Sample Toeic Test

December 10, 2016 | Author: rhea_rosman | Category: N/A
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Level Test / TOEIC Test Check your General English level and practice your TOEIC skills. Time: maximum 1 hour Questions: 80 Format: TOEIC (listening and reading) Top of Form

Listening Comprehension Start the test.

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts to this section with specific directions for each part.

PART 1: Photos Directions: For each question, you will see a picture in your test book and you will hear four short statements. The statements will be spoken just one time. They will not be written in your test book, so you must listen carefully in order to understand what the speaker says. When you hear the four statements, look at the picture in your test book and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question and mark the correct answer on your answer sheet. Look at the sample below. Now listen to the statements.

A. The man is filming boats. B. The man is watching a movie. C. The man is using a camera. D. The car is going through the boatyard.

Statement (C), "The man is using a camera", best describes what you see in the picture. Therefore, you should choose answer (C). 1 A B C D



3 A B C D



5 A B C D



7 A B C D



9 A B C D



PART 2: Questions / Responses Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a question spoken in English, followed by three responses, also spoken in English. The question and the responses will be spoken just one time. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. Choose the best response to each question. Sample Answer Now listen to a sample question. You will hear: (Could you get something for me at the supermarket?) You will also hear: (A. It's a big market? B. I'm going on foot. C. Sure. What would you like?) The best response to the question " Could you get something for me at the supermarket?" is choice (C), " Sure. What would you like? Therefore, you should choose answer (C).









































PART 3: Dialogues Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 10 short conversations between two people. The conversations will not be printed in your test book. You will hear the conversations only once, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. In your test book, you wiIl read a question about each conversation. The question wiIl be foIlowed by four answers. Choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet. 21. Where are they? A. In a factory B. In a supermarket C. In an airplane D. In a cinema 22. What is not working? A. A car B. A photocopier C. A computer

D. A jam maker 23. When will the report be ready? A. Today B. Wednesday C. Thursday D. Friday 24. Who is the man? A. A bank teller B. A flight attendant C. An economist D. A travel agent 25. Where does this conversation take place? A. In a pet store B. In a restaurant C. In a kindergarten D. In a supermarket 26. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. They are hospital patients B. They are work colleagues C. They are both from Detroit D. They are police officers

27. When will the woman see Dr Forbes? A. At 2 o'clock

B. Tomorrow C. In one week D. In 2 weeks 28. What kind of car did the woman buy? A. A 4-wheel-drive car B. A very expensive car C. An American car D. A European car 29. What activity are the people doing? A. horseriding B. rafting C. walking D. mountain climbing 30. Why is the man annoyed? A. He is cold B. He has lost his key C. He can't save money D. His computer is not working properly PART 4: Short Talks Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks. Each will be spoken just one time. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember what is said. In your test book, you will read two or more questions about each short talk. The questions will be followed by four answers. Choose the best answer to each question and

mark it on your answer sheet. 31. What time will the activity start? A. midday Thursday B. midday Friday C. half past one on Friday D. four o'clock Friday afternoon 32. What should students do first in order to participate in the activity?

A. pay $25 B. go to the front of the school C. add their name to a list D. notify the school by midday Friday

33. What will happen in the case of bad weather? A. Only 17 people will be able to go. B. The activity will be put off until another time. C. The activity will be cancelled. D. Notification will be posted to the students. 34. What does the Big Bicycle warehouse sell? A. only bicycles

B. bikes and accessories C. bicycle deals D. service and repair 35. For how long will the cheap prices be available? A. this week B. this week and next week C. one year D. all the time 36. If you are not satisfied with your bike in the first 3 months, what can you do?

A. ask for a guarantee B. not ask questions about a refund C. change your bike D. purchase a new bike after 3 months

37. How long will the weather be hot? A. a few days B. 2 or 3 weeks C. 38 days D. until Christmas 38. What advice are authorities giving? A. Children should be careful. B. Parents should watch out

for their children. C. New Zealanders should go to rivers and lakes to keep cool. D. Children should enjoy the water at Christmas time. 39. When can you contact a student at the school? A. any time B. during office hours C. in the evening or at weekends D. after 5.30 pm Monday 40. Why should you use the fax number? A. to get help in an emergency B. to arrange accommodation in the hostel C. to leave a message D. to send an application to enrol

Reading Comprehension YOU WILL HAVE TWENTY-FIVE MINUTES TO COMPLETE PARTS 5, 6 AND 7 OF THE TEST. In this section of the test, you will have a chance to show how well you understand written English. There are three parts to this section, with special directions for each part. PART 5

Directions: Questions 41 - 52 are incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), (D), are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer. You will read: Always check for traffic before ------- the road. A. cross B. to cross C. crossing D. will cross The sentence should read, " Always check for traffic before crossing the road." Therefore, you should choose answer (C). Now, begin work on the questions. 41. The company has been operating successfully ------- the last 16 years.

A. during B. for C. since D. from

42. Rapid software development is forcing companies to ------- their computers.

A. modern B. modernization C. modernize D. modernizing

43. His new boss allowed him ------- a day off to visit his mother in hospital

A. have

B. to have C. having D. had 44. Most customers learn about new products ------- advertisements. A. from B. because C. by D. to 45. Please send the new documents to ------- by email. A. they B. their C. theirs D. them 46. The manager of the shop said that he would ------- the customer's problem.

A. look up B. look into C. look around D. look for

47. ------- we are running at full capacity, we cannot fill our existing orders.

A. Because B. However C. Despite

D. Although 48. The sales director is the person ------- should speak to you about this matter.

A. that B. when C. which D. whose

49. A temporary employee will ------- me while I am away on holiday.

A. fill in for B. take over C. make do with D. take on

50. Please come back to see me ------- 20 minutes. A. by B. before C. at D. in 51. Would you please ------- the next applicant to come in. A. ask B. demand C. say D. talk to 52. Mr Johnson was relieved that the difficult part of the job was coming to ------- .

A. a final

B. a finishing C. an ending D. an end PART 6 Directions: In Questions 53 - 64, each sentence has four words or phrases underlined. The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C), (D). You are to identify the one underlined word or phrase that should be corrected or rewritten. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer. Example: He always go yachting with his friends at the weekend. A B C D A B C D The underlined word "go" is not correct in this sentence. This sentence should read, " He always goes yachting with his friends at the weekend." Therefore, you should choose answer (A). Now begin work on the questions. 53. She was boring with her new job as she hardly saw any customers during the day. A B C D


D 54. The increase in new electrical products have meant a greater demand for electrical power. A B C D


55. We plan to improve our product by invest more money in research and development in the future. A B C D


56. The company is going to have the new car designed from a famous Italian designer. A B C D


57. After several years, many of the factory's machine needed replacing. A B C D A

B C D 58. The contract with the main production company will expiring on the tenth of next month. A B C D


59. All staff should to go as quickly as possible to the emergency meeting point. A B C D A B C D 60. Last year most of the large tourism companies have made more profits than the year before. A B C D


D 61. As a result of the profits increased last year, employees were paid a bonus of five hundred dollars. A B C D


62. The company's main office is located on seventh floor of that building over there. A B C D


63. The research scientists made an experiment to test the effectiveness of the latest products. A B C D


64. A university is usual open five days a week. A B C D A B C D PART 7 Directions: Questions 65 - 80 are based on a selection of reading materials, such as notices, letters, forms, newspaper and magazine articles, and advertisements. You are to choose the one best answer (A), (B), (C), or (D) to each question. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer. Answer all questions following each reading selection on the basis of what is stated or implied in that selection. Read the following example. Please follow the signs for "Car Ferry". All drivers with ferry tickets should report to the vehicle check-in office situated in the vehicle loading area next to the main ferry terminal. The latest reporting time is one hour before departure. Where should drivers show their ferry tickets? A. On the car ferry B. At the check-in office C. In the loading area D. In the main ferry terminal The reading selection says that drivers with ferry tickets should report to the vehicle check-in office. Therefore, you should choose answer (B). Now begin work on the questions. Questions 65 - 67 refer to the following letter.

The Director International English Institute 71 Bealey Avenue Christchurch Dear Sir, Re:Festival of Japan Preparation is currently under way for the 2004 Festival of Japan to be held from the 16 - 25 August. The festival is an unprecedented opportunity to put the culture and arts of Japan on show and it has a wide program that relies on support from the Japanese community here in Christchurch as well as international visitors and groups. We are currently approaching groups and individuals in the community who may wish to be involved in some way with the festival, either running their own event, being part of an event, or contributing volunteers. All the events and activities are coordinated by The Events Company and we can make all the necessary arrangements needed to run the event. I have attached a draft program for the festival this year. Should either your school as a whole or any of your students wish to be involved in any way, please don't hesitate to contact me. To register, I have attached an event registration form. Kind regards, Peter Piper Festival Director 65. What is the main purpose of this letter? A. To promote festival events to the public B. To ask for participation in the festival C. To ask for financial contributions D. To ask international visitors to support the Japanese community 66. How many documents are attached to this letter? A. 0 B. 1

C. 2 D. 3 67. Who is organizing this festival? A. The Japanese community B. International visitors and groups C. Students D. A company Questions 68 - 69 refer to the following information. Every year, New Zealand welcomes thousands of new residents, workers, students, businesses and visitors. The New Zealand Immigration Service is here to assist those who qualify for entry to New Zealand. New Zealand is an exciting place to live, work and play, but moving to a new country can be challenging. So, before exploring the range of policies under which you may qualify to enter New Zealand, we recommend that you thoroughly research different aspects of living in New Zealand, including health, education, housing, employment and community networks. Living in New Zealand - a guide for Migrants and The Ethnic Community Directory are designed to help you do just this. If you are considering doing business in New Zealand, our website will provide you with a range of information about the New Zealand business environment and regulations. 68. Who is this text written for? A. New Zealanders B. Business people C. People who want to come to New Zealand D. Immigration officers

69. If you want to live permanently in New Zealand, what should you do first? A. Look at the website B. Read "Living in New Zealand" and "The Ethnic Community Directory". C. Contact The New Zealand Immigration Service. D. Explore the range of policies under which you may qualify. Questions 70 - 71 refer to the following magazine article. Modern day bungy jumpers got the idea from a ritual that happens on the islands of Vanuatu, in the South West Pacific. Men bungy jump from bamboo towers about 35 meters high with springy vines tied to their feet. The ritual is called the Naghoi Ceremony and it is supposed to guarantee a good crop harvest. It also acts as an initiation ceremony for young men. 70. What is the main topic of this paragraph? A. Modern day bungy jumping B. The origin of bungy jumping C. Methods of bungy jumping D. Reasons for bungy jumping 71. What is the main reason for bungy jumping in Vanuatu? A. For initiation B. For young men C. For a good harvest D. For tourism Questions 72 - 74 refer to the following advertisement. 2004 Ski Passes

New Zealand's premier ski area company has launched its hugely popular nzskipass, offering unlimited skiing and riding at Coronet Peak and The Remarkables in Queenstown, Canterbury's Mt Hutt, and Ohau Snow Fields in North Otago for the 2004 season. When purchased online, the early season price of an adult (18 to 64) nzskipass will remain the same as last year at $499, the cost for students is $100 less than last year at $399, and youths (aged seven to 17) and seniors (65 to 74 years) will pay just $249 for the season. Children aged six and under at Coronet Peak and Mt Hutt will continue to receive a free day lift pass, and children aged 10 and under will receive a free day lift pass at The Remarkables. For total convenience, children six and under can be issued with an nzskipass season pass for just a $25 administration fee. 72. Which ski field in this advertisement has the cheapest lift pass for an eight-year-old child? A. Coronet Peak B. The Remarkables C. Mt Hutt D. Ohau Snow Fields 73. Who can buy cheaper ski passes this year compared to last year? A. Adults B. Students C. Seniors D. Children under 6 74. How much is an nzskipass for a 62-year-old person? A. $100 B. $249

C. $399 D. $499 Questions 75 - 77 refer to the following instructions. STEP 1 Scratch the silver panel to reveal your 10-digit card pin number. STEP 2 Dial the local access number from a landline phone (or 0800 777 125 if local access not available) or 0800 777 872 from a cellphone. STEP 3 You will be greeted with a recorded voice, follow the voice prompts, when asked enter your 10 digit number. If your 10 digit number is not recognised you will be asked again to re-enter it. Once it has been accepted dial the number you need including the local area code for calls within New Zealand for instance Auckland (09) then the local number, the same applies to an international call, you must dial the code from New Zealand which is 00 then the code for the country you are calling eg Switzerland 41, so the number would be 0041 followed by the code for the town you are calling eg Geneva 22, followed by the local number so your dialled numbers would look like this: 0041 22 888 8888 (sample number only) 75. What are these instructions for? A. Using a cellphone B. Using a telephone card C. Using an access number D. Using a landline 76. Where can you call using this service? A. Switzerland and Auckland only B. New Zealand only C. Overseas only

D. Anywhere 77. What number should be dialled first to make an international call from a cellphone? A. A ten-digit pin number B. 0800 777 125 C. 0800 777 872 D. 0041 22 888 888 Questions 78 - 80 refer to the following newspaper article. NZ voted safest, not most boring, travel destination New Zealand has been rated by travellers as the safest nation on Earth, but the British travel magazine behind the award has adamantly denied it means New Zealand is boring. Wanderlust magazine polled its readers about the best countries on Earth and awarded the top spot to Namibia, knocking New Zealand off the overall No. 1 rating from last year. But the one category where New Zealand maintains its No. 1 rating is safety, outpolling even Switzerland and Singapore. Wanderlust editor Lyn Hughes said the safety award "emphatically doesn't mean boring" and says it reflects visitors' freedom from worrying about risks. The Guardian newspaper in Britain questioned the value of being rated the safest nation on Earth and said it could be seen as being rated boring. "Wanderlust tends to the adventurous, independent traveller, but has now given an award for safest country to New Zealand," said Guardian travel editor Gwyn Topham. 78. Which country did Wanderlust readers vote the best country on earth last year? A. Namibia B. New Zealand C. Switzerland

D. Singapore 79. Which country did Wanderlust readers vote the safest country on earth last year? A. Namibia B. New Zealand C. Switzerland only D. Singapore 80. Why is New Zealand the safest country this year? A. Because it is boring B. Because travellers don't need to be concerned about risks C. Because visitors can be adventurous and independent D. Because it has a safety award





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International English Institute

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