sap abap sample report

December 25, 2016 | Author: Vijaya Rami Reddy Kolli | Category: N/A
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Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ 1.What is Report and the Purpose of Reports in real time ? Report is displaying the application data in the required format. Technically speaking, a report is an executable program with three stage function: DATAINPUT (Selection Screen) DATA PROCESSING (SELECT Statements) DATAOUTPUT. (Write, Skip, Uline, Vline etc to Output the Data).


SAP Institutes

Selection Screen O (Input)

Database Retrieval Logic


Ratings ----------1 E001 eMAX 2 I001 iMAX 3 R001 Reliance 4 E002 Epic 5 V001 Version IT

Database Purpose : It helps to analyze the current situation and also for decision


I.e to Decide the right Institute using the above Report. Real time Report Scenarios : i.e. to stop the Purchases from the Specific Vendors, the Purchasing Department need a report for Vendor Evaluation and to terminate the employees from the Organization ,the HR Department need one report with Employee Performance etc.

2.How to Skip Lines on the Selection Screen ? SELECTION-SCREEN SKIP . Page 1 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ 3.The Role of Dynamic Internal Table SCREEN in Screen MODIFY . And How to Modify the Screen/Selection Screen ? The Purpose of Moifying the Screen is that certain field on the screen • • • •

Appear only in certain conditions. Are in Change/Display mode according to user inputs. Becomes mandatory subject to specific inputs. Changes it’s format depending upon certain conditions.

Note:Every time the screen is displayed, it considers the attributes from The Dynamic Internal table SCREEN and Display it. So that to modify the Selection /Normal Screen it is enough to MODIFY the internal table SCREEN accordingly. Note:The Processing Logic to MODIFY the SCREEN table Should be Executed Under Event AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT for Selection Screen. PROCESS BEFORE OUTOUT for Normal Screen. Modify the Screen At the runtime, attributes for each screen field is stored in a system defined internal table with header line called as SCREEN TABLE. It contains name of field and its attributes. This table can be modified during the runtime.

Screen table has following fields.

Page 2 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ FIELD NAME LENGTH DESCRIPTION _____________ __________ ______________________ NAME GROUP1 GROUP2 GROUP3 GROUP4 ACTIVATE ready for Input REQUIRED INPUT OUTPUT INTENSIFIED INVISIBLE LENGTH DISPLAY 3D VALUE_HELP

30 3 3 3 3 1

Name of screen field Field belongs to field group1 Field-grp-2 Field -grp-3 Field -grp-4 Field is visible &

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Field input is mandatory Field ready for input Field for display only Field is highlighted Field is suppressed output length is reduced Displayed with 3D frame Displayed with value help



Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ LOOP AT SCREEN. IF R_PRE = 'X' AND SCREEN-NAME = 'P_APP'. SCREEN-INPUT = 0. MODIFY SCREEN. ELSEIF R_APP = 'X' AND SCREEN-NAME = 'P_PRE'. SCREEN-INPUT = 0. MODIFY SCREEN. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. OutPut : Input is enabled Only for the Presentation Server for the

Select the Application Server Radiobutton and Notice the Result.

Page 4 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __

Input is enabled Only for the Application Server for the

4.How to Place the PUSH Buttons(Function Keys) On Application Tool Bar of the Selection Screen ? Note : Go through the Below Program to Understand it in Detail. TABLES sscrfields. data : it_t001 like table of t001. data v_bukrs type bukrs value 'BUKRS'. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF block B0 WITH frame title text-000. PARAMETERS: p_kunnr TYPE kunnr, p_ktokd TYPE ktokd. SELECTION-SCREEN end OF block B0. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF block B1 WITH frame title text-001. PARAMETERS: p_lifnr TYPE lifnr, p_ktokk TYPE ktokk. Page 5 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ SELECTION-SCREEN end OF block B1. SELECTION-SCREEN: FUNCTION KEY 1, FUNCTION KEY 2. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF SCREEN 500 . PARAMETER : NAME1 AS CHECKBOX, ORT01 AS CHECKBOX, LAND1 AS CHECKBOX. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF SCREEN 500. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF SCREEN 5000 . PARAMETER : NAME AS CHECKBOX, p_sortl AS CHECKBOX, p_ort01 AS CHECKBOX, p_ort02 AS CHECKBOX, p_regio AS CHECKBOX. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF SCREEN 5000. INITIALIZATION. sscrfields-functxt_01 = 'Customer Data'. sscrfields-functxt_02 = 'Vendor Data'. AT SELECTION-SCREEN. CASE sscrfields-ucomm. WHEN'FC01'. CALL SELECTION-SCREEN 500 STARTING AT 10 10. WHEN 'FC02'. CALL SELECTION-SCREEN 5000 STARTING AT 10 10. ENDCASE.

Output : Notice the Pushbuttons On the Application Toolbar and Select the Customer Page 6 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __

Similarly Select the Vendor

Page 7 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __

5.How to Place the PUSH buttons(Function Keys) On Selection Screen? By using SELECTION-SCREEN PUSHBUTTON USER-COMMAND . 6.Can We Place More than One Selection Screen Element in One Line , If Yes , How ? YES. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF LINE. {List Of PARAMETERs to be Included} SELECTION-SCREEN END OF LINE. NOTE:When we group more than One Selection Screen element in the same line, the selection texts/Default Names are disappeared and so the same can be done through SELECTION-SCREEN 10(20) COMMENT . Page 8 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ 7.How to Validate the Selection Screen , and How important it is to Validate the Selection Screen ? Note:Before we Leave the Input Screen , the input should be validated Either to retrieve the Data from the Database or to update the database tables as the input data should be always VALID. We Can Say , the Input is Valid Only when the corresponding Master Data table has at least one entry for the given Input V. So Use SELECT UP TO 1 ROWS to read one record, if found display the User Friendly Information on the Selection Screen itself.

valid else,

Note : Displaying the Information on the Selection Screen is Always through Messages. The Messages Should be Called through the EVENTs. AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON to Validate Single Field. AT SELECTION-SCREEN is to Validate all the Selection Screen Elements. Message Calling : MESSAGE E (Message Class) WITH … 8.What is the difference between SELECT SINGLE ' and SELECT UP TO 1 ROWS? Note : Both retrieves Only One Record Always. SELECT SINGLE Syntax

1 2 Page 9 of 98 Adimulam


It Reads the First Record Found(May not be Exact) The WHERE Condition Should The WHERE Condition Include all the Primary Keys Can have the Part of the Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ To Identify the record Uniquely. Primary Key. 3 Prefer this to read the Exact Prefer this to Validate Information. Input as we are not Interested with the Exact Match. Because a record is Valid if at least one record found. Note1 : When we Don’t Pass all the Primary Keys in the SELECT SINGLE , it Acts as SELECT UP TO 1 ROWS, but doesn’t throw error. Note 2 : If the Input is SELECT-OPTIONS We cannot expect SINGLE Record and where as we can expect UP TO 1 ROWS because it can be any record for the Input Range.

9.What is sequence of event triggered in report? 1)



At Selection-Screen






Get Late






Top-of-Page-During Line-Selection




At Line Selection

Page 10 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ 11)

At User Command


At PF (nn)

10.What are the system fields you have worked with? Explain? 1)



Central Database








Operating System




SAP Release




System Name




User Logon Language








Logon User Name




Local Date




Server Date



Local Time



Server Time



14) SY-REPID -

Current ABAP program



Transaction Code



Horizontal Line

Page 11 of 98 Adimulam

Screen Number

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ 17) SY-VLINE


Vertical Line



Number of current loop Pass



Current line of internal table



Number of table entries processed



Return Code



Function Code



Page Length of list



Current Line



Current Page Number



Index of List



Message Class



Message Number



Message Type



Spool number during printing

11.What are control level processing and events(Statements)in a


Control level processing (Contol Break Statements): Control level processing is allowed within a LOOP over an internal table. This means that you can divide sequences of entries into groups based on the contents of certain fields. Page 12 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ Internal tables are divided into groups according to the sequence of the fields in the line structure. The first column defines the highest control level and so on. The control level hierarchy must be known when you create the internal table. The control levels are formed by sorting the internal table in the sequence of its structure, that is, by the first field first, then by the second field, and so on. Tables in which the table key occurs at the start of the table are particularly suitable for control level processing. The AT statement introduces a statement block that you end with the ENDAT statement. AT . {Statement Block} ENDAT. The Effect of the following control level changes: AT FIRST AT LAST AT NEW

Meaning First line of the internal table Last line of the internal table Beginning of a group of lines with the same contents in the field and in the fields left of End of a group of lines with the same contents in the field and in the fields left of


Within the loop, you must order the AT-ENDAT statement blocks according to the hierarchy of the control levels. If the internal table has the columns , , ...., and if it is sorted by these columns, you must program the loop as follows:

LOOP AT . AT FIRST. ... ENDAT. AT NEW . ...... ENDAT. AT NEW . ...... ENDAT. ....... Page 13 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ ....... AT END OF . ... ENDAT. AT END OF . ... ENDAT. AT LAST. .... ENDAT. ENDLOOP. You do not have to use all control level statements. But you must place the used ones in the above sequence. You should not use control level statements in loops where the line selection is restricted by WHERE or FROM and TO. Neither should the table be modified during the loop. If you are working with a work area , it does not contain the current line in the AT... ENDAT statement block. All character fields to the right of the current group key are filled with asterisks (*). All other fields to the right of the current group key contain their initial value. Within an AT...ENDAT block, you can calculate the contents of the numeric fields of the corresponding control level using the SUM statement. SUM. You can only use this statement within a LOOP. If you use SUM in an AT - ENDAT block, the system calculates totals for the numeric fields of all lines in the current line group and writes them to the corresponding fields in the work area (see example in ). 12.Difference Between AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON and AT SELECTION-SCREEN and when exactly we go for AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON and AT SELECTION-SCREEN ? Name of the Event AT SELECTION-SCREEN

Page 14 of 98 Adimulam

Triggering This event is processed before leaving the Selection Screen i.e. when the selection screen has been

Purpose To Validate the input provided through Selection Screen. Note: If an error message occurs in this processing block, the selection screen is redisplayed with

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ processed (at the all of its fields ready for end of PAI once input. This allows you to the ABAP check input values for runtime consistency. environment has passed all of the input data from the selection screen to the ABAP program). AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON This event is . processed before leaving the Selection Screen Element.

To Validate the Individual (Single)Input provided through Selection Screens. Note: It Displays Only this particular Field if the Input is In Valid.

Note : We Always Validate the Only the Related Fields through AT SELECTION-SCREEN as enabling one field for INPUT is not enough , we need to enable all the Field from the Group. Example: Company Code 1000 Plant P001 Storage Location -----If there are no Storage locations from plant P001 , Changing Only the Storage Location is not enough , we need change both Plant and Storage Location Combination and Some all Company Code, Plant and Storage Location Combination. 13.The Importance Of AT SELECTION SCREEN OUTPUT ? This is Modify the Selection Screen. Note : For More Details, Refer Question 3. Page 15 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ 14.How Many times the Event INITIALIZATION Triggers while displaying the list of 20 Pages ,and also TOP-OF-PAGE ? Initialization triggers only one time and TOP-OF-PAGE will trigger 20 times. 15.What is Message Class and types Of Messages and the role of PlaceHolders(&) in Messages ? Message class is to maintain all the messages, each message is identified with 3 digit number between 000 and 999. Types of messages : A E I S W X 1) A (abend) --- Termination. 2) E (error) --- Error. 3) I (info) --- Information. 4) S (status) --- Status message. 5) W (warning) -- warning. 6) X (Exit) --- Exit. Note : Messages are stored in table T100, and can be maintained using Transaction SE91. Place Holders : Syntax to Display Message : MESSAGE (Message ID) . Addition : WITH f1 ... f4 . Effect : The contents of the fields f1 are inserted into the message text to replace the placeholders &1. If you used unnumbered placeholders in your message text (&), they are replaced successively with the contents of the Fields F1 to F4. Page 16 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ To make messages easier to translate, ensure that you use numbered placeholders ( &1 to &4) if you need to insert more than one variable in a message text. PARAMETER P_WERKS TYPE WERKS DEFAULT ‘1000’. PARAMETER P_LGORT TYPE LGORT DEFAULT ‘0001’. Example : MESSAGE S009(ZEMAX) WITH P_WERKS P_LGORT. - The Storage Location &1 doesn’t exist from Plant &2. Result of the Message : The Storage Location 0001 doesn’t exist from Plant 1000. Note : The &1 is replaced with P_LGORT and &2 WITH P_WERKS. 16.What is Text Symbol and the importance of Text Symbol ? Text symbol is used to provide titles for blocks in the SELECTION SCREEN, Comments on the SELECTION SCREEN, Column Headings While Displaying the Data. Note : Language Translations can be maintained for Text Symbols so that the same Output and Selection Screen can be used in all the required Regional Languages by Simply maintaining the same ,instead of Re-write the program in the regional language. 17.What is text element and the importance of Text Element in Reports ? Text elements allow you to store texts without hard-coding them in your program. You can maintain text elements outside the program in which they are used (choose Go to -> Text elements in the Editor). They are particularly important for texts in applications that will be translated into other languages ABAP has the following kinds of text element: Program title Page 17 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ List heading Column heading Selection texts (for texts belonging to selection criteria and program parameters) Text symbols (constant texts) 18.What is FOR ALL ENTIRES and the mandatory things to be Checked While Using FOR ALL Entries ? You can use the option FOR ALL ENTRIES to replace nested select loops by operations on internal tables. This can significantly improve the performance for large sets of selected data. "For all entries in" 3 pitfalls : select shkzg wrbtr saknr "debit/credit indicator, amount, GL acct from bseg into table t_bseg for all entries in it_bkpf where belnr = it_bkpf-belnr and bukrs = 'CUR '. This is the equivalent of saying "select distinct shkzg wrbtr saknr" Duplicates are removed from the answer set as if you had specified "SELECT DISTINCT"... So unless you intend for duplicates to be deleted include the unique key of the detail line items in your select statement. It will only pick up one line item if multiple line items appear with the same debit/credit indicator, amount and GL Account. If you want all occurrences of these you must have a select statement that includes the table's unique key, also called primary key. Instead Do: SELECT bukrs belnr gjahr buzei shkzg wrbtr saknr "bseg unique key + d/c ind, amt, GL acct from BSEG into table t_bseg for all entries in t_bkpf where belnr = t_bkpf-belnr and bukrs = 'CUR '. FOR ALL ENTRIES IN...acts like a range table, so that if the "one" table is empty, all rows in the "many" table are selected. Therefore make sure you check that the "one" table has rows before issuing a select with the "FOR ALL ENTRIES IN..." clause. Page 18 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ IF NOT IT_BKPF IS INITIAL. SELECT BUKRS BELNR GJAHR BUZEI SHKZG WRBTR SAKNR "BSEG UNIQUE KEY + d/c ind, amt, GL acct FROM BSEG INTO TABLE IT_BSEG FOR ALL ENTRIES IN IT_BKPF where belnr = it_bkpf-belnr and bukrs = 'CUR '. ENDIF.

"if there are any projects

Note:So that having the IF NOT IT_BKPF IS INITIAL. Is Mandatory. If the parent table (it_bkpf) is very large there is performance degradation 19.Explain INNER and OUTER Joins ? Specifying Two or More Database Tables as an Inner Join In a relational database, you normally need to read data simultaneously from more than one database table into an application program. You can read from more than one table in a single SELECT statement, such that the data in the tables all has to meet the same conditions, using the following join expression: Join Syntax : SELECT ~f1 ~f2 ~f3 ~f4 ~f5 ~f6 INTO TABLE FROM INNER[LEFT OUTER JOIN] ON ~f1 = ~f2 (Join Condition) WHERE . (Other than Common Fields). Page 19 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ INNER JOIN : Inner join expression links each line of (Left Hand Side Table/Master Table )with the lines in (Right Hand Side Table/Transactional Table )that meet the Join condition . This means that there is always one or more lines from the right-hand table that is linked to each line from the left-hand table by the join. If does not contain any lines that meet the Join condition, the line from is not included in the selection. LEFT Outer Join : In an inner join, a line from the left-hand database table or join is only included in the selection if there is one or more lines in the right-hand database table that meet the ON(Join) condition. The left outer join, on the other hand, reads lines from the left-hand database table or join even if there is no corresponding line in the righthand table.

Page 20 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ Example for Both Inner and Outer Join : Entries from KNA1

Entries From KNBK(Bank Details).




018301004245 010098236655




E001 E001


018301004245E001 eMAX ICICI 010098236655E001 eMAX SBI I001 iMAX

018301004245 010098236655

20.What is Interactive Report and Importance Of the Same ? Interactive Reports: Display the Summarized Information as the First List And letting the USER Interaction for the Detailed Info. NOTE:Each interactive list event creates a new detail list.With one ABAP Program ,You can maintain one basic list and upto 20 detail lists.If the User creates a list on the Page 21 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ next level(that is,SY_LSIND increases),the System stores the previous list and displays the new one.The user can interact with whichever list is currently displayed. 21.What are the Different types Of User Interaction in Interactive Reportsand the Corresponding Events Triggered for Each type Of User Interaction ? User can interact

Line Selection (Double click) Event:

User Commands (Click on Function Key )



Note:The List Index SY-LSIND will be incremented by 1 for each user Interaction. It is ZERO for Basic List , 1 for 1st 2nd ry, 2 for 2nd ry etc.upto 20 As We Can Generate Upto 20 Levels. 22.What are the Useful System Variables in Interactive Reports ? SY-LISEL -Selected Line Contents SY-LSIND - List Index SY-LILLI - Selected Line No SY-UCOMM - Funcion Code of the Selected Function Key. 23.What is Role Of SET PF-STATUS in Reports ? SET PF-STATUS... Basic form 1 SET PF-STATUS . Additions: 1. ... EXCLUDING f or ... EXCLUDING itab Page 22 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ Effect of EXCLUDING Deactivates one or more of the status functions, so that they cannot be selected. Specify the appropriate function codes using one of the following: A field f or a literal which contains a function code An internal table itab which contains several function codes 24.Explain the Interactive Techniques(HIDE,SY-LISEL,GET CURSOR) in Detail ? a)WORKING WITH HIDE TECHNIQUE: LOOP AT IT_T001 INTO WA_T001. WRITE : / WA_T001-BUKRS , WA_T001-BUTXT, WA_T001-ORT0. HIDE : WA_T001-BUKRS. ENDLOOP. Actual List From WRITE

Copy in HIDE Area From HIDE

E001 eMAX I001 iMAX

E001 eMAX I001 iMAX

NOTE: HIDE should be always after the output (write) statement..Hide area and maintains the copy of the output(corresponding) list. NOTE:When the user interacts with any line from any level,the system checks for the corresponding ‘HIDE’ area and Picks up the corresponding selected line contents, If HIDE Area Found, it stores the selected line Contents Back from HIDE Area to the variables(WA) through which the HIDE area is generated. b)GET CURSOR Page 23 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ It is used to pass the output fields or output line on which the cursor was positioned during the interactive event to the abap program Syntax : GET CURSOR FIELD VALUE . Which returns the Selected Field Name and Selected Field Value. c)SY-LISEL Contents of the line from which the event was triggered d)READ LINE To read the line from list after an interactive list event READ LINE FIELD VALUE INTO . 25.What is the Role of SY-UCOMM in Interactive Reports ? When the user interacts with any of the application on the tool bar the event “AT USER COMMAND” will be triggered at the same time the function code of the selected button will be saved into the system variable “SY-UCOMM” 26.Explain the Purpose Of Each event in Both Classical and Interactive Reports ? EVENTS :Name of the Event INITIALIZATION


Page 24 of 98 Adimulam

Triggering This event occurs before the standard selection screen is called. This event is processed before leaving the Selection Screen i.e. when the selection screen has been processed (at the end of PAI once the ABAP runtime environment has

Purpose To initialize the input fields of the standard selection screen To Validate the input provided through Selection Screen. Note: If an error message occurs in this processing block, the selection screen is redisplayed with all of its fields ready for input. This allows you to check input values for consistency.

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ passed all of the input data from the selection screen to the ABAP program). START-OF-SELECTION: This event occurs Note:-The REPORT statement after the selection always executes a START-OFscreen has been SELECTION implcitly processed and consequently all processing before data is read logic using the logical i.e, non-declarative database. statements that occur between the REPORT or PROGRAM statement and the first processing block are also processed in the START-OFSELECTION block. TOP-OF-PAGE: This is a list This allows you to define processing event output which supplements the executed before the standard page header at the first data is output beginning of the page. on a new page. This is processed only when generating basic list. This is only executed before outputting the first line using any output statement such as write , uline, skip on a new page. Note: It is not triggered by a NEW-PAGE statement. Page 25 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ END-OF-PAGE:

This will be This is used to print the same triggered when it Footer details for all the pages. reaches the End-OfPage.


This is the last of the events called by the runtime environment to occur. It is triggered after all of the data has been read from the logical database, and before the list processor is started.

Used to print the final output . Used to print Grand Totals when working with Logical Database.

Trigger for Line Selection from the Output List AT USER-COMMAND Triggers for the User Interaction through Function Keys TOP-OF-PAGE DURING Triggers On top of LINE-SELECTION each Secondary List

Used to Print the Secondary List based on the Selected Line Contentes To Validate User Command and Display the secondary list .


To Print the Header On the Secondary Lists

30. How to Print Different Page Headers On Each Page using the TOP-OFPAGE ? TOP-OF-PAGE. CASE SY-PAGNO. Page 26 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ WHEN 1. WRITE ‘PAGE1’. WHEN 2. WRITE ‘PAGE2’. WHEN OTHERS. WRITE ‘OTHERS’. ENDCASE. 31. What Happens If the Same EVENT is written twice in the Program ? START-OF-SELECTION. Write / ‘Welcome to eMAX’. START-OF-SELECTION. Write / ‘Welcome to eMAX’. Both the START-OF-SELECTION will be Executed in the Same Order. Out Put : WelCome to eMAX WelCome to eMAX 32.List down any 15 tables and 5 fields from Each Table from Modules MM,SD,FI and HR?

List of MM Tables : Table EBAN


Description Purchase Requisition

FiledNam Description BSAKZ Control indicator for purchasing document type LOEKZ Deletion indicator in purchasing document STATU Processing status of purchase requisition ESTKZ Creation indicator (purchase requisition/schedule lines) FRGKZ Release indicator Purchasing Info INFNR Number of purchasing info record Record: General MATNR Material number Data MATKL Material group LIFNR Vendor's account number LOEKZ Purchasing info: General data flagged for deletion

Page 27 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __

Table T001L

Description Storage Locations


T001W Plants/Branches






Page 28 of 98 Adimulam

Description Plant Storage location Description of storage location Division Negative stocks allowed in storage location Client Plant Name Valuation area Customer number of plant Number of reservation/dependent requirements Origin Check date against factory calendar Base date for reservation User name Client Number of reservation/dependent requirements Item number of reservation/dependent requirements Record type Requirement type

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __

Table Description MLGN Material Data for Each Warehouse Number


LGBKZ MARA General Material MANDT Data MATNR ERSDA ERNAM MARC Plant Data Material

Page 29 of 98 Adimulam


Description Client Material number Warehouse Number / Warehouse Complex Deletion flag for all material data of a warehouse number Storage section indicator Client Material number Creation date Name of Person who Created the Object Date of last change Client Material number Plant Maintenance status Flag Material for Deletion at Plant Level

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __

Table MARM

Description Units of Measure for Material



Description Client Material number Alternative unit of measure for stockkeeping unit Numerator for Conversion to Base Units of Measure Denominator for conversion to base units of measue Client Material number Language key Material description Material description in upper case for matchcodes Client Warehouse Number / Warehouse Complex Storage Type Storage bin Storage section




Hazardous number Region code Storage class Water classification




Storage bins


Hazardous materials


REGKZ LAGKL WGFKL Page 30 of 98 Adimulam



Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ Table VBAK

Description FiledNam Sales Document: VBELN Header Data ERDAT ERZET ERNAM






Sales Flow




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Description Sales document Date on which the record was created Entry time Name of Person who Created the Object Quotation/Inquiry is valid from Sales document Material number Sales document item Material number Material entered Billing document Billing type SD document category Billing category SD document currency Billing document Billing item Higher-level item in bill of material structures Actual billed quantity Sales unit Preceding sales and distribution document Preceding item of an SD document Subsequent sales and distribution document Subsequent item of an SD document Document category of subsequent document Invoice list Invoice list item Billing document Net value in document currency Tax amount in document currency Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

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Table VBEH





Description FiledNam SCHEDULE LINE VBELN HISTORY POSNR ETENR ABRLI ABART Sales ETENR DocumentSchedule ETTYP Line Data LFREL EDATU EZEIT Sales Document: MANDT Header Status and VBELN Administrative Data RFSTK RFGSK BESTK Sales Document: MANDT Item Status VBELN

Description Sales document Sales document item Schedule line Internal delivery schedule number Release type Schedule line Schedule line category Item is relevant for delivery Schedule line date Arrival time Client Sales and distribution document number Reference document header status Total reference status of all items Confirmation status Client Sales and distribution document number Item number of the SD document Reference status Overall status of reference Client Customer number Credit limit: Total limit across all control areas Credit limit: Limit for individual control area Currency Key

POSNR RFSTA RFGSA Customer master MANDT credit KUNNR management: KLIMG Central data KLIME WAERS

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Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ Table KNKK

Description FiledNam Customer Credit KKBER Control Data KKBER KKBER KLIMK KNKLI


General Data in MANDT Customer Master KUNNR LAND1 NAME1 ORT01 Customer Master MANDT (Company Code) KUNNR BUKRS PERNR SPERR Customer Master MANDT (BANK KUNNR DETAILS) BANKS BANKL BANKN Customer Payment MANDT History KUNNR BUKRS AUFZD





Description Client Customer number Credit control area Customer's credit limit Customer's account number with credit limit reference Client Customer number COUNTRY1 NAME1 CITY Client Customer number Company Code Personnel Number Posting block for company code Client Customer number Bank country key Bank key Bank account number Client Customer number Company Code Date as from when the payment history was recorded Calendar Year Client Customer number Company Code Dunning Area Dunning procedure

JAH01 Customer master MANDT (dunning data) KUNNR BUKRS MABER MAHNA

List of HR TABLEs: Page 33 of 98 Adimulam

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Description HR master record, infotype 0160 (Family allowance)

FiledNam CDANF TPAN1 NRCT1 TPAN2 RECOM HR Master Record: BAREA Infotype 0167 PLTYP (Health Plans) BPLAN BENGR BSTAT Customer Master PERNR (Company Code) SUBTY OBJPS SPRPS

Description Family allowance indicator Family allowance type Number of member for count type Family allowance type Total income Benefit area Benefit plan type Benefit plan Benefit first program grouping Benefit second program grouping Personnel number Subtype Object Identification Lock Indicator for HR Master Data Record Number of Infotype Record With Same Key Benefit type of plan enrollment Benefit adjustment reason Benefit period for calculations Benefit employee pre-tax contribution amount Benefit EE pre-tax contribution percentage Type of family record Date of Birth Country of Birth Nationality Gender Key Educational establishment Institute/location of training Country key Education/training Duration of training course


HR Master Record: ENRTY Infotype 0169 EVENT (Savings Plan)) PERIO EEAMT EEPCT



HR Master Record: FAMSA Infotype 0021 FGBDT (Family) FGBLD FANAT FASEX HR Master Record: SLART Infotype 0022 INSTI (Education) SLAND AUSBI ANZKL

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Description HR Master Record: Infotype 0023 (Other/Previous Employers)

FiledNam ARBGB ORT01 LAND1 BRANC TAETE HR Master Record: QUALI Infotype 0024 AUSPR (Qualifications) RESE1


HR Master Record: Infotype 0025 (Appraisals)


HR Master Record: Infotype 0008 (Basic Pay)


HR Master Record: Infotype 0009 (Bank Details)


HR Master Record: Infotype 0005 (LeaveEntitlement)

Page 35 of 98 Adimulam

Description Name of employer City Country key Industry key Job at former employer(s) Qualification key Proficiency of a Qualification/Requirement Reserved Field/Unused Field of Length 2 Name of appraiser Personnel number Appraisal date Flag: Affects remuneration Indicator: Notified Group number (appraisals) Pay scale type Pay scale area Pay Scale Group Pay Scale Level Date of next increase Operation Indicator for Wage Types Standard value Standard Percentage Payment Method Payee Text Leave year Start of leave Start of leave Leave type Leave entitlement


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eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ Table PA0045



Description HR Master Record: Infotype 0045 (Company Loans)

FiledNam EXTDL DATBW DARBT DKOND TILBG HR Master Record: FEORD Infotype 0074 FGPCT (Leave Processing FTPCT - DK) FPFRE

Description External Reference Number Approval date Loan amount granted Loan conditions Repayment start Leave provision - Denmark Vacation Bonus Savings Percentage Rate - Denmark Percentage of Vacation Bonus (Denmark) Vacation Bonus / Transfer / Payment Frequency Insurance Type Indicator Insurance company master JPN Insurance No. Insurance deduction of monthly payroll Insurance Bonus deduction

HR Master Record: INSID Infotype 0143 INSCC (Life Insurance JP) INSNR INSMP INSBP

FICO TABLES: Page 36 of 98 Adimulam

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Page 37 of 98 Adimulam

Organizational Unit: Shipping MANDT Points VSTEL FABKL VTRZT ADRNR Accounting: Secondary Index MANDT for Customers (Cleared Items) BUKRS UMSKS UMSKZ Accounting: Secondary Index BUKRS for Vendors (Cleared Items) LIFNR UMSKS UMSKZ AUGDT Accounting: Secondary Index MANDT for G/L Accounts (Cleared BUKRS Item) HKONT AUGDT AUGBL

Description Application Output type Sales organization Distribution channel Division Client Route Outdated: Transit Time from GI to Ship-to Party (in Days) Transit duration in calendar days Client Shipping point/receiving point Factory calendar key Rounding-up period for delivery scheduling (in days) Address Client Company Code Special G/L Transaction Type Special G/L Indicator Company Code Account number of vendor or creditor Special G/L Transaction Type Special G/L Indicator Clearing Date Client Company Code General ledger account Clearing Date Document Number of the Clearing Document

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ Table BSID

Description FiledNam Accounting: Secondary Index UMSKS for Customers UMSKZ AUGDT AUGBL ZUONR Accounting: Secondary Index LIFNR for Vendors UMSKS UMSKZ AUGDT Accounting: Secondary Index HKONT for G/L Accounts AUGDT AUGBL





Bank master record



Accounting Document Header


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Description Special G/L Transaction Type Special G/L Indicator Clearing Date Document Number of the Clearing Document Assignment number Account number of vendor or creditor Special G/L Transaction Type Special G/L Indicator Clearing Date General ledger account Clearing Date Document Number of the Clearing Document Assignment number Fiscal year Bank country key Bank key Date on which the record was created Name of person who created the object Client Company Code Accounting document number Fiscal year Document type Client Company Code Accounting document number Fiscal year Number of Line Item Within Accounting Document

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eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

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Table CSKS

Description Cost Center Master Data


Cost Center Texts


Activity master


Activity type texts


Cost Center / Activity Type


Cost center /cost element

Page 39 of 98 Adimulam


Description Client Controlling Area Cost Center Valid to date Valid-from date Client Language key Controlling Area Cost Center Client Controlling Area Activity Type Valid to date Valid-from date Client Language key Controlling Area Activity Type Controlling Area Cost Center Activity Type Fiscal year Cost collector key Client VERSIONS Controlling Area Fiscal year Cost Center

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Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ Table CEPC

Description Profit Center Table



Description Profit center Valid to date Controlling Area Valid-from date Created on


26.Explain the Flow Of MM,SD,FI/CO ? Page 40 of 98 Adimulam

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MM Organization Structure Client

Company code 1

Purchasing Organization

Purchasing Organization 2

Company code 2

1 Plant 1

Storage location



Plant 2

Storage location 2


Plant 4

Plant 3

Storage location 1



The Key Terms Used in MM. Page 41 of 98 Adimulam

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A Client is the highest unit within an SAP system and contains Master records and Tables. Data entered at this level are valid for all company code data and organizational structures allowing for data consistency. User access and authorizations are assigned to each client created. Users must specify which client they are working in at the point of logon to the SAP system. A Company is the unit to which your financial statements are created and can have one to many company codes assigned to it. A company is equivalent to your legal business organization. Consolidated financial statements are based on the company’s financial statements. Companies are defined in configuration and assigned to company codes. Each company code must use the same COA( Chart of Accounts) and Fiscal Year. Company Codes are the smallest unit within your organizational structure and is used for internal and external reporting purposes. Company Codes are not optional within SAP and are required to be defined. Financial transactions are viewed at the company code level. Company Codes can be created for any business organization whether national or international. It is recommended that once a Company Code has been defined in Configuration with all the required settings then other company codes later created should be copied from the existing company code. You can then make changes as needed. This reduces repetitive input of information that does not change from company code to company code as well as eliminate the possibility of missed data input.

Page 42 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ Plant : is an Organizational Logistics Unit that Structures the Organization From the Perspective of Production, Procurement and Materials Planning. • A purchasing organization is an organizational level that negotiates conditions of purchase with vendors for one or more plants. It is legally responsible for completing purchasing contracts. • A purchasing group is the key for a buyer or group of buyers responsible for certain purchasing activities. Storage location : is an organizational unit that allows the differentiation of material stocks within a plant. Inventory Management on a quantity basis is carried out at storage location level in the plant. Physical inventory is carried out at storage location level. The Key Areas in Materials Management : 1. Purchasing(Procurement) 2. Materials Requirement Planning(MRP) 3. Inventory Management & Physical Inventory

1) Purchasing(Procurement) (MM Flow) Purchasing is a component of Materials Management (MM). The Materials Management (MM) module is fully integrated with the other modules of the SAP System.

Procurement / Purchasing Flow : Page 43 of 98 Adimulam

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Process Flow in Detail : The typical procurement cycle for a service or material consists of the following phases: Determination of Requirements Materials requirements are identified either in the user departments or via materials planning and control. (This can cover both MRP proper and the demand-based approach to inventory control. The regular checking of stock levels of materials defined by master records, use of the order-point method, and forecasting on the basis of past usage are important aspects of the latter.) You can enter purchase requisitions yourself, or they can be generated automatically by the materials planning and control system. 1.Source Determination The Purchasing component helps you identify potential sources of supply based on past orders and existing longer-term purchase agreements. This speeds the process of creating requests for quotation (RFQs), which can be sent to vendors electronically via SAP EDI, if desired. 2.Vendor Selection and Comparison of Quotations The system is capable of simulating pricing scenarios, allowing you to compare a number of different quotations. Rejection letters can be sent automatically. 3.Purchase Order Processing The Purchasing system adopts information from the requisition and the quotation to help you create a purchase order. As with purchase requisitions, you can generate Pos yourself or have the system generate them automatically. Vendor scheduling agreements and contracts (in the SAP System, types of longer-term purchase agreement) are also supported.

4.Purchase Order Follow-Up

Page 45 of 98 Adimulam

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eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ The system checks the reminder periods you have specified and - if necessary automatically prints reminders or expediters at the predefined intervals. It also provides you with an up-to-date status of all purchase requisitions, quotations, and purchase orders. 5Goods Receiving and Inventory Management :Goods Receiving personnel can confirm the receipt of goods simply by entering the Po number. By specifying permissible tolerances, buyers can limit over- and under deliveries of ordered goods. 6.Invoice Verification The system supports the checking and matching of invoices. The accounts payable clerk is notified of quantity and price variances because the system has access to PO and goods receipt data. This speeds the process of auditing and clearing invoices for payment. 7.Payment Processing

Integration Purchasing communicates with other modules in the SAP System to ensure a constant flow of information. For example, it works side by side with the following modules: Controlling (CO) The interface to the cost accounting system (Controlling) can be seen above all in the case of purchase orders for materials intended for direct consumption and for services, since these can be directly assigned to a cost center or a production order. Financial Accounting (FI) Purchasing maintains data on the vendors that are defined in the system jointly with Financial Accounting. Information on each vendor is stored in a vendor master record, which contains both accounting and procurement information. The vendor master record represents the creditor account in financial accounting. Page 46 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ Through PO account assignment, Purchasing can also specify which G/L accounts are to be charged in the financial accounting system.

Sales and Distribution (SD) Within the framework of materials planning and control, a requirement that has arisen in the Sales area can be passed on to Purchasing. In addition, when a requisition is created, it can be directly assigned to a sales order. Purchasing Document Definition A purchasing document is an instrument used by Purchasing to procure materials or services. The following list shows the various external purchasing documents available in the standard SAP System. (Note: purchase requisitions are not included on this list because they are usually regarded as internal documents used within Purchasing and are therefore treated separately.)

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eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

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Request for quotation(RFQ) Transmits a requirement defined in a requisition for a material or service to potential vendors. Quotation Contains a vendor's prices and conditions and is the basis for vendor selection. Purchase order (PO) The buying entity’s request or instruction to a vendor (external supplier) to supply certain materials or render/perform certain services/works, formalizing a purchase transaction. Contract In the SAP Purchasing component, a type of "outline agreement", or longer-term buying arrangement. The contract is a binding commitment to procure a certain material or service from a vendor over a certain period of time. Scheduling agreement Another type of "outline agreement", or longer-term buying arrangement. Scheduling agreements provide for the creation of delivery schedules specifying purchase Page 48 of 98 Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ quantities, delivery dates, and possibly also precise times of delivery over a predefined period. Requirements of materials or services can be reported to Purchasing by means of purchase requisitions. Structure Each purchasing document is subdivided into two main areas: the header and individual items. Each document will contain a header and can contain several items. The header contains information relevant to the whole document . The items specify the materials or services to be procured. For example, information about the vendor and the document number is contained in the document header, and the material description and the order quantity are specified in each item. Master Records from the Purchasing View This section describes the functions of the material master and vendor master records that specifically relate to purchasing. It discusses purchasing-specific master data and describes how to enter and maintain material and vendor data relating to purchasing.

Page 49 of 98 Adimulam

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eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ MM Purchasing processes the following types of Master data:

Material Master Data : Details on materials an enterprise procures externally or produces in-house. The unit of measure and the description of a material are examples of the data stored in a material master record. Other SAP Logistics components also access the material data. Vendor Master Data : Information about external suppliers (creditors). The vendor’s name and address, the currency the vendor uses, and the vendor number (stored in the SAP system as an account number) are typical vendor data. Purchasing Master Data : such as the following: Purchasing Info Record The info record establishes the link between material and vendor, thus facilitating the process of selecting quotations. For example, the info record shows the unit of measure Page 50 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ used for ordering from the vendor, and indicates vendor price changes affecting the material over a period of time. Source List The source list specifies the possible sources of supply for a material. It shows the time period during which a material may be ordered from a given vendor. Quota Arrangement The quota arrangement specifies which portion of the total requirement of a material over a certain period is to be assigned to particular vendors on the basis of quotas. Purchase Requisitions : You use this component if you wish to give notification of requirements of materials and/or external services and keep track of such requirements. Requisitions can be created either directly or indirectly. "Directly" means that someone from the requesting department enters a purchase requisition manually. The person creating the requisition determines what and how much to order, and the delivery date. "Indirectly" means that the purchase requisition is initiated via another SAP component.

RFQ and Quotation: You use this component if you wish to manage and compare requests for quotation (RFQs) issued to vendors and the quotations submitted by the latter in response to them. Page 51 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ In Purchasing, the RFQ and the quotation form a single document. Prices and conditions quoted by vendors are entered in the original RFQ. If you have issued an RFQ to several vendors, you can have the system determine the most favorable quotation submitted and automatically generate letters of rejection to the unsuccessful bidders. You can also store the prices and terms of delivery from certain quotations in an info record for future accessing. Purchase Orders : Definition A purchase order is a formal request or instruction from a purchasing organization to a vendor or a plant to supply or provide a certain quantity of goods or services at or by a certain point in time. The purchase order can be used for a variety of procurement purposes. You can procure materials for direct consumption or for stock. You can also procure services. Furthermore, the special procurement types "subcontracting", "third-party" (involving triangular business deals and direct-to-customer shipments) and "consignment" are possible. You can use purchase orders to cover your requirements using external sources (i.e. a vendor supplies a material or performs a service). You can also use a purchase order to procure a material that is needed in one of your plants from an internal source, i.e. from another plant. Such transactions involve longer-distance stock transfers. The activities following on from purchase orders (such as the receipt of goods and invoices) are logged, enabling you to monitor the procurement process. You can use purchase orders for once-only procurement transactions. If, for example, you wish to procure a material from a vendor only once, you create a purchase order. If you are thinking of entering into a longer-term supply relationship with this vendor, it is advisable to set up a so-called outline agreement, since this usually results in more favorable conditions of purchase. The procedures and menu paths described in the SAP Library refer to the traditional purchase order (ME21, ME22, ME23) and not to the Enjoy purchase order (ME21N, ME22N, ME23N).

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Structure A purchase order (PO) consists of a document header and a number of items. The information shown in the header relates to the entire PO. For example, the terms of payment and the delivery terms are defined in the header. A procurement type is defined for each of the document items. The following procurement types exist: Page 53 of 98 Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ • Standard • Subcontracting • Consignment • Stock transfer • External service Incoterms: Incoterms are internationally-recognized terms of delivery reflecting the standards set by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). For example, the term Free on Board (FOB) means that seller fulfills his obligation to deliver when the goods have passed over the ship’s rail at the named port of shipment. This means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to the goods from that point. You can specify Incoterms for an order item that differ from those in the PO header. The relevant defaults come from the purchasing info record. When the document is outputted, the item-specific Incoterms are set out in addition to the generally applicable ones at header level. Shipping Instructions These are the packing instructions the vendor has to comply with when shipping the ordered materials. You specify them for an item by entering the predefined code for shipping instructions. The corresponding text is then included in the purchasing document printout.

II. Page 54 of 98 Adimulam

MR P Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

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Purpose The central role of MRP(Materials Requirements Planning) is to monitor stocks and in particular, to automatically create procurement proposals for purchasing and production (planned orders, purchase requisitions or delivery schedules). This target is achieved by using various materials planning methods which each cover different procedures. Method 1: CBP(Consumption Based Planning) :

Consumption based planning

To determine :

Which material to order When to order Quantity required / Quantity to order.

C B P determines the requirement based on past consumption . 27) Explain the Flow Of SD ? 28) the Flow of FI ? fall below a predefined reorder point or by it isExplain triggered when stock levels forecast requirements calculated using past consumption values.

Reorder Point Planning : In reorder point planning, procurement is triggered when the sum of plant stock and firmed receipts falls below the reorder point. The reorder point should cover the average material requirements expected during the replenishment lead time. Page 55 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ The safety stock exists to cover both excess material consumption within the replenishment lead time and any additional requirements that may occur due to delivery delays. Therefore, the safety stock is included in the reorder level. Manual Reorder Point Planning In manual reorder point planning, you define both the reorder level and the safety stock level manually in the appropriate material master. Automatic Reorder Point Planning In automatic reorder point planning, both the reorder level and the safety stock level are determined by the integrated forecasting program. The system uses past consumption data (historical data) to forecast future requirements. The system then uses these forecast values to calculate the reorder level and the safety stock level, taking the service level, which is specified by the MRP controller, and the material's replenishment lead time into account, and transfers them to the material master. Forecast-Based Planning Forecast-based planning is also based on material consumption. Like reorder point planning, forecast-based planning operates using historical values and forecast values and future requirements are determined via the integrated forecasting program. However, in contrast to reorder point planning, these values then form the basis of the planning run. The forecast values therefore have a direct effect in MRP as forecast requirements. Time-Phased Planning If a vendor always delivers a material on a particular day of the week, it makes sense to plan this material according to the same cycle, in which it is delivered. Materials that are planned using the time-phased planning technique are provided with an MRP date in the planning file. This date is set when creating a material master and is re-set after each planning run. It represents the date on which the material is to be Page 56 of 98 Adimulam

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eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ planned again and is calculated on the basis of the planning cycle entered in the material master.


Inventory Management

Functions of Inventory Management : To manage the stocks on a quantity value basis Plan, enter & check the goods movements like :  Goods receipts  Goods issue  Transfer postings  To carryout the physical inventory .  Management of special stocks.

Managing Stocks by Quantity All transactions that bring about a change in stock are entered in real time, as are the stock updates resulting from these changes. You can obtain an overview of the current stock situation of any given material at any time. This, for example, applies to stocks that: • • • •

Are located in the warehouse Have already been ordered, but have not yet been received Are located in the warehouse, but have already been reserved for production or a customer Are in quality inspection.

Managing Stocks By Value The stocks are managed not only on a quantity basis but also by value. The system automatically updates the following data each time there is a goods movement: Page 57 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ • Quantity and value for Inventory Management • Account assignment for cost accounting G/L accounts for financial accounting via automatic account assignment Planning, Entry, and Documentation of all Goods Movements Goods movements include both "external" movements (goods receipts from external procurement, goods issues for sales orders) and "internal" movements (goods receipts from production, withdrawals of material for internal purposes, stock transfers, and transfer postings). For each goods movement a document is created which is used by the system to update quantities and values and serves as proof of goods movements. You can print goods receipt/issue slips to facilitate physical movements and monitor the individual stocks in the warehouse.

Goods Movement : Transaction resulting in a change in stock. Goods Movement

Goods Receipt

Page 58 of 98 Adimulam

Goods Issue

Transfer postings

PhysicalReservation Inventory

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ Structure •

Goods receipt

A goods receipt (GR) is a goods movement with which the receipt of goods from a vendor or from production is posted. A goods receipt leads to an increase in warehouse stock. •

Goods issue

A goods issue (GI) is a goods movement with which a material withdrawal or material issue, a material consumption, or a shipment of goods to a customer is posted. A goods issue leads to a reduction in warehouse stock. The Inventory Management system supports the following types of goods issues: • • • •

Withdrawal of material for production orders Scrapping and withdrawal of material for sampling Return deliveries to vendors Other types of internal staging of material

Deliveries to vendors without the involvement of the SD Shipping component •

Stock transfer

A stock transfer is the removal of material from one storage location and its transfer to another storage location. Stock transfers can occur either within the same plant or between two plants. •

Transfer posting

A transfer posting is a general term for stock transfers and changes in stock type or stock category of a material. It is irrelevant whether the posting occurs in conjunction with a physical movement or not. Examples of transfer postings are: • • •

Transfer postings from material to material Release from quality inspection stock Transfer of consignment material into company's own stock

Page 59 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ Stock Transfer and Transfer Posting Purpose You can use this component to remove materials from storage in one storage location and place them in another storage location. Stock transfers can occur either within one plant or between two plants or company codes. A transfer posting usually refers to a change in a material’s stock (for example, release from quality inspection, accepting consignment material). In a transfer posting, the material can remain in its original storage bin or be transferred. Stock transfers and transfer postings are used to represent organizational-relevant transfers within the company (for example, decentralized storage).

Reservation With this component, you make a request to the warehouse to keep materials ready for withdrawal at a later date and for a certain purpose. This simplifies and accelerates the goods receipt process. A reservation for goods issue can be requested by various departments for various account assignment objects (such as cost center, order, asset, etc.). Features The purpose of a reservation is to ensure that a material will be available when it is needed. It also serves to simplify and accelerate the goods issue process and prepare the tasks at the point of goods issue. Logistics Invoice Verification : Page 60 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ Purpose Logistics Invoice Verification is a part of Materials Management (MM). It is situated at the end of the logistics supply chain that includes Purchasing, Inventory Management, and Invoice Verification. It is in Logistics Invoice Verification that incoming invoices are verified in terms of their content, prices, and arithmetic. When the invoice is posted, the invoice data is saved in the system. The system updates the data saved in the invoice documents in Materials Management and Financial Accounting. Integration Logistics Invoice Verification is closely integrated with the components Financial Accounting (FI) and Controlling (CO). It passes on the relevant information about payments or invoice analyses to these components. In Materials Management, Logistics Invoice Verification has the following features: • • •

It completes the material procurement process, which started with the purchase requisition and resulted in a goods receipt. It allows invoices that do not originate in materials procurement (such as services, expenses, course costs) to be processed. It allows credit memos to be processed, either as invoice reversals or return deliveries.

Data from purchase order / GR

Invoice Receipt

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By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Steps in invoice Verification

Invoice Verification Reports

We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __

Invoice Verification

Data from vendor master

Invoice verification is over & payment is possible


Invoice is blocked for payment but posted

Release the invoice after taking necessary action in a separate step

Payment is not possible

Payment is possible

Credit Memo Definition The term credit memo always refers to a credit memo from the vendor. Therefore, posting a credit memo always leads to a debit posting on the vendor account. Use As in the case of invoices, credit memos refer to purchase orders or goods receipts. They are used to correct the purchase order history if the quantity invoiced was too high, for example, if an invoice was too high or if part of the quantity was returned. When you post a credit memo, the total quantity in the purchase order history is reduced by the credit memo quantity.

Page 62 of 98 Adimulam

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eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ Reversals Invoice documents in Invoice Verification are either invoices or credit memos. These documents can be cancelled. There are two different cases: If an invoice is cancelled, the system automatically creates a credit memo. If a credit memo is cancelled, the system automatically creates an invoice. The system takes the amount and quantity for the credit memo or invoice from the invoice or credit memo to be cancelled, thus avoiding any differences between the invoice and the credit memo or the credit memo and the invoice.

Integration With Other Components Integration in Materials Management As a component of Materials Management, Inventory Management is directly linked with Material Requirements Planning, Purchasing, and Invoice Verification. Inventory Management provides information for MRP, which takes into account not only physical stocks but also planned movements (requirements, receipts). When a material is ordered from a vendor, Inventory Management posts the delivery as a goods receipt with reference to the purchase order. The vendor invoice is processed later by Invoice Verification. Here, the quantities and values from the purchase order and the goods receipt document are checked to ensure that they match those in the invoice.

Integration in Production Planning Inventory Management is closely linked to the Production Planning module: Page 63 of 98 Adimulam

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eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ Inventory Management is responsible for staging of the components required for production orders The receipt of the finished products in the warehouse is posted in Inventory Management. Integration in Sales & Distribution As soon as you enter a sales order, you can initiate a dynamic availability check of stocks on hand. When the delivery is created, the quantity to be delivered is marked as "Scheduled for delivery". It is deducted from the total stock when the goods issue is posted. It is also possible to create sales order stocks. Integration in Quality Management In the case of a goods movement, the system determines whether the material is subject to an inspection operation. If so, a corresponding activity is initiated for the movement in the Quality Management system. Integration in Plant Maintenance Inventory Management is linked with Plant Maintenance as follows: • • •

It is possible to post goods movements with reference to equipment BOMs. It is possible to withdraw parts for maintenance orders. When serial number management is active, the individual serial numbers are entered in the case of every goods movement. Serial numbers are managed in the Plant Maintenance system.

Integration in the Logistics Information System With the Inventory Controlling component, the Logistics Information System offers a tool for collecting, compressing, and evaluating inventory management data. Page 64 of 98 Adimulam

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eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ Inventory Management and the Warehouse Management System The Inventory Management system can be extended by the Warehouse Management system which manages storage bins in complex warehouse structures. While Inventory Management manages the stocks by quantity and value, the Warehouse Management component reflects the special structure of a warehouse, and monitors the allocation of the storage bins and any transfer transactions in the warehouse.

Sales & Distribution Master Data in Sales and Distribution Sales processing is based on the following basic structures: Every company is structured in a certain way. In order to work with the SAP System your company structure has to be represented in the system. This is done with the help of various organizational structures. •

In sales and distribution, products are sold or sent to business partners or services are performed for them. Data about the products and services as well as about the business partners is the basis for sales processing. Sales processing with the SAP R/3 System requires that the master data has been stored in the system.

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Sales Areas SD is organized according to sales organization, distribution channel and division. A combination of these three organizational units forms the sales area.

The following graphic displays these organizational elements. Page 66 of 98 Adimulam

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• • •

In sales organization 1000, sales and distribution transactions can be carried out through all distribution channels and for all divisions. In sales organization 2000, products of both division 01 and division 02 are only sold through distribution channel 10. In sales organization 3000, only products of division 01 are sold, and only through distribution channel 10.

Sales organization The sales organization is an organizational unit within logistics, that structures the company according to its sales requirements. A sales organization is responsible for the sale and distribution of goods and services. It represents the selling unit as a legal entity. It is responsible for product guarantees and other rights to recourse, for example. Regional subdividing of the market can also be carried out with the help of sales organizations. Each business transaction is processed within a sales organization. Structure A sales organization can be subdivided into several distribution chains which determine the responsibility for a distribution channel. Several divisions can be assigned to a sales organization which is responsible for the materials or services provided. Page 67 of 98 Adimulam

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eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ A sales area determines which distribution channel can be used to sell the products from one division in a sales organization Distribution channel Definition The distribution channel represents the channel through which salable materials or services reach customers. Typical distribution channels include wholesale, retail and direct sales. Within a sales organization a customer can be supplied through several distribution channels. In addition, the material master data relevant for sales, such as prices, minimum order quantity, minimum quantity to be delivered and delivering plant, can differ for each sales organization and distribution channel. Note: A single distribution channel can be assigned to one or more sales organizations. Division In the SAP R/3 System you can define a division-specific sales organization. Product groups, i.e. divisions, can be defined for a wide-ranging spectrum of products. For every division you can make customer-specific agreements on, for example, partial deliveries, pricing and terms of payment. Within a division you can carry out statistical analyses or set up separate marketing procedures Organization in Shipping and Transportation Independent organizational entities, such as shipping points, are responsible for scheduling and processing deliveries to customers, as well as replenishment deliveries to your own warehouses. A delivery is always carried out by one shipping point only. The shipping point depends on the following criteria: Page 68 of 98 Adimulam

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Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ • Delivering plant •

Type of shipping (for example, train, truck)

Loading equipment necessary

Loading Point Shipping points can be subdivided into loading points. For example, ramp 1, ramp 2 and ramp 3 belong to the shipping point Forwarding depot. The following figure displays a possible organization in shipping.

Transportation Planning Point The transportation planning point is an organizational unit in Logistics, responsible for planning and processing transportation activities. It organizes the responsibilities in a company, e.g. according to shipment type, mode of transport or regional departments. Integration The shipping point is assigned to a plant. Loading points are assigned to shipping points. Link between Sales and Distribution and Accounting: By assigning sales organizations and plants you create a link between company codes and sales organizations. A plant, though always linked to one company code, can be Page 69 of 98 Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ assigned to different sales organizations. Within a company code several sales organizations can be active. Business transactions can also be carried out between different company codes (for example, during inter-company sales processing). The following figure displays possible assignments of company codes, sales organizations and plants.

Plants 1, 2 and 3 belong to company code 1. Sales organization 1 uses plants 1 and 2. Sales organization 2 uses plants 2 and 3. Sales organizations 1 and 2 can make crosscompany sales for goods from plants 4 or 5.

Basic Functions in SD Purpose The most important basic functions are: • • • •

Pricing Availability Check Credit Management Material Determination

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eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ • Account Determination Pricing and Conditions The term pricing is used broadly to describe the calculation of prices (for external use by customers or vendors) and costs (for internal purposes, such as cost accounting). Conditions represent a set of circumstances that apply when a price is calculated. For example, a particular customer orders a certain quantity of a particular product on a certain day. The variable factors here - the customer, the product, the order quantity, the date - determine the final price the customer gets. The information about each of these factors can be stored in the system as master data. This master data is stored in the form of condition records. The Condition Technique in Pricing The condition technique refers to the method by which the system determines prices from information stored in condition records. In Sales and Distribution, the various elements used in the condition technique are set up and controlled in Customizing. During sales order processing, the system uses the condition technique to determine a variety of important pricing information. For example, the system automatically determines which gross price the customer should be charged and which discounts and surcharges are relevant given the conditions that apply. 1. The system determines the pricing procedure according to information defined I n the sales document type and the customer master record. 2. The pricing procedure defines the valid condition types and the sequence in which they appear in the sales order. In the example, the system takes the first condition type (PR00) in the pricing procedure and begins the search for a valid condition record. 3. Each condition type in the pricing procedure can have an access sequence assigned to it. In this case, the system uses access sequence PR00. The system checks the accesses until it finds a valid condition record. (Although you cannot see this in the diagram, each access specifies a particular condition table. The table provides the key with which the system searches for records). 4. In the example, the first access (searching for a customer-specific material price) is unsuccessful. The system moves on to the next access and finds a valid record. Page 71 of 98 Adimulam

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eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ 5. The system determines the price according to information stored in the condition record. If a pricing scale exists, the system calculates the appropriate price. In the example, the sales order item is for 120 pieces of the material. Using the scale price that applies to quantities from 100 pieces and more, the system determines a price of USD 99 per piece. About the Availability Check in Sales and Distribution Processing When you enter a sales order, you can only confirm the delivery of the goods for the required delivery date if the goods are available for all the necessary processing activities which take place before delivery: •

The shipping department must ensure that freight forwarding or another shipping company is advised early enough so that sufficient time remains for packing and loading to be carried out. An availability check can be carried out on the deadline date for availability for the goods. The procurement department must ensure that the production and purchasing departments are advised of inadequate stock quantities so that goods can either be produced punctually or ordered. Sales transfers the information on materials ordered as requirements to material requirements planning. Requirements are planned outward movements of stock. The transfer of requirements informs production that goods must be produced, or advises purchasing that purchase requisitions have been created for which purchase orders must be created and sent to the suppliers. An availability check can only be carried out if these requirements are transferred.

Credit management Purpose Outstanding or uncollectible receivables can spoil the success of the company greatly. Credit Management enables you to minimize the credit risk yourself by specifying a specific credit limit for your customers. Thus you can take the financial pulse of a customer or group of customers, identify early warning signs, and enhance your creditrelated decision-making. This is particularly useful if your customers are in financially unstable industries or companies, or if you conduct business with countries that are politically unstable or that employ a restrictive exchange rate policy. Page 72 of 98 Adimulam

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eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ Integration If you are using the Accounts Receivable (FI-AR) component to manage your accounting and an external system for sales processing, Credit Management enables you to issue a credit limit for each customer. Every time you post an invoice (created in FI-AR), the system then checks whether the invoice amount exceeds the credit limit. Information functions such as the sales summary or early warning list help you to monitor the customer’s credit situation. If you are using both the Accounts Receivable (FI-AR) component to manage your accounting and the Sales and Distribution (SD) component for sales processing, you can also use Credit Management to issue credit limits for your customers. You can make settings in Customizing to decide the scope of the check and at what stage in the process (for example, order entry, delivery or goods issue) a credit limit should take place. General information functions are also available for use with credit checks. Features If you are using both the SD and FI-AR components, Credit Management includes the following features: •

• • •

Depending on your credit management needs, you can specify your own automatic credit checks based on a variety of criteria. You can also specify at which critical points in the sales and distribution cycle (for example, order entry, delivery, goods issue) the system carries out these checks. During order processing, the credit representative automatically receives information about a customer’s critical credit situation. Critical credit situations can also be automatically communicated to credit management personnel through internal electronic mail. Your credit representatives are in a position to review the credit situation of a customer quickly and accurately and, according to your credit policy, decide whether or not to extend credit. You can also work with Credit Management in distributed systems; for example if you were using centralized Financial Accounting and decentralized SD on several sales computers.

Credit Control Area Page 73 of 98 Adimulam

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eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ Definition : An organizational unit that represents the area where customer credit is awarded and monitored. This organizational unit can either be a single or several company codes, if credit control is performed across several company codes. One credit control area contains credit control information for each customer. Credit and risk management takes place in the credit control area.

Documents in Sales & Distribution :

Reports in Credit Controlling: The following table provides an overview of all the reports available to you in the area of credit management Program RFDKLI10


RFDKLI30 Page 74 of 98 Adimulam

Function Customers with missing credit data This report checks the data for the credit limit for completeness, and produces the corresponding error lists. These can be used to re-maintain the corresponding definitions manually, or per Batch Input. Reorganization of credit limit for customers This report enables you to reorganize the credit limit information in the control areas. Short overview credit limit Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __

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The report lists the central and control area-related data per customer. Overview credit limit


The report provides you with an extensive overview of the customer’s credit situation. Credit master sheet


The credit master sheet enables you to display and print out the customer master data for a single account, which is needed for the area of credit management. Early warning list


The early warning list enables you to display and print out customers in credit management, who are viewed as critical customers in the area of credit checks in SD. Master data list


The master data list enables you to display and print out customers’ credit cards. In particular, you can display information not contained in the standard system, for example, user-defined fields or external data, which you have created with specific additonal software. Mass change credit limit data


This report allows quick mass change for master data in credit management. Change display, credit management Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __


With this report, you can display changes for credit management master data for all accounts. Checking blocked credit documents


The report checks all blocked documents from credit view. The report is started in the background, and should run after the incoming payments programs. Reorganization credit data SD




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The report enables you to reorganize open credit, delivery and billing document values. It is used, for example, when updating errors occur. Checking sales documents which reach the credit horizon The report checks all sales documents, which reach the dynamic credit check horizon, as new. The report runs periodically, and should run at the start of a period. The period for the ‘date of the next credit check’ is proposed from the current date, with the help of the period split for open sales order values. Checking the credit documents from credit view Released documents are only checked if the validity period for the release has run out (number days). Simulation reorganization credit data SD

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __

Material Determination Use Material determination enables the automatic substitution of materials in sales documents during sales order processing. For example, during the course of a sales promotion, the system can, during sales order entry, automatically substitute a material that has promotional packaging. A consumer product may have a special wrapper for, for example, the Christmas season. Using material determination, the system substitutes the material only during the specified period. The following graphic illustrates the determination of a promotional product in the sales order.

In addition, you can use material determination if you want the system to automatically substitute, for example: •

customer-specific product numbers with your own material numbers

International Article Numbers (EANs) with your own material numbers

Substituting discontinued materials with newer materials

Account Determination (Billing) Purpose Billing represents the final processing stage for a business transaction in Sales and Distribution. Information on billing is available at every stage of order processing and delivery processing. Page 77 of 98 Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ This component includes the following functions: •

Creation of: Invoices based on deliveries or services Issue credit and debit memos Pro forma invoices

o o o • • • •

Cancel billing transactions Comprehensive pricing functions Issue rebates Transfer billing data to Financial Accounting (FI)

Billing Document : Umbrella term for invoices, credit memos, debit memos, pro forma invoices and cancellation documents. The billing document is created with reference to a preceding document, in order to create an invoice or a credit memo, for example. The billing document contains the following data: Structure All billing documents have the same structure. They are made up of a document header and any number of items. The following figure shows how billing documents are structured. Header In the header, you find general data valid for the entire billing document. For example, •

Identification number of the payer

Billing date

Net value of the entire billing document

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eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ • Document currency •

Terms of payment and Incoterms

Partner numbers, such as the identification number of the sold-to party

Pricing elements

Items In the items, you find data that applies to one particular item. For example, •

Material number

Billing quantity

Net value of the individual items

Weight and volume

Number of the reference document for the billing document (for example, the number of the delivery on which the billing document is based) •

Pricing elements relevant for the individual items

The billing document is controlled via the billing type. Integration When you create a billing document, the billing data is forwarded to Financial Accounting. Integration with Accounting Integration with Accounting consists of forwarding billing data to • •

Financial Accounting (FI - Accounts Receivable) Controlling (CO)

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eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ When you create a billing document, the system automatically creates all relevant accounting documents for: • • • • •

General Ledger Profit center Profitability Analysis Cost Accounting Accounting

Shipping : Implementation Options Shipping is an important part of the logistics chain in which guaranteed customer service and distribution planning support play major roles. In shipping processing, all delivery procedure decisions can be made at the start of the process by • • •

Taking into account general business agreements with your customer Recording special material requests Defining shipping conditions in the sales order

The result is an efficient and largely automatic shipping process in which manual changes are only necessary under certain circumstances. Integration The Shipping component is integrated under the Logistics Execution component. Shipping is a subsequent activity of the Sales component. Range of Functions The shipping module supports the following functions, which include but are not limited to: Deadline monitoring for reference documents due for shipment (sales orders and purchase orders, for instance) • Creating and processing outbound deliveries •

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eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ • Planning and monitoring of worklists for shipping activities • Monitoring material availability and processing outstanding orders • Monitoring the warehouse's capacity situation • Picking (with optional link to the Warehouse Management system) • Packing deliveries • Information support for transportation planning • Support of foreign trade requirements • Printing and transmitting shipping documents • Processing goods issue • Controlling using overviews of o o o

Deliveries currently in process Activities that still are to be carried out Possible bottlenecks

A list of deliveries posted as goods issue in the shipping department could be used to form a worklist for the billing department.

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Picking The picking process involves taking goods from a storage location and staging the right quantity in a picking area where the goods will be prepared for shipping. Packing Packing is part of delivery- and shipment processing. Range of Functions As an example, you could pack delivery items in boxes, pack the boxes on pallets for delivery to the customer, and load the pallets onto a truck. The Packing component and related packing information enables you to: Page 82 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ • Update the stock situation of packing materials • Monitor returnable packaging stocks at the customer's or forwarding agent's place of business • Help you find you what was in a particular container (for example, if a customer maintains that they have received an incomplete delivery) • Make sure that the weight and volume limits have been adhered to • Ensure that products have been packed correctly Goods Issue As soon as the goods leave the company, the shipping business activity is finished. This is illustrated using goods issue for outbound deliveries. Range of Functions The outbound delivery forms the basis of goods issue posting. The data required for goods issue posting is copied from the outbound delivery into the goods issue document, which cannot be changed manually. Any changes must be made in the outbound delivery itself. In this way, you can be sure that the goods issue document is an accurate reflection of the outbound delivery. When you post goods issue for an outbound delivery, the following functions are carried out on the basis of the goods issue document: •

Warehouse stock of the material is reduced by the delivery quantity

Value changes are posted to the balance sheet account in inventory accounting

• •

Requirements are reduced by the delivery quantity The serial number status is updated

• • •

Goods issue posting is automatically recorded in the document flow Stock determination is executed for the vendor's consignment stock A worklist for the proof of delivery is generated

A worklist for the proof of delivery is generated

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eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ After goods issue is posted for an outbound delivery, the scope for changing the delivery document becomes very limited. This prevents there being any discrepancies between the goods issue document and the outbound delivery.

SAP Sales and Distribution Processing Document Flow Document Flow in Sales : The sales documents you create are individual documents but they can also form part of a chain of inter-related documents. For example, you may record a customer’s Page 84 of 98 Adimulam

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eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ telephone inquiry in the system. The customer next requests a quotation, which you then create by referring to the inquiry. The customer later places an order on the basis of the quotation and you create a sales order with reference to the quotation. You ship the goods and bill the customer. After delivery of the goods, the customer claims credit for some damaged goods and you create a free-of-charge delivery with reference to the sales order. The entire chain of documents – the inquiry, the quotation, the sales order, the delivery, the invoice, and the subsequent delivery free of charge – creates a document flow or history. The flow of data from one document into another reduces manual activity and makes problem resolution easier. Inquiry and quotation management in the Sales Information System help you to plan and control your sales. The following graphic shows how the various types of sales documents are inter-related and how data subsequently flows into shipping and billing documents.

Flow Of FI Module As in SD and MM there is no defined flow in FI. The moment all SD documents are created then FI flow starts.. There is no such dependencies in HR like SD and MM Page 85 of 98 Prepared By : Ganapati Adimulam eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ Introduction The SAP FI Module has the capability of meeting all the accounting and financial needs of an organization. The Financial Managers as well as other Managers within your business can review the financial position of the company in real time as compared to legacy systems which often times require overnight updates before financial statements can be generated and run for management review. The real-time functionality of the SAP modules allows for better decision making and strategic planning. The FI (Financial Accounting) Module integrates with other SAP Modules such as MM (Materials Management), PP (Production Planning), SD(Sales and Distribution), PM (Plant Maintenance),and PS (Project Systems). The FI Module also integrates with HR(Human Resources) which includes PM(Personnel Management), Time Management, Travel Management, Payroll.Document transactions occurring within the specific modules generate account postings via account determination tables. The FI (Financial Accounting) Module components. The FI Module comprises several sub-modules as follows: Accounts Receivables Accounts Payable Asset Accounting Bank Accounting Consolidation Funds Management General Ledger Special Purpose Ledger Travel Management Accounts Receivables records all account postings generated as a result of Customer sales activity.

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eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ These postings are automatically updated in the General Ledger . It is within the Accounts Receivables Module that you can monitor aging of the receivables and generate customer analysis. The Accounts Receivable Module also integrates with the General ledger, Sales and Distribution, and Cash Management Modules. Accounts Payable records account postings generated as a result of Vendor purchasing activity. Automatic postings are generated in the General Ledger as well. Payment programs within SAP enables the payment of payable documents by check, EDI, or transfers. Asset Accounting is utilized for managing your company’s Fixed Assets. SAP allows you to categorize assets and to set values for depreciation calculations in each asset class. Bank Accounting allows for management of bank transactions in the system including cash management. Consolidation enables the combining of financial statements for multiple entities within an organization. These statements provide an overview of the financial position of the company as a whole. Funds Management allows management to set budgets for revenues and expenses within your company as well as track these to the area of responsibility. General Ledger is fully integrated with the other SAP Modules. It is within the General Ledger that all accounting postings are recorded. These postings are displayed in real-time providing up-to-date visibility of the financial accounts. Special Purpose Ledger is used to define ledgers for reporting purposes. Data can be gathered from internal and external applications. Travel Management provides management of all travel activities including booking trips and handling of expenses associated with travel.

Primary configuration considerations: Client, company and company code Page 87 of 98 Adimulam

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eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ Once a business has decided to use the SAP FI(Financial Accounting) Module, there are several Configurations prerequisite steps that must be completed.Determining the organizational structure is one of the first steps in setting up the business functions in SAP as well as your reporting requirements. The Organizational structure is created by defining the organizational units consisting of the following: • • • •

Client Company Company Code Business Area

A Client is the highest unit within an SAP system and contains Master records and Tables. Data entered at this level are valid for all company code data and organizational structures allowing for data consistency. User access and authorizations are assigned to each client created. Users must specify which client they are working in at the point of logon to the SAP system. A Company is the unit to which your financial statements are created and can have one to many company codes assigned to it. A company is equivalent to your legal business organization. Consolidated financial statements are based on the company’s financial statements. Companies are defined in configuration and assigned to company codes. Each company code must use the same COA( Chart of Accounts) and Fiscal Year. Company Codes are the smallest unit within your organizational structure and is used for internal and external reporting purposes. Company Codes are not optional within SAP and are required to be defined. Financial transactions are viewed at the company code level. Company Codes can be created for any business organization whether national or international. It is recommended that once a Company Code has been defined in Configuration with all the required settings then other company codes later created should be copied from the existing company code. You can then make changes as needed. This reduces repetitive input of information that does not change from company code to company code as well as eliminate the possibility of missed data input. When defining company codes, the following key areas must be updated:

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Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __  Company Code Key- identifies the company code and consists of four alphanumeric characters. Master data and business transactions are created by this key.  Company Code Name- identifies the name of the business organization within your organizational structure.  Address- identifies the street address, city, state, zip code for the company code created. This information is also used on correspondence and reports.  Country- identifies the country to which your business is based. Country codes within SAP are based on ISO Standards.  Country currency- identifies the local currency for the company code that you have defined.  Language- identifies the language to be used for you company code and is also used for text in your documents. SAP unlike other applications, offers over thirty languages including EN( English) , ES (Spanish), FR (French), DE (German), EL (Greek), IT(Italian), AR( Arabic), ZH (Chinese) , SV (Swedish) , and JA (Japanese) to name a few. Business Area, COA, GL, Fiscal year and Currencies Business Area is optional and is equivalent to a specific area of responsibility within your company or business segment. BA (Business Area) also allows for internal and external reporting. Another configuration requirement for set-up in SAP are the Basic settings consisting of the following: Chart of Accounts(COA) Fiscal Year Variants. Currencies The COA(Chart of Accounts) lists all General Ledger accounts that are used by the organization. It is assigned in configuration to each company code and allows for daily General Ledger postings. The General Ledger accounts are made up of such data as account number, company code, a description of the account , classification of whether the account is a P & L Statement Account or a Balance Sheet Account.

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Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ • Control data of the GL Account is where currency is specified, Tax category (posting without tax allowed) , marking the account as a reconciliation account ( e.g. Customer, Asset, Vendors, Accounts Receivable) or not. • Marking the G/L Account as a “reconciliation” account allows for postings to an Asset Account ( for example) as well as automatic update to the G/L Account. • Configuration prevents direct postings to reconciliation accounts thereby assisting in maintaining integrity of the data. • This allows reconciliation between the sub-ledger and general ledger to always be guaranteed. • Within the General Ledger control data , you can also designate whether line item display is possible in the account. The system then stores an entry per line in an index table which links back to the account. (Display of line item details are then available for reporting purposes ,etc.) • Open Item Indicators can be set on the G/L Account allowing for better management of open items. Examples include: Bank Clearing Accounts, GR/IR Clearing Accounts, Payroll, etc. Fiscal Year configuration is a must and can be defined to meet your company’s reporting periods whether Fiscal (any period combination that is not calendar) or Calendar( Jan-Dec). Posting Periods are defined and assigned to the Fiscal Year. Within the periods you specify start dates and finished dates. SAP allows for 12 posting periods along with specially defined periods that can be used for year-end financial closing. • • •

Currencies are another basic configuration setting requirement which defines your company’s legal means of payment by country. It is recommended that all Currency set-ups in SAP follow the ISO Standards. The ISO Standards ensure Global conformity across businesses worldwide utilizing SAP. • •

What are some of the integration points of the FI module? SAP is marketed as a fully integrated system, therefore knowing some of the integration points enables the Users to better understand the Modules.

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Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ • Organization units are not only defined in FI(Financial Accounting) but also in other SAP Modules. The SD( Sales & Distribution) Module requires the set-up of Sales Organizations, Distribution Channels and Divisions ; Purchasing requires purchasing organizations, plants, and storage locations; and CO (Controlling) requires a Controlling area to be defined. • To transfer data between FI(Financial Accounting) and CO (controlling) as well as other modules, a Company Code must be assigned to each of the Modules. • Business Areas must be entered when generating business transactions if you would like visibility of those transactions impacting a certain BA(Business Area). You can also update your Master Records to include BA(Business Area) for example Cost Center. Document postings are automatically posted in the year and periods that you created in the Fiscal Year variant set-ups based on the month, start and end dates to which postings are allowed within a given period as defined.

SAP CO Module: Introduction The SAP CO (Controlling) Module provides supporting information to Management for the purpose of planning, reporting, as well as monitoring the operations of their business. Management decision-making can be achieved with the level of information provided by this module. Some of the components of the CO(Controlling) Module are as follows: ·

Cost Element AccountingCost Center Accounting


Internal Orders


Activity-Based Costing ( ABC)


Product Cost Controlling


Profitability Analysis

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Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ · Profit Center Accounting The Cost Element Accounting component provides information which includes the costs and revenue for an organization. These postings are automatically updated from FI (Financial Accounting) to CO (Controlling). The cost elements are the basis for cost accounting and enables the User the ability to display costs for each of the accounts that have been assigned to the cost element. Examples of accounts that can be assigned are Cost Centers, Internal Orders, WBS(work breakdown structures). Cost Center Accounting provides information on the costs incurred by your business. Within SAP, you have the ability to assign Cost Centers to departments and /or Managers responsible for certain areas of the business as well as functional areas within your organization. Cost Centers can be created for such functional areas as Marketing, Purchasing, Human Resources, Finance, Facilities, Information Systems, Administrative Support, Legal, Shipping/Receiving, or even Quality. Some of the benefits of Cost Center Accounting : (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Managers can set Budget /Cost Center targets; Cost Center visibility of functional departments/areas of your business; Planning ; Availability of Cost allocation methods; Assessments/Distribution of costs to other cost objects. Internal Orders provide a means of tracking costs of a specific job , service, or task. Internal Orders are used as a method to collect those costs and business transactions related to the task. This level of monitoring can be very detailed but allows management the ability to review Internal Order activity for better-decision making purposes. Activity-Based Costing allows a better definition of the source of costs to the process driving the cost. Activity-Based Costing enhances Cost Center Accounting in that it allows for a process-oriented and cross-functional view of your cost centers. It can also be used with Product Costing and Profitability Analysis. Product Cost Controlling allows management the ability to analyze their product costs and to make decisions on the optimal price(s) to market their products. It is within this module of CO (Controlling) that planned, actual and target values are analyzed. Sub-components of the module are: Page 92 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ • Product Cost Planning which includes Material Costing( Cost estimates with Quantity structure, Cost estimates without quantity structure, Master data for Mixed Cost Estimates, Production lot Cost Estimates) , Price Updates, and Reference and Simulation Costing. • Cost Object Controlling includes Product Cost by Period, Product Cost by Order, Product Costs by Sales Orders, Intangible Goods and Services, and CRM Service Processes. • Actual Costing/Material Ledger includes Periodic Material valuation, Actual osting, and Price Changes. Profitability Analysis allows Management the ability to review information with respect to the company’s profit or contribution margin by business segment. Profitability Analysis can be obtained by the following methods: · Account-Based Analysis which uses an account-based valuation approach. In this analysis, cost and revenue element accounts are used. These accounts can be reconciled with FI(Financial Accounting). Cost-Based Analysis uses a costing based valuation approach as defined by the User. Profit Center Accounting provides visibility of an organization’s profit and losses by profit center. The methods which can be utilized for EC-PCA (Profit Center Accounting) are period accounting or by the cost-of-sales approach. Profit Centers can be set-up to identify product lines, divisions, geographical regions, offices, production sites or by functions. Profit Centers are used for Internal Control purposes enabling management the ability to review areas of responsibility within their organization. The difference between a Cost Center and a Profit Center is that the Cost Center represents individual costs incurred during a given period and Profit Centers contain the balances of costs and revenues. Primary configuration considerations There are several configuration steps that must be considered when implementing the CO (Controlling) Module. Creating the Controlling area is one of the first steps in the CO (Controlling) configuration process. SAP has provided standard controlling areas and company codes which can be utilized as a basis for creating your company’s Controlling Area. The SAP Standard for Controlling Area is “0001” and for company code is “0001”. Page 93 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ It is recommended that these be used as a basis to create the Controlling Area or Company Code that you would like to define . Certain defaults setting such as number ranges have already been set-up in the standard SAP settings, thereby eliminating the need to redo this configuration requirement. Through the SAP Configuration process, you can create a copy of the Standard Controlling Area and Company Code, then update the other fields as needed including the four character alpha numeric field which identifies these areas. (You may want to change the controlling area from “0001” to “A001” and the Company Code from “0001” to “ AA01” as an example.) Keep in mind that Company Codes are assigned to Controlling Areas and affect the COA (Chart of Accounts), the Fiscal Year Variants, and Currency set-ups. Cost Center hierarchy and Reconciliation ledger settings are also include in the Controlling Area set-up. The Control Indicator activates and deactivates certain functions in the Controlling Area. The Controlling Area can also be used for cross-company code business transactions. To enable this function the Controlling Area must be assigned to all company codes used for cross-company code accounting. Number ranges Configuration in the CO (Controlling) Modules requires maintenance of number ranges for documents generated from business transactions. A systems’ generated document number is assigned for every CO (Controlling) posting. These numbers are sequential and are required to be assigned to number range groups. The number range groups consists of two number intervals, one for internal document numbering and one for external document numbering. The SAP R/3 system keeps track of those document numbers that are externally generated and fed to SAP via batches and User manual input, otherwise, the system generates the next internally assigned document number for the transaction posted. As previously stated when defining the Controlling Area, you have the ability to copy the Standard SAP Controlling Area “0001” which already has the number ranges defined eliminating the need for maintenance of number ranges. Keep in mind that you also have the flexibility to change number ranges and number range groups to meet your business needs. As a caution, never overlap number intervals in a group . For example, if you decide to assign number range interval 10000000 thru 199999999 to the number range group “05”, you can not assign it to number range group “06”. Page 94 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ Number ranges should never be transported for data consistency purposes, therefore create these manually in each system. Within the CO (Controlling) Module, you can configure Plan Versions. Maintaining Plan Versions allows for set-up of planning assumptions and determination of plan rates for allocation and plan activity purposes. The SAP Standard Version “000” is created for a five year fiscal year plan. It is recommended that the standard version be utilized for your plan/actual comparisons if you do not require multiple plan versions. SAP always allows the flexibility to create additional Plan versions by coping the Standard Version “000” and changing certain fields as required. There is also the option of defining and creating a totally new Plan Version.

Other configuration After the Controlling Area, Number Ranges, and Plan Versions have been defined and maintained, then settings for the other components in the CO(Controlling) Module should be maintained. (Cost Center Accounting, Cost Element Accounting, ActivityBased Costing, Internal Orders, Product Cost Controlling, Profitability Analysis, and Profit Center Accounting. ) The Account Assignment Logic allows configuration for Validation and Substitution Rules whose purpose is to check certain input values as defined by the User. More specifically, Validations allow for business transactions to either post or not post documents based on the criteria defined in the validation rule. Certain input conditions are checked as defined by the User and if those conditions are met then the document(s) are updated and/or posted in the system. If the condition is not met, then an error message is generated to the User with a brief explanation of the error. These messages are defined in Configuration and can be identified as a warning, error, or a note. You also have the option to deactivate messages. Substitutions on the other hand, checks input values and replaces the values with another value if the criteria as defined is met. Maintaining Currency and Valuation Profiles allows for the definition of valuation approaches to be used in accounting components . These valuation profiles are checked in the system when activated in the Controlling Area. Certain rules apply if there is a Page 95 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ need to maintain the currency and valuation profiles: (1) Company Code Currency must be assigned to a legal valuation approach, (2) Valuation approaches must also be maintain in the material ledger, and (3) Profit Center valuations can only be maintained if you are using Profit Center Accounting. The CO(Controlling)Module has multiple configuration steps that must be followed for complete implementation of this module. Each sub-component of the CO (Controlling) Module has it’s level of configuration requirements. Once you have defined your business needs in the Controlling Area, a determination can be made as to what should be configured and what you do not need.

EXERCISE:a) Display the list of Monthly Sales orders and the Total Value of the Sales for each Sales Organization and Under each Company Code and the Grand Total. (Use Control Break Statements ). Input : Select-Options for Sales Organization, Select-Options for Date (Default Dates : Begin and End Dates of Current month). b) Display the list of Monthly Purchase orders and the Total Value of the Purchase orders for each Purchasing Organization and Under each Company Code and the Grand Total . (Use Control Break Statements ). Input : Select-Options for Purchasing Organization, Page 96 of 98 Adimulam

Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __ Select-Options for Date (Default Dates : Begin and End Dates of Current month). c) Create an interactive report for displaying Vendor information. Based on the selection made , the corresponding vendor bank detail are displayed such that the line selected in the basic list was visible along with secondary list. d) Create an report to display a list of purchase requisitions with details like MRP controller, release date and unit of measure along with standard details. e) Create a report displaying Customer number, Name, Material No., Quantity, Description on selection ‘Goods Receipt No.’ f) Create interactive report to list all the sales that took place during the month for particular material. g) Create a interactive list for purchase requisitions at a given plant. h) Create an interactive report to display list Company Codes(Basic List), Customers under the Selected Company Code(1st 2nd ry),Customer sales orders for particular customer, items for particular order. i) Create a report which lists delivery number, delivery quantity, customer number, material number and material description for a given shipping plant. j) Create a report that shows a list of purchase requisition and purchase orders for a selected vendor, by material group listing by material. k) Create a report to get list of purchase orders created only On Saturdays and Sundays during the particular period. l) Create an interactive report that list out all the materials for a given plant. Secondary list contains vendor details who supplies the chosen material. m) Create a report to get list of Sales orders created only On Saturdays and Sundays during the particular period.

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Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

Reports We Never Compromise in Quality. Would You ? ______________________________________________________________________ __

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Prepared By : Ganapati

eMAX Technologies,AmeerPet,Hyderabad Ph : +91 40 65976727.

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