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Sample Project Quality Plan...


Project Quality Plan

QA/QC Plan Index & Revision Control Section 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13

Description Quality Policy Quality assurance/ Quality Control Plan


Document no: REV. : Date : Rev Remark No. s



Level I

QSP-001 QSP-002 QSP-003 QSP-004 QSP-005 QSP-006 QSP-007 QSP-008 QSP-009 QSP-010 QSP-011 QSP-012 QSP-013 QSP-014 QSP-015

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Level II do do do do do do do do do do do do do do

Appendix 01 Appendix 02 Appendix 03 Appendix 04

00 00 00 00

QCF-002 QCF-003 QCF-004 QCF-005 QCF-006 QCF-007 QCF-008 QCF-009 QCF-013 QCF-018 QCF-024 MIF MIR

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Quality Systems Procedures Document & Data Control Control of Quality Records Management Responsibilities HR & Training Control of Contractor Supplied Materials Purchasing Contract Review Material Identification & Traceability Handling, Storage, Packaging, Preservation & Delivery Control of Inspection, Measuring & Test Equipment. Control of Non-Conformances Corrective & Preventive Action Control of Construction Process Inspection & Testing Audit Appendices Organization Chart Duties & Responsibilities Agenda- Management review Meeting Audit & Management Review schedules Attachments Document/Data Transmittal Transmittal Register Non-Conformance Report Non-Conformance Report Log Corrective Action Request Corrective Action Request Status Log Material Request & Inspection Report Quarantine Note Rejection Report Test Equipment Calibration Log Monthly Quality Management Report Material Issue form Material Requisition Form


QA/QC Plan Index & Revision Control 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14

QA/QC Work Procedures Material Control Contractor Request for Inspection Surveying Site Clearing Earthwork, Trenching & Backfilling Concrete Construction Pre-Cast Concrete Panel Erection Concrete Masonry Units Water Proofing Painting Hydro Testing Plumbing Site Electrical Utilities Grounding

7.0 7.1

Inspection Checklists & ITPs Inspection Checklists & Inspection & Test Plan applicable to the contract

GEGC-QCP-001 GEGC-QCP-002 GEGC-WP-01-01 GEGC-WP-02-01 GEGC-WP-02-02 GEGC-WP-03-01 GEGC-WP-03-02 GEGC-WP-04-01 GEGC-WP-07-01 GEGC-WP-09-05 GEGC-WP-15-01 GEGC-WP-15-02 GEGC-WP-16-01 GEGC-WP-16-02

Document no: REV. : Date : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Level III -do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-



Project Quality Plan

Company names -001 Revision 00


1.0 Scope: This Project Quality plan covers required activities for selection, purchasing, delivery of all materials & equipments complying with the technical specifications & scope of work for all projects.

2.0 Normative Reference: This Quality Plan is prepared based on:  Applicable standards & Specifications.  Client Quality Control Specification.  ISO 9000:2000.  SASO: Saudi Arabian Standards Organization.

3.0 terms & Definitions: Following terms & definitions in addition to terms & definitions is ISO 9000:2000 & project documents for the project quality control plan shall apply & have the same meaning indicated hereunder:  Client/Employer  Engineer  Consultant  Contractor  Sub-Contractor  Quality System: Following are the Quality Systems. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 

Organizational Structure. Project Management Process. Construction Work Process. Installation Work Process. Testing & Commissioning Process. Resources.

Quality Plan: Document Specifying which procedures & associated resources shall be applied by whom & when to a specific project, product, process or contract. 5

     

 

Quality Assurance: Part of Quality Management to attain quality requirements of the contract. Quality Control: Part of Quality Management focused on fulfilling quality requirements. Non-Conformance: Non Fulfillment of a requirement. Corrective Action: The Action taken to prevent recurrence of a non conformance. Corrective Action: the action taken to prevent the occurrence of a potential non-conformance. Type Test: Test or series of tests directed towards approval of a design, conducted to determine that is capable meeting the requirements of the product specifications. Hold Point: Inspection or Test may not proceed without the QA/QC organization representative in attendance. Witness point: it defines a point that provides QA/QC organization with the opportunity to attend the inspection or test, at their option.

4.0 Quality Management System (QMS). 4.1 Quality Objective: Te purpose of this quality plan is to ensure that contractual conditions applicable for specification of the project & standard project are met following the standards specified according to ISO: 9000:2000. This includes the controls to be exercised on those aspects of the function, which have an effect on quality of the activities, services or process, to ensure conformance to contractual requirements. References are made to written quality procedures- relegated to applicable functions. Each quality procedure shall describe in detail that what is to be done, who should do it & when should be done. In this project contractor shall perform work under this Quality Plan shall incorporate the scope of the services performed by the subcontractor into this quality plan is periodic surveillance audits to ensure the system is maintained & improved. Areas of non compliance shall be 6

resolved to the satisfaction of the engineer. Records shall be maintained. 4.2 Documentation Requirements: 4.2.1 General: COMPANY NAME has established the following documentation for is quality management system:  Quality Policy & Quality Objectives.  Quality Systems Procedures.  Quality Records.  Planning, Operation & Process Control documentation such as: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi.

Inspection, Test Plan (I&TP) - provided by CIMS. Work Procedures. Records of Internal Reviews. Test Report (TR) - provided by CIMS. Audit report & Corrective actions. Other records used to ensure effective planning operation & control.

4.2.2 Quality Plan: COMPANY NAME has established & maintains this quality plan. This Quality Plan is a level I document & defines policies, guidelines of the quality management system & shall include the following:  Scope of Quality Plan.  Quality System Procedures, which are Level ll documents, which describe the

activities performed implement the Quality Management System.  Level lll documents (Work Procedures) which provide specific work details & requirements to complete the project. I&TP’s which are incorporated in this Quality Plan, Shall also form part of the Level lll Document.  Level IV documents (Quality Records). Inspection checklist & Test Reports, which are also incorporated in this quality plan shall also form part of the level IV document.


4.2.3 Control of Documents: The quality plan & reference procedures are controlled documents. The QA/QC Manager is responsible to ensure the initial issue & subsequent changes are acknowledge by those authorize to receive the Quality Plan. I&TP’s, its issuance & use shall also be controlled so that only revision applicable to the project is utilized. A documented procedure has been established to control documents required for the quality management system. Project documents shall be maintained at the Main Office & the field offices. Access to these files shall be limited to COMPANY NAME Key Personnel assign to this project. Prior to submitting documents to the engineer, these documents are to be reviewed & approved by the responsible key personnel. This review & approval shall be indicated on each item by statement & signature of the responsible personnel. Refer to COMPANY NAME-QCP-001 (Document & Data Control). 4.2.4 Control of records: Quality Records are Level IV Documents. Records required for the quality management system are controlled & maintained to provide evidence of conformance to requirements & of effective operation of the Quality Management System. A Procedure exists to document the identification, storage, retrieval, protection, and retention time & disposition o quality records. Although inspection checklist & test reports forms provided by the engineer, its issuance & use shall also be controlled so that the revision applicable to the project are utilized. Refer to COMPANY NAME-QCP-002 (Control of Records).


5.0 Management Responsibility: 5.1 Management Commitment: The management of COMPANY NAME is committed to the development & improvement of the quality Management System by:  Regular Communication to the site staff of the importance of meeting the

contractor, regulatory & legal requirements, through quality policy routine instructions & employee meetings.  Establishment of the quality policy & Objectives.  Performance of management reviews in accordance with “management review” of this Quality Plan.  Ensuring the availability of necessary resources.

5.2 Client Focus: COMPANY NAME ensures contractor satisfaction by: 

     

Reviewing contract requirements, Quality Management System & Procedures for compatibility & submit modifications as appropriate. Allocation of trained & qualified staff resources to perform project tasks. Schedule & Reporting Progress in sufficient detail to control project cost. Training personnel as required. Performing management reviews & quality audits. Establish a program for problem identification & resolving the problem, prevention of any problem. Maintaining data control systems & records of project activities.

5.3 Quality Policy: The policy is appropriate to the purpose of COMPANY NAME. (Refer to Quality policy). It includes a commitment to meeting customer 9

requirements & continual improvement. It is reviewed to relevancy & appropriateness of objective & communicated to those performing work. The policy is controlled by the owner & executive director.

5.4 Planning: 5.4.1 Quality Objectives: The top management of COMPANY NAME has identified the following quality objectives for the project. The objectives are measurable, consistent with the policy & relevant to the successful completion of the project. Attainment of objectives is considered a part of COMPANY NAME effort for continual improvement.  To ensure that approved practices, procedures, I&TP’s & audit program are in   

 

place & utilizes as they apply throughout all the phases of the project. To minimize the scrap & rework during the life of the project. To ensure that safety of the personnel, the facilities & environment have been carefully considered & that the appropriate measure has been implemented. To ensure that quality requirements are determined & satisfied throughout the phases of contract performance, including as applicable, procurement, construction & pre-commissioning. To provide proper resources to meet construction schedule. To provide for early & prompt detection of deficiencies & for timely & effective correction action, in order not to impair schedule.

5.4.2 Quality Management System Planning: 

The elements that comprise the quality planning process are this Quality Plan, Inspection & Test Plans, Project Organization Charts that prescribe personnel allocations & mobilizations, titles of individuals, sub-contractor necessary to complete the work & the integration of quality improvement initiatives described in paragraph 5.6Management Review & paragraph 8 – Measurement, Analysis & Improvement. 10

Planning is conducted to ensure that changes in the quality management system are conducted in a controlled manner & the integrity of the quality management system is maintained.

5.5 Responsibility, Authority & Communication: 5.5.1 Responsibility & Authority: The responsibilities & authorities of key personnel of COMPANY NAME are defined in Appendix 02 of this Quality Plan. The interrelation between the key personnel is also defined in the form of organization chart. (Appendix 01) The project manager defines the responsibilities & authorities using the RACI chart for the project management process & inform to all concern within the project organization. QA/QC Manager shall have organizational authority at least equal to that of the line manager responsible for the execution of the work. He administrates reports to the Engineer & is responsible for the auditing of the Quality Management System. Ha has the overall responsibility to organize the implementation to organize the implementation of the quality plan. It shall be his responsibility to report any deficiencies in the quality of work to the Engineer. He or his staff has the authority to stop work in any area where discrepancies remain uncorrected & subsequently close out any non-conformance report upon satisfactory correction of noted deficiencies. QA/QC Manager is responsible for the supervision of the relevant discipline for the supervision of the relevant discipline inspectors. He shall be responsible for monitoring the CRI logs, identifying any areas of concern & raising non-conformance reports as necessary. He is responsible for ensuring that the discipline inspectors have access to the necessary standards, specifications & drawings to enable them to effectively monitor construction activities. He shall review activity inspection reports to ensure 11

they are concise & complete. He is also responsible for the management of the independent Test Agencies ensuring that they have suitability trained & qualified personnel on-site & that their equipment is satisfactorily maintained & calibrated. The responsibilities & authorities are communicated to all employees as necessary to ensure that they are aware of & act accordingly. Channels of internal communications are reflected in their responsibilities enabling employees to communicate easily. In addition to formal responsibilities defined, all management personnel are tasked with the responsibility to:     

Initiate action to prevent recurrence of any non-conformity relating to the established process of this Quality Plan. Identify & record any problem relating to the established process or this quality plan. Initiate, recommend & provide solutions through designated channels. Verify the implementation of problem solutions. Control further processing & installation of non-conforming materials until the deficiency or unsatisfactory condition has been corrected/

5.5.2 Management Representative: The Quality Manager Officer is appointed as Management Representative in quality matters. He ensures processes described in this plan which are required for the quality management system of the project are established, implemented & maintained. The Quality Management will be reporting directly to Project Management as well as Executive Director of COMPANY NAME on the performance of the project quality management system & introduce any required improvement & shall have the following responsibility:  

To establish, implement & maintain procedures required for the Quality Management System. To identify, establish, implement & maintain area where procedures /process require improvement. 12

 

To report on the performance of all these processes & recommend wherever improvements are required. To promote throughout the organization, awareness of meeting customer requirements & thus achieving customer satisfaction through effective implementation of all these processes. 5.5.3 Internal Communication: The management Representative ensures appropriate communication processes are established throughout the organization & that communication takes place with regards to the quality management system. 

At defined intervals & occasions the employer’s requirements are discussed & communicated to all responsible personnel to increase their commitment in meeting these requirements. Every month a coordination meeting is conducted involving procurement, construction, QA/QC & members of the management to evaluate & monitor that customer requirement are adequately met & that customer satisfaction is achieved. The MR issues internal communication related to quality Management System & records of such communications are maintained.

5.6 Management Review: 5.6.1 General:

The management will reviews & evaluate the implementation & maintenance of the quality system, effective process execution & will ensure that the COMPANY NAME objectives are achieved. Actions shall be initiated for the non-conformance & for improving the QMS & process performance, when appropriate. The management review will be conducted every six months.


5.6.2 Review Input: Management reviews shall utilize: 1. Result of Quality Audits. 2. Customer performance evaluation (feedback). 3. Process performance & product conformance results. 4. Prevention & Corrective action status. 5. Follow up actions from the previous management review meetings. 6. Other changes that could affect the quality management system. Review Output: Results of Management Reviews shall be recorded & addressed as appropriate: i. ii. iii.

Improvement in the QMS system. Improvement in the projects related to the Client’s requirements. Resources needed.

Action items should be followed-up on the subsequent Management Reviews to ensure closure. A copy of the results of the management review shall be submitted to the Engr. Within 2 weeks after the management review meeting. Refer to Appendix 03 COMPANY NAME QCP-003 (Management Review). Refer to Appendix 04 for Management review meeting schedules.

6.0 Resource Management: 6.1 Provision of Resources: COMPANY NAME shall provide resources required to implement the Quality Management System, including equipment, materials, & trained personnel. For all procurement, construction & pre-commissioning activities, sufficient contractor QC personnel shall be on-site prior to the start of the applicable work. 14

The project manager set up project team organization with the resources required to successfully execute the project. 6.2 Human Resources: 6.2.1 General: COMPANY NAME shall assign personnel to the project that is competent on the basis of applicable education, training, skills & experience. The QA/QC Manager is responsible to review the contract to determine any project requirement for competency level of personnel assigned to the project & ensure that assignment of personnel; including sub-contractors meet the requirements. All procedures & personnel qualifications for special processes shall be submitted 30 days prior to start work. COMPANY NAME shall on a monthly basis a listing of approved personnel forecast to be mobilized in the next 60 days as well as a list of personnel to be demobilized in the next 60 days. COMPANY NAME planned staffing shall comply with the contractor approved Quality Plan. Reduction from required level of quality personnel shall require the Engineer’s approval. COMPANY NAME shall advise engineer 30 days in advance of quality personnel changes due to vacation, temporary assignments or resignations. All other changes such as illness & emergency leaves will be advised to the Engineer as soon as possible.

6.2.2 Competence, Awareness & Training:

COMPANY NAME has developed position in description for those personnel performing activities affecting quality that identify the competency requirements. The Administration Manager keeps the latest issue of position description. The Department Manager is responsible to identify training needs & assure training is performed. Personnel lacking required competencies shall receive training such as formal, informal or on-the-job training. 15

Employee needs are identified through job description requirements, employees past experience & knowledge. The Department Manager/ Supervisor shall establish a training plan to address these needs. Management ensures that employees are aware of the relevance & importance of their work activities & how they contribute to the achievement of the quality objectives. Management ensures that employees are trained & record should store & maintained in the Administration Department. Refer COMPANY NAME QCP-004 (HR & Training).

6.3 Infrastructure: COMPANY NAME shall plan, determine & manage the work area, in a manner to satisfy the project requirements. COMPANY NAME provides the necessary provisions to achieve non-deficient product in the fabrication shops, project sites & office area. Provisions shall include equipments, transportation, communication & other utilities.

6.4 Work Environment: COMPANY NAME shall provide a healthy environment. This section is addressed in the environment, health & safety (EHS) plan.

7.0 Project Execution: 7.1 Planning of Project Execution: COMPANY NAME shall plan & document the project execution process. The documentation for the project execution is stated in paragraph 4.2of this Quality Plan.


The procurement, documentation & pre-commissioning processes, documentation, resources & facilities shall be established for this project. COMPANY NAME shall inspect, test & accept all parts of the work as defined in the project specification including the work of its sub-contractor to ensure that all work are in conformance with all drawings, specifications & applicable standards. Verification & Validation are incorporated into the planning process through the work instruction or procedures & I&TP’s. Acceptance criteria for the work will be developed where appropriate. Records, attesting to conformity of process & resulting work, shall be maintained by the QC Document Controller. Records include but not limited to: a) b) c) d)

Inspection reports & Certificates. Disposition Reports. Audit result & closures. Record of management reviews.

Project & Plant acceptance by the Engineer shall be documented by taking Over Certificates & Final Completion Certificate(s), (TOC & FCC). 7.1.1 Determination of Project Requirements: COMPANY NAME will review the contract agreement to determine project requirements. The engineering & technical manager will evaluate these requirements & determine any additional requirements, including regulatory & legal ones, which may have not been identified by the Engineer & need to be implemented to support the delivery of the work.

7.1.2 Reviewing of Project Requirements: COMPANY NAME has assigned the contracts Manager to review & evaluate the Contract Requirements & ensure that the requirements are understood & that COMPANY NAME has the capability of performing work. Any additional requirements including regulatory & legal ones, which may not 17

have been identified by the Engineer, shall be identified. The review shall be documented & records maintained Refer to COMPANY NAME QCP -007 (Contract Review).

7.2 Client Communication: The Project Manager is responsible to establish & maintain communication with the engineer regarding construction & pre-commissioning activities. The methods of Communication with the Engineer shall be through:    

Formal written Communication. Agenda in weekly communication meetings. Technical queries. E-mail communication but not for record purposes.

The Project Manager & the Management Representative are responsible for evaluation of the Engineer’s feedback/complaints & responding them.

7.3 Design & Development: COMPANY NAME shall not any basic design activities such as this element of ISO 9000:2000 shall be considered an execution. However, COMPANY NAME shall perform detailing of drawings for fabrication & erection activities. Whenever required by the engineer, design verification shall be made by COMPANY NAME.

7.4 Purchasing:

7.4.1 Purchasing Process:


The procurement manager is responsible to ensure that materials for the project are procured from approved sources that comply with the specified purchase order requirements. An approved vendor’s list is maintained in the Procurement Department. Vendors are selected on the basis of their ability to meet purchase order requirements, & from the approved vendors list provided by the Engineer. Selection of Vendor is done based on co-operation between project management & supply management based on client requirements & list of qualified suppliers, previous delivery histories, technical specification, quality level. Evaluation of equipment/materials data from manufacturer’s supplier to ensure compliance to specifications as required by client is made.

7.4.2 Purchasing Information: Sufficient information shall clearly define the material ordered, including, when applicable:    

Requirements for material acceptance. Requirements for personal qualification. Quality management System Manual requirements. Reference standards, codes, drawings.

7.4.3 Purchasing Orders: The project manager authorizes purchase order for all “buyout” projects purchases. Supply management issues purchase orders based on Project Manager’s purchase requisition &/or Engineering’s purchase specification. Purchase orders are followed up to ensure that delivery commitment will be met & is in accordance with project requirements. This includes the supply 19

of technical commercial documents, software & hardware items & services included in the purchase order in the specified frame.

7.4.4 Verification of Purchasing Material: COMPANY NAME determines the amount of inspection required based on the requirements (Level of Inspection for Materials) provided by the Engineer. Where verification is required at the vendor’s premises, verification/inspection arrangements & methods of material release shall be included in the Purchase Order. Refer COMPANY NAME –QCP- 006 (Purchasing). COMPANY NAME QCP-006A (Material Check List). COMPANY NAME QCP-006B (Purchase Order).

7.5 Product & Service Provision: 7.5.2 Control of Production Service Provision: COMPANY NAME has established the following controls applicable to construction & construction management activities. These activities are reflected in the detailed Inspection & Test Plans that form part of this QP.  Activities are planned.  Activities are scheduled.  Acceptance criteria are defined.  Adequate Resources (tools, equipment, and trained personnel) are available to perform work.  The work environment is safe & conforms to health & safety requirements in the contract.  Methods are employed to monitor resources expenditures against expected results. 20

   

Procedures, work Instructions &/or Installation instructions are available at work. Codes, standards & other references, including portions of the contract are available to the workforce. Standards of Workman ship are implemented. Criteria for release, approval & acceptance are established. Refer COMPANY NAME –QCP- 013 (Control of Construction Processes).

7.5.3 Validation of Processes for Production & Service Provision: COMPANY NAME shall prepare Work Procedures for each work activity in the execution of the project. Work Procedures are to be prepared ahead of time (at least a month prior to start of the work activity), indicating the inspection & testing required. Refer to Level III Document (Work Procedure).

7.5.4 Identification & Traceability: COMPANY NAME shall ensure that the materials used in the project have complete records to identify & maintain their traceability throughout the construction/installation process. Records of material traceability shall be maintained & controlled by QC Inspectors with the assistance from the Material Controller. Refer COMPANY NAME –QCP-008(Material Identification & Traceability).


7.5.5 Contractor Supplied Material: In reference to manufacturer’s instructions, COMPANY NAME shall develop a documented procedure setting out the formal methods & planned actions to be taken by COMPANY NAME to ensure proper handling, identification, verification, protection & safeguarding of supplied materials. 7.5.6 Materials Handling, Storage & Preservation: COMPANY NAME has established a documented procedure for handling, storage, preservation & transportation of materials & products to prevent damage or deterioration of the product. Refer COMPANY NAME-QCP-009 (Handling, Storage, Packaging, and Preservation & Delivery). 7.5.7 Control of Monitoring & Measuring Devices: COMPANY NAME shall have all its monitoring & measuring devices calibrated at regular intervals. Calibration of monitoring & measuring devices shall be performed by an agency approved by the Engineer. A calibration log shall be prepared & maintained o monitor the validity of the calibration of the device. Original copies of the Calibration Certificates & Calibration Log shall be kept by the QA/QC Manager & copies issued to the QC Inspectors & sites stores. Refer COMPANY NAME –QCP -010 (Control of Inspection, Measuring & Test Equipment).

8.0 Measurement, Analysis & Improvement: 8.1 General: COMPANY NAME shall plan & implement monitoring & measuring activities, measurement analysis & needed improvement processes. a. To demonstrate conformity of product. 22

b. To ensure conformity of the quality management system. c. To continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management system. 8.2 Monitoring & Measurement: 8.2.1 Customer Satisfaction: COMPANY NAME shall determine the customer’s perception in regards to COMPANY NAME meeting the Employer’s requirements, through the Engineer’s comments, weekly Progress Meeting & the monthly Project Progress Meetings. 8.2.2 Audits: COMPANY NAME has established & will maintain & implement a quality audit program to verify that the quality activities & related results comply with planned contractual arrangements & to determine the effectiveness of the quality program associated procedures. The QP shall have the following: 

  

A procedure that addresses the responsibilities & requirements for planning & conducting audits & for reporting results & monitoring record was developed to govern these activities. Refer COMPANY NAME-QCP- 015 (Audit Schedule). Contractor audits shall be carried out for the 10% & 50% stake in order to monitor the quality system implementation for procurement & construction work phases for the Project. Refer Appendix 04 (Audit Schedule). Audits will be executed by the QA/QC Manager in accordance with the approved quality plan requirements. Corrective action shall be monitored & bought to its closure. Audit to be conducted by the engineer will be selected by him at any time.


8.2.4 Monitoring & Measurement of Product: Identification of inspection & test status is maintained through the construction process to ensure that all inspections & tests have been performed & product meets requirements of Projects. Refer COMPANY NAME –QCP-014 (Inspection & Testing).

8.3 Control of Non-Conformance: COMPANY NAME shall ensure that materials & products that do not conform to the specified requirements are identified & controlled to prevent unintended use. The Engineer shall be notified to verify the closure of the NCR. A nonconformance Log shall be prepared & maintained & included in the weekly progress meetings. Refer COMPANY NAME-QCP-011 (Control of Non-Conformances). 8.4 Analysis of Data: COMPANY NAME shall only analyze data to solve recurring problems, identify trends & causes, monitor & improve customer satisfaction, suppliers, product characteristics & process capability. The results of this analysis shall be discussed in the monthly meetings.

8.5 Improvement: 8.5.1 Continual Improvement: COMPANY NAME continually improves the effectiveness of the QMS through the use of the quality policy, quality objectives audit results, analysis of data, corrective & preventive action & management review meetings.


8.5.2 Corrective Action: COMPANY NAME shall take action to eliminate the cause of nonconformities & to prevent recurrence. A procedure defining the requirements for corrective action has been prepared. Refer COMPANY NAME-QCP-012 (Corrective & Preventive Action).

8.5.3 Preventive Action: COMPANY NAME shall take the necessary action to prevent potential nonconformities from occurring. Refer COMPANY NAME-QCP-012 (Corrective & Preventive Action).

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Management Representative

_ Project Manager


Controlled Copy Document Control List Document: Specific Project Quality Plan –PQP-001 Contents: Quality Policies & Objectives QA/QC Plan Quality System Procedures Appendices Attachments







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