Sap Abap Real Time Questions on Smartform and Sapscript

February 25, 2017 | Author: Saandip Dasguupta | Category: N/A
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why sapscripts are client dependent and smartforms are cliet independent,plz give me a brief explanation,thank u. 0 Answer By design sap script is a word #1 processing tool which


displays data on the form with the help of text elements where the logic of those is written in the print program and Forms were designed to be driven from print program, hence are often termed as client dependent. Smart forms are client independent. Bcoz it doesn’t use any text elements. it will be executed through a function module. When a print program calls a Smart Form, the form itself takes over to produce output, without any further direction from print program. Is This Answer Correct ?

10 Yes

0 No

Re: why sapscripts are client dependent and smartforms are cliet independent,plz give me a brief explanation,thank u. 0 Vijay Answer smartforms generates a function #2 module, in general fm r

client independent, so smart forms are client independent. Is This Answer Correct ?

6 Yes

0 No

Re: why sapscripts are client dependent and smartforms are cliet independent,plz give me a brief explanation,thank u. Answer sap scripts are by default store in #3 the form of text format, so any thing

store in text format that is client dependent. smartforms: when we active a smartform , the smartform data can be stored in the form of function module, so function modules are client

independent , so smartforms also client independent.


How to write long-text in SAP scripts? EX: I want to write text like below: * Terms and Conditions: 1>.... 2>.... 3>.... 0 Answer use the function module read_text . #1 this is used to display the data from

Rakesh Mishra

long text . you can read the data from this function module and store it in tdline that is in the export of the function module . Is This Answer Correct ?

2 Yes

3 No

Re: How to write long-text in SAP scripts? EX: I want to write text like below: * Terms and Conditions: 1>.... 2>.... 3>.... 0 Vivek Answer using this statement in SAPSCRIPT #2 INCLUDE ®UD-TXTUN&

OBJECT TEXT ID ADRS Is This Answer Correct ?

3 Yes

1 No

Re: How to write long-text in SAP scripts? EX: I want to write text like below: * Terms and Conditions: 1>.... 2>.... 3>.... Answer goto-->tcode SO10 #3

Crete a text , say Z_text with the required data and goto script(se71)--->insert--->standard text---> /: include Z_text object texx id ST hence we can get any amount of data

How to put page-breaks in smartforms? Answer in smartfoms under loop statement in #1 data tab select event





on sort end checkbox .then one event on sort end node will be displayes just right click on this node & select command option . then in command select go to new page checkbox & give new page name . Is This Answer Correct ?

9 Yes

1 No

Re: How to put page-breaks in smartforms? Answer Logical databases are special ABAP #2 programs that retrieve

data and make it available to application programs. The most common use of logical databases is still to read data from database tables and linking them to executable ABAP programs while setting the program contents Is This Answer Correct ?

2 Yes

12 No

Re: How to put page-breaks in smartforms? Answer to put page-breaks in smartforms , #3 select a window , right

cluck on it then select flow logic then u can find command select that and write there new-page.

Dear Experts pls answer the folowing qs that i have faced in the recent intvws: a) Can we execute the script individually? If yes How? Else what we need to do so? b) Are Layout sets Client independent? c) How do you assign a print program to a script? d) Can we call a subroutine in a script? If so, how? e) What are the steps to print SAP script form? 0 Chandrababu Answer a)yes its possible. goto menu utilities -> # 1 Printing test

b)no Clinet dependent

c)we can assign print program andscript in NACE T-code in the output type c)yes, by using Perform statement in scripts Is This Answer Correct ?

4 Yes

0 No

Re: Dear Experts pls answer the folowing qs that i have faced in the recent intvws: a) Can we execute the script individually? If yes How? Else what we need to do so? b) Are Layout sets Client independent? c) How do you assign a print program to a script? d) Can we call a subroutine in a script? If so, how? e) What are the steps to print SAP script form? Answer U can execute ur script individually. for # 2 that goto

utilities --> printing test. By doing so u can view the texts placed in ur variable windows . but the text in Main windows can be seen only when u run a driver program. For tht goto se38 and from thr use function modules OPEN_FORM, WRITE_FORM, CLOSE_FORM. Pass the Text elements in the function module WRITE_FORM. and execute it. u can see the output.

what is the differance b/w template and table in Smartforms? Answer Simply saying that Table is Static and #1 Template is Dynamic Is This Answer Correct ?

1 Yes

0 Surendra Reddy

31 No

Re: what is the differance b/w template and table in Smartforms? Answer I think it is the other way. Table is dynamic #2 and Template

is static. Is This Answer Correct ?

40 Yes

1 No



Re: what is the differance b/w template and table in Smartforms? Answer Templates are meant for Static data and Tables #3 are used in





case of Dynamic data. Is This Answer Correct ?

12 Yes

0 No

Re: what is the differance b/w template and table in Smartforms? Answer Tables are the dynamic in nature. #4 Tables are used in main window.

Templates are static in nature. They are used in secondary windows. Is This Answer Correct ?

6 Yes

0 No

Re: what is the differance b/w template and table in Smartforms? Answer Table exteds dynamically. #5 Template is fixed in size.

template is Output of a table containing static data these are the Possible direct successors-All except window, page, table, and template nodes Table - Output of a table containing application data and these are the Possible direct successors-as with template node Template is used for proper allignment of data which table is used for displaying multiple data. We can say Template is for static data and Table is for dynamic data. Suppose we have a requirement in which we have to allign the customer address in such a way as shown below:Name- Krishna Company- WIPRO Location- Chennai Desig- S/W Native - Mumbai Then for proper allighnment we can create a

template and split that into 3 columns and 2 rows and create text elements for each cell display a proper allighned data at the output. When we include a template inside a loop it gives the same property as a table. When we have mutiple data which is to be extended to the next page like when we display all employee details in a company we use table. Table has 3 sections , HEADER, ITEM ,FOOTER The header secntion will be executed once and it will loop at the item level. at the end footer will be executed.

how to copy client to client in scripts? Answer Check Out the SAP Standard program: #1 RSTXCPY Is This Answer Correct ?

2 Yes



2 No

Re: how to copy client to client in scripts? Answer If it is to copy script between #2 clients then,

se71, utilities-copy frm client.

In Smartforms or ADOBE Forms Can we get text from standard table in verticle form? if yes, How?

what is sap scriptview ?

How to test a script?how to find versions in scripts? Answer To test a script, goto menu utilities -> printing # 1 test to find versions of the script goto menu

utilities -> vesions

Is logo in script 1st stored as tiff format before uploading or in jpeg format?and where is that stored after uploading?

I wrote one script program,Now i want to transfer this program from development to production system so that output is displayed correct in production.please give me the steps.In development showing correct output but whereas in production somewhat difference.So what is the problem? 0 Answer If the 'Script program' has proper display in #1 Dev. system, but not in Production. The main


problem I faced is logical destination (Printer's name in SAP). Attach the same printer name which user is going to use & again allign at Dev. then transfer the request on Production. Is This Answer Correct ?

2 Yes

0 No

Re: I wrote one script program,Now i want to transfer this program from development to production system so that output is displayed correct in production.please give me the steps.In development showing correct output but whereas in production somewhat difference.So what is the problem? Answer script is client if u want to #2 transfer script program then firstly u need to

make a copy of ur script form from development server to production server with T-code SCC1 then your script program will run properly.

How to debug smartforms? Answer the function module which is generated when you #1 execute a smartform, copy that function module

name and paste it in se37. then click on display



and set breakpoints to debug ur smartform.... hope it is clear by now.. Is This Answer Correct ?

1 No

9 Yes

Re: How to debug smartforms? Answer 1) One way to debug smartform is to debug the #2 Function Module of that smartforms.

If you want to debug particular smartform node that the solution would be, insert a "Program Line" just above the node you want to debug and this program line write a normal abap reakpoint. break-point. So whenever you call the smartforms, it will stop at this breakpoint and you can debug onwards. 2) SFTRACE can be used for debugging SMARTFORMS.

what are nodes in smart forms? Answer In script we have to create the new windows # 1 but where as in smart forms that kind of

facility not aviable so we going to define nodes for creating the windows Is This Answer Correct ?

1 Yes

7 No

Re: what are nodes in smart forms? Answer There are diff nodes avilable in SF like: #2

-window -Graphic -Address -Text -Table -Template -FlowLogic -Folder, etc..

0 Venkatesh.bandi

i want to change alighnment of windows in scripts.How can i do that? Answer In se71,sapscriptname-change. #1 In administrative screen,UTILITIES-OPTIONS. Is This Answer Correct ?

1 Yes



1 No

Re: i want to change alighnment of windows in scripts.How can i do that? Answer if u have window which is already created, #2 select that page window and change the

measurements(width,height,etc) of that according to the new alignment place.

Can we create internal table in smart forms or scripts?if yes where and how?

how to migrate standard text in sap script to smart form? 0 Answer You can migrate a SAPscript form into a Smart Saifur #1 Rahaman Form and convert a SAPscript style into a Smart

Style. When converting a SAPscript style into a Smart Style, the system converts all paragraph and character formats with all their properties and attributes without any changes. Thus you can use the converted Smart Style without making any adaptations. Converting a SAPscript style 1. Go to the Smart Styles inital screen (transaction SMARTSTYLES ). 2. In the Style name field enter the name of the Smart Style you want to create. 3. Choose Smart Styles ® Convert SAPscript style. 4. Enter the name of the SAPscript style you want to convert and Press Enter. 5. Alist of the converted styles appears. 6. Choose Back. You can now change the Smart Style Change).To activate the Smart Style choose Activate.

Is This Answer Correct ?

2 Yes

2 No

Re: how to migrate standard text in sap script to smart form? Answer SAP provides a conversion for SAPscript #2 documents to SMARTforms.

This is basically a function module, called FB_MIGRATE_FORM. You can also do this one-by-one in transaction SMARTFORMS, under Utilities -> Migrate SAPscript form.

how to find the driver program of a script without touching its print program? 0 Answer Go to tnapr table and give the script name and #1 output type u will get the driver program name. Is This Answer Correct ?

4 Yes


7 No

Re: how to find the driver program of a script without touching its print program? Answer 1. Go to the Table TNAPR using SE11 #2 2. Get the Contents of the


Saifur Rahaman

Table(CNTRL+SHIFT+F10) 3. On the Table Content Selection Screen, Type the SAPscript Name for which we have find the Driver Program in the field FONAM and execute(F8) PGNAM field of the result display contains the Driver Program Name for our SAPscript Is This Answer Correct ?

4 Yes

3 No

Re: how to find the driver program of a script without touching its print program? Answer Go to the SE71 and enter the u r script name #3 and press display and go to the form menu and



select the check then u can get the Print program name. Is This Answer Correct ?

6 Yes

4 No

Re: how to find the driver program of a script without touching its print program? Answer IN NACE transaction code u can find all #4 standard print programs

Did u create the script or u have only modified?how did u modified Medruck?did u came across any errors while modifying?after adding the logo wer did u store that? Answer Generally, we modify existing sap scripts #1 provided by SAP rather than creating one.

Unless you have to do something new for your client like Labels or Packaging card, etc., MEDRUCK is the form for PO. You don't create a PO using MEDRUCK. MEDRUCK is the form used to print a PO that has been created. Goto SE71, there is an option in Utilities as COPY ffrom Source client (000). Copy the from MEDRUCK into a Zname form. The common changes wud b inserting a logo, using Std text for Terms and Conditions, alignment of windows as per client requirement, get xtra data if client is asking for somethign more. There are structures used in Scripts which hold the data entered by the user. These structures are used to get data from Database. Look at MEDRUCK form and it would have a print program. you can find in tcode NACE. There might be some requirment like you have to copy medruck as zmedruck. after making modificatons in it you need to execute zmedruck ie instead of medruck zmedruck should be executed. The possible way to do it ::


Saifur Rahaman

1) Go to T-code 'NACE' 2) click on Application 'EV' click on push button 'output types'. 3) In Output types select 'NEU' tab now dounble click on processing routines. 4) Change to change mode For short text 'Print Output' Change form name freom 'MEDRUCK' to 'ZMEDRUCK'. 5) Now save and go back. 6) now whenever u execute 'ME23N' The form ZMEDRUCK will be displayed insted of MEDRUCK. Is This Answer Correct ?

5 Yes

0 No

Re: Did u create the script or u have only modified?how did u modified Medruck?did u came across any errors while modifying?after adding the logo wer did u store that? Answer If u want to create new script go to SE71 #2 create it. Copy the standard one means go to

Utilities->Select(copy from client)give the client number->Target script name(eg: Zmedruck). Then the script copied. for configuration Go to NACE Transaction.

how can you display data say "your name"in smart forms & sapscript without print program or driver program ?

Smartform output in PDF at your screen..

How to make smartform output into PDF?what r the step and requirments? Answer You Can get smart form output in PDF format by writing # 1 a executable program with HTML Viewver.

Steps: 1. Create a Screen '100' for your program and create a Custom Control with name PDF. 2. Data diclaration for HTML Container: data:g_html_container type ref to cl_gui_custom_container, g_html_control type ref to cl_giu_htm_viewer, lv_url type char(255). DATA : l_job_output_info TYPE ssfcrescl. DATA : ls_control_param TYPE ssfctrlop. 3. Fill ur data in internal table and call your smart form. Pass Values to Smartform CALL FUNCTION '/1BCDWB/SF00000166' EXPORTING control_parameters = ls_control_param e_tpseg_start_date = lv_e_tpseg_start_date e_tpseg_end_date = lv_e_tpseg_end_date IMPORTING job_output_info = l_job_output_info TABLES et_trip = lt_trip EXCEPTIONS formatting_error = 1 internal_error = 2 send_error = 3 user_canceled = 4 OTHERS = 5. You will Get data into OTF Format in "l_job_output_info". 3. You have to convert Data in PDF Format so, Call Function Module 'CONVERT_OTF' and pass "l_job_output_info-otfdata".

CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERT_OTF' EXPORTING format IMPORTING bin_filesize bin_file report_pdf TABLES otf lines EXCEPTIONS err_max_linewidth err_format err_conv_not_possible OTHERS

= 'PDF' = pdf_fsize = p_c_ztr_reports= l_job_output_info-otfdata = lt_pdf = = = =

1 2 3 4.

4 . You can use c_ztr_reports-report_pdf to load PDF Data into HTML Control by converting Xstring to binary table by function module 'SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY'. * Convert xstring to binary table to pass to the LOAD_DATA *method CALL FUNCTION 'SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY' EXPORTING buffer = p_c_ztr_reports-report_pdf TABLES binary_tab = lt_data. You Will Get converted data into a internal table "lt_data". 5. Call Your Screen '100'. CALL SCREEN 100. 6. In PBO Module of 100 Screen. 7. Create object for HTML Container Create Object g_html_container exporting Container_name = 'PDF' " Name You have mentioned for Control Conatiner Screen.

8. Pass you defined html container to HTMl Control Create OBJECT g_htnl_contol exporting parent = g_html_container. 9. call intance method load data and pass your converted table into this method. * Load the HTML CALL METHOD g_html_control->load_data( EXPORTING type = 'application' subtype = 'pdf' IMPORTING assigned_url = lv_url CHANGING data_table = lt_data EXCEPTIONS dp_invalid_parameter = 1 dp_error_general = 2 cntl_error = 3 OTHERS = 4 ). From this Method u will get URL in lv_url. 10. call method to show ur url at Your Screen. call method g_html_control->show_url( url = lv_url in_place ='X').

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