Samsung R450 Hack Manual

July 3, 2016 | Author: Jennifer Holland | Category: N/A
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Page 1of 61

• nSI e SAM SUNG r450 THr HACt (P hone Nu mber) ~ need this information • MIN Network Setting MIN => (Phone Nu mber) ~ need this information • Home SID Enter SID 5007 ~ne e d this information


I· I·




Page 46 of 61

NEXT: SAVE YOUR PIXs to your MicroSD card. It will remove all pies on your phone. REMOVE YOUR MICROSD CARD NOW!!

THEN Save or write all your phone numbers. It WILL DELETE them. Save any messages you want to keep.

You have been warned guys that your stuff may be LOST! You can not save games, Loopt, MSN or anything you have paid to downloaded.

ALL WILL BE LOST! IF YOU STILL HAVE THE BALLS GO FOR IT.. ! Don't cry when its gone ... Or You can't get you phone to work.. Don't send me Emails asking me how to get your stuff back... I will tell you to go to the store, and good luck.. This mode is part of the heart of this phone and will make or break your phone very fast. If miss type a number wrong even one time you're phone can remove ALL YOUR STUFF.

Page47 0f 61

START: Bade understanding

Your "SEND" and "END" buttons Th e Green SEND, numb ers up Red END, numb ers down "OK" WIll SAVE (som e tim es)


"*,, and "if'

"." WIll SAVE "#" back to IJ2IIlm e with th e dots -7 002 (If you typ e a num ber m to any area and you hav e sav ed 1t and want to mov e on or out of this eelit mode push and hold th e # until you see th e dots show up at th e bottom) You can ente r a n ew numb er mto som e ar eas like this 169f- Area Numb er XITSLf- Infonn ati on 587846f- Eelitlm e

a, th e eelit line Just typ e 1n th e new numb er and push "OK" to sav e (You can not chang e som e mfonnation/numb ers) (You can not chang e th e nam es of th e listings)

EXIT MODE: Enter 002to eXlt this mode (In this mode I found1 tto b e eaSle st t o exit this mode back to th e phon e screen) PHONE WILL REBOOT

-PHANTOMSNe' Some lines will notgo away In{FTM) rna nua I edit mode, It will gile you a false look sometime or InformatkJn !Tom some other tne that dkin't get cleared !Tom one screen to the next screen. P ay attention w hen you enter ea ch ar ea , so y ou see any n ew c+-h anges.

Page 48 of 61

OPEN THE FTM TO EDIT All you will see is lines like this:


NOTE Enter the Area Number (if you type it wrong STOP and push '#" before the last number Otherwise it will do what ever you typed and you don't get to fix it)

(The numbers on left side below are for demo info only) MANUALFTM

How to read a Area. Area Name: (line 1) Info (line 2) Info (line 4) Info (line 5) Info / edit (line 6) Area Code/ Edit line (line 7)

1 2 3

_ _ _

4 5

_ _





Page 49 of6 1 Lookslikethis MANUALFTM 1 INVA LID ' _Meldy Test Mode_

;.~~~ , ~M;';fu='"='e=',=" =.,=..~~: 7


The numb er you change is on line 6 or it mayb e a Yes/No setting DO NOT PU SH , 027 ,0 73 , O ~ , 181 , 186, it removes your infocmation. It coslme a phone just to fin d outfoc til i,manual, that'sno j oke!

Page 50 of 61

MANUAL FTM (list of numbers) NOTE: When you are in this area 1 would use the "suspend-OOl "to turn offy our signal then y ou can edit it without text messages or calls interrupting you . DON'T ENTER ANY THAT ARE IN !! RED I!. All othe r colo rs are used to better see the listings. (Default setting ">" ) COJ- nJa

C D ~_Txag:


234 001- PCS SUSPEND (turll3 c1f si!Jl21) (reboot will tun on)

033- Undefined Commmd

03J- CH_F LA TNESS [chan0]





021 - SeLSIOJ IIW e DM on Uart

m5- Predict Info PR ODLXT N U~E R



~ CQ

OJ2- Rest art Phon e

HFK on Uart 004- WRITE_NY


2m 022- TEST_S Undefined Commmd 003- Undefined Commmc 007- Undefined Commmc 003- Undefine d Commmc


«reo OZl~

seru SIW Yer

033- Prod tx t Info PRODLX T NU~ E R

= 037- Cfe a- Lifeti me =

033- Undefine d Commmc

0:::8- Certer_Txras_Aci

02 4~

C -25.1PA -25.1

seru ESN




Beoao ceuata

O.f)- Restore CaData 01 0- Undefine d Commmc 01 1- Carrier_Ql269 01 2- Carrier_af269

025- Blockli[tlt

«reo 0213- Led Test

«reo 013- Load_syrih 1175


015- Cdtrk_Aci

291 016- Yga_Offs et

-250 uu rroe- rroves)

043- Dn ..F _Ql 044- Dn..F _af

!! 027- Rebuild !! (DON'T PUSH)

014- COATA

041- Undefined Commmc 042- Undefined Commmd

(S\§tem rebuilds) (back to Factory settings) !lour Phonewil l stop wor1lingl rrhe DEC and HEX are re moved) (no know ftx lor this setting vetl

045- Undefined Commmd 043- Vibrcior_Test (sta rt) 047- Vibrator_Tes (St op) 043- Batterytype 3 ~~

0"28- Undefined Commmc



049- Lrer e meset Lna[1] 1175 Lna[2] 1175 Lna[3] 1175 Lna [4] 1175


032- DVGA Gfset

WJ.. t resecenata

01 7- LNA Gfset PL1-00 CL1-000 162 (n umoor moves) 018- S eU ~ I QT

C D ~_ Txag:

029- SUBLCD conrast


OJJ- Undefined Commmc 031- rvfiU Table f..R U[OO]

Page 51 of 61 3(83)


051- n/a

061- Yga_Offset Yga_Offset -347

052-PCS_Temp_Comp -30'C[00] 00000 -20'C[01] 00000 -10'C[02] 00000 -0 C[03] 00000 +1O'C[04] 00000 +20'C[05] 00000 +40'C[06] 00000 +6O'C[07] 00000 053- Carrier] D 00000 054- Therm_Read 00144 055- Ybat Read val Ybatt Read 00181 056- Ybat Read val Ybat t Read_stanby 170

062- Undefined Command

081- PCM_Loop_On 0 082- PCM_Loop_Off 0 083- n/a 084- n/a

063- SeUM2 lOT 000000000

085- Undefined Command 086- Undefined Command

064- SeUM2 lOT 000000000

087- Trk_LO_Adj 00000

065- SeUM2 lOT 000000000 066- SeUM2 lOT 000000000 067068069070-

Undefined Command Undefined Command Undefined Command Undefined Command

071- CDMA_Txagc CDMA_Txagc 234 072- CDMA_Txagc CDMA_Txagc 234

088- Cdtrk_Adj 255 089- n/a 090- n/a 091- PA_RANGE_O 255 092- PA_RANGU 255 093094095096097098-

nla nla nla nla Undefined Command Undefined Command

099- Set_SIO_mode HFK on Uart

057- Undefined Command 058- HDR_Txras_Adj Index 0/32 0 Index 1 to32 0 059- Undefined Command 060- Test Spare Item Spare_D1 0000000000 Spare_D2 0000153603 Spare_D3 Spare_D4 Spare_D5 Spare_D6 Spare_D7 Spare_D8 Spare_D9 Spare_D1O

II 073- Clear Memory II (CLEARS ALL INFO) (DON'T PUSH) 074- RD RASSI 627m

II 075- Clear Memory II (RESETS EVERYTHING) (DON'T PUSH) 076- Undefined Command 077- n/a 078- n/a 079- PDM1_value 0 080- PDM2_value 0

(arrow right) (0 or 1) (arrow up) (HFK on Uart) (DM on Uart)

100- Meody Test Mode My Ri ngtones Bel 1 High (arrow up/down) Bel 1 Bel2 Bel3 .AJ ert 1 .AJert 2 Samsung Tune Sunny day Jazz Bar

Page 52 of 61 LatinaLady Dive JoyfLJ Holiday Garage in the backyard WateredorPainting Nightl ess City Funky Marionette Car Ride Dancelion Good Morning Postcard Snowllake Shutter_1 Shutter_2 ShutterB (arrow lefUright) (high/ low / medium low / medium / medium high)

101- n/a 102- n/a 103- n/a 104- n/a 105- n/a 106- n/a 107- n/a 108- n/a 109- GPSONE_MODE (no setting) 110- GPS_Setting D_GPSP 0 DOP_SDEY 0 GPS_BCNT 0 D_AWS -120 D_PCS 180 D_CDMA 180 D_GPS 0 GPS_LOSS 80 GPS_LO 0 GPS_ANT 111-IP_ADDRESS PDE_SERV IP 1ST 0000 PDE_SERVJP_2ND Input IP

PDE_SERVJP _3RD Input IP PDE_SERVJP_4TH Input IP 112-PCS_RF_DELAY 0 113-GPS RF DELAY 0 114- CDMA_RF_DELAY 200 115- Undefined Command 116- n/a 117-n/a 118-AWS_RF_DELAY AWS RF DELAY -120 119- Undefined Command 120- Undefined Command 121- Ouck Boot > Ouick Boot DisatJe 1 Ouck Boot Enable 0 122- n/a 123- n/a 124- n/a 125- n/a 126- n/a 127- n/a

128- M~ody Test Mode (arrow up/down) My Ri ngtones Downloaded Melody My Sounds (0) 129- Undefined Command 130- HW rev R450.07 131- BT carrier FREQ 78 132- Undefined Command 133- BT RF Test 134- BT Loopback On/Off 135- BT Loopbk conn/dis 136- BT Loopback set dev

Deviceaddr write0 000000000000 Deviceaddr write 1 Input Address Deviceaddr write2 Input Address Deviceaddr write3 Input Address Deviceaddr write4 Input Address Deviceaddr write5 Input Address 137- Write_BDA BDA_1ST 00 21dUadbfd BDA_2ND Input BDA BDA_3RD Input BDA BDA_4TH Input BDA BDA_5TH Input BDA BDA_6TH Input BDA 138- BT check On/Off BTON 139- Undefined Command 140- Undefined Command 141 - Dvga offset -81 Lna offset[1] 0 Lna offset[2] 181 Lna offset[3] 381 Lna offset[4] 510 ExHdet C16A PABA 851 ExHdet C18.0PA15.0 60 ExHdet C19.6PA16.6 73 ExHdet C212 PA182 87 ExHdet C22.8PA19 .8 105 ExHdet C24A PA21A 126 ExHdet C26.0PA23.0 150 ExHdet C27.6PA24.6 179

Page 53 of 61 ExHdet C29.2 PA26.2 218 Lim_vsFreq[Chan a] -8 Lim_vsFreq[Chan 1]


Lim_vsFreq[Chan 2]


Lim_vsFreq[Chan 3]


Lim_vsFreq[Chan 4]






146- ADC_VAL AGC[O] 00155

a a









Lim_vsFreq[Chan 5]

144- Tx Lirntvsterrp TempJndex[O] 3 Ternplndexlt] 88 TempJndex[2] 2 TempJndex[3] 176 TempJndex[4] 85 TempJndex[5] 102 TempJndex[6] 55 TempJndex[7]


Lim_vsFreq[Chan 6]


Lim_vsFreq[Chan 7]


Lim_vsFreq[Chan 8]


Lim_vsFreq[Chan 9]


Lim_vsFreq[Chan 10]


Lim_vsFreq[Chan 11]


Lim_vsFreq[Chan 12]


Lim_vsFreq[Chan 13]


Lim_vsFreq[Chan 14]

145- AGC->ADC AGC[O] 3 AGC[1] 88 AGC[2] 2 AGC[3] 176 AGC[4] 85 AGC[5] 102 AGC[6] 55 AGC[7]

a a

Lim_vsFreq[Chan 15]


142- HDET_span


143- TxLimt Freq ChJndex[O] 3 ChJndex[1] 88 ChJndex[2] 2 ChJndex[3] -80 ChJndex[4] 85 ChJndex[5] 102 ChJndex[6] 55 ChJndex[7]















147- n/a 148- n/a 149- n/a 150- EC Cal ecFarendHanggoverThres 10 ecStartupMuteHangover Theres -81 nesRxAtlenLevel -81 ecStartupErleThres -81 ecForceHalfDupex esecDoutJetalkHangover Thres

151- Undefined Command 152- Undefined Command 153- Undefined Command 154- Undefined Command 155- Undefined Command 156- Undefined Command 157- Undefined Command 158- Undefined Command 159- Undefined Command 160- Undefined Command 161- nla 162- nla 163- nla 164- nla 165- Undefined Command 166- Undefined Command 167- Undefined Command 168- Undefined Command 169- XTKSL 587846 (you can change this to 000000 to make code ez) 170- SPC 412950 (you can change this to 000000 to make code ez)





a a


Page 54 of 61 172- CAMERA ~CAPTURE (no setting) 173- CAMERA~SAVE (no setting) 174- TX MAX POWER TEST 438 175- n/a 176- Undefined Command 177- Undefined Command

(arrow IefUright) Red Green Blue Gray ltJack >White (exit - hold #) 194- Undefined Command 195- Undefined Command 196- Undefined Command 197- Earphone Sense SendEnd

178-HWVER 07 179- Undefined Command 180- Undefined Command

II 181- PL info erase? II

oor 1

00000000 182- PL Info Write 0 00000000 183- Undefined Command 184- Undefined Command 185- Feature Reset 00000000

11186- Factory Reset II

00000000 187- Reset Varify Reset comp eted Reset uncorrpieted 188- Undefined Command 189- Undefined Command 190- Undefined Command 191- KEYTEST VERIFY Keytest uncompeted 192- (screen bright) (arrow lefUright) LevEJdim [13] LevEJ 1 [11] LevEJ2 [10] LevEJ3 [8] LevEJ4 [7] LevEJ5 [6] (exit hold #) 193- (screen cdor)

198- Earphone LB On/Off (no setting) 199- Raying_M P3 (Will not shut off) (makes lots of noise) 200- Snd_Voc ~CaI Handset Mic 22531 HEADSET SPK 45058 HEADSET MIC 26197 HEADSET SPK 00055 PHFK MIC 00000 PHFK SPK 00000 HANDSET SIDETONE 00000 HEADSET SIDETONE 00000 201- Voc Calibration ec_mode 1 ec_mode 1 es_enable 1 tx_gain 13000 dtmfjx_gain 4096

ccdectxpan 16384 codec rxpain 16384 Codecstpan 100 Rx FIR Fiter[O] 65465 Rx FIR Fiter[1]

65489 Rx FIR Fiter[2] 20 Rx FIR Fiter[3] 633 Rx FIR Fiter[4] 1454 Rx FIR Fiter[5] 2820 Rx FIR Fiter[6] 14825 202- Snd Cal ibration rx_vdume_db[O] -1000 rx_vdume_db[1 ] -500 rx_vdume_db[2] 0 rx_vdume_db[3] 500 rx_vdume_db[4] 1250 203- Vdume Calibration BEJ I 1 300 BEJ I2 100 BEJ I3 100 .AJ ert 1 1200 .AJert 2 200 Samsung Tune 300 Sunny day 300 Jazz Bar 600 LatinaLady 700 Dive 700 Joyful Hdiday 700 Garage in the backyard 500 Watercdor Painting 500 Nightless City 700 Funky Marionette 500 Car Ride 1200 Dandelion BOO

Page 55 of 61 Good Morning 500 Postcard 1200 Snowll ake 1200



HEADSET_dtmt gain 4096 HEADSETjX--9ain 16384 HEADSET_ns_enatJ e

208- Headset & BT Calibration (arrow up/down) HEADSET_ec_mode

209- Echo Cancellation ec_mode 1 aeSMuteMode

HeadsetKey Beep -2300 204- Spk Phone Calibration rx_volume_db[O] -1200 rx_volume_db[1] -700 rx_volume_db[2] -200 rx_volume_db[3] 300 rx_volume_db[4] 800 205- Spk Phone Calibration ec_mode

4 ec_enatJe 1 206- KEY BEEP KEY BEEP 1 -1900 KEY BEEP 2 -1400 KEY BEEP 3 -900 KEY BEEP 4 -400 KEY BEEP 5 100

2 BT_RU iter[6] 9419 BT_RU iter[5] 836 BT_RU iter[4] 65230 BT_RU iter[3] 65455 BT_RU iter[2] 65363 BT_RU iter[1] 65516 BT_RU iter[O] 65507 BT_codec_stgain


BT_codec_rx_gain 16384 BT_codecj x_gai n 16384 BT_dtmtb
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