Sample Test Paper

January 8, 2017 | Author: aqibazizkhan | Category: N/A
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SAMPLE TEST PAPER NED UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, KARACHI–75270 PRE–ADMISSION ENTRY TEST BATCH FOR ADMISSION IN B.E. / B.E. (SELF FINANCE) / BCIT / B.Arch. Time Allowed: Two Hours INSTRUCTIONS 1. Ballpoint pen, dark pencil (BB) and eraser are required for this Test. You may bring with you on ordinary or a scientific calculator. Programmable calculators or any type of tables are not allowed. 2. Give your undivided attention to the Instructions given in the Examination Hall. You will be told when to start and when to stop. 3. During the test, do not borrow any article, talk, whisper or turn your eyes or head away from your own papers. Non–compliance with instructions will disqualify you from the Test. 4. Fill in your Name in Block–Letters, University Roll number and Registration number (or numbers, separated by commas, if you are an applicant under more than category) with ballpoint pen, on the Answer sheet. 5. The Answer sheet is made of special paper, which gives itself a „carbon‟ copy on the Duplicate. Do not use ballpoint pen for answering questions, as you may require to change your answer. 6. Rough work, if required, may be done only on the blank provided with this booklet. Do not write anything anywhere on the Test booklet. 7. Attempt all four Sections, twenty–five questions each, included in this booklet. It is in your interest not to spend more than 30 minutes in answering any of the sections 8. Use a dark pencil to shade–in the circle representing your choice. For example, the choice B is shown below:

More than one answer will be considered as an incorrect answer. If you want to change your choice, do not cross it, use an eraser. 9. Detach and submit the Original Answer sheet together with test booklet before you leave the Examination Hall or when asked. The Duplicate sheet is your take–home copy to help you to evaluate your own Test performance and may be required for any later reference

SECTION–I ENGLISH Direction: In each of the following sentences, a word or phrase is underlined. From the Choices given, select the one word or phrase that best preserves the meaning of the original Sentence. Indicate the correct answer by blackening the corresponding space on the answer grid. 1.Three factors are working to desiccate the landscape a. Beautify b. Ruin c. Dry d. Moisten 2. Some people believe the aloe plant has curative properties a. Organic b. Superior c. Healing d. Magical 3.A serious burn can stun and weaken the victim a. Injure b. Daze c. Exhaust d. Infuriate 4.The politician's cogent argument against the war won him many votes in the election. a. Satisfying b. Forcefull c. Dissuative d. Persuasive 5.A common cause of dysentery is the use of untreated water in the preparation of foods, which is quite common in certain underdeveloped countries. a. Bowel infection b. Displeasure c. Malnutrition d. Eupepsia Directions: Choose the best opinion to complete the following sentence: 1. Ever since he married Jane, he's had a new ____ on life. a. Title b. Rent c. Lease d. Loan

2.The sandpiper is easily frightened by noise and light,

The next words will be a. And it will bravely resist b. Nevertheless bravely resisting c. But it will bravely resist d. Even if bravely resisting 3.We are planning to go to _____ Spain _____ France during the holidays. 1. Either…or 2. Either…nor 3. Neither…and 4. Both…nor 4. Glancing at his watch, Daniel picked up his speed. a. To glance at his watch b. He glanced at his watch and c. Glancing at his watch d. Since he glanced at his watch

5.Light ______ than sound, which is why you see lightening before you hear the thunder. a. Travelling faster b. Will travel faster c. Having travelled faster d. Travels faster Directions: Each sentence has four words or phrases underlined. The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked A, B, C & D. You are to identify the one underlined number of the problem and mark your answer. A




1. Overeating, in addition to lack of attention to nutrition, are said to be the major cause of obesity a. A b. B c. C d. D A



2. Having enjoyed the scenery, The steamer next took us to Bird Isle, an island whose history was hardly known until 1900. a. A b. B c. C d. D A




3.The public is not so angry about corruption in government than it is disgusted with inflation

a. A b. B c. C d. D






4. I had never sat foot out in a place like this a. A b. B c. C d. D A


5. Because the student showed they had readB the materials so thorough , the instructor D decided not to administer an exam. a. A b. B c. C d. D Direction: Choose the most appropriate preposition: 1.She could not dissociate herself ____ what she said earlier. a. Off b. With c. From d. Of 2.After we saw the play, we had different opinions _______ Jane’s performance. a. About b. At c. For d. Towards 3.The man robbed me _____ my possessions. a. On b. From c. With d. Of 4.As we drove through the darkness, we saw another car coming _____ the bend in the road. a. through b. under c. over d. around 5. A steady mind triumphs ____ difficulties a. In b.Over c. At d. With

CRITICAL READING Instructions: The questions in this group are based on the content of a passage. After reading the passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions following the passage

on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage. Questions 21– 25 are based on the following passage:

SECTION–2 MATHS 1.The value of 2i x 3k is: a. 6 b. -6j c. 6j d. 6k 2. A circle passes through these points (2,-1), (2,3) and (4,-1) then its radius is: a. 5^(1/2) b.4^(1/2) c.√2 d.none of these 3. At what point y=ln x gives the maximum value a.e b.1/e c.1 d.10^10 4.S= {0,1}, T={2,3} then S × T =? a. { (0,2), (0,3) , (1,2), (1,3)} b. { } c. { (0,1,2)} cannot be determined 5. cube roots unity are : 2

a.1, w, w ;1,-1, i ,-i b.1, w, - w; 1,1,- i 3

c.1, w, w ;1,-1,1,-1 4

d.1,w,w ;1,-1, -i , i



6. If x1 and x2 are the roots of equation 2x + kx-3=0 and x1 +x2 =1 then k=? a.3 b.2 c.1 d.-2 -23

7. w a.2

b. w c.-1 d.-2

+ w-28 =


8. if x is a positive number , what is the least value of x -2x +3? a.-1 b.0 c.1 d.2 9. the area of rectangle is 420 inches and diagonal is 29 inches. Find its sides? a.30,31 b.40,41 c.21,20 d.11,10 10.the set of all non-zero rational number is a. a group with respect to ‘+’ b. a group with respect to ‘*’ c. commutative group with respect to multiplication d. none of these th

11. first two terms of H.P are 2/39 and 31/32 . The 40 term will be a.2/39 b.- 2/39 c.2/37 d.- 2/37 12. how many arrangements can be made of four letters a,b,c,d taken three at a time? a.24 b.23 c.25 d.21

SECTION–3 PHYSICS 1.The temprature coefficient of resistance of a wire is 0.00125 per C, at 300 K its resistance is 1 ohm. The resistance of the wire will be 2 ohm at a.1154 k b.1100k c.1400k d.1127k 2.The significant figure in 0.00503070 is a.5 b.8 c.3 d.6 3.the dimensions of angular momentum are : 2 -1 a.ML T 3 -1 b. ML T


c. MLT d. MLT

4.The focal length of two lenses in contact is given by a.F= ƒ ₁ + ƒ ₂ b.F= ƒ ₁ - ƒ ₂ c.F= ƒ ₁ - . ƒ ₂ d.1/F = 1/ ƒ ₁ + 1/ ƒ ₂ 5.Air bubble in water shines because of a.Reflection b.Refection c.Diffraction internal reflection 6.the half-life of a radioactive material depends upon a.temperature b.magnetic force c.nature of material d.pressure 7. wheatastone bridge is balanced when a.current through galvanometer is maximum b.P.D across galvanometer is maximum c.resistance of galvanometer is zero d. the potential difference across the ends of galvanometer is zero 8. the efficiency of an ideal transformer will always be a.1 b. 1 d.none of these 9. if a wire of resistance R is stretched to double its length, its resistance becomes a.R/2 b.2R c.4R d.R/4 10. when two waves reinforce each other and the resulting sound is loudest a.construcive b.destructive interference exists d.none of these

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