to these conventions simplifies the upgrade to subsequent SAP releases.

Paging Parameter


Number of Data Columns Displayed at Once (BLOCK_COLUMNS_SIZE)

You use this parameter to specify the number of data columns to be displayed simultaneously. When this number is exceeded, a scrolling area is inserted.

If the value is set to 0, the complete table is displayed, regardless of the number of data columns. The parameter is set to 25 by default.

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Columns Scrolled for Each Step (BLOCK_COLUMNS_STEP_SIZE)

You use this parameter to specify the scrolling logic you want: You can specify the number of data columns to be scrolled for each step. The default setting “0” corresponds to 2/3 of the display columns. The value entered corresponds to the number of columns scrolled through.

If you enter the value “2”, two columns will be scrolled through. If you want to scroll through all displayed data columns, enter the same value that you entered for the Number of Data Columns Displayed at Once parameter (BLOCK_COLUMNS_SIZE). Number of Data Rows Displayed at Once (BLOCK_ROWS_SIZE)

You use this parameter to specify the number of data rows to be displayed simultaneously. When this number is exceeded, a scrolling area is inserted.

If the value is set to 0, the complete table is displayed, regardless of the number of data rows. The parameter is set to 100 by default. Rows Scrolled for Each Step (BLOCK_ROWS_STEP_SIZE)

You use this parameter to specify the scrolling logic you want: You can specify the number of data rows scrolled for each step. The default setting “0” corresponds to 2/3 of the display rows. The value entered corresponds to the number of rows scrolled through.

If you enter the value “2”, two rows will be scrolled through. If you want to scroll through all displayed data rows, enter the same value that you entered for the Number of Data Rows Displayed at Once (BLOCK_ROWS_SIZE) parameter. Paging Area on Bottom of Table Visible (PAGING_AREA_BOTTOM_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to specify whether the area for scrolling is to be displayed at the bottom of the table.

Paging Area on Top of Table Visible (PAGING_AREA_TOP_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to specify whether the area for scrolling is displayed at the top of the table.

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Exception Visualization (EXCEPTION_RENDERING)

You use this parameter to specify the display type for exceptions. For example, exceptions can be highlighted using colors or symbols.

Document Icons for Metadata (DOCUMENTS_ICONS_METADATA)

You use this parameter to specify whether links to metadata documents are to be displayed.

Document Icons for Master Data (DOCUMENTS_ICONS_MASTERDATA)

You use this parameter to specify whether links to master data documents are to be displayed.

Document Icons for Data (DOCUMENTS_ICONS_DATA)

You use this parameter to specify whether links to InfoProvider data documents are to be displayed.

For more information about using the Analysis Web item and its functions, see Context Menu Functions [External] and Analysis Grid [External].


Definition Web item that allows data to be displayed graphically in various charts, such as column, profile and line charts.

Use Using the Chart Web item, you can display data graphically in your Web application.

Structure The following tables list the parameters for the Chart Web item, arranged according to the various parameter groupings. Display Parameter


Width in Pixels (WIDTH)

You use this parameter to specify the width of the Web item.

Height in Pixels (HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to specify the height of the Web item.

Visibility (VISIBILITY)

You use this parameter to specify whether the Web item is to be visible in the Web application.

With Tray (WITH_TRAY)

You use this parameter to specify whether the Chart Web item is to have a symbol that allows the Web item to be expanded and collapsed. For more information about this parameter, see Parameter Tray [Page 174].

Internal Display

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You use the button for this parameter to navigate to the Chart Designer. In the Chart Designer, you can make various settings for the chart. See Editing Charts [Page 175].

Chart Type (CHART_TYPE)

You use this parameter to select the required chart type. The default value is Column Chart.

Legend Type

You use this parameter to make the following settings for the legend:


Legend (default setting) The legend is displayed. The option Chart Legend Position is also displayed. You can choose from the following options:

North (N)

East (E)

South (S) (default value)

West (W)

None The legend is hidden.

Data Table Specifies that the system is to display the data in a table below the chart.

Only Legend (LEGEND_ONLY)

You use this parameter to specify that the legend is to be displayed without the chart.

Result Visible (RESULTS_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to specify whether the results are to be displayed in the chart or hidden. This parameter is deactivated by default and the totals rows/columns for the underlying data provider are not displayed in the chart. This means that you can suppress totals that may affect the chart display adversely without having to change the data provider.

Swap Display Axes (AXES_SWAPPED)

You use this parameter to swap the chart axes in the display without changing the navigational state of the query view.

You achieve the same effect if you swap two free characteristics with one another in the underlying query view.

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Show Expanded Hierarchy Nodes (OPEN_HIERARCHY_NODES_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to specify whether expanded hierarchy nodes are to be displayed or hidden in the chart. If you deactivate this parameter, it is possible to remove the expanded nodes from the chart generation when the display hierarchy is active. This ensures that the total of the values displayed is the overall result.

Display Exceptions (EXCEPTIONS_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to specify whether exceptions are to be displayed in the chart or are hidden. This parameter is deactivated by default and no exceptions are displayed in the chart, even though the data provider on which it is based has exceptions. See Displaying Exceptions in Maps and Charts [External].

Behavior Parameter



You use this parameter to specify whether navigation and other interaction is to be possible in the Web application.

Data Binding Parameter



You use this parameter to assign a data provider to the Web item. The Web item gets the data and metadata that it needs to generate the output and commands from this data provider. We recommend that you keep to the conventions supported by the Web Application Designer when specifying names: Names can be a maximum of 30 characters and consist of characters “A-Z”, “0-9” and “_”, but cannot start or end with “_”. Adhering to these conventions simplifies the upgrade to subsequent SAP releases.


You use this parameter to specify the list of data providers to which all chart commands are sent.

Chart Texts Parameter


Title (TITLE)

You use this parameter to specify the language-dependent text for the title of the chart.

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Diagram Subtitle (Language-Dependent) (SUBTITLE)

You use this parameter to specify the language-dependent text for the subtitle of the chart.

Legend Title (Language-Dependent) (TITLE_LEGEND)

You use this parameter to specify the language-dependent text for the title of the legend.

Manual Axis Description

You use this parameter to specify whether or not you want to override automatic axis labeling.


If you do not select this parameter, the system creates labeling for the chart axes of simple charts such as column, bar, line, and profile charts. For example, the name of a key figure appears on the Y axis in a bar chart. For more information, see Automatic Axis Labeling for Simple Charts [Page 66]. If you select this parameter, you can choose between the following options for overriding the automatic labeling of the axes: ●

Category Axis (X): Title (LanguageDependent) (TITLE_CATEGORY_AXIS) You use this parameter to specify the language-dependent text for the title of the category axis (X).

Value Axis (Y): Title (LanguageDependent) (TITLE_VALUE_AXIS) You use this parameter to specify the language-dependent text for the title of the value axis (Y).

Secondary Category Axis (X): Title (Language-Dependent) (TITLE_SEC_CATEGORY_AXIS) You use this parameter to specify the language-dependent text for the title of the secondary category axis (X). This parameter is only needed for specific chart types such as histograms or scatter charts.

Secondary Value Axis (Y): Title (Language-Dependent) (TITLE_SEC_VALUE_AXIS) You use this parameter to specify the language-dependent text for the title of the secondary value axis (Y).

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You use this parameter to specify whether or not you want to override the automatic display for units and currencies. If the units and currencies in the query and other settings are the same and you do not select this parameter, these units, currencies, and settings are displayed automatically in the chart. If you select this parameter, you can choose between the following options for overriding the automatic display: ●

Category Axis (X): Unit (LanguageDependent) (UNIT_CATEGORY_AXIS) You use this parameter to specify the language-dependent text for the unit of the category axis (X).

Value Axis (Y): Unit (LanguageDependent) (UNIT_VALUE_AXIS) You use this parameter to specify the language-dependent text for the unit of the value axis (Y).

Secondary Category Axis (X): Unit (Language-Dependent) (UNIT_SEC_CATEGORY_AXIS) You use this parameter to specify the language-dependent text for the unit of the secondary category axis (X). This parameter is only needed for specific chart types such as histograms or scatter charts.

Secondary Value Axis (Y): Unit (Language-Dependent) (UNIT_SEC_VALUE_AXIS) You use this parameter to specify the language-dependent text for the unit of the secondary value axis (Y).

The texts, such as chart titles and chart subtitles, as well as the titles and units of the axes, are all language-dependent. You can enter the texts in the Chart Designer or in the Web Application Designer using the text input dialog [Page 40] for the relevant parameters. For more information about using the Chart Web item and its functions, see Context Menu Functions [External].

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Automatic Axis Labeling for Simple Charts

Use You can choose to label the chart axes automatically for very simple charts by activating the attribute Automatic Axis Label for Simple Charts (AUTOMATIC_DESCRIPTION) in the Web Application Designer.

Prerequisites ●

Under Edit Chart, you have selected one of the following chart types: −

Column chart

Bar chart

Line chart

Profile chart

The data provider on which the chart is based contains only one key figure used in a structure. There are no additional structures.

Features The attribute Automatic Axis Labeling for Simple Charts has the following effect: ●

The name of the (only) key figure is displayed on the Y axis of the chart.

The name of the key figure, which is generally displayed on the X axis, in order to enable interaction in the chart, is hidden. This means that the normal interaction options are not available in this case.

The names of the characteristics (or the name of the characteristic if only one is used) are displayed on the X axis.

If the key figures are mixed with characteristics on an axis, the labels are not displayed automatically on the X axis.

The descriptions above are valid for the chart types Bar Chart and Profile Chart with swapped X and Y axes.


Definition Web item that allows you to insert reports into a Web application.

Use Using the Report Web item, you can insert formatted reports into a Web application.

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Structure The following tables list the parameters for the Report Web item, arranged according to the various parameter groupings. Display Parameter


Width in Pixels (WIDTH)

You use this parameter to specify the width of the Web item.

Height in Pixels (HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to specify the height of the Web item.

With Tray (WITH_TRAY)

You use this parameter to specify whether the Web item is to have a symbol that allows the Web item to be expanded and collapsed. For more information about this parameter, see Parameter Tray [Page 174].

Internal Display Parameter


Report Design (REPORT)

You use this parameter to specify the design of the report. To do this, you select a report. You have the following options: ●

You can enter the name of an existing report beside Report Design.

You can call the Report Designer by choosing the pushbutton beside Report Design. In the Report Designer, you can create and save a new report or open an existing report. When you have completed your selection, you close the Report Designer. The name of the report you selected is copied automatically to the field beside Report Design.

When you have selected a report, the data provider on which the report is based, is listed automatically in the List of Data Providers parameter (REPORT_DATA_BINDING_LIST) (see below) and at the bottom of the Web Template screen area in the layout view of the Web Application Designer.

Behavior Parameter



You use this parameter to specify whether navigation or other interaction is to be possible in the Web application.

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List of Data Providers (REPORT_DATA_BINDING_LIST)

You use this parameter to create a list of data providers for the Web item by setting the parameter DATA_PROVIDER_REF for each entry in the list.

Integration You can call the Report Designer from the context menu of the Web item in the Web template to create new reports or change the design of existing reports. To do this, choose Edit.

Navigation Pane

Definition Web item that allows the navigation status of a data provider to be displayed.

Use The Navigation Pane Web item shows the navigation status of a data provider. All the characteristics and structures of the data provider are listed. You can alter the navigation status by using Drag&Drop to drag characteristics or structures to an axis (rows or columns) of the table, or to remove them from the axis. You can swap axes in the navigation pane using Drag&Drop, the table changes accordingly. You can also drag characteristics into the filter pane using Drag&Drop.

Structure The following is a parameter list for the Navigation Pane Web item, arranged according to the various parameter groupings. Display Parameter


Width in pixels (WIDTH)

You use this parameter to determine the width of the Web item.

Full width (FULL_WIDTH)

You use this parameter to determine that the specification in the Width in Pixels (WIDTH) parameter be ignored and that the width be set to 100% instead. The full width depends on the width of the environment in which the Web item is embedded (for example, the width of a tab page on a portal page or iView).

Height in pixels (HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to determine the height of the Web item.

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Full height (FULL_HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to determine that the specification in the Height in Pixels (HEIGHT) parameter be ignored and that the height be set to 100% instead. The full height depends on the height of the environment in which the Web item is embedded (for example, the height of a tab page on a portal page or iView).

Visibility (VISIBILITY)

You use this parameter to determine whether the Web item is visible in the Web application.

With tray (WITH_TRAY)

You use this parameter to determine whether the Navigation Pane Web item has a symbol that allows the Web item to be expanded and collapsed. For more information on this parameter, see Parameter Tray [Page 174].

Internal Display Parameter


Navigation pane content (NAVIGATION_BLOCK_CONTENT)

You use this parameter to determine the characteristics that are displayed in the navigation pane. You have the following selection options: ●

All: All characteristics are displayed.

Columns: Only the characteristics in the columns are displayed.

Rows: Only the characteristics in the rows are displayed.

Free characteristics: Only the free characteristics are displayed.

Behavior Parameter


Activate navigation (INTERACTION_ALLOWED)

You use this parameter to determine whether navigation and other interactions are possible in the Web application.

Data Binding Parameter

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You assign a data provider to the Web item with this parameter. The Web item gets the data and metadata that it needs to generate the output and commands from this data provider. We recommend that you keep to the conventions supported by the Web Application Designer when specifying names: The name should be a maximum of 30 characters long and consist of characters “A-Z”, “0-9” and “_” but cannot start or end with “_”. Adhering to these conventions facilitates the upgrade to future SAP releases.

Filter Pane

Definition Web item that allows you to display and select characteristic values for filtering.

Use Using the Filter Pane Web item, you can set filters for individual characteristics. The characteristic values are provided for each characteristic in dropdown boxes. In addition, you can drag characteristics from the navigation pane or the table to the filter pane using drag and drop.

Structure The following tables list the parameters for the Filter Pane Web item, arranged according to the various parameter groupings. Display Parameter


Width in Pixels (WIDTH)

You use this parameter to specify the width of the Web item.

Full Width (FULL_WIDTH)

You use this parameter to specify that the value in the Width in Pixels (WIDTH) parameter be ignored and that the width be set to 100% instead. The full width depends on the width of the environment in which the Web item is embedded (for example, the width of a tab page on a portal page or iView).

Height in Pixels (HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to specify the height of the Web item.

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Full Height (FULL_HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to specify that the value in the Height in Pixels (HEIGHT) parameter be ignored and that the height be set to 100% instead. The full height depends on the height of the environment in which the Web item is embedded (for example, the height of a tab page on a portal page or iView).

Visibility (VISIBILITY)

You use this parameter to specify whether the Web item is to be visible in the Web application.

With Tray (WITH_TRAY)

You use this parameter to specify whether the Filter Pane Web item is to have a symbol that allows the Web item to be expanded and collapsed. For more information about this parameter, see Parameter Tray [Page 174].

Internal Display Parameter


Number of Columns (COLUMNS)

You use this parameter to specify the number of entries displayed adjacent to one other.

Has Button Row (HAS_BUTTON_ROW)

You use this parameter to specify whether the filter pane is to have a pushbutton row.

Max. No. of Summary Characters (MAX_SUMMARY_CHARACTERS)

You use this parameter to specify the maximum number of characteristics for the filter summary field.

Behavior Parameter



You use this parameter to specify whether navigation and other interaction is to be possible in the Web application.

Automatic Apply (AUTOMATIC_APPLY)

You use this parameter to specify whether the system is to make changes to the data provider automatically.

Data Binding Parameter

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You use this parameter to assign a data provider to the Web item. The Web item gets the data and metadata that it needs to generate the output and commands from this data provider. We recommend that you keep to the conventions supported by the Web Application Designer when specifying names: Names can be a maximum of 30 characters and consist of characters “A-Z”, “0-9” and “_”, but cannot start or end with “_”. Adhering to these conventions simplifies the upgrade to subsequent SAP releases.

Characteristic Set (CHARACTERISTIC_SET)

You use this parameter to specify the initial set of characteristics to be displayed.

Button Group

Definition Web item for a group of buttons that can execute one or more commands from the Web Design API, as selected.

Use Using the Button Group Web item, you can add commands from the Web Design API to your Web application. To do this, you define a command or sequence of commands for each button. You can insert any text (language-dependent and language-independent) for the button labels, assign a quick link to them, and specify their design.

Structure The following tables list the parameters for the Button Group Web item, arranged according to the various parameter groupings. Display Parameter


Width in Pixels (WIDTH)

You use this parameter to specify the width of the Web item.

Height in Pixels (HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to specify the height of the Web item.

Visibility (VISIBILITY)

You use this parameter to specify whether the Web item is to be visible in the Web application.

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With Tray (WITH_TRAY)

You use this parameter to specify whether the Web item is to have a symbol that allows it to be expanded and collapsed in the Web application. For more information about this parameter, see Parameter Tray [Page 174].

Internal Display Parameter


Button Width (BUTTON_WIDTH)

You use this parameter to specify the width of each button. The default value adjusts the button width to the length of the text.

Default value: “0”

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List of Buttons (BUTTON_LIST)

You use this parameter to create the list of buttons for the Web application. You specify the following parameters for each button: ●

Caption (CAPTION) You use the text input dialog to enter the text to appear on the button. You can select whether the texts are to be language-dependent or languageindependent. See Text Input Dialog [Page 40].

Quick Info (TOOLTIP) You enter a quick-info text here. The text for the quick info can be created according to various criteria, in the same way as the caption. See the Caption parameter.

Action (Command Triggered) (ACTION) You use this parameter to link the button to an action. You first specify the type of action. You can insert the following actions: ○

Command via Command Wizard (INSTRUCTION) Using the pushbutton to the right of Command (INSTRUCTION), you can call the command wizard [Page 222] to insert an additional command.

Script Function (SCRIPT_FUNCTION) In the Script Function field, you specify a script function to be executed. You generate the script function using the script [Page 173] Web item that you previously added and set in the Web template.

Enabled (ENABLED) You specify whether the button is to be enabled in the Web application.

Design (BUTTON_DESIGN) You select the design for the button: Standard (STANDARD) Emphasized (EMPHASIZED) Previous (PREVIOUS) Next (NEXT)

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You use this parameter to specify whether navigation or other interaction is to be possible in the Web application.

Dropdown Box

Definition Web item that allows you to display and select contents in a dropdown box.

Use You can specify the content of the dropdown box as follows: ●

Characteristic values for filtering Using the Dropdown Box Web item, you can easily filter one or more connected data providers by a characteristic value. When you select an entry from the dropdown box, the connected data provider is filtered according to this value. If a different method is used to select a filter value for the characteristic in the dropdown box, the current filter value appears in the dropdown box.

Selection of query views By selecting an entry from the dropdown box, you can switch, in one step, from a data provider and its display (in a table, for example) to another data provider that may be displayed in a different way (in a chart, for example).

Fixed options list When you select an entry from the dropdown box, an associated command from the Web Design API is executed.

Fixed option list with manual update When you select an entry from the dropdown box, an associated command from the Web Design API is executed. It is also possible to trigger a manual update (of data).

Structure The following tables list the parameters for the Dropdown Box Web item, arranged according to the various parameter groupings. Display Parameter


Width in Pixels (WIDTH)

You use this parameter to specify the width of the Web item.

Height in Pixels (HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to specify the height of the Web item.

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Visibility (VISIBILITY)

You use this parameter to specify whether the Web item is to be visible in the Web application.

With Tray (WITH_TRAY)

You use this parameter to specify whether the Web item is to have a symbol that allows it to be expanded and collapsed in the Web application. For more information about this parameter, see Parameter Tray [Page 174].

Internal Display Parameter


Maximum Length of the Text (TEXT_MAXLENGTH)

You use this parameter to specify the maximum text length for the values.

Maximum Number of Displayed Values

You use this parameter to specify the maximum number of values to be displayed in the dropdown box.

(ENTRIES_MAXCOUNT) Behavior Parameter



You use this parameter to specify whether navigation and other interactions, such as in the Web application, are to be possible.

Data Binding Parameter


Data Binding Type (DATA_BINDING_TYPE)

You use this parameter to specify the content of the entries in the dropdown box: In the dropdown box, you can display characteristic values for filtering, a selection of query views and their graphical presentation, a fixed list of options that you have defined, or a fixed list of options with manual update.

The default value is: “CHARACTERISTIC_SELECTION” Char/Structure Member: CHARACTERISTIC_SELECTION Query View Selection: QUERY_VIEW_SELECTION Fixed List of Options:

Additional parameters must be set, depending on the data binding type. See the subsequent tables.

STATIC_OPTION_LIST Fixed List of Options: Manual Update: STATIC_OPTION_LIST_MANUAL Additional parameters must be set, depending on the selected data binding type. For more information about each of the data binding types, see: Data Binding Type CHARACTERISTIC_SELECTION [Page 77] Data Binding Type QUERY_VIEW_SELECTION [Page 79] Data Binding Type STATIC_OPTION_LIST [Page 81] Data Binding Type STATIC_OPTION_LIST_MANUAL [Page 82]

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If you select Characteristic Value/Structure Element (CHARACTERISTIC_SELECTION) for Data Binding Type in the dropdown box Web item, you must set the following parameters: Parameter



You use this parameter to assign a data provider to the Web item. The Web item gets the data and metadata that it needs to generate the output and commands from this data provider. We recommend that you keep to the conventions supported by the Web Application Designer when specifying names: Names can be a maximum of 30 characters and consist of characters “A-Z”, “0-9” and “_”, but cannot start or end with “_”. Adhering to these conventions simplifies the upgrade to subsequent SAP releases.

Characteristic (CHARACTERISTIC)

You use this parameter to select the characteristic according to its technical name.


You use this parameter to specify which values from the master data table are to be used as filter values in the dropdown box Web item. (M): All values from the master data table. In some circumstances, values that do not appear in the data provider under the current filter conditions and that produce the result "No Suitable Data Found" when filtered, might also be displayed. However, under certain conditions this process is the fastest. (D): Values that are posted, whereby the current drilldown status is not fully taken into consideration. (Q): Only those values that are also posted in the data provider within the current filter conditions are displayed. This can take a long time in some instances. Read mode for Web items to set filter values: The “master data” read mode may result in many unposted values being displayed; the “posted values” read mode may be slow.

Label Visible (LABEL_VISIBLE)

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You use this parameter to specify whether the long text of the characteristic is to be written as a label beside the dropdown box.


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You use this parameter to specify whether the All entry is to be displayed as a selection option in the dropdown box.


Using this parameter, you create a list of data providers to which all commands are sent. For each entry in the data provider list, you select a data provider in the Affected Data Provider parameter (LINKED_DATA_PROVIDER_REF). Note that you cannot create data providers in the parameter dialog box - you have to create them beforehand.

Additional Action (ACTION_WITH_DEFAULT)

You use this parameter to specify the standard behavior of the Web item. In this way, in addition to setting a filter value (characteristic value or structure element), you can execute an additional command by changing an entry in the dropdown box. You first specify the type of additional action. You can include the following additional actions as follows: ●

Command Via Command Wizard (INSTRUCTION_WITH_DEFAULT) If you choose this option, you can include an additional action using the command wizard. For more information, see the detailed table.

Script Function (SCRIPT_FUNCTION) If you choose this option, you can include an additional script function. For more information, see the detailed table.

Depending on the additional action you choose to include, you need to set additional parameters. For more information, see the following table. Parameters for Command via Command Wizard (INSTRUCTION_WITH_DEFAULT) Parameter

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Execution Time (EXECUTION_TIME)

You use this parameter to specify the time of the execution for the command: ●

Before (BEFORE) If you choose this option, the additional command is executed before filtering.

After (AFTER) If you choose this option, the additional command is executed after filtering.

Instead (INSTEAD) If you choose this option, the additional command is executed instead of filtering.


Using the pushbutton to the right of Command (INSTRUCTION), you call the command wizard [Page 222] to include an additional command.

Parameters for Script Function (SCRIPT_FUNCTION) Parameter


Script Function (SCRIPT_FUNCTION)

You can enter an additional script function to be executed. You generate the script function using the script [Page 173] Web item that you previously added and set in the Web template.

For more information about the use and functions of the Web item for selecting characteristic values, see Web Items for Setting Filter Values and Hierarchical Filter Selection Web Item [External].


If you select Query View Selection (QUERY_VIEW_SELECTION) for Data Binding Type in the dropdown box Web item, you must set the following parameters: Parameter



You use this parameter to assign a data provider to the Web item. The Web item gets the data and metadata that it needs to generate the output and commands from this data provider.

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Specific List of Query Views (SPECIFIC_LIST_OF_QUERY_VIEWS)

You use this parameter to specify whether a specific list of query views or a list of all query views is to be displayed for the assigned query. You have to set the following parameters for each entry in the dropdown box: Initial State (INITIAL_STATE) Query (QUERY) Query View (QUERY_VIEW) InfoProvider (INFOPROVIDER) You specify the initial state by using the open dialog to select a query, a query view, or an InfoProvider and the relevant technical name of the object. Reusable Web Item (REUSABLE_WEB_ITEM) You also specify the Web item with which the data provider is to be displayed. To do this, you must have saved the required Web item as a reusable Web item. If you do not specify a value, the target Web item (TARGET_ITEM_REF) is used for the display (see below). Description of Selection (SELECTION_TEXT) Using the text input dialog, you specify the text that is to appear on the entry in the dropdown box. See Text Input Dialog [Page 40]. Command (INSTRUCTION) Using the command wizard, you specify whether and with which command from the Web Design API the entry in the dropdown box is to be additionally linked. See also Command Wizard [Page 222].

Target Web Item (TARGET_ITEM_REF)

You use this parameter to specify the Web item to be initially used for displaying data, and that you previously inserted in the Web template.

Listed Alphabetically

You use this parameter to specify whether the dropdown box entries are to appear in alphabetical order.


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You use this parameter to specify whether filter values are to be retained in the dropdown box when the query view is changed.


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Using the command wizard, you specify whether and with which command from the Web Design API the entry in the dropdown box is to be additionally linked. Note that when you select a query view from the dropdown box, the following command sequence takes effect: ...

1. Switching of the Web item and the data provider. 2. Execution of the Web API command specified in the Command (INSTRUCTION) parameter for selection of the query view. 3. Execution of the Web API command specified in the Command (INSTRUCTION) parameter for an entry from the dropdown box (see parameters for Specific List of Query Views (SPECIFIC_LIST_OF_QUERY_VIEWS)). For more information about the use and function of the Web item for the query view selection, see Query View Selection with a Dropdown Box [External].


If you select Fixed List of Options (STATIC_OPTION_LIST) for Data Binding Type in the dropdown box Web item, you must set the following parameters: Parameter

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Fixed List of Options (STATIC_OPTION)

You use this parameter to set the entries for the list of fixed options. You need to set the following parameters for each entry in the list: Description of Selection (SELECTION_TEXT) Using the text input dialog, you specify the text that is to appear on the entry in the dropdown box. See Text Input Dialog [Page 40]. Action (Command Triggered) (ACTION) ●

Command via Command Wizard (INSTRUCTION) Using the command wizard [Page 222], which you can call by choosing the pushbutton for Command, you specify whether and with which command from the Web Design API the entry in the dropdown box is to be linked.

Script Function (SCRIPT_FUNCTION) In the Script Function field, specify a script function to be executed. You generate the script function using the script [Page 173] Web item that you previously added and set in the Web template.


If you select Fixed List of Options: Manual Update (STATIC_OPTION_LIST_MANUAL) for Data Binding Type in the dropdown box Web item, you must set the following parameters: Parameter

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Fixed List of Options: Manual Update (STATIC_OPTION_LIST_MANUAL)

You use this parameter to set the entries for the list of fixed options with manual update. To do this the following parameters must be set: Description of Selection (SELECTION_TEXT) Using the text input dialog, you specify the text that is to appear on the entry in the dropdown box. See Text Input Dialog [Page 40]. Command (INSTRUCTION) Using the command wizard, you specify whether and with which command from the Web Design API the entry in the dropdown box is to be linked. See also Command Wizard [Page 222].

Radio Button Groups

Definition The Radio Button Group Web item puts characteristic values to be filtered into a group of selection buttons.

Use Using the Radio Button Group Web item, you can easily filter one or more connected data providers by a characteristic value. When you select a value, the connected data provider is filtered according to this value. If you select a filter value in another way for the characteristic of the radio button group, the current filter value is selected.

Structure The following is a parameter list for the Web item Radio Button Group, arranged according to the various parameter groupings. Display Parameter


Width in pixels (WIDTH)

You use this parameter to determine the width of the Web item.

Height in pixels (HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to determine the height of the Web item.

Visibility (VISIBILITY)

You use this parameter to determine whether the Web item is visible in the Web application.

With tray (WITH_TRAY)

You use this parameter to determine whether the Web item has a symbol that enables it to be expanded and collapsed in the Web application. For more information on this parameter, see Parameter Tray [Page 174].

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You use this parameter to determine whether the long text of the characteristic is written as a label in front of the radio button group.

Maximum text length (TEXT_MAXLENGTH)

You use this parameter to determine the maximum text length for the values. Specify the number of characters for this.

Maximum number of displayed values (ENTRIES_MAXCOUNT)

You use this parameter to determine the maximum number of values that are to be displayed in the radio button group.


You use this parameter to determine whether the All entry is displayed as a selection option in the radio button group.

Number of columns (COLUMNS)

You use this parameter to determine the number of entries displayed adjacent to one other.

Behavior Parameter


Activate navigation (INTERACTION_ALLOWED)

You use this parameter to determine whether navigation and other interactions are possible, like in the Web application.

Data Binding Parameter


Data provider (DATA_PROVIDER_REF)

You use this parameter to assign a data provider to the Web item. The Web item gets the data and metadata that it needs to generate the output and commands from this data provider. We recommend that you keep to the conventions supported by the Web Application Designer when specifying names: The name should be a maximum of 30 characters long and consist of characters “A-Z”, “0-9” and “_”, but cannot start or end with “_”. Adhering to these conventions facilitates the upgrade to future SAP releases.

Affected data provider (LINKED_DATA_PROVIDER_REF_LIST)

Under this parameter, you create a list of data providers to which all commands are sent. For each entry in the data provider list, you choose a data provider under the Affected Data Provider parameter (LINKED_DATA_PROVIDER_REF). Note that you cannot create data providers in the parameter dialog, you have to create them beforehand.

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Characteristic (CHARACTERISTIC)

You use this parameter to select the characteristic by technical name.

Read mode (DATA_READ_MODE)

You use this parameter to determine which values from the master data table are to be transferred to the Radio Button Group Web item as filter values. (M): All values from the master data table. In some circumstances, values that do not appear in the data provider under the current filter conditions and that, upon filtering, produce the result “No Suitable Data Found” are also displayed. However, under certain conditions this process is the fastest. (D): Values that are basically posted, whereby the current drilldown status is not fully taken into consideration.-{}(Q): Only values that are also posted in the data provider under the currently valid filter conditions are displayed. Under certain circumstances it can take a long time. Read mode for Web items to set filter values: The “master data” read mode may lead to many unposted values being displayed; the “posted values” read mode may be slow.

For more information on the use and functions of the Web item, see Web Items for Setting Filter Values and Hierarchical Filter Selection [External].

Checkbox Group

Definition Web item that allows free characteristics to be displayed and selected as filter values in a group of checkboxes.

Use Using the Checkbox Group Web item, you can easily filter one or more connected data providers according to one or more characteristic values. You can set or remove filter values in the Web application by setting one or more indicators.

Structure The following is a parameter list for the Checkbox Group Web item, arranged according to the various parameter groupings. Display

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Width in pixels (WIDTH)

You use this parameter to determine the width of the Web item.

Height in pixels (HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to determine the height of the Web item.

Visibility (VISIBILITY)

You use this parameter to determine whether the Web item is visible in the Web application.

With tray (WITH_TRAY)

You use this parameter to determine whether the Web item has a symbol that enables the Web item to be expanded and collapsed in the Web application. For more information on this parameter, see Parameter Tray [Page 174].

Internal Display Parameter



You use this parameter to determine whether the long text of the characteristic is written as a label in front of the checkbox group.

Maximum text length (TEXT_MAXLENGTH)

You use this parameter to determine the maximum text length for the characteristic values.

Maximum number of displayed values (ENTRIES_MAXCOUNT)

You use this parameter to determine the maximum number of values that are displayed in the checkbox group.

Number of columns (COLUMNS)

You use this parameter to determine the number of entries displayed adjacent to one other.

Behavior Parameter


Activate navigation (INTERACTION_ALLOWED)

You use this parameter to determine whether navigation and other interaction is possible, like in the Web application.

Data Binding Parameter

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You use this parameter to assign a data provider to the Web item. The Web item gets the data and metadata that it needs to generate the output and commands from this data provider. We recommend that you keep to the conventions supported by the Web Application Designer when specifying names: The name should be a maximum of 30 characters long and consist of characters “A-Z”, “0-9” and “_” but cannot start or end with “_”. Adhering to these conventions facilitates the upgrade to future SAP releases.

Affected data provider (LINKED_DATA_PROVIDER_REF_LIST)

You use this parameter to create a list of data providers to which all commands are sent. For each entry in the data provider list, choose a data provider under the affected data provider parameter (LINKED_DATA_PROVIDER_REF). Note that you cannot create data providers in the parameter dialog itself. You have to create them beforehand.

Characteristic (CHARACTERISTIC)

You use this parameter to select the characteristic by technical name.

Read mode (DATA_READ_MODE)

You use this parameter to determine which values are to be transferred from the master data table to the Checkbox Group as filter values. ●

(M): All values from the master data table

In some circumstances values that do not appear in the data provider under the current filter conditions and that, upon filtering, produce the result “No Suitable Data Found” are also displayed. However, under certain conditions this process is the fastest. (D): Values that are basically posted, whereby the current drilldown status is not fully taken into consideration. (Q): Only values that are also posted in the data provider under the currently valid filter conditions are displayed. In certain circumstances this can take a long time. Read mode for Web items to set filter values: The “master data” read mode may lead to many unposted values being displayed; the “posted values” read mode may be slow.

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Developing User Interfaces For more information on the use and functions of the Web item, see Web Items for Setting Filter Values and Web Item Hierarchical Filter Selection [External].

List Box

Definition Web item that provides the characteristic values for filtering in a list box.

Use With this Web item, you can make multiple selections on characteristic values of one or more data providers.

Structure The following is a parameter list for the Web item List Box, arranged according to the various parameter groupings. Display Parameter


Width in pixels (WIDTH)

You use this parameter to determine the width of the Web item.

Height in pixels (HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to determine the height of the Web item.

Visibility (VISIBILITY)

You use this parameter to determine whether the Web item is visible in the Web application.

With tray (WITH_TRAY)

You use this parameter to determine whether the Web item has a symbol that allows it to be expanded and collapsed. For more information on this parameter, see Parameter Tray [Page 174].

Internal Display Parameter


Label visible (LABEL_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to determine whether the long text of the characteristic is written as a label in front of the list box.

Maximum text length (TEXT_MAXLENGTH)

You use this parameter to determine the maximum text length for the values. Specify the number of characters for this.

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Maximum number of displayed values (ENTRIES_MAXCOUNT)

You use this parameter to determine the maximum number of values that are to be displayed in the list box.

Behavior Parameter


Activate navigation (INTERACTION_ALLOWED)

You use this parameter to determine whether navigation or other interactions are possible in the Web application.

Data Binding Parameter


Data provider (DATA_PROVIDER_REF)

You use this parameter to assign a data provider to the Web item. The Web item gets the data and metadata that it needs to generate the output and commands from this data provider. We recommend that you keep to the conventions supported by the Web Application Designer when specifying names: The name should be a maximum of 30 characters long and consist of characters “A-Z”, “0-9” and “_”, but cannot start or end with “_”. Adhering to these conventions facilitates the upgrade to future SAP releases.

Affected data provider (LINKED_DATA_PROVIDER_REF_LIST)

Under this parameter, you create a list of data providers to which all commands are sent. For each entry in the data provider list, you choose a data provider under the Affected Data Provider parameter (LINKED_DATA_PROVIDER_REF). Note that you cannot create data providers in the parameter dialog, you have to create them beforehand.

Characteristic (CHARACTERISTIC)

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You use this parameter to select the characteristic by technical name.


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Read mode (DATA_READ_MODE)

You use this parameter to determine which values from the master data table are to be transferred to the List Box web item as filter values. (M): All values from the master data table. In some circumstances, values that do not appear in the data provider under the current filter conditions and that produce the result “No Suitable Data Found” upon filtering, are also displayed However, under certain conditions this process is the fastest. (D): Values that are basically posted, whereby the current drilldown status is not fully taken into consideration. (Q): Only values that are also posted in the data provider under the currently valid filter conditions are displayed. Under certain circumstances it can take a long time. Read mode for Web items to set filter values The “master data” read mode may lead to many unposted values being displayed; the “posted values” read mode may be slow.

For more information on the use and functions of the Web item, see Web Items for Setting Filter Values and Web Item Hierarchical Filter Selection [External].

Hierarchical Filter Selection

Definition Web item that generates a hierarchical filter selection from the hierarchy of a characteristic or a structure, where the hierarchy nodes are displayed in a tree that can be expanded and collapsed. The hierarchy nodes (including leaves of the hierarchy) can be set as a filter.

Use Using the hierarchical filter selection, you can filter a data provider by hierarchy nodes.

Structure The following is a parameter list for the Web item Hierarchical Filter Selection, arranged according to the various parameter groupings. Display Parameter


Width in pixels (WIDTH)

You use this parameter to determine the width of the Web item.

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Height in pixels (HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to determine the height of the Web item.

Visibility (VISIBILITY)

You use this parameter to determine whether the Web item is visible in the Web application.

With tray (WITH_TRAY)

You use this parameter to determine whether the Web item has a symbol that allows it to be expanded and collapsed. For more information on this parameter, see Parameter Tray [Page 174].

Internal Display Parameter


Label visible (LABEL_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to determine whether the description of the characteristic is written in front of the hierarchy.

Behavior Parameter


Activate navigation (INTERACTION_ALLOWED)

You use this parameter to determine whether navigation or other interactions are possible in the Web application.

Data Binding Parameter


Data provider (DATA_PROVIDER_REF)

You use this parameter to assign a data provider to the Web item. The Web item gets the data and metadata that it needs to generate the output and commands from this data provider. We recommend that you keep to the conventions supported by the Web Application Designer when specifying names: The name should be a maximum of 30 characters long and consist of characters “A-Z”, “0-9” and “_”, but cannot start or end with “_”. Adhering to these conventions facilitates the upgrade to future SAP releases.

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Affected data provider (LINKED_DATA_PROVIDER_REF_LIST)

Under this parameter, you create a list of data providers to which all commands are sent. For each entry in the data provider list, choose a data provider under the affected data provider parameter (LINKED_DATA_PROVIDER_REF). Note that you cannot create data providers in the parameter dialog, you have to create them beforehand.

Characteristic (CHARACTERISTIC)

You use this parameter to select the characteristic by technical name.


You use this parameter to choose the technical name of the hierarchy, the nodes of which are used for filtering. If the field is initial, the system uses the hierarchy that is currently set.

Key date

You use this parameter to choose the key date for which the hierarchy is analyzed. The hierarchy is used as it existed on the given date. If this field is initial, the key date of the query is used.




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You use this parameter to determine the version of the hierarchy, the nodes of which are used for filtering. If the field is initial, the current version of the presentation hierarchy is used. You use this parameter to determine the initial expansion level of the filter selection. If the field is initial, the initial expansion depth used follows the query definition.


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Read mode (DATA_READ_MODE)

You use this parameter to determine which values are to be transferred from the master data table to the hierarchical filter selection as filter values: (M): All values from the master data table In some circumstances, values that do not appear in the data provider under the current filter conditions and that, upon filtering, produce the result “No Suitable Data Found” are also displayed. However, under certain conditions this process is the fastest. (D): Values that are basically posted, whereby the current drilldown status is not fully taken into consideration. (Q): Only values that are also posted in the data provider under the currently valid filter conditions are displayed. Under certain circumstances it can take a long time. Read mode for Web items to set filter values: The “master data” read mode may lead to many unposted values being displayed; the “posted values” read mode may be slow.

Web item Grouping: Extended

Use The Web item grouping is used to structure the pool of Web items in the Web Application Designer.

Structure The following Web items are part of the Extended grouping: ●

Web template

Container layout


Tab pages


Single document

List of documents


System messages

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Info field

Web Template

Definition Web Item you use to insert other Web templates into a Web template.

Use With the Web Template Web item you can easily manage consistent sections in your Web applications centrally in a Web template, and can integrate them into any Web template as required. In this way, you can define a header or footer section with the corporate logo and heading as a Web template and can integrate this Web template into your Web applications as a Web Template Web item. This Web template is then inserted during runtime. In contrast to HTML frame technology, the system does not generate a new page during this process. The context of the main template remains the same.

Structure The Web Template Web item has the following parameters: Parameter


Web template

In this parameter you enter the technical name of the Web template to be inserted.


After you have set the Web Template (TEMPLATE_ID) parameter, save the Web template. When you reopen this Web template the contents of the inserted Web template are displayed with all Web items and data providers. This allows you to overwrite the Web item and data provider parameters of the inserted Web template directly in the layout view of the Web Application Designer. For more information on using the Web Template Web item and its functions, see Web Template [External].

Container Layout

Definition Web item that allows the systematic arrangement of Web items into rows and columns.

Use The container layout Web item facilitates visual arrangement of the content in a Web application. You can determine the Web item that is to be displayed for each cell in the layout

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Developing User Interfaces grid. Only one item can be displayed for each cell. In this way you can systematically arrange Web items over, under or adjacent to one another.

To systematically arrange the content in a Web application, you can also use an HTML table. However, technical viewpoints such as accessibility are automatically applied and implemented with the Container Layout Web item.

Structure The following is a parameter list for the Web item Container Layout, arranged according to the various parameter groupings. Display Parameter


Width in pixels (WIDTH)

You use this parameter to determine the width of the Web item.

Full width (FULL_WIDTH)

You use this parameter to determine that the specification in the Width in Pixels (WIDTH) parameter be ignored and that the width be set to 100% instead. The full width depends on the width of the environment in which the Web item is embedded (for example, the width of a tab page on a portal page or iView).

Height in pixels (HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to determine the height of the Web item.

Full height (FULL_HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to determine that the specification in the Height in Pixels (HEIGHT) parameter be ignored and that the height be set to 100% instead. The full height depends on the height of the environment in which the Web item is embedded (for example, the height of a tab page on a portal page or iView).

Visibility (VISIBILITY)

You use this parameter to determine whether the Web item is visible in the Web application.

With tray (WITH_TRAY)

You use this parameter to determine whether the Web item has a symbol that allows it to be expanded and collapsed. For more information on this parameter, see Parameter Tray [Page 174].

Internal Display Parameter

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March 2006

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Row list (ROW_LIST)

You use this parameter to determine how the Web items are to be arranged in your Web applications. You determine in which cell a specific Web item is to be placed. Make sure that the Web item has been inserted into the Container Layout Web item beforehand (not in the Web template). First find the row into which the Web item is to be placed using the Row List parameter. Then choose the column into which the Web item is to be placed under List. Set the following parameters under Definition for the respective column. ●

Subordinate Web item (CHILD_ITEM_REF) Here you select the Web item that is to be displayed in the cell and that you have previously inserted into the Container Layout Web item.

Width in pixels (WIDTH) Here you set the width of the cell.

Height in pixels (HEIGHT) Here you set the height of the cell.

Rowspan (ROWSPAN) Here you merge rows into one cell. For example, when you enter the number 2, it means that the cells span over two rows.

Colspan (COLSPAN) Here you merge columns. For example, when you enter the number 2, it means that the cells span over two columns.

Vertical alignment (VALIGN) of the cell content Here you set the vertical alignment of the Web item. Beginning (BEGIN) Center (CENTER) End (END)

Horizontal alignment (HALIGN) of the cell content Here you set the horizontal alignment of the Web item. Beginning (BEGIN) Center (CENTER) End (END)

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Activate navigation (INTERACTION_ALLOWED)

You use this parameter to determine whether navigation or other interactions are possible in the Web application.


Definition Web item that allows the combining of any content, whether to be displayed or hidden.

Use With the Container Web item, you can combine any content and nest Web items. You can use this Web item to insert free HTML into other Web items, such as tab pages. To do this, first insert free HTML into the Container Web item and include it in the Tab Page Web item.

Structure The following is a parameter list for the Web item Container, arranged according to the various parameter groupings. Display Parameter


Width in pixels (WIDTH)

You use this parameter to determine the width of the Web item.

Default value: “-1”

The default value -1 is not a fixed width; it means that the Web item adapts to the width as needed. Full width (FULL_WIDTH)

You use this parameter to determine that the specification in the Width in Pixels (WIDTH) parameter be ignored and that the width be set to 100% instead. The full width depends on the width of the environment in which the Web item is embedded (for example, the width of a tab page on a portal page or iView).

Height in pixels (HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to determine the height of the Web item.

Default value: “-1”

The default value -1 is not a fixed height; it means that the Web item adapts to the height as needed.

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Full height (FULL_HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to determine that the specification in the Height in Pixels (HEIGHT) parameter be ignored and that the height be set to 100% instead. The full height depends on the height of the environment in which the Web item is embedded (for example, the height of a tab page on a portal page or iView).

Visibility (VISIBILITY)

You use this parameter to determine whether the Web item is visible in the Web application.

With tray (WITH_TRAY)

You use this parameter to determine whether the Web item has a symbol that allows it to be expanded and collapsed. For more information on this parameter, see Parameter Tray [Page 174].

Behavior Parameter


Activate navigation (INTERACTION_ALLOWED)

You use this parameter to determine whether navigation or other interactions are possible in the Web application.

Tab Pages

Definition Web item that allows Web items to be arranged on tab pages.

Use Using the Tab Pages Web item, you can arrange and display Web items as tab pages in your Web application. You can assign one Web item to each tab page. You must first insert the subordinate Web items into the Tab Page Web item.

Structure The following tables list the parameters for the Tab Pages Web item, arranged according to the various parameter groupings. Display Parameter


Width in Pixels (WIDTH)

You use this parameter to specify the width of the Web item.

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Full Width (FULL_WIDTH)

You use this parameter to specify that the value in the Width in Pixels (WIDTH) parameter be ignored and that the width be set to 100% instead. The full width depends on the width of the environment in which the Web item is embedded (for example, the width of a tab page on a portal page or iView).

Height in Pixels (HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to specify the height of the Web item.

Full Height (FULL_HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to specify that the value in the Height in Pixels (HEIGHT) parameter be ignored and that the height be set to 100% instead. The full height depends on the height of the environment in which the Web item is embedded (for example, the height of a tab page on a portal page or iView).

Visibility (VISIBILITY)

You use this parameter to specify whether the Web item is to be visible in the Web application.

With Tray (WITH_TRAY)

You use this parameter to specify whether the Web item is to have a symbol that allows it to be expanded and collapsed. For more information about this parameter, see Parameter Tray [Page 174].

Internal Display Parameter


Initial Tab Index (INITIAL_TAB )

You use this parameter to specify the tab page that is to be initially displayed as active.

Default value: “1”

For example, when the default value 1 is used, the first tab page is initially displayed as active.

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Tab Panel List (TABPANEL_LIST)

You use this parameter to specify the list of tab pages for the Web application. You must set the following additional parameters for each tab page: Caption (CAPTION) You enter the label for the tab page using the text dialog. Icon (SYMBOL) You use this parameter to incorporate icons. Activation Action (ACTIVATION_ACTION) You can specify an action to be triggered when the tab pages are switched. The action is executed when you choose a tab page. To do this, call the command wizard [Page 222] under Command via Command Wizard. Deactivation Action (DEACTIVATION_ACTION) You can specify an action to be triggered when the tab pages are switched. The action is executed when you switch from one tab page to another tab page. To do this, call the command wizard under Command via Command Wizard. Note the following points in relation to activation and deactivation actions: ...

1. The activation action is not executed when the Web template is initially loaded. 2. When the user switches tab pages, the deactivation action of the last active tab page is executed, followed by the activation action for the new tab page. Subordinate Web Item (CHILD_ITEM_REF) You use this parameter to select the Web item that you previously inserted into the tab page Web item and that is to be displayed on this specific tab page. Behavior Parameter



You use this parameter to specify whether navigation or other interaction is to be possible in the Web application.

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Definition Web item that enables visual grouping of contents in a Web application.

Use You use this Web item if you want to display certain areas together in a Web application.

Structure The following list is a parameter list for the Group Web item, arranged according to the various parameter groupings. Display Parameter


Width in Pixels (WIDTH)

You use this parameter to specify the width of the Web item.

Full Width (FULL_WIDTH)

You use this parameter to specify that the value in the Width in Pixels (WIDTH) parameter be ignored and that the width be set to 100% instead. The full width depends on the width of the environment in which the Web item is embedded (for example, the width of a tab page on a portal page or iView).

Height in Pixels (HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to specify the height of the Web item.

Full Height (FULL_HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to specify that the value in the Height in Pixels (HEIGHT) parameter be ignored and that the height be set to 100% instead. The full height depends on the height of the environment in which the Web item is embedded (for example, the height of a tab page on a portal page or iView).

Visibility (VISIBILITY)

You use this parameter to specify whether the Web item is visible in the Web application.

With Tray (WITH_TRAY)

You use this parameter to specify whether the Web item has a symbol that allows it to be expanded and collapsed. For more information about this parameter, see Parameter Tray [Page 174].

Distance Between Content

You use this parameter to specify whether a uniform distance between the content of the Group Web item (such as Web items) and its boundaries is to be displayed.


Internal Display Parameter

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Design (GROUP_DESIGN) Values:

You use this parameter to specify the design of the Web item.

Primary Color (PRIMARYCOLOR) SAP Color (SAPCOLOR) Secondary Box (SECONDARYBOX) Color of Secondary Box (SECONDARYBOXCOLOR) Secondary Color (SECONDARYCOLOR) Subordinate Web Item (CHILD_ITEM_REF)

With Caption (WITH_CAPTION)

You use this parameter to specify the Web item that is to be displayed in the Group Web item. Make sure that you have inserted the Web item into the Group Web item. You use this parameter to specify whether the Group Web item has a caption. If a caption is to be displayed, depending on the type of caption, you need to set the following other parameters: Caption Type (CAPTION_TYPE) You use this parameter to specify whether the caption is a simple text or a subordinate Web item: ●

Text (CAPTION) If you choose a text as caption, enter it using the text input dialog under Caption. See Text Input Dialog [Page 40].

Web Item (CHILD_ITEM_REF) If you choose a Web item as a caption, select the associated Web item in the dropdown box. Make sure that you have inserted the Web item into the Group Web item.

With Toolbar (WITH_TOOLBAR)

You use this parameter to specify whether the Group Web item has a toolbar. If a toolbar is to be displayed, the following additional parameters must be set: Subordinate Web Item (CHILD_ITEM_REF) Under this parameter, select the Web item that is to function as the toolbar. Make sure that you have inserted the Web item into the Group Web item. In a typical example scenario, the Button Group Web item is used in the toolbar.

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Single Document

Definition Web item that allows you to display single (non-migrated) documents that you created in the Data Warehousing Workbench or in master data maintenance, in the Web application.

Use You can use the Single Document Web item to embed single documents of all formats inplace, without needing Frames or IFrames in the Web application.

Example You have a Web application that displays cost center data for the cost center manager. Every cost center manager performs this for their cost center, so the data is filtered according to cost center. The Web application always shows the data for the current month. Assuming that you have stored a master data document for each cost center (for example, a short description of all people belonging to the cost center), you can configure the Web item so that this document is always displayed next to the table with the figures. The contextsensitive selection of the table ensures that each manager can only see the document for their cost center. Assuming that each cost center manager must comment on the cost center expenses, you can additionally display this document for InfoProviders in a second Web item. The contextsensitive selection of the documents for InfoProvider data ensures that the appropriate document for the cost center/month combination is always displayed.

Structure The following is a parameter list for the Single Document Web item, arranged according to the various parameter groupings. Display Parameter


Width in Pixels (WIDTH)

You use this parameter to determine the width of the Web item.

Height in Pixels (HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to determine the height of the Web item.

Visibility (VISIBILITY)

You use this parameter to determine whether the Web item is visible in the Web application.

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With Tray (WITH_TRAY)

You use this parameter to determine whether the Single Document Web item has a symbol that enables the Web item to be expanded and collapsed. For more information on this parameter, see Parameter: Tray [Page 174].

Internal Display Parameter


Maximum Text Lines (MAX_TEXT_LINES)

You use this parameter to determine the maximum number of text lines for text documents.


You use this parameter to determine the default URL that is displayed when no document is found. You set the link to the document in Knowledge Management. Enter a KM path (or Resource Identifier) here, for example, /documents/mydocument/myComment.txt.

Document Positioned (IS_INPLACE)

You use this parameter to determine whether the document is embedded in the Web application (On) or if only a link to the document is displayed (Off).

Display List (DISPLAY_LIST)

You use this parameter to determine whether the Document List Web item should be displayed if more than one document qualifies for the Web item context.

Property List (PROPERTY_LIST)

You use this parameter to determine the properties of the document to be displayed under the document. You have the following selection options: ●

Modified on (MODIFIED_ON)

Modified by (MODIFIED_BY)

Created on (CREATED_ON)

Created by (CREATED_BY)

The Modified On (MODIFIED_ON) option is the default value. Behavior Parameter


Maintenance Possible (MAINTENANCE_POSSIBLE)

You use this parameter to decide whether it is possible to maintain the Single Document Web item. The default value is Off.

Data Connection Parameter

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You use this parameter to assign a data provider to the Web item. The Web item gets the data and metadata that it needs to generate the output and commands from this data provider. We recommend that you keep to the conventions supported by the Web Application Designer when specifying names: The name should be a maximum of 30 characters long and consist of characters “AZ”, “0-9” and “_”, but cannot start or end with “_”. Adhering to these conventions facilitates the upgrade to future SAP releases.

Document Class (DOCUMENT CLASS)

You use this parameter to set the document class. You have the following selection options: ●



InfoProvider (MULTI)

For master data you must also enter the characteristic whose documents are to be displayed. For metadata you must also enter the meta object whose documents are to be displayed. In these instances, corresponding input help is available in the BEx Web Application Designer. Document Type (WWW_DOC_TYPE)

You use this parameter to classify documents by assigning a freely selectable document type to them. If you have set the parameter to Web item, only the corresponding document types are displayed.

In the cost center example, you can assign two documents to each cost center, one document with pictures of employees and another with a description of the cost center. You can then classify all pictures as “PICTURE” and all descriptions as “DESCRIPTION”. To do this, you assign the value “PICTURE” or “DESCRIPTION” to the Document Type property of the document. Set this Web item property accordingly in the Web application. This allows you to, for example, include two Web items in the Web application, one of which displays the pictures and the other the description. See also: Creating New Documents [External].

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March 2006

Developing User Interfaces For more information on the use and function of the Single Document Web item, see Using Documents in Web Applications [External].

Document List

Definition Web item that displays a list of documents in the Web application.

Use The Document List Web item allows you to call or create context-sensitive information for data (master data, InfoProvider data, or metadata) used in the Web application. If you navigate in the Web application and, for example, restrict a characteristic to a certain characteristic value, the document list is automatically adjusted. This means that only those documents relevant for the restricted navigation status are displayed.

Only those characteristics that are set as a document property in the Data Warehousing Workbench are taken into account when the documents for the InfoProvider data displayed for the most recent navigational state are determined.

Example You have a Web application that displays cost center data for the cost center manager. Every cost center manager performs this for his or her cost center, so the data is filtered according to cost center. The Web application always displays the data for the current month. Assuming you have stored a master data document for each cost center, you can configure the Web item so that this document is always displayed in addition to the table with the figures. The context-sensitive selection of the table ensures that managers can only see the document for their own cost center. Assuming each cost center manager has to comment on the cost center expenses, you can additionally display this document for InfoProviders in a second Web item. The contextsensitive selection of the documents for InfoProvider data ensures that the appropriate document for the cost center/month combination is always displayed.

Structure The following tables list the parameters for the Document List Web item, arranged according to the various parameter groupings. Display Parameter

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Width in Pixels (WIDTH)

You use this parameter to specify the width of the Web item.

Height in Pixels (HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to specify the height of the Web item.

Visibility (VISIBILITY)

You use this parameter to specify whether the Web item is visible in the Web application.

With Tray (WITH_TRAY)

You use this parameter to specify whether the Document List Web item is to have a symbol that enables the Web item to be expanded and collapsed. For more information on this parameter, see Parameter Tray.

Internal Display Parameter


Maximum Text Lines (MAX_TEXT_LINES)

You use this parameter to specify the maximum number of text lines for text documents.

Table Columns List (DOC_ITEM_TABLE_COLUMN)

You use this parameter to specify the table columns. You can select from the following options for the columns:

Author Column Content (COLUMN_AUTHOR_CONTENT)

Name (Default)

Name (NAME)

Content (CONTENT)

Assignment (ASSIGNMENT)

Author (Author)

You use this parameter to specify which information is to be displayed in the author column. You have the following selection options: ●

Author Only (Default)

Author Only (Author)

Date Only (DATE)

Author and Date (BOTH)

Documents per Page (DOCUMENTS_PER_PAGE)

You use this parameter to specify how many documents are to be displayed on a page.

Table Frame Visible (TABLE_FRAME_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to specify whether the table frame is to be displayed. The selection options are On and Off. The default value is Off.

Table Header Visible (TABLE_HEADER_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to specify whether the table header is to be displayed. The selection options are On and Off. The default value is Off.

Data Binding

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You use this parameter to assign a data provider to the Web item. The Web item gets the data and metadata that it needs to generate the output and commands from this data provider. We recommend that you keep to the conventions supported by the Web Application Designer when specifying names: Names can be a maximum of 30 characters and consist of characters “A-Z”, “0-9” and “_”, but cannot start or end with “_”. Adhering to these conventions simplifies the upgrade to subsequent SAP releases.

Document Class (DOCUMENT CLASS)

You use this parameter to set the document class. You have the following selection options: ●

Metadata (BW_OBJECT)


InfoProvider (MULTI)

For master data, you must also enter the characteristic whose documents are to be displayed. For metadata, you must also enter the meta object whose documents are to be displayed. Corresponding input help is available for these in the BEx Web Application Designer. Document Type (WWW_DOC_TYPE)

You use this parameter to classify documents by assigning a freely selectable document type to them. If you set the parameter to Web item, only the corresponding document types are displayed.

In the cost center example, you can assign documents to every possible combination of cost center and calendar month. Documents relate to either the revenue or expense of the cost center. You can classify the documents as “EXPENSE” or “REVENUE” by assigning the value “EXPENSE” or “REVENUE” to the Document Type property of the document. Set this Web item property accordingly in the Web application. For example, you can include two Web items in the Web application, one of which displays the documents for expenses and the other the documents for revenue.

For more information about using the Document List Web item and its functions, see Using Documents in Web Applications [External].

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Purpose Many BI characteristics, such as customer, sales region, and country, contain important geographical characteristics. The geographical information can be evaluated in a map together with business-relevant key figures. Use maps to display business relationships and distributions. You can clearly display specific key figures as color shadings, pie charts, or bar charts for a country, region, or city.

You have the option of changing the view of a map by zooming in to display a detailed view or zooming out for an overall view. This allows you to easily prepare a sales analysis for a specific product that refers to a specific region or a country, for example. You can recognize the potential or dangers of a market all at a glance.

Integration Maps help you with reporting geo-relevant data. By using the Map Web item, you determine a geographical display in the BEx Web Application Designer for your business-oriented data for the Web application. Geo-relevant InfoObjects are stored and maintained in the Metadata Repository. The master data for geo InfoObjects has geo attributes. The assignment of geographical data to business data (mapping/geocoding) is carried out using an external tool: ArcView from ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute).

Features You use maps to prepare and evaluate data of a geographical nature (characteristics such as customer, sales region, and country, for example). The geo-relevant data is displayed graphically on a map. Using enhanced navigation options (“geographical drilldown”), regional

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Developing User Interfaces information can be evaluated more easily at different levels of detail. A map shows the spatial proximity of places and regions, allowing geographical connections to be more clearly represented.

Process Flow ...

1. In the InfoObject maintenance, flag the geo-relevant characteristics (country, for example) that you want to use as geo characteristics. 2. Load the corresponding shapefiles [External] into the BI system. Maintain the assignment of shapefile and master data (mapping between geo characteristic and shapefile). See SAPBWKEY Maintenance for Static Geo Characteristics [External]. If you want to use the maps to report on geo characteristics that show information in point form (customer, plant, sales office, for example) you have to geocode these characteristics. See Geocoding [External]. 3. In the BEx Web Application Designer, include a Map Web item [Page 110] in your Web template, and assign a data provider to this Web item. Use parameters to determine the display of the map and business-oriented data. Finally, execute the Web template in the Web. You can navigate in the map to further analyze the geo-relevant data. See also: Additional Cartographical Information [External] Displaying Additional Cartographical Information [Page 140]


Definition Web item for displaying geo-relevant data on a map. The Map Web item contains general information on a map such as information on the map layers.

Use You use the map layers to define the different layers in a map that are laid on top of each other in the Web application. For example, you can use colors to highlight the countries in one map layer and display bar charts for each country in another layer. The parameters that you set control how a map and its layers are displayed in the Web application. For information on layer parameters, see Parameters for Map Layers [Page 113].

Structure Below is a parameter list for the Map Web item, arranged according to the various parameter groupings. Display Parameter

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Width in Pixels (WIDTH)

You use this parameter to determine the width of the Web item.

Height in Pixels (HEIGHT)

You use this parameter to determine the height of the Web item.

Visibility (VISIBILITY)

You use this parameter to determine whether the Web item is visible in the Web application.

With Tray (WITH_TRAY)

You use this parameter to determine whether the Web item has a symbol that allows it to be expanded and collapsed. For more information on this parameter, see Parameter: Tray [Page 174].

Internal Display Parameter


List of Map Layers

You use this parameter to create a list of map layers and make settings for each map layer at the same time. The settings for the individual map layers depend on the chosen map renderer. For information on which settings can be made for individual map renderers, see Parameters for Map Layers [Page 113].


Position of Map Legend (MAP_LEGEND_POSITION)

Legend Caption (LEGEND_CAPTION) Legend Size (LEGEND_SIZE)

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You use this parameter to determine whether to display the map legend in the Web application and where to display it in relation to the map. There are the following options: ●

Right of the map (RIGHT)

Left of the map (LEFT)

No legend (NONE)

You use this parameter to give the map legend a caption using the text input dialog box [Page 40]. You use this parameter to determine the size of the map legend. You can only specify the values in pixels.


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Visible Map Extent (MAP_EXTENT)

You use this parameter to specify which areas of a map are displayed in the Web application. This depends on the data stored in the application. ●

Data with geography (DATALAYER)

Only data (DATA)

Data and complete geography available (LAYER)

The default setting, Data with Geography, allows you to display data taking the corresponding geographic context into account. Projection (PROJECTION)

You use this parameter to determine the possible projection of the map. There are the following options: ●

No projection (NONE)

Flat projection (FLAT)

Mercator projection (MERC)

Background Color (BACKGROUND_COLOR)

You use this parameter to determine whether to display a map background and to specify the color for this background. You select the color from a color selection dialog box.

AXL File (cartography)

You use this parameter to specify the name of an AXL file for the cartography description (stored in the directory for shapefiles).

(CART_AXL_NAME) Cartography Information On/Off (CART_AXL_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to define whether additional cartography information stored in an AXL file is to be displayed. For more information, see Additional Cartographical Information [External].

Behavior Parameter


Activate Navigation (INTERACTION_ALLOWED)

You use this parameter to determine whether navigation or other interaction is possible in the Web application.

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Geo Functions (GEO_FUNCTIONS_POS) Modify the long text in the WAD.

You use this parameter to determine whether to display the geo functions bar in the Web application, and how to display it. There are the following options: ●

Do not display (NONE)

Top (TOP)

Bottom (BOTTOM)

Left (LEFT)

Right (RIGHT)

For more information on the usage and function of the Map Web item, see Navigating in Maps [External].

Parameters for Map Layers

Use The layers of a map contain different geographic and business information. The individual layers are laid over one another in the Web application and, in this way, make up the overall view of the map. You can show or hide individual layers and change the information contained in a map. For each map layer, you must define how the data is displayed in this layer. Do this by selecting a map renderer [Page 114].

To select a map renderer, use the parameter MAPLAYER_LIST under Map → Renderer. The parameters that you can set for the map layer vary depending on the map renderer you choose. For more information on the various parameters, see: Parameters for Color Shading [Page 116] Parameters for Bar Charts [Page 118] Parameters for Pie Charts and Pie Charts (Split) [Page 121] Parameters for Dot Density [Page 123] Parameters for Symbols [Page 125] Parameters for Symbols (Size-Dependent) [Page 127] Parameters for Symbols (Color-Dependent) [Page 129] Parameters for Lines [Page 132] Parameters for Lines (Size-Dependent) [Page 134] Parameters for Lines (Color-Dependent) [Page 137]

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Map Renderers

Definition You use a map renderer to determine how BI data is displayed in a map layer.

Structure There 11 different map renderers in the BEx Web Application Designer. These renderers are divided into three different classes: Class 1: Renderers that relate to polygonal areas (static geo characteristics). They display the following: ●

Color shading (COLORSHADING or CS)

Bar charts (BAR)

Pie charts (PIE)

Pie charts (split) (SPLITPIE)

Pixel density (DOTDENSITY or D_DENSITY) For these renderers, the static geo characteristic must appear in the related data provider in the rows and the values to be displayed in the renderer must be in the columns. You can use hierarchies in both cases. No other characteristics other than the geo characteristics must appear in the rows. No key figures must appear in the rows. You can use several characteristics or key figures in the columns.

Class 2: Renderers that relate to locations (dynamic geo characteristics). They display the following: ●

Symbol (SYMBOL)

Symbol (size-dependent) (SIZEGRADUATEDSYMBOL or SG_SYMBOL)

Symbol (color-dependent) (COLORGRADUATEDSYMBOL or CG_SYMBOL)

Bar charts (BAR)

Pie charts (PIE)

Pie charts (split) (SPLITPIE) For these renderers, the dynamic geo characteristic must appear in the related data provider in the rows. You must have also selected the Longitude and Latitude display attributes to be displayed. No other characteristics or key figures must appear in the rows. Only the first column is considered by the symbol renderers. The renderers bar chart, pie chart, and pie chart (split) consider all columns.

Class 3: Renderers that display relationships between two locations (dynamic geo characteristics): ●

Line (LINE)

Line (size-dependent) (SIZEGRADUATEDLINE or SG_LINE)

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Line (color-dependent) (COLORGRADUATEDLINE or CG_LINE) It is important to have at least three map layers for these renderers. You define start points in one map layer and end points in another map layer. The prerequisites described in class 2 are also valid for both of these map layers. The third map layer contains the relationship between the dynamic geo characteristics of the start points and the dynamic geo characteristic of the end points, that is, both characteristics must be in the rows. The same prerequisites described for class 2 apply to the columns here.

Integration To display the BI business data in individual map layers, you have to assign a map renderer to each map layer in the BEx Web Application Designer and determine the properties for this renderer. To select a map renderer, use the parameter MAPLAYER_LIST of the Map Web item, under Renderer. Example of a renderer in Class 3 Map layer query view that describes the relationship Sales Office

Sales Representative




100 $



150 $



120 $



90 $



80 $

Map layer query view that describes the start points Sales Office



# Employees





















Map layer query view that describes the end points Sales



# Customers






















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Parameters for Color Shading

Definition Color shading is a map renderer. You use map renderers to determine the way in which BI data is displayed in a map layer. You use the parameters of a map renderer to determine the properties of the renderer.

Use The color shading map renderer allows you to display color classes that correspond to special value classes.

Structure Below is a list of parameters for the color shading renderer. Parameter



You use this parameter to determine whether the map layer is visible.


You use this parameter to assign a data provider to the map layer. The map layer gets the data and metadata that it needs to generate the output and commands from this data provider. We recommend that you keep to the conventions supported by the Web Application Designer when specifying names: The name should be a maximum of 30 characters long and consist of characters “A-Z”, “0-9” and “_”, but cannot start or end with “_”. Adhering to these conventions facilitates the upgrade to future SAP releases.

Number of Classes (CLASSES)

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You use this parameter to determine the number of color levels.


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces

Color Settings (COLOR_SETTINGS)

This parameter contains the following additional parameters for you to set: ●

Initial Color (COLOR_START) You use this parameter to determine the color of the symbol that represents the smallest data value of the connected data provider. You select the color value in a color selection dialog box.

End Color (COLOR_END) You use this parameter to determine the color of the symbol that represents the largest data value of the connected data provider. You select the color value in a color selection dialog box.

Color Interpolation (COLOR_INTERPOLATION) RGB color value, HSB (color area) You use this parameter to define the color interpolation method. Colors between the start and the end color are interpolated linearly.

Color List

You use this parameter to enter color values.

(COLOR_LIST) Color (No Data Available) (COLOR_NONE)

Caption (CAPTION) Tooltips for Map Layers (TOOLTIPS_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to define a color value to be used to fill all regions of a map for which no data is available in the connected data source. You select the color value in a color selection dialog box. This parameter allows you to use the text input dialog box [Page 40] to assign a name to the map layer. You use this parameter to determine whether a tooltip text is to be displayed for the map layers.

Breaks Distributed Evenly (BREAKS_DISTRIBUTED)

You use this parameter to set even distribution for color shadings.

List of Breaks

You use this parameter to enter individual class boundaries.


Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces

Label Display

You use this parameter to determine whether labels should be displayed and, if so, how they should be displayed. There are the following options:


Highlighted Labels (LABELS_HIGHLIGHTED) Legend Visible

No Label (NONE)

Text as Label (TEXT)

Key as Label (KEY)

Value as Label (VALUE)

You use this parameter to determine whether labels of map layers are to be highlighted. You use this parameter to determine whether a legend is to be displayed for the map.

(LEGEND_VISIBLE) Legend Caption

This parameter allows you to use the text input dialog box [Page 40] to assign a heading to the legend of the map.


You use this parameter to create a list of data providers to which all commands of the map layer are sent. For each entry in the data provider list, you choose a data provider for the Affected Data Provider parameter (LINKED_DATA_PROVIDER_REF). Note that you cannot create data providers in the parameter dialog - you have to create them beforehand.

Display Exceptions

You use this parameter to specify whether exceptions that are activated for the base data provider are to be displayed. See also: Displaying Exceptions in Maps and Charts [External].



You use this parameter to enter the name of a characteristic attribute whose value is to be displayed on the map.


Parameters for Bar Charts

Definition The bar chart is a map renderer. You use map renderers to determine the way in which BI data is displayed in a map layer. You use the parameters of a map renderer to determine the properties of the renderer.

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces

Use You can display values in the form of bars with the bar chart map renderer.

Structure Below is a list of parameters for the bar chart renderer. Parameter



You use this parameter to determine whether the map layer is to be visible in the Web application.


You use this parameter to assign a data provider to the map layer. The map layer gets the data and metadata that it needs to generate the output and commands from this data provider. We recommend that you keep to the conventions supported by the Web Application Designer when specifying names: The name should be a maximum of 30 characters long and consist of characters “A-Z”, “0-9” and “_”, but cannot start or end with “_”. Adhering to these conventions facilitates the upgrade to future SAP releases.

Bar Chart Settings (BAR_SETTINGS)

This parameter contains the following additional parameters that you can use to control the appearance of the bar chart in the Web application: ●

Bar Chart: Maximum Height (BAR_MAXHEIGHT) Default value: 30 You use this parameter to define the maximum height of a bar in the chart. This height corresponds to the largest value of the connected data source. You can only specify the height in pixels.

Bar charts: Width (BAR_WIDTH) Default value: 10 You use this parameter to define the width of a bar in the chart.

Color List (COLOR_LIST)

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis

You use this parameter to enter individual color values.


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces

Tooltips for Map Layers (TOOLTIPS_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to determine whether a tooltip text is to be displayed for the map layers.

Breaks Distributed Evenly (BREAKS_DISTRIBUTED)

You use this parameter to set even distribution for color shadings.

Label Display

You use this parameter to determine whether labels should be displayed and, if so, how they should be displayed. There are the following options:


Highlighted Labels (LABELS_HIGHLIGHTED)

Legend Visible (LEGEND_VISIBLE)

Legend Caption (LEGEND_CAPTION)


No Label (NONE)

Text as Label (TEXT)

Key as Label (KEY)

Value as Label (VALUE)

You use this parameter to determine whether labels of map layers are to be highlighted. You use this parameter to determine whether a legend is to be displayed for the map. This parameter allows you to use the text input dialog box [Page 40] to assign a heading to the legend of the map. You use this parameter to create a list of data providers to which all commands of the map layer are sent. For each entry in the data provider list, you choose a data provider for the Affected Data Provider parameter (LINKED_DATA_PROVIDER_REF). Note that you cannot create data providers in the parameter dialog box - you have to create them beforehand.

Display Exceptions (EXCEPTIONS_VISIBLE)


Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis

You use this parameter to specify whether exceptions that are activated for the base data provider are to be displayed. See also: Displaying Exceptions in Maps and Charts [External]. You use this parameter to enter the name of a characteristic attribute whose value is to be displayed on the map.


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces

Parameters for Pie Charts and Pie Charts (Split)

Definition Pie chart and pie chart (split) are map renderers. You use map renderers to determine the way in which BI data is displayed in a map layer. You use the parameters of a map renderer to determine the properties of the renderer.

Use You can display values in the form of pie charts with the pie chart renderer. You can use the split pie chart renderer to display values in the form of split pie charts. In a split pie chart, the split occurs automatically if there is a "change of group" (that is from sales for the 1st quarter of 2001 to the sales for the 2nd quarter of 2001).

Not that the parameters of the pie chart renderer and pie chart (split) renderer are identical.

Structure Below is a list of parameters for the pie chart and pie chart (split) renderers. Parameter



You use this parameter to determine whether the map layer is visible.


You use this parameter to assign a data provider to the map layer. The map layer gets the data and metadata that it needs to generate the output and commands from this data provider. We recommend that you keep to the conventions supported by the Web Application Designer when specifying names: The name should be a maximum of 30 characters long and consist of characters “A-Z”, “0-9” and “_”, but cannot start or end with “_”. Adhering to these conventions facilitates the upgrade to future SAP releases.

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces

Pie Chart Settings (PIE_SETTINGS)

This parameter contains the following additional parameters that you can use to control the appearance of the pie chart in the Web application: ●

Pie Chart: Minimum Size (PIE_MIN) You use this parameter to define the minimum diameter of a circle in the chart. This diameter is the sum of all the minimum values displayed in the Web application. If you set "circle diameter (minimum) = circle diameter (maximum)“, all circles in the Web application are displayed with the same diameter.

Pie Chart: Maximum Size (PIE_MAX) You use this parameter to define the maximum diameter of a circle in the chart. This diameter is the sum of all the maximum values displayed in the Web application. If you set "circle diameter (minimum) = circle diameter (maximum)“, all circles in the Web application are displayed with the same diameter.

Color List

You use this parameter to enter color values.

(COLOR_LIST) Tooltips for Map Layers (TOOLTIPS_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to determine whether a tooltip text is to be displayed for the map layers.

Breaks Distributed Evenly (BREAKS_DISTRIBUTED)

You use this parameter to set even distribution for color shadings.

Label Display

You use this parameter to determine whether labels should be displayed and, if so, how they should be displayed. There are the following options:


Highlighted Labels (LABELS_HIGHLIGHTED)

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis

No Label (NONE)

Text as Label (TEXT)

Key as Label (KEY)

Value as Label (VALUE)

You use this parameter to determine whether labels of map layers are to be highlighted.


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces

Legend Visible

You use this parameter to determine whether a legend is to be displayed for the map.

(LEGEND_VISIBLE) Legend Caption

This parameter allows you to use the text input dialog box [Page 40] to assign a heading to the legend of the map.


You use this parameter to create a list of data providers to which all commands of the map layer are sent. For each entry in the data provider list, you choose a data provider for the Affected Data Provider parameter (LINKED_DATA_PROVIDER_REF). Note that you cannot create data providers in the parameter dialog box - you have to create them beforehand.

Display Exceptions

You use this parameter to specify whether exceptions that are activated for the base data provider are to be displayed. See also: Displaying Exceptions in Maps and Charts [External].



You use this parameter to enter the name of a characteristic attribute whose value is to be displayed on the map.


Parameters for Dot Density

Definition Dot density is a map renderer. You use map renderers to determine the way in which BI data is displayed in a map layer. You use the parameters of a map renderer to determine the properties of the renderer.

Use You can use the dot density renderer to display values in a map in the form of dot densities.

Structure Below is a list of parameters for the dot density renderer. Parameter



You use this parameter to determine whether the map layer is visible.


Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces


You use this parameter to assign a data provider to the map layer. The map layer gets the data and metadata that it needs to generate the output and commands from this data provider. We recommend that you keep to the conventions supported by the Web Application Designer when specifying names: The name should be a maximum of 30 characters long and consist of characters “A-Z”, “0-9” and “_”, but cannot start or end with “_”. Adhering to these conventions facilitates the upgrade to future SAP releases.

Maximum Density in % (DENSITY)

Symbol Size (POINT_SIZE) Symbol Type (POINT_STYLE)

Color (COLOR) Tooltips for Map Layers (TOOLTIPS_VISIBLE) Breaks Distributed Evenly (BREAKS_DISTRIBUTED) Label Display (LABEL_DISPLAY)

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis

You use this parameter to define how densely the points should be displayed in a region for the largest value of the connected data provider. You use this parameter to define the size of the points (symbols). You use this parameter to define the type of symbol to be used for the display. There are the following options: ●

Circle (CIRCLE)

Square (SQUARE)

Triangle (TRIANGLE)

Cross (CROSS)

Symbol (IMAGE)

You use this parameter to determine the color of the points (symbols). You select the color value in a color selection dialog box. You use this parameter to determine whether a tooltip text is to be displayed for the map layers. You use this parameter to set even distribution for color shadings. You use this parameter to determine whether labels should be displayed and, if so, how they should be displayed. There are the following options: ●

No Label (NONE)

Text as Label (TEXT)

Key as Label (KEY)

Value as Label (VALUE)


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces

Highlighted Labels (LABELS_HIGHLIGHTED) Legend Visible

You use this parameter to determine whether labels of map layers are to be highlighted. You use this parameter to determine whether a legend is to be displayed for the map.

(LEGEND_VISIBLE) Legend Caption

This parameter allows you to use the text input dialog box [Page 40] to assign a heading to the legend of the map.


You use this parameter to create a list of data providers to which all commands of the map layer are sent. For each entry in the data provider list, you choose a data provider for the Affected Data Provider parameter (LINKED_DATA_PROVIDER_REF). Note that you cannot create data providers in the parameter dialog box - you have to create them beforehand.

Display Exceptions

You use this parameter to specify whether exceptions that are activated for the base data provider are to be displayed. See also: Displaying Exceptions in Maps and Charts [External].



You use this parameter to enter the name of a characteristic attribute whose value is to be displayed on the map.


Parameters for Symbols

Definition The symbol is a map renderer. You use map renderers to determine the way in which BI data is displayed in a map layer. You use the parameters of a map renderer to determine the properties of the renderer.

Use You can display values using symbols with the Symbol renderer.

Structure Below is a list of parameters for the symbol renderer. Parameter



You use this parameter to determine whether the map layer is visible.


Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces


You use this parameter to assign a data provider to the map layer. The map layer gets the data and metadata that it needs to generate the output and commands from this data provider. We recommend that you keep to the conventions supported by the Web Application Designer when specifying names: The name should be a maximum of 30 characters long and consist of characters “A-Z”, “0-9” and “_”, but cannot start or end with “_”. Adhering to these conventions facilitates the upgrade to future SAP releases.

Symbol Size (POINT_SIZE) Symbol Type (POINT_STYLE)

Color (COLOR) Tooltips for Map Layers (TOOLTIPS_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to define the size of the symbols. You use this parameter to define the type of symbol to be used for the display. There are the following options: ●

Circle (CIRCLE)

Square (SQUARE)

Triangle (TRIANGLE)

Cross (CROSS)

Symbol (IMAGE)

You use this parameter to determine the color of the points (symbols). You select the color value in a color selection dialog box. You use this parameter to determine whether a tooltip text is to be displayed for the map layers.

Breaks Distributed Evenly (BREAKS_DISTRIBUTED)

You use this parameter to set even distribution for color shadings.

Label Display

You use this parameter to determine whether labels should be displayed and, if so, how they should be displayed. There are the following options:


Highlighted Labels (LABELS_HIGHLIGHTED) Legend Visible (LEGEND_VISIBLE)

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis

No Label (NONE)

Text as Label (TEXT)

Key as Label (KEY)

Value as Label (VALUE)

You use this parameter to determine whether labels of map layers are to be highlighted. You use this parameter to determine whether a legend is to be displayed for the map.


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces

Legend Caption

This parameter allows you to use the text input dialog box [Page 40] to assign a heading to the legend of the map.



You use this parameter to create a list of data providers to which all commands of the map layer are sent. For each entry in the data provider list, you choose a data provider for the Affected Data Provider parameter (LINKED_DATA_PROVIDER_REF). Note that you cannot create data providers in the parameter dialog box - you have to create them beforehand.

Display Exceptions

You use this parameter to specify whether exceptions that are activated for the base data provider are to be displayed. See also: Displaying Exceptions in Maps and Charts [External].



You use this parameter to enter the name of a characteristic attribute whose value is to be displayed on the map.


Parameters for Symbols (Size-Dependent)

Definition Size-dependent symbol is a map renderer. You use map renderers to determine the way in which BI data is displayed in a map layer. You use the parameters of a map renderer to determine the properties of the renderer.

Use You can use the symbol (size-dependent) renderer to display values using size-dependent symbols. The renderer takes the location and data values for this location into consideration. The size of the symbols depends on the data.

Structure Below is a list of parameters for the size-dependent symbol renderer. Parameter



You use this parameter to determine whether the map layer is visible.


Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces


Symbol (Start Size) / Line (Start Width) (SIZE_START)

Symbol (End Size) / Line (End Width) (SIZE_END)

Size List (SIZE_LIST) Symbol Type (POINT_STYLE)

Color (COLOR) List of Breaks (BREAK_LIST) Number of Classes (CLASSES) Tooltips for Map Layers (TOOLTIPS_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to assign a data provider to the map layer. The map layer gets the data and metadata that it needs to generate the output and commands from this data provider. You use this parameter to define (in pixels) the symbol size/line width that represents the smallest data value in the connected data provider. You use this parameter to define (in pixels) the symbol size/line width that represents the largest data value in the connected data provider. You use this parameter to enter individual sizes. You use this parameter to define the type of symbol to be used for the display. There are the following options: ●

Circle (CIRCLE)

Square (SQUARE)

Triangle (TRIANGLE)

Cross (CROSS)

Symbol (IMAGE)

You use this parameter to determine the color of the points (symbols). You select the color value in a color selection dialog box. You use this parameter to define the individual class boundaries You use this parameter to enter the number of size levels. You use this parameter to determine whether a tooltip text is to be displayed for the map layers.

Breaks Distributed Evenly (BREAKS_DISTRIBUTED)

You use this parameter to set even distribution for color shadings.

Label Display

You use this parameter to determine whether labels should be displayed and, if so, how they should be displayed. There are the following options:


Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis

No Label (NONE)

Text as Label (TEXT)

Key as Label (KEY)

Value as Label (VALUE)


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces

Highlighted Labels (LABELS_HIGHLIGHTED) Legend Visible

You use this parameter to determine whether labels of map layers are to be highlighted. You use this parameter to determine whether a legend is to be displayed for the map.

(LEGEND_VISIBLE) Legend Caption

This parameter allows you to use the text input dialog box [Page 40] to assign a heading to the legend of the map.


You use this parameter to create a list of data providers to which all commands of the map layer are sent. For each entry in the data provider list, you choose a data provider for the Affected Data Provider parameter (LINKED_DATA_PROVIDER_REF). Note that you cannot create data providers in the parameter dialog box - you have to create them beforehand.

Display Exceptions

You use this parameter to specify whether exceptions that are activated for the base data provider are to be displayed. See also: Displaying Exceptions in Maps and Charts [External].



You use this parameter to enter the name of a characteristic attribute whose value is to be displayed on the map.


Parameters for Symbols (Color-Dependent)

Definition Color-dependent symbol is a map renderer. You use map renderers to determine the way in which BI data is displayed in a map layer. You use the parameters of a map renderer to determine the properties of the renderer.

Use You use the symbol (color-dependent) renderer to display values using color-dependent symbols. The renderer takes the location and data values for this location into consideration. The color of the symbols depends on the data.

Structure Below is a list of parameters for the color-dependent symbol renderer. Parameter



You use this parameter to determine whether the map layer is visible.


Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces


Symbol Size (POINT_SIZE) Symbol Type (POINT_STYLE)

Color Settings (COLOR_SETTINGS)

You use this parameter to assign a data provider to the map layer. The map layer gets the data and metadata that it needs to generate the output and commands from this data provider. You use this parameter to define the size of the symbols. You use this parameter to define the type of symbol to be used for the display. There are the following options: ●

Circle (CIRCLE)

Square (SQUARE)

Triangle (TRIANGLE)

Cross (CROSS)

Symbol (IMAGE)

This parameter contains the following additional parameters for you to set: ●

Initial Color (COLOR_START) You use this parameter to determine the color of the symbol that represents the smallest data value of the connected data provider. You select the color value in a color selection dialog box.

End Color (COLOR_END) You use this parameter to determine the color of the symbol that represents the largest data value of the connected data provider. You select the color value in a color selection dialog box.

Color Interpolation (COLOR_INTERPOLATION) RGB color value, HSB (color area) You use this parameter to define the color interpolation method. Colors between the start and the end color are interpolated linearly.

Color List

You use this parameter to enter color values.

(COLOR_LIST) List of Breaks (BREAK_LIST) Number of Classes (CLASSES)

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis

You use this parameter to define the individual class boundaries You use this parameter to enter the number of color levels.


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces

Tooltips for Map Layers (TOOLTIPS_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to determine whether a tooltip text is to be displayed for the map layers.

Breaks Distributed Evenly (BREAKS_DISTRIBUTED)

You use this parameter to set even distribution for color shadings.

Label Display

You use this parameter to determine whether labels should be displayed and, if so, how they should be displayed. There are the following options:


Highlighted Labels (LABELS_HIGHLIGHTED) Legend Visible (LEGEND_VISIBLE) Legend Caption (LEGEND_CAPTION) Affected Data Provider (LINKED_DATA_PROVIDER_REF_LIST)

No Label (NONE)

Text as Label (TEXT)

Key as Label (KEY)

Value as Label (VALUE)

You use this parameter to determine whether labels of map layers are to be highlighted. You use this parameter to determine whether a legend is to be displayed for the map. This parameter allows you to use the text input dialog box [Page 40] to assign a heading to the legend of the map. You use this parameter to create a list of data providers to which all commands of the map layer are sent. For each entry in the data provider list, you choose a data provider for the Affected Data Provider parameter (LINKED_DATA_PROVIDER_REF). Note that you cannot create data providers in the parameter dialog box - you have to create them beforehand.

Display Exceptions (EXCEPTIONS_VISIBLE)


Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis

You use this parameter to specify whether exceptions that are activated for the base data provider are to be displayed. See also: Displaying Exceptions in Maps and Charts [External]. You use this parameter to enter the name of a characteristic attribute whose value is to be displayed on the map.


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces

Parameters for Lines

Definition The line is a map renderer. You use map renderers to determine the way in which BI data is displayed in a map layer. You use the parameters of a map renderer to determine the properties of the renderer.

Use The Line renderer displays values with a line going from a starting point to an end point.

Structure Below is a list of parameters for the Line renderer. Parameter



You use this parameter to determine whether the map layer is visible.


You use this parameter to assign a data provider to the map layer. The map layer gets the data and metadata that it needs to generate the output and commands from this data provider. We recommend that you keep to the conventions supported by the Web Application Designer when specifying names: The name should be a maximum of 30 characters long and consist of characters “A-Z”, “0-9” and “_”, but cannot start or end with “_”. Adhering to these conventions facilitates the upgrade to future SAP releases.

Color (COLOR) Line Width (LINE_WIDTH)

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis

You use this parameter to determine the color of the line. You select the color value in a color selection dialog box. You use this parameter to define the width of the line.


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces

Line Settings (LINE_SETTINGS)

This parameter contains the following additional parameters for you to set: ●

Layer (Starting Points) (FROM_LAYER) You use this parameter to determine the layer on which the line’s starting points lie. All starting points must lie on one layer.

Layer (End Points) (TO_LAYER) You use this parameter to determine the layer on which the line’s end points lie. All end points must lie on one layer.

Line Style (LINE_STYLE) You use this parameter to determine the way in which the line is to be displayed. Solid (SOLID) Dotted (DOTTED) Dashed (DASHED)

Tooltips for Map Layers (TOOLTIPS_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to determine whether a tooltip text is to be displayed for the map layers.

Breaks Distributed Evenly (BREAKS_DISTRIBUTED)

You use this parameter to set even distribution for color shadings.

Label Display

You use this parameter to determine whether labels should be displayed and, if so, how they should be displayed. There are the following options:


Highlighted Labels (LABELS_HIGHLIGHTED) Legend Visible (LEGEND_VISIBLE) Legend Caption (LEGEND_CAPTION)

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis

No Label (NONE)

Text as Label (TEXT)

Key as Label (KEY)

Value as Label (VALUE)

You use this parameter to determine whether labels of map layers are to be highlighted. You use this parameter to determine whether a legend is to be displayed for the map. This parameter allows you to use the text input dialog box [Page 40] to assign a heading to the legend of the map.


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces


You use this parameter to create a list of data providers to which all commands of the map layer are sent. For each entry in the data provider list, you choose a data provider for the Affected Data Provider parameter (LINKED_DATA_PROVIDER_REF). Note that you cannot create data providers in the parameter dialog box - you have to create them beforehand.

Display Exceptions

You use this parameter to specify whether exceptions that are activated for the base data provider are to be displayed. See also: Displaying Exceptions in Maps and Charts [External].



You use this parameter to enter the name of a characteristic attribute whose value is to be displayed on the map.


Parameters for Lines (Size-Dependent)

Definition The size-dependent line is a map renderer. You use map renderers to determine the way in which BI data is displayed in a map layer. You use the parameters of a map renderer to determine the properties of the renderer.

Use The line (size-dependent) renderer displays values with a line from the starting point to the end point. The data values determine the line size.

Structure Below is a list of parameters for the line (size-dependent) renderer. Parameter



You use this parameter to determine whether the map layer is visible.


Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces


You use this parameter to assign a data provider to the map layer. The map layer gets the data and metadata that it needs to generate the output and commands from this data provider. We recommend that you keep to the conventions supported by the Web Application Designer when specifying names: The name should be a maximum of 30 characters long and consist of characters “A-Z”, “0-9” and “_”, but cannot start or end with “_”. Adhering to these conventions facilitates the upgrade to future SAP releases.

Color (COLOR) Line Settings (LINE_SETTINGS)

You use this parameter to determine the color of the line. You select the color value in a color selection dialog box. This parameter contains the following additional parameters for you to set: ●

Layer (Starting Points) (FROM_LAYER) You use this parameter to determine the layer on which the line’s starting points lie. All starting points must lie on one layer.

Layer (End Points) (TO_LAYER) You use this parameter to determine the layer on which the line’s end points lie. All end points must lie on one layer.

Line Style (LINE_STYLE) You use this parameter to determine the way in which this parameter is to be displayed. Solid (SOLID) Dotted (DOTTED) Dashed (DASHED)

Symbol (Start Size) / Line (Start Width) (SIZE_START)

Symbol (End Size) / Line (End Width)

You use this parameter to define (in pixels) the symbol size/line width that represents the smallest data value in the connected data provider.


You use this parameter to define (in pixels) the symbol size/line width that represents the largest data value in the connected data provider.

Size List (LIST_SIZE)

You use this parameter to enter individual sizes.

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces

List of Breaks (BREAK_LIST)

You use this parameter to define the individual class boundaries.

Number of Classes

You use this parameter to enter the number of size levels.

(CLASSES) Tooltips for Map Layers (TOOLTIPS_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to determine whether a tooltip text is to be displayed for the map layers.

Breaks Distributed Evenly (BREAKS_DISTRIBUTED)

You use this parameter to set even distribution for color shadings.

Label Display

You use this parameter to determine whether labels should be displayed and, if so, how they should be displayed. There are the following options:


Highlighted Labels (LABELS_HIGHLIGHTED) Legend Visible (LEGEND_VISIBLE) Legend Caption (LEGEND_CAPTION) Affected Data Provider (LINKED_DATA_PROVIDER_REF_LIST)

No Label (NONE)

Text as Label (TEXT)

Key as Label (KEY)

Value as Label (VALUE)

You use this parameter to determine whether labels of map layers are to be highlighted. You use this parameter to determine whether a legend is to be displayed for the map. This parameter allows you to use the text input dialog box [Page 40] to assign a heading to the legend of the map. You use this parameter to create a list of data providers to which all commands of the map layer are sent. For each entry in the data provider list, you choose a data provider for the Affected Data Provider parameter (LINKED_DATA_PROVIDER_REF). Note that you cannot create data providers in the parameter dialog box - you have to create them beforehand.

Display Exceptions (EXCEPTIONS_VISIBLE)


Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis

You use this parameter to specify whether exceptions that are activated for the base data provider are to be displayed. See also: Displaying Exceptions in Maps and Charts [External]. You use this parameter to enter the name of a characteristic attribute whose value is to be displayed on the map.


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces

Parameters for Lines (Color-Dependent)

Definition The color-dependent line is a map renderer. You use map renderers to determine the way in which BI data is displayed in a map layer. You use the parameters of a map renderer to determine the properties of the renderer.

Use The line (color-dependent) renderer displays values with a line from the starting to the end point. The data values define the color of a line.

Structure Below is a list of parameters for the color-dependent line renderer. Parameter



You use this parameter to determine whether the map layer is visible.


You use this parameter to assign a data provider to the map layer. The map layer gets the data and metadata that it needs to generate the output and commands from this data provider. We recommend that you keep to the conventions supported by the Web Application Designer when specifying names: The name should be a maximum of 30 characters long and consist of characters “A-Z”, “0-9” and “_”, but cannot start or end with “_”. Adhering to these conventions facilitates the upgrade to future SAP releases.

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces

Color Settings (COLOR_SETTINGS)

This parameter contains the following additional parameters for you to set: ●

Initial Color (COLOR_START) You use this parameter to determine the color of the symbol that represents the smallest data value of the connected data source. You select the color value in a color selection dialog box.

End Color (COLOR_END) You use this parameter to determine the color of the symbol that represents the largest data value of the connected data source. You select the color value in a color selection dialog box.

Color Interpolation (COLOR_INTERPOLATION) RGB color value, HSB (color area) You use this parameter to define the color interpolation method. Colors between the start and the end color are interpolated linearly.

Line Settings (LINE_SETTINGS)

This parameter contains the following additional parameters for you to set: ●

Layer (Starting Points) (FROM_LAYER) You use this parameter to determine the layer on which the line’s starting points lie. All starting points must lie on one layer.

Layer (End Points) (TO_LAYER) You use this parameter to determine the layer on which the line’s end points lie. All end points must lie on one layer.

Line Style (LINE_STYLE) You use this parameter to determine the way in which this parameter is to be displayed. Solid (SOLID) Dotted (DOTTED) Dashed (DASHED)

Line Width (LINE_WIDTH)

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You use this parameter to define the width of the line.


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List of Breaks (BREAK_LIST) Number of Classes (CLASSES) Color List

You use this parameter to define the individual class boundaries You use this parameter to enter the number of size levels. You use this parameter to enter color values.

(COLOR_LIST) Tooltips for Map Layers (TOOLTIPS_VISIBLE)

You use this parameter to determine whether a tooltip text is to be displayed for the map layers.

Breaks Distributed Evenly (BREAKS_DISTRIBUTED)

You use this parameter to set even distribution for color shadings.

Label Display

You use this parameter to determine whether labels should be displayed and, if so, how they should be displayed. There are the following options:


Highlighted Labels (LABELS_HIGHLIGHTED) Legend Visible (LEGEND_VISIBLE) Legend Caption (LEGEND_CAPTION) Affected Data Provider (LINKED_DATA_PROVIDER_REF_LIST)

No Label (NONE)

Text as Label (TEXT)

Key as Label (KEY)

Value as Label (VALUE)

You use this parameter to determine whether labels of map layers are to be highlighted. You use this parameter to determine whether a legend is to be displayed for the map. This parameter allows you to use the text input dialog box [Page 40] to assign a heading to the legend of the map. You use this parameter to create a list of data providers to which all commands of the map layer are sent. For each entry in the data provider list, you choose a data provider for the Affected Data Provider parameter (LINKED_DATA_PROVIDER_REF). Note that you cannot create data providers in the parameter dialog box - you have to create them beforehand.

Display Exceptions (EXCEPTIONS_VISIBLE)

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You use this parameter to specify whether exceptions that are activated for the base data provider are to be displayed. See also: Displaying Exceptions in Maps and Charts [External].


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You use this parameter to enter the name of a characteristic attribute whose value is to be displayed on the map.


Displaying Additional Cartographical Information

Use You can add additional cartographical information (for example, the display of backgrounds such as relief, rivers or cities, for example) to the Web item Map that you have already integrated into your Web application.

Procedure Preparing Used Shapefiles and Images 1. You may need to edit Shapefiles [External] to make them fit properly as map backgrounds. This is described in the How To Paper “Create and Modify Arcview Maps” in the SAP Service Marketplace, under the alias “bw” → Services & Implementation → HOW TO…Guides → Guide List …BW 2.x. 2. Consider the following when wanting to display images as backgrounds: In addition to the Geo-TIFF image format, PNG, GIF, JPG, BMP and TIFF formats are supported. These formats need a world file (with a file ending that is dependent upon the file format: GIF⇒GFW, TIF⇒TFW,...). In each world file, image information is assigned to geo-coordinates (degrees of latitude and longitude). With the Geo-TIFF image format, this information is found directly in the image file. Create this file with a text editor. World File

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1. line: Pixel size along X axis


2. line: Rotation for the row


3. line: Rotation for the column


4. line: Pixel size along Y axis


5. line: Longitude (x coordinate) of upper lefthand corner


6. line: Latitude (y coordinate) of upper lefthand corner

The pixel size can be calculated as follows: The resolution of the image in height and width can be found in the properties of the image file. Using the calculation: (X coordinate right – X coordinate left) / width (Y coordinate below – Y coordinate above) / height

Creating the AXL Files The additional cartographical information is read from the AXL files and interpreted. In the following section, three sample files are described for different pieces of additional cartographical information.

First Sample File Create the file usa_img.axl with a text editor (such as Notepad) or an XML editor. This sample file is used to create a relief background. File: usa_img.axl

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Lines 1-4: The header is always the same Line 5: By changing the language attribute, you can either enter numbers in German (“de” ‘,’) or in English (“en” ‘.’) format . Lines 9/10: The image workspace describes the directory on the IGS in which the images are stored. Lines 12-17: Describes a layer of cartographical information. In this case, an image layer is being used (type=”image”). Each layer is given its own unique ID. Lines 13-14: The data is described in the dataset tag. Name contains the complete image file name; the corresponding directory is found using the workspace (see lines 9/10). Lines 15-16: You can set a transparency and a transparency color in the image properties. Rows 17-20: The XML tags need to be closed-

Second Sample File This example looks at a file with two background Shapefiles (rivers represented with lines and lakes with polygons). File: rivers.axl

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Line 1-7: See the corresponding notes for the first sample file. Line 9-11: A background Shapefile is being used here. For this reason, the SHAPEWORKSPACE tag is required to specify the directory. Line 13-23: The first level is described (rivers). A Shapefile layer is being used here. Line 14: In the DATASET tag, the name of the Shapefile (without file ending) can be found in the Name attribute; the Shapefile type is Line. In this case, labels are also displayed alongside the rivers. A group renderer that is made up of several simple renderers is used here. Line 15-22: GROUPRENDERER Line 16-18: SIMPLERENDERER for lines Line 17: The lines are described with SIMPLELINESYMBOL (width in pixels, color and line type). Line 19-21: SIMPLELABELRENDERER allows you to label the cartographical background; the Field attribute contains the column from the respective .dbf file that is used for the label text. Lines 24-32: The second layer is described (lakes); this is also a Shapefile level. Line 25: The Shapefile type is Polygon. The name of the Shapefile appears as the name (without the file ending) Line 28: Lakes are displayed as nontransparent (fill transparency) blue (fill color) polygons with a blue (boundary color), nontransparent (boundary transparency) boundary, 2 pixels (boundary width) in size.

Third Sample File This is the most complex sample AXL definition. A total of four cartographical levels are defined. The layers are displayed partially scaling-dependently. File: usa.axl

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March 2006

Developing User Interfaces Incorporating JavaScript Using the Script Web Item

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Developing User Interfaces In the Web Application Designer, drag the Script Web item from the Miscellaneous Web item grouping to your Web template and choose the Web Item Parameters tab page in the Properties area. Choose the editing dialog box for the parameter Script. You can insert your JavaScript in this dialog box. The command wizard helps you to generate the JavaScript code for executing the command.

Using JavaScript Within Web Items

In addition to the direct use of commands using the command wizard, some Web items also provide the option of using JavaScript functions. This can be useful, for example, if you want to assemble commands dynamically, or if you use portal eventing and want to link this action to a Web item. JavaScript functions linked to a Web item always have the same signature: function functionname(currentState, defaultCommandSequence) The parameters currentState and defaultCommandSequence are used for Web items that already execute standard commands themselves. This applies, for example, to the data binding type CHARACTERISTIC_SELECTION for the Web item Dropdown Box. The command for setting the filter values is generally run here. You can insert this standard command sequence before or after your command, or you can choose to ignore it and not execute the standard command. For an example of how to use JavaScript in a Web item, see Using JavaScript in the Dropdown Box Web Item [Page 267].

JavaScript API for Executing Commands

You can execute commands or command sequences using JavaScript. To execute a command, you must first generate the command and its parameters. The command object sapbi_Command and the parameter object sapbi_Parameter are available for this purpose. In the Script Web item, the command wizard provides help generating the JavaScript. Once you select the command and set the parameters, the JavaScript code is generated.

Command Structure and Parameters sapbi_Parameter A parameter consists of a name and a value. To generate a new parameter in JavaScript, use the following syntax: var param = new sapbi_Parameter(“Name”, “Value”); Some parameters have child parameters (lists or nested parameters). For these parameters, you specify the child parameters in a parameter list (see parameter list below). To add parameter lists, you use the following method: setChildList(sapbi_ParameterList) sapbi_ParameterList To instantiate a parameter list, use the following syntax:

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Developing User Interfaces var paramList = new sapbi_Parameter(); You can add parameters to the list by using the following methods: ●



sapbi_Command An sapbi_Command object is instantiated as follows: var command = new sapbi_Command(“Name of Command”); To add a parameter object to the command, use the addParameter method. You can also the addParameterNameValue command: ●



sapbi_CommandSequence An sapbi_CommandSequence is a list of sapbi_Commands. The object is instantiated as follows: var cmdSeq = new sapbi_CommandSequence(); The addCommand method is available to add commands to the command sequence. cmdSeq.addCommand( sapbi_Command ); The command or command sequence is executed using the following method: sapbi_page.sendCommand(CommandOrCommandSequenceObject)

Command for Swapping Axes (SWAP_AXES) for the Data Provider DP_1: /* Create TARGET_DATA_PROVIDER_REF */ var paramListDP_LIST = new sapbi_ParameterList(); var paramDP_LIST = new sapbi_Parameter( "TARGET_DATA_PROVIDER_REF_LIST", "" ); paramListDP_LIST.addParameterNameValue ("TARGET_DATA_PROVIDER_REF", "DP_1" ); paramDP_LIST.setChildList (paramListDP_LIST);

/* Create Command */ var commandWAP_AXES = new sapbi_Command("SWAP_AXES"); commandSWAP_AXES.addParameter( paramDP_LIST );

/* Send Command */ sapbi_page.sendCommand(commandSWAP_AXES);

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Web Application Examples

The following sections provide examples of certain fundamental design aspects that frequently arise when creating Web applications: ●

Changing the Display: Table, Chart, Table and Chart [Page 262]

Switching Between Chart and Table Using a Pushbutton [Page 264]

Creating Planning Applications in the BEx Web Application Designer [Page 269]

Changing the Display: Table, Chart, Table and Chart

In your Web application, you want to be able to display data in a table or graphic, similar to in the Web Analyzer [External]. You can do this by using the Dropdown Box [Page 75] Web item and linking the commands for showing and hiding Web items to it: ...

1. Insert the Analysis [Page 56] and Chart [Page 61] Web items into your Web template. Set the required parameters and link both Web items to the same data provider. For the initial display type, set the Visibility parameter of the Chart Web item to Hidden. 2. To allow users to toggle the display type, choose the Dropdown Box Web item and drag it to your Web template using drag and drop. 3. Choose the data binding type Fixed List of Options from the parameter list for the Web item. This allows you to define your own commands for each entry in the dropdown box. 4. In the fixed list of options, enter a text (such as “table”) in the Description of Selection field. This text can be language-dependent. 5. For the corresponding command, call the command wizard [Page 222] by choosing the pushbutton. 6. On the All Commands tab page, choose Commands for Web Items. Select the command Set Web Item Parameters (SET_ITEM_PARAMETERS) and double-click it to choose it. 7. Since the table must be switched to visible to select the table display type in the Web application, choose the Analysis Web item for Target Web Item. All parameters for the Analysis Web item are now displayed. 8. Set the Visibility parameter (VISIBILITY) to Visible (VISIBLE). Do not accept the default value. 9. Since the graphic display must be switched to hidden to select the table display type in the Web application, choose Next Command in the command wizard. 10. Insert the Set Web Item Parameters (SET_ITEM_PARAMETERS) command again. 11. This time, choose the Chart Web item as the target Web item and set the Visibility parameter (VISIBILITY) to Hidden (HIDDEN). Do not accept the default value. 12. Repeat steps four to eleven for the dropdown box entries “Chart” (switch Analysis Web item to hidden, Chart Web item to visible) and “Table and Chart" (switch Analysis Web item and Chart Web item to visible).

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Sample Code Below is the complete sample code from the XHTML view of the Web Application Designer: NetWeaver BI Web Application

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Tips ●

If you want to make several Web items visible or invisible at the same time, use the Container Web item and arrange the required Web items in the Container Web item. Switch the Visibility parameter of the Container Web item to visible or hidden.

The Set Parameters for Web Item (SET_ITEM_PARAMETERS) command is a command that is used often. We therefore recommend that you add this command to your favorite commands in the command wizard.

Switching Between Chart and Table Using a Pushbutton

You display a chart in your Web application. You want to allow the user to display the data as a chart or table by using "Display Table" and "Display Chart" pushbuttons. Since the same pushbutton has to change its action, you cannot depict the use case with a single pushbutton. You need a second pushbutton to implement the use case. ...

1. Insert the Analysis Web item into your Web template that includes the Chart Web item; assign the same data provider to the Analysis Web item and set the required parameters. Set this Web item to Hidden initially. 2. Insert the Button Group [Page 72] Web item into your Web template. In the first row of the pushbutton list, enter "Display Table" for Caption. 3. Insert a second Button Group Web item into your Web template. In the first row of the pushbutton list, enter "Display Chart" for Caption. Set the Button Group Web item to Hidden initially.

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Developing User Interfaces 4. You can now specify the following command sequence for the Command of the first Web item, Button Group: Hide Chart → Hide First Button Group Web Item → Show Analysis Web Item Visible → Show Second Button Group Web Item. Proceed as follows: a. Under Command, call the command wizard [Page 222] using the pushbutton. b. On the All Commands tab page, choose Commands for Web Items. Select the command Set Web Item Parameters (SET_ITEM_PARAMETERS) and doubleclick to choose it. c. Select the Chart Web item as the target Web item and set the Visibility parameter (VISIBILITY) to Hidden (HIDDEN). d. Choose Next Command and Insert to create a new command for the command sequence. e. Choose the Set Web Item Parameters (SET_ITEM_PARAMETERS) command again and specify the first Button Group Web item as the target Web item and set the Visibility (VISIBILITY) parameter to Hidden. f. Choose Next Command and Insert to create a new command for the command sequence. g. Choose the Set Web Item Parameters (SET_ITEM_PARAMETERS) command again and specify the first Analysis Web item as the target Web item and set the Visibility (VISIBILITY) parameter to Visible. h. Choose Next Command and Insert to create a new command for the command sequence. i. Choose the Set Web Item Parameters (SET_ITEM_PARAMETERS) command again and specify the second Button Group Web item as the target Web item and set the Visibility (VISIBILITY) parameter to Visible. 5. For the second Button Group Web item, proceed from step 4.a. Swap the value assignments Visible/Hidden for the Visibility (VISIBILITY) parameter.

Sample Code Below is the complete sample code from the XHTML view of the Web Application Designer: NetWeaver BI Web Application

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Using JavaScript in the Dropdown Box Web Item

You want to create a Web application in which the end user can filter an interval for the calendar months. The interval end is to be specified by selection from a dropdown box; the interval start is to be fixed. The entries displayed in the dropdown box are to be determined from the posted values of the data provider. By default, for dropdown box [Page 75] Web items, an individual filter value is set using the data binding type Char/Structure Member (CHARACTERISTIC_SELECTION). To enhance this standard function, you can enhance the Dropdown Box Web item with a JavaScript function. To do this, proceed as follows: ...

1. Create a new Web template with two data providers. Both data providers are initialized by the same object. 2. Insert an Analysis [Page 56] Web item into the Web template and assign the first data provider to the Web item. 3. Insert a Dropdown Box Web item into the Web template. Set the following parameters for the Web item: a. Select Char/Structure Member (CHARACTERISTIC_SELECTION) as the data binding type. b. Enter the second data provider as the data provider. c. Deselect the Display ALL Entry (ALL_VALUES_ENTRIES_INCLUDED) parameter. This is important since specification of both interval limits is appropriate for interval selections. d. Select the characteristic 0CALMONTH. e. Set the Read Mode (DATA_READ_MODE) to Posted Values (Q). f. Under the Additional Action (ACTION_WITH_DEFAULT) parameter, select the Script Function (SCRIPT_FUNCTION) option. g. You enter the name of the script functions later (see step 10). 4. Insert the Script [Page 173] Web item (from the Miscellaneous Web item grouping) into the Web template. 5. To enter a value for the Script (SCRIPT) parameter of the Web item, use the help dialog box. 6. To generate the JavaScript, choose Create with Wizard. 7. Under All Commands → Commands for Data Providers → Commands for Filter Values, select Set Filter Value for a Characteristic (SET_SELECTION_STATE_SIMPLE). a. Select the first data provider as the data provider affected.

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Developing User Interfaces b. Select the characteristic 0CALMONTH. c. Select Interval Selection (INTERVAL_SELECTION) as the operator. d. Specify the fixed from-value. e. Enter any value as the to-value. 8. Close the command wizard. A JavaScript function that executes the specified command is generated. 9. To determine the to-value dynamically, comment out the line with var key = … at the start of the JavaScript function. Find the value for the to-value and replace this with the JavaScript variable key. 10. Using the input help, in the Dropdown Box Web item, you can now select the name of the JavaScript function in the Script Function parameter (SCRIPT_FUNCTION). 11. In the final step, you can design the Web template according to your needs.

You need two data providers for the dropdown box to always display the same values and not the current filter value as well. The following code is sample code for the Web template described: NetWeaver BI Web Application

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Developing User Interfaces

Creating Planning Applications in the BEx Web Application Designer

Use The following simple example shows how you create a Web application with a selection list (button group), table and special pushbuttons for functions such as copy, revaluate (with a fixed percentage) and save.

Prerequisites You have a planning model that contains aggregation level Plan_Actual_Aggr (defined on the basis of MultiProvider Plan_Actual_MP), query Plan_Query02 (which is not input-ready), a filter and planning functions for copying PF_Copy and revaluating PF_Revaluate02. You are familiar with the functions of the BEx Web Application Designer (see Creating a Web Application [Page 43] and Creating Web Applications with the BEx Web Application Designer [Page 47]).

Procedure ...

1. Open the BEx Web Application Designer. 2. Choose Create New Web Template. For more information about the Web template concept, see Web Template [Page 28].

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3. Double-click on New Data Provider to create a new data provider of type Query View Data Provider. The Maintain Data Provider dialog box appears.

For more information about the data provider concept, see Data Providers in BI Applications [External]. 4. In the Name field, the system displays the name it generated for the data provider. This is currently assigned to the data provider. You can retain this name. 5. In the Define Data Provider Type area, choose the Query option. Choose Query. The Open dialog box appears.


6. Select the query you want and choose Open. In the Query field, the system inserts the name of the query. 7. When you have defined your data provider in this way, choose OK. 8. Drag and drop the required Web items onto the Layout tab page of your Web template.

In this example, we insert the following Web items: ■

Dropdown box


Button group

For more information, see Web Items [Page 54]. 9. If you click on a Web item or choose Properties in the context menu of a Web item, the system display the Properties screen area. 10. On the Web Item Parameters tab page, enter the required data in the highlighted fields.

For the Web items in this example, the following data is required: For the dropdown box (see Dropdown Box [Page 75]) under parameter Data Binding → Data Binding Type → Selection of Characteristic: ■

Data provider: DP_01

Characteristic: Country

Set the indicator for the Label Visible parameter for the dropdown box so that the label is displayed for Country. The system uses the data provider you create first for all additional Web items. If you have performed the activities in the order described here, the system inserts data provider DP_01 under the Data Binding parameter for the Analysis Web item (see Analysis [Page 56]). For the button group (see Button Group [Page 72]), under parameter Internal Display → List of Buttons → Caption on the Text Editing dialog box (with option Language-Independent Text) we enter a text for the required pushbuttons. We choose the Command field to assign a suitable command to each button (see Command Wizard [Page 222]). The Edit Command dialog box appears. On the All Commands tab page, select Commands for Planning Applications and choose the required functions in accordance with the following examples: Special Function Buttons

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Button Text




Execute planning function (simple) (EXEC_PLANNING_FUNCTION_SIMPLE )

Data Binding → Reference to Data Provider of Type Filter: DP_01 Command-Specific Parameters → Planning Function: Select your copy planning function (PF_Copy in our example)


Execute planning function (simple) (EXEC_PLANNING_FUNCTION_SIMPLE )

Data Binding → Reference to Data Provider of Type Filter: DP_01 Command-Specific Parameters → Planning Function: Select your revaluate planning function (PF_Revaluate02 in our example)



Data Binding: No entry necessary

For more information, see Commands for Planning Applications [Page 249]. 11. Choose

to save your Web template (menu path Web Template →

12. Choose

to execute your Web template.


Result You can use the planning functions you have created to copy and calculate plan data. The data set is determined by the navigational state of data provider DP_01. You can save the entire Web application by choosing the Save pushbutton.


Enterprise Reporting

Purpose Enterprise Reporting is the reporting component of the Business Explorer. With the Report Designer, it provides a user-friendly design tool that you can use to create formatted reports that are optimized for presentation and print. You can also access a number of formatting and layout functions. Reports created in the BEx Report Designer can be converted to PDF documents using the connected Adobe server and then printed. You can also use the information broadcasting functions and broadcast reports.

Implementation Considerations Enterprise Reporting for the Business Explorer enables the preparation of business data in the form of reports. You can create and print corporate balance sheets, HR master data sheets, and so on, in a format and layout specific to the customer.

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Integration As a reporting component of the Business Explorer, Enterprise Reporting fits seamlessly into the function and tool landscape of the BI suite. The BEx Report Designer and the Web item report enable simple integration of Enterprise Report Design and Web application design and thus into the BEx Web as well. The following image shows this integration: SAP NetWeaver Portal Business Explorer Suite (BEx) Information Broadcasting BEx Web

BEx Analyzer BI Pattern

Web Analyzer

Web Application Designer

Report Designer

Microsoft Excel Add-in

BI Consumer Services

3rd Party BI

BI InfoProvider

BEx Query Designer

Features Enterprise Reporting comprises the following functions and tools: ●

BEx Report Designer as a central tool for the creation of reports. See Report Designer [Page 278].

Web Item Report, which is used to integrate reports into Web applications. See Web Item Report [Page 66].

PDF Generation as a print-optimized view of reports.

The technical basis for reports is the row pattern concept. For more information, see Row Pattern [Page 273].

Constraints The reports created with the BEx Report Designer are optimized for presentation and printing, and therefore only have limited navigation options for data analysis (such as setting filter values). You can use the BEx Analyzer [External], the Web Applications [External] and the Web Analyzer [External] for the Business Explorer for free multidimensional data analysis.

Static and Dynamic Sections in Reports

A report can include static and dynamic sections. The distinctive feature of static sections is that query fields can be positioned freely.

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Static Section A query (or a query view) that contains two structures [Page 395] is the basis of a static section. There is one structure in the rows and one in the columns. A static section is unique because you can freely position all the fields within the section. This is possible because each field is unique in a static section. Thus the initial view in the Report Designer corresponds to the executed query (query view). Each row in the executed query has one row pattern.

A static section can also be a report section without data connection, that is, without a data provider. Such sections include the Page Header and Page Footer, as well as the Report Section (for example, for inserting gaps or your own text and comments), which you can integrate into your report using the Insert menu on the menu bar of the Report Designer.

Dynamic Section A query (or query view) forms the basis of a dynamic section that has one or more characteristics in the drilldown. This means that one or more group levels is designed for the initial view in the Report Designer. There is one group level for each characteristic. Within a dynamic section, query fields can only be taken from external group levels into internal ones. In dynamic sections, the number of rows varies at runtime, whereas the number of columns is fixed.

Group Level 0

Group Level 1 Group Level 2

Row Pattern

A central component of the Enterprise Report Design is the row patter concept. It enables creation of reports with dynamic sections. With reports of this type, the number of

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Developing User Interfaces characteristic values in the drilldown is not set at the time of report creation. It becomes visible during runtime.

Basics of Structuring Reports In order to be able to understand the row pattern concept, you need to look at the structure of a report with dynamic sections:

Columns header row

Results row

Detail row

In the graphic above, you can see that a number of row types can be identified in a report. This means there is a specifically formatted row that is applied to column headers or a specifically formatted row for results values. For each row type, there is a template, called a row pattern, that describes the color, font, height and width of the rows, and so on.

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Group Levels

Group level 0

Detail area

Group level 1

The graphic above shows the structure of a query in a report with characteristics, structures and hierarchies. The layout of a query is defined in the drilldown of the structure elements in the columns and rows of the query. Every structure element in the rows of the query corresponds to a group level in the row pattern concept. Thus the number of possible group levels in a report depends on the drilldown status of the query.

Structure of the Group Levels Each group level comprises: ●

Header area

Detail area

Footer area

The detail area itself can also represent a group level (with header and footer and a detail area). This is how group levels can be nested in each other. The innermost group level of a report has detail rows that contain key figures. The Report Designer generates a row pattern for each area of a group level.

In the graphic, the rows of the calendar years correspond to the header area of group level 1.

Row Pattern Row patterns are the smallest units of a BEx Report that are not divided by page boundaries. Row patterns comprise cell grids whose cells can have specific properties. For more information, see Properties of Row Patterns [Page 276].

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Report Web Item The Report Web item uses the row pattern and data to generate the header, detail and footer areas of a report. When the report is executed in the Report Designer, the Report Web Item [Page 66] is called.

Properties of Row Patterns

Use With the properties of the row pattern, you define the format of the cells and the entire cell grid. When reports are executed, these properties are visualized.

Integration The whole row pattern and its properties make report design possible in the Business Explorer. The Report Web item uses these row patterns to display reports. SAP delivers a pool of standard row patterns. These can be changed according to your needs in the BEx Report Designer. However, you can also create new row patterns by setting the properties of the cells in a cell grid.

Features Cell Properties The cell grid and thus every cell in a cell pattern has the following properties: Property



This property sets the background color of the cell.


This property sets the gap between the cell boundary that is used as the start direction for each cell's contents and the cell content itself.


This property sets the gap between the cell boundary that is used as the end direction for each cell's contents and the cell content itself.


This property sets the gap between the upper cell boundary and the cell contents.


This property sets the gap between the lower cell boundary and the cell contents.


This property sets the frame type for the cell boundary that is used as the start direction for the cell contents.


This property sets the frame type for the cell boundary that is used as the end direction for the cell contents.

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This property sets the frame type for the upper boundary of the cell.


This property sets the frame type for the lower boundary of the cell.


This property sets the frame color for the cell boundary that is used as the start direction for the cell contents.


This property sets the frame color for the cell boundary that is used as the end direction for the cell contents.


This property sets the frame color for the upper boundary of the cell.


This property sets the frame color for the lower boundary of the cell.


This property sets the frame width for the cell boundary that is used as the start direction for the cell contents.


This property sets the frame width for the cell boundary that is used as the end direction for the cell contents.


This property sets the frame width of the upper cell boundary.


This property sets the frame width of the lower cell boundary.


You use this property to insert text wrapping at the end of the cell.


This property determines the width of the cell.


This property determines the height of the cell.


This property sets the vertical orientation of the contents of a cell (top, centered, bottom)


This property sets the horizontal orientation of the contents of a cell (top, centered, bottom)


You use this property to merge two cells that are next to each other.

Rowspan (merging rows)

You use this property to merge two cells that are one below the other.

In the Report Designer you can set or change this property for each individual cell in the Properties window. A cell can have the corresponding, associated format that has the properties described above. The format you set can be applied to multiple cells and does not have to be set for each individual cell separately. In the Report Designer, you make these settings in the Properties window. At runtime, the row pattern is applied to the respective rows of the report. Text Properties

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Developing User Interfaces There are also text properties that you can use to format the contents of the cell. You can also use them to set or change the cell properties in the Report Designer. Property



This property sets the color of the text.


This property sets the background color of the text.


This property sets the font (for example, Arial, Times Roman and so on).


This property sets the font weight.


This property sets the size of the font.


This property sets the font style (italics or normal).

BEx Report Designer

Use The Report Designer is a tool you use to format and adapt the layout of your business data as a report (static or dynamic) and according to your needs. You can display this report on the Web. You can also convert the report into a PDF document to print or distribute it. For example, you can design the layout of a corporate balance sheet according to your needs and print it as a PDF document. The data connection for the report is provided by data providers (queries and query views). The Report Designer generates group levels according to the drilldown state of a query or query view. These group levels contain row patterns for the initial report view. The layout and formatting of the initial view can be adapted to suit customers' requirements.

Integration The Report Designer is a standalone desktop application. You can open the Report Designer directly from the start menu or call it in the Web Application Designer using the context menu for the Report Web item. For more information about reports in Web applications, see Report [Page 66].

Prerequisites To create a report, a structure must be used in the columns of the underlying query or query view.

Features The Report Designer includes the following functions:

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Standard formatting functions such as font, bold and italics, background colors, frames, and so on are available.

You can include texts, images, and charts in your reports.

You can change the layout of a report. The following options are available: ○

Insert rows and columns

Change height and width of rows and columns

You can position individual fields (such as characteristic values, key figures, user-specific texts) using drag and drop.

Merge cells

You can perform conditional formatting to overwrite the design for specific characteristic values, hierarchy nodes, and so on, determined by the row patterns.

You can display BI hierarchies in your report.

You can freely design the header and footer sections of your report, as well as the individual pages.

You can create reports that comprise multiple independent sections that are based on different data providers. These sections are arranged vertically in the report. See also Static and Dynamic Sections in Reports [Page 272].

You can define page breaks between report sections or for group level changes.

You can call the Report Designer functions using the menu and toolbar, and you can implement them using the various screen areas. See also Functions of the BEx Report Designer [Page 279].

Functions of the Report Designer

Use The BEx Report Designer is the reporting tool for the BI suite that is used to create reports that are optimized for presentation and printing.

Integration The Report Designer can be called as follows: ●

As a standalone desktop application.

From the context menu or the Report Design (REPORT) parameter of the Report Web item in the Web Application Designer.

Features In addition to the menu bar and application toolbar, the BEx Report Designer consists of five screen areas: ●

Design area

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Developing User Interfaces The most important area of the Report Designer is the design area, where you design the layout of your report and format it whereby the report is schematically displayed. A report usually comprises the following elements: ○

Page header

Report body

Page footer

Page header and footer (if there are any) are repeated on every page of the report. The report body is comprised of static and/or dynamic sections. See also Static and Dynamic Sections in Reports [Page 272]. In the context menu of the design area, you can use various functions to design your report. ●

Field catalog The field catalog lists all query fields and text elements for a query or query view that is being used, along with free texts created by the user. For more information, see Field Catalog [Page 281].

Report structure In the report structure, the report is displayed with the associated group levels and row patterns. For more information, see Report Structure [Page 282].

Format catalog The format catalog provides an overview of the formats used in the report. For more information, see Format Catalog [Page 283].

Properties In the properties area, you set the properties of the individual report elements (rows or cells). This allows you to determine the format and position of text fields, for example. For more information, see Properties [Page 283]

All the functions required for creating, formatting and designing your report are in the menu bar and toolbar of the Report Designer. See also, Functions of the Menu Bar in the Report Designer [Page 284].

Working with the Report Designer

Screen Areas of the Report Designer In addition to the menu and toolbars [Page 284] that provide most of the functions that you need to create a report, you work in or with the following screen areas in the Report Designer: ●

Design area [Page 281]

Field catalog [Page 281]

Report structure [Page 282]

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Format catalog [Page 283]

Properties [Page 283]

Interaction Types Drag&Drop You can use Drag&Drop to drag report elements from the field catalog, report structure, and format catalog screen areas to the design area of the report. You can also use Drag&Drop to move cells and fields within the design area. Context Menu There is a context-sensitive context-menu in the design area, report structure and the format catalog that you can use to access various functions for creating reports.

Design Area

Definition Screen area of the Report Designer.

Use The design area is a principal interface element of the Report Designer. You use it to create reports and to display them schematically. The design area displays report elements such as the page header and footer as well as report sections with and without data connection. You can use the context menu in the design area and the various functions provided by the menu bars and toolbars [Page 284] and by the other screen areas of the Report Designer to edit report elements and design your report.

Field Catalog

Definition Screen area of the Report Designer.

Use In the field catalog, all query fields and text elements of the data provider (query or query view) that provides the basis for the report is displayed. The field catalog also contains the list of free texts created by users, which were inserted into the header area of the report, for example. Using the field catalog, you can insert or reuse query fields or text elements from the data provider that were deleted from the report, for example, at any time with Drag&Drop. You can also work with free texts the same way.

Structure The following elements are listed in the field catalog:

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Free texts

Query fields

Text elements for the data providers, such as last changed by, due date, query description, and so on.

Report Structure

Definition Screen area of the Report Designer.

Use The report structure hierarchically illustrates the report and all its visible and hidden components. As in the design area, the report structure also has a context menu with which you can work. In contrast to the design area, in which you cannot select objects such as group levels, you can select and edit these types of objects in the report structure.

Structure Depending on the structure of a report, the following elements can be displayed hierarchically. ●

Page header and/or page footer Static section with the associated row patterns and their cells, which can contain various fields such as free text or query fields.

Report section without data connection Static section with the associated row patterns and their cells, which can contain various fields such as free text or query fields.

Report section with data connection The static and dynamic report sections are displayed with a hierarchical structure. The name of the data provider with the associated row patterns is displayed for every group level (only for dynamic reports), along with the individual elements: every group level is listed in its structure with the associated header, detail and footer areas. Each area of a group level is displayed with the associated rows and their cells, which can also contain query fields and free text. The following graphic illustrates a section of the report structure of a report with a dynamic report section that is connected with data.

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Format Catalog

Definition Screen area of the Report Designer.

Use The format catalog provides an overview of the formats used in the report. Both standard formats and user-defined formats are displayed. You can transfer the formats to report elements (rows or cells) using Drag & Drop.


Definition Screen area of the Report Designer.

Use You can use the properties area to define the properties of individual report elements (rows or cells). To do this, select the required row or cell and make the required settings in the properties area. This allows you to determine the format and position of text fields, for example.

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Functions of the Menu Bar in the Report Designer

Use From the menu bar and toolbars in the Report Designer, you can access all of the functions that you need to create or edit a report.

Features Menu Bar The functions are available from the following menus of the menu bar: ●

Report [Page 285]

Edit [Page 286]

View [Page 287]

Insert [Page 287]

Format [Page 288]

Extras [Page 289]

Help [Page 290]

Toolbars The Report Designer has the Standard and Format toolbars.

Standard Toolbar In the Report toolbar, the following functions are available from the menu bar on pushbuttons: ●




Selecting a data provider


Print version

Format Toolbar ●


Font size



Left justified

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Right justified

Align at top

Centered vertically

Align at bottom

Align columns


Fill color

Font color

Functions in the Report Menu

Use Here you get an overview of the functions that are provided in the menu bar for the Report Designer in the Report menu.

Features You can choose from the following functions in the Report menu: Menu Entry



You use this function to create a new report.


This function takes you to the BEx open dialog [External]. From this dialog, you can open a report from your history, favorites, or roles, or by using the search function, and then edit it.


You use this function to close a report. If you have edited a report and want to keep the changes, save the report before you close it.


You use this function to save any changes you have made to an existing report. When you create a new report and choose Save, the BEx save dialog [External] appears. You can then save your report in your favorites or roles.

Save As…

This function takes you to the BEx save dialog, where you can save your report with a different name in your favorites or roles.


When you choose this function, the report is deleted permanently.

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Select Data Provider

You use this function and the open dialog to choose a data provider for a report section. The data providers for a report section can be queries or query views. Once you have made your selection, the data provider is automatically inserted into a report section and displayed in the design area.

Set Up Page

You use this function to set up the page for the report: you can specify the page size (such as DIN A4 or Letter), the page orientation (portrait or landscape), and the margins.


You use this function to execute the report in the portal. The report is displayed in the standard Web template for reports. You set the standard Web template for reports in Customizing for the standard Web templates at SAP NetWeaver → Business Intelligence → Reporting-Relevant Settings → BEx Web → Setting Standard Web Templates → Enterprise Report.

Print Version

You use this function to convert the report directly into a PDF document that you can later print.


In Role... You use this function to publish reports in roles. The system saves a link to the current report in the selected role. To Portal... You use this function to publish reports as iViews in the Portal Content Directory. See also Publishing Queries, Web Applications and Reports [External]. BEx Broadcaster... You use this function to open the BEx Broadcaster, which you can use to precalculate and broadcast the report. See also Precalculating and Broadcasting Queries, Query Views, Web Templates and Reports [External].


You use this function to close the Report Designer.

Functions in the Edit Menu

Use Here you get an overview of the functions that are provided in the menu bar for the Report Designer in the Edit menu.

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Features You can choose from the following functions in the Edit menu: Menu Entry



You use this function to delete rows or fields in the report, for example.

Functions in the View Menu

Use Here you get an overview of the functions that are provided in the menu bar for the Report Designer in the View menu.

Features You can choose from the following functions in the View menu: Menu Entry


Report Structure

You use this function to show and hide the Report Structure screen area.

Field Catalog

You use this function to show and hide the Field Catalog screen area.


You use this function to show and hide the Properties screen area.

Format Catalog

You use this function to show and hide the Format Catalog screen area.

Group Levels

You use this function to show and hide the display of group levels in the design area.


You use this function to show and hide the ruler in the design area.

Functions in the Insert Menu

Use Here you get an overview of the functions that are provided in the menu bar for the Report Designer in the Insert menu.

Features You can choose from the following functions in the Insert menu: Menu Entry

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Page Header

You use this function to insert a page header into the report, which you can then change according to your needs.

Page Footer

You use this function to insert a page footer into the report, which you can then change according to your needs.

Report Section

You use this function to insert a report section into the report. The inserted report section has no data connection.

Free Text

You use this function to insert free text into a cell of the report.

Functions in the Format Menu

Use Here you get an overview of the functions that are provided in the menu bar for the Report Designer in the Format menu.

Features You can choose from the following functions in the Format menu: Menu Entry



You use this function to specify the font.

Font Size

You use this function to set the font size for texts.


You use this function to format texts as bold.


You use this function to set texts as italic.


You use this function to make the following settings for texts or elements located in a cell of the report:

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Left Align


Right Align

Align Top

Vertically Centered

Align Bottom


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Align Columns

You use this function to align the columns for multiple report sections with one another. Alignment is based on the report section that you are currently working on in the design area.


You use this function to define the border type for each cell. ●

Outside Border Lines

No Borders

Top Border

Bottom Border

Left Border

Right Border

The border type is additive, which means it is added to the existing border.

If you choose No Borders, all borders are deleted.

Background Color

You use this function to color a cell.

Font Color

You use this function to color text.

Conditional Formatting

You use this function to set a design that deviates from the design for selected characteristic values, hierarchy nodes, and so on, that is set by the default row patterns.

Functions in the Extras Menu

Use Here you get an overview of the functions that are provided in the menu bar for the Report Designer in the Extras menu.

Features You can choose from the following functions in the Extras menu: Menu Entry


BEx Query Designer

You use this function to call the BEx Query Designer, to create new data providers of the type query.

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BEx Web Analyzer

You use this function to call the BEx Web Analyzer, to create new data providers of the type query.


You use this function to make settings for the Report Designer. In this way, you can change the theme for displaying the reporting the portal, for example, or activate a trace recording of the report and set the trace level which determines the granularity of the trace recording.

Functions in the Help Menu

Use Here you get an overview of the functions that are provided in the menu bar for the Report Designer in the Help menu.

Features You can choose from the following functions in the Help menu: Menu Entry


Application Help...

You can use this function to view the SAP NetWeaver online documentation. The Enterprise Reporting section is displayed automatically in the documentation for the Business Explorer.


You use this function to see the release of the Report Designer along with patch and revision numbers. You can quote this information to SAP if you need to send problem messages.

From the Query to the Report

Purpose The objective of this design process is to create a report that is optimized for presentation and printing.

Prerequisites ●

To create a report, you need a query (or a query view) that must contain a structure [Page 395] in the columns.

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Before you start creating a report, you determine how the report is to be designed: The query fields can be positioned freely in a static section, because the static section is based on a query with two structures. A typical use for reports with static sections is in financial statements. In contrast to this, the number of rows in a dynamic section is data-dependent. Thus, the layout options in dynamic sections are restricted in comparison to static sections.

Note that static report sections also represent sections of a report with no data connection. These are typically the page header or page footer for the report, for example. For more information, see Static and Dynamic Sections in Reports [Page 272].

Process Flow ...

1. Selecting a data provider You use the Data Provider function to select a suitable query or query view as the data provider. The selected data provider is automatically embedded in a report section and is displayed together with the associated row patterns in the design area of the Report Designer.

If you want to create a new query or change an existing one, call the BEx Query Designer from the Tools menu in the menu bar for the Report Designer. If you want to create a new query view or change an existing one, call the BEx Web Analyzer from the Tools menu in the menu bar for the Report Designer. 2. Designing the report You create the design of the report. The following options are available for this purpose: ○

You can use standard formatting functions such as color, font and frame selection for individual report elements (cells or fields).

You can make layout changes, for example, adapt the height and width of rows and columns as required, insert free text, and rearrange query fields and text elements.

You can design the header and footer areas of the page and the report. You can insert images and free text into these areas or integrate totals fields for the query into the header area using drag and drop, for example.

3. Saving the report You save the report using the save dialog. Once you have saved the report, you can also use it in Web applications into which you have inserted the Report Web item. 4. Executing the report You execute the report in the portal (Web). The report is displayed in the standard Web template for reports [Page 295]. You can set the standard Web template for reports in Customizing for the standard Web templates at SAP NetWeaver → Business Intelligence → Reporting-Relevant Settings → BEx Web → Setting Standard Web Templates → Enterprise Report.

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Developing User Interfaces You can also create a print version of the report directly in the Report Designer. The report is converted into a PDF document, which you can then print. 5. Publishing reports You can publish reports in BI roles or as iViews in the portal. You can also call the BEx Broadcaster from the Report Designer and broadcast reports. For more information, see Functions of the BEx Broadcaster [External].

Result You have created a report that meets your requirements, and that you can convert directly to a print version or display as a Web application in the portal (Web). For more information about creating reports, see Creating Reports with the Report Designer [Page 292].

Creating Reports with the Report Designer

Use You can use the BEx Report Designer to easily create reports that are optimized for presentation and printing.

Prerequisites To create a report, you need a query or a query view as a data provider. The query or query view must contain a structure [Page 395] in the columns.

Procedure Selecting a Data Provider ...

1. Choose Report → Select Data Provider in the menu bar of the Report Designer. The BEx open dialog appears. 2. In the lower area of the open dialog, specify whether you want to use a Query or a Query View as the data provider, and choose a data provider from your favorites or history view, or by using the search function. The selected data provider is automatically embedded in a report section and is displayed in the design area of the Report Designer.

To define a new data provider, in the menu bar of the Report Designer, choose Tools → BEx Query Designer (to define a new query) or BEx Web Analyzer (to define a new query view).

Designing the Report There are various options that you can use to design your reports. Since the design process varies from case to case, only the basics of the procedure and options are described here.

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Using Standard Formatting Functions Standard formatting functions include color, font and border selection for individual report elements (cells or fields), for example. If you want to add color to a cell, select the cell and in the menu bar, choose Format → Fill Color. The color selection dialog appears; you can now choose the required color.

Making Layout Changes The options available for changing the layout of a report include: ●

Changing the Height and Width of Rows and Columns To increase the width of a column, select the outer right border of the column header and drag it along the length of the ruler displayed in the design area until you reach the required width. The column width is adjusted accordingly.

Inserting Free Texts into the Report To insert a free text, proceed as follows: a. Select the cell or field into which you want to insert the text, and choose Insert Free Text in the context menu for the cell, or Insert → Free Text in the menu bar of the Report Designer. b. Double-click the selected cell. The cell is now input ready. c. Insert the text and use the design functions as required, for example, if you want to apply a special font type or size to the text.

Arranging Fields (Query Fields, Text Elements, or Free Texts) Differently or Deleting Them ○

To move a field displayed in the design area within the report, select it and drag it to the required cell using drag and drop.

To delete a field displayed in the design area, select the field and choose Delete Field in the context menu.

If you have deleted a field from the design area and want to insert it again later, or if you want to reuse a field in the page header or page footer for the report, choose the field from the field catalog and drag it to the required cell in the design area using drag and drop.

Inserting Additional Report Sections You can insert additional report sections (to insert comments or footnotes, for example), as well as a page header or footer into your report. To do this, in the menu bar for the Report Designer, choose Insert → Page Header or Page Footer or Report Section. To insert a report section that is directly connected with data, in the menu bar of the Report Designer, choose Report → Select Data Provider. The selected data provider is inserted directly into a report section and is displayed in the design area.

Changing Formats for Rows To change the format for a row, you can use the standard formatting functions available in the menu bar and toolbars, or the format catalog. In the format catalog, choose the format from the standard formats or the specific formats (that you created) and drag it using drag and drop to the row whose format you wish to change.

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Creating Conditional Formatting To format certain characteristic values (such as customer XY) differently, you can use conditional formatting. For more information, see Creating Conditional Formatting [Page 294].


Saving the Report In the menu bar for the Report Designer, choose Report → Save. The BEx save dialog appears. Enter a suitable description and a technical name for the report and save it in your favorites or roles.

You can open the saved report in the Report Designer at any time, to change it, for example. You can also insert the report into a Web application using the Report [Page 66] web item.

Executing the Report Executing in the Portal In the menu bar for the Report Designer, choose Report → Execute. The report is displayed in the standard Web template for reports in the portal (Web). See also Standard Web Template for Reports [Page 295].

Printing the Report In the menu bar for the Report Designer, choose Report → Print Version. The report is automatically converted to a PDF document, which is then displayed. You can print this document as required.

Result You have created and saved a report to suit your requirements. You can display and print this report as a PDF document or execute it in the portal.

Creating Conditional Formatting

Use Conditional formatting makes it possible to format selected characteristics (such as customer XY) differently. In the executed report, these characteristic values have the formatting you specify and are set apart from the other characteristic values in your group level.

Prerequisites Conditional formatting can only be applied to characteristic values in dynamic sections of a data provider. A query (or query view) with one or more characteristics in the drilldown forms the basis of a data provider with a dynamic section.

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Procedure ...

1. Choose Report → Select Data Provider to select a data provider with a dynamic section. The selected data provider is automatically embedded in a report section and is displayed together with the associated row patterns in the design area of the Report Designer. 2. In the design area, select a row in the group level of the characteristic for which you want to apply conditional formatting to its characteristic value(s). 3. In the menu bar for the Report Designer, choose Format → Conditional Formatting. The BEx input help dialog [External] appears. 4. In the BEx input help dialog, select a characteristic value for which you want to create the conditional formatting. In the design area, an additional row is displayed for the selected characteristic value beneath the selected characteristic row. This new row has its own row pattern. 5. Select the new row for the characteristic value and use the formatting functions provided in the menu and toolbars of the Report Designer to apply the required formatting. You can, for example, color the row, left or right align the row, or add borders to the row. 6. Save the report and execute it. This allows you to check the display of your conditional formatting. 7. To apply conditional formatting for further characteristic values of a data provider, repeat steps 2 to 6.

Result You have applied conditional formatting for a characteristic value.

Standard Web Template for Reports

Use When you display a report in the portal (Web), it is automatically embedded in the standard Web template for reports. The report is displayed in at table on the Web. In addition, a date in the upper area of the Web template indicates how current the data is. Using the standard pushbuttons provided, Information, Send, and Print Version, and the link Filter, you can access the most common functions for navigating in and further editing your report.

Integration When you have created and saved a report in the Report Designer, choose (Execute): the report is displayed automatically in the portal using the standard Web template for reports. From a technical perspective, the standard Web template for reports is based on the 0REPORT_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE Web template. This Web template is set as the default for displaying reports from the Report Designer in the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide under SAP NetWeaver → Business Intelligence → Reporting-Relevant Settings → BEx Web → Set Standard Web Templates → Enterprise Report. The standard Web template contains three pushbuttons, Information, Send and Print Version, and the link Filter to call the filter pane. You can copy this Web template to make changes and set it as your new standard Web template for reports in the IMG.

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Features The functions of the individual pushbuttons and the Filter link are as follows: ●

Information pushbutton You use this pushbutton to display information about the data provider, such as the technical name and description, the name of the person who last changed it, and the key data for the data provider. You can also document the data provider.

Send pushbutton You use this pushbutton to navigate to the broadcasting wizard, from which you can precalculate and distribute your report. For more information, see Functions of the BEx Broadcaster [External].

Print Version pushbutton You use this pushbutton to directly create a PDF version of the report, which you can then print, as required.

Filter link You use this link to display a filter pane above the table displayed in the report. In this filter pane, characteristic values for the characteristics used in the data provider are displayed and available for filtering. This allows you to change the view of the report and use certain analysis options. For more information, see Filter Pane [Page 70].

Example Scenarios: Creating Different Report Types

Balance Sheet: Arranging Assets and Liabilities Beside Each Other

Use Using the Report Designer, you want to create a balance sheet to allow management to compare assets and liabilities/equities to one another. Assets [External] and liabilities and equities [External] are to be displayed next to one another in the report.

Prerequisites You require a data provider that is based on a static section. A query or query view with two structures is such a data provider. For more information about this type of data provider, see Static and Dynamic Sections in Reports [Page 272].

Procedure ...

1. Open the BEx Report Designer. 2. If required, insert a page header into the design area of the Report Designer by choosing Insert → Page Header.

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Developing User Interfaces 3. Design the page header by using the context menu of the page header row to insert free text, for example. 4. Insert an appropriate data provider based on a static section into the design area of the Report Designer by choosing Report → Add Data Provider. The assets and liabilities/equities items are arranged one after another in the structure. The are generally displayed in the executed report accordingly. However, since you want to directly compare the assets and liabilities/equities in the report, proceed as follows: 5. Insert the text Assets into the left column header. 6. Select the last column in the design area, and in the context menu, choose Insert Column (Right). An additional column, which you can use as a separator between the assets and liabilities/equities, is displayed. 7. To reduce the width of the column, drag the outer border of the new column along the length of the ruler until you reach the required width. 8. Insert two additional columns in the right design area, as described in step 6. 9. Insert the text Liabilities/Equities into one of these columns. 10. Using drag and drop, drag those cells with liabilities/equities items from the structure into the cells in the new column. 11. Format the rows of the column headers by increasing the width, creating borders, or adding colors, for example. 12. Format additional rows or cells in your report as required. The following figure provides an example of changes to be made during the design process: Inserted columns

Free texts

Drag and drop of cells

Formatted rows and columns

Inserted rows

13. If required, insert a page footer into the design area of the Report Designer by choosing Insert → Page Footer and adjust the design to meet your needs. 14. When you have applied all the formatting required, save the report. The following figure provides an example of the report or balance sheet in the Report Designer after all the necessary and required changes have been made:

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15. Execute the report by choosing Report → Execute.

Result You have created a balance sheet that displays assets and liabilities/equities next to one another. The following figure provides an example of the executed report (the report is displayed using the standard Web template for reports [Page 295]):


Design Mode

Use In BEx Analyzer’s design mode, you design the interface for your query applications. A query itself, essentially a complex select statement, is an abstract object without visualization. Once you embed it into an Excel workbook and enter design mode, you add its visualization by designing its interface. In design mode, your workbook appears as a collection of design items [Page 306] represented by their respective icons. Once you switch to analysis mode, the results of your

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Developing User Interfaces query appear according to how you have configured these design items. Thus, with design items you create an interface that dictates how you will analyze and navigate the results in analysis mode. Results of the query are displayed in the analysis grid [Page 307] design item, in which you also navigate and analyze the query’s results, with the assistance of the navigation pane [Page 314] design item. Further customize the interface of your query by adding and arranging design items such as dropdown boxes [Page 323], radio button groups [Page 328], and checkboxes [Page 326] with which you filter your results. In addition, you can use the editing functions in Microsoft Excel in order to format your workbook, print results areas, insert additional worksheets, and create graphics and charts. The workbooks you create in design mode are thus complete query or BI applications. In analysis mode, you can then save them in your favorites or in your role on the BW server for someone else to then open and work with in analysis mode. You can also save the workbook locally on your computer.

Worksheets are protected by default in design mode to prevent you from unintentionally deleting design items.

Activities ●

Access design mode functionality with its dedicated design toolbar or via the BEx Analyzer menu. See also: Design Functions [Page 299]

Use design items as the building blocks of your query interface. See also: Design Items [Page 306]

Configure data providers to deliver data to your design items. See also: Configuring Data Providers [Page 337]

Configure the analysis grid to fetch data via Microsoft Excel formulas, so that you can format the grid any way you wish. See also: Working in Formula Mode [Page 340]

Arrange items in your workbook, resize, and delete them. See also: Moving and Resizing Design Items [Page 341], Deleting Design Items [Page 343]

Design Functions

Use When you start BEx Analyzer, the BEx Analyzer menu and two toolbars appear in Microsoft Excel. You access design functions with the design toolbar (BEx Analyzer Design) and the BEx Analyzer → Design Toolbar menu. All the functions available on the toolbar are also available on the menu.

You can toggle the display of the design toolbar in Microsoft Excel via the menu path View → Toolbars → BEx Analyzer Design.

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March 2006

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Features Design Mode / Exit Design Mode You can manually switch between BEx Analyzer modes with this function, which is a toggle function: ●

If you are in analysis mode and want to switch to design mode, choose Design Mode from the design toolbar, or BEx Analyzer → Design Toolbar → Design Mode from the menu.

If you are in design mode and want to exit it and switch to analysis mode, choose Exit Design Mode from the design toolbar, or BEx Analyzer → Design Toolbar → Exit Design Mode from the menu.

See Design Mode / Exit Design Mode [Page 301]

Insert [Design Item] There are eleven design items, each of which you can insert via a dedicated tool on the analysis toolbar or menu item on the BEx Analyzer → Design Toolbar menu: ●

Insert Analysis Grid [Page 307]

Insert Navigation Pane [Page 314]

Insert List of Filters [Page 319]

Insert Button [Page 321]

Insert Dropdown Box [Page 323]

Insert Checkbox Group [Page 326]

Insert Radio Button Group [Page 328]

Insert List of Conditions [Page 331]

Insert List of Exceptions [Page 332]

Insert Text [Page 333]

Insert Messages [Page 336]

To learn about the steps involved in inserting and configuring design items, see Inserting Design Items [Page 301]. To learn about design items, see Design Items [Page 306]

Workbook Settings Use the workbook settings function to configure general functionality or apply themes to individual workbooks: ●

Choose Workbook Settings from the design toolbar, or BEx Analyzer → Design Toolbar → Workbook Settings from the menu.

See Workbook Settings [Page 303]

[Item Name] (menu only) The names of each design item you have inserted into the workbook are listed at the end of the BEx Analyzer → Design Toolbar menu in order to provide access to item properties via the menu. These menu items are only active in design mode.

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March 2006

Developing User Interfaces ●

In design mode, choose BEx Analyzer → Design Toolbar → [Item Name] from the menu. The properties dialog box for the selected design item is evoked.

To access item properties with a mouse, in design mode, click the icon that represents the item.

Design Mode / Exit Design Mode

Use With this function, which is a toggle function, you can manually switch in and out of design mode.

Features The functions of analysis mode and design mode are typically both active, and BEx Analyzer switches automatically to the right mode when you choose a function. For example if you are in analysis mode, and you select a tool on the design toolbar in order to insert a design item, Analyzer switches automatically to design mode, turning design items into their icon representations and allowing you to work with them and their properties. There can be times, however, when you want to manually switch in and out of design mode. For example, after you have inserted a design item and you want to view the query results, you want to switch into analysis mode. In this case, you use Exit Design Mode.

Activities To switch manually between BEx Analyzer modes: ●

If you are in analysis mode and want to switch to design mode, choose Design Mode from the design toolbar, or BEx Analyzer → Design Toolbar → Design Mode from the menu.

If you are in design mode and want to exit it and switch to analysis mode, choose Exit Design Mode from the design toolbar, or BEx Analyzer → Design Toolbar → Exit Design Mode from the menu.

Inserting Design Items

Use Use design items in BEx Analyzer to provide controls, interface, and functionality to your worksheet, turning it into a query application. There are eleven design items available (see Design Items [Page 306]). All design items are based on data providers. After you insert the design item into your workbook, you configure the data provider and other properties relevant for the particular item (see Configuring Data Providers [Page 337]).

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March 2006

Developing User Interfaces Design items are represented by icons while in design mode. When in analysis mode, properly configured design items return data as configured from the data providers upon which they are based.

To add a dropdown box, radio button group, checkbox group, or button to your workbook, you must enable Microsoft Excel's Trust access to Visual Basic Project setting (in Tools → Macro → Security → Trusted Sources). If you omit this step, you will see an Access to Visual Basic project failed error when you attempt to insert or access these design items in analysis mode.

Procedure To insert and configure design items: ...

1. If you are not already in design mode, use the Design Mode / Exit Design Mode [Page 301] function to enter design mode.

This is an optional step. If you are not already in design mode, BEx Analyzer automatically switches to design mode when you choose a design function from the toolbar or menu. 2. Select a cell or cells in the worksheet in which you want your design item to appear.

You only need to select one cell to insert a design item, and this will correspond to the item’s upper-left coordinate. You don’t need to worry about selecting a range of cells large enough to accommodate query results. Once you switch to analysis mode and the design items populate with results, they expand to fill the space required by the results. The upper-left coordinate remains fixed, and the lower-right coordinate expands to accommodate the data returned. See Moving and Resizing Design Items [Page 341] 3. Insert a design item: ○

Choose Insert [Design Item] from the design toolbar, or BEx Analyzer → Design Toolbar → Insert [Design Item] from the menu.

An icon representing the design item appears in the workspace. 4. Evoke the properties dialog box for your design item to configure its properties: ○

To access item properties with a mouse, click the icon that represents the item (with your left, or primary mouse button). You may also click with your right (or secondary) mouse button, and choose Properties.

To access item properties with the menu, while in design mode choose BEx Analyzer → Design Toolbar → [Item Name] from the menu.

The names of each design item you have inserted into your workbook appear on the BEx Analyzer → Design Toolbar menu. These menu items are only active in design mode. The properties dialog box for the selected design item is evoked.

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March 2006

Developing User Interfaces 5. Configure the data provider for your design item (see Configuring Data Providers [Page 337]). 6. Configure additional properties relevant for your design item (see specific design items in Design Items [Page 306]). 7. When you have completed configuring your design item, click OK.

Result In the worksheet, the design item icon designates the location and approximate size of your item (see Moving and Resizing Design Items [Page 341]). When you switch to analysis mode, properly configured design items return data as configured from the data providers upon which they are based. See also: ●

Design Items [Page 306]

Configuring Data Providers [Page 337]

Moving and Resizing Design Items [Page 341]

Deleting Design Items [Page 343]

Workbook Settings

Use Use the workbook settings function to configure general functionality or apply themes to individual workbooks. (To apply default settings valid for the entire application, including default workbook, see Global Settings [External].)

Features Configure general properties for the workbook on the General tab, and configure themes on the Themes tab. In this dialog box, you can also attach the macro necessary to use BEx Analyzer’s API.

General The following settings are available on the General tab:

Refresh Workbook on Open If selected, when you open a workbook from the server, the query is automatically refreshed with values from the server. If not selected, of if you are opening a workbook from your local file system, you must manually refresh the query after you open it to retrieve the latest results from the server. See also Refresh / Pause Automatic Refresh [External]

Process Variables on Refresh If any query in your workbook contains variables, current values set for the variables are part of the query view definition and are therefore stored in the workbook. If you refresh the workbook, these existing values will be used when fetching the data.

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March 2006

Developing User Interfaces If you want to enter new variable values anytime the workbook is refreshed, select this checkbox. Then, whenever you refresh your query, the Change Variable Values dialog box is also evoked and you may set new values for the variables in the query at that time. See also Changing Variable Values [External].

Allow Drag and Drop Selected by default, if deselected, you will not be able to use drag and drop functionality to navigate your query in the analysis grid and navigation pane. See also Drag and Drop Functions [External].

Protect Workbook If selected, BEx Analyzer password-protects all the sheets in your workbook against any changes you make with Analyzer functions. When you attempt to change your workbook by inserting a design item, for example, Analyzer requests the password you configured here and allows the changes only if you provide the correct password. When BEx Analyzer protects your workbook, you can still navigate in analysis mode, but you can't enter data. Cells that are not locked via cell protection are not protected. Activate Enable Cell Protection in the Analysis Grid [Page 307] properties to protect the cells in the analysis grid as well. Analyzer’s workbook protection is similar to Microsoft Excel’s workbook protection (Tools → Protection), however, you cannot navigate your query if you protect your workbook using Excel’s protection. When Protect Workbook is selected, the Password and Confirm Password fields activate. Enter a password in the Password field, and re-enter the same password in the Confirm Password field.

In design mode, worksheets themselves are protected by default to prevent you from unintentionally deleting design items. Temporarily disable sheet protection (Tools → Protection → Unprotect Sheet on Microsoft Excel’s menu) or switch to analysis mode before formatting your workbook.

Transfer Plan Values In a planning workbook, when you change the value of an input enabled cell and perform navigation, the changed value is stored in the buffer on the BI Server. However, you can change this behavior by selecting the appropriate option described below: ●

Transfer Plan Value to the Server Before Navigation – The changed value will be transferred automatically when you perform navigation. You need not perform the Transfer Plan Values function explicitly from the context menu when you change data in an input enabled cell.

Confirm Transferring Plan Values to the Server Before Navigation – A message pop up prompts you to confirm whether or not the changed value need to be transferred. You need not perform the Transfer Plan Values function explicitly from the context menu when you change data in an input enabled cell.

Do not Transfer Plan Values to the Server Before Navigation – The changed value will not be transferred automatically when you perform navigation. You must perform the Transfer Plan Values function explicitly from the context menu when you change data in an input enabled cell.

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Themes BEx themes, based on NetWeaver Portal styles, are shared services across the Business Explorer suite. In BEx Analyzer, they are delivered as a set of Microsoft Excel style definitions for your workbook. Themes provide formatting information such as background color, font, and font size. To see the set of style definitions associated with a particular workbook, choose Format → Style from Microsoft Excel’s menu. Those that are provided by Business Explorer are prefixed by SAPBEX*. Themes are content objects that are stored on the server and that you can choose to activate. They are similar to stylesheets in that you can make a central change to a theme and all workbooks that use the theme will update accordingly. The following settings are available on the Themes tab:

Current Theme Displays the list of available BEx themes. The BEx theme that is currently applied to your workbook, if any, is selected.

New/Delete/Apply/Save If you have the following special authorization under your user name you can change and save themes on the server: AUTHORITY-CHECK OBJECT 'S_RS_TOOLS' ID 'COMMAND' FIELD 'THEMES'. If you have this authorization, these buttons appear: ●

Create a new theme with the New button.

Select a theme from the Current Theme list, and choose Delete to delete it. This first deletes your theme locally.

Select a theme from the Current Theme list, and choose Apply to apply currently configured styles to it. When you do this, BEx Analyzer reads the Microsoft Excel style definitions of all the styles in the workbook prefixed by SAPBEX* and stores them into the selected theme. This allows you to edit the styles in Microsoft Excel and then create a theme with these customized styles.

To save all the themes to the server, choose Save.

Reapply Theme Before Rendering Since BEx themes are saved on the server, they may be changed on the backend. Select this radio button if you wish to retrieve the most up-to-date definition of the style from the server and apply it again.

Apply New Styles Select this radio button to update the current workbook with any style that has been added to the theme on the server since the theme was originally applied. If, for example, new styles have been added to a theme during a patch release, you can retrieve them from the server with this option.

Do Not Use a Theme Select this radio button to stop using the selected theme in your workbook.

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March 2006

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Items All design items that are inserted in the selected workbook appear in the Items tab. You can view or modify the properties of a design item, if required.

Data Provider All data providers that are configured for the design items of the selected workbook appear in the Data Provider tab. You can create a data provider or modify an existing data provider, if required.

Using the BEx Analyzer API To use BEx Analyzer’s API, you need a particular macro as well as references to the type libraries. Instead of manually maintaining the macro and references, you can do this using the following toggle button, available on either tab in this dialog box:

Attach Macros / Delete Macros Choose Attach Macros to attach the macro and references you need to use Analyzer’s API. Choose Delete Macros to remove the references.

If you attach macros to your workbook and then save it locally, when you open it again you will receive a security popup. For this reason, macros are not automatically attached to workbooks. Simply choose Delete Macros to discontinue their use and the appearance of these popups.

Activities Choose Workbook Settings from the design toolbar, or BEx Analyzer → Design Toolbar → Workbook Settings from the menu. See also: ●

Global Settings [External]

Design Items

Definition Design items are objects that retrieve data from data providers [Page 337] and present that data in BEx Analyzer worksheets. You can also navigate [External] with most of the design items. You use design items to design the interface to your query and thus create query applications. All the design items except for the Messages item are based on data providers.

Design items correspond to Web items in Web applications.

Structure There are eleven design items you can use when building the interface to your queries: ●

Analysis Grid [Page 307] – displays the results of a query. The analysis grid is the main design item in which you can navigate and perform OLAP functions.

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March 2006

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Navigation Pane [Page 314] – provides access to all characteristics and structures in the query for use in navigation and analysis.

List of Filters [Page 319] – lists all currently active filters.

Button [Page 321] – lets you execute a customized command on your results.

Dropdown Box [Page 323] – allows you to set a filter via selection from the dropdown box.

Checkbox Group [Page 326] – allows you to set a filter via checkbox selection.

Radio Button Group [Page 328] – allows you to set a filter via radio button selection.

List of Conditions [Page 331] – lists existing conditions and their status, and lets you activate and deactivate them.

List of Exceptions [Page 332] – lists existing exceptions and their status, and lets you activate and deactivate them.

Text [Page 333] – displays text elements for the query.

Messages [Page 336] – displays messages associated with the application (the workbook).

See also: ●

Design Mode [Page 298]

Inserting Design Items [Page 301]

Deleting Design Items [Page 343]

Web items [Page 54]

Analysis Grid

Definition The analysis grid is the design item that provides the main analysis functionality in BEx Analyzer. It displays the results of a query in a table in which you can navigate and perform OLAP functionality. See Inserting Design Items [Page 301] to learn about how to insert the analysis grid and access its properties, which are described below.

Use Use the analysis grid as the central design item in your worksheets. The grid displays query results in data cells, and characteristics and structures in either rows or columns of a table. When designing a workbook, you can use the grid together with the navigation pane [Page 314] and other design items to create a query application with full access to the range of OLAP functionality. In analysis mode, you can navigate [External] in the grid in different ways: ●

Using the context menu [External]

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March 2006

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Using drag and drop [External]

Using icons (see below)

You can configure various settings that affect the way the grid behaves and displays using its properties.

Structure The functionality and properties of the analysis grid are described in the following sections: ●

Cell types of the analysis grid

Context menu functions by cell type

Analysis grid icons

Analysis grid properties

Cell Types of the Analysis Grid When referring to the analysis grid, we use the following terminology to refer to the different types of cells:

characteristic 0VC_CUST 1 2 3 4


structure member (key figure) Australia Germany Australia Germany Australia Australia

0VC_AMT 0VC_ORD 56.05 DM 8,877.92 DM 224.20 DM 4,438.96 DM 112.10 DM 56.05 DM

characteristic value

1 1 1 1 1 1

data value

Different navigation functions are available depending on which type of cell you have selected.

Context Menu Functions by Cell Type Context menu functions available in analysis mode for the analysis grid are outlined in the table below. A function is available on the context menu for a given cell type if the corresponding cell in the table below is shaded and marked with an X. See notes below the table for the cells that contain asterisks:

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March 2006

Developing User Interfaces


Characteristic Value

Structure Member (Key Figure)

Data Value






Back to Start










X *


Keep Filter Value Select Filter Value


Filter and Drill Down --> List of dimensions Remove Filter



Exchange Dimension1 with --> List of dimensions (+ structures)



Drill Down --> List of dimensions




Remove Drilldown




Swap Axes




Sort Dimension --> Sort Ascending / Sort Descending






Query Properties





Transfer Values


Save Values







Notes: * Appears if filter has already been set. ** Appears if drilldown has already been set. *** If any cell in the query is enabled for input, these appear in context menu for any cell in the analysis grid. **** Appears if Goto has been customized in the query. For descriptions of the functions in this table, see Context Menu Functions [External]. Many of the same functions are also available via drag and drop [External].

Analysis Grid Icons The following icons may display in the analysis grid: ●

Sort ascending / descending – appear where sort functionality is available

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March 2006

Developing User Interfaces ●

Expand / collapse hierarchy – appear where hierarchies are available and activated (see Characteristic Properties [External])

Document – appear if available and if enabled (see Display Options in Query Properties [External])

Drag&Relate – appear if available and if enabled (see Display Options in Query Properties [External])

Turn off the display of all icons by deselecting the Apply Formatting property (see below). In addition, scrolling icons appear inside scroll bars if you have enabled them in the analysis grid (see clipping properties, below), but these are not affected by the Apply Formatting setting.

Analysis Grid Properties Configure properties for the analysis grid on three different tabs in the Analysis Grid Properties dialog box (see Inserting Design Items [Page 301] to learn about how to insert the analysis grid and access its properties): ●

General – lets you configure data provider, cell range, and behavior options

Clipping – lets you configure whether to clip or scroll the grid display

Associated Charts – allows you to associate Microsoft Excel charts with the analysis grid

Analysis Grid Properties Property


Analysis Grid Name

Displays the name of the grid, which is generated automatically and is unique. This name is used on the BEx Analyzer → Design Toolbar menu to refer to a particular instance of the analysis grid.

General Tab Data Provider

Assign an existing data provider to the analysis grid, create and assign a new one, or change or delete a data provider. The initial view of a data provider corresponds to a query or query view. See Configuring Data Providers [Page 337]


Manipulate coordinates for a cell or cells in this field to move or resize the analysis grid. See Moving and Resizing Design Items [Page 341]

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Use Formulas

Select this checkbox to replace each cell in the analysis grid with a Microsoft Excel formula. This allows you complete freedom to format the cells in any way you wish. This property is enabled only in supported queries (queries with one structure in the rows, one structure in the columns, and all other dimensions, if any, in the free characteristics). See Working in Formula Mode [Page 340]

Adjust Print Area

Adjusts the Microsoft Excel print area automatically to the size of the analysis grid, and also repeats the header rows and header on every page.

Enable Cell Protection

Locks (protects) all cells that are not defined in the query as input-ready, and unlocks all input-ready cells. This prevents you, in other words, from changing data in any cells except input-ready cells. This is mainly used in tandem with planning functionality and prevents you from entering data where it doesn't make sense. See Planning Functions [External]

Contrast this cell-by-cell protection with Microsoft Excel sheet protection, enabled by default in design mode, and workbook protection, which you can enable in Excel or using BEx Analyzer (see Workbook Settings [Page 303]). Apply Formatting

Deselect this checkbox to turn off display of formatting, including icons and background color. Displaying formatting during navigation can be time intensive; you may want to turn it off for performance reasons if, for example, you are only navigating in order to achieve a result that you will export to a text-based file format. Scroll bars and scrolling icons are not affected by this setting.

Allow Navigation

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis

Deselect this checkbox to deactivate the context menu and drag and drop functionality in analysis mode. A similar option is provided for the navigation pane. This prevents you from analyzing and navigating in the query.


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March 2006

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When selected, the width of the cells in the analysis grid expands as needed to accommodate the contents. Specifically, after you navigate and the analysis grid is rendered, when it is auto fit the columns are resized horizontally to the minimum size needed to render the whole content of column.

Display Sort Icons

The sort ascending and descending icons for the characteristics and key figures appear in a report only when this option is selected.

Display Hierarchy Icons

The icons for expanding or collapsing a hierarchy appear in a report only when this option is selected.

Clipping Tab

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Use the clipping options to specifically define the size of the analysis grid using clipping or scroll bars. Clipping settings work together with cell coordinate settings in the Range field. You can independently configure horizontal or vertical clipping using the following options: Horizontal ●

Clip – the analysis grid can only extend as far to the right as the right-most column defined in the Range field. The horizontal display beyond that is clipped, or not displayed.

Full Size – the analysis grid begins display from the left-most column defined in the Range field, but expands to the right to be as wide as the results dictate.

Scroll – the analysis grid displays within the right and left coordinates configured in the Range field, and a scroll bar allows you to scroll to the right or to the left within the results. You can scroll using the following icons in the scroll bar: ○

Scroll Full Left

Scroll Left

Scroll Right

Scroll Full Right

Vertical ●

Clip – the analysis grid can only extend as far down as the lower-most row defined in the Range field. The vertical display beyond that is clipped, or not displayed.

Full Size – the analysis grid begins display from the top-most row defined in the Range field, but expands down as many rows as the results dictate.

Scroll – the analysis grid displays within the upper and lower coordinates configured in the Range field, and a scroll bar allows you to scroll up or down within the results. You can scroll using the following icons in the scroll bar: ○

Scroll to Bottom

Scroll Down

Scroll Up

Scroll to Top

See also Moving and Resizing Design Items [Page 341]. Associated Charts Tab

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Associate Microsoft Excel charts with the analysis grid with this function, so that the charts always represent the results of the query. The name of any chart you have inserted on any sheet in the workbook appears in the Associated Charts list. Select the checkbox next to the chart or charts you want to associate with this analysis grid. When you associate a chart with a grid, the chart automatically updates with the cell ranges and values in the grid, even as the grid resizes and the values within it change when you navigate it.

When you create charts for your analysis grid using Microsoft Excel, you can leave the data range (cell coordinates) blank. Associated charts will automatically update with the appropriate data range in the current navigation state.

Worksheets are automatically protected in design mode. Temporarily unprotect the sheet to insert the chart (Tools → Protection → Unprotect Sheet on Microsoft Excel’s menu), or switch to analysis mode first.

See also: ●

Inserting Design Items [Page 301]

Navigating in Analysis Mode [External]

Design Items [Page 306]

Creating Planning Applications in BEx Analyzer [External]

Manual Planning Functions [External]

Navigation Pane

Definition The navigation pane design item provides access to all dimensions (characteristics and structures) in the query for use in navigation and analysis. See Inserting Design Items [Page 301] to learn about how to insert the navigation pane and access its properties, which are described below.

Use Use the navigation pane as the staging area for dimensions in the query results. Together with the analysis grid [Page 307], the navigation pane forms the backbone of a query application. In it, dimensions and key figures in the query are listed each on separate rows. The pane also provides an overview of current filter and drill states. In analysis mode, you can navigate with the navigation pane in different ways: ●

Using the context menu [External]

Using drag and drop [External]

Using icons (see below)

Different navigation functions are available depending on whether you have selected a cell in a dimension or key figure row.

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March 2006

Developing User Interfaces You can configure various settings that affect the way the navigation pane behaves and displays using its properties.

Structure The functionality and properties of the navigation pane are described in the following sections: ●

Row types of the navigation pane

Context menu functions by row type

Navigation pane icons

Navigation pane properties

Row Types of the Navigation Pane When referring to the navigation pane, we use the following terminology to refer to the different types of rows:

dimension row 0VC_CUST 0VC_COUN Key Figures

structure member (key figure) row The third column of each row in the navigation pane is the filter area. This column displays the values for any filters that have been configured. Different types of navigation functionality are available depending on which type of row you have selected.

Context Menu Functions by Row Type Context menu functions available in analysis mode for the navigation pane are outlined in the table below. A function is available on the context menu for a given row type if the corresponding cell in the table below is shaded and marked with an X. See notes below the table for the cells that contain asterisks:

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March 2006

Developing User Interfaces

Dimension Row

Structure Member (Key Figure) Row




Back to Start



Select Filter Value



Remove Filter



Drill Down



Drill Across






Remove Drilldown Sort Dimension --> Sort Ascending / Sort Descending


Sort Structure Member --> Sort Ascending / Sort Descending Properties



Query Properties

Notes: * Appears if filter has already been set. ** Appears if drilldown has already been set. For descriptions of the functions in this table, see Context Menu Functions [External]. Many of the same functions are also available via drag and drop [External].

Navigation Pane Icons The following icons may display in the navigation pane: ●

Drill down / drill across – appear on every row

Remove drilldown – appear on every row, if drilldown has been set

Filter – appear on every row

Remove filter – appear on every row, if filter has been set

Turn off the display of all icons by deselecting the Display Icons property (see below). In addition, scrolling icons appear inside scroll bars if you have enabled them in the navigation pane (see clipping properties, below), but these are not affected by the Apply Formatting setting.

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Navigation Pane Properties Configure properties for the navigation pane on four different tabs in the Navigation Pane Properties dialog box (see Inserting Design Items [Page 301] to learn about how to insert the navigation pane and access its properties): ●

General – lets you configure data provider, cell range, and AutoFit options

Dimensions – lets you select the dimensions to display in the navigation pane

Display Settings – allows you to configure various settings that affect how the pane displays

Clipping – lets you configure whether to clip or scroll the navigation pane display

Navigation Pane Properties

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Navigation Pane Name

Displays the name of the pane, which is generated automatically and is unique. This March 2006 name is used on the BEx Analyzer → Design Toolbar menu to refer to a particular instance of the navigation pane.

Core Development Tasks Developing User Interfaces Display Technical Names / Do Not Display Technical Names

Use this button on any tab to toggle the display of technical names.

General Tab Data Provider

Assign an existing data provider to the navigation pane, create and assign a new one, or change or delete a data provider. The initial view of a data provider corresponds to a query or query view. See Configuring Data Providers [Page 337]


Manipulate coordinates for a cell or cells in this field to move or resize the navigation pane. See Moving and Resizing Design Items [Page 341]


When selected, the width of the cells in the navigation pane (except the third column) expands as needed to accommodate the contents. When the pane is auto fit, the columns are resized horizontally to the minimum size needed to render the whole content of column. This setting does not apply to the third column (the filer area) because filter values can be very long.

Dimensions Tab Available Dimensions

Lists all the available dimensions in the query. Select a dimension in this list and choose the Add the Selected Dimensions to the Displayed Dimensions button to transfer it to the Selected Dimensions list. You determine in this way which dimensions to display in the navigation pane. By default, all dimensions are displayed.

Selected Dimensions

Lists the dimensions you have chosen to display in the navigation pane, and allows you to reorder them. By default, all dimensions are displayed although this list is empty. Select a dimension in this list and choose the Remove Selected Dimensions from the Displayed Dimensions button to remove it, or the Move the Selected Displayed Dimension Up or Move the Selected Displayed Dimension Down buttons to reorder it.

Display Settings Tab Display Filter Texts

Deselect this checkbox to turn off the display of the filter area of the navigation pane. In this case, the whole third column of the pane disappears.

Allow Navigation

Deselect this checkbox to deactivate the context menu, drag and drop, and icon functionality in analysis mode. A similar option is provided for the analysis grid. This prevents you from analyzing and navigating in the query.

Display Icons Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis

Deselect this checkbox to turn off the display 318 of icons in the navigation pane. Scroll bars and scrolling icons are not affected by this setting.

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March 2006

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See also: ●

Inserting Design Items [Page 301]

Navigating in Analysis Mode [External]

Design Items [Page 306]

List of Filters

Definition The list of filters design item lists all currently active filters set on selected dimensions in the query results.

Use This item simply displays a list of active filters for one or more dimensions. Since the navigation pane [Page 314] also displays currently active filters, this item might be useful if you have suppressed the display of filters in the navigation pane (by deselecting Display Filter Texts in the navigation pane properties), or if you don’t display a navigation pane at all in your workbook and yet you want to display the current status of filters.

Structure Configure properties for the list of filters on two different tabs in the Filter List Properties dialog box (see Inserting Design Items [Page 301] to learn about how to insert the list of filters and access its properties): ●

General – lets you configure data provider, cell range, and characteristic text display

Dimensions – lets you select the dimensions for which to display filters

Filter List Properties Property


Filter List Name

Displays the name of the list of filters, which is generated automatically and is unique. This name is used on the BEx Analyzer → Design Toolbar menu to refer to a particular instance of the list of filters.

Display Technical Names / Do Not Display Technical Names

Use this button on any tab to toggle the display of technical names.

General Tab

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Data Provider

Assign an existing data provider to the list of filters, create and assign a new one, or change or delete a data provider. The initial view of a data provider corresponds to a query or query view. See Configuring Data Providers [Page 337]


Manipulate coordinates for a cell or cells in this field to move or resize the list of filters. See Moving and Resizing Design Items [Page 341]

Display Characteristic Text

Select this checkbox to display the name of the dimension in a field next to the list of its selected filters. This acts as a sort of label for each selected dimension in the filter list.

Dimensions Tab Available Dimensions

Lists all the available dimensions in the query. Select a dimension in this list and choose the Add the Selected Dimensions to the Displayed Dimensions button to transfer it to the Selected Dimensions list. You determine in this way the dimensions for which to display a list of filters. By default, all dimensions are displayed.

Selected Dimensions

Lists the dimensions for which you have chosen to display filters, and allows you to reorder or remove them. By default, all dimensions are displayed although this list is empty. Select a dimension in this list and choose the Remove Selected Dimensions from the Displayed Dimensions button to remove it, or the Move the Selected Displayed Dimension Up or Move the Selected Displayed Dimension Down buttons to reorder it.

Presentation Style

Determines how the filter values are displayed in the list. Select from the following values: ●

Key: Display technical key

Key and Text: Display technical key, followed by text

Text and Key: Display text, followed by technical key

Text: Display text

See also: ●

Inserting Design Items [Page 301]

Selecting Filter Values [External]

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March 2006

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Definition The button design item lets you execute a customized command against the query results.

Use Use the button to customize a specific command or sequence of commands. In the syntax, based on the Web API Reference, all data provider-specific commands and parameters are accepted except export to Microsoft Excel functions. Anything you can do when you manually navigate a query via the context menu you can also customize with a button. When you click the button, you execute the command or commands and the query results update accordingly in the analysis grid.

Structure Configure properties for the button using the Button Properties dialog box (see Inserting Design Items [Page 301] to learn about how to insert the button and access its properties):

To add a button to the workbook, you must enable Microsoft Excel’s Trust access to visual basic project setting (in Tools → Macro → Security → Trusted Sources). If you omit this step, you will see an Access to Visual Basic project failed error when you attempt to insert the button. Button Properties Property


Button Name

Displays the name of the button, which is generated automatically and is unique. This name is used on the BEx Analyzer → Design Toolbar menu to refer to a particular instance of the button.


Manipulate coordinates for a cell or cells in this field to move or resize the button. See Moving and Resizing Design Items [Page 341]

Button Text

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis

The text (caption) you want to display on the button. You can use this to describe the command the button executes.


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March 2006

Developing User Interfaces

(Optional) Specify a three-column range of cells in the worksheet that contains command parameters. In these cells, you provide the same parameters (Name, Index, and Value) as in the Static Parameters (see below), but in the worksheet these can be variable, changing during navigation based on query results or on a value you manually specify.

Command Range

When the button is clicked to initiate the command, all values in Static Parameters are evaluated first, then all the parameters in the Command Range are appended. Configure the command or commands to execute by supplying name-value pairs to send to the server. A command can consist of multiple name-value pairs; configure one per row in this table. Any data providerspecific command in the Web API Reference (except export to Microsoft Excel functions) are accepted.

Static Parameters

Column E

Name: The name of the command.

Index: The order in which the command should be executed, starting with 0. You can configure as many commands as you want.

Value: The value for the command.

For example, if you want to create a button that removes the currently configured filter, enter Remove Filter in the Button Text field, and the configure the following three rows in the Static Parameters section: ○

Name = DATA_PROVIDER; Index = 0; Value = [name of data provider]

Name = CMD, Index = 0; Value=REMOVE_FILTER

Name = FILTER_IOBJNM, Index = 0; Value = [name of dimension]

If you want to filter by product, but specify which product while you are navigating in analysis mode, use the Command Range field to specify the three-column range in the worksheet in which to look for the parameters. For example, you could configure it in the worksheet as follows:

Column F

Column G

Column H Filter to the following product:

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March 2006

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Row 8




Set the Command Range to F8:H8. Now, you can provide dynamic input for the value in column H, labeled ”Filter to following product:” in the worksheet. You can also hide columns F and G so that the static parameters of the command remain hidden. ●

Buttons can be quite useful within the context of planning functions, which aren’t executed in the context of a data provider, but rather within a workbook. For example, in a re-evaluation scenario, you’ve created a planning function on the backend in which you get a raise and make your calculations increase by 1%. You can add a button to the worksheet to execute this planning function.

Although planning functions are modeled on the backend, they can have variables – which you can also supply in the worksheet using the Command Range field. See also: ●

Inserting Design Items [Page 301]

Planning Functions [External]

Creating Planning Applications in BEx Analyzer [External]

Manual Planning Functions [External]

Dropdown Box

Definition The dropdown box design item lists the values of a dimension and lets you filter it by selecting a value from the list.

Use Use the dropdown box to easily filter a selected dimension. Since filtering is a function also provided in the navigation pane [Page 314], you might not want to use a navigation pane in the same worksheet as a dropdown box. You might use the dropdown box if, for example, you don’t want to offer the whole range of navigation that the navigation pane provides, but you want to be able to conveniently set filters. The checkbox group [Page 326] and radio button group [Page 328] design items provide similar functionality, except the checkbox group allows you to select multiple filter values at once. In the dropdown box properties, you configure the values for the dimension to appear in the dropdown list. When you then select a value from the dropdown box in analysis mode, the dimension is filtered by your selection, and the query results in the analysis grid update accordingly.

Structure Configure properties for the dropdown box on two different tabs in the Dropdown Box Properties dialog box (see Inserting Design Items [Page 301] to learn about how to insert the dropdown box and access its properties):

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March 2006

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General – lets you configure data provider, cell range, and label display

Dimensions – lets you select and configure the dimension you wish to filter

To add a dropdown box to the workbook, you must enable Microsoft Excel’s Trust access to Visual Basic Project setting (in Tools → Macro → Security → Trusted Sources). If you omit this step, you will see an Access to Visual Basic project failed error when you attempt to insert or access the dropdown box in analysis mode. ●

Target Data Provider – lets you select multiple data providers for which you wish to apply a filter

Dropdown Box Properties Property


Dropdown Box Name

Displays the name of the dropdown box, which is generated automatically and is unique. This name is used on the BEx Analyzer → Design Toolbar menu to refer to a particular instance of the dropdown box.

Display Technical Names / Do Not Display Technical Names

Use this button on any tab to toggle the display of technical names.

General Tab Data Provider

Assign an existing data provider to the dropdown box, create and assign a new one, or change or delete a data provider. The initial view of a data provider corresponds to a query or query view. See Configuring Data Providers [Page 337]


Manipulate coordinates for a cell or cells in this field to move or resize the dropdown box. See Moving and Resizing Design Items [Page 341]

Display Label

Select this checkbox to display the name of the dimension to be filtered next to the dropdown box.

Dimensions Tab Dimension

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis

Select the dimension you wish to filter.


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March 2006

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Text Type

Read Mode


Determines which text type to display for the values of the dimension: ●

Default Text: Use the shortest available text to display the values.

Short Text: Use the short text to display the values.

Middle Text: Use the medium text to display the values.

Long Text: Use the long text to display the values.

Determines the method of retrieving the list of filter values: ●

Posted Values (Q): Performs a SELECT on the fact table to list filter values that actually return data. Values that would return no results when filtered are not displayed in the list. This calculation can be time-consuming, but yields only usable values in the list.

Dimension Table (D): Performs a SELECT on the dimension table to retrieve the list of filter values. This calculation is less time-consuming than Posted Values, with better chances of yielding results than Masterdata Table.

Masterdata Table (M): Offers all members of the selected dimension that appear in the masterdata table. Since InfoCubes may be quite sparsely populated, this will yield many selections that would show no results when filtered (No applicable data found), but the logic involved is simple and hence the performance is optimal.

Determines how the filter values are displayed in the list. Select from the following values: ●

Text: Display text

Key: Display technical key

Key and Text: Display technical key, followed by text

Text and Key: Display text, followed by technical key

Target Data Provider Tab

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March 2006

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Data Target Provider Name

The query results of a data provider can be filtered by the value of a dimension for which a dropdown box is designed. This filtering is not applied in other data providers within a workbook even though the same dimension is reused. That means you need to create individual filters for the same dimension, which is used in different data providers. However, the target data provider feature allows you simplify the above scenario. In this tab page, you can view all data providers being used in the workbook. You can select the required or all data providers to apply the same filtering for specific or all data providers used in a workbook.

See also: ●

Inserting Design Items [Page 301]

Creating Planning Applications in BEx Analyzer [External]

Checkbox Group

Definition The checkbox group design item lists the values of a dimension and lets you filter it by selecting one or more values from the list.

Use Use the checkbox group to easily filter a selected dimension by multiple values at once. Since filtering is a function also provided in the navigation pane [Page 314], you might not want to use a navigation pane in the same worksheet as the checkbox group. You might use the checkbox group if, for example, you don’t want to offer the whole range of navigation that the navigation pane provides, but you want to be able to conveniently set a group of filter values at once. The dropdown box [Page 323] and radio button group [Page 328] design items provide similar functionality, except they restrict filer selection to one value at a time. In the checkbox group properties, you configure the values for the dimension you wish to filter. In analysis mode, each value appears next to one of a group of checkboxes, and any currently filtered values are checked. Two buttons at the bottom of the list, Submit and Clear, let you either submit or clear checked filter selections, upon which the dimension filters are updated according to your selection, and the query results in the analysis grid are updated.

Structure Configure properties for the checkbox group on two different tabs in the Checkbox Group Properties dialog box (see Inserting Design Items [Page 301] to learn about how to insert the checkbox group and access its properties): ●

General – lets you configure data provider, cell range, AutoFit, and horizontal display

Dimensions – lets you select and configure the dimension you wish to filter

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March 2006

Developing User Interfaces

To add a checkbox group to the workbook, you must enable Microsoft Excel’s Trust access to Visual Basic Project setting (in Tools → Macro → Security → Trusted Sources). If you omit this step, you will see an Access to Visual Basic project failed error when you attempt to insert or access the checkbox group in analysis mode. Checkbox Group Properties Property


Checkbox Group Name

Displays the name of the checkbox group, which is generated automatically and is unique. This name is used on the BEx Analyzer → Design Toolbar menu to refer to a particular instance of the checkbox group.

Display Technical Names / Do Not Display Technical Names

Use this button on any tab to toggle the display of technical names.

General Tab Data Provider

Assign an existing data provider to the checkbox group, create and assign a new one, or change or delete a data provider. The initial view of a data provider corresponds to a query or query view. See Configuring Data Providers [Page 337]


Manipulate coordinates for a cell or cells in this field to move or resize the checkbox group. See Moving and Resizing Design Items [Page 341]


When selected, the width of the cells in the checkbox group expands as needed to accommodate the longest value listed.

Display Dimensions Horizontally

Select this option to display the values of the checkbox group horizontally, in one row across the sheet.

Dimensions Tab Dimension

Select the dimension you wish to filter.

Text Type

Determines which text type to display for the values of the dimension:

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis

Default Text: Use the shortest available text to display the values.

Short Text: Use the short text to display the values.

Middle Text: Use the medium text to display the values.

Long Text: Use the long text to display the values.


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March 2006

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Determines the method of retrieving the list of filter values:

Read Mode

Posted Values (Q): Performs a SELECT on the fact table to list filter values that actually return data. Values that would return no results when filtered are not displayed in the list. This calculation can be time-consuming, but yields only usable values in the list.

Dimension Table (D): Performs a SELECT on the dimension table to retrieve the list of filter values. This calculation is less time-consuming than Posted Values, with better chances of yielding results than Masterdata Table.

Masterdata Table (M): Offers all members of the selected dimension that appear in the masterdata table. Since InfoCubes may be quite sparsely populated, this will yield many selections that would show no results when filtered (No applicable data found), but the logic involved is simple and hence the performance is optimal.

Determines how the filter values are displayed in the list. Select from the following values:


Maximum Number of Displayed Values

Text: Display text

Key: Display technical key

Key and Text: Display technical key, followed by text

Text and Key: Display text, followed by technical key

Use this selector to set the maximum number of values to display in the checkbox group.

See also: ●

Inserting Design Items [Page 301]

Radio Button Group

Definition The radio button group design item lists the values of a dimension and lets you filter it by selecting a value from the list.

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March 2006

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Use Use the radio button group to easily filter a selected dimension. Since filtering is a function also provided in the navigation pane [Page 314], you might not want to use a navigation pane in the same worksheet as the radio button group. You might use the radio button group if, for example, you don’t want to offer the whole range of navigation that the navigation pane provides, but you want to be able to conveniently set filters. The dropdown box [Page 323] and checkbox group [Page 326] provide similar functionality, except the checkbox group allows you to select multiple filter values at once. In the radio button group properties, you configure the values for the dimension you wish to filter. In analysis mode, each value appears next to one of a group of radio buttons. When you then select one of the radio buttons, the dimension is filtered by your selection, and the query results in the analysis grid update accordingly.

Structure Configure properties for the radio button group on two different tabs in the Radio Button Group Properties dialog box (see Inserting Design Items [Page 301] to learn about how to insert the radio button group and access its properties): ●

General – lets you configure data provider, cell range, AutoFit, and horizontal display

Dimensions – lets you select and configure the dimension you wish to filter

To add a radio button group to the workbook, you must enable Microsoft Excel’s Trust access to Visual Basic Project setting (in Tools → Macro → Security → Trusted Sources). If you omit this step, you will see an Access to Visual Basic project failed error when you attempt to insert or access the radio button group in analysis mode. ●

Target Data Provider – lets you select multiple data providers for which you wish to apply a filter

Radio Button Group Properties Property


Radio Button Group Name

Displays the name of the radio button group, which is generated automatically and is unique. This name is used on the BEx Analyzer → Design Toolbar menu to refer to a particular instance of the radio button group.

Display Technical Names / Do Not Display Technical Names

Use this button on any tab to toggle the display of technical names.

General Tab Data Provider

Assign an existing data provider to the radio button group, create and assign a new one, or change or delete a data provider. The initial view of a data provider corresponds to a query or query view. See Configuring Data Providers [Page 337]

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March 2006

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Manipulate coordinates for a cell or cells in this field to move or resize the radio button group. See Moving and Resizing Design Items [Page 341]


When selected, the width of the cells in the radio button group expands as needed to accommodate the longest value listed.

Display Dimensions Horizontally

Select this option to display the values of the radio button group horizontally, in one row across the sheet.

Dimensions Tab Dimension

Select the dimension you wish to filter.

Text Type

Determines which text type to display for the values of the dimension:

Read Mode

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis

Default Text: Use the shortest available text to display the values.

Short Text: Use the short text to display the values.

Middle Text: Use the medium text to display the values.

Long Text: Use the long text to display the values.

Determines the method of retrieving the list of filter values: ●

Posted Values (Q): Performs a SELECT on the fact table to list filter values that actually return data. Values that would return no results when filtered are not displayed in the list. This calculation can be timeconsuming, but yields only usable values in the list.

Dimension Table (D): Performs a SELECT on the dimension table to retrieve the list of filter values. This calculation is less time-consuming than Posted Values, with better chances of yielding results than Masterdata Table.

Masterdata Table (M): Offers all members of the selected dimension that appear in the masterdata table. Since InfoCubes may be quite sparsely populated, this will yield many selections that would show no results when filtered (No applicable data found), but the logic involved is simple and hence the performance is optimal.


Core Development Tasks

March 2006

Developing User Interfaces

Determines how the filter values are displayed in the list. Select from the following values:


Maximum Number of Displayed Values

Text: Display text

Key: Display technical key

Key and Text: Display technical key, followed by text

Text and Key: Display text, followed by technical key

Use this selector to set the maximum number of values to display in the radio button group.

Target Data Provider Tab Target Data Provider Name

The query results of a data provider can be filtered by the value of a dimension for which a radio button is designed. This filtering is not applied in other data providers within a workbook even though the same dimension is reused. That means you need to create individual filters for the same dimension, which is used in different data providers. However, the target data provider feature allows you simplify the above scenario. In this tab page, you can view all data providers being used in the workbook. You can select the required or all data providers to apply the same filtering for specific or all data providers used in a workbook.

See also: ●

Inserting Design Items [Page 301]

List of Conditions

Definition The list of conditions design item lists all conditions defined in the query and lets you activate and deactivate them with the context menu or with an icon.

Use If conditions have been defined in the query, you can use the list of conditions design item to display them in rows in the worksheet. The description of each condition appears in a cell, and its status (Active or Inactive) and an icon (Activate / Deactivate) displays in the cell next to it. In analysis mode, click the icon to toggle the active status or evoke the context menu and choose:

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March 2006

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Activate to activate a selected inactive condition

Deactivate to deactivate a selected active condition

Conditions filter the results so that only the part of the results you are interested in is displayed, so when you activate or deactivate a condition, the navigational state of the analysis grid updates accordingly.

Structure Configure properties for the list of conditions design item using the Condition List Properties dialog box (see Inserting Design Items [Page 301] to learn about how to insert the list of conditions and access its properties). List of Conditions Properties Property


Condition List Name

Displays the name of the list of conditions, which is generated automatically and is unique. This name is used on the BEx Analyzer → Design Toolbar menu to refer to a particular instance of the list of conditions.

Data Provider

Assign an existing data provider to the list of conditions, create and assign a new one, or change or delete a data provider. The initial view of a data provider corresponds to a query or query view. See Configuring Data Providers [Page 337] Manipulate coordinates for a cell or cells in this field to move or resize the list of conditions.


See Moving and Resizing Design Items [Page 341]

See also: •

Conditions [External]

Inserting Design Items [Page 301]

List of Exceptions

Definition The list of exceptions design item lists all exceptions defined in the query and lets you activate and deactivate them with the context menu or with an icon.

Use If exceptions have been defined in the query, you can use the list of exceptions design item to display them in rows in the worksheet. The description of each exception appears in a cell,

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March 2006

Developing User Interfaces and its status (Active or Inactive) and an icon (Activate / Deactivate) displays in the cell next to it. In analysis mode, click the icon to toggle the active status or evoke the context menu and choose: ●

Activate to activate a selected inactive exception

Deactivate to deactivate a selected active exception

Exceptions set the background color of data cells in results alerting you to exceptional values, so when you activate or deactivate an exception, the background color of relevant data cells in the analysis grid updates accordingly.

Structure Configure properties for the list of exceptions design item using the Exception List Properties dialog box (see Inserting Design Items [Page 301] to learn about how to insert the list of exceptions and access its properties). Exception List Properties Property


Exception List Name

Displays the name of the list of exceptions, which is generated automatically and is unique. This name is used on the BEx Analyzer → Design Toolbar menu to refer to a particular instance of the list of exceptions.

Data Provider

Assign an existing data provider to the list of exceptions, create and assign a new one, or change or delete a data provider. The initial view of a data provider corresponds to a query or query view. See Configuring Data Providers [Page 337] Manipulate coordinates for a cell or cells in this field to move or resize the list of exceptions.


See Moving and Resizing Design Items [Page 341]

See also: ●

Defining Exceptions [Page 391]

Inserting Design Items [Page 301]


Definition The text design item displays text elements associated with the query.

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March 2006

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Use Use the text item to display text-based information saved with the query such as author, query description, InfoProvider, and any global filters configured in the query. You configure which text elements you want to see, and they then display in a list in your worksheet.

Structure Configure properties for the text item on three different tabs in the Text Properties dialog box (see Inserting Design Items [Page 301] to learn about how to insert the text item and access its properties): ●

General – lets you configure data provider, cell range, AutoFit, and caption display

Constants – lets you select from a list of text constants to display

Filters – lets you select from a list of global filters to display

Text Properties Property


Text Name

Displays the name of the text item, which is generated automatically and is unique. This name is used on the BEx Analyzer → Design Toolbar menu to refer to a particular instance of the text item.

General Tab Data Provider

Assign an existing data provider to the text item, create and assign a new one, or change or delete a data provider. The initial view of a data provider corresponds to a query or query view. See Configuring Data Providers [Page 337]


Manipulate coordinates for a cell or cells in this field to move or resize the text item. See Moving and Resizing Design Items [Page 341]


When selected, the width of the cells in the text item expands as needed to accommodate the contents.

Display Caption

Select this checkbox to display the name of the text element in a field next to the text itself. This acts as a sort of label for each selected text element.

Constants Tab

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March 2006

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After you have selected a data provider on the General tab, the list of available constant text elements appears on this tab, including: ●

Author: The user who defined the query.

Last Changed by: The user who last changed the query definition so that the query has been regenerated. Small changes that you can also make by using navigation are not real definition changes.

InfoProvider: The InfoProvider with the data reported on in the query

Query Technical Name: Technical name for the query that you enter when you save it

Query Description: Description of the query

Key Date: The key date is the date for which time-dependent master data is selected. You determine the key date either in the query definition (query properties) or supply the value using a variable. If the key date has not been defined, then the system date is automatically made into the key date.

Changed At: This time tells you when the query definition was last changed.

Current User: The user who has this query open or has inserted it into a workbook.

Last Refreshed: When the query data was last refreshed. This is the point at which you display the text elements, since refreshing the query is necessary for displaying the text elements.

Status of Data: The point in time when data for the latest request that can be used for reporting was posted to the InfoProvider. For MultiProviders, the current InfoPackages are determined from the individual basic cubes and from these, the basic cube with the oldest data validity date is called. This shows a date and a time (in the local time zone).

Relevance of the Data (date): The date of the Status of Data text element.

Relevance of the Data (hour): The time of the Status of Data text element.

Status of Data From: (MultiProviders only)

Status of Data To: (MultiProviders only)

Select the checkbox next to the text elements you wish to display. You may also: ●

Choose Select All to select all checkboxes and hence all constants

Choose Deselect All to deselect all checkboxes and hence all constants

Filters Tab If global filters have been configured in the query, the dimensions for which they are configured are listed on this tab. Select the checkbox next to the ones you wish to display. Current filter values configured for the selected dimension are then displayed in the text element. You may also: ●

Choose Select All to select all checkboxes and hence display all filters

Choose Deselect All to deselect all checkboxes and hence disable display of all filters

Select Display All Global Filter Values to display all the static filter values

Select Display All Global Variable Values to display all the static variable values

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March 2006

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See also: ●

Inserting Design Items [Page 301]


Definition The messages design item displays messages associated with your workbook, such as messages generated by BEx Analyzer as well as messages generated from the system to which you are currently connected.

Use Use the messages design item to reproduce messages in your worksheet. You configure which type of messages (warning, success, information, or any or all of these) you want to see. BEx Analyzer messages, including the latest messages generated from the system to which you are logged on, display in your worksheet. Unlike other design items, messages are not associated with one particular data provider. In analysis mode, the messages display in a list, each next to an icon representing its type. If there has been no message since you last refreshed your query results, nothing displays.

Structure Configure properties for the messages on two different tabs of the Message Properties dialog box (see Inserting Design Items [Page 301] to learn about how to insert the message design item and access its properties): ●

General – lets you configure cell range, which kinds of messages you’d like to see, and AutoFit options

Clipping – lets you configure whether to clip or scroll the message display

Messages Properties Property


Message Name

Displays the name of the message item, which is generated automatically and is unique. This name is used on the BEx Analyzer → Design Toolbar menu to refer to a particular instance of the message item.

General Range

Manipulate coordinates for a cell or cells in this field to move or resize the message item. See Moving and Resizing Design Items [Page 341]

Display Warnings

Enterprise Reporting, Query, and Analysis

Select this checkbox to display warning messages, for example: The value for the variable ‘def’ is incorrect; Access to Visual Basic project failed


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March 2006

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Display Success Messages

Select this checkbox to display success messages, for example: The query ‘abc’ was successfully saved

Display Information

Select this checkbox to display informational messages, for example: The system will close down at 6pm today


When selected, the width of the cells in the message item expands as needed to accommodate the contents of the message.

Clipping Use the clipping options to specifically define the vertical size of the message item using clipping or scroll bars. Clipping settings work together with cell coordinate settings in the Range field. Configure vertical clipping using the following options: Vertical ●

Clip – the message item can only extend as far down as the lower-most row defined in the Range field. The vertical display beyond that is clipped, or not displayed.

Full Size – the message item begins display from the top-most row defined in the Range field, but expands down as many rows as the results dictate.

Scroll – the message item displays within the upper and lower coordinates configured in the Range field, and a scroll bar allows you to scroll up or down within the results. You can scroll using the following icons in the scroll bar: ○

Scroll to Bottom

Scroll Down

Scroll Up

Scroll to Top

See also Moving and Resizing Design Items [Page 341]

See also: ●

Inserting Design Items [Page 301]

onfiguring Data Providers

Use A data provider is an object that provides data for one or more design items. Data providers have the same navigational state as a query at a particular point in time. The start view of a data provider corresponds to a query or query view, or can refer to an InfoProvider. By navigating through the data, you subsequently change the status of the data provider. When you configure data providers, you can decide whether to retrieve the saved view, or the view created after navigating in BEx Analyzer (Reference the View). After you insert a design item in BEx Analyzer, you then create a data provider, assign a query or query view to it, and base your design item upon the data provider. Every design

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Developing User Interfaces item is based on a data provider. You can base different design items on different data providers in the same workbook.

Features Data provider information is configured in the properties dialog boxes for each design item, and from there you can evoke dialog boxes in which to create and change data providers.

Design Items’ Properties Dialog Boxes Data Provider Select the data provider upon which to base the design item from this dropdown box. This box shows all data providers that have been created in the workbook. If no data providers have been created yet, this box is blank and you need to first create a data provider.

Create Data Provider Choose this button to evoke the Create Data Provider dialog box, in which you create and configure a new data provider.

Change Data Provider Select a data provider using the Data Provider dropdown box, and choose this button to evoke the Change Data Provider dialog box, in which you can change the settings for this data provider.

Delete Data Provider Select a data provider using the Data Provider dropdown box, and choose this button to delete it.

Create Data Provider and Change Data Provider Dialog Boxes Data Provider This field displays the name of the currently selected data provider. This name is assigned automatically, and takes the form DATA PROVIDER_N, where N is incremented with each data provider created.

Query / Query View This field displays the name of the query or query view assigned to the data provider. The start view of the data provider corresponds to this query or query view.

InfoCube This field displays the name of the InfoCube in which the query or query view is located.

Provide the Result Offline Select this checkbox to save the result set in the workbook.

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Developing User Interfaces Use this option if, for example, you are working in formula mode and want to see the data in your result set without having to establish a connection to the server. Otherwise, you may see formula errors in the workbook when you open it. See Working in Formula Mode [Page 340].

Reference the View Select this checkbox to retrieve the original navigational state saved in the query or query view on the server for this design item when you open the workbook. If this is unchecked, the current navigational state, as it appears in BEx Analyzer after you may have navigated and hence changed the view, is saved when you save the workbook.

Display Technical Names / Do Not Display Technical Names Choose this button to toggle the display of technical names for the query or query view and the InfoCube.

Assign Query / Query View Choose this button to evoke the Open dialog box, in which you can navigate and select the query or query view to assign to the data provider. See The Open Dialog [External].

Delete Assignment of Query / Query View Choose this button to remove the query or query view assigned to the data provider.

Activities To create a data provider: ...

1. Insert a design item and access its properties (see Inserting Design Items [Page 301]). 2. In the design item properties dialog box, choose the Create Data Provider button. 3. In the Create Data Provider dialog box, choose the Assign Query / Query View button. Navigate to locate the desired query or query view, and choose OK. (See The Open Dialog [External]). 4. Configure the settings for Provide the Result Offline and Reference the View as desired, and choose OK. 5. In the design item properties dialog box, choose OK.

To change a data provider: ...

1. Access the properties for a design item (see Inserting Design Items [Page 301]). 2. From the Data Provider dropdown box, select the name of the data provider you wish to change. 3. Choose the Change Data Provider button, configure the data provider as desired in the Change Data Provider dialog box, and choose OK.

To delete a data provider: ...

1. Access the properties for a design item (see Inserting Design Items [Page 301]). 2. From the Data Provider dropdown box, select the name of the data provider you wish to delete.

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Developing User Interfaces 3. Choose the Delete Data Provider button. The data provider is deleted, and you will need to assign a new data provider to this design item. To delete a design item, see Deleting Design Items [Page 343].

To save the current navigation state of a data provider assigned to a design item, see Save View under Save [External].

See also: ●

Inserting Design Items [Page 301]

Working in Formula Mode [Page 340]

Save [External]

Working in Formula Mode

Use When you insert a design item, BEx Analyzer creates a link between the cells in which the results appear and the data on the BW server. Analyzer controls the formatting of the results cells, applying standard formatting every time the query is refreshed and results are retrieved. This means that any manual formatting you apply to these cells while in analysis mode is only temporary. For example, if you select a row of results in the analysis grid and set the text to bold, and then you navigate the results by selecting a filter value, the results are then refreshed, the standard formatting for the result cells is restored, and the bold formatting is lost. You can avoid this by working in formula mode (see Use Formulas in the properties for the Analysis Grid [Page 307]). This changes the way the link to the server is established, deleting the actual design item and instead retrieving the results on a cell-by-cell basis using a Microsoft Excel function. You then have complete freedom to format any cell as you wish, and the formatting is retained when you refresh the query.

Formula mode can only be used with queries that have the following structure: one structure in the rows, one structure in the columns, and all other dimensions, if any, in the free characteristics.

Configure the data provider for the analysis grid to provide the result offline, in order to see the data in your result set without having to establish a connection to the server. Otherwise, you may see formula errors in the workbook when you open it. See Provide the Result Offline in Configuring Data Providers [Page 337].

The Formula The Microsoft Excel function that is used by the analysis grid in formula mode is BExGetCellData, which takes three arguments:

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Map name of the column structure member Map name corresponds roughly to the technical name, but is shorter and easier to recognize semantically.

Technical name (GUID) of the structure member of the rows

Data provider name (see Configuring Data Providers [Page 337])

Prerequisites You must be working with a query that satisfies the structural conditions noted above.

Procedure ...

1. Into a workbook in which you have opened a query, insert an analysis grid (see Analysis Grid [Page 307]). 2. In the analysis grid properties, configure the data provider, and select Provide the Result Offline (see Configuring Data Providers [Page 337]). 3. In the analysis grid properties, select Use Formulas. 4. Format the results area in the analysis grid any way you wish. You can use any Microsoft Excel formatting functionality (see Default Workbook in Global Settings [External]).

Result When you navigate your query results, only the values for the data are retrieved from the server, and not the standard formatting of the analysis grid. Your custom formatting is retained.

Moving and Resizing Design Items

Use A design item’s location and size is described using coordinates for cell or range of cells in a Microsoft Excel worksheet. To move or resize a design item, you must therefore change the coordinates of the item’s range. Use the Range field, which appears in the properties dialog box for each design item, for these purposes.

Prerequisites Ensure that you have inserted a design item [Page 301] and configured its data provider [Page 337] before you attempt to move or resize it.

Procedure ...

1. In design mode, evoke the properties dialog box for your design item: ○

To access item properties with a mouse, click the icon that represents the item (with your left, or primary mouse button). You may also click with your right (or secondary) mouse button, and choose Properties.

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Developing User Interfaces ○

To access item properties with the menu, while in design mode choose BEx Analyzer → Design Toolbar → [Item Name] from the menu.

2. In the Range field (located on the first or only tab in the design item’s properties dialog box), configure the coordinates to the item’s location and size. The Range field initially contains the coordinates to the range of cells you selected when you inserted the design item. The first group of coordinates corresponds to the upper-left cell, and the second group of coordinates corresponds to the lower-right cell of the design item. For example, a range value of $B$12:$E$13 indicates that you selected cell $B$12 as the upper-right coordinate, and then dragged your mouse to cell $E$13 as the lowerright coordinate, and with that range of cells selected, you inserted your design item. (If your design item has already been populated with results, see Expansion and Clipping, below). If you selected one cell, the field displays the coordinates for that cell, for example $B$12. ○

To resize a design item, add or enter a different value for the lower-right coordinate.

You can resize a design item by using the drag and drop function also. You select the design item with the primary mouse button, next select the edge of the design item, drag it until item reaches the required size and then drop it by releasing the mouse button. The coordinates of the new range of cells appear automatically in the Range field. ○

To move a design item, enter different values for the coordinate or both coordinates. To move an item to a different sheet, prefix the values with proper syntax to designate the sheet. To move an item from Sheet1 to Sheet2, for example, enter a value such as Sheet2!$E$5:$G$6.

You can move a design item by using the drag and drop function also. You select the design item with the primary mouse button, drag it to the required location and then drop it by releasing the mouse button. The coordinates of the new range of cells appear automatically in the Range field. 3. Choose OK in the properties dialog box to confirm your settings. 4. When you move or resize design items, their contents are deleted and then rebuilt. Refresh the query in order to refresh the results with values from the server (see Refresh / Pause Automatic Refresh [External]).

Expansion and Clipping Once you switch to analysis mode and the design items populate with results, they typically need to expand to fill more space than you have initially selected when inserting them. In this case, the upper-left coordinate remains fixed, and the lower-right coordinate expands to accommodate the data returned. For example, even though you selected a range of $B$12:$E$13 when you inserted your analysis grid, when you switch to analysis mode and 100 rows are returned in the results, the second, lower-right coordinate will automatically increase to $E$113 to resize the design item to accommodate the results.

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Developing User Interfaces To change the way the coordinates expand, you can adjust the item’s clipping properties. Clipping properties are relevant for the analysis grid, navigation pane, and messages design items. If you set the clipping property to Clip, for example, the lower-right coordinate is retained and the results are clipped, or not displayed, beyond that range. See Analysis Grid [Page 307], Navigation Pane [Page 314], and Messages [Page 336].

Deleting Design Items

Use You can delete a design item when you are in design mode using its context menu, which you can access with the mouse or with the BEx Analyzer menu.

Procedure To delete a design item using the mouse: ...

1. Click the design item with your right mouse button (secondary mouse button). 2. From the context menu, choose Delete. To delete a design item using the keyboard: ...

1. Navigate using the keyboard to any cell that is part of the design item. 2. From the menu, choose BEx Analyzer → Context Menu for Selected Cell. 3. From the context menu, choose Delete.

Be sure you are in design mode. A different context menu appears when you are in analysis mode.

If you have not yet refreshed your query, you may need to do so before you can access the context menu. See Refresh / Pause Automatic Refresh [External].

Result The design item is removed from the worksheet. Any data providers you have created are still available. To delete a data provider, see Configuring Data Providers [Page 337].

See also: ●

Context Menu for Selected Cell [External]

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Developing Business Logic


Developing Business Logic

Purpose BI Content BI Content is a collection of preconfigured role and task-based information models in the BI system. They are based on consistent metadata. BI Content provides selected roles within a company with the information they need to carry out their tasks. For the Enterprise Reporting, Query and Analysis area, these information models cover InfoProviders, variables, queries, workbooks, Crystal reports, Web templates, and roles. You have to activate the BI Content objects before you can work with them. For more information, see Installing Business Content [Page 344].

Defining Queries Queries allow you to analyze the dataset of an InfoProvider. By selecting and combining InfoObjects (characteristics and key figures) or reusable structures in a query, you determine the way in which you evaluate the data in the selected InfoProvider. For more information, see Query Design: BEx Query Designer [Page 353].

Developing Customer and Partner Content You can develop your own content and deliver it to your business areas. You can also make limited modifications and changes to BI Content. For more information about developing BI Content, see Customer and Partner Content [Page 469].

Prerequisites Developing Customer and Partner Content: Before you can develop customer and partner content, you may need to apply for your own namespace. This requires you to have an ABAP development license (ABAP/4 Development Workbench License).


Installing Business Content

Use Before you are able to work with Business Content objects, you have to convert them from the SAP delivery version (D version) into the active version (A version). For more information, see Business Content (Versions) [External]. SAP recommends that you install Business Content objects in the following cases: ●

After a Content release upgrade An upgrade to a new Content release usually contains a large number of new and modified Business Content objects. If you want to be able to use the new and modified Business Content, you have to reinstall the Business Content objects. Refer to the

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Developing Business Logic Release Notes published with the upgrade. In some cases, we recommend explicitly that you install the A versions of certain objects. ●

After installing a Content support package Refer to the SAP Notes that are delivered with each Content Support Package. These notes contain information on why certain Business Content objects are being redelivered.

Procedure ...

The following is an overview of the individual steps in the procedure: These steps are subsequently explained in more detail. 1. Navigate to the Data Warehousing Workbench to install Business Content (selection of objects, settings for the transfer, starting the transfer). 2. Assign relevant source systems. 3. Group objects to be included, determine mode of collection for the objects. 4. Determine the view of the objects. 5. Transfer the objects in Collected Objects. 6. Check the settings for the Collected Objects with reference to the Install, Match or Copy and Active Version Available functions. 7. Make settings in the selection list and Transfer. 8. Correct errors.

1. Navigate to the Data Warehousing Workbench to Install Business Content ...

From the main menu in Business Intelligence, choose Modeling → Data Warehousing Workbench: Business Content. If you are already in the Data Warehousing Workbench, select the Business Content functional area by clicking on the corresponding pushbutton in the lefthand navigation window, or by choosing the path Goto → Install Business Content. The Data Warehousing Workbench for installing Business Content has three navigation windows: ●

In the left-hand window you determine the view of the objects in the middle area of the screen.

In the middle window, you select the objects that you want to activate.

In the right-hand window, you make the settings for installing the Business Content. The right-hand window also contains an overview of the objects you have selected, and it is here that you start the installation of the Business Content.

Navigation Window In the Data Warehousing Workbench, you use the On/Off pushbutton on the toolbar to display or hide the left-hand navigation window. The rest of this section assumes that the left-hand navigation window is displayed.

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2. Assign Relevant Source Systems If you want to assign a source system, select the Source System Assignment function. The Choose Source System by Default? dialog box appears. Select one or more source systems by setting the corresponding indicators in the Default Assignment column.

Only ever select the source systems that you really need, otherwise you may have to wait unnecessarily when objects are collected.

The assignment of the source system is only relevant for source-system dependent objects (such as transfer rules, file DataSources, and InfoPackages). If more than one source system is available, only those objects assigned to the specified source system are collected ready for the transfer. Objects that have not been assigned to the specified source systems are ignored. For more information about the special features inherent in activating process chains that can reference to source-system dependent objects, see the Customer Content documentation, under Process Chain and Process Variant [Page 492]. If you do not select a source system, all the source systems are assigned automatically. You can change your selection later, using the Source System Assignment function.

3. Group Objects To Be Included, Determine Mode of Collection for Objects Make the settings you require from the following selection lists on the right-hand side of the screen: ●

Grouping Choose the objects that you want the system to include. The groupings combine the objects from a particular area. You have the following options: ○

Only Necessary Objects (default setting)

In Data Flow Before

In Data Flow Afterwards

In Data Flow Before and Aftrwds

For more information about groupings, see Collection Object Grouping [External].

If you change the default setting (Only Necessary Objects), the new setting becomes the default setting for your user.

The grouping selection has an impact on system performance when installing Business Content. For more information, see View of Objects and ObjectSpecific Recommendations [External]. ●

Collection Mode Select how you want to collect the objects:

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Collect Automatically (default setting): The data is collected directly when the objects are selected.

Start Manual Collection: The data is collected when you click on the Dependent Objects icon.


Set the collection mode to Start Manual Collection. You can then select all objects without having to wait.

4. Determine View of Objects In the left-hand navigation window, specify how you want the objects to be displayed. For more information, see View of Objects and Object-Specific Recommendations [External].

5. Transfer the Objects in Collected Objects In the central area of the screen, select the objects that you want to install, and use Drag&Drop to transfer them into the right-hand Collected Objects area of the screen.

The Find Object function allows you to use strings of characters (for example, 0CUST) or wild card searches (for example, 0CUST_*B) to search for objects. Input help is available for every type of object: Double-click on the Select Objects icon in the tree structure of the corresponding object type to display the Input Help for Metadata screen. Select the required objects. Choose Transfer Selection.

If you implement BI Service API releases lower than 7.0 in the source system, you have to install the active version of the Business Content DataSources in the source system and replicate them in the BI system, before you can use them for transferring data in BI. For more information, see Installing Business Content DataSources [Page 511] and Metadata Upload for SAP Systems [External]. In the Collected Objects area of the screen, the system displays the selected objects and all dependent objects. Collected objects are stored by default in the repository cache [External]. This reduces the time it takes to access these objects when you want to use them again.

When you transfer objects into the Collected Objects area of the screen, these objects are also added to the tree structure of the corresponding object type in the central area of the screen and stored for your user. This personal object list can be called up each time the program is restarted. If you want to remove objects from your personal list, select the objects that you want to remove and choose the Remove Object from Display option from the context menu or click on the icon. Objects that are listed in several tree structures can only be changed in the place where they first appear. All additional instances of these objects are grayed out so you cannot modify them.

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6. Check Settings for Collected Objects Check the following columns in the Collected Objects area of the screen: ●

Install The following Business Content objects are highlighted in this column by default: ○

Objects that are being transferred for the first time. There is not an active version of these objects in the system.

Business Content objects that have been redelivered in a new version. These objects are identified by the Content time stamp in the corresponding object tables.

When setting this indicator check whether the checkbox refers to a folder of an individual object: If the checkbox refers to a folder, the indicator is set for all the objects that belong to this folder. If the checkbox refers to an individual object, the indicator is set for a single object and the indicators for the other objects in the folder are not changed. The same applies when removing this indicator. In the context menu, the following two options are available for the installation: ...

a. Install all Below The object in the selected hierarchy level and all objects in the lower levels of the hierarchy are selected as to Install. b. Do Not Install All Below The Install indicators are removed for the object in the selected hierarchy level and all objects in the lower levels of the hierarchy. ●

Match (X) or Copy If the SAP delivery version and the active version can be matched, a checkbox is displayed in this column. With the most important object types, the active version and the SAP delivery version can be matched.

From a technical point of view, the SAP delivery version (D version) is matched with the M version. As in most cases the M version is identical to the active version (A version) in a customer system, this is referred to as a match between the D and A versions for reasons of simplification. When a match is performed, particular properties of the object are compared in the A version and the D version. First it has to be decided whether these properties can be matched automatically or whether this has to be done manually. A match can be performed automatically for properties if you can be sure that the object is to be used in the same way as before it was transferred from Business Content. When performing matches manually you have to decide whether the characteristics of a property from the active version are to be retained, or whether the characteristics are to be transferred from the delivery version. Example of an automatic match Additional customer-specific attributes have been added to an InfoObject in the A version. In the D version, two additional attributes have been delivered by SAP that do not contain the customer-specific attributes. In order to be able to use the additional attributes, the delivery version has to be installed from

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Developing Business Logic Business Content again. At the same time, the customer-specific attributes are to be retained. In this case, you have to set the indicator (X) in the checkbox. After installing the Business Content, the additional attributes are available and the customer-specific enhancements have been retained automatically. However, if you have not checked the match field, the customer-specific enhancements in the A version are lost. Example of a manual match An InfoObject has a different text in the A version than in the D version. In this case the two versions have to be matched manually. When Business Content is installed, a details screen appears which asks you to specify whether the text should be transferred from the active version or from the D version.

The Match indicator is set as default in order to prevent the customer version being unintentionally overwritten. If the Content of the SAP delivery version is to be matched to the active version, you have to set the Install indicator separately. The active version is overwritten with the delivery version if: ○

The match indicator is not set, and

The install indicator is set.

In other words, the delivery version is copied to the active version.

If the Install indicator is not set, the object is not copied or matched. In this case, the Match indicator has no effect. In the context menu, two options are available: ...

a. Merge All Below The object in the selected hierarchy level and all objects in the lower levels of the hierarchy are selected as to Match. b. Copy All Below The Match indicators are removed for the object in the selected hierarchy level and all objects in the lower levels of the hierarchy. If the Install indicator is also set, these objects are copied from the delivery version to the active version. The most important properties which are taken into account when versions are matched are now listed. When referring to InfoObjects it is important to differentiate between: ■


Time characteristics

Key figures and


Valid for All InfoObjects Named Above: Properties Matched Automatically:

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Properties Matched Manually:


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Attribute only (flag)


Short and long text (description)

If texts/descriptions in the delivery version do not yet exist in the active version, they are transferred.

Time dependency of attributes

Transfer routine

Valid for Characteristics Properties Matched Automatically: ●


BEx display

New InfoObjects are included in compounding

Characteristic Constants

Default member

Authorizations (flag and field)

Selection (CHASEL)

InfoObject is document attribute

Data type


Output length

Conversion routines

Lower case allowed (flag)

Contains master data (flag)

Master data is authorization relevant (flag)

Export DataSource (Flag)

F4 query design

F4 query runtime

Check DataStore object

Contains text tables (flag)

Texts are language-dependent (flag)

Short, medium and long texts exist (each with flag)

Default currency

GIS attribute

Hierarchies exist (flag)

Referenced characteristic Reference characteristics are transferred automatically. A warning is issued.

Attributes / navigation attributes New attributes are included. If an attribute is added by the customer, the settings for this attribute are transferred (for example, F4 sequence).

Properties Matched Manually:

Application components If the entry for the active version is initial, the delivery version is used.

Valid for Key Figures Properties Matched Automatically:

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Properties Matched Manually:


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Type of key figure

Fixed unit

Fixed currency


Exception aggregation

Valid for Units Properties Matched Automatically:

Properties Matched Manually: ●

See the table above (Valid for Characteristics), if these properties are also relevant for the units.

When referring to InfoProviders it is important to differentiate between: ○



DataStore object

InfoObject InfoObjects are discussed above (see the first table Valid for All Objects Named Above).

Valid for All InfoProviders Named Above: Properties Matched Automatically: ●

New InfoObjects

Properties Matched Manually: ●

Manual matching is not necessary.

If InfoObjects in the delivery version do not yet exist in the active version, they are transferred. Valid for MultiProviders Properties Matched Automatically: ●

New InfoProviders

Properties Matched Manually: ●

Manual matching is not necessary.

If InfoProviders in the delivery version do not yet exist in the active version, they are transferred. Valid for InfoCubes Properties Matched Automatically: ●

New dimensions

Properties Matched Manually: ●

Manual matching is not necessary.

If dimensions in the delivery version do not yet exist in the active version, they are transferred.

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Developing Business Logic With the InfoObject catalog object type, InfoObjects that are assigned to a catalog in the delivery version are transferred to the active version automatically. Manual matching is not necessary. With the transfer rule object type, those objects that exist in the delivery version but are not yet contained in the active version (for example, additional attributes) are added automatically when the match is performed. Manual matching is not necessary. With the process chain object type, those objects that exist in the delivery version but are not yet contained in the active version (for example, additional objects in the process chain) are added automatically when the match is performed. Manual matching is not necessary.

Active Version Available In this column, the following display options are available: ○

: The object is available in an active version. You decide whether you want to retain this version or reinstall the latest version of the object.

Date symbol: The object is already available in an active version. However, the active version belongs to an older Content release. SAP recommends that you install the latest version.

Gray symbol : An activated version of the object is available in the system. However, the object status is inactive. If an object version is activated, this indicates that all metadata for the object can be created successfully. The inactive object status indicates that the processed object is inconsistent and cannot currently be used for processing data. Transfer the object again from the SAP delivery version (D version). If this is not enough to change the object status from “inactive” to “active” the object has to be postprocessed. You find notes on postprocessing in the activation log.

Postprocessing: An inactive object status may also occur for an InfoObject if changes are made to the structure at field level. Postprocessing the object involves converting the relevant tables in accordance with the activation log. ○

No indicator: The object is not available in an active version.

7. Make Settings in the Selection List and Install. Make the required settings in the

Install selection list:

Installation Type Installation Type

What You Need to Know

Simulate Installation

The system runs a test to see whether any errors are likely to occur during the installation. However, not all errors that may occur can be identified during simulation: Some error messages can only be generated when a real A version (and not just a simulation) is available in the system. You should, therefore, only use the simulation function as a rough guide to help you identify and remove basic errors.

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The selected objects are installed immediately.

Install in Background

The selected objects are installed in the background.

Install and Transport

The selected objects are installed immediately and then written to a transport request.

SAP recommends you use the Install in background option, because installing a large number of objects can take a long time. Modifying objects that are already active can take an especially long time to complete. Make sure that when you install objects in the background that the versions are not matched. It is always the delivery versions that are installed. These are not matched with any available customer versions.

8. Correct Errors Any errors that occur during the installation of the Business Content are listed in a log. Click on the Log pushbutton to view this log. In the relevant maintenance transaction, repair any errors that occurred during the installation. Install the Business Content again.

See also: Installing the Business Content DataSource in the Active Version [External]


Query Design: BEx Query Designer

Use You analyze the dataset of the BI System by defining queries for InfoProviders using the BEx Query Designer. By selecting and combining InfoObjects (characteristics and key figures) or reusable query elements (such as structures) in a query, you determine the way in which you navigate through and evaluate the data in the selected InfoProvider.

Integration The figure below shows how the BEx Query Designer is integrated into the function landscape and tool landscape of the Business Explorer:

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SAP NetWeaver Portal Business Explorer Suite (BEx) Information Broadcasting BEx Web

BEx Analyzer BI Pattern

Web Analyzer

Web Application Designer

Microsoft Excel Add-in

Report Designer

BI Consumer Services

3rd Party BI Data

BI InfoProvider

BEx Query Designer

Features The BEx Query Designer contains the following functions: ●

You can use the queries defined in the BEx Query Designer for OLAP reporting and also for tabular reporting. For more information, see Tabular Query Display [Page 465].

You can parameterize the queries by using variables for characteristic values, hierarchies, hierarchy nodes, texts, or formulas. For more information, see Variables [Page 403].

You can select InfoObjects more precisely by: Restricting characteristics to characteristic values, characteristic intervals, and hierarchy nodes. For more information, see Restricting Characteristics [Page 371]. Defining formulas [Page 379] Defining selections [Page 377] Defining reusable calculated and restricted key figures (see Defining Calculated Key Figures [Page 436] and Defining Restricted Key Figures [Page 434]). Using local or reusable structures (see Structures [Page 395] and Creating Reusable Structures [Page 399]). Defining exceptions [Page 391] Defining conditions [Page 391] Defining exception cells [Page 388]

The most significant components of the query definition are the filter and navigation: ●

The selections in the filter have a limiting effect on the whole query. When defining the filter, you select characteristic values from one or more characteristics or from a key figure. All of the InfoProvider data is aggregated using the filter selection of the query.

For the navigation you select user-defined characteristics and determine the content of the rows and columns of the query. You use this selection to determine the data areas of the InfoProvider through which you want to navigate. The arrangement of rows and column content determines the start view of the query. After being inserted into a workbook, a query is displayed in the default initial view in the portal or in the BEx Analyzer. By navigating through the query, you can generate

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Developing Business Logic different views of the InfoProvider data by dragging one of the user-defined characteristics into the rows or columns of the query, for example, or by filtering a characteristic according to a single characteristic value. Defining a query allows the InfoProvider data to be evaluated specifically and quickly. The more detail you use to define the query, the quicker its execution and navigation.

Activities To open the Query Designer, choose Start → Programs → Business Explorer → Query Designer. You can also call up the BEx Query Designer from the following BEx tools: ●

BEx Analyzer

BEx Web Application Designer

BEx Report Designer

See also: Defining New Queries [Page 368]

The BEx Query Designer

Use The Query Designer is a desktop application for creating queries and plays an important role in the Business Explorer Suite. The queries created can be displayed as data providers for Web applications, reports and workbooks or can be displayed ad hoc in the BEx Web Analyzer. This section describes the appearance of the Query Designer and explains how you can adapt it to suit your needs.

Features In addition to the menu bars and the toolbars, the BEx Query Designer comprises the following screen areas: ●







Where-used list


Table view

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For more information on screen areas that you get to using the menu bar and the View toolbar, see Functions of the Menu Bar in the Query Designer [Page 358]. You can adjust the appearance of the Query Designer to your requirements. ●

When starting the Query Designer, a standard view is provided automatically. This shows the InfoProvider screen area on the left, the filter on the left and the row/column areas underneath as a tab page. On the right, the properties are shown, and tasks underneath as a tab page. In the lower area, the messages area is displayed in collapsed form. If you drag the cursor over the messages area, the area expands automatically.

Using the menu option View, you can hide and show screen areas such as the Properties window or the Messages window, as well as toolbars.

You can move the toolbars and screen areas anywhere. Depending on where you move the object to, it is anchored or it appears freely as a toolbox. The screen areas can also be arranged on top of one another as tab pages.

Using the View → Predefined → Standard View menu option, you can get back to the standard view. If you prefer the view that you are familiar with from the Query Designer in SAP BW 3.x, choose View → Predefined → View SAP BW 3.x.

Working with the BEx Query Designer

General Concepts The BEx Query Designer is structured according to the following concepts, which allow flexibility and ease of operation while you are working with it.

Error Handling, Correction Help, Messages and Warnings Error handling in the Query Designer allows you to create and edit objects without disrupting your individual workflow. The Query Designer informs you of errors by displaying incorrect or incomplete objects underlined in red. However, your work will not be disrupted by error messages that are shown as dialogs. The error messages appear in the Messages screen area instead. Warnings and information are also displayed here. Correction help is available in several places: ●

In the context menu of the incorrect objects underlined in red

In the context menu of the error message in the Messages screen area

In the menu bar of the Query Designer within the Help menu

In the Tasks screen area

With the Explain These Errors menu option, the text for the error message is displayed in the Documents screen area. With the Jump to Error menu option, you return to the incorrect object. The menu option Correct These Errors provides the context-sensitive correction options available in the current situation.

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Tasks In the Tasks screen area, the Query Designer provides various context-sensitive editing options for the current situation. These functions are available from the context menu or the menu bar. The Tasks area is intended for users that rarely work with the Query Designer and do not have much experience. The tasks offered facilitate searching for the suitable functions. Correction help for incorrect objects and further explanation is provided in the tasks.

Working with Unfinished Objects You can define new objects (formulas, selections, restricted and calculated key figures, exception cells, variables, conditions or exceptions) wherever you need these objects. The object (without a definition) is created and receives a standard name. You can change the name directly at the object. The object can be used in other objects without a definition and you can decide whether you want to define it immediately or later. To remind you to define the object, a message appears in the Messages screen area.

Automatic Generation of Technical Names When you create reusable objects (variables, restricted key figures or calculated key figures) the system automatically generates technical names for them. You can change the technical name of one of these objects until it is saved in the associated property dialog. Once you have saved, you can no longer change the technical name. The generation rule is (VAR/RKF/CKF)_, for example RKF_20050818122045. As long as you have not saved and the generated technical name has no been changed, a warning appears that you should rename the technical name as required. Automatic generation of technical names ensure that the objects are unique immediately and allows you to work with unfinished objects.

Simultaneous Editing of Multiple Objects You can edit several values at the same time. The objects should all be of the same type so that all of the options are available to you that are available when working with the individual objects. For example, if a function is not allowed for all of the selected objects, the function is not displayed. The functions Edit and New for selections, formulas, variables, restricted or calculated key figures do not allow simultaneous editing of multiple objects. The input field Technical Name is also hidden when the properties of multiple objects are edited simultaneously. Because the technical name must always be unique, the Query Designer does not permit simultaneous editing. For Drag&Drop operations with multiple objects it responds as if Drag&Drop were being performed for all objects that are allowed for this operation. The Drag&Drop operation is not executed on those objects that may not be dragged to the selected location. If you want to delete multiple objects simultaneously, the Query Designer proceeds as in Drag&Drop operations. All objects that can be deleted are deleted. Objects that may not be deleted (for example, reusable objects that are part of other queries) are not deleted. The associated information is displayed in the Messages screen area.

Reusable Properties In the properties of the query components, you see whether the setting has been defined locally at the object or at the object that depends on it. You can decide whether you want to use a local setting or the default value. When you use the default value, the local object references the default value. Referencing to another object allows you to only edit the referenced object (that is, the default value), when making settings. In all other objects that use the default value, the change is visible automatically.

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Concrete Procedures Proceed As Follows to Create a Query: By clicking on the plus or minus symbol of the directories you can expand or collapse the directories. You can, for example, display the list of all of the key figures in the InfoProvider by expanding the key figure node in the InfoProvider tree. Using Drag&Drop or the temporary storage location (Ctrl C – Ctrl V), you can drag characteristics, key figures and reusable objects from the InfoProvider into the directories of the Query Designer (Filter, Rows, Columns, Free Characteristics). Using the secondary mouse button you call all the functions that are available in the current context menu. First select the required query component and then choose a menu option from the context menu. When you double-click on an element of the Query Designer, you call the standard function for this element. You also get to the standard function from the context menu. It is displayed in bold there. If, for example, you double-click on a characteristic, the dialog box for restricting the characteristic appears. If you double-click on a calculated key figure, for example, then the Change Calculated Key Figure dialog box, in which you can make changes, appears. You can cut objects and paste them in another location. With the Edit menu or in the context menu of an object, you use the Cut function. Now the object will not be deleted immediately at this location. Instead it remains displayed Once you use the Paste function at a new location (available in the context menu or in the Edit menu), the object disappears from the old location and appears at the new location. This ensures that the object is not removed when the Cut function is used if you forget to insert it at another position. If you forget to insert the object and cut and paste another object instead, the clipboard with the previously cut object is not overwritten. The previously cut object gets its normal display back and stays in the old location. Remove or Delete If you want to remove objects from the query, in the object context menu, choose Remove. If you want to delete a reusable object, then choose Delete from the context menu. Deletion means that the object is deleted in the BI server and is no longer available in a query. Removing means that the object is removed locally from the query, and continues to be available in other queries as long as it is a reusable object. Edit Text Directly at the Object When a new object is created, it is displayed with a standard name. If you click on the standard text, the cursor appears directly on the standard text of the object and you can overwrite it.

Functions of the Menu Bar in the Query Designer

Use This section contains an overview of the functions available in the menu bar and toolbar in the BEx Query Designer.

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Features Menu Bar The functions are available from the following menus in the menu bar: Query [Page 360] Edit [Page 363] View [Page 363] Tools [Page 366] Help [Page 367]

Toolbars The Query Designer has the toolbars View, Standard, and Exit:

View Toolbar In the View toolbar, the following functions are available as pushbuttons in the menu bar: ●




Tabular View







Where-Used List


Technical Names

Standard Toolbar In the Standard toolbar, the following functions are available as pushbuttons in the menu bar: ●

New Query...

Open Query...

Save Query...


Check Query

Query Properties

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Exit Toolbar In the Exit toolbar, the following functions are available as pushbuttons in the menu bar: ●

Exit and Use Query

Exit and Throw Out Changes

Functions in the Query Menu

Use This section explains the functions that are provided in the menu bar for the Query Designer in the Query menu.

Features You can choose from the following functions in the Query menu: Menu: Query Menu Entry



To create a query, choose New. The BEx Open dialog appears and you can select the InfoProvider whose data you want to use as the basis for your query. You can select the InfoProvider either from the InfoProviders in your history or from the list of all available InfoProviders under InfoAreas. See Defining New Queries [Page 368].


When you choose Open, the BEx Open dialog appears. Here, all existing queries are available in your history, favorites, or roles or are listed according to InfoArea. In InfoAreas, you get a list of all existing queries in the BI system for which you have display authorization.

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Before you save a new or changed query, you can use the Check function to check the query definition for errors. When you use the Quit and Use Query function, the system calls the Check function automatically for queries that have not yet been saved. Once the system has checked the query successfully, it asks whether you want to save the query.


When you change a query, you can use the Save function to save it under its current name. If the query does not have a technical name, the system offers the Save As function automatically. See Saving Queries [Page 393].

Save As…

To save the query under a new technical name, choose Save As. Enter the new technical name. You can save the query in your favorites or roles. See Saving Queries [Page 393].


To delete the query, choose Delete. You can only delete the query if it is no longer being used (in any workbook, Web template, report or broadcast setting).


Choose Properties, if you want to change the description of the query, or if you want to make settings for the Results Position, Display Options, Number Display, and Suppress Zeros for the query. You can also release OLE DB for OLAP in the query properties. You can also reach the available documents on the objects used in the query from here. The Query Properties dialog box appears in the Properties screen area and you can make the required settings. See Query Properties [Page 438].


When you have defined and saved your query, you can use this function to display it in the BEx Web Analyzer and analyze the data. See BEx Web Analyzer [External].

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You can publish queries that you have edited and saved in the Query Designer so that they are available to other users. You can choose from the following options: In Role The save dialog appears and you can select a role in which you want to publish the query. The system saves a link to the current query in the selected role. To the Portal The publish dialog appears, which enables you to publish the query in the Portal Content Directory (PCD) as an iView. For more information, see Publishing Queries, Web Applications and Reports [External]. BEx Broadcaster The BEx Broadcaster, a Web application for precalculating and distributing queries, query views, Web templates, reports, and workbooks, appears. You can precalculate the query that you edited in the Query Designer or you can generate an online link. You can broadcast the generated document or link by e-mail, print it, or you can publish it in the portal. For more information, see Functions of the BEx Broadcaster [External].

Exit and Use Query

Using this function, you leave the Query Designer and use the query that you defined. This function is only available if you have called the Query Designer from other BEx tools. The format in which the query is used depends on the tool from which you called the Query Designer. Generally, the query is available as a data provider for Web applications, reports, or workbooks. If you have not yet saved your query, the system calls the Check function automatically to check the query for errors. Once the system has checked the query successfully, it asks whether you want to save the query.

Exit and Throw Out Changes

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Choose this function to leave the Query Designer. Your entries will not be saved.


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Functions in the Edit Menu

Use Here you get an overview of the functions that are provided in the menu bar for the Query Designer in the Edit menu.

Features You can choose from the following functions in the Edit menu: Menu: Edit Menu Entry



You can use this function to change between the display and change modes in the properties of a query or query component.


You can use this function to cut selected objects.


You can use this function to copy selected objects.


You can use this function to paste selected objects into other areas.

Paste (subordinate)

You can use this function to paste selected structural components subordinate to the structural components above the selection. The hierarchical relationship of the structural components is displayed in the executed query similar to a presentation hierarchy.


You can use this function to remove selected objects.

Functions in the View Menu

Use Here you get an overview of the functions that are provided in the menu bar for the Query Designer in the View menu.

Features You can choose from the following functions in the View menu: Menu: View Menu Entry

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Using the View → Predefined → Standard View menu option, you can return to the standard view. If you prefer the view that you are familiar with from the Query Designer in SAP BW 3.x, choose View → Predefined → View SAP BW 3.x.


You can use this function to show and hide the View, Standard and Exit toolbars.

Technical names

You can use this function to show or hide the technical names of the query components (InfoObjects, structures, variables, and so on).


You can use this function to show the Properties screen area. The content of the Properties screen area automatically adjusts itself. Depending on the object that you select, the respective properties appear as contextsensitive.


You can use this function to show the Tasks screen area. In this area, the most important tasks are listed for the selected object with which you are currently working, as contextsensitive. This gives you an overview of the functions and options available while working in the query.


You can use this function to show the InfoProvider screen area. The content of the InfoProvider upon which the query is based is displayed in this area and from here you can include objects in the query, using Drag&Drop.


You can use this function to show the Filter screen area. You determine the filter value of the query in this area. For more information, see Filters [Page 402].


You can use this function to show the Rows/Columns screen area. In this area you determine the free characteristics for navigating in the query and the contents of the rows and columns. You can see the structure of the query in a preview.

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Tabular View

You can use this function to show the Tabular View screen area. If the query only contains one structure, this area automatically appears as a tab page. You can design a query for OLAP reporting and also for tabular reporting by activating or deactivating the Tabular Display mode when you define a query. This function is only available for queries with one structure. Queries that have two structures are only available in the multidimensional display and are only suitable for OLAP reporting. See Tabular Display of Queries [Page 465].


You can use this function to show the Cells screen area. If the query already contains cells, this area automatically appears as a tab page. You can define formulas and selection conditions explicitly for cells in queries with two structures. In this way you can override the cell values that are created implicitly from the intersection of the structure components. This function allows you to design much more detailed queries. This function is only available for queries with two structures. The menu option is deactivated for queries with only one structure. See Defining Exception Cells [Page 388]


You can use this function to show the Exceptions screen area. If the query already contains exceptions, this area automatically appears as a tab page. You can define exceptions for a query. Exceptions are variations in key figure values that you define yourself. They are displayed in color in the query view. This allows you to see at a glance, any unusual deviations from the results you expect to get. See Exception Reporting [External].

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You can use this function to show the Conditions screen area. If the query already contains conditions, this area automatically appears as a tab page. You can define conditions for a query. You can specify threshold value conditions for the key figure values for every characteristic. For example, you can specify all sales figures under or above a certain threshold value. In the query, the chosen characteristics are displayed with the restricted key figures. See Conditions [External]


You can use this function to show the Messages screen area. System messages, check messages, warnings and information appear in this area. From the context menu of the message, you can goto the location of the error, or have a text explain the error.

Where-Used List

You can use this function to show the WhereUsed List screen area. The Query Designer displays the objects (workbook, Web template, report or broadcasting setting) in which this query is used.


You can use this function to show the Documents screen area. If you select the Display Error Message function, the system message texts appear here.

Functions in the Tools Menu

Use Here you get an overview of the functions that are provided in the menu bar for the Query Designer in the Tools menu.

Features You can choose from the following functions in the Tools menu: Menu: Tools Menu Entry


Expand Nodes

You can use this function to fully expand the hierarchy nodes that you have selected, in one step.

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Collapse Nodes

You can use this function to fully collapse the hierarchy nodes that you have selected, in one step.

Functions in the Help Menu

Use Here you get an overview of the functions that are provided in the menu bar for the Query Designer in the Help menu.

Features You can choose from the following functions in the Help menu: Menu: Help Menu Entry


Application Help

When you choose Application Help, the SAP NetWeaver online documentation appears. The Query Design: BEx Query Designer section in the documentation for the Business Explorer is displayed automatically there.

Jump to Error

After you have selected an object containing errors, which is indicated by red underlining, and have read the error message text in the Documents area, you can use this function to return to the location of the error.

Explain This Error

After you have selected an object containing errors, which is indicated by red underlining, you can use this function to explain the error. The error message text appears in the Documents area.

Correct This Error

After you have selected an object containing errors, which is indicated by red underlining, you can use this function to correct the error. Context-sensitive correction help is offered.


Using this function, you see the version of the Query Designer with the number of the support package and the revision. You can quote this information to SAP if you need to send problem messages.

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Defining New Queries

Use You need queries as data providers for data analysis in the BEx Analyzer or in BEx Web Applications. Queries as data providers are also used to create reports. To do this, in the BEx Query Designer, you define new queries based on InfoProviders.

Prerequisites At least one InfoProvider must be available in the BI system. You have called the BEx Query Designer using one of the following options: ●

Standalone, by choosing Start → Programs → Business Explorer → Query Designer.

BEx Web Application Designer: In the menu bar of the Web Application Designer, you have chosen Tools → BEx Query Designer.

BEx Analyzer: You are in an empty cell and have chosen Tools → Define New Query in the analysis toolbar.

BEx Report Designer: In the menu bar of the Report Designer, you have chosen Tools → BEx Query Designer.

Finally, you chose Query → New in the Query Designer menu bar.

Procedure Overview You define queries by: ●

Selecting an InfoProvider for which the query is defined

Selecting reusable structures that already contain characteristic or key figure combinations (for example, contribution margin schema)

Selecting characteristics from the InfoProvider

Restricting selected characteristics to characteristic values, characteristic value intervals, or hierarchy nodes

Using variables for characteristic values, hierarchies, hierarchy nodes, formulas, and texts or defining new variables where necessary

Selecting key figures from the InfoProvider

Formulating calculated key figures

Restricting key figures by combining them with characteristics

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Defining exception cells

Arranging the characteristics and key figures in rows or columns and thereby establishing an initial view for the query analysis

The steps that are not in bold are optional. You do not have to use these functions.

Defining Queries The selection screen is displayed for all InfoProviders for which you can define a new query. ...

1. From your history, or from all available InfoProviders under InfoAreas, select the InfoProvider that you want to base your query on.

If you want to show the technical name of the InfoProvider, choose the symbol Technical Name On/Off. 2. The available objects for the InfoProvider you selected are displayed as a directory tree in the InfoProvider screen area. The Filter screen area contains empty directories for the filter selection; the screen area Rows/Columns contains empty directions for the rows, the columns, and the free characteristics of the query. The preview of the results area for the query can be found at the bottom right. This area is also still empty. For more information about the process of creating a query, see Working with the BEx Query Designer [Page 356] in the section Proceed As follows to Create a Query. 3. Make the selections for the filter of the query. Note that the filter selection has a restricting effect on the entire query, which means that all the InfoProvider data is aggregated with the filter selection. From the directory tree of the InfoProvider, select the characteristics or the key figure on which the query is to be based. ○

Characteristics Expand the required dimension directory and first select one or more characteristics that you wish to restrict to one or more values, a variable, a value interval or a hierarchy node from the InfoProvider. Expand this characteristic and using drag and drop, drag: ■

one or more single values in the Characteristic Restrictions area of the filter.

one or more characteristics in the Characteristic Restrictions area of the filter. Using the secondary mouse button on a characteristic, choose Restrict in the context menu. Then select a characteristic value interval or a hierarchy node (see also: Restricting Characteristics [Page 371]). ○

Key Figure

Decide whether all of the query data is to refer to the numerical values of a key figure or whether the query should be based on several key figures. If the query refers to the numerical values of one key figure, select the corresponding key figure for the InfoProvider tree and drag it to the Filter area using drag and drop. You can also use a restricted or calculated key figure (see also: Defining Restricted Key Figures [Page 434] and Defining Calculated Key Figures [Page 436]).

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Developing Business Logic If required, define default values for the filter by dragging the required filter values into the Default Values area of the filter using drag and drop. For more information, see Filters [Page 402]. 4. Determine which characteristics, key figures, or structures you want to use to navigate through the query data. Using drag and drop, drag the corresponding directories of the characteristics of the InfoProvider tree to the directories Rows, Columns, or Free Characteristics in the Rows/Columns screen area, or drag the structure directories into the rows or columns.

You can use any number of characteristics in the query; however, the number of characteristics in the drilldown is restricted. In the Free Characteristics area, an unlimited number of characteristics is permitted, but the rows and columns may include a maximum of 50 - characteristics only. If the query does not contain a structure, a total of 50 characteristics are permitted in the rows and columns. If you use one structure, 49 characteristics are permitted, and with two structures, 48 characteristics are permitted in the rows and columns. If you have not selected any key figures for the filter, define one or more key figures either in the rows or columns of the query. Using drag and drop, drag a key figure from the Key Figures directory in the InfoProvider tree into one of the directories, Rows or Columns. The Query Designer automatically generates a new structure with the proposed description Key Figures, which includes the selected key figure. You can also define a new calculated key figure and use it for the query. For example, instead of “Sales revenue”, define the key figure “Price”, which is calculated by dividing “Sales revenue” by “Quantity”. Select the Key Figures directory in the InfoProvider tree and choose New Calculated Key Figure in the context menu (using the secondary mouse button). You can restrict key figures to characteristic values, characteristic value intervals, or hierarchy nodes by selecting the key figure and choosing Edit in the context menu (using the secondary mouse button). A restricted key figure would be “Sales revenue in first quarter”, for example. By placing the characteristics, key figures, or structures either in the rows or columns directory, you configure the first navigational state of the query (start view). In the lower right area, you can see a preview of the results area of the query in the start view that you selected.

You can change the arrangement of the key figures and characteristics in the rows and columns using drag and drop until the preview shows the results area you want. 5. When you have created the query, you can check the query definition by choosing Query → Check in the menu bar. Choose Query → Properties in the menu bar if you want to change the Description, settings for Result Position, Display Options and Number Display, or Key Date for the query. See also Query Properties [Page 438]. 6. Save the query. Enter a Technical Name and a Description for the query. The Technical Name must uniquely identify the query; this means the name may appear only once across all InfoProviders of the BI System. The technical name can contain a maximum of 30 characters and must begin with a letter.

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Result The query has been saved and can now: ●

Be used in the BEx Analyzer as a data provider for design items

Be used in the Web Application Designer as a data provider for Web items.

Be displayed in the BEx Web Analyzer: Choose Query → Execute.

You can analyze the query data in the Business Explorer.

See also: Creating Reusable Structures [Page 399] Properties of Query Components [Page 443] Functions of the Menu Bar in the Query Designer [Page 358] Authorizations for the Query Definition [External]

Restricting Characteristics

Use When defining a query, you can restrict characteristics in the filter to single characteristic values, value ranges, hierarchy nodes, or characteristic value variables.

Prerequisites You have selected the characteristic in the filter and have chosen Restrict from the context menu (secondary mouse button).

Procedure General functions of input help When you select characteristics in the query definition, you can use the same functions as for input help in the executed query. For the following functions, see the descriptions under Restricting Characteristic Values [External]. ●

Selecting single values

Selecting value ranges

Displaying value keys

Values available in history

Saving values in favorites

Deleting values from the selection window

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Searching for values A search option is available in the input help dialog box. For more information, see Searching for Values [External].

Personalization of input help You can make various user-specific settings to personalize the functions of input help. For more information, see Maintaining User Settings for the Input Help Dialog Box [External].

Functions of Input Help in the BEx Query Designer In contrast to calling the input help dialog box from the BEx Analyzer and the BEx Report Designer, the input help dialog box in the BEx Query Designer always appears with the full range of functions and in both screen areas. The right window, Selection, which displays the selected values, is always visible. You can choose from the following additional functions in the query definition:

Excluding Values from the Selection You use this function to select the values that you do not need for your report.

This function is only used with single values or single value variables. ...

1. Select the desired value in the right Selection window. 2. Choose

Exclude from Selection.

If you want to undo the procedure, choose (secondary mouse button).

Include in Selection from the context menu

Selecting Variables When you select characteristic values in the query definition, you can also select variables instead of fixed values. These act as placeholders and are only filled with fixed values when the query is executed.

When selecting the variables it is also possible to define new variables, change variables, and delete them. These functions are always available to the right of the selection of variable type.

Selecting variables ... ...

1. Choose Show → Variables. 2. Under Type, choose the variable type (such as Characteristic Value Variable, Hierarchy Node Variable) from which you wish to choose the variable. 3. Select one (or, in exceptional cases, more than one) variable from the list of available variables and add it (using the right arrow) to the right Selection window.

Selecting value range limits ... ...

1. Choose Show → Value Ranges.

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Developing Business Logic 2. Select your required operator from the dropdown box. You have the following operators: ○


Less Than or Equal to

Greater Than or Equal to

Less Than

Greater Than

3. Choose the required value or the required values for the value range and choose : Input help appears in a new dialog box and provides you with the selection of variables under Show → Variables. 4. Under Type, choose the variable type (such as Characteristic Value Variable, Hierarchy Node Variable) from which you wish to choose the variable. 5. Select the required variable and choose OK. 6. For the between operator, two single values are required for the interval limits; the system automatically offers you two dropdown boxes. In this case, repeat steps 3-5. 7. After you have set the value range, choose OK. 8. Add the selection to the right Selection window using the right arrow.

Selecting intervals with one variable and one fixed limit ... ...

1. Choose Show → Value Ranges. 2. Choose the Between operator. 3. Choose the fixed limit: The values from your history can also be selected in the dropdown box. If you want to choose another value, choose . The input help appears in a new dialog box and offers the associated single values under Show → Single Values or History for selection. Select the required value and choose OK. 4. Select the variable limit by following steps 3-5 from the Selecting Value Range Limits section above. 5. After you have set the value range, choose OK. 6. Add the selection to the right Selection window using the right arrow.

Selecting variable offsets

You can only use this function for characteristic value variables of the type single value. ...

1. Select the required variable in the right Selection window. 2. Choose

Set Variable Offsets.

3. Enter the required offset value. 4. Choose OK.

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You want to select the period of the last 5 years for evaluating your data. i.

Choose Show → Value Range and Between as the operator.


Choose the variable Current Calendar Year and copy it to the right Selection window using the right arrow.


Select the variable and choose


For the lower limit, enter the offset 5.


Do not enter an offset for the upper limit.


Choose OK.

Set Variable Offsets.

Swapping interval limits If you are using variables in the interval limits, you can swap the limits. In the Set Variable Offsets dialog box, choose the function Swap Interval Limits. ...

Selecting fixed/variable hierarchies/hierarchy nodes You can also restrict characteristics by hierarchy or hierarchy node, on a fixed or variable basis. See Restricting Characteristics: Hierarchies [Page 374]

Result You have now restricted a characteristic by certain characteristic values. Choose OK. You return to the query definition. Save your entries and execute the query.

If you have restricted a characteristic to a variable value, before the query is executed a dialog box appears for you to enter variable values manually (provided that the variable is flagged as ready for input). For more information, see Variables [Page 403]. Enter the required values and choose OK. The query is now executed with the chosen values. The query is created according to your selection conditions. The selected characteristic values are displayed in the filter pane, on the right, next to the corresponding characteristic. Only the selected characteristic values are included in the table (or in the chart or map).

Restricting Characteristics: Hierarchies

Use In the Query Designer, you can restrict characteristics by hierarchy or hierarchy node, on a fixed or variable basis. Choose from the following options: ●

Fixed hierarchy node – fixed hierarchy

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Report on department A (fixed hierarchy node) for the hierarchy valid for 2005 (fixed hierarchy) ●

Variable hierarchy node – fixed hierarchy

Report on chosen department (variable hierarchy node) for the hierarchy valid for 2005 (fixed hierarchy) ●

Fixed hierarchy node – variable hierarchy

Report on department A (fixed hierarchy node) for the hierarchy valid for the current calendar year (variable hierarchy). ●

Variable hierarchy node – variable hierarchy

Report on a chosen department (variable hierarchy node) for the hierarchy valid for the current calendar year (variable hierarchy).

Prerequisites You use this function if hierarchies exist for the characteristic that you want to restrict. For more information about hierarchies, see Hierarchies [External].

Procedure Fixed Hierarchy – Select Fixed Hierarchy Node ... ...

1. Choose Show → Single Values. 2. Choose the required hierarchy under Hierarchy. 3. Navigate to the required hierarchy node in the hierarchy tree. 4. Select the required hierarchy node and copy it to the right Selection window using the right arrow.

Fixed Hierarchy – Select Variable Hierarchy Node ... ...

1. Choose Show → Variables. 2. For the selection of the variable hierarchy node, choose Hierarchy Node Variable in the upper area under Type. 3. From the list of available hierarchy node variables, choose the required variable and select it. 4. In the lower area, under Hierarchy, choose appears.

. The Select Hierarchy dialog box

5. Select a fixed hierarchy (see Selecting Hierarchies [Page 376]). 6. Add the selection to the right Selection window using the right arrow.

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Variable Hierarchy – Select Fixed Hierarchy Node ... ...

1. Choose Show → Single Value. 2. For the selection of the fixed hierarchy node, choose the required hierarchy in the upper area under Hierarchy. 3. Navigate to the required hierarchy node in the hierarchy tree and select it. 4. In the lower area, under Hierarchy, choose appears.

. The Select Hierarchy dialog box

5. Select a variable hierarchy (see Selecting Hierarchies [Page 376]). 6. Add the selection to the right Selection window using the right arrow.

Variable hierarchy – Select Variable Hierarchy Node ...

1. Choose Show → Variables. 2. For the selection of the variable hierarchy node, choose Hierarchy Node Variable in the upper area under Type. 3. From the list of available hierarchy node variables, choose the required variable and select it. 4. In the lower area, under Hierarchy, choose appears.

. The Select Hierarchy dialog box

5. Select a variable hierarchy (see Selecting Hierarchies [Page 376]). 6. Add the selection to the right Selection window using the right arrow. ... ...

Result You have restricted a characteristic according to a node within a hierarchy. Choose OK. This takes you back to the Query Designer. Save your entries and execute the query.

If you have restricted a characteristic to a variable hierarchy and/or a hierarchy node, before the query is executed a dialog box appears for you to enter variable values manually (provided that the variable is flagged as Ready for Input). Enter the required values and choose OK. The query can now be executed, with the values you have selected to fill the variable.

Selecting Hierarchies

Use You select hierarchies at the following stages in the query definition: ●

When you select a variable hierarchy or a fixed hierarchy for a hierarchy node (see also: Restricting Characteristics: Hierarchies [Page 374])

When you select a display hierarchy for a characteristic (see also: Properties of the Characteristic [Page 444])

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Prerequisites You use this function if hierarchies exist for the characteristic that you want to restrict. For more information about hierarchies, see Hierarchy [External].

If you have activated virtual time characteristics in the SAP Reference IMG for time characteristics, you can select virtual hierarchies when selecting hierarchies. For more information, see Activate Virtual Time Hierarchy [External].

Procedure You are in the Select Hierarchy dialog box. Here you have the following possibilities:

Select Fixed Hierarchies ... ...

1. Choose Hierarchy Name under the required fixed hierarchy. 2. Choose OK.

Select Variable Hierarchies A hierarchy becomes variable if at least one of its elements (name, version, key date) is variable. ... ...

1. Select Hierarchy Variables. 2. Choose

. The input help for selecting the variable hierarchy opens.

3. Select the required hierarchy and choose OK.

You can also define a new variable and change or delete an existing one. These functions are always available to the right of the Hierarchy Variable entry. 4. Make the required settings for the version and key date. 5. Choose OK.

Note that it is possible to fill the fields for version and key date, only if the characteristic has version-dependent or time-dependent hierarchies.

Defining Selections

Use You can define a query by using Drag&Drop to drag the key figure of the InfoProvider into the Query Designer directories. If you move a key figure into the rows or columns, this key figure automatically becomes part of a structure. You can restrict (filter) the key figure in the structure using one or more characteristic selections. The key figure that is restricted by one or more characteristic selections can be a basic key figure, a calculated key figure, or a key figure that is already restricted.

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Procedure Defining a new selection ...

1. If the query does not yet have any key figure structures, use Drag&Drop to drag a key figure into a directory of the Query Designer. Alternatively, select the header of the directories Rows or Columns and, using the secondary mouse button, select New Structure from the context menu. 2. Select the structure directory, and, using the secondary mouse button, choose New Selection from the context menu. The New Selection entry is inserted and the properties for the selection are displayed in the Properties screen area. 3. Select the New Selection entry and, from the context menu (secondary mouse button), choose Edit. The Change Selection dialog box appears. Make the basic settings on the General tab page. There is a text field for entering a description of the selection in the upper part of the screen.

You can use text variables [Page 406] in the description. Next to that, you can enter a technical name in the Technical Name field. Underneath the text field, on the left of the Detail View, is the directory of all the objects available in the InfoProvider. The empty field for the definition of the new selection is on the right-hand side of the screen: Details of the Selection. 4. Use Drag&Drop to choose a key figure from the InfoProvider, and restrict it by selecting one or more characteristic values. See Restricting Characteristics [Page 371].

You can also use variables in place of characteristic values. However, note that you cannot use the following variable types in selection structure elements for technical reasons: ○

Variables with the process type Replacement with Query (see also Replacement Path: Replacement with Query [Page 425])

Variables that represent a precalculated value set (see also Details [Page 417]). You can use these variable types to restrict characteristics in the rows, columns, or in the filter.

5. Make any necessary settings for the properties of the selection on the other tab pages. See Selection/Formula Properties [Page 450]. 6. Choose OK. The new selection is defined in the structure.

Editing selections ...

1. If you want to change the restriction on a key figure, select the key figure in the structure and choose Edit from the context menu (secondary mouse button). The Edit Selection dialog box appears. 2. Make the required changes to the definition and, if required, in the properties on the associated tab page. 3. Choose OK.

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Marking selections as constant You can mark a selection in the Query Designer as constant. This means that navigation and filtering have no effect on the selection at runtime. This allows you to easily select reference sizes that do not change at runtime. For more information, see Selecting Constants [External].

Defining properties for the selection ...

1. Select the selection in the structure. The properties dialog box is displayed In the Properties screen area. 2. Make the required settings for the technical name, description, display, number format, and calculations in the selection. See Selection/Formula Properties [Page 450].

Defining Formulas

Use You can recalculate the key figures in a structure using a formula. You can include basic key figures, restricted key figures, and calculated key figures in the formula definition.

Procedure Defining a Formula ...

1. If the query does not yet have a key figure structure, create a New Structure in the Rows or Columns of the Query Designer by highlighting the row or column directory using the secondary mouse button and selecting New Structure from the context menu. 2. If the structure does not yet contain any key figures, use Drag&Drop to transfer a (basic) key figure of the InfoProvider into the directory of the new structure. 3. Select the structure directory, and choose New Formula. The New Formula entry is inserted and the properties for the formula are displayed in the Properties screen area. 4. Select the New Formula entry and, from the context menu (secondary mouse button), choose Edit. The Change Formula dialog box appears. Make the basic settings on the General tab page. You enter a description of the formula in the text field provided in the upper part of the screen.

You can use Text Variables [Page 406] in the description. Next to that, you can enter a technical name in the Technical Name field. The formula entry field is below the text fields. The bottom left screen area contains all of the operands available for defining the formula. These are: −

The structure elements that you have already defined for the structure

The cells that you have defined as exception cells

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All form variables On the right side of the screen, you see the functions that are available as operators:

Basic functions

Percentage functions [Page 381]

Data functions [Page 383]

Mathematical functions

Trigonometric functions

Boolean operators [Page 386] Above these two areas, you see the symbols for the basic arithmetic operations. To the right there is a number block. Proceed as follows to define a formula: ○

Choose the required operands and insert them in the Detail View field by double-clicking or by using Drag&Drop.

Choose the calculation functions you want to use by either clicking on the symbols for the basic arithmetic operations, double-clicking on the functions, or using Drag&Drop.

Select the numerical values for the formula by clicking on the number block.

You can also enter digits, parentheses and basic arithmetical operations using the keyboard. 5. Define your formula using the available operands and operators. With each step, the system checks the syntactic correctness of the formula. If the formula is not yet complete and syntactically correct, the erroneous point is underlined in red. The system does not check whether the formula makes sense semantically, for example, if it contains the same units. Semantic checks are performed with the Check Query function, which you can call in the Query Designer Toolbar [Page 358].

If, when defining a formula, you want to use a variable that is not contained in the operands, you must first create the variable. Highlight the Formula Variable entry and, from the context menu, choose New Formula. You reach the variable wizard. This takes you through a step-by-step process for defining a new variable. If you want to change a formula variable, select the variable and, from the context menu, choose Edit. The variables editor appears.

Note that when you execute a query, the key figures are always calculated as the same unit. That is, a formula is semantically incorrect if, for example, a currency unit (for example, USD) is added to a weight unit (for example, kg). If you want to calculate values regardless of the unit, use the function Value Without Dimension (Without Units). See Data Functions [Page 383]. 6. Enter a description of the formula.

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Developing Business Logic 7. Make any necessary settings for the properties of the formula in the other tab pages. See Selection/Formula Properties [Page 450] 8. Choose OK. The new formula is defined in the structure.

Editing a Formula ...

1. Highlight the formula in the structure and, from the context menu, choose Edit. 2. Make the required changes to the formula definition or to the associated tab page in the properties. 3. Choose OK.

Defining Properties for the Formula ...

1. Select the formula in the structure. The Properties screen area is displayed in the properties dialog box. 2. Make the required settings for the technical name, description, display, number format, calculations, aggregation behavior and formula collision in the formula. See Selection/Formula Properties [Page 450]

See Also: Technical Notes about the Formula Operators [Page 387]

Percentage Functions

Use These are functions that you can use as operators for defining a formula or a calculated key figure.

Features Percentage Deviation (%) % This gives the percentage deviation between operand 1 and operand 2. It is identical to the formula 100 * ( - ) / abs() , if does not equal 0 and the character for “Division by 0” if equals 0.

Plan Sales % Actual Sales, expresses, as a percentage, the difference between the plan sales and the actual sales.

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Percentage Share (%A) %A This gives the percentage share of operand 1 and operand 2. It is identical to the formula 100 * / abs() , if does not equal 0 and the character for “Division by 0” if equals 0. Character for “Division by 0”: See SAP Reference IMG → SAP Customizing Implementation Guide → SAP NetWeaver →Business Intelligence → Reporting-Relevant Settings → General Reporting Settings → Display of Numerical Values in the Business Explorer.

Fixed Costs %A Costs expresses what proportion the fixed cost of a product is of the total cost.

Percentage Share of the Result (%CT) %CT This shows how high the percentage share is, with regard to the result. The result is the outcome of aggregating the second highest results level (interim result). If a characteristic has been drilled down upon in both the rows and the columns, this relationship is not unique, causing the system to display the warning, and relevant symbol for Data Does Not Exist. See SAP Reference IMG → SAP Customizing Implementation Guide → SAP NetWeaver → Business Intelligence → Reporting-Relevant Settings → General Reporting Settings → Display of Numerical Values in the Business Explorer.










Result for 1999















Result for 2000 Overall result

%CT ‘Sales’

Percentage Share of the Overall Result (%GT) %GT This shows how high the percentage share is, with regard to the overall result. The overall result is the outcome of aggregating the highest results level. Dynamic filters (filters that have not been determined already in the query definition) also play a role in calculating the overall result.



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%GT ‘Sales’


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Result for 1999













Result for 2000 Overall result

Percentage Share of the Query Result (%CT) This is the same as %GT.

Unlike the process of calculating the overall result, dynamic filters are not used in the calculation of the query result. This means that, independently of the filter status and the navigational state, the same value is always normalized.

Data Functions

Use These are functions that you can use as operators for defining a formula or a calculated key figure.

Features Value = 1 if operand 0, otherwise 0 (numerator) COUNT() Delivers the value 1 if the is 0, otherwise 0.

Processing a Value as a Date DATE The value is seen as the number of days from 00.01.0000 onwards and output as a date. The value can be between 0 and a million, which results in a date between 01.01.0000 and 27.11.2738.

Value = 1 if operand = 0, otherwise 0 DELTA() Delivers the value 1 if the is 0, otherwise 1.

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The function is identical to the NOT operator and should no longer be used.

NDIV0 (x): Equals 0 when divided by 0, otherwise x NDIV() Is 0 if the calculation of causes a division by 0. Otherwise, the result is the value of the expression. It is used to avoid error messages or so that you can continue to calculate a defined result.

Values without Dimensions (without Units) NODIM() Delivers purely numerical values of and suppresses units and currencies.

Using this function, you can avoid the “mixed currency” character. See SAP Reference IMG → SAP Customizing Implementation Guide →Business Intelligence → Reporting-Relevant Settings → General Reporting Settings → Display of Numerical Values in the Business Explorer.

NOERR (x): Equals 0 for undefined calculations, otherwise x NOERR() Is 0 if the calculation of leads to an arithmetical error. Otherwise, the result is the value of the expression. It is used to avoid error messages or so that you can continue to calculate a defined result.

NOERR(SQRT(-1)) = 0

Result SUMCT Delivers the result of the operands to all rows or columns (see also Percentage Functions [Page 381] % CT).










Result for 1999














Result for 2000 Overall result

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SUMCT “Sales”


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Overall result SUMGT Delivers the overall results for the operands (see also Percentage Functions [Page 381] %GT).










Result for 1999














Result for 2000 Overall result


SUMGT “Sales”

Query Result SUMRT Delivers the query result of the operand. For more information about the difference between the overall result and the query result, see Percentage Functions [Page 381] → %GT and %RT.

Processing a Value as a Time TIME The TIME operator takes any key figure or (partial) formula in general and makes a TIME type key figure. Go to the formula editor and, for the operator, double-click the data function Process Value as Time and, for the operand, double-click the key figure you want. For example, the formula is then Time (Sales). The system cuts off the decimal places, interprets the value as seconds, and displays the value in the form +-hh:mm:ss. For example, -4812 is displayed as –1:20:12. Any time is seen as seconds from 00:00:00 and output in hours, minutes and seconds. A TIME type key figure with value 0 is displayed as 00:00:00. Negative times are permitted: With a negative time the system calculates from 00:00:00 backwards. The number of hours can be any amount. After 24 hours the system restarts at 0.

This function is designed for offset calculations, among other things. For example, if you need to deduct four hours with time key figures, then you can set the TIME operator.

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Boolean Operators

Use These are functions that you can use as operators for defining a formula or a calculated key figure.

Features Relational Operators (=) The result is 1 if the relationship denoted by between expression and holds (that is is true), otherwise the result is 0. Only numerical values of and are compared without taking units into account.

Example: Costs < Sales delivers 1 if sales are greater than costs and 0 if costs are greater than or equal to sales.

Logical AND (AND) AND The result is 1 if both and do not equal 0. Otherwise the result is 0. Only the numerical values of and are considered, without taking units into account.

Logical OR (OR) OR The result is 1 if or does not equal 0. Otherwise the result is 0. Only the numerical values of and are considered, without taking units into account.

Logical Exclusive OR (XOR) XOR The result is 1 if either or (but not both) does not equal 0. Otherwise the result is 0. Only the numerical values of and are considered, without taking units into account.

Logical NOT (NOT) NOT The result is 1 if is 0, otherwise the result is 0. Only the numerical value of is considered without taking units into account.

LEAF The result is 0 for results rows or real (inner) nodes of a hierarchy, and the value 1 for elementary rows or the leaves of a hierarchy.

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Developing Business Logic This operator allows you to carry out various calculations on results rows and elementary rows.

Conditional Calculations (IF-THEN-ELSE) You can make conditional calculations using Boolean operators An expression in the form IF THEN ELSE can also be made using a formula in the form * + NOT *

Example: IF Actual Costs > Plan Costs THEN Plan Costs + Plan Deviation ELSE Actual Costs can be written as the following formula: (Actual Costs > Plan Costs)* (Plan Costs + Plan Deviation) + (NOT (Actual Costs > Plan Costs)) * Actual Costs or (Actual Costs > Plan Costs)* (Plan Costs + Plan Deviation) + (Actual Costs
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