Sap Bi Security
October 5, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Maintaining Authorizations in BI/BW SAP BI security is an integral part of any BI implementation. Integrating all the data coming from various source systems and providing the data access based on the user’s role is role is one of the major concerns of all the BI Projects. Security of SAP R/3-ECC systems are systems are based on the activities while SAP BI security is security is focused on what data user can access. Security in BI is categorized by major 2 categories: Administrative Users Users !he way we maintain security for administrative users is same as "## security but we have additional authorization objects in system which are defined only for BI objects. Reporting Users Users $e have separate tools%&nalysis &uthorization' to maintain security for reporting users. !at is Aut!ori"ation #$%ect& #$%ect& It allows to chec( whether a user is allowed to perform a certain action. &ctions are defined on the fields) and each field in authorization object should pass the chec(. $e can chec( all the Standard BI &uthorization *bjects using tcode SU'( tcode SU'( under under the Business $are $arehouse house folder:
$ith the S&P BI +., we have new tool to maintain the reporting level security.. $e can access this new tool using tcode RSECA)*I+ security RSECA)*I+ which which replaces the old -SS tool of B$ /.0.
,, Below are the Step-$y-Step ,, Below Step-$y-Step instructions instructions to create1maintain authorization objects for SAP BI Reporting I am covering the scenario s cenario where each employee %Sales !eam' is a assigned ssigned with one territory number) and the data should be accessible to employee based on their territory only. or this scenario to wor( we have to set security restriction for the corresponding territory In.o#$%ect %34$S5!"-'. , !he first step before we create any Aut!ori"ation #$%ect is to set all the In.o#$%ects as In.o#$%ects as aut!ori"ation relevant for which we want to restrict data access.
Aut!ori"ation #$%ects on In.o#$%ect’s o. type C!aracteristic , or accessing the new &nalysis &uthorization tools we use tcode RSECA)*I+ - Aut!ori"ations Aut!ori"ation s 0a$ - *aintenance Button
# $e can also use tcode RSECAU01 tcode RSECAU01 directly directly to come to maintenance screen:
# $e have to give the technical name of the &uthorization *bject %34$67!"S!' then hit the create button:
# !he very first step of creating any &uthorization *bject is to add the special characteristics as field for restirction:
# !he below 3 c!aracteristics are c!aracteristics are mandatory for defining any Aut!ori"ation #$%ect. #$%ect. If we don8t have this we will get no access to any In.orProvider.. By default this gives us access to all the In.oProvider In.orProvider In.oProvider%ull %ull &ccess') but we can also set the value of In.oProvider for which we want the Aut!ori"ation #$%ect to wor(.
# 9ow I am adding the in.oo$%ect2)S40ER5 the in.oo$%ect2)S40ER5 for which we want to add restriction
in.o$%ect)) and can define the # $e can double clic( on the newly added in.o$%ect value which weusing want #ustomer to allow for this Info*bject. $e can also later set the dynamic value "0it #ode which we will cover in this blog.
Assigning Authorization Authorization objects to Users in BI/BW
Assigning Aut!ori"ation #$%ects to Users , o to the screen %-S"#&4I9') and clic( on assignment assig nment button under user tab:
Authorizations in SAP NW BI
rsecadmin Difference between rssm and rsecadmin Step by Step Step
!ep#rtin$ User De%epper Genera& Genera&
(rsecadmin) Generati#n (rsecadmin) !#&e (pfc$) (pfc$)
Tab&es Tab&es c-ec A,t-#rity c-ec
1. MODELING Diference between rssm and rsecadmin
O&d transacti#n/ RSSM
New transacti#n / RSECADMIN
+#ncept #f a,t-#ri0ati#n/ 'Reporting
+#ncept #f a,t-#ri0ati#n/ 'Analysis Authorization' Authorization'
Authorization' Assi$nement #f !ep#rtin$ a,t-#ri0ati#n/ by pfcg: mass distrib,ti#n #f a,t- by ,sin$ r#&e by RSSM RSSM// $enerati#n way (,se wit,siness +#ntent and f&at fi&es adin$)
Assi$nement #f Ana&ysis a,t-#ri0ati#n / by PFC: PFC: mass mass distrib,ti#n #f a,t- by ,sin$ r#&e3 by RSECADMIN RSECADMIN man,a& man,a& way 45 Assi$nement 45 A,t- se&ecti#n 45Insert3 by RSECADMIN RSECADMIN// $enerati#n way (,se wit- ,siness +#ntent and f&at fi&es adin$)
6,&& A,t-#ri0ati#n/ SAP!A""# SAP!NE$ 6,&& A,t-#ri0ati#n/ SAP!A""# SAP!NE$ %&I!A"": A&w f,&& a,t-#ri0ati#n f#r t-e IO a,t-#ri0ati#n re&e%ant3 Used in t-e a,t-#ri0ati#n #b7ect/ S!RS!A()# Report 'RSEC!ENERA(E!&I!A""' for the SAP!A"" user# user#
ATT! T! can be A,t-#ri0ati#n re&e%ant3 Mo*eling/ IO mared as Authorization rele+ant3 Mo*eling/ rele+ant3 M#de&in$/ IO < Na%i$ati#n AT An IO auth IO auth rele+ant is rele+ant is a,t- re&e%ant f#r a&& t-e c,be -e is rssm enab&e t# flag rele+ant infopro+i*er# infopro+i*er# rss, are ,sed t# c,st#m A,-t-#ri0ati#n #b7ect3 ,sed3
A,t-#ri0ati#n %ariab&e are ,sed in e8 9,ery3 :fc$ t# assi$n rep#rtin$ a,t-#ri0ati#n tr#,$- t-e t -e Ob7ect c&ass/ RSR# 9,ery access mana$e by #b7ect S!RS!C-MP# S!RS!C-MP.# S!RS!C-MP# Area ,tt#n; Access / S!RS!F-"D# S!RS!F-"D#
rsecadmin t# define Ana&ysis a,t-#ri0ati#n wit- sepcia& IO / %(CAAC(0(# %(CAIPR-0# %(CA0A"ID3 %(CA0A"ID3 A,t-#ri0ati#n %ariab&e are ,sed in e8 9,ery3 pfc$ t# assi$n ana&ysis a,t-#ri0ati#n t-r#,$- t-e #b7ect S!RS!A() (Ob7ect +&ass/ RS RS)3 )3 9,ery access mana$e by #b7ect S!RS!C-MP#
A,t-#ri0ati#n f#r +,be3 ODS3 ierarc-y S!RS!C-MP.3 S!RS!C-MP.3 Area ,tt#n; Access / S!RS!F-"D# and inf#set mana$ed by/ S!RS!IC&E# S!RS!-DS-#
A,t-#ri0ati#n f#r +,be and -DS f#r rep#rtin$ ,ser are
mana$ed by t-e specia& a,t-#ri0ati#n c-aracteristic %(CAIPR-0# c-aracteristic %(CAIPR-0# S!RS!IC&E# S!RS!-DS-# S!RS!)IER# S!RS!ISE(/ S!RS!ISE(/ are
n#t c-eced anym#e f#r reporting user . S!RS!IC&E# S!RS!-DS-# S!RS!)IER# S!RS!ISE(: are S!RS!ISE(: are ,sed f#r a&win$ access t# de%epper team3 New #b7ect t# mana$e acess f#r *e+elopper user:
4 New #b7ect a,t-#ri0ati#n f#r = eb app&icati#n Desi$ner > !ep#rt Desi$ner/ S!RS!&(MP# S!RS!&I(M# S!RS!ERP(# S!RS!ERE"/
Step by Step RSSM ?. :re4re@,isites
4 Acti%ate a&& b,siness c#ntent re&ated t#
a,t-#ri0ati#ns bef#re y#, $et started/ Inf#Ob7ects/ ?T+A and ?T+T Inf#+,bes/ ?T+A Set t-e f#&win$ Inf#Ob7ects as a,t-#ri0ati#n re&e%ant/ %(CAAC(0( re&e%ant/ %(CAAC(0( %(CAIPR-0 %(CA0A"ID %(CA12FNM (#pti#na&3 %(CA12FNM (#pti#na&3 if ey fi$,re restricti#n needed) Add %(CAIFAREA %(CAIFAREA as as an e8terna& -ierarc-y c-aracteristic t# %INF-PR-0 %INF-PR-0 (#pti#na&) (#pti#na&) 1. Set Master data
RSA. 34 Info-56ects 34 &usiness E7plorer (a5 34
Authorization rele+ant rele+ant
Flag 'Authorization rele+ant
RSA. 34 Info-56ects 34 &usiness E7plorer (a5 34 Flag 'Authorization rele+ant RSA. 34 Info-56ects 34 Attri5ute Attri5u te (a5 34 Flag 'AuthorizRele+ant'
2. +reate A,t-#ri0ati#n
RSSM 45 Enter t-e name #f y#,r A,t-#ri0ati#n #b7ect
Ob7ect; Ana&ysis
45 +reate 45 :,t IO A,t-#ri0ati#n re&e%ant in t-e
se&ected Info-56ects Info-56ects part part 45 Sa%e
'. Set Inf# pr#%ider
RSSM 45 RSSM 45 Se&ect/ B+-ec f#r Inf# +,besB 45 +-an$e 45 6&a$ t-e re&ated Inf# +,bes
*. +reate EC %ariab&e
1. !i$-t c&ic #n t-e IO 45 c-##se B!estrictB
f#r a,t-#ri0ati#n
2. +-##se BSe&ecti#nB BSin$&e a&,eB and Bfr#m ierarc-yB Bf&at &istB If a -ierarc-y e8ists3 se&ect t-e -ierarc-y f#r t-e IO '. G# #n t-e %ariab&es tab 45 !i$-t c&ic 45 BNew %ariab&eB *. 6#r a restricti#n wit-#,t wit -#,t -ierarc-y3 t-e type #f %ariab&e is B+-aracteristic a&,eB and if y#, -a%e c-##se a -ierarc-y3 t-e type #f %ariab&e is Bierarc-y n#deB F. Se&ect a %ariab&e name > a descripti#n . +-##se B:r#cessin$ byB/ BA,t-#ri0ati#nB t-en c-ec t-e c-aracteristic and c&ic Bne8tB H. +-##se t-e disp&ay area f#r f #r t-e %ariab&e 45 ariab&e represents/ BSin$&e a&,eB #r BSe&ecti#n Opti#nB . +-##se if t-e %ariab&e entry is Opti#na& #r mandat#ry3 J. D#nBt se&ect B!eady f#r inp,tB and B+an be c-an$ed in @,ery na%i$ati#n 1?. Ne8t t# t-e end
F. Insert A,t-#ri0ati#n in !#&e . Assi$n A,t-#ri0ati#n;
T-e IO a,t-#ri0ati#n re&e%ant are authorization rele+ant f#r a&& c,bes
!#&e t# Users
"e$%rtin& ser' A(t)%ri*ati%n +%r End ser
S,"S,AT!' Insert here the Analysis Authorization you customize in Rsecadmin. Allow right on IO marked as 'authorization relevant' (Data) S,"S,COMP : S,"S,COMP : uery Accessi!ility Accessi!ility Activity Activity:: -1 Create %r &enerate/0 -2 C)an&e/0 - Dis$a Dis$a3/0 3/0 -4 Deete/0 14 E5ec(te/0 22 Enter0 Inc(de0 Assi&n/ In+%Area' 676 In+%C(be' "#elected in$o%rovider& In+%C(be' ame (ID) o$ a re%orting com%onent: "#elected uery& y%e y%e o$ a re%orting re%orting com%one com%onent: nt: *+, (*alcula (*alculated ted key -gu -gure) re) /0 ( (uery uery /iew) R12 (uery) R+, (Restricted key -gure) #O3 (#election o!4ect ew o!4ect 555) #R (em%late structure) /AR (/aria!le) S,"S,COMP1 : uery $or s%eci-c users S,"S,8OLD ( 6ide ',older' 2ush!utton): ',alse' or 'rue' S,SE",AG"' Role S,SE",AG"' Role ame S,"S,9ITM : 555 10 555 S,"S,9ITM : S,"S,9TMP S,"S,9TMP : : 555 10 555
S,DE;ELOP S,"O,9CT"A 7in S,"O,9CT"A 7in 1** side $or activate (remote) Datasource S,"S,9C S,"S,9CS S,GI S,"S,DS' Authorizations S,"S,DS' Authorizations $or working with the DataS%(rce the DataS%(rce or its s(b#' and to map it in SAP B to B to maintian consistency between the two systems the of @for interest are: (5 tables 066PR @for Structural Aut!ori"ation pro.iles '5 066UA '5 066UA @for @for user assignments 35 066UU 35 066UU @for @for users users %in %in this table you can select s elect the users for e0traction. ou ou can either select all or specific users' Structural Aut!ori"ations in SAP B !he following steps show the way Structural &uthorization is enforced in SAP B7 !he following steps to be carried out in the mySAP my SAP ERP 1C* system. 1C* system.
(5 #all program R1BAUS8' (5 #all R1BAUS8' for for uploading uploading !able !able 066UU 066UU and and enter users. '5 #all '5 #all program R1BAUUS88 for generating an indeF for indeF for structural authorization profile 35 &ctivate 4ata source 81R@PA@'7 35 !he following steps to be carried out in the SAP B system B system
(5 (5 -eplicate -eplicate )ata source source 81R@PA@' '5 &ctivate '5 &ctivate *4S In.oProvider In.oProvider 81R@PA@' 35 #reate 35 #reate an In.oPacGage In.oPacGage to to perform an e0traction for 81R@PA@' 5 5oad 5 5oad *4S data from myS&P "-P ># 5 ar( In.o#$%ects In.o#$%ects as as relevant for authorization %In order to use structural aut!ori"ations in aut!ori"ations in SAP B) B) all characteristic values li(e position: employee etc. etc. which are relevant relevant to to reporting should be mar(ed as aut!ori"ation relevant In.o#$%ects.' In.o#$%ects.' D5 #reate reporting authorization objects D5 65 5in( authorization objects to In.oCu$es J' #all program RSSB@?enerate@Aut!ori"ations7 RSSB@?enerate@Aut!ori"ations7
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