Sap Basis Admin Book

January 28, 2017 | Author: karthiekchowdary | Category: N/A
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Implement a powerful end-to-end SAP administration solution tion, maintenance, and support information in this comprehensive resource. SAP® Basis Administration Handbook, NetWeaver Edition delivers integrated management strategies covering both ABAP and Java stacks. Discover how to deploy components, accurately size throughput, configure Oracle databases, back up your system, and repair performance problems. Career trends, certification requirements, and marketable SAP Basis skills are also discussed in this practical guide.

Essential Skills for SAP Professionals Plan, prepare, and install SAP NetWeaver Application Server

Resolve performance issues and startup problems

Set up, configure, and troubleshoot Java and ABAP stacks

Access SAP support infrastructure through SAP Service Marketplace

Establish server infrastructure and efficiently balance workloads

Manage and back up Oracle databases using BR*TOOLS

Incorporate transport management and software logistics

Perform system copies, stack upgrades, and OS/DB migrations

Ranjit Mereddy, an SAP certified technical consultant, has 12 years of experience in SAP NetWeaver/Basis technical architecture, enterprise architecture, and administration. He has led several successful SAP implementations as an SAP technical team lead. $70.00 USD


Get peak performance from your SAP ERP infrastructure using the detailed implementa-

SAP Basis Administration Handbook

Enterprise Applications

SAP Basis Administration Handbook NetWeaver Edition ®

Essential Skills for SAP Professionals rchitect and implement SAP • Ainfrastructure solutions

NetWeaver Edition

dminister and troubleshoot ABAP • Aand Java stack implementations


Ranjit Mereddy



une performance, generate • Tbackups, and maintain databases

CompRef8 / SAP® Basis Administration Handbook, NetWeaver Edition / Mereddy / 348-7



SAP NetWeaver Introduction and Architecture

Chapter 1 SAP NetWeaver and Business Suite Introduction Chapter 2 SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP Overview Chapter 3 SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java Overview Chapter 4 SAP ERP Integration Overview with Other Systems

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SAP NetWeaver and Business Suite Introduction


AP is the world’s largest business software company, headquartered in Walldorf, Germany. There are 121,000 SAP installations worldwide with more than 86,000 customers operating in 120 countries. SAP business applications are installed in 25 different industries, and more than 12 million users work every day with SAP solutions. SAP business applications run on the NetWeaver technology platform. Administering the SAP NetWeaver platform and its plethora of SAP business applications in a mission-critical environment is not only challenging, but also offers a rewarding career for IT professionals. A key resource in any new SAP implementation or production support organization is the Basis administrator of the SAP system. SAP Basis administration involves all of the system administration activities of the NetWeaver technology platform. A Basis administrator commands top salaries and a stable job with excellent career progression opportunities in an organization.

Objective The main objective of this book is to provide a handbook for all major SAP Basis administration skills necessary to manage a SAP NetWeaver platform. I will be sharing practical Basis experience and best practices that I have accumulated over the last 12 years as SAP Basis administrator and technical architect. This objective will be accomplished by providing a high-level overview for each of the major SAP Basis system administration skill areas, followed by specific tools, techniques, and procedures for performing the activities.

Audience This book is written for the following audiences: •• A new SAP Basis administrator assigned to work on a SAP implementation by the organization, or a prospective SAP Basis administrator. •• An experienced SAP Basis administrator needing a handbook to perform complex SAP Basis tasks, such as homogeneous and heterogeneous system copies, dual-stack SAP upgrades, performance tuning, performing SAP database redirected restores, and so on.


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Part I: 

SAP NetWeaver Introduction and Architecture

•• A SAP Basis administrator who is strong in SAP ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) system administration and who would like to pick up SAP Java system administration skills. •• A SAP Basis administrator who is strong in SAP Java system administration and would like to pick up SAP ABAP system administration skills. •• A SAP technical architect who would like a handbook for planning and performing activities, such as SAP sizing and SAP application technical integration to enterprise backup software, such as Tivoli, and so on. •• A technical architect who would like to understand how SAP will integrate with the organization’s data center operations and plan for sizing and architecting the needed infrastructure for rolling out the solution. •• An enterprise architect who would like to understand how a SAP infrastructure footprint could be integrated within enterprise architecture standards. •• A university professor or college lecturer who would like a reference book in SAP NetWeaver platform technology for teaching and training requirements.

Brief History of SAP SAP was started in 1972 by five former IBM employees with a vision of creating a standard application software for real-time business processing. SAP stands for Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing. Since its inception SAP has issued several releases, such as SAP R/1, SAP R/2, and SAP R/3. The R in these releases stands for “Real-Time” data processing. The 3 in the R/3 stands for three-tier client-server architecture. The most current release of SAP is SAP Business Suite 7. Table 1-1 lists the major SAP releases and the release year.

Year Released

SAP Release



End of 1970s





SAP R/3 Release 4.0B


SAP R/3 Release 4.5B


SAP R/3 Release 4.6B


SAP R/3 Release 4.6C


SAP R/3 Enterprise Release 4.70


SAP ECC 5.0 ERP (mySAP ERP 2004)


SAP ECC 6.0 ERP (mySAP ERP 2005)


SAP Business Suite 7 (ERP 6, Enhancement Package 4)

Table 1-1  Major SAP Releases

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Chapter 1: 

S A P N e t We a v e r a n d B u s i n e s s S u i t e I n t ro d u c t i o n


SAP Basis Skill Set Evolution

SAP Releases


Required Skills

SAP R/1 and R/2

Mainframe, IBM database systems

Basis administration in a mainframe environment with IBM database skills



Basis administration in a client-server environment with skills in multiple databases (Oracle, DB2, and SQL Server) and operating systems (UNIX flavors, Windows, and AS/400)

SAP R/3 4.6C and 4.7

Client-server, web application server

Addition of ITS (Internet Transaction Server) and web application server skills

SAP ECC 5.0/6.0

NetWeaver Application Server ABAP and Java, serviceoriented architecture

Java skills become important, along with the skills listed for the previously mentioned releases

SAP Business Suite 7

NetWeaver Application Server ABAP and Java, service-oriented architecture, Business Process Platform, Composite Application Platform

SAP ABAP administration skills SAP Java administration skills SAP service-oriented architecture skills SAP business applications such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) , CRM (Customer Relationship Management), SRM (Supplier Relationship Management), PLM (Product Lifecycle Management), SCM (Supply Chain Management) NetWeaver Stack administration skills such as Business Intelligence (BI), Process Integration (PI), NetWeaver portals, Master Data Management (MDM), Development Infrastructure (DI), Mobile Infrastructure (MI), etc. SAP BusinessObjects SAP Solution Manager and SAP NetWeaver Administrator


With the evolution of the SAP releases over time, the skill set required to perform the SAP Basis job has also evolved. Table 1-2 lists the major SAP releases and skill evolution from a Basis administration perspective. This book addresses the skill sets required for performing SAP Basis administration activities for the most current SAP Business Suite 7 release level. SAP Business Suite applications run on top of SAP NetWeaver Application Server. Both ABAP and Java system administration activities of the SAP NW AS will be covered in this handbook. This book will cover NW 7.0 and NW 7.1 releases.

Table 1-2  SAP Basis Skill Set Evolution

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Part I: 

SAP NetWeaver Introduction and Architecture

SAP Business Suite 7 On May 5, 2009, SAP successfully completed the ramp-up of SAP Business Suite 7 and made it available to the general public. The SAP Business Suite 7 is composed of ERP 6.0 with Enhancement Package 4, SAP CRM 7.0, SAP SCM 7.0, SAP PLM 7.0, and SAP SRM 7.0. This release of SAP is service-oriented, with 2,800 enterprise services delivered. SAP Business Suite 7 applications run on top of the SAP NetWeaver 7.0 technology platform. Major software updates to SAP Business Suite 7 are released in the form of Enhancement Packages (Figure 1-1). SAP delivers separate Enhancement Packages for the NetWeaver technology stack. SAP Business Suite 7 is delivered as a “synchronized release” for all major SAP applications that includes SAP CRM 7.0, SAP SCM 7.0, SAP SRM 7.0, and SAP PLM 7.0. Table 1-3 identifies the key customer requests that SAP has addressed with the new release of SAP Business Suite 7.

Brief Overview of SAP NetWeaver Technology Stack SAP Business Suite applications run on a NetWeaver application server ABAP, or Java, or both, depending upon the usage types (software units) that are needed to implement a given business scenario. Table 1-4 lists the usage types (software units) that are available during the installation process. NetWeaver usage types are software units that are to be installed and configured as per the requirement of a given business scenario. Usage types can be combined with others in one system or can be run separately in different systems. The AS ABAP and AS Java NetWeaver usage types are also used as a foundation for other units.

Figure 1-1  SAP Business Suite 7 with Enhancement Packages


EhP2 EhPn


EhP2 EhPn






SAP Business Suite Application


EhP2 EhPn

SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Technology Platform

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Chapter 1: 

S A P N e t We a v e r a n d B u s i n e s s S u i t e I n t ro d u c t i o n

SAP Business Suite Offering

Performing upgrades every other year is disruptive, expensive, and not sustainable for businesses running SAP software.

Offers “Enhancement Packages” for SAP Business applications that provide incremental innovations without business disruption. No major upgrades once customer is on SAP Business Suite 7.

5-1-2 maintenance strategy is short and expensive after five years. (Five years mainstream maintenance, with additional support through extended maintenance for one year with 2% fee increase, and an additional two years with 4% fee increases.)

SAP introduced 7-2 maintenance strategy starting November 2008. Offers seven years of mainstream maintenance and an additional two years of extended maintenance with 2% additional fee.

Installing and upgrading industry solutions is complicated in an ERP system.

SAP industry solutions are now integrated into the ERP core and do not require separate installation. Needed industry solutions can be activated in the ERP system with a concept called the “switch framework.”

Use of service-oriented architecture is not clearly defined.

SAP Business Suite comes with 2,800 enterprise services. More bundles are under development and will be released in the near future.

Leveraging cross-application business processes is not clearly defined.

SAP is offering numerous “value scenarios” that increase business value to the customers by leveraging cross-system business processes.

More operational business intelligence and analytics for better decision making.

Delivers embedded analytics by integrating business objects into the SAP Business Suite.

Administration of SAP system is getting difficult and expensive with a complex portfolio of business applications.

Solution Manager is leveraged for monitoring and administering the entire SAP business suite.


Key Customer Request


Table 1-3  SAP Business Suite Key Value Propositions Software Unit (Usage Type)


Depends On


NetWeaver Application Server ABAP

AS Java

NetWeaver Application Server Java

BI Java

NetWeaver Business Intelligence Java

AS Java, EP, EP Core


NetWeaver Development Infrastructure

AS Java


NetWeaver Enterprise Portal

AS Java

EP Core

NetWeaver Enterprise Portal Core

AS Java


NetWeaver Mobile Infrastructure



NetWeaver Process Integration


Table 1-4  Available Usage Types with NetWeaver Installation

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Part I: 

SAP NetWeaver Introduction and Architecture

Single-Stack System A single-stack system is defined as a SAP system with either SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP or AS Java as the foundation usage type. Examples of single-stack systems are SAP Enterprise portal system running on NetWeaver AS Java as a foundation unit.

Dual-Stack System A dual-stack system is defined as a SAP system where both SAP AS ABAP and AS Java are used as foundation units. An example of a dual-stack system is SAP Process Integration. A dual-stack system has one SID (System Identifier) and exactly one database with two different schema names (one for ABAP and one for the Java stack).

Dual Stacks vs. Separated Stacks With the introduction of Business Suite 7 the official SAP recommendation is to install AS ABAP and AS Java capabilities as separate single-stack systems when the installation options support this. This is referred to as a “separated stack” install. The latest versions of installation tools starting with SAP NetWeaver 7 Enhancement Package 1 reflect this recommendation. For example, if a customer wants to install a business intelligence (BI) solution, then it is recommended to install BI ABAP components (BI Content) on a single system with AS ABAP and BI Java usage types in another separate system. Some solutions (Process Integration, Mobile Infrastructure, and Solution Manager) are mandatory dualstack installations at this time. Starting with SAP NetWeaver Mobile Infrastructure 7.1, a dual-stack installation is no longer required. SAP is supporting existing systems with dualstack installations, and will offer an upgrade path to move to separated stack architecture. SAP technical architects and enterprise architects should be aware of this new development and formulate the technical blueprint and capacity planning accordingly.

SAP Basis Administrator vs. SAP NetWeaver Administrator “What’s in a name? That which we call a SAP Basis administrator by any other name would be as challenging.” Since its inception SAP has considered the role “Basis administrator” to be the resource responsible for performing all system administration activities for an organization that is either implementing a new SAP solution or building a production support organization. With the release of the SAP NetWeaver technology platform a few years back, SAP has tried to brand the role as “SAP NetWeaver administrator.” Despite SAP’s best intentions, however, the name “SAP Basis administrator” seems to have stuck in terms of usage by the SAP world. The evidence is in the frequent usage of the term in all major job boards, usage by the project team and PMO (Project Management Office), and usage by corporate HR departments. For discussion purposes, in this book we use the terms “SAP Basis administrator” and “SAP Basis administration” to include all system administration activities of a NetWeaver technology platform, including the newly released SAP Business Suite 7.

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Chapter 1: 

S A P N e t We a v e r a n d B u s i n e s s S u i t e I n t ro d u c t i o n


Summary •• Business Suite 7 is the most current release of SAP.


•• SAP system administration and technical architecture work are challenging and yet provide a rewarding career for an IT professional. •• Business Suite 7 includes SAP ERP 6 with Enhancement Package 4, CRM 7.0, SCM 7.0, SRM 7.0, and PLM 7.0. •• The key benefits of Business Suite 7 are improved functionality, no major upgrades required, incremental innovation is delivered with the Enhancement Package concept, and 7-2 maintenance strategy. •• SAP NetWeaver usage types include AS ABAP, AS Java, BI, PI, EP, EP Core, DI, and MI. •• SAP ABAP and Java administration skills are needed to perform the job of a Basis administrator of the NetWeaver technology stack and business suite applications. •• Single-stack, dual-stack, and separated stack install options are available, depending upon the solution required. •• The SAP Landscape Governance Board is making a separated stack install recommendation where offered by the SAP installer for several SAP solutions.

Additional Resources •• SAP NetWeaver Products overview •• SAP System Landscape Governance Board recommendations .com/irj/scn/index?rid=/media/uuid/806c3398-a5ab-2d10-eb90-f364fa65c3b8# •• SAP System Landscape Design Links

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