Sanyo vs. Canizares Digest & Fulltext
August 17, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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G.R. No. 101619 July 8, 1992 SANYO PHILIPPINES WORKERS UNION-PSSLU UNION-PSSLU v. !ANI"ARES, #$ %# &'(')y ' L'*o+ A+*#)+, ERNARO YAP, RENA/O AYON, SALAOR SOLIEL, ALLAN IS/ERIO, EGARO /ANGKAY, LEONARO IONISIO, ARNEL SALO, REYNALO RI!OHEROSO, ENI/O ALEN!IA, GERARO LASALA AN ALEANER A/ANASIO 3A!/S4 PSSLU %'5 '$ #)#$7 !A #)% S'$yo. /% !A &o$)'#$5 ' u$#o$ &u+#)y &l'u. PSSLU +o) S'$yo )%') )% (+#v') +(o$5$):(loy + $o)#;#5 )%') )%#+ ::*+%#( #)% PSSLU + &'$&ll5 ;o+ '$)#-u$#o$, '&)#v#)#, &o$o:#& '*o)'7, )%+'), &o+o$ '$5 #$)#:#5')#o$, 5#loy'l)y '$5 ;o+ &? o; )% L'*o+ !o5 %#&% (+ov#5 )%') &' '+##$7 ;+o: )% #$)+(+)')#o$ o+ #:(l:$)')#o$ #:(l:$)')#o$ o; )% !A %'ll * 5#(o5 o; *y )% l'*o+ '+*#)+ *y +;++#$7 )% ': )o )% 7+#v'$& :'&%#$+y '$5 volu$)'+y '+*#)+')#o$. Nv+)%l, )% L'*o+ A+*#)+ 'u:5 icoher$oso, @ario ?nsay and roilan Pla$enco. The sa$e letter letter infor$ed %anyo that that the sa$e e$ployees refused to sub$it the$selves to the unions !rievance investi!ation co$$ittee +p. 94, Rollo Rollo). ). t appears that $any of these e$ployees ere not $e$bers of P%%L' but of another union, BA@A. n ebruary 15, 1##*, so$e officers of BA@A, hich included =ap, %alvo, 0aybon, %olibel, enato 0aybon, >eynaldo >icoher$oso, %alvador %olibel, 0enito C for ille!al dis$issal. a$ed respondent ere P%%L' and %anyo. n 2une -*, 1##1, P%%L' filed a $otion to dis$iss the co$plaint alle!in! that the Labor Arbiter as ithout urisdiction over the case, relyin! relyin! on Article Article -1; +c) of P. P.7. 7. 55-, as a$ended by %ection # of of >epublic Act Act o. ";19 hich provides that cases arisin! fro$ the interpretation or i$ple$entation of the collective bar!ainin! a!ree$ents shall be disposed of by the labor arbiter by referrin! the sa$e to the !rievance $achinery and voluntary arbitration. The co$plainants opposed the $otion to dis$iss co$plaint on these !rounds: 1) the series of conferences before the ational Conciliation and @ediation 0oard had been ter$inatedD -) the L>C Labor Arbiter had urisdiction over the case hich as a ter$ination dispute pursuant to Article Article -1; +-) of the Labor CodeD and 4) there as nothin! in the C0A hich needs interpretation or i$ple$entation +pp. 55(5", Rollo Rollo). ). n Au!ust ;, 1##1, the respondent Labor Arbiter issued the first 8uestioned order. t held that: /// /// /// &hile there are see$in!ly contradictory provisions provisions in the aforecited article of the Labor Code, the better interpretation ill be to !ive effect to both, and ter$ination dispute bein! clearly spelled as fallin! under the urisdiction of the Labor Arbiter, the the sa$e shall be respected. The urisdiction of the !rievance $achinery and voluntary arbitration shall cover other controversies. Goever, the resolution of the instant issue shall be suspended until both parties have fully presented their respective positions and the said issue shall be included in the final deter$ination of the above(captioned case. &G?>?>?, the instant @otions to 7is$iss are hereby held pendin!. Conse8uently, the parties are hereby directed to sub$it their position papers and supportin! docu$ents pursuant to %ection -, >ule ules of the Co$$ission on or before the hearin! on the $erit of this case scheduled on Au!ust -#, 1##1 at 11:** a.$. +p. -4, Rollo Rollo))
n Au!ust -;, 1##1, P%%L' filed another $otion to resolve $otion to dis$iss co$plaint ith a prayer that the Labor Arbiter resolve the the issue of urisdiction. urisdiction. n %epte$ber 5, 1##1, the respondent Labor Arbiter issued the second 8uestioned order hich held that it as assu$in! urisdiction over the co$plaint of private respondents, in effect, holdin! that it had urisdiction over the case. n %epte$ber 1#, 1##1, P%%L' filed this petition alle!in! that public respondent Labor Arbiter cannot assu$e urisdiction over the co$plaint of public respondents because it had no urisdiction urisdiction over the the dispute subect subect of said co$plaint. t is their sub$ission that under Article -1; +c) of the Labor Code, in relation to Article -"1 thereof, as ell as Policy nstruction o. " of the %ecretary of Labor, respondent Arbiter Arbiter has no urisdiction and authority to take co!niance of the co$plaint brou!ht by private respondents hich involves the i$ple$entation of the union security clause of the C0A. The function of the Labor Arbiter Arbiter under the sa$e la and rule is to refer this case to the !rievance $achinery and voluntary arbitration. n its co$$ent, private respondents ar!ue that Article -1;+a) - and 5 of the Labor Code is e/plicit, to it: Art. -1;. 2urisdiction 2urisdiction of the Labor Labor Arbiters Arbiters and the Co$$ission. Co$$ission. a) ?/cept as otherise provided under this Code, the Labor Arbiters shall have ori!inal and e/clusive urisdiction urisdiction to hear and decide . . . the folloin! cases involvin! all orkers, . . . : /// /// /// -) Ter$ination disputes, /// /// /// 5) Clai$s for actual, $oral, e/e$plary and other for$s of da$a!es arisin! fro$ the e$ployer( e$ployee relations. The private respondents also clai$ed that insofar as %alvo, 0aybon, >icoher$oso, %olibel, A 4"3) and alays ith due process +Tropical Gut ?$ployees 'nion v. Tropical Tropical ood @arket, nc., L(545#9(##, 2an. -*, 1##*). The reference to a Erievance @achinery and A ";19 of referrin! certain !rievances ori!inally and e/clusively to the !rievance $achinery and hen not settled at this level, to a panel of voluntary arbitrators outlined in C0As does not only include !rievances arisin! fro$ the interpretation or i$ple$entation of the C0A but applies as ell to those arisin! fro$ the i$ple$entation of co$pany personnel policies. o other body shall take co!niance of these cases. The last para!raph of Article -"1 enoins other bodies fro$ assu$in! urisdiction thereof: The co$$ission, its >e!ional ffices and the >e!ional 7irectors of the 7epart$ent of Labor and ?$ploy$ent shall not entertain disputes, !rievances or $atters under the e/clusive and ori!inal urisdiction of the the
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