Sample SIM in English 1

April 20, 2017 | Author: Emmanuel Bartolome | Category: N/A
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Prepared by:

Sonia Dungog-Gonzales Bayog National High School Bayog, Zamboanga del Sur

I. Introduction I know you are very willing and interested to study. But there are times, you cannot attend your classes regularly because of several valid reasons. This worksheet was specially written for you. This material can take my part as your teacher. It will let you learn the concept, guide you in processing the concept and lead you to mastery of the required knowledge and skills through several exercises. A. Learning objectives After you have done every activity in this worksheet, you are expected to arrive at the meaning of words through context clues. B. This worksheet can effectively help you. Please follow the following: 1. Read each page of this worksheet properly. 2. Follow every instruction very carefully. 3. Perform all the activities diligently to help and guide you in understanding the topic. II. Lesson Proper There are several strategies to make sense of unknown words. In this worksheet, we will deal on context clues. Often, in your reading you will encounter unfamiliar words and this is when you will feel the importance of Mr. Webster. However, the dictionary may not always be available. How then can you unlock the meaning of a word? Try studying the other words surrounding the new word to detect its meaning. This process is called context clueing. Therefore to get the meaning of a new or unfamiliar word, examine the words that precede or follow it. There are several types of context clues that can be used to infer word meanings: 1. Definition or explanation – The meaning or explanation of the word is found in the sentence itself. (Czar is the title given to any of the former emperors of Russia.) 2. Synonym – the meaning of the unfamiliar word is expressed through more familiar words in the sentence. (They went to Agoo to witness the apparition. This supernatural appearance had attracted many devotees.) 3. Antonym or comparison and contrast – The meaning of an unknown word is determined through the given opposite meaning. The word but is often used. (Kim was finally able to overcome his timidity through the help of his friends who had more self-confidence.) 4. Summary – The meaning of the word id determined through the sentences that precede the unknown word. Each sentence contributes to recap the word. (Archeologists continue to study the remains of animals which are physically nonexistent. Dinosaurs, which existed thousands of years ago, no longer inhabit the earth. They are extinct animals.) 5. Apposition – The meaning of the word is elaborated through an appositive – a brief descriptive phrase placed beside the unfamiliar word and set off by commas. (The wallabies, which are small

kangaroos, attracted many of the Asian tourists who visited the zoo.)

Activity I Do you understand the different types of context clues? Let us now try doing this activity. The following are sentences that contain unfamiliar words. You circle the word or phrase that gives a clue to the meaning of the underlined word. Number 1 is done for you. 1. My pet cat had been astray since last week. Have you seen it wandering around? 2. The cuckoo is a large, grayish brown European bird that lays its eggs in the nest of other birds. 3. The United Nations called on all nations to help save the Somalians from famine. Many first-world countries responded to solve this extreme scarcity of food. 4. Flory is physically feeble but her enthusiasm makes her energetic. 5. The seminarians who visited the monastery, a house for persons under religious vows, were impressed by the heavenly environment. 6. The tenants, squatters, villagers, in-dwellers, and all the inhabitants of the hacienda were present during the meeting.

Activity II This time let’s do another activity. The sentences below have missing words. Complete each of the sentence by choosing a metastrip with word to complete each sentence. Number 1 is done for you.





aborigines bibliograph y

1. A listing of books, magazines, and other references appear bibliograph in the. y. 2. Many reporters, TV hosts, newscasters, and ____________ were present during the press conference. 3. Frequent gatherings, assemblies, and fellowships can strengthen ____________. 4. The earliest primitives or minorities are called ____________.

5. There are many approaches to studying literature. Some would study it by era, others by ____________. 6. Ideas presented through symbols, drawings, and pictures are ____________. Activity III

Have you worked on words with multiple meanings? Let’s try doing the following two words having several meanings. Remember the context clues can help you decide which meaning would fit to the sentence. Connect a string to the petal containing the meaning of the word fare. Number 1 is done for you.

passenge r

payment for transportati on FAR E


1. Come and share my simple fare of rice and fish. 2. What is the minimum bus fare? 3. The taxi driver picked up a fare waiting at the sidewalk.

yield or submit to apply earnestl y

4. 5. 6. 7.




They buckle on their swords and go in search of their brother. Let us buckle down to work so we can accomplish much. Don’t buckle under the pressure of influential but corrupt people. The woman is so weak she will surely buckle to the ground.

Answers: Activity 1 2. a large, grayish brown European bird 3. extreme scarcity of food 4. energetic 5. which are small kangaroos 6. a house of persons under religious vows 7. the tenants, squatters, villagers, in-dwellers Activity 2 1. bibliography 2. journalists 3. camaraderie 4. aborigines 5. forms 6. graphics

Activity 3 2. 4. 5. 6. 7.

1. meal payment for transportation 3. passenger fasten apply earnestly yield or submit to collapse

III. Supplementary Activities

Activity I Can you now give the meaning of unknown words? Below is your additional activity to master the skill. You can see the list of correct word to complete each sentence. Opposite to each word is its definition. Choose the word which fit to the meaning of the sentence. Number 1 is done for you. spectacle – a striking view prolific – productive perforate – make a series of holes voluminous – large in bulk profile – biographical sketch adept - skillful 1. Sister Gertrude always says “ a profile should be shorter than the story itself. 2. Shakespeare wrote 37 plays and 152 sonnets. He is indeed a __________ writer. 3. Did you see the __________ of fireworks? 4. Ramil is __________ in playing many musical instruments. 5. To easily tear the paper, we were instructed to __________ its sides. 6. I found __________ articles about Philippine history in the stock room.

Activity II Here are additional sentences for you to practice on context clues. Read the sentences carefully. Write the word or phrase that explains the italicized word. Number 1 is done for you. 1. The beneficiaries of this project are the former recipients in the surrounding communities. recipients_________________________________ 2. She eagerly opened the package at the airport. The parcel contained the gift she had been dreaming of. __________________________________________ 3. To inform everybody, the news had to be disseminated now. __________________________________________ 4. They saw a real papyrus and other ancient writing materials during the exhibit. ___________________________________________ 5. An enamel, a glossy substance, is applied to pottery and metal ware. ____________________________________________ 6. A testimony, the statement made under oath by a witness, is a form of evidence. ____________________________________________ 7. In music, we study diminuendo, a gradual lessening of the sound. _____________________________________________ 8. After Grandpa’s death, we realized that he had kept valuable treasures to leave to the family. The family decided to divide the heirlooms. ______________________________________________ 9. We passed through a strait, a narrow passage of water, before reaching the island. ______________________________________________ 10. The doctor examined the drinking water and found out many impurities. The water was contaminated. _______________________________________________

IV. Evaluation

Read each sentence carefully and get the meaning of the underlined word from its context. Encircle the letter of your answer. 1. The twinkling stars illuminate the universe. a. light b. make c. clean d. beautify 2. The lake is placid is fair weather. a. peaceful b. deep c. beautiful d. sparkling 3. The benign manner of Carla earned her lots of admirers. a. hostile b. harsh c. gentle d. deceiving 4. You can easily recognize Danny because of his peculiar behavior which makes him different from others. a. plain b. common c. formal d. unique 5. Despite obstacles we shall succeed. a. work b. hardships c. inspiration d. teamwork 6. The melancholy song made everyone sigh. a. soft b. lively c. mournful d. jolly 7. The room was full of noise because of the garrulous audience. a. talkative b. honest c. pretty d. happy and gay 8. The stubborn boy would not listen to reason. a. firm b. disobedient c. persistent d. foolish 9. The violent storm ruined the crops. a. loud b. long c. exciting d. raging 10. Blasphemous words are not pleasant to hear. a. saintly b. impious c. simple d. sacred

Answers: 1. a 2. a b

3. c

4. d

5. b

6. c

7. a

8. c

9. d. 10.

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