Sample Network Engineer Resume

April 20, 2018 | Author: Gopi Krishna | Category: Nature
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ANIL JAIN Contact No.: No.: +919876543210 E–Mail: [email protected] E–Mail: [email protected]

Objective Seeking middle level assignments in Po!ect "anagement # S$stem %dministation # &et'ok %c(itect)e 'it( an esteemed ogani*ation in t(e , Secto PROFESSIONAL PROFILE 

%n acco accom-li m-lis(ed s(ed -oessional -oessional 'it( 2 Years o e/-eience in t(e aena o Po!ect "anagement S$stem %dministation &et'oking and ,o)les(ooting 'it( e-)ted ogani*ations.

)entl$ associated 'it( Sot! Asia FM Lt"# as Net$or% En&ineer'

/-eience in installation and administation o "ail S)--ot %& %& indo's &, Ps Seves isco S'itc(es#o)tes S'itc(es#o)tes and "icosot ice a--lications.

Poicien Poicientt in anal$*ing anal$*ing inomatio inomation n s$stem s$stem needs needs eval)atin eval)ating g end)se end)se e)iem e)iements ents c)stom c)stom designing designing sol)tions to)les(ooting o com-le/ inomation s$stems management.

/-et in moden conce-ts o endtoend -ogam -lanning and im-lementation om sco-e management to activit$ se)encing se)encing eot  cost estimation estimation isk anal$sis to )alit$ )alit$ managemen managementt in ad(eence ad(eence to )alit$ g)idelines and noms.

S-eciali*ed in maintaining seves and clients as 'ell as esolving all sevice elated -olems.

Possess e/cellent oganisational comm)nication anal$tical and to)les(ooting skills.

I( S)ILL SE(S Platom:

in2000#in2003 lient in2000#;P#"#98

. "onitoing Eile S$stem Fack)-s and estoes. "onitoing eos t(o)g( ogs and S$stem e/-loe. Bse and ?o)- %dministation in Seves. %nti i)s Seve )-dating. %ssist o tec(nical (el- o nea location Stations

Ac!ieve,ent:  om S,? %lla(aad in 2004.

"icosot etiied S$stem %dministato ="S%> in 2004.

Ai-loma in ice "anagement om "$soe Bnivesit$ in 2003.

Pe)sing 
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