Sample of Resolution of Prosecutor

April 25, 2020 | Author: Anonymous | Category: Causes Of Death, Killings, Legal Aspects Of Death, Violent Crime, Criminal Law
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Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF THE CITY PROSECUTOR  ______________  ________________ __ City

JENNY S. DELA CRUZ, CRUZ , rep. by her parents, JOHNNY R. DELA CRUZ an& CRUZ an& ELENA S. DELA CRUZ, CRUZ, Copl!in!nts"

I.S. Ns. !"#!$"%$""# an& !"#!$"%$""!


JA'(Y C. 'ADRI)AL " Respon'ent(

)$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$* RESOLUTION

The Respon'e Respon'ent" nt" JAM+, C( MADRI-A. MADRI-A."" /!s ch!&0e' of the c&ies of RAPE !n' FRUSTRATED MURDER in ! copl!int file' by he&ein copl!in!nts" JENN, S( MADRI-A."" ! ino& &ep&esente' MADRI-A. &ep&esente' by he& p!&ents" JUAN R( DE.A CRU1 !n' CRU1 !n' E.ENA S( DE.A CRU1( CRU1 ( In suppo&t suppo&t of he& copl!i copl!int" nt" the he&ein he&ein copl!in copl!in!nts !nts !tt!che' !tt!che' the follo/in0 follo/in0 'ocuents# 2( Copl!in Copl!intt Affi'! Affi'!%it %it of Jenny Jenny S( Del! C&u34 C&u34 5( Affi'! Affi'!%it %it of Johnn Johnny y R( R( Del! C&u34 C&u3 4 6( Affi'! Affi'!%it %it of -o&io -o&io C( Toe Toe44 7( Affi'!% Affi'!%it it of +&0y( +&0y( C!pt!i C!pt!in n 8icto& 8icto& M( Uy Uy44 9( Me'ic!l Me'ic!l Ce&tif Ce&tific!t ic!te:Re e:Repo&t po&t of of D&( +&en'! +&en'! T( T( Esol!& 4 ;( Police Police Reco& Reco&' ' of E%ents E%ents !n' othe&s( othe&s(  As his counte&" the &espon'ent &espon'ent !tt!che' the follo/in0 'ocuents 'ocuents to suppo&t his 'eni!l of the !lle0!tions !0!inst hi# 2( Counte& Counte&$Af $Affi'! fi'!%it %it of J!by J!by C( C( M!'&i0!l M!'&i0!l44 5( Affi'! Affi'!%it %it of M!&io M!&io T( M!'&i0!l M!'&i0!l(( Statement of Facts

+!se' +!se' on the in%esti0!t in%esti0!tion ion con'ucte' con'ucte' by the Police In%esti0! In%esti0!to&" to&" PO5 JO8IT C> in the !fte !fte&n &noo oon n o&e o&e o& less less in +&0y +&0y(( C!ni C!nito to!n !n"" C!0! C!0!y y!n 'e O&o O&o City City"" Philippines" the &espon'ent" JAM+, C( MADRI-A. MADRI-A."" /ith le/' 'esi0n 'i' the&e !n' then" /ilfully" unl!/fully !n' feloniously h!' c!&n!l ?no/le'0e /ith the %icti" JENN, S( DE.A CRU1" CRU1" ! 25$ye!& 25$ye!& ol' ino&( ino&( Th!t p&io& p&io& to th the c!&n!l !ct" the %icti !n' the &espon'ent c&osse' p!ths p!ths in 9  St&eet in the s!i' b!&!n0!y b!&!n0!y(( Respon'ent Respon'ent 0&!bbe' 0&!bbe' the %icti %icti !n' '&!00e' '&!00e' he& to the bushes bushes !lon0 !lon0 the left si'e si'e of the &o!'( #>> in the e%enin0" to0ethe& /ith soe b!&!n0!y t!no's they st!&te' the se!&ch of the %ictis /he&e!bouts( Th!t !&oun' p!st i'ni0ht" !s they p!sse' !lon0 9 th St&eet" they foun' ! yello/ h!n'?e&chief /hich /!s &eco0ni3e' to be belon0in0 to the %icti( Fu&the&o&e" they foun' the %ictis bo'y lyin0 !on0 the bushes( They foun' he& n!?e' f&o /!ist 'o/n /ith bloo' co%e&in0 he& uppe& bo'y !n' he& he!'( They b&ou0ht the %icti to the ne!&est hospit!l !bo!&' the b!&!n0!y %ehicle( On thei& /!y" the %icti /!s sli0htly unconscious !n' /!s !ble to utte& the /o&'s B Silingan nato..  to he& f!the&( Th!t !fte& ! /ee?s confineent !t the hospit!l" the %icti specific!lly i'entify the pe&pet&!to&s fe!tu&es but not his n!e( +&0y( C!pt!in Uy /!s !ble to i'entify the &espon'ent !s one J!by C( M!'&i0!l /ho li%es ne!& the Del! C&u3s &esi'ence( (




The facts of the case also fall under the crime of frustrated murder. The time element that lapsed in between, when respondent left the victim after the commission of rape and when he returned back to kill the latter to ensure her death, sufficiently constitute treachery on the part of the respondent. $e committed the act of killing against the person of the victim and employed means in the execution thereof, by hitting the victim%s head with a rock and stabbed her thrice in the body, in order to insure the execution thereof. Thus, the crime committed is murder. $owever, although the respondent has performed all the acts of execution which would produce the crime of murder as a conse&uence, nevertheless it did not produce it by reason of causes independent of the will of the perpetrator, that is due to the survival of the victim reslting from her timely rescue and able medical attendance rendered to the latter which  prevented her demise. Therefore, the crime of frustrated murder is also committed under the facts stated.

On the p!&t of the 'efense of the &espon'ent" it is ! settle' &ule th!t !libi is the /e!?est of !ll 'efences bec!use it is f!cile to f!b&ic!te !n' 'ifficult to 'isp&o%e" !n' is 0ene&!lly &eecte'( Fo& !libi to p&ospe&" it is not enou0h to p&o%e th!t the 'efen'!nt /!s soe/he&e else /hen the c&ie is coitte'" th!t he ust li?e/ise 'eonst&!te th!t it /!s ipossible fo& hi to h!%e been !t the scene of the c&ie !t th!t tie PP %s( M!le!n!" 7= SCRA ;2>( The 'efense of !libi c!nnot p&e%!il o%e& the positi%e i'entific!tion of the !ccuse' !s the pe&pet&!to& of the c&ie( Fo& it to p&ospe&" the !ccuse' ust est!blish physic!l ipossibility to h!%e been !t the locus criminis !t the tie of the coission of the c&ie PP %s( J!cinto" -(R( No( 2@556" M!&ch 2;" 5>22(  's regards the alibi of the respondent, that he was not at the place when the crime was committed but only thereafter as he was passing the street, heard whimpers behind the bushes and saw the body of the victim amongst it, such cannot be appreciated since the respondent failed to convince that he satisfactorily sustain such defense. 'side from the corroborative affidavit of the witness (ario (adrigal  submitted by the respondent, the latter presented no further evidence to support his denial. )n addition, it is a well*settled rule that the defense of alibi cannot prevail over the positive identification by the victim of her perpetrator, when she was able to directly, positively, and categorically assert the identity of respondent as the one committing the crimes of rape and frustrated murder against her. Thus, the respondent%s defense of alibi is untenable. HEREFORE, IN /IE OF THE FORE)OIN), it is ost &espectfully &ecoen'e' th!t Info&!tions fo& the c&ies of R!pe !n' F&ust&!te' Mu&'e& be file' !0!inst the &espon'ent JAM+, C( MADRI-A.(

C!0!y!n 'e O&o City" Octobe& 2" 5>>@(

'ADELONE C. LONCION  Assist!nt City P&osecuto& 


'ARY LYN CHARISSE A. LA)A'ON Chief City P&osecuto& 

Copy Fu&nishe'# 2 J!by C( M!'&i0!l G +&0y( C!nito!n" C!0!y!n 'e O&o City 5 Johnny R( Del! C&u3 $ +&0y( C!nito!n" C!0!y!n 'e O&o City

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