Sap Accounting Entries

July 17, 2016 | Author: Saurabh Ranajn | Category: N/A
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Sap Accounting Entries...


Accounting Entries in SAP S No


T Code

Other Info

GL Account

Accounting Entry


Procure to Pay Cycle 1

Goods Receipt without QA Check


Mvt 101


Goods Receipt with QA Check


Mvt 103


Release GR Blocked Stock


Mvt 105


Excise Invoice Posting



Service Entry Sheet




Invoice Verification - LIV

Invoice Verification OF Custom duty /freight etc



202000 106608 106604 106606

Dr. Inventory A/c Cr. GR/IR Clearing A/c Cr. Freight Clearing A/c Cr. Customs Duty Clearing A/c

Upto 202029 If any. Same like to other Provision A/c If any

No Accounting Entry

202000 106608 106604 106606 402200

Dr. Inventory A/c Cr. GR/IR Clearing A/c Cr. Freight Clearing A/c Cr. Customs Duty Clearing A/c Dr/Cr Price Difference A/c

Upto 202029

208001 208061 208081 208460

Dr. CENVAT Input BED A/c Dr. CENVAT Input ECS A/c Dr. CENVAT Input SHE A/c Cr. CENVAT Input Clearing A/c

Upto 208011 Upto 208071 Upto 208091


Dr. Expense A/c Cr. GR/IR Clearing A/c

106608 208460 205305 106000

Dr. GR/IR Clearing A/c Dr. Cenvat Input Clearing A/c Dr. VAT Receivable A/c Cr. Vendor A/c (Accounts Payable)

Upto 106008

106606 106604 106000

Dr. Custom Duty Clearing A/c Dr. Frieght Clearing A/C Cr. Vendor A/c (Accounts Payable)

Upto 106008

If any. Same like to other Provision A/c If any If there is any change in price, between GR & IR


Payment to Vendor

F-53 / F-58

106000 103502

Dr. Vendor A/c (Accounts Payable) Cr. Bank Account A/c

Upto 106008


Payment to Foreign Vendor

F-53 / F-58

106000 103502 407901

Dr. Vendor A/c (Accounts Payable) Cr. Bank Account A/c Dr/Cr Exchange Fluctuation A/c

Upto 106008

Production Related Transactions 10 Goods Issued to Production


Mvt 261

401000 202000

Dr. Material Consumption A/c Cr. Inventory A/c

Upto 401006 Upto 202029

11 Goods Receipt to Warehouse from Process Order


Mvt 101

202000 402000

Dr. Inventory A/c Cr. Change in Inventory A/c

Upto 202029

12 Variance Calculation on Prodction Order Settlement


402200 402000

Dr/Cr Price Difference A/c Cr/Dr Change in Inventory A/c

This is month end process

13 WIP Calculation


202036 402001

Dr. WIP Account Cr. Change in WIP A/c

This is month end process

Order to Cash Cycle 14 Goods Delivery to Customer - PGI (Outbound Delivery)


15 Raising of Sales Invoices


16 Raising of Excise Invoices


402300 202000

Dr. Cost of Goods Sold A/c Cr. Inventory A/c

203000 301000 208440 106100 106613 106615 406005 106615 406003

Dr. Customer A/c ( Accounts Receivable) Cr. Sales A/c Cr. CENVAT Output Clearing A/c Cr. VAT Payable A/c Cr. Pro Fright O/w Claim A/c Cr. Pro Export Exp A/c Dr. Freight Outward-XP A/c Cr. Pro Export Exp A/c Dr. Commissn On XP Sales A/c

If any. Collecting from Customer If any. Not Collecting from Customer. Freight Outward - XP A/c is Expense A/c If any. Not Collecting from Customer. Commissn On XP Sales A/c is Expense A/c

208440 106201 106221 106241

Dr. CENVAT Output Clearing A/c Cr. Excise BED Payable A/c Cr. Excise ECS Payable A/c Cr. Excise SHE Payable A/c

Upto 106211 Upto 106231 Upto 106251

Upto 202029

Upto 203004 Upto 301004

17 Accounting Entry in case of Sale of Scrap


203000 302027 208440 106100 106126

Dr. Customer A/c ( Accounts Receivable) Cr. Income From Scrap Sale A/c Cr. CENVAT Output Clearing A/c Cr. VAT Payable A/c Cr. TCS - Scrap Sales

18 Raising of Excise Invoices for Scrap


208440 106201 106221 106241

Dr. CENVAT Output Clearing A/c Cr. Excise BED Payable A/c Cr. Excise ECS Payable A/c Cr. Excise SHE Payable A/c

Upto 106211 Upto 106231 Upto 106251

103501 203000

Dr. Bank Account A/c Cr. Customer A/c ( Accounts Receivable)

Upto 203004

103501 203001 407901

Dr. Bank Account A/c Cr. Customer A/c ( Accounts Receivable) Dr/Cr Exchange Fluctuation A/c

19 Receipt of Amount from Customer

20 Receipt of Amount from Foreign Customer



Upto 203004

Sub Contracting 21 When Goods Issued to Sub Contractor

No Accounting entry

22 Goods receipt from Sub Contractor

23 Invoice Verification Job Work

24 Payment to Vendor


F-53 / F-58

401000 202000 403019 106608 202021 402000

Dr Material Consumption A/c Upto 401006 Cr Inventory A/c Upto 202029 Dr Sub Contracting Charges A/c Cr GR/IR Clearing A/c Dr Inventory Semi Finished / Finished GoodsUpto 202029 Cr Change in Inventory A/c

106608 208501 106000

Dr. GR/IR Clearing A/c Dr. Service Tax Unpaid A/c Cr. Vendor A/c (Accounts Payable)

106000 103502

Dr. Vendor A/c (Accounts Payable) Cr. Bank Account A/c

Upto 208551 Upto 106008

Upto 106008

Service Tax Entries 25 FI Invoice Booking with Service Tax

FB60 208501 208521 208541 106000

Dr. Expense A/c Dr. Service Tax Unpaid A/c Dr. Service Tax ECS Unpaid A/c Dr. Service Tax SHE Unpaid A/c Cr. Vendor A/c (Accounts Payable)

Upto 208511 Upto 208531 Upto 208551 Upto 106008

26 Transfer of Service Tax Unpaid to Service Tax Paid


208501 208521 208541 208601 208521 208541

Dr. Service Tax Paid A/c Dr. Service Tax ECS Paid A/c Dr. Service Tax SHE Paid A/c Cr. Service Tax Unpaid A/c Cr. Service Tax ECS Unpaid A/c Cr. Service Tax SHE Unpaid A/c

Upto 208511 Upto 208531 Upto 208551 Upto 208651 Upto 208531 Upto 208551

27 Service Tax Utilization


106201 106221 106241 208001 208061 208081 208601 208621 208641 208301 208361 208381

Dr. Excise BED Payable A/c Dr. Excise ECS Payable A/c Dr. Excise SHE Payable A/c Cr. CENVAT Input BED-RG23A A/c Cr. CENVAT Input ECS-RG23A A/c Cr. CENVAT Input SHE-RG23A A/c Cr. Service Tax Paid A/c Cr. Service Tax ECS Paid A/c Cr. Service Tax SHE Paid A/c Cr. PLA BED A/c Cr. PLA ECS A/c Cr. PLA SHE A/c

Upto 106211 Upto 106231 Upto 106251 Upto 208011 Upto 208071 Upto 208091 Upto 208611 Upto 208631 Upto 208651 Upto 208311 Upto 208371 Upto 208391

GTA Entries 28 GTA Invoice Bookin - Credit Available


208700 208710 208720 106300 106310 106320

Dr. GTA ST Receivable Dr. GTA ST ECS Receivable Dr. GTA ST SHE Recble Cr. GTA STax Payable Cr. GTA EC STax Payable Cr. GTA SHEC STax Payble


208730 208730 208730 106300 106310 106320

Dr. GTA Refundable Dr. GTA Refundable Dr. GTA Refundable Cr. GTA STax Payable Cr. GTA EC STax Payable Cr. GTA SHEC STax Payble


405013 405013 405013 106300 106310 106320

Dr. Service Tax Dr. Service Tax Dr. Service Tax Cr. GTA STax Payable Cr. GTA EC STax Payable Cr. GTA SHEC STax Payble

(GTA Service Tax on Inward )

29 GTA Invoice Bookin - Refundable (GTA Service Tax on Export )

30 GTA Invoice Bookin - No Refund & No Credit (GTA Service Tax on Outward )

CIN / Exsice Entries 31 Inward Excise Invoice Posting - Goods Receipt


208001 208061 208081 208460

Dr. CENVAT Input BED A/c Dr. CENVAT Input ECS A/c Dr. CENVAT Input SHE A/c Cr. CENVAT Input Clearing A/c

32 Invoice Verification


106608 208460 205305 106000

Dr. GR/IR Clearing A/c Dr. Cenvat Input Clearing A/c Dr. VAT Receivable A/c Cr. Vendor A/c (Accounts Payable)

Upto 208011 Upto 208071 Upto 208091

Upto 106008

33 Raising of Sales Invoices


203000 301000 208440 106100

Dr. Customer A/c ( Accounts Receivable) Cr. Sales A/c Cr. CENVAT Output Clearing A/c Cr. VAT Payable A/c

Upto 203004 Upto 301004

34 Payment of Exise duty in PLA


208401 103502

Dr. PLA Hold A/c Dr. Bank A/c

Upto 208411

35 Updation of TR6


208301 208321 208341 208401

Dr. PLA BED A/c Dr. PLA ECS A/c Dr. PLA SHE A/c Cr. PLA Hold A/c

Upto 208311 Upto 208331 Upto 208351 Upto 208411

36 Monthly Utilization


106201 106221 106241 208001 208061 208081 208601 208621 208641 208301 208361 208381

Dr. Excise BED Payable A/c Dr. Excise ECS Payable A/c Dr. Excise SHE Payable A/c Cr. CENVAT Input BED-RG23A A/c Cr. CENVAT Input ECS-RG23A A/c Cr. CENVAT Input SHE-RG23A A/c Cr. Service Tax Paid A/c Cr. Service Tax ECS Paid A/c Cr. Service Tax SHE Paid A/c Cr. PLA BED A/c Cr. PLA ECS A/c Cr. PLA SHE A/c

Upto 106211 Upto 106231 Upto 106251 Upto 208011 Upto 208071 Upto 208091 Upto 208611 Upto 208631 Upto 208651 Upto 208311 Upto 208371 Upto 208391

37 Inward Excise Invoice Posting - Asset Receipt

208101 208161 208181 208201 208640

Dr. CENVAT Input BED RG23C A/c Dr. CENVAT Input ECS RG23C A/c Dr. CENVAT Input SHE RG23C A/c Dr. CENVAT Hold RG23C A/c Cr. CENVAT Input Clearing A/c

Upto 208111 Upto 208171 Upto 208191 Upto 208211

38 Outward Excise Invoice Posting - Asset Sale

208440 106201 106221 106241

Dr. CENVAT Output Clearing A/c Cr. Excise BED Payable A/c Cr. Excise ECS Payable A/c Cr. Excise SHE Payable A/c

203000 500100 208440 208440

Dr. Customer A/c Cr. Clearing Account - Sale of Assets Cr. CENVAT Output Clearing A/c Cr. CENVAT Output Clearing A/c

39 Raising of Sales Invoices - for Asset


Upto 106211 Upto 106231 Upto 106251

Upto 203004


Cr. CENVAT Output Clearing A/c

Other Transactions 40 Advance Payament to Vendors


205912 103502

Dr. Vendor A/c (Advance Payment Vend) Cr. Bank A/c

41 Advance Receipt from Customers


103501 106901

Dr. Bank A/c Cr. Customer A/c (Adv Pmt frm Customer)

For foreign Vendors 106902

BRS Transactions 42 Outgoing Checks


103502 103500

Dr. Outgoing checks A/c Cr. Main Bank A/c

43 Incoming Checks


103500 103501

Dr. Main Bank A/c Cr. Incoming A/c

44 Direct Deposit in Bank


103500 103503

Dr. Main Bank A/c Cr. BRS A/c

45 Bank Charges


407007 103500

Dr. Bank Charges A/c Cr. Main Bank A/c

46 Interest Received


103500 103503

Dr. Main Bank A/c Cr. BRS A/c

Other Inventory Transactions 47 Stock Transfer from Plant to Plant


202000 202000

Dr. Inventory A/c ( Receiving Plant) Cr. Inventory A/c ( Sending Plant)


Dr/Cr Price Difference A/c

Upto 202029 Upto 202029 (Due to any difference between the standard costs between the two locations)

48 Revaluation of Stock


202000 401028

Dr/Cr Inventory A/c Dr/Cr Gain/Loss from Revaluation A/c

Upto 202029

49 Physical verification / Shortages and excesses


202000 401018

Dr/Cr Inventory A/c Dr/Cr Inventory Difference A/c

Upto 202029

50 Goods issue for Sampling


Mvt 333

401000 202000

Dr. Material Consumption A/c Cr. Inventory A/c

Upto 401006 Upto 202029

51 Goods issue for Scrapping


Mvt 551

401022 202000

Dr. Scrap Loss A/c Cr. Inventory A/c

Upto 202029

52 Goods issue for Scrapping through Quality Inspection


Mvt 551

401022 202000

Dr. Scrap Loss A/c Cr. Inventory A/c

Needs to assign Cost Center

53 Goods issue to Cost Center


Mvt 201


Dr. Material Consumption A/c

Upto 401006


Cr. Inventory A/c

Upto 202029

Asset Transactions

In Rubamin there is no direct asset procurement. It is routed through internal orders only 54 Asset Receipt


55 Settlement of Internal Order ( First level settlement of Internal Order )

Mvt 101

410045 106608

Dr. Capital Expenditure A/c Cr. GR/IR Clearing A/c

For asset procurement all asset materials to be created under Valuation class 9100 only.


500012 410045

Dr Capital Work In Progress A/c Cr. Capital Expenditure A/c

56 Settlement of Internal Order ( First level settlement of Internal Order )


500000 500012

Dr Asset A/c Cr Capital Work In Progress A/c

Upto 500009 based on Asset Class

57 Depreciation Posting


408000 550000

Dr. Depreciation A/c Cr. Accumulate Depreciation A/c

Upto 408012 Upto 550008

58 Asset transfer Plant to Plant


500000 500000

Dr Asset A/c Dr Asset A/c

Upto 500009 based on Asset Class Upto 500009 based on Asset Class Here Cost Center/ Profit Center / Plant will be changed

59 Retairement of Asset


500000 550000 500100 405032

Cr. Asset A/c Dr. Accumulate Deprecition A/c Dr. Clearing Account - Sale of Assets Dr/Cr Profit / Loss on Sale of Asset

Upto 500009 Upto 550008

60 A/c Entry at the time of Sale document


203000 500100 208440 208440 208440

Dr. Customer A/c Cr. Clearing Account - Sale of Assets Cr. CENVAT Output Clearing A/c Cr. CENVAT Output Clearing A/c Cr. CENVAT Output Clearing A/c

Upto 203004

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